Published Sex Stories

"F" Is For Female

Peter_Pan on Sex Stories

Now when it comes to fucking people, one has to look at the deed firstly in its most basic and in actuality, rather comical form. Typically, one can expect to find one (at least) rampant male, hormones in free-flow having cornered, subdued or in the worst-case scenario – paid for a women, in whatever circumstances have drawn the two together. Having most usually removed her clothing, or if patently desperate, simply her panties, he then pinions her to the floor, bed, wall, rear car seat or chandelier and inserts, with varying degrees of indignity, his vastly over-rated penis into that natty little lipped sac between her legs. Grunting, jerking, slobbering â€â€

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œ more often than not all three, he will then rut away with completely uninhibited delight seeking to reach a chemical plateau at which point his DNA-soaked sperm jam up and jelly tight before crossing that bridge at a brisk pace, to the woman’s ovulation-freeway. It is this transitional period, the male finds vastly to his liking.

During the "fucking phase" men are not known for their literate dialog. How many other ways after all, can one express the notion "Oh yeah hun," "Take it deep babe," or "Ride my dick slut," without resorting to laughable clinicisms such as, "I say Julie, would you mind awfully if I shoved my rather engorged penis way up inside your devilishly hot vagina for just a few minutes?"

So immediately you can see we’re talking here a whole new creative ball-game. When a girl says to you "Fuck me verbally please," she is wanting "communicative purpose," "depth of shared emotion," "experiential guidance," at the very least, some innovative and passionate appreciation of her femininity.

So too is she entitled to that.

Sex via the written word

The quintessential chat-room opening "What color panties you wearing luv?" might be seen as an example of this. In fact, all this ever achieves is to confirm the moronic status of the male participant. Think about it! Its hardly going to turn the girl on is it? – she already knows what color knickers she has on. It’s like most every other aspect of male sexual behavior – geared principally to the achieving of his own gratuitous satisfaction. Egocentric endplay in other words.

With regards therefore to the young lady who made the rather poignant plea for me to "fuck her verbally," this is the very least I can do. Now whilst this is in the way of a personal reply and I composed this for her specifically because of the wonderful person she is, I’m sure she will not mind if I add the comment that what I write has relevance to every other girl on the planet, uniquely desirable as every one is in their own way. No two ways about that. If it were possible, I would be there with all of you and I would love you all equally. If when you have read this and hopefully having followed my (deliberately) obscurely referenced byplays at various intervals, you then close your eyes, you will realise that in fact I am with you. I always was!


How exquisite you are! Have you ever really looked and realised the privilege it has been to be born female? Tonight, I will make you more aware of this fact than ever you have been. I will bring you to to the gates of your own temple.

How did we arrive at this confluence in our lives? It doesn’t really matter does it? Merely that I am here and that I want to share a gift with you that so few understand, let alone respect.

Ahead of anything, I want you simply to be aware of your body as you read. Feel how snug your beautiful breasts are cupped in that little bra. If you concentrate enough you will be able to feel your nipples, even as you breathe. Besides their naturally intended use, they utterly define your femininity. If you feel like caressing them, please do. Imagine soft lips, whether your child’s, mine or a future lover’s, drawing down softly in what is ultimately, merely a quest for comfort. A flared memory recalled fleetingly. The protective instinct and cradled safety of a mother’s arms down through the ages.

Even at this early stage, the slightest of physiological changes are taking place in your body. Besides the noticeable swelling at the base of your nipples caused by blood transfer, the imperceptible increase to your pulse-rate and the delicate flush resident now in your cheeks, you know even without the confirmation of touch, that within, moves are most definitely afoot to facilitate my participation.

Marginally unsure of exactly what is to happen, you sit there gazing at me – a little girl of eight, a nervous teenager, an adult female on the verge of a completely new discovery….a pastiche of all these. The only two things you sense with any conviction – that you are ultimately safe and that you want what it is that I possess. The key to your complete sexual fulfilment. I know not how or why I came thus equipped, merely that I did and that much like the full-moon itself, circumstances inevitably fall into a precise alignment that was set in motion long before either of us were born.

I want you to feel warm. I need you to feel wanted. You desire my intimacy just as much as I desire yours.

Simply looking at you is enough of a treat. I notice the little things. The tiny smile playing about your lips betraying in part your nervousness as well as your fully understandable pride in your birthright. It promotes also just a hint of flirtatious tease. I know it, you know it! The small lock of hair you keep unconsciously flicking away from your forehead, as if it matters! Your pretty feet, one shuffling atop the other now that you have felt sufficiently relaxed to give those shoes a miss. That you may or may not have loved another before matters but little. This is tonight. With me you are the breathless, incontrovertibly pure virgin you always were and in my experience always will be.

Your pupils dilate slightly as I kneel in front of you and take your hands in my own. There are so many things I could say, but words are superfluous. You know how I feel, you can see that in my own pupils.

My eyes caress you – from the curve of your breasts, a hint of which you quite deliberately permitted by your choice of top, to the flair of your hips and the hidden recesses between your thighs. You are not offended by my gaze as there is nothing to be offended by. Never was my glance lustfully motivated, simply steeped in appreciation and wonderment of so perfect a creation. Some of what I feel, you sense and instinctively your hand rises to your own breasts before you realise what you are doing. Swiftly you drop your hand back in your lap.

Even as the blush rises in your cheeks, I gently take a hold of your hand and raising it with fixed deliberation, replace it beneath your right breast. I encourage you to once again cup yourself and in fact cover your hand with my own. Together we begin to caress the softness that God has given to you and you let slip the slightest gasp. Watching as you rub yourself softly at the behest of my own hand I am totally aroused myself. More than anything I want now to suckle you and to draw your nipples between my own lips. How easy it would be……and how ill-timed.

Edging closer, I lay you gently back in the chair and very gently take a hold of both your legs some six inches or so below the knee. I feel, rather than hear the sharp intake of breath and the momentary expression of concern that flits across your pretty face. You make no move to either sit-up or stop me however and I am happy for the trust I know you feel. Inclining my head, I kiss your knees and am aware immediately of your pleasured wriggling. Making deliberate eye contact, I pull apart your legs but the slightest angle.

Sitting there, you can hardly believe the moisture that is gathering in the main assembly area. Your panties you know are now quite wet and you are embarrassed perhaps that I may soon make that very same discovery. Casting a momentary glance down your bra you are stunned additionally by the quite visible effect the escalating arousal factor is having on your nipples. This of course is an opportune moment to take a gentle hold of them yourself now and to further stimulate them.

Parting your legs ever wider, I can see now the silky-smooth skin of both thighs and the event horizon at which they disappear beneath the rather tasteful little pair of knickers curving down with such promise in my direct line of vision. I kiss the inside of your thigh as your increasing angle of incidence causes the hemline to ride ever higher. One can readily forget the square on the hypotenuse. It’s the sum of the angles on the other two sides that interests me.

I slip one hand up to the limit of my vision. So inherently sexy is the feel of a girl’s panties, knowing the prize they contain, that for a moment I am lost in my own little world although I do not fail to hear that delightful little gasp as you shuffle in the chair, instinctively wanting to push down between your legs yourself. I begin to set up an intense vertical manipulation, forcing the soft and quite obviously damp material well between the folds of those protective lips. Visually, this action is as stimulating as it must be welcomingly tactile from your viewpoint. You are quite unable to prevent the embyonic moan that now finds its way to the surface.

It is the right moment to tell you how much I love being with you and despite my seemingly disrespectful actions, I hold you in incorruptible respect. I hope that you believe me.

It differs of course from occasion to occasion but there comes an instant during any sort of foreplay, that signifies the point of no return has been reached. It may be the very first kiss, the first fumble in the back of a car - something as innocuous as being kissed tenderly on the neck just below the hairline. In our case, it was simply meeting. No way back from that eventuality.

The chair has seen-out its usefulness. I stand and offering my hand, take yours gently. You know where I must lead you.

Inviting you to lay down on the bed with me, I direct you to lie on your tummy. Typically female, you secretly enjoy my emotionally controlling aspect here. You know exactly how vulnerable you now appear in that position and it excites you. You wriggle slightly – nature at play - merely ensuring a continued biological interest.

Patting your bottom merely kick-starts the hormonal flow – for both of us! Before you can even think "I wish he’d stop being so damn genteel about this," I begin to push up that inviting little skirt once more. At the point your panties are fully exposed, I think that gasp we just heard may have been mine! So hot do you look. So hot do you feel! Playfully, I sit astride you near the base of your spine and then slip my hands beneath your shoulders until I am able to cup both your breasts. No physiotherapy ever devised was ever thus so jointly therapeutic. You murmur as you hold your arms outstretched. "Ohhh that is so nice Noel!" Considering this possibly one of the greatest understatements of modern times, I nuzzle your lovely neck and just whisper how much I have always wanted you. You turn your head slightly – enough let’s say for me to be able to lean across and kiss you soundly on the lips.

I’m not even thinking of you at that moment I realise. In fact, my mind goes back to my being twelve years old. Ages and continents apart, in quite another time, I remember suddenly poor old Mrs Cherry. I don’t even know who she was. Simply an unutterably old lady – completely infirmed and in her nineties. My Aunt had taken her in and cared for her many years earlier. She was in her seventies herself then. Once in a while I would ride my bicycle the few miles from my home to my Aunt’s house where I would cut her tiny back-lawn - little more than hack-it really, with a pair of pretty blunt shears she used to hang in the rotted old garden shed out back. She always gave me half-a-crown…insisted I should have it, although I had only gone there to help her, as she had severe back trouble and could not crouch down for long periods. Never did I fail to look-in and see Mrs Cherry in her darkened annex as she lay on that decrepit old bed. The little room smelled of urine and approaching death, and yet she would take my hand and smile at me. I loved her. This one afternoon after I had done what I could with the grass, I was ushered in to her room of faded hopes and dreams. I looked down as she slowly sought my hand and near blind now, pressed something into it. It was a two-shilling piece. No gift ever carried greater sentiment.

She died that weekend and it is only now for some reason that I realise, that but for the overlapping vagueries of time itself, it could so easily have been her lying on this bed awaiting my touch and maybe some physical evidence of the love I hold. Maybe you are her, and we are destined to cross paths for all eternity.

The memories upset me momentarily and I hug you and kiss you needfully. You turn over and cradle me suddenly. I feel like such a little boy. You ask me if everything is alright but I assure you I have never felt happier. It is the truth.

I have a pressing need to remove your top and for some reason you sense my urgency. You let me undo the necessary buttons and then shuck the thing off as I pull down your bra straps and reach around to unhook you. Free of social confinements the sheer beauty of your breasts stuns me. I am no longer the master of your sexual destiny but rather a student lover in awe of his beautiful teacher.

As my lips latch upon your nipple you sigh and lie back. I suck deeper and feel you pulling me to you. Kissing you becomes a desperate need and I whisper words that no literate script-writer would ever be likely to have penned. One hand follows the southern freeway, past your belly button, across the flatlands and clear beneath the elastic border. There is no toll to pay. The odd gorse bush is no deterrent and my fingers reach the fringes of Nirvana. I sense I am a welcome visitor and not waiting for an announcement, slip inside where it is so warm and accommodating.

Beneath me, your hips thrust noticeably upwards, meeting my own downward and gently invasive penetrations. I need to see that which I can feel. You need to show that which no longer demands to be hidden.

Slipping your panties down, I am presented with that supreme architectural accomplishment that I have seen and thrilled-to so many times before. Yet it is uniquely different – it is you. The balance of power shifts yet again. Your emotions peel back upon themselves and as you lie there now, a vulnerable and dependent little girl once again, I am Columbus, Genghis Khan, Thomas Edison, Euclid – on the verge of a new discovery.

I remove my own clothes and none too confidently at that. It is simply the unfamiliarity not embarrassment that impedes my actions. Divested of your skirt you are equally naked and both physically and mentally prepped for what is to follow. I am still kneeling there between your legs when I realise you have gently taken a hold of my erection and even now are lovingly caressing it along its length. Distracted to the point of feverish need, I manage to stave off my blindly motivated procreational urges, preferring instead to let you suffer the indignity of having to make the first move.

I am made to pay for my laughably ill-conceived arrogance. How like me you prove to be ultimately, quite obviously realising the emotional connections far outweigh the physical ones. As if sensing the impasse, we lay now facing each other side by side – neither with any sexual advantage. From this fully neutral viewpoint it takes but the simplest of shared impulses to set in motion all that we both want. All that we ever wanted. We kiss.

Those millions of nerve endings suddenly hot-wired and sending frantic messages to all points of the compass are but one aspect of kissing. The instantly opened-up two way passage of emotional feedback, the taste of desire, the starter’s pistol – all this and so much more.

Did I place my erection at those beautiful lower lips? Did you? Does it matter? As I push gently up inside you…..nothing matters, simply being there! I study your lovely expression as you open your mouth in silent ecstasy – feeling everything I am doing to you. I take a hold of your hips and thrust up..harder now. Your eyes begin to cloud over and the moans gain volume. I kiss your breasts as you now arch backwards providing me with complete access to your wholly erect nipples. It is like making love to a furnace I am in control as I must be and between the kisses you so desperately seek I whisper words of a language that offers no grammatical perfection, no right or incorrect phraseography, simply an open-ended dialog of impassioned communicative bliss.

With your knees as wide as you can comfortably spread them, I am afforded such penetrable latitude that already I feel the onset of rampant seminal marshalling deep down between my own legs. Your condition has deteriorated. If this continues you may well be on life support pre-orgasm!

I am taking you now so deep and with such relish that you have almost passed-out. Only the wonderful smile on your face betrays that you are still aware of your surroundings. Even as I incline my head and once again kiss those ultimately desirable lips, I cum inside you with the force of a water-cannon.

I do not withdraw. Rather, I remain inside you, feeling my discharge combining with your own orgasmic fluids. What is perhaps the closest and most binding of emotions right now is the realisation that I love you.



© 2004


Autobiography and short stories at


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A Night of Warmth

AkonMyrkez on Sex Stories

The merciless blizzard outside made the cold unbearable. We were both dressed in warm clothes, but my face was freezing. I was holding her hand tightly. The house was not far away – actually we could see its lights. But our steps burrowed deeper in the freezing snow and it seemed this hell of almost absolute zero was never going to end. However, in the end, we got to the door and I opened it. A blessing wave of heat struck us. She closed the door. We went directly in front of the fireplace and we started undressing each other. The chill emanating from her white skin held a scent that drove me mad. I looked into her big green, eyes, full of fire, bursting with desire. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards me. Her beautifully large breasts, yet captive in her white bra, pr
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essed against my chest – how I love that feeling. We looked in each other’s eyes, our mouths got closer and we kissed fervently. Our tongues intertwined and I hugged her hungrily, as if I never wanted to let her go. Her lips and her cheeks were still cool, but her mouth withheld the delicious warmth I wanted to devour. We lost the rest of our clothes in haste. I poured us two big glasses of red wine and we sat on the thick white wolf fur in front of the fireplace. We drank the wine, which raced through our veins and seemed to fuel our hearts with even more desire. I gently caressed each inch of her body – and it went on for miles and miles. The chill from her skin was now replaced by an erupting heat. The only lights in the room were those of the moonlight and of the fire. Her long, thick, golden hair shone, freely draping on her shoulders, on her breast, behind her back. She lovingly stroked the entire length of my body and she smiled with lust when she saw my member hard and fully erect. We couldn’t keep our eyes off the other’s, we couldn’t keep our hands off one another. We kissed again and as we enjoyed this proof of passion, I wanted time to freeze. I wanted it to be forever that day, that moment. But time was warm, as her curves were, it was flowing one second at the time – I knew I was going to live this only once, so I should savor every heartbeat. My hand drifted into the forest of her hair, then I cupped her breasts softly, with tamed lust, without rush, without greed. The depth of the silence was only broken by the sounds of our kiss and by the cracking of the burning wood. She moved up on top of me and involuntarily began massaging my chest with her loose breasts. A continuous wave of warmth streamed from her body towards mine. We still hadn’t broken the kiss and I was now touching her buttocks, moving towards the blossoming flower between her legs. I let her stay underneath, submerged in the wolf fur, while I was going to go down on her. I kissed her breasts, biting her nipples. My lips covered every patch of her stomach. She was breathing faster and deeper, raising her well-developed chest, to my delight. I played with her navel and finally I reached the triangle of pleasure. I kissed her damp velvety vulva, then I went deeper, sinking my tongue inside her. A moan of pure pleasure filled the room, as I filled my beautiful lover with pleasure. Her viscous juices soon flowed into my mouth, letting me know her orgasm wasn’t far away. She sank her hands in my hair and began pulling me towards her. I didn’t stop until she started quivering and moaning louder then ever, as she climaxed fiercely. Her back arched for a few seconds, then she gradually relaxed. I looked into her eyes, wrapped in tears and there I could see into the depths her soul: desire, contentment, defeat, willingness. A quick smile let me know she was ready, that this was the moment she was waiting for, that it was perfect. I brought myself on top of her, just about to penetrate her. Her red sparkly light lips uttered the words: “I love you”. I could feel her heart racing. This was it – the moment we had both been waiting for; it was worth every second we were apart; it was worth every tear and every hour of sorrow. “I love you”, I responded, with my heart also beating like mad. My erect member was aimed at her wet, hot entrance. I carefully went in. It was her first time and I also wanted it to be perfect. I wanted her to remember these moments forever, with pleasure. Her silky moist flesh welcomed me inside, as my beautiful lover sighed. The proof of her innocence stood in my way. She looked at me and she nodded her head imperceptibly. My cock deflowered her in a gentle, yet firm manner; she flicked her eyes shut for a second, while the pain subsided. I began thrusting forward, until I was entirely engulfed by her vagina. I pulled back and pushed forward; and so on and so forth, until we reached a rhythm we both enjoyed. We lost time, because there is no time in heaven. And this heaven held its own sense of wonder that had of our spirits entangled in the same magic feeling of togetherness. With a sudden movement, she was on top, riding me. She was guided by instinct, as she slid back and forth, up and down my pole. Her back was beautifully curved and her breasts jumped constantly. I grasped and fondled them, turned on by their erect nipples. My lover’s skin was covered in sweat and this only made her more sensual and more desirable. Her long hair bounced freely in the air, whipping her back; a few golden strands covered her breasts. She bent over to kiss me. She stopped for a few seconds, savoring the sensation of just being penetrated, then she laid on the thick white fur, with her buttocks sticking up, as if inviting me to take over them. And so I did. I penetrated her, more wildly this time. A short and loud scream filled the air, but soon I could feel how my lover was being dominated by pleasure and arousal – she spun her hips around my rod, as I entered her again and again. I body approached until we were one. Her hair fell in between us, seemingly radiating and withholding immense heat. She turned her head and we kissed. Our joined back slid off one another, but they never parted. I could sense her reaching another orgasm as her hot body started trembling and her sighs became faster and more intense. I grasped her breasts and, as she climaxed, she cried long, as her vagina clasped my penis, making me cum. I held her hips firmly and I shot my seed deep inside her belly, wave after wave – I thought I was never going to stop. We collapsed on the white fur. We kissed passionately for the last time and she put her head on my chest. I put my hand around her. Satisfied and exhausted we fell asleep, in front of the fireplace, on that freezing winter night. “... however, some dreams are just too beautiful to be true”

Adventurs of Sherrif Anthony

chitownblkguy on Sex Stories

It was 11:20pm Sheriff Anthony C. Davis had just gotten home after working two shifts to cover for his boy Eric, who had to take off because his kids were sick. Eric was the single dad of three bad ass kids 1 boy and 2 girls every since his tramp of an ex-wife left his black ass for this Harley rider she met at the neighborhood spot one night while Eric was at work. This week the kids were staying with their maternal grandmother so Eric was all alone after getting off of work.  Well anyway like I was saying Anthony had just gotten off work and he was both tired and funky and only wanted to take a hot shower and get in bed. Wouldn’t you know it t

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he hot water heater was busted and there was no hot water available. Anthony, really needing a hot shower and not wanting to go and try and mess around with the hot water heater in the basement, decided to go to the health club and take his shower, it was only three blocks away. After gathering his toiletries and a change of clothes Anthony arrived at the health club. He was greeted at the check in desk by a new face. A young lady about 20 something, dark skinned, shorthair etc. She was actually kind of cute but Anthony was not in the mode to try and get his mack on at that point he only wanted to shower up and get back home and get in bed. Of course there had to be a problem; things just couldn’t go smoothly. His club ID card had become demagnetized and it wouldn’t register and since the young lady at the desk was new she didn’t know Anthony personally so she had to call the manager Harold. Harold came right away and immediately greeted Anthony and let him in. He asked Anthony what he was doing there so late since the club closed at 1am. Anthony told him that he only wanted a shower cause his hot water heater had gone out. They laughed at the scenario and Harold told Anthony that he would make sure his new card would be ready when he got ready to leave. Harold said he would be leaving and Kenya was seeing to it that he got what ever he needed. The young lady from the desk apologized for the inconvenience and Anthony told her not to worry…stuff happens. Anthony made his way to the locker room and finally got the long awaited and needed hot shower. Anthony must have lost track of time while taking the shower because when he got out the clock on the wall said12: 50. He knew he had to rush and get dressed so he could get out of there. When he opened his locker his clothes were gone. In place of the clothes was a handwritten note that read

“ Sorry for the inconvenience I cause you during your check in I would like to make it up to you by offering you, free if charge, a full body massage. I know you can use it because you said you were tired and stressed out. The club is closed and we are alone, so if you like you can meet me in the massage room. If not… your clothes are in locker #12 and you don’t have to see me…just unlock the front door and walk out I will understand…. the choice is yours. ‘K’” Now Anthony was not stupid. Tired or not the thought of a cute hot firm young thing massaging his body was enough to get his manhood to stir a bit. With the shower towel around his waist, Anthony made his way to the massage room where Kenya had the lights dimmed low and soft music playing. Kenya was standing there in candy-apple red matching laced panties and bra. She had on sweat clothes when they had met earlier and they did an effective job of hiding her assets. Kenya was the BOMB…Her chocolate body stood about 5’4”, 125 firm pounds, Ass that would make Beyonce say “Damnnn” and titties that were a wonder delicious firm looking size 34C. Kenya said, “I’m glad you chose to stay awhile and enjoy a massage. I took a chance on getting my feelings hurt and getting fired so I hope you think this will be worth it” Anthony said “ you don’t even have to touch me. just looking at you standing there made this choice worth it” Kenya smiled and told Anthony that he could call her K from now on since that’s what she liked and he could now get up on the table face down.  Anthony complied and before he knew it K had gotten on top of him and her crotch was riding on Anthony’s bare ass as K had removed the towel Anthony had on. K began by pouring lotion onto his back and slowly rubbing it in. K then poured lotion onto Anthony’s muscular legs and began massaging the oil in also. K occasionally would lightly brush her finger tips over the back of Anthony’s balls causing his did to slowly become erect. K knew that Anthony couldn’t be on his stomach much longer because the harder his dick got the more uncomfortable he became in that position. But K didn’t want the session to be a quickie either. K parted Anthony’s legs with her arms and pulled Anthony’s ass slightly up off of the massage table so that his ass hole and balls were fully exposed from the rear and then she took the tip of her tongue and slowly licked the back length of Anthony’s shaft slowly making sure the entire rear of the shaft was well coated with her mouth juices. Then K moved her tongue up the shaft and gently began to apply a coat of saliva on each ball, I didn’t stop as Anthony found himself moaning at the expert attention his dick and balls were getting from K’s warm talented mouth. K, having sufficiently coated the dick and balls made her tongue do a slow inviting dance up the crack of Anthony’s butt hole. This made Anthony jump momentarily for it had been quite a while since someone had place their tongue up his ass. K began to take stabs with her tongue in and out of Anthony’s poop shoot. Damn this felt good thought Anthony.. The best rim job, best nut lick Anthony had had in years. K continued her masterful tongue action deep inside the ass cheek and crack of Anthony. When she felt she had sufficiently completed her mission of the back yard area of Anthony she instructed her willing participant to role over.  Anthony complied with K’s instructions and rolled over onto his back. K took a handful of lotion and rubbed it around in the palm of her hand and proceeded to rub Anthony’s muscular chest with it. Anthony’s dick was in a full state of arousal as K’s body was positioned so that while she strattled his body her ass cheeks rubbed up against the full length of his manhood. K would move her ass cheeks around and around so that Anthony’s dick could enjoy the sensation of her soft ebony skin. K bent down and began to gently suck on Anthony’s nipples causing each to become hard and erect. Anthony moaned to show his appreciation for the pleasure K was showing him. K’s mouth slowly made her way off of Anthony’s nipples as she began a slow tongue trace down pass his stomach to his fully erect manhood. K was delighted that Anthony was…shall we say “BLESSED” . Anthony’s erect manhood stood at least 9+ inches in length and at least two inches in diameter. Although K was no stranger to the wonders of the male anatomy she was somewhat surprised and yet pleased to see that Anthony had shaved balls…He still had a bit of hair on the front of his groin area but for the most part his balls and his dick were shaven. This K quickly figured out made his dick and balls more sensitive to the touch of a warm wet tongue. It also made it much more pleasurable for her to suck on…and suck on them she did. K opened her mouth as far as she could and quickly engulfed as much of Anthony’s cock inside her mouth as would fit. Slowly she raised her head until just the tip of Anthony’s cockhead was on her lips, then she took a deep breath and went in for another dive, this time she relaxed her throat a bit and was able to take more of the massive cock inside of her mouth..She was up to about 6 inches of the 9+. K was determined to get all 9+ inches of cock inside her throat. She continued on her mission of swallowing cock inch by inch deeper and deeper with each try until finally she felt her lips touch the base of Anthony’s swollen love meat. She kept the cock suspended deep in her throat for a few minutes while she let her tongue simultaneously work its magic on the big vein of Anthony’s man meat.  Of course keeping that wonderful cock deep in her throat was not hard considering that Anthony’s strong hand had grab the back of her head and held it in place. K know as she felt Anthony’s hips rise up off the table that he was enjoying her work and that he was not going to last long if she continued like that..and besides not that she didn’t on occasions like the taste of a man's love juices oozing inside of her mouth, she had other plans for this mother load. K managed to free her mouth from Anthony’s love pole and she dismounted the table to remove the two articles of clothing she had on.  Anthony had a chance to momentarily catch his breath and once again enjoy the site of K’s wonderful firm body. K slowly removed her bra, revealing the most perfect pair of firm size 34 breast ever to be seen…not a scratch or mark on them and the nipples had to stick out at least a half inch. Anthony smiled at the site of them..He smiled even more as K wiggled her way out of her matching panties revealing a glorious looking cleaned shaven pussy, with a cute little tattoo of a rose just above the opening. Anthony started to get up off of the table and go to K..but she told him to stay lying on the table, as it was her intention to run the entire show. No argument from Anthony… K reached up and pulled on each of her nipples as she walked back to the table. She once again mounted Anthony but this time she moved her body up so that her shaved pussy was positioned directly over Anthony’s mouth. Then she took both of her hands and grabbed the back of Anthony’s head and forced his mouth onto her wet pussy. It wasn’t much of a force to get Anthony to dive into it. With Anthony’s head firmly in her hands K slowly fucked his face with her pussy. In and out of Anthony’s mouth K pumped her pussy, which now was fully exposing her beat red clit. Anthony just opened his mouth and accepted her pumping his face with her clit. Each time her clit came forward Anthony would stick out his tongue to meet it. Slowly K ceased to pump his face and instead just settled for slow grind of her love button on Anthony’s skillful tongue. Anthony reached up and gripping K’s ass with both of his hands he forced her pussy down onto his mouth where he extended his tongue deep inside her love tunnel. Deeper and deeper Anthony’s tongue went inside of K’s pussy. He would flicker and rotate his tongue while it was inside of her so that she could feel him touch each and every wall of soaking wet snatch. K couldn’t take it no more she felt her clit swell, her juices were starting to boil over her entire womanhood wanted to explode right there right inside of this mans mouth right on his outfuckingstanding tongue. Cum she wanted to do and Cum she did..K exploded pussy juice all over Anthony’s face all on his tongue all down his chin every where..Anthony tried his best to lick every drop of her sweet nectar but as hard as he tried her could lap up all of it up as it flowed out faster than his talented tongue and mouth could absorb it. K’s entire body was felt as if it was rushing out through her pussy. Just when she thought she couldn’t cum anymore or any harder Anthony positioned his mouth so that K’s ass was directly over his mouth, then he proceeded to stick his wet tongue deep inside of her anal crack returning the favor she had done to him earlier. Deeper and deeper his tongue explored the inside of her rear entrance until she felt his tongue hit a spot that she didn’t even know she had…and BAM the faucet of her pussy juices came wide open again and again her emotions overcame her as she released wave after wave after wave of hot steamy pussy juice. Finally Anthony released his grip on K’s ass cheeks, allowing her to move her now completely drained body off of Anthony’s soaked glistened mouth. K was completely drained never had she cum so hard from a mans tongue, but never had she came across such a talented tongue as Anthony possessed. K may have been drained but Anthony had yet to release the beast of a load that had been building inside of his nut sack. Anthony maneuvered from underneath K’s limp body and instructed her to lay on her stomach. K knew that she was no longer in control of the scene and that her body was now in the capable hands of the law. Anthony lifted K’s ass off of the table as he spread her legs open to begin his assault on the sweetest pussy he had ever had. Anthony grabbed K by the hips and let his cock find its way to the wet opening of K’s love tunnel. Anthony attempted to shove his cock deep inside with one push but was unable to do wet as K was her pussy was as tight as a virgin teens pussy. Oh shit this is going to be the shit…Anthony thought…he hadn’t had a pussy this tight since he was….damn he had never had pussy this tight.  Anyway Anthony repositioned his man meat for the entrance. Taking his cock in his hand he slowly guided his tool inside K’s virgin like walls slowly inserting more and more inches with each stroke until almost all 9+ inches of his man meat were inside. K screamed with pleasure with each stroke of his cock and with each inch of meat that was placed inside of her. Anthony felt the pussy starting to loosen and he picked up the pace of his strokes. Inside Anthony penetrated until the head of his monster cock touched the back walls of K’s pussy. Then slowly he would remove his meat inch by inch so that K could feel each and every vein as it exited her tight pussy hole. Then again he would slowly insert his tool again so that each and every fiber of his love missile was felt. K was in heaven her pussy was on fire. Anthony was working her over like no man had ever done before. K had cum so much and so hard earlier that she couldn’t believe it when suddenly she found herself on the very of yet another climax. She began screaming but all the while the hot juices boiling inside her pussy were screaming yes yes yes oh god yes…Anthony too had began to reach a point of no return. His balls were aching to release the load of cum that had been building since he first saw K standing at the massage table in her bra and panties. His cock was throbbing uncontrollable his inward thrusts were now done with more force…more pounding …more determination. In and out he went harder and deeper with each stroke. The more K screamed the harder he thrusted. Anthony suddenly exploded gallons upon gallons of hot creamy cum juice deep inside of K’s red hot pussy and just as quick as Anthony came K also came for the final time. This orgasm was even more intense than the one Anthony provided with his tongue. The burning sensation of Anthony’s man meat coupled with the cooling sensation of his liquid love sent K completely over the edge and she burst out in uncontrollable tears as her body shook in spasm after spasm…K feel flat on the table with her body completely lifeless. Anthony fell on top of her, he too completely drained and even more tired than what he was when he first went into the gym. They held each other close for about an hour as they lay on the massage table each thinking about what had just happened. Finally they cleaned up the massage room and showered together. Since Anthony didn’t have any hot water at his house K invited him to spend the night with her. He did spend the night with her and the next night and the next night.and the….well you get the hint. I hope you enjoyed this adventure of Sheriff Anthony C. Davis…tune in again in the future for more adventures as the Sheriff provides more “service” to the community!!!   Let me know your 

My best friend

jerseygirls777 on Sex Stories

I sat on my bed with my bestfriend, lamare. We were bestfriends since pre-k and always hung out.

We were watching "Wolf Cry" and sitting on the bed pigging out.

We talked about everything, friends our past exs and moments we remembered forever.

I suddently remembered my ex Ricky who died october of last year.

I started to cry, and lavon just heald me saying it was okay.


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pushed him away and said "You have no idea".

"I have no idea? You have no idea."

"You dont know what its like to hide your feelings"

"I dont what? Well let me just show you what feelings i have had."

lamare kissed me and pulled away looking at me as if i was supose to say something bad.

"Wow, lamare where did that come from?"

"From here"

He pointed to his heart, and i leaned in to kiss him back. Then he pulled off his shirt, and began touching me all over and he put his hand up my shorts andbegan rubbing my clit. I pulled off my shirt, and my shorts and he slowly slide my thongs off of me. He looked at me and smiled, then he took off his paints and pulled off his boxers.

He was still for a miniute and then went for the move. He slide it inside of me and began pushing in and out and began going really fast making it feel good.

About after one hour later we stopped because we both cummed and was  really tired.

From there on out me and lamare had sex alot and our freindship vanished and our love apeared.

Remember take your chances and maybe it will turn out the best you ever did.

Little Red Panties

Arenae on Sex Stories

We just get to my place after you walked me home from work. You’re a bit bored because it ran an hour late and I made you wait. Your not sure what's up because I haven't been chatty the whole way home. You’re a little annoyed but won’t bring it up because you don’t want me to feel guilty over things that are so small.

I sit you on the couch, kiss you and put in a movie while I change out of my work clothes. You’re sitting on the couch, not really paying attention to the movie. You think ‘why the hell did she put this one in… she knows I hate action.’ You shift your position and prop your legs on the coffee table. You get uncomfortable with that position and shift again.

After a wh

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ile you decide your thirsty and call into me, "Baby, you buy me any pop?"

I call back, "yep and I put it in the fridge this morning so you could have some cold when we got home."

You give a small smile as you get up to get yourself a drink, you feel a bit guilty for feeling impatient. As you crack your pop though you happen to glance at the clock above the kitchen table. You have been waiting for me for over 20 minutes just for me to change my clothes… your lips go tight and the muscles in your shoulders tense.

‘Its ok,’ you tell yourself, ‘she wouldn’t be making me wait this long on purpose.’ You sit back down on the couch and pretend to pay attention to the crappy movie. You shift positions a few times, put the pop down, pick it back up again, realize that its all gone. You lean over and look at the clock, sit back in a huff. ‘What the fuck is taking her so long?’ you think as you lean forward and set the empty can back on the coffee table.

You’re annoyed and almost half-asleep by the time you hear my bedroom door click open. You think: ‘its about fucking time woman!’ I go over to the fridge and pour myself a glass of orange juice. Your so annoyed with me for not even acknowledging that I had made you wait so long that you don’t look up at me until I’m almost standing over you.

You were going to play cool and unresponsive, pretend that you hadn’t noticed that I finally came out of my room, but you catch this smear of frilly red colour riding high on my upper thigh. You turn your eyes to get a better look, though not your head; you’re still annoyed with waiting for me.

Your breath catches as you realize just what this frilly piece of red actually is. You look down at my feet quickly to see if anything is attached to the garter that I’m wearing, I'm not wearing fishnets this time. You get quick flashes in your mind of what it would feel like to slowly pull the garter off with your teeth…

You glance up a little and notice that it happens to match the rest of what I am wearing… that means that I didn’t just throw together pieces that I had collected from here and there… You get quick flashes of me looking though lingerie stores to find that perfect outfit. You could tell that I had bought it with care and wonder when I had the time normally I go shopping with you. You sigh a little, once again I'm showing you just how much I love you, just how much I want to impress you and make you happy.

As your eyes travel up your mouth slowly looses the sexy little smile it just had, your body goes limp… though not all of it does, you can feel a sudden tightening in between your legs and know that I would definitely notice this boner- and quickly.

I'm wearing red lace. The pattern doesn’t have a picture that you can see right off, but the cut is amazing. It accentuates the roundness of my hips and plays up my natural curvieness. The top of my panties are just low enough for you to see a leg of the spider on my left hip. You feel another pull of tightness and you wonder just why you had been annoyed a few seconds ago.

Your eyes travel across the top hem of my panties and up my belly, definitely firmer than you last remember three weeks ago. You think about booking more time off work.

My body has tensed since you started looking, I can feel you caressing every part of me with your eyes and the anticipation is making me tingle. I feel a similar kind of pull between my thighs, deep inside myself. Your looking at my bra now, ahhh, you just notice how shear the lace is. You can see my nipples through the lace and I get this ghost feeling of your thumbs gently sliding over them, they both harden and poke at the fabric.

Your eyes finally finish their first circuit of my body and reach my eyes. My breath catches as I see that amazing colour of blue. Your pupils are dilated, fuck baby I can hardly stand the look your giving me. Your breath is faster than normal; I can see your chest heaving gently. My heart fills with love for you and I cant help but stretch and allow the feeling to grow.

You think that I'm just teasing you, showing you the line of my body. I reach out a foot and rub your left shin with my toes, you know that I am definitely teasing you. I walk around the coffee table and for a second you think I'm going to get freaky and give you a table dance. I put my juice down and pull the table out just enough and walk around to you. I reach beside you and pick up a pillow and place it in-between your feet, you wonder what I'm going to do until I bend my knees and start to kneel… you know what's coming…

"I'm sorry for making you wait honey" I say in that sexy, low, almost purr of a voice. You know just how much I'm turned on already… and all you’ve done is look at me… so far. I run me hands up the outside of your thighs, lightly pull at your belt with my finger tips then run them back down. I never took my eyes off of yours.

"I missed you baby. It’s been way too long," I pout slightly, "and you haven't even been giving me phone sex either." You gently caress my cheek with the backs of your fingers.

"I'm sorry baby but you need some anticipation, its good for us right?" you say while giving me that knowing look, like you really know best, you bastard. I give you a smirk and a look that says ‘all its going to do is get you raped and you fucking know it!’ I bite my lower lip and undo your belt, loosen it a little. I undo the button.

"You’re going to kill me with all your fucking anticipation baby." I wrench the zipper down, surprisingly without grinding the metal, your stomach tightens a little and you make a mental note; ‘three weeks is too long to make my woman wait.’

I grab the top of your belt with my fingertips again, but this time I don’t let go, and I hook your boxers at the same time. You arch your back a little and pick yourself off the couch just enough for me to slip your pants down around your shins. I leave them there. I run my hands up your thighs again and gently dig my fingertips into your skin on the way down; you feel another pull in your crotch but this time I can see the full effect that I'm having on you.

I lean forward and kiss your lips… gently; I don’t want you taking control of this situation. I reach for your shirt and help you lift it over your head. I tilt my head to the side slightly, look you in the eyes and drop it on the floor beside us.

"Umm… baby you look cold." I give you one of my sexy smirks. I lean forward, breathe my warm breath gently over your cock. "You want me to warm you up?" your breath comes out in a fast, wonderful exhaling sigh, fuck baby I love that sound…

I take your cock in my hands and gently rub it between my hands. I wrap one hand around you while the other slowly, gently, reaches up your leg and around to grip your back. I slowly move my hand up and down while my tong reaches out for your head. You gasp faintly when it makes contact. I lick your head softly for a bit then stop and look you in the eye; I take you in my mouth, your back arches slightly, involuntarily trying to push it in further. I take your body’s cue and take you deep inside my mouth sucking it in. You moan softly… ‘Baby that’s not all I have for you’ I think as I grasp your hips pull it in and out then suck it back in again. Your hips move with my motions and I hear your panting, I feel a surge between my legs and there is a wetness there like you wouldn’t believe…

Your hands are in my hair and I think I hear you whisper in a half moan "baby, I'm not sure how long I can hold on." But I need to give this to you… you turn me on so much, and you taste sooo good… I stop deep throating you and take it in my hand again, I lick your head and nibble a bit. I kiss it and there is wetness there that has not come from my mouth… I moan and lick it up, fuck…. You taste so good.

"That’s it baby, that’s the last straw. I can’t take it anymore," I moan out the words

"Where were you hiding that baby?" you ask me, impressed. You look a little nervous as I open the package though and try to take it from me. I evade you and put it to my mouth while pushing you back on the couch. I grab your cock and make like I'm gong to give you head again. I slide the condom on with my mouth and you think ‘holy shit… she’s got tricks for everything!’ I roll it down over your cock and suck a little when I get back up to the tip… just to leave enough room for you to come… I reach behind me to the coffee table where I left my juice and swish out my mouth a bit, I lick my lips to help get the taste of your cock gone… I stand up and look down at you.

"Are you ready for me baby?" I ask you with a knowing smile. You move yourself forward on the couch and grab me by my hips and pull me toward you.

"Yes and you fucking know it, you fucking bitch!" My breath catches just before your lips press hard into mine, fuck baby! You make me feel so good. Your need makes me melt and I move the way you make me without thinking about it. You start kissing my neck and suck hard then bite. A moan escapes my lips... You kiss down my chest and take one of my nipples in your mouth through the fabric. I gasp and grab a handful of your hair; I pull you closer as your tong moves over the fabric. It feels so good but I can’t stand it for long and I move aside the red lace for you. You take my nipple in your mouth and suck hard, running your tong across my nipple as you suck. You toss your head and let it snap out of your mouth, I try not to smile as I see your bushy hair bounce around. You move aside the other cup of my bra and start working on the other nipple. Your hand is gently squeezing the first breast and you run your thumb over my nipple as you bite the other. I gasp and moan and try to pull you closer. Your free hand drags down my side, over my ass and snakes around until its on my inner thy. I feel you caressing the fabric between my legs, I know you can feel the wetness there.

You reach your fingers underneath my panties and graze the hot skin just waiting for you. I press myself against your hand as you pull the lace away further so you can stick your fingers deep inside me. I cry out and you lean back to watch my facial expression. My eyes are closed, my head thrown back. I am gripping your shoulders so I don’t fall over; baby it feels so that good my knees are getting weak.

I open my eyes and see you looking at me. I lean in and we kiss hard, I can’t stop clinging to you, your fingers hitting the right places inside me. I take your tong in my mouth and suck hard, fuck baby I need you so bad, I want you so much… I can’t stand it any longer and I take your hand from inside me, I push you back on the couch and pull down my panties. You hold your arms out and help me settle on top of you. I reach down and guide you inside me… we both gasp with relief. I clench my muscles and push onto you, you arch up into me, but baby I can’t get enough. I try harder to take more of you into me, I strain and grind on you but it doesn’t help much, its not enough.

"Take me to our bed" I tell you, in between panting breaths. You moan and kick your pants off the rest of the way. You reach down and cup my ass with both of your large man hands and hold me against you tightly. I wrap my arms around your neck and grip you with my legs. You stand slowly, afraid to drop me, but baby I totally trust you.

We make it into the bedroom and you slam me down on the bed falling on me in just the right way, but your no longer inside me. I cry out in dismay until you grip one of my legs pull it high and slam your cock into me so hard I cry out. Oh! Baby I never knew you could be like this! I wrap my arms around you and hold you close, I can’t get enough of kissing you, and you know it.

I reach my pique quickly and you keep going, seemingly oblivious, bringing me closer and closer to another. I'm so loud and I can’t fucking get enough of you, I anchor my heels into the mattress and start pushing back onto you. You ride me so good I'm getting yet another- "oh! Baby!" I cry out, "Baby, I need you- need you- please!" I can hear you moaning… fuck, I can’t stand it! "Come, please! Baby! Need it…. Need you so bad… please!"

You moan louder "You need me, huh?" fuck baby… I'm getting another; I need your come in me so bad. Finally I feel you start so shake and we cry out together.

Ahhh… release! We move a bit more then you collapse on top of me. For a moment I can’t even think. Your weight feels so good on top of me… makes me feel so safe. In this moment I feel the love for you so much I have no clue where the hell I store it all. There aren't enough words to describe just how much I feel for you.

We doze for a bit, then you slide out of me and turn me over and wrap your body around me. I'm half sleeping and can’t willingly move any part of my body, I am completely made of putty in this moment. You kiss my shoulders and back and it makes me feel this wonderful contentedness. You can never seem to get enough of kissing me. It makes me feel so needed, so loved.

I wish we could stay in this moment for the rest of our lives. I snuggle back and press my bum into you and feel a second stirring, I giggle and smile and press even harder, I grind a bit and turn my body so I can kiss you, its slow and deep and completely full of love…

and I reach behind me to where I was hiding the condom in the back of my panties. You smirk at me.

Touching Pundai of a girl.

djcdorai on Sex Stories

       One day during the year1995 some of our girls and few boys

went to   kerala on sight  seeing.We   had a fine  drink after having our food.I was lying  near  a girl of age 25. She  would  always sexy.At  12' o clock i removed her bra and pantry.She was naked now. Her pundai was very beautiful to look at.I spread her koothi and she did not resist.She liked this.I inserted one finger into her koothi.She enjoyed that. Then I fucked her for half an hour nicely.After  removed my sunni after sunny juice was droped inside her pundai.

The first indication

billy1809 on Incest Stories

The first time i noticed my sister sexually was when i was about 15. She was just hitting puberty, and i noticed that she was starting to develop in areas i had previously only discovered in school yard fumbles. Dont get me wrong I was not thinking about having sex with her at that time, i only say that i started to notice the changes in her. These were small. Such things as her breasts starting to take shape, and her hips becoming wider. She gained small amounts of weight on her bum, and she started to act more like a woman. Also my mum took her to buy her first bra, which as you know is always an event in a young girls life.

It wasnt until about 2 years later that i really started to take notice of her. I was now 17 and thankfully had had sex, once with a girl at school. Althou

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gh i thought it was the best thing ever, i would later find out that it was only the beginning of a lifetime of experiences. My sister by this time was around 13 nearly 14, and her bra sizes had been shooting up rapidly. She was now a healthy 34c and still growing. My mum thought that it wouldnt be soon before she hit the magic D cup. Anyway, my sister still showered and bathed without locking the door, as she was still very innocent. One day i was lying in bed playing on computer games, when i realised i was busting for the toilet. I ran down the stairs and flew into the bathroom, i had unzipped and was sighing in contentment before i realised she was there. It was the first time i had seen her naked for a while and i was surpirised at how well she had developed. I must have looked over her a little too long, as she went a bit red. Her sudden rosy complexion was what turned me on, and suddenly i felt myself start to react. I realised i had finished peeing a long time ago, and could feel myself swelling at the sight of her innocently blushing body. She started to say something "I....", then she looked at my crotch, and i knew she knew id started to get aroused. I fled.

To this day i regret it because i wish id been more forward. I probably missed out on some amazing times for months because i hadnt had the guts to be direct. I wish i had just turned, smiled and stroked her cheek. Then stroked down towards her perfect breasts, place her hand in mine and guided it toward my cock. But i didnt, i was a coward and i ran. 

The next few months i caught her again and again in the bathroom, it became a regular occurance for us. And i do believe that although she wouldnt of admitted it, my sister loved it too.

The following spring my sister was what i would say fully developed. Perfectly round 34 D tits, and the most beatiful arse i had ever seen. I was regularly masturbating away to dreams i had had of fucking her slowly, whilst groping those lovely breasts. I knew it was worng, and after every session i used to feel incredibly ashamed. Until summer came, and we went away as a family, then my whole life changed forever.

We never had a lot of money as a family and used to go away camping a lot. In that summer we happened to go camping near some mountains, and my mum and dad loved to take long walks across them. They would be gone sometimes for the entire day, but my sister and i just loved to laze around. It was on one of these lazy days when my sister turned to me and asked whether i would read her a story from one of mums books.

"that's stupid, why would i want to read those books" i said

"oh go on, you can imitate the voices better, and you know it would be funny" she replied

I grudgingly said that i would. "great" she said "i will go get changed". "Why"? I called out. "because i like to be in my nightie when im reading and its getting late anyway". Mum phoned the mobile just then and said that her and dad would be going to the pub for dinner. 'Typical' i thought. While mum and dad are swanning off getting battered, i get to babysit. "Ready"!! Sis called from the partitioned bit of the tent which was hers. I walked in and she was lying propped back on her elbows in a cute little cotton nightie. She looked gorgeous, and even though i thought it was wrong i just couldnt help thinking what it would be like to slip that nightie over her head and fuck her slowly. I shook my head, as if to clear such images (i was in shorts and didnt need a semi just then) "whats wrong"? She asked. "nothing" i replied, "just a bit of a headache". "Perhaps you shouldnt read" she suggested. For about a second i deliberated whether or not to just say 'yeah you're right', but i didnt. I said "nah i'll be ok", "good" she said "then you can sit here", indicating a place directly behind her. I sat down and she scooted up between my legs with a book in her lap. She wrapped my arms around her shoulders, and shunted her bum into my crotch. As she put the book in my hands i began to feel excited at the feel of her arse against my crotch, the smell of her hair was amazing, and the way my arms hung over shoulders, allowed me to just slightly rub her perfect breasts. She looked back at me a bit indignant and said "read boy", i laughed to try and break the tension i felt, and started to read.

For about half an hour i read, until my sister decided that it was her turn to read. She looked at me and honestly her big eyes seemed to grow larger. She turned to face me and hung her legs over mine. She read for about five minutes, then a certain passage i will never forget came up in the book. I will remember that passage forever as it was the point of no return for a brother and sister. She started reading it "i have always wanted you, i have always wanted to feel the warm embrace of your naked flesh..." And then she looked me dead in the eyes and completed the last sentence. "to bask in your glow, and feel the seed of your love within me". We sat looking at each other for a long moment, then i felt her arm snake up behind my neck, and tentatively pull my head towards hers. Our lips just brushed each other. Then she pulled away "I... i'm so sorry... i... i think i got caught up in the story, i'm sorry" "shhhhhh" i said " it's ok". Then i took a decision, for once. I leaned forward and kissed her soundly on the lips, for a moment my world collapsed as i thought she would pull away. Then she responded with equal passion.

Suddenly our tongues were in each others mouths, and she was pushing me backwards to fall on top of me. She straddled me effortlessly, and my cock sprung to life. I pulled the hem of her nightie up just enough to expose her perfect arse. She guided both hands towards it, and whispered feverishly in my ear "i always knew... I always knew". Then she proceeded to explain to me in great detail how sometimes she had listened to my door as i masturbated, she said that she had sometimes been forced to plunge fingers deep within herself at the mere mention of her name from outside the door. "Why didnt you just come in"? I choked out between kisses. "I was afraid" she replied, "but not now". I quickly decided that she should lose the nightie. And we got it off, sharpish. I didnt seem to care whether or not she had had any sexual experience or not, i just wanted to fuck her slowly like in my daydreams. As i placed one of those perfect breasts in my mouth, and sucked the nipple she moaned with ecstacy "oooh... yeah, baby suck my titty, suck your little sisters big titty". I realised that she was groping at my shorts and feeling my, by now, huge erection. I was so horny i wanted to come in my pants at the thought of fucking my sister. I reluctanty let the nipple out of my mouth and stood up, my sister had my shorts down in no time and started licking my rock hard cock. She sucked and licked up and down the shaft, as i gasped in pleasure. I knew i wouldnt last long like this and decided to get back on the floor. As she sucked my cock i couldnt help but try to throat fuck her. I grabbed her head and rocked my cock up and down inside her mouth, she gagged a little but didnt stop. In fact she just kept looking at me with her big eyes, i could not believe this was happening. "Why dont you let me do you too"? I offered she stopped sucking my cock and said "mmmm i thought you would never ask", "how do you know how to do all this" i asked breathless. "Dad's porn" she replied.

I took her legs and swung them around, with her perfect pussy directly above my face. Her soft fuzzy hair tickling my nose, and the sweet juices already flowing down her thighs. Now im no expert at licking pussy, so i just dived in, but it seemed to work just fine. I sucked and licked her pussy all over, i even licked her arse a few times while she squeeled in pleasure. I found her clit by accident, and when i did she bucked and came down hard on my mouth. I was completely suffocated as she rubbed her pussy juices all over my face. She was so wet, and so hot. She was flicking my head with her tongue and rubbing the shaft up and down, faster an faster. She put more spit on her hand as she sucked my cock harder and harder, the harder she sucked the more i licked and the deeper in her tight hole my tongue went. She suddenly went very rigid, and i sucked harder, concentrating on her clit. Thankfully as she did this she kept rubbing my cock while it was still in her mouth. Then she screamed "don't stop..... harder baby, suck your sisters pussy.... harder...... faster.... uh....oh.... yeah.......... i'm coming.......... ohhhhhhhh baby yes...yes...yes" then i felt it as she climaxed all over my face. I licked all over her pussy until she couldnt take it any more and had to jump off my face. Just then she grabbed my cock turned and looked at me and said "your turn". "It wont be long baby" I replied, "I hope not i want your cum everywhere....In my mouth, on my tits and all over my pussy". She started sucking my cock with a frenzied motion, rubbing it harder than it had ever been rubbed before, all the while she sucked at the head and tongued my japseye. Then she cupped and massaged my balls with the other hand, i couldnt take it for long and two minutes later she smiled up at me, and was rewarded with load after load of steaming hot cum. She swallowed most of it, dribbling some down her chin. Then still wanking my cock she rubbed it all over her beautiful breasts. I sighed with pleasure, the first sound i had managed to make for the last three minutes "oh my god.... you were amazing" i told her. "so were you" she replied.

I was a bit embarrased after, and naturally a bit guilty. But all that went away after she just cuddled up to me, placing my hands on her arse. "play with me" she said. I started toying with her at first, and then i ran one finger over her arsehole "mmmm" she moaned, and closed her eyes, "put a finger in". So i slid a finger first into her pussy and then into her arse. It was so hot, "i want you to fuck your little sister tonight" she whispered in my ear. Instantly my cock sprang to life as she said that, and she rubbed her thigh against it.

Just then we heard the car pull up to the tent, and the sound of the doors opening, naturally we dived for our clothes. However before scrambling into them we shared a look that said we knew more was to come.

 Any Comments or feedback is greatly appreciated. If good then there may be more to come. Thankyou. 

Jennifer's Surprise: Chapter 6

Will Wanton on Incest Stories

Chapter 6

It had been days since Jennifer got her surprise from Tim, her husband. And what a lovely surprise it was. Jennifer had been called by her husband at work and told to get home as soon as she could, hinting that what was waiting for her was one of her sexual fantasies come true. As Jennifer finished work that day to the best of her abilities, all that went through her mind was what it could be, from the several fantasies she had admitted to having.

It turned out the be the one fantasy that Jennifer figured to be the least possible, and maybe because of that fac

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t, also the most erotic to her. It was her own 19 year old son Mark that had been lying completely naked on her marital bed, and had been witnessing his mother naughtily strip teasing when she was still blind folded and still had no idea what was happening.

Normally, Jennifer would have been absolutely shocked at such a sight, and maybe fled from the house in a hysterical outcry. But in reality, she turned out to be hypnotized the moment she saw her own son lying there, completely naked and with a very juicy looking cock ready for action.

The moment she saw it, she knew her fantasy would indeed come true and she would have no will power to deny herself this treat.

They had sucked, licked and fucked that evening, for hours; and they had said very nasty things to each other. Sexual things; perverted things. They never let go of the fact that they were mother and son but they actually used that information to whip each other up to even higher levels of arousal. And all that while her husband, his father, was watching and jacking off.

The day after, and the day after that, Jennifer and Mark continued fucking each other silly.

They had fucked in missionary again, and they had also fucked in the doggie style position, in the cowgirl position (Jennifer riding on top facing Mark), the reverse cowgirl position (Jennifer riding on top facing his feet), and they had fucked in the spoon position. They had even fucked while standing, with Mark holding his mother up with his arms underneath her legs and Jennifer holding on to him around the neck like a monkey. Tim had at one point stuffed his cock in Jennifer’s mouth as his son was again busy pounding her without mercy.

Today, Mark was yet again fucking Jennifer in doggie style, when a new proposition was made.

As his hips were smashing into his mother’s ass, and his rock hard cock was drilling into Jennifer’s buttery, dripping cunt like a piston, Mark heard his mother say the words.

“Please Mark. I want you to fuck my ass, baby. Please shove your cock up my butt.”

Mark stopped pounding, and for a split second felt a yet not experienced level of perversity course through his body. Fuck his mother in the ass? Not in her cunt, but in her butt? How perverted would that be? Not to just have hot monkey sex with his own mom, but to actually stick his cock in that most intimate of holes. His mother wanted him there, to have him fuck her there.

He looked down at his mother, on hands and knees, sweating. He looked at the juicy, plump, round buttocks pressed against his hips and he looked between her cheeks, at the pucker of his mother’s ass. It winked at him.

The brown, wrinkled anus of his mother was winking at him as if inviting him to give it a try.

Suddenly he knew that he did not just want to fuck it; to stick his cock in it and screw his mother in the butt.

No, his increased interested in it told him he needed to know more about it. He needed to feel it with his fingers, he needed to smell it, maybe even taste it. The idea of fusing his lips to his mother’s most intimate hole sent a thunderous shiver down his body, as if struck by 220 Volts of electricity.

“You want me to fuck your ass, mom?”


“You want me to stick my cock in that tight butt of yours and drill my fat dick in and out, just like I’ve been doing to your cunt?”

“Oh God, fuck yesss…”

“Your own son, mom. Are you saying you want your own son, your own flesh and blood, to fuck your asshole? To shove his meat up your shitter and pound it hard?”

“Baby, please…”

“Tell me, mom. Tell me if you’re saying that you want your OWN SON, your OWN FLESH AND BLOOD, to fuck your ASSHOLE. That you want your OWN SON to shove his fat dick up your shitter and pound it hard.”

Jennifer understood what her son wanted from her; that he wanted her to express as succinct as possible in words what her feelings were. If she could express what she felt, how hot she felt, he wanted her to find the words to use to express it.

“Christ yes. I do. I want my own son to shove his juicy, fat fucking cock up my horny shit hole and to fuck his mother in the ass harder than he’s ever fucked anything before.”

“Well mom, I don’t think you’re quite ready for it yet. Your asshole is not quite ready for such a relentless pounding, mom. What do you suppose I could do to prepare it for such a hard pounding; to make sure it will be able to handle it?”

“I don’t know what you mean, baby?”

“Oh, but I think you do, mom. I think if you just think about it for a second, you know what I could do to make sure your ass is ready, to make sure it won’t get…chafed, or something like that. Something to make it slicker, more slippery. You know what that could be, don’t you mom?”

“Maybe…You could…”

“What, mom? I could what? What could I do? Tell me.”

“Lick it…” Jennifer groaned and shivered as she said the words, knowing what they meant and how depraved it was.

“Lick what, mom? You’ll have to be more specific. What do you want me to lick to make your ass ready?”

“My asshole, Mark. Goddamn it. Yessss… I want you to lick my asshole and make it wet so you can slide your cock in it and fuck me hard. Stick your tongue up your whore-mother’s butt and make it slippery.”

“If that’s what you think is best, mom. If you want your own son to stick his tongue up your ass then that’s what I’ll have to do.”

Mark retreated and his cock came out of his mother’s cunt with an audible slurp, her red hot slit hanging open lewdly and a thick drop of pussy juice clinging to her clit, tickling it. Her asshole twitching in anticipation, Jennifer reached back with both hands while resting her upper body on her head and shoulders, and grabbed a meaty buttock in each hand, pulling them wide apart and stretching the humid crack of her ass. She panted into the pillow as she somehow ‘felt’ her son move into position. She felt it by the draft that his movements caused against her hyper sensitive snatch and the sudden appearance of his hot breath against her crotch area.

The notion of being so utterly, nastily exposed to her very own son, his face near her naked cunt and ass, made Jennifer’s slit quiver. To have the odors of her two most intimate orifices available to her own offspring made her feel deliciously wanton. Her son could do anything he wanted to his own mother’s pussy and butt. He could touch them, smell them, taste them, and fuck them. As far as Jennifer was concerned, her pussy and ass belonged to him whenever they were having sex.

Again a shiver went through her sweating body at the thought of it. ‘Her cunt and ass belong to her own son to do with as he pleases,’ Jennifer thought over and over again and reveled in the perversity of it. Feeling Mark’s hot breath wash over her sensitive and worn out cunt and against the humid crack of her ass made her feel sexual beyond imagination.

‘Stick it in,’ was all that went through her mind at one point. ‘Stick your tongue up my butt. Stick your tongue up your mother’s butt.’

But Mark was in no hurry. He was enjoying the moment for his own pleasure. He smelled his mother’s cunt, its rose shaped opening contracting and relaxing and a bead of juice clinging lazily to her pink, swollen clit. He smelled the funky, intoxicating odor of her ass. At the height of passion Mark always understood what dogs found appealing about sniffing ass.

The wrinkled anus of his mother contracted and relaxed as her pussy opening did simultaneously. As it contracted it pulled the dark, soft skin around her anus to the middle and the sphincter muscles bulged into a pucker. Then it relaxed until the slightest of openings was visible, giving a hint of its pink inside.

Mark smelled and sniffed like a horny dog; he smelled his mother’s ass, breathing in the perverse scent of her butt and loving it. On the other end Jennifer bit her lower lip and grabbed hands full of pillow, knowing her son was smelling her down there, taking in the essence coming from her asshole.

She squeezed her sphincter deliberately, inviting him. Inviting him to do anything he wanted.

She could lay there and have her son smell her ass for hours, but she hoped he would start touching it soon. It didn’t matter to her at that point if he would start touching it with his finger, his tongue or his cock. As long as he would touch it, and make the itch go away; to make her feel hot and whorish for having her son make some kind of skin contact with that nasty hole.

It was right at that moment that Mark gave her what she craved, by firmly planting his wet tongue right on top of her bung. Her head snapped back in a sudden surge of lust as she first felt the wetness and softness of her son’s tongue pushing against her sensitive asshole. She clawed into her buttocks as she felt his warm facial cheeks pushing against her own hind cheeks, his hot breath coursing through the valley of her ass cleft, and his slick and slippery tongue circling around her anus. He tasted her now, Jennifer thought. He was actually tasting his own mother’s ass. Jennifer sighed and bit into the pillow, pulling at it with her teeth, as she lost herself in passion with this new feeling and perversity. Her toes curled and her asshole snapped, trying to suck at the flat surface of her son’s tongue as it lathered out a layer of spit onto Jennifer’s pucker.

“Ohhhh….Goddddd…” Jennifer cried hoarsely into the pillow. “Oh baby, that feels so fucking good. Lick my ass, oh fuck.”

Jennifer pulled her knees further up underneath her, making her round butt stick out more. She bent her lower back, spread her legs underneath and ground her ass back and up as to open up her crotch area even more to her son, hoping he wouldn’t miss any spot.

Mark was now licking from bottom to top through her butt cleft as if licking an ice cream cone. Starting at her cunt, he dragged the flat of his tongue upward until he ended up near her tailbone, leaving a thick trail of spit in the odorous crack of her ass. Jennifer could feel a cold draft against the wetness between her butt cheeks whenever Mark would momentarily take his face from between her quivering globes. But then she again felt the hotness of his breath and the wet warmth of his tongue washing over her needy anus.

“Do you like it, mom? Do you like feeling your son’s tongue licking your hot juicy ass? Do you like to feel me licking the crack of your ass? Such a nasty woman you are, mom. Pushing your ass back into your son’s face, wanting to feel his tongue against your naked butt hole.”

“Jesus, Mark. You lick my fucking asshole so good. Please keep doing it. Keep licking your mother’s asshole. Taste it, baby. Taste mommy’s shit hole. Your tongue feels so fucking hot on my ass.”

“Do you want me to fuck it, mom? With my tongue? Do you want me to fuck your asshole with my tongue, mom? Drill my tongue deep into your butt and fuck it hard and fast and deep?”

“Oh fuck, yesss. Fuck my butt with your mouth, baby. With your tongue. Stick that tongue deep in my asshole, honey. Tongue fuck my ass, baby. Please.”

“Pull your ass wide apart, mom,” Mark ordered his mother. Jennifer did so, and her crack stretched out widely as did her anus which slightly opened up to expose the pink caverns inside.

Mark pointed his tongue and drilled it into his mother’s ass tunnel as deep as it would go, which was not very deep at this point, but deep enough to make Jennifer thrash on the bed as she felt her son’s tongue invade her bowels. Accompanied with the squishing sounds of a spit-lubricated tongue forcing itself into a tight anus, Mark speared into his mother’s shit pipe again and again, somehow being able to dig deeper and deeper with each thrust, his saliva acting as a guiding lubricant. At one point the retreat of his tongue would come with the sounds of a small plop as the vacuum was broken, and his mother’s asshole would gape open and slowly close right until it was stretched out again by a new invasion of his tongue. Mark’s face forced itself tightly between Jennifer’s warm globes again and again, his nose pressed flatly against the humid crack of her ass, and his tongue would disappear deeper and deeper into his mother’s backdoor, which itself was helping by sucking his tongue deeper as it entered.

“Fuck my fucking asshole with your tongue, Mark,” Jennifer screamed. “Butt fuck me with your nasty tongue. Drill it in, baby. Drill it in deep. Eat my juicy fucking ass, honey. Eat out mommy’s nasty ass like a good boy. Oh fuckkkk…It’s going so deep. Rim me good, baby. Rim your mother good. Can you feel my ass sucking on it, Mark? Can you feel my butt sucking your tongue in?”

Jennifer was beside herself with wanton lust and was spewing the most perverse obscenities she could manage to come up with. The pillow was soaked were her mouth was biting and licking it, and soaking up the drool that was dripping from her mouth as she floundered in her own cesspool of incestuous depravity.

Mark pulled his tongue from her gaping anus and spat into it, the wad of white, foamy spit running into the pink caverns behind her opening.

“You want my tongue in your ass, mom?” Mark asked mysteriously.

“Oh Mark, you know I do. Please stick it back in.”

“Why don’t you work for it now, mom?” Mark said with a grin on his face.

“I’m gonna stick my tongue out, and you fuck it by humping my mouth with your ass. Fuck your own ass on my tongue, mom.”

“Oh, you’re mean, Mark. But I don’t care. As long as you stick out your tongue as far as you can, I’ll fuck it. If you want I’ll hump your face like a real mother slut.”

“I’m gonna stick my tongue out, mom. And if you want my tongue up your ass you better work that butt up against my face.”

“I will,” Jennifer groaned lustfully. “I’ll fuck your face with my ass. Just stretch that tongue out as far as possible so I can feel it as deep as possible up my asshole.”

As husband and father Tim was jacking off and watching in a chair somewhere in the room where he was usually forgotten by his wife and son as they played out their nasty fantasies, the perverted spectacle became ever transgressive. How could you describe the action of a mother on hands and knees, and naked on her marital bed, moving her body back and forth as fast as she could to fuck her own butt hole on her very own son’s stationary, outstretched tongue? It was beyond merely the obscenity of a woman craving an ass rimming by working her own rump back and forth into a man’s face. It was also beyond the depravity of a mother having her shitter eaten out by her own son. It was a combination of both which is more than the sum of its parts. A mother, who craves to feel of her very own son’s tongue tunneling into her ass pucker so much that she moans as she moves her own ass into her son’s steady face just so she can get to feel that pointed tongue spearing into her wanting backdoor. A mother doing all the work to get her son’s tongue inside her bowels.

“Oh God, oh God…” Jennifer whined as she bumped her ass into her son’s face. Her plump butt cheeks loudly slapped into Mark’s cheeks and his spit laden tongue drilled into her tight ass tunnel as Jennifer forced her odorous crack against his mouth.

“Keep your tongue out, baby. Keep it out far so I can fuck my butt with it. I wanna feel your tongue inside my shit-box so deeply I can’t stand it. Can you feel my asshole squeeze your tongue, honey? Can you feel mommy’s ass envelop and squeeze around your tongue?”

Mark, having more than he could take, wrapped his arms around his mother’s thighs, pulled her ass as tightly into his face as he could, and used all the power his wet tongue could muster up to drill itself as deeply into his mother’s anal caverns as it would go. Jennifer humped and rotated her butt against her son’s face, and alternately squeezed and relaxed her sphincter muscles around his forcefully invading tongue. Muffled slurping sounds emanated from between Mark’s mouth and his mother’s invaded, sucking shit hole.

Mark’s tongue came from the gaping, slowly closing asshole with a slights plop and he told his mother to keep her ass stretched open, after which the 19 year old son spat a fat glob of warm spit onto his mother’s twitching anus.

With a lustful grimace on her face, Jennifer tightly grabbed a soft butt globe in each hand and stretched her crack and asshole wide open, waiting for what was to come.

And she knew what was to come when she when her son’s mushroom shaped cock knob pressing against the wrinkled rim of her asshole.

“OH FUCK, YEAH…” Jennifer screamed partially into her pillow, waiting for her son to invade her asshole with his fat cock. 

I get the aunt of my choice- part 2

sugaray on Incest Stories

If you have read the original story, then you know that I finally got to fuck my Aunt Joyce.  She had not had sex of any kind in several years, so when we did the deed, it was like a new experience for her.  She was so into  our fucking that she didn't want to stop, she wanted more sex.  After we had orgasmed together, Joyce proceeded to go down to my slick cock and lick all the remaining cum from it.  Just as she was sucking my cock dry, we heard a noise at the doorway- it was my Mom.

I thought, "The shit is going to hit the fan now", but all Mom could do was to look at us and the fact that Joyce had my cock in her mouth sucking away on it.  I think that she was mesmerized by the sight b

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efore her, especially the sight of my still hard  and long dick.

Joyce first spoke up, "Virginia (my Mom) I can explain everything."

Mom still said nothing as she continued eying my large fat cock and the sperm coming out of my Aunt's pussy.  I kept waiting for Mom to hit the ceiling, but all she could do was to lick her lips as she continued  staring at us.

"Virginia, won't you say something?" Aunt Joyce spoke up.

"Finally, Mom began to move, slowly at first, toward the bed where my aunt and I had just fucked.  As she kept coming closer and closer, I said to Mom, "what are you going to do, Mom?  Say something to us."  When she reached the bed, she pushed my Aunt out of the way and reached down and grabbed my pulsing cock.  I was stunned by this reaction from my Mom.  She had never given off any signs that she had a desire for my thick member, but that must have been the case, because just after grabbing my dick, she began stroking it up and down, slow at first, but then faster and faster.  I was about ready to shoot off, and Mom could tell, so, she wrapped her mouth around it and began to suck it with powerful sucks- up and down, up and down.  Just then, I lost control of my body as streams of cum shot out of my cock and Mom made sure that each stream and every drop went down her throat- she didn't want to miss a drop.

As I recovered, I began to take control of my body and I asked Mom, "Mom!!!!  I never knew that you had any desire for me?"  

"Mom spoke up and replied, "Son, I have never been unfaithful to your father, and I'm not going to start now, but I do know that I can pleasure you with my mouth and that will not be considered as cheating."

"I have seen many men that were very desirable to me, but I have never given in to that temptation; because I know that if I did give in, it would lead to  intercourse and that definitely would be cheating.  But son, I have seen you grow up and what a virile man you have turned into, and what a large cock you have hanging between your legs.  Yes, I have looked at you with lust in my heart, but I know that what just happened is as far as it can ever go."

I was stunned over what had just happened- my Mom had just sucked me off to orgasm- and god, it felt so good.  I began to wonder how my Mom would be in bed.  If I can only come up with a good plan to get her in bed with me, then I will have her.

My Aunt spoke up, "Well Virginia, your son has made me feel like a whole woman now, and I don't want to give this feeling up- I never knew how good sex could be, but I"ve been shown by my Nephew how a woman needs to be pleased."

Aunt Joyce got up from the bed and went into the bathroom for a shower, and Mom went back downstairs to start on Dinner.

When Aunt Joyce came out of the bathroom and came into the bedroom, she was naked.  Her large breasts were swinging in front of her and her big  ass was swaying side to side with each step.

"Come to your baby", I said to Aunt Joyce.  "I want to fuck that big pussy of yours and suck on those big tits.'

"I need to get downstairs and help your Mom with dinner", Aunt Joyce replied.

"That can wait; I want to fuck you again", I responded.  "Get that fat pussy over here and slide it down my big cock,"

Joyce knew that I would not let her go until she gave me what I wanted.  I then pulled her on top of me as I began to lick and suck on her large tits.  As she laid on top of me, I could feel the wetness between her large legs, and I proceeded to place two of my fingers inside her soaked cunt.  With each movement of my fingers, she began to wail out loud- "OOOHHH MMMMYYY GGOODDD, you're going to make me cum again!!!!"  Next, I grabbed her rounded and large butt and placed her body on top of me so that her gaping pussy was placed directly on top of my waiting cock.  As she began to slide down on me, I would lunge my body up to meet her in order that my cock would go in as far as possible- all the way to her cervix.

Her body began to shake  as if she were having a seizure, but I knew that she was in the throws of a massive orgasm.  "OOHHH FFUUCCKKK!!!  Pound my big fat pussy with your massive cock.  I want it to go up inside me as far as it will go."

We were making so much noise, that the neighbors could probably hear us- and I know that Mom could hear us.  We were screaming like wild dogs as we fucked each other silly.

When we finished, Aunt Joyce went back and took another shower, as she pointed at me and said, "We are not going to fuck again until we have dinner",as she had a big smile on her face.

The three of us sat down to dinner and we hardly spoke- it was a little uneasy.  When we finally finished, Joyce grabbed me by the arm and pulled me upstairs to her bedroom.  Mom was watching us the entire time- with a sour look on her face.

As we entered the bedroom, we started slinging our clothes off so we could get on with the night's planned activities.  When we got onto the queen size bed, I moved my body on top of hers and breathed in her sweet odor.  I proceeded to kiss and lick every inch of her body- from the tip of her nose to the  edge of her toes.  This was driving her into a frenzy, and her body began to tremble and she started screaming, "STOP IT!!!  I want you to fuck me.  NOW!!!  I want to feel your hard cock in side of me; I want to feel your hot sperm shoot into my wet cunt."

Our fucking episodes continued for some time, but after a week, something unexpected happened.  I was fucking her doggie style and was pumping away with all my might, when out of the corner of my eyes I saw a figure slinking behind the bedroom door.  I pretended not to notice, but as my vision got used to the darkness, I was able to tell who that person was- it was my Mom!

I continued fucking my Aunt from behind; however, from timr to time, I would pull my dick all the way out of my Aunt's pussy so that my Mom could get a good look at my big boy.

I think that it was just too much for my Mom to handle- considering that she had been hearing me and my Aunt fucking at different times of the day and night; and I'm sure that she got tired of us yelling and screaming in the bedroom.  Her sister (Joyce) was getting all the fucking that she wanted from me while Mom   was getting no sex at all, except for her giving me a blow job once in a while.

I could tell that Mom was rubbing herself as she watched us fucking.  After about 30 minutes, I shot my load of sperm inide of my Aunt as she screamed with her body shaking.

Joyce   got up and said she was going to use the shower downstairs because it was bigger and she could take her time.  As Joyce exited the bedroom, my Mom went to the doorway and stared at me, as I laid there totally naked.

'I began to get horny again as I remembered how good it felt when my Mom gave me a blow job, but I wanted more and now was the time to strike.

"Come in, Mom.  You see anything you like? 

Mom just turned around and started to leave when I said to her, "You know you dream about having this big cock inside you; and here it is.  All you have to do is come and get it."

"You know I can't do that- I am not going to cheat on your father; plus it would be incest.  I know that you and Joyce are committing incest, but that is up to you and her."

"I know you want it.  You have already tasted it and you know that it would feel so good as it slid into your pussy."

I could tell that I was having an effect on my Mom, by the way that her body trembled.

'I tell you what I will do.  Take off all your clothes and get in bed with me.  All I will do is place my cock at your pussy entrance.  I won't move it.  I will just lay there and you can get up at anytime you would like.  This will not be intercourse if I don't push him inside of you."

"I don't know- you might be tempted to push him in and I would never forgive myself."

"I promise I will not move."

"Well, just for 30 seconds, just so I can feel the tip of your cock- that's all I need."

Mom took off her clothes and got in bed with me.  I immediately began kissing her and enveloping her tongue with mine.  While I was kissing her, my hands were squeezing and massaging her tits.  I pulled her on top of me with the entrance to her cunt directly over my  steely hard cock.  I told her that in this position, everything would be up to her- she would be the one moving if at all.

As her cunt met the tip of my cock, the effect on her was beginning to get out of hand.  I could feel her juices running out of her cunt down onto my wet cock.  I continued to feel her up and to rub my hands all over her body.  It wasn't long before I could feel her pussy begin to slowly slip down onto my dick.  As this was happening, she began to groan and moan about what a feeling this was, but she didn't want to cheat on Dad. 

But her cunt began slipping more and more until    about half of my cock was inside her, and she began screaming- "OOHHH MMMYY GGOODD!!!OOOHHH BBBAABBYYY, I need you to fuck me.  I want to feel you inside of me.  I want you all the way in".  With those words, Mom slid her big ass all the way down on me and began pumping up and down on me.

As the orgasm took control of her body, she let out a scream that can't be described. 

When her orgasm stopped, she turned to me and said, "I can't believe that sex could be like that.  Son, from now on, you can have me anytime that you want me."

"Me too", Aunt Joyce popped up.

Needless to say, the three of us have fucked so many times that they can't be counted.

I wanted to fuck my Aunt and I got to.  I wanted to fuck my Mom and I got to.

What's next? Let me see...... 


A Hot Spring Day

FilthyDirtyOne on Incest Stories

A Hot Spring Day by FilthyDirtyOne

Chapter 1 – A Steamy April Shower

To a 15 year old boy, today was one of the best days of the year. The air had smelled crisper when he awoke this morning, practically leaping out of bed. The boy's name was Steve and today was the last day of school. Since it was the last day, they had only half of a day and he would be free by lunchtime. He passed the day at school talking excitedly with friends about their plans for the summer, where they were going, who they wanted to fuck, etc. Steve was still a virgin, as were most of his friends and he desperately hoped to change that this summer. Before he knew it the final bell had rang and the school emptied its students to awaiting buses and cars.

Steve's mother was waiting in front of th
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e school in her new SUV her husband had bought her. She had always driven a piece of crap, and since her husband was making a lot more money she begged him for a new vehicle. He surprised her the previous year with a black Yukon, fully loaded and included tinted windows. She was thrilled with her gift, and repaid her husband well that night for his thoughtfulness. They were the perfect family, wife Mary just turned 37, and husband Bob was 40. Steve was their only child, the family struggled financially at first but after a series of promotions Bob was making a comfortable living.

“Hi Mom”, Steve said as he stepped into the idling truck. Steve looked over his mother, who he recently started fantasizing about. She was still young, and in excellent shape from working out several times a week. It made him smile seeing such a tiny woman behind the wheel of this large vehicle, as she was only 5'3. Mary was wearing a part of short, white spandex shorts, and a tight blue halter top which squeezed her breasts. Her long dirty blond hair was pulled back in a pony tail, and if she didn't look closely you might mistake her as a teenage girl.

“Hi sweety, how was your last day?”, his mother asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.

“Great Mom, I'm so glad to be done.”

“I packed some lunch and I figured we would go over to the park for a little since it's so nice outside”, Mary said.

“Sounds great to me, anywhere but school”, Steve said enthusiastically.

They arrived a few minutes later at a state park near their house. The park was large and both Mary and her son were quite familiar with it. She drove directly to their favorite spot, a very secluded area of the park down a road that you would miss if you didn't know it was there. Very rarely did they see any people there, aside from the occasional hiker. She parked next to the small pavilion that lay in the center of a clearing in the middle of the dense forest. They quickly ate their lunch, and after cleaning up Mary laid out on a towel she had brought with them. As Mary read a romance novel, Steve went on a hike through the woods enjoying the beautiful spring day. Steve took a short path that circled around and brought him back to the clearing. On his return to the pavilion he was surprised to see two men ahead of him on the same path, they looked to be around 20 – 25. The two men didn't notice Steve as they were talking to each other. Steve heard them discussing a sexy woman they had just seen laying out, and all the dirty things they wanted to do to her. After hearing their description of the woman he realized that they were talking about his mother. The men finally spotted Steve and halted their sexual banter, and all three were silent as they passed one another. Steve noticed the men where kind of scruffy and shady looking, but he paid little attention to them at the time and continued down the trail.

When Steve got back to the clearing, he couldn't help but notice how hot his mom looked. She was laying flat on her belly reading a book. As he approached her from the front he could see down her shirt, and the sight of her perfect cleavage and the top of her breasts made him immediately hard. He could see no tan lines so he assumed that she tanned in the nude. He could see the outline of a thong through her tight spandex shorts which clung to her tight ass.

“You ready to leave honey?”, my mother said as she sat up cross-legged, stretching the already tight material of her shorts.

“Sure mom”, Steve said as he helped his mother gather her things and pack them in the car. They drove home making small talk about his plans for the summer. That night was like any other in their household. Mary made dinner for the three of them which they ate while talking. They all got along well and conversation flowed easily. Bob was leaving early the next morning on business, so as Steve went to bed he bid his son farewell. That night as Steve lay in bed he heard the springs of his parents mattress creaking fast and loud. It turned him on and made him jealous at the same time to think of his father pounding away at his mother's pussy.

The next morning Steve woke up early while his mother was still at the airport with his father. He went into his parent bedroom, and then into their private bathroom. On the floor he found a red silky bra and a tiny red silk thong (probably the one she had been wearing at the park). His dick got hard as he imagined his mother in her thong, and rubbing her pussy through the scant material. He brought the panties to his nose and smelled the scent of cum (which he knew from jerking off) and the soon to be identified scent of pussy. The front of the panties were crusted with his fathers semen from the previous night. Steve returned to his room and jerked off thinking of his mother and her Victoria's Secret panties. He cleaned up after he was finished and went back to sleep. Several hours later he was awakened by his mother knocking on his door.

“Time to wake up sleepyhead, its almost 11:00. I made you some breakfast.”, his mother said at his door.

“OK, I'll be right down mom”, he sleepily said.

After eating the pancakes his mother made for him, they both decided to exercise. They had just gotten digital cable so they had several workout programs to chose from on-demand. They selected a yoga type workout that incorporated a lot of stretching and some aerobic activity. They went off to their separate rooms to change into workout clothing. When Steve returned to the living room he noticed his mother was wearing tight spandex pants that came down just below her knee. Somehow these pants seemed even tighter than her spandex shorts of the previous day. She had on a tight white sports bra which held her large tits in place.

The workout started with very basic stretching and it felt great to both of them. Steve would occasionally steal glances at his beautiful mother, bending over in her impossibly tight outfit. He could tell that she wasn't wearing any panties today, and he could see the outline of her perfect ass. After the program was over, his mother turned off the TV and lay down on the floor.

“Help me stretch my legs honey, lay down on my leg for me.”

My mother raised one of her legs in the air and had me press it towards her head against her body. She breathed in and out heavily as she got deeper into the stretch, and Steve's chest was now close to his mother's. His crotch was now pressed against the tight fabric of her pants. Steve was worried his mother might feel his cock getting harder. She then switched legs and his crotch was once again pressed against his mothers. This time he applied more pressure, and slowly moved his now rigid dick against her spandex covered pussy. Mary inhaled deeply as she felt his cock press against her, and she couldn't help the fact that it felt good. As she exhaled she softly moaned as her son continued to apply pressure to her crotch. Mary knew she had to stop this or she was going to get wet, and from her own son. She told him to get up and they ended their workout, Mary headed off to her room to shower and cool down.

Steve was so horny right now, his mind started scheming. He had heard his mothers soft moan and knew she had felt his dick. He followed silently behind her, watching as she entered her bedroom and then their private bathroom. She only partially closed the door to her bathroom so the steam from her shower could escape. Steve crept into their bedroom and had a perfect view of his mother through the slightly open bathroom door. First he watched her peel off the tight sports bra, revealing her large tits, which were tanned like the rest of her body. Even though her breasts were large, they were still quite firm looking. His mother, oblivions to his presence leaned over the sink and began washing her face. He could see the cheeks of her ass through her tight, white spandex pants. His mother finished washing her face and walked over to the shower, which was directly in Steve's line of sight. She turned on the shower, which had a clear glass sliding door. Mary then pulled down her spandex pants, revealing her perfectly shaped ass to her horny teenage son. In the brief moment she stood outside the shower naked, Steve marveled at her amazing body. She was a tiny woman without any extra fat, slightly tanned, and glistening with sweat.

Mary was now satisfied that the shower would be warm enough, but just enough to take the chill away. When she stepped in the shower, Steve saw her visibly shudder from the coldness of the water. He watched as she lathered up her body, when she bent over to soap up her legs she gave him a great view of her ass and pussy lips from behind. He slowly rubbed his cock as she soaped up her tits and pussy. He decided no matter what he must touch her now, the whole scene was just too enticing after rubbing his large cock against her while they exercised. Steve had made up his mind to fuck his mother, he was so horny he felt as if he were under a spell that drew him to her.

Steve shed his clothes and entered the bathroom silently while his mother's back was turned towards him. She didn't hear him slide open the shower door because of the noise of the water. He entered the shower and touched her backing, making her jump and drop the soap on the floor of the shower.

“What the hell are you doing Steve?”, his mother demanded.

“My shower is broken and I needed to shower after that workout.”

“I don't want you seeing me like this, I'm your mother”, she pleaded with him.

“I'm sorry mom, please don't be mad at me. I just couldn't take sitting around all sweaty like that in the heat”, he knew it sounded like a stupid excuse.

“Well just move out of the way so I can grab the soap”, she said as she bent over in front of him. This was the closest he had seen a naked woman, and there was no way possible he could hide his erection from her.

“Here let me was your hair for you mom, I remember doing that when I was a little boy and we took showers at the gym. You would kneel down so I could wash your hair for you.”

“Well OK, I guess it was sweet when you did it when you were younger.”

Since I had gotten in the shower my mother had remained facing away from me, with her hands covering her breasts. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and squeezed a little dab on my hand, which I began working into her scalp. As he rubbed the shampoo into her hair, he massaged her head and temples. As he shampooed her head he moved closer behind her, the head of his cock rubbing against the crack of her ass. Mary felt so guilty for enjoying the feeling, and she knew she shouldn't be in the shower naked with the teenage son. She was able to justify it by saying it was just a harmless shower, and besides they were family. She resisted the urge to moan during his shampooing, and kept both hands over each of her breasts. She could feel his cock brushing against her ass, but she tried not to pay attention to it.

He told her to turn around and wash it out so he could use the conditioner. She did as she was told, forgetting about covering her breasts she removed her hands and started rinsing out her hair. Her large naked breasts were less than a foot away from him, her nipples rock hard from the coldness of the water. Steve reached out and began to gently massage her nipple.

“Stop it, I'm your mother. Your going to condition my hair and then I am getting out, no more touching”, Mary chastised him.

“OK mom, sorry about that”

She turned back around and put her hands over her breasts again. He repeated the same process of lathering and massaging with the conditioner. She quickly rinsed out her hair, and stepped out of the shower. Mary grabbed a towel to wrap around her body, but it only just covered her tits and the top of her ass. Steve watched his mother try to conceal her body as she walked into her room. Steve shut off the shower, got out and dried off quickly. He walked into his parents room where his mother had just picked out a pair of panties and matching bra to change into. When Mary saw Steve walk in the room she tried futilely to hide her lacy purple underwear from him. She started going through her dresser looking for a pair of pants. Steve walked up behind his mother and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle, but firm embrace.

“I love you mom”, he said as he hugged her towel-clad still wet body.

“I love you too, sweetie”, Mary said caught off-guard by her son's expression of emotion. She then felt his hands moving up towards her breasts, kneading at the skin beneath the towel. His hands groped at her tits, gently rubbing her still hard nipples.

“Steve, what the hell has gotten into you today? Stop right now or I'm calling your father” she snapped at him. She struggled to free herself from her sons grip but he was much bigger than her. He didn't hold her tightly, just firmly enough so she couldn't get free. He struggling actually pushed her tits harder into her sons horny hands. Once again she could feel her son's hard cock pressing into her ass crack. He wrapped one arm around her and with the other hand he picked up the sexy purple panties she had picked out.

“I'm sure these look amazing on you mom. You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen.”, said Steve while rubbing her panties across her cleavage, enjoying the feel of the silky material against his skin. He then tried rubbing the panties lower, towards her nipples. As he pushed down the towel her mind raced as she tried to hold it up. He was able to overpower her and work the towel down so one of her hard nipples was exposed. He rubbed and pinched her nipples through the pair of lacy purple panties in his hand.

“Please stop, you can't do this to me. I'm your mother, please Steve”, his mother pleaded with him.

“I can't help myself mom, you are too good looking to resist. I love you so much, and I want you to be my first.”

“Nooo, please no.” said Mary with tears in her eyes.

Steve disregarded her protests as he dropped the panties back onto the dresser. He then grabbed each of her arms, turned her around and pushed her onto the bed. Mary tried desperately to keep the towel covering as much of herself as possible as she fell back onto the bed. Steve got on top of her and pinned her arms and legs down. As he climbed onto her he let his towel fall off to reveal his completely naked body and erect cock. His mother struggled with him, but she was no match for his size and strength. Steve was able to move the towel to the side, exposing both of her tits and a small part of her pussy. While still holding her hands down and straddling her, he begin sucking on her erect nipples. Mary kept trying to push him off but it was useless. His hands roamed all over her body, squeezing and pinching as they went along. She could feel her son's large erection pressed against her belly. It scared her to think what he was going to do to her, he wasn't going to actually fuck his mother was he?

“Please don't do this baby, this is incest. Your father will kill us both.”, she sobbed, pleading her son to stop molesting her naked body. Steve then tried kissing his mother on the lips, but she held them shut tight. He licked hear ears and down her neck, then to her nipples and back again. She then felt him slide down her body as she sobbed “No,no,no, please no”. Steve grabbed his hard cock and began rubbing it up and down her cunt, which was cleanly shaved. As he felt the wetness of her pussy he smiled, she may not be into it yet but her body seemed to be. He rubbed his cock against her clit, being lubricated by her own pussy juices. He could hear her breath quicken as he increased the speed of his dick against her. She was so wet he heard a soft slurping sound as his dick ran across her pussy.

His mother continued her protest in vain, and her pleas were growing weaker and weaker. The motion of his throbbing cock against her pussy was getting her worked up, the head of his dick was wet with her juices. Steve slowly inserted his cock into his mothers wet pussy, despite her crying and begging for him to stop. At first he only stuck the head of his cock in, and then pulled it back out. He repeated this motion rhythmically, her pussy was so warm and moist. Steve then slid the entire 8” of his cock inside his mother, and now instead of a “no” she let out a soft moan. He sat for a few seconds with his cock buried up to his balls inside his mother. He couldn't believe how tight her pussy was, it felt like it was pulsing and squeezing his cock. Steve leaned forward and started sucking on his mother's ear and neck. Then he went back to her mouth, at first softly kissing her lips. He slowly rocked his cock in and out of her wet cunt. Steve then tried sticking his tongue into his mother's mouth, this time she just let out a sigh and opened her mouth. Their tongues met in a passionate and forbidden kiss between son and mother. The passionate kiss lasted for several minutes while they explored each other's mouths. His mother was now breathing rapidly, and occasionally little moans or squeals would escape her mouth muffled by their kiss.

Mary couldn't believe what was going on. She was getting raped by her son in her own home, in her very own bed. The worst part was she knew she was enjoying it. The kiss with Steven had been hotter than any her and her husband had shared for years. She knew her pussy was soaking wet, and that probably only encouraged her son. He was now fucking her quickly and roughly, with an enthusiasm her husband never had. He could hear his balls slapping against his mothers ass as he thrust into her rapidly. Mary was about to cum, and she started bucking her hips up to meet the thrust of her son.

“Oh God Steve, I'm going to cum. Keep fucking mommy, I want to cum on your dick” his mother yelled in between moans.

“Your pussy is so tight mom, I want to feel you cum all over my cock”, he shouted back as he was impaling his sexy mother repeatedly. Suddenly she grabbed tightly onto him, and her pussy locked around his dick in a series of spasms. She started screaming and bucking her hips wildly. Steve felt the rush of liquid fill his mothers cunt, it was warm and had the consistency of water. Mary's orgasm lasted for almost a minute, the entire time her pussy gushed her sweet cum. Steve kept pumping away at her and was amazed at the amount of liquid coming out of her. He looked down and saw that the sheet beneath her was soaked with her fluid. Mary started relaxing as the climax subsided, and started to lick her son's ear. While Steve continued fucking her, he could hear the liquid sloshing around inside her pussy and it became very noisy. Steve felt his balls tighten as he fucked his mother's tight, drenched pussy. He pounded her furiously, her cum oozing out of her slit and onto the bed.

“Pull out before you cum, baby. I'm not on the pill.”, Mary told her son.

But Steve seemed not to hear her at all and just kept fucking her sloppy, wet pussy. He then let out a load groan as he shot wad after wad of his semen deep into his mothers pussy. He kept thrusting in and out of her, and on each forward thrust he came more inside of her.

“Steve if you get me pregnant, your dead. I can't believe you just did that.”, his mother screamed at him as she pushed him off of her. She quickly ran to the bathroom and he watched her use toilet paper to try and get the globs of his cum out of her cunt. Steve left the room and went to his bed and took a well deserved nap.

Chapter 2 – Dirty Dinner

After that steamy shower that April afternoon Steve and his mother didn't discuss it at all. The week before his father came back was pretty normal, but the conversation between mother and son was somewhat strained. The two of them talked, but kept it to small talk and didn't joke with each other which was unusual. They both felt a little awkward around each other, but both new the secret must remain hidden.

Bob returned home from his business trip on a Friday evening. Both Steve and Mary hopped into the SUV and met him at the airport. Then they went to a local Italian restaurant, which was his father's favorite. The had gotten a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, which was only dimly lit by candles on each of the tables. Steve and his mother sat on one side of the booth as was normal because his father was a bigger guy.

“You look amazing tonight hun”, Bob said as he sat down across the table from the two of us. I had to agree with my dad, my mom looked pretty amazing. She had on black high heels, a short black skirt, and a tight white halter top that showed off her tits. We ordered our food and ate, which we all agreed was excellent. Steve's father got up to use the restroom after the waiter collected our plates and returned with our change. When Bob said he was going to the bathroom two things were known: he would be gone for at least ten minutes and you should avoid going in there after him at all cost. When his father left Steve decided this was the perfect opportunity to touch his mother again, she couldn't raise too much of a fuss with his father only a room away. The place was perfect setting, the candles barely lit up the large room, especially the back corner they were in. There were also long table clothes that fell down over your lap, which were excellent to obscure his dirty actions. As they waited for Bob to return they sat in silence, each occasionally sipping their drink.

Steve put his plan into action by putting his hands on his lap underneath the table cloth. His mother took no notice to this but she did look up with wide eyes when he places a hand on her thigh.

“What are you doing, your father is going to kill you when he comes back to the table” his mother warned him. He knew her warning was fake because if she told him they both would be in trouble. Steve slipped his hand lower and put slid it up her short black skirt. Her legs were so warm and soft due to the lotion she rubbed on after her showers. Steve could see sheer terror in his mother's eyes as she wondered what he was going to do. He caressed her thigh up towards her panties which felt soft and lacy, but very tiny. He started rubbing her pussy through the thin material of the panties. She tried to slide away from him but she was on the inside of the booth and had no where to go.

Steve shifted his mother's panties aside and found her clit. He was pleased to find that her pussy was already a little wet. He inserted one finger into her and she let out a soft gasp. He started fingering her pussy as everyone in the restaurant went about their business oblivious to the incestuous affair occurring in the dark corner. Steve now inserted two fingers and he saw his mother's eyes close as she released a low moan. He began vigorously finger fucking his mother in a crowded restaurant with his father in the bathroom, the whole thing made him hard as a rock. Steve heard his mother cooing under hear breath as her pussy reacted to his fingering. This continued for several minutes until his father returned. Steve did not remove his fingers as his mother thought he would, instead he increased the speed of his finger fucking. He was feeling his mother's wet pussy right across the table from his father. As they got up to leave the table Steve reluctantly removed his fingers from her pussy. They drove home and Steve jerked off once again thinking about his mother's hot pussy.

Chapter 3 – A Quiet Day at the Beach

A couple of days after the restaurant incident Steve and his mother decided to take a trip to the beach. They drove to a small public beach that was about half an hour away. When they arrived they setup blankets and the both of them laid out in the sun. Mary was absorbed in the book she was reading and Steve had a chance to stare at her body. She looked perfect in the sun wearing her small red thong bikini. Laying on her stomach with her elbows propped up and reading her book, giving Steve an excellent view of his mother's ass. They sun bathed for a couple hours and then packed up their stuff and returned to the car. On the way back to the car Steve walked behind his mother and admired the way her ass looked in her thong when she walked.

They got into her SUV and at the moment the doors were closed Steve decided this was the perfect place to fuck his mother again. The parking lot had several cars, and there was people coming and going but the dark tint of the window should provide enough privacy.

Steve leaned over and started playing with his mother's tits through the silky fabric of the bikini. He felt her nipples harden almost immediately. This time she gave him no resistance as he knelt next to her, moved her bikini top to the side and started licking her nipples. Mary softly moaned as she gave in to her son's lust. He completely removed her top, exposing her luscious breasts. He alternated between the two nipples, sucking hard on them both. His mother moaned and writhed as his hands searched the soft flesh of her body.

Mary's son grabbed her bikini thong and she lifted her hips up so he could pull them off. Mary now sat in her Yukon completely naked next to her teenage son who was now stripping also. Mary moved to the bench seat behind the front seats and spread her legs willingly for her son. Steve was pleased how quickly his mother turned into a little slut for him.

“Come fuck me Steve, I need your cock in me” his mother moaned to him. Steve quickly stripped off his bathing suit and joined his mother on the middle seat. They started kissing passionately while he massaged her breasts and she grabbed his dick. She began jerking her son off while he sucked on her erect nipples, causing her to sigh. Steve then moved on top of his mother and positioned his dick over her awaiting pussy. He quickly thrust into her, causing her to deeply inhale and moan at the same time. Steve was now fucking the shit out of his mother in the back of her SUV in a parking lot. They were both kissing, moaning, and grabbing each other in lust.

Steve felt his balls tighten again, this time he pulled out his cock. His mother immediately leaned forward and began hungrily sucking it, licking off her own sweet pussy juices.

“I want to taste your cum baby, fill up momma's mouth” his mother said in between gulps of his cock. Suddenly Steve's cock began erupting into his mother's mouth, almost instantly filling it with his hot spunk. She did a great job of swallowing as much of it as possible, but there was just too much too quickly, so some of it dribbled down her chin and onto her tits. His mother kept milking his cock for what felt like minutes while stream after stream of hot cum squirted into her mouth. After she was done she used her fingers to wipe up the cum on her chest and licked it off them.

“Thanks mom, that felt incredible”, Steve said as he leaned down and kissed his mother again. The two of them road home silently listening to the radio, both exhausted from their public fuck. Mary couldn't believe she had just fucked her son for the second time, and this time she almost wanted it.

Chapter 4 – A Picnic That Left Everyone Full

It was another perfect spring day when Mary woke up, she decided while still in bed to go the park with her son. She had wanted to get some reading done and Steve always enjoyed hiking through the large park. At breakfast the two of them discussed the trip to the park, which Steve was enthusiastic about. Mary cleaned up after breakfast and packed a light picnic for them. An hour later they arrived at the park ready to enjoy the day. His mother laid out reading his book on her towel as Steve took off down one of his usual paths. As he was walking he passed one of the twenty-something year olds he had seen a couple of weeks ago. This time he was alone, but it was definitely one of the guys talking about fucking his mother. They nodded to each other as they walked by each other on the path. Steve continued his walk for a little, but had an odd feeling about the guy. Something just seemed strange about him. He decided to walk back on another trail that would bring him to the same clearing and pavilion area where his mother was.

When he got close to the clearing he ducked behind some foliage and looked around. He saw the man he had just passed standing by the entrance to the other path. The man was looking at his mother laying on her towel and was oblivious to Steve. He saw the man rubbing his crotch as he watched his sexy mother. Today she was wearing tiny little blue denim shorts and a tight white shirt that revealed a thin strip of her belly. She lay on her belly as usual and gave both men a great view of her tits.

Steve watched as his mother got up and went into the bathroom next to the small pavilion. He then saw the other man leave the woods and walk swiftly towards the bathroom. When the man had entered the bathroom Steve ran towards it and stood on a trash can so he could see through the high windows. Steve had a perfect view of the entire bathroom. He saw his mother in one of the stalls with her denim shorts around her ankles, peeing. The man now silently locked the bathroom door behind him so no one else could enter. He then walked over the the second stall where my mother was. The locks in the door were old and barely worked so he just pushed the door of the stall open.

“What are you doing in here!” my mother screamed in terror at the intruder. The man said nothing to her as he lifted her off the toilet by both arms and set her on the back part of the toilet. She was still urinating so pee ran down her thighs and onto the toilet seat below her. The man laughed at this as he dropped his pants. My dick was hard as I watched my mother sitting on the back of a toilet, naked from the waist down with only a tiny shirt covering her tits, and piss running down her finely tanned legs.

The man approached his mother with this throbbing cock standing out in front of him. Holding back my mother's legs, he inserted his cock into her pussy. My mother began screaming “no” and “please don't” repeatedly. She struggled and pushed against the stranger but it was no use. He began violently fucking her as he pulled up her shirt and grabbed her tits roughly. Steve could hear the sound of his mother's ass hitting the back of the wall as the man plowed into her. She continued her screaming and struggling against this violent attack. The man kept fucking her as he mauled her tits and tried kissing her. The man suddenly grabbed tightly on to her ass as he came inside her pussy. The man grunted for several minutes and then withdrew his now limp dick from her. Steve watched as the man pulled up his pants and left the bathroom. Steve watched as his mother wiped up and pulled up her panties and shorts, wiping away tears from her eyes.

Steve walked back down the path he had came from and finished his hike. He returned to the pavilion and they ate their picnic lunch. Both said nothing about the incident in the bathroom, his mother not even knowing her son had watched the assault. The day at the park ended without any further incident.

Chapter 5 – Boys Night In

A couple of days after the bathroom incident Steve's father left town again on some business. Steve decided to take his fun with his mother to another level. He called up a friend of his named Mike and delicately explained the story of what had been going on with him and his mother. Steve was surprised to hear that Mike had also fucked his own mother on a trip to Washington. The two boys decided they would gang bang Steve's mother this night. The two boys decided to do it after dinner. The day passed slowly for Steve as he was anxious for the night to get started. He had told his mother that a friend was going to spend the night. Mary thought nothing of this and had no idea what her son had planned.

Mike arrived at six as planned, and Mary decided to order pizza for the three of them. After dinner the boys went into the living room to watch TV. After cleaning up the dishes, Mary went to her bedroom and showered. After her shower she rubbed her fruity smelling lotion all over her naked body. She rubbed it into her tits and nipples, down her soft thighs. Her fingers lingered around her pussy as she thought of the two time she had fucked her son. She figured none of that would be going on this evening as he had a friend over. It was probably a good thing too, she had been reconsidering the affair with her teenage son. She knew it was incest, and she felt so guilty for what they had done. Although she did enjoy it, they couldn't let it happen again. If Bob (husband) ever found out he would kill the both of them and probably divorce her, or worse. Mary decided just to avoid talking about it with her son, and if he tried anything again threaten to tell her husband.

Mary pulled on a pair of black thongs and a lacy Victoria's secret bra. Over top of that she put on her summer pajamas, which consisted of a small pair of red silk shorts and a silk red button up shirt. She combed her hair and admired her beautiful body in the mirror. She hadn't wanted to have sex with her husband before he left because the trauma of the bathroom rape was so fresh in her mind. She lied to her husband and said she had her period. She hadn't had sex for over a week and she was feeling a little horny. Her vibrator would be good company for her tonight, and she was determined to think only of her husband when using it. Mary walked downstairs and joined the boys on the couch. They were sitting on either end of the couch so she sat right in the middle of both of them.

Both boys watched greedily as Mary entered the living room and sat down. The shiny smoothness of her pajamas would make anyone want to touch her body. Both boys watched her cute ass as she sat down on the couch between them. It was dark in the room as the only light was the flicker of the television. Both boys were even more turned on by the sweet smell of the freshly cleaned woman beside them. While Mary was showering Steve had turned the air conditioning way down, and it was now a little chilly in the room. Both boys noticed her nipples harden through the silky material.

“Its kinda chilly in here” Mary said to her son while shivering. Steve agreed and got up and grabbed a blanket which he draped over the both of them. As Steve sat down he gently laid his hand in his mother's lap. Panic went through her mind, he wouldn't do anything with Mike here would he? Steve began massaging her thighs, and she pushed him off of her. He put his hand back on her and moved it further up her thigh. Mary was glad the blanket was giving them privacy, and Mike seemed to take no notice of what was going on. Steve moved his hand inside the loose leg of her pajama shorts, quickly finding her soft panties. He rubbed up and down the thin strip of black panties his mother wore. Steve then inserted one finger in her pussy and began slowly pushing it in and out of her. As he massaged her clit Mary stifled a moan. She tried once again to push his hand away, but he only put it right back. She didn't want struggle too much or Mike might look over. Steve intensified the finger fucking of his mother sitting on the couch in between him and his friend. He used his thumb to rub her clit, and Mary felt her legs unconsciously open wider. Mary couldn't help it but she was getting into this and a soft moan escaped her mouth.

Mary was so engrossed in the fingering she was receiving she didn't notice that Mike was watching her. Mike decided the time was right and reached over to caress his friend's mother's erect nipple and succulent breast.

“What the hell are you doing?” she yelled at Mike, looking back and forth between her son and his friend with a look of shock and disgust. With one hand she pushed Mike's hand off of her breast and with the other pushed her son away. Both boys put their hands back on her body and the blanket covering her legs fell to the ground. Mary yelled in terror as the two boys put their hands back where they had been. Mike was gently caressing her breast and nipple through the silky fabric of the nightgown. Steve's hand had moved aside her panties and shorts and was again playing with his mother's pussy. She looked down and with a shock saw that her silky black thong and part of her pussy was exposed clearly to both of the teenagers. Mike then began unbuttoning her thin pajama top, exposing her lacy black bra. She tried grabbing at the material of the shirt while trying to push Mike away, but it was useless. She couldn't defend herself against one horny male, let alone two. Her shirt was now completely unbuttoned revealing her luscious bra covered tits to both boys. Mike reached around behind her and unhooked her bra, it had no shoulder straps so it fell aside. Mike got down and began hungrily sucking on her nipple, alternating back and forth between the two of them while he rubbed each breast.

“Please boys, you have to stop this. I'm going to tell your father Steve and he will kill you when he gets home. And Mike, your mother and father won't be happy when they hear you tried to rape me” she yelled at the two boys. Mary's mind raced with the thought of what these two boys had planned. No matter how much she yelled or struggled both boys continued the violation of her body. Steve pulled down her the silky shorts and threw them on the floor, leaving her dressed only in a thin red pajama top which was wide open and a small pair of black thongs. Steve knelt down between his mother's legs and began licking her pussy, sucking her clit into his mouth and rubbing it lightly with his teeth. Between the tongue on her pussy and the one on her nipple Mary found herself getting excited. She was still horrified of the thought of these two boys ravaging her naked body. If anyone in the neighborhood found out her family would be ruined.

Mary continued to contest what the two boys were doing to her. She yelled at them, threatened them, pushed them away but nothing worked. What her son was doing to her pussy was making her legs weak and she felt unable to struggle any longer. Steve stopped licking her pussy long enough to pull her panties off, and Mary helped by lifting both legs in the air. She moaned when he resumed the licking of her cunt, and she pulled Mike's head closer into her breast as he sucked. Steve now had two fingers fucking in and out of her tight little pussy, which was totally shaved. He continued to use his tongue to rub and suck on his mother's swollen clit. His fingers slid easily in and out of her now that she was well lubricated. The boys switched positions now, and Mike begin eagerly lapping away at her wet pussy. Steve pulled the pajama top off, leaving her completely naked. Her son's hands squeezed her tits and rubbed her sensitive nipples. Steve and his mother locked in a passionate kiss, their tongues probing each other's mouths. As Mike licked her pussy he lubricated one of his fingers with her fluid and started rubbing it around her anus. Mary was surprised that she enjoyed the feeling of the outside of her ass being rubbed by his wet fingers. As Mike licked her pussy he slowly inserted his slick finger into her asshole, causing Mary to moan loudly in shock.

“Oh got that feels good Mike” Mary groaned as Mike pushed his finger farther into her asshole. He then slowly started finger fucking her asshole while eating her pussy. She had never had someone stick anything in her ass before and she was surprised she liked the sensation. Her husband had tried a couple of times but she quickly refused him. Mary scooted her ass down the couch a little and lifted her feet onto the couch, both spreading her pussy more and giving Mike better access to her asshole at the same time. Steve and his mother resumed their kiss, loudly sucking on each others mouths. Steve was so turned on watching his friend suck his mom's cunt and finger her ass, he pulled down his pants and stood up on the couch. Mary instantly grabbed her sons cock in her hand, gently stroking the shaft and working her way down to his balls. She delicately kissed the head of her sons cock, kissed it several times. Then she slowly began licking just the head, and opened her mouth and sucked it in. Using her hand she jerked him off and sucked and licked his head. She then took his large cock all the way in her mouth and started sucking him off like her life depended on it. Steve heard muffled sighs coming from his mother's mother as she sucked him off.

Mike stood up and removed his clothes, leaving all three completely naked. Mike then started rubbing his hard cock up and down her wet slit. Mike pushed his dick inside her pussy while Mary swallowed her sons cock, pausing only briefly to lick his balls. Mary furiously sucked her sons cock, almost gagging on it while Mike pounded away at her pussy.

“Your mom's pussy is so tight and wet Steve” Mike told his buddy while fucking his mom.

“Please don't cum inside he boys”, Mary said in between thrusts of her sons cock into her mouth.

“No problem mom”, Steve assured his mother, “Mike, I wast some of that pussy now”

Steve stood up and Mike slowly removed his dick from her sweet pussy. Mike sat down on the couch and Steve knelt between his legs. Steve had never done anything with another guy, but the site of his friends 8” cock glistening with his mom's cum made him horny. Steve took Mike's cock in his mouth and started to lick off his mothers sweet liquid. He then started blowing his friend while Mike and Mary made out. Steve took the cock out of his mouth and sat down next to his mother. Mary turned to her son and sat down on his dick, impaling herself on his long shaft. Steve took one of her tits and started sucking and biting her nipple. Mike was playing with his cock watching his friend fuck his mother, she was riding up and down on his cock fast. Sitting next to the fucking pair, Mike grabbed her ass and started kneading the tight flesh. He then licked his finger and stuck it into her ass again, causing her to gasp in pleasure. Mike knelt on the ground in between his friends legs. He starting licking Mary's asshole, darting his tongue in and out of her. Mary loved the feeling of his tongue in her while she fucked her son.

Mike stopped licking her ass and stood up, spit on his hand and lubricated his cock with it. He then rubbed it on Mary's anus, and slowly inserted his cock into her tight ass. Mary screamed loudly as he entered her from behind, and she sand down on her son's cock to get farther from the dick probing her ass.

“No, please don't fuck my asshole, your too big and its too tight” Mary yelled breathlessly. Mike didn't pay any attention to her and slowly fucked in and out of her butt, he reached around her and grabbed her tits roughly. Mary was moaning loudly, in a slight bit of pain as a cock stretched her virgin asshole. She couldn't believe her son's teenage friend was now fucking her asshole, a place she had even refused to let her husband fuck her. Up until a month ago she had never even cheated on her husband, now she was getting double teamed by her own son and his teenage friend. She was so turned on the pain in her ass was slowly turning into pleasure and she squeezed her nipples and moaned as she was fucked by two large cocks.

Both boys were groaning along with Mary, and Mike was the first to cum. Her ass was so tight it squeezed the cum out of his cock, filling her asshole with his sticky fluid. Mary moaned loudly as she felt the wonderful sensation of her ass being filled with hot cum. As Mike with drew his cock some of his cum dribbled down her ass. Mary was now frantically fucking her young son as she began to cum herself. As Mary's climax subsided Steve begin to shoot his load inside her.

“No Steve, not in my pussy, your gonna get me pregnant.” She yelled at him, but he ignored her and kept filling her with his spunk. After he finished Steve released his grip on his mother and she ran to the bathroom to wipe his cum out of her so she wouldn't get knocked up. The boys were exhausted and went to bed shortly after, dreaming of the wild night they had.

Mary sat in her bathroom and tried to get all of her son's cum out of her pussy. She couldn't get pregnant with his child. She began to cry as she thought of the events of the past month. First fucking her son, then getting raped by a stranger. She not only fucked her son once but several times. Tears flowed down her face as she thought of what a whore she was. She thought back in horror at how she had just fucked her son and his friend, and had been fucked up her ass also. Mary went to bed quietly sobbing from the thoughts of sin and guilt in her mind.

Chapter 6 – Mom's Revenge

The next morning Mary woke up late and had a quick breakfast. Steve was already up and mowing the lawn, Mike had gone home early that morning. Mary felt a little better than she did last night, although her ass was kind of sore. She was now kind of pissed that her son had brought a friend over and forced her to have sex with both of them. Mary decided it was time to take a little revenge on her son. She showered quickly and went out to the store to get some supplies for her plan. She picked up a set of handcuffs, a set of bra and panties that were larger than she would need, a short plaid skirt of the same size, a long blond wig, a dildo, and some KY jelly.

When Mary got home Steve was showering after mowing the lawn. She carried her stuff inside unnoticed and put them away for later. Her and her son at dinner as usual, making the normal small talk but nothing sexual. After the two of them finished the dishes Mary opened a bottle of wine. His mother was ordinarily strict about letting him have any alcohol, but tonight she poured each of them a glass. She filled Steve's twice as much as hers, she wanted him to be somewhat drunk for tonight. They sat on the sofa talking about movies and watching TV while they drank. In a little over an hour the bottle of wine was finished, the majority being consumed by Steve. Mary gave her son a devilish look and invited her son up to her bedroom. Steve readily followed her upstairs to her room. She was wearing her same red silk pajamas as last night, and as he walked behind her he marveled at her perfect ass.

They entered the room and Mary shut the light off and told her son to strip naked and lay down on the bed. Steve complied and was very excited about his mother taking charge. He felt pretty buzzed since he had little experience with alcohol, and this increased his lust for her. He heard his mother grabbing a plastic bag from one of her drawers, but due to the darkness couldn't see what she was doing. She came back over to the bed and before he knew it she had handcuffed his hands, and then raised them over his head and attached them to the bed post. His arms were now secured to the bedpost and he was a little curious what his mother was going to do. His now rubbed shaving cream over his chest, legs, and crotch. She slowly and meticulously shaved all the hair from his body. She made sure to get his ass and made it nice and smooth. She washed the cream off him with a washcloth.

She then took the clothes out of the bag. First she put the red lacy bra on him and clasped it behind his back. It was one of those bras with a very lifelike feeling padding in each breast, making it look like her son had a pair of nice breasts. She then pulled on the silky red panties she had bought for him. It was weird but Steve actually enjoyed the feel of the smooth material against his crotch. She then started licking his cock through the silk panties, running her tongue slowly up and down his shaft. It felt amazing to Steve, her warm tongue against the thin fabric. She then pulled the plaid skirt onto him, and it fit perfectly falling midway between his crotch and knees.

“I'm going to un-cuff you and take you out for a little bit, I want you to be treated like a slut, just like you treated me.” Mary sweetly said to him while freeing his arms. She helped him stand up and pulled the tight white shirt over his head. It was low cut and you could see the bra sticking out from under the shirt, as well as his fake but convincing cleavage. She then placed a pair of flip flops on her sons feet. She then secured the blond wig to his head and fixed the hair a little bit. She had to admit her son was kind of hot looking as a girl, and as she looked him up and down they kissed. His mother felt his fake tits, enjoying the feeling of soft flesh encased in a silk bra. He looked very convincing as a woman: his smoothly shaved body, nice tits, and sexy outfit completed the picture. Steve still had a baby face so he didn't appear very masculine, in fact his face was kind of pretty. He had skinny legs and they looked great freshly shaved.

The two of them left the house and got into her SUV. Steve asked where they were headed as they pulled away from the house, but Mary said it was a surprise. She was taking him to a local club / bar called Lucky's. It attracted some rough people sometimes but things there were usually pretty peaceful. People were too busy getting drunk, high, stoned, or fucking to start a fight at this particular bar. The booths had high walls giving people a small bit of privacy to do what they wanted. People would fuck on the dance floor, the booths, back hallways, and the bathrooms. The place had been around forever and one night when Mary was 22 she had went there. She ended up fucking a big black guy in one of the booths while his friends sat on the other side of the booth and watched.

When she and her son walked into the bar it wasn't crowded because it was a week night. There were a few guys sitting at the bar, several people dancing on the floor, and two couples occupying the booths. A couple of guys turned to look at the two women enter the bar, most of the ones that looked thought they were sisters. Mary led her son over to a sofa near the dance floor and both of them took a seat. They ordered drinks and a waitress returned with them shortly. No one questioned the age of Steve, assuming they were sisters separated by a few years, but both of them most certainly of legal age to drink.

Mother and son sat for awhile nursing their drinks and watching the dancers. About ten minutes after they received their drinks two attractive looking me approached them and asked if they would like to dance. The men were of average height and in good shape. Mary did all the speaking and said they would join them on the dance floor. The music playing was techno type dance music, and the two pairs danced closely. Each of the men were grinding their hips against Mary and her son. The man Mary was dancing with grabbed her ass, and sensing no resistance kept kneading it. The other man seeing this did the same to Steve, cupping his tight young ass in both hands. Mary watched the other man fondle her son in drag as the man she was dancing with did likewise. The man started licking Steve's neck and then kissed him on the lips, using his tongue to search the boys mouth. The couples danced close together, and to excite the two strangers Mary and her son kissed each other deeply. The men loved this because they thought they had found two bisexual girls. Mary leaned over to the man that was dancing with her son and handed him the small bottle of KY she had bought. “Melanie here likes it up the ass” she whispered into the mans ear, sticking her tongue in his ear as she did.

Steve was led to a back hallway by the strange man. There was a single stool in the empty and not well lit hallway that the man took him to. Steve and the man began making out, sucking each others ears and neck, and then back to a tight lip lock. The man reached under Steve's short skirt and begin rubbing his ass. The panties had a thong in the back and the man's hands caressed Steve's almost bare ass. The front of the panties were lacy and large enough to cover his cock, plus the man was pretty drunk and horny and wouldn't notice anything. The man grabbed at Steve's fake tits, and pinched the nipples through the tight top. Steve and the man were still kissing and fondling each other when the man turned Steve around and bent him over the stool that was left in this deserted hallway. Steve was still pretty tipsy so he allowed the man to position his body any way he liked.

The stranger lifted Steve's short plaid dress revealing the string of the thong running between his teenage ass cheeks. The man pulled his dick out and lubed it up with the KY that Mary had provided him. Steve was afraid of what was about to happen, this man was going to fuck his asshole. The buzz gave Steve the courage to stand there with his ass in the air facing this stranger's lubricated dick. The man pulled aside the the red thong string and started rubbing his lotion covered cock in Steve's ass crack. The drunk man slowly inserted his cock into Steve's incredibly tight asshole. The man continued to stretch his virgin asshole while Steve squirmed in his grasp. After awhile it started actually feeling good to Steve, and he started rocking back and forth on the man's cock. The man started fucking Steve faster, and then Steve felt the warm rush of cum into his asshole. A few minutes later the man withdrew his flaccid penis, causing cum to run down Steve's legs.

As Steve and the man walked back to the bar area he noticed his mother. She was on the dance floor, between two guys getting fucked right there. The man fucking her asshole was grabbing her exposed tits and the other man was kissing her passionately. Steve knew this was going to be a great night.

Thanks to all the people that emailed me or reviewed my story. Please keep the comments coming, I only write for you guys so if I don't here anything I dont write. Please email you suggestions and comments to

Crossing the Line

guyathotel on Incest Stories

I am a 41 year old mom of two, my oldest son is in High School and my youngest son is in grade school. I would say I am a typical mother in her 40's, not ugly, not a 10, not skinny, not fat, just average. I do have fairly large breasts that men seem to like, but they sag too much for my likes.

It is summer now and it seemed like it might be one of the last chances we have to get all the family together for a vacation. I think this year will be the last year we can get our oldest son to go on a “family” vacation with all of us.

So we rented a mobile recreational vehicle, tent, and camping gear and he

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aded out to the mountains.

At this point, nothing unusual has occurred. Normal pains of getting ready to go and driving out to the camping area. The first day was normal .. totally normal. When I think back now, nothing happened that would have set the stage for what happened next.

It only took about one night to get the sleeping arrangements down. Our youngest wanted to sleep in the tent and my husband slept in the tent with him. I was not going to sleep in the tent and my oldest wasn't into that much so he and I slept in the RV.

We were all sitting outside eating .. around the fire till late. My oldest son was the first to call it a night and went to the RV to bed. I didn't go back to the RV until about an hour or two later. As I was waking to the door, I was a little irritated trying to figure out how I was going to change into my night clothes.

The RV was dark, I had to turn on some sort of light to see anything. My oldest son is a deep sleeper so I wasn't too worried about that except for my need to change. Once I turned on the light I checked to see that he was where I thought he was, and he was. He sleeps in the the bed at the far end of the RV. My bed was near there, but off to the side. As I walked to the back to get my clothes, I watched him carefully to see if he was awake. No, he was asleep, on his back .. head turned away from me. This made me feel a lot better, I needed to change.

I undressed in a manner that showed the least, just in case he woke up. I was watching him as I dropped my pants .. then my undies. This was reasonably safe, my shirt was long enough to cover my butt. Now for the risky part, i had to unbutton my shirt and get my bra off then put my night shirt on.

I paused to listen to his breathing. He sounded asleep. Just when I was ready to do it, he moved his legs, I froze. I was still .. did he wake up? No .. he was still breathing the same. OMG ... that is when I saw it. He wasn't covered and his penis fell out of his shorts ... I could see it all ... even some of his balls. The first thought that went through my mind was “Damn, that does not look like a kids penis” , Was he hard?

At this point is was more like watching an accident ... i didn't want to look, but I had to. “No, he wasn't hard, he just had a man size soft cock ... pretty big .. and thick”

I found myself looking at his cock from time to time as I changed, but I managed to put it out of my mind. For about 5 seconds, and it felt like much longer, I was totally nude and my sons cock was 4 feet away. A wave of guilt hit me and I finished changing ... pushing that perversion out of my mind.

I turned off the light and headed my bed to get some sleep.

At some point during the night I had to pee really bad, so I got up and left the RV to take care of business. The moon was full and very bright. I had no need for the flash light as I made my way to the shower / restroom building.

After returning to the RV, I walked inside. The moon was beaming through the window, so I didn't need the light. As I walked over to my bed, I did the unthinkable .. I looked to see if his cock was still hanging out. OMG it was and it was rock hard. That was the biggest cock I have seen in real life. I bet I could put two hands on it, holding it like a baseball bat .. .and the head would still be showing. Damn, it would be just like the handle of a baseball bat. His cock was so hard and stiff it wanted to be standing up but the weight of it laid it on this stomach.

I put it out of my mind and got into bed, but I just tossed and turned. I knew what need to be done. I can masturbate very quietly .. and I didn't have a choice.

I could hear him sleeping as I pulled up my shirt some to start masturbating. I kept the covers on so I could play it off as sleeping if he woke up. I started thinking about some of the men I saw that day then just started to think about how good rubbing my pussy felt. I was getting closer and closer, damn, I need a cock right now. Thats when I crossed the line, I opened my eyes and looked right at his big cock. OMG .... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ..... boom .. the wave of pleasure hit me. I came the second I looked at that big fat cock. I closed my eyes and pretended that didn't happen.

Part II

My pussy was still throbbing .. I was hot. I tossed of the blanket not thinking about my pussy being in full view.

It really was an innocent idea at first. I really wanted to get the windows open to get some air flowing. I got up .. opened one near my bed but the other was near my sons bed. I started toward the bed and window and son ... damn .. that is when it got weird.

As I reached his bed ... I did look at that cock. It really was big. I tried to reach for the window at the foot of his bed, I could touch it but didn't have the leverage to open it. I knew I needed to put at least one knee on the bed to open it. When I did that .. the mattress pressed down and caused his lower body to lean my way, but he was still asleep. Now I am halfway on the bed .. knee and food .. turned sideways ... my ass pointing towards his face .... he rolled. He rolled towards me...... his massive semi-hard cock flopped right on the back of my ankle. Ughhhhh .. mmmm .. now what. I froze and waited .. my pussy throbbed again. Damn .. his cock was getting hard again. I used two fingers and gently lifted the head of his cock off my leg as I put my leg back on the ground.

The head of his cock was now .. right at the edge of the bed .. hanging over the edge about 1 inch by the time he got mostly hard. I was totally out of control. I started to rub my pussy as I watched it. He could have opened his eyes at any time. I was so close to cumming. I just had to do it .. I leaned my body into the bed ... spread my pussy lips and let them gently wrap the head of his massive cock. I held it there for about 5 seconds while rubbing my clit. ....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

I came so hard I pulled back away from the bed ... falling to the floor. The noise woke him. He noticed I was on the ground and asked me if I was OK. Just then he noticed his cock was out and put it away.

As I laid in bed after that .. “I'm sure he was awake”. “I think he saw my pussy as I was on the floor”. I acted like I was sleeping .. breathing heavy.

I thought it might happen, he rolled on his back and started masturbating. I watched everything and rubbed my clit as he did it. He made me cum for a third time when I saw that cum shoot out of his cock.

I don't know that I would ever make it happen but if he ever tries to fuck me .. I just couldn't turn him down.


itsonlyfun on Incest Stories

 Pt.1 Youthful crush? It just don't happen with my type.

We're middle aged with teen kids.

 I thought this to be a sexual fantasy of a middle aged bored housewife/mother till;

 "I seen it with my own eyes!" Quote from;My hubby


 We're just a mundane sort of household. Me and my old man, - not old really,we're in our late 30s - Two teenage sons that plague my life out when the old man's not about and an older daughter away from home. Our sexual life is just great for both of us we reckon. Me? well,I'm fa

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tter than I would like, - comfortably padded,my old man calls it and the boys see it as cuddly mum. My tits don't stand out like when I was in my teens, - Well what wives/mothers would! having had three kids and a husband hanging from them for twenty years! - but they still draw eyes especially when my nips are stiff,like when its cold. I dislike bra's and I suppose that helps their eyes,love 'em. Love handles? of course! Ass? ample! Ha! Ha! Thighs? something to be reckoned with if I catch you between them when on an orgasm. Hubby said, they'd crack walnuts! - A back handed compliment? maybe! My old man's just like most,but I love him. Mind he's a right goer with that dick of his. Our son's have made comments, "What do you do to that woman dad? Don't you two realise some of us need our sleep!" To which our joint comment is, "Wait till its you" meaning with their girls/wives.

 So lets get to the nitty-gritty of this tale. My lads mates follow them in as though they live here. Occasionally catching me off guard,you know with just a full slip and knickers,even a couple of times without knickers,but the full slip doesn't show through,just highlights my bodies contours. Mind the top breast part is sometimes a netty type of top. That do show a shadow of my oreoles. When our boys were younger little or no interest was paid to me,but as they started to mature,I got the feeling their more frequent visits with their mates were now not so much seeking food for ever hungry bellies. More like seeking belly to harden penis. Dirty little sods! At this time I wasn't sure whether my own boys were at it with their mates towards me,but being healthy teenagers,I got from the other mothers that they were when they in turn were around their mates respective homes.

 One said she had been caught in the altogether having just got out the bath while going to her bedroom with the towel rapidly drying her hair off. While being shocked how her own son had ogled her pussy as he climbed the stairs. She absolutely vapourized to find all his mates trailing up behind him with eyes glued to her privates then ass as she scurried past to her bedroom. All those men looking at me,god it was so embarrassing. I tore him off a strip later I can tell you. Then he really sat me back on my ass,cheeky little sod. Know what he said? "Why such a fuss mum, none of the other's mother's bat an eyelid if we see their bits" I can tell you,I made a swipe at him,but the little sod was to quick and shot out the door laughing.

 Having found we mothers all had,had similar things happen we just concluded it was a phase thing that lads go through and it would pass. I did also mention it to my husband though,when enquiring, "did you go through this phase?" "Sort of but times were different then" I didn't pursue it,but thought,Yeah but women's bodies weren't. So I got used to getting nearly caught,it almost became like a challenge to beat them. Then I had a mind change,what if I could shock them,that would scare the shits out of the little sods. - bad decision that! - Telling myself,there's no way a woman of my age and build would appeal to these young stags when put against the female young bodies they went down our lane with. I admit I did watch sometimes at what they were at with them and I even admit getting a bit hot and moist when these young teen things wrestled to keep their tits in their bra's generally loosing to their multi handed suitors. Still all as I'd experienced a long time ago!

 Two of these mates in particular went to some trouble to always get themselves sat strategically in the right place as they saw it on the occasions I sat together with them. Invariably this was somewhere handy to seeing up my legs, - No prizes for guessing what they hoped to get a look at! So I decided,the very next time I'd give 'em a scare. As I said I'm no stick insect and I sat on my bed and took a look at what they would see. Jacking my head and shoulders with some pillows,I craned my neck to look at what I intended to show. I immitated the fall back as I made out I was rising from the settee. On bouncing back I threw my legs wide open and was pleased to see a very wide thigh gap about four inches with my vulva's puffy sides around my inner lips as they stayed stuck together and all nicely surrounded with my chestnut brown fur, I had first thought about wearing knickers, but I had a mind to really scare them off.

 I had been telling my hubby on going for a while now that I thought at least two of our boys mates had a crush on me, "Yeah! if you say so was his total contribution. By this time I was more than sure though because not being blind I'd notice their hard cocks sticking out inside their trousers after having some near misses,resulting in them gloating my ass and tits. At the next opportunity,I did what I'd been practicing and at least the two that targeted me got the full works. Their eyes said it all and the youngest just couldn't contain himself. I'd done the action just as my two said, "We'll go now" A bundle of them got up,my targets holding their place till reluctantly being last out. Piling out my living room door, as I said a second ago,he couldn't contain himself, "Fuck! Did you see her cunt? No knickers man,it was all there,slit,hairs,the lot" "SSSH! She'll hear you berk,(Idiot) then we won't get anymore chances" "I'd fuck that!" "That's my mother you're on about" "Well,you said it about my mum when we caught her naked that time" "That was different!" "Not for me though,it wasn't" This all between the older gloater and my son.

 The last bit shocked me even more. Young lad says, "Lets go down the lane I got to have a wank on the strength of her cunt,I'll describe it to you lot, what it looks like" "Me to! added the older voyeur with relish,just imagine shooting our spunk all over it" I must admit,I'm not sure of my emotions at that instant. Flattered that I could pull, - That's ridiculous,its lads with hard  on's! Yeah! Hard,hard on's though.I'm not blind as I followed their traveling round the outside path now heading towards the lane - stop that you dirty cow! Shocked also that I had even given my own sons a buss, - That was even filthier! - Then I became absolutely disgusted with my own thoughts,I'm heading to the bedrooms hoping to watch them wanking, - What's got into you girl? but none the less I kept going. There they were,stopped now where they thought they couldn't be seen. The youngest yapping avidly,with the older one making finger gestured,one of which needed no explanation, with fore fingers together and thumbs similar forming roughly a small rugby ball shape,he gestured a fucking action,then undone his front and I could just glimpes his cock above the fence top being pushed through these fingers as though fucking me. Fuck! disgustingly it made me tingle.

 I was even disappointed now that I couldn't see what all of them were at. I knew by their arm movements they were all wanking but that damn fence and a bush were just too high. Then I got luckier, my oldest move towards the pillar of the nearby garage on the far side of our lane and I got a full look at his ample cock as he spurted his cum on the concrete pillar. Still absolutely disgusted with myself I glanced around as though I might get caught as I put my hand on my cunt and started to masterbate. Then each as they got near to cumming copied my sons action. Five in all and as I was getting myself nearly there,I shut my eyes and pictured all these youg fuckers spitting their jism on mine instead of the garage. I plopped down on the bed to finally cum so hard. Panting I felt so guilty,it didn't seem so bad at watching the mates but to watch my two sons make out they were having it in with me freaked me I can tell you.

 Mind they did all look big enough to satisfy me I reasoned when I lay there as guilty as hell at my very thoughts. It crossed my mind also whether any of the other mothers had these kind of thoughts. Later I half told my old man what had transpired as he went for me in bed and as I told him I know it was giving him a buss. But I didn't mention our boys were present or that I watched them wank over the mates description of my bits. After we had a damn good fuck on the strength of my relating all this to my husband,we lead back quietly. "Where was our two then when all this supposedly happened?" Fuck! He thinks I'm just horning him up with a fantasy,but no way was I going to admit they fancied fucking their own mother as did I them. "Probably spotted those girls I expect and drifted off with them" Lying cat! I went hot,I'd just admitted to myself I'd not say no given the chance,even with my own sons! FUCK! Get that out your head girl,straight away now.

 Trouble now was I couldn't stop thinking about it and what it would be like to get touched up by any or all of them. I decided fucking was out of the question,although when playing about on the bed by myself it did appear an option to be thought about.

 Then it was taken out of my hands. The youngest, - mind I knew he was of a legal age to marry, - had been calling on his own with a 'cock & bull' story that he'd missed the group and had they said where they were going to be at. I twigged this as bull,when on the second time I'd seen them in our lane and they were still there when I went back and checked after his time spent ogling me. Up till this time he was looking and trying to see the merchandise he fancied. This time I was stood by the kitchen sink, - now understand this guy was a cocky little so and so but I liked the way he seemed so determined on all things he done, - So, I'm talking as I do what I was at and he stood off to the side and slightly behind,then the thing I was holding slipped and splashed back in the water in turn making a wet mark on my white top. Quick as a flash he's alongside looking at me all concerned, "That didn't burn you did it?" No its only cold water, - which he knew,he wasn't daft and with no steam it was obvious, - as you know,braless has its plus's, a large splash had my blouse become see through and my tit end was now hardened by the cold water and clearly visible through the cotton.

 His eyes were glued to my bosoms nipple and oreole. "Fuck! Sorry that slipped out" he said and in fairness he blushed profusely. Tut! Tut! I made to wipe some of the wet away, "Look away a minute,I must wipe up under a bit,because its running down between. He did,course how dumb can you be? I'd forgotten the way he now faced had a mirror reflecting right where my now naked tits were on display. I wiped in no hurry,pulling them out and up to get this cold splash off my chest. It was only later,it dawned on me he'd watched the whole episode so politely looking the other way and how stupid was I? It was me who put the damn mirror there in the first place,so I could view myself when shaking these very same bosoms in fun while hoovering and such like. WELL!!!

 Dropping my top back over them, "Okay,nothing to see now I said smiling innocently. Then my eyes went into shock,that was a hardon I spotted I was sure,as he moved from my right to the left of me. He had to press between me and the table and chairs to my rear. As he squeezed by the space,there was nothing untoward,he lightly held my hips and moved past except,for a hard bit drawing past my ass and bouncing across my ass crack. "Sorry! Sorry! It was a bit more of a squeeze than I thought" OK. I gave him a knowing look but said nothing. I think the moment passed for him and he thought he'd got away with it. But,for me it was a whole lot different. I knew immediately what it was and the shock in my eyes was because of the feeling between my legs.

 My pussy had twinged and twinged again as contact passed to my other cheek. I'm sure he never picked up on this though I did automatically clench my buttucks. Un-noticed I eased forward and pressed my pussy against the handle in front of my belly, - one of those round knob type shaped ones,- it pressed me just above my hood. I stood still savouring the two sensations. More shock almost in my dazed mind it became a dream,my ass cheek was being squeezed very gently outside I knew but squeezed none the less, "No,behave,NO! you mustn't! "Mum never stops me,she says nothing when I do it to her" Fuck! I gather my senses,I'm think, she'd murder him if she thought anyone knew she let him work her up. Crazy I know but I just stood silently letting him squeeze me.

 Fuck! what am I at,its nice,I'm even pushing back a bit. That's skin he's touching, "Then I do this" I've stopped what I was doing and I'm just holding on to my sink edge. "See,like this,she likes that!" his hand has pulled up the back of my skirt and as his hand traces up the back of my thigh I push harder at the handle. He moves,now he has two hands doing it,Fuck! this is so wrong but fucking so exciting. His hands are inside the bottom of my pants up the leg holes, "Like it,I always smooth her like this,I can feel the gusset pressing up in my crack as the leg part is forced now above my cheeks. His fingers are smoothing across my cheeks in a circular movement while I feel his thumbs moving up and down my bum groove. "Is that nice?" mmmm!

 "Then" I savour the moment,not knowing what is to follow. My thighs being fleshy as I said earlier are closed together so I know he won't get his hand on my pussy. I change my stance dropping my elbows and resting them now on the sink top. I feel the cold stainless steel against my tits and they both harden in tandem. I leave them now resting on the edge. This change helps him because my quim is poking out the back a bit more.

 But fuck! by this time I do want him to. I shift my feet open more,In my ear, "That's what my mum does" I know my thighs are more receptive to any fingers he wants to use. God do it boy,DO IT! no,he puts a finger in each leg hole and pulls at my knickers. Fucking hell,I can here myself panting,I'll cum before he touches me if he don't hurry up! The fingers are back tracing along my groins,I can't control myself,I open my legs some more,I must have done what he expected because he has his hands there now,or one anyway. I know its inside the gusset and he's bent down at the back of me trying to reach through. I bend my knees a little in anticipation of what? The hand is right through to my hairs and he smooths them a bit, Silently I think,stop it or I'll piss. Then he finds what he was obviously seeking. A couple of his fingers traces over my swollen hood and gently probes up under.

 I flinch as these two fingers touch my clit for the first time. "Mum makes me rub outside that skin bit. I hear myself say 'my hood' "Yeah,that" Fuck he tweaks it some more,yeah and I do. Then I hear myself shockingly saying, "I only like it inside with the tongue" He brightens "Yeah and my mum says that" Tantalizingly he's rubbing my clit. "Wait! Wait! let me get them off. I drag my pants to the floor,blatantly showing my ass in his direction. I shock for a second as while still bent a couple of his fingers jabbed in my cunt slot. "You're really wet there" I think,tell me sommut I don't know,get on with it before I regain my sanity! "My dicks just at the right height for a fuck on you like this" Thinking I'm so sorely tempted you little spunk machine.

 I straighten before I weaken stopping him from finishing me. He goes back to fingering me and almost immediately I cum, fuck do I cum some! "Let me fuck,bend over" "No,do your mum? bend over I mean. "No! Will you let me?" NO,not now,wank yourself like down the lane, grinning, "You saw us" his cock was in his hand, "Show me! Go on show me it so I can cum quick" Like a kid I did and in about twenty strokes he shot it all over my naked belly and cunt hairs with one big splodge stuck on my thigh. Quickly I grabbed my pants from the floor, Hissed "put it back away quick" wiped my pussy and leg,dropping my skirt in a flash. He sat quickly on one of the chairs as if he'd been there all the while just as the door opened and in came his mates with my sons. All in this linked action I was by now bent and wiping his jism from the floor. Damn sink,why did that have to splash,it makes it slippery,wait! mind you don't slip as you go through, "I've been looking for you guys" What a pair of liars!

 I didn't miss the nudging either as they stood waiting to pass with what I knew was a much exposed rear end I displayed before them. Fucking good job it wasn't five minutes earlier when I was cumming.

 "I been bored shitless wondering where you were at" My other son to son, "See her ass then,I could slip up her I can tell you!" Filthy bastard,thinking like that about his own mother!

 "I'd be happy with just a feel" my little horny freind uttered, He'll keep his mouth shut then,I know that much.

 I hoped he wouldn't tell either. BUT?

Strange questions

Devilstale on Incest Stories

Authors note: This is a work of fiction. All people in this story are ficticous.

Hi there. My name is Jake. I'm 15 years old. I stand at 5'7" and weigh about 150 lbs. I'm not in the best shape, but I'm certainly not in the worst shape either. In fact, quite alot of girls think I'm attractive. Anyway, this is a story about my first experience with sex. One Saturday, about a week ago I got up and began my regular ritual. I woke up, turned on my computer and looked at port for a while and then went and took a show, and masturbated while showering. This was my usual thing; I've been doing it every Saturday for about two years now. This weekend was different though. That Friday my parents had left for a vacation, leaving my 14 year old sis, and me alone in the house for an entir
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e week. Let me describe my sister a bit for you. She stands about5'4", she weighs somewhere between 95 and 105 and five pounds. She's in great shape because of her cheerleading, and those legs. They go on forever, and they look so nice. Her skin is soft, and lightly tanned. Her breasts are a very full B cup, and still growing. She has long auburn hair and big, beautiful green eyes. She was certainly a lovely sight, and I knew she was hot. Now, you must understand I've never actually thought about my sister in a sexual way. But, that doesn't mean I don't see how beautiful she is. Anyway. So, I got up at about 11 AM and turned on my computer. After looking at some porn, and stroking myself for a while I got up and went into the bathroom. I started my shower, and started rubbing my dick. After a few minutes I heard a knock at the door. "What?" I yell. "Can I come in?" I heard my sister say. I was bewildered by the question. I didn't know how to respond. So I responded the only appropriate way I could. "Um... Why?" I asked. There was a pause for a moment, and then she yelled back. "Theres nothing on TV, and I'm not allowed to use the phone remember? So I just want soimeone to talk to. So can I come in?" I thought for a moment, and finally yelled out. "Yeah fine. Come on in." I heard the door opend and close. I saw my sisters silhouette on the other side of the curtain. So I continued to shower, and we talked. Eventually our conversation changed to the topic of sex. She began asking how far I had ever gone with a girl, and I in turn asked how far she had ever gone with a that shocked me quite a bit. "If you weren't my brother... would you have sex with me Jake?" I heard her ask. I was stocked. I didn't know what to do. I finally blurted out. "What? What the hell kind of question is that to ask your brother?" "Its only hypothetical." I heard her say in a sheepish tone. I sighed and thought for a momen. "Yeah I'd probably be willing to have sex with you. If, and only if you weren't my sister." "Do you want to have sex right now?" I heard her ask. "What!" I yelled. I heard her giggle, and she said. "Oh come on now Jake. Answer truthfull. Do you want to have sex right now?" I was silevt for a moment, and right as I was about to say something the curtain was thrown open, and there was my sister standing there completely naked. I froze, and looked at her as my jaw opened slightly. She giggled as she stepped into the shower with me. She put her hand on my dick, and whispered in my ear. "You may say you don't want to. But, your little friend here is giving your real feelings away." She smiled at me, a siltry look on her face. She started moving her hand up and down my shaft. I fell backwards against the wall of the shower, and held onto the rail to prevent myself from falling. She smile, and then leaned towards me. She kissed me, and as hard as I tried. I just couldn't resist; her lips were just so soft. Her hand felt so good going up and down my dick. She snaked her tongue inside my mouth, as she reached around me with her free hand and groped my butt. Finally my instints took over, and I puts my arms around her and kissed her back. She pulled away and looked at me smiling. "I knew you'd change your mind." She dropped to her knees. She took my cock with both hands and started rubbing it. I was in heaven; her hands were so delicate. Then as I stood there, mny eyes closed as I enjoyed this handjob my sister was giving me.. I felt it become a blowjob as she put the head of my dick in her mouth. I moaned as I felt her tongue rubbing against my dick. It was then that she started to get more of my dick in her mouth. After a minute or so, she finally had my entire dick in her mouth. I stood there in my shower holding onto the rail as I moaned in immense pleasure This continued for about ten minutes, and then I groaned. "Oh sis! I'm gonna cum! Damn!!" I expected her to pull my dick out of her mouth not wanting to swallow my cum. But she just kept on going until finally I let out a loud moan. I put both my hands on the back of her head, and shoved my dick as far into her thrat as I could. And I let out a huge load of cum down her throat, and like a pro she swallowed all of it. She stood licking her lips of any remaining cum, then leaned in and kissed me. I returned the kiss, tasting some of my own cum in her mouth. She pulled away and looked at me smiling. "So Jake let me ask you again. Do you want to have sex right now?" I looked at her, my eyes filled with lust. I picked her up and left the bathroom. I carried her to my room and put her on my bed. I looked down at her naked form lying on my bed, and I knew I had to have her. I took hold of my newly hard cock, and put the head right against her pussy lips. She moaned as I rubbed my dick against her soaking cunt. "OH JAKE! Please take me!" she moaned. I gladly obliged by ramming my dick into her pussy. I broke straight through her hymen, I heard her cry out in pain. But soon enaugh her pain was gone, and her pleasure began building. She wrapped her arms and legs around my back, and whispered to me. "Please Jake. Fill me with your cum. I want to feel you explode inside me." I grunted, and started thrusting in and out of her right pussy. The feeling of her tight, soaking cunt around my cock was amazing, and my thrusts only enhanced the feeling. As I continued pumping, I bent down and took one of her nipples into my mouth and started sucking on it. She let out a loud moan as I continued. After about five more minutes of this constant please, my sister finally moaned. "OH JAKE!!! I'M CUMMING!! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!!!" Her body tensed up, and her pussy tightened around my dick. Then it hit. Her orgams came in full force as her juices poured over my dick. And that was it, that's all I could take. I yelled out, louder then any of the other screams or moans. "I'M CUMMING SIS!!!" And I let loose the biggest load of cum I've ever had. It just kept coming. Every time I thought it was going to end, it just kept going and I loved it. And finally what seemed like an eternity, I finished enptying my load into my sister's pussy. I fell over to her side, and my dick popped out of her cum filled cunt. She rolled over and faced me. She gently caressed my cheek while smiling at me. "Thank you big brother. That was great. I love you so much." She hugged me, and cuddled up next to me as we both dozed from exhaustion.

To be continued?

Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 3 - The Pleasures of Camping

DoubleDxxx on Incest Stories

Triplet X Love Times 2

Book Three – The Pleasures of Camping


Chapter One – Uncle Harry and Aunt Susan

"So we’re really moving out of here and back to our old rooms," Hannah asked as he fucked her doggy-style on the giant circular bed in the attic room of their house.

"Well, officially we don’t live here, so I don’t know if you can call it moving out," Ron said between humps. "But yeah, or rather, we won’t be up here every night."

"Why," Hannah asked, but in no way disappointed.

"Honey, I know you want me to be

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your mast—well something I can’t be up here, a lot more. So from now on we stay downstairs and we’ll only escape up here to play equals every other weekend. Except the last Saturday of course, when you still have to work for the Mistress."

"I like it," Hannah said excitedly as she gave a small cry and started to cum.

"Mom looked pretty nervous after receiving that telegram today; any idea what it was about?

"She wouldn’t tell us, she only said she had to make a phone call and left. I hope there’s no real trouble, school ends in 3 days, (well officially anyway since we’re already pretty much out), and we’re suppose to start our camping trip a week after. I’d hate for it to be delayed."

"I’m about to cum," Ron said, "where do you want it?"

"Oh, my mouth, please, I’m really hungry."

"Okay, turn around quick," Ron said pulling his cock out of her cunt.

Hannah made a 180 degree turn and sucked Ron’s cock into her mouth just as he started to cum. Hannah, who loved cum as much as she loved pain, sucked and sucked, drinking every bit of her beloved Master. Even after he finished cumming she kept sucking and sucking, refusing to surrender his cock.

"Whoa girl," Ron said, "that’s enough, not even I can take that much pleasure."

"So is it dinner time yet," Hannah asked unexpectedly.

"You really are hungry, aren’t you?" Ron said surprised.

"I missed lunch today, remember?"

"That’s right," Ron said, "you never did tell me where you disappeared to."

Hannah put her hand under a pillow at the end of the bed and pulled a notebook out from under it, she opened it and handed it to Ron. "I couldn’t wait ‘til next week to get these."

Ron looked over the paper and after reading it twice and understanding what Hannah meant by it he said, "You got all your final grades; ‘A+’ in every class." Smiling he said, "Looks like someone has been following orders." He gave her a big kiss and was about to start screwing her again when the phone rang.

Taking his cell phone off the bed Ron opened it to see his father looking very serious, "Ron, can you and ‘the Pet’ come down to the family room right now; your mother and I have something to discuss before dinner."

"We’ll be right there Dad," Ron said, and quickly closed the phone. Looking at Hannah he said, "We’ll come back to celebrate your grades later."

"To tell you the truth," Hannah said with a bit of a wicked grin, "I was sort of hoping we could celebrate them in the bomb shelter." She gave another smile as she said this and Ron understood what she meant.

"Let’s go see what Mom and Dad want," he said; not making any promises. The signs and bruises from his last bomb shelter celebration with Hannah had just finally, completely, vanished, he wasn’t sure she was ready for new ones yet.


In the family room they found everyone waiting for them and Stan and Laura looked very anxious to say what they had to say.

"What’s wrong," Ron asked worried, "this is about that telegram isn’t it?"

"Listen kids," Laura said, "everything is fine, but I wanted you all to start getting ready, we’re going to have some visitors soon."

"Visitors," everyone echoed.

Lana opened her eyes wide and said, "But we’re supposed to leave for our camping trip in just over a week."

"Hopefully this will not delay the trip, but it’s important," Stan said.

"So Mom;" Ana asked, "Who was the letter from?"

"Harry, he needs to take care of some very serious business and he needs us to keep Robert and Sandra while he’s doing it."

"Who are Harry, Robert and Sandra," John asked.

"Are they old enough to screw," Ron said with a smile.

Laura ignored the last question and said, "Harry is my brother, you might remember him from the wedding last year."

"Dad’s best man," John said, "yeah, I remember; he looked like an okay guy."

"So does he know about our special habits," Don said. "I mean if he’s coming over does that mean we’ll have to start doing horrid things, like wear clothes, while he’s here?"

"Oh my God," Lana said, "that’s it isn’t it; that’s what this meeting is about, to tell us we have to start wearing clothes. That’s what you meant by starting to prepare, isn’t it?"

"Among other things," Laura said, "we should all start getting used to that, yes. We also need to decide where they’ll be sleeping. We don’t really have a guest room."

"How old are—what were their names," Ron asked.

"Robert is 16 and Sandra is 15," Laura said and throwing Lana a look said, "And before you ask; no, I don’t know if they are safe to fuck!"

"I don’t remember seeing them at the wedding," Ana said, "as a matter a fact, I can’t remember them at all, and I’ve seen Uncle Harry lot’s of times."

"Your cousins were living with their mother in Texas. She had an accident of some sort, I’m not certain what the details are, well the thing is, she’s not there any more," Laura said sadly, "so they’ve temporarily awarded the kids to Harry and he needs to start making some changes and preparations in his life before they make the custody award permanent, and before they can start living with him; up to now he’s been happy living in a one room apartment in New York City, obviously he has to change that."

"Their mother is dead," Hannah said sadly, "that’s terrible. Do you know what she was like?"

"I never got along with Gloria very much," Laura said, "she was a minister and didn’t approve of a lot of things in my life."

"Wait a second," John said, "PKs, Robert and Sandra are PKs?"

Laura and Stan threw John a ‘what the hell is that look’ and Ana said, "Preacher’s Kids; in our house? This is not good."

"I don’t know," Lana said, "I’ve heard most PKs are just dying for someone to come along and properly educate them. I think we owe them a true life lesson."

"I don’t want any of you forcing yourselves on them in any way," Laura said, "if they ask for comforting, by all means give it to them, but remember, their mother just died and they might not want to instantly give up her ways."

"So where were you thinking of putting them," Don asked.

"Well," Stan said, "since Ron and Hannah have sort of moved out of their beds; I was thinking there is room in each of those for someone, but I haven’t decided where to best put Harry yet."

"But—" Hannah began but then seeing the look in her Master’s eye kept quiet. She had been a little excited about things finally returning pretty much too normal with them and was now upset that their move out of the Mistress’ bed chamber might end up being delayed.

"Wait a second," Lana said horrified, "You want to put a preacher’s kid that we’re not even allowed to fuck in bed with us all? No way, it’s bad enough we’ll have to wear clothes everywhere in the house, I do not want to have to wear sleeping clothes too!"

"I double that Mom," Don said, "I’m sorry for them and all, but I do not want an untouchable cock in bed with me."

"Why don’t Don and I just stay in the studio," John said, "they can stay in our room; all of them together."

"Is that okay with you Don," Stan asked.

"Absolutely, anything not to have to sleep with someone I can’t screw."

"Okay then," Stan said, "It’s settled; now go get some clothes on everyone, they’ll be here tomorrow afternoon; you should start getting used to it."

"Tomorrow," Lana said shooting Hannah a worried look.

"What’s wrong," Stan asked.

"Nothing, it’s just that, well tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month."

"Oh," said Laura, now also looking at Hannah, in fact, everyone now turned their heads toward Hannah.

A little nervously Hannah said, "I’ll talk to her, I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try to make her understand not to bother them."


The next morning seemed a bit strange to the Anderson family as they sat around the large table in the dining room eating breakfast, all fully clothed.

"This is so weird," Lana said suddenly.

"It is not us," Don exclaimed.

"At least we were able to get in a great morning fuck before coming down," John said.

"Yeah, but with you guys in the studio for a while, when will we have another," Lana said glumly.

"You can come by the studio at any hour," Don said. "What’s more, I’m declaring the studio private property of ‘Triplet X Love Times 2’ right now, ‘Authorized Personnel Only’, no one else enters except us and our fellow club members, therefore—"

"Everything in the studio remains the same," Lana said excitedly.

"That sounds great," Ron said entering with Hannah, "it’s good to know there will still be one place were we can be ourselves."

Sitting to eat, they were soon joined by Stan and Laura who had some last minute requests. A few minutes later, they heard the front door.

"Did someone just come in," Ron asked trying to listen hard, "that can’t be them already!"

A few minutes later the Anderson’s gave a small gasp and a shocked look as the Wilson kids entered the dining room, totally naked. The Anderson’s then broke out into laughter at the shocked looks on Debbie, Katrina and Jason.

"You’re all—you’re all—" Jason couldn’t quite bring himself to say it so Katrina finished his thought.

"You’re all wearing clothes; that is so—well it’s different." Katrina said smiling.

"You guys are here early," Lana said pulling Katrina onto her lap and giving her a kiss.

"We were supposed to spend all day at the beach today," Debbie said going over and kissing John.

"Yeah," Jason said, every now and then throwing Don some weird glances. "We were going to celebrate the unofficial end of classes." Finally getting up enough nerve to ask he added, "So any particular reason why you are all in clothes?"

"Oh," Ana suddenly said, "the beach, I have to call Patty and let her know." She got up and ran out of the dining room.

"Listen guys," Lana said wrapping her arms around Katrina and squeezing her boobs a few times, every now and then giving her neck a light lick, "you won’t be able to come into the house looking all ‘here I am fuck me’ like for a while; but nothing has changed in the studio. In here, however, we’re going to have some guests, and they get here by this afternoon so we won’t be able to go to the beach, sorry." Lana dropped her hand and let it start rubbing Katrina’s pubic area.

Debbie, who was now sitting face-to-face with John, on his lap, his cock in her cunt said, so who’s cumming," she heard Katrina give a soft scream and added, "besides my sister and me in a little while."

"Very funny, Debbie, ha ha; but seriously, it’s a bit of a grim situation, very un-Anderson, it’s my cousins they’re—" John shut up as he heard the front door open again.

Stan and Laura looked up worried and Lana said, "Do you think Ana went out to meet Patty after all?"

"Oh good, an available cocktail," someone said rushing into the room and kneeling in front of Jason’s erect cock, sucking it quickly into her mouth.

The Anderson’s hardly had time to register who the young, naked, older teen girl that had just burst into their dining room was when an equally naked young man entered and, looking around the table and spotting Katrina, rushed over to her and presented his rock hard cock to Katrina’s mouth saying, "do you think you can help me out, I have a little problem."

"Looks incredibly big to me," Katrina said smiling and devoured the cock in front of her.

Lana made an angry face and said, "Who—are you—you can’t be the PK can you?"

"If PK stands for ‘Perfect Knuts" that’s me." He pointed to his balls as he said this.

"Jenny! Lenny! What did I tell you two when we got out of the car? Didn’t I say to at least say hello before you tried fucking someone!"

"Sorry Mom," the boy called Lenny said, "it’s just that when we walked in there was this giant pile of clothes at the door and it really turned us on. Someone had obviously stripped pretty fast; we just had to join in."

"Stan, Laura, I’m sorry about this, I promise to try to keep them under control while we’re here."

Stan, who had gotten up the second the woman walked through the door was now at her side hugging and kissing her.

"Susan—what—I mean this is a—Lenny? Jenny?" He said turning to look at the two kids. "God they’ve gotten big!" He was especially looking a Lenny’s cock going in and out of Katrina’s mouth.

"Hi Uncle Stan," Lenny said, "it’s been a while ehhh? Is Amy still here; I’d like to fuck her later, I doubt she’s still 15, but I bet she’s still hot as ever."

"Stan dear," Laura said, "don’t you think we need a proper introduction, I mean I know Susan, but I never knew—I mean I didn’t see anyone with her at the wedding."

"Right," Stan said, suddenly back in the real world. "Well, like you say, you’ve met Susan, she was the maid-of-honor at the wedding, but I doubt even my boys remember their cousins Jenny and Lenny, they’re mixed twins, a year older than the boys.

Jason started cumming in Jenny’s mouth and the Anderson kids watched as Jenny absorbed every drop of Jason’s sperm right into her. "Awesome blow job," Ron thought, "and I thought my Hannah and Katrina were cum whores but this girl really loves cum."

As Katrina got Lenny to start cumming, and got a good taste of his cum, she went just as crazy drinking him up, not letting a single drop go to waste. "Wow," Lenny said, "you love cum as much as my sister, don’t you?"

"If there was nothing left in the world to eat but cum, and nothing left to drink but cunt juice, I would be very happy," Katrina said.

"Really," Jenny said standing up, "I’m going to have to try you out, you; you sound just like my kind of girl. She then noticed the wrathful look in Lana’s eyes and said, "then again, I wouldn’t want to upset my cousin too much, it’s bad enough us barging into their lives unannounced like this. Life’s a bitch," she said frowning.

"So true," Lenny said, also frowning, but then smiling added, "but then again, so are you Sis, and I wouldn’t have you any other way."

"Susan," Stan said suddenly worried, "What’s wrong? What’s going on?"

"Can I talk to you and Laura in private a moment," she said sadly, "and in the meantime," she said turning to Jenny and Lenny, "you two get dressed!"

"Hey, we’re not the only naked people here. You said as long as there was one naked person we could join them."

Debbie, who had gotten off John when she felt him close to cumming and knelt to finish sucking him off, now got up and said, "We have to get dressed too. I guess we should really leave, I’ll call you tonight," she added looking at John. She then stepped out followed by Katrina and Jason (who threw Don another strange look).

Ana came in and stopped shocked as she saw Lenny and Jenny standing there naked. "Who are you," she asked.

Now that it was just the twins and the Anderson kids in the room they looked around at the two sets of identical triplets and Jenny said, "Doesn’t it get confusing around here at times?"

"We have ways of telling each other apart," Lana said smiling, deciding it best to be hospitable; after all, Lenny’s cock was big, and Jenny did have a beautiful cunt, then remembering something she said, "hey have you two been classified ‘safe to fuck’?"

"We’ve been STD tested and the result was negative, if that’s what you mean. Uncle Stan had called Mom a few months ago and gotten her to test us all; it’s actually what led to the mess we’re in now."

"Mess," Ron said coming over and hugging his cousins.

"Ron, right," Jenny said looking at the red stone in his necklace and his red belt. I remember now!"

"Maybe you should get dressed and meet us in the family room," Lana said, "I’ve a feeling we need to here about this mess. I’m Lana, by the way, that’s Ana in front of you and sitting at the table is Hannah. If you’re ever unsure who you’re talking to, just look for the letter on our blouse or tops," she pointed out the ‘L’ on her blouse, "or on our necklaces." She pulled her necklace from under her blouse and showed them.


15 minutes later, the kids were sitting in the family room with everyone once again fully clothed.

"So Mom found out that this guy we were living with had just started having an affair with this other guy from his office," Jenny explained, "luckily it must have started after we began the ‘safe sex’ checks at home. He at least had the decency not to touch any of us until he updated his test, only—"

"—only his updated test showed him positive," Lana said understanding.

"The stupid idiot shot himself," Jenny said almost crying, "his cum was so good too."

"So you all updated your tests, right," Lana asked.

"Yeah, just to make sure," Lenny said.

"Well it sounds more like a tragedy than a mess," Lana said, somewhat perplexed.

"The mess came later," Jenny said, "first of all, since he killed himself the insurance company refused to pay any type of benefits and since Mom and he had joined their medical coverage—"

"Oh no," Hannah said, "don’t tell me they stuck her with all the bills."

"On top of that," Jenny said nodding, "Howard had never updated his will in the five years he lived with Mom, and since the house and pretty much everything in it except for the car was in Howard’s name, everything has been awarded, and I do mean everything, to Howard’s ex-wife whom he hadn’t seen since she abandoned him seven years ago."

"She had been his beneficiary in his old will," Lenny explained.

"God what a mess," Ana said. "You know it’s true what they say about people that commit suicide, they are the most selfish people on earth. All they think about is a momentary escape from their problems and they don’t bother to think for one second about all the problems they’ll leave behind for others."

"I hear you," Lenny said.

"So, will it be much of a bother for us to crash with you a while until Mom can get us on our own feet again," Jenny asked. "If there’s one good thing about this it’s that it’s happening now, when the school year has pretty much unofficially ended."

"Mom managed to get us excused from the last 3 days," Lenny said.

"Crash with us," Lana thought shocked, "do we even have the room," she thought aloud.

"What my sister is going over in her head is that we’re expecting their Uncle and his two kids later today. He telegrammed yesterday that he’d need to crash here a while, they just had a bit of a tragedy too," Ron explained, "The kids mother had some sort of accident and is dead."

"That’s horrible," Jenny said, "at least we still have our Mom."

"Maybe we can find a motel," Lenny said, "those kids are going to need to be closer to family than we do."

"Nonsense," someone said from the door. Turning they saw Stan, Laura and Susan enter.

"You’re all in a bit of need at the moment, and you’re all welcome," Stan said. "It’s just a question of finding the right place for everyone."

Hannah was whispering something to Ron and he nodded.

"Dad, we may have an idea; are Pietro and Amy downstairs, I need to ask them something first."

"Yes," Stan said, "they were getting ready to share Amy’s room if necessary."

"I may, or rather," he said looking at Hannah, "we may have a better solution."

Running downstairs he took around 10 minutes before returning and saying, "Okay, it’s all set up; Aunt Susan, you, Lenny and Jenny will be in Amy’s room." Looking at his Dad he said, "When they arrive, Uncle Harry, Robert and Sandra are to be taken to Pietro’s room." Looking at his brothers and sisters he said, "We’re all in our own beds on the 2nd floor."

"And Pietro and Amy," Stan questioned.

"They’ll be happy to take the Mistress’ room; they can’t wait to use the bathroom."

"Well that works out great," Lana said smiling, "Well except for the Mistress, she’s left without a special bed to sleep in."

"She never leaves the torture room anyway, so she won’t miss it," Hannah said smiling.

"The only question now is will we ever get to go on that camping trip," Ana said sadly.

"Camping trip," Lenny said excitedly, "you’re going camping?"

"Well we were," Stan said, "we were suppose to leave in just over a week but—"

"—but nothing," Susan said, "listen in no way are we ruining any of your plans, you should go!"

"And you should take us," Jenny said.

"And you should take those kids that lost their Mom too," Lenny said, "that would be a perfect way to get their mind off of recent tragedies."

Stan was trying to think of a proper response to the ridiculous idea of taking 10 kids camping, 13 if you counted the fact that the Wilson kids had already invited themselves when they heard a knocking at the door.

"What’s this," John said, "someone actually knocks before coming in here?"

"I’ll get it," Ana said and she ran out of the room only to return a few minutes later with two red-headed kids, a boy and a girl, and both very hot looking, or they would be if their bodies weren’t hidden in such prudish clothes. They both seemed deeply grieved.

"Robert, Sandra, is that you," Laura asked, "I’d forgotten Gloria was a red-head," she said smiling. Then suddenly she said, "oh kids, I’m so sorry," and she went over and hugged them.

"Hi Aunt Laura," the girl said, "You are Aunt Laura aren’t you? I mean it’s been a long time, but I remember a little."

"Yes, I’m your Aunt Laura," she said, "and this is your Uncle Stan, your Aunt Susan, and these are all your cousins. These are Jenny and Lenny, they’re Susan’s and the rest are mine and Stan’s."

The sight of so much family, young people, especially, brought a smile to Robert and Sandra.

"Hi," Lenny said, "we were just talking about the camping trip we’ll be taking soon."

"Camping," Sandra said excitedly, "really, we’re going camping? Oh, I always wanted to go, Mom never had time to us though."

Robert also looked very excited, "Wow, when do we leave?"

"Umm…" Stan said unsure what to say, then said, "Where’s your Dad?"

"He’s getting some things out of the car," Ana said, "He said he’ll be right in."

"Already here," Someone said from behind them, "Well, hello again, maid-of-honor."

Everyone turned to see that Uncle Harry was greeting Susan and she said, "Well, if it isn’t the best man at the wedding, after my brother of course." Susan winked at him and gave him a big smile.



Chapter Two – Last Minute Additions

An hour later, after everyone had been settled into their rooms Laura, Stan, Susan and Harry talked in Stan and Laura’s room.

"You have to go on that camping trip Laura, and you have to take Robert and Sandra. They’re really excited about it; they haven’t been excited about anything since I got them. They’ve just been sad, but when I left them, they were actually laughing, talking about marshmallows."

"Lenny and Jenny are really excited too. They haven’t wanted to admit that this mess we’re in has upset them, but I’m their mother and I know. They’d really like to take this trip and just forget about everything for a while."

"Listen," Stan said seriously, "we’d love nothing better than to take all your kids with us on an escape reality trip for awhile, but there’d be one reality we would not be able to escape, and that is the reality that Laura and I can’t possibly supervise 13 kids on our own. Not to mention that the cost would bury deep into our kids plans for the second half of the summer. They all want to go to summer camp."

"Summer camp," Harry and Susan said together.

"Camping and summer camp," Harry added.

"The first part of the summer was supposed to be a family get-away," Laura explained, "and the second a get-away from family. Stan and I were planning a repetition of our honeymoon during that time."

"Another Caribbean cruise," Susan said excitedly, "I was telling Stan at your wedding how much I wished I could have been with you. I’ve always dreamed of just being able to get-away like that. Now with this mess I wish it even more."

"I know what you mean," Harry said. "God I envy you two right now."

Stan and Laura were looking at each other in deep concentration and Stan finally said, "You know you two, looking after 13 kids can’t be much harder or expensive than looking after 9. I’ll make a deal with you, we’ll find a way to take the kids with us on this camping trip, but you two have to have resolved all your problems by the time we get back in around a month-and-a-half. At that time you send the kids with ours to summer camp and come with us on a little get-away of your own."

"Summer camp and a Caribbean get-away at once," Susan said doubtfully. "Stan the over-abundance of money is not exactly my problem at the moment."

"I’ve got a good bit put away," Harry said, "I’d be willing to help out."

"Oh Harry I couldn’t--" Susan began.

"No, don’t say it, being around so much young family helps my kids, and" he added smiling, "I’ve a strong feeling being around you after all this is over will help me."

"Well that was subtle," Stan said smiling.

"Harry doesn’t believe in subtle," Lana said, "It’s sort of a miracle he’s gone this long without asking your sister if she’d like a cocktail." To Susan she said, "and he has the most incredible tasting cum too."

"Really," Susan said, her eyes flashing at the mention of cum. "Can I taste it," she asked Harry.

"Now who’s being subtle," Laura asked Stan ripping her clothes off and fishing out Stan’s cock. Harry was already standing with his pants down and presenting his cock to Susan’s mouth.

"I knew it wouldn’t take them long," Lana said lifting her head momentarily from between Hannah’s legs. "All we need is to get Harry’s kids fucking, if they’re not doing it already, and life in this house can go back to normal."

Ana pressed a key on the computer keyboard and said, "Well Robert doesn’t look very interested in fucking at the moment, in fact, he just keeps staring at the wall. Hey, what’s he up to?" The girls watched as Robert moved close up to the wall and bent to attach his eye to it.

"Is there a hole in that wall," Hannah asked.

"Yeah," Lana said smiling, "Amy told me she drilled it there to get a peak at Pietro’s cock from time to time without bothering him." Seeing Robert suddenly drop his pants she said, "Wow, whatever is going on has him seriously excited; quick, check Amy’s room; what’s going on there?" Pressing another key the girls’ eyes popped and Lana screamed, "Those bastards! How can they be having a ‘welcome to our home’ party without us?" She stared angrily as John, Ron and Don were each drilling one of Jenny’s, at the moment, very happy holes."

"Man she has a beautiful pussy," Ana said admiringly.

"That’s probably what Robert is thinking," Lana said. "Hey, so where are Lenny and Sandra?"

Ana pressed several of the keys until she said, "Oh, they’re taking a bath."

"As in together," Hannah said amazed.

"As in a cum bath; look at that, Lenny is covering her from head to foot in his cum. Good thing that they’re in the bathroom, she won’t have to go far wash it off," Lana said.

"What," Hannah said horrified, "and let all that wonderful cum go to waste?"

Lana and Ana looked at her and then suddenly, all smiling, they ran out of their second floor room where they had been watching, all the way down to the bathroom in the servants’ quarters. Sandra looked up shocked when the door of the bathroom suddenly burst open, but not as shocked as she was when Ana and Hannah pulled her to her feet in the bathtub she’d been lying in and started licking the cum she had just been bathed in off her body.

Sandra gave a small yelp when Hannah inserted her tongue straight up her pussy while Ana licked the cum off her boobs. Hannah stuck a finger up Sandra’s butt and started to pump while her tongue started moving in and out of her red-haired, fiery cunt at a rapid speed.

Smiling, and his cock suddenly hard as a rock again, thanks to the exhibition, Lenny jumped in the tub also and standing behind Sandra, pulled Hannah’s finger out of her butt and substituted his pumping cock.

In the meantime, Lana had taken a detour after bursting through the door at the end of the game room, she figured Sandra would soon have enough people cheering her up, and Jenny was certainly getting a good amount of attention, but there was one person that was being forced to take matters into his own hands, and in the Anderson household, that was in no way acceptable. Lana burst into Pietro’s room and as Robert turned a shocked face toward the door, he suddenly found his hard cock engulfed in the mouth of a very horny Anderson girl, and he found himself in heaven.

As she sucked, Lana slowly maneuvered Robert away from the wall and back to the bed. When she had him at the edge of the bed, she suddenly released his cock, pushed him back on the bed and quickly mounted him, riding him like a professional cowgirl.

In the bathroom, Sandra had already cum once in Hannah’s mouth, Lenny now grabbed her and turning her so she was facing him, he now stuck his cock deep in her red cunt, she bit her lip so as to muffle a scream of delight. Hannah and Ana had changed positions, and as Hannah stood at Sandra’s side licking most of her body, returning every few minutes to give special attention to her tits, Ana was now kneeling at Sandra’s ass with her tongue pumping in and out of Sandra’s rosebud.

In Amy’s room, the boys were playing ‘ring around the whore’ with Jenny; each one taking a turn pumping at one of her holes until one was about to cum, that one would then take position at Jenny’s mouth and feed her, while the others continued their pumping at her other holes.

In the main bedroom, everyone was looking to make Susan feel better about her current situation, as she lay face up on top of Stan (his cock in her ass), Harry stood at the edge of the bed pumping his cock in her blond cunt; Laura, in the meantime, was on top of Susan in a 69 position, she was really getting to know her sister-in-law as Susan sucked her cunt and she sucked at Susan’s clit, licking Harry’s cock every now and then as it worked furiously in and out of Susan.

In the attic room, by the way, Amy and Pietro were laying the ground rules on their temporary cohabitation.

"There’s really only one rule," Amy said after a while.

"And what would that be," Pietro queried.

"Sex, lots and lots of it, that fair to you?"

"Very fair," Pietro said smiling as he dropped between Amy’s legs and started to suck her cunt.

It was definitely an afternoon to forget all problems, all over the house.


"We haven’t quite figured out how to let Dad know yet," Sandra said looking a little guilty.

It was coming on evening and all the kids had moved their partying to the studio where they could truly be themselves and where no parents were allowed.

"But why," Lana said pulling her head up a minute from between Sandra’s legs, "it’ll only be telling him that you’re truly a part of this family, even if you had been raised in another country rather than just another state."

"It’s not that easy," Robert said, "Dad has this strange idea of who Mom was, simply because of the work she did, and he’s sort of proud of that image of her, even though they hadn’t been together for years."

"Mom wasn’t bad for wanting to personally teach us some things," Robert said, "but I doubt anyone will understand, all they’ll think is ‘and she was a Minister’?"

"Well they have to know that you’re part of us," Ana said, "because right now the adult’s belief that you’re different is the only thing that has us all wearing clothes in the house."

"That is a drag," Sandra said, "we never had to wear them at home. How are we supposed to let him know, though, without shattering his ideas about who Mom was? All of them."

"What you need is a super sexual encounter, one that will make everyone believe you are just now discovering your true nature as part of the Anderson family." Ron said.

"Wow," Jenny said, "that sounds cool, what do you have in mind?"

All the Anderson kids were looking at Hannah again; she hated when they did that. "I’ll talk to her when she contacts me later," Hannah said. "I’ll tell her Amy and my Master can’t be there tonight but that I can get her a lot of fresh meat tonight. She can then have Aunt Susan and Uncle Harry watch the kids fully enjoying themselves before having them join in."

Jenny, Lenny, Robert and Sandra were looking at the Anderson kids strangely and Lenny said, "What are you talking about?"

"You’ll see tonight," Lana said, "Believe me, you’ll love it, I know I would."



Chapter Three – Triplet X Love Times 2 on Tour

"What an incredible dream," Harry Irving thought as he began to wake up. "I must have cum around 10 times or more, and I don’t even believe in domination or rough sex. But man, that woman was exciting. I can still feel her mouth sucking away at my cock; I can still smell my lovely Sandy’s hot red cunt (just like her mother’s) from when that Mistress woman had her sit on my face so I could suck her clean."

Harry felt something moist on his face as he began to feel a pumping motion above him. Fighting his way back to total consciousness he was finally able to open his eyes, only to find his vision blocked by a young red-haired cunt just begging to be relieved of its morning juices. A little above it there was something moving in and out into the hole just beyond this sweet pussy. It was obvious his daughter loved anals (a true member of the Anderson-Irving lot); he knew this because every time his son pumped his cock in her ass, she took it out joyously on Harry’s cock, which Harry now realized was in his daughter’s mouth.

"I’m sorry Gloria," he thought, "but she’s my daughter too, and she’s in my world now!"

He began licking and sucking at her juicy, leaky pussy happy to be able to think, "My children are back with me."


In the next room, Jenny was sitting on her mother’s mouth, occasionally bending over to suck Susan’s clit and lick the juices off Lenny’s cock as traveled in and out of Susan’s twat.

"When she rode me while she had me on that rack it felt amazing, with the rest of my body immobilized it felt like my cock was the only thing that had any feeling left at all, and was she making it feel some incredible things with those pussy muscles of hers. Then she had me sucking myself out of her after I came, I didn’t think I would like that, but my juices mixed with her juices tasted fantastic, not to mention she had Uncle Harry fucking Mom’s ass while Mom rode me."

"Mom really looked happy, I could see her from the wall I was chained to. She especially liked it when the Mistress had Robert fucking her ass, Uncle Harry fucking her pussy, you fucking her tits all while Sandra sat on her face and I sucked Mom’s clit. Susan gave a muffled scream as she came again, more from the memory of the previous night’s events than from her children’s early morning ‘exercises’.


Stan and Laura came to the smaller kitchen table to have breakfast with the adults that morning only to find Susan and Harry both naked. Amy was at the stove in her usual birthday suit and Pietro was carrying a tray into the dining room, he too was in the buff.

Casting an eye toward the dining room, Stan and Laura saw all the kids there eating happily and, thankfully, not a bit of clothes anywhere. Giving a sigh, Stan and Laura dropped their clothes right there and sat to eat.

"So," Harry said to Laura, "who was that masked woman?"

Stan’s eyes popped a little as he realized the cause of everyone’s sudden sexual liberality. "Have a nice dream last night, ehh?"

"It seems to have been a linked dream in that case," Susan said in a questioning voice.

"Well take my advice," Laura said, "if you enjoyed the dream and want any hope of ever experiencing one like it again, ask no questions."

"Got you Sis," Harry said smiling, "sorry I asked."

They heard the front door open and after a few minutes Debbie, Katrina and Jason walked past them (hardly noticing the adults) and into the dining room.

"What’s that," Lana said angrily, studying the Wilson kids’ clothes.

"You know, this is getting a bit confusing," Debbie said as she noticed for the first time that everyone was back to ‘Anderson family normal mode’. "Maybe you should start hanging a sign on the door that says, ‘Clothes required’ or ‘Not required’ today depending on the situation." She and the rest of the Wilsons then stripped right there.

"You know," Katrina said, "I don’t think we’ve really been introduced."

Ana gave a gasp and said, "That’s right, we’re so sorry!"

Going over and hugging the Wilsons, she took the job of introducing, "Listen everyone, this is Debbie and she’s John’s number one pussy," Debbie gave a small bow and walked over to John were, after kissing him, kneeled and sucked in his cock as he continued eating breakfast. "This wild girl is Katrina (we call her the Wild Kat) and she and Lana—" Ana stumbled for words to describe Lana and Katrina’s relationship and not really finding any said, "Well Lana and her are more than friends. I can’t call them lesbian lovers because they’re both way too cock crazy for a true lesbian like myself to call them that." A little annoyed at the introduction, Katrina stuck her index finger furiously up Ana’s pussy and started pumping a few times while bending over and sucking Ana’s boob and nipple into her mouth. Ana gave a small moan as Katrina gently bit her nipple, then, pulling her finger out of Ana’s cunt she stood erect and brought the finger to her mouth and sucked, at the same time going over to sit on Lana’s lap. "Then again," Ana continued blissfully, "whatever they are, they’re both welcome to my body whenever they want." Jason gave a small cough to remind Ana she had not finished with the introductions and Ana said startled, "Oh, and yeah, this is Jason, and even though they think we don’t know, he and Don have been pretty serious for over half-a-year now."

Don and Jason both looked at her with a mixture of anger and relief; anger that she would just blurt out their secret like that, and relief that they didn’t have to hide it anymore. "So how did you know," Don said signaling Jason that it was okay to come to him.

"Harry Fuller was getting a little tired of waiting for you to tell us yourselves and he confessed that all those so called dates you went on with him were really secret meetings with Jason. I don’t know why you couldn’t just admit it, I mean you were supposed to be out with a guy anyway."

"I’m the one that wasn’t quite ready to come out," Jason admitted. "I didn’t want the news out before my graduation this year."

"I agreed with him that Junior High School is a crappy place to come out," Don said. Jason now leaned over and gave him a passionate full mouth kiss.

"Hey," Sandra said smiling, "isn’t introduction a two way street?"

"Oh yeah," Ana agreed embarrassed. "Wilsons, those are the Irvings, Robert and Sandra, the red-headed ones, he’s 16 and she’s 15; and these are fellow Andersons, Jenny and Lenny and they are both 17."

"Welcome to Riverdale everyone," Katrina said then added to Lana, "they are all safe right? I know I should have asked yesterday before sucking one of them off but—well you know."

"Well, luckily for you they are all safe, but never let your emotions control your actions again," Lana exhorted. "After you’re sure, you can lose all the control you want." Seeing that the guests were all looking a little confused Lana explained, "We’re all part of a club that is deeply into ‘safe sex’ and staying clean. We’re not supposed to hook up with anyone that doesn’t have documented evidence that they are safe."

"Well," Lenny said smiling at Katrina, "I have my documents so you don’t have to worry about sucking my cock whenever you want."

Katrina smiled at him and dropping to her knees between his legs took his cock in his mouth.

"Well," Jason said, "since both my sisters seem to have their mouths occupied at the moment, I guess I’ll ask the question we came to ask, is it still on?"

Don, who had Jason sitting on his lap now stopped kissing his neck long enough to ask, "What do mean Jace?"

"The camping trip next week, are we still going?"

"Actually," Stan said coming into the dining room, "I want to talk to you all about that in the family room when everyone finishes eating breakfast." Noticing a lot of sad looks, Stan added, "But to answer your question Jason, yes, for now no plans have changed as to the trip itself."

Everyone quickly looked up smiling again. "Great," Jason said happily and suddenly dropped to his knees in front of Don’s cock and suctioned it into his mouth.


An hour later everyone in the Anderson house gathered once more in the family room for a meeting. With 13 kids, 4 parents and 2 servants, the room was a little crowded (to say the least); to attempt to more easily accommodate everybody, everyone simply sat somebody else on their lap. Besides the expected pairings of John and Debbie, Ron and Hannah, and Lana and Katrina, the other pairings included: Harry and Susan (who seemed to be getting along very well), Lenny and Sandra, Jenny and Ana, Don and Jason, Robert and Laura and at the very end Pietro and Amy.

When everyone was comfortable Stan talked to them all saying, "Now, like I said, we plan at the moment to go through with the trip, but we need to figure out how to go about it, seeing that we will have four additional campers along."

"Four more people," Debbie said shocked.

"That’s right," Stan said, "my nephews and nieces will be joining us. Susan and Harry each have a lot of arrangements and complicated legal paperwork to get through during that time so to make things simpler on them we’ve agreed to take the kids. What’s more, when all this over, Susan and Harry be joining Laura and me on that cruise we’re taking, they’ll need a little stress free escape from all the hassles."

"Wait a minute," Ron said, "if when we get back Aunt Susan and Uncle Harry are going with you, does that mean that the kids are coming with us?"

"With you," Jenny questioned, "where are you going when we get back?"

"SUMMER CAMP," the Andersons and Wilsons chorused together.

"Summer camp," Sandra said excitedly, "Dad is that true?"

"For now it certainly seems to be," Harry said, "but let’s start with this trip you are all going on now first."

"Now, naturally," Stan said, "the problem that is worrying me is the size of the vehicle we’ll need to rent, what it would cost to rent, not to mention to park. Plus, I might end up having to be the sole driver."

"Why do you say that Dad," John said puzzled, "we all have our licenses now?"

"A vehicle the size I’m talking about will need a special ‘large vehicle’ or commercial license; I’m the only one with one of those."

"Excuse me, Uncle Stan," Lenny said, "actually, both Jenny and I have commercial licenses. We were working last summer as the bus drivers of a summer camp."

"Really," Stan said smiling, "well that can certainly come in helpful."

"Would having free parking at all the resorts we visit help?"

Everyone turned a shocked head to Katrina as she said this. Lana, who had been rubbing her cunt lips on Katrina’s super clit while sitting on her lap suddenly turned around to look at Katrina and say, "Free parking at all the resorts, what do you mean?"

"You better let me explain Katrina," Debbie said temporarily stopping her grinding of John’s cock into her cunt. "It was Mom and Dad’s doing really, well Dad mostly."

Stan looked rather interested; in almost a whole year of screwing the Wilson kids the subject of their parents had rarely ever been touched, "and what idea is that," he asked.

"Jason," Debbie said, "go and get the disk."

Jason got up, letting Don’s cock fall out of his ass where it had been busy pumping away. Jason ran toward the dining room where they had left their clothes and quickly returned carrying a CD.

Getting up and letting John’s cock pull out of her cunt, Debbie grabbed the disk and walked over to the giant home theater unit against the wall. Inserting the disk in the player section, a menu of image files quickly appeared and Debbie hit the first one revealing a map of the mountain resorts.

"This is the trail that most tourists follow around the mountains and back" Debbie explained pointing out a road around the mountains. "Following this trail you can see most of the important and worthwhile sights in the area. I don’t know if I ever mentioned it, but Dad is a real estate agent and he’s done business with most of the resorts on this trail. He wanted to feel like he was donating something to the trip too, so he talked to eight of the resort owners that really owed him big time and cut a deal with them, if of course you accept it."

She moved to another picture, also of the trail, but this one with the eight mentioned resorts and their positions around the mountain highlighted. There were four on either side of the mountains and they were each numbered.

"These four resorts heading north and these four on the way back heading south are willing to give you two free nights. You would get there on one afternoon, spend that night, all the next day and night, and leave the next afternoon."

"Two free nights," John said suspiciously, "they would want absolutely nothing?"

"Well, you have to remember," Debbie said suddenly a little nervous about making them mad, "we’re talking about the business world, nothing is ever totally free, so there is one thing they want."

"And that one thing is," Stan said trying to hurry her.

She moved on to another picture, this was a picture of Triplet X Love Times 2 at their last concert. "Oh you’re kidding," Ana said.

"All they want is a two hour concert on the second night," Katrina said wrapping her arms tightly around Lana and licking her boobs.

"They really believe that you’ll help bring in customers those nights so they’re willing to give you the parking for that small concert," Jason said.

"Think of the money you’d save; not to mention the extra money you would make since you’d be allowed to set up a table to sell some stuff like t-shirts, buttons and caps," Debbie said. She brought up one more picture of the trail they’d be following; this one marked with arrows and above it a title, "Triplet X Love Times 2 On Tour!"


"Well," John said looking at Lana’s eyes, "you sure look blissful enough, are you ready to make a decision?"

"Just two or three more orgasms and I’ll be calm enough to discuss it."

"Come on Lana," Ana said from under Don, "the six of us have been fucking in here non-stop for two hours, and don’t get me wrong, if it weren’t that I want to spend the night with Patty I’d go another 24 hours, but it’s time to make a decision."

"Is there really a decision to make," Ron asked as he pumped Hannah’s ass. "I mean we need extra money to rent an extra large vehicle and keep it well gassed for a month-and-a-half long trip, the money we’d save by having the free resort parking, plus the extra we’d make from selling fan memorabilia, is too much of a blessing to pass up."

"But we only have one week," Don said, "just one week to plan a month plus concert tour." He drilled Ana’s cunt violently and said, "Not to mention that we still have to find a vehicle."

"A vehicle big enough to hold 15 people, all our camping equipment and now all our band equipment as well," Hannah added.

"Personally," Ana said, "as leader of the band I have to vote against it. It is way too soon for us to go so public. We’re considered awesome in this town, but that’s only because they hadn’t seen any real excitement since Amy’s mom died."

"I’m with Ana," Don said, "We shouldn’t do it."

"So," John said, "that’s two votes for the tour, and two votes against with me and Lana still to vote. Personally, I am completely split on my decision. I can form as many arguments for it as against it, so therefore," He gave Lana’s twat a few violent pumps and leaning up gave her a long deep kiss, "little sister, I’m leaving it up to you. You’re vote is my vote, so what do you say ‘Queen’ are we going on tour or not?"

Lana pulled John’s cock out of her twat long enough to turn around in the same upwards position Hannah was in and inserted John’s cock in her ass as she stared at the ceiling in deep thought. Finally she said, "OHPF’s message goes on tour with us. We’ll do these concerts, but we’ll also take the time to spread a little awareness around. Is that okay with you Ron?"

Since Hannah’s vote was always whatever Ron’s was, and since John had delegated his vote to her, Lana new that Ron was the only one she had to bargain with for a majority vote.

Moving Hannah off him and getting Lana to move over onto him in face-to-face position, Ron inserted his cock in her pussy and after kissing her for a while he said, "It’s okay with me if you’ll meet me alone later for a private session."

"It’s a deal," Lana said leaning down and kissing him a few more times. To the others she said, "Okay everyone get ready because we are going on tour!"



Chapter Four – The Tour Mobile

Lana returned from her private fuck session with Ron later that evening with a big blissful smile on her face, and a very red, well spanked butt. In general, ‘the Orgasm Queen’ was no submissive, but Lana did have a very deeply buried submissive side that only ‘the Master’ new how to occasionally tap into. It was possible that Lana’s blissful smile was a bit too big because when she walked into her room to find Hannah there alone (Ana had spent most of the afternoon and evening at Patty’s) she was greeted with a very sour and hateful look.

"Oh Hannah, this is ridiculous, will you stop looking at me like I’m trying to steal your boyfriend!"

Hannah, realizing the look she must have had tried quickly to change the subject, "so everything is set for the tour?"

"Don’t change the subject," Lana said angrily, "it’s about time we talked about this—jealousy thing you have toward me and Ron."

"I am not jealous of you and Ron," Hannah said quietly, though her eyes told another story, "I can’t be jealous of ‘the Orgasm Queen’s’ relationship with ‘the Master of Love’ ever." And then with surprising anger added, "And maybe that’s what makes me so mad!"

As Hannah gave a few sobs Lana looked at her puzzled and said, "What do you mean you can’t be jealous of us? It can’t be because you’re his perfectly submissive slave, because you were pretty jealous of Louise and Marilyn, and you made them feel the wrath of that jealousy."

Hannah turned her back to Lana and wouldn’t talk or even look at her. Lana was starting suddenly to get really worried and upset. If it weren’t for the fact that she truly loved her relationship with Ron (mostly because of the way he could bring out her dominant side, which usually wanted to kill him, and that deeply buried submissive side that always seemed to end up on the end of a leash) she might have just promised Hannah right then and there never to be with him again.

Lana was actually opening her mouth to say something of this nature when suddenly remembering something she said instead, quite angrily, "You manipulating little whore; that’s what you want isn’t it, for me to promise never to be with Ron again! Well I’m sorry sister but I love Ron, and I love my sex life with him, but you have got to grow up and realize that it is nothing like the relationship he has with you. You are his one true love and even if you weren’t his beloved pet and slave that wouldn’t change! You are his true love when you are just brother and sister in school, you are his true love when you are playing equals in the Mistress’ bed chamber, you are his true love when the Mistress is dominating and humiliating him in her torture room and you are his true love when he is having some incredible private fuck sessions with me!"

"How do you know that," Hannah said finally turning and looking at her sister. "He talks about you as much as he does me. You and him even share the same sexual orientation; you think I didn’t notice that it was the day you both grabbed your red band ID bracelets that you really started getting close. But like I said, I am not and can not be jealous, and it has nothing to do with being a submissive slave, it deals with the fact that if it weren’t for ‘the Orgasm Queen’s’ relationship with my Master, me and him would never have truly discovered each other."

Lana suddenly gave a quick muffled laugh as the memory of Ron on his knees wiping the shit from Hannah’s ass with his tongue came back to her. But she then got serious and said, "That’s not true Hannah, even if what happened that day hadn’t happened, you and Ron would eventually have gotten together, it was destined. If you recall, even Mom and Dad, in the middle of the Caribbean somewhere, knew it had to happen, if anything I just sped up the inevitable."

Smiling for the first time Hannah said, "You know little sister, I’ve never told you how much I thank you for that day. I love you, you know, you’ll always be my first true master."

"Yeah, well I’ll believe that the day you get the Mistress to use me as much as everyone else. In the meantime, both my pussy and my ass are full of your Master’s powerful seed. Why don’t you show me your love by cleaning me up completely?"

Hannah gave Lana a wicked smile and pushing Lana on the bed dug straight into her cunt; sticking her tongue in deep and long Hannah sucked furiously and powerfully, hunting every last drop of her Master’s cum. Even after she was sure she’d gotten it all, she didn’t stop sucking Lana’s twat until she’d made Lana cum (and cum very hard I might add) and had a very nice drink of Lana juice before moving on to the Ron cream in her ass; Hannah took a very long time to clean out Lana’s butt, truly enjoying her younger sister’s (by 10 minutes) dirty little hole.

"Maybe Lana’s right," Hannah thought. "Maybe what I should be doing is asking the Mistress to hook them up every month while absolutely brutalizing the both of them. They might actually get so sick and tired of each other that they would never consider another ‘private session’ again." Smiling wickedly as she feasted on Lana’s ass she decided as she thought to herself, "Very well little sister, you want time with the Mistress, fine, starting next month, or rather next session since I don’t know when we’ll be back, you are now one of the Mistress’ official reserved toys. One of her prized three, enjoy your time with her, I know she will." With that thought, Hannah once more turned Lana around and climbing on top plastered her hairless pussy on Lana’s mouth.


"Debbie," John said a little annoyed, "do you three realize that it is 3 o’clock in the morning! What could possibly be so important that you couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning to talk to us?"

"I’m sorry honey," she said going over and hugging him, upset that he was upset.

"Listen guys," Katrina said, looking nervously around the studio as if trying to find the best way to say this. The Wilson kids had called the Anderson kids and demanded that they meet them here in the studio immediately. "It’s just that it is going to get here in the morning and we thought you should be prepared before you saw it."

"It," Don said inquisitively, looking straight in Jason’s eyes, "and just what, pray tell, is it!" He said this last part very angrily.

"Your tour mobile," Debbie said looking in John’s eyes and smiling. "We thought you’d get a horrid shock when you opened your door tomorrow morning and just found it parked outside your house."

"Our tour mobile," Lana said suspiciously, "are you telling us that you got us a vehicle for the trip and didn’t even consult us?"

"Don’t get mad at us," Jason said nervously going over to Don and grabbing his hands, "it was Mom’s doing actually."

"Your mother," Ana said surprised, "what has your mother got to do with it?"

"Well," Katrina said, "I think she was a little upset that we seemed extra happy with Dad when we told him that you were happily accepting his tour offer, and she wanted to be involved just as much."

Taking up the story Debbie said, "So she called up a few friends that really owed her favors for ideas and they got her something and fixed it up. They’re on the road right now driving it here."

"And it will be parked in front by seven tomorrow," Jason finished, "don’t be mad, like I said, we were as surprised as you were when she told us."

"She wasn’t even planning to tell us until you had received it," Katrina said, "but I over-heard a message on the answering machine tonight from the guy making the delivery and we finally got her to tell us the truth."

Ron looked suspiciously at the three Wilson kids and said, "Is there something you three have been neglecting to tell us about your parents?"

"What do you mean," Debbie asked looking scared.

"Your father gets us booked at eight resorts, and not just any resorts by the way, I looked them up, they are the eight top resorts in the mountain area; your mother gets us a vehicle that will apparently suit our enormous needs in less than 24 hours."

Lana continuing, also suspiciously, added, "In a year of fucking all of you we have never been invited anywhere near your house or have you had your parents visit us here; and most curious of all, your parents are in no way interested in fucking the three of you themselves even though they are fully aware of your sexual activities and in no way seem to mind it. Maybe I’ve been around Randy too much this year, but if I were to make an analysis I’d say, there is definitely something we are not being told!"

Katrina walked up to her and hugging her tightly gave her a powerful kiss and then dropping to her knees pulled Lana down with her pushing her back onto the studio floor and lying on her rubbing pussies and tits with her. She then said, "You’re right, you’ve been hanging around Randy way too much." She then began kissing her as she fucked Lana with her clit moving in and out of Lana’s twat.

John was still looking suspiciously at Debbie and when he looked like he was about to ask her something she pulled him toward a corner that had been lined with mattresses for some time and pushed him down on them placing her cunt on his mouth and leaning forward to devour his cock.

"That looks like a good idea," Jason said before Don could even think of saying anything. Jason grabbed Don and before he knew what was happening, Don was lying in a 69 with Jason right next to Debbie and John.

"Do you get the feeling someone is trying very hard to avoid an issue," Hannah said to Ana, a big smile on her face.

"Absolutely," Ana said, "so let’s get over there and avoid the issues with them." When Ron stretched out his hand to take Hannah’s, Ana said, "Oh no you don’t, with you and Lana constantly emptying out the honey pot, I never get a drop anymore. I’ll handle the pot this time; you can have Ron Jr. scratch a little itch I’m having at the same time." Going over to the mattresses, Ana buried her face in Hannah’s twat while Ron speared her from behind and started very strongly scratching her itch, he suddenly realized that since her therapy to remember being bi- he could not remember once truly connecting with her and decided to truly make this rare time with her memorable.


Everyone in the studio was suddenly awakened by the loud honking of a vehicle somewhere nearby. Being that this last sex party had started at 3 in the morning, everyone had just gone to sleep right there after having enough satisfactory cums.

Ron actually felt a little weird as he started to wake up, he knew that there was still a girl on him, and that his cock had remained pumping in and out of her even in his sleep, this was nothing new, and in no way weird, what was weird was to open his eyes and have Ana staring down at him and kiss him in the same way he had many times been kissed by his two favorite (if it was right to have favorites) Anderson girls, Hannah and Lana.

"What’s wrong brother, feel strange not to have your cock in Hannah or Lana for once," Ana whispered.

"A little," he confessed, "so why has it been so long since it has been here that it feels strange?"

"Let’s just say that whenever we get together in the way we did last night I get this serious urge to trade in my green ID bracelet," Ana said smiling.

Someone gave an angry false cough behind them and looking over they saw both Hannah and Lana staring at them with their arms crossed.

"Then again," Ana said, "all I have to do is remember Patty and I know my green ID bracelet will never leave my arm."

They heard the loud honking again and now a phone was ringing.

As everyone got up John reached for his cell phone and said, "Hello—Dad, wait up Dad what are you talking about? Outside this minute, okay—okay—right! I’ll tell them."

"Well," Ron said when John wouldn’t talk.

"He just wants us outside right now, and he wants us in clothes. I think there are strangers around."

After quickly forcing themselves up and getting some clothes that were always handy in the wardrobe right outside the studio door, the six Anderson kids and 3 Wilson kids marched out of the garage and immediately froze on seeing what was parked right in front of their house.



"GOD," said the three Anderson girls together.

"It’s huge," Don said in shock.

"It’s incredible," John said awestruck.

"It’s us!" Ron smiled as he said this while studying the mural painted on the side of giant tour bus before them.

"The Triplet X Love Times 2 Tour Mobile," Lana read out loud.

"Kids," Stan said soberly, "do you know anything about this?"

"Where did it come from," Laura asked as she stepped out the door of the house closely followed by everyone else.

"Apparently someone owed Debbie’s mom a favor and she got them to send it over but—" he was studying the incredible mural of the band on the side and was at a loss for words.

"She got someone to give you a fully decorated and completely operational 160 passenger tour bus for free?"

"Give us," Lana said her eyes popping.

"What exactly do you mean, give us," Ana said looking at the Wilson kids once more suspiciously.

"I mean," Stan said holding up a paper, "that this bus belongs to your band. This is a title of ownership and it names the six of you equal co-owners."

They noticed the two men by their father for the first time and one of them said, "The six of them will have to spend the day today and tomorrow practicing how to drive it and learning to fully control it. On Wednesday, Josh and I, names Herb by the way, will take them to have their licenses upgraded to commercial licenses."

"It took Don and me a whole year to get a regular license," Ana blurted out shocked.

"As long as one of you can pass the special ‘large vehicle’ driver’s test, there should be no problem with the ownership status. Wouldn’t you like to see the bus’ interior now," Herb asked.

Not knowing what else to say or do, the Andersons as well as everyone else followed Josh and Herb into the bus.

"As you probably know this type of tour bus originally held forty rows of seats, 4 seats per row," Josh said, "Most of the rows were removed from this bus and it’s been divided into four sections. This first section is the smallest, and as you can see it has been left pretty much unchanged 5 rows of 4 seats, 2 on either side of this center walkway."

"Well," John said, "20 people can definitely sit comfortably here." Just behind the fifth row a dividing wall with a door had been added. Following the two guides John was the first to cross to the next section and on getting a good look he screamed "Blockbuster!"

Curious about what he could mean the others quickly followed and found themselves in—

"The Recreation Room," Herb said, "this is the largest section; all the love seats, and recliners here are safely bolted to the floor. The giant screen, entertainment center and all the movies found in the refurbished baggage berths are also secure."

Lana looked up at the hundreds of DVD choices and said, "How are we supposed to find a movie in this place?"

Going over to a computer desk by the big screen Herb powered it on and then went to a program titled ‘Movie Index’, in a search space he typed, "The Sound of Music". They all watched amazed, not even questioning how he just happened to choose the girls favorite movie for the demonstration.

"A-3-55," Ana said when a message popped up on the monitor, "What does that mean?"

"The letter," Josh explained is the berth the movie is located in, they are clearly labeled ‘A’ through ‘E’." As he said this he pointed to the letters under each berth. "Each berth holds 4 rows also clearly labeled of 100 movies clearly numbered as you see." Actually smiling for the first time Josh said to Ana, "Do you think you can find me the Sound of Music?"

Going over to berth A and pulling movie number 55 from the third row Ana smiled and said, "Amazing," then turning to Lana and Hannah she said, "We watch it later, and remind me to add perfectly indexed movie libraries to my list of favorite things."

"Just remember to return them to their rightful place when you’re finished and you should have no problems." After saying this Herb added, "By the way, this computer can be used with the giant screen and has full high-speed internet capabilities." Looking at Stan who, like pretty much everyone else, was too amazed to talk he said, "It’s perfect for daily video-conferencing."

"What," Stan said suddenly, "how did—" he stopped himself deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Shall we continue," Josh said and walked toward another divider wall and door at the end of this section.

"The BED room," Herb said, "it may be a little difficult walking here so be careful until you get use to it."

Everyone looked in awe as this section, or room as Herb had called it was revealed to be nothing but one giant bed from beginning to end of the section.

"It’s awesome," Don said, "but there isn’t much privacy ehhh?"

"Actually," Josh said, "anyone wishing a little privacy can use one of these," he went over and opened one of the luggage berths. "As you can see the berths in this section have been converted to sleeping berths and can as you see be closed for privacy, even locked from the inside. Two people can easily lie in each of them for a good nights sleep."

"Or something else," Lana said smiling.

"Actually I’d feel like I was in a coffin," Sandra said.

"She’s a little claustrophobic," Robert explained.

"Really," Lenny said, "me too, why don’t we get in one together later and try to conquer our fears?"

Sandra smiled at him and said, "You know that actually sounds like a good idea."

"Shall we move on to the final section," Herb said as he led the way through the last door. "As you probably know all these buses end with two restrooms, one on either side as you see. We replaced the seats on this side and added this large bathtub, several should be able to bathe at once, it will help conserve your water supply. Most of the more extensive bathing and showering though should be done at the resorts you visit. Now on this side as you see we’ve added this kitchen and pantry. He walked over to the refrigerator and opening it showed it full of food!"

"Oh my God, I’m suddenly extra hungry," Hannah said.

"Isn’t there one thing missing," Don suddenly said, "where exactly in this home on wheels do we store all our camping equipment, band instruments and extra luggage? They don’t exactly fit in the few luggage berths left in the first section."

"That’s a good question," Ana said.

"Let’s step outside and I’ll show you," Josh said. "We can step out through here." Everyone looked and noticed for the first time that there was a door right on the very back between the two restrooms. The man opened it and lowering some steps waited outside for everyone to join him. He led them around to the other side of the bus and everyone got a look at this side for the first time.

When Lana realized what was on it she gave a happy squeal and grabbing Katrina gave her a hug and deep kiss right there not caring about the two strangers watching them. "Katrina, it’s beautiful," she ranted. "I have to go and thank your Mom personally! I love it!"

Rather than smile, Katrina gave a worried look at the prospect of her Mom and her love coming together. "Actually," she said, "both Mom and Dad will be busy for the next week or so, a phone call or a letter will be fine."

Lana gave her another annoyed and suspicious look but then looked back at the mural on this side of the bus and smiled. On the left side it pictured a worried and obviously tense teen holding a broken and leaking condom; on the right side it showed the same teen smiling and happy holding an obviously totally clean STD report, and in the center, in big bold letters was the message, "Safe Sex is a Joke, Only through regular testing can you ensure your safety and safety of those you Love!"

Josh coughed trying to get back everyone’s attention as he demonstrated the side luggage panels that could definitely easily store anything the family planned to carry with them on the trip.

"So do you find it acceptable," Herb asked.

Everyone smiled and Stan finally said, "I think this will be perfect for our needs."

"This is awesome," Don said again.

"You said that already," Jason said smiling.

"Well do you know a better word to describe it," Don asked.

"We better go in and have breakfast," John said, "because after that I am not resting until I can drive this thing perfectly."

"I’m with you there big brother," Ron said, "come on, we have work to do."

"You know," Lana said suddenly, "we should hold a special ‘Anderson’ inauguration ceremony for it when we’re ready to go." Giving the others a wicked smile, they all smiled back and nodded.



Chapter Five – The Parent Trap

During the next two days the six Anderson kids were working strongly day and night towards one goal, get their commercial drivers licenses.

During these days Stan and Laura were finishing up all preparations at work; Laura was especially spending long hours with Annie Styles and Harry Fuller, making sure the summer interns would be able to handle any delicate situation they were presented with. She learned pretty quickly though that, being part of Lana’s OHPF club, the interns were already experts in pretty much anything they had to do, she therefore continued teaching them anyway and just called it a review.

The Wilsons kids had not shown their faces since the presentation of the tour mobile claiming to be in full charge of the tour (they had given themselves the official titles of tour coordinators).

So with everyone away doing something else, it left the guests in the house to tend for themselves, luckily, they were getting along just fine.

"Can I stay with you," Sandra asked Jenny as she was about to go into her room. "My brother is sucking off your mom again and he refuses to share her. She tastes so much like Mom; Robert never wants to take his tongue out of her. He knows I love her taste too but he can get so greedy sometimes, he was like that with Mom too."

"He sure has been spending a lot of time with her. But the extra attention makes her happy. Since the Andersons can’t give it at the moment, I’m really glad you and your brother are here to help supply it."

As they walked in Sandra took a good look at Amy’s room, she actually had not stopped in here yet. "Wow are those yours or Amy’s?" She was looking at the wall lined with just about every size and type of vibrator and dildo ever invented.

"They’re Amy’s; I guess sharing the bed with Pietro she’s had no need for them because she hasn’t come in once to use any."

"Well Pietro does have a pretty nice large cock," Sandra said smiling. "Who needs a false cock when you have a large warm-blooded real one with and endless supply of cum right next to you?" Sandra went over and studied one of the harnesses on the wall closely; it had a 12 inch by 3 inch cock on either side as well as a clit stimulator for the wearer on the inside. "Do you think anyone can really fit this in them?"

"Want to find out," Jenny asked smiling a little mischievously.

"Only if I’m the one wearing it," Sandra said smiling back as she grabbed it from the wall. She also grabbed several other dildos of various sizes and increasing widths as well. "If necessary we’ll work our way up to it," she said spreading the different dildos on the bed.

"This is so cool," Jenny said hugging Sandra and giving her a long and passionate kiss. "I love my brother and I love his cock—"

"Oh I definitely love that too," Sandra said giggling.

"—but I always wanted a sister," Jenny continued, "I’m so jealous of Lana, Ana, and Hannah. They’ve gotten to grow up with an endless supply of cunt juice to fill their mouths whenever they wanted it."

"Talking about filling one’s mouth with cunt juice," Sandra said, "Maybe that’s where we should really start; getting our pussies nice and slick by getting our juices to really flow."

"I like the way you think cousin," Jenny said pushing Sandra on the bed and sticking her tongue in her hole.

Sandra instantly had Jenny climb over on her so she could get Jenny’s pussy just as ready.

Since they had both been their respective Mom’s number one cunt suckers for years, they both found each other to be equally skilled and incredibly talented in the art of cunningulus. Neither of the two wanted to let the other out of her pussy ever. Finally though, after they had both had their third orgasm, Jenny pulled her tongue out of Sandra and said, "I’m pretty sure we’re ready to start trying some of those dildos now." Sandra in no way seemed willing to surrender Jenny’s pussy; Jenny finally had to force herself off Sandra and turning lay on her rubbing her boobs into Sandra’s. Sandra had a sad look in her eyes.

"You know," Jenny said softly, "everyone that has ever sucked both me and Mom say that it is amazing how we taste so exactly alike. If it’s true that Mom tastes like your Mom wouldn’t that mean that—"

Before she could finish Sandra grabbed her and pulled her down locking lips with her for a while as they continued rubbing their bodies, boobs and cunts in particular, together.

After a while Sandra finally released Jenny and said, "Let’s try it now. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’ll need to work myself up to the big one after all. Just help me on with it, slowly."

Jenny grabbed the harness and positioning the inner faux cock at Sandra’s opening pushed slowly into her red-haired pussy. Sandra, however, was right; after three cums, she could have easily gotten and entire salami into her wet and oily cunt. Much sooner than she could have expected, Jenny had the inner side of the harness against Sandra’s pubic area and, making sure the clit stimulator made constant contact with Sandra’s clit, she tied it tightly around Sandra’s body.

"Oh my God, this feel fantastic," Sandra said, "Lana fucked me with something like this the other day but it feels incredibly different being the one on this side of it."

"Think you’re ready to use it the way it’s supposed to be used?"

"You bet! Quick, lie down on the bed with your legs up and try to open wide." Sandra directed the tip of the faux cock to Jenny’s hole and started applying pressure, every time she did, her clit stimulator would rub hard against her clit and make her squeal happily. As she got more use to the sensations, she gave a stronger push at Jenny’s hole and finally penetrated it bringing the head of the faux cock past Jenny’s inner lips. Jenny gave a small scream and, worried, Sandra stopped and said, "Are you alright, do you want me to pull out?"

"NEVER," Jenny said, "Please just fuck me and never stop fucking me!"

Sandra smiled and started moving in again, still slowly though, wanting Jenny to completely adapt to the size. Even when her red pubic hairs and Jenny’s blond ones were kissing she still proceeded very slowly in and out at first.

Jenny couldn’t stand the slow teasing fuck anymore and finally screamed, "REALLY FUCK ME ALREADY WILL YOU!"

Sandra laughed and pushed all the way in hard then began to rapidly thrust in and out, in and out, faster, harder really loving the sensations in her own pussy and driving both herself and Jenny wild.

"Now that looks like fun," someone said from the door.

Without stopping her fucking of Jenny, Sandra turned her head and said, "Hi Lenny, yeah, it is way fun!"

"I know a way to make it even more fun," he said smiling.

"Well what are you waiting for," Sandra said, "do it!"

Lenny walked up behind her, as she returned her full attention to Jenny, and rammed his cock hard and fast into Sandra’s anal loving ass. She screamed and rammed her faux cock just as furiously into Jenny. Both Sandra and Jenny gave screams as they came together.

"Wow," someone else said, "hey how about letting me in on the fun!" Robert ran to the bed and squeezed himself under Jenny and positioned his cock at her ass. In mere seconds he was pumping his cock in and out of her.

They continued in this ‘fuck’ chain for another 20 minutes in which the girls came again and after they nearly passed out, the boys decided to give their sisters a rest and both came in the asses they were fucking.

They then lay exhausted in bed.

"So," Sandra finally said to Robert, "I can’t believe you finally released Susan."

"Where is Mom," Jenny asked.

"She said she had to take a bath, a long bath she said."

"Wow," Jenny said, "you must really have tired her out, how many times did you make her cum?"

"She lost count," Robert admitted, "and I was too busy drinking her up to keep score. I have to tell you I love your Mom’s cunt juice, if I could have her everyday I’d be in heaven. Not that I would ever find anyone to replace Mom, you know, but I know Mom would want me and Sandra to be happy."

"Susan’s juices are magnificent," Sandra said, "and Robert, you know Jenny tastes just like her?"

"Really," Robert said, throwing Jenny a sideways glance. "I’ll have to sample you later, when I have enough strength to move again."

"Well, I think your Dad tastes pretty divine also," Jenny said suddenly, "and God I love how he fucks me, but I love his cum most of all."

"It does taste great," Sandra said, "I’d never tasted it before this week of course, but now I make him give me a good mouthful when I wake up and one when we go to bed. And he knows he has to fuck me at least twice a day. One of those times has to be an anal, God I love it in the ass."

"Too bad you can’t stay with us forever," Lenny said, "I’d never take my cock out of your ass. It’s beautiful and I love the control you have over your anal muscles."

"Is that a promise," Sandra said smiling.

"Well you’d have to let me fuck that beautiful red-haired cunt of yours just as much."

"That’s a deal," Sandra said.

"If only it could really be," Robert said finally getting enough strength to pull Jenny onto him and bury his face in her cunt, she also mustered up the strength to swallow and suck at his semi-erect penis. Sandra noticed some of Robert’s cum leaking out of Jenny’s ass and leaning over started to lick and suck at her ass. Deciding he didn’t want to be left out, Lenny kneeled behind Sandra and started deeply sucking both her cunt and her ass (cleaning his own seed out of it). After both girls had cum yet again and begged for a break, Robert said, "Wouldn’t it be great if our parents decided to get married, or at least agreed to live together." He said this in an ‘I’m allowed to dream, right?’ tone, but suddenly a very mischievous grin came to his face, one that started spreading immediately to the other kids.


"But Uncle Harry and Aunt Susan already get together," Lana said, "constantly."

"Yeah," Ana said, "they really seem to like each other."

"I think they make each other very happy," Hannah said throwing Ron, who was sitting across from her in the studio a happy smile.

"But we don’t want them just to get together to have casual sex and make each other happy for a few orgasms," Sandra said desperately.

"Yeah," Jenny agreed, "we want them together, together. Understand!"

The six Andersons threw their cousins a curious ‘what are you talking about’ look and Robert said, "Look, Sandy and I really, really like Susan, Jenny and Lenny really, really like Dad, the four of us really, really like each other, we don’t want to have to separate when all this is over, we want to be a real family, like you guys."

"Like you said," Lenny added, "Dad and Susan really make each other happy, they should stay together, you know ‘til death do them part and all that crap. But sometimes adults can be slow to see the obvious."

"So what you want is some help to get your parents to realize that they should get married," Ron said. "Have the four of you considered just going up to them and saying, hey you two really get along, the four of us really get along, what say we stay together and rebuild our lives as a family."

"Don’t be silly, Ron," Lana said, "You know how much parents hate to take their children’s advice. If they suggest that they may only delay rather than quicken any permanent get together."

"Well what would you suggest, ‘Queen’?"

"What they really need is some alone time together, to really see what is in front of their eyes. I mean sure, they’ve been fucking for almost a week now, but the truth is everybody has, they could see it as just going with the flow. I wonder how much time, if any, they’ve spent just the two of them, with no one else around."

"‘Queen’," Ron said smiling, "I think you’re right."

"Some alone time," Sandra said almost laughing, "where in a house with 16 people, 19 if you count that the Wilsons are almost always here, do two people find time to be alone and really fall in love?"

"What about the Mistress’ bed chamber," Hannah asked.

"I don’t think so Honey, not yet anyway," Ron was smiling evilly as he said this.

Noticing the look on his face Lana said, "So, does ‘the Master of Love’ have a plan he wants to share with the rest of us?"


"So do you have anything to do tomorrow Uncle Harry," Ron asked as he pumped his cock into Susan’s ass as Harry pumped her pussy.

"Actually, I finally get a couple of days rest; the lawyers I’ve been working with are off for the next two days. I’ve had to meet with them almost every day to battle a challenge that was brought by Gloria’s parents to my keeping the kids. The kids don’t know, and I don’t want them told, but their grandparents are putting up a good fight to have them taken from me."

"That’s horrid," Susan said, "How could they even consider it?"

"Well their main case is built on the fact that the kids were raised in a different world from mine, they live in the same town as the kids were raised (they wouldn’t even have to change schools) and that at the delicate age that they are in, Sandra especially, they can provide both a father’s and a mother’s guidance."

"But you’re their father," Susan said upset, yet with a blissful smile due to the fact that she was cumming again.

"Well, according to their lawsuit, I haven’t been their father for close to a decade."

"Maybe you should get a wife," Ron said, "it’ll help you to demonstrate you can provide a full family environment for the kids."

"Oh come on—" Harry said leaning up and locking lips lovingly with Susan for a few minutes, "—where am I going to find a wife, am I supposed to mail-order one, not to mention that Robert and Sandra probably aren’t ready to have their mother replaced."

"A new wife isn’t presented as a replacement mother, Uncle Harry," Ron said as he started cumming in Susan’s ass, "She’s presented as a satisfactory substitute." Ron noticed that his uncle was also cumming, filling Susan’s twat with his warm cream.

When they’d all finished cumming Ron smiled and said, "You better hurry and get that to Jenny and Hannah in your room Aunt Susan, I know those two cum whores, they’re probably biting their nails going crazy waiting for it." He helped her up and she stepped out of the room to make her delivery next door.

"So," Harry said, "do you think you and your brothers and sisters are ready for that commercial driver’s license test tomorrow?"

"Well we’re all ready to take the test but only John, me and Hannah are going to pass it."

"Hannah," Harry said surprised.

"Yeah, she just saw the classes as another subject she needed to score an ‘A+’ in. She actually had it under control way before John or me."

"Well good luck to all of you on that test." Harry noticed Ron grab something and said, "What’s that?"

"A little cologne, I smell like cum and cunt juice. This is actually a ‘knock-out’ brand, Hannah got it for me, here take a whiff," and he sprayed his Uncle right in the face. As his Uncle slept peacefully he turned his head towards where he knew the hidden camera had been sending the entire scene to John, Don and Ana and nodded. They knew this was the signal to grab Pietro and Amy and get down there.

He quickly walked into the next room and found Susan in a 69 with Hannah who was merrily cleaning out Uncle Harry’s cum from Susan’s cunt. Jenny was behind Susan kneeling over her ass and cleaning it of all of Ron’s seed. Ron walked to where Susan’s head was busy in Hannah’s pussy and gave her a quick spray of ‘knock-out’, as she lost consciousness he said, "Make sure you finish cleaning her out completely."

Laying the mace like can of ‘knock-out’ by Hannah’s head he said, "Return this to the Mistress give her my thanks for letting me borrow it."

Ron then returned to where Harry was now surrounded by the others.

"Did Lana call," he asked.

"Yeah," Ana said, "Robert, Sandra and her have everything set up."

"Good, let’s just make the delivery. Ana why don’t you make sure his cock is totally clean before we wrap him up?"

Ana gave a happy nod and wrapped her lips around the unconscious Harry’s cock, sucking merrily and joyously away."


Harry started to wake up slowly, the sound of the waves seemed so powerful he didn’t want to open his eyes. Not to mention his cock was very very happy where it was resting at the moment. He could feel it engulfed in a warm, moist vagina, could feel it being clenched and unclenched by powerful vaginal muscles and he could feel someone sleeping peacefully on top of him. "It must be Sandra," he thought to himself as he fought to open his eyes.

When he finally did, he was shocked, but in no way upset, to find Susan was the one lying on him. She looked beautiful sleeping there peacefully on him. He’d had her there before, but there was something different about this time, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, all he knew is that for the first time he was really getting a chance to look at her, to study her.

Harry saw Susan begin to open her eyes and stare down into his somewhat confused. He leaned up and gave her a kiss and the confusion she was feeling about waking up ‘who knows where’ suddenly turned into true joy as she started pumping her hips wanting to feel Harry deeper and deeper in her. Harry continued fucking and kissing her in this gentle ‘it’s just you and me and I love it’ manner until Susan’s juices started to flow as she came for the first time (well the first time wherever they presently were anyway).

"Are you okay," Harry asked her lovingly.

"I couldn’t be better, but where exactly are we," Susan asked puzzled but also very happy. She got up and bending down grabbed Harry’s cock in her mouth and started to suck it, fucking her face with Harry’s cock. Susan had felt him tensing up and near cumming, and not knowing exactly where she was, she didn’t want to be there with a cum leaking cunt. She quickly got him off and drank every last bit of his cum greedily, finally releasing his fully cleaned cock and saying, "Jenny is right, she told me that you have the most divine tasting cum around. She said she’s so jealous of Sandra because she gets to drink you every morning and every night."

Getting on her feet she helped Harry up and for the first time they took a real look around at where they were.

"This seems to be some sort of chamber room," Harry said looking around at the cots, one of which he and Susan had just been lying on. Looking to the center he said, "Hey, looks like we’ve been left something to eat."

"Do you think we’re still in Stan and Laura’s house somewhere," Susan asked confused. "You know, like that first night when we were taken by Han—I mean the Mistress to a hidden room?"

"I don’t think so, unless the sound of waves I’ve been hearing is a recording and the smell of the sea simply some scented candles."

"But then how did we get here, and more importantly, why are we here," Susan said getting a little worried for the first time about the mysterious situation she found herself in."

Harry walked over to the table full of covered plates and noticed an envelope with the names ‘Harry and Susan’ on the front. He removed the letter in it and after reading it once said, "it’s a letter from the kids," and reading aloud said, "Dear Mom and Dad, we’re sorry to inform you that the bomb shelter you are in has been set on a timed locker and can not be opened by anybody for 24 hours. Luckily there’s plenty of food for the two of you to enjoy a quiet peaceful dinner together. Should you feel you’d like something else to do together, a working television and DVD with several movies are present, (Dinner and a movie are always a great beginning). P.S. Dad, if you ever feel yourself not up to the job, the cabinet by the refrigerator has a lot of helpful tools to keep the two of you occupied. Love, Robert, Lenny, Sandra and Jenny."

Looking over some of the choices for food Susan said, "Interesting menu selection: Oysters, mussels, truffles, caviar, French onion soup, almonds, peaches, avocado and chocolate, lots of chocolate I might add. Chocolate cake, chocolate donuts, chocolate éclair pie and a bowl full of chocolate kisses." Picking up a bottle she tasted it and smiling said, "Oh yeah, ‘Anderson Dressing’ to top everything off; God I feel horny to death already and I haven’t even started eating."

Harry was over by the cabinet checking out the ‘tools’ and said, "Would you like one of these egg vibrators for your cunt and a butt plug vibrator for your ass while we eat?"

"Oh yes please," Susan said excited; moving over to the TV and studying the movie selection on top of it."

"Don’t tell me," Harry said noticing the frown on her face, "triple X rated ‘to hot for any decent couple to watch’ movies."

"Actually no, well except maybe this one, but these other four are all g rated Disney type movies." Harry threw her a questioning look and she read the choices: "‘It Takes Two’, ‘The Parent Trap’ (original version with Hayley Mills), ‘The Parent Trap’ (revised edition with Lindsey Lohan), ‘The Parent Trap 2’"

"Do you get the feeling our kids are trying to tell us something," Harry questioned, "What’s the last movie?"

"‘The Mistress of Pain and the Loving Cousins’ looks home made."

"Well it definitely sounds the best choice for our needs; slip it in and come have dinner, we have 24 hours together and I don’t want to waste a single second of it."

She did so and the Mistress came on screen introducing Harry, Susan and their kids as her toys for the night, Susan walked over to the table where Harry had sat down on the one chair provided. Harry slipped the vibrators she had requested into her cunt and her ass and she looked frowning once more around the table.

"What’s wrong," Harry asked.

"Well where am I supposed to sit?"

"Well isn’t that obvious," Harry said pulling her onto his lap. She smiled and as she chose to start feasting on the truffles, Harry chose to start feasting on her boobs.



Chapter Six – Patty’s Goodbye

"Does anybody know where Harry and Susan are this morning," Stan asked as he looked over all the kids having breakfast in the dining room.

"Dad," Ron said, "we told you yesterday at dinner that they were going out together."

"You mentioned dinner and a movie," Stan said suspiciously, "it’s now breakfast time."

"Well obviously they’ve extended their date," Ron said a little annoyed, "I heard they both had the day off today and I guess they needed a special escape from the hassles of these last few days. Don’t be surprised if you don’t see them all day long."

Stan looked at him again and said, "Just out of curiosity, why are you the only one talking to me and everyone else is gulping down their food like they’re terrorized I might ask them a question?"

Just then Laura came in with a letter in her hand. "Honey look at this, it’s a letter from City Hall addressed to ‘The Anderson Family’; it just arrived by special delivery."

Stan took the envelope and opening it read the letter, with a puzzled look said, "It’s from the Mayor!"

"The Mayor," Lana said surprised, "What does she say?"

Stan read the letter aloud saying, "Dear Anderson Family; Speaking for the community of Riverdale, I want to congratulate you on being selected this years number one family. This honor has been bestowed on your family in recognition of ‘Triplet X Love Times 2’ amazing work this past year in bringing ‘safe sex’ awareness to the community. We may never truly know how many of our children truly owe them their lives. As you will be leaving on your camping trip in three days for a month-and-a-half and on returning will instantly be leaving again (the kids to summer camp and the parents on their Caribbean get-away) we would be pleased if the entire family were present this Saturday at noon at City Hall Plaza to receive a special plaque of achievement. Other invited quests include Dr. Randolph Lewis and Prof. Patricia Clark faculty advisors of the OHPF club. We would appreciate if Ms. Lana Anderson, president of OHPF, were to accept the plaque in the family’s name and at the same time say a few words. We would also be honored if Triplet X Love Times 2 would perform 2 or 3 songs after the presentation; they could consider it a rehearsal for their tour. Thank you greatly, Catherine Montgomery, Mayor of Riverdale."

Everybody, even the visiting cousins seemed shocked, proud and confused at once. No one knew what to say, but finally Lana said, "Oh my, I need to prepare a speech!"

"How does she know so much about us," Ron asked puzzled, "I mean to know that we’re the newest celebrities in town, or to know all the public work Lana and OHPF have been doing towards ‘safe sex’ awareness is one thing, but to know that we’re about to leave on a combination camping trip and tour (something we ourselves didn’t know until a few days ago) and to know our exact plans when we get back…"

"I didn’t read the P.S.," Stan said nervously, "Mostly because coming from an official letter from City Hall it’s a bit scary."

"What does it say Dad," Ana asked.

"P.S. Please wear clothes to the ceremony," Stan sounded worried as he said this and looked around the table of naked teens.

"Okay that is too weird," Don said, "who exactly is this Mayor Montgomery anyway; I’d never even heard of her?"

"Could the letter be a hoax," Ron asked.

"Well that was my suspicion the first time I read it," Stan said, "but all these seals and stamps on it seem pretty real and too authentic to be a hoax."

"Do we know any kids by the name of Montgomery," John said suddenly, "that part were she mentions ‘our children’ sounds very first person to me."

"Of course," Lana said, "she must be the parent of one of our members that would certainly explain a lot in that letter. Though none of the OHPF have ever mentioned being children of the Mayor."

Hannah had pulled out her PC cell phone and was busy at its screen. "Well she seems very highly respected," she said suddenly, "she’s been mayor now for four years and a half, she’s just starting her second term, and oh—" Hannah suddenly froze.

"What is it," John asked, "did you find something on the web to tell us how she knows so much about us?"

Hannah nodded her head looking somewhat sick.

"Well Honey," Ron said a little strongly, "tell us what it is!"

"Catherine Montgomery isn’t her name, not her full name anyway; it’s her maiden name. She used her maiden name to run and take office because she didn’t want her husband’s well-known name influencing voters. It says here that her husband is one of the richest and most powerful men in the world, he’s nicknamed ‘the man who owns the world’ because he’s owner of one of the most successful real estate businesses in the world."

"Wait a second," Lana said gulping, "real estate?"

John, who was a little white at the moment said, "Umm, what exactly is this super rich guy’s name?"

"Charles Wilson, making the good mayor’s full name Catherine Montgomery Wilson," Hannah said a little scared.

"Oh my," Laura said, just as three people stepped in from outside.

"Hi," Debbie said smiling and going over to John. "Honey," she said on noticing John’s face, "Why do you look so nervous?"

"Yeah," Katrina said going over and sitting on Lana’s lap as usual, "you all look way tense and worse of all your cocks and boobs are all down."

"I’ll tell you," Jason said going over and kissing Don, "the way you guys are all looking at us you’d think you’d never met us before."

"John, what’s wrong," Debbie said when he wouldn’t stop looking at her with a ‘who the hell are you’ look.

"Umm Debbie," Stan said, "We’ve just received an interesting letter; we’ve been trying to decipher its meaning."

"A letter," Debbie said a little nervously.

"A letter from whom," Jason said a little scared.

"It’s from the Mayor of Riverdale," John said looking directly into Debbie’s eyes.

"Damn that bitch," Katrina said angrily, "I told her to leave you all alone!"

"So you know the Mayor," Lana said pinching Katrina’s clit rather tightly.

"What," Katrina said suddenly realizing what she had just said, "I-I may be familiar with her, it’s a small town really," she said lamely.

"Oh shut up Katrina," Debbie said angrily, "they know; it’s over," she started to cry.

"Debbie, what’s wrong," John said suddenly coming out of the trance that the initial shock of finding out his girlfriend was the daughter of the Mayor and one of the richest men in the world had him in. "What do you mean it’s over; are you saying you’re leaving me?"

It was Debbie that was now wearing a shocked look, "Aren’t you dumping me?"

"I told you Debbie, they’re not like everyone else," Katrina said, and then to everyone else explained, "Most people find it a little hard to be around us when they find out the truth. I don’t know why, we’re the same as we always are."

"It has to do with a fear of power," Ron said, "remember how nervous I was when I ended up with my Dad’s boss’ daughter and his best friend’s daughter as my slaves."

"Well that was different," Debbie said, "Louise’s dad could have easily had your father fired if you upset his daughter."

"And your mom can’t easily have us run out of town if I upset you," John asked with a nervous smile.

"Mom and Dad can’t do anything to you," Katrina said, "they’re under our control; you have nothing to worry from them." She turned and sat around to face Lana and give her a kiss, "I promise you that!"

"Mom and Dad are very public figures," Jason said, "what their kids do or say can easily affect their careers and they know it."

"We sort of have a deal with them," Debbie said, "they allow us to have normal childhoods in a normal school and in return we behave like model kids in public."

"Why did she send you a letter anyway," Jason asked, now sitting on Don’s lap.

After giving the details of the letter Katrina said, "Well, I guess that was a bit cool of her, but she should have warned us about it."

"And why would she do that," Lana asked, Katrina hadn’t stopped kissing her and rubbing her cunt into Lana’s for a while.

"Because she knows that the three of us belong to your family, and anything that affects our owners affects us," Katrina said kissing her again.

Debbie smiled into John’s face and kissed him too. Even with his cock pumping in her twat as it had for the last few minutes he still looked a little worried and she asked, "What are you thinking about?"

John kissed her and said, "Actually I was thinking if I don’t hurry up and make you cum I might be late to that driving test later," and with that he kissed her again and started to pump a little harder and faster.


"What time do you think it is," Susan asked as Harry’s cock pumped into her ass several times, "not that it really matters, but I was wondering how much alone time we still have left?"

"It’s 12 o’clock; the kids set the time on the DVD. As to how much alone time we have left, didn’t we agree we have the rest our lives together in which to find more alone time?"

"Have we really been fucking for 16 hours," Susan said blissfully.

"Well, not counting the several times that a few of those orgasms knocked us completely out for a while. But yeah, that’s about right."

Susan was lying on top of Harry as his cock worked non-stop in her butt hole. She leaned down and kissing him said, "I’ve really loved being with you like this, I feel so happy and relaxed when I’m around you.’

"Does that mean you are definitely saying yes to my offer," Harry said smiling.

"For now I think my plan is still the safest; we rent rather than buy a roomy house (but with the option to buy) we move in together and try being a family for a year. If it totally works out, and I have no doubt it will, next year at this time we have the official wedding."

"I still don’t see why we have to wait," Harry said.

"Harry, we are both still in the middle of complicated legal hassles. Completely merging our lives before they are over and done with could mean merging those legal problems and their consequences should one of us lose our case."

"That may be true," he said, "but I’m willing to face any consequences to have you as my wife right now."

Susan smiled and said, "Well at the moment I am, who needs a piece of paper to say that," she then smiled a little mischievously and said, "Isn’t it time to draw another of those position cards the kids left us?"

Smiling Harry reached under his pillow and pulled out the deck of cards with couples in various sexual positions on top and drew a card, "Spooning," he read and showed Susan a picture of a woman with a man spooned against her body, his cock deep in her pussy and his hand resting around her body on her tits.

"You know what," Susan said suddenly, "we should really get some sleep and that looks like a perfect position to rest comfortably in." She got off and they quickly assumed the position together; just lying comfortably listening to the waves outside.


"So why are you so crazy with anals," Jenny asked as she took a turn wearing the harness Sandra had worn the previous day. Sandra had insisted that Jenny give it to her in her ass and Jenny had had much doubt about being able to get the 12 inch by 3 inch faux cock past Sandra’s little rosebud. However, after a long episode of tonguing, fingering and graduated dildo use, they had finally gotten the hole large enough to try to get the head of the faux cock through.

After much painful (for Sandra) pushing and pressure application the cock head finally gave a loud pop and made it all the way through her sphincter. Jenny had then began to slowly begin pushing in and out, each time going a bit deeper until now, she was finally up against Sandra’s pink butt cheeks and was ready to begin seriously fucking her ass.

"I really like the pain," Sandra admitted, "you wouldn’t believe how much it turns me on."

"Ho—ho," Jenny said, "I think we may have the birth of the family’s next super-submissive." As she said this, she put her hand around Sandra and finding one of her tits gave the nipple a strong pinch. Sandra gave a scream followed by a very happy moan.

"Mom use to spank me all the time when I was growing up," Sandra said, "I was never more happy than when she said I’d done something wrong and would have to punish me. I haven’t quite figured out how to get Dad to give me a good spanking yet."

"I’ll give you one later if you like," Jenny said.

"Oh yes please," Sandra said, a little too excited.

"Umm," Jenny said, "I better keep you away from Ron or I may lose you before I’ve really gotten to claim you."

Sandra wasn’t sure what she meant by that but she was too happy with the painful anal she was getting to question Jenny’s desires, instead she asked, "Talking about Ron, do you think his plan with Mom and Dad is working," then catching herself said, "wow did you hear that, I called Susan Mom, and it felt so natural. Does she like to give spankings?"

Jenny reached around her again, this time finding Sandra’s clit and pinching it just as hard as she had Sandra’s nipple, once more Sandra screamed, but this time it was more from the fact she was cumming buckets and in true ecstasy.

"Oh yeah," Jenny said excitedly, "a true submissive if I ever saw one, and you’re all mine. I discovered you and I’m claiming you." Jenny leaned over and licked Sandra’s ear a few times she then bit it and pulling forcefully out of Sandra’s ass—


"Guess what you red-headed BITCH; you’ve just become my official PROPERTY! I now own this sorry ass of yours, just like I own this beautiful red-haired twat of yours! Do you understand that my little whore, DO YOU!?!"

"Y—ye—yes," Sandra said this with joy in her eyes and even a few happy tears, "Yes, I’m yours!"

Jenny threw her on the bed and started to drill her cunt painfully with the monster cock, at the same time pinching and pulling Sandra’s nipples and her clit; every now and then easing up the brutalizing to fuck her with tender gentle strokes while leaning over to lock lips with her new happy slave.

They heard someone come in and turning they saw that it was Lana and Hannah; Lana looked pissed Hannah, however, looked very happy.

"So the tests are over," Jenny said pulling out of Sandra’s pussy and quickly returning to her ass, "Need I ask how the two of you did?"

"I got a perfect grade," Hannah said smiling, "My master is so happy with me. He promised to give me a special treat tonight."

Jenny looked at Lana who said, "Ask how I did and I’ll bite your clit off!"

"So how did the others do," Jenny asked.

"Exactly as my master predicted, he and John got their licenses, Ana and Don failed."

Sandra gave a loud scream as she came violently again and Lana said, "Hey, can I get some of that, I’m really thirsty?"

Jenny pulled quickly out of Sandra’s twat letting Lana just as quickly dive between Sandra’s legs and paste her mouth to Sandra’s gushing hole.

Hannah in the meantime was eyeing the monster faux cock, she’d been watching as it traveled painfully in and out of Sandra’s various holes and finally said, "You think you can stick that in me, it looks gloriously painful, and I do deserve an immediate reward."

Jenny smiled and pulled Hannah forcefully to the side of the bed and bending her down doggy-style just rammed right in taking a second to ask, "So where is Ana now?"


"So you’re really leaving right after the award presentation tomorrow?" As Ana asked this she kissed Patty with a mixture of happiness and sadness. She continued kissing her more sadly a few times. She knew they’d be separated for a while, but the fact that they’d only have this one last night together before that long time apart was really making the reality of it sink in. "We’re not going to be able to fuck each other again for more than a month, how am I supposed to survive that long without a little Patty Juice every day!"

"Hey," Patty said, "don’t worry about it. We’ll talk every day via video-messenger; I promise to reserve at least 45 minutes a day to some hot cyber sex with you. As to not having any Patty juice, well at least you’ll have plenty of Hannah, Lana and Laura juice, not to mention, Debbie, Katrina, Jenny and Sandy juice; I’m the one that will be stuck with nothing to drink. Which, by the way, is why I want to fill up as much as possible tonight," as she said this she pulled Ana into a 69 on top of her and they sucked away at each other, both quite joyous yet with a shadow of grief knowing they wouldn’t have the opportunity again for some time.

After they had both cum twice, Patty got Ana to turn around so they could kiss; their lips, their tits and their pussies all locked happily together and rubbed and rubbed against one another until they had both cum yet again. They quickly locked lips around each others twats again not wanting to let any of this nights juices go to waste.

After the mutual drink Patty got up and going over to her dresser returned with various bottles as well as a harness and various sized imitation cocks that could be attached to it.

"What are those," Ana said looking at the bottles.

"They’re special oils; I wanted to give you a little massage."

"Really," Ana said smiling, "do I get to give you one too?"

"Absolutely," Patty said having Ana lie flat on her back and beginning to rub the first oil on her legs, massaging it in gently, moving slowly up her body. When she reached Ana’s thighs she spent a while squeezing and massaging the inner thighs driving Ana wild every time Patty’s fingers would rub across Ana’s number one sex hole every now and then a finger actually going all the way up into it. Ana was desperate for more attention there, and was a little disappointed when Patty skipped over her vaginal and pubic region and began massaging the oils into her waist and slowly moved up. Ana however quickly felt blissful again as the oils were gently rubbed around her belly button and up the soft areas of her right and left side. Patty then slowly worked her hands up Ana’s stomach toward Ana’s boobs, and Ana was happy to see that Patty didn’t skip this area, she in fact spent a good long time massaging, squeezing, pinching and pulling Ana’s boobs until Ana gave a small happy scream and began cumming strongly again. Patty quickly pasted her mouth to Ana’s twat to drink up all her goodbye present. When Ana’s orgasm subsided, Patty continued applying the oils to Ana’s chest and front neck. She then had Ana turn around and lie on her stomach, Patty also took the opportunity to put on the harness, attaching a 9 inch dildo to the inside and sticking it deep in her own pussy as she secured the harness around herself. She then began to work the oils into Ana’s back massaging gently down the back and sides toward her waist. On reaching her butt, she once more skipped the area completely and began at the bottom of Ana’s legs, slowly working her way up. When she reached the inner thighs, she pause temporarily after teasing Ana’s twat and butt hole a few times, she attached a 12 inch faux cock to the outside of the harness and finally started to truly apply the oils to Ana’s twat, ass and butt cheeks, kneading them in. Ana had another minor orgasm as Patty began to work the oils into her twat rubbing them in with two and at times three fingers; then doing the same for Ana’s butt hole working the oils deep into her anus. Ana was in heaven, she didn’t know if it was the tingly feeling the oils left on her skin, the peppermint and almond like aroma of the oils, the sudden cold to hot and hot to cold feeling shooting through her pussy and ass, or just the fact that it was Patty’s fingers in her; whatever it was, she loved it and wanted more; and more she got when Patty suddenly positioned her so she could work the faux cock into her pussy and started fucking her seriously.

"God this feels beautiful," Ana thought, "I never want it to stop."

Patty fucked Ana to two more powerful orgasms, before switching to fuck Ana’s ass. Patty herself had also come several times as the harness she was wearing had a constantly vibrating clit stimulator and the dildo in her own pussy would rub against her G-spot with every thrust she gave into Ana’s pussy or ass. Patty, like Ana, never wanted this time together to end, but when Ana passed out after her next powerful orgasm, Patty decided that maybe it was time to take a break before Ana took her turn giving Patty a massage and fucking her until she passed out.


Harry once more started to slowly wake up, he quickly realized he was still spooned against Susan and couldn’t resist leaning over and kissing her neck a few times. She moved and he realized she was awake too so he started pumping into her pussy.

He heard a movement behind him and turning to see saw Sandra and Jenny leaning against the center table with Lenny and Robert working their cocks into the girls’ twats. Smiling, he got Susan to sit up and watch the show. The kids had not yet noticed their parents had woken up. Harry sat Susan on his lap and continued pumping her twat as they watched their kids with pride.

Robert finally looked over and noticing them awake said, "Mom, Dad, you’re awake, did you spend a nice night together?"

Susan smiled, she had noticed how easily Robert called her ‘Mom’ and she realized that she liked it very much. "We had a great time son," she said.

"So," Jenny said, "do you have anything to tell us?"

Getting off Harry Susan said, "Come here kids." She sat Robert on the cot and quickly sat on his lap positioning his cock at the entrance of her ass and having him push in hard and deep, she then had Sandra kneel before her and eat her cunt. Jenny and Lenny were motioned to sit on either side of her and each encouraged to take a breast in their mouths.

After several minutes of them all enjoying a piece of her, Susan said, "Your father and I (she was obviously talking to all four kids and not just Harry’s two) will be moving in together this fall. After you return from summer camp and we return from our voyage. We both still have too much legal baggage to immediately get married, but if everything works out fine, by this time next year we’ll really be one family, how does that sound to you?"

They all gave happy smiles and nods, but since Robert was the only one without his mouth busy, he spoke saying, "That sounds great Mom, we love you." He then started kissing her neck.

Harry smiled at this and not wanting to be left out said, "Hey don’t forget me, we’re all in the family," and going over to Susan he presented his cock to her mouth and leaning over slightly she swallowed it thinking, "What a beautiful family I have."


Chapter Seven – On the Road at Last

Stan was concerned again the next day when not only Harry and Susan but all of their kids as well, were missing. Ana also was absent from the breakfast table but at least he knew where she was; Ana had taken her costume (the more g-rated version one) to Patty’s house and would be going directly to the ceremony with her later on. But, as to where all his guests were, he had no idea.

"Look Dad," Ron said, "trust me, they’re okay; Robert emailed me last night that everything was perfect."

"He emailed you," Stan said surprised, "how exactly did he email you?"

"Ana left me her phone to lend them. Ana wanted absolutely no disturbances during her last night with Patty so she wouldn’t need it."

"Are you going to tell me what you kids have up your sleeves," then smiling he added as he looked over the bodies of his five naked kids "if you had any sleeves that is."

"They should be back within the hour," Ron said, "you’ll find out then."

Sighing and a little mad about the secrecy Stan said, "And don’t you think your pet should be sitting in a chair rather than on your cock while she eats breakfast. Didn’t you spend most of last night rewarding her for passing her test!?!"

"That’s sort of why I’m avoiding hard chairs at the moment," Hannah said smiling.

"I had to spend most of the night licking and sucking her ass cheeks and butt hole just so she could sit on a soft surface today," Lana said angrily.

"By the way," Ron said to her smiling, "thanks for that I owe you an extra special private fuck session later; just you and me."

"Really," Lana said suddenly smiling, "it’s a deal, though it has to be tonight, I have a big threesome planned for after the ceremony with Randy and Katy. I especially want to be with Randy since his 10 inches will be away from my cunt for more than a month when we leave."

They heard the front door and a little later the Wilson kids entered the dining room, "Great," Katrina said, "we haven’t missed breakfast. We were worried we had and we were all pretty hungry. With all of you studying and preparing for those tests yesterday, we haven’t had a decent meal in days." She went straight to Lana and dropping between her legs started to eat. Debbie and Jason didn’t even say anything, they just walked over to John and Don respectively and dropping to their knees started feasting also.

Realizing there was no way he’d get the kids’ attentions back before they had all completed breakfast, Stan went back to the kitchen table to eat with Laura.

Just then they heard the front door again and in a few minutes they were joined by Harry and Susan at the kitchen table as their kids went on to the dining room.

"You two look happy," Laura said, "when you didn’t show up for two nights we were worried one of our kids might have you in chains."

"Then again," Stan added smiling, "that would probably have them very happy also."

"Well," Susan said, "no one had us in chains; we were locked in a bomb shelter with no way of escaping for 24 hours. We then decided to spend another complete night there with the kids, mine and Harry’s kids," then looking at Harry and smiling she said, "Our kids!"

Laura and Stan looked at them questionably and Susan held out her hand to give them a good view of what was on it.

Stan’s eyes popped, "Susan, you’re wearing a wedding ring!"

"I have one too," Harry said holding out his hand.

"Are the two of you—" Laura couldn’t quite say it.

Susan however answered anyway, "Officially no, we don’t have any paperwork, but we made a deal to merge our families and if everything works out, next summer you and Stan will be our best man and maid-of-honor."

Laura shot up and running over to Susan gave her an incredible congratulations kiss saying, "Susan, Harry, this is fantastic, I’m so happy for the two of you!"

"So where did you get the rings," Stan asked, still a bit in shock.

"There’s a jewelry store in the mall we passed walking back from the beach, the owner was just opening up when we passed and we decided we may not have the paperwork to show we’re husband and wife now, but there was no need not to have the symbols." Harry kissed Susan passionately and added, "Because that’s what Susan is now, my wife, whether the law says so or not."

"And the kids are all okay with this arrangement," Laura asked a bit concerned.

"Who do you thing arranged to have us kidnapped together with a bunch of ‘The Parent Trap’ movies in the first place," Harry said.

"Really," Stan said smiling, "sounds definitely like one of Ron’s plans."

"Oh yes," Susan said, "he was definitely the mastermind; I have to remember to thank him later."


At the ceremony that afternoon, the Anderson family finally got to meet the mother of the kids they’d been fucking for almost a year now. However, the event was pretty well programmed from start to finish and there wasn’t very much time for personal conversation. During Triplet X Love Times 2’s final song, though, the mayor did lean over and whisper to Stan and Laura, "Your kids are amazing, and I think your relationship with them is wonderful. I often wish I could be allowed to be as close with my kids as you are with yours and with mine for that matter," she added smiling happily.

After the ceremony Lana went with Katrina to Dr. Lewis’ house, while Ana drove Patty to the airport; Patty had listed Ana as an official driver of her car and given her the paperwork so she could drive back home after Patty’s plane left. Patty’s small two passenger car would then remain in the Anderson garage with Stan’s small two passenger car over the summer. Being that in two days they would be on the road and without much hope of private moments, several of the others vanished after the ceremony as well. John and Debbie had reserved the bomb shelter for the night; Ron and Hannah kicked Pietro and Amy out of the Mistress’ bed chamber for the night; Don totally vanished with Jason, no one knew where at the time; Jenny took advantage of the fact that the boys’ room was to be totally empty and dragging Sandra up there (literally) Jenny continued training her new toy; Susan and Harry decided to spend one more night alone together so they had Robert and Lenny take Pietro’s room while they took Amy’s (they wanted this night together because they would both be leaving the next day to their respective cities to continue their legal battles and might not be back for a week or two).

The only person left alone in the house that night was Ana, who had finally gotten back from the airport. She didn’t like the idea of being alone much so using the houses surveillance system she searched for a room in which she might be welcome. After checking all the rooms she made a decision and making a stop at the family room (where she had noticed Pietro and Amy on sofas) she said, "Why are you two in here?"

"The rooms are a bit full," Amy said, "and I don’t really like using the studio."

"And I did not want to leave Amy alone," Pietro said, "my cock would be very unhappy if it didn’t wake up near her."

"Well why don’t you two go to my room, it’s going to be empty for the night," Ana said smiling.

"I appreciate that;" Amy said, "out of curiosity, where will you be sleeping?"

"Oh I saw a cuntless room I’m pretty sure I can squeeze into. Have a good night you two." Ana then went down to Pietro’s room where she had seen Robert and Lenny kissing and rubbing their cocks together and said, "How would you like some holes to put those big cocks in?" Without a word they made room for her between them and filled her holes from opposite sides.


The next day Dr. Lewis brought Lana and Katrina home early and Lana gave him a tour of the bus.

"Wow," Lana said, "is it just me or does this bus smell like Anderson cream already, before we’ve even inaugurated it?"

After passing the first two sections and reaching the BED room they found Jason sleeping on top of Don in a 69 position.

"Wow," Katrina said, "have they actually spent all night with their cocks down each others throats?"

"Looks that way," Lana said, "Wake them up and tell them breakfast is about ready, I’ll show Randy the last section."

"It looks to me like they’ve been eating all night," Katrina said giggling, "Do you think they need breakfast?"

"Just do it, come on Randy; look at our kitchen and bathroom."

After showing Dr. Lewis the ‘safe sex’ awareness mural Lana asked Dr. Lewis to join the family for breakfast, she wanted to introduce the extended family which he had not yet met."

"By the way Lana," Jason said as they walked toward the front door. "It’s about time I officially exchange this." He handed Lana his blue OHPF ID bracelet; the blue band signified he would eventually be looking for a serious relationship with a member of the opposite sex.

"I was wondering when you’d turn that in," Lana said smiling, "I have some in my room; I’ll get you a green one right now."

"No," Jason said, "not a green one."

Lana looked at him a little surprised and Don looked at him a little pained and said, "he says he’s not ready to give up on the possibility of one day finding his true love in a cunt. I guess it is a little early to decide."

"I have however accepted that my true love can easily be a cock and if it is," he said leaning over and kissing Don, "let it be."

Lana smiled and said, "I’ll bring you down a red one immediately, and welcome to the truly bi- party."

Lana ran into Jenny and Sandra coming down the stairs and gave them a long and curious look. Sandra’s nipples and clit were all very tightly clamped, she was wearing a collar and Jenny was leading her to the breakfast table on a leash; Lana also noticed several impressions of the word ‘SPANK’ on Sandra’s very red and swollen butt cheeks.

Lana looked back up the steps and saw Ron and Hannah descending, Hannah looked like she’d been beaten by and entire gang, she was badly bruised on several parts of her body and as well as having her nipples clamped, her tits were badly bitten in several parts. Ron also had her on a leash and when Lana noticed impressions of hearts on not only her butt cheeks but also all over her back, she lost it and jumping Ron started to beat him badly.

"How can you treat her like that you scum!" BAM! "Look at her!" BAM! "Look what you’ve done to her she’s—"

"Very happy Lana," Hannah said, "I’m very happy." She said this with a truly joyous smile.

Lana controlled herself a little and said, "I thought you two were supposed to be spending the night as equals in the Mistress’ bed chamber, what happened?"

"We were checking to see what everyone was doing," Ron said massaging his face where Lana had struck him, "when we saw Jenny braking in Sandy, it was an incredible beating and it really turned both of us on."

"I really needed it right then and there," Hannah said smiling.

"So you broke your ban all things ‘dominating’ in the Mistress’ bed chamber?"

"Of course not," Hannah said looking insulted. Quickly smiling again, though, she said, "I used the Mistress’ ‘knock-out’ spray on her and after chaining and gagging her I locked her up in her wardrobe and we took over the torture room for the night. It was glorious even if my Master still refused to beat me as much as I wanted."

Lana threw Hannah’s badly bruised body another look, but Hannah was looking at the angry look on Ron’s face and realizing what she had just said quickly added respectfully, "Not that I in any way have a say in how my Master wishes to treat me." She kissed him a few times on the face where Lana had just hit him.

To better explain, Ron said, "My bitch here was begging me to give her 2 black eyes, a bloody nose and a split lip; I made it clear to her that outside of an occasional—" SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! "She is in no way to ever bring that subject up again. I love her face just the way it is." He leaned over to her and kissed her pulling Hannah onto his lips with the leash he was holding.

Lana smiled and said, "Isn’t her face my face too?"

Ron smiled at her and grabbing Lana by the back of her neck pulled her to him and gave her as deep and passionate a kiss as he had just given Hannah. After finally releasing her Ron shook his head a bit and said, "‘Queen’ your face may be my Honey’s, but you are definitely not my Honey."

He walked away to the kitchen dragging Hannah behind him.

Lana rolled her eyes and continued up to her room. She was surprised when she walked in and found Pietro in the bed. "Pietro, what are you doing here; where’s Ana?"

"The sweet ‘Sugar’ chose to sweeten someone else’s bed last night so she left this one to Amy and me."

Lana walked over to her dresser and as she got a red band ID bracelet she asked, "You know who she was spending the night with?"

"I believe in my room with Leonard and Robert."

"Good," Lana said strongly. Catching an eye of Pietro’s boner as he pulled the sheets off himself and prepared to get out of bed she added, "With Patty gone for awhile I was afraid she might instantly fall into another cock depression mode like the last time. Talking about cocks," she added smiling, "let me give you some help with yours," and jumping on the bed she devoured Pietro’s cock.


When Lana finally came back down, she saw John and Debbie adding their clothes to the pile left by her Don, Katrina and Jason when they entered; she had not been able to get Dr. Lewis out of his clothes though.

"So, the two of you enjoy yourselves last night," Lana asked smiling, "you saved me a little juice for later right?"

Smiling Debbie went over to her and gave her a very long tongue sucking kiss, and after finally releasing her Debbie said, "Hi Lana, we had a great time together, and as for the juice, you know there’s always juice in my machine for you." She kissed her again and added, "You know I consider you my true bi-sexual mentor and awakener of my bi-sexuality. Katrina had been forcing sex on me for years, but you forced your love of all sex on me and I’ve never been happier." She leaned over and bit Lana’s nipple before giving her one last kiss and following John into the dining room.

"I think I’ve created a sex monster," Lana thought smiling as she massaged her bitten tit.

"Lana," someone said as they climbed the steps, "you’re back."

Turning, Lana saw Ana coming up the steps closely followed by Robert, very closely followed. "He couldn’t pull his cock out for some reason," Lana questioned smiling.

"I wasn’t ready to feel empty yet. I keep thinking that as soon as the cock is gone I’ll break down in tears thinking about Patty being gone."

"Are you saying that you slept with his cock in your cunt all night," Lana said, somewhat amused.

Smiling Robert said, "Actually it was Lenny Jr. that spent the night there, mine was in her ass."

"You know, everybody here seems extra-horny this morning, even by this family’s standards," then in shocked voice Lana added, "I don’t believe I just said that!"

"I think it has to do with the fact that we finally leave tomorrow and won’t be back for so long," Ana said, "we’ll all miss the house and want to make sure we’ll leave it well fucked."

They entered the dining room where there were two people on almost every chair. Stan and Laura as well as Harry and Susan were also there each couple taking a chair. Lana was also happy to see that the family had managed to convince Randy go get out of his clothes as he sat there. Since Katrina was giving Lenny a lap dance, Lana walked over to Randy and sat on his lap, leaving the last available seat to Robert and Ana who were able to make themselves comfortable on it without ever extracting Robert’s cock from Ana.

"Well," Stan said, "Now that we’re finally all here we can have one last meeting before hitting the road tomorrow. Both Harry and Susan leave for the airport this afternoon and this is the last chance for all of you to talk to them, live anyway, until we get back."

"So will you be getting any sun on those California beaches Aunt Susan," Ron asked giving Hannah’s neck a few kisses.

"I doubt I’ll have time to look up at the sun; my lawyers say that they can get a good shot at releasing me from all of Howard’s medical bills as well as get me and the kids a good part of our income back, but it is going to be a long nasty fight."

"Sounds like what my lawyer told me," Harry said, "do you think it is some sort of rehearsed speech? My lawyer also said the new problem I mentioned has escalated to an all out war, they say in the end there is no doubt I will come out ahead, but they say the road will be very bumpy. The good thing is that everyone has agreed to keep Robert and Sandra themselves away from all the court hassles. They can therefore totally enjoy this trip with you."

"I expect to talk to you both daily," Stan said, "You both have the email address and IM ID I gave you right?" They nodded and Stan said, "I want the rest of you to double check that you have everything you’re taking packed, your band equipment and the camping gear is already in the bus, but all of you try to have more than one set of clothes for the month and a half trip, we will be in public daily you know."

"Dr. Lewis," Laura said, "what were you saying about renovations to your house?"

"I was saying that my house is being almost totally rebuilt over the summer, rather than renovated. It’s an old plan Mabel and I once had (the house I live in was actually hers); she left everything she owned to me in her will, as well as a request that I remember that plan. I had been asking if you could suggest a good motel for long stays in the area."

"You don’t need to go to a motel," Lana said almost insulted, "Randy; you’re family, if you need a place to stay while this house going to be almost totally empty, I know a place you can stay."

"She’s right Dr. Lewis," Stan said, "you’re welcome to use any of the empty rooms here during that time."

"I have to admit, it would sure beat any motel, but are you sure," Dr. Lewis asked.

"Absolutely," Laura said, "Like Lana said, you’re family."

"And we expect to hear from you every day too," Lana said turning around on his lap to face him and giving him a kiss.

"Well," he said kissing her back, "I guess cyber-sex can be considered safe sex." He smiled at her and squeezed one of her boobs.

"When are we inaugurating the tour mobile and giving it a good Anderson family anointing," Ana asked.

"Tonight," Lana said, quickly turning around to face everyone.

"Actually," Don said, "Jason and I gave it a pretty good anointing last night."

"Well it needs a full anointing," Lana said, "for that it needs as much female juice as male cream in every single section. I want everyone that’s going on the trip in there tonight. I want that bus smelling like nothing but pure sex by tomorrow morning and I don’t want that smell to ever go away!"

"Who put you in charge of this trip," Ron asked angrily, and then quickly smiling added, "not that I dislike your suggestion in any way."

"No one is in charge," Lana said, "we’re just going to have fun on this trip, and can you think of a better way to start having fun?"

Just then Amy and Pietro entered with the trays full of food for everyone; once served everyone ate silently, the only sounds being those of food being eaten, kisses being given, cocks sloshing in and out of pussies and asses and much much moaning.

Dr. Lewis looked around the table and thought, " I can see why so many people enjoy eating breakfast here, what a magnificent way to start the day," and he continued driving his cock in and out of Lana’s cunt as he ate some banana pancakes.


That night, after breaking a champagne bottle full of cunt juice and officially inaugurating the bus the "Triplet X Love Times 2 Tour Mobile" the fifteen people going on the trip stepped inside and prepared for the official anointing ceremony.

Lana placed an Anderson girl at the center of each section and the anointing was to revolve around them.

Laura was being fucked on the driver’s chair (which Lana separated as its own section) by Stan (the official first driver): Hannah was in the first section of the bus; she was being brutally pile driven by Ron in her twat, and Robert (who loved to give painful anals) in the ass: in the Recreation Room Jason and Don were fucking each other through the small membrane that separated Ana’s pussy and her ass; Ana was going crazy every time she felt the two guys rub their cocks inside of her: in the BED room Lana was lying face up on top of John, his cock plunging in and out of her ass; on top of Lana, Katrina was rubbing her super clit in and out of Lana’s twat while Debbie plastered her cunt on Lana’s mouth and her ass positioned so that Katrina could occasionally bend over and give it a good sucking also: Jenny Anderson was in the center of the action in the final section with Lenny’s cock in her ass as she was lying on top of her new pet Sandra in a ‘69’.

The orders were that no one was to stop having sex until they had passed out from pure exhaustion, everyone happily followed these orders.

By morning the smell of sex truly dominated the tour mobile, cum, cunt juice, sweaty cocks and open twats could be smelled in every section and after a quick shower and breakfast in the morning, the group set out, on the road at last.



Chapter Eight – Wood Nymphs

"CUMMMMINNNG! Ahh, oh-oh-oh," Jenny tried to take control of her body a little and she was trying to get her toy to ease up a little on her pussy; as usual, however, her slave was finding it very difficult to separate her mouth from Jenny’s overflowing love cup.

The other 3 female couples: Ana and Katrina, Lana and Debbie, and Hannah and Laura, as well as the one male couple, Ron and Robert, all started following Jenny’s lead.

As she finally started coming down from her sexual high for a moment, and she finally managed to get her slave to sit on her lap for awhile while Jenny played with Sandy’s tits, Jenny said, "God, I hate you two so much! I want to fuck you to death until you fill my mouth with some of those rare juices."

They were sitting in the Recreation Room and they had just watched three movies (actually two movies and one video clip): ‘The Mistress of Pain and the Loving Cousins’, ‘The Master’s New Look and his Pet’s Special Gift’ and ‘A Rare Gusher’ (all homemade, which, considering they were sitting in one of the largest library of professional movies any of them had ever been in, seemed strange).

"Yeah, well you wouldn’t believe what my brothers and I did for two hours straight after we first watched ‘A Rare Gusher’," Ron said smiling.

"Let me guess, you busted into the girls’ room and each grabbed a sister and fucked them non-stop trying to get them to ejaculate for you," Jenny said smiling.

"How did you guess," Lana said as Debbie continued drinking her juices from her kneeling position between her legs.

"Because that’s what she wants to do," Hannah said bringing her head up from Laura’s twat for a second to answer.

"God, it is exciting," Sandra said, "I promised my master I’ll dedicate my life to trying to get her to ejaculate for me."

"Yeah," Jenny said kissing Sandra’s neck a few times, "Just remember you can’t live with your tongue in my pussy." Sandra actually dropped her head sadly when Jenny said this and she added, "But I promise you a good breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as a midnight snack every day for the rest of our lives together."

Sandra raised her head and smiling happily turned around to face her master and lock lips with her. "Thank you so much Master," she said as she continued kissing her, "I love you so much."

Watching them Katrina said (moaning every now and then as Ana refused in any way to give up sucking her amazing clit) "Wow Ron, I can’t believe that you missed the presence of a true submissive in your house."

"Who said I missed it; I admit I wasn’t the very first to recognize Sandra for what she was, but by her second night at home I had confirmed the suspicions."

"Wait a minute," Jenny said, "you’re saying that not only you, but someone else knew about my Sandy and neither of you wanted to claim her?"

Ron saw Sandra look sadly to the floor on hearing this and said quickly, "It’s not that we didn’t want to claim her, it’s that we couldn’t; I learned at the beginning of last year with two additional pets I picked up (Louise and Marilyn) that one slave at a time per master" (he looked directly at Jenny as he said this, as if trying to pass on some wise old advise to the rookie master), "is the best way to go for both to be truly happy. As to the first person to discover Sandy, well she’s actually only around once a month, but she passed her suspicions on to my slave while Hannah helped prepare that DVD we just watched. I’m sure everyone noticed Sandra’s joy as the Mistress whipped her butt."

"It was beautiful," Sandra said excitedly and looking at Hannah with true love said, "if you ever see the Mistress again will you tell her that I’ll never forget that she is truly the first one to show me what I truly am, and that I will never stop loving her for that as long as I live?"

"I’ll be sure to tell her," Hannah said smiling.

"Hey," Lana said suddenly, "are we slowing down?"

"Oh I hope so," Debbie said raising her head once more from Lana’s twat. "It’s been almost 24 hours since our last rest stop. Without my motion sickness pills," she threw Katrina an angry and hateful look, "which so mysteriously vanished, I’ve had to use a non-stop flow of cum and cunt juice to keep me from getting sick."

"Well," Laura said smiling, "I guess it’s lucky you’re making the trip with this family. I’m sure no one has denied you a drink."

Debbie smiled and said, "No, no one has denied it, but a few were starting to complain that I’ve already drained them out of a weeks worth of fluids."

Just then a message came over the buses intercom system: "We’ll be pulling into the first resort in fifteen minutes," John (who was currently driving) said, "Everyone should start getting into some proper clothes now."

"Oh no," Robert said, really upset, leaning over and kissing Ron’s neck a few times as he continued to pump his ass.

"What’s wrong brother, aren’t you excited about reaching our first destination," Sandra questioned.

"Well yeah," Robert said smiling, but then added sadly looking at Ron in front of him, "but it means I’ll have to pull my cock out of your ass," he hugged Ron tightly as if not wanting to let go of him ever, "and he is not ready to be let out yet!"

"I’ll tell you what," Ron said turning around so they were facing each other, "just keep pumping until you cum then two of the girls can clean us up,"

"I’LL DO IT," screamed Katrina, Jenny and Hannah all at once.

"See," Ron said, "how long can it take to put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt anyway," he leaned over and locking lips with Robert began sucking his tongue fiercely as Robert continued pumping.

Lana, who had gotten up with the other females when the announcement was made, walked over to Katrina and kissing her whispered, "Oh yeah, red is his color."


"It’s even more packed than they expected," Debbie was telling everyone in the Recreation Room of the tour mobile, "They’ve actually had to start turning some customers away for the next two days. But our parking has been reserved for a while; they say they know you are the reason for all the last minute additions."

As official tour coordinators the Wilson kids had insisted on going in first and talking to the resort’s owners.

Jason now got up and said, "They’ve reserved a table at the very entrance for us to put the stuff we want to sell as well as all those info tracks you brought Lana."

"Great," Lana said, "I’ll get the stuff now."

"You don’t do anything," Katrina said angrily. "Remember, you’re one of the stars, you don’t do anything but: perform, get waited on hand and foot, and supply me with an endless supply of Lana juice as my salary for taking care of that part! UNDERSTAND!"

"Wow," Lana said looking deep into Katrina’s eyes, "I almost feel like I should say, ‘yes Master’, but I got you."

Debbie continued, "Now we’ve divided the tour coordination duties into four: Vehicle, Location, Memorabilia and Stage. I’m in charge of location so I’ll be the one dealing directly with all the resort owners and bringing you all the information on where you’ll be parked, where to set up the table—"

"—where the bathroom and showers are," Ron said questionably.

Debbie smiled and said, "yeah that too. Stan, I’m placing you in charge of the vehicle duties, your team will be in charge of keeping the tour mobile up and running; besides driving that includes keeping it gassed and when we get to these resorts emptying the waste section and refilling the water containers."

"My team," Stan questioned a little amused with Debbie’s sudden ‘I’m in charge’ attitude.

"Yes, Laura, John and Hannah are on your team, and since my job as location coordinator is pretty simple, I’ll be available to help your team also. Now, like Katrina said, the group members shouldn’t do much to strain or over-exert themselves, but they should be available to help if necessary."

"Jenny, Sandy Lana and Ana," Katrina said, "you four are with me at the memorabilia table. There should be at least one person at the table at all times and we’re in charge of keeping it well stocked."

Jason then said, "Lenny, Robert Ron and of course Don you four are on my team, we’re in charge of setting up the equipment, making sure everything on the stage is in working order, and keeping the show going."

"So are there any questions," Debbie asked.

Ana raised her hand and when Debbie called on her to speak asked, "When do we pitch our tents and start roasting marshmallows over an open fire while telling ghost stories?"

"Right after every single one of you pays me for my efforts as location coordinator," Debbie said very seriously as she started stripping, "Come on, you can all pay me in the BED room, the sooner I am overflowing with cum in every single hole, the sooner you can get to those marshmallows."

Everybody looked at her and starting to shrug they all stripped and John said, "Come on, let’s follow the leader."


Three hours later Ana and Lana found themselves I charge of the memorabilia table; Katrina, Jenny and Sandy had all gone to restock the supplies. In the first three hours they had completely sold out everything they had set out and only a few stacks of the info tracts remained including one special tract written by Lana Anderson entitled, ‘Safe Sex is a Joke’.

"Lana, what do you mean by, ‘Safe Sex is a Joke’," a tall brunette woman asked.

"How did you know I was Lana?"

"I figured those individual letters on your tops are there for a reason," the woman said smiling.

Lana looked at her shocked and said, "You’re not a sexologist are you?"

The woman was now the one looking surprised and said, "Well I did minor in it at medical school, but my specialty is Infectious Diseases, STDs in particular. So what does it mean," she repeated holding up the tracts front page. "I mean I plan to read it but I’d be interested in having a summary from the author herself."

"It deals with the beauty of true sex and how if you truly want to enjoy it, no mere condom can ever protect you. Being a doctor you know that STD infections, HIV and AIDS especially, can be gotten through a simple exchange of body fluids. For a mere condom to protect you, you’d have to do nothing during sex but have the guy drill you slowly, probably only in missionary, to guarantee it doesn’t get so hot and intense (which sex should always be by the way) that the condom ends up breaking. As for the other beauties of sex: cunningulus, analingulus, a little exchange of golden juices now and then, those are definitely out; what are you going to do, put a condom on your tongue? Even sucking a beautiful boob is a risk because what if the girl lactates (something a lot of girls would love to do during sex); you know of course that the infection can be passed through breast milk. Hell, who can truly say that it isn’t found in our spit and in our sweat, they’re bodily fluids also. What we can’t exchange spit anymore? Anyway, what it comes down to is that true beautiful sex is always a risk and as someone asked me at the beginning of this past school year, have you ever heard of a ‘safe risk’?"

The woman had been listening intently to Lana’s explanation and now smiling said, "But you have a solution for sex lovers like yourself to stay safe don’t you?"

"The solution is pretty simple, test yourself regularly and don’t have sex with anyone that doesn’t have documented proof that they’re safe. Once you’re with a person you know is truly safe, not only can you freely participate (without the need of a condom even) in every single sexual position, maneuver and kinky idea ever invented (not to mention that you can invent yourself) but you can truly enjoy it knowing you have no worries of contamination."

"That sounds pretty logical and straight-forward," the woman said, "hell, a giant group of totally clean people could even form a club or something making a pack to be faithful only to other club members and it would guarantee them all the sex they wanted and all the protection they ever needed."

Lana smiled at the woman and said, "What is your name doctor?"

"Joyce Livingston and I’m very happy to meet you; both of you," she said, suddenly realizing that Ana had been very attentive also and she had not once said a word to greet her. "Will you be offering free STD testing during this tour? It’s actually a very simple thing to test for all STDs: a simple blood test, a quick delivery to a hematology lab, and a computer to email those wishing to be tested their results is all you’d need."

Speaking for the first time Ana said, "Well, we’d have the computer, but as well as the connection to a hematology lab, the test tubes and the needles a person would need for something like that, I think we’d also need a licensed doctor don’t you?"

"Well I’m a licensed doctor," Joyce said, "one with two months vacation time due her because she never wants to take a vacation from helping people. My co-workers pretty much kidnapped me to bring me to this resort. I’d be honored to help with your awareness campaign by providing the blood tests. Samples could be kept fresh and sent to the nearest hospital where they’d actually be tested by the hematologist; results would then be listed for us to quickly email those tested."

"List the results where," Ana said suspiciously.

"On a medical network that could be set up in a few minutes and which we would be able to access from any computer with internet capabilities," Joyce said smiling.

Lana was listening attentively and smiling said, "You’ve done this many times before haven’t you?"

"Yes, but I’ve never had the backing and promotion of an awesome rock group to help stimulate interest before."


After much discussion with the Anderson Tribe about the last minute plans, plans which both John and Hannah insisted begin with a full confirmation of Dr. Joyce Livingston’s identity, they all accepted the use of the tour mobile (the first section only) for the blood tests. John and Hannah, after having confirmed that Dr. Livingston was not only real, but very well known and respected in her field, volunteered to help her with the data work necessary to keep track of those tested.

"Dr. Livingston I presume," John said when she first came aboard the bus.

Smiling she said, "You know Mr. Anderson I’d actually sworn to kill the next person that greeted me like that, but since you’re going to be my Neo during this project, I’ll let it go." Seeing Hannah, she said, "I here you’re going to be my Trinity."

Hannah smiled and said, "You’re pretty," then asked, "Do you know how to give an orgasm while taking someone’s blood?"

"So Doctor," someone said behind her, "has any real thought been given to exactly how these tests will be handled?"

"It will be done very simply and should have little if any impact on your regular plans. Starting at 9 in the morning on the day of the concert I’ll be offering a maximum of 100 free tests at each of the resorts. As extra incentive for people to get tested, your Location Coordinator has arranged to reserve 100 front row seats at each of the concert locations; those tested get a special ticket to one of those seats. As well as Hannah and John, Lana and Ana have also offered to take a clerical shift if the testing extends past the expected three hours. That way none of them need to lose more than 2 hours from their regularly scheduled activities."

Dr. Livingston had been talking to everyone there, but she now turned to talk specifically to the person that had asked the question, "Does that sound okay with YOU!" Dr. Livingston was staring in wide-eyed amazement at Laura.

"Are you alright Doctor," Laura asked, she then noticed the doctors eyes and said suddenly, "have we met?"

Controlling herself and trying to sound normal the doctor said, "No, no," she said smiling, "of course not, it’s just that you looked like someone I used to know. However she’s dead now so I very much doubt you’re her. Are you Mrs. Anderson?"

"You can call me Laura."

Turning to look once more at Hannah, Ana, and Lana but with a much different look in her eyes she thought, "Did you really think it was just a coincidence?" Out loud she said, "So these beautiful girls are yours. They look just like you."

Just then the Wilson kids, as well as Harry and Susan’s kids came in and Robert said, "The tents are all ready, we found a real nice spot deep in the woods. We tested all the tents out and made sure they are all nicely anointed and smell just like home."

"Everything okay here," Katrina asked.

"Yeah," Lana said going over to her and kissing her passionately right in front of the doctor. "I think we’re finished here, why don’t we go look at one of those tents now?" Then, looking at Dr. Livingston she said, "We are finished, right?"

"Absolutely," Joyce said, still giving her a weird very tender and loving look. "The equipment will be here early tomorrow morning."

"Great, see you then Dr. Livingston," Lana said as she lead Katrina to the door.

"Joyce," Dr. Livingston said, "Please call me Joyce. That goes for everyone," she added looking at all the people around.

"So Joyce," Ron said, "You’re a sexologist. We know one very well, can I show you the rest of the bus. I’d like to hear about your work, our BED room is especially interesting."

Joyce’s eyes twinkled and she said, "I think I’d enjoy seeing that, I can tell you about some of my skills."

Robert, John and Lenny quickly said, "Why don’t we go with you and help you with that tour Ron. We’d like to hear about those skills too."


With the majority of the cocks interested in making a connection with the female version of Dr. Lewis, all the girls decided to join Lana and Katrina in that tent exploration. Only Stan and Laura were left to watch the bus and (since their stage duties didn’t actually start until the next day) Jason and Don offered to cover the memorabilia table for Katrina.

When they reached the campsite the girls found the giant tent that could hold up to 5 or 6 people comfortably (double that if the occupants are lying on top of one another), with two smaller tents (both capable of holding up to 3 people) on either side of the big one. In front of the tents, wood had been gathered and prepared for the starting of a fire.

"Are we going to roast marshmallows now," Sandy asked.

"The marshmallows can wait Sandy," Jenny said, "right now you and I have unfinished business in the smaller tent."

"Yes Master," Sandy said as she followed Jenny into one of the tents. She could instantly be heard giving screams of pain and joy.

"Katrina," Lana said, "you and I are taking the other small tent. I haven’t had some private time with the ‘clit of my life’ since way before we started planning the trip."

"We could have a lot more if you would drop Randy and just make it you and me forever," Katrina said following her into the tent.

"I guess that means the three of us are sharing each other in the group tent," Ana said to Hannah and Debbie, "come on it means we can get double the cunt juice."

Once inside the girls stripped and Hannah said, "God I hate clothes, I wish we could just be totally nude everywhere we go."

"Well it will be a long time before anything like that is allowed," Ana said smiling. "Come on let’s play ring around the lesbo first; I’m first in the center. Debbie you can suck me while I suck Hannah. After both Hannah and I cum the two of you switch places and while I drink Debbie’s beautiful juices, Hannah you get the sugar pot."

"Sounds great, but I have the center next," Hannah said.

After each of the girls had taken a turn sucking and being sucked by each of the others, Debbie asked, "Can we do that again, it was great and I’m still thirsty."

"Later," Ana said, "it’s time to start round two of the game. In this round the lesbo gets screwed in both the pussy and the ass. After everyone cums, the screwers change holes for the next cum."

"Then we change the lesbo and start all over again," Debbie said smiling with anticipation.

"Go get your equipment girls; they’re right in those toy bags. We go in the same order as before: me, Hannah and then Debbie as the center girl."

Going to the bags both Hannah and Debbie pulled out strap-ons with large 12 inch by 3 inch faux cocks on one side and 7 inch vibrators and clit stimulators on the other.

In the meantime, Jenny and Sandy were making great use of an eighteen inch double sided dildo. As Jenny (on top) would go up and down, she not only gave her slave an incredible and at times joyously painful screwing, she also screwed herself. Jenny had clamps on Sandra’s nipples and clit as usual, but she had also forced a string of around 20 medium sized anal beads into Sandra’s ass and every now and then would give the recovery leash a violent and unexpected tug forcing one or two of the beads out painfully. Sandy would scream joyously begging for more.

In the last tent, Lana and Katrina had been having a simple toy free sex session for some time. Lana had naturally started by having Katrina fuck her and fuck her and fuck her some more with her magic clit until they had both cum around 3 times. They then assumed a ‘69’ position for the next two cums and Lana was now on top of Katrina rubbing her pussy lips and boobs against Katrina’s as she kissed her non-stop and said, "I love you Katy, you know that right?"

"I know," Katrina said, "but I’ll know it more the day it’s just you and me."

"I’m not going to lie to you," Lana said between kisses, "that may never happen. So do you love me enough to be a part of my triangle for life if necessary?"

Katrina kissed her and admitted, "I do think I’m falling in love with Randy, so yeah, I’m in." They both began to cum again.


Meanwhile, on all having well sampled Dr. Livingston’s amazing skills: vaginal, oral, and anal; as well as all having gotten a sample of her tits (both through a fuck and a suck) the guys finally let a very exhausted Dr. Joyce Livingston fall asleep right there in the BED room of the tour mobile. They weren’t quite so sleepy yet and went into the Recreation room to talk.

"So Lenny, Robert did the two of you do what I asked while you were putting up the tents," Ron asked.

"Absolutely," Lenny said smiling.

"The girls were nearly peeing as they worked when we mentioned the wolves and bears," Robert said.

"Then Katrina and Debbie said we were making it all up and just trying to scare them," Lenny said, "But it was obvious they weren’t sure."

"Good," Ron said smiling evilly, "we’ll rest a while longer then at exactly midnight we’ll pay the girls a little visit. Jason and Don should be back soon, the memorabilia table closes at 11:30."


Lana and Katrina were still kissing passionately when—

"Howwwwl, how how howwwwl!"

"What was that," Katrina said suddenly.

Lana, who had frozen at the sound too said, "That sounded like a wolf, like more than one actually."

"Oh no," Katrina said suddenly scared, "Robert and Lenny were talking about packs of wolves living in these woods as well as bears, we thought they were joking!"

In the big tent Debbie was telling Ana and Hannah who had jumped at the sound, the very same thing.

"Wolves, what are we going to do," Ana said nervously.

"I didn’t read about any wolves or bears in this area," Hannah said.

"Howwwwl, how how howwwwl!"

"AHH!" The girls in the big tent screamed as it was suddenly zipped open and someone ran in.

"My God Lana, Katrina," Debbie screamed, "You scared us!" Someone else ran in and she said, "hey this tent only holds six people; Jen, Sandy what’s wrong?"

"What’s wrong, haven’t you been listening to the wolves; Lenny and Robert were right! They’re all around us, what do we do?"

Suddenly they saw shadows coming from all around the tent.

"Oh no," Ana said, "They are all around us!"

"Katrina," Lana screamed, "zip up the entrance fast! Everyone stay very still and quiet please!"

They continued to see shadows circling the tent outside and they huddled together shivering. Suddenly, they saw the shadows all converging rapidly on the tent and felt the tent being hit from all sides.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" They all screamed terrified and suddenly they realized the tent was being unzipped and four of the girls were suddenly pulled out, two dragged to each of the side tents. The girls pulled out were Jenny, Sandra, Debbie and Katrina: Jason, Lenny, John, and Robert had taken these, respectively. Ron and Don now walked in the tent with Hannah, Ana and Lana and howling Ron said, "We are wolves looking for some hot female meat to eat, know where we can find some?"

The girls jumped the guys and then pulling their hair and slapping their faces they eventually enveloped the guys’ cocks in their cunts.


As the girls showered early the next morning they talked over the incredible night of sex (first with each other and then with the boys) they’d had.

"They may have given us some incredible cums at the end," Lana said, "but we still owe them one. And it has to be a good one!"

"What are you planning ‘Queen’," Katrina asked.

"I don’t know yet, but Hannah, I want you to research our next stop carefully; find something for us to base our revenge on."

"I’ll check ‘Queen’ but what do I do if my Master asks me to tell him our plans?"

"Don’t worry, you won’t be told our plans until we’re ready to spring it. For now you just research the place. Ron isn’t stupid he’ll know we’re going to get revenge, but he’s crazy if he thinks I’d let his pet know how and when it’s coming."

"So did you talk to Joyce yet today," Hannah asked.

"Yeah, she was going to get freshened up too, but she says all the equipment is here already so we’ll be starting on time."

"I actually saw a line starting to form when I headed here," Jenny said.

"So is it weird that we are in here showering together and not one of us has tried to suck the other off yet," Katrina asked.

"Love," Lana said rolling her eyes, "save it for after tonight’s concert, we’ll have a celebration fuck, a fuckabration, when it’s over."


As the applause died down and Debbie took the podium she waited another few minutes for the lingering cheers to die down. Finally she was able to say, "We thank Triplet X Love Times 2 for this fantastically awesome and incredible night of music." Debbie waited as statement produced more cheering; as it died down she said, "Now I give you Lana Anderson with some final words."

As Lana took the podium she said a little nervously, "I just wanted to thank the first 100 volunteers of our ‘Only Safe Sex Awareness Project’. Your test results will be sent to you as soon as we receive them. We apologize for not having the resources to test everyone, but we greatly recommend that those that were not able to be tested here find the time in the near future to visit a local hospital and get tested. It is the only true way to guarantee the safety of those we say we love. Thank you again for your presence."

As she walked away she was happy to hear a loud rain of applause and cheering for her simple statement.

Debbie retook the podium and said, "As a final note, I invite anyone that wishes to purchase an item to remember this day by to the memorabilia table at the entrance of the main resort building and I thank you also once more for being with us."

As all the stage lights shut off some final cheering and applause could be heard.


"I think your first tour stop was a big success," Debbie told TXLT2 as they took a breather on stage while the crowd cleared away.

"So what’s the next step," Don asked.

"Well," Katrina said looking proudly and lovingly at Lana, "someone promised me a fuckabration."

"Fuckabration," John said, "why do I get the feeling I won’t find that word in any dictionary?"

"It’s a celebration fuck," Katrina clarified.

"That sounds great," Ron said, "but remember tomorrow we spend the morning rafting. I loved the fishing and hiking we did earlier today and I’m sure that celebration fuck we’re about to have is going to be exciting, but I want a different type of excitement tomorrow; that a deal?"

Everyone echoed their agreement and Lana said, "It’s a deal. Now let’s go celebrate!"


Chapter Nine – The Backyard Project

Dr. Lewis walked up to the front door of the Anderson house and just stood there a few minutes. He had just gotten off the web with Lana and Katrina and they had had a very satisfying chat together. In the end most of the other, if not all of the other females, on the trip had come into, or maybe the proper phrase is ‘CUM in’, the tour buses Recreation room. He had left them preparing to watch some movies Ron had just brought in with that red-headed cousin of theirs. The point was though that they had all once more encouraged him to spend the time the construction crew would be working in his house here. Strangely enough though, the exact same construction company (there weren’t many in Riverdale) would be working here too. The difference was that where they would be working throughout the interior as well as the exterior of his house, they’d only be working outside this house.

Finally knocking (Lana had actually left him a set of keys before they left, but he didn’t feel too comfortable using them yet) he waited and wondered if Pietro or Amy would be wearing clothes when they answered the door. Making a quick analysis he decided they will both be wearing clothes to answer the door, but if it is Amy, she’ll strip the minute he got in, whereas Pietro may well keep his clothes on for as long as he was there.

The door opened and Amy smiled at him. The doctor had actually never really seen her, he’d met her, yes, especially that day he had breakfast there, but he had never really taken an opportunity to look at her. He didn’t want to piss of Lana, especially while nearing PMS mode. He looked deep in her eyes and two words instantly popped into the sexologist’s head, ‘SEX STARVED’ and it’s only been a day since the Andersons left.

"Dr. Lewis, welcome. I just talked to Stan and Laura and they said I should be expecting you this morning. Have you eaten something?"

Dr. Lewis studied Amy’s clothes for a few seconds and almost laughed out loud, he was able to control himself though and keep his cold stern look, his cock was having a little difficulty keeping calm too. He had no doubt he’d be constantly fucking this gorgeous red-head while he stayed here, but he would not let any female have mental and emotional control over him. It was a lesson he had demonstrated to his Lana on the first day of the previous school year.

"Yes Ms. Bradson, I had a little something on my way over. Is that a nurse’s uniform you’re wearing?"

"Please, call me Amy," Amy smiled mischievously at the doctor as she said this. "And yes, this is my volunteer nurse’s uniform. I heard the bell and I couldn’t just come answer in my birthday suit without being sure who it was so I grabbed the first thing in my closet and threw it on."

Dr. Lewis threw another look at her ‘volunteer nurse’s uniform’ and giggled within; the suit was around 2 sizes too small for her, her boobs (and beautiful boobs they were) kept popping out of the extra-low cut top, the uniforms skirt did not even reach the bottom of her pubic area (a lovely bald pubic area) so her dripping pussy was always in view.

"Let me help you with that," she said bending over.

The doctor got an incredible view of her perfect ass as she bent down and his cock must have grown to full size as for a second it believed that beautiful mouth was heading straight for it, but then she grabbed the suitcase Dr. Lewis had dropped by his side and standing slowly she said, "You’ll be in the boys’ room. Please follow me."

"This woman is an expert tease," Dr. Lewis thought, "if I don’t fight for control I’ll be in bed with her the moment we enter the boys’ room."

Amy was walking slowly in front of him making sure that as they climbed the steps he had a very clear view at every second of her winking cunt as it opened and closed with every step she took.

Dr. Lewis looked back at the trail of cunt juice that had been left and when he turned to look forward again his face crashed right into the moist pink beauty that was Amy’s pussy.

"Oh, I’m sorry doctor, just picking something up from the steps; I shouldn’t have stopped so suddenly."

"That’s okay Amy, it’s really my fault, I should have been looking forward at all times." As she was still bent down right in front of his face, Dr. Lewis appeared to be talking directly to Amy’s open pussy. A few more drops of cunt juice leaked out and fell right into the Doctor’s mouth. As he tasted the drops of Amy juice in his mouth the doctor almost went wild with desire and wanted to bury his tongue right then and there in Amy’s so obviously needy cunt. But he was able to resist saying to himself, "No, the first time will be on my terms. I have to lay down the law. Not to mention, I have to talk to Lana and Katy and get their okay first. I know they won’t mind but since this will obviously be a daily and probably even more than once daily thing while they’re away, I should have they’re official blessing."

As they finally reached the boys’ room Amy put the suitcase down by the bed and she suddenly sat down right on the edge of the bed spreading her legs wide open and lying back with her eyes closed.

"I can’t believe how tired I suddenly feel," she said. She stayed lying down as if resting, but she was obviously waiting for something. When after a few minutes what she most desired hadn’t CUM she finally opened her eyes and raised her head to see what the doctor was doing.

"Dr. Lewis, what are you doing," she said when she spotted him sitting on the desk chair which he had rolled to right in front of Amy’s open and hungry pussy. He was pumping his 10 inches of extra thick meat rapidly and Amy stared at it with a lust beyond what she’d ever felt before.

"What does it look like I’m doing? I’m relieving a little tension someone left my cock with."

"But why—why don’t—why not—well you know what I’m trying to say!"

"I’m not going to fuck you yet Amy."

Amy looked seriously disappointed, "but I’m safe," she said, "I have my documentation!"

"I know Amy, I did the test myself, remember? The truth is that your mouth, pussy and ass are all beautiful and I can’t wait to be pumping my cock into them all, but I have to talk to with my ‘Queen’ and my ‘Wild Kat’ first. I know they won’t mind, but since we want to build a triangle of trust it should be discussed first as you see these 10 inches of mine that I’m pumping," he got up and started pumping right over her; she was going crazy because she could smell the pre-cum and she was so hungry, Pietro had left very early on some errand that day and had not given her a little breakfast, "once I get the okay, this warm hard piece of meat of mine will be pumping in you two or three times a day."

"But I’m hungry now," Amy said almost begging.

"I’m aware of that, that’s why you’re going to open your mouth and wait patiently and I’ll give you a good sample of what to expect on a daily basis. Now, Nurse Bradson, open wide and say ‘Ahh!’"

Amy opened her mouth and Dr. Lewis started cumming and cumming and cumming right into Amy’s mouth, every now and then she would have to close her mouth and swallow she would then end up with a face full of cum which, when the Doctor had finally finished cumming, she pushed into her mouth and sucked wildly. Her eyes showing she was in heaven.

"Are you feeling better Amy? Did your medicine help a little," the doctor asked.

"A little," Amy said smiling, "but you better get that permission slip to examine me completely fast, or I’ll just go to another doctor, understand!"

"Absolutely," and helping Amy up he suddenly squeezed he hand while with the other hand he suddenly pulled her clit triggering and unbelievable (for such minor contact) orgasm in Amy from which she was still recovering when she stepped out.

After completely settling into the boys’ room Dr. Lewis took a quick shower and changed into his work suit, the STD clinic wasn’t opening that day until 11 and he had wanted to take advantage of the free morning to become familiar with the Anderson house, now however, he truly had to leave and he told Amy, whom he stopped to say goodbye to in the kitchen, "I have to leave for work now," he bent over and gave her a warm kiss, "I don’t know what time I’ll be out tonight so don’t wait up for me, Lana left me some keys so I’ll let myself in." Leaning over he gave her another kiss and said, "Love you dear."

Amy smiled at him and said, "Love you too honey, bye now."

As he walked out she had to laugh and she definitely felt a lot better than she had just been feeling. Even though the doctor had given her the two things she was most craving (a mouthful of hot cum and an incredible orgasm) she had been feeling a little depressed about not having been able to get him to break all reserves and just fuck her silly, she felt it meant she was losing it. However, there was something about this ‘I’m your loving husband on my way to work, you’re my beautiful wife staying to tend to the home’ manner with which the doctor was leaving that made her feel not only that she still had it, but that she definitely had him.

"I guess Lana is right," Amy thought, "there is no one better to have sex with (or even not to have sex with) than a professional sexologist."

She suddenly called behind him saying, "Honey, call me if you think you might make it for dinner!"

"I’ll do that dear," he called back from the door which he opened to find a very beautiful young brown haired woman in construction clothes about to knock.

"Mr. Anderson," the woman said questionably.

"No, I’m sorry; the Anderson family is on vacation. You must be in charge of the backyard project," he noticed the name tag over her very full and lovely right boob which read ‘Project Manager – Lisa Wise’.

"Oh," she said; Dr. Lewis noticed the sad look in her face that told him she had very much been looking forward to dealing with the Andersons in person.

Just then Amy came out having heard the conversation and saw Lisa at the door. Feeling it best not to draw any attention, if in fact any more needed to be drawn, to the fact that Amy was for some reason still in her nurse’s costume, Dr. Lewis simply said, "Amy this is Lisa Wise, she is in charge of the backyard project," to Lisa, who looked startled by the fact the doctor knew her name, he said, "Amy will be supervising the project for the family." Then as a sort of explanation as well as to satisfy his curiosity he said, "I notice that your name is Wise," he said this looking straight at her name tag and she suddenly smiled, "I was wondering, are you in any way related to Martha and Henry Wise?"

"They’re my brother and sister," Lisa said in a ‘do you know them’ tone.

"They were both former students of mine, and they are part of the OHPF club of which I am faculty advisor. My name is Dr. Lewis by the way."

"So you’re the famous Dr. Lewis everyone talks about," Lisa said smiling and holding out her hand, "you know, your teachings have not only my whole household, but my entire work crew, at least two others of which are also related to OHPF members taking regular STD tests. Every one of us is One Hundred Per—" suddenly stopping what she was about to say she finished lamely, "all of us are negative."

"I’m glad to hear that," Dr. Lewis said smiling inside, quite sure that this entire crew she mentioned had brought their documentation with them in hopes of finding an Anderson boy or girl to show it to. "Good day now," having said that he stepped out leaving Lisa in Amy’s hungry hands.

Once alone with her Amy said, "come in please; we can discuss how it will go better from in here."

Now that her eyes weren’t on the delicious doctor, Lisa took a good look at the scrumptious red-headed ‘naughty nurse’ bombshell before her. She studied her tits that had popped out of her uniform long and hard before letting her gaze travel down and study her completely exposed beautiful bald cunt.

Amy noticed Lisa’s tits, her nipples especially got so hard they almost bust through her uniform’s top. "Is something wrong Ms. Wise," Amy asked in a seductive voice.

"Lisa, please call me Lisa. I’ve heard of you too," she suddenly said smiling. Amy looked at her surprised and said, "heard of me; from whom?"

"Henry, he still talks about the most incredible pussy his cock was ever in. He was one of your prizes in a Pokeno game toward the beginning of this past school year."

Amy looked a little upset and said, "I don’t think he was supposed to talk about that."

"Oh don’t worry, my brother and sister and I are very close (much closer since they joined that club) and we just don’t keep any secrets from each other, but we know how to keep things quiet. The rest of my crew won’t be here for another hour to an hour-and-a-half; I’m supposed to fill you in on some boring details of exactly how we’ll be working and what the different materials we’ll be using mean." She took another look at Amy’s pussy and seeing a drop of cunt juice about to drip to the floor she suddenly stuck her fingers in Amy’s twat, swirled it around and pulling it out brought it to her lips sucking it off. She then dropped her clothes (revealing no underwear whatsoever) and standing in front of Amy in the nude said, "Will you just believe me if I tell you we’ll do a good job? We can then use the time we have together for something more entertaining."

"What did you have in mind," Amy said studying Lisa’s perfect orbs and her perfectly trimmed brown haired twat.

"Well, Henry and Martha spoke of a game room with a very multi-use pool table, I’d love to see them if it’s okay."

Taking her by the hand Amy said smiling, "right this way!"


Amy heard a bell ringing and she frowned bitterly, she did not want interruptions now, she certainly didn’t want to have to cut short the fun she was having with Lisa.

They had spent the first 45 minutes together in a ‘69’ on the pool table sucking each other to orgasm after orgasm, Amy especially was overjoyed because without a single cunt in the house she thought she’d have to be servicing herself daily to get a taste of warm delicious cunt juice, at least until Susan returned. This was why she now had this girl that would be working daily at the house (and who tasted beyond fantastic) in her room right now fucking her silly in every possible way, wanting to form such a strong connection with her that the girl would never want to break it. She leaned over and kissed her intimately again and again and was happy to feel Lisa kissing her back with just as much passion and love.

As well as the doorbell, a cell phone could now be heard ringing somewhere and Lisa stopped kissing Amy long enough to say, "We’re going to be together every day during this project, but for now we better get that, it has to be my crew." Amy kissed her once more and getting up extracted the giant strap-on dildo she’d been pumping in Lisa’s twat, taking a minute when she totally extracted it to bend down and once more suck her tasty juices. Finally she got up to look for some clothes and answer the door when Lisa said, "Don’t worry about it. I’m not going to bother with any." She then headed out of Amy’s room.

Amy looked surprised but after shrugging followed Lisa upstairs and to the door.

Opening it a dozen people walked in, all of whom, on seeing Lisa in the nude dropped their clothes right then and there revealing 9 hard multi-color cocks and 3 moist beautiful pussies.

"Amy," Lisa said smiling, "this is my crew: this is the foreman," she said grabbing a large afro-American cock and sticking it in her still very open cunt, she let him pump her a few times before saying, "this is Jake Wesley, his daughter Jan is an OHPF member also." She kissed him and dislodging his cock from her cunt said to all her crew, "this is Amy Bradson, she’ll be supervising the project; I’m sorry to say that the Anderson family will be away while we work," Amy suddenly noticed a lot of sad and disappointed faces, "but don’t worry we can still have fun while we work; Jake give Amy a proper hello, while I introduce the rest." Jake smiled and going over to Amy stuck his 12 inches of dark meat straight up Amy’s twat and started pumping while Lisa said, "Amy try to stay with us while I finish the introductions. This is the heavy machines operator Enrique Reyes; you may have met his son Roberto also. That’s Samuel Adams he’s the plumber, Jerry Jones the electrician, that young man with the giant hunk of tasty black meat swinging between his legs is Godfrey Brown, he’s a soil analyst, his younger brother Aaron has been here often. The rest are all diggers and foundation layers, normally we wouldn’t have so many on one job, but they paid to have this done within three weeks or earlier." Some disappointment must have shone on the blissful look in Amy’s face because Lisa quickly added, "But we only guaranteed that it would be done in a month."

Amy threw a special look at the three girls on the team and Lisa said, "Oh yeah, these are Jackie Tate, Sallie Ramos (you might know her sister Jennifer), and Betty Right as well as working clean-up they help provide a lot of relief to the rest of the crew sometimes." Lisa winked at Amy. Just then Jake started cumming in Amy’s cunt and on finishing he pulled out his cock and Sallie Ramos dove for it sucking it deep and hard, at the same time Jackie dug into Amy’s twat sucking and licking, cleaning out all the cum left there and she didn’t stop sucking until she’d given Amy’s clit a gentle bite and made her cum."

"Enrique," Lisa said mischievously, "why don’t you start using that heavy machine and do some digging in Amy’s backyard?"

Smiling Enrique walked behind Amy and grabbing his ‘shovel’ he dug right in, pulling quickly out again only to go in deeper and continued this way until he had dug as deep a hole as possible and then continued simply going in and out of the hole he’d dug, fast and hard.

"Samuel," Lisa said smiling, "I think she’s sprung a leak, why don’t you try to plug that up."

Smiling, Samuel walked in front of Amy and after giving her a hello kiss, began hammering a stopper (9 inches by 2 1/2 inches) into her dripping leaky faucet. As he worked on fixing that problem Lisa gave Amy another long wicked smile and studying her eyes said, "Jerry, the lights in her eyes seem to be blinking strangely, you better plug into her top floor and check it out." Amy had lost a bit of her strength and as not to stumble, the construction crew working on her now had her on her knees (and since they’d never stopped working so were they) Jerry simply walked up to her and after a preliminary study of the blinking lights in her eyes plugged right into the open socket under them and felt the electricity flow as he pushed in and out testing the different levels of energy.

"Marco, Julio" she called to two of the diggers, "why don’t you provide some extra digging," as she said this she went over and grabbed on of Amy’s beautiful boobs and added, "just dig right in."

Smiling, they walked on either side of Amy each then dug into one of her boobs.

"Oh," Lisa said suddenly, "I almost forgot, Richie and Jaime come here. Amy," she said as if Amy were anywhere near understanding anything besides the beautiful feelings running through most of her body, "these are Richard Styles, he’s the painter, both his daughters work for Mr. Anderson, and that’s Jaime Hendricks, he’s the plasterer. Okay guys, start painting and plastering." They walked over to where Amy was kneeling and, standing one behind her towards her right and one in front of her towards her left, started masturbating.

"Freddy," Lisa said to the last digger, all of these introductions have left me a bit thirsty, how about digging me a well so I can have a drink?"

As he walked to her she kneeled and began enjoying a little cocktail just as she started hearing explosions all around Amy and actually felt one in her own mouth.

"Explosions," she thought, "must be some bad connections we might have to go through this whole construction job again. Well," she thought smiling, "we’ll just repeat it every day if necessary until the job is perfect."


Everyone turned their heads nervously to see who had spoken so angrily from behind them.

Amy, who had cum flowing out of every hole and was bathed back and front in it, froze. Lisa turned worriedly to face the obviously very angry person. Since Amy was still connected to all the construction workers looking to do a good complete thorough job, Lisa got up and said, "Hello, my name is Lisa Wise, I’m in charge of the backyard project, this is my crew."

"Then shouldn’t you all be working in the BACKYARD," Pietro said truly disgusted.

By now all the crew started dislodging from Amy and lining up against the wall. Amy, whom they’d helped to her feet couldn’t even look at Pietro. Seeing her leaking cum Lisa signaled Jackie, Sallie and Betty; Jackie quickly knelt in front of Amy sucking out her twat, Betty knelt at her rear cleaning up her ass and Sallie began licking every inch of Amy’s body, cleaning up cum deposited on her back, front and face."

In almost no time the girls had Amy completely cleaned up and she now faced Pietro prepared to face the music.

"Ms. Bradson," Pietro said angrily, "I am shocked beyond belief that—"

"Please sir," Lisa said, "this isn’t her fault, it’s mine."

"No Lisa," Amy suddenly said, "I didn’t exactly resist anything. By the way everyone, this is Pietro Partridge, my co-worker here."

"Oh my," one of the girls suddenly screamed, "someone needs relief!"

Before anyone could say anything Jackie had leapt at Pietro, pulled down his pants and taken his 9 inches down her throat.

"Oh dear," Sallie said, "that looks like a big job, we’d better help Betty!" Running around Pietro, Sallie knelt at his back door and stuck her tongue up his ass. Betty ran up to him and putting her arms around him started to kiss him and suck his tongue strongly. In no time at all Pietro had forgotten his anger and was in as blissful a place as Amy had just been. In mere minutes Jackie’s amazing deep throating skills had Pietro blowing one of his enormous loads in her mouth and she drank happily not letting a single drop get lost.

When the girls finished their relief and clean-up duties they went back to stand by the rest of the crew and Pietro looked at a loss for words but definitely a lot calmer.

Finally he said in a calm voice, "I trust this will not happen again. I expect you to come each day for one thing and one thing only, to finish this job as soon as possible." He noticed Amy and Lisa throw each other some sad looks and then added. "Of course I can’t expect you to work non-stop, you need some time to rest and find relief. During those scheduled breaks, either Ms. Bradson or I will be happy to be of service to you in any way possible. Now maybe you should start working."

Lisa and Amy, as well as the rest of the crew were smiling appreciatively at him and Lisa finally said, "Okay, suit up everybody let’s go check out the backyard."

When they had all stepped out Pietro gave Amy a ‘and what have you got to say for yourself’ look and smiling nervously she said, "You see what happens when you leave without feeding me in the morning?"

Smiling Pietro said, "I apologize for that; I promise never to leave again without first being sure that you are set for the day."

"I appreciate that," Amy said going over and giving him an intimate kiss, taking the opportunity to give Pietro Jr. one final squeeze.



Chapter Ten – Always Connected

Dr. Joyce Livingston was in the small restroom labeled ‘female’ in the back of the tour mobile; the first night of e-mailing results and taking statistical data for some personal polls she planned to run had been a little tiring, it had, however, in the end become much simpler when Hannah, "Hannah," Dr. Livingston repeated, "my beautiful wonderful Hannah," she sighed and continued thinking, yes thanks to Hannah and of course John, "Damn those Anderson boys are hot," she thought again. Anyway, thanks to them and the incredible program they had developed in less than 24 hours, now all data was automatically and systematically separated into categories such as: ‘age group’, ‘gender’, ‘race’ and ‘city’ with of course the ‘negative’ or ‘positive’ result. If positive, the program automatically added data to a list of exactly what STD the person tested positive for. Finally, the program automatically mailed the results directly to those tested under the heading: "The Results of Your Free STD Test at Triplet X Love Times 2 Concert". It used an official government email address that should penetrate all spam guard protection and automatically mailed back a confirmation when it had been accepted. Not of course that she herself had any understanding of what any of that truly meant. As she felt the relief of her golden juices flowing, she thought how incredibly lucky she was to have been allowed to stay on the tour mobile for the duration of the project; to be able to be near them for more than a month.

As she grabbed some toilet paper and began wiping herself clean she noticed that the small garbage can for throwing the paper in was almost empty, "It must have been changed quite recently," she thought as she threw the paper in; she suddenly noticed something though at the bottom and picking up the trash can pulled out three things, all exactly the same. She knew Hannah, Ana, and Lana had just been in there before her and they were all trying to get over their PMS. As she held the three bloody tampons she brought them each to her nose wanting to smell the girls and truly form a memory of them. After smelling each tampon, she gave it a kiss and returned it to the waste paper basket. On getting up she noticed in the mirror that she looked a bit flushed and had tears in her eyes, she therefore washed her face and freshened up as she stepped outside.

"Joyce," Laura said, "are you alright, you look a little depressed?"

"No, no Lorrie, I’m fine, just that the first days work was a little tiring; things should be much easier though from now on. Do you know how far away the next stop is?" Joyce suddenly realized that Laura was looking at her shocked and with much suspicion. "I’m sorry," Joyce said, "is something wrong?"

"What did you call me," Laura asked.

"Laura, that’s your name right," Joyce said nervously, "Laura?"

"No, you didn’t call me Laura, you called me Lorrie," Laura said trying to picture what the woman before her might have looked 15 years in the past.

"Did I," Joyce said sweating a little, "I had a friend at Medical school named Laura; we all called her Lorrie as a pet name. I must have been thinking of her, I’m sorry."

"No," Laura said still suspicious, "it’s just that Lorrie was my nickname all through Junior High School and the beginning of High School."

"Really," Joyce said smiling, "I guess it is a common nickname for Lauras."

"Yeah," Laura said suddenly smiling though still suspicious for some reason. "I guess it is, your welcome to use it if you feel more comfortable with it. By the way, the next resort is still a day away."

"Really," Joyce said smiling, "thank you Lorrie, you’re a doll," and she quickly turned and headed toward the BED room.

Laura had been smiling, but Joyce’s last words suddenly brought a frown back on her face. Stan stepped out of the men’s room and seeing the look on her face said, "Something wrong Honey?"

"Do you believe in reincarnation," she said a little too seriously; then suddenly catching herself said, "It’s nothing dear, I just can’t shake the feeling that I’ve met Joyce before; and I’m not talking about casually having come across her, I am talking about really, really knowing her."

"Have you asked her where she’s from, possibly you come from the same neighborhood or something. You’re both the exact same age; if you do come from the same place then it’s very probable you once went to school together."

"I wouldn’t want to start asking her too many questions, she might think we wanted to investigate her or something; because we don’t trust her, I mean. However, the information of where she comes from should be in her records, maybe I’ll ask Hannah or John to take a deeper look into them, when they looked them up before they just did it to confirm her identity and nothing more. I can have them do it quietly."
"Yeah," Stan said smiling, "she doesn’t need to know you’re investigating her."


In the BED room Joyce was unsurprised to find people having sex in all corners; not to mention hear moaning coming from at least 2 of the closed sleeping berths. Those that could be seen were Hannah and Debbie (who were in a ‘69’), Katrina and Lana (Lana was once more having her twat drilled by that magic clit), and Don and Jason (Don was fucking Jason’s ass like there was no tomorrow).

As for the two couples who chose a little private time, Joyce knew that the girl called Jenny was screwing Gloria’s girl Sandra ("I can’t believe how much she looks like Gloria"), in the first berth, as for the second she had heard a rumor that Ron had been in there all night with Robert ("He doesn’t look anything like Harry") and since she hadn’t seen either of them for hours, she didn’t doubt it was true.

"Joyce," Lana said on seeing her enter. "Why don’t you join us and please, please take those clothes off when we’re on the road. You have noticed that you’re the only one wearing any right?"

Joyce smiled and said as she dropped her clothes, "You know you just sounded very pissed at me when you said that, you get cranky around this time don’t you?" Lana gave her a cold stare and smiling Joyce added, "Well that answers that question."

"So are you going to join us," Katrina said smiling at Joyce.

"Oh, Katrina, I don’t think I can," Joyce said smiling kindly.

Hannah suddenly broke down and started to cry. Joyce saw this and feeling bad asked, "Hannah, baby are you alright, what’s wrong love?"

"How can you call me love when you won’t show us any love. The boys all got a piece of you. Why don’t you like us?"

Lana gave a laugh inside as she saw her sister at work doing what she did best, manipulating a situation to her best advantage.

"Oh Honey, I do love you, I love you more than you can possibly know. But you don’t have to have sex with someone to prove that."

"In this family you do," Debbie said, "I learned that the first week I met them," she had temporarily raised her head from Hannah’s pussy to say this, she now returned it to the flowing honey pot.

Hannah gave another sob and Joyce considered her actions, one thing kept coming to her mind, "Lorrie has a special connection with the girls, Stan (who’s just their step-father) has one, even their step-brothers had an incredible connection with them, didn’t she deserve one also?"

Going over to Hannah she petted her head and said, "I’ll have sex with you and your sisters if you promise to remember one thing for me."

Looking up Hannah asked, "What’s that?"

Very lovingly and with a smile Joyce said, "That the next time you want to use false tears to get your way, you don’t try them on a sexologist that can easily tell a manipulative bitch when she sees one."

Hannah suddenly broke into what were obviously real tears and quickly pinching Hannah’s clit painfully and making her scream and then cum violently Joyce leaned over and after kissing her on the forehead said, "but most people love the manipulative bitches around them just as they are," and Hannah smiled as Joyce kissed her again.


"I miss you so much Sugar. I’m dying without the taste of your sweet, sweet nectar to wet my lips."

"You think I’m not dying every moment I have to not feel that warm Patty juice rushing down my throat?"

Ana was looking at Patty on the big screen. Patty was totally naked, she was squeezing her boobs with one hand and she had a butt plug vibrator running on full power in her ass.

Ana had inserted a thunder vibrator bead in her ass and was sitting dead center in front of the camera above the screen with her legs up and a 10 inch by 2 inch vibrator pumping in and out of her pussy.

"So how are your parents treating you," Ana said, unable to mask the bitterness in her voice.

"They say they’re fine, but there’s no mistaking how cold they are toward me." Patty looked really sad and Ana couldn’t help look angry. "You don’t need to be mad, Sugar, I’m not mad at them, just a little disappointed. You expect parents to be mature."

"I’m mad because I can tell how sad you are; and how can I not be mad at anyone that makes you sad!"

"The only thing that makes me sad is Dolores, what this is doing to her I mean," Patty said.

"Dolores," Ana questioned.

"Stay right there Sugar, exactly as you are," Patty said and quickly got up and ran from the screen. About 5 minutes later Patty returned and Ana was shocked to see that she wasn’t alone. The young girl she was with (around Ana’s age) was as naked as Patty and Patty sat her on her lap and began pumping two fingers into her twat.

She was obviously as nervous as Ana to suddenly find herself so exposed in front of a stranger.

"Can you guess who this is," Patty asked Ana smiling as she kissed the young girl a few times on the neck to calm her.

Since the girl was basically a younger version of Patty it wasn’t hard to guess. Smiling Ana said, "Hi, so you’re Patty’s younger sister, you’re beautiful just like her." Giggling she added, "God, you look so much like my Patty I just want to bust through the screen and plaster my mouth to that beautiful cunt of yours. Has she told you who I am?"

The girl was smiling now and definitely looking more at ease. She nodded and said, "You’re Ana, she talks about you all the time, especially when we’re fucking. She misses you a lot. I can see why, you’re hot and gorgeous, if I could fuck you every day at lunchtime I sure would."

"Dolly (that’s always been my pet name for her since Mom and Dad brought her home from the hospital) found me crying in my room on just the second night I was here; I was holding that picture of us in a ‘69’. She got me to tell her how much I missed the only love of my life and how much I missed your sweet sugary cunt juice. She saw I was really sad so she offered to keep me well supplied with cunt juice while I’m here."

"Really," Ana said smiling strongly at Dolores and looking deep in her eyes, "how does she taste?"

"She tastes a lot like Hannah actually, the first time we shared a drink I kept cumming to memories of the Mistress in that super hot costume of hers forcing me to suck that lovely bald pussy of hers."

Dolores laughed and said, "Patty wanted me to shave my pussy."

Ana found this news a little upsetting, "Patty, you never told me you enjoyed a bald pussy, I could have started shaving long ago. Hannah has wanted Lana and me to do so for months. She says we won’t really be exact triplets again until we do."

As she watched the hand job Patty was lovingly giving her sister and Dolores’ blissful, glossy-eyed look Ana suddenly remembered how she had come to be in the conversation in the first place and said, "Why does your parent’s attitude toward you have you sad for your sister?"

"Oh," Patty said suddenly grabbing one of her sister’s boobs and squeezing gently while her fingers continued working rapidly in Dolores twat. Ana grabbed her own boob and pinched a nipple; she also increased the speed of the vibrator in her cunt and the rate at which she was pumping it. Patty now continued talking. "By our third glorious fuckfest, I was convinced Dolly’s cunningulus and analingulus skills were too perfect for her to be the beginner she claimed she was, not to mention her pussy fucking and boob eating skills; I decided it was time to talk to her about it and she finally confessed that she and her best friend have been sexually active together for the past 3 years, since they were 13. What’s more she confessed that the two of them are truly in love."

This news brought a worried frown to Ana’s face and Patty said, "I know what you’re thinking, but don’t worry. I talked to Randy and he set up an emergency appointment with a colleague of his here in Hawaii the very next day. I took both Dolly and Melissa (that’s her friend) and everyone was OHPF material. But you’re right, I should have checked before hooking up with anyone, even my own sister. But anyway, the point is that Dolly is definitely like Sally and me. My parents attitude towards me has her scared to come out, however, something she says she’s been ready to do for a year."

Looking puzzled Ana said, "Was Sally—"

"Yes she was," Patty said quickly, not letting Ana say it, "and Mom and Dad still blame her death on the fact she was a lesbian."

"Which is why they are so against us," Ana said sadly looking directly at Patty, "that is so unfair!"

Dolores suddenly gave a small scream and Ana saw her juices flowing as she trembled a bit in orgasm. The sight of this made Ana, who had been on the edge for while now, explode and Dolores watched in awe as gusher after gusher of cunt juice exploded from Ana’s pussy.

"Didn’t I tell you she was a gusher," Ana heard Patty tell her sister.

"It was great," Dolores said excitedly, "I wish I could be there drinking her."

"Well I’m just going to have to do," Patty said pushing her sister down between her knees where Dolores quickly glued her mouth to Patty’s pussy. "Well Sugar, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, same time. I love you, and I miss you."

"I love you too Patty, bye, and bye Dolores I’m glad we could CUM together. Maybe some day we could truly meet and share a nice drink."

Dolores raised her head from Patty’s pussy long enough to say, "I’d really like that a lot, thank you, and goodbye." She was about to bury her head in Patty’s pussy again when she suddenly stopped and looked up long enough to add, "Would it bother you if Patty were to let me CUM again some time, when the two of you are talking?"

"Not at all, and next time I’ll have my sisters join me. We can all CUM together like family; Bye again, bye Patty."

"Bye love."

The screen went blank for a few minutes and suddenly Dr. Lewis was looking at Ana and saying, Hi Ana, now that you and Patty are finished talking, can you tell ‘The Queen’ and ‘The Wild Kat’ I need to talk to them?"

"Dr. Lewis, were you listening," Ana said disapprovingly.

"Not really, I’ve had you on screen for a while (very impressive cum by the way) but I muted the volume so as not to listen to your private conversation. I’ve merely been looking in every few minutes checking for when you finished."

"I’ll get Lana and Katrina now; wait up; oh and by the way, it’s good to see you."

"Good, not to mention exciting, to see you too," he said smiling with a mischievous glow in his eyes.


In the BED room Dr. Livingston was truly getting a taste of the Anderson girls, however to Debbie and Katrina’s disappointment she didn’t want a taste of anyone else, which isn’t to mean they weren’t allowed to have fun with her.

Joyce was lying in the center of the room face up with Lana on her face and Hannah eating her cunt. The Wilson girls had been permanently glued to her boobs and they had been sucking them non-stop since the action began. Every time the Anderson girl on Joyce’s mouth came, she would switch places with the one sucking Joyce’s twat. When Katrina complained, after the Anderson girls had each already cum two times, that Debbie and she needed to cum also, Don and Jason offered to help out a little. Don went behind ‘the Wild Kat’ and started pumping his cock deep and hard into her twat while playing with her boobs (he might not have been dating her anymore, but he still knew what best stimulated her); Jason in the meantime did the same for Debbie (they had been much less reserved about screwing together in public since a certain Pajama Party incident).

As Lana came once more in Joyce’s mouth and Hannah prepared to change places with her Ana came in the room and seeing the action said, "Cool can I join in?"

As Lana took her position at Joyce’s twat she said, "I’m not sure there’s room, unless you can squeeze under her and suck her butt."

"I’ll do that later, but actually you and Katrina are needed in here. Dr. Lewis is on the line and wants to talk to you two. I left you a little something on the table by the center seat."

Quickly getting up Lana headed for the Recreation room followed by Katrina; Ana in the meantime took over Lana’s position at Joyce’s cunt, and Don glued his mouth to the boob abandoned by Katrina.


Once in the Recreation room Katrina picked up the butt plug vibrator and the large vaginal vibrator Ana had been using from the table. As she licked Ana’s juices off the vaginal vibrator and stuck the butt plug in her own ass, she powered it on and sat in front of the screen. Lana then sat on her lap and while Katrina kissed her neck and began pumping the vibrator softly in and out of Lana’s twat while squeezing Lana’s boob, Lana greeted Dr. Lewis angrily, "Where have you been? You haven’t contacted us since before we reached the first resort. We’re now on our way to the second! And what the hell are you doing talking to us with clothes on!"

Dr. Lewis smiled and said, "Yes I noticed Ana was a little jumpy." He began stripping and told Katrina, "Katy make sure to kiss her ears and neck and every now and then also, and give her clit a few gentle rubs with your thumb every time you plunge the vibrator all the way in."

Katrina looked at him a little annoyed and said, "I know how to keep my ‘Queen’ calm, I don’t need lessons thank you, and where have you been?"

"We had an emergency situation at the hospital. This is actually my first time back here in the boys’ room since I moved in two or three days ago." He was now totally naked and started masturbating for the girls, getting his full 10 inches hard and hot for their viewing pleasure.

Much calmer and a bit concerned now Lana said, "An emergency, what was it?"

"Lizzy’s baby died three days ago," Dr. Lewis said grimly.

"Oh no," Lana said sadly, "what happened, and how does the death of one baby lead to a three day emergency?"

"The baby just couldn’t fight the disease, since he wasn’t born with it he didn’t even have the temporary resistance some HIV babies are sometimes born with. As to how it led to an emergency, well, Lizzy finally broke down on realizing her baby was really gone. You know she’d been in a sort of depression and denial since she was analyzed, she refused to give the names of any of the kids that had participated in that classroom orgy."

Lana gasped as Katrina, realizing this news was upsetting the ‘Queen’ rammed the vibrator as deep in Lana’s pussy as possible and turned it on high. Katrina then began to pinch, rub and draw circles around Lana’s clit while continuing to use the other hand to massage Lana’s tit.

Finally, putting her head around Lana’s side, she grabbed Lana’s other boob between her lips and started sucking. Lana in the meantime glued her eyes to Dr. Lewis’ giant piece of meat as the doctor’s hands moved back and forth on it. She also watched as his balls jumped up and down with every thrust.

Once more very calm she said, "She finally gave you their names, how many were there?"

"It turns out it was not an unused classroom after all. It was her entire Spanish class of 25 students and 1 teacher, one infected teacher I might add."

Lana’s eyes flashed angrily, "Their teacher, their teacher had sex with the entire class!"

"You sound very angry at that," Dr. Lewis said calmly. "Need I remind you that I was your teacher and Patty is Ana’s?"

"That’s different, the relationship all of us share is real, and my parents know about it and most important of all I truly understand it and voluntarily accepted it. I’m sure that in a class of 25 eleven or twelve year olds not all of them were ‘non-children’!" Non-children was a term Lana had adopted for people who’s age and looks might say ‘child’ but whose sexual maturity and expertise far surpassed many adults. Trying to calm down once more she asked bitterly, "How many?"

"Three," Dr. Lewis said.

"Is that including Lizzy," Lana said as she felt a tremor and minor orgasm took over leaving her a little happy but desirous of more.

"Actually when I say 3 I mean 3 that are still OHPF valid. Apparently this wasn’t the guys first party in that class."

Lana was suddenly wide-eyed and in horror even the fact that she was now cumming a lot more strongly and her orgasm was completely taking over could not shake the dread of what she was hearing.

"22 infected Junior High School students," Lana said almost in tears.

"That we know about," Dr. Lewis said, trying still to use his super calm voice, but unable to hide his own anger and disgust. "The police are investigating his past activities as a teacher and have even considered some murder charges in the case of Lizzy’s baby. It turns out he’s known about his HIV positive status for several years."

Katrina now looked up and talked for the first time, "He knew, the scum knew he was infected and he was still having sex with whole classrooms! They should sentence him. He may not have held a gun to that babies head and shot him, but he did kill him!"

Seeing they were now depressed, the Dr. decided it was time for a change of subject and said, "I talked to Patty a few days ago, she seems to truly be enjoying her little sister, has Ana told you?"

"Actually Ana just finished talking to Patty," Lana said, happy also for a change in topic, "she hadn’t been able to talk to her for a few days either. Lack of proper connection, but they fixed it now. Hey, how did you talk to her?"

"Old fashioned long distance telephone call."

"Time for a trade ‘Queen’," Katrina said, pulling the vibrator out of Lana’s pussy and letting her know she should get up.

As Katrina pushed Lana into the chair Lana said annoyed, "Hey, don’t I even get the butt plug?"

"No," Katrina said sitting on her lap and positioning her butt hole with the vibrator working furiously right over Lana’s clit and instantly bringing a joyous smile to her face. As Lana then began to suck one of Katrina’s boobs, massage the other and play with the over-sized clit that had won her heart for life, Katrina began pumping both their pussies with the vibrator in her hand on full power; she would stick it all the way in her cunt, pull it out, stick it all the way in Lana’s and pull out and continue back and forth with a steady rhythm.

Seeing Lana truly calm once more Dr. Lewis said, "Amy actually wanted me to fuck her the moment I came in the door." Laughing he said "and I won’t lie to you I desperately wanted to get into that bald dripping pussy of hers, but I told her I would have to get your permission first."

"Our permission," Katrina said questionably and Lana’s eyes were asking the same question as she continued sucking Katrina’s boob, "why do you need our permission, you’ve fucked Amy before."

"Yes, once or twice, but always quickly and in a casual ‘hi nice to meet you manner’; living here with her, though, it will be very different. I know I’ll be fucking her and sucking that beautiful bare twat of hers daily, probably more than once; it will in no doubt eventually become more than casual. You can’t have daily multiple sex sessions and it not move on to something—"

"—intimate," Lana said raising her head from Katrina’s boob and kissing her neck. "You’re worried you’ll fall in love with Amy."

"Well I wouldn’t go that far," Dr. Lewis said wondering if it were possible.

"Well don’t be surprised if you do," Lana said smiling, "I had decided at the beginning of last year to make Katy my ‘Fucking best friend’ and started fucking her every day, before I realized it, well you know—" she said smiling, then added seriously, "but you can have Amy all you want, we trust you. That you waited to get our okay shows that, right Katy."

Katrina was starting to cum and said strongly, "He has my blessing if he cums for me RIGHT NOW!" Saying that she started to cum; violently rubbing the butt plug vibrator back and forth against Lana’s clit and suddenly triggering a second orgasm in Lana. To seal the deal Dr. Lewis, who had been holding back for a while, let himself go and the girls could see strands and stands of cum shooting out and onto the floor.

When they had all recovered a bit Katrina smiled and said, "I guess it’s okay, go fuck Amy all you want and suck her pussy a few times for us too."

"By the way," Lana said suddenly, "Randy, I haven’t told you, we’ve expanded the awareness project to include free STD tests, we have an STD specialist and sexologist traveling with us, Dr. Joyce Livingston, I’ll tell you more next time we talk, I can’t talk any more now. Bye, love you."

"Dr. Joyce Livingston," Dr. Lewis said suddenly looking shocked, "has she told you—" he suddenly stopped.

Katrina looked at him suspiciously and said, "Has she told us what?"

Returning to his calm voice Dr. Lewis said, "That we studied together, you have mentioned me haven’t you?"

"We’ve mentioned that we’re very close to an STD specialist and sexologist," Lana said, "but we hadn’t really told her your name. Would you like to talk to her?"

"No, no I’m a bit spent at the moment, and want to rest a few minutes before hunting down a bald pussy. Maybe next time, for now merely pass my greetings. Bye now and I love you two very much."

"Love you too Randy," Katrina said, "bye!"

"Bye again," Lana said as the screen went dead.

"Did watching that get you hungry for some nice hot cream?" Katrina asked with a twinkle in her eye.

"Actually, smelling you is making me thirsty for another helping of delicious cunt juice," Lana said, "plus I suddenly have a desire to lock my lips around Hannah’s pussy."

"Why do you say that," Katrina asked surprised, mostly because she herself was having the same craving.

"Because Randy mentioned Amy’s bald pussy so many times I just have to get one myself, and at the moment Hannah is the only one among us that has one."

"Let’s get back in the BED room, everything we need is there." As Katrina said this she jumped up and removing the butt plug form her ass ran into the next room.


Lana had followed Katrina much more slowly into the next room. Having just cum twice, she was a bit more drained of energy. In the BED room she found Katrina had grabbed Don and was in a ‘69’ with him trying to get that mouthful of hot cum, Jason and Debbie were also in a ‘69’ sharing some very strong brother/sister love. In the very center of the room Joyce was still lying face up, her eyes closed, Ana and Hannah were each at her sides sucking one of her boobs and rubbing their cunts against Joyce’s legs. They were obviously somewhat tired as well as dried out. "Well, I still have at least one good orgasm in me," Lana thought going over and getting in a ‘69’ position with Joyce. Looking up Joyce saw Lana’s pussy blinking at her as Lana’s tongue dug deep in her pussy and sighing she pulled Lana’s pussy lips onto her mouth’s lips and started deeply kissing them. At the same time she wrapped an arm each around Hannah and Ana and thought, "Yes, I’m connected with all of them now; always connected!"



Chapter Eleven – Ghost Stories

Stan and Laura stepped happily into the BED room to find their 3 girls totally connected to the mysterious (well in Laura’s mind anyway) new passenger. Stan had taken advantage of the fact that (with Lenny and John in charge of the driving shift) not only was he free from driving duties, but everyone else seemed to have something to do, to do a little connecting with his wife on a one-to-one basis. They hadn’t had a lot of that since the trip started.

Stan signaled an upset looking Laura to leave everyone alone and follow him to the Recreation room.

Once there Laura said, "They shouldn’t be so connected to her, at least not until we find out more; but not only have they connected, everyone in that room obviously sexed themselves out so much no one woke up as we passed by!"

"Laura, don’t worry. The kids are in no immediate danger. Whoever the woman is, she’s on a bus surrounded by 15 Anderson-Irving-Wilsons, there’s not much she can do except fuck and get fucked and since she has her documentation, even that is totally safe."

"Still I don’t want anyone forming any strong bonds with her, not yet anyway, not until we’re sure someone won’t end up getting hurt, if not literally then emotionally, if it turns out she’s not exactly what she claims to be."

"Well I’m sorry there Laura, but from the extremely happy faces on the girls as they slept connected to Joyce, I’d have to say we’re a little late to stop any bonding. Don’t worry, we’ll talk to John about that background report you want. Hannah may be a bit resistant at the moment."

Laura nodded worriedly, agreeing it the best course to take then said, "Is it time?"

Stan looked at his watch and said, "Just about, let’s tune in and be ready."


They went to the computer and clicking some buttons on the computers IM program immediately focused on a scene. Stan’s eyes came together and he scowled a little angrily at the scene before him. George Fuller was lying on the conference table with his cock plunging in and out of Annie Styles’ ass, at the table edge Harry Jackson was feeding Annie’s cunt violently while she chewed on Ernie Webber’s cock, he was kneeling above her head. On the other side of the table Annette Harris was lying face up with Harry Fuller ramming his cock in and out of her pussy, wearing a harness Margaret Anders was at the edge of the table pumping a very large faux cock in and out of Harry’s ass and Cristina Ross was at Annette’s head getting her pussy sucked by Annette while Harry bent over and sucked her ass. Though the scene infuriated him a bit, it also got Stan a bit hot and he grabbed Laura and sat her on his cock deciding to wait a minute or two before actually saying something. There was someone missing, and he wondered where she was, there was no way she would miss a party like this.

Finally he said, "I’m sure everyone has those reports ready for me."

Everyone suddenly froze and slowly turned their heads towards the big screen.

George was the first to finally say, "Boss, Laura hello," he had a nervous smile on his face, he could see that if Stan didn’t look a lot madder it was only because his cock was pumping in and out of Laura.

Slowly everyone got up and echoed the words, "Hi boss, hi Laura."

"Where’s Maggie," Stan said calmly but strongly.

George looked under the table and said, "I think she’s still a little out."

"No, no, I’m back now," they heard someone say from under the table and standing up they saw a cum bathed Maggie from head to foot, dripping cum from both her pussy and her ass.

"Those are not your office clothes Maggie," Stan said angrily. "Just because I am not there does not mean any rules have changed. Now explain what’s going on?"

"Yes Sir," Maggie said still smiling blissfully, "it’s the day of our ‘End of Reports Celebration’; Mr. Jacobs initiated this holiday 3 years ago as a day to celebrate the end of stress for a whole a year. I’m sorry you and Laura missed it, but it looks like the two of you are doing a bit of celebrating yourselves."

"What about the copy of the final reports you were supposed to give me," Stan asked easing up a bit (mostly because Laura’s powerful cunt muscles were sending his cock to heaven).

"Haven’t you received them, Sir," Maggie asked, "I e-mailed them yesterday; there’s a copy of everyone’s final report."

"I haven’t really been checking my e-mail, hold on a second."

He picked up a miniature remote control keyboard from the table by the seat and after checking his email program, quickly returned to the IM where he found Annette Harris glued to Maggie’s pussy, Cristina Ross to her ass and Margaret Anders and Annie Styles were completely licking clean Maggie’s front and back.

On seeing Stan Maggie said, "Stan, you’re back, I just thought I should get cleaned up a little, you don’t mind do you?"

Stan, who had been frowning again, suddenly smiled, especially as Laura came all over his cock and it exploded in her, "No Maggie it’s fine, and all the reports look fine also, you can continue celebrating," Then suddenly speaking like the boss he said, "but I expect everyone back at their cubicles tomorrow working until their scheduled breaks, is that understood?"

"Yes Sir," everyone echoed.

"Good," Stan said, "now get back to partying, bye all."

"Goodbye Sir," Maggie said, "and goodbye Laura."

"Goodbye Maggie," Laura said, "and bye to the rest of you. By the way, I’m a little pissed I wasn’t informed about this celebration, we may have to have another when we get back so I can attend."

"We can’t wait," Everyone said, "bye."

Stan signed off and said, "You know, Mr. Jacobs was actually a very incredible boss, how am I supposed to compare?"

"Just keep being you," Laura said getting up and kneeling between his legs to swallow his semi-erect cock.


"Dead Man’s Creek," Lana said doubtfully, "we’re spending the next two nights at a place called, ‘Dead Man’s Creek’?"

"They actually say it’s the most beautiful of all the resorts we’ll be playing at," John said.

"But why do they call it that," Sandra asked.

"The name comes from an interesting local legend," Joyce said, "I’d tell you the whole story but it’s actually best saved for telling while roasting marshmallows over an open fire."

"A ghost story," Ana said smiling, "oh please tell us on our first night there."

"Isn’t that tonight," Katrina said, "I mean aren’t we supposed to be there in half-an-hour?"

"Okay," Joyce said smiling, "I’ll tell you the story but you can’t get me to sleep outside by that creek for anything!"

"Were you able to talk to that friend of yours from the local hospital," Lana asked.

"Yes," Joyce said smiling, "and he’s happy to help. He says everything we need will be here by tonight."

"Great," Lana said jumping on Joyce’s lap as everyone watched a movie and giving her an intimate kiss, "thanks so much for all your help."


Once they’d arrived at the second resort, the different teams: Vehicle, Location and Memorabilia worked quickly to take care of their respective jobs, Jason’s Stage team worked to set up camp, pitching their tents right by the creek that was found in the center of a dense forest.

Besides a few of the activities offered and the different sights to see, not much was changed from the routine they had used at the first resort, for the most part everything had worked great, so why change it? The only real difference was an addition to the memorabilia table; a form that was to be filled out by those wishing to be tested, the pre-filled out form would be handed in as their blood was drawn the next day and cut the time used in data gathering.

All the material for use the next day arrived by evening and Ron looked curiously at one box labeled, "Extremely Fragile, Handle With Extreme Care!"

"What’s that," Ron asked, "it doesn’t look like anything we used last time."

"It’s a special hematology sensor," Joyce said smiling excitedly, "I’d show you how it works but it’s best kept packaged up until one is prepared to use it."

"Ron, Joyce," Ana said, "Come on, it’s time for that marshmallow roasting and I want to hear some stories!"

Joyce smiled at Ron and shrugging said, "let’s go tell some frightening tales."

Except for Stan and Laura (who accepted to guard the bus) and Hannah, who volunteered to watch the memorabilia table, all the rest gathered around the fire to hear the stories. All the kids had a scary story to tell, yet strangely enough (or maybe not so strange for this family) every single scary story also had an erotic theme that made the front of the boys’ shorts bulge and the girls’ tops push out.

Finally it was time for Joyce to tell her story before they all went to bed (or at least to get relief since by now they were all horny, much more than usual that is).

"Well the story of this place is rather simple, but very strange. It started with a man named Chris Carbine; Chris was a sexual predator you see."

"Oh, our kind of guy," Lana said giggling.

"It’s not funny Lana," Joyce said firmly, "never compare a sexual predator to descent sex lovers like you!"

"Sorry doctor, you’re right, it’s not funny."

"Anyway," Joyce continued, "Carbine had left a trail of raped victims; men, women and children from the east coast to the west and was now working back in the other direction."

"He hadn’t killed anyone though right," Ana said.

"He didn’t believe in killing, what he enjoyed doing after he raped a victim was to castrate them, he wanted it known that he was their last true sexual experience, he cut off the guys’ cocks and sliced off the girls’ clits."

"Creepy mean," Katrina said, "I can’t even dream of not having my clit."

"I can’t dream of not having your clit either," Lana said smiling.

"So," Joyce continued, "it was right around here; maybe right here where we’re sitting now, that Carbine met his final victims. It was a family of five; a man named Clarkson and his four boys. Usually Carbine didn’t go for large groups, but they say he saw one of the boys urinating and fell in love with his cock. He snuck up behind him as he usually did and putting his hand over the boy’s mouth started ramming his cock in and out of the boy’s ass. The boy struggled at first, but by now Carbine had brought out his extra large blade (a real blade that is) and put it to the boy’s neck making it clear that if he made a sound he was dead. Just as he started cumming in the boy’s ass, two of the boy’s brothers came around and saw what was happening, they had been chopping fire wood and were therefore naturally carrying an axe. Since Carbine was still lost in the heaven that is orgasm, the two brothers easily over powered him and getting his knife dislodged him from their brother. As they held him with his hand behind his back ready to take him to their camp and tie him up for the authorities, the young brother that he had raped lost it. He grabbed the axe his brother was carrying, swung it at Carbine’s head and—" Joyce passed a finger quickly across her neck signifying beheading.

"Oh my," Jenny said gulping, "I’d understand if he had cut his balls off, but wasn’t that a little extreme?"

"His father and brothers thought the same thing," Joyce said, "they didn’t believe the police would understand, and fearing their brother would be given a life sentence in prison for the murder of a psycho rapist the family opted for trying to keep it quiet. They took Carbine’s head, and his body and I’ll give you one guess what they did." As she said this she looked out at the creek.

"They threw him in there," Lana said looking over and gulping.

"Dead Man’s Creek," Ron said smiling, "Interesting history lesson, but what’s scary about it?"

"Oh, nothing about that is scary, what happened to that family and several others since then is," Joyce said, "the father kept a journal, and he wrote everything in it, that’s why this much of what happened is known. The final entry that night though has always been a mystery, the father wrote, ‘There’s something strange happening in the creek’ followed in big bold letters by the phrase, ‘HE’S BACK!’ In the morning the police found 5 heads around the camp fire and absolutely no bodies. The creek was dragged of course but they were never found. Since then, around every 5 years there’s been a case where entire families have disappeared, right here."

"Haven’t there ever been witnesses," Sandra asked.

"Well, there was one family survivor around 15 years ago, but they locked him up in an asylum and labeled him a nut job."

"Why," Ana asked, "What did he say happened?"

"He gave some crazy tale about headless guys with large cocks, long knives and cut off cocks. He had said that they came out of the creek and circled the family. He was never able to explain exactly how he escaped though."

With her eyes wide open as if in terror Debbie said, "Umm doctor, do you—well do you know when the last attack was?"

"I don’t think there’s been anything strange reported around here for the past six or seven years." Joyce said calmly.

"So they’re overdue," Katrina said scared.

"Like I said," Joyce answered getting up, "I won’t be sleeping out here. I’ll see you all in the morning."

As she left the girls kept staring at the creek and Ron said, "BOO!"

"Don’t do that," Lana said nervously, "You know, there are a lot of mosquitoes out here; I think I’ll sleep inside."

"Hey wait for me," Katrina said as Lana ran off, "I go where that pussy goes."

"Master," Sandra said a little scared, "where will we be sleeping?"


"Never ask me a question, I’ll tell you myself what we’re going to do! And what I am going to do is take you back to the bus and spank your sorry ass for your ignorance!" Jenny pulled Sandra to her feet by her hair and led her to the bus.

"Umm, Debbie," Ana said, "Do you think you can give me some juice, I’m sort of thirsty."

"In the tent," Debbie questioned with fear.

"No, the bus will be more comfortable, I’m thinking of a very long drink."

As they left John, Ron, Don, Lenny, Robert and Jason cracked up laughing.

After a while John said, "So Ron was your bitch able to tell you what they’re planning?"

"No," Ron said, "she says she doesn’t know of any plans. She wouldn’t lie to me so she probably doesn’t know. It doesn’t mean there aren’t any. The ‘Queen’ wouldn’t have been as dumb as to let Hannah in on it."

"You mean your bitch wouldn’t be so dumb as to let them tell her," John corrected.

"Yeah," Ron said smiling, "That too."

"Well since they all left it will probably be tonight," Jason said, "that ghost story might have Debbie nervous, but ‘the Wild Kat’ wouldn’t be running from a legend."

"Actually she was running to a pussy," Don said smiling, "and she would very much do that."

"Well whatever they try we just have to not let them scare us," Ron said, "we have the advantage, we know something is coming."

"Talking about cumming," Don said, "looks like it’s a boys’ night tonight." He grabbed Jason and led him to one of the small tents.

"Come on Robert are you cumming with me," Ron said heading for the other small tent.

As Robert followed Ron, John said to Lenny, "I guess that leaves us in the big tent."

"Well CUM for me," Lenny said leading the way.

About half-an-hour later, as the boys were cumming for their second or third time, they all began to hear a strange howling in the wind. They all thought the same thing and stepped out of their tents.

"The girls are coming," Ron said, "I’ve been dying for them to CUM."

"What exactly is that sound?" Lenny asked nervously.

"A recording probably," John said, "What is it saying?"

They listened carefully and tried to decipher the ghostly howl.


"It says, CUM," Ron said smiling.

"Can you tell where they are cumming from," Don asked.

"It sounds like its cumming from the creek," Robert said gulping.

"I’ve got to hand it to the girls," Ron said, "that recording sure sounds scary."

"What’s that in the middle of the creek," Lenny asked nervously.

They all looked curiously at the red glow that had suddenly sprung in the middle of the lake.

"You know," Robert said, "maybe we should go get some cunt juice in the bus."

"There’s no cunt juice there, except for mom, the doctor and if she knows what’s good for her, my pet," Ron said angrily, "the rest of the cunt juice is around here."

"Is it in the middle of the creek," Jason asked shivering as the water started bubbling.


"You know Ron," Don said, a little green, "not that I believe in ghosts, but, do you really think that’s the girls in the creek?"

"Who else can it be," Ron said getting angry.

Suddenly someone popped out of the creek and Robert said, "IT"S HIM!"

They looked at the headless man with the giant cock (a very erect cock) between his legs holding a knife and a castrated cock.

"Could this really be one of the girls," Lenny asked seriously frightened.

"That doesn’t look like a cunt machine between its legs," Jason said preparing to run.

"Don’t run," Ron ordered, "we will not give them the satisfaction of making us run!"

Suddenly another headless body, then another and another popped out of the creek; they kept popping out until there were six and they started to circle the boys, and slowly close in.

"Ron, how are the girls supposed to have been under that creek for so long," John said getting nervous.

"And how are the girls supposed to have dicks pointing right at us," Lenny countered.

As the questions started to fly and the headless bodies kept closing in one question in particular came to Ron, "You know, how are the girls supposed to have set a prank like this up in half-an-hour? We just heard the Carbine story," suddenly a little nervous and worried he thought, maybe playing safe wouldn’t be a bad thing, there was hole in the closing circle of headless bodies still big enough to run through, "Okay," he said, "RUN!" and he led the way through the hole and they all followed running like crazy until—

"AHH," Ron screamed as he saw someone chained and hanging to a tree on the path they had to run.

"It’s one of the girls," John said suddenly running to her.

"She’s gagged," Lenny said, "Ron, I think it’s your bitch."

Ron had stopped running when John said it was one of the girls and now ran to see if she needed help. He ran even faster on hearing it might be Hannah.

Seeing that it in fact was her, he removed her gag and said, "Are you alright? What happened?"

Hannah tried to talk completely seriously though she was cracking up inside, "I found out what the girls are planning. They’re going to use some local legend to scare you silly. They tied me up so I couldn’t get to you and warn you. They said if you ran by here I should give you a message, to get back to the tents, they’re waiting to fuck your asses silly; they don’t have those realistic faux cocks for nothing. I don’t know what it means. Do you?"

"And you had nothing to do with any of this," Ron said angrily.

"No Master, you know I’d never lie to you," Hannah said, "By the way, they mentioned a key to these chains on that rock over there."

Don saw it and picking it up said, "So how did they do it?"

Ron took the key passed to him and said, "They did it with outside help." He unchained Hannah and ordered, "Go to the bus and sleep."

"Outside help," John questioned.

"Yeah, the good doctor was in on it all along. Come on guys, lets get our asses fucked, but we’ll be taking a ton of cunt juice after that’s over."

When they got back they found the headless bodies waiting and Ron said, "Okay ‘Queen’, we give you this one, just tell me how you did it?"

One of the bodies began opening the black shirt it was wearing and the boys noticed holes in the shirt for the first time. Once off they saw one of the girls with what appeared like a hospital neck brace on her head and wearing a wet suit and mini-breathing tank, she was also wearing dark glasses which is why no eyes were seen looking out of the holes in the shirts. She completely undressed leaving only one thing on, the harness with the very large and real looking faux cock.

"Come on ‘Master’," she said, "time for another private session."

"After you my ‘Queen’," Ron said smiling and leading the way to one of the smaller tents.

By now the other girls had stripped also and with their faux cocks looking for somewhere to go, each grabbed a guy, Katrina pulled Robert into the other small tent: Debbie and John, Ana and Lenny, Jenny and Jason and Sandra and Don all crowded into the big tent. The girls fucked the guys asses for nearly an hour before agreeing that it was time to start feeling their holes just as filled and letting the boys have total control of their bodies; they felt this the ultimate reward for their victory.


Early the next morning Laura and Joyce found themselves discussing the night’s activities with John, Ron, Hannah and Lana as preparations for the days blood tests were being completed in the first section of the bus.

"So no more jokes from now on," Laura said.

"We’re even, one on one, and we’re staying that way," Lana said.

"Yeah," Ron said, "we both agreed that the victory celebrations can get a bit intense."

"Hey," Lana said, "we did not agree to that! We agreed the planning and the scheming can get tiring; we expect to continue celebrating at all times!"

"Well not at this moment," Ron said smiling, "at this moment you have to get back to the memorabilia table with Katrina, I have stage setup duties with Jason and the rest have to take shifts organizing and controlling that line that’s forming outside."

"Right," Lana said, "the faster we finish the blood tests the faster everyone is free to enjoy the activities together." Both Ron and Lana quickly stepped out of the bus.

"Hannah," John said as he sat at a computer notebook preparing to enter data, "you seem as tired as the rest of us this morning; how did you spend the night after you were unchained from that tree?"

"Fucking me," Joyce said smiling, "she wouldn’t stop violently drilling my asshole with a very large strap-on, I never would have thought she could be so aggressive."

"You wouldn’t believe," John said smiling.

Hannah grabbed a second computer notebook and also prepared for data entry, she then said shyly, "I don’t know what my brother is insinuating but as for last night, I admit I wasn’t myself. I guess I was upset at being cut out of all the fun."

"I believe everything is ready," Joyce said, "we still have half-an-hour before the first person is supposed to be let in; I’m going to have something to eat real quickly."

As she walked back towards the Recreation room to head to the kitchen Hannah said, "You know what, I’m a bit hungry myself, I think I’ll get a quick bite too."

John was left with just one other person in the first section and she walked over to John now. "So I heard Joyce helped the girls with that joke yesterday," Laura said.

"Yeah," John said smiling, "it was all the ‘Queen’s’ planning of course, but Joyce helped get them the equipment they needed."

"So I guess you boys owe her one," Laura said inquisitively.

"Well we have a deal, like Lana said, no more retaliation."

"You have a deal with the girl, not with Joyce," Laura said smiling.

"Mom, what are you thinking," John asked.

"Nothing, it’s just that I have this feeling that she hasn’t been totally honest with us, or at least with me. I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve met her before and yesterday she called me by a nickname I haven’t used since Junior High School."

"You want me run a more thorough background check on her and see if she was actually an old friend or acquaintance of yours," John questioned.

"It’ll help settle my nerves," Laura admitted.

"It will have to be later, that kind of thorough background check can take time, and it might go faster if Hannah helps me."

"No, please; I don’t want the girls involved; they seem to be forming a strong bond with Joyce and I don’t want them thinking there is anything wrong."

"Okay, but like I said, it’ll be a while."

"Take your time, and thanks, remember don’t mention it to anyone." With that Laura turned around and walked outside to help line up the crowd that was forming.


At the fuckabration after the concert that night Lana rode Ron’s cock excitedly saying, "I can’t believe people were asking us for our autographs, it’s almost as if we were celebrities or something."

Katrina, who was riding Ron’s face while sucking Lana’s tits looked up long enough to say, "Well what did you think you were silly? You know we sold out the memorabilia table completely and have to stop to pick up new supplies at the next town?"

"Sold out," Don said from behind Hannah, "as in there is nothing left?"

Hannah raised her head from Sandra’s pussy and said, "I believe that’s what sold out means." She quickly returned her tongue to Sandra’s wet hole and continued lapping up the juices that where continually pooling there.

"Didn’t we have 1,000 of each of the 5 items we were selling," John questioned, "as well as 1,000 of that homemade CD?"

"Yes," Katrina said, "and since we sold each of the items; shirts, buttons, caps, posters and tour map at 3 dollars and the CDs at 5, that’s $20,000 for the band. We’ve been depositing the money at banks during rest stops to add electronically to the account Jennifer Ramos set up for you last year, it now has and please don’t anyone faint this time, $40,000."

"Wow," Ana said from her seat on Sandra’s mouth, "So where are we re-stocking?"

"There’s a printing company in the next town," Lenny said as he fucked Debbie doggy-style, "John sent them all the info over the web and we just have to pick it up."

"They should have it ready when we get there," Robert said slowly driving his cock in and out of Debbie’s mouth.

"Can you imagine the money we would make if someone would let us sell copies of those Mistress home movies," Lana said.

"Like I said before," John added, "I’m sure I could get between 15 to 20 dollars a piece."

"And like I said," Hannah said angrily, once more abandoning Sandra’s sweet pussy, "those are her private journals and if you don’t want her to just move out of our lives forever you won’t bring the subject up again!"

"Okay," Lana said, "sorry, and I thought I was the one that gets cranky."

"Where’s Joyce," Ana asked suddenly, "I didn’t see her when we came in."

"The adults have taken over the camp site," Lenny said.

"That’s why Jenny is so mad; she says we all get to play and she’s stuck alone in section one doing guard duty."

"She has to learn it can’t all be fucking fun," John said.

"But it can try to be," Lana said smiling.

"Yeah," John said smiling, "You know what, I’m doing some late research tonight, I’ll go in and do it on one of the section one notebook computers, that way I can throw her a bone at the same time. I’ll tell her since she’s working guard duty, I just have to deposit my cock in her cunt for safe keeping."

There was an echo of laughs followed by an echo of moans and screams of "I’M CUUMMMING," after that statement.


"What’s wrong with you today John," Don said worried, "the entire family has been enjoying themselves today and you’ve been lost somewhere. Come on row a little faster, the girls are catching up and the Wilsons boat is right on their tail."

"Yeah," Ron said a little annoyed. "We should be in the lead and instead Dad, Lenny and Robert are. Now either help us win this race or come clean."

John looked solemnly at them and taking the oars started rowing as strongly as possible across the creek, trying to catch up with Stan’s boat just ahead.

"It was nice of Joyce to volunteer to watch the tour mobile all morning until we leave," Don said, "we hadn’t all been able to be together like this once."

"Yeah," John said suddenly slowing a bit once more, "that was nice of her; whoever she is."

Ron and Don now suddenly slowed down too and the girls’ boat passed by them easily.

"What’s wrong, catch a cramp or have your oars suddenly gone so soft it feels weird!" The girls all laughed as Lana shouted this and they continued rowing on.

Ron took a second to scream back, "I’ll show you how soft it is when we get on the road later!"

The Wilson boat now went by them and Jason took a second to ask in a more concerned voice, "Everything okay guys?"

"Yeah," Don said smiling, "we just wanted to enjoy the center of the creek a while. Go on; don’t let the girls beat you!"

"Yeah," Katrina said, "hurry up Jason, row! They’re pulling away and my cunt is in there!"

As they left Ron and Don looked strongly at John and Ron said, "Okay, start spilling; what did you mean ‘whoever she is’ and this better be good because we are forfeiting control of this evening’s fuckfest to the girls and I think they enjoyed screwing our asses the other night just a little too much." He rubbed his butt as he added, "I tell you, I don’t mind a big warm true cock that will eventually splash some soothing cream being in there, but what the girls enjoy so much about those faux cocks is beyond me."

"I need you to do me a favor Ron," John said seriously, "I need the ‘Erotic Psycho’ under my control for a while."

This statement left both Ron and Don in total shock, not only did he say it so bluntly and seriously that it was almost scary, but both knew that since John was absolutely non-domination of any kind, there was only one thing he shared with Hannah.

"What do you need her to look up," Ron said.

"Mom asked me to do a little something for her, she asked me not to say anything, but I know she was just talking about the girls. She wanted me to do a complete background check on Joyce."

Ron and Don continued looking at him questionably letting him know they wanted him to explain.

"Mom believes she may have known Joyce from somewhere, maybe Junior High School, what’s more, and she didn’t exactly say this but it was easy to decipher, she believes Joyce knows exactly where they were acquaintances from and for some reason is just not being honest about it. She’s worried about the bond the girls are forming with a woman that is not being completely honest."

"Is that what you were doing last night, when you suddenly told Jenny you could take over the guard shift completely and sent her in with us?"

"All he was doing when he was with me was letting me fuck myself on his cock while he looked over my shoulder at that computer screen." Jenny said a bit annoyed as the boat with her Sandra and Laura pulled up beside the boys. "I may as well have been fucking a dildo; the only reason I didn’t get off and go find one was because I knew no dildo would eventually fill my twat with that hot delicious cream I wanted. I was so happy when he told me I could join you guys and he’d take over if I just sucked him off."

"What’s wrong boys," Laura asked a bit concerned.

"Nothing Mom, we just decided to trade control of tonight’s fuckfest for a relaxing moment in the center of a beautiful creek," Ron said smiling.

"Well I still want to at least control that ‘Wild Kat’ clit for a while; I never get it," Jenny said, "so row slave, ROW!"

Sandra started rowing fast and strongly and Jenny got to work helping.

Once they were out of range John started talking again, "Here’s the thing, Dr. Joyce Livingston does not exist; or rather, she did not exist until her second year of medical school."

"What do you mean," Ron said both shocked and very curious.

"I can trace a good portion of the doctors life up to her second year, by the way, she has done some incredible work since then; she’s authored and co-authored some prize winning essays and even a book or two. Joyce graduated second highest honored student of her graduating class giving the salutation speech at the graduation; by the way, guess who just barely beat her out for first place and got the valedictorian speech."

"You’re kidding," Don said smiling. It wasn’t hard to guess since they only knew one other STD specialist and sexologist.

"So her and Dr. Lewis were classmates," Ron said, "bit of a coincidence isn’t it?"

"Anyway," John said, "the point is; before that she is totally non-existent. There are no school records, no hospital records and not even a birth certificate before that second year of Medical School."

"So she changed her name," Ron said puzzled.

"That’s what I suspect," John said, "and there aren’t many good reasons why a person would wish to totally start a new life. This seems to go even farther than a simple name change, usually when a person changes their name you can still easily find some connection to their old self, I haven’t found anything at all."

"That’s why you need Hannah," Ron said.

"I need her full help and I need her to not feel guilty about breaking any bonds and most of all I need her not to mention this to anyone else."

"I’ll order her to help you out completely and keep her mouth shut."

"Hey," Don said suddenly, "It looks like everyone has stopped for a bit of a breather and a relaxing moment in the middle of a beautiful creek!" He looked at the line of four row boats a bit ahead of them.

"QUICK!" As Ron screamed this he grabbed his oars. "Time for a sneak attack!"


"Oww! Oww! Oh Ahh!" As Lana rubbed her butt she said, "That feels painfully good!"

"I think it is super awesome," Sandra said.

"It’s the greatest thing on earth," Hannah said, "though it would be better if it gave me some cum as well."

"Ouch! I think it hurts too much, and I love them," Ana said.

"Where did you guys find these monster cock extensions," Lana said throwing a look behind her shoulder at Lenny.

"I brought them at ‘Sex Toys R Us’ before we left," Ron said, "I was saving them for a special occasion."

"Damn this thing hurts," Katrina said smiling, "doesn’t mean I don’t love it though, so, Donny don’t you dare pull it out of my ass!"

"If I hadn’t lost control to you guys, I’d never let you stick that thing up me," Debbie said smiling, "though your real cock can live there forever John."

"I still can’t believe you guys beat us, even after you had pretty much dropped out of the race," Lana said frowning. "So how much longer before we get to feel your real cocks in our main sex holes?"

"Don’t you want to feel these in there," Ron asked.

"I do Master," Hannah said.

"I actually would love it there," Lana said smiling, "but I’m dying to feel some hot cum in there more."

"Give me a good drink of cum first and you can keep this monster in my pussy forever," Katrina said excitedly.

"Any idea how long before our next stop," Ana asked making a painful face.

"At least a day-and-a-half," Ron said. "With Dad and Jenny handling the driving this shift, we still have a while to play. Okay you guys on three; One—Two—THREE!"

"CUM AND GET IT!" As the six guys screamed this they pulled almost completely out of the asses in front of them and then rammed them just a quickly back in causing six mouths to scream and six cunts to start flowing.



Chapter Twelve – Susan Cooks With Amy

"Beep, beep, beep, beep."

"I’d better get that Honey, it can be important," Dr. Lewis said lovingly.

"Doesn’t that mean you’d have take this beautiful cock of yours out of my hungry cunt," Amy said horrified.

"It has to come out some time." Amy gave him an almost defiant ‘NO IT DOESN’T’ look but he said calmly, "I’ve let you keep it there for a whole 24 hours, and believe me if it were up to me it would never come out, but the weekend is over and I have to go to work, and so, by the way, do you; Pietro was nice enough to give you all of yesterday to be in bed with me, but you have responsibilities to get back to."

"Can you just give me one more, please?"

Dr. Lewis looked in her eyes and saw they were still truly hungry and smiling said, "Okay, one more then it’s back to our regular lives, if you want you can sleep with me every night."

He then began pumping his 10 inches deep in and out of Amy’s ‘never stop dripping’ cunt at a violent rate; Never missing her G-spot either on the way in or the way out. He kissed her intimately several times and felt a bit of guilt, even if his ‘Queen’ and his ‘Wild Kat’ had given him permission to get as intimate as he wanted with Amy he still felt like he was crossing some line. To hurry the process he stuck the index finger of one hand deep in her butt and now pumped her strongly from both sides, and seeing that she was resisting cumming (wanting obviously more time) he brought his other hand to her bottom front and pulled tightly then gently rubbed her clit, this triggered a double orgasm (one clit stimulated and one G-spot stimulated) that made Amy scream and after much violent shaking, eventually pass out.

Smiling Dr. Lewis said, "Well, she’ll be out for a while. I better take advantage of it to get out of bed."

When he was finally out of bed he checked his beeper and saw a cell phone number he was unfamiliar with. It didn’t seem like an emergency so he just jotted the number down and decided to call later in the day.

"Now all I need is a bath," he thought, grabbing some clean clothes he decided to use the bathroom on the first floor. "That should give Amy more time to sleep peacefully."

Just as he reached downstairs he heard, "knock, knock, knock."

"Hmm, someone is in a hurry to get in," looking at his watch Dr. Lewis thought, "It’s too early to be Lisa and her crew." Going over, not even thinking about the fact his clothes were in his hands and not on his body, he opened the door.

A very hot and somewhat upset looking young blond woman that he had met briefly one morning ran in. She took one look at the doctor and without saying a word stripped and knelt at his still fully erect cock, sucking it deep, wanting to absorb every last taste.

Normally the doctor would not so quickly jump into any sexual situation with someone he hadn’t even said hello to, but he could tell the young lady was very distraught and more importantly, he knew that she (like all of the Anderson-Irvings) was safe to fuck. He therefore let her have full control hoping very much she could be calmed before Amy awoke and came down.

After sucking on him for a while the young lady suddenly got on her hands and knees in front of the doctor with her cunt aimed right at his cock and spread wide; giving a small sigh the doctor plunged right in, instantly beginning his well practiced habit of massaging all of a woman’s erogenous zones and bringing her to much needed calm and bliss before ever even bringing her to orgasm. Finally, however, he did allow her a true and powerful orgasm, and since he was now overdue for one himself he said, "I’m going to cum now Susan, where do you want your medicine?"

"Oh," Susan said, suddenly dislodging his cock and turning around to grab it once more in her mouth. She sucked and sucked and he exploded in her mouth, "Oh yes," she thought, "calming medicine, just what I needed, God it’s good to have a doctor in the house!"

After she finally finished drinking him up he helped her stand and hugging her said, "Susan, what happened, I doubt you could have lost your case already."

"They’ve put it on some sort of hold for another two weeks while they debate if it should even be in court. The other side’s lawyers painted me completely as some sort of gold digging hussy that has no right to anything in Howard’s house (even though I paid for a lot of it). What’s more, they feel now that the car should be taken as well since the insurance paying it was in Howard’s name even if the car was registered to me. They also had the nerve to mention 5 years back rent!" Seeing her getting upset again he began to gently rub the back of her neck.

Dr. Lewis said calmly, "You can’t let them do what they want to you; they want to upset you so much and make the whole thing seem so hopeless that you will simply back out and drop the case. But 5 long and faithful years of ‘non-marriage’ counts for something. If you want, I’ll talk to a friend of mine later, he’s a California lawyer that specializes in ‘Common Law’ marriage cases. He can review your case and tell you exactly what you’re up against and what your regular lawyer may be missing."

"Really," Susan said, her eyes shining excitedly, "yes please do, I’d appreciate it very much, thank you! Oh, and doctor, thanks for that medicine, I really needed it, and now, I really need a cup of coffee."

She smiled and headed toward the kitchen. The doctor smiled back at her and went to take his bath.


Thirty minutes later, Dr. Lewis came out of the first floor bedroom fully clothed (just in case he ran into any more needy women, he knew Lisa, Sallie, Jackie and Betty were due soon; Pietro could handle them) and headed toward the kitchen for a quick bite before leaving. He found the kitchen table set with plates and choices of food such as pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages and home fries. Not to mention what he most wanted (no, not cunt juice, not now anyway) COFFEE! Amy entered and he smiled at her.

"I see you really woke ready to work," Dr. Lewis said.

"Are you kidding, I just got up, whose been in my kitchen?"

"Oh please don’t be mad," Susan said coming in from the dining room (still very much naked) "I just felt an incredible rush of energy after that incredible CUM the doctor gave me and needed to do something."

Amy looked at the doctor a little surprised and maybe angry too and trying to sound cheerful said, "Incredible cum, ehhh, he does know how to give those."

"Oh yes," Susan said unconsciously, "and his cock and cum are divine!"

"His CUM!" Amy definitely forgot to sound cheerful as she screamed this. "He fed YOU his morning CUM!"

"Yes," Susan said, still blissfully ignorant of any hostility in Amy’s voice, "and his cock tasted just like you for a long time. As if he’d been in you forever, I never wanted to let him out of my mouth but I needed an itch scratched really badly." Smiling at Amy she said, "Maybe later I can get a more direct taste of those juices."

Smiling as she now looked at Susan’s recently fucked cunt and saw some juices pooling there Amy said, "Absolutely, we can share a nice long drink."

Dr. Lewis smiled once more at both of them and began choosing among the breakfast selections wondering where Pietro and his 8 inches were. He ate quickly and when he finished said, "I’m leaving now Honey, I’ll see you later."

"Okay Dear," both Amy and Susan said together, and then looking at each other they began to giggle.

Dr. Lewis smiled (worriedly) also and gave them both a kiss on the cheek as he left.

When he was gone Susan said to Amy, "I think we made him nervous."

"Actually only two girls in this entire world can make that man nervous. Don’t be surprised if the next time he fucks you he tells you he talked to Lana and Katrina about getting official permission to do it."

"You’re kidding," Susan said smiling, "he actually got permission to fuck you?"

"Yes, the stupid faithful jerk," then added smiling, "who knows what a woman’s orgasm is truly supposed to be like and knows how to give it."

Susan was now looking at Amy’s cunt as it dripped small drops of cunt juice, smiling she said, "Do I need permission to fuck you?"

"Not at all," Amy said smiling mischievously.

"Good, the dining room table is completely cleared, why don’t we eat there?" Grabbing Amy by the hand she led her to the table where, after lying down herself she had Amy lie on top of her in a ‘69’ and they settled down to some good eating.


"Knock, knock, knock!"

Amy heard the continuous knocking at the door after half-an-hour of non-stop fine dining. As the knocking continued Susan temporarily unglued her mouth from Amy’s twat and said, "Maybe you should get that?" She then returned her mouth to Amy’s cunt.

"Actually," Amy said separating her lips from Susan’s twat lips long enough to reply, "It’s really the butler’s job to answer the door." She then quickly buried her tongue in Susan’s still flowing river.

A few minutes later Pietro entered the kitchen and spotting the action on the dining room table walked in and said, "Hmm, Ms. Wise is here, she said she is looking for an early morning drink before starting work today, she claims she brought a special treat for you."

Suddenly Amy lifted her head as she returned to the real world and said, "Oh shit, Lisa, she’s going to kill me! She’s going to be expecting a good drink and I think you actually dried me out for a while!"

"Oh," Susan said worried as Amy got up, "well I still have a good amount left if your friend is really thirsty. I hadn’t had a drink, nor had anyone drink me, since I left a week and a half to two weeks ago."

"That’s a good idea," Amy said, "Stay right where you are. Pietro, bring Lisa in here now!"

"By the way," Susan said suddenly, "I take it for granted your friend is safe."

"Yeah, she has her papers; her entire crew does by the way. She’s in charge of the work their doing in the backyard."

"Oh yeah," Susan said suddenly, "I had forgotten about that, how is it coming along?"

"Well for now there’s still mostly a lot of digging going on," someone said from the dining room door.

Susan’s head turned and she saw the lovely young brown haired woman checking out her body on the table. Amy went over to her and gave her a very long and deep kiss that said a lot more than ‘glad you’re back, friend’.

"Oh love," Amy said, "I know you were expecting a nice long drink of cherry juice before you start working, but the supply has gone a little dry for now." Lisa stuck her finger in Amy’s pussy and turning it around a bit and bringing it to her mouth tasted.

Looking somewhat depressed she said, "Yeah, I see what you mean."

"Don’t worry though," Amy said, "I promise by lunch there will be a hot new supply especially for you. In the meantime, please join us here at the dinner table and have a nice drink of lemonade."

Lisa smiled and said, "I think I would like that." With Amy’s help she got on the table and assumed the same ‘69’ position with Susan that Amy had just abandoned, she instantly glued her mouth to Susan’s juice machine. Susan did the same on her end but quickly unglued her mouth to say, "You’re full of CUM!" She said this rather joyously.

"Yeah, it was a special treat for Amy, but I actually have two giant helpings so you can share." She returned her mouth to Susan’s hole claiming all the morning juices she could still find there. Susan in the meantime joyously returned to the special treat she had found in Lisa’s cunt and sucked, licked and ate wildly.

Looking on enviously, Amy suddenly spotted where the second helping of her treat was located and going over glued her mouth to Lisa’s ass and sucked just as joyously thinking, "Well at least I got some cum to keep me from breaking down for a while. But Pietro better not be wasting his supply!"

Around twenty minutes later Pietro returned and still finding Susan and Lisa glued to each other in the ‘69’ and Amy glued inseparably to Lisa’s ass he said, "Hmmm, Ms. Wise, if you’ve finished your drink, the rest of your crew has started to arrive." They all turned to look at him a little annoyed, but Lisa finally got up.

"Sallie and Betty," Pietro said, "please come in here a minute."

As Susan finally abandoned the table as well, she saw two more naked and scrumptious looking beauties enter. "Amy and Susan," Pietro said, taking the girls over and sitting them at the edge of the table, "these two need to start work immediately but they have a small problem. Do you think you can give them a FAST cleaning?"

The girls raised their legs and Lisa actually giggled at the look of joy on Amy and Susan’s faces when they saw a bit of cum ooze out of both girls’ twats. In a flash they had both had their mouths glued to one of the girls and was drinking merrily as Lisa stepped out to start the morning’s work.


Dr. Lewis took some time to look at the cell phone number he had been sent that day. The aftermath of recent events was in no way over, but at least for the moment it seemed calm enough for him to take a while and make a private call. He decided to do it from his private office. He used his computer rather than a phone to call, deciding that most cell phones these days have video-conferencing capabilities. When the phone was answered he saw what looked like a combination kitchen and bathroom in the background and he saw a woman he had not seen for a few years talking to him.

"Hello Joyce," he said calmly, "I was wondering when you’d call me."

"How much do you know," she said in no way surprised by his words.

"Only that you’ve managed to attach yourself to the Andersons and are doing a rather incredible job," He smiled at her and continued to observe her depressed look.

"Talk to me Joyce," Dr. Lewis said, suddenly in full sexologist mode, "tell me everything."

"What can I say, it’s hard, much harder than I ever imagined."

"And what exactly are we talking about," Dr. Lewis said sternly.

"Volume 2, Chapter 17, Section Three." Joyce said seriously.

"Oh no," Dr. Lewis said suddenly opening his eyes and not looking at all his calm self, "does anyone know?"

"I think Lorrie suspects something, and I’m not sure but the boys have been giving me some suspicious looks of late, and now my Hannah—"

"SHE IS NOT YOUR HANNAH!" Dr. Lewis screamed trying to jog Joyce back into the real world. "Joyce, you have to cancel the rest of the project and separate yourself immediately from all of them. And I can not stress this enough, NEVER SEEK THEM OUT AGAIN!"

"You think I don’t know what has to be done, Randy! It’s not as easy as that. This project has become very important to my—your ‘Queen’—my backing out now would devastate her. I can’t do that."

"I can fly out and meet you at the next resort, take over the project."

"I was thinking of that, but then I heard about the tragic situation in your hospital. You have a lot of new patients that need the special counseling that only someone like you can give them; Randy, you can’t leave them, not for personal reasons."

"Why then did you call me," Dr. Lewis asked, obviously very concerned.

"Because you can help us all by just promising to be there and talk to me whenever I might feel myself losing it." Smiling Joyce then added, "See, I feel better already."

Dr. Lewis nodded and as the screen went blank he frowned.


Chapter Thirteen – The Horse Ranch

"And you’re sure everything is okay with you personally," Dr. Lewis said as he sat on the edge of the bed with Susan on his lap and thrust his cock in and out of her pussy as Amy kneeled between their legs presently sucking Susan’s clit but prepared to drink up all the juices when the mixture was ready.

"I think I’ve said things couldn’t be better several times now," Lana said blissfully (thanks to the pussy sucking she was getting herself from Katrina) but still annoyed at having had to repeat this a third time. "Why do you seem to think there would be a problem? The trip has been great, the concert tour has been amazing and the project had been super successful (200 people personally tested so far by us with hundreds more promising immediate testing at their local hospitals)."

"Well that’s why I’ve been asking about your private life, the three very tiring and time consuming events you just mentioned to me are all public affairs."

Smiling as she understood the logic of this Lana said, "True, but don’t worry, we all make sure to make time for personal fuckfests between each stop as well as most nights and a giant fuckabration after every successful concert."

Lana started cumming again in Katrina’s mouth as she saw Dr. Lewis’ cock expanding and pulsing as he brought it almost completely out of Susan’s cunt, only to quickly bury it to the deepest depths and hold it there for a while. From the overjoyed look on Susan’s face Lana knew the doctor was filling her to the rim."

"We better get ready to set up that memorabilia table," Katrina said as she finished her drink.

Lana saw Susan starting to cum and Amy pulled Dr. Lewis’ cock out of Susan and glue her mouth to Susan’s hole at the same time.

Dr. Lewis drilled his amazingly still hard cock deep in Susan’s ass further intensifying her orgasm.

"Bye Randy, Amy," Lana said, "bye Aunt Susan, Mom and Dad will be sorry they missed you CUM, but they will probably cum and talk with you later."

Susan nodded blissfully, unable at the moment to form any words and Amy who was in no way going to separate her mouth from Susan’s pussy any time soon simply waved.

"Bye ‘Queen’, bye Katy," Katrina who had once more glued her mouth to Lana’s pussy waved also, "love you both." As he said this, the screen went dead."

Lana looked down at Katrina between her legs and said, "Not that I am in any way complaining, but what happened to setting up that memorabilia table?" When Katrina neither answered nor unglued her mouth from Lana’s pussy Lana petted her head and said, "Okay you can have one more drink but then we have to get to work."

Deciding she might as well do something productive while she waited for Katrina to finish her drink she checked her email server and saw one new note. OHPF members mailed her daily at this address, but she had actually already answered all that mornings mail, she was surprised to see a new one so soon.

"Hmm, I don’t recognize the address, ‘Poisoned Lover’," she questioned.

She would have instantly rejected the letter as spam but it was clearly labeled ‘To Lana Anderson, Leader of the STD Awareness Project’

She opened the letter and gave a yell both from the contents of the letter and the fact she was cumming strongly again in Katrina’s mouth. She stayed frozen looking at the message and when Katrina finally finished drinking she turned to see what had her ‘Queen’ so upset.

"Oh my," Katrina said angrily, "I thought we had a deal, no more scare tactics. I’m going to kill them!"

Suddenly feeling a little calmer Lana said, "Do you really think it’s them?"

"Absolutely, this has ‘Master’ + ‘Computer King’ written all over it!"

Lana stared back at the skull and crossbones, the six pictures of her 3 from different locations at their first 2 stops and the small message in bold letters under them:



"And you swear you guys didn’t send this," Stan said looking nervously at a printed copy of the email.

"Dad, do you really think we would have brought this to you and Mom if we had, our games with the girls are between them and us," Ron said grimly, "this is not one of our games."

"I don’t like this," Joyce said looking at the letter, "it’s obvious who it’s from and why he sent it. Maybe the rest of this trip should be cancelled; the project continued without your presence."

"NO!" Lana screamed, "Do you know how many lives have been saved from just our first two stops. How many infected people are now getting the help they didn’t even know they needed?"

"One too many apparently," John said also looking at the copy of the letter.

"Well I’m not letting some wacko who may well be nothing more than a practical joker stop my work!" Lana said this very defiantly. "We go on as if nothing happened and from now on I don’t touch any more emails from anyone I don’t know! THE END!"

She walked out of the Recreation room (where only the Anderson family and by special invitation, Dr. Joyce Livingston, had been meeting to discuss the mysterious email) and into the BED room.

Katrina had jumped Ron when she first saw him and accused him of breaking their pact. He of course had no idea what she was talking about or why she was trying to choke him to death but through some of Katrina’s angry and meaningless and at times beyond triple x rated screams he was able to piece together that Lana had received a note that had really upset her and maybe even frightened her when she first got it and that they believed the boys responsible.

Ron of course denied it and instantly got John so they could examine it. Like everybody else that saw it, it was one specific thing that really stood out and made the note a bit more than a joke. The six pictures that showed that Lana may well, well actually definitely was, being followed at their first two stops and they hadn’t even noticed it.

"What do you think doctor, should we follow your original advice and call the whole thing off," Laura asked as Lana stormed out.

In deep thought the doctor thought about the reason she had given Dr. Lewis for not just stopping the project to solve her own personal problems. "It may crush her," she said very concerned staring at the door through which Lana had just run, "and it wouldn’t really solve anything. It would just make it easier if this wacko is tailing her to have her sitting at home. At least here she is constantly surrounded by people, what can he do?"

Stan listened to this and said, "She’s right, and Lana is right too, we only let the scum win if we cave in to his scare tactics," to the boys he said, "but I don’t want her alone for a single second, understand?"

"Got you Dad," Ron said, "and we’ll keep our eyes out for anybody suspicious."

"Shouldn’t we at least report it to the police," Laura asked.

"They won’t be able to do much if they do anything at all (well anything beside start investigating our family)," John said, "Hannah and I already traced the I.P. address and it was one of the public computer at the last resort we were in. The email address itself was just developed for this one letter and then cancelled."

"So what do we do now," Don asked.

Ana looked at the door of the BED room and said, "Mom and Dad why don’t you two go help the Wilsons, and our dear cousins with the different tour duties. Dr. Livingston can you handle the preparations for tomorrow’s blood tests alone for a while?"

"Sure, there’s not much that needs done," the doctor said.

"Good," Ana said, then looking at her brothers and sisters said, "You four follow me, we’re about to have a fuckfest to end all fuckfests! If the show is to go on tomorrow, I’ve a feeling we need to start getting relaxed right now."

Everyone nodded their agreement and understanding; they then set off to get the orders fulfilled.


"Lana," Ana said nervously, "maybe we should just stay here."

"Ana, we’ve been in here fucking for 3 hours, don’t get me wrong, I could live the rest of my life doing nothing but fucking, but we’re here to vacation and see new things. We’re on a horse ranch for God’s sake, let’s go enjoy some horses."

"But with all the boys setting up camp and working on the vehicle duties it’s just us three."

"Yeah," Hannah said, also a bit nervous, "We’re not supposed to leave you alone."

"I’m not exactly alone if the two of you are with me," Lana said rolling her eyes, "Anyway, we’ll stop at the memorabilia table and pick up Jenny and Sandra; Katrina should be able to handle the first flow on her own."

After getting her sisters to finally follow her out of the tour mobile and picking up her cousins as she had said, the 5 girls took a tour of the resort they were at.

"There sure are a lot of people around," Jenny said.

"We see people all the time," Lana said, "I want to see those." As she said this she pointed at some horses and a few people lining up to ride them. "Come on, let’s get a ride, I want to see what it is really like to be a cowgirl!"

After waiting on line for a while and finally each getting horses, they were met by two very pretty young ladies (girls really, no older or just a bit older than them) who took them riding on a designated path around the resort.

Lana was very interested in the fact that the two girls were riding in very short skirts and it had not escaped any of their attention that they were wearing nothing else under them. Every now and then they would notice the girls grounding their bare twats into the backs of the horses they were riding, needless to say that the girls were starting to get hot, especially when they noticed a steady flow of liquid running down the sides of one of the horses. There was no mistaking were the flow was originating.

"Okay," one of the girls said, "time to head back. You were our last customers today so we can ride the horses right back to the stable."

The girl, obviously the older sister, led them toward a building where the horses were kept. There was no one else around and Lana was almost near exploding (cumming that is) and she was horny as hell. She desperately wanted to know so she asked, "What does it feel like to have your pussy grinding into the horses back like that, because it looks incredible?"

The younger sister giggled and said, "It feels incredible," lifting her skirt she said, "and just look at how it makes your juices just keep flowing."

"Wow," Ana said noticing only one thing besides the non-stop flow of cum juice, "You shave! It looks beautiful; I am definitely going to start shaving soon."

"Really," Hannah said happily. To the girl she said, "I’m the only one in the family that has been shaving, up to now." Hannah dropped her shorts right there to show her bald pussy.

"Wow," the older girl said, "you’re beautiful," then laughing she added, "which I guess means you’re all beautiful since you all look the same."

"Actually," Lana said dropping her shorts, "that’s the one place we are different, for now, but I think I’m going to start shaving to, I sort of noticed when I talked recently to my boyfriend that bald pussies really turn him on."

"Yeah," Ana said, "Patty too, I can’t believe I never noticed before. Soon this," she said dropping her shorts "will look exactly like that!" She pointed at Hannah’s bald pussy as she said this.

"Don’t sell yourself short, "the older girl said, "You’re still beautiful. I can’t really think of any activity besides bareback riding that would really require a bald pussy. By the way, my name is Carla and this is my sister Carmen."

"That’s right," Ana said suddenly, "Here we are trading cunt views and we haven’t even introduced ourselves. That’s Lana, miss bald pussy there is Hannah, the tall girl in the back is Jenny, the red-head next to her is Sandra and I’m Ana."

"Man you’re getting me thirsty," Hannah said as she continued to watch the flow between Carmen’s legs."

"Don’t get any ideas Honey," Lana warned, "It might look damn delicious but we don’t know if it’s safe."

"What do you mean," Carla asked puzzled.

"I think my sister wants to start lapping up your sister’s juices. But we have rules about that kind of activity and people we just meet."

"Oh," Carla said as if suddenly understanding, "oh, we don’t do anything like that with people, only Enrique and Fred. They’re all we’ll ever need."

"Those are your boyfriends," Lana said smiling.

"Boyfriends," Carmen said puzzled, "No, no, they’re our pets."

"Oh," Jenny said, "fellow Masters, this is my pet," she said hugging Sandy. She then dropped her shorts and said, "Lick me girl; come on lick me."

Sandra dropped to her knees in front of Jenny and started sucking her twat right there.

"Wow," Carla said, "I’d never seen a person do that, she looks just like Enrique doing that." She suddenly gave a loud whistle and after a few minutes a large German Shepherd came by and Carla ordered, "Lick me; lick me boy."

The five girls looked on shocked as the dog started passing its long tongue over, under and many times deep in Carla’s twat. They kept writhing as after several minutes of the dogs long, long tongue pumping in and out of Carla’s pussy she obviously started to cum furiously and the dog continued happily lapping up her juices.

Suddenly they saw Carmen drop on all fours with her twat facing the dog and without her having to say a word they saw the dog mount her and start plunging a giant cock in and out of Carmen’s hole. They saw it push its large nuts right into her so that it looked like he would not separate from here even if she wanted him to, which given her moans and shouts of ecstasy every time the dog plunged in and out, there was no way she wanted him to separate.

"So do you think that’s why they call it doggy-style," Ana said suppressing a laugh.

Lana, who she had been whispering to, was really on the edge now, she didn’t know why but this ridiculous sexual display was really getting her hot, "Hannah, suck me now!"

Hannah (family pet that she was) obediently followed orders and began lapping at Lana’s pussy just like Sandra was still doing at Jenny’s. Suddenly they saw Carmen shaking as she was obviously in heaven. They saw pools and pools of white cream escaping from around the dogs cock (still deep in Carmen).

"Oh shit," Ana said, "the dog is cumming in her!"

"Well of course," Carla said in a ‘what do you think would happen’ tone. "What is a dog for if not to give its master an occasional treat?"

The dog finally pulled out of Carmen and to everyone’s shock, if not disgust also, Carla dropped behind her sister and started to suck the doggy seed right out of her sister, she sucked and sucked at her sisters twat until she triggered another orgasm in her sister and drunk all the juices that again began to flow.

This proved too much for Lana and Jenny who now started to flow in their own pets’ mouths. Their cums were so huge that they lost all voice and with Ana still mesmerized by the sisters perverted partying; no one was able to warn when Enrique started sniffing at Hannah’s bald pussy and—

"OWWWWWWW—Oh God Yes!" Hannah had screamed when in on instant the dog had mounted her and rammed its cock and nuts straight into her, just like it had Carmen. She had tried to pull it out a few times at first, but quickly learned that the theory that once it was in there, it was in there to the end, was dead right.

"Oh God!" Ana said nervously, "Your dog is fucking our BITCH—I mean sister."

Being reminded she was the family bitch suddenly triggered an orgasm in Hannah, "yes," she thought, "that’s me, THE BITCH! The female dog! That’s why I’m wearing a dog collar. This is my mission in life, to be stopped on every street corner and fucked by every stray dog that cums around!" She suddenly started barking and happily sucking and licking at Lana’s pussy once more and the Anderson-Irving girls could all tell she was lost in ecstasy and there was no getting her back until it was over.

"I think she’s turned into Honey again," Ana whispered to Lana. "Any chance we can get Hannah back before the concert tomorrow?"

"I don’t know," Lana whispered back, "it took almost six days to get her back last time. And she wasn’t being screwed by a dog then."

With what was happening to their own sister, the girls didn’t notice that Carla had finished Carmen’s clean-up and had gone into one of the stables and brought out a very handsome totally white horse. Only when they saw Carmen go and help Carla position the horses giant cock at the entrance of Carla’s pussy did it register with them what was about to happen.

"Oh no!" Lana thought, still not completely able to speak. "This is way beyond even the Anderson world!"

As Carmen held the horses cock steady, Carla slowly backed her pussy into it thrusting back and forth each time getting more and more of the horse’s super cock into her. Eventually it was so deep that Carmen no longer needed to help support it and the horse was pretty much fucking Carla without her help.

In the meantime, the dog fucking Hannah finally came and came and came in her, she herself had already cum several times. Lana, by the way, had not been able to stop cumming and Hannah refused to stop drinking every last bit of her up.

The dog finally dismounted and hurrying behind Hannah, Carmen dropped to her knees and started sucking the doggie cum out of Hannah’s cunt, she refused to stop sucking Hannah’s hole until she had gotten every last bit of dog cream and had triggered another powerful orgasm in Hannah supplying her with a large and unending supply of Hannah juice.

They suddenly heard Carla giving some powerful screams and moans, as well as the horse giving some very happy sounding ‘nays’ and looking over they confirmed that both the girl and her horse were cumming.

The river of cum flowing from Carla’s cunt and bathing her legs gave testimony to just how much a horse can cum.

With Hannah now clean, all the Anderson girls had gotten their shorts and were all dressed again. Carmen was walking over and helped her sister finish extracting the horse cock form her twat. It left a wide open cum dripping hole between her legs that would obviously take a while to completely close.

As the Anderson-Irving girls watched in amazement, the sisters began licking every bit of the giant horse cock they were holding, taking turns sucking the hole at the tip and drinking the still flowing cum.

"I think it’s time we go back," Ana said, "I think I have enough of a picture of what it’s like to be a real cowgirl."

Before leaving they said goodbye and Lana took the opportunity to confirm that she had understood correctly when the girls had said that except for each other they had never touched another human being before helping to clean out Hannah. They also confirmed that though they didn’t do it regularly they had been tested less than two years before for STDs and been found totally clean. They’d apparently been playing with their pets a lot longer than that.

"You’re probably safe," Lana told Hannah, as they started out, "but you are taking a damn good bath before I touch that pussy again."

She looked back over her shoulders and saw that Carmen had dropped to her knees and was now licking the horse cum off her sister’s legs and directly from her still very open and flowing pussy.


All the way back to the tour mobile Hannah was begging Lana (leader of the girls’ sexual lives) to be able to visit the sisters, Enrique and Fred at least once more before they had to move on, she kept giving Lana her sad puppy dog look and Lana finally said, "Okay, I’ll talk to Joyce and get some information on bestiality, also, first thing tomorrow you get your blood drawn and we send it in with the guys that bring in the last deliveries from the hospital in the morning, we’ll put an emergency rush on it and should have the results by late morning. If and only if everything is okay (including the info I get from Joyce) we’ll come back and spend the whole morning with them the next day before we leave."

"What do you mean we," Ana said.

"While Honey plays Enrique’s bitch, I think it’s time someone introduces those girls to what true human sex is about," she gave a wicked sort of laugh as she said this and Ana smiled mischievously and lustfully back at her.

As Lana, Hannah and Ana entered the tour mobile (Jenny and Sandra had gone straight back to the memorabilia table) they found two parents, three brothers and a sexologist all pacing nervously; when everyone saw them they exploded in exhortations of anger.

"Where have you been!?! What were you doing!?! How can you go out alone!?!"

They were all asking so many questions at once that Ana and Hannah got a bit nervous and Hannah actually started to cry.

Lana though put on her angry ‘I’m really getting pissed’ face as well as her ‘if everyone doesn’t shut up I’m going to bite you’ look but rather than lash out she remained calm and controlled (I guess being Dr. Lewis’ love for a year was teaching her something) and she said, "We went to do what you come to a horse ranch to do, we went riding, there was a group of 5 of us plus the two guides made 7, I’d say that’s not alone, wouldn’t you?" Lana smiled at everyone, all of which had suddenly quieted down; to Hannah and Ana she then said, "Come on girls let’s go take a bath before the next activity." She then led the way through the Recreation room door towards the Kitchen & Bath.

All the other occupants of section one had been left stunned silent and watching behind them as she passed by. Stan was finally the first able to talk and he said to Joyce, "So what do you think?"

"Well she’s definitely in control of her emotions (more than I can say for all of us) and that’s a very good thing."

After that they all decided to follow Lana’s lead and (while still keeping a watchful eye) not let any fears control them.


They all shared another night around the campfire that evening telling a few more stories, cooking over an open fire and just enjoying the outdoors. When it came time to go back into the tents for another fuckfest Hannah looked for an excuse to stay out of it. Lana had told her to do the rest the decency of not having sex with them until her updated results were back late the next morning. Since she had asked all the girls not to mention the incident to the boys she needed an excuse that wouldn’t make them suspect she might have had any type of unsafe sex, let alone sex with a real dog.

"John isn’t tonight a good time to work on that project you mentioned?" Hannah asked this casually as she saw John about to enter a tent with Debbie, "to tell you the truth my brain cells seem to be on overload tonight", this was actually a true statement.

"Really," John said turning toward her and leaving an angry faced Debbie being claimed by Lenny for the night.

Ron, who had been thinking of a good one-on-one with his number one cunt also did not look happy, he however knew that Hannah’s moments of true super-genius could not be wasted during a task like the one she had been ordered to work on. Ron instead turned and seeing Ana grabbed her. "Why don’t I try to tempt you to abandon that green band ID some more," he said smiling.

"It won’t happen," Ana said smiling back, "I’ll just keep Patty in my head the whole time we’re together."

"You wouldn’t have to stop thinking of Patty if you grabbed a red ID bracelet." This last statement was actually delivered by Ron very seriously.

"Come on," John said, "since the Recreation room will be empty, we can work on the big screen and really analyze all the data together.


"Like you said," Hannah said after an hour of trying everything she could think of to connect Dr. Livingston to her former self, "this is not just a simple change of name. Joyce didn’t just transfer into someone else; it’s as if she 100% began to exist at this point."

"Any more genius ideas," John asked. In the last hour Hannah had come up with some fantastic and promising ideas, but they all lead to the dead end that was Joyce’s sophomore year in Medical school.

Hannah was studying Joyce’s very, very impressive transcript saying, "incredible grades, ‘A+’ straight down except there," she pointed to a class "Male VS. Female Sexology, she only got an ‘A’. That’s the class that left her in second place; Dr. Lewis got ‘A+’ all the way down."

She was now looking oddly at the transcript and she began isolating five classes in particular.

"You on to something genius," John asked.

"Look at these 5 classes, they’re first year classes and there is no record of her having any transfers into the classes that means—"

"—that she must have taken first year there, though under a different name," John said, this is actually a theory they had talked about already, "so what’s new?"

"Not everyone gets grades like these in their first year," she started to enter some data and said, "I’m cross-referencing these grades with Joyce’s graduating class and see what we get."

After only a few minutes a list of 10 names appeared.

"Her name isn’t on the list," John said looking at the list of names of 3 females and 7 males. "Dr. Lewis is there though, could Joyce be one of those 3 females?"

"Maybe," Hannah said, "we could try searching every single one of them individually to see what became of them, but I have a better idea." She deleted Dr. Lewis’ name from the list, leaving only the other nine and said, "We know Joyce was a close acquaintance, if not a good friend, of Dr. Lewis’; I’m going to cross-reference these nine names with both Dr. Lewis and Dr. Joyce Livingston and see if we get any links."

As she finished the search only one name was left.

"Hank Sawyer," John questioned doubtfully.

"Hank Sawyer coauthored a book with Dr. Lewis that was published at the end of their first year; apparently they’d been doing some research all year for it. Interesting title," Hannah said smiling, "Cumming In VS Cumming Out."

John smiled saying, "I may just read that. How is this Sawyer guy connected to Joyce?"

"He’s not, not directly anyway. Towards the end of his graduating year Dr. Lewis coauthored a second book after 3 more years of research, ‘Cumming In VS Cumming Out, Vol. 2’ and the coauthor was—"

"—Dr. Joyce Livingston," John said puzzled, "what ever happened to Hank, why didn’t he coauthor the second volume as well, I mean it’s obviously a project he and Dr. Lewis started together?"

Hannah did a quick research check and said, "I can’t find him, he’s nowhere after that first year, not even a death certificate, it’s almost as if—"

"—he stopped existing?" John said throwing a suspicious look at the door that connected the Recreation room they were in to the BED room where Joyce was asleep, resting for the next mornings long series of blood testing. "Just out of curiosity," John said slowly, "these two books, what exactly were they about?"

Hannah punched up some more information and after reading and rereading what was before her she said, "Oh my, they were documentaries, the first documented the emotional and psychological behavior of a person living the mental anguish of the knowledge they were born the wrong gender, and their lust, need and desire to have the situation fixed."

"Cumming In (as in a woman) Vs. Cumming Out (as in a man)," John said, more to himself than to Hannah. "And the second volume?"

"A documented account of what it’s been like for a person to live 3 years as the opposite gender after having lived their whole previous life as the other," Hannah read.

"Her cunt juice tastes so real," John said suddenly, "and I just love her boobs."

"Her cunt juice is real," Hannah snapped suddenly, "it doesn’t matter what she once was, with the exception that she probably can’t have any children, she’s 100% woman now!"

"Still, if it weren’t for the fact that I’m bi— and don’t really care what sex my partner is, I think I’d be going through a serious mental depression right now."

"Well I think that shows why she doesn’t go around saying, ‘by the way I was born a man’."

Shaking his head and trying to finish the job completely he said, "So, this Hank Sawyer, where did he come from?"

Running a quick check Hannah said, "Oh, his school records show he was from Mom’s home town, and—oh Mom was right, not only did he go to school with her," Hannah suddenly raised her head and looking shocked at John said, "he lived next door to her for 15 years!"


"So you found nothing strange in her background," Laura said a little relieved.

"She is definitely who she says she is," John said. He and Hannah had debated a long while about what to tell Laura, and in the end they decided that they had absolutely no right to reveal Joyce’s secret to anyone. So they opted to ease Laura’s suspicions by telling her several half-truths while omitting several personal facts.

"Did you find out where she comes from," Laura asked.

"Dr. Joyce Livingston was born in Cleveland, the same city she went to Medical school," John said thinking, "well that is true, that is where Joyce was born (began to exist)."

"Hmm," Laura said, "I guess I’ve just been a bit paranoid." Then she thought, "Or maybe I’ve been jealous of the almost parental bond that my girls have been forming with her."

"Well," John said, "the important thing is you have nothing to worry about. By the way, have you tried actually connecting with her? Her cunt juice is beyond belief."

Laura smiled and said, "You know, maybe that’s exactly what I should try doing," she said smiling. "It would have to wait though," she thought as she threw an eye to the door that connected to the first section where Lana, Hannah and Ana were with Joyce, "but I think it is definitely time."


In section one Dr. Livingston was quickly drawing Hannah’s blood and was saying, "I promise; I won’t say a word ‘doctor/patient confidentiality’ you know. But you probably do have to worry more about the girl’s tongue than the dog’s cock. Animal viruses are rarely, if ever, transmitted to humans and vice-a-versa."

"That means I can fuck all the dogs I want," Hannah said excitedly.

"Well, try not to make it a habit," the doctor said smiling nervously, "you’re supposed to be a human bitch not a real one."

"I wonder what doggie cum tastes like," Hannah thought as she finished getting her blood drawn.

"It tastes like cum," Joyce said and all three girls looked at her curiously.

"You’ve tasted doggie cum," Lana said shocked.

"Just once, in Medical school, my roommate came home late one night with her pussy overflowing with cum and dripping on our rug. When I complained she told me to do something about it so I cleaned her out. When I asked her who had such exquisite tasting cum, she waited until I was totally finished to tell me it belonged to her boyfriend’s Labrador."

The girls giggled and Ana said, "What did you do when she told you that?"

"I grabbed a strap-on and fucked her silly for three hours in every single hole, she kept begging me to let her stop cumming but she needed to feel my wrath!"

"Because you were so angry," Lana questioned, feeling a tinge of excitement as well a familiarity with Joyce’s method of unleashing her wrath.

"Well that’s what I told her, but the truth is that cum tasted so incredible it took me three hours to pull out of the horny mood it had left me in."

"You enjoy having sex with women a lot don’t you," Hannah suddenly said.

Joyce suddenly looked at her curiously and said in a ‘what does that mean’ tone, "Well yes, I would think that’s a bit obvious by now. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, it’s just that I wondered why if you enjoy cunts so much you—" she suddenly stopped realizing what she was saying and holding back said, "—why you never came out. Ana was still 15 when she officially came out."

"Oh, I’m not lesbian Honey. I’m bi— and not totally bi— either. I may love a juicy cunt, but a big fat cock is number one for me. One day I still have hopes of finding a good man to walk me down the aisle."

"I can’t believe you haven’t found anyone," Lana said, "You’re beautiful and you’re and incredible lover, I’d think you would have been fighting prospective husbands off."

"Not to mention prospective wives," Ana said smiling at her.

"Yeah," Joyce said suddenly very sadly, "there were a few, but there was only one I truly loved, around two years ago, I really thought he was the one."

"What happened," Lana asked.

"I realized you can’t hope for a happy marriage without starting with total honesty. He wasn’t able to handle that." Joyce said grimly.

Lana wasn’t sure what Joyce meant but she saw the subject was depressing to Joyce and she changed it saying, "So we can get the results of that by this afternoon?"

"Yeah I’ll—" she stopped as she looked at the entrance where two young ladies entered.

"I’m sorry," Carla said, "we have to start working at the same time you start your tests, is there any way we could get the tests now?"

Lana smiled and said, "Sure you can," nodding to the doctor she said, "These are the girls I was telling you about, you think you can put a rush on their tests too?" She gave Dr. Livingston a wink and a mischievous smile.

"Absolutely, you’ll know by noon just how much time you can spend with them."


"So Carmen and Carla are supposed to meet us in the stable at noon," Lana said to her sisters, "that’s in 15 minutes."

"I can’t believe it took so long to ditch the boys," Ana said.

"Yeah," Lana said annoyed, to Hannah she said, "Are you sure your Master doesn’t have a tracker on that collar of yours?"

"I’m just glad Jason finally got them to help him with the stage setup; if it weren’t for that they’d probably still be at our side," Ana said.

"Hey," Hannah said, "there they are." Smiling she added, "and they remembered to bring Enrique!" She ran toward the stable dropping to all fours mid way there and barking happily.

Lana and Ana looked at each other worriedly as they continued to walk, but suddenly broke out into laughter and shrugged, "So Honey wants to come out and play a while," Lana said, "don’t we love having that bitch around?"

When they walked into the stable they found Honey completely naked, except for her collar, and on all fours sniffing at the ground. Enrique was behind her sniffing at her twat and occasionally making her give a happy yelp by licking it with his long tongue.

"Were you able to get the whole afternoon off," Lana asked Carla.

"Yes, and we did just like you said, we took complete baths and no one or no thing," she said casting an eye at where Enrique was now pretty much tongue fucking Honey non-stop, "has touched us since."

"Good," Lana said going over and hugging Carla, giving her a passionate kiss. "Well all results are in and you two are definitely one hundred percent fuckable so it’s time we taught you what human love can be about."

They heard Honey give some happy barks and looking around saw that Enrique had mounted her and was once more fully driving his cock violently in and out of her, the bitch gave some happy yelps between some almost human sounding moans of joy. Looking back at the sisters Lana began stripping and signaled for them to do the same.

Ana who had already stripped was searching in a bag they had brought and fished out four butt plug vibrators. She instantly stuck one up her own ass and another up Lana’s, handing her one of the remaining two.

"Carla, come here," Lana said as Ana went to work with Carmen.

"What’s that for," Carla asked.

"It’s for feeling good; bend down on all fours, since you two are new to this we’ll have to work your butts up to it a bit."

Carla did so obediently but nervously and parting her ass cheeks Lana began to tongue and rim her asshole, she cast an eye to where Ana was doing the same for Carmen and listened for the moans that told them the sisters were enjoying the treatment.

After several minutes of this they started truly pushing in with their tongues, fucking their dirty holes to the deepest length possible with their tongues. Carmen actually came after ten minutes and Ana took a few minutes to move down to her pussy and sample her juices.

Lana had now started fingering Carla’s ass with her index finger, pushing in deeply, widening Carla’s hole as much as possible as she finger fucked her ass, pushing in and out, in and out; at one point she realized Carla was about to cum and without extracting her finger from Carla’s ass glued her mouth to Carla’s cunt deeply swirling her tongue in and out of her pussy and gently biting her cunt lips, never giving up on finger fucking her ass. Carla had a violent orgasm, it took her incredibly by surprise. She had no idea that another person could make her feel the way her beloved horse or loyal dog could make her feel.

After drinking her first offering, Lana was ready to start to work on her ass with the butt plug vibrator. Ana, by the way, had already gotten hers into Carmen’s ass and Carmen was moaning loudly and happily as it hummed in her ass.

In the meantime, Enrique had cum once in Honey’s twat, but the bitch, needing more, had turned and started licking and sucking Enrique’s cock, getting the dog hot and hard again until, turning around and once more presenting her twat to him, Enrique mounted her again and once more began drilling her.

By now Ana was doing some impressive twat drilling herself, in Carmen’s twat that is. She had brought a harness each for her and Lana, 10 inch by 2 inch interior faux cocks and on the outside, for the sisters’ pussies, 15 inch by 3 inch faux cocks (considering they were used to fucking a horses cock, this would probably seem small to them). She began slowly pushing into Carmen, giving her time to adjust each time she pulled out and then pushed in a little harder, faster and deeper. She cast a look at Lana and found her in the same process with Carla, since Carla’s orgasm had been so large though, she was definitely swallowing the faux cock faster. Finally, having her pubic hairs against Carmen’s ass cheeks, Ana started really fucking Carmen for all she was worth driving Carmen to screams of ecstasy and beyond joy. She heard Carla giving similar screams and easily guessed she had reached this stage too. Casting a look over at Honey, she saw Enrique was cumming in her a second time, her cunt was overflowing with cum, but she obviously still needed more because as soon a Enrique separated she once more started licking and sucking the dogs cock, wanting more than anything to get Enrique to mount her at least one more time. Feeling Enrique was ready, but her cunt was a bit too full, she temporarily abandoned Enrique and running in front of Carmen presented her overflowing twat to her face. Carmen instantly dug in as Ana continued drilling her from behind. Carmen sucked and licked merrily at Honey’s cunt emptying all the juices found there and triggering another orgasm in the Anderson family pet. Barking happily Honey, feeling herself now as ready to continue as Enrique, once more ran to him and presented her twat to him. After tongue fucking Honey to still another orgasm, Enrique mounted her and for a third time started violently drilling her hole.

Carla was cumming once more as Lana was now not only drilling her, but with her arms around Carla, had started playing with her breast and nipples, and every now and then moved down to squeeze and rub her clit. When she came down from the latest sex high, Lana turned her around (without ever removing the faux cock from her cunt) and continued her drilling of Carla in the Missionary position where she could regularly lean over and either passionately kiss Carla or suck her boobs. She looked over to see if Ana had followed her lead, and seeing that she had, continued her sex lesson.

After the two girls had been brought to new body shaking orgasms, Lana nodded at Ana as if saying, "time to teach them what a girl really tastes like without a cunt full of animal cum."

Finally getting rid of the harnesses, the Anderson sisters mounted the other sisters in a ‘69’ position and as they buried their heads in the girls’ twats and started eating and pleasuring them in a way no animal could know how, the sisters both brought Lana and Ana’s cunts to their respective mouths and started eating them fully.

Lana cast a look towards Honey and saw she was now lying on her back with her legs spread wide in a very human, rather than dog like position, signifying no doubt that Hannah was probably fighting her way back to the surface and control again. Enrique was still lapping at her pussy and at times her clit, its head not wanting to move from between Hannah’s legs.

After they had had two more orgasms, Lana and Ana repositioned Carla and Carmen on them in a pussy, breast, lip connecting mode and after spending a few more minutes kissing and rubbing pussies with them Lana asked, "So, now that you’ve sampled human sex, how do you feel?" Lana smiled at Carla but quickly frowned when she noticed Carla shed a tear.

"I feel horrible," she said bitterly.

"Didn’t you like it," Lana said confused.

"I loved it," Carla said leaning down and kissing her again, "but now I thing I love you, and you’ll never be around to make me feel like that again will you," she said sadly.

"But the two of you have each other," Ana said, "we’re going to leave you some toys, including one of these harnesses so you can pleasure each other more and won’t need to use animals so much, okay?"

"But we like our animals," Carmen said confused.

"But your animals will never know exactly how best to pleasure you," Lana said sticking two fingers in Carla’s twat and rubbing her G-spot while with her thumb she massaged Carla’s clit, triggering still another orgasm in her.

"Umm," someone said, "I think we better get ready to go," Hannah said, "but maybe one of you two will lend me your girl a while first, not only am I dying for a good drink before we leave, I still have a cunt full of doggie cum I’d like cleaned out before getting to my Master."

As everyone laughed, Carmen got off Ana and pulling Hannah back to the ground sat on her face, Hannah instantly began to enjoy the juices flowing in her mouth; at the same time, Carla got off Lana and dove between Hannah’s legs gluing her mouth to Hannah’s cunt and sucking everything she could find there. Lana and Ana shrugged at each other as if saying, "there’s always time for one more orgasm" and assuming a ‘69’ position with each other, dug right in.


"You smell like an animal," Ron said disgusted as he went to hug Hannah after the girls finally turned up.

"We’ve been riding most of the morning," Lana said as Hannah lowered her head in Ron’s presence.

"Yeah," Ana said, "not to mention we fell in the stables when returning the horses. Here’s a tip big brother, a horse stable is no place to end up rolling on the ground."

"We’re on our way to take some very powerful showers now, Lana said, "we promise to give your pet an extra strong perfumed bath as well."

"Do that," Ron said, grabbing Hannah and passionately tongue kissing her and saying, "do it fast." As they started to walk away Ron said, "by the way, that stable girl’s cunt juice tastes fantastic, think you can get her to meet me tonight after the concert?"

As they walked to the shower Lana threw Hannah and angry look and said, "You couldn’t have waited until you watched your mouth to kiss him?"

"He kissed me," Hannah said, "I couldn’t refuse him, at least Carmen’s cunt juice washed away all of Enrique’s cum."

"Yeah," Ana said laughing, "Let’s definitely never mention to the Master that he gave you a kiss like that after you’d sucked a dog’s cock several times."

They both suddenly became aware that Lana (who would normally find anything that was the least bit humiliating to her arch rival the Master hilarious) was not laughing and she had abruptly stopped walking.

"What’s wrong Lana," Hannah asked worriedly.

"Nothing, I just thought I heard something for a second, and I had an eerie feeling someone was watching us." Suddenly realizing she was starting to weird her sisters out Lana said, "You know, maybe we should ask Ron what it was like to kiss Hannah after she’d drunk a ton of doggie cum straight from the source." She smiled as she said this and continued walking towards the showers.

"And have him permanently disown me," Hannah said smiling, "I think not, remember what I had to go through to get him back last time."

As her sisters walked into the shower room, Lana gave a nervous look around before following them in.


"Super incredibly awesome concert last night guys," Debbie said as they were packing up the final equipment from the memorabilia table and getting ready to hit the road again."

"Super incredibly awesome fuckabration afterward," Lana said smiling.

"I can’t believe we got Carla and Carmen to join us," Ana said.

"Well they knew it might be our last chance together," Lana said, and seeing the sad look in Hannah’s face whispered, "Hey at least you got a quick goodbye fuck from him this morning. No way was he going to allowed at our fuckabration."

Debbie and Katrina wondered what they were whispering about but Katrina suddenly spotted an envelope on the table they were clearing and said, "wait, we forgot something." Grabbing the envelope she passed it to Lana noticing her name on it.

"Katrina," Debbie said, "help me carry these boxes to the bus."

Lana had opened the envelope and was looking at it intensely.

"What’s that," Ana asked suspiciously and maybe a little nervously.

"The notes for the speech I gave yesterday," Lana said calmly, "I was seeing if I could have made it better."

"No way Sis," Hannah said, "that was an incredible speech! Don’t change a thing."

Lana put the note pack in the envelope and said, "I need to go fast before we hit the road, you two finish here."

She entered a woman’s restroom right in front of her and ran right into Carla.

"Lana, are you okay, you look upset," Carla said.

Getting a good look at Carla, Lana said suddenly, "Carla, can you do me two favors real quick?"

"Anything Lana, what do you need?"

"First of all I really, really need a drink." Dragging her into a stall she said, "I’ll tell you what else I need after this drink."

After having taken a good long drink to calm her nerves and having told Carla what else she needed, Lana sat on the toilet bowl in the stall fully clothed and Carla hurried out. After a few minutes of being alone Lana broke down and started to cry bitterly and nervously. She took the note out one more time and after studying the same skull and crossbones symbol at the top, she studied the six pictures including 3 from Honey’s three different encounters with Enrique, 1 of Lana at her memorabilia table shift, 1 of Lana giving her speech the night before and 1 of her and her sisters walking to the shower when she felt she was being watched. She studied the written message, "Life’s a BITCH, well it is for me thanks to you. And thanks to me it will be for you too, SOON! But I never knew your sister was a bitch too."

After a few minutes she regained control of her emotions, sighed and putting the note away, washed her face and tried to look cheery.

"There you are," Ana said smiling, "we thought you’d been sucked into the bowl, it’s time to go."

"Great," Lana said smiling, "I’m just waiting to give Carla a final goodbye kiss, and then we can keep this show on the road!"


Chapter Fourteen – Dolores Means Pain

"Patty, tell me what is wrong, I want to know the truth," Ana said strongly.

"I told you Sugar, there’s nothing wrong, I just terribly, terribly miss you."

"Patty," Ana said looking real hurt, "please don’t lie to me. We’ve always been totally honest with each other."

"Why do you think something is wrong," Patty asked trying to sound cheerful.

"Patty, you haven’t talked to me in almost four days, and now that we’re finally together again, well virtually anyway, you’re sitting there in front of me fully clothed, and I can see that your eyes are red and puffy. You’ve been crying, more even than when you thought you’d lose your job last spring."

"You know Sugar, I know you too, I can see something is going on with you also, you’re very upset and it’s not just because of me. And by the way, you’re not exactly in full Anderson dress yourself."

Ana looked down and remembered for the first time that she was in fact still wearing the large oversized t-shirt she’d been wearing for the last 24 hours. She suddenly looked very sad again and broke down again.

"Sugar, Sugar please what is it? What’s going on?"

"I don’t know," Ana admitted, "there’s—there’s something really strange going on with the ‘Queen’. She hasn’t been herself since we left the last resort and she won’t let any of us know what’s wrong."

"Why are you so sure something is wrong," Patty asked.

"Because I know her, like I know you," Ana said, "but anyway, anyone that even casually knew my sister would know. Just the fact that she hasn’t had an orgasm in a day and a half would be enough to let people know she wasn’t okay. But the thing is that when we got on the bus after the last resort she went to the restroom and locked herself in for almost two hours. We finally talked her out, but it wasn’t her."

"What do you mean, it wasn’t her," Patty asked.

"The person that stepped out was wearing long thick jeans, a long sweater, thick socks and sneakers. We all laughed and told her it was a great joke and I went to unzip the jeans and stick my finger up her twat, but I couldn’t because she was wearing panties, and then I noticed she had on a bra!"

"Panties and a bra," Patty said shocked and suddenly just as worried for Lana as Ana was, "does anyone in the Anderson household even own that kind of stuff? Where did she get it?"

"We figure she got it from these two girls we were screwing at out last stop. One of them was pretty much our size. Before we left Lana was waiting for her, saying she wanted to give her a final goodbye kiss, when she finally got there she not only gave ‘Queen’ that kiss, but a bag as well. Lana wouldn’t tell anyone what was in the bag, but we figure now it had to be those clothes."

"She hasn’t explained what’s wrong," Patty said, now clearly upset.

"No, when I tried to get my finger in her twat she looked at me almost terrified and ran into the BED room, she locked herself in one of the private sleeping berths and won’t talk to anyone."

"And she’s been there for more than 24 hours," Patty said shocked, "hasn’t she even come out to use a restroom?"

"Well," Ron made a deal with her a few hours ago; he promised we’d all come to the Recreation room here for a full twenty minutes and if she wanted to do anything she had our word we wouldn’t bother her. We believe she took the deal."

"Maybe you should cancel the rest of the trip, maybe the pressure of the mission is getting too much for her."

"That’s what we all wanted to do, but that’s the one thing she’s made clear she does not want. No matter what, she keeps saying, the mission is to continue."

"Sugar, someone has to get her to talk and confess what’s wrong! Something is seriously very wrong and keeping it bottled up is not what Lana should be doing!"

"That’s what Joyce says, we have 2 more days before reaching the next stop. Ron says he’ll give Lana half-a-day more, if she hasn’t come clean he wants all of us out of the way and he’s going to let the ‘Master of Love’ take total control."

"Well tell him I wish him luck."

"Okay," Ana then suddenly said, "you’re turn; I came clean with you, now it’s your turn."

"Actually," Patty said smiling, "my problem is quite similar."

"Dolores," Ana said suddenly, "what’s wrong?"

"Well, after talking to you the other day she went and had a serious talk with Melissa. Melissa agreed that it was past time they both came out; she went and talked to her parents right then and there."

"So what’s wrong," Ana said, believing this a good thing.

"Melissa’s parents kicked Dolly out of the house and she hasn’t heard from Melissa since. Finally, yesterday, she couldn’t handle it anymore and she tried sneaking into Melissa’s room through some secret way she and Melissa always used; she found Melissa gone."

"Gone as in not there," Ana said confused.

"Gone as if she never existed; Melissa’s room was completely cleaned out, from the smallest poster on the wall to the biggest piece of furniture, everything was gone and Melissa’s closets were emptied out. Dolly confronted Melissa’s parents and they threatened to call the police if she didn’t get out of their house. When she got here, she found that Melissa’s parents had called Mom and Dad and told them everything except what they’ve done with Melissa. Seeing however that my parents were talking about sending Dolly to a boarding school in Switzerland for her own good, we have a theory."

"That’s horrible," Ana said almost in tears, "How can they hope to separate two people that love each other like that!"

"Unfortunately they don’t have the luck we had, both of them are still minors, and neither have Stan and Laura for parents."

"I just can’t believe they would do that," Ana said.

"I’m thinking of leaving early, and if need be, I’m leaving with Dolly. My only problem of course is that I’ve sublet my house for the entire summer."

"Patty that’s no problem, you know our house is there for you. Just like it is for Randy and Dolores is more than welcome too."

Patty smiled and said, "You know Sugar you really should get out of that t-shirt." She herself started to strip and grabbing a large vibrator on the bed said, "I think we could both use a good orgasm, don’t you?"

Smiling Ana pulled off her t-shirt and grabbing a large vibrator that was always kept on the side table plunged it furiously in her cunt turning it on full blast. Patty, she saw was doing same.


"Dolly, stop that," Patty whispered, "we’re in a public airport right now; you can’t suck my pussy or my tits right now."

Dolores looked like she wanted to break down and start crying again and Patty said, "Okay, there’s the restroom, if we were able to get away with it in that planes restroom, I guess we can do it here too, but you have to be quick, we still need to find a cab as soon as possible."

Taking her sister in one of the stalls she quickly raised her skirt and Dolores kneeled before her pussy and started to suck and lick and slurp in Patty’s cunt for a good while until she felt Patty’s juices flowing into her mouth. As she drank happily a smile temporarily returned to her face. When Dolores had finished her drink, Patty sat on the bowl and removing her blouse let Dolores sit on her lap to suck her tits, at the same time Patty lifted Dolores skirt and inserting 3 fingers in her sister’s twat began finger fucking her as Dolores sucked away at Patty’s boob.

Patty looked sadly at her sister and said, "Come on Dolly, talk to me already, it’s been almost a week and you haven’t said a word. Aren’t you at least happy that Mom and Dad agreed to let me have temporary custody of you? Oh come on Dolly, I know your name means pain, but it doesn’t mean you are cursed to live in pain for the rest of your life."

Her sister didn’t say a word, but when she felt Dolores give her tit a strong bite, she knew she was getting near so standing her up, Patty dropped to the floor between her sisters legs and gluing her mouth to Dolores pussy used her tongue to finish the job her fingers had started. Soon she was drinking up her sisters sweet young nectars and she could feel her sister reaching total calm again. She sighed and knowing she had at least another two or three hours before Dolores would need this natural anti-depressant again hurried to dress and leave the restroom.

Walking out of the airport they searched for a place to find a good cab when they heard someone calling.

"Patty, Patty is that you," the person said.

Turning Patty smiled and said, "Randy, what are you doing here? You couldn’t have come to pick us up, I’m sure, because no one, not even I knew I was arriving today."

"Us," Randy said studying the younger version of Patty glued to her side and saying, "Hello, what’s your name?"

Dolores dug her head into Patty’s chest and tried to grab her breast again.

Dr. Lewis noticed Dolores’ action as well as the look in her eyes and said to Patty, "Lana told me when I spoke to her today that you might come to stay at the Anderson house a while also, is that where you are heading?"

Patty nodded as she fought to keep Dolores away from her breast.

"Why don’t the two of you get in the car, there’s plenty of room, I’m just waiting for someone. I’ll just make a call and confirm his arrival time." He pulled out a cellular phone and hit a speed dial number.

"Thanks Randy," Patty said and directed her sister into the back seat of Dr. Lewis’ car. Once the door was closed and shaded windows hid what was happening, Patty allowed Dolores to once more glue her mouth to her tits.

Around 15 minutes later Patty saw someone heading for the car and was about to try to unglue Dolores from her breast when she recognized him and decided it was safe for Dolores to stay as she was.

After the man’s suitcase was in the trunk with hers and Dolores’ he got in the front seat and looking back smiled saying, "Ms. Clark, right?"

"Yes, but please call me Patty; you’re practically my Uncle-in-Law you know. This, by the way, is my sister Dolores. Dolly this is Ana’s Uncle—Harry, right?"

"Yes, that’s right," he said smiling as Dr. Lewis got behind the drivers wheel after finally closing his cell phone.

"Are you staying at the Anderson house also," Patty asked.

"Yes, will you and your—sister did you say—be there also?"

"That was my plan, but will there be room?"

"Harry and Susan are going to be sharing Stan and Laura’s bedroom," Dr. Lewis said, "Pietro and Amy are in their own rooms for now, and I’ve been using the boys’ room. So that still leave the girls’ bedroom for you and your sister and the Mistress’ bed chamber for anyone else that may decide to drop in." He smiled encouragingly as he said this.

"So you spoke with Lana today," Patty said suddenly, "I guess that means she’s okay, last time I talked to Ana, Lana wasn’t quite herself."

Dr. Lewis didn’t say anything, he just continued to observe Patty’s sister through the rear view mirror. Finally he said, "We’ll be neighbors, come over later and I’ll discuss Lana, and you can tell me about anything that may be happening in your life."


"Dolly, we’re here, you’re going to have to let me get out of the car."

As they pulled into the Anderson driveway and got out of the car Dr. Lewis said to Dolores, "I promise you that there is a lot more comfort inside, and an incredible variety of flavors."

Dolores looked at him doubtfully and followed his sister to the front door.

Dr. Lewis looked at his watch and said to Patty, "The evening shift just ended, I suggest you take your sister directly to the Family room, and don’t forget the Anderson House Dress Code; they may not be here but their house rules should still be followed."

Dr. Lewis walked into the house (regular guests new the door was always open to them) and as Patty, Harry and Dolores followed, only Dolores was a little shocked and concerned to suddenly see Dr. Lewis strip right there before them. Looking over at her sister, she saw that Patty had also started stripping and her eyes popped. The other fellow that came with them was doing the same; she was unsure what to do.

"Dolly," Patty said annoyed, "take those clothes off, we’re not in my house!"

Dolores was a bit confused but she started to comply and soon all four were in their birthday suits.

"I’m going to take a shower before greeting anyone," Harry said smiling.

"I’m actually a bit tired to face them at the moment," Dr. Lewis said also smiling, "maybe a shower will help me recuperate."

As Harry headed towards the main bedroom and Dr. Lewis went upstairs, Patty looked towards the Family room and grabbing Dolores’ hand said, "Come on Dolly, let’s meet everybody, there should be something warm for you to drink there. It will help you with your nerves."

As Dolly followed Patty into the Family room, her eyes were captured and locked to the scene inside and smiling she tried to make a choice between the red-head sucking a blond woman’s right boob, the blond herself, or the brown haired woman sucking the blond woman’s left boob. All the women were sitting side by side with their legs wide open, and they all three had their eyes closed, blissfully enjoying the moment.

Dolores finally gave a small laugh (which Patty was happy to hear) and decided to just have a strawberry-lemon-chocolate sundae and starting with the strawberry quickly went over and kneeling between Amy’s legs locked her mouth to Amy’s pussy. Amy didn’t even open her eyes to see who was bringing her this new joy.

Loving the fact that her sister was actually smiling, Patty went up behind her, she was dying to try some of the choice herself, but decided to let Dolores have them all for now, she knelt behind her sister and once more sticking 3 fingers in her twat, began sucking at Dolores asshole.

After several minutes Amy started cumming in Dolores mouth and as she happily lapped up and drank merrily, she moved on to Susan (Patty always moving with her) and began the process again. Susan did open her eyes to see the owner of the tongue now frantically working in her cunt. On seeing Patty she was about to say something but noticing Patty’s ‘please don’t ask any questions’ look decided to just re-close her eyes and enjoy that not only did she now have a mouth on each boob, there was a beautiful young mouth on her twat.

Finally, after finishing with Susan’s juices as she came strongly, Dolores moved over and dug into Lisa Wise’s already flowing cunt. Patty didn’t know Lisa, but she had no reservations about letting her little sister suck her pussy, she knew no one in the Anderson home would have anyone connected to them in this manner if they had not first shown proof that they were safe.

Lisa also opened her eyes and on seeing Patty smiled at her while Dolores continued sucking wildly at her cunt. She also had no reservations about letting these new-comers near her honey pot, especially since she recognized the brunette-hazel eyed young lady from Martha and Henry’s many accounts of OHPF fun.

Finally, when Lisa too had given Dolores a healthy and calming supply of cunt juices, Patty (who had had Dolores on the edge for some time but hadn’t allowed her to cum yet) reached around her sister with her free hand and finding her clit gave it a violent pull while biting her ass and continuing her pumping of Dolores’ twat. Dolores began cumming massively and non-stop.

After a few minutes, Patty stood; helping Dolores up also; Dolores suddenly threw her arms around Patty and after giving her a long passionate and happy kiss, said loudly, "Oh Patty, I know I’m going to love it here, thank you, thank you for bringing me!"

Patty smiled and said, "I’m so glad you like it, Honey!"

Amy suddenly got up, finally releasing Susan’s boob and said, "I’m glad you like it here too missy, but we still have to decide if we’ll let you stay."

Both Patty and Dolores gave Amy confused looks, and even Susan and Lisa looked up at her strangely.

"What—what do you mean," Dolly asked.

Patty was so happy to hear her sister talking to someone else she decided to stay out of it for now.

"We have a rule in this house, no new cunts allowed unless it passes the two part taste test. You’ve passed the first part, now it’s time for the second."

"Taste test," Dolores questioned.

"Yes, all new cunts must first taste all cunts present when they first arrive, and can you guess what the second part is," Amy asked suddenly smiling mischievously at Dolores and petting her hair.

Giving a look of understanding and an equally mischievous smile of her own Dolores said, "All cunts present must first taste the new cunt before she’s allowed to remain."

"You’re a smart girl aren’t you," Amy said smiling, "come on everyone the kitchen will be an easier place for this part."

She led everyone to the kitchen and pointed Dolores to the round kitchen table making clear she wanted Dolores on it. Grabbing a remote control to the entertainment system she tried it out to make sure it worked on the system in the next room from there.

"Okay, a quick game of musical cunt here. Round and round the table while the music plays girls; when it stops dig in to the closest choice near you, with the closest to the cunt getting it. The other choices are mouth, right boob and left boob. When the cunt stops flowing that contestant drops out and the music goes back on. The last contestant left wins a special bonus. So let’s start." She hit the button and as the music came on, Dolores watched, almost laughing as the four different hair-colored women circled and circled her, their cunts open and giving off a mesmerizing aroma as they went by. Suddenly Amy hit the off button and the music stopped Susan got first shot at the cunt, Patty got the right boob, Amy the left and Lisa went to work on sucking the life out of Dolores tongue. They continued glued to their posts until they felt Dolores cumming and Susan slurping and sucking, drinking her dry. When she was finished Susan dropped back, out of the game, and Amy started the music again; Dolores blissfully and joyfully watched as the parade of cunts once more started round and round her; when Amy hit the off switch again, she had possession of the cunt, Lisa the left boob and Patty the right.

When several minutes after Dolores next orgasm she finally went dry, Amy dropped back to wait with Susan while Patty and Lisa marched to the newly restarted music. On stopping, Patty fell between her knees to suck, while Lisa went to work on her right boob. While they worked, Amy hunted under the kitchen cabinet for something. When the round was over Amy said, "Lisa as final contestant standing you not only get to finish her off, you get that bonus I mentioned," on saying that she held up a harness with a 10 inch by 2 inch faux cock on either side.

Smiling, Lisa grabbed the harness and after securing it in place began pumping into Dolores’ pussy madly.

To the rest of the girls Amy said, "We can all claim a consolation prize while she’s at work," and going over she glued her mouth to one of Dolores boobs, Susan claimed the other and Patty, looking at the overjoyed, content smile on her sister leaned down and began passionately kissing her.

As Dolores began to cum for the last time Lisa quickly pulled out and glued her mouth to the girl’s cunt in an effort to complete the taste test. She drank and licked at the flowing river and when there finally was no more, Lisa got up from kneeling between Dolores and Patty and Amy helped a wobbly and still sexually high Dolores stand.

"So girls; what’s the verdict," Amy said, "Does she pass the test?"

There were echoes of: "Yes!" "Absolutely!" and "She can stay forever if she wants!"

Dolores smiled happily and thanked them all as Patty led her upstairs to the room they’d be staying in. In the hall, outside the boys’ room they saw Dr. Lewis and when he smiled at Dolores and she smiled back he said, "I’m glad to see you’re looking much happier; you know, you never did tell me your name."

"Dolores," she said smiling, "but I want everyone to call me Dolly. I don’t want to be Dolores anymore; Dolores means ‘pain’ in Spanish. I’m everyone’s Dolly from now on," she said happily.

Dr. Lewis smiled strongly after her as Patty shuffled her into the girls’ room, but Patty herself suddenly turned around and going back to Dr. Lewis gave him a deep and passionate ‘thank you so much’ kiss. Letting him breathe she said, "I don’t know what you did, but thank you."

"Don’t thank me; all I did was make a small phone call before getting in the car." He then went back in his room and Patty went to join Dolly in theirs.



Chapter Fifteen – The Big Catch

Lana was starting to feel a strong need for another quick bathroom break from her letter sanctuary. She could still, however, hear a big crowd outside, she didn’t want to talk to anybody yet, maybe never. She’d been hearing a lot of noise (besides talking, fucking and moaning that is) for the past one or two hours and she was starting to wonder what her family was up to. She had heard what sounded like drilling, hammering and even sawing. Could they be building something, Lana wondered. Then she finally heard it, what she had been dying to hear, silence!

"They’ve all left," she thought. Slowly opening the private sleeping berth she was in she took a quick look around and confirmed no one could be seen. She then jumped down and headed quickly for the kitchen and bath section. On reaching it and turning the door knob though she thought, "Oh no, some idiot left it locked and I really have to go." Looking back towards the Recreation room door she thought, "I have to get the key!" She considered just returning to her sleeping berth and waiting for the next opportunity when she spotted something under it and it made her jump. It appeared to be a pile of blankets, but she was sure it had just moved. She made a run for the door that connected to the Recreation room and grabbing the knob turned to find—

"Oh no, it’s locked too?"

"What’s wrong," someone said, "I thought you wanted to be locked in."

Lana turned to where the blankets had been and suddenly looking wrathful said, "YOU! What are you up to?"

"I just want to talk, I need some answers, and if I can’t get them from ‘the Orgasm Queen’ then I’ll get them the submissive bitch you keep buried deep inside of you," as Ron said this he bent back down to the blankets and pulled out a ‘SPANK’ paddle, some clamps and a large bump filled vibrator. He also grabbed a scissor.

"I told you the last time if you ever tried to treat me like that again against my will I would castrate you," Lana said looking at Ron’s cock as if she could bite it off with her teeth.

"Did you notice the little gift I built for you by the door," Ron said, not the least bit moved by Lana’s threat.

Lana took a quick look at the door and noticed for the first time the chains that were now hanging there, "You BASTARD!" she screamed as she turned back to him, but he was already at her side pushing her against the wall and chaining one of her hands, she dug the other one into his hair and tried to pull it out. Grabbing her free hand—


After slapping her three times in the face she looked at him angrily but in a bit of shock. She didn’t resist when he took the hand he was holding and also chained it. However, the ‘Queen’ shook he head violently and brought herself out of the trance the Master’s mistreatment had momentarily put her in and tried to kick him in the balls. Growling he grabbed first one leg, then the other and chained them. She was now completely immobilized staring at the wall.

"What do you want," Lana screamed.

"I want my sister back; to do that we have to start by getting rid of these!" With the scissor he started to cut the clothes Lana was wearing right off her.

"NO! No you can’t," Lana screamed breaking into tears. "Please, please don’t; they’re my protection."

"I am your protection SLAVE! You need nothing more!"

After cutting her sweater and jeans to threads and removing her socks and sneakers, the Master observed Lana in panties and a bra.

"Sister, I have to admit, seeing you in lingerie, even dull colors like that, sort of turns me on. However, it is not you!" He cut the bra and panties right off her and stared at her naked ass. "Now that is you." Observing some drops of Lana golden juice leaking out he said, "Oh dear, do you have to go Sister? Well, we can’t have you messing up the BED room, why don’t we start by emptying out that bladder." Diving between her legs and gluing his mouth to her urethra he tickled it with his tongue and sucked at her hole until he felt a steady flow of Lana golden juice going down his throat, when he was sure her bladder was empty he wiped her clean from her cunt up to her clit with his tongue. He could tell her reserves were already breaking down.

Getting up he said, "You’ve had this whole family worried for two days now. Are you going to tell your Master what happened?"

"You’re not my Master!" Lana screamed this hatefully.


"I am your Master; you know that, I know that, even my number one pet Hannah knows that, it’s why a part of her can’t stand you!"

Lana turned and looked at him worried when she heard that.

"Oh don’t worry," The Master said, "she keeps that hate well buried in her sub-conscious, and she only allows it to manifest itself in her continued denial of making you one of her play things."

"THE BITCH!" Lana said this under her breath.

"Funny you should say that, I heard an interesting story about my bitch the other night after the concert while I was fucking that Carmen chick. She truly was lovely and her cunt juice marvelous, but I think she was more pinched in the head than even my beloved Honey. She kept talking about how incredible it was that a cock as small as mine could give her as much, if not more, pleasure than her beloved horse’s or loyal dog’s. She mentioned how appreciative she was of you and Ana for showing them what human love could truly be; she then mentioned the extra beauty of having it happen while our family pets were breeding over and over again."

Lana gulped and said, "You know? It wasn’t her, you know that don’t you? The first time it happened it was purely accidental and it triggered Honey. Please don’t be mad at her."

"The only thing I’m mad about is that she thought she could hide it from me. She knows quite well that I have nothing against either her super dominant side ‘The Mistress’ or her super submissive side ‘Honey the loyal family bitch’ taking complete control of her every now and then."

Lana actually forgot she was in chains a few minutes and laughed saying, "She wasn’t exactly sure how you’d take the news that she’d fallen in love with a dog’s cock."


"That, by the way, was for laughing without permission," he took advantage of Lana’s shock and confusion to quickly attach the nipple clamps and the clit clamp vibrator. Lana screamed painfully and he gave her a few more spanks before moving on to the pleasure.

He bent before her now tender ass and all it’s impressions of the word ‘SPANK’ and started licking and sucking her butt cheeks and her rosebud.

Lana had been fighting an orgasm for a while, she knew that if she let him make her cum just once, that submissive bitch she kept so well buried would slip right out with all the flowing cunt juice. When he penetrated her butt hole with his tongue and started rapidly fucking it, she couldn’t hold back any longer, that damn clit vibrator already had her on the edge.

She started cumming and he said, "Oh good, lubricant!" He grabbed the large bump filled vibrator and plunged it straight up her main sex hole and pumping furiously screamed, "Tell me who your Master is! Tell me!"

Lana bit her tongue so as not to say anything and he buried the vibrator as deep as it would go and turned it on high. Leaving it there he got up and SPANK! SPANK! SPANK!

"Who is your Master bitch? Who will keep you safe and protected? Tell me you stupid WHORE!"

"YOU!" Lana finally screamed, "You’re my Master, you’ll protect me! You’ll keep me safe, always!"

"Damn right I will!" SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! "That’s so you never forget it!" He went back to the blankets and got two more things before returning to Lana. "Read that! What does it say, whore?"

Lana looked at the item in his hand and with true love and relief said, "LANA: Property of Ronald Anderson"

Giving her a kiss on the cheek he whispered in her ear, "and I always keep my pets safe." Putting the collar on her and attaching the leash he had brought with it he looked in Lana’s love filled and almost reverence filled eyes and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the submissive bitch he loved to play with was now in complete control.

Ron removed her chains and led her on all fours to the center of the room where, with the vibrators still working in her cunt and clit, he fucked her doggy style in the ass for almost an hour before removing all the clamps and the vibrators and directing her with the leash to lie flat on top of him so he could slowly fuck her cunt for awhile while they lovingly sucked each others tongues.

After she had had a few more orgasms in this position, Ron finally said, "Now it’s time, don’t you think? I’m ordering you to tell me what freaked you out so much."

He was looking deep in her eyes and she nodded; getting up she walked back to the sleeping berth and pulled out the envelope with the last note. Taking it Ron studied it angrily for a few minutes when—SLAP!

Lana bowed her head, "You shouldn’t have kept something like this hidden from us!"

"I’m sorry Master, please forgive me, please protect me."

Once more grabbing the leash and leading her to the center of the room, he once more began to slowly fuck her intending to give her one last orgasm before having her buried once more in ‘the Orgasm Queen’s’ sub-conscious.

As he fucked her lovingly she leaned down and kissing him said, "You know I truly love you don’t you Master?"

"Yeah, I know, unfortunately this is the only part of you that will ever admit it, once I take the collar off; ‘the Orgasm Queen’ will try to castrate me again."


Fifteen minutes later, Ron reached for the collar and was about to remove it when Lana said, "Please, not yet, it makes me feel safe, for now."

Ron looked at her worried but nodding, grabbed the end of the leash heading for the Recreation room door knocked several times using a special rhythm.

"Secret knock," Lana said smiling.

When Ron led Lana into the next room on a leash everyone looked worried and shocked, but for the most part they were happy to see Lana at least partly herself and not locked in a sleeping berth.

Hannah noticed the engraved collar and bowing her head looked as if she wanted to cry. Lana noticed her and going over said, "it’s only temporary, there’s something else I’d only like temporary so if you can give me a hand, or better yet a tongue." She turned her ass to Hannah and on seeing it Hannah instantly dropped to her knees and started kissing, licking and sucking Lana’s ass cheeks and rosebud.

"Jenny and Lenny have the driving shift," Ron asked.

Stan nodded and was about to say something but Ron let him know to wait.

"Irvings and Wilsons," Ron said smiling at Robert, Sandra, Debbie, Katrina and Jason; "Why don’t you all keep Jenny and Lenny company a while."

They all threw him an angry as well as worried look but took the hint and stepped out.

"I guess you would like me to keep them company too," Joyce said smiling.

"No," Ron said, "I need your opinion on something."

Ron sat in front of the big screen and separating her ass from Hannah’s tongue, Lana went over and sat on his lap sticking his cock deep in her cunt.

Smiling at her he said, "I’m going to miss you tomorrow." To John he said, "Scan this and put it on the big screen."

Taking the note Ron handed him he frowned and looked worried while at the same time resisting the urge to break out laughing on seeing Hannah’s newest love.

As the note was put on the screen—

"HANNAH!!!!!" Laura screamed in shock.

"It wasn’t me!" Hannah said frightened, looking especially to her Master who seemed to be enjoying his temporary pet too much. "Master you know that isn’t me don’t you!"

"Can we get back to the note itself," Ron said somewhat annoyed, "Joyce what do you think?"

"Well I thing Hannah looks cute," Joyce said smiling.

"About the writer," Ron said strongly.

"Oh," Joyce said laughing, "right, well, it’s like we said before. He’s obsessed with making Lana feel the type of rejection he’s felt. The good news is that he doesn’t want to kill her (not directly anyway) he wants to infect her so no one will ever want her again."

"And that won’t kill her," Ana said shocked at the thought of Lana without sex.

"Listen Honey," Stan said to Lana, "I think this has gone too far, maybe it’s time to—"

"NO!!!" The Orgasm Queen screamed taking the collar off her neck, jumping off Ron’s lap and punching him in the face. "We are not quitting this trip, we are going to finish this with this creep before we go home. I do not want him having to show up at Riverdale! How long before we reach the next resort?"

Ron was rubbing his bloody nose and said, "Just less than 24 hours ‘Queen’, by the way, good to see you back."

"What’s good for you is that I appreciate your help or else you would not have any balls right now! Come on everyone, I have 48 hours lost fucking time to make up!" She led the way into the BED room leaving everyone shrugging and following her.

"You better get the Wilsons and our loving cousins," Ron said to John, "She’s hungry; she’s going to need a lot." Then after rubbing his nose again he said, "On second thought, you get in there too, I think she’s had enough of me for awhile, I’ll get the others and take over the driving for now." Smiling John nodded and followed the others into the BED room. Seeing the collar on the floor Ron picked it up and said, "Until next time pet." He then went to get the others in section one.


"So this resort we’re going to now is basically an open area on a giant lake; Dad and the boys are pretty excited about it because of the fishing, and the girls can’t wait for another boat race, they want to try and even the score."

"What about you Lana," Dr. Lewis said as Susan sucked his cock, "aren’t you excited?"

"Not really, I hate fish and I’m not really anxious to get back on the water. I was thinking of just sitting this resort out. Maybe watch some more of these movies, or even read a book." She looked down at between her knees where Ana was sucking her twat and said, "Ana wanted to talk to you about something."

Lifting her head on hearing her name Ana said, "You can tell him, I can’t pull away from here for long." And she instantly dove back into Lana’s pussy.

"Well," Lana said, "she just wanted to know if you could prepare the house for a possible visitor. She says Patty may be going to stay there any day now and that she may not be alone."

"Not alone," Dr. Lewis questioned.

"According to Ana, Patty may be dragging around a very depressed young cunt and she was hoping if she does go there that you might help her in some way."

Dr. Lewis nodded and as he started to cum in Susan’s mouth he said, "I promise to try and help. Harry is supposed to be back later today, I offered to pick him up after work. Any suggestions where I should put everyone?

"If they arrive," Lana said starting to cum in Ana’s mouth, "put Patty and her sister (that’s the young cunt) in mine and my sisters’ room. Harry and Susan will probably be together in Mom and Dad’s room so that works out."

"Yes," he then looked at her suspiciously and said, "are you sure you’re alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I’ll tell Katrina we talked; she is going to be so pissed she missed you but that last orgasm knocked her out for another hour at least, bye now."

"Bye, love you, and bye Ana."

The screen suddenly went blank as Ana bit Lana’s clit and with a small scream she started to cum even more strongly and quickly as Ana returned her mouth to Lana’s love cup.


"A book," Hannah said laughing, "‘the Queen’ wants to read a book?"

"I do occasionally read you know," Lana said somewhat annoyed, "Do you have anything?"

"Well I’ve been reading these two books I downloaded and I find them incredibly fascinating," Hannah said, "but apart from the fact that they were coauthored by your secret love, I don’t know if you would like them."

"Randy, the books were written by Randy," Lana questioned, "why didn’t you tell me before, let me get them."

"I need your pocket PC cell phone; you read them using the e-book reader."

After copying the books onto the SD disk of Lana’s phone and demonstrating how to reach the e-book library, Lana studied the titles of the two books in the library, "Cumming In VS Cumming Out, volumes 1 and 2, hey," she said suddenly, "Joyce helped him write the second one, you didn’t tell me."

Hannah smiled guiltily and said, "It must have slipped my mind, well, enjoy your reading, I’m working this shift at the memorabilia table with Katrina."

Watching suspiciously as Hannah hurried off, Lana eventually shrugged and turned to chapter one of volume one, "What is Gender?"


"So you really think she’ll be okay," Don asked as he cast his line once more into the waters.

"I told you she’s fine, she was just spooked for a little while but believe me, ‘The Queen’ is back and I feel sorry for anyone that tries to mess with her." As Ron said this he once more rubbed his still swollen nose."

"If she’s so alright why is she lying in the bus reading a book while all of us are out here fishing, swimming and rowing," John asked then added, "though she definitely is fucking at more than 100% capacity again."

"I’m telling you," Don agreed, "She was harder to satisfy and more a bottomless cum sucking pit than even the Mistress."

"Talking about the Mistress," John said smiling, "did your pet have anything to say about her recent mating ritual?"

"She was a little eager this morning to prove that my cock is still her number one, but outside of that she accepts no blame for what Honey might have done," Ron said smiling.

"You do know that your pet is a fruitcake don’t you," Don asked.

"Aren’t we all just a little," Ron said, then spotting another row boat drifting near them said, "I think we’re about to get another invitation."

"Hey," John said, "they’re cute; maybe we should accept an offer for once."

The boat pulled up along side them and a strawberry blond with a nice complexion said, "Hi, I was wondering at what time those blood tests start tomorrow?"

"9 in the morning," John said, "You should have an information form filled out."

"Thanks, not that me or my sisters really need testing, we already have our updated documents that we’re safe right here." She pulled out a paper and the three girls all ranging from 15 to 17 pulled out their papers.

"Sisters," Don said looking at the four very different girls, one that was afro-American, one Chinese, and two Anglo-Saxon.

"Adopted sisters," the afro-American added noting their puzzled looks, "I’m Trixie by the way."

"So why are you getting tested if you already have your papers," John asked.

"To get one of those reserved front row seats of course," the blond said, "and I’m Evita. That’s Jackie and our beautiful china doll here is called DP (it’s short for her real name that no one can pronounce) but to us it is short for her pet name ‘Dripping Pussy’"

"‘Dripping Pussy’ ehhh," John said smiling, "I wonder how you got a name like that?"

"We could show you," Jackie said, "if you really want to know."

John looked at his brothers and said, "They do have their paperwork, and we have been sitting in this boat for two hours waiting for a big catch."

"Sure," Ron said smiling at the girls, "we’d love for you to show us."

"Do you have some tents," Evita asked, "this isn’t exactly the best place to demonstrate."

"Just follow us," John said grabbing the oars of his boat and rowing.


"Wow, great catch guys," Lenny said as the Anderson boys marched into the camp with the four hot girls.

"No one else here," Ron said looking around.

"No, I got the camp guard duty while everyone else is at the lake," Lenny said this a little bitterly.

"Well then consider yourself lucky," John said, "You can share our catch."

Lenny looked over at the girls and smiled.

Once inside the large tent, the girls quickly grabbed ‘Dripping Pussy’ and undressed her.

"See here," Evita said pointing at the girl’s cunt, "we need to keep her plugged up." She pulled a long vibrator from DP and showed the boys a beautiful china cunt that instantly started dripping cunt juice.

"It never closes," Jackie said as she pointed out that the cunt was in fact still a bit open. "All we can do to help the poor girl is try to plug it as much as possible." She dropped to her knees at the dripping cunt and plugged it up with her tongue as the boys watched.

"It can get a little tiring for us to keep helping her on our own." Evita said smiling at the boys, "So we always welcome all the help we can get." She cast an eye at the bulges growing between the boys’ legs.

"Well, we’ll be happy to help you for a while," Ron said dropping his shorts and revealing his semi-hard cock, "but we might need some help getting ready. And since we obviously can’t all plug her up at once, we may need some nice warm moist holes to store our plugs and keep them hard and ready, you girls have any suggestions?"

Smiling Evita said, "Absolutely, show them girls," and the rest of the girls stripped right there demonstrating their large choice of holes in which the boys could store their plugs.

The rest of the boys smiled and dropping their shorts waited as each of the girls grabbed a cock and sucking it worked to bring it to full life.

Lenny was the first fully ready to help DP so he bent her over and plugged her up well pumping constantly to ensure that he was always plugging as much as possible.

In the meantime, Ron had been fully prepared and wanting him to stay that way Trixie offered him her chocolate box in which to keep the plug from going soft.

Jackie did the same for Don, Evita however offered John a different hole in which to store his plug and ramming into her ass he pumped away keeping his plug hard and ready.

When Lenny felt that DP’s incredible china cunt muscles were taking him over the edge he pulled out and resting a bit called for a new plug. Ron took over and after Lenny had completely regained control of his PC muscles he stored his plug in Trixie’s ass. Ron who was a master at controlling his PC muscles was able to help DP the longest before needing to pull out for a quick break, John instantly plugged the hole and when he felt ready to continue, Ron stored his equipment in Evita’s cunt.

In this manner, the boys were able to help the girls for almost two hours straight using every single one of the available holes for storage. Often, not only DP but the other girls as well developed such powerful flows that the boys had to pull out and use their tongues and entire mouths to catch the flooding waters (they didn’t want the tent too wet). Finally though, there came a point where the boys, claiming they were about to develop strong drips themselves, had each of the girls store one of their plugs in their mouths as they exploded: John in Trixie’s, Ron in DP’s, Don in Evita’s and Lenny in Jackie’s.

After that the girls kissed all the boys a while, thanking them for all their help and returning the vibrator to DP’s never closing and always flowing hole. They then dressed and left.

Somewhat exhausted the boys just lied back and rested until Katrina and Debbie walked in; smelling all the cunt juice in the air and seeing the wet patches throughout the tent’s floor Katrina said, "So you guys had a good catch ehhh?"

"You wouldn’t believe," Don said smiling.

"Well I hope your fishing didn’t tire you too much," Debbie said stripping, "because there are still some holes in which to cast your poles."

Katrina also had stripped and since by now the boys were feeling a bit rested and up for more activity John grabbed Debbie and pulling her on him stuck his pole right up her main fishing hole. Lenny came up behind her and cast his pole in her other hole. Ron in the meantime was in Katrina’s number one hole while Don had the rear.

"The girls are really going to hate they didn’t cum for fishing," Ron said with a smile.


"Wow," Laura said as she passed the BED room to head to the kitchen and bath, "You are really into that book aren’t you?"

Lana was lying in the middle of the BED room in deep concentration (and maybe a little bliss too since she had vibrators in her ass, cunt and on her clit).

"It’s incredibly descriptive and truly gives and understanding of the man’s psychological battle." Lana said. "I’ve almost finished and can’t wait to start book two!"

"Why do I get the feeling it’s the descriptive parts more than the psychological battle that have caused that giant wet spot on the mattress between your legs."

"Actually the vibrators did that. I want to ask Joyce later if she knows whatever happened to the guy from the first book. I don’t understand why Randy wouldn’t just continue the story with him. He was obviously an amazing person. Her stomach grumbled a bit and Lana laughed.

"And you’re obviously a hungry person. Have you stopped reading once to have something to eat?"

Lana closed her PC phone and said, "I guess you’re right, I guess I can’t avoid chairs forever." She got up and followed Laura into the kitchen standing and staring at the small two person table and the chairs by it. "I swear, if I have another cum attack when I sit down I will kill Ron next time I see him."

"Honey, if you have another cum attack can you really blame him," she said casting an eye at Lana’s dripping pussy from which the steady hum of the egg vibrator in it could be heard. She also cast an eye at the steadily vibrating clit stimulator.

"None of this stuff would normally set me off just by sitting down," Lana complained, "I’ve lost the whole day in here because I’m afraid to turn into Niagara Falls if I sit anywhere outside, row boats included, if it weren’t for the fact that I’ve really enjoyed this book I’d be totally depressed." She sat down slowly and believed she had succeeded when the pain on her butt cheeks suddenly shot through the rest of her body spreading pain and heat and pleasure from her ass to her cunt to her clit and she suddenly started to shake violently and start flowing again for a few minutes."

Laura, trying to suppress a laugh at the look on Lana’s face as she started to come down from the sexual high searched for a subject to get Lana’s mind off killing Ron.

"So who was the co-author of that first book you’re reading," As she said this she grabbed two cups to fill with coffee.

"Some guy who really believed he was supposed to have been a woman and was going through all the preparations to fix what he called ‘God’s error’. His name was Hank Sawyer." Lana heard a crash behind her and looking back saw Laura standing as if she’d seen a ghost, she had dropped the cups which had shattered on the floor and she seemed in shock. "Mom, are you alright," Lana asked.


"So how’s Mom this morning," John asked.

"She’s okay," Stan said, "but she still won’t say what happened."

"Are you sure you didn’t try to unleash your wrath on her in any way," Ana said looking suspiciously at Lana.

"Yeah," Hannah said, "because she isn’t quite as young as she used to be."

"I told you," Lana said angrily, "all we were doing was talking when she sort of had this weird panic attack. I couldn’t help too much because I had just sat down and was getting over a different kind of attack myself." She threw a wrathful look at Ron. "And for your information, Mom isn’t old she can easily survive my wrath a thousand times over!"

"So what were you talking about," Don asked smiling, trying to lighten the mood.

"The book I was reading, I was telling her about the coauthor of the first book Hank Sawyer."

Both John and Hannah’s eyes popped and Ron noticed how their moods suddenly changed.

"You two know something," Ron said suspiciously.

Hannah lowered her head worriedly and before Ron could order her to say anything John said, "We don’t know anything important, just something private that in no way can affect anybody in this room." Since Joyce was outside preparing for the first wave of tests this was a very true statement. "So please don’t ask any questions."

Ron gave him an annoyed look, secrets among the brothers and sisters were not condoned much, however he understood the concept of privacy and gave a regretful nod. Hannah smiled at him and tried to kiss him but he turned his face and she bowed hers again sadly.

"Well," Stan said, "the important thing is that everyone is fine now so let’s get back to having fun." Wanting to really lighten the mood he turned to Lana saying, "Lana does your butt feel strong enough to join us in another boat race later today?"

Lana smiled and said, "It’s fine, but I want to finish reading volume 2 today. That way by the next resort I am totally free to party."

"Have your own way then," Stan said.

"By the way," Lana added, "I will be at the fuckabration tonight so girls beat those boys and win us control!"

As most of the people stepped out Hannah said to Lana, "Did you really finish all of book one yesterday?"

"I know," Lana said smiling, "It’s amazing but I just couldn’t bring myself to put it down. I felt this incredible connection with the authors, and I don’t just mean Randy."

Looking at her suspiciously Hannah said, "You don’t want to be a man do you? Because that would mess up our identical looks a lot more than my bald pussy."


After the concert that night the boys (who had once more won control of the fuckabration) brought some guests to the BED room of the tour mobile. They left the big tent to Stan and Laura, Robert and Lenny wanted Joyce to give them a special examination in one to the smaller tents and Jenny and Sandy (who claimed they had not had enough private moments lately) took the other. This left only Triplet X Love Times 2 and the Wilson kids to fully study the boys big catch of the day before. And study it to the fullest and for the longest the girls did, in fact, the boys eventually got so tired of the girls hogging up their prize that they just left the girls to keep ‘Dripping Pussy’ plugged up with their tongues, fingers, and dildos for the rest of the night and went to crash Jenny and Sandy’s private party.

After several hours of uncountable orgasms, all the girls, including the guests, fell asleep with another girls cunt in their mouth in a giant circular daisy chain. In the morning, however, all the boys including Jason, Robert and Lenny busted in for an early morning cunt juice drink and fucked the nine girls present silly for two hours before allowing the guests to have a final morning cocktail and go off happily.

"None of you saved a little drink for us," Katrina fumed.

"Sorry," Ron said smiling, "guests come first."

As they finally hit the road late that afternoon Hannah and Ana studied Lana’s face as she concentrated on her reading. They had been hearing her give shocked gulps, and turn almost blue for the last few minutes.

Finally having to ask Ana said, "So what is so horrible that you look like you want to throw up, but at the same time so interesting that you can’t put that thing down?"

Lana gave them a ‘should I tell them look’ and Hannah said, "I’m reading the books also, just not as fast as you, so I’ll eventually find out."

Lana nodded and said, "I’m on chapter seventeen, ‘Mommy or Daddy’, listen to part of section three:


I’ve been able to truly adjust most emotions and feelings now to who I am today. Nothing I think will ever make me forget that I am and have been a woman of great character (well for three years now anyway).

Well almost nothing, I still can’t forget my girls, it’s strange, I’ve never been with them, but they’ve never been separated from my soul. If I ever come across them, even if I’m ancient in a retirement home they will always be my little girls, my beautiful daughters. But what am I to them?

The question drives me crazy sometimes. Even if I’d been living with them these past12 years, what am I to them!?! Can I call myself their father?

I think if I tried I’d end up with a nervous breakdown. But I can’t say I’m their mother. They have a beautiful and wonderful mother already. Lorrie was my best friend for years before we decided to try something different and she ended up bringing 3 girls home at once. But both Lorrie and I knew I could never be a Dad, even back then we both knew I was meant to be a woman. That’s why we made the deal for me to just vanish from their lives, yet they’ve never vanished from my heart. I remember the night I left leaving them their first jumpers; I’d sewn the first letter of their names on the side: ‘H’, ‘A’ and ‘L’ and I gave Lorrie necklaces telling her to give them to the girls when they were older. My beautiful girls, what am I to them? If I ever meet them, will my sanity endure?

By now Hannah and Ana were as blue as Lana and Ana finally said, "It can just be a freaky coincidence can’t it," she didn’t sound too convinced.

"Mom had that panic attack when I mentioned his name," Lana said, "do you think that was a coincidence too?"

"Does the book give the new name he—she goes by," Ana asked.

"No," Lana said flipping back to the title page and reading, "but there are two people that should be able to tell us, Dr. Randolph Lewis and Dr. Joyce Livingston."

Hannah said nothing at all, she just threw nervous glances at the door to section one; the section in which John was finishing some last minute data entry work with Dr. Joyce Livingston; her father?


Chapter Sixteen – Cumming Around the Mountain

"I’m really glad you’re feeling better Dolor—Dolly," Ana said, "but I also understand what you mean about not knowing if you’ll find true love again." She looked on the screen as Amy knelt between Dolly’s legs sucking her pussy while Dolly sat on Patty’s lap who was pumping her strap-on dildo non-stop into Dolly’s ass. "During the first three weeks after I first met Patty, I was feeling pretty much the same way, especially when all my efforts to find her again were proving hopeless. My brothers non-stop fuck therapy was the only thing keeping me sane, but it didn’t take Patty out of my mind."

"I just wish I could talk to her," Dolly said, looking suddenly sad again even though she was obviously cumming, "just confirm that she’s at least okay. The only bad thing about being here in your house is that if she ever managed to sneak away and mail me a letter, I’ll never get it."

"What was Melissa’s last name," Ana said suddenly as the vibrator she was pumping in her pussy started doing its job.

"Robbins," Dolly said still sadly, "Melissa Robbins, my beautiful Lissa."

"Well don’t look sad," Ana said, "like my sister told me (in a somewhat wrathful way) during that time I was searching for Patty. If Melissa is your soul mate you will come together again! In the meantime enjoy every orgasm that everyone else in the house lovingly gives you. Lana was right when she told that to me, and I know I’m right telling it to you." She smiled and was glad to see Dolly smile back.

"Thanks," Dolly said, "and thanks for letting Patty bring me to cum with you again."

"It’s always a pleasure, cum again and don’t stop cumming."

"I won’t," Dolly said happily. "Bye again and I’m still looking forward to that drink we’re supposed to share."

"If Amy leaves anything to drink that is," Ana giggled, "Bye again Patty, remember to send me what I asked for right now. Bye Amy," Amy waved as she continued working between Dolly’s legs.

As Ana entered the BED room she saw her brothers once more totally connected to Dr. Livingston, she noticed Hannah looking strangely at them and going over to her said, "Are you looking at them like that because Ron seems to be enjoying her cunt too much or because she hasn’t connected with the three of us like that in days?"

"Probably both," Hannah said smiling. She still hadn’t said anything to anyone about what she knew, and she needed to talk to someone soon or she’d explode. Since Lana and Ana weren’t even aware that Joyce was in any way being investigated, they had no need to suspect that she herself might have been the person Lana was reading about; how was she supposed to tell Lana, "You know how much you love Joyce’s cunt juice, well I think she’s our Dad."

"I need a favor," Ana said, "It can help get your mind off this," she said looking once more at the boys and Joyce.

"Something to do, yes" Hannah thought, "that is exactly what I need," out loud she said, "What do you need, I’ll get right on it."

Ana gave her a piece of paper and said, "Melissa Robbins, 16 years old, she left Honolulu on either the 20th or the 21st, can you find our where she ended up?"

Hannah took the paper looking a bit disappointed and Ana asked, "What’s wrong, can’t you do it?"

"No," Hannah said, "it’s not that, it’s just that this is too easy, I should have this info for you in less than half-an-hour." Then looking back at the boys and Joyce said, "I very much doubt they’ll have finished by then." She walked out of the BED room and headed for the Recreation room.

Getting very hot and bothered watching the boys and Joyce in action, Ana cast an eye up to one of the private berths and smiling went over and opened it up. Inside Katrina was fucking Lana, rubbing her clit and pussy with Lana’s non-stop.

When Lana saw her she said angrily, "there’s a reason they call it a private berth!"

"I know," Ana said, "I just wanted to let you know that I wasn’t able to talk to Randy. Patty said there was another emergency at the hospital, connected somehow with that original one. He said he may not be able to get away for a day or two."

"And you couldn’t have told me this later," Lana said still very mad.

"Well," Ana said mischievously, "I was also hoping to convince you two to end the private session, you two have been in there for almost two hours, this is supposed to be a family trip you know," she smiled at them and Katrina and Lana smiled back, quickly abandoning the berth they threw Ana on her back where Lana sat on her face and Katrina fell between her legs.


"Condor Village?" Ana was looking at a map as she said this and suddenly added, "You mean she is not only still in the country she is actually 3 days away on route to our next stop?"

"As soon as we come around the mountain we’re in Condor Village," Hannah said.

"But if she’s here, why hasn’t she tried to contact anybody, where exactly do they have her?"

"I traced the flight she was on to a local airport there, and a rented car that picked them up to ‘St. Susan’s School for Troubled Girls’; it’s part of the local abbey and monastery."

Ana squinted her eyes angrily and said, "They sent her to a school for troubled girls because she confessed she was lesbian!?!"

"Probably for some reprogramming session," Hannah said calmly.

"You mean BRAINWASHING! We have to do something."

"Apparently there’s only one telephone in the whole place and no one is allowed near it except the Dean of Admissions. Being of old-fashioned beliefs, electric lights is the most they allow anyone else to sample of modern technology."

"How are we supposed to help her if we can’t even contact her?" Ana asked helplessly.

"I’m sorry Ana, I can’t help you there, what you really need is—"

"A ‘Master’ plan," Ana finished smiling as she saw Ron exit the BED room and walk through the Recreation room they were in towards section one.


Joyce was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee with Laura and catching her breath after the long session she had just had with the Anderson boys. Laura kept throwing suspicious looks at her and she was getting nervous, as well as annoyed.

"Lorrie for heavens sake what’s wrong! Have I grown an extra nose or something?"

Laura sighed and smiling said, "No Hank, but it is certainly different from the last time you asked that."

Joyce froze in the middle of gulping her coffee and almost choked. After coughing a few times she said, "Excuse me Laura, what did you call me?"

"So you finally did it," Laura said looking her over, "it’s so amazing, not to mention your cunt juice is an incredible improvement on what I remember your cum was."

"Lorrie I don’t know what you’re talking about."

"Don’t you," She then looked him over again and said, "I’m not mad, the deal we had was my idea. I know you didn’t know who the girls were until after you had made that deal with Lana. But you should know that your eldest daughter Hannah is a bit of a genius and if she doesn’t already know who you are, she will soon enough, so you should be prepared to talk to them."

"You don’t want me to go," Joyce said confused.

"Ha—Joyce you were my best friend for years, when we parted we were still best friends, why would I instantly want to get rid of a dear old friend?" She bent over and hugging her gave her a ‘so glad to see you old friend’ kiss.


"You want us to what," Stan said looking curiously and suspiciously at his middle son.

"I want us to stop for two days in this village just around the mountain, Condor Village. I heard you and Mom talking before about not having had much chance of really being alone and you’re right. This village connects to a mountain trail that you and Mom can use to vanish for two days. You both love hiking in the mountains."

"Have you forgotten that we have to be at the next resort in—"

"—six days," Ron finished, "at the speed we’re going we’ll be there in four days. We can’t get there two days early so we have to do something to kill the time."

Stan was starting to like the idea, even though he knew there was some sort of ‘Master’ plan afoot.

Laura, however, said "have you forgotten that the reason we haven’t had any private time is because we are the only two adults to supervise you kids?"

"Joyce will be with us if we need an adult representative for anything, besides that, do you really see us needing adult supervision?"

Stan looked at him frowning and said, "You’re not going to tell us what you kids are up to; are you?"

Putting an arm around his Mom and Dad he said truthfully, "we are up to getting two people that belong together, together," and he pushed his parents into one another so they were kissing.


Two days later Ron drove the tour mobile off the main road and into a clearing at the beginning of a mountain trail; finding a good place to park and set up camp he stopped and said, "this is a perfect spot, and I doubt you’ll get lost, just keep your eyes on that Abbey over there and you’ll always find your way."

"Listen Ron, whatever you kids are up to, be careful, and remember we’re not in Riverdale. The only reason I’m agreeing to this is because we do have 2 days to kill." Stan said.

"And the idea of 2 days alone in the mountains with Mom has nothing to do with it." Ron smiled at his Dad as he said this.

Stan smiled back at his son and after saying goodbye to everyone left for a mini get away to the mountains.

"God," Stan said after three or four hours climbing up the mountain trail, "I’d forgotten how heavy camping equipment could be."

"You know Stan you don’t have to carry everything alone," Laura said, "I should be helping."

"No, no, everything packs fantastically in this giant pack on my back and to start separating the stuff couldn’t help any."

"Maybe we should rest a while then," Laura said worriedly.

Looking up Stan said, "There’s a cave on the next ledge. We’ll pitch camp there for a few hours." He then started humming as he continued walking.

Hearing him Laura said, "Oh Stan, that’s a great idea, we should be singing!"

"Well you’d have to learn the words first," Stan said smiling.

"I think I know the words to the song you’re humming."

"I don’t think so," Stan said, then suddenly breaking into song he sang:

"She’ll be cumming around the mountain when she cums

She’ll be cumming around the mountain when she cums

She’ll be cumming around the mountain

She’ll be cumming around the mountain

She’ll be cumming around the mountain when she cums

She’ll be riding my fat cock when she cums

She’ll be riding my fat cock when she cums

She’ll be riding my fat cock

She’ll be riding my fat cock

She’ll be riding my fat cock when she cums"

Laura broke into laughter and said, "Well come on, let’s get to that cave and make it true!"

"Those two," Ron told Jenny next to him; he pointed down from the hill they were on at two would be nuns from the abbey, "they’re our ticket in."

Jenny took the binoculars Ron passed him and she watched the nuns-in-training with interest and nodded.

Lana, Ana and John who were also watching gave confused looks and Lana said, "What’s so special about them?"

"Don’t you see," Jenny said, "they’re whipping themselves."

"So are several others," John said, "It’s called Self-Flagellation or something."

"Oh no," Ron said, "These two aren’t looking to punish themselves, take a good look at their faces."

After watching intensely for several minutes Lana smiled and said, "I think they’re cumming."

"Wow," Ana said, "they’re really getting off on it aren’t they?"

"So they’re submissives," John said, "how do we use that to our advantage?"

"Well the first thing is to stake temporary claim on them, Jenny you’re going to have to be in charge," looking over at Lana he said, "I’ll need ‘the Orgasm Queen’ to follow Jenny’s lead."

"Me, isn’t that your department," Lana said nervously.

"If I’m not mistaken, those two will be the very last to leave, but even alone making contact with them might be difficult and I’ve a strong feeling that, for now at least, impossible for a guy. I don’t want to scare them off."


As Stan continued pumping his cock in and out of Laura she continued with some non-stop moaning that echoed off the cave walls and constantly refueled Stan’s desire to hear more. He’d cum twice already but his cock was at full attention in Laura’s cunt once more. As well as the moaning, Laura was also humming ‘She’ll be cumming around the mountain’. After two hours, Stan decided it best to give Laura’s cunt a break and switched to anal for a while, seeing him relaxed and happy Laura suddenly said, "I was right about Joyce by the way, we did know each other very well as kids."

Stan suddenly slowed down his ass fucking, turned her around and inserting his cock in her butt again, now in a face-to-face position said, "Really, I thought John had found no relationship between you and her."

"Well, there isn’t really, not between me and her, but there is a relationship between me and who she used to be."

Stan was looking at her very confused now. "You see," Laura said, "she didn’t always look like she does now," Laura was finding it difficult to say this so she just said, "you see she used to be my next door neighbor and best friend Hank Sawyer."

Stan froze and he looked deep into her eyes as if trying to see if she was laughing inside from the hilarious joke, "Wasn’t Hank Sawyer—"

"Yes he was." Laura shook her head and added, "It’s very confusing."

"Do you think the kids are safe with him—I mean her—it?"

"We don’t have to worry Joyce is very trustworthy, I know."

Stan looked a little worried and Laura smiled at him saying, "You should be smiling you know, you never have to worry about the girls Dad, birth dad that is, showing up and trying to claim them as his own. He’s dead, you are the girls one and only father."

This brought a smile to Stan’s face and he continued pumping Laura’s ass furiously as she once more began to hum, "She’ll be cumming around the mountain."


"You know," Jenny said, "you’re doing that wrong."

The two would be nuns stopped their flagellation long enough to look up at the two strangers walking towards them. They lowered their heads unsure what to do. They really weren’t supposed to have contact with anyone from outside the Abbey.

"You know," Jenny added, "if you talk to us and you’re not supposed to, that only means that you’ll have to punish yourselves more later."

The girls’ (between 17 and 18) eyes flashed, they studied the strangers and finally one said, "What do you mean we’re doing it wrong?"

"Well," Lana said, "look at those giant wet spots between your legs."

The girls looked at each other embarrassed and once more lowered their heads.

"Those wet spots mean that you are really having fun and you like what you’re doing and don’t want to stop. ISN’T THAT TRUE?" Jenny added this last part very strongly.

Upset, but somehow at the same time excited by how strongly Jenny spoke to them they both nodded their agreement.

"Well you’re not supposed to be enjoying punishment!" Lana screamed, "And the way you’re doing it everyone will know the truth, just like us! You’ll never be allowed to punish yourselves again!"

The girls looked horrified at this thought and looked about to cry, one of them, an auburn haired girl with green eyes said, "Please don’t tell them."

"No one will have to tell them if you keep doing it wrong so they can see the truth." Jenny said seriously.

"How—how are we supposed to do it so they don’t know?" The other girl, who was olive skinned with black hair asked.

"If you want, we’ll show you real fast," Lana said, "but not here, there’s a cave right there on the side of the mountain, it’s empty, we’ll show you there."

"I don’t know," the olive skinned girl said.

"Either you let us show you," Jenny said, "or we show them at the Abbey what you’ve been doing!"

"No please," the auburn-haired girl begged, "We’ll let you teach us the right way. Won’t we Minerva?"

Minerva obviously still had reservations but she finally said, "Okay Henrietta, but remember we have to be back in the Abbey by Eight, it must be 5 o’clock already."

"Don’t worry," Lana said, "if you’re late, just punish yourselves."

This thought brought a smile to Minerva’s face and she followed Jenny and Lana to the cave along with Henrietta.

Inside the cave, from behind some boulders, Ana, Ron and John were watching what happened.

"Okay, so first of all," Jenny said, "BE SMART! If your problem is that you clothes are going to show everybody how happy you are punishing yourselves, what’s the first thing you have to do?"

The girls looked confused and unsure what to answer and Lana and Jenny screamed together, "TAKE THEM OFF!" and as they screamed this they dropped their own clothes revealing their open, moist and leaking pussies to the girls.

"I SAID TAKE OFF THOSE CLOTHES!" Jenny screamed again, "do you want to be able to keep on punishing yourselves or not!"

Minerva and Henrietta gulped as they looked at each other and slowly nodding began to take off their clothes. Soon they were as naked as Jenny and Lana, though definitely not as comfortable.

Going over to the pile of underclothes Lana picked up a pair of soaked panties and smelled it. She then squeezed it in front of all of them and they saw the non-stop flow of cunt juice from them. In the meantime Jenny had gone and was inspecting the source of the dampness itself.

"Lana, this isn’t good," Jenny said, "look at these continuous leaks. These two have been enjoying themselves too much. Maybe we shouldn’t tell them the secret of how to continue enjoying their pain."

"Please," Henrietta said, "you told us you’d show us."

Jenny looked at her seriously and said, "Okay, but we’re going to have to punish you a little for this mess first."

"What do you mean—"

Before Minerva finished talking Jenny had her over her knees on a stone and SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK!

After the second or third spank, Jenny had started fingering Minerva’s drippy pussy strongly between each spank. Minerva couldn’t see what was happening to Henrietta, but from her screams of pain and joy, she imagined she was receiving the same treatment and loving it as much as her.

Ana came out from where she was hidden and sneaking behind Jenny and Lana passed them each certain tools of the trade.

Before the nuns-to-be knew what was happening, their nipples and clits were clamped there was a large vibrator bead in their asses, and a very large bumped vibrator was pumping in and out of their cunts.

Every now and then the pumping would stop and the spankings would start again.

"Who is your Master!" Jenny suddenly screamed at Minerva.

In the middle of her bliss Minerva turned shocked eyes at Jenny and said, "God."


"Can God make you feel like I’m making you feel right now!?! Have you ever felt like this before!?!"

"N—no—ne—never!" Minerva smiled joyously as she said this.

"Do you like how you’re feeling Bitch!?! Do You!?!"

"Ye—yess, YES I DO!"

"Then who is your Master? Who is that makes you feel good?"

"You—you make me feel good—you are my MASTER!"

Minerva was suddenly lost in a world where, at the moment, nothing existed except her, her Master and the pain and pleasure her master could bring her. Had she been able to notice more she would have realized that Henrietta was blurting out the exact same words, only Henrietta was talking to her Master, Lana.

"Come on SLAVE," Jenny said suddenly putting a collar and a leash on Minerva, "it’s time to show you the secret of real pleasure." Jenny dragged Minerva out of the cave naked and without removing a bit of the equipment on her. Lana had Henrietta close behind and neither dared oppose the manner in which their master chose to parade them.

The Anderson’s bus however was only around the corner from the cave; Lana and Jenny escorted their slaves right into the BED room. Lana chained Henrietta to the exact same chains and in the exact same position Ron had recently had her. Jenny, in the meantime, marched Minerva to the other side of the room to chains she herself had put up for her pet Sandy.

The two masters blindfolded their pets and grabbing paddles, WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!

As they worked on the girls butts, the vibrators in their asses and cunts continued buzzing away, every now and then they would take a break from beating their asses to pump the vibrators some more until they got both slaves to strongly cum again. By now, the rest of the Anderson-Irving-Wilson Tribe had started flooding into the BED room to watch the action. The pets couldn’t see this due to their blindfolds.

Ron gave Lana and Jenny a nod and they each grabbed the recovery leash of the vibrator bead in their pet’s ass. Giving them a violent tug, they were instantly extracted and Jenny said, "Time to introduce these asses to true pleasure. Would you like that slave," WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "Would you like this ass to feel true pleasure?"

"Yes, yes Master please!" Minerva begged.

"What about you," Lana said to Henrietta, "do you want to feel true pleasure?"

"Yes, yes always Master."

"Then do not say one word," Lana said strongly, "just ENJOY!"

Lana and Jenny stepped out of the way and surrendered their pets to Ron and John who began giving the girls violently painful and beautiful anal. The girls knew what was happening, but they’d been ordered to say nothing and to simply enjoy, and enjoy they did. When Ron came in Minerva’s ass and John in Henrietta’s they almost died from the pleasure of feeling the beautiful hot cream in their butts for the first time.

On pulling out Katrina dropped to Minerva’s ass and Hannah to Henrietta’s and they started cleaning out all the cum deposited in them. When they were both completely clean, Robert stepped behind Minerva and Lenny behind Henrietta and the process started again both asses getting fucked until once more hot cum was flowing in both asses.

Ron studied the look of divine bliss in both the girls faces and smiling thought, "Oh yeah, they’re hooked, welcome to the world of ‘Anal Whores’ girls."

Debbie and Sandra each dropped behind one of the girls and cleaned them out, preparing them for Don and Jason’s round.

When they were finished, Jenny and Lana handled the final clean out of their pets’ butts and reinserted the vibrator beads. WHACK! WHACK!

"Are you ready for your next lesson in pleasure Bitch!?!" Jenny screamed loudly. "Did you like that last one, do you want the lessons to continue?"

"Yes," Minerva gasped, "yes please!"

"And you," Lana said to Henrietta, "Are you having fun? Do you want to have more?"

"Yes, yes more, please more Master!"

The pets were unchained and brought to the center of the room to lie on their backs.

"Pleasure us, while you feel pleasure slaves!" Jenny said and sitting on her slaves face screamed, "use your tongue slave, lick and suck and go in deep!"

As the pets began to truly suck and savor their Master’s taste, they felt a different kind of pleasure as tongues were suddenly inserted into their own pussies for a while, and after a few minutes of preparation, something else started pumping deep and hard in their cunts, something hard (yet soft), hot and incredibly feeling. They were being fucked for the first time and yes, they loved it. When John (in Henrietta) and Ron (in Minerva) were close to cumming, they pulled out and traded places with Lana and Jenny. The pets were now sucking their cocks, preparing to taste cum for the first time, while the masters drank the pets fully.

When the round was finished, Sandra and Katrina helped them was down their first helpings of cum with more cunt juice while Robert and Lenny took over the cunt pumping duties. When their cocks were set to explode they traded places with the girls sitting on the pets’ faces and served them their second helping of cum, while Sandra and Katrina sampled the new brand of cunt juice in the house.

Don, Jason, Debbie and Hannah handled the final round and when they finished everyone except Ana (who had stayed out of any fun for now) left. Lana and Jenny took the blindfolds off their ‘in heaven for life’ pets and they looked curiously at the only other person there.

"I don’t think I have to tell you that this is my sister," Lana said.

"We need your help with something SLAVE!" Jenny said strongly.

After all the pleasure and pain their Masters had just provided them, they could have asked their pets for anything and know they were guaranteed to get it.

Ana went over to one of the sleeping berths and got a picture she had asked Patty to email her.

"Have either of you ever seen this girl," Ana asked.

"It’s the heathen!" Minerva said shocked.

"The what," Lana said.

"The heathen, she who refuses to obey the rules. She has been in isolation since she arrived not long ago; so as not to contaminate the others," Henrietta explained.

"You mean they have her locked up alone somewhere?" Ana asked shocked and very angry.

"She is taken bread and water daily," Minerva said, "and she is given daily doses of flagellation. But I do not think she enjoys it as much as we would," she finished sadly.

"We have to get her out of there," Ana said.

"Can you help us get in there," Jenny demanded of Minerva.

Minerva conferred with Henrietta a few minutes and it was immediately obvious that in the scheming bitch department, Henrietta was the leader of the two.

"You can’t get in unless you have proper clothes, and only one should go since no more than two are ever allowed to walk together."

"How do we get proper clothes, not to mention get in and find Melissa?" Ana asked.

Minerva and Henrietta conferred once more and agreeing said, "There is a door on the left side of the Abbey, there is a small alley there with garbage dumpsters, there is one in particular that is very hard to miss, a big orange one. The door is supposed to be locked by 10 o’clock and no more garbage is to be thrown out. That door is your way in and out, you have 1 hour between 10 and 11 when sisters are still allowed to walk around within the Abbey, by 11 everyone should be in their beds. At around 10:15 be in that alley, everything you’ll need including the clothes for you and your friend will be in the orange dumpster."

Ana went into the Recreation room and came back with the girls clothes. "Go," she said, "And thank you."

"Our Masters can thank us tomorrow." Henrietta said, making her meaning very clear.

"So what do we do with then after tomorrow," Lana asked Jenny.

Looking over to where Ron had just entered the room, Jenny gave him a questioning look, unsure herself.

"Tomorrow we teach them how to be each other’s Master," Ron said smiling.

Jenny and Lana looked curiously if not doubtfully at him.


"Aren’t you the least bit worried about what the kids are really doing here?" Laura asked Stan.

"Not at all, you know our kids by now, they usually know what they’re doing; and if the Master is doing the planning, they have a strong chance of getting away with anything."

"Anything that falls under the category of ‘Love’," Laura corrected.

Laura was currently riding Stan’s fat cock like a professional cowgirl, they were still in the cave they had temporarily stopped to rest in. They had decided that what they had cum up the mountain to find was right here for now, PRIVACY, why go anywhere else.

"Well let’s just continue to enjoy our chance at being alone without worrying too much about the kids. Do you want a drink, I can use one?"

"Absolutely," Laura said pulling Stan’s cock out of her pussy and engulfing it in her mouth as she plastered her cunt on Stan’s mouth.

"Now this is the life," Stan thought, "Plenty of cunt juice and no worries!"


Lana and Ron accompanied Ana to the small side alley described by Minerva and Henrietta, and easily found the orange dumpster they mentioned. Luckily there were very few lights anywhere and they were well hidden by the many other dumpsters.

They pulled the top bag from the dumpster, they had no doubt this was the one since it was tied with some cum drenched panties. Ducking behind another dumpster, they examined the contents with a small flashlight Ron had brought.

"Two of those nun suits, two signs to hang around your neck," As Ron said this he flashed the light on the sign, "‘VOW OF SILENCE’ smart pets, if I could keep them I would," Lana threw him a wrathful look and he added, "but Hannah might not want more competition than the two of you." He fished out the final item and said, "A map showing the fastest route to where Melissa is."

"Are you sure you want to do this alone Ana," Lana said holding the other nun suit.

"I have to; let me get everything, it might look suspicious if I’m carrying extra clothes so I’m putting them both on." When ready she sighed and going to the door found that it had in fact been left open. Studying the map a few seconds she walked, quickly at first, but when she saw two people approaching she slowed down. She noticed them walking with their heads down and their hands folded and decided to copy the action making sure her ‘vow of silence’ sign was clearly visible as she passed them. She decided to simply act cool and calm, sure that in a place this big, no one knew everyone and they would not be alarmed at seeing an unfamiliar face. She was happy though not to run into anyone else until reaching a large wooden door with bars in a small window to look into the room and a slot on the bottom to push food through. "It’s like some medieval prison," Ana thought, "then realizing the age of the Abbey she thought, "maybe it was a prison once."

Looking into the room she saw Melissa inside sitting on a cot looking beyond depressed. "I hope there’s enough of her behind those blank eyes to get her to listen to me," Ana suddenly thought worriedly.

The good thing about this place was that since this wasn’t really a prison it wasn’t a lock on the door, just a bar she easily moved to the side and slipped into the room.

"Melissa," Ana said, "Come on, we have to get out of here."

She took off one level of clothes and put them on the cot next to Melissa.

Melissa wouldn’t even look up at her, it was a if she wasn’t there.

"Come on Melissa this is working fine so far, but I need you to put that on and come with me."

When still Melissa did nothing, Ana got worried and remembered something she had brought if she needed to prove who she was.

She reached under the nun clothes to the pocket of her regular shorts and pulled out a printed copy of the second picture she had asked Patty to email to her and showed it to Melissa. She finally saw a spark in Melissa’s eyes as she reached out and studied the picture of a naked Dolly. Unfortunately she still was not moving.

"Melissa we only have until 11 o’clock to get out of here so come with me now!" Thinking of what she had just said Ana said to herself, "I wonder," and to Melissa she said, "Okay, if I can’t make you come with me, then I’ll get you to CUM for me!"

Ana ripped the sleeping gown Melissa was wearing right off her back and doing the same with her panties started furiously pumping two then three fingers into Melissa’s twat at the same time she rubbed Melissa’s clit with her thumb and locking her lips to one of Melissa’s boobs started sucking frantically.

All the time Melissa’s eyes were glued to the picture of Dolly, each minute showed more life and stronger recognition and when Melissa finally started cumming she shook her head as she started to come down from a sexual high she hadn’t been allowed to feel for some time and she suddenly said, "who are you?"

"Later," Ana said, "If you want to see Dolly again put on that suit now. Make sure the sign is readable and follow me, keep your head down, your hands folded and your mouth closed. Fast!"

As Melissa finally obeyed and dressed, they walked out and quickly retraced the steps to the door she had come through.

They were nearing the final corridor when—"

"What are you two doing in this section," Someone asked annoyed, "Everyone should be near or in their beds by now!"

Looking at Melissa and telling her with her eyes to stay calm and quiet Ana turned to look at the middle aged, crabby looking nun.

"Oh," she said, "you’re under a vow of silence; well you should still come to the office, we’ll have to put you on report, we may have to lock—"

"Excuse me," someone said from behind the nun, "Me and my girl are looking for a bathroom, can we use one in here we really need to go."

Shocked, the nun turned to find Ron in only shorts and with a prominent bulge in the front of them, his arms were around Lana who was wearing just a two piece butt floss bikini and she was wearing a ‘I really have to go now’ face.

The nun looked at them in utter shock and turning quickly to Ana and Melissa said, "Go to your rooms, I’ll forgive you this time but learn to obey, you are each to give yourselves 25 lashes in the morning for penance!" Turning to Ron and Lana she said, "I don’t know how you got in here but how dare you come into the house of God as if it were a Whore House! I’m escorting you out the front door this very second!"

As she pointed Ron and Lana toward the front door Ana and Melissa disappeared down the corridor that headed toward the side entrance. Melissa hadn’t missed the fact that the girl that had been in the bikini was a carbon copy of the girl she was now walking with she smiled as she suddenly remembered a picture Dolly had showed her of the girl she called her sister-in-law.

Once outside, Ana ducked behind the dumpster they had been at before to remove the nun suits when she suddenly realized Melissa didn’t have any other clothes. Luckily however, she spotted the shorts and t-shirt Lana had been wearing, as well as Ron’s t-shirt and grabbing them gave Melissa Lana’s clothes to put on. It had already been agreed that if they had to leave separately they should just head for the tour mobile without waiting for the others, and that’s exactly what Ana and Melissa did.

Once there, Melissa threw her arms around Ana and kissing her non-stop said, "I know who you are now, you’re Patty’s woman right, and I owe you an incredible fuck and a super cum so lead me to your bed because I am going to fuck you all night long, and seeing as I’m way overdue for a good fuck session, you can take that literally!"


Chapter Seventeen – Cumming Together, In a Way

Ana moaned strongly as she once more felt her pussy being devoured like there would be no tomorrow. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at the sight of Melissa’s semi bald pussy. She had obviously shaved it regularly, but it was clear she hadn’t been allowed to at the Abbey. Ana pulled her down to her mouth once more and began sucking and sucking. Ana wasn’t quite sure how long they had been at it, but with the exception of a few times when sheer exhaustion had caused the two of them to pass out, she was sure Melissa’s promise to fuck her all night long had pretty much been kept.

Ana had grown to love Melissa’s sweet taste and she vowed to get as much of it as she could before having to turn her over to her sister-in-law. Impatient to really taste her again, Ana began pumping at Melissa’s twat with her fingers while sucking and biting Melissa’s clit. She had felt Melissa doing this to her and knew she too must be impatient for some early morning juices.

As they both began flowing again, first Ana then Melissa, mouths were again quickly glued to twats to catch all the early morning offerings they had to give each other. When they finished their drinks, Melissa changed her position (not an easy thing since they were locked in one of the private sleeping berths) so that she was lying on top of Ana looking down into her eyes with love and almost divine worship.

"My savior," she said and once more began intimately and passionately kissing Ana while rubbing their boobs and twats together.

Ana was suddenly worried that it might be getting a little too intimate and that she should remind Melissa the reason she was saved in the first place.

Breaking the kiss Ana said, "We’ll have you talk with Dolly later today, I know she’s going to be very happy."

Melissa giggled and said, "Don’t worry, I can fuck you for the rest of my life and I’d never forget that my heart belongs to Dolly."

Ana relaxed at this statement and allowed Melissa to continue as intimately as she wanted.

"We will be fucking for the rest of our lives, won’t we," Melissa suddenly questioned. Ana looked at her a bit confused and she clarified saying, "I mean the fact that your soul-mate is my soul-mate’s sister does sort of make us sisters or at least sisters-in-law that should always stay connected, doesn’t it?"

Ana smiled and putting her arms around Melissa and holding her tight said, "Yes it does!" Ana then began leading the kisses herself.

After their cunts and clits were rubbed into cumming again, Melissa giggled again and said, "I better stop fucking you, for now at least, or I won’t have any cunt juice left to offer your brothers and sisters, and I want to give them all very long thank you fucks."

"Whoa girl," Ana said, "there are 13 kids on this bus and every single one of them was involved either directly or indirectly with busting you out. You do not have to fuck them all; at least not in one day, "Ana added smiling, then resumed kissing Melissa for a few minutes before adding, "we have at least two weeks left before I can physically get you back into Dolly’s hands, if you want to take over my sister Hannah’s job as family pet during that time be my guest, but I don’t want you overdoing it okay. I’m expecting some very long thank you fucks from Dolly too when we get back, but she might not be happy if when we get back you can’t fuck her."

Melissa kissed Ana one last time and said, "Okay, I’ll pace myself with the rest of the family, but at least tell me who the two were that bailed us out at the last minute last night."

Thinking Ana said, "Yeah, I guess you do owe them very special thank you fucks, come to think of it," she added laughing, "So do I. Those would be Ron, our ‘Master of Love’ and all around master planner and Lana, our ‘Orgasm Queen’ but be careful with them, either one can end up making you their slave or making you feel their wrath. Not that those things aren’t good things, but Dolly probably wouldn’t be happy with me if when we get back you’re declaring your loyalty to someone else."


"Stan this has been so great," Laura said as she woke up to the sensations of Stan’s cock once more pumping in and out of her pussy.

"Yeah," Stan said suddenly a bit worried, "whatever the kids are waiting to spring on us when we finally get back, it has to be big, because they want us in a very grateful mood when they tell us." He then redoubled his fucking effort in an attempt to make Laura’s first cum of that day something incredible.


"Okay so the blue is John, red Ron and the green Don; then there’s Lana, Hannah and remember, I’m Ana; just look for the letters on our necklaces or on the rare occasion we’re wearing clothes, on our blouses or tops. As for the rest, the red-heads are Robert and Sandy, they’re our cousins on our Mother’s side; the two tall blonds are Lenny and Jenny, they’re also cousins but on Dad’s side. Finally those three are personal pets; each one belongs to one of my brothers or sisters, which doesn’t mean that the rest of us can’t give them good use from time to time. That’s Debbie (she belongs to John), Katrina (she’s Lana’s) and that’s Jason (he belongs to Don).

Melissa greeted all of the Anderson-Irving-Wilson clan with either a cock squeeze, a nipple pinch or a cunt rub and they all returned the greeting.

"I just want to thank you all and let you know that until we get back to Dolly, I am yours. My cunt, my boobs, my ass, my mouth they’re all there for you to use or misuse as you like."

"You’re hot and beautiful Melissa," Ron said, "but I doubt you can handle this entire pack of hungry sex wolves."

"Oh really," Melissa said dropping to her hands and knees and turning her butt to him, "try me out and see."

As she spread her legs opening her pussy Ron said, "Well, who can turn down an offer like that," and instantly drove his cock deep in her cunt.

Grabbing the hint Katrina went over to lie down in front of Melissa so she could lower her head and suck at Katrina’s pussy while Ron continued driving his cock in and out of her rosy lips.

Melissa, like pretty much every other girl that had ever done Katrina, instantly found Katrina’s incredibly oversized clit amazing and started sucking it like a small cock driving Katrina wild. Before long, Katrina was screaming as she came hard and Melissa glued her mouth to Katrina’s cunt as she drank and drank, she suddenly felt Ron near cumming and ungluing from Katrina cunt said, "don’t cum in my pussy, they had me off the pill in that place." Ron instantly pulled out of her pussy and drove his cock into her ass where after pumping for several minutes he deposited his load. As soon as he pulled out Jenny dropped before Melissa’s ass and started sucking out the cum. When she had it all she went to the front and getting Katrina to move out, offered her cunt to Melissa; John, in the meantime, stepped up to Melissa’s cunt and started fucking away.

By the time they decided to get some real food, all the boys had had the opportunity to fuck Melissa’s cunt and cum in her ass, while all the girls had had the chance to suck Melissa’s ass clean and had Melissa get a good drink from them; a true ‘Welcome to the Anderson clan’ party.


Later that afternoon Jenny, Lana and Ron went back to the cave to wait for Minerva and Henrietta.

"I don’t know what you mean;" Jenny said dubiously, "train them to be each others master. It sounds weird, either you’re a master or a slave, you can’t be both."

"Everyone has both a dominant and a submissive side to them; determining which of the two characters is actually the dominant one is not always as simple as you might think." As he said this he threw Lana a weird look and strangely enough, all she could bring herself to do was bow her head.

When the girls finally arrived, Jenny and Lana introduced Ron and ordered their pets to listen to him.

Ron then introduced himself by saying, "I’m one of the guys that very much enjoyed having my cock pumping hard and fast in your asses and pussies yesterday, as well as feeding you my cum. Did the two of you enjoy that?"

Though he was talking to them very softly and calmly, he seemed to be talking to them with such strength that all Minerva and Henrietta could do was lower their heads and nod yes.

"Good, I’ll fuck both of you again later, for now, what news do you have about the search for Melissa?"

"They’re taking care of the search themselves, they haven’t even called the parents or any authorities yet," Henrietta said.

"Of course not," Ron said, "what they were putting her through was true psychological and emotional abuse. If they can avoid getting the authorities in any way involved, they will. Were you able to start the rumor your Masters ordered you to?"

"Yes," Henrietta answered, "we mentioned to several of the maintenance and custodian workers that Melissa had been hinting for some days that she had a plan to break out and that she had a ship waiting to take her back to Hawaii and to her true love the moment she did."

"By the time we left," Minerva added, "we heard many of the sisters as well as the students repeating the rumor and talking about how Melissa must be near or in Hawaii by now."

"Very good, you deserve a prize," Ron said producing a thick leather belt. "Take your clothes off now if you want to claim it."

The girls took off their clothes and Jenny and Lana looked on shocked at how quickly and easily Ron had gotten the girls to obey him without need to seek confirmation from them of his orders.

"Very good, now I’m going to give a very, very special prize to the one of you that makes me happiest, so this is what I want you to do, he passed the belt to Minerva and she looked shocked. "Give your friend a good present, make her happy and you make me happy." Ron reached into a bag and pulled out a large graduated dildo placed it in Minerva’s other hand, "DO IT!" He said loudly, "Give her what she wants!"

Minerva looked scared and she didn’t know what to do. She looked over at Jenny, her Master, and Jenny only said, "Listen to Him!" Minerva broke down and started to cry.

"I’m not happy with you!" Ron said and he grabbed the belt and dildo from her. He shoved them into Henrietta’s hand and said, "What about you! Can you make your Master proud! Can you do what you are told! Use these; you know what you have to do!"

To Minerva he said, "On your hands and knees NOW!"

Ron gave a small smile when he saw a wicked little glint pass through Henrietta’s eyes as she stood over Minerva with the belt and dildo, prepared to give her friend the pain and pleasure she wanted.

"You stupid Bitch, stop crying!" Henrietta suddenly screamed and swinging the belt, CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Suddenly she rammed the dildo into Minerva’s pussy and PUMP! PUMP! PUMP! "Maybe you don’t deserve to be a slave anymore!" CRACK! PUMP! CRACK! PUMP! "Or maybe what you need is a new Master! You stupid whore!"

Suddenly, dropping the belt and the dildo Henrietta grabbed Minerva by the hair and dragging her to the pile of clothes they’d taken off lay Minerva face up on them; Henrietta then plastered her pussy on Minerva’s face and leaning forward began biting Minerva’s clit and sucking her cunt. Minerva too was well at work sucking Henrietta’s cunt.

Jenny and Lana looked shocked at the display of dominance and anger from the girl that the day before had wanted nothing more than to be in a dog collar. They threw Ron a look and he winked at them.

When the two girls had each other cumming, Henrietta got up angrily looking at Ron and said, "Now, where is my prize!"

"Right here," Ron said calmly passing her a bag, "and right there," he said casting an eye at Minerva still on the floor.

Grabbing the bag Henrietta smiled wickedly and nodded.

"We’ll leave the two of you alone so you can do some breaking in," Ron said smiling. "Come on you two," he said to Jenny and Lana, we’re finished here."

"Outside Jenny asked, "So what was in the prize bag?"

"The normal stuff," Ron said, "a painfully large strap-on, some nipple and clit clamps, a paddle, a whip and a collar and a leash."

"Oh yeah," Lana said smiling, "the normal stuff."


"Patty," Ana said, "I’m glad I was able to get you and Dolly before you left for the beach, I think it’s fantastic that you are going to be spending a nice relaxing day there."

"To bad Patty can’t take me to that beach where she met you," Dolly said smiling.

"So Sugar," Patty said both happy and worried, happy to be talking to her Sugar again so soon, and worried as to why she would call her so early in the day to set up an emergency IM meeting, "when you called it sounded pretty important, what did you want to tell me?"

"It’s just that I picked up a special gift for Dolly and I couldn’t wait two plus weeks to show her."

"Really," Dolly said her eyes glowing, "what did you get me?"

"Before I show you the two of you should get out of those bathing suits and then sit on Patty’s lap while she covers you eyes. But keep your legs open, I don’t want that beautiful view covered."

Dolly giggled and as she quickly stripped and had Patty strip, she sat on her lap with both their legs wide apart so Ana could have a good view of the double tunnel.

"Okay Patty cover her eyes and even though you might be tempted to instantly show Dolly what I got for her, don’t let her see until I have it nicely stuffed."

Both Patty and Dolly had noticed that Ana was wearing a rather large strap-on, they in no way found it odd though they did wonder a bit why she hadn’t just taken it off to talk to them, it kept her lovely twat hidden from their viewing eyes as they talked. Ana made a sign toward a blind spot that the camera couldn’t catch and someone walked toward her. Patty gasped and smiled when she saw Melissa, but Ana held a finger to her lips to remind Patty not to say anything yet. Positioning the end of the strap-on dildo to Melissa’s butt hole, she pushed right in and Patty was shocked at how easily it went in, though if she’d known how many times Melissa had been anally fucked that day, it wouldn’t surprise her. With Melissa on her lap, pumping the dildo in and out of Melissa’s rosebud, Ana grabbed a rather large bump filled vibrator from the side table and started simultaneously pumping Melissa’s cunt.

"Well this can’t be anymore stuffed at the moment," Ana said, "Okay Dolly look what I picked up for you and will be bringing you in around 2 weeks and tell me if you like it." She gave Patty a nod to release Dolly’s eyes.

"LISSA," Dolly screamed, "my beautiful baby, but how, no I don’t care how, I just—I just—Oh God Lissa I can’t wait! I’ve missed you so much. Where have you been?"

"My parents sent me to a hell disguised as heaven, but they’re going to pay for trying to keep us apart."

Patty didn’t like the sound of that and asked calmly, "Melissa, what do you mean. Remember they’re still your parents."

"Not anymore, I’m disclaiming them, if they continue being my parents right now, then that means they still have a right to keep Dolly and me apart. I’m not giving them that chance."

"But Lissa," Dolly said, "What can you do?"

"The ‘Master’ has a plan for getting me Emancipated. What my parents let those people do to me in that place was nothing less than physical, psychological and emotional torture, he says I have an easy case and I believe him."

"Who’s the ‘Master’," Dolly asked confused.

"I’ll tell you all about him later," Patty said smiling and kissing Dolly on the neck as she began to pump two fingers into her sister’s twat. "Right now aren’t you just happy to know Melissa is not only okay, but on her way back to you?"

"You don’t mind if we keep her well fucked for you do you Dolly," Ana asked smiling.

"No," Dolly said, "I mean she’s like your sister too."

"Good," Ana said, "now I’m just going to—" she pulled Melissa’s clit violently and made her start cumming; at the same time she gave a little nod to Patty to do the same and within seconds Dolly was also having a massive orgasm.

"Patty," Ana said standing Melissa up, pulling out of her ass and getting out of the seat, "why don’t we go and let these two continue to enjoy cumming together—in a way." She pushed Melissa into the seat turned the vibrator still in her twat on high and gave her a gentle bite on the clit and on one boob to keep her cumming, she noticed Patty, who now had Dolly sitting on the bed acting similarly and with both girls still cumming violently Patty and Ana left them alone to cum together.


"Mom, Dad" Ron said smiling, "you’re back, did you enjoy you’re get-away?"

"Very much son," Stan said, "now just tell us what the price of that private time together was."

"I don’t know what you’re talking about Dad. We better hit the road though."

Laura looked at him suspiciously and said, "So absolutely nothing interesting happened while we were away?"

Stan and Laura were dying to get to the kitchen and the rest room, and were talking to Ron as they walked through the different bus sections.

"Nothing I know of," Ron said. Stan and Laura wondered where everyone was, and when they entered the BED room they found out. They were all gang banging a girl, not an unusual Anderson activity, except that they didn’t know this girl and Stan threw Ron a questioning look. "Oh yeah," Ron said, "I forgot to mention, we have a new passenger."


Chapter Eighteen – The Loving Cousins

"I really want to thank you for letting me stay with you the rest of the trip," Melissa said between gasps.

"No, no, no need to thank us, Ron explained everything and we’re happy to help. Patty is like family to us," Stan said, "well she’ll probably end up our daughter-in-law one day, that makes her sister our family as well and," giving an extra-strong push to get his nine inch cock in as deep as possible into the tight teens pussy as he fucked her then quickly pulling all the way out and pushing deep into her ass as he started cumming, "that makes you family too; right Laura?"

Laura, who had been sucking the girls clit in a ‘69’ position she shared with the girl (that is until Stan pulled out of Melissa’s cunt and Laura’s tongue claimed it) pulled out a second to say, "Absolutely; anybody with this girls cunningulus skills is family of mine!"

Melissa gave a giggle in Laura’s cunt and pulling out for another second said, "thanks," before diving back in to finish the job.


Ana, Lana and Hannah were talking with Joyce in section one and Lana said, "Aren’t we still a day and a half away from the resort, why are you getting things ready now?"

"This resort we’re going to has a nice water park on it, I was thinking of actually taking a break and enjoying the place between blood tests."

Hannah was throwing Joyce those same odd looks she’d been throwing her since she first realized the full truth of Joyce’s identity, she still could not, however, bring herself to ask the question that she’d been dying to ask.

"By the way," Ana said looking at Joyce, "I don’t think anybody has really thanked you for your part in Melissa’s rescue."

"My part," Joyce said amused, "I was asked if I could stay out of sight for 48 hours while you pulled it off."

"But you’re the one that warned me about the condition Melissa might be in when I first found her, you told me that having a picture of Dolly would help, and you told me that if nothing else worked, trying to remind Melissa of some activity she shared with Dolly might truly bring her back. Without that preparation I would never have gotten Melissa back in time for us to get out."

"By the way," Lana said suddenly, "I finished the book you and Randy wrote together."

"The book," Joyce questioned and did not fail to notice Hannah freeze up and the fear in her eye as the subject was touched, "What book are we talking about?"

"‘Cumming In VS Cumming Out Vol. 2’, I actually read both volumes, the first one by Hank Sawyer and Randy was amazing too. I really think I enjoy sexology and I’m considering it for a profession. However, great as volume 1 was, there was one part in volume 2 that I found a bit eerie." Lana continued studying Joyce’s eyes.

"Chapter 17, section three," Joyce questioned sadly but well prepared for the moment.

"Yes," Lana threw Hannah a hard look and said, "I’ve a feeling one of us has known something for a while, but since she’s not much for confrontations, I’ll just ask the question she’s been wanting to ask."

Ana was looking a bit confused, not having any connection at all to either the investigation of Joyce’s past or the full reading of both books that told her story, she was at a disadvantage.

"Before you ask any questions, let me ask a few," Joyce said, "first, do you have three have a father that you love and are happy with?"

"Of course," Ana said surprised by the question, "We love Dad, don’t we?" Both Hannah and Lana had to smile and nod their heads.

"Second and this is simply a yes or no question; do I look like anyone’s father?"

Ana suddenly froze as she finally caught up to her sisters and she said, "YOU, the book was about you!"

"Please just answer yes or no to my question," Joyce said sternly, and repeated, "Do I look like anyone’s Father?"

The three girls slowly shook their heads to reply no.

Joyce then said to Lana, "So, if you have a father you love and are happy with, and I look like no one’s father, do you really want to ask the question you had in mind?"

Lana had been going to ask straight out for a yes or no answer to the question, "Are you our father," but she simply froze now and shook her head.

Hannah, however, went on and said, "So who are you, to us I mean?"

Joyce smiled and said, "It turns out that I learned recently that your Mother and I had known each other when we were kids. I wasn’t around much at all so she didn’t remember that her next door neighbor and best friend Hank Sawyer use to have a half-sister (I was raised and lived with my Dad, Richard Livingston, rather than with mine and Hank’s Mom). Anyway, it turns out that my half-brother, he disappeared several years ago and should be assumed dead, was your birth father. So I guess that means that, to answer your question Hannah, I am your long lost aunt on your father’s side, and I am very proud and happy with my beloved nieces." She smiled again at the three girls and was happy to see them smile back and then hug her. Lana then leaned up and kissing her on the cheek whispered, "You’ve been talking to Randy haven’t you?"


"I think you guys are great," Melissa said having just viewed TXLT2 practicing for their next concert. Ana had insisted that the extra long ride to this fifth resort merited some practice before actually reaching there and they had pulled over quickly to get out their equipment and set it up in a corner of the Recreation room.

"Who plays the guitar," Lenny said going over and picking up the abandoned instrument.

"I sometimes play it instead of my base," Ron said watching as Lenny expertly tuned the guitar, "I didn’t know you played guitar."

"Yeah, Jenny and I were in a group at our last school. You should see how she burns up those drums," he said turning to Don.

"The only thing I could do was sing," Melissa said, "but I caught a really bad ear infection one summer and it left me tone deaf, so now I can’t even do that."

"Sandy and I use to be part of the church musicians, you should see Sandy on that keyboard, Mom use to say she was born playing it."

"Really," John said, "what about you, what did you play?"

"Pretty much any string instrument ever invented," Sandy said looking at her brother proudly.

"Any of you sing," Lana asked suddenly interested.

"Well Sandy and I were the lead male and female voices in the church choir," Robert said giggling.

"What’s funny," Don asked.

"Just that our friends use to say that only meant our Mom was the Minister and not that we could sing," both he and Sandy laughed at the memory.

"What about you two," Ron said looking at Jenny and Lenny, "you sing?"

"Lenny does," Jenny said, "I always find singing and playing the drums a bit of a strain."

"I know what you mean," Don said.

"Why don’t you guys play something for us," Ana said.

"Play something," Lenny said, "you mean like out of the blue?"

"Just a song you all know," Ron said, "What type of music do you usually play?"

"You mean besides gospel," Robert said laughing, believing it all a joke, "Well Sandy and I have played all types but for the most part, besides Gospel, we’re a little bit country."

"Mine and Jenny’s band have played pretty much everything," then throwing a ‘no way’ look at Robert and Sandy, "except Gospel, but for the most part we’re a little bit rock and roll."

Everybody threw excited eyes at the four and they wondered what they had said, retracing their words Lenny suddenly said, "Oh no way!"

"No way at all!" Sandy added strongly.

"Come on, let’s here it you guys," Ana said encouragingly, "Lenny you be Donny and Sandy, you sing Marie’s part from the keyboard, the rest of you back them up."

"Yeah," Katrina said, "the one that plays and sings the best can have my clit, as well as the rest of me, all night long." She bent over and spread her pussy lips wide as she said this.

"Then again," Sandy said thinking of Katrina’s incredible clit pumping in her twat all night long, "it can’t hurt."

"No," Lenny agreed looking deep in Katrina’s pussy, "it definitely can’t hurt."

In no time at all, Jenny was at the drums, Sandy at the keyboard, Lenny was strumming the guitar and Robert had taken control of Ron’s base. After getting the feel of the instruments, Sandy tried playing the song while the others backed her up musically, she and Lenny then tried singing together to see how they sounded:

"I’m a little bit country," Sandy sang.

"I’m a little bit rock and roll" Lenny continued.

After a few trials in which they tried to remember the full lyrics, (Hannah finally thought to download them from, they were singing the full song and as Ron put it—

"FANTASTIC guys!" He went over and said, "‘Triplet X Love Times 2’ has a new opening band ‘The Loving Cousins’!"

Everybody applauded except for ‘The Loving Cousins’ who looked a bit sick and Robert said, "You’re kidding right?"

"No he’s not," Ana said, "guys you’re great together, and it’s as destined for you four to be together as it was for us six."

"Just consider doing that one opening song for now and continue working together to find out what others you can do together," Lana said.

"What do you say?" Ron asked seriously.

The Loving Cousins looked at each other and Robert finally said, "Well it is only one song, and we still have time to perfect it; okay, I guess we can try, but just one question."

"What," Ana asked.

Looking at Katrina all four of them blurted out, "Who won?"

Katrina laughed and said, "Well the truth is that being a group, you all win! So I guess the five of us are fucking all night long."

Everybody in the room rolled their eyes.


"I think you four are really, really good," Katrina said blissfully after several hours of being the center of activity for ‘the Loving Cousins’.

In general they had fucked, sucked and simply abused their prize every way possible, and at the moment Robert was lying on his back with his cock up Katrina’s ass, she was lying face up on top of him; Lenny was kneeling with his legs on either side of them as his cock traveled back and forth between Katrina’s breasts; Sandy was currently squatting above Katrina’s mouth having her twat invaded by Katrina’s frantically working tongue; Jenny in the meantime was currently between Katrina’s legs sucking frantically at the clit they’d won and pumping three fingers in and out of Katrina’s twat.

"Are you talking about our singing," Lenny asked suspiciously.

"Well, yeah you’re really, really good at that too, but for the moment I had a different group activity in mind." She returned her tongue to Sandy’s pussy and ‘the Loving Cousins’ broke out laughing just before they all started cumming.


"Oh I wish I could be there to watch your first public performance," Susan said as Harry’s cock worked unendingly in her pussys.

"It’s only one song Mom," Robert said, "and John and Hannah are going to record it for you." Robert gave Jenny’s pussy a few more pumps and said, "How’d everything go Dad?"

"Fine son, hopefully everything will be over with by the time you get back."

Lenny caught a strange look in Susan’s eye and said, "What’s wrong Mom, everything is fine right?"

"Yes, yes, just that even with everything fine things can get a bit stressful. I have to leave again for California in three days and talk to the new lawyer Dr. Lewis told me about."

"We’ll see if Hannah can finish editing a copy of the groups recording by then," Sandy said as she rode Lenny’s cock buried deep in her ass.

"I actually have to leave again in three days also, "Harry said unable this time to hide his worry.

"Dad, everything is going to work out fine," Jenny said strongly. "We’re a family, and now we’re a group, just like ‘Triplet X Love Times 2’. No one will ever break us upppp—oh that felt great Robert." Getting off Robert’s now flaccid cock she kneeled in front of Sandy and said, "Clean me up SLAVE!"

Sandy instantly leapt off Lenny’s cock and kneeled behind Jenny to suck out her ass.

"Hey what about me?" Lenny said pointing at his abandoned cock.

"I got it," Robert said and bending over sucked it into his mouth to finish him off.

Susan started to cum just as Harry began filling her cunt with hot cream and Lenny said, "Well I think we’ll let you two finish up. If you’re going to be separated for another while you should try to use all the time you have together. Bye Mom, bye Dad Love you both."

"Yeah," Jenny said obviously starting to cum thanks to Sandy’s masterful analingulus expertise, "love you both!"

Robert and Sandy, neither of which wanted to separate their mouths from their present tasks, simply waved their goodbyes. As the screen went dead and Sandy finished cleaning out Jenny’s ass while noting that Robert had sucked Lenny to orgasm said, "Okay guys my turn to cum, who’s going to help?"

Laughing Lenny knelt her over the chair and began fucking her ass doggy style; Robert presented his once more semi-erect cock to her mouth and, squeezing under her, Jenny began sucking her cunt and licking her clit until they could hear Sandy’s breathing growing ragged, her moans and gasps around Robert’s cock louder and finally releasing Robert’s cock, her scream of "cuuummmiiinnngggg!" as she flowed into her Master’s eagerly waiting mouth.


"Lana," Joyce said after all the regular arrival tasks had been completed at the fifth resort, "everybody is going to be at the water park later, even me. I expect you’ll be there too now that you’re no longer cumming every time you sit on a hard surface."

"Well," she said slowly, "if everyone, even Mom and Dad are going, someone should really stay here to watch the tour mobile."

"I’m staying," someone said from behind her.

Turning Lana said, "Melissa, after the hell you’ve just been through you more than anyone deserves to take a break and enjoy yourself."

"We still don’t know if the authorities might be looking for me now," Melissa said, "until my Emancipation Papers come through I can’t afford the chance of falling back into my parents hands." She then went over and gave Lana a deep and passionate kiss sticking three fingers in Lana’s twat and pumping a few times. Quickly stopping both actions she said, "As for having fun, I’ve been having fun since I got on this bus."

"Well that works out fine," Katrina said, "that means, ‘Queen’ that you and I get to make out at the top of the ‘Water Flume’ and we get to try to knock the ‘Master’ and his number one pet into the water on the bumper boats."

"Right," Ron (who had just stepped in to hear this) said, "A whole night’s control of a fuck session says you can’t do it!"

Smiling Lana said, "You’re on ‘Master’, and here’s a tip, wear a life jacket."

"I’ll be looking forward to performing some mouth-to-mouth when I pull you out of the water ‘Queen’." He answered as he stepped out smiling.


After several hours of sampling the water adventures offered by the "The Aqua Resort" the adults claimed to need a break from the action and took over all the guard duties: Stan the bus, Laura the memorabilia table, and Joyce the campsite to give all the kids (even Melissa, whom Ana convinced to be her partner) a chance to battle it out on the bumper boats.

Besides Ana and Melissa, the only non-regular pairing at the contest was Lenny and Robert who, with three all girl pairings, were left short of opposite sex choices for partners.

The seven teams were battling it out for control of that night’s fuckfest in which they would be the center of everyone else’s activity.

Lenny and Robert ended up the first pair in the water when Ana and Melissa rammed them from the side, but then Don and Jason sneaked up on Ana and Melissa while they were still gloating and bumped them just right to throw them over. In the water, Lenny and Robert repaid the girls for the ramming they’d given their boat by ramming their fingers in the girls’ pussies several times under the water before helping them out.

Don and Jason then went after John and Debbie, but John made a fantastic 360 degree turn with the circular bumper boat and ended up ramming Don and Jason’s boat instead sending them flying into the water. John tried to pull the same move with Jenny and Sandy, but ended up right in front of Lana and Katrina who sent them soaring into the water.

This now left three boats battling for couple of the night: ‘The Master’ and his ‘Erotic Psycho’, ‘the Orgasm Queen’ and her ‘Wild Kat’ and Jenny (code named Dominatrix) and her ‘Red Sex Toy’; and neither team wanted to lose.

After being bumped several times by Lana’s boat, Hannah looked angrily at Ron and said, "You’re going to let her beat us! GIVE ME THAT!" She yanked the sliding steering wheel out of Ron’s hands and to her side. Ron threw her an angry look but she couldn’t care less. She wanted to instantly ram into Lana’s boat but Jenny and Sandy’s were in the way.

"Out of my way you mediocre master! Go help your bitch toy out of the water!" With that said ‘The Erotic Psycho’ rammed full force into their boat and sent Jenny and Sandy flying into the water. "Now it’s just you and me ‘Queen’!" Hannah screamed, "Let’s see who stays afloat." She then rammed Lana’s boat hard from the side but they didn’t fall from the boat.

"Hey careful," Ron said, "You’ll hurt them!"

"Are you trying to protect her?" Hannah screamed angrily at Ron.

Lana tried to circle and get their boat from behind screaming, "Hey watch it, you almost killed us last time!"

"Well almost isn’t good enough!" Hannah screamed and suddenly reversing right into the ‘Queen’s’ oncoming boat sent Lana and Katrina flying hard into the water. "Take that BITCH!" Hannah screamed and smiling wickedly looked over at Ron only to see that he was in no way happy. Suddenly remembering the last time he had looked at her this way Hannah quickly pushed the steering wheel back on his side bowed her head humbly and said, "Master, you did it, you beat them!" She gave him a strong smile.

Unable to resist her smile Ron simply sighed and said, "Yeah, we won." And then leaning over he gave her a kiss.


Once outside the water Jenny, Lana and even Ana who was only watching confronted Hannah demanding to know what was up.

"We were playing a game," Hannah said annoyed, "don’t tell me the Anderson girls are sore losers."

She turned her back on them and walked away.

"Isn’t it the last Saturday of the month in two days?" Lana asked.

"Oh my," Ana said, "if she’s like this today, what will she be like when she misses her monthly aggression cleansing?"

"What are you two talking about," Jenny asked confused.

Hannah, in the meantime, was feeling a little mad at the world and extra aggressive, she in fact felt like she wanted to pound someone. Looking angrily in the water she caught a glimpse of her reflection and gave a small gasp saying, "Oh no, it’s YOU! Okay, I have to do something."

She needed to drain the aggressive feelings and she needed to drain them fast. But to do that she needed—spotting someone she smiled a bit wickedly and said, "A TOY!"

Going over to Melissa she grabbed her by the arm and said, "You owe me a big favor girl, and I’m claiming it now! I’m the one that tracked the plane you were in and the rented car to that Abbey so I’m really the person you should have thanked first!"

"What do you want," Melissa asked, a little surprised at Hannah’s aggressiveness.

"I need to fuck you very violently and very long and I need you to do nothing but enjoy it. Do you think you can do me that favor?"

Melissa smiled and said, "Sure, I don’t mind being your butt monkey for a night."

"Good," Hannah said almost dragging her toward the campsite. "We’ll use one of the small tents and put a ‘do not disturb’ button on it."

Once in one of the tents she searched one of the bags that were always present in each of the tents and pulling out a 13 inch by 3 inch faux cock harness with clit stimulator and 10 inch by 2 inch dildo on the inside she quickly stripped and signaling to Melissa to do the same she said to herself, "Okay Mistress, she’s all yours!" and plowed the faux cock deep in her cunt violently and repeatedly for hours, every now and then switching to her ass while sucking and biting her tits until all feelings of aggression were out of her system.


"Where’s Hannah," Lana said annoyed, "she seemed pretty determined to win this prize!"

"Actually I don’t think she was really herself," Ron said as everyone gathered for the evening fuckfest in the tour mobile.

"Well look at the time," Katrina said angrily, "we’re wasting valuable fucking time waiting for your ‘Erotic Psycho’ to show up!"

Suddenly smiling at Ron Lana said, "What you have to do is choose a temporary substitute to be your mate tonight," then going up to him and squeezing his cock she added in a very Hannah like way, "Master."

"Yeah, I guess I better do that, we probably won’t see Hannah again until tomorrow, I’ve a feeling she’s taking care of a little aggression problem, and since Melissa is the only other person not around, she must be helping her. I left the door open for her anyway."

"You think Hannah is giving Melissa some ‘Mistress’ toy’ treatment right now," Ana questioned.

"She should have asked one of us," Sandy said sadly, "my ass would have love an all night visit by her!"

"Can we get back to OUR fuckfest," Lana said angrily.

"Yes please," Katrina said, "this itch between my legs is driving me crazy!"

"Does that itch between you legs ever go away,’ Don asked smiling.

"Well no," Katrina said smiling back, "but it doesn’t always drive me crazy."

Lana, who was still squeezing Ron’s cock, said lovingly, "Just pick someone to be your pet Master; we can start with everyone fucking our asses while we fuck," then in mock embarrassment she said giving his cock an extra tight squeeze, "I mean you and whoever you choose."

"Okay fine," Ron said looking around at his choices for mate and grabbing someone’s hand, "Okay, I’ll fuck you silly all night long while everyone is fucking us."

Lana gave a bitter you have to be kidding look and refused to let go of Ron’s cock.

"Lana, I can’t fuck Ana properly if you don’t give me back my cock," Ron said annoyed.

"But why," she asked angrily, looking much like a rejected slave.

"Well to tell you the truth ‘Queen’, I don’t think Hannah wanted to win as much as the Mistress wanted you not to win," smiling he said, "can you imagine what she’d do to me next time we met if you ended up winning anyway? Now let’s start fucking already!"

Pulling away from Lana Ron positioned Ana and him in the center of the room in a sideways scissor position where they were joined at the cock and pussy but their heads were at opposite ends. Robert then spooned behind Ron and inserted his cock in Ron’s ass while Lenny was doing the same with Ana. As the final treat for round one Jenny placed a leg under Ron and Robert’s heads and moved in until her cunt was tightly against Ron’s lips (his tongue instantly working in her pussy), on the other end, it was Sandy’s cunt being worked on by Ana.

With the prize winners well taken care of, the rest began a suck chain that started with Jenny and Sandy: Jenny sucked Katrina’s cunt, who sucked Don’s cock, who sucked Jason’s cock; while on the other side, Sandy sucked Debbie’s cunt, who sucked John’s cock who sucked poor Lana’s cunt who was not only still fuming and upset about not being chosen by Ron, but was now also angry about being the last person chosen to join the link.

The group fucked and sucked themselves in this chain through two major orgasms before looking for new ass fuckers for the winners and new cunts for them to suck and forming a new chain around them.


"Oww," Melissa said as she sat up in the tent she had spent the entire night with Hannah in.

"Are you well," Hannah asked, her head slightly bowed and her eyes showing a lot of guilt.

"Well my butt is in pain beyond belief," Melissa said smiling, "but for the most part I never felt greater."

"Oh," Hannah said, "please let me help to try to sooth your pain." Getting Melissa to kneel she instantly started sucking and licking Melissa’s entire rear (cheeks, inner cheeks and rosebud) and tongue fucking her ass to nicely lube and sooth the inside.

Melissa looked over her shoulder to watch Hannah working humbly on her ass and said, "Are you sure you are the same sister that gave me that violently aggressive ass fucking in the first place?"

"I’m so sorry about that," Hannah said nervously.

"Melissa pulled Hannah onto her and giving her a powerful kiss as she explored her body said, "Don’t be sorry, just promise me you’ll treat me like that again some day. Now I want a quick morning drink, why don’t you have some too?"

Hannah smiled and getting in a ‘69’ they enjoyed the refreshing morning juices.

"I’d better go find my Master," Hannah said when they had finished drinking. "I know he’s not going to be happy with me."

Getting out of the small tent she noticed some activity in the big tent and unzipping it slightly to peak in and see if her Master was among the occupants saw her Dad giving Aunt Joyce a good morning fuck while Mom sat on Aunt Joyce’s face. Hannah smiled and decided not to bother them simply re-zipped the tent completely and headed for the tour mobile on confirming the other tent was empty.

On reaching the bus she noticed a line already forming outside for the morning blood test rush, "Mom and Dad better finish with Aunt Joyce soon," Hannah thought smiling.

Walking right into the bus she thought, "That’s weird, we always keep that door closed, someone must be in the shower already."

As she prepared to pass from section one to the Recreation room she noticed something on one of the seats and smiling grabbed it as she continued on past the Recreation room and into the BED room.

"Wow," Hannah thought, "they’re fucked out!" She looked at the six exhausted pairs around her. In the end they had all divided up into classic male/female pairs so they could sleep with warm hard cocks in moist hot pussies. She laughed a little seeing that Jason had ended up with Lana, then remembered that they were both red bands now. She was surprised to see John’s cock safely stored in Katrina rather than in Debbie for a change, Debbie had gotten Robert’s cock to store and Jenny was keeping Don’s happy; Lenny’s looked right at home in Sandy’s love box. That left one couple for Hannah to study, in the very center of the room, and she spent a lot of time studying not only how at home and comfortable her Master’s cock seemed in Ana’s cunt, but also the blissful happy faces the two of them had obviously fallen asleep with, and still wore to this moment. The thought of competition from yet another sister for her Master’s 24-7 attention to her made Hannah give a loud sob and she tried to control herself. She was able to, but Ron had already heard her and opened his eyes to study her face.

"You’re late for the party," he said in no way angry. He could tell that just finding him with Ana like this had been torture enough.

"Please forgive me Master, there was—there was an emergency that needed attending to."

"I take it Melissa is still alive," someone said, maybe a little too coldly.

Ron looked up at Ana and seeing she was awake began pumping her pussy happily, he could tell she needed some calming.

"She’s still resting," Hannah said humbly, but the back of her eyes hiding a bit of a wrathful glint as she answered Ana, "it was her emergency you know."

"I take it my sweet and humble obedient pet is totally back with me," Ron said smiling, "for another month at least."

"Your humble pet is always with you, Master." Hannah said kneeling next to the couple.

Ron looked over and saw Lana, who had gotten off Jason, come over and kneel at their other side, apparently feeling a strong need to suck Ana’s ass since she dove right into it. Her legs however were widely parted and squatting right over Ron’s hand. He sighed and threw Hannah a look as if saying, "Can I really pass up an invitation like that?" and he started ramming three fingers in and out of Lana’s pussy. Ron made sure however to find Hannah’s love box with his other hand and pump it at an equal rate, never giving up on pumping his cock into Ana.

"You know brother, we had a deal to share all resources, not just give them to you," someone said mocking anger.

Looking up at John and Don, whose cocks were at ultimate erection watching ‘the Master’ pleasure all the sisters at once, he said, "Well what are you waiting for, find an ass to stuff those in." He looked from Hannah to Lana who both raised their asses in invitation; Don chose Hannah’s leaving Lana’s to John; everyone else in the room just decided to watch ‘Triplet X Love Times 2’ perform.

When the group finished their act, the three brothers got their instruments out of the way and let Katrina, Jenny and Sandy handle some clean up duties.

As Katrina worked to clean up her cunt Ana looked nervously at Hannah and said, "You don’t mind that we play around with your Master sometimes right? You know Lana and I have our own true loves and you’re quite welcome to them any time."

Lana, who was getting her ass cleaned by Jenny said angrily to Ana, "Just don’t be surprised if you’re mysteriously excluded from ever attending one of the Mistress’ monthly parties again."

Ana threw Hannah a scared, almost tearful look saying, "she wouldn’t do that would she?"

As Hannah enjoyed Sandy’s tongue in her butt and felt a blissful calm she decided it was time to grow up and smiling at her sisters said, "I doubt she’ll do that, in fact, I’ll let you two in on a secret; she had made me promise not to tell you yet so don’t let her know I did."

"What is it," Lana said excited and with a hopeful look.

"Well you know that the Mistress always use to have four reserved toys, those were her—I mean they were some kids she knew, and she’d only pick up two special toys a month. She’s decided to go back to that, trying to decide on four special toys a month is a bit of a strain; anyway, besides Ron and Amy guess who she’s chosen as her two other reserve toys to be with her every month."

"YES!" Lana screamed and pulling her ass away from Jenny she leapt at Hannah knocking both Hannah and Sandy on their backs, climbing on Hannah she started deeply kissing her.

Sandy in the meantime tried to get up and for the first time noticed something in Hannah’s hand. It wasn’t exactly small so you might wonder why no one had noticed it until now, but then again, does anyone notice anything but pleasure in the middle of sex?

"What’s that," Sandy asked curiously, as she studied the box in Hannah’s hand.

Lana rolled off of her and as Hannah sat up she lifted the box that she herself had forgotten about since first picking it up.

"It’s a music box," Ron said as he and the others came over to see what Sandy was so interested in. "Where’d you get it ‘Pet’; it’s lovely?"

"I found it in the first section when I came in. I thought one of you had brought it and forgotten it."

"Love," Ron said with a satirical look, "I doubt any of us ever has time to shop for souvenirs."

"Maybe Melissa brought it for Dolly," Ana said, "it is nice, maybe I’ll take Patty one like it."

"Maybe we can program it to play one of our songs for her," Lana added.

"What song does this one play," Don asked.

"Only one way to find that out," Ron said looking at Hannah, "wind it up ‘Pet’."

Hannah instantly obeyed and as she finished winding it a tune started playing.

"That’s a creepy tune," Jenny said as she listened.

"It sounds familiar though," Robert said, "I know that song."

Sandy had a tear in her eye and on noticing Lana said, "Sandy what’s wrong?"

"It’s just that we played it while we were marching Mom’s coffin to be buried." Sandy was really sobbing now.

"That’s right," Robert suddenly said, "It’s ‘TAPS’ the funeral march!"

"Well what kind of song is that for a music box," John asked disgusted.

Suddenly the box finished playing and the lid opened like a jack-in-the-box only what sprang out wasn’t a fake head, it was a fake hand, and it was holding something.

"Oh no," Lana said instantly depressed, "I thought he had left me alone, he didn’t bother us at our last stop!"

Katrina was reaching out to touch what was in the faux hand but John said. "Don’t touch that, it has the poison symbol on it."

"It’s just a test tube full of cum," Katrina said doubtfully.

"Poisoned cum," Lana corrected, "John’s right, don’t touch it."

"I don’t understand what he means by not having any," Don said looking over the note taped to the bottom of the phony hand.

Reading it slowly, Ron said, "Lana, I know you love this, too bad I haven’t any to give you, but don’t worry I’ll be feeding you soon enough."

"He must mean he has no safe cum for her," Katrina said.

"But he’s threatening to feed her his poisoned cum anyway," Jenny said angrily.

"Look at the last picture," Sandy said suddenly scared.

Everyone studied the pictures taped under the note.

"That’s a nice picture of us at the top of the flume, ‘Queen’," Katrina said giggling at the sight of her and Lana making out as the flume was about to make the big drop.

"Actually the two of you look better here," Ron said pointing to the second picture where Lana and Katrina were flying out of the bumper boat.

The final picture however, did shake even Ron (the Master) up a bit.

"He was right here," Ron said as he studied the picture of six sleeping couples, himself and Ana in the center. To Hannah he said, "You said you found this in section one, did you see anybody around?"

"There was a line forming for the blood testing so there were a few," Hannah said upset.

"How did he get in here," John asked.

"The door was open when I came in," Hannah said, "I thought on of you was in the shower already."

"Open," Jenny said, "who would leave the door open."

"Someone waiting for his ‘Pet’," Ana said as she remembered something suddenly and threw Ron an angry look.

Noticing everyone was suddenly starting to panic a little at the thought of this maniac so easily being able to get so near them, while they were sleeping no less, Ron decided to take charge and said, "Okay, let’s not worry, we can’t let this guy get to us, we just have to keep our eyes open and from now on we keep the bus door locked at all times during the night. Lana, you’re okay right?" As he said this he turned to talk to the ‘Queen’. Lana, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Going over to one of the sleeping berths and trying to open it he sighed and said, "We have a performance tonight, you can’t stay in there forever!"


Melissa looked at all of the upset and depressed faces around her and trying to liven the attitude said, "You all sounded super-fabulous tonight." Turning to the Loving Cousins she said, "You four especially, you only practiced one song and you ended up playing an entire set!"

Rather than look happy at the compliment, the four turned angry eyes to Lana. They had finally gotten her out of the sleeping berth and dressed, but by the time she had finished with a very long and extensive relaxation exercise period to get ready, the cousins had had to sing 3 songs beside the 1 they had actually practiced, Luckily having been present at 4 TXLT2 concerts already, they had each picked up a favorite song they knew all the words to and was able to lead the others in singing.

"Hey weren’t you supposed to have some sort of celebration tonight now that the concerts over?" Melissa continued in a happy voice, "I’ve been dying to CUM!"

At the mention of cum Lana’s eyes popped in horror and she ran out of the Recreation room where they were gathered and into the BED room where they heard a sleeping berth slam shut.

"This is ridiculous," Melissa said suddenly annoyed, "why don’t we just go to the police?"

"Melissa," Ron said seriously, "do you really want any involvement with the authorities right now?"

On thinking about the question, and her own personal situation she said, "Well no, not me but—"

"—believe me," Ron said, "if we can get this guy and keep the authorities away from the pictures or stories this maniac can obviously give them, we’ll be much happier."

Thinking a little more Melissa suddenly said, "Oh right," then suddenly smiling again she said, "but can we have that celebration anyway?"

Smiling, and suddenly stripping Katrina said, "It’s called a fuckabration, and yes, let’s do it!"

Everyone suddenly smiled and began to strip also.


Chapter Nineteen – The Mistress’ Daughter and her Battle for Dominance

"So you’re finished," Amy asked sadly as she enjoyed the faux cock that was pumping in bald extra moist pussy.

"Just the first phase, the foundation is completely dug, the connections to the main water pipe are done and all the electrical wiring for the lights around it have been laid."

Lisa bent down and gave Amy a long kiss and in an ‘I promise you’ tone said, "There’s still a lot to do. We have to lay the floor; put up the walls, put in some stairs as well as put all the actual lights and final water control plumbing."

"Yeah, but isn’t the first phase supposed to be the longest, if you finished it in such a short time doesn’t that mean—"

"—that we still have a while before the guaranteed completion date is reached. The day was extended, by the way, to one day before the Andersons arrive."

"Really," Amy said smiling (and not just because she was cumming again". "How did you manage to get an extension from someone like Mr. Carson?"

"Even a business tycoon like he knows that a job like the one we’re doing takes time, but between you and me, it definitely helped that my sister is his only daughter’s Master." Lisa said this with a wicked smile and then added, "You know, you seem a little extra down, and not just you, everyone including Harry, Pietro and Dr. Lewis have been a little hard to get up these days."

"Well Harry’s worried about that new court appointment he leaves for tomorrow, the same as Susan who has to leave at the same time for hers. Dr. Lewis is just feeling the pangs of overwork stress with all those current hospital tragedies, do you know that 5 patients in the STD ward committed suicide this week? Randy suspects that there’s been some sort of pact made and that more are still to come."

"Talking about cumming," Lisa said giving a small scream and shaking furiously.

Amy giggled and said, "I said ‘come’ not ‘cum’ but cumming is okay," and she began to cum violently herself.

When they were back Lisa said, "What about Patty and Dolly, they can’t seem to make up their minds if they are miserable or overjoyed and therefore are just in some sort of freeze mode?"

"Oh them, well they’re happy that both their loves are now on the way home, but they’re sad that they’re still two to three weeks away, and they’re scared."

"Scared," Lisa said looking seriously at Amy, "scared of what?"

"Scared that their true loves will have enjoyed each other so much and found each other such exciting and great lovers that they won’t need Patty and Dolly anymore." Amy giggled then added confused, "As for Pietro, I don’t know what’s bothering him."

"Maybe everyone else’s mood has just worn off on him," Lisa suggested then added, "and on you."

"Me," Amy said pinching Lisa’s boobs and sucking her tongue a while, "I don’t let anyone else’s mood were off on me."

"Then why do you look depressed," Lisa asked straight out.

"It’s supposed to be a special night tonight, a sort of monthly celebration, I gave up being at last month’s for a good cause, but with the Andersons gone, one sweet bit of Honey in particular, I guess there’s no party for me tonight either, maybe not even until after the kids return from summer camp at the end of the summer."

"You can’t just throw the party yourself," Lisa asked, "don’t you know what needs to done?"

Amy’s eyes flashed momentarily and she said, "What needs to be done is for me to get a good long drink to calm my nerves." As she prepared to help Lisa off with her harness so as to go for the drink she suddenly said, "Can you stay with me tonight, please?"

Bowing over and kissing Amy a few more times Lisa said, "Honey of course I’ll stay with you, my one fantasy is that one day you’ll see how great we really are together and ask me to stay with you forever."

Amy smiled and said, "For now tonight will be fine, but I’ll keep your fantasy in mind, now give me that drink." Assuming a ‘69’ position they both pasted their mouths to the moist fleshy cups before them and started drinking.


"You seem to be short one guest to your party." As Pietro said this he smiled at the masked, caped red leather wearing bombshell before him. He had just helped the Mistress carry five sleeping ‘toys’ up to the torture room. Harry and Randy were chained between Susan and Patty; and Dolly had been given the honor of using the stocks, Pietro however was looking over at the empty rack.

In a second he had a can of ‘knock-out’ pointing at his face and the Mistress asked him seductively, "Do I really have to use it?"

"Not at all my Mistress, my back has seemed a little tight of late," smiling he added, "A good stretching may be just what it needs." He jumped up on the rack and allowed the Mistress to chain his arms and legs tightly and give him a good strong stretching.

"Time to wake the others and start this little party," she thought, she hadn’t even told Pietro what was on the menu for the night, "If I can shock him," she thought, "then probably everyone will find it shocking enough to enjoy."

Grabbing a bag full of clamps, clit vibrators, egg vibrators and butt plug vibrators; as well as some PC muscle clamps and cock vibrator rings, not to mention gags, she distributed all the party favors among her guests for the night’s celebration. The Mistress especially liked the new nipple clamp vibrators she had gotten for her female toys; soon she had five vibrators on (or in) every one of her female toys; as for the male toys, as well as the PC muscle clamp and vibrator ring, she also had a butt plug vibrator in each of them. After gagging them all she gave them a whiff of smelling salts (A.K.A. ‘anti knock-out’) and allowed them all to start coming too.

There was only one toy that had absolutely no idea what was happening.

"Where am I," Dolly thought, "why can’t I move?" Looking in front of her she saw Pietro, apparently tied to a long table, on the opposite wall she saw Susan, Harry, Dr. Lewis and "Oh no, they have Patty!"

She suddenly saw someone stand in front of her and on getting a good look she didn’t know whether to be scared, to laugh or to just start cumming like crazy because that costume Amy was wearing, she had no doubt it was Amy (the flowing red hair and bald dripping cunt were a big give away), was pretty much the hottest thing she’d seen since the Anderson girls Triplet X costumes. She tried to talk but realized too late she was gagged when suddenly, SLAP!

"Insolent Toy, you dare to try to use your mouth for speaking in the presence of your Mistress!"

Dolly gave her a shocked look and threw a look at Patty who simply gave Dolly a ‘just do what she says’ look. She noticed Patty in no way seemed alarmed, worried or even surprised. "If anything," Dolly thought smiling, "she looks happy to be here; wherever here is."

"You don’t know me do you child?" The Mistress said, and then quickly answering herself said, "No, I have never had you as a toy before; you are ‘fresh meat’." She went to the stocks and said, "It is understandable then that you do not know rule number one for all who enter my lair," leaning though the stocks and looking at Dolly directly in the eyes she said, "rule number one ‘a slaves mouth has but one use’, allow me to demonstrate." Bringing her head down to Dolly’s cunt she started licking and sucking at her hole driving her tongue deep inside and at times touching the inactive egg vibrator deep inside.

After several minutes the Mistress pulled out and once more looking deep in Dolly’s eyes she said, "Do you understand, slave?"

Dolly nodded frantically deciding instantly that whatever was going on, she was going to love it!

"Good," The Mistress said, "then let’s get this party started." The Mistress reached into the pouch hanging from the side of her belt and brought out an unusual looking remote control, unlike most remote controls, which are rectangular; this one was a circular disk and seemed to have lights flashing all around it. Everyone was watching it wondering who victim number one that night would truly be; when the Mistress hit a button though, simultaneously every single one of them started to moan and yelp, cocks grew instantly to their fullest (if not even larger) size and every single boob was standing at full attention; the sound of vibrators echoed throughout the entire torture room and the Mistress looked around at all of them with a satisfied, evil grin.

Dr. Lewis, who was observing the faces of both Patty on his left and Dolly across from them thought, "Fascinating, she instantly put them in a state of virtual cum, they probably feel like they’re cumming, but they aren’t really being allowed to go all the way, she could pretty much keep them like that forever." He couldn’t see Susan’s face, but he had no doubt she was in a similar condition. As to him and the rest of the guys, well they could normally hold stimulation a lot longer, but that in no way meant that the two vibrators the Mistress had on them wouldn’t have forced them to explode full force if not for the PC muscle clamps.

"Now my little toys, let’s see—"


The Mistress suddenly turned around shocked and the eyes of all her toys followed as someone cracking a whip came into view.

On Dolly getting a good look at the new comer only one thought came to mind, "Oh please let me suck that beautiful pussy!"

The new comer also had flowing red hair (though Dr. Lewis suspected it was a wig) and a totally clean shaven pussy. Like the Mistress, she too was wearing a mask, but other than black leather straps around her shoulders, thighs, groin area and boobs; not to mention a belt very similar and as well stocked as the Mistress’, she wore nothing else.

"Who are you?" The Mistress screamed angrily. "How dare you enter my secret lair uninvited?" The Mistress sounded totally hateful.

"Your lair," the newcomer said in a questioning voice, "this is not your lair!"

The Mistress pulled out her whip and swung it furiously at the new comer, but with her own whip the new girl wrapped it around the Mistress’ and with a surprising demonstration of skill and strength pulled the Mistress’ whip out of her hand and catching it with her free hand now had two whips, one in each hand, and she controlled them expertly.

"Hello Madame Femdom!" Dolly thought as she watched the new comer in action.

"See what I mean," the new comer gloated, "we both know that you are not the true Mistress! You are a fake! And if it is true that the Mistress has disappeared, then I ‘The Ever-Cumming Empress’ lay claim to this lair and to all toys in it found!" She walked over to where Patty was chained to the wall and looking her over, licked her tit like a cat, while grabbing Dr. Lewis’ cock next to her and giving it a squeeze.

"Get your hands off my property BITCH!!!" The Mistress screamed and going up to the Empress grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the toys.

The Empress tried to give the Mistress a double whipping but the Mistress, with great agility and flexibility, leapt right through the whips and knocked the Empress to the ground holding her by the neck.

"You think you can walk into the abode of the supreme dominator and steal her toys!"

The Empress dropped her whips and with one of her now free hands grabbed a large vibrator on her belt saying, "How many times must I tell you, YOU ARE NOT THE MISTRESS!" The Empress rolled over taking the Mistress with her and ending up on top, "if I have to dominate you and turn you into my permanent slave to make you realize that, then so be it!" She rammed the vibrator into the Mistress’ twat and the others saw the Mistress give a scream (of delight no doubt) when the Empress turned the vibrator on full blast.

"Wow," Dolly thought excitedly in her state of eternal bliss and virtual cum, "a cat fight, and we’re the prize." Dolly didn’t care who won, because she was sure that being the prize of either one of these hot red heads would be eternal joy.

As the Mistress fought to keep control of her dignity (by not letting the Empress make her cum), she leaned up and finding one of the Empress’ boobs locked her lips around it and started sucking rapidly, at the same time she grabbed a long bump filled anal dildo from her belt and wrapping her arms around the Empress above her quickly parted her ass cheeks with one hand and drove the dildo through her rosebud with the other. As she started pumping and suddenly bit the tit she was sucking the Empress lost momentary control and the Mistress used the opportunity to push the Empress of her body; quickly, grabbing the vibrator left in her cunt, the Mistress pulled it out.

Except for Dolly, all of the other toys (who did not want to see the Mistress lose control of her lair) gave a silent cheer.

The Empress was still a little dazed as she pulled the thin dildo from her ass and as she did, the Mistress once more leapt on her, but she had added a little something to herself.

"A double sided dildo," Dolly thought, "just like the one Patty let me use on her the other say. She told me she and Ana love how it makes them both feel like they’re the one doing the fucking and at the same time makes them feel like they are receiving the fucking. Oh, the Mistress has the other end in the Empress’ cunt now!"

And indeed, the Mistress did seem in total control at the minute while she pumped her hips and drove the dildo connecting them deeper into both the Empress and herself.

The Empress looked near beaten but she suddenly pinched the Mistress boobs, breaking the Mistress’ concentration long enough to once more roll them both over and without having extracted the dildo, she was suddenly the one on top and in control.

As the Empress fucked her silly, the Mistress knew she needed to get back on top to regain control, trying to quickly think of a plan of action and getting an idea to quickly end the battle she pulled two things out of her pouch a string of 50 small anal beads and a stun gun. The Mistress quickly connected the stun gun to the Empress’ ass cheek and made her jump; the Mistress took advantage of the Empress’ surprise and her now almost sitting position to push her the rest of the way off her and right off the dildo that remained in the Mistress’ pussy. The Mistress quickly got up and seeing that the Empress had landed sitting down, pulled the dildo from her twat and then swung the string of beads like a lasso, it wrapped around the Empress’ neck and the Mistress pulled her forward, flat on her face.

Instantly the Mistress was sitting on the Empress’ back another vibrator now humming in the Empress’ pussy as the Mistress leaned over and sucked the Empress’ asshole, tongue fucking her ass rapidly. The vibrator in the Empress cunt kept the Mistress in control as she then began inserting bead after bead of the long sting of anal beads into the Empress’ ass.

"Oh yeah," Dr. Lewis thought, "she has definitely got her now."

When close to forty of the small beads were packed in the Empress’ ass the Mistress said, "Okay ‘Ever-Cumming Empress’, ‘The Mistress of Pain’ wants to see you ever cumming painfully!" and she turned the vibrator on full power and started pulling violently at the string of beads in her ass, extracting them rapidly and painfully and yes, making the Empress cum, and cum and cum!

After around 10 minutes in which it took the Empress to fully start recuperating, the Mistress was found lying on top of her face-to-face.

As the Empress’ vision cleared the Mistress began kissing her intimately and passionately and the Empress began returning her kisses with the same passion.

Finally the Empress said, "My Mistress, I was wrong, you truly are ‘the Mistress of Pain’; am I now your slave for life?"

"The Mistress kissed her one more time and said, "No my Empress, you see, you weren’t totally wrong. I am not the true Mistress, but the Mistress will return, but until that time, no one has a right to anything in this lair save I; for I may not be ‘the Mistress of Pain’ but I am and always shall be, ‘The Mistress’ Daughter’."

"What then shall you do with me my Mistress?" The Empress asked almost begging.

"There are many toys here, why don’t we share them and show them all what ‘Ever-Cumming in Pain’ truly means? However, first, we share a long personal drink in honor of a long lasting partnership!" Assuming a ‘69’ position, the Mistress and the Empress began drinking joyfully, a toast to their new life long bond.

In the meantime, Dolly looked on as they came and came and came again for each other and thought, "Umm, so can we start cumming like that now?"


Chapter Twenty – The Roadside Affair

"Wow," Ana said almost cumming from the mere recap she had been given by a still very excited Dolly of their experiences with the Mistress’ Daughter and the Ever-Cumming Empress. "Wait until I tell Hannah all that, it will drive her crazy (not that she isn’t already)."

"Hannah," Dolly asked confused, "Why Hannah in particular? She has her Master and I doubt any other dominators would interest her."

Biting her lip Ana said, "It’s nothing, just that the true Mistress’ has a deal with Hannah where Hannah handles all her video journals. Hannah’s going to be pissed she wasn’t the one recording that incredible domination battle as well as all those long hours of cumming that followed for all of you."

Smiling Dolly said, "Everyone is going to be pissed they missed it. But I believe the Mistress left a video disk entitled ‘The Mistress of Pain and her Inheritance’, it’s subtitled ‘The Mistress’ Daughter and her Ever-Cumming Empress’ so it should be easy to find."

"Sugar, are you okay," Patty asked.

"Why do you ask that," Ana said gulping.

Patty cast a dubious look over the two people they were talking with; Patty was happily pumping a vibrator into Dolly’s cunt, they’d been reenacting scenes from the battle they had just been describing, but now she suddenly realized why she had felt something was strange since she first signed on to the conversation.

Deciding not to beat around the bush and just come out and say it Patty said, "Why aren’t you and Melissa fucking or at least naked for us?"

"Oh, that," Ana said glumly, "it’s part of the same problem we had before."

"You know," Patty said, "everyone knows there’s something going on that we’re not being told about, don’t you think it’s about time you fill us in?"

"Patty really, it’s nothing, we’ll all laugh about it when we get back."

Dolly noticed the strange look in Melissa’s eye and said, "Lissa, what is it, I know that look in your eye, something is wrong isn’t it?"

Worried, but not wanting to alarm Dolly, Melissa quickly said, "My parents have hired some super rich guys lawyer to contest my Emancipation plea, my lawyer says, this new guys tactics can’t possibly work, but it can end up delaying my Emancipation papers."

"Don’t worry," Dolly said smiling, "Everything will be fine, as long as we’re together."

Looking for a change of subject Ana said, "So both Uncle Harry and Aunt Susan left early today?"

"Yeah, they almost couldn’t get up to catch their flights," Patty said smiling, "they were in CUM heaven. Just like the rest of us. Luckily Lisa Wise had stayed over last night and since she wasn’t there, she was able to help them get ready."

"Lisa Wise," Ana said smiling, "Martha’s sister, was she—"

"—not involved like I mentioned," Patty said winking.

As Dolly started to cum Patty said, "Listen girls, I haven’t had anything to drink yet today so I’m going to get something now. Love you Sugar, and Melissa, if Dolly could say anything right now she’d tell you how much she loves you." As the screen went blank they watched Patty throw Dolly back on the bed, remove the vibrator in her cunt and bury her face in Dolly’s twat.


"You know this deal sucks Ron," Ana said as she walked into the BED room where everyone was dressed and no one was fucking.

"Oh really," Ron said, "I would never have known."

"Ron you made this deal, you have to unmake it. Can’t you just dominate her again like you did last time?"

"Part of the deal to get her out was that I don’t try that again."

"Well this ban on sex and nudity for the rest of the trip can’t continue! It’s only been one morning and I’m already going to pieces, I need some cunt juice! And a good helping of Ron Cream wouldn’t hurt either!"

"Ana," Ron said calmly, "if that’s how you’re feeling, imagine how ‘the Orgasm Queen’ is feeling right now. Believe me I wouldn’t have taken this deal if I didn’t know that she’ll be the first to break it."


In section one Lenny and John were in charge of the driving, Lana was sitting with Katrina. Though Katrina had eventually stubbornly agreed to the ban on nudity, she was wearing a very short skirt that in no way covered her open twat while sitting and a cut off t-shirt from which her breasts kept sneaking under.

Lana was with Katrina because she knew she’d be the ultimate test for her, if she could resist Katrina’s lure, she’d be able to resist anybody, including the Master, and go through with the ban on sex deal. Lana, however, felt she was fighting a loosing battle every time she looked down and could clearly see a new drop of cunt juice pooling at Katrina’s open cunt lips. Also Katrina kept rubbing her thigh just under her pussy with the side of her hand; she would do this in a fanning motion that kept bringing the beautiful fragrance of her pussy directly up to Lana’s nose.

Lana was about to declare defeat and dig right into Katrina’s pussy when SCREECH! POP! BUMP!

"Oww," Lana said from the floor where she had fallen, "what happened?"

"That’s a good question," Ron said running in, quickly followed by Stan who had been with Laura and Joyce in the kitchen.

"What was it son," Stan asked John.

"Mini-van; it came out of a side road, I didn’t see any signs. I had to make a hard turn to miss getting hit completely, I think one of our hub caps popped during the turn and it looks like the mini-van ended up slightly bumping us anyway."

They heard some sirens close by and Ron, looking at Lana said, "I guess your nudity ban was good for something, at least we don’t have to explain to the cops why we’re all naked."


"But I’m telling you there was no sign!" John repeated angrily and forcefully.

"Sure there is," the deputy said, "just look on yonder tree there. It’s clear as day."

John looked over and was shocked to see that the deputy was right. How could he not have seen that sign?

"Wait a second," Ron said angrily, "that sign may be clear as day from back here, but look at that leafy branch in front of it. Coming from the direction we were it’s not only difficult to see, it’s pretty near impossible!"

The deputy paid no attention to Ron, instead he asked John, "How old are you boy?"

"I’m sixteen, almost seventeen actually."

"And you were driving alone," the deputy asked suspiciously.

"I was with him the whole time," Lenny said, "it was our shift."

"And how old are you?"

"Seventeen, I’ll be eighteen by the end of the summer."

"Hmm," the deputy said writing something down, "Jennifer, Jackie how do you two feel?"

"I think my arms twisted," the girl named Jennifer said, "I may never write again, you think I should sue?"

"Hey, wait a minute;" Ron said furiously, "you hit us! Your mini-van doesn’t even have a scar on the side that bumped us!"

"That’s the side I was in," Jennifer said, "and we wouldn’t have hit you if you’d obeyed the rules. Isn’t that right Uncle Jake?" she looked at the deputy as she asked and he nodded.

"Wait a second," Stan said, "They’re your nieces?"

"Of course not," the deputy said, "only Jen is my niece, Jackie is my daughter." He handed Stan a sheet of paper and Stan’s eyes popped, "IMPOUND NOTICE!" He said fuming, "You can’t impound our bus; we’re on a combination tour and mission to bring safe sex awareness to all communities. We’re supposed to be at our next stop in three days and oh yeah, THERE ARE SEVENTEEN OF US AND THIS IS OUR HOME!"

"I’m sorry but you’ve broken a very serious law and we can’t allow it to go unpunished, and by the way Jen," he said looking at his niece, "since they are at fault you can sue."

"What are we supposed to do," Stan said looking totally lost. "Not seeing a hidden sign does not give you the right to impound our bus."

"But having an under-aged driver with no adult supervising driver does," the deputy said calmly.

"What are you talking about," John said, "I have my license."

"This is useless here," the deputy said looking at the license, "here the law is absolutely no one can drive a large vehicle of this size unless they are 18 or in the presence of a registered 18 year old or above driver. I’ll have Cousin Smithy come over and tow this away, he’s the mechanic so he can fix that hub cap and get rid of that nasty scratch on the side. His son can even touch up that painting there in less than a day and make it good as new."

"Look," Ron said, "Why don’t you just give us the bottom line so we can get on our way; what’s this all going to come out to?"

"I’m not the Judge," the deputy said, "I have no idea what his ruling on the violation fees plus the lawsuit plus the impound charges might be; somewhere between 50 and 100,000 I’d reckon. Uncle Carl is usually very light on first time offenders; this is your first time right? As for the towing and repairing charges, I figure between 2 and 3 thousand."

"Just out of curiosity," Stan said, "who is the sheriff and what relation is he of yours?"

"Oh," Jennifer said, "Dad is Uncle Jake’s brother."

Stan rolled his eyes and said, "look, we live here, can’t you get that, if you take it you are leaving the 17 of us stranded in the middle of nowhere."

The deputy looked at him and finally said, "Okay, this is what I’ll do, I’ll let you all stay in the bus while it’s towed into Smithy’s, once there you can get some rooms at Aunt Karen’s and have something to eat at Cousin Joe’s. I’m only doing you this favor because we believe very strongly in that message on the side of your bus; this isn’t called the ‘Clean Town’ because of Cousin Bob’s garbage truck you know."

Stan saw that Ron was about to say something else and shook his head. Pointing toward the bus he said, "Inside everybody, in the Recreation room."


"Dad, this is ridiculous," John said, "it’s a setup!"

"Of course it’s a setup," Ron said angrily, "it doesn’t change the fact that we fell in the trap."

"A town in which pretty much everyone is related," Lenny said confused, "how is that?"

"That’s because the main town is only one street," Hannah said fuming, she’d been searching some information on the local town on the internet. "And apparently only the small strip beginning where that hidden sign was to the end of this road is actually part of their jurisdiction."

"We can’t let them take our tour mobile," Lana said nervously, "and we can’t let them try to clean us out of all our savings!"

"Debbie," Stan said desperately, "can’t your Mom and Dad help?"

"They’re on a holiday in China right now. They never leave a phone number to reach them during their ‘rare getaways’ as they call them; and they never check their email." Debbie was almost in tears.

"Debbie, what’s wrong," John said concerned.

"This is all our fault, this tour, this bus it’s all cause of us," Debbie said.

Though Katrina and Jason were very silent, it was obvious they were in agreement with Debbie’s belief.

"Now wait a minute," Lana said angrily, "So far everything with the exception of my ‘secret admirer’ has worked out fine. And even my unknown friend has nothing to do with anything you three did, that’s the result of the mission I started on the side without really consulting any of you well enough."

"Lana’s right," Ron said, "for the most part this trip has been something incredible," and looking at Lana he said, "and your little mission has been one of the things that has helped make it incredible, by the way. Not only have we gotten to enjoy an almost totally free trip, we’ve gotten to feel that we’re doing something important while at it."

The Wilsons and Lana all smiled, but then Ana said, "But how do we fix the current problem?"

"By being ourselves," Lana said smiling wickedly.

Everybody looked at her curiously; everybody except Ron who gave Lana a ‘looks like we’re thinking the same thing’ look.

"Everybody around here is related; fine, let’s do a little family mixing." Ron said.

"We’ll spread a little bait around this town," Lana said, "and if anyone bites, we have them all."

"How do you figure, Sis," Don asked curiously.

Ron was the one that answered saying, "Little brother do the words ‘FAMILY SCANDAL’ mean anything to you?"

Everybody suddenly smiled.


"Rooms are $50 a night per person." Aunt Karen smiled kindly at the group as she said this, but she had a very defiant ‘take it or leave it’ tone.

"Per Person," John repeated.

"Dad that would be $850 a night if we were all to stay," Hannah said.

Stan wasn’t sure what action to take so Ron said, "I take it it doesn’t cost anything to have a visitor that isn’t staying the night right?"

The question took Aunt Karen by surprise and she said, "Well no, of course not."

"We’ll take two rooms," Ron said.

The rest of the group just watched Ron, they could tell he had some master plan afoot and they had learned by now to just let him work.

"Paid in advance and in cash only," Karen added.

Ron pulled out some bills and passed them to her.

"This is only $100 dollars," she said.

"It’s one room for my Mom and one room for my Aunt Joyce, the rest of us aren’t staying the night. Don’t worry; we’ll be out by 9 PM, just like your sign says." Everyone turned their eyes to the sign behind Karen that clearly stated:


"Oh," Karen said a little bitterly, "I’ll be watching that clock young man!" Ron had spoken to her in the same ‘take it or leave it’ tone she had and she just passed him two keys.

"I got you," Ron said as he led the group to the rooms.

As he passed one room in the hall, the door opened and someone walked out in a rush and bumped into him.

"DRIPPING PU—I mean—umm—"Ron was actually a little embarrassed for some reason.

"DP," ‘Dripping Pussy’ said smiling, "Remember, my sisters call me DP for short."

"So DP," John said, "What are you doing here, don’t tell me you and your sisters missed the stop sign too."

DP looked at him a bit confused but said, "Actually my sisters have gone on ahead to our next stop, hopefully I can join them before long."

"Why did they go on ahead without you," Ron asked.

The door to the room DP had stepped out of opened again and a young girl around 12 or 13 years of age stepped out, she looked like she had to be DP’s sister (true sister that is not another adopted one).

"Dinsha-Pasheiu I think I’m going to throw up again," the girl said and froze when she saw the crowd in the hall.

DP smiled and said, "My sister is not well, my other sisters got a little tired of having to stop so she wouldn’t throw up in the car and asked me to stay here with her one or two nights."

"It’s that time isn’t it," Ana said, "I know just how you feel," she smiled at the girl and added, "and in just over a week I’ll be feeling that way too."

As most of the group split up into the two rented rooms, TXLT2 talked a few minutes more with DP and her sister whose name was Shai-Ling.

"Which resort are you headed for now," Lana asked.

"The Triple R, there is a bus that leaves here every day; hopefully by tomorrow my sister will be well enough to travel."

"The Roosevelt River Resort," Lana said, "that’s our next stop also."

"Yes," DP said pulling something out of her pocket. "I have the map; my sisters wanted to tour the mountain resorts and we were at the Wood Nymph for your first concert."

"That’s right," Ron said, "you mentioned you all got tested at the first site."

"Yes, my sisters heard you and really liked your music. This map showed that you would be taking the same route we had originally planned with some of the resorts being the only true difference, so our sisters changed our resort reservations to match."

Ron took a look at the map of the ‘Triplet X Love Times 2’ Tour Route and said, "I still can’t believe we sold these out, less that anyone actually rearranged their plans by it."

"Wait a second," Don said, "are you saying that you have been at every single one of our concerts? Why have we only fucked you once—I mean—," Don turned a little red, "—why did we only see you at one?"

"Actually we almost missed one concert," she threw an angry look at her sister.

"How many times do I have to say I’m sorry for getting sick?" Shai screamed and ran into the room slamming the door shut.

DP looked shocked and said, "I apologize I don’t know what has gotten into her."

"WE DO," John, Ron, Don, Hannah and Ana all said together looking at Lana.

"Hey," Lana said angrily, "at least I don’t throw up!"

DP was still a bit confused but she said, "My sisters, really, really like you, but they only got up enough nerve to try to meet you at that lake resort. We wanted to see you again at this last one, but you were busy with your family most of the first day and we didn’t want to intrude and the rest of the time you hardly showed yourselves except for the concert."

"You know," Lana said suddenly, "if we get our bus back soon, you can ride to the next resort with us, believe me, you won’t be late for the concert if you’re with us."

"Really," DP said, "can we really? It would help and save us money; you wouldn’t believe what we are paying for one room. What would we need to do?"

"You wouldn’t need to—" Ron started then stopped and looking at the door of her room said, "you wouldn’t need to do anything but let us take a nap in you room; in a little while, just for two or three hours, and we will definitely be out before 9 PM."

"Well that is fair," DP said smiling, "we let you crash at our place and you let us crash at yours."

"Good, we’ll be back in a little while then," turning to his brothers and sisters Ron said, "come on let’s get everybody into Mom’s room and discuss the next move."


"Wilsons," Ron said, "you are still our most powerful hooks, if we can get just one of these guys to take a bite, not only do they have to worry about mere family scandal, but about retaliation from the well known Mayor of Riverdale and her very powerful real estate king husband for the abuse of one of their children."

"Isn’t that called ‘Entrapment’," Melissa said doubtfully.

"It’s called something that works," Ana said, "believe me, I know."

A little annoyed at the interruption Ron continued saying, "the Mayor here is a woman, so Jason, I want you to work with her. Debbie you try the sheriff and Katrina, love, I need you to put all your talents to work with this Judge; okay you three?"

They nodded and gave echoes of, "Got you Mr. Phelps."

Stan gave a laugh and said, "Ahh yes, Mission Impossible."

"Not too impossible, I hope," Ron said, and then added. "Ana and Jenny why don’t you see if you can get us a very nice discount if not a totally free meal from Cousin Joe; Lana and Sandy, why don’t you visit Cousin Smithy and find out how much the repairs to the bus will really cost; Lenny and Robert why don’t you see if you can get my hundred dollars back from Aunt Karen, preferably with the interest of a free night. Now we start in 3 hours, we should use that time to get a thorough sleep; nothing else for now."

"Brother," John said, "what about us?"

"And me," Melissa said, "I want to help too."

"John, you Don and Me are going to visit Jackie and Jennifer and show how great they’re truly feeling, we are going to take my ‘Pet’ along, I’ve a feeling they enjoy cunt juice and would appreciate a fresh brand. Melissa, are you sure you want to be involved though?"

"Yes please, you all helped me; I want to try to help you back."

"Okay then, you come with my brothers, Hannah and me. Now let’s all get some sleep, Melissa and the Wilsons, you take Joyce’s room; Loving Cousins, you stay here with Mom and Dad; the rest of you follow me to DP’s room, AND NO TRYING TO PLUG THE LEAK! If this works we’ll have the whole trip to the next resort to work on plugging it."


That evening the kids and Stan waited for a signal from the first team they had sent out.

"When Ron’s phone rang he heard Lana’s voice giving screams of, "YES, yes, now DEEPER! Come on the path is clear get in there! Yes!"

Ron closed his phone and smiling said, "I guess at least one team will be successful. Come on, to the garage we can get in the tour mobile and use it as center of operations. Dad you’re sure you got enough sleep, because I want everyone to check in with you every now and then and give a small report of how things are going."

As the group slowly walked the long town street towards the Auto Repair Garage (in groups of no more than 2 or 3) they found the garage door open and they could hear moaning, yelling and a lot of action in a back room. Ron directed them all quietly to the bus and they quickly got in and closing the door headed for the Recreation room.

"Okay," Ron said, "I have where all the people live: Mayor, Judge and Sheriff in particular. I want every group to have one of these PC phones. If you can get some action started just start the video feed and speed dial Dad’s phone to signal your success. Good luck everyone."

When only Ron’s group was left Stan asked, "Where did you find so much information about all the town’s people in so short time?"

"From DP’s sister Shai, she’s only been here a day and she knows the town like the back of her hand; not that there is much of a town to know."

Turning to his group he said, "Come on, let’s party with the local girls. They have their own room above the garage shared by both their parents’ houses."

"They’re parents," Melissa questioned smiling, but a bit nervous, "that would be the Sheriff and the Deputy right?"

"Haven’t you ever fucked a policeman’s child before," Don asked smiling.


The Mayor opened her eyes suddenly as she had the strangest feeling she was no longer alone in bed. Her husband was away on business and she doubted he could be back already. She patted the area next to her and her hand landed on something long, hard (yet soft) and very, very hot. Suspecting what it might be, she pumped it back and forth a few times to confirm her beliefs. With each pump she felt herself getting very wet between the legs (she might not be a teenager anymore, but she sure wasn’t in her golden years yet).

Finally deciding she should find out who it belonged to, she raised her free hand to a light switch above her bed, but never let go of the incredible trophy in the other.

"You," the Mayor said when she saw Jason, "didn’t you come in on that bus, what are you doing here?"

Looking down at his cock he said, "Well at the moment I’m getting a fantastic hand job from you. Please don’t stop and I promise to dry up that incredible wet spot between your legs."

Not stopping her hand job the Mayor said, "You still haven’t told me why you’re here."

"I’m just looking for a bed to sleep in," Jason said sadly, "I can’t afford a room in that motel." Then suddenly focusing on her bare boobs said, "As long as you’re enjoying my cock, is it okay if I enjoy one of these," And before she could answer he locked his lips around her breast and started sucking, at the same time putting something on a bedside table and hitting the number one.


The Judge thought he heard a noise and came down to check. His wife was a very heavy sleeper and no noise would wake her, but if a pin dropped while he was sleeping it would wake him.

He entered his private office to where he had traced the noise and turning on the lights was greeted by the sight of a naked young lady sleeping on his love seat. The girl was sleeping with her legs well parted so that anyone coming in would instantly have a view of her lovely, open and dripping cunt. The Judge noticed her incredibly large clit and thought, "she looks like she can fuck somebody with that. Oh well," he thought, "let’s get this show on the road."

Sitting in a chair next to the love seat he said, "You can open your eyes, I already got a good view of what you’re offering me."

The statement made Katrina smile and opening her eyes she looked over and saw the Judge masturbating, her eyes popped when she saw how big and thick his cock was.

"Now, before we fuck girl let me just point out that Entrapment is a capital offense in this town punishable by 5 to 10 years in prison, so are you still offering yourself to me?"

Katrina shot another look at his cock and felt herself getting very wet, she leapt off the love seat and her lips fell on the Judge’s cock which she instantly swallowed completely down her throat.


The Sheriff had been hearing his wife moaning for some time. He was starting to truly wonder what she could be dreaming about after a while the moans had him hornier than he’d been in a long time. He felt himself hard as an iron bar and, dying to shove that bar somewhere for relief, he thought, "Sorry to wake you Molly, you sound like you’re really enjoying that dream but this has to go somewhere." Turning around he found his wife (so he thought) on her side with her back to him and spooning up against her found the entrance to her love hole and just busted right in. He fucked her incredibly for about 10 minutes when he suddenly started suspecting something was not right.

"I’ve been fucking Molly’s hole for 25 years," he thought, "this is not Molly, she is way too beautifully tight and smells damn lovely."

He wondered at first if Jackie or Jennifer might have sneaked into bed with him and Molly again, both loved a good fucking. But he knew well what both his daughter and his niece felt and smelt like; he’d been fucking them both since they hit puberty. This wasn’t either of them. Deciding that as much as he was enjoying this girls tight hole, he couldn’t put it off forever, he reached for a lamp on the bedside table and turning on the light looked to see who the girl his cock was currently in was.

The Sheriff was shocked to find the stranger sucking his wife’s boob and fingering her twat.

"Molly, you’re awake," He said noticing his wife’s eyes open and locked with those of the girl that was pleasuring her (and whose cunt was pleasuring him).

"Well of course silly, do you think I could sleep through such pleasure?"

"Molly, this girl should not be here. She’s part of that group Jake brought in, you know what she’s trying to do!"

"Of course I do John, and you know that the Judge set up protection long ago so no one would ever get away with it again, so for heaven sake just enjoy the girl for now. Your cock sure seems to be."

Debbie wondered what the Sheriff’s wife meant by protection, but didn’t dwell too much on it, especially when she changed position so she was in a sideways ‘69’ position with Debbie and glued her mouth to Debbie’s clit while the Sheriff’s large cock continued working in and out of Debbie’s cunt. Sighing Debbie glued her mouth to Molly’s cunt and started drinking away.


When the boys, Hannah and Melissa first arrived at the garage where Jennifer and Jackie had their private room, they were greeted by incredible moaning, loud gasping and an incredible smell of sex already.

"Wow," John said, "this place smells just like home."

"Oh man," Melissa said, "just being in this place makes me want to fuck somebody fast."

"What about some thing," Don asked smiling as he passed through a door in the first floor of the garage.

Catching up to him and seeing what he was observing, the boys all smiled and made and ‘oh yeah, I’m next’ face. Hannah on the other hand turned a little blue and threw her arms around Ron as if afraid she’d disappear. John turned on his PC cell phone’s video capture and began recording the incredible scene.

After a few minutes Ron walked around the girls being fucked doggy style before him and seeing they had their eyes closed as they enjoyed the extra large cocks of the two rockwilders pounding their pussies from behind, he went over to Melissa and Hannah and whispered something to them, Melissa instantly nodded and stripping went to take her place, Hannah, however, gave Ron a doubtful ‘what if it happens again’ look but quickly bowed her head and went to follow orders.

Jackie and Jennifer where so into their fantastic fucking that no one or no thing out of their joy existed and for this reason their eyes had not opened once, but now, they both began smelling something new, something different, something they had to taste. Opening their eyes in the downward positions their heads were in, they were both greeted by lovely juicy cunts waiting to be devoured. That they were shocked to see other people there was beyond the point, because at the moment they were their dog’s bitches and until their dogs finished having fun, they couldn’t have separated themselves if they had wanted to, so with no other real choice, the girls simply shrugged and dug into the twats they were being offered.

After a while Ron said, "Those dogs must be heavy, I’m glad to see you girls both have strong healthy arms to keep yourselves stable."

He went over to Hannah’s head and stripping bent down depositing he fully erect cock down Hannah’s throat, "don’t you think that’s lucky girls?"

Without pulling out of the cunts in front of them they just looked up at him with an ‘oh, oh we’re screwed’ look.

Don went over and deposited his cock in Melissa’s mouth while John continued filming everything.

Finally the dogs began cumming in the girls twats and after filling them with a ton of doggie cum, moved away to lie in a corner.

"So what are you planning to do," Jennifer asked worried.

"Well at the trial I plan to show a little tape for everyone giving proof against any statement you might make about never being able to write again, as for right now, me and my brothers are just going to fuck you two silly, that okay with you?"

They both smiled and nodded wildly.

"Hannah, Melissa why don’t you clean them up and get them ready for us?"

Smiling all the girls got nicely cleaned in a ‘69’ and once ready Ron mounted Jackie, and John mounted Jennifer just as the dogs had been and Don went to the girls heads to get a double sucking.

"Well what about us," Melissa asked a little annoyed, "what are we supposed to do?"

"Go play with the dogs you two, you know you want to," Ron said smiling.

Giggling excitedly Hannah and Melissa assumed a doggy position and waited for the dogs to come over, smell them, tongue fuck their twats a while and finally mount them and fuck them as silly and the boys were fucking the dog’s owners.


Around 10 o’clock the next morning everybody was once more in Laura’s room giving detailed accounts of their night’s exploits.

"Well, as you can see Cousin Joe was very happy to donate a good amount of food to feed the worker’s of our mission," Ana said.

"And Cousin Smithy was nice enough to donate the work to repair our bus," Lana said holding up a receipt, "he said there really wasn’t much to do. And you should have seen how fast his son touched up our mural after he was finally back in our world."

"Well the recording we have of the girls extra strong activities will keep them from trying to sue us," John said, "and Ron even got a little bonus from Jackie."

"What’s that," Stan asked.

Holding a signed confession Ron said, "A statement describing how she was in orgasm heaven while driving due to the pussy sucking Jennifer was giving her as she drove."

"Well," Stan said smiling, "I think we have this pretty much won."

The Wilsons however were very silent and nervous. Noticing this Ron said, "What’s wrong, I know you three did your jobs."

"I don’t think we did," Katrina said truthfully, "we all got back a little early this morning, we noticed DP’s door was open so we went in and talked it over a while."

"Was DP there," Ron asked.

"Yes, but she was taking a shower, only her sister Shai was in the room. Anyway, the thing is that the Mayor, the Judge and the Sheriff were all very happy to fuck us most of the night," Jason said, "but they kept talking about some special protection against entrapment."

"The Judge mentioned a capital offense punishable by 5 plus years in jail," Katrina said.

"And the Sheriff’s wife mentioned the protection being put there years ago by the Judge so no one would ever get away with that again."

"They knew what we were doing," Laura questioned.

"Yet they were happy to oblige us with no fear of retaliation," Stan added.

"I’m not sounding liking the sound of that ‘Master’," Lana said.

"Neither am I," Ron admitted suddenly a bit worried. To Lenny and Robert he said, "Were you able to get the money for the room back?"

"Sorry," Robert said, "Karen was a hard one."

"She did however let us keep the rooms until we have to leave," Lenny said, "usually we would have had to leave by 9 this morning or pay for another day. She’s not making us pay unless we spend another night."


TXLT2 returned to DP’s room to pick up some things they’d left the day before.

Seeing DP a little agitated they questioned her if she was okay.

"Oh it’s Shai, she’s disappeared again. She’s been gone all morning! She keeps doing that from time to time, even when she was supposed to be working with my sisters. The reason everyone agreed to let her come is so she could handle our photo journal. Instead, she’s missed some of the best moments in the trip, like when we met at the lake resort."

"Where was she," Lana asked curiously.

"Well there she was just too ill from beginning to end to leave the room once, but other times she’s just out photographing local scenes and animal life instead of us."

Just then Shai entered and smiled at everyone.

"So you’re feeling better today I see," Lana said smiling back.

"Where have you been," DP demanded.

"You look like you’ve just run for miles," Ron said also smiling but not failing to notice the wet spot in the front of Shai’s pants.

"I was taking some pictures of the town," Shai said holding up some instant pictures, "The Courthouse, the Sheriff’s house, City Hall, this is the Judge’s private office, and look at these lamps the Sheriff has on his desk, and I love the detail in these chairs the Mayor has in hers."

Looking over the photos Ron said, "You have quite and eye for detail."

"I love photography," she said excitedly.

"Well, talking about the courthouse," Lana said, "we better go, our case is up soon."

"Can my sister and I go," Shai asked almost pleading, "to show our support you know?"

Putting her arm around the girl’s shoulder Lana said, "of course you can come, especially since we can use all the support we can get."


"Now before I begin this simple case of criminally negligent driving and the extensive fines that such crimes merit," the Judge started slowly, "I feel an inclination to talk about a much more serious crime, I’m not sure why I want to talk about it, as far as I know it has no relation to this case at all. It’s the crime of Entrapment for which any adult believed involved will instantly get a five years prison term or more. As well as that any minor believed to be involved will instantly be taken into the custody of our social services pending an investigation of how these minors live and were raised in their homes. All of these are in direct accordance with local law 99. Is all that clear?" As he said this he smiled strongly at the group looking him over with nervous eyes.

When everyone nodded and gulped, the Judge said, "Good then let’s start the ruling on the case before us."

Just then a man entered with a large envelope and calling a time out took it to the Judge to examine. Extracting what was obviously a note and some pictures, the Judge gave a quick angry look at the crowd of people and Lana had the feeling he was looking straight at her, she tightened her grip on Shai around whose shoulder she still had her arm.

The Judge called over the Sheriff to join him and the man who had brought him the envelope.

After several minutes he called the courtroom to order again and said, "After conferring with a representative from the Mayor’s personal staff and with the Sheriff, it has come to our attention after extensive testing that the road sign in question is not 100% clearly visible to on coming drivers, this being the case, we can find no fault in anyone and the accused are to have their vehicle returned immediately and they can then get out of our town!" No one missed that the last five words sounded very much like an order to be obeyed immediately.

Ron wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but he was very curious about what had just saved their butts, because he was sure this was not the judgment the Judge had prepared. Looking over at the note on the Judge’s desk, Ron made a move to find out what was in it. Getting up he took out his cell phone and talking said, "Yeah Amy, look everything is fine, we’ll be leaving here soon enough," As he got up to the desk the three men still conferring looked up at him suspiciously as he said, "No, no, there were no fines, I’m just going to thank the Judge now for his ruling. I’ll talk to you more later, Okay I’ll tell her that, bye."

Now up against the Judge’s desk he prepared to close his phone as he offered his other hand to the Judge, and said, "Excellent ruling your honor. Thank you."


An hour later they were back on the road again with two new passengers.

"Is it just me, "Katrina said, "or does anyone else think this group just keeps getting bigger and bigger?"

"So you really had nothing to do with our final victory son," Stan said amazed.

"The Judge didn’t give me the opportunity to use my trump card, that little opening speech of his was very clear, ‘try it and you lose’. But who really cares," Ron added, "All’s well and it’s time for a fuckabration like none other!"

"Ron," Lana said, "we still have a deal!"

"Sorry ‘Queen’ but recent events null that sex band deal. Now you can join us in the BED room or you can stay out here and watch Disney movies, the choice is yours." Getting up he led the way to the door of the BED room waving everyone else including Melissa and DP in. Only Lana and Shai remained in the recreation room.

Before going through the door Ron pulled the printed copy of the enhanced photo he had taken out of his pocket and gave it one last worried look as he read once more to himself, "NO LOCAL LAW CAN PROTECT AGAINST SCANDAL LIKE ME, NOW LET LANA GO SHE HAS AN APPOINTMENT WITH ME!"


Chapter Twenty-one – A Queen and a Master for Debbie

Lana slowly began to return to the waking world from the long tired sleep she’d fallen into. She felt someone sitting on her lap, and there was a mouth sucking happily and contently at one of her boobs. As she fully returned to her senses she took a minute to see who was there and suddenly remembered what had tired her so much she had fallen asleep.

Leaning down she gave the girl, who was actually sleeping (though that mouth was very much awake), a light kiss and looking at the screen she saw that "The Wizard of Oz" was almost finished, it was the last of 5 DVDs of kids favorites she had put in the continuous DVD player. She wondered how many Shai had actually watched before falling asleep. She herself had only made it through half of the second movie, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."

She thought she should disconnect Shai from her boob (she was starting to get really hot and she was still determined to keep that ban on sex) and take her to a real bed, but she was sure that the BED room was not the place for any child (or temporary Asexual) to be right now.

"Do you think they are still fucking her?" She heard someone ask as she felt the mouth leave her boob on its own.

Surprised Lana looked down and saw Shai wide awake observing her. "Shai," Lana said smiling, "what are you talking about?"

"My sister, do you think everyone is still fucking and sucking her?"

"Shai what do you know about that," Lana said curiously.

"Everything, I’d been taking care of my sister’s leak since I was around 9. But now that I’m ill she won’t let me do it anymore."

"Ill," Lana said a little worried as the term ‘non-child’ popped into her head, "we thought you were just going through some normal girl moments, what exactly do you have?"

"Epilepsy, don’t worry you can’t catch it, I had an accident and hit my head, the pills make me sick sometimes."

Confused Lana asked, "Why won’t your sister let you help her anymore?"

"As well as drinking her juices she knows I love sucking her clit and her boobs, she’s afraid if I have a seizure while working on them I’ll bite them off. Thanks for letting me suck your tit all night long."

"Well as I remember my blouse was closed when I fell a sleep so I didn’t exactly let you suck it." Smiling she added, "I guess it’s lucky I’m not missing any nipples this morning." She had been trying to make a joke but she instantly saw that Shai did not find it funny, "Oh, I’m sorry , I was just kidding."

"Does that mean you’ll let me suck you some more, maybe in other places?"

"Well I don’t really let anyone touch me unless they first show proof they’re safe."

"Well what about all those people in that town we were just in?"

"Well we sort of had Hannah break into their clinic’s medical records, things like that aren’t hard for her. She found that the town is pretty much a ‘Clean Town’. You’re right though, we shouldn’t have assumed that everyone we fucked was still one hundred percent fuckable and the first thing we’ll do when we get to the resort is update everybody’s documents. If you want we’ll do yours and when the results come back you can suck me all you want, that sound okay?"

"Not really," Shai said sadly, "With all the tests for my illness I’ve sort of developed a phobia towards medical tests."

Hugging the child tightly Lana said, "Well we’ll see what we can do, if nothing else we can definitely watch some more movies together."

As Lana finished closing up her blouse the door of the Bed room opened and DP stepped out totally naked, seeing that Lana was once more hugging Shai she said worriedly, "What are you two doing?"

"We were watching movies, what were you doing?"

Looking at Lana for confirmation DP asked, "Is that true?"

"Yes," Lana said a little annoyed, "of everyone in this room, who is the only one without clothes?"

"I just wanted to make sure you know—"

"—that your sister is sick, yeah I know, she told me."

DP looked at her sister suspiciously but just then the others started flooding out of the BED room also.

"Anyone know how far away we are from the next resort," Lana asked.

"I’d say around half-an-hour," Hannah said, "at least that’s what Dad just said over the intercom."

Lana gave a surprised look but then thought back to what it was that had actually just woken her up.

"Listen up, everybody," she said, "get ready to update your STD documents when we get in, we really shouldn’t have assumed that everyone in that town was still completely clean, so let’s not do anything like that again, okay."

"If you mean let’s not get in any more traffic accidents, I’m with you 100% ‘Queen’," Ron said, "as for anything else, just try to keep my Honey away from another dog."


After getting her blood drawn and being given tickets to 5 of 10 specially reserved front row seats at the concert, DP went with Shai (who was not able to bring herself to be in the same room as the blood tests) to find their sisters. The reserved seat she was given tickets to were apart from the 100 reserved for those tested, these 10 were reserved for family and special friends and up to now had been used by Stan, Laura, Joyce, the cousins and the Wilsons and at the last concert Melissa. With ‘the Loving Cousins’ now on stage, they could afford to hand some of these tickets out to other friends.

Like the last time they made special tests, Joyce sent the samples to the local hospital with the deliverers that brought the final equipment necessary for the next days mass testing and put a rush on the results.

After that the Anderson-Irving-Wilson party went through the normal routine of setting up camp, preparing the memorabilia table and preparing to enjoy some of the local events. At their camp site several, including TXLT2 minus Lana, Jenny, Sandy and Katrina discussed the possibilities.

"Let’s go rafting," Don said after checking a menu of possible activities. "There can be up to three people on a raft."

"That river looks a little rough to do anything like that on it," Ana said watching the river rush by.

"Don’t let it fool you," Ron said, "it’s as tame as Katrina."

Don gulped and said, "Maybe rafting isn’t a good idea after all."

"I think it’s great," John said, "but we should really do it earlier in the day. Why don’t we leave it as the last activity we do here on the day we leave; after all the hassles of tomorrow’s blood testing and the concert are over with."

"You mean in case one of us drowns," Hannah said also watching the river rush by.

"Or is injured beyond the capability of performing,’ John said smiling.

"So what do we do in the meantime," Ana said.

"Let’s go fishing," John said, "we haven’t tried it yet."

Ana and Hannah, as well as Jenny and Sandy, who were listening silently, made a face and Ana said, "Haven’t you been fishing at two or three of the resorts we’ve already gone too?"

"That was for fresh water fish," Ron said casting and eye at the raging river and smiling, "this is something very different."

"Hey," Jenny said suddenly, looking at the activity menu herself, "there’s an arcade fair on the other side of the resort. They’re supposed to have all sorts of arcade games available, bet I can whip any of you at pinball!"

Now the boys were the ones wearing sour faces and John said disgustedly, "we’re not in the great outdoors to play pinball!"

"Fine," Ana said, "then go fishing and we’ll go to the arcade. The ‘Queen’ loves pinball, if anything can tempt her to come out of that tour mobile it’ll be that."

"I can’t believe she’s still denying me a drink," Katrina said sounding almost depressed, "it’s been almost 4 days since I last had some good Lana juice flowing down my throat."

"She won’t even give us some so we can refill our Anderson Dressing supply," Ana said grimly, "not that it would ever be complete without some Lana golden juice which she also refuses to share."

"I miss my sister," Hannah suddenly said crying.

Ron looked at her surprised and then said to Ana, "I thought she’s always the last to start?"

"We’re still over a week away, I think she’s just sad without the ‘Queen’ around, the real ‘Queen’ I mean; I know I am."

Ron pulled Hannah onto his lap and after giving her a kiss just let her sit there embracing him.

"Ron," Katrina said, "can’t you do something to get Lana to feed us?"

Ron looked at her a little annoyed and said, "I can probably get us all a ton of Lana regular and golden juice by triggering my hidden pet and ordering her to feed us all, but that doesn’t exactly get us Lana back does it!"

Katrina gulped at how angrily Ron spoke to her and fearing he might somehow turn her into a pet she backed slowly away.

After a few minutes of silent thinking Ron said, "You know what we really need to get Lana back fully?"

Recognizing the beginnings of a master plan in the works all those gathered around the campsite listened attentively as the Master outlined a plan.


‘Pollyanna’, Lana’s latest choice of ‘activity void’ filling movie was coming to an end and as she watched the closing credits the door suddenly burst open and Jason and John came in with Debbie between them each holding one of her hands, she looked like she was crying.

They were followed in by Robert, Lenny and Don.

"John," Debbie said frantically, "I just don’t think I can."

"Come on Sis, you’ve been putting this off for ages. Are you OHPF or aren’t you?"

"Honey, he’s right," John said, "it’s time to get rid of that cock panic of yours once and for all!"

Lana watched as the five naked guys surrounded the equally naked Debbie, she really looked terrified and Lana might have intervened if she didn’t know quite well what it was all about.

As OHPF president she’d been requesting that Debbie get some treatment to cure her of her ‘multiple male partners’ phobia for some time. Since she met and started training Debbie in the joys of sex, it’s the one thing she hadn’t been able to help her with. Lana obviously lacked the proper equipment to do it herself, multiple cocks, and John had always taken Debbie’s side when she cried she wasn’t ready to be male gang banged. "I guess John finally got tired of waiting," Lana thought.

"Robert, lover of asses, why don’t you take her back door; Lenny, you take the front and Don, you work on the upstairs window. Jason, you and I will keep her calm by working on these," John grabbed and squeezed one of Debbie’s boobs.

"How do we do it," Robert asked, "standing up?"

"No," Jason said, "lying down with her in a facing up position will be easier for all, so you take the first level and we’ll get her set up on you."

"John," Debbie said terrified, "I’m scared."

"That’s what we’re here for dear," John said leaning over and kissing her intimately, "to cure you so you’ll never be scared again."

"You know," Jason said, "this should really be filmed. This is Deb’s first male gang bang, she should have a lasting memory of it. And not just a static shot either, it should have plenty of close-ups and professional shots."

"Jason, that’s not a bad idea," John said and looking over at Lana said, "Lana, grab the digital video camcorder over there and get all the action. You should do it; this is as much a historic OHPF moment as it is a personal one for Debbie."

Smiling in agreement with his statement, Lana got the camcorder and prepared to tape the show.

"Okay, I don’t want anyone to cum except in her twat so hold off cumming guys," John said, "we’ll let her have at least two very memorable cums in the start up position then we line up and start filling her love hole."

As he said this, Debbie was being pushed onto Robert who was lying down on the ground face up. He quickly inserted his fully erect penis in her butt hole and without even thinking about letting her adjust pushed all the way in to the end. Lenny then kneeled in front of Debbie and pushed his cock deep into her pussy marrying their pubic hairs in a second, Debbie screamed loudly after each of these intrusions, and with the pain she was feeling she would still be screaming if Don hadn’t suddenly kneeled at her head and rammed his cock down her throat. As the three of them then started to fuck Debbie’s holes in unison, Jason and John each kneeled at one of Debbie’s sides and tried to calm her down by each sucking gently on one of her boobs.

Lana was catching all the action, and she was zooming in nicely on Lenny’s cock pumping in and out of Debbie’s pussy, while just a little below it, thrusting furiously in her ass, was Robert’s cock. While zooming in on Debbie’s pain stricken face as Don’s cock pumped in her mouth, Lana was able to get an incredible shot of the change over from pain to bliss as Debbie’s first orgasm hit. Lana quickly zoomed out to get a full shot of Debbie’s powerfully trembling body.

After twenty minutes and two more powerful orgasms for Debbie, Robert said, "I don’t think I can hold off cumming for much longer."

"Yeah," Lenny agreed, "neither can I."

"Okay everyone, pull out a while and rest while Jason and I take over for a bit, we’ll set her up doggy style," he said to Jason as if talking about a rubber sex doll, "You can take the bitches front while I take the cunt from behind."

Lana, who had been flowing from the cunt for some time while filming the action, felt an extra tinge of excitement at the way the guys were talking about Debbie. Lana hadn’t had any true action herself for almost or more than 4 days. She refused to count her time with Smithy’s son as true action since she hadn’t really enjoyed doing a stranger and had strangely held back some of the finer joys of sex.

Watching Debbie leaking juices like crazy and hearing her moans of joy and screams of pain were starting to awaken a very strong and lustful desire in Lana, one she was fighting to keep dormant.

Lana got in a good position to film both John fucking Debbie’s cunt and Jason fucking her face. She closed right in on the wet cunt lips opening and closing as John inserted and extracted his cock, she could clearly see Debbie’s inner lips holding on dearly to John’s cock every time he pulled out as if begging ‘please don’t leave me’. In the front she could see Debbie’s throat shrink and expand as the muscles worked on her brother’s cock.

Finally, Lana heard John about to cum and getting into position prepared to film it, John pulled completely out of Debbie’s twat as he started cumming and let Lana film a few of the first squirts hitting Debbie’s cunt exterior before pushing back in and filling her up. When he was finished, he walked around to Debbie’s head and getting Jason to switch places, inserted his slimy cock in Debbie’s mouth for cleaning. Jason in the meantime took his turn at filling his sister’s cunt. When Jason finished, he returned to his sister’s mouth for a cleaning session. The other three, now well rested cocks, each took their turns filling up Debbie’s overflowing cum filled cunt and Lana licked her lips anxiously at the sight of so much cum.

When they had all finished with her the guys started cheering and applauding and Lana got a final shot of Debbie’s open and cum oozing pussy before ending the recording.

"Lana," John said, "Why don’t you take that into the BED room and clean it up. The guys are going fishing now, and anyway, it’s an OHPF mess, as president, you should clean it up."

The guys just turned and walked out, leaving Debbie whimpering at Lana’s feet, albeit with a very blissful and happy face.

Lana helped her stand and led her to the BED room to lie down. She was just going to let her rest but Debbie begged, "Please, clean me out, I can’t have so many different brands of cum in me at once, I’m just not use to it."

Lana threw her a look that bordered on a pity filled ‘I’m sorry for you’ look and a very angry ‘well get use to it if you expect to remain in the OHPF’ look. Lana, however, knelt between Debbie’s legs and started feasting on the 5 brands of cream mixed in with the fine amount of Debbie juice (one of her favorite brands of cunt juice).

As she feasted, she felt her nipples trying to break through the t-shirt she was now wearing, and she could feel how soaked her shorts were getting (she hadn’t gotten any new panties since Ron destroyed the only pair she ever owned).

As well as her nipples and the rate of flowing cunt juice between her own legs, Lana felt something else rising as Debbie continued complaining about what just happened.

"I can’t believe John just let them treat me like that, I thought he loved me, and Jason, my own brother, how could they do that to me? I can’t—"


"SHUT UP ALREADY DAMN IT!!!" As Lana screamed this she looked at Debbie with totally wrathful eyes. Lana pushed Debbie back hard got up, tore off her clothes and getting a bag that was always available in the room (just like the one in every tent), came back saying, "It’s obvious that you still need reminding what it means to be an OHPF member!" Reaching in the bag she fished out a large anal thunder bead vibrator.

"No," Debbie screamed.


"Never say no to your president, or better said YOUR QUEEN!"

In a mere second, Debbie, who had been pushed onto her back was pulled by the hair into a kneeling position with her face against the mattress and her ass high and open with Lana’s tongue working every inch of it.

"It’s working!" Katrina whispered excitedly to Ron as they watched from the barely open sleeping berth they were hiding in.

"Well, it got her clothes off anyway," Ron whispered back, "let’s just pray that ‘the Orgasm Queen’ truly is back for good."

Lana, or better said, ‘the Orgasm Queen’, stuck first one, then another finger deep in Debbie’s ass and worked to pump and stretch the hole for several minutes, every now and then pulling the fingers out fully and using her tongue to lube both the inside and outside of Debbie’s rosebud thoroughly. She then grabbed the thunder bead and started twisting and turning it at Debbie’s butt hole, pushing it in more and more past the sphincter until--!!!POP!!!—it was inside. Using her index finger ‘the Orgasm Queen’ pushed the bead as far inside Debbie as she possibly could, while at the same time activating the vibrator. As it hummed deep in Debbie’s ass, Debbie let out a loud moan.

"You know," Ron whispered as he pumped his own cock in and out of Katrina’s ass, "I can’t believe I never noticed that your sister has an incredibly submissive side."

"Oh yeah," Katrina said, as much for Ron’s pumping as for his statement, "Do you really think I could have gotten her to fuck Jason and me all these years if it weren’t for her submissiveness?"

"I think I’ll set ‘the Master’ loose on her for a while; when the ‘Queen’ is finished with her that is."

"And if there is anything left," Katrina giggled.

They watched as the ‘Queen’ grabbed a large vibrator and pulling Debbie on her back again plastered her pussy on Debbie’s face and leaning forward glued her mouth to Debbie’s clit while ramming the vibrator, set on high, repeatedly in and out of her pussy. For the next half-hour the ‘Queen’ continued unleashing her wrath on Debbie, torturing her with cums, to the point were she just couldn’t take the pleasure anymore and begging and pleading said, "no more please, you’re going to kill me with joy!"

At that point ‘the Orgasm Queen’ looked up as she felt rather than heard someone move behind her. Turning she saw her most hated rival and arch enemy watching with a smirk on his face; jumping off Debbie and trying to leap on ‘the Master’ in an effort to beat the crap out of him as well as finally get to lock her molars around his penis, the ‘Queen’ suddenly felt someone else grab her from behind, throw her on her back, leap on her and start kissing her passionately while ramming an incredibly oversized clit in and out of the Queen’s pussy lips.

"MY CLIT!!!" Lana thought happily, "oh how I’ve missed my beautiful clit," she continued thinking as she joyously began to kiss Katrina back.

Ron looked on as ‘the Queen’ and ‘the Wild Kat’ fucked each other lovingly until they brought one another to raging orgasms, he then knelt by their side.

"Madame President," he said seriously, "What is the first rule for OHPF members?"

Lana looked a little confused but said slowly, "Your body belong to all other members, just as all other members bodies belong to you."

"Well we have a little difficulty then," Ron said, "because in the next room there are several OHPF members as well as some honorary members that are very upset because one particular member’s body has not belonged to them for a while," he gave her a cheery smile and said, "Madame President, why don’t you and the Wild—I mean Katrina go in and rectify the situation," throwing Debbie a quick look he said, "I’ll take care of things here."

Lana smiled at him with complete understanding of everything that had happened and said, "You know if a part of me didn’t hate a part of you to the extreme, Hannah and I might really be at war, because I might really love you."

"Hey," Katrina said angrily, "watch your tongue."

"That’s if I didn’t have a beautiful love of my own, of course." Lana quickly added this as she allowed Katrina to help her up and walk her through the door to the Recreation room.

"Help me," Ron heard someone whisper and remembering for the first time that Debbie was still a little stuffed looked at her.

"Good job Debbie," he said as he looked at the large vibrator still almost completely in her twat and the recovery leash of the anal thunder vibrator bead still humming in her ass. "Allowing yourself to be used, abused, misused in such a way just to get Lana back was an unselfish and honorable thing to do." He squinted his eyes and grinning wickedly said, "not that you weren’t loving every second of it, right BITCH! Still whore, you deserve a more direct reward." Suddenly Ron grabbed the nipples of Debbie’s boobs and squeezed them tightly making her scream.

"Ron, no please!" she said, "I can’t take anymore now."

"Did you just say no to me SLAVE," ‘the Master’ said grabbing Debbie by the hair and pulling her over his lap, "insolent bitch, it’s time to show you who I am."


Reaching in the bag Lana had left he rummaged through it until he found a good set of clamps (nipple and clit) and a nice collar. After putting them on Debbie he grabbed the vibrator in her twat and after giving it a few strong pumps pulled it out with a loud—!!!POP!!!—and said, "Why don’t we replace this with something warmer, he pulled her on top of himself his cock deep in her cunt.

"Ohhhhhh—ohhhhhh—oh yes-YES MASTER—yes more please!" Debbie leaned down and kissed her Master intimately as she said this.

‘The Master’ smiled as he began a good long session of pain and pleasure for his new slave.


Around an hour later, two people entered the BED room; they had been enjoying the ‘Welcome Back Lana’ party in the next room, but they were starting to worry and wonder why two other people hadn’t yet come in to join.

John and Hannah stood still, frozen with shock, as they watched Debbie riding Ron’s cock; Debbie had clamps throughout her body and there was a giant vibrator sticking out of her ass (the thunder bead finally having been removed). They looked with special interest at the collar around her neck and the leash attached to it, a leash with which ‘the Master’ now pulled his slave’s head down to his until their lips met and they kissed passionately letting their tongues dance together until Ron finally broke it off at which point Debbie sighed saying, "I love you, Master."

"NO!" Hannah screamed angrily making Ron and Debbie turn and notice the new comers.

Debbie froze a bit on seeing John, she could see how angry and disappointed he was, she wanted to go to him, but her Master’s cock was still in her pussy. Until he finished pleasuring himself, she had no right to abandon him, no right to speak.

Hannah, however, thought it was definitely time for the would be slave to abandon her Master’s love stick and going right up to Debbie grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off Ron.

"No!" Debbie said, "I can’t abandon my Master!"


Hannah grabbed her around the collar and ripped it off (almost taking Debbie’s neck with it). "He is not your Master!" Hannah screamed. She then pulled the vibrator out of Debbie’s ass and removed all the clamps and—!!!SLAP!!!

Debbie shook her head and once more looked at John, with all the things that were bringing her pain and pleasure gone, she started returning to herself, the erotic high she had been on quickly wearing off and the spell fully broken.

"Oh John," she said suddenly running to him.


Debbie fell back and stared shocked at John, the fury he had just slapped her with was totally not him.

"Don’t ever talk to me again bitch!" John said as he turned to leave.

"John," Ron said getting up and going to his brother, "you know we were just—"!!!POW!!!

"Oww," Ron said as he shook his head back and forth, "What happened?" He asked himself as he tried to remember. "What was he doing?" He suddenly realized that his hand was around a leash, his cock was deep in a pussy and someone was laying on top of him, a very clamped someone from the feel of her boobs and clit against his body.

He suddenly remembered that he was playing temporary slave-master to Debbie. He must have passed out, but that didn’t exactly explain why his jaw hurt.

He focused his eyes on the girl on him and screamed, "HANNAH!" Suddenly everything came back; he pushed his rogue slave off him angrily and violently. "This is the last straw," he said reaching for her collar.


"Don’t you dare take that from her! And don’t you dare try to stop being her master, because I swear to you Ronald Anderson that if you are not her master then you’ll be my slave for life, and you know that I can do it too.

Ron froze looking deep in Hannah’s eyes, knowing full well who it was talking to him. He didn’t say a word; he however did not try to make another grab for Hannah’s collar either, taking the warning from ‘the Mistress of Pain’ very seriously.

Getting up Ron turned his back on her and left without saying a word. He had something more important to deal with at the moment than his ‘Erotic Psycho’ and her multiple personality syndrome; in the end they would come out okay, they loved each other too much for it not to work out.

Left alone, Hannah watched angrily as Ron stepped through the door, but after a few minutes she suddenly looked worried and scared and screamed, "Master, Please Master, come back, come back please!" And breaking down she started to cry.


After the concert the next day, as the group prepared for their ritual fuckabration, Debbie went hopefully up to John and Hannah stood in front of Ron, both guys walked around the girl before them without a word and John grabbed Katrina, while Ron pulled Lana to his side (Katrina and Lana had actually been preparing to hook up again).

"This is ridiculous Ron," Lana said, "plus it is your fault and you know it. Melissa told me how you pretty much forced Hannah to become Honey when you guys were doing those garage bitches, even though Hannah didn’t want to. You know better than anyone that if you want to play with her super submissive side you have to be willing to confront her super dominant side. It takes a lot of strength for her to be nothing more than a loyal dog; she has to bury and suppress a lot of dominant and aggressive feeling."

"You know, you are starting to sound more and more like Dr. Lewis every day." Ron said smiling.

"Actually that was Aunt Joyce’s explanation, but I’m sure Randy would agree with it, and more importantly, you still know it’s true."

"Well yeah," as Ron said this he started pile driving Lana’s twat, "but still, I love playing with Honey, even if the bitch does keep using me as a toilet."

"Well she’s only a dog, it takes a lot of time and patience to toilet train them." As she said this, Lana broke into a fit of laughter as she often did when thinking of her sister’s craziest, yet most beloved, other self.

"You’re not laughing at my bitch, are you?" Ron questioned angrily.

"Does that mean you are ready to forgive her," Lana questioned.

"Actually I forgave her when I recovered from that knock-out blow John gave me and found her lying on me. I’m just still not ready to let her know that." He looked over where John was screwing Katrina and where Debbie was in a ‘69’ with Melissa and said, "we actually have a bigger problem though."


The next morning seven rafts prepared to cast off for a race.

"Now remember," Ron said, "the prize for the two person team that wins is that they get to choose any one of the losing teams to be exclusively theirs during our next resort stop. The winners can still hook up with anyone else they want, but the slave they choose can not hook up with anyone but them until we have left the next resort."

The teams mostly consisted of siblings: Jenny and Lenny, Sandra and Robert, Katrina and Jason, Ana and Lana, Ron and John, Hannah and Debbie, and Don and Melissa.

John found the pairing of Hannah with Debbie rather than with Don a little odd if not downright suspicious; but he didn’t say anything.

"So I’ll probably be telling Hannah I forgive her when we leave the next resort," Ron said, "I figure she’ll have suffered enough by then. What about you, when are you planning to make up with Debbie??

"How about never," John said coldly.

"Oh come on, you know full well she wasn’t being unfaithful to you. Hey, look out Sandy and Robert are passing us on the left, go faster."

"Brother, I know she wasn’t being unfaithful, and I know you were just being you ; well your other you I mean.

"Is that why you slugged me," Ron asked smiling.

"No, I slugged you for killing my love for Debbie."

"That’s ridiculous, love can’t be killed. Though, we’re getting killed in this race, there go Lana and Ana, and—oh great, here come our pets."

"Debbie is not my pet! I’m not a Master! I don’t own slaves!"

Ron suddenly threw a fully understanding glance at John.

"So that’s it, you don’t want a girl with a submissive nature as a girl friend. You think you’ll never truly satisfy them and only end up losing them in the end to a true master. Well, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this big brother but every woman has a submissive side, just like every man. It doesn’t mean that they’re true submissives like my Honey or Jenny’s ‘Red Toy’. However, a true Master, and I emphasize the word true, can often take advantage of a persons state of mind, such as the state Debbie’s was in after a gang-banging like you had the guys give her followed by the full wrath of ‘the Orgasm Queen’ to TEMPORARILY trigger a person’s submissive side and have a little fun.

"I need time to think before getting back with Debbie completely," John said.

"Well don’t take too much time, I’ve a feeling you’re about to spend several days as Debbie’s slave," Ron said looking forward.

John looked toward the end of the river fork where the race ended and saw Hannah and Debbie standing on the side of the river waiting to claim them.

"Tell me Ron," John said, "is there any specific reason why Hannah got paired with Debbie instead of Don?"

"Why would you ask a question like that," Ron asked smiling.


Chapter Twenty-two – Conceiving a Plan to Reconcile

As Hannah worked to update some data on her laptop, Debbie came in and sat beside her, they were in the back of section one and the only other two people were Stan (who was driving) and Lenny who was handling the backup driving duties. Being at the front they couldn’t hear any of the girls’ conversation.

"Debbie, you look horrid, you’re not still depressed right, I mean I guarantee you and John will be fine by the time we leave the next resort."

"But I can tell he’s still mad at me. Even if he smiles at me he looks angry. I need to show him that he is truly my one and only love, I need to do something big to prove my love and devotion."

"Wow," Hannah said, "if you find anything like that let me know, I know my Master, and I’m pretty sure he already forgave me a long time ago, if he was ever really mad, but with this constant mixing up of my characters maybe I should do something big too, while I’m just myself I mean, to prove my devotion to him."

"Actually I was hoping you’d give me an idea. I mean you’re the genius and you do sort of have a way of getting people to give you what you want, most of the time without even asking for it directly."

"Are you trying to say that I’m manipulative," Hannah said annoyed.

"Not at all," Debbie said quickly, then smiling added, "Melissa though thinks it was great how you manipulated Ron into giving you permission to play with the dogs the other day with that ‘oh dear I shouldn’t be here’ act."

"I’ll have to talk to her about that," Hannah said a little angrily then more calmly added, "as for acts of true devotion, well most people consider sleeping together to be that, but that really doesn’t work with any of us does it?"

"I don’t think it works even if we get married with them," Debbie said a bit sadly. "I mean getting married is supposed to mean that you’re just each others and nobody else’s, but I doubt we’ll ever change how we live."

"Would you want to," Hannah said smiling.

"Well no," Debbie said smiling back, "but still it would be a lot easier to figure out what makes you a special couple that will last forever."

Hannah noticed Stan slow down the bus and come to a stop long enough for Lenny to change places with him and take over the actual driving.

"I’m off duty," Hannah heard Stan say over his shoulder as he walked toward them; "I’ll send John out to back you up."

As Stan reached them Hannah said, "Dad, can I ask you something?"

"Why sure Hannah anything at all."

"What makes you and Mom a couple that will last forever?"

Stan found the question a little difficult to understand and said, "What do you mean Honey?"

"I mean you tell each other you love one another, but you tell that to other people right? You fuck each other passionately, but you do that with a lot of people also; so besides a piece of paper that says you and Mom are married, what really makes you a ‘‘til death do you part’ couple?"

Stan wondered about this a few minutes and was unsure what the answer was himself, but then, looking at Hannah he said, "You; you and your sisters and your brothers; and one day Laura and I will add more truly sealing the family forever."

He gave her a smile and kept on going.

Debbie was thinking about what Stan meant and finally said, "I don’t get it, how do you and the others declare their devotion?"

Hannah gave her and ‘oh please’ look and rolled her eyes. "He said that when you can not only love each other, but you can love each others children, and conceive children of your own, that’s the ultimate proof of your love."

"Wow," Debbie said, "he said all that and I missed it, I must be going deaf." But then she started thinking about what Hannah said and suddenly and excitedly said, "That’s it, that’s how I’ll prove I love John, I’m going to have his baby!"

"Whoa girl, get pregnant, that’s a little extreme don’t you think," Hannah said worriedly.

"Well that’s exactly what we were looking for isn’t it," Debbie said, "the ultimate and extreme proof that we love our guys more than the other six or seven girls they’re fucking on a daily basis, without counting the few hundred a day that will be offering themselves regularly to them once TXLT2 really hits the big time."

Hannah was considering a good counter argument when Ron came in and gave them both a suspicious ‘now what are you two talking about’ stare.

"I thought John was on this shift," Debbie said.

"He’s in the middle of fucking Katrina and he didn’t want to just stop. His cock is in Katrina’s mouth right now and he’s afraid if he tries to pull out before feeding her she’ll bite it off. I just finished a very long and exhausting session with the ‘Queen’ myself (I think we might have broken some of our records) and I promised Sugar to spend just as long and as uninterrupted a visit to her sugar pot later so I traded this shift with John." He noticed the bitter look hiding behind his pets exterior smile as he talked and looking at her directly said smiling, "Remember once we get to the resort I’m no one else but yours for 3 whole days, I have to leave some people well satisfied."

Hannah gave a true smile, and watched as he walked to sit by Lenny. Once he was out of range she whispered to Debbie, "then again there aren’t many things I can offer him that my exact triplet sisters can’t offer him too." She then smiled and gave Debbie a ‘let’s do it’ wink.


"I’m glad to see you are definitely looking more yourself." Dr. Lewis said to Lana as Katrina came in and giving Lana a deep kiss shared the mouthful of cum she had just gotten from John with her.

When they finished sharing the drink and broke off the kiss Lana pulled Katrina on to her lap and hugging her back said, "Well I had a few people devising plans to bring me back to myself."

"Really," Dr. Lewis said, "and how is Ron? Are you still having constant private sessions with ‘the Master’?"

"Why Randy," Lana said amused, "are you jealous?"

"Never dear," Dr. Lewis said smiling and pulled someone into the picture with him and stuck his cock straight up her cunt as he sat her on his lap.

"Some people might feel threatened by the kind of relationship you and Ron share, but I know you just want to over compensate a bit when together, to make up for the fact that your two individual dark sides are hell bent on killing each other." He smiled as he wrapped his hand around the woman on his lap and started squeezing her boobs.

Katrina was watching the scene angrily and Lana was looking a little hurt at how much Dr. Lewis seemed to be enjoying the stranger’s presence.

Feeling he’d played with the girls sentiments enough, Dr. Lewis said, "By the way, where are my manners, do you two know Lisa? She’s Martha Wise’s sister. She’s been managing that backyard project since you left and has become a sort of honorary member of the family. Amy and her have become very close friends, and though neither will ever admit it, probably as close friends as you two." He gave the girls a wink and they both smiled understanding what he was saying. "She’s here because she wanted to leave a message for your parents. Go ahead Lisa talk to them."

"Hi," Lisa said excitedly, "Wow ‘the Queen’ and ‘the Wild Kat’, I’ve heard so much about you two from Martha! Can I get a good look at that incredible clit she keeps ranting about?"

Katrina and Lana both frowned a little and Lana said, "I think I have to talk to Martha about what she’s allowed to discuss with non-OHPF members."

"I don’t think that’s the message you wanted to leave, Lisa," Dr. Lewis said sternly.

"Oh," Lisa said suddenly coming to her senses after momentarily cumming out of them, "oh right, I’m sorry, I just wanted you to tell your folks that everything is pretty much complete. We just have a few final decorative additions to make, but the project is in all natures of the word complete."

"I take it those final decorative additions will be put in slowly until the day before you all return," Dr. Lewis said slyly, "Lisa needs a justifiable reason to continue passing by every day to visit Amy."

The girls saw Lisa turn a little red.

"Hey," Lana said angrily, "you’re not embarrassed are you? Because that is the one thing no person is allowed to be in our home, embarrassed about sex or love!"

She kissed the back of Katrina’s neck and parted her legs to give Lisa a good look Katrina’s clit and cunt right before grabbing her favorite clit and jacking it off like a baby penis, making it grow even larger and stiffer.

"God that’s beautiful," Lisa said and started cumming once more from the sight as well as Dr. Lewis’ 10 inch cock continuously pumping her pussy."

"I’m going to have to leave you girls, I have an important meeting today and it’s no where near here. I have to check if Patty is ready."

"I’m ready Randy; just give me a few minutes to talk to Sugar okay?"

"Patty are you listening in?" Dr. Lewis said disapprovingly.

"We just signed in now," another voice said, "we heard you saying goodbye and just waited to ask Lana to please get us Ana and Lissa."

"Hi Dolly," Lana said, "Good to hear you. Okay Randy, bye Love you, and bye Lisa it was good to finally meet ‘the Ever-Cumming Empress’."

"Meet who?" Lisa said a little confused.

"Oh," Lana was feeling like she’d put her foot in her mouth.

"She said it has been great to meet someone as ever-cumming as you’ve been throughout the whole conversation," Katrina said smiling, "you’re an empress."

"Oh," Lisa said smiling, "thank you, both of you, and goodbye."

As the screen went blank to be quickly replaced by a picture of Dolly riding a large faux cock on a harness Patty was wearing Lana smiled and said, "I thought you told Randy you were ready?"

"Well," Patty said, "I’m wearing a blouse and shoes, how long can it take to slip on a skirt?"

"So where are the two of you going," Lana asked.

"I asked Randy to go with me to Sun View Hill Summer Camp to get some information. I can’t bear to be separated from my Sugar for another month and a half while you are all up there so I want to find out what I can do to go with her."

"You want to go to summer camp," Katrina said laughing, "Patty I know you’re pretty young for a teacher, and that you are actually a child at heart, but I still think you’re too old to apply for a spot at camp."

"Not as a faculty worker," Patty said smiling, "Volunteer if necessary."

"Patty that’s a great idea," Lana said, "as long as he’s going you should get Randy to apply also. He needs a vacation from the hospital after all that’s happened, and he’ll never just accept the idea of a vacation, but working at summer camp would at least give him some sort of escape from all that."

"I’ll see, but don’t mention any of this to Sugar okay; I don’t want to get her hopes up if it doesn’t work out."

As Dolly started cumming Lana said, "Okay Patty we’ll just go get Ana and Melissa and tell them you’ve cum.

Katrina and Lana giggled as they ran into the Recreation room to deliver the message.


"The Roller Coaster," Melissa said excitedly.

"No, the Death Drop," Lana countered.

"I think the Torture Turner is the place to start!" Hannah said strongly with her eyes flashing.

"Yeah, you would," Ana said smiling, "but I don’t think a ride is the best place for you to start cumming."

"Well what do you think we should start with," Debbie asked.

Ana looked at the Merry-go-Round and said, "Why don’t we just start with the old and reliable and build up to the new and risky later, we do have three days here you know."

"You guys are pretty quiet," Lana said as all the girls looked at the group of guys, "don’t you have any suggestions?"

"Hey," Don said, "We made a deal and we stick to it. Total control of all fuckfest and fuckabration activities while at this resort in exchange for total control of all other activities; So for now, ‘Queen’, you girls’ wish is our command; just don’t tire yourselves out too much, because tonight, we rule."

"I can’t believe we get to spend pretty much every minute at this resort together without having to worry about a single task." Katrina said still unbelieving.

"Well," Ron said, "With DP and her sisters offering to help the adults with everything, it does give us a bit of a vacation."

"And how did you get them to agree to that, again," Jenny asked suspiciously.

"I just offered them another set of front row tickets to the concert as well as to the fuckabration afterwards," he said smiling.

"Really," Lana said, "well it’s too bad you and John will miss that then, since the two of you belong to only one girl each while here."

"That’s why I had to find you guys some replacements," he put his arm around Hannah and said, "Come on Honey, let’s go make out at the top of the giant Ferris Wheel."

As they walked away everybody else looked around and shrugging each grabbed a make-out buddy and headed for the Ferris Wheel.


"Hey," Ron said to John as the group boarded the bumper cars, the last ride before heading for the night’s fuckfest. "Have you noticed that tall guy with the long mustache?"

"The one that’s been following us through most of the rides and has been snapping pictures of us," John asked smiling.

"Do you thing—"

"I don’t know, but what say we get the other guys to have a talk with him when we get off this ride," Ron said.

"Okay, but don’t say anything to the girls, Lana especially," John said following the girls into the cars and splitting into groups of two.


"Why don’t you girls go get the campsite ready," Ron said, "John and Debbie, and Hannah and I have the small tents while at this resort."

"Where are you going," Lana asked.

"The snack bar tent is still open, we want to purchase some things: hot fudge, whipped cream, peanut butter, strawberries. It’s to snack on during the night."

"Sounds like you guys are planning on making some special midnight desserts," Jenny said smiling.

"Well, we are in control from now on," Ron said smiling, "Now go get the camp ready."

As the girls left excitedly Ron said, "Do you see him anywhere?"

"No," John said, "do you think he knows we saw him?"

"Do you two really think this might be the guy that’s been after Lana," Robert asked.

"We don’t know, but even if he’s not, he still has to explain why he’s been following us all day taking pictures," Ron said angrily.

"I don’t understand," Lenny said, "if you noticed him a while back, why hadn’t you tried to approach him earlier!"

"We couldn’t be sure at first that it wasn’t just a coincidence that he was choosing the same rides we were," John said, "and we’ve all been snapping pictures at the rides. Plus we didn’t want to alarm the girls."

"Lana is especially happy thinking she’s had no contact with the guy since that music box," Ron said, "no need to push her into another sleeping berth."

All the guys suddenly looked suspiciously at Ron and he wondered what he’d said to make them look that way.

"Ron," John said, "what do you mean by ‘thinks she’s had no contact’; she hasn’t has she?"

"Oh," Ron said guiltily, he’d never shared the picture he had taken at ‘the clean town’ with anybody. "No, not directly, but remember the note and pictures that bailed us out with the Judge; well they were from him, I don’t know what he got pictures of, but the note mentioned ‘a scandal no local law could protect against’ and also to let Lana go because she had an appointment with him."

"And you just decided not to tell anybody that," Don said angrily.

"Did you guys really want me worrying Mom, Dad and especially Lana (who was still in clothes at the time and watching Disney movies with a 12 year old kid), with the idea that whoever was after her was powerful enough to influence the Mayor, Judge and Sheriff of a town?"

Some of the guys gulped worriedly at this fact, John still looked angry though and said, "Well you should have shared it with us at least."

"I just did," Ron said smiling and suddenly said, "hey look, that’s where he was standing."

"Hey," Jason said, "there’s something on the ground, maybe he dropped something."

Robert hurried over and picked up what appeared to be a folded piece of paper.

"It’s a flyer of tomorrow’s concert," he said, "but it’s wrapped around something."

Ron and John went over and grabbed it. The flyer was folded so that the words ‘TRIPLET X LOVE TIMES 2’ appeared clearly and in the center of the package. "Why do I get the feeling that if he did drop this, it wasn’t an accident," Ron asked.

Quickly opening it Ron removed what was wrapped in the flyer and after studying it a while said, "Well I don’t know any of the actors, but it looks interesting, maybe I’ll watch it tomorrow."

"Not funny Ron," John said seriously, grabbing the DVD, flyer and one picture from Ron. "‘Stalked’, 1994 version. Hey," he said, did you read this, "Remind the ‘Queen’ she has a movie date with me. By the way, tell her the next time she’s going to throw a race, she should be a little less obvious." John found the last part a little confusing but then, on studying the picture of the raft race at the last resort he said, "Hey, she waved Hannah and Debbie past them, they let them win!"

"So what do we do now," Lenny asked.

"Now we go buy the stuff I told the girls we were going to buy and we go and have a fuckfeast rather than a fuckfest tonight." Ron pointed towards the snack tent.

"What about this guy," Robert said.

"John and I know what he looks like now, and as soon as John enhances the picture I took on my cell phone of our picture taker, we all will." As he neared the tent he said, "I hope they have some cherry syrup, I love it when it’s mixed with cunt juice."


"Hold it Honey," Ron said, "I want a good picture of this so lie very still." Ron clicked a few pictures from different angles and said, "The Honey Sweet Snack, It all looks so delicious I don’t know where to start eating."

Ron looked over boob number 1 with the whipped cream, chocolate fudge and cherry topping; then considered boob 2 with the peanut butter, crushed almond and strawberry syrup topping; and finally to the giant strawberry covered in whipped cream and cherry syrup sticking in Hannah’s cunt.

"Forgive me Master but I would advise you to choose quickly because I am getting very hot," Hannah said smiling, "And I’m going to start melting soon."

"Well, we can’t have that can we," Ron said bending over her chest, "why don’t I just eat these first, and I’ll leave my favorite treat for last."

He dug into boob 1 eating the cherry and gently licking and biting at the whipped cream, fudge covered boob taking a good time to enjoy the boob itself as much as the other ingredients before leaving it completely clean and moving on to boob 2. Hannah loved how the crushed almonds scraped and pinched her tit Ron bit a little more painfully into this peanut buttered and strawberry syrupy treat.

"Oh Master, that feels delicious," Hannah said blissfully as she felt herself cumming, adding a final important ingredient to the final treat.

"It tastes delicious too, and I haven’t even gotten to the main course yet."

After boob number 2 was nice and clean, Ron moved to between Hannah’s legs saying, "Now, time for the real meal and he bit Hannah’s cunt lips strongly several times while fishing to pull out the strawberry and lick all the cunt juice enhanced whipped cream and cherry syrup topping. Hannah moaned strongly several times and let her Master happily enjoy his meal.

When the road was totally clean and the path totally clear Ron said, "I think it’s time to start adding a hotter cream to the honey pot; don’t you dear?"

"Oh yes Master, please do!" Hannah’s eyes glowed as she said this. As her Master mounted her she threw a momentarily guilty look at her skirt where her case of birth control pills lay untouched for more than 48 hours. "Fill me up Master," she suddenly said smiling.


In the other small tent Debbie stopped sucking John’s cock momentarily to ask dreamily, "Are you enjoying your banana split dear?"

John momentarily stopped biting into the chocolate, cherry and strawberry syrupy, whip cream covered banana wedged into Debbie’s ‘split’ to say, "It is definitely the best banana split I have ever enjoyed; what about you, are you enjoying your meal?"

Debbie licked John’s cock head and said, "Oh yes, it’s my favorite food and I thought I might never taste it again."

John suddenly remembered that Debbie and he hadn’t officially reconciled yet and he returned to his meal deciding to quickly clear the road to a true cumming back together party.

When John started truly fucking her, when all was ready, he whispered to her, "I love you, you know, and I’m sorry for how I reacted the other day. I really don’t mind you being with anybody else; hell, I’ve been encouraging you to for some time. It makes me feel less guilty about my life if you’re totally sharing it with me. I think Ron was right and I momentarily freaked at the thought of being able to easily lose you to some professional Master."

"You’ll never lose me honey," Debbie said kissing him, "You’re the only man I truly love and I’m going to prove it to you."

"Really," John said, "how are you going to do that?"

"That’s a surprise, for now just fill me and fill me with your life-giving cream all the time we’re here!"


As John worked on enhancing the picture Ron had taken he said, "I had an incredible time with Debbie, both last night and this morning."

"Yeah I know, there’s nothing like some good make-up sex; even when you’re not really broken up, like Hannah and me. We had a great time too, even though she’s up to something."

"Up to something, what do you mean," John asked.

"I caught her guilty ‘I’m sorry to do this look’ every now and then. And get this, Hannah, cum-whore extraordinaire, did not let me cum in her mouth or ass once yesterday, everything had to be for her cunt, and she wouldn’t even let me suck her clean."

John gave a frown and said, "Debbie was the exact same way, even though she sucked my cock for the longest when we started, she never let me cum until I was buried deep in her cunt."

"Did she say why," Ron asked.

"She just said she needed to feel my life-giving cream flowing in her if she was to prove her ultimate love for me," John said smiling.

Ron however did not smile, he looked at John a little scared.

"What’s wrong," John asked.

"Two days ago, while driving here, I ran into Dad as we were preparing to change driving shifts and he gave me a powerful hug. I asked him what was up and he told me how he had just been talking to Hannah about how we kids are the true sign of his and Mom’s love for one another and how when he and Mom have their own it will be the ultimate proof of their love."

John was now looking somewhat serious too and said, "You don’t think they’d—no, of course they wouldn’t; would they?"

"Why don’t you go and take my pets shift with Joyce, send her to me to finish this. I think I better talk to her in an ‘I’m the Master, you’re my slave so tell me the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ sort of way."


"So they were really trying to get pregnant," Don said amused, "what did you do?"

"We made them both take an overdose of morning after pills and stuffed their pussies full of spermicide," John said smiling.

"You don’t sound too angry with them," Don said.

"We decided we really can’t be, they wanted to prove their ultimate love for us and—" Ron started.

"—and in a way you figure they did," Don said smiling too.

"We did however warn them if they ever try anything like that against our knowledge again we’ll take it as a sign of deceit rather than love," John said.

"So are they safe to fuck now," Don asked.

"Well we have them back on the pill, but no one is to cum in their cunts for at least a week, asses and mouths only," Ron said.

Changing the subject John said, "On the other hand, Hannah did a much more fantastic job of enhancing that guys picture than I was doing, I had to congratulate her for that."


As Debbie and Hannah both stepped out of the restrooms they were both wearing worried, defeated faces.

"Nothing ehhh," Hannah said.

"No, you’d think after those fertility pills we were taking daily and a fuckabration like yesterdays we’d have something to show for it."

"They didn’t cum in us yesterday, well not in the right place anyway. I don’t think you have to be sad though," Hannah said, "the plan worked, even without babies."

"Yeah," Debbie said smiling, "I guess you’re right."

Don and Jason entered the Kitchen and Bath saying, "Are you two finished with those restrooms; other people do need to use them."

"Go ahead, they’re all yours," Debbie said.

As each brother took the restroom their sister had just abandoned, they both smiled as they saw the empty self –pregnancy test box in the waste paper basket.

One of the brother’s eyes however was captured by something else, giving a frown as he saw the item on the floor he bent down and picked up the long strip, he gave another small frown as he read the word ‘YES’ and tried to understand what it meant.



Chapter Twenty-three – A Close Shave

"How much longer before the final stop," Lana asked as Ron came into the BED room after his recent driving shift.

Ron looked at Lana lost in a daze again as her beloved clit pumped in and out of her cunt once more and he rolled his eyes.

"Why does it feel like you get more satisfaction from that little thing than from my rod? You know, me and my brothers are up to 81/2 inches now and we still have a long way to go before we’re our full sizes.""> color="#0000ff">Sex Camp

"My clit is not ‘a small thing’," Lana said angrily, "it’s a beautiful large super-swollen thing that is connected to hot juicy lips that keep massaging into mine as they pass tons of cunt juice directly from my Katy’s cunt to mine!"

"OWW!" Katrina screamed as Ron suddenly plunged his cock into her ass. "Hey watch it; I like it rough, but I also like to know when it’s—CUMMMMING—oh that felt good."

"Sorry ‘Wild Kat’," Ron said, "but your Queen’s detailed description of your activities made me want to stuff that somewhere fast and you butt hole was right there winking at me."

As he continued pumping Katrina’s ass with a steady rhythm he said, "By the way ‘Queen’ we should be at the resort in two hours. It’s basically another fresh water lake resort. Fishing, swimming and fucking are the main choice of activities."

"Maybe we can have one last boat race," Katrina said, "we can race for control of the final fuckabration; that should be something special, right ‘Queen’?"

"Celebrating the end of a successful tour and project," Lana said, "you bet it should be special."

"Maybe we should start it early, like tonight," Ron suggested smiling. "We can invite DP and her sisters to join us again."

"The very last fuckabration will just be family," Lana said strongly, so if you want to do the sisters, it’s going to have to be tonight. I can’t be there though; I have a movie date to keep."

"You have a what," Ron said suddenly.

"A movie date, with a friend, I promised we’d watch some DVDs and tonight will be my last chance to keep that promise because, NO WAY AM I MISSING TOMORROW’S FUCKABRATION!"

Trying not to sound too concerned Ron said, "And who is this movie date with?"

"Shai, I promised her the other night we’d finish our Disney Marathon before the end of the tour."

"Oh," Ron said sounding a bit relieved and especially since he was relieving himself in Katrina’s butt. "I think I’ll get something to eat," he said heading for the kitchen, "I left you a nice treat to munch on in the ‘Wild Kat’s’ butt," he said to Lana.

As Katrina repositioned herself so that she was squatting with her butt over Lana’s mouth she said, "You know, we should do something special to commemorate our final fuckabration, something different."

Lana stopped eating her butt a second to ask, "what do you have in mind?"

"I don’t know yet," Katrina admitted, "but something will come to me."

Lana went back to work on cleaning out Katrina’s butt and as she did she massaged Katrina’s cunt, clit and pubic area. She smiled as she felt the hairy jungle realizing hers must feel exactly the same since none of them had really had much of an opportunity to trim lately. An even bigger smile suddenly came to her lips even as her tongue continued working deep in Katrina’s ass, "I’ll tell all the girls my idea after finishing my snack," she thought to herself.

"So Trixie and DP are watching the memorabilia table," Katrina told Lana as they entered the big tent with Hannah, Ana, Jenny, Sandy, Debbie and Melissa.

"Did you hang up the ‘Do Not Disturb’ button," Lana asked as Ana zipped up the tent.

"Yeah, so what’s up, what’s in the bag," Ana asked curiously.

"Well Katy and I were just thinking that we should all do something special in preparation and honor of tomorrow’s final fuckabration," Lana said.

"And what were you thinking we should do," Hannah asked.

Reaching in the bag Lana started to pull out and distribute special ‘for extra sensitive skin’ fine blade disposable razors, as she handed one to each of the girls and they realized what they were for they all smiled.

"Melissa and Hannah, you two are the only ones familiar with the complete process, so lead us novices," Lana said as she pulled out a large can of shaving cream.

Hannah took the can and she and Melissa sat in the front of the tent facing the other girls. Hannah then spread some cream all over her pubic and cunt area and passed the can to Melissa who did the same. The can was then passed around to all the other girls. Hannah and Melissa then demonstrated how to quickly and easily shave all of the pubic hair before reaching the split; they then demonstrated how to more slowly and cautiously shave off all hair on and around the split and the pussy lips themselves.

When all girls had followed Hannah and Melissa’s lead, Lana passed around two hand towels to each of the girls, one moist to clean away the lingering hair and shaving cream, and one totally dry to finish drying off. When ready, they all ran their hands over, under and in their new hairless pussies to feel how smooth they were.

"Okay," Melissa said, "now it’s time for the final test, watch and we’ll demonstrate." Hannah and Melissa then got in a ‘69’ and started sucking each other bald pussies.

The other girls laughed and pairing off instantly followed Hannah and Melissa’s lead. When all tests were cumming to an end everyone agreed it was perfect and Lana said, "The boys are going to go crazy at tonight’s fuckfest."


"Shai, you look so sad," Lana said as Shai arrived that evening with her sisters, "what’s wrong honey?"

"It’s nothing, really," she said, "thanks for asking my sisters to bring me."

"Did you think I’d forgotten our movie date, what do you want to watch first?"

"How about Mary Poppins, it’s one of my favorites."

"Mine too," Lana said happily as they walked through section one.

In the Recreation room Lana said to Shai, "Sit here and wait a few moments; I have to go in and do something quick with all the girls." To DP and her sisters she said, "Why don’t you stay here with her for now, you can come in as soon as we finish, it won’t take long."

She quickly went into the BED room where she found the rest of the girls; all of them, like her, were topless but wearing shorts. The boys were all looking at them expectantly.

"So you’re ready to give us this surprise," Ron said, "You’ve had us crazy since we got back from fishing with your ‘I’ve got a secret’ faces not to mention worried about why you’re all in clothes." Looking at their tits he then corrected himself saying, "Well why you have our favorite part of you hidden anyway."

"Okay," Lana said, "guys I want you to line up and kneel, we’re going to march by each of you and give you a close-up of our surprise. As we pass take a nice long taste test from bottom to top, only one taste for now, when all of you have tasted all of us then I’ll go in and get DP, Trixie and the others so you can start the party. Remember, I won’t be with you tonight but I’m all yours after tomorrow."

When they were all kneeling, side by side, Lana addressed the girls saying, "Okay girls; butts to them and down with the shorts. You know how we practiced it."

The girls lined up in front of the boys, asses to them, and with enough room between the groups for someone to easily walk. Hannah, Ana, and Lana were in the far left, followed by: Jenny, Sandy, Debbie, Katrina and Melissa, in that order.

The guys were starting to hate this teasing and looked like they wanted to just jump up and take the girl in front of them, bend her over and stick their cock deep in their cunt.

Finally Hannah, followed by the other girls, made a left face and started marching forward a bit eventually making a u-turn so they were marching back toward the boys and Hannah stopped right in front of Ron, who was in the far left (followed by John, Don, Lenny, Robert and Jason). Signaling a right face, all the girls turned and Hannah’s bald pussy ended up in her Master’s face, he saw nothing new or unusual (since Hannah had been shaving for months), he, however, followed orders and took a very long taste from the bottom to the top of his Honey’s cunt and the entire split. The only difference he noticed from the last time he fucked her was that she was definitely smoother and easier to lick. He hadn’t wanted to upset her by telling her last time, but since she hadn’t shaved in a while she was starting to develop some stubble and it was a little rough on the tongue. He suddenly opened his eyes wide as he realized she must have shaved, and suddenly had a suspicion as he smiled a little lustfully that she wasn’t the only one; when Hannah stepped to the side to land in front of John and Ana ended up in front of Ron, his suspicions were confirmed.

"So it looks like the Anderson girls are finally exact triplets again," Ron thought as he enjoyed the taste of another totally bald pussy. When Lana stepped in front of him as the girls continued moving over, he broke the rules a little and not only licked her bald twat, but took a minute to tongue fuck her new hairless cunt. She gave him an annoyed look and he returned it with a ‘well you’re not going to be here for the rest of the night smile, she then smiled back without saying a word.

When all the boys had gotten a taste of each of the girls Lana said, "So how do you like it?"

The boys just looked at each other and without a word they each leapt at a girl and lying down pulled the girl on a sitting position on their faces and really started digging in. With only six boys and eight girls, Lana and Melissa were left without tongues in their cunts, but Lana wasn’t going to stay anyway; Melissa however instantly found something to do with her once more clean shaven pussy and straddling Lenny’s cock she drove it deep inside herself.

"I guess that means they like it," Lana said giggling, "I’ll go send in some more cunts to keep the rest of these cocks warm."

Going back into the Recreation room Lana told DP and the other girls, "They’re ready for you, just go in and grab a cock."

Trixie, Evita and Jackie laughed and rushed in, DP however was looking over Lana’s now totally naked body and she said, "Promise me you won’t let her get naked and you won’t let her have sex with you."

"DP, I don’t think what you’re doing to your sister is fair, it’s not her fault she’s sick," Lana said angrily.

"Just promise me please," DP said.

Lana nodded with a bit of resentment and said, "I promise, but you should try to join with her, she is you sister and she needs the show of love right now."

Once DP left Lana went to the computer and on finding the location of Mary Poppins went to the specific berth and pulled out the movie, turning back toward Shai she found the girl stripping.

"Shai, I just made your sister a promise," Lana said upset.

"You promised her you wouldn’t let me get naked," Shai stripped down to some see though panties and said, "I’m not naked." She then gave Lana a sweet smile.

Lana had to smile too and she went and popped the movie in the DVD.

"Can I sit on your lap like last time," Shai asked, "please?"

Lana smiled at her, she had reservations about letting an almost totally naked ‘non-child’ she wasn’t allowed to touch sexually sit on her totally naked lap with her head on Lana’s totally naked breasts (breasts which even with clothes had ended up in the girl’s mouth last time), however, Lana couldn’t help liking this kid for some reason, and she resented the way DP was treating Shai as though she were a leper; Lana therefore nodded her consent and as the movie began they sat in front of the big screen to watch it. Lana was very aware that every now and then Shai would suddenly develop an itch in her inner thigh and that scratching it her hand would always drop just a bit too far and ‘accidentally’ scratch Lana’s leaking cunt instead and that Shai would always need to suck her finger after that, but she let Shai have her way, the truth is she was developing quite and itch in that area herself, and she didn’t mind getting it momentarily scratched from time to time. She hugged Shai tight and let her rest her head on Lana’s boobs and every now and then stick out her tongue give them a quick lick. Lana began remembering again that though she loved her sisters, she had always wanted a little sister she could help guide through life.



"Damn It Ron, answer that already," John said angrily, "it’s breaking my concentration!" John tried to return his full attention to the doggy style fucking he was giving Debbie’s new bald cunt. None of the guys had touched any other part of the seven clean-shaven twat girls except for their beautiful pussies (which they had either fucked or sucked to erotic soreness). For anals and blow jobs they’d turned to DP and her sisters.

Annoyed, and not really wanting to stop sucking Katrina’s smooth twat, not to mention that incredible clit (he was actually starting to realize why the ‘Queen’ was so infactuated by it), he went over to a sleeping berth where they had all put their phones (If it weren’t for the personalized ring tone messages they’d have no way of knowing who’s was ringing."

"Hello," Ron said a little bitterly as he picked up the phone and opened it, "Oh hi Dad; listen whatever it is can’t it—WHAT, WHERE—Okay, we’ll be right there. Don’t try anything by yourself and just stay with Mom and Aunt Joyce until we get there."

By the time he hung up and turned around, everyone else had stopped fucking and was looking at him questionably.

"Guys get some shorts and a t-shirt on fast; Dad saw him, taking pictures by the campsite. Girls, just stay here and enjoy a girls’ night until we get back."

"We want to help," Ana said angrily.

"You can help by staying in here, near ‘the Queen’ without tipping her off to what’s happening, I’ll leave the door open, I want one couple near it at all times able to watch what’s happening next door. Ana, have your cell phone ready at all moments and let us know at once if you feel anyone enter the bus."

As he passed by the Recreation room Ron cast an eye toward the screen and saw a bunch of chimney sweepers dancing on a roof; smiling, he looked over at the seat where Lana had obviously not been able to take much of the movie and was sleeping, he noticed Shai sucking happily at Lana’s tit while watching the movie, he also noticed her full hand pumping between her legs and Ron was sure it wasn’t in her own pussy. Shai noticed him watching her and threw him a strange look that for some reason made him feel nervous.

"Ron," John said annoyed, "what are you waiting for, come on, we get this guy tonight!"

"Where is he Dad," John asked, "did he notice you had seen him?"

The boys tried to act casual as they walked back to the big tent with Stan.

"I don’t think he knows, I had to go real fast and couldn’t wait to reach the rest rooms so I went behind the big tree to the left; it was while there that I caught him watching the tents from behind the next tree, he had his back to me and as soon as I spotted the camera and recognized him I ducked around the tree I was at and came back here."

"That means he may still be there," Ron said, "Hey guys, remember that little joke the girls pulled on us at the second resort; how they were able to cut us off by slowly surrounding us and eventually made us run exactly where they wanted us too by making it the only way left to run?"

"Yeah," Lenny said smiling, "You’ve got to admit it was a cool plan."

"Yeah," Ron said, "it was, wasn’t it?"


Someone watched closely as one of the Anderson boys stepped out and turned left. Around two minutes later, another came out, this one went toward the right. He continued watching curiously for the next 15 to 20 minutes as every two or three minutes another of the boys that had just arrived stepped out and headed in a slightly different direction. Finally the father came out again; he hadn’t gotten enough pictures of the kid’s parents, which is why he was watching the adults in the kid’s life closely this night.

"What a perfect front view shot," he thought as Stan walked directly towards him.

"Directly to me," he thought, "Oh dear," and he turned to run quickly, only to see Lenny walking directly to him from behind. "Oh no," he thought as he turned right only to see Robert quickly approaching, turning quickly he saw Don approaching from one angle and Jason from another. "Oh good God," he thought as the five very angry looking males closed in on him. "Only one way left," he thought and turning ran and headed in the direction of a giant oak tree hoping to use it for cover; as he reached the tree an Anderson boy popped out from behind the tree on the right, the stranger quickly veered left only to have another one jump out at him, he suddenly felt his arm grabbed from behind and something put on his wrist, as he turned to investigate he felt his other arm grabbed and something slipped on that wrist too.

He tried to run again but found he couldn’t move; he was in chains and he tried desperately to pull free.

"Please don’t harm those chains," Ron said calmly, "they’re my ‘Pet’s’ favorite chains, and she’ll be very angry if you break them. And when she gets angry, I tend to get angry, and you don’t want me any angrier THAN I ALREADY AM!" Ron looked deep in the strangers eyes with a look that made the stranger want to take a leak right then and there, and in fact, he did.


Lana felt herself cumming again and she could still feel her breast being gloriously attacked. She was also hearing some very loud singing though, "what do they mean ‘a spoonful of Sugar’, a spoonful of Ana’s exquisite juices is never enough medicine; she needed a gallon at least."

Suddenly shaking back to life she looked down and saw Shai sucking her breast and felt her cunt being pumped over and over again, and worst of all, to her utmost horror, the movie was near the beginning again.

"Didn’t we see this part already," Lana said.

Taking her mouth off Lana’s breast Shai said, "I let it restart."

"You know Shai, I made a promise to your sister; letting you sit on my lap semi-nude may not break that promise, not even letting you ‘accidentally’ give me a scratch now and then, but letting you suck my boobs and finger fuck me definitely crosses into the zone of breaking that promise," Lana was trying to sound more disappointed than mad.

Shai stopped fucking Lana and bringing her fingers to her mouth began sucking. "You really taste majestic, is that why they call you ‘Queen’?" Shai saw Lana wasn’t smiling at the compliment and she turned to an ‘I’m so sad and unloved’ approach. "I’m sorry Lana, but it had been so long since I was allowed to be near someone in that way; and you felt so soft and smooth, DP always shaved, so she felt like that too, she use to shave me too, but now she won’t even do that." She looked like she was about to cry and Lana felt sorry for her, she just couldn’t understand DP’s attitude towards Shai.

"Hey don’t worry," Lana said, "I’m here with you."

"Lana, can you do me a favor," Shai asked sadly.

"You can ask me anything outside of breaking my promise to your sister, well breaking it any farther that is."

"Will you shave me like my sister use to do for me please?"

Lana looked at Shai’s sad face and after barely giving it a thought said, "Sure, as a matter a fact, I have everything we need right here." Indicating to Shai that she should let her up, she went to the corner where the girls had dropped a bag of leftover products when they first returned from shaving. Lana pulled out a razor and the can of shaving cream as well as some towels; on turning she found Shai lying in the center of the Recreation room with her panties down around her ankles.

"I’m not naked," Shai said lifting her legs, "there are still clothes on my body."

Lana had to giggle at that and went over to kneel by Shai. She studied Shai’s little twat and the signs of pubic hair re-growing, she noticed a bit of cunt juice leaking out and she was tempted to taste it, but decided she had already broken her promise to DP enough.

"Okay, let me start by putting on a good amount of this," she said as she sprayed the cream all around Shai’s pubic area and the sides of her twat. She then started, as Hannah and Melissa had shown them earlier, by quickly removing all the hair in the pubic area above the split first (not going anywhere near the pussy lips or the cunt hole itself). When she was finished with this area Lana said, "Now it becomes a little harder, the hair on the lips and around the cunt sides."

Shai suddenly made a grab for the razor saying, "Oh, let me help please!"

"OWW," Lana screamed, and she looked at her bloody finger.

"Oh no," Shai screamed crying, "Lana I’m Sorry, I hurt you, I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to help; please don’t hate me!"

"Shai, don’t cry; and don’t be silly, I would never hate you. As for my finger, see, it’s nothing, just a scratch; but here, let me finish you real fast." Lana pulled at the side of Shai’s cunt lips and carefully shaved them, the area around them was so small she ended up having to stick several fingers in Shai’s cunt to make room, getting the fingers well coated with Shai juice. Eventually though, she was finished and reaching for the towels cleaned off and completely dried up Shai’s cunt. She then passed her hand over it a few times to test it’s smoothness.

"Well," Lana said smiling, "I think that’s perfect."

"DP always used to say there was only one true final test for shaving," Shai said smiling.

Lana smiled also and looked at Shai’s beautiful and now fully hairless and incredibly smooth twat. It really wouldn’t be fair to leave it without testing, would it?


"What do you think is going on," Jenny asked nervously, the boys had been gone now for over half-an-hour.

Ana moved away from the door just as she spotted Lana going over to the bag they had dropped when they first got back. The girls continued fucking and sucking each other like Ron had suggested, but knowing that something was going on sort of killed some of the better cums.

"Well we know It has something to do with Lana’s secret admirer," Ana said.

"Do you think they’ve caught him," Katrina asked hopefully, "I don’t think my ‘Queen’ will have any real peace again until they do."

"Yeah," Hannah said sadly, "Lana may be acting all brave and strong but I know she’s still scared."

"What are you talking about," Trixie asked nervously.

"Just some nut that’s been sending Lana crazy letters and presents everywhere we’ve been," Ana said. "Hey, I just remembered, you’ve been at all the resorts we have, maybe you’ve seen him." She went over to the sleeping berth with all the cell phones and pulled out a copy of the photo Ron had given them all. "Does this guy look familiar to any of you?"

The girls looked at the picture shocked and Trixie said, "Isn’t that Mr. Stanford?"

"Yes, yes it is," Jackie said confused.

"I can’t picture Mr. Stanford as a crazed love note leaver," Evita said

"Who’s Mr. Stanford," Ana asked.

"Just a reporter, kind of, he’s doing a story on your family’s work, as well as on your bands rise to stardom. We caught him talking to Shai one day and he asked us all sorts of questions about you," DP said.

"Well he sure turns up at lousy times," Melissa said, "I was dying for some hot cum and now thanks to him we’re cockless."

Ana gave a giggle and said, ""Poor Lissa, do you like cum; sorry Dolly hasn’t any to give you, but I know she’s still waiting to feed you." Ana was smiling as she said this when suddenly frowning she said, "Oh God, that’s it, that’s what it meant!"

"What, what meant," Hannah asked.

"Don’t you remember, the test tube," Ana said excitedly, "that’s exactly what it said, ‘sorry I don’t have any to give you but I’m waiting to feed you anyway’. He didn’t mean he didn’t have any healthy cum for Lana; he meant he had no cum period. He had no cum because—"

"—because he’s a she!" Hannah suddenly said catching on.


"You can not chain me up like this! Let me go or I will call the police!" The stranger was angrily screaming at Ron as he said this.

"I’ll save you the trouble," Ron said pulling out a cell phone, "You can explain to them why you’ve been stalking our family throughout this whole trip, taking pictures of us and harassing my sister!"

"Now wait a minute," the stranger said, "I may have been tailing your family to get the full scoop, as well as some Pulitzer Prize winning pictures, but I have not harassed anybody."

"Pulitzer Prize winning pictures," John said, "wait a second, are you trying to tell us that you’re a—"

"—reporter with the Stanton Global, yes, Tom Stanford is the name; my reporters pass is in my inner suit pocket, you can check for yourself."

Ron stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out the pass as well as six pictures, one of each of the Anderson kids. Ron studied the photos, not missing for a second that they were the exact same photo type as those Lana had been receiving; he had an odd feeling though that he’d seen others like them somewhere before. He passed them to John who turned them over to study the notes on the back of each picture.

"‘The Master’" John read aloud, "‘the Psycho’, hey, what does that mean?" As he said this he turned the photo around to see who it was, "oh yeah," he said after seeing Hannah being fucked by a dog. Continuing to read the other notes he said, "‘the Queen’; ‘the Lesbo’, hey that is not the politically correct term I’m sure! Neither is ‘the Homo’," looking at the final one he yelled, "‘the Computer Nerd’, I’m a ‘Computer King’ not a nerd, Hannah is more a nerd than I am!"

"These pictures you took are pretty good," Ron said.

"Are you kidding," Mr. Stanford said, "those things were taken with an instant camera. The detail is childish, not surprising though, since it was a child that took them."

"A child, what do you mean," John said.

"My informant, she’s been feeding me inside information for weeks now; a crazy, albeit very cute kid, and all she wanted in return was a good fucking and a test tube full of cum."

"She," Ron said as he suddenly remembered where he had seen similar pictures. "Jason and Robert, watch him until we check out his story; Don, come with me and John, I’ve a feeling Lana is in a bit of trouble."


"Pictures," Evita said, "he’d been sending her pictures of everywhere Lana had been?"

"Well if our theory is correct," Ana said, "it’s a she that was sending them." She went back to the berth and pulled out some of the pictures they’d collected and passed them to Evita who gave them an odd look.

DP actually looked terrified, but it was Trixie that spoke, "Hey wait a minute aren’t those ‘miss future Pulitzer Prize winning photo Queen’s’ pictures?"

"Who," Hannah said confused.

"Our sister, Shai, she was planning to be the world’s greatest photographer before the idiot went and got herself sick," Trixie said angrily.

"Please don’t talk about her like that," DP said sadly.

"How are we supposed to talk about her," Evita said, "if it hadn’t been for the tests at the first resort every one of us would probably be sick now too!"

"Shai," Ana said, suddenly remembering some pictures she had seen in DP’s motel room in the town they were in. "What exactly does Shai have," she asked nervously.

"The test you took at ‘the Wood Nymph’ showed she’d been infected with HIV. She had vanished the night before the test with some boy she’d never met and turned up right before the test." Evita said.

"We got so angry about her disappearing that we grounded her for two day, and with no sex allowed to boot."

"Which turned out to be lucky since—" Trixie began.

"—since the test revealed she had been infected," Ana said gulping and running into the next room.

Once there she saw Lana leaning over Shai studying her cunt looking like she was about to— "LANA DON’T DO IT! Don’t touch her she’s sick!" Ana screamed terrified.

"What," Lana said, upset at her sister’s reaction, "Ana what’s wrong with you? I know she has epilepsy."

"Epilepsy, Lana she’s HIV positive, she was tested at the first resort and the test showed her positive. She’s the one that’s been sending you those pictures and messages!"

"What," Lana said, half amused, half disbelieving and totally confused, "Ana, I don’t think she has any cum to send me."

"Which is why she tricked our mysterious stranger into giving her a test tube full of his in return for inside details about our lives, he’s a reporter trying to write some article on us."

Both Lana and Ana turned to see Ron entering as he spoke, he was looking angrily at Shai and disappointedly as well as worriedly at Lana.

"Tell me you haven’t let her feed you? Tell me you haven’t done anything at all with her, please." Ron said almost desperately.

"I haven’t done anything, I was just helping her shave," Lana said, "but there must be some mistake." Shai had gotten up by now and pulled up her panties. "Shai, tell them they’re wrong."

Angrily, and with no more act of poor unloved defenseless child Shai said, "It’s your fault my sisters, even my real sister, doesn’t love me anymore, you and your stupid test! Soon none of your sisters will love you either!"

She suddenly ducked past Ana by the door to the BED room and ran by all those inside towards the kitchen.

"Shai," DP screamed, "where are you going?"

"Wow," Jenny said, "she must really have to go real bad."

Ana and Lana ran into the BED room and just saw the door to the Kitchen and Bath closing.

Back in the Recreation Room Ron said, "She wants to get out the back; quick, out the front and circle around, it’ll take her a few minutes to lower the stairs."

"Lana maybe you shouldn’t follow," Ana said, "She’s not right in the head."

"She’s a non-child who’s suddenly had the thing she most loved forbidden her and doesn’t understand that she can still live a full and happy life," Lana said, then suddenly very angrily added, "it’s them that aren’t right in the head," she was throwing angry looks at Shai’s sisters, DP in particular, "they made her feel like some sort of leper and drove her to it!"

DP now followed behind Ana deciding it was time to try to help her sister. Lana found the stairs to the back exit down and ran out to see Shai standing before her.

"Shai, please, you’re life doesn’t have to be over," Lana said, "Computers, photography, and so many other things you’re good at; you can still live a full happy life if you take care of yourself."

"Sex is my life," Shai said angrily, "or rather was; thanks to you my life is over, just like yours, maybe we should make it even faster."

Shai lifted her hand and for the first time Lana noticed a knife in it; Shai had obviously picked it up as she ran past the Kitchen table, Lana and Ana (who was right behind her) stopped just at the bottom of the steps with DP still at the bus exit above.

"Shai, put that down," Lana said, "You don’t want to hurt anybody."

Shai suddenly held the knife to her own arm and slashed herself, it was only a shallow cut, but it was enough to bathe the knife in blood, "I do want to hurt someone," Shai screamed, "I want to hurt you!" and she ran forward with the knife pointed directly at Lana and Ana, who for some reason couldn’t move out of Shai’s way.

"SHAI NO!" Someone screamed this from behind Lana and Ana and before they realized what was happening, the person that screamed it was leaping over their heads and landing right in front of them as the point of Shai’s bloody knife reached the scene.

"DP, NO," Shai said as the tip of her knife penetrated her sister’s arm.

"Shai," DP said, "I love you, I’m sorry I haven’t told you that in a while."

"DP, WHY," Shai said almost crying. Then in rage, looking at Lana, "this is your fault" Looking to the side she saw John, Ron, and Don circling and she said to Lana, "Remember me every time you have a triple cocktail." Then to DP she said, "I love you sister, I’m sorry I got sick, and I’m sorry I made you sick now too." And before anyone could realize what was happening, the girl turned the knife and buried it in her own heart.

"Shai, no," Lana screamed and was about to run to her when Lana felt someone grab her and hold her. Turning she saw Ron and said, "I have to go to her."

"No," Ron said firmly, "I called the police as well as some paramedics. That’s pure poison over there; none of us can go near it." He cast an eye at the infected blood dripping all over the ground. "Come on, get inside, all of you, you two especially," he said to Ana and Lana, "explaining why Shai and DP are naked will be difficult enough without also having to explain why you are, go tell everyone to dress now!"

"So, ‘Master’," John said, "have you got an explanation for why these two are naked?"

Just then the police arrived and running over Ron said, "You can’t touch them, their blood is HIV positive. You have to wait for the paramedics."

"What happened," a cop asked suspiciously, "why is she naked, and that girl just in panties?"

"We don’t really know what happened," Ron said, "all we know is that the shower rooms are closed and they wanted to take a bath, we offered them the use of our bath tub. The next thing we know the little one is slashing herself, stabbing her sister in the arm and then killing herself. Don get their sisters, they’ll confirm it." Don ran in understanding clearly the pass the story order.

DP who was still semi-conscience nodded her head at the office and said in tears, "It is true officer, and it is all my fault, my sister was angry because I would not just let her get in and take the bath with me to make it fast. She took it as the final proof that I no longer loved her because of her illness, she lashed out at me because of it."

As the paramedics arrived and began their job of treating DP and collecting Shai’s body, the officer’s interviewed DP’s sisters who could now confirm the ‘just there to take a bath’ story.


When everyone left, leaving just the Andersons and company, everyone turned to Lana with, "are you okay?" "How do you feel?" "Are you sure you’re alright?" questions.

"I just want to go to bed," Lana said, not wanting to say anything more; she crawled in a sleeping berth and crying, fell asleep.


Early the next day, Lana was the first up, she had reached a decision over the night, and she wanted to pass that decision on to everyone else.

"Listen, I want you all to know that today’s testing, and tonight’s concert, followed of course by out super special last fuckabration is still on!"

"Honey are you sure you—" Laura said.

"Yes I am," Lana said strongly, "everything else that was happening is over, all that’s left is this incredible trip, fantastic tour and important life saving mission (lives like Evita, Trixie, and Jackie who might all be infected now if not for our mission). We won’t stop it until it is completely over, what is it they say in show business, about shows I mean?"

"THE SHOW MUST GO ON!" Both ‘Triplet X Love Times 2’ and ‘The Loving Cousins’ recited strongly.

"That’s right," Lana said, "so let’s be happy everything worked out and give our fans what they came for."

"Talking about everything working out," Ana said suddenly, "What ever happened with that reporter fellow?"

"He’ll be here later," Stan said, "to get tested that is. As for his story, he turned everything he had over to us and is dropping it all."

"How’d you convince him to do that," Lana asked curiously.

"Well, he was talking about his wife, whom he claimed he truly loved and we sort of hinted she, as well as the newspaper he works for and the authorities might be interested to learn about his recent affair, especially the age of his partner," Ron said, "he was very agreeable after that."

"And you sent the Mayor, Judge and Sheriff of that town we were in the email I wrote," Lana said seriously, "telling them about Shai’s condition?’

"I sent it a little while ago," John said, "I’m sure they received it."

"When the Judge saw those pictures he looked in my direction," Lana said, "I thought he was looking at me, but it was at her."

"She heard us talking about their protection against what we were planning," Katrina said, "and decided to up the stakes in our favor."

"By making the scandal, sex with a child by three top officials of the town," Ron said, "no local law could protect against a scandal like that."

"So how’s DP," Lana asked suddenly.

"Trixie came by to pick up those special concert tickets," John said, "she told me that physically DP is okay, she is infected of course, but she’s taking to the triple cocktail a lot easier than Shai did. At least she didn’t throw up all night after her first dose."

Wanting to forget about all of the unpleasant things Lana suddenly said, "Hey, how about that boating race later; the first three person team to the end is the center of the action at tonight’s final super fuckabration."

"Alright," everyone said cheering.


As Ana was surrounded by Lenny, Robert and Jason; Hannah by Debbie, Katrina and Melissa; and Lana by John, Ron and Don, Jenny stepped out of the BED room grumpily for guard duty at the campsite, so as not to go completely without action, she ordered her pet Sandy to join her and keep her calm.

"Man that final concert was beyond awesome," Katrina said, "it deserves a beyond awesome celebration!"

"Fuckabration you mean," Hannah said smiling.

"Are you ready to start that triple cocktail ‘Queen’," Ron asked Lana as him and his brothers lined up with their cocks pointing in Lana’s face.

"Think I can’t handle all three at once," Lana said smiling wickedly as she grabbed a cock in each hand and was preparing to bite into Ron’s.

"Wow," Don said suddenly, "what happened to that finger?"

"Huh," Lana said questionably following Don’s gaze to one of her fingers and a long swollen scar on its side. Suddenly remembering a small ‘accident’ the day before during a close shave, Lana suddenly screamed, "Oh my God, that’s what she was talking about!" Suddenly standing up with a grief stricken face she gave a scream of, "GET AWAY FROM ME, GET AWAY FROM ME ALL OF YOU!"

"‘Queen’," Ana said suddenly getting up and trying to rush to her side, "what’s—"

"I said stay away from me!" As Lana screamed this she rushed past the shocked faces, grabbed a cell phone from the berth they were kept in and climbed into another. They all quickly heard it locked from the inside.

"Lana, what’s wrong," Hannah said almost in tears as she went over to the sleeping berth and tried to get her sister to respond.

"Can you hear anything," Ana asked worried and almost in tears herself, the pure terror in her sister’s face when she locked herself in the berth could only make her imagine the worst.

"It sounds like she’s talking to someone," Hannah said.

"Well I doubt she grabbed the cell phone to play solitaire," Ron said angrily.

After a while Hannah said, "I think she finished talking and is just crying now. What do you think is wrong?"

"To tell you the truth pet," Ron said grimly, "I prefer not knowing, because while she doesn’t confirm it, what I suspect is just a suspicion, so just pray she comes out and never tells us what’s wrong."


Chapter Twenty-four – Home Sweet Home, For A While

Three hours after Lana’s sudden terror attack, everyone was gathered in the Recreation room looking horrid, they had finally gotten some words out of Lana, and what she said was, "Get out of the BED room, leave me alone please!"

Joyce had tried talking to her but she said, "Later, when he arrives, not now!"

"What did she mean, ‘when he arrives’," Ana asked, "Who’s he?"

Just then, however, they heard a noise nearby, and it was getting louder and seemed to be passing right over them.

"Hey is that a—" Melissa began to ask.

"—helicopter!" Stan finished as the noise suddenly died down. "I didn’t know they had a heliport at this resort, I would have loved a ride."

"We still have tomorrow morning, Dad," John said, "that’s if we aren’t still trying to get Lana to talk to us."

"I’ll talk to her," someone said from the door going to section one, "Joyce she wants you there too."

Everyone turned suddenly, startled by the fact that anyone new was in the bus.

"Randy!" Katrina said running up to Dr. Lewis and kissing him.

"Hi Katy," he said kissing her back, "and whether she wants to or not, you should be in there with us too."

"Dr. Lewis, do you know what is going on," Stan asked.

"Not completely, when Lana called me to come pick her up immediately she didn’t give much detail of what has happened, but seeing as she wants me to take her as fast as possible to my hospital, it’s not hard to assume what she’s afraid of. I’m pretty sure you all know what that is. I better go into her now and get some details. In the meantime, since there was room, I brought two people with me, why don’t they stay with you. Joyce and Katy, come with me." As he passed through the door to the BED room two people entered the Recreation room from section one.

"PATTY!" Ana screamed running over and pulling the totally naked Patty to the ground and diving between her legs.

"DOLLY!" Melissa said excited as one equally naked Dolly ran to her. Patty and Dolly had obviously stripped in section one as everyone doubted they’d been naked the whole trip over. When Dolly got to Melissa she threw her on the ground and instantly fell into a ‘69’ with her.

Taking the hint that it was time to get the family more to themselves, Ron said to Hannah, "Weren’t you supposed to be the other girl in the center of the action tonight?" And then, dropping to the ground and pulling Hannah with him, he buried his cock deep in her cunt; signaling his brothers to help him out; John came around to Hannah’s rear and kneeling at her butt hole drove right in; Don in the meantime was already kneeling with his cock at Hannah’s mouth.

Robert, who loved butts, got a bit excited watching John work on Hannah’s ass, and needing to find a butt fast, went over to where Dolly was on top of Melissa and used a butt fuck to introduce himself to this stranger to most of the family.

It wasn’t long before the rest of the family decided that if the choices were to worry of to fuck; only one activity had true merit. Soon they were all blissful and cumming strongly.


"So she cut you while you were shaving her with the very razor you were using, however at that point you had not yet reached her cunt lips and are therefore unsure if there was cunt juice on it." Dr. Lewis repeated trying to fully analyze the situation as he studied the swollen scar on Lana’s finger. "You also know several fingers ended up in her cunt and well juiced but you can’t recall if this was one of them?"

"No," Lana said sadly, "but what are the chances that it wasn’t, I mean that was her plan all along."

"Lana," Joyce said, "the chances that she could have infected you in such an indirect manner through such a slight cut are nearly non-existent. If she had really wanted to infect you she would have been much more successful cutting her own finger before she spent almost an hour or two pumping her hand in your cunt."

"She infected DP with just a slight cut," Lana said almost in tears again. "Look at that finger, it’s infected I tell you." She now totally broke into tears.

"Oh ‘Queen’," Katrina said trying to hug her.

"No!" Lana screamed. "Don’t come near me, you shouldn’t be here, not without protection!"

"Lana," Dr. Lewis said in his calmest voice and wearing a smile, "Joyce is right. And you are right, that finger is badly infected, we better get you to the hospital fast and drain the infection before it gets worse and spreads."

"She is infected," Katrina said almost in tears also."

"Well a regular bacterial infection yes. A tip my ‘Queen’, next time you get cut use alcohol and hydrogen peroxide immediately. As to any other kind of infection, I strongly doubt it but we’ll run some full tests at the hospital to be sure. Both of you get dressed we’ll leave right now."

As they quickly dressed Lana said, "I don’t want to talk to anybody, not yet, so Joyce, when we’re gone can you tell them everything? Starting with how you both think I’m fine." Then smiling Lana said, "and tell them they are not to leave here until they have had another boat race tomorrow; in those one man boats; tell them that the prize will be waiting."

"And what should I tell them the prize is," Joyce asked smiling back.

"If I am really fine, the winner gets me as their slave the whole time we’re in summer camp; if for any reason I can’t do it," she pulled Katrina to her and gave her a passionate kiss (but close mouthed), "they can have my favorite toy during that time." Pulling up Katrina’s skirt, she gave her magnificent clit a tug. "Come on," she said directing Katrina and Dr. Lewis to the Kitchen and Bath, "we’ll go out the back quietly. Joyce wait until 5 minutes after you hear the helicopter take off to go in." Joyce continued smiling after them, but as soon as the door closed she frowned and looked very sad.

Five minutes after hearing the helicopter in the air she walked into the next room and found everybody in groups having sex all around, they were so into it they hadn’t heard her enter the room.

"Excuse me," she said, "sorry to disturb but I just wanted to let you know they’re gone."

"Gone," Laura said from the top of Stan where she’d been riding his cock.

"What do you mean, gone? What is it, what’s wrong?"

"Well we don’t think that there is anything seriously wrong. Most of what needs to be done is precautionary." Joyce then told them the full story including Lana’s final orders.

Smiling Ron said, "Oh I am going to make her so sorry she ever offered to be my slave for a whole month-and-a-half."

"What do you mean you’re slave," Ana said, "she’s going to be mine, and we’ll see who’ll be feeling who’s wrath," she said laughing.

"Excuse me, but no one is beating me," Debbie said, "especially if there’s a chance I can end up with Katrina obeying me for once."

"Fine," Jenny said, "it looks like we really have a prize everyone will work to win. This should be an awesome final race."

"Hey," Dolly said, "Patty just told me today that she’s taking me to summer camp," throwing Melissa a look she said, "and Lissa, you’re coming with us. Dr. Lewis left me something for you." She ran quickly into the next room and came back with a large manila envelope, obviously full of papers.

Opening it and pulling out a document Melissa’s eyes flashed and she screamed, "My Emancipation Papers! I’m Free!"

"So what I was saying," Dolly continued, "since we’re going to be at summer camp too, any chance we can join that race and try to win the ‘Queen’ as a slave?"

"Absolutely," John said, "she’s an open prize for everyone! Even though I’m the only one that will win her."

"Well we’ll just have to see won’t we," Melissa said with a smile.


The Tour Mobile finally pulled into the front street of the Anderson home and there was a large group waiting at the front door, Among them: Amy, Pietro, Susan, Harry and to Stan’s surprise, his boss Mr. Carson.

"Jimmy," Stan said, "this is a surprise; a welcomed surprise of course."

"Lisa asked me and Miriam to be here for the inauguration ceremony; there are actually quite a few people here."

Walking into their home, the Andersons found it decorated for a "Welcome Home Party". Among the few guests inside were Lisa and her sister Martha Wise, as well as Martha’s pet (and Mr. Carson’s daughter) Louise. Also there were Stan’s personal secretary Maggie Styles, her sister Annie and Annie’s toy (and Louise best friend since childhood) Marilyn Jacobs. Everybody in the house was naked and as soon as they led the way in the house, the other guests all stripped as well. Stan, Laura and all those with them smiled and followed suit.

"Home Sweet Home," Ana said as she dropped her clothes, then remembering they’d be leaving within two or three days for summer camp added, "for a while anyway."

"Is Lana upstairs," Laura asked Pietro.

Nodding Pietro said, "Dr. Lewis and Katrina Wilson accompanied her upstairs around an hour or two ago, they didn’t say much, Lana seemed upset but that is reasonable after spending several days in hospital observation as well as the minor operation. For the most part though she looks well and she promised to be down for the Inauguration Ceremony later."

Grabbing Ana and Hannah Laura said, "Why don’t you two come with me to visit your sister."


Upstairs Lana was talking with Dr. Lewis about her recent operation. "I can’t believe I almost lost a finger over a simple cut."

"Well that infection had gotten in pretty deep by the time you got to the hospital. Just be thankful you and your sisters are still identical triplets."

At that moment the door of the girls’ room opened and Ana and Hannah entered, followed by Laura.

They all stopped and smiled as they saw Lana talking to Dr. Lewis as she lay on top of Katrina in a ‘69’ pumping three fingers furiously into Katrina’s twat as she sucked that beautiful clit of hers when she wasn’t talking. Katrina’s mouth was buried in Lana’s cunt and Dr. Lewis was pumping his cock in Lana’s ass as he spoke.

"So I take it you’re okay," Laura said smiling.

Lana, who had had her back to the door, turned sharply to look around Dr. Lewis and seeing her Mom and two sisters gave a happy scream and disconnecting from Dr. Lewis and leaping off Katrina ran to hug them.

"You’re back," Lana said, "they thought you’d probably be back today but they weren’t really certain."

"So is everything totally fine," Laura repeated.

Lana showed them her wrapped up finger and said, "Well my finger has to stay bandaged for another two or three days, so it won’t be fingering any cunts or butts yet, but I still have nine other fingers to use in the meantime. Other than that, everything is fine."

"We monitored her blood closely for two days for any sign of infection that might not show up in a simple rush test," Dr. Lewis said, "and she is still 100% fuckable."

Ana and Hannah squeezed Lana between them and kissed her continuously.

"Joyce made a final test on everybody before separating from us," Laura said, "everybody else is still safe too."

"What were you thinking about in that hospital?" Ana asked Lana seriously, "as you waited to truly find out?"

From the bed Katrina, who was feeling a little ignored said, "Well for one thing she was thinking a lot that she might never be able to feel my clit in her again."

Lana ran over to the bed and jumping on Katrina in a face to face position started to rub her cunt into Katrina’s trying to feel her marvelous clit penetrate her. Over her shoulder at her sisters she said, "And besides that I was thinking that I have to meet up with a lot of those kids that were infected by that bastard psycho. I already talked to Lizzy and her mother, I wanted to meet with a half-sister she kept talking about but she wasn’t around. OHPF needs to add one more message to its awareness campaign. We’ve mostly been working with becoming aware of the STD threat and how to avoid catching one, but we also have to bring a little awareness to those out there that test positive that their lives need not be over. With the proper precaution and protection, not even their sex lives need to be totally gone." Then, smiling she said, "Though I have to tell you, I am very happy I don’t have to live with it and can still enjoy sex to the fullest degree."

"Well you’re happy now," Ana said, "but wait until you hear who owns you in Summer Camp!"

"Oh no," Lana said suddenly wide-eyed, "please don’t tell me it’s him!"


"Well," Stan said, "on behalf of my family I once more want to thank Mr. Carson and his family for this generous gift; since we’ll all be leaving again in just under 3 days, let’s give it a good using now, follow me everyone, to the backyard and just dive right in!"

Everyone followed expectantly; the kids had all debated about what was being built, they had some ideas: a brand new studio, and a mini-golf course being among the favorites; but everyone had pretty much agreed it was obvious and they couldn’t wait to (as Stan put it) dive right in and, when Stan turned on the backyard lights and the lights surrounding their new giant pool turned on, dive right in is what they did.

"Dad, it’s fantastic," Ron said, "the waters great, get in here, you and Mom."

"In a minute Ron, we still want to talk real fast with Susan and Harry."

"So everything worked out," Laura asked Harry.

"Yep, that Dr. Lewis, he knows some incredible lawyers. The lawyer I had was expecting some sort of very long battle, but the one Dr. Lewis introduced me to sent me a letter almost the next day with a declaration that the case had been decided and that Gloria’s parents had withdrawn their custody plea. The kids are officially and permanently in my custody."

"As they should be," Laura said.

"That lawyer that Randy got me was just as incredible, the expert on common law marriages. The Judge decided after hearing my lawyers arguments that Howard had as much been my husband as he had been his ex-wives, he ordered everything in the house, my car included by the way, be considered Howard’s property and that it all be sold, the house and land included, and the money be split evenly between her and me. Being that the total worth of everything is estimated at $250,000 that gives me and the kids $125,000 to start our new lives with."

"Susan, that’s fantastic," Stan said, "Now we really need a celebration!"

"Don’t you mean a fuckabration," someone said behind them. Turning they saw everyone had pulled out of the water and were now spread around the pool in groups of three and four enjoying all forms of cunningulus, analingulus and just all out sex.

Lana who had been the one to speak, looked around at the scene and said simply, "Home Sweet Home!" before going over to where Mr. Carson was lying with Hannah sitting on his face and mounting his cock started riding hard and fast and very, very happily.

The End




The Story Continues In:

Triplet X Love Times 2

Book 4


By DoubleDxxx

The first indication (part 2)

billy1809 on Incest Stories

My sister and I didn't share that part of the tent, so we had to sleep apart for the rest of the holiday and had no chance to be alone. Although we sometimes stole a quick glance, which told me that my sister liked what had happened, I still felt incredibly guilty over what had happened. I had, of course, fantasised about my sister for a while. However I thought that all boys did, and always felt ashamed after wanking over her. This was something altogether different though, we had actually performed a sexual act. And although this made me feel strange, i knew that if I had the chance I would go much further. The chance did not materialise on the holiday. In fact the chance did not come for quite a while.

 My sister tried on several occasions when we got back

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to talk with me about normal things, but the conversation (if we were alone) would always turn to what had happened. We even had several arguments about it, but this was all part of the guilt we felt.

My parents then announced that our great-aunt was ill, and that they would be going up there to spend some time with her. I was excited. I thought maybe, just maybe, something could happen between my sister and I. We helped my mum and dad pack, and the next day they went off, my dad leaving some money with strict instructions on how to use it. As we waved goodbye my sister and I shared a tentative look, then she turned and went into the house. I again could not stop thinking about the perfect way in which her arse framed the jeans she wore, her hips swaying with an almost divine grace. I knew I was infatuated with her.

As I went back inside i decided to have a chat with her about how to spend the money dad had left, so i went up to her room and knocked on the door. "Come in" she answered. I went in and sat on the edge of the bed, "what shall we do with the money?" I asked. She shrugged and said "whatever". "Thats helpful" I laughed, "are you sure you dont have any suggestions, what about ice cream, chocolate, booze, that sort of thing". She looked at me and said with an absolutely straight face and said, "and condoms". I was so shocked i couldn\'t reply, she leaned forward and kissed me tentatively. Not a brother, sister kiss, but a full on mouth to mouth. I of course was instantly hard, and tried to play it cool as she broke off. "Sure, why not?" I replied. "And get my favorite wine" she said, "you know the pink one mum gets". "Ok", I said getting up to leave for the shops. "Hey!" she said, "aren\'t you forgetting something", sticking her lips out at me. "Oh, shit, sorry" I said giving her a kiss goodbye. "Don\'t be long" she breathed into my ear as I pulled away.

I was by now hard as a rock, and I stayed that way all the way to the local shop, where I bought wine, crisps, chocolate, beer and ice-cream. I got to the counter and had to ask for a pack of condoms, which was incredibly embarrasing, and brought a wry smile from the guy behind the counter. Also the lady behind me thought it was prudent at that moment to cough, which just made me go even redder. Anyway. I half ran back home with my plunder, getting more excited by the minute. As i put the key in the lock and pushed the door open, I was assaulted by the beautifully pungent odour of my sisters perfume.  "It\'s me" i said, "I\'m in here" came the reply from the living room. I went into the living room, and noticed my sister had changed into her night robe. "Mum rang" she said, "where are they?" I asked. "Hundreds of miles away" she smiled "don\'t worry we are all alone.". I looked into her eyes and she looked straight back, my eyes strayed down to her cleavage, which was now exposed a little due to the slight opening of her robe. I looked up at her and noticed that her eyes had strayed down to my crotch, which now closeted a raging hard-on. "Did you get them?" she asked. I had no illusions about what items she was talking about, and quickly reached into the bag to fish out the condoms. Holding them up for her to see, she suddenly laughed and said "multipack?" questioningly. I just laughed and said "sorry was it a bit presumptuous?", she looked at me with her smoldering eyes and said "not at all". If i could have got harder i would of, but instead i said "c\'mon let\'s get pissed".

We drank and watched a film for about and hour, then she suggested we watch some of dad\'s porn to get some ideas. I readily agreed.

We were watching the porn and cuddling up together, it was so fantastic. Her hair smelt lovely, and her perfume was making me want her even more. I couldn\'t believe i was probably about to fuck my little sister. She then stood up and kissed me slowly while bending over, giving me a full view of her ample breasts. Then she smiled at me and said "I have a treat for you". She then opened her robe and i was struck by the most beatiful sight i had ever seen. She was standing there in a beatiful black lingerie set. Push up bra, thong, corset, stockings and suspenders, the works. She looked so hot standing there biting her bottom lip. "Do you like it?" she asked, smiling devilishly. I just grabbed her and pulled her on top of me, kissing her all over. I kissed her neck, and her tits, whilst all the time she was rubbing her crotch into me harder and harder. I couldn\'t take it and i had to have her. I Ripped my trousers off and pulled out my cock. She went straight down and started sucking it. I moaned in ectasy as I watched the sexiest creature alive lick my balls, while staring straight into my eyes. She turned around into the 69 position, and I plunged my tongue into her. I sucked on her thong making sure i got all the juices before pulling them to one side. Then I attacked her arse with my tongue, I also pushed my finger into her tight pussy. In and out I pushed with my finger as she moaned louder and louder. Finally i couldnt take it anymore, and i blew my load right into her mouth. Cum dribbled all over my legs and she just kept on sucking. She swallowed a good deal of cum, and kept rubbing my cock while i sucked her tiny button and kept finger fucking her gorgeous pussy. She then ground down on my face and rubbed her clit against me franticly. She then reached around and stuck her finger in her own arse and began moaning louder and louder. "Ohhh, baby don\'t stop. I\'m gonna cum. Oohhhh yeahhhhhh, I, i\'m... cumming, ahhhh mmmm yeahhh, yes, yes. Oh, oh, oh, baby yeah, oh" She turned around then and kissed me, she then looked me dead in the eye took her finger out of her arse and sucked it right in front of my face. "See" she said "you learn loads from dad\'s porn". I looked over towards the pack of condoms, and grabbed it. "You wanna try it?" I said. "Definately" she replied. "Have you ever fucked before?" I said. "No, im still a virgin. But i\'m all yours tonight, i\'m going to make sure that I fuck my brother good". She unclasped her bra and let her perfect breasts fall out. I grabbed them and started sucking on each nipple. She pushed them together against my cheeks, then she started to hump my cock. I could feel her wet juices as my cock slipped and slid between her pussy lips. It felt amazing. And i knew i was in for a good night.


As always if you want to hear more please comment. If i keep receiving good comments i will continue the story. All comments are much appreciated. 

my cousin and her friend in a 3some

babyfacejake on Incest Stories

 I was at my cousins house and she had a friend over. (  cassey is my cousins friend shes 14 about 5ft and 100lbs brown hair and eyes big ass and sexy thighs and nice small b cups i would say. kirsten my cousin is about 14  5' 4  100   lbs brown hair and eyes c breast and smaller butt) We was all sitting on couch watching a movie had blankets on us, cassey was at the other end of te couch and kirsten was in the middle while i was on the end and kirsten was laying on cassey and kirsten had her legs up on me. Kirsten and I have fooled around for sometime now and i start to rub her feet and inner thigh under blanket and i could feel the warmth comming from her pussy. i had my foot under my leg and she grabbed it and

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pushed up against her pussy and start to push my toes in so i start to toe fuck her thru her sweat pants. i looked over and she was bitting her bottom lip trying to keep quite so cassey didnt know what was going on.

So then my foot started to get tired and i put it on the floor and then reached back and started to rub her with my hands and i could tell she wanted it so i reached in her pants and started to finger her tight pussy, her clit getting real hard and so wet.

I could feel kirsten cummin on my fingers and as she did cassey pulled the blankets to get extra she was cold and she seen me fingering her.

" jason and kirsten what the hell are you two doing?"

I kinda freaked out and kirsten said " cassey shut up, I told you that me and him have been fooling around for a while"

You did what? I said to kirsten

Cassey started to laugh and looked at me and said " jason its ok the only reason im here is because me and kirsten are bi together and she told me about you two and i wanted to join in on the fun" I was shocked to hear this but I was very excited.

So kirsten and cassey start to kiss each other and fondle each others breast and then i seen cassey reach down and feeel how wet I had gotten her.

" damn Jason shes soaked"

" I know " i said

Kirsten and cassey took at there clothes off as i watched Kirsten said " You aint gonna watch ur gonna join in boy get naked"

So I did as she said and got naked in a flash to let me tell ya.

Cassey told me to lay on my back on th couch so i did and she said " jason even though i have sex with Kirsten i still have my cherry and i want you to pop it"

I shocked but said " ok"

There I was laying on my back and cassey starting to sit down on my cock. She lowered her self dowwn slowly and easly till she popped and got used to the feeling. As she popped she screamed loadly " oooohhhhh shit, that hurts Jason, ohhh godddd" then she got used to and started to ride slowly gradually getting faster i had my hands on her waist till kirsten sat on my face and told me to eat, so i started to tounge my cousins pussy and i slowly licked her soaking wet slit and nibbled on her clit as i did so she moaned" ohhh god yess.......jason eat me out baby.............ohhhhhh.....yessssss" then  i heard cassey moan " ohhhh jason YOUR COCK FILLS SO GOOD IN MY TIGHT PUSSY.....ohhhhhh yes and i felt her jucies run down my dick to balls and as i felt her cumm i started to moan " ohhh casssey im gonna cum deep inside you" ..." ohhh yes jason i wanna feel ur warm cum feel me up"...i thrust my hips a couple more times and started to cumm and i was moaning " im cumming" and i feeled her pussy full of my cum.

Cassey got off me and got down on her knees next to couch and started to lick my balls clean of all jucies.

Kirsten was still on my face and i was eating her out between my moans i could feel her pussy tighten around my tounge and she screamed" ohhhh yess jason im cumming baby im cumming" I felt it all over my face and got what I could, Kirsten got down and start to kiss me and lick my face clean of her jucies.

Then Kirsten said " Jason it's my turn to ride you"

I said " ok you do that kirsten Im ready for you "

Kirsten got up and strattled my cock and lowered her self down on me slowly and startd to go faster instantly, she was used to my cock by now.

Cassey got up on my face and i started to lick her big plump pussy lips and she was so sweet tasting the best i have ever tasted. I put my tounge around her clit and as i did she jumped and mad a sexy lil chirp noise and said" o that felt good" so I dont that more and she cam faster this time as i licked her clit and fingered her ass hole. she had such a tight ass hole it was good to.

As i was licking cassey kirsten leaned forward and they started to kiss each other as kirsten rode my dick hard and cassey rode my face.

I was in heaven, and i mean it pussy heaven.

I felt kirsten tighten and tinse up and she scream " I'm cumming jason cumm with me this time"

So she rides harder and i thrust harder and as she cums her pussy like jucies my cock and i cum at the same time deep inside her.

Cassey said " I'm cumming to jason"

Next thing I know my face is covered in cassey jucies and the both get down.

There down by my cock and they both start to lick my cock and balls clean then they start to kiss passonatly and i see there tounges caressing on anothers.

" you to gonna fuck and let me watch?" I said

They looked at each other and giggled and said " sure, jason for you anything"

I got up and sat down in the chair next to the couch.

They started to kiss and rub eaches bodys as they both feel on the couch kissing. Cassey was on top and Kirsten on bottom and Cassey started to lick and kiss her neck working each nipple slowly as kirsten moaned in pleasure, then cassey licked her stomach and then down her inner thigh and her legs to her feet where she slowly lick and sucked each toe. This is what turned me on the most out of them two is what about to happen next. Cassey puts her foot in kirsrtens face and cassey licks her feet as they both lick and suck each others feet.

Then cassey starts to foot fuck kirsten pussy one toe then 2 then 3 then 4 toes next thing i notice is, is all casseys toes was inside kirstens pussy, giveing her a footjob, as kirsten started to do the same back to cassey. There was a lot of moaning load moaning. " oohhhhh goddd thats tight, oohh yea work those toes in me baby ohhhh" Kirsten screamed out then cassey started to scream " ohhhh kirsten is hurts, oohhhhh god but it damn gooddddd"

They foot fucked for what seemed to be an hour Then they both got eager to taste each other and sucked there feet clean then cassey started to lick and suck kirsten pussy and clit as kirsten started to cumm all over casseys face.

Then cassey layed back and kirsten ate her pussy out till she cam in Kirstens mouth.

They both looked over at me and i was jacking off and and Cassey said " jason let me do that for you"

I said " ok"

Next thing I know shes pushing her ass down on top my head and Im anal fucking her virgin ass hole.

I started to thrust in harder and deeper, i got her down on all fours and fucked her tight ass so hard. she was screaming " omfg jason that hurts, but dont stop it feels so good"

I thrust harder and deep and told her " cassey im gonna cum baby"

"Ohhhhh.........yes jason cum in my virgin ass hole.....ohhh god yes  baby fuck it hard till you cum"

I finally cumm deep inside her virgin ass hole and i pull out and see my cumm ozzz out her asshole and Kirsten gets to it and licks it clean then licks my cock clean.

Then we all took showers and got dressed. When kirsten was in shower me and cassey talked and she asked me " Jason, Do you think we could go out?"

Of course i said " yes"

And Cassey and I are still dating she is 15 now, we have been dating for 8months now. Kirsten is kool with it we still have 3 somes but i like it cuz Cassey brings her sister into it now and we dont do it as often with kirsten. Casseys sister is 13 and so sexy and tight but thats another story for you all. If you like it respond and tell me if u want me to write about her sister and us.

Alice, The Sex Slave

classicincognito on Fetish Stories

I met Alice at the hospital in a small town that I was a policeman in, she was weet and seemingly conservative. We became friends and every night that I was on shift we had to go by the hospital since all they had in the way of security was a maintence man that hung around at night. Alice came on at 3 P. M. and was a secratary in the E.R. and we always walked to the vending room for a cup of coffee when I got there. HEr husband had passed away about 6 months before and I was newly divorced so we shared a little of a common bond.

While walking she would move against me but totally innocently it seemed. She was attractive, about 5'9", red hair and about a 36C with a middle age waist and 42 hips that were very nice. She worn the smocks that she changed into when she came on dut

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y and I of course worn a police uniform, full duty belt and weapon, ASP and radio and two sets of cufs. She used to joke about me cuffing her if I ever wanted to "have my way with her" and we both laughed. She would be totally helpless she told me to resist. One evening while walking down the hall in the deserted wing that we cut across that was having construction, the lights half off, She said that again and I said, "Would I have to cuff you to get my way?" She looked at me and said, "Well, no not really." With that we kissed a short shy kind of a kiss and kept walking.

We got coffee and talked as we walked and passing a rest room she stopped and asked me to hold her coffe while she went in to relieve herself. I did and was waiting outside in the semi-dark hall. The door opened slowly and she motioned me towards it and looking in I saw her totally naked standing there. She was lovely and her skin was smoth, her nipples erect and her closlye shaved red pussy hair shining with moisture. "What do you think?" she asked me. "Absolutely beautiful" I told her. She reached out her hand and pulled me into the rest room and locked the door behind me. We kissed passionately as I ran my hands all over her body and she spread her legs as she stood there and guided my hand between her legs. I slid a finger into her and she moaned loud and began moving on it soon reaching an orgasm and bracing her self against me so she could stand. "That is the first time I have been touched since I was alone." she said kissing me. Then her hands found me cock through my uniform pants and she smiled, "Good to see I make you hard. Now what shall we do with that?" "Whatever you want to do" I said and she looked at me her eyes geting glassy. "I want an ice cream cone" she said and went to her knees taking out my cock.

She began slowly licking me up and down and massaging me slowly. She loved to take her time and soon she was making pre-cum drip out of the head of my cock. Finally she sped up and was taking all of me down and she sucked the cum from me swallowing it and shaking with an orgasm herself. "I love ice cream cones" she said again and I kissed her deep. "Now that I know I like it you have to bring me one every night." she told me. "My pleasure" I told her and she dressed and we walked back to the E.R. I hung around a while then had to leave on a call. Before I left she told me to call her after work and I told her okay. I called and she told me that she really liked me and hoped I did not think she was bad or anything. I made sure she knew I liked how the evening had gone. "Good, can you come over this weekend and see me at home?" "Sure" I told her.

I met her two more nights to give her her ice cream cones and then Friday night I went over to her house. She opened the door and had on a bikini and shorts. "I just came from the pool" she said and her hair was wet. THen she was in my arms kissing me hard. She moved my hands over her and removed any doubt that we were going to stay dressed. I removed her top and then bottom and she was naked and stepped back telling me to strip too. I did and was hard as a rock and suddenly she took my by the cock and led me to the couch. She pushed me down and instead of siting on it she was on her knees in front of me sucking me again. Slowly then wildly as she fingered herself. The rest of the night we spent in bed and she did not sleep or let me sleep hardly at all. She was constantly in motion, massaging, kissing, licking and riding my fingers when my cock was not hard. "I have to go out for a few hours" she told me as she dressed and kissed me bye. "I have some important things to let you know about me" She told me. "Okay, we can talk when you get back." I told her. "No, there are some videos on the VCR, watch them while I am gone. The dates and situtation are on the titles, start with number 1, that is my honeymoon." she said and left.

I got up and went to the living room and there was a stack on videos on the VCR. The first was labled "Honey Moon." I put it in and there she was loosing her virginity to her husband. She was shy and did not know she was being taped. It lasted about an hour and then the next night was there. She and her husband were naked and stading in the living room. Suddenly he turned her around and began spanking her, more than normal. She began crying and tried to get away and he pulled her back and slapped her hard. She fell to the floor and he dragged her to the chair and tied her to it. Her arms behind her and her legs to each leg. Then he was in front of her making her suck him and his cum filled her mouth making her gag as she protested she did not want to do that. He clamped her nipples and she began crying and he slapped her again telling her to shut the fuck up. She tried and again her clamped her tits. "As for not liking to suck cock and swallow cum we are going to take care of that litte slut." he told her. He picked up the phone and caled someone, "Yeh, she is all set, bring over a few friends."

Soon the door opened and 5 men walked in all drunk and abusive. "So, this is the bitch you married, guess we all have free sex for the duration?" "Damn right" her husband said. "Okay guys, feed her cock and cum, make her like it." Followed be this was hours of fucking Alice both orally, anally and shoving her cunt full when they felt like it. One scene had her tied up, arms streached out and blindfold in a frame. One man was holding a dildo to her pussy making her cum and scream to be raped more even as tears flowed from her eyes. Then she had a type of neck scarf around her neck nd was having it tighter and tighter until she could not breathe and finally passed out. Then the scarf was removed and she was revived. This was repeated over and over again and soon she was begging to be let down. "Please, please just kill me, kill me please." she was begging.

Another tape showed her being dropped off at a house, her husband giving a chain with a leash around her neck on the end. She was naked and her hands tied behind her back. Her face was towards the ground. "Train her to do all she is told and make sure she learns." he told them at the door. A woman asked, "What is she does not survive the training?" she asked. "Then she dies." he said and left. Alice walked in with them and they tied her to a frame and began torture, slowly making her do everything imagined. They tied her tits off and made her drink from a glass that I could not tell the contents of but the man told her to drink piss until they said to stop. She gagged several times and was made to drink till she no longer gagged and began asking for a drink.

After several hours of these tapes Alice came back and she smiled, "Well, do you see how I am?" "Yes, I guess I do." I told her. At the end of the tape the man had given her husband her chain again and gave her a elabortate collar. She will always wear this and be a slave all you must do is command her." "Good" he told her. Alice striped and turned off the tape, she walked to a drawer and took out a collar, the same one in the film, she got on her knees in front of me and gave it to me and leaned forward offering me her neck to place it on. I did and then she gave me the chain and attached it to the collar ring. "I was trained to do absolutley anything with anyone at any time, all you do is tell me or let me know what you want me to do during the day and I will do it." she said.

Everyday when I got there )we had moved in together) she would present herself and ask if there was anything I wished. I took her to bed and made love to her as often as she liked. One day a couple of our neighbors was there when I got home and she introduced me to them, Jackie and Bill. Both good looking and he appreared to be hung and interested in the bikini Alice wore. We were in the living room and Alice served drinks and slipped into her "slave mode" and put her collar on. Jackie was laughing and said, "So are you a slave and is that your slave collar?" Kidding around. Alice looked at her and said, "Ask my Master." Bill and her looked at me, "So is it?  Jackie said. I took a drink and smiled, "AS a matter of fact it is." They stared and laughed. "Yeh right" Bill said, "So what will she do?" "Anything I tell her to." I told them. "No way" Jackie said sipping her drink. "Alice" I told her. "Yes Master." "Stand up and strip now please." She did as quickly as I had asked and was naked in front of us. Bill was hard and Jackie was moving around telling me she was excited too. "So stripping is nothing, tell her to do something extreme." Bill said, his cock straining against her zipper. "Alice, pull out Bill's cock and suck him off." "Yes, Master" she said and had him out and in her mouth. Jackie was watching saying, "Damn, I don't believe it, she is sucking him." Bill was moving his hips and soon filled her mouth with his cum.

Alice sat there waiting for the next command. "Now suck me Dear" I told her. She did and I filled her throat with cum also. "Jackie looks like she is hot Dear, eat her pussy." "Yes Master" Alice said and then Jackie was having her shorts slipped off and Alice had her face in her pussy. "Bill, would you like to fuck her in the ass while she eats Jackie?" I asked. Alice herad and moved her hips up so he could. He filled her ass and she kept eating Jackie. All three had an orgasm all together.

We were stiing around nake and Bill asked if anyone wanted to order a pizza. I did and soon the guy came to the door and knocked. "Alice get that and give him a good tip." "Yes Master she said again and got up. The guy at the door had his mouth hanging open and gave her the two pizzas and she got on her knees after paying him. "Now for your tip" she said. She pulled out his hard cock and sucked him off. He lft and we ate the pizza. Bill and Jackie asked all kinds of questions about Alice and her slave life and she told them she had to be a slave and could not live any other way.

"I do anything and ask not questions ever," she told Jackie and Bill. "anything?" they asked. "Next week Master can show you of you want to spend the weekend." "Sounds great to us" they said.

Next week we had 10 couples over and that is another adventure.

donaldt69 on Teen Stories

Looking out the window, the only thought that came to mind was “I wish it would stop raining”. It was going on five days of almost non-stop raining, and I had been couped up in the house by myself.

Let me describe myself. I'm 17. I'm 5'9” tall, 195 pounds, with very little body fat. I have light brown hair and green eyes. I'm not really athletic. I just like to take care of myself.

The reason I've been alone is that my parents took two weeks off for a cruise. My girlfriend and I broke up, so I don't even have her to keep me company.

I had all but given up ho

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pe when I heard a knock on the door. When I looked out the window, I saw my 16 year old neighbor, Amber, standing there soaked to the bone. Now Amber and I have gotten along fine through the years, but we aren't really friends. We just always hung with different crowds.

I couldn't just leave her out in the rain, so I opened the door.

“Hey Amber. What are you doing here in this weather?”

“Hey Todd. I was out with Samantha, and when I got home, my parents were gone and the door is locked and I forgot my key.”

“Well come in and dry off.” I stepped away from the door to let her in, noticing how her cotton t-shirt clung to her.

Amber isn't the most beautiful girl in our school, but she isn't ugly either. She has an average body, with about 34 b tits and an ass that is perfectly squeezable. She always has her share of guys asking her out, but the most amazing thing about her is her smile. It will just melt your heart.

Looking at her and smiling, I said “you know where the towels are. Why don't you go and get one and dry off. I have some sweats in my dresser that you can put on and then we will dry your clothes.”

So, giving me that wonderful smile of hers, she headed off down the hall to get dry and changed.

I didn't think anything of it until about 15 or 20 minutes had passed and I hadn't seen her come back. I figured I should go and see if everything was ok. So I headed down the hall looking for her. As I came to my room, I noticed that she was laying across my bed, facing away from the door, wearing a pair of my sweats and no top. She had the sweats pulled down slightly so that the top of her ass was showing, and she was totally engrossed in one of my porn mags. She must have found it while she was looking for a shirt to put on.

I stood there, mesmerized, for a few minutes as I realized that she was rubbing her pussy.

I quietly crossed the room and said, “that is one of my favorite mags.”

The sudden sound of my voice startled her, and she just about jumped right off of the bed. She was so embarrassed, she started to cry, while apologizing for going through my stuff.

I knew she was mortified, so I pulled her to me and gave her a hug, realizing that she still had no top on.

She realized the same fact at about the same time, because she pulled away and used her hands to cover her tits, while trying to get up off of the bed.

I reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping her.

“Amber, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I just saw you laying there, and you were so very sexy.”

She stopped crying and was just sniffling. She gave me that smile again.

I smiled back and pulled her to me to hug her again. This time, she returned my hug, uncovering her breasts and pressing them against me. The only thing separating us was my shirt. I could feel her nipples getting hard. I don't know if it was because she was getting cold, the fact that she was embarrassed, or the fact that she was turned on.

I looked down at her face and smiled, kissing her lightly. To my surprise, she didn't pull away, but returned the kiss.

By this time, I was getting turned on. My cock was already hard from watching her. So I decided to take a risk, and moved my hand down her back, rubbing with just my fingertips as we kissed. To this, she just moaned into my mouth.

I took this as a good sign, and decided to move my hand further down, rubbing her ass over the top of the sweats. Everything was still good, until I tried to slip my hand inside the sweats to feel her ass.

This time she pulled away and stood up, moving toward the dresser, undoubtedly to find a shirt.

I stood and walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, and kissed her neck. She tried to pull away, but I held her. I wasn't going to force her, but I didn't want to give up either.

As I continued to kiss her neck, I could feel her stop pulling away and finally she sighed and reached back and rubbed my head.

Taking this as my cue, I slowly moved one of my hands up to her tits, massaging gently and using the tip of my finger to make circles around her nipples, making them hard.

My other hand was rubbing small gentle circles around her stomach, slowly making it's way to the top of the sweat pants.

By now, she was starting to breath harder. Each time I would touch her nipple, she gasped.

As my other hand made it's way inside her pants, she tensed up. Worried that she would pull away, I whispered in her ear, “don't worry. I'll stop anytime you want”. This seemed to help, because she relaxed in my arms, leaning against me.

I was kissing her neck and shoulders. One hand was toying with her tits and nipples. The other hand had found it's way just between her legs.

My fingers seemed to have a mind of their own as the lightly began to explore between her lower lips. One of them brushing over her clit, making her gasp and almost jump.

I continued to tease her clit for a few seconds, maybe a minute. Then I slowly moved my finger down till it found the entrance to her wet tight little pussy. She was so tight that my finger had trouble getting just inside the opening.

When she tensed up, I realized that she had never been touched like this by anyone.

“Amber, are you a virgin?”

“Yes I am.” she replied.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Her answer was to turn facing me and kiss me deep and hard. I had seldom been kissed with such passion. I knew then that I was the lucky man that would get to be the first to fuck her.

I wanted this to be wonderful for her. So I picked her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down. Then I slowly slid the sweatpants off of her. She didn't try to stop me. She just looked at me with that smile of hers.

What I saw before me was the sexiest girl I had ever seen. All of a sudden I wandered why I had never noticed her before.

I pulled her to the edge of the bed and knelt down, with her legs draped over my shoulders. I started by kissing up and down her legs, biting and licking as I went.

Then, as I made my way back up her legs, I finally let my tongue touch her clit. She jumped a little at that, but as I continued to lick and suck her clit, she began to moan and wiggle slightly.

While I was sucking on her clit, I began to rub my finger over the entrance to her pussy, slowly letting just the tip slip inside.

I was slowly making progress getting more and more of my finger inside her. I was humming into her clit, sending little vibrations through her body. She must have loved this because she was writhing around, and moaning.

“MMMMMM. Todd.... ooohhh”

Finally after a few minutes of this, I managed to start slipping a second finger inside of her. I didn't want to hurt her, but I had to get her opened enough to allow my cock inside.

I had to have her juices on my tongue, so I began to lick up and down her pussy, between her lips. As I did this, I moved one of my fingers to her clit. I was rubbing it, gently, between my finger and thumb. My tongue finally found the entrance to her pussy and slipped inside. Now I had my tongue and fingers inside her, fucking her.

She couldn't take much of this. She started to thrash around, moaning loudly, and calling my name.

“mmmmmm oooooohhhhhh gggooodddd T T T TOODDD..... I I'm g gonna ccccum...”

With that she flooded my mouth. She came so much that it soaked a big spot of my bed. My hand and face were covered with her sweet, sticky goodness.

I kissed my way up her body and lay next to her, smiling.

As I kissed her lips, I felt her hands move to my pants, undoing the button and zipper. I leaned up to help her take them off of me, along with my boxer briefs. Then I removed my shirt so that we would both be completely naked.

As we were kissing, our hands were roaming over each others bodies. I could feel as her hand finally made contact with my cock. I was hard as I ever had been.

It was obvious that she had never touched a real cock before. She was shy, almost scared to touch it.

I took her hand and wrapped it around my cock and showed her how to rub it up and down.

“This the first time you ever held a cock?”

She looked down blushing. “Yes it is.”

I kissed her, and as we kissed I let my hand find her pussy again. We laid there for several minutes, playing with each other, letting her get used the feel of my cock in her hand.

Finally, when she was ready, she looked at me and smiled.

“Will you fuck me Todd? Will you make me a woman?”

My answer was to roll her over on her back and move between her legs.

I positioned my cock at the entrance of her pussy and pushed gently. She was so tight that it hurt both of us when the head finally entered her.

I stopped pushing and kissed her, while she got used to having me entering her.

After a few seconds I began to push again. This time, even though I could tell it hurt her, she asked me not to stop. So I pushed into her until I met with her hymen. I stopped when I saw the look of pain and fear on her face.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No Todd. Please don't stop. I'll be ok.”

I pulled back just a little and pushed harder, so that I could break through and cause a little pain as possible. When I felt her hymen give way, I stopped and looked down at her.

She was crying a little, but when she realized I was looking at her, she tried to give me that smile.

I just leaned down and began kissing her, not moving. I gave her time to get used to my size and having me buried inside her tight little pussy.

Before long, she was moving around under me and I took that as my cue to start making love to her.

I began to move in and out of her slowly at first. As I moved, I leaned down and kissed her neck and shoulders, making my way down to her tits. I sucked on her nipples, biting them gently. As I did this, I could feel her pushing her hips up to meet me.

I gradually began to pick up my pace. Before long, I was fucking her full on. Ramming my cock into her pussy. She was matching my every movement.

I would slide my hand between us to rub her clit and she would take her tits in her hands and play with her nipples. That turned me on even more than I had already been.

After about 5 or 10 minutes, I knew that I was going to cum very soon.

“Amber, I'm getting close to cumming. Do you want it inside you?”

“Yes Todd. I'm on the pill.”

I continued to fuck her hard, biting her neck and her ears and her nipples. Soon I could not hold back any longer. I slammed my cock into her as I tensed my whole body.

“Here it cums Amber. Oh my god, it feels so good.” I came filling her tiny little pussy to over flowing.

After I was done, we lay there with my cock still inside her as we kissed and held each other. When my cock had shrank enough that it slipped out of her, I got up and went to get a towel and warm rag to clean us up.

As I was wiping the cum up that had run down her ass cheeks, she smiled that smile of hers. When I saw it, all I could do was smile as my cock got hard again...

Jag Chapter 5

rreeves on Animal Stories

Just a little note from me.  I am not the original writer of this story.  I found it a few years ago on a now gone website, and thought it was worth sharing with everyone.  If the original author finds it here, please just know how good I thought your work was

Chapter Five

Mac had gone undercover in the Wiccan to discover if their prime suspect in a rape charge was indeed the sexual predator that the complainant had claimed he was. CPO Merker was also the High Priest of a Wiccan, practitioners of the art of witchcraft. That term no longer held the same image of evil that it used to. Wiccans were becoming more and

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more a recognized religion in the United States.

While her partner, Commander Harmon Rabb, conducted an overt investigation of the charges. Mac assumed the identity of a Navy Petty Officer and infiltrate the Wiccan.

She had gone through a number of initiation ceremonies in which she had been exposed to a drugged ash that defied detection. During those ceremonies, she had stripped along with the other members of the Wiccan and danced joyfully around blazing bonfires.

But on this, her final night of her initiation, she was offered to the Wiccan's Lord's shell. The shell was in the body of a large snow white Ram. The large, virile animal had a huge ebony phallus that Mac soon learned was meant for her.

Because of the mind controlling effect of the ash, Mac subjugated herself to inter- species sexual contact with the beast. She had sucked the Ram dry to start off with. Then she was offered to it for intercourse. A marriage Merker called it.

During this whole ceremony, CPO Merker was finding it nearly impossible to resist his own sexual urges. Mac had him mesmerized at her sexual prowess. But he knew that he had to maintain his vow of celibacy so that he could keep his hold over the members of the Wiccan congregation.

When we last left her, Mac had accomplished the apparently impossible feat of taking in all fourteen inches of Ram cock into her womb. But still she wanted more from it. She wanted to feel the animal fuck her. Fuck her like only an animal could.

She bucked her ass against the Ram's groin to urge him to keep humping her. It didn't take much urging to convince to do just that.

"Oh yessss," Mac moaned. "Fuck me. Lord, fuck me good."

The congregation cheered on each time she used the word 'Lord' in her vocal outburst, mistakenly believing that she was in fact praising their religious Lord.

Mac could feel the Ram's cock pull almost completely out of her pussy, then just ram it back into her with such force that her knees bounced off the ground with each thrust. In and out the mighty cock pistoned into her pussy, driving her mad with excitement.

Merker just stared dumbfounded as he watched Mac fuck his virile Ram into submission. No woman had ever done that before. Sure, many of the female initiates had gone through this ceremony. But none with such rapture that this dark- haired beauty was demonstrating.

With the others, he could see their reluctance in their eyes. He knew that their initiation with the Ram would be their last with any beast. But not with Mac. With her he felt that he had found himself a soul-mate. That as soon as she found the opportunity, she would be seeking a beast to satisfy her own sexual urges.

Mac had lost count on how many times she had had an orgasm under the beast's sexual attack. But by now she didn't care any more. Time and time again the Ram would fuck his full fourteen inches into the dark tunnel of her cunt. And each time Mac would grunt from the strain it placed on her innards.

Merker was hypnotized at the sight of her actually mastering his Ram. It had taken him almost a full year to find the virile beast, convinced that no woman could ever conquer him. But here, before him, he was witnessing the impossible and it was driving him nuts.

Mac's tits would be jostled with each fuck thrust of the powerful beast. They were bouncing fore and aft like balloons full of Jell-O.

"Oh Lord, yessss!" Mac yelled in orgasm once again. "I... I don't know how... how much longer I... I can take this."

"The Lord is our Master," the congregation droned on. "The Lord is good."

Mac could feel the hot breath of the large Ram against her bare neck. She could tell that it was getting shallower with each passing second.

'He... he must be getting near,' Mac guessed.

As if willed by her own thought, the Ram's cock exploded with a powerful ejaculation that nearly blew Mac's clenching pussy off of its cockhead.

Merker lost all self control at that point. Seeing his Ram's jet black cock blow its load deep into this initiate's cunt was too much for him to bear. He stripped off his cloak and knelt before the gasping Mac.

When she looked up she was met with his raging hard cock. Mac knew what the man wanted, and at this point she was too horny to deny herself his cock either. So, she leaned forward slightly and slipped Merker's eight inch cock in her mouth and began sucking him off as the Ram continued emptying his balls in her cunt.

Mac had never felt so filled in her life. The Ram's fourteen inch cock was at the deepest recesses of her vagina and Merker was filling her mouth with his own thick cock.

Merker kept up his humping Mac's face for a good three minutes before one of the congregation members noticed what was going on in their midst.

"DEFAMATION!" The man cried out, alarming all of the others to Merker's actions.

caught by his 'followers' triggered a panic response from Merker, as he felt his jism shoot into Mac's sucking mouth.

Mac had no trouble accommodating the man's cum. Compared to what she had swallowed from the Ram, Merker's was a feeble second.

"DEFAMATION!" A chorus rang out from them all.

"You attempt to steal our Lord's bride," the first man cried out.

"DEFAMER!" The congregation shouted.

Suddenly five of the men of the Wiccan grabbed hold of Merker and pulled him away from Mac's head, causing his cock to slip from her sucking lips.

Mac was dismayed at the turn of events. She had always assumed that they must of all been under Merker's control during all of this time. But it was now obvious to her that they did take this Wiccan religion very seriously, and that the Ram fucking her was indeed the shell of their 'Lord'. So Mac decided then and there not to cause any damage to their congregation in the courts.

The Ram remained oblivious to the trouble surrounding he and his mate. All that he cared about was to fulfill his duty in fucking the pussy under him. So, he began to hump anew into Mac's still clenching cunt. Though he had already emptied a huge load of cum into her, he was a very virile beast used to multiple couplings per session.

Mac immediately felt the renewed vigor of the Ram's thrusting. It didn't take her long to realize that she was about to get another master fucking from the beast. And truth be known, she was in no hurry to have him stop at this point.

"Go for it you brute," Mac cried out to the Ram. "Fuck me again. I want your seed in me. All of it. Don't stop until your balls are empty and drained."

Mac was getting enamored by the beast's virile fourteen inch cock. So much so, that she couldn't get enough of him. Regardless of the outcome of this JAG investigation, she felt sure that she would be spoiled, sexually, by this fucking.

As the congregation members kept holding Merker down in their anger, Mac was humping her ass back at the animal's thrusting shaft. She wanted to feel every inch of him inside of her when he unloaded.

Most of the congregation members resumed their worshipping position around the bestial coupling and resumed their chanting, ignoring the rutting twosome on the ground before them.

"The Lord is our Master," they chanted. "The Lord is good."

Mac found it unbelievable that they could do anything at all while she was trapped performing such an obscene and exciting sexual performance. She had to accept the fact that this act was indeed very seriously thought of by this congregation.

The Ram kept thrusting his rock hard shaft deep into Mac's willing pussy, raising her knees off the ground with each powerful forward thrust.

Never in her life had Mac ever had such a powerful lover. Most men that she had slept with in the past would be contented with a nice slow fuck, thinking that this is what she wanted. But after experiencing the brutal animal fuck of the Ram, Mac was considering looking for more bestial guys to sleep with in the future.

"Oh Lord!" She cried out as she came yet again, and still the Ram wasn't ready to unload. "I... I've never been... been loved this... this good before. You... you're fantastic," she moaned to the Ram.

Merker was trapped on his back, struggling to at least see the brunette get fucked by the Ram. But the two powerful men holding him down wouldn't allow him to desecrate their religion any further than he already had. So the CPO had to remain helplessly on his back with his raging hardon pointing in the air in frustration.

For the next ten, long minutes, Mac was subjugated to the fiercest fucking she had ever received. The Ram was fucking her as only a lustful beast could, savagely. With each thrust Mac felt her womb being shoved inside out by the powerful animal.

Already in the throws of orgasm, Mac kept averaging an orgasm every fifteen seconds or so. Which meant that during this beast's fucking her, she would have experienced no less than forty orgasm of her own. And despite her fitness, physically, she would have passed out from the sheer exhaustion of it all well before the halfway mark.


My new lover

goingbananas on Animal Stories

When I broke up with my boyfriend, my life has changed so much.  I met him after college and we've been together for 5 years and suddenly it was over.   I found out that he was cheating on me.  I don't understand?  We had great sex together.  Why would he cheat?  I was devastated after the break up and never want to see him again.

My friend told me things like that happens and that I'm beautiful and sexy and I won't have any problem finding another man.  I told my friend that I don't want any relaltionship for at least a year or two.  She then recommended that the best therapy for me was to get a dog.  "Dogs are loyal she" said. 

I took her advise and went to adopt a dog.  I

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was very picky so it took me a while before I finally picked one.  I named him Bruno and I was told that he was a mixed German shepherd and a Black Lab.  I just fell in love when I first saw him at the pound.  The next thing I know I was signing papers and taking him home.

I lived alone in a small house that my parents bought for me after college.  It is situated in a big lot surrounded by big trees and tall bushes.  I have complete privacy.  Sometimes I walked around the house with just my sheer nightie without any fear of anyone watching.  I have a collection of expensive lingerie that my boyfriend brought me.  I thought I might just as well use them once in a while.  I love wearing them specially if I'm feeling horny.  It just makes me even hotter.  I would end up pleasuring myself and letting out some small scream on occasion.

It's been two days since I had Bruno.  For now, I thought that I'll let him live outside the house since the weather in Santa Barbara California during fall is just wonderful.  There is dog house that he can stay and the fence in the yard will be sufficient to keep him in the property. 

That night, I was going through my drawers and saw a pink set of lingerie that I haven't worn for a while.  I stripped down and put on the pink sheer thong, then the matching sheer bra, and finally the pair of pink stocking.  I looked at myself in the mirror and admired my body.  I thought to myself that I just looked like a Victoria Secret model.  I have a 32C breast, nice curvaceous hips, long silky legs, blonde hair and a pretty face.  I already feel horny and started moving my hands to my breast, caressing the hot pointed nipple,  and then to my legs.  All of a sudden, I was interrupted by a howl.  I covered myself with a coat and went outside to see Bruno. 

"What wrong with my baby?" I said.  He seems to be restless but I tried to calm him down by rubbing his head and body.  It's dark outside and was just moving my hands near his belly and felt his shaft.  It's warm and hard.  I don't know what came to me but I started to caress his shaft until his penis came out.  My heart started to beat faster as I'm getting turned on by this dog.  I never touched a dog's penis before.   I move my hand to touch that hard thick penis of Bruno and I was surprised by the size of it.   At this point, I'm horny and becoming really wet down there and Bruno must have smelled my arousal.  My legs was wide open as I had squatted infront of him, I gasp and lost my balance when Bruno suddenly shoved his nose and licked my crotch.  I fell on my back and Bruno kept his charge and dug his nose and tongue on my crotch.  I was struggling to move his head away from my crotch but he was very persistent.   He bit my thong to set it aside and his tongue wiggled it's way to my pussy and he lapped at the juices that is now flowing from my pussy.  I can feel his thick tongue caressing the lips of my pussy, licking all the way up to my clit.   I lost control and opened my legs to Bruno giving him more access to my hot and wet pussy.  I was moaning in pleasure.  "Oh my god, oh my god, this can't be happening".  By this time, he had ripped my sheer panties away and kept lapping eagerly on every inch of my pussy.  I didn't know how many times I came but I was so exhausted afterwards.  Bruno somehow stopped and moved to my face licking me from my cheeks to my lips.  I saw that he still have an erection.  I felt bad for him and thought to return the favor.  I decided to take Bruno inside the house and led him inside.

As I locked the door, I noticed that I'm noe only wearing my pink stockings and bra after removing my coat.  Bruno seems excited and started to licked my pussy from behind.  I was moaning and getting hot once again.  My legs became weak again and I fell on my knees and hand.  Bruno kept licking and digging his tongue even deeper in my vagina from behind.  My body is started to tighten up and building up another huge climax.  I was moaning loader and loader.  Then suddenly, Bruno stopped and started mounting me from behind.   I moved in panic but I was too late.  He was humping so fast that he hit the mark in a couple of thrust.  My pussy was so sentitive at this point that waves of pleasure was all over my body when he entered me for the first time.  I was crying out "Fuck me, Fuck me!"  He was big and thick.  He was humped me like there was no tomorrow.  I came again and again and then I felt aa swelling inside my pussy suddenly builds up.  His knot was inside of me.  I came several times more until his knot pops out of my pussy along with his juices.   I lay down legs opened and exhausted.  He once again licked my pussy to clean up the juices.  This time Bruno was at ease and lay beside me. 

I woke up in the morning on the floor.  I recalled the event that happened last night and could not believe it.  Bruno came to me and licked my face.  "I love you Bruno", I said.   I took a shower and felt horny once more just thinking what has just happened last night.   I came twice fingering myself while in the shower.  I didn't go to work that day and spent several more time having sex with my new lover.

That was the start of a very long happy relationship with Bruno.   








zxcvbnm11 on Animal Stories

A few days ago, I was SO excited!  My parents were going out of town over the weekend for their anniversary, and I was finally going to let my boyfriend, John, fuck me.  I had always wanted to have sex with him, but I wanted to wait until I had the opportunity to initiate it myself, without his begging.  You can imagine that I was pretty mad, then, when I found out that he was also going out of town.  So on Friday, my parents left and I sat down, wondering what I would do all weekend without a car and with my other friends on their own vacations.
    Let me cut in and tell you a little about myself.  My name’s Callie, I’m 15 years old, and I’m a sophomore in high school.  I’m five and a half feet tall and I have blond hair.  IÃ
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¢â‚¬â„¢ve always been on the track and volleyball teams, so I’m very fit and toned.  I’m also very tan, from all those summer days lying out in the sun (topless when I can find a good deserted spot!).  And, as everyone says, I’m a very beautiful girl!  I always have been a little bit of a tease, though.  I like to rub up against cute guys or bend down in front of them and pretend not to notice.  It’s so cute watching the way guys try to cover up their erections when I tease them!
    Anyway, back to the story.  The more I thought about my boring weekend, the more my thoughts turned to sex.  I was feeling really sexual.  I decided to take a nice, warm, long, LONG, shower.
    I let the water warm up as I stripped out of my clothes and let them fall to the floor.  I stepped into the steamy shower and grabbed by razor and the can of shaving cream.  I sat down and let the warm water wash over my breasts.  I squirted some cream into my palm and gently rubbed it all around the outside of my pussy.  I spread my legs wide, picked up the razor, and began to make small, smooth strokes, cleanly shaving off all of my pubic hair.  By the time I finished, I was thoroughly aroused, even more so than before.  Shaving my pussy always gets me so horny!  I stood back up and soaped up my hands with a generous amount of body wash.  I gently massaged my breasts and rubbed my hands all over them, paying special attention to pinching and rubbing my nipples.  As the soap ran over my chest, I started to fantasize about John taking care of my needs.  I began to move my lubricated hand over my pussy.  Once I got a rhythmic motion going, I knew that this was going to be good, so I got into a comfortable position on the floor underneath the warm water.  I rubbed my pussy rhythmically, every once and a while slipping a finger into my slippery sex hole as I imagined John’s nice big 16 year old cock replacing my finger.  Oh god did it feel good!  After only a few minutes, I started to involuntarily buck my hips in and out.  “Oh… oh… god!  YES!” I bucked my hips faster and faster as the pleasurable sensations from my orgasm made my entire body spasm.  I was shaking and it felt like I was in another world as I came all over my hand.  I continued to buck my hips while the orgasm subsided, then my body went completely limp and I relaxing under the warm streams of water with my eyes closed.
    After what seemed like hours, I got out of the shower, dried off, and was about to start putting my clothes back on when I realized that I didn’t have to.  It was about time for dinner, so I walked downstairs and warmed up some lasagna my mom had left for me.  I watched some TV and ate my dinner, but after a while, I realized that there was nothing good on TV.  I decided to go back upstairs and just lie naked on my soft bed for a while.  After I was lying naked for a good 15 minutes, my thoughts once again turned to sex.  My orgasm in the shower was good, but I felt that something was missing.  I had never really had sex before, but I had sucked my old boyfriend’s cock.  Even through my inexperience, though, I knew that I needed a nice, hard cock inside me.  A girl knows when she needs a cock!
    I was lying in my bed, fantasizing again when I heard a soft whimper.  I opened my eyes to see my dog, Mike, sitting at the edge of my bed.  “Not now, Mike.  God, I need a good fuck right now.  But it’s not like you could do something about that, could you?”  I laughed at my remark, then the thought struck me.  “Or could you??”
    I had heard about girls and dogs fucking before while I was on the internet, but I never thought that it was possible.  Nor did I have the interest.  Until now.  I mean, I needed a cock, and he had one, right?  I looked it up on the internet (thank god for the internet!) and my jaw dropped at the size of a dog’s cock.  It’s huge.  All of the pictures of girls and dogs showed the girls in the doggie style position (appropriately named.)  I decided to give it a try!
    I got down on all fours on the floor and called Mike over to me.  I started to rub around on his penis to get him horny.  After a while of not much success, an idea came to my mind.  I reached my head between his legs and began to lightly suck on his semi-soft penis.  It started to get harder, and I kept sucking until it got to what I thought might be it’s full erect length.  By this time, he had started to hump my mouth, so I knew he was good and horny.  I hopped onto the bed and he obviously was immediately behind me.  I pointed by ass towards his face and lifted his legs onto my back.  He started to hump with his cock resting on my back.  I reached behind, took a deep breath, and pointed his cock to the entrance of my pussy.  He started to fuck hard, then he sped up!
    GOD did he feel good.  His huge, rock hard, long cock stretched my pussy and it felt so great.  His claws were scraping up my back, but I didn’t care at all.  I was in a zone of pleasure, and I was already taking short, shallow breaths.  He had a wonderful rhythmic motion, fucking my pussy with all that was in him.  The feeling of his huge, hard cock sliding in and out of my pussy; the sound of a cock slipping and pounding into my juicy pussy; just knowing that I was doing something so forbidden, letting a dog fuck me as hard as he wished, was all too much, and it sent me over the edge.  “Oh… oh… oh God!  God, yes! Yes! Mike! FUCK ME! YEAH… oh, fuck yeah…”  I began to have my first orgasm caused by sex.  A wave of pleasure swept over me as my sweet juices gushed and poured out of my pussy.  I began to shake and succumb to the incredible shock of pleasure.  “Oh, fuck yeah!”
    Mike, however, wasn’t finished yet.  He kept fucking and fucking for all that he was worth.  It only took a few more minutes to begin to push me over the edge of another orgasm.  I felt the feeling in my pussy building up.  Mike was fucking harder and harder as my pussy This time, Mike was finished also.  I began to scream out again as my orgasm swept over my body again.  Mike must have had this feeling also, as he began to speed up even faster.  He thrusted with all of his might.  “OH FUCK!!!”  He began to spurt his cum inside my pussy as I was experiencing another mind-blowing orgasm.  The feeling of his warm cum spurting into my pussy was incredible!  He pumped loads of his sticky cum up my pussy as he pounded into me as hard as ever.
    He finally spurted the last stream of cum into me and began to slow his thrusting to a stop.  He stayed there with the knot of his dick still lodged inside of me.  After fifteen minutes, he pulled out of me and laid down next to me on the bed.  I stayed in the position on my knees and forearms with my ass high in the air.  I had my eyes closed, and I was exhausted. The large amount of cum that he had pumped into me was now starting to drain out of my pussy and onto the bed.  As I laid down on the bed and though of the intense pleasure I had just felt, I drifted into a relaxing sleep.

(All coments are appreciated)

Caught By Rebel

paul1254 on Animal Stories

Caught by Rebel
by G S Humour ( )


I wanted sex so bad that I put on a blue movie and let
my dog Rebel join in. (F/beast)


I am 25 years old blonde and I have been told by
numerous boys that I have a good figure my tits are 36c
and firm with big nipples that I like to pull and pinch
until they are hard and stand out, I keep my pussy
shaved as it feels more sensual when being touched when
there is no hair to get in the way.

I live alone now as I threw out my live in boyfriend
because I caught him in bed with my "I thought" best
friend. The only company I now have is Rebel my 3 year
old black Great Dane. It sounds daft but I tal

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k to him
like he is human, telling him all my troubles and
problems, and the funny thing is he seems to understand
and just sits there listening looking at me with his
big dark eyes.

The night I am going to tell you about changed my way
of looking at things and the way I think.

I got home as normal at 5:30 and before I took my coat
off got Rebel and took him for a walk in the local
park, if I was on my own I wouldn't do this, but I felt
perfectly safe when I was with Rebel because he was
very protective towards me.

When I got home I fed Rebel got out a microwave meal
and put it in the microwave to heat up, whilst it was
cooking I went and got a quick shower, when I was
soaping myself I rubbed the soap into my tits and
nipples loving the sensual feeling it gave me. I slid
my hands down my stomach and parting my legs gave my
pussy a good soaping paying special attention to my
clit. I put a finger up into my pussy and started to
finger myself.

I have always being highly sexed and missed having a
big cock in my tight pussy. Just thinking about it got
me horny so I pushed in another finger and started to
finger fuck myself, but just as I got going I heard the
microwave ping, so I got rinsed off and putting on a
silk bath robe went back into the kitchen. After eating
the meal and doing the dishes I decided to put on a
blue movie as I still felt the need to relieve the
sexual tension I had built up earlier in the shower.

When playing with myself I liked to dress sexily so I
put on a black silk Basque and a pair of black silk
knickers, I love the feeling of silk next to my skin
and to feel silk rubbing on my nipples is one of the
most erotic feelings I have ever had, I got out my two
favorite dildo's and went back into the room, got
myself a bottle of wine and sorted out a film to watch,
After turning the lights down low I got myself settled
on the sofa to watch the film.

The film started with two young girls meeting for the
first time in a bar, they got talking and after quite a
few drinks ended up going to one of the girls flats,
before long they where kissing each other and rubbing
each others tits through there blouses. I like lesbian
films I have never been with another woman, but have
always had a secret desire to do so.

As the two girls started to undress each other, I put
my hand onto my tit and caressed it gently loving the
feeling of the lace rubbing my nipples, it wasn't long
before my nipples where hard and very sensitive with
heightened the feelings I was getting, putting my other
hand on my pussy, I slid a finger in-between my lips
and rubbed it so I could feel the lace rubbing on my
clit, I could feel the juice leaking out of my pussy
and through my knickers.

The film was getting hot by now and one of the girls
was eating the others pussy, I love my pussy being
licked and my clit being nibbled whilst I was being
fingered, so watching this really got me hot. I pulled
off my knickers and opening my legs played with my clit
tweaking it making it become hard and sensitive I put
two fingers into my wet pussy working them in and out.
I then put them in my mouth and imagined it was some
other girls love juice I was tasting.

Then I got the smallest of my dildo's and pushed it
into my sopping wet fanny moving it in and out I was
that wet I could hear it squelching as it went in, I
pulled the top of my Basque down so that I could get to
my nipples and pulled them and nipped them as I fucked
myself. I took out the small dildo dropped it on the
floor and got the bigger one and pushed this into my

Then something strange happened Rebel came across and
after sniffing the dildo started to lick it, I then had
a really dirty thought and pulled the dildo offered it
to Rebel he straight away came to me and started to
lick it, I moved it nearer to my pussy and Rebel
sniffed it and then started to lick me.

It was out of this world as his long tongue went right
into my fanny as he tried to get my love juice, I had
never felt anything like this and was moaning and
groaning with pleasure, it didn't take long before I
could feel myself start to quiver and the feeling in my
stomach as I started to cum I screamed that loud
because it was that intense it made Rebel stop, I
pulled him back and he carried on.

Looking down I could see Rebels cock was starting to
come out of its sheath, so I thought I would return the
favor and make him cum, so I gently got hold of his
cock and started to wank him like I would a bloke, it
didn't take long before all of his cock was out. It was
very big at least 10 inches long and I could only just
get my hand round it, whilst I was playing with his
cock it was leaking precum some of which went onto my
hand. I brought this to my mouth to see what it tasted
like, it tasted similar to a bloke put not as salty,
all the while I was playing with Rebel's cock he had
been licking out my pussy, and I wanted filling up

Looking at the size of Rebel's cock I wondered whether
I could take something that big? I thought I would see
I had to have something in my pussy and what better
than a big cock. What difference did it make that it
was a dog's? Rebel wasn't going to brag to his mates
about like boys do was he.

I got hold of Rebels feet and lifted them up so they
where either side of my body and he was in between my
legs. I then slid my body down until I could feel his
cock on the inside of my thighs and putting my hand
down I positioned his massive cock at the entrance to
my wet pussy.

l could feel his pre cum leaking into my fanny it felt
so hot I nearly came but I wanted that cock inside
first, I pushed myself down some more and felt his cock
enter me, Rebel gave a push and my pussy stretched as
it slid in, it felt so big and it was so dirty having a
dog cock inside me, Rebel gave another push and I came
screaming and shouting for Rebel to fuck me hard with
that big dog cock, but he couldn't get it all in.

So I pushed him off, which he didn't like at all, I
then got on my knees on a cushion on the floor, Rebel
came up behind me and licked my fanny again, I felt so
horny and wanted his cock that I was shouting no REBEL
FUCK ME FUCK ME I don't suppose he understood but he
mounted me and I felt his cock stabbing my inner thigh
as he tried to find my cunt.

l put my hand back and guided his cock, this time he
didn't miss and I screamed as his cock pushed into my
cunt he then started to push it in and stretching
my fanny more than its ever been stretched before, I
wailed and moaned as I came again and my whole body was
trembling as I came, the feeling that this big cock was giving me  as I felt it spear into my fanny was fantastic.

Rebel was pounding me harder now and putting a hand
back I could feel his massive cock going in and out of
my fanny, the juice from both of us was running down my
legs there was so much, I screamed Rebel FUUUUCCKKKK   MMMEEEE  FFFUUUUCCCKKKKKK MMMMMMMEEEE and I came again I just couldn't seem to stop, I had never felt like this before, so filled with cock and satisfied.

I felt something stretching the entrance to my fanny
and putting my hand back and feeling Rebel's cock I
felt a lump about the size of a tennis ball at the end
of his cock, I thought that theres no way that will go
in, but Rebel gave a hard push and it went in causing
me to cum yet again.

l hope that nobody could hear me because I was shouting
and moaning with pleasure at the fucking Rebel was
giving me, he stopped ramming so hard now and I felt
his cock expand even more inside me. Rebel then howled
and I felt him cum in, me filling me up with his hot
cum. This made me cum again and I collapsed out of
exhaustion, but I was tied with Rebel and couldn't go
any where.

We stayed tied together for about 30 minutes until with
a loud plop Rebels massive cock went down enough for it
to come out. While I lay on the floor completely
exhausted Rebel licked my fanny until all the cum was
off, he then went to his bed and licked his cock clean.

l was so fucked that I just managed to get a shower
again, wash my very sore pussy and get into bed.
Thinking before I went to sleep that, "l have never
felt so satisfied," and from now on Rebel and me where
going to have a lot more nights like this.


Man finds Oral Dog friend

Necronomicon on Animal Stories

One night, as I was peacefully pondering, my thoughts began to create a mental world where my sexual pleasures could be fulfilled. I had always thought of what it would be like to freeze time and feel women up and have sex with the hottest girls in school, and this time I thought of someway I could satisfy my sexual needs in reality. Thinking first, some way of finding a clean hooker who would give head to a minor for $30. But, aloft, I feared of an STD. I thought and thought, finally I began to think of things around the house. Somehow I came up with my dog. In the past I had always scoffed at nasty beastiality and the disgusting mental freaks who would participate in such an act, yet as my mind drilled into unkown soils, sexual fantasy had reached a new acception. My dick grew hard, p

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umping with excitement for I knew what I had and it was at my fingertips. The next day I woke up, went to school, all the while thinking about my beautfiful pet. Seeing the thin, busty, soft girls at school just pumped me up even more. I returned home to the phonecall of my parents. They were going on a business trip to North Carolina for two weeks. They came home from work and got packed and ready to leave in the morning. They discussed what I was to do while they were gone and I understood well my responsiblities. That night was so hard to sleep through, with the anticipation of sexual gratification. I slept, with exotic dreams (Did you know that if you sleep at night with a sexually inclined mind, you will have sexual dreams?). I woke to my alarm the following morning, got up, got to school and was tempted as usual. This day was even harder than the last, for I thought nothing but what I would do with Trisha. I got home, free from all control of parents. They called me as they were boarding the plane, I said my goodbyes with a hurry.

After hanging up the phone, I walked through our kitchen, to the back french doors. I opened them and called Trisha. She came, running and jumping. My dick was full of blood, my balls was were full of hot cum, and my mind was full of fantasies about to come true. I took Trisha into the family room, the carpet was much softer there. I petted her, stroking her glistening fur as she licked my arm with her smooth, long, pink tongue. Slowly I made my way down to her underbelly, stroking her nipples, pinching them, and rubbing her dog tits. Finally, I stripped down, standing in the room with Trisha sitting, panting in front of my throbbing cock. She had never seen a dick before, I moved it closer to her face and she began to lick it with a friendly vibe, as if it was just another one of my fingers. I was shaking and wanting to stop, it was morally wrong and at the same time, my last resort. I got down on my knees and she began to lick my chest, I grabbed her soft head and moved it down to my cock. Again, she began licking it. This was an unknown sensation. Soon she stopped, for she wanted to play and was tired of greeting me with friendly licking. So I grabbed her bottom jaw with my right hand and her top jaw with my left. Slowly opening her mouth, I felt the heat from her soft pink mouth eminate onto my shiny dick, pumping up and down with large veins. Positioning myself, I slid my dick into her mouth and up into her slick hot throat. Trisha accepted it, as if she was liking it. After this my dick was hot with her saliva, so I began to move her head up and down in a blowjob fashion. It was amazing. I then twisted her head so that her face was upside down, making it easier for me to throat fuck her. I fucked her throat hard as she had trouble breathing. I popped my dick out, giving her time to breath, and I was back in again. Her head moving up and down, ears flying back and forth, my waist thrusting my dick far down her throat as her entire tongue was hanging out to make room for my massive cock. It was deliteful as her tongue was squeezing upwards and actually licking my balls. The sloshing sound was making the experience that much better. I pulled myself out and Trisha looked horny. I wandered into the T.V. room and managed to grab a comfortable but small chair out of the room. I sat down and without having to call Trisha over, she jumped up, put her paws on my knees and began licking my dick. Her tongue was so long, it wrapped itself around my dick each time she licked it. I was in amazement as my girl was giving me head. I then grew bored of her licking me, so I grabbed her head again. She made her way on the side of the chair, and this time it was much easier to get myself all the way down her ribbed, moist, hot, juicy pink throat. It was tighter than any pussy I have ever had. She was warm, her warm fur kept my legs warm, my dick warm, and my body warm. I began ramming my cock down her throat, her tongue rubbing up and down shaft making it to my tight balls, my dick head touching past the beginning of her osaphagus. My entire dick was being swallowed, every inch touched and surrounded by hot, slobbery, pink tissue, and Trisha accepted it. I could feel her trying to swallow my dick, this was'nt her ordinary feeding time. I could feel myself ready to cum. I just kept ramming her soft haired head onto my dick. I did'nt she would choke, for my dick was halfway down her throat tubes. So, as I reached my cock climax. I started to cum. It was the biggest orgasm I have ever head, even to this day. I could feel the cum suck its way up through my dick, everytime I jerked my dick her head moved. It was crazy. My orgasm must have lasted for 3 minutes straight. Her tongue hung out onto my balls, she was panting heavily through her nose, I was still cumming!! I pulled out so she could swallow my heavy white load. She swallowed it and I was still splurting out all over the place, so I opened her mouth and kept cumming. She eventually just held her mouth open as I jerked off into it. I finally got it all out and she swalloed every last bit of my hot sticky cum. Afterwards, she licked was on leg and she licked me off. I loved her more than anything at that moment.

Over the next two weeks, I expirimented. Using pudding to let her lick my dick. I would jerk off as she licked my head and she would just lick my hot white cum which was like ice cream to her. I even watched porn while fucking Trisha in the throat, it was amazing. Everyday after school, and every night I would let Trisha lick my dick. I would watch T.V. while she sat next to me, licking my hard cock. She enjoyed me. I wondered if she licked just so she could get my hot man cum. So, I filled up a bowl of it and fed it to her. She loved it. My parents soon returned, and I still got Trisha to give me blowjobs. I would sneak her in the garage at night and face fuck her like no tomorrow. She was the slave that couldn't speak, and she enjoyed swallowing my hard cock and eating my creamy white hot cum. Those were the days of my youth. Sinfully twisted, different, and eye opening. I miss old Trisha, she died a few years ago. I am 27 now and look back on this as an expirimental age. Not ashamed, rather, I found something you have not.

WARNING: Don't try the proceeding at home, work, school, or anywhere else on Earth. I was a proffessional.  

Banged by Buster

pasego on Animal Stories

   Bri waited until her parents had gone down the driveway and drove out of sight before running back upstairs. They were going to Vermont for their anniversary, and she had the house to herself for the weekend. She was eager for time alone so she could experiment without getting interrupted.

   At fourteen, Bri was just discovering masturbation. She had had no idea it existed until reading about it on a sex site. Bri's mom was too uptight and prudeish to talk to her daughter about the birds and the bees, so finally she had taken sex education into her own hands. So far, Bri mused, she had learned that you called your vagina a pussy, and the little feel good button at the top was called a clit.

   Once in her room she hastily undressed and layed down on

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her bed. Buster, her bulldog, looked up at her from his spot on the rug. He wuffed softly. Bri ignored him and spread her legs wide. She stuck her finger in her mouth, wanting to get it wet. This, she had learned, was called lubrication. Once ready she started to gently rub the tiny nubbin of flesh. She jerked at the wet friction and moaned a little at the pleasure. She rubbed slowly at first, using her other hand to tease her nipples, then sped up when she felt she had the hang of it. She felt herself come to the edge of an orgasm, but the feeling went away as soon as it had started. "Christ!" she muttered, and sat up on her bed. "I almost had it," she said to Buster. He got up from his rug, walked over, and got a whiff of her dripping pussy. Immediately his nose and tongue were all over her tiny cunt, licking furiously. Bri's attempts to push him off were soon forsaken as pleasure overswept her. She fell back on her bed and started thrusting her hips at Buster's snout, moaning and panting. His huge tongue swept her pussy over and over, the tip touching her clit each time.

   It took her less than a minute to come, and she lay on the bed, breathing harshly. Buster looked a little out of breath himself, and when Bri finally sat up to pet him in thanks, she noticed that his doggie penis was starting to harden and come out of its sheath. Upon seeing her bulldog's cock, Bri had an idea. Her dog had been her best friend for the last eight years, so who could be better to lose her virginity to? Bri knew it was wrong, but she also knew she was as horny as hell, and right now that feeling drove all moral things out of her head.

   Bri scrambled off the bed and started pulling her blankets to the ground. She spread them, then called Buster over. He came willingly enough, smiling a doggie grin at Bri. His penis swayed back and forth when he walked. When he stood by her she reached out one small hand and stroked his length. She gasped. How could something be so hard and soft at the same time? Buster whined eagerly and started to hump his mistresses hand. Bri knew the next step had come. She got on all fours with her butt and pussy pointed toward Buster. Having done this on dogs before, Buster immediately jumped on her back and started thrusting. In a minute he found the right hole and slammed his six inches in. Bri's hymen broke with a pop and she screamed in pain. Buster took no notice and kept humping her pussy with all his might. In a few minutes the pain reduced and Bri began to moan and thrust back against Buster's cock. "Oh God Oh God Oh God," she chanted as Buster's cock brushed her g spot and his furry balls slapped her clit.

   She started coming and the orgasm just kept going, renewing itself with every thrust. Suddenly a new type of pain began to surface as Buster's cock grew a knot. He slowed, then pounded deep into her with one hard thrust. His seed streamed into her pussy, and the knot grew to about the size of a tennis ball. Bri was crying, she had never felt something so good and so painful at the same time in her life. Buster lay over her panting, and his weight caused her to collapse on the floor. He landed on top of her and his knot drove in another inch. Suddenly Bri was coming again, spasming against the floor and moaning loudly.

   When coherent thought entered her mind again, she realized that the knot had shrunk and Buster had pulled out of her aching pussy. Her once tiny hole was stretched wide and dripping a mixture of blood and dog cum. She lay on the floor thinking that she would have Buster pop her anal cherry tomorrow.

All comments greatly appreciated, you can email me at

My Sister, My love

ronstevezie on Incest Stories

My younger sister Sara had just turned 14 when I turned her into my lover. I was eighteen at the time. Sara was truly was a stunner. I know that I wasn’t the only person who thought so because each time I took her to the mall, men couldn’t stop staring at her.  Who could blame them? She had white unblemished skin, brown hair that grew till a little below her shoulders, thick lips and wide eyes. Her breasts were full and round, her hips were quite curvaceous for her age. What I liked best about her was her ass. It seemed so round and firm. I wanted to bury my face in it so badly.

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n: 0in 0in 0pt; text-indent: 0.5in; text-align: justify"> Almost every night I’d masturbate thinking of her. Thinking how I’d like to seduce her, to rape her, to fuck her virgin pussy to my hearts content. In my mind I had made love to her many times. On the other hand I had been truly kinky too, harboring fantasies of violently fucking her in her asshole, sucking her toes and fingers, brutally spanking her etc.

I don’t know what came over me when my mom and dad told me that they were going to visit an aunt for the weekend as she was gravely ill. All I could think of was ways of sleeping with my own sister. I knew she loved me, but I wanted her to love me as her boyfriend. I wanted her to service me sexually. The thought of her being with another guy really made jealous, and I didn’t want to wait till it was too late, as I knew that there was a string of guys just waiting to ask her out.

So I decided to hatch a plan and go along with it. My parents left on Friday night. Sara was busy doing the laundry. She wore a tight black t-shirt that contrasted beautifully with the color of her skin, and black jeans. I didn’t know whether she was wearing any panties, but I was soon going to find out. After I locked our front door, I went into the living room to make preparations for the most lustful night of my life. I dimmed the lights and put a porno into the VCR. It was a very specific porno that I had rented, one that depicted incest and rape. I fast forwarded to the part where a horny brother rapes his younger sister, who I must say looked very young. And so I let the film roll, made myself comfortable on the sofa and called out to her. “Sara!” I said, “Come here for a minute.” As soon as she entered she got the shock of her life. “Oh my god! What are you watching”, She said as she placed her hand on her mouth.

“Its okay it’s a porno” I said calmly.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a film that shows people fucking.”

“Tim what’s he doing to her?” She asked with widened eyes as she saw the muscular boy on TV force his cock into his tiny sisters pussy.

“Come, sit here with me and I’ll tell you.” I said. She hesitated for a few seconds. “Its okay.” I reassured her.  She came and sat beside me. “He’s doing to do to her what all brothers would like to do to their sisters.”

“That’s not true.” She refuted. She was an intelligent girl and I knew she would try to reason her way out of it.

“Well,” I said, “I’m going to go do my homework and you watch the film and decide for yourself.” I left the room with out giving her a chance to reply.  I closed the door behind me. The room was filled with echoes of the young girl in the video go “AAAGG AHHHG AHHHH AHHH AHHH.” I wanted her to get really sexed up. As I waited outside for 20 minutes, which by the way seemed like an eternity, I could foresee my self on top of her, fucking her cunt as she struggled underneath me. I knew as I undressed that after I entered the room with my hardened cock there was no going back. I stood there butt naked with an erect cock and took a deep breath and went inside. 

She must have gotten the shock of her life when she saw me practically charge towards her. Her instinct was to get up and run, but my lust for her had given me astounding energy. I grabbed her and held her tightly in my arms. She was shivering with fright, knowing very well what the next few hours had in store for her.  The sight of my 7 inch raging cock had made that pretty clear. Her face was now inches away from mine. I could feel her sweet breath on mine. I placed my hand on the back of her head and pressed it towards mine. My tongue forced its way into her dry mouth. I then parted my lips for hers and looked into her lust filled eyes. She was breathing through her mouth and very heavily. “Its alright darling just let yourself go.” I said, “I love you very much,  and I would never hurt you, but I will fuck the shit out of you tonight. Nothing can stop that from happening.”

 I could feel her arms trying to break free, though with no real success. I held her even tighter to me. Her tits pressed hard against my chest as I did this, it was then that the reality of the situation dawned on her. The realization that within moments her brother would own her body and do with it what ever pleased him, that her tight virgin cunt was about to be violated.  Her whole body went limp in my arms, as if signaling her submission to me. I dragged her to the couch and made her sit on it.

She just sat with her arms on either side as I planted a thousand kisses on her face and neck. I grabbed her firm tits and massaged them while her shirt was still on, till I couldn’t take it any longer.  I held her hands, raised them then took hold of the helm of her shirt and took it off her. The round full tits were concealed by a black bra. The sight of her in them made my mouth water. I unhooked it form behind and freed her tits. Her nipples were pink, just as I had suspected. Leaning forward I took her right tit in my mouth and began sucking on it like a mad man.

The globs of spit from my mouth made her tit wet and shiny. Her left tit I just grabbed with my left hand and squeezed it tightly. I then undid the buttons of her jeans and slid them off her long white legs. She offered no resistance.  My holy grail was a foot away from me, hiding behind black panties.  She raised her hips voluntarily as I peeled the panties off her body.  Her cunt was beautiful, I could smell it too. It had small wisps of blonde hair above it. I grabbed her ass cheeks and raised her hips and dove my nose into her pussy. I breathed in her scent. It was magnificent. Then I began kissing her tight little cunt and while I did this I began inserting my index finger into her juicy hole in order to find out what my cock was up against.  She was tight but very wet. I was going to need a whole lot of juice to get into that 14 year old cunt. I spread her legs wide and licked her snatch good. Then I spit on it a few times. I then got on top of her and with my right hand guided my cock at the entrance of her vagina. I was now all set to fuck my own beloved sister. 

“This might hurt a little, but you’ll love it soon after.” I whispered into her ear. And with that I pushed it in slowly, but with one long thrust I broke her cherry. She shrieked each time I moved inside her. But I was just getting started. After about five thrusts I just fucking lost it. I began fucking her so hard, so deep and so fast that even the heavy couch shook violently, the walls that it was against vibrated hard. Even our bodies produced a smacking sound each time my thighs slapped against her ass cheeks. AAAAGGHH AAAAGGHH AAAAGGHH AAAAGGHH AAAAGGHH AAAAGGHH AAAAGGHH AAAAGGHH , was what you could hear the most. Her knees touched her shoulders, her feet were up in the air, my head was buried in her neck, biting it, kissing it. I couldn’t take it any more and with that I had the greatest orgasm I have ever experienced. I filled her womb with my gushing cum.

I lay on top of her for a while trying to catch my breath before I had the urge to have her again. I looked into her eyes. She had cried but wasn’t anymore. She looked at me, then lowered her eyes and said nothing. It was as if she was ashamed of admitting the fact that she had enjoyed our little fuck session. I kissed her lips, this time she responded. She gently held my face in her soft hands and said in barely audible voice. “I love you.”

“You’re mine from now on.” I said “Any time I want you.”

“I know.” She said. Her submitting to me like that made me horny again. That’s when I realized that what I had been wanting for so long besides that cunt of hers was her thick wet lips on my cock.  I was too horny to make small talk with her and got straight to the point.

“Have you ever sucked cock?”


“I’ll teach you…get up.” I said then sat on the couch, making her kneel on the floor between my legs. Her pretty face was now inches away from my hard cock.

“Now wrap your lips around your teeth, that’s it,” I instructed, “open your mouth wide. Good now take it into your mouth. All of it, I know you can do it babe.” She hesitantly took it into her mouth, exactly how I had told her. “Deeper…deeper!” I said lustily. Her mouth was dry. She was probably nervous. It was after all her first blow job. I collected a big load of spit in my mouth then spit on my own cock. “Now do it.” I said.  “I don’t want you to be squeamish okay? We’’ll be doing a lot of things to each other that are considered gross. So don’t be shy! Now come on suck me.”

She was so submissive. It was mind boggling. Just proved what I had always thought. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to suck cock. She wanted a man to come all over her face. But girls act so proper all the time, one would never know. She choked a few times, but within five minutes her head was bobbing up and down on my rigid pole. I kept instructing her throughout. “Tickle my ball with you’re nails. Spit dammit! Spit! Make it wet. I want you to be messy! A true whore always is. Look at me. Look at me while I fuck your face!” I said. 

Then I grabbed her hair so that her head would stay where it is, then I clenched and unclenched my butt, which made my cock thrust into her mouth. By now there were globs of spit everywhere, mostly hers on my cock, on my balls, on my thighs. I could take it no longer. I reached down to my soaked cock and began jerking it on her face. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue! Come on!” She did. I came like a hose. My cum was everywhere. In her mouth, her hair, her face. I have to admit, it was more watery than ever before. My little sister was drenched.

I fell back on the couch and closed my eyes exhausted.  I then opened them and looked at her. She was so wet all over. My cum mixed with her sweat, made her whole skin shine. Her face was red with exhaustion. After a few moments we began to talk again.

“When you said earlier that we were going to do all sorts of gross things,” She inquired, “what does that mean?”

“It means many things.” I replied

“Yes but like what?”

“I want you to put your tongue in my ass!” I said casually.

“EEouuu” She said like a lot of girls do these days.  “That’s gross!”

“Told you.” I said, “But I’ll be doing the same to you too, so it’s no biggy.”

“What other things.” She said.

I want to spit in mouth.” I said. She gave a look of disgust. “You can do the same to me.”

“Ya right!.” She said.

“Come here and do it.” I said almost like a dare. “Come here and spit into my mouth, I’ll drink it.” Her expression changed completely. It suddenly became serious. She came up to the couch. I held her close to me and kissed her on her mouth, then made her lie on top of me, so that her mouth was directly above mine. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes, I tasted her saliva in my mouth. It was little though.

“Don’t be shy.” I instructed.  “Collect as much as you can in your mouth, then spit, I want a whole glob this time.” She definitely delivered.  It all tasted so sweet to me. I had within half an hour turned her into such a promiscuous slut.

“My turn!!” I said suddenly with a that familiar urge building inside of me. I rolled her over so that our positions were reversed. My whole body pressed down on hers and covered it.  I also held her really tightly with my arms around her, because I knew that I would be extremely uncivilized and downright barbaric with her.  I then began my spit assault on her face. She closed her eyes shut and let me have my way with her. I don’t think she was enjoying it nearly as much as I was. Licking that gorgeous face was enough thrill to make me cum. I reached down and shoved my swollen cock into her cunt and began pumping so hard and so fast that it gave the impression that my life depended on it.

“Agghhh aaagghhh ahghhhhg agghhhh Tim Slower please slower!!!” She yelled as I rammed into her.  Within minutes I had come in her. We were both so out breath, that none of us said anything for the next ten minutes. We just lay there, me on top her.

“I want to go take a shower.” She then said

“Don’t take too long.” I said,  “I might want you again.”


“You’re so beautiful, I can’t help it.”

“It hurts down there.” She complained.

“Its okay baby, it gets better.”

She went into the shower and closed the door. I heard the shower being turned on. I had done it! I had fucked my own sister. The thought of the days to come made me even more excited. I could take her any time when mom and dad weren’t home. I could sneak into her bedroom at night. That ass was mine. I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom. My cock began to twitch again. “Sara’s cunt is mine.”  I thought to myself. I opened the bathroom door, walked inside and closed it behind me. Moments later her screams could be heard echoing off our corridor walls.  





Well I guess I will start from the beginning. This is a story about how my sister transformed my outlook on sex.

I live with my mother, sister and 2 brothers. I am 18 the second oldest in our family to my sister who is 19 and my 2 other brothers are 16 and 14.

We had an reasonably normal up bringing our dad left 5 years ago to live with his new girlfriend in Canada.

Now for my sister Sarah she is what one would call very sexy a proper little throw about, 5ft 0 slender blonde long hair, very petite but with some C's on the chest and a tight ass which just makes you want t

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o grab it every time it goes past. As for me I am 5ft 10 well build I guess I play alot of sports and that keeps me in shape. 

I had never even thought about sleeping with my sister but like I say I will give anything a go once.

It was the summer break my mother had taken my brothers to Canada to see our father but me and Sarah had holidays booked with our friends so we were going to stay home for the week before we went. Sadly that week was wet and there was nothing to really do apart from lazing around the house watching TV on playing on the Xbox.

One the Wednesday night I was lying in bed watching Cruel Intentions on DVD, I was under the sheets wearing just my boxers when my door opened.

"What you doing?" she said, "Nowt just watching a dvd" I said back "Oh this is that Cruel Intentions Ive heard about this can I watch it with you?" "I guess." With that she jumped over to my bed lifted the sheet up and climbed in wearing just a large T-shirt which she got of her ex-boyfriend. "Have I missed much?" "Nah its only about ten minutes in now shut up."

 The TV was to the side of my bed so we had to spoon to watch it. Any way the part came when Sarah Michelle Gelar and Selma Blair kiss and I was just watching not realising that my dick is getting hard and is poking Sarah's arse.

"Someones excited?" She said with a cheeky grin. "What you on about?" Still not realising," Your dicks half way up my arse," "Fuck, I'm so, so sorry, I didnt realise." "Is it me turning you on or is it them two?" "Them two," She then reaches back and starts stroking my dick through my shorts,"How about now?" Its really feels good and I take a gulp and a breath of air at the same time, "Maybe now." She then reaches under the bottom of my shorts and pulls my dick out, lifts up the blanket and looks down at my cock, "nice dick you have there," she says as she resumes stroking it. 

The fact that this is wrong escapes me as I lean in for a kiss and our bodys press up together she positions my cock so it slides between her legs and rests against the faberic of her now moist thong. Then she breaks the kiss. "Wanna try something new that will blow your mind?" "And this isnt? What you got in mind?" "Wait here, dont move and oh take those boxers off you wont be needing them." She gets up and walked out of the room and I do as I'm told and I remove my shorts and let my dick swing free. Shes gone a few minutes and I hear some banging coming from her room then a few more moments quiet then came her voice, "Get on your hands and knees and face away from the door." She said from outside "What?" "Just do it" so I assumed the position on my hands and knees doggy style with my still rock hard cock dangling down along with my balls. I looked up into my mirror as the door opened and my sister walked in, "Dont turn around." From what I could see she had a black bra on laced with red and pushed her breasts up and together and made them look like D's. "You my lover are going to have one of the best orgasms of your life tonight." She walked over to the bed I could see that she had her hands behind her back until she reached the bed and nelt down beside it. "Come over to the side of the bed and keep your ass pointing at me." I backed up towards her. Her hand reached under me and grabbed my cock and started stroking it, while doing this she lent forward and started licking and sucking my balls. It felt so good she was doing it just right.

Then she stopped licking my balls and lifted her head up and started to lick my arse hole at first she was just licking around the hole, that sent tingles going through my whole body she had stopped stroking my dick by now and was just consentrating on my arse, using her hands to part my cheeks and her tonge started to probe my by now very moist arse hole. "Oh man that feels so fucking good, dont stop!" I said "dont worry this is just the begining." She started to move her right hand towards my cock again then she stopped all together reached for something down on the floor, I heard something open and then she looked back up and brought her hands back up. Her left hand parted my cheek and she spat onto my arse hole and her right hand came up and with her finger started to rub my arse hole, but her finger was cold and I realised that it was lube. Her finger started entering my arse little by little even though my arse hole seemed to have softened and her finger did seem to go in quite easily. She pulled it in and out a few times and pulled it back out and licked her finger, "mmm you taste good." She put her finger back in and pulled it back out "here taste your ass." I havent got a clue what to say, I was always discusted by the thought of being penatrated before this but it felt so good so I leaned back and took her finger in my mouth and sucked and licked it, she then took it and stuck it back in my arse and then put in a second which went in quite easily even though I felt a little stretched. She started fingering my arse slowley at first then started to finger fuck me hard, she then pulled out her fingers then put more lube into my ass which was now gapeing open she stuck her fingers again and this time stuck a finger off her left hand in and then a second I now had 4 fingers inside me and she began moving them in and out before stopping.

 She started to pull on her fingers and started to really stretch my arse, "Ah stop!" "Dont be soft." she carried on for a couple of minutes, "there that should do nicely," as she leaned forward and stuck her tounge into my open arse "mmm nice, time for your surprise" she reached down and I heard the pop of the lube again then a squeltching noise, "whats that?" "its your surprise, this is going to make you cum like youve never cum before," she then lifted up and put her hand up and in it was a black tear drop shaped butt plug it was about 5 inches long and I'd say just over an inch wide, "there is no way thats going in my arse even if I let you look at it its too big it wouldnt fit!" "Of course it will watch." She placed the tip in and started to increase the pressure and it started to slide in and I started to feel it stretch me and then she pulled out and then pushed it back in, then back out then in again she repeated this a few times then it came to the widest part of it I could feel my arse stretch fully then it popped in I could feel different pressures inside me my arse hole had a pressure on it as if it was trying to pop out and there was another pressure that I couldnt explain, "See I told you now get on your back." I laid down and she straddled my legs, "Oh dear you've gone soft thats no good.." She edges down and takes my cock in her hands and guides the tip into her mouth, I start to feel light headed as my blood races to my now expanding cock, "thats better now lay back you are going to lick my pussy before you fuck it." She now stands up takes of her matching thong turns around and sits on my face we are now in a 69 as my tounge goes to work and she leans back down and sucks my dick. 

Her pussy smells and tastes so good and not a hair to be seen I bring my hands up and use them to part her pussy so I can find and lick her clit she starts to moan and I stick 2 fingers into her putting them in and out of her. I then pull them out and stretch to start to like her arse and she moans more, "Oh yeah lick that arse like you want my shit, fuck that feels so fucking good," she goes back down and starts to go nuts on my cock she's sucking and slurping and I have to stop cause if feels so good and Im sure Im going to cum, "Oh no you dont not yet." She sits up and I resume licking her arse and I feel my orgasm subside and she gets up off my face which is covered in spit and her juices she the lies on top of me and kisses me passionatly and licks my face "Its time." she said as she reaches down and takes my cock rubes it on her clit and then slides all 8 inches of my dick into her, she felt so tight as she started to rock on my cock. I could feel my arse contracting onto the butt plug still stetching my arse with a constant rhythm, she then starts to bounce on my cock her boobs bouncing up and down inside her bra I reach up and pull it down and her boobs pop out, I sit up and take her right one in my mouth sucking on it as if I was trying to feed from it. Then we started to go crazy I stop sucking her nipple and start kissing and biteing her neck "Oh my god Im going to cum!!" "Me too!!" Shes grinding on my cock and Im holding it as long as I can "Im cumming!!!" she screamed and I started to feel her cum cover my cock I realesed and as my cum pumped into her. My ass was rapidly spasming out of control it felt like I was exploding, I could have passed out with pleasure we stayed in that position for a couple of minutes, while we caught out brethes neither saying a word, then she looked at me and kissed me "didnt I tell you how good it will be?" she said, "you didn't say it would be that good that was incredable." "theres a lot more where that came from," "you mean theres more?" "Yeah i have a whole box of tricks in my room and I plan to use them all with you, plus Im going on that internet tomorrow and buying more after that!" "sounds good to me," She climbes off me "Turn around" I turned and faced arse up on the bed and she reached down and gentley pulled the butt plug out of my arse and licked it from top to bottom then put it in my mouth "lick it clean you dirty boy," I did and she joined in and we started to kiss again..........


There is more to follow should feedback be positive.... 

I love to see pics of the women who read my stories. Would you mind sending me one if you’re 21 or older I base my characters off of it sometimes.    

Winter Family Fun Prt 5

justalukin on Incest Stories

Part 5


Sara and Rick decided it was time to join the rest of the world for awhile and dressed as their parents had, in just bottoms under their snow suits. Rick noticed Sara’s tits swaying as she pulled up her suit making him almost change his mind about leaving but he resisted knowing it will fuel his fire for awhile. They gathered their skis and headed out looking for the lodge.

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The signs made it easy to find and as they entered they noticed the lights where low compared to the glaring sun reflecting off the snow. It took a moment for their eyes to adjust but as they did they noticed that there was a roaring fire in a built up pit in the middle of the room surrounded by many booths with people snuggling and lots of movement. They finally spotted their parents talking to another couple, they appeared extremely into the new acquaintances as they seemed to be almost flirting with each other.


Tom looked up to see his kids enter the lodge nudging Mary and pointing to the door, they both smiled and waved explaining to their guest as they smiled knowing what had happened just earlier.


Mary got up and met her two offspring halfway to the table she first gave Rick a hug, a surprising intimate kiss as she put a full lip lock on her son, and gave his dick a quick rub. She then turned to Sara and did the same only she added a slight grab of her daughters ass. Both were a little taken aback as to her boldness but at this time they were up for anything


As Rick and Sara eyes adjusted they looked around walking to their parents booth they noticed that there where a lot of families mothers, fathers and siblings in the lodge, which wouldn’t be out of the ordinary except some were very scantily clad and a few in what appeared to be various acts of sexual carnage. Seeing this made both Rick and Sara horny, excited and a little nervous.


When Rick and Sara reached their parents booth they were introduced to the Henderson’s who had a cabin next to theirs. First was Jill a very striking blond about 38 or as she stood and gave each a hug they both noticed she had a nice rack with melon size tits and a bigger than average ass which Rick noticed right away. Then to Steve a handsome gentleman who rose shook Ricks hand and gave Sara a hug with what seemed like a not so accidental squeeze of her ass.


As they sat back down Sara took a seat on the Henderson’s side next to Steve with Jill on the inside, Sara was now intrigued to how far this meeting might go. Rick sat down next to his mother with dad on the inside. Tom noted that Steve and Jill had 3 children of their own 2 girls Robyn, Candy and 1 boy Bill and that they were out on the slopes at the moment but they should all get together later of which all agreed.


A waitress came to the table wearing a loose top with tight shorts leaned down giving all a great view of her perky tits and ask the new arrivals their order, feeling brave Rick asked for a rum and coke and taking the chance Sara asked for a fuzzy naval and to their dismay the waitress simply smiled and left to fill the order. It was at this time that Sara noticed Steve’s hand on her thigh and it made her smile.


Rick notice the smile and was about to ask why but before he could he felt his mothers hand gliding up his own thigh to his crotch searching out his newly fucked dick. Rick got the same smile. As he looked over at his mother he noticed that her top was unzipped about half way down allowing her cleavage to be exposed to all at the table. He took a quick look to see who all was looking and as he did he noticed Jill had her suit top unzipped and her nipples where poking through the material.


The waitress returned with the drinks and said the first round is on the house being that this was their first time well, this caused Rick and Sara to blush not knowing just what she meant by that, still a little nervous about the previous fucking.


As they sat drinking and conversing Steve got a little bolder leaving no doubt about what he wanted as his hand moved up Sara’s leg to a full assault on her pussy, whether it was the alcohol or the tingling in her hot twat she didn’t care but she wanted more.


Rick was noticing his mothers hand also becoming more aggressive in her groping of her son’s cock, so he figure two could play at that game as he began to run his hand over her leg and inner thigh but not yet bringing it up between her legs as to not be so obvious. After a few drinks he without thinking reached up and cupped one of her breast making her moan before he realized what he was doing and quickly stopped and look across the table to see the Henderson’s reaction.


Neither Jill or Steve seemed to notice or if they did they didn’t seem to be bothered by it, so Rick returned his hand to his mother’s breast as she continued to stroke his dick though his suit. As he looked down he noticed his dad’s dick was sticking straight up out of his suit and mom was jacking him off, Rick thought too bad I’m on the outside as it would be too noticeable to have mom do that to me.


Sara was now getting red hot and wet from the new acquaintance’s attention so she took the liberty and not even bothering to start at the leg she went straight for Steve’s snow suit covered boner as she did she met Jill’s hand already there. Sara jerked her hand back and looked to Jill to apologies, Jill just gave her a big smile and winked. Sara smiled back and returned her hand to Steve’s ever growing cock.


Rick and Sara took a quick look around and noticed that no one was paying any attention to them as each booth seemed to be lost in their own little world of some kind of debauchery. It dawned on them that this must be one of those resorts were anything goes. So as the drinks kept coming their courage kept rising.


Without warning Mary and Jill both smiled, nodded at each other then slid under the table telling the rest that they would be right back and no peeking. As the two mothers came face to face under the table they giggled a little with their hands exploring each others body as they fondled each others tits and locked into a deep kiss both shoving their tongues into each others mouth and feeling the heat of each others pussy’s.


They broke the kiss then switched sides but stayed under the table. Jill was now under Tom and Ricks feet, she reached up and began to feel two new cocks that she couldn’t wait to soon have in her. Mary unzipped Steve’s suit reached in and pulled out his dick, she almost had to fight Sara for it but she knew patience was a virtue so she let Sara’s hand have the first few pulls. As she watched Sara gripping and stroking Steve’s cock it continued to grow to full glory. It felt great in Sara’s hand not as big as her dads but a little fatter than her brothers.   


Mary taking this opportunity brought herself over in between her daughters legs and began running her hands up the top of her thighs to the inside, joining Steve’s hand already there. Mary grabbed Sara’s zipper pulling it down exposing her young still budding breast. Steve taking this chance leaned over and started sucking and licking on Sara’s right tit. Finally mom had Sara’s zipper down far enough that she could see her daughters pussy fur.


Mary reached a hand into the suit and began to do little circles around Sara’s nubbin. Sara quickly pulled her arms free of her suit and push the top down and raise her ass up so her mother could pull the bottoms down enough to give her full access to her dripping pussy.


All caution was to the wind at this point as Sara now free of her suit pushed Steve further to the inside of the booth so she could lean over and take his raging cock into her mouth, as she did she felt a wet pair of lips on her soaking pussy making her jump when a warm tongue entered her hot honey hole.


Concentrating on the task at hand she began licking Steve’s dick first as her mother had taught her by giving the head a lick down to his balls sucking, teasing then back up to the head. Once there Sara took the fat head into her mouth and went down as far as she could go. Steve just grunted enjoying how good it felt.


Rick on the other hand, was having to split time with his dad as Jill took turns sucking one cock then changing to the other but it was better than nothing and her hand was as smooth as silk as she jerked off who ever she wasn’t blowing at the time. Rick and his father looked at each other and gave each other a big smile then looked over the table to see just part of  Sara’s head bobbing up and down on Steve’s cock.


Rick reached under the table and felt a smooth round ass by his right knee so he continued to investigate finding his own mothers back side. Mary feeling the hand raised and moved her behind so that her sons fingers could find her holes. Rick wetted  a couple fingers in his mouth then returned them to the more than willing ass. He first slowly started inserting his thumb into his moms ass while reaching under with is fingers finding a soaking hot hole.


Mary feeling the insertions, turned on a switch leaving her burning for more as she began to boost her exertion on her daughter shoving her tongue as far as it would go and increasing the fingering of her clit, which made Sara amplify her suction on Steve’s cock almost like she was trying to suck it clean off.


Sara locking down on Steve’s dick lowered a hand down under his balls to his ass crack, finding what she was looking for, she jammed a finger in his ass making him jump and moan. The unsuspected attack on his ass was all he could take, Sara felt Steve’s cock swelling and knew to be prepared as she continued to ram her finger in Steve’s asshole as he let go a gusher down Sara’s throat she swallowed and sank further down his shaft not wanting to lose any of his fluid.


As she felt Steve cumming she too sensed her own orgasm build as her mother expertly exerted just the right amount of tongue and fingers to her bottom. Sara reached down grabbed the back of Mary’s head and tried to push her further into her smoldering pussy causing her to soak her mothers face with her own girly liquid.


Rick felt Jill return as she started licking and sucking his balls before raising up and taking his whole cock into her mouth and like his mother putting it into the back of her throat. Rick thought he would lose it if she kept that up but he wanted to ensure his mother came first so he increased his focus on his mothers ass and pussy.


Mary being rewarded for her efforts by her daughters pussy juices sucked up as much as she could then continued to lick the rest until Sara could take no more and pulled her mothers head from her spent pussy. Sara just laid there glowing in the after gasim.


Mary then could concentrate on the pleasure she was receiving from her son, by now he had his thumb buried all the way up her ass and what felt like three fingers in her pussy causing a familiar feeling boiling up inside her. She moved back further to help add to the pressure in her rear. Rick feeling this increased his speed and the power of his hand strokes determined to get his mother off for the second time.


Jill moved off Rick and was now busy sucking Tom taking more time now with each dick she began paying more attention to the whole package playing with their balls and cock, leaving the other to their own devices until she returned. Rick was too busy finger banging his mother to really pay to much attention to his own needs.


Rick then felt another hand running up and down his ridged member but knowing his mother was close he couldn’t be worried about it now. Mary started rubbing her own clit and pushing back on the wonderful digits in her ass and pussy. As soon as she encircled her little poker she knew it was time she raised up and near knocked the table over as her own orgasm raged through her body.


Bouncing back and forth she began spreading her cum all over Rick’s hand, moaning and frigging herself in time with her sons fingers. She could take no more and finally fell forward into her daughter’s pussy and just sat there exhausted and very satisfied.


Rick smiled knowing he had brought great pleasure to his mother, raised his fingers to his mouth he began licking her mommy cum off them. That’s when his thoughts returned to the hand on his dick, it felt rougher than Jill’s then it dawned on him as he looked down to see his fathers hand jacking him off. Rick again looked at his father with a little more than a surprise on his face. Tom just looked at his son and said “just returning the favor, you don’t think I didn’t know who jerked me off in the car did you” and with that he smiled and started jerking his son’s cock in earnest.


Rick was to far gone to say anything as he started spurting cum all over his father’s hand and arm hitting his own chest and belly. Tom continued stroking as he took his sons sperm and spread it over his cock head causing Rick to sigh and stiffen until he had no more to release.


Tom thought that if his son could do it so could he so he also gathered what he could of Ricks white cream in his hand and brought it to his mouth giving a lap with is tongue tasting for the first time not only someone else’s cum but that of his son. He was not to surprised as Mary had given him a taste of his own sperm many times and he had eaten it right out of her freshly fuck cunt more times than he could count.  


As Rick slumped over in his seat that left just Tom and Jill to get off. Jill worked on Toms cock taking him deep into her mouth and using her tongue she made swirls on the under shaft and head making Tom squirm with delight as he finished licking his sons cum from his fingers.


Jill loved giving head and knew that just the thought of Tom’s love sap shooting down her throat would be enough to put her over the edge, just to be sure though she has been riding her pussy on her own foot as she sat under the table.


Jill could feel Tom’s cock starting to expand and twitch knowing that he was about to lose it, she raised up as she wanted to catch the first couple loads on her tongue so she could taste it. She gave a couple jerks with her hand and licked the bulbous head like a lollipop until she got the creamy reward. Tom grunted and shook as he watched his sperm land on Jill’s tongue then on her face squirting along her nose, eyelid and hair.


Once Jill felt the warm life juice hit her tongue and face she was overwhelmed and started her own orgasm flooding her foot and floor. She then took Tom’s dick deep into her throat sucking out what was left, as he started to soften she climbed out from the table having a seat in between Rick and Tom. Using her fingers she scooped up the spunk left on her face, placed them into her mouth so she could enjoy the last little bit.


As everyone started recovering they all straightened their suits tucking in all those semi hard dicks and luscious tits. Jill looked up and saw her children coming across the lodge as they approached the table she introduced everyone. Robyn and Candy were twin bombshells both with blond hair green eyes and bodies to kill for and Bill was just as handsome at least 6 foot and broad shouldered with a smile that made Mary and Sara wet instantly. Tom, Mary, Rick and Sara liked what they saw as before them stood three very appetizing morsels that they would hope to get to know later. But for now the parents all need rest and the younger adults want to play in more ways than one as they left to hit the slopes.

Susan part 2

ngwenyam22 on Incest Stories


That morning Susan did not say anything about what I had done the night before. She put on a very short dark blue denim skirt when she dressed. After breakfast we all got into the car and continued with our journey. I had the good luck, to sit next to Susan again. She seemed to know that I wanted to see her panties as her dress was pulled up all the time. Our Dad, when he let Mom drive, also noticed that her panties where showing but didn’t say anything he just looked over the front seat whenever he had a chance, Susan just pretended she didn’t notice us and kept reading her book. A few times during the day I noticed her looking at my cro

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tch again but didn’t do much about it but adjust the way I was sitting so she could get a better view of it, the once she seemed to fall asleep against me and her hand fell onto my crotch where she kept it while sleeping, when her hand was there my cock got hard again and I am sure she was feeling it but I just kept still so she wouldn’t move it. When she woke she was smiling and sat up again moving her hand from my cock.

We continued our trip and arrived at our Aunts house that day as normal. My Aunt had one daughter and one son. The daughter was about the same age as my sister. Her and my sister shared a room and all us boys shared another room.

 The next day our parents and Aunt left us all at home when they went shopping. In the back yard they had an old brick dam that we used as a swimming pool. All us kids got into our costumes and went swimming. After a while I got out and sat on the grass watching the others playing in the water.

 Watching the girls in their tight wet swim suits made my cock as hard as a rock I put a towel on my lap hoping no one noticed my hard on. After a few minutes my sister came and sat with me and asked,

 "Do you want to do it again?"

“Do what again” I asked her trying to act innocent.

“You know what you where doing to me while you thought I was asleep the other night”

“Oh so you were not asleep then, why didn’t you say or do something?”

“Because I wanted you to do it but was scared you would stop if you knew I was awake. Lets go into the front garden while all the others are swimming and do it properly. Or are you to scared?”

“Who’s scared, lets go then but this time I am going to stick it right inside you ok. And I don’t want to hear you crying.”

“Don’t worry I have done it before”

“Who with?”

“That’s my secret but I will tell you later”

I was surprised that she also wanted to have sex, I thought it was only me who wanted to do it all the time but now realised that she also wanted to fuck.


We agreed that I would sneak away first and then she would do the same after a few minutes so none of the others would notice we had gone. I walked around to the front garden and waited for her to come, it took her about five minutes to get away. By the time she came around the house I had already found a nice secluded spot that no one would be able to see us, unless they came into the garden and walked around the shrubs.

She stood with her back to a large tree. We didn’t want to take out costumes off just in case someone came, if they did we could just pull them straight and hope they didn’t see what we where doing. She pulled her costume to the side so I could see her small hairless pussy. Not wasting any time I immediately pulled out my cock and rammed it into her. This time, I am not certain if from the water or from her juices my cock slid in with no difficulty I had never had such a nice sensation as her tight small pussy stretched out and held my cock in its warm embrace. As I pushed my cock in more it just kept going till it was all inside her. This astonished me, as I didn’t think it would go the entire way in, not that my cock was very big or thick. I asked her how it felt and she said so nice and it doesn’t hurt her at all. I was so excited that it took only a few strokes to make me cum. I think that was the best and strongest cum I had ever had. I kept my cock in there for a time and could feel my cum dripping out her cunt and running down my balls and then my legs. but after a while it went a bit soft and slipped out. When it came out of her pussy a lot of my cum ran out of her and all down both of our legs. We Just stood there for a while and let the warm cum run down out legs and puddle by our feet; I couldn’t believe that so much had come out of my cock. Susan said she liked the feeling of me cumming inside her and we have to do it again soon. I said yes we must and we must also try it without any clothes on next time. This was the first time I had really fucked a girl and cum in her. It was the best thing I had felt till then.


I wondered what she had meant when she said she had said it wasn’t her first time fucking.

“Who have you done this with before?” I asked her.

She didn’t want to tell me but after asking her a few times she said she cannot tell me or she would get into trouble. So I decided to take a chance and said I know whom anyway and told her it was Dad. She was really scared and asked me how I knew I said I had just guessed. I asked her to tell me all the things Dad did to her but she said she will tonight after everyone was asleep, and made me promise not to tell anyone.


To be continued.

The Best Time Ever

DaddysPrincessForever on Incest Stories

Let tell you about myself; I am 13yrs old, red hair, and I am in a 'B' Cup bra already. I love my family, we do a lot together. My mom is very pretty, big breasts, brown hair, and a very nice butt. My dad is handsome <I want Him>, has brown hair, blue eyes, and a 10" cock. Yes I have seen dad's dick before and have wanted it badly ever since then. I even want to lick mom's pussy.
I was watching a movie in my room and heard a load wierd sound coming from m parents room. I turned down the Tv and walked to their room and heard my dad moaning. Oh baby that feels so damn good, OOOOOhhhhhh, OOOOhhhhh, YYYYYYYEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! I opened the door and there was mom on her knees sucking dad's cock. I was stunned, I could not move, and I just watched as dad enjoyed
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it having his dick sucked by mom. The panties I had on became soaking wet and it was running down my leg. I knew what it was, mom, dad, and myself have had the sex talk. Yes, I play with my pussy and sometimes dream it's mom or dad eating me.
Anyway, Istarted rubbing my pussy through my panties, as I closed my eyes, I heard well we have someone enjoying our little show Honey. Then my mom said come here baby and pull off those clothes. Dad asked me, "did you like what you saw princess?" I couldn't speak so I nodded yes. Mom said why don't you put your mouth on that cock and suck it Bren?! Dad said yeah I think it's time, instead of watching and playing with yourself, you come join us for the fun. I eagerly ptu my mouth on my dad's cock and started sucking. It grew so big, that I could hardly get my lips around the head of it.
Dad was moaning and pumping my mouth, then I felt something wet on my pussy. My mom was licking me and sucking my pussy. I was humpoing her face and I started to cum on my mom's face. Dad was so turned on that he began to cum in my mouth. I could not hold al of his cum, so I let him cum on my face and my titties.
Now we sleep in the same bed and share many things together. I have many more stories to tell and share. Hope you enjoyed this one.

A mom and her son

DshBrdConfssnl15 on Incest Stories

Diana is 46 years old, still with a striking figure.  She is 5'5, about 160, with a 42D bust, and has curves in all the right places.  She has put on a little bit of weight after having 3 kids, but she is very attractive nonetheless.

Brian is her oldest son, 17 yrs old, and he is very attractive.  He plays on his high school football and baseball teams, and has been offered scholorships for both sports.  He is 6'2, 210 lbs, and is all muscle.  He has a 7 inch cock, that is about 5.5 inches in diameter, meaning that he is very well "hung."

The story takes place with the family on vacation in Florida.

As the sun began to set on the Gulf Coast of Florda, Brian looked up at his mom, Diana, from where he was la
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ying on the beach and said "Well, im going to head in and grab a shower."

Diana looked away from her erotic noveland said "ok sweetie, ill be up shortly"

As brian walked towards the condo where the family was staying, Diana thought to herself
"wow, he has gotten so big and strong, and i can actually see his cock when he wears shorts"

Diana was not used to seeing this, as her husband wasnt very blessed in the genital region, carrying only a measly 5 incher, but from the looks of things, brian was packing much more heat.

Diana pushed the incestual thoughts from her mind and turned back to her novel, ironically, one about a mother and son who fall madly in love and have incredible sex on the beaches of mexico.

Brian, meanwhile, also was thiniing thoughts that he shoudnt be.
"man" he thought, "my mom has some big titties"
he had noticed that his moms nipples became erect when he splashed her with the chilly Gulf of Mexico water, so he had taken to this as a way to get a cheap glance at his moms 42D breasts.

As he walked into the Condo, he decided to have a shower to wash away all the sand from the beach and to also have a quick jerk session.

He slowly stripped off his clothes and admired his toned body.  He was an offensive linemen on the football team, so he wasnt quite as sculpted in the stomach region as he'd like, but his chest was cut, as were his biceps and legs.  He turned the water on high and began to stroke his semi-hard penis.  He was shaved completely, balls and pubic hair alike, because he had heard that women prefer and that shaving makes your dick look bigger.  as his erection became completely hard, he stepped into the shower and slid the transparent galss door shut.

Diana made her way up to the condo, and thought back to her college days at a northern university.  Back in college, Diana was commonly known as the "BlowJob Queen", as her world famous oral sex atteacted visitors from all around campus.  She hadnt sucked a cock in nearly 20 years, and all of a sudden had a strong urge to do just that.  Her husbad hadnt been hard in 10 years, so she knew he was out of the question, and all of a sudden her thoughts turned to her well-hung 17 year old son.  The largest cock Diana had ever taken in her mouth was an 11incher, off of a black guy from the college football team.  She hadnt been able to get him all the way down, but she had made him moan as he shot his load deep into her throat.  That was another thing, Diana loved the taste of cum, another thing she hadnt had in nearly 20 years and was craving now.

As she stepped into the condo, she became aware that her pussy was wet.  She heard her son in the shoiwer, and knew that her husband was out fishing, so she had the privacy of the living room to herself for a  little bit at leasst.  She sat down on the couch and reached inside her shorts and began to massage her clit.  She moaned and thought of Brian
"No" she said to herslef, "think of someone else", but everytime she felt a wave of pleasure she imagined herself on her knees taking Brians swollen shaft into her moth, and stroking it untill...

The sound of the shower stopping snaped her back to reality.  She pulled up her shorts and went to the bathroom door.  She pressed her ear against the door, anfd heard the gentle sounds of flesh smacking flesh.  She realized that Brian was masturbating!!!  She deciced once and for all that she was gonna see her sons dick , and maybe take it a little firther.  She slowly pushed open the door, until she could sneak a peek into the mirror.  Her son was standing completelynaked, his eyes closed in pleasure, as his right hand storked his handsome piece of manmeat.  Diana gasped, which Brian heard and almost jumped through the roof
He yelled "Mom what the hell are u doing, get out of here" and slammed the door.

After awhile Brian walked out, wearing only a rather snug fitting pair of underwear, and the outline of his cock was clearly visible.   Diana was wearing  a pair of loose gray shorts and a pink tank top, which was just tight ebough to make out her aroused nipples. 

Brian sat down next to her and said
"look, what i was doing was wrong and im sory u saw that"
Diana spoke softly "son i kno u have urges, and i do too, so i think its time we had a more in depth chat about sex and that stuff"

Diana started telling brian about who she was in college, mentioning the BlowJob Queen nametag and her husbands lack of "masculinity" and her sydden urge for cock

"and thats why i come to you, brian, your the only person i have seen with a decent sized dick on this island and i kno its incest, but i really want your dick, so whaddya say"

all this time brians cock had been steadily growing, and now it was fully erect and very visible beaneath his snug underpants.

"Mom, this is kind of surprising, but ive been having feelings for you too, and i think itd be great if we could become more intimate"

Withiut any further ado, Diana grabbed brian and pulled him up, so he was standing infront of her while she sat onthe couch. She pulled down his underpants, and sat for a long while admiring his pole.

She reached out and began to slowly stroke it, apologizing to Brian because she was a little rusty.  Brian moaned and lened his head back, in complete excastasy.
Diana then took the head of Brians cock into her mouth, slowly swirling her tongue around the head.  He placed his hand on the back of her head, slowly pushing her head down onto his dick until he was face fuking her.  diana was holding on for dear life, as her son rammed her face with his cock.  She was loving every mminute of it, and soon she felt her sons balls tighten and knew he was aboiut to blow his load.

Brian tried to pull out, butdiana would have none if it.
"no, i want to drink your cum" she said greedily

He continued to Fuck her face intil he coudltn hold in any longer.  He began spurting the biggest load of cum her had ever blew, and diana was doing her best to swallow every last drop.  She couldnt quite get it all, and some of it leaked onto her shirt and into her cleavage.

Brian stood panting, almost to the point of fainting, having everpericed the most mind-bloeong orgasm ever.

Diana was in pure heaven, as she had just sucked a cock and drank cum fpr the first time in 20 years, something she had craved for a long time.  She looked up to see brians cock had already become hard again, "wow these teenagers can go all night" she thougt to herslef.

She stripped off her blouse and shorts, laeving her in just her bra, as she ahd been wearing no panties.  Her pussy was not shaven, and black hair covered her clit.  Brian looked lustfulyl on as she slowsly reached behind her and unclasped her bra, revealing two massive boobs with nipples the size of half dollars.   He immidiately dropped to hisknees aand took one of the nipples into his mouth, sucking for all he was worth. Diana was moanign in plasure, all the while continiuing to stroke his dick.

She stood up, and led him over to the couch, where she sat him down and slowly turned around.  She began t lower herself dwon onto his lap until she felt his cockhead begin to enter her slit

part 2 comign soon

feedback is appreciated