Published Sex Stories

Southern Comfort

badlybent on Sex Stories

Southern Comfort

By Badlybent

The construction site was hot and dusty so I stopped by the Brass Tap for a draft to wash away the grit and have a monster grease- burger with the accompanying truck load of fries to refuel.

The Tap is a honky-tonk or a roadhouse depending on what part of the south you’re in. It’s just far enough out of town to be out of site out of mind of the local Baptist Christian Ladies Association United Against Fun chapter, which means it’s a beer joint. No wine fancy or otherwise. Doesn’t even sell whisky.

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"4" face="Arial">The joint’s attractions are, cheap beer, cheap food, loud music and oh yes a cheap woman now and then. It’s a boots and jeans kind of place. Hiking boots, construction boots, cowboy boots and their female counterparts. A suit would be as out of place as a pole cat at a church picnic.

There’s a dance floor and damned good country rock on Friday and Saturday. A couple of pool tables fill the little back room and an ancient TV that still sort of shows color hangs over the bar and takes care of the sports crowd. A little something for everyone.

There might even be what you call your gentleman’s disagreement in the parking lot now and then but nobody ever get seriously hurt. Not a knife and gun club sort a place. It ain’t the Ritz or your family place but a safe place to take a date and get loose now and then. If she’s a good old girl that is.

Long days make for more work so the crowd arrives later in the summer and not a lot was happening. I kicked back, ordered a pitcher and sat at the bar shooting the shit with George and waited for the show to start. Friday nights at the Tap are always a show of some kind.

George is the owner

After a while the beer worked it’s usual magic and I headed off to leak my lizard and at the door I came up short. There was a chick standing at the sink fussing with her hair. Not that it need it, I thought. She had flowing red hair that draws attention to her like a porch light draws bugs on a hot southern night. Her name was Violet.

Violet is what you would call cute in a slutty sort of way. Not gorgeous but cute. You wouldn’t kick her out of bed or gnaw you’re arm off getting away the next morning by any means. She’s a little young but not jail bait. George runs a clean place. He doesn’t put up with that shit.

She wears short skirts and low cut tops. She’s not afraid to show some skin on a warn humid night. Boobs could be bigger but she’s got nice legs and a great ass.

Violet’s always with some dude though. Usually one of the frat-rats that come over from the local college. The band wasn’t set up yet but I’d seen her dancing to the jukebox with some geek or other I’d never seen. Just another college looser to me.

“Uh…I gotta go.” I said.

“Sorry, the other one was in use and I had to go really bad too.“ She said.” Well…Come on in. Go ahead, I won’t look.” She went back to primping in the streaked, dirty, mirror.

I hesitated a second but nature made the decision for me. I wasn’t about to piss my pants waiting on her to get out. Not being exactly your high class establishment, the one urinal is beside the sink and there isn’t once of those privacy things between the two.

I got my streaming going good, glanced over, and noticed that Violet was indeed standing there watching me piss.

“I cheated.” she said, giggling, not the least bit embarrassed.

She didn’t look away and I’m not the kind that can stop in mid-piss so I just shook my head and continued to let fly. If she wanted a free show, what the hell. “Damn beer,” I said. “This is the only trouble with the stuff.”

I made conversation like this was the most normal thing in the world. Well what the hell else are you going to do. “So what do you think Violet,” I asked shaking off and turned to face her, dick in hand.

“I’ve seen worse. I’d say he’s got potential.” she said.

“So you know my name? You’re Greg, right?” She licked her lips. “Can I touch?”

I nodded yes to both I guess because she reached out and stroked my dick which by now was making like Pinocchio’s nose, getting longer and harder. And that’s the by-god’s truth if I ever told it.

“Umm,” she mewed. “I think I woke up the one-eyed snake.”

“Uhh…Violet, we’re not going to be alone here long somebody else’s gonna need to piss.”

“Yes…I suppose…” she pouted…then brightened. “We could go out back if you want to.”


“And do what you’re "little man" wants. What else silly?”

She hadn’t let go and by now my ”little man”, being a very cleaver little guy, was standing in full salute to her ministrations.


“What about your boyfriend?” I nodded toward the barroom.

“Not a boyfriend. Just a date. He’s decided he likes Rachael better though.”

Now that brought a real grin to both of us. Rachael is gay. Everyone knows that. Well almost everybody I guess. But someone else was fixing to find out.

“His loss.” Violet said.

Screwing some bar pick-up out behind The Brass Tap on a hot southern summer night isn’t exactly an original thing. The place is an institution going back to prohibition days when it was a speakeasy. You could write a couple of whose-who books on all the county gentry that’s got laid back there but it was a first for this rebel lad.

I soon found myself out behind the dumpster enclosure. Which is hallowed ground sanctified by hundreds if not thousands of other horny couples. My hand found it’s way up Violets miniskirt rubbing her sweet young pussy through polyester bikini panties while she stroked my rock hard cock with equal ardor.

The place smelled like…well…a dump but it’s amazing what the fine combination of alcohol plus sex will do for you. Violet smelled sweet, hot and young. Nothing else mattered. Her velvet tongue tasted of honey, of Budweiser and of desire as we moaned our lust into each other’s mouth. The girl was an excellent kisser and soon we were gasping, grouping and dry humping like the end of the world was coming and only our coupling stood in Satan’s very path.

We broke contact long enough for Violet to make with the bend-over, flip her little skirt up and for my pants to hit the ground. I yanked her panties down, spread her upturned cheeks and frantically sought her honey hole, the pearly gates of creation itself.

“God, oh god, hurry. Get it in I can’t wait.” I could see that she was already rubbing her love button from the front as my dick made contact and slid home.

“Ahh…” I pushed on up inside, her vagina a tight pink glove grasping my hardness. “Jesus Violet.” I said as her pussy milked my cock.

“Pound me Greg. God, just fuck the shit out of me.”

With an invite like that, what’s a young horny construction worker supposed to do. I wound up and laid the wood to her. I slammed and she humped. Nothing fancy or sophisticated, just a good old fashioned southern pipe laying.

“Hard Greg. Fuck me hard cowboy.” Not to be out done she leaned into the task and matched me stroke for stroke, hump for hump.

The girl’s passion was over the top. She was working it so hard I paused in amazement to watch her hungry ass consume my cock.

“What…Why did you stop? God don’t stopppp…”

“Just watching.” I said and slapped her pretty ass. "Go get it girl. Ride-em cowgirl.” I grinned and slapped her upturned butt again picking up the pace once more. “Gonna get you off gal. Make you cum like an earthquake. Go get’em.” Another slap punctuated my desire. If anything she just laid into it more.

My cock could feel her cunt spasm time after time as small orgasms hit her. She was getting close to the big one and I couldn’t hold out much longer either. Her pussy was driving me crazy. The girl was a fuck’en treasure.

“Ahh…” she shuddered and slammed back against me so hard she almost knocked me down. Her pussy clamped down like a vise, holding, gripping. “Ahh…Oh god yes…YES…”

Violet is a screamer. She sure enough lets the world know when she get‘s there. God love a duck, she’s a trip.

“Cumming…” I shuddered in turn as my cock unleashed a torrent of baby juice. None of this pull out and squirt in her face shit. No rubber. One hundred percent pure rebel cum flooded her vaginal canal as spasm after spasm empted my balls filling her tank to overflowing. The excess ran down her legs re-christening this little patch of southern ground.

We collapsed laughing at ourselves, at the deed we had done and at the pure unadulterated joy of being just young and alive.

“Well, wasn’t that just something.” I said. I hadn’t even bothered to pull my pants up yet. “Guess I owe you a drink or something. What’da you think?”

“Or something…Hmm.” she said. “You could take me home and play some more. That is if you wanted to?”

“What about what’s his name when he figures out he ain’t getting no-where with Rachael and comes looking for you?”

“I’d say fuck him but I wouldn’t mean it.” She took my hand. “Come on cowboy get your pants up. We‘re gonna go get us some desert.”

My old pickup tore a right big patch in the gravel parking lot spinning rubber as we tore off into the night hunting more Southern Comfort.

“Yee..Hawwww! Ya’ll cum now ya hear.

THE END…Or maybe not. Experience informs this old boy that you can’t get too much Southern Comfort.


For the uninitiated. Southern Comfort is a brand of whisky. Powerful stuff. You may find Jesus in one bottle and the Devil in the next.

Thanks for reading this little story. The Brass Tap was a real place. Violet was real but my memory fails me as to her real name. So many years, so much shit. The story is a fictional condensation of a lot of shit that went down there when I was wild, young and free. Comments and feedback are welcome.


, bartender, bouncer and bottle washer. He cooks and waits tables too when the joint isn’t busy. It’s that kind of place, it’s homey and the regulars all know each other and whose doing what to who and who ain’t.

Vicky's Visit

specter on Sex Stories


Remember honey, Vicky is coming to stay the summer with us. I've got to go pick her up at the airport shortly.  Huh, O.K. I said, as I looked up from my paper while takeing a sip of coffee. my wife sharon was bent over peering into the fridge,and giving me a good view of that tight little ass of hers clad in a pair of canary yellow bikini panties and wearing one of my sleeveless t-shirts. Her pussy lips pouted out showing where her slit was. I grinned and got up slowly coming up behind her and placeing my hard cock between her legs, I began massageing her tits gently tweaking and pulling her nipples.

Sharon is a petite honey blonde with brown eyes a firm body, and an ass that most women would kill for, firm round bre

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asts. not overly large, but a nice handful. with pink nipples just right for sucking. I slowly moved my cock back and forth and soon felt her heating up. She straightened and leaned back on my shoulder. " you are soooo bad she whispered." I kissed her ear and neck while slipping my hand into her panties watching the goosebumps appear on her arms. my hand slipped over her shaven pussy as i slipped my middle finger into her already hot and wet slit. applying a feather touch i rubbed up and down gently teaseing her clit, while the ther two fingers rolled her labia around.

Soon her panties were on the floor along with the T-shirt. I dropped my lounge pants and kicked out of them. She turned throwing her arms around my neck, while I gently continued to stroke my cock between her thighs. God, you get me soooo hot she moaned. I laughingly asked: " whats for breakfast?" " Me, you big dummie, she laughed". With that I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. I placed her on the bed and stood at the foot admireing the view. Sharon was on her back and while gently massageing and pulling her nipples opened her legs. Her pussy lips parted showing me the delicate glistening coral pink promise of her aroused cunt. then she slowly rolled over on her stomach and gently arched her back while slowly rotateing her hips and parting her cunt with her fingers giveing me another good view.

Man what a smorgas board of sex, I thought.


Hot Ass

poleman555 on Teen Stories

Names have been changed.

I was leaving to go to college in two weeks when I meet this amazing girl.  She was just a few days younger than me but looked a lot older.  She was beautiful and very sexy.

We were working at the same place all summer and I had not seen her before.  This time I was walking in to go to work and she was outside crying.  I stopped and ask what was wrong and if I could help and she told me no.  As I started to walk off she grabbed my arm and told me she had broken up with her boyfriend about a month ago because he was cheating on her.  Boy was he stupid to cheat on this stunning girl.

I gave her a clean rag to wipe her eyes with and gave her a hug.  She replied that I was Tom, right?  I said yes and ask her name.  She sa

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id Diane. 

I told her I had to get to work and hoped she was ok.  I went to work and some of the men there were teasing me about being late because of the hot girl. 

About hours later I was paged for a phone call, no one called me at work.  I answered and it was Diane, thanking me for stopping ad being kind to her.  As I was getting off the phone she ask me to come by her house and pick up the rag I left with her.  I told her no need but she insisted.  She told me she lived about one mile from the work place and she would have the light on. 

As I pulled up she came wlking out of the house and motioned for me to cut of my headlights.  Diane came around to the passanger door and sat down.  We made small talk for a few minutes when she lend over and gave me a wonderful kiss.  She began to tell me about her ex-boyfriend Steve and his cheating.  he had been with at least tens girls she knew about while they date for 2 1/2 years.

She then told me about another person named she she dated twice just to get back at her ex.  You see Diane had been a virgin until she dated the new Steve just to have sex with him.  This was beoming very erotic by now.

When Steve nailed her he wore 3 condoms to make sure she did not get pregant.  She told me that it was terrible.  I was sitting there with my dick about to jump out of my pants when she kissed me again.  I told her sorry she had got hurt twice both by Steves. 

She pulled me close and slowly kiss me rubbing my chest and stomach.  I nibbled on her ear and kissed he neck sending her straight to my crotch.  She was horny and waning to have sex.  She sat up taking off her blouse revealing her full 36 c's and pulling down her shorts showing me no panties but a huge wet spot on her crotch.

I dropped my pants and took off my t-shirt and licked her perky tits.  I went fro one to the other and placed one finger at her slit slowly moving my fingers un and down.  she pulled my head up and kiss me again and slammed my finger in her cunt.  My she was wet. 

I told her we needed to move to the back seat and she jumped over the seat.  I opened the door and went to the back door opening it to climb in.  Diane met me with her mouth and kissed the head of my dick and told me to stick it in now.

I lowered myself into position when she told me she was not on the pill and ask if I had a condom.  I told her no and said to pull out when I was ready to cum.  As I entered her she said slow, slow as I was much larger than Steve was.  She said he was about the same lenght but I was much bigger around. 

I got about two inch in when she told me to stop for a second.  I kissed her neck and waited for her to tell me to go on.  She began to buk against me putting me in little by little.  She was getting louder and louder as I went in.  Finally with one big push she had me completely inside her tight dripping pussy.

I lay there for a few more seconds and raised up and pulled about half way out and back in again.  I slowly did this for about 2 minutes and then began to pick up the pace. 

Diane told me she had never cum before and felt like she was getting ready to explode.  Her first orgism was awesome as she bit my chest and clawed my back.  I was now ready to fuck her hard and as fast as I could when she had multiple orgism right then.

I was almost ready to go myself when she told me to stop.  I did and looked her in the eye and she told me she want to finish me off in her mouth.  As I pulled out she had soak my whole back seat and had her juices all over her legs and still dripping. 

She placed my dick in her mouth and lick me clean.  She told me that she had never had a dick in her mouth before.  I told her to lick it and suck on it like it was sweet candy.  She was learning fast and was enjoying her new find freedom.  I grabbed her hair and began fucking her face and then I lost it in her mouth. 

She swallowed and smiled as I told her she was a good cock sucker.  Diane was getting dressed when the porch light fliced on and off.  She told me that was her daddy telling her to come in within five minutes.  She finished dressing kissed me and walked in the house smiling and waving.

she ran back to the car and ask if I was off this weekend and I told her Friday thru Monday.  She ask if we could go out one night and I told her sure all fo them.

That is for later.

T.C. and Lex

shaza24605 on Teen Stories

       Let me explain her to all ya'll:She is about 5'7 and Blond she is 105 lbs..She has a nice Round ass & 36 C tits and she only 14.I am 15 I weigh 182 lbs. my cock is 7 3/4 in. long (what can I say I'm black and she is white).

         Lex and I were chillin' on the couch and mom comes down stairs and said she had to go out of town. So she gives me the no.'s and 300 dollors for grocery's and stuff cause was gonna have party and she knew it. So she left and my sis had to go to work and when she went to work Katie was gonna go home,but then we got a phone call it was her mom saying she come get her cause it was snowing re

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ally hard so said If it ok with my mom she could stay there.So I call my mom and she said it okay.

       Me and her are there alone. We always flirt with each other at school.So pretty much we do that for about an hour and asked if she wanted some pizza she said yeah with only peperoni and cheese.So I order it. And we are watching High School Musical. We are done and so go upstairs were the big T.V. is to finish watchin' it and all of a sudden she kisses me and I'm sittin' there and I kiss her back and we start makin' out. I say well that was a suprise. Now we are both Virgins so was ready boy she saw buldge.So she says stand up and grabs my hand we go down stairs to were the Guest Room and thats were she is staying. She backs me up against the wall and we are makin' out again she then says drop your pants and I damn sho do it. She tease's my cock and then she takes out my boxer's and her first Reaction is "DAMN!!!" so she gets back to sanity and starts jerking me off. Then I come all over face and then she licks all the cum off of my dick.And she starts to take off her cloths and the first thing was those tits my first reaction to suck them but she push's my head back and says "What till Later" So she down to her panties and throw's those across the the room and I saw that ass and I can't resist but to make it clap.  So after that we get on the bed she say's " I want to fulfill all fantisies exept the one you told me about at school. That was is big no,no". I say Ok. Say I say let me go downtown no I got one better let's do 69 standing up. She say "are you shore" I say Hell YEAH. Se we do that I then get back on the bed and and I say get on yo stomic and She ask "Are you gonna do me up the ass?" I say no,not know at least. But I hit dat pussy from the behind. And she moans so loud the neighbors call to see if everything is all right. But I keep goin pumpin' it hard yo and I tryin' to hold on cummin' until she says let the cum go, I'm gettin' tired. So I let it go I come about a half a min. /min. and we lay back down on the bed and she says Ok now the was a suprise. We laugh she gets a text from Lindsey Cheeks our very,very,very good friend with a beautiful ass & some big ass tits also about 40 DD. But I tell you about that Later.So she says I'm gonna go take a shower but after I suck you off again. So she sucks about 20 mins. and swollows it all. So she goes to take a shower and then go take one with her and then she says what the...Oh what up and I say that was fun. She yeah it was. We laugh and then I happen to look at that ass and and immeditly  get hard again and she says owww and turns and see and grabs it and says I thought you were lyin' when you said it was that big she lets go and I say bend over and she's why and I say Now I am going to hit it up the ass. She says Finnaly she shoves it in a little to fast and yell's really load and then she says you do it. I say okay i go slow and then when it all the way in I go faster and then she says slow down I say OK I come and we go down stairs after we Shower down and go down stairs. And acts like nonthin happens.

Little Mel

Luckymann on Sex Stories

Little Mel

I was 28 or 29 when I met Melanie. I had been visiting a family member on the north side of Phoenix, Arizona. I was driving a small, open air, tiller steered, parade car. The car resembled an antique from the late 19th century. I had made some repairs to the car, and was test-driving it before returning it to its owner.

I saw a small boy and what I thought was his teenaged sister watching me from their yard. Their hair got my attention. They both had the same bright red hair. Every time I passed their home, the boy would jump up and down with excitement.

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t size="3">I stopped in front of them, introduced myself, and offered them a ride. The little boy didn’t wait for his sister to give her OK. His eyes lit up, and he instantly began trying to climb aboard.

Though it was not very fast, driving this little car took both hands; one to steer with the tiller and the other to operate the spring returned throttle. So, I looked at the excited kid’s sister and said, "You come too. You’ll need to hold Jr. down."

With a bright smile, she put the boy in the seat between us and climbed aboard. Melanie introduced herself, her son, Bobby, and thanked me for the ride. Though she looked to be about 14, as it turned out, Melanie was a 22-years-old mother. Her son, Bobby, was 5.

When they were safely seated, off we went. We drove around the neighborhood for twenty or thirty minutes. Bobby never stopped talking. He asked a million questions. Most of his questions were good ones. All of which, I answered as best I could to the satisfaction of a five-year-old boy. Melanie didn’t say much. She just sat there with a wide smile, staring at me, and intently listening to my every word.

If not for the fact that I was driving, I may have returned the favor and not taken my eyes off of Melanie. Even though she looked like a young girl, there was just something about her that piqued my interest.

Melanie was a petite young thing. At 22-years-old, she stood only 4’11" tall and weighed about 85 pounds. Little Mel, as I later came to call her, was as cute as they come. Her rounded, lightly freckled, face was surrounded by an abundance of well kept bright red hair. Bobby had the same hair. They also shared light green eyes. Her eyes were set over a button of a nose and full lips.

As the ride came to an end, I handed Melanie my card and asked, "May I call you some time?

Her smile quickly turned to a frown. She lowered her head, and, with a hint of sadness, said, "He’s not around much, but I’m married."

"That’s too bad." I replied. "If you need anything, or change your mind, give me a call. The number’s on the card." When I offered her my hand, she reached out and gently squeezed it. Melanie then turned and led Bobby into their house.

Bobby was a polite kid. Before going into his house, he turned at his door, waved, and yelled, "Thank you."

Several weeks passed, and I had let the memory of Melanie and her boy fade from my mind. Then, late one afternoon, out of the blue, the phone rang. It was Melanie, and she sounded upset.

With a voice just above a whisper, she asked, "Can Bobby and I meet you somewhere to talk?"

Remembering the cute girl and her little boy whom I had given a ride, I quickly agreed to meet with them. "Where would you like to meet?"

"Some place private and quite, please." With a bit of hesitation, she asked, "Can we, maybe, come to your place? Please." She softly asked.

"Well, sure, I suppose that’ll be OK. Is something wrong?" I asked.

"We just need to get out of here for a while. How do I get to your house?"

I gave her the directions to my home, and told her, "It should only take you about 20 minutes to get here."

She said, "OK" and hung up.

About 30 minutes later, Melanie and Bobby pulled into my drive. As I approached them, Melanie had her back to me. She was helping Bobby out of his car seat in the back of her car.

With a broad grin, I cheerfully said, "Hi guys. How ya doing?"

As she let Bobby climb out of the car, Melanie stood, turned, and said, "Not too well."

I was shocked! Her cute face looked terrible. She had a blackened left eye, her right cheek was bruised, her lower lip was badly swollen, and her eyes were red from crying.

"What the hell happened to you? Are you alright?"

She began crying and said, "I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be here. I hardly know you, but I had no one else I could call. My family is back east and the few friends I have here can’t help."

I put my arm around her shoulders, and told her, "Come inside, tell me what happened, and I’ll do what I can to help." I then guided her into my living room, sat her on the couch, and brought her a cup of tea. I then got her an icepack for her bruised face.

As she sipped the tea, with tears flowing down her cheeks, Melanie went into a story of abuse at the hands of her husband, Rob. Bobby sat quietly beside his mother sipping the milk I had given him.

Melanie told me, "Rob drinks too much. He used to just cuss at me, but he’d do that sober. Lately, when he’d come home drunk, he’d hit me. Until today, he just slapped my face. Then, after slapping me around, he expected me to make love to him that night. Today, when he came home, drunk as usual, he started hitting me with his fist. Bobby started crying and yelled at Rob to stop hitting me. Rob then slapped Bobby and knocked him down. That’s when I knew we had to get out. You’re the only one I know around here that Rob doesn’t know. I hid your card the day you gave it to me, and he has no idea who or where you are."

"Damn, girl! No one should take that kind of crap. You and Bobby can stay here for a while, if you like. I have an extra room you can use. Or, I can help you get a room someplace. I have a friend who owns a motel. It’s not in the best area, but it’s cheap, and it’ll be safer than your place. But first, have you two had dinner?"

"No. We left as soon as Rob fell asleep." She replied.

"Then you two relax and let me fix you something." About 20 minutes later, I served them cheeseburgers and fries.

Shortly after dinner, I turned on some TV cartoons for Bobby while Melanie and I talked about her short and long-term options. She said she knew she could never go back to Rob.

Bobby was soon fast asleep on my living room floor.

"It looks like Bobby has decided to stay here. How about you?" I asked.

"I’d like to stay here a little while, if you don’t mind." She said.

"You can stay s long as you need to." I then gathered the sheets, blankets, and pillows to make them a place to sleep in my spare bedroom. There was no bed in the room, but with several blankets and a carpeted floor under them, Bobby and Melanie soon had a fairly comfortable ‘bed’ to sleep on.

Melanie carried Bobby to their room while I moved her car to the back yard. That way, it would not be seen from the street. Melanie didn’t want Rob, or any of his friends, spotting it. After moving her car, I brought their small suitcases with me when I went inside.

Melanie and I then sat on opposite ends of the couch, sipped tea, and talked for several hours. Her tears had dried, and she was beginning to relax. However, the stress of her day had taken its toll. She was exhausted. She apologized when she started yawning. She agreed when I suggested she take a hot shower and go to bed. We’d continue our talk in the morning.

As I cleaned the kitchen, Melanie disappeared into the bathroom. A short time later, she went to her room.

When Melanie left the bathroom, I took a quick shower and went to bed as well. I didn’t sleep well. In my mind’s eye, I kept seeing the cute girl, and her son, I had given a ride to. Then that picture would be quickly replaced by one of the bruised little gal that had shown up in my drive a few hours ago.

I heard Melanie get up several times that night. I guess she couldn’t sleep very well either. The stress she was under wouldn’t let her relax.

The next day, Mel went to the police and filed an assault complaint against Rob. Then she went to the courthouse and had a temporary restraining order placed on him. When she returned from court late that afternoon, she found I had made room for her car next to mine in the garage.

I ordered a pizza and popped a cartoon movie into the VCR for Bobby. Melanie and I shared part of a bottle of wine and chatted as we ate the pizza.

Bobby must have been starving. He ate nearly half the pizza. He sure was cute with his face covered in pizza sauce. The sauce made his face a match for his red hair. Bobby giggled when I teased him about his wearing more pizza than he ate.

After Melanie gave him a bath, Bobby settled in to finish watching his movie. Like the previous night, he dozed off on the living room floor. Mel carried him to bed.

After talking for an hour, or so, Mel and I were getting tired as well. She took her shower and joined Bobby. Then I took a shower and went to bed.

Just as I was about to doze off, I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. It slowly opened. I looked up to see Melanie standing in the doorway. She was using a long, white, T-shirt as a nightgown. It came down several inches past her hips, so she was well covered. Lucky for me, the hallway light behind her was silhouetting her oh so petite body through her nightshirt.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I’ve tried, but I can’t go to sleep. Would you mind holding me for just a little while?

How could I refuse such a pitiful, but enticing, young girl? Without saying a word, I flipped my bed sheet back and held out my arms to her.

Melanie softly walked across my room and climbed into bed between my arms. Facing me, she cuddled up close, and I firmly, but gently, pulled her to my chest. She put her head on my shoulder and snuggled into my neck. Her left arm was draped over my chest and her right arm folded between us.

I placed my left arm under her head and neck and held her close. With my right hand, I caressed the back of her head.

"Thank you so much. I don’t know what we’d have done if you hadn’t helped." She then kissed my neck.

"Shhhhhh. It’s OK. You’re safe here. No one will hurt you. Go to sleep now." I whispered, as I softly kissed her forehead.

Melanie still didn’t go to sleep. She quietly sobbed into my shoulder and continued to kiss my neck while she let her left hand come around and begin rubbing my chest.

I continued telling her she’d be all right and stroked the back of her head. I gently kissed her bruised eye and cheek. Slowly, Mel turned her face up toward mine. Our lips met in the most tender of kisses I have ever enjoyed. As our kiss lingered, it became more and more passionate. When I probed her lips with my tongue, she opened her mouth and sucked it in. Our tongues fought a mock duel.

I moved my hand that had been stroking her head slowly down her back. I messaged her back while moving my hand lower and lower until I had a hand full of Mel’s cute little ass. Given her petite size, my hand nearly covered her entire left cheek. A firm squeeze brought a deep sigh from Melanie.

Melanie let her left hand slide from my chest, down my belly, and tentatively wrapped her fingers around my semi-erect cock.

I then moved my hand from her ass, up under her shirt, and slowly moved it toward her chest.

Suddenly, Melanie tensed, leaned her chest into me, and said, "Please don’t! Rob says I don’t have any tits."

"That’s OK, Mel. I think you’re beautiful whether you have tits or not." I told her.

"Really? You really think I’m beautiful? Even if I don’t have tits, you think I’m beautiful?" Melanie seemed surprise a man could find her attractive, let alone beautiful.

Holding her firmly to me again, I softly told her, "Mel, you have a great little body. I don’t care if you have tits or not."

"You really think I have a good body?"

"Yes! Would you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Of course, anything, what do you want?" She asked.

"Get up, take off your shirt and panties, and let me have a look at you."

With just a brief hesitation, Mel took her hand off my cock, and slowly got out of bed.

I turned a small bedside light on. I wanted a good look at the sweet little body that had come to my bed. I could tell Mel was nervous. So, to encourage her, quietly, I told her, "It’ll be OK, Honey. Take your time. You have all nothing to be ashamed of."

Slowly, Mel pushed her white panties off her hips and let them fall to the floor. She was more embarrassed by her extremely small breasts than she was of showing her pussy. She then took the bottom of her shirt and began pulling it up her slender body. She quickly proved the hair on her head was natural. Her pubic hair was just a little darker shade of red than the hair above. As she continued to pull her top up, she revealed smoothly rounded hips and a flat belly. Again, she briefly hesitated, before pulling her top completely over her head and throwing it into the corner of the room.

Mel then looked like a little doll standing before me, completely naked, her arms hanging to her sides. Melanie was truly a beautiful girl, and she would only get better as her bruises healed.

It was also true she had very little, if any, in the way of tits. Her breasts were of the fried egg variety. They created only a slight rise above her ribs. She did have an absolutely fantastic set of nipples, though. Her areolas were over an inch and a half in diameter, and her nipples stood out from her chest like pencil erasers. They were at least a quarter inch long.

"Turn for me, Baby." I requested.

She slowly turned completely around. Her ass was small, tight, and very nicely rounded.

"Wow! Baby, you really are beautiful. I can’t wait to suck on those nipples and squeeze that ass." I told her. "Now, get back in here."

Through the pain of her swollen lip, Mel began smiling broadly as she nearly jumped back into my bed. "You really think I’m beautiful?

Yes, Baby! I sure do. Rob is a blind idiot if he can’t see how pretty you are."

Mel scooted tightly up to me and, without the least hesitation, grabbed my cock and started slowly stroking it to a full erection. She carefully kissed my mouth as passionately as she could without hurting her lip.

I grabbed her ass, squeezed firmly, and pulled her to me. Using her ass as a handle, I pulled Mel up to where I could get my mouth on her left nipple. As short as she was, she couldn’t continue to reach my cock when I pulled her up. So, she used her hands to pull my mouth to her chest. She was moaning as she pulled me tightly to her nipple.

As I sucked harder and harder on her nipple, it grew even longer. In no time, it was nearly half an inch long and hard as a little rock. I rolled her onto her back and divided my attention between her nipples. They were soon both standing hard and proud.

Mel was rocking her head back and forth while she held my head to her chest. Softly she said, "Oh yes! Suck my tits. Suck ‘em hard."

I was more than happy to comply with her request.

While sucking one nipple, and pinching the other, I let my free hand slide down her flat belly to her pussy. I gave her pubic bush a few gentle strokes before letting my hand trail down between her slightly spread legs. With my finger, I gave her one slow, pussy-lip parting stroke that stopped with an ever so light touch to her clit.

Mel’s legs practically flew apart. "Oh God!" She gasped. A few more strokes like that, and Mel was breathing rapidly, arching her back, and lifting her ass off the bed.

As she lowered her hips, I left her nipples and kissed my way down her body. She immediately began twisting and pinching her nipples herself. I ended my journey down Mel’s body when I was laying between her widely spread legs.

In a short time, I had replaced the finger stroking her pussy with my tongue. A pussy-lip parting lick again brought her hips off the bed again. After several more licks like that, I settled my lips on her clit and began gently licking and sucking that sensitive little morsel. I slowly increased the suction, while watching Mel’s face and hands.

Mel was loudly moaning, and her head was rolling back and forth. She was pinching her nipples very hard and pulling them outward from her chest. Her pussy was dripping wet. I released her clit and inserted my tongue into her love hole as deeply as I could.

Mel released her nipples, grabbed the back of my head, and pulled my face as tightly as she could into her pussy. As she ground her pussy on my face, she said with a gasp, "Will you please fuck me now?"

"No! I’m not going to fuck you. I’m going to make love to you." I replied.

"Oh yes, Honey. Do what ever you want to me." She sounded as if she was near tears again.

Kissing my way up her little body, I found it somewhat difficult to put my cock into Mel’s pussy and still be able to kiss her lips. I’m not that tall, but she was so tiny. Sucking a nipple while my cock stayed in her pussy was impossible in the male dominant missionary position.

Wrapping my arms around her, I told her, "Come here, Baby." I then rolled us over so she was prone on top of me. I took her under her arms and lifted her to a sitting position over my hips. As I lifted her, Mel folded her legs so her knees were alongside my body. She reached between her legs and held my cock. As I lowered her, she aimed my cock into her pussy.

Mel then took control. Kneeling over me, she took my hands from her sides and placed them on her little tits. I quickly began pinching, pulling, and rolling her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.

After making a few minor adjustments to her position, Mel sat down until she had my cock’s head in her tight pussy. "Pinch my tits, Honey." She told.

When I pinched her nipples and firmly squeezed her small breasts, Mel sat down. She had fully impaled her hungry pussy on my cock. She had one of the tightest pussies I’d ever been in.

From that point on, I was just along for the ride. She rode me hard and fast. In rapid succession, Mel repeatedly lifted her pussy up and slammed it back down hard on my cock.

In a short time, I was about ready to cum. Though I knew it was hopeless, I did my best to hold off the inevitable. I wanted Mel to get all she could from our night together. I also wanted to stay in that tight little pussy and enjoy the ride as long as I could. Damn, that little gal could fuck.

Then, just as I began to lose control, and felt the undeniable urges of my balls to let go, Mel pitched forward, to lay on my chest, and cried, "I’m cuuummmmmming!" She quickly bounced back to her sitting position, raised up, slammed her pussy down on my cock, and ground her clit onto my pelvis.

I reached down, grabbed her by her hips, and held her cunt down on my cock as tightly as I could. I told her, "Me too, Baby." I held her tightly as I lifted my hips and pumped my load of cum deep into her hungry hole.

As our orgasms subsided, Mel fell forward onto my chest again. I wrapped my arms around her and held her snugly to me. "Oh Baby, you are one hell of a fuck. You’ve about worn me out."

"Me too." Mel said breathlessly. " It’s been years since I’ve gotten off like that. I hope we can do that again real soon."

"So do I."

As Mel lay on my chest, my softening cock still in her leaking pussy, she started to doze off. I asked, "Honey, do you think you ought to go back in with Bobby? We don’t want him to wake up and wonder where Mommy is."

"It’ll be OK." Mel said. "He sleeps by himself, and he may have to get used to it. If you don’t mind, can we stay here for a while?"

"Mind? Why would I mind having a beautiful girl like you and a cute kid like Bobby staying with me? I have just one question."

"What’s that?" She asked.

"Do I need to buy a twin or double bed for the spare room?"

As a broad smile spread over Little Mel’s face, she kissed me, hugged me and snuggled close to my neck. She kissed my neck and whispered into my ear, "Just a twin, I think."

We both slept soundly through the rest of night.

The next day, accompanied by a police officer, Melanie retrieved the rest of her and Bobby’s clothes from her old home. As she returned to my place and pulled into the drive, I met her with a hug, a kiss, and said, "Welcome home, Honey."

Little Mel smiled broadly and returned the hug and kiss. As Bobby ran into the house, she whispered, "Are you up for another round tonight?"

I pulled her close, discreetly gave a nipple a little tweak, and said, "Silly girl, what do you think?"



Raltiir on Sex Stories

    Hi. She said with surprise as she opened the door.

Her name was Kathryn and she was my ex-girlfriend from several years back. We had been together for about three years off and on from when she was sixteen to nineteen. Now she was twenty-seven and I was thirty-two we had not seen each other in over seven years. Still she was sexy as hell. Five foot three slightly pale with a b-cup, slim waist and slightly larger than average ass. Her soft brown hair was shorter than I remembered it ever being, a couple of inches above her shoulders. And her big brown eyes were shocked to see me standing at her door.

    Hi I said.

Come on in Kathryn replied stepping aside, Been a long time.

I know it has.

How did yo
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u know where I lived?

Still a small town, I replied no secrets here.

Oh, so why are you here?

Well I heard you were back in town so I thought I would see how you are doing.


So how are you, how are things, where have you been, are you married or single or…?

Whoa slow down one question at a time. I’m fine; things are good I got a job with the local college that’s why I came back. I’ve here and there with this boyfriend or that finally left the last one and got going on own two feet, which is a first for me.

So, not married then?

No not married.

Good that could have been awkward if a husband came in and found you hanging out with another man.

Yes I guess so, not that we’re doing anything to feel awkward about.

No I guess not. I’m just feeling weird talking to you after so long.

Me too. So what about you. You married?

No, never found a woman who could put up with me for that long.

I never found you that hard to put up with.

Really? Then why did we keep breaking up and getting back together?

We were young and craved new experiences, new thoughts, and new lovers.

Ah yes I remember now. I also remember how whenever we met it was always a long night, long but memorable.

Yes I remember that to.

She shifted a little in her seat as if trying to get comfortable. I wondered if she was feeling the same thing I was. From the moment I locked eyes with her I begun to feel something stir deep inside, like something that had been slumbering for a long time was slowly waking up. Now I recognized the feeling it was the same one that I had always felt in her presence it was just slower to come this time. Probably because we had been apart so long, but it was the same never the less and I knew that if she were feeling it to we had to cut this reunion short.

    You see every time we met up during the years we were dating on and off we would talk for a while, catch up chat you know the usual. But all the while a fire would begin grow in both of us in the old days it ignite quickly and burn all night until we had quenched it sweat and smothered it between our enfolded naked bodies.

And now even after all these years it had begun to smolder again.

Would you like something to drink? She asked suddenly. Interrupting my sudden reverie.

Sure what have you got?

I’ve got, tea, soda, beer, whisky, rum.

Rum and Coke I said without thinking about what a bad idea it was to add alcohol to this scene.

Kathryn went to the kitchen and returned with two cold sodas, she then went to a small cabinet in the living room, which turned out to be a bar. As she reached for the rum I got up saying, Maybe just soda, alcohol may not be a good idea just now. She looked confused for second then shifting on her feet she said, Yeah maybe your right. Good, I thought, she understands what I mean. Then as walked toward her to get one of the sodas I realized that her understanding what I meant about the alcohol meant that she was feeling the old fire to. Our eyes meet as I walked up to her and she handed me a can of soda, when I reached for it I noticed that her hand was trembling. Just as I was about to take it, it fell from her hand as it was to heavy to hold. My momentum carried me forward and with out the can between us our hands met and reflexively our fingers locked. Kathryn stared at me her expression longing but a little afraid, and I stared back like a mirror reflecting the same expression back to her. We managed to let go after a minute or so, and I took a step back.

We… we both began.

Go ahead, she said.

We should be careful, I said we don’t want to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Yeah, she said quietly her voice a little shaky.

I turned to sit down then turned back. Kathryn, why would it be a mistake?

What do mean, she said her voice still soft?

Well we are both older and more mature that before maybe we can get it right this time.

Maybe but if don’t, I don’t want to go through losing you again, she said pain leaking through her voice now.

Kathryn I… I mean… What do you mean?

The last time we broke up I you were so hurt because I had cheated on you, that I knew I had lost you forever and when that hit me I finally understood that old saying. You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. I had to lose you to understand that I… she broke off suddenly going red.

Understand what, I asked coming up to stand no more a foot away from her. Her scent was almost intoxicating. I remembered that smell, the scent of her, of my Kathryn.

She looked down at the carpet. Understand that I really did love you. I mean really. It wasn’t just some crush of fling or hormones. I loved you I really did and I still… still do. She looked up at me her beautiful brown eyes glossy with tears. I love you, I always have and no matter what I do I…

I reached and put my hand on her shoulder, Kathryn I said softly why didn’t you ever tell me?

Because I hurt you so bad, I saw it in your when I told what I had done. I could tell that it hurt you so much, and part of went dead inside knowing that you would not forgive me, and that I had lost you forever.

I moved my hands to her face and wiped her tears away with my thumbs. Of course I forgave you it just took a while, and I wanted to talk to again you had already left town.

She looked up at me again, hope in her eyes this time. You mean that you…?

Yes, I said I forgive you. Like you said we were young and crazy. Shit happens when you that age and you end up regretting most of it.

She wrapped her arms around me her tears gone, she began trembling again, this time with joy. We held each other for a long minute then she looked up at me again and said, I love you. Remembering a silly thing we used to do to each other I replied, I Know. We laughed and hugged then we broke apart and looked at one and other holding hands. That was it for some reason this pose sparked the old fire and it flared up alive and hungry like a great beast roused from a to long sleep.

Our lips met in a rush and we began to kiss passionately, hungrily until the world faded into the background and nothing but her and me. Her, my Kathryn, she was in my arms again at last. Her scent filled my being with desire and I lifted her up off the floor her legs instinctively wrapping around my waist as she sighed with pleasure the sound like the release of a long held breath. I carried her through the only other door in the room (not the front door or kitchen door) and into the bedroom we sank onto the bed still kissing. We writhed together on the bed, bodies flowing and shaping with each other’s movements as if we had never been apart. Clothing melted away as if by magic and our naked bodies slid together like two pieces of a puzzle.

Then I raised up from her, looking down at her she was so beautiful. I kissed her passionately and worked my kisses down her neck to her chest and her breasts. Kissing and licking her soft mounds and teasing the nipples. My tongue circled her areolas and then my mouth settled around her nipple I sucked and licked the hard dark flesh of her nipples while she moaned and writhed beneath my loving mouth. Finally breathing hard she could take no more and pulled my face to hers and kissed me her tongue lashing into my mouth and dancing with my own. Then I lowered my self to her belly and tenderly kissed the soft flesh around her belly button, which I was pleased to find still bore the small ring I remembered. My tongue dipped into her belly button and I licked and sucked her piercing. I then worked my way down to her waist and hips, I squeezed her right hip with my hand massaging gently (she had always been aroused by having her hips massaged) and licked across the left one pausing to suck briefly at top of the pelvic bone. I proceeded down to her legs kissing her soft smooth thighs then settled between her legs, which she parted automatically for me, and began to lick her luscious pussy.

Still massaging her right hip I licked gently at her outer lips then worked my tongue into her inner labia and vaginal opening. Then finally I lashed my tongue across her clit she bucked and sucked in a quick breath, which released as a long low moan as I fastened my mouth around her clit licking and sucking with tender passion. She began to buck and cry out moaning with pleasure as I worked her clit with a practiced tongue. I moved my other hand up to her left hip and was now firmly holding both her hips as I sucked and licked furiously at her clit. I tightened my grip in anticipation of what I knew was about to happen, and then it did. She thrust her hips upward violently, only my firm grip keeping her tearing wonderful pussy away from my mouth, and screamed in uncontrolled bliss, Oh God I’m cumming! OH GOD! OH GOD! YES! YES! YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! A warm gush of girl cum flooded my mouth. Oh Fuck! Oh God! Yes! I forgot how good you could make that, she breathed.

Kathryn lay there breathing heavily for a moment than she got up straddled my legs and began kissing my neck. She worked down my chest pausing at each nipple and my abdomen between my belly button and my cock. Then she slid her butt down my legs, took my cock in her hand and slid it into her mouth. She sucked me deep and slow sliding her mouth down my shaft gently then back up slowly and licking the head in slow circles with her tongue. She repeated this technique for ten minutes or more drawing small moans of pleasure from me until I was ready to blow my load over her waiting tongue. As if she knew I was about to cum she sank her mouth down my shaft suddenly and I felt the head of my cock slide down her throat. She had never quite been able to deep throat me before but now she could and as my cock slid into her throat I let out a long moan and then yelled, Oh Yes Baby! Oh God I’m gonna cum! OH FUCK YEEEAAAHHHHHHH!!! I collapsed back onto her bed and tried to remember how to move.

It did not take long to remember. As Kathryn lay next to fondling my semi-soft cock I reached over and pulled her over on top me her legs spread instinctively to straddle my hips. As we kissed furiously and said each other’s names over and over the fire took us. My dick sprang to life between us she slid up and then down my body burying my stiff rod completely in her soft flesh in one smooth movement. She began to raise and lower her self on my cock moaning as she did. Then she sat up and began to impale herself on my repeatedly with long fast strokes she rode me like a thing possessed moaning, screaming, yelling my name. She bucked wildly on me screaming, Oh Yes! Oh Fuck! Oh Yeah! Oh God Baby, Yes! Oh Fuck, Yes! Oh God! Yes! Yes! Yes! OH MY FUCKING GOD YES! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! YES! OOOOOHHHHHHHHH! Yes! Oh God Baby I love you, she whispered after her second orgasm.

I rolled over so I was on top of her and began thrusting my self into her, deep and fast. Until she began to writhe under me and scream. Oh Yes! Oh Yeah! Oh God Baby! OH! OH! YES! OH! OH! OH GOD! YES! YES! OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH! GOD! FUCK! YES!

Without waiting because I knew that was the way she liked it, one orgasm after another, I pulled out rolled her over on to her belly pulled her up by the hips positioned my cock at entrance to her still amazingly tight pussy and slid myself home. She thrust back in time with my strokes and we pounded each other over and over her moaning and screaming Oh Yes! Fuck Me! Fuck Me! Fuck My Little Pussy! Until she came again. When I pulled my still raging hard cock from her pussy I saw that she dripping wet ant red from being fucked so vigorously. She reached back and rubbed pussy soaking her hand with her own juices she licked her hand then wiped her own cum into her ass crack smiling at me.

She raised up her ass and thrust it toward me I moved in and placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her tight little asshole. I pushed in the head and gave her a second to adjust, then at her small nod I grabbed her cushy butt cheeks and slowly pushed my raging hard-on up her tight ass.

She moaned with pleasure, I had been the first one to fuck her in the ass and she had been hooked ever since. But every time we got back together she told me that I was still the only one to do it right. The trick is to go slow until she tells you other wise or you cum whichever happens first.

As I thrust slowly in and out of her ass she moaned my name over and over saying, you’re still the only man who can fuck my ass right. Oh Yes! Oh God, Yes! Oh God! Fuck My Ass! Yes! Oh God, Yes! Fuck Me Up The Butt! Oh Yes! Oh God Yes! OH FUCK! YES! I’M GONNA CUM IN MY ASS! OH FUCK! YES! OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh! God yes! She breathed heavily for a moment then said nobody has ever given me an anal orgasm but you, and I’ve had them try. No one could do it.

She rolled over and looked up at me running her hands over her small breasts. You still like little tits, she asked?

Yes, I said, you know I always have.

She reached down and spread her legs with her hands. Fuck me. Fuck me now. Cum in me. I want to feel you orgasm in me, feel your cum fill my pussy, watch your face as you get lost in me. I need you inside me, now.

I leaned down and kissed her fiercely, sliding into her as I did as my cock filled her pussy she cried out in pleasure and wrapped her arms and legs around me bucking upward with her hips in time to long, deep thrusts. As I sank into her moaned and as pulled back she sighed. We were lost in each other again as we had been so many times before. We hardly noticed anything but each other, our bodies our movements all became fluid as we reveled in each others flesh.

Oh Yes! Baby! Oh! Oh Yes! Fuck Me! Oh! Oh God, Yes! Yes! Oh God! Fuck Me! Oh! Yes! Oh! Oh! Oh God! Fuck Me! Fuck Me! Oh Yes, God! Fuck Me! As she cried out wave after wave of pleasure slammed over her. One orgasm, two, three then she went ridged for just a second her arms and legs fell to her sides. Then she lurched up wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me to her and kissing me as her legs wrapped around my hips and her heels pressed in to my butt pulling me deeper into her and a fourth orgasm wracked her beautiful body. OH! YES! YES! OH! OH! OH! OOOHHHH! And as she her pussy flexed and grabbed at my cock I exploded into her with more force than I can ever remember before. OH! OH YES, KATHRYN! OH GOD, YES! AAAAAAANNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG! As my orgasm ripped through me another slammed into her. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned quietly into my ear, Oh yes! Oh God! Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yes!

I love you.

I love you.

My Kathryn in my arms again at last and maybe this time to stay. Together just her and me. Her, my Kathryn in my arms again at last, to stay.

She was perfect - Part 3

dabra on Sex Stories

            Sorry, I’m really, extremely late. This is the sequel to “More than perfect”, which is itself the sequel to “She was perfect”. For this installment, I tried to focus on the plot more. I’d appreciate comments once again. Enjoy.



“Wake up.”

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in 0in 0pt; text-indent: 0.5in">No response.

“Wake up.” A gentle shake.

Still no response.

“Wake up! Wake UP!” The voice was exasperated and a violent shake accompanied the order. Finally, there was some measure of movement. The form under the covers groaned and arched its back.

“Dave Mathews! For the love of me, WAKE UP!”

Dave remained totally inexpressive and simply said something that sounded like “Mnaaaarrrrrrr…”. The other figure got decidedly furious. It kicked the covers off itself and jumped out of the (fairly) spacious bed. Dave must have been partly awake because he inferred the figure’s intentions. He clung to the covers more tightly and tried to spin them around him but the figure got the better of him.

One minute he was half conscious, the next, the covers were ripped off his body and thrown on the floor. He still wouldn’t get up and curled into a ball, trying to conserve what little heat his body could generate on this cool morning. He finally opened one eye and peered at the figure towering above him.

“Gwen …”

Gwen glowered at him from the height of her five feet six inches. Her brown silky hair was falling on her shoulders, the sun shinning through the white curtains making it look golden. Her normally jovial face was contorted with frustration. Her hands were resting delicately on her hips. Delicate. Graceful. Elegant. These words described her.

She was dressed in a tee two sizes too large for her elfin body and her pink cotton panties. Nothing else. She was the most beautiful creature Dave had ever seen. He smiled and patted the bed next to him, uncurling a bit to offer more space. Gwen managed to maintain her angry demeanour for about five seconds before breaking down and sliding next to her boyfriend.

She giggled slightly as he slid his left leg on her right hip. He reached behind her and stroked her hair. Her hazel eyes were searching the depths of his black eyes for any sign of excitement. None. He was simply holding her, like she liked it. No sex on his mind, only being with his beloved girlfriend mattered. She smiled again and kissed him lightly on the lips.

That simple contact sent shivers along her spine, making her curl a bit and pull her guy closer to her. His strong arms were pressing her against him, her nose just above his shoulder and her hands stroking his bare back. She smelled his sweaty odour, remnant of last night’s activities.

She didn’t want to leave the bed but she started to sit up and reached for her slippers. She was halfway up when Dave snagged her right hand. His face was still pushed in the pillow under him and his eyes were closed but he was smiling a small mischievous smile. He pulled her back down and covered them both with the thick woolen covers. He moved over her and kissed her deeply, sliding his hands down her svelte body until they reached her undergarments.

Gwen laughed. She wrapped her arms around his neck lightly as he continued to kiss her lips, her face, her cheeks, her neck. Her panties were now at her ankles. She slowly drew one leg out of the cloth. She could feel his hardness through his blue boxers. She closed her eyes.

“You have to work today, don’t you?” she murmured.

Dave was nuzzling her neck and had his boxers down to his knees. He slowly moved to her sweet, sweet opening. With one gentle push, he was inside her. She squealed as he answered.

“I’m going to be late.”

Someone standing outside the room would have heard the squeaks of the old bed and the laughter of two lovebirds. That someone could have interrupted the festivities, but the house was currently empty, save for those two. Dave’s parents had left to visit a relative somewhere in the city. They had the house to themselves, which explained the series of ragged moans that emanated from the closed room. And the grunting.


*            *            *


Another day at school. Boring, boriiiiing. Dave was walking in the corridors, looking jaded. Third period was about to begin but he couldn’t care less if he missed the class. Nowadays, he was easily distracted, thanks to his budding relationship with Gwen. He’d have to change that soon. He could not allow himself to be distracted, certainly not now, before the exams. His mom was on his back day and night, telling him to make her proud, what will people think if you fail?

He shook his head. His mom was always worrying about what people would think. He entered the almost empty classroom and sat down, taking his books out of his bag. A smile suddenly broke his gloomy face. He was reminiscing the morning he had had last Saturday. Gwen was so soft and delicate, yet so fiery and wild. The smile turned into a grin. The bell sounded and students started flocking in.

He was already starting to get a hard-on. Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts for God’s sake. I don’t want to give everyone a show. The old teacher stepped in and closed the door. Dave was able to control his libido and settle down. He was still smiling, though.


*            *            *


The bell sounded third period. Gwen looked up from the book she was reading and saw people rushing to their respective classes. She carefully marked her page and got up. She lazily opened her locker, put the book in and took out her small bag. The Physics teacher was always five minutes late. She checked her hair in the small mirror and smiled approvingly.

Her brown mane was tickling her back slightly. She reached behind her and scratched herself. A couple of jocks passing by eyed her hungrily. Understandable. She was wearing a green skirt whose hem dangled two inches above her knees and a blue shirt. Dave had told her she looked good enough to be placed between two slices of bread. His words. Her digital watch and her black Nikes seemed a bit out of place but they were gifts from Dave, so she wore them and the consequences be damned.

She sat in her chair and fiddled with a lock of hair absently. She was smiling idly, recalling Saturday morning. Dave was so… great. She might have said fantastic, extraordinary, superhuman, a pure sex machine, but she was feeling a bit realistic. Great would do for now. Newman was droning on about who the hell knew what. She smiled in anticipation. Dave was supposed to meet her for lunch.


*            *            *


They got out of the janitor’s closet, making sure to appear as natural as possible and failing miserably. At least, there was no one around to spot the two of them. Gwen’s hair was disheveled, strands sticking out of her silky mane. Her shirt was un-tucked and her skirt had been hastily pulled up. Dave was in no better shape. His black T-shirt was rumpled and sticking out of his jeans. His neck-length hair was a scraggly mess and he was breathing heavily. His zipper was still open and he proceeded to pull it up.

They straightened their clothes in the relative silence and smiled at each other. They had been a little quick, but what the hell? Sex is sex, you can’t be too choosy. Gwen walked towards the cafeteria and giggled. Dave swatted her on the butt and jumped out of her arm’s reach, laughing wildly. Gwen stifled a laugh and chased him down the corridor until he stopped, snagged her in his strong arms and kissed her deeply and passionately, like he had a few minutes earlier.

They walked to lunch grinning, hand in hand, like they had always done since their date. They had officially been a couple for four straight months, with no sign of any argument. People were no longer surprised to see them kiss in public at the park or on the benches or in front of their houses.

They were so enthralled in each other that they didn’t see the blonde peering from behind a row of lockers. Nor did they see her murderous stare.


*            *            *


School could not end soon enough. Dave was walking towards the double doors that signaled freedom, trying to spot his girlfriend. He was quietly waiting for her when he saw a blonde figure approach him and endeavor to catch his eye. He turned to the figure and exhaled loudly.

The girl in front of him was tantalizingly beautiful. She was tall, perhaps 5’9”, had long, straight, honey-blonde hair that hung between her shoulder blades. Her face had a childish, almost petulant, look that made her immensely pleasant to look at. Her nose was slender, like Gwen’s. Flaxen, if a little bushy, eyebrows mounted above crystal blue eyes told him she was a natural and not some K-Mart product. Her lips were presently elegantly stretched in a small smile that lit her whole face. His gaze was drawn to the rest of her body. The first thing he noticed was her chest. It was difficult not to. He figured she was a D cup or something like that. These twin mounds dwarfed the rest of the lean body, almost bizarrely so. She had legs that went up to the moon, a fact not lost on him. She was adorned with a blue miniskirt and a sleeveless red tee that left nothing to the imagination. He could see her attributes stretching the fabric tight, two nipples sticking out quite obviously.

Dave was blown for a moment by the stranger’s splendor. Aphrodite has come to visit me. And it looks like she’s got the hots for me. The girl offered her hand, which he shook lightly. She had a soft grip. He stepped back and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He was grateful he was wearing denim, for his nether regions were trying to burst his boxers. The stranger checked him out, eyes lingering on his muscled arms. She finally spoke.



“I know this is a bit awkward, but I’ve been looking for you.”

“For me?”


“Can I ask what for?”

“I’m new around school. I’ve just been transferred from Falls High. You know about the high school, don’t you?”

He did know about the school. Falls High was old and falling apart. Parents had protested and had finally been able to get the administration to move their kids to several other high schools within easy range of Falls High. Green Hills High had absorbed a sizable quantity of these students.

“Yes. What can I do for you?”

“Well, like I said, I’m new and I need some help getting around. I’m also a bit… lacking in the English department and Ms Rodriguez told me to refer to you. You’re kind of a writing guru from what I hear.”

“It figures. Rodriguez always sends me her students. The price of fame. Why do you need my help to get around school?”

She blushed slightly, making blood rush to her cheeks. It made her all the more lovely. “Every guy I’ve talked to tried to hit on me or tried to paw me. You’re the first one to hold a civil conversation. Plus, I was wondering if you could help me with your English prowess.” She suddenly looked him in the eye, an eager look on her face. “Is it true? The stories about you?”

“What stories?”

“They say you wrote a thousand page long novel in one year. That you scored the highest English marks in Green Hills High’s history.”

Dave was suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable. He didn’t like talking about his talent. “Maybe.” He saw Gwen waiting for him on top of the stairs. Uh oh. Here comes Aphrodite’s rival. With a capital R. She was looking at the stranger dubiously. He waved at her. “You’re getting to meet my girlfriend. There she is.”

Gwen sauntered to them and slid her right arm around his left arm, almost possessively. My oh my, are we getting jealous Miss Mitchels? She looked at the girl expectantly.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

She was startled. “Oh, I forgot to mention it. Sandra Jurgens.” She offered Gwen her hand. The two girls briefly pumped their hands up and down and quickly let go, as if sensing their mutual uneasiness. “I should probably get going,” Sandra said, glancing at Gwen.

She walked away slowly, as if looking for someone then accelerated her pace. Gwen turned to him and he was surprised to see the angry, almost hurt expression on her face.

“Who the hell was that? What did she want?” she spat.

“Whoa there, tiger!” Dave said, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong! We were just talking! Apparently, she has some problems getting around school and Rodriguez wants me to tutor her a bit. That’s all I swear. She didn’t want to go down on me or anything like that.”

“I don’t give a damn! Look at her! She looks like a slut,” she said sullenly.

“That’s just because she’s pretty. Every beautiful girl finds other beautiful girls that talk to their boyfriends sluttish. It’s a universal rule.”

Gwen continued to glower at him, so he gently took her in his arms. He stroked her hair, a move he knew would sooth her. She didn’t respond at first, then slid her arms around him. He hugged her firmly, still stroking her hair.

“Do you really think that I would leave you for the first big-titted girl that crosses my path, even if she is very attractive?” he said softly. “I’m disappointed. I thought you had more faith in me.”

Gwen sniffled and pressed her face into his shoulder. “I was scared. I didn’t want to risk losing you. That girl looks like a slut from Playboy. I guess that’s why I overreacted.” She reached up to play with his hair. “She’s just so beautiful,” she added.

Dave took a half step back, lifting her chin up with his forefinger. Gwen’s eyes were slightly red and puffy. Damn! She had been crying. “Hey, hey. Look at me.” She averted her gaze then stared in his deep eyes. He leaned in and planted a long, deep kiss on her quivering lips. He felt her loosen up a little, pressing against him more firmly, probing his mind with that one kiss. He let her do her thing while he poured all the passion he felt for her in this embrace.

They finally parted, slightly out of breath. Gwen rearranged her hair and smoothed her clothes. “I’m sorry,” she said, whipping her eyes with the back of her hands. “I’m just being stupid. Stupid, insecure girl.”

Dave kissed her forehead and put an arm around her waist, steering her in the direction of her house. “Don’t ever say that again. You’re my girlfriend. My girl can’t be all those horrible things. She’s strong, she’s determined, she doesn’t let a blonde step on her. She’ll fight to the death for her guy. Let’s walk you home. You’ll feel better, I promise.”

They did indeed walk to her house, although it was something like twenty-five blocks away. Gwen did feel better and kissed her guardian angel one last time before stepping inside her house, no longer insecure and safe in Dave’s heart.


*            *            *


The next weeks passed in a haze. Dave had taken up tutoring Sandra (or Sandy, as she insisted he called her), much to Gwen’s displeasure at first. She had cooled down though. She no longer shot poor Miss Jurgens hostile looks whenever she talked to her hubby. They had started the foundations of a friendship and were becoming steadily closer. Gwen appeared more comfortable, less envious of her new friend’s figure. Sandy, became more confident and was outright mean to boys daring to even stare at her chest as she walked by. She was developing quite an ice-queen rep.

All was well until the exams hit home. They had two months to cram everything their teachers had been talking about in their brain. It did not strain their relationship though. They would meet regularly, talk about their problems, try to find good solutions and depart to study some more before regrouping. Of course, some people did not approve of Dave walking around with two hot chicks on his arms everywhere he went. His mom kept telling him about what the elder inhabitants of Green hills were saying.

The exam week came and they all tried their damned-fucking best to score major. This year was not uneventful. A girl almost ripped her hair off in a fit of hysterics after finding out that she had wrongly answered a question. Guys were hitting the booze so heavily after tests that the schoolyard was often littered with beer cans and drying puke. No ones nerves were spared during this awful period of the year.

By the end of the exams, their nerves were wound so tight, they thought they were going to burst. They finally agreed to meet in a bar and got drunk together to celebrate the end of it all. Sandy’s brother had to literally drag them into his car to get them home. They puked everywhere when they reached their respective lawns. Story was that Dave had fallen asleep on his porch and his mom had found him snoring while getting her morning paper.

Now, three weeks after the last test paper, they had decided to meet again for a road trip, with their parents’ blessings. Sandy’s older brother, Bert, was coming along, to provide some measure of control over the teens.


*            *            *


The trip consisted of traveling to Lake Eidenger, thirty-two miles from Green Hills. They would have peace and tranquility. Bert had brought along his girlfriend, Rita, a cute Mexican with a shiny mane of raven hair. They settled on the lake’s bank late one morning, setting up their tents and gathering wood for campfire. When they had finished, they went for a long swim in the lake’s cool water. Bert and his liberal girlfriend went skinny-dipping and disappeared for the better part of two hours. No asking what they were doing.

They all had separate tents but Gwen was rarely alone in hers. Dave would always slip inside in the middle of the night and they would cuddle until the wee hours of morning before waking up wrapped in each other’s arms. Sandy was feeling a little lonely, particularly at night when everyone else would have his or her sweetheart spooning with him or her.

Dave and Gwen decided to give her a surprise. They prepared a picnic on one of the many boats that littered the banks. The next morning when Sandy woke up, she gave a small squeal of appreciation and immediately hoped into one of the two shoddy embarkations. They took off for rest of the day, eating, fishing, talking about the exams’ aftermath, just being normal teens.

When they got back, Sandy was bombed. She had drunk a full six-pack of Bud and had barfed repeatedly in the water. When they disembarked on the bank, they found that Bert and his girl had taken a hike and would be back VERY late. Dave and Gwen, who had moderated their drinking, were still standing. Only two beers each. Sandy hit the floor in her tent and started snoring after five minutes. Dave and Gwen were left alone, all alone.

“Well, she sure is happy,” Gwen said.

“No kidding.”

“Maybe she should get a boyfriend or a pet. She sure looks lonely.”

“It’s a bit difficult. Her mom doesn’t want a pet and almost every guy who seems interested in her thinks of only one thing: her chest.”

“It’s kind of difficult not to.”

“Maybe I could find someone who isn’t interested in the bodily attributes…”

They both considered the idea for a few minutes. “Impossible. Pure platonic love just doesn’t exist,” Gwen said.

“You know you’re insulting the entire male population of the world?”

She grinned mischievously. “I am. Why? Are you gonna spank me?” There was a glint in her eye as she said that.

Dave was interested. Lately their routine was becoming… well, routine. A change of scenery was a first step; maybe she would want to do something more… exotic. Gwen leaned towards him, kissing him full on the lips. He savored the moment before she quit and got up.

She led him by the hand outside to the lake’s bank and sat down. Dave was wondering what they were doing here, one hour before sunset, when his girlfriend pulled him down and kissed him again. He felt himself melt into her, her silken hair brushing his face, her soft lips hungrily pressed on his, the promise of things to come hanging in that embrace.

He felt hand son his back rubbing his shoulders softly. He probed Gwen’s mouth with his tongue, feeling her respond aggressively. There was nothing left of the shyness and gaucherie of their first time. She was a new Gwen, completely confident in her ability to make her man salivate with anticipation.

She started to undress him. His shirt dropped to the soft earth and comfy grass while his jeans went flying dangerously close to the water’s edge. He felt nimble hands press against his strong chest. He broke the passionate kiss and started to take her clothes off. He carefully unbuttoned her white shirt and let it slide down her back. He ran a finger along her spine, making her shudder and making goose bumps rise on her delicate skin.

He could see the need on her face. Her breathing was coming in short, quick gasps. She wanted to be had right now it seemed. He smiled as he worked on her jeans. He peeled them off her skin with excruciating slowness, enjoying the way Gwen squirmed underneath him. He dropped her clothes in a bundle beside her. His dick was standing at attention, brushed by the gentle breeze that made the grass sway gently.

He made her lie back on the grass and watch the clouds. He made his way down to her love nest, all the while kissing her body. He probed her pussy with two fingers, slowly working them inside her. His tongue danced across her lips, tasting her sweet secretions. Gwen bucked her hips a little then pulled his head up.

Dave looked at her with a puzzled expression. She was smiling a little. He felt her wrap her fingers around his hard member and slowly stroke it. She quickened her motion and drew a moan from him. She stopped altogether and gave a gentle tug on the member. He brought his waist up to her mouth and waited for the delicious sensations to stroke his every nerve endings.

Instead, he heard her grunt a little. He looked down to see that her pussy was now in front of his face and her head was between his legs. He smiled. They had never tried the sixty-nine position before. He lay on her, careful not to hurt her with his body and felt her lips close around him. He moaned before catching a hint of the scent emanating from her legs.

He lowered his head and began to lick her all over. She squirmed a little then resumed her treatment. She was going slow, making him last as long as was humanly possible. He dipped his tongue between her lips and parted them gently with his forefingers. He gently and slowly passed his tongue over the inside of the lips.

The feeling between his legs was distracting him, as he was undoubtedly distracting her. She would often stop and he would feel her moan around his meat, which, frankly, was wonderful. He pushed his fingers deeper while keeping his tongue to the shallow levels. Gwen accelerated and he felt her tongue slid over his slit, sending jolts to his brain. He could feel his resistance erode.

He tried to hold himself like he had learned to and succeeded in bringing her to an orgasm just before she made him come in her beautiful mouth. The feeling was glorious. It felt like a suction pump was pulling his insides through his dick. He tried concentrating on Gwen’s flood, but his own eruption was clearly distracting him. As a result, Gwen’s face ended up covered with sperm while her juices were running down Dave’s chin.

He took his time and cleaned his girlfriend, careful to arouse her just enough to keep her in the mood. She did the same thing to him. When they were finished, they lay side by side on the grass. He stroked her breasts slowly, letting his fingers circle her nipples and occasionally touch and pinch them. Gwen got up and straddled him. He grunted when her body slid down his member and landed on his pelvis.

Gwen started to move up and down and leaned in to kiss him. He felt her tongue slowly lick his lips and probe his mouth and she accelerated her rhythm. She started to get worked up then suddenly stopped. She reached for her jeans and extracted a slender vibrator from her back pocket. Dave wondered how he could have missed it. He looked up to see Gwen’s mischievous smile. She leaned on him until her breasts were resting gently on his chest and slowly put the sex toy inside her, past his dick. She turned it on and sighed contentedly as the air filled with a buzzing sound.

Dave could scarcely believe it. The thing was sending spiked bolts of pleasure to his nerve endings. He felt Gwen resume her motion and put a hand to her pussy to keep the vibrator in place. She pinched her nipples gently, making them more erect than they already were.

This was great. He lay there as the sun started its slow descend towards the lake’s horizon. The sky was tinged a light orange, which gradually grew into a full-blown sunset as they continued to moan and writhe on the grass. As eternities passed, Gwen slowed and accelerated, always varying her pace, trying to squeeze him dry. If Dave hadn’t practiced so much, he would have let the floodgate be broken a long time ago.

He finally could not take it any more. He pulled her close to him, grinding his hips into her crotch. She was burning hot inside and he felt his seed empty in her bowels as she too came from the vibrator stuck in her. The toy was pushing his limits, making his dickhead shake like a leaf in a Texas storm.

He panted as Gwen reached behind her and extracted the thing from her insides. She smiled tiredly. This was a bit odd. She always seemed so energised after a session of lovemaking. She rolled off him and lay stroking his nipples slowly as she admired he dying light as the sun disappeared behind the ocean. Dave was still feeling a tingle in his shrinking dick, thanks to her care. It suddenly dawned on him that he hadn’t been wearing a rubber.

He turned to Gwen, an almost horrified expression on his face. She was still smiling. “I know, you forgot the rubber. It’s no big, I’m on the pill.”

“Since when?” The shock in his voice was evident.

“I’m eighteen now, dear, remember? I just asked my doctor some.” She shrugged. “I forgot to tell you.” She then smiled mischievously. “You won’t be needing those condoms under your bed anymore. I heard it’s better that way.”

“Yeah, right. And when you become pregnant, who will be blamed? Me.”

“Aaaaww… you’re being a spoilsport. Don’t tell me the sex wasn’t great.”

“It was. Great. Incredible. Heavenly.”

“The best sex you ever had?”

He scrunched his face, looking like he was trying to remember something. “No, maybe not.”

She hit him on the stomach, straddling his chest. “Liar! It was the best and you know it!” She kissed his lips ad played with his tongue for a moment, her right hand pressing against his left breast and her left hand stroking his growing member.

He sighed with pleasure. She was insatiable. Not that he complained. Whenever they had sex, she would do him things he didn’t know were possible and he would make her feel so good, just the memory of it was enough to make her soaking wet, or so she said. It might have been exaggeration but it was partly truth.

He was getting hard again, pumped to life by the hand moving slowly along his shaft. His tongue was racing in her mouth. She smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. His dick was pressing between her cheeks. She continued stroking it deliberately slowly to tease him. He closed his eyes for a second as she dug a bottle out of her jeans’ back pocket.

“Jesus, how much stuff do you have packed in that thing?”

She grinned. “Shut up, mister. On your knees.”

He readily complied. She popped the bottle open and squirted a large helping of what looked like jelly to his inexperienced eyes. She slowly applied it along his hard shaft, and even on his balls. Dave was curious. Was she thinking what he was thinking?

It seemed so. Gwen presented him her beautiful ass and pressed the mouth of the bottle into her asshole. He heard her grunt as cold jelly filled her ass. He was excited anew. They had often talked about anal sex but had rarely gone beyond some finger fucking – or finger-squeezed-into-dust-by-the-incredible-tightness-of-her. They had always stopped because she said it hurt real bad.

And now this. There was almost a bottle of jelly in her hole and the rest was on his dick. Gwen wriggled her ass a little. She turned to him, a smirk on her face.

“Go on, you know you want to.” She wriggled her bum once more to emphasise.

Dave was unsure how to begin. He probed her ass with a finger, trying to squeeze past the sphincter. It slid in but not without some effort. He slowly moved it in and out until it could move fairly quickly. He carefully inserted a second finger and heard Gwen utter a low cry. Careful. He let her get used to the invader before moving again. He glanced at his watch and saw that he had been doing this for nearly fifteen minutes.

He finally put in a third finger. His hand was starting to get sore. He moved even more slowly, careful not to hurt her until he heard her moan from his treatment. That was his signal. He positioned his cock at the entrance of the hole, sizing it up. Gwen was on all fours, offering herself doggy style. He pushed the head in. She inhaled sharply and exhaled shakily.

He pushed in one inch of meat. Then two. And three. Each time, he waited for her to adjust to his size. The pressure was incredible. It was squeezing his dick with each heartbeat. He finally pushed all of his six inches inside and let out a shaky breath. Her muscles were working him real good. He put his hands on her hips and slowly started to thrust.

Gwen couldn’t believe the feeling. It was like a huge turd was moving up her hole instead of down. It was both painful and pleasant. She had been prepared, having taken an enema before coming over. She had researched a little on the net and had come up with a way that was enjoyable to do it. Dave was ever so gentle as he penetrated her. He thrust one time, making her grunt. She felt the thing slid out before going in again. He repeated this little maneuver until her ass was less tight.

Dave was now pushing it in fairly quickly. Gwen was grunting with each thrust he made. Seeing her head bent, hair hiding her face and on all fours excited him like never before. It felt like he was dominating her, she was his bitch to do what he liked. He pushed harder. This time she cried out. He ignored her and pushed again. Her ass started responding by grinding back into him.

They continued this part pain, part pleasure movement until Dave felt that Gwen was ready for some fast action. He pulled himself almost out, leaving only the head inside and put his hands on her hips. Gwen must have guessed his intentions as she became still.

He took one deep breathe before pumping the ass beneath him. This time he pushed in like a maniac. At fist, Gwen cried and writhed but he wouldn’t let her get away. He continued his assault until her cries became moans and she pressed back against him. The pressure her ass was making made it difficult to control himself but he managed. He grabbed a fistful of her brown hair with his right hand and pulled her head up.

Gwen felt her hair being pulled. Her head snapped up, a small cry escaping her lips. Dave was really getting into it. He was playing it rough unlike the other times. She rather liked this change. She felt a new buzz in her legs as Dave hand fell on her butt cheeks in a loud smack. He angled his hands in such a way that it caused more noise than pain. She moaned as he hit her again. This was great!

She bucked her hips violently against his thrusting pelvis as she tried to get more of him inside her. She felt her hair being pulled again. She cried and pushed harder. Dave’s hand landed on her bum once more as he plunged inside her relentlessly. She almost passed out when her orgasm hit home. She moaned as her hot nectar erupted from inside her and gushed all over her legs.

Dave felt so good. He didn’t know why he had started slapping her ass but it made him feel in control and seemed to make Gwen wilder. He had continued and felt the familiar stir in his loins. He tried to hold on as much as he could but Gwen’s ass was simply too tight to resist. It felt like the first time all over again. The tightness, the pleasure, this sensation.

Her felt a hot liquid slide down his legs. Gwen must have come. He could now let himself go. It was becoming something of a policy each time they had sex. He would endeavor to cum only after Gwen was satisfied. He thrust harder and pulled her hair more and finally erupted inside her with a loud grunt. He felt his cum pour out into her asshole as he let go of her hair and slumped back on his back.

They were both panting wildly. Gwen turned to him and kissed him. She lay in his arms as they caught their breath. Dave looked down at his dick, expecting it to be covered with shit but he only saw his fluids and the jelly. He looked questioningly at his lover.

She smiled and passed a finger on his lips. “I had an enema. I didn’t want it to be messy. I hope you liked.”

“I adored. It was great. We should have tried it sooner.”

She said nothing and snuggled closer to him. The darkness was all around them. He could hear the soft buzz of the insects as they rested on the lake’s shore.


End Part 3

The Patriotic Wife Part 3

Storyman-xxx on Sex Stories

These stories are written from my heart and are what I fantasize about.  I like hearing from like-minded individuals especially women who enjoy my thoughts.


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His wife the patriot


 Chapter 3 of 5                                 9/06/05


Once home Ruth feels so alone that she can not sleep.  She writes a letter to Jack and ends up masturbating herself to sleep.

The next morning Ruth gets up early and goes for a run in the park trying to work some of the tension out of her daily plan.  Back at her door, the neighbor tells her how nice she looks in her little shorts and Ruth turns to stare daggers at him, telling him, “Keep it in your pants.  You’re not getting any!”  With that little exchange behind her Ruth readies for a bath and looks herself over carefully in the mirror.  With her brunette hair down, she lifts her leg up and onto the sink to see her own pussy.  Still slightly sore from a rough black fist the day before, Ruth rubs it softly. 

Sitting in the tub, Ruth shaves herself smooth, even though she does not need it and begins to think about the day ahead.  The phone rings and Ruth answers it still in the tub.  It’s Jack!  Thrilled, she tries to squeeze everything into the 5 minutes allotted but really only gets to tell him about David getting released today.  He lets her know that he has gotten a few letters and is extremely proud of her.  The call ends abruptly and she does not even get to say goodbye.

In light of his call Ruth decides to wear his favorite dress today.  Admiring herself in the mirror she pinches her nipples to get them to show, causing her to giggle.

At the VA, Roger, the orderly is not in yet and Ruth decides to check in on her new project.  Walking right up to his bed, Ruth extends her hand and quietly says, “Hi, my names Ruth.”  He looks to her and snaps “Are you trying to be funny?”  Bewildered, Ruth replies, “No, just friendly.”  He then continues, “I’m not feeling very friendly right now.  I couldn’t shake your hand no matter how bad I want to.  Some of my body is paralyzed.”  Ruth lays her hand on his and says smiling, “Then I will just shake yours.  I stopped by because it looked like you could really use a friend.”

This was the start of their friendship and Tommy opened up to tell her that he was partially paralyzed.  His limbs were dead but tingly and the doctors did not know what to do.  Ruth listened carefully and paid close attention to Tommy.  An orderly brought her a chair and she sat facing him so that he could see her.  She noticed right away that his neck worked just fine as he spotted the short dress when she sat down.  Even with her legs crossed, there was so much leg that it was hard for him not to stare.  At one point he became flustered and said, “I’m sorry I keep staring but you are just so beautiful and that dress is just right.”

Ruth smiles to him and slowly uncrosses her legs before standing up.  Walking to him she lays her hand on his chest and says, “Don’t be sorry.  All you did was show me that you are a horney young man.”  She laughs and this causes him to laugh also.  She then continues, “I came to cheer you up.  Would you like me to come back later and visit again?”  He brightly says, “Yes, please, anytime.”  They laugh as she leaves the room.

David is restless waiting to be released as Ruth tries to calm him.  Ruth dresses him and the nurse helps her to sit him up.  Once in the wheel chair they were off to the exit when David says, “I want to say goodbye to Bobby first.”  They turn in to the ward with the one arm black man and Ruth is surprised when the orderly pushes him right up to his bed.

Stunned by this Ruth misses the first of their conversation and only catches the end when David says, “My life just keeps getting better.”  As they turn to leave Bobby speaks out, “I hope you’ll come back and see me again, Ruth.”

Ruth is blushing hard as they walk down the hall towards David’s recovery. 

At home David’s arms are both still cast and useless causing Ruth to do everything for him and she doesn’t mind at all.  David is in her bed for comfort and she decides to sleep elsewhere.  He had only been in bed for about an hour before he decided to put a move on Ruth.

While she was sitting his drink down he looked to her and asks, “Will you please undress me.  I’m just not comfortable with all these clothes on.”  She helps him sit up and put his feet on the floor.  Then she proceeds to remove his pants.  Once they were off she just kept going and removed his underwear also.  Sitting on the bed side with this beauty on her knees in front of him his hard cock stood straight out pointing at her.

Still in her dress, Ruth looked up to him smiling and said, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”  Ruth made sure to lay him back onto the pillows safely before giving him the blow job of his life.  When she was finished he had fallen completely asleep.

While David was asleep Ruth used this time to make the surroundings a little easier for David to use.  He awoke several hours later to see her getting dressed.  Lying there quietly he watched as she rubbed lotion on and tried on clothes in the mirror.  “Damn, you sure are something.”  He said with a grin.  Ruth did not look to him but just replied, “Be good.  I am going back to the VA for a little bit.  Roger called and said the young paralyzed man is going into surgery and they wanted me to see him first.”  Ruth turns to David who is staring and asks, “Is this skirt short enough.  He seemed really taken with my legs.”  David almost chokes as he replies, “I can see your entire legs but unless you put a top on he will be staring at your tits.”  Ruth covers her boobs while smiling and turns back to the mirror.

At the VA, Roger meets her in the hall and explains that Tommy is going into surgery to have the bullet removed and that he will be there for about 8 hours.  Roger follows Ruth into Tommy’s room and even while groggy he smiles to her saying, “I’m glad you could make it.”  Ruth puts a finger on his lips to hush him and leans down to say, “I wore this skirt for you because I know you like my legs.  When you wake up from surgery I expect you to look at my legs, OK?”  He shakes his head yes and she continues, “I want to see you staring at my legs and horney by tomorrow.  That’s an order soldier.”  Ruth smiles to him and kisses his forehead as he barely whispers, “I like the rest too.”

His eyes are shut and Ruth gets teary eyed knowing he is off for the fight of his life.  The orderlies take Tommy away and Ruth talks to Roger in the hallway while trying to calm her tears.  Hugging Roger, Ruth says, “I hope I have given him plenty to look forward to.”  Roger puts his big arms around her and calmly replies, “You can bet that he has never wanted anything this bad.”  His big black hands slide down to her ass and he lets go nicely.

After visiting several soldiers, Ruth travels home to find David, naked with an erection, lying on top of the covers watching TV.  She smiles to him and he says, “Hi, I was just thinking about you and it really sucks not being able to touch myself.”  Ruth laughs at him and undresses in front of the TV saying, “You need to lay still and be good if you’re going to heal.”

Naked she crawls onto the bed and lays by his side with her head on his stomach and slowly jacks him off.  When he is spent she looks to him, cum runs down her face as she tells him, “You lay here and be good while I get you something to eat.”  Ruth licks a few globs of cum off of him and sucks the end of his cock clean before walking out of the room.

Ruth feeds him dinner and is very playful, making a mess of him.  When he asks, “Aren’t you going to eat?”  She giggles and responds touching her stomach, “You just fed me dinner, in fact I have been getting a lot of protein lately.  I think I still have some in my hair.”  They both laugh as she cleans up. 

After a nice shower Ruth dresses in a short loose yellow skirt with a mostly shear blouse and revels in compliments from David before heading back to the VA.  This time of night the hospital is mostly dead but she is somewhat surprised that Roger is waiting for her in the parking garage.

He walks up to her car and looks down at her lap while opening her door.  “Are you just standing out here hoping I would show up?”  Ruth says while looking up at him and turning putting her feet on the ground.  With out looking down Ruth knows that he should be able to see everything and smiles brightly at him.  Roger glances down to her pussy then back to her tits and up to her eyes saying, “I called your house and David said you were on your way and dressed to kill.  It was pretty funny, he pressed the speaker button with his nose to answer.” 

Slowly Ruth got out of the car and gave Roger a hug, asking about Tommy.  Roger had not heard anything at all but said he would let her know.  Opening the door into the stairwell, Roger let her go in first, insuring that he would be behind her going up the stairs.  After a few stairs Ruth turned to Roger and asks, “I have to ask.  Why is such a big man working as an orderly and not a football player?”

Six stairs behind her, with a perfect view Roger looks up from her pussy to answer, “I just really like helping these guys.  I just feel like it’s my calling.”  Smiling Ruth continues up the stairs quietly until she reaches the door to the proper floor.  Turning to Roger who is opening the door for her she says nicely, “I think what you’re doing is wonderful and patriotic.”  Blushing he says, “Same to you.”

After visiting several soldiers, Ruth uses the bathroom to brush her teeth before continuing and smiles to Roger in the hall.  Even sitting, Roger is a big man she thinks to herself.  Walking to his station, she sees that he is alone and just watching her.  She walks around behind him and rubs his massive shoulders and says, “You seem tense.”  He moans and replies, “That feels good.”  Playfully Ruth tells him while still rubbing, “Anytime you feel tense and need my help you just let me know.”

Standing behind him, she feels small as she continues her massage quietly.  Roger lets this go for a while until another orderly walks in and jokingly ask if he could get in line for a massage.  Ruth smiles at the men and slowly runs her hand across Rogers back as she walks to another ward. 

The young man with no legs is still awake and Ruth sits on his bedside and listens to him as he tells her about when he played football in high school.  It is obvious to her that this depresses him and she moves closer allowing him to see her breasts in the low light and says, “Your life will go on.  You are a very smart and gifted young man.  I still remember the night you touched me and gave me several orgasms.  I also remember you filling my mouth with cum.”  The young man sits there grinning now as she continues, “Until a woman snatches you up, you can call me anytime and I’ll gladly spend time with you.”

Rhonda is holding the young mans hand and lets go to kiss his cheek.  His hand finds her bare bottom as she brushes a nipple across his face causing him to lick it.  Lustfully he whispers, “I want to fuck you.”  Ruth mashes her nipple into his mouth letting him suck through her blouse while she whispers back, “I just want to make sure that fucking won’t hurt you in anyway.  When I know for sure, look out!”  Ruth opens her blouse and lets him play with her tits for as long as he wants before kissing her way down and relaxing him to sleep.

Outside the door, Roger waits to escort her to her car.  Stopping at the desk he picks up his keys and she sees one of her pictures in the open drawer.  Ruth touches his back and ask, “Why did you laminate my picture?”  Ruth opens the drawer and removes the picture and an envelope with the others and says, “Is it so that they do not get sticky or stained?”  Laughing openly Ruth looks at the laminated picture to see it is of her on her back with her knees pulled open.

Roger walks away from the desk smiling and says, “Yea, that’s my favorite.”  Sitting down in his chair, Ruth looks at the other pictures causing Roger to return slowly.  Holding the pictures up, she leans back in the chair spreading her legs for Roger.  After looking at the pictures for a while, she lowers the pictures smiling to find Roger and 2 other orderlies standing there quietly.  She stands quickly, putting her pictures down and grabs Rogers hand to lead her out.

At the car Ruth hugs Roger saying, “If looking at my pictures gets too messy, call me.”  She sits down into the car letting her skirt flip up and looks up to this monster black man saying, “You do know that I am flirting with you?”  Smiling brightly she continues, “If you want, call and tell me what would be your favorite picture and I will make one just for you.”  Speechless, Roger stares at her and has to shift himself slightly.  Ruth closes her door and rolls the window down still smiling at Roger and says, “Think about it and call me.”

Ruth reaches out, she lightly touches the bulge in his pants before she pulls away.

The next morning, Ruth takes off for her morning run and returns to find David awake and walking around.  He looks strange with both arms cast and she watches as he uses his face to do simple things. 

Ruth strips naked, causing David to become erect and he watches as she showers.  When she finishes she runs him a bath and helps him to sit down.  While she washes him, he asks her about the other soldiers and she tells him about everybody.

The phone rings and Roger is calling to say that Tommy is out of danger and will be awake later in the day.  Ruth is surprised when he then says, “A baseball bat.  I want to see you taking a bat.”  Laughing she replies, “OK, I’ll see what I can do.”

Finishing David’s bath, Ruth begins to towel him dry while telling him about the phone call.  David’s cock is standing straight out, pointing at her as she talks.  Slowing she dries his crotch and is holding his cock when she leads him gently to the bedroom.  He is surprised when she does not get on the bed but instead gets the camera and tripod.  David is naked and watching as she sets it up and leaves the room.  He hears her in the bathroom and she returns wiping a wooden baseball bat.  Dumbfounded, David watches as she turns the camera on and begins to explain the photo shoot. 

Ruth lays on the bed on her back and begins to massage herself, pouring generous amounts of baby oil onto her crotch.  The camera clicks every 30 seconds as the beautiful older woman looks into the lens.  When she is ready the bat finds her wet pussy and begins to push inside.  Slowly and in long strokes the big end of the bat keeps going deeper until she screams in pleasure.  With both hands now she begins to fuck herself crudely with the bat until screaming in orgasm.  Now laying on her back for the camera, the bat is shoved in as far as it will go as she holds it with both hands for several pictures.

Poor David still stands there silent as the bat is slowly removed and Ruth flips over on her stomach and slides to the end of the bed with her hand between her legs.  David moves in slowly and carefully fucks her still gaping pussy until he finishes quickly.

While David rest, the photos are printed and Ruth selects a few to laminate.  Copies are made of all and they are sent to Jack with today’s letter. 

That evening Ruth answers a call from Roger telling her that Tommy was awake and asking for her.  Ruth chooses a short dress with a loose open front and heads to the VA to see Tommy.  Roger is pleased to see her when she walks into the hall and says, “Wow, you look great.”  Ruth turns for him and says, “I knew you would like this, but I hope Tommy will.”

Ruth pinches her nipples and then touches Roger as she walks past and into Tommy’s ward.  Tommy is awake and turns his head to see Ruth, looking her up and down slowly.  She walks up to him and places her hand on him causing him to smile.  Leaning close Ruth whispers, “I wore this just for you.  I hope you like it.”  She backs up and turns slowly for him with her stiff nipples poking outward.

Speaking softly he says, “You look great and I’m happy to see you.”  Ruth puts her hands on her hips with her legs parted, showing off those long legs before sitting on his bedside.  She listens to him as he talks to her and glances at her chest.  As his reason to live, she paid close and careful attention knowing that this young hero has earned at least this much respect and honor.

Dedicated to a drop dead gorgeous woman whom which I can only dream of having as my own.

The Story Man












































Welcome To My New Neighborhood - Chapter 4

Experienced 2 on Sex Stories

As I was unlocking the bike this chubby little punk rock/stoner looking girl came up to me. She was dressed in those black gothic clothes with a ring in her nose, those pants that are cut down to her pubic hairline and so tight her baby fat flowed over the top.

She asked, I'm sorry to bother you sir, but I really need a ride home.

 I gave her the once over and decided to give her a ride home, but not before I grilled her some. Where do you live?

 Just up the highway in Sulpher Springs.

 That's 20 miles away. How old are you any way kid.

 I'm 19.

 Don't lie to me kid who do you think your talking to try 15.

 No really look here's my ID she pulled an ID from her pocket. The picture was pretty close, this sez here your 23! I glance

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d at the doorway of the house and Gretchen was snickering with her hand over her mouth.

 Ok I'm not taking you anywhere until you can give me at least one honest answer. Now how old are you?

 Seventeen she said as she stared at the ground.

 "Are you sure?"

  She pulled a High School student body card from the same pocket that had her date of birth on it.

 HMM, Nice picture.

 Thanks, she said beaming.

Are you loaded?

 No sir.

 Right, you smell like bong water. I..I.. I.. I'm sorry sir, my cousin and I smoked a joint earlier.

 Where does your cousin live.

 Just right behind this house on the next street over.

 So why doesn’t your cousin give you a ride.

 She doesn’t have a car and my aunt is not home.

 What time does she get home?

 I don't know.

 Why not.

 Ok, my aunt doesn’t like me because she thinks I am a bad influence on my cousin. She is coming home at 3:00 o'clock.

 Are you?

 Am I what?

 A bad influence?

 Ah no, maybe, I honestly don't know sir. I just really need a ride.

 That sounds honest.

 You ever been on a Harley before?

 No sir.

Do you have a Harley t-shirt?

 Yeah I do, why.

 Ok then, I'll give you a ride.

 Her face lit up like the fourth of July.

 I helped her get her helmet on and I fired up the bike. As I helped her on the motorcycle, I asked, what is your name kid?

 Isabel, she replied, Isabel Green sir.

 Ok Isabel Green hang on and try not move around too much back there.

 Yes sir.

 And stop calling me sir.

 Gretchen was still standing in the doorway and flashed me her tits real fast. I shook my head and said, I don't believe she did that.

 Isabel said, what?

 Nothin kid, hold on.

 I popped the bike in gear and we roared off toward Sulpher Springs.

 As we approached the onramp to the highway. Isabel was squirming around on the back seat of the bike. I thought oh shit here we go again. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me to hold on better and dropped both hands in my crotch my dick lurched, and she squeezed it and started rubbing. It felt kind of nice, but that was what was so shocking. I sure didn't need her kind of trouble.

 I down shifted and pulled into the old abandoned lumber yard's parking lot. I set the kickstand, jumped off the bike and yelled, get the fuck off. Isabel got off the bike and stood with her head down staring at the ground.

 What the fuck was that all about?

 I thought I was doing something nice for you. You aren’t doing me any favors. I'm old enough to be your grandfather. Besides I already got laid today.

 I know, and her eyes dropped to the pavement again.

What did you say?

 I said, I know, my cousin and me snuck into that lady's yard to smoke a joint. We heard you guys fucking and were watching, through the window.

 Shit! You were watching? For how long?

 About an hour. We didn't see much we mostly sat outside the window and listened.

 Shit? Do you realize that is against the law? I could have you arrested?

 Well shit Kevin, what would have you done, if you were my age.

 You know my name?


Fuck yeah that lady kept going oh fuck me Kevin, Oh God I love you Kevin, Oh God I love your cock, oh fuck me Kevin. I was so hot I didn't know what to do. She was having such a good time. I wanted you to fuck me too. Isabel started to cry.

 So I waited outside until you came out. I'm still hot, I want you to fuck my pussy. I want you to be the first one, and she reached out for my cock.

 Oh fuck no! Get the fuck away from me. I jumped back like she was poison.

 Isabel started to sob now. I wanted to do is do something nice for you.

 For me! You mean you wanted your plump little pussy packed.

 Oh yeah, I want you, I want your cock in my pussy and she stepped toward me and laid her head on my chest. I thought I would try to console her and I felt her hand in my crotch again.

 Stop that! I yelled, and jumped back.

 She started crying again.

 I climbed back on the hog. "I ought to make you walk home. Get on the fuckin bike. I'm taking you home and if I ever find you looking through the window again I will have you arrested."

 Isabel started sobbing again.

 I said, get on the fucking bike!

 Isabel climbed up and behaved all the way to Supher Springs.

 Now Sulpher Springs is a little run down town that was all but abandoned in the nineteen forties when the most of the logging mills were closed. There are a few historical sites there but not much else. Isabel pointed the way to her house. It was way back up toward the foothills and she pointed to a dirt driveway filled with ruts and pot holes and I made the turn. About a quarter of a mile up the road we came to a run down house probably built in the twenties or thirties. The steps and the porch were rotted through, the porch had boards missing, and two of the windows were broken.

 I parked the bike and I helped get her helmet off. Ok I'll see ya.

 Wait, I'm sorry for that.

 Forget it. I restarted the bike.


 What now!?

 Can you shut off the bike?

 I shut it down.

 Can you wait until I see whose inside?

 What do you mean, I thought you lived here?

 I, I do but I never know who is going to be there.


 My mom brings home these drunk assholes from the bar all the time.

 Oh, shit here we go. I know what becomes of these kinds of situations.

Teenage girl drunk and probably a dope fiend mother. I see it everyday at work it's tragic. Ok I'll come in with you to make sure your ok. I walked in the little old house and it was sickening, beer cans, cigarette butts everywhere. Half eaten plates of dried food everywhere. Dirty clothes strewn all over the place garbage everywhere. The stench was disgusting. What I kept looking for was to tell me the full story. There it was on the kitchen counter. Little bowls made of tinfoil, small zip lock baggies and cotton balls. The sure sign of IV drug use.

 How long have you lived here.

 About three years.

 Go get changed and pack some stuff to last a few days. Isabel again lit up like a Christmas tree. Don't get the wrong idea. I just want to make sure you’re somewhere safe. Hurry up I don't want to be here when your mom comes home.

 Oh she won't be here, not until the bar closes anyway. She is only here when she has dope.

Ok well go get your shit but just enough to last for a couple of days. Remember we are on a motorcycle.

 Can I take a shower?

 Yeah if you hurry. I mean hurry! I'll be outside.

 As Isabel was doing the deal, I wondered how life must have been for her there. Poor Isabel an now my new friends and I seemed to upset her apple cart by her watching the super fuck session. Now she is probably as fuck crazy as I am.

 She is a darling, I thought smooth pink complexion, five foot two maybe, and very nice tits a little bigger than Sherry's but no where near Gretchen's about a 38 D is my guess, plump ass very curvy dispite her terrible taste in clothing. I caught myself thinking about what her young little plump virgin pussy tastes like and what a virgin pussy felt like. I had never had a virgin. And decided I had to put those thoughts way out of my mind.

 I lit a cigar and took my thoughts back to what see must have seen. If she saw the things that I see every day working with drug addicts, my heart goes out to her. I thought about what she said about being a virgin. Most of the young girls I've seen in these situations were usually molested, raped, or pimped off for drug money. The poor kid she will probably never have a normal life because of what she has experienced growing up in this situation.

 I wanted to know what she seen and what she was doing in Gretchen's back yard. Isabel came out the door wrapped in a towel and kept trying to rearrange it and kept giving me little flashes of her tits and her shaved little pussy.

 Isabel stop that.


 You know what you’re doing.

 You ready yet?

 I, I need to know where I'm going?

 Ah poor kid, I thought. I'm gona see if I can find you a safe place.

 Are we going to your house?

 Only as a last resort.

 Now hurry up I haven't got all day.

 I'll be right out.

 As she past the rickety old door I saw her loose the towel and turn toward me cupping her tits and pinching her nipples. Oh fucking great I thought. Where could I find her a place to stay? I bet Gretchen places women all the time in shelters she would know. I can't let her stay here. Maybe a CPS placement, Mental Health maybe, I wonder if teenage nymphomania is a mental disorder?

 I went in to see what's keeping the little shit. I went in and knocked on the closed bedroom door c'mon.

 I'm coming right now.

 I wondered how to take that.

 Isabel stepped out of the doorway in a pair of tight, flaming red, hot pants. A black tight low cut stretchy top with a little red lace see through camisole, black and red lacy sox and a pair of black stiletto open toed heels. She was still smearing flaming hot red lipstick on her big heavy lips that I didn't notice until now. I stood dumb founded for a few seconds staring at the pump little camel toe in her shorts, she was obviously not wearing any undies. Then I noticed her nipples were pierced and she had those little barbells stuck through both of her nipples, they were clearly visible under her stretchy spandex top, no bra either. Her tits were bigger than I thought and perfectly shaped. She still had a towel wrapped around her head. I had to shake the visual out of my mind.

 Oh hell no!

 I wanted to look older and sexier for you.

 Oh hell no!

 You can't wear that on the bike Isabel, have any tennis shoes?


 How about Sweats?


Get them and put them on over that, that, those clothes.

 Isabel started crying again, why don't you like me? she sobbed.

 Isabel you look very pretty, but I haven't got time for this. Damn she looks good enough to eat, I mumbled to myself.

 What did you say? I was hoping we could, well you know, before you took me somewhere and never saw you again.

 Not here Isabel you need to get your pretty little ass out of this filthy mess.

You think I'm pretty?

 Yes Isabel, I think you’re very pretty.

 Am I pretty enough to make love to like you did to those other ladies?

 Your scrumptious sugar, I bet you would just melt in my mouth.

 OH YEAH, that's the idea, she squealed.

 Here give me your sexy shoes and put those sweet little feet in some tennis shoes and get some sweats on and I'll a a .... I promise a .... you can ummm, I swallowed hard, model your outfit for me when we get to where we are going.

 Where are we going?

 You'll see sugar.

 Isabel was beaming now.

 You get your sweats on and I'll pack you’re a.... I'll um stuff you’re a........ I'll a strap your stuff on a...... I'll take your bags out to the bike. I bungeed her duffle bag and her little back pack on to the bike. And fired the bike up. Isabel came out and the sweats didn't help much they were two sizes too small. I already knew what was under them. The visual of the shape of her sweet little virgin pussy under her tight shorts remained. I helped her with her helmet and off we went.

 As I pulled out on the main road I realized I was in way over my head here.

 I still didn't know where I was going. By the time we got to town I was starting to panic. I didn't want to bother Gretchen because she was probably busy with Sherry. I didn't want to take her to my house because I didn't want her sneaking around in my back yard and peeking through windows after I found her a place. I stopped at the gas station just down the street from the house and called Gretchen.

 Whatcha doing baby? Gretchen giggled hey there big boy you miss me already?

To tell you the truth I really did. Whatcha doing right now? Oh just tidying up.

 Did you change your mind about dinner?Â

 Gretchen I really need your help with something right now.

 OOOO your such a stud.

 Are you busy?

 No Sherry is still sleeping.

 Can you come over? Sure just let me leave her a note in case she wakes up. I'll be right over.

Your right across the street from Sherry's old house right?

 That's right babe, thanks a million.

 I jumped back on the scooter and roared down the street to the house hit the garage door button and parked the bike. Closed the garage door and thought safe at last. Isabel got off the bike and started stripping her sweatshirt off.

 What are you doing?

 What you said, I get to model my outfit now.

 No, No, wait I have a friend that would really appreciate seeing you in that. Here let's get your stuff put away first. Why don't you go into the bathroom and fix you hair nice and pretty and put on your make up.

 Okay, just let me know when your ready.

 WWWHEEWW! hurry up Gretchen. I thought to myself.

 The door bell rang and it was Gretchen.

 Oh baby, am I glad to see you. I kissed her lots of times all over the face.

 What's so important?

 Come in and set down. Well do you have a teenage girl living in the house behind your house?

Yeah I chased the little shit out of my yard a couple of times. I think she was back there

smoking dope.

 Well she came back. While you, Sherry and I was making love.


 That's not the half of it. I told her about the girl I gave the ride to and how she kept coming on to me and wanting me to pop her cherry. How she had told me they had been watching us. I told her about the conditions where she lived. The rescue mission I was trying to pull off. The whole story.

 She said, hummm sounds like she has picked you to be her first. You might as well give it up big guy once a woman makes up her mind you haven't got a prayer.

 I explained to Gretchen that I was worried about her getting into the system and a CPS investigation it might come out that I had sex with a minor.

 Oh I see what you mean. Oh shit this is getting deep.

 So where is she?

 Suddenly the bathroom door burst open and Isabel strutted in all her glory. Come fuck me shoes and all.

 Holy Shit! Gretchen exclaimed this is not the same girl I saw you ride off with.

 I have been saving this outfit for a special occasion and she lightly stroked her little camel toe.

 She is gorgeous, her tits are ...., Gretchen started.

 Gretchen be nice. I said.

 OOOOHHH SHIT, your Gretchen, I didn't recognize you with your clothes on. You are soooo hot.

 Well your not bad yourself sweetie, you look delicious.

 She was hot, very long beautiful sandy brown hair. A little make-up and that sweet little camel toe, fresh baby skin face, and exquisite tits.

 I whispered to Gretchen, I want to just eat her up.

 So do I Gretchen said.

 Well Gretchen maybe you should eat her up that would satisfy her for now long enough so we can get her into the system to get her some help. I'll take her virginity later she is almost eighteen but the mind of a child.

 Well let her play with your cock for a while and I'll do the rest.

 I don't think that is going to be necessary.

 Damn it, I was looking forward to watching that, said Gretchen.

 So Isabel we were real curious about what you and your cousin were doing while you both were watching us fuck.

 Well my cousin is the same age I am. We both wanted to remain virgins so when I would come over we sometimes like to lick each other’s pussy’s. We sometimes went into Gretchen's back yard and hide in the bushes so we wouldn't get caught by her mom or the other kids.

 What did she do when you licked her pussy?

 She humps my mouth with her pussy. Some times we would cut school and lick each other all day. Sometimes we would use her mom's big vibrator. I really like that.

Did you ever put it in your pussy?

 No it's too big for that. It is one of those kind that you give massages with.

 So are you sure you’re a virgin? Oh yeah!

 So you have never had a cock in your pussy?

 Never. You want to see my pussy? My cousin sez it's real pretty. I shave it almost everyday.

 I'm sure you have a sexy little pink pussy. Right now I want to see your pretty plump tits.

 Isabel pulled off the pretty lace camisole and wiggled out of her tight little spandex top. Have your ever had your tits licked?

 Yeah, Isabel said shyly, I like that too, it makes my pussy hot.

 Isabel seemed to pranced back and forth across the living room.

 You seem a little nervous are you nervous Isabel?


 Are you sure you are nervous or is it because you want to finger your pussy, MMMMM YEAH, My pussy is burning.

 Well it's ok to finger your pussy we would like to watch you finger your hot little pussy.

 Isabel's hand lightly stroked her pussy through her shorts and a little wet spot appeared. Isabel's hand went down her pants and we watched Isabel groped her pussy under her stretchy red shorts.

 I can tell your pretty little pussy is all wet isn't it.

 OH YEAH! What are you thinking about when you finger your pussy?

 Your cock in my pussy. I want your cock in my pussy.

 When you were watching us Isabel did you see Gretchen licking the other ladies pussy.

 No, not really I was watching your big fat cock fuck the other lady's pussy and I watched the ladies suck your big hard cock. It looked soooo good, I want your cock in my pussy so I can cum like they did.

 So Isabel have you ever had a cock in your mouth?

 Once, I almost did anyway. A boy wanted me to once, but he was so excited he spugged before I had a chance to.

 I had to keep myself from chuckling.

 Did you like that?

 Oh yeah I want to learn more about how to suck dick I want you to teach me how to suck your dick. I used to pretend I was sucking cock while I was masturbating. And I would suck on a big hot dog wiener.

 Did your cousin see the ladies licking each other's pussy?

 Oh yeah, she said one of the ladies had a great big tongue I think she likes to lick pussy more than she likes cock.

 Isabel why don't you show us your pussy now and how you like to finger your pussy and make yourself cum. Lie down on the couch and show us how you finger your pussy. Isabel obeyed with out hesitation. She dropped her wet little shorts and lay down on the couch and we watched her middle finger disappear over and over into her cum slick pussy.

 Are you going to give me your cock now? My pussy is all wet for you.

 Why do you want my cock so bad?

 My pussy needs it, Isabel moaned.

 Isabel's smooth, hairless pussy glistened with her own cum as she lie there stroking her wet little pussy. I wanted to give her my cock right there right then. I am sure Gretchen had some desires all of her own.

 Your cock made the other ladies so happy. I want that cock to make my pussy happy.

I will make you a deal Isabel I will make your pussy happy if you are willing to do what I say. If you proove to me that you are willing to do anything I say, I will fill your tight little pussy my big hard cock.

 OOOOHH YEEEAAAH! she groaned as she quivered in anticipation.

 Isabel, I won’t be giving you my cock today. So you want to see my cock Isabel.


 I will show you my cock if you let Gretchen lick your pussy first.

 OH YEAHH! I want your cock. Gretchen knelt next to the couch before I got the words out of my mouth.

 Isabel do you like to kiss?, Gretchen asked in a soft sexy tone, Can I kiss you Isabel?


 Gretchen tenderly kissed Isabel and my cock lurched in my pants when I saw Isabel’s hungry tongue gently lick Gretchen's lips.

 Will you kiss my tits moaned Isabel?

 Gretchen pursed her wet lips over Isabel's nipples made the pursing lip motions like she did when she was sucking Sherry's pussy. But her tongue tip was flicking across her nipples and Gretchen was soaking her tits with saliva.

 Isabel moaned and said, that makes my pussy so hot.Â

 Gretchen whispered to Isabel how does this make your little virgin pussy feel.

 Isabel opened her eyes to see Gretchen's tongue fully extended. Isabel's eyes got wide with fear, then softened as she moaned with pleasure as Gretchen's tongue moved her tits. Isabel's pussy oozed with approval.

 So how does your little pussy feel now? Gretchen tongued her belly and all the way down to the beginning of her pussy crack then stopped.

 OOOO, OOOO, OOOOO FUCK!, Isabel moaned and little Isabel's belly heaved.


 You want your pussy licked?


 You want that big fat cock up your little virgin pussy Isabel?Â


 We need to make you ready for some cock you're not ready for cock yet.

 Yes please make my pussy cum, I want it in me please I want it. You may not be ready for cock but your about to get a lesson in pussy real soon.

 You want that cock don't you?

 OOOHHHH YEAH more than anything.

 So you are going to do what I say right?

 Oh Yeah! Anything you say.

 Now lay on your back. Spread those legs and open that little pussy of yours and I will give you a treat for being a good little virgin slut and doing what I say. Spread that pussy as wide as you can. Isabel laid spread eagle on the floor with her fingers up her pussy. How does your pussy feel?

 Oh it's HOT, SOOOO HOT.

 Gretchen knelt in front of her between her wide open chubby little legs. Your doing good young Isabel we will have you in shape in no time. Now who do you listen to no matter what?

 You Miss Gretchen any thing you say.

 Gretchen buried her tongue in Isabel's pussy. Gretchen withdrew her tongue and loudly proclaimed. Your no fucking virgin you little slut. My tongue went right up your pussy. You lied, you fish smellin cum sucking twat. You'll tell me the truth, who's been fucking you missy.

 No one, honest.

 That's no one, mam to you.

 Then what has been up your hole missy!

 My aunts little vibrator mam.

 You sure?

 Oh yes mam, I can't lie to you.

 That's better. Can I believe you missy can I trust you for the truth?

 Yes mam.

 Now what are these things in your tits? Gretchen grabbed both of the little piercings and stretched her nipples two inches. OOOOWWWW OOOHH YEAH, yelled Isabel as Gretchen released them. Isabel bucked her pussy a little.

 Good girl. I think your learning. Then Gretchen buried her face in little Isabel's cunt again.

Isabel grabbed Gretchen's head and shouted, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, my pussy OH FUCK! OH FUCK! I'M CUUUMMMMMMIINNNGG!

 Isabel screamed and bucked wildly Gretchen grabbed her plump ass cheeks and hung on so hard she dug her nails in Isabel's ass. Gretchen's monster tongue continued to work over Isabel's virgin pussy. Cum and saliva dripped from Gretchen's chin and Isabel's pussy. Isabel bucked and thrashed as she released two orgasms back to back. Gretchen was relentless as she clung on to Isabel's bucking ass as she tongued Isabel's pussy. Isabel thrashed like a girl possessed. Indeed she was possessed by Gretchen's wicked tongue. Gretchen finally released her grip on Isabel's plump little ass, her claws left deep red marks on Isabel's quivering ass.

Isabel lay there whimpering and her little belly quivered like jelly every couple of seconds as her orgasm subsided.

 Ok it's time to see how you suck dick. Here you want cock, get over here and suck this cock in your mouth. Isabel hurried over to where I sat stroking my cock then gulped it down hurriedly so as not to disappoint Gretchen. She hurriedly sucked my cock in her mouth.

Gretchen then commanded. Suck it! Hurry suck it you little cum hungry little shit! Swallow that cock I don't want to see any cock outside your mouth, it better all be in your mouth. Swallow it! I still see dick, swallow you little virgin cock sucker. Hurry up swallow it all. That's it, that's it all the way down to your belly if you have to, swallow all that cock!

 Isabel swallowed eagerly partialy gaging but swallowed with all her might.

I was very disappointed with Gretchen's next command. I was ready to blast a load of cum in her belly watching her work as hard as she could to get all my cock down her throat.

Ok that's enough cock for you missy, you don't know what your doing with that cock. Give me back that cock and get away from there or I'll have to paddle your ass! Isabel continued to suck greedily on my cock. Gretchen stepped behind Isabel as the little cock crazed Isabel continued to suck my cock. Gretchen stroked her smooth young ass a few times then smacked her ass hard with her open hand. Pussy juice dripped out of her little virgin cunt as she relinquished my cock from her mouth. Gretchen's big red hand print was still clearly visable on isabel's ass.

 You do as I say or will see to it that you never see that cock again. You understand me?

 Yes Miss Gretchen.

 Gretchen yelled ok you little sex crazed virgin cunt, come here and lick my pussy and make me cum. Isabel immediately responded and dove into Gretchen's pussy and lapped and lapped at her pussy. You don't even think about getting any dick in your pussy until you ask me. You understand me?

 OH YES MAM! Isabel said, her voice half muffeled by Gretchen's pussy.

That's better, you don't even finger yourself without getting approval from me or your master you got that?

 Yes mam! came the muffled voice again.

 From now on you obey me and I am to be referred to as mistress. This man here with the cock that is going to spoil your little virgin twat is and always will be your master you understand?

 Yes mam. Now who do you obey?

 You the Mistress and the Master mam. She said briefly lifting her head form Gretchen's big cunt.

 Gretchen grabbed Isabel's head and buried it back in her cunt. Now lick my clint! Gretchen shoved Isabel's face into her clint. Faster! Harder! LICK IT FASTER! Make my pussy cum you little virgin slut! Hurry faster!

 I watched as little Isabel's head bobbed and traversed all over Gretchen's pussy. Obeying where and how to lick. Gretchen relieved by her orgasm grabbed Isabel by the hair and practically smothered Isabel in her big wet pussy as she humped Isabel's smooth young face.

MMMMM that felt good Isabel. You keep licking my pussy like that and I just may let you have that cock up your pussy someday if you’re good. You understand me and understand how this works now my little love slave?

 OHHHH YESSS, she purred, I understand everything now, now it all makes perfect sense,

 Mistress. I am going to enjoy being a good love slave you'll see Mistress.

 I believe you will sweetie. I believe you will.

 Isabel turned to me her face covered in Gretchen's juices, Master may I suck you and make you cum in my mouth?

 You listen to your mistress for now Isabel. She will be the one teaching you for now. When I think your ready to suck my cock I will let you know. Then we will both be teaching you about what to do with my cock.

 MMMMMMMMM, I am looking forward to it Master. I want your cock in mouth again so badly.

 You have an opportunity to be happier than you have ever been. You must always obey no matter what. We will not let anything hurt you if you are always be honest with us. Your little pussy will always be happy when you are with us. No sex with anyone else period unless I approve or tell you to. No more dope either. Do you understand?

Yes Master.


While you are here in this house you will where nothing but sweat pants, t-shirts and sweat shirts. You may wear any kind of shoes you like and any kind of underwear you like. I must approve of any clothes you wear out of the house. Those are the rules. You understand?


Yes Master I will do whatever you want. I want to be a good little love slave to you.

 Oh and one more thing you are not to tell anyone about what goes on here. You are not to tell anyone you are my love slave or about you having a mistress.

 Good behavior, gets you rewards, inappropriate behavior brings you consequences.

 Do you trust us?

 I want to Master.

 That sounds like an honest answer to me.

 Now go get your sweats back on. Your through for now.


Sweet time at the office

Libenter on Sex Stories

“…….While you are laying o your chair , I walk in your room, smiling, you want to talk, but I keep smiling and do not reply. I walk around the table and behind your seat. You try to turn your chair, but I keep it firm and you cannot move. You try to stand up, but I put my hands on your shoulder and I keep you seated. I start caressing, very slowly slowly and gently, your hair, and caressing your h

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ead in a very tender way. You relax a bit and lay down back on your chair. I keep caressing your head but now I also start putting my hands on your neck. You like this as I feel your shivers. I keep passing my hands through your hairs, on your heads and on your neck. My hands are very warm, soft and they love touching you so gently. I hold all your hair on top of your head and suddenly I let them drop on top your head. Then I bent and I look at you, and I can hardly see your face through all your messy hair: you are extraordinary beatiful!! This turn me on. I take your hair up and let them drop again. You like this game and I love passing my fingers through your clean and soft hair. I start massaging your shoulder, to release the tension out of your body after a stressful working day. I continue to caress your shoulder, but my right hand, slowly slowly, lowers until it reaches your breast, and I start massaging this part of your body, very gently, very slowly, with long ample circles. You cut your breath at my touch, and you put one of your hands on my hands. I like what is happening between us, and the silence between us, no necessary to spec, everything is said by our hands and our breaths. I now put my hand under your dress, my finger are in direct contact with your nipples. I feel them becoming harder and erect, and this has a great effect on my body: my blood runs faster, my mind is totally taken by the reactions of your nipples. I keep fingering them, playing with them. You shiver again while your breath is absent. All your body is completely tense now fully concentrated on the touch of my fingers. I insist on massaging them until they soften a bit and your body relaxes. You release a long breath which I take as a prise for the pleasure I am giving you. Now one of my hand is still on your nipple while with the other is caressing your neck, head and hair. I pass one of my finger on your lips, you slightly open them, but I keep going up and down your lips with my finger, always very softly and gently. You start now moaning your pleasure and your frustration as you cannot take my finger. My hand is on your eyes now, and you enjoy the wild sensation of being caressed at your nipple while a hand is pressed on your eyes. I love the sensation of your live nipple under my touch, your excitement is a great gift to me. I pass my finger in front of your lips and I hold there: you open your mouth and gently your wet tongue touches the point of my finger. This is very sexy and I got aroused by your little touch. Your tongue now becomes more courageous and it starts playing with my finger, slowly circling around it with the rythm as my fingers are touching your nipple. I now prefer to put my biggest finger, the thumb, into your greedy mouth, and you immediately start sucking it, all your attention is now concentrated there. I found that still being behind you while sharing such an intimate action is extremely sexy and I can feel my manhood fully erect and in needs of attention. But the moment is so intimate, and full of delicious expectation that we do not want to push things forward, not now, we take all the time we need. You try to turn on your chair in order to touch my body but I keep you firmly in place with my two hands on your body. I bend over and I start whispering in your ear that I like you, that also this time you turned me on immediately and that I want to do more things to you. You keep sucking and moaning at the same time, now your attention is fully concentrated on my words, no more on your nipple. I softly blow air in your ear and from time to time I touch your ear with my tongue. This seams to send a current through your body as you moan louder and move abruptly. I whisper in your ear that you excited me a lot, that I love your nipples and the way they respond to my touches, that you are mine and that we are able to create something unique any time we are together. I am now squeezing harder your nipple between my finger, almost hurting you, but you do not care, you keep moaning, and sucking while  with your hands you caress my head and face. Suddenly I turn your chair, drop on my knees and I put my mouth on yours with a quick movement. I can see your surprise in your wide open eyes, but your surprise last one second, after which you eagerly respond to my kiss.

 If you want me to continue this story please send your wish and comments at:

The Two Roadies

Mopac12003 on Teen Stories

            Ok, this is my first story.  It’s not real by any means, but it could have happened.  Like I said, it’s my first, so, please don’t bash me too much.  As they say, “And now, on to the show!”


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16pt">The Two Roadies


            Hi, I’m Kevin.  I was reminded of this event recently, as I saw my old girlfriend the other day.  I’m 33, but at the time, I was 17.  I was about 6’ with dark hair, and blue, almost gray eyes.  I wasn’t as muscular as Ahh-nold, but I could throw around 75lb speakers like nothing.  I was the sound guy for a local band, and my girlfriend, Monica, helped me out a lot.  She was 18 at the time, and, as my grandmother always would say, “I could eat soup off of her head.”  She had long blonde hair, was short, and a gymnast.  When I first met here, I thought she was an albino, till I saw her eyes.  They were the bluest I had ever seen.  She was going off to college in the fall, and the band was breaking up after playing a few shows that weekend.  Here’s what happened on one of our last days together:


            “Could you un-plug that mic over there please?”  I said. 


            “Which one?  There’s three,” answered Monica.


            “Never mind, I’ll get it.”


            We were packing up the gear after the beginning of the end of the band Davy’s gigs together.  I was tangled up in un-hooking all my gear around the mixer.  I ran sound.  Monica helped me. 


            “I’ll just un-plug them all,” Monica yelled from the stage.


After another hour, we finally had all the sound gear loaded into our cars.  By this time, it was getting dark out, and none of us had eaten.  The band and I decided to go out to dinner at PJ’s.  After that, Monica and I went to drop the gear at my house, but she asked if I’d go to her house instead.


            “You wanna come to my place?” she asked.


            “Sure, I need to tell my sister, my parents are out of town.”


            “That’s cool.  You wanna follow me, or do you want to lead?”


            “You lead.”


            The park we played at was a ways away from here house, so we got there a little after nine. 


            “Wow it’s late.  Would you like to stay the night?  My parents are out of town too,” she said with a devilish grin on her face.


            How could I resist?  I called home again and used some lame excuse that I had a flat tire and would be staying with Monica for the night.  Little did I know what would happen that night.


            Once we got inside, she said, “Would you like to play poker?”


            “Sure,” I said.  I had never played poker before.  “You’re gonna have to refresh my memory, I only remember how to play Go-Fish.”


            “Not a problem,” she answered.  Then, explained how to play.  It seemed easier that I thought.


            “OK, now that you’ve explained it, I see one basic flaw in your plan: there are no chips, unless you plan on using potato chips.”  Some times I’m a little too sarcastic for my own good.


            “Ever hear of strip poker?” 


            “Are you serious?”  A little background information:  we were on a Catholic retreat the weekend before, and as such, had always been taught that sex before marriage was the work of the devil.  “Man,” I thought.  “He knows how to live large.”  After getting my little angel/devil debate over with, guess who won.  “You deal.”


            Before long, we both were sitting in just our underwear.  Somehow, I won the next hand.


            “Damn,” she said.  “Oh-well, rules are rules.”  And with that, promptly removed her bra.  Damn, I thought.  Now I had done like every guy my age and cruised the internet, but it was the first time I actually had a pair of tits staring me in the face.  Not that I had ever dreamed about Monica naked before.


            The next hand was also won by yours-truly, so, off went the panties.  By now, I had noticed a flaw in the design of boxers: they don’t hide anything.  At that point, she decided to stand up and show herself off.


            None of the girls on the web came close to her.  Her skin was milky white, and she definatly had shaved, as there was no hair at all around her happy place. She had small tits, but her pale pink nipples stood at attention.  “We’re gonna have to do something about that,” I thought to myself.  She chose that point to bend over to get here panties off her legs, giving me the best view of her bald pussy.  It seemed like I might not fit in there.  “We’re gonna have to try to fix that.”  Inner monologue again.


            “Now, that’s more comfortable,” she told me.

            “I’ll bet.  That’s more comfortable for both of us.”




            “Never mind.”


            Lady luck held out for me and I won the next hand.


            “Haa.  I win again.”


            “Since I’m already naked, how about I do something for you."  I know you want to get inside me, so, go ahead.”


            It took the committee in my head a few minutes to fully comprehend what my ears had just heard.  So I said the first thing that came to mind.


            “Excuse me?”


            “Fuck me.”


            “Well,” said the chairman of the board, “I think here meaning is clear.”


            She slid my boxers off and our lips found each other’s.  That was my first kiss too.  And with that, she slid me into her tight, dripping wet pussy.  “Wow,” I thought, “it is tight.  I filled it to capacity.


            “Wait,” she said.  “It’s my first time too, so, please, go slow.”


            With that, she raised her hips up and slammed back down on me, letting out a squeal as her cherry popped.  She had to stop and cry into my shoulder for a few minutes.  After that, it was clear sailing.  Faster and faster I pumped in and out of her.  Soft little moans escaping her lips.


            “Oh shit,” she cried out.  “Oh man, I think I’m gonna….shit, I’m cumming.”


            And with that interesting line, she shuddered and went limp, but was back up in no time.


            “Monica, I think it’s my turn to cum.”


            “Keep it in.”


            I felt that familiar sensation deep within my balls, then felt that explosion as we both started cumming hard, then, collapsed together onto the floor.


            After a few minutes, she looked up at me and said, “I want to try something.”  She grabbed my limp cock in her warm hands, and stroked it until it stood at attention.  She stuck it in her mouth and got spit all over it.  Then, took it out, and directed me to her ass. 


            “Fuck my ass.  I heard other girls talking about it, and I want to try it.”


            I slid into her ass-hole and she screamed.  I stopped to let her get used to me.  Then slid in some more, repeating the process until my full 8 inches was in her ass.


            “Oh fuck that hurts.”


            It occurred to me, that I had never heard her use the word fuck until that night, even though both of us were techies.


            “Man, get it out, it hurts to much.”


            “OK” I said rather gloomily.  Out it came with a sick sounding pop, and a dribble of shit.


            We kept having sex till late into the night, when we fell asleep.  I wished she wasn’t going to college, thought about how beutiful she looked, hoped she wasn’t getting pregnant from this, and then, promptly fell asleep.


Stay tuned for part two

JP's Story

blackgoddess803 on Sex Stories

Title: JP’s Story

Author: ME

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; font-family: verdana">Chapter 1: Tiera

          “Hello?  JP?  Can you come pick me up; I really need someone to talk to…”  I had just had one of the worst days of my life.  Why the fuck is this happening to me, I kept asking myself.  What did I do to deserve this?  I hate guys I swear imma shoot him once I get my hands on a gun.(jk)  I had just found out that there were bullshit rumors about me going around school...and to top it off James just broke up with me…Well I still got JP right..?  I had just told my girls about this, but it wasn’t enough.  I needed to see JP.  He’s a guy, maybe he can tell me how to handle these assholes.

          Well the truth is, I liked JP and I felt that he was the one person who could comfort me in the way I needed or should I say, the way I wanted.  He’s a great friend and every time he’s not near me, I miss him; I always want to be in his arms like the way I dreamed.  I want to see him; to hear his sexy voice speak to me and call my name.  I wished for his lips to caress mine, imagining them being so soft like marshmallows.  I giggled and touched my lips at the thought.  I imagined how his hands would feel on my body, any part.  Just thinking about him was pleasure enough.  Goddamn, Im horny.  I want JP..  And OH MY GOD did I want him…I wanted him in me, tasting me, savoring my flavor-I wanted him to satisfy my longing pleasure; my hunger for him…

          Beep!  Shit!  I cursed to myself.  It seemed that my little daydream had got me all wet.  I hurriedly cleaned myself up and rushed to JP’s van. 

          “Hey.” I greeted him.

          “Hey,” he replied, “are you okay?  It looks like you’ve been crying.”  I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that my eyes and nose were slightly red and swollen.  Dammit!  I rushed out so fast that I didn’t clean my face.

          “Yeah, I’m just having a bad day..”  He pulled out of my driveway and started towards his house.

          “What happened,” he asked, concerned.

          “This stupid kid started some fucked up rumors about me..”

          “What were they?”

          “He told his friends that he had sex wit me and then that started getting around the whole school.  But he had also told these girls that he ass-fucked me.  C’mon that’s disgusting…But I already took care of that by embarrassing him and beating him up,” I said triumphantly.

          “So, then what’s the problem,” he asked, a little confused.

          “Well then James,” JP snorted “broke up with me today..”

          “I still get what you saw in him in the first place..”

          “Yea, me neither.”

          “I mean, if he was so sweet and nice like you said than why would he do something like this to you?”

          Because of Ashley, that’s why he did it.  He broke up with me for some ho.  Fuck him, I don’t need him.  “Yeah, you’re right.  But thanks for picking me up; I really wanted to be with you right now.  You’re the only person I can really talk to.”

          JP looked me in my eyes.  “No problem.  Im always here for you.”  I smiled and felt my heart do a flip-flop.  I turned away.  Looking at him gets me so nervous..I could still feel his eyes on me after I looked away.  After a while, I turned to look at him and I admired his facial features.  Goddamn he’s so sexy.  I thought to myself.  I stared at him and I began visualizing us at his house.  We were sitting on his couch and he was kissing me.  I pushed my mouth harder against his and felt our tongues entwined together.  Im not sure how long we were kissing before I felt his hands move up to my shirt and start to unbutton it, slowly, one by one.  Soon I exposed to him, my bra and hidden beneath them beautiful light brown breasts. 

          JP reached behind me and undid my bra, and I felt my nipples harden as his hands brushed across my breasts.  I noticed his dick harden through his jeans and smiled.  He continued to kiss me as I was beginning to take off his shirt.  We had to detach our lips for a sec so I could pull his shirt over his head.  Once off, he lightly kissed my lips and slowly moved down and kissed my body.  I laid down while JP pulled down my zipper and pulled off my skirt and thong.  He threw them to the side and continued to kiss down my body until he had reached my pussy.  He rubbed my clit, causing me to moan with intense pleasure...“Uhhh!”

          I opened my eyes and realized that JP and I were still in his van, parked outside of his house and I was lying back against my seat. I sat up straight and noticed that I was really wet; my pussy juice was all over the inside of my thong.  I looked at JP and he was staring at me with a sly grin on his face.  Before he could say anything, I told him to shut up.

          “What,” he asked still grinning.  “So, just out of curiosity, what were you dreaming about?”

          “Nothing..” I said, slightly embarrassed.


          “Oh, fuck you..” I smiled, because I know I surely do.

Chapter 2: JP

*(if JP has to gimme this prt)*


Chapter 3: Tiera

          “Don’t let shit like that stress you out.  Don’t worry about him.  Anyway, you deserve better.”  JP comforted me.

          “Thanks, I guess you’re right.  It’s just, I don’t know where it came from, you know?  Everything seemed fine to me..but I guess I was wrong..” I started to cry a little bit more.

          “Don’t cry.  He isn’t worth your tears.”  JP wiped my tear away with his fingers and held my face in his hand.  I looked into his eyes.  He came closer to me and lightly kissed my lips.  “Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up.  Make yourself at home,” he whispered in my ear.  I stared at his lips, wanting nothing more than to kiss him again.

          “Ok,” I whispered back. 

          As I headed upstairs to the bathroom, JP shouted, “Feel free to use the shower.  There’s a robe on the door that you can borrow, if you decide to.  Leave your clothes outside the door and I’ll throw them in the washer for you.”

          “Thank you so much.”  Well of course there’s nothing I want more than to be naked at JP’s house with just us…;)..I always wanted to fuck him in the shower, but not today…

          I stepped out of my clothes and threw them outside.  I closed the door and quickly washed my face at the sink.  I looked into the mirror and stared at my lips, replaying the scene of JP kissing me in my head again.  Wow I can’t believe that just happened.  I started to examine the rest of my body and wondered what it would feel like to have JP touch my every curve.  I got all excited just thinking about it.

          I turned the knob and water shot from the ­­­­­­­­­­­­­shower head.  I adjusted the temperature and jumped in.  As soon as the water hit my skin, I started to relax.  I took a deep breath and thought about JP.  I imagined him in the steamy shower next to my hot and moist body.  I started to touch myself, pretending that my hands were his, going up and down my body.  I felt all over, only stopping to squeeze my breasts and rub my clit.  God how I really wish this was JP…

          I let the water rinse me off one last time before I stepped out of the shower.  I took a towel and dried myself off and put on the robe.  I felt so refreshed and clean.  I felt like I could take on anything; like I was Wonder Woman.  So-it was time to tell JP how I really felt about him.  I checked myself out in the mirror prior to walking out.  I looked sexy as hell!  My skin was shiny and I had a golden glow, while my nose ring gave me that ‘bad girl’ look.  Let’s face it, with that small ass robe on, I was irresistible.  I smiled to myself, admiring how good I looked.

          I walked downstairs and looked around, but there was no JP to be found.  I went back upstairs and walked into his room.  I found him sitting on his bed holding a cup of tea.  His eyes moved up and down my body, probably realizing that I was completely naked under the robe.  I sat next to him and he handed me the tea, his eyes following me the whole walk to his bed.  I sniffed the tea.

          “Orange tea, my favorite.”

          “I know.”

          “Thank you.”

          “Your welcome.”  He stared at me while I was sipping my tea.  He snapped out of his trance.  “..Um, so are you ok now, or do you wanna talk about it?”

          “No, Im ok now.  Thanks for all that you’ve done.”

          “It’s no problem Tiera.  I told you that I’d always be here for you.”

          “Than-” But I was interrupted by a kiss.

          “No more ‘thank yous’.”  I bit my lip and smiled.  I looked into JP’s eyes.

          “Ok,” I agreed, “no more thank yous.”

          “You know, Tiera, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now..” he said, moving closer, still watching me with those sexy eyes of his.

          “Really, what’s that?”

          He leaned in real close to my face and breathed, “I really like you,” on my lips before he pressed his against mine.  That’s it.  I’m about to lose it.  Forget telling him I like him, maybe I’ll just show him instead.  When he pulled away, finally ending our kiss, I gently grabbed his head back and planted my lips on his.  When I pulled back, he looked surprised, at first, by the kiss.  But it quickly changed to a look of desire.  He wanted me and I knew it.  I brought him close to me and helped him take off his shirt.

          He was laying on top of me now.  We began kissing again and he slowly tugged at the robe, revealing my lovely light brown breasts and my dark nipples.  I felt his dick harden in his pants and he began to suck on and massage my breasts.  When he licked my nipples it made me go wild.  He sat up a little, just enough to open the robe entirely, exposing my cleanly shaven pussy.  Just like in my dream, he moved down and kissed my body until he reached my pussy.  He began rubbing my clit, making me squirm under him.  He pushed his fingers inside my cunt and then brought them to his lips.  He licked my juice off his fingers as if to taste me.  Then he fingered me a bit more, continuing to rub my clit with his thumb. 

          “I wanna eat you,” JP whispered in my ear.  He started nibbling on my neck, and then he slowly made his way down to my pussy again.  He licked my clit with his tongue, which made me ecstatic.  I moaned in pleasure as he stuck his tongue in my pussy and started eating me.  He tongue fucked the juice outta me, lapsed it up to my clit and sucked it off.  I put my legs around his neck to keep him there.

          “Uhh..” I moaned with intense pleasure.  I pushed myself up against his tongue, pushing it deeper into my wet and warm cunt.  “Ahhh!  JPPPP!!” I screamed out his name in the pleasure of my orgasm; I exploded on his tongue.  Oh my God..don’t ever stop, please..this feels sooo goooodd…But it had to stop because it was time to return the favor, and let me tell you, I was gonna do one hell of a job. 

          We both sat up.  I slowly pulled down JP’s jeans and out sprung a lovely 8” cock.  I knelt down as JP repositioned himself on the edge of his bed.  I took his dick in my hand and slowly started stroking it.  Up, down, up, down and then I went faster.  Like a continuous cycle.  I leaned over and put my mouth around it and started sucking the head of his cock to taste it.  A little rhyme popped up in my head.  I’ll suck your cock like a lollipop, I thought to myself.  And that’s exactly what I did. 

          I moved my tongue in circles around his dick while alternating between deep, heavy sucks and light, teasing ones.  He moaned quietly as I kept pumping his cock in my mouth and drooled all over it.  I licked it all over with my tongue, up and down like I loved the taste of it.  He came right in my mouth and I still kept sucking on his cock, which made him cum some more.  I let his cum drip down my chin and unto my chest.  I took his dick and placed it in between my breasts.  JP pumped his dick back and forth in between them and into my mouth.  Back and forth, back and forth.  It went like that for a few more minutes before...Squirt...I got my first facial.

          I quickly wiped my face and laid back down on his bed, completely open; waiting.  JP mounted me and slowly moved his dick around the opening of my wet pussy.  I can’t take it anymore, I have to have his hard cock inside me, I thought to myself.  My entire body ached for him and his teasing was too much.  I screamed, "Come on JP, FUCK ME!!!"  And with that, he took his hard dick and thrust it into my tiny cunt.  I gasped with the pain and pleasure I felt in that instant.  In and out he went; he fucked and fucked and I moved my hips up to meet him.  His incredible meat pushed deeper into my pussy making me scream and yell with pleasure.  I just couldn't get enough and I sucked his tongue as he rammed his cock in me faster.

          I rolled JP over on his back so that I was on top of him.  I went up and down on his cock, my breasts bouncing gently.  He met me halfway, forcing himself further in my tight pussy.  I grinded him and moving in circular motions, I threw my head back and yelled in satisfaction, while I cupped my breasts, pinched my nipples, and ran my hands up and down my sides.  My face grew flushed and I began to moan loudly.  Soon we were both ready to cum and we fucked in unison until we yelled and tensed up at the exact same moment.  My pussy tightened around his throbbing cock, and he came with a huge thrust.  I could feel his cum in me; warm and wet.  As he slowly pulled his semi-hard cock out of me, my pussy remained tight around it; I wanted him in me forever.  It was the hottest night of my life and after all that, I was completely spent.

Chapter 4: JP

*(JP makes this up now)*



Epilogue: Tiera

          I sighed deeply, excitement still coursing through my veins thinking about the wonderful night I just had.  I was in the shower, yet again, cleansing myself of any leftover cum that was on my body.  A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I turned and found myself staring into JP’s eyes.  I put my arms around his neck and kissed him.  He picked me up; his hands supported me under my ass, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.  Still holding me, JP rested my back against the wall.  “Ahhhh..!” I screamed, as he pushed his cock into me once more.  I smiled at him, knowing that I was in for another treat.




















RaiseHell on Sex Stories

Snow White entered the ride with thoughts of frustration and hormonal confusion. She’d needed to masturbate a lot lately to keep her urges at bay, but she could wait no longer. She stalked towards the setting of the kid’s train ride and pulled Pinocchio by his collar behind a cardboard tree. Pushing him to the ground, Snow then lifted up her flowing skirt to reveal that she had not been wearing panties. Pinocchio’s eyes widened and a grin spread across his face, predicting the actions of the fair Snow White. The young lady widened her legs and dropped herself down onto the wooden boy with nothing to separate her bare skin from his hard sap stomach. She pinned him there, looking down into his

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boyish eyes and let a snarl infect her face. They both lay, looking at each-other for a few seconds before Snow moved up towards his face, and straddled onto the tip of his nose. Here it was; the lay she had been waiting for.


She took a firm grip to Pinocchio’s head and, with one thrust, forced herself down onto his hard, wooden nose. A whimper of satisfaction escaped her lips has she drove the long and rigid object in and out of her body- Places inside her that were never meant to be touched were felt. All that the wooden boy could see was a glorious view of a princess’s opening, moving towards and away from his face repeatedly. Pinocchio thought that he could help out and, with one of his little wooden hands, began to rub Snow White in intimate places while she rode him.


Snow White felt herself getting wet as the wooden shaft of a nose slid in and out of her- only Pinocchio himself could see what was happening. Thick trails of white innocence crawled down his nose onto his face, occasional drips falling into his mouth. Snow rode the object on his face, sure to pleasure herself well before she had to go, with every thrust downwards, a high moan poured out of her delicate mouth. Her  rosebud lips quivered with complete  satisfaction and one last thrust made her force a scream that echoed around the fairytale walls.


What seemed like a river, to Pinocchio, trailed down his nose onto his face and Snow pulled him out of her slowly, revealing a view that would please any wooden man, let alone boy. She sat slightly back on his face so that he could lick whatever work his nose had done for him. Still using his hand, he began to pleasure Snow White, and didn’t have to move anything but his tongue and fingers to bring her again.


As he drove his fingers in and out of Snow White, a rush of white water escaped her for a second time, choking Pinocchio on its syrup-like texture. The wooden boy licked and swallowed all that he could find- every last drop.


With her legs still wide open, Snow lent over and started to suck what she’d earlier worked upon. Rolling her tongue over the long, hard wood of Pinocchio’s nose, she tasted her own juices. As she finished sucking, the pair heard a noise. Snow, gathered her skirts and quickly got off of Pinocchio, breaking off his nose as she did so.


Two security guards cautiously peeped around the corner, not wanting to catch any tourists having a little too much fun. After hearing the shrieks of Snow White, they’d expected more than what they saw; Pinocchio laying on the ground, his clothes a little bit torn, and a ragged stump where his nose should’ve been. The guards looked at the wooden model, perplexed.


Snow disappeared around the corner, unnoticed, taking the wooden boy’s nose with her. A smile full of delight spread across her face. Now she had a new toy.

My Teacher, My Girlfriend

Aman on Teen Stories

My homeroom teacher is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. She's young, funny, smart, and incredibly good-looking. I was considering taking an extra class for my senior year - AP Marketing to be exact - but I was kind of deciding against it due to the extra work. However, I then learned that my homeroom teacher, Ms. Phillips, would be teaching the class. So, well, I signed up.

I didn't talk to Ms. Phillips before much, since I only had her for about 10 minutes a day. But she knew my mother from school and therefore she knew me. I should probably make note that my mom is about twice Ms. Phillips' age - my mother went back to school to get another degree and took a class with her at the university. Anyway, we started talking a little more about the class, and one day s
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he told me that I had to meet her after school next Tuesday with the rest of the class list to discuss summer work.

So Tuesday came, and I went to Ms. Phillips' class after school. Sure enough, the other twelve kids in my class were there. She handed out packets to all of the kids and explained the expectation she had of us. She is a very easy and lenient teacher, so these expectations weren't very much, which relieved me. After about ten minutes, the meeting was over and everybody left. When I got up, Ms. Phillips told me to hang around for a little bit. I assumed she was just going to ask me to tell my mom something since she had asked me to do that before.

"Andrew," she said. She hesitated, as if what she was about to say was embarrassing. "I've noticed that you've been staring at my strangely... and you've been doing this like, all year. I'm not saying I'm not flattered, but it's a little discomforting for me."

"What? I don't understand - I don't do those kinds of things - it's very rude!" She was definitely telling the truth, however. I couldn't help but look at her during homeroom. She was too beautiful.

"Andrew, you can't lie your way out of this. Again, I'm not saying that I'm surprised - but I would just like you to stop, okay?" Something had been building up inside of me for the past two years since I've had her, however, and now was as best a time as ever to let it out.

"I'm sorry Ms. Phillips," I responded. "You're just too beautiful! If anything, this is just a sign of my masculinity. But... I mean, you're more than just beautiful. You have a great personality, you're smart, you're nice... Ms. Phillips I love so many things about you!"

She looked at me shocked. "Really..." she exclaimed, starting to smirk a little. "You're definitely the first kid to tell me that, even though you're not the first kid to check me out. Do you mean what you say?"

"Yes, unfortunately, I do."

Ms. Phillips was a little taller than me, at around 5 foot 9. She had a very light brunette hair color (her natural color, I believe) and beautiful blue eyes. She had nice plump, red lips, and a gorgeous smile. Her breasts were full-bodied and very round, even if they were only average-sized. She had the most incredible curves, and her hips were as round as any woman's should be. Her ass is her best feature - a stunning, heart-shaped, tight, hard ass - and she shows it off well by wearing very tight pants.

She got up from her desk and walked over to the desk I was sitting at. She put her hands on the desk and leaned over towards me. Her breasts were becoming more visible out of her shirt, and I could see the very beginnings of a push-up bra. "Why aren't you looking at my face?" she asked me.


"Never mind." She walked toward her desk and asked me to go there with her. I did, not knowing really what to think. "I know this is weird," she said, "but it does kind of turn me on with you saying those things about me. And plus, you're not too bad looking yourself Andrew."

I don't know what came over me, but I just blurted, "Ms. Phillips, I want to kiss you so badly right now..."

"Andrew, just call me Megan," she said. And with that, she put on a really sexy grin, and walked towards me. She pushed her body against mine, and I stumbled backwards. My body hit the white board behind me. Megan extended her head towards mine. Our lips met, and she kissed me passionately. My dick hardened immediately. Her mouth engulfed mine, sucking on my lips and repeating. I slowly rolled out my tongue, and she sucked on that too. She pushed herself even closer to me, her beautiful breasts rubbing against my body.

I reached around Megan and grabbed her mouthwatering ass, pulling her closer to me. We were right up against each other, our hot breath passing by one another. She reached for her shirt, pulled it up over her head, and threw it to the side. She was wearing a purple bra, now exposed to me. She unhooked her bra and threw that aside too.

What I saw was beautiful. Her supple, young breasts fell from the supports of the bra and took natural shape. Her nipples were soft and large, just the right color of red and pink. I walked toward Megan - she grabbed my hand and brought it to her left breast. I leaned forward and licked her nipple very lightly, and then sucked on it, and let go. I gave Megan a little kiss, and then I did the same on the other nipple. I was in heaven.

Megan then turned around, as I leaned back, using her desk as a support. She bent over, her ass extended high in the air, and proceeded to rub her ass against my groin. I leaned forward and grabbed her tits, as I kissed her back. She had the most beautiful, lush, silky skin. I reached down and unbuttoned her tight black business casual pants. This 26 year old was getting it from me - that was for sure.

She slipped down her pants and stepped out of them. Underneath, she was wearing an incredibly sexy pink see-thru Victoria's secret panties. At the sight of this, I quickly undressed. I took off my shirt, threw it aside, and then my sandals, my pants, and then my boxers. When I looked back up, Megan had taken off her panties and was holding them. Her pussy was absolutely beautiful. Her pussy was shaved in a sexy pattern, hair forming a sort of triangle right above her clit.

The whole thing was a sight to behold. She dropped her panties as I moved towards her. I grabbed her close to me, our naked bodies touching intimately, my hard dick high in the air, erect as can be. Having never fucked before, I assumed this would be like a porno. She sucks my dick, I lick her pussy, we fuck. But I was wrong. She wanted to get to the good stuff immediately. Megan got up onto her cold, metal school desk, exposing her flawless wet pussy. She picked up her legs, and I grabbed them and put them over my shoulders. I inched my cock towards her pussy. I took my cock and rubbed it against her pussy a little bit, finding the opening. I found it and then moved in there slowly, slowly... loving every damn minute of my first insertion ever.

Finally I made it in there, my entire dick engulfed by her magnificent pussy. Megan let out a soft moan, her eyes filled with emotion. I started to thrust and back and forward, slowly, letting the pleasure sink in. I got a sudden burst of energy - my dick was inside her wet, glorious pussy, and I loved it. I started pumping a little harder... and harder... and harder - until we were at full fucking speed. Her tits started to bounce as I fucked her, fighting gravity, making beautiful sounds as they slapped against her chest.

"I love you Ms. Phillips!!" I blurted. I don't even know what came over me. She didn't even answer me - I didn't know if it was because she was too busy enjoying herself, or if she just didn't know how to respond. But that didn't bother me, I was enjoying the moment.

My hips slapped against Megan's ass as I continued to pound her. I pulled my dick out for a second and saw my dick covered in her beautiful, delicious juices. I put my cock back in and continued to fuck her. We started making the computer on top of her desk shake, and we simply loved it.

But now it was time to fuck where I would sit in her classroom. Megan got down from the desk, and I took her hand and I sat in one of the chairs in front of a desk. She stood over me, and slowly dropped herself onto my dick. I held her ass for support, as she stood there bending her knees. I started to pump my dick right up her pussy - up and down - up and down. I was doing it real fast, and her tits were bouncing right in front of my face. I caught her left breast with my mouth, and I started kissing it as I fucked her. She started to moan in pleasure - almost screaming! Then she turned around and we did the same thing, only this time I got a great view of her ass.

Her ass shook just a little every time it hit my body. She then started to take over and I just sat back and enjoyed it. I reached forward and grabbed her tits, moaning with Megan's ultra-feminine body slapping against me, the weight of her curved, womanly hips hitting my body with each pump. I fondled and pinched her nipples as this went on for a couple more minutes. Then she simply laid on the ground, right in front of me, her ass high in the air. I got on top of her, shoved my dick inside of her, and fucked her some more. I SLAMMED myself into her each time, moaning. She was YELLING now, and I was afraid that somebody walking by in the hallways would hear us. My chest was right on top of my teacher's back, our bodies sweating on each other and forming a beautiful smell. I kissed her neck as I pounded her harder and harder each time, with increasingly more furious speed. Eventually Ms. Phillips was emitting high pitched shrieks of absolute pleasure, and I was about ready to cum. But right before that, she let out one last scream, turned onto her back, and started squirting all over the place. She soaked me as she let out streams of delicious pussy juice for over ten seconds. I couldn't believe this was for real; I was enjoying this immensely, letting out large moans each time my face got soaked with her juice. When she was done, she was breathing heavily. I rushed to her pussy to suck up the remaining juices, and said to her,

"Megan, that was so sexy. You didn't mention you were a squirter!" She replied,

"... I'm not Andrew. That's the first time I've ever done that... that was AMAZING.. I think I love you too."

That definitely made my afternoon. Ms. Phillips got up and started sucking on my cock like there was no tomorrow. She rubbed it up and down with one hand and played with my balls with the other, while sucking on the head of my cock. I guess she knew I was close to cumming. I moaned loudly as I loaded her mouth with my white, hot sperm. She licked my dick clean and swallowed the whole thing.

She stood up and we kissed deeply for a good two or three minutes. She then had to leave, but it turned out that Megan would be my girlfriend for my entire high school career.

<Check back for more stories about my experiences with Megan!>

The Assembly

Spiff111 on Teen Stories

As the school filed into the gym for the assembly, I made my way through the crowd and onto the bleachers.
Sitting next to my friends on one of the upper rows, I settled in for the long, boring hour to come.  At around 160lbs,  I was your average, semi athletic 11th grader.  Though not the best looking in my grade,  I was certainly not the wirst either.  Getting bored already, I started looking around.  Behind me, on the next row up, I saw the most stunning girl I had ever laid eyes on.  She was sitting between two other girls, though she was not talking to them.  Her long, dirty blonde hair bounding down around her amazing face and blue eyes.  Her perfectly preportioned, C-Cup breasts were full and perfect.  Her smooth, tone legs went on for miles,  f
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inally disappearing underneath a tantilizingly short jean skirt.
As the assembly started,  I found it even harder than usual to keep my attention on the stage.  I was constantly sneaking glances over my shoulder at the godess sitting behind me.  During a pause in the events on the stage, I took anouther glance over my shoulder.  Time seemed to stop as she leaned over to look at somthing.  Her legs parted slightly and I found myself in with a perfect view of her amazing thighs.  I followed them up, under her skirt and to the sexiest black thong I had ever seen.  I was completely lost, staring up those legs.  I was suddenly jerked out of my trance as the assembly started up again.  I looked up into her eyes,  she smiled at me and went back to watching the show.  I shifted my pants,  trying to hide my hard on which had crept down my pant leg.
When the assebly finally ended,  I made my way out of the gym.  I needed release after what I had just seen.  I was halfway to the bathroom when I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned and found myself staring into those same blue eyes.  We began to talk.  I found out she was a new student to the school,  and that she had just moved in to a house near mine.  Since the day was over, I offered to walk her home and she readily agreed.  I followed her to her locker, trying my best not to look at her amazing breasts as we walked along.  I thought she caught me staring, but she didnt say anything.
After getting her stuff we started the walk home.  Looking over at her, I saw her staring at my crotch.  She blushed as I caught her eyes.  I just smiled and walked on.
As we neared my house, I asked if she wanted to hang out for a while before going home.  Again, she readily agreed.  We grabbed ourselves a snack, my parents wouldn't be home for hours, and sat down in front of the TV.  After a while I looked over at her, catching her eye.
She told me she had been looking at me for the entire assembly, and saw me looking at her as well.  I told her I couldnt help looking at her, she was so beautiful.  She smiled and moved closer to me.  I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder.  I was in heaven,  I had the most amazing girl I had ever seen under my arm,  I looked down at her.  Her skirt was riding up her thighs, making even more of those legs visible.  I started to get a hard on again.  I leaned down and kissed her, trying to rearange my hardon so as not to embarass myself.  She kissed me back, more passionatly.  We started making out fiercly.  My hands roamed down her body, and onto her amazing ass.  We stood up as her hands circled my waist and she began to pull my shirt off.  She threw it off to the side as I undid the button on her skirt,  slowly letting it slide down her long, smooth legs.  I pulled the bottom of her tank top up as she stepped out of the skirt, revealing a black bra to match her thong.  My hands cupped her ass once more as she began to work on my belt and jeans.  They fell to the floor and she kneeled in front of me,  pulling down my boxers freeing my 7 1/2 inch member.  I looked down and became completely hard, looking at those incredible breats, barely contained by her bra.  She leaned forward and kissed the tip of my dick.  Then she slid a few inches into her mouth.  She started bobbing her head rhythmicly and the pleasure began to build inside me.  After a few minutes, I warned her I was about to cum.  She pulled her mouth off me just as I shot my load onto her face and chest.  I could not have asked for a sexier sight.  She whiped my cum off her face and stood up.  I reached around her and unclipped her bra,  letting it slowly slide down her arms and to the floor.  Her breasts came into sight, perfectly full and round.  I almost blew my load again.  I laid her down, started sucking her nipple, massaging the other one with my hand.  She moaned in extasy, and I let my hand abandon her nipple, sliding down her chest, over her flat stomach and down to her thong.  I gently rubbed up and down her mound through the fabric.  I slowly slid my fingers under the elastic of her thong, and down into them.  I slid my finger down the length of her mound,  feeling the head and dampness of her.  I slid the tip of my figer into her.  She gasped as I forced it in.  Her muscles contracted around my finger as I started moving it in and out of her.  She moaned as I fingered her.  I started moving faster, still sucking passionatly on her nipples.  I picked up the pace, and she moaned louder, finally arcing her back in extasy as she came.  As she came back down to earth, she told me I was the first guy she had ever been with, and she wanted me to be her first.  That was all I needed to hear as I laid moved my hands down her body, hooking the elastic of her thong with my fingers and pulling it down her sexy legs.  I climbed back ontop of her and kissed her again, as I positioned myself at her entrance.  She groaned as I rubbed the tip of my dick against her mount.
Finally, when neither of us could wait any longer, I began to push myself slowly into her.  She winced as I slid in, but nodded to me to continue.  I felt resistance, and kissed her again as I gave a final push through her hymen.  A tear rolled down her cheek, but the look of pain on her face soon gave way to one of pleasure.  I pulled out and pushed back in, and started pumping her.  Slowly at first, then faster and faster.  She moaned with pleasure and I felt the muscles inside her clamp down onto my dick.  That was all I could take, and I blew the biggest load of my life inside her stomach.  We collapsed ontop of each other, my member becoming soft, still inside her.
I kissed her once more, and whispered that I loved her.  She responded in kind.
I smiled, this was the start of a wonderful relationship.

The Encounter

StardustDragon on Sex Stories

Anna stood before Cole wearing nothing but a whipped cream bathing suit. He liked what he saw and drew her close to him.

“You look very sweet my dear.”

“I thought you would approve my love.”

Cole began to lick the whipped cream off of one of her breasts. Shivers went down her spine as she felt his tongue hit her flesh.

Anna kissed him back licking the whipped cream from his lips. Suddenly Nick appeared behind her and began kissing her back.

She didn’t expect Nick to be there but she enjoyed him kissing her spine and her shoulders. Nick was kissing the small of her back sending shivers down her whole body.

Nick continued to kiss her turning her towards him. Now it was his turn to lick the whipped cream. He chose to kiss it off of her womanhood.

Anna gasped with excitement of having two men in love with her caressing her body at the same time. She loved the way she felt when she was with them.

Nick pulled out the handcuffs. Anna nodded in agreement. He took her to the bed and handcuffed her to the headboard.

“This is my perfect fantasy,” she told them, “to be bound to the bed and have two men make love to me.”

Nick and Cole added more whipped cream to Anna’s naked body. She lay there with her legs spread wide waiting for their next move.

“Next it will be your turn Cole and then Nick.”

“But first we feast on you my sweet Anna,” Nick said before licking the whipped cream from her lips. He then traveled down to her right breast.

She could feel the heat of his breath on her flesh. Her skin tingled as he licked off the whipped cream. Anna enjoyed every sensation she felt. She wanted more. She could feel his lips travel down her body to her waiting pussy.

“You are so sweet, I could eat you up,” Nick said before continuing the seduction.

Anna arched her back so that he could lick the whipped cream off of her more easily. She loved the attention that Nick was giving her. Soon it would be Cole’s turn to seduce her even further. Her fantasy was coming true right before her eyes.

Nick began to lick her neck and then he started kissing her brushing his lips on her collarbone. The sensation was almost too much for her to bear. She could feel his hard cock poking at her. Soon she thought he would be inside her. Her pussy began to get moist at the thought.