Published Sex Stories

More than perfect

mibrainisdead on Teen Stories

This is my third story and the sequel to “She Was Perfect”. The story is longer than the original as I tried to build a good plot with lively details to make the story more interesting. This part talks about Dave and Gwen’s date Sarah was walking. No, not walking. Marching. No, even that seemed to demean her state of mind. Storming –yes, storming was the right word. Sarah was storming towards the… thing that was called Dave Mathews. People all around her were getting out of her way from fear of getting verbally slashed into non-existence. She appeared alive with energy, static seeming to ripple along her shoulder length blonde hair. The reasons of her anger, though various and complex, could be simplified into two words: Gwen Mitchels. Her girlfriend had bee
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n spending an inordinate amount of time with her ‘friend’. She was getting better grades in English, sure, but there was something she was hiding. It had been three weeks since she had met the guy at his house. Ever since, Gwen had changed. She giggled at awkward times, was often caught daydreaming and was even spending less time on her phone! What kind of girl spends less time chatting with her best friend? Sarah thought. Something was wrong and she was determined to find out what. Even if it meant talking to Mathews. Mathews. The name itself repulsed her. She knew that guy was trouble. If only Gwen had listened to her… She glared at her prey, which was still unaware of its impending doom. She reached him and took a deep breath. She was going to need it…. * * * Gwen was feeling giddy. She had been thinking of Dave. Again. She always thought of Dave these days. She giggled. Everything about Dave made her giddy: his hair, his soft perfume, his clothes, his attitude… his body. Ah, his body. So many things she liked about it. She had fantasized, oh how she had fantasized…. She was going to meet him and get a little… something, to make lunchtime more enjoyable. She heard Dave before she saw him. He appeared to be in the middle of an oral scuffle but she couldn’t identify his ‘opponent’. She cleared her way through the small crowd, not more than twenty students, and found her best friend arguing with her new… hubby? Guy? Boyfriend? They hadn’t even dated yet…. Well, she found her arguing with Dave. Arguing was a small word. World War III came to her mind when she saw their faces. They were both contorted with fury and an unnatural… bestiality. Dave was clenching his fists so tightly they were blanching. And Sarah. She had curled her slender fingers into claws that reminded her of a vulture. Or a hawk. She opened her mouth in response to what he had said and what followed was the loudest and most imaginative swearing she had ever heard. Dave answered with anatomical references. She caught a glimpse of the exchange: scrotum sucker, balled-up anus, whoring vagina, unfucked… what was it? Whoa! She couldn’t believe he had said that. Sarah was stunned for a second then her eyes turned cold and her left hand swung towards Dave’s eyes. The latter grabbed her hand and his fist was a blur as it moved towards Sarah’s nose. Gwen closed her eyes and waited for the meaty smack and the loud pop that announced broken cartilages…. She opened her eyes a bit and saw that he had stopped a mere inch from the organ. He flicked out his index instead, brushing the tip of Sarah’s nose, and spoke in a tone she had never heard him use. His eyes were colder than the chicken her mom had thawed yesterday. “If you weren’t Gwen’s friend…” His voice trailed off, full of menace and unspoken agony. He turned and thundered off, leaving a discomfited Sarah and a shocked Gwen in his wake. She turned to look at Sarah who was still looking in Dave’s direction. Apparently, she didn’t notice her as she walked to the restroom and slammed the door behind her. Sarah started after her and quietly slipped inside. She saw Sarah bent over a sink, her blonde hair hiding her face. She was muttering something under her breath. Sarah took a deep breath and walked to her. “What was that all about?” Sarah whirled around, eyes wide. “What was what all about?” “That little exchange out there.” “You heard that?” Sarah asked sheepishly. “Difficult not to.” “Okay, it’s like this. You’re spending way too much time with that Dave shit. You’re not returning my calls, we barely hang out anymore and you even skip lunch. What’s got into you?” Gwen scoffed. “What I make of my time is none of your business. And since when have you become obsessed with me?” “We’ve been friends forever and you’re basically blowing me off!” “I’m taking some me time. So what? Sarah, you should learn to share.” “Share? With whom?” she asked suspiciously. “Like I said, none of your business.” She turned and left the restroom. She couldn’t believe Sarah was so childish. She went to the cafeteria and looked for Dave. He was alone in a corner, eating his Jell-O in silence. She took her platter and made her way to him. Nobody cast her another glance as she was wearing a baggy jean and a loose tee with a denim jacket. She sat down in front of her lover and met his eyes. He looked away for an instant before looking back. He was ready to listen. Not talk, not yet. She bit into her sandwich, chewed slowly, swallowed and took a sip from her juice. Dave was still looking her in the eyes. They ate, never letting their eyes stray from their required position. “What happened?” She knew she could expect an honest answer. Vague, no doubt, but still honest. “You saw?” “Yeah.” “Sorry about that. It was too much. I couldn’t take it. I snapped.” He shrugged, as if it could have happened to anyone. In fact, in could happen to anyone. “You haven’t answered my question.” He sighed and leaned back into his chair. “Sarah was asking about you. She was talking about stealing her friendship and bla and bla and crap. I was okay until she mentioned my mom. Something about a skank or a ho. That was too much.” “I’m glad you didn’t punch her lights out.” “I respect your friendship, I just don’t respect her. That’s why I stopped.” “You’re really sweet, you know,” she said, pinching his cheek slightly. She smiled and leaned towards him. “We still got ten minutes before the bell.” He looked up and cocked an eyebrow. “Only ten?” “Ten is enough.” * * * Sarah was going to her English class when she heard something move in the janitor’s closet. She silently came closer. She heard a grunt and a moan. This was probably some stupid kids getting some R-rated action. She put her hand on the doorknob and suddenly pulled it open. Her jaw hit the floor. Gwen was sitting in Dave’s lap, who was sitting on a bucket. Their faces were close together but Gwen’s long brown hair was hiding what they were doing. The closet was small and untidy. There was no doubt about what they were doing. She was still staring when they pulled back. Gwen turned to her and her eyes widened. She wet her lips with her tongue and tried to speak but Sarah slammed the door shut and stalked off. They were once again bathed in darkness. Dave cleared his throat and said one single word. “Oops.” “Yeah, oops.” “You think she’s mad?” “No, she’s thrilled. Of course she’s mad!” “Is that a problem?” “Yes.” She sighed. “I’ll try to make it up with her.” “There’s still two minutes.” Gwen smiled and kissed him again. It was kind of a ritual. Eat lunch, and then make out in the closet. Sometimes she’d give him a blowjob or he would go down on her. They hadn’t had sex since that magical night three weeks ago. They kissed in silence, tongues rolling around in their mouths until the bell rang. They got out of the closet and went to their classes. * * * Dave sat through Chemistry thinking of Gwen and Sarah. Mostly Gwen. Gwen’s lips, her hips, her thighs, her soft skin, her silky hair, her breasts, her bum, her body, her curves, her tongue, her… everything about her. Sarah was going to be a bitch, that was sure. He pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on organic chemistry. * * * Gwen waited near the doors after school, looking for Sarah. She was going to make this hard, she just knew it. She spotted her friend while she was walking to her car. She walked over and tried to start a conversation. Sarah shot her a venomous look the second she opened her mouth. “I can’t believe you! Dave Mathews! Of all the people….” “What’s wrong with him?” Gwen asked defensively. “He’s Dave. That’s what’s wrong.” Gwen shook her head. “Well, get over it. We’re dating and you’re not stopping me. Even if it means that I never get to talk to you again, that’s fine with me. I don’t belong to you.” She turned and stalked off. Sarah was really a bitch. She saw Dave waiting for her near a lamppost. He had seen the exchange and was obviously going to provide moral support. She grabbed his arm, looked over her shoulder, gave Sarah a murderous stare and dragged her new boyfriend away. They walked in silence until they reached the park. She sat down on a bench and put her head in her hands. “Hey, hey, no crying,” Dave said, lifting her chin with one hand. He leaned towards her and planted a long, deep, passionate kiss on her lips. She responded with a firm hug that pulled him closer. Their lips were burning with desire. They must have looked like a pair of sex-crazed teens trying to get it on in a park. He finally stopped. Her cupped her face in his right hand and stroked her long brown hair with his left hand. “You are beautiful.” That simple statement made her blush. “Say… we haven’t officially been on a date yet.” He smiled. “Tomorrow’s Friday. Pick you up at eight?” “Yeah. Be on time.” She kissed him again, letting her hands run through his hair. They were still getting in his ears. She had told him to get a haircut. She rolled her tongue around in his mouth, feeling his, pulling him closer. She wanted him. She wanted him like a piece of well-cooked red meat. He must have felt the same, for he She broke the kiss regretfully and scampered off, leaving a very happy Dave behind her. She heard a mumble, something clearer. “What the hell am I gonna wear?” She smiled. Dave was a slob when it came to clothing. She was sure he was going to surprise her. * * * Friday night couldn’t come soon enough. Gwen had tried every dress in her closet, trying to find the right one. Her sister had even lent her a couple of her dresses. She couldn’t quite make her mind up. Her bed was crumbling under the clothes scattered on its surface. Her sister, Kate, was sitting on a chair by her table, watching her with a smile. “First date?” she asked. Gwen blushed. “Yeah.” She fished out a green dress, tossed it on the ground, looked at a blue denim skirt and a white shirt and threw them on a chair in frustration. Kate smirked and got up. She collected all the clothes on the bed and placed them delicately on a sturdy chair. She lazily lay on the stomach and propped her head in her hands. “So. Who is it?” “Dave Mathews,” she said. She was too busy looking for a suitable attire to blush. “Aaaah. The Dave Mathews. The guy from the English class. He finally asked you out.” She smiled when Gwen blushed. She saw her sister stop searching and sit on the bed, playing with her hair. Girlie talk was on the way. “I asked him out. Yesterday.” “What kind of date is it? Concert? Club? Dinner? Movie?” she enquired. She looked at the dresses and smiled. “Lips?” she suggested. Gwen turned the color of a fire hydrant. Yes, it was lips. Her sister had finally grown up. Kate was only one year older than Gwen but she had had her share of dates and lips. Gwen had always been shy. “I think I have what you need but I need some info first. Why lips on the first date? Is there something I should know?” Gwen turned an even deeper shade of crimson. “We kissed in the park,” she mumbled. Kate moved closer to her sister and nudged her side. “You kissed in the park,” she repeated. “Wow, that’s fast. I usually wait for the third date.” Gwen hid her face in her hands. “So, you two kissed. How was it?” Gwen lifted her head and gazed at the wall in front of her. Her eyes glazed over and she looked like she was spacing out. “Wonderful,” she finally said. “Tongue action?” Kate teased. Gwen nodded, a mischievous smile on her face. “There may have been some groping,” she said. Kate got up, went into her room and rummaged through her closet. She came back with a plain black dress in her hands. It looked too short, too insubstantial, too tight, too… revealing. Gwen shook her head. “I can’t wear that! It’s… it’s… way too short,” she said lamely. Kate cocked an eyebrow and stared at her sister. “You wanna get your lips or some sloppy goodbye kiss on the porch? Stand up and wear that thing,” she ordered. Gwen got up and took off her pajamas. She slipped into the dress and closed her eyes in front of the huge mirror. “I probably look horrible.” Kate sighed and shook her head. Gwen was so naïve. “You look stunning! Just open your eyes.” Gwen slowly opened her eyes. She stared at the figure in the mirror for a long time before whispering a soft “Wow”. She was indeed stunning. The hem of the dress hung three inches above her knees, making her look respectable yet sultry at the same time. The plunging neckline gave a good view of her cleavage but was not outrageously open. The material was loose yet it married every curve of her body and accentuated them without making her look like a slut. The thin straps looked like they could slide off her shoulders at a moment’s notice. She whirled in front of the mirror, checking herself out. Her hips didn’t appear too large and her butt looked quite … tasty. Kate was right. The dress was perfect. She looked at her sister and saw her wide eyes and her approving smile. “Dave’s not going to resist. If I were gay, I’d want you,” she teased. “If you were gay, you wouldn’t be in this room,” Gwen replied lightly. They were pretty liberal when it came to sexuality. Gwen looked down at her bare feet and sighed. She didn’t own any high heels, only Nikes and Sprandis. Kate miraculously produced a pair of small shoes that fit just right on her feet. They were very comfortable, just two inches high. “You save my life,” Gwen said, looking at her reflection. “I know. At what time does he pick you up?” “Eight.” “Okay. You can go at eight thirty.” “I’ll be late!” “It’s a girl’s privilege to be late, honey. He’ll understand. Now, makeup.” Gwen winced. She didn’t like makeup. It was so fake. Still, she let Kate guide her to her chair and let her do her magic. Some pink lip-gloss, a bit of eyeliner, some powder and the trick is done. Gwen looked just right. Not too much makeup but just enough to look supremely beautiful. She heard a honk outside, followed by the slap of a closing door and footsteps. She looked at the clock. Eight sharp. Dave was really punctual. Kate led her to her room and gave her a few tips and some advice on how to make the night enjoyable. Dave was downstairs talking to their parents in the living room. Kate went down and signaled Gwen to come down quietly. They listened to the conversation for a while. “… time do you think you’ll be back?” Gwen’s father asked. “I don’t know. What time do you want her back?” he asked. “Not too late. Tomorrow’s Saturday, so she can stay out a bit late, but no later than midnight.” “Alright. She’ll be here by eleven, Sir,” Dave said. Gwen nodded approvingly. He had all the right answers. She nudged Kate and entered the room. She saw Dave rise from the couch and take a step towards her then stop. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed and blinked. She enjoyed the look in his eyes. She gave him the once-over. He was wearing beige slacks, a plain black shirt tucked out with a yellow T-shirt underneath, a cozy blue jacket and his black Nikes. He looked great. He had made a conscious effort to impress her and her parents by looking respectable and cute at the same time. Her father got up kissed her on the cheek and slipped out of the room. There was a bouquet of blood red roses on the table. How romantic. He brushed himself and cleared his throat. “You’re… um… very…” his voice faltered as he looked at her. “Absolutely stunning,” he whispered finally. She smiled, took the roses, smelled them and dropped them in a vase. She took his hand and got out. “Let’s go,” she said. * * * Dave still couldn’t believe his luck. Gwen was sitting in his Dad’s black sedan and looking hotter than she had ever had. He could barely concentrate on the road. They drove to a restaurant near her house with excellent food and guaranteed privacy at a low cost. He was friends with the owner and got a special table when the latter saw his date. They ate, talking and looking at each other. They talked about the things two people in love usually do. Dave examined her carefully. She was wearing a beautiful black dress that seemed to mold her every shape. Her cleavage was delightfully exposed, just enough to make his mouth water. Her long brown hair was carefully brushed and shimmered in the soft light of the restaurant. Her lips were so lusty, they cried out for attention. Her legs were hairless, a definite bonus. She was eating her pasta slowly, enjoying the flavor of the Italian food. She looked up, noticed his scrutiny and blushed, making blood rush to her cheeks. She looked all the more beautiful with the color in her face. He couldn’t wait to kiss her. Kiss her like he had never kissed her before. They ate and went to see a movie, “The Prince And Me”, with Julia Stiles. It was quite good and he was able to hold her hand through the entire movie. Her skin was softer than he remembered. Her smelled the lavender of her hair and her soft perfume. They went to the beach, walking with their bare feet in the sand, shoes in one hand, holding their free hands. They talked and laughed all the way to her house. It was around eleven fifteen when they arrived. He looked at her and leaned towards her, kissing her. It was a simple kiss, just a peck on the mouth. He pulled back quickly and went out, opening the car’s door for her in a chivalrous way. He took her hand and led her to her doorstep. He noticed that her parents’ car wasn’t in the driveway and the lights were out. They stopped at the door. She turned to him. “So. Good night.” “Good night.” She turned back, visibly disappointed. She was about to open the door when he snagged her right arm and whirled her around, pulling her in a strong embrace. She hit his chest with a grunt and looked up to his eyes. He was smiling. Her heart was beating faster, he could feel it through her skin. She was scared, in a good way. His lips touched hers. She gripped his jacket’s collar with her left hand and cupped his head with her right one. His lips pressed against hers. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him, wanting her with all his heart. Their tongue were locked in an erotic ballet, right there on the porch. The fact that her parents could find them anytime excited him as much as her fragrance. She tilled her head up, giving him full access to her lips. He cupped her face in his hands as she slid her arms around him. Her chest was tight against his solid body. He wanted her right now, on this goddamn porch! She hungrily sucked on his lips, her muffled moans and grunts reaching his ears. He hoped her parents were out. He finally pulled back. He had to come up for air as much as she needed to. They were both red in the face. She rearranged her hair so that it was tucked behind her ears and smoothed her dress while he dusted his jacket and straightened his ruffled hair. He stepped back, panting slightly. She looked down for a second before looking up with a smile. She held his left hand lightly in her right hand. She rubbed it affectionately and stood on tiptoe, pecking him on the cheek. She opened the door and motioned him to get in. “Won’t you get a drink? Meet the parents at least?” “Alright. Sure they won’t be mad?” “You said I’d be back before midnight and I am. They’ll be happy to know their daughter is in such good hands.” She smiled suggestively, wriggling her eyebrow. * * * They went to the living room then Gwen moved to the kitchen to get Dave a Coke. There was a note stuck beneath a magnet on the fridge’s door. It said, “Gwen, we’re at the hospital. Mom twisted her ankle and is getting it checked out. Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious. She’ll be up in no time. The house is yours. I hope you get lucky. I’ll call you when we get ready to go.” Kate had left her the message and had put the time they had moved on the paper. Half an hour ago. From experience, Gwen knew they would be back in two to three hours. She smiled wickedly. More than enough? Or too little time? She couldn’t decide. She put the Coke back in the fridge and took off her shoes. These things were really comfy but her feet were starting to ache from prolonged use. She sneaked to Dave who was sitting on the sofa with his back to her. She put her hands on his shoulders and started to slowly massage them. She leaned on him, whispering in his ear. “My parents are gone for the night. How many do you have…?” her voice trailed off. He looked up in indignation. “What kind of guy do you think I am? I don’t walk around with a box of condoms in my pockets! That would be lacking respect towards you to think that I can get some every time we meet.” He sulked for a while. “Six,” he quietly added. Gwen smiled. She knew it! He always brought protection when he met her. She took his hand and led him upstairs to her room. The last time, it had been his room and his parents were absent. She hoped that Kate had cleaned up before her departure. She opened the door to find a clean and tidy room with an open window. Her room. She turned to her date. This was going to be fun. She reached for the door behind him and closed it. She pressed him against it, feeling his hard muscles through the layers of cloth. Her mouth was almost on his. His hot breath was slowly blowing on her face. She kissed him long and deep, locking the door at the same time. His arms found their way around her. She cupped his face and kissed him hungrily, just like the first time they had been alone. His hands slid to her bum and squeezed her cheeks. She moaned as he slowly massaged her buttocks. She played with his tongue, rubbing it with her own, pressing his face to hers more fiercely. She was compensating for all the time they had spent away from each other. She lost track of time. His hands had left her ass and were slowly sliding her dress’s straps down her shoulders. Her hands were busy unbuttoning his shirt. She pulled his arms to his sides and threw his shirt down. She lifted his T-short up and over his head. Dave let his arms fall slowly to her shoulders as he kissed her again. She was still fully clothed. She felt his member through his pale blue boxers. She pulled back and smiled. Dave’s eyes were lovingly watching her. His breathing had picked up and was warming her face. She kissed him on the right cheek, and then went on her knees. * * * Dave relished what was to come. He had finally kissed her like he wanted to. Gwen must have enjoyed it because she was now freeing his hard dick from its confines. He stepped out of his boxers and felt the tip of a tongue pass over his dickhead. He shuddered. She was getting good at that sort of thing. She licked the shaft then the head, then the shaft again. When it was carefully lubricated, she opened her mouth and guided his meat inside. It was warm and inviting and so pleasant. She used her tongue and swallowed, sending numerous jolts to his head. The swallowing thing left a vacuum in her mouth that felt great. Her lips were at the base of his cock. She used her mouth for his shaft and slowly played with his balls with her hands. He could barely hold back. He had trained himself in the Tantric arts a little to be able to control his ejaculation and be a more efficient lover. Tantra or no Tantra, Gwen was going to make him cum if she continued. He stroked her hair as she bobbed up and down on him and used her hands. He pulled her off just before the point of no return. She looked disappointed but stood up and kissed him again. She led him to her rather large bed and stood before him, waiting for him to undress her. Her window was open and the curtains open but this wasn’t a problem. Her neighbors were away for the weekend. His hands landed on her shoulders. Her felt the straps under his palms as he slid them down her arms. She was smiling so beautifully that he just had to stop and kiss her again. He pulled her closer to him and moved his arms to under her armpits. His hands found the upper edge of her dress and slowly pulled it down. She was breathing more heavily now, just like him. He kissed her neck and hugged her, all the while sliding her dress down. Her arms were hanging limply by her sides, letting him work. He sucked on the skin just above her collarbone. The dress was now halfway off. Her breasts were free and pressed against his chest. He sucked harder, making her moan. Her hands flew to his head, urging him on, making him scrap the skin with his teeth. She grunted but didn’t back away. He let the fabric fall from his hands and drop on the floor. He hugged her as she rested her hands on his head and shoulders. He let her go, pushing her on her bed. She giggled when she landed on the bouncy mattress. Her hair was fanned out beneath her and looked striking. He put one of the condoms on and put the rest on the floor beside her bed. She spread her legs when he climbed on top of her. He smiled and suddenly felt giddy. This was their first date and they were already having sex. Other guys would have been thrilled but not Dave. He was just marveling at his luck. He had found the right girl. Or the right girl had found him, depended on how you looked at the situation. He slid inside her missionary style and sunk in until his balls were resting on her asshole. She moaned slightly then drew him closer and kissed him. She put her arms around him and wrapped her legs around his waist. They were still kissing when he started moving. He was slowly, rhythmically popping in and out of her. Her kiss was interrupted by a moan and he pulled his head up, watching her face contort with forbidden pleasure. He pumped in and out slowly. She was holding on to him like a lifejacket in a bucketing sea. Her moans were soft and gentle. He continued his slow work and watched her face contort again as he suddenly thrust all of himself inside her. He pulled out and thrust again. He repeated this maneuver several times, each time eliciting a jerking moan form his lover each time. He called it preheating the oven. And right, the oven was boiling hot, he could feel it through the thin rubbery material covering him. He picked up his pace, thrusting and grinding himself into her faster. She held him more tightly. They must have looked like a pair of monkeys in heat, each one grunting and moaning as loudly as the other and making the bed rattle. He neared his climax when he suddenly popped out of her and rubbed the tip around her sweet pussy. He heard her disappointed moan and slid in again, as slowly as before. She tried to buck her hips against him but he only stopped moving until she recessed. He was going to make her mad with desire before he made her –and himself- come like a fire hose. He tried the Sets Of Nine. He made one deep thrust then eight shallow thrusts –only the dickhead inside, then retreat. Two deep, seven shallow. Three deep, six shallow. Four deep, five shallow. He continued this pattern until he made nine slow thrusts inside her. He was surprised at her resilience. She hadn’t had an orgasm yet. He decided to abandon all foreplay and plunged inside her, using all his speed. She started moaning and grunting louder. She racked his back with her nails, something he found incredibly arousing. Her legs were almost painfully holding him to her. He thrust still harder, making her move along the sheets. The headboard banged loudly against the walls with each animalistic push he gave. He started to feel the familiar sensation in his loins that predicted his climax. He felt her walls become impossibly hot then suddenly she was half-moaning, half-crying. He managed to hold for a little longer. It would be ungentlemanly to cum before she did. He felt the hot nectar from her fruit drip on his legs and cock. It was running down her legs like water from a breaking dam. This was, after all, her first orgasm tonight. She shuddered once, twice, thrice. She held him tightly all the while and he never stopped moving, approaching his own ejaculation. He emptied himself inside the condom with a grunt and a thrust. He pressed himself inside her, feeling his fluid fill the sheath. She was calming down, sweating and kissing his neck. He pulled out of her and rolled on his back. He took the used sheath and dropped it in a wastebasket. He turned to her smiling face and kissed. They lay face-to-face, kissing and recuperating from their first eruption of the night. He stroked her breasts and hair, marveling at their soft texture. She kissed him again and laughed a girlish laugh. He passed his hand through her hair, fanning it behind her. She leaned towards him and kissed his neck. Her arms slid around him and held him still while she sucked on his neck like a vampire, just like he had a moment ago. He closed his eyes and moaned. She continued this little thing until he felt a strange sensation. He was getting a bit dizzy. She bit his skin, drawing some blood and a grunt. She sucked his blood like a, uh, vampire? No, leech. Yes, she sucked his blood like a leech. It was delicious. He held her head against his neck, trying to figure out where she found her ideas. She pulled back and kissed him. Their lips were burning for each other and for a while they just kissed like a pair of lovers. Their tongues danced in their mouths. They held each other like there was no tomorrow. He caressed her hair and she squeezed his butt. They broke the kiss and laughed together like lovesick puppies. He glanced at his watch. He never took it off, even when they were making love. They had fucked for about thirty minutes and had kissed for approximately ten minutes. It was time to start again. He was rising to the occasion, so to speak. * * * Gwen smiled and fitted him with another condom. She made him lay still on his back and lifted herself up, supporting herself on her knees. She took his hands in hers and placed them on her breasts. He immediately began to fondle them. She straddled him and took his dick in her hands. It was once again hard and warm. She lifted herself up, positioning the tip at her entrance. She rubbed the head against her clit and her lips. She smiled as she looked at him. He was still petting her chest, like a kid who had gotten his Christmas gift early. She placed the head inside her, moaning softly. “Incoming,” she said. “Target acquired.” She plopped down on him. He grunted as experienced a sudden warmth as her pussy engulfed him. He massaged her mounds a little more pressingly. She lifted herself again, leaving the head inside her, then slowly slid down again. Her hands were resting on his strong chest. He was enjoying it. She was taking control, showing him that she too could bring him untold pleasure. She continued her scheme. He was now moaning softly, telling her how good she was. She smiled as she lifted herself up another time. She let her hands drift to her calves. She slowly stroked them as she lowered herself onto him. Her fingernails scrapping her skin excited her even more than the sight of the body beneath her. She was using only her thighs and knees for movement, rocking up and down every few seconds. Dave’s hands were making her breasts hard with satisfaction. He was gently tweaking them, pinching the nipples and massaging them delicately. He was so good. The best she would ever experienced, she decided. No, not the best. The most patient and delicate. Her first lover. Yes, the first lover always had a special something that no one else could give. Was it the patience, the silent need, the pleasure he brought her, the knowledge of her body, his emotional closeness to her? She pondered this question as she slowly lowered her body. She moaned softly, a long drawn-out moan that filled the quiet room. She began to pick up speed, lifting herself and plopping down more forcefully. She grunted and moaned every time she felt his penis penetrate her. Dave had slid his hands to her waist. He was holding it, helping her in her movements. He began to thrust a little when she lowered herself. She was bordering her climax. She placed her hands on his chest once again and pressed her hands into his flesh, making her nails dig into his bosoms. She was now frantically thrusting up and down on his shaft. Her grunting had turned to a constant moan as Dave thrust into her on his own accord, holding her waist softly yet firmly in his grasp. She felt her face grow hotter. In fact, she felt her whole body grow hotter, particularly her pussy. She thrust down one final time and ground herself into his pelvis as he tried to thrust as well, in vain. He settled for grinding into her as her juices flooded her fruit. She was erect over his body, almost perpendicular. She threw back her head and moaned loudly, as she came. She passed her hands in her hair, fanning in behind her. Dave’s hands were holding her pussy clamped onto his penis as he too climaxed. He had closed his eyes, his mouth open in a silent moan. She felt some of her secretion flow down her thighs and onto the bed sheet. She would have to clean it before her parents showed up. She finally lifted herself off him and felt the remaining juice inside her flow out of her body. She was feeling tired. Her chest was heaving, her breasts gently swaying each time she breathed. She was spent for the moment. Dave, apparently, was not. She watched as he ripped the condom off himself and crawled to her legs. He kissed her big toes, then proceeded up her left leg, kissing her flesh made hot by their exertion. She was patiently waiting for him o arrive at his destination. It was always worth the wait. Dave’s mouth was now a mere inch from her fruit. She new it was enticing. So appealing, with its puffed out, red lips, its sweet nectar and its arousing smell. He couldn’t take it any longer as he dived for her without any foreplay. Gwen laughed as he attacked her with a passion. She enjoyed being eaten out, even after a strenuous session. She let herself drift away as her lover gave her so much pleasure. He was licking her clit, rubbing her walls with his fingers, sending jolts to her brain. She did not know how long she would last, but it probably wasn’t going to be long, judging by the waves of contentment washing over her as his tongue danced an intricate ballet on her flesh. He felt the familiar heat surge. She welcomed it, embraced it like a long-lost friend. It was drawing nearer with each lick of his tongue, with each thrust of his finger, with each excruciatingly good second. She grabbed his head and held it in place as she played with his tousled hair. His tongue was frenzied now. He had sensed her change. He was pressing his head more deeply into her. She smiled slowly, opening her mouth a little in preparation for the orgasm to come. She couldn’t control her body when it hit home, though. She suddenly clenched her teeth and hissed as her sweet nectar rushed outside to meet the hungry mouth waiting for it. She opened her mouth in a scream but no sound came out. She arched her back, thrust her head into her pillow and buried Dave’s head into her pussy. She felt him lapping every drop of fluid coming out of her. It was good. It was extraordinarily good. She finally gasped as a second wave flooded Dave’s mouth. She was still trying to catch her breath while enjoying her release when a third orgasm rocked her. This time, she did scream. It was a low scream that her next-door neighbors probably wouldn’t hear but one that anyone outside her room or in the living room would have heard. She was already losing hold on her consciousness when Dave’s face came into focus. Her vision was a bit blurry but she could still grab his head and kiss him passionately. She tasted herself in him. She tongued his mouth with great satisfaction. He was holding her still, his semi-erect cock between her legs. She felt her mind freeze even as he renewed the kiss. * * * Dave smiled as Gwen drifted off. She was probably recuperating. She had just had a triple orgasm. He didn’t know he was that good. Those Tantra books were really great! Next, he’d buy a manual. He kissed her sleeping face as he lay by her side, watching her nose as she breathed. Watching her twin mounds of soft flesh rise gently. He loved watching her when she was sleeping, not just when she was naked. No, correct that: he just loved watching her. She was so beautiful. It sounded corny, but she was more beautiful each passing second. He longed for her arousal so that they could resume their delicate lovemaking. He loved her with all his heart and could wait a few minutes; he was not as impatient as all his other friends. He knew she would come around soon enough. He kissed the tip of her nose gently, trying not to wake her up. He put his arms around her and waited until he finally felt a squeeze. Gwen looked at him with a smile and those haunting hazel eyes. So beautiful. He kissed her long and deep. She reached for another condom, put it on him and positioned him over her. Just like the first time, he slowly started sliding in until he just thrust inside her. She wrapped herself around him like a snake. He thrust harder as she clung onto him. He thrust and thrust, feeling his loins swell. It was going to take some time but he kept his break-neck pace. Gwen moaned loudly with each thrust, just as he grunted every time he met her flesh. Dave was no longer the careful and soft lover Gwen had experienced only moments ago, but a wild rutting animal. He plunged in and out of her so fast, his cock was almost a blur. He held her against him more tightly. She tightened her legs all the more. This was so fucking good! He fought to regain control of his frenzied body but failed. He gave in fully to his basic instincts as he threw himself into again and again and again until he rocking the bed back and forth. The rattle and the squeaking turned him on extraordinarily well. Gwen was moaning non-stop. With every thrust, her voice would raise and moan would be louder. She had closed her eyes and was screwing her face up, as if experiencing intense pain. Dave understood her. The pleasure was so good, it hurt. It hurt to let it go, to know it could be over in another ten minutes. It hurt to get off her hot body, drenched in sweat but still the most attractive one he had ever seen. The though stirred him to greater heights. He moved even faster, making the headboard bang the wall again. Dave bear-hugged her as he ground himself inside her. He felt his balls stir, boil, swell, do just about anything before his seed rushed inside his shaft and erupted out against the condom. Good thing he had thought to bring condoms with him. He didn’t want to ruin the relationship with a baby, but he knew he was going to go bankrupt if he kept buying sheaths like crazy. His semen, his fluid, his very soul seemed to pour out of him and into her. She held him and lay trembling beneath him. She was shaking like mad and was moaning with each wave that gushed out of her. She cummed once while he was holding her, then a second time as his fluid receded its flow and finally a third time as he was kissing her. She was moaning as he kissed her lower lip. Her back was arched to the maximum as she desperately pressed her body into his. Her head was thrown back and was driving her pillow into her mattress. She couldn’t seem to stop gushing. Dave mustered enough energy to start thrusting again, despite his limping penis. He tried his best to get her another orgasm. He didn’t fail. Gwen fairly screamed as her body was ripped by another killer wave of delight. The scream died down as her voice’s pitch heightened until he could not hear it anymore. Her mouthed hanged open in that silent scream as he sucked on her lower lip. She finally calmed down and relaxed in his arms. Her body went limp as all her energy deserted her. She slumped beneath him and closed her eyes. Dave got off her, took his condom off and it joined its comrades on the floor. He went to the bathroom and showered. He was sure the Mitchels would not complain. He put his boxers on and scooped the used –and sticky- sheaths in a wastebasket. He carefully took her dress off the floor and laid it on a chair. He cleaned the room as best he could before the parents came back. They seemed to be a bit late. Dave hurried and collected Gwen in his strong arms. He carried her to the bathroom, slipped out of his boxers and cleaned her. Her pussy was puffed out and an angry-looking red. He had been a little too enthusiastic it seemed. He washed her hair carefully, something he had always fantasized about. He dried her sweet body and her silky hair, then carried her back to her room. He rummaged in her closet and found her pajamas. He quickly dressed her and put her in her bed. He had changed the sheets and sprayed some perfume in the room to cover their activities. He slid next to her and kissed her neck. He kissed her collarbone and moved to her delicious lips. He lay there in his boxers kissing her until her lips were puffy and his own were sore. He slid his hand under her top and began to fondle her breasts when he heard the front door open. He snapped out of his romantic reverie in an instant and his eyes darted around the room in search of his clothes. He spotted his slacks and pulled them on hurriedly. His yellow T-shirt was lying near her bed. He put it on, nearly tearing it in half and stuffed the remaining three condoms inside his back pocket. He heard someone walk up the stairs and frantically looked for an escape. The window! his mind screamed. He opened it as noiselessly as he could and started to get out. His feet barely fit on the small windowsill. He grabbed the edge and gingerly lowered himself until he was hanging by his hands. He moved his feet a little to prevent blood accumulation. Landing was more painful if he remained motionless, he had learned the hard way. He let go and dropped four feet before his soles touched solid ground. He plopped down with a grunt, the noise having thankfully been absorbed by his Nikes and the soft earth and grass. He got to his wobbly feet and sneaked to his car. He lifted the handbrake and slowly pushed his car until it was half a block from the Mitchels’ house. He got in, started it and drove home, heart still pounding from the excitement. * * * Gwen woke up feeling wonderful. She checked her alarm clock. 9:38. She smiled serenely, thinking of her previous night. She was surprised to be in her pajamas. The last thing she remembered was passing out from the pleasure after that, zilch. Dave had been courteous enough to clean the room, change the sheet and dress her. He had even showered her, judging from her hair’s lemony scent. She smiled again. Dave had not fled like a thief after making passionate love to her three times in this room. Her door creaked open and she saw her elder sister walk in, her hands behind her back. She closed he door and leaned against the wall. She was smiling too, but a knowing and potentially evil smile. “Wake up, lazybones.” “I am awake.” “So, had a fun night?” She put emphasis on the “fun”. Gwen shrugged. “It was just a date, you know. Nothing special except the lips.” She smiled when she recalled what her date could do with his lips. Kate grinned mischievously as she took in what her sister said. “I found you snoring like a baby when we came back. Are you sure, there was nothing else?” “No.” Innocence. Pure innocence. Think pure innocence. I have done nothing wrong, except have goddamn awesome sex with my date on this very bed. “Then what’s this?” Kate said, producing Dave’s small black shirt from behind her back with her right hand. Gwen blushed crimson and started to giggle like a maddened schoolgirl. “And this,” Kate added, withdrawing her left hand from her pocket. It was clutching a small, blue, wrinkled condom. Gwen buried her face in her blankets and tried to stifle her absurd need to laugh. She came up for air and watched her sister as she gave her a knowing grin. “How was it?” Kate finally asked. “No, wait, lemme guess.” She screwed her face in mock concentration then tossed, “Uh, great? No, perfect. That’s it, isn’t it?” Gwen thought for a moment then shook her head. “More than perfect.” A huge grin split her face. “Way better than perfect.”

My older man and lover.

davidj on Sex Stories

I was at my (nude) beach alone and I cut my foot on a broken bottle. This guy who was also there  saw my predicament and came to help me. He picked me up and carried me to his car where he bandaged my foot etc. I am 22 but he was much older.
He then offered to drive me home and I accepted.
On the way we talked and I found out he was a widower and lived alone. He was a charming man and we got very friendly. I had put my top in but I was naked down below. Wed slipped a towel around ourselves as he too was naked on the beach.
When we got to my place he carried me up to my apartment that I share with my girlfriend.
When he took me inside he put me on the bed and he said can I make you a cup of tea or coffee which I agreed to.
When he bought it into me I was n
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aked and about to change into shorts and a top.
He stopped and I have to say he looked at me standing there and said now that’s a sight I wont forget for a long while. He just stood there looking at me and for a moment I was sort of embarrassed. Then I thought what the hell he has seen me naked at the beach and I am not embarrassed at being seen naked. Somehow being in my bedroom my nudity seemed different and sexier than just plain nudity.
I couldn’t help but see his penis firm up and poke out between the ends of his towel he had around him. I just looked and smiled.
Oh god he said – when he saw me looking – that shouldn’t happen – I am so sorry, and put the tray down to fix his towel and I assume cover his half erection and as he did the towel came right away and he too was naked and showing me a half hard 8 inch penis.
I said don’t worry it is not the first one I have seen and it looks rather nice on you.
I said don’t bother covering up we have seen it all before.
I said lets go to the lounge and he took the coffee out there and I hobbled out and we sat naked and drank coffee – his erection had subsided.
We talked and he apologised for his erection again and I said I rather liked it – I have never seen a grown man with an erection – only young guys, and from what I saw I only saw half of it.
He said you seem very relaxed with nudity.
I said I have been a nudist for years and enjoy being naked as does my flat mate – we are both naked in here a lot.
He said I suppose you have a regular boyfriend.
I said no – I wont go steady as I cannot commit to one person – I am attracted to men and as such am tempted often to enjoy different company. Like I am now – I cant remember sitting and talking to a man as old as my father naked before.
He said I hope it doesn’t embarrass you.
I said no way – in fact I am rather enjoying your company. (In fact I was becoming quite aroused by him and getting wet just looking at his body, he was very athletic and well built for his age, both in body and penis).
I stood up and accidentally on purpose stumbled and he jumped up to grab me – which is exactly what I wanted him to do.
When he grabbed me I made sure our faces were close and I looked into his eyes and I knew he wasn’t going to pull away and I kissed him. He accepted the kiss for a moment and then went to pull away but I maintained contact and slipped my tongue into his mouth and he responded in two ways – he returned my kiss - and I felt his cock getting hard. His cock went up between us as we kissed and I pressed my body to his and sandwiched his hard cock between our bodies. I relaxed a little and he felt it and held me firmer.
When I broke the kiss I said that was wonderful and I can see you havnt lost the ability to impress a lady, and I put my hand down and held his cock. I said that is magnificent – I love it.
He said we shouldn’t be doing this.
I said I know – but I want to.
I then bent down and took his cock in my mouth, licking his pre-cum off as I put it in my mouth. It still had a salty taste from when he had been swimming – I loved the taste of him and he hadn’t cum yet.
He said NO – we shouldn’t be doing this.
I said I want to and immediately held his cock and put my mouth over it again and proceeded to suck him gently. 
He tried to pull away but soon stopped and let me have my way with him – he just stood there and let me take my pleasure off his cock.
After a minute or so – I said there that wasn’t too bad was it – I think we had better go to my bedroom and finish it.
He said we shouldn’t be doing this.
I said I know but lets say its my way of saying thank you. If I didn’t want to be doing it we wouldn’t and I hope you feel the same.
He said I have never been with a girl as young as you since before I was married.
I said well lets relive your youth – how many girls did you make love to before you got married.
He said a few.
I said well this is just one more – you told me you are not married any more so you are doing nothing wrong.
By now we were in my bedroom and I said do you want me to finish what I started or would you like to make love to me.
He said lets make love.
I got down and he got on top of me. He made sure my foot was not bothering me. Then without any ceremony he put his hard cock into me and I have never felt anything as good as it did for ages. He was about 8 inches long and quite thick. I have had a boy or two as long but never as thick as his and I could feel the lips of my cunt firmly gripping his cock as he slid it down deep and then pulled back till the head of it was just at my lips and then back into me. It felt fantastic and I told him I havnt enjoyed a cock like his before.
He said how many times have you done this.
I said more than I could count – I had my first experience at 14 and I am now 22 so that would add up to more than I could ever remember.  But you have to be the first man your age, and I love it. I think you were made to make me happy.
He laughed and said I would never have believed you were so promiscuous.
I said believe me I have slowed down – when I was a teenager I couldn’t get enough and often had two boys in a night. Sex to me was a challenge and I took advantage of every boy I could.
He was fucking me beautifully and I was really enjoying it. He was going slow and with a steady rhythm in deep and back almost out and then back in, my vagina was alive with the sensation. He was the best fuck I have had for years. He wasn’t in a hurry like younger guys and wasn’t out o show me how good he was – that came naturally to him.
We fucked for about 15 minutes before he said – would you mind if I ejaculated inside you.
I said – perfectly – I have been on the pill for years.
He laughed and said well I am safe too – I have had a vasectomy and cant make babies either.
I said explain what that is and he did – I was impressed. He said we decided after two kids we didn’t want any more and rather than have my wife go onto the pill for years I had it done and from then on we had no worries or problems. I can still cum and I just ejaculate spermless semen. It still looks and feels like semen though as you will soon realise.
Good I said - I always feel like a real woman when I have it inside me. One day I want to get pregnant – that is when I find the right man.
I was getting really worked up and said I think I am going to cum any minute – get ready I can be pretty active when I do.
He said good lets see how you go and he lifted his rhythm and began to fuck me harder and faster and it did what it was meant to and I could feel my body getting ready to reach my climax as every nerve in my body was getting excited and then I came – I bucked and wriggled as I got his cock to excite my clit and I had a great orgasm – it lasted about 40 seconds – a really good one for me, and really intense.
Once I got over the high – I relaxed and said now its your turn and I didn’t need to tell him – he was already there and he came and groaned and groaned each time his cock ejaculated a load of his spermless cum as he called it into me. I guess he came about four or five times before he collapsed on top of me. I let my legs slip down and he lay there with his cock still inside me until we both got our breath back – it was exhausting as we both had a great finish to a wonderful fuck.
After a few minutes of just laying on me he said I hope you wont mind – but I have had a desire to do something for years and was never game to ask my wife – will you do something special for me.
I said tell me more – I wont agree to everything.
He said can you get up and squat over my face – I want you to drip the cum out of your vagina into my mouth – as a young boy I was a cock sucker and enjoyed sucking other boys off and drinking their cum. After I got married I never went to another male and I was often tempted to. It was something inside me I wanted to do – as repulsive as it may seem, but didn’t want to spoil a perfect marriage.
I said I have been asked to do a few things in my time but never that. Guys have often gone down on me after they have cum inside me and licked me out and I have never stopped them so I cant see anything wrong with what you want.
I said we had better get started as I can feel it beginning to flow back – you really gave me a cunt full. 
I got up and sat just over his face and tried to squeeze his cum out and get more than a drip for him. I got some out that way but then I used my finger and got a lot more out and as each drip or string dripped into his mouth he said how good it was and how much he had enjoyed it. He said he had often masturbated and drank his own cum – but it was never as good as from somebody else. He had fantasised about doing it this way for years and said it was the first time he had tasted a girl as well – he said the mixture of his cum and my vaginal juice was perfect.
I said you never did oral on your wife.
He said no - neither of us have done that.
I said great – then that’s something I can do for you to say thank you again. I love cock sucking as you could see from before, but I am never sure if the guy can have sex with me after I have sucked him off. I have had a few that cant so I always do cock sucking after sex. I know what you tasted as that’s what I get off his cock after he has pulled out. I like it.
He had finished with me and I had let him just lick me clean – I wouldn’t have minded him licking me off but I didn’t want to push him too far – it would have been his first time.
I got him to sit on the edge of the bed and I knelt in front of him and got to and sucked his cock.
He really loved the sensation I was giving him and he talked to me about the feeling he was getting and how good it was. I let him feel my breasts which I enjoy. I fondled him, masturbated him, played with his balls and sucked him for the best part of 10 minutes before he came. He wanted to be sure I was ready for him to cum in my mouth. He was playing the perfect gentleman. He was the best part of 40 years older than me but he was like one of the boys I have sex with regularly – only more considerate.
When he came he stood up and as I fondled his balls he ejaculated five or six times before he was dry and I swallowed every drop. He said he is amazed that he could cum so much after cumming before. He masturbated fairly regularly so he said I must still have the ability to recover it quickly.
I said I loved it and any time he wants more to give me a ring and I will only be too happy to relive our first experience.
We had a shower together and he loved me soaping his cock and balls. He was surprised he didn’t get hard as I played with his soft cock. It was a wonderful sensation for me too, as most guys get hard again when I do it for them. I got him to do the same to my tits and cunt. He commented he liked the way I had trimmed my pubic hair too.
After he left I rang his place and left a message on his answering machine – I loved the sex and wanted more from him – don’t forget and ring me any time.
I wanted him to know when he got home I was more than happy to have been with him and not to feel guilty.
He rang me the next day to ask me out for dinner on Saturday night – I went with him and it was the beginning of a loving relationship of wonderful company and great sex with him. We went back to his place and I stayed the night with him and we expanded our sexual apatite and he did oral on me for his first time, but not the last. He loved my company and our sex as much as I did with him. In the restaurant I feel and behave like his daughter – in the bedroom I am his whore. He and I are bed partners regularly now – I enjoy his company at dinner and in bed. I know what we are going to do later so I am not in a hurry any more.
He is beginning to enjoy the sexual side of a life that in the past has been conservative – with me it’s a bit more adventuresome and I encourage him to enjoy different positions with me. His wife had never been on top during sex and he was amazed at the first time I tried it with him. He enjoys me going cowgirl and its now one of his favourite positions with me. He has also learned my breasts are an erotic playground as well – I have been amazed that he has gone through life as an ultraconservative lover. As I said I am his whore and he is beginning to enjoy the late start in life of a sexual deviate with me. He has had his education expanded from kindergarten to university standard in a short period of time.
He is not demanding and has no problems with me keeping company with people my own age - but I know sex with him is one of the most wonderful and satisfying experiences I can have. I know he is not going to be demanding or jealous. Sex with him is all pleasure. He will even take me out for a meal if he knows I am on my period and we don’t have sex then. I offered him anal sex on one occasion I was on the rag, but he said that he would not enjoy that. I have never mentioned anal since. I had done it a couple of times with a guy who enjoyed having anal but it does nothing for me. It was nice to know he didn’t just want my body – he actually likes me as a person.
I enjoy sex with him more than with anybody else – and I actually look forward to being with him as a companion. He is compassionate and considerate and makes love perfectly. I will never be any more than a bed mate for him unfortunately – if he was 40 years younger then he may be the man I am happy to spend the rest of my days with, but for now its just his cock and mouth and my cunt that enjoy spending time together. We are never happier than when our bodies are locked together in a sexual embrace.
We are often at our nude beach at the same time, occasionally after a night of wonderful sex together. We have agreed it will only be with our own friends. His are all male. Mine are mixed sex. We acknowledge each other as acquaintances but nobody would ever know we make love like rabbits in the privacy of his home.

Fridays just got better 2

pace_purr on Sex Stories

My cock was suddenly engulfed to the hilt in his warm moist mouth, for myself I tried just as hard but I just hadn't had the practice plus his was much bigger than mine. I worked with my tongue and lips keeping my teeth well out of the way except for erotic friction. Slowly he started to fuck my mouth as I got used to the pressure I relaxed allowing the head to move down my throat. I don't know how Linda Lovelace managed with a big cock, I found it difficult as the head of his cock pushed down my throat.  I held on to his shaft so that just four or five inches was allowed in, I relaxed at that revelling in the taste and feel I slowly stroked his balls with my free hand feeling the heaviness in them. For my own part I was enjoying the ministrations on my own cock knowing that I wouldn

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't be able to hold out much longer especially when his finger slowly insinuated itself into my arse lubricated by his spit, then he finger fucked me in rythm with his sucking. I began working harder my self encouraging him to fuck my mouth. I felt his cock thicken slightly and a contraction in his balls suddenly my mouth and throat was flooded with his cum and I was gagging trying to swallow but his glans down my throat stopping the action. Suddenly he withdrew his cum splattering my face I swallowed what was in my mouth and then once again engulfed the head sucking out the rest of his load, I then let go my own load ino his talented mouth, he however had no problems swallowing.

I lay back gasping his finger was still in my arse slowly massaging he added another to it with little effort, I expected his cock to soften but I was wrong it stayed hard as though we had done nothing so far. He asked if he could fuck me, of course if I didn't want to that was fine. I truthfully told him I had only done it a couple of times and I doubted I could take his cock but I didn't mind if he tried. Reaching to his bedside cabinet he took out a tube of KY liberally coating his cock and my arse, he then laid me on my back and placed my legs over his shoulders positioning me so that his glans was over my slightly streched hole then he started to push. I felt his cock butting against the spincter muscle that seemed intent on banning its passage, I forced myself to relax. Then I felt the head make its way in slowly starting to fill me, little by little his cock imposed itself in me the more I relaxed at its intrusion the more went in. Then suddenley he started to fuck me a warmth started to build up and I started to really enjoy it wanting him to go harder. My own cock was hard again harder than I thought possible I felt I would explode if anyone touched it. I lost all track of time everything seemd to revolve around his cock in my arse, it moved slowly until I felt he would withdraw entirely then it rammed full length to the hilt or in short quick strokes, I didn't care just wanting it to go on. Finally I felt his movements get more urgent and again a slight thickening before his cum flooded in my arse, I let out a groan as he withdrew his cum following his shaft as it left my stretched hole. Seeing my still rigid cock he bent his head to it taking it in his mouth he slowly worked on bringing me to orgasm, which didn't take long in my heigtened state of sexuality once again my cum flooded his mouth.

I looked at the clock, hell I had ten minutes before I was supposed to be at the wifes office. I quickly showered taking care not to wet my hair spending time to wash as much cum as possible from my arse that was still so stretched that two fingers easily went inside. I then said a quick goodbye and accepted an offer for another Friday afternoon at the same time in three weeks and ran out the door, or tried to I felt a little uncomfortable after being fucked. I made it just as my wife came out of the office, that night I didn't have the energy for sex with her and put it down to just too hard a day at work when she asked why.

A dream come true - part 2

enigma_314 on Sex Stories

The weekend came and went by slower than I would have liked, and before I knew it Wednesday had rolled around again which meant not only the beginning of a new work week, but also that I would get to see Amber.  After she left my apartment I did nothing all weekend but feel as if I were in a daydream, I just could not forget about her and the time we had spent together.


Generally I’m not a morning person, so when I get up to go to work I’m cranky and usually spend half of th

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e day at work trying to wake up, but today was different because I knew that there was going to be a reason for me to enjoy going to work. I got there a little early and endured the next few hours hoping that Amber would show up at my machine, but as lunch time rolled around she didn’t show. One of the other QA people showed up and when I asked if she had come to work they said that she had called in sick.  Disappointment and sadness clutched at me and the rest of the day just seemed to drag on.


Thursday came and as I got up and ready for work I told myself not to get my hopes up on seeing her today because if she’s sick I’m sure that she’d probably take 2 days off to try to recuperate.  I got to work and suffered thru the next few hours, but much to my amazement Amber came up to my machine moments before lunch.  She took her position at her station and looked up at me and right then and there I could tell that something was wrong because she looked sad and her eyes were red like as if she had been crying.  I silently mouthed to her and asked her if something was wrong and she said that it wasn’t anything to worry about and left to go to the trucks.  After lunch Amber didn’t come back to my machine and by the last break of the day she had neither written me an email or came back, so I was to assume that she had either gone home or was finished in our department.


Saturday rolled around which meant it was the last day of my workweek. The early morning sky was overcast and there was a slight mist in the air. The cold air that was blowing seemed to drive the moisture like needles against my skin as I walked into the building.  I’d not heard or seen Amber since Thursday and was starting to get the feeling that she was trying to ignore me.  Was the moment that we had shared a one-time thing? My heart sank at the mere thought of it, but I had to realize that she was a married woman after all.  I got off work and stopped to grab something to eat on the way home, all the while thinking that I wish I could see her again to apologize.  I got home and planted myself on the couch and started flipping channels. Around eight-thirty the phone rang, it was Amber.  We talked for a few moments and I asked her what had happened and much to my surprise she just asked if she could come over and talk for a little bit, so I said that that would be fine. 


She arrived at my door about forty-five minutes later, cold and wet from the rain.  I got her a towel and she dried off as best as she could, but from the torrential downpour outside it had soaked her clothes completely and she was shivering like a newborn puppy.

I told her that she needed to get warm and said that the best thing for her to do was to take a nice hot shower and put on some dry clothes.  With chattering teeth she said ok and made her way to the bathroom.

 I heard the water start up as I searched for her some clothes. I wasn’t too sure what size she wore, so I just grabbed her some sweat pants, a t-shirt and some socks hoping that I wouldn’t be criticized too much for my choice of clothes. 


I was getting ready to go back into the living room when I heard her call out to me asking if I could help her. A moment of fear raced thru me as I thought that maybe she had slipped in the shower, but yet if she had I would have heard a ‘THUD’ or something.

I knocked on the door before I entered. The bathroom was warm and misty from the shower; it was almost like stepping into an early morning fog.


“Are you ok?” I asked. She peeked out from behind the shower curtain and smiled.


“Yeah, I’m fine. I was just wondering if you could help me take a shower. I sure could use some help washing my back.”  Wow. I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard.  As much as I had thought about her, it had never crossed my mind that I would ever get the opportunity to take a shower with her. I quickly stepped out of my clothes, letting them fall to the floor, not worrying if they were going to get wet or not and within seconds I was opening the shower curtain and stepping inside. The water was warm and relaxing, and the light spray that hit my face and eyes made me back toward the end of the tub and rub my eyes.  She smiled at this and said that I looked like a little kid doing that. I smiled back at her and stuck my tongue out at her.


“Careful with that, I’ll have to bite it if you do it again.”


“Oh really?” I asked, and I stuck it out again to see what she would do.


Since I’m about 7 inches taller than she is, she had to tiptoe a little bit and grabbed my tongue with her teeth and gave it a little bite.  I looked down at her and gave her a wink as she pulled away and smiled. Neither one of us said anything. We looked into each other’s eyes forever it seems. Her eyes seemed to have something to say but held back for reasons unknown. I leaned forward to kiss her and our mouths met slowly and softly; it was the kind of kiss that could best be described as pure and clean.


I felt her arms wrap around me as I did the same and pulled her close to me.  The feeling of her body pressed against mine felt wonderful. Never before had I ever met anyone who felt so good in my arms; it was a moment in time that I would cherish forever.


She pulled away from me and gave me a light smack on the butt and asked me if I could wash her back for her, and she turned around facing away from me.  I grabbed the soap and moved her hair out of my way.  My eyes ran down her neck, over her well-rounded shoulders, across her smooth back and down to her lovely ass cheeks where I let them linger for a few seconds before lathering her up with the soap. I watched as the suds ran from her shoulders and down her back and across her butt. This had more of a reaction than I thought it would because by now my cock started getting hard.


 I reached down and gave her a small pat on the butt. Much to my surprise she leaned forward and planted her hands on the shower wall and stuck her butt up in the air.  I put the soap away and reached down between her legs. Although the water was running over her backside, I could still feel that she was wet in more ways than one. 


She let out a slight moan and pushed down against my hand. Right then I knew that she was wanting more between her legs than just my fingers.  I withdrew my and reached down and grabbed my cock, which was by this time rock hard, and eased it between her legs. I’m not going to lie, but her pussy was hot, and by the time I was all the way in it felt like my dick was in a furnace.


“Oh God that feels so fucking good!” she almost screamed out and pushed back harder against me. I held it in for several seconds and then slowly started moving in and out of her. With each forward thrust she would let out a moan, and each time I’d back off I could feel her vaginal muscles grip at my cock, not wanting it to leave. I reached down and grabbed her by the hips and started to quicken my pace, and before long I was pounding my cock in her as hard as I could. Each time I’d thrust forward, the water that would collect between our bodies would shoot out on onto her back.  Oddly enough I found this extremely erotic, as it gave me the idea that I was shooting load after monstrous load of cum onto her back. I guess I got wound up in my own fantasy because I almost didn’t hear her as she started bucking against me and screaming that she was going to cum.


Now I’ve been with several women in my life and I like to think of myself as pretty decent in bed; I’ve never had many complaints considering that I’ve always tried to make sure that my woman was satisfied in bed, so it was nothing new to me to hear a woman scream that she was going to come. But tonight was different.  Moments after Amber announced that she was going to come, it seemed like as if the floodgates of Heaven had opened up and let loose. While my cock was still pounding away at her I suddenly felt her legs start to tremble and her vaginal muscles grip my cock like a vise and a gush of hot liquid splash against my balls and lower thighs. It was then that I realized that Amber was experiencing true female ejaculation.  I’d only ever met one other woman that could do that, and had read that it’s kind of rare, so with this newfound revelation it turned me on even more so, and I quickened my pace with renewed vigor. The harder and faster that I pounded, the more and more she seemed to cum. Eventually her legs started to give out and she started to slip down in the tub. My cock slipped out of her and slapped hard against my groin.


 I helped her off of the bathtub floor and turned the water off.  Her body was shaking and shivering almost as bad as when she’d first come out of the rain.  I told her to wait a few seconds and I came back with a towel and a bathrobe to wrap her up in.  She was still shaking when I laid her down on the bed and covered her up. I took a few moments to dry myself off before I crawled in bed and lay down beside her. Amber almost immediately snuggled up next to me, wrapping her right arm around me and laying her head on my chest.



We lay in silence like this for several minutes before Amber started to rub my chest.  She ran her fingers thru the hair on my chest and started to plant light kisses at the same time as she worked her way past my stomach and down to my cock. She started at the head and worked her way down the full length of my shaft, planting soft kisses along the way until she got down to my balls.


There she used her tongue and lightly flicked each one independently before taking them in her mouth to suck on. She did this for a few moments then started to lick her way back up my shaft all the way to my head where she circled her tongue around it before taking it into her mouth.  Her soft, full lips gradually worked their way nearly down to the base of my cock, and then came back up to the head to repeat the process while at the same time stroking me up and down. This was pure Heaven. I reached down and stroked her cheek, moving her hair away from her mouth.  I watched her work magic on my cock and I could feel my balls start to draw up.  She really started getting into it and increased her rhythm as I moved my to meet her hungry mouth.  Before long I was bucking like crazy, literally slamming my cock in and out of her mouth.  It wasn’t too long before I felt an immense orgasm welling up inside of me. Amber sensed that I was getting ready to cum and deep-throated me just as I let loose and shot load after load of cum down her throat. I don’t think she was expecting me to have cum so much because a couple of times she gagged and had to suck up some of it that had seeped out around her mouth. I didn’t think that I was ever going to stop as my body was wracked time and time again by one immense orgasm after another.


Finally after what seemed like eternity my body fell limp, but this didn’t stop Amber from finishing up what she had started and cleaning up afterwards by licking and making sure that she hadn’t let a single drop escape. When she got finished she came up and put her head back on my chest and softly ran her fingers thru my hair. I reached over and stroked her hair.


“I love you Amber,” I said.


She stopped rubbing my chest hair. I could see that her hand had gone from open-handed to a white knuckled closed fist. I could sense that her breathing had changed, and seconds later she got up and headed to the bathroom.  I got up and followed after her, but she closed the bathroom door before I could get to her.


“Babe, are you ok?” I asked. I tried the door handle but she had locked it behind her. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry. Please come out.” I could hear her crying behind the door. I wasn’t sure what to do so I sank down to the floor and laid my head against the door and listened to her cry and sniffle. 


I’m not sure how long she was in there, but when she opened the door I almost fell into the bathroom and onto the floor. She walked past me and towards her wet clothes that were lying on the floor. I got up and walked to her.



“What are you doing?” I asked her.


“I have to go.”


“Look babe, I’m sorry.”


“Sorry for what?”


“I’m sorry for hurting you.” I said and tried to put a consoling hand on her shoulder, but she pulled away.


“No, you have nothing to be sorry about. This is all my fault.”


“What do you mean?”


“Isn’t it obvious? I’m a married woman who is sneaking around and sleeping with a guy that I work with. I shouldn’t have done this.”


“I’m sorry, but you know we’ve been talking for a while and I told you before that I could fall in love with you. I can’t help it.” She turned around and stared me straight in the eyes. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her eyes red and puffy.


“You knew that I was married and I told you how I felt about this. You knew that I would feel guilty. We should have stopped this before it went too far.”


“Why?” I asked now almost lost in the moment


“Because Dan, have you ever stopped to think that I was afraid?”


“Of what?”


“Of falling in love with you.” An awkward silence took hold of the moment.


“Do you love me?” She turned back around and continued getting dressed. “Do you?” I asked again.


“Does it matter?”


“I’d like to think that it does because I fell in love with you the moment I first laid eyes on you.”


“Well you know Dan, that’s the problem; You fell in love with a married woman, knowing that we could never have what you wanted.”


“You didn’t want this?”


“Dan look, I do love you. You make me feel better than my own husband does and that’s what I’m so afraid of. I’m afraid of getting emotionally attached to you and falling too far in love with you for my own good.” I could see the tears again start to stream from her eyes. “Maybe if I was single it would be different, but I have a family that I have obligations to….” She trailed off and hung her head as emotions took over and the tears started to flow freely.


I came up behind her and gently placed a hand upon her shoulder, not sure what to do next. She slowly turned around and buried her face in my chest.  I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me and whispered to her that everything would be ok.


The next few weeks at work were rough for everyone.  Amber found out that her husband was not only seeing her best friend, Brenda, but he was also going out on dates on Saturday nights with other women instead of going to play Poker like he had been telling her. Amanda filed separation papers after he openly admitted that he was merely staying with her so that she could support not only his gambling habit, but also provide him with money to go out on dates.


Brenda eventually admitted that she had made a move on Amber's husband shortly after they were introduced and that a lot of times she would ask him to come by her house at night when he got off of work.


As for me, I still live alone.  Amber and I have started seeing each other more often and she has admitted that what we have is what she has always wanted and needed for a long time. She comes over to my apartment almost every day and I have to admit that I have never seen her happier in the entire that I’ve known her. I fell for this woman from the moment I first met her and will always do my best to make sure that she is happy.



Brighteyes Two

blueshark on Sex Stories

Our kiss was full and lucious.  Sandy pressed her body against mine as her lips massaged my mouth.  She took her right hand from my ass and re-adjusted my boxers so my cock was now safely behind the cotton fabric.

"There is plenty of time for that to be out.  I really didn't think you would show it to me so easily so I am kind of unsure of where to go with all of this."

Looking into her eyes, I knew that slowing down our passion would lead to a deeper connection and much better sex.

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  I zipped my pants and took a deep breath.  Taking Sandy's face into my hands, I kissed her deeply and held her tight body against mine.  I could feel her pulse race and her soft skin warm to my touch.   Her nipples began to harden against my chest and I could feel her give me her body weight to support.  As we broke our kiss, I slowly walked her backward towards the sofa.

"Why don't we just sit and make some sense of what we are feeling?"

"Really Mitch?  Don't you just want to fuck me right now?", Sandy said with the confidence that had made her so successful, but I could hear a trace of insecurity and uncertainty.

"Of course I want to be inside of you, pressing you against this sofa.  I also want to hold on to you and make sure you and I will be ok and clear before we go any further."

"You sure your not gay?", she said with a snicker.

I lay back against the arm of the sofa and positioned Sandy between my legs with her back to my chest.  I could feel her body tense when I wraped my arms around her, missing her voulptious breasts.  I knew then she was nervous and a little self conscious.  With the care of a long time lover, I began to stroke her hair with one hand.  Her body slowly, began to relax.  Her breathing became deeper and her muscles loosened until I could again feel the full weight of her body again, against mine.  As my cock began to stiffen against her backside, Sandy sat upright and said, "What in the fuck am I going to do with you?"

With that she told me she was going outside to smoke and that I was coming with her.  We walked outside to her deck and she sat on the step which led outside.  Having no room to sit next to her, I sat on the deck which put me beneith her.  I felt like a spectator watching a beautiful frustrated woman smoke a cigarette on an early spring night.  The air was cool but not biting, and the wood felt cold against my ass.  I was sitting cross legged when she put her feet on my legs.  I scooted closer and found her thighs with my hands when she looked down at me.

"I just don't really know what to do with you or where to put you in my life or in my mind for that matter.  On one hand, you are my trainee and a friend.  On the other you are this great guy that is sexy as hell and likes me very much.  We obviously have chemistry, my body is telling me it is ready for sex and I can see the effect I have on you."

Sandy's foot found my cock when she said that which caused me to squeeze her legs and nod in agreement like a whipped pup. 

"So what do you think I should do with you?"

"Relax.  We have not hurt each other and I don't think we will.  Where this goes is beyond my understanding but I do like holding you and talking with you.  If I had to decide what to do with me, I would let me kiss you here..... and here.... and here.", touching her up her thigh ever closer to her pussy.  I was just above her now warm crotch when she took my hand and pressed it against her.

"God you are such a tease."

I began to caress her pussy through her slacks with one hand and massage her thigh with the other.  Soft moans came from her soft lips and her legs began to spread apart.  Sandy's body was aroused and we were heading further down our path.  With the swiftness of a professional, she un-hooked and removed her pants with one fast move.  I moved forward and kissed her knees.  Then I pressed gentle butterfly kisses against her thighs as I worked my way towards the object of out mutual desire.

"No panties?"

"Naw, I seldom wear them."

"Good to know."

I found her wet wanting pussy with my hand as I continued to kiss her thighs and take in her intoxicating smell.  She smelled some where between peaches and musk.  My mind drifted to this beautiful woman standing fresh out of the shower deciding which scent to wear.  She would want to wear something strong and provacative but would decide on peach lotion because that is the one she liked the best and I liked her more for that reason.  I became very conscious of wanting this young strong peach loving girl next door to cum hard.

As I neard her womanness, I realized I could never reach her from where I was.  I took her hand and led her to the bench which was built into the deck.  I quickly remembered the wood was cold and took my shirt off and layed it down before I pressed her body to the bench.  She took my direction and quickly adjusted to a position that would allow my mouth to kiss her most gentle parts.

Seeing her pussy fully exposed caused my cock to boil.  Damn I wanted to be inside of her.  I kissed as near as I could with out touching her swolen pussy lips.  Sandy moaned and thrusted her pussy towards my wanting mouth.  I took the hint and began to tongue her.  I first pressed my tongue flat against her entire slit and drug my tongue up towards her swelling clit.  Her moans now told me I was on the right track.  I pointed my tongue so the tip was firm and traced the length of her pussy lips for several minuets.  Her body was opening up to me and I was loving every minuet of it.  Her pussy tasted divine.  Sandy had very little scent but was now practically dripping into my mouth.  I stuck my tongue as far into her as I could.

Sandy began to push against me as my hand worked its way up her stomach to her very hard nipples.  I continued to work her pussy with my tongue when she lifted her ass off of the bench so my tongue would find her tight ass hole.  As my tongue first touched her there, Sandy let out a moan that told me she was truly a naughty woman.  I spent my time between licking her beautiful pussy and attempting to stick my tongue into her tiny ass hole.  I took my fingers and spread her pussy and began teasing her clit.

Sandy grabbed my hand and thrust it towards her now open hole.  I took the hint and slid a finger deep into her.  She was tight, wet and very hot.  My cock now ached to be where my finger was.  I began to now concentrate on her clitty while I slid my finger into her.

"Deeper, deeper, fuck me......suck me", she managed in between moans.  I again took her direction and slid two fingers into her.  Still not believing how tight her pussy was, I took her clit in between my lips and sucked her hard.  With bucking hips and contractions squeezing my fingers tightly, Sandy came.  She came hard, clinched every muscle and lay still for several minuets.

I worked my way up her body with kisses until I found her mouth and kissed her hard and deep.  I was very into her passion and loving the fact I had helped her to reach the place where she was now.  I could tell her orgasm was strong, her legs were shaking and her breath shallow.

"God Mitch.  Now I really don't know what to do with you.

I get my fantasy girl pt 1

marinebro on Sex Stories

The events are real and the names have been changed for the safety those involved.


Rachelle had been the object of my desire during my last year of high school, only problem was that she was 3 years younger than me. We both had feelings for each other but it never went beyond that. We were both to chicken to do anything. I longed to touch her feel her. She would always run up to me and jump in my arms to hug me all I wanted was to never stop holding her. She was just great looking. She was about 5’6” small perky breast about a 36A but what really got me going were here piercing blu

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e eyes and her ass. I really wanted to just grab it. Sadly it would be until spring break of my freshmen year in college that I would get my chance with her.

Spring break had finally rolled around and I was going to my brother’s place back in my old home town to relax. I had left school right after class Friday and drove straight to his place. As I pulled up I noticed my sister-in-law was home. I walked in to find her spread out on the coach watching a movie I relaxed next her she raised up and put her feet in my crotch, now I’m not a feet man but the movie we were watching was starting to get me going and I ad to fight it back just to keep me from going to full mast. She noticed and laughed, “Seems I’m not the only one getting excited by this movie.” She said. Nothing else happened after that. For the next couple of days I decided to relax.

Finally Monday rolled around and I decided to go and try to find some of my old friends. First on the list was my buddies Angelus and Trenton but Angel was chillin at his friend house, it was the house of the girl whom he loved and Trenton was no where to found. Next I went to Ry’s house but he was off at his mom’s house. But who was home was his sister Rachelle. The look on her face when she saw it was me was perfect. She was so happy she jumped in to my arms screaming. I was so distracted I didn’t know she only had a bathing suit on.  I must have looked dumb just staring at her like that. She just looked at me and smiled. “What you’ve never seen a girl in a swim suit before” she said while laughing at me. I could only reply “Uhhhhhhh, yah I have” She asked me to come wit her to her back yard where she was sunbathing so we could catch up on old times. All I could do the whole way was staring at that ass. We chatted for a while I noticed she smiled at me every time I checked her out.

Finally she looked me strait in the eye and said “You Want to fuck me.” I literally fell out of the chair I was in. “What!” I screamed at her. She saw the look I had and explained that she had lost her virginity the previous summer to some guy she met from England and while she admits she enjoyed it she wanted something “bigger” and wanted to test out all the rumors that she heard about me. See my Ex at the time had been telling all her friends that she really missed my dick because her boyfriend right now wasn’t doing it for her.  See I had an above average dick. Sex for me was hard, because girls don’t like it when you literally rip them open, so I didn’t have sex that often. So for her to offer like that made me feel uneasy. To show me she was serious she undid her top and let her little boobs free. They were cute just enough to grab. She walked close to me and I just held her. I lifted her face up with my hand and kissed her. I began to kiss all over her body. She stopped me and pulled me into the house upstairs to her bedroom. I literally pulled off all my clothes in a hurry. She gasped when she saw “IT.”

“WOW,” was all she could mange to say as she went down her knees. She began licking me she stated at the base and worked her way up to the head. Now it was my turn to say wow. Where did you learn to do that,” I stated while trying to concentrate on not cuming. I’ve been watching my brother’s porno,” was all she said. She then began to bob her head up and down real hard even pressing her teeth slight into the skin of my dick. This was starting to really drive me crazy. She stopped soon after that. And said “Just fuck me already.” I didn’t have to be asked twice. I pulled off her bottom and began to tease her by rubbing the head of my dick against her pussy lips. She began to moan, then lifted her up and told her to lower herself on it. I had to be slow or I could hurt her it took some time but I finally got enough in to start pumping it in her. Her moaning was loud, and really started to make me get aggressive, I began to really put all my weight in to it and began to grab her hips and slamming her on my dick. It wasn’t long before she came; I was no where near close. I told her to get on all 4’s. I just stared at that ass before I took her from behind, staring at that ass the whole time. I knew I was about to cum I held it in till the last second and pulled out I unleashed 3 good stream right on to the ass I so loved. She looked at me and saw that my dick wasn’t going down. “Ooooooo It doesn’t die, good cause I want more” she moving around so that she could kiss me.

Oh Sam Chapter 4

all@cat on Teen Stories

Oh Sam

Chapter 4



Oh Sam, what happened to you last night Matt whispered to Sam as she snuggled deeper into his body?  If I didn’t know better I would swear you had a twin that came in here today and did those wonderful things to me, Matt cooed in her little ear.

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s">  I know that isn’t the case, because there couldn’t be another body as sweet as yours is, but you were even more loving and open than you were just a few hours ago. 


Well, I guess I will have to start at the beginning Matt, Sam giggled.  I guess you noticed that I was a little more open about a couple of things huh? 


Well duh, Matt replied, don’t get me wrong I loved every minute of everything you did but I just don’t understand what could have happened that changed you so overnight. 


After dinner last night I took my bath and started touching my body like you did and thinking about all the neat things we did.  I couldn’t keep it up for long though because Mom and Dad had to bathe also so after I got out Dad went in.  When he came out I was sitting on the bed with him while Mom went in and we were watching a movie and it had a scene in it with a man and a woman getting into it and I noticed Daddy started getting larger in his crotch just like you did.  I tried to eye it as much as I could without him knowing what I was doing and it really turned me on.  It was really kinda funny though, because Daddy was squirming around trying to make it not noticeable but it was.  I kept thinking about your cock and wondering if his was as large as yours was. 


Well, did you get a chance to see if it was Sam, Matt asked.


No not then, Mom finished before I got a chance and when she saw him she made me go to bed.  But I know she was mad about it, because I heard them talking about it after they thought I was asleep.   Dad asked her to help him out with his problem and they argued back and forth about me being in the room, but Daddy finally won out after convincing Mom that I was totally out of it.  It was really cool Matt, lying in the bed on the dark side of the room I could see everything they were doing, it was really awesome. 


Sam continues describing the previous night’s events to Matt.  How they kissed, undressed each other, and did all the special things to each other.  She talked in detail how her Mom sucked her Dad’s cock in her mouth in one big gulp. 


Well, since you are now a woman of the world, how did the size of the two compare Matt asked.


I guess you were right about yours being average Matt, I couldn’t tell any difference in size from yours to his.  I couldn’t really tell about how big around it was, but it was just as long as yours is.  I still don’t understand how come she could suck the whole thing in and I couldn’t Sam complained.


Oh don’t worry darling Matt explained to Sam, it really takes practice to get that down, but don’t worry about it, it will come in time.  And besides, what you did to me is the most special thing I have ever felt, it couldn’t have been any better. 


Sam went on describing how her Dad then began doing oral sex on her Mom, and how she was almost rolling off the bed as continued eating her out. 


What were you doing while all this was going on Matt asked Sam?


Well uh, Sam stammered with a blush of red filling her cheeks, I was playing with myself like I have never done before.  Just watching them was making me so horny I couldn’t help myself.  I was squeezing my breasts like I never knew I could do, and playing with my pussy and little button at the same time.  It was really good Matt, I never knew I could feel so good before. 


She continued with her Mom being eaten out by her Dad and how she just went stiff as a board as she had her cum.  She told Matt how her Dad came out from between her Mom’s thighs and intentionally left out the part about her eating all her own juices from her Dad’s face as they kissed.  She said that she could see her Dad coming between her Mom’s thighs and push his cock deep into her pussy.  She told him how she could see her Dad thrusting his big cock in and out of her pussy and how excited they both were and the noise they were making. 


Well, what were you doing while this was going on Matt asked? 


Sam was again grinning, and told Matt that she had already pushed the crotch of her panties aside earlier and that she had remembered him using his fingers inside her yesterday and she started doing the same thing to herself.  She said it was a good thing that her parents were making such a loud noise because she couldn’t stop pounding her fingers in and out of her little pussy, it just felt so good.  She told him about the squishing sounds her Dad’s cock made as it went in and out and about hearing that same noise a few months earlier, and now knew just what was making it.  She laughed as she told him that her fingers was making a squishing sound too, but it was drowned out by the slapping sound of her Dad’s balls hitting her mother. 


Just the thought of these thoughts going through Sam’s mind started her body to awaken itself to her sexual desires as she idly started rubbing her pussy as she talked.  She told Matt about how all three of them came at the same time and how she had soaked not only her panties, but the bed sheets as well.  Matt, is there something wrong or different about me Sam questioned. 


What do you mean princess Matt replied? 


Well, I know I don’t really know much about sex, but it seems that I really make a lot of juice with my pussy.  You haven’t complained or nothing, but you have said it was really a lot, and I noticed this morning that my bed was a worse mess than Mom and Dad’s and there is only one of me and two of them.  And just look at me now Sam moaned as she drew Matt’s attention to her little pussy.  She pulled her fingers away from her little bald mound and her fingers were covered in juice and it was dripping down her crack to her ass. 


No no no, princess, there is nothing wrong, don’t even think about worrying about that.  Some women just make more juice than others that’s all, there is absolutely nothing to it, and besides, I can’t speak for all men but I think it is really special, and I love it.  As a matter of fact, just looking at it just makes me hungry, I want taste your special juice again.  Matt rearranged his arms around her and stood up with his little princess in his arms and started carrying her to his bedroom.  I think I’ll take this meal in bed though he whispered to his little angel as he took her in the bedroom. 


Oh Matt, Sam sighed as she lifted her head up to meet her lips with his. 


Matt stood beside the bed holding his little princess as they continued kissing each other passionately for what seemed an eternity before they broke their kiss and he gently lay her down on the bed and he moved beside her, and just lay there propped up on his arms looking at her little form laid before him on the bed. 


Ok Matt, go ahead and take this meal that you want, but when you are finished I want you to make love to me.  I want to feel your cock deep inside me; I want to feel your cock as you fill me up like I have never been filled before.  I know this seems almost unreal or silly, but I have never been joined to a man like this before, but I already know that is what I really need, what I have always needed, I just didn’t know it before.  Am I making any sense here Sam muttered? 


Oh Sam, you are making perfect sense to me.  I know exactly what you mean, when I first met you all I could think about is just fucking you, but now I understand what you mean, I don’t want to fuck you, I want to make love to you and fill you my whole being, not just my cock.


Tears started rolling from Sam’s beautiful green eyes as she listened to Matt, I still don’t know everything about sex Matt, but somehow I just know that this is right and that I love you. 


I love you too princess Matt whispered as he again took his mouth and placed it on Sam’s and started kissing her again.  As their kiss lingered Matt took his right hand and placed it on Sam’s right breast and started to gently caress it from the base to the nipple.  When he reached the nipple it gently took it between his thumb and index finger and tenderly started to apply gently pressure to it while rolling it between them. 


Oh God Matt, Sam said as their lips momentarily parted and she felt a tingle in her body from her head to her toes.  After caressing her right breast he moved his hand to her left one and placed his mouth on her right one.  As he gently tweaked her left nipple and sucked on her right one he could feel the nipple grow and he placed it between his tongue and his upper teeth and gently rolled it back and forth.  This brought another large gasp of air into Sam’s lungs as she cooed her pleasure in Matt’s ear.   


Matt, this feels even better than yesterday, and I never thought anything would ever feel as good as that first time.


Oh Princess Matt said as he raised his mouth from her breast again, you have no real idea just how good everything is going to feel just lay back and open your mind and body to me and I will do everything I can to show you just how beautiful it can be.  Just remember, at any time you are uncomfortable with anything we do let me know and I will stop. 


Oh no Matt, I don’t want you to ever stop, please don’t ever stop.  Oh oh, Sam grunted as Matt took his right hand down to her little pussy lips. 


As Matt’s hand neared Sam’s pussy he could feel her heat boiling up from it long before he ever came in contact with it, gosh I have never felt a pussy as hot as hers he thought.  He placed his middle finger in the folds of her love lips and felt them part for him as he pushed down to her little heaven hole.  Once there he applied gently pressure to the finger tip and it gently entered her little hole, at the same time he took the thumb and drew it to her little clit.  Little clit, Matt didn’t know how this could have happened, but her little clit was even larger than yesterday and he didn’t understand it, but he certainly wasn’t complaining either.  The moment it made contact he could feel Sam’s body jerk beneath him and push up taking more of his middle finger up into her love tunnel.  Her juices were flowing like a stream as they poured out of her pussy. 


Oh gosh, what a feeling Sam thought as her body responded to Matt’s touches.  When he touched her little button she raised her hips to push it up into her pussy, she didn’t really know why, but she knew it had to go further.  I can’t believe how good this feels, how could I have missed out on this for so long now she thought. 


Feeling her juices flowing freely now, Matt moved down to the end of the bed and brought himself between her precious little legs and stopped his mouth just short of her pussy.  He could still feel the heat from her sex rising up to meet his mouth.  He gently blew a warm stream of air across her mounds and she audibly responded with a low groan and brought her hips up to place her pussy against her lips.  He suddenly put his tongue between her folds and against the entrance of her pussy.  Sam gasped and dropped her hips back to the bed and immediately brought them up again trying to get as much of his tongue in her as she could. 


Uuuggggh gosh that feeeellls sooooo gooooood she panted as Matt started using his tongue on her pussy, gathering all the nectar he could before taking it to her clit and sucking it into his mouth. 


Matt looked up and could see Sam’s mouth gaped wide open and guttural sounds that only she could understand coming from her.  He saw both of her hands mauling her breasts and pinching her nipples until they almost looked red.  Then he felt her legs cross behind his head and lock together pushing his mouth against her pussy as hard as she could.  He could see nothing now, but he could feel her leg muscles pull and pull against his head trying to shove him further and further into her crotch.  He continued with his tongue and could feel her starting to bounce her hips up and down against his face and then could feel her hands leave her breasts and to the back of his head and push down as she started yelling don’t stop, don’t stop, oh please don’t stop.  I’m cuuummmmmmiinngg she screamed as he was suddenly very glad of the extra insulation put in the condos for soundproofing as her scream continued.  He could feel her whole body twitching, bucking, and shaking as Sam continued in the throws of her orgasm.  He continued lapping at the flood of juice that was now pouring out of her and was aware that it was getting harder and harder to breathe. 


Finally Sam’s orgasm started to fade and she relaxed her death grip on his head and he could now breathe again as he was still amazed at the amount of girl cum she could put out.  Definitely he had never experienced anyone that could cum as much as Sam.  It was the most pleasant taste in girl cum that he had ever had, and he decided that he wanted as much of this delight as he could get. 


Sam struggled, but could finally speak.  Oh Matt please stop, that’s enough.  Please come up here and kiss me now. 


Matt crawled from between her precious legs and said give me a minute please Sam, I need to clean up. 


No no please, just come here now just the way you are Sam breathed heavily. 


Matt came up her side and Sam gently took his head and cradled it in her hands and placed his mouth on hers and gently started kissing him.  She kept kissing and kissing and then started using her tongue and lapping all the juice from his face between more and more kisses.  Matt had never experienced this before and couldn’t believe his Princess was doing it.  It felt strange, it felt good, it felt right somehow, God how much he loved this little girl. 


After a couple of minutes of cleaning his face like a cat Sam stopped and looked Matt in the eye.  He started to say something and she cut him off.  Not now Matt she said, with tears coming to her eyes again and she said I’ll explain that later, right now I just want you to make love to me Matt, please fill me up.


Now with tears in his own eyes Matt just nodded to Sam and placed his body between her legs and lay her head back on the pillows and gently started kissing his little Princess.  He moved his hips up until he could feel his cock rubbing against her very wet pussy and pushed slightly.  He felt her lips separate and his cock search out the tight little muscle ring of her opening and he again gently pushed until he could feel it starting to open, but gosh it was tight.  He felt Sam push her hips up and the little opening gave way slightly until it was now around the head of his cock.  Four tear filled eyes met for a moment and without a word being spoken Sam nodded her head yes and Matt continued pushing his meat carefully into her little pussy another inch. 


Sam couldn’t believe how good it was feeling when Matt started pushing it in her.  She pushed her hips up to make sure it didn’t slip away because she was determined this was going to happen come hell or high water.  She could feel the tears flowing from her eyes and she saw Matt crying also, she hoped his was tears of joy just like hers.  When she nodded her approval to him she felt Matt continue pushing a little more of his beautiful cock into her.  She couldn’t believe how good it felt, she felt full, so full, but hardly any pain.  Oh gosh Matt, this feels so goooooodd, more please. 


Are you sure it isn’t hurting you darling Matt replied. 


Oh gosh no Matt, it feels tight and full, but it doesn’t hurt at all.  Matt continued pushing more and more of himself into her tiny little cavern.  When he got where her hymen was yesterday it did start to hurt a little, but not much.  Determined that she would not let him know it was hurting at all, Sam pushed up again hard, she now had just over half of it in her.  Tears were already flowing from her eyes so Matt would never know the difference in joy or pain tears Sam thought to herself, besides it really isn’t that much pain, overall I would rate the feeling as a 10 anyway even with the pain Sam said to herself. 


Matt couldn’t believe the tightness of the tunnel he had himself in.  It was so tight he didn’t know if he could get it in any further until Sam pushed up hard against him and pushed just over half of his cock in her.  With his mind reeling with the most pleasant feeling he has ever had he couldn’t believe how much Sam wanted his cock.  Looking at the tears of joy spilling from her eyes he didn’t know that some of them were from pain also.  The sheath of her little pussy felt like velvet lined gloves, only tighter than any gloves he had ever felt before.  Her muscles were strangling his cock and he was wishing she could relax the death grip she had on him.  Still he was worried about hurting his little Sam.  Sam, are you sure you want to go further Matt asked?


Isn’t this what you wanted the first time you laid eyes on me Sam panted back at Matt?


Well yes, but now I just want to love you, not hurt you Princess. 


Well I guess the tables are now turned Matt, because this is now what I WANT Buster, so it is too late for that, GIVE IT TO ME NOW Sam panted, please Matt give it all to me now. 


Ok love; try to relax the muscles in your pussy.  Matt started easing his cock back from her pussy and Sam almost screamed, no please don’t stop.  Matt lovingly smiled at her, and said don’t worry, I am just going to loosen you up a little, I won’t take it out.  He eased his cock back about 3 inches and gently pushed it back in 3 inches.  He kept repeating this movement over and over for a couple of minutes and it worked, he could finally feel her muscles relaxing their grip.  Now every time he went in he went just a little deeper with every thrust.  Finally he pushed and he could feel his balls brush up against her beautiful little ass. 


Oh my God, it’s in; it’s finally all the way in Sam shouted to Matt.  Yes love, it is finally home where it belongs.  Matt paused for a moment with his cock fully imbedded in her little pussy allowing her time to experience the fullness and to stretch a little more. 


Oh God I knew I could do this Sam panted to Matt as her tears of joy and pain stopped and a grin swept across her face so wide that you could land a plane on.  Matt I feel so full, I think it is all the way up in my stomach, maybe even my throat she giggled.  Sam started experimenting with the muscles in her pussy watching Matt’s face as she squeezed it and let it loose again.


Oh Sam Matt groaned your little pussy feels sooooo gooooood as he started to slowly start pumping her love hole.  Slow long strokes he started with.  He would pull almost all the way out of her and slowly push all the way back to the depths of her pussy and feel every bit of her walls along the way.  This was the best fuck he had ever experienced in his life and it was coming from the loving submission of a 13 year old girl who loved him like no other woman had ever loved him before.  


Sam just lay there when she finally felt Matt bottom out in her pussy and could not believe how good it finally felt to know that she had a man making love to her.  I mean I never knew that there was anything in the world that could feel so good, and not just physically, although the feeling part was great.  It was like her whole being was being transformed from a little girl to a woman capable of giving and receiving pleasure like a little girl could never know.  As Matt started his long slow strokes in and out of her she could feel everything and it felt awesome.  Little places in her body started tingling like she had never felt before and she knew this was going to be the best cum she had ever had.  Remembering her lessons from last nights observations she started to start a rhythm with her hips to meet Matt’s down strokes. 


Looking down on his little Princess Matt watched her eyes and face as it radiated a look he had never before seen in anyone he had had sex with before.  It was like her eyes were sparkling like a roman candle on the 4th of July every time he would thrust back in her pussy.  Her face was glowing with a light of its own, and her little lips were slightly puckered and although he could not hear it, it was like she was saying Oh, Oh, every trip down her tunnel of love.  He thrust down hard and deep and stopped for a moment and gently placed his lips on hers and started a gentle tender kiss.  In just a moment their tongues were in a battle of their own as he felt Sam continuing to flexing her muscles against his cock. 


Sam broke the kiss and thrust her hips hard against his to urge him to continue the task at hand.  When Matt looked in her eyes again he saw the same glazed look of raw passion he had seen earlier when he was about to unload his load in her mouth when she was surprising him with the blow job.  Sam started to say something but Matt shushed her and said I know, here it comes as he pulled all the way back and rammed his cock home. 

Sam was about to tell Matt more and harder when he shushed her and pulled out and came back hard.  Oh God it was so good when he bottomed out on his thrust, it felt like it jarred her teeth.  With her mouth open wide all Sam could say was Ahhhh as she felt him continue his hard and deep thrusts.  Instinctively she pulled her legs up and wrapped them around Matt’s waist to help her meet his quickening thrusts.  Suddenly Sam could hear all the squishing noise of his cock plunging in and out along with that slapping sound as she felt his balls slapping her little tush every time he bottomed out.  The feeling in her little pussy was spreading across her now and she felt like her whole body was one giant tingle.  She was on fire, she could feel the heat from where they were joined spreading from head to toe and all she could say was more, more, harder, harder, please harder. 


Matt didn’t know how long he could last with her little tight hole sucking everything it could from his cock.  He looked at his little Princess enjoying herself like no other person he had seen before. and slamming her hips up meet his every thrust.    She kept calling for more and more, and harder and harder and he was determined to give her everything she needed.  Matt knew he had to please her and he was going to do everything he could to exactly that, but he could feel the churning sensation in his balls telling him that they were almost ready to release their load soon.  The look of sheer joy on his lovers face brought tears back to his eyes when he noticed Sam’s eyes were starting to climb back and up almost out of sight. 


Sam couldn’t stand the intense pleasure his cock was giving her, it was better than anything she had ever heard or dreamed about.  She could feel a flood of their combined juices running down her crack and across her ass and Matt’s balls slapping the stream as it made its way down to the sheets.  The heat, the passion, the lust, the feelings suddenly intensified to the point that Sam knew this was going to be the best orgasm of her short life.  She pulled her hands up across Matt’s back and used them and her legs to slam her little body into his as hard as she could.  This went on for a few seconds and then it happened, little Sam started screaming and cumming.  Sam dropped her hands down to the sheets and grasped them just like her mother had done and then had to drop her legs also because it was like she had no strength left in her body, it felt so good, and then she temporally blacked out. 


When Sam’s eyes rolled back she wrapped her arms around him and started humping him like she had never done before.  He could feel a flood of girl com somehow making its way around his shaft and soaking both of them and then the death grip of her little pussy suddenly clamped down on him.  Matt plunged back to her depths and held it there while her orgasm peaked and she started screaming something he could not understand.  He felt her arms and legs drop and he just held his position for her to feel all the pleasure she could as he gazed at her closed eyes.  After a few moments he could see her eye lids flicker and a faint smile come to her lips. 


Did you cum Matt?  No princess Matt replied.  Well then don’t stop now Matt, do it please.  Sam could feel his cock pulsing inside her pussy and knew he was close as he pulled back and started thrusting in her again.  It only took a few thrusts before she could feel it growing even larger inside her and Matt gasping and said I’m cumming.  He thrust deeply inside her and she could feel the spasm of his meat and his cum shooting deeply inside her, gosh that feels good Sam thought. 


Matt could not remember the last time he had cum so much; it kept shooting and shooting into his little lover.  After his eyes had uncrossed from his intense orgasm Matt looked down at Sam and saw her sweet tender loving smile and tears again in her eyes.  I love you princess Matt whispered.  I love you too Matt, Sam whispered back, I love you so much.  Matt felt his erection softening and he gently pulled it back with a wet slurping sound as it exited her pussy.  He sat back on his knees as he looked at her little pussy still gaped open and a flood of combined juices pouring out of her as it started to close back. 


Oh gosh Sam moaned as she felt the flood of juices running across her ass, let me see, as she pulled herself up and back on the bed to inspect what she had just felt.  She felt so embarrassed by what she saw; there was a wet spot as big as a dinner plate and a large puddle in the center of it that had just rushed out.  She turned slightly red and started to apologize to Matt for the mess when he stopped her. 


I told you before Sam, there is nothing wrong with you, this mess is mine too.  As a matter of fact, I love it.  It will be our symbol of love for each other.  Come here lover Matt said as he moved across to the other side of the bed and pulled Sam into his arms.  Sam willingly moved over to Matt and lay alongside him and placed her head on his chest as they embraced.  Both closed their eyes their exhaustion from the lovemaking session and went to sleep. 


End of Chapter 4 


Chapter 5 will be a couple of months from now, all play and no work will not support me.


Tracy Part 1

FanCarolina on Sex Stories

Wrap Wrap Wrap, Tracy knocked on the door of the apartment that she knew very well. She wondered in her mind what her stud would be wearing though she was already so wet that it really didn’t matter. She knew what was about to come was going to be several hours of something she absolutely loved. The click of the lock opening brought her back to reality and the door opened and she couldn’t see anyone she timidly walked into the room. As the door closed behind her and she felt the pair of strong hands touch her from behind she loved it when he rubbed her breasts through her clothing. She knew that familiar touch it was her lover, she spins around and wraps her arms

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around him in a loving embrace as they kiss.

            Tracy drops to her knees and grabs a hold of the belt buckle and begins to make her way towards her prize, the unbuckles the belt and unbuttons his trousers they fall to the floor. She then grabs a hold of the waistband of his boxers and begins to pull them down, then for the first time that evening she sees it her prize his lovely 7in. cock it’s already hard as a rock and glistening with precum. She quickly lowers her head over the tip and begins to suck. He lets out a moan and tells her how wonderful she’s doing, she loves to look up and see the expression of pleasure on his face as she sucks his big cock. He lets out a moan after she’s been sucking on him for a few minutes she knows she’s about to get a load of his creamy white goo. Ahhhhh he lets out a final moan as he fires his first load of the evening in to her hot waiting mouth she loves the taste after she’s sucked him clean she knows that she’s about to have her fun now.

            Tracy stands up after giving a wonderful blowjob and we begin to kiss passionately he leads her into the bedroom. Where they begin to undress at this point Tracy reveals that she is wearing the sexiest outfit that he’s ever seen it clings to her every curve leaving very little to his imagination. She leans back on the bed and slides her panties off and says “eat me now.” He leans down to see a perfectly shaven pussy just begging for attention, he leans in and begins to slide his tongue in and out of her hot little hole. Over and over faster and faster, she begins to breath heavier and gyrate her body uncontrollably he has to grab her legs to keep her from hitting his head while her continues to work her hole with his mouth, very quickly he finds her arching her back in what must be a very intense orgasm her first of many she knew that night.

Just after Tracy has come down from her orgasm she quickly jumps up and pops his dick into her mouth she wants to make sure it’s nicely lubricated so he can slide it right into her pussy giving her that full feeling she’s been craving all week long. After a few seconds of sucking him, she feels his hands touch her shoulders as he pushes her back onto the bed he jumps on top and throws his manhood into her eagerly wet and ready pussy. She moans in pleasure as it fills her hold to its capacity he shoves it in as far as it will go and waits for a few seconds for her pussy to expand to take all of his size in. After a few seconds of holding he begins to pound her pussy over and over again she squeals, screams, and moans in pleasure as he pounds her to one orgasm after another. As he’s fucking her she’s wonder how much longer can he keep on going like this. One after another orgasms wash over her body causing her to shudder and gyrate all over the bed.

            After a while he begins to tire and she can sense this and she encourages him to trade places with her she loves to be on top it gives her the feeling of ultimate control. She throws him to the bed and grabs his wrists and places them in the handcuffs that are attached to the bed. She knows that she is in control now. She lowers her head and begins to suck on his dick, she remembers to lick all over his balls and even gives a lovely little lick to his asshole she knows that this drives him crazy and she loves to watch his dick grow ever harder from her fondling. After she’s gotten him very very nice and hard she climbs on top and guides his cock into her pussy once again and shoves it into her depths. She lets out a moan of pleasure and begins to ride him like she’s an absolute pro at it. He starts to rub her breasts and pinch her nipples encouraging her to go faster and harder. Just as she is about to cum once again he reaches up and grabs her hair pulling it sending her into one of her best climaxes of the day. After a little while the both grow tired and collapse into each others arms cock still buried in her pussy.

            She looks at him and suggests that they could both use a shower and could have some more fun in there. They walk towards the bathroom as soon as they’ve gotten there he begins to start the shower while he is adjusting the water and getting it just right he notices that she has dropped to her knees once again and began to suck him back to life he knows this will be a fun shower.


To be continued…

Brother and Sister

Hadoken87 on Sex Stories

It was a bright monday morning when Kyo and his younger sister Taki were ready to get up!!! Kyo, 19, graduated high school earlier that year and quickly got accepted into college. Kyo is that 1 guy you always dreamed of being with. He was about 5'10 and had a 30 inch waist!!! Having short, black hair and a figure of a stalion made him look like the school bully or someone that u didn't wanna mess with!!! He was actually a nice guy who helps out at his college and had a lot of friends who looked up to him!!! He dressed like a goth!!! His sister Taki, 17, on the other hand was the exact opposite!!! She's 5'2 with a slender body!!! Taki also dressed like a goth!!! She didn't care if wut she did was done right or even done at all but she somehow still managed to get to her senior
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year where she is 2 weeks away from graduating!!!

"Taki, wake up!!! You gotta get ready for school!!!" Kyo said as he was passing her room on the way to the bathroom!!! Taki wakes up and heads towards the bathroom not realizing that Kyo is taking a shower!!! She opens the door ever so quietly so that Kyo won't hear her entering the bathroom!!! She grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste and starts to brush her teeth!!! " I should flush the toilet to make the hot water go away " Taki was thinking with an evil grin on her face!!! She spits the foam into the toilet and flushes!!! In an instant you can hear Kyo screaming " AHHHHHHHHH, THIS WATER IS COLD!!!" He begins to struggle to turn off the water, ends up slipping out of the bathtub while taking the curtain down with him!!! " That water must have been really cold huh" as Taki is pointing down at his region and giggling!!! " That's not funny Taki, I could've been seriously hurt" you hear Kyo say with an annoyed voice!!! Taki decides that she's had enough fun for the time being and leaves the bathroom but as she closes the door she gets a thought in her mind " Why do I have a fuzzy feeling in . . . " she quickly stopped thinking!!! Taki waits for Kyo to exit the bathroom and goes in and takes a shower!!! " Why am I feeling the same fuzzy feeling for my brother as I did for my ex boyfriend" Taki was thinking!!! She finishes her shower, goes into her room and starts to look at what she's gonna wear to school!!! As usual she grabs her fish-net stockings, her red skirt, her stripped black and white shirt, and her knee high boots that she wears every monday!!! She goes outside and gets in Kyo's car where Kyo is quite annoyed that she took so long to get dressed!!! As they got to the high school so Kyo can drop off Taki, no words were exchange but each was thinking on something different!!! Kyo was thinking how childish Taki can be at times as Taki was thinking as to why she was getting that fuzzy feeling towards her brother as if it was her boyfriend!!! They get to the high school and at a moments glance Taki gives Kyo a kiss on the lips but backs away from his lips just as quick as she kissed them!!! "Wh . . What was . . . That" Kyo said with a shocked face!!! Taki said nothing but only ran towards the entrance of the school!!! Kyo drives off and arrives at his college!!! All throughout the day as if Kyo and Taki planned it ahead of time went to the  bathroom, ate lunch, went to class, and even left their own schools at the same time!!! Taki arrived at the house first and went straight to her room hoping that Kyo wasn't in the house!!! She was thinking in her room for hours why she had that fuzzy feeling towards her brother, kissed him on the lips before going into the school and why was he on her mind throughout the whole school day!!! She finally decides to step into the bathroom and take a shower!!! She starts taking off her clothes and start getting that same feeling again!!! She ignores it that time and steps in the shower, turns on the water and begins cleaning herself!!! Kyo finally gets home from his school and goes to his room, puts down his books on the computer table, and sits down on his bed!!! He decides after about 15 minutes that he's gonna take a shower so he can go and talk to Taki about what happened earlier that day!!! He walks up to the bathroom door and hears his sisters voice faintly saying in a sexual voice " Ohh Kyo, Why am I acting this way!!! You're my brother . . . but it feels so good!!! Please don't hate me for feeling this way"!!! He opens the bathroom door and finds that his sister is masterbating in the shower!!! " Oh My God, Kyo!!! I'm sorry that you had to see me this way but I felt kinda weird when I saw u naked on the floor and when I kissed . . ." Taki stops talking and starts crying!!! " Sis, its okay!!! Maybe we can talk about this . . ." Kyo stopped talking and realized that he was getting hard!!! Taki slowly moves up close to Kyo's body and starts removing his clothes, piece by piece!!! " Kyo, is this okay with you!!! I never felt this way about no one else until now!!! Its scary that your my brother but . . . . . . I. . . Love . . . . You, and not that love that a brother and sister have for each other . . . but the love one should have for their boyfriend or girlfriend" Taki said!!! " I don't know . . . but . . . I guess its okay but we can't let anyone know" Kyo said with a scared voice!!! Kyo helps Taki remove his clothes and as he is finally naked he steps in the shower and they start rubbing up and kissing each other!!! After about 5 minutes of rubbing and kissing, Taki turns around and tells Kyo " Put it in me"!!! He slowly begins to put it in her slowly going in and moving out in a slow and rhymatic way!!! " Go faster Kyo " Taki says as she's moaning!!! He slowly starts to go faster and faster taking care that he isn't hurting his sister!!! Taki is panting and moaning, and its making Kyo not wanna stop and just ram her with all his might!!! Back and forth, in and out, moaning and groaning, panting and screaming, they both let each other know that they are gonna cum . . . and it happened!!! They finished the shower with each other, dried off, got dressed in their pajamas, and Taki asks " I hope this hasn't destroyed the fact that were still brother and sister"!!! " Of course not, we'll always be brother and sister . . . with benefits" Kyo said with a smile on his face!!! Taki pushed Kyo into the wall and gave him the dirty look and Kyo gave her his dirty look right back!!! " Can I sleep with you tonight " Taki asked Kyo!!! " Only if you promise to be nice " Kyo said back!!! They went to Kyo's room, cuddled and fell asleep!!!

The end!!!

My First Lover

Luckymann on Teen Stories

               My First Lover

 I was an eighteen-year-old high school senior in the Spring of 1964. Like many boys my age, I had a major case of insecurity, especially around girls. I had heard all the guys’ locker-room talk about what they had done with their girlfriends. All I had ever accomplished with a girl was get a quick kiss in the bushes when I was about eleven-years-ol

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d. I guess I was a late bloomer.
 About a month before school let out for the summer, I bought an old car and enjoyed my first taste of freedom. No longer was I dependent on Dad for transportation.Â
 The car was a 1951, two-toned green, Chevy Deluxe, and it cost me all of $50.00. It was old, but it looked decent and ran well. It only used a quart of oil a week, and the six cylinder engine got pretty good gas mileage, not that gas mileage was a major consideration in 1964. Gas was 25-30 cents a gallon.
 I was the only guy in my group to have his own car. That made me rather popular among my peers. Four or five of the guys would each chip in 50 cents for gas, and we could cruise all night.Â
 Throughout the nearly completed school year, I had been enamored with the twin sister of a classmate. She too, had recently turn eighteen. Ann and I had chatted many times in the hallways of our school or at ball games. She had a giggle in her voice that I just loved hearing. She seemed sweet, but since I had no car, there was no way I could take her anywhere on a date.   Â
 Shortly after getting my car, I was able to work up the courage to asked Ann out. I asked her if she'd like to go for a burger at the local A&W. At the time, I couldn't afford much more. I began breathing again only when she said she’d go with me.
 Ann was cute and petite. She stood 5’5” and weighed maybe 100 pounds. Her eyes were deep brown. She wore her hair in the typical styles of the 60s. It was either piled high on her head in a beehive or flipped up at her shoulders. Her hair was held in place by a heavy coating of hair spray. Ann, and her friends, must have kept the hair spray industry in business. Many of the guys joked about not smoking around their girlfriends hair out of fear of an explosion from all the hairspray.
 Friday evening I went to her home to pick Ann up. Instead of waiting in her driveway and blowing the horn, I got out and knocked on her door. She invited me in to meet her parents. I was scared to death, but stood straight and walked in.     Â
 Her mother gave me a look that could have frozen a tropical paradise. Her father, however, offered me a beer. Hoping to make a good impression, I told him that I couldn’t drink at that time. Since I would be driving Ann to the A&W, and didn’t want to get into any trouble, I'd have to pass on the beer. I then told him I’d be happy to have a beer with him when we returned later, if he still wanted me to.Â
 Ann father smiled at me, but said nothing.Â
 Ann’s mother asked me a million questions. Her father just continued to smile at Ann and I. He winked as we headed for the door, and told us to have a good time.
 Ann was wearing her typical attire, a colorful blouse and blue jeans. Her blouse seemed a bit to small and the button between Ann's breasts seemed about to let go. Ann’s breasts were small, about the size of oranges. However, her tight blouse tended to show them off.Â
 During the 10 mile ride to town and the A&W, Ann sat near the passenger door. We talked about many things, but mostly school stuff. As we pulled into the A&W, I told her she was my first real date, and I was a bit nervous (scared to death was more like it).Â
 Ann smiled and slid over to sit close to me. When I got the car parked in a drive-in stall at the A&W, she took my right arm and draped it over her right shoulder. She then leaned over and kissed my cheek.
 The car-hop came and took our orders for Trojan Burgers, onion rings, and root beers. The Trojan Burger was a feature of that particular A&W. It was named for the local school's sports teams. Over the succeeding 35 years, I have never been able to find a burger that tasted quite as good, or made as much of a mess.Â
 After finishing our burgers, and a second root beer, it was well after dark. Ann and I began heading back to her home. She suggested we take a different route. A route that took us over the county's back roads.Â
 About half way to her place, Ann pointed to a secluded turn-off and said, "Pull in there."Â
 The turn-off wound about 100 yards off the road and into some woods. If she hadn’t known it was there, we would never have seen it.
 I was so naive! I had no idea why she wanted to stop there. Ann was about to show me why.
 I got parked the car, turned off the engine, and left radio on and playing 60s rock-n-roll. Ann turned and gave me a firm tongue-in-cheek (her tongue in my cheek) kiss. She then twisted around until she was lying cradled in my left arm. She took my right hand and pressed it tightly to her left breast.Â
 I moved the seat all the way back to give her as much room as possible. I may have been inexperienced and naive, but I was not stupid. I began kneading her breast through her clothing. I felt her nipple begin to harden.Â
 Ann softly said, "Unbutton my blouse."Â
 With a trembling hand, I clumsily unbuttoned her top. As I opened her blouse, it fell away leaving just a bra covering her breasts.Â
 "That too!" she said, as she rolled onto her right side and hugged my neck.Â
 Reaching behind her, I fumbled with the clasp of her bra. I eventually got the clasp open, and, with Ann's help, removed and tossed her bra into the back seat.Â
 Her firm young tits were a little more than a good hand full, and the nipples were very hard. I gently rubbed, squeezed, and pinched her tits and nipples.Â
 Ann was soon moaning and rocking in my lap. After a short time, she took my hand from her chest and guided it slowly to her crotch. As I rubbed her crotch, she began lifting her hips to meet my hand.Â
 Becoming bolder, I unbuttoned her jeans and lowered the zipper. Reaching inside her pants, I found and began rubbing her bush through her panties. Ann pushed my hand down further until I was rubbing her pussy's slit. Her panties were soaking wet. Pushing them aside, I continued stroking up and down her slit with my middle finger.Â
 Near the top of one of my strokes, I must have hit something tender because Ann abruptly tensed. I felt what seemed like a small, hard, pebble above her hole. When I caressed it, Ann grabbed my hand, pushed it harder into that little hard spot. She gasped, "Oh yes! Right there!"Â
 After a short time of gently rubbing that little pebble, Ann began violently thrusting her hips up to my hand. Not knowing what else to do, I just continued rubbing that little pebble, albeit a little faster and firmer. Â
 Ann soon began to relax, and, with a deep sigh, lowered her hips back to the car seat. She then rolled onto her right side and slid back from my belly a bit. She started rubbing my dick through my pants. It didn't take her long to loosen my belt, unbutton and unzip my pants, pull my shorts down, and take my dick in her hand. That alone nearly got me off. She was the first person to ever touch my dick other than myself, at least, since I was a baby.Â
 Ann was stroking up and down my dick with her left hand while she kissed and licked its head. I was soon about ready to cum.Â
    I told Ann of my impending eruption. She tightened her grip on my dick and sped up her stroking.Â
 When I erupted, she kept pumping until I was dry. She then sat up, wiped her hand on tissues from her purse, and gave me a very passionate kiss.Â
 We reassembled our clothes, and, while holding each other tightly, I slowly drove her home.
 When we got to her place, I had that beer with her father. He seemed to enjoy my company, and I enjoyed his. Most of Ann's family resented her father’s heavy drinking. Ann had explained to me why he drank so much. I soon came to understand his need for alcohol. He was very ill, and he used beer for pain relief. He suffered from cancer and passed away a few months later.Â
 I didn't drink very often, so I nursed one beer for nearly an hour. By that time, it was getting late. So, I said goodbye to Ann's father. Ann accompanied me as I headed to my car. On the way out the door, Ann's father told her to be sure to give me a nice good-bye kiss. I almost felt bad knowing what we had already done. Almost!
 Ann and I made a date to see a movie at the local drive-in Saturday night. As I opened my car door to leave, she not only kissed me goodnight, but firmly rubbed my crotch before she went inside.Â
 About 6:30 Saturday evening, I picked Ann up at her home. Her mother had already gone to work. Her father asked where we were going. I told him we'd be getting a burger and going to a movie. I didn't tell him the movie was at a drive-in. He told us to have a good time and waved as we pulled out of the drive.Â
 As soon as we hit the road, Ann slid close to me and kissed my cheek. I draped my arm over her shoulder. When she swivelled slightly to her right, my hand, more or less naturally, settled on her right breast. I lightly rubbed her breast through her blouse and bra. Reaching into into the top of her blouse, I squeezed her left tit through her bra.Â
 Ann then exhibited some contortionist abilities and removed her bra without disturbing the buttons of her blouse. I then had much easier access to her tits.Â
 Opening her top two blouse buttons, and sliding my hand into the gap, I began gently rubbing and squeezing her tits. Her nipples were soon hard little knots pushing against her blouse.
 Ann didn't replace her bra when we got to the A&W. She merely fastened one of the two open blouse buttons. Her firm tits and hard nipples seemed to be trying to escape her blouse all the time we were at the A&W.Â
 After eating, we went to the drive-in. I found a place in the back line to park, bought us some drinks, and settled in to watch the double feature.Â
 Ann laid her head on my shoulder. My right arm returned to her shoulder, and my hand to her left tit. Her left hand was rubbing the inside of my right leg. It was obvious we wouldn't be seeing much of the movie. I was about to learn why drive-in theaters were called passion pits.
 As the lot lights dimmed, and the screen came to life, I unbuttoned the top four of Ann's six blouse buttons. Her firm young tits were fully exposed to my hands and eyes. Her hardened nipples were about the size of an elementary school pencil eraser. They almost looked out of place on her petite tits. Gentle pinching of those nipples brought groans from Ann and her breathing grew rapid.
 The movie had barely started when Ann laid her head in my lap and smiled up at me. I continued rubbing and squeezing her tits with my right hand while stroking her hair with my left. She was soon cooing and moaning almost like a kitten purring. I began moving my hand down her belly. A brief pause to open the button and zipper of her jeans, and I had easy access to her panty covered pussy. Â
 Her panties were already damp. After I had stroked her slit for a short time through her panties, they had become soaked with her pussy's juices.Â
 Ann lifted her hips and pushed her jeans and panties down to her ankles. With a few little kicks of her legs, Ann had her shoes, socks, jeans, and panties laying on the car's floorboard. She dropped her left leg to the floor and laid her right knee against the seat back widely opening her crotch for my hand.Â
 I stroked up and down Ann’s slit and gently spread her pussy’s lips open with my fingers. As I slowly rubbed her little pebble, Ann began lifting her hips off the car seat.Â
 "Oh yes! Right there! More!" Ann gasp.Â
 As she rapidly thrust her hips up to my hand, I shoved a finger into her hole. That finger was quickly joined by a second.Â
 Ann, breathing very hard, reached down and held my hand tightly to her pussy, arched her back, and held her pussy high in the air. "Oh, oh, oooooh!" She gasped through rapid breaths.Â
 I could feel muscles inside her pussy twitching around my fingers. Her freely flowing juices from her pussy, drenched my hand and left a wet spot on my car’s seat.Â
 As Ann slowly settled down, she rolled onto her right side and began stroking my rock hard dick through my pants. Her face was only a few inches from my zipper.Â
 Almost before I knew it, she had opened my belt, unsnapped and unzipped my pants, and had my dick in her hand. She gently stroked the full length of my dick several times before starting to kiss and lick the underside of it.Â
 Then, without warning, Ann sat up, turned her body to face me, and laid back. She placed her head on the passenger door armrest, lifted her left leg over me, and laid it against the car's seat back. Her right leg was draped off the seat to driver's side floorboard. Some time during the process, Ann had finished opening her blouse. It lay crumpled along her sides.
       As I viewed the body before me, I was in awe. Ann was the first naked female I had ever seen. She was so beautiful. Her small tits were well proportioned to her petite body. Her belly was smooth, flat, and soft. There wasn't an ounce of fat to be found on her young body. A small patch of dark curly hair covered her pubic mound.
 I must have been staring at her, for after a while, she brought me back to reality. Holding her arms out to me, in a soft and sweet voice, she said, "Come here!"           I twisted in the seat, pushed my pants down to my knees, laid between her legs, and kissed my way up her torso to her mouth. My legs, bent at the knees, rested on the driver's door. My dick was only inches from Ann's pussy. I moved up to where my dick just barely touching her pussy.Â
 "Come on honey, make love to me, now." She said, somewhat impatiently.Â
 Naively thinking she was a virgin as I was, I very slowly pushed into her hole. I didn't want to hurt her. I had heard it hurt her the first time a girl got screwed.Â
 When I had about three inches of my cock in Ann's pussy, she wrapped her legs around my hips. She used her legs to pull me all the way into her pussy. I met no resistance. She held me there for a short time. Then, relaxing her legs, she let me pull partially out before pulling me back in. Ann used her legs to set the pace of our stroking. She soon had me hammering in and out of her hot, tender, 18-year-old pussy.Â
 In what seemed like no time, we were both about to get off.Â
 "I'm about to cum" I gasped.
 She raised her knees to her chest, hugged me tightly, and said, "Me too."
 After several hard deep strokes, I slammed deeply into her, and she locked me there with her legs. Being held deep in her pussy, I pumped my load of cum into Ann. Her pussy muscles seemed to be milking the last drop of cum from my cock. Â
 As our orgasms subsided, Ann lowered her legs. We lay together until my dick softened, and I pulled out.Â
 Holding each other as we came down, our breathing soon returned to normal. I asked, "That wasn't your first time was it?"Â
 "No!" she said with a smile. She gave no further answer, and I didn't asked any more questions.
   We dressed and cuddled through the rest of the double feature.
   Ann was my first lover and we were soon going steady. We dated through the end of high school and married the following September. Our marriage only lasted a few years, but they were fun years filled with sex.Â
 Ann loved to fuck. Unfortunately, one man was apparently not enough for her. She was one horny little bitch that turned out to be a whore. It wasn't long before she was giving her favors to someone new, as well as me.Â
 She was a great fuck though, and serviced me well during our short marriage. Ann taught me much of what I needed to know about how to pleasure a woman. For that, I am still grateful.                                   Â


Kalsoom Likes cowgirl position

suhail8858 on Sex Stories

Kalsoom is a divorced woman whose husband left her, hoping to find someone sexier. That husband, besides being an asshole, was a stupid asshole because there are very few women sexier than Kalsoom. She has brown hair and devilish green eyes and, although only five feet tall, she is voluptuous, with big, firm breasts and big, sexy nipples. Kalsoom's ass is built for bouncing on a bed with a man's head or hips between her legs and she shaves her pussy, which makes it even more sensitive. Besides looking the part, she is one of the hottest women I know, and she usually cums four times when we get together. I know she uses her vibrator in between my visits to her, which is lucky for me because

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she would wear me out otherwise.

The most recent time I went to call on Kalsoom, she opened the door and closed and locked it behind me, then threw open her arms to greet me. Her bathrobe was thrown open also, showing off her very sexy body. With our first kiss, her tongue was in my mouth. "I'm really glad you could make it, Suhail.

I'm so horny that my vibrator doesn't do it for me." Having said this, she pulled me by the hand to her bedroom, shucking off her bathrobe along the way, and jumped into bed, lying totally naked, on her back with her arms and legs open to me. As I said, Kalsoom is a very hot woman who really enjoys making love.

I pulled off my shoes and joined her, otherwise fully dressed, and kissed her ripe, red mouth. Our tongues did the Tango together. I kissed her eyes and the pulse spots on her throat then took one of her succulent titties in either hand and started to lick the erect nipples. Kalsoom put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me up from her chest. "Suhail, I love what you are doing, and later on, I want you to do a lot of it but right now, it's my pussy that needs your mouth, especially my clit." Then she pushed me down her body to where her pussy was dripping, and already humping into the air in anticipation, and her clit was engorged.

Not to be denied my treat, I quickly licked the juices out of her pussy, then clamped my mouth firmly but gently on her clit. My tongue probed the top and sides of that precious love button and my lips sucked on the whole organ. "Oh, God!ooooooOh, God! Oh, God", and a few minutes later. "Oh, God!

Oh, God! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"ohhhhhhhhhhh, Kalsoom's hands pressed on the back of my head, squashing my face tightly into her pussy and her thighs squeezed my temples. When I referred to Kalsoom's ass bouncing on the bed, I did not exaggerate. Her thighs imprisoned my head but her knees bent sharply and her feet were squarely on the bed. All her weight was on her head and shoulders and her feet, and her ass was all the way off the bed, while her pussy humped into my face. Kalsoom held my head in place with her hands and her thighs and I kept licking and sucking her clit while she continued cumming. When she climaxed, her hips spasmed and her back arched, pressing her pussy even more tightly against my face. Then she collapsed back on the bed and her hands and thighs released my head. I devoured all the fresh cum juices in her pussy and looked at Kalsoom's face.

Her face was smiling and she said, "I really needed that, Suhail, but I hope you are not through eating my pussy yet. I really need a lot more." Well, of course I was not through yet. If I had to stop this soon, I would feel cheated because I had hardly sucked on her delightful titties or licked her fragrant pussy or eaten her delicious pussy juices. My mouth was ready and eager for a lot more action before I would be through.

First, I got up off the bed and removed my clothing. Then I washed off my face, in keeping with sexual etiquette, and lay back beside Kalsoom and kissed her lips again. And again. And again. Our tongues didn't start connecting until the third kiss, and then she wrapped her arms around my head and held my mouth against hers, while our tongues renewed their acquaintance. Kalsoom let go of my head and I once again kissed the erogenous spots in her throat. Again, I held her succulent titties gently in either hand and licked the nipples. This time, Kalsoom didn't push me away, but rested her head back in the pillow and purred contentedly.

Sometimes my tongue just flicks the nipples but Kalsoom's were so big and firm that I painted them with broad back and forth strokes of my tongue, first one then the other, then back again, I thoroughly covered both of her adorable nipples. Kalsoom lay back, smiling and purring. Flicking is good too, though, and I flicked one of her nipples with my tongue, then sucked the luscious globe into my mouth. I sucked on it and licked the nipple with my tongue and traced the lovely areola. I turned my attentions to its gorgeous twin and sucked on it the same way, my lips forming a seal so I could enjoy the soft texture of Kalsoom's skin and the harder feel of her nipple. I looked at her pussy and it was squirming on the bed and I could smell the fragrant juices lubricating her pussy, so I knew it was time to move lower. We both like it when I suck and lick on Kalsoom's titties but we like it a lot more when I suck and lick on her pussy.

Usually, I put a pillow under the woman's ass because that presents her pussy better to my mouth, and makes eating it easier and more comfortable, but Kalsoom had been in such a hurry before, I hadn't done it. I did it now, then knelt between her upraised legs, put my shoulders against her thighs and leaned forward to bury my face in her fragrant pussy and enjoy the aroma. I sucked all the delicious juices out of her precious love hole, then I squirmed my tongue in because I love the taste and feel of that delightful place on my tongue. When I took my tongue out, Kalsoom reached under herself, took hold of her asscheeks and spread them. The middle finger of my right hand, lubricated by my saliva, slipped into her ass and I fucked her ass with several slow strokes, pushing my entire finger in, and pulling it almost all the way out. Kalsoom's purring was louder as I buried my face again in her lovely pussy.

Kalsoom's whole pussy is sensitive and loves to be licked, especially since she had shaved it just before I arrived. The outer surface of one of her outer pussy lips was where I started licking her, even though this is usually the least sensitive part of a pussy. Starting from the bottom, right in her crotch, I licked the lip slowly, using broad strokes of my tongue and considerable pressure. The freshly shaven area felt good to my tongue and I'm glad there was no stubble. I licked one lip all the way to her mons, then started on the other lip. Kalsoom was purring contentedly but her pussy hadn't started humping yet. When I got to her mons the second time, I kissed it and sucked on it briefly. My middle finger continued slowly fucking Kalsoom's eager ass.

The inner surface of Kalsoom's outer pussy lips are much more sensitive than the outer surface so when I started licking there, beginning at her crotch, I used much less pressure. My tongue moved slowly, covering the entire area. The taste and feel of her smooth, moist pussy lip was a delight to my tongue, and I delighted in the feel of my finger in her ass. Lubricating juices were starting to be secreted by her vagina and they were a delight to my sense of smell and soon they would delight my taste buds also. Kalsoom's contented purring as I slowly and thoroughly ate her pussy was a delight to my ears. After I had licked the entire pussy lip all the way to her mons, I licked her there also and pulled my face away to gaze on Kalsoom's beautiful, smooth pussy as it humped into my face. That was a delight to my fifth sense.

After I had consumed all the fresh juices, I delighted both of us by giving the same treatment to her other outer pussy lip, beginning at her crotch and slowly licking the inside surface all the way to her mons. When I passed her clit hood, I brushed it with my tongue, and was rewarded with a twitch of Kalsoom's pussy and a fresh spurt of lubricant. After I sucked briefly on her smooth mons, I devoured all the fresh juices and started probing with my tongue just under Kalsoom's sweet pussy. My finger was all the way in her ass and I twisted it so I could rest my chin on the back of my hand while my tongue probed this very sensitive place. Her purring became louder, almost moaning and, as I moved my tongue to probe between that moist, pink love hole and her inner lips, and resumed slowly finger-fucking her ass, she started humping her pussy more strongly into my face.

As I slowly insinuated my tongue under Kalsoom's inner lip, her thighs rotated outward, presenting her pussy fully to me and it started humping even stronger. Pleasurable moans had replaced her purring and I knew that if I started sucking on her clit, Kalsoom would be cumming within minutes. We were not in any hurry, though, so I would wait until she really wanted to cum and couldn't wait any longer. Kalsoom would not be shy about telling me.

My tongue had found a very nice spot, and I kept it there, slowly moving it back and forth. Kalsoom began swiveling her hips, thrusting her legs over my shoulders. I knew she was close to cumming but I wanted her to pick the time, and I wanted us both to get the most enjoyment possible out of what we were doing. The other inner pussy lip has a corresponding spot, and I moved my tongue over there, slipping it in, and slowly moving it back and forth.

"Cum. I wanna cum", was Kalsoom's panted demand. "Suck my clit. Suck my clit." I slid my tongue into her vagina and, after sucking out all the fresh juices, started massaging the top of that delightful hole, stimulating the underside of her clit. Kalsoom's pussy was going wild against my face, and her legs were slamming into my temples as her hips gyrated. The time had come to fasten my mouth onto her precious clit.

I clamped my lips onto that engorged love button, and started sucking on it. While my lips were sucking, my tongue was probing and licking the sides and top. After a few minutes of this, Kalsoom exploded "Oh, God, I'm cumming.

I'm cumming", and her hands again squashed my face into her pussy and her legs squeezed my head. Kalsoom's ass lifted off the bed again while her pussy bucked into my face. The muscles in her ass clenched around my middle finger and I couldn't move it but I held on to her thigh with my left arm and kept my lips clamped on her clit, while my tongue continued its dance of pleasure. As Kalsoom continued cumming, her pussy kept bucking into my face, and she babbled incoherently. My lips remained locked on her clit until, with one last spasm of her hips, her back arched again, and she climaxed.

Then she sagged back onto the bed; her hands dropped off my head, and her legs released me. I slowly pulled my finger from her ass, sucked and licked all the delicious fresh cum juices from her pussy, and went to the bathroom again.

When I returned, Kalsoom was still lying on her back, a smile of blissful contentment on her face. "Suhail, you are the greatest. I haven't cum like that since the last time you were here. I ought to throw away my vibrator and keep you here all the time." She was lavish in her praise, and she almost meant every word of it. "Now, lie here beside me for a while. I still have some things I need for us to do." Of course, I knew what those things were, and I was eager to do them as soon as Kalsoom was ready. I lay on my back, with a pillow under my head to wait, because I knew it would only be a few minutes and Kalsoom would want me on my back when she was ready.

When that time came, Kalsoom got a condom out of the nightstand. Before she put it on me, she took my cock in her mouth and sucked it for a few strokes although she is not really much for sucking cocks, and this was more a courtesy than anything else. Also, she got my cock wet so the condom would go on more easily. If there is anything Kalsoom loves more than having her pussy eaten, it is fucking, and her favorite is the cowgirl position. With Kalsoom, this is my favorite too, for various reasons, but especially because she enjoys it so much, and that results in a more pleasurable time for me.

Kalsoom straddled my legs, on her knees facing me, and carefully slipped the condom on me. Once this was done, she moved forward, put her hands on my chest and prepared to mount me. From sucking and handling my cock, her pussy was already dripping.

Kalsoom raised herself up and over my cock and then slowly lowered herself. I held my cock in my hand until the tip was even with her pussy, then rubbed it against her clit. She smiled in pleasurable anticipation then lowered herself, and I guided my cock into her pussy. Once the tip was in, Kalsoom lowered herself even more slowly and my cock slipped into her tight, wet pussy until it was all the way in, with my pubic hair tickling her smooth, sensitive pussy lips. She sat on me for a minute, smiling with the pleasure of my cock all the way in her, while I smiled for the same reason. Then we began slowly fucking.

Kalsoom started by rocking sideways, letting my cock mostly massage the sides of her pussy. As she leaned to one side, I timed the thrusts of my cock for just as she started back, to ensure the maximum penetration and to most forcefully press my cock against the sides of her love hole. We continued our slow rocking and fucking motion for a several minutes. Kalsoom was purring happily and she had a contented smile on her face, and I probably did also because we were both enjoying ourselves so much. Besides enjoying the feel of my cock sliding in and out of Kalsoom's hot pussy, I can watch it sliding in and out. This position is a visual delight because I can also see her sexy body above me, and I can reach up and fondle her big titties. Later, Kalsoom would switch to a motion where I could lick and suck on them, but for now I just admired them as my cock plunged in and out of her pussy.

Kalsoom changed her motion so she was rising up and slightly forward then back down. This produced greater penetration into her pussy and allowed for more contact between my cock and the underside of her lovely clit. Kalsoom's pussy was wetter now and I could smell the fragrant juices and even see them, running out of her vagina and soaking into my pubic hair. I regretted the waste but I had consumed a lot of her juices already and I would consume more before we were through making love. My hands were on her hips while she was stroking with this motion and I was thrusting my cock into her pussy on her stroke back, for greatest penetration and contact with her clit.

Kalsoom was moaning her pleasure by that time and I expected her to cum soon and then we would cum together later. Four climaxes is standard when Kalsoom and I get together, especially when she starts out as horny as she did today.

"I'm getting ready to cum, Suhail. Can you handle this?" I nodded my head yes, and Kalsoom leaned toward me and changed her stroke to rocking back and forth. With this motion, every time she swung her hips back, the underside of her clit massaged the top of my cock. I timed the thrusts of my cock into her pussy to match her swings back, to provide the most contact with her clit.

"Suck my titties", she told me, and held them with her hands to present them to me. I had no problem with this, and took one of the twin treasures in either hand, and started sucking gently on them while plunging my cock into her pussy in rythm with her strokes. I would continue sucking with my mouth and fucking with my cock until Kalsoom started cumming and then I would have to let go of her titties and hold onto her back when she started bucking. I hoped that wouldn't happen too soon, because my cock and my mouth were in ecstasy.

Ecstasy doesn't last forever, however, and Kalsoom announced "I'm cumming. Oh, God, I'm cumming", and started stroking faster. My hands let go of her titties and her nipple slipped out of my mouth. My hands slid down to around the small of her back because I wanted to keep up the same stroke while Kalsoom was cumming, and I knew she would not have sufficient control to do it. She sprawled forward on top of me and her legs straightened out beside me and started their pistoning motion as her hips swiveled on top of me. My hands were on her hips and I continually jammed her pussy down onto my cock while I rammed my cock into her pussy, keeping the best contact I could with her clit. This continued for several minutes, until Kalsoom climaxed with one jerk of her hips; her back arched and she would have pulled her pussy off my cock if I hadn't been holding on to her so firmly.

After her climax, Kalsoom lay on top of me, and I continued fucking my cock into her pussy, but slowly and gently now.

When Kalsoom was ready, she started responding to the slow thrusts of my cock into her pussy by thrusting back to meet me. For the time being, she lay on top of me with her arms under mine and her weight on her elbows and knees, instead of returning to the cowgirl position, but I expected this to change soon. "I love your tongue and I love your cock", she told me. "I think I will throw away my vibrator and keep you here chained to the bed." I laughed but I enjoy flattery as much as the next person. My hands were still on Kalsoom's hips because I like the feel of her soft, smooth skin but she was stoking her pussy at her speed and I was thrusting with my cock to match the pace she was setting. Kalsoom likes to control the speed and other things, which is fine with me because I derive the maximum enjoyment from making love when Kalsoom, or any other woman, enjoys it as much as she can.

Kalsoom stayed where she was but started using a circular motion that she likes. At the appropriate point of each circle, I thrust my cock into her pussy, achieving maximum penetration and contact with her clit. Already, she was expressing her pleasure by purring, and her smile was beatific.

Around and around went Kalsoom's pussy and in and out went my cock and her purring became louder. "Put your finger in my ass", she told me and I was glad to comply. "Fuck my ass with your finger", and I started plunging my finger slowly, in and out of her ass, matching the thrusts of my finger with the thrusts of my cock into her pussy. Kalsoom's purring became louder and her smile became happier, and she frequently whispered "Oooo, that's good", as our slow fucking went on.

Kalsoom likes to change her motions to stimulate her whole pussy, but this time she wanted to change back to the cowgirl position. My cock and my finger stayed in place as she pushed herself up with her hands against my chest and curled her legs up underneath her so she was back on her knees. Once she had achieved the position she wanted, she started rocking sideways on top of me again, and I resumed thrusting my cock into her pussy the way I had before, on her down strokes. I coordinated the thrusts of my finger into her ass again, and our slow fucking continued. As it continued, her purring turned to moans of pleasure, and I was also moaning by then.

She changed her motion again, using another of the same ones as she had used before She rose up and forward, lifting her pussy almost off my cock and then sat back down again so my cock again penetrated all the way into her pussy. I bent my knees to change my angle of penetration slightly and thrust my cock into her as she sat back. This produced maximum penetration and rubbed my cock against the underside of her clit. We continued like this, fucking silently except for our moans of pleasure, because we were both enjoying ourselves immensely. My finger was still fucking into her ass, synchronized with the strokes of my cock into her pussy. "I'm going to be ready to cum pretty soon", she told me. " Let me know when you are ready."

With the slow strokes that we were using, I can continue a long time but I was close to being ready, after our long period of making love. "I'm almost ready now", I told her.

Kalsoom continued her slow back and forward motion for a few minutes then leaned forward to present her titties to my mouth. With my finger in her ass, I was limited in what I could do so she put one of her nipples to my lips. I leaned forward and took it into my mouth and started sucking on her luscious mound for as long as she held it in place. When she wanted me to change, she moved the other nipple to where I could reach it, and I sucked on that one for as long as she wanted me to. With Kalsoom's succulent titty in my mouth, my cock going in and out of her lovely pussy and my finger fucking her gorgeous ass, I had the best of all possible worlds.

"I'm ready to cum", Kalsoom told me.

"I'm ready too."

Kalsoom changed to the same back and forth motion she had been using to cum earlier. As she swung her hips back, I thrust my cock into her pussy, and let her drag the underside of her clit across the top of it. I kept sucking her titty and my finger kept steadily going in and out of her ass, still matching the speed of our strokes as we fucked faster. "Oh, oh, oh", Kalsoom crooned as she started fucking even faster. Then "Oh, oh, I'm cumming. I'm cumming", and after a minute, she sprawled on top of me again, with her legs out behind her, pistoning back and forth. She pulled her titty out of my mouth when she sprawled but my finger was held in her ass by her tightened muscles. I held tightly to her with my other arm as she bucked on top of me, and I kept my cock pumping into her pussy, massaging her clit with every stroke. Kalsoom was still fucking with her pussy but erratically, as her hips gyrated on top of me. With a last spasm of her body, and with her back arched, she climaxed, and with a last thrust of my cock, I ejaculated into my condom. Kalsoom sprawled on top of me, relaxed and satisfied, and I held her with my left arm and pulled my finger out of her ass.

After a few minutes of lying together in a warm and peaceful afterglow, Kalsoom asked me "How long do you think the chain should be when I chain you to the bed? Long enough to let you go to the bathroom, I suppose, but any longer than that?" I really hoped she was just kidding.">
