Story Details

A Boy and His Flashlight Chapter 20

dandalk on Mind Control Stories

Evan and Yvonne's parents were so stoked to see their twins graduating college. Now Evan had three years of law school ahead of him while Yvonne steeled herself mentally for eight more months of a baby growing inside of her. The bedroom she had been using when Robert was over was now going to be turned over to the twins she was expecting. Yes, the doctor verified her receiving the old two for one deal. Yvonne felt a sense of accomplishment graduating with honors in biology and now being an expectant mother. She was also wearing the wedding ring she was given by Evan every day. Evan ordered her to remain naked through her pregnancy unless there was some medical necessity for allowing her to be dressed. He made love to her when she got over the initial morning sickness and then went right for Ryoko's pussy, eating her out for several orgasms until he was hard again and could fuck her. "Listen Ryoko, it would be great if you have twins, too, but I will gladly settle for one healthy baby. I don't want you competing with Yvonne because you're so great in your own right." "That's sweet, honey. Don't worry, I'll help Yvonne as much as I can and then you and I can give her babies another playmate." 'That would rock," he rejoindered.

Ryoko then sidled up to Aolani and they flirted with each other before ultimately repairing to Aolani's bedroom to carry their play to a more intimate level.

By the time Evan entered law school that August, Yvonne was four months along and showing. Even kissed his growing twins goodnight every night, as did Ryoko and Aolani, by planting those smooches on her belly. Yvonne was more irritable than usual, but also hornier, and seeing her body changing aroused Evan greatly. Thus, he gladly partook of his sister's increased sex drive  To be safe, at least in their minds, Yvonne would lay on her back on the edge of the bed so that Evan could have easy access to her cunt without having to press his weight on her. Or she would lay on her side while he insinuated himself at a right angle to her legs to penetrate her.

Evan's new school wasn't that far from their house, but he had to ultimately buy Ryoko her own minivan to go to school in. Like with Evan's, there was a fully made up mattress and pillows in back so that the two girls could enjoy some private moments together when they were in the mood.

Yvonne's twins were born the following January after she was in labor for 21 hours. Perhaps like what happened with Evan and Yvonne, when the twins, one boy and one girl, Michael and Michelle, were separated, they would cry and then quiet down as soon as they were next to each other again. Evan agonized whether to keep the three adult girls in the house naked all the time. He decided it would be better for respectability's sake, to have his wife, Yvonne and Aolani shod, albeit in bikinis. When the weather turned cold, they could choose to wear whatever they wanted.

Evan continued to collect from the companies he had hoodwinked. He bought a brand new minivan, except this time he left the seats in due to having to use car seats for the infants and junked the old one. The three years that Evan was in law school put the family in a more conventional routine and so things got to be pretty sedate. Because Ryoko double majored, she took another full year to finish and so she graduated university at the same time Evan finished his law degree. While Ryoko was working on her teaching credential, Evan was doing his obligatory pro bono defense work. Aolani had finished her degree, too, but Evan forbade her from working so she could help Yvonne, whose kids were now going through the terrible twos.

Speaking of which, Evan bought the twins a queen size bed and they slept together every night. They had inherited Robert's skin tone and eyes but their hair was brown instead of black. Evan contrinued to sleep with both Yvonne and Ryoko in the same bed (though sometimes Ryoko would bed in with Aolani). Evan employed his flashlight so that the children wouldn't go blabbing about their parents and auntie Aolani's sleeping arrangements.

When she wrapped up her credential, Ryoko went off the pill and she, too, had fraternal twins, one boy and one girl who were named Daniel and Danielle, though she gave them Japanese middle names (Takaaki and Takako). Like the other twins, they had to be together all the time and, when they were old enough, slept together in their own queen size bed. Since Ryoko and Yvonne were now home all the time, Aolani was permitted to work.

Daniel got a job in the county prosecutor's office, where he spent ten years before retiring. He was still getting checks from his outside sources and ultimately no longer needed the money or the stress or the long hours of prosecutorial work.

At the time Evan gave up his position, Michael and Michelle were in seventh grade and continued to sleep in the same bed. Evan talked to them about sex when they were in sixth grade in somewhat graphic detail and then used his flashlight to get her to refrain from sex until she was at least 15. He put her on the pill when she turned 14 and used his flashlight again to ensure that taking it every morning would  be habitual. However, he ultimately had nothing to worry about in terms of Michelle getting a disease from another teenager. One night, while they were still in ninth grade, he heard moans coming out of their bedroom. Evan cracked the door open oh so slightly and saw Mike on his hands and knees between a naked Michelle's legs lapping at her clit.. Evan smirked as he very quietly closed the door. They had always been affectionate toward each other and the kids Evan had with Ryoko were the same way. It appeared that the apples weren't falling too far from the tree.

After talking it over with Yvonne and Ryoko, he sat that set of twins down and revealed that he knew what they were doing and then announced that he and their mom had done it, too. "We're okay with it because we understand how you feel, but just don't let it get outside the house," he urged. "Also, don't talk about it to the other twins until we know what their attitude will be." Mike and Michelle indicated their agreement and that was that.

Mike and Michelle ultimately grew to six feet even. Michelle was willowy  and built like a model. Even with just B cups, she could have any man she chose, but kept her choice  close to home, Mike. They never went to prom, either, and didn't give a shit. Instead, Evan took everyone on a getaway and allowed the elder twins to have their own hotel room.

Danny and Danielle were closer to their mother and father in height, 5'8" with average physiques except for Danielle's C cups. Michelle got Danielle to admit that her and Danny had been coupling up, too. Fortunately, Evan had gotten to Danielle with the same treatment that he gave Michelle, so the most Danielle had done at that juncture with Danny was suck him and give him handjobs. Once that cat was out of the bag, everybody relaxed and just accepted that what they do is what they do. And they were happy with it.

The End



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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Man, if i had Evan's flashlight, hell who knows what id do. Since im a nerd id use it on a scientist who could create a device allowing me to travel to a dimension where i could be rich, be a green lantern( I like superheros, so what) with ring and recharge lantern, mustang, corvette, lots of money, and screwing bitches every day. Damn good hell of a time. :D

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