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Strip Poker with Mom Leads to Pool Sex

sugarcanenational 659 days ago on Incest Stories

[Not originally mine, I saved a copy of the 3-part thread from 15 years ago and copied together.]

My brother and dad had been gone from the hotel room for half an hour. They wanted to go swimming at the hotel pool for a few hours. It was only about 7:30 and the pool wouldn't close until 11:30. They intended to stay as long as they could. My mother and I grew bored as I flipped through the channels.

"Turn it off, Sam. There's no use. Nothing's on but news and soaps."

"Well, then what are we gonna do for 3 and a half hours?"

"I don't know, you could always join your father and brother."

"Nah," I said, "I told you, I'm way too whiped out." We had been walking all day around town.

"Well what do you want to do, then? Check and see what's in those drawers."

I opened the drawer. Nothing but a small, green vinyl Bible and a deck of dusty old playing cards. I held both up.

"We can play cards!" she smiled.

"Alright," I groaned. Anything to pass the time. "How about Texas Hold'em?"

"I don't know how to play that."

"It's easy. You'll pick it up as we go."

We played a quick practice round and I lost purposely on a couple hands to make my mom feel like she was doing well.

"How 'bout we make it interesting?" she grinned.

"I'd love to, but I didn't take any money with me on this trip."

"Aww," she sighed.

"How bout we use something else?" I asked.


"Clothing," I said, half joking, half testing to see her reaction.

"You mean like strip poker?"

"Yeah, exactly."

She paused a minute, got up and walked over to the window overlooking the hotel's indoor pool, and closed the blinds.

"We should make sure no one else, especially your brother and father, can manage to catch a peek."

"Good idea," my voice shook. I couldn't believe she agreed. "Well first--" I cleared my throat. "first thing is counting all the items of clothing we have on. Count a pair of socks as one."

She had a shirt, bra, pants, panties, and socks on. I had a shirt, an undershirt, shorts, boxers, and socks on. We were even.

"Okay, kiddo, let's get this started."

I shuffled and delt the cards, which took longer than it should have with my shaking hands. I gave her two and me two. Pocket Jacks for me. I flipped the cards one by one. Jack, King, 8 of Spades, 2 of Hearts, and 3 of Hearts.

She slowly flipped her cards. Nothing. I won the first hand.

"Gimme that shirt," I smiled and held out my hand. She rolled it off to reveal her stomach. She looked pretty good for forty-something and two kids. I could see her dark nipples through her bra, her breasts about C-cup. She had noticable love handles, but they didn't look bad. They fit her body nicely.

Next hand, I won again. "Pants off."

She complied. She scooted her ass off the bed that we were sitting on and pushed down her pants. She looked gorgeous in her socks, panties and bra. Her hips came out to the perfect width. He panties were white, just like her bra, and somewhat see-through as well-- I could see a darker area that I assumed was her bush.

Next hand she won. And then the next two. Then I won one. So I was sitting there in my boxers and shirt, just as she was in her bra and panties.

"This is it," I kept thinking. "I'm going to see my mother naked."

I delt the cards. A 5 and a 3, both hearts. I flipped the five cards. 3 of diamonds. 5 of spades. 2 of hearts. Ace of spades. Jack of diamonds.

"How about we double the stakes? My shirt and boxers versus your bra and panties."

She thought a few seconds. "Okay, let's do it. Flip 'em."

We both flipped. She had a 3 of spades and a 5 of clubs.

"What's that mean?" she asked.

I wanted to get this over with. "It means it's a tie-- we both lose. We both take off our clothes."

"... Okay, we'll do it at the same time. Shirt for bra, boxers for panties. 1-2-3, go."

I took of my shirt, and saw just in time, her gorgeous breasts fall out of her bra and hang. A medium size areola with nipples that looked a little bigger than average.

"Okay, boxers for panties. Ready? Go."

I whipped off my boxers and my prick stood to attention. My mother stuck her thumbs under her panties and pushed them off. Underneath was the most beautiful bush I had ever seen. It was perfectly black, in a triangle, running from the top down passed her pussy lips.

"Nice cock," she laughed. "What do we do now?"

I looked at the clock. It was 8:20.

"How about we play another game?" I asked.

"What game?"

"'Truth or Dare'?"

"Oh, that brings me back," she laughed.

She sat crosslegged, breasts dropping slightly, giving me a perfect view of her pussy. She played with the hair around it, leaving her pussy lips to just barely peak through.

"Sure, let's go for it. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I answered cautiously. I was too frightened to make the first sexual move, even though it seemed to be quite clear from our previous game that she wanted me to.

"Okay, wimp, I got a question for ya. Do you think of me often when you masturbate?"

"Yes. All the time."


"Yes, Mom."

"Ah, that's sweet," she smiled and blushed. "I sometimes think of you when I'm fucking your father, to be honest."

I smiled, shocked and excited. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said with confidence.

I thought. I knew exactly what I wanted- my mother's sweet pussy. But I didn't have the courage, and I knew that I couldn't just go right to it. "Will you, uh, will you su-, uh,"

"Say it," she stared at my eyes and I looked down.

"Blow me."

She pounced up from her sitting position and pushed me back onto the bed. I looked down at her and her eyes looked right back. "Just wait," she said smokily. She looked so sexy in her crouching position. She started with her mouth near my chest and breathed heavily on my skin, grazing my body with her lips. Her salvating mouth inched closer to my cock, her lips began to kiss harder on my abdomen and navel, and my dick began to pulse with anticipation.

My mother's mouth finally made it to my throbbing and eager dick. She looked up at me and smiled, then my prick disappeared in her mouth. Her toungue swirled around my head, and she took the whole thing in and out, sucking deep and hard. She plopped my cock out with a pop, and brought her face down to my testicles. My mother sucked one in her mouth, then began to ferociously lick them both, then up and down my shaft. She licked from head to balls. Her mouth again encompassed my entire shaft and it was too much for me-- I came down her throat and she sucked my shaft dry.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, gasping for a decent breath. "Thanks, Mom!"

She smiled and giggled, "Any time, sweety. Your father loves it when I do that to him."

"I bet," I said, still catching my breath. "Where- where were we?"

She smiled and gave me a moment to catch my breath and regain my energy.

"Truth or dare?" she grinned.

"Dare," I said, with an understandable boost of confidence.

"Eat me out!" she demanded.

I grabbed her my her underarms and tossed her on the bed. I dove head first through her thighs into her sweet snatch. I made my way past the hair with my tounge and dug into her pussy, which graciously opened up, already sobbing wet. I licked all around her lips in circles and did as she instructed, when to go faster and slower, or in which direction. Soon enough I found her clit and continued my instructions, being more gently with it.

In a few minutes, she grasped my hair with her fingers and curled her toes and shoved my faced into her juices and she came all over my face, her cum tasted like something I cannot describe to this day.

"Oh, Sam!" she screamed as she rode my face into exhaustion.

We layed there completely wiped out, falling asleep in eachother's arms.

We both woked up to a knocking at the door.

"Shit!" my mother said in a loud whisper. "That must be your father and brother! Quick, get some clothes on and go let them in, I'm going to go take a shower."

I let them in and asked what took so long.

"Oh," I said, hopefully not sounding too surprised, "uh, Mom is taking a shower and I fell asleep watching the TV."

"Oh, alright then," my dad said forgivingly.

"Why are you guys back? It's only 10:45."

"There were these annoying brats in the pool and they kept whining. Stupid fucking parents don't know how to raise their kids."

"Watch you mouth, Adam!" my Dad scolded him.

"Sorry. I meant 'freaking'."

"Mmhmm. Anyway, Adam and I are gonna call it a day. We are wiped out from all those laps. Tell your mother we said 'Goodnight.' I doubt we'll make it to when she comes out."

"Okay, will do. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Goodnight."

I knocked on the bathroom door. "Ma, I have to use the bathroom."

"Okay, Honey," she shouted over the water, "Come on in." I opened the door and walked in. She whipped open the shower curtain, pulled off my shirt and boxers, and pulled me in.

"Shh," she instructed and kissed me, wrapping her legs around mine. "What'd they say?"

"They are going to sleep now. They left early. The pool's still open for, like, half hour."

"Excellent," she smiled. "Get out, get dry, and wait for me in here. I won't be long."

"Okay, why?"

"We're gonna go for a swim-- but we aren't telling those two."

"There's only half an hour til it closes though!"

"I know, sweets, we are gonna hide in the bathroom til they lock the door. It will be perfect. We can have the whole pool to ourselves."

"Awesome, great idea."

"Oh, and sweety? Don't bother bringing your suit."

I did as I was told without a word. I got out of the shower, took a towel to dry off, and paced back and forth lightly on my feet so as not to disturb my sleeping sibling and dad. Soon enough, the shower curtain sprung open to reveal my naked dripping mother smirking with mischief.

"Let's go. I'll dry off real quick and leave those sleepy heads a note-- something like 'Sam and I went down to get some ice, we shouldn't be long.' You go outside and make sure they are sleeping. I'll be out in a sec."

I pushed the door open and peered out into the dark room. Both of them lay motionless and silent.

"Dad? Adam?" No answer. I looked back at my gorgeous mother nearly dry. "We're good to go, Mom!"

"Great, sweetie." She slipped into a white t-shirt and panties, then put on the complimentary bathrobe. "Let's get moving."

We left the room, making sure to take the room key card with us. We took the elevator down and looked in through the glass door to the pool. No one was in there, and there was still 15 minutes to closing time.

"Brilliant," my mother smiled. "C'mon, let's go." She opened the door and led me to the women's bathroom and into the stall farthest from the door, locking it from the inside. "Stand up on the toilet with me," she whispered. "They only check underneath when they lock up."

"Okay, what are we going to do until then?"

"What do you think, silly? Take off your clothes."

I removed my shirt, shorts, and boxers and rolled them up with her shirt, shorts, and bathrobe and propped the pile up behind the toilet seat.

"Attention all swimmers: The pool will be closing in five minutes," came a voice on the loudspeaker which we could barely hear from the bathroom.

"That seems like enough time," she said.

"Time for what-" and she broke me off with a kiss. We reached around and palmed eachother's asses. I rubbed my dick against her pussy hair as she dry-humped me back. Just then we heard the door open.

Footsteps came clumping closer to our stall- a pause-- the sound of shoes skidding around, and more footsteps towards the day. Then we heard a man's voice, "Anyone still in hear? 'T's closing time." We stood quiet, trying not to breathe hard. The man then flicked the lights off and closed the door. My mother
let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Whew," she whispered still, "alright, let's get down and wait a minute till they check the other bathroom and leave."

I got down first, my bare feet hitting the cold tile. I heard her going through out clothes.

"Whatcha lookin' for, Ma?

"Nothing, dear, it's a surprise."

Surprise? What could that be? I wondered anxiously.

"Go crack the door and see if they are still there." I did and looked just in time to see the janitor walk out the poolroom door, locking it behind him.

"Coast is clear, Mom. I just saw him walk out and lock the door."

"Great," she said as she walked over towards me and the door in the dark with the pitterpatter of her bare feet against the cold ground.

We trailed around the edge of the pool and slowly lowered ourselves in, but not before I got a fantastic look at my naked mother's fantastic body again.

"So what was that surprise, Mom?" I asked while kicking my feet to keep afloat.

She smiled at my and raised her closed fist. She opened it and showed me a condom.

"No way, Mom!" I exclaimed, shocked.

"Yes way, Sam," she giggled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course I'm sure. Now get your butt over here so I can put this on you."

I didn't need to be told twice. I swam over to her faster than I ever swam before. She giggled again and ripped the wrapper. She reached underwater for my cock, rolled it on, and grabbed me close.

"Fuck me, Sam," she said in a low, sexy voice. "Fuck me hard."

I grabbed her ass with both palms as she took hold of my cock.

I brought her pussy closer, and she guided my throbbing dick inside. I began to push in and out of her. My rythmic thrusts created ripples in the pool in every direction.

"Faster, Sam," she just barely whispered in my ear.

I took her ass still in my hands and shoved her onto my

impaling cock harder and harder, and she began to whimper in pleasure.

"That feels fantastic, Sam!" she whispered again, her head right next to mine.

She wrapped her legs around my back in a tight, whole-bodied embrace. "Mmm, sweetie, I love you.

"I love you too, Mom.

At that moment, I came hard, and my knees buckled in the shallow end, and we fell underneath the surface of the water, where she kissed me deep in the pool. We re-emerged, and climbed out of the pool, silently smiling. We gathered our things from the bathroom, and made our way back to our room.


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