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Public sex with Daddy and all tied up

Spencer84 on Incest Stories

"Daddy" i called out from the bedroom. "Whats up baby girl?" daddy called back from the bathroom. "We got some comments on our story about our 1st time doing anal. Come have a look." i replied. Daddy came in, lifting me off the seat and sitting me on his lap as we read the comments. "hmm baby i like the sound of this one, 'nj_baby 130 really hot story, maybe try him tying you up and spanking you, thanks kinky! Or bring a dog into the situation ;-)' What you think honey?" daddy asked while kissing down my neck. "Daddy thats the one i called out about. I really want to do it, it sounds so hot!" i said as i lent into daddy. "Well come on baby, lets go and have a look at some sex shops so i can tie that cute little ass up." Daddy took me to a sex warehouse, i was so excited at all the things. Daddy got a bondage kit, it has hand cuffs, ankle cuffs, blindfold, a whip, small vibrator and a butt plug. I was so excited thinking off all the things daddy was going to do. I started getting wet, really fast. "Daddy i cant wait for you to tie me up." i said as i unclipped my belt and lent over daddy, sliding my hand down the front of his tracksuit pants, pulling his cock free, slowly lowering my head down until his balls were against my chin. "Oh fuck! Daddy's little baby is very horney." daddy moaned while i deep throated his cock, just the way he likes. Daddy continued to moan while i sucked his cock faster, playing with his balls. "Baby if your not careful i'm going to cum right down your throat." daddy grunted as i felt his balls tighten. I increased the pressure as i pulled his cock out of my mouth, leaning back on my seat, pulling my skirt up and my panties across to give daddy a better view. "God baby i cant wait to get you home" daddy moaned, reaching out to touch my yet pussy. "Hmm i dont want you to wait daddy, come get me" i said, climbing into the backseat. I have never seen daddy look for somewhere semi private so fast. Daddy found a side dirt road, he drove up half way, pulling off to the side. I was laying down on the backseat, legs spread and pussy open, wet and very ready. "God you are so beautiful honey, you drive daddy so crazy, i was close to cumming in my pants watching you play in here." he said as he removed his pants, closed the door and slid over my body. "Hmm now wouldn't that have been a waste. Put that big cock im me now daddy, i need you to fuck me so bad." i moaned, reaching down and guiding his cock to my pussy hole. "Baby i need to cum badly, you got me so close when you were sucking me." he moaned as he slid further in my pussy. "god daddy, fuck me. Fuck me hard! Now!" i screamed. Daddy grabbed my hips and rammed his cock so hard into me, leaving me breathless as he continued to pump his cock faster. "Ohh yes baby! Get up, i wanna fuck you from behind, to watch my cock disappear in sheer heaven." Daddy grunted. No sooner i was on all fours, daddy slammed his cock back deep in my pussy, pushing my head out of the open window. I knew daddy was close as he gripped my hips, fucking me with such force, sending me over the edge of a powerful orgasm. "Thats it baby, cum on daddy's cock. Oh fuck back into me baby, dont stop daddy is very close." he moaned as he rammed even harder into me, keeping my orgasm at its peak. "FUCK ME DADDY! CUM NOW! CUM DEEP IN MY PUSSY NOW, OH GOD IM CUMMING AGAIN.... FUCK ME DADDDY!" I screamed, bucking my hips wildly as i came on my daddy's cock again. I felt daddy's cock twitch as the 1st jet of cum rushed into my pussy. "Oh fuck baby i'm cummming" daddy shouted as he emptied the last of his cum. Daddy sat on the seat, pulling me onto his lap. "God damn baby, i love you so much. You think we should get going to i can tie that ass of your down?" daddy asked breathlessly. I reached up and touched my lips to his, sliding my tongue into his mouth briefly before pulling back. "Hmm i think so daddy, cause i want more of you now!" i said, moving my ass over his cock. "fuck! Up we get, or i'll end up pinning you down again." daddy giggled as he got his pants on, to take us home, where more fun awaited.

Part 2:

Daddy and i returned home with our bag of bondage goodies. Daddy swept me up in his arms, kissing me as if his life depended on it. I could feel daddy's cock was hard, pushing for release. "Baby i have to have you now! Go get on the bed, i'll lock up and be right there" he moaned against my ear. I was just as excited and in need of daddy. "Dont be too long, i just might have to start without you" i said with a grin as i turned to head to the room. I got undressed and laid on the bed, giving daddy a perfect view of my pussy when he walked in. "Damn baby you are so sexy" he said as he removed the rest of his clothes and got out our new toys. My heart was racing as daddy climbed on top of me, taking my hand and locking it in the cuff, then looping the handcuff through the bedhead, and locking my other hand in, leaving me with my hands pinned above my head. "God baby you look so...... amazing. I dont know why we never thought of this before. Now lift your head up baby." daddy whispered as he tied the blindfold over my eyes, making everything go black. Daddy continued to slid down my body, and cuffing my ankles to the end of the bed. Being tied and blindfolded to the bed daddy started kissing his way up my body, stopping at my pussy. Daddy gripped my hips and started licking and sucking on my pussy, pushing his tongue inside my hole. I was bucking around as my 1st orgasm began. "Oh daddy im cummming" i screamed. Daddy didn't slow down for a second, taking my clit into his mouth and sucking with such pressure, quickly starting another orgasm. I was bucking and moaning things i cant even remember, as i felt my clit numbing as daddy bit into it, sending me over the edge for the 3rd time. "Hmm fuck baby that was so hot" daddy moaned as he slid up my body taking my mouth in his. Daddy reached between us, pushing his cock to the opening of my pussy. In one quick motion, daddy rammed his cock deep in my pussy, letting out a moan into my mouth. Daddy pulled his mouth away to suck and bite at my neck as he increased his sped. "Mmm daddy i need to touch you!" i moaned, pulling against the handcuffs. Daddy giggled as he moved his hands up to push on mine. "No baby" daddy groaned as he slammed into my pussy with such roughness, i knew he wouldn't last long. My clit rubbed against daddy, sending waves of pleasure filling my entire body. "harder daddy! Fuck of harder! Make me cum, cum with me dadddy!" i screamed as my orgasm started. I tightened my pussy muscles around daddy's cock, as he slammed harder into me. "Baby im gunna cum!" daddy shouted as his cock twitched and he fucked his cock into my pussy like a jackhammer, spilling cum deep within. Daddy slid the blindfold down, and kissed me. "damn baby, that was fucking great. Did my baby girl like that?" daddy asked when he gained his breath back. "mmm yes daddy i liked it. Being pretty much out of control in whats happening and not being able to see, is a rush. Its like all the feelings are intensified." i replied as i sealed my lips back to daddy's.

Any new ideas would be great


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