Published Sex Stories / incest-stories


Trap on Incest Stories


     The holidays were always a special time for me. I guess most families get together at the holidays and experience great times, but probably not in the same way as my cousin and me. I grew up with my cousins, Jill and Brad. Brad was about the same age as me, being only weeks younger, and he was my best friend. Jill was only two years younger than I, and we were always very close also. I guess there is that time when, as a boy, you think girls are gross and have cooties and all that and you try to stay as far away from them as possible. I can remember when Brad and I would curse Jill and tell her to get away as we played some silly boyish game, but I always felt a little bad for it. I really liked Jill, even at a very yo

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ung age. We would often go off by ourselves and play house or some other silly "girly" game that I wouldn’t be caught dead playing if Brad or any other boys were around. I have to admit that I always loved that kind of stuff. We were innocent enough about it until one night at my house when things took a most surprising turn.

It was close to Christmas time and I had just turned fifteen. I had begun to notice girls at school, but was not totally infatuated by them like some of my friends. I was strongly involved with sports and FFA and other activities, and these type things held my attention for the most part. I guess I was what you might call a late bloomer in that department. While my friends were talking about their girlfriends, and kissing, and a few steamier things, I was still concentrating more on sports and cars and such. I had a few "girlfriends" from time to time, but usually nothing more than holding hands in the hall or passing notes in class. To me, it was more of a status symbol to have a girlfriend. After all, if you had a girlfriend, you were considered cool. And if you didn’t like girls, you were gay, right? And I wasn’t gay by any means, so I played along with the game. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive junior high and high school, and I was a pretty popular guy. It just wouldn’t look right if I didn’t have a girlfriend.

The only sexual experience I had with a girl had been around this time, and was the result of a wild and unusual situation. We were at a Halloween party, when a girl whom most of us thought as pretty much a weirdo showed up. She was never at any of the parties, but for some reason she was at this one. She ended up getting wasted drinking coke and rum and the boys began to pay more attention to her. She wasn’t bad looking, and actually had a great body. She was short, at only 5'0" tall, but this helped to emphasize some of her physical features. She was hispanic and had long black hair. She was well groomed and looked cute in the face although not what most would consider gorgeous. Her body was what I would call athletic, and what most of my friends would call fat. She wasn’t fat but she was fairly thick. Her ass stuck out, but was well rounded and her breasts were above average sized. Her stomach only showed a slight pudge and I thought her eyes were great. Me and about four other friends of mine got to talking to her and she was drunk as could be. Before long we were all with her in the back bedroom and she was letting us touch and kiss her just about anywhere we wanted. Her clothes were still on at the time, but it was very sexy. Suddenly one of the guys asked her if she was going to give us all a blowjob, really just in a joking manner, but to our surprise she said yes. I don’t think she really knew what she was saying but we didn’t care. We were getting pretty drunk also, and a blowjob sounded awesome to us. We decided to go after it one at a time, and so we drew straws to see who would go first and who would have to wait outside the door for their turn. Not being lucky night, I drew the longest straw and had to wait to go last. One after another we took turns at her offer. By the time I was up, and all the boys had gotten theirs and returned to the party smiling, she looked a mess. Her eyes were barely open and her face and hair were all messed up. She had cum dripping from her chin. She was a sight, but nonetheless sexy to me. I was horny as could be by the time I finally came in. She grabbed my cock as I was still pushing my jeans down, and began sucking on it. I reached over to her as she lay on the bed and began to rub her nice hard tits. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen or felt and unfortunately I couldn’t hold back any longer. Without warning, I began gushing inside her mouth as she sucked. I felt bad as she choked and gasped for air, but not bad enough to continue to cum all over her hair. After it was over, she was still choking a little and looked like she might get sick. I felt bad, but decided to leave before she yakked on me or something. I guess it wasn’t a fairytale first time, but it sure got my rocks off just the same.

When we let out for Christmas break, I was most looking forward to seeing Brad and Jill for the holidays. They were probably my two best friends in the world. Christmas time was my favorite time of the year, not only because of all the lights, and the tree, and the presents and everything, but also because I knew I would get to spend a lot of time with my cousins. Brad was still fourteen at the time and Jill was thirteen. I knew we would be able to spend a lot of time together and I was excited to say the least. It was my favorite thing about Christmas. The presents were nice, but spending time with my cousins was a real gift. Almost as soon as I got home that last day of school, I was quizzing mom about when we would go see them.

As it turned out, that particular Christmas started out with a huge disappointment. Brad had gotten pneumonia and we would not be able to go see them until he got better. I was devastated to say the least upon hearing this. I couldn’t imagine going all Christmas without seeing my cousins. That’s when my mom said, "Maybe Jill could come to visit us."

"You mean by herself?"

"Sure, I know you like Jill and she could come up here and see us, and then maybe if Brad got better in time, he could come later."

I was still disappointed about Brad being sick, but it sounded better than nothing. I mean, I did like spending time with Jill, I just didn’t know about spending all Christmas break with her. I was a guy after all, and I didn’t know how much fun it would be with just a girl around to play with all the time. But then I began to think of the positives. She was still one of my best friends and they had never come to see us during Christmas before, we had always gone to their house. I started to get exited about the new possibilities when mom called my aunt to get the go-ahead.

Jill arrived a few days later and I was pleasantly surprise. Not only did mom tell me she could stay until Christmas Eve, which was a nice surprise in itself, but I also noticed some differences in Jill. I hadn’t seen her much in several months, and she looked really different. Jill had always been kinda like a tom boy I guess you would say. She had always dressed in jeans and t-shirts and didn’t seem to care about her appearance. It was one of the things I appreciated about her, and why I liked her so much before. Now, though, she was much more like a young lady. She was almost as tall as me now, at about 5'7". She was dressed in a nice mini skirt and a blouse. She had her hair in a pony tail with her long bangs drifting down her face. Her short white socks along with her white Keds brand shoes were also a new addition. And though I might have frowned at it a year ago, I must admit that now she was very appealing. I felt a strange sensation as she ran up and hugged me around the neck. She seemed much more like a stranger, but I didn’t want to release her from her hug. The new fashion was not the only change that had taken place. Jill was always cute I guess, but I never realized how much so until that day. I suddenly found myself comparing her to girls at my school, only to realize that she was much hotter than any I had seen. She had a gorgeous face that was accented by a great smile. She had started wearing some make-up which made her features even more appealing, although she could have worn none and been beautiful. Her breasts had also grown a great deal. I had remembered her as always being sort of flat-chested, but now she had some of the largest breasts I had ever seen for her age. Her legs were tanned, by the miracle of tanning salons I’m sure, and were long, slender, and smooth. She was nothing like I had pictured she would be. She was growing up.

"How’s it going cuz?" she said.

"Fine, just fine. Sorry to hear about Brad though."

"Yeah, it’s a shame. You and I will just have to figure out how to have fun by ourselves I guess."

I thought I saw a strange look in Jill’s eye as she said this. Suddenly the possibilities rumbled through my head. I shook them away though and made pleasantries with my aunt as we entered the house. My aunt stayed the night and we shared some great stories. She was wonderful to be around, always in a good mood and always with stories to tell. I was disappointed when she said she was leaving in the morning but would be back in a week to get Jill.

The next morning after we had said goodbye to my aunt, Jill suggested we play monopoly. It was one of our favorite games and it always became competitive. She was beating the crap out of me this day, however. She had me distracted with the tank top and shorts she had decided to wear. They were small and tight on her and accentuated her features nicely. She also had her hair in pig tails, and for some reason it was driving me nuts. My cock stayed hard almost constantly, as she wiped my ass at monopoly. We played late into the day when my mom came in all dressed up.

"We have to go to a Christmas party for your dad’s work tonight. Do you two think you can entertain yourselves for a while? We might be late getting back."

"Sure mom, we will be just fine."

I have to admit I was a little nervous about being alone with Jill. She was the same old cousin I had been around for years, but she had also turned into the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I shook my head and tried to think of something else. I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t touch myself the night before while thinking about Jill running up to me and hugging me when she arrived hours earlier. I was imagining the way her breasts pressed into my chest when she hugged me as I blew my load into the sock I had placed around my cock. I often masturbated, but never to Jill before, and now here she was at my house and I was going to be alone with her. I felt a little guilt for a moment like she might sense what I was thinking, but I had pretty much regained senses when my parents left for the party.

We decided to play some card games after my parents left. We were chatting along as we always did when the conversation turned more personal.

"Do you have a girlfriend yet?" Jill asked.

"Not really. I have had a few, but right now I’m kinda in between girlfriends. What about you?"

"No, I really only liked one boy at my school. We went out to the movies a couple times but he turned out to be prudish."

"What do you mean?," I asked.

"Well, you know, I don’t really think he knows what he’s doing. I mean, guys always talk big to their friends, but he never does anything when I’m alone with him."

"What would you like him to do?"

"I don’t know. I guess I just expected more to happen. He won’t even kiss me goodnight. I know he wants to, and I am all ready and everything, but it’s like he chickens out or something."

I knew exactly what she meant. I remember in junior high how all of my buddies would talk a big game about how much of a stud they were. It was all bullshit and I knew it. I was in the same boat as they were and I knew the truth. I was absolutely petrified most of the time when I was alone with a girl. We would usually do nothing more than hold hands and maybe a few awkward kisses and that was it. I hadn’t even done that but a couple of times. Some of the guys did have sex, but it was usually because they had been with the same girl for so long. Maybe I’m nieve but that is what I thought anyway. I was getting very uncomfortable with all this type of talk and I decided to change the subject. That’s when I remembered dad’s liquor cabinet.

"I’ve got a great idea, if your game."

She looked kind of excited by my proposal. "What did you have in mind?" she asked.

"Dad has a bottle of whisky that has been in the back of the liquor cabinet for years. I sipped on it a few times here and there. What say after they get home and go to bed, we get it out and mix us up a couple of drinks?"

She smiled really big at that suggestion.

"Sure! I’ve never drank before, but I’ve always wanted to. I say you’re on."

Just then the telephone rang. It was mom on the other line. She sounded a little drunk and had some very unexpected news. The party they had gone to was about ten miles out in the country and, although Jill and I hadn’t even noticed, it had snowed several inches since they had left and it was still coming down very hard.

"I hate to do this, but your father and I are thinking about staying the night over here. We have both had a little too much to drink, and with the snow storm coming on so strong, we are a little nervous about driving home. Will you two be all right if we stayed until tomorrow?"

I went and looked out the window while she was talking. The snow was really coming down and everything in sight was already under fairly deep snow. By the looks of things, we were in for a big one. I assured her we would be all right and she began her speech about what to do if we needed anything, and what we could eat if we got hungry, and so on. I had to reassure her several more times before we finally said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I then turned back to Jill who was looking out of the picture window at the snow storm.

"Looks like we’re on our own for a while."

She turned to me and said, "Well, I guess we don’t have to wait to break open the whiskey bottle then."

I smiled and went into the kitchen. I have to admit that I loved to drink. Being fifteen, I hadn’t been drunk but a handful of times, and was really looking forward to it. I knew dad would never know the bottle was missing, even if we drank the whole thing. I mixed us a couple of bourbon and cokes and went into the living room.

Over the next couple of hours, we drank several glasses of bourbon and played many hands of hearts. We were making small talk about this and that, nothing really too interesting, but I did notice that Jill was getting rather drunk and was starting to laugh at everything I said. I guess it was the whisky as much as anything, but Jill was looking hotter and hotter by the glass. I began to see her in a little different light as the night went on. I think she was eyeing me as well. I was spending more and more time studying her ample breasts and her nice tanned legs and she was looking me over as well. I didn’t really suspect anything would really come of it until she made a very interesting proposal.

She slurred a little as she asked, "I’m getting tired of hearts. You wanna try some poker?"

"I’m game I guess, but we don’t have any poker chips or anything."

She gave a very seductive grin and said, "I guess we could play strip poker."

If it weren’t for the whisky, I probably would have told her she was crazy. But with the situation as it was, I was really excited. I was pretty good at poker and the thought of getting her naked and seeing her bare breasts stare back at me all night; I figured what the hell.

"OK," I said, "but I have to warn you that I am pretty good at poker."

She just smiled and said, "I’m going to kick your ass!"

"All right then, what’s it going to be? Five card draw?"

"Sounds good to me." she said, and the game was on.

In the first hand I dealt her out three aces and my pair of nines didn’t stand a chance. She giggled as I showed her my cards.

She laughed "Oh! Looks like you owe me something."

I smiled as I kicked a shoe off. She seemed a little disappointed at first, but I knew it would be a long night if she wanted to get me naked. My strategy proved correct, as after several more hands, she had lost her shoes and socks and was down to her shorts and tank top. I still had on my shorts, t-shirt, and both socks.

"I think your cheating!" she said with a grin.

"No, I swear. I told you I was pretty good"

She just gave me a friendly sneer and said, "Just deal the cards wiseass."

I won the next hand easily. I actually had to draw four cards and dealt myself three straight jacks and a ten on the discard. Jill’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she laid her two pair down.

"I guess it’s either your shirt or your shorts this time" I was really rubbing it in.

"I still say your cheating but I will play by the rules. I guess I should have worn more clothes tonight." She was trying to act upset about her losses, but I could tell she was really loving it. I was loving it too, but tried to contain myself, just as if it were no big deal. My cock was already growing from the anticipation and I knew if she were to get me naked first I would have to expose my hard virgin cock, and that might be embarrassing. Not that I had a small dick, I actually considered it to be fairly good sized at about seven inches. I just didn’t want her to know she was having this kind of effect on me.

"I guess I’ll take my shorts off next. I would take my top off if I had thought to wear a bra."

This made my cock rise to full attention. I was stunned at the idea that she was braless. I now knew I was only two winning hands away from seeing her completely naked and I was becoming more horny than I had ever been in my life. After all, I was a virgin and here I was with a beautiful girl, my own cousin, and at fifteen, your cock will get hard at just about anything. I couldn’t help but stare shamelessly as she stood up, turned her ass toward me, and slowly slid her cotton shorts down. I nearly passed out when I saw her bare ass. She was actually wearing a thong! I had only seen them in pictures from my dad’s swimsuit edition in Sports Illustrated. Now here my hot little thirteen-year-old cousin was wearing them and having to show them to me. Her ass was perfect. Small and tight and curved out from the small of her back in an amazing arc. As she bent over, I could see the perfect mound of her pussy underneath the thin fabric of the thong and I put my hand on my crotch. It was almost more than I could bear and I started to excuse myself to the bathroom for a quick jerk, but I decided staying might prove more educational. I was still in shock when she quickly giggled and sat back down.

"You look a little surprised," she said, as I was trying to regain my composure.

"I can’t believe you were a thong. What does your mom say?"

"She doesn’t know. I go buy them myself. They are really pretty comfy, and there are no panty lines in my pants or skirts when I want to drive the boys crazy at school. It looks like I have no panties on at all, which is sometimes the case anyway." She was as shameless as I was.

I was speechless as she dealt out the next hand. By some horrible miracle, she won the next several hands in a row, and I found myself down to my boxer shorts. I had taken my jean shorts off with my back to her and quickly turned and sat down so she might not notice my stiff cock. It was hard as a rock and I knew it would be difficult to hide. I must not have done a very good job, because when I had sat down again she said, "Looks like at least one of us is a little excited here." She laughed out loud at that which made me very uneasy.

"Well, maybe I am, but your nipples are sure pointing out of that tank top, or is it just cold in here?" I gave her a satisfying grin as she said, "Oh, just shut up and deal the next hand!" She smiled and gave me a very suggestive look as I dealt the cards. We both knew that the next hand would mean that one of us would have to bare ourselves to the other. Just my luck, I won.

I said, "Well, look like you are going to have to show me those hard nipples now."

"Guess again," she said, as she stood up and quickly dropped her thong to the floor. I was astonished by this as I thought for sure she would take her top off first, but I wasn’t the least bit disappointed. To my surprise, after she took the thong off, she stood there a second, slowly stepping out of the thong on the floor. I got a good view of her beautiful pussy and I felt a little precum seep out of my cock. Her pussy was very nearly bald. She had trimmed it to accommodate the thong, but you could tell there wasn’t really much pubic hair there to begin with. Her mound was small but sexy and you could see the slit to her vagina. She sat back down after several seconds and simply took the cards and shuffled them. She didn’t say a word, but I don’t think it was from embarrassment. I think she was privately loving the show she was giving me and probably wanted to lose the next hand as well. About a minute later, she got her wish as I outdrew her on the discard. She stayed seated and pulled her top over her head revealing a beautiful pair of tight tits to me. They bounced only slightly as the tank top rubbed against them on the way up. She sat the tank top on the floor beside her and sat there staring at me for a moment. Her breasts were large and very perky, just as thirteen year old breasts should be. They formed tight mounds on her chest and she was breathing a little faster now.

"I guess I win," I said, as my eyes roamed all over her naked body.

"But I don’t want to stop playing yet. I tell you what. If I win the next hand, then we will both be naked, and we can play one more for the championship." She said this with a slightly devilish grin.

"But what if I win the next hand? What will happen then?" I was very interested what she might say to this.

"Well, we could say that if you win the next hand, I will have to do something for you. Like a dare or something."

"What do you have in mind. You are already in a predicament as it is."

She thought a minute, and her smile gave away to a very intense and serious look. "I will jerk you off."

She said it very quickly and very much to the point. I was stunned. She had no smile and no indication that she was kidding or that she wouldn’t actually go through with it. I was very nervous. The idea of Jill jerking me off was wrong, but amazingly sexy. And at the same time, it could be embarrassing. I knew my limitations and I was afraid of what would happen when I came all over her hand within only a few seconds. I was practically ready to burst as it was.

"Well what do you say. I promise I will do it if you win. But if I win we continue playing."

I said, "Well, if you’re sure," and began to deal the hand. I was trembling a little as I tried to handle the cards. My heart was racing as I looked at my hand. I couldn’t believe it! I had dealt myself a nut four of a kind. Four sevens and a king. I knew immediately what that meant. It would take a miracle for her to beat me.

"Your move. How many cards do you want?" She didn’t look to happy as she told me she needed three cards. I was a shoe-in to win and my stomach was in knots.

"I guess I’ll stick with these." I said, as I studied her breasts, looking quickly to her eyes to get her reaction. She only sighed, sat quietly for a moment and then looked down at her cards.

"Well, all I got is a measly pair of threes." She looked intently at the backside of my cards as I hesitated a moment. I decided not to say anything more. I would simply turn my hand over, lean back into the sofa I was sitting on, and see what happened next.

She looked at my four of a kind sitting on the table in front of her for a long time. She then looked up at me and the tent my cock had made out of my underwear. I finally saw a semblance of a smile start across her face as she slowly raised up, exposing her beautiful pussy once again. I watched her body move as she walked to one side of the coffee table we had been playing on, and scooted it across the living room floor to free up the space in between us. "It’s still snowing pretty hard." she said, as I saw her glance out the picture window into the yard and then back toward me. I gave a quick look outside and the snow was really piling up. This, along with the fire going in the fireplace, made for a romantic feel to the room, and sort of calmed my anxiety a little. I’m sure it did hers too. Jill walked up to me and slowly lowered herself onto her knees between my spread legs. A sudden feeling of guilt rushed over me and I decided to give her an out.

"You don’t really have to do it you know, not if you don’t want to." I was trying to show a little compassion for her I guess. I held my breath as I waited for her reaction. She did pause for a moment, her perfect little body positioned so closely to my crotch. Then she cracked another small grin, reached her hand into the flap of my boxers, and pulled out my rigid cock.

"No. A bet is a bet and you won fair and square."

She said nothing else as I watched her start to slowly stroke my shaft up and down. I couldn’t say anything more. My body wouldn’t allow it. I struggled hard not to moan out loud but I couldn’t contain myself. The situation was so sexy and so taboo that my orgasm was quickly building, only a few seconds into the act. I decide to stop her so that I could go ahead and take my boxer shorts off. I needed to buy some time or I was going to have the fastest orgasm in the history of the world.

"I think I need some lube or something. This isn’t going too well." She said.

"Your doing fine," I said, as I kicked my boxers aside and sat back down.

"No, I think it will work better with a little less friction." She had a look of deep thought on her face as she said it. I was about to tell her about the bottle of hand lotion in the bathroom when she spoke again.

"I guess I’ll just have to get a little saliva on it. It will work better than nothing." She shrugged her shoulders in very much a schoolgirl manner and quickly placed her mouth around my cock. She then raised her head and spit a little onto the head of my cock. Her hand now moved around my cock head as she spread her saliva all around. I could feel my balls tense up as she lowered her mouth back around my cock and I felt her begin to suck. I could hold back no longer and I couldn’t manage a word when my cock erupted in orgasm. My cock was about half way into her mouth when I felt the first shot of cum leave my cock. I was helpless to stop it, even though I never meant to cum in Jill’s mouth. When that first shot hit her throat, I saw her eyes widen and then close tightly. I could tell she had no idea that I was so close to cumming. She quickly pulled my cock from her mouth as a flow of cum and saliva seemed to pour out of her mouth. It was the sexiest thing I had ever witnessed and it caused my orgasm to become more intense as I let loose rope after rope of cum into her face and hair before should could regain her composure enough to pull away. She was gasping and coughing, but to my surprise, she continued to jerk my cock with her hand until the last drop of cum was relinquished, even as she was trying to get her breath back. After it was over, she gave me a half-angry look and said,

"You weren’t supposed to cum in my mouth! Why didn’t you warn me or something?"

I have to admit that I did feel bad about it. She was completely right.

"I’m sorry," I said. "I just couldn’t stop it, and I wasn’t able to speak in time. My orgasm came upon me so strong and so fast, I was speechless."

This seemed to make her happy, knowing that she had done such a good job. I saw the hurt and anger in her face give way to another one of her seductive grins.

"You really liked it that much?" She needed some reassurance I guess.

"Are you kidding? I’ve never felt anything like that in my life."

She giggled at that and then left the room to grab a towel. When she returned, her face was cleaned off and she looked very pleased with herself. She had a little extra bounce in her step as she walked back around to the sofa to sit down. He body was so young and tight, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, and my cock was already harder than ever and ready for more.

"I was thinking," she said. "Since I made you cum and you came in my mouth and everything, I was wondering if you might be willing to return the favor."

She then raised her legs and placed her feet on the edge of the couch right beside her tight little ass. She then spread her legs wide and began fondling her pubic hair with her hand. I couldn’t take anymore, as I raised up and quickly kneeled before her. My mouth was on the mound of her pussy, licking at her tight little slit, before she could say another word. I heard her start to moan moments after I had begun to eat her pussy. I tried the best I could, being a virgin, but it seemed to be working fine judging by her reactions. Suddenly she raised her ass off the couch and let out a scream.


I was really turned on by her words knowing now that I must be doing it right. Suddenly her pussy became very wet as her juices squirted into my face. She was squirming almost violently but not saying a word as her juices squirted and flowed out into my mouth and face. I have to admit it tasted good, as I struggled to keep my mouth on her pussy. She had her hands wrapped hard around my head, trying to help me. After several more seconds she collapsed back into the couch and moaned loudly. I looked up at her face which was a picture of erotica. Her eyes were glassed over and her mouth was gapped open gasping for air. Her chest was heaving up and down, glistening from perspiration in the fire light. Her eyelids were barely open when she looked down at me and smiled.

"I can’t believe it! I’ve never cum before, not even when I masturbate!"

"No thank you necessary," I said, as I wiped my mouth with my arm.

Her smile ran away a little as she put both hands over her pussy. Her arms pushed her tits hard together and they bulged out nicely. I heard a hint of guilt in her voice.

"Maybe we shouldn’t have done this. It will change everything."

I quickly replied, "I’m not sorry we did. I loved it and I love you even more for allowing me to be a part of this."

I saw her smile come back a little as she said, "Well then, I want you to fuck me. I want to be your first, and you to be my first."

I wasted no time in raising up and kissing her hard. I felt her lips part and our tongues danced together in our mouths. I rubbed her breasts hard, and slowly worked my hand down to her pussy. I pushed my middle finger into her slip as she moaned. It was very tight and I wondered if my cock would fit. I didn’t want to hurt her after all.

"Do it now," she said as she broke our kiss and arched her back. I looked down to see her pussy glisten with wetness and I positioned my cock at her entrance. I looked into her eyes as I penetrated her with a single push. It was so wet, my cock slid in much easier than I had suspected. Her pussy was very tight though, and I took it slow and easy at first. It wasn’t long before all of my seven inches were inside of Jill, as she held her eyes tightly shut and bit at her lower lip. I then waited for her to open her eyes again to ensure me it was all right. When she did, she quickly pushed my shoulders over and back onto the couch, as she rolled over on top of me, my cock never leaving her pussy. I was a little taken by her strength. She quickly began to bounce hard up and down on my cock, moaning loudly. She started to talk extremely dirty to me as I tried to meet her thrusts with my own.

"That’s it, fuck my virgin pussy hard! I never want you to stop! Not until you’re ready to blow your hot cum! Oh, god! You are so big and hard! I knew I would fuck you tonight! I knew it when I first arrived here! I have masturbated to the thought of fucking you so many times! Oh yeah, fuck me harder! "

She sounded like a porn star and I was blown away, but loving every minute. We continued for several minutes before I suggested we change positions. She slid off my cock and got down in the floor on her hands and knees. She looked back at me as if wondering what was taking so long. I got off the couch and kneeled down behind her. I positioned my cock at her pussy, and gave a hard thrust. My entire shaft penetrated as our pelvis’s met violently. She screamed out, which scared me a little at first. I though I might have hurt her. But she quickly began to push back on my cock ensuring me that she wanted more. We were going at it like wild animals now. Each of us was moaning loudly, and her screams of pleasure were becoming more frequent. I was going at an unbelievable pace when it happened. It’s kind of funny looking back on it, but it was anything but funny at the time.

As I was fucking her feverishly, I accidently pulled my cock all the way out without realizing it in time. I simply pushed back hard and my cock missed the mark. Instead of sliding back into her pussy, my cock pushed hard into her ass. It was a one-in-a-million chance, but I guess the slickness of her pussy juices on my cock was enough lube to allow my cock to fully enter her virgin asshole. She screamed out loudly and she fell flat on her stomach. My momentum took me down on top of her, and we laid there still for several intense seconds. My cock was in Jill’s ass, and I was petrified about what she was going to do or say about it. I only hoped I hadn’t hurt her.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED?" She screamed out from underneath me and I hesitated to say anything.

"I’m sorry Jill, it just slipped in before I could stop." I hoped she would understand. I was still motionless inside her ass, afraid to move. I waited for her reply and what I received was unbelievable. She lay still for a few more seconds and then she spoke.

"It really feels good! Do you mind fucking my ass?"

Still stunned, I withdrew my cock a little and pushed back in. She began moaning again as she still lay prone underneath me. I put my arms on either side of her and sped up my thrusts. She began to squirm underneath me, trying to take in as much of my cock as she could. I couldn’t take anymore. I was already cumming in her ass before I could pull it out. I decided just to keep pumping in hopes that she wouldn’t realize. I didn’t know what she might say. I had already cum in her mouth accidentally, and now I was cumming in her ass without permission. I felt bad, and continued to pump until my cock head became too sensitive. I pulled out and sat up on my heels.

"Why did you stop?" She asked.

"I’m sorry Jill, but I came in your ass. I hope you’re not too mad at me." I sounded like a four-year-old who just broke a family heirloom or something.

She smiled up at me and said, "Its ok. I know you must have been exited. Anyway, I guess I can’t get pregnant from that can I?" She laughed out and I couldn’t help but crack up. We laughed for quite a while before she suggested we go shower. I didn’t know at the time that she meant we shower together, and that was another new experience for me; one that ended with me cumming on Jill’s face and tits again, this time with permission.

Jill and I continued our sexual escapades throughout the holidays and for the last several years. We still do today. As I write this, I will soon be going to Jill’s high school graduation and I have a few gifts for her. Some of them are things she asked for, and some of them are surprises. All of them are sexual, and I can assure, no one else in her class will be getting it as good as Jill will. I’m sure I’ll have some new stories to tell very soon.

Spring Break

ThePantyNinja on Incest Stories

Spring Break

This is my first story, comments are very appreciated.

Chapter 1: The Videos

It all began the spring of my first year in college. Spring break was a week away, and my friends were planning a road trip to florida for the week. Seeing as how I was completely broke, I couldn't go with them, and was forced to spend the week at home with my mom. I figured I could at least watch some Girls Gone Wild, maybe feel like it was really spring break. I was pissed that my friends would be getting so much action, while I sat at home and played scrabble with my mother.

Coming home I was still pissed, and didn't speak much to my mom. She could tell I was upset, and she understood why, so she just let it slide. Let me tell you a bit about my moth

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er and myself. I am 18, 6 feet tall, fairly scrawny, with hair always dyed a different color. My mother is 43, with shoulder length hair, which is an amazing reddish brown. People have always come up to her on the streets and in the mall to ask if it was a natural color. She is about 5' 7", with a very nice figure - aerobics every morning helps her keep her legs and waist. I would guess her tits are a full B cup, maybe a C. They remained fairly firm in her years, although they were beginning to show just the slightest amount of sag. She has the same big green eyes that I have, and they are comlimented by a small, skinny nose and full red lips. Although I never thought of her in a sexual way, my mother is very hot, and I alway noticed men checking her out in the mall and at the beach. She never dressed altogether too provocatively, but with her looks it didn't really matter. My dad had left her for another woman 3 years before, although I couldn't understand why. I hated my step mother, and hadn't spoken to her or my father in a year. Back to the story.

The first night back home was fairly uneventful. Mac and Cheese for dinner, and my mom saying she had to be at work the next day, so she wouldn't be home until around 6. She said she would hang out with me if I didn't have other plans. I made a mental note to get other plans, fast. That night I watched some porno on my computer and jacked off, then drifted to sleep around 3AM.

I woke up around 11, rolled out of bed and took a shower. After cereal, I figured out that if I wanted to have other plans tonight, I needed money to make it happen. I didn't have any, and the only way I could think to get some was to steal it. I knew my mom kept money in the desk in her office, but I didn't know where exactly. So I wandered in to look for it. For readers who think I'm a bad person for stealing like that, I only planned to take about 30 bucks, enough for a cheap night out, and I would pay it back before she even missed it. Anyway, I walked into her office, and began to look for the envelope of money I knew she had. I searched through her drawers, being as careful as possible to leave everything the way I found it. When I opened the last drawer, I saw an envelope in the back of it. I pulled the drawer further out to reach the money. As soon as I did, all thought of money left my head.

Sitting in the drawer near the envelope was a vibrator. It was the "silver bullet" kind. About 6 inches long, and fairly thin. Shocked, I picked it up. It was sticky with my mom's juices, and to my dismay, I found my cock was rock hard. Never before had I felt any kind of attraction to my mom. I looked in the drawer for anything else, and was rewarded to find a homemade CD under where the vibrator was. I took it, and popped it into my mom's computer, which was on her desk. Opening it up, it contained 2 video clips, which were labeled simply "1" and "2". I opened number 1 in windows media, and couldn't believe what I saw next.

The clip opened in my living room, but all the furniture had been rearranged. The floor was clear, and the couch was now in the middle of the room, facing the camera. My mom walked on from behind the camera, and my jaw dropped. There was my mother, wearing a red lace bra and thong, with a black garter belt, attached to red thigh high stockings. This was completed by the red "fuck me" stiletto heels she wore. My cock had never been this hard, and I unconsiously took it out and began to stroke it. I watched my mom begin to slowly dance around, teasing the camera. After a minute of just gyrating her hot body, she blew the camera a kiss, and undid the clasp to her bra. She brought her hands back around front, covering her breasts. Slowly and seductively, she dropped them, and the bra slid off her tits and onto the floor. I gasped, and felt my cock twitch, as I stared at my mothers beautiful tits for the first time. She continued her dancing, with her tits swaying rythmically. My fist now slammed up and down my shaft, and I couldn't wait to see what was next. What was next turned out to be her fingers sliding across her nipples, down her toned abs, to hook into her thong. Turning her back to the camera, she bent completely over until her head was almost at the floor, and her legs were still perfectly straight. Aerobics had left my mom quite flexible. She then lowered her hands, dragging her thong with her. I was already drooling over the sight of her tight, shapely ass, but when the thin strip of red was removed, and revealed two thick lips of pink, cum erupted from me, splashing onto my hand, the floor, and her monitor. I didn't care. I just stared at the screen. I was now watching my mother on the couch, legs spread wide, with two fingers inside her gash, and a look of pure estacy on her face. Her pussy was the most beautiful I had seen. Her sexy hips had a perfect rectangle of hair between them, well groomed. It reminded me of an airplane runway. Her's was a place for my cock to land before enter the her hanger. I couldn't find another hair anywhere besides that one small patch. A moan escaped her lips, the first sound she had made during this clip. My cock sprang back to life upon hearing it. I began pounding my meat once again, and soon the very same vibrator that was on her desk, was buried inside her pussy. Watching my mother as she writhed on the couch, a pulsing piece of metal between her legs, I couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to be that vibrator. I could see my mother getting more and more aroused, and soon enough she was screaming on the couch, having an incredible orgasm. She then stood up, and I noticed her legs were shaky as she walked to turn on the camera. As she did so, she bent over, and her tits flopped one more time in front of the camera. As the clip stopped, I noticed the time stamp in the bottom corner. She had filmed this a week ago. I was so turned on by my findings, I could barely breathe. My mother was the most erotic person I had ever seen, in any girlfriend, porno, or strip club. I wanted to fuck her. Bad.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, and cleaned myself up. Taking some extra toilet paper, I wiped up her monitor and floor. Thankfully, none of my cum had landed on her carpet. I eagerly sat back down in her chair, and opened up the second file. I wasn't quite sure what I would find, but I knew it would be good. Mom didn't let me down. While it was the last thing I did with the first video, the first thing I did on this was to check the time. It was dated just under a year ago, during a week that I had been away with high school friends, enoying our last summer before going our seperate ways to college. This time the film opened, and mom was already lying naked on her bed, propped up on one elbow. I was amazed at how firm her tits really were, only sagging slightly sideways, despite how she was sitting. A butt covered the camera, and began moving towards my mom. I could see the man's balls hanging between his legs. He mounted the bed, and positioned himself between my mothers legs. I was more shocked than ever. The man was my father. Two years after being divorced, here was a video of my father, about to give mom the cock one more time. Without any foreplay, he slid himself inside her. I was dissapointed that I couldn't see any penetration, only his hips pumping in and out. I was less concerned with that however, than i was with watching my mothers face. She had a look of such pleasure, it was amazing. I watched as her tits bounced up and down with the pouding my father was giving her, and she began moaning as she had in the other video. Again I found myself pumping my cock. I had an idea, and suddenly paused the tape. I ran (with my cock still hanging from my pants) to my mom's room, and began searching her drawers, until I located her underwear. I dug to the bottom, and found that red thong she had. I took it with me, and wrapped it around my pulsing member, as I continued to pleasure myself and my dad gave her quite a ride. She began screaming, clawing at his back, yelling for him to fuck her harder, fuck her like a whore. He consented, by rolling her over, and, positioned so that she was staring straight into the camera, fucked her doggystyle. Now I was in heaven, because I could see my father's face as he slammed into her tight pussy, and more importantly, I could watch her tits rock back and forth, and her face contort with ecstacy as she got fucked. She was screaming like crazy, shouting my fathers name, saying "Make me cum, make me cum!" Soon she moaned for what must have been a good minute, and I could tell she was having a huge orgasm. My father moaned one time, and then quickly pulled himself from her, flipped her over, and began fisting his cock over her tits and face. She reached her hands up, one to tickle his balls, and the other to pump his shaft. He moaned again, and began spraying his load all over her. The first two shots were directed at her tits, the next hit her chin and covered her lips, and then my mom had his cock in her mouth. She took it all in, which I guessed to be about 7 inches, the same as mine. I could see her cheeks moving, and knew she took a few more bursts in her mouth. She then let his now limp dick slide out of her mouth, a strand of cum still linking it to her lips. It broke, and swung down, now stretching from her lips to her tits. She silently began to collect up all his spunk, and licked it off her finger. I was so surpried that my mom was such a cum whore, and then she amazed me even more. She opened her mouth, and still had all of his cum inside of her. She looked straight into the camera, and said "Honey, I love the taste of your cum, and you know you make me scream more than any other cock I've ever had." She then stuck her cum covered tongue out, retracted it, and I saw her gulp. Her mouth opened once more, with no cum in sight. At that, my cock erupted once more, this time spilling my seed into her thong. The clip ended, and I was spent. Hurridly I copied the CD with my burner, and placed everything back as I had found it. No money was taken, I now had other plans for the evening. Burying my cock into my mothers tight, wet pussy.

Chapter 2: Scotch and Scrabble

I spent the rest of the morning washing and replacing her thong, eating, and planning how to get my mother to fuck me. My cock had not gone limp since I first laid eyes on her vibrator. I was still slightly in shock by how sexual my mother was. I wondered exactly how many others she had fucked, and how regularly she fucked my father. I then had the image of a threesome with those two and my step-mother. Somehow, I could guess it had happened at least once. My college mind scrambled to find good ways to get my mother in the mood, not only for sex, but for nasty sex with her son. Booze seemed to be the best way. I went to our basement, and located a bottle of scotch that had found its way into the box of board games. My mother was not too keen on liqour, but it was the best shot I had. I grabbed Scrabble too, because I knew she liked it, and I could suggest it as something to do tonight.

My mom came back from work, and gave me a warm greeting and a hug. I could feel her breasts lightly press against me, and I thought my dick would burst from pressure. As she released the embrace, she smiled at me, and I had flashes of her smile as she dropped her bra. My mom was dressed, but I never noticed. She was naked in my mind all night.

"Well honey, I was going to make tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner, how does that sound?"

I told her it would be just great, and that I had dug up scrabble if she wanted to play. She said it was a great idea. As we sat down to eat, I asked if she wanted a drink, maybe a glass of wine. I had been drinking wine with the family since I was 16, and she said sure. I poured two glasses, and brought them over. We made small talk all through the meal, and I ensured that her glass was always full. By the time the bottle of wine was empty, I had just finished my original glass. Mom was getting tipsy, but wasn't all gone yet. I asked her if she wanted another drink, and she said if I don't mind. Then she noticed the bottle.

"Oh, there's no more wine!"

"I know, we got a little carried away huh? Well I dug this up downstairs too, want some?"

I held up the scotch.

"Oh sure, why not? Have some fun with my only son while he's home"

She could not have possibly known the fun I was hoping to have. I poured her a drink, and dilluted mine enough so that it only looked good, it was almost all water. I wanted to make sure I remembered everything that went on tonight.

We sat down at the coffee table to play scrabble. On the couch my mother had masturbated on a week ago. My cock still had not gone soft. The game was fun, and I kept the drinks coming to my mom. I was only planning to get her drunk, but I was unaware that my mom got incredibly horny when she was wasted. About 20 minutes into the game, she spelled "cock." I looked at her, and she giggled, and asked me if it counted, or if it was slang. I told her it counts, it was another word for rooster. She laughed again, touched my leg and said "sure, that's what I meant." Two turns later, she played "Sex" (triple letter score for the x) and her next turn was "Clit." With this I looked at her, and asked her if she was feeling okay. She said great, then had a gleam in her eye, and asked me if I wanted to raise the stakes. When I asked her what she meant, she said "Strip Scrabble - I used to play it all the time in college, that's how I got so good."

"What's the rules?"

She explained. It's played like normal scrabble, except that you can spend your points to take off the other person's clothes. For every 25 points you had, you could buy an item of clothing off them, and you got to pick what you wanted. They had to undress from the top down, so you could choose the pants or the shirt first, but not the underclothes. It sounded good to me. I checked the score sheet, and noticed that she was winning by far. Embarrassing to lose by so much to a drunk chick. I said I would play, but lets start over. She agreed, and the score was 0.

My mom was wearing her buisiness suit, which was stockings, a tight blue skirt, white shirt, and I assumed a bra and panties. I had yet to find out what color and style. I was wearing shorts, boxers, a t-shirt, and socks. We decided that since she had 5 and I had 4, that her stockings wouldn't count. The game began. I started, and managed to pull a 11 point word out of my ass. Since it was a double word score, I had 22 points of the first turn. Mom didnt fair so well, she only got 15. My next turn yielded me another 7 points, so I had 4 points, and one piece of clothing. For as bad as I wanted to see my mom's glorious tits, I chose the skirt. What color panties she had on was killing me. She stood up and began to unzip them, saying "I can't believe I'm playing this again." I noticed she was just going to drop them, and I piped up.

"Uh uh! No Way. You can't just take them off! You have to do it sexy, like you are giving me a strip tease." My mom looked slightly nervous, took a sip of scotch, and walked in front of me. She stood almost in my lap, and began swaying her hips, with her fingers in the hemline. She slowly undid her zipper, and again bent over all the way, and slid them ever so slowly down her legs. The first thing I noticed was the black thong she had on. The second was the garterbelt and thigh highs. Finally I noticed the wet spot on her thong. She stepped out of the skirt, still bent over, and bounced her nice ass in my face. I reached a hand out, and was about to squeeze her cheeks, when she stood up and slapped it away.

"No Cheating! Touching costs extra and its after I lose all my clothes." She then smirked and said "but my garter stays on, cause it wasn't set in the terms. Guess I forgot to tell you I was wearing it." Then she winked at me. It was a very evil wink. She sat next to me again, her legs touching mine. It was her turn, and she had a pretty good word. I added it up, and she totalled 27 points. I didn't want to be naked first, so I fudged the math, and she was drunk enough to think that she only had 24 points. I would lose something next turn, but I was good for now. My next word was amazing, landing a triple letter score, as well as a triple word score. It totalled 35 points, and I gave myself another 6 because mom was too drunk to notice. So now I had 39 points, and another piece of her clothing. Her blouse was coming off. She stood up and straddled my legs, facing me. She bent over so her tits were only inches from my nose, and began to unbutton her shirt. Soon it was unbuttoned, and hanging on her shoulders. Her tits were hanging in a black bra, which barely covered them. They looked outstanding. I almost shot a load right there. She then backed away, so that her face was in front of mine, and in a husky whisper said "You like my tits?" When my mouth flapped but didn't respond, she smiled, kissed my cheek, and sat down. She finished her scotch and downed another immediately. It was her turn. She took a break to go to the bathroom, and when I heard the flush, she came out a minute later. As she went to sit down, she was too tipsy, and started to fall. She caught herself on me, however, what she caught was my cock. I jumped as her hand pressed onto my steel rod. "Hey! That's cheating! No touching!" She laughed and fell into her spot on the couch. "You're afully hard tonight aren't you?" I ignored that comment, and proceeded to deduct her 24 points as a penalty. She took her turn, and got 13 of them back. My turn, and with 11 points I would have her tits freed from the bra, and be one step closer to her mouth around my pole. I couldn't find anything to spell. I was cursing myself. I spelled a really poor word, and only got 6 points for it. I was pissed. Her turn, and she finally broke 25. When I asked which she wanted, shirt or shorts, she said "Shorts! Lemme see that big cock I felt!" I knew I was gonna fuck her as soon as she said that. I stood up, straddled her and she had done me, and slowly pulled my shorts down. My tent created a problem, but I pulled over it, and as I did so, my cock released, and sprang back up to its position. It almost smacked her in the face when it did so. I still had my boxers on, but my pulsing cockhead was only 2 inches from my mothers awaiting lips. She licked them when she saw how much my boxers were stretched. I looked away to take my shorts off completely, and as soon as I did, my boxers were down and my cock in her mouth. It was a blur.

Chapter 3: The Good Stuff

I was amazed. She had ripped my pants down, and deepthroated my cock, before I even knew what was going on. My hands found her head, and I held onto her, although I didn't have to do anything. She had my entire 7" down her throat, I could feel the back of her throat on my head. She was groaning and sucking, it was the best head I had ever had. Then she blew my mind, and I blew my load. With my cock completely in her mouth, she looked up at me, and stuck her tongue out to lick my balls. The sight and sensation of this caused my cum to explode into her. She swallowed it all without blinking. I couldn't believe it. My girlfriends had never been able to get my off so easily with blowjobs, and my mother didn't even use her hands. I was in heaven. She stood up, and very hastily removed her bra and panties. There was that close trimmed pussy I had been lusting for all day, and those two glorious tits. I had to have them. She still had her garter and stocking on, which made her all the hotter. I pulled her towards me, and mashed her lips to mine. We began making out, and my hands roamed her body. I was squeezing her ass and tweaking her nipples, as she moaned her consent. We fell onto the couch, with her on top, as we continued making out for at least 30 minutes. Despite having masturbated 3 times that morning, and just blowing a load into my mothers mouth, my cock was hard again. It was standing upright, and pressing between my mother's pussy lips. I slid a finger into her warm snatch, and could not believe the wetness inside. She was gushing like a hydrant. Without any delay, I said "Tell me what you want." She sat up, still straddling me, and brushed her hair back from her face. She looked at me for a few seconds, smiled, and said "I want my son's cock inside me. Fill my cunt with your juice." With that, she put one hand on my chest, reached behind her to grab my cock, then picked her ass up and slammed it over my meat. Just like that I was balls deep inside my mother. I grunted in delight. She screamed in pleasure. Now putting both hands on my chest, she proceeded to fuck me like an animal. I just lay there and watched, there was nothing else to do. She was bouncing up and down and fast and hard as she could, screaming "Fuck me! Fuck me!" every time my cock withdrew from her tight hole, and just plain screaming every time it plunged back inside her. I loved the tight feeling, and the look on her face as she rode me was awesome. Her head was tilted back, eyes closed, mouth open, jaw quivering. It was the sexiest pose I had ever seen. Gradually, I came out of my sex induced daze, and slowly reached my hands up, and cupped her breasts. That was the only motion I made as my mom came like a beast. I let her tits bounce in my hands, squeezing and mashing them, flicking her nipples. I wanted to taste them, but she had all her weight on my chest so she could better pump her ass onto my tool. As a result, I couldn't sit up enough to lick her boobs. That was not even close to a dissapointment though, and I felt her walls contracting rapidly while she fucked me. She let out one long scream, and collapsed onto me, her breasts pressing on my chest. I could still feel her cumming, squeezing my cock with her pussy, and she was panting for breath. I hadn't cum inside of her though, So I grabbed her by the hips, and continued slamming her into me. She simply lay on me and whimpered how great it was. After another 5 minutes of fucking, I was feeling ready to cum, and she had caught her breath somewhat, and was kissing me as we fucked. She suddenly bit my lip, hard, and I knew she was cumming again. As she came, she said "much better than john, oh god! so much better!" John was my father. Hearing that, I couldn't take it, and I came inside her. I say that, but seeing as how it was my fifth orgasm of the day, I had no juice left, so it was just an orgasm. But I don't think I've had a better one in my life. We kissed one more time, and then drifted to sleep, my limp dick buried inside her pink box.

Chapter 4: Good Morning

I woke with the sunlight from the window on my face. I took a minute to remember where I was, and what had happened last night. My mother was still sleeping on my chest. I kissed her on the forehead, and saw her eyelids flutter. She woke up and looked at me smiling. What happened next was unexpected. She screamed. Her face looked as if she had seen a ghost, and she jumped off of me, backing into a corner, shreiking. "WHY!? WHY!? Your cock was IN me!! WHY!? HOW!? What the FUCK is going on!?" She was hysterical. I walked over, and she shyed away from me. Grabbing a blanket, I wrapped it around her, so she was no longer naked. I pulled my shorts back on, and sat next to her, with my arm around her. She was sobbing now. "I fucked my son. I fucked my son. I fucked my son." She couldn't comprehend her actions last night. My plan had worked to well, she had gotten so drunk she didn't remember the night before. I had to smooth this out somehow. I simply let her cry. At first, she was just crying, but eventually, she leaned into me, and cried onto my shoulder. After a good hour of this, she looked at me, tears still streaming, and asked what happened. I told her that we played scrabble, and both must have gotten way to drunk (I lied about how drunk I had been). I said I didn't remember much of what happened, but that she had mentioned some Strip Scrabble or other, and things must have gotten out of hand. I told her to go upstairs, take a shower, and just relax. She nodded like a frightened child, and mechanically dropped the blanket and went upstairs. I watched her titties sway as she moved, but felt a slight tinge of guilt. I hopped in the downstairs shower, washed and changed quickly, and had bacon and eggs cooked by the time my mom came downstairs again.

She had on a baggy sweatsuit that she almost never wore. She came to the table, thanked me for the food, and started eating. We ate without a word. She wouldn't even look at me. When she finished her meal, she sat with her head staring at her plate. I watched her in silence. After what felt like forever, she, without looking up, quietly asked me, "Tell me the truth, did you get me drunk on purpose?" She was so pathetic sounding that I couldn't bear to lie. "Yes."

"So your plan for last night was to get me drunk and fuck me?"


"How long have you wanted to fuck me?"

"Since yesterday afternoon."

This answer made her head snap upright. She looked at me very quizzically. "Why on earth would you just want to fuck your mother all of a sudden, and go to such lengths? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I didn't answer, I just walked upstairs. She stayed seating, and shouted at me to answer her question, not walk away. "Get back here, I'm your mother for Christ sake!"

I came back downstairs, holding a vibrator and a CD. Her face paled.

"I was looking through your desk to find money so I could go out last night. I'm dead broke you know. I wanted to take some and go see a movie or something, but when I was searching, I found these. I watched you strip, I watched you masturbate, and I watched dad fuck you. I saw what a dirty cum whore my mother was, and I was never more turned on in my life. When I saw you stripping, I realized that somehow, the sexiest women I'd ever met had been living under my nose and I never realized. The fact that you were my mother didn't matter anymore, you were the best piece of ass I would ever get, and I had to have it. I love you, but I had to fuck you."

She listened intently to my answer, and then nodded, stood up, and took the CD and vibrator from my hands.

"I assume you already burnt a copy of this?" She asked, holding up the CD.


"Ok, well, I won't ask for it back or anything like that. And I'm not mad, I was just scared and suprised. It's not good to wake up and feel a cock inside you, and not know whose it is. That is enough to freak me out, but looking down and seeing you, I flipped, and I'm sorry. You may have intentionally gotten my drunk to fuck me, but I'm the one who drank, and I know that when I'm drunk, I have to get filled. I don't think you knew how horny I get when I'm plastered, so it's not all your fault."

I was so relieved she said all that, but I figured our relationship would be akward from then on.

"But," she continued, "This had forever changed our relationship. It can never go back to what it was." I felt my heart sink. "You aren't just my son anymore, you're my fuck toy too." I looked at her confused. She smiled and said "Last night I woke up after what I thought was a dream about the best sex I ever had. With you inside me, I don't think it was a dream. Your cock is wonderful, and I want to fuck you again tonight, but this time - sober." She came over and licked my ear. I stood, stunned.

"And if you are confused, I saw you sleeping naked last summer, and you had a hard on. I was transfixed by it, you have a bigger one that John, and he is the best lover I've ever had, so I kept thinking how good you would be. I've actually been thinking of how to get you to bed with me for the past 7 months now." With that, she winked, and walked upstairs. On the way up she said, "But right now I need to do aerobics. You can watch if you want..."

I never ran so fast in my life.

To Be Continued....

I hope people liked this story, it is my first try. I have plans to write a sequel, involving his father and step-mother in a three way and eventually 4 person gang bang. If people want to see that, please just say so.


My Auntie's Best Friend

justjim on Incest Stories

I raised my hand and rang the doorbell. I wait, and then there's this odd noise and rattling coming out of the speaker. There are some muffles words too, can't make them out properly but I guess it doesn't really matter. I say "It's Jason, Aunt Maria!" but I guess that doesn't get through all the things going on at the other end. In any case, she presses the release button and if growls at the lock, Buzz! snap! in I go.

My mom had told me to drop by Aunt Maria's to collect some of her stuff and bring it home after school (I'm still in high school, but happy to have turned 15 last month) I walked this way... in a hurry, too, cos I love my auntie! (Actually, I love her looks and she's a nice person too. She had a baby girl about a year ago, but the
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father left her... He was a real horse's ass.)

I walked right in as she never locks the apartment door and she tells me to excuse the mess. "Baby Jodie's not been very well today" She had to hold her all day, so no time to tidy up. She shouldn't have told me, I would have understood.

"Don't worry, I'll help you tidy up if you want." Yeah, what a wonderful young man, wanting to help her out. I had my reasons; the last time I did that it paid off nicely, I had great fun watching her carelessly move around putting things in their proper place and at the same time jiggling all around me... I mean, she is a real nice woman, very well put together, you know?

Baby Jodie starts screaming, Aunt Maria says it's about feeding time so she sits on the sofa and puts Jodie in position and starts feeding her. She's the luckiest little kid in the world, i think as i glance at them. I've always been decent enough to give her space and not stare, so this is what I do this time as well. I look, but I don't stare. She has an awesome pair of tits, but I try not to think about that so much. I get on with the picking up and my aunt tells me how I could help her out I really wanted to...  I catch a glimpse of the beautiful semi hard nipple being caressed by the baby's mouth.  I don't find that erotic in itself. I guess I shouldn't, really, so that's not a problem. But I can't help remembering the shape and size and colour and what I believe to be the texture of those things...
"What does that stuff taste like, anyway? Do you know?" I ask.
"Of course, it's quite sweet actually. I tasted a bit myself, I was curious, but a long time ago. If you like, when she's done, I'll get a little for you to try!"
No way. She's not serious... I mean, is that OK, anyway?! For me, her nephew, to taste her milk? I'm not a baby... yeah, ok; I am kind of curious but not that much. Wait! She doesn't expect me to suck it straight from there, does she? Nooo... she said she'll "get some" for me. Would have been great, though.
"Baby's done, and there's plenty left in these tankers. So I'll just milk some out for you so you don't die of curiosity."
This is where it gets interesting. I stopped everything and watched her intently. Sure, she's got no inhibitions. Sure, she's a hot 34 year old. She has awesome big 38C's (they used to be B's, but it's nice how they've grown to an almost insufficient C cup since the baby). But more than anything, she's kneading them, milking them, for me now. FOR ME. I am just a little bit shaken by this realization. My dick begins to swell at this wonderful show. I watch mystified. The nipples turn a slightly darker shade of pink when she squeezes them, and they seem quite hard to me. I'm tingling! She tells me she's done, so raises the glass mug she used to milk herself in and looks at me, saying:
"Here, try it. You should try anything once, right?"
I am finding it hard to start moving, it's sort of uncomfortable with my semi bulging at the sipper of my pants. It would have been a lot easier to just stand there, watching her do that. For me!
I start walking, and I get back to myself. Oh my god... yes, she noticed it too. As I started to move, I felt the root cause of the tent in my trousers. She's laughing! Not a cruel laugh but a girlish giggle.
"Oh, gosh, hahaha, I'm sorry Jason, but I guess you're still not used to seeing me, are you?"
I already blushing profusely. I turn immediately and sit on a chair, facing partially away from her. She calms down, and apologizes again. She lays the baby down in the cradle next to where she's sitting I am sort of... mortified, but I gather the strength to say "I'm sorry..."
"No, you shouldn't be! Not at all, baby... it's me who should apologize, I didn't realize this has such an effect on you. I should have known, you're a real young man now..."
"No... I mean, no, it doesn't have this effect on me. Just..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know all you guys, you think you're immune and as soon as you see a naked tit you're all drooling."
Speaking of naked tits, I guess she realized she hadn't covered herself since she started laughing, because she's doing it now. Upon hearing her say that, though, I have to defend myself. "No... come on... this has never happened before, has it?..."
She stops and looks at me, a little puzzled.
"It hasn't, you're right. Or at least I haven't seen it... I'm sorry. Don't worry about it, anyway, just leave it cos it's no big deal."
"You never did that just for me, that's why!" I don't know why I said that.
Her look changed. She smiled slightly. Her whole composure changed. Something's happening to her, and I can see it clearly for several seconds... But she manages to regain her composure, and looks me straight in my face. "Here, try it, don't worry about all this, it's nothing."
I look back at her, and reach to take the mug from her hand. The white liquid inside looks just like regular milk, and there isn't that much of it. But as I reach towards her, it's like we're part of some ritual, it's in slow motion, and I wonder if only I feel it... I touch the glass container and take it from her hand. I feel butterflies in my stomach and my vision's blurring. I think I can see her closing her eyes, I don't know anything for sure anymore. I am smelling it, the white liquid, I don't know what it smells like, nothing I've ever smelt before, and I just put the cup to my lips and swallow. It's sweet! It's warm. I feel it ticking down my throat, I feel it going to my toes, but a lot of it stops where I had an erection moments before. It's burning!.
It ends. I look at her. She looks at me.
What just happened?
"What just happened?" she says, breathing a little heavily.
"I don't know... it felt really strange..." I have an unbelievable urge to ravish this woman.
She reaches out her hand to me and I go sit next to her. I am in a daze. So is she, more and more, I can see it. I want to let myself go with her, to fall into her depths or something. Don't laugh, that's what it feels like!
She has stopped looking at me. She lifts up an arm, and starts undressing. I think she's right... I do the same. I see her skin, more and more of it, it shines at me and her body seems all swollen with desire. Her nipples are hard like my penis. She's naked now, I see her sex, pink and seems swollen too, when did this happen? Glistening. I reach for it. We kiss, and she drops slowly to the floor, there's no control for either of us amd this lust takes me along. Her lips are wet, her back is so silky smooth, her breasts are swishing against my chest and it's wet, I guess some milk has come out.
We kiss like this and I reach a hand up and touch her for the first time and fondle her, and she fondles me, but not for long. I want to be inside her. I touch her, no, I grab her soaking pussy and she is wet. My fingers dlip in and come out smeared with her wetness. She opens her legs and that's it. I am inside.
I've lost it now... I feel nothing but urges, pleasures, all over me, inside me; I am vibrating like an electirc cord! I see her transfixed, breathing into my neck, her eyes closed, her body squirming, I lift up a little, without stopping my pounding. Yesit's literally pounding by now. And see her full tits swaying on each side of her chest, I put my arms underneath her and hug her tight in that position. She's squeezing me so hard, her pussy is like a hungry constrictor's mouth around me, soaking wet but doesn't feel slippery, it's so tight! It makes me WANT to pound harder, pushing in deeper is all I can think of. I think my eyes are open but in this position there's no way I can see my dick going into her but that's what I see.
She's squeezing my ass with her hands and pulling me towards her. Pulling my cock deeper into her sooping cunt. I have to make a real effort to pull back every time, she's tight around me, her pussy and arms holding me so close, but I need to thrust and drive into her! I fuck her with the whole length of my cock and every time I go in it's like the first time. So tight, so wet, so narrow that space! I want all of me in her, I mean I want my whole body to go into her somehow, it's insane but that's how I feel! She looks at me for a moment and I look at her, and we kiss, tongues mashing together, bodies flexing and vibrating. I pull out completely now, every time, and I find the opening and I penetrate her so hard, every time...
I stop. Deep inside. I push, and push, and push and I don't pull out. This is no trick, this is because I feel this way. I grab her ass and pull it up towards me, she's pulling mine towards her, it's like we're trying to merge or something! But I don't think, there is no time. Her cunt sucks at my cum filled cock like the baby sucking for her milk. I feel my balls clenching and tightening and I think I am moaning loudly... I pull out then push deep in her once, twice, four, ten times and it's all done. My Cock is like nothing i have ever felt before at it shoots my cum ddep into her waiting fuck hole.
Thoughts are flooding my head. Not so many thoughts, but my cum floods out of her, I feel it coming out, along with my limping member. It oozes from her slit and down our legs. Dare I open my eyes?
"Christ, Jason... What the hell was that?..."
I don't know. I am sooo confused!... I can't make any sense of this, though it was awesome...
"I don't know..."
"Get up, please..."
I get up, so does she, and I almost daren't look at her but of course, I do. She is flushed, and wet, all over, with her milk and lower down with my cum dripping andrunning out of her. I remember the baby! Amazing, she's asleep... oh well!
"Jason, I don't know what this was... but we must keep it our secret. That much I know. Oh Jeez... Were you a virgin before this?"
"Ermm... yes..."
"No way!... I mean, a real cock was great for a change, but my God... you're my nephew... what happened to us, Jason? Why?..."

My Sex Life with Sister

bawa on Incest Stories

I am 18 and she's 24 at that time we used to be living in samll apartment and our family was big(2 brother and 2 sisters plus parents) and my computer was in my sister's room, one day i desided to film her while she changes after she get back home from the work. so i setup my webcam (it was so cheap with low video quality) and she arrived i had to get out of the bedroom other whys she could changed her dress in the toilet so i left and she locked the door i was waiting for arround half hour and she came back i start thinking what could she doing there in 30 mins i start worring mybe she found the webcam on or something, but she came out with his sleeping dress, she had very good body with nice tits, i had always thoght how i can get my hand on them, (i tried lots of time just feeling them
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and did ), so i went to cheak what my webcam cought," ohhhhhh God" i said i saw most beutiful as in the world and then while was undressing i saw her taking of her bra and his beutiful tits showing off (the most importent thing i wanted to see in her entire body). and she was massgning her tits i felt a big shock o my penies and precum was covering it as my heart was bumping faster. as i said before my cam was notgood so i couldnt see her pussy( i was so pissed), then she disapeared from cam's view, she was not apearing for more then 20 min's i was wondering what she was doing then suddenly i saw she got up from the floor with her hand on her pussy i didnt botehred it. and she got dressed and i was shocked that she didnt put here bra and panties on, just a sleeping dress but notting was showing thro it. clip ended and i empty my load. i was so exciting of what i saw, the next day i filmed her again and once again she took about 30 min to get out and same thing happend she lied down and disapeared from cam i that time doubted that she may be Masturbating i never thought my inoscent sister does Masturbat, next day i set the cam in a direction that will face down on the floor so i could see what she does in 30 min, as usuall it was arround 3 Pm and she arrived and she looked littler tired and horney, she went to her room and closed door this it took almost 50 mins went near door and i heared a very light sound, AHHHHHHHH< OHHHHHHHHHHHH. i couldnt handle it more finaly she came out and i rushed in to see the video, she just drop her self on the floor and took his panties on start Masturbating just i thought and yes she was screaming after 40 min she finaly cumed and got on her feet and changed his dressed and i saw my self in video rushing to the pc (lol), from that day i said to my self i should help her and my self. next day she came home i told her to drop me some where (she had car) while we were in the road i dont know how but suddenly it came on my mouth u Masturbate "What...huh...hmm" she said and she while she was shacking she said "no.. i dont" i said i have proof i filmed u with the webcam "ohhhh no" "so what u want now" i was freakin and shacking and once again it just came out of my mouth "i can help and u can help me" she was like "errrrrrrrrrr, what u mean" i said comon u know that why do it urself when u have somebody to do it for u, she started to getting it "OK so u want to fuck me" yeh i said " u can enjoy it to" "but this is wrong" i know but who cares she said i must think of it 1st, i said ill use condomes and protection so there will be no risk. she said ur pretty smart and i Laughed, " so what u think" she said well as far as nobody knows am ok with it. i harldy could stop my manhood to wake up and she was keep looking at, " do u want it" she ashamed and said "yes, who long ist" i said to her it long enough to hurt u(it was arround 9") . "what now" she asked "do u know any good place to stop by and have a fresh startup of what we're going to do" i asked her. "she said how about my car" as her car was big enough to have a fast sex, she found a good spot where no building was there, i took the 1st step by feeling my most favorite thing "TITS" from out of her dress, she droped her head back and moaning "ohhh that feels good" she said, "that's begning sis" i said back to her. as there was a risk of cops i didnt ask her to take her clothes of but i took my hand in her dress and pulled her bra down, God damn its was so hot tits and he nipples were so ticked, i squeezed them for couple of min and went to next station "Pussy" she didnt wear any panties at all this time i asked her why she said "it was hot today" so i felt cums all over her pussy i thougth mybe somebody fucked her today before me, any way i didnt care and start feeling her, it was damn hard and i was so pissed i couldnt do much except touching as we were in car. i opend her long balck hair and smell then while kissing her lips "ohhh no kissing please" she yaled , ok sis i responed her. i said it your turn sis, she took her right hand to my zip bringing my cock out " OHHHH WOW.... So Big... this aint Fitting in me" she said once again i Laughed. she started to taking it to her mouth and sucking it, since it was my 1st blowjob i like it too mcuh and grapped her hair and pushed it down harder, she said i cant take it full inside "it will not take much time am cuming just wait little more" i responded her, after 3 min of sucking i camed and all my spersm in her mouth, she slapt me and grapped a tisue box and cleaned her mouth, "dont u like that" i said "well i like it but not a glass of it " she yaled, i was damn Laughing. then she start her car and we were on our way back to home, in our way back to home i asked her if we will do this again "yes sure... why not" and i was so exsited . after 1 week of waiting for good time my parents finaly planed going out some where and taking us too, "will u come with us" father asked me and my sister in very fast way " no i dont feel to go out" i said my sister understood that we have chance of having a long sex "i wont come dad" she said that too , well my dad didnt bothered and next day they went out with my lil bro and 2nd sister, i couldnt belive we were home alone, we keeped calmed for 30 min to be sure nobody will come home back, then she said wait i have a suprise for u , she went in her room a closed the door "hey cam is on sis" i said to her in funny way and she Laughed, so she came outwith very sexy black color dress my manhood was ticked and forcing to come out of the pants i didnt waste time nd took my pants off and she said cant u be patent and play for a while before goign to main event, i said not and grabed her by my arm and took her to the bed and as i said i didnt waste my time at all and start pushing my cock in her, "be carefull not to hurt me" she said "ok dont worry, ive seen lots of porno" she Laughed in very loud voice so i fucked her and fucked her till i was cumin, i rememberd she told me not to cum in her pussy so i took my dick back out and she started to suck, i said sis am cumin and u dont want it in ur mouth so let it go "no i want it this time" i was more excited i as i found my sis is more bitch then i thought. its been 2 years sice that time and almost do it once a week or when we get a chance.

Making Christina Pt 1 & 2

AcousticDavid on Incest Stories

 The key turned as Christina fumbled with the lock.  The alcohol in her young system pulsed throughout her body making fine movements difficult.  She had skipped the last two periods of the day to leave and celebrate her 16th birthday with her friends.  The afternoon sun beat down hard on her neck and back as she entered her house.  The door slammed behind her, beads of sweat soon chilled in the air conditioned air of the living room.  She carefully walked to the couch, trying not to stumble.  She plopped down on a middle cushion and closed her eyes.  Her father wouldnt be home for another couple of hours, more than enough time to sober up.  The room seemed to spin as she sat motionless.  A faint sound of movement eminated from the hallway, but Christina wa

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s just too tipsy to care. 

 "Wow, youre home early", David, her father said, startling Christina.  How could she pull off being so drunk in front of her own father.  If she could play it off, wonderful, but if she couldnt, she had to come up with an excuse soon. 

 "Hey Daddy", She said, "This is when I always get home".  He stood behind the couch watching her, knowing good and well what was running through her mind.  The school had called him at work to notify him of his daughters absence from the better half of a day from school.

 "What did you do today?" He asked, hoping for the truth, but knowing that it wouldnt come. 

 "Nothing really, just boring schoolwork"

 "Really, you didnt do anything interesting today?"

 "Besides me turning 16... no, not really"

 Annoyed with her insolence, He finally broke.  "The school called me today at work.  You have any idea what they told me?"

 "Umm... no daddy, not really, what?", She asked, scared of what was to come. 

 Angry, He spoke harshly, "You know damned well what they told me. Now you want to give me a fucking good reason why you skipped half a fucking day of school?"

 "Umm... uhh.. I dont know daddy"

 "Thats a wrong fucking answer Christina.  Look at you, sitting there like a perfect little angel.  And you have some nerve to come home drunk as hell after skipping school, I can smell the liquor on your breath from here."

 She knew that she had been caught.  She sat up and bent forward, her elbows on her knees, trying to hang her head in shame. "But.. but... its my birthday daddy"

 "Thats no fucking reason to skip school and get plastered with your little friends.  Youre only fucking 16, you have 5 more goddamned years until you can drink.  Do you have any idea what would have happened if someone else saw you like this, someone who didnt give a damn about you?? Huh?? Stand up and face me when Im talking to you dammit"
 She stood up slowly, shaking from the booze messing with her young mind.  "Yes Sir?"  She folded her hands in front of her and stood as straight as she could.  He walked closer to her, within arms reach.  Fearing his anger, she flinched, wary of a slap to the face. 

 "What.. you think im going to fucking hit you?.. Im not a child abuser"  He said as he stood firm in front of his young trembling daughter.  Sit your ass down now, we need to have a little 'chat'". 

 She sat down on the couch, and he sat on the coffee table edge in front of her.  He grasped the sides of her head, forcing her to look into his eyes.  "Youre so fucking lucky your mom isnt here.  She would ship your ass off to a private school in a heartbeat.  Im not that mean however" He stated while glaring at her.  She sighed with relief.  "But theres no fucking way that youre going to get away with this without some punishment.  Now go to your fucking room, Ill be in there in a minute to deal with you."

 She stumbled to her room, holding onto the walls for support.  He waited for her to get to her room, the opening and closing of the door signaled that he was in the clear.  He walked to the front door, locked it.  Walked to the windows, and closed the blinds.  Little did Christina know, but her father had a lot more in store for her than just a simple grounding. 

 Her father and her mother had been divorced since she was a kid.  Her father had no marraiges since, not even a girlfriend.  He had been waiting for this day for years.  The phones had been disconnected before Christina got home from school, the school was notified that Christina was to be moved to a different school.  With no phone, and no outside contact, noone was going to be able to know of her whereabouts.  He grasped a black bag from the corner of the room, and walked to Christina's room, ready to dish out the punishment necessary. 

 Christina lay on her queensized bed, her eyes closed, spread out.  "Sit the hell up" He barked at her.  She sat up to face him, a serious look in his eyes seemed to burn holes in her.  "Theres no way youre getting off with this.  Ive put up with your meaningless bullshit for years, and quite frankly, Im fucking tired of it.  There is NO way that you will ever do anything like that again."  She shook from sheer fright from his words, the liquor fogging her mind, she thought a simple spanking was in store for her. 

 "Take your clothes off, Im going to do something that I should have done a long time ago".

 She seemed to pause, her father commanding her to strip off her clothes seemed strange. 

 "Do it NOW dammit, dont make me ask you again"

 She did as she was told, slowly removing her tshirt.  Her white cotton bra masked her young breasts.  She slid off her shoes and socks, then her skirt.  The only thing keeping her concealed was  a few square inches of cloth. 


 Christina fumbled with her bra clasp, removing her bra and covering up her breasts with one hand.  Her breasts covered, she slid off her white panties with the other, holding her legs tightly togther and covering her crotch with the other hand.  She sat on the edge of the bed, trembling out of fear, naked, her father before her holding a black bag. 

 "Now lets get something perfectly clear Christina, You will do as i say when I say, and do not question me, or you will regret it.  Understand?"

 She shook her head yes.

 "Turn around" He commanded.

 She stood up and turned around, her arms dropping to her sides, for her tender parts were now out of his view.  He watched as her curves lightened in the sunlight.  He reached into the strange bag, and pulled out a piece of metal which Christina could clearly hear clanging together. 

 The rachet sound of a handcuff eminated as her left hand was cuffed.  They were padded leather cuffs, but the sound, and knowing what they were, scared Christina to death.  She started to turn around, before her father grasped her shoulders and held her still.  The other hand was cuffed, and he turned her around to face him. 

 "What are you doing daddy??" she whimpered, tears of fright forming in her eyes.

 "Im going to teach you some respect". He said, his eyes staring at hers, not at her tender young body, unexposed and shaking. 

 "You have no concept of respect Christina," Her father said to her sharply, "none whatsoever.  After Im done with you, you will truly know how to show someone of authority the dignity they deserve."  Pushing her on the bed, her hands captive under her rump.  He stood before her, "This is all for the best Christina, It needs to be done.  Im only doing this because I love you, and you will soon understand what i mean by that."

 He bent down to her, kissing her cheek softly, the first non-agressive sign he had given her all day.  Her state still scared the hell out of her, She feared her predicament, she feared her punishment, but most of all, she feared what her father was going to do to her."

 "Stand up" Her father commanded as he watched his teenage daughet struggle to stand without the aid of her hands.  He grabbed her waist and pulled her.  Handing her the black bag behind her back, which she grasp with both hands, he motioned her to follow. 

 "Take a good look at your room Christina, this is the last time youll see it in a long time".

 She looked around at her room, her bed, her dresser, her freshly removed clothes wadded up on the floor. She turned to her father and followed him.  He led her, turning around periodically to make sure she was obeying, through the hallway, and up the stairs.  She knew where he was taking her, a place where she hadnt been since her mother lived with them.  He was taking her to his room. 

 His room was significantly larger than hers, sporting a king sized bed with large, almost gothic, pillars on its corners.  Except for the bed and a dresser, His room was devoid of all furniture.  The carpet was cept imaculately clean, the bed was made, and nothing was out of order.  He motioned for her to move to the bed.  The sun now turned her beads of sweat into tiny prisms, giving her an almost angelic glow.  She stood at the end of his bed, looking around.  He stood behind her. 

 "Notice anything?" He asked

 "No daddy", her voice quivering.

 He stepped beside her, pointing at one of the posts by the headboard.  There was a chain, something almost fit for a dog, attached securely with a padlock to the sturdy wooden pillar.  The stainless steel chain lay curled up on the head of the bed, tipped off with a leather collar, also padlocked to it. 

 He removed her handcuffs, and instinctively she rubbed her wrists.  "Lay on your back on the bed" He said to her in a calm, almost soothing voice.  She did as commanded, laying on her back in the middle of his huge bed.  He knelt on the bed before her, and slowly spread her legs a bit.  The bright firey pubic hair which seemed to bush out from her crotch caught his eye.  He had thought for sure that every girl her age had shaved, but his own daughter proved him wrong.  He rubbed her soft pubes with one hand before bracing himself over her.  She had feared this, she had feared being taken by her father, being ravaged.  He bent down to her soft cheek, and whispered softly into her ear.  "I am going to make you mine Christina."  He moved to the side of her, unlocked the collar from the chain, and gave it to Christina. 

 "Put this on Christina."

 "Please dont do this daddy... please", tears now streaming from her cheeks onto her fathers bed

 "What did I say about not doing as youre told Christina?  That was your one and only excused disobedience that I will allow, all further will be strictly punished."

 She slowly attached the collar around her neck.  The thich leather fit her perfectly.  Holding it closed, her father attached the padlock to the clasp. 

 "You are now mine Christina, you are now my little girl.  I hold your very life in my hands, and I will teach you how to be a true woman."

 She lay there, on his bed, motionless, the severity of her situation sobering her up.  A thousand rampant thoughts ran though her head.  What lay in store for her? What was her father going to do to her?

 He sat up before her, grabbing the mystious black bag.  He motined for her to sit up as well.  They both sat indian style on the edge of the bed, facing each other.  The contents were dumped out onto the bed, and the mere sight of the objects made Christina bawl with fright. 

 Dildos, Butt plugs, Anal Beads, various gags, rope, duct tape, a small package of needles, clothes pins.  These were merely the top of the pile.  She turned her head, crying harder than ever.  She had no intention of looking upon the devices which she feared her father was to use on her. 

 "Happy Birthday Baby"

 Only sobs came from Christinas lips.

 "I said happy birthday Baby"

 she sniffled... turning to her father, "What did I do wrong?"

 "See Baby, this is what Im talking about, you show no respect".  He grabbed a rubber ball gag from the pile and held it before her to look at.  Holding each end, he slowly and carefully moved the gag closer to her mouth.  She moved back. 

 "tsk tsk tsk Baby... I thought you had more respect in you than that.  Now I have to force you".  He grasped her tiny body, pushing her against the matress.  Holding her down, he forced the ball into her mouth, and closed the clasp around the back of her bright red hair.  She began to drool almost instantaneously from the corners of her mouth.  He wiped them off with a rag, and sat her back up. 

 "See Baby, If youre good, then youll be treated good.  If you act bad, then... i think you know what happens then."  He pulled her head closer slowly and tenderly kissed her forehead.  She didnt move a muscle, her legs and arms limp at her sides. 

 "Do you want that gag off Baby?" He asked sincerely

 She nodded yes

 "You going to be a good baby for daddy?"

 She nodded Yes

 He nodded, and she removed the gag herself. 

 "Lets get one thing straight Christina.  I love you more than anything.  And Im only doing this for your own good. "

 She tried to resist, but knew what her father wanted to hear.  "I love you too Daddy"

 "Good baby, good... " He kissed her cheek again.  "Now Im going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer them honestly"

 "Ok daddy".. her tears and sobbing were almost gone

 "Have you ever been with a boy before baby?"

 Embarassed, she lowered her head and shook no.

 "Baby, look at me when you answer"

 "Yes Daddy" She answered, raising her head up, and pushing her red locks out of her face.

 "Have you ever masturbated before?"

 "Yes Daddy, I have"

 "Good, now one more important question: Have you ever had an orgasm?"

 she studdered.. "Uh... i really dont know daddy.. uhh.. maybe... i dont know"

 "Very well", her father answered, giving her a loving smile, which seemed to brighten up her expression. 

 "Dont Worry baby, Im not going to hurt you.  I will only punish you if you deserve it"

 "Ok Daddy"

 He stretched out his hand for hers, and stood up, pulling her up to her feet.  "We need to get you cleaned up Baby"

 "Ok Daddy"

 "Go into my bathroom, Ill be in there in a minute"

 She slowly walked to the bathroom.  She gently tugged at her collar.

 "Its not going to come off Baby, so dont even try"

 She turned the corner into the bathroom and sat silently on the toilet, pondering her future. 
 Her father walked in minutes later, Christina looked up at him.  "I just want to make sure that youre perfectly clean for me Baby"

 "Im clean Daddy, I promise"

 "You may be clean enough for you Baby, but youre not clean enough for me.  Now I want you to get on all fours in the bathtub facing away from me. She did as she was told, moving the shower curtain aside, she noticed a tube securely attached to the bathroom faucet.  He knelt beside her, rubbed her back with one hand as he placed the end of the tube in the drain with the other.  The sound of running water filled the bathroom as he turned the bathtub on.  Turned all the way to the left, the hottest temperature, he left the hose, and began to rub his daughters back with both hands, kneeding and massaging her tender back.  She remained firm, looking over at him through her red hair, a slight smile graced her face, to which her father smiled back. 

 "This may hurt a little bit baby, but its for the best.  Stay right here, Ill be right back"  He walked out of the bathroom, returning quickly carrying a small butt plug and a bottle of lubrication.  He grabbed her hands, and guided her chest on the side of the tub, resting there, leaving her hands free.  She held out one hand, which he grabbed.  Holding hands, Her father could tell that she was on the right path.  He held the bottle of lube over her rear, squirting a small ammount into the crack.  His free hand massaged the silky smooth substance over her asshole. 

 This was her first feeling of being intimately touched by a man.  At the time, she would have picked no other.  Her father pushed against her tiny hole with his index finger, rubbing the lube inside and out.  He pushed in slowly, letting her tiny hole loosen around the finger.  Satisfied, he pulled out.  Steam now filled the air.  He lowered the temperature of the water, and set it to around half intensity flow.  With his free hand, her father slowly guided the hose up to her anus.  The hot water made Christina squirm as it splashed all over her legs and rump.  Slowly he pushed the tube into her rectum, holding it there while the warm water filled his young daughters bowels.  Christina's grasp on her fathers hand tightened as she wimpered, but her father only smiled and nodded with approval.  She smiled back through the frequent grimaces she made.  He turned the temperature up, and watched his daughter squirm as the scalding hot water filled her tender untouched insides.  "I love you Baby" he whispered', to which she almost instantly replied, "I love you too Daddy". 

 "I know it hurts baby, but you have to be cleaned out Baby". 

 "I feel like im going to explode Daddy"

 "I know baby, just a few more moments".  He turned the water off, the hose remaining inside her tender anus, now hot from its contents.  "I want you to hold all of inside Baby, Dont let any out".

 "I dont know If i can daddy" her body was in tremendous pain, her bowels filled with scalding hot water, she feared losing her enema, she feared dissappointing her father for what me might do to her in return.  "I wont lose any Daddy". 

 "Good Baby, Good" he removed the tube, only a small drop drizzled from her asshole.  "Hold it baby".  He sat up, holding the small black rubber plug.  Covering it in a generous ammount of the slick lube, he presented it to her.  "This is going to help you hold it in"

 Tears of pure pain gathered in her eyes... "Thank you Daddy..." she paused, and lowered her head.  She raised it back up and faced him, "Thank you so much". 

 He grasp her hand again, holding the plug in the other "Im going to push it in quick Baby, but its small, so it shouldnt hurt too much, so brace yourself"  He pressed the tip against her anus.  "Breathe deep baby, on the count of three, count with me"



 "3"... and he thrust the rubber plug into her, she let out a gasp as it slid into position.

 "See Baby, that wasnt so bad, now was it?"

 "No Daddy, It wasnt"

 He stood and grabbed a towel, kneeling back down again to pat dry his daughters warm rear and legs.  "Stand up now Baby"

 She tried to stand, but the pain in her bowels prevented the full range of motion.  She held out her hand, hoping that her father would help her to her feet. 

 "No baby, you need to do this on your own"

 "OK Daddy" and she sat up slowly, her water impregnation sloshing around in her like waves.  She braced herself against the side of the tub, and pushed herself up.  She stood in the tub, then slowly stepped out onto the rug, facing her father.  She smiled at him. 

 "Good Baby, Very Good."  If you keep the good behavior up, I just might have to reward you. 

 His hand reached over, her hand did the same, and he led her back into his room. 

 He lay on his bed, she lay down next to him.  She had either forgotten about her nudity, or was now comfortable with her body, her father hoped for the latter.  He turned on his side to face her, and without a word, she did the same.  Christina's belly bulged, and her fahter rubbed it with one hand softly, feeling the warmth from within.  "Did you like that Baby?"

 "I have to be honest daddy..." she paused, and slowly cracked a smile..." I loved it"

 "Wonderful Baby, Youre not too full are you?"

 "Not at all Daddy" she said, knowing that her body was in fact full to the point of explosion, but she spoke the words that her father would want to hear.  "I could take more Daddy"

 "Really Baby?".. his eyes widened, pleased with how his daughter was taking so quickly to her new role, "well lets go fill you up some more"

 Christina's heart sank, she had hoped that her father would not, but watched as he stood up and raised his hand for hers, ready to guide her back into the bathroom.  She went for his hand, and he cracked a smile.  "Thats ok Baby, youve done more than enough for right now"

 christina grinned, "thank you Daddy".  She lay on her back, her stomach sticking up into the air.  Her father walked around beside her, and began softly kneeding her belly with his hands.  The increased pressure was almost too much for the young girl to handle.  Soft whimpers escaped her lips as he pushed against her swolen stomach.  She forced a smile, and stared into her fathers eyes.  "I love you Daddy"

 "I love you too baby" and he bent down, moving his face directly on top of hers, staring at her eyes, he kissed her on the lips, something she hadnt experienced for over a decade.  The feeling of love overwhelmed her and the pain from her stomach vanished.  Nirvana engulfed her for the fleeting moment that their lips touched.  He moved back, she moved in unison, keeping contact between both of them, sitting up as he moved. 

 "Comeon now baby, lets let this water out"

 She remained firm, pulling her father closer, kissing him again, not caring about the searing pain.  "It can wait a little longer Daddy" 

 "comeon baby, we dont want to cause any permanent harm, lets go"

 Her heart sank as she followed her father into the bathroom.  As motined by her father, she sat on the toilet.  He guided her back on the toilet seat.  Her small frame left a large gap between her crotch and the front of the seat.  "Take the plug out Baby" 

 She reached down slowly, watching her fathers eyes as she did so, reaching down and back to the rubber plug that held the warm liquid that she now loved so dear inside her.  She breathed deeply, and pulled it out, squeezing her anus as she did so.  The faint sound of a couple of drops splashed thorughout the toilet, as she presented the wet plug to her father, it was very warm to the touch.  Her father grabbed it, wiped it off with a rag, and then set it down, before sitting down on the edge of the bathtub to watch his daughter expel her first enema. 

 "I didnt lose any Daddy" she squeeled with delight at her own accomplishment. 

 "I know baby, thats very good, thats very good".

 "I could hold this forever Daddy, it feels glorious."

 "I know baby, but its time to let it out"  her now constant smile lessened as she did as she was commanded.  She contracted her stomach muscles, and the warm water began to trickle out of her puckered hole. 

 "Push out as hard as you can baby, lets see how fast you can go, itll be like a game"

 "Oh good, i love games", she said as she pressed with all of her might as the clean toilet water splashed about.

 "But theres one thing Baby, you cant pee"

 "ok Daddy" she gasp as she stopped the small trickle of golden urine.

 The splashing seemed to last for an eternity, both of their eyes fixated upon the others.  Her father reached and rubbed the flat stomach of his daughter.  "Almost done Baby?" he asked

 "Yes Daddy, almost".  The last of the water shot from her anus, and she sat there. 

 "Comeon now baby" her father said as he unrolled a bit of toilet paper and wiped her tender wet ass. 

 They both stood up, immediately, her fathers eyes snapped to the toilet.  It had been previously flushed prior to her enema expulsion, and the water was still as crystal clear as it had been before.  "Wow" he said, truly impressed, "you were cleaned out". 

 "I told you daddy" she said jokingly as she grasp his hand again.  They walked back together into his room, laying down. 

 "Youve done very good Baby, i am truly impressed"

 "Thank you Daddy, that means a lot to hear"

 He pulled her close and embraced her body.  Christina's arms wrapped around her father, her mind soared to the highest place she had ever experienced.  She had reached that fleeting feeling once more.  She began to tear up once more.  "I love you Daddy, I love you more than anything else in the entire world, I wish i would haev told you that more often Daddy, and Im so sorry that I didnt". 

 He looked down at her, her small body wrapped around his, she looked up at him, teary eyed.  "You are my BabY girl, Never forget that. You are the only person I love in this world."  and as if almost by fate, Her father said the six words that Christina's heart was screaming.  "We were meant to be together".

 christina sat on the edge of the bed, her legs slightly spread, sitting as she normally would  if she happened to be wearing jeans.  David sat beside her, looking at his young daughter.  "It amazes me that I had some part in bringing the most beautiful creature in the world into creation.  It just boggles my mind how something so beautiful came out of me."

 "I think youre beautiful too Daddy", Christina said, her eyes full of honesty and sincerity.  "Ive always thought that we should be together too, I just didnt know how to say it to you". 

 "Can i ask you a question Baby, and please be honest with me, because Im going to be honest with you?"

 "Yes Daddy, absolutely, whats on your mind?"

 "When you masturbate, assuming that you do it a lot, what do you think about?"

 "Theres only one thing that I ever think about Daddy"... her cheeks red with embarassment..."I think of you"

 "Really Baby?"

 "Yes daddy, and in case you were wondering, I masturbate a lot"

 A sly grin came across Davids face "Really baby, tell me, how much do you masturbate?"

 Christina's cheeks reddned even more, and she looked down, "3 or 4 times a day Daddy"

 Shocked, David let out a chuckle, "You have no reason to be embarassed baby, I probably do it 5 times a day easy"  Davids arm wrapped around Christina, and he pulled her tight.

 "Well Daddy, Can I ask you a question?"

 "Go for it Baby"

 Her cheeks remained bright red, she know the answer she was about to hear, but after years of anticipation, she thought the moment would never come, "What do you think about when you masturbate Daddy?"

 "Theres only one thing I think about Baby, You and You alone".

 She looked up with tears of pure joy in her eyes,  "I love you daddy", and burried her face in Davids chest. 

 "can I ask you one more question Baby?"

 Davids chest muffled her answer of yes

 "Have you ever broken your hymen?"

 Christina pulled out and looked up, "No daddy, I would never do that" and she hesitated

 "Any reason Baby?"

 "I was saving it for you"

 "awwww  I love you Baby"

 The sun was setting in the sky, the miniblinds cast horizontal shadows against the bedroom wall.  "Looks like its time for bed", David said.

 "No Daddy", christina whimpered, "i want to savor this moment forever"

 "Dont worry baby, 'this' will never end", and he stood up, lending his hand for his daughter to pull herself up with.  He glanced down where his daughter had been sitting, there was a small wet spot.  "Hey baby, look at that", he pointed. 

 Christinas cheeks reddned once again looking at the wetspot that her pussy, and thoughts of her father, had made.  "Im sorry Daddy"

 "Dont be baby, Thats no problem" he grinned, and knelt down before the bed, bending down towards the wet spot.  "You smell glorious Baby".  Davids tongue then traced a line across the wet spot.  "And you taste twice as good". 

 Christina was now overcome with embarassment.  Her father was doing everything and saying everything right.  It was like her dreams had finally come true. 

 "Now baby, bear with me, for this may seem a little harsh, and I know it is seeing as how good youve been so far, but this is just going to last as long as it has to."  He led her over to his closet, a large walk-in closet.  He opened it, showing the interior.  A pillow, two bowls, and a chain mounted securely with metal mountings were all that was inside.  He kissed her forehead softly, then motioned for her to enter.

 "But daddy..."... her smile faded

 "Like I said Baby, this will just last as long as it has to" He held her hands and guided her down onto the pillow.  She sat on it and waited patiently for her fathers next move.  He bent down and attached the chain to her collar with a padlock, the key to which he kept on a chain around his neck.  He stood up, looking at his daughter, the most beautiful human being ever to be born, chained up like a dog in his closet, sitting on nothing but a pillow. 

 "What are these bowls for DAddy?" she asked

 "One is for number 1 and number 2" he said jokingly, "and the second one is for later, dont worry about that one yet"

 "Ok Daddy"

 "One more thing Baby, and this is very important, and must be followed"

 "WHat is it daddy?"
 "You may not masturbate at all Baby, you may not touch yourself at all"

 ...she signed, for she knew what she had intended to do for countless hours into the night, "Yes Daddy, I promise"

 "Good Girl" he bent down and kissed her on the forehead once more, "I love you Baby"

 "I love you too daddy"

 And with that David closed the closet door, securing it with a latch on the outside.  He laid down and quickly fell asleep with dreams of his young nubile daughter running through his head.  His daughter sat for hours dreaming about what was to come, if her daddy would in fact, take her virginity, and when she would reach that truly 'special place' again.  She fell asleep sitting indian style with her back against the wall.


 THe next morning brought fantastic dreams from both of them.  David lay in bed, his arms wrapped around a pillow, moaning through his lucid state, Christinas name.  Christina, however, sat against the closet wall, repeating 4 words in her mind.  "I love my Daddy".  Dreams of her father, dreams so horribly dirty, brought images to her head, images she had dreamt of a thousand times before, but only this time, they seemed more real, more tangible.  David awoke in the mid afternoon,  He didnt set his alarm, for he knew that both of them could use all the energy they could muster the following day.  He wore only boxers, a pair of red plaid boxers with no snap on the crotch.  He secretly hoped for an "accidental" flashing. 

 He walked slowly, silently, over to the closet, unlatching the door as quietly as he could, opening it slowly.  Christina sat silently inside, her eyes closed.  David opened the door fully, gazing at his daughter, and the dirty thoughts that he had just dreamt about.  He knelt down slowly, as not to wake her.  He bent in for a kiss, as if a prince was waking up a princess.  Inches from Christinas angel like face, a smile broke her stillness, and she opened her eyes, and without hesitation, spoke "Good Morning Daddy" and quickly lunged forward and pecked David on the lips. 

 David jumped back, startled, his chained daughter giggling.  He smiled back at her, "Good Afternoon Sweetheart, correcting her, did you sleep well?", and he began to unlatch the lock from around Christinas neck.

 "Of course Daddy, I slept like a 'baby" and she let out a small giggle, which David matched. 

 David grasp Christinas thighs, pulling her up.  Looking down at the closet, both bowls were empty.  "Good girl, didnt even have to use the bathroom during the night"

 "Nope Daddy, and i didnt even touch myself"

 "Promise?" David said

 "Yes Daddy, I cross my heart" 

 David bent down and grabbed the pillow that Christina had used as a pad the night before.  He held it up, ran his nose over it, looking for the tell tale sign of female scent.  He found none, and threw the pillow back into the closet. 

 David led christina over to his bed, sitting her down on the edge.  Christinas left hand began to roam down to her crotch, swollen with thoughts of her father.  She made small circles in her firey pubic hair, pulling and tugging on them. 

 "Know whats funny Baby?"

 "Whats that Daddy?" Christina asked still playing with pussy fire

 "Youre hairy..."

 "Yes Daddy"

 "... But Im Not"  and David grinned at her

 "Really Daddy? You shave?"

 "All of it is gone...

 Christina knew what she wanted to ask, she wanted proof, she wanted a glimpse of what she had always wanted, but she waited

 "... and if youre good, you might get to see"

 Her heart skipped a beat, and she giggled with glee.

 "Daddy, can I ask you something?"

 "Sure Baby, what is it?"

 "Why couldnt I touch myself last night?"

 "Because i have complete control of you and your body Baby, and an orgasm without me is almost a slap in the face", his tone and face showed extreme seriousness, which was not lost on his daughter

 "Ok Daddy, I understand."

 "Well since were playing '20 questions' here, i have one for you"

 "Ok Daddy, what?"

 "Why were you so clean and spotless with your enema last night?"

 her face once again reddned, David figured she would be used to saying anything, and comfortable with her thoughts and actions around him, but she once again proved him wrong. Her red cheeks were a literal embodiment of her innocence "I like enemas a lot daddy"... she smirked... "Me and my friend do them sometimes"

 Davids face lit up, "That sounds fun Baby"

 "Oh It is Daddy, but if i may say, i have NEVER had one as heavenly as yours last night.  You gave me the enema of a lifetime Daddy"

 Davids face reddned as the confident words came from Christina's Mouth.  "Im... uuh.. glad to hear that... Baby"

 christina giggled like a child at her fathers stammering.  "Want to know what i dreamed about last night Daddy?

 "Sure Baby"

 "You, and how much I love you"

 "I dreamed about you, and i probably cuddled my pillow to death, dreaming it was you"

 they both laughed at how childish their words sounded, but then looked into each others eyes.  Unspoken words, unspoken "i love you's" simply via a gaze. 

 "I want to give you another present Baby, I even wrapped it up for you last night"

 "Really daddy?" she bounced with anticipatin

 David handed her a box wrapped in birthday paper, she opened it like a kid on christmas, tearing the paper off quickly. 

 "Seeing as how we dont want to break your hymen just yet..."

 christinas heart sank

 "... I figured this was the next best thing" he grabbed the contraption from the box.  It was a small vibrating egg.  He handed the egg to Christina, and pulled the remote from the box.  "You know how these work Baby?"

 "No Daddy"

 "You put the egg inside you Baby, and whenever i push this button" David pushed the button and the egg began to violently vibrate, strange strengh for something so small, "it vibrates"

 "Awesome DAddy, Thank You" Christina ran up and gave David a kiss on the lips, jumping up a bit to do so.   

 "what do you want us to call your vagina Baby? what word are you most comfortable using?"

 "Ive always called it a pussy daddy, but you know what?"

 "What Baby?"

 "I think Im going to call it yours"

 David smiled and pushed the button again just for laughs.  Christinas hand shook from the strengh of the vibrator.  Both chuckled. 

 "well since We dont want to get anything in that pretty little pussy of yours yet, i figured that we could put this in your bum"

 "I bet its gonna feel good Daddy"

 David tossed her the small bottle of lube they had used the night before for her initiation enema.  "Go ahead Baby, get it in"

 Christina turned around, facing the headboard of the bed, grabbed two pillows, and placed them in front of her, laying on them, she exposed her supple cheeks and small pink hole into the air.  Christina squirted the lube into her hand, and coated the egg.  Reaching around, one hand tried desperately to spread her firm ass, while the other tried to push the egg directly in. 

 "Baby, dont you want to spread your ass a little bit before you just push it in?"

 "No Daddy, I dont need to spread it..." facing the headboard, she could speak candidly without being nervous and seeing her fathers reaction "...i dont deserve to be spread"  She had always hoped for this.  Her daddy punishing her, and she has always recited that line whenever she masturbated. Over and over 'no daddy, i dont deserve to be spread'.  One hand pulling her cheeks apart, the other hand placed the egg over her puckered sweet spot.  She counted out lout  "1...2...and then pushed the egg entirely inside her ass, grunting and moaning heavily as it passed her tiny anus" 

 David walked up to Christina, wiping the excess lube out of her sexy crack with a rag, then cleaning off her hand.  Christina licked in between her fingers, the spot David missed.  "Wow Daddy, this stuff tastes really good.... strawberries?"

 "Yea Baby, i knew youd like it"  Standing there watching his daughteres ass shoved in the air, her tongue lapping up the slimy lube from her hand. 

 She turned over on her stomach, just in time for David to push the button. 

 Waves of pleasure shot throughout her entire body.  Anal Stimulation of this kind could never bring the pleasure, or so Christina though, that this did. Her body rocked on the bed, arching up into the air, as if her pussy were desperately searching for something to grind up against.  Her hands roamed all over her body, massaging her tiny B cup breasts, her nipples erect, flicking them with her fingertips, rubbing her stomach firmly as her hands reached her pussy.  She was no longer in control of her body.  David watchd intensly as his 16 year old daugher spasmed in his bed.  He waited to see if she had the self control to stop her hands from touching her sweet spot which he had already claimed was his and his alone. Her hands stopped at her firey pubes, rubbing them with a fury that David had never seen before.  This lasted only moments before her hands rubbed against her clit, no doubt engorged with blood and begging to be touched.  He gave her a few seconds of clitoral stimulation, before he pushed the button again, and watched her body fall back down to earth, back down to his bed. 

 "Comeon Daddy, that felt good" she said weakly through heavy breaths

 "You did what you werent supposed to Baby"

 "Whats that daddy?" she said, her voice quivering

 "You touched what was mine" He nodded his head down to her pussy, where her hands still rested

 She looked down to see her hands on her fathers property, knowing that she had no control over them, she quicly moved them back to her sides before stammering "im.. sorry.. im.. i mean... im sorry"

 David shook his head in dissapproval as Christinas body went limp with self disgust.

 "I really didnt mean to Daddy, im sorry, I promise I wont do it again"

 "I gave you one chance Baby, you seem to have mistaken my kindness for leniency"

 "Please Daddy.. im sorry...I.."

 "No excuses Baby" He walked over to the black bag which sat by the closet door.  "I want you to bend over the edge of the bed, with your ass exposed"

 She knew what was going to happen.  She had been spanked as a child.  She braced herself.

 David walked back standing behind her exposed ass.  Her firm teen flesh was like porcelain, pure perfection.  He stepped to the side of her.  "How many do you think you deserve Baby"

 not knowing how to answer this questoin, christina thought for a moment. "10 Daddy?" she spoke unsurely of herself, fearing the pain that the paddle would bring her, but fearing her fathers dissapproval even more. 

 "Only 10 Baby?"

 "No daddy... i meant 15"

 "15 It is then"

 Christinas hands curled into the bed sheets, her eyes squinting, her teeth grinding.  She would be momentarily taken to hell.  David Cocked his arm back, only using one arm for the impact, and let one loose.  The sound of hard wood against virgin ass echoed in the room as christina screamed out in pain.  "Count off for me Baby, If you lose count, well have to start all over again"

 "Yes Daddy" she managed to gasp through the tears and whimpers

 "And dont scream or cry Baby, I dont want to haev to gag you again"

 "Yes Daddy"

 THe second swing of the paddle landed in the same spot as the first, the sound was louder and more intense this time.  Christinas ass was already redder than David had thought was possible, and she still had 13 more swings to go.  Christina didnt scream, but mild whimpers and sobs came from her pain wracked body.  David continued to swing the paddle at her red cheeks again and again, all the while christina thinking to herself how she loved her father more than anything in the world.  She knew that she deserved more than 15, but doubted if her petite body could handle more than that.  She moaned out softly "2... 3...... 4....5..." David continued furiously beating her ass, all the while getting pleasure from her muffled pain.  "7....8......9......10"  Christina had stopped crying, simply gasping the number of swings, then bracing herself for her next impact.  Her mind escaped, wandered off, but she continued to count off.  "12....13....14........" Somehow, the swings stopped hurting, her mind had blocked the pain, instead, christina was feeling the onset of the euphoria that being with her father brought her.  This feeling lasted longer than previous ones.  Her mind was at complete peace with the world, like she had tapped into somehting much higher than herself.  David braced himself and doublehanded swing 15.  A baseball bat style swing to Christinas bright apple red ass and a sound of a gunshot exploded, the bed shook, and Christina simply moaned out, almost as if pleasureably, "15". 

 David returned the paddle to the floor beside the bag.  And looked as christina half-lay on the bed, David unaware that Christina was in 'her place' wondered if he had in fact hurt her.  He walked over to her, bent down and kissed each bright red cheek once.  The impact had brought blood to the surface, the cheeks were unnaturally warm.  he palmed one cheek, and with the help of the other, turned christina over onto her back. 

 Her eyes rolled back in her head, Christina snapped back into reality, but only after David saw the perfect and harmonious smile of pleasure on her face.  SHe shook her head, as if waking up. 

 "Thank you Daddy"

 "Youre welcome Baby"

 She sat there, her ass swollen from the savage beating she had just recieved, but not caring about the immense pain that would put most into shock, instead, she let her hand move slowly to David, placing her hand on his leg, giving off love simply through a touch of her hand.  David sat puzzled at why his young daugher was not bawling and screaming for mercy.  He bent down and kissed her on the lips, a tender kiss that lasted longer than all those before.  Christinas arms wrapped around Davids neck and Back, holding him tight, never letting go.  Christina clearly wanted more than simply a peck on the cheek from her father.  She opened her mouth a little, and touched Davids lips with her warm tongue.  Davud Did the same.  They lay there, embracing each other, their tongues darting in and out of each others mouths for what seemed like an eternity. 

 David backed off, looking at his helpless little daughter, only wanting tender love from him, she spread her legs a bit, an unspoken invitation to the pleasures that lie within her soft pubic mound.  He moved to sit between her legs, letting his fingers slowly trace lines up and down her inner thighs, untouched by his cruel beating earlier.  Each time he traced up her thigh, he teased her by getting closer and closer to her pussy.  He bent down with his face, close to her mound, and took in the wonderful senses.  Her pussy gave off, almost as a lightbulb, radiant heat which David felt on his chin, the scent of a virgin filled his nostrils, and he slowly spread her legs.  He bend down further, and with one swift move of his tongue, flicked Christinas tender erect clit once.  She rocked up and down on the bed, shaking the entire thing, pushing Davids face even further into her tender innocence. 

 Christina had in no way earned an orgasm today, so one more tease of her clit with his loving tongue seemed appropriate.  He slowly began at the bottom of her pussy, and slowly licked his way up, her juices intoxicated him as he got ever closer to her tiny little nub.  His entire tongue tasted nothing but his daughers sweet sweet honey flavored pussy.  After what seemed like an hour, the base of his tongue reached her clit, he could feel it poking, begging, pleading.  He continued to slowly lick up.  Christina had now begun to moan out "Daddy" through her pre-orgasmic breaths.  As the tip of the tongue touched her clit, he flicked it up one more time, the last time. Her Body shook as if possessed by a demon, and she screamed.  Thick white juice began to dribble out of the base of her cunt onto the bedsheets. 

 David sat up to inspect his daughter.  She lay there with nothing but a smile on her face, breathing.  Her body randomly shook, as if she had been electrocuted by his warm tongue. She moaned out vaguely "I love you daddy, I love you".  Her cum had coated the bed between her legs.  David took two fingers and scooped up the thick white love from her pussy.  He held them before her eyes, and spoke only these words "One for you, and One for me".  He separated his fingers, and presented one for Christina.  Her smell wafted through her nose, and she opened her mouth to recieve her own juice.  Her tongue made circles around Davids finger as she lapped up every drop, moaning. David then took the rest for himself.  Suckling his fingers, revelling in virgin cum. 

 David lay down beside her as she lie motionless.  She sat up slowly, as if it took tremendous strengh to do so, as if her body were weighed down.  David lay as she sat beside him.  He had taken great care and precaution not to present his daughter with an erection.  She did not deserve an erection... yet.  She moved slowly and straddled his waist, still dripping thick pussy milk.  She bent down to kiss her father, which was met with an open mouth and willing tongue, 

 She could taste her flavor all over him, her pussy had coated him with that delicious scent and flavored his tongue with that unmistakable taste.

 David grabbed her waist and sat her up abruptly.  "Are you hungry?" he asked with love and affection.

 "Yes Daddy, I am"

 "Well The only food you will recieve..."

 Christina waited for the answer

 "will be my semen"

 Her spirit soared inside her, she moved beside him and bent down, ready to feed.  David Stopped her however. 

 "Do you honestly think you deserve my cum as of right now Baby?"

 Her stomach growled and her instincts said yes, but her mind said no, as she shook her head.

 "Well then youll just have to eat another Day Baby."

 "She sat beside him motionless, a sad puppy dog look in her eyes, she wanted nothing more than to make her father feel good, to make him feel the orgasms that he had given her.  To lead him to that 'special place'.  But she knew that she did not deserve that feeling.  David sat up, facing her. 

 "I think its time for bed Baby"

 "Yes Daddy"
 "I love you baby"

 "I love you more DAddy"

 David crawled to the haedboard, and unlocked the chain that was secured to the bed post.

 "what are you doing DAddy?"

 "I think you deserve to sleep in the bed with me Baby"

 "REALLY DADDY??" she screamed with delight

 "Yea Baby" he nodded as he locked the padlock around the collar and the chain. 

 "Lay down now baby, morning will come soon"

 Christina curled up into a little ball next to David, who traced hearts into her back with a light touch of his fingers.  They both knew what they and the other would dream about, but Christina had no idea the pleasure and pain that David had planned for her the next day. 

 "I love you Daddy, and Id do anything for you" Christina said as she lay there still feeling the plesaure

 "I Love you too Baby, and i know" David replied as he continued tracing hearts on her back

Florida Incest: Chapter II

SilentSpirit on Incest Stories

I kneeled down and started to lick her bald pussy. I slid my tongue over her pussy and caressed my hands on her ass and thighs. She started to moan and her legs got weak and she started to twitch. She ran her hands through my hair. The aroma of her female parts was intoxicating. I slid my tongue between her juicy lips as far as I could and pulled it out with juice stringing off my tongue and her pussy. I stood up and looked at her, awaiting her orders.

"What now?" I asked?

"Want to try something super naughty?" She asked me, licking her glossed lips.


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y? What kind of naughty stuff?" She walked to the ATV and took a rope out of the back. "What are you gunna do? Tie me up?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." I walked over to her and put my arms around her waist. She guided me to the ATV. I bent over against the seat and spread my legs. Jennifer rubbed her hands over my smooth ass, giving it a little grasp. "No escape." She told me laughing. She got the rope and tied my hands down to the ATV.

She pressed her thigh against my butt and caressed her hands up the side of my body. My clitoris was burning. It was so swelled and wet.

Then unexpectedly she gave my ass a soft tap on my right cheek. Then she did it again much harder. My ass was burning from the pain, yet it turned me on so much.

"This doesn't hurt too much does it? If this is a little too much for you, go ahead and tell me and I will stop."

"No, no! It feels good." My legs were weak and I could barely stand. With each smack on the ass the more aroused I got. She started to slap my ass extremely hard; I'm sure leaving a bright red hand print. She then ran her hand over my pussy.

"My god, you’re soaking! This must really be turning you on."

"Hell yeah, it feels great. I love this." She kneeled down and started to lick my pussy and anus, then started to suck on my pussy.

"Maybe I should untie you. I have a new idea."

"Oh, ok. Whatever you find best I guess." We were both very out of breath. She untied my hands from the ATV and sat on the ATV.

"Here, suck on my breast." I did as I was ordered and placed my lips on her erect nipple and swirled my tongue around. Then I started to nurse on her nipple like a baby. She ran her hands through my hair, moaning. I started licking all over her body, from her stomach to her pussy. Her juicy pink pussy all dripping with pre-cum. "Finger me! Make me cum!" She screamed, and moaned. I did as I was told once again and started to finger my Index finger and middle into her slit, harder and faster. I took out my finger and sexily licked off the juices. We looked into each others eyes for a second, she looked so hot. I dove for her mouth giving her a long, hard passionate kiss on the lips.

I rolled my tongue in her mouth and sucked on her neck. She was barely able to stand from the excitement. We were both sweating and panting with erotic passion. I cupped her breasts in my hand and rubbed my fingers over her nipples. Twisting and pulling on them. She did the same with me.

Then she rubbed her hand on my vagina and slid her finger into my slit as far as it would reach. "Oh, god! Oh my god! OHHh!" I moaned. "Say my name bitch! Say my name! OH GOD OHHH!" She slid her finger in and out of my slit. The unbelievably great sensation overwhelmed me.

"Melissa! MELISSSSSA!" She moaned. My vagina started to have convulsions as a thick stream of watery cum poured out of my pussy like a fountain. I was screaming and moaning! My legs went so weak that I fell down. She lay on top of me and kissed me softly on the lips and neck.

"My god! We have to do this more often. That was fantastic."


Slap That Puppy

shu on Incest Stories

Terry Gettsum was just a normal thirteen year old. He got average grades in school and had plenty of friends but would not be considered popular. He did okay at sports but was neither among the best or the worst. His mother and father still lived together but that may be unusual in most places. He had one baby sister, Dianne, two years younger than him that he considered a nuisance most of the time. It was a perfectly normal family by all appearances and, until that April, it had been. Like most boys his age, Terry masturbated regularly and had no idea his parents knew about it. Of course they knew. Every night at 11:00, his father would hear the squeaking floorboards and make a comment like, “There he goes again”, and laugh about it. It was kind of funny but his father was con
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cerned as well. When he was that age, his mother had taught him better and, now, the responsibility fell to him. So, naturally, he invited his mother to visit. It had been a few years since Granny Gettsum had travelled across the country to visit but Terry remembered her fondly. She was a big woman but surprisingly active. Most of all, he remembered her laughter and her affection. She told crude jokes and swore, but always with a smile. Terry’s mother was not so amused and she grimaced every time but that was part of the fun. Terry waited impatiently for his father to bring her back from the airport and when they pulled into the driveway, he ran out to greet her. She had gotten even bigger and Terry could barely hug her. She hugged him though and he nearly suffocated between her breasts. “Look at you. You’ve gotten so big”, she gushed, “You’re a man now”. His father asked Terry to get her luggage and opened the trunk. “Are you sure you’re big enough for MY bags, sweetcheeks?”, she asked. “No problem”, Terry boasted but when he lifted them he continued, “Holy shit, what have got in here, a car battery?”. “And spares. It never hurts to be prepared”, She answered and laughed, but directed at her son. Terry was just happy to get away with swearing. They all went inside and Terry put the luggage away while his grandmother said hello to his mother and sister. “So, whose bed will I be sleeping in?”, Terry heard his grandmother ask when he got back to the living room. Terry’s mother mentioned that they converted the den and that she will have her own room. “That’s a shame. You shouldn’t have gone to so much effort”, Granny responded. “We didn’t want you to worry about the stairs”, assured her daughter-in-law. “I may be fat but I’m not old yet”, Granny said with a chuckle. “I was only concerned because I know you have bad knees”, Terry’s mother defended. “You’re very thoughtful”, Granny conceded, “These old knees are worn out. Damn football injury”. “You played football?”, Terry asked with a baffled expression. “Not exactly but you can say I was on the team”, Granny said with a grin. “How did you hurt your knees?”, Terry probed, more confused than before. “Picking up the soap in the locker room”, his grandmother retorted curtly, “Dinner smells wonderful”. The conversation shifted toward food and family. There were lots of stories about Terry’s aunts and cousins and Terry got bored. The aunt and cousins still lived in the same city where his father grew up and Granny lived in her own condo. They talked about that, too, all through dinner. Terry finally got a word in and asked if Granny wanted to play a video game after dinner. She used to do that before but she sucked at it, to use her words. “Can’t tonight, sweety. Got a date”, Granny answered. “You have a date?”, her son asked in amazement. “Ya, I called up an old friend that I would be in town. He insisted on picking me up at the airport but I put him off till tonight”, Granny boasted. Terry watched his mother shake her head in disapproval but she always did that with Granny. “Tomorrow, we can play your game. You can kick my ass tomorrow”, Granny promised as she winked. “He’ll be here soon, she continued, “I better get changed”, and left the table. When she returned from the den, half an hour later, Dianne pointed out that she was wearing the same clothes. “He ain’t coming to see my clothes, honeybuns”, was Granny’s response. Terry didn’t get to see his grandmother before bedtime or even in the morning, before school. His mother said that she was still sleeping and to be quiet. After school and after homework, as his mother pressed, Terry got his chance to “kick her ass”. Good thing his mother didn’t stick around because Granny swore up a storm then. She even called him names, like “little shit”, but it was all in fun. Some of the words, Terry hadn’t even heard before. She nudged and tickled and tried to get distract him but she still lost every game. “You got another date tonight”, Terry asked. “Naw. It’ll probably take him a week to recover”, she answered abstractly, “I need a younger man”. “How about you”, she flirted, “You can be my date tonight”. “Okay, but I have to be home by ten”, Terry joked. She laughed so hard that the windows rattled and then gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Later that night, around 11:00, Terry heard a soft knock on the door. He pulled the sheets over his hard cock and the magazine and squeaked out a “Ya“. Granny came in and sat on the side of the bed. The bed groaned under the weight and Terry braced himself from rolling into her. She didn’t say a word. She just reached under the covers and pulled out the magazine as if she were psychic. She leafed through the pages and paused at the centrefold. “Is this the kind of girl you like?”, she questioned. “I guess so”, Terry mumbled. “You know the problem with these kind of girls?”, Granny asked rhetorically, “They’re not real”. She told him not to be ashamed about jacking off but that he shouldn’t brag about it either. She said that the biggest problem is that it was such a waste. Then she suggested that he demonstrate his technique. “I can’t do it in front of you”, Terry complained. She held the centrefold in front of her face and asked, “You can do it in front of her”. “But I can’t… It won’t… It’s soft”, he whimpered. “Now that’s something I can take care of”, his grandmother offered. She didn’t wait for a reply. She threw the covers back and Terry rushed to cover himself but lost his balance as he rolled toward his grandmother. “Oh my God, you got pubes”, Granny commented, “That’s a shame but you are a young man now. You will be by the time I get through with you”. She cupped his balls and his youthfully small prick in her wrinkled hand and squeezed softly. Terry wanted to scream but he loved his grandmother and didn’t want to get her in trouble. He was helpless and vulnerable with his fate in her hands. Her hand shifted to the shaft and she tugged and massaged it. He couldn’t help it. It felt so much better than his own hand but not nearly as soft. He began to relax and just enjoy the sensations and, as he got harder, her tugs became strokes. “That’s my big guy. Show me what you got”, Granny cooed. He had closed his eyes, trying to convince himself it was just a dream, but he opened them when he felt the bed move. He watched as her mouth engulfed his prick and felt something entirely new and indescribable. “Oops, I almost forgot”, Granny said as she paused. She pulled her false teeth out and handed them to him, asking him to put them on the side table. He did what he was told and treated it as just more dream of the night. “You’re in for a treat now”, Granny said proudly. Terry had nothing to compare it to. It felt amazing but he had no idea how good she was. If he only knew that it will probably be the best blow-job of his life. Her tongue was like an instrument and even her gums and the roof of her mouth was a trained chorus of pleasure. She sucked like a Hoover and, being a young man, it didn’t take long for him to cum. He shook as though he were having a seizure. It was unprecedented but so many things were for him. She managed to hold him in his mouth and swallowed every drop. She got up and wiped her mouth with her hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow night”, she warned, “You can owe me one”. He lay in bed, convincing himself that what had happened was real. He couldn’t be dreaming because he felt so alive and his prick was still twitching. He didn’t think he would get to sleep but he did and quickly. The next morning, he avoided the eyes of everyone and especially, his grandmother. He knew they had done something wrong but he wasn’t sure why. She didn’t really hurt him, just the opposite. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he did nothing. All he knew was that he couldn’t say anything to anybody. Not only would it hurt her grandmother but it was just embarrassing. Granny acted as though nothing had happened at all except for a pat on the butt she gave him as he left for school. She gripped it a little too long to be just playful. When he got back from a quiet day at school, life just seemed like it was before. He did his homework and played video games. They had dinner and talked casually but Terry knew better. He was just pretending as if it hadn’t happened. He kept looking into his parents eyes to see if he had given away his secret. He went to bed that night with a mix of dread and anticipation and, for the first time in months, did not abuse himself to sleep. He just waited and waited until his eyelids became too heavy. He was awoken by being shaken. His grandmother stood above him as reality took hold. “Had to wait till your parents got to sleep”, she whispered, “Tonight, we’re gonna rock ”. She removed her bathrobe to reveal her bra and panties and the mounds of folded flesh. Terry watched in horror as she removed her bra and her tits flopped out and under her armpits. This didn’t look like the pictures in his magazine. Everything was loose and dangled. Her arms flapped like the flippers of a walrus and her sheer bulk frightened him. There was almost three times as much of her as there was of him. “Tonight, you’re gonna learn how to pleasure a real woman”, Granny began her lesson, “Shove over”. To Terry, she seemed mountainous lying beside him but he had to be close because there was no room left in the single bed. She rolled down her panties, if that is the correct term for anything so large, and dangled them above his head. “Take a whiff, I’ve been wet all day waiting for this”, she encouraged. He almost gagged on the aroma before asking, “What do you want me to do?”. “It’s an acquired taste but you might as well get used to it”, she began her instructions. Terry did what she told him and positioned himself between her legs as she asked and she pulled his head right into it. “Stick your tongue in there. Lick it like a dog. Ya, right there. That’s the spot. Hope you didn’t have a big dinner” He kept at it and she slowly got wetter until the pussy juices flowed. It was musky and kind of funky tasting and Terry wondered if all women tasted like this but he still kept at it. He didn’t have a choice, his head was gripped between her thighs and she thrust her hairy pussy at him. Eventually, she quivered and bounced and the bed shuddered. He couldn’t lap up the juice as fast as it gushed and he wondered if his mother would think that he wet the bed. She relaxed her grip on his head and he popped up to ask if they were done. “Not by a long shot, honeylips”, she stated, “Give granny a kiss”. Terry climbed over her stomach and hesitated because he had never kissed her on the lips. She grabbed his head with both hands and tugged it toward her. She pushed her tongue between his lips and gave him his first French kiss as he straddled her girth. She sucked his tongue like she had sucked his dick and Terry was overwhelmed by her passion. Her hands lowered to his ass and she squeezed those little cheeks like toys. His dick began to swell against her bellybutton. “Feels like you’re ready for the home run”, Granny suggested. Terry was beginning to listen to his other head but it wasn’t sure what to do either. “Just stick it in there, big guy”, Granny led. He slid back down but found that it would only fit in if he kneeled between her legs. It slid in easily and it was so warm and soft. Instincts took over and he thrust inside her while watching her face. It gave him joy to give her joy. It gave him ecstasy to take hers. He felt different. He felt like a man. After she had left for her own room, Terry knew that things had changed. He was not just a victim, he was an accomplice. He looked forward to tomorrow. He got home late from school the next day. Hockey practice had kept him. He got home to find his grandmother alone in the house. Apparently, his mother was out with his sister. It didn’t take them long to get naked but, this time, it was in her room. She gave him another blow-job but stopped before he lost his load. Then, she knelt on the bed with her face on the pillow and her huge ass in the air. “Spank me”, she ordered Terry was confused. He was confused for several reasons, not the least of which was the vagueness of her request. He was reminded of when his friend said that he would meet him in the park. Problem was that the park was several acres and he didn’t know where to start. He was faced with a similarly imposing amount of real estate. “Slap that puppy”, she insisted. So he did, again and again, over here and over there, until it became red. She moaned and screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Terry was not only enjoying this, he was aroused by it. “Mom, are you alright”, came Terry’s father’s voice from the other side of the door but he didn’t wait for an answer. He opened the door to see his naked son behind his mother’s big red ass. Terry looked back at his father in terror as his heart raced. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were hurt”, his father apologized, swallowing a laugh. “No problem”, his mother stated, “It’s been a long time since you had a gummer”. He considered it for a while and shrugged. Unlike his son, he knew how talented she was. He walked to the other side of the bed and undid his belt. “Whatcha waiting for sweetcheeks”, Granny said to her grandson, “Give it to me”. His father asked, “How does it feel to barbeque a sacred cow?”. Terry had no clue what his father was talking about but his grandmother said, “Moo”. Any normal guy would be limp as a noodle after all that but Terry was not normal. He was thirteen. It all began to make sense to him. It was still beyond his imagination but reality was so much stranger. So, there he was, fucking his grandmother from behind while she gave his father a blow-job. If his mother and sister joined in right now, he probably wouldn’t be surprised. He wasn’t surprised, the next day, when his grandmother asked his sister to sit on her lap. “You’re such a sweety”, Granny flattered, “I really bet you are. I just want to eat you up”. Granny’s hand slid up Dianne’s inner thigh till it went under her school skirt. “Do you have any hair down there, yet?”, Granny asked with all the appearances of being innocent.

Adventures Of

Jr.Kong69 on Incest Stories

Rick Johnson was a freshman in college and still lived at home with his mother, father, sister, and aunt. He enjoyed living at home because he saved money on rent and bills (plus, he could keep a close eye on his hot mom, Katie, his gorgeous sister, Patti, and his buxom aunt, Jessica ).

The strange thing about Rick, was that, when he was twelve, and started looking at jack-off books, he realized his cock was much fatter than the ones the guys had. He didn"t really think nothing of it, and just unloaded squirt after creamy squirt of cum on the pages.

It wasn't until high school when he finally got some pussy, when the girl he was pounding started screaming when his dick jammed in and out of her. He was actually giving pain and pleasure at the same time. After he slid ou

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t of her, and went home, he looked own on the ground outside of his house. It was one of those red bricks old houses were built with. He picked it up and went up to his room. He pulled out his huge penis, thought about his mother until he was hard, and layed the brick against it. His cock was about two inches longer, but the thickness between the two was the same.

After he fucked two more girls, and word got around. People were calling him "The Brick" Johnson.

Rick worked the third shift so he came down the steps at 9:00 to get some food and watch some television before going to the factory. He was only wearing gym shorts that came halfway down his muscular thighs. His well-formed chest was bare and tan. As he got to the bottom, he stopped at the sounds he heard coming from the living room. "It sounds like some bitch is gettin' it hard!" he whispered. He walked over to the corner and peered around it. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. There, on the chair, was his mom shoving a six-inch dildo in and out of her cunt while watching a porn. She was wearing a bath robe, and one nice-sized tit was out and bouncing with the force. Her long legs were perched up on the small table in front of the reclining chair. It was dark in the room except for the light from the TV shining right on his mom's hairy cunt. By watching this act, his dick was instantly hard, and he brought his hand down to unload it from the hole in the front of his shorts. From the weight, even when he was rock-hard, it still pointed slightly to the ground. The head was like a portabella mushroom, and there were two veins on the side that were the width of human thumbs. He wrapped his fingers around the gigantic piece of meat and started sroking as the dildo in his mom was glistening with her slime.

Katie just noticed the clock on the VCR and knew she had to stop because her son would be coming down soon. She fumbled with the remote, but finally shut the tape off and removed it from the VCR. She didn't have time to take it back upstairs, so she slid it under the couch. She threw her robe back over her legs, and pushed her bare tit back inside. Her husband was on vacation, so he couldn't finish her off, and she was frustrated. Just have to cum later when Rick leaves , she thought.

Rick's eight-inch-round shaft was let down as his holder saw his mom stop fucking herself. He stood there for a minute to let his hot, sweaty cock die down. He loved how it felt when it pressed against his naked thigh; a couple of droplets of clear pre-cum ran down his leg, and he thought he was going to get hard again. He reached in and grabbed a bead of it with his fingers. He brought his hand out, and licked the semen off--he loved the taste of women-cum better, but he still liked his own.

He strolled into the living room and stood in front of his mom. He stole a glance down at her shiny legs when he said, "What are you doing up, Ma? Aren't you tired?"

Katie saw the bulge of her son's flaccid penis inside his tight shorts. She risked a lick across her lips, and responded, "No, I'm not tired, I was just...uh...watching a little TV. You going to work tonight?"

As he finally realized what he saw between his mom's thighs that were covered with the fabric of the robe, he said, "That depends. I think you forgot somethin', Mom, while you were 'watching a little TV'". He pointed at her crotch where there was a little bump poking out from the still-inserted plastic dong.
Katie felt embarrassment as she felt the dildo resting inside her wet vaginal walls. Her head was down, staring at the fake cock sticking out of her pussy when she said in a low tone, "I'm so sorry, Son. I didn't want you to see this. It's just that your Dad's been gone a while, and I'm still a young-enough woman to have needs." Her head lifted up a bit, and she saw her son's massive thickness pressing against the inside of his shorts. His cock was so long, that the bulbous head was peeking out the bottom a little. Pre-cum was dripping out, and she watched it rickle down his leg. "You forgot something, too, baby." She gestured at his thigh.

Rick looked down and spread his legs a little; the fat head was peeking out and it was soaked with clear semen. "Well, I guess were both busted, huh? Let me just turn around and I'll put it away. You could do the same with your little toy there.

"If you don't mind, sweety, I would like to look at it longer. I always knew when you were younger that you had a fat dick, but I never dreamed it would have developed into that beast!" She leaned in to get a closer look; she could smell the juices of sweat and cum. Her face was only three inches away from her son's prick-head.

"I don't mind at all, Mom, but I have to see that tiny dildo hanging out of your hairy pussy, so spread 'em wide."
"Oh honey, I've been waiting for you to say that since you strolled in here with that obscene bulge in your shorts. I'll open wide so you could see where you came from." Katie spread her legs and hooked them on the sides of the chair. She also pulled apart the robe, and showed her son her beautiful fun-bags and overgrown cunt. The dildo was shiny with her cream as it wiggled a little back and forth; there was a tiny puddle of white fluid just under her ass-crack. "Better?"
"Much. Mom, I hope you don't mind, but I have to release my dick. The pressure's killing me!" He started to rub the apple-sized head that was pouring clear, viscous cream.

"Oh, please do, honey. And after your done, could you pull out this dildo for me? I would love to watch you do that."
"I would like that, Mom. I can't believe we're doing this stuff. It's so awesome!" he said, as he pulled down his shorts. When he ran his hand back up his thigh, he got a handful of his semen. His thick cock was pointing right between his mother's open legs to her soaked cunt.

"Me neither, but we are. And I don't care what anyone else thinks about it. You have the most delicious prick I've ever seen. You're going to hurt me, but I want it in every one of my holes. And by the amount of pre-cum you're leaking, I'll bet you'll have enough regular cum for each hole as well." She brought her hand down, and started rubbing her clit as she watched her son kneel down in front of her. He placed his hands on each thigh and inhaled. The smell of her vagina made his cock throb.

"Mom, you have a very hairy cunt. Most women shave nowadays, so I'll have to remove all that hair after I slide that dildo out." He placed his fingers around the plastic dick and watched, in wide-eyed splendor, his mom frigging her clit. He slowly pulled it out, and a moan of passion escaped his mother's lips. A tiny river of white juice ran out of the hole, down her bush, and into her ass-crack. He brought the dong up to his mouth and ran his tongue around the top. He then pointed it at her, and she took it and sucked it all the way in her mouth. The slurping sound her sexy mouth was making made more semen leak from his pulsing cock. "I love the taste of myself, too, but your sister tastes much better. Your Aunt is a little sour, but that's okay."

Rick was instanty shocked at the thought. He wasn't angry...just jealous. His mom ate his sister's and his aunt's sweet snatch before, and, at that thought, he knew he would be cumming buckets.

"Maybe when your Aunt Jessy comes back from vacation, and Patti gets home next week from school, we'll all have some fun. And if your Father's home by then, maybe he'll indulge as well. Now, go get the shaving stuff so you could remove this mess," she rubbed her cunt-lips hard. "I want some cock, so hurry."
"But first, Ma, I have something for you." Rick stood up so his mother could get a better look at his horse-member. He still had a handful of his own semen, and he stretched it out to his mom's face.

"Thank you, dear." She placed her lips on the lake of clear juice, and slurped it all up.
He saw her lips shine with his seed, and when she was finished, he said, "I'll be right back. But no playing with yourself; I want all that cum for my stomach."
She was disappointed that the large flesh-snake was taken away from her, but she revelled in the sight of it slapping between her son's muscular thighs. She also loved his nut-cracking ass.

He returned a minute later with a towel, lotion, shaving cream, a razor, and a water bottle. "Please let me touch it first," his mom said.
"Oh, don"t worry, you"ll be touching it soon. In fact, you'll be shaving me when I'm done with you." She settled for pinching her nipples and playing with her tits as her son sprayed the warm water onto her pussy. She gasped as she felt the shaving cream being rubbed on her swollen flaps and labia. He placed the razor on the side of the juicy cunt, and carefully removed the hair in strips.

When he was going to start on the other side, his mom said, "Can I see it yet?" She leaned over and saw the bald spot. She used her hand to pull up on the flesh. "Wow! I never realized how bulging my cunt was before with all that hair on it. I hope it doesn't turn you off."
"No way, Ma. I love the way your pussy looks without hair. I can't wait until my face is buried in it." He finished the other side, and now it was time for the sensitive area. He gently brought the razor over the puffed-out lips and protruding clit.

" Oooooh , that feels so good, darling. Shave Mommy's pussy for her so I could finally touch that big, fat cock."
When he was done, he wiped the hairs away, and sprayed more water on the bald cunt. After that was dried off, he massaged the lotion over the huge hot-box of his mom. "My turn," he announced.

His mom stood up and let her robe fall to the floor. As they changed positions, his shaft rubbed against her exposed ass, leaving a streak of his hot jizz.
He sat down and his mother knelt between his open thighs, getting as close as she could to the brick-sized dick that was pointing right at her mouth. She rubbed her bare cunt as she sprayed foam on his prick with her other hand. A river of pre-cum spilled down his pulsing cock, and nestled on his large ball-sack. His mother looked up at him with pleading eyes, and begged, "Can I please just have one lick first? Just one, I promise."

"Okay. But just one for now; I want my dick shaved clean then sucked off. I have a body full of cum, and I want to spray it right into your beautiful mouth."
She wrapped both hands around the shaving-foamed dick. She didn't jerk it, she just stared at it for a second as she rested her nose against her son's sack. She licked the clear cum that was there and she knew she had never tasted a piece of flesh as good as this. She brought her head back, and stroked the massive log, spreading the cream all over his cock, balls, and even the hair that was on his pelvis. She felt the warmth from his pulsing penis as she started removing all the hair from his nuts. His ass squirmed in the chair as she brought the razor down his shaft over and over again. After that, all of the pubic hair above his dick was taken off.

She stroked his wet cock with both hands and pleaded, "Can I suck it now, Rick? I need it bad."
"You may suck it, Mother."

" Mmmmm ...okay." She knew she would really have to try hard to get this monster in her mouth, but it would be fun. She leaned forward and ran her tongue all over the enormous head, sucking up all of her son's fluids. She placed kisses all up and down the fat length. She exercised her mouth muscles, and placed the engorged head in her mouth. Only half of it would fit at first. Then her full lips and mouth relaxed, and the head popped in. Her eyes were wide at the girth, and the pressure of it pushing aginst the inside of her cheeks. She pulled it out after testing it, and she said to her son, "Now. I don't care how much it hurts at first, but I want you to stand up, and give Mommy's mouth a real good fucking. I may bleed a little, but that's okay. I want you to force this fucking cock down my throat, Son. If I gag too much, I'll pinch your balls a bit, and just take it out for a second until I can compose myself again."

"Whatever you say, Mom." He stood up and grabbed the back of her head. He forced the head in at once, and waited for her hot mouth to adjust. Watching his brick-dick in his mom's mouth sent jolts of excitement up his cock. He now had both hands on the back of his mother's head and pushed his shaft into her mouth slowly. He saw his mom's throat bulge out as inch after veiny inch slipped inside. Tears were running down his mom's cheeks as the skin at the corners of her mouth split a little, and some blood ran down her chin. Five inches were now in, but his balls got a pinch, so he slid his dick out.
He rested it on his mom's chin as she said, "It hurts a little, but the pleasure is much more powerful. Don't worry about the blood, I'm okay. Alright, I think I'm ready for it all now."

She stuck her mouth on her son's dripping penis, and she immediately took in the five again. Slowly he forced his member down her thoat, and she was makng " hmmmmmmm " sounds. Finally, all nine were in, and her nose was pressed against his bare pubis.
"Here comes the face-fuck of your life, Mom," he announced. He thrusted his hips violently into her, but she was receiving it well. Her mouth was puffed out in an obscene manner as she jammed three finges into her soaked cunt. Every time he would get it all in, he would leave it there for a second. His mom's spit was hanging from the cock and her mouth in ribbons.

Ten more pumps, and he said, "Here it comes, mom! I'm not going to pull it out; I'm just going to inject your throat with it so swallow it all."

He yanked her head into his pubic area as far as it would go. After a moan, his cock pulsed and beat as his seed was being sent into her belly. At the same time, the carpet got drenched with mommy-cum as she was in ecstasy from her own orgasm.
While his prick was firing off, she was choking and gagging on the cream. After seven steaming jets of cum filled up his mom, he drew his meat-sword out of her mouth. As soon as he did, gobs of it waterfalled out of her mouth, and ran down her chin, landing on her tits. She swallowed a couple of times, and said, "I'm sorry, honey, but there was just too much of your cum for one person. I hope you have enough left for my pussy and ass?"

"That's okay, Mom. I'll clean that up. And yes, I have plenty more." He knelt down in front of his mother, and when he was just about to suck his cum off of his mother's face and tits, they heard, "I hope there's room for one more in there."

Standing in the doorway was Rick's sister wearing a French maids' outfit....

To be cunt-inued....

Teaching a Slut

ThePantyNinja on Incest Stories

Teaching a Slut

Tom came home from work to the sounds of a headboad creaking, and the rythmic moaning of his daughter, as she got fucked by the newest boyfriend of the week. Tom couldn't believe the whore his daughter had turned into, already 17 and fucking a new guy every day. He could only pray she used some type of protection, and since this had been going on for almost a year now, with no pregnancies (that he knew of) he assumed she was. He considered doing what he did every day, just leaving, and getting some drinks, coming home again in a few hours, when the new fucktoy was gone. Raising a girl on his own had been tough. Amanda's mother had died giving birth, just 2 years into their marriage. Tom was still too heartbroken to even consider looking for another women, and had b

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een too depressed to even find release for his sexual needs. His only solace was masturbation in his room, remembering the backseat of his car, where they had first made love, the hotel in hawaii for the honeymoon, and the other various places they had made love. When Amanda had become a woman, and started developing sexually, Tom didn't know how to handle it, and the situation only got worse. Amanda had no idea that her father came home and heard her getting railed every day. She was in too much bliss to notice a car pull in, and then leave a few minutes later. Tom decided that today would be different however. He couldn't avoid his problems all his life, and he didn't want anything to happen to his daughter, the last thing he and his wife had shared.

Tom set his briefcase down, took off his shoes and jacket, and walked down the hall towards his daughters room. Her moaning was become louder, and the banging of the headboard faster. Whoever had his cock inside of her was about to blow it, and Tom barged in just in time to ruin the moment. The stud, who was a very muscular guy, with a crew cut and tatoos on his bulging muscles, went pale white with shock, and stopped in mid stroke. Tom could just see his prick shrivel up inside of her. She was lying on her back, hair a mess, fingers pinching her nipples, her long, slender legs atop his shoulders. Her back was bent, and her ass slightly in the air, letting the boy get a good amount of penetration into her sweet snatch. Tom stood there, and when she noticed her man had stopped thrusting, and was looking rather scared, she turned her head, and saw her father, looking supremely pissed.

She shrieked, and the boy pulled out of her (Tom noticed his dick was at least 6 inches and it was only half erect) and scrambled for his clothes. Tom said nothing, as the now beet red boy ran out of the room, trying to put his pants on while he ran. His daughter had grabbed her bedsheets, and pulled them over herself, trying to retain some sense of modesty.

"So how long have you known him for?" He asked

"I met him at the mall on the way home from school." was the reply.

"So you just let a stranger fuck you like that? It's that easy to get in your little panties?"

Being a smartass teenager that she was, even in this situation, she said "Well, I wasn't wearing any panties, so he didn't really have to get in them."

That was the final straw for Tom however. His slut of a daughter needed to be taught a lesson. He grabbed her sheets, and tore them off of her, exposing her naked body. This was the first time he had seen his daughter in anything less than fully clothed since she was around 8. The changes were readily noticeable. She had shoulder length brown hair, the same blue eyes as her mother, the same thin, sexy lips. Her breasts had the perkiness of a typical 17 year old, and looked perfect to cup in a hand. She had a very toned stomach, and her bush was a trim triangle, leading into her love box. He didn't get a very good look at it, because she darted her hands across her breasts and pussy, still covering them up. The brief look had startled Tom though, she was the spitting image of her mother, who was only 20 when she had died. Tom felt stirrings in his loins, but they were soon overwhelmed by his anger at the slut he had raised.

He sat on the edge of the bed, and grabbed her by the wrist. Yanking hard enough to make her yelp, he pulled her across his lap, with her feet still on the bed, and her head hanging down to the ground.

"Wait wait! What are you going to do!?" She was panicking now, squirming and kicking her legs. Tom held firm, not letting her escape.

"I'm going to teach you some lessons. I should have done this a long time ago. I ask a question. You tell me the truth, I ask another. You lie, or if I even think you are lying, you are going to get spanked. Comprende?"

"No! No! You can't spank me like this! I'm a grown woman! Please no!"

"Whatever, I'm your father, and I have to take drastic measures to change your attitude. Sorry if you don't like it."

With that, he raised his hand, and brought it down hard onto her bare ass cheek. She screamed in pain, and writhed in his lap.

"What was that for!? You didn't even ask a question!"

"That was for being a smart-ass about your panties. Now for some truth."

"How long have you been having sex in this house?"

"2 months" was the reply.

Immediately his hand came down, delivering five hard strokes to her tight ass. A large red handprint remained, as a tear quietly rolled down Amanda's face.

"Bullshit! I know you've been fucking longer than that! I've come home every day and heard it. I just left and came back later. So how about you tell the truth this time?"

"11 months! I started last New Years!" This was a truthful answer.

"So when did you lose your virginity?" The next question asked. Tom wanted to know how long she had been fucking around before she decided to do it in her room.

"That night!"

His hand came down once more. He slapped harder and harder, ten times, until she was openly sobbing, her tears falling softly to the floor.

"I swear!"

Ten more, on the other cheek this time.

"When I was fourteen! With Jim, that kid down the street! I went skinny dipping and we had sex in his pool!"

Tom was startled by that, he had always seen Jim as a nice, responsible kid, not someone to take his daughter's virginity away.

"So how many people have you had sex with total!?" Tom was getting upset at how much of a whore she was.

"I don't know. I....I...I lost count." She was having trouble talking between her sobs.

"How do you lose count?"

"Because there were too many."

"And what does that make you?"

"I don't understand dad"

"What do you call a girl who fucks so many guys she can't keep track?"

"A whore."

"What else?"

"A slut."

"So say what you are."

"I'm a slut." She was sobbing more from embarrassment than pain now. "I'm a dirty whore."

"Are you done being a whore? Do you think you've learned a lesson?"

"No daddy. I can't. I tried. But I need a cock in me. I can't handle having a boyfriend, I just need random cock. All the time. It's an addiction, I've tried to quit, I can't. Please, don't hit me."

By now, her squirming, her sexy ass, everything had given Tom a boner, which was tenting his pants, and poking into Amanda's stomach. She was in too much pain and torment to notice it now, but he was sure she would eventually. He couldn't believe the thoughts he was having about his daughter. The problem was, every time he looked at her, he saw his wife, and all that emotion came rushing back into him, especially the sexual emotions. He had gone unsatisfied for 17 years, because of this bitch. He decided she would make up for it.

"Did you always use protection? That kid didn't have a condom on."

"Yes daddy. I've been on the pill for a year and half, and I usualy use a condom too. I've been safe."

"Well, at least you aren't that stupid." Tom was slightly relieved by that fact.

"Listen up. You want cock all the time, you got it. My cock. You are gonna fill all of my needs, and you are gonna love it. If you have enough energy after that to handle getting fucked by some stranger, you go right ahead. If I can't make you stop having sex, I can at least get some use out of you. You've been pretty useless to me up till now."

With this, he released her, and she hit the floor like a brick. She spun around, and was sitting on the floor, staring at her father, totally boggled by what he had just said.

"You want me to what!? I'm not fucking you! That's fucking gross!"

Tom released his pants, and they dropped to the floor. His erection popped out of his fly, and his 8 inches stared her in the face. Amanda closed her eyes, and tried to scoot away on the floor. Tom would have none of that, as he grabbed her by the head, and slammed her face into his groin. Her mouth and eyes were shut, but he was rubbing his cock all over her face. He then plugged her nose, and when she opened her mouth to gasp for air, shoved himself inside of her. Amanda looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes, and he palmed her skull, and began to pump her face on and off his cock. "You like that!? Huh bitch!? You like sucking cock so much, how about your old mans!?" He was absolutely skull fucking the shit out of her, and she just sobbed and took it. Soon Tom bored of her mouth, and decided he wanted some of that sweet pussy. Still holding her by just the hair, he picked her up and threw her onto the bed. She landed on her stomach, and screamed in pain from her hair being pulled so badly. Tom didn't wait at all, just grabbed her ankles, spread her legs, and thrust himself inside of her. She was not very tight, but so warm and inviting. Grabbing her waist, he pulled her onto her knees, and again took hold of her hair. Fucking her doggy style, he thrust in and out like a beast. She was crying , yet every once in a while a moan would be intermingled with the sobs. Tom could feel her walls milking his cock, and he knew she was a true slut, that getting fucked was all she needed, even if she said she didn't want it. This only enraged him further, and he pulled her hair even harder, driving himself further into her slit. After about 10 minutes of solid fucking, she was too close to an orgasm to cry any more. She was moaning constanly, and began to buck her hips to the rythm of his fucking.

"That's it bitch. You love my cock don't you. You fucking love it. You little whore."

"Oh yes daddy! Give me your cock! I love it! I fucking LOVE It! Fuck your little whore daughter! Fuck me! I'm such a slut!"

Hearing those word both turned Tom on, and enraged him further. "I got a surprise for you slut!" He quickly pulled out, and, cock coated in her pussy juices, slammed home into her asshole. He figured that since she was such a whore, she would have taken it in the ass by now, but he was wrong. He felt the tightness, and her pained scream as he ripped her open. The thrust cause his dick to spasm, as thick ropes of cum shot into her virgin asshole. He collapsed on her, cock still twitching inside of her.

"Dad, that fucking hurt!" She sobbed. "Nobody ever put anything in my ass before. I don't want to do that. Please don't do it anymore. I'll suck you off and fuck you silly, but don't fuck my ass again. I think it's bleeding!"

"Fat chance of that bitch. You don't let anybody in your asshole but me, got it!? And I'm gonna fuck it every day. Better get used to it. I'll lube up a little better next time though."

With that, he pulled out of her, and noticed that the trickle of semen running from her was tinted with red. So she was bleeding huh? He got a sick satisfaction from it. He wiped himself off on her bedsheets, gathered his clothes, and went to leave. As he reached the door, he turned, and she was still lying on the bed, a finger prodding her asshole, to investigate the damage.

"Go get cleaned up, you're cooking dinner tonight. Make me a steak, medium rare. I want you in your sexiest clothes, and you better be ready for your dinner - a nice thick tube steak to suck on. Have it ready in an hour."

With that, he closed her door, and went to his own room. His life just got a little better.

Amanda realized that her dad had finally left, so she stood up, and gingerly walked to the shower. He ass was burning, and her pussy ached for another good climax. She began fingering herself under the water, and thought how lucky she just got, to have a cock at her beck and call. She knew she was a cock addict, a total whore. Smiling to herself, she thought about the yummy dinner she was about to get.

Our Little Secret, Part 1

icarus on Incest Stories


<<<<< I lie on my bed, wearing only my finest frilly lace panties. Staring up at him lovingly. He's doing that thing that I love so much! ...(sigh)... God, I wish we could do this more often. . . . . . >>>>>



By: Icarus

I know a big secret.

A deep, dark, sinful secret. It's about my 14-year-old brother. He's a teenaged boy and, well, you know how they are. They become interested in girls and porn and they like to play with themselves. So naturally he's very horny. He likes to do to himself what every healthy adolescent male likes to do to himself...

I can sometimes hear him in his room late at night. I can hear the moaning... and panting. I'm his only si

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bling so I know him very well. Once I asked him if he masturbated at night, just to see if he would admit it. (*sigh*) Of course he flatly denied it. "Of course I don't!," he said insistently. But I knew...

Over the next few months, the weather got warmer. Flowers bloomed and grass grew. Spring turned into summer earlier than usual. It was hot and humid by the end of May. But that wasn't the only thing unusual that I noticed...

On the first day of June, I had trouble finding some of my clothes. Certain things were missing. I waited, but they never turned up in the laundry. I didn't think much of it... that is... until my silver cross necklace went missing...

I began to suspect the unthinkable, but I didn't want to rush to judgement.

On the night of June 13th, I decided to spy on my brother through his bedroom window after dark, once everyone had gone to bed. I looked at the clock, which read 1:39 AM. I decided that it was late enough to start spying.

Slowly and quietly, I creeped out into the hallway and tiptoed in the dark to the door to my brother's bedroom. I put my ear to the door and listened...

Nothing. Not a peep.

He's probably just asleep, silly! You should go back to bed.

But I couldn't. I was too curious.

I'll just have a peek through his window. I mean, I probably won't see anything 'cause his light's turned off!

I went outside in my nightgown. We had a big, well shielded backyard, so no one would see me. There was a big, tall oak tree growing right next to our house that had a tree house in it that my dad had built a few years back for my little brother. I climbed the latter up to the top, which got me very close to his bedroom window. He had it wide open because it was such a warm night.

Good. I'll be able to see him and hear him as well.


on people is wrong .

My conscience chimed in. I silenced it and tried to see into the window. It was pitch black except for a dimly lit corner of his room where his nightlight was plugged in. (Yeah I know. He's 14 and he still has a nightlight. I dunno... it's kind of cute...)

I waited a good 15 minutes for something to happen. But nothing did.

What did I tell you? You're so paranoid! Just go before you end up falling asleep in the damn tree house!

I had just started to head down the ladder... then I heard it!

That distinctive sound! I instantly perked up and became more attentive. Returning to my pose in the tree house, I strained to hear it. It was a windless night so his quiet moaning could be heard.

My my! He's at it again, huh? Oh, the sweet forbidden pleasures of masturbation!Well this time I'll hear every bit of it!

I listened to his moaning through the darkness and smiled inside. His moaning changed to panting and I could hear him rustling the covers. By now, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could see, in the dim light of the nightlight, the silhouette figure of my brother on his bed. I could see his body shifting rhythmically and his arm moving up and down. (I don't need to tell you what he was doing with his hand!)

I again considered leaving. It was 2 AM and I could feel myself getting a little drowsy. Good thing I didn't though! Because I would have missed the light turning on! That's right, he had gotten up and turned on his bedroom light. His room suddenly became visible! He stood there by the light switch wearing nothing!

Wow! I've never seen him naked before! Oh look at that! His penis is a lot bigger than I thought!

Standing proudly was the product of his masturbation: a big stiff erection jutting out from between his legs. Ooooh! It even had some hair growing on it! I watched intensely as he began reaching under his bed.

What's he doing? . . .Wait a minute. Are those - . . .Oh. My. God!!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing! My suspicions were right! There was my brother pulling out my missing clothes from under his bed. In the pile were my frilly white thong panties, my pink and white lace La Senza Girl bra, my denim miniskirt, and my sleeveless black leather zip-up top!

Oh wow! It can't be...

I watched him delightfully slip into the tight thong panties. His stiff penis sticking out the side. He looked at himself in the mirror with a guilty look on his face and then put on my bra!

I... I can't believe he's doing this! I've got to stop him!

My child-like curiosity was too focused to let me stop a show like this! I once again silenced my conscience. He began shoving Kleenex into the bra cups to make them stick out like breasts. Then he put on my denim miniskirt! He smiled sheepishly at himself in the mirror, posing and studying his bizarre feminine appearance. I smiled devilishly and giggled to myself:

Oh my! So this is your little game, hmm? Sneaking into my room when I'm not there and stealing my intimate clothing! Taking my private things and wearing them to service your sick little fetish! You little pervert! That's why you couldn't admit to me that you masturbated at night... you thought I might find you cross-dressing... in my clothes... late at night when no one is awake...

Wasting no time, my dirty little brother put on my leather top and zipped it up just a little, allowing the bra to be seen. I'll refer to it as "the" bra because I was wearing my own at the time and the one he was wearing was temporarily not mine, if you take my meaning! He gazed at himself for a while, then started rooting around in his drawer.

Oh, he looks so silly! (giggle!) I wonder what he's up to now!

He pulled out a small plastic make-up case and (gasp!) blonde hair wig that I use with my dance costume! I'm part of a student dance program for girls. The last routine we did, we all had to wear blonde hair wigs. I had to wear one even though I'm blonde I guess because I wasn't blonde enough to fit in with the others in wigs. I hadn't noticed that my wig had gone missing, or one of my make-up cases! He put on the wig then started applying the make-up.

Oh wow! This is too much!

He put on a full coating of eye shadow, wanting it to look dark and sexy. He brushed his cheeks with a light dusting of blush. Fumbling nervously at first, then steadying his hand, he lovingly added mascara to his lashes. Finally, when he was done, my little transvestite brother paraded himself in front of the mirror, lavishing in his feminization! Intensely enjoying his secret indulgence! Well, not secret anymore! (giggle!) God, I was having way too much fun! It was like being a ghost! Seeing what is not meant to be seen! Knowing his dirty little secret made me feel so proud of myself! So darkly giddy!

As he stood there, he began to touch his stiff erection. A little, at first, then he began to jerk and rub it. He breathed loudly and moaned, grasping it hard and rubbing up and down and up and down!

That's right, my little brother! Don't hold back! Pump away as hard as you want! I want to watch you sink into a depraved frenzy of self-stimulation...

Apparently that still wasn't enough to get his rocks off. He reached into another drawer and pulled out a photo. I squinted hard to try to see what the photo depicted.

Man, I wish I brought binoculars. Meh, it's probably a picture of some hot model or a porn star...

Boy was I wrong. There, in the picture, was me doing my high school cheerleading routine! He placed it by the mirror, stared at it, and resumed masturbating. This time, he was moaning my name!

When did anyone ever take that picture?! I can't believe he's... he's got a thing for me! Oh God, what a pervert! He cross-dresses AND looks at pictures of me when he masturbates!

He was really getting into it. I could clearly hear his coos of lust.

"...Mmmm! Oooooooooooh! Claaaaire! Uhn! Uhn! Ooooh Yeah! Oh! Please! Fuck me Claire!... (pant!) (pant!) Mmmmm... you're sooooo hot.... mmmmm.... so sexy! Uhn! Uhn! Ohhh!..."

Ooooh, such a naughty little boy! Jerking off to your own sister, hmm? And wearing her sexy clothes? Oooh, what a perv! Going to such lengths to feel the pleasures of the flesh!

I didn't immediately realize that I was fondling my vaginal area as I watched him. Oh, how it made me horny...

Sinful little girl! You shoudn't be masturbating to something so depraved... so sick!

My mind said to stop, but my body begged me to keep watching! I watched him lie back down onto the bed! Still at it... jerking and tugging and grabbing and pulling his dribbling purple penis!

"...Ooooh! Mmmm! ...Claire! Claire! Claire! Ohhh, my love! Uhn! Uhn!...... Your pussy feels sooooo good! Mmmm... Squeeze it more!! Ohh! Mmm! Ah!..."

Mmm... that's right! You dream that we have sex every night don't you, you sick horny little fucker! Keep masturbating! Sink deeper into fantasy...

I got so turned on by his kinky little show, that I took off my nightgown and lay it beside me. It was a warm night and when I get horny, I sweat. So there I sat, outside in the treehouse wearing only my bra and panties! Oooh, I dug my finger deep into my hole, playing with my nipples with my other hand. It felt so naughty to be doing this outside!

Inside, my little "en femme" brother bucked his hips as an orgasm washed over him.

Look at him!

Fountains of semen shot up into the air, soaking the panties and his sheets. Covered in delightful jizz, he gradually calmed his breathing. My infatuated brother lay spent on his cum-soaked mattress. Surely, my naked figure was dancing in his mind!

Such shameless depravity! Oh my, Darien! I had no idea that my beauty could entice you so! Big Sister’s watching you, and what a stellar performance you gave!

I fondled myself. He may be spent, but I’m just getting started!

Aw, please? It feels so good! Mmmm... I can't help it!


heater on Incest Stories

"Oh Daddy it is so big and hard and soft and hot ".
I nearly came right then from the softness of her grasp.
I put my hand over hers and start to jack off. "Do this honey" I said and showed her how to slide her hand up and down my shaft.

 She held it with both her hands, barely covering the shaft and stroked it with her soft little hands maybe 10 times as she examined the head. Her eyes were glued to the slit at its' tip as pre cum oozed from my cock.
I put my hand on her head. " Kiss it baby, kiss it for Daddy." I pushed her head down to my cock and my little 16-year-old daughter pressed her soft lips to the tip of my dick.
I pressed a little harder against the back of her head and slid t

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he tip past her lips.
"Suck it sweetie. Suck it like a lollypop".
She opened her mouth and sucked up and down my shaft
 I began to move her head back and forth and started to pump it deeper, she gagged but I pressed on
" Breathe through your nose baby. Take Daddy's dick down your throat".
Wanting to please me she opened her throat as best she could and took my cock down her sweet throat as I slid down her tight, hot, wet orifice.
Slurping and drooling, Lisa took about half of my manhood down her sweet throat. I wanted to press more of my meat down her throat but feared I might harm her little esophagus. I pulled my now raging hard dick back from the depths of her throat and freed her to catch a breath of air before plunging down once again. I slid down her throat as gobs of cum began to spew from my dick, washing her tonsils with my white-hot cream.
Sucking and gagging, Lisa experienced her first taste of her daddy's cum, desperately trying to swallow every drop.
Tears formed in her eyes as spurt after spurt of cum forced itself down her sweet throat.
Finally, after what seemed like the longest climax of my life I freed my daughter from my meat. Cum and saliva drooled from her lips as she gulped the remaining cum down her pretty throat. She took her hand and wiped her small face as she looked into my eyes, searching for some clue as to what to do next.

I held her small face in my hands as my dick slow softened before her.

"That was great sweetheart. Are you ok? Daddy didn't hurt you did he?"
"No Daddy. You didn't hurt me. It's just that I've never sucked such a large cock before. The boys on my school bus aren’t anywhere near your size."

I removed her hands from my bare knees where they had come to rest and helped her up from her kneeling position between my legs.

"You really like sucking cock huh honey? Did you like your daddy's dick as much as those boys you suck off on the school bus every morning?" I asked.

"More Daddy. You're my father. It's so much more fun when it's incest."
Little Lisa smiled as I leaned back onto the bed, pulling her on top of me. Her panty covered pussy lay directly over my returning hardon.

"Give Daddy a kiss."

Her small pubescent breasts rubbed against my chest as our lips met and her tongue slipped itself into my mouth. I sucked her tongue as she had just sucked my dick, enjoying the taste of salvia and cum that was in her mouth and on her lips.
She released one hand from my grasp and slid it between us, grasping my returning stiffness. Now nearly fully renewed to its' full 8".
I marveled to myself that I was already returning after such a short time.
"I guess it's true" I thought, "The saying that a young girl really can rejuvenate your youth."

"I'm not a virgin Daddy, but I've never had something that big inside my mouth or my pussy" she grinned.

"Would you like to try it on for size sweetheart?" I asked.
"Would I ever" she answered as she raised from her position and began a sexy removal of her pink panties. I grinned as I noted to myself the word 'Tuesday' imprinted on the waistband. I thought to myself, "Tuesday is definitely my favorite day from now on"

Lisa ground and swiveled as she slowly pealed the tight fabric from her waist and turned her cute little butt towards me as it slid over the roundness of her ass.

Turning her head towards me and pushing her butt cheek in my direction she asked, "Do I have a cute butt Daddy? Do you like your baby daughter's cute little ass?"

I held my hands out, palms up and looked toward the raging hardon between my legs. "Doesn't this answer your question?" I asked

"Ooh" she said, "I think Daddy likes it. I really do"

She continued the sexual removal of her panties, bumping, grinding, and bending over at her waist as she pulled them past her calves and knees.
With her legs slightly apart and bent she exposed her ass and gave me my first glance at her nearly hairless pink slit.

"Ooh yes. Daddy likes." I murmured. "And Daddy want's to taste that pretty little twat of yours too."
Her cunt was pink and sweet looking. The slit had the puffiest little lips and I could see her wetness. There was only a small triangle of hair on her pubic bone and being a true blue eyed blond even it was almost non-existent.
The thought crossed my mind that I haven’t seen such perfect little pussy sense high school, nearly 18 years ago.
Pre cum oozed from my dick as Lisa removed her panties from around her ankles and turned her beautiful young body around to give me a full frontal view.

"You want some of this Daddy?" she cooed. You want to taste my little pussy?  You want to put that great big cock of yours in your baby girl?"
 Feel how wet I am daddy; " She came nearer to me. " I'm so wet Daddy, my pussy is drooling. It wants you. I want you. I need to feel that inside me so bad!"

To be continued

Master Jason Part One

saddlebred105 on Incest Stories

Jason was an average 16 year old guy.  He loved his girlfriend a lot, but every time they brought up the sex subject she would get so mad that she would almost break up with him.  He had so many sex cravings, and no one was there for him.  He would jack off every night before he went to bed about bondage and being a master.  He would look at bondage pics in magazines and on the internet.  The pictures would have female mistrisses dominating their sub.  It was Friday night, and he did not have school tomorrow.  He started to jack off, and an image of his mom, naked, appeared in his head.  She was his sub, and he was her master.  He tried to getÂ

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 it out of his mind thinking that he was becoming sick and twisted.  How could he get turned on by a 46 year old women?  He than thought about how his mom usually did what he asked to.  Wondering why, he thought maybe he turned her on.  He decided to go downstairs and see what his mom was doing.  When he got downstairs, she wasn't there.  It was 11:00.  Maybe she went to bed.  He went back upstairs and to her room.  Her door was open a crack, and her lamp next to the bed was on.  She was pleasuring herself, and trying not to make to much noise.  She was just about to cum, and that nearly made Jason cum.  He got a nasty thought.  He went to his room, and took all of his cloths off.  He put on a bath robe, and went back to his mom's door.  He looked in, and she was laying there, on the bed.  He then remembered about buying a whip, hand cuffs, rope, and a blindfold.  He got them, and opened the door.

"Jason????!!!," said his mom, "I am so sorry, I didn't ex......"

"Shut up slut, tonight you will listen to me and call me Master."


Crack, he hit his naked mother hard on her stomach.

"My name is Master Jason, and you will call me Master.  Do not speak unless spoken to, and for the rest of your life, you are my sub, and I am your master."

"Master, what is wrong??"

"Wrong?!, nothing is wrong!"

"For now on you will nothing in the house, and if we have company, you will were a skimpy dress with no underwear, but possibly a thong.  If I find you walking around the house with even a thong on, you will be punished.  When you go outside you will wear nothing, and only when you go to into town will you wear something."

"Master please?  What did I do?"

"Nothing, now suck my cock, and when I cum, you better swallow ALL of it, or else you will get punished."

She sucked as good as she could, since he was pulling on her hair, but it did no good.  When he cummed, there was to much for her.  She spit it up.

"Guess who is getting punished??"

"No please, I will do better."

"Too late, lay down facing up on the bed."

Once she did that, he tied her arms and legs to the bed posts, and blindfolded her.  He took his whip, and hit her very hard on her cunt.


"Shut up, or I will hit you harder."

After ten hard hits, he stopped, and found out he had to go to the bath room.

"Follow me slut"

She followed him to the bath room, and he pooped.  

"Eat it"

"Please, no!"


She put her hand in the toliet water, and she grabbed some of it, and ate it.  She was trying so hard not to throw up.

"Tell me that it tastes good."

"Master, it tastes so very good"

"Good, because that is what you will eat for a snack.  For breakfeast, lunch, and dinner, you will cook it in nothing but an apron.  You will eat my left overs, if anything is left.  If you need to go to the bathroom, you will go outside, by Storm (our dog), and you will squat down and go.  When you are done, he will lick you clean, and if he wishes, fucks you. Understood?"

"Yes Master"

"Good, no go to bed, and I will see you naked tomorrow morning, and you better be up at eight."

The next morning she woke up at 7:00 and went down stairs.  She did as she was ordered to, and cooked naked with an apron on.  She made him three pancakes, and gave him orange juice.

"Good, I am glad that you can do at least one thing right."

"Now come under the table and suck my cock while I eat."

She did as told, and while doing so, she had an unexpected visitor lick her cunt under the table.  It was storm, their German Shepherd.  She twitched when he licked her cunt, causing her to nip on Jason's cock. 

"Slut!!!!!!! You will pay for that!!!"

He took her upstairs, and tied her to her hot tub.  He made the temperature about 125 degrees.  she yelped when the water touched her, because she had sensitive skin.  He took his whip, and hit her hard and she screamed, not only from that, but from the water.  He than let her out, and took her in the bathroom.  He turned on the water as freezing as it could go and shooved her in.  She freaked.

"Please, let me out!!!"

"Fine, but you are coming outside with me."

Once outside, he tied her arms and legs around the tree, leaving her cunt up against the hard barch.

"Storm, here boy."

"No, don't let him touch me"

"Fine, I decided a better way to disipline you."

"Put on a skimpy dress, and no thong or underwear, and then come out to my truck."

She changed, and came out.  They then to drove to Jason's friend Matt's home, where they bred Belguim's, a huge draft horse.  They got out of the car, and Jason knocked on the door, knowing that Matt's parents were not home, and that Matt was.

"Hey Matt, you want to see some entertainment?  All I need you to do is bring your biggest, strongest, and toughest stallion out here."

Matt went down to the stables, and brought out their stallion Hercules out, not hard to figure out why he was named that.

"Slut, go kneel under Hercules."



"Hey Jason, how did you teach your mom to do that?"

"I will tell you later."

His mom went under Hercules, who by now was pawing so hard at the ground that it almost shook.  His huge 3 foot cock was now looking for some place to go.  He felt Jason's mom's ass hole, and charged into it.  She screamed so loud that Jason was afraid that the neighbors heard it.  Hercules had almost 1 and a half feet of cock in her!!!  He pulled his cock out of her, and she scrambled out.  Jason drove her home, and thought about how much fun he was going to be having the rest of her life!

Step Dad Brings Stepdaughter Into Womanhood

Robynsguy on Incest Stories

It started just after I met Joanne and moved in with her, her daughter Carolyn & son John.   I noticed her 11 year old daughter Carolyn would walk to & from her room to the washroom totally naked.   She also would walk in on me when I was in the shower.   No matter how we tried to discourage her from this behavior she continued to do it.   Just after Joanne & I got married and Carolyn turned 13,   Joanne & I were in bed and I was p

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ounding into Joanne when the door opened & in walked Carolyn who just stood there and watched as I fucked her mother, when I went to cover up, Joanne whispered in my ear “don’t cover up or stop, let her watch”.   So I continued driving into Joanne till she started to cum when I started to cum deep inside her.   I then rolled off of her onto my back and we looked at Carolyn who smiled at us and left our bedroom.   I looked over at Joanne and asked her “has she ever done that before?”   In which Joanne replied “No, but if she wants to watch she can watch us anytime, as can John” who is a couple of years younger then Carolyn.   The next night when we climbed into bed we started to cuddle when there was a knock on the door and when we hollered for who ever to come in, the door opened and in walked Carolyn and a smile lit up her face when she saw us lying in bed totally naked.   We asked her what was wrong as we thought she was in bed, and she replied “Nothing is wrong; I want to watch you from start to finish this time”.   We said okay she can watch us anytime she likes.   She sat down on the side of the bed as I started kissing Joanne and licking my way down her body, licking around her tits taking the nipples into my mouth and sucking on them for sometime as I reached down and started running my fingers around her clit pushing a couple of fingers into her pussy as I kiss my way down her belly and start licking all around her groin, taking her clit into my mouth & sucking hard on it as I plunged my fingers into her pussy while her daughter watched us with a smile on her face and a look of wonder.   As I then removed my fingers from her and buried my tongue into her and moved over top of her and lowered my rock hard cock into her mouth and then rolled us so Joanne was on top of me.   I reached around and took Joanne’s ass in my hands pulling her pussy down tight on my mouth as I fucked her pussy with my tongue and felt Joanne taking my cock deep into her throat sucking, I glanced over at Carolyn to find her fingers working around her clit under her nightgown, staring at her mother sucking on my cock.    I kept running my tongue from in her pussy & around her clit, taking her clit back in my mouth till I felt her start to cum when I fastened my lips around her entrance drinking up all her juices.  

As I continued licking around her pussy I came very hard in Joanne’s mouth & could feel her swallowing my entire load.   Joanne then rolled off of me and looked at her daughter as some of my cum ran down her chin & she took a finger and wiped it off her chin and stuck it in her mouth to swallow it.   I was still rock hard and put her on her hands and knees taking a hold of her hips and driving my cock to the hilt in her belly.   I fucked her hard and deep Cuming again deep inside of her, we then collapsed on the bed beside each other and looked at Carolyn as she was cumin on her fingers.   Once she calmed down she got up and came over and gave her mother a kiss goodnight and then came around and gave me a huge kiss goodnight and said thank you for letting her watch.

It had been 2 weeks since then and Joanne & I were watching a porno on the TV in the living room and playing around as Carolyn & John were in bed.   I was sitting on the couch with Joanne on the floor between my legs sucking on my cock when all of a sudden Carolyn came upstairs from her basement bedroom took one look at us, then at the TV and smiled.   Carolyn then came over and sat down on the couch right beside me lifting her night gown off sitting there totally naked and started to play with her pussy while she watched her mom suck my cock.   I reached over and tweaked one of her nipples and took her hands away from her pussy and put them on her breasts & then reached down and started to rub her clit.   I looked down at Joanne as I pushed a finger into her daughter’s tight pussy and got a look of approval from her.   Joanne & I then switched places and I buried my tongue in her pussy as I fingered & played with Carolyn.    As I was sucking hard on Joanne’s clit bringing her off, I heard Carolyn say to her mother, “ohhhh this is so good”.   I then removed my fingers from Carolyn and moved over and started running my tongue up her lips and around her clit taking it in my mouth and softly sucking on it, as I reached up to play with one of her nipples.   I drove my tongue as far as I could into her pussy, drinking up her sweet juices as she started to cum all over my tongue, I licked my way up her body and started sucking her one nipple into my mouth sucking on it hard and then taking the other nipple into my mouth, while I was playing with her clit.     Kneeling on the floor in front of Carolyn sitting on the edge of the couch, I reached down and took my rock hard cock into my hand and started running the knob up and down the inside of her lips and around her clit.   I looked over at Joanne who nodded and said “go on give it to her”.   I asked Joanne if she was sure and she replied “Yes fuck her”.   I looked at Carolyn and asked her what she wanted and she told me “For you to fuck me Daddy, to be my first”.   I slowly pushed the knob into her & took a hold of her hips as I slowly pushed into her depths till she cried out in pain when I would stop letting the pain subside.   I then pushed into her till I was buried to the hilt in her belly holding it there till she adjusted and the pain left completely.    I then pulled out very slowly and pushed it back into her to the hilt picking up the pace.   After no more then a dozen strokes into her, I buried my cock to the hilt blowing my load deep into her belly.   I then looked over at Joanne to find her burying her fingers deep in her own pussy & cumming all over her fingers saying “ Ohhhh God Yes, That Was So Hot”.

Author’s Note:   This Story Is To Be Continued






My First Time With My Sister Meghan

DirkDig on Incest Stories

I was so excited.   My sister was coming to visit me in my new house for the first time.   She just graduated from high school last week and seeing her and all her hot high school friends made me really horny.   I have been fantasizing about her for a couple of years now.   Some of the most amazing orgasms I have had have been while I have thought about how to seduce her.   One time when I was home visiting, I went into the bathroom to pee and decided to look through her hamper for a pair of her panties.

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="mso-spacerun: yes">   I found only one pair, however, there was a big crusty spot in the crotch.   She must have masturbated with them on because they definitely smelled like pussy.   I got so hard smelling them.   I had to relieve myself and sat on the toilet and jerked off while licking the inside of them.   I couldn’t believe what a turn on it was to finally find out what my sister’s pussy smelled and tasted like.   Even if I never got to try the real thing, I would still know exactly what it would be like.   It is that memory that makes me realize I had to try this weekend.  


She got off the plane and had a huge smile of her face.   She looked so cute in her tight little shorts and belly shirt.   When she gave me a hug, I made sure to think about what her breasts felt like against me.   At 18, they are so firm and they pressed right into me and pushed against my chest.   Oh, the things I want to do to her body.   I drove us back to my place so she could see my house for the 1 st time.   A little while after we got there, my girlfriend got there too.   She was also visiting for the weekend.   We were all going to a concert on Monday night together.


We spent the day going to a ball game and eating lunch.   The whole time, I just kept staring at my sister and thinking about what her face looks like when she is cumming.   I realized that I had to get her and my girlfriend drunk if I wanted any chance of this happening.   We decided to go home and hang out for the night.   I said we should stop to get some beer and hard alcohol.   As soon as we walked in the door, I made everyone a drink – however, the girl’s was a lot stronger than mine.   We kept drinking and started playing card games.   This got the girls really drunk and with my mind not working like it should be, the thought of having sex with my sister while my girlfriend was in the same house actually seemed like a good idea.


Meghan, my sister, said she had to pee and got up to go to the bathroom.   While she was out of the room, my girlfriend decided to lay of the floor, pull her shorts to one side and rub her finger up and down her slit.   She loves to masturbate for me.   In fact, she probably masturbates more when we are together, then she does on her own.   I love to watch and just laid back to enjoy the show.   It was about this time that I heard my sister peeing.   Just the thought of her little 18 year-old pussy spurting piss made me hard.   I just had to find out how good she would be.


Eventually, everyone was pretty drunk and decided to go to bed.   My girlfriend went upstairs and I said I would be up right after I got Meghan situated.   Meghan went into the bathroom to change and I grabbed a couple of blankets and a pillow out of the closet for her.   When she came out of the bathroom, I could see how drunk she was.   I could also see how hot she was!   She had changed into a sheer white teddy and a matching silk thong.   I only knew it was a thong, because when she went to pick up the pillow, I could see her firm, tight ass.


I gave her the stuff and said that if she needed anything to just come upstairs and get me.   As she laid on the couch, her nightie fell loose and I could see one of her nipples.   It wasn’t hard, but I knew I could change that.   By the time I got upstairs, my girlfriend was already passed out nothing was waking her up.   I lay there in bed and fantasized about Meghan, thinking maybe I could at least have a dream about her.   Not long after I had closed my eyes, I heard a knock at the door.   I got up to see what Meghan wanted and when I opened the door, the sight of her blond hair, blue eyes, school girl face and skimpy white outfit, made me want to fuck her right there on the floor outside my bedroom while my girlfriend was only 10 feet away.   She said she couldn’t get the cable to work, that it was stuck on the DVD or something.  

When I got downstairs, I saw that she had poured herself another drink.   I put the TV back to cable and asked if she would mind if I made a drink and joined her.   I said I wasn’t really that tired and since my girlfriend had passed out cold, I didn’t think she would have any problem with it.   She said, “No.   Not all at.   Why don’t you fill me up too.”   and handed me her glass.    We both sat on the couch and talked while she flicked through the channels.   She finally stopped on an HBO Real Sex episode.


“Do you want to play a game?”   I asked her.


“O.K.   What did you have in mind?   Oh, I know.   Do you think we could play truth or dare, or would it be too weird since we are sister and brother?”


“No.   We can play that.   I would be fun.   Besides, it is up to us on whether it is weird or not.   We get to make up the questions and dares.   Just keep them in the boundaries.   She went first and I asked her where she bought her outfit.   She said Victoria’s Secret.   In fact, she had seen it on one of her friends and thought it looked hot so she wanted to get it too.


I said dare, of course!   She dared me to leave the door open next time I had to pee.   Meghan thought it would be embarrassing and funny to see me with stage fright.   Little did she realize that if I couldn’t pee it was because I would be hard for her.   Later in the game, she pick dare and I decided to get a little bolder.   I dared her to take her panties off and just sit there with her nightie coving her little pussy.


“I can’t do that.   You’ll be able to see it.”   she said.


“Not if you pull your nightie down.   Besides, you wanted to embarrass me, now I get to do the same to you.”


I kept catching glimpes of her pussy while we played a different game, a drinking game.   This only made her more drunk and excited.   A couple of times, I saw her pussy.   Her lips were a little swollen which meant she was enjoying herself.   She shaved, but not too much.   There was still some hair, blond and thin.   I could see a drop or two of her juices at the part of her slit where her lips begin to split and the hair begins.   God, I just wanted to eat her pussy so bad.   She said she had to pee and got up.   I was so drunk and horny that I decided this was it.   I waited until I knew she was in the bathroom and sitting on the toilet.   That is when I got up and walked right in on her.


“What are you doing?”   she asked.  


“I have to pee too.”   I said.   “But I am in here already.   Hold on, you can go after I do,”   she said back.   I knew I couldn’t wait and just walked up to stand in front of her.   “You said I had to leave the door open next time I peed.   It is open.   Please just let me pee, I can’t wait.   I’ll go between your legs.   You can go too.”


Then I started to pee right between my sister’s legs.   Meghan moaned a little and started to pee.   I moved my dick a little so my pee hit her clit.   This made her moan again and she leaned back.   I kept peeing on her clit and reached out to grab her tits.   Ohhhh, they are so firm and her nipples tightened up between my fingers.   “Let’s go back out to the couch and lay down,”   I said.


Once we were on the couch, we started kissing passionately.   My tongue was in her mouth in a second playing with hers.   I grabbed her tits with one hand and rubbed her pussy with my other.   Then she reached down and started to rub my dick.   I stood up and pulled off all my clothes.   I didn’t want to waste any time getting to it.   She took off her clothes and we both laid next to each other naked with my hard dick rubbing against her tight stomach.   She moaned kind of loudly as she felt the precum smear across her stomach.   I leaned in and kissed her as I moved so she was on her back and I got on top of her.


The deeper and harder I kissed her, the more her slender hips ground against my crotch.   I started moving my hips forwards and back so that my dick rubbed her clit.   However, as I did this, I was really hoping that it would find that tight, dripping pussy.   As I felt my head slip into her wet folds, I knew this was going to be amazing.   We both pushed at the same time and my cock began to slide into her warm, smooth, velvety 18 year-old pussy.


We fucked like this for a while and I could feel my balls tightening.   She said she was going to cum and I said I wanted her to keep her eyes open, look and me and kiss me while she came.   Just then her eyes got real big and I felt her pussy spasm around my cock.   This pushed me to the edge.   I told her I was going to cum.


“Oh, god.   Give me your cum big brother.   I am so fucking horny.   I don’t care if you get me pregnant.   Just drop that warm load of cum in my hot teenage pussy!”


That is when I let it go.   Shot after shot of my cum sank deep inside my little sister’s pussy.   When I finally came down off my high.   She kissed me and said that she hoped we could do it again.   As I fell asleep that night in my bed, I was rock hard thinking about what else we could do together.   The next morning at breakfast, my girlfriend was making pancakes and Meghan took the opportunity to show me her thighs and pussy.   My cum was caked and crusted to her pubic hair and streaks of cum had dried to her thighs.   Obviously it had dripped out of her spent pussy during the night.   I knew I would have to find a way to do this again as soon as possible.


Please give me feedback or if you want to trade stories, e-mail me at

Brady Incest:Second Chapter

gauxban on Incest Stories

   At dinner that evening they were all relaxed and
cheerful, talking about the days events. Greg commented on
how nice it was to have Marcia home from school for a couple
weeks, Jan and Peter talked about cleaning up the basement,
and Bobby and Cindy giggled alot. All in all, a typical
family dinner.

     Several hours later Jan and Peter decided to sneak off
to the basement again, for one last bang before bed. They
reached the basement stairs unseen, and started down. Just as
they reached the bottom step, Jan heard a sound. She thought
it sounded like a moan, but wasn't sure. Peter went to
investigate, taking a baseball b

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at just in case. As he got
closer to the boxes from behind which the sounds came, he
began to grin. He knew the sounds of a blow job when he heard
them. He signaled to Jan, telling her to come over, but
quietly. Together they climbed up on a couple of the boxes,
so they could look over the stack at the activity on the
other side. They saw Cindy sucking off Bobby, deep throating
him. As they watched, Bobby grabbed Cindy's head, thrust into
her mouth, and began spurting. Cindy swallowed shot after
shot, smiling and sucking at the same time.

     Before Cindy had the cock out of her mouth, Peter jumped
down beside them. Laughing, he slapped Bobby on the back,
then tousled Cindy's hair. Jan joined them, lifting Cindy to
her feet and giving her a big hug, then pulling Bobby close
and hugging him. Suddenly realizing that Jan and Peter had
come down to the basement for the same reason they had, Bobby
and Cindy relaxed. They weren't in trouble. With a big grin
on his face, Peter asked the other three if they had ever
heard of a daisy chain. They hadn't, so Peter went to a box
hidden back in a corner and took out some porn magazines, one
of which dealt with group sex. They looked at the pictures of
fucking and sucking, then at each other. Without a word, Jan
and Peter stripped, Peter's cock already hard and throbbing.
Copying the positions they had seen in the magazine, the four
formed a slightly squared circle, lying partially on their
sides.  Peter spread Cindy's pussy, licking her slit, then
probing with his tongue. Cindy sucked the head of Bobby's
cock, taking a couple of inches of shaft into her mouth. She
looked along Bobby's body to his face, which was covered by
Jan's ass and pussy. She could see his tongue licking and
thrusting, could feel the same thing being done to her own
cunt. It was a strange sensation, being eaten while watching
a pussy being eaten. She sucked harder on the cock in her
mouth. Jan had her mouth full of Peter's prick, trying to do
what she had seen Cindy do, trying to deep throat a cock. It
was difficult concentrating with Bobby tonguing her snatch,
setting her on fire. The girls came at almost the same time,
their bodies tensing, their thighs clenching around the heads
between them. Peter pulled his rod from Jan's mouth, then
stood up. He wanted Cindy wanted to feel his pole in that
tight pussy he had been eating. Bobby didn't mind, all he
could think about were Jan's big tits, and the picture they
had seen of a man fucking a pair of big boobs.

     Cindy lay on her back, legs spread wide. She watched
Peter's cock as he prepared to mount her. It was a good deal
bigger than Bobby's, both thicker and longer. Although she
was juicy, Peter oiled his cock, knowing she had only had
Bobby's. He stretched out above her, waiting for her to guide
him in. She reached for him, her hand sliding along the
shaft, rolling his balls around, then returning to the head,
which she positioned at her slit. Peter pushed in, slowly but
firmly, until his entire cock was inside her. He couldn't
believe how tight she was, how hot she was. After a moment he
began pumping, steadily and slowly, trying to make this fuck

     Jan was also on her back, but Bobby was sitting astride
her stomach, squeezing her tits together, his hips pumping
frantically. Jan had her mouth open, licking the cockhead any
time it was close enough. As Peter watched, Bobby jerked,
then began shooting on Jan's tits. It was amazing how much
cum he had, considering he had already been sucked off once.
Jan rubbed the cum into her tits, then pulled one to her
mouth and began to clean it. She reached up and pulled Bobby
down, kissing him, letting him taste himself on her lips. To
her surprise, Bobby liked the taste, immediately licking her
other tit clean himself.

     Cindy's eyes were open wide, her body screaming with
lust. Peter's cock was reaching untouched spots within her,
driving her over the edge. The tightness of Cindy's cunt
pulled Peter closer, driving him toward his orgasm. They
crested at almost the same time, Peter thrusting hard, Cindy
clinging to him. Their mingled moans were loud in the quiet
basement. They clung to each other, gasping for breath from
the intensity of their mutual orgasms. Finally they
separated, momentarily spent.

     The four of them lay together, relaxing, talking about
the sex, kissing and holding each other. Being young, it
wasn't long before they were ready to go again. Surprisingly,
it was Bobby who was hard first. Jan showed him some of the
pictures in the magazines, of men mounting women from behind,
and told him she loved doing it that way. She rolled to her
stomach, then got to her hands and knees, pushing her soft,
full butt into Bobby. Moving against her, Bobby quickly
entered, sliding all the way in. Matching the slow, steady
rhythm with which Jan was pushing back against him, Bobby
began fucking. He was determined that she would cum before he
would. Peter grew hard as he watched them fuck. Seeing this,
Cindy lay her head in his lap, his cock standing up between
her chin and throat. She began nuzzling it, playing with it
with her lips and tongue. Peter sighed, reached for her pussy
and began playing with it, inserting one finger, then a
second. Cindy kissed his cockhead, then slowly began
swallowing him. It was a tight fit, but she managed it, deep
throating his now fully erect dick. Quite a talented little
girl. This talent gave Peter an idea. He extracted himself
from her mouth, grabbed a couple of boxes, and fixed a place
for Cindy to lay, on her back, head hanging off the boxes.
Some guy had face fucked Vanessa Del Rio this way in a movie
he had seen.

     Her head hanging, mouth open, throat relaxed, Cindy
waited for Peter's cock. When the head was inside her mouth
she closed her lips and began to suck, pulling him inside
even further. With her eyes open she could see his cock
slowly disappearing, and of course she could feel it in her

     Peter continued to push slowly, unable to believe
someone as small as Cindy could truly swallow his entire

     When his balls hit her nose, Cindy knew she had done it.
She exhaled through her nose, blowing across his balls,
causing him to shudder. She could see his asshole, could see
the big muscles in his ass clench. He pulled out, then pushed
in again, a little faster than before. Cindy relaxed,
breathing in when he withdrew, exhaling on his balls and

     Peter was ecstatic. Never in his short life had he felt
anything like this. He began thrusting faster, pumping in and
out of her face. Her hands began massaging his ass, making
small circles on his butt cheeks. Then her hands went to her
pussy, spread her lips, began slipping inside. She finger
fucked her pussy while Peter fucked her mouth. Her fingers
moved faster, her breath shortened, her body strained upward
when her orgasm hit, pushing him over the edge. He pulled out
of her, pointed his cock at her firm, tiny boobs, and
exploded shot after shot across her chest and stomach.

     As her own orgasm subsided she felt Peter pull out of
her, then felt hot cum splattering across her body. She
opened her eyes, watched as his cock finished spurting, then
pulled it back to her mouth, where she licked it clean. Jan
and Bobby had already finished, and now Jan joined Cindy,
licking Peter's shaft, then kissing Cindy, tasting the cum in
her mouth. Jan broke the kiss, began licking cum off Cindy's
chin and throat, working down to her tits. She cleaned one
nipple, then the other, taking her time.

     Realizing that the four of them had been down there
quite a while, and being pretty well satiated, they dressed
and went back upstairs. They split up, the girls going to the
upstairs bathroom to clean up, the guys using the one on the
ground floor.

     As they showered, Jan and Cindy talked. Jan mentioned
that Peter had the biggest cock she had seen, which was one
of the reasons she liked fucking him. Cindy was quiet a
moment, then admitted that Peter was the biggest she'd had
inside her, but that she had seen a larger one, Greg's. Then
she told Jan about hiding in the closet with Bobby, watching
Marcia and Greg fuck. Their shower finished, the girls went
downstairs, where they joined the others in the TV room. When
Peter went to the kitchen to make popcorn, Jan followed. She
told him what Cindy had told her about Marcia and Greg. They
agreed they would try to find a way to involve all six of
them in some hot and heavy action.

     Early the next morning, after Mom and Dad had left for
work, Greg and Marcia were having breakfast. Nobody else was
awake yet, so they had the whole ground floor to themselves.
Marcia was wearing a thin robe, and when she stepped between
Greg and the light it became obvious she wasn't wearing
anything else. She went to the refrigerator, bending slightly
to look for something. Greg came up behind her, lifted the
hem of her robe, pulled her back against him. Reaching around
her, he pulled her robe open, thrust his hands inside and
covered her tits, her nipples between two of his fingers. He
squeezed the nipples, pinching them, rubbing the tips when
they hardened.

Our Time in the Dark

justjim on Incest Stories

The shades were always drawn. The house was always dark. But it was especially gloomy in the attic where there were no windows, only ventilation slats at the top of the wall that let in scant slits of gloomy light. The attic was small, only five feet high and barely bigger than a walk-in closet. It was meant for storage, but it was Rachel Booker’s bedroom. She was one of seven children living in a three-bedroom house, and when it became obvious that seven children simply couldn’t fit into two bedrooms with all of their meager possessions, Al Booker had cleared out the attic for Rachel, his oldest daughter.

Over time, she had made the attic a more inhabitable place. There was carpet now, that she had tacked down herself, and sheets of plywood nailed
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to the unfinished walls. She had even taken the trouble to wallpaper it, but it was clumsily done so she covered it over mostly with white sheets that made the room look strangely haunted. There was just enough room for a narrow twin bed and a cardboard box for her clothes. It wasn’t much of a room, but at least she had it to herself.

She stayed up there most of the time, lost in a book, despite the extreme heat or cold depending on the season. In the winter, she propped the trapdoor open to catch some of the heat, but in the summer there was no relief from the sweltering inferno. She dragged up box fans to get some relief, but all it did was push the hot sheets of dry, dusty air around and make her sneeze. Nevertheless, the attic was a safer place than the cooler home below. Safe and sheltered from six siblings who argued constantly and an alcoholic father who had taken more notice of her since she turned eighteen.

She dreamed of getting out of there, of going away to college or finding her own apartment, but her father forbade it. He wouldn’t pay for college, and her grades weren’t good enough to get a scholarship. And she couldn’t get a job without a car, even if he would let her. It seemed she was destined to be trapped up there forever… at least she didn’t hit her head on the ceiling.

Standing on her toes, Rachel was still only four foot ten and ninety pounds soaking wet. She still looked like a child, but she certainly didn’t feel like one.

Al Booker ran a tight ship. He had five daughters, two sons, and no wife. Laura Booker had left years before shortly after the birth of their youngest child, Matthew, who was almost six. It was after Laura left that Rachel had moved into the attic. She was there one stifling day in June, still dripping wet from a cold shower wearing only a towel twisted over her breasts when the trapdoor flew open. She spun around with a gasp, lovely in her own way. Childish looking with no make up and no clothes, but her body argued with the eye.

She was slender yes, but she also had a very curvaceous figure for such a small young woman. She had wide, sensuous hips, high, firm, B-cup breasts, and long, tone, attractive legs that drew the eye. She wasn’t a beautiful girl, but there was something appealing about her wide, innocent brown eyes, and long, soft brown hair. Everything about her was feminine, fragile, and innocent. She was a perfect blend of pretty and plain, pretty enough to attract attention, but plain enough to disappear in a crowd.

Poking his head just inside the trapdoor, Al Booker took in his nearly naked daughter and feigned disapproval. “What are you doing up here dressed like that?” He came through the trap door, stooping because of the low ceiling. Rachel swallowed and backed up until she felt the backs of her knees collide with the edge of her mattress.

“Nothing, I was just getting dressed.” She said sheepishly clinging tighter to her towel. Al frowned and shut the door with a booted foot. Then he crossed the small space to her and she flinched. He sat down on the bed and looked up at her.

“Go ahead then.” He commanded in a soft, dangerous voice. Rachel wrapped her arms around herself and shook her head, staring at him with wide eyes. She had often caught him looking at her before, with an expression she didn’t like, but he had never taken it this far before. She glanced toward the trapdoor wistfully, wondering what to do. “I said go ahead.” Al barked and reached out, wrenching the towel from her grasp. Rachel gasped trying to cover herself, but it was a futile act. Al’s roving brown eyes traveled appreciatively down his daughter’s naked figure. Her nipples, a becoming shade of pink, were puckered from the cold, her flat navel was damp with a sheen of still drying water and her little pussy was a perfect V between her legs dusted with a light brown fuzz that matched her hair. Rachel hurried into a pair of panties, half expecting her father to stop her, but he didn’t.

She pulled on a bra and yanked on a dress over her head. It was a worn, blue cotton that fell to the knee, loose and light, perfect for the hot weather, but she suddenly wished she could bundle on layer after layer of clothing and was acutely aware that now, more than ever, she had to get out there.

“I’m going to have to punish you for being so indecent.” Al studied her with sharp eyes. Rachel swallowed averting her gaze to her bare feet. Al reached out and closed his hand around her wrist, he dragged her forward and bent her across his lap. His large hand caressed her derriere lovingly through the thin fabric of her dress and panties. She squeezed her eyes shut, clenching her jaw, and waited for it to be over with. “Daddy’s bad girl.” Al whispered and lifted her dress up to her waist.

Rachel panicked as he pulled down her panties, but she dare not move. Her bare ass and pussy were exposed to the air as he pulled the thin band of cotton around her knees. He ran his hand up the back of her smooth thigh and up over her butt. Then abruptly, he began to spank her, not hard, but playfully almost, just enough to sting.

Rachel clenched the ridge of his jeans in her small fists biting her lip and prayed that it would end soon. But Al was far from finished. When her ass was pink all over he shifted the position of his aim so a stinging slap hit the backside of her vagina. She gasped loudly and clenched her legs together but it was useless defense against his repeated abuse. A strange tingling sensation started between her legs and spiraled outward to her body. Her pussy grew wet and gaped open a little from the rush of blood. Rachel felt dizzy.

“Have you been a slut Rachel? Are you having sex with your queer little boyfriend?” Rachel shook her head in mute protest. “Let’s just find out, shall we?” Al sneered and ran his finger down her ass crack. He pushed his index finger into the opening of her vagina and she whimpered, sprawled across his lap, and she could feel his throbbing hardness pushing against her ribs. He showed no mercy sinking his finger into her cunt until he met the resistance of her virginity. “Ah, good girl.” Al crooned rocking his finger in and out of her. She panted opening her legs slightly, gripping to the side of his leg, her vision going blurry from the sensations he was stirring between her legs. “You deserve a reward.” He purred, aching with need.

He found her clitoris with his thumb and began moving it in slow circles over her tiny pleasure nub and she squealed, squirming on his lap.

“Daddy, Daddy, please…” She begged spreading her legs further and rocking her hips slightly with the motion of his magic fingers. Al groaned feeling his erection harden and slid two fingers into her, stroking her little clitoris faster and faster until she quaked and trembled beneath him letting out a long, whispering moan.

“Did you like that baby?” He asked her smiling. Rachel fought tears, refusing to answer. “Answer me!” He gave her butt a sharp slap. “Did you like that?” Slowly, she nodded.

“Yes.” He smiled.

“Then I think I deserve a reward, don’t you?” She didn’t answer, but he didn’t care. He pushed her off his lap and unzipped his fly, releasing his hard, aching cock. He didn’t have a huge cock. It was about six and a half inches long, but it was good and thick and it looked enormous to Rachel who had never seen one before.

She felt slightly ashamed at the pleasure he had brought to her, but there was no undoing it now. “Come here.” He pulled her forward by the shoulders and wrapped his fingers around the nape of her neck, dragging her face down near his engorged penis. “Kiss it.” He demanded in a tortured whisper. Rachel hesitated and pressed her lips gently to the head of his cock, then looked up at him uncertainly. He groaned at the butterfly soft touch. “Now put it in your mouth and suck it gently, caress it with your tongue. Like an ice cream cone.” He instructed. Rachel shook her head.

“No Daddy, please.” He looked angry.

“Do it.” Fighting tears again she carefully took his penis into her warm, wet mouth and licked tentatively with her tongue. Al reacted almost immediately groaning and arching his hips. She suckled at it gently and ran her tongue up from the base over the head causing him to tremble. She sucked a little harder wrapping her tongue around his shaft and running it up to ridge around his head, licking all around it, drawing softly at his cock with her mouth until her jaw started to ache. She stopped and rubbed it.

“Daddy, my mouth hurts.” She complained. Al groaned, he was so close, ever fiber of his being was screaming for release.

“That’s okay.” He said breathlessly. “Take off your dress and panties.” Rachel blushed and shook her head, backing away.

“Daddy, no, please, don’t do this.” Al glared at her and she looked humiliated as she undressed, removing everything as he asked her to do it. When she was nude, he dragged her forward by the hips and gestured for her to sit.

“Sit on my lap, slowly, and wrap your legs around me, I’ll hold onto you so you don’t fall.” Rachel hesitated and awkwardly clambered into his lap until his cock was cradled against her belly and her legs were wrapped around his middle. He lifted her under the armpits and dragged her forward, setting her down slowly onto his cock. She screamed as the head of his engorged penis slid into her tight, hot, wet slit.

“DADDY!” She wailed. He arched his hips and dropped her onto his cock and it sank into her up to the hilt, ripping through her virginity. She cried out and leaned forward, clinging to him and he groaned and bit her shoulder, rotating his hips, grinding his pelvis against hers.

“It’s all right baby.” He soothed and backed up until his back hit the wall. “Now get up on your feet.” Looking pained, Rachel squatted over him. “Now bounce up and down.” He ordered breathlessly. Rachel pivoted to the balls of her feet and pushed herself up and down, his cock knifing in and out of her cunt. Al grunted gripping her hips to move her faster and lay there for the most part, letting her make him feel good. Rachel held onto his shoulders to balance herself, riding his cock for all she was worth, strange sensations of pain and pleasure boiling through her tiny body until her legs grew too weak and tired to continue. She collapsed onto her back, panting for breath, and Al got on his knees on the floor.

He hooked his hands under her knees and dragged her forward to the edge of the bed. His need for release was so desperate now that forgot gentleness and hammered his throbbing cock into her tight, tiny pussy. He could scarcely believe how hot and tight she was. He gripped her thighs and buried himself again and again and again into her aching cunt. Rachel meanwhile was crying out in pain and pleasure, writhing beneath him and gasping with each thrust. Al’s thrusts suddenly got more frantic, deeper, harder, deeper still, harder still until Rachel was screaming and trembling beneath him, lost in the throes of an earth shattering orgasm.

“OH GOD DADDY, YES!“ She screamed. Grunting Al hammered his cock into her harder, harder, harder, fighting through the tight confines of her orgasm until yes, yes, yes, his whole body shook with the impact of his own climax as he clung to her, emptying his balls into her tight little snatch. Sweaty and exhausted, though far from sated, he let his head drop down to her chest and stayed that way for a long time, feeling her tremble beneath him, feeling himself slowly shrink inside her.

Once he had the energy to move again, Al went downstairs for a shower and smirked to himself as he bathed. It seemed he didn’t need that fucking bitch, Laura, after all.

Tammy, Larry, and me

hillarysmuff on Incest Stories

"Shhh, be quiet" I whispered as I peeked in the back door to the barracks. I looked at the duty NCO desk, it was vacant. North had done his job. I called him ten minutes earlier and asked him to distract the duty NCO so I could sneak Tammy into the barracks, and my room. Without a single question, he agreed. The plan was working. "Let's go" I whispered. Holding Tammy's hand, I led through the back door and quickly through the rec room into the main hallway.

A quick left turn and fast dash later we were at my room. I silently entered the key in the lock and turned the doorknob. THe room was dark as I opened the door. I led Tammy into the room, placing her behind the door as I silently closed it. As we turned to my bed, there was enough light in the room to see

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Tammy's brother Larry, asleep in his own bed. We tiptoed over to my bed.

I motioned to her to hold the back end of the mattress, then went over to the front end. We silently lifted the mattress off the rack and placed it on the floor. With a shared grin, we began to undress. With lots of practice, I was out of my clothes in seconds. I watched, with satisfaction as the high school junior undressed. I never grew tired of seeing her undress, even though it had been for less than a month. Her long brown hair cascaded down her milky white shoulders as her T shirt came off.

Her firm B cup, half orange sized tits held form as she released them of the bra that had held them captive. The tuft of light brown pussy hair came into view as her panties slid down her thighs, and onto the floor. We moved onto the mattress. Laying side by side we began kissing as I moved my hand down her body, feeling it's silky softness. I cupped her left tit, feeling her heart beat with anticipation as I gently piched the hardening nipple.

I moved on down, momentarliy cupping her ass before finding her slit. She opened her thighs, allowing me more access as I fingered her slit. She was wet as I slid my finger into her tight pussy which still was snug around my middle finger. It was such pleasure entering her. I moved to enter her with my dick. She slid under me as I moved to mount her. The moonlight fell across her almost doll like face as I made ready. She had that wonderful smile on her face as I positioned my dick at her entrance. She inhaled deeply and arched her back as I went in her.

Her fingers slighly scratched my shoulder blades as her tight pussy grasped my dick. I laid fully on top of her, face to face, as my hips began doing the work of pumping the teenager's ass. We kissed for a moment, then I began caressing her ears with my nose. I could feel her hands lightly scratching up and down my back. Suddenly, I felt her freeze. I lifted slightly to look her in the eye and noticed she was looking to my left. I also looked to see her looking at Larry.

He was laying on his side looking at us. "How long you two been doing it?" he asked. "Hi Larry" she nervously said. "About a month" I answered. There was an awkward silkence for a moment as we just looked at each other. "What are we gonna do to fix this?" Larry asked. Tammy took charge as she reached out towards him. "You two come here" he advised as he pulled back the sheets and took off his briefs. I was amazed when I saw Larry's dick. I had showered with him plenty of times, but I had never seen his dick hard. It was a full twelve inches long, thick at the base and tapering to a tiny head. "Come here sis" he said in a superior tone of voice, "I want you to give me head".She obeyed her brother, laying sorta across him as she started slobbing on his knob. I moved her hips to allow me better access.

I entered her again, gently pumping her so as not to mess with the blowjob she was giving her brother. "How is she?" Larry asked. "Wonderful" I answered as Tammy turned to smile at me. "I think I want some of her pussy" Larry added. I backed off as Tammy turned to give me a questioning look. "Go ahead" I said. Tammy climbed up on her brother. She positioned herself on top of him. She took his dick and began to impale herself on him.

I was a slow process as she took his length and width in her. I was nowhere near Larry's size and she was trying not to injure herself. Finally, she took all of him inside of her. They clasped hands and Tammy began bouncing on top of her brother. I couldn't see her face, but he had a shit eating grin on her face.

She began moaning and panting. Larry began lifting his hips to meet her. Suddenly, I heard him say "turn". She turned to face me. She had a "I'm a naughty girl" look on her face as she began pumping him. She cupped her tits. Larry reached up, pulling her back to lay on top of him. He cupped her tits and began thrusting into her with intensity. She began grunting with each of his thrusts. Left alone, I should've been jealous, but I was turned on watching the brother and sister hump away. Suddenly they stopped. I noticed that Larry was whispering in her ear. She nodded a couple of tims, then lifted herself off of him. She repositioned herself and started taking his monster sized dick at her ass. She wailed as she spread her ass, taking him into her.

She leaned back onto him. He pushed on her shoulders forcing her ass to take his entire dick. "Ah Shit", she grunted as she began panting. "Come on Glenn" she panted. I moved to enter her pussy. She made a sound I hadn't heard as my dick entered her. She shifted, and he grabbed her hips. Her pussy was tighter than usual. Her eyes were closed and she was whimpering. I began pumping her.

I took her hands in mine. She squeezed tightly. I couldn't tell if she was enjoying herself or not. I began nibbling at her earlobes again and moving my nose next to her ears. I noticed a grin cross her face, but her eyes were still closed. I was aroused and soon came in her. I laid still on her. A moment later I heard Larry grunt and I actually felt him cum in her. She slid off of him and the three of us now laid on our side, my face to hers, her brother holding her.

I caressed her behind her ears and noticed the smile returned. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine". I noticed she reached back and was holding her brother's hand. "We should've made a movie" I joked. We all laughed, and Tammy added, "I don't think so. My parents would die". "No shit" Larry added. We were quiet for a long moment. "Want to go again?" Larry asked, "Yeah, but no more doubles.

One in my pussy, one in my mouth, ok?" Tammy asked. "And wash your dick before you put it back in me Larry, go on, go". Larry got up from the bed. He went to the bathroom and came back shortly. That was the first night we did that and we had a dozen more times before Tammy's parents figured out something was up and began watching us like hawks.

Kidnapping Keri

Sir James on Incest Stories

Kidnapping Keri - Part Four

My sister Keri and I continued to be ardent lovers, and she continued to be my sweet sex slave. Our times together, alone, seemed to always involve my having some sort of sex with her, with her in a vulnerable position, generally restrained in some way. I enjoyed imposing my will on her, and she was enthusiastic about being my “victim”. For a while I continued to allow Damon to participate. Things change however. I graduated from high school and was headed to college.

Keri was distraught at my leaving. We made love the last night I was at home. She slept with me in my bed, until about four in the morning. She got up and went tearfully to her bed before our parents awakened and caught us together.

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Fortunately, we were never caught, however, there was one close call. At the time it could have very serious, but as I think about the occasion, it is very arousing.

It was fairly early in the morning. I was 18, almost 19, and getting ready to graduate from high school. Keri was a ripe and beautiful 16, going on 17. On this particular morning our parents had already gone to work. Keri was in the bathroom. She had showered, finished styling her hair, and was completing her make up. As usual, she was naked, as I required, and her bathroom door was open so I could see her. We had gotten to the point that she was wearing high heel shoes whenever we were alone. This morning as I watched her, I could not imagine a woman being more beautiful and erotic. I decided that I wanted to wanted her. What better way to start the day.

Without her knowing, I went to my athletic bag and retrieved several strands of rope. I had taken a shower and was still nude. My cock was rising at the prospects of playing sexual games with Keri. I walked into to the bathroom and stood behind Keri. Leaning forward, I kissed her on the back of her neck, while my left hand went around her body and was cupping her left breast. Keri closed her eyes, enjoying the early morning attention. Then, without her expecting it, I moved my left hand back and used it to capture both her arms, bringing them behind her. Keri gave a token resistance, but submitted as I bound her wrists behind her back. As was my custom, I quickly ran a second rope around her elbows, pulling them together in the small of her back, and binding them there. Keri looked down at her breasts as the protruded from her body because of her bondage.

I turned her around to face me. I hugged and kissed her, pulling her body tight to mine. My rigid cock was pressed against her smooth tight stomach. She kissed me hungrily, and pressed herself tight to me. I walked her into my bed room, and made her stand in the middle of the floor, while I retrieved a secret purchase from my athletic bag. Her face registered both surprise and curiosity about what I had in my hands.

It was a curious contraption which consisted of a small leather harness and a rather large plastic cock, a dildo if you will. I had her approach me, and stand directly in front of me as I sat on the side of my bed. I buckled the belt part of the harness tightly around her narrow waist. A crotch strap was connected to the center front of the harness. The dildo was mounted to that strap. Keri watched, helplessly, as I installed this device on her.

I ran my finder into my sister’s pussy, and found it to be moist and hot, ready for the insertion of my special dildo. I made her spread her legs, and pushed the plastic cock into her delicious passage. She closed her eyes and groaned, deeply, at this phallic invasion. When I had it full inserted, I pulled the crotch strap tightly between her legs, pressing the dildo even deeper into her. Turning her around, I buckled the crotch strap to the back of the waist belt. To insure that she could not remove the crotch strap and plastic invader, I used a small padlock to secure the buckle. Now, even if her hands were not tied behind her back, she would not be able to removed the dildo from her steaming pussy.

“Oh, Jack, I feel so full down there. But, how are you going to put your cock in me? My pussy is full now”, Keri said with more than idle curiosity.

I looked up at her, smiling I replied, “Oh, sweet slave, I have ways to handle that.”

Up to this point, she had failed to notice that there was a small electrical switch on the bottom of the dildo. Yes, it was electrified. As she looked down at this harness and the attached tormentor, I put my hands between her gorgeous legs and flipped the switch “on”. Keri reacted immediately.

“John, what have you done? It’s alive!”

She closed her eyes as she tried to absorb the impact of this vibrating dildo in her pussy. In fact, this dildo had another unique little feature. Not only did it vibrate, it moved. On the top side of this plastic cock, there was a little knob, or nubbin, which pressed directly on her clit. So, not only was the dildo working in her heated passage, it was pressed against, and vibrating on her clit. This was maddening to her.

I then made her get on her knees, in front of me, and take my rigid cock in her mouth. She was struggling. The dildo was doing it’s job, and she had a job to do. She was vigorously sucking me, and beginning to hump her hips to the actions of the dildo. I reclined, looking at my delightful sister, watching as she was sucking me deeply in her pretty mouth.

Suddenly, I heard the front door to the house slam. I heard my father yell, “Hey! Is anybody home?”

I answered back, “Yeah, Dad, I’m up here!”

Quickly, I jerked my cock from Keri’s mouth and helped her stand up.

“Hurry, get in the bathroom, I’ll close the door!”

Keri ran into the bathroom, stumbling as she went. Her wrists and arms were tied behind her, she was naked, wearing high heel pumps, and had a rather large dildo fucking her. I closed the door behind her, jerked a pair of running shorts onto my body. Grabbing a text book from my nightstand, I covered my erection with it.

My father entered my room, apologetically saying, “Hey, I forgot my report to the Board. Whatcha doin, Guy?”

“Oh, nothing, just reading this physics book, getting ready for school”, I replied.

“Great, good work. Where’s Keri”, he asked.

“I think she is in the bathroom. I heard her in there a little while ago. You know how girls are”, I laughed. My Dad laughed, nodding his head.

It was obvious that he was not being nosy. It was just unusual for him to be home at the time of day, and he was just catching up on what his children were doing. He was a good man, and I sometimes felt guilty because Keri and I were deceived my hard working parents about our sexual exploits.

“Keri, I’ll see you tonight”, he spoke to the bathroom door.

From behind the door, in what I detected to be a rather shaky voice, Keri answered him, saying that she had just got out of the shower and was undressed.

“That’s OK, Baby. I’ll see you guys later. Have a good day”, he replied. With that he was out the door to his work-a-day world.

As soon as I heard his car drive away, I opened the bathroom door. What I found was an erotic surprise. Keri was lying on the bathroom floor. She was completely helpless with her hands and arms still tied behind her back (when I tie her, she stays tied). Her sweet naked body was writhing to the vibrations and movements of the dildo which was still working diligently in her cunt.

“Oh, Jack, please, turn it off, turn it off!. It’s driving me mad”, she pleaded.

“Keri, quit complaining. It can’t be that bad. I can see that you are humping it. You must like it”, I chided.

“Oh, noooooo, here it comes again”, she cried!

It was obvious that she was having a climax a she gritted her teeth, groaned loudly and started to spasm into a delicious cum. She closed her eyes as she was humping her body as if she were receiving a cock from a invisible lover. Her delicate bound hands seemed to be grasping for that invisible lover. I waited until the climax was over, and then I reached between her creamy thighs and flipped the switch to “off”.

I stooped down, and picked her up, carried her into my bedroom and laid her on my bed. She was still gently moving her pelvis in the aftermath of her cum

“Oh, God, Jack! That thing made me have at least four cums. I did my best to be quiet so Dad couldn’t hear me, but it was driving me crazy.”

Smiling, I reached between her thighs and switched it back “on”. Keri stiffed and bit her lip as her body started to experience yet another climax. As she reached her zenith, she let out a scream of release. As she came down from this climax, I again turned the switch to “off.”

“Oh, please, Jack, let me rest. Please, don’t turn it on again. I can’t catch my breath”, she pleaded.

I rolled her onto her back and straddled her body, on my knees. Keri’s bound arms were pinned under her, raising her breasts up towards me. I eased forward until my cock was at her mouth. When the tip of my cock touched her full lips, she opened her sweet lips and closed them around the head of my cock. Her delicate pink tongue was lashing the head of my phallus, causing it to throb in her mouth. I had seen too much this morning, so I started to fuck her pretty mouth. As I closed in on my climax, I reached back and flipped the dildo switch to “on”. As I was humping my cock into Keri’s mouth, filling it with my issue, she was humping the devilish dildo and experienced yet another cum!

Well, I had to go to college, so I moved out of the house. I had a full scholarship and had saved sufficient money to be able to rent a small two bedroom house near the college. I was hoping to rent the other room to another student to help defray my monthly rent costs.

Keri was beside herself. Her love, and “master” as leaving her immediate life. She was lost. I promised would come home every weekend, and we would see each other. My little house was only about 20 miles from our parents home. I made sure she knew she could visit me anytime she wanted to. To be honest, I did not want to leave her. I loved her, but I needed to go to college. Back in the dark recesses of my mind, I thought that I could, perhaps, move Keri into my little house. With the spare bedroom, we could use the ruse that we were siblings and she was living there in my spare room.

As the school year started, Keri was having trouble with her grades. She, too, wanted to move into my house near the college. After one semester, her grades were suffering, and she was depressed. I had a talk with my parents, and told them I would tutor her and help her raise her grades, but, she would have to move in with me, and attend high school near where I was living. After much talk and deliberation, they agreed. They even consented to pay half of the rent on my little rental house. Keri was overjoyed. To her credit, she did her best to contain her enthusiasm.

Things were looking up for us. Now I could attend college, and have my sister, my lover and sex slave living with me, full time, with total privacy.


Twins Are Two Times the Fun

Bengalsfan on Incest Stories

I started working for my uncle, who was the twin's dad, a while ago. He owned his own business for a while now, selling alcohol, smokes, pop, snacks and the like in a prime location on the main strip of our township. I got a job working with him when I first turned 18 and was a stellar employee for him. It's a fun job, where you generally work with one other person, and you have no real standards or dress code. You sell goods, make customers happy and don't fuck up, and as long as you do that, it doesn't matter what else you do.

I had worked there for about eight months when my uncle brought Kat in to work for him as well. I was excited, as was Kat, because we would have fun working together, and it would be great having someone else my age to work with. Everyone else there was 2

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1 or older, and I felt somewhat out of place with them, being so young in comparision.

Since I was one of the better employees there, my uncle put Kat under my wing after her training to get her broken in. We would always work together on Saturday night, and we'd always have a blast together.

Roughly after two and a half months of working together, we were together on one busy Saturday night in January. Kat and I had been pretty busy all night, but luckily it all died off around nine o'clock. At that point, we decided it was time to grab something to drink from the slavaged goods of damaged six packs, cases, or whatever it maybe that was broken that week. We had a handful of beers in there, and began drinking until we closed at eleven.

For those two hours, we had our normal handful of customers, but nothing we couldn't handle without any trouble. Definately nothing that could interupt our drinking. Inbetween customers, we did our normal closing routine and bullshitted the entire time about our sex lives, romances and the like. By eleven, Kat was more than just a little tipsy, where as I was just enjoying a nice buzz. While I was counting down the register for the night, Kat brought up how we used to make out in our grandma's basement when we'd meet for our family's weekly dinner. I just laughed, mockingly sighed and said "Do we have to bring that up again?"

She laughed and gave me a gentle shove on my shoulder. "You know you liked it." she replied.

I responed with a simple "Hah." and continued counting down the drawer.

She then mockingly, almost flirtatiously, said "Well, as far as I remember, you were a pretty good kisser."

She then proceeded to wrap her arms around my stomach from behind, as she rested her head on my back by my right shoulder.

"I've only gotten better with time." I quipped.

I couldn't help but be arroused, but tried focusing on the task at hand.

"Oh yeah, you big man slut."

"I resent that. I prefer whore. It has a certain ring to it."

It couldn't be further from the truth, but we were both joking. She continued resting her head on me until I was ready to make the final drop of the night.

As I was heading to the safe, Kat, almost out of the blue, just asked "If we had the chance again, would you do that with me again?"

I was caught completely off guard by the question. I stumbled with the answer. My back was to her as I tinkered with the safe, and I finally replied with "Well, are we still cousins?"

"What do you mean?" The nature of my question was vague to her in her slightly intoxicated state.

With my back to her still, I said "Well, if we weren't cousins, yes. You incredibly beautiful, and you're just a blast to be around. But since we are, I would have to say no."

As I got up from the safe, which was shin high and secured to the floor, I turned around, to see her looking me in the face. I was a bit startled, but she didn't take notice, and while staring at me, said "Well, what if it doesn't matter?"

She moved closer as I answered her, "Well, then it doesn't matter."

As I just stood there, admiring her beautiful facial features and her shoulder length blonde hair, which was pulled up into one of those sloppy ponytails, she moved forward and began to kiss me. Our lips met, and instantly, she embraced me around my waist as I wrapped my arms around her. We kissed for what seemed like a half an hour, but was nothing more than 30 seconds. We pulled away, as she proclaimed "You're right, you're not that bad."

Still embracing each other, she also took note of something else.

"I see I'm not that bad either."

"I've had better."

"I'll show you better."

Our lips met again, this time, it was even more intense than before. Our tongues fought each other for dominance, dancing around in each other's mouths. My hands moved up and down the small of her back, but eventually ended up on her incredibly perfect ass. As we pulled away in order to grab a breath, she held on to my bottom lip with hers, and gave it a slight bite.

After the quick grasp for air, our lips locked again. This time, I found my right hand quickly guided my hand up her left side toward her small, but perfectly shaped breast. I cupped my hand around it easily, massaging it lightly. Still passionately engorging ourselfs, she took her left hand and guided mine back down her flat stomach to the fringe of her shirt. She then gracefully slipped my hand under her shirt, moving it back up her warm, flawless body, under her bra, to her breast.

Our lips pulled away from each other once again, but this time, it was to remove her shirt. After I pulled the shirt from over top her head, revealing her erect nipples, she took a step back removed the elastic band that held her ponytail in place. After her hair fell just above her shoulder blade, she quickly shaked her head, and then gave me an intense come-hither stare.

Naturally, I couldn't resist, and began kissing her neck. Slowing down a bit, I drifted toward her tits. I slowly began sucking on her nipple, as my hand began massaging the other breast. She gave off a slight moan as I lightly nibbled on the tip of her boob.

"Oh god. That feels so go."

I switch from one breast to the other, and begin the process anew. She lets off another moan.

"Oh yeah, suck my tit. It feels sooo good..."

She says it in such a sexy way that I remembered I had my own needs...

Luckily, she remembered too.

She slowly pulled my head up with her soft, silky hands, and planted another quick kiss on my lips.

"You've paid such good attention to me so far, I think it's time I repaid the favor."

Without averting her eyes from mine, her hands had found my zipper, and she quickly removed my pants. Both my pants and my boxers hit the floor, and I kick them aside as I remove my shirt. As I did this, Kat grabbed my rock-hard cock in her hand, and my balls in the other. Next thing I know, she has her lips around it, and she's using one hand to fondle my sack.

She slowly moves her mouth up and down my shaft, running her tounge along its length, and toying with the head, flicking it and circling it every so often. She removes her mouth for a moment to lick the pre-cum slowly building off my blood-engorged head.

"Mmmmm... You taste really good. I can't see why I waited so long to do this."

"I can't either."

She places my cock back in her mouth, this time forcing her mouth all the way down the shaft. I slowly rest my hands on her head and I begin moving her head rhythmically up and down. I remove my hands, and she begins stroking my cock and places my balls in her mouth. I let off a moan of pleasure, as her tounge playfully moves around my sack.

She then begins to run her tounge up and down the shaft again, slowly building me towards climax. She begins sucking me full on again, as I prepare to cum.

Sensing my approaching climax, she removes my cock from her mouth and begins stroking it.

I let of a final moan, as I shoot four jets of cum onto her face and chest.

"Oh Kat, you're so fucking awesome."

"Mmmm... Anything for my favorite cousin."

She walks off to the bathroom to clean up as I get dressed again. She comes back out a few minutes later, and I shut off the lights and set the alarm. As I lock the door, Kat says "I hope we get to do this again sometime..."

I simply reply "Oh, we will. I can imagine we will."

To be continued...

Look for "Twins Are Two Times the Fun: Part Two" for the real reason behind the title.

Keep it in the Family

BIWOW on Incest Stories

Keep it in the Family by Fyre

 Part One

"Your father did what?"

"You heard me. That’s why we moved here. My mother had to get away from him. We stay with my grandparents now."

"But..." I didn’t know what to say. What was there to say?

My father would never. I tried to think of him, in his suspenders, with his cautious ways, coming into my room at night. I couldn’t imagine.

"Where was your mother?"

"She had a job at the theater. Worked nights."

"What about your brother?"

"Steven? Asleep. Or playing Nintendo."

"And your father...he would just come into your room...and...and..."

"Shhhh!" Tami glared at

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me. "I can’t talk about it here." We were in the school library.

"That’s probably the worst part of it," she hissed, "everyone fucking knows. Everyone. My mother. My grandmother. My uncles, some of my cousins. The principal knows. Most of the teachers know. Everyone looks at me so funny. I’m constantly under a microscope."

"Tami, are you seeing a counselor?"

"When we can afford it. Mom doesn’t have a job right now."


"Shit what?"

"Just shit that it happened to you like that. Just shit. That’s all." I was outraged.

"Well I didn’t tell you because I wanted you to get all concerned," she said, keeping her voice low to calm me down. "I thought you were my friend, Marla. I told you because I thought you cared about me and would want to know."

"I do. Thanks."

Tami was 18, but she was still finishing high school. Couldn’t blame her, I guess. If my father was banging me at night when my mom left for work...I don’t know if I’d be staying on top of my homework so well either.

Tami was a worrier. She already drank two or three cups of black coffee a day and she smoked. She somehow had a steady boyfriend, and she’d just moved here. Sometimes the girls that move into these small one notices them for awhile. Especially in high school. But Tami had a sweet way to her. And a nice, compact little body. If anything, she was too thin.

If she couldn’t stand men because of what her father’d done, how come she already had a boyfriend?

I couldn’t wait to ask more about it. I mulled it over for days. I imagined her father being some sort of dark, icky guy, like Louie in the TV sit-com Taxi. I imagined him coming into the room... he must have been drunk or something. Fucking your daughter just wasn’t normal. That just wasn’t okay. My father would never. Never.

But I’d never really thought about it. And when I did, I couldn’t really picture my DAD. Maybe my uncle. Uncle Jimmie was the cutest and he was only eleven years older than I was. But my dad? Never.

When I couldn’t sleep at night, I thought about how that must have been for Tami. I thought about just sitting in my room, finishing my homework, or reading, or trying to exercise, and whoops!–the door just swung open. I couldn’t imagine my dad come walking in-- me on my beanbag chair--and him whipping out his dick. "I need you to suck me off, Kiddo."

Blech! Blech! Blech! How fucking desperate. How pathetic! I mean, show some fucking self- control. But maybe I didn’t understand.

I was dying to ask more questions. I asked Tami to come over one Friday after school, and I waited until the house was empty.

"Tami, how old were you when it started?"

"Well it really didn’t start just on one certain day. It was over a period of time. I realize now, he was setting it up for awhile. You understand? He orchestrated it."

"What do you mean?"

"He waited till I got my period. He waited till I had a steady boyfriend. He thought David and I were already doing a little messing around. He used that as collateral."

"Didn’t you get along with your Mom? How come you couldn’t tell her?"

"No, I don’t really get along with my mom. She was constantly on my case. My dad always took up for me. I needed him in my court. Otherwise, Mom would have me doing a bunch of housework, I was constantly on restriction for the smallest little thing, and I never had any money. Dad would intervene."

"Do you think your mom knew? Even subconsciously?"

Tami shrugged. Her forehead had a permanent wrinkle. "I doubt it. But it’s like she did finally find out, when she found out the truth, well she was pissed. And she was pissed at me."

"At you?" I was amazed. "But you didn’t do anything. You were a victim. If he orchestrated things to make it happen, then you didn’t have a chance. You’re the kid. He’s the adult. He’s supposed to have your best interests at heart."

"Marla, I think he did think he had my best interests at heart. He was...he was... like training me."

"Training you?"

"Yah. He would come in and he’d be all interested in whatever I was doing. A permanent fan. He’d sit on the edge of my bed. I have a lot of stomach problems, and he’d get me a heating pad, or he’d help me make sure I got through my homework. But he’d have these little ‘lessons’ that he’d want me to know about. He was trying to train me to be a good... Oh I can’t explain."

Tami didn’t want to talk about it. Of course she didn’t want to talk about it, but I couldn’t leave it alone. My mind strayed to possible scenarios constantly. If she wasn’t going to tell me the torrid details, my imagination would fill in the blanks.

I was sanding down my dresser. I wanted to refinish it, paint it blue and black, so it would match my bedspread when I went to college next year. It gave me hours of time to think and kept me busy. My mind was constantly in the gutter, trying to imagine some of the things Tami had explained. She said her father was trying to train her. Train her how?

I imagined Tami in her room, trying to finish an English assignment, and in walks her dad. For some reason, I pictured him with a lot of body hair, a hairy chest, a beard, and thick hair on his arms. Or maybe he was as lean as Tami. Then he’d be all skinny, but if he got wet, his hair would just fluff all out after it dried and he’d look like some kind of dark leprechaun. With a dick. With a dick with an attitude. He obviously had some kind of mission. Maybe Tami’s mom didn’t put out. Then he felt justified in going to Tami. After all, she said he waited till she was mature, and having her period. That showed some patience.

What would that be like to have him use her intimacy with the boyfriend as leverage? Her dad would walk in, say "I understand that you and David are getting a little too close. Is he fucking you??"

"No, Daddy, of course not."

"How far have you gotten? I need to know. You’re my daughter. I’m worried about you."

"All he’s done, Daddy, is some kissing."

"Are you sure that’s all?"

"Well one time, I let David feel my breasts."

I could imagine Tami’s dad start getting a boner just thinking about David feeling on his daughter’s small breasts.

"What else?"

And Tami’s dad would bait her, listening for her sins. Listening to how experienced she might be getting. Waiting for his moment to spring on her.

Maybe in those years while he waited for the conditions to be right, he would go stand by her bed while she slept in the dead of night... "One day, Baby...One day you’ll be right. You’ll be ready." And he would jack off into her hair. When she woke up in the morning, her hair would be all stuck together and she would worry that she drooled in her sleep.

Wow. If you start peeling back the layers, it got very complicated very fast. She said her daddy was trying to train her. What did that entail?

Tami’s dad would come into the room. She was feeling sick, and held the hot water bottle to her tummy. He started rubbing her shoulders. "Oh Honey, let me unbutton your shirt. You must be so uncomfortable..." and the rubbing on the shoulders would ease around to her waist. He’d be behind her, getting hard, wanting to keep her facing the other way not to see it. Or maybe turning her and hoping she’d notice.

"Oh Daddy," she’d say, "what’s that?"

And then he’d say, "Oh Baby, if you’re sick, maybe I can get your nightgown and you can just go to bed." He’d hand her a shortie nightgown and step out of the room while she changed, maybe leaving the door ajar, and trying to see in. Trying to catch the sight of her pretty ass, her pussy with just a brush of color across it. Then he’d come back in, and this time when he started rubbing her shoulders, he’d edge down and start rubbing the muscles in her ass cheeks, rubbing her thighs. "Oh Baby, just get a little more comfortable. Can you roll over?"

And the bottle of lotion would get squeezed on her belly, where it was sore, and he’d massage her cramps, then up a little, up a little more, across her breasts. He’d stroke and rub those pretty little breasts and then back across her stomach to her pubic bone, and see her pubes jutting out from the elastic on her panties. And he’d shift himself on the bed beside her, trying to keep his erection at bay. Did he think it was wrong? Or did he feel justified? He’d brought her into the world, and it must have totally fucked him up to imagine some young boy opening those trim thighs and breaking her hymen. He wanted to do it himself! He wanted to be the one.

So how did she put it? He started training her. The massages, well they must have wandered lower and lower. "Honey, I just want to teach you to feel good. I just want you to understand your body...let me show you something special. Let me show you something about your pretty pussy. You want to let David touch you? Well, Baby, let me show you something you need to know about yourself..."

And there in the dark, while her mother’s away at work and her brother was asleep, he started showing her little tricks. He had to train her that this was okay. That this would be their little secret. "Let me show you what a man looks like, Honey." And he’d take his penis out. "You want to touch it a little? You want to see what it looks like when it’s hard? Want to make it grow?"

What would the lessons be like? "Oh Tami, this week, I want you to learn to stroke my dick better. I want to teach you to hold a plug in your ass. That’s a good girl," he’d say. "Oh yes, that’s a good, sweet girl."

Then when she wanted something, "Oh Daddy, would you get me that stereo?" How could he refuse? Fuck. I’d never thought of that. I never thought of the power she’d have. I mean, how could her mother make her do anything? After all, Tami knew first hand that her mom didn’t cut the mustard, at least not when it came to fucking her daddy. Tami was the one he wanted. Tami was the one he came to at night. Tami’s was the pussy that he licked and the face that he imagined sucking on his cock. And anytime she wanted to, Tami could lord that over her mother. Shit.

I finished sanding my dresser when I realized how much power there had to be to be fucking your father and having it be the big dark, dirty secret that no one would face, and using it for getting whatever you wanted. If your mom said no, you could wear your daddy down. It would eventually happen.

What a thought. I tried to imagine my father, standing by my bed, urging me to suck his cock, maybe even holding my head to help "train" me to get the pace right. The way he liked it. I went to the closet to get the vacuum. I put on the small attachment brush and started the motor. I stooped over and the hose started picking up the dust and residue.

Thinking about Tami and her daddy was turning me on! I mean, I was celibate, I hardly ever masturbated, because it just didn’t seem right to do it all by myself. But in comparison, Tami was a mature, knowledgeable lover. He must have lain between her legs and showed her how it felt to have her cunt licked and slathered. Her daddy must have showed her different positions. Maybe she even learned how to cum!

I wanted some of that. I put the vacuum hose to my pussy and felt the suction through my jeans. I sat on a stool and parted my legs. The nozzle sucked and sucked on my pussy through my clothes. I could feel a rush from the vibrations and the suction, but the loud whirr of the motor distracted me from enjoying the full sensation. I should learn how to masturbate better. I should teach myself how to cum.

Would Tami teach me? I thought about that for a moment, but no. She was obviously very bitter. Her experience broke her family up. Everyone had to move. Her mom was up here, unemployed and desperate. Her dad was somewhere in L.A., maybe sending money. Maybe calling. Maybe trying to convince them to come back home.

I turned off the vacuum. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I took off my pants and I peed into the toilet. What if her father used to follow Tami into the bathroom to "train" her a better way to pee? A way to build her muscles, so she’d be a better fuck? I imagined him standing by the toilet with a stopwatch. "Okay, Honey. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Hold it five seconds. Hold it ten. Good job Honey. Let me watch you pee." Maybe he even wanted her to pee on him. Maybe he wanted her to piss in his drunk, hairy mouth? And he’d lay there in the bathtub, with her squatting above his face, squirting on his tongue, with his hand on his rock hard dick, stroking it. "Watch daddy, Baby. Watch daddy cum!" No privacy in that house.

Gee. Tami knew what her father looked like when he came. She knew what he sounded like when he shot his load into her tight virgin pussy. She knew what positions he preferred. Had he let her sit on him and ride his cock? Or were their liaisons all done in the dark of night, with the covers pulled over his back and the bed barely squeaking? "Oh, oh, oh, oh..."

And what if Tami liked it? I mean, really. I thought about all those things he must have done to her, massaging her breasts, rubbing her pussy, those were all things that gave me pleasure. Why wouldn’t they give her pleasure? Even if she wanted to think about her boyfriend during the experiences, wouldn’t it still feel good? What if her daddy wasn’t a gross dark leprechaun, but instead had rock hard pecs and was all tanned from working outside all day and he came into her room after showering and all he wanted her to do was to love the way he touched her? What if every stroke was a stroke of passion, a flick of a tongue seeking the right place? What if her daddy was oh-so gentle sticking it in that very first time, so gentle, that it didn’t even hurt? Then when they got to be more seasoned, there were rapid fuck sessions in the bathroom, the door locked while Tami’s brother played Nintendo in the TV room. No hiding your sexuality from your parents, well at least not your father. No hiding in your room, trying to muffle your moaning when you try to find the right spot, try to hit it right, so you can finally cum.

And if the homework didn’t get completed on time, what’s he gonna say? Oh but Daddy, you remember that night, don’t you? You were the reason I didn’t study...You were up to your balls in my cunt. Doggy style. Dontcha remember? And oh, you don’t want me to tell Mother, now do you? So just sign my report and I’ll take it back to school. Mama doesn’t need to know.

Oh the power.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I ran water into the tub and undressed. I settled in, the water shifted back and forth, lapping at my pussy, licking at my boobies. I wanted a little of that freedom to be sexual. "Ah hell, Dad, can you blame me for wanting a good ass fucking? You made me this way."

At least at my house, everything was private. Everyone was quiet. I sometimes heard the bed squeak a little in their room, but it never lasted long. Fucking had to last longer than that, didn’t it? Maybe my parents screwed in the daytime while I was at school. Sometimes they were both home when I got home. Maybe that’s what they were up to.

I gulped air and ducked completely under water. My hair floated around my head like seaweed. My breasts felt all funny, supported by the water–like they didn’t know how to react to gravity. I scooted down as close to the faucet as possible, my knees up and I directed the water so it cascaded on my pussy. I closed my eyes and let the sensations happen. What if my daddy was there, guiding me through those feelings? "Just let it happen," he’d say in his patient way, "We’ve got all the time in the world."

It would be a lot different learning how to be your daddy’s lover. A lot different from the tussle in the backseat of the Pontiac, thinking, "Hurry, hurry, hurry, I’m gonna miss curfew." What if Tami’s daddy sometimes slept in her bed? Or she in his? And maybe there were times when she came to him and said, "Oh Daddy, let me show you what I learned. I’ve been holding this butt plug in my ass all afternoon, waiting for you to come home. Want to take it out?" And daddy could ease the plug out of her tight, sweet, obedient ass, and then have her suck him wet, then glide his dick into her bum. No one any wiser. She wouldn’t even have to try to get away with sex on her dates, she could save it all for daddy. Especially if he was coming into her room a couple times a week. And oh, if she did have sex with her boyfriend, David, and her daddy came in after their date and she was all sloppy from David’s cum, would her Daddy get mad, or just get off thinking of that young man, being so mistaken that he had exclusive use of that cunt?

Christ. What would it be like to have sex a couple times a week? Fuck. What sweet relief. I would be lucky to pull it off a couple times a year. Boys at this age were so unpredictable, and I wasn’t on their "cheerleader and whore" list of girls they wanted to notch on their belts. I was more of a quiet type, who finished her book reports and helped in the cafeteria. Mom said boys would never appreciate me at this age.

But Daddy would. As I lay there, the water up around my ears, I could well imagine how tender my daddy would be if he decided to teach me how to make love. How he would hold his big cock, trying to insert it carefully in my mouth, so I could learn to glide up and down it with my mouth. He’d teach me how to hold my mouth to make sure my teeth didn’t rake against the shaft. He would tell me how hard to suck so it’d be nice for him, not just grunt like a boy my age. He’d let me learn at my pace. He’d leave an extra twenty on my dresser if I needed to buy a new blouse for school. And we’d both make sure Mom never knew. Never.

My fingers found my clit, and I started rubbing it, arching up a little so it wasn’t underwater, all waterlogged. I liked it moist, but not soaking. If I was Tami, I wouldn’t even have to jack off. I’d just wait till dark, and my Dad would come in, all willing, all ready, and I would show him how good I could be. "Oh there you are. I was hoping you weren’t too tired. Can you show me again how to ride you on top? I was practicing my squats and want to see if I can last longer this time."


I soaked in the tub awhile, playing with my pussy. I was really turned on, but not turned on by the thought of masturbating, which I didn’t usually find all that satisfying. I was turned on by the thought of hot, forbidden penetration. I was hot with the thought of having my father open my thighs, check to make sure I was just wet enough, just the way I liked it, and glide his rock hard dick inside my vagina. I liked the thought that he’d created that pussy, that he’d sent the X chromosome to my mother’s egg so I would be a girl. He’d made it. Maybe he’d break it.

I decided to find out.

My Shame

opee1999 on Incest Stories

My Shame

I’ve kept a secret hidden from the world. It’s my shame. It has tortured me for so long that the only way to release myself is to write it down so that I might be forgiven my trespass. My name’s James. I stand 5’8”, 142 lbs., with bright blond hair, and light blue eyes. I’m average looking with little muscle mass. But my most impressive feature was what you couldn’t see, my 9” special friend, with what I believe is an amazing girth. But I am the strong silent type. I’m very shy and usually keep to myself. Thus the reason I’m still a virgin. My father had died two years before and mom had been taking care of me alone ever since. Dad left us with little

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money, but mom was able to get a job at a law firm as a secretary. My mom has always been a strong woman. She is also a very gorgeous woman standing 5’7”, 130lbs., with a 36c chest and an ass that would make J.Lo green with envy. She has long blond hair and emerald green eyes. She’s every teenagers wet dream come true. Yet, strangely she’s never dated since dad died. She shots down every man that hit on her and in the most embarrassing ways she could think up. I never understood my she hadn’t allowed a man to fill the void left by my deceased father. But what I didn’t know was that she had found a man to fill that void and that man was me.

My story began the summer of my fourteenth birthday. I was off from school and my mother had asked if I would like to spend a couple of weeks at my Uncle John’s cabin. She said we could go up and celebrate my birthday there. Knowing that I loved spending time up there, hiking and swimming, and I didn’t have any friends to celebrate with anyway I readily agreed. So my birthday came and we got up early to pack the car. And I noticed that mom had packed a few more bags than usual. “Mom what’s with all the extra luggage.” I inquired. “It’s a surprise for when we get to the cabin, sweetie.” she answered. “Is it my presents?” I probed further. “Maybe, but you’ll have to wait and see.” She replied with a smile dancing on her lips. She loved teasing me. Knowing when to give up I finish loading the car and off we went.

My uncle’s cabin is in a beautiful, but extremely isolated area. The isn’t another person within 10 miles of it. The perfect place to rest and leave the world behind you. It took six hours to get there and I was stiff from the trip. We or rather she decide I would unload the car while she would put our stuff away. So there I was on my birthday lugging heavy boxes into a cabin on a very hot afternoon. When I to unload my mom’s extra bags she promptly order me to put them directly into her room. After I was finished my told me I smell like “a three week old dead skunk,” and order me to take a shower while she made dinner. I started to protest but one look into her eyes told we to do as I was told. I went into the bathroom and climbed into the shower. The instant the hot water hit me I felt my tense muscles ease and I began to relax. I noticed that my cock had perked up and decided that I deserved one good jerk off before dinner, besides it’s my birthday right. So I soap my love tool up and began to lightly stroke myself. My pace quickened as I felt the tension leave my body. I felt my balls tighten and my penis stiffen telling me that I was close to my blissful release. When I heard a knock at the door. “Hurry up in there, dinners ready.” My mom yelled over the sound of the shower. “Okay, I’m done anyway.” I replied. Nothing like a mother to ruin a son’s moment of peace. (I’d like to point out that I never have had any sexual desires toward my mother. Maybe I was too shy or maybe it was my belief that it was wrong to think that way about your mother.) Looking back at my member I saw that it was already becoming as limp as a overcooked spaghetti noodle at the though of my mom.

I got dressed and enter the living room/dining room/kitchen and froze at the sight of my mom. She was wearing the tightest red dress in history. It barely reached down to her thighs and pressed against her ample breasts so tight you could see her nipples poking through. I must have been blushing or staring or more likely both. I also noticed my cock slowly being revived. “I wanted to look nice for your birthday.” she explained. “You look lovely, I was just caught off guard is all.” I covered to protect her feelings and my embarrassment. I went to set the table only to find she had already made our plates complete with candle light. “I thought it would be a nice change to eat like this.” She commented. “It’s perfect, but when do I get my gifts?” I asked. “After dinner sweetie.” Was her only reply. So we ate and drank. She had some wine while I had some tea she had made for me. I thought the tea tasted funny, but not wanting to hurt her feelings I keep quiet. I just assumed it was the cabins well water. After a little idol talking I started to feel dizzy and my words started to slur. Mom suddenly moved toward me and pulled my chair out and sat down on my lap. I was having trouble focusing my eyes when I heard her whisper, “I love you, son.” Then I watched as she pressed her lips to mine and slowly forced her tongue into my mouth. I didn’t know what was happening. Here I was about to pass out and my own mother was French Kissing me. With the thought that this was completely unethical, I passed out.

I awoke feeling disoriented and I had trouble getting up. I knew I was on a bed, but I didn’t know how I got there. As my head began to clear I started remembering what happened. My mom kissing me and me passing out, but I pushed those thoughts out of my head thinking they were just some twisted dream. I felt a mild headache developing and tried to get up to get an aspirin when I realized that I was strapped down, I couldn’t get up. Fear and worry shot through my mind. I began screaming for my mom, worried that something had happened to her. “Quiet sweetie. Calm down.” I heard my mother say. I saw her approach me and was rendered speechless at the sight of her. Gone was the tight red dress only to be replaced with a see through black teddy. Her little light pink nipples were hard and poking out at me. Looking down revealed that she was wearing only a black thong to compliment the teddy top. It left her ass completely exposed to my sinfully wondering eyes. The front was nothing more than a small triangle barely covering my mother’s surprisingly wet pussy. When I managed to look her in the face I saw that she had applied dark black eye shadow and the brightest red lipstick I had ever seen. Fear crept back inside me as I realized that she had drugged me and tied me up.

“Mom, what’s going on let me up.” I pleaded. “I can’t do that and as for what’s going on, I’ve decided to redefine our relationship.” she replied. “What do you mean ‘redefine’ our relationship is just fine. Just untie me and we can forget this whole episode.” I said almost at a whisper. “Fine my ass, for two years I’ve cared for you, loved you, and tended to your needs. And for two years I’ve been without a full male companion. Having to satisfy my needs with mechanical devises and cheap porno movies. Now its time you took your place as man of the house. Its time your started tending to your responsibilities and your First responsibility is to pleasure the woman of the house. And that’s me, from now on you are my man and I am your woman. And as for untying you I like you just the way I have you.”

She approached the bed enjoying my naked body, imaging all things that she was about to due to me. She sat down beside me on the bed. “Please this isn’t right, I’m your son, this can’t happen.” I said pleading my case. Her only response was to bend down and press her lips to mine. I could feel her tongue trying to force its way back into my mouth, but I refuse it. She moved her right hand to my nipple at started twisting it. My mouth open from the pain and I felt her tongue probe my mouth searching out my tongue. I felt a tear fall from my eye. After a minute or so she pulled back and she said, “See that wasn’t so bad.” “Please mom you have to stop. I’m a virgin and I can’t loose my virgin getting rapped by my own mom.” I begged. “Don’t worry son you won’t be a virgin much longer.” she laughed. She moved to kiss me again and I again refused her entry only to have her twist and dig her nails into my nipples. She pulled back frustrated. She looked at me angrily and said, “It’s time I told you the rules. When I tell you to do something you are to do it if you don’t you will be punished. Understand!!” Before I could speak she motioned toward the far wall. What I saw scared me into complete silence and obedience. On that wall was a collection of whips, chains, and some very painful looking electrical devises. She said, “Now I don’t wish to physically harm you, but I will if you refuse or hesitate to do as I say. I wish to make love to you, but you must cooperate or else. Understood!” I nodded resigned to my fate and fearful of the painfully repercussions of refusal. “Now kiss you mom.” She commanded. She bent down to kiss me and this time I allowed her tongue to explore my mouth freely. I used my tongue to massage hers and slowly entered her mouth with my tongue.

She broke the kiss and stood up saying “You taste mouth so sweet and your so much better at kissing than your father was. Now lets see how good that mouth feels as it eats my pussy.” With that she started untying my right hand. “Now don’t get any ideas, this hand is for my pleasure, don’t forget I’m stronger than you.” she cautioned. She slowly guided my hand to her mouth sucking my fingers to get them wet. Then I felt my hand being pushed down into her thong panties to her awaiting pussy. I started to massage and caress her vagina, causing her to moan “that’s good son love you mommy’s pussy, baby.” And for a reason I can’t fathom, I tore the thong from her body. And before my eyes I saw the pinkest, most unbelievably gorgeous pussy of my entire. “Eager aren’t we.” she said with a little shock. I watch as the woman that gave me life climbed onto the bed a straddled my head. I reached up with my free hand and pulled her pussy to my salivating mouth. I lick along the outer walls of her pussy teasing her as I slowly approaching her bright red clit. The moment my tongue found her button she screamed “THAT’S IT SON EAT YOUR MOMMY’S PUSSY. OOH IT FEELS SOO GOOD.” With this encouragement I slide two of my wet fingers into her while I sucked her clit into my mouth, while I drank in my mother’s love juice. As I rhythmically worked my fingers in and out of my place of my birth. She screamed, “THAT’S IT FINGER FUCK ME. PLEASE DON’T STOP I THINK I’M CUMMING.” Her body shook with the power of a two year old pent-up orgasm. She force her pussy down onto my face nearly suffocating me. She thrashed wildly above me. As her orgasm passed she pulled up and as she did I deeply inhaled the sweet smell of her sex.

Mom moved to lay beside me and noticed I had cried through the entire ordeal. Softly she began stroking my hair and moved to kiss and taste my tears. “You were wonderful. Now stop crying we did nothing wrong. Remember I love you. Do you love?” She asked. “Yes mama.” was all I could replied as another tear escaped me. She moved to kiss it and in the process her still wet pussy rubber my slightly enlarged cock. “Oh my.” she exclaimed as she felt my hardening prick. “All this time I’ve be lecturing you about handling your manly responsibilities and I’ve gone and forgotten about your needs.” Before I could protest, her hand lightly grasped my quickly enlarging member. “Mom, please you don’t have to. You can just let it go.” I said half-heartedly. It was the first time someone other than myself had touched me down there. “Nonsense, you can’t expect me not to play with my new toy. Besides I’m dying to know if you cock tastes as good as your mouth.” she said giggling to herself. Gently mom started stroking my cock, bringing me to my full length and width. “GOOD LORD!! I’ve never seen one so big. How were you able to hide this beast from me for so long?” She asked with much enthusiasm. I blushed with pride, then felt guilty and surprised by my response. Before I could respond to her question she began to stroke my penis with greater speed. She moved her head and took my swollen balls into her mouth. Causing a moan to escape me. She proceeded to lick up and down my shaft getting me ready for her lovely red mouth. I watched as she began to slowly take all of my love tool into her mouth. She started to gag but didn’t stop until her head reached my abdomen. Then she worked her head up and down my shaft bringing me closer to a volcanic orgasm. I fought the urge to cum. I refused to give in to my lust. She pulled away only long enough to say, “Give in to mommy, son. Cum for me, I want, no I need to taste your sweet cum.” Hearing that caused me to loose all self control. As she was placing my cock back in her mouth my hand shot forward I grabbed her head I forced her to take me all at once. She almost gagged, caught completely by surprise at my action, yet she didn’t struggle. She allowed me to face fuck her at an incredible pace. I could feel my cock pushing deeper and deeper into her throat. “OOH GOD!! Mom your mouth feels incredible. FASTER MOM. FASTER. I’M CUMMING” I moaned giving myself completely into this forbidden and new feeling. I forced myself deep into her mouth as I filled her throat with my cum. She slow pulled her head up to taste me. And sucked every drop of my seed into her awaiting mouth. My body collapsed unto the bed as my own orgasm subsided. She savored my juice and when she swallowed the last of my cum she looked up at me and smiled. New tears streaked down my face as I looked into her eyes and realized for the first time just how much I loved her.

She slowly crawled up and lay beside me. Now it was my turn to kiss her. Her lips parted quickly as I engaged the next and most intimate sexual interlude. I lightly stroked her hair and said. “Mom, I’m sorry. I love you with all my heart. Please allow me to prove my love to you.” While she began to free my left hand, I moved my right hand along her back looking for the latch to free my mother’s firm breast that were trapped in her teddy. With both my hands free I was able to strip the teddy from her body. Freeing those golden orbs from their prison, I started circling her areola with my tongue. I started sucking them as if I were a new born child. I took as much of her breast as possible into my hungry mouth. I moved my newly free hand along my mom’s smooth belly as she cried out. “Suck my tits baby, suck then dry honey.” My figures found her pussy still wet from my loving tongue. With one hand I slowly massaged her clit, with the other I caressed her breast softly rubbing her nipple causing both the harden under my touch. Mom’s hand slipped down to my already hardening monster and coached me to full salute in short order. “Sweetie I need to feel you inside me, my pussy aches for your teenage manhood.” She begged. “Mom I need you pussy. I can’t stand another minute without being inside you. I want to feel your body impaled on my cock.” I lustfully replied. She began to straddle me and stopped short of my cock and just stared into my eyes. Nothing needed to be said, we both knew we were about to cross the ultimate line, committing incest with each other. And we didn’t care about the consequences. She slowly reach down and guide my 9” python to her love canal. I gently pulled up rubbing its head along her swollen pussy lips. A gasp escaped both our lips. I pulled her down slowly filling her pussy inch by inch with my swollen cock. I could feel her pussy stretch to its limit as it was forced to accommodate my intruding penis. Mom came to rest on my chest as she completely took me into her. We began a slow rhythmic pace, she would pull up and as she came down I would rise to meet her, penetrating deeper and deeper into her pussy. She quickened her pace as she approached her orgasm. “Fuck me son. Fuck your mom. Fuck me hard. HARDER. FASTER. HARDER. FASTER.” Our breathing came in fast shallow gasps as our fucking became for frantic, more urgent. Both of us were lost in our own pleasure. She moved up and down on me faster and faster she forced me even deeper into her love starved pussy. I began to quicken my pace to match hers. “Right there don’t stop. I’m going to cum. Cum with me son.” She pulled me tight to her and I felt my cock fill with sperm awaiting their climatic release. “I’m close mom real close. I love you.” “I’M CUMMING. I’M CUMMING.” We cried in unison. My mom’s body rocked as orgasm after orgasm ravished her body. I pulled her down hard impaling her on my cock as ropes of my cum filled her thirsty pussy. Her pussy sucked at my cock greedily, milking every last drop out me. As our pace slowed she came to rest against my chest. And I lightly whispered into her ear, “I am your man.” She looked deep into my eyes as tears began to swell and cascade down her face and said, “And I am your woman.”

That was five years ago. We still live together and still make love. She continues working at the law firm and I start college in the fall. The world keeps on turning, blissfully unaware of our indiscretions. Yet, every now and then I can’t help but wonder if what we are doing is truly wrong or just a new way to express our love for each other. The end!?!

The Family Pussy

Youngstuff on Incest Stories

Father-Daughter Affair 7

by Youngstuff



Mari P.



Tony cornered his sister Mari at school during lunch where they could talk privately. He told Mari he had really enjoyed her pussy the other night and that he wouldn’t mind another piece of pussy from her. Mari was leaning back against the wall with her head and shoulders looking out of her big brown eyes, all innocent. As innocent as any 14 year old girl could be after having fucked her daddy and her brother in the same week.


It was the same old courting game that all boys and girls play except Tony was after his little sister’s pussy again! Mari looked great in her yellow spaghetti-strap top that showed her fi

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rm belly and her pierced belly button. Her 34" B-cup tits were standing proud against her strapless bra and clearly showed major cleavage. Mari’s tight jeans were worn and showed every move her sexy hips made. You couldn’t help but notice the perfect side to side ass-whip when she walked in them. Every guy in school was wanting to fuck her!

Mari smiled up at her brother and asked him why she should even consider making love with him again? Mari could feel the familiar tingle in her jeans that she had experienced that first night with her daddy before he had fucked her. She tried her best to be cool and not show her brother that she was indeed horny. There was no doubt though, it was her brother who would most likely be fucking her soon again.



"Because I know my baby sister enjoyed me fucking her. It was plain to me the way you were working those sexy hips with me during all that fucking we did together. Besides, remember, you even climbed on top the second time without me asking for that piece!" Tony reminded her.


"But that doesn’t mean I want to do it with you again does it Tony?" Mari explained. Mari had been thinking about making love with her daddy all day and wanted to be in bed with him again but he wasn’t here, her brother was! It wasn’t fair Mari thought. She wanted her daddy riding her and filling her with his hard cock.

Tony touched Mari’s bare waistline with his fingers as Mari jumped with "sparks" at his touch and released a soft "oooo". "That tells me your sexed up and wanting some cock in you though Mari and you know I got the cock that makes you dance don’t you baby?" Tony stated.


Mari tried to hide her smile as she only responded " maybe". Mari didn’t regret fucking her brother, in fact it had been really good intercourse with him. Mari had enjoyed the way his cock filled her pussy.


Yeah, Mari was his sister, but right now Tony was treating Mari just like any other piece of tail he was after. Tony was 18 but very experienced with the girls, like his dad. Getting his 14 year old sister back in the bed just wasn’t that big of a challenge to him. He knew what to say and do to make her want it and follow him for it. He intended to fuck his little sister again today and would not take no for an answer.


Tony peaked down his sister’s top and eyed the front of her jeans which held Mari’s delicious cunt which he would soon fill with his throbbing cock. Mari’s tail had a bull’s eye on it and her brother aimed to drill her ass soon.


Mari lightly pushed him away and told him to quit looking down her top. Tony closed right back in and even pulled his sister’s top out further so he could see her breasts plainly. Mari complained to him once more but he just told her he had seen her naked once before and she was going to be naked again very soon so she could consider it a preview of her tits.


Tony knew no-one else was watching so he leaned forward and took a little lip off of his sexy little sister followed by a more intimate kiss. Then a deep french kiss from Mari with his hand on her ass gripping one of her cheeks. Tony fondled his little sister’s ass as they kissed even running his hand up and in between her legs causing Mari to moan softly. Mari told her brother they shouldn’t because someone might see them. Then we have to leave school little sister so I can get me some of your hot pussy again baby.


Tony stated his directions to Mari, " I’m going up to the office and I’m going to sign us both out. You go get your back-pack and meet me up there in five minutes baby, because you can’t go the rest of the day without me sticking my cock in you Mari and you know it". Tony kissed Mari again as he fondled her delicious ass. Your pussy needs fucking so hurry up and meet me so we can get your legs spread soon and



I’ll fill your cunt with what you love.


With that Tony turned and walked away from Mari as he headed to the office. Mari stood there, weak in her knees, watching her brother’s cute butt walk off. Mari was a little pissed. She didn’t like it that her brother knew her this well. She did need a hard cock in her. She hadn’t been to bed with her daddy since the motel a week ago. Tony had been the last one fucking her. "Damn" Mari exclaimed as she stomped off with a classic ass-whip that stated she was ready to do some hard fucking!


Tony looked up as Mari walked into the office with her back pack in hand. He smiled as she looked back at him with a scowl. "You ready to go little sister" Tony asked.


"I’m here aren’t I?" she blurted out as they turned and exited the school office.

Tony opened the passenger door for Mari and let her crawl in then he went to his side and entered. He cranked the car and looked around to see if any one was around them. Seeing no one he leaned over and they began kissing. Tony got a handful of Mari’s breast but she pushed it away.


"Where are you taking me to Tony?" Mari asked.


I know dad is working so why don’t we go over there and spend the afternoon fucking in his bed. Is that cool to you baby? Mari pulled her make-up kit out of her small purse and told her brother, " well, your driving."


Mari touched up her make-up as Tony drove to their dad’s house. She even put on some lip gloss and added more perfume to "various electric spots".


Tony pulled into the drive and parked. They walked to the door with his arm around Mari’s waist. Tony knew where the key was hid and he opened the door. They were barely inside before he seized his little sister from behind.

Mari dropped her purse in the floor as her brother put his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck and ran his hands over her jeans. "I want your pussy right now Mari" Tony moaned. "I can’t wait to feel my little sister’s tight cunt wrapped around my hard cock."


Tony found Mari’s lips and they began to kiss passionately as Mari felt her desire for her brother’s cock to fill her aching love-hole growing by the minute.


"Damn you Tony! You’ve got me so horny it’s driving me crazy", Mari told her brother.


They walked into the living room where Mari turned to face her brother and she fell into his arms as they began to kiss again. Tony’s hands were all over his sister’s perfectly shaped ass. Mari was only 14 but she had the classic upside-down, heart-shaped ass you expect to see on a beautiful cheerleader. Mari’s ass would get a major workout this afternoon and tonight!

"Not here Tony please. If you want me, then make-love to me in a bed this time where I can enjoy it more and make it better for you baby ok?" Mari asked.

Tony smiled and led Mari by the hand over to the couch. Their was about to be some serious brother-sister fucking going on! Before Mari could lay down on the couch, her brother was peeling her top over her head followed by unhooking her bra and dropping it to the floor by the couch.


Tony whispered in Mari’s ear, "You want your brother’s dick buried in you bad don’t you baby?"

Mari could only reply from the passion she was feeling, " yes Tony. I really need it baby". As soon as she said it she was in disbelief that she had even uttered the words. They were true but how could she have actually said it, revealing the truth of her soul. With that declaration Mari sealed her sexual fate for this day and night.


Mari followed that statement with; "God I want it deep Tony, please!"

Tony stood and stripped naked showing his hard throbbing cock to Mari. "Oh yeah baby sister. Your brother is gonna take care of your sweet pussy. I want to hear you moaning my name when my dick is filling your hot cunt."


Mari wasn’t at all ashamed to have sex with her older brother. He was sexy and all the girls wanted him. Why shouldn’t she spread her legs for him and enjoy the pleasure of his big cock driving into her young body? Mari had enjoyed fucking him the other night and knew their sex would be even better this afternoon and she was so ready for it.


Tony joined Mari on the couch now as their lips melted together and their tongues began to wrestle. They were both uttering soft moans and desires as their kissing continued for several minutes as Tony fondled his sexy sister’s ass and legs.


Tony then licked Mari’s neck and chest before settling on a bare breast. He circled Mari’s breast globe several times with his tongue before pulling her nipple into his mouth and swallowing a large portion of tender breast meat with it. Tony sucked and slurped his sister’s breast like a hungry animal.

Mari could feel the intense sucking pressure her brother was applying and it sent tingles of pleasure through her body. Mari could also feel Tony’s hard cock pressing against the crotch of her jeans and she dreamed of how wonderful it would soon feel plunging deep inside of her over and over!


Tony suddenly stopped and sat up. He pulled Mari by the hair of her head up and over towards his lap. She instinctively knew what her brother’s lust was. Mari rolled to her side facing her brother’s cock with her body longways on the couch. Mari’s mouth popped open ready to give the pleasure desired.

Mari kissed the head of her brother’s big cock with her soft lips before flicking her tongue all around the spearhead and around his shaft. Mari slowly licked up and down his meat-stick with a strong and forceful tongue. Mari was nearly in a state of worship for her brother’s cock.


Mari worked back up to the top of this wonderful instrument of pleasure, then opened her lips wide to accept Tony’s throbbing cock into her oral cavity. Tony could not contain his moan of satisfaction as he watched his little sister swallow his dick! "Oh God Mari" he moaned loudly!


Mari had to breathe through her nose because the size of her brother’s cock cut off all air through her mouth. Mari moaned and gave approving sighs of "Umm, umm" as she enjoyed the taste of a man’s cock again. Mari’s big brown eyes outlined with her painted eyelashes and blue eyeliner glanced up at her brother’s face off and on as she looked for signs of his approval in how she was sucking his cock.

Mari could see him open his mouth and let a soft moan escape each time she sank his meat-pole back into her throat. He smiled when she rose to the tip of his penis and circled the spearhead with her tongue and then began to sink him back down through her mouth again. Tony had dated 18 and 19 year-old girls who couldn’t suck cock near as well as his own 14 year-old sister.


Mari continued to suck her brother’s cock passionately feeling his heart beating in her mouth as Tony’s dick slowly grew larger in his sister’s mouth. It swelled till Mari could feel the large veins full of blood and knew his cock juice was near. Tony suddenly pulled her head up off his cock using the a fist full of hair.


He looked at her and said; " No bitch, every drop of my sperm is gonna fill your tight, little pussy today Mari!" Your gonna have no doubt that your pussy has been well fucked when I fill you to the top with my cock and cum. I’m about to give my sexy sister the fucking she needs and deserves for being such a tease with her body.


Tony stood and took Mari by the hand to help her up. They walked to their dad’s bedroom with Tony’s arm around his sister’s bare waistline. Tony thought he could actually smell the sweet scent of his sister’s pussy. They stood in the doorway of their dad’s bedroom facing each other and kissing. Tony was nude and Mari was topless. Mari could feel her brother unbuttoning her jeans and then she felt them drop to her ankles with a push on each side of her hips by her brother. Mari’s panties quickly joined her jeans on the floor as her young naked body pressed into her older brother’s flesh.


Mari’s soft hand held her brother’s large hand and led him to the bed where she turned down the sheets for them. Mari longed to feel a hard cock buried in her again and she didn’t want to wait for it! Mari laid in the middle of the bed and held her brother’s jerking cock in her hand as she pulled him to her spread legs. Mari leaned up to gently kiss her brother’s cheek and softly whispered she wanted him to make love to her.

Tony was crouched on his knees between his sexy sister’s naked legs with his cock-head poised against the entrance of her pussy. He leaned forward and kissed Mari’s glossed lips as he suddenly sank his penis fully into Mari. Mari moaned loudly " OH GOD YES TONY!".


Tony began a slow rhythmic fucking of his 14 year old sister, Mari’s eyes were closed as she enjoyed the feeling of her hunk of a brother’s cock splitting her hungry cunt open. Mari’s small hands rested against the force of her brother’s chest as he drove his cock into her time after time. Mari’s bare feet stroked up and down his hairy legs encouraging her incest lover to master her young body.


Tony sucked some breast now and then as he continued to stroke his hard cock into Mari. Mari moaned her brother’s name several times as she felt the flood of female cum release from deep inside of her womb causing her to push her pussy against her brother’s cock hard and grind her hips into him. Oh how she loved the feeling of sex with anyone who wanted her.

Tony began to swell inside of Mari as she massaged his legs and ass with her hands. She continued to moan his name as she told him she needed his cum in her. Tony now held his sister’s naked legs apart by her knees and pounded his cock deep into her until he felt his balls jump and then spurt hot male sperm into this vixen cheerleader.

They collapsed together for a moment as Mari caught her breath after their first fucking of the day. Mari soon climbed atop of her brother and straddled him, playing his limp cock against her vagina and clitoris. Mari smiled at Tony and told him she wanted more! Mari did love fucking very much.


Scott pulled up into his yard noticing his son’s vehicle parked there. He thought that was unusual since it was a school day and it was only like 2 in the afternoon. The door was also un locked but Tony knew where he kept the key at so that was ok. It was just strange. Maybe his son was sick and had come over to lay down.


Scott silently opened the door and saw a small purse laying in the entrance hall with a large blue "M" on it. That was odd...Mari had a purse like that! Scott then heard some sounds down the hallway and decided to quietly investigate in case of burglars or something. As he walked down the hall he passed the living room where he saw male and female clothes in the floor.


He quietly reached the door way to his bedroom where he saw a pair of girls jeans and panties laying in the floor. The sounds were unmistakable now. Someone was in his bedroom fucking! Tony stood there and clearly saw the sexy form of his young daughter riding a cock buried in her cunt. She was working her hips and moaning from the undeniable pleasure she was receiving. It was stunning but he now realized that his 18 year-old son and his 14 year-old daughter were fucking in his bed and they were serious with it! He decided to silently stand and enjoy the performance.


He watched Mari work and buck her hips as she rode her brother’s up-thrusts of cock-meat. He saw his son’s hands kneading and massaging his young daughter’s delicious bare flesh, hips, ass and legs as they kept fucking. The same ass he had already enjoyed fucking a few times himself. Mari was no-doubt a sweet, young piece of ass and Scott had to admit he enjoyed the view of her taking cock in her pussy even though it wasn’t his, yet!


Scott watched as Mari exploded in a massive orgasm as her brother filled her pussy with a second load of hot sex-juice. Mari left her brother’s cock in her as she laid forward on his chest to rest. Her sexy legs were still quivering and jerking as the sensations of their delicious fucking session flowed through her young body and soul. Mari knew she was hooked on her brother’s cock and that she could never deny his lust for her. Mari could never see herself unwilling to spread for her brother and provide her pussy to his needs.


Scott eased back out before they noticed him and he went into the living room and sat in his favorite chair which was in the back corner of the room. It was turned slightly towards the wall so he could sit there without being noticed unless his son and daughter looked for him.


Tony came out to living room after a few minutes and sat on the couch as he turned on the tv. Mari walked out about 5 minutes later wearing her thong panties and a button-up shirt belonging to her daddy. Mari stood in front of her brother as he ran a hand up under the shirt tail and played with her panties. He told Mari to go get him a beer from the refrigerator. Mari did as she was told.


Mari handed her brother his beer and sat on his lap with her sexy legs open for his viewing pleasure. Tony asked his little sister if she enjoyed the fucking they just did. Mari could only reply of course she did. Mari told Tony she would have sex with him anytime he wanted her.


"You feel so good when your deep inside of me Tony. I love having sex with you baby" Mari stated.


Mari held his beer for him as they began to kiss passionately again. Tony pried his sister’s legs apart and slipped her panty down over her knees and down to the floor again. They kissed as he slipped two fingers into Mari’s still wet cunt as she grunted at the insertion. Tony began to methodically finger-fuck his little sister as Mari moaned her appreciation.



Tony unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt with his teeth and Mari laid the shirt back and exposed her breasts to her brother’s hungry lust.


Scott stood now and turned to his children on the couch. He asked in a loud voice, "what the hell are you doing Mari?" Mari jumped up from her brother’s fingering to grab her panties and close her shirt. She claimed her brother had raped her and forced her to have sex with him!


Scott slapped Mari and told her not to lie. He told her he had watched her ride her brother’s cock in the bed. You are the one that seduced him I bet Mari!


"Your going to have to pay for what you did with Tony. You have to be punished", Scott said with a smile.

Scott then pulled a set of handcuffs from his back pocket and slapped them on his young daughter. Mari was in shock at what was happening and just let her daddy lead her back to the bedroom, lay her down and connect her handcuffs to the headboard on the bed.


Scott called his son into the bedroom. Tony was still naked as he heard his dad ask him how many times he had sex with his little sister?


Tony was honest and replied " well dad I fucked her twice today and three times the other night."

Scott smiled and patted his son on the back as he told him how proud he was of him . "I guess my boy has his daddy’s eye for sexy young tail".


Tony was a little taken back and asked his dad if he was in trouble for fucking Mari. Scott put his arm around his son and told him of course not, that he’d had her himself, twice. "Your sister has a really good pussy son. I know now that it is something we should start enjoying together. We fish and hunt together, now we can start fucking pussy together too!"


"Are you sure dad? I like fucking her and it might be fun to screw her with you daddy" Tony exclaimed.


Mari couldn’t believe her brother and daddy were discussing this. How could they even think of it. Mari truly enjoyed fucking each of them but she felt their fucking should be in private, one on one not all together! Mari begged her daddy to make Tony leave and she would make love with him again, just the two of them.

Scott would have none of it and told his daughter she must be punished for her deception and all her teasing of them. Scott undressed as he told his son to go get two cherry popsicles from the freezer and a can of spray whipped cream from the refrigerator. Scott pulled a small paddle from the night-stand beside the bed.


Mari struggled against her handcuffs that held her firmly to the bed posts with her arms spread away from her sexy body and over her head. Scott used his pocket knife to cut his daughter’s cotton thong panty from her hips and toss the remains aside. He watched as Mari kicked her creamy legs in protest and he noticed his son’s sperm on Mari’s pussy lips and in her pubic hair where it had been deposited during the fucking they had already completed. Mari was about to do a lot more fucking but this time she would be servicing both the males in her life who lusted for her sexy ass. After all, she was quickly becoming "The Family Pussy".


When Tony re-entered the bedroom, his dad asked him to hold the paddle and spank his sister’s ass when he told him to. Scott rolled Mari’s hips to one side and asked her if she had seduced her brother?


Mari’s reply was "No daddy, he wanted me and made me have sex with him!"

Scott instructed Tony to give his sister’s ass cheeks 5 hard licks and Tony did as instructed. Mari cried out in pain.

Scott again asked Mari if she had seduced her brother? Mari again denied it and was spanked. The third time Mari admitted she was the one that seduced her brother, it was her fault.

Scott now asked Mari if she was going to have sex with both of them in a threesome?

"No daddy! I’m not like that daddy. I’ll make love with you or with Tony but I want to do it when we are alone, just one of you and me. I’d be embarrassed making love in front of someone else" Mari replied.

WRONG ANSWER! Five more licks were dealt to this sexy fourteen year-old ass.

"Yes you will fuck us both Mari won’t you baby?" Daddy demanded.

"Yes daddy. I will, I will, I promise. I will! Please don’t paddle me again" Mari begged.


Tony and his dad each took a side of the bed and leaned in to kiss and nibble on Mari’s neck. Each of them took a breast mound in their hand and fondled the breast-meat and played with her enlarged nipples. Mari couldn’t help but moan. Then suddenly the cherry popsicles were pressing into her breasts. Their coldness producing magnificent erect nipples.

"Oh God, oooo my God" Mari moaned.


Mari had barely moaned her pleasure when her daddy took one breast-mound into his mouth and her brother took the other as they began to hungrily feed upon her aching flesh. Mari squirmed as the popsicles trailed down her abdomen and across her hips into her pubic mound.

"No, no pleasezzzz no.." Mari pleaded.

Each popsicle took a turn splitting the lips of her pussy but never entering her cunt. The heat of young Mari’s boiling love pot quickly evaporated the last drops of cherry liquid. Mari’s dad let her breast flop from his mouth showing the redness of the intense suction he had placed on her.


Scott left his son sucking his sister’s breast and playing with her spread legs. Scott secured two more popsicles and returned to the bed. Scott had his son take a popsicle and told him it was time to punish Mari some more.


Scott eased his popsicle into his daughter’s cunt and told his son to do the same. Mari came up off the bed at the intense coldness inside of her as her lovers worked their cold prongs in and out of her. They both licked and slurped her creamy thighs, hips and tummy. Mari moaned and cried in pain and pleasure as her torture continued until only the bare sticks from the popsicles were left, her hungry pussy having devoured the last vestiges of the icy treats.


Mari moaned her dad’s name and begged him to fuck her now please?

Scott slapped her and asked her if she would ever again have sex without both of them being invited to share her bed and fuck her.

"Daddy please? Please, you know I love to have sex with you and with Tony too, but can’t I just make love with one of you at a time in private? I promise, I’ll always give you both some but let me do it my way daddy." Mari begged.


Scott slapped her again and then raised her butt for her brother to spank hard with seven licks of the paddle.

"You’ll fuck us both now and you’ll keep fucking us in a threesome when we tell you we are ready for some pussy, won’t you Mari?" Scott demanded. " And you will ask us both to take your pussy now. Ask your brother and daddy to fuck you Mari!" Scott exclaimed.


Mari dripped a tear from her brown eyes as she asked them both to fuck her and to fuck her at the same time.


"Should we oblige your poor little sister son?" Scott asked.

"I wouldn’t mind another piece of her pussy daddy" Tony replied.


Scott told his son to get him a little bit of pussy first. Scott stuck his cock in Mari’s face as Tony crawled between his sister’s sexy legs and sank his cock deep into her cunt. When gasped at his penetration her mouth opened and Scott slipped his meat into her mouth to be sucked off.


Mari oooed and moaned as her pussy was ravaged and audibly showed her delight at the taste of her daddy’s cock. Mari loved to suck cock now and she tried to capture more and more cock into her mouth and throat. Tony got about three or four minutes of steady pussy until his dad said to swap.


Tony moved and Mari gladly accepted his cock in her mouth tasting her own pussy juices on her brother’s cock. Scott slipped between her muscular legs and plunged his bulging cock deep into his daughter’s pussy causing her to rise from the bed with her hips to meet the massive intruder. Mari’s pussy seemed better than ever to her daddy as he drove into her hard and deep.

Scott held Mari’s classic cheerleader thighs in his hands as he drilled her cunt over and over. Tony loved looking at his sister’s cheeks cave in as she applied suction to his cock as it stroked in and out of her mouth. Mari could feel her brother’s heart beating in her mouth as she sucked him. Mari could feel the swelling veins of his cock and she could also feel her daddy growing in her cunt as he prepared to cream her vaginal canal and womb.


Suddenly both of her lover’s cocks were spewing their hot, sticky cream into her body. One filled her mouth, throat and belly as the other filled her love canal. Mari couldn’t control her emotions and she erupted into a massive orgasm. She creamed her daddy’s penis with her young female cum-juice. Her sexy body jumped and jerked as the delicious sensations of being the "family fucking toy" swept through her soul.


They all collapsed together with her daddy’s cock buried in Mari still and her brother’s cock laying on her glossy lips. Sperm from her brother and daddy oozed from her mouth and pussy. Mari felt so warm and complete. She never dreamed it could be this good sharing her love with the men in her life.


Having a short fucking session with his vivacious young daughter and his son had been awesome for Scott. It was almost five o’clock though and Mari’s mom would soon be looking for her. Scott uncuffed his daughter and helped her up from the bed.


Scott held Mari in his arms and kissed her as Tony pressed against her naked rear. Scott told Mari she was to go out with her brother Saturday night. He informed Mari and Tony that he would call Tony and tell him where to bring Mari so they could enjoy a night of good fucking together. He told Mari to take her vitamins and birth control and to wear something really sexy for her men. He warned Mari to be ready to put out a lot if she wanted to keep on being "The Family Pussy".

Farmed Out Part Two

gwkent on Incest Stories

Part 2

I stood up from the chair, my cock now going soft in the wet mess i had left in my pants.

"hmmm looks like you made a bit of mess there son, i think you know what to do, we can't have a mess in the house can we"

I looked at him and saw him pointing to the arm of the chair. I had cum all over it and in my pants and i knew what he wanted

"does daddy want me to wipe it up then"

"yes, dadddy does, but why don't you clean it up with your tongue and show daddy how much you like it"

I got down on my kness and started to lick the side of the archair, tasting my own cum on the material. This was one thing i was not at all worried about. I had often cum in my own hands and licked myself clean.

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I had become quite a lover of it, and eagerly lapped up the globs of white sticky cum.

"hmmmm, looks like you have tasted that before son,"

"yes dadddy, i have , i always like to drink my own cum when i have been playing with myself"

"very nice, why dont you take you pants off then and show daddy how you clean up for me"

I took my pants off and held them to my face, looking up at him with my eyes, i started to lick the juice from my boxers,

"it's nice daddy, it tastes so sexy, do you like watching me lick it off"

"ohhh yes son, i do it's very kinky do you know how that makes me feel watching you do that"

"i hope it is turning you on daddy, i would like to think that i am pleasing you"

"it is son, can't you see the bulge in my trousers?"

"yes i can daddy, it that for me?"

"hmmm, would you like it"

I was now very much into this little game, i had always been quite sexually driven, but had been given little chance to explore anything, being an only child meant i had to find ways to enjoy myself with quiet wanks under the covers. Now here i was in a situation that gave me a wonderful opportunity. I had never thought of doing anything with another man before, let alone my granddad....but there was something very kinky about these games. I was not going to hid the fact that i was enjoying them.

"yes, daddy, i would love to see what have under there if you will let me"

"ok, but you have to promise to look after it, and treat it nicely, if you do you'll get a nice reward, do you like the sound of that"

"ohh daddy, yes i promise to be on my best behaviour with it, i will worship it and do what ever you want me to do with it"

"ok good, then you may come over and have a feel then"

I shitfted my self and stayed on my kness in front of the lump in his trousers. Firsly i started to rub my hands on him feeling his tool. He was quite hard under the material, and it was a lump i was becoming move and more excited about exploring.

Taking a lead, i started to rub my face over his bulge, and then taking licks as well.

"daddy, it does feel quite hard, should it be locked up under there"

"no son, i dont think it should"

With that i began to undo his zip and could smell his musky sweat and heat. I sniffed the opening so that he could see that i wanted to appreciate every moment.

Putting my hand inside i could feel something much larger than i had imagined.

"daddy, it feels big!!!"

"oh i think you will cope ok boy"

Feeling his now damp y-fronts with one hand i used the other to loosen the button at the top of his pants. I didn't have to worry about his belt, as of course that had comeoff a long time ago at the start of this perverted game.

His pants undone, i pulled them down, and saw at last the object of my desire....and it was not going to be a tiny object that was for sure.

i rubbed his Y-fronts again and looked towards him,

"can i take a peak daddy"

"i think you should my little horny son"

I pulled the top of pants away and looked down

"oh my word daddy, it looks huge,"

"and it's all for you son"

I pulled his pants down and his cock sprang out like a spring being uncoiled.

It was a magnificent tool, he didn't have a forskin like i had, and his knob stuck out proud and firm. He was thick, fuck me it was almost twice as thick as mine. I had seen big cocks in books before but never this thick.

As it stood to attention, he gave it a flick with his muscles, i looked up at him in amazement

"dadddy, that is massive, i never knew it could be so big, If I promise to be nice with it daddy can i play with it for a while?"

"sure you can son, let me sit down so i can relax and then you can play with it all you like"

This was clearly going a lot better than he expected, but hey what is a boy to do when he's given free range to play with a new toy.

He sat in the chair and i took him in my hands for the first time. I couldn't even get my hand around it fully, and i began to rub his shaft slowly up and down.

He could see i was transfixed by his proud penis.

"have you ever played with another cock before"

"no dadddy, never, only my own"

"so you've never tasted another mans dick then"

"oh never Daddy, but i would love to taste yours"

"well you better ask nicely then"

"ohh dadddy, may i lick your penis, i would love to taste you, and play with you in my mouth, it looks just like a lovely big lollipop"

"and it will be just as sweet for you, you'll see"

I stuck my tongue out and licked the shaft tentatively, then moving my tongue up and down a few times i ventured out towards his massive purple knob, using just the tip of my tongue i flicked over his helmet, and then went all the way down his shaft again, flicking my tongue to and fro working my way back up to where his first drops of juice had appeared. I wasted no time in picking his pre cum up with my tongue and lifting it up towards my moouth, so it stretched out.

He loved it

"my god, your a fucking natural son,"

I suddenly started to relaise what it was like to give someone pleasure, and all my life i had wanted to annoy people, this was much much better.

I now started to lick more feverishly, moving my tongue up and down his length and all over the head, i soon learned that the more i licked the shaft, the more of those sweet thick juices appeared on the top.

I started to kiss his errection, gently sucking as i did, moving up i wanted to suck that head that was getting wetter and wetter. reaching the top i put my mouth over him and tried to kiss and suck his now fully errect cock.

"oh yes son that's it, suck on you granddaddy's hard cock, suck me like your lollipop, it's nice and wet for you, keep sucking and show daddy what a good cocksucking little boy you are"

I was encouraged by this and stepped up my quest for his whole cock to be inside me. I opened wide and took the top of his cock in my mouth, still using my tongue to stimulate him, i opened wide enough to start sucking on his delicious prick. Taking the head inside i worked up and down while using my hand to wank his shaft as i did.

He tasted amazing and I was having the time of my life sucking my grandfathers cock.

"ohh yes that it's boy suck it deeper, god you are are a fuckin good cocksucker, you are making an old man very very happy here boy"

I didn't respond as i was too busy enjoying myself, forcing more and more down my throat and then coming up for air, he was so wet that his cock was now just slidign in and out of my hungry mouth, and he was getting harder and harder.

"fuck yes, thats good, dont you dare stop boy, your gonna make me cum so fucking hard"

I was engulphng as much as i could and his words made me relaise how much i wanted to finally feel what it was like to suck a cock off like the women I had seen in the movies, i wanted this man to cum in my mouth, i wanted every drop of cum to swallow. And i got the impression it was exactly what he wanted too.

He was getting close and he started to grab his cock, wanking harder as i sucked.

"ohhhh son yes, tell me where you want it, tell your old man where he should cum"

I popped my mouth off and strings of pre cum stretched from my lips to his knob.

" oh dadddyyy, fuck my face hard pleasse and shoot you load in me, pleeese daddy i have been a good boy, let me drink every drop of your hot spunk, force me to swallow every bit of your creamy sperm"

"yesss, that is what i wanted to hear from you you fuckin cum hungry whore"

I had never been so fucking turned on before and i loved his use of words, i was his, i was his fuckin slut, and i was loving it.

I opened wide and he grabbed the back of my head, forceing me down on him, i took more inches that every before and just sucked for all i was worth.

"good boy, good boy, fuck yes swallow my cock in your fucking deep throat, fuccckk yes, keep sucking bitch....make meee cummmmmm"

He pumped his cock harder and deeper inside me and i grabbed his balls and felt them stifen he was going to shoot that load all for me

"yesssss, here' it cummms boiyyyyyyy ahhhhhhh yessss"

I felt his cock go rock hard and and gush of hot spunk left his rod and went straight down my throat, god it felt good, it was thick, creamy and so fucking horny, he let another stream go it hit the back of mouth and throat, and then he just carried on cumming, he let go of my head as i started to choke, despite trying to swallow as much as i could. His cock popped from my mouth and yet he still shot thick wads into the air and all over my face, into my still wide open mouth and over my nose. Eventually the mass of liquid receeded and i was covered in goey thick spunk,

he sighed in relief and i grabeed his cock again kising his now white knob, lickign up his juices, using my tongue to lap up the bits that were dribbling down my face.

I guided his cock to my chin and let a large drop fall from my chin back on his knob and i greedly gobbled it up, i put his cock back in my mouth to suck the last drops of my reward, then looked at him as i let the juices come back out my mouth over his cock again, so i could suck them up once more.

"you are one hell of a cum slut boy, fuck that is the best blow job i've ever had"

I was pleased that i had satisfied him, and i continued to play with the spunk in my mouth for his enjoyment.

"daddy that was divine, your cum tasted so good, please tell me if I am a good boy I can have that every day, please dadddy, i'll do anything to drink you all the time"

"oh son, you can drink your grandfather cum anytime and I'll give you loads more too"

I let go of his cock and wiped my face, being careful to lick my fingers clean as well.

I was on heat big time, and just wanted more,

"oh dadddy, that was so nice, i am so horny, i love being daddys plaything, i want to do anything to please you daddy."

"oh you will son, believe me you will"

"thank you daddy, you know I would love to play with your arse like you played with mine too daddy, i bet your arse woudl taste just as nice daddy"

"it will son, but just give me a few minutes to recover ok"

"yes dadddy, what ever you want".

With that he sank it his chair and I stared up at him, like an obidient puppy does with his master, just waiting to get my tongue out and lick him all over again......

To Be Continued

The Silken Family Trap Part I

PantyhosePrincess on Incest Stories

The Silken Family Trap


Michele Nylons


My father was away interstate, had been for six months and would be for another year. As a fifteen-year-old boy, it was hard to come to grips that my father was in prison and I was ‘the man of the house’. Mom was a nurse who worked a long day shift and came from work dog tired most evenings.

She just flopped on the lounge without even removing her uniform, kicked off her white loafers, and crashed. She was a voluptuous woman who filled out her white nurses uniform, it stretched across her bosom and ass and the hemline was short. She wore lots of makeup and had flaming red hair; I had overheard other mothers at school talk about her behind he back; how she dressed like a ‘trollo

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p’; but their husbands eyes found her ass, long legs, and bust, and I could see their lust right there. I think a lot of those mothers were jealous.

My sister Eileen was a trollop, no doubt about it. She was 17 and had inherited mom’s figure and long legs, she wore far too much makeup and her school uniform skirt was far too short. Eileen liked to flaunt the rules, she was always on detention for not conforming to the school dress code but she couldn’t care less.

She wore her skirt as short as she could get away with and instead of wearing the prescribed uniform brown ankle-socks; she wore sheer to the waist pantyhose. The boys loved her and she loved them. She didn’t care about her reputation, as she saw it, at the age of sixteen and in her last year at school, it was more important to be popular than to get an education. Eileen was known as the ‘town bike’ and on parents and teachers day at school, the same fathers that cast their eyes on my mom could not help also glancing at Eileen with the same longing.

Living in the same house as my mom and sister did have advantages. From as long as I could remember I have had a fetish for nylon stockings and pantyhose. Mom wore either white or beige pantyhose with her nurse’s uniform and my sister wore beige to school but sometimes black or other coloured pantyhose with her street clothes. Of course once they were damaged they were discarded, but they did not stay in the trash long before they became part of my collection.

Alone in my room I would enact my pantyhose fantasies. I would wear them, sniff them, and wank in them, all kinds of pantyhose perversion. I loved the sight, feel, and smell of nylons. I could get an erection just rubbing their silken material against my face, and could orgasm by just rubbing my cock against the silky fabric. Yes living with two ladies who wore pantyhose every day had its advantages.

It also had its disadvantages. In the evenings I was constantly surrounded by two sexy women wearing sheer pantyhose and short dresses and skirts. I think because I was a son and a brother to them that both mom and sis just didn’t take any notice me as a man. They both often sat around with their skirts hiked up or legs akimbo and were often in various states of undress in my presence. I was just Mike, the son and brother who was a nice guy, studied hard, had few friends, and kept to himself. I think they actually felt a bit sorry for me, a geeky loner who spent most of his time in his room.

But if only they knew what I got up to in there, with their discarded pantyhose and the odd pair of nylon panties I had stolen. I wore their pantyhose and panties. I knew the sweet yet musky sell of their vaginas intimately; I had put the same silky nylon gusset that had encased their pussies against my penis. In my fantasies my mom and sister would wank me off with their nylon-encased toes. If only they knew…………………..but one day they found out.

Mom had come home about seven thirty, dog-tired from a day at the hospital. She kicked off her white loafers and the pungent yet arousing smell of nylon encased feet that had spent all day in hot shoes hit my nose. She ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek.

"Mom is just going to lie down for a little while son," she said. "Please go and fix me an ice cold Coke". I went into the kitchen and fixed the Coke and returned to the living room to find mom asleep on the lounge.

She was lying on her side and her white nurse’s uniform dress had rucked up around her ass. She was wearing white pantyhose today and pulled on a pair of white nylon panties over them. The crotch of mom’s panties looked hot and stained from her long day at work.

This was not an unusual situation, mom often crashed on the lounge like this and I would steal furtive glances up her skirt until I could take it no more and retire to my room for relief. This evening however, I knew my sister had a hot date with some guy she had been trying to get to take her out for ages. She wouldn’t be home for ages. I had my chance to try something I had wanted to do for a long time.

I put the Coke on the table and sat on the far end of the lounge. The TV was on and deliberately make plenty of noise and movement, I had to be sure mom was sleeping deeply. She didn’t stir at all. I reached out and gently placed my hand on her calf. I caressed the sheer nylon and immediately felt myself get hard in my jeans.

I stroked mom’s nylon calf for a couple of minutes, it felt lovely but it was also my plan to see haw far I could go without waking her up. She remained dead to the world. I took a deep breath and slid my hand up her thigh, the nylon was stretched taught and shiny here and as I stroked mom’s thigh I felt a drop of pre-come drip out of the end of my penis. I reached down and slowly unzipped my fly.

My throbbing hard cock sprang out; it was red and engorged. I continued to caress mom’s pantyhosed thigh and slowly wank my cock. It was nice but I wanted to feel that sheer nylon on my cock; I wanted to touch my mom with it. I re-positioned myself and was now on my knees on the end of the lounge. If mom woke up now I would have no alibi, kneeling there with my cock out of my jeans. I bent down over mom and put my nose next to her nylon covered pussy, I breathed in the heady aroma of mom’s cunt though her panties and hose.

I gently stroked the sheer white nylon of her panty crotch and felt the heat mom’s pussy had generated. I dare not linger in this compromising position any longer; I sat back down on the lounge. Now I eased myself so I was hunched over mom’s legs. I placed my cock against my mother’s pantyhosed calf and began to rub it gently against the sheer nylon. The feeling was exquisite and I became lost in my fantasy come true. I was rubbing my hard cock against my mom’s nyloned leg finally one of my deepest desires had come true. I knew what I was doing was wrong but it felt so good.

Then the door flew open and my sister flew into the room "That cheap, no good asshole" she yelled, then…………… "What the fuck do you think you’re doing?" She hissed at me.

"I, I, I, Shhhhhhhhhh" I hissed back quickly shoving my cock back in my pants.

Mom stirred "What’s up!"

"Nothing mom, just go back to sleep ok," I soothed.

I was glaring at Eileen who was mesmerised with shock at what she had seen. I got up and grabbed my sister and shoved her out of the room, down the hall, and in to my room.

"You, you, you" she stammered "were touching mom with your thing." she was still shocked but now she seemed to be coming around.

"You, you, you………You dirty little bastard." she started to smirk.

"I knew you were a perv, all the time you spend in your room with the door locked. All the times I couldn’t find my pantyhose and panties. And all the times mom and I found those suspicious stains on the pantyhose and panties we had left to hang in the bathroom!"

"You fucking dirty perv!"

"Shut up" I hissed in her face. "Shut up! shut up! shut up!" I pushed her and she fell on my bed, she looked up at me and laughed

"Wait until I tell everyone about my brother the pantyhose pervert," she said vindictively.

She was lying where I had pushed her, propped on her elbows facing me. Her legs were apart and her short white A-line skirt was hiked up to the top of her thighs, her platform high heels swung just off the floor. Her bust heaved with anger and then laughter, straining her breasts against the pink cashmere sweater she was wearing.

Her legs were encased in the shiny gossamer of taupe pantyhose, I could tell they were the expensive, sheer to waist kind she wore for her best dates. With her sluttish makeup and flaming red hair I could understand why the boys all loved her, she was my sister but I felt my erection start to return just looking at her.

"You aren’t telling anyone about anything," I said.

"Like fuck I’m not," she laughed back. "Starting with mom. She will be really keen to know her son was dry humping her leg like some dog on heat I’ll bet"

"You will be lucky if she doesn’t throw you out," she sneered.

"Oh I don’t think you will!" I hissed at her and then I noticed the fear in her face, she knew she had pushed me too far. I knew I was caught dead to rights and the only way I could save myself from a life of blackmail from bitch sister was to make sure I could blackmail her back.

"Yeah, I don’t think you can tell anyone anything about my pantyhose fetish, especially as you are a willing participant." I sneered at my sister.

"What the fuck are you talking about," she just managed to get out when I fell on her. I pushed my face into hers and mashed my lips against hers. She struggled and I followed the movements of her head to keep my mouth over hers to keep her quiet. She was struggling beneath me but even though she was a well-built girl, I easily outweighed her. I reached down and opened fly and pulled out my cock, it was semi-erect.

Eileen could feel me moving on top of her and when she felt my half-hard cock on her pantyhosed thigh she really began to struggle. I began to harden as I felt the silky feel of my sister’s nyloned thighs rubbing my cock. I didn’t have to move because her struggling was making a nice rocking motion that kept my cock rubbing nicely on her hosed thighs.

My sister wasn’t dumb, she was no virgin and figured out what I was doing and stopped struggling. She pulled her head right back and breathed out softly

"But I’m your sister Mike, I’m your sister!"

"I know that. You are my cock teasing, slut sister, who lounges around the house showing off her assets just to tease me. If you suspected I had a pantyhose fetish, then you must have done all that on purpose!"

"But I’m still your sister, we can’t," she sobbed.

"Well I can," I said.

I reached between us and hiked up her skirt all the way over her hips, I positioned my now rock hard cock between her silky nyloned legs and against the gusset of the nylon panties she wore under her pantyhose. Then I began to move slowly back and forth, pushing my cock against her gossamer encased pussy. She had given up the struggle and was quietly sobbing, her head was resting against mine.

"Don’t Mike, please don’t, I’m your sister," she whispered.

"I don’t care," I whispered back. "I have wanted to do this for so long, I don’t care about the consequences." I whimpered and then gently kissed her.

She didn’t respond at first so I kept up the pressure lightly on her lips until I felt the first stirring’s in her. My cock, which was encased in the folds of her pussy but surrounded by the nylon of her panties and hose, suddenly felt sticky warmth against it. Although I was close, I knew I hadn’t come yet, so it could mean only one thing, my sister was getting wet.

Oh my God! I got even more excited now and started a rhythmic humping, that forced the head of my cock to push against where I though her clitty might be under the nylon of her hose and panties. I must have been close because I felt my sister squirm slightly and adjust her ass so that my cock moved a fraction to what must have been the right position for her.

Then I felt my sister start to hump me back, as I pressed my cock against her she pushed back against me. I was in heaven, dry humping my sister like this. I put my hands under her ass and squeezed her buttocks through her sheer hose and nylon panties. It felt wonderful. Then she amazed me! My sister lifted her legs up and rubbed them over my back.

She reached around and pulled my shirt out of my pants and rucked it up my back. I felt her pantyhose legs lock behind my back and rub the sensitive skin there, as she rocked in time with my thrusts. She was now rising up to meet my thrusts and kissing me passionately.

She was breathing hard and fast. The feel of her pantyhose encased legs rubbing my back, her nylon pantied ass in my hands, her soft lips kissing me, her sheer pantyhosed and nylon panty covered cunt pushing against my cock was exquisite and I felt myself about to release.

I pushed hard against my sister and felt the end of my cock push the fabric of her pantyhose and panties just inside her cunt. It was too much. I shuddered and felt streams and streams of my semen flood into her and soak the material of her panties and hose.

She shuddered back and gripped me with her tight nyloned legs and I felt her orgasm rage through her and her cunt spasm against my nylon covered cock.

We held each other that way for a few minutes, then she lay back and dropped her legs. She smiled up at me through her smeared makeup and said:

"We are in so much trouble now," and giggled.


To be continued.

Twins are Two Times the Fun: Part Two

Bengalsfan on Incest Stories

My family had gathered once again at my grandparents' house for our weekly dinner. It had been two and a half weeks since she gave me head, but we were ready to go at it still. Before dinner, we had discussed using the guest bedroom in the basement for a little bit of a sexual escapade, and both approved of the idea. While our family was gathered around the dinner table, we carried on as normal, occasionally giving each other a passionate glance. After we finished dessert, our the adults of the family continue to sit around the table and talk, while the younger kids scurry off into an adjacent room to play and watch TV.

Kat had excused herself to go to the bathroom, and after a while, I got up to do the same. We passed each other in the hall, and being within proximity of the kit

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chen, she just whispered "Meet me in the basement."

I proceeded to use the bathroom, and then quietly moved down the basement stairs near the bathroom door. I move towards the guest bedroom, taking off my shirt as I go. Once inside, I sit on the edge of the bed and await Kat.

All the sudden, I see the door open out of the corner of my eye. My head darts over to it in heavy anticipation.

Unexpectedly, it isn't my cousin Kat. Instead, her twin sister Kelsey walks in. I notice immediately, as Kelsey's hair is cut much shorter than Kat's, falling midway down her neck at its longest.

Surprised, my jaw drops.
"What are you doing hear?" I ask in an intense whisper, still mildly afraid of being caught.

"Well, Kat told me all about what happened that Saturday night. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous."

The shock passed, and my arousal instantly returned.

"So this was just a clever scheme between you and your sister for you to get a little?"
"You can say that."

She moved towards me, pulling herself on to the bed, then crawling across it on all fours to me.

"You can't say you don't want a little either."

I grin, as she slowly pulls herself closer.

We begin kissing passionately. She sticks her tongue in my mouth, and begins moving it around my mouth wildly.

Without breaking the seal, I pull myself completely on top of the bed, as Kelsey moves herself over top of me.

She pulls back, and without wasting anytime, pulls her shirt over her head. She removes her bra, and throws both into the corner of the room. I instantly begin sucking on her left breast, flicking the nipple with my tongue. I firmly grasp the other one, and pinch the nipple in between my forefinger and thumb. Her B cup could fit 3 times over into my palm, but I don't dare look a gift horse in the mouth. Her perfectly shaped and firm breasts feel great as I continue sucking and tweaking the nipples.

She moans.

"Mmmm... Kat was right..."

And before she had finished saying it, her hands are at the waist of my pants, rubbing my shaft through the material. She beings to unbutton my pants, and is gently pulls my boxers off. I shift and allow her to make her move, as she launches my remaining articles of clothing by her shirt and bra. She did a quick 180, and was hovering over my now massively erect cock. She quickly engulfed it, and began bobbing up and down.

As soon as she was situated, I began removing her pants. I pull them down, admiring the red lace panties she has on. Already, I could see a small wet spot in them, as if she had been pleasuring herself already.

I let off a small moan, and then proceed to remove Kelsey's panties. I gaze upon her shaved pussy, admiring her beautiful lips and erect clitoris. The moment is fleeting however, as I pull her down on top of my mouth, and bury my tongue in her warm pussy.

We both begin wildly sucking and licking, moaning as we go. Her juices taste warm and sweet on my tongue. She removes my cock from her mouth.

"Oh my god. Your tongue feels great. Don't stop... Ohhhh.... Mmmm... Don't stop. I'm going to cum soon..."

I pull my head away momentarily and pant "Then don't stop now. We can cum together."

And before I finish saying it, she already has her lips pressed around my cock, licking up the pre-cum, causing me to finish my sentence with a change in pitch.

We both start moaning furiously as we approach climax. As I lick her clit furiously, I stick my index finger into her pussy. She lets out an even louder moan, as I begin gyrating it in and out.

Finally, Kelsey lets out one long, muffled moan as I feel a rush of liquid hit my mouth. I begin shooting my cum into her mouth. Her lips stay tightly sealed around my cock, as she slowly swallows my sperm.

She removes herself from over top me, and turns around to lie next me. She plants a kiss on my lips, and then says "Jesus, you're fucking amazing."

"You're not to shabby yourself" as I rub my hand up and down her naked stomach.

"Mmmm... Are you ready to go again?"

"Yeah, I think I can must another."

And just as I say that, Kat slowly opens the door to the bedroom.

The surprise is fleeting, as I come to the realization of what is going down.

"Oh, so this wasn't just about Kelsey, was it?"

"Oh no. This is about all three of us." Kat replies.

She's already begun to strip, and strutting towards the bed, shaking her hips as she goes.

She's naked before she reaches the edge of the bed, and crawls on top of it, just as her sister did. She lies on the other side of me, both of them pressing their bodies close to me.

"Oh man, this is going to be fun."
"You have no idea." they both reply.

I turn to face Kat, and begin kissing her. My hand moves down to grab her tight ass, and begins squeezing it gently. Kelsey begins running her hands up and down me, as her sister darts her tongue around my mouth.

I then turn to Kelsey, and begin kissing her, doing the same with her perfect ass. Kat then begins to get onto her knees, and moves over top of Kelsey and me. I then give Kat a quick kiss on the lips before she moves on to start making out with her sister. Watching Kat and Kelsey make out sends a new sensation down my entire body, and I once again become erect.

Kat pulls back, and they both give off a sigh of pleasure.

Kat notices the tip of my cock rubbing against her inner thigh as she hovers lowly over top me and her sister. I instantly feel the wetness that her pussy has produced as she grabs my cock and begins rubbing it up against her pussy.

"Is this what you want?"

"It's what I've been dreaming of."

"Good reply."

She slowly lowers herself on top of me, the warmth of her liquids transferring throughout my entire body.

She lifts herself slightly, and begins pumping, sending my cock deep within the warmth of her pussy.

I instantly turn to Kelsey and we begin kissing again. She then lifts herself up, and places her slit over my face. I begin eating her out again. Both Kat and Kelsey begin pumping furiously, Kelsey pushing her mound against my face in such a way that it's almost hard to breath. Both moan intensely, as Kelsey begins leaning back into Kat. Kat then begins to rub her sister’s breasts, as she slowly kisses her neck.

Kelsey begins bucking wildly against my face, as Kat and I assist her to her climax again. Her juices once again flow out her pussy, wetting my tongue with a warm sweetness. She turns around and gives her sister another quick kiss, as she removes herself from my mouth, and bends over to give me a passionate kiss.

"Kat, turn around" Kelsey orders.

Without removing myself from her, Kat pivots on my cock, turning her back to my face.

We begin grinding furiously again, as Kelsey crawls around to face her sister.

Kelsey lowers her head, and begins licking Kat's clit. Kat let's out a moan of pleasure.

"Oh god. Your tongue feels so great with this cock in me."

"Mmmmm... If this is what I taste like, no wonder guys like eating me out." Kelsey states.

Kat quickly removes herself from my cock. Kelsey and I both look at her, waiting what she has to say.

She instructs me to get up, get on the other side of Kelsey. She proceeds to tackle Kelsey onto the mattress, then turns to eat her pussy. Following Kat's instructions, I get on the other side of Kat. I stick my shaft into Kelsey's mouth momentarily, and then proceed to enter Kat again. We proceed to pump and grind more, as all three of us continue moaning again.

Kat then lets out a deep moan, as I feel a new wetness over my cock. I continue on inside of Kat, until I feel my own climax coming again.

"Mmmmm... Get ready girls."

Quickly, I pull out of Kat, and all three of us rush off the bed. Kat and Kelsey quickly get on their knees, as Kelsey beings stroking my shaft as Kat sucks on my balls.

I let out one final moan and begin spraying Kat and Kelsey with my cum. Kat quickly latches herself to my cock, sucking out the remains. She then turns to Kelsey, who is running her finger along her face, moving cum into her mouth. Kat then proceeds to kiss Kelsey, depositing my cum into Kelsey's mouth. Kelsey quickly returns the cum, dripping it off her tongue into Kat's mouth, as Kat swallows the load. We all move quietly into the bathroom next to the guest room and proceed to clean up.

Look for "Twins Are Two Times the Fun: Part Three"

Finally 2 - 2-Sisters Return

WMSpearshaker on Incest Stories


Finally 2 - 2 Sisters Return

After my rousing night with Ruth and Mary, I had slept until nearly 1 in the afternoon. I guess I had been sleeping so soundly that I didn’t even here Mary and my 3 younger sisters’ head out to the pool. Apparently, Terri and Kathy had returned home from their sleepover and were now creating a ruckus at the pool with Mary and Ruth.

I heard the boom box blaring Eminem and D 12. I slowly raised myself from the sleeper sofa. I hadn’t even bothered to pull it out. I instantly noticed the tightness in my legs and sore muscles in my butt. I was sure this was from the fantastic sex with my sister and my girlfriend from the night before and not from the restrained sleeping conditions.

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I looked out the back door and noticed my beautiful Mary rollicking in the pool with my sisters. I cussed briefly about all of the racket that these 4 were making and wishing that I had been able to sleep a bit longer. Then, I was suddenly taken by surprise! I quickly realized and was relishing the sight of my lovely Mary, as well as all three of my sisters, frivolously playing in the pool, completely nude!

I just stood motionless for what seemed like hours, taking in the beauty of these lovely naiads. It was then that I realized I had not yet made it to the bathroom and my cock was about to burst from my boxers! My wake-up hard on was raging from the sight of these gorgeous girls, as well as from my having to take a wicked piss. I didn’t want to leave the door. It was then that Terri noticed me looking through the window.

“Well good morning, big brother!” She beamed, sarcastically. “Are you just going to stand inside and stare out the window or are you going to come out and say hello to your forgotten sisters!”

I wasn’t able to speak. Mary had climbed over the side of the pool and was heading toward the door. I looked from my girlfriend, Mary, to my sister Terri. She was now descending the short, 3-step ladder, out of the pool. My eyes were transfixed on her fantastic, lean, athletic, form. Her short dirty-blonde hair was wet and dripping water down her well-tanned body. I noticed that there was no evidence of tan lines on her lithesome figure. The droplets cascaded down her face and onto her pert, young breasts. My gaze wandered down her shape. The willowy, blonde, hairs between her legs, appeared nearly translucent. It seemed as though the pale golden flax had been neatly coifed. I gazed at her lovely mons venires. It was so evident that she was truly the most athletic member of our family. Her body was flawless. She was the essence of lean and mean.

I was smacked from my trance as Mary pulled open the door.

“Well hey John-boy! Are you going to answer Terri, or just continue to drool on yourself? Oh my, honey! It looks like you need a little help there anyway!” Mary proclaimed as she gently patted my wake- up wood.

“It’s not what you’re thinking.” I avowed. “I just woke up and haven’t had time to take a piss! You guys are so damn loud. I just had to see what the hell was going on out here. Now I know why I could never sleep late in this house.”

Terri was now standing just a foot or so away from Mary and I. The two girls looked almost more like sisters, than my sisters. I was still staring at Terri’s dark, tanned, skin and thinking how exquisite she looked. Her areola protruding from her taut breasts, like two Hershey Kisses, and nearly as dark in color! And the neat patch of wispy blonde hair between her legs.

“Well, big brothers is that a rocket in your boxers or are you just happy to see your family?” Terri implored. “Don’t be so shy, John. Ruth and Mary have already been talking to Kathy and I about your little escapade last night. I know what a big tease my older sister can be. She tries to seduce every guy I bring to the house and half of my girlfriends too!”

Once again I was in shock at how frank my sisters were speaking. What the hell had gotten into these girls? I know it had been a couple of years since I had spent much time at home, but what the heck!

“All right bro, there’s no peeing in the pool, so go make your bladder gladder. Then lose those boxers and lets see what you treated my naughty sister and your hot girlfriend to last night!”

I was still in shock as I turned to go to the bathroom.

“I think that maybe I had better follow him in there to make sure he comes back out.” Terri whispered to Mary as she followed me inside.

“What are you talking about?” I declared.

“It’s all right John.” Mary assured me. “We have all been talking about the fun we plan on having today. It seems your sisters have grown up considerably since you left the house. It seems that Kathy is the only one who still has her cherry. Or should I say she hasn’t yet fucked a guy. But that is mainly because her big sisters are still teaching her a few things before they turn her loose on the boys of the world! Less competition for the two of them, I assume,"”

More shock and awe! I just walked to the toilet with Terri close behind.

“I wanna help with that thing, brother. I am so jealous that once again you let Ruth have her fun with your cock before me. You always did let the older sisters have their turns first! Maybe I can change your mind about that in the future!” Terri seductively pronounced.

As I entered the bathroom, I felt Terri quickly grab my boxers from behind and yank them down. She quickly stood up and instantly, her hands were wrapped around my throbbing cock. She pressed her firm breasts into my back. I felt her pubic bone rubbing against the bottom of my ass. I didn’t know what to do! I was stupefied that suddenly my sister’s wet naked body was pressed into my back. Her slender muscular arms were wrapped around my torso and she had a death grip, with both of her hands, on my cock.

“Oh yea, John. It is just as perfect as Ruth and Mary described.” Terri was now just holding my cock with her thumb and forefinger, as her she stood on her tiptoes. She dug her chin into my shoulder, gazing down at my aching cock. “Ruth said your cock had grown a bit since out childhood games. Don’t be so freaked out, brother. I’ve handled my share of cocks. I always imagined that yours would be really nice. I’ve thought about your cock lots of times. Especially when I’m doing a guy, and sometimes with the girls too!”

Terri’s breathing was becoming more urgent and I could feel her gyrating against me, her pubic mound pressed against my ass as she slowly rotated her firm breasts over my back.

“Come on brother! You gotta piss before we can start with the games that we have planned for the day. Mom and dad have gone to play golf and have dinner at the club, so we have all afternoon and part of the evening. The sooner we get started, the more time we’ll have! How are your recuperative powers anyway?” She questioned.

I couldn’t hold my piss any longer. As the stream erupted from my cock, my sweet sister aimed the flow toward the toilet.

“Damn, John. You really had to go. I thought that maybe you were just hard from the sensation of my little titties again. I can’t wait for you to slide this nice cock of yours into my tight pussy. You also know I want to get between your luscious girlfriend’s legs. I swear that growing up in this prohibitive Catholic family brought out the naughtiest things in me. I do enjoy eating a sweet pussy, almost as much as I like feeling a stiff cock between my legs. I guess that comes from having such a nasty brother who went off and left me with only my sisters to teach me about sex.”

“Terri, this is just all too bizarre.” I grumbled. She was now gliding her hand up and down my still rigid shaft and purring. The stream of piss had subsided and I was sure that if she didn’t stop stroking my dick, I would shoot a load of cum into the toilet, too.

“Turn around now John. I want to see my brother’s handsome cock up close. You know, like when we were younger. But now I really now how to take care of a guys cock. Particularly my brothers.”

As I turned, Terri dropped to her knees and slid my stiff shaft into her warm, wet, mouth. I bent at the waist; careful not to interfere with her sucking, and let my hands explore her young, firm, golden-brown, orbs. These were the most perfect breasts I had ever laid my hands on. The firm pectoral muscles were capped with two perfectly shaped orbicular tits. I closed my eyes and let my hands and mind enjoy the forbidden sensations of my sister’s body. Terri slid the entire length of my cock down her throat, then slipped my saliva-covered cock from her mouth.

I heard her spit into onto her fingers. She stood and rubbed the spittle up and down the length of my shaft. “Mmmm, John. That makes a tasty concoction, my pussy juice mixed with this slick pre-cum of yours.” She whispered, her warm breath causing me to push my cock harder into her hand.

She then spit onto two of her fingers and began to rub the saliva into her pussy. She spread her legs, ran her fingers across her puffy cunt lips and slipped one inside of her tight hole. She let another gasp of her warm breath fill my ear.

She removed her finger from her pussy, brought it to my lips and pleadingly whispered, “Taste me, brother.”

I began to suck the delicious nectar from my sister’s sweet pussy, off of her finger. I looked down at her sticky blonde pussy hair. Suddenly, she removed her finger from my mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and lurched upward. I fell back against the wall as my sister reached down and with perfect precision, aimed my pulsating cock into her tight wet pussy. She gasped. I moaned as I felt her slide down onto my cock, engulfing my entire shaft inside her in one, wet, smooth, swift, motion.

“Catch you off guard, brother?” She implored in a deep raspy breath. “Shit you feel so good inside of me. I couldn’t wait to fuck you after listening to Ruth and your fucking hot girlfriend. Oh, holy fuck, John! Your cock feels so good inside of me.”

My sister was bouncing up and down on my shaft. She had thrown her legs around my waist and was using her agile body to swiftly pound away at my pole. Her pumping was like lightening. Then she stopped, momentarily motionless. I suddenly felt just how tight her wet tunnel was, as she used it in a vice like grip on my engorged cock. She loosened one arm, but still maintained a firm hold on me. Her hand reached below. She ran a finger around her clit, then plunged it into her tight pussy, along with my cock.

“Damn, you fill me up! My pussy is so wet for you, brother. Fuck this tight little pussy like you’ve never fucked a pussy before.”

She removed her finger from her pussy, brought it to her own mouth and mumbled. “Oh god, we taste so good.”

After a few brief moments of sucking, she slipped her hand down again. I then realized she had inserted the digit in her own asshole and was diddling her tight sphincter, while she still pumped away at my cock. Her other fingers reach down to tickle my balls. I felt her finger sliding in and out of her tight butt. The thin membrane between her ass and pussy seemed as if it was barely separating us. She moaned. Her cunt tightened and the fluids began to squirt from her soaked slit. My sister was creaming herself on my rigid shaft. I began to shoot jets of sperm deep inside her strained pussy canal. We climaxed together, our orgasms coincided.

“Oh shit yes! Fuck me brother! Fill me with your cum…. Damn! Damn! Damn!”

My legs began to give out as my last blast of jizz filled her tight pussy. We slid to the floor, with my cock still buried deep inside of Terri. Her pussy canal was still quivering around my shaft. She held me tight inside her and her dark breasts pressed firmly against my chest. Our bodies dripped sweat together and glistened as we both panted. My sister had just given me the fuck of my life.

Terri released he grip from me. She leaned back. Her chest was still heaving, but not as rapidly. My hands reached for her moist breasts. I gently tugged on her hard nipples. The dark Hershey Kisses had become elongated, tight and wrinkled. I gently tweaked the rubbery tips between my thumb and forefinger. I noticed the pool of fluid forming on the floor below my sisters clenched ass. My cock was beginning to withdraw from her slippery cunt. The damp blonde curls covering her engorged pussy lips stretched along my shaft. I slowly leaned forward, almost completely withdrawing from her cum soaked pussy. Just the mushroom head of my cock remained inside her. I lay against her smooth skin.

“Thank-you, Terri.” I managed to utter. “That was spectacular.”

She kissed my neck and replied.

“I’ve been waiting for years to fuck you, brother. And you know; your day is just getting started.”

Brady incest

gauxban on Incest Stories

She moaned as his cock slid home. Thick and long, she
had been dreaming about his hard-on for weeks. When she left
for college she hadn't known that Greg was bigger than most
guys, but, based on the guys she'd tried at school, and the
girls she'd talked to, he was. She could feel herself
unwinding with each stroke. She really needed this boning.
She matched his rhythm, pushing her hips up to meet his
downstrokes. Her legs wrapped around him, her muscles
flexing in time with his fucking, helping him drive it deep.
She came hard, her cunt spasming around his rod, her body
surging up against his.

     Greg was looking into her eyes when she came. She always
opened her eyes at that moment. Her lust

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pushed him to the
edge. He thrust into her several more times, then pushed in
deep, cuming hard into Marcia's tight, hot pussy. He'd had
other girls, but there was something special about Marcia.
Tight, hot and gorgeous, he always came harder and longer
when he fucked her. And she enjoyed it as much as he did. She
really liked fucking and sucking his big, stiff prick.

     He pulled out of her and rolled off, his still erect
cock slapping his stomach when he landed on his back. Marcia
snuggled up against him, warm and happy. She reached for his
cock, just holding it, stroking it slowly to keep it hard
while they caught their breath. That was another great thing
about Greg that she hadn't appreciated before. He never went
soft right away, and never dropped off to sleep right after.
He was always good for a second ride. She stroked his cock,
squeezing on the upstroke. She could see the big purple head
swell, she could feel the shaft throb occasionally. She slid
toward his waist, put her left arm across his body, rested
against his firm, flat stomach. His cock was only inches from
her mouth. Her right hand wrapped around the base, gently
squeezing. Her fingers massaged the area below his balls,
causing his rod to swell even more, forcing a large drop of
clear liquid out of his cockhole. Her tongue darted out,
licking him clean. She loved the way he tasted. She opened
her mouth wide and took him in. Her tongue played along the
sensitive underside, her cheeks caved in around the head as
she sucked. Several inches of shaft slid into her mouth as
she sucked, but most of his tool remained on the outside.
She had never been able to get much of his monster into her
mouth, but she always tried. She began fisting his shaft,
sucking on the upstroke, releasing on the down. When his hips
began to buck beneath her she knew he was getting close. She
began pumping him faster, sucking harder, literally jacking
him off into her mouth. When she felt him swell she stroked
him hard and fast, then just sucked as the hot cum shot out
of his prick and into the back of her throat. She sucked and
swallowed, drinking his jiz, wanting every drop. When he had
finished she removed him from her mouth, then gently licked
his shaft and head, making sure he was clean. This time Greg
softened, but didn't go completely limp. He was enlarged, but
not fully erect.

     Marcia turned toward him, moved one leg across his chest
so that she straddled him, and moved her steaming snatch
toward his waiting mouth. Greg's strong hands gripped her ass
cheeks, pulling her towards him. His tongue pushed her cunt
lips apart. She could feel him licking and sucking, feel his
fingers and tongue probing her. Marcia stroked her small,
firm tits, pinching the nipples, pulling on them. Her pussy
throbbing, she pulled Greg's head tighter against her cunt
She knew she was losing control. His tongue flicked across
her clit, triggering her orgasm, starting the avalanche that
left her breathless and trembling.

     Bobby and Cindy were 14. While both had masturbated,
neither was really sure what sex was all about. That's why
they were hiding in the closet in Marcia's room. They had
watched everything Greg and Marcia had done, and were more
than ready to give it a try. Bobby's almost hairless cock had
gotten hard before Greg had even mounted Marcia, and it was
still hard. Cindy's virgin pussy was so wet her panties were
soaked. As soon as Marcia and Greg were gone, they rushed out
of the closet and fell onto the bed. They had stripped while
they watched, but were too afraid of making noise to do

     Bobby pulled Cindy close, kissed her eyes and mouth the
way he'd seen Greg kiss Marcia. He moved down to Cindy's
tiny, barely bulging titties and began to lick and suck the
nipples. They hardened even more, which surprised him. He
hadn't known that would happen.

     Cindy held Bobby's cock gently. It was her first, and
she wasn't sure it wouldn't break. Bobby covered her hand
with his and squeezed, then stroked his shaft, showing her
how to jack his dick. She stroked it a few times on her own,
liking the way it felt in her hand.

     They skipped the rest of the foreplay they had seen.
Both were eager to fuck. But Cindy was a virgin, and they
both knew a girls first fuck could be painful. Cindy liked
Bobby, trusted him, wanted him to be her first. She lay on
her back, her face framed by blond curls, her lightly haired
snatch a slightly darker blonde. She spread her legs wide,
fingered herself for a moment, letting Bobby look at her
pussy. Bobby stretched out above her, his knees between her
legs, his arms supporting his weight, his young, hard cock
touching her belly. Cindy took hold of his tool, guided it to
her cunt, helped him enter her. He entered slowly, stopping
when Cindy flinched. He started to backup, not wanting to
hurt her. She grabbed his ass with both hands, pulled him
hard towards herself, felt a tearing pain in her cunt. She
buried her face in his shoulder, stifling a scream.  She told
him not to move, told him that she had been told the pain
would go away in a few minutes.

     Bobby lay quietly on top of her, not moving, feeling a
pussy wrapped around his dick for the first time. It was so
much better than his hand. He remained still, looking at
Cindy's face, waiting. On impulse he kissed her again,
pushing his tongue into her mouth. After a moment she
responded, kissing back, tongue sliding over tongue. Cindy
broke the kiss, began pushing her hips up against him,
telling him it was OK. He began slowly, thinking that the
pain might come back, and not wanting his cock to slip out.
He pulled back slowly, thrust in slowly, watching her face
all the time. She smiled when he was all the way inside,
which Bobby took to mean he could fuck her the way Greg had
fucked Marcia. Gradually he began to move faster, pumping his
cock into her tight young pussy. She matched his rhythm,
thrusting her hips in time with his thrusts.

     Cindy was going crazy. Her body had never felt like this
before. Her nipples were on fire, her cunt muscles were
rippling around the shaft inside it. She felt her whole body
clench, felt herself thrust upward. She felt the spasms begin
in her pussy, felt it tighten and relax around Bobby's prick.
She fell into her orgasm, moaning and pounding her fists into
Bobby's back, finally pulling him in as deep as possible,
holding him there until she finished.

     Bobby began pounding hard now, his hips pistoning into
the pussy beneath him. He could feel his cock swelling even
more, feel it throbbing until finally he began to cum,
pouring shot after shot into Cindy's tightness. Pumping hard,
he pushed in ball deep and stayed there until his cock had

     They lay side by side, whispering together about the
things each had felt. As they talked, Bobby got hard again.
Time for round two. They had seen Marcia blow Greg, so they
assumed the same positions, Cindy lying across Bobby.

     Bobby could feel her holding his cock, watched as the
back of her head moved toward it. He felt something warm and
wet touch the head, knew she was licking him. Her lips closed
around the head, engulfing him in warmth. He could feel her
tongue against his cock, feel the inside of her cheeks as she

     Cindy held it in her mouth. Her tongue explored it,
tasting him, but she knew she was tasting herself, too. His
cum and her pussy juice were still on his cock. She thought
it tasted a little funny at first, but the more she licked,
the more she liked. She began sucking in earnest, wanting
more dick juice. As she sucked, she realized much more of
Bobby's rod was sliding in and out of her mouth than Marcia
had managed with Greg. In fact, a couple of times she was
sure she had felt his balls banging her chin. The thought of
being better at this than Marcia excited her, drove her to try
even harder. She started sucking harder, pulling most of it
into her mouth every time. She discovered that if she held
her head just right, she could take him into the back of her
throat and hold him there, his entire cock in her mouth. She
practiced this, noticing the effect it had on Bobby, who was
trying very hard to fuck her mouth. His hips kept thrusting
upward whenever she sucked. She began sucking harder, pulling
his cock in faster, then squeezing it with her lips on its
way out. She was jacking him off with her mouth, in and out,
fast and hard. She felt him tense beneath her, felt the cock
in her mouth swell, and then he began to cum. It was hot in
her mouth, with a tangy sort of taste and a creamy texture.
She liked it hot. She swallowed and sucked, trying to get it
all. When Bobby was done she released his cock, licking the
shaft, cleaning it the way she had seen Marcia do it.

     They both heard the car pull in, which meant Marcia and
Greg were back. They dressed quickly, then went out in the

     Jan and Peter were in the basement, fucking their little
brains out. Peter's manic thrusting had already gotten Jan
off several times, and was well on the way to getting her off
again. This time Jan was on her hands and knees, her big
boobs swinging as Peter slammed in and out of her juicy
snatch. She loved doing the doggie, she always got off real
good this way. Peter took long, hard strokes, pulling all the
way back and slamming in, which was exactly the way Jan
wanted it. He liked power fucking, and Jan liked being fucked
that way. When her back arched Peter knew she was about to
cum, so he drove it in as hard as he could and held it there,
letting her spasm around his pole, feeling her cunt tighten
and relax around him. When she finished he pulled out, still
hard. She knew he would. The only time Peter would doggie
fuck was when he got to plow her butt.

     His cock slick with pussy juice, he immediately began
easing it into her ass, pushing just hard enough to pop the
head past her sphincter. He waited until he felt her relax,
then pushed again, slipping almost half his shaft inside her.
While he waited for her to relax again, he leaned forward,
cupping her tits in his hands, mashing them up against her
chest. He pinched a nipple, then lifted it toward her mouth,
knowing she'd take it, knowing she liked sucking her own
tits. As she mouthed her nipple he felt her relax, so he
grabbed her hips and pulled her back, hard, while thrusting
with his cock. He sank into her ass, all the way, his balls
banging her cunt. He began fucking her butt, slowly, feeling
it clamp down on him every time he moved inside her. Slowly
and steadily, in and out, going ball deep with every stroke,
he began building to his own orgasm. As it approached he
began moving faster, his thrusts becoming almost manic. He
shot deep in her ass, pulling her against him, holding her
there while he emptied his balls.

Way Too Drunk Sis

nutgar on Incest Stories

My name is Allan, 27 years of age and I live with my sister Cynthia who is 25. We're originally from Boston Mass., and I moved to San Francisco 2 years ago cause I was transfered to our sattelite office in SFO. My sister followed suit a year ago and asked if she could stay with me for the time being till she can get a job and settle to her own place. Since I rented a 2 bedroom apartment, I offered my sis the use of the other bedroom.

My little secret with sis started two months ago when she asked if she could go party with some friends at the local bar & disco. Sis told me that she should be back around 1 am. I told her " sure, i'll wait up for ya so I can open the door." It was about 2:30 am when the doorbell rang so  I opened the door and saw two of her frien

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ds carrying Cynthia inside the apartment. I asked " what happened?" Her friends said " oh, she's wasted, cold drunk and dead to the world." I smiled and told them I can take care of sis from here so they can be on their way.

I carried my sister to her room and lay her down on her bed. I noticed she still had spots of puke on her dress so I tried to wake her up so she could change her dress and freshen up but she was dead to the world. I tapped her cheeks to try to wake her up again to ask if she would like me to make some coffee for her, but still no response. So I just made the decision to change her clothes for her.

I pulled off her shoes and started to unbutton her dress, man it was a mess!! I lifted her dress and pulled it off so she was lying on her bed with just her underwear. I went to the bathroom to get a wet towel to wipe off the puke off her.As I was wiping the mess off her body I noticed that her bra and panty were also moist with puke so I figured I might as well change her underwear as well. I unhooked her bra and pulled it out and slipped her thongs down. I walked towards the dresser to get fresh underwear for her, but as I looked back at the bed I started to stare at my naked sister for a long time. Lying in bed was the most gorgeous thing i've ever seen. Her beautiful 36 cupsize breast with little pink nipples just waiting to be devoured. Her bushy volcano waiting to errupt.I could see the line in her pussy underneath that bushy black pubic hair. Many kinky things started to enter my mind but something was whispering in my ear THAT IS WRONG!! But after a few seconds, I developed a tremendous BONER and all hell broke loose. I figured Cynthia's spaced out anyway so she wouldn't know what happened.

I sat down beside her bed and stuck my finger inside her mouth to see if she would wake up, yup still lucky. I played with her tongue with my finger to see if there was any movement and there was none at all. My God, she's wasted. I went down a bit and started to caress her tits, moved my head down and licked her nipples with my tongue. I sqeezed her tits ever so gently while sucking her nipples and all I heard was Cynthia's snoring. I was giggling with amazement on how densed my sister was. I moved my right hand down to her pussy and started to massage it with my fingers. I slid my middle finger down her line in an up and down motion until I could bury my finger as deep as I could. I stopped for a moment and spread her legs apart as far as she could and finally had a clear opening at her volcano.I spread the lips of her pussy and played with her clit but since she was out cold her vagina was dry. I got the baby oil on top of her dresser and squirted a few drops at a time down her pussy. Spread the lips once again and squirted more baby oil down her pussy till it reached her asshole. I threw the bottle of baby oil down the floor and played with her pussy again which was now slippery wet. I slid my finger a quarter of the way inside her pussy trying to get as much baby oil inside as I can but careful enough not to jolt her. I ran my finger down her asshole and lubricated it with oil. As I was pressing oil around my sisters asshole my finger started to slid inside her ass. I slid my finger inside as gently as I could and as far as I could and started the slow fucking motion. I slid my finger in and out but constantly staring at Cynthia if she would wake up but she was still out cold.

At this point my pecker was ready to explode and my pecker head was turning purple blue with anticipation. I knelt down in between my sisters legs and started playing with her pussy again but this time with the head of my pecker. Moved the head up and down her line enjoying every moment of it. Then the head of my pecker finally rested on the opening of her pussy, I paused for a moment, hesitated a little bit then pushed in halfway. Noticing that Cynthia was still snoring, I pushed in all the way till my pecker was burried deep inside her. I pulled up slowly and pushed in again till I was actually fucking my sister. As I was about to explode, Cynthia's head started to turn from side to side, I figured this is it, she is going to get really pissed. Finally I exploded all my semen on top her belly and just dropped down the floor with exhaustion. I looked up at Cynthia's face and wouldn't you know it, she was snoring again. Unbelievable. I cleaned her up with the wet towel and slipped on her jammies, turned off the lights and went to bed.

The next morning, I went down to the kitchen to have my usual morning coffee. Cynthia was up and cooking breakfast. "Good morning sweetie" Cynthia said. " Morning Babe" I replied. " by the way, who took me home last night?" she uttered. " your friends, but they were pretty messed up too so I took you up to your room" " Oh, thanks for putting on my jammies" Cynthia said." no prob" I answered.

Cynthia suddenly turned towards me and said " Someone must have taken advantage of me in the bar last night cause my pussy and ASS is so damn sore"     " No, it was me" I said. Cynthia screamed " you serious?" I said " NO..."     Cynthia smiled and said " JERK!!"

Mom, I'm scared

bookworm001 on Incest Stories

" MOM ! "

" MOM! Where are you? "

" It's ok. I'm right here. "

15 years old and still scared of the dark. It's just me, my sister, Cindy,and my mom. Cindy was visiting a friend so luckily she's not here to tease me. Mom never seemed to  scare and always knew what to do. So she comes into the living room with a flashlight and I start to calm down. Not only because of the light but because mom gives me that comforting smile only a mother could give.

" Hey Honey. Come on. you might as well get ready for bed. "

" Ok. But I haven't taken a bath yet. Will you hold the light? "

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" Sure."

Yeah, she could've just put the light on the sink in the bathroom, but I didn't want to be alone in the bathroom. Mom knew this, but she would never make me feel bad on purpose. So we go to my room to get my clothes and then head for the shower. Now nudity isn't common in our house, but it's not made to be a bad thing when someone is caught nude or partially dressed. so I take off my clothes with my mother standing right there. The whole time she is having a casual conversation with me. School. Friends. Movies. I feel totally relaxed. As I come out of the shower she takes just a quick glance at my penis, but nothing sexual. More a look to see how I have grown.

" Have you had sex yet? "

" No, mom! What made you ask me that? "

" I hope not. You're to young. People change after they start having sex. You'll see when you get older. How about masterbating? That's common with boys around your age. "

" Yeah. Sometimes at night. "

"Alright then. You ready for bed? The lights probably wont come on for the rest of the night. You wanna sleep with me tonight? I won't tell Cindy. Come on let's go."

I jump on moms bed as she turns on one of those battery operated lights she keeps by her bed. I settle in while mom pulls out a book to read.

" G'nite son."

"Goodnight mom" I look up at mom as i say this and notice the light is giving me a great view of moms breast. C cup. What a great way to go to sleep.

I had a good sleep and when I woke up I felt great. Mom had just taken off her shirt. I felt guilty.

" Mornin, mom "

She turned, giving me a full view of her breasts, smiled and said," Mornin, son. Power is still out so lets go find somewhere to eat." Then she put on a shirt, no bra. I got up dressed and we left. When we got back home the power was still out so we did some chores to pass the time. We couldn't turn on the a/c or the fans so it got kinda hot. I went to my room and stripped down to my underwear and and laid down. Mom came by to check on me and said, " That's a great idea." As I laid there she took off her clothes except for her panty." Yup, that's cooler. I made some peanut butter sandwiches lets eat." We went to the dining room. There are windows there, but no one can see inside the house.

I've never looked at mom sexually before but her nudity was having an effect on me. As we sat down my boner was sticking up inside my underwear. She noticed and then said seriously," I'm sorry, son. I forgot that your at that age where I might have a sexual effect on you. Would you like me to go put a on a shirt?"

" NO! Oh sorry. I mean you don't need to. Ill be okay. I saw you this morning and nothing happen. Maybe it's just the heat. Can we go driving to cool down?"

" Sure." She smiled that calming smile. We ate, got dressed and left. Mom and I just cruised together.  We were cool again. Physically and emotionally. But I did take lingering stares at moms tits when she wasn't looking. The wind blew against her shirt making her breasts stand out. It was a great day. We ate at a diner for dinner and then headed home. It was near dark when we got home. The power was on so  we each grabbed a shower while we had light and hot water.

" Mom, can I sleep with you again? In case the power goes out tonight."

"Of course. Let's put a movie on."

She wore a tank top, no bra, and a panty. I got a boner but was under the blankets so mom didn't see. I fell asleep happy.

 I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself spooning my mom and I had my right hand over her cupping her left tit. I was both scared and excited. Instant hard on. I didn't know if she felt me  or not and I didn't want her telling me I couldn't sleep with her anymore so I slowly moved away from her and turned over. But my hormones were going strong and my dick stayed hard. I had to take care of it. Bed or bathroom? Agian, not wanting to get kicked out of her room, I played it safe and went to the bathroom and jacked off over the toilet. It didn't take long and I came alot. A groan escaped my lips but I don't think it was loud enough to wake her up. I cleaned up and went back to bed with a semi hard dick adn slept right away.

When I woke up I found it was perfect timing again. Mom had just taken off her shirt and I was hoping for the for frontal again.

" Good morning, mom." She turned to me and allowed me to see her.YES!

"Good morning, son.Did you sleep well?"  she asked as she pulled on her bra and shirt.

"Yup, your bed is extremely comfortable.How about you? Did you have a good rest?"

"Yes,I did. I think it's because you were with me. I had forgotten how much I missed having someone sleep right next to me. Very comforting." She smiled. But I didn't know if what she said meant she knew I had felt her tit. " I'll go make breakfast. Clean up and it should be ready when you come down."

The rest of the day passed with the usual routine. House chores. T.V. Lunch. Relaxing. The whole day long though I would glance at mom and think maybe I should have just left my hand played with her tit  last night and pretend to asleep if she woke up. I decided next time I wouldn't play it safe.

After dinner I went to take a shower and the power went out." MOM!MOM!"

"I'm coming.I was just coming to give you a flashlight in case this happens."  she laughed. "Grab your clothes and towel. You can shower in my bathroom." I pick up my clothes and mom holds out her hand for me to hold. I grab it and instantly become relax, but I also start to get hard. By the time we reach her shower my dick is hard. I turn away from her to get undress and enter the shower. She outs the light on the sink making it face the shower.

" MOM, are you leaving?"

"No, I coming in with you." With that she slides the door open and steps in with her wash cloth in hand. " Last time, you went first and used all the hot water. So, I figuered if I'm going to stay with you I might as well shower also. Is that o.k.?" She smiles.

"Y-y-yeah. Sure thing." I couldn't help it. I looked mom up and down and my dick got even harder. I turned into the water to hide it. This is it. This is it. Turning around I put my head back into the water to wet it which made my dick point straight at my mom.

" Whoa, son. Is my being in here going to bother you? I didn't mean to get you excited."

"It's ok,mom. Sometimes it just gets hard when I shower. Does it bother you?" I tried to keep my voice calm as if we were talking about a movie.

"Well, if your sure your o.k. then I'm o.k. Here pass the shampoo I'll wash your hair." As she started to put her fingers in my hair her tits brushed my back and I could feel my dick leak some pre-cum but I didn't move.I'm not ruining this. "Done. Rinse off." She bent to get the shampoo.

"I'll do your hair, mom. Here trade sides. You go in the water." We moved and as she leaned back to wet her hair I couldn't help but look at her breasts. " O.k. turn around. I'm sorry if my penis hits you. I'll try to keep away.

" That's fine. Don't worry about it. "

"O.k." So I moved up behind mom and sure enough my dick kept poking her butt as I washed her hair. I enjoyed too much and almost forgot I was suppose to just wash her hair." All done,mom" She turned again and I stared at her tits. Because we were only using a flashlight I don't think she saw me staring.

"Wow,son. That was very relaxing. Maybe I should have you wash my hair more often." She laughed. " O.k. Let's finish up before we run out of hot water." I was hoping she would offer to wash me, but she grab her washcloth and then turned to wash herself. 

We dried off and then headed for the bed. I took a chance. " Mom, last time it got hot while I slept. Do you mind if I just sleep naked?"

" That's fine. If your comfortable doing it with me in the bed."

"I'm fine. I sometimes sleep nude to help me get comfortable, but I didn't want you to make me leave and sleep alone in my room." I told her in a soft voice.

She smiled," Well, I usually don't wear a shirt because I fell restricted. I didn't know how you would feel about it so I put a shirt on to sleep but didn't wear a bra. O.k let's go to bed." She must have felt extremely relaxed because she put her arm around mine and we walked together to bed.

I climbed over to my side and then mom got in beside me. Once we were settled she turned off the flashlight. I got scared. Last time, she stayed up with a light on as I fell asleep. This time there was no light. I moved closer to her slowly and calmly. So I thought. "You ok, son?"

" Um, yeah" I said. She must have known me better than I thought because she moved over and put her hand over me. Her tits were right up against my left arm and her body was comforming to mine all the way done to our feet. My dick got an instant hardon. Just then my fear of the dark was gone. My only fear now was that I would shoot a huge load of cum on my mom and her bed. I tried to slow my heart done and calm myself with deep breaths, but it wasn't working.

She must have thought I was breathing hard because of the dark. She lifted her head and said," Don't worry. I'm right here." I had turned my head to look at her as she talked and I guess she didn't noticed because when she leaned in to give kiss me where she thought my cheek she found my lips instead. She pulled back when she realized what she did.

I wasn't sure if she meant to or not but I loved it. And my hormones were totally out of control now. Maybe it was because she hasn't been with anyone in years,since she raised me and my sister by herself. Or maybe it was from the shock of kissing her son on the lips. It doesn't matter. Because when I leaned up to kiss her again she didn't stop me. At first, it was just lips and then as I pushed into her more and touched her lips with my tongue she opened her mouth and I felt her tongue slowly touch mine.

It was amazing.I reached up behind her to pull her closer and she leaned down as she got more into it. I rubbed her back and moved my hands down to her ass. It was better than I thought it could ever be. Smooth and soft.

I slowly pushed her until she was laying on top of me. My dick was right outside her pussy. Her thin panty was the only thing in the way. My hands rubbed their way up her back and then back down to her panty. I grabbed the side of it and try to slowly pull it down. Mom had started a small racking motiong on my dick and was rubbing her pussy on it. I couldn't believe this was happening.  I finally get her panty off and onone her rocking motions I dip down a little and she is so wet that I slip right in and it causes her to catch her breath.

She pushes herself up and looks down at me. In her eyes,I see not only my mother, but a woman. A woman who has been in control all her adult life and is barely holding on now. I see  that there is a battle in her mind about what is happening. But before she can get control of her self I give a pump of my dick at the same time that I reach for her tits. I give them a good squeeze and slide my fingers until I get to her nipples. Her head goes back at this simultanious stimulation and I take advantage of it. I lean up and suck on one her left  nipple while I rub the  right one with my thumb. That was it. She loses it and starts to ride my dick hard. It's too much for me and I start shooting in her good, long loads. This sets her off and she screams as she cums. I let go of her tits and she falls on me and wraps her under me and pushes down to get more of my dick in her. I wrap my arms over her back and pull her  on to me. I was still cumming and so was she. We were both trembling from the intensity of our orgasms. I finally shot my last load  and dropped my arms. She just stayed still as the last of her orgasms subsided. Her head just laid on my chest as we both tried to slow our breathing.I reached up to rub her back and give her small hugs.She squeezed back as her arms were still under me. I 'm not sure if it was her cum or mine or both, but my dick and balls and under me were soaked. This was such a great moment that I wanted it to last forever. I closed my eyes to replay it all in my head. Unfortunely, I must have fallen asleep, but mom was still on top of me when I woke up. I rubbed her back and fell asleep again.

Farmed Out Part Five

gwkent on Incest Stories

Chapter 5

I got up from the hay bale and smiled towards my grandad,

"Was that a nice way to welcome the morning in for you gramps?"

"Sure was son, looks like you loved it as well"

"you bet gramps, you know I was really worried about coming down to the farm, I thought it was going to be a real shit being here but I think I am going to really like it"

"that's good son, but it aint gonna be all fun and games you know, there's a farm to run as well, but if you carry on performing like you have so far then it will be more play than work, if you’re happy to put the effort in on the farm and help me out then I'll make sure that Jack and I will be available to you whenever you need, and likew

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ise I expect that sexy round arse and mouth of yours to be available to us at all times"

"Oh daddy, yes, of course, I'll be happy to help out on the farm if I'm going to get a good reward of hard cock and hot cum in the process"

"Ok, boy why don't you go inside and do some cleaning up in the house, and I'll be in a short while and we can discuss your duties"

I did as instructed and headed off into the house to clean up

It was a couple of hours before my grandad came in, by then I had cleaned the whole house, hovered and polished, I doubt the house ever looked so clean, but I was eager to please my grandad as much as possible. When he came in he was pleasantly surprised and I made him a sandwich for lunch and we sat down for him to give me my daily rota.

"ok Kevin, I'll make a deal with you, if you keep this place tidy and clean, and I leave you in charge of the cooking then I won't make you work too hard on the farm, jut a few jobs, like helping me keep the stables clean and feeding some of the animals. There’s isn't huge amounts to do on the farm these days but if you handle stuff in here and then I can get the bits out there done and then we will have more time to play"

"Sure grandad, sounds good to me, you know of course I will do anything you say"

"ok good, now I have to go into the village this afternoon and do some deliveries, Jake will be coming with me and I might do a bit of shopping as well so I will be gone for a few hours, finish up with the cleaning and I also need you to go and give Monty's kennel a bit of a clean"

Monty was the farm dog, officially a guard dog, but no one every came around un-invited anyway, he was a Great Dane and had been with my grandfather for about 6 years.

"Sure thing, I’ll make sure it’s all clean for you when you get back"

"Ok, good, now before I go I want to show you the downstairs bathroom, which you haven't cleaned yet, so come with me"

I got up and followed him to the bathroom, I had only used the upstairs one since I got here and the undesireable state of this one confirmed I had made the right choice.

It was a big room that was almost just a massive walk in shower, it had a toilet to one side and a basin to the other, the floors were filthy from mud but at least they were tiled so would not be hard to clean.

"You see it needs it a good clean, I haven't used it much recently because of the state of it so do your best, get it nice and clean and we can have a lot of fun in here son"

The latter part of the statement made me want to get this place nice and clean and I nodded

"Now before I go I need to take a leak, how about you come and hold my dick for me while I piss"

"Certainly daddy, glad to assist"

"Let’s go over there then" he pointed to the shower section "no point me aiming for the bowl if you are going to clean up"

I followed him excited about seeing his cock once more, he beckoned me to unzip his jeans and take his penis out. I wasted no time in grabbing his soft prick and held it for him

"That’s a good boy, now get down on your knees and put your mouth over my cock; let me give you your reward for cleaning the house so far"

I did as I was told and put his limp dick in my mouth, within seconds I was feeling the jets of hot piss in my mouth and I gulped down a mouthful, I could hold it in thou and his cock popped out and started splashing all over me

"Oh yesss, son, that’s nice, let me piss all over you"

He grabbed his cock and directed it all over my face and splashed his urine all over my t-shirt

"Hmmm, oh grandad that’s nice, piss on me, I love you weeing on me"

He started to shake the last few drops and slapped his cock against my face before nudging it back towards my mouth and telling me to clean it off. I eagerly licked the last drops of piss and he put his cock back.

"Good boy, now you should keep those clothes on so you can smell my piss while I am gone"

"Yes sir, I will"

With that he said his goodbyes and walked out leaving me to sort out the mess.



I got to work on the bathroom intent on making sure I did a good job, I started to think about the kind of "fun" we were going to have in here, and that coupled with the strong smell of my granddads piss was enough to keep me semi hard while I cleaned.

After about an hour I was done and you would hardly have recognised the place, I was pleased with my work and decided I needed a break, and went and took a seat in the front room. I had been there for only a few minutes when I remembered that I also had to clean the kennel out,

'Bollocks, no rest for the wicked' I said to myself.

I went out to see Monty, I had not really seen him since I had got back, he was a friendly dog and it was only really his size that made him an effective guard dog as he was as placid as they come.

I wondered out into the farm yard and into Monty's kennel, it wasn't really a kennel, more like a barn converted to suit the dog. Monty lived outside in the summer and came in during the colder months, and he seemed to prefer it that way.

I went inside and he was asleep, so I began by clearing up his mess, there wasn't much and I presumed Grandad had given it a clean this morning, it just really needed a sweep and refill of the water and food. I gave it a quick tidy and then went to fill the water bowl.

As I got closer to Monty he stirred and came over to see me, I patted him and told him what a good boy he was, he seemed very keen to sniff me, and I couldn't get him to lay back down,

"Down Monty, give me a break will ya" I said as if the dog would understand.

Then he jumped up at me and I lost my balance, I fell backwards, landing flat on the floor and Monty jumped on me still sniffing like mad. Then it dawned on me that he was interested in the odour coming from my T-shirt. Of course the smell of urine would be interesting to him, he continued to sniff my shirt and despite me telling him to get off, he was not going to. I was flat on the floor with Monty standing on top of me and I was struggling to move.

"Monty move your arse, your too heavy" I claimed, but he would not budge, now he was starting to get a bit frisky, he must have thought I was playing with him, he started to lick my t-shirt and unwashed piss stained face, I managed to push him off but before I could get up he was back on top again. This time he was even friskier, and as he got more excited I suddenly noticed it that the smell was doing to him what it had done to me in the bathroom. Glancing down I could see that his cock was starting to appear from his I had never ever even though about this before....but watching this Great Dane get excited was actually starting to excite me as well.

I stopped for a minute and wondered what hell was I thinking, but that pause didn't last long enough to stop my dick twitching, I had a bizarre desire to see what his cock looked like, and I couldn't help myself. Reaching down I touched his sheath, his cock had only just started to pop out and I knew there was a lot more there to see. He seemed startled by this but was still more interested in my T-shirt, so much so that I couldn't keep him still. Then I had an idea, struggling with him a little bit more, I managed to get my t-shirt above my head and off my chest, Monty nose followed it as that was clearly what he was interested in. Taking the shirt off I held in on hand above my head, Monty moved forward and now he was standing above me with cock dangling above my chest. With my other hand I reached out and grabbed his cock and slowly started to wank him, pulling his fur coat back and revealing his doggie cock.

He didn't seem to mind and as his cock started to appear, I started to get some real kinky desires, would he let me wank him off?, I was sure he would not mind and so I continued to rub his cock until he was fully exposed. His cock was big, and I mean big, there was something very sexy about the texture of it and it's red colour that was so horny, he was now starting to get wet and little drops of juices were appearing on his tip, then his attention was diverted from the t-shirt as he looked around and give his cock a lick, he seemed to enjoy the taste and when he stopped he looked at me.

It was a look that almost spoke to me

"Was that nice Monty, what was that look for", I had a glint in my eyes and I knew what I wanted to do for him

"Ohhh I see you want me to taste it, well I would love you"

He seemed to know what I was saying as he grunted and went back to my t-shirt. In my hands I held a fucking big dogs cock and now I wanted to suck him, shifting my body downwards I came face to face with his red cock and instinctively I put out my tongue and touched him. It was a strange sensation and one was I starting to like, within moments I had started to lick this animal’s cock up and down and he had started to dribble more doggie juices. I ran my tongue over his tip and tasted doggie pre cum for the first time.......and boy did I like it.

I lifted my head up to lick more and realised that I needed to get into a better position if I was going to take that prick in my mouth. I let go off the t-shirt and rolled out from underneath Monty, patting his back and he laid down, satisfied that he now had control over the item he desired.

As he lay there, I rubbed his belly and he almost opened his legs for me, it made me wonder if this was nothing new to him....

I rubbed his cock again and then put my head on his belly and started to lick him all over again, this time I was getting more and more excited and his cock was getting bigger and bigger, closing my eyes I opened my mouth and slipped it over his red cock and started to suck his juices right down my throat. He was gorgeous, his cock was not as hard as granddads but it was thick, and it tasted soo good. I was now really getting into this and started to suck feverishly on his red tool, licking the shaft and then putting his cock tip in my mouth and teasing him with my tongue. I sucked harder and harder tasting all he had to offer, then I put one hand on his balls and massaged them.

It was all getting too much for him and he started to jolt forcing more of his tasty cock into my willing slut mouth. He whimpered and the next thing I knew he was shooting wads of hot creamy spunk into my mouth, I was too slow to react and pull away, but I doubt I would have done even if I could and I was pleased I hadn't. I let him spray the insides of my mouth with his sperm. It tasted sweeter than the other two cocks I had recently devoured and I fucking loved it. He filled my mouth with cum and I let go, allowing the last spurts to jet over my face. I swallowed the spunk in my mouth and couldn't believe that I had just given a blow job to a dog. Monty certainly didn't mind.

He bent over and licked the last drops from his cock before getting to his feet and then turning to lick the rest of his load from my face. caught up in my own sexual bliss, I didn’t even think about the fact that here I was on all fours, face to face with a great Dane that had just enjoyed a blow job, like me Monty was still horny and seeing me in that position was always going to re-ignite his natural instincts. When he wondered off and around the other side, I automatically thought he was going to get a drink, even when he stopped and started to nuzzle his nose into my arse I just didn't twig that his next move would be to jump on top of me and start trying to hump me.

Monty's weight on my back was enough to keep me down and he started to frantically pound his cock into my jeans, overcome with the situation I realised that I did not want to waste this opportunity, I wanted his dog cock inside me, I wanted my arse to be invaded by this animals big fat cock.

I struggled to get the fuck hungry creature off me and I stood up, he barked at me as if to ask what I was doing, but I was about to give him exactly what he wanted. I undid my jeans and pulled them off my legs. I did not see the need to be wearing underware any more. The site of my semi hard cock seemed to delight Monty and he started to lick my balls

"Good boy Monty, give me a good lick and I’ll let you put your cock up my arse as well"

With Monty being such a big heavy dog, I thought it would be better if I rested myself over a hay bale for him instead of being on all fours on a hard floor. He didn't need me to ask him to follow me, he must have known what was coming and he bounded over to the hay bale with me. I sat on the hay facing him to give him a chance to use his long tongue on my now stiffening cock. It felt good on my shaft and balls, but it only called to make me want him inside me ever more. Lifting my legs up I guided Monty towards the hole he was soon going to get to plunder. I wanted his dog saliva to give me some sort of lubrication, as there was no way I wanted to delay my desires by having to find some oil.

He seemed to lick licking my arse, and it felt good having a wet slimy tongue on my ready and willing shithole. After a few mins I could wait no more, I turned over on the hay and offered myself to him. He carried on licking me before realising that I was on offer to his sexual needs, I was ready to be his bitch.

"Come boy, get up her and fuck my arse, give it to your favourite young arse"

He wasted no time, jumping up on me and using the bale of hay to steady himself he started to jut his cock about, frantically trying to find a home for his tool. I reached down and tried to position his cock but he was moving about too much, he just kept smashing into the side of my arse. After a few attempts I managed to get the tip of his cock next to my ring, "come boy now you can do it", he started to jut about again and eventually found his paradise...........and fuckkk me it hurt !!

Monty had blasted his cock straight up my arse and I had never felt so much pain, I screamed in agony and actually badly wanted to get out of this position, my arse felt like it had been split in two but Monty was in, and that was all he cared about. I started to realise that maybe I had tried to take too much on here!

Now that Monty's cock was in he was starting to get his rhythm and he started banging my arse hard and fast

"Fuckkk, shittt it fucking hurtss, argghg"

Monty of course was not interested in my screams and he continued to feed my aching arse with long hard strokes of his cock. I was feeling almost faint and each inch went deeper inside me, god it hurt.....but fuck was it horny, as my arse started to get used to such a thick cock, so I started to enjoy this act of depravity.

"Goddddd yes, boy, fuckkk it, fuck my arse, donnttt stop screwing me"

I started to love having this cock in me and Monty pumped harder and harder as if he could not get enough, I looked around and was just so turned on to see that a good 90% of his cock was buried deep inside my anal passage. I started to rock my arse back and forth in time with him and then I felt him starting to grow inside me, 'fuck....he was getting bigger".

The next thing I felt was a blast of hot liquid shooting inside of my stomach, Monty was coming and as he did he jumped forward again burying the last few inches of his cock further down my shithole......suddenly I felt very faint

I must have passed out for a few mins because the next thing I knew I was being dragged off the hay bale and I landed on the floor. I looked around and Monty was heading for his water bowl....and he was taking me with him!

I had no choice but to scramble backwards, his cock was still in my arse and it wasn't coming off....what the hell was going on, why was his cock stuck up my arse!

Monty got his drink of water and then just stood there, he didn't seem to care that he was still attached to me. I could do nothing but try and keep him still, fuck knows what would happen if he saw a cat!

I must have been like that for about 5 mins when suddenly I heard a car pull up and two doors open and shut.....fuck it was my grandad back from the village with Uncle Jack. I didn't have a clue about how he would react, for some reason I thought he would be annoyed that I had got myself into this state.

I stayed quiet as I heard the two of them going into the house, I tried frantically to release myself from Monty but it was just not going to happen.

A couple more minutes passed, although it felt like hours, before I heard my grandad calling my name

"Kevin, you around, come see what uncle jack and I got for you"

"Kevin", "Kevin where are you"

"in here grandad" I felt had to say something, after all I could be stuck like this for hours and I was dreading the thought that I might need hospital treatment to get me free

My Grandad walked in to the stable and although I was in some way pleased to see him, I was embarrassed beyond belief

"What the fuck???"

"I’m sorry grandad, I was just, just , well I was feeling a bit horny and came out her for a wank and next thing I knew Monty had jumped on top of me and I couldn't stop him, I’m really sorry grandad"

I had decided it would be a better route to go down than trying to explain that I wanted to suck his dog off!

"Oh dear son, what have you done?"

I was concerned by the tone of his voice

"Hey jack, come out here and see what a mess our boy has got himself into"

Shit, I was hoping he wasn't going to call uncle jack to the party

"Bloody hell Glenn, what have we here?"

"Look like we've got ourselves a real dirty little boy I think jack, we better take a closer look"

The men approached closer and Jack slapped his thighs beckoning Monty over to him

"Noo don't do that I'm stuck he will drag me"

It was too late and I ended up half way across the floor. My grandfather came and knelled down in front of me

"Now you say you came in for a wank and Monty jumped you"

"Yes grandad, I swear I will never come in here and wank off again, please just tell me how to get him off"

"Ha-ha, looks like you have already got him off!" Jack laughed

"Well son" Grandad continued "you see you are stuck for a reason, and that is because you are telling porkies, now why don’t you tell me what really happened and I might be able to help you"

"I’m not joking grandad that is what happened"

"Really, well in that case you'll just have to stay like that, come on jack lets go inside I don't like liars, he can stay here all night for all I care"

Now I was petrified

"Ok ok, that’s not exactly true"

"Ahhh, I thought not, now why don't you tell us the truth and don't leave anything out"

I felt totally embarrassed now as Jack joined my grandfather in sitting on a hay bale ready to listen to my excuses

"well, it wasn't my fault, honestly, I came in hear to clean the kennel out like you asked and Monty started to get frisky, he seemed to be turned on by the smell of your piss on my t-shirt from lunch time, and he just started jumping on me and getting excited"


"Well I could see his dick coming out and well....well ok I could not resist it, so I wanted to play with him"

"What do you mean play with him?"

"Well I started to rub his cock, I know I shouldn’t have and I'm sorry but I was just so turned on"

"And was that all you did?"

"No I’m sorry I couldn't stop myself and I gave him a blowjob!"

The two men looked at me almost in disgust

"Right so you gave my dog a blow how come his cock is stuck up your arse right now?"

Granddads tone told me I was in deep shit in more ways than one

"well then Monty started to jump about and tried to mount me while I had my jeans on....I really didn't think it would do any harm and I took my pants off and let him fuck me...I’m sorry grandad, I really am, it will never happen again I promise, please just get him off me"

"Well that's more like the truth, and let me tell you it's disgusting, I cannot believe I leave you for a few hours and come back to find that you have been fucking my dog, your sick and perverted aren't you?"

"Yes grandad I’m sorry"

"And I bet you fucking loved sucking my dogs cock and then I even bet you couldn't wait to take his cock up your tight arse, eh?"

"No grandad I didn't I was just overcome"

"Don’t fucking lie to me boy, tell the fucking truth or I will leave you here"

"yesss, grandad, I’m so ashamed because I did enjoy it, I tasted his cock and liked it so much I let him cum in my mouth and then when he started to try and fuck my jeans I knew I had to have him, pleasssee forgive me, I know I am a dirty little slut but after the last day I just couldn't help myself"

"well son this gives me a problem now, because you see I didn't plan on introducing you to Monty’s big cock for a while yet, it was going to be a surprise, but you have beaten me to it, both Jack and I were actually saying in the car earlier that we thought you would be a quick learner and we might only have to wait a few weeks before introducing you properly to the animals but well.....I guess we were wrong, you have proved to us after just one day that you truly are a dirty little fucker, a teenage slut boy who will do anything to get a nice hard cock, no matter whose or what cock is it, and that my son is music to my ears. You really are the best son a daddy could wish for"

I was suddenly taken a back by this change of attitude and now realised that this had been my granddad’s wish all along, he wanted me to fuck the dog, in fact wanted me to fuck the "animals" !, my fears from the last 10 minutes had now become sexual interest again....

"Oh grandad, I am so happy you are not annoyed with me, I was really scared for a while, but please tell me how I get Monty off me please"

"ha-ha, well son you see there is nothing we can do there....but it's nothing to worry about, you see when a dog is really excited and in the process of fucking, he gets what we call a knot, his cock swells up at one end and he shoots his load, but then it takes about 15 mins before his cock starts to shrink again, only with Monty is takes him a bit longer because he's cock is a bit bigger than most dogs, and that’s one reason why he's here, now judging by the size of his cock still, I reckon you still have about another 10 minutes like that"

I couldn't believe that what I had gone through was normal, there I was panicking and thinking I was stuck forever

"So son, did you enjoy getting fucked by a dog then?"

"Hell yes, although it really hurt and I think I passed out when he came"

"I’m not surprised, I would never have thought you would have taken his whole cock inside you first time, it took me about 3 attempts, and Jack a few more before we finally managed to get all that doggie cock inside us"

My ears perked up and the thought of my grandad and jack being fucked by Monty

"You have let him fuck you too; I wish I could see that"

"Well you never know son, but likewise don't you think we would have liked to see you fuck Monty?"

"Yes I am sorry, but you know daddy I would be more than happy to get dirty with Monty again for you anytime"

"That’s what we like to hear boy"

"Have to say Glenn, sitting her watching this little slut with a dog's cock up his arse has made me a bit horny, mind if I take advantage of the situation. My cock needs a bit of a suck I think"

"Ohhh I’m sure my son won't mind the chance to eat some more meat, would you"

"Defiantly not uncle jack, but would you mind grandad if you talk to me while I play, I get so excited listening to you talking dirty to me"

"Sure thing, why don't you let me tell you what I want you to do with uncle jacks penis"

"Hmmm yes daddy, that will be nice, and I will happily do as you say"

Jack walked over to me and took his pants down; his cock was already stiff and waiting to be devoured by his cock hungry nephew

"Now, don’t touch it with you hands just stick your tongue out and let uncle jack rub his cock all over you"

Jack was happy with that and he started to rub his prick over my tongue, face and cheeks, he grabbed the back of my head and directed me to lick where he wanted it

Grandad then came and sat down next to me and grabbed my hair, beckoning Jack to let go

"Good boy, now lick that cock while I play with uncle jack"

He put his hand around jack's balls and started to squeeze them,

"now wait a minute son, let gramps have some of that tasty cock" and with that he yanked my head away and took Jacks cock in his hand, opened his mouth and sucked his knob"

"Fuck yer Glenn, suck it you old whore"

It was the first time I had seen a guy suck another guy in real life and it was fucking horny, even better knowing it was my grandad, he sucked a little longer then spoke again

"Mmmm, that’s such a fucking nice cock don’t you think son"

"Oh daddy yes, I love it, almost as much as I love your cock gramps" I smiled

"Mmmm, I think we need some lube" and with that he spat onto jacks cock three times so his spit was dripping off the knob

"Now lick that up you whore"

I was not going to object and I teasingly licked up the juices, running my tongue over his knob and shaft, then gramps started to spit again, this time over my face and into my mouth, he grabbed Jacks cock and started to rub it into my face smothering me in cock juice and spit

"That’s a good boy, now suck it, suck that hard wet cock, and don’t stop until I say"

I was happy to oblige and put my mouth around this gorgeous cock.

"Now fuck his mouth Jack, give my son a good hard face fuck, I wanna watch him eat every inch of your fat cock"

Of course I knew from last night just how much I loved Uncle Jacks prick, and I knew I was capable of taking most of it in my mouth so I was more than happy to let him shove it as far down my throat as he wanted

Jack grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my face in the same manner as Monty had fucked my arse earlier,

"That’s it fuck face swallow uncle's big fat cock, eat my meat and fucking enjoy it you slut"

It was really turning me on to hear them talking to me like this and I eagerly gobbled as much cock as I could, I could see my grandpa had moved his fingers around to Jack arse and he was rubbing his mates bum.

"That’s it Jack, give it to him, he fucking loves it, wants every inch of your prick the dirty little cocksucker"

As I was being stuffed with cock I noticed that Monty's cock had started to slip out of my arse, I had started to get used to having something in my arse and now it felt weird to be empty at that end, mind you I had more than enough to concentrate on in the front. My gramps must have read my mind

"Looks like you are free from Monty now, bet you miss having that cock inside you, don't you, you little whore"

I looked to him as if to nod agreement.

"Answer me slut"

Of course I couldn't so gramps pulled jack cock from my grasp

"Yesss daddy I do miss it, I miss a cock up my arse, please daddy would you like to fuck me again"

"No son, I’m too interested in watching you suck your uncle’s cock right now, but if you really want me to fill your arse up for you I will"

"Ohhh daddyyyyy yes please, please fuck me and fill my arse with cock, I love it when I have two cocks in me"

"Keep on fucking him Jack while I sort this little slut’s arse out"

Jack was happy to continue and once again started feeding me long strokes of his thick penis

Jack was holding my head so I could not see what was going on, but the next thing I knew was I could feel Monty’s tongue back on my arse, shit now I was not sure I could take his cock again!

"that's it Monty boy lick his arse and I will get your cock all ready once more and you can fuck this little slut and we can watch this time"

I really was not sure how I would handle Monty for a second time, but I figured that my arse would adjust as before and no doubt I would end up getting the solid fuck I wanted anyway.

I still couldn't see but I could hear my gramps telling Monty what a lovely cock he had and I guessed he was getting him hard for his grandson

Suddenly gramps yanked my hair back forcing Jack's cock out my mouth with a plop

"Now are you sure you want another hard arse fucking boy?"

"Umm hmm god yes dadddy, please I would like to feel Monty’s cock in me again, I really loved it earlier and if you want to see him fuck my arse then yes I would love to let him fuck me again"

"Come on boy up you get" he patted my back from Monty, the dog didn't need a second invitation, he had been here before and I guessed he liked it. He jumped up and I instinctively pointed my arse forward and spread my legs

"Oh come on Monty, fuck me, fuck your favourite teenage boy’s arse, show gramps how much I can take and what a little slut I am"

Gramps loved it and as Monty started to flap around he held my arse open and directed Monty's cock right up inside me

"Good boy, go fuck that tight arse, split my son in two, fuck him Monty"

Monty needed no such encouragement and his cock when straight back up where it had been just a few minutes ago and for the last 30 mins.

"Ahhhhhh shittttt yesssss, fuckkk meeee, goddddd fuck I loveeee it, oh gramps this is better than before, god he's so big"

"Ha-ha, glad you love it slut boy, now Jack, shut him up for me will ya"

"My pleasure Glenn, get your fucking gob around this bitch"

Once again I was being fucked from both ends, and I was in my element, this truly was the best thing in the world. As Monty pumped so Jack forced more meat into my mouth I just wanted to stay like this forever. Monty's cock was again a good 80% inside me rocking back and forth and gramps wanted to see me take more again

"god son, if only you knew how good this looks, but I want to make Monty fuck you harder, harder than you have ever been fucked, would you like that"

I could only nod in desperate agreement.

Gramps got up and in the corner of my eye I could see him pull his pants down, what was he going to do I wondered. I saw him disappear behind me and soon I found out

"That’s it Monty, keep fucking him and grandpa will give you something back"

"ohhh yes Glenn, that will fucking make him really hard, you know this boy is going to get a real fucking seeing too now" Jack was loving watching this and I wished I could see as well but I guessed what my grams was going to do.

"Come on Monty, you know you love it when grandpa sticks his cock up your doggie arse"

With that Monty yelped and started to pound my arse faster, I felt him get heavier and realised that my grandfather had started to fuck the dog.

"Fuck Monty your arse is fucking tight but the more I fuck you, the more you are gonna pound my son so here goes"

Monty yelped again and the force pushed him forward and he sunk all 10 inches of his thick red cock inside my tight arse, I went to scream and Jack just forced more cock in my mouth. I was feeling faint again but there was no way I could black out with 17 inches of thick cock meat thrusting its way into both ends of my body.

"Ahhh fuck yer Glenn, fuck that dog, you driving me wild watching this, I gonna fucking shoot my load if I'm not careful"

"Well just hang in there mate, I wanna smother this little fucker with both our loads in one go"

Gramps pushed deeper into Monty’s arse and I felt the knot once more swelling inside me, Jack with drew his cock to take a breather and I was free to scream again

"Ahhh fuckkkkk I can feel him getting bigger ohhh god it soooo fucking gooooood"

Suddenly Monty was shooting yet another load of doggie cum straight up my shit passage

"Ohhh fuckkk yer, he's Cumming, god oh goddddd it fucking hot"

"That’s it boy take that K9 cum in your arse, you filthy little fuck"

"Ohhh god daddyyyyy it so fucking sexy, I fucking love it, and I love you watching me be such a dirty whore grandson"

Gramps took his cock out from Monty as the dog continued to pump more spunk inside me, he came around to me face to face again

"Did that big cock feel good son"

"Oh daddy yesss, it was great, I love Monty’s cock stuck in me, it so warm"

I bet you would love another cock in your mouth again as well"

"Oh yes gramps I always love a cock in my mouth"

"Well you better beg for it you cocksucking bitch"

Now I was in complete ecstasy and would do anything to get yet more cock to feed on

"Ohhh dadddy yes pleasssee, oh I want your cock so bad, I want to show you what a really dirty whore I am for you and uncle jack, please please let me taste your hard cock and drink all that lovely cum from you and uncle jacks stiff pricks"

"Hmmm, well maybe I should let you but then again....."

"Noooo please pleasssee daddy pleasssee I want to suck you off, plleassse daddy"

He was really in total command and I didn't care what I had to do to get his cock, Monty had jumped off and twisted around again but his cock was still throbbing inside me and I just so badly wanted to taste more and more cock

"Hmm well the only thing is I haven’t cleaned it from fucking Monty's arse, and as you can see it's a little bit dirty, so maybe I should go away and wipe the doggie shit off it and have my own little wank while I am there"

Now I was totally beyond control, I had to have that cock, and I didn't care if I would feel sick after, I was way to far gone in erotic bliss to care, and he knew it

"Daddy noooo, I will suck it, I’ll suck your cock clean of the doggie pooh, please just let me suck it I promise I'll clean your cock for you pleeasee"

"oh your are a fucking good son, a fucking dirty little bitch of a son, but nevertheless one that deserves all the depravity he can get, here boy, lick that dog shit of my cock, lick it like a lollipop and if you do a good job uncle jack and I will both cum all over your face and in your mouth"

He offered me his cock and I wasted no time in starting on my task of cleaning him off. To be honest it was gross, his cock stunk and I thought I would throw up but that was not going to spoil my enjoyment. I licked the shit from his cock and then gramps spoke again

"hmm you're a good shit sucking bitch, Jack I wanna give him a good pounding, why don't you spread my legs and get that lovely cock of yours up my arse while I do"

"Thought you'd never ask mate, spread them legs for dirty jack"

As I licked and sucked my grandpa’s cock clean I could see Jack between his legs, gramps bent forward and my uncle parted his cheeks and I could see his cock disappearing

"Ohhh fuck yer Jack, you always know how to grind my arse mate, get that cock in there and let’s fuck this horny bitch together"

As Jack fucked my grandad so he fucked my mouth harder and each thrust pushed me against Monty to just keep that sensation going strong. It was the perfect session and now that my granddads cock was clean I was enjoying sucking his juices and sticking my tongue down his piss hole while I knew he was loving Jacks fat cock inside him,

"Oh fuck Glenn I am gonna cum soon, I wanna off load on this slut"

"Mmmm ok Jack, but hold on I wanna give my son something special for him to enjoy, just keep you cock in me for a moment"

"Ok man, I think I get your drift, lay it on me I would love to see our little boy eat it all up"

I was not sure what he meant at first but when my grandpa gave a little strain it virtually gave the game away, so caught up in the erotica it just continued to turn me on even more

"Ok son, how would you like two hot wads of cum in that hungry mouth of yours and something very special from your ole gramps"

Knowing full well what was coming I was not going to disappoint the men whose cocks had given me so much pleasure

"Ohhh yes granddaddy, you know I would love to drink all your cum, and I’ll do anything for you, just give me that cum and I'll suck anything you want, just let me taste all that spunk"

I could see Jack withdrawing his cock and gramps looked around with a smile on his face

"Now son, close your eyes and open wide for granddaddies special surprise"

I did as I was told like some obedient little puppy,

"Can you smell uncle jacks cock now?"

"Yes daddy I can"

"And what do you smell"

"It smells of shit daddy"

It actually did smell gross and I was not so sure I really wanted to do this now, I had sucked my grandfather’s cock with dog shit on it and although it was damn kinky it was not the best taste in the world

"And does my cum loving whore of a grandson want to lick all my shit off of uncle jacks cock"

"I’m not sure daddy I don’t think I like the idea of that, it's not very nice daddy"

His voice took a turn for the worse

"Sorry!! What do you mean no, listen you. You little cunt, you wanted you arse fucked hard and your mouth filled with cock didn't you"

"Yesss daddy, but....."

"no fucking buts here", he violently grabbed my head and I opened my eyes and saw Uncle Jacks cock with a bit of shit on his knob and brown stains down his shaft

"You see it now, you see your uncle jacks cock, I’ve given it a nice coating of grandpa’s special sauce for you, you think you can get away with sucking a dog off and then still refuse my shit"

"But dadddy it's not very nice and I didn't like the doggie pooh"

"well I don’t care, you said you would do anything for me, and right now I wanna see you lick the shit of your uncles dick, got it, otherwise I’ll leave you out here with Monty all night and you will never get to see either of our cocks again"

Putting it that way didn't give me much choice and the recent exchange of words had once again turned me on enough to carry out another humiliating act for my grandfather

"Daddy no, I can't not have your cocks, pleases no, I will do anything for you"

"So what are you gonna do bitch"

"I’ll lick uncle jacks cock clean for you daddy"

"Well you better fucking beg for it now motherfucker and you better convince me that you want it bad"

At this point I have to admit that being made to beg for his dirty cock was probably the sexiest thing ever and I was now really gagging for it

"yesss dadddy, I do want it, I want to lick all your shit from uncle jacks cock , I want to taste your shit and show you how much I love it, pleeasee make me eat shit, I know how much you would love to watch your son lick it all off, goddd please just let me taste your pooh"

"Now that’s better, come on jack let the fucking shit sucker have it"

Jack came closer and the smell was still gross but it turned me on. I put my tongue out and started to lick his shaft, leaving the lump on his knob for last,

"That’s it you dirty little boy, lick it clean, how does my dump taste for you"

"Ohhh daddyyyyy I love it, it’s so kinky and sexy"

"Good, now see that lump on uncle jacks knob, I want you to suck if off and then play with it in your mouth and if you do that, then uncle jack and I will give you the best reward you could wish for"

I moved my mouth over the lump of crap and sucked it into my mouth it did not taste good, but if this was going to get me a double helping of thick creamy cum then it was going to be worth it I started to sexually rub my tongue all over the shit and I knew it was turning them on

"Mmmm dadddy this does taste good, do you like watching you little whore eat your shit and play with it in my young sexy mouth"

"Fuck yes boy, god you are fucking dirty"

"I love being a dirty slut for my uncle and granddaddy, and I love your shit, I just need some nice hot juicy cum to swallow it all done with, do you have any for me?"

Both men were now wanking frantically clearly getting turned on watching a 16 year old boy being a total slut.

"Ohhh fuck yesss her it comes you cum whore"

Jack was the first to offload, I opened my mouth and let him shoot his load straight down my throat and then send globs of thick warm cum all over my face

"Ohhh yes, cum on shoot you cum, cover my face with spunk, shoot it in my mouth, I love the taste of warm sperm, mmmm thanks uncle you taste soo good"

He was still shooting his last few drops when gramps was ready

"Come on granddaddy do it for your son, cover me with love juices, ohhh pleeasee daddy fill your sons mouth with spunk"

He fired his load into my awaiting mouth, splattering all over the inside of my mouth and filling me with creamy spunk.

Jack had been squeezing the last bits from his dick, and as gramps finished texturing my face with white blobs I just wanted more

"oh good that’s so sexy, uncle jack, will you piss on me please, I would love to taste shit cum and piss all in my mouth at the same time, and gramps, please wee on me too, let me show you what a dirty whore you have as a grandson.

Both men smiled and in unison let out a jet s hot piss all over my face, they were directing the piss onto their cum and trying to drive each blob into my mouth. I just sat there open mouthed accepting every last drop of piss into my dirty gob. My face must have looked like a human toilet but I didn't really care, I had satisfied my two older men and had gone beyond any sexual desires I may have had in the past. I was without doubt a real fuck slut and I loved it.