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My brother was my first lover

Joey76 1337 days ago on Incest Stories

Note for the readers, this is a true story. I’m sharing it because obviously I can’t talk to other people about it and it’s not only good memories, but it’s a fascinating look into a real sister brother relationship.

When I was 9 and my brother was 11, we had a normal brother sister relationship. We’d play and argue and just be goofy. We’d get into trouble because we were just goofy kids. Our relationship had changed early spring of 1987. We were in our parents room because they weren’t home and we were going under their bed to find stuff that was left under there. Usually it was change or a dollar bill or two. This time, we found a dirty magazine. Naturally my brother was the one to open it up and start flipping through the pages. We were looking at the naked girls and the dirty cartoons. The cartoons were pretty vivid and raunchy. It started making us curious, him a little more than me, but I was playing lifting up my shirt to pretend I was those girls, showing my almost non existent boobs. The picture that changed everything was a man going down on a woman. In hindsight to my brother, it probably looked like the least threatening thing that they were doing. I did let him touch my boobs, but this was different. He asked me if I wanted to try that. Did I want to? I didn’t know. The girl in the picture looked like she was having fun and she loved it. I went for it. I took off my pants, but left my underwear on. He licked me with my underwear on for a little and said “I think you’re supposed to not have underwear on” and giggled. I kinda froze and got tense as I laughed, because I’ve never done this before. I was a bit reluctant, but I took off my underwear for my brother. His eyes kinda went wide as this was probably the first time he’s ever seen a girl’s privates for real, and up close. He asked if I was ready, and I was super nervous. I said ok. He slid his tongue around my lips, just long licks on my lips and then sliding his tongue at my slit, which really felt really good. I never experienced this before, I’d never even touched myself before this. He did this for a few minutes, and then stopped. I was in disbelief that this just happened, but I really enjoyed it at the same time. We didn’t play for a few days after that until I went into his room and asked him to do it again. Of course, he was more than happy to. This time I touched him. He licked my boobs first and then licked me, and I told him I wanted to see his private part. I touched and a grabbed it. I stroked it a little too. I was scared to put it in my mouth so I licked it and kissed it. We played like that for a few weeks, touching, learning to kiss, and a little bit of oral sex for both of us. I got up the nerve to actually put it in my mouth and was surprised it tasted like my finger or my arm. I didn’t get a whole lot of it in, but just enough that I gave him his first blow job, even though it wasn’t much. Then we had sex. Well what we thought was sex. We grinded. We thought it was sex. He would slide between my lips and it felt really, really good. I remember him doing that and making a mess of me, we’d have to have a towel with us so he could wipe me off. We did that for like two months. Kissing, oral, touching and grinding. It was a lot of fun. We both enjoyed it, and we thought we were doing grown up stuff. Our parents weren’t home when we got home from school, so it was usually in the afternoon that we had playtime and sometimes a little play at night.

That all changed in early 1988. My brother and I were once again in our parents room, they had a vcr and a tv. We were watching tv just laying on the bed. Usually if we were playing it would be in my room, which had the window facing the driveway to see when one of them got home. But we were just being innocent, just watching tv. There was a tape in the VCR so we pushed play. It was a porno. While we were watching it, we started playing because it was kinda turning us on. We started grinding on our parents bed a little. Then I saw what was going on. We weren’t doing what they were doing. I told my brother I wanted to try that. I wanted him to put it in me. My brother had no idea what he was doing, but I knew where my opening was. Since we had been playing for months, I no longer had a hymen, so that wasn’t an issue. He couldn’t aim it correctly, so I helped him with my fingers. He was very slow and just kinda inched it in. My brother wasn’t very big, but it was the first time anything besides his fingertips had been inside of me. He slowly pushed himself into me, and I felt everything. His eyes were wide and mine probably were too. My brother was inside of me. I was no longer a virgin and neither was he, but we didn’t think of it that way back then. At that moment, there was no thinking about our parents coming home, and they didn’t. It didn’t last long. Maybe a minute. My brother ended up cumming inside of me because we had no idea he was supposed to pull out. We didn’t get that far into the video until we were finished. But I felt it, it was very warm, almost hot. It was the weirdest feeling, but I didn’t mind. He laid next to me on the bed, we both still had our shirts on, just laying there in shock about what we had just done. All of those months of thinking that we were having sex and now we really did just do it. I was tingling between my legs for what felt like hours. It was the first time, but certainly not the last. That started a sexual relationship with my brother that blossomed into a kind of secret romance that lasted for over ten years. There’s a lot more to this story, so let me know if you want me to continue.


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