Story Details
Her Mother's Lover Part 1
Her Mother's Lover
Chapter 1
Charisse Mantell was more voluptuous than the average teen-age girl, andat eighteen, she liked to pretend she had a worldliness and knowledgeabout sex which she really didn't have at all. As a matter of fact, sheknew less about the sexual relationships between men and women than theaverage girl. Her mother was a famous singing star on television and theplush nightclub circuits of Las Vegas, New York, London and Acapulco,but had kept her lushly developing daughter safely stashed away inexpensive private schools. Although Minna Mantell was a talented andvoluptuous beauty herself, she was at the age where a fresh, sexuallybudding daughter might prove to be competition . . . competition thatwould show up her own somewhat fuck-worn tits and ass.
In the exclusive private school, Greystone, where she was now, she foundthat being the daughter of a celebrity made the other girls look up toher. After all, the daughter of the famous Minna Mantell, TV andnightclub star - a beautiful, if somewhat tarnished, figure of glamour,a pet of the international jet set and adored by her faithful fans.After a while however, Charisse found that her natural shyness wasmistaken for stand- offishness and that her former friends ignored herto the extent of pointedly not inviting her to their parties or sororityaffairs.
Her mother had often told her that even as the daughter of a famouswoman, she would encounter plenty of jealousy and envy, and that shewould be very foolish to let that sort of thing throw her. For somestrange reason, she had always been closer to her mother, felt proud tobe the daughter of Minna Mantell. So Charisse tried to "cultivate hercool," In spite of the other girls' snubs. But in her heart she was veryhurt.
She would actually see a group of girls hurriedly change the subject oftheir whispered conversation when she approached, and knew they musthave been talking about her or her mother. As she went upstairs tostudy, she heard what surely was a dirty remark about her, to judge fromthe peals of mocking laughter that followed her to her dormitory room.She mentally resolved that "he who laughs last, laughs best' - and thatshe would one day have the last laugh over these bitches.
The girl who seemed to hate her the most was actually her next door dormneighbor, a rather mean, but physically attractive seventeen-year-oldgirl named Debby.
Debby's room seemed to he some sort of magnet for the other girls inGreystone and they would gather there very frequently like a flock ofgaily chatting birds. And, as much as Charisse tried to deny it toherself, she was secretly hurt that she wasn't asked to be one of thegroup. It was just all that phony sophistication and woman of the worldairs that Debby affected that attracted the other girls, she kepttelling herself. Finally, one weekend, she heard them laughing andgiggling in Debby's room and made up her mind to find out what it wasall about. Even though there was a sinking sensation in her stomach asshe did so, she casually opened the door and entered.
As the girls saw who it was, the gaiety seemed to die down, and she wasgreeted by furtive and somewhat resentful looks.
"Just what can we do for you, Miss Mantell?" Debby asked her. "Or didyou open the door to the wrong room by mistake?"
Charisse's heart skipped a beat and she flushed in embarrassment as shereplied, "No, I just thought I'd join the fun . . "
There was a sharp intake of breaths, then a hushed silence and thenDebby spoke.
"Come right in, maybe you can fill us in on details about . . showbusiness that we were discussing. After all, your mother is the fabulousMinna Mantell, superstar of TV, nightclubs, and all that jazz."
Charisse walked into the room hesitantly and saw that there were littleknots of girls all over. Some were on the bed, some were on the easychairs and others even sprawled on the rug. As Charisse found a place tosit on the sofa, the gay girlish gossiping and hysterical shrieks oflaughter began again.
"Please don't feel that I'm intruding," Charisse said to Debby, "but I'mreally at rather loose ends this afternoon, and you all sound likeyou're having such a lot of fun . . . " her voice trailed off. Sheflushed under Debby's sharp mocking gaze.
"By the way," Debby said slyly, "we were just discussing the sex life ofsome popular show biz personalities - or don't you think that peoplelike Frank Sinatra or Robert Goulet or . . . Minna Mantell indulge inthat pastime?"
Charisse flushed and her lips trembled as she tried to replynonchalantly, "Oh I've heard a thing or two."
Debby pressed her advantage. "How about giving out with some of the dirtabout your mother? After all, you've sort of got the inside track."
Charisse kept silent as Debby continued her clever taunting. "Well,we're all waiting breathlessly to hear something right from the horse'smouth, as it were. Or would the opening at the other end of the horse bemore suitable to the subject of Minna Mantell's private occupations?" AsCharisse pressed her lips together and tried to keep the tears fromfilling her eyes, Debby added, "I've got a little scrap book here thatmentions her." She opened a book filled with news clippings. "Here'ssomething juicy - "Hot Love on the Big Networks" - Mmmmm . . . 'Is acertain famous TV star about to have her option dropped because shedrops her panties too much?"'
"So what?" Charisse said grimly.
"So the rest of the article is all about Minna Mantell's love life, herhusband's affairs, and some really swinging sex, marijuana, and LSDshenanigans. Really, you must have such an exciting time at home! It's ashame we can't get you to tell us about it."
"How can you even read such cheap gossip sheets? They should be bannedfrom the newsstands!" Charisse burst out. "My mother says everyone inthe public eye is besmirched by those scandal sheets!"
"Look here," Debby said, thrusting her scrap book into Charisse's hands,just see if this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. For just anidle gossiper, he seems to know an awful lot about your mother and yourfather. You're not mentioned - yet."
Charisse didn't want to look at the scrap book, yet the pictures of hermother with some slick young men captioned "Minna's Latest" or "HandsomeRemedy for Singer's Sore Throat" held her gaze hypnotically. The storieswere about love affairs, secret trysts, sex-swapping parties at hermother's New York penthouse, the young girls her father consoled himselfwith and other sexy tidbits. Charisse knew that it couldn't possibly betrue. The parties she had seen at her mother's apartment never hadanything more exciting than spilling a cocktail occasionally.
"I don't know where you got all this dirt," Charisse said angrily, "butI can assure you that's all it is - just a bunch of low down dirt, madeup by a second rate gossip columnist looking for filler! Now I thinkI'll go to my room. I think I want to play my mother's latest recordalbum to get the smell of your scrap book out of my nose!"
"Really, Miss Haughty?" Debby asked slyly. "Since we come from such abunch of blue bloods, I guess you wouldn't be interested in some otherchoice bits about your darling mother?"
"I don't know why you're picking on me like this," Charisse said, with ahint of a sob in her voice. "If you don't want my company I'll leaveright now!"
"Oh, no," Debby replied with a sardonic grin, "we'd just love to haveyou stay. Our parents live such dull lives compared to yours. We're sounsophisticated - why don't you wise us up?"
Charisse knew that Debby was trying to embarrass her in front of theother girls.
"I just ignore cheap slander, wherever it comes from," Charisse said,looking pointedly at Debby, "and now if you'll excuse me, I think I'llgo and play those records in my own room!"
But Debby grasped her by the arm as she made her way to the door. "Oh,I've got lots of other interesting scraps on your mother, Charisse. Iused to be a fan of hers."
Turning to another girl called Sally, she said, "Get me the rest of myscrap books from the closet and we'll see who's slandering whom. Yourmamma really must be quite a babe with the boys, and you don't even wantto tell us anything about her technique of getting men. That's reallyall we want from you, some pointers on what makes Minna such asuccessful sexpot."
With this, she flung the scrap books the other girl handed her right atCharisse's feet. They opened to show pictures of her mother in variousposes and escapades, including a certain nude bathing episode in thefountain of London's Trafalgar Square.
Charisse ignored the pictures and made to leave the room. She wasactually on the verge of tears and couldn't understand what had broughton this attack on her and her mother. She had only tried to be friendly.Why was Debby so intent on torturing her and demeaning her in front ofthe others.
"Pick those books of mine off the floor, and read those stories realgood. Maybe you'll thank me for giving you the best education you evergot at good old Greystone," Debby ordered.
Charisse couldn't believe that this was happening to her, or that theother girls would go along with this hazing.
"I don't think anybody would like it much if Miss Finchly heard what thegirls in her class were trying to pull," she quavered with tears in hereyes.
"I don't think you would like it much if we really did a job on yourwhore of a mother and plastered this stuff all over the school," Debbyanswered. "Believe me, every girl here will make you sorry that you wereever born if you even think of squealing to the headmistress."
Charisse felt that Debby was dead serious and would really carry out herthreats. Maybe the best thing would be to play along and then get out asquickly and as gracefully as possible.
"Okay," Debby said viciously, "now read us a few bedtime stories, and Ido mean "bedtime" stories about your old folks at home. And speak up,I'm hard of hearing."
Charisse flipped the pages of the scrap book unbelievingly. Finally shebegan to read in a whisper, "I need to have my men big - all over, sayssongbird Minna Mantell . . . "
She was interrupted with a high pitched squeal of laughter from one ofthe group, but continued reading with a kind of fascinated horror. "'Ibelieve love is where you find it, says Minna Mantell on Rome's famedVia Veneto. Could it be that the handsome young Italian accompanying heragreed with her back in her hotel room?"' Charisse saw a picture of anoily, gigolo-type leading her mother's poodle, while her mother lookedup at him in obvious admiration.
"You girls don't understand," Charisse said, "these things are just forpublicity, just a press agent's idea. Why, my mother would never doanything of the kind!"
"Oh, no!" mocked Debby. "Not in a million years - but do read on, it'sall so interesting, even if it is just a press agent's story. Some ofthem sound like a press agent's nightmare, if you ask me!"
Charisse bit her lip and said nothing. She realized that she was beingpersecuted, and just because she was her mother's daughter. Her motherhad told her there would be days like this, but Charisse would neverhave believed her classmates could be so mean and hurtful.
Taking another scrapbook in her hands, Charisse saw her motherpractically bare-chested in a see-through evening gown, obviously drunk,with a man who certainly wasn't her husband. She dimly remembered alsoseeing this man apparently coming from her mother's bedroom one nightwhen he was a weekend guest, but her mother had just been amused byCharisse's questions at the time.
Almost hysterically, Charisse leafed through page after page of thescrapbooks. Why, these stories made her mother out to be the giddiesttype of gadabout - a celebrity who gave sex so freely that she wasnotorious for it. And her father, according to these clippings, was aweak nincompoop who was always shooing handsome young strangers out ofhis steaming marriage bed. But no matter how he tried, her mothermanaged to keep the bed sheets hot. And all the stories about herparents were in the same vein. Her mother seemed the biggest tramp andher father the biggest dope in the entertainment world.
Rather sadly, she said, "I'd like to leave, I've seen all thescrapbooks."
She was so obviously hurt that none of the girls laughed or saidanything, except Debby, who couldn't resist pitching one last dart intoCharisse's sensitive skin.
"Hope you enjoyed our little get-together and liked my picture books. Bythe way," she added, "do you suppose you could get your mother and someof her boyfriends to autograph my scrap books? That would make themreally interesting!"
Keeping back her tears, Charisse walked into her own room, holding herhead proudly. As she closed the door behind her, she flung herself downon the bed and let the tears come. How could they rub her nose in thefilthy offal of the gossip columns? How could girls be so cruel?Especially when she knew that none of it could be true. Even the mostinnocent action could be distorted as to make it seem evil by thesegossip sheets. Her mother had assured her of that. But why had hermother always gone to such pains to get her to believe that there wouldbe false gossip about her?
Having found that her mother was the soft spot in her armor, the girlsin her section of the dorm became quite sadistic. There would be slyquestions, like "What does your mother advise putting on a brokencherry?,' flung at her in passing. But she realized that if she answeredthis sort of torture, there would be no end to it. So she just keptquiet and made believe she didn't hear a thing.
Debby, as usual, was the worst. Since she had the room right next toCharisse's, she developed the habit of barging right in. Somehow shealmost always seemed to come in when Charisse was undressing and cladonly in panties and bra. Once it was without the bra and Debby hadlooked fixedly at her voluptuous breasts and hadn't made any of herusual remarks about Charisse's mother.
"What a pair of titties!" she said in a rather surprised tone of voice.She left the room when Charisse hurriedly closed the bathroom door.
A new idea had been forming in Charisse's mind under the constantpressure of all the teasing she was taking from the others. She wouldjust pack it in, leave Greystone Finishing School. She would go back toher mother, tell her what had happened and just look for a job. Maybeshe could even become her mother's secretary. It would be fun travelingwith her mother from one engagement to another. She could really see theworld.
She made up her mind that she would take French leave from the schoolthis coming weekend. She would say she was going into the meadow fornature study notes and they wouldn't even bother to look for her. By thetime they missed her at bedcheck, she would have almost arrived at thepenthouse in New York. Central Park would look good to her from theseventeenth story of the luxury apartment. Much better than MissFinchley's school up in the farthest reaches of Westchester County.
She was nervous when she told the biology teacher she was going to spendthe day in nature study, but when she was finally away from Greystone,she felt much better. She liked her bio teacher, and felt sorry if shewould get into trouble over Charisse's disappearance.
It was a cloudy day, and a bone-chilling dampness made her hurry alongto the railroad station. Some of the town's swingers, young men on themake, always used to watch in town for the girls from Greystone.Charisse knew that some of the girls had let themselves get picked upfor beer drinking parties at a nearby bar and discotheque, but felt itwas really none of her business. She herself had gotten more than oneoff-color invitation to join them, but now they no longer bothered her.
Her figure had really matured more voluptuously than she herselfrealized. With her miniskirt tight around her shapely asscheeks, herfull titties jouncing joyously with every step in her loose bra andtight sweater, she was a real hard-on producer whenever she passed agroup of men. Her asscheeks jiggling, her tits full and inviting, longauburn tresses, blue eyes and a lightly freckled skin that wasstartlingly white - all these sexy attributes really raised the steam inany and all observing males. Her lush, wanton figure coupled with hergirlish naivet raised cocks wherever she passed.
She knew she was exciting the group of young street corner loungers asshe passed them - maybe she even gave her hips an extra twitch.
"Mmmmm. Wouldn't that be a nice piece of ass to ram"
"Wow, her nipples are bigger than most girls' tits!"
She heard these and other comments on her physical attributes with aslight inward shudder. If some of these so-called swingers wanted to getto first base with her, they'd have to take a bath first. They looked asoily and as filthy as they sounded. While she was still a virgin, sheremembered how in the hygiene class the male and female sex organs hadbeen carefully described by the somewhat mannish Miss Tuttle. She hadmade them all squirm as she described the foreskin on the male penis,and the smelly, cheesy deposits which accumulated under if soap andwater weren't used regularly. She tittered to herself as she thoughtevery penis and foreskin in the corner could probably stand a thoroughwashing. And she'd like to see her sadistic friend Debby forced to dothe penis cleanup.
Some other girls soon drew the group's attention and she hurried on tothe station. She looked behind her just to make sure that none of thegirls spotted her heading for the train. It would just be too ironic tohave the Greystone administration stop her at this stage of the game.
She was really sick of the place and all those giggling tormentors. Sheknew her mother would tell her that those papers were all lies. Shewould be her mother's secretary and go all over the world with her,glorying in her singing triumphs. Somehow, she couldn't picture herfather doing much of anything, really being in the picture with them. Toher inmost self, she admitted that he was a well-meaning man, but aweakling for whom she had no respect. Her mother was the strong vitalforce of the family.
She waited impatiently for her train to come. She only had about afifteen minute wait, but it seemed like hours. The ride to Grand Centraltook two hours, and all the way down she tried to picture the reactionof her parents at her sudden appearance in town in the middle of theterm. Her father, like all weak people, was conventional, a square, andwould probably insist on her going back to that prison of a school. Why,now that she thought of it, even its name "Greystone" had thatpenitentiary sound. But her darling mother was different, she knew she'dbe glad to see her "baby" as she called Charisse. She knew she wouldlisten sympathetically to her story and maybe she would even starttraining her for the position of her secretary right away. She wouldtell her mother about the gossip columns and wanted to hear her mother'sthroaty contralto laughing and telling her to pay them no mind. And nowthat she was older, and would probably be living at home with herparents, she could certainly spot anything that wasn't right. She wasn'ta child anymore.
The train finally pulled into Grand Central at six p.m. and Charissefelt like a coward as she went into a phone booth. She really dreadedtelling either of her parents what she had done; they thought she wassuch a dutiful girl. When the phone rang, there was no answer. Charissebreathed a sigh of relief. They had probably gone out to dinner andwould make things easier. The doorman would let her into the apartment,and she could be sitting in the living room when they returned. Shehoped it was a good dinner, because then at least they would be in agood mood.
She dozed off on the couch while waiting for them to come home. She justdidn't know how she was going to explain things, but decided play it byear. It seemed as if only a moment had passed and she awakened to thesound of her mother's voice practically screaming in surprise.
"Charisse, baby, what are you doing home when you're supposed to be inschool? Is anything wrong?"
Taking a deep breath, she told them there was nothing for them to worryabout and that she was perfectly all right. But, she told them,Greystone Finishing School was just an impossible place and she couldn'tstand the other girls' catty snobbiness another day. If they sent herback, she'd just run away, and maybe go to Chicago or Los Angeles andlook for a job.
Her father stopped her short.
"School is the only place for a girl of your age, and you'll just haveto go back. Why, Greystone is one of the most exclusive schools in thecountry and you have no idea of the strings I had to pull to get you in.I know better than you what's best, and back to school you're going inthe morning. I'll probably be hearing from the headmistress any minutenow and I'm going to tell her you'll be there tomorrow morning!"
Charisse realized with a sick feeling at the pit of her stomach that forsome reason her father didn't want her at home, that she was just apesky kid who was going to be in the way.
Then Minna came to her rescue.
"Oh, Charles," she exclaimed, "you're being too hard on the child: Let'shear her out. That's only fair, and maybe she shouldn't go back if shehates it so much."
Turning to Charisse she said, "But you must realize dear, that mysinging schedules and your father's TV production business just doesn'tgive us much time to spend with you."
"But Mother, you always said You needed a confidential secretary - andwho could be more confidential than me, and I'd just love the job,"Charisse interrupted. "I'd be the best secretary you could possiblyhave!"
"Young lady-" her father began, but Minna shut him up.
"I'll tell you what we'll do, baby. I'll call the headmistress at schooltomorrow and explain that you're not feeling well and that's why youleft. We'll get you a leave of absence and you can stay here whilemother and dad figure out the best thing to do," Minna smiled atCharisse.
"Who knows, maybe it would be best for you to be my confidentialsecretary. The idea has its good points!"
Charisse flung her arms around her mother and hugged her so tightly thatMinna told her to let up a little, she couldn't breathe. It was themaid's night out, so Minna took Charisse into the kitchen and made her atuna sandwich and milk.
"Get to bed early, Charisse dear," Minna said. "Tomorrow's another dayand our problems will look a lot simpler then."
As she snuggled into her own bed that night, Charisse felt she had donethe right thing in leaving Greystone. When her beautiful mother wasaround, she felt warm and comfortable; her mother was strong enough andcapable enough to set everything right. Those cheap gossip columnistswith all their dirty pictures and obscene insinuations could never makeher believe that her mother was immoral. Seeing was believing and shehad never seen her mother in a single immoral action in all her life.But her father was a weak man, and as a TV producer, he surely met upwith a lot of temptations - girls who would do anything for a break onone of his TV shows.
Chapter 2
Surprisingly, she slept quite late the next morning. When she hadfinally showered and dressed, she found her parents were practicallythrough with their breakfast.
"Hello, sleepy-head," her father greeted her as she sat down at thetable. "How does it feel to sleep in your own bed again?"
"Nothing like it," she answered. "That's another reason I don't want togo back to school, I'm too comfortable here."
"I think you're grownup enough to come to the party tonight," Minna saidlooking appraisingly at her daughter. "It's just going to be some offather's business friends, and mine too, nothing big."
"That's right," her father chimed in, "and if you need a dress you canuse the family charge account at Saks or Altman's as usual."
"Oh mother," Charisse said happily, "that sounds just too groovy, but Iguess I'm going to surprise both of you . . . I mean I'm still so tiredfor some reason, I'd just as soon pass up the party and get to bedearly!"
"All right, dear," her mother said with a rather surprised look. "But Ido want you to get out today and get some fresh air, you look a littlepale to me."
"I intend to mother. I'm going to take a long walk in the park, sayhello to my favorite seals in the zoo, and just read on a bench untilit's time for dinner."
"I wish I didn't have that concert to rehearse for - I'd keep youcompany darling. It sounds like a lovely, lazy sort of day that Ihaven't had for ages." -
Charisse spent the day in Central Park, as she had planned. She departedfrom her plans in one respect. She went to the Metropolitan Museum ofArt and viewed again their wonderful sculptures - her favorite stillbeing the nude Venus Aphrodite, rising from the surf in all her feminineglory. She wondered why the statues of the naked goddesses held herinterest so much more than the statues of the naked men, which after allshowed every detail of the male sexual organs.
When she came home, she could hear her mother talking to someone on thephone. Carefully lifting the extension phone in the kitchen, shelistened. Her mother was talking to a man with a deep virile voice,someone who was a stranger to Charisse.
She heard her say, "There's this damned party of Charlie's tonight . . .but maybe we'll be able to see each other anyway if I can get out of thehouse with some kind of an excuse . . . "
"That would be wonderful, darling. But if you can't make it, we'll seeeach other tomorrow night at my place."
"That's a date, dear," Minna laughed in her rich contralto and then hungup.
Charisse replaced the receiver and thought to herself why Minna shouldhe making evening dates with the possessor of the virile baritone voice.Could there possibly have been anything to those monstrous articles inthe scrap-books? Well, it was probably a business appointment, even ifit all did sound very sexy. It was out of the question to Charisse thather adored mother would seriously play around with, or give her body toa mere man . . .
She took a shower which had the effect of stimulating and refreshing herbody to the point where she felt ready to take on anything. Going intothe kitchen, she fixed herself a salad and some milk and cake and tookit up to her bedroom, determined to just listen to some good music andthen go to sleep early.
But sleep was out of the question for her as she began to hear theslamming of doors and the bustling noises of the evening's party guestsarriving. There really weren't more than seven or eight people at theparty, but as the drinks began to take effect they were soon makingenough noise for a regiment. Wondering what was really causing all thecommotion, Charisse opened the door of her bedroom a bit and peeked out.
There was the usual drinking, small talk and boozy laughter going on inthe living-room. Everyone had already had dinner. Her mother was in thehallway, diagonally across from her bedroom, talking to Jack Lennard, amature, rather thickset sort of man. He had been a friend of theMantells for years and Charisse remembered him with feelings ofdistaste.
For one thing, ever since she had been thirteen, he had always beenfeeling her up whenever he visited the house. He would put his hand onher asscheeks and sensuously slide it up and down, his palms or hiselbows were always sort of moving up and down over her budding titties.He made it all seem like some kind of accident, but Charisse knew thathe really meant it. If he had the nerve to boldly feel her sex organsthe way he did when her father and mother were in the apartment, shewondered what would happen if they were out. She was glad that he hadnever happened upon her when she was alone in the apartment. She felt hewould have raped her without the slightest hesitation. She really didn'tcare much about Jack Lennard.
She felt the same way about his wife Cora Lennard, who was an attractivebrunette of about thirty-five with a voluptuous well- preserved body.Her face was always faultlessly made up, even if it was a bit too heavyon the mascara and lipstick. What Charisse disliked about Cora was herconstant air of supercilious sophistication and snobbishness. Sheaffected a kind of super-cool which she let you know in a subtle waythat nothing could break down.
Her mother and Cora were deep in conversation in the hallway near herbedroom. As she strained to catch some of their "woman- talk" she wassurprised to see Cora press against her mother's body. One of her handsdescended to Minna's lush asscheek and fondled it, while the other wasactually grasping one of her mother's breasts - and squeezing it! Hermother surprised her by covering Cora's hand on her breast with her own,and smilingly removing Cora's hand from her ass, she whispered somethingto her. Cora's wide mouth opened wider, her red lips emphasizing her bigwhite teeth. Amazed, Charisse watched her mother lead Cora into herbedroom. Her curiosity overcoming her surprise, Charisse tiptoed to thedoor of her mother's bedroom. The door was closed, but light wasstreaming through the large keyhole of the door. Charisse knew fromsecretly watching her mother undress and give herself beauty treatmentsbefore retiring that the keyhole afforded a complete view of the room ifa light was on. There was a moment of guilty hesitation for her, andthen she gasped as she placed her eye to the keyhole. Maybe all thosegossip columns and nasty remarks had something to them! Maybe wherethere was so much smoke there was also a little fire!
She tried hard to understand what she was seeing and even hearingthrough the door. There was her mother lying back on the bed, herexpensive silk evening dress with its skirt tucked up to her waist. Herbeautiful legs were clad in sheer nylons, but she was wearing no girdle,the stockings were rolled. And she was wearing no panties either! Thesight of her mother's alabaster white hips, her exposed reddish bushhair and moist, pink cuntlips shocked her.
Hypnotized by the unusual sight she heard her mother laugh and say,"You'll have to make this one a quickie, Cora darling. If we stay uphere too long, they'll miss us both in the living room!"
"You know I'm an artist and don't like to be rushed, Minna. Is Mr. Dildostill in your third dresser drawer, under you slips?"
Apparently it was, because she saw Cora go to the drawer and take out apeculiar looking harness - it looked just like a garter- belt with ahuge red knockwurst hanging from it. She saw Cora lift up her dress,remove it and after taking off her slip and panties, she strapped on theobject she had called Mr. Dildo. Now Charisse recognized it for what itwas, a huge imitation red rubber male sex-organ, complete down to thetwo testicles dangling from it.
"Take off your bra, Minna," she heard Cora say, breathing heavily. "Youknow I like to feel them!"
As her mother removed her bra, she saw her lush white tits and theirhuge pinkly erect nipples completely exposed to Cora's questing hands.Cora began to knead them and she could see her mother's nipplesstiffening and erecting under the kneading and caressing of her titties.She saw her mother spread her legs, her mouth forming an anguishedinvitation. Cora leaned forward between her mother's legs and with agrunt of triumph she shoved the dildo completely up into Minna's moistvagina.
As Cora began to slide the huge rubber penis in and out of her mother'spussy, she could hear her mother's gasps of pleasure. Then Cora'smovements became more violent and she could actually hear the threshingof the two women's bodies. Her mother began to moan as if she were insome kind of pain, while Cora's breathing sounded as if she were runninga race.
Suddenly she heard her mother whisper urgently, "Oh, Cora darling, shoveit all the way up my hole . . . ah . . . all the way up . . . I want tofeel those red balls slapping up against my cunt!"
Charisse knew that what she was seeing was a sex act, she had enoughlectures in hygiene at school to know that.
But she had only heard vaguely that women were sometimes lovers and thatit was a very immoral thing called Lesbianism that just didn't happenamong nice people. Yet here was her own mother being sexually entered bya woman-friend! It was unbelievable and yet it was happening in front ofher very eyes. She had tried to imagine what having a man push his thinginto her cunny would be like, she knew that when you lost your "cherry"it was supposed to hurt and that you bled from there for awhile. Butthis sounded as if her mother were actually enjoying the big red prickthat Cora was shoving in and out of her vagina with savage rhythm.
"It's all the way up now . . . oh . . . keep ramming that prick up mycunt . . . I just love it, darling . . . oohh . . . "
She was fascinated as she watched Cora fucking her mother. They werehopelessly enmeshed in the sex act now, moaning and gasping as ifnearing the end of a grueling race. She knew she was watching somethingforbidden and terribly immoral - who could ever imagine such a thingbetween her adored mother and that loud brassy Cora Lennard!"
"How does Mr. Dildo feel?" she heard Cora ask her mother. "Is he farenough up your wonderful cunt?"
"Yes, yes Cora, you're tickling my uterus right now - you can't go anyfurther. I just love the way you fuck me! You beat any man!"
She saw Cora's solid thighs, and the red dildo going in and out, fasterand faster up her mother's cunt. The whole thing was so exciting thatshe began to have a funny feeling in her own cunny. She touched herpanties and felt that her crotch was all wet . . .
She still wondered how her mother could let a crude woman like Cora dosuch an intimate thing to her. Wasn't her father the only one with theright to put his prick into her mother's cunt?
Now their two bodies began to thresh up and down even more violently onthe bed. Charisse felt herself getting hotter and wetter in her crotchas she watched.
"Screw me babe, screw me all the way!" she heard her mother practicallyshriek. Charisse was aroused and bursting with curiosity about thesensation that could produce this abandoned reaction in her mother'sbody.
Unconsciously Charisse's hand crept down to her crotch and felt thecloth saturated with hot seepings from her cunny. She worked her fingersunder the material and began to finger her pussy-lips, like she did whenshe was bathing, or late at night when she couldn't sleep. As shewatched Cora's white asscheeks rising and falling, her finger beganworking with the same rhythm in her own cunt.
Faster and faster the huge, red dildo, glistening now with her mother'scunt-juice, rammed in and out of Minna's bushy twat. Charisse worked herown fingers faster and faster on that specially sensitive spot, highbetween her cuntlips.
"I'm coming, Cora, please fuck faster, I'm coming so good, Cora doll . .. all the way up now!" her mother practically wailed.
"I'm going to shoot right up your hole baby!" Cora gasped. She squeezedthe big red testicles of the dildo and then almost screamed triumphantly- "I've come, you bitch! I've come and shot a hot load in you! Doesn'tthat feel good?"
Amazed, Charisse saw a white milky fluid seep from her mother's pussy asthey both quivered and contorted in the throes of their orgasmApparently, squeezing the balls of the dildo had ejaculated the white,milky fluid into her mother's still twitching pussy.
Still crouching at the keyhole she knew she must leave now that theimmoral frenzy she had just seen was over. It would be terrible if theydiscovered her at the door!
"Let's get back to the party, Cora dear," she heard her motherwhispering.
"O.K., just let me feel those darling tits of yours once more - and thenoff we go to those damned squares outside!"
As she saw Cora mouth her mother's naked nipples, she turned away fromthe door, straightened up and walked tensely into her bedroom. Confusedthoughts were struggling with the scene she had just witnessed. Hermother, her idol, the strong beautiful woman she worshipped had justengaged in an act with another woman which most people would deemobscene. And yet, in spite of the evidence of her own eyes, Charisseknew that her mother was good - and honest. No matter what a milliongossip sheets might say, she knew that her own mother could never doanything basically wrong. She still was absent-mindedly fingering herwet crotch, and as she thought of what she had just seen, she pulled herpanties down her legs. Without the thin material in the way, she beganto work her fingers up and down between her cuntlips. The warm feelingin her pussy began to spread, and just as she thought of how her motherand Cora had shrieked their comes, her cunt began to twitch violently.Even though she had masturbated before, Charisse had never come likethis. Cunt-juice just seemed to ooze from her as she moaned in thethroes of the most intense come of her young life.
"Oh mother, mother, how could you," Charisse whispered to herself as hercome came to an end. Feeling her wet pussy, with cunt-juice actuallydribbling down her legs, she decided to take a shower and then go tobed.
Tiptoeing to the bathroom, she noticed that her mother's bedroom doorwas wide open; apparently Cora and Minna had rejoined the others. Thealcoholic gaiety of the party was still going on, but as she passed thedoor to her father's bedroom, she stopped at the sound of his voice.What was he doing in his bedroom while his guests were partying?
Someone answered her father and it sounded like a woman's voice. Hercuriosity was aroused, and boldly she bent down to the keyhole of herfather's room. Surely her father wasn't cheating on Minna and frigging awoman guest from the party! Her father was nice, but really such aweakling - she couldn't see him being aggressive enough to shove histhing between a strange woman's legs. He probably only did it withmother because she let him! So what on earth was happening? Who wasreally cheating and being cheated on?
The sight that met Charisse's eyes this time astounded her. Her fatherwas lying back on the bed, his pants and underwear completely off. Therewas a completely naked blonde girl on the bed with him, with wide supplehips, generously curved breasts and a mouth that looked like a paintedred gash.
"You're warming me up Charlie," the girl was saying to her father. "Justa little more of that . . . huh, sugar . . . "she wheedled.
Charisse was glued to the keyhole. A little more of what, she wondered.And then she knew. The blonde had been sitting on her father's chest,legs astride and facing him. Suddenly, she shifted her position forwardand opening her legs wider, she seemed to sit down on her father'smouth. Her father began to move rhythmically as the girl's cuntlips andhis lips seemed to meet in a sucking, writhing contract
"Oh, you bastard," the girl gasped, you've got your goddamn tongue righton my clitty and I'm coming, I'm coming!" . . . her wail trailed off asher torso performed a series of shuddering contortions, her pussy stillbeing sucked by her father's lips.
As her father worked his face from between the girl's legs, he smirkedand said, "Turn about fair play, honey!"
Shifting her position the girl kneeled over her father's middle and thenshe saw her grasp her father's penis.
"My but Daddy's got a bigger prick than I expected," she said toherself.
She had never seen anything that thick or stiff in her life. The head ofit was deep-pink and throbbed like a living thing. As the blonde's bigwet lips closed over her father's cock, she heard him say, "Now give mea real good blow job, Sheila. After all, if you want a part in one of myTV shows, just consider this an audition . . . "
He said nothing more as Sheila's mouth sucked up and down his huge,stiff shaft. All he could do, apparently, was to moan encouragingly asthe girl's cocksucking pace increased.
Charisse watched his glistening, tremendous cock with a feeling of awe.She never would have dreamt that a mild-mannered man like her fathercould be the possessor of such a virile dick. Maybe there was a goodreason that mother had married him after all. She hadn't seen any cocksto speak of, except on statues or in text-books, but her father had acock you had to respect.
Suddenly, her father pushed the blonde girl's head away from his penis.
"I want to shoot in your twat!" she heard him say coarsely.
Again she gazed at his tremendous penis. It seemed to be at least nineinches long, with the head looking like a big oval vibrator as itquivered and glistened with Sheila's saliva on it. Her father'stesticles matched his cock, looking like two huge tomatoes covered withhair.
Her father turned abruptly, and as the blonde Sheila spread her legs, hethrust his penis into her pink, golden-bushed pussy. Sheila gasped ashis cock rammed completely up her vagina.
"Give it to me Charlie, shove it all the way up my twat!" Sheila moanedas he started to fuck her in earnest, his cock ramming in and out of herwet cunt with a steadily increasing rhythm.
The sight of a real cock, instead of a dildo, seemed to excite Charisseeven more as she watched the frigging, tossing bodies on the bed. Shewasn't wearing her panties, and she could feel the hot wet juice fromher pussy starting to dribble down between her legs, as she watchedSheila being fucked by her father.
Charles Mantell, TV producer was thoroughly enjoying the frigging"audition" he was giving the voluptuous young actress. He edged up andspread her legs wider, so that his dong could plunge more deeply intoher moist, pink cunt.
Charisse felt a twinge of jealousy as she saw that huge stiff prick ofher father's going in and out of the blonde's cunt. If her father's cockcould give such pleasure to another woman, why was her mother allowingher vagina to be invaded by a rubber dildo? Sheila's hips began towrithe and twitch under the steady ramming of her father's cock. AsSheila threshed from side to side, Charisse sensed that her orgasmwasn't far off.
Unconsciously her hand dropped down to her own drooling pussy, and forthe second time that night Charisse began to keep time to a hump rhythmwith her fingers in her cunt. Her own pussy's excitement mounted as shewatched Sheila's heightening passion under the onslaught of her father'sdick.
She dreaded being caught spying through the keyhole, and masturbatingher own cunny at the same time . . . what was happening to her. And yet,fascinated by her father's pistoning cock sliding in and out of Sheila'sblonde-bushed twat, she couldn't tear herself away.
"Give me your cock . . . ram it in up to Your balls, Charlie . . fuck me. . . fuck me . . . fuck me . . . ." Sheila pleaded as she felt herorgasm welling up within her vagina.
"I'm going to shoot my load . . . shoot my scum into that blonde cunt ofyours . . . " Charles Mantell groaned as he rammed his cock so deeplyinto the blonde's cunt, that his balls literally slapped against hercuntlips.
"Oh God . . . you're making me come, you're making me come Charlie . . .shoot, shoot your goddamn load all the way up my cunt," the writhingblonde literally shrieked as her lovely torso contorted into a come ofstaggering proportions. Charisse could see the lips of her cuntpractically curling and sucking around her father's jerking cock.
"I feel your hot cum in me," the blonde sobbed, "Oh, shoot all thatsweet ball-juice to me, daddy, I'm gonna milk it to the last drop.
Her father moaned and now he was pumping his penis in and outerratically - holding it in for many seconds, and then thrustingconvulsively into Sheila's pussy.
"I'm coming, too! I'm coming, too!" her father groaned as his armsclosed around Sheila's convulsing torso. Then, "Milk that cock, baby,get the last drop out into that sweet pussy . . . "
Charisse kept watching them, her hand still between her cuntlips, herfinger lightly moving on her clitoris. Then she remembered she had beenon the way to the bathroom to wipe her pussy and continued to thetoilet.
She looked in the mirror and noticed that her face was flushed. She justcouldn't take her finger away from her clitty, and as she played withit, her yearning, indefinable sensation built up more and more withinher. She knew she was on the brink of coming and stopped for a moment tosavor the sensation in her cunt . . to prolong it just as much as shecould.
For some reason, visions of Cora, the dildo ramming in and out of hermother's pussy seemed to dominate her mind.
"I'll bet that dildo feels better than a man's thing . . . mother mustknow best!" she murmured to herself as she began her autoerotic cunt andclitoris massage once again.
She wondered why her mother was always foremost in her mind. Her motherwas definitely the strong, decisive person in her parents marriage. Dadwas a nice man, in a mild, namby-pamby sort of way. But Minna Mantell,the singing star, overflowing with life, vitality and a positivepersonality, was Charisse's ideal. She could feel much more, wasactually always closer to her mother than her father. In a sense, thatwas one of the reasons she had impetuously run away from school.
If her mother would only make Charisse her private secretary- companion,that would be career enough for her. And, in this fixation on hermother, she realized that she was different from the other girls inschool who mostly bragged and talked about their fathers.
She had an idea she turned to her mother, because her mother somehowseemed to be a stronger haven of security.
She put her hand back on her vagina and parting the wet lips with herforefinger, she let it play on her stiff clitoris once again. Thehygiene teacher had warned all the girls against masturbation, but howcould something that felt this good be bad?
As she kept playing with her clitoris and her finger got wet, shefancied that it was Cora's dildo that was going into her hot pussy. Butit wasn't Cora who was wearing the dildo, it was her mother Minna,gently shoving the rubber prick between her cuntlips.
She came so suddenly and so strongly, that for a moment she thought herbody was actually going into convulsions. There was a veritable gush ofcunt-juice on her hand, her inner thighs, drops of it on the floor asher cunt spasmed in the most shattering come she had ever experienced.
"Oh my God," she said to herself as the waves of the intense orgasmbegan to recede . . . " If I can feel this way by just masturbatingafter seeing people fucking, what will the real thing be like."
"Probably blow my mind!" she giggled to herself as she carefully washedher pussy, dried herself off and left for her bedroom.
Chapter 1
Charisse Mantell was more voluptuous than the average teen-age girl, andat eighteen, she liked to pretend she had a worldliness and knowledgeabout sex which she really didn't have at all. As a matter of fact, sheknew less about the sexual relationships between men and women than theaverage girl. Her mother was a famous singing star on television and theplush nightclub circuits of Las Vegas, New York, London and Acapulco,but had kept her lushly developing daughter safely stashed away inexpensive private schools. Although Minna Mantell was a talented andvoluptuous beauty herself, she was at the age where a fresh, sexuallybudding daughter might prove to be competition . . . competition thatwould show up her own somewhat fuck-worn tits and ass.
In the exclusive private school, Greystone, where she was now, she foundthat being the daughter of a celebrity made the other girls look up toher. After all, the daughter of the famous Minna Mantell, TV andnightclub star - a beautiful, if somewhat tarnished, figure of glamour,a pet of the international jet set and adored by her faithful fans.After a while however, Charisse found that her natural shyness wasmistaken for stand- offishness and that her former friends ignored herto the extent of pointedly not inviting her to their parties or sororityaffairs.
Her mother had often told her that even as the daughter of a famouswoman, she would encounter plenty of jealousy and envy, and that shewould be very foolish to let that sort of thing throw her. For somestrange reason, she had always been closer to her mother, felt proud tobe the daughter of Minna Mantell. So Charisse tried to "cultivate hercool," In spite of the other girls' snubs. But in her heart she was veryhurt.
She would actually see a group of girls hurriedly change the subject oftheir whispered conversation when she approached, and knew they musthave been talking about her or her mother. As she went upstairs tostudy, she heard what surely was a dirty remark about her, to judge fromthe peals of mocking laughter that followed her to her dormitory room.She mentally resolved that "he who laughs last, laughs best' - and thatshe would one day have the last laugh over these bitches.
The girl who seemed to hate her the most was actually her next door dormneighbor, a rather mean, but physically attractive seventeen-year-oldgirl named Debby.
Debby's room seemed to he some sort of magnet for the other girls inGreystone and they would gather there very frequently like a flock ofgaily chatting birds. And, as much as Charisse tried to deny it toherself, she was secretly hurt that she wasn't asked to be one of thegroup. It was just all that phony sophistication and woman of the worldairs that Debby affected that attracted the other girls, she kepttelling herself. Finally, one weekend, she heard them laughing andgiggling in Debby's room and made up her mind to find out what it wasall about. Even though there was a sinking sensation in her stomach asshe did so, she casually opened the door and entered.
As the girls saw who it was, the gaiety seemed to die down, and she wasgreeted by furtive and somewhat resentful looks.
"Just what can we do for you, Miss Mantell?" Debby asked her. "Or didyou open the door to the wrong room by mistake?"
Charisse's heart skipped a beat and she flushed in embarrassment as shereplied, "No, I just thought I'd join the fun . . "
There was a sharp intake of breaths, then a hushed silence and thenDebby spoke.
"Come right in, maybe you can fill us in on details about . . showbusiness that we were discussing. After all, your mother is the fabulousMinna Mantell, superstar of TV, nightclubs, and all that jazz."
Charisse walked into the room hesitantly and saw that there were littleknots of girls all over. Some were on the bed, some were on the easychairs and others even sprawled on the rug. As Charisse found a place tosit on the sofa, the gay girlish gossiping and hysterical shrieks oflaughter began again.
"Please don't feel that I'm intruding," Charisse said to Debby, "but I'mreally at rather loose ends this afternoon, and you all sound likeyou're having such a lot of fun . . . " her voice trailed off. Sheflushed under Debby's sharp mocking gaze.
"By the way," Debby said slyly, "we were just discussing the sex life ofsome popular show biz personalities - or don't you think that peoplelike Frank Sinatra or Robert Goulet or . . . Minna Mantell indulge inthat pastime?"
Charisse flushed and her lips trembled as she tried to replynonchalantly, "Oh I've heard a thing or two."
Debby pressed her advantage. "How about giving out with some of the dirtabout your mother? After all, you've sort of got the inside track."
Charisse kept silent as Debby continued her clever taunting. "Well,we're all waiting breathlessly to hear something right from the horse'smouth, as it were. Or would the opening at the other end of the horse bemore suitable to the subject of Minna Mantell's private occupations?" AsCharisse pressed her lips together and tried to keep the tears fromfilling her eyes, Debby added, "I've got a little scrap book here thatmentions her." She opened a book filled with news clippings. "Here'ssomething juicy - "Hot Love on the Big Networks" - Mmmmm . . . 'Is acertain famous TV star about to have her option dropped because shedrops her panties too much?"'
"So what?" Charisse said grimly.
"So the rest of the article is all about Minna Mantell's love life, herhusband's affairs, and some really swinging sex, marijuana, and LSDshenanigans. Really, you must have such an exciting time at home! It's ashame we can't get you to tell us about it."
"How can you even read such cheap gossip sheets? They should be bannedfrom the newsstands!" Charisse burst out. "My mother says everyone inthe public eye is besmirched by those scandal sheets!"
"Look here," Debby said, thrusting her scrap book into Charisse's hands,just see if this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. For just anidle gossiper, he seems to know an awful lot about your mother and yourfather. You're not mentioned - yet."
Charisse didn't want to look at the scrap book, yet the pictures of hermother with some slick young men captioned "Minna's Latest" or "HandsomeRemedy for Singer's Sore Throat" held her gaze hypnotically. The storieswere about love affairs, secret trysts, sex-swapping parties at hermother's New York penthouse, the young girls her father consoled himselfwith and other sexy tidbits. Charisse knew that it couldn't possibly betrue. The parties she had seen at her mother's apartment never hadanything more exciting than spilling a cocktail occasionally.
"I don't know where you got all this dirt," Charisse said angrily, "butI can assure you that's all it is - just a bunch of low down dirt, madeup by a second rate gossip columnist looking for filler! Now I thinkI'll go to my room. I think I want to play my mother's latest recordalbum to get the smell of your scrap book out of my nose!"
"Really, Miss Haughty?" Debby asked slyly. "Since we come from such abunch of blue bloods, I guess you wouldn't be interested in some otherchoice bits about your darling mother?"
"I don't know why you're picking on me like this," Charisse said, with ahint of a sob in her voice. "If you don't want my company I'll leaveright now!"
"Oh, no," Debby replied with a sardonic grin, "we'd just love to haveyou stay. Our parents live such dull lives compared to yours. We're sounsophisticated - why don't you wise us up?"
Charisse knew that Debby was trying to embarrass her in front of theother girls.
"I just ignore cheap slander, wherever it comes from," Charisse said,looking pointedly at Debby, "and now if you'll excuse me, I think I'llgo and play those records in my own room!"
But Debby grasped her by the arm as she made her way to the door. "Oh,I've got lots of other interesting scraps on your mother, Charisse. Iused to be a fan of hers."
Turning to another girl called Sally, she said, "Get me the rest of myscrap books from the closet and we'll see who's slandering whom. Yourmamma really must be quite a babe with the boys, and you don't even wantto tell us anything about her technique of getting men. That's reallyall we want from you, some pointers on what makes Minna such asuccessful sexpot."
With this, she flung the scrap books the other girl handed her right atCharisse's feet. They opened to show pictures of her mother in variousposes and escapades, including a certain nude bathing episode in thefountain of London's Trafalgar Square.
Charisse ignored the pictures and made to leave the room. She wasactually on the verge of tears and couldn't understand what had broughton this attack on her and her mother. She had only tried to be friendly.Why was Debby so intent on torturing her and demeaning her in front ofthe others.
"Pick those books of mine off the floor, and read those stories realgood. Maybe you'll thank me for giving you the best education you evergot at good old Greystone," Debby ordered.
Charisse couldn't believe that this was happening to her, or that theother girls would go along with this hazing.
"I don't think anybody would like it much if Miss Finchly heard what thegirls in her class were trying to pull," she quavered with tears in hereyes.
"I don't think you would like it much if we really did a job on yourwhore of a mother and plastered this stuff all over the school," Debbyanswered. "Believe me, every girl here will make you sorry that you wereever born if you even think of squealing to the headmistress."
Charisse felt that Debby was dead serious and would really carry out herthreats. Maybe the best thing would be to play along and then get out asquickly and as gracefully as possible.
"Okay," Debby said viciously, "now read us a few bedtime stories, and Ido mean "bedtime" stories about your old folks at home. And speak up,I'm hard of hearing."
Charisse flipped the pages of the scrap book unbelievingly. Finally shebegan to read in a whisper, "I need to have my men big - all over, sayssongbird Minna Mantell . . . "
She was interrupted with a high pitched squeal of laughter from one ofthe group, but continued reading with a kind of fascinated horror. "'Ibelieve love is where you find it, says Minna Mantell on Rome's famedVia Veneto. Could it be that the handsome young Italian accompanying heragreed with her back in her hotel room?"' Charisse saw a picture of anoily, gigolo-type leading her mother's poodle, while her mother lookedup at him in obvious admiration.
"You girls don't understand," Charisse said, "these things are just forpublicity, just a press agent's idea. Why, my mother would never doanything of the kind!"
"Oh, no!" mocked Debby. "Not in a million years - but do read on, it'sall so interesting, even if it is just a press agent's story. Some ofthem sound like a press agent's nightmare, if you ask me!"
Charisse bit her lip and said nothing. She realized that she was beingpersecuted, and just because she was her mother's daughter. Her motherhad told her there would be days like this, but Charisse would neverhave believed her classmates could be so mean and hurtful.
Taking another scrapbook in her hands, Charisse saw her motherpractically bare-chested in a see-through evening gown, obviously drunk,with a man who certainly wasn't her husband. She dimly remembered alsoseeing this man apparently coming from her mother's bedroom one nightwhen he was a weekend guest, but her mother had just been amused byCharisse's questions at the time.
Almost hysterically, Charisse leafed through page after page of thescrapbooks. Why, these stories made her mother out to be the giddiesttype of gadabout - a celebrity who gave sex so freely that she wasnotorious for it. And her father, according to these clippings, was aweak nincompoop who was always shooing handsome young strangers out ofhis steaming marriage bed. But no matter how he tried, her mothermanaged to keep the bed sheets hot. And all the stories about herparents were in the same vein. Her mother seemed the biggest tramp andher father the biggest dope in the entertainment world.
Rather sadly, she said, "I'd like to leave, I've seen all thescrapbooks."
She was so obviously hurt that none of the girls laughed or saidanything, except Debby, who couldn't resist pitching one last dart intoCharisse's sensitive skin.
"Hope you enjoyed our little get-together and liked my picture books. Bythe way," she added, "do you suppose you could get your mother and someof her boyfriends to autograph my scrap books? That would make themreally interesting!"
Keeping back her tears, Charisse walked into her own room, holding herhead proudly. As she closed the door behind her, she flung herself downon the bed and let the tears come. How could they rub her nose in thefilthy offal of the gossip columns? How could girls be so cruel?Especially when she knew that none of it could be true. Even the mostinnocent action could be distorted as to make it seem evil by thesegossip sheets. Her mother had assured her of that. But why had hermother always gone to such pains to get her to believe that there wouldbe false gossip about her?
Having found that her mother was the soft spot in her armor, the girlsin her section of the dorm became quite sadistic. There would be slyquestions, like "What does your mother advise putting on a brokencherry?,' flung at her in passing. But she realized that if she answeredthis sort of torture, there would be no end to it. So she just keptquiet and made believe she didn't hear a thing.
Debby, as usual, was the worst. Since she had the room right next toCharisse's, she developed the habit of barging right in. Somehow shealmost always seemed to come in when Charisse was undressing and cladonly in panties and bra. Once it was without the bra and Debby hadlooked fixedly at her voluptuous breasts and hadn't made any of herusual remarks about Charisse's mother.
"What a pair of titties!" she said in a rather surprised tone of voice.She left the room when Charisse hurriedly closed the bathroom door.
A new idea had been forming in Charisse's mind under the constantpressure of all the teasing she was taking from the others. She wouldjust pack it in, leave Greystone Finishing School. She would go back toher mother, tell her what had happened and just look for a job. Maybeshe could even become her mother's secretary. It would be fun travelingwith her mother from one engagement to another. She could really see theworld.
She made up her mind that she would take French leave from the schoolthis coming weekend. She would say she was going into the meadow fornature study notes and they wouldn't even bother to look for her. By thetime they missed her at bedcheck, she would have almost arrived at thepenthouse in New York. Central Park would look good to her from theseventeenth story of the luxury apartment. Much better than MissFinchley's school up in the farthest reaches of Westchester County.
She was nervous when she told the biology teacher she was going to spendthe day in nature study, but when she was finally away from Greystone,she felt much better. She liked her bio teacher, and felt sorry if shewould get into trouble over Charisse's disappearance.
It was a cloudy day, and a bone-chilling dampness made her hurry alongto the railroad station. Some of the town's swingers, young men on themake, always used to watch in town for the girls from Greystone.Charisse knew that some of the girls had let themselves get picked upfor beer drinking parties at a nearby bar and discotheque, but felt itwas really none of her business. She herself had gotten more than oneoff-color invitation to join them, but now they no longer bothered her.
Her figure had really matured more voluptuously than she herselfrealized. With her miniskirt tight around her shapely asscheeks, herfull titties jouncing joyously with every step in her loose bra andtight sweater, she was a real hard-on producer whenever she passed agroup of men. Her asscheeks jiggling, her tits full and inviting, longauburn tresses, blue eyes and a lightly freckled skin that wasstartlingly white - all these sexy attributes really raised the steam inany and all observing males. Her lush, wanton figure coupled with hergirlish naivet raised cocks wherever she passed.
She knew she was exciting the group of young street corner loungers asshe passed them - maybe she even gave her hips an extra twitch.
"Mmmmm. Wouldn't that be a nice piece of ass to ram"
"Wow, her nipples are bigger than most girls' tits!"
She heard these and other comments on her physical attributes with aslight inward shudder. If some of these so-called swingers wanted to getto first base with her, they'd have to take a bath first. They looked asoily and as filthy as they sounded. While she was still a virgin, sheremembered how in the hygiene class the male and female sex organs hadbeen carefully described by the somewhat mannish Miss Tuttle. She hadmade them all squirm as she described the foreskin on the male penis,and the smelly, cheesy deposits which accumulated under if soap andwater weren't used regularly. She tittered to herself as she thoughtevery penis and foreskin in the corner could probably stand a thoroughwashing. And she'd like to see her sadistic friend Debby forced to dothe penis cleanup.
Some other girls soon drew the group's attention and she hurried on tothe station. She looked behind her just to make sure that none of thegirls spotted her heading for the train. It would just be too ironic tohave the Greystone administration stop her at this stage of the game.
She was really sick of the place and all those giggling tormentors. Sheknew her mother would tell her that those papers were all lies. Shewould be her mother's secretary and go all over the world with her,glorying in her singing triumphs. Somehow, she couldn't picture herfather doing much of anything, really being in the picture with them. Toher inmost self, she admitted that he was a well-meaning man, but aweakling for whom she had no respect. Her mother was the strong vitalforce of the family.
She waited impatiently for her train to come. She only had about afifteen minute wait, but it seemed like hours. The ride to Grand Centraltook two hours, and all the way down she tried to picture the reactionof her parents at her sudden appearance in town in the middle of theterm. Her father, like all weak people, was conventional, a square, andwould probably insist on her going back to that prison of a school. Why,now that she thought of it, even its name "Greystone" had thatpenitentiary sound. But her darling mother was different, she knew she'dbe glad to see her "baby" as she called Charisse. She knew she wouldlisten sympathetically to her story and maybe she would even starttraining her for the position of her secretary right away. She wouldtell her mother about the gossip columns and wanted to hear her mother'sthroaty contralto laughing and telling her to pay them no mind. And nowthat she was older, and would probably be living at home with herparents, she could certainly spot anything that wasn't right. She wasn'ta child anymore.
The train finally pulled into Grand Central at six p.m. and Charissefelt like a coward as she went into a phone booth. She really dreadedtelling either of her parents what she had done; they thought she wassuch a dutiful girl. When the phone rang, there was no answer. Charissebreathed a sigh of relief. They had probably gone out to dinner andwould make things easier. The doorman would let her into the apartment,and she could be sitting in the living room when they returned. Shehoped it was a good dinner, because then at least they would be in agood mood.
She dozed off on the couch while waiting for them to come home. She justdidn't know how she was going to explain things, but decided play it byear. It seemed as if only a moment had passed and she awakened to thesound of her mother's voice practically screaming in surprise.
"Charisse, baby, what are you doing home when you're supposed to be inschool? Is anything wrong?"
Taking a deep breath, she told them there was nothing for them to worryabout and that she was perfectly all right. But, she told them,Greystone Finishing School was just an impossible place and she couldn'tstand the other girls' catty snobbiness another day. If they sent herback, she'd just run away, and maybe go to Chicago or Los Angeles andlook for a job.
Her father stopped her short.
"School is the only place for a girl of your age, and you'll just haveto go back. Why, Greystone is one of the most exclusive schools in thecountry and you have no idea of the strings I had to pull to get you in.I know better than you what's best, and back to school you're going inthe morning. I'll probably be hearing from the headmistress any minutenow and I'm going to tell her you'll be there tomorrow morning!"
Charisse realized with a sick feeling at the pit of her stomach that forsome reason her father didn't want her at home, that she was just apesky kid who was going to be in the way.
Then Minna came to her rescue.
"Oh, Charles," she exclaimed, "you're being too hard on the child: Let'shear her out. That's only fair, and maybe she shouldn't go back if shehates it so much."
Turning to Charisse she said, "But you must realize dear, that mysinging schedules and your father's TV production business just doesn'tgive us much time to spend with you."
"But Mother, you always said You needed a confidential secretary - andwho could be more confidential than me, and I'd just love the job,"Charisse interrupted. "I'd be the best secretary you could possiblyhave!"
"Young lady-" her father began, but Minna shut him up.
"I'll tell you what we'll do, baby. I'll call the headmistress at schooltomorrow and explain that you're not feeling well and that's why youleft. We'll get you a leave of absence and you can stay here whilemother and dad figure out the best thing to do," Minna smiled atCharisse.
"Who knows, maybe it would be best for you to be my confidentialsecretary. The idea has its good points!"
Charisse flung her arms around her mother and hugged her so tightly thatMinna told her to let up a little, she couldn't breathe. It was themaid's night out, so Minna took Charisse into the kitchen and made her atuna sandwich and milk.
"Get to bed early, Charisse dear," Minna said. "Tomorrow's another dayand our problems will look a lot simpler then."
As she snuggled into her own bed that night, Charisse felt she had donethe right thing in leaving Greystone. When her beautiful mother wasaround, she felt warm and comfortable; her mother was strong enough andcapable enough to set everything right. Those cheap gossip columnistswith all their dirty pictures and obscene insinuations could never makeher believe that her mother was immoral. Seeing was believing and shehad never seen her mother in a single immoral action in all her life.But her father was a weak man, and as a TV producer, he surely met upwith a lot of temptations - girls who would do anything for a break onone of his TV shows.
Chapter 2
Surprisingly, she slept quite late the next morning. When she hadfinally showered and dressed, she found her parents were practicallythrough with their breakfast.
"Hello, sleepy-head," her father greeted her as she sat down at thetable. "How does it feel to sleep in your own bed again?"
"Nothing like it," she answered. "That's another reason I don't want togo back to school, I'm too comfortable here."
"I think you're grownup enough to come to the party tonight," Minna saidlooking appraisingly at her daughter. "It's just going to be some offather's business friends, and mine too, nothing big."
"That's right," her father chimed in, "and if you need a dress you canuse the family charge account at Saks or Altman's as usual."
"Oh mother," Charisse said happily, "that sounds just too groovy, but Iguess I'm going to surprise both of you . . . I mean I'm still so tiredfor some reason, I'd just as soon pass up the party and get to bedearly!"
"All right, dear," her mother said with a rather surprised look. "But Ido want you to get out today and get some fresh air, you look a littlepale to me."
"I intend to mother. I'm going to take a long walk in the park, sayhello to my favorite seals in the zoo, and just read on a bench untilit's time for dinner."
"I wish I didn't have that concert to rehearse for - I'd keep youcompany darling. It sounds like a lovely, lazy sort of day that Ihaven't had for ages." -
Charisse spent the day in Central Park, as she had planned. She departedfrom her plans in one respect. She went to the Metropolitan Museum ofArt and viewed again their wonderful sculptures - her favorite stillbeing the nude Venus Aphrodite, rising from the surf in all her feminineglory. She wondered why the statues of the naked goddesses held herinterest so much more than the statues of the naked men, which after allshowed every detail of the male sexual organs.
When she came home, she could hear her mother talking to someone on thephone. Carefully lifting the extension phone in the kitchen, shelistened. Her mother was talking to a man with a deep virile voice,someone who was a stranger to Charisse.
She heard her say, "There's this damned party of Charlie's tonight . . .but maybe we'll be able to see each other anyway if I can get out of thehouse with some kind of an excuse . . . "
"That would be wonderful, darling. But if you can't make it, we'll seeeach other tomorrow night at my place."
"That's a date, dear," Minna laughed in her rich contralto and then hungup.
Charisse replaced the receiver and thought to herself why Minna shouldhe making evening dates with the possessor of the virile baritone voice.Could there possibly have been anything to those monstrous articles inthe scrap-books? Well, it was probably a business appointment, even ifit all did sound very sexy. It was out of the question to Charisse thather adored mother would seriously play around with, or give her body toa mere man . . .
She took a shower which had the effect of stimulating and refreshing herbody to the point where she felt ready to take on anything. Going intothe kitchen, she fixed herself a salad and some milk and cake and tookit up to her bedroom, determined to just listen to some good music andthen go to sleep early.
But sleep was out of the question for her as she began to hear theslamming of doors and the bustling noises of the evening's party guestsarriving. There really weren't more than seven or eight people at theparty, but as the drinks began to take effect they were soon makingenough noise for a regiment. Wondering what was really causing all thecommotion, Charisse opened the door of her bedroom a bit and peeked out.
There was the usual drinking, small talk and boozy laughter going on inthe living-room. Everyone had already had dinner. Her mother was in thehallway, diagonally across from her bedroom, talking to Jack Lennard, amature, rather thickset sort of man. He had been a friend of theMantells for years and Charisse remembered him with feelings ofdistaste.
For one thing, ever since she had been thirteen, he had always beenfeeling her up whenever he visited the house. He would put his hand onher asscheeks and sensuously slide it up and down, his palms or hiselbows were always sort of moving up and down over her budding titties.He made it all seem like some kind of accident, but Charisse knew thathe really meant it. If he had the nerve to boldly feel her sex organsthe way he did when her father and mother were in the apartment, shewondered what would happen if they were out. She was glad that he hadnever happened upon her when she was alone in the apartment. She felt hewould have raped her without the slightest hesitation. She really didn'tcare much about Jack Lennard.
She felt the same way about his wife Cora Lennard, who was an attractivebrunette of about thirty-five with a voluptuous well- preserved body.Her face was always faultlessly made up, even if it was a bit too heavyon the mascara and lipstick. What Charisse disliked about Cora was herconstant air of supercilious sophistication and snobbishness. Sheaffected a kind of super-cool which she let you know in a subtle waythat nothing could break down.
Her mother and Cora were deep in conversation in the hallway near herbedroom. As she strained to catch some of their "woman- talk" she wassurprised to see Cora press against her mother's body. One of her handsdescended to Minna's lush asscheek and fondled it, while the other wasactually grasping one of her mother's breasts - and squeezing it! Hermother surprised her by covering Cora's hand on her breast with her own,and smilingly removing Cora's hand from her ass, she whispered somethingto her. Cora's wide mouth opened wider, her red lips emphasizing her bigwhite teeth. Amazed, Charisse watched her mother lead Cora into herbedroom. Her curiosity overcoming her surprise, Charisse tiptoed to thedoor of her mother's bedroom. The door was closed, but light wasstreaming through the large keyhole of the door. Charisse knew fromsecretly watching her mother undress and give herself beauty treatmentsbefore retiring that the keyhole afforded a complete view of the room ifa light was on. There was a moment of guilty hesitation for her, andthen she gasped as she placed her eye to the keyhole. Maybe all thosegossip columns and nasty remarks had something to them! Maybe wherethere was so much smoke there was also a little fire!
She tried hard to understand what she was seeing and even hearingthrough the door. There was her mother lying back on the bed, herexpensive silk evening dress with its skirt tucked up to her waist. Herbeautiful legs were clad in sheer nylons, but she was wearing no girdle,the stockings were rolled. And she was wearing no panties either! Thesight of her mother's alabaster white hips, her exposed reddish bushhair and moist, pink cuntlips shocked her.
Hypnotized by the unusual sight she heard her mother laugh and say,"You'll have to make this one a quickie, Cora darling. If we stay uphere too long, they'll miss us both in the living room!"
"You know I'm an artist and don't like to be rushed, Minna. Is Mr. Dildostill in your third dresser drawer, under you slips?"
Apparently it was, because she saw Cora go to the drawer and take out apeculiar looking harness - it looked just like a garter- belt with ahuge red knockwurst hanging from it. She saw Cora lift up her dress,remove it and after taking off her slip and panties, she strapped on theobject she had called Mr. Dildo. Now Charisse recognized it for what itwas, a huge imitation red rubber male sex-organ, complete down to thetwo testicles dangling from it.
"Take off your bra, Minna," she heard Cora say, breathing heavily. "Youknow I like to feel them!"
As her mother removed her bra, she saw her lush white tits and theirhuge pinkly erect nipples completely exposed to Cora's questing hands.Cora began to knead them and she could see her mother's nipplesstiffening and erecting under the kneading and caressing of her titties.She saw her mother spread her legs, her mouth forming an anguishedinvitation. Cora leaned forward between her mother's legs and with agrunt of triumph she shoved the dildo completely up into Minna's moistvagina.
As Cora began to slide the huge rubber penis in and out of her mother'spussy, she could hear her mother's gasps of pleasure. Then Cora'smovements became more violent and she could actually hear the threshingof the two women's bodies. Her mother began to moan as if she were insome kind of pain, while Cora's breathing sounded as if she were runninga race.
Suddenly she heard her mother whisper urgently, "Oh, Cora darling, shoveit all the way up my hole . . . ah . . . all the way up . . . I want tofeel those red balls slapping up against my cunt!"
Charisse knew that what she was seeing was a sex act, she had enoughlectures in hygiene at school to know that.
But she had only heard vaguely that women were sometimes lovers and thatit was a very immoral thing called Lesbianism that just didn't happenamong nice people. Yet here was her own mother being sexually entered bya woman-friend! It was unbelievable and yet it was happening in front ofher very eyes. She had tried to imagine what having a man push his thinginto her cunny would be like, she knew that when you lost your "cherry"it was supposed to hurt and that you bled from there for awhile. Butthis sounded as if her mother were actually enjoying the big red prickthat Cora was shoving in and out of her vagina with savage rhythm.
"It's all the way up now . . . oh . . . keep ramming that prick up mycunt . . . I just love it, darling . . . oohh . . . "
She was fascinated as she watched Cora fucking her mother. They werehopelessly enmeshed in the sex act now, moaning and gasping as ifnearing the end of a grueling race. She knew she was watching somethingforbidden and terribly immoral - who could ever imagine such a thingbetween her adored mother and that loud brassy Cora Lennard!"
"How does Mr. Dildo feel?" she heard Cora ask her mother. "Is he farenough up your wonderful cunt?"
"Yes, yes Cora, you're tickling my uterus right now - you can't go anyfurther. I just love the way you fuck me! You beat any man!"
She saw Cora's solid thighs, and the red dildo going in and out, fasterand faster up her mother's cunt. The whole thing was so exciting thatshe began to have a funny feeling in her own cunny. She touched herpanties and felt that her crotch was all wet . . .
She still wondered how her mother could let a crude woman like Cora dosuch an intimate thing to her. Wasn't her father the only one with theright to put his prick into her mother's cunt?
Now their two bodies began to thresh up and down even more violently onthe bed. Charisse felt herself getting hotter and wetter in her crotchas she watched.
"Screw me babe, screw me all the way!" she heard her mother practicallyshriek. Charisse was aroused and bursting with curiosity about thesensation that could produce this abandoned reaction in her mother'sbody.
Unconsciously Charisse's hand crept down to her crotch and felt thecloth saturated with hot seepings from her cunny. She worked her fingersunder the material and began to finger her pussy-lips, like she did whenshe was bathing, or late at night when she couldn't sleep. As shewatched Cora's white asscheeks rising and falling, her finger beganworking with the same rhythm in her own cunt.
Faster and faster the huge, red dildo, glistening now with her mother'scunt-juice, rammed in and out of Minna's bushy twat. Charisse worked herown fingers faster and faster on that specially sensitive spot, highbetween her cuntlips.
"I'm coming, Cora, please fuck faster, I'm coming so good, Cora doll . .. all the way up now!" her mother practically wailed.
"I'm going to shoot right up your hole baby!" Cora gasped. She squeezedthe big red testicles of the dildo and then almost screamed triumphantly- "I've come, you bitch! I've come and shot a hot load in you! Doesn'tthat feel good?"
Amazed, Charisse saw a white milky fluid seep from her mother's pussy asthey both quivered and contorted in the throes of their orgasmApparently, squeezing the balls of the dildo had ejaculated the white,milky fluid into her mother's still twitching pussy.
Still crouching at the keyhole she knew she must leave now that theimmoral frenzy she had just seen was over. It would be terrible if theydiscovered her at the door!
"Let's get back to the party, Cora dear," she heard her motherwhispering.
"O.K., just let me feel those darling tits of yours once more - and thenoff we go to those damned squares outside!"
As she saw Cora mouth her mother's naked nipples, she turned away fromthe door, straightened up and walked tensely into her bedroom. Confusedthoughts were struggling with the scene she had just witnessed. Hermother, her idol, the strong beautiful woman she worshipped had justengaged in an act with another woman which most people would deemobscene. And yet, in spite of the evidence of her own eyes, Charisseknew that her mother was good - and honest. No matter what a milliongossip sheets might say, she knew that her own mother could never doanything basically wrong. She still was absent-mindedly fingering herwet crotch, and as she thought of what she had just seen, she pulled herpanties down her legs. Without the thin material in the way, she beganto work her fingers up and down between her cuntlips. The warm feelingin her pussy began to spread, and just as she thought of how her motherand Cora had shrieked their comes, her cunt began to twitch violently.Even though she had masturbated before, Charisse had never come likethis. Cunt-juice just seemed to ooze from her as she moaned in thethroes of the most intense come of her young life.
"Oh mother, mother, how could you," Charisse whispered to herself as hercome came to an end. Feeling her wet pussy, with cunt-juice actuallydribbling down her legs, she decided to take a shower and then go tobed.
Tiptoeing to the bathroom, she noticed that her mother's bedroom doorwas wide open; apparently Cora and Minna had rejoined the others. Thealcoholic gaiety of the party was still going on, but as she passed thedoor to her father's bedroom, she stopped at the sound of his voice.What was he doing in his bedroom while his guests were partying?
Someone answered her father and it sounded like a woman's voice. Hercuriosity was aroused, and boldly she bent down to the keyhole of herfather's room. Surely her father wasn't cheating on Minna and frigging awoman guest from the party! Her father was nice, but really such aweakling - she couldn't see him being aggressive enough to shove histhing between a strange woman's legs. He probably only did it withmother because she let him! So what on earth was happening? Who wasreally cheating and being cheated on?
The sight that met Charisse's eyes this time astounded her. Her fatherwas lying back on the bed, his pants and underwear completely off. Therewas a completely naked blonde girl on the bed with him, with wide supplehips, generously curved breasts and a mouth that looked like a paintedred gash.
"You're warming me up Charlie," the girl was saying to her father. "Justa little more of that . . . huh, sugar . . . "she wheedled.
Charisse was glued to the keyhole. A little more of what, she wondered.And then she knew. The blonde had been sitting on her father's chest,legs astride and facing him. Suddenly, she shifted her position forwardand opening her legs wider, she seemed to sit down on her father'smouth. Her father began to move rhythmically as the girl's cuntlips andhis lips seemed to meet in a sucking, writhing contract
"Oh, you bastard," the girl gasped, you've got your goddamn tongue righton my clitty and I'm coming, I'm coming!" . . . her wail trailed off asher torso performed a series of shuddering contortions, her pussy stillbeing sucked by her father's lips.
As her father worked his face from between the girl's legs, he smirkedand said, "Turn about fair play, honey!"
Shifting her position the girl kneeled over her father's middle and thenshe saw her grasp her father's penis.
"My but Daddy's got a bigger prick than I expected," she said toherself.
She had never seen anything that thick or stiff in her life. The head ofit was deep-pink and throbbed like a living thing. As the blonde's bigwet lips closed over her father's cock, she heard him say, "Now give mea real good blow job, Sheila. After all, if you want a part in one of myTV shows, just consider this an audition . . . "
He said nothing more as Sheila's mouth sucked up and down his huge,stiff shaft. All he could do, apparently, was to moan encouragingly asthe girl's cocksucking pace increased.
Charisse watched his glistening, tremendous cock with a feeling of awe.She never would have dreamt that a mild-mannered man like her fathercould be the possessor of such a virile dick. Maybe there was a goodreason that mother had married him after all. She hadn't seen any cocksto speak of, except on statues or in text-books, but her father had acock you had to respect.
Suddenly, her father pushed the blonde girl's head away from his penis.
"I want to shoot in your twat!" she heard him say coarsely.
Again she gazed at his tremendous penis. It seemed to be at least nineinches long, with the head looking like a big oval vibrator as itquivered and glistened with Sheila's saliva on it. Her father'stesticles matched his cock, looking like two huge tomatoes covered withhair.
Her father turned abruptly, and as the blonde Sheila spread her legs, hethrust his penis into her pink, golden-bushed pussy. Sheila gasped ashis cock rammed completely up her vagina.
"Give it to me Charlie, shove it all the way up my twat!" Sheila moanedas he started to fuck her in earnest, his cock ramming in and out of herwet cunt with a steadily increasing rhythm.
The sight of a real cock, instead of a dildo, seemed to excite Charisseeven more as she watched the frigging, tossing bodies on the bed. Shewasn't wearing her panties, and she could feel the hot wet juice fromher pussy starting to dribble down between her legs, as she watchedSheila being fucked by her father.
Charles Mantell, TV producer was thoroughly enjoying the frigging"audition" he was giving the voluptuous young actress. He edged up andspread her legs wider, so that his dong could plunge more deeply intoher moist, pink cunt.
Charisse felt a twinge of jealousy as she saw that huge stiff prick ofher father's going in and out of the blonde's cunt. If her father's cockcould give such pleasure to another woman, why was her mother allowingher vagina to be invaded by a rubber dildo? Sheila's hips began towrithe and twitch under the steady ramming of her father's cock. AsSheila threshed from side to side, Charisse sensed that her orgasmwasn't far off.
Unconsciously her hand dropped down to her own drooling pussy, and forthe second time that night Charisse began to keep time to a hump rhythmwith her fingers in her cunt. Her own pussy's excitement mounted as shewatched Sheila's heightening passion under the onslaught of her father'sdick.
She dreaded being caught spying through the keyhole, and masturbatingher own cunny at the same time . . . what was happening to her. And yet,fascinated by her father's pistoning cock sliding in and out of Sheila'sblonde-bushed twat, she couldn't tear herself away.
"Give me your cock . . . ram it in up to Your balls, Charlie . . fuck me. . . fuck me . . . fuck me . . . ." Sheila pleaded as she felt herorgasm welling up within her vagina.
"I'm going to shoot my load . . . shoot my scum into that blonde cunt ofyours . . . " Charles Mantell groaned as he rammed his cock so deeplyinto the blonde's cunt, that his balls literally slapped against hercuntlips.
"Oh God . . . you're making me come, you're making me come Charlie . . .shoot, shoot your goddamn load all the way up my cunt," the writhingblonde literally shrieked as her lovely torso contorted into a come ofstaggering proportions. Charisse could see the lips of her cuntpractically curling and sucking around her father's jerking cock.
"I feel your hot cum in me," the blonde sobbed, "Oh, shoot all thatsweet ball-juice to me, daddy, I'm gonna milk it to the last drop.
Her father moaned and now he was pumping his penis in and outerratically - holding it in for many seconds, and then thrustingconvulsively into Sheila's pussy.
"I'm coming, too! I'm coming, too!" her father groaned as his armsclosed around Sheila's convulsing torso. Then, "Milk that cock, baby,get the last drop out into that sweet pussy . . . "
Charisse kept watching them, her hand still between her cuntlips, herfinger lightly moving on her clitoris. Then she remembered she had beenon the way to the bathroom to wipe her pussy and continued to thetoilet.
She looked in the mirror and noticed that her face was flushed. She justcouldn't take her finger away from her clitty, and as she played withit, her yearning, indefinable sensation built up more and more withinher. She knew she was on the brink of coming and stopped for a moment tosavor the sensation in her cunt . . to prolong it just as much as shecould.
For some reason, visions of Cora, the dildo ramming in and out of hermother's pussy seemed to dominate her mind.
"I'll bet that dildo feels better than a man's thing . . . mother mustknow best!" she murmured to herself as she began her autoerotic cunt andclitoris massage once again.
She wondered why her mother was always foremost in her mind. Her motherwas definitely the strong, decisive person in her parents marriage. Dadwas a nice man, in a mild, namby-pamby sort of way. But Minna Mantell,the singing star, overflowing with life, vitality and a positivepersonality, was Charisse's ideal. She could feel much more, wasactually always closer to her mother than her father. In a sense, thatwas one of the reasons she had impetuously run away from school.
If her mother would only make Charisse her private secretary- companion,that would be career enough for her. And, in this fixation on hermother, she realized that she was different from the other girls inschool who mostly bragged and talked about their fathers.
She had an idea she turned to her mother, because her mother somehowseemed to be a stronger haven of security.
She put her hand back on her vagina and parting the wet lips with herforefinger, she let it play on her stiff clitoris once again. Thehygiene teacher had warned all the girls against masturbation, but howcould something that felt this good be bad?
As she kept playing with her clitoris and her finger got wet, shefancied that it was Cora's dildo that was going into her hot pussy. Butit wasn't Cora who was wearing the dildo, it was her mother Minna,gently shoving the rubber prick between her cuntlips.
She came so suddenly and so strongly, that for a moment she thought herbody was actually going into convulsions. There was a veritable gush ofcunt-juice on her hand, her inner thighs, drops of it on the floor asher cunt spasmed in the most shattering come she had ever experienced.
"Oh my God," she said to herself as the waves of the intense orgasmbegan to recede . . . " If I can feel this way by just masturbatingafter seeing people fucking, what will the real thing be like."
"Probably blow my mind!" she giggled to herself as she carefully washedher pussy, dried herself off and left for her bedroom.
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