Story Details
Getting closer to my daughter Claire part 1
fakename88 1013 days ago on Incest Stories
We’d always been close. It had always been obvious that she was a daddy’s girl. Whether it was dressing up like me as a kid or coming to me for advice in her teens. My wife had felt the whole range of emotions about it. At first, she felt underappreciated as the woman who had brought her into the world. Then she found it cute… Then proud…and later she had been quite jealous. Claire came to me after her first period and made me swear not to tell her mother. I ended up giving the puberty talk and I think Sarah, resented me for taking that traditionally mother daughter conversation away from her. Personally, I’d always cherished the attention. Even the puberty talk. I feel most dads would shy away from that, but I felt so privileged to be her trusted person and to get to explain why it was fine she was suddenly bleeding from her privates.
In recent years I’d been even more grateful for our bond. When I first learnt of Sarah’s illness it shook me. I was devoted to that woman. The only person I’d ever dated, and suddenly she was dying. Not that she was dead, but that I knew I would watch her decline and fail slowly over 12-24 months. I quit my job at that stage. I had money put away and told everyone it was so I could care for Sarah fulltime and make the most of the time we had. Truth is I couldn’t face having to go to work. I could only motivate myself to get out of bed so that Sarah was cared for and couldn’t see the impact everything was having on me. Claire was the one who spotted it. Spotted that I was depressed and spotted, even before I knew it, that I wasn’t planning on much of a life once Sarah passed. She made me see a therapist, and her calls kept me sane. There were moments when I was crying down the phone to my daughter that I couldn’t believe how open I was being.
Which was the other thing I was grateful for. That even without my wife, there was another woman in my life that I loved so deeply. She was my rock when I first was on my own: Helped me move out of the house. She was my DIY buddy, my best friend, and my daughter all rolled into one. Slowly I adjusted and she had her own milestones as she finished up college and found her own place. And then it was my turn to support her. Once the economy dipped and she was booted out of her dream graduate job, I consoled her telling her it was just a case of first in first out, she’d done nothing wrong. When the rent got too much without a job, I helped her move into my guest room.
They say that your children revert to their adolescent selves when they move back home. Not that I had any worries as Claire had been the model of a perfect teenage daughter, but she made the adjustment pretty well. I worked and she helped around the house. There were moments when I came home to my dinner on the table and someone excited to hear about my day that she reminded me of her mother. An obvious parallel perhaps, but one that didn’t strike me until she was living with me. In terms of looks she wasn’t a clone of either her parents. She was tall, strong, and filled out. Always a smile on her face and most of the time her dark thick hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her mother had the dark hair but a thinner frizzy sort of style, and neither of us had her athleticism. Over the years I’d met a few boyfriends and someone me and Sarah debated whether or not was a girlfriend. For the record I said yes on that one and am still convinced I was right. Her taste had gradually improved but the one thing they all had in common was a slightly lustful look in their eye when talking to you. Not salivating or constantly staring but a slight reluctance to make eye contact and an expression that said I’ve made out with/fondled/fucked your daughter. I found it funny in a parental duty of torturing your kids partner kind of way but had never thought of the implication that it meant my daughter was pretty hot. I called her beautiful and thought it was true but in all my years as a parent hadn’t ever really thought about it in a non-platonic way. She was just my little girl and now my little woman. Nothing I hadn’t seen before.
But what I saw when I came home early that day… Well, that was something I hadn’t seen before. I was done with my work, and it was a Friday afternoon. I wasn’t going to sit around and thought it would be nice to relieve Claire of the cooking duties for once and headed home just after lunch. I knew she was home when I pulled into the garage as her car was there and I could hear music playing from the livingroom which the garage opened into.
She mustn’t have heard me drive in because I walked in to find her masturbating on the couch. Well, a bit more than just masturbating. She had her legs spread which incidentally meant her privates were facing directly at the door and were first thing I saw. She was naked…except … she was wearing one of my work shirts … unbuttoned. I recognized it as the one I had worn the day before. In her hand, and what she was rubbing into herself, was a bundled up piece of fabric which I realized were a pair of my boxer shorts…the ones I had worn the day before.
She hadn’t noticed me walk in as her head was leaned back with eyes. What does a dad do in this situation? I couldn’t leave in case she heard, and I had to explain why I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything because that highlights that I was in the situation. Plus, what would I say? But I couldn’t not say anything…Especially because I was implicitly involved.
“Claire?” I uttered uncertainly as my brain still churned through my options. She startled and screamed “Shit Dad” and vaulted behind the couch invertedly flashing her butt to me.
“Sorry Sorry” I yelled deflecting my eyes and running for the safety of my bedroom “I finished work early”. I slammed the door and began to catch my breath. I went to lay on the bed to process what I had just seen and felt a tightness in my pants. I was horrified to find my cock had swelled with arousal. I found my hand touching the area to confirm what I was feeling was true. It had been a long time since I’d gotten hard without the aid of porn, and I’d forgotten just how much stronger organic arousal felt. For more evidence I undid the button and released the constriction of my work pants and slid my hand into my boxers. Definitely hard. And it definitely felt good. Which it shouldn’t. Because Claire was my daughter. How was that possible? Like evolutionarily shouldn’t there be a block on that? I inadvertently began replaying the scene over in my head trying to figure out how I could have become aroused by it. All the time I was still touching myself and feeling more and more confused because the more I thought about this thing that should be so gross It kept feeling so good.
I was disturbed by a knock on my bedroom door, so I darted under the covers feeling like I was 30 years younger and about to be scolded my Mother for sinning. Claire poked her head around the door
“…Dad…? Can we talk about what just happened?”
I was still in a state of confused arousal and wanted to shut down the conversation “its okay, its fine, you weren’t to know and its natural… right?”
She walked over and perched on the edge of the bed looking slightly forlorn and now wearing a white bathrobe. “Natural? Dad… I was…There isn’t anything natural about… I … I had your clothes.” Her eyes were focused on the fibers of my bedroom carpet. There was silence for a few moments because I didn’t know how to respond. “I was…helping with the laundry…and I smelt your smell and it happened… I’m so sorry Dad… I said that I’d grown out of it…I’d promised Mom I had.”
I was even more confused now then I was about my arousal. “What?” I asked.
“The wearing your clothes and… touching… that I did in my teens. After Mom caught me the third time, I promised I wouldn’t do it again if she didn’t tell you I was doing it again.” Tears were welling up in her eyes.
“I’ve never heard anything about this?” I said processing the new information.
“Mom told you! After she caught me the second time. She said I was a pervert and she told you and you were so upset you cancelled our holiday… The trip to Florida.”
“That trip got cancelled because I had to work in Europe…Your mother never told me this.”
“What??? She said that so many times…” She was fully sobbing now so I gestured for her to cuddle in close as reassurance. A mistake because my dwindling erection became rejuvenated by her in contact with my body.
“What is all this about?”
“well… When I was younger, I would take your clothes sometimes…it started with dressing up. They smelt like you, and I guess it felt comforting and I don’t know just something about them fascinated me. I would sneak them out the laundry for a few days and put them in again once the scent dwindled… I would sleep cuddling them some nights…I was doing that when I discovered…touching myself. The smell became intertwined with the feeling. It smelt comforting and masculine and… like you. Mom changed my sheets one day and found one of your work shirts… She said taking them was inappropriate. After that it became more thrilling because it was wrong. Then she caught me again…this time while touching… She didn’t tell you?”
She looked up at me quizzically but turned her head back to look at the bulge under the covers. She looked back at me and noticed the redness in my cheeks then turned back and threw the covers back to see my swelling boxers and undone trousers…
“WERE YOU TOUCHING??” she exclaimed jumping away from my embrace. “DAD!!”
“I….I…a…” I stammered before my brain caught up to my mouth to get my story straight. “I was not… It just happened” I gestured vaguely to my bulging cock “I don’t have control over that”
“What?” I replied incredulously “Where on earth did you hear that? That’s not how biology even works. “ ignoring the fact I’d tried to use the exact same argument in my internal monologue “My body sees …an aroused young lady… and thinks …It has a chance. Meanwhile I’m sat here knowing its my daughter and feeling both disgusted and ashamed by what my body is doing”.
“…If that’s the case where are your pants undone?”
A very good question but thankfully my brain outdid itself by coming up with a plausible sounding excuse “I come in here and I am hard at the sight of my daughter… I want that erection to go down as soon as possible. I thought If I undid my pants it would be less stimulating and it would go down quicker.”
“hmpth” She thumped back onto the bed to sit next to me. “So you aren’t turned on by me?”
“Its just a bodily reaction… Its been a long time for me and it got over excited.”
“So…I’m unattractive?” this lose lose of a situation just got even more impossible to navigate.
I sighed “Claire…I didn’t say that”. I was so caught up in trying to work out how to reassure her but not lose my progress in this denial that I didn’t realize what she was doing until she did it.
She reached over and softly but firmly grasped my bulge. “Swear to me that doesn’t feel good” she challenged staring me right in the eyes. I knew my face had given away that her touch felt incredibly good. The first touch other than my own in so many years. I couldn’t even muster a denial as I watched her use the other hand to loosen her robe and display her boobs. She tracked my gaze to her chest and made her next move by pulling my boxers down and letting my cock spring out of them. She returned her eyes to mine “I think you do find me attractive Dad”. She wrapped her hand around my cock which responded stiffly to her touch “I think you are turned on by me… I bet you wish I was sucking your cock right now”. I pulsated a pearl of pre-cum out at the suggestion before coming to my senses.
“Claire, stop this.” She stood up in response to my words, but only to let her robe drop down and paralyze my protests once more giving her enough time to begin to get between my legs. I tried to put up a fight by pushing her off with them, but she brushed me aside with her athletic strength. “Claire please don’t” I tried again escalating to “This is wronnnnnnnhuuuuuuooooooooh” as she began to trace her tongue around my bellend. My resistance at this point was wearing thin but I still tried to push her head away with my hand. My fingers grabbed hold of her hair as I tried to push her head back but instead she took me fully inside her mouth. I let out another involuntary moan as she took me deep. I watched in stunned arousal as her head bobbed up and down on my cock until I realized that my hand in her hair was now pushing her down onto my cock and causing her to begin faintly moaning “mmm…mmm…mmm” as she reached her lowest point.
I moved my hand but she didn’t stop, I tried to speak but a wave of pleasure turned the words to groans of pleasure in my mouth. I looked down in horror… Or what started as horror. My brain was getting corrupted by the horniness and I realized that I was getting off on watching. Seeing your dick sucked is always a thrill, especially when it’s a woman who is beautiful and you respect. She’s so amazing and yet here she is, with the thing you pee out of in her mouth and she is literally gagging for it. NO, I tried to twist my thoughts back into order. I love and respect her because she is my daughter, my little girl. That doesn’t make this hot. I focused and tried to look past the action and the thrill and see Claire in the hope that it would summon up the resistance to put an end to it.
In a way it did…I saw her as my daughter and suddenly was on the verge of cumming. My daughter was serving me, wanting to make me cum, devoted to me. I loved her so much and she was repaying me. Not only had I raised a beautiful girl but a sexy one and she wanted me and…fuck I wanted her. I was right, it was so fucking wrong, It was like breaking every rule in the book. It was dirty, and sordid, and was turning me on to the max.
“STOP Stop stop stop stop” I grabbed the sheets and gritted my teeth and got her to stop just before the edge “I’m going to cum” I panted.
She took me out of her mouth and I thought for a moment that finally some sense was coming over the situation. She bit her lip before grabbing my hands and sliding off the bed. I was pulled on to my legs made wobbly from the bliss and she knelt in front of me. Then she began pumping my cock bringing me quickly back to the edge of orgasm. “I want you to cum Dad. I want you to cum for me.” Her speech was breathy and unsteady with excitement. “I want to feel it. Yeah? Cum for me” She felt me stiffen in her grip and I tried to hold back what felt inevitable “Cum for me Dad” she said, this time opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue slightly
It was like and invitation and I immediately felt a wave shake through my body. I watched a mighty steam of cum shoot from her mouth up to her hair before I even felt the powerful orgasm explode in me. I watched in ecstasy as I pumped more and onto her eager tongue. She took me in her mouth again and sucked the last few drops out of me. I could feel her swill my load around my still twitching cock as her hands now focused on herself. In a matter of seconds, she had fingered herself into an orgasm peaked in intensity as she swallowed.
She crumpled to a sitting position and panted for a few moments before the weight of what she had just done hit her and she ran from the room trying to belatedly cover up with her hastily grabbed robe. The door slammed behind her, and I was left with my pants around my ankles and my cock still wet with her saliva.
In recent years I’d been even more grateful for our bond. When I first learnt of Sarah’s illness it shook me. I was devoted to that woman. The only person I’d ever dated, and suddenly she was dying. Not that she was dead, but that I knew I would watch her decline and fail slowly over 12-24 months. I quit my job at that stage. I had money put away and told everyone it was so I could care for Sarah fulltime and make the most of the time we had. Truth is I couldn’t face having to go to work. I could only motivate myself to get out of bed so that Sarah was cared for and couldn’t see the impact everything was having on me. Claire was the one who spotted it. Spotted that I was depressed and spotted, even before I knew it, that I wasn’t planning on much of a life once Sarah passed. She made me see a therapist, and her calls kept me sane. There were moments when I was crying down the phone to my daughter that I couldn’t believe how open I was being.
Which was the other thing I was grateful for. That even without my wife, there was another woman in my life that I loved so deeply. She was my rock when I first was on my own: Helped me move out of the house. She was my DIY buddy, my best friend, and my daughter all rolled into one. Slowly I adjusted and she had her own milestones as she finished up college and found her own place. And then it was my turn to support her. Once the economy dipped and she was booted out of her dream graduate job, I consoled her telling her it was just a case of first in first out, she’d done nothing wrong. When the rent got too much without a job, I helped her move into my guest room.
They say that your children revert to their adolescent selves when they move back home. Not that I had any worries as Claire had been the model of a perfect teenage daughter, but she made the adjustment pretty well. I worked and she helped around the house. There were moments when I came home to my dinner on the table and someone excited to hear about my day that she reminded me of her mother. An obvious parallel perhaps, but one that didn’t strike me until she was living with me. In terms of looks she wasn’t a clone of either her parents. She was tall, strong, and filled out. Always a smile on her face and most of the time her dark thick hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her mother had the dark hair but a thinner frizzy sort of style, and neither of us had her athleticism. Over the years I’d met a few boyfriends and someone me and Sarah debated whether or not was a girlfriend. For the record I said yes on that one and am still convinced I was right. Her taste had gradually improved but the one thing they all had in common was a slightly lustful look in their eye when talking to you. Not salivating or constantly staring but a slight reluctance to make eye contact and an expression that said I’ve made out with/fondled/fucked your daughter. I found it funny in a parental duty of torturing your kids partner kind of way but had never thought of the implication that it meant my daughter was pretty hot. I called her beautiful and thought it was true but in all my years as a parent hadn’t ever really thought about it in a non-platonic way. She was just my little girl and now my little woman. Nothing I hadn’t seen before.
But what I saw when I came home early that day… Well, that was something I hadn’t seen before. I was done with my work, and it was a Friday afternoon. I wasn’t going to sit around and thought it would be nice to relieve Claire of the cooking duties for once and headed home just after lunch. I knew she was home when I pulled into the garage as her car was there and I could hear music playing from the livingroom which the garage opened into.
She mustn’t have heard me drive in because I walked in to find her masturbating on the couch. Well, a bit more than just masturbating. She had her legs spread which incidentally meant her privates were facing directly at the door and were first thing I saw. She was naked…except … she was wearing one of my work shirts … unbuttoned. I recognized it as the one I had worn the day before. In her hand, and what she was rubbing into herself, was a bundled up piece of fabric which I realized were a pair of my boxer shorts…the ones I had worn the day before.
She hadn’t noticed me walk in as her head was leaned back with eyes. What does a dad do in this situation? I couldn’t leave in case she heard, and I had to explain why I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything because that highlights that I was in the situation. Plus, what would I say? But I couldn’t not say anything…Especially because I was implicitly involved.
“Claire?” I uttered uncertainly as my brain still churned through my options. She startled and screamed “Shit Dad” and vaulted behind the couch invertedly flashing her butt to me.
“Sorry Sorry” I yelled deflecting my eyes and running for the safety of my bedroom “I finished work early”. I slammed the door and began to catch my breath. I went to lay on the bed to process what I had just seen and felt a tightness in my pants. I was horrified to find my cock had swelled with arousal. I found my hand touching the area to confirm what I was feeling was true. It had been a long time since I’d gotten hard without the aid of porn, and I’d forgotten just how much stronger organic arousal felt. For more evidence I undid the button and released the constriction of my work pants and slid my hand into my boxers. Definitely hard. And it definitely felt good. Which it shouldn’t. Because Claire was my daughter. How was that possible? Like evolutionarily shouldn’t there be a block on that? I inadvertently began replaying the scene over in my head trying to figure out how I could have become aroused by it. All the time I was still touching myself and feeling more and more confused because the more I thought about this thing that should be so gross It kept feeling so good.
I was disturbed by a knock on my bedroom door, so I darted under the covers feeling like I was 30 years younger and about to be scolded my Mother for sinning. Claire poked her head around the door
“…Dad…? Can we talk about what just happened?”
I was still in a state of confused arousal and wanted to shut down the conversation “its okay, its fine, you weren’t to know and its natural… right?”
She walked over and perched on the edge of the bed looking slightly forlorn and now wearing a white bathrobe. “Natural? Dad… I was…There isn’t anything natural about… I … I had your clothes.” Her eyes were focused on the fibers of my bedroom carpet. There was silence for a few moments because I didn’t know how to respond. “I was…helping with the laundry…and I smelt your smell and it happened… I’m so sorry Dad… I said that I’d grown out of it…I’d promised Mom I had.”
I was even more confused now then I was about my arousal. “What?” I asked.
“The wearing your clothes and… touching… that I did in my teens. After Mom caught me the third time, I promised I wouldn’t do it again if she didn’t tell you I was doing it again.” Tears were welling up in her eyes.
“I’ve never heard anything about this?” I said processing the new information.
“Mom told you! After she caught me the second time. She said I was a pervert and she told you and you were so upset you cancelled our holiday… The trip to Florida.”
“That trip got cancelled because I had to work in Europe…Your mother never told me this.”
“What??? She said that so many times…” She was fully sobbing now so I gestured for her to cuddle in close as reassurance. A mistake because my dwindling erection became rejuvenated by her in contact with my body.
“What is all this about?”
“well… When I was younger, I would take your clothes sometimes…it started with dressing up. They smelt like you, and I guess it felt comforting and I don’t know just something about them fascinated me. I would sneak them out the laundry for a few days and put them in again once the scent dwindled… I would sleep cuddling them some nights…I was doing that when I discovered…touching myself. The smell became intertwined with the feeling. It smelt comforting and masculine and… like you. Mom changed my sheets one day and found one of your work shirts… She said taking them was inappropriate. After that it became more thrilling because it was wrong. Then she caught me again…this time while touching… She didn’t tell you?”
She looked up at me quizzically but turned her head back to look at the bulge under the covers. She looked back at me and noticed the redness in my cheeks then turned back and threw the covers back to see my swelling boxers and undone trousers…
“WERE YOU TOUCHING??” she exclaimed jumping away from my embrace. “DAD!!”
“I….I…a…” I stammered before my brain caught up to my mouth to get my story straight. “I was not… It just happened” I gestured vaguely to my bulging cock “I don’t have control over that”
“What?” I replied incredulously “Where on earth did you hear that? That’s not how biology even works. “ ignoring the fact I’d tried to use the exact same argument in my internal monologue “My body sees …an aroused young lady… and thinks …It has a chance. Meanwhile I’m sat here knowing its my daughter and feeling both disgusted and ashamed by what my body is doing”.
“…If that’s the case where are your pants undone?”
A very good question but thankfully my brain outdid itself by coming up with a plausible sounding excuse “I come in here and I am hard at the sight of my daughter… I want that erection to go down as soon as possible. I thought If I undid my pants it would be less stimulating and it would go down quicker.”
“hmpth” She thumped back onto the bed to sit next to me. “So you aren’t turned on by me?”
“Its just a bodily reaction… Its been a long time for me and it got over excited.”
“So…I’m unattractive?” this lose lose of a situation just got even more impossible to navigate.
I sighed “Claire…I didn’t say that”. I was so caught up in trying to work out how to reassure her but not lose my progress in this denial that I didn’t realize what she was doing until she did it.
She reached over and softly but firmly grasped my bulge. “Swear to me that doesn’t feel good” she challenged staring me right in the eyes. I knew my face had given away that her touch felt incredibly good. The first touch other than my own in so many years. I couldn’t even muster a denial as I watched her use the other hand to loosen her robe and display her boobs. She tracked my gaze to her chest and made her next move by pulling my boxers down and letting my cock spring out of them. She returned her eyes to mine “I think you do find me attractive Dad”. She wrapped her hand around my cock which responded stiffly to her touch “I think you are turned on by me… I bet you wish I was sucking your cock right now”. I pulsated a pearl of pre-cum out at the suggestion before coming to my senses.
“Claire, stop this.” She stood up in response to my words, but only to let her robe drop down and paralyze my protests once more giving her enough time to begin to get between my legs. I tried to put up a fight by pushing her off with them, but she brushed me aside with her athletic strength. “Claire please don’t” I tried again escalating to “This is wronnnnnnnhuuuuuuooooooooh” as she began to trace her tongue around my bellend. My resistance at this point was wearing thin but I still tried to push her head away with my hand. My fingers grabbed hold of her hair as I tried to push her head back but instead she took me fully inside her mouth. I let out another involuntary moan as she took me deep. I watched in stunned arousal as her head bobbed up and down on my cock until I realized that my hand in her hair was now pushing her down onto my cock and causing her to begin faintly moaning “mmm…mmm…mmm” as she reached her lowest point.
I moved my hand but she didn’t stop, I tried to speak but a wave of pleasure turned the words to groans of pleasure in my mouth. I looked down in horror… Or what started as horror. My brain was getting corrupted by the horniness and I realized that I was getting off on watching. Seeing your dick sucked is always a thrill, especially when it’s a woman who is beautiful and you respect. She’s so amazing and yet here she is, with the thing you pee out of in her mouth and she is literally gagging for it. NO, I tried to twist my thoughts back into order. I love and respect her because she is my daughter, my little girl. That doesn’t make this hot. I focused and tried to look past the action and the thrill and see Claire in the hope that it would summon up the resistance to put an end to it.
In a way it did…I saw her as my daughter and suddenly was on the verge of cumming. My daughter was serving me, wanting to make me cum, devoted to me. I loved her so much and she was repaying me. Not only had I raised a beautiful girl but a sexy one and she wanted me and…fuck I wanted her. I was right, it was so fucking wrong, It was like breaking every rule in the book. It was dirty, and sordid, and was turning me on to the max.
“STOP Stop stop stop stop” I grabbed the sheets and gritted my teeth and got her to stop just before the edge “I’m going to cum” I panted.
She took me out of her mouth and I thought for a moment that finally some sense was coming over the situation. She bit her lip before grabbing my hands and sliding off the bed. I was pulled on to my legs made wobbly from the bliss and she knelt in front of me. Then she began pumping my cock bringing me quickly back to the edge of orgasm. “I want you to cum Dad. I want you to cum for me.” Her speech was breathy and unsteady with excitement. “I want to feel it. Yeah? Cum for me” She felt me stiffen in her grip and I tried to hold back what felt inevitable “Cum for me Dad” she said, this time opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue slightly
It was like and invitation and I immediately felt a wave shake through my body. I watched a mighty steam of cum shoot from her mouth up to her hair before I even felt the powerful orgasm explode in me. I watched in ecstasy as I pumped more and onto her eager tongue. She took me in her mouth again and sucked the last few drops out of me. I could feel her swill my load around my still twitching cock as her hands now focused on herself. In a matter of seconds, she had fingered herself into an orgasm peaked in intensity as she swallowed.
She crumpled to a sitting position and panted for a few moments before the weight of what she had just done hit her and she ran from the room trying to belatedly cover up with her hastily grabbed robe. The door slammed behind her, and I was left with my pants around my ankles and my cock still wet with her saliva.
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