Story Details
Raping the forest - Part 1
GangRapeLover 1413 days ago on Forced Stories
Disclaimer: Rape is not ok in reality... In the realm of fantasy do as you please
“…They expect to come with their heavy machines and their saws! They think we are just going to stand by and watch silently! but no! They are not taking the trees down! the only thing going down is R&P´s corporations!" Everyone applauded as Agatha finished her speech at the Alliance for the Forest´s meeting.
The 25 years old looked sweet and tender, but she was headstrong and determined when required. As a very active and charismatic activist, she has gotten some hate from a few corporations along with the love of fellow nature lovers.
“That was beautiful, Agatha!” said Mathew, her best friend and the second most important member of the Alliance.
“So inspiring,” Said Ema.
“Thank you, Mathew and Ema!” Agatha thanked them. More of her friends and allies approached her and congratulated her for her speech.
“Thank you all. I could have not gone so far without all of you,” Said Agatha with teary eyes. “We have done so much in these two years. We have lived so much”.
She spent a while getting drowned in praise and then had some food, but despite how wonderful everything was, the best part was arriving back home. She was so tired and needed some rest, but first, she would do her daily night ritual before going to bed. She lit some incense and did a minute of slow graceful dance, then sat and meditated. She raised her hands and said, “thank you!”
Her rituals were very important for her. Her rituals, along with therapy and the support of her friends, have helped her heal her wounds from when she was sexually assaulted 6 years ago.
She has gone from having PTSD to be able to think about the events as something very distant. She was roofied but, the drug she was given was not potent enough, and she woke up in the middle of her rape as the two other guys cheered. After years of having nightmares and flashbacks, she was beginning to sleep well. Her body was hers again.
After a good night's sleep, she woke fully rested. She better be rested because this was going to be a long day, and she knew it.
She got up from bed and had some breakfast. The day was going to be warm so she decided to wear something that made her feel the breeze while also feeling sexy. She thought about it a bit. “Maybe this is too revealing…Nah, there isn't going to be too many people where I am going...”
Once dressed, she grabbed her new camera and called an Uber to take her to the place she selected to take some photos. The uber arrived and discreetly enjoyed the sight that was Agatha at that moment. she noticed but didn’t mind. It was just one man, and he wasn’t too blatant about it. She felt flattered more than anything.
The young leader arrived at her location. She looked at her target and took a picture of the hill covered in vegetation. As she walked, she took many more photos of trees, sights, animals, peculiar stones, flowers, insects, but those were just side-dishes to her. What she wanted was at the top. With moderate difficulty, she arrived, and from there, she saw what she came here for. At the top, she could see the forest at its prettiest station. It was almost as if the forest was on fire; kilometers of the red flowers on the flamboyant trees, flamboyant both in appearance and in name. She took many pictures with her new camera, then she sat in silence on the peak. Far from everybody, not a soul near
“bitch! bitch!” she heard and got startled, looked everywhere scared. Has someone followed her? Her heart was racing.
“bitch! bitch!” she noticed the bird yelling at her and immediately burst in laughter and relief. The talking bird has gotten her good. After that episode, she began her return down.
When she arrived at her starting point, she heard some whistles and a “Hello honey!” “looking hot babe” “why don’t you give us your number?” Some men repairing a street light were yelling at her. Agatha ignored the catcalls and hastily took her phone out to call an Uber. She wanted to get far from these sleazy men soon, but there was no signal at all “shit!” she cursed. She hadn't considered that possibility, and the gray clouds were getting closer and closer. “You think you are too pretty to talk to us bitch?!” The catcalls were getting uglier too, and the signal wasn’t getting any better.
The clouds were closing in, and she already could feel the cool wind from nearby rain. She noticed the repairmen were packing everything after finishing their job; she had no other option but one that she reluctantly took. “Wait! Wait! in which direction are you going? Can you drive me home?”
“Oh, so now we are not beneath you,” said one of the repairmen. “We are returning to the city”
“Oh great, I am going there too. Could you take me there, please? I have no signal”
The man smiled “What are you going to do for us in exchange?”
“Uh, mmm, I could pay you fifty bucks” Agatha offered, hating having to beg and hustle with the guys who had catcalled her before.
“Nevermind, I was thinking about another way of payment but nevermind. We are just toying with you. We will take you home, miss.” Agatha felt relief.
As they were entering into the car, one of the men stood and signaled her to enter first “after you,”
She would have preferred going by the window but didn’t want to be rude. She sat between two workers and felt very uncomfortable. She was regretting her dress choice more and more.
“So, what brings you to this far corner, miss?” asked the driver.
“I was taking some photos and having a good time by the hill”.
“Maybe, you can invite me next time. I would gladly have a good time with you by the hill,” he paused, “and take some... pictures if you know what I mean”.
Everyone laughed except Agatha.
“Why so tense baby,” asked the guy to her right while caressing her cheek like she was a child “no sense of humor?”
This was going to be a long road. After barely a kilometer, it would get worse. The car stopped, and another repairman approached, the door opened.
“miss, we are going to have to make some space for Mathew. You can sit at my lap or maybe with Jefferson” said the man to her right. She didn’t like either option, but she only had to endure this for half an hour. She chose Jefferson to be closer to the door. Jefferson began massaging her small shoulders with his big rough hands “You seem tense miss, maybe a massage would relax you,”
“No thanks, I am fine,” she said, trying her best not to look mad, but he didn’t stop. She would have normally yelled at him, but this wasn’t the time. She needed to wait for them to arrive.
She felt the guy get hard. She was the one getting massaged, but the one enjoying the massage wasn’t her.
“I don’t know man, maybe your technique isn’t right. She seems tense still. Pass her over” Jefferson grabbed her by the waist and passed her over to the center, like an object. The man at the center grabbed her by the waist and caressed the sides of her belly. She reminded him of a girl he had raped before and got a hard-on that made Agatha jump a bit.
She felt him caress her neck, then her shoulders, then her neck again. “are you sure you don’t want to visit me at home?”
“I am busy today”,
“Tomorrow then, you can give me your number” She definitely didn’t want to give him her number.
“Look, I don’t know you, I do not give my number like that,”
“Well, ok then, we can get to know each other,” Jefferson said, annoying her more, “but in the meantime,” he took out his phone and put it in and angle. “lets take a selfie to remember this moment,”
Before Agatha could protest, she saw the flash. “Mmm look how sexy you look; I might print this and hang it in front of my toilet for when I want to get it going” Agatha preferred saying nothing because if she did, she would explode, and she just wanted to arrive home.
The road was long. They never stopped touching her neck and shoulders or asking questions they didn’t need to know but, they finally arrived. As Agatha got out of the car, she felt a slap to the butt. She turned with the intent of slapping the first face she saw, but the door closed just in time, and she watched them slowly drive away. “ goodbye honey, now that we know where you live, we could pay you a visit sometime,”
Agatha didn’t like those words, or the tone with which he said those words, or how they ogled her while slowly driving away. She regretted bringing them here. Anyway, she was done with that whole chapter; it was time to prepare for her meeting with Steel & Gears.
She took her clothes that now smelled of repairman’s sweat “ugh,” she could still feel their hands rubbing her shoulders. She tried to get rid of the sensation with a hot water bath and abundant soap. Soon, the warm water relaxed any tension, and the smell of lavender got rid of any stress.
She felt a lot better until she heard something break outside “oh no, what if the repairmen were breaking in” She imagined them finding her naked like this. Two of them grabbing her while the third one raped her; the same way she has been raped at the party,
She felt the panic attack coming when she heard a tender meow. Now she knew what happened. Agatha went out and grabbed a broom just in case and found out what she expected, her cat next to a broken vase. “Oooh, sweety, you scared mommy, don’t do that again!”
She could not get mad at him as he looked at her with sweet eyes and purred. She remembered how quickly they bonded when she rescued this abandoned cat on a rainy day.
Once she was done dressing up, she looked at herself in the mirror. Agatha looked stunning, and she knew it.
After a few minutes, she heard honking outside, an Steel & Gears’ van was there. “right on time.” A short refined-looking man came out of the back of the van; followed by a middle-aged woman.
“Hello, you must be Agatha, I am Frederick, and this is Karen; we are here to assist you and your crew in your trip to Steel and Gears,” he said.
“Hi, it’s a pleasure,” Agatha answered. The man helped her get in the van. Inside there were 6 seats. Agatha sat by the bottom right side, Frederick and two other Steel & Gears employees sat by the entrance of the van. “Mmm, there are not enough seats for my team and I”.
“Don’t worry, my companion here is going to stay down the road before we get where your team is reunited” With that covered the two hours trip to the company’s main facility began. Agatha had a long conversation with Karen about Karen’s experience with yoga while Frederick mostly served them soda and snacks and even a little wine (not too much since they had to keep their wits with them for the tour and meeting).
As Agatha and Karen were laughing, the van hit a rough bump, the wine bottle and a few snacks tumbled down to the floor. More importantly, a folder had fallen and the paper got scattered. As Agatha crouched to help with the paper, she noticed one of the sheets had a photo of herself, and below the photo there were some bullet points:
"* This is Agatha, our target
* Take her to the warehouse
* Try to be discrete but use force if necessary"
"What is this!?" Agatha yelled.
“Grab her!” Karen said while grabbing Agatha’s arm herself. Frederick tried taking hold of Agatha, but she reacted just and time, and he got her foot right at his balls, which was enough for him to fall to the floor over the spilled wine. Agatha quickly crossed over the fallen man and the seats while Karen grabbed her by the top.
Miraculously Agatha managed to escape the grasp of the middle-aged woman, opened the back door, and jumped out of the moving van into the side grass. She did hurt her right arm a bit, but thankfully the van had slowed down before she jumped. Without wasting much time, she began running... or tried to.
“Something is wrong” she felt her strength abandoning her. Agatha fell, barely conscious, and saw 6 feet approaching her.
“The drug on her cup kicked in just in time,”
“ Not this again,” Agatha muttered to herself before blacking out.
“…They expect to come with their heavy machines and their saws! They think we are just going to stand by and watch silently! but no! They are not taking the trees down! the only thing going down is R&P´s corporations!" Everyone applauded as Agatha finished her speech at the Alliance for the Forest´s meeting.
The 25 years old looked sweet and tender, but she was headstrong and determined when required. As a very active and charismatic activist, she has gotten some hate from a few corporations along with the love of fellow nature lovers.
“That was beautiful, Agatha!” said Mathew, her best friend and the second most important member of the Alliance.
“So inspiring,” Said Ema.
“Thank you, Mathew and Ema!” Agatha thanked them. More of her friends and allies approached her and congratulated her for her speech.
“Thank you all. I could have not gone so far without all of you,” Said Agatha with teary eyes. “We have done so much in these two years. We have lived so much”.
She spent a while getting drowned in praise and then had some food, but despite how wonderful everything was, the best part was arriving back home. She was so tired and needed some rest, but first, she would do her daily night ritual before going to bed. She lit some incense and did a minute of slow graceful dance, then sat and meditated. She raised her hands and said, “thank you!”
Her rituals were very important for her. Her rituals, along with therapy and the support of her friends, have helped her heal her wounds from when she was sexually assaulted 6 years ago.
She has gone from having PTSD to be able to think about the events as something very distant. She was roofied but, the drug she was given was not potent enough, and she woke up in the middle of her rape as the two other guys cheered. After years of having nightmares and flashbacks, she was beginning to sleep well. Her body was hers again.
After a good night's sleep, she woke fully rested. She better be rested because this was going to be a long day, and she knew it.
She got up from bed and had some breakfast. The day was going to be warm so she decided to wear something that made her feel the breeze while also feeling sexy. She thought about it a bit. “Maybe this is too revealing…Nah, there isn't going to be too many people where I am going...”
Once dressed, she grabbed her new camera and called an Uber to take her to the place she selected to take some photos. The uber arrived and discreetly enjoyed the sight that was Agatha at that moment. she noticed but didn’t mind. It was just one man, and he wasn’t too blatant about it. She felt flattered more than anything.
The young leader arrived at her location. She looked at her target and took a picture of the hill covered in vegetation. As she walked, she took many more photos of trees, sights, animals, peculiar stones, flowers, insects, but those were just side-dishes to her. What she wanted was at the top. With moderate difficulty, she arrived, and from there, she saw what she came here for. At the top, she could see the forest at its prettiest station. It was almost as if the forest was on fire; kilometers of the red flowers on the flamboyant trees, flamboyant both in appearance and in name. She took many pictures with her new camera, then she sat in silence on the peak. Far from everybody, not a soul near
“bitch! bitch!” she heard and got startled, looked everywhere scared. Has someone followed her? Her heart was racing.
“bitch! bitch!” she noticed the bird yelling at her and immediately burst in laughter and relief. The talking bird has gotten her good. After that episode, she began her return down.
When she arrived at her starting point, she heard some whistles and a “Hello honey!” “looking hot babe” “why don’t you give us your number?” Some men repairing a street light were yelling at her. Agatha ignored the catcalls and hastily took her phone out to call an Uber. She wanted to get far from these sleazy men soon, but there was no signal at all “shit!” she cursed. She hadn't considered that possibility, and the gray clouds were getting closer and closer. “You think you are too pretty to talk to us bitch?!” The catcalls were getting uglier too, and the signal wasn’t getting any better.
The clouds were closing in, and she already could feel the cool wind from nearby rain. She noticed the repairmen were packing everything after finishing their job; she had no other option but one that she reluctantly took. “Wait! Wait! in which direction are you going? Can you drive me home?”
“Oh, so now we are not beneath you,” said one of the repairmen. “We are returning to the city”
“Oh great, I am going there too. Could you take me there, please? I have no signal”
The man smiled “What are you going to do for us in exchange?”
“Uh, mmm, I could pay you fifty bucks” Agatha offered, hating having to beg and hustle with the guys who had catcalled her before.
“Nevermind, I was thinking about another way of payment but nevermind. We are just toying with you. We will take you home, miss.” Agatha felt relief.
As they were entering into the car, one of the men stood and signaled her to enter first “after you,”
She would have preferred going by the window but didn’t want to be rude. She sat between two workers and felt very uncomfortable. She was regretting her dress choice more and more.
“So, what brings you to this far corner, miss?” asked the driver.
“I was taking some photos and having a good time by the hill”.
“Maybe, you can invite me next time. I would gladly have a good time with you by the hill,” he paused, “and take some... pictures if you know what I mean”.
Everyone laughed except Agatha.
“Why so tense baby,” asked the guy to her right while caressing her cheek like she was a child “no sense of humor?”
This was going to be a long road. After barely a kilometer, it would get worse. The car stopped, and another repairman approached, the door opened.
“miss, we are going to have to make some space for Mathew. You can sit at my lap or maybe with Jefferson” said the man to her right. She didn’t like either option, but she only had to endure this for half an hour. She chose Jefferson to be closer to the door. Jefferson began massaging her small shoulders with his big rough hands “You seem tense miss, maybe a massage would relax you,”
“No thanks, I am fine,” she said, trying her best not to look mad, but he didn’t stop. She would have normally yelled at him, but this wasn’t the time. She needed to wait for them to arrive.
She felt the guy get hard. She was the one getting massaged, but the one enjoying the massage wasn’t her.
“I don’t know man, maybe your technique isn’t right. She seems tense still. Pass her over” Jefferson grabbed her by the waist and passed her over to the center, like an object. The man at the center grabbed her by the waist and caressed the sides of her belly. She reminded him of a girl he had raped before and got a hard-on that made Agatha jump a bit.
She felt him caress her neck, then her shoulders, then her neck again. “are you sure you don’t want to visit me at home?”
“I am busy today”,
“Tomorrow then, you can give me your number” She definitely didn’t want to give him her number.
“Look, I don’t know you, I do not give my number like that,”
“Well, ok then, we can get to know each other,” Jefferson said, annoying her more, “but in the meantime,” he took out his phone and put it in and angle. “lets take a selfie to remember this moment,”
Before Agatha could protest, she saw the flash. “Mmm look how sexy you look; I might print this and hang it in front of my toilet for when I want to get it going” Agatha preferred saying nothing because if she did, she would explode, and she just wanted to arrive home.
The road was long. They never stopped touching her neck and shoulders or asking questions they didn’t need to know but, they finally arrived. As Agatha got out of the car, she felt a slap to the butt. She turned with the intent of slapping the first face she saw, but the door closed just in time, and she watched them slowly drive away. “ goodbye honey, now that we know where you live, we could pay you a visit sometime,”
Agatha didn’t like those words, or the tone with which he said those words, or how they ogled her while slowly driving away. She regretted bringing them here. Anyway, she was done with that whole chapter; it was time to prepare for her meeting with Steel & Gears.
She took her clothes that now smelled of repairman’s sweat “ugh,” she could still feel their hands rubbing her shoulders. She tried to get rid of the sensation with a hot water bath and abundant soap. Soon, the warm water relaxed any tension, and the smell of lavender got rid of any stress.
She felt a lot better until she heard something break outside “oh no, what if the repairmen were breaking in” She imagined them finding her naked like this. Two of them grabbing her while the third one raped her; the same way she has been raped at the party,
She felt the panic attack coming when she heard a tender meow. Now she knew what happened. Agatha went out and grabbed a broom just in case and found out what she expected, her cat next to a broken vase. “Oooh, sweety, you scared mommy, don’t do that again!”
She could not get mad at him as he looked at her with sweet eyes and purred. She remembered how quickly they bonded when she rescued this abandoned cat on a rainy day.
Once she was done dressing up, she looked at herself in the mirror. Agatha looked stunning, and she knew it.
After a few minutes, she heard honking outside, an Steel & Gears’ van was there. “right on time.” A short refined-looking man came out of the back of the van; followed by a middle-aged woman.
“Hello, you must be Agatha, I am Frederick, and this is Karen; we are here to assist you and your crew in your trip to Steel and Gears,” he said.
“Hi, it’s a pleasure,” Agatha answered. The man helped her get in the van. Inside there were 6 seats. Agatha sat by the bottom right side, Frederick and two other Steel & Gears employees sat by the entrance of the van. “Mmm, there are not enough seats for my team and I”.
“Don’t worry, my companion here is going to stay down the road before we get where your team is reunited” With that covered the two hours trip to the company’s main facility began. Agatha had a long conversation with Karen about Karen’s experience with yoga while Frederick mostly served them soda and snacks and even a little wine (not too much since they had to keep their wits with them for the tour and meeting).
As Agatha and Karen were laughing, the van hit a rough bump, the wine bottle and a few snacks tumbled down to the floor. More importantly, a folder had fallen and the paper got scattered. As Agatha crouched to help with the paper, she noticed one of the sheets had a photo of herself, and below the photo there were some bullet points:
"* This is Agatha, our target
* Take her to the warehouse
* Try to be discrete but use force if necessary"
"What is this!?" Agatha yelled.
“Grab her!” Karen said while grabbing Agatha’s arm herself. Frederick tried taking hold of Agatha, but she reacted just and time, and he got her foot right at his balls, which was enough for him to fall to the floor over the spilled wine. Agatha quickly crossed over the fallen man and the seats while Karen grabbed her by the top.
Miraculously Agatha managed to escape the grasp of the middle-aged woman, opened the back door, and jumped out of the moving van into the side grass. She did hurt her right arm a bit, but thankfully the van had slowed down before she jumped. Without wasting much time, she began running... or tried to.
“Something is wrong” she felt her strength abandoning her. Agatha fell, barely conscious, and saw 6 feet approaching her.
“The drug on her cup kicked in just in time,”
“ Not this again,” Agatha muttered to herself before blacking out.
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