Story Details

I don't go camping

writtentherapywtf 1099 days ago on Forced Stories

Names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent

His hand was over my mouth, pushing down hard, as I struggled to get free. His other hand grabbing the neck of my tank top and pulling it down hard. The sound of my strap snapping was so loud it rang in my ears. I kicked and tried to hit him with my fists. Sometimes I made contact with his body but it didn’t have any affect. I heard the loud ripping of more fabric as the neckline gave way and exposed a good portion of my bra. His hand pushed a little too hard down and I was able to get a little bit of meat between my teeth. He screamed “FUCK” and removed his hand but before I could scream, I felt strong pressure against the side of my face as my head whipped violently to the right. My entire face was in pain. Searing, hot pain. Tears flowed down my face. I whimper, “Please stop, please” and I feel hands on the side of my head, he pulls my head so I can look into his eyes and he grabs my hair tight and lifts my head and slams it to the ground. I remember coughing a little, I don’t know why, and I pass out.

The guy I was seeing at the time, an off and on fling, had wanted to go camping but his buddies cancelled. He asked me if I wanted to go.
“We’ll make a fire and take shrooms and just enjoy nature.” He offered the things that he thought would make me the most willing to go along.
“..and have sex in the woods I’m guessing.”
“Yup.” He smiled.
I agreed and we left. The drive took a while and we parked and he set up the tent. He loved this spot, he explained, as he came here often while growing up. We ate the fast food burgers we picked up and smoked a bowl or three. When the light started getting dimmer, he took out the bag of shrooms and we started to make the tea. While the tea was brewing, he got a phone call from his brother. I could hear his brother yelling through the phone, his voice sounded desperate. Brian said he’d drive back into town to help him.
“Let’s go.” He said, visibly upset. Some people walked by as he said that.
“Hey man…” this long haired, skinny guy walked up. He was definitely one of those stereotypical stoners that your parents warned you about. “We smelt weed over here, was that you guys?”
“Yeah.” I said.
“Nope” Brian said at the same time.
The woman that was with the guy laughed. “Which is it?”
“It was us,” Brian said. “But we’re leaving so I can’t share.”
“Duuuuude, can we buy a nuggie off you?” the guy smiled. “There’s four of us over there and you guys should join and we’ll get high and party. We have shrooms.” He smiled, offering a trade.
“We have shrooms too.” I smiled, “But since we’re leaving, you guys want that instead?”
“SURE!” He smiled. “I’m Eagle and this is Raven. Birds man.” And I couldn’t help but laugh at their names.
“I’m Jane and this is Brian. Here, take the pot.” And I walked towards the pot with the tea brewing in it.
“I thought we couldn’t have any of your pot?” Raven asked, confused.
“No, the pot with the shroom tea.” I laughed, “Though the pot pot, I can sell you a nug for 10$”
“Can we see what you got?”
I pulled out my bag and sifted through my quarter and pulled out a nugget. “This one.”
“Duuuude. That’s like a fiver.” Eagle said, not wanting to get ripped off.
“Supply and demand.” I laughed.
“Jane, hurry the fuck up.” Brian yelled as he shoved the tent into his trunk.
“How about you sell us the bag.” Raven asked.
“Can’t. I can maybe go an eighth but it will be pretty expensive.”
“Forty is the price everywhere” Eagle stated.
“In city. Ok, then, if you’re not interested…” and I turned towards the car. I heard Raven tell Eagle to ask how much.
“60$” I said, turning around.
“Let us sample first?” Raven tried to trick me.
“After you buy.” I laughed and handed Eagle the bud as Brian walked up to us. “Smell it, feel it, smoke it AFTER you pay me.” Eagle took one look at the bud, the purple hairs calling his name.
“You’re a thief, I hope karma bites you in the ass!” he scolded. “50$”
“Bye Eagle and Raven. Nice to meet you.” As Brian was pulling me by the arm towards the car.
“Fine, 60$”
I stopped and pulled away from Brian. “Deal.” And stuck my hand out for the money.
“It’s at the camp site.” Eagle said.
“Jane, I have to go NOW” Brian yelled through the open car door, as he started the car. I walked to the door.
“Five minutes. Oh wait, I gotta smoke with them. 15 minutes. Come on, your brother can wait.”
“No, he got jumped and they’re looking for the dudes. I have to go before he gets killed. GET IN!”
“How long will you be?” I asked.
“I don’t know, a few hours. Takes 45 minutes to get back.” He lurched the car forward.
“Raven?” I yelled back at her. “Can I hang with you guys for a few hours?”
“Sure!” she squealed all bubbly.
I turned to Brian. “Go, help your brother, and hopefully I won’t be too wasted by the time you come back and we’ll fuck in the woods.”
“Fine!” he said and got out of the car and took out all the stuff from the trunk and dropped it in a pile. “You can set it up right?”
“No, but I’ll be ok.” I smiled. He kissed me.
“You sure you want to stay here with these guys?” He looked at Raven dancing around with Eagle.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. They look harmless. I may get a little annoyed. Hurry back though.” And I kissed him again.
“Call if you need me!” and he got into the car and sped off.

I moaned, trying to clear the fog and looked around. I felt his weight still on me and felt him tear my tank completely apart. He pulled up my bra and was squeezing my breasts hard. “Stop… please…” I barely got out of my lips. My head pounding hard. I could hear my heart beating in my ears as the darkness began to fade away and things started to come into focus. “All night you tease me and then say no?! You fucking want this as much as I do. Quit telling me to stop!” And life started to come back into my limbs and I could move again. I started to try to get away from him again, scratching and kicking. He grabbed me by the throat and choked me hard, lifting me from the ground. He ripped the bra off over my body and let go of my throat to push and pull my arms though the straps, then crudely tied it over my mouth. He pushed me back hard and I hit the back of my head on the hard ground again.

We walked a little way to their camp site and there I met Ryder and Stephanie. I introduced myself and looked right at Stephanie.
“Thank god, someone with a normal name.”
She smiled. “So what brings you to our camp Jane?”
“Mary Jane.” I smiled.
“Oh sorry, what brings you to our camp Mary Jane.”
“Oh shit.” I laughed out loud. “No no, Eagle here is going to buy some pot from me.”
“Eagle came out with my money and handed it to me.” I looked at my bag. “Shit. I don’t have a baggie. Do you have one?”
He grabbed a bag from the ground and gave it to me. There must have been a sandwich in it because I could see mustard and mayonnaise remnants in the bag.
“uh” I said, holding it up. I turned the bag inside out and grabbed a handful of pot and squeezed it really tightly as I pulled it out and put it in the other bad. I did this until the bag looked almost even. The mayo bag looking like it had less. I held both bags up. “You pick.” Eagle grabbed the fuller looking bag.
“Great, leave me with the disgusting bag.” I laughed and wiped the bag in the dirt to get some of the stuff off it. “Got a pipe?”
Raven produces a bong out of thin air.
“No wonder you guys have no weed.” I smiled and packed a bowl from my bag. “Since you’ve been so kind to have me over, I’ll load the first bowl.” And I took the green hit and passed it to Raven.
“To my favorite.” I winked at her. She was cute, with long, half dreads and a beautiful dress on filled with beads and random threads of color. She was skinnier than me with small A cup breasts but just a bubbly personality that I really enjoyed. She hit the bong like a champ and passed it back to me.
“Oh, our turn.” She giggled in a puff of smoke and she grabbed the bong back and passed it to Eagle who packed it and cleared the entire bowl. He packed it again and passed it to Stephanie. She took a small hit and looked around confused. I pointed to Ryder. “That guy.”
“He doesn’t smoke. He’s solely a beer guy.” Eagle said and turned to him and booed. I took the bong and cleared the bowl and packed a fresh one for Raven.
“A fresh one, bird name I don’t remember.” I said and handed her the bong.
“Raven.” She corrected me and I laughed.
“Sorry. A fresh one, Raven” and she cleared it. I was really high at that point.
“So, the shrooms?”
We all chatted and got to know each other as we warmed up the tea and added some of theirs. We drank it and tried not to puke immediately. God I hate the taste. I was staring at Ryder, who was just sipping on his beer. “Not doing this either?” I smiled.
“I don’t do that shit.” He said, annoyed.
“Ok ok” I said. I really didn’t like him but he was nice to look at. He was tall and definitely worked out. His arms stretched the arm hole on his tee a little and you could see the definition in his arms. When he smiled, he was cute, with short dark hair and a nice beard and mustache.
“So, why are you here? If you’re not doing what these losers are doing?” I laughed.

“Please please” I kept saying as I started to wake up again. “I’ll suck you just don’t rape me.” My legs lifted as he was pulling off my jeans and darkness came again.

“Steph asked me to come along and volunteered me to babysit.” He finished his beer. “I just don’t do these things. Just alcohol for me.” He smiled.
“Well, I hope you are a good babysitter and have some stronger stuff than beer.”
He got up and went to the car and produced a bottle of Wild Turkey and a coke. He poured both into the cup, about equal amounts and took a chug then smiled at me. God he has a cute smile.
“Sooooo….” Raven plops down next to me and I was surprised there wasn’t a poof of sparkles to follow. “Was that guy, what’s his name, your boyfriend?”
“Brian? No. He’s my favorite toy right now though?” I winked at her.
“oooooooh,” she Smiled, “He’s like Ryder then.”
I perked up. I could not have imagined Ryder and Raven together. “You two?”
“No no no.” She blushed. “Eagle is the only man for me.” She looked over at Eagle. “He’s so sexy.” I looked over at Eagle and he was somehow skinnier than Raven, pretty much all sticks and bones. I thought he was a skeleton, just bones and a long orange beard. His hair was long, which he kept in a pony tail. He and Raven wore the same necklace. His pants were held up by a piece of rope.
“Yup definitely a skeleton or a scarecrow.” I said out loud and quickly covered my mouth, then started laughing.
“Huh?” Raven looked at me confused.
“I just thought, when I looked at Eagle, that he looked like a skeleton, or scarecrow, by the firelight.”
“Shit’s kicking in then.” The scarecrow laughed.
“Oh, I guess so.” I mumbled as I looked over and Stephanie was puking in the bushes and we all just stared. “That reminds me.” I said as I got up and ran away from the fire and puked in the bushes as well. I stumbled back and sat back down next to Raven.
“Puke area is here and there.” Eagle smiled and then turned around and puked behind him. “…and here.” We all started laughing, except for Ryder who got grossed out and joined Raven and I, on the other side of the fire.
“You’re next Rave.” I smiled.
“Nope. I never puke on shrooms.” She smiled.
“Fucking lucky.” I fake growled at her.
Stephanie stumbled over to us and sat down in front of Ryder and leaned against him.
“Oh, YOU TWO are together.”
“Fuck buddies” Raven whispered loudly in my ear.
“RAVEN!” Stephanie yelled, turning red.
“Good to know, good to know.” I muttered, feeling left out, now that everyone was partnered up. I started to miss Brian. I grabbed my phone and texted Brian for an update, at least that was what I hoped I typed. I wasn’t too sure at that point.
I glanced over at Ryder who was staring at me. I gave him a smile and he smiled back. There’s that smile again. “You have a great smile.” I said to him. “Sorry Stephanie.” I smiled at her too.
“Oh no, it’s ok. He does have a great smile.” I quickly looked her over as she leaned into him more. She’s one of them. I thought, thinking that she was one of those people that didn’t like to be alone and had to fawn and hang all over their piece of meat, so EVERYONE knew they were together. She was the heaviest of the group, but the pounds she added were mostly in her breasts. Sure she had some extra belly fat that giggled when she laughed but she looked good. Her blond hair was definitely bleached and yet I couldn’t imagine it any other color. She giggled a lot but was also pretty shy. Maybe coming out of her shell still.
“Butterfly.” I snapped my fingers, looking around to see if I got the answer right. “FUCK I did it again.” And they all looked at me. “Sorry. I keep letting my thoughts escape my head.”
“What is butterfly?” Stephanie asked. “You were looking at me.”
“Well, you remind me a butterfly. Beautiful but like one that just came out of her cocoon.”
“Chrysalis.” Raven corrected me.
“And the smart one over here.” I pointed to Raven, “She’s Sparkles. Definitely sparkles. And that one is Scarecrow.”
“Why? Because I need a brain?” he asked.
“No, the Lion needed the brain.” I corrected him.
“No, the lion needed courage, robot the heart, and scarecrow a brain.” Sparkles corrected me.
“No,” I corrected. “He’s a scarecrow so he’s scared, so he needed courage.”
“No, the lion needed courage.”
“Yeah!” everyone else said
“Fuck Sparkles. I hate it that you’re so smart.” And I started laughing.
“Did you call the Tin Man a robot?” Butterfly asked.
“Yeah, he was a robot.” Sparkles said. “He was made of metal and moved. Robot.”
Stephanie started laughing and snorted. I started laughing uncontrollably after that and soon we were all laughing.
“Stop stop. I’m going to pee my pants.” Butterfly screamed while laughing and we started all over again. I glanced over at Ryder and he was smiling again.

Somehow the bra made its way around my neck, “That fucking smile.” I said aloud, drifting in and out of reality. I felt my legs being lifted in the air again as he moved between my legs. I felt his cock touch my crotch and I shivered. “Please. A blowjob, don’t do this.” And he slapped me again. Tears were flowing down my face. “Stop.” But I couldn’t fight anymore. My body wouldn’t move and every part of me hurt. My eyes slowly focused on my jeans, in a heap over to the side. I could see a little bit of my underwear stuck in the legs of the jeans but the mustard stain on the side of the hip caught my eye. Then things started getting dark again.

“What’s my name then?” Ryder asked when we settled down.
“Sexy. Fuck no. Sorry again Butterfly. I don’t know, let me think.” I looked at him and his eyes penetrated my soul. Yup, there he was an attractive guy but too bad he wasn’t as open and free. He was sexy like a tiger. Tiger. Though not build like one. Maybe a guardian. That’s not sex enough. Or was he someone that you just rubbed his chest as he fucked you. I bet he has a nice chest. Like one of those Roman soldiers. Roman? But shit I bet he’s good in bed. Like Butterfly must really like when he riders her. Riderher. Fuck, his name is perfect.
I was about to say that when Butterfly chimed in first, “Sexy works” and she got up on her knees to give him a kiss and he kind of pecked her quickly, while still staring at me.
“Boooo” Scarecrow yelled, cupping his hands together.
“She said it first.” And Butterfly got up and sat on the log next to Ryder and leaned into him.
“Sexy it is.” I smiled at him, biting my bottom lip.
“What’s your name then?” Sparkles asked, leaning into me. They debated for a while, the three of them until they settled on Flower.
“Flower huh?” I smiled.
“Yeah,” Scarecrow, the creator of the name, said. “Cuz you brought us the flower.”
“Oh fuck. That’s right!” Sparkles screamed and everyone shushed her.
I started looking around for the bong and couldn’t find it. It felt like hours that I searched, never getting up from my seat. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked as Ryder was tapping me with the bong.
“Was this what you were looking for?” He smiled, that fucking smile.
“Thanks, Sexy.” I winked at him and took the bong. That’s it, that’s the end of my cool girl routine. I thought as I fumbled for my bag of weed and packed the bowl. “Ewww mustard.” I said and wiped it on my jeans. I handed it back to Sexy. “Here, you hit it first.”
“He doesn’t smoke pot, remember.” Butterfly laughed. “I’ve tried.” And her eyes got big in disbelief as Sexy grabbed the bong and lit the bowl and started sucking. He filled it half way and cleared it, then started coughing.
“Sexy and smooth.” I laughed and Butterfly gave me an evil look. He handed it back to me but I pointed to Butterfly. We packed a few more bowls and Sexy actually took another hit but held it better and we all cheered.
The shrooms started kicking in hard and everyone just stared at the fire and Sexy put another log on. Scarecrow said he wanted to go to the lake and so we all decided to go for a walk to the lake. Sexy, admitting he was drunk and now high for the first time, loudly announced that we need to have more fire safety and mumbled that he was speaking to no one as Scarecrow and Sparkles started walking away. Scarecrow pointed to things while Sparkles hung on his arm. I watched as Sexy put out the fire a little by spreading the logs but they still glowed red and flames still shot out, like dancing little demons.
“Come on Sexy!” Butterfly said, pulling at his arm. The two of them stumbled away and I thought about leaving and going back to my camp to wait for Brian. I looked at my phone but couldn’t make anything out on it. I hit call and it rang and rang, but no one answered.
“You ok?” I heard someone say and I looked up and Sexy was in front of me.
“Yeah. Where’d everyone go?” I asked and he pointed to the three of them dancing around in the road a little way ahead. He held out his hand and I took it as he pulled me to my feet. I could feel his strength in his hand as he pulled me up…

…and as he slapped me again. He pushed his cock in my dry pussy. It hurt and I screamed out and he put his hand over my mouth again. It felt like when you accidently run your arm over a leather seat and your skin sticks and pulls at the hairs. There’s the burning, tearing sensation as he pushed in a little deeper, and then back out and then back in. I tightened my vagina, trying to keep him out but it just made it hurt more as he pushed in and then pulled out a little and then back in. I must be going numb to the pain, as it didn’t hurt as much that time, and the next.

“What did you want to call me?” he asked.
“Huh?” I responded, confused, wondering if time jumped. We were farther away from the fire but the three of them weren’t any closer.
“What name did you want to give me? I’m curious.”
I laughed. “Ryder.”
“No, I wanted to call you Ryder?”
“Why? Because I’m not fucked up on mushrooms like those idiots and you?” and he pointed to the three. There was aggression in his voice. Annoyance. But I thought maybe he was just upset I didn’t give him a better name.
“No, because I kept thinking of how Butterfly must love it when you ride her.” And I stumbled and he caught me. “My hero.”
“Wait, seriously?” he laughed. “She wouldn’t know. We’ve never had sex.” He confessed.
“Sparkles said you’re fuck buddies”
“Sparkles and me?” he asked confused.
We already had this conversation.
“You and Butt- butter-“ I laughed, not being able to say Butterfly. “You and butt over there. She does kind of have a nice butt.” I fell on mine and started laughing again. He helped me up again and stumbled, grabbing my ass a little.
“So do you.” He whispered in my ear.
“What?” I said, seeing if he was brave enough to say it out loud.
“I said you have nice tits.” And he pulled my tank forward and peered down at my bra covered tits.
“Hey, you’re with Butterfly.” I put my hand on his, making him release my top. “and that peek will cost you.”
“What will it cost?” he asked, smiling that fucking smile.
“I’ll think of payment later.”
The flirting was interrupted by Butterfly shouting “Sexy” and the other two shushing her.
“Yeah, we’ve never had sex.” He said, waving to her. “She doesn’t want to yet. She’ll give me blowjobs but that’s it. She lets everyone think we have sex though.”
“She is one of them.” I said under my breath.
“Huh?” he asked.
“Nothing. You don’t correct her though.” and I ran ahead to the group. Sexy close behind.
We caught up to the group and walked to the lake. The air was still pretty warm and it didn’t take long until everyone was taking off their shoes and putting their feet in the water. Sparkles announced she wanted to swim and took off her dress and underwear and then jumped in. The water was about waist high and I could clearly see her perky breasts in the moonlight. She splashed water towards us, giggling, getting us all wet.

Fuck no! How can you do this to me! What the fuck is wrong with you!! FUCKING STOP!!! “There, you’re wet you fucking slut, you do want this. Quit fighting me!” He growled. My vagina just reacted, doing what it’s done a thousand times before. It knew this position, it knew what a cock felt like, it knew what it had to do. Why?! And my body twitched in response to his cock. I felt myself getting wetter and wetter as he started fucking me harder, his hips slapping hard against mine. No part of my body was resisting and I felt broken. I hated my body. I hated myself.

Scarecrow undressed and jumped in and Butterfly followed. I watched as she moved towards Sparkles and splashed her. He large tits dripping with water as Sparkles splashed her back. They hugged and kissed.
“Ok, did I just see that?” I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, not knowing what was reality.
Scarecrow moved towards them and grabbed Sparkles away and splashed Butterfly. “Flower join us!” Sparkles motioned and so I undressed and stood on the dock naked for a moment.
“You too sexy.” Giving him a full view of my body.
“Fuck. Your name should be Sexy.” His mouth open as he looked me up and down. I jumped in and made my way to the group, followed closely by sexy. We splashed a little and then Butterfly jumped into Sexy’s arms and kissed him and he threw her into the water like she was nothing. She screamed as she landed with a splash.
“Her tits will save her.” I laughed and Sexy whispered behind me, “But yours are so much better.” I gave him a look and smiled. “Thanks.”
We rescued Butterfly and all sat on the dock naked to drip dry. A slight breeze cooled our skin. We put on our underwear, except Sparkles who remained completely naked and Butterfly who put on her shirt.We looked up at the sky. We started pointing out shooting stars, as the entire sky looked like it was a lake full of diamonds. Scarecrow was at the far end and Sparkles was laying next to him. Butterfly was of course in the middle and Sexy was next to her and I was on the other end.
“What is that?” I asked and Sexy asked what I was talking about.
“That?” and he pointed to the sky.
“No, that.” And I grabbed his hand and pointed to the tree next to me.
“I think that’s a branch.” He laughed.
“Looks like a lion in the tree.” I laughed. And he put his hand on his side and I kept my hand on his. It was quiet for a while except for occasional “OOOOOO”s and giggles from Sparkles and Butterfly. Slowly Sexy’s hand was against my thigh and I pulled it up to rest on top of my thigh. I opened my legs as he rubbed my thigh, his pinky playing with the edges of my underwear, as his hand moved to my inner thigh. “Ooooooo” I mimicked the group as his pinky roamed to the crotch of my underwear.

“Fuck I’m going to cum” he moaned and it woke me up again. I started to fight and squirm, not wanting him to cum in me. His hand was on my throat again, choking me. “Fucking behave you slut.” He scolded, “Or I’ll slap you again.” I continued to fight and he got up. He flipped me over easily and lifted my ass and spanked it hard. My entire ass cheek stung and I thought it was bleeding as he continued to spank my ass hard. In a burst of energy, I scrambled to my feet but he was still on me like a shadow. He grabbed me by the hair as I screamed and he spun me around and punched me in the stomach. My soul left my body when he hit me, I could see it escaping my lips along with blood and spit. I couldn’t breathe and collapsed on the ground. He lifted me up and moved behind me again.

“Are we alone at this campsite?” Butterfly asked, “No one has called the cops on us for being naked and noisy.”
“We saw Flower, and her man, and an older couple in a camper down the row and that’s about it.” Scarecrow said. “Thank god for Flower or we’d be less fucked up right now. Speaking of which...”
Sparkles jumped to her feet. “Exactly.” She said to Scarecrow and pulled him up. She moved to Butterfly and pulled her up and then moved to me, as Sexy moved his hand away quickly. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up too as Butterfly helped up Sexy. “Time for Flower’s power” and she laughed. “Flower power!” and the other two echoed her.
We walked back with Scarecrow leading the way, since only he, and Sexy, knew the way back. He was followed closely by Butterfly, hanging on Sexy’s arm as he looked back at me. I walked with Sparkles.
“I am so glad we met you.” Sparkles beamed, holding my hand. “You’re one of us. Plus, you have an amazing body and she stopped and started to play with my breasts a little.”
“You do too” I said and started to run my hands over her neckline and feeling her chest bones and down to her perky breasts.
“Seems like Sexy likes them too.” She smiled. “I saw him staring at you and WHAT were you two doing when I came over?”
“Nothing.” I said as she turned and we continued to walk.
“Well, I love Stephanie..”
“Butterfly” I corrected her.
“Butterfly, but she teases the poor boy. She told me she gave him a blowjob and he had a small peepee and she doesn’t think she’d feel anything so she just has him go down on her.” She laughed. “Unlike my Eagle. Did you see his cock.”
“Missed” I said.
“I’ll have him show you later.” She giggled, “We can share tonight. Unless you wanted to spend time with Sexy and who knows.”
“No, I think I’m ok, I’ll wait for Brian. BRIAN.”
I pulled out my phone and couldn’t really see still. The pictures blended together. I called him again and he answered. I told him I was ok and asked when was he coming and he said a few more hours. His brother broke his arm and they were in the emergency room and it sounded like we were having fun. I assured him what a great group of people he left me with and Sparkles yelled “Hi” into the phone. “That’s Sparkles, she’s my spirit animal… what? Ok. Call me.” And he hung up. I got sad, wishing he was there with me.

Brian?! My mind called to him. Save me. Some one… save me… and he I could hear him bring up spit from his throat and he spit on my ass. He spread my cheeks as it ran down my crack. He stopped its progress with his fingers and rubbed in on my asshole and poked a finger in. He moved the tip of his cock to my hole and spit again, then shoved it all the way in. My ass started to sting over the pain of the pressure, as sweat mixed with the lacerations he created as he fucked my ass. His hips slapped hard against my ass. Tears were the only thing that moved on my body, as they uncontrollably flowed out of me.

“I need more pot” Sparkle yelled as we got to the campsite and Sexy rebuilt the fire, as she loaded the bong and we all got high again. We smoked all their weed and most of mine. Sexy drank a lot more whiskey as we just hung out around the fire. I would flash him smiles and squeeze my tits to tease him when I thought no one was looking. Sparkle moved behind Butterfly and started massaging her temples and after a while, she started playing with her breasts and then Butterfly was out. Sexy moved her to the car and put her in the back seat as we covered her. Sparkle winked at me.
Scarecrow moved to her and they started making out and he started finger her pussy in front of us. I put my bra back on and pulled on my jeans.
“That’s my cue.” I whispered to myself and started walking away while I put my tank top on.
“Flower…” I heard Sparkles. “Joooiiiiinnnn us.” And I put my hand in the air to wave good bye. I wanted to join but Brian could come back soon and I wanted him. Sexy was next to me immediately.
“Raven asked me to walk you back.”
“Ok.” I said too tired to resist.
We got back and Sexy helped me set up the tent as I went to pee in the bushes. “Shit.” I said realizing I didn’t have toilet papter.
“What’s wrong?” Sexy asked as he moved to me, where I was still squatting.
“I didn’t grab anything to wipe.” He pulled me up and pee dripped a little down my leg.
“I’ll help you.” And his fingers were on my pussy, rubbing it. He kissed me and I kissed him back. I instinctively unbuttoned his pants and grabbed for his cock, lost in the moment. I felt his cock and he was hard and Butterfly was right. This statuesque, muscular man was about four, maybe five inches. I didn’t care. I’ve been with many guys his size but I wasn’t expecting it and I saw Sparkles smiling face telling me his dick was small. I giggled.
“The fuck?” he asked, pushing me back. There was that anger again.
“I was thinking of Sparkles.” I smiled. “Sorry.”

“Sorry…” Ryder said, standing up and kicking me in the ass. “Not sorry, you cunt” and I heard him walk away. His cum dripping from my ass. Then the steps got closer and his hand grabbed my hair and pulled me up. “No no no please no more no please” I begged through the tears. “I’ll fucking kill you if you tell anyone Jane.” And he spit on me as dropped me to the ground. I curled up in a ball. He was moving around me and then things were falling on me and I saw a flash of light through my closed eyes. He said my full name out loud and address. “I’ll fucking kill you slut.” And he walked away. The darkness came again.

“You touched my cock and thought of Sparkles?” Dylan asked.
“Sorry Sexy.” And I kissed him. He kissed me back and I grabbed his cock again and he continued to finger me.
“Do you have a condom?” I asked though kisses.
“No, do you?” I shook my head. He fingered me more and I got close to cumming and he started undressing me. He pulled off my tank top and kissed my neck. Lights from a car shone near us and I pushed him away and put on my top and quickly pulled up my pants. The motorhome drove past us on the road above the campsite.
“Fuck, I thought that was Brian. He’d kick your ass if that was him.”
“No, I’d kick his ass.” Ryder said, acting all tough.
“You haven’t seen him. He scraps all the time. It would be bad news.”
“Let’s find him and I’ll kick his ass and then we’ll fuck in front of him.” He said, grabbing me and kissing me. The mood left. I felt his attitude was so against the vibe of the night.
“I think I’m just going to go to bed. You should check on Stephanie.” I gave him a quick kiss goodbye.
“Come on, we were having fun. Let’s just fool around some more.” He begged.
“We don’t have a condom.” I said, “and I don’t want to get pregnant.”
“I’ll pull out, or how about a blowjob?”
When things get like this, I usually will give guys a blowjob so they calm down and don’t pressure me for sex. “Ok” I said.
I gave him another quick kiss and got to my knees and pulled his pants down. He stepped out of them and I started to take his cock in my mouth. “Then you go and take care of Stephanie, right?” I asked, cock in hand.
“No fuck that! You’ve been teasing me that pussy all night.” And he pushed me backwards on the ground.

I woke naked and cold, the ground wet and muddy around the lower part of my body. My body was shivering as the sun started to light up the air. I slowly moved and everything hurt. I found my top but it was torn in half. I used it to wipe off the various remnants left over from the trauma. I just managed to smear it more so I dropped it. I found my jeans and managed to get my underwear out of it and tugged it on and fell on the ground trying to get my pants on. I started sobbing again. I pulled on my pants and found Brian’s hoodie that he left me if I got cold. I tried to put it on but ended up puking from the pain and falling to my hands and knees. Slowly I was able to get the hoodie on. I started sobbing again. I looked for my phone but couldn’t find it and saw all the contents of my purse spread out where I had been laying. I curled up in a ball and passed out again. I woke up and the sun was higher. I gathered my stuff and just left everything else. I started walking slowly and somehow made it to the road and sat at the curb. I got scared someone would see me, so I forced myself up and kept walking. A car passed and I hid my head. A while longer another car passed and slowed but I looked away and then a few moments later there were hands on me and I screamed and tried to get away. The hands held tight.
“Jane! Oh my god what happened?” I looked up and Brian was holding me. I cried and he held me. “Who did this to you?”
“I gott..” I can’t tell him. “I fell down this cliff when trying to walk back to camp. I got so lost. I fell again and I think I hit my head hard. I woke up in camp... but don’t remember.”
“Oh fuck, lets go to the hospital.” He said, really concerned. “I’m so sorry I left you.”
“No, I just want to go home.” I spoke. I got in the car and he drove back to the campsite.
“Why didn’t you stay with those people?” he inquired.
“I just left. They were all nice but I wanted to go home.”
“God, I can’t believe you fell that badly.”
He got out of the car and picked up the gear.
“You got the tent up but didn’t sleep in it huh?” I just looked at him. “Your phone was there but the screen is smashed. You missed all my calls. I was so worried. I need to get that cooking pot from those guys.”
“Just leave it,” I begged him. “I told them they can have it.”
“Jane, that was fucking expensive.”
“Please Brian.” I begged and he agreed and I fell asleep.
He took me home and helped me inside, as I could barely walk anymore.
“God you smell. I’ll help you get into the shower.” He started to undress me and I freaked out.
“Fucking don’t touch me.”
“What the fuck Jane.” He yelled. “I’m sorry I left you and you got hurt but come on, I’m just trying to help.”
“Just go home please Brian, I want to be alone.” I said, crying.
“Fine. I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.” And he slammed the door as he left.
I slowly undressed and got into the shower and just stood there for a while, my head against the tile wall. I started to wash and some of the dirt wouldn’t come off so I began to scrub hard. I scrubbed at the bruises, wanting them all to go away. My body was red all over from scrubbing, my crotch was raw.

Sparkle was skipping down the road, her tight ass barely giggling as she’d twirl around and her smile would shoot rainbows from her existence. She smiled at me and I couldn’t control my body as I started to skip towards her, giggling. I haven’t had this much fun, or been this free, in years. She threw her naked body on Scarecrow and he pranced around like a pony. I was smiling so much my cheeks hurt. I glanced at Sexy and Butterfly was trying to jump on his back, her large tits pressed against his back. She squealed as he lifted her up and they chased after Scarecrow and Sparkle. I ran my hands over my breasts and down my body to feel the familiar wetness as my body screamed for attention. Maybe I will join the threesome with those two. I thought and smiled. Either way, top 10 best days of my life.


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