Story Details
The Unstoppable Ron
BlackWizard 1318 days ago on Celebrity Stories
The Unstoppable Ron
Chapter 1: Operation Grand Slam
Side Note:
The following story is an erotic, pornographic parody of the Kim Possible show. The characters in this story are 18 and over.
The following women are going to be used as the physical representation for these characters. This will eventually change as the story progresses further:
Madeline Ford as Kim Possible
Angelina Petrova as Shego
Jelena Jensen as Director Betty
Kim Possible is an accomplished high school student who fights crime regularly. Assisting Kim is her childhood friend and sidekick, Ron Stoppable. But today, on this mission, Kim and Ron’s relationship will change forever. It happens like any other day. Ron and Kim went to high school like normal. In between classes, Kim gets a call from Dr Director Betty. She is the head of GJ, the Global Justice Network. Dr Drakken is plotting one of his evil schemes. Dr Director does not get into specifics about what Draken is planning, at least not yet. The Director calls the school's principal, arranges to have Kim and Ron excused for the rest of the day. It works, and the heroic duo gets ready for their mission. Kim and Ron get changed into their mission clothes. Their clothes are almost identical. Kim wears a black three-quarter length crop top, green cargo pants, dark grey gloves, black shoes and a brown belt. Ron wears a black shirt, grey cargo pants, dark grey gloves and black shoes. The pair exit the school to find that Director Betty has organised transportation for the two. A black SVU is waiting for them at the front of the school. Kim and Ron get taken to a private airport. When they get to the airport, a small jet is ready for them.
Once they're in the air, Kim Kimmunicator starts to ring, and Kim answers it. Dr Betty is on the screen. She is wearing her standard navy blue uniform and eye patch, covering her right eye.
“What’s the sitch, Director?” Kim asks.
“Draken’s has taken over a lab on an island off Indonesia. They were working on a prototype weather machine. Draken plans to alter the machine to turn it into a weapon. We also have intel that he has taken the scientists working there as hostages,” the Director explains.
“Classic villain plot, deadly weather machine”, Ron comments dryly.
Ron sits leisurely in one of the leather seats. With his feet resting on the other leather seat opposite him. Kim, who sits across the aisle from him, ignores Ron.
“We’ll take care of it, Dr Director.”
“Thank you, Possible. Keep me updated on the mission when you can."
The call ends, and Kim turns to find Ron not in his seat. She looks around and locates Ron raiding the minifridge. Ron’s head tucked inside the fridge. Kim crosses her arms and puts on a disapproving look.
“Seriously, Ron?”
Ron looks up from the fridge, already munching away on some sweets.
"What? Come on, KP. Free minibar privileges," Ron replies with his mouth full of food.
Kim rolls her eyes at him. Before she can respond, the intercom comes on with an announcement from the pilot.
“We’re ten minutes away, Miss Possible.”
“Thank you,” Kim calls towards the cockpit.
"Yeah, I'm here too," Ron says under his breath.
The duo gets ready. Kim and Ron re-check their gear one last time while putting on the parachutes and helmets. After ten minutes, exactly, they prepare to skydive off the jet. Kim glances at Ron, seeing how nervous he is. Ron keeps his eyes down on the jet's carpet floor while breathing deeply and rapidly. Even though he has skydived before with Kim, Ron still gets fearful of skydiving. She taps Ron on the helmet to get his attention. He looks up at Kim.
"Ready?" She asks.
Ron only nods in response. Kim keys the intercom by the door hatch, contacting the pilot.
"We're ready."
The pilot opens the hatch door from the cockpit. Heavy gusts of wind flow into the private jet. The wind almost pushes the heroes back. But, before Ron can change his mind, Kim shoves him out of the plane.
"AAAHHH!" Ron screams as he falls until he runs out of breath to yell.
Kim rolls her eyes as she jumps out of the jet and follows Ron down. Kim dives down until she is at eye level with Ron.
The two land safely on the island; they traverse through the wilderness, guided by the Kimmunicator GPS. Finding the lab, Kim and Ron infiltrate their way inside. It mainly takes a lot of crawling through some large ventilation shafts. Kim takes the lead, which he does not mind at all. Moving behind her, Ron gets a great view of Kim's backside.
Her hips are swaying back and forth hypnotically. Ron is enjoying this part of the mission. First, they locate the hostages, then Draken. Finally, Kim and Ron find the imprisoned scientists locked away in an office.
"Ron, you get them out of here", Kim whispers to him.
"What about Draken and Shego?" Ron whispers back.
"I'll handle them. When you're out, call Director Bretty. Stay with the scientists."
"Uh, okay"
Ron hesitates; he hates leaving Kim to deal with all the danger. But, before Ron can wish Kim good luck, she is already moving to find Draken. Ron frees the scientists and leads them to an exit for safety. He was about to follow them, but Ron had a feeling. A sort of gut feeling about Kim.
Ron runs to where Kim is. He enters some sort of control room. It looks like a warzone. Many computers and various scientific equipment are either destroyed or damaged. There are traces of green plasma burns around the room.
"Kim and Shego must have been here", Ron mutters to himself while looking around.
He hears a yell from another room. Ron follows the cry to an observation deck that connects to the control room, which overlooks a much larger area. A testing space about the size of a sports field. With an equally large sunroof open to the outside elements. There in the centre of this, a large cylinder machine pointed upward to the open sky.
"That must be the weather machine," Ron thought.
The weather machine hums with power as Dr Drakken is tampering with the device. Near the giant machine, Kim is there fighting Shego, Draken’s partner/henchwoman. Shego uses her green plasma power attacks while Kim manages to hold her own. The women fight hand to hand combat on almost equal ground. Ron makes his way down the stairs to stop Drakken. He knows not to get involved in a fight between Kim and Shego. Ron would be more of a hindrance than a help to Kim.
But just as Ron arrives near the machine, the battle takes a wrong turn for Kim. A slash from Shego’s plasma claw attack cuts across Kim’s chest. Kim dodges at the last second from getting a severe injury. Her top, however, is torn apart from the attack. The black shirt ripped in the middle almost to the belly button. The tear shows a bit of Kim's cleavage. She tries to continue to fight but then notices Ron. He covers his eyes with his hand and turns the other way.
"Ron?!" Kim cries out.
Seeing Ron distracts Kim as she covers her chest with both her hands. Shego takes advantage with a sweep of her legs, tripping Kim over. Shego pins Kim to the ground.
"Oh, poor Kimmie" Shego raises a glowing hand to attack.
"So long, princess."
Luckily before Shego can attack again, Ron comes to Kim's aid. Ron tackles Shego from the side. The two roll along the ground until they come to a stop. Unfortunately, Ron ends up on top of Shego. A very awkward position for the two adversaries.
"Get off me!" Shego cries out.
Shego is about to deliver him a back elbow. To knock Ron off her, but she stops suddenly. Shego feels something huge wedging between her butt cheeks. Shego becomes very still, realising that it is Ron's cock press against her. His erection is the result of seeing Kim's bare chest. Instinct is yelling at him to get up and run away as fast as he can. Yet his shaft has other ideas, growing in length every second it remains wedged within Shego’s round rump. Ration and irrational thoughts are fighting within Ron's head. Run or stay. Shego herself is having trouble making a decision. Stay down or get up and destroy the sidekick. Whether it was intentional or not, Shego flexes her backside. Squashing Ron's huge cock between her butt cheeks. Ron gasps; he pushes himself up with his hands. His upper body is off Shego's body. But his lower half remains down, pressing against Shego squeezing rear. Shego bites her lower lip as she wiggles her hips a little.
"Shego! We need to leave!" Draken calls from above on his flying hovercraft, preparing their retreat.
That seems to wake both Ron and Shego, making them come to their senses. Shego pushes herself up, shoving Ron off her. Draken flies down low, so Shego leaps onto the flying hovercraft. She turns and winks at Ron, who stares back at her as Draken and Shego escape. Ron doesn't know how long he had been staring until Kim wakes him.
“Ron? Ron!?” Kim calls out to him, waving a hand in front of his face with a faraway expression.
“Huh? Oh, KP? Are you alright?” Ron says, getting to his feet.
Kim is now wearing a spare lab coat she found. She has the white coat tightly around her to cover her upper chest.
“You seemed to be having fun,” Kim comments in a heated tone as she glares at Ron.
“Uhhh,” Ron did not know how to respond to that.
Luckily for Ron, Kim’s Kimmunicator chimes. Kim does not answer for the first three rings. She glares at Ron until she finally takes the call. It is Dr Director on the line.
“Miss Possible? What is the sitrep in the control room?" The Director asks.
Kim takes a deep breath before answering Director Betty.
"The scientists are
“It was no big Director. Can you bring the plane around? We need to get home,” Kim requests.
“Of course. The plane is waiting for you two on the tarmac.”
The call ends, Ron opens his mouth to talk to Kim. She, however, walks away without a word. Kim heads to the lab’s exit, Ron follows her out. Outside, the duo boards the private plane they arrived in. Ron can see Kim’s pissed at him, so he decides to remain silent. Ron enters the aircraft with his hands deep in his pants pockets. Not to look meek but to arrange himself down there. He is trying to control the raging hardon within his pants. It has still not gone away, and Ron’s needs to take care of it. However, Kim is first to use the only bathroom on the plane. To get a change into some new clothes and, more importantly, a shower. She slams the bathroom door quite loudly, which makes Ron jump a little. He sits down, his finger’s rattling on the armrests. Ron’s feet are tapping against the carpet floor in anxiety. His hard cock is still defiantly staying erect. Partially Ron's fault as he keeps reliving that moment with Shego. The feel of Shego’s round butt, tightly squeezing his shaft. Ron’s colossal size manhood is more a curse than a blessing to his teenage life. Being outed as a loser in high school makes Ron have a nonexistent love life. Add to his large phallus, which is continuously hard almost all the time.
Ron has to masturbate many times in just one day. He resorts to pleasuring himself at school in the disgusting men's toilets. Always in the company of beautiful girls like his friends Kim and Monique. Sometimes Ron encounters some of the stunning cheerleaders as well. Mainly because of his proximity with Kim. Ron doesn’t realise it at first, but he then hears the sound of water running. Kim is in the shower right now. Ron breathes deeply out through the nose. He is fighting back his urges to masturbate openly on the private plane. Ron tries to think of something else, anything to make his erection go away.
“Will you cool it down,” Ron whispers to his throbbing manhood.
Unlikely that it will listen. What Ron doesn't know is that Kim is also suffering in a way. While she gets undressed, her mind goes back to Ron and Shego. The image of them practically dry humping against each other searing into Kim's memory. She tries to push the memory out of her mind, but it is a losing battle. Unable to rationalise her thoughts and feelings, which are running amok within Kim’s mind. She decides to shower to clear her head. Kim takes off the lab coat and what’s left of her black shirt—revealing her C cup size breasts. She turns in front of the mirror, to one side and then the other. Kim's long red/orange hair glows in the bathroom light as it whips about as she turns her head. Kim makes sure there are no cuts to her chest. She is satisfied at finding no wounds. There are, however, some bruises along Kim's arms and legs. Remnants from the brutal battle with Shego. Kim then wiggles out of her pants and finally her panties. Her naked body gleams with sweat from the fight—Kim’s slim and athletically toned body as she stretches a little. Kim turns on the shower and checks the temperature of the water with a hand. Kim gets in the shower stall and washes her body clean. The hot water helps cleanse her frustrations away.
The failure of Dr Draken and Shego getting away weighs heavily on Kim's mind. She hopes to maybe one day work for the Global Justice Network. Kim respects and admires Director Betty. Capturing her adversaries would have helped that career path. Kim respects and admires the Director’s input and advice. At least she and Ron saved all the scientists, so hopefully, that will be enough. Kim’s mind, again, thinks back to Ron and Shego. She shakes her head, trying to clear her head. But instead, this time, Kim imagines it is Ron on top of her. Kim’s body reacts instantly to the daydream. Her nipples become erect, and her vagina moistens. Bringing a hand to her left breast and lightly pinching her nipple. At the same time, her right hand travels south. That hand is getting close to her honeypot. But Kim stops herself, remembering where she is—imagining having sex with her best friend? It feels so wrong. Yet the very idea. Kim quickly purges the thought from her mind. She quickly exits the shower, dries herself off using two towels, and puts on a spare black shirt to wear and a towel wrapped around her long red/orange wet hair. Kim leaves the bathroom. Her clothes and body are a little moist from the quick exit out of the bathroom. Kim being worried she may try to pleasure herself again.
“Ron! The bathroom is….”
Kim does not get to finish as Ron rushes past her. He enters the bathroom without a word to her and closes the door behind him. Kim sighs as she sits down and starts to dry her hair using the towel. Kim decides to listen to music on her phone. She hopes that will distract her from any more abnormal thoughts. After a few minutes, she pauses her playlist, realising something. In her haste to leave the bathroom, Kim forgot the torn shirt. Kim stands up and slowly walks over to the bathroom door. She lightly knocks on the door.
“Ron? Are you decent? I forgot...”
Kim stops herself from speaking any further. Kim hears a groan. Thinking Ron might be hurt; she quickly opens the bathroom door. The sight before her makes Kim stop and gasp. Ron is sitting on the lavatory with his pants around his ankles. But he is not using the toilet like one usually does. Instead, Ron’s is fisting his huge cock with one hand. While his other hand smothers Kim's torn shirt against his face as he inhales her scent deeply.
Chapter 1: Operation Grand Slam
Side Note:
The following story is an erotic, pornographic parody of the Kim Possible show. The characters in this story are 18 and over.
The following women are going to be used as the physical representation for these characters. This will eventually change as the story progresses further:
Madeline Ford as Kim Possible
Angelina Petrova as Shego
Jelena Jensen as Director Betty
Kim Possible is an accomplished high school student who fights crime regularly. Assisting Kim is her childhood friend and sidekick, Ron Stoppable. But today, on this mission, Kim and Ron’s relationship will change forever. It happens like any other day. Ron and Kim went to high school like normal. In between classes, Kim gets a call from Dr Director Betty. She is the head of GJ, the Global Justice Network. Dr Drakken is plotting one of his evil schemes. Dr Director does not get into specifics about what Draken is planning, at least not yet. The Director calls the school's principal, arranges to have Kim and Ron excused for the rest of the day. It works, and the heroic duo gets ready for their mission. Kim and Ron get changed into their mission clothes. Their clothes are almost identical. Kim wears a black three-quarter length crop top, green cargo pants, dark grey gloves, black shoes and a brown belt. Ron wears a black shirt, grey cargo pants, dark grey gloves and black shoes. The pair exit the school to find that Director Betty has organised transportation for the two. A black SVU is waiting for them at the front of the school. Kim and Ron get taken to a private airport. When they get to the airport, a small jet is ready for them.
Once they're in the air, Kim Kimmunicator starts to ring, and Kim answers it. Dr Betty is on the screen. She is wearing her standard navy blue uniform and eye patch, covering her right eye.
“What’s the sitch, Director?” Kim asks.
“Draken’s has taken over a lab on an island off Indonesia. They were working on a prototype weather machine. Draken plans to alter the machine to turn it into a weapon. We also have intel that he has taken the scientists working there as hostages,” the Director explains.
“Classic villain plot, deadly weather machine”, Ron comments dryly.
Ron sits leisurely in one of the leather seats. With his feet resting on the other leather seat opposite him. Kim, who sits across the aisle from him, ignores Ron.
“We’ll take care of it, Dr Director.”
“Thank you, Possible. Keep me updated on the mission when you can."
The call ends, and Kim turns to find Ron not in his seat. She looks around and locates Ron raiding the minifridge. Ron’s head tucked inside the fridge. Kim crosses her arms and puts on a disapproving look.
“Seriously, Ron?”
Ron looks up from the fridge, already munching away on some sweets.
"What? Come on, KP. Free minibar privileges," Ron replies with his mouth full of food.
Kim rolls her eyes at him. Before she can respond, the intercom comes on with an announcement from the pilot.
“We’re ten minutes away, Miss Possible.”
“Thank you,” Kim calls towards the cockpit.
"Yeah, I'm here too," Ron says under his breath.
The duo gets ready. Kim and Ron re-check their gear one last time while putting on the parachutes and helmets. After ten minutes, exactly, they prepare to skydive off the jet. Kim glances at Ron, seeing how nervous he is. Ron keeps his eyes down on the jet's carpet floor while breathing deeply and rapidly. Even though he has skydived before with Kim, Ron still gets fearful of skydiving. She taps Ron on the helmet to get his attention. He looks up at Kim.
"Ready?" She asks.
Ron only nods in response. Kim keys the intercom by the door hatch, contacting the pilot.
"We're ready."
The pilot opens the hatch door from the cockpit. Heavy gusts of wind flow into the private jet. The wind almost pushes the heroes back. But, before Ron can change his mind, Kim shoves him out of the plane.
"AAAHHH!" Ron screams as he falls until he runs out of breath to yell.
Kim rolls her eyes as she jumps out of the jet and follows Ron down. Kim dives down until she is at eye level with Ron.
The two land safely on the island; they traverse through the wilderness, guided by the Kimmunicator GPS. Finding the lab, Kim and Ron infiltrate their way inside. It mainly takes a lot of crawling through some large ventilation shafts. Kim takes the lead, which he does not mind at all. Moving behind her, Ron gets a great view of Kim's backside.
Her hips are swaying back and forth hypnotically. Ron is enjoying this part of the mission. First, they locate the hostages, then Draken. Finally, Kim and Ron find the imprisoned scientists locked away in an office.
"Ron, you get them out of here", Kim whispers to him.
"What about Draken and Shego?" Ron whispers back.
"I'll handle them. When you're out, call Director Bretty. Stay with the scientists."
"Uh, okay"
Ron hesitates; he hates leaving Kim to deal with all the danger. But, before Ron can wish Kim good luck, she is already moving to find Draken. Ron frees the scientists and leads them to an exit for safety. He was about to follow them, but Ron had a feeling. A sort of gut feeling about Kim.
Ron runs to where Kim is. He enters some sort of control room. It looks like a warzone. Many computers and various scientific equipment are either destroyed or damaged. There are traces of green plasma burns around the room.
"Kim and Shego must have been here", Ron mutters to himself while looking around.
He hears a yell from another room. Ron follows the cry to an observation deck that connects to the control room, which overlooks a much larger area. A testing space about the size of a sports field. With an equally large sunroof open to the outside elements. There in the centre of this, a large cylinder machine pointed upward to the open sky.
"That must be the weather machine," Ron thought.
The weather machine hums with power as Dr Drakken is tampering with the device. Near the giant machine, Kim is there fighting Shego, Draken’s partner/henchwoman. Shego uses her green plasma power attacks while Kim manages to hold her own. The women fight hand to hand combat on almost equal ground. Ron makes his way down the stairs to stop Drakken. He knows not to get involved in a fight between Kim and Shego. Ron would be more of a hindrance than a help to Kim.
But just as Ron arrives near the machine, the battle takes a wrong turn for Kim. A slash from Shego’s plasma claw attack cuts across Kim’s chest. Kim dodges at the last second from getting a severe injury. Her top, however, is torn apart from the attack. The black shirt ripped in the middle almost to the belly button. The tear shows a bit of Kim's cleavage. She tries to continue to fight but then notices Ron. He covers his eyes with his hand and turns the other way.
"Ron?!" Kim cries out.
Seeing Ron distracts Kim as she covers her chest with both her hands. Shego takes advantage with a sweep of her legs, tripping Kim over. Shego pins Kim to the ground.
"Oh, poor Kimmie" Shego raises a glowing hand to attack.
"So long, princess."
Luckily before Shego can attack again, Ron comes to Kim's aid. Ron tackles Shego from the side. The two roll along the ground until they come to a stop. Unfortunately, Ron ends up on top of Shego. A very awkward position for the two adversaries.
"Get off me!" Shego cries out.
Shego is about to deliver him a back elbow. To knock Ron off her, but she stops suddenly. Shego feels something huge wedging between her butt cheeks. Shego becomes very still, realising that it is Ron's cock press against her. His erection is the result of seeing Kim's bare chest. Instinct is yelling at him to get up and run away as fast as he can. Yet his shaft has other ideas, growing in length every second it remains wedged within Shego’s round rump. Ration and irrational thoughts are fighting within Ron's head. Run or stay. Shego herself is having trouble making a decision. Stay down or get up and destroy the sidekick. Whether it was intentional or not, Shego flexes her backside. Squashing Ron's huge cock between her butt cheeks. Ron gasps; he pushes himself up with his hands. His upper body is off Shego's body. But his lower half remains down, pressing against Shego squeezing rear. Shego bites her lower lip as she wiggles her hips a little.
"Shego! We need to leave!" Draken calls from above on his flying hovercraft, preparing their retreat.
That seems to wake both Ron and Shego, making them come to their senses. Shego pushes herself up, shoving Ron off her. Draken flies down low, so Shego leaps onto the flying hovercraft. She turns and winks at Ron, who stares back at her as Draken and Shego escape. Ron doesn't know how long he had been staring until Kim wakes him.
“Ron? Ron!?” Kim calls out to him, waving a hand in front of his face with a faraway expression.
“Huh? Oh, KP? Are you alright?” Ron says, getting to his feet.
Kim is now wearing a spare lab coat she found. She has the white coat tightly around her to cover her upper chest.
“You seemed to be having fun,” Kim comments in a heated tone as she glares at Ron.
“Uhhh,” Ron did not know how to respond to that.
Luckily for Ron, Kim’s Kimmunicator chimes. Kim does not answer for the first three rings. She glares at Ron until she finally takes the call. It is Dr Director on the line.
“Miss Possible? What is the sitrep in the control room?" The Director asks.
Kim takes a deep breath before answering Director Betty.
"The scientists are
“It was no big Director. Can you bring the plane around? We need to get home,” Kim requests.
“Of course. The plane is waiting for you two on the tarmac.”
The call ends, Ron opens his mouth to talk to Kim. She, however, walks away without a word. Kim heads to the lab’s exit, Ron follows her out. Outside, the duo boards the private plane they arrived in. Ron can see Kim’s pissed at him, so he decides to remain silent. Ron enters the aircraft with his hands deep in his pants pockets. Not to look meek but to arrange himself down there. He is trying to control the raging hardon within his pants. It has still not gone away, and Ron’s needs to take care of it. However, Kim is first to use the only bathroom on the plane. To get a change into some new clothes and, more importantly, a shower. She slams the bathroom door quite loudly, which makes Ron jump a little. He sits down, his finger’s rattling on the armrests. Ron’s feet are tapping against the carpet floor in anxiety. His hard cock is still defiantly staying erect. Partially Ron's fault as he keeps reliving that moment with Shego. The feel of Shego’s round butt, tightly squeezing his shaft. Ron’s colossal size manhood is more a curse than a blessing to his teenage life. Being outed as a loser in high school makes Ron have a nonexistent love life. Add to his large phallus, which is continuously hard almost all the time.
Ron has to masturbate many times in just one day. He resorts to pleasuring himself at school in the disgusting men's toilets. Always in the company of beautiful girls like his friends Kim and Monique. Sometimes Ron encounters some of the stunning cheerleaders as well. Mainly because of his proximity with Kim. Ron doesn’t realise it at first, but he then hears the sound of water running. Kim is in the shower right now. Ron breathes deeply out through the nose. He is fighting back his urges to masturbate openly on the private plane. Ron tries to think of something else, anything to make his erection go away.
“Will you cool it down,” Ron whispers to his throbbing manhood.
Unlikely that it will listen. What Ron doesn't know is that Kim is also suffering in a way. While she gets undressed, her mind goes back to Ron and Shego. The image of them practically dry humping against each other searing into Kim's memory. She tries to push the memory out of her mind, but it is a losing battle. Unable to rationalise her thoughts and feelings, which are running amok within Kim’s mind. She decides to shower to clear her head. Kim takes off the lab coat and what’s left of her black shirt—revealing her C cup size breasts. She turns in front of the mirror, to one side and then the other. Kim's long red/orange hair glows in the bathroom light as it whips about as she turns her head. Kim makes sure there are no cuts to her chest. She is satisfied at finding no wounds. There are, however, some bruises along Kim's arms and legs. Remnants from the brutal battle with Shego. Kim then wiggles out of her pants and finally her panties. Her naked body gleams with sweat from the fight—Kim’s slim and athletically toned body as she stretches a little. Kim turns on the shower and checks the temperature of the water with a hand. Kim gets in the shower stall and washes her body clean. The hot water helps cleanse her frustrations away.
The failure of Dr Draken and Shego getting away weighs heavily on Kim's mind. She hopes to maybe one day work for the Global Justice Network. Kim respects and admires Director Betty. Capturing her adversaries would have helped that career path. Kim respects and admires the Director’s input and advice. At least she and Ron saved all the scientists, so hopefully, that will be enough. Kim’s mind, again, thinks back to Ron and Shego. She shakes her head, trying to clear her head. But instead, this time, Kim imagines it is Ron on top of her. Kim’s body reacts instantly to the daydream. Her nipples become erect, and her vagina moistens. Bringing a hand to her left breast and lightly pinching her nipple. At the same time, her right hand travels south. That hand is getting close to her honeypot. But Kim stops herself, remembering where she is—imagining having sex with her best friend? It feels so wrong. Yet the very idea. Kim quickly purges the thought from her mind. She quickly exits the shower, dries herself off using two towels, and puts on a spare black shirt to wear and a towel wrapped around her long red/orange wet hair. Kim leaves the bathroom. Her clothes and body are a little moist from the quick exit out of the bathroom. Kim being worried she may try to pleasure herself again.
“Ron! The bathroom is….”
Kim does not get to finish as Ron rushes past her. He enters the bathroom without a word to her and closes the door behind him. Kim sighs as she sits down and starts to dry her hair using the towel. Kim decides to listen to music on her phone. She hopes that will distract her from any more abnormal thoughts. After a few minutes, she pauses her playlist, realising something. In her haste to leave the bathroom, Kim forgot the torn shirt. Kim stands up and slowly walks over to the bathroom door. She lightly knocks on the door.
“Ron? Are you decent? I forgot...”
Kim stops herself from speaking any further. Kim hears a groan. Thinking Ron might be hurt; she quickly opens the bathroom door. The sight before her makes Kim stop and gasp. Ron is sitting on the lavatory with his pants around his ankles. But he is not using the toilet like one usually does. Instead, Ron’s is fisting his huge cock with one hand. While his other hand smothers Kim's torn shirt against his face as he inhales her scent deeply.
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