Story Details

That 70's Porno Pt. 04

Muhabba1 on Celebrity Stories

This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share
it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know
what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All
characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own That
70’s Show or the characters from it. Comments are always welcome and appreciated so
you should feel free to share.

Story Code: Teen, Oral, M/F, F/F, Fingering, Voyeur, Incest, Anal, Hand-job, Noncon, M/FF

That 70’s Porno Pt. 04
By Muhabba

--Wednesday Afternoon, The Formans’ Garage

"And you're sure you saw him over here?" Bob asked Kelso as they stood in front of
Red Foreman's garage. He had woken up first thing Wednesday morning and found
Donna's tall, skinny friend wandering around the neighborhood. He knew the tall, skinny
one hung out with the short, dark one and quickly cornered him asking if he knew where the
other one was. And followed him right to Red's backyard.

"I saw him here just a few minutes ago," Kelso said with a wide grin. He looked down
below one of the counters and saw Fez staring angrily up at him.

"Kelso, you bastard," Fez whispered up at his friend.

"Yep, just saw him not five minutes ago while on my way to church, sir," Kelso said
with mock innocence.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Jackie said as she and Midge walked up the

"Midge, Jackie," Bob said with a nod of his head to his wife.

Kelso didn't notice the angry glares between Midge and Bob. "Bob's looking for Fez,"
he said nonchalantly as he kicked the counter Fez was hiding under.

"Why are you looking for that nice brown boy," Midge asked innocently.

"Yeah, why are you looking for that nice brown boy," Jackie said coldly to Kelso.

"I just wanted to have a chat with him," Bob said to his wife.

"Yeah, Bob just wanted to have a chat with him," Kelso told Jackie as she crossed her
arms under her chest and he did the same as her.

The sliding glass door to the Foreman's house opened and Red walked out to the small
group loitering in his driveway. "Why are you all standing around in my backyard?" he
asked angrily.

"I was just looking for that brown boy," Bob said.

"Yeah, we were just looking for that brown boy," Kelso agreed.

Midge waved her hand dismissively at her husband. "They were looking for that nice
boy Fez," she told Red.

"Yeah, they were looking for Fez," Jackie agreed.

Red glared angrily at everyone standing in his driveway. He had his back to the
garage along with Bob and Kelso and they all missed Fez crawling out from under the work
bench. Midge and Jackie saw the scared young man making his way as quickly as he could
to Eric's Vista Cruiser.

"And why are you looking for him in my garage?" Red asked angrily.

"Why are you looking for him here?" Midge asked her husband, crossing her arms
under her large breasts.

"Yeah, Michael, why are you looking for him here?" Jackie asked as well.

Bob nodded towards the tall, skinny boy. "He says he saw him hiding here a little
while ago," he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, I saw him hiding here a little while ago," Kelso said as he smirked back at Jackie
without really knowing why but since Bob was doing it to Midge he was going to do it to

Jackie kept an eye on Fez as he crawled across the driveway to the safety of the Vista
Cruiser. Red began turning around and would have caught her friend if she didn't try and
distract the older, angry man. "And where exactly did you think you saw him?" she asked
Kelso. Red turned in the other direction towards Kelso and away from where Fez was.

Kelso smirked at Jackie. "Somewhere around here," he said and kicked the counter
where he thought Fez still was. The legs of the counter buckled and dumped the entire
contents down loudly on the floor of the garage. He stood stock still, refusing to look at
the giant mess coming to rest around him. Maybe if he didn't see the mess then the mess
didn't happen.

Red waited until the last item fell off the counter, a hubcap, and then watched as it
rolled between Bob and Kelso and finally came to a rest. He looked from the hubcap to
Bob and Kelso and stared angrily at them as he crossed his arms. Suddenly he smiled.
"So, whose ass wants to meet my foot first?" he asked them.

Jackie held her hand over her mouth trying to stifle her giggles as Midge looked
worriedly from Red to Bob and back again. Kelso was still refusing to look at any one thing
or person. "Oh Bob," she gasped.

Hiding on his hands and knees behind the cruiser, Fez's eyes were wide in shock at the
mess on the ground. There was no where to go, all routes out of the driveway blocked off.
But maybe there was a place he could hide. Reaching up he opened the door to the back
of the Vista Cruiser and snuck inside, closing the door as quietly as he could behind him.

"Now, Red..." Bob started.

"Yes, Bob," Red smiled back.

"Now, Red..." Midge started.

"Yes, Midge," Red said as he used the same smile on her that he was using to scare
Bob and Kelso.

"...I don't think violence is the answer here," Midge finished.

"Yeah, Mr. Foreman," Jackie quickly agreed, hoping that Red didn't use that smile on
her, "Violence isn't the answer."

"So what is the answer?" Red asked as he glared at the two women.

Midge looked at Jackie for help, shrugging her shoulders as she tried to think of a

Jackie shrugged her shoulders back at Midge. She had no idea. "Maybe... maybe
the, I don't know, the opposite of violence," she offered.

Red threw his hands up in frustration. "And what the hell is that?" he asked angrily.

Both Midge and Jackie shrugged at each other again before looking back at Red.
"This, I guess," Midge said.

*Boom chick bow wow*

Midge took a step forward and wrapped her arms around Red's neck, pressing her
body against his. She slid her tongue into his mouth as she rubbed her chest against his.
Jackie took a look at Midge and Red, then at Bob and Kelso watching in stunned silence, and
the back at Midge and Red again before shrugging her shoulders. She walked up, pressing
her body against both Midge and Red before sliding her tongue into Midge's mouth. She
kissed the older woman and then kissed the older man rubbing her body against them both.

Bob looked from the kissing 3-some to Kelso and back again. "Uh, Midge," he tried
to interrupt.

"Jackie?" Kelso gasped.

Red broke the 3-way kiss and looked over his shoulder at Bob and Kelso. "You have
until we're done to clean up this mess or my foot is going up both of your asses," he ordered
sternly before turning back to Midge and Jackie. Midge slid her tongue back into his mouth
as Jackie kissed down his body until she was on her knees in front of him. He cupped the
back of the younger girl's head with one hand as his other hand slid down to cup the older
woman's ass. He squeezed the blonde's taunt rear-end firmly, his fingers dipping between
her cheeks and causing her to moan into his mouth as the brunette girl began unzipping his

As Jackie fished Red's slowly hardening cock out of his pants, she spied Fez looking at
her and Midge from inside the Vista Cruiser. It was one thing to fuck somebody to help out
a friend but it was another to have that friend watch her do it. She glared at him and tried
to project her thoughts at him, ordering him to stop spying on her but he stayed right where
he was, watching her with wide, excited eyes as she fisted Foreman's father's cock. His
thick meat quickly filled her hand and she looked back at it, surprised by his size as it inflated
like a balloon, her fingers barely fitting around it's girth. His cock-head turned an angry
shade of purple and throbbed incessantly in her hand, demanding her attention. He had
the exact cock she would figured an angry old man to have and she was kind of surprised.
"Lucky you, Mrs. Foreman," she said to herself before opening her mouth and taking the tip
of his prick between her moist, pink lips.

Midge groaned into Red's mouth as he kissed her deeply and ran his fingers over her
denim covered pussy. She was amazed by how good of a kisser the angry man was and
thought to herself, "Lucky you, Kitty." She had always figured Red must have something
going for him to get and keep a woman like Kitty and she guessed that he must have ways of
channeling his usual anger into something else. And as he stroked her and kissed her
forcibly she guessed that he channeled it into sex. She had figured she’d throw herself at
him just to keep Bob and Donna's handsome friend from getting in trouble but now she was
actually getting excited.

Taking only the first few inches of Red in her mouth, Jackie swirled her tongue around
his bulbous cock-head as she sucked him, her cheeks hollowing as she rocked her head back
and forth. From the corner of her eye she could see Midge starting to get down on her
knees next to her so she released Mr. Foreman from her mouth, licking down one side of his
shaft and up the other as the blonde haired woman got on her knees. She then stood up
on her feet, pressing her slender body against the older, angrier man, rubbing up against
him as she stood up on her tip-toes to kiss him. She moaned into his mouth as he ran his
tongue past her lips, kissing her forcefully and passionately. She always figured Red
Foreman would be pretty good in the sack otherwise why would Mrs. Foreman put up with

Fishing Red's boated balls out of his pants, Midge used one hand to massage the large
orbs and her other hand to jerk his throbbing shaft. She bent below his pole and used her
tongue to draw one of his testicles into her mouth, sucking and licking it as she fisted his
thick shaft. She let him pop out of him mouth and then took his other ball into her mouth,
moaning pleasantly as she massaged him with her mouth. He rocked his hips back and
forth, fucking her fist as she tongued his balls, coating his entire scrotum in her warm saliva.
She ran her moist tongue along his shaft, circling his tip with her mouth before licking down
the underside of him.

Bob slowly turned his head from the scene of Midge and Jackie giving Red a blow-job
to Kelso watching Midge and Jackie giving Red a blow-job and then slowly back to the scene
of Midge and Jackie giving Red a blow-job. "Midge, what the hell?" he gasped.

"Yeah, Jackie, what the hell?" Kelso agreed.

Red turned his head to look over his shoulder at Bob and Kelso watching him with
stunned amazement. "Less talking, more working," he ordered before turning back to the
two women. He went back to kissing Jackie, actually amazed at how quiet she was being,
usually she never stopped talking but apparently she used the energy normally reserved for
talking for sex and couldn't do both at the same time. He cupped the back of Midge's head
with one hand as she took the tip of his dick into her mouth and slid his hand down the
other girl's body to her tight little ass. He squeezed her rear-end firmly, his fingertips
sliding between her cheeks exactly like he had done with the older woman and was
rewarded as the teenage girl moaned lustfully into his mouth.

Jackie pulled her top up under her arm pits and then yanked the cups of her bra down,
freeing her small, firm breasts. Her nipples were already hard with desire and she pulled
Red's head down to her chest. He kept a firm hold of her ass, his fingertips digging against
her covered pussy and she squealed in glee as Mr. Foreman used his grip to pull her up even
farther. His mouth immediately latched onto one of her sizzling nipples, attacking it with
his tongue. He sucked hard, even more forcibly than he had kissed her, nearly taking her
entire small tits into her mouth.

Bobbing her head back and forth, Midge took half of Red's cock into her mouth, her
tongue massaging him as his shaft slid back and forth over her tongue. She kept a firm
hold on the base of his shaft, jacking him off into her mouth, her lips meeting her fist while
she squeezed his dangling balls. She moaned around his girth sending vibrations across his
sensitive skin as he fucked her mouth, slowly moving faster and faster in and out of her

"Way to go, Red," Fez whispered as he watched Midge and Jackie distracting him. He
could probably just walk out of the cruiser and stroll out of the backyard without anybody
paying attention to him but despite the need for safety away from Bob and the despite the
stifling heat inside the car, there was no way he was going to miss this.

Breaking her kiss with Red, Jackie began sliding down his body to get on her knees in
front of him. She pulled his prick out of Midge's mouth and kissed the older woman, their
tongues caressing each other before the blonde woman began getting to her feet. Jackie
eagerly took the older man's cock back into her mouth, sucking hungrily at it as she wrapped
one delicate fist around the base and grabbed onto his large sack with her other hand. She
released her hold on him as she bobbed back and forth, drool slipping from the corner of her
mouth as she pulled her bra down further below her small tits. She raised herself up and
thrust her chest out as she pulled his prick out of her mouth and rubbed the wet head
around both of her hard, aching nipples.

When she stood up straight, Midge quickly whipped her top off completely, revealing
her large, braless tits. She thrust her chest out and saw Red smile hungrily at her before he
wrapped his arms around her and dragged her tits to his hungry mouth. He practically
attacked her firm tits, nearly growling as he nibbled, licked, and sucked at her breasts. She
wrapped her arms around his bald head, holding him to her as she squealed out girlishly at
what he was doing. His hands slid down her bare back, squeezing her ass, holding her to
him and she began grinding her hot pussy against his thigh, humping his leg like a horny

Jackie took a deep breath through her nose, the tip of Red's cock still in her mouth
with her lips stretched tightly around it. With her lungs full she sucked as hard as she could
and tried to deep-throat Mr. Foreman's angry prick. With her mouth stretched so tightly
around his girth she was only able to take just over half his length, the throbbing tip
bumping against the back of her mouth. He rocked his hips forward and back, fucking her
teenage mouth, her young pussy echoing in desire. Growing hornier and hornier she
pulled Red's dick out of her mouth with a loud, wet pop and jumped up to her feet next to
him and Midge. She took a hello suck at one of the older woman's large, firm breasts
before turning around to face the Vista Cruiser. She hurriedly unfastened her pants and
yanked them down her slender thighs, thrusting her ass back towards the horny couple.
Her small, firm tits were pressed against the glass of the rear of the car, unknowingly right in
front of Fez's face.

"Oh how nice," Fez said happily as he stared at Jackie's tits. He immediately began
licking the window like a puppy, a quarter of a inch of glass separating his tongue and her

Red caught a look at Jackie from the corner of his eye as the teenage girl peeled her
panties down, baring her tight ass and her wet, gooey pussy-lips. He smiled wickedly at the
sight and pulled himself away from Midge's tits, drawing her attention to the young girl as

"Oh, let me, Red," Midge said. She bent down at the waist and placed her hands on
Jackie's tight ass, spreading the young girl's cheeks to expose the puckered entrance to the
girl's ass and her dripping pussy-lips. She licked up from the brunette's hard little clit up to
her asshole and caused Jackie to shiver and coo in pleasure. She slid her tongue between
the girl's dewy labia, gathering her tart juices on her wiggling tongue.

"Heh," Red chuckled as he took a moment to admire Midge's upturned rear-end. He
slid his hands over the material of her pants stretched tightly over her shapely ass and then
looked over at Bob and Kelso. "Are you two dumb-asses finished cleaning up your mess
yet?" he asked sarcastically as he unfastened his blonde neighbor's slacks and began tugging
them down over her hips. He pulled her panties to the side and placed his hard, throbbing
prick at the entrance to her hot, wet cunt, slipping his head just inside before gripping on to
her hips. He slid another inch of himself inside of her to steady himself before bucking
forward, slamming forward and burying himself to the hilt inside of her.

"Fuuuucccckkkk!" Jackie squealed as she came. As Midge was rocked forward by Red
she screamed in pleasure into Jackie's cunt, burying her tongue inside the small girl and
sending her over the edge. The talkative teen's pussy clamped down on the older woman's
tongue as she came, her juices gushing out and dripping down to the pavement of the

Fez stared in wide-eyed wonder at the sight of Jackie cumming, the window foggy with
the combination of his saliva and panting breath. Her small tits and face were pressed flat
against the glass, her dainty hands balled into fists as she rode out her orgasm.

Midge grunted into Jackie's pussy with every thrust of Red's hard, angry cock, her
large tits wobbling wildly below her as he pumped deep and hard into her. Her spasming
pussy gripped her neighbor's dick as her orgasm continued rolling through her body, her
tongue shoved deep into Jackie's gushing cunt.

Amazed, Bob watched Red get his wife off quicker than he'd ever seen anybody do it
before and they'd been to dozen of swapping parties. He looked over at Kelso and saw the
same look of wonder on the kid's face and guessed that he'd never seen his girlfriend get off
that quickly before either. Thank god Red had never taken him up on his offer to swap

"Okay, you two, turn around," Red ordered. Behind him Bob and Kelso obediently
switched places not realizing that he wasn't talking to them. Jackie and Midge stood up on
shaken legs and moved around, the older woman bracing herself against the Vista Cruiser
and the younger girl standing behind her. The blonde braced herself against the car, not
seeing Fez staring up at her, as the brunette slid her hands over her hips.

Jackie quickly pulled Midge's panties down her shapely thighs before bending down at
the waist, using her hands to spread the older woman's round ass-cheeks and thrusting her
ass back at Red. She shivered in anticipation as the older man gripped her slender hips and
felt the tip of his prick nuzzle against her lust swollen labia as she ran her tongue between
Midge's pussy-lips. Her anticipation was heightened by the fact that most of Eric's friends
were slightly scared of his dad and as he slowly pushed himself inside of her she found
herself holding more tightly to the Foremans' neighbor, sliding her tongue deeply inside of
the older woman.

Once again, Fez eagerly began licking at the cruiser's rear window as Midge's large tits
rubbed against it.

Unlike with Midge, Red pushed himself slowly into the teenage girl's hot, tight, wet
cunt. He enjoyed the keening sound she was making as he filled her and she eagerly licked
at Midge's pussy. As he finally bottomed out inside of her he slid his hands from her
slender waist to her small tits, squeezing them roughly as he pulled himself out of her
slightly before once again slowly filling her. He set up a strong, deep pace, rolling her hard
nipples between his fingertips as he rocked back and forth, fucking her a slow inch at a time.

"Ohhh yessss..." Midge groaned as she rolled her hips back against Jackie's face,
fucking back against the teen girl's tongue. The glass of the cruiser was strangely warm and
she rubbed her large breasts against the window, her hard nipples sliding against the
smooth glass as the younger girl kept shoving her tongue deep inside of her drooling pussy.
She arched her back, rolling her hips up as high as possible to get as much of the teen's
tongue inside of her as she could, another orgasm already rising up inside of her body.

"Uh, uh, uh..." Jackie grunted as Red fucked her faster and deeper. His hard prick
parted the tight walls of her pussy again and again, filling her over and over as he played
squeezed her small tits. The cheerleader rolled her tongue into a tube, fucking Midge's
pussy as Mr. Foreman fucked her, rocking her body back and forth. The older man angled
his cock down, the top of his prick rubbing against her G-spot, sending her over the edge to
another orgasm and causing her to cry out in lust into Midge's gushing cunt as she came.

"Yessss...!" Midge cried as she came, her long legs trembling as her orgasm rolled
through her. Her eyes shot open and she saw through the window of the cruiser Donna's
little brown friend staring up at her through the glass as she rode out her orgasm.

When Red was sure that both of the women were coming down off of their orgasms
he pulled his prick out of Jackie and stood back for a moment to admire his handiwork. He
stepped forward, grabbing both woman and guiding them to their knees in front of him as
he gripped the base of his throbbing tool. Jackie and Midge both opened their mouths and
stuck their tongues out as he fisted his cock, his prick erupting over them and his thick cum
raining down on their face and in their mouths. He drained every drop and watched them
both as they licked his cum from one another's faces before tucking himself back into his
pants and facing Bob and Kelso.

"I thought I told both of you I wanted this garage cleaned by the time I finished," Red
said angrily.

"Right, right, sorry, Red," Bob stammered before hurriedly starting to clean.

"Sorry, Mr. Foreman," Kelso said before joining Bob in picking things up off of the

"And you two," Red said as he turned back to Midge and Jackie, "Keep these to out of
my driveway." Sure that everybody would do exactly what he said he turned around and
stormed back into his house as Bob and Kelso cleaned and Midge and Jackie got dressed


Lori passed her father as he came into the kitchen through their sliding glass door.
"Hi, daddy," she said cheerfully.

"Hello, sweetie," Red said before giving his daughter a kiss on the head.

"I don't suppose you've seen Kelso running around," she asked as nonchalantly as

Red rolled his eyes in frustration. "Lori, what have I told you about hanging around
with that moron. He'll get you in trouble," he warned her with a wag of his finger.

"Oh, daddy, you're so protective," she said sweetly.

"I just worry about you, honey," he said with another kiss on her forehead.

"Is he outside? I thought I saw his van from my bedroom window," she asked as she
tried to look over her father's shoulder.

"He's cleaning the garage with Bob," Red told his daughter, "So leave him alone until
he's done. I'm going to take a nap."

"Yes, daddy," Lori said obediently. She waited for her father to walk out and then
immediately walked outside. In the garage was Kelso and Mr. Pinciotti cleaning with Jackie
and Mrs. Pinciotti watching. She grinned wickedly behind the girls' backs and waved over
their heads. She continued waving until she got Kelso's attention and he tried to see her
from around Jackie without his girlfriend noticing. In a flash she yanked her shirt up to
show the tall boy her small, firm, braless tits. She jiggled them back and forth, enticing the
teenage boy, not noticing Fez hiding in the Vista Cruiser beside her.

Kelso stumbled and dropped the hubcap he was holding as Lori cupped her tits and
juggled them up and down. She licked her lips enticingly as she pinched her nipples to full
hardness before running her hands up and down her exposed skin. She walked backwards
to his van and quietly opened the side door. She crawled in, her ass out-thrust and then
closed the door just as quietly as she had opened it.

"Michael, what are you looking at?" Jackie demanded. She looked over her shoulder
and then back at her boyfriend.

"No... nothing," Kelso said as he quickly grabbed the hubcap and stood back up. He
began cleaning again while Jackie stared at him suspiciously. The sliding glass door opened
and she waved as Hyde came out. "Hi, Steven," she said.

"Hey, guys," Hyde said with a nod towards Kelso and Jackie, "Red said you're all
making to much noise and you need to vamoose."

"Is he hungry?" Midge asked.

"It means 'leave', honey," Bob told his wife.

Midge shrugged her shoulders, "Oh. Well that's good, I don't think they even sell
goose at the grocery story but I could make some chicken for lunch."

At the mention of food, Kelso forgot all about Lori. "I love fried chicken," he said

"We are not having chicken, Michael," Jackie said sternly as she crossed her arms
below her small breasts, "We're going to have a conversation about exactly where are
relationship is."

"Againnnn?" Kelso whined.

Midge's eyes lit up. "What a coincidence. Bob and I were going to talk about our
relationship too," she said happily.

"I'd like some fried chicken," Bob offered hoping that by the time the chicken was
ready Midge would have forgotten about having a talk.

Jackie shrugged noncommittally. "I suppose I could have some chicken," she finally
chimed in.

"Let's go," Midge said before turning back to Steven. "Would you like some
chicken?" she asked.

Hyde thought about Red taking a nap and leaving his beer in the fridge. "Nah, I just
ate," he said as happily as he could to Mrs. Pinciotti before sarcastically saying, "But you kids
have fun."

"We will," Midge said before motioning to the others. They all began following her
as she made out a shopping list, "We'll just need some chicken and some stuff to fry it in,
and mashed potatoes and some potatoes to mash, and..."

Hyde waved as the group left and turned around to raid Red's fridge before hearing a
small, strange moan coming from Kelso's van. He walked over and opened the side door,
his eyes going wide as he saw Lori, completely naked, masturbating on the floor of the van.
She was sitting on her side, one leg at an angle giving him a perfect view between her spread
legs. One of her hands was palming and massaging one of her tits while her other hand
played between her legs. She slid two fingers in and out of her glistening cunt while her
thumb circled her clit. He had to admit, despite how much he hated Foreman's sister, she
was hot. He smirked to himself as he watched, letting her continue, waiting for her to

Lori groaned out as she buried her fingers as deep inside of her as she could, her
thumbed pressed against her sizzling clit. She pinched her nipple and rolled it between her
fingertips, gasping out in pleasure. Rolling her hips up to meet her hand she bit her lower
lip as she moaned out, thrusting her chest into her other hand and palming her tit. She
heard the van door open but her eyes were closed as she concentrated on what she was
doing to her, completely confident that she was giving Kelso a great show. "Ohhh, Kelso,"
she groaned passionately.

"Hey, Lori," Hyde smirked.

Suddenly Lori's eyes shot open. "Hyde!" she shouted angrily.

With a flash of inspiration, Hyde reached in and grabbed Lori's discarded clothes.
"Later," he said before closing the door and running away.

"Hyde!" Lori screamed, "I'll kill you!"

A few moments of quiet went by before Fez decided it was safe to come out. He
closed the door to the Vista Cruiser and strolled over to Kelso's van. He opened the door
and gazed upon Foreman's naked sister. "Hello, Lori," he said plainly.

"Fez!" Lori shouted before punching Fez in the nose knocking him back several feet.
As he held his nose protectively she slid out of the van and stomped into the house
completely naked.

"Bye, Lori," Fez said, his voice slightly strangled between his accent and his swelling


One day the movie Star Wars was going to be a cultural phenomenon but as of right
now Eric had to drag his girlfriend with him to go see it again. And since Donna didn’t want
to suffer alone she dragged Jackie with her. And refusing to concede that her relationship
with Michael wasn't as sold as Donna’s, Jackie dragged Kelso with him. And not wanting to
have to put up with Jackie glaring angrily at him through the whole movie alone, Kelso
dragged Fez with him promising to buy him a bag of candy. And since he had nothing
better to do Hyde decided to go as well.

After buying his and Donna’s tickets and sneaking Hyde in through the back door, Eric
chose his and Donna’s seats and groaned in frustration as their friends took up the rest of
the row. “Come on, guys, a little privacy,” he said.

Hyde pretended to look around at the nearly empty theatre before pulling a sandwich
out of his back pocket. “Looks pretty private to me, Forman,” he joked causing Donna to

“Whatever,” Eric grumbled as he sat down next to Donna. She snuggled up against
him and began waiting for the movie to start as Jackie and Kelso began arguing through
harsh whispers and Fez, oblivious to being one of several 3rd wheels, ate his bag of candy.

With her head placed lovingly against Eric’s small chest, Donna’s eyes kept being
drawn to Hyde and, more importantly, his sandwich. “I could actually go for some
popcorn,” she whispered up at her boyfriend.

“But… the movie,” Eric complained.

Donna slid her hand up Eric’s slender thigh to just below the crotch of his jeans and
tried to hide a giggle as his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “I’d really appreciate it,”
she whispered breathlessly.

Eric immediately jumped up from his seat. “One popcorn coming right up!” Eric said

Watching Donna and Eric, Jackie cuddled up to Michael. “You know, I’m hungry too,”
she said sweetly.

Kelso leaned over towards Hyde. “Hey, Hyde, can Jackie have a bite of your
sandwich?” he asked.

Jackie huffed in anger before slapping Michael on his shoulder. “No, stupid!” she
growled angrily, “Go get me some popcorn.”

“Fine, okay, ow,” Kelso said as Jackie pushed him to his feet. “C’mon,” he told Fez.

“No thank you. I’m fine,” Fez said sweetly as he ate another handful of candy.

“C’mon,” Kelso said as he grabbed Fez under his arm, “You know I get lost easy.”

“Oh, Kelso, whatever will I do with you,” Fez practically cooed as he followed his

Hyde took a look at his sandwich before wrapping it back up. “This could use some
mayo,” he mumbled to himself before following the small group. “Hey, Forman, wait up,”
he called out as he left the theater.

A few minutes later the theater turned dark just as the group of teenage boys got

“Man, I can't see a thing,” Eric complained as he looked around.

Kelso nudged Fez in the ribs with a entirely self-satisfied smile. “Watch this,” he
whispered to the smaller boy before turning towards Foreman. “Don't worry, Eric. I
know where they are,” he said proudly. “Sit where I tell you,” he whispered to Fez before
leading the group down to where the girls were. As he fussed around pointing out where
everybody was supposed to sit he received several angry hushes from the few other people
in the theater.

“You shush, dill holes,” Donna said angrily to the other people in the theater and they
immediately quieted back down just as the movie started and the boys took their seats.

With Kelso moving everybody around in the dark he was now seated where Eric had
been followed by Donna with Eric on her other side. Next to Eric was Fez with Jackie next
and then Hyde in the seat he’d had before they had all left. He smirked behind Donna’s
head at Fez who smirked back, each one with a tub of popcorn in their laps. Before the
opening of the movie was finished they both tore holes in the bottom of their paper tubs
and then carefully, without the girls noticing, opened their jeans and pulled their pricks out,
sliding them up through the holes in the popcorn. As they started watching the movie, the
girls began reaching into the popcorn completely unaware of the surprises Kelso had

*Boom chica bow wow*

Not realizing that the boys had changed places, Donna snuggled up to Kelso’s chest,
not noticing the difference between his chest and Eric’s. She reached into the popcorn tub
and her fingers bumped into something strange. She tested it with her hand wondering
what it was until she wrapped her talented fingers around it. “Eric, I meant I’d appreciate
you when we got home,” she whispered with a girlish giggle as she slowly began tugging on
the hard prick in her hand.

Kelso smiled wide in the dark theater as Donna began jerking him off.

As oblivious as Donna was, Jackie reached into the popcorn tub but unlike Donna she
immediately recognized what was in there. “Michael, I told you to stop doing that,” she
grumbled even though she automatically began wrapping her fingers around the stiff pole
she had found, “We’ve been kicked out of two other movie theaters for this.”

Fez remained silent as he smiled just as wide as Kelso while Jackie jerked him off in the
middle of the movie theater.

Using the melted butter to ease her along, Donna gripped Kelso’s prick firmly,
squeezing him as her hands slid up and down his shaft. As she reached his tip she slipped
her palm around the top before sliding her fingers back down to the base. She squeezed
the bottom of the hard, throbbing pole as she rubbed her thumb up along the big vein
running along the bottom, swirling her thumb around the plump little nugget just below the
helmet and then starting all over again. With her free hand she grabbed his hand around
her shoulder and brought it down to her spectacular chest and let him play with her firm,
plump tits.

Jackie's hand pumped Fez’s prick with all the passion of a robot arm. She had jerked
Michael off so many times it was almost automatic. She opened her blouse before
grabbing one of his hands and sliding it beneath her top letting him paw at her small, firm
tits. When her hand reached the bottom of the hard shaft she would ripple her finger like
a farmer milking a cow before sliding her hand up, squeezing his cock-head slightly before
sliding her hand back down.

Hyde had noticed the strange noises coming from off to his side but was to busy with
his sandwich to care but after finishing it he looked down the aisle. Foreman was way to
into the movie to notice but as far as Hyde could see, Donna was jerking off Kelso while
Jackie was jerking off Fez. Suddenly Kelso making such a big deal about where everybody
should sit made since. He thought about telling Eric and the girls what was going on but
decided against it. Sure, it’d be funny to see the looks of disappointment on Kelso and
Fez’s faces to get interrupted mid-stroke but with the lights out he wouldn't be able to see it
as well as when the lights came back on after the movie.

Donna’s hand pumped up and down faster as she heard Kelso groaning beside her.
She gripped his shaft as hard as she could, squeezing him so tightly that without the slick
butter she was sure he’d scream out in pain. “You like that?” she whispered up at him,
“Does that feel good?” She heard him groan out an answer as she continued and felt the
soft head of his prick throbbing in excitement.

Kelso’s eyes rolled up in the back of his head as he fought off his approaching orgasm.
Donna was wayyyy better at this than Jackie. He squeezed her amazing tits with both
hands through her clothes, rolling his thumbs over her hard nipples causing her to moan out
with him. Unlike Jackie she wouldn't let him inside of her shirt but that was okay with him
since the tall red-head was way better with her hand. Maybe not as good as Lori but
definitely better than Jackie.

“Are you about done yet?” Jackie asked with a harsh whisper. Her hand pumped fast
up and down on Fez’s member and she was worried about what the butter in the popcorn
was doing to her nail polish. He had pulled the cups of her bra down and was twisting her
hard nipples like radio dials which was causing her to squeak out in pain off and on.
Usually he’d have her panting in pleasure about now but he seemed off of his game tonight.
Granted with the way he was acting lately he hadn't had much practice with her and she
fumed thinking that he was probably doing to her everything that skank Lori had taught him.
Now she was going to have to retrain him all over again.

Fez sat stock still as Jackie fisted his prick, her dainty hand pumping up and down his
shaft just the way he usually did it after math class in the school bathroom. His eyes
started to cross as he felt his balls tingling and fought back the urge to cum to soon.

Pushing her large chest further into Kelso’s hands, Donna groaned in pleasure as she
nuzzled and nibbled on his neck. She was glad to see all of her training with Eric was paying
off, much more of this and she might just jump him here in the middle of the theater. As
her hand tugged and massaged his hard, throbbing cock she began to wonder if anybody
would notice if she leaned over and finished him off with a blow-job. As she groaned out in
pleasure an angry shush came from the row behind them. “You shush!” she whispered
angrily over her shoulder.

“Yeah, you shush,” Kelso agreed. He realized his mistake a moment before Donna’s
head whipped around and stared at him. He smiled at her as her eyes flashed in anger.
“You're not Jackie,” he said as innocently as possible while trying to make like everything
was just a giant mistake.

Having heard Michael’s voice, Jackie peered over at Fez, her dainty hand slowly
squeezing harder and harder on his prick as her eyes turned dark and angry.

“Candy?” Fez offered hopefully as he held his bag out to Jackie.

After screams and fists of anger got the group thrown out of the movie theater, Eric
drive off with Donna, Jackie, and Hyde as Fez and Kelso stood helplessly along the side of the

“Well how do you like that?” Kelso asked, perplexed as to why his friends were so mad
at him for one little hand-job.

Fez looked back towards the movie theater and pouted, “I left my candy.”

To be continued…



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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