Story Details

Lab Breeding

km7719 1334 days ago on Bizarre Stories

Ellen walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She poured herself a cup of coffee and looked out the back windows. It was a beautiful summer day, a perfect day for a hike. Maybe if she could get her husband away from his “lab experiment”, they could actually do something like normal people do. She made some toast and grabbing her coffee she went to find her husband. She knew where he was of course, he was always in their special lab. Viewing his prized specimen. She walked over and unlocked the multiple locks on the heavy steel door. She pulled it open and walked into the lab, making sure to pull the door closed behind her and relock those multiple locks.
Her husband was sitting at a small desk over by the viewing window. The window was full length, from floor to ceiling. It was made of special 3 inch thick glass, and it could be smoked or cleared for viewing. This morning it was smoked, so he could see but not be seen by the specimen on the other side.
“Morning Hon,” she said as she took a sip of her coffee and walked over to his desk. “How’s our boy doing today?”
He looked up and smiled. “Hi Babe… He’s doing ok but seems a bit down. I think he’s ready for another try, if you get my drift,” he told her.
Ellen set her coffee and the desk and looked through the glass. On the other side, laying in a bed of straw and hay was a creature. A massive beast; 8 feet tall and 400 pounds. He was hairy from head to toe but had features that looked strangely human. The locals, especially the local tribes had names for him. Bigfoot… Sasquatch. They almost seemed insulting names. Especially since she had herself seen how intelligent the creature actually was; much closer to humans than anyone thought. They had done what nobody else had been able to do. Actually capture one and bring him back to be observed at their special lab. Ellen felt bad about that really. This creature was magnificent, and he deserved to be free and wandering the forests and mountains where he belonged.
“So, you’re saying he’s horny again, right?” Ellen asked your husband.
“Yep… Appears so!” her husband replied. “You know how he acts when he gets that way. Mopes around and doesn’t eat… He has only one thing on his mind!”
Ellen picked up her coffee and took a sip while looking at the creature. “Yeah well… We don’t have anyone lined up for him at the moment.” She told her husband. “And I feel like a monster sending those women and girls in… You know they can’t survive it. He’s just too fucking big!”
“It’s in the name of science Babe,” he told her. “We’ve been careful. The ones we’ve selected won’t be missed. Sleeping on the streets… Prostitution… Eating from garbage. We didn’t make them that way… They made themselves that way!”
“Yeah…. But who said we have the right to sentence them to death? And that’s what we’re doing by sending them in there!” she objected.
“Babe!” he said a little frustrated. “Think how important this would be if he could really breed with a human? We could create a super powerful race with his size and strength and human intelligence!”
“Then do it artificial!” she said to him. “You know none of them have been able to survive his fucking them!”
“We’ve tried! You know that!” he said with a touch of anger in his voice. “We’ve done all the tests and they are so similar to us that breeding should be possible! But none of the tests with artificial insemination have worked! It has to happen naturally!”
“Then maybe it’s not meant to work!” Ellen said. “We can’t breed what’s not supposed to be bred!”
“You’ve heard the stories from the tribes,” he followed. “Women adducted by these beasts and carried off to be mated. And some have survived! Some have produced offspring! The tribes have seen them. A hybrid super species!”
“Just stories from a superstitious people!” Ellen snapped. “Just stories!” Ellen grabbed her coffee and started to walk away. There were both getting mad and there was no sense in having this fight over and over again! “We should go out hiking today? It’s a beautiful day!” she told her husband.
“No, I have too much work to do,” he said without even looking up.
“Fuck your work!” Ellen snapped. She no longer tried to restrain her anger. She had reached a boiling point.
“Stop it Ellen!” he said with a bit of a warning in his voice.
“One of these days… I’m going to unlock his door and set him free when you are sleeping!” she snapped at him. “He doesn’t belong here! He should be free! And we don’t have a right killing those girls and women!”
He looked at her coldly. “Don’t try that, Ellen! Don’t! I’m warning you!”
“Are you threatening me?” she snapped at him. “You fucking asshole! I should call the Cops and have your ass locked up! I don’t even care if they lock me up too! I deserve it!” They stood and stared at each other coldly. Anger was in the air but something even more. “Either you turn him loose or I’ll turn you in!” she yelled. “We aren’t throwing him anymore girls to kill with his massive dick!” Ellen looked at him coldly. “Now! I’m warning you!” she yelled. She then turned, unlocked the door, and stormed out.
Ellen walked into the kitchen. She slammed the door but didn’t even bother to lock it. She seriously thought about grabbing her phone and calling the Cops. This had to end. This “experiment” that seemed so important and good at one time had gone horribly wrong and it needed to end.
She walked outside into the morning sun. The dew in the grass felt good on her bare feet. Fuck him! She was going to go shower and then take a hike! Fuck him! She was going to hike and come back and unlock that fucking door and set that creature free! She wasn’t going to throw another terrified girl to something way too big for her! It was over. Yes, it was over! She’d go shower and then take a hike. She’d come back and wait until her husband dozed off. He did that. Worked until he literally passed out for a couple of hours. Then, she’d unlock that door and watch the creature run back into the woods where he belonged. Then, she’d get in her car and leave too. This was over!
Ellen walked back into the house and right past the door leading to the lab. She walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. She took time to flip on her radio. Music made her feel better and soothed her anger. Walking to the end of the bed, she stopped and started pulling off her clothes and tossing them into the laundry basket. Fully naked, she turned around and screamed!
Her husband was there, right behind her. He rushed her and knocked her down on the bed. Instantly, he was on top of her, pinning her arms down with his legs. Ellen struggled and tried to scream but her husband pulled a rag from his back pocket and pressed it over her face. Her legs kicked frantically for a few moments and then went limp. He pulled the rag off her face and brushed her hair back. Her eyes were glassy, but she wasn’t dead. Just passed out. “Sorry Babe,” he told her. “But you can’t fuck with this experiment! It’s just too important!”

Ellen woke up dazed on a cot. At first, she didn’t know where she was but then she realized she was in her husband’s lab. She sat up. She was totally naked and a little disoriented. She got up and walked to the heavy steel door on wobbly legs. Ellen tried to turn the locks but none of them would now turn. Taking her fists, she pounded on the door and screamed. “Let me out Mark! Let me the fuck out of here now!”
Her husband’s voice came on the intercom. “Sorry Babe… But I can’t let you just fuck up this experiment!” he told her. “This is just too important! Just relax and it will go better for you!”
Ellen screamed and pounded on the door with her fists. She started screaming at her husband to let her out! She cussed him with every word she knew. She beat the heavy door with her fists. That’s when she turned and looked at the glass window. The window that was usually smoked so they could see the creature and not be seen by him, was clearing. Her heart pounded in her chest; her eyes bulged. Suddenly, not only could she see the creature, but the creature could see her!
The creature stood up and walked to the glass. They were separated only a couple of feet apart by three inches of glass. Its massive eight- foot body towered over her own 5’4” body. Ellen looked up at the creature terrified and backed against the steel door. Then she looked down and her eyes got as big as softballs. She watched a massive penis grow hard and fully erect in front of her eyes. It was at 18 to 20 inches long and at least 4 inches thick. It had a massive, rounded head that bulged and started oozing.
The creature looked at her and growled or shrieked or something. It pounded massive fists against the glass. The entire lab seemed to shake. It pounded and screamed… Pounded and screamed. Ellen screamed! Then a crack appeared in the glass. Ellen watched in horror as it travelled to both top and bottom of the window pain. The creature pounded again, and the glass exploded!
Ellen pushed herself away from the door and tried to run, even though there was nowhere to run. A massive furry hand tripped her, and she fell to the floor. She looked up kicking and screaming as the creature reached for her. It grabbed her ankle. Ellen rolled over and tried to grab hold of furniture, but her body was ripped away. Her fingernails clawed at the floor as she was dragged helplessly towards the creature’s lair. All she could do was scream hysterically… “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO !!!!!!!!!!!”

He sat at a small desk by a newly replaced window in the lab taking notes. The young woman walked into the lab. She wore a white coat and glasses. She was mid 20s and a little chubby but pretty.
“He’s amazing!” she told the man at the desk. “I know it’s not my business, but I can’t understand why your wife just got up and left like she did!”
“Well, she was never really cut out of this kind of work,” he told her.
“That’s too bad!” the young woman said. “I think this is amazing! I think he is amazing!” she said looking at the creature through the smoked glass.
“Yes, he is!” the man said. He got up and walked over to the woman and stood next to her by the glass. He slipped his arm around her waist. “And I can tell he really likes you,” he told her. “And I suspect that someday that you and him will connect…”


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