Story Details

The Master Penguin Story

killerpenguin1979 1190 days ago on BDSM Stories

The Master Penguin (copyright B.Lancas Aus)
Chapter 1 Where It All Begins (Brad,Amy,Ella,Vicky and Chris)

Amy was just 19 when she moved from her small town where she grew up to Brisbane wanting to study and get a job with the money she had saved from her job at the post office in her home town she managed to find a small one bedroom apartment, she also found a job at the local coffee shop part time which barely covered her rent and food. Amy was at her kitchen table one night looking through courses from the university but they were all to expensive for her while also looking for another job when a small ad header court her eye it read “Help Needed Female Service Assistant/Personal Assistant” below it described that the right person would need to live on site and will be required for all sorts of duties for more information please email. Amy got up from her table to get a glass of wine before returning to her computer as she sipped the wine her eyes wondered back to the ad on her computer screen, Amy opened up her email program and typed the address from the ad and began to type the email including her details and work history, when she was finished she clicked the send and then went back to looking at university courses as she finished her wine Amy closed her computer and went to bed.

The next morning Amy woke up and started to get ready for work as she was doing this she opened up her laptop Amy went to put her uniform on and as she came back there was a email alert she opened it and quickly read over the contents, it was from a guy named Brad he explained that the job would require her to live at his property and that all the details where included in the contract he had attached for her reading and if she was to be interested in the job she would need to print and sign the contract and send it to him in the mail. All day at work Amy wondered what the job would require and if she would be able to do it at 4pm Amy finished her shift and could not wait to get home and read the attachments, once she was in her apartment Amy put her computer down on the table and opened the attachments and began reading the first few paragraphs were a nondisclosure agreement and details about the pay 85k a year plus bonuses Amy gasp as this was triple her wage from the coffee shop atleast.

The next paragraph shocked Amy as she read it outlined the responsibility and requirements she would be required to be trained and that she must give and use her mind and body to work for her employer, it also outlined a intake form to be filled out which was the other attachment to the email. Amy printed out the forms and fill in the contract and signed it then she moved to the intake form it asked for very personal information as she filled in the details Amy was a average girl 167cm tall dark brown hair and brown eyes and a dress size 8 and breasts 32b as she continued answering the questions, they got more and more personal like when she had lost her virginity for Amy it was 17 and how many people she has had sex with not many she thought to her self as she wrote down 3 and the personal questions continued half way down the page there was a line going across the page it said to be filled out during training Amy looked at the questions and was shocked to see one about pussy depth and width as well as ass hole depth and width and many others that she was not sure about.
The next day Amy went to the post office and mailed the required paper work and then went off to start her day at work the next few days passed by until Friday night at 5:30pm after she had just got home from work her phone rang it was a number she did not recognise, Amy answered “hello Amy Speaking” there as a short pause before she heard a deep husky voice “hello Amy this is Brad I got your paper work and I would like to meet you for a coffee when I come into the city on Sunday” Amy told Brad that would be fine what time and where would he like to meet. Brad told her he would meet her at 9:30am at a coffee shop not far from the one she worked in call black bean coffee shop she told him she would see him there and Brad said “great don't be late see you later” after which he hang up.

Sunday could not come quick enough for Amy who was excited to see what would come from her meeting with Brad and now the time was here as she hoped out of the shower and dried her self off she pick through her clothes looking for a nice outfit she settled on a knee length blue summer dress, and a pair of nice shoes as she looked over at the time her heart jumped it was already 9:10am and Amy did not want to be late but it would be close if she left now so quickly grabbing her keys and bag out the door Amy ran down to the bus stop she did not have to wait long as the bus pulled up at 9:15am. It seemed like the bus was going to stop at every stop this morning and Amy was sure she would be late thinking about what to say to Brad about it and at 9:30am she was one more stop away looking at her phone, just at the time the bus pulled up at her stop her phone rang it was Brad, Amy answered “hello Brad I am just down the road the bus just dropped me off sorry” she still had a small walk to get to the shop Brad spoke “OK Amy I will wait I am in the shop sitting on the left of the doorway when you come in” “OK” Amy replied before hanging up.

Amy walked in and as she turned to left there in the corner was Brad he stood up and reached out his hand to greet Amy she noticed he was not much taller then her may be 170 -180cm with black hair and brown eyes,he was dressed in a black button up shirt and black pants which Amy noticed he was a little bit curvy but not over weight. “Amy hi I am Brad how are you going and your a little late” as Amy shook his hand she said “Hi Brad I am good and yes I am sorry the bus stopped at every stop and time got away from me” Brad told her “its fine but if you are going to work for me you will need to be on time” he said with a sort of frown on his face. After Brad ordered her a coffee and the waitress now away from the table Brad Asked “so Amy I got your Paper work I will start with what your job will be and require and you can ask me any questions you might have at the end is that fine”

Amy nodded yes with a deep breath brad began to talk “well Amy your job will be general house duties this includes cooking cleaning washing as well as other duties in the office which will included answering the phone and doing filing and paper work as well as organising events held at my house” Brad looked at Amy seeing her listening intently Brad continued “your primary duties will be to service my lust and sexual desires when ever I require and what ever I require if that's not something you can do please speak up now as we can save our self a lot of time”. ?
Amy sort of shocked by Brad speaking about sex in a public place like this Amy thought for a few seconds before she said “i am OK with that Brad but I am not sure if I can please you as I am not that experienced in sexual stuff” saying the last part in a quiet tone, “It's OK” Brad told her “in the first week you will be trained to complete your duties the sexual stuff as you put it is included in that training” and he continued that there is a weeks grace period in the contract so that after training week if she does not want to go on with the job she can or he could if she does not meet the requirements cancel the contract and release both parties for a cost of 10K, Amy looked at him as he asked if she had any questions for him she could not think of any as her brain was swimming with thoughts Brad learned forward and extend his hand to shake hands on the deal Amy slowly reached out and shook his hand. Brad said “OK well what you need to do is go and begin packing your stuff up you will need to box all your clothes up and bring them with you I will hire a storage room for the rest of your stuff as your room is full furnished at my house, you will need to let your friends and family know that you can only be reached by this phone number and your only to be given one weekend off a month” as he handed her a piece of paper just then the waitress came over with the bill for the coffee's Amy noticed she looked at her with a scanning gaze then said to Brad so this is your new employee with a quizzical smile hope she works out as she took the money off Brad and turned and left.

Amy looked at Brad he quipped “she is a client of mine we have been friends for a while and she gives me good service” with that said Brad got up Amy followed him out of the cafe and he asked her if she would like a lift home. She said that would be great follow me he said as he walked around the side of the cafe where the car park was, there were a few cars in the lot today and he walked over to a deep blue sports car pulling out the keys he beeped the car and told Amy hop in. she asked what sort of car this is as she buckled her seat belt he told her its a Nissan GTR skyline to which she replied it's very nice, as they drove back to her apartment they chatted and in a few minutes they were back at her place Brad turned to Amy and told her he would pick her up from here next Saturday morning at 8:30am so she needs to get busy packing and sort out your affairs Amy nodded and got out of the car and walked into the apartment block. The next week was hard she had given her employer notice and also told her only friend Jessie a fellow waitress at the coffee shop and told her family she was starting a new job they did not need the details about the job so she kept it to her self and gave them the phone number Brad had given her. It was now Friday night and her phone rang it was Brad her heart jumped a beat “hello Brad “ Amy sheepishly said “hi Amy are you ready for tomorrow morning all packed” ? “Yep I am all set Brad” Amy replied there was a short pause “OK good my moving guys and I will see you in the morning have a good night sleep you will need it goodnight” brad hang up the phone before Amy could respond. Amy laid on her couch as she had packed up her bed and her mind was wondering what the week would have in store for her this and all the other stuff rolling around in her head about this opportunity she drifted in and out of sleep till her alarm clock went off at 6:30am she would not be late again.
She was ready at 7:30am and potted around double checking her packing at 8:00am Amy grabbed her two clothes boxes and headed down stairs to the foot path where she waited for Brad to arrive and sure enough right on 8:30 a black 4 wheel drive pulled up and out jumped Brad. Brad greeted Amy just as a truck pulls up behind his car two guys jumped out Amy noticed there big muscles and bodies both men waved at Brad and said “hi boss” he told them “go with Amy to her apartment and she will show you what to take and here is the details for the storage place” handing them a sheet of paper Amy walked the guys up to her place and showed them what they needed to take and she left them to it walking back down to see Brad. As she walked out Brad had loaded her clothes boxes into the back and was standing next to the passenger front door Amy walked up to him and he moved aside and told her to jump in and he walked around getting in the drivers side once they were buckled up he pulled away, chatting Brad asked “if she was nervous and how she slept last night” she told him she was very nervous and that she only had limited sleep because she was so nervous. Brad told her that's OK he was sure she would fit in fine he told her as they drove there are 3 other staff at the house they were Vicky, Ella and Chris and that she would meet them during her training week Amy was sitting there nervously listening to Brad as he drove after about 2 hours driving they pulled into a long concrete drive way which weaved its way through the bush up a small hill where it opened up to a wide green lawn. Amy was shocked the house was huge out the front the driveway circled in front of the front doors and to the right was a 4 car garage which the driveway lead to, Brad pulled the car around the circle which had a fountain in the middle and had a flag pole coming out of the middle of the fountain Brad stopped right in front of the stairs to the front doors.

He jumped out and motioned for Amy to join him telling her he will have someone take the boxes to her room and she joined him as they walked up the stairs Brad unlocked one of the doors and walked in side waving his arm to Amy once inside he shut the door and locked it. Please follow me to my office and we will begin your intake form before training starts Amy froze those words intake form shot through her like a lighting bolt in her brain but she quickly caught up to Brad as he walked to his office she noticed the house was huge in side with three corridors leading off the main entrance. They walked to the Right Corridor and all the way to the end Amy noticed they walked passed four doors then there was another door at the end Brad walked through and waited for Amy to enter before shutting the door behind her, Amy looked around the room one side was full of cupboards and the other a mixture of book shelf's and filing cabinets two large safes the room was lit well with two big hanging lights from the ceiling and a large window with thick curtains the floor was tiled and the wall a dull grey colour there in front of the window was Brad's large wooden desk with four chairs in front of it. “Please have a seat in one of the middle chairs” Brad said as he went around to his chair he sat down pulled out a large envelope which Amy knew was her contract and intake form Brad put the contract into a manilla folder and picked up the intake form and put it down in front of him before grabbing a pen.

So I see your not sexually experienced so we are going to go threw this form slowly Brad asked how many times have you orgasmed in one day ? Amy shyly said “two Brad”. Brad commented that will change for sure he asked her has she ever squirted Amy asked what he meant as she did not understand and of course she answered no he asked her if she had ever done anal Amy now blushing said 'no I have not” he keep going asking question after question until all the questions on the intake form were done, “OK Amy we are done with the questions” he said as he got up from his desk and walked over to some boxes in the corner picking them up walking back and put the boxes on a small weird shaped couch it looked like a side ways S and had red leather covering, Amy these are your uniforms there are seven sets in here he opened the boxes as he did this he told Amy to come stand in front of the weird lounge once she was in position he stood in front of her looking at her small but tight body. Brad then ask Amy to strip her clothes off she was surprised that with little hesitation she took the same blue summer dress off she had worn to there first meeting Brad pointed to the basket at his feet and she put her dress into the basket before returning to standing in front of the weird lounge with her hands trying to cover her bra and panties.

Brad spoke in a stern voice please put your hands by your side when ever you are not working and please take off you shoes underwear and bra and put them in the basket Amy slowly trying to prolong her nakedness to Brad's gaze fruitless as her efforts where. Once she was naked he grabbed one of the boxes and put it in front of her in it Amy saw seven sets of high heels in black with a five inch heel and seven sets of black stockings, Amy reached into the box and took out one pair of each and after resting on the weird lounge to put the stocking and heels on she stood up and back in front of the lounge Brad looked her over top to bottom. Hum we will have to shave your pussy Amy I will get someone to help us after we get you fully dressed taking the box away he grabbed the other one and put it in the same place motioning to Amy to open it in there she found a black and white lace corset and a short very short black and white lace skirt. Amy put the skirt on first and boy was it short she noticed it barely covered her bum and then she moved on to the corset which she found hard to put on but after a few minutes she had it done up Brad looked it over and told her she looked perfect, Amy felt her heart flicker when he said that a warm feeling came over her not anything she had felt before Brad walked over to his desk and picked up the phone and over the PA system in the house asked Ella to come to the office and please bring the trimming kit Brad moved both boxes over to the door way and returned to stand in front of his beautiful new employee, soon there was a knock at the door and Brad replied come in and the door clicked and in walked Ella carrying a plastic box under her arm Amy looked at her in awe this girl was so pretty and taller than Amy blonde hair and deep blue eyes she had a amazing figure Brad said “great Ella Amy here needs to be shaved”. Brad gently guided Amy over to the edge of the weird shape chair and laid her down she was helped into position by Brad and Ella so that her butt was just on the edge and her body followed the curve with her head resting on top of the chair.

Then she notice Ella was kneeling and attaching something to her ankles and Brad went over to the right of the room and opened a few cupboard doors which Amy could not see what was in them, Brad returned with a few towels gave them to Ella before he grab Amy's right wrist and lifted it over her head attaching a leather cuff to her wrist and then he repeated the same thing with the left wrist. Amy became very aware she could not move much she was bound to this chair and that with the uniform and the way she was positioned a lot of her body was showing, Ella grabs a few towels opening them up and lifting her skirt up she told Amy to lift her bum up and as she complied Ella stuck two towels under her bum before telling her to put her bum back down. Brad stood by Amy's head and watched as Ella grabbed the shaving equipment and handing Brad a bowel she asked if he would fill it with warm water at the end she said “please master penguin” these words cut through Amy's mind wondering what that was about, as Brad did that Ella told Amy to relax it will be OK and she started the electric trimmers and started slowly cutting away her public hair Amy was so entrenched with what Ella was doing she did not notice Brad was standing right next to her head watching.

Amy noticed that every so often Ella would lightly rub past her clit with a finger she was finished with the trimmers and with a calming look told Amy “you need to keep very still Amy” as she put a cloth warmed and wet over her pussy and went back to the stuff and put it on the small coffee table next to the seat, Amy looked over and saw shaving gel a few types or razors as Ella rub the cloth on her pussy she commented to Brad and Amy “she will need a laser treatment in furture to make it more permanent Master Penguin” there it was again Amy hear Ella call Brad Master Penguin as Amy's mind raced. She jumped a little as Ella rubbed shaving gel all over her pussy and right down to her butt as Amy watched Ella grabbed a razor and again told her not to move and with that she went to work slowly and with great purpose carefully removed all her pubic hair. After she finished with the razors Ella again put the warm cloth back on her pussy and rubbed it all over Amy moaned a little as the attention to her clit and pussy had turned her on and it sort of surprised her with its affects as Ella finished her job she sat back a little and looked at her handy work “Perfect” Ella said to Brad she asked if she could taste Amy pussy which Brad shook his head yes but he added “only a few licks we have a bit to do if you would like to help with the intake form”? Which Ella said she would love to help.

With the words no sooner out of Ella's mouth and she was slowly licking Amy's clit making small circles around it sucking it in to her mouth Amy gasped not expecting the pleasurable feelings shooting right through her and in no time she was moving her hips and squirming, Amy was so turned on and at the same time this was the first time she had ever had a girl give her oral. After just a few seconds she felt Ella's fingers sliding along her labia before she slid one finger into Amy's pussy at which point she lifted her lips off Amy's clit and told Brad this girl is insanely wet, OK well stop Ella we need to get a move on the intake form Ella sighed “ugh OK Master” as she got up Ella gave Amy's pussy a light slap which made a dull wack.

Amy let out a little yelp as Ella moved all the shaving equipment and Brad Returned to cupboards taking a small rolling table with him Ella came back and gave Amy's ass a little smack “lift your ass please Amy” Ella then pulled the towels out from under her bum. At this point Brad came over rolling this small table Amy Gasped loud as her eyes saw the objects on the table there was three types of glass dildos with markings all the over them there was three things with leather coming out of each side of the ball and there was a few what she mistook for small dildos, Lets begin Ella I want you to do the work I will record the info on the intake form at this point Amy was thinking to her self what has she gotten her self into. Ella beamed “OK Sir” where would you like me to start Ella looked at Brad for a direction he pointed to Amy's head lets start testing her mouth out first Ella nodded her head in approval and reached over to the small table picking up the medium size glass dildo, Ella moved over to Amy's head reaching up with her hand she opened her lips by lightly pressing on her chin and slowly slide the dildo into her mouth very shallow at first getting the dildo covered in her saliva. Then she started pushing deeper and deeper with every stroke till Amy started to gag then backing off Ella would keep repeating this process after a few minutes she told Amy to relax her throat as Ella pushed it down her throat as far as it would go, this cause Amy to cough and gag as her eyes weld up with a tear or two Ella called to Brad “sir throat depth 14cm” “great” Brad replied now lets fit her with a ball gag.

Ella put the dildo down and picked up what Amy now knew were ball gags she had never seen anything like them Ella came over and one by one put the ball gag into her mouth the small one was to lose as Ella showed Brad by reaching between Amy's legs and rubbing her clit she let out a small moan with no problem as she finished rubbing Ella again lightly swatted Amy's pussy drawing out another small squeal, she then moved on to the middle size one and it fit a lot more snugly Ella again tuned to Brad that one is better still a little loose I think as her hand once again began rubbing Amy's clit fast this time which drew more moans from Amy and of course another smack on her pussy which rewarded Ella with louder squeal from Amy. The last one was harder to fit in for Amy as she try to protested when Ella pushed it into her mouth with it only just fitting and Amy letting out a small groan, as Ella tighten it she went straight back to rubbing Amy's clit which by this point was so turned on and sensitive Amy was not sure why she was so turned on but the feeling of a orgasm approached faster and faster, as Ella kept rubbing with Amy now moaning and drool starting to run out of her mouth Ella pointed this out to Brad as she stopped rubbing her clit and again smack her pussy a little harder this time which Amy let out a scream but was so muffled it was barely audible Ella stood up and proclaimed “PERFECT master penguin”. Brad said “its time to move on to the pussy Ella” pointing at the glass dildos he turned to Amy OK if you orgasm that's fine it will probably help with the next part of the intake form giving Amy a little wink, Ella reached over and pick up the smaller dildo she showed it to Amy and explained that it was for testing depth on the pussy and ass showing her the markings.

She moved down between Amy's legs and added a little lube from a bottle on the small table as Ella placed the head of it at Amy's pussy and slowly pushed it in while with her other hand she lightly rubbed Amy's clit. Ella kept pushing the dildo in and out of Amy's pussy going deeper and deeper each time Amy was moaning and had become really wet feeling the orgasm rising in her body then Ella pushed the dildo in as far as she could Amy let out a little scream and her body tensed up, Ella pulled back and then again pushed it in getting the same response at which point Ella pulled the dildo out and showed Brad 18cm Ella exclaimed “that's pretty good she is really tight master penguin”. “Ok move on to the next one please Ella” Brad said in his husky voice Amy's mind was all over the place she did not even notice Ella had picked up the second dildo this time, Ella just pushed the head of it in and out like before this time Ella went deep quicker while rubbing Amy's clit which again started her moaning and writhing on the couch her orgasm began to build again very quickly. This time Ella did not play with Amy as long this time before pushing it deep Amy screamed into the ball gag and her body again tensed and she bucked against the bounds Amy was more frustrated at not cumming then the dildo deep in side her. Ella told Brad “wow she is a tight one that was only 12cm” Brad motioned to her to move on to the large one now, and before Amy had a chance calm down Ella had the big dildo at the entrance to Amy's pussy and pushed it in Ella's other hand went straight back to rubbing Amy's clit. By this time Amy was so close to cumming and this dildo really made her wet it felt huge inside her she started to buck and scream again this time Ella did not stop and as Amy orgasmed she pushed the large dildo deep inside as Amy came she squirted a little Ella was shocked looking at Brad she told him it only went in 10cm and that she squirted during her orgasm those words brought Amy out of her little cum coma.

Brad's husky tone brought Amy back to reality as he told her the next part can be a little painful Ella lets began we need to get moving its already midday and we need to move on from the intake tests Amy felt Ella rubbing lube onto her ass and with a little push Ella slide a finger into Amy's ass once she was properly lubed up Ella grabbed the small butt plug. Amy could feel the tip pressing at her virgin ass with a little pressure Ella got the plug to slide all the way in getting a small gasp from Amy, “no problem master penguin it went all the way in easy” Ella told Brad who was now standing behind Ella good lets move up a size Amy's eyes opened wide as Ella waved the next butt plug in front of her. Lubing up the plug Ella removed the one in Amy's ass which due a small groan from Amy and before she could adjust to the feeling of not having the intruder in her ass Ella pushed the tip of the next plug in and kept a even pressure Amy moaned a little at first but they quickly became groans through the ball gag in her mouth, Ella sat back there you go Brad that's all the way in as she said that Ella reached up and pushed on the plug now lodged in Amy's ass which again due a groan from Amy.

Brad ran his hand up Amy's thigh your body is amazing Amy and we are going to show you just how amazing it can be and what it can do and endure the last word stuck in Amy's mind as she locked eyes with Brad. Ella slowly pulled on the butt plug now inside her she does not want to give this back Brad showing him how it kept being pulled back inside Amy's ass with each pull bringing groans from Amy Ella soon had the butt plug out, replacing it with the largest one she slowly pushed the tip in and the groans from Amy got louder and louder as Ella kept pushing then backing it off a little with just over half the plug inside her Amy was now emitting small screams. Amy bucked against the bounds around her wrists and ankles with a little more pressure and pushing from Ella Amy's ass suck the whole butt plug into her now stretched ass Amy's hips bucked a little and her body tensed up tight, Ella started rubbing Amy's clit again as her groans turned to moans and her body rested back onto the couch Brad told Ella not to make her cum as he walked over and put the intake form on his desk. OK Ella please remove the plug which she complied quickly again drawing groans and squeals from Amy once the plug was out Ella put the plug on the small table Brad told her to go clean the items and return them to the cupboard after the both of them untied Amy and Brad helped her stand up Amy's knees almost buckled under neath her both Ella and Brad grabbed her.

They both helped Amy over to the chair in front of Brad desk Ella and Brad cleaned up the couch putting the cuffs away Brad told Ella “thank you for the help now go clean the items and tools and take her gag off I will see you later” with that Ella grabbed the small table and rolled it out of the room, Brad went over to stand in front of Amy lifting her head to lock eyes with her Brad told her to stand up which she did straight away not sure why his voice had such a hold on her still looking straight in to her big brown eyes he started telling her the rules. One you will always follow my direction and commands is that clear Amy to which she nodded yes two you will answer me any time I ask your a question with “yes Master” or “yes master penguin” is that clear Amy? Brad asked in a forceful tone Amy shook her head yes again looking at Brad seeing his disapproving glare she sheepishly said “yes master penguin” “good” Brad continued, third you will stay dressed just how you are now at all times in this house is that clear Amy! Brad continued each time stopping for a reply from Amy fourth you will ask for my permission to orgasm Amy almost blurted out “yes master” before he finished the sentence. And the last rule Amy is any breaking of the rules will result in punishment for you as before Amy answered immediately “OK” Brad said now please follow me and we are going to have something to eat before I give you the tour of this house and show you to your room with that Brad walked to the door of his office and opened it Amy following him.

As both of them walked down the corridor and back at the foyer area Brad said this way as they walked into the back end of the foyer through double doors into two large rooms on one side a large kitchen and dinning table and the other from what Amy could see was a big lounge room.

Once they entered the kitchen area Amy noticed a Red haired girl preparing some food in the kitchen Brad took Amy over to the table and told her to sit down next to him as he looked over and said “good morning Vicky I did not see you at this morning day start meeting” Vicky stammered a little “yes sir I slept in and by the time I got ready you had already left master penguin”. Brad looked at her with a frown he said “you will be dealt with later how long till lunch is ready” Vicky responded “just a few seconds master penguin” good OK Amy Brad turned to her so how are you feeling right now looking deep into her eyes, she told him she was not sure she could cope with the job and that she was extremely nervous Brad interdicted its OK to be nervous Amy you are experiencing a lot of firsts today as well as a new way of life just give me one week its all you will need to know if this is for you or not but going on your actions from this morning I am sure you can pass the tests with a smirk on Brad's face.

Vicky brought over there lunch setting it in front of both Brad and Amy no sooner had she done her job and she disappeared out of the room both sat there eating the food Amy asked Brad if he could talk about what he liked about her and why he wanted to hire her, Brad told her firmly he likes opening up people to new experiences in life its how he makes his money she wondered what he meant by how he makes his money and he saw something in her a wanting to change your life for the better and I can be that for you his words sort of melted Amy's heart and she was starting to have some feelings for him not being sure how to interpret them she listened as Brad continued. Once you get settled here I am sure you will love the work the training is the hardest part Brad added but once its done you will see what I mean this place is amazing it has every thing you could want there is a pool, spas, fire pit tons of stuff there is even a cinema, “Wow” Amy exclaimed they both finished there lunch Brad got up and asked Amy to follow him they went out on to a big balcony over looking the back yard below the deck was a large pool and two spas there was some green grassy hills after that and small mountains straight out in view of the balcony.

Brad moved off heading back inside Amy did not notice he had moved away and it took her a few seconds to turn and catch up to him they walked out of the dinning area and into the other side which Amy thought was a lounge room and she was right there was a big TV on the side wall and four lounge chairs covered in dark brown leather. There was a stereo to the right of the TV and a bar at the opposite end to the TV it looked fully stocked Brad moved to another door in this room this is the cinema he told Amy she peered inside but it was so dark she could not see much, follow me please as he closed the door and walked back into the foyer and stood at the entrance to the left side corridor Amy this side of the house is where you will spend most of your time this week when you are not in your room or working. Brad pointed out you can see each side of the corridor is coloured one side black one side red these indicate what the rooms are for the black side are punishment rooms Amy's mind began to race as Brad continued the red are pleasure rooms and they are numbered one and two for each side.
So if I was to summon you Amy to pleasure room two that is the one you go to Brad now pointing to the red door with a big two on it asking Amy if she understood she shook her head yes Brad this time frowned and said “what was that Amy” putting his hand to his ear “yes master penguin” Amy barked back in a low tone hum Brad moved off walking back to the foyer again and they headed back down the right corridor heading to his office. As there were going past the first two doors Amy noticed there were names on the doors Vicky's name was on one and Ella on the other then they approached the second doors one which had Chris's name on it and the other blank Brad stopped by the blank one this is your room as he swung the door open and turned the lights on.

Amy was gob smacked the room was amazing big size double bed with a beautiful decor plenty of cupboards and a really nice en suite Brad looks at Amy's face seeing the expressions on her face he knew she was impressed, Amy noticed her two boxes of clothes sitting in front of one cupboard Brad told her he had something to go take care of and that she should get unpacked and have a little rest as Vicky will be by in a bit to show her the rest of the outfit requirements before I will request you to join me later turning and leaving Brad closed the door behind him. Amy fell onto the bed and letting out a moan her mind swimming with all the activities of the day so far and what was coming in the next few days, after she finished unpacking Amy jumped in the shower and let the hot water run over her body after getting dry Amy went to the cupboard she put her informs in and stared at them for a few seconds before grabbing a pair of shoes the stocking and her corset and skirt laying them out on the bed. Amy could not get over the room it was almost as big as her old apartment as she was getting dressed there was a knock at the door Amy finished doing up her corset and had her skirt on opening the door there was Vicky dressed just like she is meant to be, Amy told her she was just getting the last of her uniform on sitting on the bed sliding stocking on and putting her shoes on Vicky watched and once Amy was done she told her to follow her into the en suite.

Vicky open the vanity it looked like a shop shelf with the top shelf full of new lip stick and nail polish the second was full of eye shadow and other make up the bottom shelf had hair ties and beautiful perfume, Vicky told Amy to start watching as Amy went about putting the makeup on giving her tips here and there as needed once she finished the face and nails Vicky told Amy you can have your hair in either a pony tail or pig tails its up to you unless master penguin tells you other wise. Amy asked Vicky if she likes her job here “it is great I make so much money and its very nice here” Vicky told her the two chatted a bit more Amy was quick to notice that Vicky would not give to much detail about what she does and whats done to her as Vicky got up to leave she had not got to the door and the PA crackled Vicky and Amy please report to red room one. As Vicky walked just in front of Amy she caught her self looking at Vicky's ass swaying from side to side a slight feeling of lust filled Amy's mind and she bumped into Vicky not realising she had stopped in front of the red room one door.

Vicky knocked on the door and Brads voice said “come in” Vicky and Amy entered the brightly lit room Amy was amazed the room was large dark grey tiled floors no windows there were black cupboards along the walls there was a sink and open shower in one corner, there was a four poster bed covered in black sheets in the opposite corner with mixed weird shaped items in the other corners Amy sort of noticed some of the items looked like gymnastics equipment there was a black X frame and two different what sort of looked like chairs. Amy had not noticed but a man was standing on the other side of Brad as he instructed both girls to stand in front of him once they were standing where he wanted he turned to the guy and introduced him as Dr Eric Downs he went to the corner and rolled a chair over that was padded, pointing at Amy and said “come take a seat please young lady” she hesitated then moved over and sat down as instructed Brad and Eric both applied leather cuffs to Amy's wrists and ankles pulling them tight so she could not move much Eric disappeared behind Brad to a cupboard while he was doing that Brad explained that the Dr was going to take a blood test for health and safety reasons. Eric returned with a small metal tray which had a needle on it and a collection tube Amy was watching everything the Doctor was doing she never really liked getting needles, there was no pain the doctor was good when he had the tube full he pulled the needle out and tapes a cotton ball over the entry point Amy had not realised that while the doctor was doing his work Brad had tied Vicky's hands to a ring hanging from the ceiling pulling her hands above her head he also undressed her, Amy had not seen these Rings there where at least 4 of them she also saw that Vicky had her legs tied to rings bolted into the floor another thing she had not seen when entering the room.

Eric said to Brad he would get the results asap as he walked out of the room Brad told Amy “every employee takes a blood test for sexually transmitted viruses to be safe as he was telling her this he rolled her chair around so that she was only three meters away from the tied up Vicky, Amy sat there looking at Vicky thinking this was a good looking girl the red hair and red lips her body heaving at being tie up that way those small lustful feelings ran through her again. Brad told Amy every morning we have a meeting to discuss the days jobs and Vicky here was not there and so she must now be punished for her indiscretion so she is going to be my example for you. With that Brad disappeared behind Amy moments later he came back with the same ball gag Amy had worn before and began to fasten it to Amy making sure the ball nestled into her mouth he moved behind Amy again before returning he went around behind Vicky he slowly put a small penis gag into her mouth, Amy watched as he fastened it to Vicky it had a tube coming out of the front of the gag with a little rubber ball type thing Brad made sure that Amy could see that as he pumped the ball the gag in Vicky's mouth expanded till Vicky groaned from the pressure on her jaw.

Brad walked over to another cupboard opening it up Amy was shocked she could see it was full of all different types of whips and canes and other stuff Amy was not sure what they were called Brad picked up a whip walking over showing Amy he told her this is a leather tail its a mild sting depending on where you are hit with it.

Walking over to Vicky he raised the whip and brought it down on Vicky's thighs rewarding him with a groan from Vicky he repeated it again and again five strokes Vicky took on her thighs Amy watched as some faint red marks appeared. Brad then moved up to Vicky's stomach delivering five strokes to her each one getting rewarded with groans and the light red marks that appeared there was drool escaping around the gag in Vicky's mouth running down her naked body. He moved up to her chest which was lightly heaving with ever breath Vicky looked as he now administered five strokes on her breasts these made Vicky a lot more vocal twice the whip hit across her nipples making her scream into the gag which only came out muffled. Brad went around behind Vicky and this time he gave her five strokes on the ass each hit Amy saw Vicky's body buck as she was impacted by the whip her eye widen with every touch of the whip, when he finished the strokes he moved over to Amy he told her its time she had a go he said with a wink of his eye he told her he was only going to do a few spots on her as the chair does not permit access to some spots. He pulled back her skirt and undid her corset taking a step back he brought the whip down on her exposed thighs Amy squealed into the gag Brad then gave her four more and like Vicky light red marks appeared he then moved up to her chest Amy gasped as he raised the whip, the cracking noise as it impacted her chest sent her mind into melt down quickly the light pain brought her back to reality the next one hit her right nipple as it landed this made her scream into the gag and buck around in the chair straining against the bonds. The next three made sure her chest turned a shade of pink Brad stood there looking at his handy work smiled and told Amy its time to move on to the next item as he turned and walked over to the cupboard putting the whip back and looking through the other items he picked up a cane.

Brad came back around to stand in front of Vicky using the cane to make swishing noises which caused her to wriggle against her bounds as before he began at the thighs Amy could tell the cane hurt more as each stroke on Vicky's thighs evoked a scream from behind her gag, as he moved up Amy watched as Vicky eyes grew large as he landed five strokes on her stomach still breathing heavy from the strokes Amy saw that the marks it was leaving on her pale white skin where a lot more pronounced. Vicky was just coming down from those strokes when he moved up to her breasts the first hit caused Vicky to buck hard forward then the bounds pulled her back into line the strokes with the cane on her breasts caused the same reaction over and over Vicky was looking a little exhausted by the time Brad moved around to her ass.

The ass strokes must have hurt to as Vicky's eyes opened wide after each one and she bucked just as hard as the breast strokes Amy now realised she was next and a small feeling of fear came over her as Brad approached, he told her to breath in and when he administered the strokes to breath out she thought that's easier said than done the first stroke on her thighs hurt and she screamed into her gag and she began to lose control of her breathing Brad let her clam down and reminded her to breath in and out after the stroke as he gave her another Amy did breath out after the hit but she still screamed into her gag.
He did this three more times Amy saw the same red marks appear on her thighs as her mind told her the next lot of strokes would be on her breasts Amy ready her self breathing in and out as Brad brought the cane down this hurt more than the thighs Amy strained hard in the chair. As the last stroke was given Amy again lost control of her breathing screaming into the gag as she calmed down Brad said its OK Amy you will get the breathing down it just takes a little time and practice. Brad said to Amy “as you see I expect my employee's to tow the line” he moved over to the cupboard again he returned with what Amy could see had a chain and metal things connected to each end, he moved over to Vicky telling Amy these a nipple clamps they come in all different types and attached one end to Vicky's nipple which brought a wince from Vicky then the second one got the same reaction Brad used his finger to pull on the chain a little a groan came from Vicky. As he moved over to Amy she looked on as Brad attached one end then the other to her nipples she squealed into the gag as he clamped the ends, Amy noticed the she felt a little turned on it had always turned her on when her boyfriends had played with her nipples Brad used his finger to pull down lightly on the chain this brought a moan from Amy which surprised Brad a little by the look on his face. Brad came back into the view of Amy now I am not going to give you any weights but Vicky here has misbehaved going over to her Amy watched as he added some weights to the chain bringing a scream from Vicky how ever the gag barely let out a sound. Amy watched as Vicky was trying to stay as still as possible as every movement swung the weights pulling on her nipples Brad every now and then would slap her ass or thighs to get the reaction he wanted her squealing, Brad went over to a different cupboard opening it up Amy could not see what was in there Brad rummaged till he found what he was looking for returning to the girls he had a few weird items Amy did not recognise.

Brad went to Amy in her chair he produced this weird egg shape item before she could see what it was Brad reached down between her legs it was the first time he had touched her in this way she felt his fingers began to rub her clit slowly, she felt him push the egg inside her pussy Amy felt her body react to the weird vibrations Brad held up a control in front of her face so Amy could see that when he pushed the buttons the vibrations changed. He picked a setting that would ramp up then die down and repeat Amy felt so turned on she could feel her self getting so wet Amy moaned as the orgasm began to build with moans now coming from Amy, he moved over to Vicky and produced a Hitachi wand reaching from behind Vicky he rubbed the head over her clit at first just brushing it this caused Vicky to moan lightly Brad now put it right on her clit. Vicky moaned and groaned as each movement caused her nipples pain Amy watched as Vicky's face was going from pleasure to pain and back again its only took five minutes before Vicky's hips bucked and ground down on the Hitachi Vicky came hard. Brad removed the vibrator from Vicky's pussy looking over at Amy he show her the remote in his hand and with the push of a few buttons Amy felt the thing inside her change modes which was now getting her really close to her own orgasm, just as she was about to cum Brad switched off the egg inside her this caused her to groan in frustration and with that he put the Hitachi back on Vicky's clit this caused her to squeal the sensitivity of her previous orgasm only having just subsided.
Brad had a wicked smile Amy saw as he worked the clit of Vicky with the Hitachi this was driving her crazy her moans and groans now constrained as her body shook from the impending orgasm Vicky's breathing now pickup the pace as her body shook screaming into ball gag Amy watched as another orgasm hit Vicky's body. Brad kept rubbing the vibrator on her clit torturing her sensitive areas just then one of the nipple clips came off Vicky's nipple causing her to scream so loud that even the gag could not contain, Vicky slumped hanging from her bounds her body glinting from sweat Brad began to let Vicky down first undoing her hands and ankles she was so weak from the orgasms that Brad helped her to the bed. Amy was in awe at how caring he was with Vicky and what he had done to her. Once he returned to Amy he told her I care about all my employee's very much as such I care about the good and bad parts of the relationship I have with them the pleasure and the pain Brad reached down and slowly removed the egg from her pussy, Amy moaned a little as it came out he patted her thigh its OK no more orgasms for you today Amy besides its time for dinner and you need to get cleaned up as he undid the bounds holding Amy to the chair he told her to straighten up her uniform.

Once Amy was ready Brad told her to wait by the door as he cleaned up and moved over to Vicky helping her up he told her to go get her jobs done Vicky walked past Amy exiting the room a few moments later Brad told Amy to follow him as they left the room, Brad took her to the lounge room where they sat down he told her about her duties telling her that she was to be the cook in the morning for breakfast Vicky does lunch and Ella does dinner. Your other duties from day to day will be cleaning the floors and helping to do the clothes washing other than that you will be required to help me as I require, I will assign you Ella to help you tomorrow with showing you where everything is and what to do as she is my longest serving employee after dinner you will be free to do what ever you like unless there's any other plans as he said this Ella walked in “master penguin dinner is ready” she announced “great” Brad said as he got up telling Amy to follow him as they walked in the dinning area there sat at the table a strange man she had not met. Brad introduced him to her “this is Chris he is the handyman around here” as he finished Chris said hello just as Vicky came in and sat down Ella started bringing the food over she had cooked a nice roast beef meal with all the trimmings. They all talked like they were friends Amy thought to her self as the conversation turned to Amy as they asked her all sorts of questions about where she grew up what she liked and this and that Brad just sat there eating quietly listening she noticed, when the dinner was finished Brad told Ella to get Amy to help her clean up and once done Brad looking straight at her said you can come meet me in the lounge room please Vicky and Chris you can go have personal time as he got up and walked away.

Ella told Amy to stack the dish washing machines while she gathered the trash Ella asked Amy if she liked the job so far looking deeply at her expression Amy said she was still unsure as she was sort of thinking she might be in over her head with the sex stuff but she did tell Ella that the orgasms helped Ella told her to stick it out the rewards are amazing the money is good to.
Amy asked Ella what she meant by the rewards Ella commented as she passed her on the way to the bin that she had orgasms that she had never experienced in her life before intense she exclaimed, Amy and Ella finished the cleaning Amy headed off to the lounge room as she passed Ella she got a hard smack on the bum from Ella catching her by surprise also there was a little feeling of lust building from just the touch of Ella. Amy entered the lounge room to see Brad laying back watching the TV as she entered he told her to join him on the couch she sat across from him trying to keep body from showing as they spoke, Brad informed her that there is one last job to do before you can go have your personal time he sat up and told Amy in a stern voice to kneel before him he said this is going to be your oral test with a little laugh from Brad.

Brad stood up pulling his shorts down revealing his seven inch cock Amy sat there looking at it as he tossed his shorts to the other lounge Amy lets see what skill you have he put the tip of his cock to her lips and she began lightly liking the tip Brad told her to use her hand to stroke his cock while the other hand should play with my balls, Amy had not had much experience with sucking cock as most of the guys she had been with would only let her do it for a minute or two as they wanted to fuck her she had never used her hands like this before Brad let out a little moan. Go deeper Amy Brad not happy with her skill he said OK stop, I am going to guide you on how to give a perfect blow job first lightly stroke up and down my cock as he showed her the rhythm he wanted with her hand in a light up and down motion now use your finger tips to play with my balls. Happy with her effort he told now start by licking the tip a few times grabbing her head moving it down to the tip of his cock after a few licks he then slow lowered her head down watching as the head of his cock disappeared into her mouth. He moved her head up and down in time with her strokes this made him moan again after a few minutes he again grabbed her head and told her to watch her teeth as he guided her deeper onto his cock, he kept doing this till she has half way down his cock feeling that she was able to go a little deeper he pushed down on her head she took almost all of his cock in her mouth before she gagged he back her head off a little and then again pushed her down he kept doing this every now and then she would go to deep and start gagging this made him moan even more.

He was now sitting back watching Amy as she continued the rhythm every now and then she would go to deep and gag her self on his cock she was now drooling from his cock being in her mouth she noticed every time she went deep his cock would twitch in her mouth, Amy picked up the pace sensing he was close to cumming Amy noticed that this was turning her on and could feel her self getting wet as Brad grabbed her head he told her to make sure to swallow all of his cum. Moments later Brad grabbed her head forcing his cock deep into mouth as he came moaning and groaning Amy felt his cock explode in side her mouth it filled mouth and she gagged a little as she let go of his cock with her hands and she let him slip out of her mouth as she swallowed his cum.

Brad reached down lifting her head and giving her a passionate kiss of the mouth before he told her to clean him up Amy looked at him a little puzzled he said I want you to lick my cock up and down which she did realising that his cock was getting hard again Amy was shocked by this as all the men she had slept with only came once before rolling over and going to sleep. As she cleaned him up he told her to suck his cock again Amy straight away went back to what she was doing before sliding his cock in and out of her mouth she returned her hands to his shaft and balls, Brad moaned and groan while Amy used her newly leaned skills this time she sucking his cock for longer and she tried to keep going deeper this again made her gag which brought a moan from Brad, as he got close Amy noticed his cock was twitching in her mouth. After another 10 minutes Brad again told her to make sure to swallow his load as he arched his back this caused Amy to go deeper than she expected causing her to gag as he came in her mouth again his hips bucking a little before resting back on the couch. She looked up at him with a little bit of cum dripping from the side of her lips Brad smiled at Amy that was great you have some real skill there he got up and walked over to his shorts getting dressed, he told her to follow him Amy noticed the time is was now 8PM they walked to her room he opened the door and told her to meet the staff in the kitchen at 6:30am and that she should get some sleep tomorrow is a big day with a wicked smile he turned and left her to enjoy some personal time. Amy got undressed and jumped in the shower after a relaxing time she lay down and before she knew it she drifted off to sleep wondering what the week would bring hoping she would like her new job.

For More chapters there are 10 Chapters in this story please email
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