Story Details

Anna Kournikova At Marineland

doberman on Animal Stories

Anna Kournikova At Marineland

By David Oberman

Besides being a world-class tennis player,

nineteen-year-old, Russian born, Anna

Kournikova was also in great demand by the

sportswear companies. Her supermodel good

looks made her the top choice by them when

they had in mind for the female clientele.

This made her tennis competitors envious

and jealous of her financial success

because she was so much prettier than

themselves, yet not as good a player as

they were.

This time it was a swimsuit company that

had hired her good looks to promote their

new line of swimwear. The advertising

agency decided to do the shoot in

Marineland. Anna would pose in front of

different sea animals for added visual


The photo shoot was going pretty well so

far. Anna had posed in many different

skin-tight suits, from single pieces to

bikinis. She would change her hairstyle

constantly, going from braiding it, to a

ponytail, or simply letting her hair down

to cascade over her slender shoulders. But

she was nervous about posing in the real

slim string-bikini suits though. The idea

of wearing the thong suits was a bit beyond

the call of duty she felt. So, she kept

putting it off until the last moment.

"Okay Anna," the photographer said. "We've

done all the other suits. You're going to

have to get into those string suits now."

"Do I really have to," she pouted. "I have

never worn anything... so revealing before."

"C'mon sweatie," he tried to soothe her

nerves. "Just think of them as a bra

commercial. I know you've done those


"Welllll, very well," she finally relented.

"But I still do not like it."

Anna made her way to her dressing trailer

and proceeded to strip down for the change.

She stood naked in front of her full-length

mirror admiring her firm, well-toned body.

She ran her hands over her naked breast,

squeezing them and caught her breath.

"Mmmmmmh!" She moaned loudly. "That feels

good. But I wish I had a cock to play


Just at that moment, the photographer was

walking just outside her changing room.

'Mmmmmmh!' He thought, recognizing the

sound for what it was. 'This could have


He quickly walked off in search of his

friend Rick that had permitted them to

shoot in the water park in the first place.

He had a plan and he felt certain that Rick

would want to get on board with it.


Twenty minutes later, Anna reluctantly came

out of her changing room wearing a bathrobe

to hide her nearly naked body from view.

For these final shots, she decided to go

with her trademark braided hair that she

always wear while on the tennis courts.

The first thing that caught her attention

was that almost everybody was gone.

"Where is everybody?" She called out.

"Did you cancel the rest of the shoot?"

"No, I didn't call it off, Anna" the

photographer said, walking up behind her,

startling her. "I just thought you'd

prefer these shots with as few people

around as possible."

"OH!" She squealed in surprise. "You

scared me, Bill. That was very thoughtful

of you," she said with a relaxed smile now.

"So, it will be just you and me for the

final shots?"

"No, I had to keep one guy on to fix your

suits," Bill told her. "But you don't have

to worry about Richard here, he's gay."

He winked to his friend standing nearby,

knowing full well that he was as far from

gay as Anna was.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Richard,"

she said, putting out her hand for a shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you also, Miss

Kournikova," Rick said. "I've seen you

play. I'm just sorry that you haven't

gotten everything that you deserve yet.

But I'm sure you're time will come soon


The two men had to fight the urge to burst

out laughing at the double entendre that

Rick had insinuated.

"That is very nice of you to say, Richard,"

Anna smiled, believing he was referring to

her success in the tennis world. "Why do

you not call me Anna, it is much better

than Miss Kournikova. So, Bill, where do

you want me for these photos?"

"I thought I'd have you in the pool," he

told her. "Swimming with the dolphins.

How does that sound to you? The water will

help hide you from view. And I'm told the

dolphins enjoy swimmers in their home."

"That sounds like fun Bill," Anna smiled.

"But how will the swimsuit company feel

about their suit being hidden so much?"

"Let me worry about that baby," Bill said,

guiding them towards the dolphin pool.


The three made their way to the dolphin

enclosure. Bill's friend, Rick, was

playing the role of his assistant carrying

all of his equipment with him. Anna was

snuggling herself tightly within the warmth

of the bathrobe. She was feeling more at

ease knowing that she wouldn't have to

parade openly in the skimpy swimsuit.

"I'll leave you in the capable hands of

Richard here," the photographer said.

"Uh? Where are you going Bill?" Anna was

caught off guard by his sudden departure.

"Well, my friend who works here told me

that the dolphin pool can be viewed from

below," he told her, not letting on that

Rick was that friend. "That's how I will

get the pics of your suit. But your face

will be obscured by the surface rippling."

"Oh? Oh!" Anna smiled. "Now I see.

Well, it is better than doing it openly I


With those words, Bill parted ways and

hurriedly made his way to the lower level

to set up his equipment. Rick had already

made the appropriate preparations by

selecting the right dolphins. They would

keep in contact by walkie-talkies that Rick

had picked up from his office.

"So, Richard," Anna said. "I do not

remember you from earlier. Have you worked

with Bill long?"

"Uh? Oh, sure, yeah," he said. "Me and

Bill go back a long time. We used to do

special photo shoots for special people."

"Really? What kind of pictures did you

take?" Anna inquired.

"Oh, animals mostly," Rick said with a

straight face. "Along with people. You

know, the usual stuff."

'What does that mean?' Anna lifted her

shoulders inquisitively at his unusual


"Wo' Richard," Bill's voice came over the

radio. "I'm all set down here, you can

send Anna into the pool anytime now."

"Well, looks like it's time Miss

Kournikova," Rick turned to her. "Give me

a moment to fix her suit Bill," he said

into the radio.

"Call me Anna," she said with a smile as

she removed the bathrobe.

Rick's eyes almost popped out of their

sockets when her saw her firm, well toned

body wearing little else than post-it sized

pieces of cloths that were supposed to be a

swimsuit. Each small piece were

strategically positioned to cover her dark

aureoles and crotch but little else.

"Ummmh! Miss... Anna," Rick called out. "I

have to... um... fix your suit a bit."

"Uh? Where?" Anna said, trying to see

what was wrong.

Rick moved up and tugged the strap of her

top, slipping his finger under the thin

material and rearranged it over her firm

breast, 'accidentally' stroking her


"There, that is better," he said with a

smile. "Now turn around for me."

"It is a good thing that Bill said you were

gay Richard," Anna smiled at him.

"Otherwise, I would have thought that you

were a pervert of some kind."

"Oh really my dear," he feigned a gay


As Anna turned for him, Rick could hardly

contain whistling as he admired her tight

ass. The thin strand of the thong bottom

disappearing between her well toned


"Is it all right now?" Anna asked.

"Mmmmmh," he paused thinking. "Open up

your legs first."

"Why?" Anna said, starting to get


"I should make sure that your bikini bottom

will remain in place while you are in the

pool, shouldn't I?" He explained.

"Oh! Well thank you Richard," Anna said.

"That is very considerate of you."

With that, she set her feet apart so that

the crotch of her suit barely covered her

pussy. Anna was feeling a bit ill at ease

about him looking her over like some piece

of meat.

"Is it all right Richard?" She asked.

"Mmmmmmh!" He tapped a finger on his chin

as he admired the view. "I will have to

readjust your bottom also my dear. Don't

move while I do this, okay."

"Al... all right," she nervously replied.

Rick moved up and slipped his finger under

the small covering of her thong bottom and

ran it up and down repeatedly, making sure

that the back of his finger was rubbing

over her pussylips and clit. He watched as

Anna's knees shook nervously at his touch.

Looking up at her face, he saw that the

tennis star was staring blankly upwards,

her lips parted slightly in the arousal he

was instilling on her.

"Sorry this is taking so long," he claimed.

"But these are always so hard to adjust


"Mmm, mmm," Anna simply replied, biting on

her lower lip.

He resumed his masturbation, by subterfuge,

of her pussy as he kept watching for her

reaction. He could already see her nipples

stiffening under their small coverings, and

could feel her pussy moistening against his

stroking finger.

Anna's breathing was getting a bit labored

as she could feel her body getting more and

more aroused by the 'gay assistants'

manipulations. Her face was blushing with

each passing moment as she could feel

herself approaching an orgasm. She could

feel her knees weakening as her climax

quickly approached.

'Damn, she's hot!' Rick thought as he kept

up his stroking.

"Oh! Oh! Ooooh!" Anna cried out, finally

letting loose as she orgasmed over his

stroking digit.

'Fucking shit!' Rick's mind raced as he

felt her warm juices covering his stroking

finger. 'Damn! I hope I get a chance to

hump this bitch.'

"Oh! I am so sorry Ricard," Anna blushed

profusely, ashamed at what had just

happened. "I... I do not know what came over


"It's okay hon," Rick said, gaily.

"Happens all the time, really."

Pulling his hand away from her wet crotch,

he sneaked a suck of his cum-drenched

finger, tasting the tennis star's pussy

juices for the first time. Anna was so

engrossed in her climax that she didn't

even notice his sampling of her juices.

"I... I cannot pose in this now," Anna said

in distress, realizing that she had cum in

the suit. "Bill will see the stain on the


"Oh don't worry about it, hon," he

reassured her. "Once you jump in the

water, Bill won't even notice."

Anna thought about that for a moment and

realized that what Rick was saying was

true. The cum stains on the suit would

disappear as soon as it got wet from the


"Be just a moment more," Rick insisted, as

he resumed stroking her crotch in his


"Oooh! Richard, that tickles," she giggled

at his touch, her nervousness seeming to


Rick kept up his stroking of her pussy in

preparation for what he and Bill hoped

would happen soon. He could feel the nub

of her excited clit sticking out every time

he brushed up against it. He could also

hear the aroused breathing of Anna clearly


Anna was finding it hard to keep her knees

from buckling. She didn't dare mention how

horny Richard was making her feel, afraid

to offend his supposed homosexuality.

"Almost finished Anna," Rick told her.

"Mmm, mmm," Anna hummed her understanding.

'This is it,' Rick thought. 'Just one last

touch, and we're ready.'

Changing the angle of his finger, he

'accidentally' slipped his fingertip past

her pussylips. This sudden intrusion

caused Anna's knees to buckle slightly,

allowing his finger to dig in even deeper.

"Ooooh! Richard?" Anna squealed in

surprise. "Wh... what did you do that for?"

"So sorry Anna," he looked up at her

startled face. "You slipped and... and it

was quite unintentional I assure you."

By then Anna was so flustered in her

arousal that she got confused and accepted

his explanation, forgetting that his finger

invaded her pussy before her knees had


As Rick pulled his finger away, his last

gesture was to make sure that the front of

the thong bottom was wedged between her

flushed pussylips. Anna was so confused

about what was going on that she didn't

even notice what he had done.

Stepping back to admire his handiwork, he

placed a pensive finger across his cheek.

A smile came across his lips in

satisfaction of his manipulation. He just

stood there and admired her puffed

pussylips wrapping around the thong bikini

bottom and he could even make out a trickle

of her juices running down her inner calf.

"Perfect dahling," he told her, then

grabbed the radio to let Bill know they

were ready.

"Okay," Anna said breathlessly. "What do I


Rick guided her to the dolphin enclosure

and she peered down. In the pool below,

were swimming and playing six fairly large

dolphins, each about seven or eight feet in


"I... I did not think that they would be so

big," Anna said worriedly. "I have never

been in the water with such big fishes

before. Are you sure that it is safe?"

"First, they're mammals," Rick corrected

her. "Just like you and me, not fishes.

And they are very friendly. They let

people swim with them all the time."

"How do you know this?" Anna asked.

'Whoops!' Rick thought. "Uh... ah... I've

seen them perform before. Now up you go,"

he said, helping her up onto the landing.

As Anna struggled to get up on the high

landing, Rick couldn't help but push her up

by her bottom, sticking his middle finger

in her excited pussy one last time. This

added incentive was all Anna needed to jump

up effortlessly. Rick sucked in his finger

for a final taste of Anna's sweet juice.

The water was about six feet below her from

this platform.

"How do I do this then?" She asked.

"Just dive in sweatie," Rick told her.

"It's perfectly safe. The pool is about

thirty feet deep and the dolphins will even

help you swim if you get in trouble."

"Really?" Anna said. "I have heard

stories about this."

Rick stood back and admired her asscheeks

tighten as the tennis star prepared to dive

into the dolphin pool. In a graceful swan

dive, Anna jumped from platform to join the

sea mammals in the pool. The one thing

that Anna failed to take into consideration

is that this particular model of swimsuit

was never meant for swimming, but just for


As soon as she hit the water, the flimsy

string-bikini top was pulled away from her

tits by the sudden rush of water, exposing

her top to Bill's waiting camera. But once

underwater, she could hear the clicking and

whistling sounds that the dolphins were

making to communicate with. She found

those sounds very relaxing in the depths of

the pool.

Anna was oblivious to what had happened to

the bikini top and looked around the pool

for signs of the dolphins. Then she

spotted Bill on the other side of the large

picture windows of the aquarium. She swam

over to him and gave him a few underwater


Bill just grinned realizing that his model

hadn't yet come to the realization that her

top was gone. Then he noticed Rick's

handiwork with the thong bottom and snapped

some close-up shots of her pussylips still

clinging to the material.

Anna noticed some of the large dolphins

approaching her and turned to greet the

friendly mammals. They playfully circled

her, occasionally nudging her with their


Rick joined Bill in the viewing area of the

dolphin pen.

"You sure this is gonna work Rick?" Bill

asked his friend.

"There's a good chance of it,' he told him.

"I personally selected only the males of

the pod. And they've all been acting

rather randy these past few days. If this

is possible, and there's no guarantee on

this, then it will be with this bunch."

They both returned their attention to Anna

Kournikova swimming with the many male

dolphins. Her string bikini not even

hiding her genitals anymore, and still she

didn't seem to notice.

Anna had remained underwater for as long as

she could and kicked her legs wide to

surface for air. When her legs spread open

for that kick, the two men got a lustful

look at her exposed pussy and blood-

engorged clit.

"You did a good job on her cunt, buddy,"

Bill commented.

"Believe me, it was a real pleasure," Rick

grinned back.

They both laughed as they watched Anna

treading water above them. Her legs

parting rhythmically to stay afloat and

offering them a tantalizing glimpse at her

naked pussy.


Anna broke the surface and took a deep gulp

of fresh air.

"Eeeeeeek!" She squealed as a large

dolphin head surfaced next to hers, its

size easily three times the size of her own

head. "My god, you scared me. My, you are

a big boy, aren't you."

Reaching out she petted the oversized head

and was pleased to see that the animal was

quite friendly. Then another dolphin

popped up next to them and squeeked his

desire for her attention also. Awkwardly,

Anna began petting both of them together.

She soon found that the dolphins would

eagerly support her in the water as she

petted them.

From below, Bill and Rick pulled out their

stiffening cocks as they watched the tennis

star play with the sea mammals in her

almost naked state. Then Rick nudged his

friend's attention to one of the still

swimming dolphins circling the Russian


"That's his cock poking out," Rick told


"Man, that's so weird looking," Bill

commented as the pale pointed tip of a

dolphin cock made its appearance. "You

think they can smell her arousal?"

"Maybe," Rick said. "I've never quite

understood what arouses a dolphin. But I

figured if I got her wet before diving in,

they might sense her sexuality too."

Then they noticed two more swimming

dolphins circling her were also getting

hard-ons. Their cocks stood out at right

angle to their bodies. Each measuring

about eight inches in length and about two

inches in width, finishing in the pointed

tip which made them look like spears.

"What do you think they'll do?" Bill


"If I were them, I'd try to fuck the horny

bitch," he laughed, and Bill followed soon


Anna continued petting her two new friends,

forgetting about the others in the pool

with them. Then she felt something poking

at her crotch. Taking a deep breath, she

ducked her head under the surface and was

greeted by another porpoise face.

Her new acquaintance then ducked down and

poked his snout against her crotch. For

the first time since diving into the pool,

Anna became aware of the absence of her

swimsuit. She realized that her nipples

were fully exposed and that Bill had

probably noticed that as well.

'Why did he not tell me?' She wondered.

But then her attention was brought back to

the now, as the dolphin's snout rubbed

itself against her already excited

clitoris. She now regretted Richard's

'accidental' stroking of her earlier, not

knowing that this was all orchestrated for

this eventuality.

Bill and Rick both watched intently as Anna

was being surrounded by the obviously horny

sea mammals. They began stroking their own

hard-on's as they watched a dolphin trying

to fuck his thick snout in her vulnerable


A few times, Bill had to remind himself to

snap pictures of this most unusual act of


The dolphin's constant poking at her clit

excited Anna in ways she hadn't expected.

For some reason she was getting aroused all

over again. Her new excited state didn't

help her in holding her breath underwater

either. She lifted her head back out of

the water and took a deep breath.

Despite her excellent physical

conditioning, she couldn't seem to manage

her respiration as well as she could

usually. Her sexual excitement was taking

her breath away faster than the toughest

tennis match ever had before.

From below, the two men could clearly see

her nipples stiffening with each passing

moment as the dolphins got bolder with her.

The one at her pussy began nibbling at her

stiff clit, causing Anna to bend her knees

in the water. He seemed to be trying to

tear away the last piece of vestige that

still clothed her.

The only thing keeping her afloat was her

two dolphin friends still supporting her.

"OOOOOH! MY! GOD!" She yelled out in the

empty water park. "What are you doing...

doing to me fishies?"

Then Bill and Rick's view was obscured when

two more dolphins swam up to the floating

beauty and began nibbling their short teeth

on her stiff nipples.

"OH GOD, NO!" She yelled out again. "Stop

doing that, you naughty things. I... I

cannot swim with you doing that to me."

The two peeping Toms watched as the

dolphins, which now numbered five,

surrounding her dwarfed the slender body of

tennis star, Anna Kournikova. On average,

from tail to snout, they measured over

seven feet in length.

Anna quickly came to the realization that

the dolphins were acting much too frisky

around her. She twisted and turned looking

for the way out of the pool. That's when

she caught sight of the trainer's platform

that was almost at water level.

Pushing off the dolphins she was petting

earlier, Anna began swimming desperately

for the shelter of the platform. She knew

that she needed to get out of the water and

these overexcited mammals.

Beneath the surface, the dolphins scattered

at her sudden departure, but soon began

chasing her underwater. The agile marine

mammals easily overtook her and each in

turn rolled onto their backs and rubbed

their leathery body against her naked body

from underneath.

"They're trying to fuck her!" Rick

announced excitedly.

Bill quickly switched to a cam-recorder to

catch the action for future viewing. He

also handed a second one to Rick p.

"I'm going topside to film from there,"

Bill said. "You catch the action from


As each porpoise made a run for Anna's

vulnerable pussy, they would miss, not

being able to find the hole where their

instinct told them it should have been.

And with each pass, Anna was partly lifted,

her naked buttock breaking the surface.

Anna was too panicked to stop and wonder

about the strange protrusion that was

attached to their sleek bodies as they

rubbed up against her. All she could

concentrate on was reaching the safety of

the platform.

After each dolphin had made his own futile

attempt to copulate with her, one of them

came up from below. He grabbed hold of her

thong bottom, pulling Anna under until the

fragile fabric was torn off her.

Anna regained the surface in a panic. The

dolphin had just tried to drown her she

thought, which increased her adrenalin to

reach the platform even faster.

Rick kept filming the bestial rape of the

tennis star with the vid-cam as the

dolphins began another assault to try to

bury their tool in the now completely

vulnerable pussy.

Bill just got to the edge of the pool and

zoomed his camera to catch the action from

this new angle. From this position, he

could see the dolphins as they approached

Anna from behind, their pale cock

shimmering just beneath the surface against

their grey skin. Then they would

momentarily disappear under Anna and lift

her naked butt out of the water then pass

bye unsatisfied.

Anna was within a few feet from the edge of

the platform and she got herself up in a

horizontal position to climb out of the

pool as fast as possible. Suddenly, a

large porpoise head popped up in front of

her, blocking her way. Its loud shrieking,

clicking and whistling scaring the young


She was about to slap him away when he just

kept raising himself above the surface.

Anna suddenly felt something slithering

past her pussy lips and lifting her along

with the sea mammal.

"AAAIIIIEEE!!" Anna screamed in fear and


From the viewing room below the surface,

Rick caught the scene of the dolphin's cock

finding her pussy and inserting itself in

the young woman. From above, Bill was

seeing a scene that he never could have


Anna Kournikova was being lifted out of the

water, impaled on the dolphin's cock.

The large porpoise seem to stand suspended

on its tail, holding the helpless girl on

his cock. Then he suddenly turned on his

back and splashed down into the pool,

dragging Anna along with him.

Bill and Rick, their stiff cocks still

sticking out of their pants, filmed this

scene as they followed the merged couple

back to the middle of the pool were Anna

had started her desperate dash for safety.

Unlike most mammals, sea mammals do not

take long to shoot their sperm into the

female of the species. Within seconds,

Anna could feel the warm jism shoot inside

of her and her mind reeled at the very

thought that an animal had just fucked her.

Once his business done, the dolphin's cock

shrank out of her pussy and released her.

Leaving her floating in shock back where

she had started from.

Anna looked around to get her bearings

again. The sight that greeted her also

frightened her. The four remaining

dolphins were circling her like man-eating

sharks. She could clearly see their dorsal

fins breaking the surface and submerging


'Man, this tape is gonna be priceless,'

both men thought.

'I have to get out of here,' Anna's

panicked mind thought.

She began swimming towards the platform

once again. This time, Bill could see that

much of her strength had seeped out of her.

Her strokes were much slower than on her

first attempt.

Both men watched intently as the dolphins

started another raid on her privates. One

by one, they would stroke their leathery

body across her chest. Only the last one

managed to ram his cock his stiff cock in

her elusive pussy.

"Arg... glub!" Anna started to yell as her

head was dragged below the surface by the

diving dolphin.

Somehow, the dolphin sensed her distress

and swam back upwards, allowing her face to

break surface where she gulped in air,

while coughing out the water she had


Just as with the first one, this dolphin

also dragged her back to the center of the

pool, her cunt stuck on his cock. Once

more, she is quickly released by the

shrinking penis and left adrift in the

center of the pool, her pussy leaking the

milky jism that was just deposited in her.

Rick got great footage of the cum seeping

out of Anna's pussy, while Bill tried to

capture the next move the dolphins might

make on her.

Anna looked up towards the parapet of the

pool enclosure and saw Bill standing there,

a video camera in his hands. That's when

she finally realized that this must all

have been planned in advance by him, and

probably by Richard as well. She could

feel tears build up in her eyes, knowing

that she could not expect help from these

two perverts.

There were still three highly excited

dolphins swimming around her looking for

their chance to plant their seed in this

female. Slowly, cautiously, they circled


By now, Anna was even too weak to even try

swimming for the platform for a third try.

All she could manage was staying afloat and

not drowning.

"Fuck you Bill!" She yelled up weakly to

the photographer. "I will call the

authorities on you when I get out."

Bill could barely make out what she shouted

up to him, but he had a good idea of her


"Do you really want to do that, Anna?" He

shouted back, pointing to his camera. "I

think your fans would love to see what you

do in your spare time."

Anna's mouth just opened in shock at what

he was suggesting. She quickly understood

that the tape he was making would find its

way around the world, probably through the

Internet. She broke down crying then, no

longer caring if she even lived through

this ordeal.

Down in the viewing salon, Rick watched as

two of the remaining dolphins dove to the

bottom of the pool. Then he followed them

back upwards as they aimed for the young

tennis star threading water above them. He

watched as each porpoise came up face to

face to each other. Watching them rise

upwards, he suddenly realized that they

would be sandwiching the helpless blonde

beauty between them.

"Damn!" He swore at the realization of

what might soon happen. "Are they doing

what I think they're doing?"

He quickly adjusted the camera sight to

Anna's form and waited in anticipation.

Then in a sudden burst of energy, he saw

both sea mammals squeezing her body between


"OOOOH! MY GODDDD!" Anna yelled out in

shock as her body was suddenly flung in the

air along with the two powerful animals.


Each had managed to imbed their cocks in

her pussy and asshole simultaneously,

lifting her out of the water along with

them. Anna Kournikova was getting a double

penetration for the first time in her young

life, from dolphins of all things.

Bill almost dropped his camera in the pool

at the violent manner she was lifted. Then

his jaw dropped when her saw that both

flying dolphins had found a hole to bury

their shafts in at the same time. He

watched, as if in slow motion, as the

threesome splashed back into the water on

the back of the beast on her back,

cushioning her from the sting of the water.

This time Anna was prepared for the dive

beneath the surface. Taking a deep breath

at the peak of the jump, she had a lungful

of air when they went under this time.

Both dolphins swam in unison, with their

mate between them. Swimming as if they had

been practicing this maneuver for years.

Anna was having a hard time holding her

breath as she felt an orgasm building

inside of her.

'How... how can I be enjoying this?' She

thought, looking around in the water for an

escape route. 'Why is my body betraying me

in such a way?'

Rick was trying his best to keep the camera

focused on Anna's struggle. Trying to

focus on her face then move down to where

the two cocks merged with her. Pausing at

her tits to zoom in on her erect nipples.

"'Damn!" He said aloud. "She must really

be loving this."

Bill quickly made his way towards the

platform to either get Anna out or get

better shots since he could no longer see

anything too clearly from above.

The underwater copulation continued as the

dolphins swam around, heading towards the

platform with their 'mate'.

Bill could see bubbles escaping her mouth

and nose as Anna exploded into the most

powerful orgasm she had ever experienced in

her young life. She was starting to feel

dizzy as lack of oxygen was overcoming her.

She gave one final look as both dolphins

filled her rear holes with their warm jism

and broke for the surface once again.

"Gasp! Gasp!" She

sputtered as the two cocks released her

only a foot away from the platform.

She reached over with a weak arm and

someone grabbed hold of her and pulled her

to safety. When she looked up, she was

disgusted to see that it was that pervert,

Bill, that was beside her.

Seeing Anna's feet disappear to the

platform, Rick packed the gear and headed

back up, topside, to join Bill and Anna.

Bill looked her over and saw streaks of

sticky dolphin cum along her legs emanating

from her pussy and ass.

"You were real nice to the dolphins there

Anna," Bill said, a grin on his face. "You

should be so nice to me and Rick... sorry.


"Go fuck yourself!" She spat out weakly.

Rick turned up just then, his cock bouncing

out of his open pants.

"No, I think we'd rather fuck you," Bill

told her.

Rick smiled to his buddy and stripped off

his pants as fast as he could. He soon

stood naked above the just as naked blonde

tennis star. Bill did the same and knelt

next to her.

"Why don't you get us ready for your

pussy?" He said, tapping his bloated

cockhead against her gasping lips.

Anna shook her head, no, clenching her lips

tightly to keep him out of her mouth.

Rick grabbed her braided hair and pulled on

it sharply, causing her to cry out in pain.

In that moment of surprise, Bill stuffed

his cock past her young lips and shoved


Anna had little choice but to suck him in,

not daring to try anything for fear of

reprisal from these madmen.

Rick reached down and sucked in one of her

stiff nipples into his mouth and began

suckling the teen beauty. Has he continued

sucking on her tits, his hands reached down

and began playing over her already

overexcited pussy. Paying particular

attention to her clit.

"Mmmmmh!" They heard her moan in distress.

When Bill felt himself ready, he tapped

Rick's shoulder and they switched

positions. Anna did not protest when Rick

presented his cock to be sucked. She

simply conceded that she was in no position

to resist.

Besides, she could feel herself nearing

orgasm from Bill's talented finger-play on

her clit. Without warning, she arched her

back sharply as her orgasm rushed through

her body.

"Arrgghhh! Mmmmmh! Arrgghh!" She mumbled

through her cock-stuffed mouth.

"Guess the bitch really likes her sex,"

Rick laughed.

Bill gave him a thumbs up and they

reshuffled themselves into a new position.

Rick lay on his back as Bill lifted the

weakened tennis beauty on top of him. They

expertly guided her pussylips over his

flagpole and lowered her on him.

"Grrruuuggghhh!" Anna gritted her teeth.

"Nnnoooo... do not do this. I beg of you."

Anna was slowly shoved down Rick's nine-

inch cock until her pussy-hair made contact

with his genital hail. Then she felt

Bill's hands pushing her forward until her

stiff nipples rested on Rick's hairy chest.

Rick held her there in that position while

Bill got ready for his next move.

Anna didn't know what to expect anymore

from these demented men. All she could do

was brace herself for Rick's fuck, which

she was expecting to start soon.

Then she felt the bulbous head of Bill's

cock poking in her asscrack. She suddenly

understood what these men were planning and

tried to get back up, but Rick's hold on

her was too strong.

"Yo... you cannot do this!" She yelled back

at Bill. "It is not right. It is... it is


Bill ignored her pleas and kept up his

pressure against her clenching sphincter.

He had hoped that the dolphin's prick would

have loosened her up for him, but it looked

like he would have to force his way into

her ass as well.

Anna's calve muscles tightened as she tried

to keep the vile cock from invading her

asshole. But she soon lost that fight as

Bill shoved the first few inches into her.

"ARGH!" She cried out in pain. "I... it

hurts! Take it out! Oh god, please take

it out!"

"Will you shut the fuck up, bitch!" Bill

yelled down at her. "We're gonna fuck you

and that's all there is to it."

With another mighty lunge forward, another

few inches of his eight-inch cock found its

way into her still clenching ass.

Rick felt the presence of Bill's cock

through Anna's thin membrane that separated

her two orifices. This was the sign he was

waiting for. He began humping up into Anna

using his strong arms to lift her up

slightly so he could have some maneuvering


"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Anna grunted as she was

being shoved back and forth between the two


"Take it baby," Rick encouraged her from


"Damn! This bitch is tight in the ass,"

Bill would be saying from above.

Back and forth, they would swap thrust.

And for some reason she couldn't

comprehend, her body was reacting as if it

was the best thing she had ever tried.

Bill could finally feel her ass-muscles

loosening as he buried six inches into her.

Rick kept trying to keep pace with his

friend, but his position was too awkward to

do so.

"I... I think I a... I am cumming," Anna

whispered in shame. "I... argh! CUMMING!

CUMMING! Oh god forgive me, I am cumming!"

Just then, the fifth and final dolphin came

sliding up on the platform as he was

trained to do during performances. His

sudden appearance next to the three humans

froze them in place momentarily. That is

until Rick noticed that this dolphin was on

its side and still had a raging hard-on.

Looking up at Bill, he winked. Then taking

hold of Anna Kournikova by the neck, he

lowered her face down to the porpoise's

stiff cock. Bill reached over for his

camcorder and focused on the dolphin and

its hard cock.

"Suck it Anna," he whispered in her ear.

"Suck him because you want another cock, if

nothing else."

Not daring to resist the two depraved men,

Anna reluctantly parted her lips and kissed

the tip of the sea mammal's penis.

Bill was catching every moment of Anna's

final bestial act. Once she finished

kissing the tip, Rick squished her cheeks

together with his fingers, forcing her

mouth open and guided her to the dolphin

cock's tip. Then pushed against the back

of her head to shove her down along the

length of the eight-inch dick.

Bill gasped in excitement as he watched

her, through the camera's viewfinder,

moving her head up and down along the

dolphin's sex tool until her chin hit


Rick needn't be forcing Anna at this point,

she seemed only more than willing to finish

the blowjob on her own. She still haven't

figured out when this change in her took


As with the previous four dolphins, this

one didn't last long either. Bill focused

his vidcam at Anna's mouth, making sure

that her throat was clearly in the frame.

He wanted to catch her gulping down on the

dolphin's jism as it shot its animal sperm

in her mouth.

Anna wasn't about to disappoint him. As

the dolphin unloaded his cum in her mouth,

she eagerly began drinking down the salty

mixture. She closed her eyes as her own

orgasm also hit her.

The sight of this young beauty sucking and

drinking the sea mammal's jism was all

either men needed to trigger their own

climax. They both unloaded their balls in

her simultaneously.

"Mmmmmh!" She mumbled excitedly around the

dolphin's cock.

Anna was struck down by yet another

powerful orgasm as she felt the warmth of

their jism flooded her pussy and ass.

Rick lifted his head and eagerly began

suckling of her tits, going from one to the

other in rapid succession.

Bill was kept busy taping the dolphin's

last moments in her mouth. He watched as

the dolphin slid away from Anna's face to

slide back into the watery depth of the

pool, a stringy line of his cum still

connected to the blonde tennis star's lips.

He smiled lewdly as he caught Anna sucking

in that last strand of bestial cum like


Once they were all satisfied, they

disentangled themselves from the exhausted

girl and got their clothes back on. Anna

remained motionless on the pool's platform,

her eyes glazed in exhaustion.

They then lifted her in their arms and

carried her back to her trailer and left

her there, naked on the bed. Before

leaving, Bill left a not behind. It read:


We have you and the dolphins on

tape. If you tell anyone about

this, we'll make sure everyone

knows what kind of a slut you

really are,


When Anna awoke, she found the note and

cried in utter shame as she dressed

herself. She then walked out of the

trailer and found that it was the middle of

the night. She had to find a security

guard to let her out of the park,

explaining that she had simply overslept in

her trailer after the photo assignment.

When she got to her apartment, she

collapsed in her bed and cried herself to



When she woke the next day, her muscles

ached all over. Both from the extended

swimming she was forced to do and the

sexual assault she had endured.

She called her manager and told him to

cancel her next two tennis tournaments,

feigning illness. She really needed this

time to recuperate properly.


A few weeks later, a package was delivered

to her apartment. When she opened it she

found a video cassette, a note and a second

package. She opened the letter and read

what it said:

Thought you'd enjoy watching how

good you look on tape.


She inserted the tape in her machine and

hit the play button. As the tape was

showing an introduction, she opened the

second package and found a strangely carved

item. It was about eight inches long, two

inches wide and very pointed.

'What is this?' She asked herself.

Then she turned her eyes back to the

television set. Her eyes gaped open large

as she was watching herself back in the

dolphin pool.

The scene kept switching to scenes above

and under the surface as she replayed her

dolphin rape on TV. It quickly became

obvious to her that Bill had edited footage

from two vantage points, meaning that

Richard was probably filming the other


Then she caught site of a dolphin's hard

cock for the first time. She quickly

glanced down to the strangely carved item

that was in the second box and recognized

it for what it was.

Bill had sent her a dildo in the shape of a

dolphin's cock.

She tentatively reached over to it and took

it in her hands. As she watched the video

play out, she pulled her shorts aside and

inserted the porpoise dildo in her pussy

and began fucking herself energetically

with it.

"OOOOHHH GODD!" She groaned aloud. "This

is so nice!"

Just then, her telephone rang, startling

her from her pleasure.

"Y... yes?" She answered.

"Anna, this is Susan," the voice said.

"Your agent. Bill just called and said he

had another photo job for you. Something

about Zeigfried and Roy's white tigers.

Are you interested?"

The End

For now



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