Thinking of Amanda got me hard for a year. About 5-7 and perhaps 140, she has to hide her tits under baggy company polo shirts but a couple of times I'd seen what appeared to be a damn nice rack bouncing around in there and she appeared to have a very acceptable ass as well. From talking to her in the store, I found out she banged a guy in his forties when she was sixteen, fucked about twenty guys overall and even slept with a couple of girls. We talked for six months or so about going out to dinner and she kept putting me off. Then one summer night, she agreed.
We went to a casual place for pizza and talked for about an hour about all of her problems. She told me about her lose
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r boyfriend, loser parents, loser job...all the usual crap nineteen-year-olds with alcoholic parents and no future complain about. Meanwhile, though, she was wearing a slightly tighter polo shirt than usual and I was treated to the sight of a set of tits straining in what had to be a 36DD bra and maybe even bigger. My dick went to major wood, especially a couple of times when she talked about different guys or girls she'd fucked and her nipples got hard and started poking through her bra and shirt.
In the car afterward we drove around awhile looking at houses and continuing our chat. I reached over and started to rub her neck and told her everything in her life would be fine. She told me what I was doing felt really good so I kept at it, even lifting her shirt out of her skirt in back and rubbing there. She leaned forward slightly, very compliant, and I rubbed all the way up to her bra strap using some lotion I kept in the glove box just in case. Pretty soon I undid both hooks, holding my breath as I did and thinking she'd tell me to stop. Instead she teased me about being pretty good with one hand...
Amanda didn't want a big 18th birthday party; she just wanted to hang out with a few close friends. She planned to go out with her best friend, Jamie, and her boyfriend, Jason. They planned to go to the mall, and then back to Jason's house to go in the pool, watch movies, order pizza, and just hang out.
At the mall, a lot of shopping was done and a lot of gifts were bought for Amanda. She was having a great time. They got a little hungry, and decided to head over to the food court.
When they were just about done eating, a guy who looked about the same age as them came up to them and introduced himself. "Whats up, ladies?" he said and told them his name was Nick. He sat down and began talking. He seemed not to notice Jason, being more interested in the
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two girls. He was mostly talking to Amanda, probably on account of her looks. Amanda had modest-looking breasts, when in fact she wore a 32D bra, and her ass was tight and plump. She was skinny but shapely, with a good tan, reddish-brown hair, and a very pretty "girl-next-door" face. Nick was talking to her like he thought he was God's gift to women, and he swore a lot and showed little respect to any of them. Nick learned that Amanda and Jason had been going out since their freshman year, and his focus immediately shifted to Jamie, a step lower than Amanda in looks, but still fairly attractive.
Amanda didnt like Nick at all. She personally thought he was an asshole, and Jason seemed to feel the same way. But Jamie, for reasons unknown, seemed to really like him and she invited him back to Jason's house. Not wanting to be mean, Amanda simply said that it was up to Jason. Jason said it was cool with him, although he wanted anything but to have this cocky "top-dog" asshole in his house.
Amanda thought her birthday was ruined as she sat in the back seat of her boyfriend's car - Nick called "shotgun" - on the way to his house. When they arrived, Jamie brought up that Nick didnt have a suit.
"I'll just use one of Jay's," he said, without the slightest bit of inquiry in his voice. Nick was really getting on Jason's nerves and he gave Amanda a look that she shot right back, showing she felt the same way.
Jamie began walking to her house to get her suit after refusing Jason's offers to drive her, but she insisted on walking, as her house was but two blocks away from Jason's.
Amanda put on her small black bikini and Nick commented on how much bigger her tits looked and how much he liked them. Jason slipped into some shorts, and after supplying Nick with a suit and directing him to the bathroom, Jason brought Amanda into his room and sat her down on the bed for a private discussion.
"Who the hell does this guy think he is?!" he said.
"I know, he's such an asshole," Amanda said. "I don't like him at all. We just met him and he's acting like he's known us for years and we're supposed to just put up with him. Did you see how many times he stared at my chest?"
"I saw, and he stopped talking to you completely when you mentioned you were with me, like you were useless to him."
"Why the hell did Jamie invite him back here? What could she possibly like about that dirtbag?"
"His idea of charm is basically objectifying Jamie, and she went for it!"
Just then, Nick burst through the door.
"Yo, Jay, your suit is too tight, my balls can't breathe in it."
Jason was appalled that Nick would bust into his room like that. Amanda was equally shocked.
"Have you ever heard of knocking?" Jason asked, angrily.
"Yea, but I knew I wouldn't be interrupting anything. Your too much of a pussy to get any pussy, Jay. I bet you two haven't even done more than kiss."
"That's none of your business," Amanda said, "and we're not together just for that stuff."
But Nick was right. Jason had never gotten Amanda to go for anything besides making out. He got his hand in her pants once or twice and just rubbed over her mound, but if he tried to get in, Amanda would stop him immediately. They had seen each other naked a few times, but those were mostly accidents or one would ask the other to see him/her naked, but there was never any touching.
"I'll see if I have a bigger suit," Jason said quietly.
"Fuck it, I'll just go in naked. I hope I don't make this girl do something she shouldn't," he said, referring to Amanda.
"That's disgusting. At least wear your underwear or something," Amanda said sharply.
"Sorry, babe, but I never wear underwear. And besides, I wouldn't wanna deprive you of the view," Nick replied, "or anything else..."
"Please..." she said. "Like I would even look."
"Oh, well I guess you wouldn't mind if I got ready for the pool right here," he said, unbuckling his belt.
"Dude, don't, let me find you some shorts, man," Jason said.
But it was too late. Nick dropped his pants and his cock bobbed out, swinging free. He threw his pants on the bed, still standing in the doorway, waiting for a response to his actions.
Amanda's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped open at the sight of Nick's dick. She remembered seeing Jason's hard dick, and him saying it was about 5". Nick's was still soft and it was just about as big as Jason when he was hard.
"What's-a-matter, baby?" Nick asked mockingly. "Ain't ya ever seen a real man's meat before?" He grabbed it and flopped it around.
Jason was in a daze at what just happened, like Amanda. The asshole he just met was now jerking off in his doorway. Not to mention the butterflies that began flurrying in Jason's stomach at the sight of Nick's genitals.
"Look at this girl," Nick said. "Look at her mouth hangin' open like that. She looks hungry. Think I should give this bitch a taste, Jay?"
Jason could barely hear him. He was still in shock, and his surprise increased when he realized that Amanda wasn't protesting. She simply stared at Nick's cock with her jaw hanging open and her eyes wide as it grew.
Taking Jason's silence and Amanda's open mouth as an invitation, Nick walked slowly toward Amanda, his dick fully erect at 8" long and almost 2" wide.
Amanda followed Nick's bobbing cock with her eyes as it neared her, coming within inches of her face as Nick stopped. She put her hands on his thighs and very lightly pushed him away. It was all the strength she could put forth to stop what she knew was about to happen. She was fully aware of her open mouth, and the target it presented for Nick's arrogantly perfect manhood.
"You wanna smell what you're about to eat, slut?" Nick asked without asking.
Nick reached to the back of her head and softly gripped the juncture of her neck and head. He pulled her head slowly toward his crotch. The strength of Amanda's push increased, but she knew she couldn't stop this boy whom she hated so much from taking her mouth as he wanted it, and she still didn't close her mouth to prevent it.
While pulling Amanda's face toward his crotch, Nick pulled his cock to the side, avoiding her mouth for the moment. Instead he rubbed his dick on Amanda's cheek, while bringing her face to his balls.
"Smell those balls, baby. They aint been washed today."
The thick odor of male musk filled Amanda's nostrils and she sucked in the disgusting scent like she wanted to inhale him. Her mouth opened wider and her tongue stretched out of her mouth, toward the bottom of his dirty balls as they hung under his tyrant of a cock.
Nick's fingers gripped her hair and pulled her away just before she could taste his heavy balls. She leaned in harder but couldn't get close enough to what she wanted.
Amanda couldn't believe herself. She hated this kid and yet she wanted to taste him, swallow him, worship him. To Amanda, it didn't matter anymore that this was Nick's cock. All she knew was that it was the most powerful thing she'd ever seen and she wanted to surrender to it fully.
She licked at the head, just missing it as Nick pulled it away. Amanda whimpered softly as his cock moved out of reach. She looked up into Nick's eyes, and a tear rolled down her face.
Seeing how upset she was getting, Nick decided to be a nice guy and let her taste him. He wiped the tear from her face with his cock, rubbing her cheek with his dick. Amanda turned her head and tried to get a mouthful of him, but he pulled away once again. Two more tears fell from her beautiful eyes and Nick slowly pushed the head of his dick between her lips.
Amanda sucked on the head for about a minute. Then Nick finally leaned into her face and filled her mouth completely. She cried even more, tears streaming down her face as she slowly slid her lips up and down his shaft. She cried out of sorrow for willingly becoming Nick's cocksucker, against her will. She cried out of happiness for finally being allowed to taste his dick. But she cried most because she could only get about half of it in her mouth.
"Mmmmuhhmm," she moaned as Nick pulled himself out of her mouth.
"You want more?" Nick asked.
Amanda moaned.
"Lick my balls, bitch."
Nick pulled her head down and tilted it up as he moved her face under his sack. Amanda licked and sucked his balls like they were candy, tasting the dried sweat that caked them. She loved the dirty, salty taste and she took both nuts into her mouth and sucked on them. By now, her hands had moved up to where his thighs met the bottom of his ass, and she squeezed and pulled as she devoured his nasty balls.
"You want more cock?"
Amanda groaned a muffled "mm hmm" into his ball-sack.
"Tell me what you want," he said as he pulled her from his balls. "You won't get anything unless you tell me what you want."
"I wanna suck it," Amanda quietly replied.
"I don't give a shit about what you wanna do," he said. "Tell me what you need."
"I....need you to let me have it."
"Have what?"
"Your cock... please..."
"Holy shit, you sure picked a good slut, Jay. You just gotta learn how to open 'em up, man," Nick said to the still catatonic Jason. Then, to Amanda: "Turn over, lay on ur back."
Amanda quickly obeyed, acting like his cock-slave. She layed on her back and hung her head from the edge of the bed.
Nick dropped his balls into Amanda's mouth again and she worshipped them. She submitted completely as she licked and sucked at his nutsack, savoring the taste and living for the scent. After a few minutes, she grabbed his shaft and tried to manuever it into her mouth, whispering almost inaudibly, "Come on."
Nick pushed her hand away and smacked her in the mouth with his dick, causing Amanda to moan as her inner bottom lip was cut on one of her teeth.
"Shut the fuck up, bitch. I'll feed you my cock when I'm good and ready." He held her head up by the back of her neck and rubbed the underside of his dick all over her cheeks and eyes. "Beg me for my cock."
"Please," Amanda whimpered softly as she fell in love with the beautiful organ she was blessed enough to be able to surrender herself to. The sensation she received from Nick's cock rubbing into her face was almost euphoric. "Let me suck your cock..." she begged quietly.
"Good girl," he said with a smile, which made Amanda smile back, feeling that she made him happy. Nick then lowered himself until his dick was in line with his bitch's mouth. He held her neck and slowly pushed his cock into her mouth.
Amanda's moans of pleasure as her new owner's cock entered her mouth turned into groans of protest as his head hit the back of her throat and didn't stop.
"Swallow it."
Amanda tried to swallow, but she began to gag and choke on his cock, which was even more pleasurable to him.
"Hold your breath," Nick said as he forced his way into Amanda's throat, and the sounds of her gagging and choking stopped and the room went silent as Amanda's air supply was cut off by Nick's thick cock.
The only sound that filled the room was made by Amanda's legs moving about, as she struggled for air.
She was allowed to breathe again, for a few seconds, before Nick began to slowly pump in and out of her throat, making her gag uncontrollably. Tears once again poured out of her eyes and she thought she might vomit.
Jason's expression was still lifeless but his shorts were tented up and Nick noticed.
"Hahaha, looks like your pretty boy is getting off on watching you betray him," Nick said. "Tell ya what, Jay. I'll let you stick your dick in this slut's mouth, just 'cuz I feel bad."
Jason halfway snapped out of it and began quickly undressing as Nick still pounded his slutty girlfriend's throat slowly but strongly.
Amanda gurgled and gasped for air as Nick's cock was dislodged from her throat, and he backed off. She noticed Jason's small prick next to her face. She looked at it and made a sour face, then got up off the bed and fell to her knees in front of Nick again.
"Haha, would ya look at that," Nick said mockingly.
Jason became enraged and pulled Amanda off Nick's cock and to her feet by her hair.
"What the fuck?!" he screamed. "First you suck another guy's dick right in front of my face after being together for years, and now you won't give me shit?! Get outta my house you... whore!" with that, Jason let go of her hair, only to have it seized by Nick's hand, which then pushed her to her knees again.
"Oh, shut the fuck up, retard. Just sit there and watch and maybe I'll let you taste my dick, too," Nick said over the sound of Amanda slurping on his cock. "Or do ya want me to knock the shit outta you for talkin' to my bitch like that?"
Jason didn't reply. His eyes just went wide, realizing that Nick could easily kick his ass or even kill him if he wanted to.
"Sit your ass down and enjoy the show, and maybe I'll share her," Nick said.
Hearing this, Amanda looked up to Nick with questioning eyes and a mouthful of his dick. Nick smiled and shook his head no, signalling that he wouldn't make her even touch Jason.
Amanda squealed gleefully and went back to work on her favorite dick. She was now sucking slowly up and down his cock, while rubbing his balls with one hand and slowly beating the rest of his dick off with the other hand.
Nick felt himself nearing an orgasm and groaned. Amanda loved hearing him make sounds that showed she was doing a good job, and she sped up a little.
Nick's cock exploded in Amanda's mouth and she moaned loudly as his cum hit the back of her throat. As Nick came, Jason got up, beating off furiously, and hopped over to them. He began shooting his load in Amanda's hair just as Nick shot the last of his load into Amanda's face. Nick opened his eyes and saw what Jason was doing, and he shoved him, sending him flying back onto the bed, where the rest of his cum shot onto his stomach.
Nick picked Amanda up like a prince would a princess and walked over to the bed. Amanda picked up Nick's pants from the bed and threw them over his shoulder. She then looked at Jason and cracked a small smile at him. Then she spat Nick's entire load of cum all over Jason's face.
Jason gagged and coughed and Nick laughed and turned toward the door just as Jamie showed up in the doorway.
"What the fuck just happened?!" she screamed.
Amanda grinned and wiped some of Nick's cum from her chin with her finger, then put it in her mouth and sucked it clean.
Nick and Amanda both laughed and headed down the stairs.
Jamie's attention was diverted from Jason's pathetic form on the bed to the sight of Nick's heavy cock and balls swinging around between his thighs as he left the room. She then looked back at Jason, his little pecker hanging limp and a huge load of cum on his face. He couldn't even look her in the eye.
Jaime could here Amanda downstairs as they headed toward the door.
"Are you gonna fuck me now?" she asked like a little girl. "Pleeeeaaaaase???"
"I was thinking of using Jamie's bed." Nick replied.
Jamie gave Jason a pitiful look, then turned around and headed down the stairs.
"Wait up guys!"
Sorry for the lack of character development; this was my first story and I wrote it a while ago, so please give me some criticism, good or bad...
Amanda entered the classroom. She had earned herself detention with Mr James for being cheeky in class.
"Afternoon, Amanda."
Mr James looked at Amanda. She had her skirt way above her knees and her shirt unbuttoned a little. He could see her bra. She smirked when she saw him looking.
Ten Minutes Later
"Mr James?" "Yes, Amanda?" "I need some help on something."
He went over to her desk. He gasped slightly when he saw what she had been doing. Her skirt had been lifted up and her pink thong was lowered.
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She smiled.
"I know you want to."
She sat him down and began to strip them both. Wow, 8 inches. More than what Jayden has. She lay down on the desk.
"Fuck me." "What?" "Fuck me, Mr James." He did as his sexy student did. He entered her and started fucking her slowly, to tease her. He fucked her harder and harder as she moaned and screamed. Lucky, the janitor had gone. He was about to come. Amanda sensed this and got up. She roughly grabbed his cock and started sucking it. Now it was his turn to moan with pleasure. Damn, the girl was a natural. He felt jealous of Jayden, having such a girl to suck him off on a night.
"I'm gonna cum, Mandy."
She was there to catch every drop of hot cum and swallow it. She lay down again.
"Eat my pussy." This time he didn't hesitate. He licked and licked her sweet pussy and the juices that came running down.
"My ass. Fuck my ass." she moaned in between licks of her pussy.
He turned her round quickly. His whole cock went deep into the 17 year old ass.
"Bet Jayden never fucked you like that, did he?" he said in between grunts. He took her silence as a no. He grinned.
They went on having sex for 3 hours. Her parents never rung as they thought she was with Jayden. Jayden never rung as he thought she was with her parents.
They could wait. She was having way too much fun with Mr James.
"Omg!! Tonight is the night that my boyfriend, Chris and I are going to have hot sex", that was all Alicia can think about the whole time she was in school. Alicia was excited more ways then one. By lunch time she was soakin wet from just thinking about it. Her hot wet pussy was dripping down her legs, her underwear was so wet that the were about to come though her pants. She thought that she wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.
-Day final goes by and reaches 8p.m.-
She was waiting nervously and horny as hell on the couch. Then the bell rang and she got up fast and ran to the door. She opens it an their stands her boyfriend in a b
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lack t-shirt and rip pair of blue jeans. "Hey Baby", chris says while coming in and grabbing Alicia and pulling her close to him, Kissing her while shutting door behind him by kicking it. she kisses back and then says," Im so horny for you. Come on lets go to my room." He grins at her and says," I thought you would be."
She grabs his hand and pulls her up the stairs then walks to the door and open it. She lets go of his hand and walks to the bed while taking of her black tank top with her red skirt and her matching black bra and gets on the bed. She pulls her legs up and open them wide. Showing her hot wet thorbbing pussy. She takes her hand and starts rubbing her clint and squeezes her breast. Then she looks at him and says, " Come on. I been waiting for your hot cock, see look," she moves her hand to show her pussy more. "My pussy been waiting and I don't think it can wait much longer," she said.
He still kinda stun on seening his girlfriend like this, but excited none the less. He says, " Damn I should have came earlier." His cock was thorbbing, so he takes his shirt off then his pants and boxer and walks to her. He get on the bed facing her and places his head to her wonderful smelling pussy and licks her clint. Then sucks on her more and more. He moves his fingers inside her slowly then goes faster.
Shes moans a little and says, " Go faster and harder." He does what she says and moves even faster and harder. Then she says, " I'm about to cum." She moans loud then out come her wonder juice on his fingers. He licks his fingers and says, " What a wonderful taste and smell."
---To Be Countied--- { Sorry for any misspelling or anything. This is my first story so I hope you will like it. And they will be more later on, but for now I beening a bitch and cutting into pieces. So I hope you Enjoy. Lol!! }
I've decided to end this story at this point as it really could go on for ever. Although written in the present tense it actually happened a good number of years ago now. Little has been changed from the truth except, principally, surnames. These have been changed to protect the (not so) innocent.
What became of everyone? Well me, I continued to suck and fuck my way all through high school aided and abetted by Shona who kept my virgin habit well supplied. The seldom broken rule was that any girl of thirteen was fair game and the number of times I arrived at Shona's house in the morning to find her in bed with somebody new was incredible. "Its so-and-so's birthday today Jim. Come and say happy birthday." I didn't need to be told it was the girl's thi
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rteenth birthday or that she was a virgin. Shona had (and still has for that matter) a knack for attracting girls enticing them into lesbian sex followed by me in due course. The basic proviso was that Shona got to fuck the girl with the dildo once I had broken her in, quite often with Shona videotaping the event!
Not long after the week described my Gran died after a long happy life and left me a small legacy. My parents still think I spent it on an expensive camera outfit but in truth the camera was a second-hand bargain and I used most of the money to buy Shona a very discrete 'friendship' ring which she still wears on her pinky next to her ring finger. Just after her sixteenth birthday, she and I accompanied by Katie and Cath went to see Katie's tattooist friend who removed all of Shona and Cath's pubic (and leg) hair before showing them the selection of tattoos they could have, projecting them onto their cunts while they watched in a mirror. Cath choose a butterfly like her Mum but much different in detail while Shona choose a dragon's head motif with it's mouth positioned right over her love hole. The tattooist was beside herself as she did that one. I must expand this story for you someday but for now suffice to say it is an incredible thing to watch when I make love to her - or even when we fuck!
Our different academic talents led to us going to different universities so we didn't see very much of each other during term time but the holidays normally saw us shacked up in Katie's spare room making up for lost time often not appearing out of the flat for days on end. Katie and Cath (among others) often joined us in our orgy but to my knowledge no one but the four of us and Linda know about the goings on between mother and daughter which continue to this day. They often discuss moving away somewhere where no one will know their true relationship but never have - in truth I think they look too much alike for it to work for long anyway, although you'd probably put them as sisters rather than mother and daughter if you didn't know. Katie did an MBA by distance learning and is now the MD in a factory which set up in town which is another reason for them not to move. Cath did an apprenticeship as a tool maker (honest!) at the factory before joining her mother on the board ("So she knew the basics of the business and the value of money." Katie always explains.) The business? We'll come to that when I get to Linda. During term time I was enjoying a very full relationship with Alison and a beautiful slim Irish lass called Teresa with both of whom I shared a flat - with Shona's blessing and active participation when she could make it through - among others.
Prior to this Cath was away at her Gran's every second or third weekend and often at these times Katie would introduce Shona and I to one of her girlfriends including the blind Mercedes who was indeed of Spanish origin and very sensuous. Other weekends Shona and I would cycle to Dot and Sally's farm where as often as not we would be joined by Bambie and Thumper for a roll in the hay. This ended abruptly after about a year when the two brothers who were their fathers if you are with me got so ticked off with sheep farming in this country that both families sold up and emigrated to New Zealand and I haven't see any of the four girls since but I do get an occasional hot e-mail from Sally.
Eileen and Angie still live together, their flat was another favoured venue for Shona and I to 'party'. It was (and still is) a house rule that you had to strip naked as soon as the front door was closed. The two girls never wear a stitch around the house unless a guest other than Shona and I is expected. We soon adopted the rule at Katie's too.
Wendy was game for anything but one day got caught with her head between the thighs of a naked first year girl. Everything was hushed up neither the girl's parents nor the school wishing to get the police involved and Wendy having the sense not to say anything about other goings on in her office but she was obliged to leave the school. Shortly after she too emigrated, this time to Australia. Eileen, who could drive by now and had acquired a very handy camper van, Shona and I drove her to the airport. As I gave Wendy a farewell fuck in the back she told me that she was going via Thailand. "Might never leave! I've already fixed myself up with a couple of teenies!" There's a lot more to that story too which I must share sometime.
Linda, it turned out, worked in prosthetics at the City Infirmary. Her eyes lit up when she first sampled one of Shona's dildos and before long I had been sneaked into the hospital lab where she took a couple of new castings of my cock. The next weekend she appeared at Katie's with a box of a whole new design of dildo - it was moulded round a powerful vibrator the intensity of which could be controlled by a switch in the balls and two could be coupled together obliviating the need for separate double-enders. Shona absolutely loved it and soon arranged for all my girls to get one each. Linda is very gifted in her work besides this and by the time she was eighteen had a couple of patents in advances in the manufacture of prosthetic limbs although she was technically still an apprentice. She tried hard to persuade someone to take the ideas through to manufacture but the established companies simply dismissed her as a 'silly wee lassie' as she put it so one weekend not long after Katie had finished her MBA the pair of them cooked up a business plan and took to the Katie's bank and the inward investment people. With the aid of a lot of grant money from the EEC and other sources they set up a small factory making the new devices with Katie in charge of the business side and Linda the technical. The banks and everyone insisted on appointing their own directors to the board of course. The product was well received in the medical world but cash flow was initially poor so one day Katie had the bright idea of adding sex toys as a 'cash cow' to give the company revenue. At first the board didn't want to know but Katie had done her homework well and when they saw the profit margin involved, return on investment, projected revenue and all that sort of stuff they soon changed their minds. It transformed the company and gave time for the Prosthetics Division as it became time to become established and today it is a world leader and occupies it's own nearby factory but to my mind the clever bit on Katie's part was not to keep everything secret but to licence the technology to anyone who was prepared to pay the not inconsiderable fee and royalty much like Pilkington did with float glass. Today the company derives a large percentage of it's revenue effectively doing nothing, money just rolling in from the worldwide licensees but Linda puts it all to good use and the company is still at the forefront of prosthetics development - she has a very fertile mind although a chance remark I made solved a big problem which had been bugging her for some time and I got named on the ensuing patent! The original factory where the offices still are were turned over to sex toys each proudly, if discreetly, stamped 'Made in Scotland'. When we turned 18 Cath, Shona and I were all appointed to the Board, Katie and Linda having amassed enough money by that time to buy out the bank - actually the bank's stake was small, much of the start up money being grants 'to create jobs in a deprived (depraved?) area'. Today the two plants employ around 100 people in an area where the traditional jobs in textiles have all but dried up. The five of us are all quite rich on paper but in reality it is all tied up in the company. And yes, the factory does do a special run of dildos based on my cock from time to time but these are not for sale being strictly given away at my personal discretion. i.e. if I fuck a girl she gets one, not otherwise! I always carry a small stock with me and these days there are girls all round the globe with examples. It is a strict rule that they are never used on someone who doesn't KNOW me (and therefore can produce a matching example - the only exception I know to this concerns Wendy but she only has some of the original rubber ones and I did promise to write more of her earlier - but not in this story.)
Of the others, Shona was right Anne B was squared away with a few rubber dildos for her and the rest and never bothered Shona nor I again In fact she, Lesley, Judith, Anne Mac and Alice, especially Alice rapidly degenerated into the school tramps, regularly appearing on the post-match entertainment menu for the school first fifteen rugby team AND their opponents and I do mean the five of them taking on thirty-odd on a very regular basis. I didn't play rugby but my mate Martin invited me to take part one time. I declined. "Getting enough from Shona are you?" he asked. "Plenty!" I replied but as I walked away I heard him mutter "Virgin!". I could only smile not being about to tell him the truth - the truth being that I lost my virginity to Shona more than two years ago at that point and had fucked all five of the participants first anyway! Later I did see a video someone had taken of one of the events - Alice was fucking two guys from the opposition team, one each in cunt and arse while another fucked her face. Her fists were coiled round two more cocks while yet more hands were groping at her breasts. Her partners changed places regularly as she wore them out and the scene finished with all fifteen plus - I presume the subs were there but I didn't count - of the away team wanking over her prostrate body bathing her from head to toe in cum. At the end she sat up and smiled into the camera licking sperm from her lips! I was told the other four were taking care of our victorious boys at the time and Alice was all they could spare for the opposition, losers as they were!
Heather was the dark horse from that bunch. The next week she introduced me to her married sister who it turned out lived opposite me and to their cousin - story to tell there too sometime - and we had regular sessions together for a long time afterwards.
Sheila still works at the school and she, along with Joyce, Babs and Kirsty were regular visitors mainly to Eileen and Angie's flat - Shona and I tended to keep Cath's, as everyone thought of it, to ourselves for obvious reasons. I, we, still saw the others from time to time but as time progressed they tended to drift off into normal boy-girl relationships. Many are now happily married with kids but most are still up for a good fuck given the chance and they all still have their dildo!
These days Shona is a very successful author (under a pen name) of erotic women's stories (bit like Mills and Boon but with far more class - if you're into that kind of stuff you've probably read her and possibly noticed a bit of me in her heroes - I keep threatening to demand royalties!) while I made a packet in an Internet start up company before selling out just ahead of the dot com crash - these days I do what ever takes my fancy. We both are forever dashing here and there and don't seem to get together as often as we would like but our favourite venue when we do is still Katie and Cath's spare room. Sometimes we talk about cashing in our share of the company and retiring together on the proceeds but our loyalty to the others doesn't let us - not that we are otherwise paupers! Disregarding our directors' salaries and dividends we are still individually seriously wealthy but somehow it just hasn't happened yet. I still have a dream of making Katie and Cath an offer for their spare room as my 'retirement' flat! Strangely enough they still live in the same three bedroomed flat as when I first knew them (and read that any way you like) - something about emotional attachment!
I'll leave this for now but as I've indicated there's lots more to tell. Look out for more stories in the 'Shona and friends' series (and perhaps 'Alison and friends' if I ever get round to writing that bit) at a website near you soon - well that's soon relatively speaking, it has taken me a while to get round to putting this on paper! It is however nice to look back on everything, sorry if the epilogue was boring after everything in the chapters but it needed said if only for me.
P.S. Shona is still a 'one cock cunt.' She has dated other blokes but none have apparently measured up. Feel a hard on coming on in sheer pride - not that we've ever agreed on the true size of my cock. Shona still prefers her sewing tape measure but I feel it is more than a little generous to me but still as long as it does the job . . .
P.P.S. Shona is still the greatest lay I've ever had and she still enjoys the occasional gentle spanking although we have never taken that side of things any further.
P.P.P.S. Shona is here proof reading this for me as I finish. She disagrees with some minor points in the foregoing and says I overuse certain words and phrases but agrees most is spot on - the discrepancies are largely due to me trying to preserve anonymity. Any spelling (remember this is English as in the Queen's English not American English (sic!)) or grammatical errors you can put down to her, she's an author after all, but I am currently looking forward to some great love making and even some raw sex 'real soon now'.
P.P.P.P.S. Yes we are currently in Katie and Cath's spare room and expect the pair home from work at any moment! Possibly Linda too!
As my dick pounded in and out of Jen’s pussy I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. Here I was, fucking one of the hottest girls on campus against the wall of my dorm, whilst her mate was sandwiching me against her, her hands all over my body.
Imagine the sexiest girl you know. A firm body, good skin, cracking tits and a face so beautiful you could stare at it all day. Now imagine two of them! Sophie and Jen had a reputation. They were absolutely smoking, they knew it and exploited it to their own benefit. They were always together, always holding hands, kissing and touching each
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other in public. They got off on driving every bloke (and some of the girls) around wild with desire, and there were all kinds of rumours about them. How they had a threesome with their tutor so they would get top marks for the year, how they’d made out in front of the residence officer so they got the best rooms. They couldn’t be described as sluts, they were too classy for that. Everyone desired them but there were few who’d actually had the pleasure of tasting them.
So why were they with me? Simply because they wanted something. It was the end of term and they had no money left for the end of year ball. I’d shagged Sophie last year, before she’d become attached to Jen, so she knew that my parents were loaded and I had buckets of cash. They turned up at my room with a proposition, they’d have sex with each other and let me watch and Id give them 100 quid. I didn’t need much persuasion, as soon as I’d opened the door their intoxicating scent had filled my nostrils I was undressing them with my eyes. I was horny as hell and I invited them in!
Watching these two 19 year old sirens fuck each other in the flesh was exactly what I imagine heaven to be. They didn’t tease, didn’t mess around, they got naked straight away and went wild right in front of my eyes. Breast against breast, lips frantically devouring each others faces, their arms and legs entwined as their soft shapely bodies wrapped around each other. Sophie was blonde, a curvy figure with tits you could grab a proper hold of. Jen had darker hair, slightly darker skin, generally more petite. She was unchartered territory for me, her figure drove me crazy and I was desperate to fuck her. They obviously knew how to get each other off. Their fingers disappeared into each others pussys (immaculately trimmed of course), they got in a 69 position and their tongues sucked at each others clits; they moaned like whores when they came.
I had decided to up the ante. 100 quid wasn’t gonna go very far at the ball and I figured If I put enough cash on the table they’d do pretty much anything.
‘For an extra 50 quid’ I had said, ‘I want you both to suck my cock and I want to come on you.’ They thought about it but agreed. I stood at the end of my bed and I had never been so hard in my life! First Jen dragged her lips across my head, then Sophie began to lick my shaft. I was glad I’d had a few beers else Id have shot my load right then! As Jen managed to get my cock all the way down her throat and Sophie lay beneath her sucking my balls, I could see their legs rubbing against each other’s cunts. Even now they were getting each other off!
I grabbed a hold of their heads and repositioned their mouths on either side of my dick, thrusting myself between their lips. As I pulled back their tongues danced over my head. To look down and see these beautiful faces going to work on my cock was too much. I shoved them back onto the bed just as I began to erupt and came all over both of them. I never knew I had so much spunk in me it was everywhere! All over their tight stomachs, splattered across their pert breasts and some had even landed on Sophie’s face. I squeezed the last drop out and it dribbled onto Jen’s cunt.
‘Clean each other up,’ I had said, taking another 20 out of my wallet. Without hesitating they embraced, smearing each other in my come, before they proceeded to lick each other clean. I had become the star and director of my very own porno!
To get where I was had cost another 200 quid, but it was worth it to have Jen’s sensual form wrapped around my cock! At first they had refused. They both sat on my bed with their legs crossed and laughed in my face as I offered them 50 quid. I think Jen had figured by this point I was desperate to fuck her from the way I was staring at her, and I was beginning to get the impression she was the dominant one in the relationship.
‘If you give me 50 quid, I might let you eat my pussy’ she said bluntly. I flashed 100 quid and Sophie opened her legs. Jen stared into my eyes, ‘Im worth twice as much as that slut.’ Her words made Sophie moan, I was putty in her hands and didn’t even think about it! To see Jen’s legs open was like a beautiful flower open before my eyes. She had the cutest little pussy Id ever seen, and she was already wet for me.
Now here she was, covered in sweat, her dark little nipples glistening in the light as I pinned her against the wall. Sophie had moved to the bed, she was sitting up, watching us, eagerly thrusting her fingers in and out of her pussy. She wasn’t getting away that easily! With my dick still inside Jen I lay her between Sophie’s legs. Sophie couldn’t resist touching her girlfriend,
’Sophie play with my tits’ said Jen as my feet found the end of the bed frame, enabling me to fuck her harder. Sophie did as she was told, as I pounded into her lover, she was playing with Jen’s tits, holding her, licking her neck, completely ignoring me! I didn’t really give a shit it was hot to watch these two girls playing with each other as I fucked them. Jen was gone, lost in sexual ecstasy. As Sophie began to rub Jen’s clit she screamed in pleasure, her tight cunt clamped down on my dick and she squirted all over me! Man I’d never been with a squirter before it was fucking incredible!
I pulled out of Jen and she lay panting, her chest red with orgasm, her face flushed. My dick was still hard, and I slumped down to catch my breath. Sophie however, had other ideas. Her lips immediately wrapped around my cock and she furiously started blowing me. I don’t know if she wanted to satisfy me or just taste Jen’s come, frankly I didn’t care. Her hands were on my body, and she kissed up my torso to my lips. My hands explored her body, grabbing her breasts and caressing her curves.
Jen had come around, she grabbed Sophie’s hair and pulled her off me. She turned her around and they made out as Jen guided Sophie onto my dick. Her snatch was drenched already and I easily slipped all the way inside her. She tossed her hair back and I just lay there as she started to ride me.
‘Yeah baby, ride his cock, take him inside you.’ Jen was saying, and just as Sophie had held her whilst I made her scream my name she now pressed her body against Sophie, guiding her up and down my dick. Jen looked at me over Sophie’s shoulder, ‘Is she nice and wet for you, does her pussy feel good around your cock?’ She said as she spanked Sophie’s ass. ‘Fuck her hard, fuck her deep, use her like the slut that she is and dump that spunk in her.’
I couldn’t believe the filth that was coming out Jen’s mouth, and just when I thought it couldn’t possibly get any better I felt my balls being sucked into Jen’s hot little mouth. Her tongue licked the shaft of my cock as her hands pulled on Sophie’s nipples. As she set to work on Sophie’s clit I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer.
I propped myself up and Sophie leaned back against me. I looked down over her shoulder and I could see my dick disappearing into her pussy as Jen pleasured us both with her tongue. Sophie’s body went rigid and she arched her back, she spasmed and moaned loudly. A flood of her juices poured over my dick and it was just too much; my cock began twitching uncontrollably, I thrust deep into her and came inside her.
Sophie removed herself from my knob and lay panting on the bed. Jen got up and arrogantly removed another 50 quid from my wallet.
‘Watch carefully, I promise this’ll be worth it’ she said. My spunk was slowly starting to leak out of Sophie’s cunt, trickling down her thigh, and Jen positioned herself between Sophie’s legs. ‘That’s it baby, feed my his come.’ She caught my come on her tongue, licking the length of Sophie’s slit. She started to suck hard at her pussy, drawing my sperm from her girlfriend’s womb. There was spunk all around Jen’s mouth as she kissed Sophie fully on the lips. Jen ran her fingers through Sophie’s hair and let me see her tongue enter her mouth as she snowballed my come into her face. Some dribbled down Sophie’s cheek until Jen reclaimed it. I wasn’t sure who swallowed it, but it went down somebody’s throat!
After our marathon fucking session we were exhausted and passed out. When I woke in the morning I savoured the moment. Under one arm I had Jen, under the other I had Sophie. I had just nailed the two hottest girls on campus and they were both naked and sprawled all over me, Sophie with dried come on her thighs. There was nothing left in my wallet but to be frank I really didn’t care! I’d text my mate who was waiting outside with a camera. As soon as these two walked out of door, their clothes a mess, their hair all over the place, stinking of my sex, I’d be the one with the reputation!
I woke up early in the morning so I could get ready for the day. Today was very special. It had been a month since Mr. Lee and I decided to make it official, so I decided I would dress extra special for him. So far, he and I had only done make-out sessions, but today we were going to take it a step further. Going to my closet, I pulled out a white spaghetti strap tank top and a mid-thigh length black pleated skirt. After putting them on, I studied myself in the mirror and smiled. Mr. Lee was sure going to like this. Strapping on my heels, I threw on an over shirt that tied right under my breast line, which happened to accentuate my figure, but at least I wouldn’t get in trouble with school authority.
When I arrived at school, I had some time before first period so I headed to see Mr. Lee. When I walked in he was conversing with another teacher on the book The Clockwork Orange. I listened intently before both teachers noticed I was there.
“Mr. Lee?” I started innocently, “I need a bit of help deciphering one of the passages from yesterday’s homework. Could you help me?”
“Dave, would you mind-?”
“I wouldn’t mind at all, Tim; we can catch up during lunch.” Dave walked passed me without even glancing at me. I don’t mean to sound conceded or anything, but this surprised me.
As if reading my mind, Mr. Lee spoke up, “Dave isn’t interested in women.”
“Oh, but I-“
“Believe me, any man interested in women would have stayed a bit longer and stared at you. You look gorgeous.” Mr. Lee smiled and I melted.
Gorgeous hadn’t been exactly what I was hoping for, but Mr. Lee was a sensitive man and probably felt treating women like sexual objects was crude. Attempting to get him hot and bothered I walked into the classroom a bit further and sat on one of the desks, crossing my legs. It had the desired effect. Mr. Lee’s eyes went from my face to the large amount of exposed thigh. He swallowed right before the bell rang. Climbing off the desk I walked towards the door, swaying my hips as much as possible, “I’ll see you later, Mr. Lee.” I gave him the sultriest look I could manage before heading to my first period. All through the day I was thinking of different things I wanted to do to him. By the time 6th period hit, I had made my decision and I was practically dripping through my thong at the thought. Finally the bell rang. After all the students filed out, I sidled up to Mr. Lee’s desk and bent over it, making sure I was showing cleavage.
“Mr. Lee, do you know what today is?”
“Our one month.” He smiled at me and pulled out a box from inside his desk before standing up and moving to shut the door. I was rather taken aback; my other boyfriends never thought the one month meant anything. Opening the gift, inside was a beautiful necklace that had a Fleur de Lis pendant on it. I gasped in shock; the Fleur de Lis was my favorite flower.
“Mr. Lee, it’s gorgeous!”
“Here, let me help put it on.” Mr. Lee came up behind me and grabbed the two ends of the chain; I lifted my hair and he clasped it behind my neck. Instead of moving away, Mr. Lee dropped his hands to my shoulders and then down my arms, finally resting on my stomach. I felt warm breath against my neck as he began kissing it and moving his lips down across my shoulder. It was a tender gesture, but it was driving me crazy. I grabbed Mr. Lee’s hands and moved them up to my breasts. For a moment, I thought he was going to pull away, but surprise caught me when he began gently squeezing them in his hands. He reached a hand into my tank top and cupped my bare breast in it. Moving his fingers he began playing with my nipple while still kissing my neck. The combination of the two nearly sent me over the edge. As painful as it was, I moved away from him and motioned for him to sit in his chair.
“You gave me a present; I think I owe you one in return.” Smiling, I slid his belt apart and began to unbutton his pants. Within seconds, I had them off and around his ankles. His dick sprung out from its cage and greeted me with full attention. I bit my lip; Mr. Lee wasn’t a terribly big man, but he wasn’t lacking good length. I would estimate close to six inches long and near to two inches wide. Placing my hands on either side of his dick, I looked up at him as I took him inside my mouth. Mr. Lee let out a gasp as I moved slowly over the tip. I swirled my tongue around it and placed one of my hands on the base and began to move my hand up and down.
“Oh, Ella” Mr. Lee moaned as I continued swirling my tongue on the tip. I began sucking on it softly, occasionally squeezing harder with my mouth. After a few moments, I moved my mouth as far down as I could. I felt him hit the back of my throat, but I held it there while both my hands travelled up his body to play with his nipples. His hips thrust upward and his dick pressed farther into my throat, momentarily catching me off guard. Within another moment, though, I was back on track and began moving my mouth up and down faster. I was beginning to get a great rhythm going. I took my mouth off of him and he opened his eyes and looked at me pleadingly. I shook a finger at him before taking off my top shirt and pulling my tank top down so my breasts were fully exposed to him. In one swift motion, Mr. Lee had lifted me up onto the chair with him and placed my breast in his mouth while massaging the other.
“Ooh, Mr. Lee” I gasped as he began to move his hand down towards my dripping center. I felt his fingers on my clit; rubbing it between his index finger and thumb. The sensation drove me over the edge. I began bucking against his hand wildly and I pressed his mouth closer against my breast as my orgasm hit me in thundering waves. He kept moving his fingers until I was done. Removing his hand from me, he placed it in his mouth and savored the sweet taste. I slid back onto my knees and took him into my mouth again. I started moving up and down fast and he grabbed onto my shoulders for support as I moved him in and out faster and faster and then finally he gasped aloud and I felt him swell before his cum hit the back of my throat. I kept sucking until he was finished and then I swallowed it. I licked my lips and smiled at him before putting my clothes back on.
“How did you like your present, Mr. Lee?” I asked sitting on his desk in front of him. He smiled a weak smile before slowly moving to pull his pants back on. It took him a few tries to sit forward and bend over before he got it. He stood and kissed my forehead before kissing me on the lips.
“That was amazing, Ella. Thank you.” He kissed me again before embracing me. He was that way and I loved it.
“I wish I could stay longer, but I have to go. One of my teachers assigned a ridiculous homework assignment. I’ll see you later, Mr. Lee.” With that I grabbed my things and walked out of his classroom. That was the best one-month anniversary I have ever had.
It was a Friday night and my mum and dad had gone out with his for dinner. We had been friends since we were 4 years old and we had been best friends ever since our first day at primary school. We had both just hit puberty about a year ago now and we were starting to take a liking to each other. While our parents were out we were both all alone in Joe’s house. We were watching TV and I cuddled up to Joe. Neither of us had admitted our true feelings for each other that were until now. Joe sat up and said
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mily:="" demi?;="" gothic="" franklin="">           “I know we have been friends for like ever but I just wanted u to know that I think I’m starting to fall in love with you and I am feeling loads of things I’ve never felt before.â€Â
           I was quite shocked when he said this but relieved at the same time. He took me in his arms and kissed me passionately on the lips. He opened his lips causing mine to open too and we caressed each others tongue deeply for about 2 minutes. It was heaven and then it was over. He backed away and whispered into my ear.
           “Let’s take this upstairs, I want to do all sorts of other things to you as well.â€Â
           This made me wet with anticipitation of what was about to happen to me. He led me upstairs to his bedroom which looked extremely sexy with the lights dimmed a bit. He lay me on the bed and he climbed on top of me and kissed me deeply as before but there was something about been under a boy that I had been fantasising over for so long and now all the things I had dream would happen to are coming true. As he was on top of me he started to take my top off. I was wearing a pink frilly bra that looked incredibly sexy on me. I could tell he got extremely turned on by my 34A breasts because I felt him get harder than he already was. I looked at the bulge in his pants and put my hand down there and whispered
           “Please take it out for Steph to see, it feels wonderful.â€Â
           He got even harder when I said this. He stood up from the bed first taking his top off then undoing his belt and button. He was only in his tight boxer shorts that he looked incredibly sexy in. I could see a clear outline of his cock in his boxers; I knew I just had to get it of there. I reached over to his boxers and hooked my thumbs on them and pulled them down. I let a little moan when his penis bobbed out of his boxers. I told him to climb on top of my chest so I could take him in my mouth. He did this with no argument what so ever. I grabbed his cock and rubbed it a little. It was now at a full length of 7 inches and I circled my tongue all around the head of his dick. He threw his head back and a moan escaped his lips. He looked soooo sexy when he was in this state of sexual arousal. He was thrusting his hips to try and get his penis all the way into my mouth. I granted his wish and took most of it all into my mouth. He started fucking my face and his dick was going in and out of my mouth. His dick got a whole lot harder and I took it out of my mouth and jerked it off all over my chest. I rubbed his man juice into my breasts and he lowered himself down and kissed me deeply once again. He started to take the remaining part of my clothing off.            When he took my bra off he gasped and took my already erect nipple into his mouth and sucked on it like a baby. While he was doing this he reached down and unzipped my skirt. He rubbed against my thong front and a loud moan escaped my lips. He felt the wetness in me and he rubbed it in to his fingers. He took my thong off and rubbed his fingers against my clit making my juices flow out of my cunt. He crawled down me to my pussy and brushed his lips against my pubic hair. He ran his tongue down the length of my slit and flicked it across my clit. I was so turned on by this point that I had the loudest orgasm of my life. His lower half of his face was saturated in my pussy juices. He licked it up and seemed to enjoy every drop of my cunt juices. He got up from the bed and I could see that his dick had returned to its erect state. He reached into his wardrobe and brought out a red condom. He asked me to put it on for him so I got up from the bed and slid it on him. I grabbed him by the dick and led him to the bed and I lay him down on his back. I crawled on top of him and lowered myself on to his 7 inches of manhood. I couldn’t believe I was going to lose my virginity to the guy I had fancied for over a year. I let the head of his dick intrude my pussy. I felt so full and light headed when I put all my weight down on his dick and he slid the whole way in. I jus sat on his penis for around a minute trying to get used to the feeling of having a cock inside me for the very first time. I though that my fingers were as good as it got, how wrong I was. I started bouncing up and down on his dick. He met my bounces trying to get all the length of his dick into me. It felt amazing. I think he had enough of been on the bottom and he rolled me over so I was on my back. He thrust in me so much harder than before and kept this pace up for about a minute. I wrapped my legs around him as I was coming up to the hugest orgasm. He was grunting and moaning and I was screaming in sexual delight as he was thrusting in even harder now. We reached our climax at the same time and cummed in unison. He lay on top of me trying to get his breath back.
           He got off of me and started to get dressed again and I did the same. We went down stairs and continued watching TV and I cuddled up to Joe once again. I was hoping this would happen again. He kissed me on the lips again and said “ We have to do this more often, I love you so muchâ€Â.
It was a foregone conclusion from the start. Detroit should've never stepped on the field with Indy. Shortly after the slaughter began I became bored and went out looking for something to do. As usual, on Thanksgiving, hardly anyone was open. On a lark, I drove past Rob's. Rob's is a medium sized strip joint. The marquee out front read "Open Thanksgiving 1-5 p.m." I didn't have anywhere else to go, so I pulled up and walked in. The music, for once, wasn't deafening. There was no one else in the place, save three women at the bar. A middle aged woman in cowboy gear was behind the bar. An overweight long haired woman in a green negligee sat next to a thin, trim, short haired stripper in a yellow string bikini. The two strippers nudged each other and walked over. The contrast was im
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mediate an obvious. The overweight woman was much older than the teen she walked over with. My first thought was that if they weren't mother and daughter, then they were beginner and mentor. I looked closely at the teen. She had her short dark hair in bangs glued to her forehead. The hair and ton of makeup on her face tried to hide the fact that she probably wasn't 18. I decided to ride this out and see where it went. The two females sat on either side of me. The small talk questions started right away-what was I doing on turkey day, why I was there, what kind of work I did. I noticed the older female listened intently and gave me several follow up questions as to my work. Looking satisfied, she stood up said "I hope you like my little girl. She's one hot piece of ass" before walking off. "Hi, I'm Amber" she said extending her hand with a smile. We shook hands, then she untied her top showing apple sized white mounds with tiny, pointy, brown nipples. Noticing me look at her tits, she got a satisfied look on her face. She slid into my lap, took my hand, placed it on her right tit and said "touching is allowed". She leaned in placing the other nipple next to my chin. She ran her hand through my hair and asked if I wanted a personal dance. "Ok" I agreed. "Come with me" she directed as she stood, "let's go where we can get some privacy". I watched her tiny ass wiggle as she led me to a large booth in a rear corner of the club. She pushed the table out from the center of the booth and directed me to sit. She placed her bikini top on the table, then placed a foot on the bench next to me, leaned over, took my hand and attached it to a string on her bikini bottom. I gently pulled, untying the knot. The fabric fell, revealing some white skin. She turned the other side of her hip towards me. I pulled, untying the other half. The bottom fell to the floor revealing not only a hairless pussy, but one that looked like it had never grown hair. She crawled into my lap, carefully placing her right nipple on my lips. I sucked, then licked the nipple. She was caressing my head, then switched nipples. I was cupping her tiny ass, but she slid down running her tiny hands down my chest as she went to her knees. She opened my shirt, running her hands through my chest hair, then placed her hands on my crotch. She located my hard on, then used her hand to run over it. She ran her fingers lightly over my zipper. "Do you have a hundred?" she asked. I lifted my hips and pulled out my wallet. I counted out five twenties and gave it to her. She leaned back, puttting it on the table. She went back to my zipper, opening it. She reached in, fishing out my dick. She leaned her head in, taking my length in her mouth. She went several times up and down my dick, then straightened up long enough to undo my pants. She pulled my pants and underwear to my ankles, then went back to work on my dick. She expertly cupped my balls with one hand, then used her other hand to run lighttly on that area beneath my balls. Flicking her tongue on my dick, she found my tender spot and had me cumming very soon. She drank my cum, then milked my dick. She crawled back into my lap again, only long enough to turn and lay on the bench. She spread her legs, placed a finger on her clit and motioned me forward with her other hand. I mounted her. Her pussy was smaller than any I had ever encountered. It took several minutes of trying before I got it in. I leaned forward, kissing her and asking if "this was extra". "Not unless you want it to be" she answered, "if you like it, tip me, OK?". I answered her by starting to hump her. She crossed her ankles behind my ass. She placed her hands on my shoulders. "I like it hard" she said. She starting gasping as my hips slammed hers. She laid her head back, arching her back. "Yes, yes, yes, yes" she said. I felt the cum rising again just before I shot my load in her. We laid together several minutes. She looked at her watch. "Almost closing time. Let me up to get dressed" she said. We sat up. As she put her bikini on, I pulled up my pants. I took my wallet out. I fished out a fifty and gave it to her. She kissed me, taking the effort to stick her tongue in my mouth. She pulled back and laughed. "how old are you?" I asked. "How old would you like me to be?" "I get it, ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies". She nodded her herad. She asked what I was doing for Thanksgiving. I told her going home, probably watching TV. "Join me and my mom for dinner" she offered. Are you sure it's alright?" I asked. "We just made love, why not?". Half an hour later, we arrived at her house. I was surprised to smell a cooking bird. "Who's cooking ?" I asked. "My sister Sam" she answered before adding, "I'm going to wash up". She ran up a set of stairs. Her mom ushered me into a den adjacent to a dining room. I sat down, watching Amber's mom go in the kitchen. A moment later, a very pretty girl came out of the kitchen. I judged that she was around twelve with long light brown hair. She gave me a curious look, then set a place for me at the table. Amber came down the stirs a few minutes later. She had washed off the makeup and hair gel. She now looked very much like an average girl in her mid teens. She smiled, sat in my lap and flirted with me as Sam did all the work. We finally all sat down and had a normal dinner together. The girls talked about school, and I talked about my work after being asked. After dinner, we all sat in the den. Sam then directly asked if I had been brought home from the club. "Yes" Amber said, climbing into my lap again. "I can do what they do" Sam spat out. Amber poorly stifled a laugh. "Your body has to develop first" the mother said. "Sam, you don't have any boobs" Amber added. "Do to" Sam argued, cupping two tiny mounds under her shirt. "Then show us your stuff" Amber challenged. "I can" Sam almost shouted, standing up. "Don't mind them" the mom said, "they always argue". "Come on squirt, show us your boobies" Amber laughed the last word. Sam began to unbutton her shirt. She opened it and took it off revealing a half slip underneath. She lifted the half slip, then took it off revealing two small mounds with pink nipples. "Keep going squirt, and make it look sexy" Amber added. Sam kicked off her shoes, opened her pants and slid them off. As she reached for the waistband of her panties, her mother stopped her. She had Sam turn her back to me, bend over, and slowly slide the panties down. She turned, revealing a pussy with a few wisps of brown hair. "Now, dance" Amber ordered. Sam began doing a bump and grind. Amber reached down. Feeling my dick was hard, she announced it to the room. "Come her squirt, now you're going to learn how to suck dick". She pulled my pants off while making Sam kneel in front of me. She taught Sam how to give head, working my dick with her mouth. "Stop" Amber ordered, "now it's time for you to fuck". She had Sam climb up in my lap. "Stop" her mom ordered again, then made Amber go upstairs and get a condom as she fumed about pregnancy. Sam was already stroking my dick. Amber returned a moment later and showed her little sister how to put the condom on. She then had Sam lower herself onto me. Sam leaned her head back, panted, and screamed while slowly taking my dick in her tight little pussy. Amber got behind her. Looping her arms around Sam's shoulders, she worked Sam;'s body up and down. After several minutes, she lifted Sam off. "That's long enough, now watch a pro" Amber said as she dropped her pants and panties. She climbed in my lap, taking off the condom before mounting me. She continued undressing as we fucked and Sam watched. It didn't take me long to shoot my load in Amber. Amber gave me a couple of minutes to recover before telling me we needed to move to her room for more "training". I fucked both girls again that night, and I did cum in Sam's ass. The next morning was also a double header.
Well, it all started like this. It was about a couple of weeks ago and I was cuttin' the grass outside my casa, had my shirt off and a ball cap on with some jeans. Kaylee lived about 5 or 6 houses down from me when I saw her walking towards my house, tears rolling down her cheek. I parked the lawn mower and went to greet her.
"Me and Josh just got in a fight," she said.
"Did he hit you..or anything to the sort..any kind of abuse..?" I replied.
"," she replied reluctantly.
I looked over her body. I saw a bruise and some swelling on her arms and legs. I couldn't believe it..Josh, my best friend, had just beat
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his girlfriend. The goddess that filled my dreams had been mistreated by the guy I thought would never be the type of guy to do a thing like that. I put my arm around her shoulder and asked her to come in.
"Do you want anything to drink, Kaylee?" I asked.
"Yea..what do you have?" she replied.
"Corona..uh..Dr. Pepper..Dasani..and a couple of Bud Lites." I answered truthfully.
"Corona," she replied.
We sat down at my table, talking about how her's and my day has gone, minus the fact that she had that experience with Josh. I had finished my Corona in no time when I felt a hand touch mine, caressing it. I looked up to see her looking innocently at me, looking for a response in my face. I took her hand in mine and admired the smoothness of her hands, imagining what it would feel like to have those soft, small hands wrapped around my cock. Bad thoughts. Suddenly, I felt her spare hand move to my face, caressing it and then kissing me. God..her mouth felt so good. Her lips were like no other sensual thing in this world. Soft..smooth..against mine. Her tongue fished around in my mouth, intwining with mine. I was blown away for a moment there. In a daze..not believing that the girl I fantasized about when I was jerking off was sitting here, kissing me. She seemed to notice that I was in Heaven and complete bliss. She broke the kiss and stood up and sat down on my lap, straddling me. I felt my cock building up, me, pleading with it to stay down for just a little longer. But my cock is ignorant. It does the polar opposite of what I want it to do. She moaned, feeling my cock rub against her butt. She grasped the back of my head, rocking her hips back and forth against my clothed cock. It begged to be free. I could feel precum oozing off the head. I pulled her shirt off, looking at those inviting breasts right in front of my face, with the most erect nipples I have ever seen. I picked her up and sat her on the edge of my counter. I put one nipple in my mouth, sucking it and kneading it in between my teeth. She moaned in complete ectasy, pushing my head closer to her nipple. I could feel it hardening in my mouth. My cock was making such a tent in my pants that Indians could move into my pants and dwell there. Before I could lick all of her torso, she pushed my head down to her pussy, pushing my head against the area, making me smell the juices. It smelled heavenly. I slowly slipped off her mini-skirt and licked through the material of her thong. I licked over the clit. God she was so wet. I was torturing her like crazy because she kept screaming ,"GODD lick me or fuck me..God..I want a part of you IN ME RIGHT NOW!!" That was enough for me. I pulled off her thong with my teeth. I saw the little nub, a.k.a. the clit, that was aching to be tended to. I took it in between my teeth, licking and sucking it. She rumaged her hands through my hair, screaming my name. As I felt her near her climax, I unbuttoned my pants and took off my boxers, revealing my 11 inch cock. I stuck the head of it in her pussy, shallowly pushing in and out. She was just about to cum and I loved the tease. I bent down and started licking her clit wildly, making her cum hard in my mouth. It was so sweet. Tasted like vanilla and chocolate mixed. It was delicious.
"God baby my cunt needed that so much. God you are so much better than Josh. I wanna ride that big cock of yours all day long," she said.
"You ready for my big dick to shove all the way in that tight little cunt of yours?" I said.
With the mix of her cum and my precum, I slid right in. She was so tight. God it was amazing. I started at a slow pace, allowing her to get adjusted to my big cock. Soon she was screaming for me to fuck her harder and faster and to rip her tight little hole. I was thrusting deep into her, nearing my orgasm. I felt her pussy's muscles contracted around my long, thick cock and then I shot the biggest load of cum in her. I shot at least 9 shots into her hot cunt. We orgasmed almost simutaneously. She cummed right after me, spreading cum all over my cock. I fell back in exhaustion. But she was far from done. She grabbed my hand and threw me into my leather chair and bent down and wrapped her lips are my now limp cock, springing it back to life. She sucked the head, rubbing the lucious tongue all over it. She could only take about 6 inches of my 11 inches down her throat, but she was gagging like crazy. As she deep throated me, she started humming, sending shocks and tingles all in my cock. Blood rush. I held back my cum for a little longer, wanting to savor this moment. She took my balls in her mouth, sucking and moving them around in her mouth. Then she licked up and down my shaft. Man..she was a pro cocksucker. Then she deepthroated 7 inches of my 11 inch cock and I cummed my load all down her slender throat. Suprisingly, she swallowed it all. God this woman was great.
She sat down on my leg, leaning against my chest, panting and resting. I stroked her beautiful hair through my fingers and kissed her.
"I love you Jupitar. Please be my man and show me the love you have given me today, everyday," she said.
"I love you so much Kaylee. I will gladly be your man and give you back what you have given me today," I replied.
**If story is positively responded to, I will write a few more sequels. This is my first story, any sort of constructive criticism is needed and wanted.
It was a typical Sunday. Got up, ate breakfast, worked out, took a shower...the usual. After all that, I called my boyfriend...CJ. We have been dating for 5 years, and we are so in love. I called him and asked him if he wanted to do something today, he said yes and I went over to his house. He told me to bring my bikini.
When I got to his house, he was already in his pool. I stepped in with my red silky bikini. We were sitting by the edge cuddling and talking. All of a sudden, I started to get really horny, and I wanted him right there and then. I got right on him, and started kissing him passionatly. I was kissing him all over....his lips, his neck and his body. He then turned me over and started doing the same. He was licking me
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all over, and then took off my bikini top, and was licking my nipples, and playing with them. I let out a couple moans, to let him know I wanted more. He then took off the bottom of my bikini, and started playing with my clit. I was letting out bigger moans, and was enjoying it. I wanted more, so I took his shorts off. He had a major hard-on. I took him out of the pool and we sat on the side. I was teasing with his 7.5 inch cock. I then started to lick it, and rub his balls. He was moaning like crazy. I then shoved his whole cock down my thorat and my tounge was playing with his head. He pulled my hair and moved my head up and down, and then he told me he was going to cum. I could feel it going down my throat to my stomach.
I then layed down as he was on top of me. He started to finger me, and I was letting out moans. I then told him to eat me, and as I could feel his tounge all in me, I let out even bigger moans. I was so wet, and it felt so right. He then looked into my eyes, and said "Do you want to try?" I told him yes. He said he would go slow and try not to rush into anything. As he said he was going in, I sat there as I bit my lip. As he was going in, I was screaming in pain, but less then 2 minutes, I was loving it all. I could feel my vagina tighten inside, and I let out an orgasm. I never felt better.
We were still going at it, and we both heard a door slam in the driveway.....
Note from Slickman: Thought I would do a “first time†story that included a spin the bottle game.  All copywrite rules apply.
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">  ÂÂ
It was Mike Brown’s first job at the age of 16 years old. Luckily for him his grandfather owned the small shoe store located near the CatholicHigh School he went to. He could get out of his classes at and be at the store in 10 minutes. For the first two years his tasks normally involved cleaning and stocking the shelves. It wasn’t until his Senior Year when he was 18 that he got the chance to actually sell shoes to customers.ÂÂ
Meagan had a crush on Mike since the third grade. They only lived three houses from each other and were schoolmates and playmates. Mike never really considered Meagan to be anything other than one of the guys. She normally wore baggy clothes and kept her hair cut short. She could play baseball as good as most of the other guys and could spit and run better than most. She would stop by the store after school to see him but his grandfather would run her away.ÂÂ
63 year old Tom Brown smiled when he saw Mrs. Talbert and her daughter walk into the store. He told his grandson Mike to clean up the back while he waited on his favorite customer.ÂÂ
“Hello Tom.â€Â Betty said as she walked over to look at the same display of shoes she had seen every week for the past three months.ÂÂ
“Hi Betty. I’ve gotten in a new pair of boots in if you might be interested.â€Â Tom said pulling the boots from the box and holding them up for her.ÂÂ
“Of course. Why don’t I try them on? Regular size.â€Â She smiled. Tom knew her size by memory. He pulled out a size 6 medium and carried them to the small row of seats.ÂÂ
“Now you just sit there and be a good girl.â€Â Betty said to her daughter Amanda. The girl slid up onto the seat and looked at herself in the small mirrors down by the floor in front of her. She made some faces and giggled.ÂÂ
Betty took off her coat and folded it neatly on the seat next to her. She turned to see Tom kneeling in front of the seat waiting anxiously for her to sit down. She smiled as she slightly hiked up her dress while she turned and slowly sat down.ÂÂ
Tom couldn’t wait to see his prize for the day. He had played this game with this woman for the past ten years and it was normally the highlight of their week. They both pretended like nothing was happening but their bodies didn’t lie.   He unzipped the boot as she lifted her foot for him to slide the boot on. His eyes were locked onto her knees as the short skirt moved up and away from her flesh. He watched her stockings end and the garter-belt begin. Her white creamy flesh was unblemished as it moved upward towards her panties. He wondered which ones she would be wearing this week.ÂÂ
Mike grinned as he peeked through the curtain watching his grandfather sneaking a peek up the older woman’s dress. He had seen him doing it for the past year and always laughed at his expression when he saw her panties.ÂÂ
Tom’s eyes never blinked as he raised her foot higher and higher. Only a few more inches he thought. Almost there. Suddenly his eyes opened wide expecting to see her panties. Except today she was not wearing any. He looked directly at her bare uncovered moist pink pussy lips covered with sparse light blonde pubic hair. He felt the sharp pain and grabbed at his chest as the lights went out.ÂÂ
At first Betty didn’t know what Tom was doing when his head dove deeply between her legs. “TOM!â€Â She screamed as she tried to lift his head and body off of her.ÂÂ
Mike jumped through the curtain and over the chairs when he saw his grandfather fall forward. He pulled him back off of her lap and looked down to see her uncovered pussy. He froze but realized his grandfather was unconscious. “GRANDPA!â€Â He screamed trying to wake him up. But, Tom did not wake up. His heart and his life had suddenly come to a stand still.ÂÂ
The ambulance came but nothing could be done. Both Betty and Mike were too shook up to talk about what had happened. All both would say was that he just had a heart attack and fell. The 10 year old girl Amanda didn’t really know what was going on.
A few days later Tom was laid to rest and the family gathered at his home. “What are we going to do with the shoe store?â€Â Mike’s father Jim asked. He was the town’s dentist and had no interest in keeping it open.ÂÂ
“Sell it.â€Â Mike’s mother May said.ÂÂ
“We can’t do that.â€Â Mike said. “It’s a family tradition. I’ll run the store for the summer before I go to college.â€ÂÂÂ
His parents looked at him. He was a smart boy and could handle the small amount of business the store had. Summer time sometimes picked up because the other kids were off from school and had more time to shop.ÂÂ
The store was closed for two weeks until Mike graduated from High School. His girlfriend and he had broken up a few weeks ago because she was going to a school back east and didn’t want to be tied down. Mike didn’t really care because they had slowly broken away from each other anyway. It was graduation night when he realized Meagan thought more of him than a good friend.ÂÂ
“Where are you going tonight?â€Â Mike’s mom asked him as they arrived at home after the graduation ceremony.ÂÂ
“Meagan is having a party.â€Â Mike replied. He knew his mom liked Meagan since she had almost lived at their house for the past ten years.ÂÂ
“OK. But, don’t stay out late.â€Â She winked. Mike frowned and ran up to his room to get his jeans and tee shirt on.ÂÂ
“How do I look?â€Â Meagan asked her girlfriend Tara. Tara looked up from the Teen Magazine she was reading and gasped.ÂÂ
“Where did you get that dress?â€ÂÂÂ
“Internet. With a credit card it is easy.â€Â She giggled. She looked at her reflection in the full length mirror. The dress came down to just below her hip line. If she leaned over any at all anyone would see her new red satin thongs. She bent at the waist just to see the reaction of her classmate and good friend.ÂÂ
“Holy Mother of…â€Â Tara exclaimed when she saw Meagan’s bare ass cheeks with the shiny red thong strap splitting the middle of her creamy buttocks.ÂÂ
“I guess I better not bend over huh?â€Â Meagan laughed.ÂÂ
“Your parents will never allow it.â€Â  Tara laughed.ÂÂ
“My parents won’t be here. My older sister Janet is supposed to be watching us.â€Â Meagan smiled. “I made sure her boyfriend Alex will be here and will keep her busy.â€ÂÂÂ
“Mike is going to have a heart attack.â€Â Tara laughed. “Has he ever seen you in a dress?â€ÂÂÂ
“Not like this only in my school uniform.â€Â She smiled. Only Tara knew she had a thing for Mike.ÂÂ
“I feel under dressed.â€Â Tara said looking down at her tight jeans and haltered top.ÂÂ
“I’m sure Brad won’t mind.â€Â Meagan giggled. Tara had been dating Brad for a little over a year and had reached third base. She was hoping for a home run tonight. Meagan just wanted to get up to bat with Mike.ÂÂ
Brad stopped by Mike’s house and they walked to Meagan’s which was only few yards away. “I think tonight will be the night.â€Â Brad whispered as he pulled the Trojan from his rear pocket.ÂÂ
“You wish.â€Â Mike laughed. Neither of them had gone all the way but like most senior boys they told everyone else they had.ÂÂ
“I’ve got two in case you might need one.â€Â Brad said holding up the other rubber.ÂÂ
“Right. And, who might that be with?â€Â Mike asked.
“How about Meagan?â€Â Brad asked. Tara had told him Meagan had a thing for him but made him promise not to tell.
Mike laughed. “I’m not sure if Meagan even likes boys.â€Â He had always thought of her as one of the guys.ÂÂ
Brad put the rubbers back in his pocket and they knocked on the door. Janet answered it.ÂÂ
“It’s little Mike and Brad!â€Â She yelled so her sister and Tara could hear her. Janet was only 20 years old but acted like Meagan and her friends were a lot younger. “They are still upstairs getting ready.â€Â She turned and led them into to the basement.ÂÂ
“Now be good down there because I don’t want to have to come down there and spank you.â€Â She laughed.ÂÂ
Mike and Brad stared at Janet’s cute ass as she walked in front of them.  Brad elbowed Mike and grinned. â€ÂIf you get bored Mike doesn’t have a date and you can spank me anytime you want.â€Â Brad said to Janet as she turned.ÂÂ
“I have a feeling Mike will be busy enough.â€Â Janet laughed as she watched the two 18 year olds walk down the basement steps.ÂÂ
“What did she mean by that?â€Â Mike said as he sat on the large sofa in the corner of the finished basement. He looked around and thought about all the good times he had with Meagan as they played ping pong in the room and video games on that same sofa.ÂÂ
“Ready or not here we come.â€Â Tara announced at the top of the steps. Brad sat forward as he watched Tara’s jean covered legs coming down the stairs. She smiled when she got to the bottom and looked up at Meagan standing nervously at the top waiting to come down. Tara grinned as she looked up under Meagan’s short dress seeing the front of her red panties. She thought about calling Mike over but Meagan would kill her.ÂÂ
“And now.â€Â She announced. “A new Meagan!â€ÂÂÂ
The two guys turned expecting to see Meagan’s jean covered legs but instead saw her bare ankles, calves, and thighs. Mike leaned forward trying to see where her clothing started. Shit. It better start soon he thought. Finally her red dress and her curvaceous ass came forward. He watched and waited because whoever it was it could not be Meagan.ÂÂ
Meagan almost fell down the last two steps as she peeked under the ceiling to see Mike’s reaction. She smiled when she saw his eyes opened wide and his mouth open as big. “Holy shit.â€Â Mike muttered.ÂÂ
“Damn Meagan. You look hot.â€Â Brad said at the scanty clad girl. His eyes took in her bare legs and even her full bust she had successfully hidden from everyone in the past.ÂÂ
Meagan smiled nervously and walked into the small room.  She saw the look on Mike’s face and it gave her a warm feeling between her barely covered legs.ÂÂ
“Hi Mike.â€Â She giggled. She pivoted to give him a full view of her curvaceous ass.ÂÂ
Mike couldn’t talk as he watched what used to be his tomboy buddy walk around the small table to sit next to him. His eyes never left her body and his mouth never closed.ÂÂ
“Damn.â€Â He finally managed to say.ÂÂ
“If you don’t like it I’ll go change.†Meagan said smiling.ÂÂ
“NO!â€Â He said loudly. “It’s going to take some time getting use to.â€ÂÂÂ
Tara was happy Meagan was getting some attention but not all of it. She moved over to Brad and plopped down on his lap. “Hi honey.â€Â
“Hi.†Brad said not taking his eyes off of Meagan’s short skirt. Only a few inches more and he could see all the way up to the junction of her tan thighs.ÂÂ
“Heather and Mark are here.â€Â Janet yelled down the stairs. They all turned to see the two walk down the steps. Heather was also wearing a short dress but not as reveling as Meagan’s.ÂÂ
“I’m going home to put a dress on.â€Â Tara said standing up. But, Brad pulled her back down on his lap.
“You look great in your jeans.â€Â He laughed as her cute round ass bounced down onto the front of this jeans.ÂÂ
“Who else is coming?â€Â Heather asked. She pulled Mark over to squeeze into a large chair.ÂÂ
Mike looked around the room and realized he had been coupled up with Meagan. Heather and Mark had been going out for almost two years and Tommy and Amy as well. He could feel the heat radiating from Meagan’s bare thigh which was pressing into his own leg. He knew there would be some intimate stuff going on and was unsure how he would respond doing anything with his video game friend.  ÂÂ
“Will your sister be joining us?â€Â Heather asked as she put her hand on Mark’s leg just above his knee. He put his hand on hers and smiled.ÂÂ
“No. She promised to stay upstairs.â€Â Meagan said still nervous to be sitting next to Mike.ÂÂ
“What does everyone want to do?â€Â Tara asked. She could feel the rise in Brad’s pants under her ass. So far she had only touched him through his clothing and he had done the same to her. Tonight she hoped they would take it further.ÂÂ
“We could dance.â€Â Meagan said trying to calm down. She pulled her dress down and walked over to the stereo. She forgot about her short dress and leaned over to select a CD.ÂÂ
Mike tried not to look at the bottom of her pink ass cheeks peeking out from under her dress. He wondered if she was even wearing panties.ÂÂ
“Uh Meg.â€Â Tara laughed.ÂÂ
Meagan turned to see Tara pointing at the back of her dress. She quickly stood up right and blushed. “Oops.â€Â She giggled.ÂÂ
Meagan put on the CD and turned to walk back to the sofa. She hoped Mike would ask her to dance. However the first song was a fast one.
“Come on.â€Â Heather said to Mark trying to get him up to dance. Right now all three guys had full hard-ons and were not about to stand up. Heather laughed when she saw his condition. She reached over and took Meagan’s hand. “Let’s dance.â€Â
Meagan was standing next to a hip grinding Heather and didn’t know what to do. She would be moving and wiggling her body for the first time in front of guys. The girls had danced together at slumber parties and had fooled around dancing in only their undies. But, that was with girls. This was completely different.ÂÂ
“Come on girl shake that thang.â€Â Heather laughed as she took Meagan’s hips in hers and twisted and turned them.ÂÂ
Tara again felt left out watching the other girls getting all the attention. She jumped up between them and started grinding her ass in large circles.ÂÂ
The guys sat back and enjoyed the view. Heather’s dress moved up twice enough for all of them to see the bottoms of her silky white panties and even Meagan was starting to move her hips more.
“Yeah!†Brad screamed and clapped his hands. He wanted the girls to get down and get nasty.
 “WHAT IS GOING ON DOWN THERE?â€Â Janet yelled from the top of the stairs.ÂÂ
“Nothing.†Meagan laughed.ÂÂ
“Good.â€Â Janet said. “Keep it that way.â€Â She laughed and closed the door.ÂÂ
“That was fun.â€Â Tara said laughing. The fast song ended and a slow one came on. She held her hand out to Brad and he accepted it.ÂÂ
Meagan sat back down next to Mike and watched as Heather and Mark moved up to dance close together. She could see the girls push their stomachs up to the front of the guy’s pants. She took a drink and sat back by Mike.ÂÂ
“So are you going to talk to me?â€Â Meagan asked. She glanced down to see the tent still in his pants.ÂÂ
“I don’t know what to say.â€Â He said. “You are so different.â€Â He looked down at her body.ÂÂ
“You don’t like?â€Â She asked smiling.ÂÂ
“Yes. I like it a lot. But we've been friends too long.  ÂÂ
“Can’t we enter a new level of friendship?â€Â She asked.ÂÂ
“I don’t know if I can.â€ÂÂÂ
“Let’s try.â€Â She said as she stood and took his hand. He followed her up to where the other couples were grinding their bodies together and felt her body push into his. Her arms moved over his shoulders and her eyes looked up into his.ÂÂ
Meagan tried to act calm when she felt his penis pushing against her stomach. She moved her soft breasts forward until her hard nipples jabbed into his chest. Her body moved to the music causing her stomach to rub across his hard-on.ÂÂ
“I can tell you like it.â€Â She whispered. Her face moved up to rest on his shoulder allowing her lips to press against his neck.ÂÂ
Mike easily forgot who he was dancing with. Her body was igniting parts of him never lit before. At first he tried to hold his body back from hers to prevent her feeling his passion but she kept coming. He looked over her shoulder at Mark as his hands cupped and fondled Heather’s ass. Mike’s fingers shook as his own hands moved down Meagan’s waist to the top of her hips. He could feel her thongs under the thin dress. Every five seconds his fingers moved lower until his whole hands were now covering her marvelous buttocks.ÂÂ
Meagan felt his hands on her ass and smiled. Her lips moved forward to plant little kisses on his neck. Although she was a virgin she did have some experience kissing from her last boyfriend. Her lips moved up to his earlobe and sucked it between her teeth. She nibbled on it.ÂÂ
Mike felt her lips and her stomach rubbing against him and it was too much. His fountain was ready to gush. He pulled away and looked into her eyes. He saw the passion of want and need. He tried to move back before it was too late and her soft lips moved up to his. Her mouth opened and her tongue snaked into his mouth just as he climaxed. “OH SHIT.â€Â He moaned as he pushed away from her and ran into the small bathroom on the other side of the basement.ÂÂ
Heather saw what had happened and tried to do the same to Mark. She wanted to pull it out and do it in the open but knew her girlfriends were not ready for that just yet. Her fingers moved down between their stomachs until she found his erection. She squeezed and stroked him until he tried to pull her hand away. Too late. He pushed her back and gave her a dirty look. He ran to the bathroom door but Mike had locked it. He hurried up the stairs.ÂÂ
Tara and Brad didn’t know what was going on. They were so locked up together they didn’t even break away.ÂÂ
“Did he just…?â€Â Meagan whispered back to Heather.ÂÂ
“Sure did. I guess you were too much for him.â€Â She laughed. They sat down on the sofa and watched as Tara slowly did the same to Brad.
Janet was sitting on the sofa waiting for a phone call from her boyfriend when she heard the basement door open and someone run into the bathroom. She was afraid it was one of the girls. She moved over to the bathroom door and heard the water running. She twisted the doorknob and slowly peeked inside. She gasped when she saw Mark standing with his pants and boxers down around his ankles. He was washing his stomach and pubic area. He saw the door open and the shocked look on Janet’s face as she looked at his semi-soft seven inch prick. She slammed the door.
“Shit.†Janet said to herself. She moved into the den and sat down. She had imagined her sister and her friends as kids but now seeing Mark’s prick and it being larger than her own boyfriend’s her opinion suddenly changed. She heard the bathroom door open and then the basement door. She sighed and waited for her boyfriend to call. Her body was suddenly on fire.ÂÂ
Mike cleaned up and dried his pants the best he could. Luckily jeans were easy to dry and hard to see any stains. He heard someone try to open the door and then run upstairs. He waited until he heard the footsteps coming back down. He opened the door and walked out like nothing happened.ÂÂ
Meagan was nervous as she waited for Mike to return. He sat next to her and she whispered. “Sorry.â€ÂÂÂ
Mike whispered back. “I’m not.â€Â She giggled.ÂÂ
Heather and Mark were not taking it as well. “What the fuck did you do that for?â€Â He asked upset. She had embarrassed him in front of his friends and Janet had seen him with his pants down.ÂÂ
“You didn’t like it?â€Â She asked.ÂÂ
“No.†He said sharply back.ÂÂ
“Good. Then you can do it yourself from now on.â€Â She got up and walked over to sit in another chair.ÂÂ
Tara could see something was wrong with Heather and Mark. She thought she could break the ice if they played a game or something. â€ÂWho wants to play a game?â€ÂÂÂ
“What kind of game?â€Â Heather asked.
“Any game.â€Â Tara replied.ÂÂ
“How about spin the bottle?â€Â Brad jumped in.ÂÂ
“We are kind of old for that aren’t we?â€Â Mark said. Right now he did not want to kiss or be near Heather.ÂÂ
“Instead of kiss let’s do dares.â€Â Brad said. “You only get to turn down one dare and if you do you have to take off an article of clothing. The person spinning the bottle will come up with a dare to the person it points at.â€ÂÂÂ
“Sounds like fun.â€Â Tara said. “I’ll get a bottle upstairs.â€Â She ran up the steps.
“Do you want to play?â€Â Mike asked Meagan who was now holding his hand.ÂÂ
“As long as you are playing.â€Â She smiled.ÂÂ
“What are you looking for?â€Â Janet asked Tara seeing her searching around in the kitchen.ÂÂ
“A bottle.â€Â Tara said. “We are playing spin the bottle.â€ÂÂÂ
“A kissing game?â€Â Janet laughed.
“No a dare game.†Tara responded.ÂÂ
Janet was pissed her boyfriend had stood her up. She was bored and was still thinking about Mark’s prick. “Do you think Meagan would be upset if I played?â€Â
“Of course she would but I wouldn’t.â€Â Tara laughed. Janet followed the younger girl down into the basement.ÂÂ
“I thought you said you would stay upstairs?â€Â Meagan asked her sister when she arrived in the basement.ÂÂ
“Alex stood me up and I’m bored.â€Â Janet said. “Tara invited me.â€Â
Meagan gave Tara a dirty look.ÂÂ
“OK but if you repeat any of this I’ll kill you.â€Â Meagan glared at her sister.ÂÂ
They all moved the table out of the middle of the floor and sat in a big circle. “Who goes first?â€Â Tara asked.ÂÂ
“Spin the bottle.â€Â Brad replied.. Tara spun the bottle and it went around and around. It slowed and stopped on Mark. “I get to go first.â€Â He smiled at Heather and she smiled back.  ÂÂ
Mark took the bottle and gave it a big spin. It moved around and slowed. They all watched as it pointed to Tara.ÂÂ
“Be good or I’ll get even.â€Â She said.ÂÂ
“OK. Go into the bathroom and take off your bra.â€Â He said.ÂÂ
Tara smiled. “That was not so bad. I can do it here.â€Â She moved her hands up under her shirt and released the front clasp. The guys watched in amazement as she twisted her arms and managed to pull it out from under her tee shirt.ÂÂ
“How did you do that?â€Â Brad asked while scratching his head.ÂÂ
“Maybe I’ll show you sometime?â€Â She giggled. Everyone could now see her hard tips poking out the front of her blouse. She tossed the small bra on the sofa. “My turn.â€Â She spun the bottle and it pointed to Janet.ÂÂ
Janet was wearing a denim skirt and a halter top. She looked at the young girl and was ready for anything.ÂÂ
“OK. I dare you to kiss the boy of your choice for one minute.â€ÂÂÂ
Janet immediately looked over at Mark who had been avoiding eye contact with her. She moved up and walked around the circle. She stopped behind Mark. Mark looked over at Heather and smiled as he turned and offered his lips to the older woman. Janet gave him the best she had. The others could see their mouths open and their tongues mixing together. ÂÂ
“A minutes up.â€Â Tara laughed. Janet moved her lips away and smiled. She moved back to the circle. She spun the bottle. It pointed to Mike.ÂÂ
“This one is easy. Take Meagan into the bathroom and have a three minute date.â€ÂÂÂ
Meagan smiled at her sister. Her being here was not so bad. Meagan quickly stood and walked ahead of Mike.ÂÂ
The door closed behind them. “Three minutes. Go.â€Â Tara yelled.ÂÂ
“I still can’t believe this is you.â€Â Mike said as he moved his lips down to hers. Meagan accepted his lips and tongue. Mike’s hands moved down to a territory he knew was OK. His hands cupped her round ass.ÂÂ
Meagan broke the kiss and they both gasped for air. “What’s different about me?â€Â She giggled. “This.†He laughed as his hands moved over her ass cheeks.ÂÂ
“What else?†She asked excited he would touch her elsewhere.
Mike’s hands moved up her sides and to her stomach as she moved back from him. They both looked at his hands as they moved up until they brushed the bottoms of her breasts. He looked at her face to see a smile. It gave his hands the go ahead to move up over her soft orbs.ÂÂ
“Definitely these.â€Â He said. Meagan’s eyes closed as a boy touched her breasts for the first time.ÂÂ
“Two minutes to go.â€Â Tara yelled.ÂÂ
Mike toyed with her hard nips. “What else?â€Â She asked with her eyes still closed. They both knew where his hands would go next.ÂÂ
“You sure?†He whispered. She shook her head yes. It was a moment she had dreamed about for a long time.ÂÂ
Meagan sucked in her stomach while his fingers moved down her abs to her stomach. He lightly touched over her pubic mound and to the junction of her thighs. Her legs opened enough for his fingers to trace over her virgin slit. She moaned when he touched her clit. His fingers moved lower to the bottom of her dress and under it. He touched the insides of both thighs as his fingers moved north.ÂÂ
Mike had touched his last girlfriend on her panties only. He had never touched hers or any bare pussy before. His fingers pushed against the soft satin panty and stopped. She really was a girl he thought. He curled his finger under the elastic edge and felt her silky soft pubic hair guiding the way for his fingers to her damp slit.ÂÂ
“Meagan.â€Â He whispered as he moved his fingers up her slippery channel.ÂÂ
“I wanted you to be the first to touch me.â€Â She moaned when he pushed against her hard pleasure knob.ÂÂ
As Mike’s finger moved off her clit she grabbed his hand to hold it there.ÂÂ
“Right there.â€Â She directed.ÂÂ
She could tell from his fumbling finger he did not know much about a female’s vagina. The only real one he had seen was Mrs. Thompson’s the day his grandfather died.ÂÂ
“One minute.â€Â Tara yelled.ÂÂ
Meagan wasn’t sure if she would get this chance again so she aimed her fingers at his zipper and found it. She pulled it down and reached inside. She wasn’t sure how it would feel when she found it but she had a pretty good idea how it would be shaped. Her fingers pushed thought his bush and across his hot shaft. Her fingers explored it as he explored her wetness. She marveled at its size. She guessed it was at least seven or eight hard inches. Her fingers moved around the crown and felt the slippery pre-come.ÂÂ
“I’m glad you are the first too.â€Â Mike whispered. Her fingers were making him close to coming again.ÂÂ
Her lips sucked on his earlobe again and she could feel him about to explode again. He did not know how to bring her off. “Maybe we can have some other firsts?â€Â
Mike thought about what she had said. “You mean?â€ÂÂÂ
“Maybe?â€Â She giggled.ÂÂ
“TIMES UP!â€Â Tara yelled as she tried to open the door. Mike pulled his fingers out of Meagan’s panties and she did the same out of his pants. They rearranged their clothing and Mike kissed her one last time. Meagan opened the door and walked out blushing.ÂÂ
“Hey sis. Did you find anything in there you liked?â€Â Janet teased.ÂÂ
Meagan kicked her lightly as she walked by. Meagan grabbed the bottle. Her body was now on fire and she wanted to see and experience more. She spun and it landed on Mark. Meagan wanted to see if everyone was willing to share. “OK. I want Mark to demonstrate his favorite sexual position.â€Â Everyone turned to look at Heather. She frowned.  “With Tara.â€Â Meagan finished. Everyone looked at Mark and Tara to see if they would do it.ÂÂ
“Go ahead.â€Â Heather said already upset with him. They all looked at Brad.  “Fine with me.â€Â
Tara looked at Mark and grinned. She had always liked Mark but he had been dating her girlfriend for such a long time. Tara stood up and met Mark by the sofa. “What’s your favorite position?â€Â Tara whispered in his ear.ÂÂ
Mark smiled and looked at Heather. They only had intercourse  three times and Heather was not one willing to experiment. “Girl on top.â€Â  He whispered back. Mark moved over to the sofa and lay down. His prick was hard from the time he heard what was going to happen.ÂÂ
“Like this?â€Â Tara asked as she swung her leg over his hip and straddled his waist. Her pussy was directly above his bulge. “I’m glad I didn’t wear a dress now.†She laughed. She looked under her breasts to accurately guide her pussy to the tip of the tent in his pants.  She gently touched it at first and then pressed harder until the tip was pushing up against her clit. She closed her eyes and lowered her hips until his log rested between her slit. She started a slow up and down motion on his body.ÂÂ
Meagan was sitting directly across from Mike as they watched Tara’s fucking motion on Mark’s hard-on. She saw Mike turn to look at her and smile. She smiled back and slowly opened her thighs to show him her red panties again. Teasing was so much fun.ÂÂ
“Touch my ass.â€Â Tara whispered in Mark’s ear. His hardness was making her close to coming. He glanced over at Heather and saw her looking away. His fingers found Tara’s cute little butt and pulled it harder against him. It was all Tara needed as she exploded. “Oh..oh.â€Â She moaned as her hips moved faster and faster. She bit into his shoulder to keep from screaming. It was the first time anyone but her own fingers had made her come. Her body went limp on top of him.ÂÂ
“God.â€Â Janet said. She never knew these 18 year olds would be this nasty. As she wished if Alex was there she heard the doorbell ring. “I’ll be right back.â€Â She said running up the steps.ÂÂ
Tara climbed off of Mark and lightly kissed his lips as her face moved by his. “Thanks.â€Â She moved up feeling the dampness between her legs. By the time Mark sat back down Janet came down the stairs with Alex.ÂÂ
The girls all looked at him as an older man. He was twenty-two and a Junior in college. “Is it OK if Alex joins us?† Janet asked.ÂÂ
“Sure.â€Â Heather quickly replied. If Mark could fool around so could she.ÂÂ
“So, this is spin the bottle dare game?â€Â He said smiling. He looked at the cute young girls who were making eye contact with him. It had been over a year since he had a virgin he thought looking over at Janet.ÂÂ
“My turn.â€Â Tara said as she picked up the bottle. Mark grabbed it from her hand. “You had a turn and I was part of the scene on the sofa.â€Â He said as he turned the bottle. They all watched as it pointed to Heather. Mark smiled. It was payback time for his buddy Brad.
Heather gave him a stern look. “Since I had such a good time with Tara it’s only fair that Heather shows her favorite position to Brad.â€Â Mark smiled at Heather thinking she would go to her missionary position.ÂÂ
Heather knew what Mark thought she would do. She actually had wanted to try another position but it was not what Mark thought it was. She had wanted to try oral sex but didn’t know how to tell him. This was her chance.ÂÂ
Heather stood and grabbed Brad’s hand. She led him to the sofa and pushed him onto his back. She could see the outline of his prick under his pants. She smiled at Alex as she turned her body so she was facing his feet. They all gasped when she moved her body onto his in a 69 position. Her long blonde hair fell over his zipper such that no one could see her mouth open to nibble on his bulge.ÂÂ
Brad didn’t know what hit him. He expected her to do the same as Tara but when she turned and moved her hips over his head he looked up to see her dress fall over his face. He couldn’t see her panties but his face soon felt them. He moved his face up to get his nose free so he could breath. When he did his mouth came into contact with her damp crotch. He felt her mouth biting gently on his tip as his pushed his tongue out to find her damp slit. He wished he could pull her panties to the side but his arms were trapped.ÂÂ
“Shit.â€Â Alex said sitting upward to see better. Janet had told him things were wild but to see them locked in a 69 was too much.ÂÂ
Heather wanted to make Brad come to get even for satisfying Tara. She didn’t know what to do so she did everything she could thing of. Her mouth moved over his crown and she quickly raised and lowered her head. She could feel him getting harder in her mouth. Her mouth moved off the tip and down the side. He was not a long as Mark but he was pretty thick. She clamped her mouth on the side of his shaft and moved her head up and down. Brad only lasted a few seconds. “OH GOD!†He yelled from under her skirt. Her leg moved enough for his hand to snake free undetected by the others. He pulled her panties to the side and tasted a pussy for the first time. His tongue discovered she definitely was not a virgin as it dove deep inside of her.ÂÂ
Heather felt his dam burst and moved her head back. His tongue up inside of her was too much. Her head rose up when his tongue moved deep inside.ÂÂ
The rest of the group sat silent as the two bodies stopped moving. The game was turning into more than a game.ÂÂ
“My turn.â€Â Heather said grabbing the bottle. They watched as it turned to point to Alex. It was her turn to dare him.ÂÂ
She giggled. “Take off everything but your underwear.â€ÂÂÂ
Alex looked at her in disbelief. “Strip?â€Â He asked. “I just got here.â€ÂÂÂ
“Chicken?â€Â Janet teased.ÂÂ
“You sure?â€Â He asked. Heather shook her head yes.
They all watched as he stood and pulled his tee shirt over his head. His chest was covered with dark hair and was full of muscle. He stood and unsnapped his jeans. They all watched as he pushed them down his legs and off his feet. The large bulge in his boxers was not hiding from anyone.ÂÂ
“Satisfied?â€Â He asked Heather as he sat back down. She smiled.ÂÂ
“So this is going to be one of those games huh?â€Â Alex asked. It was his turn and he wanted to see some naked flesh.ÂÂ
He spun the bottle and it pointed to Meagan. She gasped. She knew what he wanted.ÂÂ
“Little sis. I’ve never seen you in a dress before and now I guess I’ll get to see you not in a dress. Take it off.â€Â He grinned.ÂÂ
Meagan looked at Janet for support. She only smiled. “What if I don’t do it?â€Â She asked Tara who made up this game.ÂÂ
“You lose your one denial. You might want to save it in case something really bad comes up.â€Â Tara said. She felt bad for her girlfriend who was about to expose her body for the first time.ÂÂ
“She can have my denial.â€Â Mike said.ÂÂ
“No. I can do it.â€Â  Meagan said as she stood facing the other way. They all watched as she pushed the straps of the dress off her shoulders and watched as it fell down her body. Only her red satin panties and bra remained. She quickly turned and sat back down. She crossed her arm over her thongs. With the other hand she took the bottle.ÂÂ
Mike tried not to stare at Meagan’s body but he couldn’t help it. Her muscular thighs fed up into her naked hips. Her flat stomach did the same to the rise at her chest. Her nipples could not be seen through the satin material of her bra but they definitely were hard little nubs.ÂÂ
Meagan spun the bottle and it pointed to her sister.ÂÂ
“OK. Take off your skirt and blouse.â€Â Meagan said smartly.ÂÂ
“You only had to take off one thing.â€Â Janet said. Meagan knew she was wearing a halter top which did not have a bra. If she took it off she would be showing her bare breasts.ÂÂ
“A dare is a dare.â€Â Meagan laughed.ÂÂ
Janet sighed as she stood to remove her skirt. Luckily she had new panties which where pretty sheer. She wondered if they could see she shaved her pussy. She grabbed the bottom of the halter top and pulled it up over her naked breasts. Her pink nipples stood out like small missiles. She tossed the clothing on the floor next to her and sat down. She saw Mark’s eyes locked onto her breasts and smiled at him. She spun the bottle.ÂÂ
Tara gasped when it pointed to her.ÂÂ
Janet thought she would see just how far these kids would go. “Let’s try this. Reach down into Alex’s boxers and play around for at least a minute.â€ÂÂÂ
They all looked at Brad. “A dare is a dare.â€Â He grinned. He liked the way the game was going.ÂÂ
“I can’t.â€Â Tara said looking down. She had never touched a bare penis before as was not about to do it in front of everyone else.ÂÂ
“You used your denial.â€Â Brad said smiling. Seeing him smile pissed her off.
“Wait. OK. I’ll do it.â€Â She said glaring at Brad.ÂÂ
She moved over to Alex and he leaned back on his hands. They all watched as Tara used one hand to pull out his waistband as the other hand moved down under the material. Even though she had felt Brad through his pants she was not ready for the hard silky shaft as her hand moved around him. Her fingers traced around the ridge of his crown and slowly down to his balls. She cupped them in her tiny hand and slowly raised her fingers back up his shaft. He was not as big as she thought he would be. Her fingers moved up over the crown again and off the tip. Her fingers moved out of his waistband with the dampness of his pre-come on the tips.
Meagan couldn’t believe Tara would ready do it and watched as her hand moved under Alex’s boxers. Even though he was wearing boxers everyone could see what was going on. She remembered how stiff Mike’s prick was.ÂÂ
“That’s enough.â€Â Tara said proudly. She wiped her hand on her jeans and spun the bottle. Around and around it went. No one was talking as they watched the top of the bottle slow down and point to……Janet.ÂÂ
“Hey. I’m not taking off my panties.â€Â She said holding her hand out in front of her.ÂÂ
Tara laughed. “I’m sure the guys will like this. Rub your breasts across all the guy’s lips.â€Â She was getting even for what Janet did to her.ÂÂ
The guys thought Janet would refuse but when she stood and moved over to Brad he looked up at her naked breasts.  They were the first real ones he had ever seen. Janet pushed him back until his head was on the floor looking up at her.  She knelt beside him and moved her orbs down until her nipple pushed against his lips. Janet gasped when his mouth opened and sucked her hard digit inside.ÂÂ
Mark was directly behind Janet and when she took the doggie position on her knees her ass was only a few feet from his face. His eyes opened wide when her legs opened showing him her panties wedged into her pussy lips. He did not see any pubic hair.
“Enough.â€Â Alex said. He was not that happy with this young guy’s chewing on his girls nips. Janet pulled her hard nipple from his mouth with a loud pop. Everyone laughed. She crawled over him to do the same to Mark. As Mark lay back his bulge was outlined in his pants. All the girls could see he was well hung. Janet looked down at Mark’s opened mouth and thought she would do some teasing. She dropped her nipple and it pushed into his eye. He tried to tilt his mouth upward but she jerked her boob back. She lowered it again and it pushed against his chin. Again he jabbed his mouth at her breast and missed. Finally Mark reached up and grabbed her breast and held it still until his lips sucked her nipple inside.ÂÂ
Heather watched Mark sucking on the older girl’s tit and was more mad than jealous. If he wanted to play around so would she.ÂÂ
Janet pulled her breast away from Mark and crawled over to Mike. “OK lit’ sis?†Janet asked as Mike leaned back. Meagan knew she couldn’t say no. She shook her head yes and stared as her sister aimed her breast at Mike’s mouth. He showed how inexperienced he was as he licked and nibbled at her breast. Janet grabbed his head and held his lips frozen on her hard bud.ÂÂ
“Easy.â€Â She directed. She closed her eyes as his lips and tongue gently caressed her nipple.ÂÂ
“Good.†She moaned.ÂÂ
“Enough.â€Â Alex laughed trying to act like it didn’t bother him.ÂÂ
Janet grabbed the bottle and spun it.
Mike tried to move away from the bottle as it pointed to him but Janet quickly said his name. Janet owed her little sister but she also wanted her and Mike to hook up. She wondered how far Meagan would really go.
“OK Mike. I want you to put your hand down the front of Meagan’s panties and touch her there for a minute.â€ÂÂÂ
Mike quickly turned to see Meagan’s expression which was one of shock. She didn’t mind if Mike touched her vagina but she was not happy doing it in front of everyone. She smiled and grabbed her dress nearby and placed it over her lap.  “OK but I get to cover up.â€ÂÂÂ
“I didn’t say you could cover up.â€Â Janet zapped back.ÂÂ
“You didn’t say I couldn’t.â€Â Meagan said firmly.ÂÂ
“She’s right.â€Â Mike quickly announced. He also did not want others to see him fumbling around a girl’s panties.ÂÂ
“OK. OK.â€Â Janet smiled. She watched as Meagan folded the dress over her lap and uncrossed her legs. Mike’s hard-on was pushing out his pants as he moved over until his body was close enough to do what he had to do. Meagan smiled and pulled up the dress for his hand to move under.ÂÂ
“One minute. GO!â€Â Janet said looking at her wristwatch.ÂÂ
“Wait.â€Â Mike said. “I’m not under her panties yet.â€ÂÂÂ
“Say when.â€Â Janet laughed. Everyone’s eyes were on Meagan’s tiny dress which was moving along with Mike’s hand and fingers. He quickly slipped his fingers down the top of her thongs until he touched her soft bush. “OK.â€Â He announced.ÂÂ
Meagan was totally embarrassed as her long time secret love fumbled down into her moist virgin slit. He quickly passed over her hard clit and tried to find her hole. I’m a virgin stupid. She thought as his finger moved down to the bottom and back to the top. When he again touched her clit she moaned.ÂÂ
Mike was not sure what he was touching but when he pushed against a small mound of flesh she moaned. She must like it. He thought as he focused his rubbing on that spot.ÂÂ
Meagan could feel her climax approaching and did not want to have it in front of everyone. Her body was now moving with the motion of Mike’s finger which caused the tiny dress to move enough for everyone to see his whole hand under the tiny red triangle. They could also see glimpses of her pubic hair. “Oh…â€Â Meagan moaned. She looked at her sister who was not even looking at her watch anymore. “A minute has to be up!â€Â She cried out.ÂÂ
“Make it two minutes.â€Â Janet laughed. She wanted to see her sister finger-fucked until she climaxed.ÂÂ
“JANET!â€Â Meagan screamed pissed at her sister but also was pissed at herself for not being able to control her explosion. Her hips shot upward as she came. “OH GOD!â€Â She cried as her hands grabbed Mike’s hand to pull it out of her panties. She turned and turned her body until she could fix her panties back into place.ÂÂ
Mike was amazed of what he had done. He glanced over at Brad who gave him thumbs up. It was his turn to spin. The bottle turned until it pointed to Tara.ÂÂ
“Take off your jeans and blouse.â€Â He said smiling.ÂÂ
“Uh excuse me. Did you forget I’m not wearing a bra?â€Â She said nervously.ÂÂ
“Nope. I definitely remembered.â€Â Mike laughed.ÂÂ
Tara looked around to see if anyone would come to her aid but everyone just smiled. Her small 34b boobs would soon be naked for the first time to males. She stood and unsnapped her jeans and pushed them down her thin but well shaped legs. She smiled as she pulled her panties out of her ass. She closed her eyes and pulled her blouse up over her white breasts.ÂÂ
“Nice.â€Â Alex said looking up at her young morsels.ÂÂ
So far only Janet and Tara were showing privates. Tara hoped to change that. She took the bottle and made a wish. The wish came true. It pointed to Brad. She had not seen him naked and since he did not stand up for her she was going to get him back.ÂÂ
“Take off all your clothes.â€Â She said smiling.ÂÂ
“What?â€Â He said laughing. “You can’t do that.â€ÂÂÂ
“Oh yes I can.â€Â She laughed.ÂÂ
Where Mike was sitting he could see both the front of Janet’s and Tara’s panties. The dark shadow of Tara’s bush could be seen but he could not see any shadow under Janet’s panties and her panties were even sheerer than Tara’s. He suddenly realized she probably didn’t have a bush. She shaved it!
“Hey. I can use my denial. All I have to do is take one thing off.â€Â He laughed and pulled off his tee shirt and sat back down. He looked at his girlfriend and smiled as he spun the bottle. It stopped on Heather.
“OK off with the dress.â€Â He said grinning.ÂÂ
Heather knew her panties were soaked and if she took off the dress everyone else would also know. She was also not wearing a bra. “I’m using my denial too.â€Â She said.ÂÂ
“But, you still have to take off the dress.â€Â Brad laughed.ÂÂ
“Not really. I can take off anything I want.â€Â With that she stood and reached up under her dress and grabbed the waistband of her panties. She pulled them down and off her feet. She tossed them to Brad who caught them. He smiled at her when he felt how damp they were.ÂÂ
“My turn.â€Â Heather said as she sat down making sure no one could see up under her dress. She spun the bottle and it pointed to Brad again. “Aha!â€Â She laughed. “Seems you have no more denials.â€ÂÂÂ
“Be easy on me.â€Â Brad begged.ÂÂ
“Sure. Why don’t you strip naked?â€Â She laughed.ÂÂ
Mike felt for his buddy who would be the first to show everyone his penis. He had seen his friend in the showers and knew he was smaller than himself but not that small. He knew it was stage fright that was making his face pale.ÂÂ
“Everything?â€Â Brad repeated.ÂÂ
“Yes!â€Â Tara laughed.ÂÂ
Meagan was holding Mike’s hand tighter and tighter as she watch her childhood friend release the snap on his jeans and push them down over his briefs. The six inch outline of his penis was easily seen bulging out the front of his BVDs.ÂÂ
“Why don’t we take a break?† Brad asked hoping to stop where he was at now.ÂÂ
“No!â€Â All four females yelled at the same time. If they were going to show their bodies they wanted to see some penises too.ÂÂ
Brad stood motionless trying to think of a way out of this mess. He did not see Janet’s hands moving up behind him and could not react fast enough to stop his briefs flying down his hips and legs. He looked down in shock at his virgin pecker pointing straight outward.ÂÂ
“HEY!â€Â He screamed as his fingers quickly covered his hard-on.ÂÂ
Meagan giggled as she saw a man’s hard penis for the first time. She now knew that Mike was much bigger than their friend.
“Give me those back!â€Â He yelled at Janet who was holding them up for everyone to see.ÂÂ
Tara’s panties became even damper when she saw her boyfriend’s penis for the first time. She suddenly became curious what the other guy’s equipment looked like.ÂÂ
Janet tossed him the undies and he pushed them down to cover his prick. The white briefs sat on top of them but did little to hide his excited state.ÂÂ
“Give me the bottle.â€Â Brad said noticeably pissed. He was not going to be the only one naked. He spun the bottle so fast it flew across and hit against Mike’s leg and pointed across at Janet.ÂÂ
“Alright!â€Â Brad yelled seeing who it pointed to.ÂÂ
“Not fair. It hit Mike’s leg.â€Â Janet said. She was not going to take off her panties.ÂÂ
“Do it again.â€Â Tara yelled at her boyfriend. She wanted to see some more naked men.ÂÂ
Brad reached for the bottle and the briefs fell from covering his hard-on. “Fuck it.â€Â He said as he spun the bottle slower this time. All eyes followed it until it stopped on…….Janet again!’’
“No excuses this time.â€Â Brad laughed.ÂÂ
Janet looked at Alex who only smiled. He wanted to see what these other girls looked like naked so he was not going to object about Janet showing her treasures.ÂÂ
“Come on sis.â€Â Meagan said laughing. “Scared?â€ÂÂÂ
Janet smiled but was steaming on the inside. Her fingers moved into her panties waistband as she lifted her ass to slide them out from under her and slowly down her thighs.ÂÂ
Mike had the best view when her bald pussy lips came into view. He was anticipating she was shaven but was not prepared when he actually saw his first pussy and it was not hidden under a mat of hair.ÂÂ
“Wow.â€Â Mark said what all the other guys were thinking. “She shaves it.â€ÂÂÂ
Even Meagan was surprised when she saw her sister’s bald pussy. She had heard about girls doing that but didn’t think someone like her sister would do it.ÂÂ
“What’s everyone looking at?†Janet said as she sat down with her legs squeezed tightly together to prevent any more peeks at her pink slit. She grabbed the bottle and froze. “What if the person is naked?â€Â
“They must do a dare or get out of the game.† Tara quickly said. “Spin.â€Â She was anxious.ÂÂ
Janet twisted the bottle and let it go. It turned around and around until it stopped on Mark.ÂÂ
“OK big boy. Let’s see it.â€Â She said chuckling.ÂÂ
Mark looked at Mike and Brad and stood. He wasn’t ashamed as he stood and pushed down his jeans and boxers at the same time. His long seven inch hard-on popped outward.ÂÂ
“They don’t all look alike.â€Â Janet cracked seeing a bigger shaft than both Brad’s and her boyfriend’s.  ÂÂ
Heather smiled at him proud that he had no problem stripping naked. Her heart pounded as he spun the bottle. It stopped on Meagan.ÂÂ
Meagan gasped when she saw the bottle pointing at her. She smiled and held her hands together begging her friend to be easy on her.ÂÂ
“OK. Just your bra.â€Â Heather said smiling.ÂÂ
Even her bra was something Meagan was not prepared to give up. Up until today she had hid her body and had hid it well. Now every one of her friends, as well as Janet and Alex, would now see her bare breasts.ÂÂ
“Just the bra.â€Â Meagan repeated as she unhooked the front clasp and pulled the bra slowly apart until her small but firm naked breasts were exposed. Her nipples were as hard as she had ever seen them. She turned and placed the bra between her and Mike. She wanted to make sure he got a good look.ÂÂ
Meagan spun the bottle. Around and around it went and stopped. Heather jumped back. Meagan forgot Heather was missing her panties. “The dress.â€Â She said.ÂÂ
“Meagan! I’m not wearing panties.â€Â She exclaimed at her friend.ÂÂ
“Oh. That’s right.â€Â Meagan laughed. “Can you take off your bra?â€Â
“I’m not wearing one.â€Â She whispered.ÂÂ
“Hey. If she only has a dress on tell her to take it off.â€Â Mark said happy that she would be naked too.ÂÂ
“Wait I don’t have to take something off. I can do a dare.â€Â She said smiling at her friend Meagan.ÂÂ
Meagan knew the guys wanted her to strip but she didn’t want to piss off her friend. “OK. Let all the guys touch you under your dress one at a time for a minute each.â€ÂÂÂ
“Meagan!â€Â Heather said gritting her teeth.ÂÂ
“That’s it.â€Â Mark said. “You have to do it.â€ÂÂÂ
Heather looked at her boyfriend as she stood to stand by Alex. His long arm moved his hand to her knee and slowly his hand disappeared as he pushed it up under her dress. Her legs parted as he neared his destination and she closed her eyes when his finger tip invaded deep into her damp pussy. He was much more experienced than Mark and went straight to her clit with his thumb while he pushed in and out of her hole.ÂÂ
As Alex fingered Heather Mike moved his hand over to gently touch Meagan’s thigh. Everyone was watching Alex and Heather and didn’t see her hand move over to his leg. The game had made everyone so horny they were having trouble keeping their hands off each other.
“Next.â€Â Janet said looking at her watch. Alex reluctantly removed his hand from under her dress and winked at her. He had discovered she was not a virgin. She smiled as she moved over to her boyfriend.ÂÂ
Mark’s prick was standing at attention when she approached. Although they had intercourse the times had been in the dark and they had not really seen each other naked. As his hand moved up familiar territory her eyes closed again as he approached her honey tunnel. She did not see Mark’s other hand pull up the bottom of her dress exposing her red pubic mound. It matched the flaming red hair on her head.ÂÂ
“Mark.â€Â Meagan said to alert Heather what he was doing. Heather opened her eyes and saw her dress up over her pussy. She slapped his hands away. “That’s all you are getting.â€Â
“Hey. My minute is not up.â€Â He complained.
“It is now.â€Â She said totally pissed off.ÂÂ
She moved over to Brad and stood while he reached up under her dress to finger her pussy. His fingers explored and his middle finger slipped deep into her dripping hole. He looked at her with a surprised look. She smiled as he explored her cave.ÂÂ
“Next.â€Â Janet announced.ÂÂ
Mike pulled his fingers off Meagan’s leg and moved them to Heather’s ankle. His fingers sped up her leg and under her dress. His finger tips pushed against the sticky juices of her pussy and searched for the small knob resting at the top. He found it and rubbed.ÂÂ
“Oh.â€Â Heather moaned. Having four guys finger your pussy was too much. As soon as Mike’s fingers found her clit she started to come. “Don’t stop.â€Â She begged as he flicked his fingers across her hard joy button. “I’m…..†She cried as she climaxed. His fingers slipped down until he moved his index finger up into her pussy.ÂÂ
“That was great.â€Â Heather said to bust her boyfriend as she moved back to her position. She spun the bottle. It pointed to Alex. Since he was the oldest she wondered how brave he was.ÂÂ
“I want you to strip and show us your favorite position.†ÂÂ
Janet looked at her with total shock. “I’m not doing that.â€ÂÂÂ
“I didn’t ask you to.â€Â Heather laughed. “Alex chooses the girl.â€ÂÂÂ
Alex stood and slowly pushed his underwear over his hard-on. It was starting to hurt being so confined. He smiled when he saw the wide eyes of the younger girls looking at his hard shaft. And, best of all he got to pick out the girl of his choice. As he looked around the room at the girls they all kind of looked away afraid he would pick them. All except for Heather who was smiling at him.ÂÂ
“OK. I choose you.â€Â He said grinning.ÂÂ
Heather smiled at her boyfriend and stood to walk with the naked older man to the sofa. She stood nervously in only her thin dress as he whispered in her ear. She turned and looked at Mark who was talking to Brad acting like he didn’t care what she did.ÂÂ
“OK.â€Â She said agreeing to his proposal. He wanted her to sit on top of him.  She stood back as he lay on his back. His prick was hard and pointing upward as she moved her legs over his causing her skirt to fall over his stomach.ÂÂ
“Hey. We can’t see what’s going on.†Janet complained.ÂÂ
“We are just demonstrating and not really doing it.â€Â Alex said as Heather’s damp pussy moved down onto his prick. His hands took hold of her waist and he lifted her until the tip of his prick was poised at the entrance to her tight pussy. She looked down at him and smiled.ÂÂ
It was all Alex needed as he slowly lowered her body and her pussy down, down and down his shaft. When she stopped he was fully inside of her. Alex was happy just having himself in her and was even more happy when she started to rise up and back down. She was really fucking him while the others watched.
“God. It looks like they are really doing it.â€Â Tara whispered. She also wished she could see up under Heather’s dress.ÂÂ
“How long do they do it?â€Â Mark asked getting nervous. “Who spun the bottle?â€Â
“I did.â€Â Heather said trying to get her breath and pretend she was not fucking his man. “I guess another two minutes.â€ÂÂÂ
“Two minutes!â€Â Mark said upset. He knew she was at least rubbing her pussy on this man’s cock.ÂÂ
Alex tried to hold back but couldn’t top his climax as he gripped her waist hard in his hands and shot his pleasure juices deep inside of her. He did a great job pretending he was not really fucking her. “Let’s just do a few more seconds.â€Â
Heather was surprised when the experienced man came so fast. She felt his juices pouring from her tight pussy and gave him a dirty look. He was satisfied and wanted to stop. She moved her pussy off his quickly softening penis. Her dress covered his white juices dripping from her hole.ÂÂ
Janet was the only one to see Alex’s prick before he hid it with his hand. Shit. He had fucked Meagan’s friend while they all watched. She watched as Heather quickly headed to the bathroom upstairs.
“Is she OK?â€Â Meagan asked seeing her friend running up the stairs.ÂÂ
Meagan didn’t wait for an answer as she jumped up and ran up the stairs wearing only her satin red thongs. ÂÂ
Meagan knocked on the door.  “Heather it’s Meagan.â€ÂÂÂ
Heather opened the door to let her friend in. Heather was standing holding her dress up and was cleaning off the come from her pussy and legs.ÂÂ
Heather looked at Mark who looked at her suspiciously. She smiled and sat back in her place.  Alex took the bottle and spun it. It pointed to Mark.ÂÂ
“Shit. I don’t know. A dare huh. I got it. Kiss little sis’s body all over.â€ÂÂÂ
Meagan sat up when he said little sis. That’s what he called her. He was telling Mark to kiss her body all over. “I don’t think so.â€Â She said.ÂÂ
“Use your denial.â€Â Mike said. Of course it would mean Meagan had to remove her panties.
“But, I’ll have to take off….†She hesitated. She took a deep breath and pushed her panties under her hips and down her legs. She tried to keep her legs together as best as she could as her panties moved off her feet. She sat back naked and looked down at the top of her blonde bush resting under her navel. She turned to see Mike’s eyes looking at her lower stomach as well.ÂÂ
Meagan spun the bottle. It pointed to Mike. She smiled. He would have to do whatever she wanted.ÂÂ
“How about another three minutes in heaven with me in the laundry room without the clothes of course.â€ÂÂÂ
“Here. You want me to strip here?â€Â He asked.
She smiled and shook her head yes.
All eyes were on Mike’s trembling fingers as he slowly undressed. As his boxers moved over his nine inch rod Tara gasped. “Holy shit.â€Â  Even Janet sat up straight.ÂÂ
Mike’s face turned beet red as he took Meagan’s hand to walk into the laundry room. As Meagan stood her legs moved apart enough for Mike’s eyes to see her pink folds under the sparse blonde curls.ÂÂ
“Now go easy on my little sister.â€Â Janet said jealous it was not her going into the room with the well endowed teenager.ÂÂ
Meagan moved back against the washer as his moved his body up towards hers. His long hard-on pressed directly into her stomach. She laughed and moved her hand down to bend it upward. The tip pressed against her right breast. “Umm.â€Â She said as her hand guided the damp tip up to her nipple.ÂÂ
Mike’s hands moved quickly to her nakedness. He wanted to touch every inch of a naked female for the first time. He explored her soft ass cheeks and slid his finger under her ass and across her damp slit.  Her legs opened to allow his hand more freedom.ÂÂ
“Do you want to do it?â€Â Mike asked as she pushed his long dong down until the crown rubbed against her clitoris.ÂÂ
“Yes. But not here. Not like this.â€Â She said. “I want it to be special.â€ÂÂÂ
“Me too.†Mike said. He really did want it to be special but right now he wanted to come.ÂÂ
“Two more minutes.â€Â Janet yelled from outside the room.ÂÂ
“What can we do?â€Â Mike asked almost crying for release.ÂÂ
Meagan remembered all those girl sleepovers and all the talk about oral sex and blowjobs. She told them she could never do such a vile act but now with his penis in her hand she forgot all those words. She pushed him back far enough for her to slide downward until she was on her knees in front of him.ÂÂ
“Meagan.â€Â Mike moaned when he realized what she was about to do. “MEAGAN!â€Â He screamed when her petite mouth sucked in the mushroom tip of his prick.ÂÂ
Janet laughed when she heard Mike scream her sister’s name. “You go girl.â€Â ÂÂ
“I wonder what she is doing to him.â€Â Tara said. The sexual tension in the room was at it zenith.ÂÂ
“OH GOD MEAGAN!â€Â Mike moaned as her mouth took almost five of his rigid inches down her throat.ÂÂ
Meagan didn’t like the taste at first but got used to it quickly. She was on fire when she heard him call out her name. She tightened her lips around his shaft when she heard him scream her name. Her fingers moved up to caress his balls while her mouth moved up and down his long lollypop.ÂÂ
“I’M COMING MEAGAN!† Mike screamed to give her a warning to remove her mouth. She did and his hot spunk splattered all over her face. Her fingers moved to his prick and she milked him dry.ÂÂ
“TIMES UP!â€Â Janet called out as she pulled open the door and stuck her face inside. She wanted to see what they had been doing. She laughed when she saw her little sister whipping off his come from her nose and chin. Janet made a note to teach her how to swallow it.ÂÂ
Mike walked out of the room first with his hard-on resending to its soft state. There was no question Meagan had given him a release. As Meagan stood to walk out Janet whispered in her ear. “If you don’t want him I’ll take him.â€ÂÂÂ
“No way.â€Â Meagan said smiling. That hunk of meat was hers.
It was Mike’s turn to spin. They all were now leaning forward to see who the next person was. The game had picked up a lot. The bottle pointed to Tara.ÂÂ
“The panties and………………†He hesitated thinking what he would ask her to do.  The blowjob Meagan had just given him was the best feeling he had ever had. He had to give the favor to his friend Brad.ÂÂ
“and……….give Brad a blowjob.â€ÂÂÂ
“Out here?â€Â Tara asked in shock. At least Meagan got to do it in the laundry room.ÂÂ
“Yes.â€Â Mike said. He wanted to see it happen. His soft prick started to get some more life when Tara stood and pushed her panties down her small ass and tan thighs. Her bush had a bikini shave with a thick dark strip over the lips of her mound. He could not see her slit through the dark forest.ÂÂ
Brad looked at her and smiled. Getting a blowjob from his love was the ultimate even if she had to do it in front of everyone.ÂÂ
“Anyone want to teach me?â€Â Tara giggled as she moved down on her knees in front of Brad.ÂÂ
“I will come on over here.â€Â Alex laughed. Janet smacked him on his arm and moved over next to the young inexperienced girl.  “Take his penis in your hand and slowly stroke him while you lick around the tip.â€Â  She whispered.ÂÂ
Tara giggled as she grabbed his hard-on and did as Janet said. It tasted a little salty. “OH.†Brad moaned. He knew he would not last very long.
Mark was sitting directly across from Tara and when she leaned forward her legs spread enough for him to see the virgin’s slim pink slit under the girl’s dark bush. He could also see her tiny puckered rear opening. It was a great sight.  ÂÂ
As Tara continued to taste the tip Janet whispered again. “Suck in the crown and flick your tongue across the tip.â€Â Tara opened her tiny lips and did as the older woman said. Her teeth gently bit his soft flesh. “OH SHIT!â€Â Brad cried out. Everyone else in the room laughed.ÂÂ
“Now for the grand finale.â€Â Janet whispered. “Move as much of him down your throat without gagging and when you pull your mouth out clamp your lips tightly around him.â€Â Tara’s eyes opened as wide as her mouth as she sucked in his six inch penis. She was amazed when her nose pushed against his pubic mound. She slowly moved her lips up and off making a popping sound. “Ahhh.â€Â Brad groaned. One more trip and he was history.ÂÂ
Tara didn’t need any more instructions. The rest was up to her. She again sucked in his hard length and slowly pulled her lips off. “OH, OH, OH!â€Â He cried as he came. He did not give her any warning and shot his load down her throat. Tara’s mouth came off gagging trying to breath. “Swallow it.â€Â Janet yelled. Tara turned and looked at her as her throat opened up to drink in his juices.ÂÂ
Janet smacked him on his leg. “It’s polite to warn a lady when you come.â€Â  Brad looked at Tara who was trying to breath. “Sorry.â€Â
Brad managed to sit up and take the bottle. The first open display of a sexual act had taken the game to a new level. He wondered how far everyone was willing to go. The bottle stopped on Mark.ÂÂ
“Go down on the girl of your choice buddy.â€Â Brad said quickly.ÂÂ
Mark sat up when the bottle stopped on him. When he heard the sweet words he knew who’s pussy he wanted to kiss and lick. He looked immediately to Janet and pointed. “Her.â€ÂÂÂ
Alex spoke up. “I don’t think so.â€ÂÂÂ
Janet didn’t say a word as she leaned over and whispered in Alex’s ear. “I know you fucked his girlfriend so if I was you I would shut up.â€ÂÂÂ
Alex knew when he was to be quiet and now was one of those times. “Go ahead.â€ÂÂÂ
Janet wanted to enjoy the experience and stood to walk to the sofa. She sat back on the cushions and slowly opened her legs. Everyone watched as her bald pussy lips opened wide enough for her inner folds to open. Her hard clit and opened pussy was on display. She was definitely not a virgin.ÂÂ
Mark just looked at her for almost a minute. “You just going to window shop or are you going for it?â€Â Janet laughed.  His body moved forward until her hands took his head and guided his lips where she wanted them.ÂÂ
“The tongue.â€Â She commanded as his lips moved over her clit. He pushed his long tongue out until he pushed against her joy button.
“Right there.â€Â She moaned and closed her eyes.
Mark’s tongue rapidly flicked up and down and right and left. She pushed his head lower and his tongue moved deep down into her moist depths. Her hips moved upward. It might be his first time but he was a fast learner. She moved him back to her clit to finish her race to satisfaction.ÂÂ
No one noticed Heather’s hand as she moved it slowly up under her dress to her dripping vagina. She imagined it was her on the sofa Mark was going down on. She was close to coming when Janet took a deep breath and held his face tightly against her womanhood. Her body shook and trembled as she climaxed. She let go of his head and he jerked it back to get some air.ÂÂ
“Wow.â€Â Tara said.ÂÂ
Janet stood and kissed Mark on his lips. She tasted her own pleasure. “My turn to spin.â€Â The game was coming to a peak.ÂÂ
The bottle spun and spun until it pointed to Heather. Janet smiled. It was revenge time for the girl who had fucked her boy friend on the sofa. Heather was the only one still wearing clothing. “First take off the dress and stand to show everyone your body….â€ÂÂÂ
Heather did as Janet said. Right now she was so hot she would do just about anything. Her dress fell from her full breasts. Of all the girls there Heather’s breasts were the biggest.ÂÂ
“Nice.â€Â Brad said looking up at her large round areoles.ÂÂ
“Thanks.â€Â Heather giggled. She let the dress go and it fell at her bare feet. She kicked it aside and turned slowly showing her flaming red bush.ÂÂ
“Now what?â€Â She asked anxious to be satisfied. Janet heard the young group gasp when she finished her dare to Heather. “You like sexual positions so much I’m going to let you do a sixty-nine.â€ÂÂÂ
Heather smiled. “With the guy of my choice?â€ÂÂÂ
“No. With the girl of your choice.â€Â Janet laughed.ÂÂ
“What’s wrong little girl not woman enough?â€Â Janet said with a dare.ÂÂ
“It’s not that. I can’t do that.â€Â Heather said looking at Meagan and Tara for support.ÂÂ
“I guess your game is over since you have used your one denial.â€Â Janet laughed. “You can wait upstairs until we have finished.â€ÂÂÂ
Heather stood not believing what she was hearing. Her own girlfriends or her boyfriend was not supporting her. She looked at Meagan and Tara who looked away. OK. She thought to herself. If I have to do it so will one of them.ÂÂ
“OK I’ll do it.â€Â Heather said seeing the shock on everyone’s face.ÂÂ
“What?â€Â Mark said. “You’re going to really do it?â€Â
“Yes. With one of my BEST friends.â€Â She said looking down at Meagan and Tara. They both looked at her in fear.ÂÂ
“Let’s see….which one?â€Â She moved her finger back and forth between the two of them.ÂÂ
All the men were now sitting with raging hard-ons. They were going to see two women giving each other oral sex. Shit. It was every man’s dream.ÂÂ
“Let’s see…………..†She hesitated and said. “I pick them both.â€ÂÂÂ
“You can’t do that.â€Â Tara said. “She said female meaning singular.â€ÂÂÂ
They all turned to Janet who was almost laughing.
“It’s up to her. If she wants both I’m OK with it.â€ÂÂÂ
“No.â€Â Tara said upset. “You can’t do a 69 with three people.â€Â She looked at Meagan who was speechless.ÂÂ
“I have no idea.â€Â She managed to mumble.ÂÂ
“Yes we can.â€Â Heather said with a smile. “We just get our bodies into a circle.â€ÂÂÂ
“Like this.†Heather said pulling both girls up and leading them to a large carpeted area. “Lie on your right side.â€Â She said to Meagan who did as her girl friend directed.ÂÂ
“Now you do the same with your head at Meagan’s stomach.â€Â Heather told Tara.   They all watched as Heather moved her naked body down until her own head was at Tara’s stomach and her own stomach was at Meagan’s head.ÂÂ
“See….a circle.â€Â Heather said proud of her sexual creation. “Now I do this.â€Â Heathers hands pried a part Tara’s legs until the girl’s dark pussy was inches from her face. “And you two do the same.â€ÂÂÂ
The men were all now moving closer to the circle. “I think it’s more like a 696969.â€Â Alex laughed.ÂÂ
“OK now we do it.â€Â Heather announced as her lips pushed forward into Tara’s bush.ÂÂ
Tara did the same to Meagan and Meagan did the same to Heather. The girls tightly closed mouths were pressed against the other’s pubic mounds. They froze.ÂÂ
“Come on. Open your mouths.â€Â Mark said excited.ÂÂ
Heather broke her mouth away. “You said to do a sixty-nine and we are doing………â€Â She was about to say “it†when she felt Meagan’s tongue flick across her clitoris. Her eyes got bigger when Meagan did it again and again.ÂÂ
“Look. Meagan’s doing it. She’s eating Heather’s pussy.†Brad cried out. Mike looked at his new girlfriend’s tongue as it slithered into the curly crimson nest and moved up and down her friend’s canal.ÂÂ
Tara heard the excitement of the men and didn’t want to be left out so she flicked her own tongue into Meagan’s virgin mound. Heather closed her eyes and moved her face down into Tara’s snatch.
“Wow. That’s cool†Brad cried out leaning forward. His prick was at max. He wished he was in the circle.ÂÂ
“Hey, why don’t we join them?â€Â Brad whispered to the others. Before he got an answer Mark and Mike jumped down on the rug. Mike pulled Tara’s face from his new girl’s loins and shoved in his own to take her place. He wormed his body until his hard-on pressed against Tara’s face. She smiled as she grabbed the biggest penis and shoved three inches between her lips.ÂÂ
Mark jumped between Meagan and Heather and aimed his rod at Meagan’s mouth while his face dove into Heather’s muff. Brad wasn’t too far behind as he aimed his tongue at Tara’s narrow bush. His prick was gobbled up by Heather.ÂÂ
“Damn. Look at that.â€Â Alex said with his arm around Janet. “Want to join them?â€ÂÂÂ
Janet laughed and took his hand. “Mom and Dad will be back in about 45 minutes. That should give you enough time to fuck me the right way.â€Â They grabbed their clothes and ran up the steps.ÂÂ
Heather tried to remember how Tara gave Brad his blowjob before. Because Brad’s hotdog was now being swallowed whole by her small mouth. Brad proved again he was quick on the trigger as he exploded in Heather’s mouth. She jerked her head back and spit out his spunk. “Didn’t you learn anything at all?â€Â She yelled back at his head.ÂÂ
Meagan’s mind was lost in passion heaven while the man of her dreams ate her pussy. Mark’s prick felt different than Mike’s but she couldn’t put a hand on what the difference was. Her mouth could.  She laughed to herself.ÂÂ
Meagan was the first girl to climax and Tara was right behind her. Tara’s second blowjob was a success as Mike yelled he was coming. This time she removed her lips as he sprayed onto her neck and shoulders. Mark came next but Heather was so happy she held back her climax. Mark tried to get her off but he was too spent. His head fell away and she groaned. “Oh no please don’t stop.â€ÂÂÂ
Mark looked at his buddy Mike for help. “Go ahead.â€Â Meagan laughed when Mike looked at her.  He dove forward and quickly resumed where Mark left off. This time Heather let her dam go and her whole body blew apart. “GO MIKE! GO MIKE!â€Â Brad and Mark yelled seeing Heather come.ÂÂ
Finally they all collapsed on the large rug. “God. That was……….unbelievable.â€Â Brad said as he pulled Tara into his arms.ÂÂ
“I’ll say.â€Â Mark said as he did the same to Heather.ÂÂ
Meagan and Mike didn’t have to say how good they felt. She turned and kissed him. Ten minutes later they all heard the garage door opening up.ÂÂ
“Shit.â€Â Meagan cried. “It’s my parents.â€Â She grabbed her clothes and quickly dressed. She laughed when she saw Brad put his briefs on inside out.ÂÂ
“Hurry. Get out the Trivia game.â€Â She yelled at Tara who grabbed it off the shelf and quickly put some wedges on the board. They all jumped around the game when the door opened and Meagan’s mom Mary moved down the stairs.
“Ah. Isn’t that sweet.â€Â She said watching Brad as he pulled a card from the pile and read it to the group. “Who said kids now-a-days can’t have good clean fun?â€ÂÂÂ
Heather held back her laughter as Meagan kicked her leg.ÂÂ
“Any of you want a donut? We stopped and got a dozen on the way home.â€Â She said.ÂÂ
“I do!â€Â Brad cried out as he followed her up the stairs. They all stopped the bogus game and followed Brad.ÂÂ
“Where is your sister?â€Â Mary asked as they all grabbed their favorite donut from the box.ÂÂ
“I think she might be upstairs. I’m not sure.â€Â Meagan grinned.ÂÂ
“She’s going to kill you.â€Â Tara whispered to Meagan as Mary turned and walked up the stairs.ÂÂ
“MOM!â€Â Janet’s voice screamed from above.ÂÂ
“Busted.â€Â Mike laughed as he swallowed his whole donut. He grabbed another and stuffed it in his mouth.ÂÂ
“Sex can make you hungry.â€Â Mike said not realizing Meagan’s father Fred had entered the house and was standing behind him.ÂÂ
“Mike.â€Â Brad whispered and pointed back at Jim.ÂÂ
Mike turned and felt the worst fear of his life. Until the man smiled that is.ÂÂ
“I’m glad you found the donuts. We had to leave the movie early because my hearing aid died on me.â€ÂÂÂ
“Your hearing aid?â€Â Mike asked somewhat relieved.ÂÂ
“WHAT?â€Â Fred shouted back at the boy.ÂÂ
“NOTHING!â€Â Mike shouted back. The man smiled and turned around to see Alex running down the stairs only wearing his jeans.ÂÂ
“WHATS THAT ALL ABOUT?â€Â Fred turned and asked the kids standing around eating donuts.ÂÂ
Jim leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I heard what Mike said. Let’s talk later.â€ÂÂÂ
Meagan smiled and kissed him on his cheek.ÂÂ
The following week Mike opened the store door and Meagan was his first customer. He did not turn the “CLOSED†sign around and took her hand and led her into the back room.ÂÂ
“We have an hour before the store opens.†He said as his lips pressed down to hers. Her tongue quickly found his.ÂÂ
“Did you bring it?â€Â She asked looking up at him with her baby blues.ÂÂ
He shook his head yes and pulled out the wrapped protection from his rear pocket. They moved over to the small cot and slowly undressed each other. They had not been intimate since the party and both were extremely horny.ÂÂ
Meagan giggled as he tore open the package and pulled out the rubber. “I’ve never did this before.â€Â He said looking at her.ÂÂ
“Duh. Me neither.â€Â She laughed.ÂÂ
“No. I mean I’ve never put on a rubber before.â€Â He held it up and looked at it.ÂÂ
“I think I can figure it out.†She laughed. She took it from his trembling hands and calmly pushed it down over his Mount Rushmore.ÂÂ
“Thanks.†He laughed.ÂÂ
“Don’t mention it.â€Â She said as she moved back and opened her legs.ÂÂ
“I mean it.â€Â She said while he positioned his body until his prick pushed at her maidenhead.ÂÂ
“You mean what?†He asked panting.
“Don’t mention it. I know how you boys like to talk.â€ÂÂÂ
“I won’t I promise.â€Â He moaned as he pushed forward until he felt something give.ÂÂ
“Stop.†She said smiling.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?â€Â He worried.ÂÂ
“A little but I’m OK. I just want to experience my transformation from a girl to a woman.â€Â She smiled as she pulled him deeper inside of her. Her legs wrapped around his waist.ÂÂ
“Just remember you are my woman.â€Â He grunted as he pushed in and out, in and out.
“And, you are my man.â€Â She moaned as they raced to the finish line. Mike tried to hold back but his first experience into a woman’s body was too much. “Meagan. I’m com…………….ing.†He announced.ÂÂ
Meagan smiled as he unloaded his love deep inside her. She did not climax but she knew there would be more opportunities. She held him close and whispered in his ear. “Did you bring any more?â€ÂÂÂ
Mike smiled. “Of course. A Boy Scout is always prepared.â€Â He discarded the filled rubber and pulled out the new one from his jeans lying on the floor. He looked down at his limp tool.ÂÂ
“There’s one problem.â€Â He laughed.ÂÂ
“Don’t worry about him. I’ll take care of that problem. She turned her body and took his noodle between her lips. Less than 30 seconds later her mouth was full of his manhood.ÂÂ
The second time took a lot longer and it was Meagan whose screams shook the tiny shoe store. The cot pushed against the shelf and a small shoe box fell down and smacked Mike on his ass. “OUCH!â€Â He yelled.
“What was that?â€Â Meagan said as they both turned to see the small box.ÂÂ
Mike remained hard inside of her pussy as he grabbed the box and looked inside. “Shit. Look at this.â€Â Meagan’s eyes opened wide when she saw its contents.
“Who would have guessed?â€ÂÂÂ
Note from Slickman: I know the ending was a dirty trick but I wanted to leave the story open for a possible sequel. However, I want you to give me some ideas about what was in the box. Maybe I’ll use them and maybe I won’t? This was a fun story because a lot of us played spin the bottle when we were younger and dreamed of having a game like this one. Don’t forget to vote. Thanks….Slick.ÂÂ
I'm Curtis,I was 22 at the time this took place. I was attending college, playing football and living with my buddies in a party house known around campus. I never had a problem getting the ladies, my six foot body football body frame with a tan reflection and blue eyes seemed to attracted all the girls i ever endured. I have always had an interested in the younger girls, staying up late searching for underage porn and reading exotic stories! However i would never imagined myself turning into a pedafile. It happened almost a year ago at a party i threw one weekend.
It was siblings and kids weekend at my college and also homecoming for the football team. My friends down the street decided to throw a kegger at their place. Students packed the house with their younger si
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blings mainly girls ranging from 14 to late teens. Everywhere you looked were little "kids" in my eyes drinking and smoking trying to impress their older brothers and sisters. The Party was well on its way and so was my drunkeness when i started to get the itch for getting some ass. I started to look around the room for my the potential lay when i came across a girl who was dropped dead Gorgeous! My thoughts were running crazy of seducing and having my way with this young petite girl. I didn't care at that point of what punishment it might bring. All i could think about was fucking her.
After a few more drinks i finally had a game plan and was ready to test the waters. I followed her outside and "accidently" bumbed into her. of course i made some lame excuss up and started a conversation. We started to talk and i found out her sister left her at the party to meet up with some guy. I could see the fear in her for being at a college party where she didn't know nobody. I made out like a caring good guy that would make sure nothing would happen to her. The conversation grew and information came in. Her name was Jen and lived across the state, her sister was a freshman that i didn't know. Jen was an average 14 year old, slim body, blonde long hair with a petite frame. She had to of at least been a good hundred pounds. My intentions grew when i found out that no one was looking out for her not even her sister. We stayed outside away from the partiers and talked about college life and how she couldn't wait to get out of school. Over the duration of our conversation I could sence her maturity for being so young. The party was dieing down and people were starting to scatter to their cars. I felt my chance of getting laid starting to decrease.
"I need to find my sister!" jenna replied softly.
Well, why don't you give her a call...
"I don't have a phone, and I don't have her number."
Well, I live across the street if you would like to hangout there until she arrives for you. I'll tell my friends your there in case she shows later. With a little hesitation she agreed to the terms.
"You seem like a trustworthy guy" she said sarcasimly.
"I'll go tell my friends to tell your sister where you are." I replied.
Walking back into the house I could feel my heart pound of enjoyment...what if she says no, what if i get cought...What if's were all that i was thinking. I found my buddies and told them i was heading back but not with a 14 year old girl.
once inside the house i took her straight upstairs to my room avoiding my roomates. We sat back on my couch and started to watch T.V. I offered to make her a drink which she accepted quickly. I got up and opened my fridge and grabbed a pint of rum i was saving for times like these. I poored about half the pint into a cup with a little splash of coke. And grabbed a beer for myself. I returned to the couch and made a toste to siblings and kids weekend! We both laughed as we drank...time was moving slow with chit chat. She was noticably tipsy after drinking half of her mix.
"so..what kind of movies do you have?" Jen Said.
Umm...take a look for yourself as i pulled out a shoebox of DVD's. Jen started to skim through them one by one. Looking at Jen kneeling down in front of me with her blond hair hanging over her face made my dick twitch in my pants. I started to play with myself as her focused was on the DVD's. I was imagining her tight pussy wrapped around my eight inch cock tearing her insides out.
"Wow" Jen cried Out.
"What, what is it!!" I soon jumped back into reality.
"you have alot of porn in here Curtis!" As she smiled.
Well, I'am of age and your not as i grabbed the porno from her had.
"Come on, your not being very nice." Jen stated
"I don't think thats a good idea for a young girl like yourself to be watching this. Besides you don't even know what sex is." As i started to laugh.
"Yes i DO! I mean i never had sex but i know what it is...Let me watch it i promise i won't tell anybody! Please please let me watch it!!" Jen protested.
Alright only if you promise you won't tell a soul. I snatched the hardest porno i had in my collection and popped it in the player. We both sat back on the couch as the movie started to play drinking what was left of our drinks. I started to sweat with the fact of watching a porn with an underage girl that all i know about her was her name. We both sat there for a few minutes watching this guy poundng away on screen.
"What does it feel like to have an orgasim...?" Jen mumbled under her breath.
Well, it's like your first kiss. I tried to rationlized it to her age bearings. It's a feeling that makes your body go completly numb.
"oh...I never kissed before!" she started to giggle.
"what, you never kissed before."
"No, I know all my friends have but i guess i'm to scared to try."
"Well i guess you can't imagine it then can you?" I said mocking her.
God, how could this beutiful girl never been kissed before. my body jolted with anxiety...I could see her eyes looking back and fourth from the movie to me. With all the dirty images I had in my mind of this little girl i was completly frozen. Shell shocked you might say.
"What you thinkin about?" Jen broke the silence.
"Just thinkin how it was to be young and curious again, thats all"
"I know! I'm So curious about sex but i'm toooo shy and scared to try it even talk about it..." She started to giggle again.
"Whoa Curtis i guess alchol makes you open up HUH!?" in her giggling voice.
"Sure Does!" I sat there in a daze.
Sooo...why don't you ask me some questions about sex or whatever being that i am older and all.
"I don't see why not WE did promise that this would be our little secret! Well, Curtis I have so many question where to start...?"
"why not ask me how a kiss feels?" I interupted her.
" said it was like an oragsim already silly!" Jen smiled.
"True, True...well would you like to feel what it's really like Jen?"
"What do you kiss you?"
"yeah, if thats okay with you?" i replied.
"I don't see why not it's only a kiss..."
She leaned over the couch with her mouth opened and layed the most unexperinced kiss i have ever had.
"wait" I said between kisses.
"what did i do wrong...I'm horrable aren't I" Jen said with soft voice.
"No, no you just need to relax...take your time" i said.
I reached for her head and pulled it close to mine. my fingers were fondling her earlope as i pressed my lips to hers. Our tongues interlocked as we exchanged saliva. My heart was pounding and my cock was about to jump out of my pants!! We sat there on the couch making out like there was no tomarrow! Cought up in the situation i somehow forgot this was a young girl...i put my hand on her inter thigh and started to message her pussy over her jeans.
"STOP" Jen yelled.
 I opened my eyes and seen her face beat red! I wanted her so bad but i knew the situation I was in.
"I'm so sorry Jen i got caught up in the moment! I'm sorry..."
"I'm sorry...It just scared me cause know i'm not use to it!" Jen smiled.
I layed back on the coutch starring at the ceilling looking for something to say. Got anymore questions Jen? Praying i didn't ruin my chance.
"Yeah i Do...what does a penis look like? I mean i seen one on film but not in real life! Will you show me yours?"
YES, Thank god. She still was curious! I don't see why not...I pulled my pants off and sat there in my boxers. My cock was at full staff pointing straight up.
"If you want to see it you have to get it out." I demanded.
Jen, reached down and lifted my boxers of my thighs. My penis was in full veiw as she sat there memerized of her first cock! We both locked eyes and nothing was said...she slightly smiled.
"go ahead touch it Jen it won't bite."
Her eyes wen't back to my cock as she put her fingers around my shaft. Stroking it up and down, observing the head and the base with her balms. I layed back with my eyes shut enjoying every moment of it.
"it's big! What does it taste like?" Jens voice filled the air.
I started to laugh at her question. Jen i don't know i never tasted one! Jen started to giggle at her own stupidity.
"Can i taste it?"
"sure Jen...just remeber not use your teeth!"
Jen started to lick the head of my dick as she stroked the base...i have to admit it was a good blow job for a 14 year old girl!! Her wet small mouth could barely open wide enough for my cock. I watched her slim body moving with the rhythm of her head. I pulled her long blond hair back to give myself a view of her mouth at work. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my balls and started to rub her balm across my sack. I could hear voices of delight as she cressed my balls and sucked my dick. I was in heaven...i was being sucked by a beutiful girl. After awhile i could see Jen Getting tired and i didn't want that to happen! I pulled my dick out of her mouth and layed her to the side of me. I could see my pre-cum dripping down on her cheek.
"what Do you think Jen?"
"Amazing...It tasted so good. Was that salty taste CUM?" She asked.
"sure was" i replied.
"I never felt this way body is like you said numb. I think I had an orgasim ...i mean my panties are wet is that an orgasim?" Jen asked.
"Did you feel something coming out of you?"
"No, it's just wet!"
"that's not an orgasim Jen. you'll know when you have one!"
"I wan't ONE right now! I wan't to feel what it's like...Will you give me one Curtis? Please fuck me now!" Jen begged.
Those were the words of a 14 year old virgin. I stood up over Jen's little body and picked her up and headed for my bed. I layed her down and dimmed the lights. I Headed over to my entertainment center and turned of the T.V. and played some music that would cover up her childish moans.
"take off your clothes and spread you legs Jen!" I said in a very demanding voice.
She did what i said, flinging her clothes all over my room. Her petite body was sprawled out over my sheets. As i got closer i could see little hair on her pussy, her legs smooth and thin. I layed down next to her and started to kiss her like hands grapping her small tits, flicking her nipples. Jen's arms wraped around my neck and she pulled my head down to her tit's where i was playing. I stated to suck on her nipples as hard as i could. Moving my way down here smooth belly i stoped at her belly botton licking around it while teasing her young twat lips with my fingers. Her lips seemed to be glued shut...I worked my middle finger gently into her as she spread her legs for easy access. I slid my finger as far as i could inside of her...her moans were soft and i could hear her pain in her voice as i started to jam my finger in and out.
"Oh my...ouch, ouch it HURTS! IT HURTS!" Jen started to squirm.
I paid little attention to her. I moved lower and placed my tongue over her pussy. licking her cunt clean...the taste of young was overtaking. Jen finally relaxed after i withdrew my fingers and started to eat her out. I brushed my tongue over her bald cunt rapidly, even once in awhile moving south licking her asshole.
"please Fuck Me Curtis. I don't care if it hurts! Make me cum!" Jen said with a loud moan.
I kneeled over her wippering body and massaged her cunt lips with the head of my dick! Here goes nothing i said as i spit my own saliva on my dick. I gently made my way into Jen's tight cunt trying to reduce the pain. After and after trying to fit it in i was getting a little impatient.
"This going to hurt...If you want me to stop let me know. Okay Jen?!"
"okay" Jen said laying hoplessly.
I rammed my dick all the way in her pussy...Her walls tightly wrapping around my eight inch dick. I could feel her pussy walls vividly trying to handle my dick. My thrust was picking up heavily, pounding in and out. I could hear Jen crying in the background but i couldn't stop. Her pussy was so good and tight...After awhile Jens cries were getting to me so i placed a pillow over her face to shut her up. Looking down on Jen's 14 year old body I could see the blood gushing out onto my bed spread! getting turned on even more i flipped her over with one hand slammed her doggystyle! I put my hands on to her waist as i pulled her body hard across my cock. I was horny and at that time i didn't care what i was doing. Pounding her twat from behind i noticed how small her asshole was! Could i put my dick in there i wondered to myself! Exclusive to her cries of pain i pulled my dick out of her pussy and put it in her ass. Her blood and cum gave me more lubricaton than i needed to rape her asshole. Almost standing over her i raised her ass in the air and drilled away. Jen was so small i put my left hand over the back of her head keeping her face and her cries to a minimal. As my right hand on her lower back giving me a stable stance. Her blood was all over our bodys and my sheets. i don't know what came over me but my sexual fantasy of fucking a young girl came somewhat violent. I was sweating as i shoved my cock into her ass, the friction of her inside was urging my dick to climax! Jen's cries soon silented and her body was very weak. Her tiny body was shivering as she collapased onto my bed. I pulled my dick out searching for something to say or even to do...I turned Jen over on her back and noticed she wen't into shock! She was lying there with a blank her body was trembling underneath me. She had no reconition to what was happening. I sat there starring at her in complete array! What have I done to this poor child? What am i going to do? After a short while thinking of what to do i realized i had to ditch her and ereas any tracks that would lead back to me. I wen't to my drawer and grabed a GHB pill that my buddy gave me as a joke. I forced it down Jen's throat and started to clean the blood up when i figured why stop...the damage has already been done! I walked over to the unconcious teen and started to once again play with her. The excitment of having my way with her got me rock hard in no time. I wiped the blood off Jens body the best i could...i picked her limber body up and placed it over  the coutches arm rest. I Spread her legs as far as they were allowed to strech and stacked pillows and other items to keep her from falling over. When she was in the position I liked 'doggystyle' I reached for my camera and placed it in view. I was going to get this all on camera! After the props where in place i started to fuck her pussy again! not missing a beat my dick was slamming even harder into the teenage cunt! I could still feel her warmth and the tearing of her pussy walls. Time and time after again i stretched that little girls walls apart. For hours i had my way with her, anal, pussy, blowjobs...etc. I even tied her hands up above my closet rail and held her lingering body over me as I sat in my chair. It was getting early and i knew she had to been missed. So one last time i layed her on the floor with her lower back arched up laying my dick inside of her...As soon as i was about to cum i pulled out of her pussy and stuck my cock into her mouth and cummed all down her throught and face! I smiled and gently said thats what cum taste like sweetheart! Shortly After i cleaned up the mess and sneaked her out of my house and drove down to the park and threw her in the ditch!!
Donna didn’t say anything to Jack until the following Friday night. She and Nicole had discussed it for a long time that Saturday and Donna had gotten comfortable with the idea. Nicole really cared about Jack and wanted to share this special moment with both of them. The subject of spending a night with Nicole every month had not come up with Jack since that first time. They were cuddling in bed and it was quiet when she started, “I’ve been thinking about Nicole and the once a month idea we agreed to.â€Â
Jack couldn’t tell from her tone where she was headed, “Are you having second thoughts?â€Â
“Part of me is always going to question what the right thing to do is. But to be honest the night we spent together was incredibly erotic on several levels for me. First of all, I love to pleasure you and I could see how exciting it was to you to be with Nicole. I know you are attracted by her innocent and inexperience and those are things I cannot give you. Secondly, I loved being able to experience Nicole’s sexuality in person. I mean I held her while she orgasmed. How much more intimate can you be?â€Â
Jack agreed, “I think I know what you are saying. As wonderful as the sex we have is, Nicole did add an element that we could never recreate on our own. How does Nicole feel about all this?â€Â
Donna smiled, “Well, we talked last weekend. She is definitely interested in another night together.†She hesitated before continuing, “She wants to give you her virginity.â€Â
“What? Are you serious?â€Â
“Jack, she wants you to be her first.â€Â
“What do you think?â€Â
“You are very gentle and considerate lover and I think you would be a beautiful introduction for her into the joys of intercourse. When you were pleasuring her with your tongue I was imagining your cock inside her.â€Â
“The thought crossed my mind too.â€Â
“I’m sure it did. She’s not on the pill yet but you could use a condom with her. I gave her a vibrator to practice onâ€Â
Jack stopped to imagine Nicole on her back with a vibrator pushed inside her sweet young pussy. “Now there’s an image.â€Â
Donna’s hand reached down to feel his swelling cock. She started to stroke him as she teased, “Jack wants my little Nicole’s pussy. He wants to put his big hard cock inside her tight young cunt, doesn’t he?â€Â
Jack pulled her close and kissed her, pressing his hardness against her as his hands caressed her smooth skin. He kissed her neck and whispered into her ear, “Jack wants Donna’s pussy.†His fingers found their way between her legs and he played with her. As she responded to his touch he spread her lips and felt her wetness. “Jack wants to taste Donna’s sweet pussy.â€Â
She crawled up to straddle his face, positioning herself over his mouth as she held the headboard for support. Lowering herself she felt his tongue move up and down her slit. Jack pushed his tongue inside her and she moved up and down on it, slowly fucking his tongue. Her fingers massaged her clit as Jack licked her. Totally enjoying herself, Donna turned around to a 69 position. After ensuring her pussy was still positioned over Jack’s mouth, she leaned over and took his cock into her mouth, slowly sucking him.
Knowing her oral attention was bringing him close to orgasm, she slid her body further down his body and, facing away, took him inside her wet pussy. Donna leaned back and rode him, moving up and down and loving the feel of his cock inside her. She felt loved, complete, and totally accepted to be with him. Wanting to cum, she rubbed her clit and moved faster. As the first wet spurts of Jack’s ejaculation entered her, she cried out and came, feeling the waves of her orgasm through her whole body.
Chapter 12
As Jack and Donna made love, Nicole lay in her bed thinking about sex. It would be another week before she could spend another evening with Jack and her Mom. She imagined Jack’s cock inside her. The vibrator was fun but sex was so much more enjoyable when someone else was involved. She was careful not to flirt too much with Jack even though at times she just wanted to run around the house naked.
Nicole thought about Jack and Donna in her Mom’s room. The thought that they were having sex made her even more aware of her own needs. The simple fact was she was horny and looking for something to do about it. She glanced at the computer in her room and considered the online chat rooms. The chats with Jack had been fun and there must be someone she could find to chat with.
After logging on and checking her e-mail, she called up the list of available chat rooms. There certainly seemed to be something for every interest from politics to music to, of course, sex. It took some time to make her way through the lists and find something that seemed interesting. She finally settled on a room titled “nudist at homeâ€Â. The listing said there were 32 other people in the room when she entered and it did not take long before she began to receive several Instant Messages.
Xman4599: Hey Baby, What’s going on?
SJonesinTX: I’m Steve. ….Want to chat?
HappyNude45: Are you a nudist too?
           Nicole ignored most of the IM’s. Many were stupid or rude and she knew they were not someone she wanted to chat with. After she was in the room awhile the IM’s slowed down and she followed the chat in the room. She was getting bored and about to find another room when a new IM got her attention.
DakotaDadof2: Hi, I’m Bill, 45, a dad of 2 girls. How are you tonight?
           Nicole was curious about a dad in a nudist room and decided to reply. She wondered if people really went around nude at home. An image of Jack, Donna, and herself nude popped into her head and she realized she liked the idea.
Nikk0523: I’m ok.
DakotaDadof2: Great. Nice to meet you. Can you tell me about yourself?
Nikki0523: I’m Nicole. I’m 15, is that ok?
DakotaDadof2: Hi Nicole. My 2 step-daughters are about your age. Julie is 15 and Meghan is 12.
Nikki0523: That’s cool.
DakotaDadof2: What brings you to this room? Are you a nudist?
Nikki0523: No, it just sounded interesting. Do you go nude at home?
DakotaDadof2: I guess I’ve been a part time nudist since I got married 5 years ago.
Nikki0523: What do you mean by part time?
DakotaDadof2: My wife, Nancy, was a single parent and never made a big deal about being nude when it was just her and the girls. Things did not change too much after I moved in.
Nikki0523: Like everyone walks around undressed?
DakotaDadof2: We aren’t nude all the time. Nancy and I sleep in the nude, sometimes we swim nude in the pool and the bathroom door doesn’t always get closed when we pee. It was an adjustment for all of us but I think we have all gotten comfortable with it.
Nikki0523: Sounds like a cool way to live. You must like seeing the girls naked.
DakotaDadof2: What guy wouldn’t enjoy it? They are cute girls. It has been fun seeing the changes as they got older. Sometimes we even shower together.
Nikki0523: You and the girls?
DakotaDadof2: The house has a big walk-in shower. Nancy has a thing about showering before bed. When it was just her and the girls they did it together most nights. It was quicker and easier. Things kind of continued after I moved in.
Nikki0523: And they like seeing you?
DakotaDadof2: They seem to. I am the only male in the house.
Nikki0523: I can understand that. I grew up with just my Mom. Do they ever see you, you know, hard?
DakotaDadof2: It happens. Like if Nancy is in the shower with me. She insists on helping me wash. That usually gets me going. The girls would watch and sometimes even help too. Meghan has always loved to help out.
Nikki0523: Would she wash you everywhere?
DakotaDadof2: LOL, Meghan is very thorough. She does not miss a thing. I think it has helped to satisfy some of her natural curiosity. Guys are certainly less of a mystery.
Nikki0523: That’s awesome.
DakotaDadof2: Who is in your family?
Nikki0523: Just my Mom and me, and her boyfriend Jack.
DakotaDadof2: How would you feel if he saw you nude?
Nikki0523: Well, he’s seen me.
DakotaDadof2: Oh really, was it an accident of something? Did it bother you?
Nikki0523: Kind of a long story. It wasn’t an accident and I liked that he saw me.
DakotaDadof2: Bet he liked it too.
Nikki0523: LOL I know he did.
DakotaDadof2: Have you seen him nude too?
Nikki0523: Well, we were all kinda nude together one night. Jack, my Mom, and me.
DakotaDadof2: This sounds interesting. Tell me more.
Nikki0523: Mom and I did a strip show for him and then we all fooled around together.
DakotaDadof2: What a lucky guy. You were ok with all this?
Nikki0523: It was great. Jack went down on me and then I watched him have sex with my Mom.
DakotaDadof2: That is so erotic. You have me hard here just thinking about it.
Nikki0523: Are you really hard? That’s so cool.
DakotaDadof2: I am rock hard. I wasn’t going to share this but the girls and I fool around a bit too.
Nikki0523: Really? What do you do?
DakotaDadof2: Back when we were first married, the girls would shower at night and then Nancy and I would get in after them. We would wash one another and more times than not I would get aroused. Sometimes the girls were still there and they would see us together. It was weird but Nancy was OK with it. One night Nancy jacked me off while they watched. That kind of opened the door for other things.
Nikki0523: I’d like to see that too. What else happened?
DakotaDadof2: Nancy is a nurse and she works an occasional evening shift. On those nights the girls showered with me. One night we were washing one another just like they had seen Nancy and I do. I got hard and Julie jacked me off. Another night Meghan wanted to do it. The nights that Nancy worked became the nights we fooled around.
Nikki0523: How fun! Now you have me turned on too. All this chat about sex. I love it. Tell me more.
DakotaDadof2: I love that you are excited by this. Are you touching yourself?
Nikki0523: My hand is in my panties.
DakotaDadof2: mmmmm….wish I could watch that.
Nikki0523: LOL I would let you. Tell me more about you and the girls while I touch myself.
DakotaDadof2: For quite awhile all they did was stroke me. Then one night they saw their Mom sucking on my cock and it wasn’t too long before they wanted to try that too. I was also feeling them up when I washed them, rubbing their butts and their pussies. They liked the attention too.
Nikki0523: I love it.
DakotaDadof2: Julie was getting older and starting to mature. I loved seeing the changes in her body. Puffy nipples and the first pubic hairs. One night in the shower I was behind her and I pressed my cock into the soapy crack of her ass while I rubbed her pussy and nipples until we both came. Of course, the next time Meghan wanted me to do her butt. LOL
Nikki0523: That is so hot. Did their Mom know what you were doing?
DakotaDadof2: I told her everything. She was OK. We only played on the nights she worked. It was a special time for the girls and me.
Nikki0523: Do you still play with them?
DakotaDadof2: Not so much with Julie. She is more interested in the boys her age. But Meghan always seems to want to join me. Her little body is maturing too.
Nikki0523: You’ve given me all kind of ideas. I think I need to spend more time in the shower. LOL
Nikki0523: Wish I could join you. Are you still hard?
DakotaDadof2: Very hard. Want to get off together?
Nikki0523: Can we?
DakotaDadof2: Imagine us in the shower. Naked. Warm water flowing over us. All soapy.
Nikki0523: Feels so good.
DakotaDadof2: I’m behind you with my arms around you. My hands caress your breasts and nipples as my hard cock presses between the cheeks of your butt.
Nikki0523: I love how you feel.
DakotaDadof2: You feel me cock rub and press against your sweet asshole as my hand touches your pussy lips. I feel you push back against me as my cock slides up and down your butt crack.
Nikki0523: I am so wet. You are going to make me come.
DakotaDadof2: I rub your sensitive clit as my cock moves faster against your ass.
Nikki0523: Coming!!!!
DakotaDadof2: As I feel your body orgasm my cock explodes, shooting my hot cum on your ass.
Nikki0523: Oh wow!
DakotaDadof2: That was good.
Nikki0523: Sure was. This was great.
DakotaDadof2: You are a lot of fun.
Nikki0523: I should get to bed.
DakotaDadof2: I need to go too. Maybe we can chat again.
Nikki0523: I would like that. See ya.
DakotaDadof2: Bye
           Nicole logged off and went to lie on her bed. She was comforted to know she was not the only girl doing what she was doing. She also wondered how many others there were. Was this a common thing? It wasn’t like you could ask anyone. Dressed only in a t-shirt she lay there and wondered what would happen with her Mom and Jack as she drifted off to sleep.
The next weekend my Grandpa picked me up in his van and took me to Cassie's house to collect the the others as well as the camera and lights. We told Cassie's parents that we were going to the bar my Grandpa owned to film and that Grandpa was coming along to see we didn't try any alcohol. The bar didn't open on Saturday's till the afternoon for the evening crowd so we would have 4 or 5 hours to film until the regular staff arrived. We set up the lights and some other props we had with us. We filmed some normal stuff for a while then let Grandpa know we would be filming the big finale as soon as the girls changed outfits and did their make up, maybe half an hour till the action happened.
The girls took over the ladies toilets while Ben and I sat
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on some crates in the hall. Grandpa looked in on us then closed the door to the bar behind him. I thought I heard a click so went and tried the door but it was locked. I called out to Grandpa to find out what was going on but he just told me to wait for his surprise.
I walked in on the girls to let them know Grandpa was up to something so if anything didn't seem right later they could call it off. Cass had on her school uniform of crisp white blouse and short check skirt. Her school tie hung loosely around her neck and knee high white socks and shiny black shoes completed her outfit. Tammy was like a young Madonna dressed in a cutoff t-shirt and frilly black skirt. She wore red high heel shoes, black stockings to mid thigh and lots of wispy scarves holding up her hair. The make up had been applied and the girls were practising some dance moves. I went to try the door again and as I was reaching for the handle Grandpa pushed it open, nearly knocking me over.
"Ah, my boy. Your Grandpa would like to tell you his surprise." Grandpa grinned as he closed the door so I couldn't see the bar area.
This was his surprise. He had invited a dozen old army buddies to the show to make it look like a crowded bar. They would give the girls money as they danced and the girls could keep it afterwards. He stressed that "no sex" was going to take place as most of the guys were 60 plus. They just wanted a chance to see some young attractive women again to make them feel young once more. I told the girls and Tammy was all for it but Cass was a bit put off by all the old guys who would be checking her out. Finally the idea of no sex and free money enticed her to go on. I told Grandpa it was a go and went with Ben to get in position to film the action.
We hit the lights and kicked in the music. "Start me Up" blasted from the CD player and the guys erupted in a series of hoots, whistles and cat calls. As the girls made their way to the bar top the volume increased as the men caught sight of the performers. The girls took up positions at either end of the bar, wrapping themselves around poles we had placed there earlier. The guys were slapping the bar and waving their arms about, it looked great through the camera lens.
The intro music stopped and Joe Cockers "Leave Your Hat On" kicked in. The girls began to twirl around the poles and strut towards each other. When they met Tammy took off Cassies tie and Cass pulled a scarf from Tammys hair. They threw them to the crowd who notched up the volume once more. Back to the poles and some bending and turning plus a little flash of knickers and bums. Once more to the centre of the bar and Tammy undid some buttons on the white blouse while Cass lifted the t-shirt to reveal some lace covered titties.
Once more to the poles for some more twirling, posing and flashing. Cass was humping the pole pressing he pantie covered pussy hard against the brass rod as she rose and dipped with the music. Tammy was wrapping her tits around the pole and giving it a lick as she slid down. The girls stepped back to the centre of the bar and as they met the t-shirt and the blouse came off and went into the crowd. Money was being thrown onto the bar around the girls who now stood boob to boob and when they stepped back the bras came away from their young, firm breasts. The old guys went nuts, hooting and hollering to wake the dead. As the girls slow stepped along the bar they undid the zips and the skirts joined the tops in the crowd leaving the girls in just thong briefs as the music died away.
I was filming an old guy named Karl who was positioned directly in front of Tammy. He had his arm on the bar and was holding a $20 bill in his hand and waving it at Tammy. He was holding it in an odd way, with his thumb and little finger, while using his remaining fingers to wave Tammy closer. She held the pole as she squatted right in his face slowly opening and closing her legs to show him her lace covered mound. Karl was pretty quick for an old guy because as Tammy frog hopped closer two of Karls fingers pulled aside the thong and the third jammed itself up her cunt.
Tammy slammed her thighs together trapping Karls hand but by the smile on his face he was in heaven. His friends were going off big time as more money hit the bar. I got a nod from Tammy that she was fine with what was happening so I continued to film. She stood slowly keeping Karls hand between her thighs for as long as possible until she stood beyond his reach. He proudly waved his pussy slimed finger to his buddies and that bought forth more cheering.
Now some Latin music from Ricky Martin leapt from the stereo and the girls got into some serious booty swaying. The guys were pounding the bar and trying to grope the girls when from nowhere one of the guys pops up between the girls, stark naked and with a raging hard on. Tammy never blinked an eye as she grabbed the ageing piece of meat and whipped it till it boiled. Cum fountained from the penis to shoot over the crowd and that was it. Soon all the guys had their dicks out and were lining up to be jacked off by the girls.
I didn't know where to point the camera, events were getting out of control, then Grandpa's friend Norm waved a $100 bill at Cassie and shook his penis at her. She knew what he wanted and dropped to her knees and took hold of his dick and fed it into her mouth. A loud "Aawwwhhhh" issued from the crowd and then silence as they stood and watched their friend got sucked off by a girl younger than his own grand-daughter. Cassie bobbed her head to the music as her cheeks sucked in with each swallow. Norm had his hand on the back of her head as he fucked her face while his own face changed from pale white to beet red as he strained to hold back the coming eruption from his loins. Soon it was too much for him to take and he pulled his dick out of her mouth as the first jet of cum splattered her face. Some went in her mouth and then the next shot sprayed her neck and breasts. Cass milked his dick of every last drop as she looked straight at the camera with white gobs of goo smudging her make up.
Tammy was not about to be upstaged and quickly whipped off her thong to display her neatly trimmed pussy to the crowd. She was waving both hands at the guys urging anyone to come forward. I could not hear what she was saying to the guys due to the music and the cheering which had started again. First Cliff, then Lenny waved money at her but I was suddenly stunned beyond belief as my Grandpa slapped a wad of cash at Tammys feet and with a roar of encouragement from the crowd climbed onto the bar. I was having a tough time filming my naked Grandpa but I thought a quick BJ and its over and I could edit it out later. Boy was I wrong.
Grandpa's cock wasn't long but it was thick. He spat on his hand and rubbed his cock to coat it and get it slick for entry into Tammy's pussy. Tammy had her shoulder braced against the brass pole and her legs spread wide. Grandpa rubbed his cock head into Tammy's slit till he found the hole. With a flex of his hips the cock entered Tammy and as she opened her mouth to release a groan a cock was stuffed into her mouth. Grandpa had worked his cock fully into Tammy and was starting to get into a good rocking action.
Every where I looked old men had cocks in hand, in mouths or in cunts. Anyone not actually with one of the girls was wanking his cock to keep it hard till their turn arrived. Cass had a guy under her as she rode his cock plus to maintain her balance held a cock in each hand. Grandpa had worked up a sweat and popping his cock from Tammy's cunt launched a stream of cum across her backside that drained down her arse crack. The guy at her face also pulled out of her mouth and sprayed his cum from her forehead to her chin painting her face in white stripes and blobs.
Cass leant back till the cock in her cunt spilled free and shot it's load into her pubic hair. The two guys she was jerking off grabbed their cocks for the final moments and as one covered her breasts in gooey cum. I was glad it was all coming to a close without any of the old guys having a heart attack or stroke.
The music finished and all the guys let out a roar as the girls stood on wobbly legs, their faces and bodies covered in cum. Suddenly one guy stuck a $20 bill to a blob of cum on Cass. Soon all the guys were pushing money at the girls and as they headed for the ladies room a trail of notes followed them. Ben and I went as well while Grandpa got the guys calmed down, cleaned up and out of the bar.
I waited in the hall with Ben for a few minutes trying to work out what to say to the girls about the crowd when I heard squeals of laughter from the room. Cass and Tammy were in fits talking about all the old dicks and how the old guys went at it. They were not upset in the least and couldn't wait to see the footage. Suddenly Ben swung the camera up and filmed the girls and all the money scattered about the area saying this would make a great final shot.
Well everyone got cleaned up and the guys had gone when we came out. They had even packed the lights and props in the van. All up the girls scored nearly a $1000 for the mornings "work". Granpa mumbled an apology but Tammy just gave him a kiss and that seemed to smooth everything over. As the regular crew were arriving to set up we beat a hasty retreat home to look at the footage.
The next few weeks were spent by me editing the footage down to the required film length. Ben got some music and sound effects from the net as well as retaping some of the dialogue. Cass did a nifty intro and credits screen as well as designing a cover for the DVD case. Tammy prepared the final presentation to be read to the class telling what our film was about and how we went about the creative process. I read it and while factual it wasn't exactly true making no references to any sex.
It was finally done, ALL our footage was copied to disk as well as a seperate movie disk of roughly one hour. I made copies for each of us to keep, plus one for Grandpa, and we headed off for the last day of term before our summer break. Tammy gave our presentation and made our movie sound so dull and uninteresting that no one would be wanting a copy in a hurry.
Classes over we made our way home and as I walked in the front door the phone was ringing and answering it found Cass on the other end all flustered and breathless telling me to come back to her house, NOW. I didn't exactly rush because what could have happened in the past twenty minutes since I left that got her all excited. Reaching her front door it was pulled open by Cass before I could knock.
"What's the drama? Couldn't it have waited till tomorrow?" I asked sternly.
Cass dragged me to the room her father kept locked and explained how another DVD had arrived yesterday and that she had put it on as soon as she had got home to see what her parents had been up to on their weekend away when she found this. Cass pressed the play button and the scene focused on her mother bent over the arm of a sofa as she was fucked from behind by an unknown man. Then as the camera drew back the man was revealed as non other than Mr Chek, our AV teacher. I turned to face Cass and we gave each other a high five as we screamed "A+" to no one in particular.
I was sitting at home watching the local tv stuff when the doorbell rang. I went downstairs and was a little surprised to see my sisters friend Chrissy there.   Now Chrissy had pretty short brown hair, was about 5'4 and had 36 C tits, and her ass was to die for. Me, well at the time i was 14, and Chrissy was 18. I'm about 5'9, skinny for my age, with brown curly hair. "Hey is Erika home yet??" said Chrissy. "Nah she's on her way home from Sam's right now..come on in." I said. She walked past me and i couldn't help but stare at her wonderful ass as it moved past me into the kitchen." Can I take a shower?? im all wet and dirty from swim practice." "no problem" I said. She bends over in her jean mini skirt and
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i see her black thong sticking out.She sees my staring and smiles and closes the door.Me thinking nothing of it goes back up stares and watches tv again. A little later I had to pee so I go downstairs and Chrissy's still in the shower.As I'm peeing Chrissy says" Hey Ben? Do you mind coming i and helping me..I can't reach everywhere since my surgery." "but i dont have any clothes" i say. "oh thats ok just take em' off" Me thinking this is the luckest day ever practicly rip my clothes off and jump in.Chrissy's at the front of the shower completely naked and seeing her right there my dick springs up the whole 8". Chrissy laughs and says " Come here Ben..I don't bite" I walk over and my dick jutts up her ass.Chrissy says" now ben can you take that soap and just rub it all over my back?" "thanks" I rub all over and move slowly down almost to her ass when she suddenly turns around and im staring at her clean-shaven pussy. "I know you want me Ben." I nod agreeingly "and you know what?? I want you also." She picks me up with her hands and kisses me passionately.The water drips down onto us as her tongue touches mine and then caresses it.I move my hands onto her beautiful boobs and start squeezing them."ah god ben thats wonderful" she says.I then start to eat her out.Her pussy is dripping wet from the water and cum.I lick her clit and then stop...and then start it all over again.It drives her crazy. "BEN I WANT YOU SO BBBBBAD!!! FUCK ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!" I do as she wishes..i lie her down on the shower and insert my cock.It feels so good finally inside her after dreaming it for so long.I ride her for half and hour until i finally burst my load into her.She then finishes me off by giving me a blow job.We wash off and get out of the shower...and act as nothing ever happened.
this is my first time..all suggestions and comments would help alllot
Ok she's not quite a teen but close. She is 20 and works in my office building. We met 2 months ago. Her name is Rachel. One day she comes to my office to say hello. We chat for a while and somehow the conversation subject turns to sex. She tells me that most times when she looks at a guy she wonders what his penis looks like. I almost fell out of my chair! Here is this young, very attractive, innocent looking girl telling me about her curiosity of penises! All I can say is "really".
 She has only been with one guy and the few times they had sex it was under the sheets in the dark. She hardly ever saw his penis. She always says penis, never cock or dick. We talk some more about this when she looks down at the floor, like she is embarrassed and says to me, "
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If you promise you wont get mad, I've also wondered what yours looks like". With a look of surprise on my face I think I say something like "wow", "really". "Yes I do" she says sheepishly.
I think for a moment. I am almost twice her age. But she is really cute and I'm getting real turned on by the thought of this.
"Well do you want to see it now?"
"Yes. If you don't mind"
"Ok but remember Rachel, this was your idea"
I stand, lock the door and go to the couch in front of my desk where she is sitting.
I say, " I'll let you do it" and she sits up so that my crotch is in front of her face and she loosens my belt. " I can't believe I'm doing this" she says. She unzips my fly slowly and my pants fall to the floor. My cock is already half hard by this time so I think I'll make an good first impression. She pulls down my briefs and my cock springs up causing her to move away a little bit.
"oh my gosh!" she says loudly.
" Quiet Rachel! There's an office next door and the walls are kinda thin".
"I'm sorry". She just stares at my cock in amazement and as she looks on it just keeps getting more erect. She comments on how it is growing. I tell her it is very arousing for me to do this. My cock is just inches from her face and she is just studying it from every angle. She comments on the size. I am 7.5" long and 6.5" in circumference( yea, she measured it one day).
By now I am fully erect and pointing up in a direction over her head. She wants to touch it. I say ok. She touches the head with her finger and then runs it along the shaft.
" It's just so hard " she says.
I'm wondering how long I will last before I come (about 15 minutes) , how long it will be before she sucks it( about 3 weeks), and how long before I can fuck her(about 8 weeks).
She's a petite girl, only 4' 11" and she has small hands that look really good on my cock. I sit down on the couch beside her and show her how to stroke it. She is fully clothed and my pants are around my ankles. Her inexperience shows. Finally she gets it going with that little hand. Then I show her how to do it with both hands.
When have orgasms I produce quite a large amount of semen so I proceed to remove my shirt because the stuff spurts out of my cock and goes everywhere. She of course knows about semen but has never seen it spurt out of a penis, only in her exboyfriend's condom inside her.
As I'm getting close I instruct her to hold it so it is pointing straight up. "When I come, a lot is going to come out so don't be shocked, just keep stroking and whatever you do don't stop until I say so". I decide it might be better for her to aim it at my belly and chest because I don't want any to get on her. These spurts of mine can go several feet in distance.
" Here it comes baby". I remember saying just that. "Ok, don't worry" she says. I remember thinking what would I worry about? A pretty young girl is jacking me off in my office with her sweet little hands. I have'nt come in several days and this is such a turn on that this orgasm is going to be really good. She's really into it, pumping me good. She has a strong little right hand. Then it happens. Spurt after spurt. It covers my chest and stomach. I remember hearing "oh my gosh!" and " oh man!" from her as I was coming. She's still pumping as the last drop oozes out. I let her release it and lay back totally spent. She notices that my cock is "moving". " Yea it's just throbbing a little. That was really intense."
"That is a lot of come" she says. "I think you would shoot a hole in a condom! Its like a firehose!"
She got me a towel and cleaned me up. I asked her if she wanted to do it again sometime and she said yes she would like to do it a lot. " I really enjoyed making that happen to you" she said.
We got together in my office at least twice a week during lunch or after 5 for the next 3 weeks. Then one day as she was stroking my cock she asked me if she could kiss it. She had touched a penis before me and had intercourse but she had never put her mouth on one. I said "sure, all you want" ans she leaned over and did just that. She kissed the head of my cock. I told her how good it felt and she kissed it gently some more. Then she licked it all over. This felt incredibly good. After a few minutes of this, she put the head of my cock in her mouth. Oh what a sensation. An oral sex virgin sucking cock for the first time. I gave her tips on how to do it to my liking. She would get better and better at this over the coming weeks. Each time I was about to come I would tell her and she would jack me off.
Then one day, after she had jacked me off she leand over and licked some come off my cock. She sat up and licked her lips with a puzzled look on her face and went back to my cock and put it in her mouth and sucked the rest of the come from my cock. Then she licked some of the semen that had sprayed on my stomach."It tasted so different that anything. It's kind of sweet and salty. I like it". I was glad she did. What was once our jackoff session was now our blowjob session. Sometimes I called her when I had some time, sometimes she called me. But it was always in my office. We have never gone to lunch or dinner or socialized together at all. We have only met in my office for sex. She had started to strip to her underwear during the first blowjob session and was now just down to her thong panties. She has an amazing body. Beautiful C-cup breasts, which look huge on her 4'11" frame. And she has the best looking ass. A nice firm, round, kind of small bubble butt.
She has now started to swallow my come. All of it. The past 10 days she has sucked me off every day but one. I am really enjoying this. To have a pretty young thing come to my office every day and suck my cock is unbelievable to me. She tells me, " I look forward to this, I love sucking your penis, I love making it come, I love having it come in my mouth". She has learned to do it well too. Hearing her moan as she gulps down my loads is just awesome. And today it got a little more awesome.
My phone rings.
Me- "hello"
Rachel- "got some time?"
Me- "come on"
She comes in, locks my door, takes off her shoes, pulls up her hair(long blonde and down to her butt) and turns around so I can unzip her dress, takes off her dress, puts it on the hanger, takes off her bra, hangs it up, puts her hair up with a clip or in a ponytail and walks over to me and proceeds to give me a wonderful deep french kiss. Until today, we have never kissed, never. She just always comes in and goes through the same routine. And every day after I unzip( when she wears those kind) her dress I get naked and go to the small couch and wait for her to join me. And then she services my cock with her mouth. Then we talk a little and get dressed and she leaves. This is how it's been for two months. I get a daily blowjob from the sexy 20 year old from down the hall.
After she kissed me she got on her knees in front of me like she does every day and puts my cock in her mouth. She sucks it so good now. Using her mouth and hands together, then just her mouth as her hands caress my thighs, my stomach and chest, then mouth and one hand as the other caresses my balls, then she licks up and down the shaft, licks my balls, puts my balls in her mouth, licks underneath my balls and then back to sucking my cock, sometimes just sucking up and down while looking up at me with those pretty eyes. But today something different happened.....................After sucking me for about 10 minutes she stood up, took off her panties( this was a first also) straddled me as I sat and held my face as she deep kissed me again and rubbed her pussy back and forth on my cock. Our breathing got heavier. We kissed. I held ger as her wet crotch rubbed on my cock. I licked and sucked on those beautiful tits and she looked at me and;
her- "Zack, I want it so bad, please....please!"
me- "I don't have any condoms"
her- "I went on the pill a while back because I thought this could happen"
me- "ok baby you can have it all you want"
She reaches down and inserts the head of my cock in her pussy. She is dripping wet. She moves slowly, until over half of my cock is in her. She moves up and down some more and then the full length of my swollen throbbing cock is in her. "Oh you feel so good" she whispers in my ear, " your penis is so hard and big". I hold on to her sweet, beautiful ass as she rides me, moving up and down slowly on my cock. Then on one of her down motions she stops and kind of grinds a little as the full length of me is inside her and she holds me tight and starts to shudder and sounds as though she is whimpering in my ear. I realize she is having an orgasm, as soon as she gets a breath I stand up with my cock still in her and fuck her in this standing position. She is so petite I can do this with ease and I love it. I couldn't do this with my last girlfriend because she was as tall as me. Now I get on top of her on the couch and fuck her slowly , then I speed up until I am pounding her pussy hard, thrusting, pounding as hard as I can as she comes again and again my sweat dripping on her as I fuck her as I have wanted to do since I met her. I then feel I can hold back no longer.
me- " I'm gonna come in you baby"
her- " Oh please come in me baby...please....fill me with it"
Thats exactly what she said, " fill me"
Looking at her beautiful face, those big natural tits moving with each thrust, I came...spasm after spasm, my cock exploding into her wet pussy, I could feel each spurt coming out and into her as I continued to fuck her hard. It felt so good and was so intense. I finally collapsed on her. We were two soaking wet bodies trying to catch our breath. I was totally spent and so was she. When she first stoop up her legs started shaking and she had to sit back down. "That was incredible! I had so many orgasms".Then she stood to get the gass of water and as she drank I sat on the couch and watched a lot of cum (hers and mine) run down her legs.
I guess our jack off and blowjob sessions are going to turn into fucking sessions. I don't know how long it will last but I'm going to enjoy it while it does.
My Art teacher is very hot and just about every guy in the school wanted a piece, if not all of her. Her name is Miss Smith, Veronica Smith, and despite being almost thirty she looked 22. She has shoulder length blonde hair which looks amazing when its not tied up and she is around 5’7â€Â. Some guys were bold and stupid to say the least, making rude gestures at her when she wasn’t looking, daring each other to ask her on a date and a number of other things which definitely weren’t going to happen.
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e="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt">You couldn’t blame anyone for wanting her and even I tried my best. My approach was more to suck up. Sit up the front, do chores for her, answer questions and pay attention etc, as well as being a good artist. She liked me but I was still a million miles off what I wanted. She was good friends with another teacher, a brunette drama teacher who had the most full bust I’ve ever seen. She would tease her students by wearing tight and slightly revealing tops and doing very … imaginative poses, as well as bending over every once in a while.
She was 25 and her and Miss Smith were good friends, just how good guys only dreamed of. Then one day I became the happiest guy in the school when I walked into Miss Smith’s art classroom after school to pick up my painting when I heard some very sexual noises. I told myself I must have been hearing things but upon peeking around the door I saw Miss Roberts, the drama teacher, spread out on a bench, her legs splayed apart and completely naked. Miss Smith was wearing only a sexy black bra and that was it. She also had a couple of fingers inside Miss Roberts’ soaking, shaved pussy and was pumping back and forth very hard. Her other hand was massaging her own breasts.
I froze and instead of leaving I just stood at the doorway and watched. Miss Roberts finally came after what seemed like forever and she lay panting while Miss Smith licked her clean. I tried to leave but my body wasn’t letting me. Miss Roberts looked up and saw me standing watching her but I still couldn’t move. She gasped, then tapped Miss Smith on the shoulder. By then they had both seen me but luckily for me they wouldn’t want me leaving and telling the whole school about it. That was one up my sleeve so I tried to stay calm, composed and in control.
“It looks much better in real life†I ventured
They were both shocked and couldn’t think of anything to say.
“Sucks getting caught though doesn’t itâ€Â
This got them thinking before Miss Smith took control.
“You know you cant tell anyone about this. You’re too good to do that.â€Â
“But am I really going to leave empty handed?†I asked.
Miss Roberts looked scared about being told on as that would ruin her career. She grabbed her matching bra and panties and threw them at me in the hope I would leave satisfied. I took a long sniff and they smelled wonderful.
“I’ll leave now and I won’t say anything but if it happens again I’ll need a bit more than clothingâ€Â
I grabbed my painting and put that and the underwear in my bag. When I got home I found somewhere to hide it and whenever I was alone I would pull them out and just smell them. They were so strong she must have cum in them before she took them off.
A number of weeks passed and Miss Smith was very anxious towards me making sure she didn’t do anything annoying or get me in trouble etc. just in case I did tell. I kept it a complete secret but I still wanted her, just like every other guy, but I had some leverage. I would walk past the art block as often as possible to try and catch them again but neither seemed to ever be there. Then one after noon I was lucky enough to see them both smiling, Miss Roberts leading Miss Smith by the hand in the direction of the Drama staff room.
When I got close I made sure to keep my distance and not get seen until they had started. After waiting around the corner for a few minutes I slowly sneaked around until I could just see inside the window. There was a piece of paper covering the majority of the small window in the door but there was a small gap at the bottom. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, then once the coast was clear I peered in. Unfortunately they lacked imagination and they were doing the same thing only reversed roles and this time Miss Smith was wearing a sexy red bra while she got finger fucked.
I slowly and quietly turned the door handle but it wouldn’t turn. I thought it was just broken and needed a shove as many of the school doors do. But I noticed a reflection of the handle in a mirror across the room and I could see it was locked. ‘Dam they’re learning’ I thought. So I pulled out my new camera phone I got for my Birthday a few days ago (which fortunately had very high resolution) and took a quick film and a couple of photo’s of their faces etc.
And no I’m not going to print a billion copies and spread them around the school. I don’t get what I want that way. Instead I printed a few different ones and slipped them inside my art assignment with a note written on the final one.
It said “I have a short film clip as well so now the ball is in your court. I suggest you both act very quickly to avoid any … incidents. And yes this is blackmailâ€Â
It was up front enough and now I just had to sit and wait. I gave them about a week but I only had to wait a day. Period 6 before school finished I had Art and Miss Smith dismissed the class except she told me to stay behind to go over my project.
“How could you do something like this!†she shouted in a whisper
“Very easily, you should be more careful. Where is Miss Roberts?â€Â
“I'm here†a voice came from the door way.
So now it was just the three of us.
“Ok. Now you two can run the show.†I told them
They seemed somewhat prepared and led me down a corridor into the dark room, where you make photographic prints. They locked the door so no-one was getting in here nor were they going to see us. Miss Roberts turned the main light on after a minute of me already adjusting to the extreme darkness. They were both stark naked already and they told me to undress. Ahhhh, the joys of blackmail.
“Who first†asked Miss Smith
“I don’t mind, be as creative as you wantâ€Â
With that Miss Smith knelt down and started sucking me off with her ass high in the air so Miss Roberts could access all areas from behind. We kept going like that for a while with Miss Smith moaning right onto my 6†from being fucked from behind. Then Miss Roberts stopped and Miss Smith stood up and slid me right into her and Miss Roberts sat down and watched us while she played with herself. The funny thing was they both seemed like they were enjoying it.
Whether they knew it or not, I lost my virginity right there and then and I blew my load, bigger than ever before as deep inside her as I could get. After 10 seconds or so after I’d finished I knelt down and started eating her out, exploring everywhere with my tongue. Flicking it back and forth over her lips, her clit and going deep inside to get some of her juices. She started to moan like crazy and I could hear Miss Roberts beside me reaching her own climax along with Miss Smith. It seemed like I was doing a good job so I kept going except with more rhythmic thrusts.
This got her going even more and she started thrusting back at my face, and she grabbed a nearby bench top to steady herself.
“Oh God… im coming, oh, oh keep going… Ohhhhhhhhhâ€Â
And with that she came more than I’d ever imagined and I licked it up as hard and fast as I could. Miss Roberts came a few seconds after that and once I was done with Miss Smith, I moved over to her to clean her up. She massaged and pushed the back of my head into her leftovers while I licked clean her juices.
We all cleaned up and got dressed and I left without anyone saying a single word. Its nice to know we do that kind of thing at least every week not just because I might tell someone. Which I probably never will.
Thanks for reading – if you have any suggestions, comments or criticisms I’d be happy to hear them. Plz email me at
First, I would like to say I have never believed myself to be a lucky man. I have been in the right places at the right time but never a particularly lucky man. I am writing this story because I cannot believe it happened to me, and because other people deserve to read it. It is an account of my life, the way I have seen it. It covers a few of my teenage years, mainly from 15-17. I hope sincerely you enjoy it, I know I did.
When I turned 14 quite a few things
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happened in my life. The first thing that happened is I became an orphan. At the time it was a horrible experience, and you can see why I don't think of myself as lucky. However it is not as horrifying as a lot of people make it out to seem, as terrible as this sounds, you get over it. Each in their own time, I took a year. For that year I lived with my aunt, just out of Adelaide, Australia. If any of my readers are familiar with South Australia, for your sake, I lived 200 odd kilometers out of Adelaide in Laura, a typical country town.
This year is largely un-important, although a few things did happen to change my life and lead me to where I stand today.
First, after my mothers death (I don't really want to go into details but my Father lived away from my family since I was 5, and I opted not to live with him when my Mum died, considering myself an orphan) I stopped eating. Now before she died I must have weighed close to 100kg. Not sure what that is in pounds but (I think 1kg = 2 pounds roughly) it's moving towards 200 pounds. To tell the truth I was too scared to weigh myself, so I never knew. But when I moved to my Aunts I stopped eating, had to walk more than I did in Adelaide and certainly lost weight. At the moment I weigh 72kg, I am still fat, but then I am also 6' 3" (or 6 foot 3 inches in case I got them symbols wrong) With a wide frame, so I hold fat quite well, and I don't look particularly overweight at the moment at all.
The second thing that happened to me is I got a girlfriend. All my life I had been to Christian schools, my family being more middle class than lower class they could afford to send me to a public school. And at Christian schools I guess most of the girls were middle class as well, all thinking they could do better than a fat boy with pimples (yes I also had pimples back when I was 14). Well when I moved I started to lose weight, and a marvelous thing happened, a girl asked me out, yes a girl asked ME! Well first thing I did was blow my weekly earnings taking her out to movies (being in the country the closest this came to was the drive in theatre in Gladstone, where the owner would let me use the projector as long as I played him for it.) Feeding her and buying her clothes. Damn I wish I hadn't done all that. Of course fat boy gets first girlfriend, fat boy doesn’t want to lose girlfriend so fat boy showers her with gifts to keep girlfriend. I wish I had saved up that money I was earning at the local supermarket, you'll realize why in a second.
Well, my Aunt wasn't the nicest person to share a one bedroom (I slept on the couch for a year, terrible back problems - don't try it) house with, and by the end of the year I was very ready to move out. Well by that time I was 15, and figuring the government had been taking so much money in taxes the pad year maybe they could afford to give some back. So I caught a bus to a place called Port Peire (for those that actually know what the hell I’m talking about) and spoke to the people at Centre link (place where you get the doll). And sure enough plenty of people didn’t like living at home after 15, moved out and got youth support from centre link, with a few catches. I gave myself 2 months to sort out school (finish the term) break up with Sarah (she didn’t even cry...) quit my job and tell my Aunt I was moving.
By the February I had a small apartment in Adelaide (Mile End) working part time at a Bi-Lo supermarket (don't get a job there the benefits suck) and going to my old school.
Unfortunately Private schools + Renting Apartments don’t mix, and by a month I was faced with either going to Adelaide High (looks like a good school but didn't really appeal to me) or moving houses, which might mean I would need a new school anyway. Well, just that week I happened to be in the right place at the right time, and over heard one of the girls at school saying her mum was low on cash because her Dad was working oversees and he was only getting paid every 3 months. Don't ask me why I never asked, but thinking back it sounds a bit weird, guess he worked on ships or something, I never saw him myself.
Well of course I asked her about it; no-one at school knew I lived by myself; I didn’t need people to pity me. She gave me her Mums phone number and my problems were solved. I was to rent a room, food paid for, I was allowed to use the furniture and electronics they had there (that was really hard to word, I mean stuff like TV, Computer, they supplied a bed for me, wardrobe etc. So I sold what I had in my other apartment (not very much I can tell you) and in almost no time at all I had moved up to live in Blackwood.
I got a new job closer to my new home, and that, my friends, is where my life turned around.
*sorry for the long intro, but I am treating this as an account of my life, and this is how it happened, for me to just tell the next part, I think, would leave this as just an erotic story for people to jerk themselves too, this way maybe people will read this and be inspired in someway, I know I’ve been inspired by some of the stories I’ve read on sites like this one.*
Now here, after a long train of thought, I have decided to use real names, mainly because those involved are unlikely to come across this site, and i doubt they will know its me anyway, because I don’t tell most people about myself. So after about 3 months of living with Jemimah and her family, something happened, of course something like this was bound to happen, i'm sure it happens to families all across the world. But the thing is it happened to me.
The date was the 16th of October. I remember because it was the birthday of a friend, back in Gladstone (Laura). Anyway, Jem's (Jemimah) mum always worked night shift Mondays, and usually so did I, mostly for convenience than anything, my work was on the way to hers. But that night I called in sick because of an assignment I had to hand up Monday. Well, jem's mum must have stayed at a friend’s house that night, because she wasn’t home on Monday morning. Laura (Jems older sister) usually went to school early, never found out why, she left early but always came late to school. Her little sister stayed over a friend called Victoria's house Sunday nights, again for convenience, so her mum only had to be worried about Jem home alone. I’m not sure why Jem got to stay alone, guess she was more trusted or something.
Well because I didn’t finish my assignment I decided to stay home that day. No harm done, I would have just finished it that day and handed it in the next. Well, since I didn’t get up at 7 to have a shower like I usually do, Jem must have thought she was home alone. I slept in until about 8 am, then got up. The train usually leaves from the station about 8 35, getting in at 9 and school starting at 9 15. So by 8 I expected jem to be walking to school, or at least leaving very soon. I have always slept naked, since I was 6, so all I put on as I walked out was a pair of boxers. In case Jem was only walking out the door. Jems room is right next to mine, and in her room she has an ensiute. In order to get to the man bathroom I had to walk around the hall until I got to the master bedroom, where just outside was the main bathroom. Usually if no ones home I use jems shower, easier, and it smelt nicer. The door was closed and figuring by now jem must have left I didn’t bother to knock. Just walked in. Bedroom was empty. So I walked into the bathroom. The shower was next to the door, a closed shower, with tinted glass protecting screens. I pulled down my boxers, and opened the door. And stared. At 15 going on 16 I was still a virgin, and a relatively pure one in fact. I masturbated, but I never looked at porn. Imagined women naked, for sure. But never seen one. Until now. There was Jem, eyes closed, lying in the shower, masturbating. Completely naked. Instantly I got a boner. And it was a hard one too; you ever got it so it springs up instantly, and of hurting you? Yea I got one of them. She was lying there, beautiful, perfect. Her entire family was petite, and she was no exception. Tall, very slender. A reddish brown hair almost always worn messy. She loved green eye shadow, and she was supermodel perfect I can tell you. All I could do is stare. First she moved her index finger in, then out, slowly sliding her middle finger in, then out. It was a rhythm. And then, she opened her eyes. I figure it was the cold draft from the door. She looked at me, stopped the rhythm with her fingers. Just looked. Her eyes dropped, looked at my cock. For a long moment I could see the thought ticking through her mind. Thinking about what she could do.
Jem had never been shy. The first to say what she wanted for dinner when her Mum asked us. The first to opt what game she wanted to play, defiantly the kind of girl that never got bored. She always had something to do, and when she got tired of that, she knew exactly what to do next. This time was no exception.
 Her eyes moved up and met mine.
"What are you gonna do now? I bet you’ve been perving on me this whole time, now what?"
I didn’t say anything. Just stood there. Then moved a bit. I’m not sure why, just did I guess. I've never been that shy much either, quite definitely, but not shy. So I moved closer. I knew what I wanted. Jem had a boyfriend, but I didn’t care. I was here now not him. I bent down. Knelt more I guess. Then leaned forward. Her body was splayed in an uncomfortable looking position. Legs opened as far as they could go and her back bent so the top was touching the wall while the rest of here was moved further down. When I masturbate in the shower I guess I take a similar position, must be fairly universal. I kissed her, on the lips. Just a peck. Then lent back. Stayed kneeling. She pulled her bottom lip inside her mouth, and sucked on it a while. Let if come out then sucked in the other lip, and sucked that a little longer.
"You taste nice" she said.
"You smell nice" I replied. Not the most romantic thing to say. But I was winging this. It was a lot of firsts for me, and I was walking on unfamiliar ground. I stood up, reached out my arm, offered to help her up. She may find lying there comfortable, and I’m sure it was, but I didn’t think there was enough room for two people in that shower; it definitely wasn’t made for lying down.
She accepted my help, and got up. I led her to her bedroom. She jumped on her bed, like a kid almost. I guess she was still a kid in a lot of ways; we were only 15 after all.
As she landed on her bed her boobs bounced a little, kind of a small jiggle. The best her boobs could offer, they weren’t that big, but they suited her body. It was all in proportion. That made me want to feel her all the more. I followed her, climbing onto the bed instead, id prefer my boobs not to jiggle, and though smaller than a year and a half ago they were still there. I pulled her over, she willingly came. I ran my thumb over her nipple. Lent in, kissed her again on the lips. Softly, not willing to rush this moment. Almost perfect as it was. I felt her nipple harden under my thumb, felt her hot breath on my neck. She was breathing a little heavier, not sure why, maybe rubbing nipple had this effect on girls? I looked down to hey pussy, wanting to take a look. My first look at a pussy. Lots of firsts today. And saw why she was breathing harder, she had continued the rhythm I had interrupted in the shower. I looked back to her face again. And kissed her on the lips, more passionately this time, a longer kiss, mouth open and with tongues this time. It maybe lasted two minutes, then she orgasmed. First orgasm I've ever seen a girl give. It was marvelous. Her eyes flew open. Her head flew back. Mouth in an O shape. Small groans. Her head bobbed back and forth a bit. Then she rested her head against her pillow. And took a few breaths. I moved down to her Pussy. Saw it was wet; had no idea why. And touched it. Lightly, just to get a bit of the wetness on my finger. Raised it to my mouth. Licked it off. I had thought about licking a girl off. I knew about Blowjobs, had for years. Never heard about licking girls though. But I decided to try it. It didn’t taste so bad, the wetness on my finger, and what the hell, if it gave her another orgasm, it would be worth it. It did. And this one was louder. She half screamed. The first scream I stopped worried that I was hurting her, but her face was in that happy look I described before. With the O shaped mouth. And so I bent my head down and kept going. Her legs tried to squeeze my brain out, I’m sure. She squeezed them very tightly around my head as she orgamsed, tightening every time a shudder ran through her body.
And then she was done. I remember it as being very sudden. Just happening all at once. She relaxed. For 3 or 4 seconds. Then said, simply, "Now it’s your turn". She got up, crawled to where I was kneeling, and pushed me onto the bed. And then proceeded to suck me off. And I can tell you, quite sincerely - for those who are still virgins out there - that there is nothing like a first time. Please, for your own sake, wait, don’t go find a hobo in an ally and give em five bucks to blow you off. Get a girlfriend, or in my case the person you’re living with, and make sure the chemistry's right, before having sex. Because there is Nothing, NOTHING like your first time. In 6 years that has been the best blowjob I have had. And i’ve had a lot. I came quickly, usually I take a good 15 minutes to come when i’m jerking myself, but I must have come within 2 minutes. A series of shudders, and Jem kept on sucking. One after the other, it was sheer ecstasy, beautiful, perfect. She kept sucking for another minute, and then she raised her head, and sort of shuffled forward a bit. I felt the heat of her body moving closer to me, after that orgasm my eyes were closed for a while; I couldn’t have opened them if I tried. Then I felt something on my shrinking prick, something that made it stand straight up again. Jem was climbing on - I was actually going to have sex, for my first time.
They were the words that flew through my head. My first time. Words I have repeated throughout this story, over and over, because that’s mostly what I thought at the time. In fact, thinking back, that’s pretty much all I thought.
And we fucked, after cumming just a little while ago it took a while for me to come again.
Its funny how that works isn’t it? After guys cum the first time they take a while to come again, getting longer each time. After girls cum they come quicker the next time, getting a little bit quicker each time. A bit unfair if you ask me, but that’s the way it is I suppose.
That was the first time I had sex with Jem. After almost no thought to the matter it simply happened in the space of half an hour. But that was the first of many times. After that we started going out, and I stopped working late night shift Sunday nights. I decided Jem was more important. We must have mad sex every Sunday for almost a year. I lived with that family until I was 18, just after I left high school. Me and Jem were still dating. I have a lot of stories about that house, and if I get time I will certainly write them up. Me and jem are married now. No kids but talking about it. I am 22 now, and Jem is 21. I wrote this story because, well, I love Jem, more than I can ever express in words. And I have never been able to tell people about why I love her, how we met. For obvious reasons, but I am happier than possible that it actually happened to me, not some other person they rented the room out to. And I want to tell people that. How Fortunate I am. I am not an overly lucky man, but to my eternal glee and joy, in this case, I was.
Thank you for reading this, I hope I have been able to tell you exactly how wonderful it was for me. Please feel free to post this on other sites, share it around. I would love to tell more and more people about my wife, and how we met. Just, please, give due recognition to me, I have not given my name throughout this, because people are much more likely to recognize it than Jem’s, so just give the recognition to my non de plum, Trozeg. Thank you.  Oh and if you have any Comments I am happy to hear them. ,email whatever you want to say, I’m listening.
The story involves 3 boys aged 14.5 and 15 years old. It was a nice spring day. Mike, Ben and Mark had just met to walk to school together. The 3 of them went to the same private school.
On the way to school the boys saw the useral bum going through the trash tans. Mark called out to him "get a job you ugly retard" the other 2 boys just laughed since it was the cool thing to do.
The boys decided to skip school for the day and go to the old hospital.
The boys were messing around in the old hospital. When Ben says " I
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need a leek" we told Ben "do it over there" " Ben replied I'll go into the next room.
Ben was gone for over five minutes. Mark and me were getting worried. We went looking for Ben but couldn't find him. We decided to split up and look for him and meet back in this room in ten minutes.
After ten minutes i went back to the room hopeing that Mark had found Ben. But instead of Them I saw the old bum from this morning. "where's my friends" I yell. The man grabs me and pushes a rag into my mouth. I faint.....
I wait up in a basement room of the hospital I'm tied to a wall and Ben is tied next to me. "are you ok" I ask Ben. Ben just knods his head and whispers "yes" I look up and see Mark laid out on what looks like an old metal hospital table. His ankles and wrists tied out to the sides. His head is popped up on some old phone books. I call out to Mark "MARK CAN YOU GET FREE" he replies back no he cant even budge an inch. I try to get out of the ropes and same as Mark and Ben I'm trapped to the wall.
We try to work out what happened to us when we hear foot steps walking down the hall. We hear the door open. In walks the old bum. He is wearing a hospital coat and pushes an old rusty cart next to Mark on the table.
"So you 3 spoilt rich kids like to make fun of me, well yes I might be ugly and down on my luck. One day I was a great doctor. Some stupid lawer took my life away from me. You 3 will pay. Lets have a look at what's on the table" the man explains to us. We beg for him to let us go, we all say were sorry but he just laughes. "My folks will give you money" I scream at him. " I dont want your money, you pretty little boys"
The man has placed Ben and me so we can see mark and him perfectly. The man pulls out a sharp looking knife from the tray and chops Marks tie of from his neck. He toses the broken tie onto the floor.He grabs marks shirt in his hands and tears it from his chest.
The man rubs Marks smooth tanned chest with his hands, Mark has tears in his eyes. "nice body" he spits at Mark.
The man grabs an old electric razer and starts shaveing Marks scalp. "must remove hair first" he laughs. Next he shaves Marks arms and arm pits.
"oh no" the man yells "I almost forgot something" Ben and me are begging him to stop. He yells at us "make all the noice you like, no one will hear you.
He pats mark on the outside of his school pants. "now lets see" he says. He feels inside Marks pocket and pulls out his wallet. He opens it and pulls out Marks school Id. " almost 15 well in that case we better check" he toses marks wallet on the ground and pushes his hand down marks pants. Mark screams out in pain.
The old man undoes Marks belt and zipper and pulls down his school pants arount Marks tied ankles. Mark is now laid there with his blue bikini brifs covering his private parts. " well we do have the perfect body" he yells into Marks ear. He grabs the knife and with a quick cut the underpants are gone.
He takes hold of Marks limp 12 cm penis and starts pulling it up and down. Mark begs him 2 stop.
It was a Tuesday morning and I was headed to my English class for 2nd period. There was a guy in my class named Chad. I thought he was so hot. I didn't like him. I knew he wasn't a nice guy. I just found him extremely attractive and I could only think about kissing him and running my hands over his body. But nothing more. So I had my friend Marie tell him that I wanted to make out with him.
Now at that age i was naive and thought that making out with a guy wouldn't lead to anything else. Or maybe I just didn't think it through. All I could think about was being close to him. He was sooooo very hot.
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Marie told him that I wanted to make out with him. He didn't seem as enthused as I did about the whole situation but he did want to so I was glad. This particular day we had one of our favorite substitutes. Her name was miss. Shuttles. She was very laid back and mostly just let us watch movies in the dark. This day was no different. So my friend Marie and I created a little corner with the desk and Chad came back there with me. I was so nervous I wanted to back out.
"So Anelle, you wanted to do this." I knew he was experienced. I knew from the beginning. But I only wanted to put my lips to his. Nothing more. Well maybe some touching. And at the moment the thought of him hard inside his pants made me feel wet and tingly. "Yeah, if u don't want to we don't..." I was interrupted by his lips touching mine and it was like heaven. I was completely drawn into his world. His lips tasted good and I could smell his cologne. I leaned into him. His hands began to linger up back and then into my shirt. I felt him touching my breasts over my bra. He just kept rubbing over and wouldn't go under it and it was driving me crazy. I wanted to feel his hands on me. I wanted to be on top of him. I felt myself wanting something between my legs. Like there was a spot that needed attention. I climbed on top of him and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him as close to me as possible as our lips moved around each other and our tongues played. I began to press myself against him, and I could feel his hardness in the right places. I rubbed myself against it and it felt really good. I began to move faster and I loved the way it felt. His hard cock pressing against my private place and I couldn't help myself. I began to move back and forth as our lips stayed together. Later I was told this was called dry humping. Whatever it was it felt good and it made me want him more. Just then I felt his hand on my stomach undoing my pants. I new I couldn't have sex with this guy right on my English class floor. But it did feel REALLY good. He stopped kissing me and looked at my face as he touched me. I could hear myself breathing hard.
"I want to fuck you!" He whispered in my ear. And it sounded wonderful but I did not plan on having sex with him. But I told him ok another time so he would drop it. I just wanted to kiss him again to feel him close to me, to feel his hardness against my sensitive place and to smell his cologne. I pressed my lips to his and my body against his again and this time I really felt him. He must have shifted it because it was sticking out really far. He was so hard and I started to touch him with my hand. I couldn't help it and I couldn't break my hand away. It was something I had never felt and I didn't want to stop. I knew I was wet in my panties but I wasn't exactly sure what that meant. He started touching me again and I felt myself push onto his hand. He looked at my face in surprise. I was surprised too.
Then I began to undo his pants. After I unzipped he pulled out his fully hard cock. It was the first I had ever seen and it was beautiful. I began to jack him off. I didn't really know what I was doing but it was how I always pictured guys jacking off. He just closed his eyes as I did this. As I looked at his penis I realized I wanted it in my mouth. I felt weird though. Should I just lean down and put it in my mouth? What would he say? Just as I thought this I felt his hand on my shoulder pulling me towards his dick.
"If I'm gonna do this you can't touch my head." I told him. I had been told that a girl could throw up if the guy shoved it in too far. He agreed and I leaned down and stuck the head in my mouth. I heard him release his breath. He smelled very clean. Like soap or cologne. Maybe deodorant. Whatever it was it smelled good. I just sucked on the head for a little bit and I could hear him breathing hard. It made me want to please him even more. I tried to stick more of it in my mouth but it was too dry and too big so i took it out my mouth to lick the sides and make it wet. Just as I did i felt the very tips of his fingers pushing on my head very lightly. It made me want him more. Knowing that he wanted my mouth back on his cock was the hottest thing. But when he realized I was gonna lick the sides he relaxed and let me do it. Then I put it back in my mouth and just sucked it slowly. I let my tongue linger on the head and I began to take more of his cock into my mouth.
I knew that my head was suppose to move up and down so I began to move my head up and down as i took his dick in and out of my mouth. I could hear him whispering "Oh yeah" and I started to move faster. I felt sort of like he was screwing my face but it turned me on and made me feel a yearning down there. A yearning for something to go inside me. I began to slow down I wanted to savor this and to never forget it. Now his hands came to my head but it was so hot. He began controlling my head and not pushing it in too far but just the right amount to not choke me. I wanted more of it though. I tried to take in more but i felt myself about to gag and gave up. He continued to move my head and his cock in and out of my mouth. It was plenty wet now. I heard him whisper again "I want to fuck you." I shook my head as best I could. He was hot but I wasn't ready to lose my virginity. He just kept moving my head up and down. I could feel his dick getting really hard. Harder then before and he was moving my head faster now.
"Oh yeah Anelle." He said as he closed his eyes and laid his head back I suddenly felt him spewing hot liquid in my mouth. I wasn't sure what I was to do with this but it tasted good. It was him I was tasting and I knew it. The result of his pleasure that I gave him. I drank it up as best I could but I could see some going down his penis and onto his pants. I licked it up and sucked his cock until he told me to stop. He just laid there with his eyes closed.
I then looked around our little cubby whole and saw my friend Maria's head peeking in. Had she watched the whole thing? She had a big grin on her face so I guessed she had. When I looked back at him he had his pants zipped up and was about to get up.
"You can't tell anyone, ok?" I asked him.
"Of course I'm not gonna tell anyone." He said with a serious face. I felt a little wrong for what I did but I really enjoyed it. I went home and rubbed myself until I felt that really good feeling. I wrote the whole thing in my diary so I could always remember it. And read it anytime I wanted and relive it.
The next day at school at lunch time I was in the cafeteria eating and one of Chad's friends came up to me and said hey. This guy was very cute also but not like Chad.
"So I heard about you and Chad." I was shocked. He had told and he wasn't suppose to.
"What? What about Chad?" I had decided to play dumb.
"You know. In English." He had a sly but confident look on his face.
"Yeah he is in my English class but I'm not sure what you mean when you say "You and Chad." he began to lose the confident look. I could tell he was starting to doubt Chad's story.
"Yeah right. You know what you did."
"I don't have a clue what your talking about." I tried again.
"Whatever." He said as he walked off, probably to talk to Chad. So anyway it got around the school and everyone knew what I had done. I hated Brad after that. But for some odd reason, I still wanted him and I eventually wanted to have sex with him.
Please comment and if you like I will write more of the story.
Well my name is Chris and I’m a Junior college student at an Ivy League university. I play soccer and I’m a total scene kid. I party all the time and fuck girls senseless. I’m 6’1, soccer toned body, shaggy golden brown hair, and green eyes that have many plenty of panties fall. My dick fully erected is about 9 and ¾ inches. Well usually me and my long time best friends Alex, Drew, and Erik go to off campus parties. That’s the ones that are filled with girls from all kinds of colleges. Well this party was the best yet.
It was around eleven thirty, the techno was blasting, I
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was drinking straight from a keg, and I had my powder form of cocaine on hand. I was drinking my beer and solo dancing with my rave band around my neck and then I felt someone rubbing against my front. She turned around and gave me a sneaky smile. She was probably 5’9 or 5’11, with the usual scene girl hairstyle and pink extensions in. She was thin probably weighing 115 or 120, but she had a nice C sized chest that fit her perfectly. She had sexy aquamarine eyes and a lip ring. She was turning me on.
“Hey,” I shouted over the music.
She just smirked and pushed her ass up against me. I felt my face get hot and my cheeks were probably pink. I instinctly put my hand on her hip pressing her against me, enough so she could feel my hard-on. She giggled put one hand behind my neck and craned my head down to kiss those sexy lips of hers. I obliged and kissed her just as hungrily as she kissed me, while rubbing her chest with my free hand. She pulled her tongue out my mouth and started licking my lips making the bulge in my pants bigger.
She turned around to me, still remaining close and tip toed up to my left ear.
“Fuck me,” she whispered and leveled herself back down.
I nodded and led her to the VIP room upstairs. As soon as I locked the door she grabbed me in a kiss, pulling off my shirt and quickly unbuckling my pants.
I sensed she was probably high or something cause she was filled with energy. We kissed to the bed and she dropped my pants and slipped her fingers in between the waistband of my boxers and my abdomen. I held her face firmly kissing her while we stared at each other.
“What’s your name, baby,” I moaned pulling off the tight halter top she had on.
“Sam,” she murmured in between kisses.
I liked that name—Sam. So Sam sat on the bed and I stood in front of her as she pulled down my boxers in a hurry. My throbbing dick stuck out like a rod and she smiled.
“You have big fucking cock, don’t you,” she stated stroking my dick with her soft fingers and giving me a daring look.
Lost in a world of pleasure I nodded and then watched as she licked the head of my veiny cock. Her lips engulfed the head where she gently sucked and licked my precum before fitting more of it in her mouth. I moaned again rubbing her head and she let her saliva drain on my dick, before sucking it again. I soon felt the head of my cock striking the back of her throat. I clenched her head with my hand began thrusting in rhythm to her bobbing. She started to gag and when I sensed her need for air I pulled for a couple of seconds before thrusting back in. She was a good little cocksucker. She never complained and she did it well. She took my dick out her mouth with a popping sound and starting sucking my balls.
“Fuck,” I grunted. Her mouth felt great down there.
After a few more minutes of that she stopped and gave me that sneaky smile.
“I want you to face fuck me,” she stated in a sexy tone.
I nodded happily and tilted her face up. I started pumping my cock, so it would remain hard and she opened her mouth wide. I grinned at her eagerness and held her face firmly, before pounding my dick in her mouth. She clenched her eyes tight to bear the pain as I fucked her mouth well. I didn’t even care that she was gagging; I just kept pounding into her mouth and was real close to cumming.
“I-I’m gonna cum, like right now,” I warned still pumping in her mouth.
She nodded and closed her eyes again.
“Fuck,” I grunted as I exploded my first load of hot semen in her mouth. I pulled out and pumped my dick shooting my last load in her mouth.
She balanced the pool of white liquid in her mouth waiting her command.
“Swallow,” I commanded and I watched as she closed her mouth and gulped my seed down her throat.
“Open,” I commanded again.
I opened her mouth to see she swallowed every drop. She instinctly sucked my dick clean and smiled at me.
“You’re a good little cock sucker,” I commented.
She just smiled, stroking my dick. Now it was time to fuck this bitch. I reached in my pants and pulled out a condom. She slid off that tight mini skirt she had and she had on no underwear, just like she had no bra. She was fully and her body was sexy as hell. I laid her down and started kissing on her neck and all the way down to her big tits. I started nibbling on her erected pink nipples and she let out gasping moans to this. I wasted no time kissing her down her stomach to her wet pussy. I loved eating pussy so I immediately began licking in between her folds and clit. She arched her back in pleasure and I stuck a finger in her. She was remarkably tight, which I thought was odd because she wasn’t a virgin. Her cunt wasn’t all ragged like some girls who fucked a lot it looked like it was never touched. I kept her clit and then started to push my tongue in and out of her. She purred like a cat running her fingers through my hair. I kept pumping my dick, all hot and bothered ready to fuck her. I moved up closer in between her legs and pushed the head of my cock against her mysteriously tight cunt. She opened her legs wider and I grunted as I rammed my whole cock in her. I heard her let out a surprised shriek and giggle. I smiled gripping the sheets with my hands as I started moving. She was so tight, that she was clenching the shit out of me. We looked at each other as I kept mercilessly pounding in her. Sam pulled my head down to hers and ran her finger over my left cheek, making me blush. Then she kissed me getting me extra horny. I started feeling like I was high and started kissing her harder and rubbing her bare thighs with my hands. I felt her legs wrap around me causing me to go deeper and my solid chest was getting pressed against hers. Nothing felt better than fucking her. My forehead was sweating cause I was trying to go ten times faster and harder than I usually do, cause her walls wouldn’t let up on me.
She looked so fucking innocent under me, purring in my ear and moaning in between hot kisses. I pulled out of her much to her dismay and sat. She knew exactly what to do and pushed her still wet pussy down on my cunt so we were facing each other. I was all the way in her and she clung onto me for dear life. I chuckled softly slapping her tight apple ass and squeezing it. I held her ass firmly so she would stay in place. I started thrusting faster than before, causing her whole body to vibrate.
She kept trying to avoid my face, by nestling her head in the crook of my neck. I smirked and peeled my head back to see her face. She was clawing at my back leaving red marks, near tears. She knew I wouldn’t let up on mercilessly pounding her tight cunt with my huge dick.
“You like that,” I whispered in her ear.
She let out a loud moan before nodding and wiping her tears in my shoulder. I smirked again and listened to her cat like moans and whimpers and the sounds of wet inner flesh flapping against each other. I started to moan feeling myself close to cumming. I slapped her ass again and she randomly kissed me caressing my face with her hands. I held her thighs completely entranced by those eyes and she teased my mouth with little pecks.
“Cum in me,” she groaned.
I nodded feeling my hair let loose some sweat. I felt her purposely clench me even tighter than before and it hurt like hell. I kind of glared at her and started to go harder. She started crying and I didn’t even feel bad. I angrily kissed her because she was still clenching my dick and bit her lip.
“You wanna get fucked real hard, huh,” I growled glaring at her.
She was trying to avoid my gaze but I grabbed her neck with one hand not allowing her to do so. She gave me a hidden smirk and then gave me that crying innocent face. I smirked and sensed what she was up to. She liked when I got mad at her. So I started to spank her still ramming up in her.
“Fucking slut, take my dick,” I screamed.
She nodded still crying and yearning to kiss me. I gave her ass a small tap before pushing her off of me and ripping the condom of my dick. I grabbed her by her hair tilting her mouth up and ramming my dick in. She was rubbing her clit while I was face fucking her.
I pulled out and started to slap her with my dick a little. Her eyes looked happy and she had her tongue out wanting to lick me. I teased her pushing it in her face and then withdrawing. I slapped her with my dick when she started to pout and smirk. I had never done anything like this before. I fucked her mouth harder than I’ve fucked most pussies and pulled out feeling myself about to cum to real soon.
I pushed my balls in her face and she started sucking both of them at the same time. I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her off of them and tilted her head up again.
“Get ready,” I groaned, jerking myself off.
“Ahhh, fuck, shit,” I grunted still grabbing her hair and cumming all over her face and mouth and neck. She tried to catch as much as possible in her mouth and licked some off her lips and allowed me to give her a facial. She swallowed my seed again and sucked every last drop out my spent cock like as if I were breastfeeding her. I found a towel in one of the draws and threw it at her. She wiped her face off and smiled at me as we went under the sheets together.
“No one’s fucked me like that before,” she sighed nuzzling her head under mine.
I wrapped my arms around her and smiled relishing on what a great fuck she was.
“I’ve never done it like that before,” I said falling asleep.
When I woke up she was gone, but I saw she put her number in my phone. I put back on my clothes and put my hand in my pockets to check for my coke. It was gone. I smiled to myself, seeing she probably took it like the party girl she was and left. No problem I’d just get some more from my dealer and maybe have an even better time with Sam.
This is my first attepmt at an erotic story, so critism would be nice =]
Staying Back After School
I was in my final year of high school, so because of the workload every Monday night I’d stay back after school for a couple hours to get help with my maths work. The teacher I see for maths work helps out with the school production on Monday nights; that’s why I stay back Mondays.
Anyway, it was a fairy hot day in summer, I
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had my dark blue school skirt at knee high length, a white shirt, blue knee high socks and black school shoes. It was 5.30pm when I had finished my work and I just gotten a call from mum telling me she was going to be an hour late. So I was heading to the locker shed to put away my stuff then go sit in the common room for a bit to relax. I had my MP3 player in my ears quite loud as I walked into the locker shed, meaning I didn’t notice Jesse, the school production’s lead standing at his locker. The lockers were in stacks of 3. One on top of the other, each about 1.5 feet high, and mine was a middle one, so I was slightly bending over, putting my books back inside, and getting out my bag. Anyway, when I was done I closed my locker, locked it and turned around to see Jesse standing there smiling at me. I blushed, realizing he must have been watching me the whole time. I took my earphones out of my ears and muttered a “hi”. I’ve recently developed quite a crush on Jesse, and spend most classes I have with him imagining him behind me, ploughing into my pussy. But Jesse was taken, so I never tried anything with him. ”Hey there” Jesse smirked back, and started to walk towards me quite quickly. I started asking him how rehearsals are going, but before I could mutter two words he had picked me up [as he was at least a foot taller than me] and held me against the lockers and had his tongue in my mouth. In a fit of passion we kissed, and then he let me down.
“Umm…” I said awkwardly, my cunt burning for his cock.
“Sorry” He laughed. “I just couldn’t help myself; I’ve wanted to do that for ages”. I watched his beautiful brown eyes eyeing my body, I knew he wanted me. I could see the muscles in his arms; the arms I’ve always wanted to hold me. He ran his hand through his short hair, snapping me out of my stare. I smiled awkwardly, and he returned the smile, which made me melt inside.
Forgetting all about his girlfriend I lunged at him, and started kissing him again. He returned my kisses and with one hand he started to slowly unbutton my shirt to uncover my 12C breasts in my black bra. He slipped off my shirt, and removed his mouth from mine. He slowly started to kiss down my neck, stopping when he got to my breasts. He gently and slowly unclasped my bra and removed it. He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and holding me up against the lockers again. He then kissed lightly around my nipple, while lightly flicking my actual nipple with his finger. I bit my lip to let back a moan of lust and wanting. My pussy was getting wetter and wetter, and I could feel his cock growing. He then placed his mouth on my nipple and started to suck on it, while massaging my other breast with his other hand. Suddenly he became a bit rougher and started to lightly bight my nipple. I let out a small yelp, mixed with pleasure and surprise.
He took his mouth off my nipple and asked, “Yeah, you like that you slut, don’t you?” I was slightly shocked, and didn’t reply. He didn’t like that, so with his other hand he twisted my nipple quite hard and I let out a small scream. “I sad, don’t you, you slut?!” He asked again, firmer. I nodded, tears in my eyes and he smirked once more, letting go of my nipples. I sighed with relief. I wasn’t expecting him to be so rough. But I loved it; I love being told what to do, and my pussy was proving that.
He slipped a hand up my leg and up my skirt. “I can feel how wet you are from outside your panties, you dirty whore” he said. I blushed, and he let me down.
“You’re aching for my cock, I can see it. Well, here it is…” He unzipped his pants, and dropped his pants and boxers. His hard cock popped out, about 8 inches, and I stared at it in pure lust.
“On your knees” He ordered.
”Huh?” Was all I could come out with, as I had never given head before, [although I wasn’t a virgin] and would not know what to do.
He reached around and started pulling my hair hard, forcing me to my knees. His cock was an inch away from my face. “Suck it you fucking whore” he commanded, as I stared at it. I slowly opened my mouth and started towards his cock, not really knowing what I was doing. He grew impatient and shoved his cock right into my mouth, forcing it down my throat. I found it hard to breathe and started gagging. He removed his cock and slapped me across the face. “You better not gag again.” I just nodded, avoiding his eye contact.
I opened my mouth again, and his cock invaded it once more. I did my best not to gag, and slowly started to cover his cock with my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head, guiding it. After I managed to get it down my throat without gagging he tightened his grip on the back of my head and started moving my head up and down hard and fast on his cock, fucking my face. Tears started to fill my eyes again, and a few tears escaped. After a few minutes he told me he was going to cum. My eyes widened in fear; I didn’t want him to cum in my mouth. I felt his cock pulsing in my mouth and he shot his load down my throat. “You better swallow every bit of it, or we’ll be here all night until you do” he said sternly. I did my best to swallow all he shot out and licked his cock clean. “That’s a good little slut” he patted me on the head. “Now, on your back”
I lay down on my back, and he knelt down on the floor in front of my legs. He took off my socks and shoes, and then his hand crept up my leg. He ripped off my panties, not bothering to remove them properly. His hand then ventured to my wet pussy. He laughed when he felt how soaking I was, and slid in one finger. My cunt easily took his finger and he entered in another. He started to slowly finger me, and my breathing became a bit deeper.
He removed his fingers from my cunt and moved onto my clit. He found it easily, as it was swelling with arousal. He started to quickly rub my clit, as I started to moan softly. He continued this, while growing hard again. “I’m…going…to…cum…soon” I struggled to get out between breaths. As soon as I said that, he stopped. I looked at him, slightly angry. He just laughed at me. He stood up, and yanked me up. He pulled me by my arm out of the shed and into the courtyard. He led me over to the bench.
“Bend over, you whore”, he commanded, motioning to the bench. So I turned around, and bent over the bench, my stomach on the wooden surface. He lifted my skirt and spread my legs, “Wait here. And don’t move, I’ll be right back” I dared not to move and as I waited for him I could feel a cold breeze between my legs, which was quite refreshing. Jesse returned.
I felt something force itself into my pussy, but it was not a cock. It was cold.
He had picked up my keys from the floor of the shed [which I dropped when I saw him], opened my locker and gotten out my deodorant can. I started to moan as he roughly assaulted my cunt with the deodorant can. Again, right before I was about cum he pulled out the deodorant can, leaving me gasping for air and slightly frustrated.
“Don’t worry, whore; You’re going to have my cock inside you” he laughed, and without any further notice he slammed his cock into me hard. I screamed loudly with relief that it was finally in me. It was the thickest I’ve had, so it was a bit of a tight fit, which was amazing for both of us. He grabbed onto my hips and pushed me onto his cock, fucking me hard and fast. Both of us were moaning, I louder. He started spanking me lightly, “You like that too, whore, don’t you?” I couldn’t catch my breathe quick enough to answer him, so he spanked me again, a lot harder.
“YES. YES” I screamed.
He laughed at me and continued to assault my cunt with his cock. This time, he let me cum, however. And as soon as I came, he stopped, his cock still hard. I started to catch my breath again when I felt him parting my ass cheeks. My heart stopped for a second. “NO. PLEASE! NO.” I pleaded and screamed, trying to get out of his grasp. But he would not listen. He inserted his finger into my pussy, and then into my ass, lubing it up. He repeated this until he was happy with the amount of lubrication. Then he stuck his cock into my pussy, to do the same to his cock.
He pressed his cock up against the entrance of my ass and I closed my eyes and held my breath. I screamed with pain as he just slammed his cock into my ass. I felt the walls of my ass tearing. “SHUT UP, YOU FUCKING SLUT” He screamed back at me. He continued to assault my ass, and soon the pain went away. I started pushing back on his cock, and he laughed. “I knew you loved it.”
He removed his cock from my ass and shoved me to my knees in front of him, where he started to wank off in front of my face, and then shooting his load all over my face.
“See ya next Monday, slut” he winked and walked off, leaving me there. I couldn’t wait.
The following morning I wake early still on a high after yesterday's events and wondering what little surprises Shona would have in store for me today. I shower, dress and grab a bite of breakfast telling Mum I'll be going to Shona's to study after school - if I ever get to school again! "Don't make a nuisance of yourself - she's a nice girl but don't you think you're seeing too much of her?" "No" I silently think to myself "and you don't know just how much I'm seeing, and feeling, of her!" I get to Shona's house out of breath having rushed, desperate to see her again in case it was all some sort of fantastic wet dream, and ring the bell. "Come in" she shouts and I open the door. She is standing on the bottom step.
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"Shut the door." she commands. "I've not got any knickers on and I don't want everyone to see." I go to her and kiss her pressing my tongue into her mouth. As her tongue finds mine, my hand slips under her school dress to find she tells the truth. As I gently stroke her pussy lips she moans. "Fuck me Jim. Drop your trousers and let me feel your huge cock in my pussy again. Yesterday was fantastic - I'm glad you can keep going so long!" She has my belt undone before I can move. My trousers drop and she grabs my already swelling erection, guiding me to her hot hole and once more I am in her feeling the exquisite tightness of her cunt walls all along the length of my cock as I fuck her where she stands, her being one step up making up for our height differences - I think she had planned it like that and that was why she was standing where she was when I came in. I piston hard in and out of her and she sets up a counterpoint rotating her hips as she grinds back at me. She comes within a few strokes but keeps the rhythm up coming once more on my every stroke and in no time my cock pumps waves of sperm into her velvet puss. "Don't get any on my dress - I'm told it stains." she admonishes. "Anyway I want it all inside me, I love the way it feels in me." After a few more strokes to wind us down she pulls away from me. "That'll need to do for now - we'd better not be late for school after missing yesterday. If we bunk off too much they'll send someone looking. We were lucky twice yesterday we might not be so lucky again." We certainly had been lucky having been discovered fucking by both Dot Black and Shona's sister Eileen. However they weren't about to rat on us as both had been more than willing to join in our games. As we walk to school, Shona sounds as if she's organising a diary for the day. "Don't forget your meeting Cath - remember to call her Hutch when you're not alone - in the chemistry lab at break. I won't come, enjoy her on your own this time. You'll have lunch at my place - I'll need to organise something for then. I'm sure Dot will want to see you at some point and then you'll come back home with me? Eileen said she would try and finish work early tonight." What a girl - truly insatiable! Already been fucked once today, planning at least two more times as well as setting me up with at least three other girls in the day! Good job I seem to be pretty much insatiable too. The first half of the morning drags past as I look forward to my rendezvous with Cath. Finally the break bell goes and I slip into the chemistry lab making sure no one sees me to find Cath already waiting for me. "Hi Jim." say says as we hug and kiss. She feels my already rising cock press at her leg. "Come on. Shona wouldn't want us to waste this." she jokes in a reference to yesterday's events grabbing my hand after rubbing my cock through my trousers. We rush to the darkroom at the end of the lab but to our surprise it isn't vacant as we had supposed it would have been. "Catherine? Jim? Something I can do to help you?" the startled lab assistant inquires as we tumble through the open door. "Yes, Sheila" Cath replies after seeing the pretty little brunette who I suppose can only be 17 or 18 staring openly at my now rampant hard-on, scarcely contained by my trousers. "You see" she continues moving forwards to stroke Sheila's hair and face "we need someone to make a nice little threesome, think you can help? You won't believe how long and thick his cock is. Shona Campbell tells me she and her sister measured it to be fourteen inches long last night. Think you can handle that? It feels so good inside me, my cunt, my throat, my arse." Cath's hands are lower now unbuttoning Sheila's lab coat and caressing her tits. I am surprised to see that Sheila wears only a camisole top and panties under the coat but I suppose it is hot in the lab sometimes. "I've never been with a boy before." Sheila stammers. "Prefer girls do you?" Cath coos taking Sheila's hand and placing it inside her blouse. "Feel how soft my tits are." "Its not that - I've, well I've not had much experience." "Well how much experience would you like? Jim and I came here to fuck and fuck is what we're going to do - you can join in if you like." Her tone changes "Jim lock that door, get your clothes off and get over here. I need fucked badly." "How about I fuck you good - I don't do bad!" I quip. "Oh you know what I mean! Just do it!" As I comply and Cath undresses I can see how wet she already is, wither from anticipation of what is to come or by her seduction of Sheila I know not. And seduction it had been, once more we'd been lucky as Sheila removes her top and pants to join me feasting on Cath's tits. Her hand joins mine as I caress Cath's inner folds. "That's right Sheila. Feel how soft I am. Experience the glories of another girl's body. Go as deep as you like. I'm not a virgin. Jim saw to that yesterday - he can see to yours today if you like. Now watch while we fuck." Cath's voice seems to have a hypnotic effect on Sheila. Slowly she moves away as Cath positions her bum on the workbench, arching her back to rest her elbows on the bench, spreading her legs wide. I move in to stand between them - fucking standing up seems to be the order of the day - and press forward, my knob leading the way. "Now watch as his cock stretches my pussy lips. Think how that would feel for you Sheila. Ah" she mumbles keeping the litany going as I enter her, going full depth on the first stroke "Ah ah! That feels so good. He feels so good in me, so big. I can feel my cunt walls stretching to take his big cock Sheila. I can feel his knob against the opening of my womb. Ah I'm coming, I'm coming." Cath has turned herself on so completely describing everything to Sheila that she has lasted only a few strokes before her orgasm hit her but I need more so I keep pumping in and out making full use of my length. Cath's mumbles are now incoherent as she writhes about below me, orgasms hitting her now and again. As I come Cath pulls me out. "Taste him - taste Jim's cock." Sheila seems helpless to resist and kneels down in front of me taking my knob in her mouth while Cath jerks on my cock to keep me coming. As sperm begins to leak from Sheila's mouth Cath commands her to swallow it. She swallows so hard that my whole cock is pulled into her mouth and into her throat. Sheila gags in surprise and pulls me out but then goes straight back down on me again taking my length down her throat in a much more controlled manner. She starts to bob. "That's it. Doesn't he taste good. Imagine how that would feel in your puss!" Cath begins cooing again. She's turning me on as well and soon I begin to pump more seed into Sheila's tight throat as I come again. "Yeah, give it to her Jim. Swallow the lot Sheila - there's virtually no calories and its fat free! Now is he done? Yes - well come and eat out my cunt - suck his load from me!" Sheila turns to Cath as I withdraw, lapping at her pussy like a demon. Inexperienced? Well, like all of us had yesterday she was learning fast! I move behind Sheila ready to take advantage as my cock reawakens. "Not so fast Jim" Cath warns "I want to see you fuck Sheila at least as much as Shona wanted to see you fuck me yesterday. Just watch for a few minutes can't you?" I sit back to await my turn with Sheila which I know will surely come (! - both of us I hope). Sheila sucks Cath out making her come quite hard and then rolls over onto her back positioning herself on the bench beside Cath. "I think I'm ready now." she says quietly. "Ready for what?" Cath demands. "Ready for Jim to fuck me now." she responds in a small voice. "Louder Sheila! I don't think Jim can hear you." Cath teases. "FUCK ME JIM" she bellows "take my virginity. I want to feel your cock in me!" "Hush!" I say "D'you you want the whole school to know what's happening?" "I don't care - they can all come and watch if they like. Just do it!" So I ease forward, pausing only to kiss her twat, her bush quite full unlike my previous partners, and then gently part her pussy lips with my knob. "Yes Jim yes" Cath takes up her mantra "Come on push a little harder." She is down below us, watching closely as my knob slides in finding her hymen delicately resisting. "You OK." I ask concerned. "Of course she is Jim! Wasn't I? Wasn't Shona? Wasn't Dot?" Cath demands. "Fuck her - get that big prick of yours up her lovely tight hole!" What sort of demon had I unleashed? I remember her own doubts from only the previous day! I press forwards and Sheila responds, thrusting forward to meet me and soon we are enjoying each others' bodies, her pain replaced by the joy of her fullness as she takes all of me, her cunt tight around me. "That's it Sheila. Doesn't it feel good? How tight is she Jim? Come on, fuck her properly! Let me see your cock slide in and out of her." Cath demands ever more frantically. As I set up a motion fucking Sheila as Cath wants, I feel her tongue laving at my cock and balls, exploring Sheila's pussy lips stretched as they are to take me in this her first fuck. Sheila is wonderfully tight, her cunt compressing my cock as I fuck her. Soon she loses herself in her first orgasm but again I'm not ready to surrender my seed to her yet so I continue to pump in and out until she explodes into a second orgasm and my balls tighten to give her her reward. She feels divine around me as I slowly lose pace having given her my all. "Oh Sheila" Cath continues - I am aware she has been calling the shots to Sheila all through our coupling but the words had been lost on me - I had been enjoying myself too much putting the fifth notch on my belt as it were - "did it feel as good for you as it did for me the first time? It was a real turn on to see you fucked, to see your cunt stretched like that. Now turn over and let him fuck your bum too - that's nearly as good." Sheila seems powerless to resist Cath's commands as she rolls over to expose her arse. Cath licks at her anus rimming her and making her come before motioning me over. "Want to feel a cock in your arse?" she starts. I see an almost imperceptible nod and Cath positions me, my knob rubbing at Sheila's arse hole. Up till now my anal experience had been mixed, all most enjoyable but the type of penetration had been different, almost accidental with Shona, gentle with Dot, a bit more forceful with Cath (at her insistence), almost downright violent with Eileen. Gently does it I decide and push forward slowly breaking her anal ring as my knob slips inside. "Yes, Jim yes! Give her more, give her more of your lovely big cock. Make her squeal!" Cath continues but I hold back until Sheila relaxes and starts pushing back at me for more before I push forward again. Soon she has my full length in her, wiggling her arse, causing quite amazing sensations on my cock as she adjusts to the fullness. I then begin to fuck her properly, taking longer and longer strokes as I increase the pace. Cath is no longer calling her mantra, her mouth too busy on Sheila's cunt and my balls as she lies below us. Finally I feel her slip a slim finger in Sheila's puss. That does it for both of us. Sheila gasps out a mighty orgasm, her anus clamping down hard on me as she does so, squeezing me so hard that my sperm is forced out in an almost painfully constricted stream. As we sort out our tangle of bodies I look at the time. It is almost lunchtime - we'd been at it for more than an hour and a quarter! "I have to go." I say "I'm meant to be meeting Shona at lunch time - she'll probably chop my dick off if I stand her up." As I dress hurriedly I tell Sheila how good she'd been for me, how tight her puss and arse were and ask if she had had a good time. "You bet I did! I suppose I was, well, just unsure about everything. You, and you Cath, have made my first time something else." she assures me. I notice the girls aren't dressing. "Aren't you two finished?" I tease. "Don't think so, are we Cath" Sheila asks. "I'm sure you've got a few more tricks to teach me over lunch." Cath hugs her and caresses her breast. "I'm sure I can think of something." Cath says rising to let me out of the darkroom and make sure the door is locked again. I hug each of them one last time and then I'm gone, off to find Shona. She is waiting at the school gate. "Where have you been?" she asks impatiently. "Why did you miss the last two periods? I thought it was meant just to be a quicky with Cath?" I gather she is peeved but as we walk down the road and I recount the tale, her features soften until she is smiling. "Sheila eh? I've been trying to get into her knickers all term - I'd decided she wasn't interested in girls. You'll have to introduce me sometime." "I think by the time Cath is finished with her Sheila'll be up for anything. You should have heard Cath all through - Sheila seemed to have to do everything Cath told her - I think we got a sex monster on our hands there!" I tell her. "Who?" she rejoins "Cath or Sheila?" "Cath I mean. I think Sheila could be quite submissive." "Good, I like a submissive girl!" Shona exclaims without offering further explanation. She continues "Well for my part at break I managed a rather hot 69 with Dot in the changing room - its so good to feel her tongue and fingers in my pussy after all this time. She says I'll still have to fag her after hockey and everything otherwise someone could become suspicious but when we're alone anything goes. By the way she wants you to met her in the changing room at afternoon break. Mind if I tag along? You're not safe to be let out alone it seems!" By this time we're nearly at Shona's house and catching up on another girl from our year. "Joyce. Joyce wait for us." The girl stops. "Hi Shona!" she says cheerily. "What's doing?" "Well Jim and I are going in for a fuck. Want to join us?" Shona asks her matter-of-factly, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Sure!" Joyce laughs back thinking her to be joking I'm sure. Shona takes her arm and leads her into the house, up the stairs and into her bedroom. I follow on making sure the front door is firmly closed and locked today. By the time I get there Shona is already stripping. Joyce is standing opened mouthed. "Come on Joycy!" Shona implores her. "We've only got an hour and you can't fuck with your clothes on. Well you can but its much better without. Isn't it Jim?" "You mean you two have actually done it before?" Joyce stutters. "Sure. Yesterday and before school this morning - that was the clothes on time. I've lost count of the number of times he's had his big, thick cock up my puss. Seven? Eight? It doesn't really matter. And my arse and mouth. You wouldn't believe the number of times I came or how hard! And you wouldn't believe how good it is to watch him fucking other girls - and join in. Well I find it a turn on anyway, perhaps you don't?" Shona gushes. "I've never seen anyone do it. What other girls?" Joyce is obviously intrigued. "In order? Dot Black, yes don't look so surprised. Dot Black, Hutch and my sister Eileen and this morning I believe he's added Sheila Weir, the lab assistant, to his tally but I didn't see that." Shona counts off, obviously enjoying the look on Joyce's face. Shona and I are now fully striped, my cock hard ready for action. Without another moment's hesitation, Joyce hurries to shuck off her clothes. She is slim, almost boyish, and short, maybe two inches smaller than Shona, with mousy coloured hair cut in a fairly short bob. As she strips, she reveals quite little tits, no more than an AA cup but not exactly flat chested, in fact they look just right for chewing on - bit sized you might say. I move closer and kiss Joyce's mouth cupping her breast in my hand as I do so as Shona helps her out of her knickers, her hand caressing the inside of Joyce's thighs on the return journey. "Can I kiss your nipples? I ask as I caress the softness of her tits. "Yes!" Joyce breathes almost inaudibly. I lower her on to the centre of the bed and lie down beside her, kissing first one nipple and then the other until they are fully engorged and then I suck her tit into my mouth, taking it all, while my hand explores the other, caressing and kneading softly. Shona pushes my hand away and replaces it with her mouth mimicking my actions. "Oh Shona, you know I love you doing that! I've never had both done at the same time before." Joyce's breath is getting ever shorter. My hand creeps down her short body until I find her clit which needs little stimulation before she comes. Shona rolls away. "Your tits are coming on nicely Joycy! Very tasty. Ready for your first fuck then? Or do you want to see me go first?" "Does it get any better? That was fantastic. I've never known the like!" Joyce asks incredulously. "You better believe it girl! I think you should go first. Its not fair to keep you in suspense not knowing how good it is." Shona offers. "OK!" Joyce turns to me. "Let's see if she's right then." "No complaints so far." I tell her moving between her legs which she throws wide apart. She reaches out, running her finger over the top of my knob making it tingle, before guiding it to her puss. "Just remember I've never done this before. OK?" Joyce asks. "OK, don't worry. Shona's right - you'll love it." I assure her. "Or certainly the others have" I add silently to myself. I don't suppose every girl's first time can be good. I am going to do my damnest for Joyce (and any of her other girlfriends that Shona connives to line me up with). I press slightly into her, her puss sodden with her own juices from her earlier climax, feeling that almost familiar resistance of a virgin puss. She presses up in equal measure to me bearing down and soon I'm through. Joyce gasps but immediately sets up a fucking motion with her hips taking me deeper and deeper until my whole length is being encased in the wonderful tightness of her cunt with each stroke. For once, Shona seems content to lie back watching, just watching, not so much as playing with herself, as Joyce and I go at each other, she rising in time with me to meet my strokes and falling again as I pull out making the tempo fast and furious. Joyce's breathing hardly changes and she doesn't make a sound but I begin to feel her cunt clamp down on me as we stroke milking me in a similar way to Shona in her orgasm. My balls react by beginning to pump their load into her depths making my cock jump within her. Convinced she'd yet to come I keep on pumping although she was no longer moving with me. "Stop Jim stop" Joyce yells. "If I come again I'm sure I'll die." "You did come then?" I am puzzled. "I thought you hadn't. You didn't show much sign." "Didn't you feel my cunt on your cock? I was coming every time that happened. Guess I'm not very demonstrative, am I Shona?" she asks Shona. "Definitely not." A look passes between them - one more thing unexplained I feel. "Now let me lick Jim's load from your tender little puss while you tell me how it was for you." I move out of the way and Shona kneels between her friend's legs. Just prior to lowering her head to Joyce's puss she instructs me. "And you Jim get round behind me and fuck me. No watching for you, time's too short. Do me hard, no pussyfooting about. OK?" "OK. Cunt or arse?" I ask. "Either, both! Just do it!" she implores, her words slightly muffled by Joyce's legs around her head she already having started her self-appointed task. Puss, I decide and push my full length into her in one go forcing her deep into Joyce who is lying calmly telling us how good she felt taking my cock deep, how her hymen had caused her almost no pain, how wonderful her orgasms had been for her, asking Shona if she came the same way as she'd heard a lot of girls come in a single shot and saying she was glad she wasn't a virgin any more. She talks quite rationally and almost without emotion while Shona eats her out and I fuck Shona with long pounding strokes, its only when she says "Thank you Shona" in a couple of inappropriate places I begin to wonder if something more is going on. I am too busy flailing away at Shona's puss to worry. Shona is now climaxing, gasping her orgasm into Joyce's cunt with every stroke. I pull out not long before I judge I'll come and ram forward again, taking Shona's rear. Well, she did say both and she did say hard! She doesn't miss a stroke in her orgasm as I pound in and out my own climax coming after another couple of minutes, my load crashing down the length of my engorged cock into her tight rear. As I pull out I notice Shona continues to lap at Joyce's cunt and not until I hear "Thank you Shona" again does she stop. I'm about to say something but Shona stops me. "Get dressed. We can talk on the way back to school!" Soon we are on our way. "Why did you decide to sit and watch Shona? You normally like to join in." I comment. "Yes" she agrees "but it was something Eileen said last night about watching being a passive thing - I decided to try it and I must say it was brill watching the two of you go at each other, concentrating on the detail of your cock moving in her cunt, watching her pussy lips stretch, trying to catch Joyce out..." "Catch Joyce out? Is this anything to do with the 'Thank you Shona' bit Joyce when Shona was eating your puss?" I ask my curiosity getting the better of me as ever. It is Shona who answers "its a game we play at school. The girl being pleasured, either by mouth or hand is not allowed to say anything, no moans, no sighs and definitely no squirming! The only thing she is allowed to do is say thank you to whoever is pleasing her if - when - she comes!" "So you came three times? Right Joyce?" I catch on quick. "Right." "But how can you manage to go on talking like that while all that is happening?" Again Shona answers "Oh Joyce is unofficial second year, no make that school champion. Nerves of steel I think. I'm no good myself, not as vocal as some though." I think of Dot yesterday "but not in Joyce's league! Half those squeals and squeaks you hear in class from the girls' tables are because of folk playing. I've even managed to eat Joyce out in class, haven't I?, without her uttering a noise except to answer the teacher's questions - that gets bonus points! Only trouble is a round consists of the two players doing each other in turn so that's why I'm always in trouble for making noise in class." "Is that why you were so quiet with me Joyce?" I ask. "No that just sort of happened. Just the natural me I guess." Joyce shrugs. "Don't remember you saying thank you though!" I joke. "Thank you Jim. Thank you Jim. Thank you Jim. Thank you Jim. Thank you Jim. Thank you Jim." she starts "Thank you Jim. God how many times did I come?" "OK, OK! As long as you had a good time! " I interrupt. Looking round to make sure no one can see - I'm not her boyfriend after all - she gives me a big hug. "It was wonderful Jim, truly it was. You'll need to teach me that arse trick sometime though, sometime soon." I turn to Shona. "And what about the submissive bit Miss Campbell?" I go on but we are already at school. "That'll have to wait. See you at break" she says going of with Joyce to join a group their friends as the bell goes. My mind spinning with all the new twists I've learned and suspect I go off to class and manage to actually do some work in the two periods before the next break when I sneak down to the girls' changing room meeting Shona on the way. "How to you feel?" she asks "My puss and arse are still tingling. I think I like it hard." "I think you like it anyway you can get it!" I exclaim perhaps a little meanly. "You could be right." She says with a mock-coy smile. "Wasn't Joyce the best?" "Wasn't she? She really didn't know you meant what you said at the gate, did she?" I reply. "No, but she soon cottoned on. Did you notice us playing in the art class just now? Joyce won of course even though I tried every trick in the book. She went first caressing my pussy lips and frigging my clit as per usual but she soon had me squealing as I came. I went next and even when I was three fingers deep in her cunt - definitely not allowed, we're all supposed to be virgins remember - not a sound did she make. I actually think she came two or three times before she eventually said thank you. I suppose that's sort of cheating but in a class game like that the 'thank you' ends the round so its a sort of reverse cheating. I think she was just enjoying herself too much to want me to stop." By now we are at the changing room and carefully go inside. Dot is waiting. "Hi Jim! Shona! Glad you came, that might make things easier." I am not sure what she means but I am uneasy. "Dot" I start "I'm not sure about this. If I get caught here let alone with my trousers down as they say I'll be for the high jump." "I know - that's why we need to make this a 'safe haven' just like you and Cath have managed with the darkroom - or so I hear." Dot says puzzling me even more. "Both of you come with me." She promptly marches along to Miss Maclean's office. I begin to panic - is Dot going to turn us in? "Don't worry." she assures us knocking on the office door. "Come in" is the reply from the other side and as the door opens Miss Maclean's face lifts from her paper work and she smiles first seeing only Dot and Shona. She frowns when she spots me hanging at the rear. I'm in two minds wither to run! "Yes can I help you?" Now where have I heard that somewhere before? "Wendy" Dot starts. "Miss Maclean please." 'Wendy' says indicating me. "Oh don't worry about him - he has the most fantastic cock! Hasn't he Shona?" Dot continues unabashed. Shona nods. "Long, thick and he can keep it up forever given a little encouragement! I know you've told both Shona and I you don't believe in penetration sex but we're here to change your mind! Jim and Shona became lovers yesterday and then I walked in on them. Before long Jim had my virginity too - he is SO good to have inside you, believe me. Doesn't matter which hole really cunt, arse, throat - its all wonderful." I can see Wendy's mind racing. "Well then if my two star pupils tell me so I'd better at least try once! Lock the door please." Wendy is obviously easily persuaded, perhaps she doesn't want to lose her 'star' pupils especially so soon after having given into Shona's charms or perhaps she hopes to turn the situation to her own advantage but anyhow she stands to remove her one piece Lycra costume and continues "I want you all to strip and then for you, Jim?, to do whatever you do to first Dot and then Shona. If I like what I see I'll join in, otherwise I'll call stop and the matter shall go no further except that you two young ladies will have to report here regularly for punishment. Agreed?" The submissive thing again? But I'd have put Shona more dominant than submissive. She'd certainly taken charge of me at the start of yesterday's 'orgy' and of Dot when she discovered us, even today Joyce was only too willing to be told what to do by her. "Oh I don't think so!" Shona smiles at her sweetly "If you don't do what I say I'll go straight to the headmaster and cry rape. It is legally possible for a girl to be raped by a girl you know and, of course, you know, and knew at the time, I'm under age. Might not be able to prove anything happened but mud sticks." Game, set and match Miss Campbell. "Now suck his cock and when your quite ready fuck him!" Shona commands. Strangely I can see Wendy respond to this monologue - perhaps she too likes to be submissive but her position in the school, her being a teacher and older, made this difficult or at least unexpected. Having stripped I lie back over her desk and offer Wendy my cock. With only a little encouragement from Shona, unlike Cath's constant commands to Sheila earlier in the day, Wendy begins to kiss and lick at my knob before slipping a few inches of my shaft into her mouth, sliding slowly up and down, deeper and deeper. Satisfied Wendy is going to do the job fine, Shona slides down and, lying on the floor below her, begins to lap at the juices rising in her cunt. Dot kneels down and applies her mouth to Shona's savoury slit - which I'm sure is the best I've ever tasted. First time is the best time? Who knows? I'm only sorry that within the confines of the office I'm unable to lick Dot's cunt. One for the 'to do' list next time I get together with two or three girls - make a complete circle! Or even a 69 eating the girl's cunt as she deep throats me. I thrust deeper into Wendy sliding into the confines of her throat, holding her head down on me for a moment before letting her withdraw. Up, down, up, down. Although I'm sure its the first time that she'd done this, she certainly has the right idea. In no time three of us come almost together, me shooting come down Wendy's tight gullet, she in Shona's mouth and Shona in Dot's. This leaves Dot moaning in frustration but help is at hand. No way is my dick going to be satisfied with just a blow job however good so I help Dot up on to the desk where I'd been and thrust into her very wet puss. She moans loudly - she'd never win Shona's game, whatever they called it - gyrating wildly as she thrusts back up at me, calling out her orgasm before collapsing back on the desk spent. "Your turn now Wendy!" Shona commands. "I can wait. How would you like it? Doggy style from the back? Yes? Kneel up on the desk then." I thrust into her forgetting her views on penetration sex, feeling her hymen pop before my balls lap off her pussy lips all on the same stroke. "Grief! Oh!! All right Shona. You're forgiven - no punishment exercises for you. Ahh! I don't think I could take another millimetre - its the breadth more than the length! You feel so good Jim. Just how big are you?" "Shona and her sister measured fourteen inches long and eight inches round at the base" I confide "but I think they were exaggerating!" "Were not!" Shona exclaims. "Feels good doesn't it Wendy?" Wendy moans out an affirmative as I begin to slide in and out and she slowly starts to push back against me. I reach round for her luscious tits, much bigger than those of any of my previous partners, even Dot's, especially hanging down beneath her as they are right now, and roll her half inch long nipples between my fingers making her moan louder before I grab her flesh and firmly begin to knead her mounds together as the pace of our thrusting increases raising Wendy's noise level considerably. Another loser in 'The Game'? "Hush", I tell her "or you'll have someone in on us!" This calms her down and she manages to reduce herself to a low moan as we continue thrusting together. Dot meantime has collapsed onto a chair, her legs akimbo, Shona kneeling between them lapping away at her cunt bringing her off again forcing Dot to yield up my load into her mouth. Shona looks up licking her lips. Does that girl like the taste of my sperm or what? However she doesn't mind sharing the taste as she moves to give Dot a long sloppy kiss, sperm trailing off their tongues and down their chins. I withdraw from Wendy just for the sheer joy of parting her pussy lips again and sliding full length into her. She obviously likes this as much as I do, arching her back in pleasure. A couple of repeats brings her to a huge long drawn out climax, her cunt tightening and tightening on my dick. Sensing her to be what Joyce had described as the 'single shot' type I pull out. "I'm going to do your arse now." I tell her. "Are you ready for that?" "Yes, yes. I want to know everything. I want to feel everything!" she begs. "What happened to the 'lesbian through and through'?" I think as I reposition my cock against her puckering anus and push forward feeling her relax and her anus expand until my knob is embedded in her arse. "OK?" I ask with my usual concern at this stage. "its a bit sore but its a kind of sore I want more of. Go deeper Jim" Wendy implores. I push slowly into her resistance, feeling her back passage expand grudgingly around me, until suddenly she gives a little yelp. "That's enough. Don't go any deeper - I can't take you any deeper!" "Don't worry - I've no more to give. You've taken all of me Wendy. Feel my balls against your pussy." I reassure her. "Have I?" she reaches underneath herself to find I'm telling the truth. "I have, haven't I?" She begins to roll her hips and contract her arse muscles as she explores making me gasp. "Much more of that and I'll shoot my load!" "What's wrong with that?" she asks. "Nothing - except I want to fuck your arse some first. I want to enjoy your tight rectum against my cock." So saying I being to slowly pull back until I'm almost out of her and then push forward again. "Like that?" I ask continuing the motion as she pushes back in time still rolling her hips slightly. "Mum-um" she considers "its quite different to my puss. it's so hot in my arse. I feel so stretched. Keep going Jim. I think I'll come again if you keep going - no one's ever made me come twice in row before." So encouraged I continue with ever quicker strokes. When I'd first gone to fuck Wendy's arse I'd had to move my hands from massaging her tits to hold her by the hips, steadying her as I pushed in and now Shona and Dot had taken up position on the desk either side of Wendy, underneath her, paperwork scattered asunder, working on one tit each, now licking and kissing, now biting at her nipples, now drawing as much of the ample mounds into their mouths as they could, while working at their own pussies with their hands. Dot simply frigging her clit while, from what I could see, Shona had nearly her whole hand up herself, saved only by her thumb which she is using to massage her clit. Wendy's breath is coming in low rasping gasps now and I feel my orgasm not too far away. "Oh Jim, come in my arse. I'm going to come soon. Come with me. Come in my arse." Wendy chants disappearing over the edge into her orgasm as my balls tighten and the pump once more cuts in making my cock twitch in her arse as she is filled by my cream. As I withdraw, Wendy collapses down beside Dot and Shona, unable to speak for the moment. Dot flings an arm around Wendy to cuddle her but Shona jumps down from the desk, pushing me into a chair as she does so. She bends down to my cock. "Where do you think you're going?" she asks talking directly to my half-hard cock. "You've still to show Miss Maclean Shona's tight pussy taking cock." Talking over her shoulder, she adds "You'd like that Wendy, wouldn't you. You'd like to see my 'smooth hairless puss' taking cock. Wouldn't you?" The thought of being in Shona's beautiful cunt once more is enough to make him rise again even before Shona nibbles gently at my foreskin, teasing him to a full erection once more. Recovering slightly, Wendy raises herself slightly off the desk so that she can see where we are and manages to reply "Yes Shona. I would." She sounds slightly surprised at herself, but given her recently shattered views on penetration sex perhaps she is! Shona flashes her coy smile, head to one side and then straddles my body, her back to my chest, holding her pussy lips clear of my cock. She grasps my shaft and lowering herself slightly, slides my knob along her crack, teasing both me and Wendy. "Now you see it, now you don't." Shona says as she sits down hard on me taking my length into her velvet puss in one swift action until all that can be seen is my balls. It is Wendy who gasps as is she herself had been penetrated. "Thought you'd like that." Shona tells Wendy. "Now come and feel Jim's cock in me. Feel how stretched my pussy lips are as I take that monster cock in me. You can kiss my pussy if you like." I am right, Shona did like to dominate despite being the youngest. It is probably the main reason she doesn't like fagging - a more submissive girl would love it, love exploring an older girl's body. Assuming she is into girls that is but to my surprise they all seem to be! Shona stays still, my cock firmly implanted as Wendy explores first with her hand and then with her mouth at one point sucking my balls into her mouth and making me gasp. "That's enough." Shona commands. "Now come and kiss me and let me feel those huge tits of yours." As the girls' bodies come together Shona begins to rise and fall on me and I do my best to thrust back but the chair is unyielding and the combined weight of the two girls on my lap makes it difficult so Shona motions me not to try. The two girls rise and fall together kissing deeply, hands exploring each others tits, the contrast stark. Shona with her pert little 'fledgling' mounds, Wendy a full grown woman with full grown tits. Shona breaks the kiss to whisper something in Wendy's ear. Wendy stifles a little giggle and nods before the kiss resumes. There is no question of Shona 'doing a switch' like she had with Dot the day before - Wendy has had her turn and now Shona is on for the ride - so I can only wonder what is going on. Ride Shona does - like a veritable bucking bronco - until she is gasping her orgasm into Wendy's mouth with every round trip on my dick, the kiss never breaking. Soon I am not far of coming but before I do, first Wendy stands up and then Shona does too pulling me out of her. Figuring Shona wants me to come in her arse, I try to reposition myself. "No you don't." she says avoiding. "But Shona, I've not come yet!" I implore indicating my dick "I was so close!" "I'll tell you when you can come." she snaps. I reach to her and slap her bum cheek firmly but not too hard. "Don't try that dominance thing with me!" She face reddens (as well as her bum cheek, a fine imprint of my hand appearing) but she is smiling. "OK Jim. I'm sorry but what I'd really like you to do is tit-fuck Wendy. I want you to come on her chest so I can lick your cum off those gorgeous big tits of hers. I guess I should have asked. Will you do that for me?" she wheedles. "Then you'll need to pay some attention to Dot - she's really only had a quicky." she adds brightly. I consider. "OK" I agree "but you'll need to lie on the floor Wendy - the desk's too awkward." Wendy lies down and presses her tits together making a tunnel at the base where they meet. I position myself over her with Shona's help and slide my knob up between them. It is surprisingly soft and tight although it is perhaps a good job that my prick is still well lubed from Shona's orgasms otherwise the friction of the skin to skin contact might have been too much. As I slide forward my knob slips out of the top and Wendy bends to kiss it, her tongue flicking over the end. This is better than I'd expected - sort of fuck and blow job combined! I'd just decided that I liked little tits best, tits like those of Shona, Cath and Joyce, tits I could get into my mouth all at once, but now I can see big girls have their advantages too! Variety is the spice of life I suppose. I look up to see Dot watching us, kneading at her own breasts, pushing them together, perhaps wondering if they were big enough to try the same thing? I decide they are and make a mental note to try. Shona is hovering watching, encouraging, waiting to dive in when I come. Having been brought nearly to the boil in Shona's cunt it only takes a few moments of stroking and licking before I do, my cock pulsing as hard as ever, my balls jerking in their tightness, to deliver a full load. Seeing me done Shona pushes me off "Go and see to Dot." she says going, not to lick up my sperm from Wendy's chest but first to spread it out over her giving her an even, glistening coat. "You won't need a shower by the time I'm done with you" she tells Wendy "I'm going to lick you clean. If you don't agree I'll be as submissive as you like from now on and you can give me as much punishment as you like." Shona is in no danger of losing as I turn to Dot. Awkward or not, I climb onto the table beside her and push my cock up between her tits which she is still massaging together. "That feels good Jim." she says softly as if for fear of breaking a spell. I replace her hands with my own gently thumbing her nipples as I press her tits together, the pressure keeping me hard as I recover from my ejaculation of only moments before. I know Dot will want a little more than titillation! After a little I release her tits and stand between her legs pulling her down onto my hard shaft letting her cunt enclose me. "Shona was right - my cunny was feeling a little neglected but not any more." she moans " I love the feel of you in me." I begin to fuck back and forth Dot coming with me, her cunt tight after the tit-fucks. It takes no more than five minutes of this action before she arches her back and comes hard nearly passing out again but when she regains her composure, she lifts her legs onto my shoulders, changing the angle of her body and giving me access to her back door. "Come in my arse Jim. I loved that yesterday and seeing you do Wendy's bum's made me hot to try it again." She reaches down for my shaft and presses my knob against her anus. "Just push. Don't worry, I've done this before." she teases smiling up at me. I push forward into the depths of her back passage, neither pausing nor going anything like as slowly as yesterday. "That's it. Feel me expand around you, feel me grip you!" As Dot says this last bit I bottom out in her and she began to ripple her anal muscles. It is as if she is playing a tune on my cock, the feeling out of this world! She can only keep it up for a little but it is fantastic while it lasts. "Now fuck me, fuck my arse, make me come." I begin to saw in and out of her and reach round for her tits massaging them firmly. Dot begins to pant for breath as she comes again but has to endure another few strokes from me until I'm ready to come. As I do so I feel a ripple against my cock and Dot gasps "Wow!". I finish pumping and pull out. Dot stands and hugs me although she scarce seems able to hold her own weight. "That's never happened before! I came twice with you in my arse - almost in multiple like Shona does. Thank you Jim!" Dot gasps out breathlessly. "Thank you Dot." says I always the gentleman. "It was really good for me too. Guess we'll need to keep practising on the multiple orgasm bit." I tease. We look to the floor where Shona is laving at Wendy's cunt, Wendy thrashing about in orgasm. Seeing us Shona sits up, releasing her prey. "Well Wendy. I'll guarantee that there is not one bit of Jim's sperm left anywhere on or in your body. Not on your tits, not in your puss, not in your arse, not anywhere. Do you agree?" I'm not sure Wendy knows what she is agreeing to but agree she does. Shona smiles at me looking like the cat that ate the canary (perhaps she has - she's eaten everything else!) - no punishment exercises for her. The two girls scramble from the floor and we see the time - school had finished ten minutes before. "Lets get out of here before the Janitor comes to lock up." Wendy implores. We dress and sneak out separately agreeing to meet outside. When we meet I ask Wendy about how she'd enjoyed everything. She said it had been a fantastic experience for her and had certainly changed her views on boys. She said that she'd loved Shona pumping her fingers into her twat and doing the same back, feeling the very inside of her cunt which she never had experienced before ending "If for no other reason any girl who thinks she's a lesbian should sleep with a boy at least once for the experience and to have her hymen broken the proper way!" Profound stuff. "Will the three of you come back to my flat this evening - I want to thank you properly?" Wendy asks. "No, Jim and I have other plans for this evening." Shona tells her but Dot agrees and our two parties go their separate ways. "Other plans? Didn't tell me." I ask as we walk off towards Shona's house. "Did sort of." Shona defends perhaps remembering that slap on the bum I'd given her. I'm not too keen on being dominated but I don't want to dominate either. In my own, inexperienced way, I sort of love Shona - guess I have for months - and want us to go forward as equals. "I did say Eileen was planning to finish work early today and Hutch hopes to come over later after her piano lesson if she can persuade her Mum...." I hug her as we walk. "Don't worry. But I'm not fucking Cath's Mum." "That's not what I meant and you know it!" Shona exclaims indignantly. Actually, Cath's Mum is a very attractive lady - a tall leggy blonde like her daughter and only in her late twenties. I guess she must have had Cath really young. As I ponder the possibilities we arrive back at Shona's. Opening the door Shona calls out "Eileen!". Getting no answer she leads me to her own bedroom saying "Thought she'd be here by now - she's desperate to take up my offer." "Offer?" I query. "You remember - you fuck her, I watch? We lay for ages last night after you'd gone discussing various positions and combos and what we'd liked best..." "Just talked?" "No! Don't be daft! Eileen took my fist deeper than she ever had before - I was in her nearly up to my elbow! Then she got to feel my insides for the first time - someone having dispatched my virginity" she said pointedly rubbing my cock as she undresses me having already gotten out of her own school dress and blouse - I notice that she hadn't bothered with underwear after our session with Dot and Wendy. "And what do you like?" I enquire of her as we lie down on the bed together naked. "Oh! Anything. Everything. I like your cock in my puss, my throat, my arse. I like watching you with other girls - and joining in! I like the feel of another girl, her tits, her puss, especially the inside! I like pumping my fingers into her cunt and having her, or you, do the same to me. I like...everything" she finished lamely before brightening "I can even get my fist in my own cunt, but not too deeply - the angle is all wrong. Look!" Shona proceeds to demonstrate balling her right hand into a fist and proceeding to push it between her pussy lips which are still swollen from this afternoon's antics until all I can see is the base of her thumb and wrist. "That's as much as I can manage." Demonstration over she lies back and fishes under the bed for a magazine. "I want you to fuck me like that!" she says "it's called the 'Ancient Roman' according to this." She shows me a picture of a couple fucking - my eyes pop! It's a real hard core mag, something I'd never seen before. The young couple are lying on their sides facing the camera, the girl with her back to the stud holding one leg in the air with the guy's cock embedded in her puss. "I think you'd be able to get quite deep in me and to would be a good position for you to get my tits at the same time." "Sure, I think we can manage that. But first tell me where you got this." I indicate the mag and start to look through. The text, what there is of it, is in German and the title translates to something like 'School Maidens'. Well, perhaps that is too literal - nothing maiden about these girls although they certainly all look fresh from school. There are six or so photos sets in the mag of girls and guys sucking and fucking in various combinations always ending with the guy (or guys) coming on the girl's (or girls') face or pert little tits, never in their lightly downed or shaven pussies. One particular photo takes my attention. In it the young looking girl is fucking two guys at the same time, one each in cunt and arse while sucking at a second girl's puss. I pass the mag back to Shona indicating the picture. "There's one for you." I comment. Shona takes the mag and examines the picture closely. "This belongs to Mum and Dad - they've got hundreds, all different sorts but I like this series because the girls don't look much older than me and my friends. They will be of course, even in Germany and Holland they have laws. They've got videos too - we can watch one later if you like." She looks again at the picture "Don't fancy that much though - well, I do fancy having both holes filled at once, but I don't fancy getting another bloke involved..." "So I can have sex with as many of your girlfriends as you can lay your hands on" I conjecture "but you're a one man girl? Is that what you're saying?" "More or less" Shona concedes "besides anyone else wouldn't be as big as you or be able to keep it up so long. What I want is this" she fishes out another mag open at an advert thankfully in English. "I've already ordered one by phone using Mum's credit card." I read, my jaw dropping further with each line. "Make a penis kit" it started "Make a perfect copy of your own erect organ using a fully reusable mould. Make two, make dozens - the perfect gift for your girlfriend(s). A perfect firm latex copy every time. Guaranteed." "Won't your Mum notice?" is all I can manage. "Naw, they buy all their sex stuff like that. All I have to do is get to the mail first which shouldn't be a problem as they are always out when it comes. In the meantime I've borrowed this from Mum - not that she knows of course." she calmly assures me as she fishes under the bed once more this time producing some sort of two-headed rubber cock. Shona laughs as I stare. "Its a double ended dildo" she informs me "Not as long or thick as you but we'll have some fun with it and Eileen when she finally appears." She rolls over onto her side and pulls one leg into the air mimicking the girl in the first picture. "Come on" she smiles to me "let's see if this works." "What a an incredible, insatiable girl!" I think rolling into position ready to try. "Anything goes as long as it doesn't involve another male!" I push forward into her wasting no time in giving her my all. "Mumm that feels good. Quite a different sensation at this angle." she muses as she tests her muscles against my shaft, tightening and shortening on me. I pull back again and reach round for her firm, little tits but she slips out away from me going to the door. "Shona! I implore. "Shush! Come on." she whispers leading me out into the hallway to another door. I can hear now what Shona must have heard, soft low moans of passion. Eileen and John? Then a voice can be heard, a female voice "That feels so good Eileen. Don't stop." Shona and I look at each other and then Shona softly pushes the ajar door open. We are greeted by the sight of Eileen sixty-nineing another girl. Eileen is on top facing way, her cunt lips being laved by her unknown partner. "Go on give her a little surprise." Shona whispers indicating my frustrated cock and her sister's puffy lips. I need no encouragement and moving swiftly into the room stuff my cock right into Eileen's puss in one single action - no time for subtlety, I need some relieve now! Eileen and her girlfriend shriek in surprise. "Jim! God does that feel good! I've been waiting for that all day." Eileen cries out as she recovers from her initial surprise and comes on me hard. "Angie, don't stop. Eat me while we fuck. Lick his cock and balls. Didn't believe me when I said he was so big did you?" Eileen returns her attentions to her friend's cunt as I fuck her from behind feeling her girlfriend's lips and tongue all over us. As she sucks my balls into her mouth they tighten and pump my jism into Eileen who feeling the first spurt hit her cervix comes to her own climax with shattering intensity collapsing on top of Angie. As I withdraw and the two girls sort themselves out Shona calls to me "Come on Jim, we've got some unfinished business!" She is lying on a second bed in the room, on her side, leg in the air back in the same position as the girl in the porn book. I move over to her and slide into her still oh so beautifully tight cunt but she is at least ten times wetter than when I first taken up the position with her not so long before. I hadn't noticed but she must have gotten herself off while watching me fuck her sister. As I start to slide gently in and out fondling her tits as I do so, Shona asks grinning "Get a fright Sis?" "Well more a wonderful surprise really." Eileen replies, she and Angie settling back on Eileen's king size bed to watch the show. "This is Angela, Angie. Don't think you two know her. She works beside me. Her family only just moved to town." Angie's eyes are wide, feasting on the sight before her - I don't think she'd ever seen anyone else fucking. Shona had been right, the 'Ancient Roman' does allow a deep penetration and I am able to slide my right arm under her body to caress her tits. She finds that by varying the angle of her upper leg she can vary the sensation by adjusting the pressure on my shaft and finally settles for crooking her knee, her foot flat on the bed. Feels good to me! My other hand finds her clit from above driving her into sensory overload making her come after only a few full strokes from my dick. She remains on her high, coming and coming and coming until she can take no more and squirms away from me. She is satiable! This time, having come so recently, I don't mind the interruption, my mind already racing ahead to what variation Shona will come up with next. As we lie there cuddling, my cock rudely protruding from between Shona's legs, Eileen continues the introductions "Angie, this is my horny little sister, Shona, and the one with the monster cock is her boyfriend Jim. What did you think when out little party was interrupted? I came as soon as his cock bottomed out in my cunt..." "I know, I got a full mouthful of your juices, you taste good Eileen." Angie interrupts. "... and then with your mouth going everywhere I just came so hard when I felt Jim begin to shoot in to me. What did you think? And then watching Jim and Shona?" "I've never seen people do things like that before..." Angie starts. "Tell the truth Angie! Until I seduced you in the showers at the health club last week the sum total of your sexual experience had been zilch! Nothing, zero, zip!" Eileen exclaims. Angie goes bright red! She has to agree that Eileen is right, she had only ever experienced any sort of sex with Eileen. She relates how only a few days a ago after a game of squash Eileen had come up to her in the shower offering to wash her hair, little knowing it was really her pussy hair Eileen had her sights set on! After lathering her hair, Eileen had reached round to Angie's tits and began lathering them. At first apparently Angie had told her to stop and tried to move away until the fire Eileen was igniting became too great to resist and soon she was lying back against Eileen's body giving her free reign until she turned and started to reciprocate beginning to timidly explore Eileen's body. Again apparently, the two of them had managed to make out at least once a day since culminating in today when Eileen had persuaded her to come back to her house and try 'this wonderful stud' her young sister had found. The two of them had been going hard at it when Shona I had arrived back and never heard us come in. "So never been with a boy before?" Shona asks Angie her eyes twinkling. "What age are you?" "Sixteen. Just started work at the factory with your sister." "Sixteen! Far too old never to have had sex - even just with a girl." Shona put emphasis on the 'just'. "How do you fancy this then?" she strokes my cock, which sticking out between her legs looks as if it might well have been her own. "Think I'd like it fine" she says lust coming to her eyes. "Eileen has never come so hard with just me licking out her puss and you looked beautiful in your climax Shona. Your face was so peaceful." "Peaceful? I felt anything but! I hated having to get Jim to stop but I simply couldn't take the pleasure any more, I was coming so hard I could hardly breath! Anyway, think you can finish the job for me?" Shona asks, secretly flattered I think but in truth her face always did look peaceful in orgasm whatever her inner feelings. "I'd like to try the same position as you Shona. Think that's OK for a first time Jim?" Angie asks me. I don't know. I look at Shona who nods. "Yes I'm sure it will be. I certainly liked taking Shona like that." I reply. So Angie lies on her right side and kicks her left leg energetically in the air holding it there without support. "At least those aerobic classes have done something for my muscle tone." she smiles at me. Now that I stop to look, Angie does indeed have what my inexperienced eye perceives to be a well toned body. "You've got a beautifully toned body Angie" Eileen enthuses "that's what attracted me to you in the first place. Your innocence was an added bonus!" "Go on Jim. You need satisfied. Make it good for her!" Shona encourages. Needing no more bidding I switch beds positioning myself behind Angela, pausing to pull her mouth to mine, kissing her fully, drawing her tongue in my mouth, my hand finding her tit as I slide into her slightly, asking "You sure?" before I proceed. "Never surer." she affirms pressing back at me. "It was such a turn on when I saw you fuck Eileen right above my face. Watching you with Shona was even better - she really seems to like having you in her." "You bet she does! Now try for yourself!" I say pressing forward against her tight, resisting hymen. "But doesn't it hurt at first?" "A little maybe at first but it doesn't last I'm told." says I drawing on my widening experience. Where was I now eight? Shona, Dot, Cath, Eileen (not that she had been a virgin except for her arse), Sheila, sweet little Joyce, Wendy. No make that seven. Angie looking set to be my eighth all in less than two days! I push forward. She groans slightly and then I am through into her tight and very wet cunt, taking her deeply. She rocks her hips at me and I start thrusting. She feels so good clamped round my shaft as I explore the depths of her pussy for the first time. Much as I love being with (and in) Shona, I realise that I get quite a thrill from virgin puss - boldly going where no man has gone before! As I stroke quickly bringing Angie to her first vaginally induced orgasm - this girl is hot! - I see Shona pull Eileen up into the same position as Angie, Shona having one end of the dildo stuffed in her cunt and about to go 'Roman' with her sister. Now all four of us are fucking. I reach over Angie to find her clit which I begin to massage as I enjoy her tightness making full use of my length. As I increase tempo Angie comes in a staccato of orgasms each seemingly more intense than the last. Feeling her totally relaxed, I pull out and press my knob against her anus. She is so relaxed that my cock slips in without difficulty although it goes without saying that Angie's back passage is very tight. As I work my cock into her arse, almost withdrawing totally and going deeper on every stroke, Angie moans a low, almost animalistic, growl. When I have only a couple of inches left to give I feel a strange resistance in her arse and figure that is maybe all Angie can take so I stop trying to go deeper and start stroking to this seeming limit, enjoying her tightness but Angie seems to sense that I'm holding back. "Go deeper" she instructs "go deeper Jim. Give me it all. I want to feel your knob as deep in my bowels as you can get it. Come on do it!" What happened to virgin innocence? I pull back and thrust into her as she pushes back, I feel the resistance again but this time manage to push into it eventually getting balls deep in Angie's rear. Angie roars with pleasure as I fuck her rear going full length every stroke but I cannot last long in this paradise. Pumping furiously I drive Angie to her orgasm just as my balls tighten and deliver up their homage into the depths of her arse before we collapse together on the bed. Once I have come round a little I become aware of Shona and Eileen again. While I was enjoying Angie I had known Shona was fucking her sister with the plastic cock as if she were demented but now they had changed positions and roles seem to have reversed. Eileen is underneath, the dildo sticking out from her cunt as she takes the man's role reaming her little sister's arse with the other end. Shona is squatting above Eileen facing away giving me and Angie a full frontal as she rides the dildo. The sight alone is enough to keep me hard - her firm little tits bouncing slightly, juices dripping from her well fucked cunt. She motions me over, lying back on Eileen's chest and pulling her pussy lips open to let me see inside. "Come and fill my other hole Jim. Come and fuck my puss while Eileen fucks my arse." I am on her in an instant. "Can't wait can you?" she smiles "This is going to be so good." She is right. As I slide into her cunt I feel the hardness of the dildo in her arse and once both Eileen and I begin to stroke in and out of Shona at differing rates the feeling is out of this world - sometimes we are both in her to our respective limits, sometimes one is in, the other nearly out, sometimes both are nearly out. Shona is beside herself, coming constantly, writhing between us adding to the variation of motion inside herself. Despite having just come moments before in Angie's arse, the sensations are too great to be resisted for long. I can feel my own orgasm build and soon I am spurting another load of seed into Shona's all devouring little cunt. As our threesome comes apart Angie comes upon Eileen taking the dildo into her cunt and riding herself to orgasm in only a few strokes. Shona and I lie back, cuddling and watching, our hands straying everywhere on each others bodies, as Angie reverses the roles becoming the man for Eileen as she clamps her end of the plastic cock firmly in her cunt and begins to pull the other end out of Eileen's cunt before pushing forward back into her again. Eileen pulls her girlfriend to her and they kiss, their hands simultaneously finding each others' chests. Eileen is soon panting out her climax but the kiss doesn't break until the two girls slump back on the bed still joined at the puss. No one speaks for a while. "Well Angie? What did you think of that then? Who's a little slut taking Jim up your arse with hardly a murmur?" It is Shona who is speaking. "Think of what?" Angie replies dreamily as if lost in another world. "Think of what? Think of what?" Shona is incredulous. "How about your first fuck? Your first anal sex? Being fucked by another girl with a dildo? Fucking another girl with a dildo? Think that covers it unless you want to add watching other people fuck including me getting my puss and arse fucked at the same time?" she catalogues the events of the past while for Angie. "What can I say." Angie starts. "its been quite a couple of hours. The feeling of Jim's cock in me was wicked and then I was so gone after he'd made be come so much, him stuffing it up my bum seemed to be natural. It was even better once I took all of you Jim. Why were you holding back?" I explain about the resistance but she only shrugs before continuing, "Well I don't think it'd resist too much again. I loved watching you fuck Eileen with the dildo and then you taking the dildo in your arse and then with Jim in your cunt too Shona. But..." she trails off. "But what?" Shona prompts. "But what I really liked most was fucking Eileen with the dildo." she blurts out flushing. "I loved that too." Eileen confesses. "I came really, really hard." The two girls kiss again and cuddle really tight while Shona and I exchange quizzical looks. As the embrace breaks, Eileen stands and begins to look round for her clothes. "Sorry to be a party pooper but I'm supposed to be meeting John this evening and if I'm late he'll probably come round here so I'd better go." "Me too." says Angie. "I've got night school tonight." Eileen gingerly feels her puss as she pulls on her knickers. "I suppose I'd better sleep with John tonight but I don't really want to after that. You three certainly know how to give a girl a good seeing to!" "Don't then. Tell him its your period." Shona suggests. "Better still, dump him and come round to my place later. Stay the night if you like, Mum and Dad are on holiday so I'm on my own." Angie flushes again. Eileen kisses her. "Best idea yet! Why don't I do that?" Eileen replies eagerly. "Good. I'll be in about nine. No need to bring a nighty but make sure you bring that dildo!" Angie instructs her. "OK - lets go and raid Mum's toy cupboard before you go." The two girls finish dressing and hand in hand run giggling down stairs to where I presume the 'toy cupboard' lies leaving Shona and I lying together in each others arms, rather surprised by this turn of events. Eventually Shona says "Let's get this room straightened out and then have tea. After that we can watch a film." So we do that managing to leave Eileen's room looking reasonably tidy and not as if an orgy had just taken place and go down stairs to the kitchen never bothering to dress. "Pizza OK?" Shona asks looking to see what was in the fridge. Shona's folks had recently taken over a pub and restaurant business in the town. This currently had two advantages, one that they worked long hours leaving early in the morning to see to the ordering etc. for that day and then long into the night as cook/bottle washer/barman/mine host trying to make a go of the place giving Shona and I plenty of time to be together (more or less) alone and, two, there is always plenty of food in the fridge. Shona soon has the pizza heated up in the microwave and as we sit eating we discuss Eileen and Angie. Shona concludes Eileen always had preferred girls and probably only went with John for appearances and that at least Angie 'had had her hymen properly broken' as Wendy had put it earlier in the day! Dumping the dishes into the sink, we go next door where Shona switches on the TV and starts a video running. "You'll like this." she says mysteriously as she settles down next to me on the sofa, her head in my lap. With no intro the scene is of four people in a hot tub. The two guys are white and probably in their early twenties but the two girls look oriental and really quite young. "Don't know where Mum and Dad got this but I reckon the girls are Thai prostitutes which means they probably are as young as they look." Shona whispers already engrossed. The two girls are soaping their partners paying special attention to their cocks and balls, experienced hands bringing the guys' dicks up to attention. The girls step out of the tub revealing fully their lithe young bodies. Both are very slim with small tits and hairless pusses - definitely jail bait looking no more than 12 or 13, but then so is Shona!! The girls could quite easily be twins. As the guys follow them out they fetch towels and begin to dry their charges keeping them erect with the merest touch of their fingers. They drop to their knees in unison teasing the guys' knobs with their tongues before laving the lengths of their shafts moving in perfect synchronisation. "Not as big as you" Shona comments, gently stroking my dick "only eight or nine inches." The girls are now rubbing their nipples against their partners' cocks, Shona proceeds to follow suit on mine sending shivers coursing through me. "Do that one more time and I'll pin you to the couch with my cock and fuck your brains out Shona Campbell!" Always up for it, Shona repeats the motion, her nipples hardening. True to my word I grab her, push her down onto the couch and take her quite forcefully, not that she is unwilling, squealing and giggling below me. Our pace is fast and furious - we fuck like long lost lovers who had been separated for years. Shona, desperate to take my full length on every stroke, comes quickly and keeps coming harder every time my cock bottoms out in her cunt if the way her cunt is clutching harder and harder on my dick is anything to judge by. "Come on Jim, fill my pussy with you delicious cream." Shona pants at me. This is all the encouragement I need as I feel my balls tighten once more and I begin to pump into her with almost explosive force. It is quite probably the hardest I've ever come, the sensation mind-blowing. I slow down and collapse on top of Shona never withdrawing. She throws her arms around me and pulls me close. "Oh Jim that was the best yet! I think I like you being masterful! Now roll over, let me on top." We roll over then Shona sits up, pirouettes 180 degrees and lies back down again her back now to my chest. She had maintained pussy lock on my dick throughout, my dick showing no sign of softening. "I'm glad you came, I don't like it when I'm coming so much that I have to get you to stop." "Come? I've never come so hard in my life. It felt like he was pouring gallons of the stuff into that hot tight puss of yours. It was absolutely brill." I assure her giving her gorgeous little tit a hard squeeze. She giggles and pulls away slightly but she is only reaching for the video remote and settles back into position. Somehow as I grabbed her she had managed to stop the film. "Now where were we? Can you see Jim?" she asks as the action starts up again. "Yes I can see. I can see the most perfect little pair of tits imaginable. I can see my cock in your puss or rather I can't except for the last inch or so. You've eaten the rest! I can see..." Shona pushes back to take that last inch saying "That's not what I meant. Can you see the telly? Do you really like my tits so much? They're not very big?" "Yes, I can see the telly and yes, your tits are fantastic. I love the feel of your soft skin and I love those little hard nipples - the feeling they caused in my cock was out of this world!" Shona sighs moulding her body closer to mine but only says "Now watch." On screen the blow jobs are continuing the girls now taking their partner's knob into their delicate little mouths until as if on a signal they go all the way down deep-throating the guys. You can see their members stretching the girls' throats. The girls stay down for what seems like a very long time never moving. "How can they breathe?" I comment. "They can't" Shona replies "apparently just before you black out your throat spasms hard enough to bring a guy off. We can try sometime if you like." "Don't know - sounds dangerous." I reply. As we watch we see the girls' throats spasm and the guys throw their heads back in ecstasy before pulling out leaving only their knobs in their partner's mouth. Neatly judged I reckon. The girls immediately start to bob deep-throating the guys time and again (but never staying down) until they climax again. Instead of them pulling out to spray the girls with their cum as I expect from the earlier mag the guys keep their cocks in the girls' mouths until they are done before withdrawing. I am puzzled - there isn't actually any sign of sperm anywhere. Surely the girls couldn't have taken it all without spilling a single drop? The guys move over to low benches and lie back, their still hard cocks waving in the air. The girls straddle them facing the camera and then one at a time with the camera zooming in to catch each moment of penetration in detail they sit down on their fuck-mates, their young pussy lips stretched wide as they go right to the bottom first time. They are obviously tight and the guys moan in delight as the young girls start to rise and fall back in unison, gyrating their hips as they do so. The guys are doing nothing, quite literally letting the girls fuck them, watching as much as participating as the girls put on a show for the camera, playing with their own tits as they French kiss keeping upright to give the camera the best view of their cunts and the cocks within them. Their hands now drop to their pusses as they each wrap one petite hand round the base of the shaft embedded in them, wanking their partners as they fuck them. Each girl's other hand goes to the others clit and begins to frig it. The girls gasp out a brief orgasm as they bring the guys off. "They faked that" Shona murmurs "those girls didn't come!" Wasting no time the girls hop off and change partners. Now facing away from the camera they go down again one at a time with the camera zoomed in each taking a cock balls deep in their arse. Again the guys just watch as the girls rise and fall again in unison each soon bringing their partner to another orgasm. This time only one of the girls hops off while the other leans back slightly against her partner, he grasping hold of her little tits quite roughly. "That's a sin." I say to Shona as I gently begin to fondle her tits feeling her puss tighten around my cock in response. "Way too rough." The camera angle changes to focus on the girl's now exposed cunt as the second guy penetrates her sandwiching against the other stud. The guys are now very animated fucking the young girl very hard, almost violently, cocks pistoning in and out her until they come again. As they withdraw I still can see to trace of sperm - this intrigues me more! The coupling changes with the guy who had been in the girl's arse now taking the second girl in the cunt. The other guy goes to them and I expect to see him take her anally although the angle seems wrong, but no, he actually pushes his cock into her cunt as well! "I wouldn't have believed that possible!" I murmur. "Well not everyone has a dick the size of yours." Shona is becoming quite excited as I continue to play gently with her tits, her cunt muscles pulsing on my cock. The little girl rides the two blokes to orgasm again before the two girls lie back on the floor, the guys wanking their cocks over them until they send wads of sperm over the them as they proceed to spread it over each others chests before licking it all off. "Reminds me of someone." I say. The girls are obviously hot for each other and the film ends with the pair of then scissoring their bodies together, their cunts mashed against each other until they quite obviously came. "That's better!" says Shona "Pros are quite often lezzies you know - see too much cock for them to get excited by it." "If you say so! How do you know they're prostitutes rather than porn actresses?" I ask. "Too young and they're Thai. People go on holiday there specially to get set up with young girls like that - or young boys if that's what takes your fancy - like men with boys? It's part of the tour. No I reckon they were on the game - the movie probably made it a big pay day for them." "Shona" I begin "those guys seemed to come lots of times but managed to hold onto their load until they shot it over the girls. How the hell did they do that? Its a trick I'd like to learn. It's like they've separated their climax from actually ejaculating!" "Big words!" she says clamping down hard on me "I don't know - you're the one with the cock but I've seen it in other videos." "How many've you seen!" That had been my first although I don't say so. "Loads - and there are loads more in the cupboard I've never had time to watch." "Would this be the 'toy' cupboard?" "Mumm yes. There's a big walk in cupboard in the kitchen Mum and Dad have stuffed with mags and videos. Oh and sex toys too. They always keep it locked and never go to it when Eileen or I are around but I found the key by accident one day. Nearly frigged myself crazy that first day when I saw all the photos! Show you sometime but right now give me your best shot!" Rather than begin to screw her I have enough experience of being with Shona to know that all I need do is knead her adorable little tits harder until her cunt milks the come out of me. She comes for all her worth shortly before I lose my all in her - perhaps video studs can come without coming but I can't - my recovery time to date has been remarkably quick though! We lie together fulfilled for the moment when the doorbell rings. Shona rushes to the downstairs loo to grab a robe closing the door on my naked form as she goes to answer the summons. Moments later she is back with Hutch/Cath and another girl. Squinting in the semi-darkness I make her out as Ruth, another girl from our year but one I scarcely know as she was in a different stream. Not one bit shy, Ruth closes on me, kissing my still erect shaft - what did I say about recovery time? "Hutch!" she admonishes "You didn't say he was this big! Big, but not _this_ big!" She kisses and licks my erect form. "Ruth" I start "I think you are taking advantage of me!" "No not yet... But I intend to!" she says peeling off her clothes to reveal a very pretty little pair of tits coupled to a slim body and long legs, a nearly hairless but not shaven puss intervening. She pushes me back - what is it with these vixens and domination? - and mounts me without another word. Well those guys in the film could let themselves be fucked if they wanted but I wasn't about to be! Here is some prime virgin pussy and I am going to make the most of it! Death or glory (and preferably the latter)! Ruth is a virgin undoubtedly as she skewers herself down on me with barely a murmur as she gives me her all. I groan with the satisfaction of the feel of her new cunt round my proud cock and begin to buck taking her loud and clear. I reach up for her tits and thumb her nipples as we fuck. In no time she is on cloud nine wailing in spasmodic orgasm as our bodies pound together, her cunt ever tightening on my dick until I too come, discharging a mortar load of sperm into her. Unseen hands pull Ruth off me as Cath replaces her. "Mummm! its been too long since I felt you inside me Jim! That feels so good!" "It was only this morning." I remark feeling her tight cunt around me again. "What did you teach Sheila after I left?" "Oh, nothing much." she declares "Only how to please another girl and how to be pleased by another girl - her cunt felt so good against mine - but she's yours again for the asking Jim and we can use the darkroom almost anytime we like." "I've been trying to get it on with her all year - think she'd be willing?" Shona asks. "I'm sure she would - she's just shy basically. Or she was - think Jim and I have shaken her out of that!" Cath responds smiling roundly as she begins to ride me. Perhaps there is something to being passive sometimes after all! I let Cath bring herself off on me before I begin to respond holding her there until she can take no more. As relief she rises off me and firmly shoves my cock up her arse without so much as a by-your-leave however she is so hot she can't stop coming and rolls off pulling Ruth back to me for her first anal fuck. I am slick from all the action but as I push against Ruth's anal ring I feel her tense, undeterred I continue to push forward still in need of satisfaction - perhaps I hadn't separated orgasm from ejaculation but at least ejaculation wasn't the end of the sex act for me. As I press forward I feel her relax until soon I am fully within her back passage enjoying the limits of her tightness. My hands reach out for her tits once more and soon she is writhing around above me barely able to contain herself, her orgasm this time constant until I come once more in her bathing her insides with my jism. As the four of us relax coming down from our post-orgasmic highs, Shona and I relate the strange tale of Eileen and Angie. Cath shrugs "Never made it with either but if they're happy, good on them. For heavens sake Shona, I'd have had you as a lezzie until yesterday! Well I did I suppose!" she smiles at her own joke. "After all who originally seduced who and who still likes other girls?" "Well, guess I seduced you - and Ruth - and I guess we all still like other girls." Shona responds smiling. "I guess you did and I guess we do." Cath responds reaching out to cuddle Shona. "Shame Eileen took that dildo with her - that sounded wonderful." "Oh yes it is certainly that but I'm afraid Mum's only got the one. Why don't you take Jim in your arse while I play with your puss?" Shona asks "You know how much I enjoyed that yesterday!" Translation "Lie back on top of Jim with him in your arse while I wank him off with my fist buried as deep in your cunt as I can get it." Cath smiles and pushes me back down (I'm too much of a gentleman to refuse) and mounts me firmly, almost pulling me into her rectum. As she lies back over me I fondle her tits waiting the onslaught from Shona but instead Shona settles her cunt on my mouth as Ruth balls her fist in shoves it rudely into Cath. I gasp blowing hot hair into Shona who sighs settling herself more firmly over me. Between Shona and Cath I am pinned pretty much to the couch scarcely able to move except for my increasingly expert tongue in Shona's puss. God, what a taste, her pussy juice mixed with my fresh sperm made for a heady cum-wine - I could eat, or is that drink?, her all day. Cath and Ruth make up for my inability however; Cath fucking herself on my cock while Ruth pounds her fist in and out of Cath's tight cunt until Cath and I come each to a blistering orgasm at more or less the same time as Shona floods my mouth with a fresh dose of her juice. I round on Ruth pinning her to the bed ready to fuck her again. She acquiesces but only for a little does she let me fuck her tight little hole until she manages to roll me over and reposition herself above me taking my cock in her arse once more. "Now Shona" she says blushing I'm sure "let me feel your fist in my cunt!" Shona gives her a wicked grin before moving in to kiss her and letting her fist find it's target driving almost roughly in making Ruth squirm. The feeling for me? Words can't describe but I could happily get used to it! Ruth comes very quickly and soon can take no more but it is too soon for me to come again so as Shona withdraws her fist and I my cock, Ruth turns to me and bends her head to my still proud member muttering words of thanks and praise before proceeding to take him into her mouth and down her throat. It feels so good to me and although I am remembering it is her first time I make to imitate the scene from the film, holding her down on me where she can't breathe, until I feel her throat spasm around my dick, drawing the cum from me and deep into her belly before I withdraw into her mouth to allow her to breathe. She spits me out spluttering. "Sorry Jim. I wasn't expecting that - it was so good though! Gave me quite a rush." She proceeds to lick my shaft and knob draining that last vestiges of cum from me. "That was naughty." Shona admonishes me. "Still not sure about trying it with me?" "Don't you ever get enough?" I ask teasing. "We had this conversation but now I think the answer must be no!" Shona confesses. The hour is getting late and both Cath and Ruth must go. They hurry to dress with both Shona and I teasing at their bodies as they do so, I managing to drive a finger up Cath's well lubed arse while massaging her clit with my thumb bringing her off gently while Shona does something similar for Ruth - except I think Shona, being Shona, is three fingers deep in her cunt! We say goodbye and once more Shona and I are alone again. If yesterday had been one long orgy, today has been a series of orgies strung together with only periods of brief respite between. Shona sighs again "I enjoyed all that. Did you?" "Yes too right I did but I suppose I'll need to go soon." I reply. "Please not quite yet. Wait there a minute." Shona implores before rushing next door. She comes back with 3 little metal balls in her hand. "Know what these are?" she asks. To me they look like marble sized ball-bearings so I say so. "No!!, they're Ben-wa balls. Know where they go?" I shake my head. "In my puss of course! Supposed to really up the anti for both boy and girl when they fuck. Want to put them in place for me?" She lies back spreading her legs wide, I kiss her slit pushing my tongue as deep into her hole as I can and then press the first ball into place with my finger. "Mumm feels good." Shona mutters as I continue with the second and third balls before finally swirling them round inside her. She gasps "You'd better get your cock in there quick. If it feels this good with just your finger, I can't wait to try your cock!" I pull my finger out and lick her juices from it, making her wait, teasing her. "Come on!" she begs. "Fuck me, let me feel your cock." Moving slowly to draw out her anxiety I position myself above her, running my knob up and down her slit before giving her what she wants as I slide into her hot, wet hole. I can feel the little balls retreating ahead of my dick really stimulating my knob. Shona is gripping the arms of the seat tightly, her breath already coming in short pants and as soon as I hit bottom on the very first stroke she comes and comes hard, her eyes glazing over, a low inarticulate sound coming from deep within her. As she comes constantly the groan getting ever louder I gently slide in and out of her velvetness, keeping the pace slow sensing Shona couldn't cope with anything faster. And cope she must - I certainly don't want her to make me stop, the feeling of her tight, tight cunt against my cock, the balls teasing at my knob heightening the sensation, is just too good. I try to hold back from coming if only to prolong the moment but have to give in. My balls tighten to deliver Shona's reward making my cock jump inside her and driving her ever higher in orgasm as she feels my seed inside her. I try to fuck through my own orgasm as I had done the first time Shona and I had made love but Shona pulls away unable to take any more. I lie down beside her caressing her breasts softly as her breathing slowly returns to normal. "Wow! Must get myself some of these!" Shona eventually gasps still panting. "I was in orbit - totally gone. Don't you dare tell me I looked peaceful!" "No not peaceful, more like serene - a kind of radiant glow..." I start only to be cut off as Shona reaches round to playfully slap me. "Come off it! I'm coming harder than a steam train and you're telling me I looked serene?" "Honest, if only you could see yourself - need to video you sometime so you can see for yourself. By the way, it was mind blowing for me too, thanks for asking." This earns me another slap, harder this time. "Good, "she smiles reaching down to slowly wank my still erect cock "I'm only sorry I couldn't keep going to let you come again but I'd have passed out before you did and that would have been no good." She kneels up to extract the Ben-Wa balls, allowing me to slide beneath her. "Let try that again without these" she says climbing back on board my dick making me gasp, my dick still ultra-sensitive (but ultra-hard) after my last climax. "I don't think I could cope with another round with them!" Her puss is so hot as she bucks up and down on me rotating her hips first one way and then the other, belly dancing in effect. "Like that Jim?" I just groan. What a beautiful feeling she was setting up in my cock. I feel as though my entire gentiles are going to melt when she pulls me over the edge just a couple of minutes later in perfect time with her own orgasm. Shona lowers herself down beside me and we cuddle some more. "That was a nice way to end Shona. You have a fantastic puss." I say drawing her mouth to mine for a long, long kiss. "Well your cock isn't bad either. Now get yourself home before you miss your curfew and get grounded." Shona 'complements' me as the kiss breaks. Reluctantly I dress. "Aren't you dressing too? I ask as Shona lies watching. "Me? No, I'm going for a shower and then straight to bed. I'm knackered! Think of me curled up naked in bed." "That would keep me hard all night and then I'd never get any sleep!" I rejoin. "That would never do - you need your strength for me tomorrow. Although..." A look of sadness crosses her face. "What?" "Well tomorrow's Friday. That means I'll be going straight to Brigade Camp after school. And its not just me, Cath, Ruth and Joyce'll be going too. And Eileen, not sure how interested she is in you right now anyway, and Sheila, they're leaders. It might give me a chance to get it on with Sheila though!" She brightens. "Need to arrange something to keep you out of mischief!" "I've always got an open invitation to a farm!" I remind her of Dot's invitation to 'have some fun with me and my sister and cousins'. "Or I could try sleeping or catching up with some school work!" "Boring - not Dot, that does sound fun. Sally is a wonderful pussy eater and her twin cousins aren't bad either. Bet they'll be great lays for you Jim." "Bet they won't be half as good as you." I say finishing dressing. "What sweet, little, innocent me? Why do you like my little pussy so much?" Shona almost purrs out the question stroking her slit to tease me as she does so. "Sweet yes. Little yes. Tight as hell yes. Innocent, no, not after the last couple of days!" I cross to her and kiss her puffy pussy lips sticking my tongue into her hole in a sort of one-sided French kiss making her squirm. "And I'll leave you to work out why I think you're the best lay in the world." I finish as I break the kiss and stand up. She jumps up and hugs me "You say the most romantic of things Jim!" We kiss goodbye and once more I make my way home for some well earned rest. "By the way, quite fancy the video." Shona shouts after me!" "Speak to Sheila - she sees to all the lab equipment at school." I call back softly, including the school's video camera I think to myself as I make my weary, and I do not deny weary albeit well satisfied, way home. What a girl! ------------ Please leave some feedback - there is no point in me writing if no one is reading... BD
I was still incapable of understanding what was going on. I stared down at him lost "you have to put it in 'cause I can't feel my dick with this condom on." Tyler said. I reached under myself and grabbed him, placing him at my entrance, I pressed myself down feeling him push inside me. I gripped the sheet behind his head and laid my body against his. Tyler began thrusting his hips in a rhythmic motion with mine. My breaths became heavier with every thrust. My fingers clinched the sheets as I continued to ride him.
Moans escaped my lips and I could hear his groans buried deep in his throat. This sound made me go faster, soon the friction and heat of our bodies began producing sweat. I leaned up looking him straight in the eyes as he continued to bounce me on
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top of him, his hands rested lightly on my hips helping me keep my balance, gripping them every so often to thrust harder into me. He pushed me down towards him, kissing me hard. I moaned lightly and pressed my body hard against his as he wrapped his arms around my back holding me securely as he thrusted deeper into me. I moaned more feeling my muscles tighten. Tyler thrusted harder as I felt my body tense more making my legs begin to shake uncontrollably.
A few more thrusts and I exploded, my body went limp with another heavy sigh. But I wasn't done with him. Not even close. I sat up kissing him more, trying hard to continue breathing. He sat up, pressing his body against mine and laid me back. I saw Tyler hovering over me, he pressed himself between my legs and I felt him push inside me again, I gasped for air, the feeling of him being inside me was better than I ever had dreamt. I watched him as he danced over me thrusting into me as hard as he could. His face was even more beautiful, if that was even possible. His golden eyes seemed to sparkle as he stared down at me. His face relaxed but his jaw clenched tight, fighting the groans I knew he wanted to make. Tyler laid down on me and I wrapped my arms around his slim frame digging my nails lightly into his skin.
I moaned in his ear, I could feel his breath against the flesh of my neck, sending goose bumps all the way through my body. He lifted himself again and thrusted into me hard. I pushed against his back wanting to feel his body against mine again, but he ignored my request laying back down and looked at me "your turn" he smiled playfully. I sat up climbing back on top of him kissing him hard as I pushed him inside of me and leaned back against him.
My body began to tense up again, I rode him harder pushing my hips down as far as I could as he thrusted up into me. I felt the fire inside me grow, burning with passion. With love. He groaned lightly as his hands traveled my back then wrapped his arms around me holding me to him. He was being considerably gental with me as he thrusted his hips into mine fast.
"Tyler" I managed to exhale his name, he responded with a husky "mmm" I moaned exhaling deeply. "Give it to me baby. come on baby" he said feeling my muscles tighten around him. The sound of his voice made my excitement peak. I moaned feeling the fire about to turn into a combustion. "Mmm give it to me" he repeated in the same seductive tone. I moaned as I came for the fourth time. "yeah baby?" he asked biting my earlobe gentally still thrusting into my limp body. "mm yeah" I whispered trying to inhale air that didn't seem to be there. I listened to his deep raggid breathing mixed with mine as i met his hips in motion.
I loved it. I sat up and looked at him. Sweat glistening off his perfect face. I leaned down kissing him once more. My heart was still pounding, as I tried sucking in enough air. I was exhausted, he stared up at me "how many?" He asked "about four" I replied He smirked "what's your goal?" I tilted my head and stared at him "I want you to go" I answered honestly. I wasn't worried about myself, I wanted him to enjoy himself. Which is what he wanted for me. He smiled lightly "well that will take a while--unless you blow me again." I smiled lightly then happened to glance up at the clock. 9:30. I was to have left already! I looked down at him "should I leave?" I asked smally. He stared at me "what?" "should I leave?" I asked again unwanting his answer. He looked at the clock "yeah--my mom gets home anytime from now to 11:00" he said I sighed and smiled lightly hating to have to leave. "Sooo your not gonna blow me?" he asked semi-sarcastic I laughed "I know I wasn't that good" He smiled "I don't know--that was the best--" he paused "no I'm not going to wasn't the best but it was one of the best---" he put his hands up and I smacked them down pinning him to the bed again awaiting him to finish his sentence. "well distracted me--i forgot what I was saying" He laughed. I smiled and sat up trying to fix my hair. He looked up at me "your hair is still a mess" he teased. I nodded sighing a little "I figure I wont get raped on the way back" I laughed "you still look cute" He smiled sweetly at me I rolled my eyes "psh yeah right"
He smiled and I stared down at him "your amazing" I said, not referring to his sex which was beyond amazing. He looked at me a little thrown off. "uhmm?" I realised my mistake "oh no no not like that. In general" I explained "oh" he laughed "i was about to say 'uhm thanks?'" I smiled and hopped off of him finding my underwear and my pants. I watched him as I pulled up my pants. He was sitting on the edge of the bed getting rid of the condom. He was amazing, truly he was. I stared at him in awe for a moment. "Why are you so perfect?" I asked him. He looked up at me and smirked "I'm really not" "You have no idea how wrong you are" I studied his face.
He smiled up at me but said nothing. He knew what I thought about him. He knew how I felt. I plopped back down on his bed "UGHHH I'm sooo tired can't I just stay here" I said only half joking. He laughed "I'd say yes. but then wed both be in trouble" unfortunately that was the truth. I sighed heavily and sat up "I love you" I said. He looked at me and smiled "I love you too" He said kissing me, softly this time.
I stood up "well I guess I'd better get going" I said unwillingly. He nodded, and walked me outside, and pointed me in the right direction. I turned to him hugging him tightly. "I love you so much Tyler" I whispered into his chest. "I love you too" He replied. I leaned up on my tip-toes and kissed him one last time, then set off for my long journey home.
November 11 would forever be the most amazing day of my life.
I beeped as I drove by their carwash, figuring it was the nice thing to do. However, all it did was call attention to me as the light turned red. A group of about 10 freshman girls scurried over to where I was stopped. “Hey girls,” I managed to spurt out in their frenzy. They all replied with broken hello’s and hi’s.
I am a senior at my high school, and not to sound cocky, but I am more like the senior: captain of the football team and basketball team, president of my class, and I am pretty smart too. Gi
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rls always tell me that they go crazy for my body too; I am about 6 feet tall, 17 years old, and I weigh 170 pounds, with a very athletic build. It was the beginning of my senior year, and I was ready to go crazy and do all the things seniors do in the cliché movies.
A couple of these girls are real lookers, down right gorgeous actually. Julia is pretty tall for her age, 5’ 7” I would say, and just a natural beauty. Her tits were also large for her age, probably a large b cup. Then there was Melissa, she wasn’t as pretty, but she was sexy as hell. She had similar size boobs (a little bigger and probably a c cup), and her red hair was also a turn on. I had always wondered if she was a natural red head, and hoped I would be able to see that killer body one day and find out. Jill was one of the prettiest girls in her grade. She had a darker skin tone, long wavy hair, amazing legs, and some good size b cup boobs. Sarah was really tiny and probably had a cup boobs, but something about her made me just want to fuck. And the best for the last, Katie was the most gorgeous girl in our school. Even though she was a freshman, she had all the guys after her. Apart from her beautiful face, she had a petite body with moderate b cup boobs, and an amazing ass. Although, I had heard that she was very prude.
Julia stepped forward from the crowd and asked me, “Are you going to get your car washed Timmy?” I double took because only my close friends call me Timmy and not Tim.
“Whoa, I see we’re on a nickname basis now, Julz.” I responded.
She giggled and replied, “I guess so.” I stared at all of them in their bikinis and with their dripping wet bodies, with little droplets forming all over their sensitive skin, and how could I resist.
I pulled in to the parking lot where the car wash was and got out of my car as a bunch of other freshmen began to wet down my car. Some of the group of girls began to help with the car, but the five that I wanted stayed. “We’ll keep you company,” Katie said. She had never really talked to me before, I took her for the shy type. We began to talk and flirt a little, when Melissa walked over to one of the open hoses and began to spray me from afar. I was now soaking wet and grabbed a soapy bucket to dump all over her. Quickly, I ran to her and poured it right down the front of het. For a split second she looked absolutely amazing with that water sliding down her, and then I noticed her nipples were poking out. It could have been the cold water, or could it have been me? I knew that this was an opportunity I couldn’t miss, and my hormones began to get the best of me.
We all went back to talking for a little while, as playful touches were exchanged with all. They then informed me my car was clean and ready, and I paid my five dollars. In a daring move I asked the girls, “So when are you guys done with this car wash?”
“Well it’s 4 o’clock now, so we are done with our shift.” Sarah detailed.
“Do you girls want a ride to where you are going? Because I have nothing to do.”
Julia replied, “That would be so awesome. We are going to Katie’s house right down the street, and we were going to watch a movie in her basement. You’re welcome to join us.” That was all I needed. We all got into my car as I raced them to it across the parking lot. More flirtatious conversation followed during the car ride, except for Katie; she seemed quiet in the back seat. Once we were in her house, we got some popcorn and drinks and headed downstairs. They had already picked out a scary movie for the day, which meant they might be clingy and jumpy. Not a bad movie pick in my mind.
“Are you girls just going to stay in your bathing suits?” I asked.
“Yeah, why not?” Melissa said.
“Trust me, fine by me,” I declared as they all giggled. We were only 15 minutes into the movie when Jill suggested a game of truth or dare. At this point, they were all hanging onto me because they were “scared for their lives.” The funny part was that nothing scary had happened yet. Everyone agreed with her suggestion and we began the game while the lights were still off and the movie was still on. The dares started out pretty basic, like chugging a soda. Then it was my turn and I decided to step it up a little. I picked Julia, and she of course chose dare. So I said, “Julia, I dare you to make out with Jill.” They were all kind of shocked, and I could tell that none of them had really made out with anyone before by the looks on their faces. Then a smile broke out on Julia’s face and she leaned in toward Jill, and a moment that will forever remain in my mind occurred. Julia and Jill held their kiss for a good 10 seconds and a lot of tongue was involved. Now I was so turned on I didn’t care what happened. Julia turned to me and asked, “How was that?”
“Not bad.”
“Alright, my turn now,” Julia said. “Katie, truth or dare.”
“Truth.” Katie responded.
“Come on, live a little Kate,” I told her as I playfully nudged her.
She gave a cute smile back and said, “Alright… dare.”
“I dare you to take your bikini top off and then kiss Timmy.” Julia dared. Katie’s face went pale, and then I realized why she had been so quiet around me; she had a crush on me. “A dare is a dare Katie,” coaxed Julia. Katie slowly stood up, she looked so embarrassed that she was going to cry.
“Wait, I don’t think she wants to be the only one in the room with her top off. You don’t have to do it.” I said, trying to be empathetic.
“We’ll all take our tops off then,” Melissa shot from across the way. I was shocked at this notion. Suddenly, all of the girls smiled and stood up with Katie. Slowly, they began to untangle the last semblance of innocence that lie on their teenage chests. Time went by so slow in this instant, while I got giddy with the excitement of seeing a fantasy fall before me, along with their tops. As if by synchronization, all or their polka dotted tops fell together, and I could no longer hide the boner that emulated my excitement. Julia had the best boobs of them all, perfectly shaped with tiny, perky nipples. Melissa’s were the largest, Jill’s matched her skin tone perfectly (with darker tinted nipples), Sarah’s were almost nonexistent, and anything that accompanied Katie at that moment could not be more perfect to me. Katie’s were also very perky and well shaped.
Katie moved in to give me a kiss, and I got more than I could have dreamed. She began to kiss me and then our tongues got involved. I made a bold move and began to massage her tits. She loved it, but I could tell she was nervous. As she moved away, my embarrassment surfaced as she felt my hard on through my pants. She smiled, and just as I was about to blush she said, “I have never seen one before, could you… show us?” In a blur, I reached for my belt buckle, but Julia and Jill (the duo, as I now called them) grabbed my hands and stopped me.
“Let us,” Jill said in her stunning voice. I took one look at their amazing, round tits and how could I say no. As they started to undo my pants I rubbed their boobs, and had to take the gamble of sucking on Julia’s nipples. She let out a soft moan as they continued with my pants. Before I knew it, they had unveiled my unbelievable hard dick. I looked at Julia and she asked me, “Can I touch it? Please.” I knew she was horny as hell by the look on her face and the small wet spot that was developing on her bikini bottoms.
“Only if…” I said as I stared down and motioned towards her bottoms. Nervously, she began to untie the side ties and drop them to the floor from the position she was in on her knees. I stared at her precious pussy lips that were her last hidden treasure, and she had offered them to me. “Beautiful,” I sensually whispered in her ear. She loved it and began to play with the springiness of my dick. As I looked around, without being asked, all of the girls began to drop their bottoms. This was heaven to me; five virgins unveiling themselves to me, and just waiting to be deflowered. I stared at each shave pussy as if it were the first I had ever seen. All of them were perfect and tight as hell, but for some reason, like always, Katie’s just called to me.
Little hands began to do work on my cock as I felt a sudden rush of pleasure. I looked down to se Julia experimenting with her first hand job. Then, I felt moistness around my dick and it felt unbelievably good. She had moved on to a blow job, and felt like a pro. Her ass and pussy her facing me as she straddled over my body. I took my opportunity once again, and began to kiss those sweet, tender pussy lips. It felt so good, that she stopped sucking my dick so that she could moan. All the girls watched with awe. Julia began to spasm and gyrate as her juices spilled out. She collapsed in pleasure as I asked, “Does anybody else want to try?” They all bounced with excitement as their titties did as well.
I knew who I was going to choose from the start. “Katie, how about you.” She crawled over with that innocent, model-like face. I whispered in her ear and asked, “What do you want to do?” She just looked at me and nodded as she climbed up on my cock and began to lower herself on to it. First, I prodded her pussy just to touch glory, as if her basement were the Sistine Chapel. She was dripping wet and it made me think of how all this had started. I began to massage her tits as she playfully teased the underside of my shaft with her tight pussy lips. Then she lowered herself onto me. It was tighter than I had imagined, but I pushed through her hymen with just the thought of fucking this unbelievable girl. She bounced and screamed in ecstasy as the other girls still watched. ‘Till this day, she was the best I ever had. In the course of the action, I motioned Marissa and Jill over and used each of my hands to finger their virgin pussies.
As we neared our climaxes, I looked into her beautiful, bright blue eyes and told her, “Your absolutely gorgeous, and I can’t believe this is happening.” She leaned in and kissed me as she came. Her pussy clenched so tight that I soon followed. She collapsed into my arms as her amazing tits lay on my chest. How could I lose my boner while I was still inside this perfect 15 year old girl? Jill then began to kiss me and as she move away said, “Your days not over yet…”
First i will establish each person in the story. theres me a 6' 150 lbs athletic build brown long shaggy hair. Hazel eyes, 6-pack and a 7 inch dick. Then my date in the story is a very liitle 5' maybe 100lbs cute and sexy girl. Part indian so beautiful hair and a little darker tint to her skin tone. She had pirky little a cup boobs but stil nice and round adn full. A cute little ass and nice toned legs.
Like most people i couldn't wait for my senior prom. It was comng down to the end of the year and everyone just wanted to have fun and to be honest everyone just wanted to get some. I asked a girl i actually dated in middle school and grew to kinda not like so much in high school. But of course i was so curious what it would be like to actually get more phyis
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ical then just kissing her. We had started to get along alot and catch up towards the end of the school year and we were always very flirtatious together. I asked her a very cute way by sneaking over to her house late at night (her house was about 45 minutes away) and spelled out prom with tea candles on the street in front of her house. I lit them all called her and asked her to come outside and thats when i was standing there with flowers. She came out wearing these tiny little shorts and a sports bra. She got the biggest smile on her face and jumped into my arms and the whispered i was hoping youd ask me and got down and yes yes.
Two weeks later it was a saturday and me and my buddies were getting ready for the night. There were 6 of us guys and 6 girls going in our group on the limo and such. I decided i would cook everyone dinner. So throughout the day me and my buddies were smoking and drinking getting ready and cooking. Eventually my parents came home and finsished up the cooking as the girls came. I was wearing a black suit with a peridot green vest and bow tie. My date a very little girl seemed like she didnt change much from when i dated her in 8th grade. she was wearing this sexy little dress, strapless the top around her breast was white and then the rest was black. It had a beautiful design printed on it. She was also wearing some high black heels. I couldn't help myself but walk up give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her how beautiful she looked. She thanked me and we as well as everyone else sat down for dinner
We all sat back talked and ate. it was quite a fun dinner with everyone lots of laughs and memories shared. Throughout the dinner me and my date would be playing foosy or her hand would accidently fall in my lap for a few second. then once we were done the limo came. We all got inside and once we pulled away from my house we start playing some music and drinking. We drove around partying in the limo for a while then we got to the dance. We all went out and started dancing. Because my date was wearinf heels she was actually a pretty good height for dancing. she started moving her hips and grab my jacket and pulled me behind her grinding up on me.i grabbed her hand woth on of my hands and her hip with the other and started d=grinding back up on her. Now i love dacing its a great foreplay for me maybe my favorite so i was loving this. We danced together and sepratly with epople throughout the night but found eachother again. We started dancing again this time much more sexual and intimate then before. She was really pushing up on me and me her. She wrapped her arms around my back to hold me right next to her and i would have my hand right on her inner theigh pulling her back towards me. She looked back at me and we started kissing. The kiss was as if we were back in 8th grade, two little kids making out. After we went to look for where everyone else was. One coule had gotten kicked out and another needed to go now before they each got sick so we left. we dropped of that couple at one of their houses. the other 3 wanted to go to a party so we dropped them off but me and my date decided to stay.
Needless to say we were drunk as well so i was expecting pretty much instant action. But at first she just came cross the limo to the backk where i was sitting and sat on my lap. She kissed me once but then we started talking. one thing led to another and we started argueing a little, about the past about us just not really liking eachother. But throughout the entire arguement we staring into eachothers eyes seeing the fire that we each wanted to explore so bad. She beat me too it and moved on leg so she was now straddling me. she grabbed my hair and pulled it back as she started kissing my neck.she worked her way up and started making out with me. i grabbed her by the waist and just picked her up and i just moved straight forward till i was on top of her. right then the drived rolled the window down and asked where we wanted to go. He couldnt see either of us but my date answered and asked if he could just drive around. He rolled the window up and she pulled my face tpwards hers agan as we started kssing. We would pretty much take turns sucking on echothers bottom lips and tongues. she would bite but very lightly. Since i was so much bigger then her her pussy was around where my belly button was and her feet were around my knees. she then wraped each leg around each of my theighs and had me pinned on top of her. This was one of the sexiest moves ever done to me. after a while of kissing she un wrapped her legs off of me and got back to straddling me but we were just sitting on the floor. I was sitting indian stlye with her in my lap and her legs wrapped around me. We just sat that kissing and feeling eaothers body.
i started unzipping her dressonce it was all the way un zipped she just seemed to back out of it and slipp right out of it. Once she slipped out i saw what she had on under it. A very very sexy red and black lac bustier and matching sexy little boy shorts. Shae crawled her way back to the bench right ebhind the window. She knocked on the window and he rolled it down just a tiny bit and she asked him to turn up the music and looked back at me and smiled. she sat there laying back with her legs apart. i started taking off my jacket shirt and vest and went up right inbewteen her legs and started kissing her hands were on her thieghs sqeezing and rubbing them. I moved them up to the top of her panties and slowly pulled them down her legs, she started giggling at 1st and was just smiling at me the rest of the time.once i got them all the way off pushed her ober to where the bench on the limo went down the side so i had a place i could be. she stayed so she was partially sitting up and got down lying on my stomach and placed my face right in front of her pussy. Sh was already getting a little wet just in anticipation. she put her legs over my shoulders and rest rest them across my back.
I licked fromt the bottom of her pussy all the way up then kissed her clit. she let out a big sigh as i kissed her clit so i decided to kiss it again. she sighed again so i i did it again but this time wropped my lips around it and as i pulled away slowly left it in my lips for a little. i did this again but this time as he clit was inbetween my lips i played with it with the tip of my tongue. She let out a little squeal and started breathing really heavily. I started playing with her boobs with my left hand and then i stuck my rigt muddle finger all the way up her pussy. i kept kissing/licking/sucking on her clit as i rubber her nipples and finger her pussy. she grabbed my hand that was on her breasts and started sucking on my fingers. i took my other fingers out of her pussy and held those up to her mouth and she started sucking those clean aslo. i decided i would slide my tongue in her pussy now wand right when i did her legs on my back grabbed me and she turned us both over so now she was on top and sitting on my face. my tongue was a few inches into her pussy and she just started moaning. i lay there just sticking my tongue out as she grabbed the end of the bench that she was just leaning back again. she then started rocked her body back and forth on my face having my tongue go i and out of her incredibly tight pussy. she was face fucking me... and i was loving every minute of it. she kept humping my face at a fairly slow and gentle pace until i felt her warm juices flowing down my tongue and kinda getting everywhere on my face.
I got up and whipped off my face i went and sat next to her. She pulled my face to hers and started making out with me and rubbing my dick through my pants even after my tongue was going in and out hf her wet pussy. sfter the kiss she smiled and say mm i taste good and giggled. I knew she didnt get blowjobs but there was no need after having her on my face i was already plenty hard. She got down on her knees as if she were gonna suck it though. she un zipped my pants and pulled them and my boxers down to my ankles. She was shocked at how big i was and didnt really know what to do at firtst. She then grabbed it and took the head in her mouth and came back away. I told her she didnt have to suck my dick since she i knew she didnt realy like to but i told her she would have to let me dick slap her instead. She just sat there so i grabbed hte base of my dick and she closed her eyes. i came straight across and got her right on the cheek hard. I loved doing this, this was part of the hate i had for her coming out and it felt great. it left a little red mark on her cheek and just smiled and almost enjoyed it
She did get up and say one's enough though and put one knee on the bench seat and swung her other leg over. my dick was two big to just go under her as she did this since shes so small so her pussy ened up being right over the bottom part of my dicking pushing my dick up against my stomach. her pussy was still a little wet from before and she started rubbing her pussy up and down the bottom part of my dick. I reached into my jacet pocket pust a condom on and looked her in the eye and said your all mine now and she just smiled. I grabbed her waist and pickedup her up over my dick. she grabbed my dick and directed it in. i lowered her down on top of it and the 1st inch was on once her knees hit the couch. she kept lowering herself down till my dick just wouldnt go in any futher. she had been almost crying during this she was so tight. but she knew what she was doing and slowly worked herlf up and down on my dick. she also moved in circles and figure 8's to help herslef loosen up. once she was loose she took the reigns and took over. she started riding me att her speed and her intensity. She would ride me really hard and fast and would then slow down but would fuck with the same insensity and hardness. She started slwoing down and then stopped moving with my dick inside her. she started leaning backand then laid down on my upper legs. i grabbed her hips and started bringing her back and forth at a very slow and easy pace. her breaths would come and come with the mtion and timing of her fucking as i brought bac towards me and my cock went deeper into her she wuld breath out slow and easy and then as i left her off she would breath in.
Now i pulled her off completely and put her on the bench again i got down at the end of it where there was no arm rest or anything and it just stopped. she crawled down the bench and swung her body around so her pussy was by me again. She was laying on her back fingering herself until i got situated to start fucking again it was a perfect possision like her being at the end pf a bed. she lay there legs wide apart rubbing her perfectly shaved clit grinning at me as i grabbed the base of my dick. But instead of thrusting it inside of her i grabbed it and slapped her pussy with it. the head comming right down on her clit and she gasped and squealed a little i did it a few more times to show her who was boss.i slide my dick in her pussy and started slow but deep. my entire dick was going inside her for the first time and she was loving it. biting her lip squinting light moaning she loved every bit of it. she moved her legs up no against my chest so her legs and upper body were at a 90 degree angle. i started fucking her so hard that my balls were slapping and clapping against her ass. she started moaning loader and loader.
before she got so load that the driver could hear her over the music i fliped her over on her stomach. her face then in the bench pillows so she could screeam if need be and not be too loud. her legs fell open ofcourse and of course i was right between with my dick in her this enitre time.i grabbed her wrists and started pulling her back towards me as i would come toward her fucking her harder then antyhing so i was fucking her she started sticking her ass up a little let me get to her pussy a little easier. she ended up on her knees with her ass up in the air and me hitting her pussy from the back doggystyle. The whole time before this we had been fucking while she had her crsett on the whole time. but now with her back facing me i started untieing it and taking it off. i had her top off but i still couldnt see her tits. so as i was fucking her fro beind i started grabbing her boobs and rubbing her nipples with my fingers. as she was backing up on my dickk her ass cheeks would sread apart and i could see her ass hole. i started grabbing her ass and my right hand moved closer to her hole. i started playing with the outside of it with my thumb and she didnt seem to mind i pressed it up against her whole and she squirmed a little but not in resentment but in enjoyment. as she kept backing up and forth against my dick i stuck my thumb into her ass. she screamed lightly but the pillow helped mask it and then she love it she would start working her body against my dick so both my dick and thumb would go in as far as she wanted them to. wheni took my thumb out of her ass it was open a little so i decided to spit down. the hot wet salvia in her ass helped her get even more wored up and she started boucning off my pelvis and bouncing right back. i started rubbing her clit with on hand and played with er titties with the other. she started orgasming again but this was a very long one 10-15 seconds, the whole time i slowed down alwost to a stop and went in and out of her slow milking her orgasm for all it was worth.
She fell to the ground with a huge smile on her face and said thank you.i finally got to see her boobs, that were amazing. little peny or nickle shapped nipples that when they were hard just poped out a tiny little bit. i smiled at her and said how now im not done yet though... she got up on her knees pushed me into a seat and ripped the condom of my dick. she then took my head in her mouth just like last time sucking hard having my dick head rub up against the top of her mouth. she focus on my head for the first little bit then came up and took about half of my dick in her mouth pulling away from it nice and slowly. she worked that half of my dick back and forth as her hand worked my other part. i lay back and closed my eyes as she kepting going back and forth on my dick. she would love it when my dic would twitch a little in her mouth cause she knew she was doing something right. the time she was liking just the very tip of my dick was an example of this. i brought my head up and looked at her as soo as i did she looked up at me and gave me the okay. so i placed my hand on the back of her head and pushed it forward down to the bas of my dick. she took the 5 1/2 inches well then gagged though and had to start over. we tried again and the same thing happened. she was determined this time and looked into my eyes as she went down on my dic she got to the same place and saw my eyes roll to the back of my head. then she forced her way down to the rest even grabbing my ass to bring the entire dick n her mouth. my pubes were in her teeth and then she realeased and gasped for air. she sat back and i got up and start masterbating telling her i was about to come. and when i did i came, all over her tits around her mouth in her mouth on her forehead and i even got a little in her hair.
We then each kinda cleaned off as best we could then had the limo drop us off at my house and then go pic up the other people. when we got into my house we went to straight to my bedroom but not for more just to pass out cause we were already so tired from the 1st time
 I was 16 years old when it happened.I had just finished my homework and was now allowed to watch televison.My mom,who was divorced at that time(she later remarried)answered the doorbell and it was our neighbor,Mrs.Linder.She was our nextdoor neighbor,divorced,and living alone.She had two older children,both married and living with their families in their own apartments which were not too far from where we lived.I had never paid much attention to her before this night.She was a blond woman who could afford to lose a few pounds but was still very attractive in the way I saw her.Not looking at those few extra pounds I saw a blonde woman with a very nice figure.She always smiled at me in a way I would soon come to understand.Usually dressed in a simple housedress when at home,I still s
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aw a slightly older woman with very large breasts,which were still noticable even in her simple housedress.When I saw her dressed up I could then see her nicely shaped legs which I could appreciate even more when she was wearing high heels,as these tended to make her well shaped legs appear even better.I could see that she was watching her weight as she still had a small waistline which only accentuated her large tits and her still smallish hips and beautiful legs.Even with those few extra pounds she had a beautiful face with her blue eyes,straight nose and very full lips.Aware of this herself she used very little makeup which would only hide those nice facial features.Even though I was only 16 I would be lying if I didn't think how great it would be to have her as a sexual partner.Little did I think that I would enjoy her in bed on that very night.
    My mom had a dinner date on this night and while I was having my dinner explained what she and Mrs.Linder were discussing earlier.It seemed that her TV was not working and could she come over to our apartment later that evening and watch Tv with me.My mom knowing what I would be watching had told her to come over later as she knew I would be watching the same shows that Mrs.Linder(Carol from this point)wouldn't interfere with what I had planned watching.As my mom was kissing me before leaving she told me what I should offer to Carol if she asked for anything to snack on or drink.When she kissed me before leaving she again reminded me to be a good host and what to offer Carol if she did ask for anything.As it turned out Carol did want something that evening,but to my delight it was not anything to eat or drink.What Carol wanted was to satisfy her needs and she decided that it would be me who she wanted and needed and would shortly have.
    The doorbell rang just as mom was leaving and as mom was walking out the door she told Carol to just go into the family room where I was sitting in my,now departed,Dad's favorite club chair and ottoman.I looked up and could see a big smile on Carol's face as she sat on the sofa and watched TV for only a few moments before asking me to join her on the sofa.I joined her and it was only moments when Carol began to hold me tight against her anxious body and with a hand on the back of my head kissed me with a passion which I returned.Our tongues were doing a dance as we continued kissing.I was already hard my cock had grown to it's very hard and slightly thick 7".Carol's hand which was first on my hips as we first kissed had now moved to my crotch and she smiled when she felt my now harder cock as she was feeling it through my pants.She quickly undid my belt and unzipped my pants and her active hands reached thru my jockey briefs and withdrew my cock saying we can't let it suffocate in there and she was now holding it in her hands.Looking at me with that same smile she said that it was silly for us to stay dressed whne we both want to explore and enjoy each others body.I agreedand stood up undoing my belt and she quickly lowered my trousers to the floor where I stepped out of them.Then she carefully lowered my briefs over my now hard rigid cock.While Carol was doing this I lifted my "T" shirt over my head and now to her smiling approval stood before Carol naked.She stood up and quickly lifted her simple housedress over her head and was not wearing either a bra or panties and was now also naked.I looked at her now naked body and was not surprised to see a full dark bush which was glistening with the wetness from her pussy.While Carol was holding my cock my hands were feeling her ample breasts and her nipples had become large and hard.After feeling her tits and hard nipples I bent over to kiss her breasts and suck on her nipples and she started moaning and telling me how good it felt to have me suck on her nipples and after a minute took my hand and placed it on her wet bush.Carol was not one to say what she wanted and said as she stood up and taking my hand was leading me into my mom's bedroom,saying as I followed her.We can really enjoy each other much more on a bed than we could in the family room.
    Carol was now on her back with her legs spread wide and I took this as a signal to mount her but she stopped me saying that we would fuck each other many times that night but first we should work engage in foreplay to the point where we both were ready and wanted to fuck.She knew that up to now all I wanted was to find a willing partner my own age and fuck her,get myself off and satisfy myself with no thoughts to my partners needs.Carol was in other words going to show me how much better sex can be when you satisfy not only yourself but your partner too and how right she was.
   She said and it was true that I enjoyed it when I was having a blowjob and that there was nothing wrong with that,but she asked me did I ever think that a woman might also enjoy oral sex.She explained that she had spread her legs to make her cunt more accessable to my mouth and tongue and that she would teach me how to perform oral sex on my female partner.She added that she often had orgasms when her man went down on her and she carefully pushed my head lower.As my head was being guided lower and lower I was licking first around her navel and then to her delight her soft flat tummy until my head was now between her opened legs.She spread her outer lips revealing it's pink walls and the inner lips and her now dripping wet cunt.I will never forget that unique female musk which I have come to love and enjoy whenever I perform oral sex on my lady of the moment.I kissed and licked the pink wet walls and then pushed my tongue into her wet pussy.As I was doing this I couldn't help but note that her white,glistening,pearl of love...her clit had become quite large and hard.Knowing how sensitive it was I carefully and gently licked it,causing her to start to moan and squirm.It was now so large that I began to suck it between my soft lips,this causing Carol to only moan louder and start to squirm and shake slightly.Seeing that Carol was really into it now I continued to suck her clit licking it as I did making her moaneven louderand start to shake and saying,"oh yes,yes,please don't stop now.I couldn't stop even if I wanted too because Icould sense the extreme pleasure she was having as i continued to suck and lick her clit harder and faster,this only causing her to moan even loder at times yelling my name,saying "yes,yes oh don't stop sucking and as i did she was now yelling my name even louder and telling me,"please suck it harder ,yes,yes harder now faster,please,don't stop ,don't stop...Love I'm so close now,please don't stop.I was still suking her clit and was holding her tighter to control her shaking and knew without her telling me that she was close,so close to cumming,and as Icontinued cum she did,Carol was shaking uncontrolblywith me holding her tighter than before and to my delight andsurprise Carol was a squirter,because as she was experiencing orgasm after orgasm she started squirting her love juices into my open and waiting mouth.It was the first,but Iassure you not the last time I enjoyed a woman's cum..her love juices kept squirting as she was experiencing multiple orgasms as women can and do when her partner gets her off as well as satisfying himself.Her juices tasted so good and were so unique and different than my cum,but I loved their taste and was swallowing them as fast as Carol was squirting them.Finally Carol's orgasms were slowing and finally they stopped.When she finally had caught her breath and could speak Carol told me that I was a fast learner and needed no more lessons from my teacher.She did add and made me promise to be there whenever she needed a man.Needless to say that living next door to each other Carol and I enjoyed each other too many times to count.Before she left me that night Carol realized that Ihad yet to get off and since I had gone down on her she reciprocated by giving me a fantastic blowjob which I won't describe at this time but only note that Carol enjoyed my cum as much as I enjoyed her love juices and when I did cum,shooting load after load of hot jism into her waiting mouth she swallowed it as fast as she could and after Ifinished cumming I looked as her and she was quite a picture with some of my cum dripping from her chin.I took my hand and fed her the few drops of cum into her open mouth.When we finally kissed before she returned to her apartment we could taste our mixed juices and they tasted so good that we decided to be together as often as the opportunity presentd itself,which it did many times.
For Tom and Mike it was the last day of school before the winter vacation. More then ever, school was boring since they had nothing to do but sit around in class, while the teachers summed up their grades. It was break-time, but the teacher stayed in class. People came in and out of the classroom, socializing, talking about two long weeks of parties and having a good time. Suddenly, the two guys saw Samantha standing outside, in front of the door. She probably wanted to come in, to talk to one of her friends, but she acted shyly, as if she didn’t like that teacher still being there. Tom and Mike went to speak to her: “Hey! What are you up to?†With her eyes focused inside, she said “Nothing much. I just want to talk to Rebecca. Doesn’t your teacher ever leav
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e the classroom?†“Don’t mind her… she won’t even notice you’re her†Tom told Samantha in an assuring way. “Anyway, why is your face so red?†Mike asked, gently brushing his hand against the girl’s now fiery cheek. “We’re kind of having an end of semester celebration in school. Some of my colleagues managed to sneak some booze.†Samantha answered almost whispering. Tom then said loudly, in a mocking way, pinching her ass: “So, how much did you drink?†“Keep your voice down, pleaseeee. I don’t want everyone to know about this†whispered Samantha, already embarrassed, obviously a little tipsy. The teenage girl went to talk to her friend. Samantha was not a very tall girl, but she had voluptuous body and her face was definitely what you’d call “cuteâ€Â. Her thighs and butt-cheeks were deliciously shaped, not to talk about her breasts: quite big, a little loose, jumping around at any of the girl’s movements, as if constantly asking for attention from underneath her red sweater. She had long, straight, plentiful, dark-auburn hair that draped freely down to the middle of her back. Her deep black eyes emphasized the childish look of her face, which had been pale, until had been reddened by the blood coursing because of the alcohol. The girl was wearing a blue jacket, the red sweater, a blue-jean colored skirt that didn’t actually reach her knees and some white semitransparent pantyhose that covered the rest of her feet on that chilly day. The period was almost over and Samantha wanted to leave, but Mike grabbed her hand and asked her where she was going. She said she was going home and then Tom had a somewhat brilliant idea: “Stay at our class.†The girl was quite amazed, tho reluctant. Mike insisted: “Come on. What do you have to lose? Are you in a hurry or something?†“Mike, your teacher will get mad at me!†“No, she won’t. Screw her! She doesn’t even know what day it is…†The teacher didn’t seem to stop writing. Samantha agreed to stay and she took a seat in the back of the classroom, between Tom and Mike. The three of them started talking. The guys didn’t miss out a chance touching Samantha’s soft hands, of speaking intimately into her ear, of putting their arms around her shoulders or of “accidentally†brushing their elbows against her breasts. They talked about music, movies, school-gossip, clubs and parties; whatever. The girl seemed to be enjoying herself, as she was constantly laughing and giggling. She liked being around the guys. After all, Samantha was a ninth-grader and they were both eleven-graders and that inspired her with a sort of coolness. Then all of a sudden, in perfect synchronization, Tom and Mike put their hands on the girl’s legs. At first, she felt a chill running from her legs, up to her spine, reaching her nipples and making them erect. She smiled slightly as she asked: “What are you doing, guys?†They didn’t answer, but they continued to rub her thighs, slowly moving from the knees towards Samantha’s pussy. She almost closed her eyes and she gasped, as she seemed to be saying something inaudible – her lips were moving, but no sound came out. Without any consideration for their classmates or for the teacher, Tom and Mike were now playing with Samantha’s pussy through her silky, white panties. She involuntarily spread her legs, little by little. The moisture of her panties was getting noticeable. Samantha was still silently moving her lips, until the words materialized: “Oh, my God…. I can’t believe I’m…. doing… this! Please, guys, please, stop. I don’t… not here, not now†The two boys approached her face, as to whisper something in her ear, at the same time. Mike said: “Why? Don’t you like it, Samantha? Don’t you like my fingers touching you?†Tom said: “You don’t actually want us to stop… You’re just saying that… Just sit back and enjoyâ€Â. The guys slipped their finger inside the girl’s panties as they touched their lips against Samantha’s cheeks. Her heart was racing faster as the two fingers were massaging her labia. She couldn’t resist the temptation, she couldn’t say no. She was shaking and she was breathing deeply and quickly. Of course, no one paid attention to the three, considering the usual noise that overtook the class in the last couple of school days. In Samantha’s mind, however, there was silence – pure silence and pure pleasure. Her forehead and, actually, her entire body, were sweaty. Her stomach was slowly convulsing as waves of excitement rippled through it. Samantha’s breasts were trembling as they were engulfed by an inner-heat of higher and higher sexual arousal. Tom and Mike looked at each other, they nodded their heads and both of them glided their fingers in the girl’s pussy. Taken by surprise, she felt as if she was about to explode. She let out and “Ahhh!†that reached the spectacled teacher’s ears; she looked around for a second and then she went back to the papers. Meanwhile, the boys went deeper in Samantha’s vagina. She struggled for air as the sticky fluid of pleasure was leaking out of her. Mike took out his finger and he slid it across Samantha’s already wet lips. Almost oblivious to the fact that she was tasting her own juices, she sucked on her lips and she surrendered to the orgasm that had been building up. It didn’t take long for it to happen – as she climaxed, she felt an explosion, a most intense and pleasurable one. The boys were still stimulating her pussy, with that maddening movement inside of it. As the orgasm faded, she came back to her senses. Or, at least, she thought she did. The bell rang – it was break time already. She couldn’t believe it – 50 minutes went by just like that. But it wasn’t the period the bell was ringing for. It was a fire drill. All students were asked to gather in the schoolyard. Samantha was confused, she was still tipsy from the little booze she had, but mostly from that unprecedented fingering. The girl stood up and she felt very dizzy as she did. She and the two guys headed down the stairs, but instead of going outside, they went into the bathroom. Tom locked the bathroom door and he turned off the lights – it got quite dark in there. Mike began kissing Samantha, while he was holding her hungrily in his arms. Tom came from behind and cupped her beautifully large breasts through her sweater. Mike did so as well. The guys, bursting with desire, soon put their hands on Samantha’s flesh, still rubbing her tits. She couldn’t focus anymore – the pleasure was coming from allover her body – from her lips, from her earlobes, from her pussy, from her rock-hard nipples. Unable to withhold himself any longer, Tom lifted the girl’s skirt, he pulled her panties and her pantyhose to her knees and he penetrated her with the throbbing dick he held in his hand. As her hymen was being torn by the large cock, Samantha, barely realizing what had just happened, screamed both in despair and in pleasure. Mike was still enjoying the touch of her shaking lips. Samantha’s eyes were wrapped in tears – tears of a sharp, short pain and of excitement. Tom grabbed her long, chestnut hair and he nailed the girl to the cold wall. He hammered away into her dripping-wet hot pussy and he pulled her hair with great strength that caused her to cry out even harder. The boy grunted into her ear: “Do you like it, ha? You want my big cock deep inside your cunt, don’t you?†She mumbled a kind of “Aha†as she could yet feel Tom’s palms grabbing and shearing her breasts. Feelings and sensations that coursed through her teenage mind were a mix of childish happiness, lust, greed, regret and fear. Mike watched nervously, waiting for his turn at the girl. Samantha felt another incoming orgasm – from underneath her skin, from between her legs, from her toes and from under her fingernails, up her arched back, just seconds away from blasting her brain. The powerful and yet fine scent of lavender springing from Samantha’s hair took Tom over the edge. He pulled out and he violently ejaculated his hot cum on the girl’s butt-cheeks. She was confused, disappointed with not having the orgasm she expected, yet satisfied, contented, drunk with pleasure and desire, knowing that Mike was going to fill her again in a second. He removed her panties, her pantyhose and her sneakers, leaving her barefooted on the floor. A few drops of light-red blood were dripping from her pussy, but Mike wiped it with a tissue. He gazed into Samantha’s eyes and she slimly smiled, excited about what, once again, was to come. Mike grabbed her by the thighs and he wrapped her legs around his waist as he lifted her and pushed her back against the wall. He shoved his shaft into her vagina gently, giving her time to adjust to the pressure. Samantha put her hands around Mike’s neck as he grabbed her ass, sliding her up and down his moving cock, faster and faster. The girl started moaning: “Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Fuck me as hard as you can! Oh, my God! It feels so good!†The two of them never lost eye contact. Samantha’s sighs were getting deeper and more erratic as the desired orgasm took over her. She felt that wonderful flood of pleasure and release washing over her mind and body. Mike turned his back against the wall and slowly put the girl on the floor. Her feet were like rubber so she dropped to her knees in an instant. Mike got his fingers caught up in the girl’s brown hair, delicately pressing her head, like he was expecting a blowjob. At first, Samantha didn’t even know what to think or do. But reality kind of struck her, when Mike’s erect cock entered her lips. She was sickened by the idea and she wanted to but an end to it. But the boy kept pushing, until his member was half-way in. Now the damage was done and Samantha just adjusted to the situation, which was actually more interesting than she initially thought. She moved her tongue around the thick shaft pulsating between her lips. Then, she started sliding her mouth front and back, as she was softly touching Mike’s testicles with her small hand. More and more uninhibited and accustomed became the girl’s movements. Mike said, encouragingly: “You’re so good at it, baby. Suck it, Samantha! Suck it! Oh, it’s awesome!†The tongue, the lips, the fingertips, the tremendous amount of spit involved and the girl’s inexperienced moves made Mike climax, without warning, deep in Samantha’s mouth, in her neck, beyond the “point-of-compulsory-swallowâ€Â. Barely tasting the cum, the girl swallowed. The guys helped her to get up and get cleaned. She got dressed and she kissed them both on the cheeks, saying, in a very juvenile manner, “Thank you both! Bye now!†They responded “See ya!†“Bye†still unable to believe themselves what just happened. The fire drill was over and everyone got back to class. Soon afterwards, Samantha took a cab and she went home. She was confused. On the one hand, it felt good, it was amazing; she felt better than she had ever felt before; aroused, excited, sexually satisfied. On the other hand, she felt embarrassed, in a sense disappointed – she didn’t imagine she would get deflowered in the school bathroom; she didn’t imagine it would be with two guys at the same time; she felt slutty and that was a good reason for feeling bad about what she did. However, memories of the guys’ hands massaging he pussy and her tits, of their cocks inside of her, of doing something forbidden and risky, were, whether she admitted it or not, very delighting. As she thought of the past hour, she grinned slightly as she looked out of the cab window. THE END.