Published Sex Stories / teen-stories

One year too late.

Gregz0r on Teen Stories

His hands were always on her, anywhere, her hips, her ass, her back. He was always touching her. Not in a sexual way though, in a romantic way. Jamie was 16 and he’d been with his girlfriend Shantelle, 15, for a year. It was the day of their one year anniversary, and they were going out for a meal, With no parents of course.

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e="2">            “I wonder what Klaira’s gonna say. And Kara is gonna be uber jealous!” Shantelle smiled down at the diamond encrusted ring in which Jamie had not long handed her.

            “I guess we’ll hafta wait and see.” Shantelle was still at school, and all her friends knew about Jamie. They would constantly ask her if she’d ‘screwed’ him yet. The answer was always no though.

            They’d finished their meal, although Shantelle didn’t eat it all. She wasn’t one for formal foods. She picked up her bag and took Jamie’s hand. They walked out to the streets and started making their way home. They joked and giggled as they crossed roads and passed friends’ houses. Its was mid summer, so the sun was still in the baby blue sky. Jamie looked down at his watch, then up at Shantelle.

            “it’s 9, my place or yours Shaz?” he pulled her close and wrapped his hands behind her back. They were at the road that stood in-between his and her houses. Shantelle lived on the left, and Jamie on the right. She put her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him close for a peck on the cheek.

            “no parents” she giggled. Jamie turned around, hinting for her to jump on his back. She jumped aboard, laughter and smiles filling the empty streets. He made his way down the road on the right, until they came to Jamie’s front door. He jokingly knocked on the small window.

            “nobody’s home. Maybe we should just do it in the garden”

            “what makes you think we’re gonna DO it?” she laughed up at him, fiddling around in his trouser pockets for his keys.

            “oh! What’s this?” she smirked, eyes wide.

“stop fiddling with my pecker” he said shyly, then reaching out to tickle her thighs. She jumped back, keys in her hand.

            “a-ha!” she ran around him, quickly unlocking the door and running for the stairs, she tripped half way up them, and turned onto her back.. Jamie followed, closing the door behind him. He climbed the few steps on his hands and knees until he was pressed against her. He rubbed his nose against hers and then kissed her passionately. Both his hands were on her hips, running up and down her legs, and under her knee length dress. She wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him even more closer. The sound of a passing car outside broke the silence, and reminded Jamie of the unlocked door, and the keys on the outside.

            “You better see to that…” she grinned up at him.

            He smiled and walked over to the door, they were still in the lock. After the door was locked, and the downstairs curtains were shut, he turned back to see that Shantelle wasn’t on the stairs anymore. He smiled to himself and shook his head. It was getting dark out and all upstairs lights were turned off. As he took the last step off the staircase, Shantelle jumped out at him, and dragged him through the nearest door. His room. It was dark but he could still make out the slim tanned body that pressed him against the wall. The shadows on her face made her look very mysterious.

            “happy anniversary J.” she whispered to him. Running her hands through his shoulder length hair.

            “happy anniversary…” he picked her and laid her down on his white sheets. crawling on top of her again, he began to whistle. Shantelle instantly recognised the tune. The kooks, Naïve. The very song that bought them both together in the first place, it was her favourite. she opened her legs wide, giving access to his hips. He laid down on top of her, running his hands over her thighs, and up to her shoulders. The thin red straps hung off them. He put his hands behind her back and sat her up. He unzipped her dress and pushed it down to her hips, revealing her lacy polka dot bra. She pushed the dress past her hips and down to her knees, where she fought it off with her feet, then kicked off her shoes. She started to unbuttoned Jamie’s shirt and threw it on the floor. She lay back down and Jamie began to kiss her stomach, moving further down slowly until he came to her matching polka dot panties. He slid them down, releasing her sweet smell. he started to kiss in-between her legs, licking up and down, making her squirm with delight. He slid one finger inside her, she was hot and sticky. He pushed further and further, then faster, then 2 fingers, then 3. Shantelle arched her and shivered with pleasure. He stated kissing her again, moving up, past her belly button, and up to her breasts, he unclipped her bra and through it on the floor, right by his shirt. He nibbled on her breasts for a little while, then he moved up to her neck, and her ear. His cock was rubbing against her clit now, he was teasing her. He’d down this before, but she hadn’t.

            “you sure?” he whispered in her ear.

            “yeah…” she replied. Bracing herself.

            “this is gonna hurt a little.” He said, wrapping her legs around his back again, he pushed his way inside her. She gritted her teeth and ran her fingers down his back. He pushed further into her wet pussy, harder and faster. Her nails digging in his back, so hard that she drew blood, until the pain went, and he kissed the single tear from her face.

            “Okay?” he kissed her hard, eating her moans and groans. She outstretched her arms and gripped the sheets as she arched her back and pushed herself further, tightening her hot pussy walls around his 8 incher. She managed to nod at him.

            “yeah…” she whimpered in-between breaths. Jamie smiled down at her. She pushed him away by his shoulders, and rolled him over, so she was on top. She stayed there for a second, looking down at him. She rubbed her hands up and down his chest before sitting back down on his cock. He pushed his way into her, thrusting faster and faster, his hands on her hips, moving her up and down. She arched her back and tilted her head back, biting her lip. Her walls tightened around his cock.

            “I think I’m coming”

            “Me too” he thrusted faster and faster, releasing strings of hot sperm into her young body, she moaned loudly as her juices began to flow from her pussy, around his cock. she collapsed on top of him, his hands running up and down her back.

            “I’m so proud of you baby.” He kissed her forehead, and closed his eyes.

            She rolled off him and laid next to him, taking his hand, she looked over at him and smiled.

            “Happy anniversary J.”


Oh Sam Chapter 3

all@cat on Teen Stories

Oh Sam

Chapter 3


Sam awoke slowly the next morning.  The room wasn’t really dark, but it wasn’t light either.  Clearing the cobwebs from her mind Sam started to remember all the things that had taken place yesterday.  From drinking the Smirnoff too quickly an

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d losing her balance and falling into Matt’s arms and feeling his hands on her breast as he caught her to keep her from falling completely down.  She remembered how she felt as she realized that he had both her breast in his hands and wasn’t making any effort to remove them quickly and her thinking to herself that she didn’t want him to remove them quickly anyway.  Then finally before he did he squeezed them lightly and oh did that feel really good. 


Sam looked over at her parents bed and realized that they were already up and gone.  She looked at the clock on the nightstand and it was already a little after 8:00 and she could hear rain outside the window.  Wow she was asleep before 10:00 last night and had slept for about 10 hours.  Thinking again about Matt she pulled her hands up to her breast and started squeezing them like she remembered him doing.  Going back in her mind she remembered how she had decided that since her parents did not return for lunch yesterday she had lied to Matt about their giving her permission to go with him.  HA, like she would have really asked them anyway, she knew that they wouldn’t have let her go even if she asked because of their situation.  Because of what had happened with her parents five years ago, they were so protective of her that they trusted nobody when it came to her.  She could have girlfriends over to her house, but she wasn’t allowed to go to her friend’s houses, much less spend the night away from home, but enough of those sad thoughts.  She knew that feeling Matt’s hands on her breasts was just so beautiful, and felt really good; she had decided that she was going to go to him and see what else would happen.  As she continued caressing her breast and rubbing her nipples she remembered seeing the tent in Matt’s pants after he removed his hands from her chest and how tingly she felt knowing that she had caused it to happen.  I mean really, just little old plain me.  I had never thought of myself as a sexual turn-on before, I mean I have really small breasts compared to mom and have hardly any hair on my pussy at all.  But here was a really good looking guy getting hard over me. 


Needing to feel herself better Sam raised up and pulled her nightshirt over her head and lay back on the bed.  With one hand on her breast the other started moving down to her little pussy and was surprised to find it either already wet, or never dried from last night.  Sam started caressing her lips as she started thinking about the boat ride to their secret cove.  She remembered the surprised look on Matt’s face as she planted her little ass in his lap and remembered that he immediately started poking her butt with his cock as soon as she sat down.  It really felt good to feel him pushing against her and knowing that she was causing all the attention down there.  As she continued her assault on her pussy and button Sam thought about Matt when she caught him checking her out when she was bent over retrieving the fish.  God that felt so awesome to know that he thought she was sexy.  She remembered catching the two fish, and especially the last one that was so large.  And then when Matt needed to pee she peeked back and was shocked to see the size of his cock and wondering why it was so hard then not realizing that somehow he could tell she was watching him.  So even just looking at him turned him on and made him hard, just that thought made her even more proud of herself and her little body. 


Oh, God, this is really feeling too good right now as she started putting a finger inside her little pussy while brushing across her little button with another finger.  This was bringing back all the memories of how Matt made her feel and how special and sexy she started feeling about herself.  Remembering how Matt fondled her she kept his face in her mind and used her fingers on her little sex like Matt did the day before.  She continued her assault and started moaning loudly as she picked up the pace with her finger as it started flying in and out of her little hole.  Her juices have kicked in hard and she is again making a mess of the sheets, but Sam didn’t care, she was close, real close to another orgasm and she wanted to cum really bad.  Suddenly it happened and her muscles in her pussy started grabbing her finger as her little button got as hard as a rock as she went into another world for a few moments as she peaked.  Oh, God, Ugh. This is terrific as she lifted her little hips off the bed and added another finger to the first one and kept thrusting them into her pussy.  Overcome with release Sam dropped back onto the bed and laid there for a moment feeling her pussy clutch her fingers and her little button telling her that enough was enough.  


Looking again at the clock and seeing it was now 8:15 she pulled herself from the bed and retrieved her panties from the floor under her and inspected them.  The crotch of her panties were almost stiff from her flow of pussy juice from the night before and for a moment she relived in her mind the vision of her parents as they pleased each other while she looked on.  She took the panties to her nose and inhaled deeply of the scent of her evening of ecstasy with her fingers.  While not fresh to the senses it had a musty smell that she hasn’t experienced before and it made her little nipples tingle again with that familiar feeling.  Oh God, I wonder if I smell like that in my crotch Sam thought.  If so I really need a bath, so she took her panties and tucked them in her suitcase along with the ones from when she was with Matt and laughed at herself and the need for more panties if the day turns out like yesterday.  But it won’t happen again she thought with a deep groan, she had lied to Matt and he wouldn’t want to see her again.  Thinking how angry he was when she confessed to him about lying about getting her parents permission to go with him, and how scared he was all the way back to the dock.  She remembered looking at his face as she lay in the bottom of his boat as they overtook and passed her parents; she hadn’t ever seen anyone that tense before in her life.  No, she really screwed up with ever getting to see Matt again; he must think she was a real little lying bitch.  Oh God, what have I done thought Sam as she realized she had lost all the trust Matt must have had in her.  For the first time in her young life Sam realized how much trust played in a relationship with another person, and how she had betrayed that with Matt.  Again thinking of Matt, Sam went into the bathroom to clean the smell of sex off her body knowing she probably would never see him again. 


That afternoon when Matt realized that he didn’t know how to contact Sam again he fell into a deep funk wondering if Sam would be able to keep her secret about what they did that afternoon, and wanting to find out what room they were staying in so he could get her in his arms again to continue what they started.  The deep fear of what would happen to him if anyone found out kept him from going to the motel office and inquire with their description to find out what room they were in.  How could he ask without arousing suspicion of his motives, and even if he found out the room, what could he do anyway.  I mean, I can’t go to their door and say “Hello, you don’t know me, but I spent the afternoon with your underage daughter without your permission, can I see her again?”  Matt went to sleep that night after one of his most intense hand jobs with Sam on his mind.  


Damn if it isn’t a really miserable day Matt said to himself as he looked out the window of his condominium to the steady beat of raindrops beating on the large picture window.  It was 6:00 and Matt didn’t really sleep well that night, he kept thinking of Sam and their time together.  Well hell, there won’t be any fishing today with all this rain, and he-he, I sure feel sorry for all those ass-holes out there fishing that tournament.  Well, maybe breakfast will make me feel better, as Matt went and put the coffee pot on.  Breakfast didn’t really make him feel better, so Matt went to the bathroom to take a shower.  Standing under the stream of warm water all he could think about was his little princess, Sam.  He kept thinking about Sam and her perfect little body and their time together.  He knew it was wrong what they did, but he couldn’t stop himself as he started stroking his cock under the warm water of the shower.  He just couldn’t get Sam’s face and body out of his mind as he lathered his cock and hand and proceeded to explode rope after rope of cum on the shower wall. 


After washing the walls down he got out of the shower and just put on a pair of cotton gym shorts and went into the great room and turned on the TV.  Every channel Matt turned to had nothing interesting, damn, 150 channels and nothing to watch.  Matt kept thinking about Sam and their afternoon together and that damn pink bra.  How he wanted to hold and caress her tender little body again and continue teaching her about all the pleasure a man and woman, girl, could have together.  Damn, I have never had such feelings for any girl like Sam, and I won’t ever see her again.  I can’t chance it no matter how I feel and get sent to prison.  I know she is a fifteen thirty, fifteen minutes of pleasure and thirty years in prison.  I still can’t believe just how perfect a body that little 13 year old girl has, and how she was responding to sex was totally amazing.  She really wanted the attention and sex that he desired, and those lovely green eyes and flowing red hair across her bare shoulders made her a really special beauty.  A smile crept across his face as he relaxed and his cock got hard again thinking about all they had done as he drifted off to sleep. 


Sam was drying her body off with one of those scratchy towels in the motel.  While she was washing herself really good, especially her little pussy, she kept thinking about Matt and decided she would go to his room and see if they could pick it up where they left off yesterday armed with her new information on sex from her parents last night.  She knew that Matt was really mad at her, but she would beg his forgiveness and see if he would be willing to let her try some of the things she saw her parents doing last night.  I know he doesn’t want to see me, but I have to try at least.  I mean, if I don’t I will never know what Matt’s cock will feel like in my pussy, and since he took my cherry with his fingers I really want him to be my first.  I wonder if Matt is out fishing in the rain, or just sitting in his condo Sam thought.  Now what unit number did he tell me yesterday, oh yeah, number 103 she muttered to herself gladly that she did not forget what he had told her.  Now, what am I going to wear to entice Matt with?  She started going through her suitcase and realized that she hadn’t planned on anything like this happening and did not pack anything sexy.  She saw the little pink bra she wore yesterday and fondly remembered how excited Matt was to finally get it off her and wondered if it was fresh enough to wear again.  Yeah she thought after sniffing the cups of the bra, it will still work, and maybe it will have the same effect on him as it did yesterday.  I don’t have a sexy top so I guess this pull-over shirt will have to do, I’ll just leave all the top buttons open so maybe he can see the pink bra underneath.  I do have one skirt with me, it is short, and that may be the best think since it is short.  Now underwear, hum, I am really running short if I mess up another pair this morning and need to change for the afternoon.  Well hopefully I won’t have to change until mom and dad get back in at 3:00 for the weigh-in, maybe I can leave them off all afternoon with Matt.  Suddenly an evil thought came across her mind, “what if I just don’t wear any at all?”  After all, if they are not on, they can’t get dirty.  Borrowing a little of her mother’s perfume she dabbed a small amount on her neck and between her breasts Sam was suddenly becoming more confident in her womanhood.  Looking at her body in the mirror Sam began looking at herself with new eyes.  Her breasts were not as large as her mother’s, but they did look really good on her, and besides they were growing.  Examining her little tush in the mirror she noticed a more rounded and firm shape to her cheeks that she had not noticed before.  Wow, I guess this is what Matt thought was so beautiful yesterday she muttered to herself with a little pride in her voice as she eyed her butt.  Turning to face the mirror again her gaze dropped to her little pussy.  The lips appeared to be more prominent and sticking out further than she remembered before and she could see the little tip of her nub peering out from between her lips.  Gosh, I guess all the attention it got yesterday has it looking for more today, as she again thought about Matt’s lips and tongue caressing it.  Still it had almost no hair on it, but she remembered it didn’t seem to bother Matt so it must be alright. 


Sam started getting dressed and wondered how it would feel to go outside without panties on, she had never done anything like that before, and just the thought of it was making her little pussy moist again.  As she stepped out the front door of the room she hung the tag on the handle requesting maid service and laughed to herself again with what the maid would think about both beds being so nasty.  She put the umbrella up to shield her from the rain and started making her way towards the condominiums muttering 103, 103 to herself.  Realizing that she almost got Matt in real trouble yesterday she decided to take her time and not make a beeline for his door.  She wanted anyone looking her way to just think it was just some crazy little girl out for a walk, instead of a young woman on her way for sex.  Checking around as she walked she made sure nobody was paying her any attention she kept moving to the units.  When she saw Matt’s unit she didn’t stop at first, but just continued on past it just in case someone was looking from the other way she couldn’t see.  As she passed the large picture window she could see Matt in his recliner in front of the TV asleep.  Her little heart quickened and she hoped that Matt would be as happy to see her as she was him.  She went to the end of the units and turned around and started back making sure nobody was looking at her.  When she got to the picture window again, she paused and tapped on the window. 


Matt jumped in his chair when he heard the sound of someone outside and looked up and his heart leapt as fast as his feed did getting out of his chair.  IT WAS SAM, his little princess standing at the window peering in at him and she looked just perfectly beautiful standing there holding the umbrella with her gorgeous red hair cascading around her face.  He ran to the door and threw it open and there stood his little angel with a worried look on her face, and he wondered if something was wrong. 


I know you are really mad at me, and you have every right to be, but can I come in for a minute and talk Sam said.  Sure, sure, Matt said, come in out of the rain, but how did you find me? 


Well, you gave me your unit number yesterday, and I just wanted to tell you how sorry I was for lying to you yesterday, and, and, Sam started to cry as she stood there facing Matt.  Still not sure what was upsetting Sam, Matt took her by the hand and led her into the great-room and guided her to the couch.  Sam sat down and kept her face to the floor and continued to cry.  Matt, still unsure of the problem just stood there and looked down at her and saw how her little short skirt had rode far up her thighs and he immediately started remembering how beautiful they were when he was kissing them yesterday.  He looked down the opening in her shirt and could see the gentle swell of her breasts as they were being pushed upwards by the way she was sitting, and then saw that damn pink bra again as his dick began to get hard again. 


Sam finally started to talk and explain to Matt how sorry she was for her actions yesterday.  Matt, I know I lied to you, but you just got to understand that I wanted to spend the afternoon with you so much and I couldn’t think of any other way.  I was afraid that if I told you the truth about them not coming in for lunch you would not let me go.  (She left out the part about her parents wouldn’t have given her permission even if they came in).  I knew from the moment I met you that there was something special and good about you that I wanted to know Sam said between her sobs and tears.  I never meant for you to get in trouble, I promise, I will never tell anyone what we did yesterday; I just want you to not be mad at me, please forgive me Matt. 


Matt looked down at his little angel sitting on the couch crying her eyes out and he really started to feel bad about what he had done.  He knew from the moment he saw her yesterday that he wanted her body and did everything he could to get it except tell her the truth.  He remembered how he squeezed her breast instead of just sitting her up when she fell, and how he caressed them again while he was supposed to be adjusting her life vest.  She was so young and innocent and just wanted to see his cock when he relieved himself, but he used it against her to force her to show herself to him when she needed to pee.  He did truly want to please her little body and show her pleasure on the front deck of the boat, but he intentionally pierced her little hymen in order to prepare her for his cock.  He realized that she was the only one who really cared for the other, he was just out to please himself, and he had planned to do anything to fuck her.  God how stupid and selfish could he be, Matt thought to himself. 


Matt was lost in his thoughts while poor little Sam continued sitting there crying wondering why Matt would not answer her, was he ever going to speak to her again.  Well Matt, Sam sobbed, will you please forgive me? 


Oh Sam, Matt replied, I am so sorry, I am not mad at you at all, I am the one who needs to ask you for your forgiveness, not you asking me.  Will you forgive me Sam? 


Huh, Sam sobbed, you mean you are not mad at me? 


Of course not my darling princess, I have never been mad at you, I love you.  What, Sam blubbered, you really mean it, and you love me? 


Of course Sam, how could I ever be any other way, you have only made me happy, I was worried about your parents catching us, but never was I mad.  Yesterday you made me feel better than I have in many years, I truly love you and I also think there is something special about you too and I want to get to know you better. 


Really Matt, Sam sniffled as she started to raise her head up.  When she got to his crotch she could see the bulging erection in his shorts and giggled, well, I guess part of you really loves me doesn’t it? 


Of course silly, but that isn’t the only part of me that loves you.  Sam looked at Matt’s face as he told her that she had been the most open and willing person he had ever known when she unconditionally shared herself with him yesterday.  And Sam, I took advantage of you yesterday, and I am truly sorry about it, would you forgive me please? 


Forgive you, are you crazy, you didn’t take advantage of me.  If anything, I am the one that took advantage of you; NOTHING happened that I really didn’t want to happen. 


Oh Sam, even when I tricked you in letting me watch you pee? 


Of course not silly, I am the one who spied on you when you peed, and I didn’t tell you, but I really wanted you to see me.  Maybe not peeing, that wasn’t part of my fantasy, but I was looking for a reason for us to get naked.  I had never done anything like that before, but when you looked at me and saw something beautiful you made me feel really special, and I just knew that I had to find a way to see just how beautiful you were too.  I mean, you were kind and tender, loving, everything I had ever thought about for my first time. 


Well not all the time Matt replied.  When you were peaking with your orgasm I had already worked a second finger in your little pussy to open it up and when you reached your peak I intentionally pushed through your hymen to get it out of the way because I really wanted to make love to you he admitted. 

Oh that, don’t worry about it Matt, I am glad it is out of the way and it wasn’t a big deal, I am glad it is gone….. Oh my God Matt, did you just say you wanted to make love to me? 


Well uh, yeah I do. 


Matt I love you Sam said as she jumped up from the couch and put her arms around him and turned her head up standing on tip toes to kiss him. 


Oh Sam Matt groaned as he lowered his lips to meet hers and they started a really passionate kiss.  Matt put his arms around his little princess and dropped them down to her little perfect ass and lifted up on each cheek pulling her deeper into his embrace.  Their tongues met and locked in a fierce battle darting back and forth.  The kiss continued longer than Sam had ever thought possible as her body started responding to his kisses and caresses of her ass.  She could feel his erection pushing hard into her belly and could feel it throb with passion as the blood coursed through it. 


Wow Sam exclaimed as they finally broke the kiss for air, that was just awesome Matt, and you really meant it didn’t you; you want to make love to me? 


Of course Princess Matt replied as he finally released his grip on her little ass and moved his hands up to her breasts and started kneading them tenderly, I am so glad you remembered my number, I was so worried that I had lost you when you walked away with your parents yesterday evening. 


Oh gosh Matt, Sam moaned as his caresses of her breasts started working on her body that feels so good.  Sam looked past Matt and saw their reflection in the picture window and pulled away from his caresses and walked to the window and started pulling the curtain.  I think we better close this up before someone sees what is going on in here, I don’t want you to get in any trouble because of me as she finished pulling the blinds.  Turning back to Matt and giggling, at least not until after you fuck me anyway. 


Why you horny little thing he replied in a monk serious tone, is that all I am to you, just a piece of meat to pound your little pussy with? 


Oh of course not Matt, I am only kidding you.  I really do want to make love to you, but I was serious about never telling anyone about us.  I don’t ever want to hurt or betray you ever again.  And oh, by the way, I really had an interesting night last night, and I think it will really help both of us in a few minutes. 


Oh really, just what is it? 


You will see Sam replied with a gleam in her eye, remember when I told you yesterday that I didn’t want you to put your cock in me. 


Yeah I do, is what happened last night the reason that you now want it? 

Yeah, that and a whole lot more, but lets get comfortable on your couch and let me tell you all about it.  I think you will be really pleasantly surprised about everything I have changed my mind about. 


When they got to the couch they fell into each others arms and started resuming the passionate kissing.  Matt resumed his caresses of her breasts and immediately started to feel her little nipples start to harden and push out against that damn pink bra again.  Sam gasped with excitement as Matt continued kneading her breasts and tweaked her nipples between her fingers. 


Oh Matt that feels even better than it did yesterday Sam said as her breath got labored and ragged as she pulled away from his invading tongue for a moment.  I never knew that just squeezing my breasts could make me feel this way; I never want this feeling to stop. 


Oh really Matt replied, I wasn’t sure if you could even feel it through that damn pink bra you got on. 


I wore it especially for you Sam moaned back in obvious delight at his manipulations; I remembered just how excited you were to finally get it off yesterday and thought it would turn you on again by seeing it today. 


Why you little romantic vixen Matt said, but of course, remember my real excitement was after taking it off, not looking at it while it was covering your beautiful breasts. 


Well, than why don’t you just excite yourself and take it off, I’m certainly not stopping you Sam replied. 


Matt took hold of the bottom of her pull-over top and started lifting it.  Sam waited until he uncovered her bra and smiled seductively at Matt and lifted her arms over her head to help him finish his task.  After the top came off Sam jutted her chest out at Matt and said, is this what you are waiting for? 


Well not quite Matt said as he put his right arm around her back and grasped the catch between his fingers and took it apart.  Matt grabbed the top straps and gently pulled them forward exposing her perfect little breast to his gaze.  Now THAT is what I have been dreaming about, your perfect breasts, as he watched in amazement as her nipples started to grow even larger under his gaze. 


Oh Matt, do you really think my breasts are perfect?  They are still really small Sam said as she looked down at her chest. 


Matt took Sam’s chin in his hands and directed her eyes to his and said; Sam do not ever second guess anything about your body, I have never ever seen anyone look any better than you do.  Matt lowered his head down and put his lips on her right breast and started to gently kiss and lick around and around her nipple before sucking it in his mouth and gently nip at it with his teeth. 

Oh God Matt Sam moaned as she took her hands and put them around his head and pulled him as close and tight to her as she could.  Matt continued his assault on her right breast and then moved to the left one and repeated his movements while placing his right hand over her other breast and continued to caress it tenderly.  Sam was squirming around so her skirt continued to ride up her succulent little ass, and its movement did not go unnoticed by Matt.  He continued sucking on her breasts and moved his right hand down to her inner thighs. 


When Matt’s hand started caressing her inner thighs Sam jumped with surprise and anticipation. 


Are you alright Sam he asked, yeah oh yeah Sam panted, just don’t stop, it feel sooooh gooood she gasped.  Sam smiled to herself and wondered what Matt would think when he discovered she didn’t have any panties on.  It did not take long for him to find out as she spread her legs and pulled her skirt up so he could get to her pussy.  Matt continued working up her thighs expecting to feel the crotch of her panties, but instead felt her hot little hairless mound instead. 


Where are your panties Matt stuttered as he withdrew his hand in surprise? 


Well, since I met you I have started using so many panties I was running out giggled Sam.  This morning when I was getting dressed I was hoping that it would turn out like it is now, so I decided to not put any on to have a fresh pair available when mom and dad get back this afternoon.  I thought it would please you, does it? 


Well let’s see Matt said as he put his hand back between her legs and ran a finger up her lips and across her little clit.  OH MY GOD Sam breathed as his finger sent a shock wave through her body when he hit her little button.  Hummm lets see, definitely hot wet and juicy, yeah it’s just like I like em, I am pleased.  Continuing to finger her little pussy Matt noticed how wet she was, I can’t believe any woman could be this wet, much less a little girl like Sam Matt thought to himself.  The moisture between her legs was so ample he noticed it was running between her legs, across her ass, and wetting the back of her skirt. 


Here we better get this skirt off you before you completely soak it Matt said. 


I don’t know Sam replied, if I take it off I am afraid I will mess up your couch, this way maybe it will catch it all instead. 


To hell with the couch, besides, if we leave it on you any longer you will really be a sight walking back to your room later. 


Yeah I guess you are right Matt, I didn’t think about it that way Sam giggled.  Sam reached behind her and unbuttoned the skirt and scooted forward and pulled the zipper down.  Matt grabbed the skirt with both hands and started pulling it down and told her, “raise your cute little butt up so I can get this thing off and see your sexy self naked.  Sam smiled and put her hands by her side and lifted her ass off the couch and Matt pulled it completely off her legs and dropped it on the floor with her shirt and bra. 


Now that’s much better Sam, you are so beautiful, but when you are naked you are the sexiest thing I have ever seen. 


Well, I’m not really naked yet Matt, Sam said as she started shaking her legs showing him she still had on shoes and socks.  I didn’t come into the world wearing these things did I, Sam asked?  No honey you didn’t as Matt grabbed her legs and pulled her shoes off without even loosening the laces and grabbing her socks and yanking them off her feet.  Now I am naked Sam giggled as she went back into Matt’s arms and drew his head down to kiss him deeply on the lips. 


Matt had his little naked princess in his arms and he started reacting like a crazed man.  He kissed her tenderly and again brought his hand back to her breast and started in on them again.  He lowered his head and sucked a very erect nipple in his mouth and nibbled on it with a little more teeth than he did before.  All this time Sam’s little body continued its climb to an orgasm.  When Matt dropped his hand back to her little pussy, Sam immediately spread her legs to give him better access, and Matt took a finger and gently started pushing it in her little love hole.  Her little pussy was so tight, and it felt like it had a pump in it sucking his finger deeper and deeper inside. 


When he had it fully inserted Sam started a rocking motion with her hips drawing his finger gently in and out of her.  Juice was flowing freely from her little twat and Matt took his thumb and started his assault on her clit.  It sprang up immediately and grew to incredible size for such a young girl.  Sam continued to hump his hand harder and harder as her feeling of lust continued to mount in her body.  Matt could not believe how tight her pussy was, he knew Sam had said she wanted to make love, but he was unsure if she could accommodate his 8 ½ inch cock.  He had already resolved to never do anything to hurt her again, but he also wanted to feel her little love tunnel encase his cock.  As Matt added another finger in her little hole Sam reached out and put her right hand inside his shorts and started stroking his dick.  She could feel his shorts on the back of her hand and they were literally soaked with his pre-cum as she pumped him up and down.  Matt continued probing her little cunt with one hand and moved the other up to her right breast and discovered that Sam had taken it in her hand and was already caressing it. 


When Sam felt Matt’s hand she moved to her left breast and let Matt caress the other.  Sam was close, real close to her orgasm as her hips were thrusting swiftly now moving his fingers in and out of her little box and was making little guttural noises.  Oh, oh, ahh, ahh, harder Matt, harder PLEASE.  Uhh, Uhh, don’t stop, oh God, don’t stop.  Then it happened, Sam threw her head back against the couch and started screaming, “I’m cuuuuuuuming, oh God I’m cummmmmming.  Her little body stiffened and her legs began to jerk uncontrollably as she peaked.  Her juices started pouring out of her little hole around his fingers as her mouth fell open and she was gasping for air.  Finally, Matt could feel her start to relax and saw that her eyes were shut and she was in such ecstasy that she was almost in a trance as she started to come down from the best orgasm she had ever experienced. 


Matt continued gently stroking her little clit as she basked in the afterglow of her climax.  Finally able to speak again she put her hand on his and gently pulled it back from her pussy and muttered, “Enough, oh please Matt, that’s enough.”  Matt could not believe how hard her orgasm was, and the flood of juice that had ran out of her little honey hole gushed even more when he finally removed his fingers.  “I have never seen any woman cum that much in my life, and Sam is only 13, just look at the river of cum she has he muttered to himself. 


Looking down at the couch he realized that Sam was right, he should have had something under her little butt.  The cushion under her ass was soaked, and it was still coming out of her little tunnel.  Matt dropped to his knees and started to gently catch as much of her juice as he could without touching her sensitive clit.  He lapped eagerly at the opening of her little hole and continued down until he reached the little pucker of her butt and continued licking up every drop he could find.  He was like a starving man at a banquet; he licked the cushion under her butt and then went back to her little asshole to get the last drops. 


Matt, what are you doing?  Sam was sucking in air hard when she felt his tongue on her butt hole, “that is where my poop comes out.” 


That’s ok Sam, I just want all of your love nectar, and don’t you like how it feels? 


Well I don’t really know?  It feels sort of good, but gross at the same time.  Pulling his mouth from between her legs Matt said, “Well I’ll stop then, I told you that I would not do anything you did not want.”  I think I have got all I can get anyway, and boy was it yummy. 


I’m not saying that I don’t want it, I am just not sure about it yet though Sam replied.  Anyway, I think after what you just gave me, it is your turn, get your butt up here on the couch if you can find a dry spot she giggled as she noticed how much of a mess she had made on the cushions.  Your wish is my command Sam, and just like I told you before, don’t worry about the couch, it can be cleaned, and if not, it was worth it 10 times over. 


As Matt sat on the couch, Sam took his place on the floor.  She grabbed his shorts with both hands and said, “Now lift up that pretty butt of yours so I can get rid of these things.”  It was Matt’s turn to rise up as Sam pulled his shorts down and threw them on the floor by her own clothing.  Now you are as naked as you were when you came into the world Sam laughed, just like me.  Sam reached up with both hands and gently took his cock and started to squeeze and pump it. 


Oh gosh Sam, Matt moaned as he felt her tiny delicate hands jacking him off.  He remembered how good it felt yesterday when she did it, and knew it would be even better today.  Sam watched Matt’s face as he strained with pleasure from her movements and laughed to herself and said, “Boy ain’t he really gonna be surprised when I do this.”  Seeing his eyes still shut she bent her head down and stuck her tongue out and slurped it from the underside of his massive bulb to the tip taking in all his pre-cum, tasting it, and swallowing it down. 


What are you doing Matt stammered. 


I told you I had some surprised in store for you didn’t I Sam said. 


Well yeah, but I thought your lack of underwear was it Matt replied. 


Well, that was part of it just like this is Sam said as she slurped the bulb of his cock again. 


Damn girl, you are really full of surprises. 


It was Sam’s turn now to go a little crazy.  She opened her mouth wide and put the whole head inside her tiny mouth and started sucking on it just like she saw her mother do the night before.   Looking up she saw Matt’s mouth drop open and his eyes roll back in his head as a groan of pleasure escaped from his lips.  Sam dropped her hands to his balls hanging below his massive cock and gently rubbed them just like her mother did.  Another groan of delight came from Matt and she dropped her mouth further and further down his cock.  It was starting to hit the back of her mouth now, and she kept going just like her mother did, except unlike her mother, she started to gag on it. 


Matt’s eyes jerked open when her heard her gag and quickly pulled her up and off his cock.  Take it easy Sam, I don’t know how you learned this much, but obviously you didn’t learn to deep throat a cock when you did.  Just relax and just take in a little of it so you don’t choke.  Just take in a few inches and suck, and use your hand to jack the rest of it, you will be fine.  Armed with new information, and disappointed that she couldn’t give him the same as her mother did to her dad, Sam dropped her head back to Matt’s cock and started doing just like he said. 


Oh God Sam, that is it, oh gosh that is it, Matt moaned as she started to suck his cock again.  Use you tongue on the underside of my cock as you move your head up and down Sam, that is the most sensitive part Matt croaked out. 


Little Sam did just as he said.  Her head bobbing up and down with her little tongue dragging the underside of his cock while she sucked gently on it.  Her hands continued playing and rolling his balls gently and really got in a rhythm on his cock. 


Matt looked down lovingly at Sam and saw her looking up at him.  He smiled at her and with that little bit of assurance she looked down and started sucking him in earnest now.  Looking at her little mouth stretched almost obscenely by the girth of his cock he wondered just what happened last night that turned her around like this.  Well really he didn’t care about what it was right now, just seeing and feeling her growing manipulations on his cock was pushing every thought out of his mind except the growing urgency to cum.  It was Matt’s turn to gurgle incoherent mutterings now as Sam again picked up the pace on his cock.  Her head was bobbing swiftly, and her hands had moved back to the base of his cock and jacking off what she could not fit into her mouth.  He was about to cum, and he wasn’t sure if Sam’s surprise plans included taking a mouthful of his cum.  He knew that before it was too late he had to warn her and stammered to Sam, “Baby I am about to cum, and if you don’t want a really big mouthful, you better back off right now.” 


Sam looked in his eyes, and Matt saw raw passion in hers.  She just nodded her head to acknowledge she had heard him and continued sucking his dick.  Matt could not hold on any longer and yelled out, “Oh God princess here it coooomes”.  He fell back against the couch as he felt rope after rope of cum shoot into Sam’s mouth. 


Sam had never experienced anything like this before.  Matt had told her he was close, and then she could feel his cock grow even larger in her tiny mouth and start to pulse.  Suddenly she could feel his warm cum shoot out of his cock and hitting the back of her mouth, and it just kept coming and coming.  She was not prepared for the large amount that suddenly filled her mouth.  With his large cock in her mouth it seemed like it filled up all at once.  She started trying to swallow, but it was difficult to get it down with his dick holding her mouth so wide open.  Sam could feel his cum leaking around the edged of her mouth and running down her chin onto her chest, but it kept on coming, would it ever stop? 


Finally Matt gasped and whispered to her, “Enough Sam, you can stop now”.  Sam slipped his cock from her mouth and looked up at Matt.  He was out of breath and looking down at her smiling. 


And what a sight, Sam on her knees between his legs with her beautiful red hair around her face, and her face had a large amount of his cum down her chin and had dropped on her breasts. 


“Princess, where did you learn that from”? 


Sam just smiled and said, I’ll tell you later, and started licking his cum from around her lips.  Um, Um, Um she said as she used her fingers to push his cum from her chin back to her mouth, and used her fingers to get the spilled cum off her breasts and into her mouth.  “I never dreamed cum would taste so good” she told Matt as she cleaned the last of it off her.  Looking down at his now shrinking cock she said, “Now let me clean my man up again” as she put her mouth around his cock and cleaned every drop off of him and even dropped her tongue down to his balls looking for any leftovers. 


Matt groaned again, “Please princess, no more right now please”.  Come here my little love, just let me hold you.  Sam got up off the floor and went into Matt’s arms letting him surround her body with his arms as she rested her head on his shoulder and both closed their eyes letting each others love for the other fill their minds. 

My friends mom WOW!

UndergroundMark on Teen Stories

My Friends Mom:

Hey all, my name is Bob and at the time this happened (fictional) I was about 18 years old, 6 feet tall, `85 pounds, with an impressive 10 inch cock.    Yeah I guess you could say that I was developed, ;)

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t">It all started when my best friend Joe went away to camp for 2 weeks in the summer. I was pretty bored without him around so I went around looking for a summer job. Having no luck at the local businesses I tried my luck around the neighborhood looking for odd jobs like lawn care etc. Well, I decided eventually to go ask Joe’s Mom if she needed any work done.

I went up to the door and knocked and waited. When she opened the door I was completely taken aback!  There stood his mom in a bikini! Something I had never seen here in. and it showed off here perfect curves, luscious ass, and  GORGEOU  HUGE tots!. She said “Oh hey Bob, long time no see! What can I do for ya?   She was always a real friendly person. I stammered. “Uh yeah I was wondering if you needed any work done around the place, I’m looking for a summer job.”  As I said this I hoped she wouldn’t notice by rather OBVIOUS erection.  She said “ Oh well there is one thing I need help with if ya don’t mind, I needed all the light bulbs changed in the ceiling and I’m too short, could you do it for me?:   Sure  I replied... So she invited me inside...   She showed me were the first one was and as I was up on the stool changing the bulb, to my surprise, she grabbed my cock!  I nearly fell off. She looked at me and said, “I need you KNOW.”  Know honestly, who was I to argue with here? Hmm? Lol She dragged me into her bedroom and shoved me down onto the water bed.  She then proceeded to strip out of her bikini then throw herself on top of me, smothering me with her luscious tits.  I began mauling them with my mouth, alternating between them. She began moaning like a mountain lion... She then sat up and striped me naked revealing my fully erect cock. She stood over it and then SLAMMED herself down on me, (Dang what an aim this gal had, lol) I nearly passed out when she did that. She then began riding me like a wild animal!  She was screaming so loud im not sure why no one called the cops! I was enveloped in a world of passion it was so intense!

I yelled” I’m CUUUMMMMING!  And we both did at the same time.   She looked at me with lust filled eyes and said” That was great!”  And proceeded to lick me clean of mine and her juices.   This of course eventually led to more fucking that summer, which her son of course never found out about.

To be continued.








Age Differences don't matter prt 2.

emily123 on Teen Stories

Me and sean had gotten closer ever since he took my virginity,we hadnt had sex for a second time yet though.
Sean had a car and the middle school and high school were in walking distance so hed drive me every morning.

   One day sean picked me up as usual, but he was very early i heard my mom scream"emily seans here!" i hadnt even gotten out of bed yet so i threw on a white mini skirt a pretty black lacy bra and a tank top showing my lacy bra at the top of it,and i was in a rush and couldnt find any panties so i just ran out to the car.
   "why the fuck are u so early?" i asked as i opended the car door. sean kissed my cheek "cause my moms a bitch who thinks the earlier i get to school the mor
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e my teachers will like me" he replied. He looked really hot and just looking at him made me a bit horny.
   i put my legs up on the seat and spread them a little while looking away [so it would seem i didnt no my pussy was showing] i knew sean was looking "no panties today?" sean asked. i quickly closed my legs and pretended to be embarrased. he kissed me a long very passionate kiss,"ah were alomost at school baby i dont want to get hard right now id have to walk in the bulding like that" he said while pulling away. I gave him a pouting face like little kids do to get what they want.
   "aww" he said right as we were pulling up to school. right when he reached to open the door i quikley moved ontop of him so i was sitting on his lap facing him "im soooo horny"i whispered in his ear."i no baby but school.." "lets skip and go to your house or something!" i said interupting while thrustung my whole body closer to him.."why hadnt i thought of that?" sean question himself,"because your not extremly horny right now" i said while giggling "yes i am,baby i saw your pussy im deffinantly horny"
   sean quikley drove to his house, we entered his normal size house and i ran up the stairs pulling him behinde me we got up to his room and he quikley took my top of and struggled with my bra,but when he got it open he amedently started sucking on my nipples "mmph" i moaned quitley,he then without taking my skirt off ran his finger up and down the lips of my soaking pussy "oh my god" i said while gasping for air.
   I pushed him away from me and took off is shirt i ran my hand along his chest and tugged his pants down when i got to them , his cock was extremly hard under his boxers and i grasped it.Sean let out a sigh and he slipped of my skirt and pushed me on his bed he ran his finger up and down the lips of my pussy and started circling around my clit "ooooooh" i moaned slighty loud. he then stuck two finger deep inside of me and thrusted them in and out while with the other he he caressed my boobs, i was moaning like ccrazy and i pulled his finger out of me.
   i pulled of his boxers and put his ful length in my mouth,i love giving him blowjobs and seeing how good thay make him feel. Sean thrusted his hips to my face "OO fuck emily,thats it baby ooo god" he screamed. I pulled up from him and we kissed long and hard, then he layed me down and i felt his cock press up againt my pussy , as we both let out moans he quicky put it inside me and went fast and hard going harder and harder "oooo my god sweetie mm fuck me fuck me as hard as you can! ooooo" sean was also moaning like crazy and pick up speed.
   I pushed him off me once again and he layed on his bak a little confused, but i placed myself over his cock and this got him excited "oh my god you're so hot fuck me !" he said and with that i droped down on his cock and went up and down pushing my self hard against him
   Me and sean heard a door opening "SHit! i forgot my brother had a half day today!" but this didnt stop me i kept fucking him it felt so good and he didnt care anymore also for he was moaning loud enough for the whole development to hear
   "what the fuck are u doing sean?" we heard his brother,but i didnt stop,his brother walked in to see me fucking his older brother [he was only a year younger so he was aware wht was happening and it still made him three years older than me]
   "sean! shes 14 ! what the fuck are you doing" his brother yelled "go away matt" sean said between gasps of plessure,but he just stood there at the doorway as i continued fucking"do you like watching me fuck your big brother?" i said but could barley between my moans..i thoguht this would make him go away,but to my surpirse [and deffinantly to seans] he pulled out his cock and started jacking off right in the doorway.'
   "mmm yeah sexy fuck him harddd mmm" i was in shock and so was sean but we continued as he jacked off soon me and sean came all over eachother and not longer his brother fallowed.
   "now may i ask why your fucking emily sean? keeping in mind shes 14!" "because im in love her" sean quitly announced. i kissed him and said how much i loved him too
   "can you go now matt , stop looking at my girlfriends tits" be continued.


Swinging Sexville High

dick inkum on Teen Stories


By Dick Inkum


"Hi, Who's your dad this year?"

That's been the standing joke every fall when school resumes in our bedroom community. It's a lot more bedroom than community. In a few square miles, we have the third highest divorce rate in the country.

Our moderately upscale sub-suburb has oodles of official activities and oodles of unofficial ones like swinging clubs. As you might imagine, in between divorces and usually quick remarriages, kids find a lot of different men in the house over the weekends. It does wonders for early sex education around here.

I conducted a little survey among friends (both boysand girls) about how many had seen their mothers having sex. Actually seen?: about half. Heard?: almost all.

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Most of the kids are somewhat sexually active before high school. Theere are a fair number of merged families with kids from each about the same age which leads to another common joke here: "Hi! I'm your new brother. Let's fuck"

I'd also heard about step-dads fucking their new step-daughters but I never believed it until I found a friend in that situation.

I'm Julie and I'm seventeen as are most of the other kids in this story. Melody, Denise and I were the planning committee for a party. Our crowd is comprised of good kids; i.e. we can handle aparty with plenty of booze and sex without becoming a public nuisance or any outbursts of uncivil behavior.

Melody dropped by my house and we were going to travel to Denise's house to discuss some details of our plan. We headed over there a little earlier than we'd planned.

As we walked up to her house there was a certain noise inside that made us hesitate and look in the window. The noise was a guy screaming "Fuck! Fuck" and other bits of exclamitory exuberance (like that phrase?).

What we saw was Denise's tall athletic body, naked, bent over the arm of the couch, and her step-dad with his pants down, fucking her from behind! She was squealing ordinary fucking squeals.

Another man was on the couch with his pants down and Denise's mom was sucking his cock! She wasn't naked, just dissheveled, like she'd had some groping.

Melody and I stood there with dropped jaws. We retreated a bit to be sure we wouldn't be easily seen and continued to watch in facination. We both quietly exclaimed "Oh, my God!" and rubbed our pussies.

"I think we'd better come back in an hour or so" I suggested.

"Yeah, but let's see a little more first" Melody rejoined.

The step-dad announced his climax with a bellow, withdrew, and rubbed his spent cock on Denise's ass.

The other man, handed the step-dad a wad of cash (!), got up and fucked Denise the same way. Denise's mom sucked her husband some, but mostly watched the fucking show. Melody and I were drippy with excitement.

"O K, I'm gonna do it now" the fucker shouted and shoved his cock in Denise's asshole!

Melody and I both knew what that felt like; sometimes good , sometimes awful. Denise didn't seem to have either reaction. She winced and groaned but her ass was welcoming that pumping cock. We stayed until the the fucker climaxed in Denise's asshole and shouted "That was great, Baby!"

Melody and I scampered back to my car and drove off. We decided to kill some time at a fast-food place before heading back to Denise's house.

"Do you believe that?" Melody gushed.

Neither of us did. We were stunned. We were also in damp panties.

"So, not only does step-dad fuck Denise, he pimps her too!" I squealed, "I'd never have believed!"

We rattled on and on, and replayed the whole scene a dozen times before we got back in the car to return to Denise's house.

"Are you still horny?" Melody asked.

"Let's get in the back seat" I suggested.

We did, dropped our jeans and finger-fucked each other. We'd done that since slumber party days and always enjoyed each other. It was good as quickies go; we promised each other better work next time.

We got back to Denise's house and she welcomed us in as though nothing had happened. She and her mom were the only ones there. Melody and I never let on that we'd seen her fucking.

We discussed our invitations to the party. We wanted to have couples inclined to mingle sexually; kids who swapped partners, did orgies or would be willing to do so. I thought all three of us fit in that catagory, but Denise surprised us.

"Jimmy and I are actually pretty faithful to each other " she said.

What! I guess she thinks fucking with adults doesn't count. At seventeen, I think they count.

"Well, nobody will have to fuck around" I replied, "but if we have enough who will, we can organize some games like drawing partners for an hour at a time. Not that anyone would have to do sex in that hour"

We discussed a managable number and came up with twelve couples. I thought that might be too may since they'd take up a lot more space horizontal than vertical.

I had arranged to use my Aunt Nancy's house. She'd OK anything but drugs and violence. No problem, we're good kids; just sex mad. Aunt Nancy is my mom's younger sister. The house had three bedroomsa, a rec room, a deck and nooks and crannys.

As days went on, we invited twelve couples. We got ten acceptances. Melody and her bf Brian, Denise and her bf Jimmy, and my bf Jeff and I were the set-up committee. We let everyone know that we'd have something organized that would be fun and different.

The night of the party, Aunt Nancy took charge as bartender (with power to cut off any who'd had too much) and I was the official hostess. I announced the game, but I counldn't call play by play because I was in it.

Each girl would be dealt a card for the order or draw from a hat full of cards with the names of the boys. They had to redraw if they got their boyfriends. Then they'd be "married" to them for the next hour. We’d have an hour intermission and do it again.

Everyone had to have a diferent partner the second time. Girls, go to your guys. Guys, you may kiss the bride.

I drew Rick, a rather tall slim guy, and Mary Jean’s bf. I hadn’t had any experience with him lately, but I’d sucked him off in eigth grade. I liked it then. I’m sure his dick is longer and stronger now.

Denise drew my bf Jeff. I think Denise has a more muscular body than Jeff but he’s good at using the muscle she’ll want.

Melody drew Bobby, one of our school’s star atheletes. I hope he fucks her brains out.

"Anyone using the bedrooms has to share" I announced.

Rick whispered that he’d like to claim a bed space ahead of the crowd. When I smiled in reaction to his pat on the ass, he said "Let’s go!" We almost ran to Aunt Nancy’s bedroom to be first on the biggest bed. We were just wearing shorts and T-shirts, so nudity came fast.

"I’d like a little of your specialty" Rich said and presented his stiff cock. I went right to my knees to suck. I gave him a lusty licking all over his cock and balls.

"This was only my specialty before I fucked" I giggled.

His cock was good sucking, and though he's considerably tyaller that I am, he got enough licks on my pussy to keep me excited. We licked a little longer and I got him up in my saddle. God! His cock was long enough to make me squeal at first stroke.

We'd just got in rhythm when another couple came in. It was Melody's Brian with a girl named Beth. They stayed off the bed for a time. Brian was standing, commenting on our fuck while Beth was on her knees sucking.

Rick and I were pumping organs pretty well when Beth was plopped down beside me. Brian was licking her cunt when she reached over and squeezed my tit. I returned the salutation. Rick squeezed her tit too. Brian mounted Beth and the whole world found out that Beth was a screamer! I'm sometimes loud, but I'm not in her league. Brian got into the tit squeezing mode on my body. All hands were full of tit most times.

I clamped my cunt on Rick and brought him off with me in an ass-banging climax that left both of us panting!

There was no room on the bed for Rick to roll off, so I held him as long as I could. Then we rolled over together and I slithered down his body and slurped on his cock and balls.

In a minute, Beth stopped screaming as she came down from her orgasm. She was soon down between Brian's legs.

Beth and I swapped cocks for a moment, but mostly sucked our own guys. Both guys groped both of us. Time to rest.

Brian asked Beth if he could fuck her ass. She wasn't very warm to the suggestion, but like me, she knew he got it from Melody. Beth said she didn't have any lubrication. Brian said he knew I'd have some. I said I'd only give it if Beth asked for it. They negotiated some and Beth finally agreed to her asshole invasion. I produced the lube from my jeans pocket and Brian applied it. He invited Rick to participate in shoving it in Beth's ass.

Brian suggested they swap cocksuckers until they were ready for action. That was good with me. I liked sucking Brian's dick well enough. We had a history. Beth was happy with Rick's cock too.

Beth was still sucking when Brian put her in position and slowly plugged her ass. Rick had revived and I wanted his hard-on in my pussy. He doggied me with a little ass fingering that was alll the excitement I wanted there at the time.

The guys came about the same time. Rick filled my pussy and Brian blasted a load up Beth's ass that helped give her another screaming orgasm.

We were fucked out and almost out of time. Our "marriages" would dissolve in ten minutes. I sucked a bit in that ten minutes and let Rick know there'd be future opportunities.

The group reassembled to party. Few wore more than underpants and a few wore nothing, Melody among them.

Jeff was very attentive to me. I'm sure he'd had a good fuck with Denise and wanted to reassure me of his affection.

The hour before our second "marriage" was spent gabbing, groping, dancing and drinking. No real heavy sex took place, but a lot of future dates were made, often with a hands-on approach.

It was time to draw new partners.

Jeff was drawn by Janet. Damn! If there's one girl I might be jealous of, it would be Janet, the blonde bombshell. I hoped Jeff would slam her hard up her ass!

I drew Rudy the Red. He's red-haired, and his face is too. He says we're practically related be cause my (divorced) father has been screwing his (divorced) mother most of the past year. We'd never had sex before, but now that the opportunity was here, we were both eager to get it on.

We kissed and squeezed. Well he squeezed more since my tits were bare and available. My aunt's bedroom was full before we got there, so we wound up in the rec room where two other couples were getting it on. We soon became oblivious to the crowd.

I was eager to get down on his cock. His skin is so light, it almost glows red! I thought he was delicious.We got in a sixty-nine for a while and I was juicy and excited when he got on me. We had a very romantic fuck that kept my legs tight on his ass and his dick pumping furiously. We both got off nicely.

"You're a noisy little fucker, aren't you, Julie?" he commented.

"Not compared to some I've heard lately" I giggled.

About that time another girl in the room started sounding off. I looked over to see Rick was fucking her. No wonder.

Rudy and I cuddled and petted for a while. Iasked if he'd give me some in the ass next round. He was surprised. I was surprised at myself. I told him what I wanted; me on my back and him kneeling, starting in my pussy and then push my legs forward and change holes when I told him to. I had him lube and finger-fuck my ass while I sucked.

It went just as I planned except that he pushed in too hard and I had to stop him for a moment. We resumed and I soon had his full length sliding up my chute. We both fingered my pussy and I had my orgasm about the time he shot his load. We kissed passionately.

God! Here was another guy I wanted a lot more of! We cuddled until our time was up. I made promises for many future fucks.

The entire mob assembled to sort themselves out and say goodnight. Everyone I saw went back to their original partners, at least for the time being. All agreed it had been a fabulous party.

Who's hosting the next orgy? No volunteers yet, but they're thinking about it.


(Note: I'm considering a sequel. More of this group or had enough of them? Tell me on the review page.)

My Friend Niki

Pat Man on Teen Stories

She grabbed him and playfully tackled him to the ground,
with him landing on top. Neither of them was single, but that didn't matter. He
brushed the long blonde hair away from her beautiful face, leaned in closer and
pressed his lips against hers. They kissed for a few seconds before he broke
off and looked into her eyes. They knew that this betrayal was wrong, but their
feelings for each other overpowered their loyalty. “Are you sure about this” he
asked her and instead of replying she put her arms around his neck and stated
kissing him again, but this time with more passion. She pushed her tongue into
her mouth and he did followed her lead, and as their tongues swam around in
each others mouths her reached down to her jacket zipper, slowly pulling it
down. Wh
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en it was completely undone she ripped it off and threw it away. He
grabbed the bottom of her T-shirt and pulled it up past her bellybutton. She
broke off from the intimate kiss to take it off completely. She then reached
behind her back and undid her bra, throwing it to the ground, revealing her
perfect, 14c tits. They once again began kissing, first on the mouth then he
began working his way down. He kissed her lightly on the neck, sending shivers
down her spine. Next he grabbed her tit and started kissing it, sucking and
lightly biting her now hard nipples, causing her to moan softly. He kissed a
path down her body, to just past her bellybutton. By now he had taken off her
shorts and he could see a small wet patch forming on her underwear. He grabbed
the top of them and slowly pulled them down. She was completely shaved- just
how he liked it. He softly kissed her inner thighs, teasing her. He then moved
up onto her outer lips, licking in a circular motion, moving closer and finally
licking her clit, she shuddered and grabbed the back of his head, pushing it
into her pussy. He kept licking her clit while he reached up and inserted a
finger into her tight hole. He pushed it in deep, and found her G-spot, sending
her over the edge. She screamed as she climaxed hard, her juices flowing down
his chin. “that was amazing” she said to him and she gave him a kiss “Now it’s
my turn”. She reached down and grabbed his full hard, 7” cock and knelt down in
front of him. She stroked it gently, running her fingers up and down the long,
hard shaft. She leant forward and gently licked the tip. He let out a moan of
ecstasy as he couldn’t believe how good it was. She then shoved the whole head
in her mouth as she quickly ran her hand up and down his dick. He knew he
couldn’t take this much longer and he needed to be inside her. He laid her down
on the ground and spread her legs open. She was already very wet and his cock
was covered in her saliva. He leant forward and placed his dick near her hole.
He moved it in a circular motion around it and looked up into her eyes “This is
it, are you totally sure?”
“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.” He placed
his cock at the entrance of her vagina. He knew she was a virgin, and felt how
tight she was before and he didn’t want to hurt her so he went slowly. He
pushed lightly but to no avail. He pushed a little bit harder and the head
slowly went in. He couldn’t believe how tight she was! He slowly pushed back
and forth until he got the whole cock in. Their breathing got much heavier as
the both got closer to an orgasm. He knew he couldn’t take this tight pussy any
longer, he could feel himself reaching an orgasm. He pounded her as she moaned
louder and louder, til they both came together, him spilling his hot load
inside her, so much that their combined juices dripped out the sides He could
have stayed like this forever but he felt his dick shrinking and it gradually
slipped out. He leant forward and kissed her once more “I love you Niki”

Be sure to check out the forums for more great stories style="color: rgb(51, 51, 255);" />or our new story site />

one night at my house

ilovesex4567 on Teen Stories

My name's Peter, and I'm 17. Well, my parents told me they were going out for their anniversary on the upcoming Saturday night, and I would be at home alone. I planned to just look at porn all night, but I got a better idea.

There are a lot of people in my neighborhood, but there are two girls my age who I'd give anything to fuck. One is Mariah, a skinny dirty blond with C cups and a tough ass (she swims year round). The other is Alison, who's not as skinny as Mariah, but she has bigger boobs and her amazing bubble butt jiggles like crazy.

School had just let out for the weekend, and I saw Alison. I went up to her and asked "Hey, you wanna maybe chill at my place tomorrow night?"

"Yeah." she said. "I won't be home till about 8,

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so I'll come over then."

"Great." I said. Next, just as I was about to walk home (I live within walking distance of school), Mariah came up to me.

"Hey. Did we have any physics homework?" she asked.

"No, we've just gotta study for next week's test. You wanna get a head start on that tomorrow night at my place?"

"Sure. I'll be over, let's say, 7?". I nodded.

At about 6:30 the next evening, my parents left. I prepared myself for the girls. I would get about an hour alone with Mariah, then the fun would really begin once Alison arrived. I chilled for a while, just watching TV, then sprang to attention once the doorbell rang. It was Mariah, as expected. I didn't really care what she was wearing, on account of I'd be seeing her naked. "Hey." she said. "I brought my textbook and notes."

"Great. Let's get started." I then proceeded to pretend to study. Mariah's booty shorts were extra tight, and I could feel my cock beginning to grow. Just the thought of fucking Mariah made me hard. I was sitting at the table and Mariah had gotten up, so I accidentally-on-purpose dropped my pencil. When Mariah came back, I asked her to pick it up. So she bent over to get it, and her ass was in my face. I couldn't resist, so I squeezed her butt. She looked at me like "What the hell". My boner was sticking way out, and she noticed. I hadn't masturbated all day long, so I was really horny. Mariah took notice, and said "You want my ass? Well come and get it!" She pulled down her pants to reveal her tough swimmers bottom. She had no underwear on. I worshipped her ass for a bit, then we moved to my bedroom and once there, she yanked off her shirt and my pants and sucked my cock like a porn star. After a few minutes, I came and she swallowed the entire load. I was impressed. I lay on the floor and Mariah was about to squat down so I could lick her pussy, when I heard the doorbell. "Oh, shit." I thought. In all the excitement of finally getting Mariah's ass, I had forgotten that Alison was coming as well.

I told Mariah to wait, put my pants on, and ran to the door. Alison was there, and she looked busty with a tight shirt on. She also wore a skirt, and I looked up it and saw she had no underwear as well. She came in, and when I told her Mariah was here also, she didnt seem to mind. In fact, once she saw her naked in my room, she seemed to get intrigued.

"So am I supposed to get naked too?" She asked, and proceeded to take of her shirt, revealing braless D cups. I had to squeeze them, and Alison's nipples got hard. I sat on the bed, and Alison shed her skirt.

I was thrilled. I took one look at Alison's ass and almost cummed my pants. I reached out and grabbed the whole thing with both hands. Mariah then gave me the promised face-sitting session, only with Alison sucking my dick. "I'm cumming!" I yelled, and Alison stopped sucking and I blew it all over her face. Mariah came shortly thereafter, and licked all of my cum off of Alison.

I only have one dick, and there were two girls to fuck. So Alison was okay with me doing Mariah, as long as I fucked her as hard as I could afterwards. I stuck my dick into Mariah's pussy, thrusting harder and harder. Alison fingered herself to keep herself occupied. "AHHHHHH! FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME!" Mariah moaned. I decided to pull out and switch to anal. I rammed my cock up her ass, and she screamed so loud that the neighbors' windows broke. I kept thrusting and grabbing her ass, until I came up her tight asshole.

Alison was ready, and she rubbed her bottom on my cock to make me hornier. I fucked her up her pussy, and cummed, but the real pleasure was the anal. Alison moans with the best of 'em. "Come on. More, more MORE!". I gave it all I could, and I shot the biggest load ever up her ass. I was just about worn.

But the girls insisted on giving me a double blowjob to top it off. I had gone flaccid from cumming so much, but a few grabs of ass fixed that. Alison gave a couple sucks, then Mariah pumped a couple, and so on until my penis tingled with pleasure. I shot the cum from one convulsion onto Alison's face, and another onto Mariah's, until I literally had no cum left.

So, once the dust had settled, the girls left, and I spent the night a very happy man.

Little miss innocent sugar me

mrozzy on Teen Stories

Shane was walking up towards his dorm room, it was just another day. It was around 9:30 and he just got out of his philosophy class, which was at an odd hour on Wednesdays. Normally he would go out but his roommate was out at his girlfriends so he decided to take advantage of the quiet and get part of his paper done for English. Once he reached his door he heard music, if he guessed correctly it was Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me”.

            Shane walked into his room and there stood the sexiest woman he had ever seen leaning against wall. Her brown hair was in large curls and her side bangs covered on eye, she h

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ad red lipstick and the tiniest purple dress that barely came to middle of her thighs showing off her gorgeous long legs and a pair of silver stiletto heels. She walked towards him seductively swaying her hips, running her fingers along her cleavage with a “who me” innocent look on her face. She stopped just in front of him while still swaying her hips. Shane swallowed hard and she continued her sexy dance running her hands up and down him. This was Babe, he knew her from a couple of his classes and she was one of the most innocent girls he had ever met, and yet this was one of the same girl grinding up against his now hard cock. Babe was dam gorgeous and he always had a thing for her but she seemed so innocent that he never thought she’d go for anything but apparently he was dam wrong. And at this point he didn’t dam well care what caused the change in her personality to make her so bold, but he was enjoying it.

            The music continued play and she now facing away from him and her tight little ass was rubbing against his dick. He suddenly knew why she picked this song and leaned in against her ear he growled, “ Little miss innocent sugar me,” she giggled, he knew she’d like that.

            Babe circled him and sat him in a chair she found by his desk. Once he was seated she straddled him and she started her lap dance, the song continued Crazy little woman in a one man show, she grinded her hips against his and her black laced thong was up against his pressing jeans. As her hips continued with the music her hands traveled up her sides to her breasts and she began toying with herself, Shane’s hands went to her thighs and he started to massage her upper thighs and she leaned back and started moaning. She came back up and leaned in and kissed with hunger and passion while keeping her hips in time with the song. Shane’s hand moved upward to meet her already wet panties and began to rub over the black thong, she moaned in his mouth and he became harder than before. Her hands went into his hair and she lightly pulled, dam she wanted him inside her now.

            “Shane I want your cock in me” she whispered into his ear.

The fact that this normally innocent sweet girl was now talking dirty to him was probably the most arousing and erotic thing that had ever happened to him.

            “Pleeease” she moaned

And now she was begging, that was it he almost came on the spot. He didn’t know what he did to deserve this gorgeous girl to beg for him but dam he hoped he’d do it again. With that he hiked up her dress and pulled it over her head, she returned by pulling up his shirt. As he started to kiss her neck and suck in one of her breasts her hands went down to unbutton his jeans, Shane was so dam happy he forgot to put on underwear and lifted his hips while sucking on her nipple so that she could slide down his jeans. He had a decent sized 8 inches but it was enough to make Babe go wide eyed and gasp.

            “ Your so big I can’t wait to have you inside me,” and she began pump his cock with her hands.

            Shane groaned, “Uh dam Babe”

She giggled once again, “No one’s ever made me as hot as you have, I’ve never wanted anyone’s dick this bad,” she moaned.

            “Well baby its all yours”

Shane lifted her up so he pull her thong down but suddenly was overcome by the urge to just rip her panties in half, so as she was standing above him he took the strap of her thong and tore it and watched as it fell to her ankle. Babe braced her hands onto his shoulders and lowered herself onto him, and his tip just barely entering her, she decided to play since she was the once in control. She allowed him to enter a little bit before raising out reach, she lowered and let him enter her a little more before raising. This time as she was about to exit him again his arm came around her waist and forced her down on top of him so he could fill her completely and she gasped and moaned by the sudden take of his power.

            He thrusted inside of her while she bobbed up and down, one hand fondling her boob and the other entangled in her hair, dam she looked like a crazy cowgirl going crazy for him, and she moaned and moaned. She place her hands back on his shoulders and allowed him to fill her completely before she leaned back  circling her hips while him still inside of her, the continued their grind, while his balls where up against her ass before she came back up and started bobbing up and down again.

            “Oh yeah Shane, I love your big cock inside me” And he loved her moaning for him. He pulled her down into a deep kiss so he could eat her moans while he thrusted deep inside of her.

            The pressure was building up and they could both feel themselves climaxing but Shane was going to let her go first, he reached down between their conjoined bodies and started massaging her clit,

            “Uhhh…. OOhh, Oh my god Shane!” she screamed, “ Oh Fuck I’m gonna cum!”

She came with and explosion, and continued to thrust till he felt his orgasm and he shot his load, it was on the most powerful orgasms he’d ever had. She collapsed onto his chest and they laid there panting trying to catch their breath.

            “Sweet Jesus, you trying to kill me” Shane chuckled.

Babe grinned and looked up at him and then kissed him, “That was the most amazing sex I’ve ever had,”

            “Ha, I never knew you were that kinda girl Babe”

            “I’m normally not, but like I said I’ve never wanted anyone’s cock as much as yours.”

            “How about we make it I’m the only cock you’ll ever want,”

Babe quirked a brow, “What are you saying”

Shane grinned, “I’m saying little miss innocent only sugars me from now on”

a halloween treat

giambi on Teen Stories

As I start out I will tell yall a lil bit about myself. I am 18 yrs old and have a few stepsisters that are pretty hot, I have heard many ppl say, Im about 6 ft and medium built and have a 8 inch 2 wide cock that girls adore. Now one halloween i went over to my fathers house where my stepsisters live but only one will be in this story. Her name is becky and i am Max.

I went over and ran into my father imediately who told me that the kids are drivin him and his wife up the wall begging to be taken trick or treating. He then told me "Max were gonna take the kids trick or treating around town for a few hours theres some food and drinks outside by the barbecue pit help yourself." Given that info I decided to

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stick around, I ate a plate of food then looked in the ice chest and found a more than needed quantity of beer in there and helped myself. I entered the house and started to watch some early ninties scary movie, which are very cheap lookin now that i think of it, but it was very entertaining after a few drinks. I was wondering if i was too busy drinkin to hear the doorbell but it turns out there were no trick or treaters around my block at all, just as i sat back down the doorbell rang and i sprung to my feet.

 It was becky my 23 yr old stepsister with another case of beer, she was looking for our parents to hang out and drink the night away but was too early. I asked her to come in and have a few drinks with me and she agreed so we went out back to the patio and i emptied the case of beer into the ice chest in front of her. she was already seated and drinking by the time i was done, and i had a weird feeling she was watching me very closley i grab one for myself and took a seat across from her. We started talkin about whats been goin on lately in our lives and were not paying attention to how much we were drinkin but, who cares you only live once right? She then out of nowhere pulled out a sack of pot, I never saw her as a smoker but didnt really care, she asked if I would smoke a joint or two with her and i agreed. After three joints and a whole lot of beers later we were engaged in laughter when her phone rang but it turned out to be a text message, while she was reading the door rang i went to check on it, to high to walk straight hopeing it wasnt a cop cause we were laughing loud, it turned out it was a tricker treater the only one of the night.

I returned and she had set her phone on the table beside us and we got right back into the conversation we had been entertained with. We were talkin about which one of our friends we would sleep with and of course i thought i would have picked more of her friends then she would of mine but it turned out to be the other way around. While we were talking i could not help but notice she was looking very beautiful tonight we were outside and the moon gave a little gleam to her eyes. Her breasts were around a D cup and she had a flat stomach with a lil waist and an ass to die for. we kept the small talk going for a good while then in the middle of our laughter her phone went off but it was only on vibrate so while it rang it was moving towards the end of the table and then finally off it went. We both lunged to catch it and we did but our hands were touching and we were both in an akward position somewhat bent over and our hands holding each others a foot above the ground. I turned and looked at her and she did the same our faces were inches away and she made the first move she kissed me on the lips and pulled back to see my expression to see if i wanted to move on further which of course i did. We lusted after each other after that kiss she came around and sat on my lap looked me in the eyes for a brief second and then we started kissing like the world was going to end. Now in this position she was holding my head with her hands and grinding her crotch against my now huge bulge and i had almost free range with my hands to explore her ass and back. we ended up really getting into it and were about to go into the house and continue our adventure further, when we heard a truck door slam it turned out to be our parents.

The rest of the night was ruined in a kind of sense for me here i was about to get laid by my beautiful stepsister and thats when our parents decide to come home. We continued the night with the company of our parents with small talk hearing there stories of what they use to do for halloween back in the day. When the night finally came to a close I was heading to my vehicle and Becky was also, She called to "hey Max wait up" I stopped and turned to face her she asked for my number and was goin to give me a call when she got home to her apartment. I jokingly said " i will be waitin for that call, you better give me one." On my way home thinking of the events that had just happened I could not help myself I had to curse my luck and couldnt keep a smirk of my face.

When Teen's get drunk.

Bob051494 on Teen Stories

You want to come to a party its this saturday night at my house said Travis. OK said Amanda what time should I be there? Around 7:00 you don't have to bring anything just show up. OK I will be there. Travis was about 6' and was very athletic. Amanda was about 5 foot 7 with a perfect body and perky tits. Well Amanda showed up at about 7:30 were have you been said Travis. She said she didn't know what to wear well OK said Travis. Well before Amanda got there Travis had thought about what he was going to do with Amanda. Amanda said were is everybody Travis said it is just me and you. Well I don't know what you were thinking but I am going home. 



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pre"> Well after travis did some convincing he got her to stay and have a few drinks well one led to another and another and soon they were both pretty buzzed. Amanda said Travis you want to see my tit's Travis could not say no. so she took her top of and Travis started getting hard. You getting a little excited there Travis said Amanda. Well yeah you are so hot. So out of no were Amanda pull's off Travis's pants and the his boxers showing his 7.5" thick cock. Amanda was shocked at how big it was and couldn't stop staring. Travis said if you want you can touch it. Well Amanda did more then that she grabed it and started sucking like crazy.


  Travis managed to take off Amanda's shirt and thong and got into the 69 position. Amanda was still a virgin and had never gone farther then making out. Amanda was moaning like crazy and so was Travis he got turned around and was ready to pop that cherry. Travis took position and rammed into her as hard as he could Amanda screamed like no tomorrow. Travis could not last long. he was going like crazy and Amanda was already about to cum she was screaming in delight and Travis was grunting like an ape. Amanda yelled as he orgasmed and Travis asked were she wanted it, she said in my mouth after about 30 seconds later Travis pulled it out and started stroking himself next to his face. She took his dick in her mouth and started sucking. He blew his load in her mouth and swallowed as much as she could but it was to much this was the biggest load Travis had ever shot and stood there not believing what just happened. Amanda said no one will ever know about his he said OK as long as we can take a shower together and you can blow me off. She said well Ok but only because you are so hot and did such and good job. 


  Amanda and Travis stayed friends and had causal sex every know and then.



The Sex Follies (Georgia)

antelopeboy on Teen Stories

To keep anyone that hasn't read the starter where I described everything up to 

date I'm going to put that in.

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ng: 0px">The Sex Follies Part One

Recently I had miraculously been getting a lot of girls easily, like I had been 

doing it for years. Now let me get this straight. I'm 5'9", 140 pounds, and have 

an athletic build to match my almost always hard 7", 15 year old cock. Oh and my 

name is Jon.

Georgia and Sam

So as I said recently I have been getting girls like there is no tomorrow. The 

first girl I'm going to talk about is Georgia. Georgia is a senior who is in one 

of my classes. Georgia is about 5'7' and has great boobs and a pretty nice ass. 

And along with her stellar attributes she is drop dead gorgeous. 

Another character in this story is Sam. Sam is about 5' 8" and has beautiful 

blonde hair that goes about to her nice perky 28B boobs. Along with this 

stunning body she has a beautiful ass which makes me feel blessed when I get to 

catch a look at it. I will tell the story of my first time hooking up with her 

some other time.

At first I thought I had no chance with her, but god damn was I wrong. It all 

started one day coming back from break.

I had stayed home and hadn't gone anywhere other than my friends house as usual. 

But Georgia went to the Bahamas and by the looks of it she probably tanned the 

whole time. When she got back I still had no idea that she was interested in me. 

But I was partially suspicious when I caught her staring at me when she 

should've been staring at her boyfriend.

"Hey, Georgia," I said while she started to sit down next to me in class

"Oh hey Jon," she replied as she did a head to toe check on me.

"Jesus, you need to get some sun more often you look like a sheet of paper!"


"I mean hot damn, I got a better tan than you. And I stayed here."

"Shut up Jon." 

"Haha, I'm just playing you look really good.."

"Thanks you do to. Wow I've never noticed this but you have gorgeous eyes."

"The next thing you know her leg is going to be creeping up your leg-" the guy 

that sits next to me said before getting cut off by Georgia.

"Only in your dreams Jon, only in your dreams"

"Nah. I'm thinking that's what's going on in your dreams." 

Then I got up and walked over to the door to go take a piss. As I was walking 

down the hallway I started thinking about what just happened.

'could she really like me' I thought 'I mean she is staring at me all the time 

and showers me with compliments every single day...'

By this time I was already in the bathroom and I was starting to get a boner so 

I started to stop thinking about Georgia. 

By the time I got back to class I realized that my boner was now pretty damn 

hard, but I thought nothing of it, and went back to sit down.

"Oh oh. It looks like I'm lost in a dream."

Georgia then put her hand on my pants directly on top of my raging boner. As she 

did this I had no idea what to do. Do I play it off like nothing happened? Do I 

pretend it was something in my pocket? Do I tell her that I'm horny? All of 

these thoughts were racing through my head.

"Oohh." Georgia whispered. She than started to move closer to my ear. "Looks 

like I'm not the only one who was enjoying that thought before."

With that Georgia took her hand off after a quick stroke which I'm pretty sure 

was a quick 'let's see how big it is'. Then playing it off all cool she just 

continued on like nothing happened. While I was semi-blushing and couldn't 

really talk let alone think about school.

Then I slowly felt a hand creep into my jacket pocket, and grab my phone. 

Slowly, Georgia took her hand out of my pocket with my phone and started to do 


"Here ya go," she said with a smile as she placed it back in my pocket. "I put 

my number in you phone. Call me sometime this weekend and I'll come and pick you 


"Alright." I responded semi shaking. "Here I'll give you m-"

"Don't worry Jon. All you need to do is call me. Nothing else. I have it all 

planned out."

"Wait Georg-"

"Jon if you don't stop talking to Georgia I'm going to have to separate you 


Me and Georgia both apologized and before we knew it the class was over and we 

were both heading different ways. 

As we walked out the door Georgia was right in front of me and too my surprise 

her boyfriend was standing right in front of the door to greet her. As she was 

giving him a hug she shot me a glance and winked at me, and then proceeded to 

make out with her boyfriend.

The rest of the day went painstakingly slow. Each minute felt endless and by the 

end of the day I just wanted to get out of this damned place. Through out the 

day I toned out in most of my classes and in numerous occasions the teacher 

yelled at me because I was 'acting weird'.

After the last bell rang I couldn't have been any happier. I slowly got my stuff 

together and headed for the bus. On my way there I talked to some of my really 

close friends. And almost had a act of pda with Sophia, but I didn't want 

anything to happen where Georgia might see me. So I ended most of the convo's 

quickly and headed over to my bus. Unlike my normal departure I was purposely 

being decently anti-social so I could get home and give myself a good wank.

"Hey, Jon!" Sam said as I got on the bus.

I decided to pretend I didn't hear her and would wait until we left the school. 

So I just pumped up my new favorite song Congratulations by Drake and just sat 

down in one of the middle seats of the bus. As I sat down I thought about 

Georgia and how badly I've wanted to get with her since the beginning of the 

year. However Sam was ruining my moment. She was wearing solo's that nicely 

displayed her ass and her thong was ever so slowly creeping out of her pants. On 

top of that she was wearing a low cut shirt and by her nipples poking through 

her shirt I could tell that she decided to go bra less today.

'Fuck it' I thought to myself 'Sam looks way to good to resist.' And with that I 

turned off my ipod and went to sit next to Sam.

"Hey Sam"

"Oh hey Jon. It's not like I said hi to you before."

"Oh you did I'm really sorry I didn't even hear you. It must've been my music. I 

was playing it really loud before so I could just tone everyone out and think."

"It looks like you did just what you wanted to do,"

"Don't worry Sam I'll make it up to you."

I then crazily started making out with Sam. As we were starting to heat up the 

bus had finally started moving and what luck there wasn't anyone within 10 seats 

of us. While I was making out with Sam I was getting so horny thinking that this 

could be me and Georgia over this weekend. As I will talk about in some of my 

later stories me and same have been hooking up whenever there was time for the 

past month or two.

Slowly I started to caress her lovely ass with both of my hands. Then I moved my 

hand to her stomach and slowly creeped down her pants into her panties. As I 

reached her moist cunt I was getting really hard, but of course the middle 

schoolers had just started getting on the bus.

"Sam we need to turn this down a notch."

"Jon my parents are going to be out for the rest of the night why don't you come 

to my house." 

"Sounds like a plan."

As the middle schoolers got on the bus we moved to the back and made sure no one 

sat in the back three rows. Then immediately as the bus started moving I had my 

hands down Sam's pants and my tongue in her mouth. I moved my hand to her 

dripping cunt that I had been inside so many times, getting a boner within the 

first minute of fingering her. 

At this point Sam had her shirt up to reveal her lovely tits and had her pants 

down to her ankles. I couldn't take it anymore and I knelt down and dug my head 

into her pussy. I alternated speeds with my tongue while she was grabbing on to 

my head to pull me in closer. I felt her start to tense so I put my finger up to 

her mouth to remind her that we needed to be quiet. She then bucked her knees 

and was squeezing my head right into her pussy as she moaned trying to keep it 

as low as possible. Then we both put on our clothes trying to get ready to go 

with out letting anyone know. So much for turning it down a notch. 

"That was great Jon. Why don't we do this more often."

"Sam we hook up almost 4 times a week. If we did it any more we would probably 

be considered sex addicts and then we'd have to go to one of those meetings."

"Fine. I still think 4 times isn't enough."

"Whatever we need to get off the bus."

"Alright. I'll return the favor when we get to my house."

Me and Sam walked off the bus exchanging small talk as we walked to her house 

which was conveniently really close which allowed me to have her not 

spontaneously jump on my dick. As we walked into the door we yelled like usual 

to make sure there wasn't any response. A little after we decided that there was 

no one in the house me and Sam we on each other like jack rabbits. And were 

making out intensely as we made our way up into her room. 

A door slammed open and a voice yelled up to us right as Sam was pealing of my 


"Saaammmm! Are you home?"

"What the fuck" Sam whispered in my ear. "No one is supposed to be hear until 

like 10 tonight."

"Saaaammm! Where are you?!"

"Oh shit it's my dad quickly get your pants on. Yea dad I'm in my room."

"Ok I'll be up there in a second."

"Oh shit. Hurry up get your pants on."

"I'll pretend I'm in the bathroom"

"Go quick he'll be here soon."

"Hey sweetie. Did I hear you talking to someone?"

"Yea Jon is here, he's in the bathroom though"

"What the fuck. You know what I said about not having people in the house when 

I'm not home. Jon get your skinny ass outta Sam's bathroom and leave before I 

throw you out. I'll be downstairs reading you better be out of her in 5 minutes 

or I'm calling the cops."

I wasn't gonna think twice about what I was gonna do next. I quickly put on all 

my clothes and then attempted to rush out the house. And to my surprise Sam was 

trying to stop me.

"Please stay Jon. I want to fuck you again. My pussy is soaking."

"As much as I want to I really can't. We can't fuck in your house or my house. I 

guess we'll have to wait for some other time, but one last kiss is fine with 


I quickly gave Sam a slap on the ass and made out with her for a minute or two 

before I made a run for my house trying to get as much space between me and 

Sam's 300 pound brawlic dad. As I was walking home I couldn't help but thinking 

about calling Georgia yet I didn't want to seem to desperate. However it did 

seem like she was pretty desperate at school.

"Fuck it" I said out loud. "I'm calling that bitch and were gonna fuck"

So I picked up my phone and looked for Georgia's name. Nowhere to be found I 

decided to just look through my whole contact list. When I got to the name 

Georgia listed herself under I was stunned and partially really turned on by 

what I saw. In my phone Georgia had listed herself as 'fuck buddy' and as I 

opened this a alarm went off scaring the shit out of me. I guess I should call 

her now. I mean she set an alarm saying so. So I clicked on her number and gave 

her a call.

"Hey Georgia its Jon."

"Are you ready Jon."


"Ok so I looked you up in the phone book and I'm pretty sure I know exactly 

where you live in fact I can see you walking down the road. I'll pick you up."

Slowly a car pulled up to me and the door opened as it stopped. 

"Hop on in gorgeous" Georgia said

"Jeez. I should be the one calling someone gorgeous" I said as I closed the 

door. "I mean sweet jesus, you look so pretty. This is meant as a compliment so 

don't take it in the wrong way. I'm already fully hard."

"Save that for later youngin. You haven't even seen the goodies yet."

"Well I'm god damn ready. Where are we going?"

"Well my parents are gone all week so we are going to hang at my place. I have 

it all set up. Do you like scary movies?"

"Usually I don't really get scared of them but yeah I fucking love 'em."

"Good, because I always get really scared watching them and I have a really good 

one for us to watch. Oh look were at my house already. Let's head on in."

I quickly undid my seat belt and started to walk into her house with her. I was 

so excited for the movie. Most girls I had gone out with hated scary movies so I 

always took them to the scariest ones so they'd have an excuse to hold onto me. 

Before I knew it I was in Georgia's house wondering around.

"Quit stumbling around. We're gonna go to my room." Georgia said

"Alright." I replied as we walked in

"Its getting a little hot and I kinda want to sit under the covers so I think 

I'm gonna strip some layers, I hope that's ok with you."

"Yea sure go ahead. I think I might do the same."

As I started to take my shirt off I had to stop and pinch myself to make sure I 

wasn't dreaming. I was just about to strip off some of my clothes and as a 

freshmen get into bed with a smoking senior who probably wanted to fuck sometime 

that day. And what she did next made me have to pinch myself even harder. 

Georgia was slowly peeling off her pants to reveal her perfect huge ass in a 

nice small thong that matched her bra. As she turned around I was still staring 

so I quickly looked down and then started to peel off my shirt to reveal my 

finely toned abs from years of wrestling. 

"Ooohhh. Someone is looking good." Georgia said.

"Yea and that someone is you. I mean jesus look at you your fucking gorgeous."

"Let's stop talking about this and get to the movie. Wait... Do you drink?"

"Of course I do how old do you think I am 5"

"Ok then. So I'll make some vodka OJ's. How does that sound to you."


"Alright I'll be right back startup the movie."


I quickly ran up to the dvd player and started up the movie as soon as possible 

so I could snoop around her room a little bit. I figured I had about 5 to 7 

minutes and I would make the damn best of it. First I went to her closet to see 

what was in there. To match her giant house she also had a giant walk in closet. 

I quickly decided what I wanted wasn't going to be in her so I explored her room 

a little more. As I was looking around I stumbled into her hamper. Jackpot. I 

opened it at thankfully there was a pair of panties laying right on the top. I 

picked them up, took a whiff of their fresh beautiful scent, and ran over to put 

them in the pocket of my pants. I then got up onto her bed and laid down in only 

my shorts and boxers. About a minute later Georgia walked in with a pitcher and 

two glasses.

"Her ya go" Georgia said as she poured some of the concoction into my glass.

"Thanks yo, now hop on up her and watch this movie with me."

"Alright. Get under the covers with me so we can cuddle."

"I'm definitely not turning that offer down."

As I started to get under the covers I couldn't help getting hard but I used 

every single muscle in my body and managed to keep it soft.

"Come closer, you shy little thing" Georgia said while she grabbed me by the ass 

and attempted to pull me closer to her but since she couldn't I helped her out a 

bit and got as close as I could possibly get.

"Is this close enough for you hun? I could probably get closer if you wanted me 


"Perfect. I love being next to you."

"Alright let's watch this movie."

I quickly pulled Georgia closer to me and we started watching the movie. At 

first it wasn't that bad but as the movie progressed it got a lot scarier, and 

as this happened Georgia would start to shake and hold onto me as tight as she 


"I'm so glad your here Jon I don't know what I would do if I was watching this 

alone." Georgia said looking right into my eyes sending off the 'fuck me' 


"No problem." I said as I gave her a nice full kiss on the lips.

As I started to pull back she refused to let me go and held onto the kiss 

longer. And hot damn was she a good kisser. Usually I try to keep it really 

lively by moving my head around but Georgia was always one step ahead of me. I 

then went to grab her boobs and when I reached out and grabbed a boob covered 

only by a bra a was shocked and then remembered we took some of our clothes off. 

As I was feeling her up whilst having an intense make out session I unclipped 

her bra with one of my hands. After unclipping it I threw it on the ground and 

started kissing down Georgia's neck.

"Yesss. Don't stop Jon. This feels so good." She said in between moans.

'Yeh like I would stop' I thought to myself as I started sucking on her firm 


I slowly twirled my finger around the nipple I wasn't sucking on. I was so horny 

I couldn't wait to fuck her so I started to move down her body more. I kissed my 

way all the way down to her clean shaved pussy and started eating her out, to 

try and get her wet. As she got wetter I would stick another finger in and 

before I knew it I could've fit my whole hand into her beautiful soaking pussy. 

I wanted to fuck her so hard but I also wanted to make her cum first. So I 

quickly started moving my tongue faster and then with two fingers in her I slid 

them in and out slowly. After about a minute Georgia's moans grew louder and 

more frequent. 

"Oh shit I'm gonna cum Jon. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. I'M CUMMING. AWW SHIT SHIT 


I quickly sped up the pace until she came in my face. I licked up some of the 

juice from her pussy. Then I stood up and positioned myself so that I could 

easily slid in. 

"Quit waiting and fuck me already you whore!

I didn't need to be asked that twice. I quickly rammed my cock right into her 

pussy going its full length. I had the pace pretty fast but then I decided that 

I wanted this to last so I slowed it down, and went to go suck on her beautiful 

tits. After about 5 or 6 minutes I was ready to cum but didn't want to so I 

decided to switch it up. I pulled out my cock and laid down on the bed as I 

pulled her on top of me, so I could let her do some work. And god damn was this 

bitch horny she hopped on immediately started going up and down. She was going 

so fast that I knew I wasn't going to last long so I grabbed her thighs and 

started slowing her down. 

"Lets slow it down babe. I'm not ready to cum yet."

"Maybe if you were more experienced we wouldn't be having this problem"

"Babe, babe, babe. I have more experience than a porn star."

"Alright then I guess you won't mind me speeding up."

"Definitely not. Go as fast as you like."

Georgia definitely had a lot more experience then I was at the time. Right away 

she started going at it. She was going faster then a jack hammer and I was in a 

state of ecstasy. I could think about anything other than what was going on in 

front of me and I couldn't move a single part of my body. My mind was screaming 

at me to pull out before I came yet I couldn't do anything.


"Wait not yet I want you to cum in my mouth."

Georgia quickly jumped off my dick and started sucking it like a pro. She had 

her tongue swirling around my dick while she was caressing my balls, and moving 

her other hand up and down my shaft. I couldn't take it any longer. I released a 

huge 6 string load right into the back of her throat, and she swallowed every 

last drop of it. And then I passed out on her bed. 

Later I woke up to Georgia lying next to me completely naked and passed out as 

well. I lifted up the covers and then decided to wake Georgia up by eating her 

out. As I started to eat her out she slowly woke up.

"Morning hun. I need you to drive me back home its 6 o' clock my mom is gonna be 

home soon."

"Alright but we need to do this again sometime. Your so much better than my 


"Of course."


Good Girl At Heart: Lexi's Adventures...part 1

goodgirlatheart on Teen Stories

My eyes had been watching her all evening.  She had the been the object of my admiration this whole weekend, and tonight I was sure that I would make her mine.

Usually getting girls had never been a problem for me.  I was five foot eleven with an athletic built from the sports I did year round.  I had dark hair that complimented my deep brown eyes.  Hopefully, these features would play a role in helping me get Lexi.

Lexi was only fourteen, making me two years her senior.  She danced across the room with a group of friends.  Her developing figure, with her 32B breasts and gorgeous ass was well shown in her tight pink tank top and short jean skirt.  Her dark hair flowed over her sholders to the middle of her back.  Her h

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azel eyes sparkled with a gleam of innocence.  Her body moved with the music in such a sexy way, only adding to my fantasies of how the night would go.

One of my friends elbowed me in the side, obviously noticing where my attention was.  The mood of the music changed to that of a slow dance, and he told that this was my chance.  I made my over to her, and like in old time movies, extended my hand and asked "If she would like to share this dance"  She giggled and put her arms around my shoulders as we swayed with the music.

"Hi, I'm Lexi." she said, in an adorable voice.

"Mike," I said, as though I didn't know of her.

We continued talk, and she explained that she was a cheerleader and a gymnast, and lived not too far from where I did.  The slow song came to an end and a faster, night-club-style one began.  She went back to dancing in a circle with her friends. But this time, I had no intentions of being left out of the fun. 

I came up behind her and brought my pelvis up to meet her grinding hips.  A little smile flashed across her face.  She picked up pace and worked her tight ass in small circles around my bulging cock.  It could easily be seen this was not her first time engaging in freak dancing.  We continued for a couple other songs.  Her moves became creative, and she would occasionally bend over, giving me a clear glimpse of her small, pink, thong.  My seven inch cock grew and grew with each motion to a point where I could barely take it.   

"Want to step outside?" I whispered to her.  She nodded and took my hand as we made it to the door.  The crisp evening sky brought beauty and serenity from the dark, tacky, swirling lights, setting of the dance.

"I love this place," She said, gazing up at the skies.  'Ive gone to this camp for six years, and this past summer was my last."  Our hands still joined, we walked away from there, exploring the beauties that this place had to hold.  Only I had other intentions.  We made it to the beach.  I had never remembered it to be this beatiful, but the serenity of the night had brought along all new feelings.  She layed down in the sand, once again gazing up at the stars.  I layed beside her and put my arm around her.

"What are you looking at?" I whispered.

"Just the sky again.  It's just so beautiful," she explained.

"Not as beautiful as you," I lustuflly whispered.  Our eyes met in a piercing gaze.  It was at that moment   I knew I had to make my move or watch Lexi leave on the bus, knowing I had missed my chance.  I moved my lips in to hers, as hers met mine.  I parted her lips with my tongue.  Our tongues met and swirled in a beautiful dance of lust.  The kiss that began slow picked up with more passion.  I rolled her on top of me.  My hands roamed over her fine body, finding their way to her small but pert breasts.  I rubbed them up and down, and my hands worked their way up her shirt.  i rolled the nipple between my fingers, and small moan released from her.  Her response led me to take the others in my hand, gently pinching the nipple while I caressed the other one.  I broke our kiss, even though her mouth still begged for more.  Seeing nobody was around, I pulled her pink tank top over her head, giving me the view of her perfect breasts in just a lacy bra.  She assisted me in unbuckling it, and in a voice that was no longer cute and innocent, but sexy and naughty whispered "I'm all yours."

My mouth took in her right tit as her hand carressed the left.  I rolled my tongue over it, and took the nipple in my mouth, sucking it like a breast feeding baby.  She squirmed and released a gasp of pleasure.  My tongue flicked rapdily over its erect meal.  I pinched ever so slightly in my teeth, and she moaned even louder.  I could tell she too was not ready to leave it just at second base.

 I kissed down her flat stomach to right above where her skirt began.  "Are you ready?" I whispered.  She nodded.  I unbuttoned her skirt and pulled it down, along with her small pink thong over her small hips.  What I saw was the most beautiful pussy.  It had sparse, fine pubic hair, and glistening pink lips.  I traced my hands over her toned upper thies.  I reached the treasure chest, and inserted my index finger into her hot, tight, love hole.  She let out a quick moan, and then moved her hips to further meet my finger.  This was by the the tightest pussy I had ever come to know.  I moved my finger in and out, picking up pace more and more.  Her hips continued to move in to meet finger.  She moaned louder and louder with each motion.  I removed my finger, but I was by no means finished.  My lips followed at first the same route my hands did along her thys.  My gentle kisses made their way to her hungry pussy.  I kissed along its inner lips, separating it ever so much.  My tongue became more greedy for her juices, tracing its outlines, swirling around her hole, and eventually reaching that oh so sensitive clit.  I traced my tongue over it and felt her small body twitch.  Her breathing increased and gasps and moans escaped her lips.

"Yes, right there" she screamed.  I sucked at it and nibbled it until she couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm cumming" she yelled.  A massive orgasm overtook her.  As it subsided, she lay down, panting.  "I guess its your turn," she whispered.  

Her small hands worked at my belt buckle.  She slowly pulled down my boxers.  The slow rate tortured me, but filled me with anticipation.  As I was exposed, my fully erect cock sprang to life.  She wrapped her small hands around its width and lightly kissed the tip.

At that moment, a booming voice over a megaphone shouted "lights out!".  Lexi quickly gathered her clothes, dressing in a hurry, avoiding eye contact.  She ran off without even saying goodbye, as though we were merely aquaintances.  Something told me that as we boarded the buses the next morning, Lexi would act as though nothing happened.  But only her and I would know what truly happened and of the pleasure shared at the beach that night. 

Me and Kaylee- Part Two

jupitar_yager on Teen Stories

Well, I am now pretty much in pure bliss because the goddess that was always apart of my masturbation sessions was now my girlfriend. She had talked to Josh earlier this week and let him know that she wanted to break up with him. I know..if that hot of a girl wanted to break up with you, you wouldn't let her go without a fight. But man..Josh was peristant in the wrong way. She called me on my cell today and what she told me just really set me off..

"Jupitar..[sobbs going through her line]," she said

"..yes Kaylee?" I replied

"J..J..Josh j..ju..just.." she said, unable to fully say her sentence


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..what did Josh do to you?!?!" I asked, calmly but with a little bit of anger in my voice

"He..just raped me.." she said

Shock. My best friend just greedily raped my girlfriend. First thought in my mind was..kill him. But that would ultimately get me put out away from my girlfriend. Silence was filled throughout the least thats what I heard..I later found out she was screaming and crying in the phone. I blacked out. I woke up to me standing over Josh, blood all over his face and me with bloody fists. Oh shit.

"Pl..plea..please don't hurt me anymore, Jupitar," he said, with a plentiful amount of fear in his voice.

..what had I done..?

I walked away. No car. Must have ran to his house. I reached around my waist to get my cell phone from my clip. Not there either. Damn.

I ran back to my house and called Kaylee from my home phone. I explained to her what happened and she explained to me what happened when I blacked out. I was terrified. Fear overcame me quickly like a dark mass from Hell. She explained to me that she would be comin' over to spend some time with me. About an hour later, Kaylee showed up, coming through my door. I looked her over and saw a tear stained face with small traces of blood and bruises and cuts all over. I put my arm around her and brought her in. I told her to sit down and that I'd bring us some beers and put on some music.  I brought us some Coronas and put on a Crossfade song. I popped open our beers and put my arm around her. She snuggled up to my chest, taking me as comfort and just began sobbing in my chest. It was breaking my heart. She reached up to kiss my lips and it was by far the best kiss I have ever had. I kissed her deeply, my tongue wrapping around hers and I whispered in her ear, " I love you so much.."

"Kaylee, stay at my house tonight," I told her

She nodded in agreement.

"I'm gonna go take a shower if you don't mind," she told me

"Yea, sure babe. I'll get ya a towel and a t-shirt to put on of mine. I'll run by your house and get some clothes for ya," I replied

She thanked me graciously and was off to the bathroom. I got in my Corvette and drove to her house. As I walked closer to the house, I saw through the windows..4 guys. I walked slowly back to my 'Vette and took out a .45 that I kept in there at all times. I took about 5 extra magazine clips with me just in case I would have to do some heavy duty shooting. I went through the back door, to pick them off while they were off guard. I slowly approached the living room and then I had another black out. I woke up to being on the ground. I looked around, all four guys, one of them being Josh, on the ground with lots of gunshot wounds. I had one in my leg. I reached down and pulled out the bullet. Didn't really hurt that bad. I cleaned the wound and put some bandages around it to keep from bleeding to death. I got on Kaylee's home phone and called 911. They got down to Kaylee's house about 20 minutes later and I explained what happened. They took me to the hospital and got my wound fixed up and [the police] questioned me. I told them that I had a blackout like I did earlier that day. I made a phone call to the freaked out Kaylee and explained to her that I had to take care of a few other things, not wanting her to know about Josh and those guys. The police weren't too happy with the fact that they had 2 fatally injured and 2 dead men on their hands. They looked under the titles of the newly bought house and came to find that Kaylee had put the house under MY name. Wow. So I had every right to shoot them. They let me go and I dropped by a store and got a fine bottle of red wine. Before I forgot, I went by Kaylee's house and got some clothes of hers and took a quick shower to clean myself up. I went back home and found her there with mascara running down her face. She was still sitting there, in one of my long button down shirts and some of my boxer briefs. She came running to me, embracing me. I kissed her deeply again, carrying her to my bedroom and laying her down on my bed. I pulled off my black ribbed tank top, revealing my very toned chest. I took off my jeans and boxer briefs as well, revealing my very large cock. She took it between those little lips of hers and began sucking on it. I groaned and moaned at how good she sucked my cock. I began bucking my hips, fucking her sweet mouth with my cock. She deep throated me, taking in about 8 inches of my 11 inch cock. She hummed while deep throating me and I blew my load all in her mouth. She swallowed it all. God she was my good little slut. She serviced me for the remainder of the night, sucking on my balls, riding my cock and making me food and bringing me drinks. I woke up to her being in my arms, her breasts against my chest.


This is a requested sequel. More constructive criticism is wanted and an upcoming sequel is going to be posted. The first and previous story had a picture of me up there, but on this sequel, I will post a picture of Kaylee.


                                                                                   Jupitar Yager

Born to be a Teen Slut

tyrunner on Teen Stories

Emma Lou woke up on Monday morning hot and wet from a horny dream: She was being pounded in both holes by huge cocks, but she didn't know who they were. She smiled once again remembering how wet she got from it. Her bare cunt was still soaking wet, and she started rubbing it gently, as if to relieve it. Her mom's shrill call that she has to get ready for school. Emma felt slutty for some reason, probably from the dream and decided she would look the same way as she felt. She put on the most revealing top she had with no bra, the tightest, shortest skirt, which barely covered her crotch, and sexy black knee socks. To top it off, she also decided to put on her hottest heels. She also considered putting on panties and decided to resort to her best thong. Her

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slutty ensemble finished, Emma Lou looked at herself in the mirror and gasped at what she saw. She looked exactly like a 14 year-old slut should. She indeed had the body for it, 5' 4" 90lb. long blond hair, nicely tanned body, perfectly long legs, bare cunt, perfect ass. She thought about what the guys at school had said about her being "born to be a slut," and chuckled. Sure, she looked like one, but she was sure she wasn't one.

 Emma quickly left the house for school before anyone could notice her. She knew that if her mother saw her own daughter in the outfit she was wearing, she would shit enough bricks to build a whole new mansion! Emma got to school in perfect time and was ready to finish her final week of school. Everyone in the school seemed to stare at her, stunned by this freshman's choice of apparal. All the guys started getting hardons watching her, and some girls got wet, revealing their longing for females. Emma just gave a sly smile at everybody and went to her first class. Everyone stared at the young freshman girl as she took her seat in the front of the class, including, as Emma noticed, her teacher, Mr. McCain. Mr. McCain was a single man, who had just started teaching that year, and was indeed a guy that all girls in the school fell in love with, including Emma. Emma had fantasized about him, and, hopefully, his big cock. The first hour and every hour went by with nothing special, except some of the guys gave Emma little slaps on the ass as she walked the hallways. She was a little offended, but she realized she was getting wet from it. She tried to control herself by saying to herself, "I'm not a slut, I'm not a slut." But the more she said it, the less she felt it was true. She went to lunch and had her usual meal of a salad, and went to the bathroom. As she primped and did all her usual teen girl stuff, she got ready to leave, and suddenly, in came two guys that Emma recognized as juniors. One was Karl Peters, a football player. He was tall, broad and had wavy brown hair that made him irresistable to girls, he was the starting linebacker in the varsity team. The other boy was Karl's best friend, George Franklin. He was also tall, but not was thinner than Karl.

"What the hell are you guys doing in here?!" Emma snapped at the two guys. Karl walked to her and put his arms around her, his hands groping her ass under her skirt. "Did you really think you could get away with wearing this outfit and not get fucked like the slut you are?" Karl asked, grinning with lust. Emma was stunned by what this guy had just said and tryed to back out of his grip, but she suddenly got embraced from behind by George. Emma could feel his hardon on her ass and she knew that it was probably a big one. She suddenly got gagged by something she couldn't readily identify, and she felt her thong get removed. She continued struggling, but George was much stronger than she thought. George was the varsity baseball team's pitching ace, and he had naturally strong but thin arms. Karl lifted Emmas legs up and pulled her skirt up so he could see her cunt. "Holy fuck George, she's shaved!!" "You're shitting me! Fuckin' serious?" "Hell yeah! Shaved like the slut she is!" Karl suddenly jammed 2 fingers into Emma's tight cunt. She jerked and let out a muffled shout as she felt herself get violated. "Oh fuckin' shit! She's a virg too!" Karl widened her legs and started licking her cunt lips. Emma letted out what she thought was a scream, but it sounded like a moan. What was happening to her? Her own body was betraying her!! She was getting wetter and hotter. Karl kept licking her and started rubbing her clit. Emma moaned more as pleasure filled her body. Her body needed to cum, but her mind knew this was wrong. Wrong, but it felt soooo goooood. More moans came from her as she got closer to cumming. While Karl was eating her, George was necking her, giving her hickies and groping her breasts. Too much pleasure was coming from this, Emma knew she was going to explode in orgasm when it happened. It would get even bigger when Karl covered her cunt lips with his mouth, put her clit between 2 fingers and jacked it off like a tiny cock. Emma's eyes rolled back and she started humping his face, muffled screams coming out of her gagged mouth. Karl felt her cunt juices flooding out of her cunt and into his mouth. So much came out that he had to swallow twice or his mouth would overflow. He smiled as he looked at Emma as he let her legs down and licked his lips. She looked like she was about to pass out. Clearly she never came like that before. "Now THAT'S cumming!" he said with a laugh. Emma felt so horny now. Her orgasm had erased all of her commen sense. Now all she needed was to feel good. She somehow got the gag off her mouth and spoke, "I need to be fucked. Badly!" Karl had a look of delight, like a kid on Christmas morning. "What you ask, thou shall recieve!" George let her go and Karl embraced her and layed her on the tiled bathroom floor. He was a hard as a brass rod and pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his cock. Emma moaned at it. It was a monster: 11" long and prob 3-4" wide. Karl didn't hesitate and pulled Emmas shapely legs apart and decided that to hell with being gentle. This freshman was a slut! And she deserved to get the fucking a slut deserves, even if she was a virgin. He positioned himself and jammed it all in in one thrust. He pushed so hard that he didn't even feel her break. He knew she did by the way she screamed," FUUUAAACCCCKKK!!!" Karl didn't even let her catch her breath as he started pounding the tight cunt that he was the first to break. George knew that everything was going to plan and got his own hardon ready to give the teen slut his best. Emma was stunned. She had been broken and was being fucked like a slut! She...she LIKED it!! She loved the feeling of this big cock in her cunt. Fucking felt great!! Why didn't she think of doing it before? Her lust for more was overpowering her common sense. She kept begging for more from the junior stud. "Come on you stud! Fuck me! Fuck me like a slut!!" Karl kept pounding her like there was no tomorrow. They were going to accomplish it.. they were going to turn this freshman into the school slut, free for everyone to use. George gave Karl a little tap on the shoulder to tell him that it was his turn. Karl nodded and pulled his cock out with a loud pop. Emma knew that George was next and she saw that this cock was going to be even better! It was even bigger than Karl's: 13" long and 6" around. George didn't even think that he was going to tear this tight cunt. All he cared about was getting his rocks off and get some pussy to add.  He pounded Emma the same way Karl did, but he didn't have Karl's endurance and came within a minute, filling Emma's cunt with tons of cum. Emma realized what happened and was glad that her mother had her on the pill to regulate her periods. She knew that the hour and the day was young, and she knew that both these studs were going to give her alot of cock in all her holes. Suddenly two girls entered the door and saw the fuck show on the bathroom floor. Based on the look on their faces, Emma knew that the fuckin had just begun....

To be continued....

The story of Emma Lou becoming a slut has many parts, covering a whole week. To make these better, I ask that you readers give me advice on how to make these upcoming stories better. You can email me at to give me more tips on how to make better stories. Danke schon!! (Thank You in German) ;-)

my bf and his friend

lastcallg on Teen Stories

Hi Im Kat this happened when I was 16. My bf who was 15 and his friend both came over to watch movies one night. I was kinda making out with my bf feeling his dick through his shorts. I didnt wanna get him too horny cuz I knew his friend was watching the whole time. I was getting wet just ffrom making out with him. I said screw it I had to feel his dick so I put my hand down his shorts and started stroking it. My bf had a nice one he was like 6" and circumsized. I could see his friend watching from the other end of the couch we were on. I thought might as well have some fun. I went to pull my bf's dick out he started to stop me but I kept goin. His friend had a bulge goin in his shorts. I didnt wanna go to far but I tapped the couch telling him to come closer. I kept stroking my bf

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's dick while I went down his friends shorts and pulled his out. His was like 5" not circumcized so I played with his foreskin around the head. I had a boy on either side of me and I could tell they wouldnt last long even with just handjobs. They seemed pretty into it so I wanted to try something I had wanted to see. I moved and put my bf's friend beside my bf on his knees while still on the couch. This way if he shot his load it would go right around my bf's dick area, hehe. My bf was jerkin himself and I said dont move if u let me do this I'll let u fuck me later. I went behind his friend reached around and strted jackin him again but this time started rubbing my finger around his asshole. I felt his cock get real hard and I knew he was gonna cum. A couple seconds later he groaned and shot a big amount like I said all over my bf's dick and balls, all in his pubes and stomach. He moved out of the way I then finished of my bf using his friends cum as lube. A couple mins later he added his cum to the mix. What a hot day!

Miami Summers on Teen Stories

Copyright 2005">"> All Rights reserved.

About twice a year, my friend and I take a vacation to Miami. We're still in college and work part-time, bullshit jobs that barely pay us enough to buy gas to get to work.

The only reason we can afford to do it is because my friend has a doctor for an uncle. He lives on Southwest 172nd Street with the other wealthy people, but he let's us stay in his beach house for free whenever we come by.

It became a tradition about two years ago when we were in our freshmen year. We started spending a lot of time around the Hollywood shopping area of Miami. We found that that's where a lot of sluts hang out.

I mad

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e the trip from Ohio with my friend, Enrique, in about two days as usual. By the time we got there, the tank was empty for the third time. We pulled into the gas station on the borderline of Miami as soon as we came into town.

I went inside and paid for our gas. I made small talk with the cashier while Enrique was filling up the tank. She was a nice old lady that I chatted with every time I came to Florida.

I went outside and got in the car. "Let's get out of here," I said.

I was tired and wanted to get some rest so we could go club hopping later that night. But just as I said that, something caught my attention at the gas station across the street.

"Holy shit! Look at that!" I shouted.

Enrique followed my gaze to the gas station across the street.

The woman was wearing a black top that bared her right shoulder. Her pants were white and she was wearing white pumps to match. She had a slender, but very shapely, body, with long, blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail.

She was a vision of sex appeal, and she was all alone pumping her own gas without a man in sight.

I learned from previous experience that it's always best to let Enrique do the talking because half these Miami girls can't speak any English. Seriously, it doesn't matter how American they look, it seems like almost every girl we run into can barely speak any English.

Enrique got out and approached the woman. Apparently she liked his looks because she was smiling at him as soon as they made eye contact.

Her smile looked familiar but I didn't know why. It seemed like I knew her from somewhere. Then I started wondering if Rick was trying to pick up a woman that we had already picked up on one of our previous trips here. That would be hilarious.

Their conversation didn't last long at all. She turned around to put the pump back in its cradle, but Enrique wasn't leaving so I wasn't sure if he'd picked her up or not. He screwed her gas cap back on and they talked for a few moments longer. He pointed me out across the street and she started nodding. A few seconds later, they were walking my way.

She walked with a slight switch in her step and checked her hair as they got nearer. She was a lot prettier up close than she was from afar. Her face was gorgeous and her smile was radiant.

I found out she was from Columbia, her name was Pamela, and she didn't speak a word of English.

That's when I remembered where I knew her from. This woman had been on damned near every reality porn site on the Internet, but she used different names every time.

I told Rick to ask her if she wanted to come have a little fun with us.

I heard a distinct No, which led to Rick popping out a thousand words a minute trying to convince her that it was okay to come with us.

I wasn't worried about her coming. I knew she would, but I didn't know if she was playing hard-to-get or if she wanted money first. It's hard to tell sometimes.

Smiled and nodded to Rick after he'd finished begging in Spanish. "She's down, man," he said.

"She's coming with us?" I said, trying not to sound too excited. I was just glad we didn't have to offer her any money because I wasn't going to.

Before we left the as station, I'd gotten her to flash me a nipple just to make sure I wasn't about to waste my time with a tease.

Since we'd just gotten into town, it took us a little longer than usual to get to Rick's uncle's beach house. We made a few wrong turns and then got held up by a car accident, but we made it there eventually.

I was glad Rick's uncle sent the maid to clean the place up. It was trashed when we left last summer.

We told Pamela she could help herself to anything in the house while we put our stuff away. The only thing she got was a sucker from the candy jar on the coffee table.

We sat across from her and started asking more questions, trying to get to know her a little better. I didn't want to get straight to the point just yet. I didn't want to take a chance on turning her off even though that probably wouldn't happen since she'd already shown us her nipple.

She mostly spoke in Spanish with an occasional sentence in heavily accented English. She sucked her lollipop the whole time like she was sucking a dick.
I was surprised to find out she was only nineteen, but it made sense. She looked a few years older, but it's usually the young ones that come home with you the easiest.

Enrique started touching her breasts after a few minutes of chit-chat. She seemed like she liked it so they stood and he helped her get out of her shirt.

She had a petite, but very shapely, body. Her nipples were dark and swollen. Rick palmed her breasts and then started caressing them and gently pinched her nipples.

I decided to stay out of this one. She was really into Enrique. I didn't want to interfere, plus it was our first day so I knew there'd be more opportunities later on. I'd just sit back and watch as long as she didn't ask me to leave.

She put the sucker down and lifted her shirt over her head. Pamela's stomach was flat and I could see her abs flexing as she removed the shirt.

She touched herself along her bountiful curves and stopped when her hands touched her pants. She looked at me as if she was asking permission to get naked in front of me.

"Take 'em off," I said.

She hooked her thumbs inside her pants and sexily wiggled them off her curvy hips. She was wearing white, G-string panties with lace. Her pussy was so meaty I could see a slight bulge poking out.

"You like it?" asked Pamela in thickly accented English.

"I like it. You're very pretty."

"Thank you."

Rick sat on the arm of the couch and pulled her close to him. She was still facing me, but he managed to get his head around her body so he could suck on her tits. Apparently the teasing had taken its toll on him.

He gently touched her body with one hand and cupped her pussy with the other. She let out a slight moan and murmured something in Spanish. I had a feeling it had something to do with how good Enrique was making her feel.

He moved her panties to the side. She raised a leg in the air to give him better access. He spread her pussy lips wide open and slid his fingers along the slit.

I could see her bald pussy glistening from where I was sitting. She was soaked already.

The groping was coming harder and the breathing was getting heavier. Pamela's pants came all the way off shortly; there was more foreplay and Pamela said, "Fuck me," in perfect English.

That's when I realized what a freak she was. She couldn't say anything else in English, but she could ask to fuck without the slightest hint of an accent.

She turned around and helped Enrique get his cock out of his pants. She started sucking his dick with a hungry kind of passionate lust on her face.

Enrique stood to lower his pants enough for his entire pelvic area to be out in the open. He lifted his shirt a little to get it out of Pamela's way and she took his cock all the way to the back of throat before letting it out slowly and sliding it deep inside her wet mouth again.

She masturbated him hard while lapping at the head. She started sliding it all around her lips and slapped herself on the tongue with it, successfully driving Enrique crazy while she did it.

He grabbed a handful of blonde hair, put his dick between her lips, and started humping her face like he was waist-deep in her pussy already. She deep-throated him and pulled it out with a loud pop and swirled her tongue around the cock head, then deep-throated him again.

She was bent forward, and for a second, the only thing I could think about was her perky ass and fat pussy lips sticking out.

I had an urge to whip my dick out and plug her other hole, but I played it cool. I just sat back and watched and told them what I wanted them to do every now and then. I was getting a kick out of it. How many people would let somebody dictate the way they fuck besides Enrique?

He lay with his head on the couch and Pamela stood over his face. He grabbed two hands full of her Latina ass and helped guide her pussy towards his mouth where he began licking and slurping on her protruding clit.

Pamela was doing a lot of moaning and talking in Spanish. By now Enrique had her pussy flowing freely and the whole room smelled of horny pussy.

On our third trip to Florida, Enrique's aunt decided to hook up a hammock that was designed like a chair instead of a bed. It held you suspended in the air like a normal hammock, but you sat instead of lying down. At some point-I can't remember when-we started using it for kinky sex and hadn't stopped since.

It was hanging by strong ropes that were attached to pillars in the beach house. We had Pamela sit in it. We used the upper ropes to hook her feet in. It left her suspended in mid air with her legs spread wide open.

Enrique masturbated her with a green dildo while she held her pussy open for him. She was screaming and moaning and shaking like a drug addict.

Enrique tossed the dildo aside and shoved his eager prick inside of her. Her pussy was so hot and swollen by now that there was hardly any resistant as he penetrated her. He rammed her pussy hard while he kept the chair from moving with his muscular arms.

Most women love getting fucked in the hammock chair. It's a different feeling, an odd feeling of weightlessness that many women find so erotic that they shoot off one orgasm after another in a relatively short amount of time.

"Make her cum, dude," I said. And that he did.

Her face was growing more contorted with every orgasm; Enrique's cock was getting shinier. After a while, a lot of cum had splashed all over his pubic hairs and it was getting just as wet as her pussy.

"I cuh-mee!" moaned Pamela. I'm cumming!

I was quiet now. I was too much into watching them fuck to say anything.

Enrique turned her around and fucked her doggy style, which amazed me even more because I didn't think it was possible to get into that position in the hammock chair.

They fucked all over the place. He'd be on top, then she'd be on top; then they'd fuck on the floor, and then on the couch with Pamela grinding her bald cunt on his prick.

Pamela got up and Enrique laid her on the coffee table, of all places. Her legs flew up and his cock flew back in. They were both sweating and Pamela's hair looked a horrible mess.

"Fuck meee!" she moaned. "Si, si! Oh, si!"

Enrique pulled out. He felt his balls about burst. He started jacking off while he fingered Pamela with his other hand. She was rubbing her tits as she watched him, eagerly waiting for his seed to spill across her body.

He stopped stroking his meat, pointed it at her, and a load of sticky cum came squirting free. It landed all over her belly and tits.

She wiped some up with her finger before he was done cumming and licked it off. She did it again and again until most of it was in her mouth or spread around her lips.

They didn't stop for a while longer. There were a few minutes of fondling and playing in each other's juices before they remembered I was there watching.

Pamela smiled at me and blew me a kiss good-bye. I took that to mean, the show is over so leave while I get dressed. I did, and when they came out, we took Pamela home.

The only thing we could talk about on the way back was the fact that it was only our first day there and one of us had already gotten laid.

We had dinner with Enrique's family, finished getting settled in, and went to bed so we'd be rested for whatever tomorrow had in store for us.

Copyright 2005">"> All Rights reserved.

Jack & Donna.......& Nicole, Chapter 17, The Conclusion

DJN57 on Teen Stories

Jack & Donna…….and Nicole



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"Times New Roman">Chapter 17


            The next few weeks seemed to be hectic for everyone. Jack was doing more student teaching and exams were approaching; Donna was busy evaluating applications for the following year; and Nicole had several school projects to complete. Donna did find time to bring Nicole to see her gynecologist for a physical. The exam went well and Nicole was started on birth control pills. She was given a thorough review of the importance of responsibility and safe sex but she was pleased to be on the pill.

            Jack and Donna tried to make time for each other but something had changed. The sex was still good but there was not the level of intimacy they had experienced before. Each thought it was the secret they kept from the other which just added to the problem. 

            Sensing she was feeling stressed and hoping to do something nice for her, Jack made dinner reservations for Saturday. He picked a romantic restaurant where they could enjoy a nice bottle of wine, fine food, and time alone. He never told her about his afternoon with Nicole and Sarah and thought it would be a good opportunity to clear the air. He hated keeping secrets from her. He hadn’t seen Sarah since and although Nicole had thanked him the day afterward it had not been mentioned since.

            When she learned that Jack and Donna would be out on Saturday night, she asked if she could invite Sarah over to watch a movie. She had not spent much time with her since the afternoon with Jack and figured it would be a good time to catch up. Nicole had thought about inviting Josh over but she was pretty sure he would be at his Dad’s for the weekend.

            On Saturday Donna rented some movies and ordered pizza. Sarah arrived just before they had to leave to make their reservation. They held hands as Jack drove and Donna took a deep breath, “Thank you, I did need to get out.”

            “I did too. Seems like everyone has been so busy. I’ve missed you.”

            “Jack, I need to tell you something.”

            He felt his face flush. Did she know about Sarah? “Is something wrong?”

            “There’s something you need to know. I’m just going to say it. The day you and Nicole went to the movies Josh showed up looking for Nicole. He had walked a long way and I invited him in. I’m not sure how but we ended up having sex.”

            Jack took a deep breath. “You and Josh?”

            “I’m so sorry. I should have told you.”

            “No, no. Donna, I’m the one who needs to apologize.” He went on to tell her the story of his afternoon with the girls. “I don’t want to lose you”

            She squeezed his hand. “Jack, this whole thing with Nicole has kind of sent us both for a loop. I’ve done some things I would never imaging doing. It’s all been a bit crazy but one thing I’m certain of is that I love you and need you to be a part of my life.”

            “I love you very much Donna.”

            Back at the house, Nicole and Sarah were watching a movie and eating pizza. Feeling a little crazy, Nicole had poured each of them a glass of wine and they were both a bit tipsy. Lots of laughing and giggling. The phone brought them back to reality. Nicole looked at the caller ID expecting to see her Mom’s cell phone number and was surprised to see Josh’s number.

            She pressed the button, “Josh! I thought you were at your Dad’s”

            “Hi, something came up with his work and I needed to stay here.”

            Sarah shouted from across the room, “Josh, come on over. It’s a party!”

            “Who was that? What’s going on?”

            Nicole tried to explain, “It’s just Sarah. Jack and my Mom are out. We’re just watching a movie. Why don’t you come over?”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Definitely. It’ll be fun.”

            “Great. I’m on my way.”

            Sarah and Nicole had another glass of wine while they waited for Josh. The movie had ended and music was now playing. Soon they heard a knock at the door and he was greeted by two giggling and very bubbly teen girls. They pulled him intro the house and Nicole gave him a hug and a kiss. The three of them sat and talked for awhile before Sarah decided they should play a game.

            Josh was interested, “Sounds good, what should we play?”

            Sarah smiled and said, “How about strip poker?”

            They all agreed. Nicole found some cards, arranged a blanket on the floor, and found some wine for Josh. The game started slowly and evenly with lots of hoots and laughing as each article of clothing was removed. After several hands Nicole and Sarah sat in bras, jeans, and panties while Josh was down to just jeans and underwear. He was enjoying the view of the girls in their bras and looking forward to what lie ahead. Sarah dealt the next hand and Nicole lost.

            Josh cheered and asked, “What’s coming off now?”

            Nicole did not speak but stood and slowly undid and slid her tight jeans down her legs leaving her in a skimpy pair of white bikini panties and her bra. Playing the model, she turned and gave the other two a full view of her young form. Sarah lost the next two rounds and did her best to look sexy as her jeans and bra disappeared. She was left in a pale blue pair of silky bikini panties. Nicole pinched her butt as she paraded past and Sarah gave a squeal, “Hey, no touching…..unless you mean it. Nicole we need to get Josh. Let’s see what he has in those Levi’s.”

            The cards were dealt and sure enough Josh was the loser. Playing along with the girls he did his best Chippendale imitation and pealed the jeans off revealing a definite bulge in his blue jockey shorts. Sarah stood up looking at his crotch and declared, “Games over! Let’s get naked!”

            She reached over and swiftly pulled Josh’s shorts down and his fully erect member popped into view. Sarah followed by undoing her bra and pushing her panties down her legs. Nicole jumped up and soon the three were all naked and dancing together. Josh was giving kisses to each of the girls and hands seemed to be everywhere; touching, pinching, grabbing, caressing. There was a very sexually charged atmosphere and it wasn’t long before Sarah tried to put a little order into the chaos.

            “Nicole lay down with me.”

            The girls lay side by side on the blanket with their legs spread. Both of them ran their finger lightly over soft lips of their beautiful pussies. Sarah looked at Josh and said, “How does it look? Good enough to eat?”

            Josh was staring at the two girls his own hand stroking his fully erect member. He then knelt between Sarah’s legs and ran his tongue over her slit. Sarah moaned as he licked her and then used her fingers to spread her pussy wide open and Josh pushed his tongue into her tight hole. He tongue fucked her cunt as Sarah moved her hips with him until he stopped suddenly and moved between Nicole’s legs.

            He paused long enough to say, “Let’s see who tastes better,” then began to pleasure Nicole with his tongue. Sarah watched and fingered herself as Nicole wriggled on the floor in response to Josh’s attention.

            The confessions had allowed Jack and Donna to regain some of the intimacy they had been missing for the last couple of weeks and, as a result, dinner had been wonderful. They talked and laughed and as they sat with coffee and desert both looked forward to spending time together at home.

            Jack had been quiet for a few minutes looking into Donna’s eyes, “You are one beautiful woman.”

            Donna blushed, “Thank you Jack. I feel so relieved about everything. Maybe we need to focus our attention on each other for awhile. It has been pretty wild for the last month or two. I’m not saying I haven’t enjoyed everything. I could never have imagined experiencing the things I have but maybe we went too far too fast.”

            “You may be right. It has been crazy. I think I have lived every 40 year old man’s fantasy with you, Nicole, and now Sarah too. I am so thankful for having met you and for the times we have shared. I’m ready to devote my attention to the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

            “Thank you. I can’t wait to spend some time alone with you. Can we go home?”

            “I would like that very much”

            They held hands leaving the restaurant and stopped to kiss in the parking lot. Like a couple of young lovers they kissed and held one another in the car and held hands all the way home. Jack was grabbing her ass as they walked to the house. Donna was laughing, “That’s enough now. I’m sure Nicole and Sarah will be in the living room.”

            Jack opened the door to let Donna in, “Not like they haven’t seen it before.”

            Expecting to see the two girls on the couch watching a movie, they were unprepared for the scene in front of them. Music playing, clothes scattered about, and three naked teens on the floor in the center of the room. Nicole was on her back with legs spread, Josh kneeling with his head between her legs, and Sarah straddling Nicole with her pussy in her face. There was a long pause where no one spoke.

            The ever outspoken Sarah was the first to break the silence, “Care to join us?”

            Jack and Donna looked at one another, smiled, and Jack said, “What the hell, why not?”




College Antics Pt II

TypecastR on Teen Stories

Wednesday's lesson passed without us having even the slightest chance to touch each other, as the teacher had the bright idea to split the clas up into groups to do research on something-or-other. Naturally Cheryl and I were in different groups. Thanks Miss.

My feelings of anticipation mounted as Friday's lesson approached - whenever mine and Cheryl's eyes met in the common-room my dick would start twitching at the thought of him possibly gettin some female attention. People joke about the dick having a brain, but I think all it's lacking are eyes, then it'd probably be it's own person!

At last. Friday. I got to the

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lesson early so I could have my laptop set up before Cheryl arrived, making as much time for 'exploration' as possible. She looked stunning when she entered the room. She sat down next to me and, quick as a flash, took a hanful of my dick and squeezed gently. It happened so quickly that if I hadn't seen it, I don't think anyone else did. Grope and go, it was. A good start to the lesson, then! The teacher started the lesson just then, and she was constantly facing the class; I actually got quite annoyed.

Eventually she started writing on the board, and before I could signal a "coast is clear" to Cheryl, I found her hand groping my crotch; she seemed a lot braver than I had been with her. She kneaded and fondled the general vicinity of my penis which quickly sprang into erect mode, growing to its full length. Cheryl must've noticed it doing so before I did, because she quickly grabbed it and started to play with it. Just then the teacher began to turn back to the class, so we returned to our hard-at-work poses.

When next we had some privacy I fended off Cheryl's hand, instead putting mine on her legs, and immediately travelling up to her hips, and across to her crotch, where I got straight down to stroking her vagina through the material of her trousers. I noticed that she was reclining a bit more now, and that her eyes were closed - now, cheryl has a habit of falling asleep in sociology, we all do; but she seems the only one not to try and be sly about it. Unfortunately, this frequently draws the attention of the teacher. I carried on stroking her, and she started making noises; the stereo-typical moans of pleasure. Not loudly, but just enough so as to make me worried that she would get loud enough to warrant the teacher's attention if I continued stroking her. As such, I stopped stroking her crotch, and instead I returned my hand to my own lap, where I slowly undid my zipper, nudging cheryl to get her attention.

After a bit of indecision on her part, she slid her hand inside my jeans, and undid the buttons on the front of my boxers. Finally getting some one-on-one attention, dicky boy sprang up into the gap and into Cheryl's hand. My dick was by now sticking right up out of my trousers, with Cheryl's hand firmly about my shaft, moving slowly up and down.

At this point I decided it would be a good idea to stop, as things could get extremely difficult if the teacher turned around in the next few seconds to the sight of Cheryl holding my dick.

I must have been psychic - the very second I finished doing up my fly and returning my hands to the keyboard of my laptop, she spun on her heel and dismissed the class; I couldn't believe the class had gone by so quickly.

Pt III coming soon, which includes the addition of another classmate, one who DID notice Cheryl grabbing my crotch.

SDF - part nine - the sword-girl

Deathnote on Teen Stories


Land was visible.


The waters were getting shallow.


The boat was getting near Demon island.

"[Moto-chan! You feeling alright?]" The voice of a woman spoke out.

"[Tsunade-sempai, mornin!]" Motoko Kurenai quickly whirled around to face the older woman. She was sitting on her bed away from the door in one of the cabins of the boat. The cabin contained two beds; she was sitting on the one farther away from the door and closer to the window. Motoko had reached the age of fourteen at the beginning of summer. It was now mid july, the beginning of the most important test of all. It was a test everyone learning the Shi

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n Onitsurugi-Ryuu style of kenjutsu must take at least once before learning the more advanced techniques. The pass rate was less than 5%... men AND women...

Motoko wore her traditional training gear: a white loose-sleeved kimono, a long black hakama (samurai pants), a white sash, and a shinai. Her black hair was only long enough to cover up part of her ears. She had snowy white pale skin and sharp brown eyes. Dispite her years of training, she did not look like someone who'd do well in a fight. She had a small and slim figure, though it was hard to see through her baggy clothes.

"[It's Sanae. Call me Sanae,]" Sanae Tsunade replied as she sat down next to Motoko. "[Are you sure you're ready for this?]"

"[I'm sure, Tsu... Sanae-sempai,]" Motoko replied as she clutched the shinai in both her hands. The hilt of the wooden practice sword was held near her face, as if she were hugging it for comfort. "[Was always ready...]"

"[I know, but... I can't help worrying,]" Sanae explained as she wrapped her arms around the younger girl. Sanae also wore her traditional training gear, but she carried a real katana by her side. She was taller than Motoko by a head and had doe brown eyes and dyed dark purple hair tied up into a bun. She also had a more developed and slender figure with a kind and nurturing atmosphere around herself. At age nineteen, she passed the test five years ago. She was the sensei's first disciple. Motoko was the fourth.


Motoko remembered when she was nine, how happy everyone was when Sanae-sempai passed the test. There was some sort of promotion ceremony followed by a celebration, then a private session to teach Sanae one of the most powerful techniques of Shin Onitsurugi-ryuu. When it was Asuka-sempai, the second disciple's turn, there was only disappointment. Motoko could vividly remember the words from that day:

"[What the hell do you mean I didn't pass? I brought you the ultimate weapon, didn't I?]" Asuka's voice.

"[No, you did not. It's impressive that you survived and found a sword, but you failed to do what you were sent here to do. If you wish, you may take the test next year with Akira.]"

"[Ne... screw this! I'm leaving!]"

That did not compare to what happened last year... when Akira took the test:

"[Tsunade-sempai? Wasn't Akira-sempai supposed to come back today?]"

"[Akira... is not coming back.]"

"[Kinda like how Asuka-sem... Asuka left? It's not too late, maybe we can conv...]"


"[Tsunade-sempai? Wh-]"

Motoko couldn't get anymore words out. Sanae was hugging her and crying her heart out. It was hard not to understand the situation.


"[Sanae-sempai, I'm not gonna end up like Akira-sempai, alrigh'?]" Motoko said, tilting her head to look at Sanae. "[Didn'ja pass the test five years ago? Asuka-sempai almost passed, too. Ya know?]"

"[Please don't underestimate the test, Moto-chan. Aki-chan had the same kind of attitude. I just... I can't...]" Sanae couldn't get the words out. She simply held onto Motoko for as long as she could. "[If anything were to happen to you...]"

"[Sempai...]" Motoko turned her face away and pointed her eyes downwards. She noticed a drop of water on the wooden floor next to her feet. Another drop joined it...

"[Motoko, you don't have to,]" Sanae said as she wiped away her tears. She leaned in closer as she tightened her grip on the younger girl.

"[Sempai, I gotta take it,]" Motoko felt the prescence of the older girl come closer. The purple hair was close enough to smell.

"[I know... and I can't do anything for you... except this,]" Sanae pressed her lips up against the younger girl. She reached up with her right hand and began ruffling Motoko's short hair. Her other hand was used to wrap around Motoko's right hip in a form of embrace.

"[Wha...?]" Motoko was caught off guard by this action and wasn't sure what to do. Her shinai left her hands and clanged against the wooden floor. She closed her eyes and immediately began returning the kiss. She allowed her mind to wander in continuous confusion and pleasure. Her heart-rate went through the roof as she permitted her sempai to explore with her tongue.

"[Do you remember? We used to do this kind of stuff alot when Asuka and Akira were still around. Even to this day, we're still not sure if the Sensei knows.]"

"[Wouldn't be surprised if he did.]"

"[It'll be lonely once you're gone... when you're taking the test, I mean.]"

"[Ya still got Jin and them.]"

"[Jin is still just a little boy.]"

"[Oh, right.]"

Motoko reached behind Sanae's head to undo the the bun. Once she pulled off the scrunchy, the older girl's hair fell down. Sanae's hair reached down all the way to her waist. Her eyes met Motoko's and they stared into each other's soul. The older girl continued exploring the younger one's mouth. Her tongue slithered along the oral caverns and rubbed up against the cave's own fleshy tongue.

Sanae decided to get a bit more aggressive by grabbing Motoko's breasts and pushing her down onto the bed. Her heart skipped a beat as a moan of pleasure escaped the younger girl's mouth. She broke the kiss and knelt over her lover's body with her knees on either side of the waist. She had the younger girl turn over so that she was face down. The older girl undid her sash, then used it to tie Motoko's hands behind her back. Next, she undid Motoko's sash and used it to blindfold her. Once that was done, she carefully slid the bound girl's hakama off, exposing the girl's panties. Those were taken off as well.

"[Sempai...]" Motoko began as she felt her own clothes removed.

"[Shh...]" Sanae shushed as she stood up and removed her own hakama and panties. These along with her kimono were piled onto the wooden floor. Instead of a bra, however, she wore bandages in order to bind her breasts against her body making them look small to the untrained eye. Once these were removed, her full D-cups were revealed. Motoko could not see them, but she could feel them pressed up against her face.

"[Sempai, ya got nice breasts. Wish I hadda pair lik'em. Why ya wrap 'em, neway?"]

"[It's more practical in battle. Don't worry, you're just a late bloomer. I'm sure you'll have nice breasts one day. Then you can wrap them like me.]"

"[Doubt it...]" Motoko muttered to herself. That thought left her head once she felt something moist against her pussy. "[Oooohhhhhh... Sempai...]"

Another groan of pleasure elicited from her throat as Sanae swirled her tongue around Motoko's outer lips. A gentle blow to the clit was enough to make the body spasm. In order to gain more control, the older girl grabbed the bound girl by the thighs and buried her face into the womanhood before her. This sent another... couple... few... hundred... thousand... jolts of pleasure down the younger girl's spine. Sweat drenched Motoko's black hair as she went herself already coming close to a climax. She made a note to herself to kick herself in the head for having such weak endurance. That left her mind once the first waves of orgasm hit her.

"[Coming already? Tsk, tsk... that's so unlike you, Moto-chan,]" Sanae giggled as she noted the fluids coming out of the younger girl's opening. She lowered her head back down in order to taste the juices. Then, she gathered some of the cunt juice with her left hand before presenting it before Motoko's lips. Motoko sensed the older teen's cum-soaked fingers and knew what she had to do. She reached out with her tongue and licked up all of her own juices. She felt herself licking air once the fingers were removed. However, she didn't have to wait long before she felt herself licking pussy. "[Now it's my turn. Do a good job, alright?]"

"[Mmm...]" Motoko's reply was muffled by the womanhood squished up against her face. Since her hands were tied, she could only use her tongue. She poked around the entrance to the older girl's love canal. After a bit of probing, she penetrated the lips with her tongue and began exploring the foreign tunnel.

"[Oh... that's it... right there...]" Sanae groaned as she tweaked her own nipples in synch with Motoko's probing. She released hold of her nipples and lowered her head back down into the younger girl's pussy. This way, the two of them were in a sixty-nine position. With the advantage of sight and usable hands, she was able to bring Motoko back near the brink of orgasm again. This time, however, she held off until she felt her own orgasm approaching.

"[Tsuna... Sanae-sempai... please... make me cum...]" Motoko pleaded.

"[Not yet... just a bit longer...]"


"[Oh... now! Together!]"

With that, the two of them came together. Motoko found herself cumming for the second time that day and her face drenched with Sanae's cum. She accepted the love juice with excitement and happiness in her heart. She relished the taste of her sempai before swallowing what she could get into her mouth. Sanae lifted her face and used her fingers in place of her tongue in order to avoid getting her face drenched with cum. Instead, her face was drenched with sweat. Her left fingers were drenched with cum... so she licked it all off.

"[Moto-chan, you taste so good.]"

"[You... you too... sempai...]"

"[We should probably get ready. We should be arriving at demon island very soon.]"

"Hai, sempai..."

Once both of them cleaned up the mess they made and donned their clothing, they headed out. Before Motoko reached the door, however, Sanae pulled the younger girl in for another kiss. Once she broke the kiss, she said, "[good luck, Moto-chan.]"

"Arigatou, Sanae-sempai."

To be continued!

Neighbor Girl

Ragion on Teen Stories

My name is Nick, I’m about 6 feet, short light brown hair, slim but defined; I’m 17 years old. This school year I started my final year at high school. After a summer that was flew by faster than I liked, school started up just as fast. After a week of school and a load of homework, my mom asked me if in the morning I wouldn’t mind driving my neighbor to school. I hadn’t seen her in years; I actually used to baby-sit her and her siblings a few years ago. It hadn’t even crossed my mind that she’d be going to the same school as me. She was just down the street so it wasn’t too bad. So I told my mom I’d pick Lana up the next morning and driver her to school with me. The next morning I got ready slow (as usual) and had to rush to drive to
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her house when I said I would. When I pulled into her driveway, I looked up in time to see a young brown-haired goddess swing out of the door, plaid skirt flapping slightly in the wind, and white shirt unbuttoned more than the school standard of three. Her green eyes could be seen from where I stood and her heeled shoes set her up a good height. Feet propped up; she walked to the car, leg muscles showing to be covered in tan smooth skin leading up shapely thighs to her skirt. How could I possibly driver straight with her sitting next to me? “Wow, I haven’t seen you in awhile. Grown up now though, as I can see,” I let a friendly smile spread across my lips. She turned slightly red and replied, “Ha-ha thanks and you look a whole lot older than I remember too. So what is this high school like?” We continued small talk all the way to school and for the rest of the week. Things went smoothly, I made her laugh and I felt as if I was making progress with this girl I met all over again. Now her mom, what a looker. But that’s neither her nor there. So the next week on Monday, I picked her up and started for school as usual. “Oh, here is a twenty from my mom for gas money,” she said while holding out a twenty. Although I was tempted for a little extra money to put toward the slowly rising prices, I waved my hand and said I could never accept that, “I’m not looking for money out of this.” I’m not sure if I said it in a weird way or what; I certainly didn’t mean anything by it. But she responded with, “Oh? Are you looking for me to do something for a ride to school?” I swear I almost hit a mail box. My mind jumped a little and I found my jaw open after I recovered the car. “Wh- no? What do you mean?” I stuttered, guessing what she meant but not saying so. I mean come on – I’m a horny teenager like everyone else. “Well I could tell you were… excited when I got in the car,” my eyes popped open in surprise; I was in fact sporting a raging hard on when she stepped into the car. “So I figured you’d want something from me in return of driving you.” Just breath deep, I thought to myself. I could act innocent and try and shrug this whole incident off, or I could ask questions. She didn’t sound mad, there was no frown on her lips. Plus, we could always laugh it afterward. Right? “What could you give back to me in return for a right?” I questioned, keeping any hinting out of my tone of voice. “The first thing that popped into my mind was a blowjob,” she replied evenly. “Ha-ha,” I faked a laugh. “You’d give a blowjob for a ride to school?” “Well if you have showered this morning I could give you one on the way to school.” Oh god. That statement put a tent in my khaki pants, and a highly arousing thought in my mind. “I showered last night and this morning,” I said with as much composer I could muster. “Good enough for me.” She then undid her seatbelt, reach over and started undoing my belt. Holy shit, she was serious. I leaned back as much as I could and took my right arm off the steering wheel to allow her access. I also lifted my ass in the air so my dick would stick out sort of. Her fingers worked quickly and efficiently, my belt was undone, button loose, and zipper pulled down in just a few seconds. My boxer’s button was undone and she grasped my dick with her warm hand and pulled it out of the opening and into the air. Lana shifted her legs to the side of the chair as much as possibly to make herself comfortable, then leaned forward and switched between her hands while jacking me off. I could barely concentrate on the tree covered, luckily car-less road ahead. At least my eyes were in focus. Then they switched to a hazy cloud as her warm mouth covered my near-seven inches of manhood. In order to steady myself, I put my right had onto the wheel also. This would be the hardest driver ever. Literally. Her tongue worked wonders, licking the side top and underside of my shaft. It would swirl around my purple-helmeted head, and sometimes even swirl to the far side. Initially she only took about half of my dick in her mouth, but she gradually started going up and down, slowly taking more and more in her mouth. My god, this girl knew what she was doing. A few lights and one nasty look from an old lady later, she had my whole dick in her mouth and partly down her throat. I was coming close, that was for sure. But I wanted to hold out as long as possible. My goal was shattered when she started humming to the song on the radio though. Those vibrations took me over the edge, and all I could whisper was, “oh my god.” Luckily she knew what that meant and took my shaft out of her throat ‘til just the head was between her puckered lips, and she sucked like no tomorrow. Shot after shot ejected from my blood-filled organ, filling Lana’s mouth with a creamy-white fluid. She took everything in stride though and kept every drop in her mouth, then swallowed when I was done. When I was done! She licked my dick over and over again, making sure it was perfectly clean. After Lana felt the job was done, she put my dick back in my boxer, buttoned the buttons, zipped up and fastened my belt. She really cleaned up. “How was that?” She asked sweetly while licking her lips. “You were fucking amazing. Where did you learn to suck a dick so well?” With a grin from ear to ear she responded with, “Oh don’t you worry about that just yet. Ask me when you’ve experienced my other skills.” I looked over to see her sly wink. I think payments everyday would be reasonable right?

Just a Day At Work

BigMan1001 on Teen Stories

I was 17 years old and it was the summer before my senior year of high school. Each summer I spent my days working for a trucking company hauling boxes, furniture, or what ever else was being shipped into the new homes they were building in my town. Most of the houses were moving people into were in the rich part. I mention this because all that were usually around were lonely housewives and their occasional pre-Madonna daughters. I did not complain much, they were usually a got sight to see.

Being running back on the varsity football team and running track in the spring kept in good physical shape for my summer job. I am not that built, but I am 6’1”, brown hair, green eyes, my body is pretty av

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erage-athletic. Not very muscular, toned torso and mid section with a somewhat revealed six-pack, and what some girls have come to call a rock-hard ass. All I can say is, I am the way I look and don’t usually exploit it for an easy score.

One day a few of us were moving some boxes out of a house into the truck when a few of us decided to take a lunch break. Me being the youngest I had to stay at the house with the truck for two hours while the others went out. I did not mind as much since I usually got to hang out by the pool.

I was over by the pool and sensing no one was around I got down to my boxers and just laid there with my sunglasses on. As I turned to look at the house I saw this older woman starring at me, by glasses were opaque so she could not tell I was awake. Next, she started to rub herself a little bit, but then immediately stopped.

She looked like a beautiful woman. She was bout 5’11”, long black hair, brown eyes, 34E cup size, and some long slender legs. I got up off the deck chair and put my pants back on, leaving my torso exposed. I went into the house where she was in the kitchen at the sink. With her back to me I leaned up against her and said, “I saw you looking at me….how would you like to see some more.”

She tried to turn around but I didn’t let her. She was saying things like it would be wrong or somebody would find out. I told her I can keep a secret.

“Come on, don’t you want me?” I said as I pushed my hardening cock up against her ass.


“You want to know what its like to be young again?” As I moved my hand to her panties.


I then began to rub her clit softly through her panties. They were snug on her and made my soft circles around it give her a shiver.

“My husband hasn’t done this in months”

“Pretty girl like you…I have you every night.”

At this point I was pushing myself up against her ass as I rubbed her clit and licking and kissing her ear lobe and neck. I then took my other hand and her suck on my fingers. She couldn’t take it any more and turned around to see e there with my shirt off. As she left out a soft sigh she took my head in her hands and gave me a passionate kiss. I tongues entangled each others as we caressed one another’s bodies.

She moved the kissing down from my mouth to my neck, then my nipples, licking and kissing each one. As she moved her tongue down my abs she got to her knees and slowly undid my pants. They fell to the floor now making perfectly visible my 7” hard on.

As she removed my boxers I was now standing in her Kitchen naked not knowing when the guys would com back, but I did not care.

She began stroking my cock slowly, then a little faster. She licked the head a few times giving me a sensation that I never felt. She began to such and use her tongue around my cock going deeper and onto it each time never taking the whole thing in.

“I can’t take the whole thing in, help me?”

Here I was about to fuck her face. As I was hesitant she took my hands and placed them on her head. As I was now thrusting her head on to my cock feeling a gentle caress of her teeth up and down my shaft. I told her I was about to cum, but just kept fucking her face. She tried to remove her head, but I didn’t let her and forced to swallow all of my cum.

She swallowed it all and wanted more. She then began to start titty-fucking my cock. As she placed it between her gorgeous breasts she began to move it up and down. I took the back of her neck for extra support as I watched my dick move through those gorgeous orbs. I never got hard so fast, even after just bursting my load down her throat. A few more quick times and I shot a load all over her face and tits, she licked it up and said “Yum.”

As the I heard a car pull up I got dressed. She told me that the stuff wouldn’t be out until tomorrow and that the bedroom wasn’t to be moved until then. She asked me to come by later so that we could finish where we left off. I was more than eager. As I walked out naked to the pool she slapped by ass and said… “Can’t wait till I get me some of that.” By the way I am Karen she said…oh yeah, I am Mike.

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That night I came back wearing a tight shirt that showed off my body and khaki shorts.

As I rang the door she answered wearing a black silk robe.

“My don’t we look handsome…you won’t be wearing that for long.”

We went up the stairs and went to her the master bedroom and a king size bed. I took her into my arms and began kissing and licking here entire body. As we did this, she managed to take off my shirt and pants (I wasn’t wearing any underwear). When  I got to her clit I began to return the favor from this afternoon. Gently I began licking her while my hands massaged her breasts. She shoved my head more into her crotch and I shoved my tongue down her love hole. I quickly began licking her clit faster and faster, pressing my tongue down her hard. As she cummed onto my mouth I began to lick up her juices. She then pulled me up and stuck her tongue down my throat to taster her own juices. I got really turned on by this.

As we got up she grabbed me by long hard shaft and took me into the adjacent shower room. It was one of those stand up stalls that had a lot of room with several different shower heads beating down on you. We got in and told me to get up against the wall and spread like I was ready to be frisked. The warm water pouring down my face. She took some lotion and rubbed it  over her hands. She then got to her knees and began to lick my ass, I never thought it would feel this good. The feeling of her moist tongue filling my insides was incredible. To top it all of she took other hands and began to give me a reach around, gently stroking my cock as she moved her tongue around my asshole. I never thought anything could be this good. I had no control over the situation, but it felt great.

She later got up still holding my dick and had me lift her up against the walls and stark licking her again. When we got out we dried each other off and frolicked around a little bit. I carried her over to the bed and began to feverishly kiss her entire body. I got on top of her and began to gently make lover to her giving her the feeling of each sensation as I went back into her. Her legs wrapped around my ass to go in harder, but I didn’t until I wanted to after she began slapping my ass I started to pound her as hard as I could. We climaxed together. I thought we were done, but then she told me to fuck her ass and this time hold nothing back. She wanted me to treat her like whore.

She leaned over the bed I got in place to begin fucking her. She was talking dirty and hand me spank her a couple of times, I just kept ramming her and she didn’t want me to stop. I grabbed her long hair and pulled her head back to do it cowboy style and this made her get more dirtier. I then took both my hands at her pelvis and began to pusher her into me as I rammed into her after several times she came when I pulled out my cum was dripping out of her ass.

We laid in bed for awhile and I snuck out the next morning before work.

A night forever

sonoma on Teen Stories

It was summer and we were all bored. Then one day Betina had gotten permission to stay with me for the weekend, really she just wanted to go out and drink. I went to go and picked her up. We came to town, since she lived about 10 miles from me, and I bought the beers, well a friend of mine bought them. We took off to the lake at around . We had some Bud Light with us. We sat on the hood of my car as we drank. Then my sister called to see where we were. After a few minutes passed, she got there. Her friends dropped her off where we were. Her friends didn’t wanna stay there so they took off to party at some house in town. She went straight for the beer. I didn’t drink since I had to drive back to town whi

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ch was about 5 miles from where we were. After a while it got boring so my sister suggested that we take a dive in the lake. My sister was the first one to go in. She took off her shirt and her pants and left them to me. I’ve seen her before with her underwear’s on (that’s another story), so I was used to it when she took off her clothes in front of us. Betina was in the mood to swim so after my sister went in, she went in the water. Betina was wearing a very short skirt and a see thru white blouse with a white bra. She didn’t see the need to take it off so she got in with all her clothes on. I threw my sister’s clothes in my car and followed in after her. I took off my shorts and shirt, and I dove in. We swam and talked as my sister and Betina got dunker by drinking more beer. It was now and all of the beers were gone, we got out of the water. My sister was falling and laughing; Betina tried to walk straight, but as she tried harder, failed more. I got my sister’s clothes and I gave them to her. Once all three of us were accounted for, I took off to my sister’s house. Betina was visibly drunk. I think she fell asleep on the way back to town. My sister was in a heavy drunken buzz. Betina stayed in my car as I got my sister’s stuff and walked her to her house. We lived separate houses from each other. She lived with mom and dad, and I lived by my self. She hugged me and said, “Make me proud, do what guys do, Okie?” “Um, ok. I don’t know what you’re talking about, but ok. Go to sleep turd ok?” I told her. She sat on her bed and she laid back. I left the house and got into my car. Betina was passed the fuck out. It was funny; she had her mouth hanging open. When I got to my house, I shook Betina. She woke up and said laughing, “Man I’m fucking drunk.” I knew it. I knew what my sister was talking about. She got out and walked to my door. We got inside and the first place she went to was my room. I walked in behind her and followed her. Once she got in my room she turned on my little night lamp and she threw her self on my bed, lying back with her eye closed. I went to my closet and got her a blanket to cover her since I had central air and it was at 70. I turned around and walked to my bed, and I covered her with the quilt. She got it and wrapped herself in it closing her eyes with a smile. I didn’t think much of what I was going to do, so I turned off the lamp and I laid down next to her. She moved a bit trying to get comfy. After a while she got warmed and she dozed off in about 5 minutes. We were in my queen sized bed my sister had given me. I was laying on the edge of the bed. Betina had her head on my right shoulder and her right knee moved up to my leg.


The moon was full that night and the light that made it through the widows was dim. Only a small tree left shadows on the bed and floor. The street lamp that was outside hasn’t been working for a week now so it was kinda dark. I felt around for a while, looking for the quilt and I covered myself with it to keep warm in the AC room. I lay there thinking about her in the water and how hot she looked with her nipples hard and her see through bra. Then I thought if I’d ever fuck her. Then I clicked, she was wearing a skirt and she was fucking drunk and passed out on my bed. I thought, maybe I can take advantage of this moment. I thought about it for a while as my dick grew in my boxers. I was going to make a move to molest her and see how her pussy felt like. Since we were using the same quilt, I slowly moved my hand under it and pushed her right knee up to spread her legs. She moved from her side to her back. I was so lucky she turned on her back. I managed to her to open her legs wide. I had her in per-missionary. It was great. The insides of her legs were still wet from the lake water because we didn’t have any towels so her skin felt rough. I began to slide my hand up her left thigh. I got far enough to feel the lower part of her skirt and my dick began to throb. I paused for a moment to take in the feeling of being this close to my “sister.” I started to slide up under her skirt and my hand met her underwear. I’m going to be in so much trouble if she woke up and clicked about what I was doing to her. I came this far, I wasn’t going to back off, so I pushed further. My nails were trimmed so I wasn’t worried about pinching her skin with them and waking her up. I moved her underwear’s aside with my fingers and I felt her barely wet pubes at the back of my fingers as I pushed her underwear’s aside. My dick began to throb up and down more just by feeling her. Her pubes were thick; she had a lot of hair down there. I knew she didn’t like to shave, she’s told me, she like’s it natural down there. Well I used my index to find a path through all of her pubes to her pussy lips. I moved my finger around through her pubes and I finally sank my index finger deep in her pussy lips. She had lips that were tight, not like those in porno’s that are all hanging out. I used the same finger to open the lips trying not to pull her pubes fearing she’d wake up. I pulled out the index and slid in my middle finger in to replace it. I slid down her slit and found her pussy hole; I slowly pushed in my finger and about ½ an inch inside her pussy she twitched. I quickly stopped and waited for her not to move, I was watching her chest for her breathing. Once I got to see she was still breathing slow and knowing that he hadn’t moved, I knew she was still dozed off. I decided to go the safe way and tease her clit. I slid out of her pussy and I moved up her slit to get to her clit. When I got there I started to rub her clit with my middle finger. Slowly her clit began to get hard and stiff. Her hips slowly gyrated and her clit became fully stiff. I rubbed for about a full minute and I know she was enjoying it. Her left leg pressed on my cock and her hips were gyrating to the motion of my clit tease. Then out of no where, I heard her take a deep breath and she woke up.


I quickly threw my head back and pulled out of everything hoping she didn’t feel her underwear’s out of place. My heart was pounding and I was just waiting for her to tell me “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING?!?!” She lifted her head and paused for a while. In the corner of my eye, I saw her look around. Then she put her hand on my shoulder and she shook me. She asked, “Hey, are you asleep?” I picked up my head and I said, “Trying to sleep, why?” “Oh, I don’t know just asking. Can I tell you something? I don’t know why but I’m horny. (Giggle)” I knew why and she had no idea. “Um…..” Well that made me speechless. She looked at me and she said, “Hey we’re friends right?” I said, “Yeah.” She said, “Ok I know right now isn’t the time for you, but would you mind?” She asked. “Mind what?” I asked acting dumb. “You know……..fucking me.” Hey this was my chance, I thought to myself. I said, “Like, right now?” “Yeah, come on, this chance might never happen again. Remember, you love me and I love you. Always friends and always buddies through thick or thin. Think of it as one friend helping another.” She said. “Good point, so where do you wanna fuck? Here?” “Sure, I meant it’s your house. No one will ever know. Right?” “Well true. I mean if that’s what you want. Are you sure?” “Yeah I want you to. It’s not a bad thing that friends can fuck, we can fuck here.” She said.


Right after she said that, she laid flat on her back, lifted her hips, she pulled her skirt up and took off her underwear’s, throwing them on my floor. She spread her legs wide open and looked at me. She lay there next to me like that, exposing her hairy pussy under the quilt. “So….um, do you have a condom?” I asked. “Nope, do we really need one?” She asked with a big smile on her face. “I don’t know. I don’t have one and you don’t either.” I told her. “Fuck it, let’s just do it without one, I know you don’t have anything, plus you know I don’t have anything either.” She said. With her telling me that she’s only fucked one guy without a condom made me feel a bit safe. She’s had protected sex with all her ex-boyfriend’s but that one. And this “one” was about 4 years back. I thought to myself “Oh my god, I was going to fuck without a condom.” That was great to hear since I really didn’t have a condom and I needed to get laid too. I was in heaven with what she said. I was going to fuck her without a condom and she was ok with it. What more does a guy want? So I quickly got up and I took off my shorts and boxers. My dick bobbled as I took off my boxers. She lifted the quit and I laid over her and I put my hands on either side of her chest. I slid my arms under her shoulders and I held myself up with my elbows. “Hey wanna turn on the lamp?” She whispered into my ear. Shit, I didn’t hesitate. I reached over and turned it on. Now our bodies welded together and our eyes locked. She looked at me with a fucking sexy ass smile, biting her lower lip. I looked down to her blouse and saw her little B-cup tits showing through her blouse. I moved my eyes down passed her chubby stomach and faintly saw her pubes and my dick right over her. She’s shorter than me by like 3 inches so I moved back and I readied my dick. I’m uncircumcised so I used my right hand and pulled the foreskin back to feel her more as I entered. I aimed my dick straight to her pussy and I felt her pubes tickle the head as I pressed against her lips. I began to move my dick up and down pressing against the thick pubes of her pussy lips to spread her bush. Her pubes opened a path to her pussy lips and finally after getting passed the pubes I smoothly slid into her pussy lips. I glided my dick head so smoothly up her pussy lips if actually felt good. I met her hard clit against my dick and slightly went in my dick hole. I was overwhelmed by the heat, softness and wetness of her pussy, it all felt so good. I glided my dick down and back up. The feelings on the head were enough to set me off. But I went on to find her pussy hole. Then I found a hole that seemed to be it but it was tighter than a pussy because my dick didn’t just slid in as a normal pussy I’ve fucked before, and I knew it wasn’t her ass hole because I was still in her pussy lips. I pushed the head in to figure out which one it was, then the head popped in and she closed her eyes and inhaled slightly. Yup it was her pussy. Then she opened her eyes again.


I let go of my dick and slowly pierced the rest of my dick into her. I felt her pussy expanding and widening as I invaded her pussy. Her pussy felt like a virgin’s pussy, very tight but I knew she wasn’t a virgin. I’ve known all her sex odysseys from her hitch hiking to fucking guys to piss off her ex’s. I knew it all. Anyways, I looked at her and she had her eyes closed as she inhaled deeper trying to accept my dick in her. Well I guess she had to, my dick was nearly 8 inches. Ok I’m lying. It’s really 7 ½ inches long. Well once she got to where she couldn’t inhale anymore she held her breath there. She made a quiet moan and a groan when I began pushing about half way in, but I kept pushing in her. Her velvet tight wrap began to explode feelings on my dick I’ve never felt before. I began to feel the back of her pussy. I didn’t stop though, I pushed in the last inches I had to give her until I had my entire dick 7 ½ inches inside of her and when my dick pushed up on her cervix, she let out a groan breath out and the smell of mint and alcohol filled my face. That was a beautiful smell coming from her I didn’t care if it smelled like alcohol. I gave her a lip to lip kiss and I slowly pulled my dick out feeling her pussy’s suction and pushed back in. I began fucking the girl that I considered my sister for a year. Her tits began to flop back and fourth inside her shirt as I picked up the pace to where I began to hear her light moans and our hips lightly slapping. Her tight, velvety pussy had a perfectly warm feel to it and the feelings she gave me made me fuck with quicker thrusts. Her moans became alittle more loudly as I wondered if she’d know if I came in her. I just didn’t want to pull out. I wanted to cum in her. I wanted to feel her forever. I left that in my mind and I kissed her gorgeous lips again. She moaned inside my mouth as the kisses kept our lips locked, but she couldn’t kiss for long because of her breathing and moaning. She looked up at me and she asked, “Have you done this before?” “Yeah.” I said with a whisper. She nodded her head and closed her eyes. We went on for about three minutes then she said with pleasured moans, “I don’t like being on the bottom, let me be on top, I wanna be on top.” “Ok.” I said. We stopped and I had about half of my dick in her and I pushed my whole dick slowly into her and we rolled so that I was now flat on my back.


She was now on top and she full control of the pace. She put her hands on my chest and she began to lift her body off of my dick going about half way off my dick and she went back down. This felt better. She picked up her hands to her chest and she slid her hands under her shirt to her tits and she squeezed them in her hands as she used her legs to move her body up and down. She took her hands out of her blouse and grabbed the bottom of her blouse and lifted it over her head, taking it off. She looked at me and she smiled. She let her whole body down on my dick and she lifted her bra, like girls do when they flash you. Then she lifted it over her and took it off to. She got her blouse and bra and she threw them both on the floor. The whole top of her body was now exposed to me, her B cup tits lightly jiggled in the air and her white chubby body jiggling around me turned me on. Her nipples were large and pink. She’s Mexican, but she didn’t have the dark colored nipples as a Mexican would. Her nipples were just alittle bigger than a condom pack. My dick was still all the way in her, down to the base and she began to do awesome things with her hips that increased her passion on what we did. My dick was also getting attention even though my dick stayed deep in her pussy. Her pussy would convulse and twitch around my dick. She kept doing this for a while then she put her left hand next to my head and she lowered her face to mine and kissed me as she slowly fucked my dick again. Then she lowered her body and both her hands were next to my head. She pulled her head back and she gave out alittle bit more louder moans. Her gyrating pace quickened up and her thick thighs slid along mine and her chubby stomach cushioned our bodies together. The pace she was at and the feeling of her warm and soft body felt so good. The moans she gave out made me feel like a god. Her hips gyrated back and forth and side to side, even in circles. No other girl ever did that to me. She then lifted herself up and she let her hands rest on my chest and she began to fuck me again. Her hands began to squeeze on my shirt as she picked up the pace a bit and her moans grew alittle louder. It kinda seemed that she was pounding on my dick. The slapping noise our hips made was now noticeable too. She was reaching her peak. I knew, her breathing got heavier and she was reaching her orgasm. When it happened, she stopped pounding her pussy on my dick and slid down the length of my dick down to the base. She pressed her knees on my sides and her body began to shake as her pussy seemed to act like a vibrator around my dick. She leaned close to my body and her eyes were closed tight and she was breathing hard on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her body and held her, rubbing her back and I got her face and I began to kiss her. Her body still twitched, and then she opened her eyes. She was finishing her orgasm.


Once her waves of ecstasy were over, she slowly started fucking me again and I put my hands on her tits. I rubbed my thumbs around her very soft nipples and made them hard. She began to slap her body on my dick which turned me on. Then she slowed down and got back to the same pace as before. I wrapped my arms around her body and drew her close to me again. I slid my hands up and down her back feeling the sweat on there. I felt my balls fill with ecstasy. It was my turn to cum. “Betina, I’m going to cum.” I told her. “Ah! Cum in me, I want you to cum in me. Shoot it all in me. It belongs in me. Do it me.” She said moaning barely making sense of her own words. My balls boiled even more when she told me that. I felt my dick fully engorge with blood making it thicker and I knew I was ready to shot my nut into my best-friend. Every time she slid down on my dick, my dick throbbed. She felt so good; she’d given permission to cum in her and that’s what I was going to do. There was no turning back when I began to shoot my cum in her. Then I thought, “What if I get her pregnant?” Fuck it, I didn’t care. Then I thought about how fucking great it was to cum in a girl. (The first time I came in a girl is another story.) This was going to be my second time cumming in a girl and so far, it was feeling great even though I hadn’t blown my wad. I began to feel more pressure in my balls so I grabbed ahold her hips and began pounding up on her pussy. My dick was now fully grown to the max inside her and I thrusted a few more times into her. She gave out loud moans with each thrust. She sat up and she put her hands up to her tits and she rubbed and pinched her nipples. Then as my dick began to reach the point of no return, she exploded with her orgasm again letting out loud moans with it when she came. I felt her pussy violently convulsing around my dick. She shook like crazy I thought about slowing down the fierce pace, letting her have her fun, but I was so close to cumming and I didn’t wanna let that pass. Then I felt a small squirt of cum shoot out from my dick into her. I grabbed her hips tight and I shoved about 4 inches of my dick that was outside of her pussy deep into her, pulling her whole body down on my dick inside her. She put her hands on my chest and we held our breath together. I stayed in her like that for what seemed forever. Then my dick exploded with a fury. I got an intense feeling of chills running in waves going all over my body and I even saw stars as my dick began to shoot hot streams of thick cum deep inside stomach. She began to move her hips around as my dick spewed out it’s hot cum inside her. Her pussy tightened around my dick from the base and run up the head, sucking up cum into her quivering, thirsty pussy. She let her breath out saying, “I can feel it. I can feel your cum squirting into me. I’ve never felt that. It feels hot.” “It was for you.” I said letting my breath out and smiling. I laid my head back on the pillow and I enjoyed the moment as my cum was going deep inside her pussy. Then my dick gave one last shot into her and that’s when she laid against me. When she did that, I could feel the cool air on the base of my dick from her wetness. My dick slid out about an inch from inside her. Now my body was exhausted. She gave me a good fucking. She sat up and my dick slid back in. After our explosive orgasms ended, her velvet pussy quivered a bit adding to the feelings around my dick. I knew she wasn’t drunk anymore. She knew exactly what she was doing. I could feel my twitching dick going limp inside her pussy slowly. The feeling of my dick sliding out as it limped was amazing. I’ve never feel that.


I looked up to her lamp-lit tits and her beautiful smile. “Wanna do it again?” She asked with a big smile. “Fuck yeah.” I told her. She looked down to her pussy and she looked back up at me. Then she lifted herself off of me. My limp dick bobbed up and down. She lay back with her legs hanging open. My dick was halfway up and it engorged again with the site that I saw, her pussy glistening wet with cum in the light. My pubes were wet from her two explosions of her cum. She giggled and she said, “I’m going to be on top this time until you finish.” “Ok baby.” I told her. I took off my shirt and I threw it on the floor. This time we turned on the light of my room. I went back to the bed and lay back and she moved around my bed. When she did that, I got to see all of her. It was such a beautiful site. From her angelic face to her tight, firm tits. From her stomach to her thick, I was in heaven. Her white body glowed with sex. She stood up and walked around the bed to me. My eyes followed her body. She crawled in the bed with me and she straddled me for round two. Her pussy lips were right on my dick. I throbbed my dick and she jumped because my dick went in her slit. She gyrated her hips and this was very arousing. My dick began to grow hard under her. She lifted her hips and my dick slid up along her slit. The foreskin covered my dick-head, but this didn’t stop the pleasurable feelings. Once she had my dick where she needed it, she slid down on it. This time my dick slid with ease and very little resistance. The smooth velvety feel that she had in her pussy was still there. Her pussy was now hotter and wetter. So hot, when my foreskin peeled back to expose my dick, it felt extraordinary. My dick grew to full size inside her almost immediately after that. I know she felt it because I felt her pussy stretching and twitched. She started again to slowly fuck me. I didn’t want this night to end. So I asked her, “Wanna do it all night?” She said in quiet moans, “Yeah, please. But remember, I want you to cum inside me. Don’t cum outside of me.” I laughed and said, “Ok, I’ll cum inside you.” She lowered her body on my dick and she got the sheet to cover our bodies. Now this time was better, it felt much better with it over us. Our bodies quickly warmed as we started kissing. My dick deep inside of her stayed hard and we made out like crazy. Her tongue went deep in my mouth and it felt so good, she had that taste of mint on her breath. Our bodies were one. She lifted her body and lowered herself slowly again. We began making to fuck again. She rode me nice and slow. It seemed she was trying to get every feeling she could this time. Her body felt so soft against mine. Her hair rubbing on my face and her warm breathe all made it feel better. Still, about 2 minutes later, she began to moan like never before. I haven’t heard the moaning that she gave out ever before. It was a very calm and passionate moan, more passionate than before. Our bodies became sweaty from the action we did and from being so close to each other. Our bodies were now only separated by the sweat we made. I felt her tight pussy begin to quiver with the building of her orgasm. And this time my balls began to engorge while her pussy built up again. I could feel cum build up in my balls. This was almost perfect timing. Her body began to quiver and shake and my balls boiled. I felt her nipples get hard and pressing against my chest. She fucked me with nice and slow paces. She began kissing me and her warm, sweaty body was now pressed on mine. Sliding with the motions she used. She moaned in her kisses as she gave a soothing moan. She was climaxing. I moved my hips up to meet hers and I felt her pussy give out in her passion orgasm. It squeezed on my dick and that was enough, I let mine go into her. My dick shot thick shots of hot cum. Her pussy squeezed again and again. Her body shook around my dick. My baby juice was now filling her pussy with a second round of cum. Our orgasms seemed to go forever. She kept sliding herself up and down my dick as our orgasms went of course. My dick was now throbbing oozes of cum into her. My dick oozed out the last of cum that I had in me into her. She kept kissing me and I know this is how it felt to make love with an angel like her. We stayed kissing for a good while as my dick went limp inside her. Her pussy was still tight enough to keep my dick in her though. My limp dick stayed limp for about 2 minutes inside her and then it slowly began to engorge again. I stayed inside her as this happened. “Ooh, someone’s getting hard.” She said. “Yeah, wanna do it again?” I asked her before she could ask. She laughed, “I thought you’d never ask.”


She leaned to my face and we continued kissing for about a minute. I broke the kiss and I asked her, “I cum in you again?” She smiled and she kissed me. “Yeah, I don’t care if I get pregnant. At least it’ll be your kid, our kid.” “True. I do want you to be the mom of my kids.” I told her. She smiled and we kissed again. By now my dick was almost fully engorged inside her pussy and only 1 ½ hours passed since we both agreed to fuck. I grabbed her tits in my hands and we got into round three.


Amazingly we fucked from at night till the next day at sunrise at . We fucked at least 10 times through the whole night. The only breaks we took were some eating and drink breaks. Right after, the less than 5 minute breaks, we’d fuck again. We traded the top position a few times, most of the times she was on top. She had so much cum in her pussy, when we fucked, it’d foam out! Anyways, around she was on top of me and she gave me a quick fuck before we fell to sleep. After we finished, she lifted herself off of me and my cum dripped out on my dick. She laughed and apologized. I didn’t want the apology, I just wanted her. I cleaned her with the sheet and I got her underwear’s and she put them on. We laid in each other’s arms as we fell laid back.  She was the best fucking fuck ever.  We’ve been fucking on a daily basis. She tells me at least once a week that I’m the best fuck she’s ever had. And I tell her the same. She is.


Marglar on Teen Stories

We all just gotten into the car and were on our way to pick up Maria, and Cassandra.  My parents had been extremely annoying and had not let anyone know what the sisters looked like.  So I was hoping for the best results, not some fat chick with zits, braces, and big glasses.


We reached the airport and went to stand by the gate.  My little sister had a stupid sign reading “Italians, we come in peace” which I thought was lame but my parents laughed

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their stupid asses off over it.  Just great I thought the first glimpse they get of us they will turn and run.


Just then the plane landed and moved towards the gate.  It was some weird air line that I had never heard of “Alitalia” I think it was.  I was sitting in a chair with my headphones so I really didn’t notice that the plane landed.  Also since I had been woken up and 5 in the morning, after going to bed at 2, I was really tired so somewhere I had nodded off and was sound asleep.  But evidently the sisters and come off the plane and were greeting my family, while I slept in chair. 


But my parents had to be funny so they sent Cassandra over to wake me up. 


This became the reason that I was roused by a hand on my shoulder shaking me, saying something that I could not understand, from the thick Italian accent and my music.  But when I was finally roused I opened my eyes and looked into the most beautiful face I had ever seen. 


She said “High my name is Cassandra” and I sad something that sounded like “pbusdfngsdfasd.”  She had eyes that were like a glossy black that you could stare into for hours, a round face (absolutely no pimples), and small cute nose, and pure black hair that looked like it had been weaved by God himself.  I was dumbfounded until by little sister pinched me saying “Mommy Kevin has sleeping.”


This shook me out of my dream state and I shook my self and stood up.  Just then seeing Maria who was almost a double of here sister only older.  They were both about 5’6” and around 120-130 pounds.  I introduced my self to both of them and we headed off to get their luggage.


On the way down Maria talked to my parents and sisters while Cassandra seemed content to walk behind them next to me.  I started asking her questions about her life and what it was like in Italy, if she had any friends, the usual.


She responded in the sexiest voice I’ve heard; “Italy is nice, I live in south Italy just south of Cosenza”.   I was surprised at how well she spoke English when I had been expecting her to only speak the basic, but she could speak about as well as my little sister. 


We talked for most of the trip to the luggage and the ride home.  I was just so amazed that such a beautiful girl would be this interested with me.  At school most girls I liked ignored me, I did hangout with a group of girls but none were what I was interested in.  When we got home they threw their bags in their respective rooms.  It was only around 12, lunch time for me, but the sisters were extremely jet lagged and just had something to drink and eat then both went to their rooms.


For the next week they had about the same patterns, they would be up form , so my sister and I changed our habits to keep them company.  But after the first week they settled down got into the normal swing of things again.  It was really fun to talk to them, I learned that Cassandra had been an avid football (soccer) fan, so we spent most of the summer playing soccer, and that Maria was a competitive gymnast, so she taught my sister and I some basic moves, like back flips, front flips, and multiple layouts.  IT was so much fun but then school started.  I brought Cassandra to school and my friends went crazy.  My best friend Rick was at my side when ever Cassandra was around and when she wasn’t he was commenting on her figure.  Which as it works out was in its self astonishing.  The had a decent pair of boobs, around a 36B, and perfect ass that looked like two globes that stuck out about half a foot from her body.  I had a hard time ignoring her figure for the first month but soon got over it. 


Things went fairly routine; Maria had a pair of 32 C tits and an ass that was slightly smaller that Cassandra’s but still equally gorgeous.  I could barely keep my hands to either one of them.  But nothing really happened until spring break.  My parents decided that they were going to take the whole week off and go down for Sun River for like a second honeymoon.  So for the week we figured that my older sister and I would stay home with the Italians while my little sister would spend the week and my grandparents.  Originally we would all spend the week at the grandparents but my sister talked us out of it saying how we all had plans with our friends.  I hadn’t any plans but I later found out that my sister had big plans for spring break.


When spring break did roll around I had completely forgotten about what was happening so Saturday when my parents work me up to say goodbye I was confused like none other.  Then I remembered their plans and how I would be staying home, they gave me bunch of numbers and then left.  They had to leave around 8 in the morning to get down my grandparents who were about 6 hours away and then get to Sun River before 10. 


I went back to bed and woke up a few hours later.  My sister had left me a note saying how she had gone out with Maria for the day to do some shopping.  SO it was just me and Cassandra, who was currently outside sunbathing.  I went up stair grabbed some cereal and went out to talk to Cassandra. 


We talked about the usual things that we normally talk about.  But suddenly she got up saying “I think I’ll got take a shower to clean up, I’m all sweaty.”  With that she left to take a shower.  I don’t know what it was but I suddenly had an idea.  I was going to sneak in on Cassandra, she had been taking showers the entire time she was here and I had seen her running around in a towel, same as her sister.  They were defiantly not shy about their bodies.  So I went inside and turned on the TV until I heard the shower start.  I waited about 5 minutes and wandered over to the bathroom.  And saw that the door was slightly ajar.  It was rather weird because normally she closes and locks the door.  But at that point I didn’t care so I slowly opened the door and looked in.  I could see through the gap in the curtain, the first thing I saw was her brown smooth back, then sliding down her wet hair to that shining back, I saw her ass, the brown globes of heaven just made my cock jump.  I was rock hard in record time and I could already feel a small damp spot from the pre-cum


I just stared and then she turned around, her eyes were closed and she was soaping herself up.  I saw those beautiful tits with the dark half-dollar size areola, with nipples that looked like chocolate mini marshmallows (the ones that go in hot chocolate).  I just couldn’t resist I reached down and slowly start stroking my dick and I scanned down further.  The next sight almost made my blow my load, just above the tiny slit was a small triangle of black hair, and then there was the thighs, the think muscular thighs of and girl who did sports, there was no hair on her legs and they were perfectly smooth.  She just then moaned, and I jumped a little but her eyes were still closed, then I say here hands which were pinching and pulling those amazing nipples.  Then she started kneading her breasts moaning louder.  Slowly her hands moved lower, slowly circling her body until she reached her twat, which was already swollen and looked like the liquid coming off it was more than just water. 


Watching this I unzipped my fly and reached in to get better access to my raging hard-on.  I started stroking hard as I saw Cassandra slip a finger in to her pussy.  Sliding it in and out, in and out.  All the while her moaning got louder, I was amazed that she was doing this cause she was moaning so loud that I would have heard her if the door was closed.  The other hand she had alternate between both nipples and the thumb, on the hand with now 2 fingers deep in her sopping pussy, was rubbing the small tiny nub at the tip of her little love gap. 


Still beating my cock I could feel the familiar tingle in my dick, making me increase my speed.  I had started to sweat and I had a lot of trouble holding back the moans trying to escape my lips.  Then I noticed that she must have been feeling the same sensation.  Because she slipped 3 fingers into the pussy and the other dropped down to squeeze that tiny clit.  Her moans came quicker and louder and I could see her chest rise and fall of her tits.  I wanted to cum with her so I made sure I was ready.  Her chest was heaving then suddenly she let out a squeak and her body seemed to tighten up, I released the flood gates and let the warm jizz splash out all over me boxers and pants, I was careful to not allow any to get on the floor.  I looked back at her and she was sitting down letting the water drip of her body, the pussy was swollen and she still had her hand buried in it. 


I decided it would be best if I left or else she might see me.  I quickly backed out and closed the door.  I then walked quickly to the upstairs bathroom where I cleaned myself up and got some fresh shorts. 


By the time Cassandra walked out of the shower I was sitting downstairs in front of the TV again. 

“Enjoy your shower” I asked

“It was like any other. Why”

“Well from the amount of sound you made I was surprised that you didn’t explode in the shower, no pun intended.”

She turned bright red and hid her face, I just smiled

“It’s ok; I do it all the time myself.”

With this her face lit up and became even redder. 

“Really you touch your self…down their?” she asked like a shy kitten

“I have heard of boys doing that but never know one who actually does it.”

“Of course you have most boys do it.”

Then she sat down next to me and looked deep into my eyes and asked

“Would you be willing to show me what it looks like?”

She then stared at me biting her lower lip and I puddle to the ground.  The only problem was that I had just masturbated and I am one of those I time a night kinda of guys.  SO it was my turn to redden.

“I don’t think I can.”

She looked disappointed and looked down

“Oh ok, I understand.”

I realized she meant that she was the reason for me not doing it.

“No, no it’s not that, I would love to do it, but the problem is honestly I just did do it and I have to wait for at least 2 hrs.”

She then looked at me questioningly.

“You mean you did…’it’ while I was doing ‘it’.” 

I had to admit I had and that just made her turn a whole new shade of red, I’m sure I was as red as she was at the time.

“What made you do it?”

“It was all those sounds you were making I couldn’t resist.”

“Oh you naughty boy.” She said jokingly.

“Well maybe if you were able to do it just to the sounds I was making, perhaps this will help.”

With that she stood up and lifted her shirt up, exposing those amazing tits hidden behind a red lace bra.  She threw the shirt on the floor and unsnapped her jeans.  Pulling those down to reveal a matching red lace thong.  I was, at that point, hard as I had been when I was her in the shower.  The bulge was obvious in my shorts and she giggled.

“Looks like you were wrong when you said that you had to wait.”

I blushed and grinned at her comment, what could I say she was even hotter right now than in the shower.

“Well maybe I can help you with you... err problem”

She made me stand up and grabbed my waste band, pulling it down to my ankles, then I stepped out of my shorts, now standing in just boxers and a shirt, she pulled off the shirt and threw it in the rest of the clothes.  The pressure on my dick was immense and the boxers were stretched to their limit. 


Cassandra let out a squeal of delight at the sight of my 10” monster making a tent in my boxers.

“You’re bigger than I guessed.”


“Oh, yes I have been watching you for the time we’ve been here and I saw the lump in your pants but never figured it was this big.”


She then dropped down onto her knees as I pulled off my boxers revealing the giant head and other 9” of my dick.  “Show me” she said,

“Wait before I do anything I got to see the rest of the show,” I said playfully.

Giggling like a little girl she stood up and unclipped her bra then let it fall off her showing me, again, those beautiful boobs,  I reached out and put my two hands on them rubbing the to soft melons.  I rolled her nipples and she moaned again. 


I stopped and she looked at me, disappointed, “hey I got to see the rest of the show”

With that she all but ripped her panties off, this time seeing her pussy made my dick jump and the precum oozing out dropped onto the floor.

“Looks like someone is happy with what they see.”

I just grinned at the remark.  What else could I do, I had a nude goddess staring at my 10” hard-on.

“Well I guess then we better do something, because when I like something I usually do something about it.” 

With that I reached down and slowly started to jack my shaft while Cassandra watched me. 

“Will this help?”  She sat down opposite me and started kneading her tits while staring right at my hard littler pecker.

“oh yeah, oh yeah”  I increased my tempo and started moaning as Cassandra reached down and licked her little hard nipples.  This brought me even closer.

“Oh baby I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.”  Then Cassandra stood up and shoved her mouth right over my cock.  The warmth and soft velvetiness of her mouth combined with her swirling tongue I was brought over the edge.  I started shooting the strings of white jizz into her mouth. 

“Aaaaaahhhhhh” I moaned as I came for the second time in the hour.  When I opened my eyes again I saw her looking at me without a single drop of cum on her face or anywhere else. 

“Well from what I’ve seen we will be having a fantastic spring break.”

With that she stood up and walked downstairs to her room, I watched her smooth ass sway all the way.  That when I realized that I was going to have problems once the break was over.


That the end of part 1, send all you comments to

More will come if this is well received.  Make sure to mark the subject “Italians”

Kelsey and Jamantha

Ch0c0lat3G1rl on Teen Stories

 I'd just gotten home form a party and was watching a move with my best friend, Jamantha lying next to me. the movie had been going for a bout half an hour when the people on it started making out. the girl pulled away and started talking about her fantasy.

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>Jamantha paused the movie when the lady stopped talking and sat up. she ran a hand through her long straight black hair and started to tell me her favourite fantasy. <she is standing in a field under a full moon, butt naked. a masked man comes up behind her, put an arm around her waist and starts to finger her while taking her up the ass. she can see two girls a way off fingering each other and the sight turn her on so much she cums hard. the man is still going hard and pushes her onto the ground were he keeps slamming in an out. she builds to the most amassing climax and the girl is now in front of her licking her breasts and stomach. they stay like that until they fall asleep and when Jamantha wakes up they are both gone and all that is left is a tiny hickey on her neck.>

as I listen to this my pussy gets wet, I place a pillow between my legs and grind my hips into it. me and Jamantha do this in front of each other a lot so when she saw I was near organism she took away the pillow and started fingering me. first one finger then two, three, four, her hole fist pumps in and out of me. my pussy tightens around her wrist and my juices squirt all over her arm and my bed. Gasping for breath I sit up and face her.

my arm reaches out and grabs roughly at her breasts, my fingers tickle her while my tongue licks at her nipples. her moans get louder as she nears organism and arches her back so her breasts are smothering me, she grabs the back of my head and holds it there as she comes. I move down the bed and lick but every thing that I can.

Catching my breath I sit up by Jamantha and look at her closely. She panting and her breasts are moving ever so slowly. She tells me that she wants to know what my fantasy is. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. < I’m in bed wearing nothing but a tiny see through white night gown. The lights in my room are off but the window is open and the curtains and fluttering in the breeze. I’m in a deep sleep when I taste grapes and feel soft kisses on my lips and toes. The kisses move form my toes up my legs and down again, form my lips over my breasts and around my stomach.

I feel hands slips up my legs and my night gown being pushed up. The kisses stop and hands brush my breasts, fingers tease my nipples. I feel two fingers slip into my pussy, moving gently. More fingers are shoved roughly in and moved around. I start moaning loudly and grind against the hand.


The bed moves as the other person gets on and sits on my stomach. Fingers are getting pushed into my pussy and slamming around roughly, soon the person has their whole hand up to the wrist in my pussy moving furiously. The mans grunting is getting heavier with climax as mine builds more intensive. I can feel the mans dick rub against the other persons hands and the feeling turns me on so much. My pussy and ass tighten, capturing them in me as the most amazing orgasm rips through my body.


My body is ridged for ten wonderful minutes before it let up. The hand is pulled out of my pussy and the man's dick is shoved in, his balls slap against my ass with every move. The person on top of me stands up, moves down the bed and sit on my face. I find out she is a girl and naked so I instantly poke my tongue and lick her . All three of us climax at the same time, moaning loudly, enjoying every second. The man and women finish and leave through my window with out saying a word.>


I open my eyes and see Jamantha Naked beside me fingering herself, moaning lightly. I watch her lovely brown breast bounce with ever movement. Silently I get off the bed and strip, my huge pale breast straining against my bra for freedom. I climb back onto the bed and crawl toward Jamantha. I pull out her fingers and push her onto the bed. Smiling I lay down by her feet and raped her legs around mine. I wriggle up until our pussy are touching, my pale, red bush against her chestnut shaved one. We grind against each other touching each other where we could, moaning lightly as not to wake any one. We sum at the same time, biting our lips so not to scream. Our juices mingling on top of my bed spread.


Still panting I moved up the bed towards Jamantha's head. When she smiled my heart soared, her smile reached and filled her eyes. I kissed her neck a few times before we lay down, arms in twined. We moved closer together squeezing up on my king single bed. I stroked her back while she fall asleep her stomach rising and falling against my stomach. I moved my hand to her breast and stroked it. Her average sized chestnut breasts trembled with my every touch. I moved closer so that my pale breasts were flat against her brown ones and fall into a deep sleep.

Just as I am about to climax the hand pulls out and the hands stop playing with my nipples. My legs get lifted up and out and placed on someone's shoulders, my ass is off the bed leavening my pussy and ass open. The shoulders are moving rhythmically and I can hear a man grunting. I can feel the mans dick teasing my ass hole. The man shoves his dick in fast and the pain shots through me before I can do anything. The man pumps against me roughly and my moaning gets louder. It hurts but I don’t wont it to stop.

Almost getting caught

freegames44 on Teen Stories

      One night when i get home from my girlfriend's house, my sister invited over her friend, amber. after they went to sleep, i went up stairs to their room. I layed next to amber to admire her figure. I started to massage her breasts and then her nipples. As soon as i touched her nipples they instantly became hard. I then began to rub her virgin public area. But, i soon found out that she was already wet! I started to rub her pussy until she was wet enough for me to do things with it. When i started to insert my finger she moaned LOUDLY. (and started to move alittle) I froze and thought if i were to be caught at this stage i was SCREWED! I thought the quicker i have my fun and get out of there, the better. So, i inserted 2...3....and all 4 of my fingers in her pussy

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within a few seconds. She started having an orgasm! I thought, "Wow, if she is having an orgasm before i even start moving my fingers, i wonder how she would like this...". i ramed my fingers in and out of her pussy. She started to buck and moan so loudly i had to cover her with a pillow so she wouldn't wake the whole house up. after about 5mins she settled down and i was able to take my fingers out. I then started to tease her with my tonge. i just touched her with my tonge and she jumped. I started to make slow circles around her virgin pussy and then inserted my tonge. She let out a "ooo! mmmmm". After playing with her pussy with my tonge for a bit i felt her starting to come to another orgasm. I stopped. She said in her "fanasy dream" " please more... more... more!!!" i flicked my tonge which brought her dangerously close to another orgasm. (I wanted to make this one then most pleasureable. Then without warning i furiously attacked her pussy with my tonge. she bucked over and over. she started to come with a big "OO OOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she was like a sprinkler. she started to wake up. I said to my self "oooo sh*t!" I covered her up and ran out of the room but not far so i could hear her. She said to herself "Oh, I love when i have that dream", and then went back to sleep.

I will post more if this gets good reviews. please e-mail at thanks

My Torture by Schoolgirls

cleaner475 on Teen Stories

They stood there waiting with their short miniskirts. Waiting for someone to pass unfortunately that someone was me. There were four school girls they couldn’t have been more than 14 years old but they were so pretty.

Then as I started to walk past they came over to me;

‘Do you want some fun?’ asked the tallest girl with brown hair and blue eyes.

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MsoNormal">‘Why not’ I replied.


The four girls led me into an old house that clearly had no inhabitants. They took me upstairs and told me to lie down on the bed. I did as they said but not expecting what happened next. The brown haired girl, who I found out was called Laura, asked the other girl who’s name was Rebecca to go get the ‘tools’. Rebecca was a little wider than the other girls and not as pretty but certainly still retained that factor.


The other two girls in the room, Emily who was about the same height as Rebecca, she had brown hair as well and also very formed breasts. The last girl name Lucy had blonde hair and very small breasts. She was constantly staring at me.


About two minutes later Rebecca entered the room with a case.

‘Bring it over here’ Laura instructed to Rebecca.

Rebecca did so laying the case down in front of Laura.


‘Take of your clothes’ Laura said to me.

I took to long to respond so the girls started doing it instead. First to go was my shirt and my socks. Then slowly they took off my trousers.

The girls started rubbing the area with there hands feeling around my cock.


Then they finally removed my underwear, my last piece of clothing so I was now in front of four 14 years olds completely naked. They rubbed my cock all over and started flicking my balls which was quite painful at the time but I tired not to let them see that. My cock slowly started to erect just as they removed the lid off the case.


I couldn’t see everything inside but there were needles and knifes and dildos. At this point I started to get scared as to what they were going to do. Emily moved to the position in front of me and picked up a needle. She leaned in and pricked by balls with it. A tiny bit of blood trailer down, so she preceded. She shoved it in one bit of skin and made it come out about 1 cm apart. This hurt like hell.


She left it in there while she went to get a knife. She cut just a bit of my cock so a line of blood was showing. Surprisingly this didn’t hurt that much but then she did it again and more blood come out. She did it another time and it started to feel weird as if all the air was just trying to get in my cock.


Then she swapped position with Lucy. Lucy came up and sat in front of me. She grabbed a needle from the case and put it right through my foreskin. That hurt and I couldn’t control my pain that time so I let go a grasp of pain. The girls just laughed and continued………

**If this is any good at all and get any good ratings then I shall continue it**

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WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VII

Deathnote on Teen Stories

The students of class 4D:
-Sera Spykes
-Io Ford
-Motoko 'Monica' Kurenai
-Ginger Sacher
-Lana Limestone
-Jennifer Reeves
-Candice Spiegelman
-Heather Kimbley
-Virginia Celeste
-Jesse Cromberry
-Tiehhsin 'Timothy' Ying
-Trent Bloom
-Mike Angels

"Why are there twice as many girls as there are guys?" Spike blinked as he stared at the names of the students introduced thus far. "And why is my name five asterisks? That better not be my next nickname."

"Hey, do cargo pants usually have zippers?" Monica asked as she looked down at her pants.

"I don't see why not. If the
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y don't... cargo pants with zippers can be passed off as something new from the future," Spike replied. "It's easier than doing research, anyway."

Title: WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VII
Class: 4D
Room: 104
If you play "Strip War" and in the end your opponent still has all their clothes on, don't gamble... ever.

"What is energy?" Sera asked as she stared at Spike with predatory eyes.

"Energy... is... that... thing that makes... stuff work?" Spike scratched his head in response. "Do you mean just energy in general or..."

"Energy is all around us," Sera explained before taking another sip of her tea. From her posture and facial expression, the brief lesson on magic wasn't going to be very brief at all. "It's there when you run. It's there when you walk. It's there when you talk. It's there when you're squatting over a cute little Japanese high school student in the locker room and forcing her to cum on her own sword."

Monica immediately went red in the face as soon as she heard that last sentence.

"It's the potential for causing change. Without energy, no events are possible. If magic were to exist in any form, it would most likely exist in the form of energy," Sera continued as she stole a glance at Monica's blushing face. Her left hand reached down between her legs to give Linda a pat on the head as a reward for... servicing her. "This... energy used for magic... it can also be found everywhere, but the most likely place to find it is within the soul. Every human being has a soul and therefore the potential to cause change. In other words, the human body has the ability to contain the energy capable of creating magic. Are you two okay? You both seem... distracted."

"Um... well... it's just that," Spike was staring at the spot on the table where he was sure he'd see Linda if the table were transparent.

"Linda... is... under there... and..." Monica was also fumbling with her words in an embarrassed manner.

"Oh, I see. I apologize for my rudeness, then," Sera grinned in a playful manner before leaning down under the table. She whispered something into Linda's ear, patted her head, then returned from under the table. As though nothing special had happened, she continued, "For the sake of making things easier to understand, we'll divide magical energy into three categories: Spirit, bio, and mana."


All of a sudden, Monica pushed against the table and slid her chair backwards away from it as much as possible. Right where her crotch was just a couple seconds ago as Linda's face, which had a shocked expression. It didn't take a detective to figure out what just happened.

"No need to be alarmed, Moto-chan," Sera licked her lips seductively. "I thought you wanted to know what Linda's oral skills were like, so I thought I'd share her with you."

"Well you thought wrong!" Monica snapped ferociously. If she could get any redder, her skin would match a tomato's.

"So you weren't envious of me... but of my pet?" Sera giggled into the back of her hand. She enjoyed tormenting the young Japanese sword-user. "The offer is still open, you know."

Monica didn't say anything as she silently pushed her chair back to the table and sat with her legs crossed. Linda withdrew her face and remained under the table as ordered by her mistress. Spike just sat there with a blank expression on his face as he attempted to make sense of what happened in the last fifteen seconds. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't turned on by what just happened.

"If there are no more interruptions, may we proceed, then?" Sera asked rhetorically. When no one answered, she continued, "The first type of energy we'll talk about is spirit energy, though it has many other names including chi. Chi is the spiritual energy that presides within the human body. It is the 'life force' that comes from the soul. There are many ways to utilize this energy and there is more than one way to control it. Most Chi-users forego the use of spells which I'll go into more detail about later on."


"Three nines," Tim showed off his cards. Right next to his cards was a list of all the favours he won from his opponent. Since his opponent was out of clothes, they started betting something a tad different.

"How are you always winning?" Rebecca stared at the three nines before checking her own cards. Unfortunately for her, she only had three sixes. She folded her cards and took a deep breath. Her breasts and, thanks to the glass coffee table, her pussy were on full display. "Okay... fine... I quit. How much do I owe you?"

"It'll probably take you around two months to pay it all off," Tim replied as he looked over the list. He flipped over to the next page... then the next... then the next... then the next...

"You're the second person I've ever lost to," Rebecca seethed as she started picking up her clothes. Her eyes shifted towards the panties that were still on the coffee table and she reached out to pick it up... only to be blocked by a gloved hand.

"Did Sera beat you?" Tim asked as he slid his classmate's panties off the coffee table and onto the floor beside him. He looked sharply into Rebecca's eyes as though he could pierce through and peer into the girl's soul. Nearly nothing escaped his always observant eyes. Those two eyes of his were the key to his overwhelming victory and he was sure Sera had similar eyes as well.

"....." Rebecca glared back at the young man across the glass table. She tried to read the body language behind the one who beat her, but nothing gave her any information about his thoughts. How do you beat someone who acted like a robot in poker? Tim showed no facial expression and he didn't make any movements except what was necessary to play the game. The most disconcerting feature, though, were the eyes that acted like a pair of two-way mirrors. Even for someone like Rebecca, it was hard to remain calm while being watched by such eyes.

The characteristics that the young man displayed were born from years of practice and discipline under the tutelage of his Shihfu. Tim remembered one time when he was eight years old, he was given a sheet of paper that had questions like "time of death?", "cause of death?", and "victim's age?". He was locked inside a room with a dead corpse and was not let out until he answered all the questions on the sheet of paper. He remembered crying and begging to be let out of the room for hours as he pounded the door desperately, but it only worked the first few times.

"It's just a guess, but is it possible that because you lost to someone for the first time, you took the game to another level?" Tim asked as he watched Rebecca's face go red. The hazel-eyed girl remained seated on her side of the coffee table and placed her clothes back on the floor beside her. With her naked skin completely exposed, there was little to hide on not only the physical level, but on the emotional and mental level. The ex-assassin had no trouble picking up the scent of arousal that was seeping from Rebecca's wet slit. The near invisible trembling exposed the fear and shame that dominated the girl's body and mind. Suffice to say, Tim had this girl in the palm of his hand. "You seem proud of your poker skills. Was that why you had to beat Sera after you lost to her?"

"Unless you're going to collect, I have no reason to stay here," Rebecca ignored the questions that were directed at her for they seemed accurate to be mere guesses. She wanted to just put on her clothes and leave as quickly as possible, but she found it difficult to even touch the pile of clothes beside her. Sweat was pouring down her face and she remained frozen to the spot under the powerful gaze of the former killer. Seconds of silence passed between them until the poker girl broke down and spilled everything. "Before the first day of school, no one could beat me no matter what card game I played. Poker just happened to be my favourite and the game I'm best at. That's why... on the first day of school when Sera beat me, I wanted a rematch. It was all in good fun, but... Sera suggested we took the game up a notch by playing strip poker. It sounded interesting, so I agreed."

"I take it this took place somewhere private?" Tim asked.

"In my room with my deck. Once we started betting sexual favours, she took all of her clothes off to begin that part of the game on even grounds. Under such conditions, there was no way she could had cheated. I still lost, though," Rebecca answered with a sigh at her last sentence. "Before I knew it, I became her slave for the rest of the school year. However, she gave me the chance to shift all of my debts over to you with this poker game. I just didn't think there'd be two people who could beat me."

"I see... so that means you're a slave to two people. How does that work out?"

"Sera said that if I lost to you, you'd be allowed ownership of me first. Once you're done with me, I go back to Sera," Rebecca replied while keeping her eyes downcast.

"Is this her way of bribing me or something?" Tim muttered to himself as he stood up for the first time since the game ended. He took the list of favours he won and got ready to tear it in half.

"Wait! What're you doing?" Rebecca exclaimed as she immediately stood up to stop Tim from ripping the papers apart.

"I'm not interested in keeping another slave," Tim replied. "Sera can have you."

Another? Rebecca was shocked to hear that word. How many slaves did Tim have? The answer was one happy slave, but she didn't have to know that. She shook that thought out of her head and continued, "I don't want to owe you anything. I'll be your slave for two months as agreed."

"You just don't want to be Sera's slave, do you?" Tim asked bluntly.

"Uh... well... I'm... not a lesbian, so..." Rebecca stammered in reply.

"Then it really was pride that made you agree to play strip poker against Sera?"

"Wha... yes. Yes it was. So... it's better if you're my..."

"At this point, I don't care if it's better for you," Tim's authoritative aura intensified between them. His indifferent tone of voice and manner of speech were replaced by something much colder and more cruel. There was enough power behind his voice to bring even some of the most dangerous criminals to their knees. "You tried to make me Sera's slave, didn't you? Why should I delay the same fate for you? If you want to be my slave, then act like one."

Rebecca was taken aback by these words for she believed that any guy would jump at the chance to have her as a slave. Of course, she immediately realized that she wasn't dealing with just any guy at all. To her horror, she also realized that she was getting wet with excitement at the thought of submitting to this cold-natured young man. With her entire body exposed, she could do nothing to hide her arousal at all. Lowering her eyes, she got down on her knees and said, "Please let me be your slave."


"Magical energy travels throughout the human body with the use of pathways, like bloodstreams and nerves. The pathways travel between several points called Chakra. The size and conductivity for magical energy for each pathway depends on the person and their Chakra. Pathways for magical energy throughout the body also lead to microscopic holes in the surface of the skin. This is where the energy leaves and how magic gets produced. With practice, it's possible to gain the ability to control these pathways and holes."

"Uh... right... that's how... energy becomes magic... right?" Spike managed to say while trying his best to ignore what was going on beside him.

"Umph... oh... you are good," Monica moaned as she slumped over the table, enjoying the waves of an approaching orgasm. She rocked her hips in rhythm with Linda's lickings and her right hand gripped the table cloth tightly between her fingers. In a poor attempt to stifle her moans, she tried biting her lower lip and pressing her mouth against the inside of her right elbow. Neither did anything to hide the obvious pleasure she was receiving from the slave girl under the table. Once her climax ended, she noticed Spike stealing glances at her. She whispered to her friend, "I already know about chi energy and heard this part a thousand times, okay? Plus I was curious."

"I didn't say anything," Spike whispered back quickly.

"You will not tell anyone, right?" Monica asked with a pleading look on her face.

"I didn't see anything," Spike replied. "But I'd be more worried about Sera. By the way... just saying you were caught by surprise again and didn't want her to stop sounds a tad better, you know."

"Oh really?"

"On second thought, that makes you sound weak. Boredom's better. Now what're you going to do about Sera?"

"I won't tell," Sera paused her lesson long enough to smile maliciously at Monica. "So long as you hold your end of the bargain."

"Bargain?" Spike looked between the blonde demoness and the Japanese sword girl.

"We made a sort of deal through telepathy, though I do not really know why it was through telepathy," Monica explained while her face was still as red as a tomato. She cautiously zipped up her zipper, hoping that the sound of her own voice would cover its sound. "Basically, I had to agree to help with the demonstrations."

"As I've already mentioned, energy travels through pathways and they tend to leak out of the microscopic holes in your skin. As a result, the energy that leaks out becomes the aura that surrounds your body. Every single living thing on this planet has an aura, but since they leak out in small amounts, they're invisible to the untrained eye," Sera continued explaining as she placed her hand on the table with her palm facing upwards. Almost immediately, her hands started glowing a deep emerald green. "Of course, if someone's good enough they can force out enough energy for normal people to see. Moto-chan, why don't you show us your aura as well?"

Monica simply nodded her head before closing her eyes in concentration. In a mere matter of seconds, her body was surrounded by a barely visible light blue hue. As soon as she opened her eyes, they started glowing as well. She placed her hand in the same way Sera did and moved all of the blue light so that it was surrounding only her hand. Both demoness and sword girl closed their hands at the same time, snuffing out the two lights.

"Within the human body there are several places to store energy called Chakra. It's debatable about how many there actually are, but we'll talk about the seven that are most common. Moto-chan? Time for another demonstration," Sera smirked as she suddenly grabbed Monica's still outstretched hand. Before Monica could say anything, she was... not pulled, but thrown onto the table and pinned down by a pair of very familiar scarves. Before Spike could get up, he found himself tied up by the same kind of scarves himself.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" Monica screamed as she tried to fight off the scarves, but could not find the strength. Her wrists were tied behind her back and her ankles were hung in mid-air. She was positioned so that she was sitting on the table, facing Spike, and had her back up against Sera's chest. "*Damn it! I knew it was a f***ing trap, but I just had tah walk right into it!*"

"Um... no... something tells me she's not going to hurt us," Spike said with an uncertain tone of voice.

"*And whad'dja base that on?*" Monica asked skeptically.

"Just a feeling," Spike replied meekly.

"Don't worry, I'll let you go just as soon as I finish talking about Chakras," Sera grinned mischievously as she placed a hand on top of the Japanese girl's head. She turned back towards the bound young man and said, "I'll let you go for now, but don't try anything."

"Sure... no problem," Spike chuckled nervously right before he was released from his binds. He wasn't about to mess with someone who could will someone's head to explode.

"Wait a minute... Chakras? As in... all of them?" Monica asked as she suddenly went pale. It was very noticeable because her face was red before it went white.

"Yes, all of them," Sera replied with a wide grin on her face as she silenced Monica by wrapping another scarf around her mouth. She tapped the top of the bound girl's head and said, "We'll start from the top and make our way down. It's usually bottom to top, but this way's more... fun."

"Uh... I see... Any chance we could finish this lesson without anyone getting naked?" Spike wasn't quite sure what answer he wanted, but he knew it didn't matter since he was asking a rhetorical question anyway.

"The top-most Chakra is called the Sahasrara or the Crown, which is located at the top of the head and possibly in the Pituitary Gland. It's related to space and thought and believed to be the connection to the divine," Sera explained before moving her hand down and placing her hand against Monica's forehead. "The one located in the Pineal Gland between the eyebrows is called the Ajna or Third Eye. It's related to time and light and connected to Intuition and Extra-Sensory Perception."

"Is that why...? Never mind."

"Moving along now," Sera said as she wrapped her fingers around the length of Monica's black hair with her right hand and pulled it, causing the sword girl's head to tilt all the way back. In a seductive manner, the blonde demoness licked her lips and placed her head right up against her captive's left cheek. Her left hand snaked around and made its way up to the base of the bound girl's throat. "The Visuddha or the Throat Chakra is located, of course, at the base of the throat where the Thyroid Gland is at. Its element is life and sound and it's connected to Speech and Self-Expression."

Monica was really freaking out at this point and it was evident why when Sera fingered the hem of the bound girl's black tube top. First, the cardigan sweater was moved so that it was bunched up around the wrists since it could not be removed due to the scarves being in the way. With the sweater out of the way, a lot more of the Japanese girl's pale soft skin was exposed for the viewing pleasure of Sera and Spike. All Sera had to do now was shift the tube top and Monica's breasts would be on full display.

"Wait. Wait... hold it," Spike cut in. "Just... don't?"

"Why? You can't tell me you're not interested in seeing what's underneath, can you?" Sera smirked.

"As much as I'd like to, I can't just let this happen... otherwise, I'm dead," Spike explained. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather not piss off a girl who can cut through concrete. That was really impressive, by the way. Didn't get the chance to tell you that when you did that."

"Mmph (Thanks)," Monica muffled through her gag. "Mm umph mmm mmph mm... (They found out about it, though, so I got in a lot of trouble for that)."

"Ooh... really? So who squealed?" Spike asked.

"Ahem!" Sera coughed to get the other two's attention. Before either of them could apologize or react, the blonde lifted the Japanese girl's tube top over the silky smooth breasts. She reached for the left breasts and commenced groping it before the usually inattentive teen's eyes. "The next Chakra is the Anahata or the Heart and Lung located in the centre of the chest where the Thymus is located. Its element is air and it's connected to Devotion, Love, Compassion, and Healing. Hmm... Moto-chan, did you grow a tad?"

"(*No I didn't! How much could they grow in just a few days, anyway?*)," Monica growled through the scarf. "(*Spike! Stop staring or else!*)."

"If you look away for even one second, I'll start dripping wax on these oh so lovable breasts," Sera smiled.

"....." Both Spike and Monica weren't sure what to say next. Spike was trying to figure out if it was worth it to look away on purpose just to see the candle-wax torture. Monica was pretty sure she could handle candle-wax torture, but wasn't sure if she could trust Spike not to watch while it happened.

"Now onto the next Chakra, which is located at the mouth of the stomach where the Pancreas and Adrenal Cortex are at," Sera released her hold on the Japanese girl's breasts and moved it down to the stomach. Her thumb was right on the solar plexus just below the ribcage. Monica's stomach was not only impressively flat, but was also as hard as rock. "This one's the Manipura or the Solar Plexus. Its element is fire and it's connected to Mental-Functioning, Power, Control, and Freedom to be Oneself."

"(*Let me go right now! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!*)," Monica tried as hard as she could to get out of her bonds, but as usual... to no avail. Sera's scarves were just too strong for her to break free from.

"Hush now, Moto-chan. Fun's just getting started," Sera licked her lips and reached down between the Japanese girl's legs. She pulled down the zipper and pushed the pants past the knees. After that, the scarves went up higher which pulled the Monica's ankles higher up into the air so that her buttocks were on full display. If her black g-string wasn't in the way, her pussy would had also been displayed, though her wetness would not had been as obvious. The blonde demoness pressed her index and middle fingers up against the wet surface of the thin piece of cloth that was in the way of her... fun. "Look at how wet you are, Moto-chan. Was this from Linda's earlier licking from under the table? I told you she was good."

"*F***... you...*" Monica seethed through her gag. She somehow managed to make those two words coherent.

Black... g-string. For some reason, I pictured her as more of a white panties type of girl, Spike thought to himself. He couldn't look away now even if he wanted to. Maybe she normally wears white panties and had to wear a black g-string today because of laundry problems. Spike would never know just how accurate his guess really was.

"As lovely as your choice of lingerie is, they're in the way right now," Sera grinned as her left hand suddenly flashed down past Monica's left hip, stopping right above the table. The g-string was cut and easily removed from the bound girl, exposing the wet pussy for all to see. The blonde demoness took hold of the labia and pulled them apart. "The next Chakra is actually located in the ovaries... or the testes in men. This one's called the Svadhisthana or the Sacrum. Its element is water and connected to Emotion, Creativity, and of course Sexual Energy. Moto-chan's Svadhisthana looks pretty active and healthy to me. Don't you think so?"

Spike wisely chose not to say anything and simply continued staring at his friend's most private region being handled by the crafty blonde. Sera let go of the labia and sought out the clitoris instead. She gently trailed her fingernails along the clitoral hood and blew lightly on it. It was kind of fun for her to see the reaction she was causing in her captive.

"Last one before I can let you go," Sera smirked as her fingernails trailed downwards towards the anus. She stuck her thumb inside the wet pussy and just barely managed to get the tip of her middle finger inside the anus. "Muladhara or the Root Chakra is located right in the spot between the genitals and the anus. It's also linked to the Adrenal Medulla. Its element is earth and it's connected to Instinct, Survival, and Security. Thank you for your help, Moto-chan. You may come down now."

With that, Monica was lowered onto the table and released from her bonds. The first thing she did was pull up her pants and straightened up her tube top so that it was covering her breasts again. After that, she took her seat and pretended as though nothing happened. It was especially hard to do now that her panties were gone.

"Now we'll move right along to the second energy type: Bio," Sera continued.



"Nine! Thank you, Master! May I have another one, Master?" Rebecca shouted with both pain and pleasure in her voice. She was kneeling on the floor with her upper body pressed against the coffee table and her hands held behind her back. Her ass was red from the spanking she received right after she submitted to Tim.


Tim finished off the ten spankings with his right hand as he knelt there with his left hand on his new slave's wrists. With the same hand he used to smack the girl's ass, he gently rubbed the spot he struck with tenderness and care. His fingers would also seek out the exposed pussy and run up and down the slit to feel how wet it had become. After the tenth strike of his firm hand, he found that Rebecca was practically leaking with juices.

"Ten! Thank you, Master! May I have another one, Masters?" Rebecca looked ready to sob at any moment and she probably would had if the spankings did not stop at ten. She looked up pleadingly at her new master, wondering if perhaps she made a mistake when she accepted Sera's offer after all.

"Get off the coffee table, face me, and stay on your knees," Tim commanded with the usual indifferent look on his face. He reached down and unzipped his fly before fishing for his manhood and pulling it out for Rebecca to see. He pressed it up against Rebecca's lips and said, "Suck it."

"Y-yes, Master," Rebecca wasn't about to argue. With eyes alone, she was under the heavy pressure of her classmate's authoritative figure. She reached out with her hands, but they were immediately slapped away. She looked up in confusion at her new master, but was quick to cast her eyes back down once she saw those sharp accurate eyes. With her arms under her breasts, she leaned her head in and took the ex-assassin's already hard cock into her moist and inviting mouth.

"Good girl," Tim said as he placed a hand on top of Rebecca's head. He ran his fingers through the girl's mahogany-coloured hair. His right hand was in his jacket pocket where he always kept his gun. Even while enjoying a blow job, he did not let his guard down at all. Some could even say he was simply downright paranoid from this habit of his.

A tingle of pleasure ran up Rebecca's spine as soon as she heard the words "good girl". She couldn't believe how excited she became upon hearing those words. With a heightened sense of arousal, she ran her tongue frantically along the shaft of her new master's manhood. She wrapped her lips tightly around the cock and started making slurping noises on purpose. The newly enslaved girl reached between her legs and started playing with herself.


"Who said you could play with yourself?" Tim asked coldly.

"I-I..." Rebecca stammered to get the words out, but as unable to overcome the increasingly heavy atmosphere in the room. Her hands were on the left cheek that was still stinging from the sudden slap.

"Never mind. I just wanted to slap you around before letting you go, anyway," Tim said with a sigh. "That means you get two months off before you go back to Sera. How you get out of that is your problem."

"Wha... what?" Rebecca looked up with a puzzled look on her face.

"I'm not collecting," Tim explained. The heavy atmosphere he had around him appeared to had lifted. "I don't intend to keep an unwilling slave."

"Then... I want to be one. I'm the one who asked you to play and I'm the one who made the bet," Rebecca replied as she leaned her head back towards Tim's crotch. "Please make me your slave. I'll do anything for you."


"Didn't you hear me?" Tim asked. "I don't intend to keep an unwilling slave. You're doing this because of a poker game."

"....." Rebecca took a moment to recover from the second slap before replying, "Please make me your slave. I really do want this! Please!"

"....." Tim studied Rebecca's face for a few seconds and could instantly see the sincerity behind her words. He knew that this girl genuinely wanted to be his slave, though whether it was really because of the poker game or not he could not tell. He wondered briefly for a moment what Sera did in her short time as Rebecca's mistress to make Rebecca want to switch owners.

"And... besides... Sera would take me back... if you don't... use me," Rebecca faltered. "Arguing against her... is... useless."

"Turn around," Tim said. "And get back on the coffee table."

"M-Master?" Rebecca looked up with hope in her eyes.

"Didn't you hear me?" Tim asked.

"Y-yes, Master!" Rebecca immediately turned around and laid her upper body against the glass coffee table. She waited patiently and braced herself for she was expecting another spanking. To her surprise, her new master was kneeling right behind her and his cock was right up against her pussy!

Without a word, Tim slipped his cock into Rebecca's already moist womanhood and despite the tightness, had almost no trouble getting it all the way in. Rebecca could feel the cock deep inside her and immediately starting moaning in pleasure. She rocked her hips back and forth against Tim's crotch well before her master was even ready to start thrusting. The cold-natured classmate took the hint and started pumping away at the pussy before him.

Schlurp... schlurp... schlurp...

The two of them awkwardly attempted to find a common rhythm, but even those attempts felt good for them. In the end, they just followed the flow and fucked each other as best they could. Halfway through, Tim grabbed hold of Rebecca's wrists and pulled her arms until they were straight and horizontal. The two of them picked up speed for a few seconds before Rebecca reached her climax. Tim pulled out at the last second as he grabbed a fistful of the mahogany-haired girl and forced his cock back into her mouth. As Rebecca rode the waves of pleasure throughout her body, loads of cum was shot into her open and willing mouth.

Tim kept his cock inside Rebecca's mouth until his new slave finished cleaning it up with her tongue. He tucked away his cock and zipped up his zipper. "If you ever change your mind-"

"I won't change my mind," Rebecca replied. After a couple of seconds, she added, "Master."

"Don't call me that in front of other people," Tim replied.


"Bio energy comes from each and every individual cell in your body as opposed to your soul. Users of this form of energy don't really bother with Chakra points and instead focus more on the pathways, holes, and cells of the human body. If the holes are large enough, one may become sensitive enough to energy to actually sense it in others," Sera continued her lesson. "In some rare cases, there are those who are born with holes large enough to naturally sense energy. A person who doesn't fit under this category can only gain this ability through practice."

So anyone can do it if they knew how, Spike thought to himself.

*I heard about spiritual energy, but not bio or mana, Monica thought to herself. Is that really how energy leaves the body?

"Of course, once those holes open up, energy will leak out even more than it usually does. If too much energy leaves the body, the owner of said body dies. That's why it's important to learn how to open and close the energy holes at will. Even more important is to learn how to control the flow of energy whether it's inside or outside the body. Honestly, there's a very fine line between spirit energy and bio energy, but it's there. Within a person, the spiritual energy and bio energy can be so similar that they're practically the same or as different from each other as night and day. It's generally not a good idea to have these two energy-types too different from each other, but the theoretical power behind it can be very tempting to not try."


Meanwhile, Trent was getting his ass handed to him by a flying squirrel wearing boxing gloves. The half-dog fell off the pole he was standing on, but managed to regain his senses in time to kick the pole and jump onto the side of the next one. With impressive skill and reflexes, he was able to move naturally around the poles with little to no difficulty. The only difficulty he had so far was the little rodent that could surprisingly pack quite a punch.

"That's the fourth time he's punched my forehead," Trent scratched his head irritably as soon as he made his way on top of a wooden pole. He was having trouble keeping up with the zipping squirrel, though the fact that he could was already impressive considering the speed at which the squirrel was moving. He was clutching a tube of something in his pocket. "Well, not this time. I'll catch him for sure."


The squirrel suddenly shot up the pole and came from underneath with an uppercut to the jaw, only to hit air when his target bent his body backwards without falling. Aware that he missed, the squirrel looked down in time to see the hands reaching out for him. In response, the rodent bounced off the arms and went straight for the forehead again.


"Gotcha," Trent grinned as soon as he felt the hit connect. While still standing on the pole, he bent forward so that his upper body was parallel to the ground.

"....." The squirrel simply hung there with his right boxing glove glued to the dog-man's forehead. After a couple of seconds, he uses his left gloved fist to poke away at Trent's right eye.

"Ow! Hey! Cut it out!" Trent exclaimed as he grabbed the rodent with his right hand. He used his left to quickly undo the string to the squirrel's right glove. Ironically, as soon as the glove was undone it fell off his forehead. With a puzzled look on his face, he checked the label on the tube of glue he used. "Huh... wears off after fifteen seconds. Wait a sec... what's the point of using this glue, then?"

While Trent was distracted, the squirrel managed to wriggle loose and run away at top speed. As soon as he noticed that the rodent was gone, Trent immediately chased after the squirrel until he was off the poles and back on land. Once he was there, he saw no sign of the squirrel at all.

"Wait... where am I again?" Trent suddenly realized he had forgotten where he was and why he was here. He hit the palm of his hand with the back of his fist and said, "Oh yeah... this is Sera's house. I should probably go say hi! Oh! Were these mountains always here?"

For the first time ever, Trent realized that he was staring at a physically impossible scenery unless he had somehow teleported to another part of the world. He probably had and didn't realize it what with being obsessed with chasing the squirrel and all. What he was staring at was a range of mountains stretching out as far as his eyes could see, which was very far. The forestry planted on the side of the mountains looked so close as though you could jump to the other side, but in reality they were thousands of miles apart. High up on top of the peaks, fog surrounded the snowy caps as though hiding the mysteries of the world above.

Any normal person might had kicked Trent in the head for not noticing that the absence of the neighbouring houses and the fact that the backyard was on a cliff surrounded on three sides by rocky walls. Right above the house was a pillar of smoke... or fog... or something similar. There was no doubt that he had just come from that direction. Deep below the cliff was a valley hidden in darkness. The forest there was thickest and gave the most eerie feeling down the back of one's spine.

"Sera's house is awesome!" Trent exclaimed as he took in all the scenery before him. His eyes were wide with excitement as every fibre of his body became overwhelmed. This was short-lived due to his noticing something behind the tree with the Tarzan rope. Curious, he walked over the tree and looked behind it.

Sitting there and sleeping was a young teenaged girl with straight long blonde hair that reached down to her waist. She had on a purple dress with black shoulder straps and the hem reaching just short of her knees. Under her right hand and lying on top of her stomach was a book titled "Wuthering Heights" and in her other hand was a white straw hat. She was barefoot at the moment, though it appeared she was wearing sandals before she kicked them off. With a peaceful look on her cute sleeping face, there was an irresistible charm about her that more than complimented the amazing atmosphere of this place. However, the large bulge wriggling about between her legs and under her dress drew attention away from her face.

As cautiously as he could, he got down on his hands and knees and stared at the bulge with focused eyes filled with concentration. His hands hovered above for a couple of seconds before they shot out and got to work. His left hand lifted the hem of the dress while his right hand shot out to catch the squirrel. Unfortunately for him, the squirrel was too quick and managed to dash away in time. Trent would had continued the chase had his fingers not been caught on the crotch of the sleeping girl's white cotton panties.

"Mmph..." The sleeping girl moaned in pleasure in response to the intrusion in her panties. Her left hand reached between her legs and grabbed hold of Trent's wrist. She started leaning towards her right side and her legs clamped down on the half-dog's hand at the same time with the left knee on top of the right knee. Her falling to the side would had woken her up had Trent not caught her head in time.

Trent gently lowered the blonde stranger's head onto the ground, but now found that his left hand was stuck as well. He felt the girl's soft right hand leave the book and touch the back of his wrist. With both hands occupied, he wasn't quite sure what to do at the moment except... play with the girl's vagina.

With dexterous hands, he wriggled the two fingers that were already past the panties and rubbed them up and down the sleeping girl's wet slit. By slipping his thumb underneath as well, he was able to get the panties a little out of the way so that his fingers had better access. His middle and ring fingers touched the outer lips and gently slid along up to the clitoral hood. Whatever dream this girl was having must had been a very pleasant one considering how much juice she was leaking.

Trent found that the pussy was completely shaved, though in this day and age it was common among teenaged girls. Confident that he could get this girl off before she woke up, he continued silently exploring with the hand that was still trapped between the girl's legs. He sought out the clit that was hiding beneath the thin piece of skin above the slit. Once he found the hood, he coaxed the little nubbin from its hiding place. Knowing that direct stimulation might wake the blonde girl up, he opted to simply rub the area around the clit instead.

"Mmm..." The sleeping girl moaned in pleasure again as her left hand released Trent's probing hand. Her body shifted a little as her left hand joined her right in touching the arm she was resting upon.

"For a minute there, I thought she was going to wake up," Trent said to himself as he continued watching the girl sleep on his arm. He blinked, then moved his face up close to hers. He studied her face for a while, then moved up to her ear and shouted, "Get up! I know you're faking!"

When he received no response, he moved his head away and pulled up his legs in front of him. With his right hand still between the girl's legs and his left hand under her head, he pushed off his shoes and socks and stuck them under the girl's armpits. His toes were almost as dexterous as his fingers, so tickling with them was just as effective. As soon as he did this, the "sleeping" girl could not contain her laughter and immediately jerked awake. "Stop! Stop! I'm awake! I'm awake!"

"I knew it! How long were you awake for?" Trent asked as he continued tickling the blonde with his toes.

"Stop! Stop!" The blonde girl attempted to push the dog-man away, but ended up falling forward herself. She pushed Trent's feet away from her armpits, but ended up placing his knees on her shoulders. As a result, her face ended up between his legs while he was nearly upside down with his hand still between her legs. Getting untangled from each other was a confusing and complicated procedure, but it was simplified when the blonde girl pushed the blonde guy's legs away, causing the blonde guy to flip onto his stomach and rip the girl's panties off at the same time.

"Ow..." Both of them said at the exact same time.


"... Did we get teleported to another part of the world without realizing it or something?" Spike asked as he and Monica stared at the scenery that was in Sera's backyard. The two of them had followed their new demoness mentor outside for the third part of the lesson.

"Close enough, I guess," Sera replied with a mischievous smirk on her face. She stepped off the porch and left her two classmates to stare at the scene a while longer. Her attention fell upon Trent and the blonde girl he was with. Her eyes immediately widened at the sight of the other blonde and immediately hurried over to the two of them. "Kera? What are you doing here?"

"Sera!" Kera, the "sleeping" girl sprung to her feet and wrapped her arms around Sera as soon as she got the chance. "Mom and dad said that I could stay with you for a while!"

"What? Why?" Sera asked.

"Why not? They said it might do me some good to live among humans for a while," Kera replied. "Besides, the human world is so much better! You'd have to be a thousand years old to be an adult, but over here we can both be adults!"

"First of all, you don't have to be a thousand and second of all, even among humans you're not old enough to be an adult," Sera sighed as she placed her hands on Kera's shoulders. "Third of all, now's not a good time, so... wait, what did you and Trent do?"

"Hiya, Sera! Your sister's nice. Niceness must run in the family," Trent grinned.

"You have a sister?" Spike suddenly spoke up as soon as he and Monica reached the growing group.

"I take it she is also a demoness?" Monica asked as she studied Kera. The family resemblance was evident, though it was obvious that the younger demoness didn't possess the power that her sister did.

"I didn't know you had a sister. Why didn't you tell us?" Spike asked.

"We've only known her for a week," Tim remarked.

For a second there, everyone except Sera froze on the spoke. After the second was up, four pairs of eyes fell upon Tim in an instant.

"Trans-dimensional doors," Tim simply explained, then jerked his thumb towards the toolshed tucked away beside the house.

"Trans-di-" Trent began to echo.

"Stargate," Tim interrupted.

"Or a rabbit hole," Trent added. "What's Stargate?"

"I take it you've already sent Rebecca home?" Sera asked with her arms crossed.

Tim simply nodded his head in response.


Meanwhile, Rebecca was walking as carefully as she could along a busy sidewalk while holding herself tightly. The reason why she was walking carefully was because of the bullets (unused, of course) wedged inside of her. There were six magnum bullets inside her wet vagina and another two inside her rectum. Since she wasn't wearing any panties, she was afraid that the bullets may slip out of her juicy slit if she wasn't careful.

Once she reached her destination, she glanced down at the piece of paper with Tim's address, then looked up at the apartment building in front of her. Crunching up the piece of paper, she threw it away and stepped inside.


"Anyway... the reason why I brought you out here was to illustrate the third part of my lesson," Sera explained as she waved her hand over the scenery of the mountains and forestry. "The third energy type is called Mana. Mana is the magical energy that flows freely throughout the world. Some places have more mana than other places. Mana types differ from place to place depending on the elements. For example, a hot desert may have more fire mana than say... the ocean, which most likely has lots of water mana. Many magic-users, or magickians to some, tend to rely on this ability to exceed the energy limit of their own spiritual or biological energy."

"You do not still need me to demonstrate, do you?" Monica asked as she suddenly took a step back.

"....." Sera's eyes momentarily shifted to Kera, then back on Monica. "No, it's not necessary. Thank you for your help thus far, Moto-chan."

"Fill me in later?" Tim asked Monica.

"Of course," Monica replied. "I will also fill in Trent."

"....." Tim simply motioned his head towards Trent, who was crab-walking and chasing around Kera... on the wooden poles. Unfortunately, the half-dog got attacked by the boxing squirrel.

"Many mana-users 'breathe' mana by sucking up the energy from their surroundings. Mana enters the body through the energy holes and flows throughout the body. Some Mana-users can be skilled enough to keep the mana outside their body, yet still control it. It is the lifeblood of magic-users and the reason why they can become extremely powerful," Sera continued her explanation about mana. "However, although mana is energy and treated as such, it is still foreign to the body and can therefore cause harm to the body. This especially happens if the mana 'inhaled' is completely different from the spiritual energy already presiding within the body. The best conductor for mana is blood, wood, and certain tissue from certain animals. This is why many magic-users like to use conductors such as wands and staves."

So... to sum it... Spike thought to himself, So magical energy can be divided into three separate categories:

1) Spiritual energy from the soul.
2) Biological energy from the cells.
3) Mana from the environment.

"This place is filled with mana, isn't it?" Monica asked.

"Exactly, which makes this place the perfect training ground for the six of you," Sera replied with a smirk.

"I only see four of us," Spike looked around in confusion. "I'm assuming Rock's here, but got occupied with his own obstacle and still hasn't overcome it yet."


"Well that wasn't fun at all," Rock remarked before falling from a sitting position to a lying position in an exhausted manner. The giant suit of armour seemed to agree and appeared equally tired. Between the two of them was a finished game of Jumanji, which the boxing squirrel won, by the way.


"Yes... she's a tad late, isn't she?" Sera tapped her chin thoughtfully. She shook off that thought and addressed the three who were present and paying attention. "The reason I wish to train the six of you is not only related to the demon attacks, but also the secrets behind the school. I'm sure you've already noticed, but Windroy Twelve Forrest Secondary School is not an ordinary school."

"Don't you mean WTF High?" Spike asked.

"What did you think WTF stood for?" Monica asked.

"They were initials?" Spike looked surprised. "I thought it was a result of when they started using letters instead of numbers for public schools, like PS XXX or PS OMG."

"Did you not notice the big sign in front of the school?" Monica quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah... I was meaning to read that sign someday," Spike replied. "Now I don't have to cause now I know what is says."

"It's not generally a good idea to interrupt someone who can easily strangle you to death without using her hands," Sera cut in.

"Sorry," Both Spike and Monica apologized at the same time.

"What the f***?" Rock's voice suddenly rang out as soon as he stepped out into the backyard. He was staring with a wide open mouth at the scenery before him. "Did I just step through one of those portals, like in Stargate... or a rabbit hole from a very old cartoon?"

"You're late. That means I don't have to pay, correct?" Sera smirked as she suddenly appeared right in front of Rock. She took the deliveries out of Rock's hand and walked back to the others.

"Wa... wait a minute! When I stepped thro-" Rock began.

"You ended up in the attic instead?" Sera asked.

"You did that?"

"If you simply continued looking instead of wasting your time playing classic children's games, you would had made the delivery on time," Sera replied.

"F*** that, B****!" Rock growled angrily. He dashed forth and attempted to snatch back the deliveries. Unfortunately, Sera was too quick for him. Rock's left ankle was ensnared by a scarf, which flung him through the air and into the pool.


"I'll tell you what. If you stay around a while longer, I'll pay for the food," Sera offered as she gave Rock a flirtatious look. "If you behave, I'll throw in... a... little... reward."

"Betcha he won't like the reward," Spike whispered.

"I will not take that bet," Monica replied.


"Is this it? The address?" A young female teen asked herself as soon as she arrived at her destination. She checked the address that she was given just yesterday, then looked up at the house that would change her life forever.

5on1 ; Gang rape part II

voclaire on Teen Stories

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, "You guys wanted me to sleep with an underage girl and didn't think I would notice?"

"It worked so far," Melody spoke plainly.  "I'm Jane.  I'm fourteen years old.  Maria is fourteen; she's fifteen and . . . oh, yeah!  You like Trixie, do you?  She's only thirteen years old."  As she named and pointed out everyone and their ages I got a little ill but no less horney.  "So are you gonna keep your word?  'Cause you can believe that we will."

Is she Joking?  She didn't sound like it.  Were they all that young?  They looked so ripe and mature and sexy right down to the youngest.  And Trixie was the

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youngest!  My heart sank realizing my growing dream of taking her as a lover was being dashed against the rocks.  I has so much enjoyed the sex that night I was really looking forward to doing all of them again.  If it was good for Trixie I might continue to fuck all of them from time to time.  But now that I know how old they are how could I risk being caught sleeping with any of them - even Trixie, especially Trixie.  "My god, woman!  What have you done to me?  You all better talk."

"Don't tell him any more, Jane.  He knows too much already."

"We better let him go; the gig's up."

"No," said Jane, or Melody as I had come to know her.  "It doesn't matter what he knows.  He knows he still can't leave until we let him go.  And we won't let him go until we are done with him."  So they told me everything: how they were at a slumber party next door and came over to Trixie's house for something.  Trixie's parents were away for a few days and the only adult at the house next door thought nothing of them coming over here and had gone to bed even as I was having sex with his teenage daughter in the next house.  None of them had a boyfriend but Trixie had been crushing on me for months.  They were all talking and not too seriously about seducing a boy to crash their slumber party and losing their virginity together the same night with the same boy.  When someone saw me coming down the way they whimsically desided to do it for real, for Trixie.  It was a secret silent pact.  I somehow belonged to Trixie but she was willing to share me with her girlfriends for the chance to have sex with me.  There would be no chance to have me any other way; she was too shy.

"Wait a minute," I protested.  "You all are virgins?"

"Not anymore - well, Harmony is."  Actually they used her real name I think.  By now I was confused by all the names and hardly knew who was who.

"So at least I know you're not carrying any diseases."  They all swore it was so.  "What if someone gets pregnant?  Is anyone on any kind of birth control?  or using any kind of contraception?"  Nobody was but I was told that they menstrated together and wouldn't ovulate for at least ten days, probably fourteen.  They assured me that noone was getting pregnant tonight while still insisting I do another round with everyone before they let me go.  Of course I really wanted to fuck them all in the worst way but I knew I was already in violation of the law and could go away for a while.  "All I need is for one of you to get pregnant and all this will come out and I'm facing multiple counts of statutory and maybe lose my job and my standing in the community."

"What about us?  We can't let out that we did this; we'd be grounded forever.  You didn't rape us; if anything you's get off while we went away to juvie for conspiracy, kidnapping, sexual assault even rape - some would call it 'gang rape'."

All this time Harmony had quietly sat up a bit to fondle my nut sack and cock that was maxed out and dying to fuck already.  "We might get by with some community service but we could be confined till we are old enough to drink.  Even so think of our reputations and community standing - Andrea's Dad is a deacon."  (By now I had no idea who that was.)

Little by little I was beginning to understand them and trust them.  I believed that they wouldn't name me if one or more of them did get pregnant.  But mostly I was persuaded by Harmony stroking and squeezing my happy tool.  As concerned about the situation as I was and eager to find an exit I could not make myself stop her.  The more she played with my penis the more crazed I got until I could hardly think.  It was very likely that the others were encouraging her to continue.  If anyone said anything more I didn't comprehend it, I don't think.  I cirtainly don't remember any more.

What I do remember is Harmony rolling over on here belly and rubbing her ass on my pole.  As her cheeks enveloped my rod I gasped and sighed.  In a moment I not only forgot what my inhibitions were but also that I had had any inhibitions at all in the first place.  With a cheek in each hand I spread open her crack and lay my sausage firmly along the bottom of it and squeezed her sexy glutes around my large horney rod massaging dick and ass together.  She gasped and cringed at once in a paradoxical mixture of pain and extacy when I penetrated her box with my medically assisted, hyper-rigid, hole-boring stud tool.  I reamed out her pussy a good long doggy drilling.  Thousands of nerve endings in my penis tingled at every thrust.  I paused briefly to feel her ass against my belly but soon continued to probe her deep.  When she started to orgasm Trixie was laying there next to her with her ass in the air ready to take me doggy style.  They lined up for me on the bed and on the futon so I fucked them one after the other.

The viagra pill ensured that looking at any of these sexy young nudes or engaging in sex with any of them maintained the highest level of rigidity, stiffness and pleasure while I doggie fucked them all to orgasm one after the other.  When I was done with one I was inside the next a mere few seconds later.  A natural consequence of the super stiff boner was the intense, almost irresistable desire to use it.  I couldn't stop myself and no one else tried to stop me - only to keep me going.  They all played with their vibrators as I played musical pussies, stuffing my cock into this one and that one, trying to be inside each of them when they peaked.  My favorite time to be inside a woman is when she is having a strong orgasm - there's nothing like it and nothing better.

All the girls were dripping wet inside and left their fluid on me when I moved on to the next girl.  For the next hour I moved from one to the other very quickly and often.  Surely I must've moved from each girl to every other girl at least once spreading her juices along to the others.  Trixie got more than her fair share as I returned to fuck her more often than the rest.  They all must've noticed this but no one complained or even said a word.  Between my souped up hot rod and the box of vibrators everyone recieved many orgasms, some a great deal many.

They made me stop and stand on a short step while two girls licked and kissed and sucked my balls and scrotum and the areas around where they hung.  Two more girls licked and kissed and sucked along my shaft on either side while Trixie licked and kissed and sucked my cock right on the head.  I don't know how they all got their faces into that tiny space but it was so fantastic!  It was probably the most memorable sexual experience I have ever had.

So it took an hour or more to doggie fuck everyone even ninety minutes.  And then another hour or so moving from pussy to pussy to pussy.  And now they mouthed my genitals a good fifteen to twenty minutes before I jizzed into Trixies hungry mouth.  She sucked hard, milking every last drop, swishing it in her mouth before swallowing it all.  I then spent the next hour or so eating one pussy after another once again leaving each of them screaming with many wild orgasms and once again servicing Trixie more often than the rest, well more than her fair share.  I've heard of people getting tired from going down on a woman, getting a crick in the neck, but these girls were so beautiful, so delicious, so horney that I never got sore or tired from giving oral.  I felt like a kid in a candy shoppe or like I was on a shopping spree or an all-you-can-eat buffet.  After a couple of hours of licking clit and eating cunt though I did get hard again - very, very hard and just as horney.

This time two naked girls lay down on the bed face up and side by side with their legs open a bit.  I lay face up on top of them half on one and half on the other with each of my legs between theirs.  Two more girls lay on the other two facing me and leaning on me all our legs wrapped up in each other.  Trixie then lay on top of me face down and mounted my dick to fuck me.  It was late now; we had had many hours of wild orgy.  I lay there tired and relaxed with the legs of many hot girls tangled up in mine, with each of their soft breasts pressing my flesh as well as each of their genitals.  They sort of locked their arms together or hugged one another at the shoulders kinda locking me in.  I was overwhelmed by my bliss and good fortune as Trixie worked her sex trap, even her whole body over me talking my stiff dick deep.  She paused to orgasm once more breifly but worked her hard, hot body over mine and my horney tool.  It took over half an hour to get my happily overworked, semen-spent, drug-induced, party toy to climax inside Trixie's warm, wet love muffin.  We had all realaxed but no one moved.  We all fell asleep just like that - Trixie lay on top ofme with my dick in her cunt and I surrounded by four more gorgeous naked girls.  After that I only have a vague recollection of waking once or twice in the same situation (except my limp penis was outside Trixie's box now but still close to her body) and nodding off again inmy cocoon of the bare flesh of naked girls.

When I awoke the sun was up, I can't say for sure for how long.  At first it seemed I was still smothered in a pile with naked teens but I soon realized it was just one.  Trixie still lay on top of me both of us still wearing what we were born with.  The other girls had all gone but must've wrapped up up in wa warm blanket to keep us comfortable which worked well for me.  My arms still encircled her body and her arms and legs both held me tightly to her.  Her belly lay on mine, her breasts on mine, her pelvis on mine.  Her bare skin felt so soft and smooth and devinely comfortable next to mine.  I groped her and caressed her ceaslessly mostly for my own enjoyment because it was the obvious thing to do but also because I could hardly move otherwise.  The blankets were so tight around us that I could not release my hold on her nor hers on me even if we had wanted to.

We kinda woke up together, smiling at each other, enjoying the others warm body and the physical closeness.  Naturally, we started to become aroused again sexually.  We kissed deeply and passionately, our tongues licked out each others mouth until our morning breath was gone.  I don't know how much kissing she did before but she was very good now and I think getting better every minute.  We necked and frisked each other a good half hour and I got a monster stiff boner but it couldn't find her wet hole while we were wrapped up so tight.  (Although, it did rub her labia quite a bit.)

"We better get going," she said at last trying to pull the sheets off from around her but we were laying on it.  "Roll over, you're on the blanket," she instructed still pulling on them.  We rolled over until I lay on top of her.  I have to say that I was enjoying it all very, very much.  "Ow!" she jumped screaming.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Something pricked me."  But she instantly forgot about it in her single-minded efforts to unwrap our bed roll from our joint confinement which was meeting with no success at all whatsoever.  "That must be the wrong way; roll the other way."  We rolled over again till she was on top again and then on the bottom but were still wrapped up tightly in the bed linen.  It was not letting us loose.  "What the . . ." she puzzled, "oh, very funny!"

"What ?" I asked.  I was not as anxious as she was to get out of there.  I was still a little tired and didn't want to get up yet and wanted her to stay next to me just like we were - naked.

"My friends wrapped up the blankets and pinned them together.  We're stuck here - together."

"What do you mean?"

"Can you get out?"

"I can't even move really."

"Great!  We're stuck here.  And my parents might be home any moment.  I really don't want them to find me like this."

"Okay, relax," I tried to get her to calm down but she was in a sort of nervous panic.  She wiggled and squirmed and fought but to little or no change.  We tried to reach the pins to remove them even from inside the roll but we had a lot of difficulty first in finding them then in reaching them and finally trying to manipulate them through the thickness of the blankets.  Then of course the blankets were wrapped so tight they could hardly alow us to manipulate the pins to unfasten them.  Most of the pins were safety pins and very hard to loosen from inside the blankets.  In the end we loosened a couple but it didn't help us get out at all because it was pinned together so securely elsewhere where we could not reach.

Now my feet were wrapped up tight and there was no openning at our feet.  (Her feet were actually behind me because her legs encircled mine.  The sheets hugged my feet tightly so she couldn't even stretch her feet out near mine but had to keep them behind me with her knees on either side of me.)  Our heads though, poked out through a hole at the end just a little bigger than out two necks.  She would try to squeeze her body through the openning for our heads and crawl out.  It seemed the only way.  Even I didn't want to be there forever just a few more hours.  But I especially didn't care for the prospect of being liberated by her parents and thus made to give account for who I was and why I was in a bed mutually nude with their daughter.

She easily got one shoulder in but only after twenty minutes and a great deal of effort could she fit her second shoulder in when my head was there as well (there was really no way for me to draw my head in.)  Minutes passed by the score with Trixie making progress by the inch.  Once or twice she withdrew herself back into the cocoon to start over.

I turned my head sharply to the side getting my chin out of the way and was stuck for some time unable to move my head as her chest crept slowly up the side of my face.  The narrow openning she was trying to crawl through got narrower as she tried to slip out pinning her elbows to her rib cage.  As she moved further she would drag some of the blankets looped around my neck pulling me tighter against her breasts.  Her pulling on the blankets caused it to creep up my neck and around my head.  She struggled to get through pressing her one boob to my ear.  The other was right in my face against my cheek.  Now she had stretched the hole in the sheets tight and couldn't move at all.  She had exhausted herself and stopped to take a rest.

With my face plastered to her tits I basked in the smell of her skin and the sensation of her soft smooth breasts on my ear and cheek.  When I openned my mouth to speak her nipple would pop into it and I would have to be careful not to bite it.  I became somewhat talkative new so that I could touch her nipple with my mouth.  I was basically using the whole situation to take advantage of her nudity and extreme closeness to me.  Since my hands couldn't really do anything else I mostly groped her primarily in the ass.  She was still strattling me chosing to climb over me rather than on top of me.  I think that she didn't want to put her knee down on my crotch or belly so she left them on either side of me under my arm pits.  With her arms immobilized her hands could do little except stroke my bicepts.  I gave up any resistance or pretense and licked and sucked her nipple until it hardened and then I licked and sucked some more.

Her mood varied from confidence to worry about getting out, getting stuck and getting caught by her parents.  I think she tried to touch herself some but it was nearly impossible being pressed so tightly to me as she was.  I tried to be empathetic but it's hard to be anything but lecherous with your face smashed against young, sensuous, ripe mellons and being forced to smell the lusty sweat off of them.  But of course I didn't want to be caught by her parents either (or anyone else really.)  I finally asked if there wasn't anything I could do to help.  It didn't seem there was as I was in a very disadvantageous position.

Now the narrowest part of the cloth tube we were in was the openning left for our heads to stick out.  She had managed to squeeze her shoulders through immobilizing her arms.  When she tried to slide forward she pulled the band of the blankets with her up my neck and it dug into my jaw and caught on my ear.  It wasn't straight around both of us but her end was pulled forward so that it looped us diagonally - a result of her dragging it with her as she tried to squeeze through.  This of course made it tighter disabling further movement.  With her arms stuck to her sides she couldn't do anything about it but she asked if I, with my arms behind her, could grab the blankets and pull them down her back.  They only moved a quarter inch but then she could advance another quarter inch and in a few minutes she had her elbow out freeing her entire arm.  This not only gave her more room to move but a free hand to manipulate the covers.

She crawled a bit further aligning my head with her stomach.  Her two hands were free now and she was nearly free.  Her slender belly and waist easily slipped through the openning but it got caught up a bit on her hipps.  This wasn't a major hold up as she is only sexually curvey and well proportioned in the ass.  The major hold up was that she climbed out far enough that she was running into the headboard and didn't have any further to go.  My head had been turned for a long time and I found that I now had room to move so I straightened my head to stare at her navel with my chin at her bikini line.  She rolled over on her side to make more room taking me with her and climbed out another couple of inches before she again ran into the headboard.  She continued to roll over now on her back with her hips free and outside but now she was sitting and not able to crawl and still up against the headboard.  Besides that I was now on top of her legs sorta, which were still tangled up in the blankets a bit.  But my mouth was hovering over her crotch quickly evaporating any resistance to bear down and feast on her goodies.  My lips and tongue met her pussy and connected fast staying that way no brief moment.  She shook me loose only to kick her feet out of the blankets so she could open her knees wider to let me eat her cunt more easily, thouroughly, agressively, intensely.  Now she wasn't worried about being caught with me because we could run and hide things, whereas before we would have been caught stuck in the bed in the same bedroll next to each other naked.

She was still nervous about me going down onher but obviously could not get enough of it, loving what I did to her and how it made her feel.  My nose nuzzled her clit getting high on the aroma as I passionately ate her out.  Her deep heavy breathing left no doubt that she was loving it.

"Please tell me that we can do this again sometime," she begged.

For the first time since last night I thought of how illegal this all was but still could barely pull my mouth off her pussy long enough to give her an answer.  "No, we can't.  I could go to jail."

"I don't mean have sex," she said but she was lying; that's exactly what she meant.  "I mean, could we see each other again like on a date or something?"  In spite of finding myself having to oppose her I couldn't keep my lips off her muff or my tongue out of her delicious hole.  How could I tell her that we could never see each other again?  I felt so hypocritical having to tell her that while I performed oral sex on her but was powerless to stop molesting her.






fucking my weekend away ch 2

Shard on Teen Stories

My previous story is in the animal stories section.



So, as  i was waiting for my friends mom to pick me up, i started fantasizing about her. She is really beautiful, in her late fourties. so, i masturbated for a while, and when i was almost there, the bell rang. so, i zipped up and ran to the door. It was her, so i got in the car and all, and we  left. 


 On the way, after exchanging a few pleasantries, i noticed that she was very quite, so i asked her what was up. "Nothing, just a few problems at home. Money, things like

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that." then under her breath, she said: and sex problems. I have very good hearing, so i asked her about it. "Why sex problems?" I may of being too bold, but at the moment i wasnt thinking. I was too busy looking at her breasts, which wer pretty big. She wereved on the road, obviously surprised. She turned to look at me, and asked, "why do you say that?" i shurgged my shoulders and said, "well, you said it yourself." she grunted, and then started the car up.


i had a hard on, since i can keep going at it. I was looking out the window when i felt her looking my way. I turned to look, and when i saw that she was looking at my hard on, i kept my head swinging, as if i hadnt seen, and looked out the back window. I have it big, about seven inches. Pretty good for a fourteen year old.


She slowed the car when we came to a big, empty parking lot to a supper market. she turned to me, once we were inside, and said, "Can you help me?" "Sure, with what?" She looked a bit embarrased, and she blushed when she said, " I havent had any sex since a couple of years ago, my husband isnt interested." I was almost in heaven, but i played along and put on a face of "what do you mean?" She looked at me, and said, "fuck me" I was pretty turned on, but i hesitated. just to keep her in suspense, i thought for a while. "if you dont want to, its ok" She looked pretty crest fallen as she started the motor up. "No! i will!" I said, and i grabbed her and pulled of her jacket. She laughed and said, "wait" she let the chair of the car down and i leaped at her zipper.


I undid her trousers and she moved her hips to let me pull them off. good thing the car had dark windows, or we would have been caught. i didnt pull her panties off, but they were kind of revealing. She had quite a bush of light brown hair, and my cock was fit to explode. i tugged at her tank top, then at her bra. not even looking at them, i went down and pulled her shoes off, and then her trousers. now she was almost naked, and she was just lying there smiling. now i undid my trousers and pulled them off. then i was sitting there starkers, and we admired each other.           


We made out for a long time, and it didnt even cross our minds that mike and everyone where waiting for us. then i pulled her panties to one side and dove in, settling oursleves into a sixty nine, me ontop. She was quite an expert, and i was fighting to make it last longer.she soon let go of me, and pushed my head further in, bucking her hips. she soon had an explosive orgasm, screaming and all. i kept going at it, not letting her calm down, and she managed to orgasm a few more times before i did.


I pulled off her, but continued giving her oral sex. then i took hold of her and moved her further up the seat. i positioned myself ontop and drove into her. GOD WAS SHE TIGHT! she was tighter than my sister and the girl i met at the beach! and they were both virgins. As i pumped in and out, she kept screaming, and felt rewarded. her muscles kept contracting and when i felt as if i was going to cum, i pulled out and gave her oral until i was calm. "dont worry," she said, "im on pills. you can come in me." "No, i just want it to last longer." i responded. Then, i had her get on top of me, and she went as fast as she wanted, which was fast. about half way through, i stopped her, lifted her up, and aimed for her ass hole. she didnt realize what i was going to do, until i was in her. Apparently she was virgin, and she lay back on me, whimpering, whith her back on me. I started playing whith her breasts, and then when she stopped whimpering, i started pumping into her slowly, gathering speed. when she strated screaming, i went faster, until she was a blur, bouncing on me. 


I dropped my load in her ass, lots of it. then we just lay there.



Ten minutes later, we were at the house, at mikes birthday. i was sitting next to him, and the he leant towards me, and asked "how was my mom?"


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