Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

Matt's morning surprise

matt_sand_816 on Taboo Stories

I'd like to start by introducing myself.

My name is Matt Sanders. I am 16 and a highschool sophomore. Beyond just getting my drivers license, I've recently started to experience other freedoms that come along with having a car. I've started drinking on a regular basis as well assmoking weed with my buddies, and occasionally get to enjoy the luxeries of being around girls as smashed as we are. This story starts on a wednesday night, one which I barely remember.

It was the second week of summer, and my friends and I had been getting trashed pretty much every night since school ended. This particular wednesday I was drinking at a house down the street from mine. I won't go into details of whose house it is, etc etc, bec

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ause it's not really important. The point is, I was pretty close to blacking out from taking an ungodly amount of shots, and I decided I should probably go home.

I live with only my mom, and she's generally in bed early because she was to work early, and luckily shes a very heavy sleeper, so I rarely wake her when I come in. I stumbled upstairs to my room, and as the last couple shots I'd taken started to kick in, I finally completely blacked out. I didn't remember getting undressed, or getting in bed...anything at all.

Next thing I know, I hear my door squeek open. My first thought was my mom had woken up and was coming in to check on me for coming in late, but I quickly realized how bright it was and knew it was morning. I looked up and saw our cleaning lady standing in the doorway to my room and figured out it was thursday, since that's when she comes. This was a pretty typical ritual in the summer. She knows I'm always out late, so she saves my room for last, and I wake up on thursdays whenever she needs to clean it.

It took a while for everything to click together. At first I was trying to remember going to bed the night before, but as soon as I looked back at her, I knew something was up. She was staring at me like shed seen a ghost. And then I figured it out: I was completely naked, with the covers totally kicked off of my bed, sporting a raging case of morning wood. I had no idea how to react, and apparently neither did she, because she just stood and stared with her jaw halfway to the ground.

If it wasn't bad enough, the fact that she was so enthralled with it did nothing to help it go down. She's a fairly attractive woman - mid-40's, blonde, keeps in very good shape. I'd actually fantasized about her a few times before, usually about her catching me masturbating or something of the sort. But now that she had walked in on me, I was like a deer in the headlights.

She's been our cleaning lady for 6 or 7 years, so we know each other fairly well, but the last and only time she'd seen me naked was when she first started working for us. Needless to say, I'd changed since then. I mean, I'm not hung like a horse, but from what I've been told it's a "perfect size." An ex-girlfriend actually told me it was a lot nicer than her dad's and brother's, which I wasn't sure how to take, but I guess was a good compliment.

It seemed like an eternity before either of us said anything, and she eventually was the first one to speak up.

"Matt...I'm really sorry...I...I, uhhh..."   and then silence again. More staring.

Then I came to my senses. I tried to play it off cool. "It's ok Sherry, I've seen me like this before," was the first thing I could think of.

She spoke quickly, "Yeah but you were younger back then, and now you're so much bigger...shit, I mean...oh Matt, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that I'm looking at it...I mean I am looking...I mean...oh geez..." and kind of trailed off.

I kind of laughed a little at her awkwardness. You'd think she was the teenager in the situation. "Sherry, it's cool. You can look at it, it's no big deal. In fact..."

...and here's where I started to get bold...

" can touch it if you want."

She never even made eye contact. She eased over to my bed and laid her index finger tip on the end of it. Slowly she swung her hand down and wrapped the rest of her fingers around the head. I tossed my head back in ecstacy, and thought I was going to explode immediately. Her first stroked was soft, as she gently ran her nails down the under side of the shaft, all the way to my balls, and back up.

She started to get a little more brave, and each stroke after that was a little more forceful and determined. I forced my head off of my pillow so I could watch what was going on, but once in a while had to lay back because the pleasure was too much. I could feel my balls swelling, the cum building more than I'd ever felt before. As I had my head laid back and my eyes shut, I all of a sudden experienced the feeling of wetness around the head of my cock.

I opened my eyes, and sure enough, she had leaned down and her tongue was working its way around the tip. She licked around the head, down the underside of the shaft, around the side and back up to the top. And then, in one quick motion, took the whole thing into her mouth. She held it all the way in for a good 5 or 10 seconds, circling her tongue around it while it was in her mouth. Her throat muscles were going to work on the head, and it was a feeling I didn't even know was possible.

I was moaning uncontrollably, as I started working it in and out of her mouth. I sped up, faster and faster, and she was taking it all in every time. I could feel my cock entering her throat on every thrust, and her tongue continued to slither around the shaft constantly. I could feel my balls start to tighten and knew i was going to cum soon. I tried to control it as long as I could, as I grabbed the back of her head and started fucking her mouth like there was no tomorrow. After a round of hard thrusting, I shoved my cock deep, and I felt the streams of cum come shooting out, filling her throat with line after line of hot semen. She continued sucking on it like a straw, even after I had unloaded it all, trying to get every last drop out.

She licked all over it, around the head and shaft, down to the balls, until there was nothing left but a sticky, slobbery mess. As I laid there panting, gradually coming back to reality. she gave it one last licking and said, "there...all clean."

The fuck buddies niece

bsw3488 on Taboo Stories

I met sheila online about 5 years ago from a hot or not ad.  I started talking to her online here and there and a lot of mutual teasing went on between the two of us.  I was hypersexual and wanted to fuck all the time.  I liked the idea of meeting a stranger online and then meeting them offline for the sole purpose of fucking.  She was a very sexy woman in her thirties and mother of 3 (although you wouldnt know it by looking at her).  She had bleach blonde hair and a square jaw.  Her breasts were on the small side but she made up for it with her luscious ass.  We would talk for hours online and she would tease me with stories of random sex she was having with men and would describe the size of their cocks and how she liked to be fucked hard and rough.

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  She was very submissive and quiet in person when we finally met and was definitely not one to make the first move. 

The first time we met was in my car in a parking lot and after some small talk i just started putting my hands on her.  She opened right up and let me practically rape her; we fucked so hard.  She was very much into risky sex, choking and would even wanted me to smack her around while we fucked.  She came like so violently every time we fucked.  We would usually meet in my car until she became comfortable and let me come to her house after her kids were sleeping or staying with her parents.  During the summer when I went over there she let me know that her neice was staying with her who was 13.  She had let me talk to her online once or twice and just playing around I sent her pictures of me.  She would tell me how hot she thought I was and we would talk about boys that she liked and that she had been messing around with but not having sex.  Her name was Dana.  She was somewhat cute in the face but not a real looker.  She was kind of shy and awkward in person.  She did have a nice little body budding though. Her boobs were clad in a 32B bra and she would always play with the shoulder straps under her loose tshirt, like they were falling off or something.  She had to be about 4'11" and 90lbs soaking wet. 

I liked talking to her online, it made me aroused which kind of surprised me.  She would message me from time to time and would call me "hottie" when we  talked.  She knew that her aunt and I were having sex so I guess she felt like she could talk to me about sexual stuff and let me know that she wanted to have sex. 

Our conversations were always different in person.  She was a lot more bubbly but reserved.  I would fuck her aunt with her in the next room and after a while I would hope she heard.  One time she knocked on the door while I was fucking her aunt and I went to the door and opened it with my hot hard cock standing out at her.  she looked right down at it and then forgot what she was going to ask and left.  I couldnt believe what I'd done and was afraid she'd never talk to me again.  Her aunt was oblivious becuase at the time she was in the bathroom.

When I talked to Dana later online I told her I was sorry and should have covered up.  She still called me hottie and said that it was ok. 

"I"m really sorry cutie, I really meant to cover myself up when you opened the door," I said.

"It's ok, hehe I couldnt believe how big it was, I didnt think they were that big!." she said. 

"Well I'm not that big compared to most guys, I'm sure your new boyfriend is a little smaller cuz he's younger," I said.

"I heard you guys having sex," she said

"is that why you came knocking," I said.

"hehe, i dont know," dana said.

"it made me feel all tingly inside when i saw your dick," dana continued.

The next time i was over, i had planned on spending the night.  I knew dana stayed up late but her aunt usually fell asleep after we would have sex.  I guess looking back on it, i took advantage of that opportunity to see what might happen if i watched tv with dana after her aunt fell asleep.  I figured if she woke up i could jsut say that i couldnt sleep and was watching tv with dana.

It worked just like that too. After she had fallen asleep, i got up quietly and walked out into the living room where dana was on the couch watching tv.  She was looking very cute in a little tank top and thin cotton pj pants.  She wasnt wearing a bra this time and I could distinctly see the outline of her dark shaded nipples. 

"i cant sleep cutie, do you mind if i watch tv with you?" i said. 

"nope, come on, i dont care, im watchin real world reruns," she said.

"sorry if we were loud tonight...what time did your bf leave," i asked.

"just a little while ago," she responded.

"did you guys have fun??", i asked expectantly.

"hehe maybe!!" she laughed.

"you guys didn't go all the way did you?"

"hehe nooo!  but we made out for a while and he um, felt me a little" she hesitated.

"oh realllyyy" i asked.

"where??"  i pressed

looking right at me she said, "on my boobs, he sucked em for a while i felt his dick."

my cock jumped when she told me this and then she leaned forward on the couch to get her drink from the coffee table and i could clearly see the top of her thong.  My thin shorts were now somewhat tented with my fully erect cock. 

"wow," i said as i just looked at her body and not even trying to hide that i was groping her with my eyes.

my body now filled with lust i asked her, "did you like the way he felt?" 

"omg yeah, but i really didn't know what to do, i mean ive never really felt a guys dick before." 

"you have a very sexy little body, im sure he almost came when you felt him."

"i dont know, hehe, but i can tell you i loved it when he sucked my boobs." she said

i made no effort to hide the fact that i had a very noticeable erection and the way the conversation was going, i wanted her to be able to see.

"well dana you do have really nice tits," as i looked right at them and was barely an inch sitting from her.

"thats what he you really like them?" she asked.

i got up to get a drink and made sure she got a nice long look at my erection... as i did, i saw her eyes glued to my shaft. "he definitely was not as big as yours, oh my god!" she exclaimed. 

"can i have a hug," i said, taking a chance because i really wanted to and didnt care at this point if she said no. 

"ok," she said, smiling.

i sat back down and moved in closer and wrapped my arms around her little body.  I could hear her breathing kind of fast as she put her arms around my neck. 

"you feel good babe" i said

"so do you" she said nervously, "really good."

we hugged for it seemed like forever and slowly my hands started to wander a bit.  I had to adjust my seat a little because my cock was firmly tented at the point and was begging for more room in my thin shorts.  I pulled her closer to me and put my hands on her hips, pulling firmly; i wanted to let her know that i had control. 

Her body was relatively limp and i could tell she was beginning to submit to me. 

"baby you fell really good, ive wanted to hug you like this for a while," i said.

"ive wanted you to too," she said.

I moved my hands around and i could feel her breathing starting to quicken, which meant she was getting aroused.  I knew that if i had an opportunity to push the envelope, now was the time.  I slid my hand to her tight young ass and started kneading it slowly.  She breathed harder.  My mouth right on her neck, i kissed it a little bit.  Her body really went limp at this point.  I had free reign to do as i wished it felt like. 

I cupped her small breast and made sure she felt my cock pressing against her thigh.

"mmm they are so nice baby, mmmmm" i muttered.

"yeah," she said in a breathy voice.

"you feel so good babygirl," i kept on.

"so do you," she sighed.

I pulled on her little ass cheek and rolled her onto my lap facing me.  Her legs were splayed apart and straddling me.  Her young pussy was right up against my clothed cock that was oozing precum everywhere.

I had full access to her small tits and firm pubescent ass.  I took advantage.  I let her slowly grind against my hard cock while i lifted up her thin tank top.  I saw the most perfectly rounded breasts that stuck straight out at me. they were still developing and had distinctive puffy nipples atop her cone shaped tits. 

she moaned a little in my ear now and then as we just slowly grinded against each other.  eventually her mouth met mine and we kissed like lovers.  only i was an adult and she was just a teenager.  I felt her dampness soaking through her pj pants and i started sucking on her puffy nipples.  she started grinding harder and the tip of my cock started poking out. 

"look what you're doing baby," i said as i looked down at my swollen cock.

"mmm i dont care," she said, "pop it out."

I slid down my shorts so that my bare cock was right up against her soaking pj's.  i pulled and mauled at her pj pants until she relented and let me pull them off of her.  Her pussy was glistening and also had quite a tuft of hair.  she sat back down and i felt the best feeling of my life.  her soaked teen pussy gliding back and forth on my aching shaft.  she moaned audibly and grinded down, she quickened her pace and then started grinding violently!  her pussy bucked and twitched and in all the arousal, my finger slid right in her asshole, she was cumming, and cumming hard!  I didnt hold back... i began shooting white hot jets of sperm around her bucking pussy and onto my belly.  at least ten long spurts of cum exploded from my cock. 

she collapsed on me and kissed me firmly on the mouth.

"i love you," she said.  "ive never felt that before."

"suck my cock now babygirl ok," i asked and requested.

"mmmmm, ok," she said.

she slid down and cleaned my cock with her little mouth.  I saw her pristine little body amidst the light from the tv.  she arguably gave me the best clean up job ever. 

We put our clothes on and layed on the couch.  somtime later i woke up and went back to sleep with her aunt.  this was last week and i have yet to see her online, but i can't wait to see what she says to me! 

Confessions of a sinful priest

chitownblkguy on Taboo Stories

I had been a pastor in the Chicago area for the last 7 years. I had moved up here from good-hope, Alabama, a town located a few miles west of Mobile, with my wife and four children when I was finally assigned my own church. Thing had been going great. The congregation had grown more than 3folds since I took over and we had just broken ground on a new multi-million dollar state of the art church to be built not far from where we are currently located. Yes things were going just fine until Katrina Simpson, one of our newest members, came into my office and into my life and nearly caused my whole world to crumble down in a very short and quick time. To show you how the devil works his evil magic let

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me tell you what happened.

                It was Monday April 12th 8:30pm. I had just finished a meeting with Kevin T., one of my most trusted stewards. We were putting the finishing touches on a new church initiative that we had intended to present to the Deacon board at the next meeting on Thursday. Katrina came to my office in tears and wanted to speak to me alone about a private issue. Since Kevin and I were finished he said he was headed home to get some rest so that he could get up a go to his full time job the next morning with the post-office. That left Katrina and I alone to discuss her situation. After I calmed her down and got her to stop crying so hard she was able to tell me that she was upset that she had found out earlier that day that Stanley, her husband of 6 months, had been cheating on her since the day they met. To make matters worst he had not only slept with other women, some of which she had known personally, there was also evidence that Stanley had been engaging in sexual activity with a known neighborhood transsexual named Carmen. Katrina had asked Stanley what was it about her that would make him want to cheat and sleep with just about anyone and every thing. They argued back and forth and eventually Stanley told her that she gave terrible head and was unimaginative in bed and he wanted and needed someone who could make his toes curl. Of course Katrina felt less than a woman to be outdone in the sex area by even another man dressed up to look like a woman. I tried as hard as I could to convince Katrina that the thoughts she were having were the work of the devil himself and that she was a beautiful attractive and dynamically strong black woman and that she should not let this incident destroy her self-confidence.

At times I think I was reaching Katrina but at other times I couldn’t stop her from crying. I had run out of tissue and I excused myself to go to the storage room real quick to get a fresh box of Kleenex. When I returned. Katrina had removed her sweater and had unbuttoned her blouse. She either was not wearing a bra in the first place or she had removed it also. Either way she revealed to me the most beautiful pair of size40d breast that I had ever seen. I must confess that I thought she was “blessed in the chest” when she and her husband came forward as we opened the doors of the church to new members during service about 3months ago. Of course I couldn’t say what I was thinking it would not have been very professional or ethical of me…would it?

Now mind you I am a happily married man of the cloth with children. My marriage like any other marriage goes through some trying times. I know my wife gets fed up with the long hours I spend at the church at times and I have been spending even more time at the church since we decided to undertake the building of a new sanctuary. This pissed my wife off to the max. So much that she had taken herself and the two smallest of our children back to Good-hope Alabama for a couple of weeks. It just so happened that her leaving was in timed with Spring Break and I was able to cover that up by saying that she took the Kids to see the grandparents over Spring break. In fact it had been almost a little over a month from the last time my wife and I made love to the time that Katrina came into my office. Like most men who have waited that long between sexual releases I was easily placed in a state of arousal. But back to the incident at hand.

I had reminded Katrina that she was in the house of the lord and that kind of behavior was not appropriate. Katrina looked at me and said “ I know where I am…maybe it’s the little devil in me needing to be exorcised by the juices of your loins…aren’t you going to save me from my sinful self reverend?” I was shocked. I began to insist that Katrina put back on her shirt. She said “if you want it on come and put it on me. While you’re at it come and put my panties on me too…oops I aint wearin no panties ...guess you have to put my skirt on me only then” with that she took off her skirt and revealed a completely shaved bronze colored pussy. My cock instantly stood up at attention and she noticed the large bulge of my 9.5-inch curled up snake showing in the print at the front of my pants. She said...ooh reverend looks like that evil serphant snake wants to come out and punish my naughty pussy…ohh reverend Ray please spank me for I have been a bad bad girl…I touch myself like this all the time” she reached down and place the middle finger of her right hand between her legs and into her pussy then placed her finger into her mouth, tasting her own sweet pussy necter. Upon tasting her own juices she let a sensual moan then said...”So reverend is it a sin to taste my own pussy juice and fuck myself with my hand,” I told her that she was wrong and that she needed some guidance in her life…to which she said...” I don’t think I need guidance…I need a good spankin…will you spank me reverend…I need it so bad” by now my cock was harder than reinforced steel surrounded by layers of concrete. I knew it was wrong but by now I only wanted to bend Mrs. Simpson over my office desk and fuck her as hard as I humanly could from the rear. I think she sensed that I was going to participate in her game since I didn’t forcibly put her out of my office. She walked up to me and I was frozen in place. I know it sounds corny in this day and age but I had only been intimate with one woman prior to meeting and subsequently marrying my wife. I had never actually met any woman that was as aggressive as Katrina was…I must admit that I liked it…I really liked it. Katrina reached down to my crotch area and undid my zipper and belt. As she lowered my pants to my ankle she simultaneously dropped to her knees in front of me. My cock was sticking straight out and it was level to Katrina’s mouth. Katrina griped my cock and stroked it with both hands and then kissed the head gently and said…”oh reverend what would you like me to do to show how much I appreciate you showing me your guidance in my hot sensual moment of need”…O.K by now I had gotten into this bad preacher role and had made the choice to play along. I told her to “remain on your knees and worship the item that you so beholdth in your hand my child.”  She said, “but reverend my mama told me the good book said I should not worship anything but God” I told her “silence my unworthy child!!! You are to speak no more…thy shall only suck gently on my hard pulsating shaft of pleasure until my seed of life is released within that unholy mouth of yours…only upon swallowing the seed of my loin will you be worthy to address me.” With that I violently pulled Katrina by the back of her hair, forcing her mouth to come open. I then shoved my cock down her throat until the base of my shaft could no longer be seen. I held it in place like that until I heard Katrina about to gag then I pulled my cock out so she could get her breath. Before she knew it I had again pulled her hair back and shoved my shaft deep inside of her mouth this time she was prepared and did not gag. This went on for about 10 minutes; Katrina was quite the skillful cocksucker she knew just how to take this meat down her throat without gagging.  Katrina said upon me letting her come up for her next breath of air “oh good reverend may I have the honor of removing your shoes so that I may worship your feet by bestowing a kiss upon them.” I thought, damn I had never had my feet sucked before my wife always said that was nasty and that I was lucky she let me put my dick in her mouth ever so often. Of course I said yes to Katrina I was willing do almost anything she wanted to do. When she undid my shoes she also removed my pants so that we were both naked. She stood up with my pants in her hand and walked over toward the office door, I thought she was going to turn the lights down but instead she opened the door and said as she ran out.” if you want your pants come and get them” like a kid I fell for the trick and chased her. We ended up in the sanctuary…O.K I know this is the lowest of lows but that’s where we ended up. She stopped running or I caught her right at the front row of prubes. I caught her from behind and cupped those 40d titties in the palm of my hands. I had never touched such large soft beautiful breast. I didn’t know exactly how to handle them, she must have sensed it as she told me to squeeze he nipples hard. I pinched her nipple between my thumb and forefinger and she let out a loud moan of pleasure. I told her she was being very bad by running into the sanctuary. Katrina pulled away from my hold and went to the front prubes and placed both her knees on the seat and bent her body over the back of the row of prubes so that here ass was directed to me. She then said.” you’re right I am being bad and I should be punished don’t you think so reverend”. The sight of her bent over the prubes with all that ass and pussy exposed to me from the rear got my blood boiling. I grabbed my belt from my pants wrapped it around my hand so that only about a foot or so was showing and I approached her from the rear. I place my hands on her back to steady myself as I plunged my hard cock deep inside her hot box. That had to be the warmest, smoothest, tightest pussy ever made. My cock fit inside her like a glove, like it was meant to be there. I began stroking her pussy with my cock. In and out I went deeper and deeper I went with every stroke. I realized that I was hitting the back of her pussy wall and I was not all the way in.... I still had about four inches of cock meat that had not been inserted inside Katrina’s pussy walls. Katrina was screaming “oh shit...oh shit that hurts…you’re too big …oh daddy that hurts so good...fuck that pussy reverend…bless that pussy with your cock…oh...holy shit...I going to cum I going to cum” with that I took the belt I was holding and smacked her hard on her ass…she said ouch Oh shit…spank it baby spank that ass…I smacked her again and told her...I didn’t say you could cum yet…don’t you cum yet you unholy wench… and I smacked her twice this time on her ass even harder than before…she said I’m sorry reverend I won’t cum I won’t cum til you let me...I told her to shut-up and take this dick…She said “yes baby” and I reached back and smacked her hard on her ass again with the belt and said “didn’t I say shut up…I don’t want to hear nothing but my balls hitting your ass” and with that I smacked her ass again. I was getting into this when she pushed back, nearly knocking me to the floor and into the church drum set. As she was pushing away I heard her say “oh no I can’t take it I’m cuming hard...” She pushed away and ran toward the alter. I caught her from behind lowered her to the floor where I reached under her thighs, pushed her legs back toward her ears, exposing nothing but pussy and pumped my 9.5inches of rock hard man meat all the way into her soaking wet pussy. I held her legs up to her head as I positioned myself to fuck her froggy style. I pumped her pussy hard and fast for what seemed like at least 30mins straight. In the middle of my attack of her pussy ironically all she could say was “oh god …Oh god…I’m cuming Ohhh I cuming…fuck me damit fuck this pussy reverend…shit here I cum again….ohhhhh shit I cuming” By now we were both sweating like pigs. sweat was dripping from my body onto hers, sweat was dripping from my forehead getting into my eyes and burning like hell I couldn’t see and I was too into fucking Katrina to bother with wiping my face, besides the sweat would only come back.  I continued fucking Katrina hard and fast and then I realized she had not said a word in about a few minutes. I looked down as I pumped the pussy harder and deeper faster and faster, and I could see Katrina’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, tears were coming from her eyes in between the beads of sweat, she was no longer breathing from her mouth she could only breath thru her nose as she was grasping for air with her mouth. At that point I knew I had just about fucked the shit out her and it was time for me to get my nutt on…That didn’t take long I only had to look down and those size 40twins bouncing from side to side and look at how deep I was putting this cock inside of her with every stroke and it was enough to bring me to the point of no return…I felt my balls filling with cum as I concentrated on bringing myself to a finish. I was just about there when I pulled out reached up and grabbed Katrina’s head, pulled her by her hair and shoved my cock down her throat. This time as Katrina bobbed her head to accept my cock offering I released at least a gallon of hot steaming man seed down her throat. To my surprise Katrina was able to swallow every last bit of my cum juice. Finally, when the last drop of my seed had been lapped up by Katrinas eager and talented mouth we both just fell out right there on the alter. As we cooled down, I looked over at her and told her “ you my child are now worthy to speak in this holy temple” Katrina smiled and said “ Shit you damn right I’m worthy reverend…can I get the preacher to say amen” I said Amen sister Amen. We both laugh a bit as we lay there.

I knew I would never look at this church pulpit the same again, knowing how I had sinned on the holiest of ground. I also knew that I could never see my wife sitting in the first row of prubes again, you see the spot where I was spanking Katrina’s ass with my belt was the exact seat that my wife sits in every Sunday service. It just won’t be the same.

When Katrina and I got up from the floor of the alter and composed ourselves we made it back to my office where we showered and got redressed. I offered Katrina a ride home, as I had realized that it was a little past 11pm. On the ride home I told Katrina that I was wrong to take advantage of her like that and that I should have been stronger and offered her more guidance to solving her problem with her husband and that if she would trust me as her spiritual leader I would make amends to her by counseling her and husband in marriage counseling with the ultimate goal of restoring their strong bond of marriage and the vows they had taken with each other. Katrina looked at me and said as we pulled into her drive way that she had something to tell me. She said that she and her husband were not having marital problems. She had lied and made up the story. In fact she said her husband was away on business in some town called good-hope Alabama and that he should be home in a couple of days. Katrina said she was horny as hell as her husband left for his trip while she was on her period and she didn’t get a chance for a “hook-up” she knew that my wife had been out of town on vacation with the children, as word had passed among the congregation, and she thought that I would be as horny as she was. She was right. As Katrina got out the car I couldn’t help but smile and think “Damn”…I knew it was just too much of a co-incidence that my wife and Katrina’s husband went to the same small town in bum-fuck Alabama at the same time. I also knew that there was no way I could confront my wife with my suspicions without arousing her suspicions about how I came about my knowledge. I guess this is the only means I have to confess my sins. I know it was wrong, I know I should not have let the devil work his tricks, I know that someday the secret of this event will eat at my insides, I know all these things, but I also know that I am human and humans sometime behave bad…but damn it felt so good to behave so bad this time!!!…Thank you for listening to my confession.  If you like this story let me know

Penguins4fuel on Taboo Stories

**Disclaimer**- I am not a writer and have never written anything like this before. This "pilot episode" is meant to tell the backstory leading up to events that will transpire, and contains no sex or anything remotely close. If that's all you are looking for, i suggest you go watch some videos. I write purely to tell a story, though this will become an erotic one. just be warned that it starts out much like any fiction novel would. That said, please review my post and leave comments on where you would like to see the story, and sex, progress. the characters and places in this story are entirely fictional as is the story itself. enjoy.




I suppose that I should start at the beginning. My name is Thomas. I was born in the late 1980’s and was raised in a small farming community in the southeastern US. The story has its roots when I was 15 and had just met who I had assumed to be the girl of my dreams. As it turns out, I wasn’t the boy of hers and when I was 17 she left me for my best friend. But I remained on good terms with her little sister Casey, who was four years younger than me. Casey had always looked up to me because her sister was a poor excuse for a sibling and even while I was dating her sister, I would always insist that we bring Casey along on our dates so I could spoil her like the little sister I had never had.

We had remained in constant communication over the past two years and I had helped her through some tough spots as well as I could, seeing that her sister wasn’t about to help anyone but herself, and Casey actually was a huge help getting my life together after my breakup with her sister, being the only person who would truly understand how much pain I was in. So I played the big brother to her and scared away most of the guys she liked( none would ever meet my standards) and she did the same for me with prospective girlfriends, never thinking any of them worthy to date her big brother. We saw each other a lot until I went to college and she was always excited to be picked up at school on a Friday by a hot older guy in a killer classic muscle car in front of all of her friends. Her parents never bothered us because after all, they had both thought me perfect for her older sister and therefore trusted me to be a caring helpful big brother to Casey and respected me for keeping her happy. I think they thought that I just spent time with her because I felt obligated, and didn’t really want to. They were wrong. Casey was like my little sister and meant more to me than anyone else ever had.

The story picks up with the completion of my first semester in college. It was December. I was nineteen and she was fifteen. It was a Friday night, my Finals were done, and I was headed to the farm that my grandmother had left me in her will, which was in the town that I had spent my entire pre-college life. We called it a farm, but the only thing that grew there was sage grass and it was really just a lot of land with a farmhouse on it. But everyone in town lived on a “farm” whether it actually was on or not. I was about an hour into the grueling two hour drive. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and turned down my stereo as I extricated it from my jeans and smiled when the caller ID read “Casey” and showed a picture her mom had taken of us the previous new-year. I answered with a corny joke as always and only got halfway through with my line.

                “Thank you for calling Tommy’s pizza how-“ I was cut off by Casey’s tearful screams.

                “GET AWAY FROM ME TANNER!!! I SAID NO!!!” At first I thought that she was yelling because of the loud music on her end, then I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was both infuriated and terrified.

                “Casey what’s going on?” I asked in my best concerned/ composed voice, although I was very confused and scared.

                “Zack? Oh thank God. I need-“I could hear glass shattering and my little sister shrieking. “-I need your help,” she continued, her voice teary. “I don’t have time to explain, just get to Tanner’s house as fast as you can. Are you close?”

Knowing I was an hour away if I stuck to the speed limit, and also knowing the speed capabilities of my ’71 Challenger R/T, I said, “Casey, can you give me twenty minutes?” She replied with a “probably” and then the phone went silent after a particularly violent crash.

                “Shit,” I said to no one in particular. I floored my Challenger, calling on the full power of the 465 horses under the hood, on which were badges that read “426 Hemi” in bright red lettering. I made the trip in record time, and managed to avoid any law enforcement officials, which was handy, because It would have taken me precious seconds to shake them, and I didn’t know how many of those seconds I had to get to my Casey. I got off the interstate and blew through stop signs and red lights, not daring to glance at my speedometer as I quickly exited the lights of what passed for “downtown” here and got closer to the 95 acres that Casey’s current boyfriend, Tanner Blane, lived on with his parents. As I got to his driveway, I mentally prepared myself for whatever was going on here and in a second, went from worried, scared Thomas, to cool, collected and alert Thomas. I ran the length of the quarter-mile driveway in twelve seconds flat and slid to a stop in the front yard, ten feet from the front door. I got out with the engine still running, approached the house, and when I heard Casey scream and I narrowly dodged a baseball that came crashing through the porch window, I reared back and kicked in the front door.

Standing in the living room were two people: one was sixteen year old Tanner, shirtless and obviously under the influence of SOMETHING. The other was my little sister, wearing black and green Tripp pants and the remains of her favorite TWLOHA T-shirt, which had been reduced to shreds of cloth doing nothing to hide anything from the waist up. Her arms were doing their best to cover her chest, but for all intents and purposes, they were failing miserably. There were tears of embarrassment, betrayal, anger, and disappointment in her eyes when she looked at me, though her face lit up and she ran towards me.  Tanner tried to head her off, but I was prepared for this and before he could take one step, he was knocked into the wall four feet behind him where he collapsed, unconscious, the print of my boot on his bare chest.

At this, Casey came running to me and wrapped her arms around me, crying into my chest and as she began to convulse, I feared that she was going into shock; but she was just crying that hard. She was in no position to walk, so after pulling my hoodie off of myself and onto her (both because she had no shirt and because it was nineteen degrees outside) I easily hefted her 4’9’’, 81 lbs. body into my arms and exited the house through the same splintered doorway that I had entered through. I walked directly to my car’s driver door, still ajar, and set her right next to me on the black, fabric bench-seat. From the time I had arrived at the house and exited my car, to the time I threw the Four-speed floor shifter into reverse and sped off, not more than sixty seconds had passed; and not a word was spoken.

I began to survey Casey as I drove, as soon as I hit the road, and noticed that although she was shaken and very pale, she seemed to be otherwise unharmed, nary even a bruise or a scrape; thank God. She looked up at me and threw her arms around me, the only brother she had, and continued to cry. I put my right arm around her waist and rubbed her side while I kissed her hair and promised her that it would be alright.

                “I know sweetie,” I comforted. “I know. I can tell what was going on; you don’t have to talk about it.”

                “No,” she sobbed, wiping her eyes with the super-long sleeves of my school hoodie. “I need to talk about it.” She continued as I nodded. “My parents went to Aspen for the weekend, and they left my sister in charge of me. I was just planning to spend the weekend at Tanner’s house, because his parents went to Tybee Island for the weekend.” She took a break to catch her breath and blow her nose on a napkin that had come out of my glove compartment.  “I went home with him from school and we were having a good time, just making out and stuff, you know…” here she paused because she knew how I felt about her making out with boys, but she continued when she read nothing but concerned interest on my face. “At about five-thirty or so, he started drinking and he started to get handsy. He knew the rules that I had set, and he had always stuck to them, but not this time. When I said no, he came at me stronger, until he got really violent! Tommy, I was so scared…” She began to tear up again and just held her close while I found my phone and dialed the number to the local sheriff’s office, which I knew by heart.

Sheriff James A. Packard had been the sheriff in my home county ever since I was born, and In a county of just over 4,000 citizens, it was no surprise that the sheriff had gone to the same church as my grandmother (who had raised me) and I. I remember having Sheriff Packard over for dinner almost every Saturday night before my grandmother had died in my junior year of high-school. His wife and my grandfather had been killed in the same fire some fifteen years before my birth, so I think he and my grandmother felt a natural bond with one another. He was as “friend-of-the-family” as they came.

The phone rang twice before he answered. “Sheriff Packard speaking,” he said in his old, husky voice.

                “Sheriff, It’s Tommy.”

                “Tommy boy!” he said, dragging up my old nickname. “How the hell are you son?”

                “I’m fine sheriff, but listen…” and I proceeded to tell him everything that had happened tonight, beginning with the phone call I had receiver on my way home, and ending with Tanner’s attempted rape of my little sister.

                “You’re a good man, you know Tommy,” he said. “How you treat that girl. You know, if she were just a few years older… But as it sits, you are the best thing that she could hope for in a brother, you know son? Your grandma’ would be so proud… Anyway, I’ll get a unit out to the Blane farm and pick up Tanner. Are you taking Casey home?”

                “Her parents are out of town Sheriff, so I was planning on putting her up at my place until they get back on Monday. I have plenty of food and stuff. Don’t worry about us.”

With any other people, in any other town in the world, the sheriff would have had me arrested for even suggesting that a fifteen year old girl shack up with a nineteen year old college guy for the weekend, but not here. Not us. No one had to worry about US.

                “Ok, well you kids be careful. I know that you’re probably the best person to help her through this right now. I may come by on my way into work tomorrow to check up on ya’ll, but don’t be offended if I don’t, we stay kinda’ busy ‘round here these days.”

                “Roger that sheriff,” I said. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow. Good night”.

When I closed my phone we were pulling into the driveway, which stretched for more than a mile past wide rolling pastures that had not grazed livestock in over fifty years, and woods that held numerous tree-houses from my youth. It still didn’t feel right calling this “My land”, even though it had been legally mine since I was emancipated when my grandmother died. I was just seventeen and a junior in high-school. My mother had died a few years following my birth in an auto accident, and my father had never been in the picture. Since my mother was an only child, as was my grandmother, I was left in my grandmother’s custody. On her deathbed, which she was on for a painfully long four months, we talked a lot, her and I, about my becoming my own guardian if she passed before my birthday. We signed all the papers and it became official when she died. I had become a legal adult at seventeen, which gave me rights to go ahead and collect my inheritance, which in addition to the farm, had consisted of a few million dollars worth of investment portfolios and a sizable trust fund that while wasn’t enough for me to live like a king for the rest of my life, ensured that I would never have to worry about money if I budgeted well.

 We pulled into “my” garage, which was my grandmother’s sixteenth birthday present for me. It consisted of five bays, three of which had vehicle lifts. If you couldn’t find the right tool in that garage, you didn’t belong anywhere near a car. The garage was ported for cable and high-speed internet and had a small office that had sort of become my bedroom during those last years… I loved working on cars and this was my grandmother’s way of showing that she approved of my hobby. When we finally reached the house,  we exited my car and went inside.

The original farmhouse had been built on this land sometime in the mid 1800’s and had burned to the ground around forty or so party goers in 1974, the fire that had killed my grandfather and so many others that night. My grandmother, while never selling the farm, and my mother had then moved to Florida and didn’t move back until my mother became pregnant with me in the late 80’s. They had a new, modernized farmhouse built towards the back of the property line and we all moved in when I was two. My mother died shortly after, so then it was just me and my grandmother in this huge, three-story farmhouse with a finished basement, full –finished attic, four enormous bedrooms, a home theater complete with a 72” front projection television and many other modern additions. I had since added a few modifications myself, including glassing in the rear deck and equipping it with a comfortable hot-tub and the only HD television in the house, besides the 52” 1080p in my garage. And I had converted the Theater into more of a living room.

After losing my grandmother to cancer and my girlfriend to a cross-country running backstabber in the same month, I had needed something to distract me, so I had often thrown parties here on the weekends during my junior and senior years. The house was cool, but it wasn’t designed to host parties, so the modifications were necessary.

I got out of my car, and was proud to see that Casey giddily hopped out under her own power, through my door. But then she jumped into my arms and I easily, and quite happily, carried her into the house. Since I was the only one who lived here and I hadn’t been home in over a month, it was quite cold in the house. Knowing that the only thing protecting my little sister’s upper body from the sub-zero temperatures was my thin hoodie, I ran her upstairs to the second story, where the bedrooms were located. She had always had a bedroom here, ever since we had first become close, years ago. I stood on the landing outside her door and nudged it open, all the while not daring to put her down, for fear I would lose her in the dark, cavernous hallway that ran the length of the second floor. Once inside the bedroom, I felt for the light-switch and upon finding it, sat her down in front of the now visible closet door. She got really excited upon seeing her closet and had apparently forgotten about how much I used to spoil her when I was still living here full time. Inside the closet, which was large enough itself to play a game of half-court basketball, were entire walls filled with clothes of every brand, shape, size, color and designer; shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, sweaters, vests, jackets, pantsuits, swim-suits, Halloween costumes and shoes; OH THE SHOES!!! I don’t care who she is, I have never met a girl who would turn down my buying her a pair of shoes… or 200 pair. There were boots, heels, flats, flip-flops, sandals, slippers, ore boots, tennis-shoes, running shoes, Cons, Vans and essentially any other kind of shoe one could dream of.  This closet had become furnished right about the time that I couldn’t afford that new BMW Z4, and probably blue-booked somewhere in the range of $45,000 dollars.

                “I have been wanting to come here for SO long!” Casey giggled. “I’m going to put on something put on something really warm!”

                “Dress in layers,” I warned. “I’m going to get the heater going tonight and by tomorrow morning it’s going to be freaking toasty in here!”

Casey nodded and turned, closing the closet door behind her as she entered. It had been quite a few months since I had seen this room so I took the time to re-familiarize myself. Against the opposite wall from where I stood was a massive king-sized four-poster bed, complete with a canopy of pink lace that draped down and completely encased the entire bed in a transparent pink tent. In the far corner of the room stood a 42” rear projection HDTV and the most elaborate surround system that best-buy had had in stock the day that I bought it. On the wall to either side of the TV were shelves that held literally thousands of CDs, which were all duplicated of ones that I had purchased for her room at her parents’ house, as were many of the shoes in the closet. Every square inch of free wall space in the room was covered with posters of bands, movies, actors and actresses, and pictures of her close friends and family. As I completed the tour of the room, I heard the closet door open and turned to see Casey K. Conner, reborn after being submerged in a pure fashion environment for 15 minutes. She had taken my advice and dressed in layers, the outer layer consisting of black sweat pants that were two sizes too big and a matching top, proportionately grande. Her short brown hair was down and loose around her neck, and for the first time, I noticed that my little sister was quickly on her way to becoming a woman. She had always been old for her age, her home life being sketchy at best and horrifying at worst. Her parents were neglectful and not understanding in the least, but at least they trusted me with her, having enough sense to see that she was truly happy when she was with me. Not because I spoiled her, but because I truly loved her more than anything. And I think she loved me too. And standing here in front of me now, her body was beginning to catch up to her mind. Even hidden behind the sweats, I could tell that she was a knockout. No wonder Tanner wanted her so bad, I thought to myself. But as long as she was here with me, she was safe. I would protect my little sister with everything that I had, even if I was protecting her from her own growing beauty.

The rest of the night went by very fast. I made us dinner after I got the house started back up again, and we watched Underworld: Evolution in the “living room”. It was one of our favorites. As the credits rolled, I looked over to see that Casey was fast asleep, looking more like an angel than any human being that I had ever seen. I took her into my arms as gently as I could and took her upstairs for the last time that night. I thought I had managed not to wake her, but as I laid her down in her giant bed, she stirred and I heard a tiny groan escape her lips.

                “Don’t leave me alone Tommy,” she pleaded while still mostly asleep.  “I really need you close to me right now.”

                “I understand sweetie,” I assured her. “I will sit right here on your bed until you are fast asleep, okay?”

                “No,” she said coyly, almost playfully. “I need a teddy bear!” and with that, she took me totally be surprise and was able to pull me down to where I was laying directly beside her, in the middle of her giant bed. Then she rolled over to face me and buried her hands and face in my chest in a desperate attempt to stay warm. I was a little uncomfortable about sleeping with Casey, but I knew that she hadn’t meant anything more than innocent by it, so if it didn’t bother her, I was fine with it. My last conscious thought before drifting into dreamland was that her hair smelled like fresh strawberries, still growing in the vine. My first dream took place in a never ending field of strawberries.