Published Sex Stories / love-stories

Angel in the Snow - Ch1

FantasyLit666 on Love Stories

Six straight hours of restless studying has almost put me to sleep. I sit here, day after day, reading, writing and taking notes. College is my life; it’s the only thing that keeps me from being like the others. I’m going to actually do something with my life.

            I sit at a small desk of the second floor library, facing the window. I’m not looking at my homework, or these books I have to study. I’m just staring out. The soft snow flakes hitting against the window, it’s mesmerizing. I haven’t touched a girl since I started college. Everyone makes it out to be a crazy drunken orgy, but to be hones

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t; it’s nothing but hard work.

            The sun begins to fade as the snow continues to fall. I decided to head home, I plugged in my Ipod in preparation for the mile journey across this deserted parking lot. As I walked out of the school library, I began to light up a cigarette. An angel descended from the foggy snow, “Hey, got an extra one of those?”

            I stared at her for a moment, a beautiful blonde girl with a light blue beanie, a matching winter jacket. I pulled the ear buds out of my ears as she said “Umm, so got an extra one or not?”

            “Oh right,” I replied nervously, “Here you—“ I opened up my pack to find it completely empty, I had just smoked my last one. “Sorry.” I said as I showed her the pack.

            “Oh.” She said disappointedly, and like that she disappeared into the fog at which she came.

            I couldn’t stop thinking about her as I drove home, her beautiful blue eyes, her lustrous blonde hair. My mind began to wander off. I played scenarios in my mind where she would have just ripped her clothes off and taken me right there in the snow. The snow became heavier, I could barely see out of my windshield. All I saw were headlights, bright headlights. I jerked to control the wheel but it was too late, my car was spinning out of control and soon the snow seemed to be rising from the ground.

            As that night turned into the following day, the snow had stopped. I sat through my classes, wishing they would end sooner. I couldn’t focus on my work; this is what girls do to me. This is why I am better off without them; they are too much of a distraction.

            I waited outside the library with a full pack of cigarettes, chain smoking on the stairs. I wasn’t sure why, but something told me I should be there. I guess in the back of my mind, I was hoping she would show up again.

            Just before I began to lose hope, a soft voice, almost in a whisper appeared behind me. “You again?” I turned to see the angel standing behind me. She moved and sat next to me on the stairs. “Don’t worry, I have my own today.” She said as she pulled out a cigarette from her bag and struggled to light it.

            “Here.” I said as I pulled mine out and lit it for her. “I’m Jaysen.”

            “Natalie.” She took a long exhale of her cigarette, the smoke radiating from her nose.

            “Sorry about yesterday, you caught me at the worst time.”

            “No problem. I found another cute guy to bum off of.”

            I felt jealous, but why? Who is this girl to me? I didn’t know what to say. I was terrible with words. “Can I buy you dinner sometime?”

            “I would love that. How about right now?”

            I nodded, walking with her to my car. “Where to?” I asked.

            “Your place?”

            “I thought you wanted dinner.”

            “No. You wanted dinner; I just want to fuck the shit out of you.”

I was completely startled. I had never had a girl so beautiful be so honest about that. Again words seemed to fail me as I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have to say anything; she jumped straight to the backseat of my car. “What’s the matter? Never had a pretty girl want to fuck you before?”

            “Oh no.. I have. Just.. Whatever” I jumped in the back and began to kiss her passionately. She went straight for my dick and began to squeeze it through my jeans. I helped her unbutton my pants so she could slip her hand down my boxers. Her small fingers hit my hard, throbbing penis. Her hands were so cold it made me jump. I began to squeeze her chest through her winter jacket before I unzipped it and slipped my hands inside. She began to breathe harder as we kissed.

            Then something terrible happened. I woke up in a hospital bed with underwear full of semen. My dick was sticking straight up through the white sheets.

            “Wow, you’ve been out for 3 days.” My mom said to me, sitting next to my bed. She looked down at my pitched tent, “At least you’re up.”

            As I lay in the hospital bed, embarrassed, I still thought about her. It felt as if it was so real, as if I really knew her. I don’t even know her real name; I can barely remember what she looks like.

            The next day, I finally woke up in my own bed. I rolled over and looked out the window. It was sunny with no sign of snow. I went to my classes again, almost an exact replay of my dream. It was like dejavu everywhere I looked. This was too weird to be true, but I waited again after school, in the same place with a full pack of cigarettes. I chain smoked just like the dream. I waited; occasionally looking behind me for the angel to come from above. I waited until every last car was gone, she never came.

---- I plan to make quite a few short chapters in this story. Please tell me if you want me to continue. ----

Collin Part One

deathangyl on Love Stories

We had known each other for several months via a chat room.  He always seemed like a sweet guy, but I never took him that seriously.  Every time I’d see him I’d tease him and ask him when he was coming to Chicago to see me.  I must admit, I was only half joking.  I’ve met several people from the internet.  I’ve never felt the fear that so many people feel when it comes to meeting someone that possibly made themselves out to be a totally different person online.  You always hear the bad cases on the news

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where a seventeen year old girl runs away with a fifty year old man that she met online, but you have to be realistic about it.  Would the news play a story about a twenty-two year old woman that met someone online and became close friends with?

Collin and I became very close friends online.  In my eyes, it seemed like we had so much in common.  There were times when there would be a bit of sexual frustration between us, but I chalked it up to the fact that neither of us had been with another person for several months.  We planned a weekend for me to drive down to where he was going to school.  It was only a few hours away.  Unfortunately, I chickened out.  I was afraid he’d think I was ugly, and figured it was better that he like me from afar than hate me up close.  Even though I didn’t go that weekend, we still talked, and became even closer friends than we were before.

A little while after the first failed attempt for me to go meet him I was driving home from work when suddenly I just didn’t care what he thought of my appearance.  I’ve been self conscious for most of my life.  I’ve always felt too tall, too heavy.  I didn’t think any male would actually be pleased with how I looked.  I’m 5’11” and a little chubby.  I never thought I was horrible, but I’m well aware that there are many women with much better bodies than I have.  I called him immediately, and a couple hours later I was packed and on my way to his apartment.

I arrived at his apartment as the sun was starting to go down.  That’s when the nervousness hit me.  I parked at a gas station and called him to come direct me to his apartment.  I was too afraid to look for him although I thought I knew which direction he’d be walking from.  I sat in my car staring forward at the “No Parking/Tow Zone” sign that was on the gas station wall.  I saw him out of the corner of my eye as he was approaching my driver’s side door.  I stepped out of my car when he reached me, unable to look him in the eye.  He seemed attractive from the chest down.  I’m not sure if he could sense the tension I was feeling.  My shyness was overwhelming me.  I tried talking as much as I could, but I was afraid of talking too much, or not talking enough.  I was terrified.

We walked down a nearby alleyway trying to find a spot for me to park my car.  I can’t remember any of the conversation that we had, but I do remember stealing glances at his face when he wasn’t looking.  He looked very boyish.  He was extremely attractive in my taste; just a little on the boyish side.  It seemed to do nothing short of adding to his appeal.  As we were walking at some point he reached for my hand, and we continued down the alley hand in hand.  After walking several blocks we found a spot at what I believe was a small restraint or some type of small food market where we could park my car, so we walked back to my car and headed to the spot.

About half an hour after I arrived at his area, I was finally stepping foot into his apartment.  I took off my shoes and he led me into his room.  We had idle chatter, but I was still too nervous to really remember anything that we were talking about.  After a short while we decided we would leave to get something to eat so we went back into the dining area.  I sat in a chair there putting on my shoes.  There was very little light in the room, but I could see him looking over at me, and then approaching me.  Before I knew it he was sitting in my lap and I was looking at his face openly.

His excuse for sitting on my lap was to tickle me, but I’m not sure if that’s exactly why he did it.  I’m highly ticklish and within just a few strokes of his fingers I was squirming and giggling beneath him.  When he stopped I found myself looking into his eyes which are a deep brown.  I’ve always had a thing for brown eyes.  There’s something about them that I could just look into them for hours and not ever get bored.  While looking into his eyes the only thing I could think of was, do not give in.  Do not give in.  You can’t sleep with him, Lena.  Don’t give in.  Half my resolve melted with his first kiss.  He kiss was very soft and almost automatically my nerves were stirred up and ready for more.

A short time later we were back in his room.  I was lying across the bed with my legs dangling down, my arms beside me, and my eyes closed.  Collin was sitting next to where my legs were dangling down.  If he was talking, I was unaware of it as my mind was still racing telling me not to cave in; no matter what, I couldn’t sleep with him.  I felt him moving beside me, and my mind started wandering.  I was trying to focus on keeping the visit nonsexual, but the closer he moved to me, the harder it was for me to focus.  I felt him lying beside me, but I kept my eyes closed.  My thoughts were almost completely out the window.  I couldn’t seem to keep focus on my goal.  When his lips reached mine once more, the last of the reserve started melting away and soon I was kissing him back.

His kiss was unlike any that I had felt thus far in my life.  It was tender, passionate.  I was used to teenage boys groping me and shoving their tongues as far down my throat as they could manage.  His lips played with mine and I felt the last bit of my resolve wither and blow away.  Our kiss deepened and the stirring worsened within me.  I knew that if we didn’t stop now that there would be no stopping us at all.  When his hands touched my body, I knew it was all over with.  I felt beautiful and sexy.  The way his eyes looked into mine and his lips pressed against mine made me feel as if someone truly could want me, that someone could look past my faults and see the person that was hiding inside of me.

His hands roamed over my torso the sudden wish that I wore panties came to mind.  I hadn’t worn them in years, but I could feel my pants starting to moisten and with complete embarrassment I hoped he didn’t notice.  The hope was quickly abandoned as his hands started moving closer and closer to my pants line as if asking for permission to come inside.  Once his fingers caressed my freshly shaven folds it was completely over.  I was lost in the feeling.  I was beautiful, I was sexy, and I was desired.  It seemed as if he caressed me for hours yet just a few moments all at once.  Everything blurred and the next thing I knew all our clothes were gone and the only condom we had ever used since then was applied.

When he first entered me I felt a complete fullness.  The last man I had been with was an Asian man, and in his case, the Asian myth was true.  I’m not sure of the exact length or girth, but I am sure of how beautiful it all felt.  Throughout everything he continued to kiss me passionately, adding to the intensity of everything I was feeling.  My short nails raked across his back as each thrust pushed me deeper and deeper out of control. 

I exploded around him with an intensity that rivaled every orgasm I had ever felt.  Collin was the first man that made me orgasm the first time we were together.  It normally took several times, and often I’d lose interest.  I knew after that first time it would be a very busy night.

RoomForRent ch5-Naughty rumors

Re0mablue on Love Stories

Naughty rumors

Sweat has covered her voluptuous body as Alex caresses her tits while her eyes affixed at the exhausted young man. She can clearly see Rael catching his breath as he exploded on her face. The young maid didn’t mind it at all and so will she. Alex can hear her self begging to be fucked as she touches her cunt.

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-family: " olive??="" antique="">

Inside the room the lady had washed her face with the warm water from the wash room. She came out the door still naked positioning herself before Rael’s still throbbing cock. “I’ve never fucked someone as hard as you.”

“That’s because this is the first time you’ve fucked me.”, answered back by Rael.

They were almost ready for another round when a ringing sound surrounds the room. Instantly she was alarmed and admitted that it’s her cell. She picked up her clothing and pulled out her small cell phone. “Hello, yes ma’am…it’s’ll be very pleased…”

After she hung the phone, Rael was left with his mouth still opened wide as he looked at the young hot body gaze through the door where he almost caught Alex.

Without a word or anything Rael was left in the room with his lips still wet from the luscious kiss she left him with. “What is wrong with that bitch?”

Regardless of what mood his in, he felt sticky and so he rush toward the bathroom, cleaning himself as if a new banging action will suddenly take place. He was not expecting Vi nor Sheryl to arrive within the next three hours but his door was getting louder.

As he opened the door, he saw the hot Filipina babe she fucked not an hour ago. “Y-you!?..”

“I would like to ask for a boss wants to meet you.”

“By mean Jun’s aunt?”

She nods at him and before he could even add another words she answered his untold question. “I’m Neri.”

Rael was acting like he doesn’t really want to come but she showed him her most pitiful eyes. Looking at her gorgeous body he made a contract with her. “Just promise me this isn’t the last time we’ll make out.”

Again a nod but that’s all Rael needed and without any more remorse he followed her lead to Jun’s house. Last time he came here he didn’t even made to their receiving area but now his in a room he doesn’t even know whom.


Neri gazed at him to enter and to his surprised she locked the door. Rael would’ve screamed or banged the door open but he noticed that he’s not alone as the water in the shower room echoes.

It seems that door of the bathroom was purposely left opened but Rael doesn’t need to think twice as he entered without any regards to consequences. Inside he found a bidy behind the silhouette. The water was flowing effortlessly on her smooth and fragile body.

He almost called her Venus at the sight of her fucking great carcass coming out of the shower. “You must be Rael..aren’t you Jun’s boyfriend?”

Now it’s his turn to nod, he was stunned to see Jun’s gorgeous aunt parading in front of him without any clothing to cover her big boobs and shiny clit. “I can see that you are not as faithful as Jun told her father.”

“That makes the two of us unfaithful doesn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”, she said almost innocently.

“..I’m here because you want me to ravish you just like how I ravished your husband’s daughter, right?”

It’s like something took over Ela as she attacked the young man’s lips like hungry ghoul trying to sip Rael’s life away. But the effect is traversed as the young chap extends his hands to grab Ela’s bountiful tits.

“Fuck me hard, Rael”

There is no need for that as the guy lifted her up to have his starving lips to her pinkish nipples. “Hmm…this’ll gonna be good..”

He kissed her lips to her ears, down her throat and her beautiful shoulders. She moans with excitement as Ela grab the back of Rael’s head. To his thrill, Ela rid of his shirt  as the chap put her down to undress.

Within 60 seconds Rael’s dick was already enjoying the breeze of the wind as Ela deep-throated him. He can feel the back of her throat with every thrust he made. “Oooohhh….you’re just as good..but this is my show.”

And with these words, Rael throw her on her back facing the mirror where she can see her pretty face. Suddenly, between her thighs she felt her manhood trying to penetrate her. “Aaahh…you’re big.”

Is all she can say as Rael repeatedly penetrated her like a pistol. From the back she can feel the young man’s hand caressing her breasts, kneading them like a baker to his bread.

“oohhhhh…this is great…right..touch me there.”

“Wer- not done yet..”, the chap almost gag at his words as he lifted both of her thighs so she can see herself getting fucked from the mirror. She can clearly see herself swallowing the big hard pipe of Rael.

Ela just took her shower but blisters of sweat are now forming on every pores of her body, just to show how much she’s enjoying the flame, the flame that Rael ignited when he pierce through her womb.

“Yess..there…..ooohhhhh”, her face showed more appreciation than her words as Rael saw her smile through the mirror.

“Ahhhh…I’m cumminggg…cummmmiiingg…ooooohhhh..”

She drools as Ela reached the peak of her lust but the young man got a hold of his tongue and managed to get a grip. He grasp Ela by the arm and lead her inside the bathroom. Inside, he let the shower cool off her body but before her temperature cool down his lips journeyed to her shiny clit.

Putting her right leg onto his shoulder, Rael’s flipping tongue drove the slutty wife crazy. “Ohh!’re so good..there..a-ah”

The chap can taste her hot juice beside the water running over their skin. Like a child wanting to drink he followed the water on her skin touching her sensitive part. Her gorge, her thigh and even Ela’s anus didn’t escape him.

“Oooohhh…let me suck on you..”

He guided her below, allowing his steady 10-inch rod to be tasted by Jun’s aunt. “You like my cock?...Ela?”

“uhhmmm…uhhh”, she answered him by swallowing his manhood letting Rael feel the wall of her throat.

“Bend over..i’ll fuck your shaven cunt from behind..”

Just as he said, she obeyed without regress.  And like a dog hungry for fucking, he pound her pussy hard producing a juicy, sexy sound. “Yeah…oooohhhh…”

Looking down he saw lively tits swaying back and forth as he penetrate her with force. With extra effort he grabbed her bouncing tits, kneading them as he thrust forward. “Ahh..ahhh…”, she was excited to have another man molests her, to have her pussy pounded and abused.

As Rael looked over the side he saw a hose. He got a hold of it and let his left hand free while his right hand is busy pinching her pink and growing nipples. “Ooo-oh…Rael squeeze them more..ooohhh…”.

To Ela’s delight, raising her hormone to a new level as the young man let a strong current of water run through the hose allowing the liquid to blow her clit stimulating her cunt even more.

“..this is so fucking great…ooooo-ooohhh…”

The bitch really need a good fuck is what Rael presumed as he look at her slender but juicy body from behind. Her smooth skin could drive any man crazy, perhaps one of the reason Jun’s father bought her.

“Give me more..just a little more…”

Rael knew she’s about to release another blasts, his not further behind as well. He touch her back giving sensation to Ela through her spines. “Ooohhh..cumming.. “

“Me too…Ohhh-hh”

He grabbed her tits for the last time and slapped her buttocks. “Cum inside me..”

That’s something he doesn’t hear all day and so Rael let her bursts of cum inside her, hitting her inner walls. “Oooohhhhh…..gggooood…”

They both fell on each other’s still naked body with the water falling over. Exhausted and unable to speak for a while just catching their breath. Suddenly they both heard a knock on the door outside.

“Your husband.. ?”, before he could even complete his query. Rael saw a disapproving nod from Ela before she explained. Ela’s husband got a cardiac arrest and is currently in the hospital. The doctors said he would last long since his in a coma.

“Jun’s with him right now. I would be going later.”

Suddenly, Rael felt his heart almost ripping apart for what he did to the old man. His facial reaction didn’t escape the observant eyes of Ela. “Don’t worry this is actually what my husband want.”

He looked at her with big question mark written in his eyes. “He left a document which I just saw earlier. That asshole, he knew I won’t let him down. I love him though people won’t believe if I say so.”

Rael couldn’t believe it himself but Ela soon cleared it up. In his letter, Ela’s husband specifically asked her not marrying anyone else. He doesn’t want his richness go over to other’s blood and let Jun in a miserable life. “That sucker wants me to have sex with Jun’s boyfriend if really need it but told me not to get preggy anymore.”

Rael was in a burst of laughter as he find everything hilarious and funny. “I’m not kidding Rael, the reason I chose to have sex with you is to tell you not leave Jun and me.”

“You’re not joking?”

Ela’s eyes spoke the truth but still the young man has a disarrayed mind. “Don’t leave us Rael. You can have me, Jun and even my maid, Leena.”

“This is really’s like you are offering me a harem of my own.”

“Well if you want more girls than us I am very sure Jun will understand. She only wishes that you marry her.”

Rael stood up still confused and in disbelief. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to…if I saw you coming back here with Jun than it’s all good.”

The bathroom door opened revealing the dazzling body of Leena, the maid Ela was talking about. She’s just in her panty with her two pair of beautiful jugs freed to breathe the air. “Drinks?”

She came in with two pair of juice as well but her body got Rael in fighting cock mode again. He fought hard to dress himself up though fucking them both will definitely be enticing but the burden of accepting Ela’s offer lingers through his head.

“I’ll be thinking about it Ela.”, he said leaving Ela a deep kiss and Leena a smack on her butt which almost made the juice slip on her hand.


































































One Day In Time

candyladie on Love Stories

It all started one day in the fall. We we’re sitting in our living talking about our plans for the weekend. We both decided on going to a friend’s party Friday night. And on Saturday we decided to have a picnic at the park near our home. And later Saturday evening we would go out for walk to look at all the beautiful colors of the leaves. And on Sunday we decided we would stay home and watch our favorite movies and get some rest before returning to work the next day. The work week went by pretty fast for the both of us.


    It was Friday evening we had just got home from work. When

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the phone rings it’s our friend’s who are throwing the party we we’re getting ready for. They we’re just making sure we we’re still planning on going to the party. I reassured them that we were planning on going and that we we’re just getting ready for the party and we would be on our way in about an hour. We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I came back into the bedroom and found that you we’re in the shower. So I decided to join you to save time and water. I got into the shower behind and wrapped my arms around you to let you know I was there. You turned around and gave we a kiss and pulled me closer to you so we we’re both under the shower. I gave you a kiss and then grabbed the soap to wash both of our bodies.


   I washed you first I washed your whole body and stopped to wash your penis a little more to make you feel good. When I finished I started washing my own body when you took over washing my whole body and stopped to wash my pussy a little more to make me feel good. Things started to get hot and heavy you picked me up and I wrapped my legs around you waist. Then I put myself over your dick and slowly push you inside of me and sit there for a few seconds. And then I start moving up and down going faster and faster. I start to slow down and let you take over. You start off slow and begin to go faster and faster. Then I start to cum and so do you and we both slide down to the floor of the shower and sit there for a few minutes. Then we finish our shower and get ready to go to the party. I put on my sexy black dress with slits in the skirt and some black high heels. You put on a sexy blue shirt and black pants with a black tie.


   We start out the door around 7 p.m. And drove over to our friend’s house. We arrived around 7:30 p.m. The party started around 8 p.m. and in the mean time we all stood around talking till everyone showed up and then we sat down for a small dinner. And then we went outside to the patio where we danced and talked till around 9:30 p.m. When we started to clean up and go back inside and gathered around the fireplace in the front room and had some drinks and talked a bit more and the around 10 p.m. We headed back home. And we got home and we both were happy to be home with no noise and just the two of us. As I was heading upstairs to our room you stopped me and told me you’ll be up in a minute. You were going to get us some drinks and lock up for the night.


I got up stairs and changed into some sexy black lingerie and kept my black high heels on. I turned down the lights put on some soft romantic music and lit some candles and grabbed some rose petals I put away and spread them on the floor from door leading to the bed and spread some on the bed. And laid there waiting for you to come upstairs. I could hear you coming up the stairs I started to get a little horny. You opened the door with two champagne glasses and bottle of wine. You came into the room set the glasses on the stand next to the bed and crawled onto the bed and gave me a really passionate kiss. I knew that you wanted me as much as I wanted you. You opened the bottle and poured us each a glass and you handed me a glass and kissed me. We took a drink of the wine and when I finished I smiled at you. Then you took the glasses and set them back on the stand and got up to get undressed.


I stopped you from going any farther I could see it in the way you looked at me you wanted to rip off my clothes and have your way with me. But I wouldn’t let you I took me time taking off your tie and unbuttoning your shirt. I pulled off your shirt and made my way to your pants. First taking off your belt then unbuttoned your pants and pulled down the zipper and slowly pulled off your pants. I looked up at you and you smiled and let me do what I was doing. I slowly pulled off your boxers revealing a hard dick aching for attention. I put my hand around it and started to pump up and down. You put your hand on my shoulder for some support. I looked up at you and smiled. I let your go of you and you lifted me up to my feet.


And laid me on the bed and started to take my lingerie off one piece at a time. I was begging you to go faster because I wanted you in me. But you took your time unhooked my top and pulled it off then slowly slid down my body and hooked your fingers under my panties and slowly pulled them off over my high heels. Then you made your way back up. We kissed passionately then you reached for a glass of wine and poured a bit on my body. Then using your tongue you cleaned it up and kiss my body in all the right spots to make me moan. Then you make your way back up and we began kissing. And then I have you roll over so I’m on top and then I made my way down towards your dick. While kissing your body on the way down. Then I stop at the top of your dick and place my hand over you dick and stroke it for a while making you moan with pleasure.


I let your dick go and held it with my other hand and place my mouth over your dick and start moving it in my mouth I move all over your dick with my mouth. I finish and come back up to lay next you. We start kissing and then you make your way down my body kissing it all the way. Then you stop at the top of my pussy and using your tongue you lick and suck on my clit till I beg to stop and beg you for your dick inside me. Then you slide down bit to my hole and stick your inside and move it around giving me the greatest pleasure. Then you stop with your tongue and put your hand where your tongue was playing with my clit and then slowly down to my pussy then you insert one finger and feeling that you can fit another you add another you push your fingers in and out of my pussy. Then you add another finger and push your fingers in and out till I can’t handle it any more.


I pull away from your fingers and come toward you giving a kiss and ask you for more. Then I lay back down and point at you and signal for you to come closer with my finger. And you crawl toward me and put my body in between your legs and you give me a kiss. Then you take a step back and I spread my legs and you take a step forward. And I wrap my legs around your waist as you slowly enter me we stay that way for a second. Then you begin to move slowly and then you pick up your pace and start moving faster and faster with me urging you on by moaning your name. Then we decided that we would change positions so we lay down on our sides with you behind entering me from behind. We both start to feel that were getting ready to cum so you started to go faster and harder. We both came and just laid there for a few minutes. Then we got up clean ourselves off and climbed into bed and we both agreed that the first person awake would wake the other up with something sexual. And we fell asleep in each others arms.


The next morning I was awaken by the feel of something wet between my legs. I looked up and found a really sexy man at my feet teasing my clit with his tongue. I moaned in pleasure hoping that you wouldn’t stop. Then you made your way down to my pussy and pressed your tongue in and out of my pussy. I couldn’t take it anymore and had you come up to me and give me a very passionate kiss. Then you slipped you dick into my pussy and started to move faster and faster then harder and harder. As I clung to your shoulders you gave me a kiss and I moaned your name. Then we both came and you laid on my chest as I stroked your hair thanking you for the pleasure. Then we got up took a shower and got ready to head to the store to buy the items we needed for the picnic we we’re having later in the day.


We went to the store and bought the things we needed. We decided to grab something for breakfast on the way home and bring it home with us and eat it together. We got home sat down and ate our breakfast after we finished eating we sat and watched a movie that was playing on the TV. After the movie I went to the kitchen to start preparing our picnic while you jump on the computer for a bit. I finished preparing the food for the picnic and put them away for now. And I came into the room and stood behind you while you finished with what you were doing. Then we packed everything into the car that way we had a place to put everything after our picnic. And made our way down to the park and we set up everything and eat our lunch and laid in the warm sun at talked for a bit. Until the sun started to go down and we put everything in the car and took our walk to look at all the changing leaves.


By the time we were finished the sun had gone down and everyone had left the park. So we headed back to the car and at the time felt a little adventurous and asked you if ever had sex in a park at night. And you said I’ve wanted to but never had the chance. So we grabbed the blanket we brought for the picnic and laid it on the grass away from the view of passing cars. Then we laid on the blanket and started kissing and feeling each other. Then we started to take each others clothes off then I got on top of you and lowered myself on to your dick.


I started out slow and picked up my pace and started going faster and faster then harder and harder. Until I couldn’t move any more and I slumped onto your chest and laid there till you rolled me to my side and kissed me so passionately that I got horny all over again. This time you were on top pushing yourself into me going faster and faster then harder and harder. Till you felt yourself cum inside me and we laid there out of breath and feeling like we both accomplished something we’ve never done together. Then we got dressed and headed to the car to go home. We got into the car and drove home, we got home and we both laid on the couch together. Then we both went upstairs and got undressed and took a nice steamy shower together. Then we got ready for bed and got into bed and watched some TV till we fell asleep.


The next morning we were woken up by the sun coming into the room. And we both said good morning to each other and got up for the day. I went downstairs and made us some breakfast and we sat the table and ate our breakfast. Then we cleaned up and went to the living room and got comfy to watch our movies for the day. I got to pick the first movie and I picked a romance through out the movie there we some really good sex scenes. And I got horny and turn towards you and felt that you were getting horny too and we closed the blinds. And stripped each other and we were all over each other. Then you lowered me to the couch and got on top of me and kissed me and then kissed and sucked on my boobs and made you way down to my pussy.


Then you slid two fingers into my pussy and fingered me till I couldn’t take it anymore and wanted something harder in me. You stopped fingering me and slid your dick into me and we were going to fast and so hard that I couldn’t even control myself with all the pleasure. Then we change positions and we stared doing it doggie style with you in my ass. You started out slow to get the feel of my ass and not hurt either of us and then started going faster and harder till I felt you cum inside of my ass.


And we laid together naked that way if we got horny again we didn’t have to take our clothes off again. After my movie was over it was your turn to pick a movie. You picked on but wouldn’t tell me what it was you just kept telling me to wait and see. Then the movie started it turned out to be porn that you have gotten when I was gone for a day.  We watched it and had hot sex on the floor and fell asleep on the floor.

The Biggest tease...

TwilightZone on Love Stories

Laying there looking into his eyes, I saw deeper then I ever wished to see. They say eyes are the passage way into the soul, though I felt more as if I could read his mind... and what his mind was telling me I was sure was just my own mind..... wishing.

Whatever it was I swear I wanted to be with him forever. Turn off all my problems, and spend the rest of my life with him. I knew

How We Met

gokothegiant on Love Stories

She met me in a restaurant, we talked, had a long walk and were both amazed when we ended in a hot passionate kiss in front of her hotel room. Jenni was in town for only a day, a travel companion of an old friend of mine from my life in the theatre in the small college town in which I lived. Our mutual friend, Gwen, was well known by all the men in the Theatre Department as being ready for a good lay on a casual basis with a moderate amount of persuasion in the form of dinner, alcohol, or drugs and secretly I hoped Jenni was the same way.  Jenni was tall, nearly 6'1" and slender with tiny tits but very prominent nipples, visible through her clinging sweater.We walked endlessly through the streets, talking about plays we had been in, people we knew and gossip about Gwen, whom

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we both viewed with a certain amount of amusement. I had had a brief fling with her the year before but found her tastes in sex to be a little over the top for me. Jenni reminded me that i had been the one to pop for the wine that got Gwen and I in the clinch in the first place and then I had continued with her for several weeks, fucking and sucking in many different places. limited only by mine own reluctance to try the deed in such public venues as football games and while dancing in the local clubs. Eventually we parted, still on good terms with Gwen's assurance she would still 'fuck me anytime'.

Anyway...Jenni and I strolled about the town, holding hands and being quite involved with getting to know each other. It was my plan to ask her out again in a day or two and try my luck then. I didn't know her travel plans at the time, to be on the road in the morning so when I took her to her hotel I rather shyly made a pass and ended up locked in a deep, wet kiss that only convinced me more to see if I could get her in a more intimate situation. it was then she told me she wanted to see me again... the next week when she came back to town. Not on my time schedule, but it sure was a good plan to me. Our tongues made circles between our sparted lips and she reached around me and stroked my back, her fingers creeping near my ass as I clutched her to myself, trying to feel her tits against my chest. I slid my hand under her sweater and found her nipples nearly an inch long and stiff, her tits very small but sensitive. She broke it off and somewhat breathlessly excused herself into her room, leaving me in the hallway wanting more, but it wasn't to be....that night.

A week later, to the day, I was riding my bike down the street, thinking about Jenni, as I had been nearly every minute since we parted, when I heard her shout 'Hey! You on the bike ...'We chatted and decided to take in a movie after Happy Hour at the Mint Bar down the street.

I asked her what she liked to drink and when told White Russians, silently counted just how many I could afford to buy , as payday wasn't until next week. I ponied up the money, White Russian for her and beer for me, then another , and soon enough, another.As we got more 'relaxed' our conversation turned to our week apart. She had been rehearsing with a small traveling actor's troupe, working on getting a show together. The members of her troupe included Gwen and a couple other friends of mine. She and Gwen had talked quite a bit about me over drinks and during breaks during the week. Gwen knew me to a little reserved as I've said and Jenni said she was fine with that as she was herself. things were looking pretty good to me, since obviously she had been contemplating sex. After one more round, we went off to the theatre where we found ourselves in a movie that was packed, a first run Star Wars installment. The beer was doing its thing for me and a nice warm buzz was in my head as I held Jenni's hand in the dark. I looked over at her and found her looking at me, her eyes sparkling . She took her hand out of mine and moved it to my leg and then up toward my crotch wher my cock had sprung to life. 7 1/2" of enthusiasm for what was happening. She rubbed my cock through my pants and then said 'There was another movie down the hall, not quite so crowded.' We left Star Wars amid explosions and loud music and went down the hall to something called Truly Madly Deeply We went in an were alone in the dark.Not a soul and the movie was just beginning. In a row of seats near the center I found that being reserved had nothing to do with Jenni. She turned to me, Kissed me, and zzzippp, my pants were undone and my cock was in her hand then in her mouth. Jsut before we went into the theater she had put on fresh lipstick that now was a ring of dark plun purple around the head of my dick As hwer head bobbed up and down om cock I had my hands busy on her tits. I thrust into her mouth, meeting her efforts with my dick, ramming between her lips nutil with one huge effort I let loose a torrent of cum. She sucked and swallowed and finally, after milking my cock dry looked up and said 'Shy? I don't think so.'