Published Sex Stories / love-stories

Teenage Fantasies 1

marriedslut51 on Love Stories

Ty was big, buff, and sexy... but he had glasses. people say it ruined the whole deal. ruined his sociallife.. and status.we were friends until i grew up and began to develope feelings for him. i was about the only one who had a crush on Ty until he got contacts. THEN he joined the jocks, the losers. i had less respect for him, but i gained it back when i discovered he still found time to hang out with me. He comforted me when i cried. He always made me feel good.Ty's 18th birthday was coming up. that meant there would be 2 years between us again, and it wouyld make it even harder for him to show his feelings for me. I pushed through the crowd of people, people waiting to see who was invited to his Hotel LaFrique birthday party. as i shifted through the line, i bumped into a j

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ock named Gabriel. I knew him as Gabe. I hated him now because he tried to rape me at one of Ty's parties. If Ty wasnt there i dont know where i'd be right now. maybe pregnant. maybe a prostitute. i just dont know.Anyways i ran into Gabe and he turned and flashed a devilish smile at me and said 'Hwell whaddaya know? its Hairyanna.' everyone laughed. 'thats not funny Angel Gabriel' no one found that funny but Ty. id been looking for him. I ran over to him and he quickly shoved an invite into my chest. He realized where he had squashed the invite and his face flushed. 'oh, sorry... i didnt mean-' 'its okay Ty i know' and with that the bell rang and everyone rushed away to class. At the end of the day, my mom was at work and my dad was on a buisness trip and id forgotten to tell mom to pick me up from practise. Ty was mounting his motorcycle, a big, black, Harley motorcycle which turned me on quite a bit. I called to him 'TY! hey! i need a ride!' he smiled back at me, patted the part of the seat behind him and said 'get your fat ass over here then!" i rolled my eyes at him and mounted the bike. i put the helmet on and gripped him around his waist. i felt a big lump. i didnt have to look to see where it was. 'lets go!' he said.

we arrived at his house and he said 'is it ok if i go up to change and leave you here?' i suppressed a smile and said 'are you suggesting that i would follow you up to your room to see you change? nonsense!' i said in a fake british accent. he laughed and said 'be right back'. i nodded and looked around. his house wasn't too big. just 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms and 2 floors just like a normal house. i went over to his trophy case. he had many trophies from wrestling. on one he was called Ty "Twister" Anderson. i wondered what it meant until Ty came downstairs and grabbed me around the waist and breathed on my neck 'STOP IT!' i squealed. he knew i hated it when he did that. 'so' he said ' what are we going to do?' i was about to reply when DING DONG. his doorbell rang. he ran and answered it. it was Jessica Maloney, his girlfriend. she flung herself onto him and kissed him passionately. The smile i was wearing dissapeared. it turned itself into a scowl. when Ty put her down she sauntered over to me and said 'well well well. look what the cat coughed up' 'hey Jessie! dont call her that you know shes my friend!' she looked me up and down and said 'shes 2 years younger Ty Bear..... you guys have nothing in common.' as if to punish her he smacked her where her ass mounds should be. i was almost in tears and i didnt want him to see me cry over him so i cast my eyes downward to where my track bag was and mumbled 'i gotta go... my moms probably waiting' even though we both knew full well that my mom didnt come home until the following morning. 'whatd you say Ari?' by then one foot was out the door and tears were spilling out of my eyes. 'GOODNIGHT!" i almost screamed. and with that i ran home, the tears coming faster now. i ate a twinkie and sat in my room and bawled my eyes out. ' Ty why do you want that slut? why dont you want me? she doesnt even have an ASS!"

the door flung open and my brother stood there with a funny look on his face and his baseball cap turned 180 degrees the wrong way. 'we do not use that language in this house ,missy!' peter scooped me up kissed my forehead. 'what are we crying about now, huh? your boyfriend dumped you, your friends ditched you, your pregnant. take your pick!' 'PETER! you know im still a virgin dont you? that rules out the last choice' 'well' said peter ' you never know. you coulda been brutally fucked agaainst your will in your sleep! by an alien!' 'OMG stop it Peter!' he put me down ' alrighty... uve got some party tonight dont you? DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOU LEAVE OR I WILL GROUND YOU! ha scared you. but seriously try to at least do some of your homework.' and i tried. i failed. and then i felt like going to Ty's house again.

I left at about 8:30, his party started at 10pm. i went to his house and his moms car was in the driveway. it was afgter 6 so she wouldnt let me in but i can climb in his window. i threw a few stones and when noone came i climbed up, pushed out the screen and tugged the curtain... what was that noise? there was panting and moaning and jumping and.. 'AAAH!' screamed jessica. 'who IS that?' she pulled the covers up over her flat chest. as if she evn had anything to hide. Ty just sat and stared in awe, wondering what my reaction would be. What EXACTLY was going on? well you know.jessicas legs were up in the air, Ty was in the middle thrusting away and they were both moaning and grunting like beasts. How EXACTLY did i react? well, ill admit that if it wasnt Jessica he was fucking, the scene wouldve turned me on. but it was. and it didnt turn me on. in fact i was in pure and utter disgust. ' TY! YOU MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A BITCH! YOUR UPSTAIRS POUNDING AWAY AT JESSICAS ASS, WITH YOUR MOTHER DOWNSTAIRS AND I TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO COME OVER AND I FIND THIS?' i was completely ballistic. i screamed so loud his mom came upstairs and said 'what is the meaning....' then she saw Ty and jessica. 'Mom-' he started 'NO ty. go finish your buisness with your stupid girlfriend. but dont expect me to talk to you or give you anything EVER again. because you know what they say, once a guy loses it, he can fend for himslef.' she was almost in tears and she slammed the door even louder than i had yelled. i WAS in tears, and i said 'HOW COULD YOU? and as for you jessicaP: fuck you' and with that i jumped otu his window not even caring what i broke and for the second time in one day, i left Ty's house crying. but this time, i had left Ty's house for GOOD.

First Time on Prom Night

johnny123 on Love Stories

Charlotte and I have been friends since the first grade.  She moved across the street when I was little and we just hit it off really great.  I did'nt see it at first, but at about the seventh grade, Charlotte started to really like me.  I finally figured it out and we were school sweet hearts since then.  Both of our parents told us not to have sex untill after marrage.  When they told that to us, the urge grew.

When prom night came arround, we had secret plans. Charlotte and I were going to spend the night together at the Renaissance Hotel (Also where Prom is being held) in the City. We both had stories for our parents so they wont worry when when we don't come home. I said that I was going on a road trip with the guys and won't be back for a couple of days.  A

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nd Charlotte said something like that.

We got in the car on the way to go and she grabed my face and we made out for a couple of minutes. We have kissed before, but never like this.  It was an omen for what was about to come. 

Prom was wonderful. We danced, we talked, we ate, we had a great time.  We were voted the best high school sweet heart couple. I thought that prom came to an end too quickly.

We both went up to the hotel room, when we where she asked "John, um... are you a virgin??" and I replied "Yes, why?".  She just "Just asking".  When we got inside, her dress was off before the door was closed.  I looked at her in her bra and g-string and knew why she was really asking.

I thought that she was sleep on the bed and I was going to sleep on the couch. Boy, I was wrong.

I had never seen Charlotte in her Bra and Panties before and suddenly before I had time to think, I was staring at those same bra and panties at my feet.  I looked up and I saw her nude.  Her beautyful C breasts and her neatly shaven pussy. She said "Did I get undressed for you to stare, I want some action"  By that point, my dick was rock hard and sticking out very noticably.

I was about to un zip my zipper when she said "let me help you with that". WOW. So she un ziped my fly and riped my boxers off. Then she started sucking my dick like she was drinking a very thick milkshake. It took me a moment to comprehend what happened. It was just about 3 minues ago we were in the hallway with all of our cloths on, and now both of us naked and she sucking my dick.

She then lied on her back and she said it was my turn to do something for her.  So I started to play with her clitoris and her pussy...with my toung.  I have never heard her moan so loudly. I was afraid that the mannager would come in and tell us to leave she was moaning so loud.  She obvously never masterbated before because the way she was acting.

After about 45 minutes of oral, we then stoped and she went over to her purse and grabed something out of it and threw it to me. I looked at it and it was a Ultra Thin Lubercated Condom.  I looked at it, then at my dick and then at her. She nodded like she wanted me to put it on.  I did and then the intercourse started.  She leaned over the bed and said "Give it to me John". 

So I put on the condom and put my dick into her vagina.  At that moment we both lost our virginity.

I think we did like every position. One of my favorites was on the ottiman.  We put it next to the bed and I laid down on it with my dick in the middle of the ottiman.  She then laid on top of my dick.  Because it was an ottiman she could bounce on it which make a great thrusting action and an awsome show for me.

After about an hour and a half of fucking. I was about to explode. She then riped off my condom and inserted my dick in her mouth and sucked and rubbed it to give me an orgasm.  I had never had one and from that point on I will love them.  If we were shoting a porno, it would make a great cum shot.  But it will remain in our memory for the rest of our lives.

Dreams do come true….

jemingoodlover on Love Stories

Dusk was starting to set over the countryside, the darkness closing in slowly as a panther stalking its prey. The waves gently lap at the shore while a cool breeze blows calmly inward toward the town. On the soft sandy shore, sits a young woman as her brunette wavy hair wisps softly around her shoulders and back. The setting sun gives her skin a soft glow, giving her the appearance of an angel that has lost her wings to be cursed down to earth. The soft white blouse enshrouds her shoulders, the material lightly kissing her skin as her soft blue skirt, speckled with blue flowers, drapes over her legs. Her soft brown eyes staring out over the waters of the ocean, her mind lost in a soulful bliss, the type coming only from true happiness. Her smile is evident of such emotion that wraps aro

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und her like a down comforter.

Out of nowhere, two soft skinned hands come from behind her, covering her eyes. Her heart jumps to her throat as she feels his breath pass by her ear. Whispering softly in her ear the love he has for her before uncovering her eyes. As his hands slide down from her eyes they gently rub down her shoulders to her sides where they wrap around to pull her angelic body into his arms. As her body falls back against his chest, he reaches behind him to pull out a single red rose, surrounded by six white roses, in a tight bouquet. As she gasps with enjoyment she thanks him turning her head up to look at him in the eyes. Thanks Hun, they’re beautiful. He responds gently kissing her lips, letting himself linger; feeling the love of the kiss through her soft lips. Her body going limp in his arms as he nibbles at her lip before letting her breathe again, only to begin softly nibbling at her ear momentarily. Hearing her sigh, he reaches back to open a box.

From the box he produced a piece of chocolate, which he placed to her lips and let her slowly take it from his fingers with her mouth. They spend the next several minutes feeding chocolate to each other watching the sun set over the horizon. The sun is gone and the moon now makes her skin softly radiate with beauty. Her eyes twinkle in the moonlight as she looks up at his face. Reaching up she feels his smooth skin as she softly runs her hand down his cheek. As if she had total control of what he did, he leaned in toward her once again locking lips in a passionate understanding of love. Slowly, he starts to unbutton her blouse taking time in order for his fingers to glide down her skin as he does so. Her body shivers to his soft touch as his fingers reach her midsection and his finger draws a couple circles around her belly button before undoing the last couple buttons. She shakes her shoulders letting the blouse fall softly off her shoulders and to the soft sand which is covered with a red satin blanket.

Her skin shivering as the soft breeze swirls around her now bare skin. As she continues to kiss his lips, she reaches down to pull up his tank top over his head, taking a break from his lips to softly kiss his chest before returning to his firm full lips. His hands slide down her sides to her waist letting his fingers wrap in the soft material, slowly sliding the skirt off her smooth, round hips. As his hands return to hold her close to him, he runs his fingers softly up the inner part of her thighs feeling how warm and soft they are. Pulling her up against his body he starts to kiss her neck softly, working his way inch by inch down to her shoulders. She takes deep breaths as all of her silent passion starts to work its way to the surface, her eyes closing to enjoy the lustful feeling of his lips kissing down her shoulders. Slipping one hand around to her back he undoes the clasps of her white lace bra, letting his fingers slide under the straps, pushing them down her arms and off her body. Placing it near her blouse, he lets his fingers gently run up from her waist to her breasts which are now exposed to the moonlight.

His hands cup her breasts loving the way that they are slightly too big for his hands. Moving back to kiss her neck again, with an occasional nibble, he begins to massage her breasts and letting his thumbs play with her now hard nipples as they stand up full and proud. Her breath starts to get a little shorter and quicker as he continues to please her breasts while making her head swim as he lovingly kisses her neck. It doesn’t take long before she’s full of passion and can’t take anymore; turning around in his arms and slowly making him lay down on his back. His tight muscles accented by the soft moonlight as she runs her hands down his chest, tapping on his abs briefly and smiles loving the way he keeps his body fit. Leaning forward to kiss his neck she starts to move down his body with her hands reaching his jeans. Unbuckling his belt she slides his jeans down slightly until his cock, which has grown in length and has gotten firm, pops up. Her pussy getting more wet seeing his cock so full in length and knowing it is all hers to use tonight as she wishes. He smiles to himself loving the feeling of her hands around his hips, and letting his cock out of the jean prison it was in. As she starts to kiss above his boxers along the waistline, while her hands continue to pull his jeans off completely. As soon as the jeans fall next to her clothes, she gets on top of him and slowly slides up his body kissing her way back up to meet his lips, her pussy rubbing against his cock through the material of their underwear.

As she moves her hips, grinding against his rock hard cock, his boxers slowly slide off a little bit at a time with each motion. Her clit feeling his exposed cock and making her bite her lip from the small jolts of pleasure running through her body. She grabs his shoulders still grinding her pelvis against his, as he slides his hands down her sides to her ass, giving it a nice firm squeeze. Kissing her neck and biting it softly, he holds her hips tight against his; letting his cock be stimulated even more feeling her pussy now drenched through the thin lace. After a few moments she slides off to the side, and spreads her legs open slightly as his hand works down her legs, removing the wet lace thong that hugged her hips and pussy. She lifts her legs, to help him remove her panties, and then returns the favor by pulling his boxers the rest of the way off his legs. Sliding his hand between her legs he wets his fingers in her sweet cum, bringing his fingers up to taste her sweet nectar.

Licking them clean he slides them between her legs again to get them wet. He moves his fingers slowly at first massaging her pussy lips, occasionally sticking a finger into her pussy to get it wet again before going back to rubbing her pussy lips. Feeling his fingers pleasure her wet pussy, her mind going crazy with ecstasy, she reaches in between his legs to grab his cock by the shaft and stroking it in a full motion. As her pussy starts to dampen more, he moves his attention to her little clit sticking out and begins to rub the clit in a circular motion. Her breaths becoming short and quick as she can’t help but how wonderful his fingers feel rubbing her pussy and clit, knowing that all he wants is to make her happy and give her the most pleasure possible. Knowing this, she gets turned on even more as her body starts to tremble and shake; her hand increasing speed stroking his hard cock up and down. Damn she’s good, he thought to himself as he feels his cock throb in her hand. As he speeds up his fingers slightly more, she moans in his ear, turning him on even more as he concentrates fully on getting her to climax. Her hips start to buck as she squirms as she feels an orgasm building rapidly. As it builds she starts to moan a little more and a little louder, causing him to smile knowing she’s feeling such pleasure and getting close to cumming. Right at the moment she feels like she’s going to erupt with pleasure, he leans in kissing her as his fingers finish pushing her over the edge, their kiss breaking as she arcs her back, "OH GOD YES!!!!!" He continues to rub her pussy now drenched in her cum and slowly builds her to another orgasm.

Before she can cum again she moves his hand away and moves down to his side, leaning over him as she starts to kiss around his cock, using her mouth and tongue to play with his balls. Kissing up and down the shaft a couple times she slides her mouth around the head, licking and sucking it. As she slowly takes his cock deeper in her mouth little by little she uses her hand to play with his balls, rolling them in her hand and tickling them slightly. He moans as his breath becomes shorter and quicker. Grabbing at her legs he pulls them over his head, one leg resting on each side. As her mouth slides up and down on his cock she feels his warm breath as he moves his face closer to her pussy. He slowly kisses her inner thighs moving closer and closer to her pussy. Kissing around her pussy lips he places a kiss where her clit is; his tongue flicking out quickly into her pussy, then sliding it up her pussy and over her clit. She moans, her mouth still around his cock, as jolts of pleasure run through her body with each time he licks her pussy and clit. Paying special attention to the head of his cock she starts licking and sucking on it, her hand stroking his shaft. "Mmmm….yes, cum for me." She says pausing momentarily. As she says that, a jolt of energy ripples through his body as he get starts licking and sucking her pussy lips fast and deep, causing her to sit back against his face. As she starts grinding her pussy on his mouth and tongue, loving the pleasure he is causing her, she starts sucking his cock again. Feeling herself close to cumming she concentrates on sucking and licking the head while stroking the cock fast. As she feels his cock start to throb in her mouth she knows he’s close to cumming herself and sucks harder. "I’m about to cum…." He moans. "Take it all, you sexy thing." As she feels an orgasm rip through her own body she takes his cock completely in her mouth and starts to suck it all the way to the base and head. His body shakes and quivers as a river of cum shoots out of the tip, filling up her mouth up. As she swallows his massive load of cum, she licks her lips and sucks his cock some more getting every drop. While his mind comes back down to the sandy beach called earth he licks her pussy clean loving that sweet taste of her sweet juice.

Sitting up she positions herself over his cock, looking into his eyes that are wild with passion as her own is filled with lust of this long hard cock, she lowers herself down on his cock, feeling it fill her up completely. Slowly as she rocks her hips feeling his cock moving around inside of her tight pussy, she begins licking and sucking her nipples and breasts. Moving her hips up and down she begins to ride him like a bull, as he drives his hips up to meet hers pounding deep into her pussy. After a few minutes of that she lies on his chest and slides up and down his cock sliding in and out of her pussy slowly. He rolls over on top of her, sliding in between her legs and starts thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy, causing her to gasp each time it goes all the way in. Her hands start grabbing at the sheets as her body is filled with ecstasy feeling this thick cock sliding in and out of her. Once again changing position she gets on her hands and knees as he positions himself behind her and starts slowly at first sliding his cock in and out of her dripping wet pussy, increasing speed to start pounding her again. Her moans and gasps for air as the power of his thrusts and the size of his cock bring her close to cumming again. Moving his hands from her ass to her hips he thrusts in deeper, causing her body to shake once again with another orgasm. Collapsing on the blanket she tries to catch her breath as he gets behind her sliding his cock back inside her pussy.

As the night gets later, they continue to lovingly fondle each other, the thrust of his cock become slower and more passionately as he nibbles on her neck and plays with her breasts. After they both experience pleasure again, cumming for each other, he holds her close cock still buried deep inside of her pussy. They lick and suck each other slowly until they are most of the way clean. He softly kisses her cheek and smiles. "So how’d you like your anniversary?" With that she snuggles up closer in his arms and falls asleep with him holding her, his cock still buried deep inside of her. Kissing her cheek he looks at her and smiles knowing that being with her is the best choice he's ever made.

Wine & Women are best when they are old

seekcompany on Love Stories


A JJ Submission

Hi, hello and welcome back dear readers to the scribbling world of JJ. To keep ourselves from the boredom of lesbian stories we are on the brim of a classic mature relationship story. This incident took place in my life when I was 30 years old & till today I am yet to experience the kind of wild sex that I had experienced in my life. Her name is Chaaya and I happened meet to meet her at a fitness center in Anna Nagar where I went to have a work out. A memorable fucking experience that I would even remember in my death bed.

This is an extraordinary episode in my life. It was a time of growth and transformation, a sort of rite o

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f passage if you will, that began when I met an amazing woman named Chaaya just a few days after my 29th birthday. She lived in the same area as me in an apartment building that was a stone distance from where I stayed Kilpauk Chennai.  It was at the fitness center that we first met. She was then, by the way, 48 years old. In spite of her age Chaaya looked marvelous. Indeed, I had her down for at least 18 years younger than she was. She was tall and full breasted with hips showing just a little middle age spread before merging down into a wonderful pair of long tapered legs.

Chaaya had an exotic feature. She kept her hair trimmed short and colored and neatly tied up. She also had the most expressive and sexiest pair of eyes I’d ever seen. They fairly smoldered with sensuality while her full red lips more than complimented them. Her always-radiant smile showed even, well cared for teeth under a pair of high cheekbones, all set in a complexion always flushed with health but also marked by age. What wrinkles she had though, were mostly laugh lines at the sides of her eyes and mouth. But to me they made her more attractive for the character and warmth they added to her already strong, confident looking face.

Chaaya came to the gym regularly too and otherwise kept her in very good shape her posture was always perfect and her muscles finely toned. In spite of the odd wrinkle and bit of loose skin you would expect to see she was remarkably attractive and, quite literally, statuesque.



After sharing a few conversations during workouts, something clicked between Chaaya and me. We found we had many similar interests and opinions, liked many of the same authors and even shared some of the same tastes in music. I was quite surprised to find myself relating so well to someone of her age.

There was also a spark between Chaaya and I to be sure, but given our age difference I thought the lust was all coming from me. I marveled at being so turned on by someone of her years but being young and naïve, I thought she might be offended if I said anything and I did not want to lose her friendship. I was in no way going to risk that just because my young hormones raged every time I saw her.

Right from the beginning I also found myself enamored of Chaaya. It was not just her body either, as nice as that was. It was her whole being. She exuded a kind of sensuous charm almost effortlessly; in the way she carried herself, spoke, smiled and gently touched my shoulder or knee whenever we met, parted or whenever either of us said something funny or dramatic. Then there were her eyes. Making direct eye contact with Chaaya was deadly. You could feel her sexual energy penetrating the very fibre of your being as you gazed into those bedazzling black eyes.

It wasn’t long before she was inviting me for evening tea after our workout I would go to my place to wash change then join her in her apartment. There we would alternate with the cooking and cleaning up and then spend a good hour or two together in warm and delightful conversation. I was off work due a bike accident & had to be in rest while she was a voluntary retired high school history teacher. This happy state of affairs therefore allowed us then to spend as much time together as we wished.

Chaaya was quite motherly towards me when it came to my back pain, always ensuring my comfort and offering to help me with any heavy chore I had to do. Getting the kind of attention was a whole new experience for me. I reveled in Chaaya’s kind attention to my needs. I even wondered for awhile what life would have been like had she been my mother instead.

We had become fast friends and felt totally at ease in each other’s company, that is if you discount the steamy sexual tension that always existed between us, and that forbidden, almost shameful lust that plagued me during every one of our encounters. Chaaya was not old enough to be my mother; Nevertheless, I loved being in her company but felt confused and guilty sometimes too.

Almost from the beginning Chaaya steered many of our conversation towards sexual matters, which used to drive me crazy. She was a widow with a son aged 24 years who had settled off in Canada as a commercial pilot and refused come back to India and stay with his mother. Chaaya’s eyes would then go big and round as she told me details of her young age encounters and explained how strong her sexual nature was compared to that of most of her friends. She was never explicit. She only hinted at the naughty bits but that served only to make her stories more tantalizing. She appeared to have experienced a very full and active sex-life with her husband and was certainly not shy about sharing it.

It was pouring rain one day when I decided to skip the gym and called her to say I would be dropping in for dinner that night. As usual after having dinner we were chit chatting I was so taken with Chaaya’s sexual confidences when ever we touched the sex subject when she went on to explain her encounters I looked into her eyes at that moment and saw her warmth and sincerity. This sharing between us only served to deepen our bond and to stoke our smoldering passion for each other. Chaaya cried when she related the story of her husband’s death, and how she’d cradled him in her arms as she drifted into oblivion. More than anything I wanted to reach out and hold her at that moment, but I dared not. Eventually of course, our passion for each other was bound to break through our best efforts to hide it. Our feelings for each other finally became stronger than our mutual fears of being rejected. Chaaya, it turns out, was as scared as me. An 18 year age difference after all, does give one cause for caution.

That day was memorable day for Chaaya, I noticed upon entering, had on thin cream colored cotton top and a denim skirt.  When opportunity presented a glimpse I also rather quickly spotted that today she was not wearing a bra. In fact, I could now and then make out through the thin fabric of her top the darker shades of her large nipples, especially when they were erect, as they all too frequently were. Then, and not for the first time in her company, I got an instant hard on.

Wearing only shorts my erection was very hard to miss so I tried to hide it by sitting close up to Chaaya’s kitchen table. I fought with both lust and embarrassment as I continued to catch glimpses of two large succulent big brown nipples through her top and felt my rock hard cock throbbing with unrequited desire. I fervently hoped against hope that she wouldn’t notice me staring or somehow spot my aching hard-on. I was out of luck on both counts.

“Would you like some more coffee?” she asked me smiling, bringing my gaze instantly from her chest to her face. A wicked little grin appeared there. Busted! She’d caught me looking – damn! I knew it and she knew it. I immediately mumbled a yes please while madly wishing I could curl up somewhere and just disappear. Moments later she was at my side pouring coffee and, as I turned to allow her access to my cup, she saw it. I was mortified! Then it was her turn to blush bright red as I frantically tried to cover myself with my hands.

“Oh God Chaaya, I’m sorry!” I whined wondering just how the HELL I was going to get out of this one. “Please don’t be offended!” I begged her. Chaaya stood frozen for an instant, one hand flat against her cheek as she stared in astonishment at my rampant cockstand. Finally, putting down the coffee carafe, she looked directly at me.
I couldn’t help it. I broke out laughing and Chaaya joined in. The tension was broken but clearly the moment had yet to resolve itself.



” I told her as our laughter receded. “I – I’ve been very attracted to you since we first met and I just didn’t, uh, well, think that you…”

“…Could possibly be interested in a witty, handsome and charming young man like you?” she finished for me, with a chuckle. “Nooo, of course not!” she drolled mockingly. “Chris, I’m very attracted to you too. But I’ve been so afraid our age difference would… that you would find me… well, too old and wrinkled and not at all the sort of girl a young fellow like yourself would ever want! Surely you must have dozens of girls your age after you.”

“No, Chaaya! No one’s chasing me!” I exclaimed. “That’s how I was feeling! I mean, uh, that you’d think I was way too young for you. Oh Chaaya, no! No never!”

S-So, does that mean–you do? Uh, want me I mean?” she asked tentatively.

Chaaya’s nervousness took me completely by surprise. Here all this time she’d been feeling just as anxious and scared as I was and I never picked up on it! Of course she would be scared, I realized. I felt like a complete, dumb school going  kid.

Chaaya’s question still hung there between us, as if suspended by a single strand of hair like the sword. I looked into her anxious eyes as I contemplated my answer, knowing full well that I wanted her more than any woman I’d ever met in my young life.

“Of course I do,” I said simply. “As if you can’t tell!” I said looking down at myself in full display, ‘three shorts to the wind’, if you will.

“Come here then,” she said, taking me by the hand and stepping back to make room for me to stand. “Closer” she whispered as I stood up. We looked briefly into each other’s eyes then brought our lips together for our very first kiss.

The feeling of finally holding and kissing this woman, the object of my feverish desire these many weeks, was electrifying. Gently I wrapped my arms around her as our lips met and parted and our tongues began their slippery dance around each other. Her lips were so full and soft against mine that I gently bit down on each one as if to test their lush reality. I stayed glued to them for what seemed like hours. Our mouths remained wide open to each other as our tongues probed and tangled erotically together. Finally we broke apart and stared at each other with astonished passion in our eyes. Then she moved her hand down and began slowly stroking my monstrous cock through my shorts.


“Oh my God!” she sighed still looking into my eyes as she now gripped my cock in her hand. “Then, is this all for me?” she said with big round expectant eyes. I thought my poor prick would burst from the pressure if she stroked me any more. I had never had an erection like this one!

“Every inch and more,” I panted. “You just don’t know how badly I’ve wanted you to have it!” I groaned as her touch continued.

Then, in fulfillment of any number of lustful masturbation fantasies, I reached out and cupped both her big pillowy breasts in my hands. Her nipples were as hard as little rocks against my palms. I reveled in their feel and wanted desperately to suck them into my eager mouth. “Are these for me, then?” I asked her as I watched her eyes close and her head roll back. Chaaya moaned softly as my hands continued to gently squeeze her soft titties.

“Oh that feels good Chris,” she whispered to me. “It’s been so long…” She took both my hands in hers, pressed them briefly into her chest, then started moving backwards. “This way Chris, into my bedroom. Right now!” she ordered.

I followed her instructions eagerly. Once inside she sat at the foot of a plush queen size bed that was covered by a fantastically pretty spreads that had bouquets of pastel shaded wildflowers printed on it. White lace curtains adorned her bay window while her dark oak furniture blended superbly into her beige patterned wallpaper. Like Chaaya herself, the room was elegant and classy.

“Stand there for a moment,” she instructed me as she started to unbutton her blouse. “I saw you staring at these so I want to give you a good look.” So saying she let the thin cotton garment fall open and slide off her shoulders. Cupping a breast in each hand she held them up to me. “Do you like my titties?” she asked with a little grin.

“Chaaya, I’ve died and gone to heaven. They are magnificent!” I said in all sincerity. Her breasts were big and beautiful with only a slight sag betraying their age. Her dark brown nipples were huge with elongated tips that stood proud of her aureoles by a good inch. My mouth fairly watered in anticipation of having them between my lips. I moved to touch them but Chaaya stopped me.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked her. Oh no, is she backing away now? I shuddered in a moment of internal panic.

“No, no Chris!” she answered “ I just want a chance to look at you as well. Get undressed for me love, and let’s see that big monster between your legs!” she laughed. In a flash I stood before her naked, my pulsating cock standing fully upright against my belly. I loved her casual playfulness. Sex for me has never been so lustrous with women my own age.

“Sweet Chris!” she cried. “You’re huge! And it’s so beautiful! Oh my!” she exclaimed as she lightly grasped my rigid ‘monster’ in her hand. “Let me just play with it awhile,” she requested.

Chaaya reached out with her other hand and gently began stroking my balls. Meanwhile her other continued running up and down the length of me, stroking my throbbing prick slowly and lightly, savoring its feel.

“It’s yours to have and to hold for as long as you like, Chaaya. My God, I don’t believe this is happening!” I said in amazement. “ I’ve had you in a thousand fantasies and now you’re here with me and it’s really happening? Hey, you can play with him forever. I think he likes you!” I laughed to her.

“Hmmmm…” she purred. “I like him too! The skin is so soft yet you are so hard underneath it. An iron cock in a velvet glove!” she giggled. “And the head! Such a wonderful big hat he wears!” she cooed at my circumcised glands.

Chaaya was thoroughly enjoying herself and I delighted in being able to give her such pleasure. So did my cock, which was coming way too close to cumming!

“Stop a minute honey. Please. I don’t want to cum yet,” I said, staying her hand for a minute. “Besides, I want to see the rest of you too!”

I stepped back as Chaaya rose slowly from the bed. Undoing a clasp and running down a zipper at her side, she let her knee length denim skirt fall to the floor. She was completely naked underneath.

“No panties,” she giggled. “I kind of had my hopes up about today.”

“So I see! Chaaya, you look incredible!” I said with complete sincerity. She blushed at my compliment and held a hand to her face.

As she stood there I took in her whole visage, from her beautiful, expressive face down to her heavy breasts, her flat stomach with just the hint of a matronly roll, to her neatly trimmed patch of dark pussy fur with the fold of her pink labial lips just poking through. Her long sinuous legs were held together at the knees almost coyly. I moved towards her, then placing my hands lightly on her shoulders I looked directly into her sparkling dark eyes.

“I think I’m in love with you Chaaya,” I said to her with a smile. “I never thought this moment would come and now that it’s here I never want it to end.” I embraced her warmly, relishing the feel of her nakedness against my own.

“Hush now, baby,” Chaaya whispered into my ear. “Let’s take it slow and easy. One day, one thing at a time. Right now we need to fuck our brains out!” she laughed, hugging me tightly.

Mildly shocked and titillated at her profanity I attempted to lift her off her feet only to have my back remind me that I wasn’t quite healed yet. “Ow!” I cried. Chaaya jumped out of my arms.

“Oh baby, are you alright? You shouldn’t try to lift an old cow like me in your condition!” she admonished.

“Some cow,” I replied with a chuckle. “But you’re right. I need to be more careful.”

“Lie down!” Chaaya ordered me, taking charge of the proceedings. I moved to the side of her bed and lay down on my back. She quickly joined me lying on her side beside me. “You let me do all the work for now,” she said gently but firmly.

Being pampered was a totally new experience for me. It seems my back injury had at least one positive aspect! Until this time I had just assumed men did most of the work while their partners simply accepted what was given. With Chaaya I was learning what making love was truly all about.

Chaaya began with a long passionate kiss, then licked and nipped her way down my throat to play magical little games with my nipples using only her teeth and tongue. This was something I had never experienced before. It was enchantingly pleasant. She next looked up into my eyes and, with an evil little grin, grabbed my cock and began kissing her way down to it, pausing excruciatingly long at my navel. Finally she raised her head, moved near the foot of the bed, looked me straight in the eye and lowered her mouth onto my waiting phallus.

Chaaya moved her mouth up and down my cock rapidly, sending bolts of ecstasy through me with each in and out movement. Then she paused, looked up at me and asked “Do you like it?” My groan was all the encouragement she needed. She plunged back to work as the first body wracking shivers of an immense orgasm began.

“I’m cumming soon, honey!” I warned her in case she wanted to pull away but her movements only became more urgent. I realized she wanted me to cum in her mouth and with that thought I began to ejaculate my hot cream down Chaaya’s eager throat. My entire body shook with convulsive shudders as I erupted into her. She never stopped pumping and she must have swallowed what felt to me like a 100 milligrams of sugarcane juice.

Finally her oral ministrations to my twitching cock slowed and stopped. She moved herself up beside me, hugged me and gave me an enormous kiss. I could taste the salty tang of my cum in her mouth and felt deliciously wicked as I savored it.

“Chaaya, oh babe. You are wonderful!” I panted into her ear as we embraced.

“Hold me,” she murmured. “Just hold me for awhile.” I wrapped myself around her tightly and rocked her gently in my arms. After many blissful minutes she pulled away from me and smiled.

“Aren’t we awful?” she grinned. I laughed and dragged her back to me.

“Absolutely depraved! Now it’s your turn,” I said wishing to brook no argument. “Lie back and let me explore your incredible body, honey.” She rolled obligingly on to her back.

I began with a passionate kiss while feeling Chaaya’s fulsome breasts and toying with her long stiff nipples. She moaned as I tweaked and pulled them. My hand moved lower across the smooth expanse of her belly, down to tangle my fingers in the soft underbrush of her pussy. I lightly stroked her labial lips and felt the little nub of her clit under my finger as I stroked away softly, eliciting from her a gasp of passion each time I did so.

“God Chris, that feels so wonderful!” she gasped into my lips as I continued to kiss and fondle her now juicy sex. “Go inside!” she panted. “Fuck me with your fingers. Yes lover boy! Hard inside me! That’s it! In my hot cunt! Don’t stop!” she commanded. “Ohh Chris!” she moaned as I complied with a will.

Her language burned in my brain as my lips followed the trail blazed by my fingers. I quenched my first burning desire by capturing each of her magnificent nipples in my mouth and rolled, tongued and sucked them into submission. My hand was still busy between her legs, masturbating her with two fingers inside her surprisingly tight, hot and soaking wet sheath. I moved my mouth lower and joined my hand at the juncture of her long legs, both of which were now spread wide open for me.

As my head drew near her thrusting pussy I inhaled her musky scent then began licking her clit as my fingers continued their fast rhythmic fucking. Chaaya tossed and turned her head, crying out in pleasure as I worked away at her delicious cunt and hard little clitoris.

“Fuck me hard!” she called out. “Fuck my pussy hard Chris! Your fingers feel so good! Oh God, lover boy! I’m cumming so hard!” she cried. I could feel her orgasm approaching as I continued my total worship and veneration of her grinding wet sex. Chaaya began sobbing in pleasure as her first climax charged through her body. Her back arched completely off the bed as her mouth yelled out a totally silent scream that that finally gained volume as the waves of passion began to dissipate.

I started to slow my hand but she urged me on. “Oh God, Chris! I’m cumming again!” she wailed, this time trapping my hand hard between her legs with both of her own. Again she was lifted off the bed as her body contorted and shook with the power of her second orgasm. Slowly she began to settle back down onto the bed, taking in deep lung full of air as she did so. I held her tightly around her hips as her body peaked and crested. We lay together that way for several minutes, not wanting the moment to end.

Finally sitting up Chaaya pulled me to her lips. “That was wonderful, darling, WONderful!” she repeated into my mouth as we kissed and she licked her juices off my face. She was still trembling with orgasmic aftershocks as I laid us both gently back down on the bed and cuddled her close to me. “How is your back?” she asked me with a worried expression.

I laughed. “Just fine love.” I cherished her caring and concern. It was so sweet and so different from the way other women had treated me, especially my last lover. Shanthi had been a selfish little bitch, who thought only of her own pleasure which, I began to realize, was typical of the women I’d chosen to love.

“Hmmmm, you are an incredible woman Chaaya,” I whispered in her ear. “I want to make you happier than you’ve ever been before. How can I help make that happen?” I asked her.

“In bed or out?” she smiled.

“Both,” I said “But I’ll start with bed.”

“Then fuck me,” she said urgently. “Let me get on top. That will be easiest on your back. Then talk to me while we fuck. Tell me how you like it. Don’t be shy!” she admonished, kissing me lightly and grabbing my now stiffening prick and pumping it to full stand.

“God, yes!” I cried. “Get on me. I’m dying to feel my cock buried inside your hot little pussy!”

With that, Chaaya moved down my body, gave my erect prick a few quick sucks then straddled my thighs. Taking my throbbing dick in her hand she squatted over the head and guided it inside herself. As I entered her she shuddered and began to move herself up and down my rock hard cock, causing an incredible sensation identical to being sucked off. “I learned how to do this watching porn videos,” she giggled as she pumped away.

“Oh, my sweety, Chaaya, fuck me!” I panted. “Your cunt is so hot and tight! Fuck me, honey!” I gasped. The sensations were incredible. I reached up and grabbed her swaying tits. “I love your titties honey! They’re so big and your nipples are so hard!” I told her as I fondled and squeezed each one. “You don’t know the number of times I jacked off imagining myself here now squeezing your big tits and fucking your hot cunt!” I hoped Chaaya liked my running dialogue. She did.

“God Chris, I love it when you talk to me that way!” she panted, coming close to climaxing once again, as was I. “”Oh fuck me lover! Drive your cock deep inside me!” Oh! Oh! I’m cumming lover! Cumming again! Ohhhh! Ohhhh!”

Her words sent me over the edge and I came with her, pumping yet more cream, this time deep inside her. I had never experienced an orgasm like it. I felt completely joined to her in body, mind and spirit. When our tremors and shivers began to subside she collapsed against my chest and began sobbing with pleasure. Her hot tears dropped onto my chest as I held and caressed her, never wanting to let her go.

“Oh Chaaya, I love you so,” I murmured into her hair. “I never knew it could be like this. I am so grateful!”

And I was. Through my friendship with Chaaya, culminating in our lovemaking, I had rediscovered my manhood. For years, I realized, I had been searching for my motherly acceptance and love through relationships with selfish, indifferent and often cruel copies of her. If I could make one of these women love me I believed, I could finally love myself. I would be complete. Chaaya, through her caring and compassion, taught me what a futile quest I was on and what a real and complete woman truly was. The other women in my life, including my sad mother, had no love to give. Chaaya had it and gave it to me in abundance, freely and without condition.

“Chris, darling, this is a two way street,” she told me, wiping away her tears. “You make me feel so wanted, so sexy. After my husband died and the years passed I wondered if I would ever be pleasing to anyone again. I know we can’t have a conventional relationship…” I began to interrupt. “No. Listen to me Chris. We take this a day at a time and, no matter what else happens, we remain friends. But a conventional relationship? Be realistic. Let’s just enjoy what we have to the fullest.”

Being young, I wanted to plunge ahead into a full romance. Chaaya’s wisdom knew that wasn’t going to happen. As the days went by we grew closer and enjoyed some of the best sex of our lives. Yet at the same time Chaaya at least understood that my life was still before me and that hers was coming to a close.

In time I began to understand and appreciate the nature of my relationship with Chaaya in the way that she did. We had come into each other’s lives at a difficult time of transition and we had helped see each other through to the other side. If we tried to hang on to the sex and romance we would risk damaging or even destroying what we had so carefully created and healed in each other. Our wiser natures prevailed. Besides, Chaaya refused to have sex with me if I was seeing another girl! ‘Cheating’, of course, was not in her book.

Chaaya’s son now wanted to have her beside him in Toronto & parallel to it I had got a job at Al- Jubail city in Saudi Arabia which I reluctantly took up. That was year for which every soul on this earth was looking forward to, it was the millennium. Exactly eight years later I am still searching for a woman who was everything to me. Even today when I travel through the street where my Chaaya lived I take sometime to look around if she’s anywhere around but unfortunately there’s no sign of her. Will I get a chance to see her again only time can tell, until then send me your comments and feed backs to

Yours Lovingly


Once Upon A Childhood

Peter_Pan on Love Stories

Completely true in every detail, I remember almost thirty-seven years on, how she sat, the little silver bracelet she wore on her left wrist – even the charm that hung off it – a small fish. I can describe her dress, her shoes…sIip-ons actually, smell her hair, hear her soft voice – tell you what the weather was like. I don’t have to imagine the tears which come to my eyes as I write this either. She was so ethereally beautiful and I would give anything to be able to go back to her and that time so long ago. I never ever wanted to grow up – it was the cruellest thing ever happened to me.

Of course, having Chris, Natalie, Kylie and Jenna now, more than compensate for my lost childhood and

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I love them more than life itself, but Ruth was my first real experience and with all the limited knowledge of worldly things I possessed at thirteen – I loved her with every emotion that crowded in upon me. The incident is mentioned briefly in an autobiography I have just completed "Cool Among the Flames" – compiled mainly to shut Kylie up as she kept at me to write it. It does not however plumb the emotional and physical depths that I am about to relay to you. It is I admit, a very slow-to-develop recollection, nothing wondrous and impassioned should ever be rushed should it?

Living then in the county of Kent, just a couple of miles outside the Greater London border, I grew up cocooned in a world of Harry Potter type kids all with their middle-class Brit accents. Ruth herself was so very like Emma Watson who plays Hermione in the HP films, right down to her hair, facial features and totally adroit Englishness. She was fourteen, just a few months older than Emma. Think of her and you’re 4/5 of the way to seeing Ruth although in a classic beauty shoot-out, Emma would be coming in a distant second.

Most years our family, of which I was an only child, would head-off to my Great Aunt’s farm, set in the wilds of the Yorkshire Dales. Only twenty minutes or so from the tiny village of Hawarth where Emily Bronte and her sisters lived and where Heathcliff wanders still his beloved Wuthering Heights . The 19 th century farmhouse where we stayed had neither sewerage or electricity but no-one in 2004 even working with the most technologically advanced kitchen equipment available, could cook anything to compare tastewise with what was served-up in that tiny farmhouse beneath a flickering gas-light. I lived for the next steam-train trip that would take me north to my closeted and remote little spiritual home.

Immediately adjacent to the farmhouse was a good-size barn in which my Uncle would feed and milk the cattle, daily occupations as far removed from my own experiential domesticity as Hans Solo and the Millennium Falcon might be adjudged so far as the Wright Brothers are concerned. Nevertheless, I slipped into "farm life" without the least parental urging.

The summer holidays then, some five months subsequent to my thirteenth birthday, saw us enjoying another farm visitation up there on the picturesque moors. It was a Friday. I recall this clearly because mom had promised to take me to the local movie-house, a decrepit but intimate old relic in a nearby township, some twenty-five minutes walk from the farm, alongside those old stone walls which separated field from field, property from property…and on those cold misty nights – legend from legend. That’s what one did in those days – walk! Films were only run there Saturday nights and I recall it was the following day!

Some time around mid-afternoon that Friday, while chasing cows, sheep, chickens and poor old Dobbin - so ancient a sway-back, it was definitely a dead horse walking - around their own fields, I heard my dad call me from far-off. Scooting back up to the farmhouse, Mom, Dad and my Uncle were chatting to another family.

"Say, this is my son Noel," said dad. I shook hands with the man and nodded to his wife. Evidently they were staying for the week in the farm-house right across the way. The "way" being a road no more than twelve feet wide between the properties. I could have tossed a stone from my bedroom clear through their kitchen window……could probably have flicked it!

"And this is their daughter Ruth," Dad was continuing. I looked up at her and lost my power of speech. Nothing was working… arms. voicebox…..brain!

"Well say hello to Ruth, Noel," said my mom, "She’s just fourteen – a bit older than you. Maybe you’d like to play with her? (Jesus Christ – thinking back now, what an incredible slip of the tongue that little statement was!)…show her over the farm maybe?"

I managed some strangled sound like "Y-oh"….a resulting cross between "Yes (mom)" and "Hello." Ruth looked less than impressed but allowed me to direct her back the way I had just come.

"You two be back for tea in an hour or so!" called out dad. If I had been seventeen, I wouldn’t even have been back!

Now, I was hardly what you’d call a ‘smooth operator’ at thirteen. I had known from the first time my eyes fully focused shortly after birth that I liked girls! My best friend at junior high, she who I had sat beside since day-one in primary school was most definitely a girl and I’d had a thing for my younger cousin since she was eight. Sexually however, aside from a couple of show and tell sessions behind the lounge with my cousin when age-wise, we were yet to hit double figures, and hot little Carmen who had charged me threepence to "have a feel" in fourth grade one afternoon, I had no reason to doubt the stork theory!

And yet, as I helped Ruth over that first stile (a wooden ‘step’ arrangement, built to enable one to cross those old stone walls, between fields) and the brief flash of her knickers as she climbed over…I knew intinctively that some up-till-now unutilised software was kicking-in.

One thing I did have going for me – I could hold a conversation and with Ruth this was a ground-level entry requirement. Well read, intelligent, but equally (so I discovered) impulsive and adventurous, she was no wimpy arm decoration.

"This is such fun," she called out to me, crossing her fourth stile. She wasn’t far off the mark either.

The extreme southern ends of the property were marked by the onset of the banks of the beautiful river Nidd. A timeless old waterway whose shallow but crystal-clear waters were stocked with enough trout to satisfy generations of retired Yorkshiremen. Linking my Great Aunt’s farm with the neighboring property across the river was a sturdy but none too steady ‘swing bridge.’ Only able to carry one abreast, it was aptly named, as Ruth found out.

"Oh Gosh!" she uttered, as almost mid-center, the bridge’s lateral motion caused her to slip backwards. She fell against me as I caught her. Just for a moment I held her there and she turned as if to say something, her face but inches from mine. Even in that instant, I knew she was everything to me…completely nonsensical as that sounds and especially with the benefit of but thirty minutes relational co-existence.

Whatever awareness came to her at that second, she held-on to it, but from that moment on, existed an unspoken bond between us. Having wandered across a few neighboring fields, we returned to the farm property and I took the opportunity to demonstrate my prowess skimming stones downriver.

"Let me try that," she said and promptly buried my best throw with a perfect flat trajectory that pulled in ten "bounces" before heading into some distant mud-flats. My highest had been eight! That was Ruth!

As feminine as they come, she knew all the tricks. The cutesy smile, hair tossed over her shoulders at strategic moments, eyes wide for effect, "helpless little girl" routine" (as if!) Fact is, the gulf, both physically and emotionally, between a thirteen-year old boy and a fourteen-year old girl is laughably distant.

Not that I was feeling out-matured or even out out of my depth as such. I was enjoying every moment of her company. We sat there on that lush green river bank and talked about just about everything. School to home-life, pasts and futures, likes and dislikes. At one stage I was just so enraptured, I must have been staring at her. She stopped and asked,

"What are you looking at?" I remember just saying simply, "You!"

She actually blushed and that made me feel self-conscious. Right about then I heard my father calling-out and I knew we were way past our allotted hour or so. Playfully, and I suppose in some ways with a child’s enthusiasm, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet as we took off across the fields. She didn’t let go of me until we reached the front gate.

After tea we played multiple games of "Concentration." Just sitting on the floor with her, listening to her laugh when I forgot where the other ‘eight’ was…her hand brushing against mine as she leaned across to turn over the matching ‘King,’ her sharp little intake of breath and the way she would hold her hand to her chest when she made a pair. I see it all now as clearly as I did then. The absolute last thing I wanted to hear was mom saying,

"Noel, it’s nine o’clock, Ruth has to go back over the road now." Dad walked her across, but not before I collected my shoes and went with them.

"Are you doing anything in the morning?" she asked sweetly.

If I had been due to collect the Nobel Peace prize, I would have cancelled it. I told her I wasn’t and dad, looking at me knowingly, smiled and said.

"Not really Ruth, would you like to come over and spend some time with Noel?….assuming its OK with your parents?"

I really think I caught the faintest blush – I was having such trouble standing up I couldn’t really be sure.

I went to sleep that night just staring out my window across the roadway.

You’ll notice that aside from drawing a comparison with Emma Watson, I haven’t made any real attempt to described Ruth in detail. I will paint for your benefit right now the picture of a young girl that dad ushered into our tiny kitchen the following morning, just as I was finishing my breakfast cereal. Remember though this is a recalled image from a child’s memory not an adult’s.

Poise…that’s the word for it…..I didn’t know it then, but she had such poise. Her shoulder length light brown hair – it must surely have just been washed, had a natural wave through it and framed her beautiful little face to perfection. She had it pulled back at either side with small mica clasps and her mother had either donated or bought her a simple but pretty pair of earrings that glinted when she turned her head. Ruth had that "just scrubbed" look and she smelled of fresh flowers and youthful promise.

As it was quite a warm morning, she was wearing the simplest of little short-sleeved cream colored tops with just a couple of buttons at the neck. I remember now, the pretty white lace-edging around the sleeves. Obviously planning on some serious cross-field hiking she had on a pair of dark blue girl’s pants and matching-color running shoes.

She must have had the most beautiful youthful figure (as I’m sure my dad would have noticed!) but I had as much knowledge, interest and experience in sexual matters then as I did in current affairs. What I did have an interest in, was getting out of that farmhouse with her at the first available second!

"No more than a couple of hours," said mom, as we hightailed it out through the main gate. " Three hours is close enough," I was thinking!

Both Middlesmoor and Nidderdale are sight-seeing valleys within commutable distance of the farm and both offer magnificent wind-swept views of the moors. We lit out for Middlesmoor, being slightly nearer. Some of the more elevated stiles I spent double the time necessary helping Ruth over – I’m sure she noticed! I think she even took her time climbing them.

It was the most balmy of English summer mornings, non-penetrative heat and the occasional light breeze being the order of the day. Successfully negotiating our two hundredth field so it seemed, the heights of Middlesmoor stretched before us…acres of swaying heather leading the way and lending to the casual traveller a gentle if not rather exhiliarating scent. Ruth and I hadn’t shared much in the way of conversation mainly on account of the fact this was all so new to her and she was completely taken up with the experience. I of course had walked this way so many times with mom.

"It’s just so beautiful up here isn’t it?" she said to me, sitting on a huge rock that had been there long before Moses came down off Mount Ararat. The wind at that moment was blowing her hair across her face and she looked like an angel…one that Michaelangelo would have liked to sculpt. I sat beside her and without any thought for the consequences, turned my head to her and just kissed her.

It was only the briefest of contact – and I was so shocked at my own forward behavior I had no idea what to say as a follow-up. I think I stood up and muttered "sorry" or something equally inane. Half expecting a slap across the face, I was primed for anything except what happened. She just whispered "Come here," and pulling me back down beside her, returning the most wonderful kiss flush on my sadly inexperienced lips.

In hindsight, over the years I have experienced several electrical discharges…light sockets, frayed wires – even taken a full charge direct off the spark plugs of a V8 Falcon

It was, as far as lip to lip duration goes, brief - not much longer than mine but if I had gotten up from that rock I would have been unable to balance properly.

"You are sooo sweet," she said, hands folded neatly in her lap now. "You don’t have to apologise for kissing me," she added giggling.

"Can I do it again then?" I asked hopefully.

"Later maybe," she replied, teasing me unmercifully.

"C’mon," she said, "lets walk the rest of the way." She took my hand….I felt such a child!

As we walked, I was aware of a nagging irritation. It bothered me to such an extent I half whispered to her as we negotiated another stone wall,

"Ruth, have you kissed any other boys?" I desperately wanted to hear her denial.

She stopped, turned and still holding my hand said,

"Oh, that is such a funny question," but seeing as I wasn’t laughing, she added, "Well actually….no I haven’t – never met a boy I ever wanted to kiss me…’re the first – honestly!" I knew it was the truth.

"So you wanted me to kiss you?" I teased.

"I didn’t say that," she retorted, slipping effortlessly into a demure, "I’m much more grown-up than you" mode….which she was!

"You did kinda …." I replied, trying to get full mileage out of my deductive brilliance. She just flashed me a pretty smile and the subject I knew, was at an end.

No sooner did we make the summit of Middlesmoor than it was time to head back and even then the three-hour time allotment was looking iffy. We saw so much….the old Roman ruins atop Scanlon’s Ridge, the tiny bus-stop in Summerbridge called "New York," the caverns where a family of black panthers were said to have made a home for themselves. None of them though came close to watching Ruth. Crouching down smelling the heather, brushing her beautiful hair out of eyes after the wind had taken liberties with it, hugging herself as she sat down occasionally to take in the view.

As the old farm came into distant focus, I felt the magic unravelling - my most acute pleasure up for imminent termination. I held her hand ever tighter, I never wanted to let her go.

Riding out the inevitable "Didn’t I tell you just two hours Noel?" cross examination, after we had winged-it across the last couple of fields to the gate, mom relented and in just one sentence, restored my faith in miracles. Turning to Ruth she said,

"Would you like to come to the cinema tonight with us?"

Ruth looked as happy as my heartbeat was suddenly irregular.

"I spoke to your mom and dad," she was continuing, "They said its fine with them if you’d like to come."

As it happened, they were showing a screening of Disney’s Peter Pan (Yes, now you know why!) that night. It may as well have been "A Political Discourse On the Causes of the Indo-China war," for all the attention I was paying the screen. I took every opportunity to glance at her sweet little profile, hoping she wouldn’t see. Occasionally she turned and caught me looking at her but just smiled at me. She let me hold her hand right through the session and more than once I saw Dad glance downwards. If it were possible to see a replay of it all now, I think you would sense his unspoken encouragement.

"Hold-on tight son, angels like her don’t drop-by all that often."

Last thing that evening she permitted me a further goodnight kiss. I was still slumped against the window-sill when I woke up the next morning.

I think by now, Ruth’s parents were resigned to the fact they wouldn’t be seeing too much of their daughter until they got home. Had it been my choice, they’d have to have been content with the odd postcard!

It was the next day that my up-till-then sublimely uncomplicated life was to be hijacked, re-formatted and dragged screaming into pleasurably near adulthood.

The weather had done a complete three-sixty, as the Brit climate is well known to do….especially during the summer vacation. Caught mid-field by a drenching little shower, Ruth and I scurried like drowned rats to the safety of the barn. Mom, dad and Ruth’s parents had gone to Harrogate City together for the day – some twenty miles or so distant. Since I couldn’t interest her in a handful of oats, we shinned up the ladder to the hay loft.

As luck would have it, Ruth had slipped on a new summer dress that morning, a simple yellowish cotton affair with a neat little black belt – I remember that well for reasons that will become obvious. The whole dress was pretty wet and she was sitting on a hay bale holding it out before her and lamenting its rapid absorbtion rate. Her hair even was quite damp and curling up around the edges. I was in no drier a state. We decided to wait it out and to dry off a bit. Following the last few days quite hot weather, it was very warm up in that loft and we figured our clothes would soon dry.

What is it with hay? Maybe it just looks inviting to toss people in…especially girls! Whatever, we were ragging about, acting like a couple of dumbo schoolkids and while I was teasing her and holding her wrists, she slipped out of my grip and fell on her back in the hay. I saw my chance to overpower her and kneeling there, pinioned her arms above her head. She may have been more mature…and definitely way prettier, but I was stronger!

At what stage exactly something tapped me on the shoulder and said "Time to grow up kid," I couldn’t say, but something in her expression pressed buttons somewhere and as I moved my face close to hers I saw the ‘welcome sign’ flash on. This kiss was way less juvenile….longer too. That isn’t to say I had the least idea what I was either doing or starting. What I do remember, she didn’t pull away, she simply jerked her hands free and placed them round my neck. For the first time I think I became aware of her femininity and the effect her closeness was having on me.

Lying there as she was, her dress had risen well up her legs and way past her knees and obviously something blueprinted in the male psyche kicked in. More in an exploratory sense than with any sexual intent – God, I didn’t even know what "sexual" meant - I remember just tentatively putting my hand on her thigh and being entranced by its smoothness and heat. Ruth still had her arms around my neck as we we continued kissing like laughably outright amateurs I imagine. Oh, but how wonderful was it?

Perhaps that was as far as it would have gone – I certainly had no game-plan – but she took my hand and pulled it up until it was resting right across the front of her panties. She held it there. I remember her just looking up at me with that needful little-girl expression and smiling gently. I don’t know how I avoided becoming catatonic. All I could feel was….heat and softness.

I couldn’t speak, I was as embarrased as all hell but there was no way I was about to shift my hand. I remember pressing in a little – it must have pretty much separated her labia – not that I would have known what they were from a Hershey Bar. Ruth let out a small gasp but continued to kiss me. I got bolder and may even have rubbed her pussy a little through her panties. What I do remember is her expression and how it changed from being one of cheeky-tease to (as I realise now) hot young girl.

She let me pull her dress up until her cute little white knickers were almost exposed. I marvelled at all those smooth mounds and curves before me. Never having seen a girl up close and personal like this before, I definitely wanted to see more. I recall her softest of little gasps as I slipped a hand inside those cotton briefs. I was on death row…but didn’t care. As my hand slid down, I felt her pubic hair and her expression changed to one of urgency. Too bad I had no idea what I was doing or how to proceed.

More by luck than judgment I imagine, I found the real heat-source…her moist pussy and I didn’t need any prompting to slip a finger inside. That was Ruth’s cue to wriggle and mine to just about pass out. One thing I’d figured out already. First day back at school I was going to front-up to Carmen and get my threepence back. She’d taken my money under false pretences. No hair and a slit one half the size of Ruth’s. Sure, she was only nine at the time but still, threepence is threepence.

How long I squatted there rubbing her pussy I have no idea…..I seem to remember Ruth getting quite animated. I was deliriously happy in my sexually complicit vacuum having no clue as to what power I wielded in those thirteen year old hands.

Whether out of desperation or determination to teach me the whole enchilada I don’t know, but she actually slipped her own panties off and spread her legs for me. I could have been struck dumb, I certainly suffered some sort of temporary paralysis. What I was looking at was just outside my comfort zone, and yet, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her pussy was surrounded by lots of light brown hair and how embarrassing – mine had barely started to grow. It wasn’t her hair I was looking at though, it was her beautiful slit and feminine construction. The thought of kissing or licking her down there simply never occurred to me, I rather doubt it did to her either.

I think I muttered something excruciatingly retarded like "You are so pretty Ruth" but in all honesty I had no idea what was expected of me. Maybe for a change of stimulus or perhaps she really did want to kill me, but as I sat there performing like a mechanical sex-toy, she took my other hand and pulled it to her breast. Funny how most young boys always gravitate towards a girl’s pussy rather than her breasts…to be honest I can’t even recall looking at her breasts up until that point. I remember feeling her bra and wondering what it was for….it was only tiny and her breasts were pretty small too. But dear God, what a fantastic new sensation…having a hand down her top. I prayed for more rain!

Again the fear of following in another’s footsteps (or handprints) made me ask her if she had ever done anything like this before. Her shocked reaction, quite close to tears actually, convinced me of this improbability. I held her to me then and with my childlike inexperience I told her I loved her. She asked me if I would like to undress her.

I just didn’t know what to say and must have looked such a tongue-tied dickwad, she undid that little belt and all the buttons on her dress from hem to bra. I simply watched entranced as she let the dress slide off her and having unhooked her bra, she lay there completely naked. I couldn’t take my eyes off her beautiful small breasts…..dumber still, I don’t even recall if her nipples were erect. Mind you, I wouldn’t have known an erect nipple from a plate of jellied eels. She reached up and pulled me to her until my face was at nipple level. I kissed her there and can recall with vivid clarity what they felt, and tasted like. I remember too her asking plaintively.. "Ohh keep doing that."

It seemed to me she rather liked being naked in my presence…..nothing she said or did you understand…just a feeling I had. Girls are so much less inhibited than boys (God…..look at Jenna and Kylie now) Anyway, inevitably she asked me if I would like to undress. I think I almost screamed out "Mummy!"

"C’mon," she said, "Don’t be shy, I’m naked…take your clothes off too. Besides, they’ll dry quicker." Actually, she had a point there – almost had me convinced! I was just sitting there unmoving.

"OK," she said, making as if to put her clothes back on. What brilliant psychology is inherent in the female make-up!

"Oh, Alright then," I muttered and standing there, undid my shirt buttons as slow as I knew how. Still I could but drag my eyes from her pretty breasts and beautiful pussy that she was taking every care not to cover up, even for a moment.

It went OK until my underpants. No-one had seen inside them, let alone a naked fourteen year old girl just four feet away.

"I can’t," I said abruptly.

"Why not?" she asked……"You don’t mind looking at me do you?"

"You’ll laugh at me," I said evincing my inner fears. "Have you ever seen a boy naked?" I asked….hoping against hope that she hadn’t.

"No," she said, "But you’re sooo cute…I’d really like to."

So refreshingly honest were her words, I felt suddenly at ease with her, and just slipped my pants off. I knelt there as naked as the day I was born and trembling in her presence.

True to her word, she didn’t laugh. She just looked at me rather entreatingly.

"May I have a feel?" she asked. "He looks just soo cute!"

I had a very small penis – least it seemed so to me….and probably the direct result of secondary shock but I’m sure I had no erection. I had led a very sheltered existence and without exposure to the seamier side of life had less than no experience in this area. Masturbation was completely unknown to me.

I looked down as her hand caressed me, wanting to apologise for just the few sparse hairs in attendance. She looked at me in such a loving and tender way I had to kiss her again. I felt her love…better still, I felt something else. What the hell was it? my penis had a life of its own suddenly. I blushed stupid and she saw me.

"It’s OK," she said "Don’t worry….does that feel nice?"

"Feel nice????" was she kidding? It felt awesomely pleasant.

"Boys are supposed to like this," she said…continuing to do what I was "supposed" to like. Shame I could no longer speak!

Still tiny compared to an adult erection, I must have been double my normal size as she continued to ply her trade digitally. I had a sudden urge to put my fingers in her and in fact manouvered my body so that I could penetrate her quite deeply as she continued working her wonders between my legs.

As this totally alien but wholly encompassing feeling rose somewhere deep inside me I noticed my own exertions were having a significantly profound effect on Ruth’s general demeanor. Her hips I noticed were thrusting up towards my fingers and she was closing her eyes and making all sorts of little noises. Not a minute later, she let out a deep sigh and she held my hand hard against her pussy even with my fingers deep inside her. I’m sure I felt her shake quite a bit.

Leaning forward, she kissed me again and recommenced rubbing me with earnest. The feeling I had earlier returned twofold. I began to breath with difficulty and I found myself focused on the area she was manipulating. Without my doing anything, I felt my body tense and something I could neither describe or understand gripped me. Both embarrased and awestruck, I watched as this jet of white creamy stuff ejected from my erection all over Ruth’s tummy.

She was so pleased with herself and simply enquired,

"Was that nice?" I honestly couldn’t speak and just covered my embarrassment the best way I could.

After that, we lay together for what seemed like a couple of hours. Just snuggled up in the hay, me occasionally feeling her breasts or rubbing her softly between her legs while she would play with my erection once in a while.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway saw action of a different sort. So mortified was I, I started putting her dress on. We were buttoned-up though and down that ladder before they had the motor off.

We had three more wonderful days together and didn’t miss a solitary opportunity. It was during that time also that I learned the wonders of a self-help program and how to handle my own affairs if you get my drift! I figure Ruth already knew.

The day that Ruth had to leave and her family lived some two hundred miles from Kent, remains the most emotionally desolate moment of my life. Even with the promise that she would come and stay a week with us at our home at the end of term, was small consolation. Barely able to hold myself in check as they sped off down the roadway that afternoon, I watched gutted, as my beautiful Ruth waved to me from that small back window. Once out of sight and completely blinded by tears, I climbed that ladder back up to the hay loft and sat there in wretched misery replaying all that we had done together, all that she had taught me and wishing hopelessly that she would come back to me.

Now however I realise she never really left me. I see her in Jenna. Occasionally she smiles at me through Kylie’s beautiful eyes. She shows herself to me in Michelle’s behaviour. She is for ever fourteen as I am eternally just a few months younger than her.

But I know if I ever go back to that desolate and romantic moor, she will be sitting on that rock waiting for me - even now. The wind will be blowing her lovely hair across her face and she will look up and smile as I approach. She will let me hold her hand and then take me where I want to go. I am still such a child.

Copyright 2004

For anyone interested, details of

Cool Among The Flames may be found at the link . That one put me on by back for the count. But the sensation that arced through me that second as she kissed me, ran out first place let me tell you!

My Asian beauty

Bradley on Love Stories

Jaing and I went to the same college, it was a small one, but the Asian community seemed to keep to itself alot, which meant that i didn't really run into Jaing much when i started there. It was not until about 6 months into University that i started to notice her around a little, and being brought up in a country town, the appeal of various races was not something i was regularly exposed to back in my small town i grew up in. I was interested in her, but thought nothing of it for a while, but when we started sharing a Neuro class together, I thought she was someone i could get to know, and not having scored going out the last couple of months, i was motivated by sex.

I took some time, going over to her flat more and more regularly, one of those epic three week patience games wher

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e you nervously worry that they think your strange, and then when the weeks were up, she knew i was strange, but seemed to like me anyway.

Anyway, i got her down in my room soon after this to watch a movie with me, i turned the lights out, and we sat down to watch a romantic comedy, (that includes shaun of the dead, doesn't it?) Through the movie, i got a little more courage up, and put my arm over her hips, nervously but it was definitely there, I will take this moment to explain that Jaing is very short, about 4'11 or so, has a deliciously appealing pair of B cup breasts, considering the proportions, and a cute little mouth i could just imagine filling with my ever present... moving along, we will get back to that later. With my hand on her hip, and her not moving away, i slowly got bolder, and kissed her neck, i was a little worried, but all worry melted as she sighed into me, and turned herself towards me.

Whispering, "not there, please, I want to kiss you." i knew what was needed of me, and began kissing those delicious lips, what began as the kisses of a girl never properly kissed grew quickly to passionate deep kisses that caused my desire to grow quicker, and my cock to get hard as i leaned my body against her.

Soon she forces herself away, worried of possibilities that i am optimistic of, but she says she must go, and I let her, I spend the night excited at the prospect of how our relationship would go, and have trouble falling asleep with the memory of her breasts hard against my chest.

A few nights later, along with a few passionate kiss fests, she is obviously feeling a bit more eager, and i have been quite passive, not pushing too much against what she seems to be comfortable with. But when she takes my shirt off, i feel its only right that i do the same, so slowly, button by button, i pick off her pyjama top, my hands running softly over the unexposed skin as my fingers climb up her stomach. Eventually I run my fingers over her nipples, and as she sighs, i move my head down, and with a little uncoordination, pick off her top button with my teeth and slip her top to the side, releasing one then the other of her wonderful tits to my glazed eyes. She seems self conscious, so to help reduce my ability to stare at those globes, i take one in my mouth, and suck it. My tongue sliding back and fourth over it she simply sighs as i decide my attention needs to be split, and i jump between the two, with always fingers running over the lonely one. She keeps moaning and pulling my head to her, her little hands wrapped around my neck do nothing but encourage me, and fire my hardon to greater aggrevation in my shorts.

This girl is on fire, I move up and kiss her lips again, she is heated, and holding me so tight against her, i don't know if she wants more contact against my hard crotch, or she squeezes so tight to stop me getting my wandering hands inside her revealing pyjama bottoms.

So rather than being too pushy, my hands continue to wander, but not anywhere i can get in trouble, but as my fingers run over her hips, she sighs, and i can't help but move away, so my fingers can run down between her legs.

She grabs me tight and squeezes my hand, but doesn't tell me to stop, just closes her eyes, as my finger runs over her panties and feels her moist heat against my fingers, i tempt myself by running along the panties and skin, threatening to slide inside. Jaing smoulders for a moment, then looks straight into my eyes, and says, " not yet, i am not ready for that, not yet" I nod, despite my obvious and very hard desires, and don't complain.

I go back to my rather enjoyable job of playing with her breasts and working them between my fingers to find what makes her sigh the loudest, or what makes her push against my fingers the most, its a hard job, but its a job, hehehehe, and as she continues to kiss me, she starts to slowly take my lead, and sends her own hand down between us to push her hand against my bulge. Now i have less inhabitions, and offer to help her by taking off my pants, she looks at me for a moment with hesitation, then with the naughtiest of looks from that delicious asian face, her eyes peeking at me, she asks if she can do it.

Who am i to refuse that, so i to make it easier, slide off the bed, and stand before her, holding my hips forward in anticipation, trying to emphasize the hardness she is bound get hit in the face with in a moment if she moves any closer. Her fingers deftly slip off my button and she looks up at my face while she unzips my seemingly endless zipper. and pulls the shorts down to reveal my underwear, engorged with my cock about a foot from her gorgeous face. Her fingers run over my hardness through the material, excitedly she repeats the process as my cock jumps to her contact as she strokes down the length of what is viable through the material.She then, almost impatiently slips her fingers under the waistband and again, drops back to super slow mo, as her fingers slide down my legs, having to put a bit more effort in to get the larger end of my cock out from my now unrestraining underwear, and it jumps up infront of her, so hard now that it points up above her head, and she giggles.

Her fingers quickly but slowly move up my legs after dropping my underwear, and now begin to softly wrap around my 6 inch and still growing cock, sitting right before her angelic face. Jaing's incredible hands begin softly, but with appropriate help, wraps both her hands around my engorged cock, as she pulls my uncircumsized cock back and fourth, her hands against each other, push and pull me into a heated excitement, and she is amazed as it hardens more, and her hands wrapped end to end, still expose the large head when she pulls right down against my body. she prompts me down to the bed, and despite my desire to request a blow job, i hold back, and let her not let go of my cock for a moment as i lie beside her.

She leans her leg over me, kisses me deeply, and using one hand, begins what must be the handjob of a well versed professional, never have i felt such devine softness on my cock, and she worked it back and forth slowly, not hard enough to encourage an orgasm too quickly, but she didn't know that, and seemed to just slowly work harder and harder each time i slipped my tongue into her mouth. I think she wanted me to cum in moments, because i began to get more vocal than i had been with her before, and she asked me to sit over her.

I was eager by this stage to do whatever she wanted, and sat my knees astride of her hips, i could see the top of her pyjama's just sitting underneath me, but i didn't push my luck, and i was being too selfish at this point to i leaned over my little princess, her hands went back to my cock and began what they had been wrapped around moments before, i now noticed how her fingers seemed a little wet, and i asked what had she done, she smiled at me, and cheekily replied

"I licked them, i thought you seemed a little dry, and i liked it when it was wetter at the start, so I thought licking my fingers would help,"

I rolled my eyes considering the possibilities and my hands began a journey of their own as they slid up her body to grope her tits again, and this caused her hands again to speed up on my completely hard cock. She looked at it curiously a lot, and smiled up at me like she was doing the naughtiest thing in the world, I loved it and moved my hips against her, my balls rubbing against her shorts, feeling her warmth so close to my hard cock was great, and i began to move my hips in longer strokes and we began to get a perfect long hard rhythm going. I was really enjoying this experience, and wondering how long i could strech this out, it was just too much, i wanted to last forever, but i was beginning to think she was desperately hungry for me to cum on her. Which made the next thing she do shock me, she slowed down

She looked up and complained i wasn't wet enough, now trying to be a gentleman, i didn't want to be an ass and just asked "what would you like me to do?"

She smiled up again, and said,"please, lean over a bit, hold the headboard, and don't move your hips, i might choke" I smiled greedily as I looked down as i leaned over further, to see my dick sitting directly above those wonderfull tits, and then to send my eyes to the back of my head, she leaned up and licked the underside of my cock, as i looked down, i could see it sitting above her face, until her tongue worked up and she slipped my knob inside her mouth. It was beautiful, she didn't suck anything, just suckled a little very softly, her eyes closed as she started to massage my sensitive head with her lips, slowly taking a little more in her wide open mouth. Her tongue now rubbing my knob softly. coating it in her saliva, and i really begin to go cross eyed, as i am about to tell her i am close, she stops, and pushes me back, I have to complain, i open my mouth," please finish me, i was about to cum in your mouth, your incredible at th....., and she stops me dead in my tracks as her fingers wrap around my now wet cock and begins without hesitation, undoubtebly the hardest pumping of my cock i have ever felt. I complain briefly that it would make less mess in her mouth, but that falls out piece by piece, and her reply  along with her pumping hands is enough to get me to the edge, "I know, but i have never seen someone cum properly, and i think it will be sexier on me than in me Bradley."

Moments later, my eyes completely lose focus, she feels in her hands, a pulsing firehose, and looks down to see me cum, really hard. My cock head, sitting just below her belly button as she lays before me, becomes the start of my trail of thick cum, as it ropes out over her, the first spirt going to the side, and leaving a trail fromher shoulder, over her breast and down her stomach, the next she straightens up as she gasps at the sensation, and as she aims it high into the air holding it tight, it pulses a long stream up to her cheek, down the side of her mouth, off her neck, and down between her tits, I pulse perhaps another half dozen times, each shorter, creating a pool on her stomach and I just sit there, completely void of control, as i sit above her viewing the trail of destruction.

She looks up at me, "god Bradley, was I right, that was so sexy, i can't wait till i can have sex with you, I am just going to the doctor to get on the pill in a few days, so we will have to just do this until then."

I sigh, slowly remove her hands from my now super sensitive penis which she seems bent on playing with till it explodes again, and lean down to kiss her deeply in her mouth, still not quite grasping it all,

"I can't wait"

I will continue this if everyone likes, obviously I need to break her cherry still, i started this thinking that I would get there quickly, but an hour later, and that first handjob was done, I promise it gets better, give me a week and some composure, you will get what you want, and I will give you what i desired

Duron and Cala

DantesInferno on Love Stories

Duron watched from
the rooftop as the courtiers and wealthy entered the Imperial Manse. Tonight was the Thousand Scales Ball. He had been watching for days seeing how the
guards come and go. His best bet was to
penetrate the walls of the immense building as a guard. The ball was starting and the guards would
change in twenty minutes. Until then he
would watch and wait.

had gotten to the window without being seen.Â
The princess was just inside.

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Tonight was the night. Every
Dragon-Blooded and House member was here in the manse. Now was the night to exact her revenge, all
she needed was a disguise. Princess O’na
of the House Ragara would do nicely.Â
Cala looked exactly like her, same muscle tone and hair. Cala’s skin was darker, but in the ill-lighted
ballroom who would notice. The princess
left the main room and headed for the bath now was her chance. Without a sound or flutter Cala entered the
room. She undressed and immediately
found suitable attire lying on the bed.Â
Not much of an outfit. Two pieces
of dense, fine linen for a skirt that draped down from an ornate belt that tied
at her hips. The top tunic was tight on
Cala but hung just below her chest. Gold
and jeweled anklets, bracelets and necklaces made he look like a flittering
peacock but she had to play the part.Â
The final piece was a royal head band with the markings of the
House. Now she looked like a

snuck down from the roof with some difficulty, his two daiklaves didn’t help
much either. Five minutes. Across the way and under the tall tree
outside the wall. Three minutes. He climbed the tree with great accuracy and
vaulted the wall. He landed with a thud
on the ground. Two minutes. He darted pass the gardens and pressed
himself against the building wall.Â
There, his entrance, two meters to his left. Seizing the opportunity he made a break for
it. Fifteen seconds. He closed the door behind him and released
his breath. Well done he said to himself
now to find the armory and a place to stow his swords till all was completed.

princess walked back in to the room.Â
Cala had barely enough time to hide herself behind the door. Well so much for stealth. A little blood goes a long way. Cala sprang and seized the princess’
head. The small bones cracked at the
quick twist and her last breath escaped her lips. A pity, the princess would have made a great
bargaining chip if needed. Cala donned
the one necklace, headband, bracelets and anklets. She opened the door with as much dignity as
she could muster, walked down the hall to the great ballroom.Â

slunk down the hall garbed in officers’ dressage. Blue armor with tassels, ornate sword used
more for show than a fight, white tunic underlay. The things he had to do in the name of
righteousness. The door to the ballroom
had been left open. Not being one to
blend well, he stuck out like all the other guards, blue spot in a sea of red
and white. The lay of the room swirled around
him. Music, entertainers, people dancing and laughing, wine it was enough to
make any normal man dizzy, but Duron was here on a mission. Destroy the building that stood on the manse
and liberate the city and the Realm of all dragon-blooded. That was why he had penetrated this building,
trained for so long, and honed his skills…wait what was that? He had been standing at attention trying to
look like the other guards. He looked
and saw her. Black hair braided to her
head and down her back. Imperial
markings all over her and she seemed not to fit in. He turned his eyes back to the front for only
a fraction of a second but when he looked again she had vanished.Â

had been seen, she was sure of it. She
had mingled with the crowd matching step for stance, the exact mirror of the
imperial family, and yet the guard had watched her. Maybe he was checking out the action of the
night. No such luck, buddy. He’d sooner have one of her arrows in his
heart than her in his bed. Besides the
dagger she had concealed was for a soldier higher up the food chain than his
peon of a sentry. There he was standing
like a man with no conscience, the snake, the villain, MURDER! Cala could feel
her rage swelling. She needed to calm
down. There wasn’t enough room her to
perfectly aim the dagger and run. She
would have to get close to her target. Very close. Oh
father, forgive me, but this is the only way to put your spirit to rest.

saw her again; the clothes, the hair, definitely a princess. She would be his target. If she lived here
than he knew where the room to the furnaces were, if not then there was one
less dragon-blooded to worry about. She
was leaving! He had to catch her. But he
couldn’t leave; it would cause too much commotion. Suddenly the crowd surged to the walls
pushing Duron back against the door. He
spilled out into the hall. There she
was, walking briskly but not hurriedly.Â
This was almost too easy.

had to get out, a side entrance, secret passage, something. There at the far end of the wall, a small
door. Concentrating on concealing her
anima she enveloped herself in her wings.Â
Hurriedly she made her way to the door past the royal guards. Once in the hall she let her cloak fall and
she padded of quickly down the hall. No
one was supposed to be in the halls, then why did she have the distinct feeling
of being followed. She stopped, looked
down as if checking her shirt. She
pulled the dagger out from the hidden sheath under her shirt, three, two, one…

saw his chance. He had tailed her to the
end of the hallway, he pulled the short sword from its scabbard, it may not
have been for fighting, but it would frighten any pampered princess. She stopped.Â
Quickly and as quietly as he could he crept up on her. His hand reached for her shoulder…

felt him extend his hand before it touched her shoulder. She grabbed it and threw her assailant
against the wall. A loud CRACK echoed
down the hall just as thunderous applause erupted from the ballroom so no one
bothered to investigate.

felt the shock wave hit his body through the armor. It shocked him for only a few seconds. The sword he wielded was pressed against her
slender bare stomach. Her dagger was
pressed against his now exposed throat.Â
His helmet lay a few feet from him.Â
A princess that could defend herself, that wasn’t something he counted
on. She stepped closer and he slid the
sword deeper against her soft abdomen.Â

wouldn’t if I were you.” The woman’s voice was pure silk laced with poison, an
almost hypnotic look in her pale lavender eyes.Â
He had heard the voice before, he was sure of it.

why not?” came the deep baritone from the man, more mocking her than in
fear. Where had she heard that voice?

I will slit your throat so fast you won’t know you are dead until you see the
underworld.” His milky-blue eyes studied
Cala’s face for a moment, he smiled.

are you smiling?” The question was more
out of annoyance than shock. Had he gone
delirious at the realization that he would die in a pool of his own blood? Men, who knew.

smiled, this was too easy, and this pampered kitten hadn’t the gall to follow
in on her threat. Without hesitation his
hand shot forth grabbing and wrenching her around he dislodged the blade from
her hand.Â

now little princess, lets not be so hasty,” the voice held more warning this
time and sounded mean. He meant to scare

PRINCESS!? Cala was insulted. She may
have dressed the part but she was no pampered palace pet. He stole a kiss on her cheek. Infuriated she twisted a piece of his flesh
with her free hand. He tried not to
scream in pain but he let her go. Cala
grabbed her dagger from where it had fallen and pointed at the would-be

follow me,” she said carefully weighing each word, wanting to them to sound as
acidic as possible. With out a backwards
glance she tore down the hall at breakneck speed.

           Don’t follow? Of course he would. He took off running. Damn she was fast and
the skirt did not hide the taut muscles in her legs. He heard behind him the ballroom doors
open. He swore beneath his breath and
continued to follow. He saw her duck
into a room and sped up to grab the door before she locked it.

ran as fast as a deer, vaulting over chairs and rugs. She had been caught. Damnit, now she was never get her
chance. The room lay ahead, she wouldn’t
bother changing, and she could steal clothes if she needed it. She closed the door behind her only to have
it burst open, the guard had followed her. She fell to the floor but rolled to
stay out of his reach. Her bow would do
her no good in a close combat situation; she would have to rely on her blade
and martial arts charms. The question
tugged at her mind, how had he stayed on her trail? No mortal man could catch her.

fell over himself as he burst through the door, catching himself he spun around
before she had a chance to stick him. He
locked the door but as he turned he saw the real princess on the ground dead.

are you?” he asked. He was amazed at her
skills and abilities. She fascinated
him. The woman looked ready to kill him
at all costs.

question startled Cala. Why was he asking, did he not care that his death lay
not more than ten feet from him?

am no one to be trifled with. Let me go
and I swear I won’t kill you or any family you have.”

clearly are not the princess, SHE is lying there. You are an assassin. Who and why you are trying to kill is beyond
me, but you are very skilled that is obvious.”Â
He tried to get her off base, falter if need be. Duron pulled a chair out from under a table
and sat.

he said motioning to the bed, but Cala wouldn’t sit with an enemy in the room.

don’t it’s all the same,” Duron said it mockingly; the woman was clearly not
trusting of anyone.

            “Why are you talking to me,” Cala asked. The seeds of her anger died in her. This man meant her no harm, but why was he
trying to be her…friend!? Cala finally

now we can talk. My name is Duron.” He waited for her to answer. It was almost comical to see the dumbfounded
look on the young woman’s face.

name is…uh…O’na.” Cala finally recovered to say a name but why did it have to
be the one of the dead princess. What
was it about this man that seemed so familiar and why did he make her question
her senses?

its not, ‘O’na’ is her name,” Duron said motioning to the body lying on the
floor. It was half scolding half
playful, he needed to find out who or what this woman was and how she had
become so strong.Â

name has spirit behind it, so are we going to be truthful or do we have to sit here
till the real guards come and find us?”

           REAL guards, so he wasn’t a guard. The question almost made Cala laugh but
instead of she smirked. No harm in
revealing herself to this man. If he wanted
to talk to death, let him.Â

my name is Cala,” she said in her soft voice that sounded like a purr more than
a human voice.

now I know your name and you know mine.”

the gods, she was beautiful. Those pale
lavender-gray eyes that glowed like the moon, that brilliant small smile on her
pretty lips, her long, silky black hair.Â
Beautiful but deadly. An elegant
predator sat before him and her clothing did little to hide the power her body
contained. Her gaze made him aware of
himself and he cleared his throat hoping to ease the rising heat in his
body. What was happening?

so do you mind explaining how you kept up with me in the hall? I am faster than any man alive.” She had him.Â
He was after all human. His gaze
flickered up her form. He was almost
drooling. Cala smiled inwardly.

stood and turned around, this was hard.Â
He felt his cast mark burn through the headband. He felt his heart skip a beat as he heard her
shift off the bed. This had never
happened before. He had seen beautiful
women but none like this, he had to know, a part of him had to know. Turning he found her almost at the window.

Duron said, a little louder than expected.

turned and faced him. Well she almost
made it. “Yes?” The purr again this time
it was soft and vibrant.

controlled himself enough to walk over to her.Â
He ripped the headband from her forehead. There beneath the royal fabric lay the mark
he was hoping to find.

jumped the bed, grabbed her bow and arrows from their hiding spot. How dare him
and now he would pay with his life. Her
body infused with essence, she laced the arrow making it sharp and sure. She turned and aimed right for his evil
heart. But the look on his face and the
way he stood caused her to stop. Her
eyes traveled up to his brow. Duron had
pulled back his hair revealing the golden disk that burned like the sun. His body ignited in a blue flame and his eyes
shown through the light.

Cala was
speechless; her weapons fell from her hands.Â
Another Chosen, it couldn’t be but it
was. Her exalted soul rejoiced at the
sight of him not knowing why.

Without a word she ran to him and
he engulfed her in his arms. He felt
like he had found a long lost friend.Â
The joy overwhelmed them both.

have to leave, now,” Cala said urgently.Â
Duron nodded. He also had to get
his swords and get out of this monkey suit.Â
She collected her quiver and bow when she stood; Duron had a puzzled
look on his face.

aren’t going to change out of those,” he said pointing to her clothing.

I stole them, I stole the ones I had on and I’ll steal another pair if I need

carefree attitude amazed him. He went to
the door and looked out into the hall.Â
No one, good this would be quick.Â
He started to inch his way down the hall he turned to see if Cala was
following him. She was right there at
his side matching his speed with her own quite steps. The armory was one floor down so they needed
to find the stairs. The stairs were big
and open not a good place to hide a big guy like himself. Cala saw his hesitation and asked what was

daiklaves and clothes are in that room but it’s to open, someone will notice
me,” he whispered.

it was her turn to show her anima. With
careful concentration she felt her body become light as the wind. Her body was washed in silver light. Her anima wings unfolded at her back. With equal amazement Duron watched her become
invisible and almost fly down the stairs not a sound could be heard even when
the heavy wooden door was opened.

looked and saw the two big swords in the back.Â
When she picked them up they were weighty but felt secure in her small
palm. Pulling the scabbards over her
head she found his clothes. Tempted she
breathed in his scent. He smelled earthy
and warm. Her head spun at the pleasing
smell. Cala made her way back to the
door, checking right and left no one in sight.Â
She hauled herself and the weapons up the stairs still making no sound
not even to breathe. When she reached
Duron he lifted the swords off her shoulders and took the clothes from her.

we can leave.” Duron left the armor in the hall and dressed as he ran. There was a window open and Cala looked
out. It wasn’t far to the ground. She vaulted to the earth landing close to the
wall. Duron landed with a loud thud a
few feet from her. They scaled the wall
and jumped to the ground below. Once in
the street Cala led him to where she was staying, a large room with windows
which were easy to get in and out of.Â

you ever use the door?” he asked as they clambered into the lamp lit room

it is daytime,” Cala said laughing.Â
“It’s not much but it’s fine for now.”

now, he echoed in his mind. He watched
her place the jewelry in a bag and then sit down in a chair. The fabric did little to conceal her legs.

she asked, amused at the color that reddened his cheeks. He was embarrassed how cute. Cala knew fully how she was dressed and how
she looked to him. But knowing that did
not make it easier for her to not notice the muscles underneath his shirt. Â It was all she could do to not rip his shirt
off or for that matter his pants. It was
all she could do to keep her own color from reddening.

sat on the bed and began to tell his story.Â
Maybe if he talked he could get the image of her body out of his
mind. But looking into those watchful
eyes, knowing they saw every muscle and minute expression that passed across
his face, did not make them any less seductive or any less inviting. How was it that she made him feel uneasy and
comfortable at the same time? He
searched his soul only to come up blank.Â
As his story ended he looked and watched the laughter and smile dance in
her eyes. When she smiled, his mind was

could feel the heat rise in her face as he looked at her intently. His long dark messy hair, his strong arms and
body, her own body ached to feel it against her again. His eyes, oh those beautiful light blue eyes,
she felt as if he could see to her very soul.Â
She turned her head and reached for the locket in the drawer of the

it’s my turn,” she said playfully watching as his hands brushed back his hair
and then lay firmly on the bed. He was
all ears to her. He laughed at the funny
parts, his laugh was brilliant. It
radiated through her soul like nothing ever had before. His face saddened at the murder and
brightened at how she became exalted.Â
When she finished she held his gaze, wanting to linger in those pools of
blue peace. His face was alive with
light and passion.Â

watched her face, expressive and beautiful.Â
He longed to touch it, to feel the softness beneath his fingers. He longed to kiss her, to breathe in the
sweet scent he knew lingered on her skin. He was entranced. Before he could stop himself, he was standing
over her, his hand cupped her cheek. She
nuzzled her face to it feeling the warmth of his skin on her cool face. Her skin was silk beneath his calloused hand.
She placed her hand over his and kissed his palm. Duron couldn’t help but feel a twinge of
jealousy for his hand. He brought his
face down to hers and found her lips full and welcoming.Â

tasted incredible, the energy and power.Â
The passion, in a simple lingered kiss.Â
Cala placed her arms around his neck and he pulled her up and hugged her
close to him. She traced his face and
neck kissing him where her fingers touched.Â
He felt amazing, so much strength and fervor in his arms. She laced his shoulders, the force that she
sensed in those muscles. She felt
fragile and small in his embrace. He
held her as if she were a priceless piece of glass, strong and delicate. She kissed him again but more fiercely and
deliberately. He returned her kiss with
equal passion savoring every inch of her mouth with his tongue. His hands made a path down her back mapping
every subtle curve. Holding her with one
arm he traced her leg with his finger tips.Â
Her hands went beneath his tunic tracing every crease and muscle on his
abdomen and chest. He moaned softly at
her touch. She pulled at his shirt
violently throwing it across the room till it met the wall. He saw in her eyes a wild passion, which he
could not deny that he felt himself. He
wanted her and she wanted him just as much.Â
He pulled her to the bed holding her beneath him. Cala smiled and laughed at the rush of
emotions, she wanted him alright and would do anything to make him just as
crazy as she was. She kissed him
intensely and moved to the head of the bed.Â
Smilingly slyly she waved her finger at him in a come-and-get-me gesture
and Duron was more than happy to oblige her.Â
He was on top of her in an instant and she laughed at the wildfire in
his eyes.

laughing at me,” he said, trying to sound as hurt as possible.

never,” she said stretching her hands above her head, knowing that he was
getting a full view of what was to come.Â
“I’m laughing because you may not want to leave after this.”

says I was going to?” Duron pulled her close to him feeling every curve of her
body with his. He heard her moan as he
deepened the kiss, his body pleading to be next to hers. He laid a breathless Cala back to the
bed. He showered her face with kisses,
moving to her neck where his tongue pressed against her sweet pulse. Her hands etched his back and her sighs of
pleasure fueled his exploration. His
hands traveled down her sides moving to the front of her shirt. His fingers untied the string that held the
shirt and drew her into kiss as he shed the offending article. He was not disappointed. Two full, firm mounds greeted his gaze and
Cala giggled at the look.

glad that you like,” she said huskily with the same deep purr as before. He smiled and kissed her fervently. She slid her hands down his chest reaching
for the belt around his waist. She felt
his hand at her wrist bringing her hands above her head. Cala looked at him in surprise but he shook
his head and pressed his mouth to her trim neck. He heard her gasp in delight as he pressed
his free palm against her breast. His
mouth moved from her neck to the other firm mound and he sucked and pressed his
tongue in turn on her already hard nipples.Â
Her moans and sighs beneath his mouth made him want her even more, so
bad that his body could barely stand it.Â
He moved to her stomach savoring each kiss as her hands combed through
his hair. His fingers found the tie of
her skirt and slowly untied it as he pressed a hand slowly to her hip. She cried out in uninhibited passion as the
skirt found the floor. He looked up and
gazed upon her body drinking in the beautiful woman who lay before him. Cala could feel his tender eyes on her, her
mind swirled in a sea of desire. She
looked at him biting her bottom lip, wanting so much for him to take her
now. Duron sat up, gods he was hard. He wanted to feel her around him, in him,
coursing through his veins.Â

sat up and moved to him, her long black hair brushing his skin. She kissed his shoulders and neck running her
hands down his bare chest.

all yours,” she whispered softly to him.Â
Her hands moved to his pants searching for a way to remove them. Â

pulled her to him, kissing her soundly.Â
He laid her back and stood. He
blew out the lamp, leaving only the stars and moon to illuminate the room. He removed his boots and pants. He could feel her watchful eyes on him
studying, tracing his body in the moonlight, taking in every muscle and
curve. When he finally turned he heard
her breath catch. Cala had never seen a
man like Duron before, powerful and strong in all the right ways. He moved to the empty side of the bed and lay
down next to her pulling her close. He
kissed her letting his hand explore her body once more. Her hand came to rest below his face on his
neck pulling his face close extending the kiss.Â
Down the subtle curve of her neck, across her slender shoulders,
stroking the valley between her breasts feeling each tenderly, lightly touching
her stomach, caressing over her beautiful hips.Â
His fingertips lingered at her legs, slowly moving over her calf and
thigh, in between her legs. As each cry
and moan of passion escaped her lips, his own desire was fueled and he could
feel the intense heat that radiated through him. His hand found her sweet spot,
his fingers playing with her lips, feeling the warm moisture emit from her

body and mind reeled in the bliss. Never
before had something made her body quake and convulse. Her fingers played on his muscles, making
their way to his groin. He called out in
ecstasy as her fingers traced his manhood, feeling every rock hard inch. She could stand it no longer, “Take me,” she
moaned in half-plea, half-command. Duron
chuckled “Not yet,” he whispered lustily in her ear.Â

lips traveled down to the inner part of her thigh; there he explored her innermost
being with his tongue, slowly torturing her.Â
She called out his name in contentment.Â
He tasted the passion of her body, how it came so sweetly in his
mouth. She was ready, her body so
wanting. He wiped his mouth and moved
her legs slowly apart. Cala moaned
loudly as this small movement increased the electricity coursing through her
body. He set down on his knees in the
gap between her legs. He placed a hand
at her back. Ever so slowly he traced
her with his head, his mind reeling at the new sensation. Unhurriedly he inserted himself into
her. She gasped and moaned at the feel
of him inside her. Warm and swollen his
member found its home. Gradually he went
in the rest of the way, watching her face contort in pleasure and pain. Her eyes rolled back and she called his name
again and again. Her hands raked through
his hair pulling his head down in an impassioned kiss. In and out, in and out, his thrusts were slow
and got faster. Burning with desire,
their bodies matched in perfect rhythm, his hips fitting like a puzzle piece in
the curve of hers. Duron thought his
body would explode from the electrifying surges that racked his body. Sweat poured off of them and glistened in the
moonlight as their hips matched in rythymic movments. Cala could hold back no
longer. She cried his name and moaned, feeling her orgasm inside her swell. She grasped his shoulders as the climax hit
and pulsed against her body. He could not resist her call and let go, feeling
the rush of his passion meld with her body.Â
He fell to his elbows on the bed hearing her gasp for air. He encased her mouth with his, tracing her
lips with his. His body quaked and shook
form the exertion of energy and ecstasyof being inide her.Â
Cala wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Gently he pulled himself out feeling a last
wave hit from her body. He looked at her
and smiled with shear joy. There were no
words to describe how he felt at that moment.Â
She looked at him with the same unbridled happiness feeling as if the
last years of her life had finally become complete. He pulled the blanket around them, he held
her close. She wrapped her arms around
him and gave him one final kiss. Her
body was exhausted, but she felt safe.Â
Duron nestled her against him and laid his head on the pillow. He could feel Cala’s soft breath as she
slumbered. His own eyes became heavy and
started to close. In the night he was
sure he could see their spirits dancing on the cool breeze. Two Chosen
lovers, long separated by war and time only to be reunited once again. A love, Duron thought as he watched his
beloved sleep, that transcended not only time but death as well

LustyCanadian2009 on Love Stories

Walking along the beaten path in the dark park. Jennifer held Ians hand tightly as they walked along, listening to the sound of nature, trying to block out the quiet hum of motors from the highway. They heard a rustling in the bushes, unable to see anything they kept walking along, writing it off as some animal. Her watch beeped telling them that it was 3am. Seconds later they heard more rustling, Ian stopped, wondering if somebody was following them. As he stopped Ian turned to the right, squinting trying to see what it was.

Suddenly there was a loud crack, Jennifer jerked around to see Ian falling to the ground. Running over to him she held his head in her lap, feeling the blood trickling down from his temple. As she felt his pulse she quickly stood up to grab her cell phon

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e from her back pocket. She felt a she was being watched, but didn't care. She was worried about Ian. When she put the phone to her ear, two hands wrapped around her, one around her mouth and one around her waist.

A shadow came out of the bushes with a large object resembling a bat. Tears ran down her face as she jumped and thrashed, trying to free the vice-like grip. The other figure pulled something out of his pocket, watching as the figure tied Ians, hands behind his back and put something over his mouth. The figure picked up Ians lifeless body and drug his body through the thick brush into a clearing away from the path, as the other figure drug her, following right behind.

While the man tied Ian to a thick birch tree the other man kicked the back of her knees, making her whimper as she droppped to the ground. The moonlight cast an eerie glow on everything, just barely lighting things up enough to see. The man walking towards her was a large man, with steel blue eyes and an evil grin that showed no remorse.  The worried look on her face and the pain in her eyes made him laugh.

"If you behave nicely, we won't kill your boyfriend, but if you tell anyone about this, we will. Got it you little bitch?!"

Her gaze fell to the ground, trying to hold back the tears. "Okay" was all she could mutter.

He backhanded her as hard as he could, leaving a bright red handprint on her face and splitting her lip.
"You will address me as 'Master' you dirty whore."

Face stinging so bad it made her eyes water. "Yes Master". A part of her hoped that Ian would wake up so she would know he was okay, but the rest of her was glad he wasn't going to witness any of this, she couldn't have been more ashamed.

Cupping her face, "If you scream, it's going to hurt both of you." Pulling her head up, making her look at him. "Such a pretty face, and a nice body." He said as he grabbed her tits hard, making her wince. Taking her shirt off, he pinched her hard nipples before taking one in his mouth. Jennifer felt her insides tighten as he flicked his tongue against the very tip.

All of a sudden he stopped and ripped her shorts off. The cold breeze blowing across her bare flesh made her shudder as it sent a chill down her spine, making her nipples harder. He ran his fingers across her slit, before brutally thrusting 2 fingers into her dry pussy. Making her jerk and cry out in pain. He kept sliding them in and out, not very deep but enough to make her whimper. He finally started rubbing her clit, relaxing her enough, and getting enough lubrication that it didn't hurt as bad.

"Well Jimmy, would you look at this. The whore is starting to like it." Jimmy replied with a laugh. "I guess we'll have to change that...wait a minute. This bitch is still a virgin!"

"God please no! I'll do anything but that!" she said, giving him a pleading look.

He laughed to himself, looking into her eyes. "If you behave, then we won't. But if you don't behave, I'm gonna make tonight be one of the most painful experiences of your life."

 He started fingering her again, she winced in pain every time he hit her hymen. He suddenly stopped...and slid 2 fingers into her ass making her scream. He slapped her again.

"Shut up bitch...if we get caught, we're gonna kill you."

She bit her lip so hard it started to bleed. as he forced 2 more fingers in. So caught up in the pain, she didn't notice what Jimmy was doing, when she felt something being tied around her wrists, binding them so tight it felt like it was about to cut off circulation. He stood up and unzipped his pants, his cock sprang out, forcing it past her lips.

"If you bite me, we'll kill you right here." he said looking at her as he started to fuck her face.

Jennifer obeyed, until she felt something pressing into her ass. Making her scream as he thrust his cock deep into her ass. She stopped sucking for a moment, until she knew she wasnt gonna bite down. She started sucking again, he made her stop before he came.

"Sorry bitch, but the opportunities too good to pass up." he told her as he lay down on the grass, pulling her on top of him, positioning his cock at her slit.

 "God NO! Stop please!" she begged and cried.

She looked up at Ian and noticed he was sitting there watching all of this with the most horrid look at in his eyes. Trying to mouth "I'm sorry" but the man slowly entered her until he hit her hymen. He pulled out a little bit making her think that he was gonna stop, until he thrust all the way in, making her scream as he broke through. The searing pain made her cry and her body shake from the abuse it was taking. He pulled out and thrust back in, doing it over and over, as the blood covered his cock. He was stretching her so wide, when she felt Jimmy pressing into her ass again. She screamed as he slowly pushed back into her ass. She cried harder then she ever has as she looked at Ian.

 "Fuck this bitch is so tight" he said to Jimmy before blowing his load. When all of a sudden they both heard sirens. Not sure if they were there for them or not, he quickly pinned her to the ground, choking her.

 "You made a big mistake. You dirty skank." Choking her until she almost passed out. Then they repeatedly kicked and punched her. She ended up passing out when they started stomping on her stomach, the last thing she remembered was coughing up blood.

She awoke sometime later to the sound of a monitor beeping. She seen Ian sitting there, with his head in his hands, tears running down his face. She slowly reached over and wiped the tears off his face.

Her throat was so sore, she coughed, hoping the pain would go away, but it didn't. She finally managed to whisper,

"Are you okay?"

"Oh baby" he said as tears filled his eyes again. "I'm fine, I've been so worried about you. I thought you were never gonna wake up." He said as he squeezed her hand. "I don't know if I could ever forgive...."

Putting her finger on his lips, "Lay with me, please."

He looked at the nurse, she smiled, telling him it was okay. Smiled at her reassuringly as she whispered "Don't worry dear she's safe now." Ian lay holding her for hours, until she finally made him go get something to drink. The nurse looked at Jennifer in the hospital bed.

"You know, he hasn't left your side for the past 4 days. He was so scared when you went into surgery, he really loves you". She said with a smile. She smiled back before drifting back off sleep. She kept having dreams of that night, the men had kept beating her, and hit her with the bat a few times, and then ran off as the sirens got closer. Ian had struggled to get free, as he finally he did, he ran over and gathered her in his arms and ran her back to the car. Covered in blood, he wrapped her in a blanket and put her in the car, speeding to the nearest hospital.



She was in the hospital for a couple weeks, having numerous surgeries. She needed stitches in a number of places, had to have surgery to repair the internal damage. She later figured out, the sirens we're just passing by the park on the highway. Out of it all, she wished she could erase the look she had seen on Ians face. The next few weeks passed by so slow, she constantly woke up in a cold sweat with tears running down her face. Everytime, Ian held her close and a tear or two ran down his cheek since he knew he couldn't do anything more to help her.

 She always wore clothes to bed, and never let him see her naked, she didn't even want to see herself naked. Gashes and bruises covered her body. She had a shower everyday, hoping that pain from the boiling hot water would wash away her shame and guilt. But it never did.

4 months to the day, she never slept, staying awake all night, she just stared at the ceiling, hoping he wouldn't remember. She still wasn't anymore talkative and cheerful then she had been the past few months, it was killing him, but he never told her. He knew all he could do was hold her tight and tell her that he loved her.

Another 2 months had passed, and she had slowly been more open with him, that night, she asked him if he would come hold her for abit upstairs. He happily said yes. As they laid there and talked he held her as close as possible. She slowly turned around and gave him a long, passionate kiss, something she hadn't done since that night...he kissed her back and pulled her in tighter.

 She slowly stood up and slid off her clothes, in the dim light he noticed the scars that covered her body. Horrible reminders of that night. When she laid down next to him, he looked in her eyes and whispered,

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I'm happy just holding you..."

As she looked in his eyes she whispered "I want to Ian. I love you."

He softly laid her back on the bed and straddled her, "I'm gonna go slow though, just promise me you'll tell me if you want me to stop, or if I'm hurting you, ok?" She nodded and kissed him.

He broke away the kiss and started kissing her neck softly, slowly trailing down her chest, kissing all over each breast before sucking softly on her nipple. As a soft moan escaped her lips, he went to the other nipple, and sucked on that before continuing on his way downward. Kissing down each of her thighs, he kissed her clit, and then started flicking his tongue against it. Making her moan even more.

Sucking on it, he started to lick up and down her dripping slit. He lay there pleasuring her, watching her writhe and buck her hips in satisfaction. Finally he felt her grab his hair and arch her back, not even breathing, he licked up her cum until she finally dropped against the bed, completely exhausted.  Bringing himself up to her, to kiss her on the mouth, he said "I love you Jennifer". As he tried to get off her, she stopped him.

"Make love to me, please." she whispered as she kissed him deeply. As he positioned himself at her entrance, he looked into her eyes to see if it was indeed "okay". She nodded softly before he slowly started to slide into her. They both moaned outloud, feeling him enter her. He was all the way in her, when he stopped, and kissed her, relishing the moment, hoping it would never have to end. Slowly she started to move beneath him, signalling she was ready. Ian pulled almost all the way out, and slid all the way in, going deeper and deeper each time.

He continued this but slowly picked up his pace, until he felt her insides tighten and her nails dig into his back as she neared orgasm. He went slower but deeper each time, driving her over the edge, she got dizzy as she climaxed. Pulling him down ontop of her running her nails along his back, trying to catch her breath.

As soon as he felt her pussy clamp down on him, he couldn't hold back any longer. He tried to pull out but she stopped him, all of a sudden he came deep inside her. His body shook from the intense orgasm, before collapsing ontop of her. She smiled and kissed him, before they both drifted off to sleep.

More than just roommates...

jaidhuin on Love Stories

    Passing my new roommate Kylee's slightly ajar bedroom door, I noticed that I could just make out her sprawled form lying naked across her bed on her stomach.  The moonlight shining in through her window pooled across her gently curved bottom and lower back, ending in a silver splash, illuminating the side of one sweet breast.  I had just woken up from a deeply arousing, yet unsatisfying dream and was headed to our shared apartment kitchen to get a cool drink to try and calm down.  The way her breast seemed to quiver slightly every time she breathed resonated with the pulses of my rapidly lengthening cock, causing it to strain at my boxer brief's fabric.  As my

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breath sped up, I considered again how I had the good fortune to end up living with such a stunning creature.

    When the slim and beautiful blonde had answered my ad for a roommate, I had been more than a little surprised and secretly quite pleased.  Introducing herself as Kylee, a 24 year old graduate student at the nearby university, she didn't seem to mind the fact the she would be living with just me in a two-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of town.  I certainly wasn't going to make any objections and we seemed to hit it off right away as we discussed the apartment and lease arrangements.  Wasting no time, Kylee moved in that weekend, taking up residence in the second bedroom, beginning to decorate it to suite her own tastes.  Now scarcely two weeks had passed and we seemed to have started to settle into a comfortable familiarity that I wouldn't have expected so soon to arise between two former strangers.  But tonight's unexpected glimpse had started my mind to imagining much more interesting and intimate encounters in our near future.

    Shaking my head to clear my heated thoughts, I thought I might have seen her head move slightly, but I decided it was just my imagination entwined with my guilty thoughts.  I didn't want her to wake and find me panting outside her doorway - hardly inspiring of trust between two recent friends, even if she had been the one to be sleeping nude with the door ajar.  However as I continued on to the kitchen to get some juice, I already knew that I'd just happen to glance in again on my way back to my own bed.

    This time, I could see that she had shifted onto her back, exposing both of her very full and sexy breasts.  My hungry eyes traveled further down over her muscled abdomen, taking in her gently curving hips before straining unsuccessfully to see into her shadowed nether regions.  I freed my cock and slowly began to stroke its smooth length in time with her breathing. Coming to my senses, or not as the case may be, I quickly moved on back down the hallway to my bedroom, wanting to leave her some privacy as I was not normally in the habit of taking advantage of young ladies, even lithesome young ones like Kylee.

    Leaving my own door ajar, I took off my boxers and laid back naked on my bed, still slowly stroking myself as I thought about her.  Sleep was slow to come and my cock was even slower to subside, but I eventually began to slip under.  Just as I was drifting off, I heard soft footsteps coming down the hall toward my room.  Seeing as how the bathroom was at the end of the hallway, I didn't think much of it at first, but the footsteps paused outside my door.  Pretending to sleep, I opened my eyes slightly and could just make out Kylee's face peering through my doorway.  I was still lying naked myself on my bed, drifting off before having a chance to cum to my memories of Kylee's moonlit body.  I suddenly wondered then if she had seen me outside her doorway; my heart immediately began to race in my chest, but after gazing at my nude form for a while, she turned and continued into the bathroom.  I was going to wait to see if she stopped again on the way back (hoping actually), but after a time, I instead drifted off into sleep, smiling to myself at the picture of her breasts glowing from silver moonlight in my head.

    For the second time that night, my sleep began to take on an arousing atmosphere as I began to dream of a faceless woman gently rolling my balls as she licked back and forth along my shaft before swirling her pink tongue along the underside and then taking the head slowly into her mouth.  As the feelings intensified, I began to realize I was waking up and that there was something definitely exciting happening down at my crotch.  Not giving myself away just yet, I looked down to see the top of Kylee's blonde hair spread out over my stomach and thighs as her delightful mouth continued to encircle and twist along my cock.  One hand was indeed slowly rolling my balls and I could see the rest of her delightfully naked body lying between my legs as she supported herself over my cock.  I couldn't believe my luck; evidently I wasn’t the only one with heated thoughts this night.  I still wasn't quite sure if I was dreaming all of this, but I wasn't going to pass up this unexpected opportunity to explore all of my incredibly sexy roommates body before this night was though.

    Her mouth was making a more assertive and audible exploration of my cock head as I lifted my hand to gently stroke her hair.  Kylee instantly froze, but quickly restarted bobbing up and down, sucking my cock even more greedily into her divine mouth.  I could feel my balls begin to tighten in response to her lips, but she seemed to sense this as well and abruptly stopped, letting my hard cock slide out from between her moist lips.  Kissing her way up my chest, she nipped at one nipple in passing before kissing me passionately on the lips.  Responding in kind, I began to stroke her sides and back, reaching down to caress the top of her cute buttocks before sliding back up, then down again.  Feeling her breath quickening, as our tongues caressed, I began to shift my body so that my cock began to slide exquisitely along her thigh and then into the edges of her neatly trimmed bush.  Feeling dripping heat, my cock began to rub gently back and forth along her slit, picking up increasing amounts of her cum in response to my cock brushing across the hard knot of her clit.

    Laying a finger across my lips, she looked deeply into my eyes and smiled hungrily before turning herself around and placing her swollen pussy lips above my own.  Sucking my straining cock again into her velvety lips, I returned the favor and began to lick with increasing fervor at her pussy, exploring every sweet tasting fold with my tongue.  Every so often I would slide the tip of my tongue across her throbbing clit, eliciting a delightful shudder through her entire body, before continuing in my exploration of her inner folds.  As our pace increased, so rose the sounds of our mutual passion, her groans and sighs of pleasure muffled by my thick shaft between her lips.  I used my own voice to vibrate against her delicate pussy, and I took her moan's increase in pitch as a sign of approval.

    By now my cock was straining at her mouth in rhythm with her movement.  I could feel my head press deeper against the back of her throat as she seemed to seek to devour every inch of my cock, and eventually succeeded.  With her nose now buried in my pubic hair, her groans of delight took on even more significance as the vibration of her voice did wonderful things to my cock.  I was now rapidly reaching the point of no return when she suddenly pulled away and quickly got on all four on the bed, presenting her curvaceous ass to my inspection.  With almost frantic need, I got up behind her, and placed my cock at the entrance to her pussy, and began to push urgently into her.  I sank slowly into her steamy embrace, each inch of my cock sliding deeply within her and out of sight until at last my cock lay buried deep within her wet and so delightfully tight pussy.  I have always loved the sight of my cock buried to the hilt in a beautiful ass, but Kylee was beyond everything I had previously experienced.  Her pussy muscles gripped my shaft tightly as I positioned each of my hands on her hips and drew back, almost releasing my cock, before plunging deep within again, and again, and again.  Kylee began to sway backward to meet each of my thrusts, seeming to want to take more and more of myself within her with each forward movement.  As our bodies slapped wetly together, Kylee's moans increased in volume with my own, each of us wanting to make audible our incredible desire for each other and our deep satisfaction in our joined embrace.

    Kylee's breasts shuddered in time with my thrusts as they hung down in front of her, eventually beginning to slap back and forth against her chest as my dick impaled her from behind with increasing strength.  I reached down to grab as much of each breast as I could in each hand, squeezing her pliant flesh between my fingers, before releasing them to sway freely as I once again grabbed onto her hips to thrust anew.

    By now we were both simply consumed by our burning need for each other, flinging ourselves together again and again as our climax approached.  I could feel the cum bubbling up in my balls as they slapped against Kylee's ass with each thrust.  Suddenly Kylee screamed out and pushed back hard against my cock, burying me deeper than ever within her pussy's embrace as she began to buck wildly against my cock.  This immediately pushed me over the edge and I erupted deep within her, thick streams of my cum spurting forth to coat every inch of her pussy walls until it began to stream out of her pussy lips and down her leg.

    With a final shudder, I slipped my cock out of Kylee, releasing a fresh torrent of our combined cum from her pussy lips and I fell back onto my bed with exhaustion.  Kylee immediately turned around and sucked my still erect cock into her own mouth, her pink tongue seeking out and swallowing away all traces of our combined juices until nothing remained.  Kylee then lay down within my arms until we both drifted off into our first true night's sleep, completely satisfied in each other and our unexpectedly fulfilling encounter.


Dinner and desert

Jarred on Love Stories

I think that I would first greet you with a smile and a kiss.  Afterwards I would hold you for a few short minutes as we caught up on our day.  Then I would turn us both towards the sink, with me behind you, and I would turn on the water as there are dishes that need to be done in the picture.  I would simply wash the dishes with you standing in front of me, feeling our bodies against each other and occasionally nibbling on your neck.  When I finished the dishes I would dry my hands and take hold of yours, walk over to the chair and sit down with you on my lap.  Look into your eyes and allow our smiles to meet, gently kissing at first, my hands exploring the curves of your body and the soft

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ness of your skin.  Reaching around you I would unhook your top and allow the straps to fall from your shoulders.  I would kiss your breasts and run my hands over them, removing your top completely exposing your beautiful breasts.  My hands slowly glide over them as we look into each others eyes and smile.  Your nipples begin to harden and roll with the palms of my hands gently moving them around.  We kiss and then my lips go to your neck.  I begin to kiss my way down to your chest, finally taking a nipple into my mouth and pinching it slightly with my lips.  I suck it in and run my tongue back and forth across it before sucking it in and out several times.  We kiss again as I raise my head to touch your lips.  We sit with my hands holding your waist, your arms around my neck.  You rise up and straddle my lap with your legs, sitting there facing me completely.  As we continue to kiss you rub your breasts against my chest.  With your hands your pull off my shirt and now our bare skin comes into contact with each other.  You are rubbing your breasts across my chest and the heaviness of our breathing increases that sensation.  Our hips begin to move with our passion igniting and you ride in my lap pushing your groin into mine, feeling me grow with each push.  The heat is building and you are beginning to feel the wetness between your legs increase.  My hands are now moving with your hips and I want more.  I lift you up onto the table.  As you sit on the edge of the table I pull your panties down and let them fall to your ankles.  You pull out one foot and then fling it off of the other so that they fall away from us.  Your hands undo my belt and open my pants.  We continue to kiss and to smile.  You reach into my pants and take hold of my hardened cock.  You wrap your hand around my shaft and hold it in your clenched fist.  I stop kissing you and sit back down into the chair.  I kiss your belly.  I move my face downward and smell your scent of womanhood wafting up to my nostrils.  I like the smell and my mouth waters with anticipation.  I kiss downward.  I move to lick your clit with my tongue.  My hands are on top of your legs with my thumbs pulling back on your pussy lips exposing the top of your slit more.  I lick your clit again and then lick around your slit.  Your hands are on my head running through my hair.  I lick your clit again and then suck it into my lips.  I run my tongue around it and then flicker it across it several times, sucking on it as I continue.  You lie back on the table and move your legs up onto the edge and spread your legs more, giving me more access and more flavor.  Your wetness has begun to drip from you and forms drops as it runs down you slit.  I lick it up and taste your sweet juices.  I push my tongue across your lips and back, pushing a little more each time I do this.  My tongue pushes into your hole, allowing more of your juices to escape.  I push your juices upward with my tongue and cover your clit with them.  I then run my tongue around your clit, across your clit, taking it in and out of my lips with a slight sucking, tickling it with my tongue as it passes over my lips and into my mouth.  Your juices are dripping down, running down your slit and pouring downward across your ass.  I continue to suck and lick as your hips begin to move in a circular fashion.  My chin and lips are now covered with your juices and you play with your breasts and nipples.  Moans of pleasure seep past your lips and I push my tongue against your clit.  You bring a hand down to rub yourself as I lick your lips.  Your juices play downward and begin to form a puddle on the edge of the table.  You touch yourself and push against your clit.  I stand now, posed in front of you, my cock inches from your wet and dripping hole.  I am it downward and push into you, slowly at first, inching my way in to your warmth.  You are so wet I am sliding in with ease.  My cock pushes into you and you feel it filling you.  Our eyes meet and I push in the remainder of the way until my balls rest against you.  My hands are on your legs as I begin to pull out of you and then back into you.  I push and pull slowly, enjoying the feeling of penetration and watching my wet cock pull out of you, spilling more of your juices each time I do this.  You raise your legs up and I place my arms under them, lifting them up so your ankles ride on my shoulders.  I push in and out of you with increasing speed.  Our breathing grows faster and we continue this undulation.  Suddenly I stop and gently pull out of you.  I let your legs down slowly and reach out for your hands.  I pull you up and you slide off of the table.  We kiss, our arms wrapping around each other for the moment.  I take your shoulders and turn you around to face the table.  You knowingly bend over as I place my cock into you again from behind you.  You stretch out over the table, feeling your juices that have spilled out on the edge of the table against your belly, it allows you to slide over the table until your legs are against the edge and my cock is again buried in you.  The first few times I push in and out of you are slow.  Then I begin to thrust into you with more force, more speed.  I am now going in and out of you with a purpose, your juices flowing out of you and down your legs.  Your inner thighs are wet from the moisture coming out of you.  I slide easily even though I thrust with force.  You bounce against the table and feel the impact of my legs against your buttocks.  The sensation from my cock driving in and out of you fills you and then empties you with each stroke.  My cock is throbbing.  You reach under yourself and find your clit with your fingers.  The forcefulness of my thrusts causes your clit to glide over you fingers repeatedly.  You push upward against your clit.  Your mouth is open and moans continuously pour from your throat.  Your breathing is hard and you begin to feel lightheaded as the waves of pleasure flood through you.  Your juices are pouring down your legs and covering your thighs.  You are cumming, the waves rolling through you, the moans turn to screams and you lift your ass upwards as you stand on your toes.  My cock continues to force its way in and out of you.  Your juices pour past your lips and run in small streams down your legs.  I feel myself ready to explode and I step back, pulling my cock from inside of you.  You quickly lift yourself from the table and turn around, dropping down so that my cock is in front of your face.  Your mouth is open and reaches to catch my cock.  My hand is on the base of my cock, aiming it towards your mouth.  You grab me with your hand and stroke me into your mouth.  You taste your juices on my, mixing with my precum.  You suck the head of my cock into your mouth and then pull your lips back over it.  A strand of jism links your lips and my cock for a second.  I cum.  I explode.  My jism shoots out and catches you on your chin, your neck and down onto your breasts.  You pump my cock drawing more of my cum out and allow it to spill gracefully onto you.  Your hand is covered with my juices and it runs down your arm.  Gobs of jism are on your chin and breasts.  A single strand of my cum drips off of your chin and reaches towards your chest.  My cum begins to roll down your breasts.  The light glimmers and shines off all the wetness on the table, the floor, your legs, your chest.  We lock eyes and smile at each other.  It is the start of a good evening.


Good virgin girl meets bad biker boy

willybilly32 on Love Stories

Sandra was a good girl she walked threw the hallways of highschool with her pure white dress covering her dd breasts and slender neck, waist and her long legs, her blond hair in a bun,  and she didn't party or stay up late she just studied and did her home work.

Her friend Pamela teased her: Sandra your in 12th grade and still a virgin you never party you need to have fun.


Sandra said I don't know Pamela...that would totally freak me out and anyway I'm seen as a good girl who makes good grades, goes to church ever sunday and stays at home doing homework.


Pamela yawned and said that really sounds like alot of fun...come on! just stay for a little while at the party tonight at my house my folks are outta town no worries.


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Sandra said why Pamela?  give me one good reason?


Pamela said  your lonely aren't you?


Sandra said yea, ok Pamela i'll go. 


The party was at a big white house  Sandra went in. There were lots of people drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and who knows what else. loud music and a ball on the ceiling making lights go around the room. Pamela said have a beer. Sandra said no...thanks. 

She went outside and sat on the porch staring off into the woods.  She thought why did I walk up here...if i did get drunk what do i do stagger home.

Then a loud roar came, ten motor cycles flew up the road  and parked in the drive way. men and women in leather wearing red bandanas. Like wolves following a pack they follow one the leader.

He had short black spiked hair, black sun glasses, leather motocycle jacket over a muscular chest and blue jeans.

He sat on the seat smoking a cigarette he looked at sandra and said hey what's up?

Sandra nervously said nothing names Sandra what's your name?

Danny said my name is Danny

Sandra said nice to meet you.

Danny said wanna smoke?

Sandra said I never tried one.

He said try one of these.

She took a cigarette puffed it and coffed

He said you shouldn't inhale much at first

He said want to drink a beer with me?

She said ok..I'll try it.

Sandra couldn't resist giving in he attracted her so much. deep inside she wanted to try to be bad for once.

He said how is it in the party house

She said a little noisy

He handed her another beer and said wanna just hang out here?

She said yea

Sandra noticed all the other bikers kissing each other

She said i never made out...either

He said if you want we can just play around

She said ok...

He put his arms around her and said you feel ok.

She said i'm a little nervous...

He said put your arms around my neck and lets take it slow let me know where i can go

He kissed her lips and held her

He then kissed on her neck

She loosened a little and said i'm feeling a little better

He then touched her dress and rubbed her left breast

She pushed him a little and said not yet....

He rubbed her leg with his hand and rubbed her neck with the other slowly kissing up and down her neck

he kissed down her neck to her breast and put his hand on her lap

He started rubbing her waist with his hands up and down

They sat on the motor cycle seat

She started kissing him and rubbing his side

He then stuck his hand between the buttons on her dress and slowly started rubbing her nipple

OH! she shreaked a little

He said ok? Sandra?

She said mmm keep going it feels weird but i like it

He squeezed the breast a little then said do like it when i kiss you.

She said feels good

He said open your dress and i'll make you feel even better

She leaned back and snapped open the buttons

He snapped off her bra and pulled it down

He took on breast in his hand he kissed it..then slowly licked around the nipple and then  he gently sucked on it

He rubbed the other breast in his hand massaging it then kissed his way to the other breast licking it then sucking it gently.

He rubbed kissed down her stomach and rubbed her back with his hands

She leaned back on the motor cycle seat laying down

he started licking her belly while squeezing her tits.

He then put his hand up her skirt and rubbed her panties

She spread her legs and moaned mmmmmm

He rubbed up and down her legs then kissed up and down them

She got a little nervous she said i don't know...I know what you want to do but...i never did it

He said i'll treat it nice i promise

He pulled down her panties and kissed her pussy

He grabbed her legs and started licking the inside of her pussy

Sandra squirmed grabbed her breasts and yelled uhhhhhh what's happening!

He said does it feel good

She said very strange but very good

She started rubbing her nipples and squeesing her tits

He put his finger in the pussy fingering and licking the pussy

He then opened his pants and held his dick in his hands

He rubbed his dick on her belly and then up her pussy lips

She leaned up quickly and looked down

She said I don't know..whats it feel like?

He said lay down and i want fuck you till your ready

She laid down

He put one leg over her and put his dick between her breasts, then with his hands squeezed them on his dick  

He thrust his dick between her breasts and she squirmed a little saying mmm

He then held her head in one hand and said how about the mouth first?

She opened her mouth and held his dick

He slowly rubbed it in and out her mouth

she said mmm and started sucking it while he rubbed it in and out her mouth

She said ok.....fuck me

He then put her legs around his waist. she put her arms around his neck.  

He grabbed her ass and slowly stuck his dick in

She moaned owwwww she jerked up and layed back down 

He layed on her sucking her breasts and rubbing her side with his hands

He said i'm gonna take it easy since it's your first

He started thrusting his dick in and out of her

He went faster and held her waist titghtly in his hand

She squirmed upward yelling uhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhh

He went harder and harder totally forgetting to take it slow

She was loving it so much she didn't care she screamed ooooooooohhhhhh

He pounded her harder and she grabbed her tits squezzing them while she shook and sweat with heat

He then took his dick out of her cumming on her belly beating cum on it

He layed down and licked the cum off her belly

He then massaged her sore pussy by rubbing it with his hand

She got up and he said did you have fun.

As she buttoned up her dress she said yes

Danny said we'll have to do this again sometime

She said you leaving?

He said yea, I never stick around very long

She said can i go with you?

He said hop on

She got on the back and put her arms around danny

Just then Pamela seen her she yelled Sandra what's going on?

Sandra said I had fun I drank, smoked, fucked and now i'm riding into the night with bikers

Pamela said are you crazy this isn't l;ike you!

Sandra said exactly!

Then the bikers sped off down the road into the night














Chinese food and wine

secretfantasy4 on Love Stories

Weekend nights are the loneliest at all the time! Because I always have bad relationships with men in the present, I am tired been stood up by them and put down a lot by them. The only way to save my heart from getting broken is to keep a promise to me that I will never go on a date anymore. But, I have the fantasies for sexual desire and to be love. I don’t have anyone to romanticize me with roses and candles to dine, to share my sexual fantasies with. Instead, I always eat Chinese food; drink a glass of red sweet wine and watch a romantic m

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ovie on television to romanticize myself during these lonely weekend nights. Until one Friday night, I had went in to china café the where I go all the time to place my take out order. As usually I order roast pork lo mein and a spring roll, and then I go pick up a bottle of red wine from next door.  

When I return back with bottle of wine to pick up my order! The place was crowded of full of people standing around in this restaurant. Then suddenly! I saw a man that I never seem before, standing here by the front enter with his eyes gazing right at me as I walks in here. The man had appeared in here like he just came out of my dream; he was medium height and built, clear black eyes, curling fine black hair, thick black eyebrows, light brown tarnish skin complexion, he is black of coarse, but, he had a little Chinese figure in him, and an sexy easygoing smile that I can’t resist. He is wearing a dark brown cottony pant, off white sweater and a long dark gray weather coat and dresses kind of cleaned cut. I can feels his heating eyes still gazing on me every since I had walked inside the china cafe.

“Hi,” he said in a flirting voice,

I have just looked back at him, and said “Hi” back to him,


I was so busy complain about the order, that I don’t realize that his eyes on me the whole I was standing here. “It don’t make no sentence at all, they should been throw with order,” I said.


“Oh, you sure knew that during the weekend they get really busy,”

“Yeah, usual, they be getting on time! Now! They just got through fixes my order!”

I grasp my order off the check desk, and say to the man, “Well, I guess see you later! Bye! Bye!” I smile to him and then I went on.

When I came back to my townhouse; I was looking through my pocketbook for my house’s key. When I looks up! And there, I saw the same man at the China Cafe, early! He just comes back home with a Chinese food take out bag in his hand. He had lived across the street from me.

“Hi! I didn’t know you lived over here, too,” He said.

“Yes, I been living here in this occupation for a while, now. But it strange, I never see you around here before.”

“That’s for the reason, I be in and out of lot, I never steak home the most of the time.”

“We didn’t get a chance to enter duce ourselves back in the china café! My name is Julius,” he shook my hand,

“And my name is Della!”   


“Well! Nice to met you, Del-la!” he teasing me in flirting way, that I can’t resist his funny charms.


“The same here,” I said,

After, I had just opened my door!  He grasps me by my arm before I ever step one foot in the door, “Hi! Want we get together, tonight! It will be just the two of us,” he smile is so ploy as well as his eyes was undresses me. I knew right then what in his mind, even does, the loneness inside of me wanting to give into him, but, the proud part of me wanting me to steak strong and be alone. “No, I just preference that way! At least I won’t get stood up!” He knew by looks in my eyes that I really don’t want to be a lonely and no matter how I pretend to be happy.      


“Since you going to eat alone and god know I tired eating Chinese food alone, want we get together at my home, tonight.

“No, I preferring that way, but, thank you anyway!”

“Oh well, you’ll be soon changing your mind, until then, my door will be always

open for you,” he said.

“Okay, I keep that …………in mines! So, thank you!” and then I walk inside my apartment.  


Later that night! I was bore to dead at home, I do nothing but setting on the sofa alone watching “Jason’s lyric,” in a dark room along with eating my lo’mein noodles out of the Chinese box with chuck sticks. I was become very lonely, playing with my noodles in the box. I become very hot from looking Jason because he is completely naked; his buttock is round and tight. The way he making loves to lyric down by the lake underneath the train station where nobody around, but, the two of them, alone. They stretch out a white blank on the ground; he was on his knee slipping off her dress while kissing her on her stomach and front of her virginal. She was naked underneath it; he laid his lip on her nipple, and sucking on it like a new born baby.  And then on, he lay down on top of her with his manhood sticking between her thighs, plus, he was tumbling down back and frontward inside of her. As, I continuing to watching them making love as if them under an erotica spells, theirs eyes closed as they held theirs mouth wide open. I got hot from watching them, I was licking my lip and while my eyes have been spellbound by theirs sex, and my virginal is groaning and a lot of juice damping my panties. I keep sitting here and rubbing my virginal hard on my seat. I had keep wishes! That I wish to have a man who made love to me like that and touches me like the way he do.  

“Oh! I can’t stand this any longer!” I yelled out to myself! I slam my box of lo’mein noodles down on my coffees’ table and then suddenly, Juilan‘s private imitation had came into my mind. So, I start packing all my foods back inside brown paper bag, and I grasp my bottle of red wine and starting to heading out the door.

I was standing out of his door with full of butterflies in my stomach, but, my tail is hot as fire. My finger was trembling as I ring the door bell. When the door bell had ring? I heard by the sound of his voice have made my heart pounding so loudly through burning soul. “Yes, I am coming,” he said.

“Who is it?” he yelled through the door,

“It’s me, Della from the across the build,” I said in my trembling voice.

He opens his door so very gracefully, and looks at me with this puzzled, at first. Until, he had this arrogant smile on his face as if him expressing me to come, “Well! You decide to come,” he said.

“Yes I did, or unless you gave your imitation to someone else to your little private parties,” I said.  


“No, like I had says! My door is always open for you…….. So what are doing stand out here? Just come in, girl!”

He opening the door real wide open for me to come in,


“I thought you were going to steak at home and watching your romantic movie on television, to night!” he said.

“Well, I just happen to change my mind, that’s all” I said,

As I came inside his Apartment, he grasps the food and the wine away my hands. “Let me take these for you,” he said and whiles him laying it down on the coffees’ table. He is so gentleman that his charms had release me from my heartbroken of remembers. He smile to me in an appeal way as held his hand pointing out to his sofa. “Please, want you made yourself at home,” So, I heading toward his divine room, “You don’t mine that I look around, do you?”

“Why, no, be my guess! While you doing that? I will be bringing out the two wine glasses and two candles.”   



I look around his place; it is warm and very essence to me. The fireplace is blazing; he has a dark brown sofa with bunch of big red soft pillows sitting all over it. A big glass coffees’ table by the sofa, an African’s throw rug an underneath it, and a stereo system setting on the other side of the room.       


After I got through looking around his apartment! He came out of the kitchen with the two wine glasses and some long thin off white candles. He smile so proudly and says to me, “Now, how do you like my place?”

“It’s very nice and lavish, indeed,” I said, He laid the glasses and candles on top of the coffees’ table, and then lights the candles. After he turns off the light in the divine, and he sat down on the sofa. He looks at me with a sexy going smile as he petting on the empty seat, “Come, and set closer to me,’’ He said.

So, I sat down next to him, he had wrapped his arm around me, but, I was still nerves by setting next to him. “You have to relax if you around me! So, here! I am giving you a glass of wine to help you to relax.” 


After, I had drunk a little sip of the wine! He rubbing me on arm, and says to me, “Are you feeling Better, now come lay down here.”

“Why, yes!” and I had turn on a smile that light up his room as I rest on his shoulder,

Then on, we just set here, laughs and talks; we are eating ours Chinese foods, we’ve drinks wine and after wine. “Anymore wine?” he said.

“Yes, please! What do you do for living,” I said to him,

“I am a bank manager, and what did you do for living?”

“Oh, I owned a clothing store,”

After we got through eating! He place his warm arm around me, “Laid back, and relaxes for a moment,” and so I had lean over to him, and boys, does it feels good. The way he rubbing my shoulder so gentle, that I can steak cleans to him all rest of the night. And then on, he giving me a smoothest massage on my feet that I will never forgot. I just lay here, and I have feeling so embrace in his arm.

“Excuse me, I got to do something real quick,” he said, I lift my head back up, and I saw him walking toward his stereo. He picks up a CD from his rest cd’s stetted.

“Do you like Author Clock Scott’s music?”

“Author Clock Scott, is my favorite singer,”

“Well did, Author Clock Scott it is,” he smile,


He holds out his hand to me, “Come dance with me!”    

 He takes me by my hand to lifting me off the sofa very gracefully and starting to dance. When I lay my head on his shoulder, I felt so completely and so essence inside of me. It feels so good that my mind put on easy; I can rest on him for hours slow dancing with him. I felt his warm gentle hands touching over my body and while I smelling his loudly manly scent of his cologne coming from his body. Rubbing cheek to cheek and I holding onto his hard back along while he is slipping his hand down on my round firm buttock. Suddenly, I felt a magic coming on to me so strongly! I don’t know is it his charms or it is I had drunk too much wine?  But, the sound of the beat of my heart is right next to him. He smells the back of my neck, “You smell so sweet, like a flowers blossom,” he said.  


He must felt it, too! In way he had lift my head off his shoulder with his hand held under my cheek so gentle. And he went soft gaze deepest into my eyes and says to me, “Della, make love to me, right now,” I can see this spell look in his eyes. He pulls off my dark blue sweater, as well as he have pressing his heated lip on the back of my neck at the same time as he slipping off my black lace bra’s strap hanging off my shoulders. He holds my chin up high and gave me kiss on my lip while he is removing my bra off of me. Feeling his hot lip sucking on my dark brown nipple had melting the coldness inside of me.

I feel the warm of his arms embrace around me. As I stood here with my eyes closed and while my mind feel like I’m flowing into ecstasy. I am having both of my hands so tightly on his shoulders as we dancing to the slow melody to this song.

“Ooohh,’’ I moans as he unlashing my bra from the back, slipping off of me, and while pressing his fingers on my arms so gentle.

“Let us go to the sofa!” he said in his soft voice,


Afterward, I had lying down on his couch: he slips off my black lace panties and while him kissing me on my stomach all the way down to my legs. I am completely naked! He looks at me and while he takes off his brown sweater off, and then he had remove his dark brown cottony pant!   

His manhood sticking straight out like an arrow is so long, thick, and dark brown. He had known that the way I had gaze at his huge manhood!  “Do you want to feel it!” he said, so, he takes my hand and place on it, “Oh, it’s feels as huge and hard as a rock,” I said. He spread out my legs wide open to takes a closer look at my virginal; it is petal pink, shinning, hot and very moist. As if his eyes have been fascinated by it, he lay on top of me and also sucking on my big breast as my hand rubbing his hair and my other hand rubbing on his back. 

He starting kissing me on my neck, while his pointing end of manhood had rubbing against my lip part of my virginal had starting to groans. I say to myself, “I wish he put it in, right now!”   

 As he had slips his manhood all the way inside of my virginal, I begin to flow a lot of juice. “Ahhhhhh” he moans as his eyes rolls. “Oh, your pussy is hot as hell and so tight” he said. He slowly moving his manhood inside of me while nibbling on my ear, I rubs both of his arms. Then, he begins to go faster, and faster, I grasp held of his around tight buttock to hold him down on me. I moaning so loud, and remain holding on to him real tight as the same time, and my both of my big breasts bouncing up and down. My eyes rolling the back of my head and my mouth was wide opened, it was feeling so good that I had begin to cries as I held him tight close to me.

Until, he got up off real fast and snapping his manhood away from my virginal, because he had finally he have to cum. His white sperms came out like a volcano has explorer it out of his manhood. “Oh girl, your pussy had suck away with my big dick, I going to get me towel, now! Wow!” and then, he had kiss me on my mouth.

The next day! I didn’t go back to my apartment! Instead, I had stay over night at his apartment, and we slept later that day. From all the sex we have did from last night!  It has built up ours appetite, as a result we have to warm up the left over Chinese foods from last night, and we’re drinking red wine. I had to end up wearing one of his white dress shirt with not underneath it, I was glowing as glow bug eating Chinese food in his bed. We’ve laughs, and he feed me lo’mein noodle with chop stick out of the Chinese box. I feels like I was nothing at first, and at this moment, I feels more special, now then ever. Now, I don’t have to eat my lo’mein alone anymore, now, I have someone to share with that special person.   

           And who ever though, that Chinese food and wine is great combination for erotica food to bring out the sex craving into a romantic relationship. The next time, when we order Chinese food, we will be having to delivery at his apartment, instead.        



















































Too sick to work

aprincelyfrog on Love Stories

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer non in lobortis est enim. Vestibulum lobortis pede orci convallis Aliquam velit facilisis vitae id id. Consectetuer Vestibulum tristique ut pede felis turpis vel nunc Curabitur tempus. Id tempus et ut convallis Curabitur tempus et ipsum felis felis. Massa vel libero Nam Morbi lobortis.

Pellentesque cursus lacinia dui semper mauris urna leo amet ligula eu. Sed rutrum feugiat elit velit ac vitae ligula quam pretium Mauris. Dui vel porta pretium nunc ut tristique Vestibulum velit et ipsum. Pharetra pharetra felis ipsum sed malesuada odio ac et orci Integer. Convallis est elit accumsan enim arcu ullamcorper turpis vel id lacus. Felis pellentesque morbi Curabitur consectetuer Quisque venenatis.

Phasellus pellentesque laoreet fringilla

Mrs. Taggart & Friends, Part 1

ClarinetAndrew on Love Stories

                                                      Chapter 1


When I was in college, I earned pocket money by doing handyman type jobs around the neighbor hood of the college. In those days I was a touch under six feet tall, and a bit over 170 pounds, with dark brown hair that tended to wave, and brown eyes. My penis was just
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a wee bit over seven inches in length and of moderate thickness. No massive, uncircumcised dong for me!


One afternoon I received a call from a new client, Mrs. Taggart, to come over and move some boxes out her attic. I quoted her a reasonable price and made arrangements to go over that coming Friday afternoon when I was finished with classes for the week.


At the agreed upon time I arrived at Mrs. Taggart=s house. It was a smallish house, and a little weather-beaten but with a nice lawn and a well-tended garden. Looking at the outside I hoped that I might pick up some extra work painting the outside trim. Mrs. Taggart greeted me at the door. She was, I=m sure, in her late fifties or early sixties, tall and stately and still pretty. Her grey hair was nicely styled. She was wearing a nice floral print dress, large glasses, and what I assumed to be a faux pearl necklace.


After introductions she explained that I was to take a number of boxes out of the attic and put them in the garage.


“All right, Jim,” she said standing up from her seat on the sofa, “Come with me.”


Mrs. Taggart led me into a hallway where the entrance to the attic was located. I was glad that the attic had a hiding stairway leading up to it rather than having to use a ladder. Mrs. Taggart indicated for me to climb up. The attic had boards laid across the rafters to make a reasonable floor, but that was its only redeeming feature. It was hot, stuffy and dusty. Mrs. Taggart poked her head up and indicated the boxes that she wanted moved.


“They are a lot of my late husband=s books,” she explained.


I groaned inwardly. I knew that they were going to be damn heavy, and there seemed to be a bloody lot of them.


“All right, Ma'am,” I said forcing a smile, “I had better get started.”


Up and down, in and out, I carried the boxes of books from the attic to the garage. I was really building up a sweat working in the stifling attic. I was certainly earning my money on this assignment!


I was about halfway done, and in the garage when Mrs. Taggart came out with a large glass of ice water.


“Jim, you poor dear,” she said sympathetically, “Take a break for Pete=s sake.”


“Yes, Mrs. Taggart,” I said gratefully accepting the drink. I sat down on one of the boxes. Mrs. Taggart sat opposite me. She demurely crossed her knees.


“So tell me, Jim, what are you studying in college?”


“History, Mrs. Taggart,” I replied, “European history.”


“Well, then,” she said enthusiastically, “You may want to look through some of those boxes before Goodwill comes to take them. My late husband was quite a history buff.”


“That sounds great, Mrs. Taggart.”


“You can call me ‘Muriel,’ Jim. ‘Mrs. Taggart’ gets a little stodgy sounding after awhile.”


“Sure, Muriel,” I replied with a smile. In my mind ‘Muriel’ was the name of a cow, not an attractive older woman. From what I could tell, she still had a nice figure, and a very sweet smile: I’ve always been fond of women who have pleasant smiles.


[Filler conversation]


“Do you have a girlfriend?” Muriel asked. “A strong and handsome young man like you must be beating the girls away with a stick.”


I blushed at the complement. “I don=t really have a lot time for a girlfriend. And anyway, I find most of the college girls rather vapid and brainless. I like a woman who is intelligent,” I looked out of the garage door, “And mature.”


“Oh really, Jim?” Muriel said. I could hear the smile in her voice.


“Honest truth, Ma’am.” I said smiling in reply. “Thanks for the drink, but I need to get back to work.”


I continued laboring with the boxes until I finally had them all transferred from the attic to the garage. I was beat: tired, hot and sweaty; and looking forward to sitting down.


Muriel came out to evaluate my handiwork. She smiled and pronounced that I had done an excellent job.


“Come inside, Jim, and I’ll fix you a drink,” Muriel said kindly.


She didn’t have to ask twice. I sat down on the sofa and stretched out. In just a few moments Muriel came into the living room with two martinis.


“Chin-chin!” she said. That was something that my grandmother used to say when she had a drink!


I did a bad Bogart impression in response. “Here=s looking at you, sweetheart.”


“As a history student, Jim, you should know that expression can be construed as an insult. It means that you are going to keep your eyes open while you take a drink because you don=t trust the person you are drinking with: that=s one reason why beer tankards have a glass bottom in them.”


“But I like looking at you,” I said with a laugh


“Well, that=s different.”


It was true. I liked looking at Muriel Taggart. She was leaning back in the corner of the sofa, her drink in one hand, the other arm resting on the back of the couch. That pose called some attention to her bosom, which was nicely proportioned. Again, she had crossed her knees, and now was dangling her left sandal on her foot. What I could see of her legs was very nice: slender, smooth, shapely, and without any varicose veins. Part of me was hoping that she would uncross her legs so I might get a glimpse up her dress.


“Jim, you poor dear, you look so hot and sweaty,” Muriel said putting her glass on the coffee table, “Would you like to take a shower and clean up?”


I could feel the stickiness of my shirt. “Yes, Muriel, that would be nice.”


“Then follow me.”


She led me to the bathroom. I stood awkwardly while Muriel rummaged in the linen closet for, as she put it, ‘a nice towel.’ Muriel got not just a towel but a bottle of shampoo and new bar of soap for me as well.


“Just toss your work clothes out of the door. I’ll run them through the washing machine when you=re done with the hot water.”


Once she had closed the door to the bathroom, I started the water and took a nice lengthy shower. I certainly felt good to wash the sweat and dirt from the attic off of me.


As I was drying off and regretting that Muriel didn’t find a razor so I could touch up my morning shave I heard a tapping on the bathroom door.


“Jim, I found a bathrobe you can wear: it=s on the doorknob.”


“Thanks!” I called through the door.


Clean, dry and now clothed I headed back to the living room. Muriel was waiting there, having refreshed our drinks.


As before, we sat on opposite ends of the sofa while we chatted.


Muriel listened attentively as I rambled on about my classes and the college sports teams. I listened attentively as Muriel rambled on about the doings of her bridge club and book club.


“If you will excuse me Jim,” Muriel said rising. She finished her second martini in one long pull and disappeared towards the kitchen.


I few moments later I got the surprise of my life. Muriel sashayed into the living room wearing only a black lace demi-cup bra and matching panties. I was right in my assessment of Muriel=s figure: she was still a very attractive woman, with just the hint of a tummy, but I could care less about that. As she came nearer, I could see her pale pink areolas peak out over the scalloped edges of her bra cups. Of course I became erect instantly at the sight of her in her undies.


Muriel turned herself around to give me a good look at her.


“What do you think, Jim?”


“Wow!” is all I could say. And that was true. For being around sixty she was incredibly sexy. She sat back down on the sofa. I scooted over to her and slipped my arms around her. Her skin was warm and smooth. I started kissing her, trying to hold back my enthusiasm, but to no avail: my lips were all over her face and neck. She untied the sash of the bathrobe I was wearing and grasped my penis.


“Is this for me?” she asked coyly as she gently stoked my erection


“Yes,” I murmured between kisses, “All for you, Muriel!” I locked my lips to hers. Our tongues met and dueled. I brought my right hand from her back to fondle her breasts. I was able to pop her left nipple out over her bra cup. With a bit of gentle rubbing it became erect.


I worked my way down her neck, kissing all the way. Now was time for restraint. Slowly I kissed back and forth across her chest moving lower towards her breasts. From the limited experience that I had I knew that women like things to go slow. I was happy to oblige.


As I was easing lower I slid my hands around to feel her tushie. It was a little flat, but I had no complaints about it.


I was thoroughly aroused by the soft and warm flesh under my lips as I kissed Muriel=s breasts. But I wanted more. I released her bottom and unhooked her bra.


Muriel Taggart=s breasts would have done a woman thirty years her junior proud: still reasonably firm B not totally flaccid B symmetrical; with very pale areolas and thick nipples that were now jutting out proudly at me.


“Do you like my boobies, Jim?” Muriel murmured smiling.


In reply I took her right nipple in my mouth while it caressed her left breasts. I suckled lightly on that jewel, flicking at it with my tongue. Muriel whispered her appreciation of my attentions. After a few minutes I switched sides.


“Don’t want to let anyone feel left out,” I said huskily.


When I was satisfied that Muriel=s breast had been thoroughly loved I continued down her body. Her tummy was soft, as to be expected. When I reached the waistband of her panties I knew what I had to do.


Slowly I eased the lacy black panties down, kissing the soft skin as it was unveiled to my hungry gaze.


“Oh, Jim-dear, you are a tease!”


When I got her panties down far enough, I was surprise that Muriel was totally smooth. If she shaved or it was just the result of age I didn’t know, and at the time it didn’t care. After getting her panties off and tossed aside I knelt down and began to worship Muriel=s pussy.


Another pleasant surprise was the fact that she rapidly became lubricated. She was no dried up old woman. Her pussy had a rich earthy aroma, and the sweet taste.


Muriel was certainly enjoying my attentions: she stroked my hair and murmuring terms of endearment to me. Her hands dropped from my head, her breathing picked up speed as I flicked her clitoris with my tongue as I slipped my right middle finger in to her vagina. She was reasonably tight, in spite of her age.


“Oh God, Jim! That is fantastic!” she murmured ecstatically. “Oh God, oh...Oh yes...Oh God, I=m cumming! Oh!” she moaned as her climax broke over her in waves.


Slowly I eased my lips away from her pussy and on to her soft and smooth thighs to let Muriel enjoy her orgasm.


Muriel was totally relaxed. “Oh, Jim,” she said in a husky voice, full of passion, “That was the best orgasm I’ve had in ages.”


“You=re welcome, Muriel,” I said looking up from between her legs. I smiled a mischievous smile. “Do you mind if I do it again?”


Muriel sighed deeply as she leaned further back into the cushions. “If you insist...”


Rather than just diving back into her sweet pussy I paid attention to the inside of her thighs and her plump and smooth mount of Venus. I knew if I barely touched my penis I would erupt, I kept my left hand under Muriel=s bottom while my right wandered upwards towards her breasts.


“You certainly know how to please a woman, Jim,” Muriel said huskily as my lips paid homage to her womanhood.


When I had worked my way back to her pussy the phone rang.


“Don=t stop,” Muriel said as she reached for the phone. “Hello?” she said dreamily.


The rest of the conversation on her part was a series of detached, monosyllabic answers: ‘Yes,’ ‘No,= ‘Uhuh,’ and the like.


I could tell by how Muriel wiggled and rubbed herself against my face that another orgasm was quickly approaching. I slipped my tongue into her vagina as deep as it would go. Muriel responded with a long, shuddering groan of pleasure as she climaxed again.


Apparently the person on the other end of the phone asked what was going on.


“There=s a handsome young man here eating my pussy, and it=s driving me wild!”