Published Sex Stories / lesbian-stories

after school

phazer on Lesbian Stories

Finally," Krista muttered under her breath, "the last period of the day is about over, just three more minutes and I'm outa here!!!" "Eighth period English Lit, what a lousy way to finish up the school day!!!" "Okay, class," Miss Redmond ordered, "pages 213 thru 247 for tomorrow, be ready for a quiz!!!" While the whole room groaned in unison, Miss Redmond locked eyes with Krista and gave her a small nod, "Oh, crap," Krista thought, "she wants me to stay after again, and today of all days!!!" The final bell rang, and all twenty seven students filed out into the hall and headed off for their lockers and then home, except, for Krista, who hung around and waited for her last classmate to clear the room! "Krista, p

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lease lock the door while I pull the window shades shut," said Miss Redmond a matter of factly! Resigned now to the notion that she was stuck, Krista shuffled over and flipped the latch on the door before returning to her seat in the front row! After closing the shades, Miss Redmond sat down on the front edge of her desk and said, "Well, dear, I just want to remind you that you're pulling about a C-minus, but thanks to our little agreement, you can count on receiving an A on your report card!" Krista leaned back in her seat and replied, "Thank you, Miss Redmond, I certainly appreciate it!!!" "I know you do, dear, but now it's time to show me just how much you do appreciate it," as she hiked up her dress revealing stocking clad legs and garter belt with no panties!!!"

"As you can see," the fifty five year old teacher whispered, "today I came prepared for you lovely mouth, can you take care of me with your mouth, please, darling, you do it so well, and mama needs to have her pussy orally satisfied!?!" Krista stared for a moment or two at the unbelievably hairy pussy that was splayed before her, before sliding in her chair between Miss Redmond's open thighs and gently pressing her mouth into the forest of thick dark brown fur!!! "Oh my, yes," the teacher moaned, as the cute eighteen year old slid her tongue into her warm slit wet slit, "that's it, find mama'a clit and suck it for her, oh, yessss, do mama's clit just like that!!!" The aroma wafting from Margaret Redmond's pussy was strong, but very intoxicating, and even though she hadn't been up for it, her own cunt was now drooling a line of moisture up and down the length of her crack!!!" As usual, whenever Margaret sensed that her young cunt lapper was getting into it, her own orgasm would soon fill the pretty senior's mouth with a shower of hot cunt juice!!!

"Mmmm," hummed Miss Redmond, "that was so nice, but now mama wants to see her little pussy's boobs, do you think you could take off your bra and show mama your pretty tits?!?" Krista slid off her sweater and stood with her hands on her hips, giving Margaret Redmond and eye full of 34c cup boobs in her low cut white lace bra!!! "Oh, god," the teacher panted, while cupping the twin orbs through the thin brassiere, "you have such a beautiful chest, tell me again what size bra you wear!!!" "34c, ma'am," Krista moaned, "but I think I'm about ready to move up to a d-cup, for the last month or so my bras have felt a little tight!!!" "Ohhhhhhhh," Margaret panted, "y-you're going to start wearing a d-cup!?!" "Oh, yes," Krista replied sweetly, "Do you like the sound of that, I mean, you know, do you like hearing me say that my breasts are so large that I need a larger bra, one with d size cups?!?" "J-jesus," Margaret Redmomnd moaned, "you know just how to turn me on, you little slut!!!" "Little," Krista asked innocently as she cupped her own breasts, "do these look little to you?!?" P-please take off you bra so that I can suck them," pleaded Margaret!!! "You didn't answer my question," Krista replied, while shooing Miss Redmond's hand away from her chest!!! ""What question," the old teacher begged, 'I-I forgot the question!?!" "You heard me," Krista replied softly, "do you think these are small?!?" "God, no," she groaned loudly, "they're fucking huge, now please, take off your bra!!!" "I don't know," Krista said doubtfully, "if I do, will you suck them for me?!?" By now Margaret had turned into a blithering idiot who could only keep her mind on one thing, 'er two things, that being Krista's full bosom and she replied nearly crying, "P-please let me have them, I need them so much, please let me suck them!!!" "Well," Krista responded while cupping them through her bra, "I guess it's okay, here mama, suck on baby's big nipples!!!" "Mmmmmmmm," Krista sighed, as Margaret took a nipple into her mouth and sucked greedily, "mama does her baby's boobies so well, she's making baby all wet inside!!!"

Margaret Redmond spent the next ten minutes alternating from one nipple to the other, biting and nibbling at the distended nubs, and generally driving Krista up the wall with lust while her breathing became shallow as the older woman nursed hungrily at her breasts!!! Now it was the older woman's turn at teasing, as she sensed the fire between Krista's thighs had become almost unbearable!!! Lifting her head and looking the young woman in the eye she asked shyly, "Would baby like mama to nurse on her pussy?!?" "Oh, yes," Krista hissed through clenched teeth, "p-please, suck my pussy for me, please!!!" "Hmmmmmm," Margaret hummed, "I'm sure that I can do that for you, but really dear, are you sure that you want an old woman like me sucking on your cute young pussy?!?" "My cunt's on fire," Krista moaned, "I need some head right now, I need your mouth on me!!!" "Well, if you really want me to," Margaret said slowly, "I guess I could give it a whirl, tell me, dear, do have on your panties?!?" "Y-yes," Krista stammered, "but I can take them off right now, okay!?!" "Suit yourself," Margaret Redmond replied casually, "if you really need to, go ahead!!!" Fairly leaping to her feet, Krista reached up under her skirt and tore the thin nylon briefs off of her pussy, and then sat back down on her chair with her skirt pulled up and her pussy lips bulging obscenely in an open invitation to the old cunt!!!

Both women enjoyed their little teasing games, but now it was time to get down to brass tacks!!! Taking her position between Krista's lean thighs, Margaret at first gingerly let her tongue caress the young girl's pouty outer lips, which of course brought a long moan from deep in the young girl's lungs!!! "Oh, my," Margaret sighed, "baby has such a wet vagina, I think she's close to having a climax, is that true dear," she continued on, "is baby close to having a climax?!?" "I-I-I'm close," Krista stammered as she clit was being eaten alive by the cunt hungry teacher, "you're a fantastic cunt lapper, do me harder, oooooooooooo, yeah, right there, do baby's clitty just right!!!" Just hearing the pretty young thing begging to get sucked off, drove Margaret's tongue to supersonic speeds over the tip of quivering little clit!!! "Oh, god," Krista moaned, "I"m fucking cumming all over your mouth, ohhhhhhhhhhh, godddddd, I'm cummingggggggg!!!"

Margaret finally pulled her tongue from the inside of Krista's throbbing cunt, allowing the young senior time to let her blood pressure drop back down to normal levels, while giving her soft inner thighs hundreds of sweet soft little kisses!!! When she was able to speak coherently, Krista offered, "Ya know what, for an old lady you really know how to suck pussy!!!" Margaret gave her thigh ten quick kisses before replying, "I'm glad you think so, because I think you know what you need!!!" "And what would that be," the young girl asked softly?!?" "This," Margaret Redmond replied, just before burying her tongue deep into the unsuspecting girl's pussy!!! This time it was more like a freight train that blew through the contracting slit that pulsated between her legs, "Araggghhh," she groaned, as her pussy was twisted inside out by another massive orgasm!!! When she finally stopped shaking, Krista begged, "Enough, I've had enough!!!"

"Do you know what," Margaret Redmond asked as the two of them got dressed!?! "What," Krista replied?!? "If I could, I'd give you a grade better than an A, you've earned it!!!"

Fucking my step-mom

paula_soccermom on Lesbian Stories

This story is not true and 100 percent made up

My dad’s girlfriend, Melissa had finally moved in with us. My mom was furious about their relationship. My parents had gotten divorced almost a year ago. Neither of them explained why, but I knew it was because Dad finally stood up to my Mom. Mom thought she had complete control over him until one day he kicked her out of the house. It turned out

My New Job Pt 1

Lucy23 on Lesbian Stories

I had such a long day searching all over for my new house, i was living in a hotel for four weeks and had begun to get alittle claustraphobic just doing the same old thing night after night. I was laying on my bed watching tv when i just had the feeling that i needed to get out of there and blow off some steam.

I left my last job as a teacher in this tiny little school from

My Friend Nina

rhian53 on Lesbian Stories

My Friend Nina

It was a typical Monday morning when the phone rang. It was Nina, my best friend who I worked with in the airline. A week before I found myself being kissed on the lips in passionate way by her, not as friends but as lovers do, it never went further than that but I think I have may have discovered th

My raven angel

shadow_night on Lesbian Stories

This story all starts out when I was sixteen and still in high school.  First let me tell you a bit about myself.  Im a have always been a bit taller than most, and ended up maxing out at 5’8. Along with my height I have always been in pretty good shape, playing soccer and cheerleading through life, giving me a good body. I can’t say im the perfect figur

So Much Better Pt 2

bbwbrenda75 on Lesbian Stories

Well, the first thing I posted was stopped for an age problem but I do not know how to edit it so I will do part two and hope that the folks here will fix the problem. Let us say that I was under age for the first part of my life story.

I was raped by men and they all eventually went to jail and one reason is that they recored the whole thing so that took care of them in the end. The other pr

Boarding School taught me more than one and one making two.

Maddy345 on Lesbian Stories

I had an affair with another girl when I was in boarding school, and we both had lesbian sex together. The both of us would do oral sex on each other and finger each other often a few times a week – it would depend when we could get away and not be noticed.

One night we were doing it in bed after lights out and we got caught by the dorm mistress.

We were taken to her room and made stand in

A Secret Desire (Part 1)

rhian53 on Lesbian Stories

I had known Mellissa and John for many years and their twins, Natalie and Peter since they were toddlers, they were now 17 years of age and very grown up. Mellissa and John had recently broke up and had separated which placed a heavy burden on Mellissa coping with her job in the city and looking after them, being still at home.

It was just after the Christmas break that Mellissa phoned me and

First taste Part. 1

lustylavender on Lesbian Stories

My best friend Lexi and I were always very close. We'd shower together, get dressed in the same room and even watch porn together. But, it never went farther than that. She wasn't even into girls. Nor was I.. At the time.

Anyway.. This is where my story begins.

"Dannie, let's hang out today, I want to go Victoria's Secret and get some new thongs. Josh is coming home tomorrow."

I lau

Dreams of Holly Part 2

Epicureus on Lesbian Stories

My verbal flow was suddenly halted as I felt a hand gently clasp my chin and turn my head to the left. I was abruptly silenced as Holly leant forward and planted a long, lingering, wet kiss squarely on my lips. I was in heaven as I felt her warm tongue touch mine and her fingers run through my light brown, curly hair, even as the air in my lungs ran out and I found myself fighting for breath. When we finally parted, she was breathing just as heavily as me, and in her eyes I could see reflected all the desire that I had carried for her for so long.

"You don't have to dream any more," she breathed softly, sending a shiver of anticipation down my spine.

We carried on kissing, and she unfastened the clip on my hair, allowing it to fall around my shoulders. I'd never re

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ally liked my hair, it was a mass of curls that resembled a fright wig on a bad day, but as Holly ran her fingers gently through it I felt sexier and more desirable than I ever had before. At the same time I brushed my fingers lightly over her chest, cupping her left breast. God, it was just as firm and supple as I'd always imagined it would be.

Holly withdrew from me, slowly teasing my bottom lip with her upper one, and then licked both of hers approvingly. "Mmmm," she murmured huskily, her arms draped over my shoulders.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I whispered, a part of me still afraid that she would back out.

“I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t,” she replied. Leaning forward, she began to kiss my neck and throat, clutching my head. The touch of her lips on my skin felt utterly incredible. She was wearing more than I was, but that wasn’t going to stop me from making her feel as good as I did at that moment. I reached out and started to rub her stomach through her sweater, then lowered my attention to the jeans fabric pressed tightly around her crotch. I established a soft but insistent rhythm that I gradually started to increase, running my fingers over the material and then cupping her pussy in my hand.

Holly was soon paying close attention to what I was doing; she looked down, her eyes locked on my hand, and spread her legs a little further apart. I realised that she was actually starting to grind her hips against me, wanting to take me into herself. As her head lolled forward a faint whimper emerged from her mouth; it was music to my ears. I was sitting here slowly masturbating the woman of my dreams. I would have carried on all the way to the finish if she had allowed me, but she didn’t. She gently grasped my hand and indicated for me to stop. I quickly found out why.

“You know what you told me this morning?” she asked me, trembling slightly. I nodded; she looked downwards for a moment. “Well… here’s your chance.” She slid off the couch and, kicking her shoes off, moved over to stand in front of a nearby armchair. Once she had turned to face me, she kept eye contact with me as her hands moved carefully down to the zipper on her jeans.

I listened intently as she unzipped her fly, my tongue massaging my bottom lip; I must have looked so perverted at that moment, but I couldn’t help myself. Holding her jeans up, she sat down in the chair and raised her legs to give me a good, long look as she slipped them off. I swallowed heavily at the sight of her perfectly tanned and toned limbs, thrust into the air, and realised that this was the view her boyfriends had gotten. No wonder she had to beat people off with a stick. But tonight at least, the view was mine.

And of course the best part of that view was those white panties, clinging tightly between her thighs. Holly obviously thought so too, because when she lowered her legs back down she kept them spread invitingly apart, beckoning me forwards. Urging me to turn my far-fetched fantasy into a wonderful reality.

For an instant I wondered whether we had gone too far, whether I knew what I was doing, but then a voice inside me told me to stop dithering and just get on with it. In fact, the more I watched Holly the more I was driven on to make good on what I had confessed to her that day. I wanted to give her the best damn tongue-fucking she'd ever had, or ever would have. She deserved nothing less.

Dropping to my knees, I shuffled up to Holly until I was perched right in front of the armchair, her outstretched legs almost resting on my shoulders. My eyes were immediately drawn to her crotch, but it would have been too obvious to go for that right away. So I spread my hands over the top of her thighs and began to gingerly massage them; simultaneously I lowered my head and kissed the insides of her knees. She moaned softly, and I could tell I was on the right track. Slowly, methodically, I began to work my way up her legs, alternately kissing and licking her inner thighs while kneading the flesh on the other side. It was a long process, but all the time Holly was getting steadily more excited and her grip on my head grew tighter and tighter, urging me on.

My chest was balanced over the fabric of the chair seat, and all of a sudden I felt Holly's fingers darting towards the buttons on my blouse, eager to get at my tits. I grabbed her arms gently and stopped her; for now at least, this was all about her, not me.  Slightly annoyed, she squeezed my nipples through my bra, which made me gasp. I exhaled sharply, then looked up at her to see a naughty smile on her face. "You're going to pay for that," I warned her sternly, before dissolving into giggles.

Well, she was certainly going to get what was coming to her, that's for sure. I could smell her pussy by now, and when I reached out to gently touch the material of her panties, they were soaking wet to the touch. With my index finger I described small semi-circular motions over her crotch, trying to trace the outline of her vagina; when I looked up once more, Holly was no longer smiling, and her face was flushed crimson as her breathing became slower and heavier. Once I was good and ready, I leaned forward and extended my tongue, wanting to add my own saliva to what was already there and make her feel like she was sitting in a pool of her own pussy juice. I could taste her faintly as her underwear got even more sodden than it was before. The mass of fluid that seeped through the garment soon turned it transparent, and finally I could see exactly what I was aiming at. I gave it a couple of tender, explorative kisses.

Leaning back again, I hooked my fingers through the waistband of her panties and carefully slid them off her hips. There was a loud sucking sound as they detached from between her legs, which was testament to just how wet she and I had made them. Once they reached her ankles, I slipped them off and held them up to my face right in front of her. She watched as I inhaled her scent deeply, savouring the smell that filled my nostrils. It's not like I have a panty fetish or anything, but at that moment the thought of it was just too hot for me to resist. I could already see Holly's fingers moving towards her clit, desperate to stimulate herself after what she had seen. I quickly restrained her before she got there. "Oh please, Laura," she whispered imploringly to me. "Please..."

It was something I never thought I would experience, even in my wildest flights of fancy; me, holding the most beautiful girl I'd ever known on a piece of string, working her up into such a lather that she was begging me for relief. Her, begging me! It didn’t seem real, but it was, and so was the task ahead of me. Not that it felt like a chore, but I really didn’t know what I was doing. I mean, how had her other lovers done it to her in the past? Should I ask for some tips? That might just spoil the mood. My best bet was to do what I enjoyed having done to me - but then, I’d never had a woman going down on me before either, and my experience in general was rather limited in this area.

Just do what you feel, I decided. I couldn’t get inside Holly’s head, but if she was anywhere near as turned on right now as I was, then hopefully she could forgive a bit of imperfect technique; and if her pussy was any indication, she was very turned on indeed. Her labia were swollen around a pink, fleshy mound of supple tissue that was already dripping wet; I followed the contours of her vagina, up past the nub of her clitoris, to the tiny patch of pubic hair that trailed away into bare skin. God, it was as beautiful as the rest of her. The smell and the warmth of her genitals flooded my face as I extended my tongue and licked up the length of her pussy, softly. It was a single stroke, as delicate as I could possibly make it, and I felt Holly’s calves clench against my shoulder blades as I did it. I was on the right track. 

I waited ten seconds - I actually counted them, as she stared down at me with a look of impatience - and then went in again, only this time the lick was slightly more prolonged, more lingering, and I caught her juices on the tip of my tongue. I held them there until my neck was craned upwards, my eyes staring straight into hers, and then swallowed ostentatiously. Her face lit up as I gulped the strong, warm liquid down my throat, letting her know how delicious she tasted. It was no act. All the nerve endings in my body were suddenly on fire, blood rushed to my head… I felt giddy. For a few seconds I shut my eyes and plunged my hand underneath my skirt, feeling myself through my panties. I was building up a little reservoir of my own down there; but, it would have to wait.

I returned my focus to where it needed to be, and began to explore Holly for the third time. I really did explore this time round, pressing my tongue against the folds of her vagina - no, allowing them to press against me - and lapping at the moist flesh that squirmed underneath my touch. I inched my way upwards until I was resting over her red, engorged clit, straining out of its hood. I gave it one gentle lick and Holly almost bolted out of the chair, a gasp erupting from her wide open mouth. “Oh, God!!!” she screeched, gripping the arms of the chair as she wrapped her legs tighter around my body, drawing me closer in. OK, so I didn’t want to overdo that.

I didn’t want to waste any more time teasing her either, though. Instead, when I went down for what she thought would be another tantalising lick, I ran my lips as well as my tongue over her pussy, stretching the muscles in my jaw to try and encompass as much of her as I could. With my mouth clamped over her private parts like a suction cup, I settled down and began to eat. I tried just about everything I could think of; I stuck my tongue as far up her vaginal passage as I could, I took the loose skin on her clitoral hood into my mouth and sucked it out over and over again, I delved so deep and hard that my nose was pushed into her passage.  I inhaled again - always inhale, I told myself flippantly.

I don’t know how much of what I did was me trying to imitate something I’d seen in porn, but it seemed to work. Holly settled down into a pattern of soft, subdued moans which made me tingle inside, punctuated by an occasional sharper cry when I switched to something different. She held my head firmly in place, running her fingers through my hair, and that sensation was doing good things to me as well.

Deciding on a different approach, I squeezed my right hand underneath her heaving torso; a large, sticky patch had collected on the fabric below her, and I could feel the fluid slipping over my palm as I reached through and began to slowly rub the sensitive skin on her perineum. She responded, propping herself up slightly to give me more room to work with. I traced little circles with my index finger, nothing too intense, and when I thought I could risk it I moved further back and began to rub around her asshole. That was all I did, all I felt comfortable doing for now, but the moment she sensed the stimulation in that area she quivered noticeably, and her breathing picked up. Well, that gave me some ideas for the future…

Most of my attention was centred on her pussy, however. I smothered it in deep, wet kisses, making love to it as if it was Holly’s mouth that I was feeling inside mine. As I did so I made absolutely sure that I kept eye contact with her, letting her know that I was there to do whatever she wished, that I wanted to satisfy her in every way possible, and that I wasn’t going to stop eating her until she came right there in front of me. It almost got to the point where I didn’t want to come up for air, so intent was I on giving her pleasure. Holly took hold of my left hand, which was caressing her thigh, and clasped my fingers tightly in hers as she returned my gaze. Oh God, how I wished I could have frozen that moment forever.

But it didn’t take long for the whole experience to overwhelm her. I heard her gasps quicken in pace, saw her chest begin to rapidly rise and fall out of the corner of my eye. I zeroed in on her clit, and she pinned her thighs tightly around the side of my head; the sweat pouring off her flushed skin mingled with the beads of perspiration on my brow, and with my face half-covered in her fluids already I wondered for a second whether I would drown in all of it. Even with my ears squeezed against my face, though, I listened intently to the sounds of her orgasm. “Mmmm… oh, shit… oh my God… mmm…. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes… oh yeeesssss!!!!”

The crescendo suddenly cut out as she flung her head back against the chair in a silent scream, her entire body convulsing uncontrollably. Her legs shook against my shoulders, and I held them in place, not wanting to let go until it was over. It was only after a few seconds that she righted her head, then with her eyes screwed up let out a piercing yell that almost sounded painful, but which I knew was the sign of a really, really good climax. I felt her vaginal walls shudder and contract against my tongue, eking a final residue of her own cum that I slurped up to add to the mass of fluid already inside my mouth. I was still performing mopping-up duties as she slowly came down off her ecstatic high, her breathing fast and ragged.

She slumped back against the chair. I got up, rather unsteadily as I had been on my knees for so long, and squeezed myself in beside her, my legs draped over hers. She leant on my shoulder for a moment, recovering her composure. The feeling of her warm, panting mouth resting on me turned me on even more than her orgasm had done, but this wasn't the time to start things up again. “God…” Holly eventually gasped, looking at me with a dazed smile on her face. “Laura, are you sure you’ve never done that before?”

“Never,” I said quietly.

“Then how… where did you learn to do it so well?”

I tapped the side of my head. “In here.” My eyes roved down across her body, taking it all in once more. “I had plenty of practice there.”

Holly absorbed what I was saying for a second, then pulled my head down to hers and kissed me. A jolt of alarm ran through me as our lips made contact; I had her cum smeared all over my face, and inside my mouth, and wondered for a moment whether she would be turned off by it. From the way her tongue explored mine, however, she was far from disturbed at the feeling of tasting herself.

“You are so beautiful,” she whispered to me as we broke away, her hands caressing my cheeks. As she continued to stare at me, they wandered down the length of my body until all of a sudden they were resting on my, uh, other pair of cheeks. She began to rub me there, her fingers teasing at the hem of my skirt, and I could feel the excitement starting to rise in my pelvis.

“You, um…” Oh God, it felt amazing down there… “You don’t have to do this if you don’t…”

“Yes I do,” she said abruptly. “Yes, I do. Stand up and take of your clothes. Please.” I swallowed deeply, and slid off the chair with slowness verging on reluctance. I wanted her to see me and touch me more than anything else in the world, but I still couldn’t shake off the stupid fear that she would be disappointed in me, in my body. I mean, I didn’t spend my summer vacations getting tanned, as she obviously did, and as for the state of my stomach and legs… well, I didn’t want to go there.

I began to methodically undo the buttons on my blouse one by one, looking down at my work with a little too much detachment, and only when I was halfway down did I see, out of the corner of my eye, the eagerness and anticipation on Holly’s face. Wow, she’s really into this, I thought to myself. She really wants to look at me… so I’d better take things more slowly. Carefully, trying to tease her and probably failing miserably, I finished unbuttoning myself and stood there, letting her admire me. Her eyes followed my movements as I gently slipped the fabric off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor, a little more exposed, a little more vulnerable.

There I was, my pallid, trembling flesh erupting in goose pimples out of a mixture of sudden cold and fear; I was almost as white as the bra I was wearing. But Holly really didn’t care, and I shouldn’t have either. With a remarkable lack of ceremony she flung off the sweater she had kept on the whole time, then undid her bra and tossed it casually onto the floor.  I barely had time to admire the roundest, most perfectly formed pair of breasts I'd ever seen before she slipped off the chair, knelt down in front of me and reached nimbly for the zipper on my skirt. My breathing quickened as that came off too, dropping in a heap at my feet, and all I had on was my underwear. Holly placed her fingers against my heels and began to rub upwards, tracing circles on my shins with her thumbs, rhythmically stroking the back of my legs and squeezing portions of flesh between her fingers.

She briefly surveyed my stomach and then pressed her lips forward into it, smothering the area round my belly button with kisses. At the same time she began caressing my hips, her thumbs ever so lightly brushing against the waistband of my panties. I squirmed underneath her touch, my mind racing with the electrifying thought of what she might do to me. Looking down, all I could see was her blonde hair moving from side to side and the faintest glimpse of her mouth gliding over my skin, her tongue leaving glistening trails of saliva across the surface. The kisses got lower and lower, until she innocuously bent her head down level to my crotch and planted one right on my clit. I exhaled sharply; she looked up at me. “Take your bra off,” she ordered in a low whisper.

I quickly obeyed, driven by nothing more than a burning desire to be naked in front of her. Maybe there was a hint of hesitation as I eased the straps off my shoulders, but a moment later it was down on the floor with most of my other clothes and I was topless. Holly’s eyes zeroed in on my nipples, her tongue touching her upper teeth in anticipation, and stayed there as she gently slipped my panties off, running them down to my ankles and helping me step out of them. I felt a slight draft between my legs and realised that for the first time, I was completely exposed to her, flab and all.

Holly stood up to face me and gave me another lingering kiss. “Sit down,” she said in a much calmer tone, trying to get me relaxed. Feeling her hand momentarily clasp my shoulder as I turned to sit on the couch didn’t help in that regard. I sat back with my legs slightly apart and my arms draped protectively over my lap, alive with the possibilities of what we could do together but still afraid that I would be a disappointment to her somehow. How dumb it is that when you have a dream come true there’s still a part of you that wants it to remain a dream.

Holly sat beside me and drew herself up to me, her legs pulled up to her chest. She leant towards my neck and I felt her breath waft over me; shaking, I tilted my head back and shut my eyes as she kissed me just below my ear, her tongue lapping casually at my earlobe. She massaged my shoulders, then with the same circling motion she had used on my legs, worked her way down to my chest. For a few seconds she cupped my breasts, as though weighing them up; her fingers wandered inwards to the nipples, and she started to alternate between gentle caresses and sharper squeezes. I moaned under my breath.

“You like that, huh?” she asked teasingly. I nodded. “Well, I hope you enjoy this even more.” She slid her mouth down to my left breast, a grin half-visible on her face as it pressed against my skin, and gently extended her tongue to lap at my nipple. She was using a very similar technique to the one I had used on her pussy, and she knew it; with every lick she lingered a bit longer, applied more pressure, and got me more aroused. When she withdrew after wrapping the folds of her tongue around the nub, a thin strand of saliva stretched out from my breast to her mouth. Smiling, she leaned back towards me and smeared it over my bosom, adding to the moisture that was already gathered there.

At my prompting, Holly settled her mouth over the nipple and this time she stayed there, sucking at it hungrily. And she really stayed there. I had never had anyone lavish such attention and affection on my body as she did on my breasts in the next few minutes. She was like a child suckling for milk. After a while I stopped caring about the sensations; just the sight of her poised securely over my chest, her eyes closed in concentration and her lips engulfing a little more flesh with each movement, was enough to turn me on. I wondered if she was ever going to let go.

Her left hand was still circling my right breast, playing with the nipple, pinching it occasionally, rubbing the soft tissue together. It was a wonderful feeling, but she had other ideas in mind. She lowered her palm onto my stomach, holding it there so she could sense it rising and falling beneath her, and then began to inch downwards. When I realised where she was going I felt a tingle of anticipation run through my pelvis, a tingle that increased in intensity as she started to finger me gently between my legs. It was the lightest of touches… and it was all I could do to stop myself from coming right there and then.

I groaned suddenly, with enough urgency to make her stop and look up at me to see if something was wrong. “If you keep doing that,” I muttered, her hand still busy working away at my pussy, “you’re going to make me come. Right now. Do you want to watch that? Is that… what you want to see?” I was challenging her, even daring her in a way. Of course she wanted to watch me come. It was just a question of when.

Holly stopped what she was doing and looked me over for a moment, as if surveying the options in her mind. Then she smiled, and kissed my thigh. “Nope. Not yet.” She sat down fully on the couch beside me, her eyes cast downwards, and spoke awkwardly. “Would you, um… Geez, this is so tough for me to ask.”

“What is it?”

This time she made eye contact with me. “Would you… masturbate for me? Please?” She looked embarrassed to be even asking me such a question, as though she’d offended me. She hadn’t, but I was certainly taken aback.

“Um… well, yeah, I guess I could,” I replied flatly, not exactly filling her with confidence.

“Don’t do it if you’re not comfortable with it, though. Seriously. I don’t want you to have to pretend you’re feeling something you’re not. I want you to do it like you did when you were alone... when you were thinking of me.”

“Oh. I see.” My head was spinning with the thought of this. Was I ready to show her exactly how I felt about her in my most private moments, just how much she filled me with desire, even after all that we’d done already? I was half-terrified at the idea, but in the pit of my stomach I felt a surge of excitement mixed in with the nerves. When I looked at Holly again she had a sly expression on her face.

“You never know… maybe I can give you a little inspiration,” she said coyly.

“You bet you will,” I declared with a grin, and kissed her. “Where should we do it?”

“Come with me.” She stood up, took my hand and headed towards the bedroom. I followed her willingly, taking in the rear view which was almost as good as the front. Oh, she was so beautiful from every angle. When we reached the bedroom she sat down on the end of my bed and gestured for me to sit beside her. “Have you ever used anything when you’re doing it?” she asked briskly, as though comparing notes.

“Um… my fingers, mostly,” I admitted shyly. “I was thinking of getting a toy or something eventually…” I doubt I would have done, to be honest.

Holly grinned. “Well, today’s your lucky day!” She stood up, went over to the drawer and, after a few seconds’ rummaging, produced a small purple tubular object with a button at the flat end. She handed it to me with a matter of fact look on her face, registering my surprise. “You're not the only one who needs to get herself off now and then, you know,” she told me smoothly.

“I guess not,” I laughed, twirling the vibrator in my fingers. “So, you want me to…”

“I want you to lie down on the bed and get yourself off with that while I watch you,” Holly instructed me bluntly. “And I want you to let me see what you think about whenever you masturbate.”

“OK.” Trying not to dwell on the thought of it too long, and be overcome by nerves in the process, I drew my legs up and shuffled backwards onto the mattress until I was propped against the pillows; not in an ideal position, but I was just so desperate to get on with it. Holly grabbed another pillow from her bed and slid it under my ass, giving her a better view at the action. She knelt on the edge of bed, a fascinated spectator.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a spectacle, though. Sure, we had both seen each other’s exposed bodies by now, but being curled up naked beside Holly was hardly the same as lying there on show for her, my legs spread apart and my genitals pointed towards her face. I started up the vibe, applied it gingerly to the area around my clit, and tried to relax, but it wasn’t easy. In fact, I thought I was going to get nowhere until I felt Holly’s hands stroking my calves, in an attempt to soothe the tension inside my body.

“You really have a talent for this, Laura,” she said to me softly. “Opening your legs and pleasuring yourself down there. It’s no wonder you do it so often.” I heard her moan above the persistent buzz of the vibrator, and a thrill ran through my body as I realised how turned on she was by what I was doing. I rested my free hand on my breast, feeling my heartbeat increase.

“How often do you do it, Laura?” she teased me brazenly. “How often do you lie there and think about me while you’re fingering your pussy? While you’re making yourself come over and over again?”

“All the time,” I hissed back at her. “All the time.” I quickly licked my fingers and plunged them inside my vagina, working them deep as I began to move the vibe around more forcefully on my clit. I clenched my teeth against my lower lip in a contorted grimace, knowing that I didn’t look too attractive at that moment but determined to get the job done. My body was starting to respond too; I could sense the familiar tingling sensation building within my pelvis, only this time I knew it was going to be more intense than ever. How could it be anything else, with this gorgeous girl kneeling in front of me urging me on?

“I wonder what you want to do to me when you’re masturbating over me,” said Holly, sitting fully on the bed and spreading her thighs so I could get almost as good a look at her crotch as she could at mine. “Do you just want to touch my skin… hold my breasts close to you… squeeze the nipples until I’m begging you to stop…” Every sentence was met with a loud groan from me as I watched her do what she was describing. I could see the excitement beginning to mount in her as she saw she was taking me closer to the edge.

“Or maybe what you wanted all along was to see my pussy up close, right in front of you.” Holly used her fingers to spread her lips apart and expose the delicious pink flesh I’d sampled just minutes ago. “You didn’t just want to taste it. You wanted to bury your face in it until you were covered in my cum… you dirty, deceitful little girl.”

I leant back, her words washing over me, and could already feel something powerful welling up from deep inside me. But it was only when I heard the sound of her fingers slipping inside her, the sticky sound of wet folds being pushed aside, that I was suddenly gripped by the most overwhelming climax I’d ever experienced. Waves of pleasure shot down to my feet through my legs as they reared off the bed, convulsing ferociously. I gripped the sheets with my free hand, the other one still clutching the vibrator between my clenched thighs, and flung my mouth open in an attempt to dispel the dizziness in my mind and the burning in my body. It was certainly enjoyable, but it was almost too intense for me to cope with.

Frantic cries of ecstasy erupted from me as I flailed around helplessly on the bed, losing control of myself completely. After several more muscular spasms I reached my orgasmic peak and then gradually subsided. My breathing returned to normal as I lay curled up on my side, stars flaring over my closed eyes; and the best thing was knowing, even with them shut, that Holly would be there above me when I opened them again. She was smiling proudly when I set sight on her.

“Wow… Laura, you know how to do things right, don’t you?” She lay down beside me, her arm draped across my neck and shoulders. I was still shuddering at regular intervals.

“Oh my God,” I breathed softly, since I couldn’t talk with any more force. “I never knew I could come like that. It felt… it felt like I wasn’t even here. Like I was somewhere else.”

Holly reached down between my legs and induced a wince of pain from me the moment she strayed anywhere near my clit, which was still achingly sensitive. Carefully she skirted round it and instead began to mop up the liquid that had pooled on my thighs and pussy. Holding up her dripping hand close to my face, she observed, “Well, you didn’t mean to get that wet down there, did you?”, and licked some of it off her thumb. “Mmm. Lovely.” Then she pulled stray strands of my hair back. “Now, open wide.”

I didn’t even try to argue. I just opened my mouth and obediently sucked each outstretched finger totally dry, gazing up at her wide-eyed for approval in a childlike way. I’d tasted myself before but never in this quantity, and it was quite strong, almost metallic. I was never going to refuse if she offered it to me like this, however. I licked my lips approvingly when I had finished, and she grinned at me.

We lay side by side together and kissed, seemingly forever; we ran our hands tenderly over each others’ bodies, safe in the knowledge that we had each other now and we weren’t going to be separated any time soon. Holly finally dragged her hands away from my torso long enough to clutch my face, and gave me a briefer kiss. “Thank you so much. It can’t have been easy having a crush on me for so long and not being able to tell me how you felt. And believe me Laura, I’m really, really glad that you did.”

“I would have had to tell you eventually,” I rationalised. “But I never thought anything else would happen. I guess I misjudged you.”

“You certainly did,” said Holly with a naughty smile, and hugged me. “I wonder how everyone’s going to react when they find out, huh?”

The thought hadn’t even occurred to me; I was suddenly dismayed. “Oh no. Oh God, Holly, I couldn’t let anyone find out. I mean, imagine what they’re going to say about us…”

“I don’t care,” she replied calmly. “The clubs, the parties, the guys, all of it. I don’t care. Maybe now some of them will have to start hanging out with me because they like me, not because they want to get into my pants. And boy, I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when they find out that little Laura, the quiet, shy girl in the corner, was the one who turned me into a lesbian.”

Now there was an idea that filled me with pride, verging on glee; and it ensured that I had a big smile on my face as I cuddled up to Holly’s shoulder and fell into the most contented sleep I’d had in months.

True Love Betwen Women

lmsyd4u on Lesbian Stories

I know I was born a lesbian.  No matter how attractive boys and men found me, all I ever dreamed of was red headed women.  That sounds crazy and I know it, but it is true.  From the time I was very young I loved to look at nude women.  I found my uncles dirty magazines one summer day and stole the ones that had red heads in them.  He never expected it was me; he always blamed his oldest son. 

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e="Times New Roman"> 

My mom found them a few weeks later hidden between my mattress and box springs.  She was upset at first and then as we talked and she truly understood.  She didn’t try to change me and she didn’t encourage me, but she didn’t punish me when she caught me in bed with her sister.  My aunt came over to see mom but she was gone and the next thing you knew she was in bed with me and my cherry sort of speak was given to my 43 year old aunt when I was just fifteen. 


I had a few intimate friends after that but only one girl made me purr, that was Monica.  She was 35, married to a workaholic that traveled the globe.  I was just turning eighteen when along came Thanksgiving weekend and my mom would plan her annual all day sales shopping spree.  I knew before sunup she left and sometimes before midnight she came home.  My dad and little brother would always get tickets to the game and they would shuffle off to watch the game and spend the night after that.  That meant I would be alone for two days basically, as mom would always sleep the Saturday after until well past midday, that is if she made it home, sometimes she would stay with my aunt and the two of them would share the days triumphs and I think a few more things too.  Not that my mom ever tried anything on me, but a few times I did see her spy on me in the shower or watch me sun bathe.


Now I was 5’7” 110 pounds, wavy blonde hair natural and deep blue eyes and a year round tanned body that was so smooth and shapely if I had wanted a man I could have had anybody.  I am built, 36D-26-36, with a flat firm belly and a round firm butt and most of all a shaven tight pussy that is so sensitive.


Monica was 5’2” 115 pounds, red pigtails flowed down from her head and highlighted two emerald eyes and freckled pink cheeks.  She had soft big lips and sort of angelic smile and her body was perfect for me.  She was 36C-30-36 and had soft looking thighs and her butt made me drool on more than one occasion.  It wasn’t flat or blunt, but sort big and sexy looking. 


That morning after everyone left I began to make myself desirable for her.  I had felt her out a couple of times and she always seemed to be one who didn’t know what she wanted, except she was tired of being alone.  So as I put on my silk blouse that was shear and white over my leather tied low cut pants and my red paten leather boots I knew I was sexy, and all I wanted was to attract her.


Around ten that morning I saw her car pull in, she went shopping early too but unlike my mom she knew when to stop.  As soon as I saw her in that black leather jacket and tight faded jeans, I got hot horny and on my way out the door.  That was just as the phone rang and my friend wanted to chat a few minutes.  By the time I hung up Monica had been inside for no more than twenty minutes.  I was dreaming of her answering the door in that outfit just as I knocked and she opened the door with a huge smile wearing only her lacy bra and panties and holding a silky red kimono in her arms.  With a funny glare I said, “I have died and gone to heaven.”


Monica snickered and quickly threw on the silky robe and as she tied it I walked in and was greeted with, “Oh dear Libby, I wasn’t expecting you.  I had hoped that Rodger was home.  I should have known better he said that he wouldn’t be able to make Thanksgiving but I was hoping he would get home today.”


I sort turned red in embarrassment and anger as I replied, “Well he would have enjoyed that view.  I know I will dream about that tonight.”


Monica laughed loudly and said, “Now darling you know you shouldn’t give out compliments’ to a woman who hears them never.”  She was tightening her robe as she added, “You could give a girl a big head.”


I was slowly moving towards her as I said aloud, “Why wouldn’t you get complements after all you are very lovely Monica.”


She smiled and then dropped her head and sort blushed with, “Comparing my looks to someone like you is like comparing a pear to an apple.”


I reach out my right hand and slowly slid it along her silky robe on her left arm as I said, “You know Monica someone else may find you attractive to the point that they dream of you nightly.”


She looked up into my eyes and smiled and as they sparkled at me she said, “Dear sweet innocent Libby, you are such a treasure.  Every time I see you I feel like…well like…”


“That you are sexy?” I finished her sentence.


“Yes, I guess.  Well maybe just really better than I know I am,” she quipped as she stood there allowing me to slowly caress her arm.


I couldn’t control it and I remembered the first time I was seduced by my aunt, so I slid my body up to her slowly and so very close as I whispered sexily, “You are so sexy Monica, oh what I would do to show you.”


Her mouth quivered as her eyes stayed in contact with mine.  She sort of stumbled over words and she replied, “Libby…uh now…you know…I am married…I could be…I am sort of…but you are just a child…and it wouldn’t be…well it couldn’t…”


As she tried to refuse me I leaned in to touch my silky blouse covered right boob to her left one and said seductively, “Love?  I now I feel it for you Monica.  I know how badly I want to show you how I feel.”


“Oh goodness now dear…” Monica said as her lips trembled and her face redden and then she stuttered out, “I could…oh so easily…I really could…I admit that I would love too…but I don’t think…”


I waited no more as I let my lips touch hers so gently that it interrupted her sentence as I pleaded with, “Kiss me beautiful.”


Her lips puckered and released and a second more her mouth met mine and as it did we melded for a few minutes.  It was a short passionate kiss followed by several more and then one very enticing barrage that made me tingle madly.  Sliding my hand to chest I slowly caressed her left breast as my right hand made its way to her belt.  The sash opened easily and as it did her hands caressed my shoulders in a way that felt so wonderful.


I opened her robe and pushed it from her shoulders as we kissed deeper.  When it fell to the floor I moved back and slowly stood caressing her breasts through her lacy sexy bra.  She sighed heavily along the way and slowly as I moved to unleash it, she said, “Oh Libby if I do this thing…if we do this…I don’t want to hurt you…I don’t.”


It was as she spoke when her bra unsnapped and opened for my fingers to delight around her now erect nipples.  I took my forefinger and thumb and slid over and around them and as I did I said, “Now Monica, open my blouse and find my gifts for your pleasures.”


She unlocked the one button and then slowly withdrew my shirt wide apart as she saw my breast her mouth opened and she was drawn to them instantly.   Her kisses told me she had felt the same desires as me and as she sucked my nipple to their peaks I let my hands caress her boobs and then slowly move to lower her panties.


Her hands unsnapped my leather pants and tugged them and my thong down with a single hoist.  As she skidded along my sides to my bare butt her mouth engulfed a nipple and she looked up to see me smile as I said, “I am yours to enjoy my red haired goddess.”


I was falling backwards onto her ample padded sofa as she removed my pants and boots.  She was starring at my bald pussy as she said, “This is the first time since I was married I have been with another woman.  I admit that I wanted to do this with you for a long time, but I never thought you could ever let me.”


As she stopped talking her mouth moved back to my breasts and as her hands slowly petted my now soaking wet snatch very gently, I sighed loudly for her.  Then I said in response, “Monica I am in love with you.”


Her lips began to kiss me down my belly and her tongue followed each kiss with a sexy little wager and when she made her way to my smooth shaven pussy, I widened my legs and allowed her to make me a meal. 


Her mouth set up on my clit as her tongue slid down and up the outer folds of my pussy.  Each lap sent waves up and down my body and seeing her devouring me so easily, I knew she had once been with a woman of equal experience.  I watched her engulf my lips and then spread and lap them and finally as her tongue probed me I felt it flop and swirl inside me fully. 


Minutes became seconds and as I reach my peak she prepared to taste any and all my juices.  In the blink of an eye she brought me to a new peak and as I climaxed she felt me in her mouth.  She knew what I was feeling and allowed me to end before she did, and then she watched me start to relent from orgasm, she stood and removed her panties and led me away to her bed.


She placed herself on the mattress like a trophy for me, and I accepted it and kissed and adorned every single inch of her body with my kisses, licks, nibbles and suction.  When I engulfed her left nipple and teased her right one, I left my other hand to dabble at her now dripping wet crotch until she was almost begging to be eaten.


I sank to her patch and began to lick insider her form the start.  It sent her shuttering moments and within two more minutes she began to cry and moan and groan loud enough to wake the dead.  She sent a wave of juices into my mouth after that and it lasted so very long and was so thick that I would up drinking it like cream.  I couldn’t make myself stop, her nectar made me mad with desires and her taste made drunk with passionate feelings so long held inside that I allowed her three more chances to evoke her sexual prowess on me.


As she sank in the bed and began to paw at my head, I felt my body drawn upward and her mouth met mine and we kissed until she began to cry.  She sobbed lightly as she said, “Libby darling, no one not even my husband ever made me feel like this before.  I couldn’t imagine how wonderful it felt until this.  Thank you my sweet young beautiful lady.”


After that we melted into each others arms and I would be amiss if I didn’t say that we stayed naked in bed until the following morning.  When I awoke to her kissing me and helping me dress, I knew she saw mom arrive.  I didn’t know that mom had been in the room with us and that while I slept the two of them had talked.


When I got dressed and went downstairs Monica told me, “One day soon Libby you and I will be able to be together again.  Now be patient and kind and wait for it.  I have to break the news to my husband and that will take some nerve on my part.  If what you have shown me is how you feel about me then the next time we make love it will not have to end this way.”


That was twenty years ago.  I was so in love with her that I waited for her two months and then shortly before my 19th birthday I moved in and we stayed together until she was taken from this world last year by a heart attack.








Social Club

bbwbrenda75 on Lesbian Stories

Aunt Maggie was telling me about a party she wanted to take me to one weekend soon. It was more like a ladys social club she told me and I said I would like to go. Well, Friday afternoon when I got in from school she had my clothes laid out for me on the bed. "Take a shower and make sure you are nice and smooth." she said. I did and dressed in what she laid out for me. The dress was a wrap that c

Awakening the Daughter

Damainsheilen on Lesbian Stories

I tipped the glass to my lips and let loose a grateful sigh as the burning liquid slid down my throat. I closed my eyes and lost myself for a moment as I set down the glass, simply listening to the gentle chatter of women all around me. The difference from my norm was astounding and a balm. I was so sick of males that I just couldn’t stand them tonight. That’s why I was sitting in a females only bar, no a lesbian bar. But I didn’t have to deal with the bastards and cocks they thought with.


Here I was a new face, something unkown among the norms and more likely to be left alone. Sure I might have a few women try and pick me

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up, but that was alright, I was a succubus and they didn’t have cocks, that was about the only thing that mattered to me at the moment, that they didn’t have cocks that would do all their thinking.


The barkeep laughed as she reached for the glass, “I know that look, sick of the third leg eh?”


I smiled at that, teeth showing and my natural aura striking her, dazing her for a moment, “Exactly, could I have a refill?”


I held out the amount needed, but she hesitated, “You gonna take it slow… I don’t deal with drunks?”


I smiled again, “I’ll make this one last, I just needed to get the first one down.”


Her smile returned and she poured the amber liquid into the glass before sliding it to me. I held it up in salute before taking a sip. She looked over my shoulder then and her eyebrows rose before she beat a hasty retreat to the other end of the bar leaving me puzzled as I watched her face flush.


“What a pretty new face to join us, what brings you to join us within the Coven Hall?”


I turned and it was my turn to be dazzled. I stared, she was a goddess walking as a mortal, had to be, no one could be that beautiful without being a god. I was damn close to that type of beauty, but damn!


She was about five ten and had long slender legs. Her body was the perfect hour glass form, nice hips with a tidy little bum. Her stomach was flat and her chest was perfectly proportionate to the rest of her. Her skin was smooth and silky, a bit on the pale side but it was still perfection. Her hair was straight and black, currently tied back but I was positive should she let it free that it would fall to the small of her back. Her lips were full and a red most couldn’t achieve with lipstick, but I could tell she had not a touch of makeup on except a little eye shadow to accent her eyes, a brilliant piercing green. When her eyes met mine I knew exactly what she was.


The succubi are Lilith’s daughters, but we were not of her soul, she only has one daughter of her soul, though that soul was lost to us long ago, cursed to live a mortal life till she chose one of us to free her, not that she would know that she was not mortal.


Though I knew this it seemed not to matter as I answered a bit tersely, “That has got to be the dullest pickup line I’ve ever heard.”


She simply laughed and seated herself next to me, staring into my eyes as she studied me, “Sorry, I was a bit distracted by the beauty set before me, wrapped oh so wonderfully.”


I ducked my head at this, a blush I couldn’t explain climbing over my skin. I was nothing to her in her black leather pants and deep burgundy corset that clung to her like a second skin. I was about five six and didn’t have the legs like she did. My hair was a honeyed brown that fell in curls to my shoulders. My form was nice, a good shape, but my hips and butt were a bit small while my breasts were a little overlarge for my body. My stomach was flat and my legs and arms were nicely defined. My skin was fair and my eyes were a warm brown, almost amber. I was one of the rare ones that chose to use my birth form most of the time so it wasn’t like I couldn’t fix these little things, but I never wanted to.


I was wearing a unique dress. It was a soft cotton died a brilliant red. To put it on I put a strap over one shoulder then wrapped it around me to tie closed at the one side, showing hints of my fair skin between the ties, “And if I wasn’t as savvy and just a bit more inclined towards women I’d be a slobbering idiot right now,” I looked down the bar at the bartender, “One of your conquests?”


She smiled flashing her teeth as she took the embedded compliment for what it was before turning her gaze down the bar, “Yum, my favoriate to date.”


I took another sip to hide a smile, “Lucky girl.”


Before I knew what was happening she had gently put her hands to my face and had turned my head. Her lips met mine and the world swam from my view, centering on those lips. Gently they caressed mine, a soft massage before her tongue flicked out, parting my lips to taste me for just a moment before she fully pulled away, leaving me breathless and an ache spreading between my thighs.


“I haven’t been kissed by another girl since my dance team won the state championship during my sophomore year.” I muttered, trying to get my mind to flutter back.


She giggled and grabbed my hand, leading me to the door, “I bet I know what happened after that,”


After that I was lost. Somehow we ended in front of a door with her back to me as she unlocked it. She pulled me into her apartment and closed the door behind her. I stepped in and took a quick look around, noting the furnature before turning to look at her.


She was staring at me with those green eyes with a smile stretching her lips. Slowly she walked to me, hips swaying hypnotically, “Lets get you unwrapped.”


Her hands gripped my hips and pulled me close. As our bodies pressed together she kissed me again. This time her tongue slid in and wrapped around mine, caressing it till I  was almost moaning with the sensation. Her hand slowly slid up my side, pulling at each tie, undoing it and then stroking her fingers along my skin till the next one. Finally the last tie came undone and she broke the kiss. Staring into my eyes she set a hand on my shoulder and stepped back. Her hand pushed the strap from my shoulder as the dress unwound and it fell to the floor. Her eyes took in my naked form and she licked her lips before swaying her hips, “Mind helping me?”


I nodded and dropped to my knees before her. I lean forward and ran my hands about the edge of her pants, caressing the skin where it disappeared under the leather. I could feel her looking down at me as she gripped the back of my head. I put my lips to the clasp of her pants and slowly used them to undo the clasp.  I curled my fingers and pulled her pants down, watching the leather peel from her skin with a soft sigh.


As soon as I tossed the pants over to the side she hooked her leg over my shoulder and I didn’t need to be told. My tongue flicked out and ran over the length of her shaved pussy. I heard a soft sigh and then pressed my lips to her clit, tongue darting out to flick at the ball of nerves. Her hips pressed her sex into my face and a moan slipped from her. In moments she was wet, I could feel it slowly dripping from her. I dipped a finger into her for a moment before sliding it to her rear, tracing it around the opening of her ass and then sliding it in to her gasp. Slowly I pulled it in and out as I pressed my tongue past her nether lips, tasting her insides.


“Oh my… faster.”


I obeyed and started working with a fever, sliding my tongue in and out of her, listenting to her moan, until her voice rose in a scream and cum poured from her. I licked it up, greedily lapping each little drop up.


Finally she stepped back and gripped my shoulders, pulling to my feet, “What is your name?”




She smiled down at me then bent me over backwards on a table. She gripped my wrists and pinned them against the wood above my head as she slipped one leg between mine and the other over mine, angling so she could rub her pussy to mine. Slowly she pressed against me, her corset rubbing against my chest causing my nipples to harder. She peered into my eyes and slowly started grinding against me. I tried to keep staring into her eyes but soon my head feel back as I moaned out my pleasure, heat building in my cored as she rubbed against me. I closed my eyes and then gasped as her lips found my left nipple, sucking at it causing me to squeal.


I was lost in her body, unable to think beyond the pleasure as she rubbed herself against me. I heard her panting as she pleasured herself too, but I could tell she was getting something else, she was awakening, absorbing my energy as she fucked me. Soon I was grunting in pleasure with each thrust of her hips, getting louder each time. Then my body stiffened and the core of pleasure broke in me, flooding me in pleasure so intense that my I squirted my cum as she did, the both of us climaxing, and then the world went dark.

How I Came To Love Laura

Jinni on Lesbian Stories

Laura and I had been kind of friends for over two years, but it was only nine months ago that we became lovers. She was nineteen, five years younger than I was, and very beautiful, in an alternative sort of way. When we first met I had thought her wayward and immature; she was too much the teenager, always affecting whatever pose her friends required. She was studying dance and hoped to become p

My Wife and The Lesbians Next Door

SXCamaro on Lesbian Stories

My Wife and The Lesbians Next Door


Tom was your average husband. He worked daily from nine to five and took every weekend on Sunday to do projects around the house and help his loving wife. His wife, Melanie had been devoted, caring, and proved to be a capable lover as well. All of this lead Tom to believe he had the perfect wife. Little did he know that his perfect wife would soon give him quite a shocking surprise…

I sat in the basement with my computer gear one Sunday afternoon browsing some internet sites. I had made it a habit of logging onto adult sites and viewing webcam shows of  couples having sex. The webcams although low resolution turned me on in ways I could not understand.

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I frequently masturbated while watching these shows and fantasized about planting a camera in my bedroom to capture footage of my wife and myself going at it. She was a 5‘6, large D-cup breasts, and she was a real woman with hips and a very cute ass. I was constantly amazed at her figure and how appealing it was. I sat dreaming for a few moments of my wife being filmed on camera as I watched some young couple on my screen. Suddenly, the door to the basement opened and I jumped and quickly switched to a computer site. (Since I was a computer technician and all)

“Tom! Are you down there baby?” Called my sweet innocent wife.

“Uh..yeah babe. Do you need something?” I answered back.

“Well you remember those nice girls next door?” She called out. “Well they need you to come over real quick and take a look at their computer they are clueless and I told them you could help.”

I immediately pitched a tent in my pants and I’m sure my jaw was wide open. Being a 36 year old man with a 35 year old wife, I had always lusted over the three girls living next door. Purely fantasy though. The three girls living in the small ranch style house had moved in about four years ago right out of college. They couldn’t be a day past twenty seven and were  all shades of blonde, incredibly curvy, thin, and well endowed. The smallest of them was Sara she was 5’4, small C-cup breasts, but had an ass to die for. Next came Zoe she was 5’6, DD-cup,  and a very tight firm ass. Last was Alexis she was a wonderful medium of the three at 5’6, small D-cup breasts, and an ass that was perfect to her body. I felt myself drool slightly of the thought of going over there. I managed to speak realizing I had trailed off for a moment.

“Yeah hun, tell them I’ll be over in ten minutes.” I said.

“Thanks, babe. I’ll let them know.” She replied.

I sat for a few moments gathering my various gages, tools, and instruments to take over in my tool bag. As I packed I thought about the last time I had gone over to the house next door. Two summer previous to this one the three girls had thrown a summer beach party to help break up the monotony that seemed to be rampant in the street. This is expected of a street full of mid aged people with children but, they all turned out for the party and the girls were pleased. Everyone wore bathing suits and grass skirts. It was a blast. The girls ran out of food, beverages, and citronella oil. Being helpful I volunteered to go out and pick up some supplies. I returned a half hour later and brought the stuff into the girls kitchen. As I entered the house I heard rustling coming from the kitchen. I put the bags down and walked towards the kitchen. I heard a moan soft and short and a hushing noise. Carefully, I peered through the saloon style door and their before me in basked in the etching of pale moon light and a nighttime fire was Zoe and Sara. Sara was sitting on the counter making out with her roommate kissing passionately. I froze starring intently at the two. Then watched as Zoe kissed her was down past her breasts stopping to flick each nipple with her tongue and made her way down to her pussy. It is here that Zoe pulled down Sara’s bikini bottoms and lifted up her grass skirt shortly revealing a neatly trimmed little beaver that had beautiful lips and a swollen clitoris. Zoe placed the grass skirt over her head and began to suck and lick her roommate. Sara covered her mouth and bit down on a towel as she held onto Zoe’s head for support.  The two went at it for a few minutes before Sara arched her back and lightly banged her head off the cabinets behind her in ecstasy.

“God, that was good Zoe. You next? You lick better than Alexis she takes too long trying to tease.” Sara said.

“Maybe later my little snatch slut. Tom will be back soon with the stuff and we have to get ready to go back to the party.” Zoe replied.

I decided now was the perfect time to announce my presence and I picked up my two bags and went back to the door and closed it hard and whistled as I walked to the kitchen. I heard a great deal of commotion as I walked and when I opened the doors to the kitchen the pair stood hair slightly messed up cutting fruit for fruit salad. I set the bags down and they thanked me profusely for going to the store. I smiled and told them,

“You’re welcome girls. Remember I’m right next door and I’m always happy to help. Oh, and thank you for this party it has been a real treat and I doubt I will ever forget tonight” I smiled secretly thinking of what I had witnessed and returned to the party.

Over the next 2 years I had tried to do everything I could to catch a glimpse of the lesbians next door and the opportunity to do so was now firmly within my grasp.


I headed over eager to begin work. The door opened after a short while and the three girls answered the door wearing tank tops and low cut shorts. I managed to keep my composure as I began to speak.

“Good afternoon ladies. What can I help you with? I heard it was a computer issue.” I said.

Alexis answered back, “Well Tom, the internet runs really like slow and it gets on our nerves. Three girls and one computer we need to have a good connection. We do a lot of like blogging, emailing, and shopping so it would be nice if we could get a better connection to the net and stop the constant drops.”


“Yeah. You know when your uploading something and then it just drops away and the net closes.” Replied Zoe.

“Or when you leave it on for too long and it get real hot and like feels like its going to burn you. Then it stops working.” Sara added.

“Well lets see here,” I said entering the room spying the computer in the corner. “Okay girls it appears you need to move it to a better place. The ventilation is poor and all these books on top of the tower are not helping.” I looked around for a few more moments knowing instantly the problem was the old decayed wiring that ran to the wall. I also could tell the outlet for the cat 5 was rigged up cheaply. Easy fix. I poked around taking out my flashlight and then addressed the girls. “Alright girls it looks like I’m going to need to grab a cat 5 to run and replace this old line and take apart the tower at my place so I can clean it. Probably have it back in two hours if that good.”

The girls giggled and hugged me. “Thank you so much Tom we love you!” The girls shouted together. I relished in the moment as I was tackled by the girls. Oh the joys of being surrounded by such youth.  Zoe began, “So what can we pay you for your service Tom. We don’t have much but we can give you some cookies or something.”

“Well girls. I tell you what my wife could use some time out of the house. She works all day and is constantly trapped inside. I think she could really use a nice girls day out. Plus if she’s not home I can get this done faster. “ I told them. “And I really feel like she could use some youth in her life. She works hard and deserves some fun.”

“ Awe that is so cute Tom. You are really sweet to want to give your wife a nice time with some friends. Tell you what. We will go out  shopping, dancing, and to the bar. Maybe we’ll even get her to buy something sexy for you.” Sara said giggling. “Who knows maybe this will become a regular thing.”

I smiled and thanked them for their help and began taking their tower to my work shop. I had a devious plot developing in my head and couldn’t wait to set it in motion.


Within an hour I had ripped apart their computer cleaned it, upgraded the ram and cleaned their hard drive. I had decided now was a perfect chance for me to exercise my voyeuristic fantasy. The girls were the object of my desire and it wouldn’t really hurt anyone if I peeked in once in awhile. I had also noted that running new cat 5 cable would give me a chance to link rooms and ultimately provide me with a chance to wirelessly connect my computer with their house. Now the problem in my mind had become where to install a camera to view the girls. I concluded since they were inept about technology to put one directly in front of the tower of the computer. Below the disc drive hidden in plain site. I had taken apart several small pretty high res cameras in the past and easily slid one into the computer and covered it discretely with a metal heat shield to hide it from prying eyes. I clicked it on and sure enough it came to life and gave a decent color picture of the room and myself.

I returned the tower to their house and placed it prominently in the room and left a note to leave it next to the monitor to allow for ventilation (and to provide me with optimum viewing of anything that happened in the living room. Next I ripped out the wiring from the wall and began to run the new cable. The girls had only one bedroom luckily and I ran cat 5 through their room and installed a wireless transmitter in behind their drywall to allow for secrecy. Next I had to tackle the problem of a camera. I opted to place two. I tucked one in the corner of the room peeking out from the side of a vent. I also placed one in their ceiling fan hoping to capture a close up of any action that takes place in the rooms. Closing up I quietly snuck back over to my house and set up an receiver in my old computer and set the computer to record and display feed from the house. I set up the program to record with the aid of motion sensors and tested the night vision on the two bedroom cams. Perfect. Proud of my accomplishments I headed to bed early feeling tired from a long perverted day. I smiled as I heard the girls coming back from their long night later that night. And I smiled even more thinking of the surprises that would await me.


The next day I checked the cams to find nothing exciting. A bunch of rubbish. Some making out here and there but a whole lot of nothing. Reality hit me that life is boring and not what one sees in a porno or a movie hit me. I cut to a live feed hoping to catch something but felt disappointed. Zoe, Sara, and Alexis all sat on their couch. Zoe and Alexis were under a blanket and Sara was on the opposite end reading a book. I felt defeated. I leaned back feeling sick. Maybe this was a bad idea I got up a paced. What a waste.

“Tom?” Melanie called to me.

“Yeah babe? You need something, I’m downstairs.” I said clicking off the monitor.

“I’m going next door to visit the girls. We had such a blast last night. Thanks for having them take me out, it was really sweet of you to do that for me. I’m probably just going to hang out their for awhile. We might even go out shopping again.” She said.

“That’s wonderful Mel. I’ve got work to catch up on and I’ll be here.” I replied.

I listened as I heard footsteps and the door close. I brushed my wife off as just excited with her new friends and clicked the monitor on. Sure enough Mel walked over and let herself in. The girls all said hi to her and waved and then I noticed the most off thing. The whole time I had assumed Zoe and Alexis were snuggling under a blanket. It appeared that Zoe was rubbing Alexis under the blanket. I only noticed when the two shifted slightly and the dark pubic hair of the girl came into view. I zoomed in as much as the camera would let me and saw Zoe’s fingers dancing all over the girls nether region. I felt my dick stand up saluting the girls and I smiled as I was getting some good footage. I watched curiously as Mel stood nervously in the corner and said something I couldn’t make out. Sara smiled and walked over to my wife and planted a big kiss with lots of tongue on her. Although unsure Melanie kissed back and began to feel up Sara’s well rounded ass. I practically fell over. My wife was making out with a twenty something lesbian next door as I watched on camera. Things grew even more erotic as Sara pulled out a blanket and slipped off her shorts. I watched eagerly as my wife slowly and cautiously slid off her pants and slid under the blanket with Sara and began to kiss softly. I practically shot a load when I saw Sara’s head disappear under the blanket and began to bob up and down on what was my wife’s covered crotch. As she moaned in pleasure from the work of Sara’s tongue I shot a heavy load onto the floor. I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening.

The couples spent forty or so minutes together under their respective blankets and then all began talking and laughing about something.  I wish I had a mic in there to catch this. Whatever they said they all began to dress and cleaned up the living room. The whole time teasing one another and copping feels of each other. A slap on the rear hear and squeezing of another’s breast and to top it off my wife was playing along like one of the girls. It was so hot and I was so turned on from this playing that I felt let down as they exited and I heard the car start as they left to go shopping. Oh well, I thought. At least when they come back I’ll get more of a show. By then it should be bed time too. Thoughts raced through my mind at the prospect of what type of kinky sex may go one behind the closed bedroom curtains. I felt like a child waiting for Christmas morning. The anticipation eating away at me as I counted the hours till their return.

A few hours later as I sat dazing by the television I saw a pair of headlights pop up over the horizon. They came close and closer and abruptly stopped at the end of the street parking near the curb. I thought it was the neighbors at first but as I watched out the window I could clearly see the four women stumbling about and holding onto each other. As they reached the house they glanced around nervously to see if anyone was watching. I ran downstairs and jumped into my computer chair with a raging erection tugging at my pants. I watched eagerly as the women came in obviously drunk and feeling frisky. My wife slumped down on the couch and laid her head back. Alexis headed off down the hallway probably to the bathroom while Sara went to change in the bedroom and Zoe began typing away at the computer. Sensing something was about to happen I watched Sara change in the corner of her room. She stripped off her dress and bra and pulled on a short t-shirt with only her panties on under. She exited the room and went up to Zoe and planted a soft kiss on her cheek and embraced her. Zoe rubbed her arm in return and the two stared transfixed at the computer screen. What were they looking at? I strained to make out any sort of hint from the two. I soon got an answer as Alexis returned wearing only her panties and her beautiful breasts bouncing about and pointed at the screen and raised two fingers to her mouth forming a V through which she flicked her tongue and laughed. They were watching porn! I immediately felt a rush to my prick as it began to leak pre-cum.

After starring at the screen and giggling for a few moments, the girls began to whisper and point in the direction of Melanie over on the couch. She appeared to be a bit tipsy and was half asleep. With a quick glance Alexis, Sara, and Zoe all descended upon my wife on the couch. They cuddled up to her as she looked around. Alexis straddled her legs sitting with her bare breasts in my wife’s face running her fingers through her hair. Zoe and Sara made out passionately next to my wife and Alexis as they undressed one another. I starred in amazement that something this erotic was happening with Melanie my wife of fifteen years! Alexis kissed Melanie on the lips several time and bit her lower lip pulling on it playfully. Melanie’s mouth made an O shape as she was no doubt moaning and she eagerly began squeezing Alexis’s ass as she began kissing her neck. The two were locked together my wife obviously was turned on by this so much that she began removing her blouse. She pulled the blouse open an quickly popped her bra off and Alexis began kissing her chest and flicking her tongue on my wife’s nipples. Her nipples even in the darkened room were quite large. I had always secretly loved sucking on them as she had extremely sensitive nipples and often time would allow me to suck on them to help her orgasm. Now I watched on as Alexis sucked hard and gently began to bite my wife’s engorged nipples. I practically shot a load as a panned out to find my wife moaning as Alexis assaulted her nipples with her expert tongue and Sara and Zoe rubbing each other’s clits as they kissed passionately.

The two for whatever reason abruptly stopped and got up from the couch. Sara and Zoe almost automatically got up and left the room heading for the bed room. Alexis pulled off my wife’s nipples and stood up. My wife seemed confused she looked around and seemed lost at what to do. Alexis bent over and pulled my wife’s skirt down and trailed soft kisses from her neck down to her navel. She then stood up and pulled down her panties and reached for my wife’s hand. As she stretched it out Alexis quickly grabbed it and pulled her into the bedroom where Sara and Zoe sat waiting on their king sized bed. Melanie stopped at the entrance as Alexis joined her lesbian lovers on the bed. The three girls all kissed and felt each other up briefly. Melanie hovered in the doorway watching unconsciously rubbing herself down below. The girls all looked towards her and beckoned her to come to the bed. She nervously walked forward and the girls gently guided her onto the bed where they all waited.

They seemed to be discussing something and pointing to different places. The women all nodded at different points and I figured they were merely figuring out who was pairing of with who. Seconds later Melanie crawled forward and into the middle of the gigantic bed. She sat down and turned over with her stomach facing the ceiling. The girls quickly moved around her and took up different positions. Sara moved quickly on top of my wife and began kissing her passionately and I watched on as Zoe and Alexis secured her ankles and arms with silk scarves they had on the night stand. After securing Melanie and restricting her movement, Aleixs pulled out something dark that I could not make out. It appeared to be a pair of underwear and she sat down in the corner and watched Sara making out with my wife as she rubbed her breasts. Zoe moved down to my wifes crotch the glistened with moisture and began teasing her. Kissing softly around her thighs and dragging her lips dangerously close to my wife’s aching vagina. After Zoe had begun teasing my wife Sara backed away from my wife’s mouth with her lips and brought her breasts down to Melanie’s face. She started brushing them across her mouth and pushing them into my wife’s face and finally held one firmly and forced the nipple into my wife’s mouth. I could make out the word’s “Suck it” come across Sara’s lips as I watched my wife take the nipple into her eager mouth. She suckled Sara’s tit like a pro and I could see her tongue flicking back and forth as she pulled the nipple in and out of her mouth. Zoe at this point began to pay attention to Melanie’s lips and clitoris which were engorged with blood and began to grow to tremendous sizes. The swelling parts of my wife’s pussy and the hot lesbians making out were enough to give me an orgasm from just watching. I could feel the pressure growing. I was so turned on I did not even need to touch myself.

I saw Alexis stand up as she played with the underwear she had put on. I noticed she flipped a switch and began to see something in front of her shaking. The girls looked over and they all smiled knowing full well what was to come. Sara pulled her tit away from my wife’s mouth still trying to suckle the nipple that had just occupied her mouth and received a faceful of Sara’s cute little slit. Sara mounted  my wife’s face and swiveled her hips. My wife was now getting her first taste of lesbian pussy. She eagerly lapped up the juices that were flowing from Sara’s crotch and licked her clit with gusto. Sara squeezed her breasts enjoying the attention she was receiving.  Suddenly, Zoe moved forward straddling Melanie’s torso with her wet pussy at the same level as my wife’s and her mouth poised over her breasts. Melanie began to slowly tease her nipples and nibble on them. I watched half interested still trying to figure out what Alexis was up to. I watched and soon saw as she climbed atop the bed down near Melanie and Zoe’s dripping slits that she was wearing a strap on with two dildos that were vibrating.

Seeing this action  unfold I unzipped my pants and watched a my cock quivered as Alexis neared the two with her strap ons. She moved up quickly and inserted one into my wife who bobbed her head up under Sara’s snatch as the large vibrating dildo entered her red hot love hole. Alexis smiled and then quickly rammed it into Melanie’s snatch and pumped it a few times gyrating in different directions to warm up her pussy. She then called to Zoe who lifted her butt to allow the other dildo to slide in effortlessly. She quickly inserted it and began to rotate her hips in a circular motion as she slowly moved the vibrating members into and out of the women she was fucking. My wife and Zoe were moaning from the expressions on their face and Sara was nearing an orgasm. Alexis too was enjoying the vibrations from the dildos and playfully bit Zoe on the ass and gave her a quick slap on the ass as she picked up the pace while fucking my wife and her lover. The four women all merged together into a lesbian love blob. They all seemed to be lost within one another. They were moaning in unison and were nearly indistinguishable at times. I listened carefully and could hear the moans of the women coming from their house next door. I began to stroke my cock that was aching and twitching for attention. I could feel an nearing orgasm for myself and the women next door. I felt the lust and desire one feels during their greatest fantasy. I was in fact living out a fantasy that I had for years since that fateful party two years before. The images from then mixed with the live feed on my monitor mixed and mingled creating the blissful euphoria one gets from feeling alive and invigorated. I watched as the all began to orgasm. Zoe began to first shooting fluid all over herself and Melanie. Melanie quickly followed with Sara as the two came hard and Sara collapsed onto the bed. Finally, Alexis orgasms and let out a wail of pleasure that I could distinctly hear. As I watched the women quivering and kissing as they lie crippled from their extensive pleasure I shot the biggest load I have ever shot. What must have been a pint of semen flew from my penis and onto my monitor dripping down past the images of the women. I panted out of breath from watching the sexual escapades of the lesbians next door and felt the greatest sense of peace I had ever felt in my life. I cleaned up and watched the women dosing in the bed. My wife snuggled up inbetween the women peacefully and lovingly next to one another. I turned off the monitor smiling at my wonderful new source of entertainment and went to bed.

The next morning my wife came home late around nine in the morning. I watched as she entered with messy hair and clothes and she quickly poured herself a cup of coffee and sat breathing deeply. I watched her from the breakfast table reading the morning newspaper. She turned around and looked over at me worried for a moment. I quickly said, “Morning hunnie. How was your night? I was worried that you never called but, I figured the girls probably took you out dancing and such. “

My wife looked at me and cautiously said, “Yeah sorry about the not calling we were out dancing. Well I’m a little tired I’m going to catch a quick shower then maybe we can go out and get a few groceries.”

I smiled and said, “Take your time, we have all day. Besides you looked like you really got licked last night.”

My wife choked on her sip of coffee as I uttered those words and looked at me in a discriminating way. She started to say something but stopped and shook her head. “Yeah…I guess you could say that. Had one too many drinks and…yeah really did get licked. Well I’m off to the shower. Thanks for letting me go with the girls.” She said giving me a big kiss on the lips and a hug. She walked away a few steps and stopped and turned. “Oh yeah…is it alright if I go out to the movies with the girls next weekend. They invited me to go out clubbing after too, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all sweetie.” I said happily. “You deserve to have fun and I’m glad you found a group of friends to let loose with.”

She smiled and turned and seemed giddy at the prospect of her girl time next weekend. She hurried off into the bathroom and closed the door. I returned to my newspaper with a beaming smile upon my face. I glanced down at the erection that began to build with memories of last nights erotic meeting and knew that many more would soon follow.

Training Sarah PArt Five

yoypammy on Lesbian Stories

Sarah, who now has a full understanding of what she is and how she became (or was trained) to be a submissive lesbian slut, has decided to visit her cousins house, where Sarah's world came tumbling down a number of years ago. For the full story, you should read Training Sarah Part One through Four. She arrived on a Saturday afternoon and her cousins were going to be at their mom's house on Sunda

Wife's First Time

OedipusIV on Lesbian Stories

I have been reading the stories here for sometime but have never really had anything to contribute, until last week.

I had been away since Monday and when my wife asked if I could log on to messenger, I didn't think anything of it. I sat down on the hotel bed and turned on my computer. After logging onto messenger, I saw my wife was already on. Before I could type a greeting, she had sent a request for a video call. I accepted.

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0cm">“Hi Honey,” she said.

Hi Sexy. What's up?”

The video finally connected and I saw my wife sitting in the chair fully dressed. This was a bit of a disappointment as she often put on a 'show' for me while I was away.

I have something to ask you.”


Tracey is in town and I suggested that she come stay with me while you are away. Is that okay?”

That's fine. At least you won't be alone then.”

That's what I was thinking.”

When is she coming?”

In about an hour. She is bringing dinner.”

Cool. Why do you look so worried?”

I am nervous.”

About what?”

Well you know I have always been wanted to be with a woman.”

Yes,” I said, feeling my cock beginning to harden.

You know I have always found Tracey attractive.”

Yes,” I said in anticipation.

If I can get it right, would you be okay if I tried it with her?”

Not at all.”

Are you sure?”

Yes Sexy, I am sure.”

I have been trying to build up the courage all day to ask you,” she said smiling for the first time.

I know it has always been something you have wanted to try.”

'Thank you Honey, but I have one more request.”


I don't want you too watch us because I will be too nervous.”

That's fine Sexy, you can turn them off.”

We had set up security cameras in our lounge, study, bedroom and garage that we could access via the web just in case anything happened while we were not at home. We had never had the need to use them but they were always on.

Thanks Honey.”

After we had finished, I went downstairs for dinner, but kept thinking of what my wife was up to. It was going to be a long night. I got back to my room around nine o'clock and had a shower before climbing into bed. I had my notebook on my lap and was busy surfing the web, when I decided to go and check out to see if our security cameras had been turned off.

They hadn't.

Tracey and my wife were in the lounge. There was a bottle of wine on the table and they seemed to be just chatting. My wife had changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Tracey must have come straight from work, as she was dressed in a skirt and blouse. Neither wore any shoes and they were sitting on the couch facing one another. Our cameras had no sound so there was no way I could hear what they were talking about, but the image was clear, and that is what mattered.

Nothing changed for nearly half an hour until Celeste got off the couch and went over to the kitchen with the dinner plates. Tracey leaned forward and poured them each another glass of wine. When Celeste returned, she sat on the edge of the couch and Tracey got up and sat cross-legged on the floor between her legs. Celeste began massaging Tracey's shoulders. Within ten minutes, Tracey began unbuttoning her blouse and Celeste took it from her and lay it on the couch. The cameras were only black and white so I couldn't tell what colour Tracey's bra was, but it looked white. Celeste was back to massaging Tracey's shoulders and I was already rock hard. Tracey took a sip of wine and handed Celeste the glass. While Celeste drank, Tracey unhooked her bra and placed it on top of her blouse. Her breasts were small and her nipples were dark and they complimented her olive skin. Tracey picked up the other glass of wine and took another sip. Celeste went back to massaging Tracey's shoulders and back and then leaning forward, Celeste ran her fingertips between Tracey's breasts. Her hands moved outwards and she began stroking Tracey's breasts. Looking back, Tracey said something to Celeste and they began kissing. Celeste continued stroking Tracey's breasts while they kissed and when they broke off their kiss, Tracey got onto her knees and turned around. She reached for Celeste's t-shirt and pulled it over her head. Celeste hadn't been wearing a bra and Tracey reached over and ran her fingertips over Celeste's large breasts. Their lips locked again and Celeste pulled Tracey towards her. I watched as my wife's hands slid down Tracey's back until they were on her butt. Then they stopped kissing and looking at one another, Tracey began talking. I saw Celeste shake her head and then Tracey answered her by also shaking her head.

I was still wondering what they had said to one another when Tracey reached behind her and unzipped her skirt. She let it drop to the floor before sliding it over her knees and feet. She then reached for Celeste's jeans and began unbuttoning them. She was smiling as she slid them down Celeste's legs and added them to the pile of clothing. Celeste lay back on the couch with her head against the armrest and Tracey got her knees and lay on top of Celeste. The camera was in the corner on the roof, so I couldn't see if they were kissing, but it didn't matter. Celeste's hands were back on Tracey's butt and Tracey was leaning on one arm, while running her other hand through Celeste's hair. Then Tracey began sliding downwards, planting kisses over Celeste's neck and breasts. As Tracey moved further down, Celeste closed her eyes and began running her fingers through Tracey's long black hair. Tracey was soon on her knees again, leaning forward and planting kisses on Celeste's hips. Hooking her fingers into the sides of Celeste's panties, she slowly slid them down her pale legs. I knew my wife was probably sopping wet and when Tracey began kissing my wife's pubic area, I could smell her myself, having done the same to her many times myself.

I couldn't see if Tracey was licking my wife's pussy as her head was in the way, but seeing my wife, with her eyes still closed, begin to massage her own breasts, I knew Tracey must be doing something to her that she was enjoying. It wasn't long before I saw my wife start bucking on the couch as she orgasmed. Tracey looked up at her and they began talking again. Then Celeste sat up against the armrest and Tracey crawled up the couch and sat down between her legs, and rested against her. I could tell Celeste was horny, because her arms were soon around Tracey's hips. One hand went to Tracey's breast and the other went down between her legs. Tracey reached down and slid off her g-string. Celeste's hand went straight back between Tracey's legs.

My cock was hard and dripping, and watching my wife rubbing another woman's pussy was just too much. I took my cock in my hand and began to jerk off. If it took ten strokes before I was shooting my semen all over the bed, it was a lot.

Tracey was holding onto Celeste's legs as her orgasm hit her and I watched as her body went into spasm as she came. Reaching between her legs, Tracey pulled Celeste's hand away, and spinning round, the two of them began to kiss. Gone was the gentleness, it now looked as if they wanted more from of one another.

More to follow.