Published Sex Stories / anal-stories

The Dirtier, The Better

DamonX_200879 on Anal Stories

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to find a position in the
hard wooden desk that wouldn't cause my ass to go numb. Just five more
minutes. Five more minutes and then my weekend could begin. I hated
friday classes. They always seemed to drag on, and this one was no
different. And to make matters worse, this particular lecture took
place in the oldest classroom on campus, complete with hard wooden
chairs circa 1904.

I put my pen down, clenching and unclenching my tired fingers as I
continued to listen to Dr. Cross's rousing lecture on skeletal muscle
physiology. Glancing around the room, I noticed the rest of the class
was just as bored as I was. Slumping back into my seat, I crossed my
arms and began to wait o
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ut the last few agonizing minutes.

"I think we'll end a little early today," Dr. Cross stated, setting his
papers down on the desk in front of him.

No sooner had those words exited his mouth than the room was filled with
the rustling of papers and the clicking of binder rings as the students
gleefully packed up their belongings.

"Oh, one more thing," he shouted above the noise. "If you missed last
class I need to speak with you about the project."

"Dammit," I muttered to myself. "I guess the weekend will have to wait a
few more minutes."

As the rest of the students filtered out of the room I made my way down
to the front. I expected more people to remain behind, but to my
surprise only myself and one other student were left. Although I
didn't know her name, I recognized the girl from a few of my classes.
Although she was extremely attractive, she always seemed to be by
herself. I found this a little strange since the hot ones usually had
throngs of friends and followers. She was quiet, which many people,
including myself, had often mistook for snobbiness, and had an air of
maturity about her. I knew many of the guys lusted after her, but as
far as I knew none had ever come close to getting anything at all. I
could count myself among her group of admirers, although I had never
even spoken with her. She was about 5'5 with dirty blonde hair, which
she maintained at a medium length with a simple style. Her face was
gorgeous, and her eyes carried a certain element of shyness which
intrigued me. And although her facial features were impeccable, it was
her body that took center stage and really made every heterosexual male
drool at the site of her. Her breasts could only be described as
perfect. They were full and round, large enough to be considered 'big'
but not 'ridiculously big'. Her ass, too, was full and round and more
than once had I caught myself staring at it as she walked. Her
voluptuousness was what really set her apart from the other girls in
the sports medicine program who tended to be either quite toned and
muscular, or else a little too skinny for my liking. And although this
mystery girl's body was amazing, she never dressed in a provocative
manor, although this day she was wearing a low cut white top which
showed of quite a bit of cleavage, and a pair of extremely tight jeans
showcasing her delicious behind.

"Okay," Dr. Cross began, handing us each a sheet of paper. "This is your
assignment. Since you two were the only ones to miss last class when we
divided into groups, you'll have to be partners. I trust this is

I had to keep myself from smiling.

"Yes," I answered. "That's okay with me."

Mystery girl nodded as well.

"Good," Cross continued. "Now unfortunately, since you are the last ones
to choose a topic your choices will be limited. Also, you will have to
take the only remaining presentation time slot which is one week from

I groaned. There goes my weekend.

"Any questions? No? Okay then. Good luck."

With that, Cross gathered up the rest of his things and headed towards
the doorway. I turned to acknowledge my new partner.

"Hi, I'm Erica," she said in a soft feminine voice, extending her hand.

"Damon," I said with a smile, shaking her hand. Her skin was soft and
smooth, and her touch was extremely gentle.

"So I guess, we'll have to get going on this thing pretty soon," I said.

Erica nodded.

"Yeah, I'm actually really busy next week, so if we could get it done
this weekend, that would be great."

I agreed.

"How about Sunday?" she asked, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"Sure. Where do you want to work on it?"

"How about my place?" she asked. "I live just off campus. We can each do
our research and then meet there to discuss the specifics of the

"Sounds good."

With that, we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses and went our
separate ways. Although I was a little pissed off at having to do work
over the weekend, I was looking forward to spending a little time alone
with Erica. Although I didn't actually think anything would come of it,
I was happy nonetheless about being in the presence of such a hot girl
for any time at all.

I spent Friday night in the library gathering references and getting
ideas, before calling Erica on Saturday morning to run them by her. We
decided on a general topic and planned to meet Sunday at 2 in the
afternoon at her place. I wrote down her address and said goodbye
before hanging up the phone.

I awoke on Sunday morning with the sun beating down on my face though
the tiny window in my bedroom. I had a feeling it was going to be a
good day.

I spent the remainder fo the morning organizing my work before heading
to the gym for a quick workout. After that, I returned home and had a
shower before setting off for Erica's place. Since it was so nice
outside I decided to walk, still making the trip in under thirty
minutes. When I arrived at Erica's apartment, I popped a piece of gum
into my mouth (just in case) and buzzed her room number. A few seconds
passed before I heard her soft, sweet voice over the intercom.

"Come on up," she said, followed by a loud buzzing noise.

I pulled the door open and walked inside, stopping just long enough to
check myself out from the reflection in the large glass window. I then
made my way to the elevator and headed up to the third floor.

As I reached Erica's door, I checked my breath once more and then

"Hey," Erica greeted, quietly as she opened the door to find me standing
there. "Come on in."

I walked into the small apartment, leaving my shoes by the doorway.
Erica was wearing a pair of tiny tight shorts so I was happy to glue my
eyes to her ass as I followed her inside. She was also wearing a tiny
blue tank top that made her breasts look even more perfect that usual.
I was actually happy to see her showing a little more skin than normal,
and had to really try hard to prevent myself from gazing too long at
her body.

"Is it okay if we work in my bedroom?" she asked. "My roommate is coming
home soon with some friends and she can be pretty distracting."

"Sure," I responded. "Whatever you say."

I definitely had no problem spending time in Erica's room.

"Sorry about the mess," she warned as I followed her into her room.
"I've been really busy lately."

I laughed. Other than a few clothes on her bed, her room was spotless.
Nevertheless, Erica began frantically picking up the stray garments and
tossing them into her closet. As I set my backpack down on the bed, she
lifted up a pair of pants and a small black plastic object fell to the
floor at my feet.

"Oh my God!" Erica gasped, reaching down to snatch the thing back up.

It took me a moment to realize, but it was a vibrator! I just stood
there stunned as she grabbed the small makeshift plastic penis and
tossed it into her closet along with her clothes. By this time, Erica's
face had turned a bright shade of red and I could tell she was severely
embarrassed. And I had to admit I couldn't blame her.

"Let's just pretend we didn't see that. Okay?" she said, averting her
eyes from mine as I stood there smiling.

Normally I would have bugged her about it, but since I barely knew this
girl, I decided to play it cool even though I was very intrigued. I
never would have thought that a goody-goody like Erica would even own
something like a vibrator!

"It's not mine," she blurted out suddenly. "Well, I mean...It's
mine...but I didn't buy it! It was a present friend. I think
it was a joke or something."

I just smiled.

"It's okay," I offered, sitting on the bed. It's really no big deal.
Lots of girls have them. Your's seemed kind of small though."

Erica sat down as well, still looking quite flustered over the whole

"Well..." she began. "I think its for... No! No, we can't talk about
this! I barely know you. Oh my God! I'm so embarrassed right now!"

Erica dropped her head into her hands in an attempt to hide her crimson

"Well, how about we get started then?" I said, changing the subject,
trying to relieve her of some of her embarrassment.

"Yes!" she said exasperated. "That's a great idea! Let do that!"

I pulled out my books and we began to talk about the project, putting
the whole "vibrator incident" on the back burner. Erica was quite shy
at first but soon began to loosen up as we talked. Even though she was
quiet, she definitely was not the snob that most people had her pegged
as. In fact, we often found ourselves getting off topic and before we
knew it a couple hours had gone by and we still had nothing

"Oh dammit!" she blurted out suddenly, jumping up from the bed
frantically looking at the clock.

"What? What?" I asked, confused.

"I rented a movie yesterday and it has to be back by 4:30! Do you mind
if I run down and return it quickly?"

"Not at all," I replied. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No that's okay. Why don't you stay and try to get some more info off
the computer. I'll be back soon."

"Sure," I responded, although I was a little surprised that she trusted
me enough to allow me to stay alone in her room.

"Thanks," she said, crawling across her bed to grab the movie that was
sitting on her nightstand. As she bent over, I snuck a quick glimpse at
her ass, relishing the sight of her beautiful curves being hugged
tightly by her jeans.

"Could you pass me that book over there?" I asked, referring to a book
that had slipped off the bed and fallen to the floor.

Erica looked back over her shoulder and smiled.

"You just want me to bend over!" she joked as she reached down to pick
up the book.

"Maybe I do," I returned with a smile. "Maybe I do."

Erica tossed the book in my lap and headed for the door.

"See ya soon," she said as walked out, leaving me all alone in her

As she left, I sat down at her desk and began to search her computer for
information as she had suggested. However, I noticed a folder on her
computer desktop titled "My Movies" and couldn't resist taking a peek.
I double clicked and a window popped up showing a large number of
icons, although they were all named simply Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3
and so on. Choosing "Movie 1", I clicked on the icon and watched as a
smaller screen appeared and the movie began to play.

It was then that I experienced my second surprise of the day.

Even though there was nothing pornographic in nature happening on the
screen, I had seen enough porn in my day to recognize one when I saw
it. There was an attractive young woman on the screen sitting on a
couch being interviewed by a man behind the camera. I maximized the
screen to get a better look and then fast forwarded the movie a few
minutes. when I stopped, another man had entered the scene and the girl
was now on her knees with his dick in her mouth. I was astounded! First
the vibrator and now this! What else was this seemingly sweet, innocent
girl hiding?

As I continued watching the movie, the scene quickly degenerated into
one of the dirtiest pornos I had ever seen. I had known a few girls to
watch porn, but it was usually the more romantic, sensual stuff. This
was hardcore! It had everything from ass fucking to ass licking, and
everything in between. It was, however, right up my alley and I quickly
noticed myself becoming quite aroused. I fast forwarded the movie to
the end just in time to see a close up of the actress's recently fucked
asshole, dripping cum as she waved goodbye to the camera.

I closed the window and clicked another random movie icon. More porn,
but this time it was a girl getting double teamed by two guys. I
clicked another to see a girl getting fucked in the ass and then
another to see the same girl taking two cocks in her butt! As I
flipped through Erica's movie collection I noticed a definite trend.
All the movies involved anal sex in some way or another, with lots of
ass-to-mouth action and ass licking. Was Erica into this? It was
dirty,dirty stuff and I was getting far too turned on.

I closed down the movie screen and started searching for information for
our project, figuring I should at least get some work done while before
Erica got back. I had barely even started looking, however, when she

"Did you miss me?" she asked, showing that she had lightened up a little
more since my arrival.

"Oh, definitely," I answered, just then noticing that the bulge in my
pants was completely visible.

I think Erica saw it too, but she pretended not to, instead asking me a
few questions about the project. As we talked my hard-on subsided, but
I couldn't get the filthy pornographic images out of my head. I then
decided, that since she was beginning to loosen up around me I would
try to bring up the subject.

"I'm not gonna lie to you," I began, turning to her. "I spent the whole
time surfing for porn on the internet."

"Oh really?" she said with a disbelieving smile. "Did you find anything

"No, not really. Do you have any suggestions?"

Erica was about to say something, but stopped herself at the last
minute. She then narrowed her eyes and glared at me, suspiciously.

"Why?" she asked. "Do I look like the kind of girl that watches porn?"

"No, but I figured since you had a vibrator..."

Erica cut me off by giving me a playful punch in the shoulder.

"I still can't believe you saw that", she said, smiling in a cute, coy
manner. "What a great first impression!"

Things were going just as planned.

"I must say I was surprised when I saw that," I began. "You don't
exactly seem like the type."

"Oh?" she asked, slumping down on her bed. "And what type is that?"

I spun around in the computer chair to face her before answering.

"You know...A good girl."

Erica smirked and laid back, resting on her elbows.

"So you think I'm a good girl huh?"

"Well I did until I saw that vibrator."

"So what do you think about me now?"

"I think you're a good girl with a vibrator."

There was then a pause as we both considered what to say. Erica finally
broke the silence.

"So do I really seem like a goody goody two shoes?"

"Well...." I began to answer.

"It's okay, you can tell me the truth."

"Well then, yes. Definitely. You just seem so cute and innocent."

Erica smiled and blushed a little.

"So you think I'm cute huh?"

It was then my turn to blush.

I was thinking of something witty to say, when Erica spoke again.

"I think you'd be surprised," she said, running her hands through her

"About what?"

"I'm just not as innocent as people think. That's all."

The conversation was going exactly the way I had wanted.

"Prove it," I said bluntly.

Erica looked up to the ceiling as if to ponder her next move. I just sat
across from her, waiting patiently.

"Ok," she said finally, sitting back up on the bed. "Well you know how
we were talking about porn earlier?"

I nodded.

"Well...I do like it. A lot actually."

"Really?" I asked, trying my best to sound surprised.

Erica nodded, biting her bottom lip, trying not to blush.

"Do you have any?"

"Just on the computer," she answered.

"Cool," stated, spinning back around in the chair. "Let's see it."

Erica hopped off the bed and rushed towards me.

"No!" she shrieked, grabbing my hand away from the mouse.

"Oh come one!" I said, smiling. "Let's see what you've got."

"Umm, I think we should get back to work," she suggested, still firmly
holding my wrist.

"Don't be silly," I said. "It'll be a good study break."

Erica relented and released my hand, looking a little nervous as she
stepped back.

"Okay," she said finally. "But I have to warm you, they're pretty

"Hey!" I exclaimed, placing my hand back on the mouse. "The dirtier the

Erica smiled and then directed me to the folder containing the movies,
as if I didn't know. She suggested one and I clicked on it, opening up
the screen as I had done only fifteen minutes before. The movie she had
suggested featured a couple female porn stars that I recognized, along
with a male actor. It started with the two women fucking each other
with a dildo and eating each other out. As the movie progressed, it
turned from a girl-on-girl duo into a full on threesome with all the
usual dirty characteristics. As I watched, I noticed Erica move up
closer behind me, resting her hand on the back of the chair.

"Wow," I exclaimed. "You have good taste in porn!"

"Thanks," Erica replied with a giggle. "I still can't believe I'm
watching this with you.

"But isn't it more fun than homework?"

As I asked the question, I turned and caught a glimpse of Erica running
her fingers over one of her nipples. Quickly she dropped her hand to
her side, not wanting me to notice how turned on she was getting. I
turned back to the computer screen, smiling to myself.

"So," I continued as I watched one of the woman on the screen getting
fucked in the ass. "This is what you're into huh?"

Erica exhaled deeply and ran a hand through her silky blonde hair before

"Well," she began. "I like to watch it."

"But you don't like to do it?" I pressed.

"Well, I haven't really had the chance."

"But you would if you had the chance?"

Erica was beginning to revert back to her previous shade of red as my
questioning began to delve deeper into her personal life.

"Maybe," she said softly, with a bit of a giggle, biting her finger as
her eyes remained glued to the computer screen.

I was thinking of another question to ask, when she spoke again.

"I mean...There are some things that I would like to try but..."

"But what?" I asked, urging her to continue.

"Well...I can't just go and pick up random guys and ask them to fuck me
in the ass!"

"Why not?" I asked, extremely turned on at what Erica had just said.
"That's every guys fantasy!"

"Not every guy's!" she returned. I had a boyfriend once that broke up
with me because I asked him if we could try it.

"Really? What an idiot! But seriously though, ninety nine percent of
guys would jump at the chance to sleep with a girl like you, let alone
fuck you in the ass!"

"Aww, gee thanks," she responded, tilting her head to one side and
flashing me a cute smile. "How can sound so sweet and so dirty at the
same time?"

I just laughed and continued watching the movie, which was actually
turning me on as much as the conversation.

"So." I said, after another brief pause. "You like it in the butt?"

Erica seemed a little surprised by the bluntness of my question, and let
out an embarrassed laugh before answering.

"I like to watch it in porn,"

"have you done it for real?" I asked, probing the subject just as the
woman on the screen was getting her ass probed.

"Well...." she said said, scrunching her face up as if confused. "Not
technically I guess."

"Technically?" I asked. "What do you mean?"

"I've never had a guy fuck me in the ass. Let's put it that way."

I was a little confused as I pondered Erica's response.

"Sooo....." I began, before she cut me off.

"Yes." she stated. "That's right. That vibrator you saw earlier? Let's
just say, I've made extensive use out of it!"

My mouth dropped open.

"you mean you.....?"


"In your...?



"Oh my God!" Erica blurted out suddenly, dropping her face into her
hands. "I can't believe I told you that!"

I couldn't believe it either. As much as it turned me on, I just
couldn't picture this sweet, wholesome girl watching porn and fucking
herself in the ass with a vibrator!

"Actually," she continued, regaining her composure. "There are a few
things I'd like to try."

"Like what?"

"Oh no!" she said, shaking her head. "I think I've told you enough. You
probably think I'm a dirty slut now!"

"Well, dirty? Maybe. A slut? Definitely not. And like I said. The
dirtier, the better!"

"Well, that's good, I guess," Erica muttered, moving a little closer
behind me.

"Wow!" she exclaimed suddenly, looking down at the tent that had formed
in my pants. "Looks like I'm not the only that likes porn huh?"

I laughed but made no effort to cover it up.

"Actually", I said. "I think was the thought of you and you vibrator
that did this. Not the porn."

"So that's not weird for you?" Erica asked, with a coy smile.

"Are you kidding? It's such a turn on! Do you a have any other toys?"

"Maybe," Erica said softly, her voice resembling that of a child that
had done something wrong.

"Well, let's see!" I said enthusiastically.

Erica thought about it for a moment, but she knew there was no satiating
me now. Without a word she walked back over to her bed and dropped to
her knees. Reaching under, she pulled out a small wicker box. Rising
from my seat, I adjusted my hard-on and walked over to sit on the bed
as she also sat, placing the box between us.

'Well here it is," she said flipping the box open. "This my secret

I couldn't contain my smile as peered inside to see a variety of
vibrators and dildos, along with a few other items. I had known girls
to own a vibrator, maybe even two or three, but this was ridiculous!
Erica had to have about ten of all shapes and sizes. In addition, there
were a couple pairs of handcuffs and a few bottles of lube.

"Well what do we have here?" I asked jokingly, reaching in to grab a
red plastic, elongated diamond shaped object from the box.

Erica giggled like a school girl.

"I think you know what that is," she said, smiling mischievously.

I inspected the butt plug, forming a picture in my mind of it sliding
into Erica's tight little asshole.

"Damn," I said, placing it back into the box. "You must really have an
anal fixation!"

"Yeah," she said with an embarrassed laugh. "I guess i do."

"And you've never tried it for real?"


"Do you want to?"

Erica stopped and stared at me, biting her lips nervously. My heart was
pounding in my chest as I waited for her response. She was still
silent, her big blue eyes transfixed on mine. Then without a word, she
pushed the box of sex toys out of the way and crawled over to me,
knocking me back onto the bed and locking her lips around mine. She
flipped one leg over my body, straddling me as she drove her tongue
into my mouth. I couldn't almost feel the warmth emanating from between
her legs as she shamelessly ground herself into my body, moaning as our
tongues danced.

"So I guess that's a 'yes' then?" I asked as she broke away for a quick

"Uh huh," Erica responded, nodding.

She quickly pressed her lips into mine once again, letting out a horny
moan into my mouth as her pelvis pressed hard into my body. I wrapped
my arms around her and pulled her close before rolling over, flipping
Erica onto her back and coming to rest on top of her, her legs still
wrapped tightly around me. I broke my lips from hers and moved down to
her neck, tasting her soft skin as my hands migrated southward. She
closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure as my tongue touched her
sensitive skin and my hands came to rest on her hips. I kissed my way
down her neck line, eager to get at those ample breasts of hers which
were pressed tightly against my chest.

I slid down Erica's body, taking in her fresh scent as I pushed up her
shirt and planting a soft kiss on her navel. She giggled and squirmed
with delight under my tongue as it wriggled its way into her
belly-button. Her hands were everywhere, tousling my hair, grazing my
neck and pulling me closer. As I started to push her tiny blue tank
top up farther, Erica reached down and grabbed it, peeling it over her
large, firm breasts and tossing it over the bed onto the floor. I
smiled and moved upwards, dragging my tongue along her midsection until
I found myself pressed firmly between her two succulent mounds of firm
flesh, my cheeks rubbing along the silky outside of her white bra.

Reaching under her back, I unhooked her bra and it soon joined Erica's
shirt on the bedroom floor. I took one of her perfect tits in each
hand, kneading and groping them before reaching out with my tongue and
flicking one of her sensitive nipples, causing her whole body to shiver
with anticipation. I'm usually not much of a breast guy but I was
finding Erica's tits irresistible! Wrapping my lips around her little
pink nipple, I gently sucked while still teasing it with my tongue.

"Mmmm," Erica purred. "That feels so good."

I moved to her other breast, giving it the same treatment with my mouth
and hands, before working my way back down her stomach. When I reached
the waistband of her tiny shorts I ran my tongue crossways along her
skin as my hands caressed and explored her smooth thighs. I looked up
at Erica's face as I licked her, and noticed her gazing intently at the
computer screen as she squeezed both nipples with her fingers. I
smiled and went back to work, tucking my fingers into the waistband of
her shorts.

Erica was obviously as horny as I was, and she lifted her hips to allow
me to slide her shorts down her legs. Tossing them aside, I lowered my
head once again kissing her, this time, just above the knee. Her toes
clenched and Erica wriggled with agonizing anticipation as I
deliberately dragged my wet tongue up the inside of her thigh. She
groaned loudly and spread her legs wide, urging me to continue. I could
see a small wet spot had formed in the crotch of her little lacy white
panties and I made my way towards it. Erica swallowed hard and clutched
at my hair as she felt my hot breath on her most sensitive area.

"Tell me what you want," I said, flicking my tongue out across the soft
lace over the area I assumed her clit would be.

"Lick my pussy!" she moaned, arching her back and pressing her wet
panties into my face. "Lick it please!"

"Well since you asked so nicely," I responded with a smile before
pulling down her underwear.

I tried to tease Erica by doing it slowly, but she wiggled her hips and
grabbed the tiny undergarment, yanking it from her body. I placed my
hands under her meaty ass cheeks and admired her pussy, before dipping
my tongue into her moist depths. Like the rest of her, it was near
perfect. Pink and shaved, with the exception of a small tuft of blonde
hair near the top. My mouth was filled with her taste as I enclosed my
lips around her hole and deeply kissed her tight little cunt.

"Oh God," she seethed through clenched teeth.

Erica continued to exclaim and pulled my face harder into wet pussy as
she dug her heels into my back. Apparently she was enjoying herself as
much as I was. Soon, I pulled my tongue from between her engorged lips
and flicked it across her clit as I pressed my index finger against her
soft opening.

"Yes. Yes!" she gasped. "Stick it in!"

I complied, sliding my finger in up to the knuckle in her accepting
pussy as I nibbled away on her clit by pressing it between my lips. She
continued to writhe in pleasure until I finally pulled my face away.

"Get on your hands and knees," I suggested, prompting Erica to roll

She followed my order, flipping onto her stomach and raising that
beautiful ass into the air as she pulled herself up onto her hands and

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed quietly, running my hands over her ass in

Erica shivered as I planted a soft kiss on one of her voluptuous cheeks,
subtly prying it aside to sneak a peek at her little pink asshole.

"Mmmm," she purred as my kisses increased and I returned my finger to
her wet, waiting pussy.

Slowly, I trailed my tongue along her cheek, kissing her gently on the
tailbone before moving back down, just grazing the crease of her ass.
Erica knew what I was about to do and I could tell she was aching with

"Do you know what I'm going to do now?" I asked, laying another wet kiss
on her tender flesh.

"I..think so," she managed to say. "At least I hope so."

"Have you ever had anyone do it?"

"No, but I've wanted it for so long!"

I planted another kiss on Erica's ass, this time on the inside of her
cheek causing her to moan with appreciation.

"Really?" I asked.

"Uh huh."

"You wanted this?" I asked, flicking my tongue out over her little pink

"Oh fuck yes!" she blurted out as she felt the wetness of my tongue on
her sensitive asshole. "Do it Damon! Please! I want to try it. I want
to try everything!"

"Everything?" I asked, using one hand to push her asscheeks apart as I
slid another finger into her pussy.

"Yes! I want to do all the dirty things those nasty porn stars do!"

I smiled contentedly to myself, silently thanking my good fortune as my
tongue blazed a trail from Erica's pussy to her ass, leaving a line of
glistening wetness in it's wake. She gasped once again as I touched her
anus, lightly stroking it with soft, gentle licks.

"Spread your ass for me baby," I suggested, giving her a light slap with
the palm of my hand.

Without any further encouragement, Erica reached back with both hands,
lewdly pulling her cheeks apart as her face flattened against the bed.

"Good girl," I complimented before spearing her tight ass with my

Erica's ass reflexively tightened, trapping the tip of my tongue with
her muscular ring. I pushed my fingers in as far as they could go and
began to wiggle my tongue up her ass. Her howls of pleasure were
muffled by the bed sheets as I continued to orally violate her asshole.
Her body was shaking and shuddering as I withdrew my tongue from within
her and began giving her long wet laps before rimming her with a
circular motion.

"So what other things would you like to try?" I asked, kissing her
little wet butt hole.

"I want you to handcuff me," she blurted out.


"Yeah. Cuff me and then use my mouth."

"Is that something you saw in one of your pornos?" I asked, reaching
down to retrieve the two pair of handcuffs from Erica's "sex box".

"Uh huh," she said with a giggle, flipping onto her back. "Is that

"Absolutely," I responded enthusiastically. "I told you, we can try
anything you want."

Erica placed her head on her pillow and stretched her arms out over her
head seductively.

"Okay," she said with a sexy smile. "I'm all yours!"

I clamped one of the pairs of cuffs around her small wrist and then
clamped it around her bed post before repeating with her other arm.
Erica was now lying under me, naked, handcuffed and under my complete
control. My mind was racing as I thought of all the dirty things I
could now do with this fine female.

I left her on the bed as I undressed. I tried to remain calm but in
reality I was probably shaking with anticipation. I noticed Erica's
eyes light up when I removed my shirt and then again as I pulled my
pants down. She licked her lips as I approached the bed, reaching out
to fondle her gorgeous tits some more. I then climbed onto the bed, my
erect cock swaying back and forth as I moved. Erica looked up at me
with her beautiful blue eyes as I placed my hands on the headboard and
dangled my dick over her face. She extended her tongue, trying in vain
to touch me as I kept out of reach. Slowly, I lowered my hips just
enough for her tongue to come in contact with the tip of my cock which
was wet with a small drop of pre-cum. Eagerly, she wiggled her tongue
around in my dick hole before withdrawing it back into her mouth to
savor the taste of the sticky liquid.

Looking up intently into my eyes, Erica mouthed the words "Give it to
me!" I gazed back down at her and smiled before my hard cock descended
into her waiting mouth. We both let out a sigh of satisfaction as I
felt the warmth of her lips and tongue envelope my aching shaft. She
moaned around my dick, swirling her tongue around my head as she sucked
it deeper.

"Oh fuck baby!" I groaned, pushing my dick into the back of her throat.
"I can't wait to stick this thing up your ass!"

My dirty words must have turned Erica on even more, as she began bobbing
her head up and down, her lips still tightly wrapped round my shaft.
Reaching down with one hand, I stroked my fingers through her silky
blonde hair as I admired the sight of my cock disappearing into Erica's
mouth. I then tightened my grip on her hair, pulling her head back a

"Is that what you want?" I asked as my dick popped free of her lips.
"You want my dick up your tight little ass?"

"Oh yes!" she moaned. "I want it so bad!"

"Good. But first I'm going to fuck that sweet little mouth of yours."

"Oh yes! Do it! "Fuck my mouth! Fuck me like a slutty little porn

Within seconds, my balls were bouncing off Erica's chin as my hips rose
and fell in a rhythmically motion, repeatedly driving my cock into her
accepting mouth. After a few minutes of fucking her beautiful face, I
withdrew my saliva covered dick leaving a glistening trail down her
chin and neck. Staring down into her eyes I moved upwards, placing my
balls over her mouth. Erica smiled as I lowered myself down onto her,
feeling the warmth of her wet mouth cover me.

As my balls came into contact with her lips, her nimble little tongue
darted out bathing them with wetness. I pressed harder, pushing them
completely into her mouth almost fainting from the pleasurable feeling.
Cautiously, I began to stroke my dick as Erica's tongue and lips went
to work on my balls. I was now straddling her face and, with my free
hand, I reached around sneak a few feels of her fabulous tits. Then the
idea hit me.

"I want to tit fuck you!" I blurted out, pulling my balls away from
Erica's hungry mouth.

"Okay," she replied with an enthused tone. "I've always wanted to try
that too!"

I dismounted Erica's prone, handcuffed body and retrieved a bottle of
lubricant from her box. I then squeezed out a liberal amount of the
cold gel into the crevasse between her breasts, causing her toes to
curl at the feel of the cool substance touching her skin. Squeezing a
little more into my hand, I started to stroke it onto my cock as I took
a moment to admire the naked, willing body laid out before me. Erica
smiled back at me, her adventurous expression beckoning me forth to

I climbed up once again, this time pressing my lubricated dick in
between her large globes of flesh, using both hands to push them
inwards, trapping my cock within their warm confines. Erica's face was
glowing as she stared at my dick, pushing its way through her tits to
emerge just inches from her face. Extending her tongue, she managed to
tickle the tip of my dick head, before I withdrew. After a few more
test runs, I was plunging my cock between her tits, shaking the bed and
filling the room with a wet, slurping sound.

"Oh yeah baby!" she said with a playful smile. "Fuck my tits! Fuck my
tits and cum on my face!"

I stopped briefly, slightly surprised at her last request.

"Really?" I asked. "You want it on your face?"

"Uh huh," she answered, biting her bottom lip, looking both innocent and
sexy at the same time. "I want you to shoot it all over my face and
mouth like they do in porn."

I smiled and shook my head in happy disbelief. Where had this girl been
all my life?

I resumed fucking Erica's tits as she urged me onward.

"Just remember," she warned as I felt the cum rising in my balls. "You
still have to fuck me in the ass!"

A few more thrusts and I suddenly let loose a wild stream of hot cum
that fired out from my dick like a cannon, blasting Erica's neck and
chin. I quickly pulled free of her slippery tits and lurched forward,
eager to paint her beautiful face with my cream.

"Ohhhh, yessssss," she hissed as she closed her eyes in ecstasy, feeling
the warmth of my cum splash across her lips.

Eagerly, she opened wide in hopes of taking in come of the sticky fluid,
extending her tongue to lick up a bit that had collected in the corner
of her mouth. I aimed my next shot right at her open mouth, firing a
white stream directly into the back of her throat. Erica closed her
lips to swallow the fresh load, taking another couple shots across the
cheeks and forehead, before opening back up to swallow the rest of my

I sat back on the bed, suddenly feeling a little light headed. There was
a brief moment of awkwardness as the excitement subsided and I freed
Erica from her restraints, allowing her to wipe the excess cum from her

"Well, that was fun," I stated, reaching for my pants.

"Hey, not so fast!" Erica scolded with a smile. "We're not done yet. I
seem to recall you promising me something."

I exhaled and ran my hand through my hair.

"I think I might need a minute," I said. "It's going to take me a while
to get back form."

Erica grinned and crawled towards me.

"I think I can help you with that," she responded, kissing me lightly on
the lips and reaching down to fondle my well-spent balls.

"In fact," she continued, holding up a pair of the cuffs. "I think it's
your turn to get handcuffed."

I agreed without much hesitation, laying back passively, and allowing
Erica to bind my hands to the bedposts in the same was she had recently
been restrained. Just the act of getting handcuffed already had my dick
on the rise, and I watched with anticipation as she walked over calmly
to retrieve her slender back vibrator from her closet. She was smiling
exuberantly as she returned to the bed, placing the toy with the others
in the wicker box. She then glanced over at the computer screen where a
woman was on her hands and knees getting eaten out from behind.

"Mmmm, she purred, stroking her fingers lightly across her breasts.
"That looks so good."

Just as I was beginning to think Erica was forgetting about me, she
turned back with a devilish glare. It was a look that I had not seen
before and one that looked quite out of place on her innocent face.
Then without saying a word, she climbed onto the bed, straddling my
chest with her back facing me.

"So you like my ass huh?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder.

"Oh yeah," I answered, my eyes locked on that very prize as we spoke.

Erica leaned forward and arched her back, her voluptuous behind
irresistibly close to my face.

"Mmm, Damon," she cooed, reaching back and running her hand over her
soft cheek. "I can't wait to have a real dick in my ass. I've wanted it
for so long."

"And I can't wait to fuck your ass," I agreed, watching as she slowly
pulled her fleshy cheek to the side, exposing her tiny pink rosebud.

"Oh yeah?" she teased, running her fingertip over her puckered hole.
"You want to fuck this little thing here?"

"Oh fuck yes!" I gasped as Erica began to push her slender fingertip
into her asshole.

"Mmmm," she moaned, pushing it in up to her first knuckle. "This feels
so good."

"It looks good too," I added, watching in amazement.

"Does it?" she asked, her voice still maintaining its teasing tone.
"Maybe you should have a better look?"

With that, Erica shuffled her body backwards, coming to rest with her
ass about six inches from my face. By this time my dick was hard again,
but I think she was enjoying teasing me enough to let the game
continue. In fact, I knew I was in for more of a show when she grabbed
the bottle of lubricant and flipped open the cap. I then watched as
she let some of the slippery, clear liquid drip down onto her asshole,
making it clench up reflexively at the feeling.

"Ohhhh yeah," Erica continued, massaging the gel-like substance into her
hole with her middle finger. "That's good."

I was becoming more and more surprised at Erica's sudden personality
change, but I was certainly enjoying it. My dick was now fully erect
and aching to be inside her, but for the moment I had to settle for
the "ass show" that was unfolding before me.

"Does that look good?" she asked, pushing her finger deep into her tight
little asshole.

"Uh huh," I murmured, mesmerized by the sight of Erica's finger sliding
in and out as her muscular ring gripped tightly onto her slender digit.

The show continued for a few more minutes before she decided to upgrade,
picking up the thin black vibrator that had started the whole

"Do you want to see this in my ass?" she asked seductively, running her
tongue along the smooth plastic object.

I nodded.

Erica placed turned on the vibrator, which emitted a quiet buzzing
sound, and placed the tip against her tiny pink star. I had never had
such a close-up view of a girl's ass being penetrated before, but I was
definitely enjoying the experience. I watched in awe as her tiny butt
hole opened up before my eyes and slowly began to swallow the black
plastic shaft. As more and more of the makeshift cock disappeared into
Erica's ass, she tossed her head back in enjoyment, letting out a low
lusty moan.

In and out, she worked the vibrator, fucking her own ass as I watched on
with continued awe. With each thrust, she delved deeper into the dark
recesses of her hole, sliding easily with the help of the lubricant
which was now glistening on the fake plastic shaft.

"Oh yesssss!" she hissed, withdrawing the vibrator almost all the way
out. "This feels so good, Damon, but do you know what I really want?"

"What?' I asked hopefully.

"Well...." she continued, her signature shy look crossing her face once
again. "I really liked when you licked my ass. Will you do it again?"

"Of course," I said smiling, amused once again by her shyness.

Enthusiastically, Erica pulled the vibrator from her ass and tossed it
on the floor. She then pushed herself backwards, her wet pussy leaving
a sticky trail on my bare chest as she placed her knees on either side
of my head and positioned her ass right above my face.

"Are you ready?" she asked, reaching down to lewdly pull her ass cheeks

"Yes," I answered plainly, gazing up at her puckered hole, shimmering
wet with saliva and lubricant.

"Okay, here it goes," she said before lowering herself down onto my

Erica's slippery little asshole came to rest right on my lips and I
immediately went to work with my tongue, licking and prodding her
sensitive ring.

"Ooooooooo," she squealed with delight as she felt my warm tongue
stabbing at her ass for the second time that day.

Her voluptuous ass cheeks engulfed my face as she rode my tongue, her
body wiggling and squirming in ecstasy. She placed her hands on my
chest and actually began to move back and forth, grinding her ass over
my lips and tongue.

"Oh God yes!" she exclaimed, almost smothering me with her ass. "Lick it
Damon! Lick my ass! That's it! Shove it in! Stick your tongue up my

Erica changed from a grinding movement to a bouncing motion as her body
began to move up and down. I stiffened my tongue as much as possible
and started to actually penetrate her, slipping inside her tight
confines and tasting the sweetness of the lubricant deep inside her. I
was no longer licking Erica. She was fucking my tongue with her ass!

I could feel her body begin to shake and quiver and, although I could
not see, I assumed she was playing with her pussy as I tongued her butt
hole. She moaned and squealed uncontrollably as her tight ring pulsed
around my tongue, which was wriggling it's way up inside her like a

"Oh yeah", she groaned. "Just a little more! I'm going to cum! I'm going
to cum! I'm..going to...Ooooooooohhhhhh!"

Erica's raspy, broken dialogue quickly turned into an incomprehensible
drawn out moan as her asshole repeatedly clenched and unclenched and I
felt a deluge of warm, sticky fluid drip down onto my chin. Her ass
cheeks tightened as well, squeezing my head in between them as she
continued to writhe with pleasure as her orgasm reached its peak.

"Mmmm, thanks," Erica gasped, crawling off my body. "That was amazing!"

"Glad I could be of service," I said gasping for air, my arms still
bound to the bed posts.

"Here," she said with a giggle. "Let me help you with that."

Erica unlocked the cuffs, leaning down as she did so, to plant a deep
long kiss on my tired lips. As my arms came free from the shackles, her
hand drifted down my body and wrapped around my turgid shaft.

"I guess you're ready for more," she stated bluntly, feeling the
hardness of my cock.

"You better believe it!" I responded, sitting up and pushing Erica back
down on the bed. "But first, let's see what other toys we can make use

I frantically rummaged through Erica's collection of sex toys, quickly
finding what I was looking for. I pulled out the red plastic butt plug
and placed it on the bed beside her, before climbing on top of her
prone body. We kissed a little more, and Erica moaned quietly as she
felt the head of my dick graze her swollen pussy lips. Reaching down,
between her legs, she used her fingers to spread her lips as she also
spread her legs wide.

"Put it in," she whispered, flicking my earlobe with her tongue.

I rotated my pelvis, sliding my cock about halfway into Erica's soaking
wet hole. She moaned again and pulled my body close to hers, biting
into my neck and pressing her firm tits against my bare chest, urging
me to go deeper. I quickly complied, driving my dick to the base in her
needy pussy. The bedroom was soon filled with moaning and the faint
slapping sound of skin on skin as I finally fucked the girl I had been
lusting after all semester long.

"Look," she said softly, turning her head back towards the computer
screen which was still showing a steady stream of porno. "Isn't that

I glanced over to see a girl getting fucked from both ends by two men.

"Oh yeah?" I said, looking down into Erica's eyes. "You like that?"

She bit her lip and nodded, wincing suddenly as I drove my dick into her
particularly hard.

"Yes," she responded with a soft moan. "I wish that was me."

"Oooh, you are a dirty one," I said smiling down at her.

With that I grabbed Erica's legs, pushing them up in the air, deciding
to test my limits. Her face lit up at the change in position and she
reached up to grab her own ankles. I then leaned forward, my shoulders
pressing into the underside of her knees, forcing her legs up beside
her ears.

"Oh yeah, Ohhhhh! Fuck yes!" Erica moaned as I resumed pumping in and
out of her tight, wet pussy.

"Do you like it this way?" I asked, bringing my face within inches of
hers. "Or would you like it even dirtier?"

"Dirtier!" she blurted, clenching her pussy around my invading cock. "I
want to be so fucking dirty!"

'Okay,' I thought to myself, smiling. 'You asked for it.'

Pulling my dick from her hungry hole, I roughly flipped Erica onto her
stomach and prompted her back up onto her hands and knees. My cock,
shimmering with her pussy juices, was swaying subtly in front of her
face as she submissively awaited my next move. Gathering up her hair in
one of my hands, I gently pulled her head back and rubbed the head of
my wet cock across her lips.

"Open up baby," I prompted. "Taste your pussy on my cock."

Erica parted her lips eagerly, allowing my dick to slip into her
throat. Using my grip on her hair to hold her head in place, I began
to fuck her mouth as she fought to hold off her gag reflex. Reaching
down her naked body, I slid my middle finger between her supple ass
cheeks and began to massage her tight little pink knot. At the feeling
of something touching her sensitive ass, Erica moaned around my cock,
sending vibrations through my shaft and balls. Encouraged my her
response, I hooked my finger into her tight sphincter, pulling back
towards myself.

A coughing sound erupted from Erica's throat as her body lurched
forward, driving my dick deeper into her throat. Impaling her from both
ends, I continued my combined oral and anal assault, even adding
another finger to her virgin asshole.

Erica sputtered and gasped with relief as I pulled her head back off my
cock which was now covered in sticky strands of saliva. Leaning down I
kissed her deep and hard, driving my tongue into her mouth, tasting the
faint flavour of her pussy which she had just sucked off my cock. She
closed her eyes and moaned into my open mouth, straining to hold her
head up.

As I broke the kiss, I leaned over and began to rummage through Erica's
toy box for a new toy. I quickly found what I was looking for and
pulled out the red plastic butt plug. Erica's eyes lit up and she
smiled enthusiastically when she saw it, guessing correctly my
intentions. Taking Erica by the hair once more, I pressed the plastic
object against her lips.

"Suck it," I urged. "We need it nice and wet if thing is going in your

Erica looked up into my eyes seductively as her beautiful soft lips
parted again, this time to accommodate the elongated object which slid
over her outstretched tongue and into her wet mouth.

"Good girl," I said, giving her a gentle pat on the ass as she continued
sucking the plastic plug.

As she lubricated the object with her mouth, I ran my hand down down her
backside, dipping my fingers into her pussy. Erica moaned and arched
her back, encouraging me to continue. I pulled the saliva soaked butt
plug from her mouth and placed it against her tiny pink hole. Erica
raised her ass higher and used one hand to pull her fleshy cheek to the
side. Slowly, I pushed the glistening plastic plug past her tight
muscular ring, watching as her ass stretched to swallow the toy. I
could hear a faint squealing sound emanating from her lips as it slid
farther and farther into her ass. When the round, flattened end of the
plug finally came to rest on her ass the entire length had been buried
inside her. Erica threw her head back in ecstasy, her honey blond hair
splashing against the smooth skin of her back. I crawled back onto the
bed behind her, positioning Erica so she was facing the computer
screen. I then ran the head of my engorged cock along her juicy slit,
coating it with her fluids before slipping it back into her waiting

"Oooohhhh," Erica groaned as she felt both her holes being filled.

I took a hold of her hips and pulled her body back onto my dick,
impaling her fully on my stiff shaft. I could feel the hardness of the
butt plug through the thin wall separating her pussy and ass as I began
to fuck her. Glancing over at the computer, I noticed the actress in
the movie was on her hands and knees while the male actor was sliding
his incredibly huge cock into her ass.

"Look at that," I said, grabbing a handful of Erica's hair and pulling
her head up to view the scene. "Look at that slut getting her ass
fucked! That's going to be you in a few minutes. Is that what you

"Yessssss," she hissed, her eyes now transfixed on the screen. "That's
what I want! I want you to fuck me like a porn star. Fuck my ass! Use
me! Use me like that little slut is getting used!"

The relentless stream of sexual profanity that was spewing from Erica's
sweet innocent mouth would have taken me off guard, but I was becoming
less and less surprised with her actions. I just smiled, reveling in
our combined lust as I continued fucking her from behind. Each thrust
brought my hips into contact with her ass, sending slight ripples
through her flesh and causing her body to lurch forward. Only my tight
grip on her hair and thigh kept her from tumbling head first off the
the bed.

A few more minuets of fucking Erica's pussy and I was ready for the main
event. I slowed my thrusting to a moderate grinding action as I began
to tug the butt plug out of her well stretched ass. I watched with joy
as her tight hole clenched back up as the plastic object slipped out.

"Are you ready?" I asked, testing the waters by running my fingers over
her virgin asshole.

"You have no idea," she said, looking back over her shoulder at me.
"Just do it! Shove that cock in my ass!"

At last, the moment we had both been waiting for had arrived. Trembling
with anticipation, I took the bottle of lube and squeezed out a liberal
amount into my hand. I then coated my dick with the slippery substance
as I gazed down at Erica's tight little hole, winking in anticipation
as well.

"Oooo," she winced as she felt the cold feeling of the lubricant
touching her sensitive asshole.

"Try to relax," I suggested, placing the head of my cock at her backdoor
entrance. "And play with your clit. It'll be easier that way."

Erica took my advice, reaching between her legs to touch herself as I
rubbed my dick up and down the crack of her ass, smearing her hole with
lube. Then, using one hand to open her ass wider, I pushed my head
against that tight puckered ring, feeling her open up beneath me. The
butt plug had loosened her up a little so it was no difficult task to
slip the head of my dick past her tight muscular ring.

"Oh yessssss," Erica cooed as she felt her asshole stretch to
accommodate my cock before clamping down tightly around my shaft. "I
have a cock in my ass!"

"How does it feel?" I asked, slowly pushing more of my meat into her
hungry hole.

"Fucking great!" she gasped in response. I want it deeper though. Fill
my asshole with your dick!"

Using both hand to stabilize her body, I pushed forward watching as
Erica's asshole slowly swallowed my cock. The deeper I went, the faster
her hand moved on her clit causing her body shake slightly. I was about
halfway in when I withdrew my dick and plunged forward again, this time
sinking all the way to my balls in her butt hole. Erica moaned and
squealed as I filled her ass with cock and then started to slowly fuck

"Oh God!" she howled, clenching her asshole around my shaft. "That feels
so fucking good! Don't stop! Don't stop fucking my ass!"

I reached around under Erica's body to cup her large, firm breasts in
both hands as I buried my dick inside her. She even pushed backwards
into me, forcing my cock even deeper into her ass.

"Oh yeah!" she exclaimed, wiggling her ass with my shaft embedded inside

I groped her tits as she squirmed under me, her hungry ass sucking at my
cock. I pinched her nipples in between my fingers as she increased the
pace on her clit. I could hear her breathing becoming more labored as
she dropped her head down to the bed, gasping and moaning.

"I'm cumming!" she squealed suddenly as I felt her asshole tighten its
grip on my dick. "I'm cumming with your cock in my asssssssssssssssss!"

Erica pushed herself back on my dick, pressing her soaking wet pussy
lips against my aching balls as her body shuddered through an intense,
long lasting climax. As it subsided, I slowly resumed fucking her ass
with long, gentle strokes.

"Wow," she gasped. "That one kind of snuck up on me."

"Are you doing okay?" I asked.

"Oh yes. This is fucking amazing!"

I continued sliding my dick and and out of Erica's tight butt hole,
which now seemed much more relaxed. Erica moaned softly and brought
her fingers to her mouth, sucking her juices from them as she looked up
to acknowledge the computer screen again.

"Look at that slut now," she said between moans. "Let's do it that way!"

I tore my eyes away from the beautiful sight of my dick lodged firmly in
Erica's asshole to the computer screen where the couple had switched
positions. The woman was now in what they call the "pile driver"
position, with her shoulders and head against the floor and her legs
folded back towards her head. The man was standing over her sliding
his cock in and out of her well fucked ass.

"Really?" I asked, in amazement. "You want to try it?"

"Yes! I told you I want to try everything!"

"Okay," I said, pulling my dick from her ass with a 'pop". "Let's do

Erica's face was glowing as she crawled off the bed onto the bedroom
floor. I had never done it in that position so I was excited as well.
She laid down on the floor kicked her feet up into the air, balancing
herself on the back of her shoulders and propping herself against the
bed. I stepped up and held her by the hips to stabilize her in the
comical position. Her legs were now dangling down by her head as she
looked up me through her wide spread thighs. I peered back down at
her, pulling my eyes away from her smiling face to gaze at her pink,
wet pussy and stretched asshole which was now slightly swollen and
glistening with lubricant.

I positioned my cock near her wet, inviting hole, my head butting
against her tight little ring. Then, lowering my body I began to
submerge my dick into Erica's asshole once again. It was easier this
time, and I managed to sink most of my shaft into her butt without much
delay. I studied her face, watching as she closed her eyes in pleasure,
reveling in the feeling of having her asshole filled.


Erica let out a long soft moan as I once again, began to fuck her ass,
lowing my hips downwards into her. Her hands gripped the back of her
knees, pulling her legs towards the floor. Up and down, in and out, my
dick repeatedly penetrated Erica's gaping asshole.

"Does that feel good?" I asked, sinking my meat deep into her hole as my
balls came to rest against her tailbone.

"Oh yeah," she cooed, looking up at me with those sexy eyes. "Keep
going. Don't stop fucking my ass!"

I looked down as I withdrew my cock again, Erica's tight asshole
clutching in vain at my slippery shaft as I pulled free only to plunge
back into her delicious depths. Over and over, I fucked her, using her
ass as if it were a pussy. Her hand migrated to her clit and began to
strum her little fleshy button and her eyes closed in pleasure. She
even pushed two fingers into her hole, pressing against my dick through
the thin wall separating her cunt and ass.

"Oh fuck Damon!" she gasped. "I love your cock in my ass!"

As she spoke she opened her eyes staring intensely into mine.

"Now stick it in my mouth!" she blurted out suddenly, causing me to stop
for a moment.

I looked down at her beautiful face in amazement, shocked at her filthy

"Really?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes," she confirmed. "Just like in the porn movies. Make me suck it
like a whore!"

With that, I straightened my legs, pulling my cock free of the confines
of Erica's well used, gaping wet hole and shuffled forward pointing my
dick towards her face. I then lowered myself down, pinning her legs
against the floor as she opened her mouth in acceptance.

Erica's eyes remained locked on mine as her sweet lips wrapped around my
slippery wet cock and sucked it into her mouth. I dropped it into the
back of her throat, pressing my balls against her chin before
cautiously fucking her face once again. Once i had had enough, I
pulled my dick from her hungry mouth and slipped it back into her
inviting asshole.

"Oh yeah!," Erica exclaimed, licking her lips. "I love it! i love being
a dirty little whore! I want you to cum in my ass!"

I could already feel the cum boiling in my balls as I resumed fucking
Erica's ass.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, smiling down at her. "You want it in your ass?"

"Yesss!" she hissed, gritting her teeth. "Fill my asshole with your

Erica's words were sending to the edge and i could feel myself nearing
the point of no return. As my body tensed, the first couple spurts of
hot cum blasted deep into her ass. I quickly withdrew, grasping my
shaft in my hand as the next shot fired into her gaping hole. Pumping
my cock, I sent the remainder of my cum plastering her pussy and ass,
dripping down onto her neck and face. Erica opened her mouth as soon as
the first drops touched her skin, extending her tongue to catch as much
as possible. I squeezed out the final few drops before sitting back on
the bed as my study partner rolled over onto her knees, a smile
spreading across her cum covered face.

"Thanks," she said, wiping a small white droplet from her chin. "That's
exactly what I needed."

"It wasn't too dirty for you?" I asked, reaching for my pants.

"Hey", she responded with a smile. "The dirtier the better."

The End

Teri pimps out her lover Janey

janey1113 on Anal Stories

Teri pimps out her lover Janey


My lover and friend Janey is a submissive slut for hire. That's her profession, and she does it very well. Janey is 36, with mouthwatering curves and mounds and a taste for kinky sex that comes from experience. Men and women pay her for what they can't get at home, and they always come back for more.

Ass Play

Fyre on Anal Stories

I heard a report the other day, on that entertainer feature network, that when Marilyn Monroe died, she had a full enema inside her body. The reporter said that either Marilyn or an unknown murderer filled an enema bag, added barbiturates, put it inside her bowels, and she held it there. The skin inside absorbed all the chemicals and it killed her. An overdose. Now the freak in me wanted to know all sorts of things that the G-rated network would never disclose. I wanted to know whether Marilyn (Norma Jean) was a regular enema user. I wanted to know if she cleaned out her colon before Jack Kennedy or Frank Sinatra came to fuck her, and if they swabbed her sanitized pink, puckered asshole with their tongues. I wanted to know if she inserted the enema and didn’t realize the amount of

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drugs her body would absorb before she expelled the liquid. I wanted to know if Marilyn was so effective at holding the water in that she accidentally killed herself, or if she truly intended to kill herself with her intestines full of the hazardous water. I wanted to know if Marilyn expelled the water after she took her last breath and all her body’s muscles relaxed, or if there was a plug in her ass, holding it in. Was the liquid actually still inside her body when the police found her? How? I wanted to write to that police drama "Cold Case" to see if they’d reinvestigate the details.

Now I am curious about all of these things because I have become an ass afficionado. I wasn’t one until recently, when I met my new man and learned that he was fascinated by porn. I asked him to show me one of his movies, and when he did, I just looked at him and said, "Oh YOU want some anal sex, don’t you?" He hung his head, and looked rather fishy and boyish.

"I’ll give it a try" I shrugged and pointed at the screen, "but let me work on it. I know she’s acting like it’s about the same as fucking her pussy, but you and I know that’s not the way it works. That hole is an exit."

I didn’t want to disappoint him. I wanted to grin and act all gung ho, but I worried that it was going to hurt like hell. I knew from looking at the length of the scene in the movie, he hoped to spend some quality time in my tight little ass, gripping the pale skin of my hips as he rode me hard. I knew that he really wanted to slam it to me. What had I promised to do?

We watched the rest of the movie and one young woman was so enthusiastic about her ass-fucking that she screamed and gyrated, trying to take in more. "Deeper! Deeper!" She screamed and panted. Another male actor was delighted to stick his dick in her too, so there she was, all over the big screen, taking in not just one dick, but two. Holy shit! These little sluts in these movies had no idea how high expectations are raised when our men see these shameless fuck sessions. Shit oh dear. And on the big screen, it was suddenly wall to wall asshole stretched out by two marvelous huge cocks. Complete with the surround sound shrieking "Oh yes, oooh yes, oh Baby Baby Baby."

My own man pulled out his 9-inch dick and started stroking, holding his hand loose and massaging the ridge at the base like he was about to start a fire. I loved to watch him masturbate, but I quickly took advantage of the situation to get my own pussy pumped. I leaned over a chair and he stood behind me, fucking my pussy doggy style, watching the actress call out. She ultimately took the cocks that had just been deep inside her ass, swallowed them down her throat, and exclaimed that they tasted great. Oh my goodness! My man pulled out and squirted his jizz all over my ass.

I was more than a little uncomfortable. My man was into sodomy. A small-dick boy had poked me in the ass once or twice, but after watching the video, I knew this was going to be different. I thought about how hard my man got, and how he would be sure to fill me to capacity. I was sure that it was going to feel like he was skewering me up to my neck. I had an image of myself on a rotisserie, his dick shoved up my ass, spinning over a bed of hot coals. I was skeptical that I would be able to show the same level of enthusiasm as the actress in the movie. I didn’t even think anyone could pay me enough to show the same level of enthusiasm as the actress in the movie. (How much do these girls make anyway?)

My one experience with ass-fucking had been confusing. The boy who had tried it was sort of grossed out, thinking "Ew! Is it going to smell like shit?" Once inside, he came quick and sloppy, with loud exclamation, like he’d just slammed his dick into an electric pencil sharpener, then pulled it out all pointed and done. My man now wouldn’t do me like that. His dick was fat! With my previous experience, there was an embarrassing time after the initial penetration of running to the toilet, making gassy noises, and feeling like I was going to ultimately mess all over the floor. Not acceptable.

I was going to have to teach myself to take it up the ass, and take it hard. I was going to have to learn to clean it thoroughly so I could be confident there wasn’t going to be an awful mess. I was going to have to be convincing or my man was going to be terribly disappointed and I was going to feel like a loser.

I began researching enemas. My goal was to be able to fuck my man like the girl in his movie fucked that hard dick, able to suck it off after the fact. I tried the small, cold enemas from the drug store shelf. I stood there in line, anxious and self-conscious, trying to make sure the woman behind the counter wasn’t the same gal who’d sold me one the week before. (I’d lied that I was using them to prepare myself for surgery.) I wasn’t impressed that the liquid was filled with diarrhetics and that the amount of liquid was probably about a cup and a half. What good was that going to do?

I checked their effectiveness by slamming myself in the ass with my smallest dildo until the muscles in my ass contracted and I expelled the last of the liquid. I found these enemas short-lived, and only marginally effective. And I wasn’t sure I was making any progress. This dildo was much smaller than my man, I used lots of lube, but it was still piercing and invasive. How did the movie girls do it? How did they keep going at it for most of an hour (my man says filming those scenes can take ten hours a day) and how in the hell did they learn to enjoy it?

What was I, a fucking wimp?

I went on the internet. Before long, I found several gay sites with plenty of instruction and a brown, unobtrusive box arrived in the mail. I opened the carton in the privacy of the bathroom on a quiet morning when my man had to work. I took out the bag, the clips to hold it up, and the long tube. At the end of the tube I screwed on an attachment like a narrow straw. I undressed, leaving my clothes in a pile by the door, and filled the bag with warm water. I quickly learned that the water had to be pretty much body temperature. Those skin surfaces inside were not used to touching anything cooler or warmer. Enemas, even as warm as bath water burned like a son of a bitch and I suspected they seared off a layer of skin. I soaped up the nozzle so that it was slippery enough to insert into my tight ass. (Oh shit how would I ever get his goddamn dick inside?) I pushed the water in from the bottle and then pushed it out. Lather, rinse, repeat. Another side effect was that the water didn’t all expel. A lot of it was absorbed by my body and some of it just slurped around. After about an hour, I really had to pee.

But I thought I was making progress. Before long I could put over a pint of water inside. Some of the articles on the internet said that true enema fanatics could take almost a gallon of water at a time, until their bellies expanded. They really got off on how long they could hold it inside. Some of them made mixtures of water and coffee or water and wine, counting on the absorbing properties of the colon to make them either jittery or drunk. Absolutely perverse! I wondered if they knew about Marilyn Monroe and her barbiturates. The article that suggested these methods did warn that you had little control over how much of the extra chemical your body was going to absorb inside your bowels. No shit!

I listened to an interview with porn star Jenna Haze. She was on Playboy Radio talking to Tiffany Granath. She disclosed that what she did to prepare for an anal sex scene was a combination of fasting and enemas. She said she’d never had an embarrassing experience on a set. I got a pad of paper and took notes.

Nervously, I decided I’d be ready. I called my man I’d be ready for a round of sex on Friday night. Thursday, at noon, I ate a salad, then after that, I cut off the solid foods. Yogurt for dinner. I did one of the box enemas that evening, and the diarrhetic went right through me. I evacuated most of what I had inside, then went to bed. I wanted to masturbate, then thought I’d better save it. Let the tension build.

Friday noon, I did another enema, water only, using a hot water bottle system that I purchased at Wal-Mart. I filled the pink bladder with tepid water. I attached the hoses and a nozzle that inserted into my ass. It sprayed water in several directions. Naked, I leaned over in the bathtub, the bladder of water under my knees and pushed on the bladder. The water started flowing through the tubes and filling up my bowels.

The feeling was intense. I’d already gotten most of the debris out the night before, so now it was more a "final rinse." The first water was a little cool and I could distinctively feel the water spread into my colon. Awesome! I knelt on the bladder and pushed a little more water in. I started to feel a little full, and I wanted to distract myself from the feeling so I could push more water inside after a minute.

I put my hand down and started diddling on my clit. Good distraction! I clenched the muscles of my anus to hold the water in, and rubbed my cliterous. I held the water, held the water, held the water. I rubbed my clit, rubbed my clit, rubbed my clit. I pushed on the bladder and forced a little more water inside. I rubbed my clit some more. I folded the rubber bladder in half to push the last bit of water inside. I thought I was holding about a quart! I felt so—so stretched. It was nice and cool inside. Water dripped a little from the nozzle, rolling cool water over my hand while I messed with my clit so I could hold it as long as possible.

Then it felt sudden that I needed to expel the water. I stood, stepped out of the bathtub and perched on the toilet. I pushed some of the water out, then clenched my ass shut. The longer I could hold the water, the better a rinse it would be. On the toilet, I played with my clit a little more. I felt all electrified and in tune with my body. I got the hair clippers and spread my thighs so I could trim my pubic hairs. I challenged myself to hold the water that little while longer. I felt the delicious vibration of the clippers as I trimmed my bush to about an eighth an inch. After I finished, I rolled my clit between my forefinger and thumb. I felt the fullness of the water in my ass.

I pushed the water out, as much as I could.

Oh dear! I wasn’t counting on liking the enema so much. I filled the enema bag again, this time with slightly warmer water. I inserted the nozzle in my asshole, and started pushing on the bag with my knee and forearm. The water squirted out, a jet flying off to the left and hitting the side of the tub. I pushed the nozzle inside a little deeper, then the water started filling me to capacity. I put my right hand between my thighs and I kept masturbating. The intensity against my clit was so effective at taking my mind off the filling feeling in my butt. I got one of my man’s razors and shaved the line of hairs that grew inside my pussy lips. I held the water in, held the water in. I arched my back as much as I could and pushed on the bladder of water to force every drop of water inside. Oh, I was such a good girl to take all this water! I reached back between my legs and tentatively shaved the circle of fine hairs from around my anus.

Oh fuck! I was so, so full! My rectum was all full of water and I could feel the water push up into my lower intestine, farther than a dick could probably reach. I pushed on the bladder of water some more, and I could even feel the water push more inside and my tummy started to distend. Oh fuck. This was about as full as I was going to get. I stood to cross the bathroom, clenching my ass closed. Oh! Oh! The water splashed out behind me, all over the bathtub.

I squatted and released the water. Oh it felt great. It really felt great. There was a little white pasty mucus from my bung hole coming out with the water, but other than that, I was spotlessly clean. After I was sure I had expressed all of the water, I walked naked into my bedroom and got a dildo from the drawer in the nightstand.

I went back into the bathtub. I soaped up the dildo and then I squatted down onto it, pushing it right into my butt. Oh my god. Oh fuck. It felt great! I had a squeaky clean ass, and the dildo slid in. I started rocking it in and out. Oh there was a little to push out. I got up, the dildo plugging my ass and went to the toilet. I pushed. Nothing much. More clear mucus. I went back to the bathtub, rinsed the hot water bag out and filled it a quarter way with warm water. I pushed the dildo back into my asshole and started riding it. Oh, oh oh yes!!! I think I’m gonna like this!

I got done with my little session in the tub and I laid on the bed. Oh my god. I was wonderfully exhausted. The enema was so thorough, and expelling it was it’s own little reward. I felt deliciously scoured clean. After a brief rest on the bed, I felt energized, and ready to take on the world.

I could hardly wait for my man to get home from work. I was fasting all day, so I sipped at my Diet Coke and chewed ice. In the middle of the afternoon, I peed and made sure I didn’t have anything else inside my colon by pushing the dildo back inside and working it some more. I came, and it was a different sort of cum. I wanted to experiment some more, but I decided to hold out and wait for my man.

He arrived with a bottle of white wine. I drank a glass. It went right through me, since I hadn’t eaten for almost 28 hours. My man was going to get the fuck of his life, but he didn’t know it, he didn’t have any idea. I drank another glass of wine, and I was feeling a buzz.

Of course I had already flashed out the credit card at Victoria’s Secret, so I had quite the show for him that night. I stripped down to a pale pink teddy that laced up the front. I took my time unlacing it, flashing my perfect 36C breasts. He took my ruddy nipples into his mouth and sucked, long and hard. Electricity shot right through me. I was ready to cum right then! I wasn’t surprised. Doing the enema had made me so aroused, and I’d carried that with me all afternoon. The idea of his big cock ramming in and out of me the same way that the girl had taken it in the video, well that was a huge turn-on for me too. Still wearing the teddy, I took his hand and led him into the bedroom.

I turned on the lights. He looked at me funny. "No way you’re going to miss a second of this." Men are always so much more visual than women, but I’ll admit that I wanted to see that big thick dick of his slipping in and out of my ass. He stripped off his clothes. He already had a boner stretching out, as big as the state of Florida.

"You sure you’re ready."

I remembered the several bags of water I’d deliriously flushed through my system. "Oh I’m ready. Yes baby, I’m ready."

The wine was going through me too. He’d brought my glass into the bedroom, so I took another sip. Then he picked me up and put me down on the bed, on my back. He carefully unlaced the rest of the teddy, and unsnapped the crotch of my teddy. "Take that thing off, will you?"

I pressed my breasts together and offered him a good shot of my cleavage, my nipples jutting out, then I pulled the teddy off over my head. I tossed it in the corner. I laid back on the bed, ready for him to do his thing.

He started by trailing fingers softly across my skin. He was picking up the natural electrical currents inside of me and swirled them all together. He teased me by circling his thumb around my nipples, then he sucked on each one in turn. I could fell that my pussy was already soaked. I wanted him so bad.

He took me vaginally at first. He put it in, and pushed my left leg up high, so that when he went inside me missionary style, he had my leg to hold. It went up over his shoulder, my ankle by his ear and it enabled us to both see the penetration of his cock into my love canal. He slid it in slowly, and then with one leg up and the other down, he could come at me from an angle. He "stirred" my juices with his beautiful cock. I could see him roll his hips in a circle as he directed his dick to hit the walls of my cunt, all the way around. Oh it felt wonderful! Then with my legs spread so, he put his hand on my clit, right above where he was grinding it, and he started to trace tiny circles around that little head as he stroked his dick in and out. Oh! Oh! Oh!

I don’t have any trouble cumming over and over, but it was rare for a man to take the time to find out how many times I could cum. My man was as patient as they made them. He could stroke me with my ankle up by his ear and stroke, stroke, stroke, sliding it in and out so slo-o-owly that we both were gasping with pleasure. Then he shifted around and pushed the other ankle up, so that his hips were mashing into my pussy and I was on fire. He fucked and fucked like a madman.

"Hey, you, I want some of that in my ass." I told him.

"You do? Oh shit." He kept pumping away, now invigorated by visions of asshole plums dancing in his head. "Shit Girl, well let me take some of the edge off first."

He flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees. He stood by the side of the bed and entered me doggy style. Oh! Oh! This was my favorite position, and he was still inside my cunt. I was so wet, I made slurp, slurp, slurpy sounds as he glided in and out. I knelt with my ass up, leaning against my forearms on the bed. I gripped the bedspread to hold my position. He was jamming at me so hard, he physically moved me forward on the mattress. I didn’t want to slam my head against the headboard.

He was hitting all the perfect spots and as hot as I was, I started to cum. I clenched his dick hard with my vaginal muscles as I clenched the blankets with my hands. I felt my body force out more fluids–I was cumming and dripping all over the place. My body had absorbed a lot of water from those enemas. I was saturated. It felt fabulous. Who needs to drink eight glasses of water a day when you can push three or four into your asshole and hold them in and take the liquid that way? I felt like I had a new lease on life.

My man pulled his twitching dick out of my vagina and he started jacking it. "I’m going to cum!" he announced, his hand sliding back and forth in the pattern he always used. His palm brushed past the head, and I saw it bulge and cum started spurting out. I stuck my tongue out and he aimed at my mouth, and jets of cum flew onto the bed, some of them hitting my mouth. I took my forefinger and scraped the white cream off my cheek and tasted it. God, I loved eating cum!

Then my man positioned my ass up, doggy style again. "I’m going to start teasing you a little, okay Baby?"

I nodded. I was still recovering from that great climax, but it would only take a moment for me to be ready again. He wanted me kneeling doggy style with my ass over the edge of the bed. He stood behind me, his own dick still pulsing out beads of cum. He was softer, but not completely soft. I knew that he would be rigid in no time. My man slicked his hands up with lubricant. We kept a pump bottle on the nightstand. He leaned down and studied my spotless asshole. He put his thumb on it, and slowly started tracing a circle around it. I leaned into his hand, enjoying feeling the trace around that tight hole. Then he inserted a finger. I would have normally recoiled against the sudden invasion into a hole designed as an exit, but after all my preparations, I was ready. It was like he was coming home. I wanted more.

"Come on, Baby! I’m ready. None of this sissy stuff."

Then two fingers. He inserted them like he was picking up a bowling ball. Two in my asshole, one in my cunt. Oh it felt good! The ridges of his knuckles pressed against the sphincter muscle, and I put my hands on my ass cheeks and held my asshole open to him. "Ahaa!" He said, excited, and he quickly expanded the opening, this time using two fingers from his left hand, and two fingers from his right. I was going to be able to take this, I thought. So far, everything felt great.

He kept inserting lubricated fingers inside my gaping asshole. I was bucking against him, wanting more. I looked down to check on him. His dick was standing at attention again. "Fuck that ass!" I told him. "Fuck me in my ass."

I didn’t need to tell him again. He dashed a squirt of lube across his dick and another on my asshole. He used his hand to spread the lube across his dick. I knew that the second erection would last and last. His glistening hard dick was just inches from my asshole. He was ready to plunge it in.

And Ooh I was so ready! I’m not going to tell you that it was anything like a good pussy fucking, because it’s not. It’s incredibly different. There’s a whole layer of skin blocking that dick from my cunt, but all the wires are still there. And having everything clean and a little wine in my system....ooooh, I could take it all night! My Baby stuck it in and Yes, it felt uncomfortable for maybe ten seconds, but he just held it there stiff as a pole and let my body adjust to the size. Then when I started rocking against it–the lightening started sizzling and rockets went off. If it started to feel a little intense, I just did what I did in the tub, I diddled my clit, letting the fireworks there distract me momentarily from his sheer size.

For a little while, I just felt slammed. Yes, it felt good, but I was at his mercy, you know what I mean? I couldn’t move much, I couldn’t react. I just crouched there on the edge of the bed, my ass over the side, his dick slamming into my asshole. It felt like almost too much. Then oh shit, it started to feel glorious. He reached around me and started jamming on my clit with his hand. I arched my back and I felt like the girl in the movie, "Deeper, Baby, deeper!"

He grabbed onto my hips and started slamming harder and faster. He pushed my lower back down, and I think he could feel the tip of his penis pushing to bust out, he could feel the motion through my flesh. The idea of that big ole dick of his just ramming my asshole, well it was such a turn-on. I looked at him through my legs, my ass high, trying to see what it looked like, his pink shaft disappearing inside of me, over and over. I couldn’t see him directly, not from that position, but I could see the reflection of him in the mirror on the inside of the door. He stood directly behind me, his hard dick lined up, pistoning in and out. Oh my god, it felt so good!

I couldn’t get enough! I clenched my sphincter around his dick and heard him catch his breath. Oooh that must have felt so tight! I clenched and clenched, gripping his dick with my tight, pink ass... "Give it to me!"

Oh sweet mother of god. The orgasm was so fucking insane! I felt it build and build, the clenching was starting to set it off. I could feel his dick hitting my G-spot, but it was coming at it from the wrong angle, and a layer of skin blocked it off. It felt exotic, like fucking my pussy through a layer of cloth. And from all the prepping I’d done with the enema a few hours before, my body was ready to explode! I felt the sensations build, higher and higher, and then there wasn’t much I could do. I clung to the layers of blanket on the bedspread, my man fucking and fucking from behind, the mattress slipping off the side from perpetual motion. I was completely absorbed by the intensity of having his dick in my ass.

The orgasm started washing through me, and I was its victim. It came over me like a wave, overpowering all my senses. There was a slight trickle of sweat rolling down my face. I closed my eyes, flooded with sensations. All I could feel was pushing and resisting, my body caught in a tug of war. I was about to bust! I was overwhelmed by the slam of his hard dick and my muscles clenching as hard as they could. I had no control. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" My fingers balled into fists. I started spasming against the soft cotton of my quilt. I wanted to push, push, push against him and he resisted by gripping the flesh of my ass like a pillow and jamming away. Phenomenal. I was crying out, yelling from the intensity, not wanting him to stop. I was pushing so hard, pushing, pushing, pushing. Cum started flying out, like jets of clear piss. My man saw the fluids flying. I could feel his dick tighten. "Shit Baby, shit! I’m gonna cum!" He gripped my hips, thrust his rod as deep as it would go and blew his load. I was still writhing and pulsing from my own orgasm and he more or less fell over me. We collapsed in a tussle of panting and heaving breasts. I couldn’t move. Muscles in my legs started twitching involuntarily. The flutter in my tummy didn’t quit for almost an hour.

Best Friend's Sister

Pantyluver on Anal Stories

This happened a few years ago right after my high school graduation. My best friend "Jon"s family invited me to their cabin on the lake for the summer. I couldn't wait, it was even better when I found out that Jon's sister "Jane" was going with! Jane was 2 years older than me and VERY SEXY!! I couldn't help myself but to stare at her 34D boobs, and her size 5 ass, I know I used to sneak a peak at

My sexy neighbor Cara Part 1

mit9319 on Anal Stories

My name is Dan, I'm 25 and my neighbor, Caroline, is 1_

She's a beutiful girl, pale skin, long blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, 28AA and a the cutest little butt you've ever seen. She's a swimmer and thanks to god, I have a pool.

She usually comes over after school to swim a bit, I don't mind. But this time... this time was so different. She got here around 16:00 with her school bag and headed directly to the bathroom to get changed... but this time she left the door open. I'm not a perv, I didn't peek... But I couldn't help but see her, naked in my bathroom getting into her bikini. I knew she could see me looking at her and I could see her blushing and smiling.

Anyway, she went outside and jumped in the pool, I was in my office finishing some work when I had the urge to pee.

Anal Training

DiverseDesires on Anal Stories

It was Sunday morning, and I woke up with Jamie's morning erection pressing against my but and I did what I had been doing recently, move mine so that his prick pushed up against my anus. I loved the feel of the velvety head of his prick massaging and pushing against my tight little hole.

More and more I had been fantasising about anal sex, reading stories online, even fantasising about double

Who's fucking who in a one night stand?

nutville71 on Anal Stories

How did I end up here? I lie on my side, full erection, the taste of her pussy in my mouth. Her nipples pricking in my back, my ass cold with the lube she generously applied used to loosen it up enough to shove a butt plug in. The same butt plug she now slowly extracts... I feel the head of a dildo against my ass.

"This might hurt just a bit", she whispers in my ear, abd starts push

Never say Never - my GF first anal sex experience

buckminster on Anal Stories

Well, I always swore I'd never let anyone fuck me in the ass, but I found out that the old saying "Never say Never" is very true. On Tuesday nite, Buck gave me a great back massage with warm sesame seed oil. (I just love the way that kind of oil feels - so smooth and silky.) He rubbed my back for a long time like he always does and then put some of the warm oil on my butt cheeks and thighs. He massaged the oil into my legs and butt cheeks then poured some of the warm oil into the crack of my butt. That felt so good back there. When he slid a finger into my asshole, it was sooo wicked and nasty. I felt relaxed, very excited and was looking forward to what I knew would happen next.
Buck got up on his knees, sat across the back of my thighs and started rubbing his

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cock up and down the crack of my ass. He'd rub it extra against my other hole and added more warm oil. He moved further forward on his knees and pushed harder against my ass.The head of his dick felt so huge. At this point, Buck stopped pressing and just held perfectly still while I wiggled my ass against his dick. We kept this up until I felt the head of his cock pop into my ass. My asshole burned for a second when that happened but then it felt so good with his cock in there. Buck continued to hold still in this position while I kept moving my ass and pushing more of his cock in there. I played with my clit when Buck began moving his hips. I never felt so full back there before.
Buck began to rock on his knees and started sliding his dick back and forth in my ass, getting harder and deeper. I laid there, face down on the pillow, my tummy on top of another pillow, with my ass up in air. As Buck began to ream out my ass, I reached back and grabbed Buck by the hair. I pulled his face down next to mine and I screamed:
"Fuck me! Fuck me harder, asshole!!".

Buck slid his cock in and out, almost pulling it all way out, then all the way back into my ass until his ball sack was up against my ass. I rubbed my pussy and my clity as he fucked me in the ass harder and harder.
Buck's behemoth of a dick didn't hurt like I thought it would and I began to cum now from rubbing my fuck button. I felt Buck's cock get bigger in my ass and knew he was ready to pop his load in me. He moved forward and mounted my ass higher. He pinned me down to the bed as he humped me harder than ever. As I felt the hot steamy goo when he started squirting deep in my ass, I came, too, And not from rubbing my clit. I felt a spasm and came again as Buck unloaded another squirt of cum pumped deep in my ass. Two more strokes filled my ass with so much of his love juice, I was overflowing. After that, Buck just sat still on top of my legs. We both just held still as our bodies twitched for a minute. He started moving his cock again. Buck was still firm and pulled his cock all the way out of my butthole, then suddenly shoved it back in hard, plowing deep into my ass, this time without any resistance. After only a few of those cock strokes so nice and deep in my ass, I came hard again!! I think Buck did, too.
Buck moved to get off me but I clamped my asshole down hard around his cock so he couldn't get away from me. I wanted more of his cock and cum but he was totally spent. He got softer and I let him pull his dick out of my ass. I can't ever remember seeing Buck so completely wasted after fucking me. He was moaning, breathing hard and kept mumbling about how he had never cum so hard in his life. Eventually Buck got up to get a warm, wet towel and wiped our fuck juices from my ass, my back and my legs. I just laid there, with my ass twitching, loving how Buck's hot cum felt in my well used ass and recalling how that third orgasm was so incredibly wonderful.
So that's how I lost my virgin ass cherry.... OMG, I never imagined I would ever let someone fuck me in the ass let alone cum so hard that way... An anal gangbang would be sooo wicked and naughty - have Buck and maybe two or three other guys fuck me in the ass and my pussy at the same time. I guess this means I'm really an anal cum slut now..LOL 

You know what they say -- "Never say Never", right? ...

Anal for Jenna

francis on Anal Stories


I’d by accident come across spanking sites on the internet and had realised that I had a repressed need to spank women, if not more.  I registered with a site that had taken my fancy and soon I was a regular posted, on the ‘Off Topic’ forum.  There was also a site chat room and I was a regular visitor.  After a short time some of the ladies in the chat room was speaking to me in ‘private chat’.  I was surprised on evening when after on such private messaging session the woman who was called
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Jenna asked if I would like to meet.  We arrange a day and time and chose a ‘vanilla’ venue - which was a coffee shop close to her home.  We soon became spanking partners, even though she was married.  Her desire for spanking had been evident since she was thirteen; it had taken over thirty years for her to realise her needs.

We met whenever we could, and soon I had built up a collection of spanking implements and the sessions where quite prolonged and after at least an hour of over the knee spanking and paddling would progress to a severe caning, often with over 150 strokes.

Jenna during these session had admitted that she also had started reading various spanking and fetish magazine, which her husband strangely bought and enjoyed but did not practice in real life; much to Jenna frustration.  After she had visited a BDSM fair one weekend she had told me of some of the items that given her a sexual tingling.  These included various bondage cuffs and straps, and in particular some silicon butt plugs and an enema kit.  Taking note I visited a fetish supplier ‘on line’ and bought some of the items Jenna had talked about with what could only be described as lust.

They arrived surprisingly quickly and i took them to our next meeting.  As usual after our initial spanking, where she was over my knee, with her skirt raised and with her panties around her ankles, Jenna was excited and had a wet pussy.  As I was caressing her bottom I was lightly brushing her labia, and as her level of excitement rose her pushed back to increase the pressure on her love lips.  I reminded her about the items that had excited her at the BDSM fair.  She remained quiet when I asked if she wanted to experience them or was it all talk.  She did not answer, so I lent over to my bag and opening a side pouch removed a purple silicon butt plug.  It was one of the smaller ones, only about the thickness of a thumb and twelve centimetres long.  It also had a distinct curve on the initial half of its length.  As Jenna was laying over my lap she could not see what I was holding.  Using her natural lubrication to coat the toy which was leaking from her cunt, I then placed the tip at the puckered entrance of her anus.  I was surprised that it slipped straight in with little effort.  Jenna let out a moan - not of pain but of pleasure.  I fucked her arse with it, and she was soon cumming; in fact much quicker than she did when she had been finger-fucked.

After she had recovered, I asked her if she still wanted to try an enema?  She said that she did but was nervous to.  As Jenna  was somewhat submissive I took the lead, and picking up my bag, told her to get up the stairs and go into the bathroom.  I laid some towels on the tiled floor, and told her to take her clothes off.  While she did that, I took what I needed out of my bag.  As Jenna was now naked I told her to lay on the towels and to lay on her left side.  I was now filling  an enema bag with warm water at 40°C using a digital thermometer to check.  I knelt next to her, removed the butt plug and lubricated her sphincter, then eased the rounded tip of the tube which ran from the filled bag in. The bag was hanging from the rail of the shower curtain.  I reached up and opened the valve at the base of the bag and the fluid started to fill her.  As it was her first time, I had only put 1½ litres in the bag.  When it had all entered her, I carefully removed the nozzle, and replaced the butt plug.  After several minutes Jenna said that she wanted to let it out.  I told her to hold the fluid for longer.  I waited till she was very uncomfortable and told her she could sit on the toilet and remove the plug.  She moved quickly and as she squatted over the bowl and jerked the butt plug from her hole.  Once evacuated, she let out a cry of relief.  I was unsure as to whether she had found it pleasurable or not but she had a big grin on her face, and looked contented.  It had done something for her, just as the arse fucking with the butt plug had.  As she sat contentedly she stared to finger her labia and then her finger were frigging herself.

It had also been a big turn-on for me too.  I was hard and so I pulled her on to the floor so that she was on all fours.  I unzipped and kneeing behind her placed the head of my cock against her ring-piece and pushed forward, while Jenna realising what was happening pushed back in response.  As her anus had been probed and stimulated I slipped in easily and was thrusting quickly, while spanking her arse simultaneously to add to the sensations she felt.  Her tight orifice was really stimulating my cock and I was soon ready to cum.  As I had noted earlier, Jenna came quickly too and as jets of my seed were released, she groaned and came too, then slumped on the tiled floor.  We moved to the spare bedroom and I took my cane from the bag with us.  We lay there recovering from the intense feeling of this new aspect of our fetish lifestyle.  Jenna was surprised how much she had been turned on and how quickly she had come from the anal stimulation.  Her husband had made it clear that he was not interest in any way in  an such anal games; not even fucking her arse.  As we lay there i was stroking and caressing the fleshy globes of her bottom.

I was automatically giving her bottom gentle spanks.  Then I told her to lie on the bed face down.  I took some of the pillows and placed them under she abdomen, thus raising her bottom.  Standing at the side of the bed, I placed the cane against her, positioning it.  I now raised the rod and swung it up and then down across the fleshy globes.  I continued, quickly giving twenty blows.  These left several red stripes across her bottom.  I continued, but stopped occasionally to stroke and gently rub the red and striped flesh.  My finger tips felt the raised marks and some that where not so obvious.  Jenna was becoming excited again and making sounds of being sexually worked up.  As we were close n the one hundred strokes, Jenna was close to orgasm and then she was cumming.  I continued to give more strokes and she came over and over again.  Then she suddenly slumped forward, and was off in ‘subspace’.  i stopped her caning and lay next to her and held her till she started to recover.  It took a while for her to be able to speak, and she was weak and shaky for at least twenty minutes.  I let her lay there and disappeared to make some tea and bought it back.  We had that and then cuddled, and soon Jenna was asleep.  I quietly collected up my bits and pieces, and kissed her goodbye, leaving her to sleep.

Later that night we chatted on internet messaging.  Jenna said it had been the most intense of our sessions so far, and thanked me for giving her a wonderful first anal experience and taking her into ‘subspace’.


subher on Anal Stories

I was born in one of the many breeding farms in the States, apparently my father and his family wanted a son so I was given to the slave orphanage. Growing up in an orphanage was hard at times but we were taught a lot and shown how to serve.

We were woken up in the mornings before the sun came up, our diapers were taken off and we were run for 5 miles and told to do our vaginal and anal exercises. Then we were cleaned and brought to work in one of the many fields or farmhouses. At night we were taught the important things; Leather craft, sewing, speaking and how to walk in heels. We were encouraged to walk on our feet only for work, inside we always were led around on all fours. We were taught that we had no choices or will. The women who raised us were strict and nobody ever rea

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lly went against them. The slaves that did went away and never came back. Some of my fellow slaves would be sold to families to be servants in some capacity but the lucky few of us that were whore-stock would be sold as untrained slaves on our 16 th birthday. Whore-stock was rare. The Masters and Mistresses who would buy us had to be registered with the federal government to train new slaves, it was even rare for them to come across whore-stock. They were highly paid and well respected people in society and whatever money they made from selling us they got to split with the state, so needless to say they trained us well.

It was the morning of my 16 th birthday, the day I would be sold. I was taken to a large exam room and my diaper was taken off. I was bathed and made to wear the thick leather collar I had made in leather craft. Another diaper was put on along with a leash and I was led into a small wooden crate with air holes drilled into it and locked in. I was loaded onto the truck and driven to town.

It was my first time off the grounds of the orphanage so I looked out of the holes in my crate in awe of the changing landscape. The truck stopped after about a half a day and the crate was unloaded and opened and I was led inside a large building and told that I was the only one today. There were four men and one woman watching me and others looked on as I was lifted onto a steel table and my diaper came off. I was cleaned off and told to raise my rump high. The four men and woman looked at all my holes and squeezed my tits, inspecting me and writing things down separately. I felt my cheeks get separated and I jumped slightly when my holes were touched lightly. Nothing was said.

A clean diaper was put on me and then I was led out into the town square where it seemed like everyone in the town was there to watch the auction. I was held off to the side and watched as breeding slaves, servants and older whores were sold. I was last and when I was brought up there was a hush over the crowd. The four men and one woman were sitting in the front row and I realized they must be the Federal Masters. I was turned and talked about, as rare virgin whore-stock and the crowd seemed like they were in awe. The men were looking at me with lust and the women seemingly with hate as the bidding started. I was sold to a large handsome man for 50,000 credits and I was put into the crate and loaded into the back of his truck.

I looked out of one of the air holes as hours later we drove up to a huge farmhouse on what seemed like many acres. I watched as some of his servants carried me down into the cellar and opened the crate. I peaked out slowly and waited for instruction. The big man leaned down and looked at me and told me it was ok to come out. I crawled out tentatively and he pulled on my leash telling me it was ok and not to be scared. He asked me if I needed a diaper change and I instantly came out of the crate and lay on the floor on my back and raised my legs for him. He said, "Good whore," and he changed my diaper and cleaned me up. He said, "I'm your new Daddy, can you say Daddy, whore?" He was rubbing cream into my holes as I nodded my head and said, "Daddy." "Good whore," he said, "Daddy is going to show you how to go in the potty." I was confused but my new Daddy was so nice so I said, "Ok Daddy," and I smiled. He continued rubbing the cream in and he sat back on his heels and just looked at me and said, "You're a very pretty whore," and he reached down and rubbed my breast. I squeaked and said, "That tickles Daddy and he pinched my nipple until I flinched. "Do you like it, whore?" he said. "Yes Daddy, but it makes me feel like I have to pee, Daddy." "That's because you're a whore and the only thing your good for, is to have your holes filled," as he put his finger slowly into my cunt hole and felt for my hymen. He smiled and said "I think I need to fill your ass hole, whore, maybe I'll sell your cunt's virginity to the highest bidder." I didn't really understand him so I smiled and said, "OK Daddy." He tickled my clit and said, "The next time you have to pee you tell me ok, whore?" "Yes Daddy," I replied and he unhooked my leash and told me to follow him.

I followed him upstairs to a huge modern kitchen with a large island counter in the middle of the room. There were pots hanging on a rack above the marble-topped island and all the appliances were steel. The back wall of the kitchen was all windows and French doors out to a deck leading to a pool. I could see a barn and a couple of buildings leading back to woods all around to the distance.

He told me to hop up onto the island part of the counter onto my stomach with my legs dangling over the side. He smacked my ass and took my arms and placed them behind my back. He put a bowl of water under my face and said, "It's time to feed that mouth hole of yours. Don't use your hands, whore," and I watched him prepare to cook as I lapped at the water. He chopped onions and garlic and made us an omelet. While it was cooking he said, "Do you have to pee, whore?" I said, "No Daddy." He said, "Good," and I saw him reach for the olive oil and I felt him pour some on my ass. He rubbed it into me and said, "I'm going to enjoy this, whore." I smiled and said, "OK Daddy," and he reached over and took a wooden spoon and inserted the long smooth handle into my ass hole. I squealed and moaned and he said, "Keep drinking your water, whore. You shouldn't concern yourself with how I treat your holes." I took a deep breath and tried to ignore his probing but I was confused, it felt good and I didn't understand why. He was looking at me from different angles and he laughed and said, "You are so brainless," as he slid his hands over my ass. He fucked my hole with the stick for a while and then washed his hands and put the omelet in front of my face and told me to eat. He sat at the table and ate properly as I stuck my face into the meal and devoured it like an animal. He laughed at me and told me I was a good whore.

When he was done eating and he was satisfied that I had enough he told me to get down off the counter and clean up the dishes. He showed me how to scrape the food off and rinse them and put them into a machine. He sat back and watched me work with the spoon sticking out of my hole and the food all over my face. He showed me how to wipe down the counters and to put all the food away and he pulled at my nipples from behind me and told me to keep working. He watched me wipe the crumbs off of the counter into my hand and noticed some dropping on the floor. He grabbed my hands and head and pushed me to the ground and stuck my face onto the floor and leaned his knee into my back. He said firmly, "You stupid little bitch. Lick it up, cunt," as he pushed my head down. I stuck my tongue out and licked the floor willingly. "Do you want to please your Daddy, whore?" He asked. "Yes Daddy," I squeaked out and he got up and told me to scrub the crumbs off the floor as he slowly pushed the spoon deeper into my hole. He fucked me with it while I scrubbed and I felt that feeling again, like it felt good when he hurt me. "You crave to be humiliated and used, don't you, whore?" He said as I felt the long stick go deeper into my body.

He asked me if I had to piss and I told him yes as he worked me upstairs into a lavish bathroom, steering me by the stick in my ass. He told me to hold it in and when we got there I saw a small child's chair in the corner. He told me to stop and then said, "You sit on that potty and you relieve yourself, whore." He pulled the stick out fast and threw it in the garbage. He watched me relieve myself and laughed at me when I pissed. He said, "Look at the whore, pissing for the first time in a little potty." It took me a long time and my legs were numb as he cleaned me off and turned on the bath. He scrubbed me while on my hands and knees and slowly cleaned my ass hole with his soapy finger. I got confused again and I decided to ask, "Daddy?" "Yes, whore?" He replied as I felt another finger fuck me. "Why do I tingle when you touch me there?" I asked, breathing heavy. "Because, you are a whore and your sole duty in life is to be used. When you just breathe into it and take your abuse, you will feel release. Just breathe, never make a sound, whore." He answered and I breathed through his cleaning.

He wrapped me up in a towel and carried me into a huge red bedroom. There was fabric everywhere and he laid me back onto the bed and spread my legs back. He left and came back with a diaper and a bottle of cream and he pulled open my pussy and poured the cream onto my open pussy. His hand went right to my clit and he rubbed the cream into me and I felt like I was sliding off the earth. I instantly grabbed my nipples and pinched them hard, holding them up and I let out a moan. He laughed and said, "Maybe I should train you to be a cum whore. Yes, I am…I love it, a virgin cum whore!" He stopped rubbing me and put my diaper on. He had me step into a harness that strapped all the way from my neck to my knees and he placed me on the bed so my head was down and my ass was up. He strapped me in to straps that had been attached to the mattress so I couldn't move. He hooked my arms comfortably by my sides and covered me with the blankets. "I'm proud of your first day whore, but lets hope tomorrow is even better. Sleep."










The next morning I was woken up by the clicks of the hooks, unhooking the harness. I was told to stand and he took the harness off of me. He told me to get down and follow and I did. I crawled behind him and he said, "Did you dirty your diaper, hole? Or did you behave and wait like a good hole?" "I was a good hole, Daddy," I replied and he laughed as he bent down and took the diaper off of me. He told me to sit on the potty and I did as he watched and told me what a good whore I was. He bathed me and put a collar and leash on my neck while I was on all fours. He held something up and explained that it was a small butt plug and that I just needed to breathe. He put cream on my ass and worked the plug in while I breathed through it. It wasn't that bad so I smiled when he asked if I was OK.

He led me down to a beautiful living room and he posed me on all fours on a chair in the corner where he unhooked my leash. A servant brought him food as he read the paper and watched the TV news. The servant was instructed to feed me and I was told to get down and eat out of the bowls set on the floor in the corner. I ate sloppily and when I was done he wiped my face with a napkin and he grabbed my collar and posed me on the coffee table with my ass up. He sat behind me and told me to reach around and spread my ass cheeks and I obeyed quickly. I felt him turn the plug and he asked, "How does it feel, hole?" "It feels good, Daddy," I answered. "Good," He said and he pulled the plug out a little and shoved it back in. I breathed through it and got that tingling feeling again as he fucked my ass with the plug hard. I tried not to scream and moan with my true lustful feelings and he asked, "I bet you want to cum, whore." I was breathing heavy and I asked, "Cum, Daddy?" "That's right, I haven't explained cum," and he laughed. He told me not to worry about it for now and he kept fucking my ass as I heard a buzzing sound. He laughed and I felt him touch my clit with a vibrating ball and he told me to relax and let go. I shook and quivered as I let out a scream as I felt a quaking inside me, confused as to what it was. He rubbed my clit with the ball and shook the plug in my ass as I bucked and screamed and squirted all over his hand. He laughed as he wiped it on my ass and said, "You like that, whore? That is cum," and he let me lick his hand and he continued, "If you're a good girl and beg for it properly, I'll let you do that a lot, OK whore?" "Yes, Daddy I will beg you," I managed to get out as I recovered from the cum.

He led me into the dining room and posed me on my knees on the table at the head, face down and covered with a cloth napkin, ass up. He hooked my leash around through my legs back up to my neck. The feel of the chain digging into the plug made me instantly drip. He looked at me and laughed and he left the room. Later, while one of the servants was setting two places at the other end of the table the doorbell rang. Another servant answered the door and I peaked a look at a very tall man wearing a dark hat and long cloak. The servant showed him into the dining room to wait for Daddy and she offered him a drink as she took his coat and hat. He asked for a bloody Mary and she went to retrieve it. I watched him wander into the room and come around behind me. He laughed and the girl came back with his drink. Daddy came in and asked, "So are you hungry, Julian?" They exchanged handshakes and greetings as another servant came in and served two salads at the table. The two men sat down and discussed the price of my virginal holes. They spoke of other business and some other prospects in the area, they seemed to ignore me as they ate. Bowls of food and water were set before me and I was told to eat by Daddy.

The men ate and watched me eat with my filled ass high in the air. They were served another course as Daddy said, "So you want her virgin hole, huh? You know that plug is the biggest thing that's been in the ass." "I just want to help you work it open. I don't want the cunt, I just want that tight ass," Julian said as he ate his lunch. Daddy laughed, "I'll let you work it for 20,000 credits." "That's it? Sold." Julian said as they raised their glasses and took a drink. Daddy said, "You're already making me money, whore," and I lifted my food-covered face, napkin and all and smiled, "Thank you, Daddy." They laughed and Julian said, "How big can I go?" Daddy smiled and said, "Let's see what's in my closet," and they got up and left the room.

They came back and I was led to the living room where I was bent over a small-upholstered stool and my hands and feet were bound. Daddy told me that I was to be quiet during this training session and he put a ball gag in my mouth and hooked it so my head was kept up high. He turned the TV on right in front of me and put the porn channel on. He made me watch the breeding farms with slaves getting milked in the machines and always kept pregnant. I felt the plug come out and Daddy asked if I had to piss. I told him no and I felt cream get rubbed into my ass hole. I watched the screen: I saw the cheap whores getting fucked by huge animals in slave zoos as I felt something get pushed into my ass and it felt so good. I heard Daddy say, "Just relax, whore," and I watched the federal whores getting fucked with bats at the pre-show at National Baseball games. He made me look at the slaves in the prison camps getting punished with federal examinations and medical testing as I felt my ass get stretched wide with the object. I wanted to cum but Daddy said no voice as I just breathed hard through the pushing. I watched the lowly freak farms. There they would make the slaves work the fields and then do the freak shows in town at night for food and water. He told me if I behaved I would always be taken care of and that's why he was training me. They both laughed as the object got worked in deep and just stayed there. I heard pictures snapping as I got used to the object and kept watching the other slaves.

Daddy said, "I want her at 10 X 3 by the weekend." "You can do it, she's got 8X1 ½ in there now and it's a willing hole. Lets do it now," Julian replied. He held up a fat cock, he swung it in front of my face teasing me and I got scared at the size. I breathed hard and Daddy told me to relax and just be good. I felt the object come out of my ass slow and the next one starting to get worked in. This one went in easy because of my wet hole and I blocked out the TV and felt the giant cock in my ass. It felt so good and I tried to beg through the gag. Daddy laughed, "I forgot about that whore-stock just loves the fat cock, it's been a while since I've trained one." Julian laughed, "Its why I wanted this one, I like what you can put into them." Daddy laughed and said, "Well you can use her ass anytime Julian." "Thanks, he replied and I felt him finally pull it back out and shove it in hard.

He fucked me with it hard and slow as Daddy just laughed at my slobbering mouth and said, "If you want to cum then squeal like the pig you are, whore." I snorted and squealed as they laughed and Julian fucked my hole so hard. I felt my knees weak and shaking as I got pummeled and I begged for more. Daddy reached down and wrapped something around my leg then placed a ball on my clit and wrapped it around my other leg. I moaned and squealed as he turned the vibration on the ball. It was low and I needed more as I squealed and snorted louder and Julian just fucked me harder. I choked on the ball and they laughed as Daddy turned the ball up and I felt the whole cock get shoved in my ass. I screamed in ecstasy through the gag as I shook instantly and came so hard. It kept going and going as they kept fucking my ass and vibrating my clit. I begged for them to stop and I thought I would pee, as Julian wouldn't let up on fucking my ass hard. I snorted and squealed thinking that would let them know but it seemed to egg them on. This went on for hours as I was filled with more lube over and over and continuously milked to cum.

When they finally got tired I was untied and told to reach around and pull the fat dildo out of my ass. I did and I held it as Daddy slowly undid the ball gag and he told me to wash the dildo in the sink and then to relieve my holes. He took my face and kissed my forehead and told me I was a good whore. I washed my shit off the dildo and then sat on the little potty and relieved both holes. When I was finally done I yelled for Daddy and he came in and wiped me and washed me off. He led me back out to the living room and he had me lie back on the bed with my feet back by my ears. He rubbed my cunt and ass with cream and he rubbed it into my ass hole. He told me what a good girl I had been today and he put a diaper on me and had me step into my harness. He hooked me in, ass up and said, "Sleep."
























He was so delicate but his words were so harsh as he told me he was going to put a diaper on me the next morning and I instantly lifted my legs for him. He was going to powder me and said that my holes were too dry and instead he grabbed for the cream and said, "Your holes need to be worked well, whore. I'm going to make you crave it like a good little slut." He rubbed the cream into my holes slowly and it started to feel good. He put more on and he rubbed it into my clit and made me moan. I grabbed my knees and pulled them back for him, relaxed into the pleasure and said, "Thank you Daddy." He grabbed my ankles and held them up and rubbed the cream into my clit. He rubbed it slow and hard and my body started to shake uncontrollably. He told me to reach down and spread my ass and I did. While he lifted me by my ankles, I slowly reached down and pulled my cheeks apart for him, as I felt my orgasm close. He stopped and wrapped my hands and tied them to the bed, he put a pillow over my face and said, "I prefer the face hidden, whore." He poured more cream onto me and rubbed it into my swollen clit hard and fast making me shudder and said, "Do you want to cum whore?" "Please, Daddy, let me cum?" I moaned. He laughed and shoved some fingers into my slippery ass hole and fucked me hard as he rubbed my clit. I yelped and moaned and felt the orgasm work its way out of my body. I came so hard I squealed like a pig as he laughed at me and shoved his cock into my ass. He fucked me until he came inside it and then wrapped me into the diaper. He tied my arms up over my head and had me lie with my legs spread.

He put porn on and I watched as he showed me all these pictures of men fucking their slaves with everything but the kitchen sink. He showed me the pictures of me on his new slave site. There was the one of my ass with the spoon sticking out and then another of my ass with the fat dildo in it. You can see that my legs were bound and there was a caption under it that read: Virgin Pussy Hole-50,000 credits, whore-stock, ass 20,000 by 3-20-03 Dial Daddy. He was pleased. He was going to sell my holes and I was proud to be his, I knew I needed to please him. He said, "I like showing you off, showing the world your training. I'm going to take these pictures of you throughout your training, and make some money with your whore holes." He kept showing me pictures of other slaves and their masters beating them and shoving them into holes in the ground and fucking them with sticks. He told me that I had better behave if I don't want pain. He said, "If you just do what I say, I wont hurt you. Just be smart and listen."

Much later I felt like I had to pee and Daddy told me to just go in the diaper. I did and I sat in it for a while until he came and changed me. He wiped me off and asked if I had to shit. I told him I did and he untied me and led me to the bathroom. He pointed to the little potty and I squatted over it and did my business as he watched me. He said, "You're a dirty whore and I can't wait to see you getting your cherry popped." I finished and he had me bend over as he wiped me and told me to crawl out to the bed. I did and the whole way there he smacked my ass and told me I was getting too thin. He had me get on the bed in diaper position. He spread cream on my holes again, inside and out and told me that we were having a guest for dinner tonight. He dressed me in the diaper and a small girlie nightgown barely covering the diaper. He put my hair up in pigtails and told me to be a very good girl tonight and I wouldn't be punished. He grabbed my nipple and pinched it hard and said, "You will behave tonight and answer every question correctly and do whatever is asked of you, aren't you whore?" "Yes Daddy," I answered.

He took me downstairs and he put me in a playpen on all fours in an enormous living room. He put the Internet TV on and stopped on his favorite porn site. He made me watch as a woman was getting it in the ass, on the screen, by a fist. He went to the kitchen and I smelled food cooking and later the doorbell rang. I heard another male voice as they spoke in the kitchen and then came into the living room. They had wine glasses and Daddy said, "Here she is, my little whore." The man laughed and said, "Not even potty trained yet, I see. She's precious, I'd love to feed her." Daddy lifted me and carried me to the kitchen where he put me into a high chair and strapped me in. I watched as Daddy set the table and slide me next to the man who dipped his little finger into his wine and put it in my mouth. He said, "Wine is good for little sluts, you like it, Whore?" I shyly said, "Yes," and Daddy told me to call him Uncle Ronnie. "Yes Uncle Ronnie," I corrected and he gave me more wine on his finger. He rubbed it onto my lips and said, "She's got a pretty mouth." Daddy laughed and said, "Wait until you see her ass hole," and he served food onto their two plates. Uncle Ronnie fed me sloppily, blaming me for making myself a mess and Daddy kept laughing at how dirty I was.

When they were done Daddy said, "You can give her a bath while I clean up if you want, she's a fucking mess." Uncle Ronnie unstrapped me and carried me upstairs, tickling my tits. He carried me to the huge bedroom with my bed and put me down and told me to stay. He left the room and I heard him turn on the bath. He came back into the room with a washcloth and he wiped my face and hands. He took my diaper off and he pushed my legs back and looked at my holes. He laughed and said, "Your Daddy was right, whore, your holes are all pretty." He stood me up and took the top off me and told me to follow him. He had me get into the tub on all fours and he scrubbed me down and tickled me everywhere. He kept making me giggle, he told me he likes to tickle and he dried me off and carried me back downstairs. Daddy was in the living room and I was told to crawl around on the carpet. They smoked and drank as they watched some porn and kept telling me how they were going to tickle my holes tonight.

They were drunk by the time they picked me up and positioned me over the coffee table looking at the TV, while my ass was up and my legs were tucked under the couch. They spread my cheeks and I felt something wet getting rubbed in to my holes. Uncle Ronnie told me he wanted to tickle me inside and I felt his fingers spread my ass and enter it. Daddy told me that I could moan and I instantly did. I felt more fingers inside and he just kept pushing. I moaned louder and raised my ass high as they laughed and Daddy said, "She knows her place." I felt the fingers come out of my ass and Daddy leave the room.

Uncle Ronnie started fucking my hole again with his fingers and tickling my clit. Daddy came back with a big leather bag and plopped it down between them. I felt the fingers come out of me as I heard Uncle Ronnie gasp at the contents. I felt more lube get rubbed into me and then something smooth getting worked into my ass. I held on to the table and breathed steadily as I felt the thin object go in deep and slow. It felt good and I moaned lightly as they laughed and worked something else into my ass. It was bigger and it felt so good I moaned louder. This stretched me open more and it hurt as I held on to the table and squealed. They laughed as the thing got worked in deep and I took it all. I was going crazy; my hips started bucking as I was fucked hard and I was told to stop moving. Daddy asked, "Do you want her tied Ron?" He laughed and asked, "Only if I can tie her." "Its your money," Daddy answered and I was picked up and carried upstairs back to the huge bedroom. The things were still in my holes and my hands were tied above my head and Uncle Ronnie shoved me face up under the bed to my waist. He grabbed my legs and hooked them under the bed as well so I was a faceless set of holes for them. Daddy laughed and said, " I like this position." Daddy told him to have fun and I think he left the room. He didn't say anything to me at all I just felt him fuck me with different things and made me cum over and over as he rubbed my clit hard and fucked me deep and steady. I felt him release on me many times and by the end of the night I was left there, filled with some toys, to sleep.





























I woke the next morning cramped into the same position and the objects were finally coming out of me. I was released from the position and told to crawl to the bath. I got in and Daddy cleaned me inside and out. He told me I was a good girl and that I was going to be rewarded with a special treat. He dried me off and carried me back to bed and brought me a tray of food and told me to eat with my hands. It was delicious and I ate the whole thing very fast. He cleared the tray and took the covers off of me He looked at my holes and reached for the cream. He poured it over my cunt and spread my legs and rubbed it all into me. He rubbed it inside my holes and I moaned and threw my head back between the pillows and arched my back throwing my tits out. The pillows were over my face and Daddy said, "That's it, whore, you keep your slut face covered, while I use your holes." His hateful words seemed to make me hotter as I felt the heat rise with my orgasm. I gripped the wooden bed as my body jerked and he laughed as he punched into my holes harder. I felt my body drain as I begged him to stop and he just kept rubbing my clit. I brought my hands down and put them on his and he stopped and said, "I wasn't going to tie you today, whore. Are you going to make me tie you?" I thought about his expert binds and I didn't say anything, I was confused. "I'm confused, Daddy," I finally said. He laughed and said, "You want me to tie you, it's ok whore, it just means your training is working." He took my hands and pulled me down off the bed and told me to follow on my hands and knees. He bent down and said, "Tell me how bad you need me to play with you all day and night, whore?"

"I need you to play with my holes, Daddy, they hurt and you make them feel better."

"Good, whore, now keep saying it," he said as he led me into an ornate office and he told me to bend over his desk. I noticed bolts in the floor as I said my mantra over and over. He bent down and cuffed my hands together and strapped them to a bolt, and he came around behind me. I'm glad you want to be tied, whore, maybe I'll be able to get some work done today." He put his keyboard on my ass and he told me to keep my ass high and he went to work on his computer. He kept putting me down and telling me that he had booked my hole up for the night and that he was going to have some fun. He told me that he needed new pictures and this photographer was going to help him out. He posted some new pictures, telling me that he was going to dress me up for tonight. He teased my hole with a pencil eraser for a while until he said, "I'm bored slut, lets get your picture taken." He laughed and unhooked my hands and told me to follow him. He led me to the bathroom where he bathed my holes again and rubbed cream into my ass while I stood bent over grabbing my ankles.

He patted my ass when he was done and he put a diaper on me. He dressed me in a short tight t-shirt dress with cute little white socks and sneakers. He redid my hair in the pigtails and told me to follow him. He led me downstairs where he put a big coat on me and put a hat on my head and carried me to the car. It was a dark cold night and he strapped me into the backseat and took me to a house far away. I had no idea where I was. It was very dark as we pulled up to a big house in the woods. Only a few lights were lit in the massive home and we went to the door and he had me ring the bell. A man Daddy called Uncle Martin answered the door and he smiled at me and told us to come in. Daddy took my coat and hat off and said, "Show the nice man your belly, Jessie." I lifted my dress shyly and smiled at him and he just beamed, "What a big girl you are Jessie, Do you want to show me more?" He reached out his hand to mine. I smiled and took his hand and he took me into his studio. He told me to stand on the 'X' and show him, my belly again. I smiled and did it. I felt naughty and I took the dress off and squatted down and threw my head back and giggled. Daddy said, "You're being such a good girl," as the camera clicked over and over catching every moment.

Uncle Martin told me to take my diaper off and I lay down and raised my legs and Daddy laughed and said, "She doesn't know how," and he came over and took it off. Martin told him to stay and play with my holes as he kept snapping pictures. Martin threw, a dildo, lube, a bottle, a candle and a can of whipped cream at Daddy and they laughed as Daddy spread my folds with his thumb played with my clit and said, "Ever see a virgin pussy with a worked ass Martin?" I kept my arms up and Martin put down the camera, as Daddy stretched my ass hole with some fingers. Martin bent down to tie my wrists together and said, "Nice, maybe something really big in there then." Daddy laughed as Martin picked up the camera and got in close on my arms, moaning face, flushed tits and filled ass. Daddy held my legs back as I moaned and writhed for him. Martin said, "We need to tie her more," and the look on his face was like a light turned on above his head. He grabbed Daddy and they left the room and I heard laughter and screaming as they ran around the house and came back with rope and other assorted tools.

Daddy bound my legs at my knees so they were bent and my feet were tied around my hips. It was like I had no legs. Martin kept snapping pictures as I was carried upstairs to a bedroom with a low four-poster bed and set me on it. He tied my hands around my bound legs so I was like a wrapped ball. He laughed and rolled me onto my face and spread my holes wide. He said that I should be a good girl for Martin's brilliant picture idea, while the camera didn't stop snapping. I felt Daddy rub cream into my holes and work his fingers into my ass deep. I felt them come out and then his cock went in and he fucked me hard as I moaned and squealed. He came in my hole and I felt it drip as he picked me up and held me high above one of the large ball-ended posts on the bed. Martin laughed as he took more pictures. I was scared at the size as Daddy said, "Beg for me to fill your whore ass, slut." "Please Daddy, please fuck my empty ass," I begged. "I didn't hear you, whore," he said as I felt the ball pressing on my wide-open empty hole.

I felt him lower me, and the post slowly popped in as I held my breath and threw my head back and came instantly. "This is going to make some great pictures, whore," he said as I closed my eyes and shook uncontrollably just hearing the camera clicking and feeling my ass spread-open, wide. I moaned and breathed silently as I lost all will and control, I felt the shaft in my ass, pressing deep into my body. I felt his hands let me go. I heard the camera snap the pictures. I heard his voice. I opened my eyes and threw my head forward, so I just looked like another ball on top of the post. I felt myself spin and slide onto the pole more. I heard laughter and the constant clicking. I felt Daddy lift me off and set me back down onto it, all the while, pictures. Martin said, "Let me get the video," and he ran out of the room while Daddy impaled me and made me beg him for more. He let go and I just felt the room drift away as I heard Daddy sell me to the video, "This ass with a virgin cunt hole, gentlemen, 50,000 dollars to fuck a whore." They both laughed as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

I woke up bent over tied on all fours in a wooden box. I waited and waited and finally the box opened and Daddy smiled and said, "Oh good, you're awake." He lifted me out and carried me outside to the patio. There was a big party going on and he threw me into the pool. I was tied and struggling to swim as I felt hands grab me and lift my face above the water. I felt fingers find my ass hole as I was carried to the edge of the pool and told by someone behind me to hold on. I grabbed the ladder and the man drove his cock into my ass and fucked my hole deep. I moaned and threw my head back to arch my back and he reached around my body and drove it deeper and I felt him cum. He lifted me and swam over to the shallow end and set me down. He smacked my ass and swam away.

A woman swam over to me and looked at my mouth. She kissed me long and wet as I felt her hand, work its way behind me to my clit. She shoved her tongue into my mouth and pinched my clit hard. She rubbed it as she tickled my mouth with her dripping tongue. She licked my shoulder and kissed me again and laid down in the shallow water in front of my face and spread her legs open wide. She told me to lick her and I saw Daddy come over to me. He grabbed my head and shoved it into the woman's pussy. She moaned and writhed under me as I found her clit and sucked it hard. I felt hands spreading my cheeks and wetness as something was worked into my ass. I moaned into her cunt as she grabbed my head and held me sucking her clit like a cock. I felt the object push in all the way and start to fuck me hard and with long strokes. It made me crazy and I wanted to cum so bad. I sucked her until she came on my face and got up and fixed herself a drink.

My ass kept getting reamed as another woman lied down in front of me and shoved her cunt into my face. I sucked her clit for cum as the strokes in my ass continued with no breaks. I moaned and tried to back into it and I got a smack on my ass. I made the second woman cum and looked behind me to see a man fucking me with a large dildo, it must have been 10 inches long and 3" wide. Daddy laughed and said, "I love stretching her hole." The man agreed and pushed it in faster and faster and he reached down and pushed his fingers into my wet clit. I cried out and came so hard that I hid my head and Daddy laughed and told them how he had been hiding my head. They all laughed as I was pumped and drained and Daddy untied me and told me to swim.

I swam around and the man that had fucked me with the dildo pulled me back onto him and guided my hips over his rock hard cock. He told me that whores make him the horniest and he sat my ass hole onto his cock. I instantly spread my legs for him and moaned like a good whore. He whispered into my ear that he wanted to buy my virgin cunt and show himself a good time. He told me that I had a good ass as he pumped his cum into me and let me go. I watched him go right to Daddy as this guy who was sitting on the edge of the pool told me to come to him. I did and he told me to lie back in the water and put my feet, spread over the edge of the pool. I did and as I floated there he explored my ass with his foot. He probed my ass hole with his big toe as Daddy walked over and told the man that I had been sold for the night and that I had to go now. The man took his toe out of me and I followed Daddy out of the pool and inside to the bathroom.

He washed me in the shower and he said, "You get to wear adult whore clothes tonight since you've been such a good girl." He dressed me in thigh high stockings and black high-heeled shoes. He put a short skirt on me that barely covered my ass and a corset, tied tight. He left the room and came back in with a brush and he did my hair in one ponytail on top of my head. He reached over and grabbed a hood and he just unzipped the eyes and mouth and he said, "I like it when your slut face is kept covered whore." He fed my hair through the hole in the top and slid the hood over my head. He zipped it up and strapped the collar around my neck on the tight side. He handed me a leash and said, "I want you to walk outside and find the man that told you he would buy you tonight. Call him Master when you find him and hand him your leash." I held my covered head high and realized what I had to do to please Daddy. He watched me as everyone did as I walked through the party by the pool and right up to the now dressed man who wanted me earlier. I got down on my knees in front of him and lifted my leash and put my head down in respect and said, "I submit to you Master." I heard Daddy laugh and people clap as Master zipped the mouth shut and hooked the leash onto my collar and led me to his car. He lifted me into the trunk and told me to be a good girl.

We drove for a long time and I was starving by the time we got to his house. He lifted me out of his car and led me by the leash on all fours into his basement. The walls were unfinished stone with all kinds of chairs with straps and torture devices and racks. There was a gynecological table and a rack against one wall with huge phalluses sticking out of it lined up in a row. There were all kinds of TV screens and cameras set up everywhere. The place was a mess and he looked down and he told me to call him Uncle Teddy. Ted looked at me longingly and told me he liked them dirtier and he reached down and grabbed my tit and squeezed my nipple. He said, "I can't wait to fuck your new pink hole whore," and he squeezed my nipple hard until I squealed.

He grabbed me by my collar and led me over to the gynecological table and he pushed me back. He put my legs into the stirrups and tied my knees back. He rubbed my holes with oil telling me to just relax into it and he fixed a camera on the tip of his fat cock and told me to stay still and watch the TV. I looked up and saw a close up of my open holes on the screen. He told me to relax and he opened a cabinet next to him and took out some things and put them out of my sight. He snapped gloves on his hands and he put lube on them and spread it all over my ass hole. He spread my cheeks and probed both of my holes playing with them as I realized he was getting my pussy wet. He fingered my ass hole as I watched it on the screen and it felt almost surreal to feel and see it in front of me at the same time and I started to get very hot. He told me that my pussy was amazingly wet and he kept probing my ass hole with his fingers and he slipped his thumbs into my ass and pulled out and stretched me. I yelped as he kept saying just be a good little girl and breathe through it. I screamed through the amazing feeling as he laughed and told me to be a good girl and I just whimpered and tried to breathe and be good. He pulled it open wide as I screamed and at one point he told me how much this video would make him. Tears were streaming down my face as I realized I was moaning more and more. He got into a rhythm with it and proceeded to stretch me open like that until I felt myself cum like nothing I had ever felt. I just started bucking and drooling and he kept doing it laughing at me and egging me on. "Come on, good girl, cum for your Uncle Teddy, make your hole please your Uncle Teddy you little pig." I relaxed my body and he kept playing with me until I started to beg him to let me be and then he stopped and took his gloves off. He came around to look at me and asked, "Do you think I'm anywhere near done" and I shook my head and he laughed and told me he was going to pop my cherry now.

He untied my legs and bent me over a table in the corner. He tied me so my ass was high and my legs were off the ground. I felt dizzy being bent in half and I felt him rub my clit. He told me it should hurt and he shoved a fat dildo in my ass and said, "Get ready to feel the pop and he worked his cock into my pussy. He pulled my hair back as I screamed from the pain and made me watch the TV screen. He laughed and said watch this and he shoved his cock in and I watched and felt myself bleed. I cried and moaned as I felt the dildo get worked in from his hips pumping my cunt. I begged for him to stop and he kept laughing as he fucked me harder.

He fucked my cunt for a long time and even after he came on me he wouldn't stop fucking it. He picked me up and bent me over the pool table and laughed as he pulled the dildo out of my ass and aimed the cameras at my holes. I saw that he was putting lube on something and then he held it up for me so I could see it in the screen. It was a pool cue and he poked at my ass with the bigger end. "I'm going to fuck you so hard tonight your Daddy won't be able to fuck you for a week." He smacked my ass hard a couple of times and teased me with the cue. He said, "Whore in the corner pocket." I saw him grab another cue and dip them both in the jar of lube and work them into my holes. I screamed as he fucked me hard and I watched myself getting it on the screen. I screamed and breathed hard and pulled against the binds as he laughed at me and just kept going. When I was dry he dipped them back in the lube and shoved them back in hard. It felt so good and I couldn't stop screaming and all he did was fuck me harder and laugh at me. He said, " You look like a piece of meat, whore." He stopped fucking me. The sticks came out quick and he set up another camera and turned on another TV. In this shot I saw the full view of me with the cues leaning against the wall behind me. He reached into the cabinet and took out a fat long double dildo and held it up to the camera. I moaned and he told me to beg for it and he told me he was going to work me open for my Daddy and he dipped the dildos into the lube and held it up. "Please Master use my holes more, please" He laughed and spanked my ass a couple of times and pinched my nipple until I looked over and saw him start to work the obviously too big dildos into my holes. I was so exited to please him and he laughed and kept pushing until they popped into each hole. I screamed and begged to cum as I felt him rip me open and he just laughed and I watched as he push it harder until it was in to the hilt. I moaned and I realized they were locked in and he came over to my face. He climbed onto me and shoved his cock into my mouth and humped my face all the time filming, still shoving the cocks in and out of my holes. I opened my throat and took it all as I came over and over, seemingly drifting off out of body.














I woke up in my bed wrapped with rope from neck to ankles and my body ached with the massive fucking my holes had received. I lied there quietly thinking I had never been in this room and I didn't even hear Daddy until he said, "If your good I'll let him play with you again." He rolled me over and I realized my holes were uncovered. I felt him rub cream into them as I lifted my hips and he drenched my holes. He told me it was nice to get to use my cunt as he worked the cream inside my holes and let me cum. He left and came back and rolled me back over. He fed me and told me that I had been very good and today was going to be fun. He untied me and bathed me and dressed me in a short girlie nightgown and gave me the bottle of cream to hold. I was led to a giant red bedroom with a sitting room on one side. The ceilings were high and the room itself was cozy yet at the same time menacing. I saw wooden hooks built into the huge wooden four-poster bed which also had giant carved phalluses sticking out of it in various places. There was a TV screen across from a huge chair and an ottoman. I was told to kneel and bend over the ottoman in front of the chair.

I did and Daddy came in finally and sat behind me and said, "We are going to watch your movie whore." He reached over and took the cream and rubbed my holes with it and put me on the screen from the night before. I was mortified as he laughed at me and I watched my cunt get popped then fucked with the pool cues and the double dildo. It just kept going I realized even after I was obviously passed out. Daddy was rubbing the cold, slippery cream inside my holes gently with his fingers and it felt so good as I watched myself getting fucked over and over by Ted. After the dildos he fucked my pussy hole with his cock again then my ass hole. He kept smacking me and getting my ass really red. After that he had poured olive oil on my holes and held up a fat wobbly sausage. Daddy laughed as we watched, on the screen, Ted fuck my cunt with the oil-slathered piece of meat. I was embarrased as I realized Daddy's fingers in my holes were getting me wet and he realized it too and he said, "I love how you crave it now, whore." He told me to relax and that he was going to put a plug in my ass and I felt it enter me and he left me like that for the rest of the movie.

Ted had fucked me with various objects all through the night including; the pool cues again, various other oddly shaped dildos and even made me cum (still passed out) when he was fucking my ass with a beer bottle and holding a vibrating ball on my clit. I saw myself shake uncontrollably watching my orgasm that I didn't feel and it got me even wetter and I clenched my legs together. Daddy saw me suffering and I watched as Ted wrapped me in the rope and threw me in the trunk and dropped me off at Daddy's doorstep. Daddy laughed and said, "You made a good movie whore, lets see how many hits you got on your website." He flipped on the Internet TV and got to the page and I saw the pictures of me impaled on the bed-post. He said we needed to put the movie on here and he did and laughed at how many 'dates' I had this weekend. I smiled and said, "Thank you Daddy," and he made me cum.

"I have a special treat for you, whore." He said as he smacked my ass. I found a man to pay a lot of money to buy you this weekend. He was very specific in his needs. He prefers whore-stock for their obvious need to be pummeled. I was confused and I wiggle my ass and said, "Yes Daddy." He laughed and rubbed my head, "I think you'll like it. He's a bit of a clean freak but that never hurt anybody. He wants a prisoner so it might be a little rough whore, but you'll be fine. I led me into the bathroom and pulled the plug out and had me wash it. I was told to empty my holes and then I got in the bath. He scrubbed me harder this time and fingered my holes well. I was dried and a large plug was locked into my ass. I was dressed in a white button down with a gray sweater. A short, gray skirt, knee-highs and shoes topped off the uniform, a red tie as the cherry on the cake. My arms were handcuffed behind my back and a hood was tied over my head. I was lifted and carried to a van and strapped into the seat with my legs spread. "Just do as your told, and listen carefully. He'll try to trick you, he loves to punish," Daddy said as he drove the car for hours.

We stopped and I was lifted out and put down and led by the neck through a gate and down into some kind of cellar.

love her ass

oops1966 on Anal Stories

Sandra was my girlfriend for about 2yrs.. She was 16yo, thin built but had a very sexy shape. Nice firm b-cup tits, small hips with a cute little ass. I was 18yo, and in very good shape. Man we use to fuck all the time. Sandra really didn't like anal sex because it hurt too much but she still let me fuck her ass every once in a while. Now this day we were at at water park with the family. She had a sexy little 2 piece swimsuit. Showed off her little ass nicely.Her 6 pack abs. All day she was rubbing her little body against me. Driving me crazy. I was so horny. I would get alittle feel of her tit here and there. Find a way to feel that hot wet pussy when no one was looking. At one point we were in the deep pool, I managed to get my thick 8" cock up in her little tig
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ht pussy from behind. I really could not fuck her cause there was too many people around. So, I had to pull out. Once it got dark I could no longer take all the teasing. We made our way out to the parking lot, to the car. I had her tits out in a flash. Sucking them hard. Nibbling on her nipples. She was on fire. I started to grab on her ass, it just looked so beautiful I knew I had to fuck it. She knew what I was thinking. So, before I could do anything she was on her knees giving me the best blow job ever.  Man, her hands and mouth were working their magic. I looked down at her and to my surprise saw how huge my cock was. Due to all the teasing my cock was longer and thicker. Sandra was in trouble. I pulled out of her mouth and quickly stood her up and turned her around towards the car. That is when she started begging. "Please, not in the ass. Your away too big today.""It's going to hurt too much.""I'll let you cum in my mouth, I'll swollow,please don't.". It was all back ground noise. I had her bottoms down and was trying to force this huge pole up her small little ass. "I'm going to scream" she warned me as I forced the head into her. Just then some people started walking our way. I had to pull out and allow Sandra to cover up. I took her by the hand and lead her to a dark spot where nobody will see us. "Why is your cock so big today. Please just put it in my pussy".  I just stripped her naked right there. Her body looked perfect in the moonlight. And the thought of her being naked outside where alot of people were. Made my cock harder then ever. I stood behind her and grabbed her by the hips. She reached around and grabbed my cock. She then backed herself on to it. Slidding it slowly into her dripping wet pussy. She let out a soft groan as I slid all the was up into her. Yes, my cock was bigger and harder than ever. Which made her tighter than ever. Her pussy felt amazing. I cock must of too. Sandra barely got going on my cock when she began to cum. I held her by the hips and force every inch into her has she came. She wet the both of us. I had her cum running down my inner thighs. It was crazy. Now her ass. I pulled out and gripped my cock with one hand, and her hips with the other. She must of still been cumming cause she did not put up a fight. With all her warm juices on my cock. I slid up in her nice and easy. She let out a heavy sigh as I had to force the last 2 inches in her. I just held her there. Enjoying the view of her beautiful tight body. She was up on her tippy toes, alittle arch in her back, her long brown hair looked sexy as hell.And the feeling of he ass stretched tightly around my cock. This was something I'd never forget. Then I came to. I just started fucking her with all the passion in me. Her asshole was nice and creamy as my cocked force it's way in and out of her.  I was in a zone. All I could think of was the amazing feeling of her asshole. I looked down at her ass. And watched as my cocked sawed her in half. With both of her hands she grabbed he back of my neck. As if she was trying to pull herself up off my cock. But it actually helped me get deeper in her. I don't know what it was I was hitting. But every time I slmmmed up into her. the head of my cock hit something hot. Sandra was whimpering now. Trying to hold back her crys so nobody near by could see what was happening to her. Then her asshole gave way. Just openrd up. As if it surrendered to my cock. I started fucking her harder. Feeling her ass cheeks against my thighs. Now I had to cum. It hurt good as my huge load worked it's was out. I just shot load after load of hot cum up into her asshole. Overfilling her. I had cum coming out of her onto my balls and legs. One final long hard thrust. I was done. I held Sandra on my cock for a minute or two. I could feel her shaking. My cock did not go soft but my thoughts of starting again ended when Sandra pulled herself off my cock. Love that ass. 

Have you been a good Girl?

publisher on Anal Stories

Have you been a good Girl?



A young mother, Susan, returns to Santa’s Grotto to tell Santa that she has been a bad, bad girl and to fulfil a fantasy.



Sorry that the story is a bit late, it was meant to be posted before Xmas 2006.






Santa sat in his Grotto, and sig

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hed with relief, it sounded as if it was the end of the day, there appeared to be no more little screaming monsters, moaning and whining. He didn’t like to think that way, but after three weeks of sitting here being a jolly old fat man, performing to the worst cynical little bastards in the world that he had ever met in his 40 years, he had had enough. Each one had pushed him a little closer to the edge of his endurance. He decided he had had quite enough of them, having done this job for several years now. With each successive year they just got worse and worse, and, so perhaps he should call an end to it and make this his last year. It was fun at first, but to be honest, each it was leaching his own enjoyment of Christmas out of him. So, he would tell the Shopping Centre Manager that this was his last year. It wasn’t as if he got paid extra and his working hours were longer too. Well, now it was Christmas Eve, and there seemed to be nobody else here, even the Santa’s little helpers had disappeared…pity, they could have come and sat on knee any time, Ho, Ho, Ho he thought.



He was just pondering whether he could get away with sneaking off early, with a sprig of mistletoe in his hat; and cruise the pubs, when he heard a small, quite sounding voice call.


“Hello, is anyone still here?”


Santa heaved a deep sigh, oh well, I suppose I have to, and so he answered in his best deep voice “Hellooo, Yes, Santa’s still here, come on through.”


After a few seconds, a young woman appeared, pretty, very attractive, so much so that he remembered her from this morning, with a young boy, but she appeared to on her own this time. She also appeared to be quite nervous and shy.



“Hi” she said “I wasn’t sure if you would be still here, hmmm, there was nobody outside….” Her voice trailed off. She was fidgeting, and sounded very nervous, looking quite awkward standing in the archway.


Hmmm interesting thought Santa.


“How can I help you young lady, we don’t normally give out presents more than once, emmm was there something wrong with the one this morning” he asked her?



She stepped forward into the Grotto, and replied “no, at least I don’t think so, I won’t let him open it until Christmas morning, well it’s just…that, I was…” she slipped back into a nervous silence, he noticed that she was now blushing.


“Yes” he prompted her.


She went even redder and more awkward in her stance; she glanced around towards the entrance and then turned back.


“Well, hmmmm, I was just wondering, well…” she squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath, “if Santa has anything for this little girl.”



For a second, he thought, no, she didn’t just say that, really…but she did, it was said clearly. After a few seconds of silence, in which the young women/girl, looked as if she was wishing for the ground to open up and swallow her, Santa said “Well, well, well then” he said in his deepest Santa voice, “why don’t you come and sit on my knee little girl.”



For a second he thought he had heard wrong, and that he had just dropped himself into some very serious shit, but she moved forward, still shy and awkward and blushing, but with a hint of a naughty smile on her lips and in her eyes.



She advanced towards Santa and twisting slightly, she sat down on his lap. His cock was already getting harder, but as she sat down she wiggled and let out a very girly giggle as she pressed her bum firmly into his lap, causing is cock to become very erect, albeit a bit squashed. She kept her head down and adopted the “I am shy” pose with her hair concealing her face.



“Well then little girl, I am not sure we have anything for you, hmmm.”


“Ohhh I don’t know Santa” she replied, wiggling her bum “I am sure you can find something for me.”


“Oh, really, well let’s see, but first things first” he said, allowing his hand to drop down to her tights clad knee “have you been a good or bad little girl?”


She hung her head further, but remained silent.


“I’m sure you have been a good girl?”


She shook her heard.


“What” making his voice a bit sterner, “you mean you’ve been a bad little girl?”


She nodded her head.


“Hmmm well then, a naughty little girl” his hand was now caressing her inner thigh and she allowed her knees to part a little, which he took as a positive sign. She was wearing a short grey skirt and he began to advance his hand upwards, ready to pull back if he went too far.



“Well then, young lady, I think you should tell me what a naughty girl you have been, don’t you?”


She just nodded her head and pushed against his very hard and painfully erect cock, he let out a quite groan.


“Hhmmm, well, perhaps you should tell Santa your name first?”


“It’s Susan.”


“And how old are you Susan?”


“I am 22, 22 and half.”


“Well Susan 22 and half, what makes you say you have been naughty?”


His hand began to push the hem of her skirt up her thigh, he glanced down, her legs parted further, and he could now see to his surprise that they were not tights as he had thought, but stockings. He could now clearly see the tops and the suspenders that were holding them up.


Christ he thought, this can’t be happening.



“Well then Susan, what have you done that makes you such a bad girl then?”


“It’s not my fault” she said in a little girl voice “I been a good girl for so long, I couldn’t help it.”


“Really, what couldn’t your help, my dear?”


His hand was now above her stocking tops, and he was caressing her smooth bare flesh.


“Thinking about you Santa, and since this morning I have been so exited I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.”


“Thinking about Santa isn’t that bad, but what have you been thinking about.”


In answer, Susan shifted forward a few inches, Santa’s hand was now pressed against a very smooth, and wet, pussy. Fuck, she isn’t wearing any knickers.


“Oh, I see, yes, you are a very, very naughty little girl, not wearing any knickers and coming and sitting on Santa’s knee.”


Susan just hung her head in silence.


Santa began to caress her silken smoothness, and then, thinking what the fuck, the dirty little minx, pushed his finger firmly between her cunt lips.


She let out a gasp and cried out “yessssssssss……”



“You naughty little girl, you like that don’t you” he asked? He continued to slowly but firmly to finger her tight but very wet cunt.


“Hmmm yes Santa”


“Tell Santa what you are?”


“A naughty girl and I want to be Santa’s little fuck whore.”


She cried out again, as Santa inserted another finger and thrust them hard into her cunt.


“And what else do you want from Santa this Christmas?”


“I want Santa’s big cock.”



Susan cried out again, as Santa was now fucking her with three fingers.


“Really, and what do you want to do with Santa’s big cock?”


She didn’t say anything but slide off Santa’s lap, his fingers making a slurping noise as they were pulled from inside her. She dropped to her knees, and then taking hold of Santa’s knees, she pushed them apart. Then she ran her hands down the inside of his thighs, toward the very pronounced tent in Santa’s red trousers, moving up and over she reached for his belt buckle and slowly undid it. And then she gripped the front of his trousers, she pulled and yanked them apart. With the buttons flying off in all directions, his boxer clad erection sprang out into a tent. Then Susan slid her hands over his hips, circling back toward his crouch, all the time maintaining eye contact.



Her hands came together and squeezed his cock, and then moved to the waistband Santa’s boxers, pulling it up and over his cock. It sprang out, erect and very angry looking.


“Ohhhh is this all for little me.”


Santa just nodded his head in reply.


She gripped is cock, and moved her hand up and down, lightly wanking his erection, she lingered over his cock head, squeezing out the precum and smoothing it up and down his cock head, tightening her grip as she did so, getting a groan in response.



Still keeping eye contact, she lent forward, and kissed the end of Santa’s cock, and then rang her tongue over it, and then around, and then ran the tip of her tongue down his shaft. Then she returned, all the time keeping the tip of tongue sliding up Santa’s big pole. When it reached his cock head, she kissed it, and let her lips slip over his cock head and allowed it enter her sweet cherry red mouth. She began to suck and run her tongue over his cock head, she could feel him tensing and arching, he thrust his hips upwards, but she lifted herself, preventing him form pushing his cock in further, yet maintaining her grip with her lips around Santa’s cock head.



She allowed him to relax, and then slowly began to bob her head up and down, just a few centimetres at first, sliding her tongue over his cock head as she did so. After doing this for a few minutes, she began to go further down his shaft, taking more of Santa’s cock into her mouth. Every time she did so, Santa made a groaning noise. Yet, still she would not let Santa thrust his cock into her mouth, each time he tried to raise his hip, she lifted upward. She was very skilled at sucking and teasing cock, and enjoyed the sound of the groans and whimpers from Santa. But she wasn’t ready to let Santa cum yet, much as the thought of making him come in her mouth turned her on, but Susan had other plans. So she made one more slide down, and then very slowly slid her lips back up Santa’s thick shaft, teasing his cock head with her tongue, before allowing his cock to pop out.



Although Santa looked disappointed, he remained silent, as Susan, reached for her bag, and got something out. It was a tube, and she popped the cap and began to squeeze, what was clearly lube, into her hand. Then she reached for Santa’s cock and began to apply the lube to his cock, first the head then the shaft. She repeated the process again. It took all Santa’s self control not to cum, and he groaned loudly has Susan wanked his cock. When she was satisfied that Santa’s cock was well lubed, she stood, and began to pull her skirt up around her waist, exposing her smoothly shaven pussy, framed by the suspenders. Santa so wanted to taste that sweet pussy, but Susan was clearly working to her own agenda.



“This is what I have been thinking about all day Santa.”


“Really what’s that” he asked?


“Can’t you guess, well” she slowly turned “I want to sit on Santa’s lap, with his big fat cock up my arse, while he finger fucks my Cunt.”


Oh my, he thought, this must be a dream.


Susan hands reached behind her, and began to pull her cheeks apart, her arsehole and the side of inner cheeks, were shinny and glistening and Santa realised that the dirty little minx was already lubbed up.



“Well, you clearly are a naughty little girl, and Santa must show you what happens to bad girls.”


He gripped her hips and positioned her, “Now, ease yourself down.”


Slowly, Susan lowered herself down, until she could feel Santa’s cock pressing against her brown cherry. For a second she paused, taking deep breaths, trying to relax her anal ring. Then she began to press herself down, firmly but slowly. She bit her lip as Santa’s big cock began to force her tight arsehole apart. She gasped as Santa’s cock head broke though, pausing for a few seconds to allow herself to get use to his size.



Then she continued to lower herself, forcing Santa’s cock deeper inside her, until, finally her cheeks where resting on Santa’s thighs, her forehead was wet with perspiration. She shifted herself slightly and felt Santa’s hand move down between her thighs.


“Finger my cunt…finger fuck me hard, I am such a bad girl…I need Santa to fuck so bad…”


Without hesitation, Santa thrust his fingers into her soaking wet cunt, two at first, and began pumping his fingers in and out, while at the same time, he allowed his thumb to push up against her clit. After a few seconds, Susan allowed her self to rock back and forth, so that Santa’s cock was fucking back and forth inside her arse.



He finger fuck her really hard and fast, pushing his hand in deep and twisting it, probing for the ‘G’ spot. Susan was panting and groaning, crying out loudly with each deep thrust of his fingers. She was now jumping up and down in time with each thrust of Santa’s hand, fucking Santa’s cock hard and deep insider her arsehole. He couldn’t believe just how tight she felt, and how big this position made him feel.



Susan’s thighs closed around Santa’s deep thrusting hand, which had the effect of squeezing Santa’s cock even harder. He let out a loud grown, being unable to hold back any longer, he began to pump his spunk into Susan’s rectum, his finger fucking stopped and Susan concentrated on bouncing up and down Santa’s cock, now lubricated with his thick warm spunk. At the same time Santa, pushed up to meet her as she came down, forcing his cock deeper. Susan grunted with each deep penetration.



After a few seconds Santa started finger fucking Susan again, but now he had three fingers inside her, she spread her thighs, allowing him to push in deep. Again he used his thumb to rub her clit, alternating the deep rapid fucks with rubbing her clit. Susan was now lost in a world of own, she hugged Santa tightly, totally unable to do anything, as wave upon wave of pleasure flowed over her. Santa’s cock remained hard and firmly buried in her arse. The wave of pleasure built up into a raging storm, crashing into her, her cries grew to a scream as she was hit by her orgasm. Her limbs spasmed and it took all of Santa’s strength to hold, and at the same time continue to pump her cunt. Once she had calmed a little, he pushed a forth finger in, and pushed in hard, forcing his big thumb up against her clit, and this triggered another orgasm, fast upon the tail of the first. The waves of pleasure crashing over Susan were so intense that she passed out.



Slowly, Santa began to ease off his finger fucking, waiting for Susan to come back to the present. As she gained self awareness again she cuddled and kissed Santa through his beard. Santa was exhausted and he allowed himself to drift into a light semi-sleep. He was aware of the pressure being removed from his lap, and something covering him. Suddenly he jerked awake and realised he that he was alone, Susan had left. Oh well, he thought never mind he thought, and began to pull his suit back into order.


Might has well get off back home to Mrs Santa, hmmm yes…



It was quite late when Susan arrived back from her mothers, with her Son. Has she pulled into the drive she could see the lights where on in the house, that indicated that her husband was home, probably having prepared tea, and she was late. Her son was chattering away but her mind was still on events earlier this evening and she wasn’t paying attention. She was feeling a mix of guilt and euphoria, and quite a bit of soreness too, she wouldn’t be having anal sex for a week or two that was for sure.



Later after tea (the evening meal), when she was washing up, her husband came and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her neck and then said “Hello Santa’s little fuck whore, still feel like being a naughty little girl? I’ve bought the suit home with me, so we can play again later.”


Susan didn’t say a word, but simply pushed her bum against her husbands erection…she have to persuade him not to give up the Santa position at work or at least keep the outfit.






If you like this story, feel free to leave a comment, and vote on it below, many thanks. I love to chat, especially to naughty girls like Susan, so drop me a line and say Hello.


Anal Slut

frankmcse on Anal Stories

He shoves his naked sexual servant down on the bed, forcing her to sprawl across it on her stomach. To make sure she doesn't move
he acts quicky and mounts on top of her. Sitting on her back he pull open her ass cheeks as she submissivly opens her legs to him.
He runs his fingers from her pussy to her ass taking care to make her very wet and squirmy. He gets up and orders her to roll over and
stick her legs up in the air, spred very wide for him. He tucks a towel up under her butt and retrieves the bottle of trusty lube from the
dresser. He pulls back the hood of her clit and takes care to flick and pat at it till it is hard and making his bitch squirm and moan.
Holding the hood back he drips slow agoni

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zing drops of cold lube onto the tip. He drops more across her pussy, making sure that
ample amounts reach her asshole. When he is done with the lube he leans in and rubs her from ass to clit while he watches her get
very hot and worked up. He leans down to her ear and whispers, "I'm gonna fuck your tight little holes raw until you beg for me to cum
for you".

Leaving her half way to ecstasy he gets up and retrieves the massive toy from the dresser. Still with her legs in the air now holding on to
her own ankles for support she watches him bring the toy over and put it at the entrance to her pussy. Bracing herself for its entrance
she closes her eyes and tilts her head back. He pushes the massive toy in her pussy but only an inch or two, then withdrawls it and rubs
it up and down her slit, smacking her clit with it a couple of times before returning to stroking. She pushes her ass up in erotic response
to the things this toy is making her feel. Taking this as a sign he moves the enormous head down to her ass and applies pressure.

Not there she thinks to herself. Despite how good the pressure feels she knows her tiny asshole cannot take that ungodly huge monster.
She is relieved when he starts to rub it back up and down her slit again and starts to relaxe some more. She is half way to her orgasm
when in a swift motion the engorged head of the toy is back at her tiny hole. Before she can even protest he starts to push the head of
it in her ass. "Just getting your ass ready for later trick". Her master grins up at her. She lets go of her legs to lower her ass and try to
escape her torture. A rough slap comes straight across her clit and pussy lips causing her to freeze. "Get your ass back up in the air
you fuckin whore". Knowing full well what may happen if she doesn't follow orders she obeys and grabs her ankles once again.

Her master continues applying more pressure to her asshole with the massive cock toy as she wriggles and squirms trying to get the
blood back to her legs. Rubbing up and down to get as much lube to her ass as possible her master slowly inserts the head of the
ridged toy. Holding just the head of the toy in her ass he slowly turns and twists it while applying more pressure. Only when she starts to
whimper does he stop inserting the beast. He pulls out the toy and inserts the little black plug into her ass and orders his slave to roll over.

On her belly once again she is order to get her hand ready for rubbing her clit. She moves her fingers under he mound and slowly starts
to rub her swollen button. He parts her legs slowly and positions his cock at the entrance to her pussy. One quick pump and he
burrys his thobbing cock into her as far as it can go. He holds it there for a second as she rubs her clit building herself to the orgasm
she has been waiting for. About 20 second later he starts to pump, slow and steady but hard and deep unforgiving blasts. She can
feel the outline of the plug rubbing against the inside of her ass heightening her pleasure.

He pulls out of her pussy with a wet pop not caring if she reached her goal or not. He picks up his massive accomplice once again
and puts it as far in her pussy as possible, balling the remainder of the towel up beind it to help keep it in place. He then slowly removes
the plug from her ass and sets it aside. He lubes up his 4 fingers and deposits a few more drops on her asshole. Slowly he works in one,
then two and three, and soon all 4 of his fingers in her tight ass. Close to tears now but still feeling too much pleasure to stop she
willingly submits to her masters wishes.

Seeming to be pleased with the well lubed and ready hole he removes his fingers and positions the tip of his cock just inside her. As he
leans forward putting all his weight on her back she can feel his throbbing cock slide deep in her ass. His chest rests against her back,
he has put his unlubed under her to play with a nipple and his lubed hand is now wrapped around her neck making it hard to breathe.
He jerks his hips a few times keeping her aware of his still invading cock. Leaning right down into her ear he licks along the edge of it
and whispers in a demanding voice, "You like my cock in your tight little ass cunt"? "I'm gonna fuck your ass hard and raw till you beg
for me to cum deep in you".

He releaser he neck and nipple and props himself up. Checking once more to make sure is partner in crime is still lodged as deep as
possible in her pussy he starts to pump her ass. He hole clenches around his cock, milking it for him, making sure he is pleased. She
lets out soft moans as her own orgasm builds. She feels so full from the huge toy in her cunt and his big cock pumping her ass. She
tries to hold off her orgasm, as it makes her ass hurt more after she cums. But to no avail her body betrays her and she is sent into
orgasmic convulsions. Her body now weary but pleased she removes her hand to brace herself for the rest of the fucking till her
master decides to cum.

It couldn't have been but even a minute before she felt her tears welling up again from her ass being ravaged by her masters
wonderful cock. Balancing on the edge of pleasure and pain she starts to pant and moan more, moving her hips and slighly bucking
back against his unforgiving thrusts. Finally she manages to mutter, "Cum for me, fuck me hard and cum deep in my ass, I need your
cum deep in me". Her master speeds up and she can feel his hot breath on her back as he pants and moans from the feel of her
milking his throbbing cock. He shoves one last time hard into her as far as his cock can go and she feels his hot burning cum deposit
deep in her ass.

She feels his spasms subside and his cock starts to relax. He head is suddenly jerked back by his hand in her hair. "You're such a good
little cunt for daddy, I love you". He whispers to her. "I love you too master". She whispers back. And they fall into each others arms.

Great Times at the Tournament

dementor on Anal Stories

This story took place when I was 15 years old.  I was at a judo tournament, and it was the day for juveniles to fight.  I was about 5'6", lightweight, seven inch cock, and horny as hell.  My dream girl, who we will call Nicole was about 5'2", a bit chunky, asian and had the nicest tits I have ever seen. 

I had already fought and went out two straight, so needless to say I was quite pissed.  As I was leaving to go into the changeroom, I noticed Nicole was in the girls changeroom and visibly upset.  I called out to her to ask her what was wrong.  She told me that she was nervous about the fights.  I told her not to worry and she would do just fine.  She thanked me and gave me a big hug and I'm pretty sure she felt my dick pressing into her stoma

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ch (her tits felt great on my chest).  She ended up winning all her fights and won the best technician trophy too. 

After all fights were done, I was walking to the vending machine to get a bag of chips when I saw her staring at me.  She signalled me to come over and talk to her. I followed her and she grabbed my hand, leading me into the girls changeroom.  I asked her what we were doing and she told me to be quiet.  She started to take off her clothes, first her shirt, then her plain white bra, jeans and hot pink panties and went into the sauna.  I stood there for a few seconds, not believing what what happening, and then in probably two seconds all my clothes were off and I went in after her. 

It was really steamy so I couldn't see all that well.  I found her in there massaging her tits with her one hand and fingering herself with the other.  She told me that she wanted to repay the favor and got on all fours and spread her ass cheeks apart.  I was stunned!  The girl of my dreams was ready for me to pound the shit out of her.  I got behind her and put it in her asshole and started to fuck her slowly.  As we went on I got more into it and after maybe 6 or 7 minutes she could barely stand up.  I kept fucking maybe 10 more minutes until I blew my load deep in her ass and I fell asleep.  When I woke up, there was a note from her that said "Don't think your special, I do that with every guy thats nice to me".  I didn't really care that I had been used, but I decided that from now on I would be nice to her all the time. 

One Night Stand on Anal Stories



(This is a true story.  Emails are always welcome.)


One Night Stand


I was lying on my couch all by myself in my one bedroom apartment that I used to have.  I just turned twenty, and I was just getting home from a job that I have been working at for the last few weeks.  I was watching the celebrity channel and was kind of lonely sitting there all by myself.

I was hungry, and had no food in my refrigerator.  I decided to go to this family sports bar that I hung out at a lot.  I walked in my bathroom and wo

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rked on my hair and makeup for about a half hour, in case there were any cute guys there.

I got in my old Honda Accord that I used to drive and headed towards the restaurant.  I walked in and sat at the bar and started talking to my good friend Jennifer that worked there.  Jennifer and I were friends in high school and we have kept in touch ever since.  People were pouring in the door, and Jennifer became busy.

I felt lonely sitting there by myself, and I started playing with my nails.  I looked down to the other side of the bar and there was a guy sitting by himself watching the football game with a beer in his hand. 

I thought he was kind of cute and he made eye contact with me, and I smiled at him.  I sipped on my beer and read the menu and out of the corner of my eye I saw him get up and walk towards me.  My heart raced as he walked closer and I pretended I didn't notice him coming over.

"Hello." he said

"Hi, how are you." I responded.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" He asked

"No please." I said pulling out a chair.

He bought me another beer and we talked for quite a while. I pretended I was interested in the football game he was watching.  He wore an old hat, and white t-shirt and jeans that showed off his muscular body.  He was twenty one years old, and his name was Chris, he was a sweet guy and I enjoyed his company as we ate dinner together.  He paid my bill and shook my hand, and left the restaurant.

I sat there for a moment and then I quickly walked out to the parking lot and walked up to his car that he was just getting into. 

"Hey, there is another football game on tonight.  I think the Broncos are playing the Raiders, if you want to come over to my place and watch it with me."  I said

Chris kind of looked embarrassed and confused.  I was really nervous, and I tried not to fidget with my hands and legs.

"Ok, that sounds good.  Do you want to pick up some more beer before we get there?" he asked.

“Yes, as long as you buy it because I am not twenty one yet.” I said

We walked to the gas station and he bought a twelve pack of beer, and he had a bottle of tequila in his trunk.

Later that night Chris and I were sitting on my couch.  I had taken some tequila shots and I was feeling pretty good.  (Ok I was smashed.)  He made a move finally and I felt his arm come around me.  I rested my face against his chest as we watched the game.

"So do you really like watching football?" he asked

I lifted my head and looked into his eyes.

"Actually no." I said "But I like you."

He smiled at me as he gazed in my eyes.  He leaned forward and kissed me softly on my lips.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and my temperature rose as I kissed him.  His mouth parted slightly open and I moved my tongue to meet his.  I lied there in his lap just kissing him for a while.

"So do you want to forget about all this football and take me to bed?" I said

Chris picked me up and carried me into the bedroom.  My head was spinning from the tequila as I lied on my bed.  Chris did all the work as I lied there.  He worked off my jeans and worked his hands up my shirt and bra.  He had his hand on my left tit, and he was kissing me.  I lied there, and I could not remember how he got us in the right position so quick, but before I even knew what was happening I felt his hard cock penetrate me.  I moaned as he fucked me with his hard dick.  His cock felt good and I tried to get into the sex but I felt so drowsy from the tequila.  I told him I was on the pill as I closed my eyes.  I felt him cum in me, and that was the last thing I remembered, before I was asleep.

I woke up and I rolled over and saw Chris sleeping by me.  I felt really dehydrated from the tequila.  I got up and walked to the kitchen, and grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.  I walked back in and Chris was lying on his back.  I climbed on the bed next to him quietly.  I lifted the covers off him slowly and saw his cute dick laying there.  It seemed to be asleep with him.  I lowered my head and carefully took his limp cock in my mouth.  I heard him take a breath, and his cock started growing in my mouth.  He gently rubbed my face as I sucked his dick.  He grabbed me by my waist and he pulled me towards his head, until I was on top of him with my cunt in his face in the sixty nine position.  

We lied in that position for over thirty minutes.  He seemed to have a lot more strength in his tongue then I have ever felt before.  I wasn't in any hurry to stop sucking his big cock, as he ran his powerful tongue up and down my pussy slit.  I gasped in surprise as I felt his tongue run across my asshole. It felt wonderful, I never felt a warm tongue on my ass.  I never even thought or heard about it really.  His tongue kept circling around my asshole as I sucked his prick.  His strong tongue worked up my asshole.  It felt weird, and good at the same time, as his tongue moved around the walls of my asshole.  I squeezed the muscles in my spinktor and felt his tongue slide out my asshole.  He pushed it right back in again, and I spent the next several moments shitting his tongue out of my asshole over and over. 

The pleasure was intensifying as he fingered my cunt, and he continued fucking my ass with his tongue.  I moaned loud and my muscles locked, and I felt the juices from my twat gush on his face.  I turned around quickly and I could taste my pussy on his tongue as I kissed him passionately.

"That was wonderful Chris, your tongue is amazing." I said

"I enjoyed it too." he whispered.

I got on my knees in front of the bed where he sat.  I wrapped my tits around his cock.  I stared at the hole on top of his dick, as I jacked him off with my tits.  I pointed my tongue at his dick, and my tongue penetrated his pee hole with my soft tits wrapped around his hard prick. 

I leaned my head down and replaced my tits with my mouth, pushing down till his cock hit the back of my throat.  I wetted my finger with my cunt and I worked it up his asshole while I sucked him off.  I pulled my head up and I lifted his legs and worked my head deep between his legs.  I circled his asshole several times with my tongue and I stuck my finger in as I licked it.  His asshole loosened enough for my tongue to penetrate. I stoked his cock and rubbed his balls at a fast pace as I tongue fucked his ass.  I felt the cum stir in his balls and I held my breath and stuck my tongue as far as it would go up his ass.  His asshole squeezed on my tongue and pulsated, as I pumped his sperm out of his cock with my hand.  His cum dripped off my hand and landed on the hair on top of my head.  I kept my tongue up his asshole until It stopped roping. I pulled my head up and took a big breath, as Chris and I smiled at each other.  I crawled up next to him and he kissed me and held me until I fell back asleep. 

It was six in the morning when I felt Chris shaking my shoulder.

"Hey I got to go to work." He said

I opened my blurry eyes and smiled as I looked up at him. He was dressed and his hair was wet.  He had just got out of the shower, and could smell the sexy aroma of soap as it steamed off his hot skin.

"So it was nice to meet you." he said

I sat up and looked at him confused.

"Ok." I said sarcastically "Do you want to come by tonight."

"I can't I have a girlfriend." he whispered

I looked at him in disbelief.  I really liked Chris, I was kind of hoping we could start seeing each other.  My heart felt sad, but I hid my pain from him.

"I see how it is, you just fuck me and leave." I said smiling.

"I'm sorry, I kind of thought that’s what you wanted, by the way you acted last night." he said

"Yes, that’s fine." I said. "Thank you for the good sex and I guess if it doesn't ever work out with your girlfriend, give me a call."

I walked him to the door, and I tried to hide my emotions as I walked behind him.  He opened the door and turned around and looked at me.  I tried as hard as I could, but couldn't hide the frown on my face.

"Are you ok?" he said

 I took a deep breath and gathered my strength.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said "It was nice meeting you Chris."

 He looked at me with a deep expression of concern in his face. He leaned over and hugged me.  I lost control and tears started flowing out my eyes.  I felt embarrassed as I sobbed with my head rested on his shoulder.

"I'll see you later Britney." he said

I rubbed my eyes and waved at him as I closed the door.  I peeked out the window and watched his car drive off.  My chest tightened, and the muscles in my face tightened up.  My body grew weak, and I began feeling depressed about my life.  I felt a huge wave of loneliness surround me, and I felt like a complete slut.  My back was against the wall and I slid down until my butt hit the floor.  I cried my eyes out, until it was time to go to work and start a new day.


itsonlyfun on Anal Stories

 Our ass fucking.

 It just happened.


 A while before this,me and my wife found ourselves at a bikers club function. This is of little consequence other than what we saw there. In the middle of the lounge/bar area was an oversize what I'd thought was a pouffe. Like women do,my wife beggared the question. What's it used for? She flamed up when the secretary unabashedly answered. "We gangbang biker chicks and fuck nosey women on it. That was it,no further questions and we left amicably in due course.

 Later at home,the subject arose again. "That super size pouffe,could you build one do you reckon

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"? 'Yeah,not much to it,suitably sized box frame with an upholstered covering. Why would you want one? A gangbang'? "No course not,it just seems fun,you know doing it on one" In due course her pouffe was made,she was well pleased and gave me some very exciting displays on it before I fucked her. I must admit I made the height and area just right for both of us.

 Cutting to the chase,we had a gathering and as the night went on,I noticed a couple of guy's as I thought invited or attached to other friends, - later this proved to be not the case,gate crashers,none the less. Also they mentioned to my wife they recognised our piece of furniture for what it was. Later she admitted it made her wet between the legs at the thought they'd asked her if she'd been used on it. 

 Giving a firm NO! they said no more,but I found it interesting at the way they followed my wife about with their eyes. Then as the crowd thinned my wife,myself and these two found ourselves the only ones left. We were a bit worse for booze and they seemed ok. "Ever tried this stuff?" For a blurred moment I thought they were refering to our pouffe,but it was to something in one of their hands. '

'Why,what is it?' said my inquisitve wife. "Just a buzz thing" was the answer. They promptly dropped some in their drinks and took what looked like a swig each. "Here try it" Into our glasses went a similar amount,to which my wife swigged straight away,but I sipped more cousciously. In a very short time my wife was giggling suggestively and exposing far to much leg and panty,but then we had been drinking some. Even so it was not over lacivious. I noticed a fair bit of nudging between these two blokes and alarm bells started to ring in my head as she began to get dreamy,but too late I realised I was also getting dull in my mind.

 Strangely I could hear what was said but had no energy to respond. First I heard. "Which shall we put on there first"? "Get her bloke up first" I knew I was being manhandled onto our pouffe,but couldn't resist. Feeling myself pulled across it,I tried desperately to resist as with one at each end I could feel them tugging my sweat shirt and bottoms off me. The surface of the pouffe coldly pressed against my cock and scrotum as I became naked. Then I was pulled by my legs into a bent position on the edge with my legs going to the floor. At this point I was also conscious that my cock now dangled down from the edge and my scrotum was tightening because of the cool surface.

 Though befuddled,I had a feeling my ass was their target,especially when I felt them press my cheeks apart and comment, "That's about as tight as they get" - It would be,up till this point,my asshole was virgin. "Get her stuff off,we can pile her on top" It was at this point I realised I had my eyes shut,but try as I may,I couldn't open them to see what was happening to my wife. Clearly they were pulling her naked as one said, "Fuck,look at her powder puff,curly as you like that one" I felt my wife's body touch my foot. "Grab a leg and pull her open,fuck she looks as tight as hell in both those holes,which of us is taking her and her bloke"

 "I'm easy" Then laughingly, "But neither of these are,lets get her up then, ready" With great concentration,I managed to pry one eyelid slightly open. Holding a leg and arm each of my wife I saw them as they plonked my wife's torso across my back at slightly less than right angles. Dragging some more I felt her tits press against my left side and her legs dangling similar to my own. "Pull her ass a bit more towards his,then we will be able to see each other fucking them" With the slightly opened eye I saw my wife's tits pressed into the pouffe's top while her long hair covered her face which meant I had no idea if she was as conscious as myself.

 Gradually my other lid eased and I felt the drug stuff must be easing off. I tried moving my head a bit and caught the sight of both their bodies stripped with half hard cocks. "Going to start on her cunt first,it'll give us some juice for both their ass's if she's around enough to get horny. I bet she's had a fucking on this before now" At this juncture,I felt a tingling in my cock end and knew my prick was about to drip some precum to the floor.

 All at the same time a pair of rough hands manhandled my ass cheeks apart and the warmth of a cock pressed along my ass crack. The slippery sensation told me he also had precum on his prick like I did. "He's round enough this one,he's even got juice dripping from him" Without further ado I had my cock squeezed along its length and a finger captured my juice and I felt the same finger push my own love juice into my sphincter. "I'll need more than that,how's her cunt looking"? 

 My wife's torso moved across my back, clearly the other guy was up her. "She's getting there,feels like she's coming round,I can feel her cunt muscles gripping my cock a bit" 'OW! FUCK,OW! YOU CUNT THAT'S FUCKING HURTING YOU BASTARD! Shocked,I realised it was my voice saying this. The pressure stopped on my sphincter and I could tell he was squeezing his prick to get more lubricant into my asshole. More pressure. "Got any spare juice from her cunt,this bastards so tight he'll rip my cord if we don't oil it up some more. I eased my head round to the side they were at just in time to see the other blokes cock reappear steamily from my wife's cunt hole.

 "Get your fingers in some,she's got plenty dripping now" The bastard trying to fuck me pressed at my wife and I felt her wriggle as though to stop him fingering. "See that? she's coming out of it,it must have been the fucking she's getting" The hand moved back to my ass as I saw looking the other side,my wife attempt to lift her body only to have two hairy hands grip at her shoulders and she slid across my back as he rammed his cock deeply back up her pussy. She gasped, 'Who are you,why am I being fucked?' Hey both chuckled as I felt her juice being added to my asshole, "She's with us,we're enjoying both your cunt and your man's ass,your ass is next"

 Looking towards my wife's face she blew at her hair and enough moved for her to see me and say, 'They're fucking me' responding to her, 'the others trying to get my ass, OOW! got my ass I corrected' The whispering over,I'd just felt with the aid of my wife's cunt juice,my sphincter had just submitted to the spongy head of my assailants cock. He was every bit inside my rectum. My tightness gave me the sensation of his cock pulsing at my entrance. "Fuck he's tight,I shall cum before I've got it all up him" I knew what he meant,although it still hurt I was holding my breath at this new sensation.

 He moved again and as I felt my rectum being pressed open farther up a warm feeling ran through me as his cum exploded up my ass. This new lubricant took all pain away as now well lubed,he rammed me to the full length of his prick. Pressing the pubic hairs tightly against my cheeks I felt surge after surge of cum shoot from him with each tiny jerk he pressed at my hole. "Fuck I've cum,he gave me one hell of a thrill,didn't you,you horny assed bastard" THWACK! A slap on my ass was lost as he pulled out of my rectum. Pulled from my ass so quick that it took my breath away.

 The pace across my back was now very fast and I knew my wife was going to get her cunt filled as had my ass been only seconds before. I also knew she was enjoying her fucking because she was screaming for him not to stop and to stuff her full of cum. He did and her body weight increased on my back as she came down from her orgasm. 'Sorry,he made me cum,I couldn't stop him from cumming up me,I wanted to but couldn't' I winked an okay at her. I felt a tickly sensation on my outer thigh and in trying to see,I knew it was her and his cum running from her pussy.

 "Ready to change?" "Yeah,but you can take her ass first otherwise I'll be getting all the goodies" Okay,I 'spose her cunt will be rather used with all that spunk running out" I now watched down my body and realised the guy who took my wife had more cock than the one that just finished with my ass and cruelly was glad he was taking my wife up her ass before helping himself to my rectum.

 I watched enthrolled as he gathered the surplus of juice and ran it onto my wife's asshole. I felt her jerk as they both played her sphincter,I was surprised,now looking at the cock that had fucked me. Half hard it still had juice trailing from its end but I noticed it was slick up its sides with no trace of what I would have expected from my un-prepared rectum. 'Let me put my feet to the ground,then I can help' This was my wife suggesting she help a cock to fuck her ass. As far as I was aware,her ass was virgin. Could it be,she'd had a yen for an ass fucking and I'd not picked up on it.

 They obliged and as her tits pressed into my back I felt her lift the weight off me and brace herself for her ass fucking. I watched as her male fucking machine pressed at her. No yelping just a determination on my back as her nipples now dangling on my skin traced towards where the fat cock was trying to prize her ass open. A slight gasp told me he was up her and I could see her pressing towards his pubic bone for all he could give her.

 Lots of gasping now as they got into a rythm that finished quickly with heavy thrusting indicating he's just deposited his cum up her ass. 'Take it out slowly' FUCK! She knew what a sensation the withdrawal gave one. I was now convinced her ass had been fucked before. But by whom?

 Surprisingly,the two guy's asked if we were happy with them changing places and giving us another fuck in our asses. 'Can we just stand up a bit before you do it' My wife asked for both of us,I was amazed at this especially when they dragged us to our feet. They stood with their cocks dangling as though spent. "How about you fuck her to help us stiffen up again" Without a damn word,my wife lay down now on her back and lifting her legs with heels resting against her ass on the pouffe,thighs open. 'Come on,lets get them stiff again' Cum trickled from her holes and I went into her with a vengeance. Our orgasm's coincided and even more cum dripped from her.

 'Ready,I'd like to do it facing each other so I can watch my husband taking it,you know the look on his face and all that' My wife was now blowing my mind away,clearly she was relishing all that was taking place. 'That okay by you?' It was,I admit I found this becoming better every minute,boy we sure was going to make use of this pouffe from here on in. Standing,my wife watched as they offered up two whiskey glasses to her cunt and got what they adjudged enough juice in each to lube our respective ass's.

 We flopped onto the pouffe facing each other and having led us flat and being satified enough juice had entered our rectums they endeavoured to fuck the life out of our asshole's. Their cum squirted in us and as before the sensation was lovely,even the extra girth of my second cock had no problem opening my sphincter and subsequently my rectum.

 They stood with their cocks buried to the hilt and with our feet placed firmly on the ground I waited wondering why they just stood with there cocks spent and faintly softening. "Yours soft yet?" "Its softening,I love the sensation as it shortens inside,don't you?" A nod indicated a yes to this question. "Shall we do it?" "Yeah,but you go first,then I'll do it to her" Now a bit apprehensive I wondered what they were talking of. Gripping my hips I relaxed as I felt his muscles tense and thought he's trying to raise one more hardon to fuck me.

 My rectum felt warm because of his cum slopping around his softening cock,then a new sensation developed. "I'm off,I've got it going up him" He had and all,with my sphincter plugged with his cock,I could feel a warm sensation expanding my rectum. Not realising what was happening I marvelled at the swelling in my body,bigger and bigger it grew even to the point that I felt I might not take all of it. Then with a couple of jerks of his knob it stopped. "He's full" Carefully he pulled his prick from me and as it left my sphincter I felt a wet sensation trickle down my crack then stop. Panic rose in me,fuck he's busted my gut,I must be bleeding!

 No such thing, "Don't press your gut on the pouffe, what's it feel like?" 'Swollen' "It is,I've just pissed a couple of pints up your ass,it wont run out till you sit on the throne,then it'll pour from you like a stream" All this time my wife waited. "Now you" She lay and received the gushing piss into her rectum. All the time a smile told me she was enjoying this new insertion. Now finished,he unplugged her ass. Standing immediately she jiggled her belly around. 'Fuck,I can feel it slopping around inside,I like that feeling' In an instant she shot off to the bathroom and pissed it all out. I done likewise but without the urgency,presumably because I hadn't sloshed it around in my insides.

 On returning to the lounge,they had vanished. Lipstick on the mirror just said. "Thanks,it was a fine party" XX


How I lost my anal v-card (u wont believe who/what it was to)

eshore on Anal Stories

I was taking my shower n thinking of my dog. I had just gotten him. a perfect big golden retriever n i called him duke. when i was rubbing soap on my legs i had a thought. i wondered what it would feel like if i stuck a finger up my ass. i slowly started to finger my ass with my pinky. i didnt feel much since i had small hands when i was 11. i moved up to putting 2 fingers in; my thumb n index finger. it felt soo good. i started to moan n jack off at the same time. i allmost came right then n there when my mom came in n told me that i was using to much water n to hurry the fuck up. so i finished rinsing n turned the water off.

as i heard the final drops from the shower head hit the bottom of the tub, i heard panting outside the bathroom door. i knew it was duke but i didnt know

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what he was waiting for. i pulled the towel off the rack n started to dry off. i spent some extra time drying my dick too. (hehehe).

when i came out of the bathroom, duke instantly jumped off the ground n started trying to climb up my leg. i swatted him away n went into my room. little did i know that the door didnt latch when i shut it.

i heard the creak of the door opening...but i didnt think anything of it. then all of a sudden, my dog hops up on my back n starts shoving his huge cock up my tight ass as hard as he can. i screamed in pain n fell forward on my belly. he continued thrusting for about 3 minutes i guess. i dont really remember. i could feel his balls tapping on mine with every thrust. 

when he finally took his dick out of my ass...i looked down n saw his dick dripping of cum. i squeesed the cum he pumped in my ass out n dipped my finger in it. it tasted better than my cum. it was sweeter than mine. mine was a little salty.

n every day since then, i fuck my dog duke every chance i get. hes very nice n rough. plus he's got nice soft fur. thnx for reading my story. i hope u liked it even tough its a little short.

KELLI!!!! (aka. master aka. mommi) I <3 U!!!!

Fucking my ass with a bottle on camera, just for her

nutville71 on Anal Stories

We have been exchanging pictures and clips for over a year, taking it further every time. I've done a lot of crazy things for her, but fucking my own ass with a beer bottle is one step further; again...

I was a clean up.

LOIS on Anal Stories

It was a Tuesday an I wanted a little adventure first time I went to old car,s and motor cycle show , people from all over the states bring there old cars to show off.It was Mississippi all along the beach hi way, I was in one of the casino playing the slot machine I had a white short skirt that tie in the front , and tight that you could see I wore blue and white checker square u

Rear Tire Poke

freeassplay on Anal Stories

I have always fantasized about what it would be like to have a big hot black cock deep inside me. You no, you have seen the pictures like I have, they are huge. the problem is well there are two problems. First I`m a 42 year old white women living in south Ga. and that is frowned upon. You could be run out of town for even thinking things like that. Second I`m married to a great guy, and unfortunatly he has the same mind set. For me I see poeple not for there color or background, just that we are all placed on this planet together to be fruitfull and multiply.

Last summer I went to a swiming party, a girl friend of mine had envited me. It was a all girl day, a birthday event, complete with drinks and no guys. I was sporting my new micro G-string bikini which most of the girls had

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similar ones to.I was pretty lite when I left, but I knew that I could make it home. I desided to just slip my tee shirt on over my bikini and head out.

I desided to take a short cut down a dirt road, which would save a few miles, and before long I heard a sound. I must to have pickup a nail in my tire, it was flat and I was alone. I eased over as close as I could to the side of the road. I wasn`t completly off the road, and the ditch back droped way off, but it was the best I could do. I got out to begain what I had seen my husband do many times, so I knew that I could change out my on tire and be on my way. Al alone on this dirt road, I said to myself what the heck. I took off my tee shirt, it had been a gift at the party and I didn`t want to get it dirty the very first time that I wore it.

I begain I had the jack out ready to put it under the truck when a car came around the corner. It pulled by, then stoped, and out stepped a older black man. I could tell he was hesitant about coming closer, but I told him my tire was flat, and I was trying to get home from a pool party. After a few words he kindly knelled down to see what I was trying to do, and he took over with the jack. I was thanking him for stoping as he worked away, but I was noticing he would look over at me then turn away quikly. I also noticed that he had a swelling in his pants the size of Georgia. Was it the alcohol in me or my secreet desire, what ever the deal it all had me thinking.

He jacked up the truck a little, and slowly begain to take the lug nuts off. the last nut was kinda hard, and as he sruggled with it the truck shook and the jack sliped. I reached out to hold the jack, and at the same moment he saw what was happening, so he quikly reached over to steady it. This put me a little in front of him and as he reached for the jack his hand caught the edge of my bikini top and my left breast fell out. Even in the mist of what was a problem, I found myself turned on that he had touched me, and now he could see my breast. I saw that he just stared at it, but because I didn`t saw anything, he didn`t respond either. All I could do was hold on to the jack as he made it right and keep working. Once all was ok, I was going to stand up, fix my top and try to laugh it off some how.

 As I stood up I steped backward. My foot went down in kinda a washed out spot, I tryed to stay on my feet, but I soon knew that I was flat on my back, sliding head first down the step dirt ditch bank. My black friend and breast remover hurled around to help. On my way down hill by nature my bikini bottom was sliding right off my rear end. As fate would have it he reaches, grabed my ancle with his left hand, and forward he reaches higher with his right hand. In the swiftness of timing, his hand slides under the tied part of my G-string, and my downward journey made it come untied. Finialy his brute strenght had me stoped, stable, and I was able to crawl back up the hill to safety. I sat there for a moment to catch my breath, then I reilized that my bikini bottom was completly off me, it was half way down the slope, and now he was viewing my private parts between my legs. There was a look in his eye that I did not understand, was it me or was it him, or was any thing like this surpose to happen.

 He made his way back to finishing up my tire change. I made the decision to just leave off my bottom it was dirty now anyway. I noticed my top had a grease marke on it also, so I took it on off so I wouldn`t smear it. Why not, this guy had already seem me, and to top it off I`m horny as hell now. There was no change in the size of his cock, I knew what I saw, and I wanted so much to pull it out of his pants.

 The tire was on now, I`m ready to roll he said. I tod him that I didn`t no how to thank him for all of his help. Then I saw that look again. The only words that I could think of to say was, are you sure that I can`t pay you some how. What a lame thing to say, no it was realy what I ment to say. I`m sure that I was the first white women he had ever seen, naked that is, so this was awkward for us both. My horny state, along with the liqure, had me unzipping his pants, and my mouth fully engauged in pleasure. I glanced up at him, what a look of satisfaction he had, did he want more, could I handle that monster cock deep inside me. I sucked for sometime tasting a bit of sweet juice, then I said would you do me a favor. Nothing else was said. I streched out on my front side over the tail gate of my truck, he gently strocked his cock over my pussy and ass. Don`t tease me I said, at which time he probed that shaft deep inside my pussy. I had never had a man this big before and one that felt so good. Right before his cum reached its exit, he pulled out, teasing my ass. I made many sounds of excitment then he rapped my ass. The first few pushes hurt, but the pain gave way to  a filling of total fullfillment. His hot load of cum warmed my body. This guy had awakened my sexual side, was it his size, was it his color, was it the eventfull afternoon naked with a total stranger from nowhere. It did not matter to me, I wanted somthing that day, and the opputunity came. I`m glad it did, and I just wanted to share it with the world.

 Maybe I will be alowed to have another flat tire, and a rear poke.

My Sisters Best Friend

rjr016 on Anal Stories

I've always been good friends with my sister's friends.  I've even gotten lucky with a few of them. But none of them really were ever any good in that they were usually inexperienced, but on this night inexperienced was a good thing.

My name is Chase and I was 19 at the time. I came home from hanging out with the guys at about midnight one night, and headed upstairs to my room.  To get to my room, I have to walk through the gameroom and past my sister's room.  This night, my sister had her friend over, whom I knew, but had not had a real conversation with in probably three years. OMG, did she look good tonight tho.  Her name was Kristin and she was now 16, but she could've been 21.  They were watching a m

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ovie and my sister had already fallen asleep.  I made a casual joke about her being asleep and sat down on the couch to wake her up.  Kristin was sitting in the lazyboy on the other side of Kate, my sister.  Kate sat up and talked for a while and fell back asleep after I started watching the movie.  Kristin and I didn't say much to each other until the movie was over.  When it was over and I turned it to the sports channel, Kristin lost interest and turned to me.  "How come we never talk anymore?"

"I dunno" I said "I guess we really don't hang out, you know . . . "

She agreed and said well maybe we should catch up sometime. I said "Well how bout we put her to bed and catch up" pointing at Kate.  I honestly had no ill intentions at this point, but as I would come to find out, Kristin did.

I tucked Kate in and shut her door and told mallory to come to my room, I was gonna check my myspace or facebook, whichever one I was using back then.  I laid down on my bed and she sat against the far wall.  We had a pretty cool conversation for two people that really never talked.  Every now and then I would laugh at something I saw on the computer and turn my laptop to show Kristin.  Then we would go back to talking and laughing.  After a while she asked if she could check her myspace and of course I didn't mind. So she crawled over to the side of my bed to get the laptop. Oops. Alot of guys know that when you can see down a girl's shirt it's really hard to look away.  Kristin was wearing a white cami and crawling over to me revealed it all.  Suddenly I had ill intentions. Her boobs were bigger than I had previously thought, and I now noticed that she had on no bra.  She knealed at the side of my bed and started updating her myspace.  We kept talking but suddenly I felt what she had been hinting at the whole time.  I felt myself staring into her eyes longer and smiling at anything she said or pointed out on the computer. She felt the same and suddenly it began awkward. She went back to the laptop and my mind raced about what I could say next, but then she broke the ice.

"This is hurting my back, scoot over a little bit."

"Score!" I thought as I made room for her to scoot in beside my on top of the covers. As she laid down on her stomach and facing the laptop I couldn't help notice how short the cotton shorts she was wearing were. I could make out the bottom of her but cheeks. I had a full hard on now and I think she noticed when I tried to adjust slightly.  I could feel her smooth tan legs on mine and everytime we laughed I could feel her snuggle up closer to me. Then it just felt right, we both turned and gave each other a little peck. She stopped and smiled at me and then shut the laptop.

She turned off my lamp and pushed me over on my back.  She pulled her leg up and threw it over my waist putting her crotch on my hip. We made out in this position for what seemed like hours but I enjoyed every second of it.  In mid-kiss she slid her leg back down and bumped my hard on. She suddenly stopped and said sorry. "What?" I said. She asked if it hurt and I said no. "Oh she said" and brought her leg back up across my cock. "That doesn't hurt?" she asked. "No, it actually feels kinda good."    "Oh" she said again. We went back to kissing and every now and then she would press her soft leg onto my hard-on sending tingles through my body. After a few more minutes I grabbed her hand and slowly moved it to my boxers. She put her hand on my cock and started massaging it. "Oh yeah, that feels good" I said. We went back to making out and I began playing with her breasts through her cami.  I then slowly moved my hand up her shirt and onto her right boob. I could feel her body get chills. She was obviously new to this, but I could tell she wanted more. I massaged her breasts more firmly as she was moving from my cock to my balls with her hand. I then removed my hand and pulled her cami up and off revealing her beautiful c cups with perfect pink nipples.  I put my head into her chest and began kissing all over her breasts and nipples. She grabbed the wasteband of my boxers and pulled them down. My cock sprung out and she was stunned for a few seconds having not seen a penis up close before. She grabbed hold and naturally began stroking my cock as I continued to french her beautiful breasts. I then moved my hand down to her crotch and rubbed her pussy through her shorts. She came quickly, before I even had a chance to get her shorts off.

"Oh my gosh, that feel good. I've never had anyone else do it for me."

She wouldn't let me touch her there for a few minutes. I understood.  She then asked if she could suck my cock. I told her, you probably don't have to ever ask a guy that question, you can probably just go for it.  She moved down and began kissing my cock. Damn, I was in heaven, and Damn was she hot. She then ran her lips up and down my shaft almost causing me to shoot, and then when she moved her hand up and stroked my now wet cock I couldn't hold it anymore and blew my first load of the night. She then to my surprise leaned down and licked up all of my come.  I love that taste she said gimme somemore. I can't i replied, that's all i had. "You'll just have to work for it again."    "Okay" she said. I then pushed her back and grabbed her shorts and pannies and pulled them down to her ankles and off.  I crawled up beside her and laid down and resumed our kiss. I moved my hand down to her pussy and started rubbing her clit. She naturally began breathing harder and instinctively spread her legs.  "Oh my god, Chase that feels so good." She kissed me harder and I move my fingers down to her vagina. I slowly began working my middle finger into her and she pushed down onto my finger.  I could tell that she had never had anything larger than my finger in her.  I found her hymen and began pushing on it with my middle finger. It broke and she let out a small wimper as a trickle of blood covered my hand. "Wait" she said. I stopped with my finger past her hymen to let the pain subside. I kissed her and could tell when she was ready. I began moving my middle finger deeper inside her as she increased the passion in our kiss. I began stroking in and out as she breathed harder. I removed my middle finger and rubbed her clit her a few minutes as she kissed me harder and harder and spread her legs wider. She then pushed me back and leaned over towards me again throwing her leg over my waist.  I was still massaging her clit slowly as she moaned into my mouth.  I moved my hand lower and began pushing two fingers into her pussy still rubbing her clit with my thumb. She orgasmed again and halfway screamed in pleasure as her vagina was sucking my fingers into her.  This time she didnt stop. She kissed me harder and started to pull herself the rest of the way on top of me. We were kissing so hard it was difficult for me to breath but no way was I stopping.  She was now on top of me rubbing her clit on my hard-on.  I reached around behing her and grabbed the base of my cock and aimed it at her vagina.  I pushed up and felt the head of my cock at her opening. She began pushing back onto my cock never breaking our extreme kiss.  I slowly pushed up and slid the entire length of my cock into her. We held this position while kissing for probably 30 minutes so she could adjust to the feeling. I then slowly started pulling back and removed all but the head of my cock, and then plunged it firmly into her pussy. She orgasmed again almost causing me to flood her pussy, but I held back. She began to rock her hips plunging my cock deep into her vagina.  I began to push back as we still were kissing passionately. Our tongues tossed as I slow fucked the tightest pussy of my life. I then felt it coming and told her to get up quick. She knew what was happening and dove down and took it all and kept on sucking when my come subsided.  She kept me from getting soft and probably gave me an even bigger hardon. I rolled over and told her to get on her knees.  She did as she was told and I climbed around behind her and shoved my cock into her pussy. She moaned so loud I could have sworn someone would hear. She orgasmed again and collapsed on the bed. After what seemed like an hour of laying together naked she asked if we could try the other way. I asked what she meant and she replied. "You know what I mean . . . back here." as she pointed to her ass.

Damn, my mind raced. I had always wanted to but no girl had ever agreed to it. This girl was begging. Sure I said, as if I knew what it was like. She grabbed my cock and started stroking to get it hard again. She then placed those beautiful lips back on mine and resumed our perfect kiss once again.  I moved my hand around behind her and started circle her anus with my index finger. I slowly inserted finger into her anus and it clamped down preventing me from going any further. "Sorry, she said It's not slippery like my coochy"  "Well we can make it slippery" I said


"Lets go get in the shower."

Okay she said. So she climbed out of the bed and pulled me by the hand to the shower.  She turned on the water and climbed in pulling me along.  We again resumed our kiss standing up as she rubbed my still hard cock. I moved hand around behind her and starting probing her anus again but again was prevented from pushing my finger in by her natural reflex and dryness. She stopped to look at me and said well lets do this. She grabbed my hand and poured conditioner into my hand and leaning over slightly poured some down into her crack. Now try she said. I rubbed the conditioner all over my handed and her crack as turned her head to watch. I pushed my finger into her hole and it popped in quickly. Her knees buckled. "Oh my gosh, do that again." I finger fucked her first with one finger and inserted a second as she loosened up. She grabbed the conditioner and reached around behind her and began lubing up my cock as I stood behind her finger fucking her. She grabbed my hand out of her anus and pulled me by the cock with her other hand towards her anus. I pushed and slowly the slippery head of my cock disappeared into her butt. Again her knees buckled and I grabbed her hips to hold her up. She put her hands on the wall of the shower and I began pushing my length into her. In and out, I fucked her ass as she moaned for more. Harder she said. I reached around and finger fucked her pussy with my hand. She orgasmed twice before telling me to stop. She then turned around and kissed me passionately, stopping only to say. "Chase, I think I'm in love with you." I told her the same later that night. Kristin stayed the night three more times in the next 2 months until our secret was revealed to my sister somehow. I've not wanted to be with another girl since. We now live together 4 years later and are soul mates. We are to be married next year.

The New Girl in the Bar

BaseballMonkey32 on Anal Stories

I work at a golf course in the middle of nowhere. We never have had any great looking girls that work there which seems to be a common complaint. A few months ago we had a new girl get hired to work in the bar. OMG!!! She's gorgeous. Her name is Jessica and she's a perfect ten, all of the guys agree, but none of us could figure her out. She didn't seem to be interested in anyone around. She didn't talk to anyone other than me and a few of the guys that worked there, and even when she talked to us she wouldn't seem flirty at all. I talked to the other guys about it and again we all agreed. Maybe she had a stud boyfriend or something. It was one saturday that I was coming in to close for the night and she was working the bar til close, in other words just me and her
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and a few golfers. When I walked in she ran to me and gave me the biggest, tightest hug/squeeze I think I've ever gotten from anyone. It was followed by a peck on the cheek. I was confused, no doubt. All I could say was nice to see you too Jessica. We had the most random conversation for like two hours and got almost no work done. I told her I had to go finish up outside and she replied ok, hurry back. Damn right I was gonna hurry back. This girl was on fire. All of the golfers were gone when I finished working outside and I halfway jogged back to the bar. As soon as I opened the door she grabbed me and drug me to the back room of the bar and laid the most perfect long soft kiss on my lips. It was on now. I wrapped my arms around her and her me. I pressed her against the wall as we fought for a more passionate kiss. I lifted her up and set her on the ice box and she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me close. Suddenly she pushed me back and halfway ripped hers and then my shirt getting them off. Damn she was horny. She went straight to my belt and had my cock in her mouth before she pushed my pants past my knees. She was great at it. Long tight strokes with her mouth, while she massaged my balls with one hand and grabbed my ass with the other. She sucked me off in no time and I blew a massive load down her throat. She took it all and kept sucking. She took my cock out of her mouth to reach down and pull mine and her clothes completely off. I can't tell you how perfect this girl's body was, tan, with not a single freckle, c cups, and the most beautiful little ass I can imagine. She grabbed my hand a pulled me down the hall naked. We ran to the mens locker room and she turned on one of the showers and pushed me in. She pushed me up against the wall and went straight back to my never once soft cock. When I felt it coming again I told her to slow down and she took every bit again. Now it was my turn to take control. I pushed her back against the other shower wall and pressed my self against her and began to kiss her neck. She started stroking my cock and running it up and down her slit. I was in heaven. She slowly lifted one of her legs and wrapped it around my hip. She held my cock and pulled me up to her opening. She pushed me straight in to the hilt and screamed in pleasure. We began to fuck standing up. I picked her up completely and held her against the wall with both of her legs wrapped around me. We fucked like this for what seemed like 2 hours and every time she would go down and take it all down her throat. At least four times. She had 5 orgasms as I fucked her and surprised me when she said, will you put it in my ass this time. I had her bent over the bench in the shower now and she was already rubbing her clit. She reached for the shampoo with her other hand and squirted it all down her ass crack. I bent over her and filled her ass with my cock with one thrust. She moaned loader than before. Yes baby!! Shove it in me, Harder!! I blew three loads in her ass before I stopped and she kept going when I tried to pull out. I leaned back against the wall to rest and she bent down in front of me and began stroking my throbbing penis. I want some more she said. Can you come for me one more time. Honestly I didn't think I could but she got me off two more times before she stood up, pressed herself against me and inserted my cock back in her still tight pussy. She asked me at 5 in the morning as she was teasing my cock with her tongue, "You're working tomorrow night, right?" I told her I wasn't scheduled, but I will definitely be here when you get off. She said, "good, maybe we can go for a swim" and put the head off my cock back in her mouth . . . I guess the quietest girls are the ones to meet.

My First Anal!!

Gladreril on Anal Stories

 I was eighteen young tight and very horny. I was with a guy we will call Bentley. He was sexy muscular and had a huge dick! Until him my pussy had been a virgin. But thats another story. Well it all began when we were fucking one night and he was licking my pussy. Ohh my god it felt soo good. I could feel an orgasm building up when out of no where I felt his finger on the rim of my asshole. This made me uncomfortable and excited all at the sametime. As he continued to lick my pussy I tried to ignore the finger slowly entering my brown hole. When his finger was all the way I felt tingling all over my body. I didnt know what I was feeling. Suddenly I felt the cum squirting from my body. Afterwords we fucked for hours

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the best sex I had ever had in my life..

   A few days past and Bentley started asking me how it felt with his finger in my asshole. I was young and kinda embarrased so I really didnt want to talk to him about it. I didnt want him to know that I had dreamed about it everynight since it had happend, and everytime I awoke with my panties dripping wet from cumming in my sleep.

  Another few days past and we were messing around one night and he was fucking me doggy style and again I was just fixing to come when he stuck his finger in my ass hole again. It felt so good having a huge cock in my pussy and a finger in my ass it was long till I was squirting all over his dick again. Then he asked if he could put his huge cock in my ass. I have to admit I was scared because his dick was all of 9 inches long and very very thick. I told him he could only if he licked my asshole until I came again. He was excited to do so. He started by kissing me all over then biting at my nipples. I was already screaming in pleasure. as he lowerd himself to my pussy he began to lick and play with my asshole with his fingers. I was already so close to cuming, Then he turns me over an starts licking my ass hole while playing with my pussy, He stiffens his tounge and digs it as far as it will go in my dripping wet asshole it felt so good in no time at all I was cumming again. After he finished licking all the cum from my pussy I was ready...

 I looked at him and begged him to fuck me I wanted it so bad. He started by fucking my pussy hard. Sliding his big cock in and out wildy. Then he pulled it out and placed it right at my brownhole. Then slowly at first pushed it in then slowly .

 Then I had a great idea it had always been a fantasy of mine to be fucked by two men at once. I made him stop and turned and asked him I could ask his friend in the living room to join us. He looked at me crazily and asked me what I had in mind. I told him my fantasy and you could see in his face that it was making him horny just to think about fucking my asshole while his friend fucked my pussy. So I went into the living room where Mike was asleep on the couch. He was soo sexy and his cock was hanging from the opening in his boxers. I leaned beside him and slowly started jacking him off. He moaned sofltyso I put his swelling cock into my mouth. He awoke kinda frantic and asked me where Bentley was, I told him he was waiting for us in the bedroom..

 He jumped up and headed towards the bedroom, you could see the relief on his face when Bentley gave him the go ahead. I sucked them off for a few minutes, Then making Bentley Lay on his back on the bed. I got on top of him and jameed his cock in my awaiting asshole, I told mike to get on top of us and fuck my pussy. The intrusion of two dicks slamming in and out of both of my fuckholes sent me into a jerking orgasm. After fucking them over and over in every position possible to fuck in with two hard dicks in my fuckholes. I begged them to come all over my face. I wanted to taste my pussy and my ass on there cocks I sucked them both off until they where shooting jiz all over my face!! It was the most intense fuck I ever had, Maybe next time I will get a dick for every hole we'll see!!!!!

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