Published Sex Stories / voyeur-stories

First time seen

lakshot on Voyeur Stories

Hello...this is mostly a true story. Just changed a bit to keep things safe. It started with lack of sex from my wife. I was too afraid to cheat so I would masturbate. I would spend sometimes days just pleasing myself. But, it got boreing. I used to lay in my bed and stare out the windows hoping to glance a sexy woman or girl as i stroked my eight incher. It's only slightly thinner then my rist. And bends just like a bannana. I have or had at the time a two story town house with loft overlooking the bedroom I spent most of my time in.There's a window to my left and two behind me on either side of the head board.

My wife , the cold fish she turned out to be, brought a computer. She said I should lea

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rn and become a better artist. I was totally intimitated by computers. So I began exploreing the computer. And discoverd the internet. Prodigy had come already installed so within a few minutes I was surfing. On the search pane I tried somthing. The word sex.

The table I have setup for the computer is an old art table of mine. I have it faceing the window. In the loft. It gives me an even better view of the neighborhood then my view from the bedroom. The window Is huge. A double window at least six feet accros. It really lights up the loft area. Makes me feel all creative.

Any way I started exploreing sex sites on the net. I found a site called amature sisters. WOW real looking naked fine ass black chicks. They were members displaying for menbers. But you had to join. However it was a free trial and I went to town. These real women not models were istant tun ons for me and well...since I was home alone as is usual...I reached down to my cock witch was already getting hard as I concentrated on the unkown woman's streatch marks. Causing me to think...Hell she could be living next door. The window sill is lower then my 'puter table. low enough I can put my feet up on it as I open my legs and le my cock free of my shorts. But siiting like this is very hard to do as the zipper to my shorts is cuting into the base of my shaft so I get up to take them off.

I have no kids at this time so I just strip. My wife will be away for hours as usual so hell I strip. Directly accrose from me lives a family with a teenage girl a teen boy a sexy mom and who I think is an older sister who comes and goes. They're caucasian and they all looked good. But I was sure that I couldn't be seen because I was so high up and besides no one ever looked up any way. So I decided to just free up and have a nice session.

I started with my balls. Cause thet way I can make it last. I'm totally naked , I'm toned and rather good looking. My cock is really hard at this point and try as I may I just can't ignore the urge to pull back my foreskin as tight as I dare. MMM that feels good. I just hold it taunt like that for a while. I start clickin throught the thumbnails. and I realise for the first time I must learn to jerk off with my left hand. I  find that I'm pretty good at the slow stuff and hell the differnce feels real good. Kinda akward but still nice. I've found a new technique. Holding the base taunt for long moments then releasing then repeating. Perfect for surfing pics.

My pre cum is actually flowwing down my shaft...that's a first for me. but not my last first. I linger on this one black girl with the fattest pussy I've ever seen. My cock just throbs all on its own. Damn this is hot. Her pussy it's shaved too. Another first. I gotta right hand it now...

It's just getting dusk when I noticed movement in the window accross the way. I focus for but a second. It's just a metter of changing focus from my puter screen to my opened window. My head didn't even move. A good thing I think. I don't know who I see but I can see a female in the window. She's on the bed I think faceing me...can she see? My heart has never beat so hard. I can bearly breath or concentrate as i realize she's been wathing me the whole time and can obviously see all. I'm so turned on now my head is spinning.

I now grab on to my dick with both hands stand up and just cum . I cum as hard as I've ever cum at that moment. I aim my cum right at her. It spurts against the window, gets on the desk , alittle on the key board. but when I finnaly stop. She's looking right at me. She gets up expressionless and pulls the shades...I suddenly feel shame,fright and just downright dirty. I back away from the window. I need to clean up close the curtains put my clothes on and hope to God no one comes knocking on that door to tell my wife what the hell I just did.

But after a few seconds of panic I tell myself to deny all and to even question anyone who comes at me with pervism complaints with pervisim questions of my own. It's then that the slats in her blinds open. It's darker now and her room is lit with light. She's there still looking but she's adjusted the blinds so we can see each other. Now that's hot. She goes back to the bed sits on the edge and lays back. She's wearin white undies and a big tee. She puts Her hand on her pussy nonchalant like and raises her left leg up on the bed edge and just sort of rocks the leg open and closed. I can't really see her head but hell. This time my cock leaps into my hand. Then I hear my wifes car . It's over...but damn I sure didn't want it to be.

Seen unaware (sequal to first time seen)

lakshot on Voyeur Stories

I had gotten home erly from work. No big deal. It happens from time to time. And as usual my wife wouldn't be home till late. We'd been fighting. Sex was the subject  or lack there of to be more precise. Her parting shot was..." go get it from somewhere else!"

Quite effective I must say. Hurt real good too. So to come home to a quiet empty house was but a boon for me...really. So first thing I did was raise the three windows in the bedroom. The two on either side of the head board and the other one that faces my neighbor from my first story. By the looks of things no one was home. Nor will they be any time soon. Only people home this early are the unemployed. At least as far as I was concerned.


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en I ran The shower, Took of my sweaty clothes and got on in. No closing of doors or shades. I'm on the second floor. To see me you gotta be really trying. Or at least fortunately positioned. The neighbors behind me were closer then the ones on the side. From my shower I can actually see the reflection of somone's deck, sliding door, double living room window and part of the kitchen window. In the bathroom mirror I thought nothing of it. Can't see in so I guessed they couldn't see out. Nice deck though. I remember thinking to my self at that moment. Always see the fine looking raven haried beauty with a kid at times but, I've never seen hide nor hair of husband or man over there period.

As I showerd I noticed that the double window had the curtains opend and the shade up. As I moved around in the shower totally enjoying the water I turned around and saw in the reflection of the mirror the sexy neighbor. She was sitting there with a book and some sun glasses on. She looked hot. Guess the baby's sleep. I decided to soap up. As I did I studied her body. Pale white skin. Almost glowing in the sunlight. Long dark hair contrasting with her hair. Nice big tits. I know nothing from bra size but sufice it to know. They were more then a hand full. She looked a lot like wonder woman sitting there with that short dress and sleevless shirt on. Her stomach was almost flat as she sat there. And her bare long toes not too long...a little bumpy at the joints but not too much. Long and slender but not big old sasquash feet. I could see them pretty well from where I was. And as I concentrated on her feet My cock started to rise. It just sort of uncurled and slowly stood up.

The thing about feet with me is that I like them a lot. Fettish dose not even apply. To me feet rank up there with tits. When I see toe cleavage instant rock hard on. When I see naked feet with long pants ooohhh I could cum.With sandels yum ! wih flip flops Damn! But, the best is to see bare legs straight down to bare feet. I like all kinds hairy or not. Stubby or long. Any color all races. When I go out and about you could spot me. I'll be the one looking down. And walking funny as I try to hide my pole. Show those feet ladies! Snellville and Dekelb counties...I'm out there roaming the parks and malls yum!

I start strokin my dick. It's big thick heavy and hard. There's no give in the thing. I soap it for lubrication. I'm not being easy or trying to make it last. I'm looking at my neighbor and jerking off as she reads her book. I graon a little as I feel the build up in my balls. This is going to be quick. I close my eyes as I begin to cum. "OOOHHHUUUHHH" As I release I open my eyes to see my neighbor with her legs up in her chair her feet in even better display framed against those bare creamy thighs. That little short skirt all the way up and all I see are her little red panties. The little pussy mound and the rest almost disapearing into the crack of her sexy shapely ass. She has her knees to her face and her arms about her calfs holding her book. Funny how she's been faceing me the whole time. Can't tell where she's looking. That thought alone lengthend my orgasmic after shocks a few more seconds.

I linger in the shower a few more moments, cleaning and enjoying the cum high. Not wanting to loose sight of my sexy neighbor I decide to use the door to the halway. Let me explain. I have two door to my bathroom. One opens to my room. The other to the halway that is between my room and my spare room. There is a linen closet there on the wall faceing the staircase up to my loft that overlooks the bedroom. I get out of the tub and think to myself I wonder if she can see me is she even looking ? Then as I get out of the tub I hear her shift in her deck chair. It takes all I've got not to react. My heart starts pounding hard and fast. It feels like It's in my ears. My fingers get real cold as it dawns on me. If I can hear her She can hear me. She heard me cum. My dick Got real hard real fast. I'm suprised my dick done that so soon after what I call a relief of tension cum. It's what I usually do after work. Puts me in a relaxed mood till just about bedtime. When I'll be needing the real thing.

I decide to steal a quick glance in the mirror as I step out and half turn left toward the tub. As if checking for somthing. She has her legs crossed now with one hand holding the book and elbow on the arm rests. The other hand down between her thighs right where her pussy is. Is she touching herself ? My breathing's getting hard to controll. I play it off as a yawn and walk right out into the hallway. Whatever her view was before it just got better I thought. Cause now she is almost perfectly lined up to see straight down my hallway. At that time I had no stomach. A defined chest but not really big. Broad shoulders and a toned a little toward the muscular side body. Six Two 200lbs even. I walk to get a freas towel and go into my room. I usually do this in the bathroom with the door closed or half open. Then the thought hit me...just how long has she been watching me ? Since I moved in and brought this place ? OOOh The hotness of it all. A sexy fine woman on the perv tip with me as her target.

I go to the left side of my bed. It's the side her vantage point is on. I haven't looked out the wndow since walking in. I hear her shift again. It's killing me not to react to every sound she makes. I reach for the remote and turn on the T.V. I fumble with it and drop it purposefully in order to have a reason to turn around an look out of the window. She's standing now. And just as I looked her way she shot her head upward as if that's where she was looking the whole time. I linger on her. Her shades are in her hand and I can see her whole body as she stands. Wonder woman my ass. She's way better to look at and she's real and bare foot too damn.  She moves now to lean against the railing somewhat. I act like I'm toweling off as I three quater the window. This way I can make it look like I'm watching the T.V. while being carefull not to wet the bed too much. With my face not quite in her direction and me acting as normal as I can while I towel my legs one at a time using the bed for support. My cock is dribling and oozing pre cum. I turn my back as I do my torso and arms. I'm in the three quater stance again facing the T.V. As I towel my head I adjust so I can just see then turn slightly and slow like and now I have confirmation. She's staring intently at my eight incher.

I drop the towel and go get the lotion. I use it sometimes but this time it will be but a prop in my show.  I begin to lotion my arms first. But then i realized. There's now way to see her watching me the whole time. Damn ! But in order not to scre her away or break the illusion I'll just have to do without. Besides the knowlegde she's watching has me so hot. How long before I yank one out. I'll just lotion my slef and try and not jump the gun and start yanking...she might think the show was over and go in. I turn my back to her fully now and then I see my ace. My picture hanging cold fish has a pic right there on the wall. A good size too. My on looker is almost plainly sen in the reflection of the glass. Her eyes are on me. She can't tell I can see her in the reflection so she stops hiding and stealing glances. She moves her chair back a little and sits down again. I start on my ass. I lotion it low and deliberate. She licks her lips. I do one cheek then the other. Hell pre cum is just oozing out of my dick. Fells like I need to pee ? Damn It feals like cum. It feels like I might cum right now. I turn to my left now. I slowly do my whole left leg. Stopping at the cructh area. Am I teasing her or my self. My dick just wants to shoot. I put my right leg up on the bed now. Like this with my body three quatered she should be able to see my big ass balls, my very erect cock, my flat stomach and strong looking legs. It's all for her on dispay. I slowly begin to lotion my right leg. Wish I could more often look at her. But as long as she thinks I don't know this can continue. From this position I can glance but not too often. At least that's what i'm thinking. The lotion on the bed between latherings is hard to do now in this position. So without thinking I put the lotion bottle on the nightstand. "WWHHOO HHOO!" I can actually see her fully every time I reach for the bottle. Great! It's still very bright out. It's summer timeish. Kids aint out yet. I begin to apply lotion to my groin area. All around my balls and base of my cock. I turn towards her ever so slightly to give her full view as to what's next. As I reach for the lotion I see her smilling. Dirty like. Like she was stealing and getting away with it. And in fact she was, what a turn on. I begagn slowly lotioning my balls from the base of my shaft up to where my cock juts out from my nut sack.

I reach for more lotion. My cock seems longer then usual, I've never felt the jead of my cock against my belly above my navel before. This time I put the glob in my hands with out rubbing them together. As I do this I steel a glace at her. She's leaning so far foward in her chair it looks like she's going to fall. Her legs are pressed together so hard I can make out the red and white of her thighs like when white people sqeeze their looser skin after too much sun. Her shades are back on, her face is a little darker and her smile is gone. Her elbows are on her knees and the book is open and just hanging there.

She's as hot as I am I find myself thinking.When I put the lotion on my cock I wait a brief moment then I pull back my fore skin with my right hand and hold the lotion there against my cock as the super sensitive part of my cock is revealed. This sensation sends intense shocks into my belly makin be cut my breths. I loose myself in the sensations. Now with both hands I begin the slow caress. This is so hard to do standing. My legs go week as I try to maintain balance and control. jerking off is better laying or sitting. This standing is hard to do when I'm this turned on.

I caress the head while holding the skin back tight like but not too much. I almost black out like that and just deside to jerk normally. I pull a few quick ones and just cum. Explosively. It's everywhere. But the after shocks are so intense i feel like i'm cumming again. I can't even touch myself for a while. My cock goes soft but stays long. The head won't retreat back into the sheath. Did I over do it ? I use the towel to clean up what I can find. I steal another glance out at my neighbor as I clean up. She gets up. There's a darkstain where she was sitting. She turns the cushin over. Her little short dress is wrinkled where she sat and there's the stain. She goes into the house. Me? I stay naked. I'm gonna cum again just on the memory of what just happend. And from now on when I get home. These windows will be opend.


lucky1990 on Voyeur Stories

Hi, all cyber friends, I am a regular reader of sex stories especially of Incest Stories.. after having a nice experience of my life. I want to share that true experience of my life with all you that happened last year, when I was 17 years old. Let me introduce myself to all my friends first. I am Ahmed, 18 years old, studying in B.Com I-Year here in Islamabad. I have a very short family. Just me and my parents. After my birth, my parents avoided to have more kids for 5 years and then tried much but no vain. Because usage of contraceptive pills this period of five years, made a serious injury in Mom’s uterus and Lady Doctor had decided to finish uterus. So there would be no more kids in future. Mom was very upset at this operation but she had no option. By the passage of time, she se
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ttled down and tried to face the fact. At my birth my Mom was only 20 years old while my Dad was 30 years, 10 years difference in age, a much bigger difference in their moods, too. My Dad was cold-minded person but Mom was much hotter and healthier than Dad. Mom is still cute and nice to watch. My Dad is eldest brother of his three sisters and two brothers family. So he first got established his family and then got married. My Dad is working in Saudi Arabian Airlines since last three years and living currently now Jeddah. My Mom and me are living here alone in our new house in Islamabad that Dad has made in year 2003. All the things were going Ok. Although my hormones have been changed and I most of the time used to watch porn movies on my computer or on net. But I never thought ancestrally.

Things started getting changed when my Chachu Hammad (Uncle- my father’s youngest brother) came here and lived with us for 15 days. He is working in a bank and living with my grandparents in town. Last year his bank arranged a two-weeks training workshop here its main head office in Islamabad. My Chachu with his workshop colleagues have to live here in a Motel arranged by their head office. Chachu visited our home next day of his arrival here, as it was his off day. He is a beautiful guy and have a nice built body, strong muscles, clean-shaved, 6 feet in height and always keep himself well dressed. He was just 28 years old that time that time. Just 11 years elder that me and 9 years younger than my Mom. I lastly saw him two years ago when we went to our town. But that time he was not doing a banking job just finished his studies that time. My Mom got angered at him that why he preferred to stay at Motel, why don’t to live with us this period. He was looking shy and said “He is Ok there, don’t worry”. But my Mom said “No, not at all. Go to Motel now and pick up your all luggages and come here to live with us. Give us a chance to serve you…. Otherwise Ahmed’s Dad will be angry at me not to serve you”. He said, “Ok, Bhaby, I will come here tomorrow”. My Mom said, “No Dear, today you have to come here, understand or not”. He just smiled and said, “Ok, Ok, I will…”

That day, about 8:00 pm, he was there with his luggages. I was very much happy that I have met a friend for a month and we will enjoy his stay with us. Mom was also happy that he has followed her instructions. She made a lot of dishes.. We all have a nice dinner and then a great tea session. At about 10:30 pm, we tired much and have to sleep. My Chachu has to stay with me in my bedroom, as we have two big bedrooms, one for my parents and one for me. Any family member who comes to our home, would have to stay in my bedroom. Most of the time, I have to get bored … because there is lots of disturbance the whole period of their stay with me. But I was very happy… after all he is my Chachu. He has a very nice personality to live with him. I that time thought that his life partner would be the luckiest of the world, he is so loving, so cute, I really admired by him. One week passed very quickly, Chachu has the routine to go early on his workshop and come at home around 3:00 pm and I have very tight schedule that days. I was coming home around 5:00 pm and then to go for a game with my friends and come home around 6:30 to 7:00 pm at night. Then have a dinner with Mom and Chachu and then busied myself with my computer. It was March 2006. I was used to sleep 11:00 pm but those days I go my bed around 10:00 pm, I thought cause of tight studying schedule, I got tired and have to sleep earlier than my routine sleeping time before.

That day was Saturday, after dinner around 9:00 pm Mom gave me milk as normal routine. I was there in TV Lounge with them when my mobile rang. I found that ring is coming from my bedroom, so I have forgotten my mobile in my room when I changed. So I took my milk with me and go to my room.. It was my friend Arshad, who just asked about the preparation about Monday test. We chatted about ten minutes and then he finished that call.. I have to place my mobile on my computer table.. But indecently, I didn’t notice the milk glass and glass fall down to carpet. I quickly saved my mobile and then pick up a rough cloth from my draw to clean the carpet. Luckily my Mom and Chachu didn’t hear the sound of glass falling. I quickly pick a cup of water and clean the carpet completely and then went to kitchen and put a empty glass there and joined them in TV Lounge. Both were looking happily and enjoyed each company. I remain with them for an hour and then go to my room to study for the Monday test. Around 10:30 I got tired from studying and decided to go sleep. I didn’t notice when my Chachu came to bed… It was around 12:00 am at night when I feel a very heavy pee. I got up and straightly went to attached-bathroom. When I came out, I was bit relaxed then I noticed that my Chachu was not there on his bed. I checked the time on my mobile.. My bathroom light was still on. Where my Chachu can go this time. I came out from bed silently to TV Lounge. This was darkness everywhere except my Mom bedroom. Light was coming to TV Lounge under the door and floor gap. I stunned for a while. Wow.. is my Chachu is here in my Mom bed but for what reason…. I walked towards the door and on touching doorknob, I have come to know that door is locked from inside. Now I was shocked much because there were large moaning and humping sounds coming from my Mom bed. I was really shock, cause my Mom was moaning loudly and saying “Yes, Dear.. Fuck me hard.. Fuck me hard. I want it badly. Please fuck me deeply.” Mom’s bed cracking sounds to be heard easily and these were coming with a rhythm. My Mom was being fucked by my Chachu, how it happened.. I was really shocked.

I stayed there for a while but I couldn’t control myself and came to my bed. Then a idea came to my mind that Mom bedroom window and my bedroom window are in back-gallery which door open in my room. But on searching from every side of window, I came to know that there in no clue left for spectators. Now I was really frustrated, firstly to know that my Mom was being fucked my Chachu, secondly I couldn’t watch them, especially my Mom nude. Now I came to my bed and was thinking, why they did so disgusting thing and how this happened. How they came close to each and when it started, there were lot of questions coming to my mind and I simply say, “NO, I don’t any idea”. On thinking that after all, my Mom was away from my Dad since two years. She is still quite young and very hot, my Chachu was also bomb young personality and still unmarried and both are of equal ages and equal motions. I should enjoy by the situation not to be upset. I was thinking and thinking and now I recalled my memories how it became possible. My Mom was happy when my Chachu came our home, she must decided a plan earlier that time. And she was looking sexiest that those days because she was took caring herself, her shapes and her dressing. Why I didn’t take notice they’re these hot activities, surely my Mom was mixing sleeping pill in my milk those days and that day by indecently I got escaped from her planning. And I also not much giving them time, so my Mom got the chance to came closer to him and convinced him to these fucking activities. Now I was sure that this all became possible because of my Mom will. Now I had a plane in my mind, how to watch their night drama. I was just waiting for next morning. Now I was thinking that I should get my Mom free, at last she got a chance very difficulty to fulfill her dreams. That night how passed I didn’t know.

I woke up, it was Sunday. My Chachu was still sleeping with satisfied face. I thought that time my Chachu is sure a lucky on that he got a bomb-figured lady to fuck these days… my Mom was sure a bomb lady and every one who got a chance to touch her certainly would be the luckiest man of the world. Around 9:00 am, we all were at taking breakfast. All were considering themselves the luckiest of the world. That got the chance to relax their nights and I was considering myself the luckiest that a now incest lusting world was going to open for me. Surely I would watch them soon. After breakfast my Chachu had gone with his colleagues who picked him earlier today to enjoy the Sunday outside. Mom was going to Sunday Bazar with neighboring aunty to shop for the whole week.

Now I have the time to take action that I have thought yesterday night. I went to my Mom bed and watched deeply every option. There was an exhaust fan hole upper the window for summer use and now there was plastic sheet was putting outside. I have a very advanced PC Camera in my draw but it has only one-meter cable. I needed around 5-6 meters cable to put a camera hidden on exhaust fan and connect it with my PC. I took the camera, locked the home and went to my electrician shop that was my class-fellow earlier. I asked him to put a 5-6 meter cable with that camera to install it in our covered porch for security purpose. He took 20 minutes and my camera was ready. He checked it before delivering to me. Now I entered the house and took a wooden ladder from the store and installed it carefully on the exhaust fan that no one couldn’t notice it. There was gas pipeline in the back-gallery so I carefully hide the cable behind it and entered it from my bedroom window behind the curtain. There was my PC table near the window, I plugged it in PC and started my PC. Wow.. I was succeeded to watch my Mom whole bedroom. It took two hours to complete. Now I unplugged that camera cable and dropped it behind PC table. Now I was very much happy and waiting anxiously to watch the coming night drama. I took a shower when I came out, Mom came back from bazaar. I told her that I am going to my friend to study combined for the next day test and would come at evening.

Around 5:00 pm, I entered the home. Chachu was at home too as he came back just before me. We spent the time there in TV Lounge, till it was dinner time. Mom prepared the dinner and we all ate it with joy. Now it was 9:00 pm, when Mom came with milk in three glasses and handed over me a one glass. I took it and came to my bedroom by saying that I have to phone my friend. I came to my bedroom and dropped that milk in the washroom. And then started studying for the coming test. They were still in TV Lounge and talking about fashion, film and much more. Around 10:15 pm, I pretended to go sleep but was noticing everything happening in my home. Chachu came to bedroom after short while and gone to sleep. Around 11:00 pm, his mobile beep whistled and went out and closed the door by knowing that I was sleeping. I was waiting for that moment.

He entered the Mom bedroom and locked the door from inside. I heard that voice too. Now I silently, plugged in that camera cable to PC and took out the speaker cable and took ON my PC. Now I was watching my Mom bedroom.. and what a first scene that I watched. Chachu was standing near her bed and hugging my Mom and holding her in his arms and kissing her face everywhere. She was in her beautiful nightgown. She was responding him too with passionately. Now they were french-kissing each other… She dropped him to the bed and still holding his face and kissing him on the face, ears and neck. He was caressing squeezing her ass buns. They were chatting and laughing but I couldn’t hear them. She was unbuttoning his shirt and now licking his chest spots ferociously and he was enjoy and fingering her head with lovely. Suddenly she stood up on her knees and unfastened her beautiful gown and dropped it on the corner table. Wow, what a lustful body I had ever seen. Now she was in her skin colour bra and white colour panties. Now she approached him and removed his shirt took her left hand on his huge bulge and fondling his cock that was ready to be opened. Chachu was caressing her back and then unhook her bra and there were two loving melons in front his face to be sucked. He was gently sucking her right to left boobs and placing his face between her boobs cleavage. She was now dropping down her panties and meanwhile he dropped his trouser too. Mom was helping him to remove his boxer and release his cock openly. That was damn.. so big in size with bulging and glistening head. That would be surely around 8” in length and much thicker to be hold in her hand. She was excited to watch it closely. As he released his cock from his boxer, she attacked on that. She was in knee position and rubbing his thick cock in her hand and kissing on cock top, while in this position I was able to watch her ass buns and beautiful glory hole fully exposed from where I came to this nice world. What a pussy with big lips and a big crack. Nice dark brown tight asshole was visible fully as the light was fitted near window side. She was sucking his cock to his half-length and playing with his heavy balls with her left hand. He was fingering in her hand and some time forced her head to suck the maximum length of his cock as she could receive.

My cock was fully erect and I was masturbating while sexy drama was going on. Now Chachu was headed on pillow and asked her to put her ass on his chest. They were 69 positions, he was caressing her ass buns and licking her asshole and pussy surroundings with his tongue tip while she was trying to get his cock maximum length in her mouth. She was moaning as he entered his tongue tip deeply in her pussy. Now his dick was its full length with big veins arousing. I was really fascinating be their love to each other bodies. She has increased her mouth pace and now he was ready to come. As he told her something and she suddenly changed her position. Now he was standing on her knees and ready to shoot his full load in her waiting mouth. She fondled his balls and he was releasing his load after load to her mouth and she was swallowing his all cums. She swallowed till his last cum and then gently sucking his cock head not to lose a single drop. Now he laid down to his back and breathing heavily as he reached his climax.

She was still hungry for more sex and her waiting pussy was shining with her love juices. She sat on his belly and gently started rubbing her pussy on his limping cock and placed her one boob on his mouth. He was sucking one mouth and squeezing other with his hand while his cock was coming to life again. Now she placed her pussy on his mouth and he was licking it deeply. While he was rubbing his cock which was coming to its full length. Mom saw that his cock is now fully erected, she moved down licking his body and suddenly grabbed his cock with both hands and started to suck it. Her pussy was leaking her love juices and ready to be fucked. She positioned herself over his cock and rubbed his cock head in pussy lips to lubricate first and slowly pushed her pussy down to received his full cock length. Now she moved her hips encircled over his cock then she was moving his body to fuck him vigorously. He was also responding from below to burry his full cock length in her body. Her boobs were swinging over his face and touching his nose. He was caressing her body with his both hands from her waist to hips and enjoys her fucking style. My Mom would be so horny, that time I felt. I was also enjoying their fucking because first time in my life I was watching this true experience other than porn movies. They remained in this position for fifteen minutes then tried another fucking style. Now she was kneeling on the bed and he came behind her. First he licked her sweets hole to taste her love juices then put his cock on her pussy lips and thrust the whole length with one attempt as her pussy was used to his cock thickness and size. He was humping and thrusting her with rhythmic motion, while she was resting her face on the pillow. He has strong muscles and strong temperament to fuck her for an hour. He was fondling her boobs and pulling her body to him. On seeing this I was near to cum so I went to bath and shoot my load and then came out. Now they were trying another position. Mom was on her back and he was on top. Holding her legs wide apart, licking her pussy lips vigorously. She moaning loudly as her face showed. She was reaching her orgasm, pushing her head down to her sweet hole. He positioned himself, put a rough towel under her hips as they decided earlier to cum in her pussy because she has no fear of being pregnant. He placed his cock head over pussy entrance and thrust it deeply as it could go. Now his face of fucking was marvelous as he was going to reach his second orgasm. Mom was putting her both hands on his hips, locking her legs around her waist, encouraging him to go down and down as she was also going to her another orgasm. They were close facing to each, moaning loudly, fucking with pace. Suddenly his hips were shivering as he was shooting his load into her womb, she also reached her climax. He was still fully inside her and moving his hips to shoot his load till its last drop. She was kissing him passionately on his face because he gave her most joys those days. He dropped his body over her and her legs were still aparted. Now his juices were leaking from the gape and going down her asshole. He pulled out his limping cock and placed over her mouth, she sucked and swallowed the juices of both mixing. She dried his cock completely, now he dropped down his body and lay on his back beside her. Both were breathing heavily. I also enjoyed the whole drama, so now plugged-off the camera cable and put off the PC and pretended to sleep before the arrival of my Chachu to my bedroom. I really considered myself unlucky to miss the drama of last three-four nights. But luckily I would be witness of all remaining episodes of his 15 days stay with us. That was the first episode of that whole true sexy drama. What happened next that would be coming soon .. Share your comments with me. I would be waiting anxiously…

Candace Part 3

buzltyr on Voyeur Stories

If you haven't already please read part 1 & 2

As Candace lay there her hand stroking my now flaccid cock I felt a pang of guilt. That however was abated as she whispered in my ear “I liked doing that, Daddy, I’m just sorry I didn’t swallow your cum.”

“Honey, the first time is always the hardest when you don’t know what to expect. It’s really OK.” I tried my best to comfort her.

As I lay there content from the orgasm Candace produced with her sweet hot mouth I reached down and rubbed her bare skin. This produced a contented purr from Candace.

I considered if it was appropriate to lay here rubbing her back and her lightly stroking my cock. I decided neither was in a hurry to move and as I continued to str

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oke her I noticed her breathing become shallow. She’s fallen asleep, I thought.

I had to pee so I untangled myself and went in to the bathroom. Standing there urinating I pondered again the earlier blow job and was surprised that I was again getting hard. I never was quick to recover but then I never had the opportunity to receive oral sex from someone so young; and my daughter to boot!

When I was finished peeing I returned to the bedroom and watched Candace lying there sleeping. Mesmerized by her beauty I couldn’t help but to feel I had somehow taken advantage of her. But she had been a willing participant so I shook the feeling and sat on the edge of the bed.

Laying my hand on Candace’s hip as she laid facing away from me I reveled in the soft skin that was my daughter. I gently stroked her smooth skin and felt goose bumps pop up. She shifted slightly probably because I was tickling her. She sighed softly and stretched her legs. I caught a brief glimpse of her coral colored pussy lips as they were peeking out from her thin thighs.

I slipped my hand down from her hip to her ass crack and using my middle finger I gently lay a trail from the top of her butt to the moist warmth of her vagina. She moaned in her sleep like she was having an erotic dream. Her hips undulated slightly like she was looking for something.

I was not ready to give her what she was looking for; I was going to tease her more as she slept. I never knew if she was a light sleeper but that was not going to stop me from teasing her.

I then wiggled the tip of my finger into her cavern and rotated it around two or three times. She unconsciously pushed back against my finger trying without really knowing what she was doing to bury it deep inside her. I did not want to go any deeper so I removed my finger and flicked her swollen button. Her hips jerked a little more and her moan was much louder now.

As I tweaked her clit again her legs spread further giving me easier access to her moist slit.

I figured that would wake her up but she just moaned again and spread her legs slightly giving me permission in her subconscious to play with her more. I noticed the petals of her pussy were moistening and her breathing getting heavier.

I decided to throw caution to the wind and with my thumb first finger I spread her dewy lips and buried my last three fingers in. I felt her cervix and I was not surprised at the missing hymen as she was athletic and was sure it had been ruptured from one her sports moments.

I was not disappointed because I was sure she was still technically a virgin. From hearing her earlier talking to her friend Karen about boys she had confessed to not having been intimate before. That was an advantage for me because I would not cause her any pain when I buried my cock in that unused territory. 

The whole time I had these thoughts I had been fingering my daughter. I noticed her hips were keeping time with my fingers and her pussy was again dripping. I could smell her excitement and I realized I was again hard as a rock!

I reached down with my other hand and spread the cheeks of her ass and peered at the little brown hole. I stuck my middle finger in my mouth for lubrication and forced in her chute to the first knuckle.

She certainly was awake now as I heard. “Ohh Daddy that hurts, please take your finger out.”

As she said this though she backed her ass up more and my finger was then buried all the way in! She then pushed forward and down to where my fingers were also deep in her pussy. She got a rhythm going and I soon did nothing but let her fuck my fingers. Her pussy was overflowing and lubricating the finger in her ass so I decided another finger was in order.

“Nooo, Daddy please no more, my butt is hurting so bad.”

I tried to remove my fingers but she grabbed my wrist and would not let me. I knew then she was a little afraid and ashamed that her ass could be an erogenous zone but she wanted to be fingered there so I capitulated.

She was rapidly approaching her climax and I wanted her to explode with the hardest orgasm in her life. I finger fucked her faster and leaned over and captured her nipple in my lips and sucked hard. She was now all over the bed her hips flailing and her ass moving up and down in a fucking motion.

“Please Daddy, you have to fuck me.” Her voice barely audible I was not sure I heard her right.

But she moaned it out again and it was then I decided I was not going to pass up her invitation. I pulled my fingers from her orifices and grabbed her hips. In a matter of moments she was on her hands and knees before me. Her wet lips and the tiny star of her anus were begging for attention.

I scooted closer until the tip of my cock bumped the inside of her leg. She reached between her legs grabbed my hard-on and lined it up with her pussy. She stroked it a couple of times up and down her dripping slit for lubrication. She also rubbed her love button several times before pausing at the entrance to her canal.

She was wet enough from our earlier foreplay that the mushroom shaped head slipped easily in her moist cavern. I felt the heat radiating from inside. I had to concentrate from blowing my load in her before I go to feel her tight depth.

Her voice hoarse and barely a whisper as I pushed a little harder, “God Daddy, you feel so big. I don’t know if I can take your entire dick.”

I was pushing into her slowly not because I have an enormous cock; it was because she was so incredibly tight. And hot. And wet. I grabbed Candace by the hips and shoved her back against me until I was buried fully in her. I felt like I bumped her cervix deep inside.

“Oh, oh,” she repeated, “your so deep, Daddy. It hurts but it feels good too. Are you going to fuck me now?”

My throat was dry, my lips parched but I managed to squeak, “Yes, honey Daddy is going to fuck you good now.”

I withdrew until the head was barely inside before I plunged head long back into her. I heard the whoosh sound as her breath was almost taken away as my strokes were now faster. I latched harder to her hips. I pushed her away until I was almost falling out and pushed her back into me on the in stroke. My balls were beating against her button and she was babbling incoherently

I fucked faster as my climax was building when I felt her reach back between her legs and diddle her clit. She would rapidly rub herself when I pulled back and she would reach back farther and caress my hanging testicles when I stroked back in.

I leaned over her back until my weight caused her to be pinned face down on the bed. I pulled both her legs together and lay down on top of her. My legs were pinned close to her legs on both sides and I squeezed together until I had her immobilized. Her head was to the side so she could breath but my weight was making it difficult.

She didn’t complain she just lay there with her arms pinned against her sides and took what I gave her. This was a hard fast pistoning of my hips. I was fucking her for all I was worth and she took it. Although she was crying I knew it wasn’t from pain but for the sheer pleasure of being fucked for the first time.

“I’m going to cum, baby. You are so fucking hot.”

She cried louder, “Yes Daddy cum in me. Shoot you sperm in me. It feels so good. I’m close too, Daddy.”

I knew I shouldn’t cum in her. I didn’t think she was protected but God I wasn’t thinking with the right head. I fucked her more aggressively not knowing if she would cum with me. All I could think of was shooting wads of cum deep in her as I slammed deeper and deeper.

“Daddy, please put your finger in my ass,” she screamed. “I am going to cum all over your hard cock!”

I rose up enough and licked my finger searching for the tight pucker of her asshole. Finding it I plunged it deep within her bowels. I fingered her ass as she exploded.

I felt her inner depths tightening and she cried, “Oh yes…yes I’m cumming and it’s so good.”

I was there also. My balls drew up in the sack and belched out a long string of semen deep inside her pussy. I felt her juices bathe my cock as I shot volley upon volley of man butter. I pulled my finger from her tight ass and collapsed onto Candace’s back.

It was a minute or two before I realized I was crushing my daughter and I rose up on my hands and kissed the back of her neck. She whimpered lightly. I withdrew from her causing a sucking sound as my penis dropped out.

She turned on her side away from me and I spooned up to her backside. I lovingly stroked her hair and planted little kisses on her neck.

She sighed and spoke first. “Thank you Daddy. That was the greatest thing to happen to me.”

“No, baby it is I that should thank you.”

I Sripped Julie on an Amtrak Train

Anonymous 101 on Voyeur Stories

This is a true story about exposing my modest but lovely wife to strangers, in a public humiliation she was helpless to prevent.  It’s something she would never agree to, so arranging it took some doing.  Since what I am writing really happened, and I am paranoid that some acquaintance may put two and two together and figure out who we are, I will call my wife Julie though that isn't her real name. And if you are wondering why I am going to such trouble to describe many minor details in writing, I am doing it for myself, so months and years from now I can reread this and fully experie

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nce the thrills I felt at the time.

One thing I discovered about my wife, which I now use to my advantage, is that every once in a while she likes to play "dress up". You see in every day life we are fairly casual people. We tend not to spend much money on clothing, or on going to fancy events, since we would rather spend it on travel, which we both enjoy.  Both Julie and I are middle aged. We met in our late 20's but had similar experiences growing up. When we were teens virtually everything formal was looked down on by our circles of friends. Call it a lingering 60's influence I suppose. Anyway, Julie skipped her Senior Prom and never dressed glamorously to go out on dates. I found out several years ago, however, while shopping at thrift stores together (we love finding interesting or off beat bargains) that my wife has a real eye for well made, well designed, "fancy clothes". Julie rarely bought them because they didn't fit well into our lifestyle, and she hesitated to buy clothes that would seldom get worn.

The great thing about thrift stores though is that most everything is inexpensive, so it opens up doors for experimentation. I saw Julie pick out some real classy clothes sometimes, though she almost always put them back, and they included some items I was surprised she even considered, because they weren't nearly as conservative as what she normally wore. I was slow to pick up on it at first, but boy lights started going on for me when I realized what was happening.

This was the road not taken, a side to Julie she never got to explore, though like every woman in America, those classic feminine images were always all around and affecting her. Though a few years past 40 now, Julie is a very attractive woman, 5' 7" with shoulder length brown hair and a trim, killer figure. Her 36C's are my heart's desire. OK, maybe they once hung a tad higher, but her breasts remain lush and nicely perched. No one would ever say that Julie's tits sagged, they are soft and full and virtually beg for fondling. And in the right clothes they become irresistible eye magnets. The trick is getting Julie into them.

I started paying closer attention to what Julie was drawn to, and learned to use that information toward my own end, which if you haven't already figured it out, is to expose my wife as much as possible in public. I found that there are certain colors and fabrics that Julie almost can't resist, lavender and silk are two examples. If clothes have some special touch, an interesting cut, quality tailoring, or just an expressive feminine look that catches her eye, Julie always finds them tempting.

Women always seem to have more to look at in stores than guys do, so when I got bored in a thrift store I began looking for things my wife might like. But mostly I looked for things I would like to see my wife wearing, and that usually meant the most revealing clothing I had the slightest chance of convincing Julie to leave our house in. It was the start of a multi year project of mine to get my intrinsically shy wife to wear increasingly sexy clothing.

That is a full story in itself which I won't go into now except to make two points that relate to the incident I am about to describe. The first is that a long build up preceded talking Julie into the dress she had on during the night in question. The second ties back to travel. We live within commuting distance to
Manhattan but we moved here fairly recently from another state, and New York is still new to Julie. To my wife Manhattan is almost as exotic as London or Paris. To make a very long story short, we have slowly evolved an arrangement. I encourage Julie to buy quality "provocative" clothes in Thrift Stores (quality is the key, Julie balks at anything she thinks looks "trashy") by arguing that, since they are so cheap, it's OK if she never finds a situation suitable for wearing them. That of course is the critical first step, getting revealing clothes out of the store and into Julie's closet. Silk is great because it is so often sheer, and anything that shows a lot of cleavage is on my short list also.

Then I dangle
Manhattan in front of her, or more to the point, I wait for her to mention it to me. It's enough of a trip for us that it really is too time consuming to spend an evening there without spending a night in a hotel, and Manhattan hotels aren't cheap. So I usually counter by suggesting that we go out somewhere local, but I let my wife know that if she would be willing to wear such and such outfit that I never get to see her in, I would break down and do Manhattan with her. It is the perfect storm for talking my wife into doing something she ordinarily would never dream of.

Julie loves the excitement of going into the city but she can see how it is impractical for us, in time, money, and hours spent away from my business, to do so with any frequency. And my wife very much does want to please me, so if there is something she can do to get me excited about travailing to
Manhattan also, that lifts the burden of guilt off her for suggesting it. Plus Julie honestly likes the clothes we bring home from thrift stores, she's just embarrassed about actually wearing them. But since I now know about the part of Julie that likes dressing up, that is what I feed on. That and the anonymity of the big city where no one will know us and anything goes. As a result I have gotten Julie into Manhattan wearing clothing that she truly is uncomfortable being seen in, but that look classy enough on her that she doesn't feel like a total tramp while wearing them.

Julie rationalizes that since some cosmopolitan women dress that way in Manhattan, there is nothing "wrong" about her doing it, and my wife always gets caught up in the excitement of being there. That thrill works enough of the time for her to overcome the haunting feeling that she's terribly exposed, while I live for the moments when Julie becomes a public target for male sexual energy. I spend a lot of time and money waiting for those moments, and Julie is mortified when they actually happen, but given enough time her desire to go back to
Manhattan gets the best of her, and we repeat the experience. And each time that we do I am usually able to talk her into wearing something just a touch more sheer or revealing, as Julie is very slowly acclimating to the experience.

I have to admit that there is something perversely erotic about slowly guiding my reserved and inhibited wife into accepting ever more brazen public displays of her luscious boobs to total strangers. The fact that Julie is obviously conflicted and reluctant just heightens the challenge and thrill for me in showing her off. Julies moist pussy remains off limits, because any hint of revealing that seems totally slutty to her, though lately some skirt slits have begun a climb up Julie's thighs.

OK, that pretty much takes us up to the present and the moment of perhaps my greatest triumphs in a continuing quest to expose my essentially modest wife's sweet body in public. My wife is a Democrat. You might wonder why I mention that but it very much plays into this story. Julie was very unhappy when George Bush won reelection and the fact he was going to be inaugurated again depressed her. She thought Kerry would win and was expecting to attend some celebration parties with friends. That never happened of course.

While on line Julie read something about a group of protesters who were organizing a Counter "Ball" for Inauguration Day at a DC nightclub. The idea was creative, everyone would dress up pretending to be very wealthy people to celebrate four more years of greed running rampant in
America. In other words it was a political costume party, a satirical slam against Bush's richest backers, and everyone was expected to dress up for the part. Yup, evening gowns and Tuxes. Julie mentioned it to me in passing but I doubt she expected I would agree to take her. I sensed how much my wife wanted to go. I knew she thought it sounded like fun but mostly it would be a way for Julie to counteract some of her depression about Bush winning. So I surprised her by saying I might consider it, but it depended on finding her the right dress to wear.

I was honest with Julie, driving down to D.C. for a Party sounded like a crazy idea to me. It was winter, roads could be covered by snow, lots of streets in
Washington would be blocked off for security on Inauguration Day. It would be a mess. Travel expenses and a hotel would add up to a lot of money, not to mention all the time and aggravation we would spend getting there and back. That was a lot to go through for a party, but I had a proposal that I thought might be workable.

I suggested we take Amtrak down from
New York to D.C. on the day of the Party. There was a return train back to New York leaving from Washington at We could stay late at the Night Club, then take that one home. The money saved by not getting a hotel for the night, plus the money not spent on car expenses would cover both our train tickets, and I wouldn't have to make that grueling round trip drive. Plus we both liked riding trains and that part could be fun. But no matter how you sliced it, it would mean a lot of time and money spent on going to a Party, which brought me back to Julie's dress.

I said I wanted to see her dress like a Hollywood Star, in an elegant but daring gown. I stressed we would be at a costume Ball, and playing the part of rich people, not ourselves. We really should act decadent, when would we ever get another chance to do so? I thought the payoff of the trip was a big enough lure that Julie might go along with it, and I was right. That is she at least agreed that we should go out looking for dresses. Julie knew it would take a daring one to get me to sign off on this plan, since she knew our game well enough by now. My motivation was to push her limits to have her look provocative.

Well the local thrift stores were a bust so I agreed we could dash into
Manhattan for a day to hit up some sophisticated ones. We found a few gowns that made Julie look sexy, but I wanted something over the top, so I was holding out. On the 5th store we scored, and I have to admit I lucked out, because what we found was really elegant, and that went a long ways toward helping Julie feel comfortable with the choice.

It was a strapless black velvet evening gown that was very low cut, with a slight heart shaped dip at the center allowing a V shaped plunge between the breasts showing lots of cleavage. The back was cut low also but straight across. The front was reinforced from below the breasts, which stiffened the fabric as it curved first up, then gently around, and finally slightly away from Julie's breasts while she wore it. That uplift, along with elastic in the fabric at the side of the dress, held the top safely up, though it looked like it could fall down any second because the fabric didn't hug Julie's breasts at the front where it minimally covered her. If you stood next to or behind my wife and looked down at her chest it was easy to follow the slope of Julie's breasts curving down underneath the velvet. I don't know if Julie realized that part. I suspect the tops of my wife's nipples were exposed from that angle but the fabric overhang left a shadow over that part of her breasts making it near impossible to be sure without a flashlight.

It didn't matter, my wife looked half naked while wearing that gown, and the black velvet contrast made her pale breasts look absolutely edible. I should also mention that the skirt of the dress had a wrap around quality that caused an elegant diagonal draping of fabric when standing, but which opened to a mid thigh split while sitting if care wasn't taken to keep it properly closed. Julie didn't figure that part out until later. My wife looked stunning in that gown and she knew it. Julie didn't look cheap, she didn't look slutty, she simply looked stunning. For $55 bucks on sale, we had the perfect gown. And Julie started calling it the Prom dress she never got to wear.

When all was said and done though this trip was costing me a fortune, because to get and stay in the right frame of mind, my wife wanted all the right accessories. New dress shoes, elbow length gloves, rhinestone necklace, a useless purse, you name it. Whatever it took to help Julie feel comfortable in her role, we assembled the pieces to her costume, while I rounded up a Tux that would fit me. And all the while I silently vowed I would get my monies worth out all of this.

At first Julie wanted to buy a bustier, which made me nervous because I wanted her naked under her gown. I stressed how good she looked without one, which was true, and said we shouldn't blow more money on another piece of clothing that Julie might never wear again, all the while hoping that my intentions weren't becoming too obvious. I couldn't stop her from shopping though and she found a black long line bra on sale that seemed like it might work, so I just bit my tongue. It didn't give her quite the added uplift she expected though and it felt just a tad uncomfortable on her, which gave me the opening I needed.

You see part of the deal was we would wear our costumes on Amtrak. We really had nowhere to go to change once we made it to D.C., and I didn't want to lug around a garment bag for my Tux in any case. Since we had ridden Amtrak into
Manhattan before, we knew they kept the trains warm, and Julie had a black velvet Bolero shoulder shrug that offered her a touch of modesty and warmth for the train ride. I said for the money we were spending I really want to see her in that dress all day, and Julie agreed to go along with it. Since that bra Julie bought made her gown fit a little snug, and since she was going to be wearing that gown for 24 hours from start to finish, she agreed to go without the bra.

So the day came and off we went on our adventure. Just like I thought, the Amtrak cars were well heated so Julie was able to take off her coat though she kept the bolero on. That did nothing to hide her cleavage, but it muted the effect of Julie's upper body being totally exposed. Still I wasn't complaining, Julie still looked damned hot, and for about an hour she humored me and took off the bolero too, which had me in 7th heaven. Julie was sitting in the aisle seat to keep away from window drafts so I had a pretty good idea what our fellow passengers were getting to look at when they walked past us down the aisle.

Once we got to D.C. the actual event was a lot of fun for both of us, but mostly otherwise uneventful. There were many wild outfits being worn but Julie's was definitely one of the hottest. The place was a little chilly though, so Julie kept her bolero on much of the time, and it was also dark and crowded. For most of the night we ended up standing on a balcony above the main dance floor, which limited the number of men who could see down Julie's gown. Limited but not eliminated, I should add. When I asked Julie later if anything made her uncomfortable while we were in the club she said there were a few times when she felt nervous, wondering if a man was standing near or talking to us just so he could look down her dress. I laughed and said probably, after all you look gorgeous, but as long as he didn't do anything rude there's no harm done, it's just part of the game.

The party wound down and we left to catch our train on time. While we were waiting for it to load we saw several other couples decked out in formal attire also, but we suspected they, unlike us, had attended one of the official Inaugural Balls. Once seated we found the train again well heated, and I was pleased to see, well lighted also. Julie settled into the aisle seat once again. My wife was on a medication that makes her drowsy, which she put off taking until we left the Ball. That, the late hour, and all the accumulated commotion, made Julie pretty tired, and it wasn't long before she drifted off to sleep snuggled against my left side. Julie had her coat off but her bolero was still draped around her shoulders.

While I was generally pleased with the way the day had gone, part of me was still a little disappointed. I thought it would be warmer inside the club so Julie could discard her bolero at coat check. I thought we would be mingling much more allowing many more men to ogle Julie. I was hoping it wouldn't be quite so damn dark inside, and so on. I guess I was also just sorry to see this special day of showing off Julie coming to an end. So I decided to push the limits further while I still had a chance.

I leaned my own head into Julie's shoulder and moved my right arm until my hand was holding her right arm near her elbow. Snuggled up against her like that I pretended to go to sleep, with my eyes kept open a slit to see if anyone was watching us. Since no one was sitting opposite us the only time anyone could see what I was up to was if they walked down the aisle. And what I was up to was shifting my right hand slightly so that I could hook a finger into the side of Julies dress at the skin line, while applying pressure down.

I noticed the way Julie's bolero draped her shoulders obscured my view of the progress I was making as I feverishly worked to expose my wife. Being careful not to be noticed, I pulled her bolero open first at my side, and then reached across Julie's chest to flick the fabric off her left breast. Her bolero was still on, but now it lay wide open leaving my wife more vividly revealed. While doing this I noticed that the fold on Julie's skirt had opened, exposing some of her thigh, so I pulled that cloth further aside also, leaving a broad V shaped expanse of Julie's flesh uncovered, pointing directly to her crotch.

Now I returned my right hand to Julie's right side, and resumed tugging down on her dress. Occasionally I froze when someone walked by us down the aisle, pretending to be fast asleep. I am sure at least one man made a return round trip by us. But Julie's dress was well tailored, and difficult to lower, at least while she was seated. I thought  I wasn't making that much progress until I made a startling observation. It wasn't so much that Julie's gown was slipping down, it was actually slipping sideways, from left to right, and the cleavage revealing V cut at the center of the bodice, meant to line up directly between her breasts, was slowly migrating toward me across my wife's right breast.

When I realized this I was stunned, because, to be honest, I didn't really think I would get away with actually flashing Julie's nipples on Amtrak. The gown would have to fall down too far I thought, and I was afraid the result would look as intentional as it actually was.  That could have gotten us into trouble, which I worried about. This way though was different. Julie's evening gown was never meant to sleep in. Who could say that the slit up the front of her dress didn't innocently fall open? Who could say that her bolero hadn't innocently fallen open also? And who could say that Julie's strapless gown hadn’t innocently twisted to the side when she shifted in her sleep to make herself more comfortable?

Armed with this insight I kept tugging at Julie's gown while she slept dead to the world, and watched more of her right breast spring into view. To be honest, from the angle my head was resting, I couldn't fully appreciate the effect all this was having on Julie's left breast. I knew the lower cut at the side of her gown was sliding over revealing more of it, I just couldn't tell how much. But the liberating effect on my wife's right breast was stark and unmistakable, more and more of her pale flesh emerged into the light until suddenly the pink glow surrounding Julie's nipple slid out from under the black velvet of her gown.

In a daze I kept pulling until almost half of my wife’s right nipple was out from beneath the dress. The way the fabric now stretched pinched tightly into Julie’s tit, forcing the exposed part of her ripe bud to thrust upward from her breast, an erotic consequence of the gown still constraining the covered half. My heart was pounding so hard I was afraid it might wake Julie.

Without moving my head I carefully opened my eyes more than the squint I had frozen them at. Right there next to me was the most erotic sight I had ever seen. Here on an Amtrak train lay my usually modest wife, sprawled out sleeping on an aisle seat under bright lights, in her low cut strapless black velvet gown, precariously now clinging scandalously low.  The pitch black contrast of Julie's strategically arranged gown framed her exposed white body and made my wife look almost more naked than if she had been nude. The slit of Julie's skirt was pulled wide open exposing much of her thighs, more than enough to incite any mans imagination. Her bolero was flipped off her chest leaving virtually all of her barely clad breasts brazenly visible, but the crowning glory was my wife's right nipple, oozing out from beneath black velvet, clear as day.

I couldn't believe this was really happening but I thought I would get away with it. I was wearing a full Tux, Julie was in an evening gown. We were obviously respectable people who had come down for Bush's inauguration and fallen asleep on the train going home. I left it with Julie's nipple only half exposed because I knew that would seem more believable than if I tried to pop most of her breast completely out of her dress. To be honest though, I think my wife looked more erotic this way, her modesty more subtly betrayed. Julie was a vision of innocence violated, sleeping peacefully, completely oblivious to her blatantly erotic public display.

About this time the train slowed down to make a stop in
Philadelphia (or a suburb, I can't remember) and I was a delirious near total nervous wreck. I knew we would get busted if anyone realized I was actually awake, so I kept my head snuggled against Julie in a natural sleeping position. Unfortunately that meant I couldn't see very much through the slit in my eye lids from that angle, but I was determined not to move a muscle. What I could see were people's legs when they moved down the aisle past us on the train, which happened several times as people rose to get off the train. I strained to hear any comments but my hearing isn't great anymore, my best ear was pressed against the seat, and there was back ground noise to filter out.

More people got on Amtrak in
Philadelphia than had just departed, and at least 7 or 8 people walked right past the seat Julie was sprawled across half naked. Again though, my impaired vision and hearing kept me from confirming anyone's obvious reactions to the spectacle of my wife lying exposed right there next to them. They had to see though. Everyone getting on a train looks at all the seats as they pass by, that's how you decide where to sit. And there was no missing Julie, with her lush 36C's swimming out of her low cut strapless black velvet gown, the skirt parted into a wide delta suggestively revealing most of my wife's shapely thighs.

So I was thrilled of course, but again with that nagging hint of frustration. The day still lacked a defining Voila! moment, when some stranger looked at my wife and totally lost it, when I knew he was viewing Julie as a sexual object with absolutely no pretense of hiding it. It was about this time that the conductor entered our car to collect fares from the new passengers who had just gotten on, as I could hear the familiar call, "Tickets please", approaching from the seats behind us.

The conductor was a large guy, probably in his 40's and handsome enough, with a short just starting to gray black beard. And he was sociable. When he collected our tickets in DC, he engaged us in some light conversation. I wasn't sure if he was checking Julie out then, but if he was he kept his composure. But that was before my wife fell asleep and I went to work on her gown. He hadn't returned since I transformed Julie's attire (or lack of it) from a formal example of elegant sensuality to a brazenly raw sexual display. This was the real test of my resolve to violate Julie's modesty in public. However friendly he might have been before, the conductor is the voice of authority on a train, and I knew as he moved slowly down the car he was certain to notice my wife half nude on the aisle where any passenger could find her.

Would he decide to wake us to cover Julie? My wife would absolutely freak to be found by a man that way and I shuddered to think of the wrenching scene that would follow. But knowing that this conductor, a man who 45 minutes earlier stood joking with my wife, would soon find her completely defenseless, laid out to please him like a mere gift wrapped sex toy, that excited me. This was invasive. It meant peeling away the last shred of Julie's privacy. Offering my exposed wife now to a man she had talked with earlier made Julie's public humiliation much more intimate, and the thought was too intoxicating to resist. It was the middle of the night and there were no kids on the car. I decided to roll the dice and leave Julie as she was, nearly stripped, fully lit, sleeping helpless in her seat.

Of course I was as nervous as I was excited. It reminded me of an Eagle's lyric; "This could be heaven or this could be Hell". I had my eyes almost completely shut now, and I could just see a sliver of the aisle through my eyelashes. Believe me, I was taking no chances that the conductor might figure out I was really awake. I saw his coat brush past our row as he stopped at the seat in front of us to ask some woman for her fare. Absolutely no reaction. Damn, Damn! How could he gaze at my wife's lewd display, and then just go about his business?

Then it happened. In mid sentence the conductor completely lost his train of thought, stuttered and went silent. Finally he laughed and managed an apology to the passenger, openly confessing that the sight of Julie’s body splayed out in the seat behind her had totally absorbed his attention. I couldn't catch all their words, but this lady clearly had noted Julie's compromised condition earlier, because she assured the conductor that his distraction was quite understandable. He followed up with a direct comment about Julie's state that I couldn't quite make out. All together they chatted for maybe a minute, though it definitely felt longer to me, engaged in small talk over my disrobed wife.  Finally the conductor resumed his journey down the aisle and it was over.

The rest of the trip is sort of a blur. I know I left Julie in that condition for some number of minutes more until she stirred slightly in her sleep. Afraid that she would open her eyes and notice her nudity, I flipped Julie's bolero back over the gown where her nipple was falling out. Then I quickly closed the gap in her skirt a little, though still leaving a lot of her thigh visible. We rode a while longer till I realized I was pretty tired also. It felt too risky to potentially nod off and lose all control of the situation, so I tugged Julie's gown up just enough to recover her nipple and left my wife sleeping that way, as the train stopped several more times before pulling into Penn Station, where she pulled herself together in a sleepy daze.

In hind sight I'm amazed that I pushed the envelope so far with Julie on the train that night. There was nothing subtle about the way I posed her. Her breasts were spilling right out of her dress under bright white lighting, her nipple popping out in very clear view. My wife had the look of a peeled banana, the last remnants of her black gown merely emphasizing Julie's nakedness and vulnerability to everyone who passed by her, bare inches from her velvet framed, inexcusably exposed, and luridly available body.

It was just like being a teen again, with my raging hormones overwhelming all rational thought. What made me believe I could strip my wife in public without getting busted? Yes I had some special circumstances going for me, but a number of passengers saw Julie and not one lifted a finger to help her. The conductor, the man who could have stopped it, instead gave his leering consent, permitting my wife's exposure without looking the other way. Him standing over Julie, chatting about her unfortunate indecency with another women, was the fitting culmination of my wife's humiliation.

So I've got to thank you Guy, because you really made my day, but I'm sure that Julie made yours also.


itsonlyfun on Voyeur Stories

 Fact or fiction? you decide.

 When the hell will he fuck her?


 I"m totally gutted after that last event. I was so sure he was about to fuck my wife only to see her then suck him dry with her mouth. Then she really pissed me off by saying she"d intended to let him. What a bitch? but god did I love this woman. She wasn't a nympho,but I think she was running pretty close to it! When will he fuck her? Will I bear witness to it? What a bummer if he gets her when I"m not there to watch!

 Just after this a strange set of circumstances occured. I"d arranged to take a Friday off

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shift to make a long weekend to do a particular DIY item. The day started as so many did with me and Jackie playing with each other. We hadn"t got to fuck yet but knew we had plenty of time as Den who was going to help me was not aware I"d arranged any time off and as he knew I was on early"s would get here in plenty of time he said. I guessed about 12, so at ten jackie had gone to get us both a cup of tea to wash the sex from our mouths.

 Having gone downstairs in just a pair of PJs for modesty and only put on for this purpose, partly because my parents now had a business about 200yds down from our house,thus my mother was prone to knocking at inopportune times. Right on cue,there"s a knock on the door. I faintly heard this then listening intently to get an idea who or what it was about. I heard the interior passage door close and closer now I could hear a low male voice.

 Now listening more intently I still couldn"t make out who it may be but as Jackie made no indication of needing me by shouting,it became obvious she could deal with it. I was more correct about this than I dreamed. Hearing some weird sounds and hushed talk drifting up the staircase,curiousity getting the better of me,I snuk out of bed and listening by the door, Jackie was saying,"No I"m a happily married woman,don"t! Richards upstairs anyway" Quietly opening the door,I crept to where I could see down to where they were. It was Den, I realised immediately he"d come to do his devilish deed on Jackie before I got home.

 The swine! I thought, as my beast tried to poke out the slit in my pants almost like a third eye looking for the action. On his reckoning he"d given himself 2 to 3 hours to get her. Fuck there was no way she"d hold out that long even if she intended to, he had her for sure today. Our passage had a small kink of about a foot or so to keep its width past the bottom of the staircase. I often screwed Jackie there,in fact it was made for screwing a woman because she couldn"t escape very well if she had chosen to.

 At this moment this was where Den had Jackie cornered. He was saying, "She (Ginny) doesn"t understand my needs,I know you do because we"re so alike,you know needing lots of sex,please take pity on my hardon and let me do you" "No! you don"t listen,Richards upstairs I told you!" Not listening but showing his impatients he unbuttoned his fly and then started to wrestle his hands up the front of Jackie"s PJs. Jackie was doing her best to stop him as she suddenly realised I was at the top of the stairs watching. She continued to wrestle with his hand up her clothes,while these hands were now intent on unbuttoning her front.

 Hand signalling with my fingers and with exaggerated mouth movement, "DO YOU WANT ME TO STOP HIM?" A hesitant NO! was returned, to which my cock burst from my pants in joy oozing love juice and pulsing powerfully. Seeing this Jackie gave a sly grin at me. Fuck she"s going too! Her resistance was less but still much hindering Den"s progress. By now her top was wide open and her nipples looked like two organ stops they were so hard. Den was also at her mouth and neck,cunning bastard he"d twigged Jackie lost it when neck sucked. His cock was solid as iron and bobbing about with a mind of its own.

 With all the facial activity he"d slipped Jackies PJ top off her shoulders which now was partly tethering her arms to her sides as he sucked her nipples and flobbed her tits. On tugging to remove her PJ bottom Den was in control because of her limited arm movement. She could hold the sides but not stop him pulling down the front of them to play with her pussy. As he got the front low enough, I could see her pubes above his hand as he squeezed her now juicy cunt,pulling his hand away a second I could see his palm was soaking with Jackies juices.

 "Fuck you"re soaking wet already" (Course she was I"d just been playing with it for hours) Holding his cock with one hand he started to try to fuck her. Looking in my direction,she said, "No not yet,do that thing to me you done up inside with your finger last time" "Why? you"re already ready and god do I need a fuck?" "No do it pleease, I can"t stop you once you make me cum like that and honest I don"t want my conscience to stop me this time" Strangely he said "It didn"t last time" "You know when I mean" my wife says looking up to me again.

 By now Jackie is squirming and jiggling on his fingers so much I notice as she turns more than before he has his other hand in her ass crack, "No! not in my bum,pleease nooo!" I can see this hand is all wet from her pussy juice and at least one of Den"s fingers is well up her asshole. "I need to because it makes your cunt more receptive to touching your G spot" Ah! so thats what it is!

 Jackie"s body explodes into an orgasm, "Noooooooooooooo, Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I"m Cuuuuuuuuuming,Fuck Nooooooooooo Moooooore,Pleeease Noooooooo,More I"m begggggging yooooooooou. By now her PJ bottom has long ago fallen to the floor,she"s struggling with Den"s trousers,as before as they drop,no pants and his ball bag is as hard as a boy before puberty. Standing now with her legs wide open, "Come oooooon,puuuuut it in for fuuuuuuucks sake" grabbing his cock and pointing it at her cunt she gasps "NOW PUSH,NOW!NOW!NOOOW! UUGH!" as it slid into my wifes welcoming cunt.

 Den"s hands were digging into Jackies ass cheeks as he strained every sinue in his body in cumming up my wife instantly on entering her pussy, "God you"re so tight compared to Ginny" he lied. They were about the same! (I should know shouldn"t I) By now both their pussies were,firmly clasping but not tight as in virginal! Jackie; "No,you can"t stop now,make me cum some more you bastard" In fairness he did, I"d already cum as Jackie watched me pound my beast and squirt spunk all over the stairs while she grinned between orgasms which made her squeeze her eyes shut each time in concentration.

 He was hammering away in her and the squelching coming from them was sensational and getting me back to full hardness. What to do with my cock? I wanted to join them but this was not the right time to go to that step! So I clenched both my hands in a double fist,dropped my pants off then resting against the bannister, fucked my man meat into my palm as though it was Jackie"s Quim.

 Meanwhile they both began to slow down.Expecting this to be the end of the show,I eased back from my vantage point. "You were having me on,if Dicky had been upstairs,he"d had stopped us from doing that" "Would he now? Don"t put your money on it" What does that mean? "Nothing!" "He doesn"t know we go this far does he? What if he told Ginny?" "I"d have to look for another cock to deputize for yours,cause you"d be dead. Though, on the other hand, you could always let him fuck his cousin! your wife"

 "I wouldn"t be surprised if he hasn"t already, Ginny seems to know a lot about what he gets up to with you"... "No,I bet that"s because I talk to your mother-in law about things and she probably tells your wife. You don"t half panic for a bloke getting no puss,puss from your wife,or is that just a ploy to get in my knickers,you horny bastard?" "You haven"t told Ginnys mother I"ve fucked you" Stupid sod,how could she? you"ve only just fucked her for the first time. (I thought no more of this till the missus wrote her bit,then it made sense)

 My senses sharpened as I heard Den say, "Ready to go again?" "What do you think?" "Come on then,where shall we do it" "Here on the floor,Naked" Fuck,thats chancy with my mother living so close. She,Jackie must really be into two cock fucking,even if it is on separate occasions. As luck would have it,or more likely by Jackie"s cunning, they"re positioned right at the bottom of the stairs with Den"s back to my position. She"s in a kneeling down position and moving forward as he trys to mount her. Stopping perfectly positioned he,just like a dog is jabbing at her trying to let it hit her hole. He lifts a hand to steady his meat,Jackie senses this saying,"No,let it do it in an ordinary doggy manner" Letting his cock go again while still jabbing at her he says, "I"ll come off in a minute for fucks sake!" "Let it I wont mind it all over my ass, NO,not up there,thats my asshole" "I know,can"t I just a little bit?" "NO,you fucking can"t, NO! stop that now or I won"t let you finish me off, now,even Rich hasn"t stuck it up my ass"

 "Why not?" "I don"t know and don"t go putting thoughts in his head about that just so you can get a chance too after he has, neither" Lying toad,she knows I"m still watching and listening upstairs.She"s the one putting the thought in my head. From my rear view of the action,I saw all his cock sliding at her crinkly hole and one time she seemed tempted to have it up there because as his cock caught her puckered rim bit she was thrusting back in search of his cock with her pussy and I swear he got about an inch inside her but she jerked it back out.

 Now he was lined up and with a thrust he sunk it up my wifes cunt to the hilt, "Fuck go on harder and longer like you do,fuck you" I find Jackie"s foul mouthing is a real turn on and it obviously was for Den. "Come on you whore,milk me you fucking whore" "No fuck me you fucking dirty wife fucker,fancy raping and fucking your best mates wife you filthy bastard,wait till he gets home he"ll fuck your ass in reprisal" Bloody hell thats a new line,whats in her mind right now?

 Wriggling and twisting his cock out of her I just couldn"t believe it. Jackie had robbed him of his orgasm inside of her. But no he hadn"t shot over her unlike me in my palm. Then she was on her back ,"Do it this way,go on,give me your baby" Fuck! talk about animal lust! he flew back into her and fucked her stupid, his asshole was there for the taking, and I"d be lying if I denied that at this moment I was sorely tempted to dash down on his back and rape his puckered hole as he was going for broke in my wifes squelching cunt.(I"d never ever thought about a man"s hole before Jackie mentioned it!)

 Jackie was in control of his and my cock,no doubt about it. I"m sure her last move was intended to get Den raped as he impregnated her with a baby. She did deny this later,but I was beginning to pick up tale,tale clues to her lying here and there. Den burst his seed into Jackie as she humped his cock while looking directly at me she had the most gigantic orgasm around his cock making me shoot again. As her eyes opened and seeing my jism all over my hand she, grinning while doing a hand motion behind his back of which it either meant,rub it in Dens ass and fuck him as he lay collapsed on her tits,or save it to rub into my cunt in a bit.

 No! later she said it was indicating his sperm were going round and round in her looking for an egg. mmmm! I knew now we,Den and me were destined to have her together some time. How or when who knows? At the moment,Den lay with his cock still soaking in their mutual juices. Later this weekend,our sex life changed direction yet again to my consternation!

 That"s for later though.



The Drive Home

parkstranger57 on Voyeur Stories

The Drive Home

There are still many in between but this one came back to me, as it was the most recent - within the last few years. (Age 39)

We were driving back from another city where we were visiting some relatives and about 35 miles out of town on a four-lane highway fairly deserted early in the morning, as it was a five-hour drive and wanted to get back. I was feeling her up as

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we drove as she was just wearing a light blouse and skirt with garter belt and nylons (my favourite). I had my hand up her skirt and her blouse half undone. I was just thinking about finding a rural road to turn down to see if I could find a place to park and give her the fucking she was hot for.

Two guys (early 20's) pulled up beside us and being distracted with my hand on her pussy I didn't notice them until they were right beside me. They were moving at a fast clip when they passed us but the guy in the passenger seat looked over and I knew he seen my wife laying back with her legs spread and her blouse hanging open. I told her I thought the two guys in that truck had seen her but she didn't care and in fact said, "I wish they would slow down and have another look, if they do I'll give them a good look." This really made me hard. The speed limit was 110 but I was going about 100 and stayed in the slow lane.

After they passed us I could see the passenger taking to the driver and my wife had just finished saying that when I could see that we were gaining on them as they were slowing down. I had the car on cruise so we slowly came up on then and I told her that I thought she might have just got her wish. She looked up to see us catching up to them again so I got her to finish undoing the blouse and even got her to slid the bra straps down before we came up beside them. Just before we were coming up on them I tilted my seat back so they could get a better view. They sure as hell weren’t shy about looking. I could see the drive lean ahead to get a better look. My wife shifted to let her skirt ride up her thighs to where you could see her bare flesh above her nylons - christ she looked sexy. The boys adjusted their speed to stay beside us for what was probably a couple of minutes. I looked over and gave them a smile and a thumbs up. I then reached over and pulled her bra down off her breasts so they could see her in all her glory. As cars were now catching up to us they pulled ahead and over into our lane. I sat my seat back up so we didn't disturb anyone as they looked like family cars coming.

As soon as all the cars past we were the coast was clear again. I asked my wife if she was just going to be a cock tease or ...? She said that if I could find a place and they were willing she would give them all they wanted. The boys in the truck dropped back and came up beside us again. I motioned for them to pull over someplace. They sped up and pulled ahead again and about 3 or 4 minutes down the road they were pulled over at a roadside turnout. I pulled in behind them and stopped and rolled both our windows down.

The two guys came up to us on her side of the car and started talking to Cheryl. They told her they sure appreciated the view. She just smiled and said thanks but is all you want to do is look? The guy who was the passenger (later found out his name was Dave) just leaned down reached in and took her right breast in his one hand and ran his other hand up her leg and rubbed her pussy. Cheryl spread her legs wider to let him get his hand in her panties. He very quick inserted two fingers in her and as horny as she now was started coming on his hand. I asked them if they wanted more of this action. They were all for it but we couldn't do this on a main highway. I asked them if they were from around here and do they know of a secluded place we could go to? They said in union "follow us." About a mile or so down the highways they turned off on a dirt road that led to a farmers hay field that was surrounded by bush. They turned into an approach and parked by some bush where you couldn’t be seen from the road.

I parked beside them and went around and helped Cheryl out of the car. The two guys immediately came over to her and had their hands all over. One stood behind her and put his arms around her and had one tit in each hand mauling her. The other stood in front and had her skirt pulled up his hands down her panties and again was fingering her. I took the liberty of undoing the side snap on her skirt and Dave moved his hands and let it drop to the ground. They moved her over to the back of the truck and let the back gate down. As Jerry (the driver's name I now knew) lifted her on to the gate Dave slid her panties off. By now she had also lost her blouse and bra and they were also lying on the ground.

I just stood back and watched with my cock now out and was stroking as Jerry cradled her in his crotch still hold her boobs and her legs right at the edge of the truck bed and Dave, who now had his pants around his feet and his cock out (I'm guessing 7.5" and thick) just moved in-between her legs and shoved it in. She was so wet that it went in easily and then the fucking began. Dave fucked her hard and steady for about ten minutes before her started to cum in her. As he started to cum she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in as far as she could. She took a big, big load I could tell. As soon as Dave pulled out Jerry was there waiting. Again he just rammed it in (another good size - maybe bigger than Dave) and started fucking her. He too took about ten or so minutes of hard fucking (these farm boys didn't fuck around) when I could see him start to tense up and soon he was cumin in her.

It was only once each, as we had to get going. But I'll never forget the sight of my wife lying there with garter belt and nylons (which were wrecked when they were done with her) and her legs spread wide taking a fucking like that. It was beautiful. The rest of the ride home she slept like well-fucked woman should.

compas's first time

compas on Voyeur Stories

My name is Mandy, and I'm married to Mike.

I'm about to recant the events that led up to me sharing myself for the first time with a man other than Mike, and the actual experience I encountered with that man.

Mike is a voyeur and is infatuated with watching me either seduce strange men or allowing myself to be seduced by them, and then having intercourse with them..

It's not something that I agreed to easily. I was a virgin when I met Mike and he was the only one that I'd ever slept with prior to and since marrying him. It remained that way until about 6 years ago.

We got married when he was 21 and I was 20. I was very content being his wife and being unfaithful or having intercourse with another was something that never crossed my mind. I won't

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deny that I don't like a man's or men's attention, because I do. All my life I've always enjoyed dressing more provocative than most and I relish in any fervor my figure, looks or my attire draws from the opposite sex. Where-as some women might feel uncomfortable if a man ogles them, I am the opposite. If I know a man is watching me, I might, and usually will actually flash a little more leg, or,,, while grocery shopping, I'll bend over and linger an exxxtra long time looking at a bottom shelf item knowing my skirt is riding high and revealing more than it should.When I was young and in my teens, I was considered a tease, and I was! That suited me fine and I liked it that way, because unlike my girlfriends, I didn't have to put out in order to be desirable to the guys, but I sure enjoyed knowing that they wanted me more than the girls that had given in to their desires. 

Perhaps, in order for you to create a mental image of me, now would be the best time to describe myself. I am a long legged 5'3" natural brunette with blue eyes and weigh between 105-110 lbs. My measurements are 36,23,36 with a C cup and I'm one that's lucky enough to have all my proportions in all the right places. I'm considered very attractive and am often referred to, or likened as, drop-dead gorgeous, stunning, ravishing, sensual, etc. A seemingly conceited description of myself, but not really, seeing the similes are as men have described me and not as how I see myself. Although it would be nice to say that whether it's at work, shopping, the bar, or just out and about in general etc, men are always hitting on me and trying to get me to go out with them, but that wouldn't be an entirely truthful or an accurate statement. Yes, It does happen quite often but by those that are bolder or more confident than most but generaly speaking men tend to be withdrawn and shy in approaching me. When Mike and I were first married and the bolder ones would try to connect with me, I would have nothing to do with it.

All went as expected as a normal married couple for a few years, but slowly my husband started suggesting things in a subtle way. One night after we had made love for the second time and we were laying there recuperating he said, 
" I had this weird dream last night."
Naturally I asked him what it was and he described,

 " we were at a party and when it was time to leave, you were nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere but I still couldn't find you. I went to get our coats from the bedroom where we'd left them and when I entered, I saw you there being felt up by a stranger. He had you up against the wall, groping your breasts and pushing your skirt up. I was so upset seeing the two of you like that, but I couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed and even though I was in the same room, you weren't able to see me. It was like I wasn't there! You kept telling him stop it!, but he wouldn't stop. I wanted to help but I couldn't. I don't remember how it came about but all of a sudden you were both naked on the bed and you weren't fighting his advances anymore. Just as he was spreading your legs I woke up. What a crazy dream!"

I felt disgusted when I heard the details of his dream and told him so. He replied "Gosh, Mandy,  it's only a dream! I can't help or control what I dream." How could I argue with that? After all, everyone has dreams that don't make sense. Although I agreed with his point I was somewhat skeptical , seeing he was hard again and so shortly after making love for the second time. That had never happened before. 

A few weeks later, and very nonchalantly, he would bring the dream back up and say something like,
"Boy! you remember that dream I told you about? I keep thinking about it and you looked so sexy up against the wall. I can't help it, but I get hard every time I think about it." Although it still bothered me hearing him say that, I wasn't as digusted as when he first described it to me. By now I'd had time to think and I rationalized that it was a fantasy. Much the same as some of my fantasies. No big deal. If it excited him and enhanced our love making then I could accept it.

It wasn't long afterwards that as we were making love and as I was staring my climax, Mike would whisper in my ear " so? would you like it if a man other than me was inside you right now?" or " Do you have any idea how many men would want to be me and be where I am right now?" He never carried on. He just made subtle suggestions and soon I was enjoying hearing his naughty thoughts as I came to orgasm. No harm in that. It was only fantasy, wasn't it? Yes, I started to wonder If he would really enjoy it if it really was to happen And found myself fantasizing a fantasy that had never crossed my mind before. 

Over time, and when we were at the bar together, I started to get the feeling that should a man make moves on me, Mike wouldn't be upset by it or wouldn't care if they did.  If a man would come over to our table and ask me if I'd like to dance with him, Mike would say,
" It's up to her, I don't mind."

That type of answer sort of annoyed me and even if I didn't really feel like dancing I would do so anyways, just to get away and calm down a bit so that I wouldn't get into an argument with him over how easily he passed me out.

On one occasion in particular when I returned to our table, after dancing with a man that kept trying to pull me in very to him, I asked Mike,
" what if that guy had made advances towards me while I was waltzing with him?"
Mike shrugged it off and said,
"I doubt that! This a public place and he knows you are with me."

I don't know really remember why or when I changed from a loving wife to a flirtatious one. Perhaps it was because I wanted to prove Mike wrong about what some men would do, public or not, or perhaps it was when I wondered if he might eventually get jealous, but change I did!

Over time I found myself flirting more and more, and waltzing closer and closer with the men that asked me to dance with them. Mike never got jealous. Naturally, with me waltzing in tighter to my dancing partners as I now tended to do and with the effects of the liquor, atmosphere and flashing lights, it was only a matter of time before a hand, whether accidentally or not, would brush against one of my breasts or would ride down the hollow of my back and work its way down further until it was on my butt.

Initially, when that happen, I'd make an effort to stop them. Eventually, especially once I knew Mike had seen the other's antics and never said anything, I stopped rejecting their advances. Subsequently I found myself dancing in a very intimate manner and now that I didn't place any restrictions on my dancing partner's hands, it would usually result in an erection being pressed up against my leg. Prior, if I got the feeling Mike didn't care, I would have felt repulsed. Now, I found that it stirred me inside. I couldn't control that. It must be nature, because it certainly wasn't with any intent on my part.

I remember the first time things went much further. As usual, once we arrived at the bar, Mike put his name up on the challenge board at the pool tables. Just as so many times before, once his turn came to play, he'd be gone and leave me sitting by myself. As it turned out, Mike's first game was against Steve and Mike beat him. That's how Steve ended up sitting at my table with me. Mike had invited Steve to sit at our table seeing he was by himself. While Steve waited for his turn to play pool again, we got the chance to talk and get to know each other some.He had a wonderful sense of humor and had me laughing most of the night. When Steve's turn would come to play pool again, I found myself feeling disappointed that he had to leave. I wished that he would loose, just so that he would be back quick and make me laugh some more. Mike was on a roll and winning all his games. Steve was back at my table within minutes. Mike only lost two games in three or four hours, and that's the only time he was at the table with Steve and I. While Mike was gone, Steve and I had a great time talking and dancing. About half an hour before the bar was to close Mike finally a game and when he came over to the table he asked Steve if he'd like to play some pool at our house. Mike rationalized leaving, seeing he wouldn't get another turn at the pool tables before the bar closed. Mike had been playing for two beers per game and I could hear he was very drunk.We all left and as I drove to our house, Steve followed in his car.

After a few games of pool at our house , Mike started to become rude and abusive towards Steve. He was saying things like,
" Hell man, you are the shits. Mandy doesn't play pool and she could beat you."
I was so embarrassed. and said so. I kept apologizing for the way Mike was acting and Steve said
" that's OK, he's pretty drunk I'm sure he doesn't mean it."
After about three games, Steve said he didn't want to play for a bit, and that it was too boring for me.
"Well!" Mike said,
"OK, fine! You two can sit and talk. I'm going to lay down. I'll be back later."
As he was heading up the stairs, he looked over at me and slurred,
" you can entertain him for a while."

Steve and I sat talking, having a few drinks and listening to music for about fifteen minutes.At one point he asked if I wanted to play some pool, but I declined, reminding him I didn't play pool. He then said,
"you dance, would you like to dance?"
I laughed at that, and replied,
"Yes, I'd love to."

We moved into each others arms, as we had done at the bar. It shouldn't have felt any different, but as our bodies moved together I instantly became aware of Steve's hardness that was pressing up against my leg. We had only just started to dance, and I remember thinking

"He's already got an erection! Even before, I'm in his arms!"

I had felt the same thing at the bar, but there it hadn't occurred right from the onset. At the bar it had felt sexy, now it felt sensual. Also, unlike at the bar where he had only one arm around my waist, now, both of his arms encircled me. In hindsight I suppose I shouldn't have allowed him to do that but that night it felt right. Actually, I was getting bit drunk myself and even though I had a feeling that this might go much further than just dancing, I didn't want to do anything to stifle the feelings Steve was arousing within me. We danced to a couple of songs, and the whole time I kept thinking Mike was going to come back downstairs at any second. About this time, Steve needed to use the washroom and while he did, I slipped upstairs to check on Mike. He was laying on our bed, snoring and seemed out cold. Knowing Mike, and how deep he slept when drunk, I felt he was likely out for the night.

I returned back downstairs and when Steve came out of the washroom, we started to dance again. Half way through the song, his hands were lower than they had been all night. I pulled them up once or twice, but soon, I relented and didn't stop him.The skirt I was wearing wasn't long, but I became aware that Steve was somehow making it shorter and getting it to ride higher and higher by the chill on my skin as it became exposed to the basement's air. I just didn't realize how high! That is, until I felt the cool basement air on my buttocks. The next thing I remember happening was his fingers slipping inside the top edge of my pantyhose. Never having a man do that to me, it caused me to reflexively pull away from his touch. By doing so, it caused me to move my pelvis in closer to him. Now we were moving as one. I can't say dancing, because we really weren't moving our feet. We were just sort of swaying to the music. I felt so guilty, but yet so good. The good was stronger. I didn't stop him. His fingers continued their journey down until they were moving down into the top of my panties as well. His hands were SO warm! As Steve's hands kept moving further down, my natural reflexes continuously caused me to move away from his advances, resulting in my pelvis moving forward further and up tighter yet up against his erection. The further his hands slid down, the more compressed I ended up against him. I remember thinking how long his penis felt, up against my leg. Much longer than Mike's. Soon, my hose and panties were half way off my buttocks and both of his hands were caressing my cheeks.

About that time, the music ended. I had to change the disc. I went over to the stereo and while I was bending forward to change the disc, Steve came up behind me and reached around me, cupping my breasts. I could feel his manhood pressing against my cheeks. I don't know how I managed to get the new disc in. The music started again, but he didn't release me. He just started swaying and grinding his erection into my tush . I joined in to his movements. The tank top I had on didn't cushion any feelings. He rubbed my nipples with his thumbs and started kissing my neck. I'm SO ticklish in my neck. He chuckled when I curled my head so as to try to stop him from kissing me there. Releasing one hand from my breasts, he reached down, lifted my skirt, and slipped it into my hose and panties, but from the front this time! That scared me. A strange man going there but I didn't stop him.  I was so wet now and I didn't want him to get yucky. Isn't that crazy! The thoughts that run through ones mind.

As his hand slid down, so did I. My natural reflexes and my conscious as a faithful wife were still working, so I involuntarily tried to avoid his advances by moving down also. Doing so made me settle to the floor but eventually I ran out of room to move further away from his touch. Once I was on my knees, his hand found me and moved in between my legs. Somehow Steve urged me down onto my stomach and we ended up laying down, right in front of the stereo. His body followed mine and he ended up laying on top of me. I was glad that he was behind me, so I didn't have to look at him. I kept my eyes closed, and relished in the way his hands were fervidly exploring my body.Now that I had nowhere left to go to avoid his advances , Steve wasted no time in working his fingers into my vagina. As his fingers worked deeper into me, it felt much the same as if I was rubbing my own breasts, and entering myself with my fingers as I do when I masturbate. Steve moaned a sound of approval when I reached down between my legs, covered his hand with mine and partnered my fingers with his as they were probing inside me. Yes! I could pretend that I was masturbating myself but, there was that bulge though! Pushing against my rear. It felt SO good. Better than I thought it would, or, that it should have, to a faithful wife.

By now my hose and panties were down past my hips and my skirt bunched at my waist.Breaking momentarily, he moved his body down and using the hand that had been between my legs, proceeded to push my hose and panties to my knees, my calves and then off my feet. I thought, "My goodness, he has long arms", seeing his upper hand never left my nipples.I also thought "I wonder if his penis is as long as his arms." Realizing this was heading much further than just petting, my conscious started to intervene and I said,
" NO, I can't do this. It's just not right!"
to which he replied, in a surprised and disappointed tone,
" You want me to stop?"
My guilt feelings said yes, but the feeling I was experiencing said no. I whispered,
" NO "
He asked,
" are you sure? "
I responded,
"yes I'm sure,,,don't stop."

Once my panties and hose left me, his hand rejoined mine again between my legs. His head was now right by my tush and he started to lick, kiss and softly bite my ass. Oh My! Not even my husband had ever done this! It felt "SO" good. Here's me, a virgin to everyone else but Mike, laying on the floor of our basement, getting my ass licked. Steve's tongue kept going deeper between my cheeks. It felt so strange. It felt so good. My heart was racing now. My mind and thoughts rushing. The lower Steve kissed, licked, and nibbled, the further my legs spread almost as if they had a mind of their own. Then it happened, the best, yet most embarrassing thing. Steve started to kiss and lick my bud. This went beyond naughty. It was pure lust. I could feel my stomach muscles beginning to involuntarily spasm. My vaginal secretions were actually running off my legs and making the carpet wet beneath me. His tongue and fingers seemed to be working as one. As his fingers probed deeper into my vagina, his tongue did likewise into my anus. Slowly but surely he managed to move deeper into me until finally his lips were pressed up tight against me.I started to shudder and felt my contractions intensifying in my abdomen, I knew I was coming to climax.

He must have sensed I was climaxing because he slid his body up onto me, pulled off my tank top and proceeded to poke and push his member against my anus.
I whispered,
" NO you can't! You don't have a condom on."
he replied
" I have one on."

I reached down , felt him, and sure enough he had one on! He had put one on when he went to the washroom! Steve must love Greek, but I wouldn't let him. I couldn't let him! It was bad enough that I was about to become an unfaithful wife, never mind being sodomized.

Without thinking and almost in a compensatory way, I guided him into my vagina. He didn't complain and as he pushed his penis into me I could feel him spreading tissue deep inside me that my husband had never been able to do. Even when I thought he was fully in me, his length moved deeper yet! I must have gasped or moaned, because he voiced,

As he started thrusting, I could hear the slap, slap, sound as his pelvis met my buttocks and the squishing sounds of my wetness as he moved in and out of me. It's a good thing I was right by the stereo, so that I could reach out and turn up the volume to cover up the noises we were making. I started to climax after 6 or 8 thrusts and I held my face in the carpet in order to try and muffle my squeals of delight. Steve came to orgasm after 20-30 thrusts, just about the time that I was reaching my peak. After Steve was spent and once his breathing became somewhat more controlled, he whispered in my ear,
"Here, let me clean you up."

He then rolled me over, spread my legs and buried his face between them. Ever so gently, he licked and lapped up my pussy's nectar. I almost got caught up in the new sensations he was stirring up inside me, but just about that time the Cd ended and my mind rushed back to the thought of my Mike sleeping upstairs. I whispered,
" we should get dressed now."

While we were cleaning up and dressing I thought God!, What if Mike had woken and he had come downstairs as we were making it! I got Steve to leave as quickly as possible and no sooner was he gone, that all the guilt feelings rushed into my mind.

The next day,Sunday, I was hung over and SO, SO depressed. I kept going to the washroom to have a cry. Mike kept asking me,
" what's wrong."
I held out saying,
" Nothing."
I held out until mid afternoon and then I broke down and told him,
" something happened last night."
He calmly replied,
" I know. I was watching you from the top of the stairs."
I screamed at him,
" you're not mad, or jealous?"
He replied,
" No, not at all. I came two times watching you. The first time just after you changed the music, and the second time as you were gasping and moaning. I'm not mad, or jealous. I'm so turned on and I love you."

I told him he deserved that. Letting me flirt and him being so rude to Steve. He laughed and said,
"I knew Steve was hot for you. He couldn't take his eyes off you all night. As for being rude, if he liked me he probably wouldn't have seduced you"

So there it is. That's how it started. Even though I didn't let Mike touch me for weeks after that, eventually the anger and guilt subsided, leaving only the memories of the excitement I experienced that night.Within a month, I found myself fantasizing and yearning for those feelings again. Six weeks later I repeated with another man.Once again experienced guilt and depression afterward but the recovery period was much shorter this time.Within a year, I ended up going out every Friday or Saturday night looking to bring home a new guest to please Mike's voyeurism and my lust.

That was several years ago, and since then, when we go out together, I tell prospective guests my husband is my brother from out of town and staying over for the weekend. Other times, he stays home and I go out with my girlfriend, and then bring the man home. I phone before I come home and let him know I have company. He hides in the spare bedroom.

I'm so glad that the Steve was so sweet and such a good lover. If he would have been a dud, I wouldn't be sharing my experiences now.

Steve was fantastic, but he's not the best, and thinking back, knowing what I know now, I'm saddened that I rushed my him out of the door as I did. I never got to savor his taste. If I could do it all over again, we would have showered together, cuddled on the couch, and I would have made sure we satisfied each other orally.

Perhaps? one day I will meet up with him again and then I can make up for my nervousness that first time.

The Roommate

EveolutionX on Voyeur Stories


Siene was his roommate's girlfriend so she was off-limits. But Caden had wanted her ever since he'd moved in several months ago. He'd tried to put her out of his mind but things had only gotten worse.

A month ago he walked in on her in the bathroom as she was stepping out of the shower.

“Oh!” She jumped with surprise and grabbed for a towel, but not before he'd run his eyes down the length of her body, noting the water droplets dripping from her erect nipples and the soft curve of her pussy as it disappeare

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d between her legs, barely hidden by neatly trimmed curls of hair.

He slowly drew his eyes back up her body until his gaze met hers. Caden could see the alarm in her eyes but there was something else, too. Was it excitement? She gripped the towel modestly against her body but he thought maybe she was secretly pleased that he'd gotten a good look.

Caden stared at her with a provocative expression, making no move to leave.

"I have to get dressed," she said, shifting nervously in the small space.

Caden pressed a finger to his lips. "Shhhh," he whispered.

Then reaching out, he grasped her wrist and brought her hand against his jeans. He let out a little sigh of pleasure as he pressed her palm firmly against his throbbing erection.

Her eyes grew large and she glanced at Caden, her face a mixture of uncertainty and surprise. A second later Siene pulled her hand away and looked down at the floor.

"I - I really have to get ready. Anthony's going to be home any minute."

She refused to meet his gaze again so he stepped to the side and she hurried out the door, her half-naked body pressing against his as she brushed past him.

He watched her scamper into Anthony's bedroom, her towel falling open in the back, revealing her perfectly shaped ass for a few blissful moments before the door shut behind her.

He leaned against the bathroom doorway and unzipped his pants, freeing his thick cock. He stroked himself as he thought of her naked, wet body.

Caden was so turned on by their brief encounter that he climaxed in record time. When his cock erupted with hot cum, he pictured it spurting all over her pretty face.

He paused outside the shut bedroom door, hoping that perhaps Siene would open it and catch him holding his stiff cock, slick with cum. Just the thought of her seeing him in that condition kept him hard.

But she didn't emerge so Caden cleaned himself off in the bathroom and then retreated back to his own room. And not a moment too soon, either. Anthony's footsteps sounded in the hallway just a minute later.

For days he worried that she'd tell Anthony about the incident and he berated himself for being so bold. It had been a very risky move. But the days went by and Anthony never brought it up, so he guessed that Siene didn’t betray him. Life continued as normal.

Nearly every night Caden laid in the dark, masturbating to fantasies he created about her. Sometimes he imagined that he walked into the bathroom a few minutes sooner. He imagined slipping into the shower with her, running his hands over her wet body as he fucked her under the warm water.

Other times he fantasized that Siene had crept into his bedroom at night after Anthony was asleep, crawling under the covers with him. He imagined waking up just as she was penetrating herself on his hard cock, sliding it into her tight pussy. He pictured her big, firm tits rubbing against his chest as she rode him to orgasm.

He was finding it harder and harder to be around her when she visited Anthony at the apartment. Just laying eyes on her for a few seconds gave him a raging hard on. He was in agony. And he could tell that Siene knew he desired her. He'd caught her staring at him several times when she thought he wasn't looking.

Then last week he'd woken up thirsty in the middle of the night and was making his way through the dark to get some water from the kitchen when he heard noises coming from the living room. He'd quietly stepped back into the shadows.

When his eyes adjusted to the darkness Caden could see Anthony sitting naked on the couch. Siene was standing in front of him, wearing a short skirt and a tight sweater.

The moonlight was casting a soft glow through the window in the living room but Caden was safely hidden in the shadows of the foyer. He watched as Anthony reached his hands under Siene's skirt and pulled her panties off, sliding them down her legs and tossing them onto the floor.

He pulled her onto his lap and she straddled him. Anthony's cock was standing at attention beneath her hips. She lifted her skirt and rubbed his dick against her pussy, rocking back and forth, her clit sliding against the head of his cock. She moaned with pleasure.

Caden's own cock grew rock hard watching Siene pleasure herself. He'd never witnessed her being so free and open with her body. It was an incredible turn on.

Anthony pushed her sweater up over her breasts and Caden could see well enough to make out the lacy design of her bra. As Siene continued to rub her clit against his cock, Anthony gently pushed the fabric to the side and slipped his hands under her breasts and teased them away from the confines of the bra, leaving them exposed and framed by the black lace.

He fondled her breasts as he watched Siene masturbate on his cock. "Oh, yeah, rub your pussy on my dick."

Caden couldn’t resist any longer. He pulled his erect cock out of his pajamas and began stroking his hand up and down the thick shaft, staring at Siene as she rubbed her pretty pussy all over Anthony's hard dick, her beautiful tits exposed to the moonlight.

Anthony ran his hands through Siene's hair and pulled her face down to his, kissing her deeply, his tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. He slid his hands over her body and grabbed her by the ass, lifting her skirt, giving Caden a perfect view.

Anthony gently pushed Siene onto his stiff cock. She gasped as he entered her and let out a moan as his full girth penetrated her. Her ass came to rest against his balls, every inch of his cock stuffed inside her pussy. She moved her hips and began to ride him but he grabbed her firmly by the waist and stopped her movement.

"Not yet," he said wickedly, watching waves of pleasure wash over her face. "You like my big cock up your tight little pussy, don't you?" he asked, tracing his fingers around her erect nipples.

"Yes," she said, her breath coming in little gasps, "I want to fuck your big cock."

She wiggled her hips against him and he sighed with pleasure, but held firmly to her waist. She strained against him and moaned. "Oh, please,” she begged, “let me fuck your cock.”

Caden nearly came at the sound of Siene's dirty talk. His dick was so hard it almost hurt. She was so erotic. He wished that it was his cock in her pussy, making her beg to be fucked. Caden didn't know how Anthony was handling it. He couldn't have held back this long, not with Siene. He would have been pumping loads of hot cum inside her already.

Anthony kissed Siene's neck, his eyes full of lust. "I’m gonna fuck your little pussy, but first I want to make you cum all over my cock."

He ran his fingers along the folds of her pussy and pressed his thumb against her clit. Then he licked her nipples, sucking one and then the other into his mouth until they were rock hard. She squirmed on his lap, grinding her ass in little circles against Anthony's thumb.

Caden watched as she climaxed on top of his cock, her head thrown back in ecstasy, moaning loudly. "Oh, yes! Fuck!"

Siene gasped as her body trembled with orgasm and she bucked against him, her thighs shaking. Anthony groaned with pleasure as she writhed in his lap, his cock buried deep inside her.

He slowly began to move her against him, his hands on her ass, guiding her movements. She moaned heavily as he worked his cock in and out of her.

Caden could see that Siene was enjoying every little sensation of being fucked. Anthony began thrusting into her hard and fast, meeting her movements halfway.

"Yes, oh . . . yes, fuck me," she cried.

She rested her hands against the back of the couch, bringing her tits against his face. Anthony sucked on her nipples, flicking his tongue against her as he pushed her hips back and forth over his lap, impaling her pussy on his cock again and again.

Caden could see how wet her pussy was, her creamy juice running down Anthony’s balls, making a wet spot on the couch. He longed to taste her, to work his tongue into her secret folds and suck her clit until she came in his mouth. Given the chance he’d lick her clean after Anthony finished with her, he’d never been so turned on. Watching Siene take Anthony’s big cock up her pussy was so fucking hot.

"Oh, god, your pussy is so tight," Anthony gasped as he drove his cock into her.

He spread Siene's smooth ass cheeks and rubbed a wet finger over her asshole. Siene responded with ecstatic groans of pleasure. Anthony pushed firmly against her tiny hole and his finger slid inside her ass.

"You like my finger in your ass, don't you, baby?"

"Yes, yes!" she moaned, bucking her hips back against his hand.

Anthony pushed his finger in deeper as he continued to fuck Siene's pussy with his hard cock. This sent her over the edge and she exploded with pleasure, her body shaking.

Watching Siene cum a second time was too much for Caden and he orgasmed there in the shadows, stifling gasps of pleasure as hot cum squirted out of his cock.

Apparently it was all Anthony could take, too. "Oh, fuck! I'm cumming, baby!"

He gripped Siene's hips and thrust deeply inside her. "I'm cumming inside your hot pussy!"
He stiffened against the couch and Siene took over, riding his cock as he shot his load deep inside her.

“Oh, god, yeah,” he moaned as he pumped the last of his cum into her pussy.

Anthony wrapped his arms around her back and kissed her. She collapsed against him, resting her head on his chest. Their bodies glistened with sweat and they breathed heavily in post-coital bliss.

Caden quickly pulled off his shirt and used it to wipe off his hand and then the wall, where ropes of his thick, white cum had landed. Then he tiptoed back to his room.

As he crawled back into bed, he realized that he hadn't gotten the glass of water he'd gone after. Oh well, he thought. Watching Siene get her pussy fucked and her asshole fingered was definitely worth being thirsty.

Now that he knew she loved sex and acted like a dirty little slut, he was even more eager to fuck her. It had become very clear that he had to have her, one way or another...

Quick peep

lakshot on Voyeur Stories

This was one of those days i wish i was a little more brave.

I'm a plumber and today I have this job at a pool house. The kind where you pay to swim.

K now here's what happend...I'm in the ladies' room working after having it cleared out,
when this group of little girls come in...I identify myself and all they said was Hi...but only
 seemed to be washing their hands...
So I go back to work. I'm on the floor enjoying the smell of women hood as I was in a stall
on my back grappling with a wall hung toilet. When I noticed a pair of white sneakers
right next to me.

I'm instantly highly excited as I realize this is their shaparone...and she had to know I was there
cause I can't be missed. I'm 6' 2" about 210 or 20 labs. My feet are stick

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ing way out from
 under the stall...
So I closed the stall...I realize I don't hear anything hitting the I work my way
 round to sort
 of poke the back
of my head into her stall .  I'm being careful just in case this woman is some naive type...
and then go all crazy if she sees my perverted eyes
devouring what ever sight I happen to see. cause I was going to see somthin. This time I poke my
 head in backwards at first then slowly turn and look up...There it is...all ass firm and sexy
I see only the briefest of a glimpse of her pussy as she pulls up her pink panties...
then turns and looks down at me.

Panicked I quickly turn away as if I hadn't seen a thing...But she has no reaction. By now my
 hart is in my dick is so hard it looks like
a baby's arm sticking right up in the air...if she sees this she says nothing...t
hen like that she and her troupe leave.
It's all I can do to keep from passing out as I come down from my high...
I'm trembling and horney as hell...Then I realize that I don't quite know what she looks like...
however I remember her shoes...

Later I'm finishing up and leaving when this super hot ebony model type walks right into me...I'm
Taller then her so as I look down to see her and excuse myself she's looking up..
.She then rubs her whole body against me hard
as she goes by me. Her tits are firm and soft all at the same time. As she goes by I
 turn to see her walk away..
I noticed her was her...and she works there...u can bet I'll find some way to get back to
 that location...

La Quinta

Jujdredd on Voyeur Stories

My husband and I had lost track of our electric bill and came home one night to find that our electricity was off. We decided that since it was too late to do anything about it we would get a room. We went to the La Quinta not far from our house to get a Jacuzzi room. We planned to have a romantic evening and make the best of a bad situation.

There was a female and a male working the front desk this evening and while my husband was checking in with the female clerk the 18-year-old male clerk noticed his cigarettes and called him Marlboro Man. So I asked him if he smoked and he said yes and continued to flirt with me while we checked in.

After checking in my husband and I took a shower together but I just could not stop thinking about the boy at the desk. After

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John got out of the shower and dried off to go and start running the water in the Jacuzzi, I took a little longer and started to rub my clit, man was I turned on. I did not finish because even though it felt good, I needed a dick bad...

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, I walked into the room from the bathroom and was surprised to see John had turned the mood very romantic, on the corners of the Jacuzzi were candles that he had sneaked from the house. The candles were lit and had made the room smell wonderfully like flowers, the hot tub was nearly full and he was sitting on the edge of it still wrapped in his towel, I bent down next to him and he leaned down to kiss me. I began to rub his cock through the towel and it slowly hardened. I opened his towel and took his cock in my hand I started stroking it gently paying close attention to the tip, John stopped me and stood up he helped me to my feet and then into the hot tub. He went and turned it on, then went to my purse and got out my waterproof pocket rocket, then he climbed into the tub with me.

He handed me my toy and we reclined with our legs around each other, he really likes to watch me masturbate, so I obliged. I turned the little dildo on and placed spread my pussy lips to place it against my already sensitive clit. John started to slowly stroke himself while I enjoyed the sensations coursing through my body. I am not one to fantasize a lot but for some reason I kept thinking about the young man behind the counter. John had not noticed him as he was checking me out, but I did.

I was surprised at how quickly I came and at the intensity of it, but I was not finished, I leaned forward and took John’s now throbbing cock into my mouth. I slowly lowered my head until my nose was touching the water, and started sucking hard as I pulled my head back up. I know that this brings John to the brink quickly and was correct, I could feel his cock harden immediately to the point of near ejaculation. He grabbed my head and pulled it away and kissed my hard on the mouth then we moved to the bed. We were still soaked from the tub, but we did not care, he handed me my toy and I turned over on my belly and began to massage my throbbing, tingling clit with it. John took up his position, and started to lick the rim of my anus, softly, then he went down and began to suck my wet pussy. He alternated between my pussy lips and my anus until I began to grind into him and then he plunged his tongue deep into my ass, I exploded almost immediately, I turned off my toy and he slid his hard cock into me.

He went slowly at first then began to thrust harder and faster, he flipped me over, and never missing a stroke he pulled me up on top of him. This position always put him into the right spot and I could feel him hitting me, I started grinding into him keeping his cock in the right place my orgasm came in waves. Shortly afterwards he exploded into me and I collapsed into his arms and we lay there breathing heavy for a few minutes. We got up to clean ourselves up and then lay down, as usual he was asleep in practically seconds.

I stayed up to watch TV for a while since my favorite show Law and Order was on, after a while I wanted something to drink, but the soft drinks we had purchased before coming over to the hotel were not refrigerated. John was dead to the world so I decided to get up and go down to the ice machine.

I got out of bed and slipped on a wife beater tank top and some jogging suit pants. I grabbed the ice bucket and the room key and opened the door quietly so as not to wake him up. I walked down to the end of the hallway to the ice machine, thinking the whole way how quiet a hotel is at two o’ clock in the morning. I wanted a snack so I checked out what was in the vending machine, after a couple of minutes I realized there wasn’t anything in there that looked appetizing. I filled the ice bucket and turned the corner, the vending area was cold and I had no bra so I was a little glad that the hotel was sleeping.

However, when I turned the corner I noticed that was not the case, the young man from the counter was walking down the hall towards me. "Oh well," I thought, "nothing I can do guess he’ll get an eyeful."

As we neared each other I did notice him checking me out, and usually this makes me uncomfortable, but this time I noticed myself lowering the ice bucket a few inches to provide an unobstructed view.

"Can’t sleep?" He asked quietly as we approached each other and he stopped.

"No, I was watching TV and got a little thirsty, but the cokes were hot so I came to get some ice." I explained.

"I don’t think that ice will help." He said with a grin.

"Why not?"

"Because it will probably be melted by the time you get to your room."

"Really? Why do you think that?" I asked, baiting I guess.

"Because you are too hot."

I began to feel the blush coming on, and I noticed that now I had lowered the ice bucket completely, and I also realized that some of the ice had melted and made a wet spot on my tank top.

"I bet you say that to all of the girls you meet in the halls at two in the morning."

"No, just the fine ones." He said, moving closer to me. I did not pull away, but smiled instead. He was looking at my breasts now and they were responding to both the cold and the attention. I returned the favor and checked him out, his pants were starting to bulge, and oh what an interesting package.

I had to see it, we were standing close to the public restrooms next to the poolroom, I leaned my back against the men’s room and pushed the door open, he followed me in. He turned and locked the door and I sat the ice bucket down.

"Show me yours, I’ll show you mine." I teased. He started undoing his pants, I helped him after he unbuckled his belt, and his pants were kinda loose so they slid off easily leaving him standing in his boxer briefs. I pulled his boxer briefs down as well and was pleasantly surprised at the package he was sporting. He was semi rigid and I was starting to feel tingly between my legs.

I took him into my mouth and started to suck, he pulled at my tank top and I let him take it off, then I went right back to sucking him, he grew and grew getting fatter until I could barely get my mouth around him. He pulled me off of him and stood me up. He kneeled down and slid my jogging pants down, I was really hot now.

He spun me around and I grasped the edge of the counter, he bent down behind me and started to lick my pussy, not trying to get me off, just to lubricate. He stood up and eased his firm fat cock up to my now thoroughly moistened pussy, pressed the tip into it and then shoved into me so hard I almost lost my grip on the counter.

God, he was so big it felt wonderful, I started grinding against him, as he used my breasts as handles to pull me to him. He lifted one of my legs onto the counter and this gave him easier access to thrust, and he slowed down pulling all the way out then easing just the head in and out. I pulled away and sat down on the counter. He slid in and I rose into a crab crawl position, he started to pound into me now harder, after a few seconds he lifted me easily off of the counter and carried me still gyrating against his cock to the wall. I wrapped my legs around him and he slammed into me so hard I thought he was going to bruise my pelvic bone.

I wanted to scream from the extreme pleasure I felt so good I could not control myself, I felt like a rag doll, completely at his mercy, I felt him nearing his orgasm, but even though I had come more than I had in a while I wanted more. I pushed away from him and knelt in front of him his cock was nearly purple and visibly throbbing from the pressure.

He exhibited excellent control and managed to fight it back, I took him in my mouth again and started to suck, I gave just the smallest amount of teeth to the ridge of his head, he grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my mouth slowly. I could feel the throbbing again, and knew he could not last this time, I took him as far as I could into my mouth and he erupted like a volcano. I felt his hot cum slam into the back of my throat, and I just held him there in that position, nearly gagging as more and more cum spewed from him. I tried to swallow it all but there was just too much.

Finally after a few, final, thrusts he was empty. I stood up on shaky legs, my entire body trembling from the ecstasy I had just experienced. He stood back against the wall panting, his brow sweaty. I smiled and got dressed I noticed the ice bucket, which had melted a great deal and said…

"I guess you were right about the ice…" Then I walked out the door and went back to my room. I opened the door quietly so I would not wake John up, I walked in past the dark bathroom into the sleeping area, and through the illumination provided by the television I noticed that John was not in bed.

There was a light rap at the door, I went and looked through the peephole, it was John, I opened the door he came in with a grin on his face.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"I woke up and noticed you were gone, so I went to look for you, I never made it to the ice machine because I had to use the restroom, so I stopped at the public restroom." He answered.

My heart leapt into my throat, "Oh, my God!" I thought. But then he grabbed me and pulled me to him and I felt his rigidly hard cock!

"Quite a performance, Cassie. It was incredible!"

flip on Voyeur Stories

 I  moved in to duplex(four years ago, now) with a friend from work, the landlord lived in the other half.  They were a nice couple, with a twelve year old daughter. Suzie, was a nice kid and very average in looks and maturity, just a hint of boobs, about 4'10" maybe 90lbs, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I work nights and weekends so I'm home at kind of wierd hours.  One night I was home (it turned out to be the night before Suzie went back to school), any way I'm sittin in my lawn chair havin' a smoke when I noticed a light, it was coming from Suzie's bedroom window, I looked over and there she was standing in front of a half open window. I quitely turned my chair a little to see if I could see anything. Boy, was I surprise, she had closed her bedroom door a

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nd began to strip, my heart raced like mad, once she removed her shirt and pants she turned and I saw her beautiful young body, a cute little bra and white panties. I almost droped a load in my pants right then. She went on to try on tons of her clothes. I ran in to get my camcorder, and when I got back she was still trying on clothes, this went on for over an hour before she finally went to bed. I went home and jerked off about 3 or 4 times watching my tape, but I never got to see her naked she never took off her bra, I hope I get more chances......


Asian College Apartment

davide5six on Voyeur Stories

My story begins in my girlfriend's apartment near NYU in NY. She is a hot asian college student with whom I am very lucky to be. When I'm not boning her(or at least jerkin' off to photo's/videos I've secretly captured of her), I try to squeeze in some fun watching her two attractive asian roommates and checking out their underwear.
While they were both away on winter break last year, I found myself alone in the apartment after my gf decided to take off early for school. I love my gf very much and tried to resist the temptation to sneak into their rooms to thumb through their panties, but the temptation was too great. I wandered first into the room of the less attractive of the two girls - we'll call her T. I proceeded to
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her chest of drawers and slowly pulled open the top drawer. To my surprise, I found not a sea of panties, but a small collection of sweaters instead. I advanced downward and opened the second drawer; again, no panties. This was the case for four or five drawers. I began thinking that perhaps she didn't wear underwear! The bottom drawer proved my theory wrong. This girl had an exquisite collection of bras and panties - plenty of variety: satin, cotton, thongs, briefs, bikinis - the whole deal.
Ever since high school, I had dreamnt of rummaging through a girl's panty drawer, but had never had the opportunity to do so(aside from my two girlfriends'). I first pulled out a satin pair and unfolded them in front of my face. I lowered them and took a quick peek inside at the crotch. The cotton panel was lightly splattered with T's pussy stains. I whipped back a couple whiffs and enjoyed the fragerance of her detergent. I repeated this episode a doezen or so times - taking the opportunity to explore every style of panty she had.
Growing tired of inspecting clean panties, I quickly searched around her room for a laundry basket. In the corner, on the floor next to her closet, sat her laundry basket, piled high with miscellaneous articles of soiled clothing. It didn't take long for me to pick out several pairs of panties. They had just the right amount of staining: you could tell they were worn, but not abused. They smelled great. It was such a turn on to imagine that just days - perhaps even hours - earlier, they had nestled her tight asian pussy. I considered lapping at them a few times with my tongue, but concluded that I had to go to class. I hastily returned all of T's panties to the basket, and rushed out the door - skipping out on checking the other roommate's panty colleciton.
Needless to say, I regretted having not been able to explore the underwear holdings of the second, more attractive roommate, that day. However, I had another chance later that winter. Everyone had left for class and I was again all alone. I carefully walked through the living room to make certain that no one was still home and slowly swang the girl's bedroom door open. We'll call her M. I took a quick inspection of her room, looking for the laundry basket on the way to her drawers. Didn't see anything. I pulled open the top drawer and was greeted by the imaginary smiling faces of dozens of panties. While M's panties weren't quite as exotic or varied as T's, they were still a sight to behold. Her collection consisted primarily of cotton bikinis. The staining was a bit heavy, but tolerable. I held a couple of pairs up in front of my face, trying to imagine her moist pussy inside.
Boring of her clean panties surprisingly early, I decided to turn my attention to her dirty underwear. Oddly enough, though, she didn't seem to have a laundry basket. I searched literally high and low, turning up nothing. A supreme disappointment. I must have spent nearly 15 mins. searching her room for a sign of dirty laundry. Realizing how late it had become, I decided to resume my search later.
The next week found me in the same postion: in search of a non-existent laundry basket. M must have dirty underwear! Where could it be. I resigned to try yet again later.
Three weeks later, still expecting to not find a laundry basket, I again carefully navigated through the living room to M's bedroom. There in the back corner was a nearly empty basket. I realized then that she must have taken her basket with her when she went home the past couple of weeks. While the basket was largely empty, I still spotted three pairs of M's dirty panties. I picked up the first pair - a cotton bikini, of course - and excitedly inspected the cotton panel. I was immediately taken aback by the extent of staining - nearly the entire crotch was either light brown or yellow. This was a little heavy for my tastes, but still took in a deep whiff as I had been waiting for this moment for weeks now. Definitely a bit heavy. I dropped the panties back in the basket and proceeded to inspect the other two. The last pair had relatively light stains and smelled the best. Plenty of good white residue which I've come to prefer as it carries an almost sweet scent. They smelled pretty good. Not as pleasant as my gf's panties, but not bad considering the terrible shape they were in.
Having finally had a successful encounter with M's soiled underwear, I took two more opportunities to rummage through her panty collection. Her bras were pretty nice as well; very full cupped. I hadn't noticed that her tits were all that big, but her bras certainly seemed to imply that she was well endowed. She was certainly hot, though.
Still, her panties were pretty heavily soiled - far too much for my tastes. Comparing her staining to that of my gf lead me to wonder why she was so "dirty." In any event, I still enjoyed thumbing through her underwear.
Weeks went by and my curiosity in M and T's underwear had finally waned to the point where I no longer had enough interest to poke my head in to see their latest work. However, my desire to see M naked was growing. She is a moderately short Japanese girl with a perky chest and full ass.
My gf's room and her's were separated by a glass-paned door with two curtains draped on M's side of the door. The inner curtain was heavy and dark while the outer curtain was light and very porous. This latter one behaved very similarly to a scrim in theater: transparent when backlit but opaque when front lit. Without even trying one morning, I noticed a small gap in overlap between the two curtains. I thought, "why not?" and stuck my face up against the window.
M had the light on so the curtain was translucent, allowing me to see into her room but her not being able to see into my gf's. The gap was situated in a perfect location - almost completely out of sight from M's perspective, yet offered a decent view into her room. I doubted that I would see much, if anything that morning, but was very quickly proven wrong when her naked ass swept in front of me!
So here I was, staring down M's bare ass directly in front of my face on the other side of the door. "Wow, nice ass," I thought. This was great; quite possibly every guy's all-time fantasy. With my eyes peeled, I continued watching M through the gap. She had thrown down a pair of panties onto the bed and bent over to retrieve them. I could distinctly make out a huge tuft of pubic hair between her legs as she bent over. I got an even better look at her crotch when she spread her legs slightly to pull on her panties. M had a huge bush! I had seen scores of photos in which Japanese girls often sported unabating bushes, but was still amused as both of my gf's pussies had been trimmed(yay for me!).
Although the lighting quality wasn't especially good, I could even make out M's pussy lips. She paused with her legs spread and her panties suspended in the air around her knees while she applied a panty liner. Even though this took only mere seconds, it was time well spent as I gazed up at her hairy twat. Having adhered the liner in her panties, she jerked up her panties, creating a nice display of panty butt. Wow. I couldn't believe I had witnessed all that - right in front of my face. Furthermore, I couldn't believe that I had missed out on all of this during the past three years that my gf had shared the apartment with them. What a shame....
While I was ecstatic at having witnessed M's dressing ritual, I was slightly disappointed that I hadn't caught a glimpse of her tits or the front of her bush. Later that week, I was having dinner with a friend and the subject of M had come up. He had asked if I'd ever seen M walking around in a towel or otherwise scantily dressed. I hesitated, but concluded that I could trust him with my secret. I explained that I felt somewhat badly about what I had done - that it was, in some way, a form of cheating on my gf. We discussed it and concluded that I did what ANY guy would have done in my position. It wasn't about any particular person; rather, it was about an unmitigate opportunity to see an attractive girl naked! He strongly encouraged me to try again to see if I could catch sight of her tits. I abliged.
Having briefly tasted the fruits of every guy's dream, I tried unsuccessfully to replicate the incident in hopes of seeing more of M naked. I spent many restless nights in this pursuit - either disappointed that I hadn't been able to spot M undressing or excited at the prospect of observing her getting dressed in the morning. It seemed that every time I tried, there was either a timing conflict or some visual obstruction in the way. I was becoming discouraged and considered giving up.
My hope was sparked one morning recently when I caught her pulling down her pajama bottoms to reveal a black pair of cotton bikini briefs - I recognized them from when I had fondled them before. There was a brief moment when I thought I would finally be able to catch a glimpse of her tits, but she walked over to her bed and out of sight to peel off her shirt. "Not bad," I thought. Not quite the treasure I had enjoyed previously, but it was at least something.
I began thinking that if there had been a similar gap on the other side of the door, that I might have a better chance. I even conceived a plan by which I would create such a gap from the other side of the door. With little hope of seeing more than a fleeting moment of exposed panties, I resolved to keep trying, at least for a little while more.
Then it happened,...! I was sleeping over and was waiting while my gf was asleep for M to get up. My gf got up first and quietly slipped out for breakfast. "This is my chance," I thought, eagerly watching and listening for signs that M was about to wake up. Nothing. My gf later returned to get dressed and shortly thereafter decided to take off without me. M's alarm had chimed five times, each one reciving a hasty dismissal as she repeatedly struck the snooze button. It was getting late and I had a midterm in my first class of the day. I decided that I was going to hit the head, come back, wait five more minutes, and then take off.
I returned from the can, pressed my face up against the window and noticed that M's space heater had been turned on and noticed in the corner of my eye that M was already milling about the room. I watched as she got her affairs in order and slipped out to the bathroom to take a shower. During this time, I anxiously conceived a way of blocking out the invading sun that was seepeing through the curtained window by wrapping my head in blankets and pressing up against the door - effectively rendering the outer curtain nearly transparent from my perspective. Then, the moment had arrived.
I heard M unlock the bathroom door and walk across the carpeted hallway back to her bedroom. Although her bedroom door was out of my line of sight, I could hear her close and lock it behind her as she entered the room. I then saw her sweep through the center of her room in her knee-length bath robe. She walked over to her drawers and bent over to retrieve something from one of the lower drawers. I could just about see all the way up to her ass. I was getting excited.
Then she walked back out of sight and reimurged without her robe. She had her back to me for a moment, displaying her nice bare ass. And just above, were her perky tits ever so slightly hanging down from her chest, almost suspended in mid-air. She grabbed a pair of panties and turned so that her side was to me. I caught a fantastic view of her tits in profile as she bent over to slip into her underwear. I didn't know what to look at first - her tits, ass, or try to spot at her hairy bush. I took it all in. I thought I would be able to catch a glimpse of her bush considering how prolific it seemed earlier, but figured that her boyfriend must have finally convinced her to trim it.
She slowly pulled her panties up to her waist and adjusted the fit in the back like every girl does to avoid wedgies. With her tits still seemingly suspended in the air, she walked toward me, showing off the snug fit of her pink cotton bikinis. Her pussy was now no further than three feet in front of my bulging eyes. She turned and proceeded to apply lotion to her legs. With every pass, she bent over, dangling her perky tits in perfect view - right at eye level. I tend to prefer a girl with well defined nipples and was slightly disappointed that her nipples didn't stick out at all. Oh well, I still enjoyed watching them hang in front of my face. I couldn't believe that she couldn't see me! Her head was in direct line with mine, with the only thing preventing her from discovering my prying eyes being the thin, translucent curtain.
After applying coat after coat of lotion, she turned around and presented her tight ass to me. Standing square to me, I could make out a nice gap between her legs and inagined her hairy snatch confined in the narrow strip of cotton uppn which I had my eyes fixed. Her panties clung tight to her ass, retreating ever so slightly into her crack. She grabbed a sweater and shook it out, standing right in front of me with her form-fitting briefs. She then grabbed a bra and strapped it on. Admiring her sweater in front of the mirror, I had a perfect view of her panty butt and made the most of the opportunity before she squeezed her butt into a pair of tight pants. So long for now panties. "What an experience," I thought. This completely exceeded my expectations; I was hoping at most to see her whish across the room topless and perhaps catch her panty butt for a second before slipping into pants. Instead, I got a full 10-minute private show.
The only thing I didn't get a chance to see was her fuzzy Japanese bush...perhaps that will be my goal for next time.

Shower time

MakeYOteethSweat on Voyeur Stories

I never thought I would be the kind of person who would enjoy watching someone else. But ever since the new guy moved in next door, all I seem to be doing is waiting to watch him. Maybe I wouldn't be so tempted to watch if looking out my bedroom window didn't mean I could see in his bathroom window. He always seemed to take his showers at the same time everyday. He's been living there for 3 months now, we've exchanged small talk over our fences, but if he only knew how I see him most nights. Its almost time, I put on my silk nightie, and stand by my bedroom window, pull back the curtains only an inch and wait. Before long her he comes, the bathroom light goes on, and the show begins. First he takes off his shirt, damn what a chest, I imagine running my tongue down between his flat nipple
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s. I wonder what he tastes like, if his skin is salty. He has just the right amount of hair on his chest, and I long to run my fingers thru it, and play with his nipples. There goes his shorts, mmmmm now my favorite part, off come the undies, damn, this man is very well endowed. His penis is thick and long and has a dark nest of hair surrounding it. I close my eyes and imagine caressing his cock and kneading his balls. When I open my eyes, he is in the tub and has the water running. He lifts his face to the spray and closes his eyes. He wets his hair, and grabs the shampoo. I fantasize about running my fingers thru his wet hair. He rinses off his hair, He picks up the soap, lathers it up and starts rubbing it on his body. I notice that my nipples are hard so I start to rub them, I feel moisture pool between my legs as I watch him lather his incredible body. Then he starts washing around his cock. I slide my hand inside the front of my panties, I'm so wet. I start to rub myself. He is now washing his balls, then he starts stroking his cock, he is not just washing it, he is stroking it. He puts the soap down and continues to stroke his cock. His head is back, eyes closed and he is stroking and stroking. I pretend its my hand stroking his cock, as I play with my pussy. I'm watching him, wanting to go next door, fall on my knees and take him in my mouth, I want to feel him cum inside me. I see him jerk as he cums, and then I cum, fast and hard. I close my eyes and feel like I'm floating. I open my eyes, look out my window, and catch him looking directly at me. He smiles, I smile. He blows me a kiss, I blow him one. he steps out of the shower, turns off the light. I step away from my window. Then my phone rings. I pick it up and say hello. He says, "hi neighbor, same time tomorrow night"? And I say, "you got a date." Maybe I should invite him to dinner first tomorrow.

The Lesson

styxx on Voyeur Stories

The Lesson


Part one. ( The train)



God! But she was beautiful in those days. Not that Jenni is any less beautiful now, but sh

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e was unbelievably stunning back then. Since though, time and the bearing and rearing of children have taken their toll. Jenni still is a very good looking woman, a little thicker than she would like, but all in all, very pretty for a fifty something year old woman. Her beauty goes further than the depth of her skin. Jenni is one of those people who is just naturally lovely, without a mean bone in her and very few times has an unkind thought for anyone. Her integrity is beyond question, her faithfulness is unusual in the singular way it rules her life. It makes her popular and sought after as a friend.


Back in those days of our early marriage, when we didn’t have the encumbrance of children or a mortgage or money worries, we just enjoyed ourselves, discovering each other and growing up. Halcyon days they were indeed and in truth, somewhat missed now.


Back in those days, Jenni’s figure was 34” 22” 36”. Her hair was, and still is, dark blonde. Her skin was flawless and glowed with vigour. Dark blonde lashes and a ready smile framed blue eyes that seemed to see beyond the norm. She was slender with medium sized breasts high on her chest. One has always been slightly larger and higher than the other. It is her deformity, as she laughingly puts it. She has and had what are called child bearing hips. She proved that to be wrong, never able to carry to full term. It proved fatal to our child on one occasion, but the other two have survived to be parents themselves. Jenni’s hips were a feature of her figure and, given the overall package, in no way detrimental to the vision she was then, but they might be considered out of proportion, Jenni is only five feet tall. Although her hips are a feature, it is her smile that I find so devastating; being self conscious, she rarely laughs out loud, but her smile can carry so many meanings, but there is one special smile that melts my heart. It carries a promise of delights, of knowing exactly what it is that I want, knowing that she can provide exactly that.


It took me some time, years perhaps, to learn how, but I have and still do, love that woman more than words could ever justify. In those days, we were just getting to know one another and fancied each others bodies to distraction, and why not? Screwing like the proverbial rabbits and discovering our bodies and what they were capable of.


We didn’t have the encumbrance of children as I said earlier, neither did we have a car or very much money, but it was enough. Our weekends were spent going out, anywhere that took our fancy. Just pack some food in a rucksack, buy a couple of train tickets and disappear for the weekend.


This particular weekend was just one of those times when we left the rigours of work behind and explored the freedom of the country. I still have some old instamatic photos of our trip to Dorking in Surrey, my birth place. Occasionally, I look at the old and curled pictures and remember the day. One of the pictures is of her crossing a style into a cow field. The River Mole in the background. She was laughing her head off because she couldn’t work out how to get her leg over. It is a great shot. She had a red and black collared top on that was closely fitted and accentuated her wonderful form. Her dark blue corduroy shorts showed her fantastic legs off to the full, but the smile radiates from the acetate and glows. It is a treasured photo.


We laughed all through the day. She got scared by the size of the Friesian cows that looked disinterestedly in our direction while we crossed their field. We made love on the bank of the river and as usual, it was over before it began. I suffered badly with premature ejaculation. It was a real problem then and very frustrating, fortunately, and filled with the clamour of youth, I was able to reload and the second time was far more gratifying, but hardly rocked her boat. Jenni admitted years later that she often wondered if that was all sex was about and wondered why she had been so scared as a girl.


We were still laughing on the train home, sitting in a musty carriage that smelled of British Rail’s very own brand of staleness. It was one of those carriages that were connected with a side corridor and had separate booths along the length with blinds on the window. It is a shame that modernisation has caught up with us, those carriages had real potential, the new open plan things are no fun at all.


I remember the conversation. I don’t have a naturally retentive mind, but some things stick out through association. We laid a stupid bet, one that neither of us had any real intention of wanting to win or even try out, but as an argument will escalate to spiral out of control, so this bet gathered pace and fed on its own velocity. I bet Jenni that I could get the phone number of a complete stranger of the opposite sex before she could. It had to be a member of the opposite sex and a five pound wager was placed between us. Five pounds was half of my weekly wage in those days.


The train stopped at East Croydon which was a terminus then. Long seconds turned into even longer minutes and it looked as if we were to sit on the train for some time. The bet was set during that wait and opportunity being the mother of invention, was immediately taken up by both of us.


I admit to leering at the young girls who patiently waited for our train to pull out so they could catch a later one. I leered, cajoled and tried my best to attract any girl to become even remotely interested in me. My failure was spectacular especially when two girls openly pointed at me and laughed derisively. I even resorted to whistling at some ugly girl, desperate to win the bet. Her scorn was palpable and hit me hard. A man’s ego is a fragile thing and so easily dented or even mortally wounded. I was wounded by the failure and gave up on the venture.


Jenni on the other hand, not only had a guy’s phone number, but was entertaining another guy in the carriage. She told me later that all she did was flash her eyes at him and that was all she needed. My deflated ego had a hard time digesting that.


I really don’t remember him too much. Probably, he was covered in spots with badly fitting clothes and halitosis. See, even now I am jealous.


They were deep in conversation, facing each other on opposite bench seating. She was leaning back with her arms crossed over her breasts; he was leaning forward and sat on the edge of the musty seat. If I knew then what I know of body language, I would have recognised her withdrawal from him, while he was exuding his willingness to get to know her rather more closely.


I slid the door open and in the split second it takes to assess the scene, smiled at her. Jenni smiled back and flashed her eyes in triumph. She had won the bet in spades and knew it, but wanted this guy gone.


I sat next to her and put my arm around her shoulders. He got the message when she leaned into me and kissed my mouth. With no further word, he left us to the relative peace of the carriage and its eddying dust motes that swirled in the shafts of sunlight coming through the brown stained windows.


Unforgivably, I challenged her to double or nothing. I mean; how stupid can a bloke be? The answer is right here on the other side of the keypad of my laptop. Here it stupidity in all its glory.


The result was a forgone conclusion and I had no chance at all. By the way reader, I should say that I am not ugly by any means. That isn’t a boast on my part, please believe that. I was a reasonably good looking guy, slender and clear skinned with good hair. But, I may as well have been Quasimodo. In fact, he might have even scored before me.


So, I returned to the carriage, once again deflated in the ego department and found that once again, Jenni had scored and was entertaining another young guy. Instead of sliding the door open, I watched her at work on the poor sap. He was obviously smitten by her loveliness and it was obvious that he was having trouble keeping his hands off of her. For her part, she seemed to be rather more interested. She leaned forward towards him and her hands were animated as she spoke. He was also leaning forward with his hands clasped together, a scant inch from her bare knees that she held together. His eyes were almost a big as saucers as he took her face and body in.


I really cannot remember what he looked like except that he wore faded jeans and a jacket over a chequered, open necked shirt. I do remember the shoes though, because I have always wanted a pair of tan coloured suede dessert boots.


She looked over to me and smiled a conspiratal wink and I signalled that I would stay right where I was, observing the scene as it unfolded before me.


They continued to talk, their voices muffled by the grimy glass of the partition. Both of them expressing their points in pronounced flurries of expansive hand gestures that punctuated speech. Then he got up quite suddenly and sat next to Jenni and smiled her assent to his closeness. She turned to face him and glanced at me over his shoulder momentarily, then concentrated on his face. I watched as she folded one leg under her and stretched the other in a languid fluidity of motion. It was an open invitation, albeit subconscious, but an invitation none the less and he read it as such. His hand lightly dropped onto her knee and stayed there.


The train lurched into motion with much creaking and the sound of shunting buffers. It picked up speed and left the station platform behind. I hardly noticed; my attention was totally enthralled at my wife and this guy whose hand was travelling ever so slowly up the outside of her thigh.


I could see her lips were parted and moist. They had become coloured slightly as they always did when she got excited. It acted like a beacon to me in our sex life, knowing that she signalled her readiness to couple in this way as well as other obvious signs.


They were still talking, although I couldn’t hear what was being said, but her smile and the way she studied his eyes told me that his advance was not entirely unwelcome. His hand had continued to traverse over her thigh and was now resting on her waist. Then Jenni surprised me. Her animated hands suddenly grasped his face and drew him forward into a kiss that must have done similar things to his nervous system as it was doing to mine.


Her breast was cupped in his large hand and she leaned back against the wall of the carriage, unfolding the leg she was sitting on so that it passed behind him along the seat. He was between her parted knees, massaging her breast through the stripey top and bra underneath. Involuntarily, her hips thrust forward in readiness to mate. He knelt up on the seat and lay against her, blocking my view a little with his jacketed torso.


They continued the embrace, kissing with a passion that was quickly becoming out of control. He had pulled the bottom of her top from out of her shorts and he had managed to grasp her breast under the fabric. It was perhaps the hottest scene I had ever witnessed, made all the more exciting by the knowledge of how she felt in my hands and knowing that her nipples were extremely sensitive to touch. It also added to my increasing arousal, not being able to see exactly what he was doing.


Jenni broke the kiss and gently pushed him back. She said something to him and started to come towards the sliding door. I stepped back out of sight so that he wouldn’t see me as he followed her progress with hunger in his eyes.


Once out of the carriage, she slid the door shut and came to me. Her arousal was plainly obvious in the bruised colouring of her lips and her heat as she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply.


She breathed into my mouth, asking me if I like what I had watched and if I wanted her to stop and not go back into the carriage.


I told her just how hot she and the guy looked, how sexy I found her and watching as she was getting it on with this stranger, but I warned her to be careful, we didn’t know the guy.


Jenni reassured me that she had it under control and then dropped a complete bombshell, would I like her to take him home and fuck him properly with me watching. God only knows where she got that idea from, but it took me less than the space of a blink to whisper in her ear, God, yes.


She had told him she was going to the toilet and should get back quickly, but that she loved me, that she was having the day of her life and wanted this more than anything.


With that, she slid the door open and returned to the carriage and his waiting and eager arms.


I let them settle back into an embrace before resuming my voyeuristic vigil. The train pulled into Norwood Junction and halted briefly for alighting and departing passengers. Then, the journey to Forest Hill continued and their love making or at least, the overtures to it began again.


He had her top pulled up, exposing her bra covered breast. It was so sexy, seeing his hands kneading her flesh while sunlight glinted through the window and played over her alabaster coloured skin and flashed on the whiteness of the lacy fabric.


Deftly, he unclasped her brassiere with one hand and freed her tits from confinement, only to be confined by his hand on one and his mouth on the other. I knew that it would drive Jenni wild and saw the effect his ministrations were having as she arched her back and gasped.


I was aware of another person beside me and looked as my viewing had been joined by another guy. He acknowledged me with a wink and then craned his neck to get a better view. I guess my position at the window didn’t help and in a comical way crawled across to the other side so his view would be uninterrupted.


My gaze returned back to find that He was standing in front of Jenni. She was slowly unzipping his trousers while looking up into his eyes, her head tilted back and her dark blonde hair cascaded down her back in careless profusion of curls.


Her hand quested inside the aperture and brought forth his cock. Her eyes widened at the size of his uncut and engorged cock, just as mine did. He was enormous in comparison to me and a moment of concern crossed my mind. He was likely to hurt her with such a huge weapon.


Slowly, Jenni’s hand encircled his rigid member and her lips parted in a wicked smile as she licked the end and passed her tongue over her lips. I knew she was doing this as much for the show as for her own pleasure and blessed her for the effort she was putting in.


 She pulled back his foreskin and gradually, the distance between his twitching cock and her mouth closed. It was like watching a docking of space capsules in slow motion. Her mouth opened and his exposed head passed into the warmth of her moist mouth. I watched fascinated as inch by inch, she took him into her throat until she must have enveloped five inches or so. Worryingly, there was still another three or four that was wrapped in her fist.


Her head began to bob, her cheeks puffing as his length slipped backwards and forwards in an increasing pace. She kept it up for a while, alternatively sucking and licking him, running her tongue around the ridged end. He was having difficulty in standing, the motion of the swaying carriage and her mouth conspiring to upset his balance. Jenni pulled him from her mouth and adjusted her position in front of him, then smiled up at him while she allowed his re-entry into her waiting haven. Only this time, she took her hand off of his cock and grasped his buttocks, controlling his movement and helping him to stay steady. In an amazing act, she plunged her head forward and took his whole length into her throat.


The guy standing opposite me groaned and sprayed his semen over the floor in an unabashed hand job. He grinned sheepishly at me and said this was the hottest thing he had ever seen. I nodded my agreement, a little shocked at his casual attitude to masturbation, and returned to the unfolding act.


He was buried deeply into her, rocking his hips and fucking her throat. I could see the progress of his cock as her neck expanded and contracted with the motion. Jenni had sucked me on a few occasions, but it didn’t look anything like this and I wished I could measure up to his length.


He grabbed her head and gently pulled his cock from her mouth, it was obvious that he was in danger of flooding her with his seed. Jenni had other ideas though and grasped his purple ended dick and swallowed it in a furious motion of fucking him into her throat. She had every intention of taking him all the way and savouring his come.


He threw his head back, his eyes clenched tightly and a rictus like grimace pulled the corners of his mouth tight. Then he came and shouted something as the first wave of his ecstasy exploded from him closely followed by shudders of ejaculation as he filled her mouth. Jenni withdrew him, licked the last drops from his glistening gland and then opened her mouth wide to show him his seed as it played across her tongue. He said something I couldn’t make out, but his reaction as she swallowed the whole amount was unmistakable, it didn’t need a lip reader to see him say “Oh fuck me.”


The other guy who had joined me in our voyeurism shook his head in awe and said what a lucky guy her partner was. My reply foxed him for a moment when I said that indeed, I truly was a lucky man.


Forest Hill came up shortly afterwards, just enough time for them to adjust her clothing and for him to calm down. I realised I had the tickets and needed to get one to Jenni, luckily, the platform was on her side of the carriage. I managed to drop her ticket as I wordlessly passed between them and stepped onto the platform.


She was going to take him home and I needed to get there first.


Fortunately for me, a bus was just leaving the bus stop; I ran full tilt and jumped onto the platform. It would give me a head start and allow me to prepare.



The lesson


Part two (The bedroom)


I managed the trip to our house with no events. Shutting the door with a slam, I raced around the house, desperately thinking of where I should be when they came in. I was still trying to work something out when her key opened the door and their laughter drifted up the stairs.


I risked a peek over the banister and watched as they ripped clothes off of each other. Jenni had her leg hooked around his waist and her mouth planted on his. Gasps and grunts punctuated their frantic efforts to kiss, screw and divest their clothing, all at the same time. He lost balance and fell to the carpeted stair with her on top of him. She giggled as he pulled her top over her head and off of her raised arms. His shirt parted from her pulling at it and dropped to the floor to join her bra and discarded top. He managed to stand again and undid the button of her shorts. They too dropped to join the detritus of shed layers. He was about to yank her panties down, but she stopped him saying breathlessly, upstairs. She raced up as he followed closely behind.


Silently, I backed into the spare bedroom, but left the door open enough to be able to see their progress along the passage that led towards the two rooms. His hand had grasped her ass and she was giggling hysterically, almost running along the passage, her breasts jiggling deliciously. I had a moment of panic, thinking that she might chose the wrong room, but was instantly relieved as she headed into the bedroom. The door stayed open.


We had a large mirror opposite the bed, that topped and huge old chest of drawers. I had angled it so that I would have an uninterrupted view of their play. Not wanting to miss a single thing, as soon as the springs groaned with their weight, I took up a position in the doorway, protected by the opened door and watched as the last of his clothing sailed into a corner, leaving him with only a pair of pants on.


They embraced, with Jenni on her back and he lying on his side with her head supported on his arm. He was tracing the veins that always showed under the alabaster coloured skin of her breast. The frenetic pace had calmed now that they were horizontal and almost naked. He kissed her, murmuring into her parted lips, professing his desire for her body. Jenni in turn, Mmmed and ran her hands through his hair and down his back, pulling him against her lithe body.


He raised and cupped his head while his free hand travelled in achingly slow swirls, ever towards the prized of her sex. A thumb hooked the elasticated band of her panties and eased them over her thighs, working alternate sides, gradually exposing her blond haired mons. Her hips raised and the panties also became airborne as they sailed across the room like a discarded sweet wrapper.


He was taking his time now, savouring each moment and movement as it developed. It was a form of foreplay that had not occurred to me and the effect it had on my wife was duly noted and logged.


He kissed the nearest nipple to him, gripping the hardening nub between his teeth and pulling and drawing it upwards. It looked painful, but obviously wasn’t, instead, she squealed and gasped as he suddenly released the trapped nerve ending and flicked his tongue over the sensitive nub. It was the only contact he had with her body, just his tongue and mouth. His hands were either supporting his head, or lying impassively along his length. I had to admit, her choice was good to look at, even though he was a man.


He nuzzled her neck, one of Jenni’s erogenous zones and always bound to produce a result. She responded as I thought she would, grasping his head and shoulders in what looked like a desperate attempt to hurry him along. He had his own agenda and was not to be hurried now that he had her under his control.


He kissed her throat and planted small kisses between her breasts, then slightly lower, pausing at her navel and spreading a slick of saliva on her skin and a trail of goose bumps. She shivered and writhed as his tongue and lips traversed her skin, always heading towards her sex, but in his own time. Even I was getting a little impatient with his performance, until, in a sudden surge of sinuous movement, he swung a leg over hers, parting her knees and planting his mouth against her silken mons.


She groaned as his tongue flicked out, parting her lips and seeking her desirable centre. He then began sucking and licking her clit and labia, bringing her to a brink and then halting in a sensual tease, just keeping her shy of release. I watched and learned every nuance of his technique and marvelled at the way he played her nerves and body as a virtuoso might a grand piano.


His fingers joined his mouth, prising open her lips and gently pushing into her, looking for that magical “G” spot. He knew just where and how to manipulate and caress her, keeping her on the edge of orgasm, but just far enough away for it not to spill over. She had been to the threshold several times and each withdrawal raised the need and desperation until she cried out for release.


The combination of tongue, teeth and finger tips combined to drive her almost delirious with want until he relented and took her to the brink and then beyond. In amazement, I watched as a stream of come sprayed from Jenni while she screamed, raised her shoulders and shuddered. Unable to take any more, she pushed him away in a defensive action, but already too late. I had never got her to this point, but could hardly be surprised. I was watching a master at work and the results of his practiced art splashed against his face and soaked into the quilt.


Jenni was coming down in receding shudders and quivers of uncontrolled nervous energy. Over the initial amalgamation of overly stimulated nerves, she collapsed back to laying flat. She had the back of her hand clenched between her teeth and her breath rasped in a ragged staccato between her lips whiles her legs spas med in uncontrolled twitches. She was obviously experiencing a total climax, a shattering of her normal aplomb and equilibrium. The invasion of her body had driven her to a point of incapacitation that, to the observer, looked like the effects of an electric shock.


He allowed her to calm. Laying beside her and gently massaging her stomach and ribs as if helping her breath. Jenni was gasping, but managed to say in a gruff voice that it had been fantastic. She clasped his neck, locking her fingers together and drew him to her lips. She kissed him and took the occasional gasp from the side of her mouth. In a much less frenetic pace, his hands took her breast and teased her nipples to erection. Once again, her breathing became rapid and she squirmed under his ministrations. His mouth left hers and suckled on her engorged nubs.


As if in slow motion, her parted her knees with his knee and slid between her opened legs. Carefully and deliberately slowly, he positioned his cock at her entrance and agonisingly slowly, pushed the head past her outer muscles to rest just inside her. In the ultimate tease to Jenni and the voyeur, he ceased the push and just stayed inside while he kissed her tits and kneaded her flesh, finding erogenous zones at her arm pits and the inside of her elbows. She hardly moved, looking transfixed like a rabbit in the head lamps of an onrushing car.


He was playing her again, plucking at the taut strings of her nerves and raising her already heightened condition. He maintained the position and manipulations, bringing her to a crescendo and teasing her with the promise of fulfilment. He kept it up until, the waiting and desire overcame her and she cried out in readiness. He waited until her cries became desperate, then, when he judged her to be ready, plunged his rigid shaft into her in one fluid motion that made her scream in pleasure and release from the waiting. Her knees instinctively rose up and she gripped him with her ankles crossed behind him and with her own lower body strength, pulled him even further into her body.


He set a rhythm that was uncompromising and insistent, but unhurried. His cock drove into her in long strokes. His mouth found her neck, one of the most productive erogenous places, with the added stimulation, Jenni took over the pace and forced him even deeper into her by raising her hips and rotating her them a little to accommodate his angle. Her free hand found her clit and massaged in time to their thrusting.


She wouldn’t last too long I knew, not fully recovered from her last climax. Watching them fucking was a fantastic experience. I watched and learned his technique, how he played with her and kept her on the brink of orgasm. He looked impassioned, but knew he must be enjoying every second of this beautiful woman and her body.


Jenni was crying, tears slipping down her cheeks and sobs wracking her body. She was rapidly reaching another shattering climax. He breathing rapid and her movements becoming jerky and uncoordinated and then it hit her like a tsunami, a tidal wave of emotion and nervous energy. Her come sprayed under pressure from between her and his pubic meeting point. Jenni screamed and her legs thrashed as it washed over her, soaking her tits and stomach. It sprayed in a fountain of liquid and acted as his signal. His pace increased and he adjusted slightly and buried himself to a depth he had not been before. In rapid and savage thrusts, his cock drove into her in repeated thrusts until he yelled himself and emptied his sacs of sperm into Jenni’s womb.


Statuesque, he remained motionless as spurt after spurt liberally coated her insides. Then he pulled himself upright and knelt at her face for Jenni to take him in her mouth and clean him of their combined juices.


He laid along side her as she twitched and jumped in small charges of nervous tics, holding her as if she might jump off the bed from her energy being expended.


Dumfounded by the action and Jenni’s reaction to his ministrations and with a hardest cock I had ever had, I crept away from the doorway and noiselessly went downstairs to the front door and opened it. Then I slammed it shut and called up the stairs, as if just coming home, then went into the kitchen and rattled the kettle.


I heard his hurried escape, and saw his retreating back as he, comically, was trying to put on his Jeans and shirt while carrying his jacket and shoes. The door shut behind him quietly and Jenni came to the kitchen, her knees unsteady, her face and lips flushed. She collapsed into my arms and I carried her to the front room to lay her on the sofa.


She was soaked and the smell of sex and sweat exuded from her. We didn’t make love at that time, she was far too exhausted, but, when we did the next day or whenever it was, my own performance was all the better for the master class. I had a much better understanding of how her body worked and so did Jenni. We had both learned from the experience and it was the start of our satisfying and beautiful sex life. Neither of us needed to use another in our play and fortunately for me, Jenni never wished to revisit sex with another man.


That was over thirty years ago, but the memory remains as vivid as if were still playing before my eyes. Remembering has been a wonderful reminder of how beautiful my wife is and both she and I will be going to our bed to remember the feelings of lust and love together.

Team Player

daj1 on Voyeur Stories

My husband got promoted and transferred to a branch office of his company in a small Midwestern town. The move involved a considerable raise so that made leaving a teaching job I loved a little easier..but not much. To complicate matters, our new home town had just one high school that drew students from throughout the county. I really didn't have much hope of finding a new position, but submitted my resume to the local school board anyway.

I was pleasantly surprised. It turned out that a history teacher had just left the high school and they had been just about to start a search for a replacement. And, despite the small size of the town, the salary range was quite competitive. The initial interview with the human resources department went very

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well and I was referred to the principal of the high school, a Mr. Birdwell, for the final interview.

I immediately liked the school. I noticed the students all seemed neat and clean and moved between classes with a minimum of noise and commotion. I went to the office and told the very pleasant secretary that I was there for my interview. She had me take a seat while she told the principal I was there.

My first impressions of Mr. Birdwell weren't so positive. He was a tall, rather heavyset middle-aged man with a face that can only be called grim. The perfunctory smile he gave me as he shook my hand came and went very quickly. In his office, I sat in an uncomfortable silence as he studied my resume like it was a third grader's composition that he suspected the kid had copied off the internet.

"Any children of your own?" was his abrupt first question.

I ignored the fact that the question was probably illegal. "No, not yet. We knew my husband would be transferred at least once and didn't want to disrupt a child's life just yet." I managed a smile. "And my husband and I are only 30."

His smile again flashed on and off. He continued with more typical questions which I thought I fielded well. As the interview wound down, he paused and looked at me steadily. I thought I saw his eyes dart quickly to my legs, which showed only from the knees down beneath my conservative skirt. "Tell me, Mrs. Craig," he said slowly, "Do you consider yourself a team player?"

From his tone and posture, I could tell that he attached great importance to the question. I considered carefully before I answered. I said yes, giving examples from sports I'd participated in, team projects I'd been involved in at my previous school and similar experiences.

He seemed dissatisfied with my answer and again looked at me intensely. This time, I was sure I saw him glance at both my breasts and my legs, but I pretended not to notice. I looked back at him, smiling sweetly while thinking, 'I'm happily married, you old fart! And even if I wasn't, YOU would never have a chance!'.

"We have a..well..strict dress code here for both teachers and students," he said. "Does that bother you?"

"Not in the least," I answered truthfully. "I think it's a good idea."

"Good!" he actually grinned and I wished he hadn't. It was creepy. He went back to studying my resume then looked up and said, "Are you able to start immediately?"

He caught me off guard, but I recovered. "Uh, yes. Certainly." Wow!, I thought, I got the job!

I reported for work the following morning and met my department head and fellow teachers in the social studies department. I liked everyone and was soon forgetting about the weird Mr. Birdwell.

I also found my students to be likable, even the few clowns that I had. Serious discipline problems were rare, largely because Mr. Birdwell was not shy about expelling troublemakers. I can't say I was wild about the conservative atmosphere at the school, but things sure ran smoothly.

About three months later, I was due for my first performance review. I spent an uncomfortable morning with Birdwell sitting in on my classes, watching me intently, and scribbling notes. But I wasn't worried. My performance ratings had always been superior. I was a good teacher.

Imagine my shock when I found my review in my mailbox and finding it marked 'average' in all categories and 'Needs Improvement' under 'Teamwork'. I thought I was going to cry and hurried to the ladies room to compose myself.

Mr. Birdwell was out of the building, but Barbara, my department head, was in her office. She's a plump woman in her forties, friendly and pleasant. I sat down in her office and expressed my disappointment and hurt at my rating. She looked at me sympathetically.

"Jennifer," she said quietly, but with some discomfort. "We do things..well..differently here. The principal likes to see specific signs of cooperation, of team play."

"Uh..ok" I said, confused.

"Let's take the dress code, for example," she said.

"Something wrong with the way I dress?"

She avoided my gaze and said, "Well, I think maybe you overdress."

I was completely lost. "What?"

She sighed and stood up. She closed the office door and then came back behind her desk. Still standing, she reached down, grabbed the hem of her skirt and raised it and her slip up over her hips. I stared.

She wore no panties or pantyhose, just those 'thigh-high' stockings that stay up by themselves. Beneath the swell of her belly, the slit of her cunt was plainly visible..she was totally shaved.

"Mr. Birdwell feels strongly that a woman who wears underwear is not an 'open' person who can be a good team player," she explained.

I was dumbfounded. "You mean...I..I have to go without panties to get good ratings?"

Barbara shrugged and nodded, spreading her hands.

"And be shaved too?"

"Oh, that’s a matter of personal choice," she said. "But a bush is a bit more obvious if a student peeks up your skirt. You probably should shave."

"What about a bra?"

"Women bigger than 36C can wear a bra."

I swallowed hard. I was a 34B.

"What if I just quit?" I said, feeling angry. "And tell people what's going on here?"

She shrugged again, "Well, you'll take a rather poor rating with you. And no one will believe you, none of the teachers here will back up your story. We all need our jobs."

I sank back in my chair. "How does that old creep know if we have undies on or not?"

"Well, part of my job is to check," she said, somewhat sheepishly. "And..well..have you noticed how the chairs in his office kind of slant towards the back so your bottom is lower than your knees?"

"So I should sit there with my legs apart to give him a good view," I said with disgust.

She was sympathetic, "It’s only two or three times a year. Well, maybe more often for you because you're young and pretty."

I had one last, but very important question: "Does your husband know?"

"Oh yes," she said. "He understands."

I wasn't at all sure that my husband Steve would understand, but sighed and said, "All right, I'll shave tonight and no underwear tomorrow."

"Good!" Barbara said cheerfully. "And it can help if you put the hair in an envelope and bring it in. You know, kind of a peace offering. A sign of cooperation."

I just looked at her and said, "As a sign of teamwork?"

Barbara nodded happily as I left.

That evening, I had two quick glasses of wine before dinner. Steve asked me if something was wrong but I just shook my head. But at the dinner table, I blurted it all out. Steve looked at me with surprising calm.

"Wow!" he said, "You gonna do it?"

"I think I have to," I said, without looking at him. "Does it bother you?"

His answer surprised me. "Jennifer, we've been married eight years. We've both commented on how things have cooled off. This is kinda kinky. Maybe it'll spice things up. And all the old goat will do is look!"

At first I was a little hurt by his answer, but then realized that he was right. I brightened a little and grinned at him: "Wanna shave me?"

I undressed and laid across the bed with my legs spread. Steve did a nice job of reducing my bush to stubble, carefully putting the wad of light brown hair in an envelope. Then he pushed a finger up inside me.

"That all you got?" I teased. Almost instantly, the finger was replaced by his wonderful cock. He came quickly. but so did I. Afterwards, I took a shower and used a 'bikini bare' type hair remover to make sure I was totally bald between my legs.

The next morning, I almost put on my bra and panties out of habit. I dropped them back in the drawer and pulled out a pair of the thigh high stockings and put them on. I put on my slip, blouse and skirt. I chose the blouse for its loose fit which I hoped would conceal the movement of my braless breasts.

I wasn't prepared for how naked I felt. The smooth material of the slip rubbed against my bare buns and nipples, constantly reminding me that I wasn't completely dressed.

I went to the bathroom before my first class. In the stall, I hiked up my skirt to pee and actually blushed at the sight of my totally exposed cunt. Habits from years of covering up and being modest are hard to break.

My first two classes seem to drag on forever. I was sure that every student knew what I wasn't wearing. Actually, I am pretty sure some of the boys noticed the jiggle in my boobs. But it DID seem to make them pay attention better!

I had the third period free and used it to see Mr. Birdwell. I could have sent the envelope with Barbara, but I was determined to show him that I wasn't intimidated. I walked past his secretary, into his office and closed the door. He looked up in surprise.

"Yesterday, Barbara told me how things were," I said with a note of defiance in my voice. I dropped the envelope right in the middle of his desk. He looked inside and smiled broadly, "Ah yes, I knew you were a team player. Have you told your husband?"

"Yes," I answered calmly. "In fact, he shaved my pussy...and then he fucked me."

I got a great deal of satisfaction out of his surprised look. "I-I see..he had..uh..intercourse with you last night?" His voice had a strain to it that I knew was arousal. I should have been disgusted, but I was enjoying teasing him.

"He sure did," I said in a tone of voice I might use to discuss the weather, "He shaved me, fingered me, then got on top of me and shoved his cock up my cunt. He pumped like mad and really blew his rocks in me."

"Oh!" he said, voice almost squeaking, "How nice. Did you-well-achieve climax?"

"Oh yes Mr. Birdwell," I said, "I tend to come rather easily anyway. I sometimes get off two or three times when my husband fucks me." I was REALLY starting to have fun with the old pervert!

"Really? I wish my wife.." but then he caught himself. "So you're feeling differently about things today?..Uh..better, I hope?"

"Oh yes sir," I assured him and took the hem of my skirt and slip and hiked them up past my hips, exposing my bare pussy.

His eyes went wide. I turned to give him a nice view of my firm buns, "I forgot to mention that my husband occasionally fucks my ass. I enjoy that. Is sodomy Ok, Mr. Birdwell?"

" problem there," he sort of gasped. As I turned back around, I saw one of his hands was under the desk.

I tucked the hems of the skirt and slip into my waistband to hold them up. I began unbuttoning my blouse, saying innocently, "And Mr. Birdwell, I want to assure you that I got rid of that silly bra too.." I pulled my blouse off my shoulders and shrugged off the shoulder straps of slip. Both tumbled to my waist, exposing my breasts. I was essentially standing before him naked.

"So I see, so I see," he said in a strangled voice. "Mrs. Craig, you'll have to excuse me..I have a.." but he didn't finish. He stood and fumbled frantically with the front of his suit pants. His fly came down and he pulled his penis out of his underwear just in time to avoid having an accident in his pants..

He looked totally mortified as he helplessly gripped his spewing cock. The first huge spurt shot over the desk and landed just in front of my feet. More squirts followed, splattering the top of his desk. Finally, he stood leaning over his desk, panting, bracing himself with both hands. His still hard cock gave jerky bounces as it throbbed.

He was so spent that he didn't even notice me as I inserted one finger between my legs, gave myself a few fingerfucks, and came quickly with a soft "uh!"

I buttoned up and pushed my skirt and slip down. I left his office, wondering if it was part of his secretary's job to clean up the mess on his desk....

Hotel fun

SheenaJ on Voyeur Stories



  After the first day in the hotel  I was bored silly My hubby was working late like always and I had been alone all day and night so, I decided to walk the hotel to see who and what was about this night .I grabbed the key to room 902.

  I got down on the first floor as I turned the corner I saw the sign that said pool and Jacuzzi. I thought to myself hmm... This could be interesting. I walked along the hallway not seeing a soul most had already checked in or where in bed somewhere I figured. This Hotel was beside 95 and right next to a truck stop. Matter of

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fact the back where my room was faced the lot where the truckers parked there rigs for the night. I thought maybe a trucker might be checking in late and night and want an eye full.Yes I like to show my body off to strangers or to anyone really that likes to look.

 So any how  I preceded to the pool area it was dark when I saw the janitor walking out from the Jacuzzi room. I asked him if it was to late to go swimming. Now mind you I saw on the wall coming down the hall a sign that said pool open from 9 to 9 daily. Yet all the pool lights inside the pool and Jacuzzi where still on dimly light but still on . This was an older man maybe in his late sixties or so and I asked him if I could sneak into the Jacuzzi For a dip and I promised to be very quiet. He asked me if I had a room key and told me if I did all I had to do at any time was put in it the slot to the pool room and I could get inside .He would not tell if I did, but said he had to keep all the ceiling lights out. I said fine." If you want the jets at full power you only have about half hour then they shut down there set on a timer. " I though hmm well lets see if this works.

 I asked him if he minded if I just got in now ,my suite was in the room and I didn't want to waste time going up and getting into it to only have a minute or to enjoy those jets. Should have seen his eyes light up . He nodded and blushed as he went on in his room shutting the door. I figured he must  have  had  one of those video cams set up to watch the pool from his office or something. So I went on in grabbing a few towels , then walked back to the changing room and undressed wrapping a towel casually around my body.

 That was when I then noticed the camera on the wall slowly following me and I then knew for sure he was watching and it excited me all the more. Also all around the pool where large  open windows leading to the parking lot where anyone could look in to the pool area . I walked to the Jacuzzi and slowly  dropped the towel standing  buck naked knowing this old man was watching me at every turn. I  moved dipping my foot in the water my hand running up and down my breasts even tweaking a nipple every now and then till I slowly slid on in the warm water. I felt around finding a very  strong jet and back into is leaning over feeling the jets pulsating again my back door. Oh... God...Did it feel good

 And It didn't take long before I turned around to have the jets pouring at my clit as I faced his office grabbing both tits and pulling nipples hard and fast . They where erect, rock hard and rather large I do have larger boobs, 44 D and very large dark nipples.And boy  I  did get off so good knowing I was being watched. I leaned back relaxing in the water the jets hitting my back and bottom still as I lead back closing my eyes and feeling my tit's squirming in the water arching and moaning loudly hearing my cries echoing in the empty room or what I thought was empty but my voyeur on camera and me. That's  when I heard a sound I opened one eye and saw this man beside the glass wall in the work out room stroking his cock and banging it to the glass for me to see he also enjoyed the show. I just continued to play and pull my nipples out as far as I could now as I moaned still squirming in the water but slowing down from my climax I shut my eyes and smiled.

 Next thing I knew , I heard the door click Yes I was frighten I will not tell you that, but excited even more to think this man was in here now cock in hand to show me his show . I was keeping my eyes shut a little longer to intensify the sensations and the wonder , till I  then felt a  pair of hands at my tit's behind me. I moaned louder and leaned back, my fingers slid into my pussy rolling my clit,  then I felt a second set of hand on my tits.That was when I then opened my eyes wide  to see two very good looking men rolling my nipples and smiling at me.

 They both smiled watching me not a word spoken only that knowing smile had both watched my show for the camera? I smiled and then they joined me in the Jacuzzi. I  was sat in the middle as I had, one on each side of me one went right to kissing my boobs  sucking my nipples and the other fingering my clit. I lower both hands below the water reaching to this cocks in their pants  and stared to stroke, a dick in each hand. All three of us where moaning and groaning they both stood up and pulled there pants down to there ankles there cocks standing straight out at me throbbing and pulsing even dipping pre cum from the tips of each one.

 Oh I  could not held myself I stroked both then sucked each one fully down taking every inch on their long beautiful cocks...One at a time slowly savoring the flavor the feelings of each cock. The one older man pulled me closer to him  squeezing my tit till it hurt as he then sat down then pulled me on top of him, I felt that huge ridged cock slide up into me right away  every inch of him filling my pussy at once.  I rode him and rode him hard. While I sucked the other man off this time. Tits bouncing hard the sound of wet flesh hitting echoed in my head , this made me suck all the harder to the second man I was going to town on his poor cock not that he minded much  it was not long and he was cumming wildly, and so did I. Oh god yes  feeling his hot cum, shooting all down my mouth and dripping down my chin. As the whole time the camera was moving to see all of us in every got me off so  darn good again. My camera man was really getting a show did he realize  he would get when he let me in the pool just  what he would be witnessing . I hope he was jerking off good and hard in there. And hoped the old man could take it.

I laid back in the water now lifting my pussy to him in  silent offering begging for more as the man I was riding pounded me hard with his thick cock spilling his big  hot wet  load inside of me. I felt every spurt, every shot of his cum hit my walls . he jerked and shoot off the last of that milky  cream flooding me good and  wet oh god I was soaked

 They smiled and said "  same time tomorrow"  with a wink nothing more . Got up pulled their  suites up and walked out not a word not a hint who they where nothing . I had no idea who they where ,or where they stayed. Laying there a bit I smiled and moaned I was in heaven and  knew I had to get back to my room , so I grabbed the towel and walked to the changing room , got dressed and walked back down the hall way.The janitor opened his door , he stepped out smiling like a mad man and handed me a note as he locked up . I walked to the elevator .As I waited for the elevator doors to open, and  I read it. It said.

Dear room 902.

I loved the show and you looked so good fucking my sons in there . I can't wait till next time so I can sit in the room this time and watch. I have the whole thing on tape so I can watch it any time I want and yes I do want more then you know . I blew my load three times on you sexy. . maybe next time I will join in.

janitor night shift.


I was so hot and turned on I would have gone back to him right then and there but he was gone. I went to my room got undress and turned every light on in the room and stood in front of the open window, in front of better then fifty trucks and played with my self. I have no idea how many saws me that night , but I heard quite a few air horns blow, and lights flash. Tomorrow night before I return to the pool room , I think I will check out the truckers again then get nice and wet then go to the pool for my threesome?

to be continued

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itsonlyfun on Voyeur Stories

 My wife's mind was going in the right direction,it just needed a push.

 Married a while and happy,with two kids,we enjoyed nearly all things sexual. But my mother and stepfather were poles apart from each other and us. I felt sorry for the guy,so I covertly offered him some sexual relief.


 One day,me and the wife were discussing my parents doubtful relationship. Clearly a marriage of convenience utilizing mutual funds and housing. I knew my wife found a commonality factor with my stepfather,possibly she felt sorry for his situation. I never pressed her on this point you see,but I'd recognized,her being a flirty prick teaser and

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he being sexually deprived,it seemed reasonable for me to give her a push in the right direction.

 The afore mentioned conversation was going along the lines of whether they ever had sex. Clarifying this point,I said to my wife Linda, 'Probably at an earlier time,but I reckon the last time he probably had it was twenty five years or so ago' Her casual reply was, 'Fuck! that's before I was born,his dick must be throbbing like hell' I lead on, 'Yeah it does every time he gets a look at your thighs and ass,haven't you noticed'? A smirk came across her face,clearly she was relishing the thought that she tormented his cock without even realizing it.

 I open the play with, 'He's into photography and does his own developing,you could always give him some views to snap that wouldn't get past the censor' she responds, 'Don't be daft,how could I do that without your mother spotting what we were up to'? 'Out the house' - they lived in the country in a secluded cottage, - 'When you romp with the kids on the lawn,you could move your legs I'm sure in an in-obvious way to give him some flashes up there' She was quiet for a bit,then, 'You mean without knickers,that would be to dangerous' 'I didn't say that,but now you come to mention it,you could try it with knickers,then if it goes okay,you could gradually get to no knickers'

 'Fuck,you're so dirty,how would I try to do the flashing then'? 'Just wrestle with them - the kids, - like you usually do here,I love watching the flashing you innocently give me,especially when they get pressed into your crack,but you always damn well adjust them and pull it back out' She grinned widely to that. 'How could he possibly get where he could take pictures of my pussy without getting seen? It just can't be realistic' 'Course he can,he has a super camera,fast,and on a tripod behind that small outhouse window that opens,I bet if you sneaked in there,you'd find him wanking himself stupid already,because I've noticed he tries to look at you from there,especially when you bend forward with those short dresses on,you wear'

 The trouble he has is,you don't point in the right direction for him or you're too far away,I can tell you where you need to get for his best advantage' 'You've been planning this! You've got it all worked out you dirty sod' 'Not really,I lied,its just that I noticed you show a soft spot for him and he has a hard spot for so to speak' I got a threatened slap for that. 'I do not! But I don't want to be cruel to him,like your mother is' 'I only said flash him,not fuck him! Not yet anyway' I risked this statement,and paid the price.She grabbed my balls and squeezed,fortunately not to hard,but enough to make me aware of what could happen if I overstepped the mark.

 Not to be out done though,I skitted. 'If you damage those,you will have to go in search of another pair ready to fire juice up your pussy' 'STOP NOW,I know where this is leading,NO! NO-NO-NO' 'I haven't said anything' 'Yeah,but I know how that mind of yours works' It was left at that and we continued talking about something not related.


 Come our next visit,I mentioned nothing and decided to see how it played out,or if in fact it played at all. After about twenty minutes,the novelty of the grandchildren visiting their gran played out in preference to some crap soap on TV. 'You can all stay and play on the lawn while I see my program' and she was gone for the duration. I plonked myself in a deck chair by the wall that gave me a good view of my wife's attributes if shown, - Well I deserved my share of any goodies put on show as the instigating organizer don't you think?

 I was not able to see in the window we talked about,but also could not be observed from the window either,but I could hear if any activity was going on inside. Before seating myself down,while close to this window I over loudly said to Linda,I'll pop down and see if my mate of old is about,wont be long. This was a total ruse of course,just to ease any pressure from my being in close proximity. The romping got underway and true to form our son got a bit carried away quite quickly and in his excitement hitched my wifes top a bit high thus showing the underside of her tits, - No bra,so she was playing the sex card I concluded, - Just after I heard a scraping sound that could be a tripod being moved. I smirked at the thought of his hardon over my wife's tits.

 I hadn't thought of this till this time,but my stepfather was into all new things regarding sound and visual. It was only that I heard no shutter sounds,but a slight humming noise is best as I can describe it. Attracted back to the view,I cast it from my mind,but thinking later,I realized it was there all the time my wife done her bit. After a while,my wife jumped up saying, 'Wait,all this mucking about has made mum need a wee' and promptly headed for the loo. In no time she returned and the fun carried on. Our boisterous son had just slid down my wife's raised knees like on a slide,which inadvertently dragged her dress down towards her thighs. There it was in all its splendour! One naked pussy,well naked except for her pussy fur and supported by two half moon bum cheeks. She was endeavouring to get her shirt back over her knees and succeeded,but not before I heard a gasped grunt and 'Fucking hell' come from the open window. I smiled with satisfaction.

 They were playing creepy mouse by now and young son was set on creeping his hand up his mothers skirt. She was desperately trying to stop his hand touching her now naked pussy and only just managed to grab him an inch or two from contact. Phew! that was close,I could just imagining him saying, "Gran,mum has no knickers on,she must have wee'd them just now" Linda made a point of keeping all creepy mice much nearer the belly and armpit ticklish areas after this near miss. But at least another ten minutes of display was had by the male species,with up thigh flashes of the highest quality. We loved it.


 This happening was not able to be mentioned till after the kids bedtime. It turned out that when my wife had got to the loo, - a typical cottage,no lock just a latch door, - she had a pee,then just as she'd dapped any drips and being about to discard her knickers,the door opened and there stood my stepfather. Instantly dropping her skirt,she got a sorry,sorry,I didn't know anyone was in here. Lying toad,I said,he heard you like I did say you were going there. 'I thought that,but more to the point, - she giggled, - he had the worlds hardest hardon sticking out his trousers' 'What actually sticking out in "as you seen it"? 'Yeah,he had it in his hand,I reckon he was going to have a wank' I said, 'No,that can't be,he knew you were going there,the dirty old sod! He done it to show you what he has if you're ever hungry for cock'

 'No,never,I reckon you're only saying that because of what you hinted the other day' 'Hang on,It wasn't me that had it in your face out there' passing on,she said, 'He definitely seen my cunt close up before I had time to hide it' Then it clicked,I realised what the whirring was. I told Linda,I've got it,he has got himself a new video camera,he's got your naked pussy on tape,I'll bet he'll wank himself senseless tonight. She smirked and blushed all at the same time, 'It'll be in colour as well' 'He won't stop there,now he'll want more from you with that machine,you see! It'll be interesting to see how he'll tackle you to give him more action.

 My wife didn't reply to this observation,but then again she didn't exclude the prospects.

 bye now.


Candace Part 1

buzltyr on Voyeur Stories

I woke up this morning with a terrible headache and an upset stomach. I hoped I wasn’t coming down with a bug.

My car was in the shop so I was carpooling with the wife. She had come out of the bathroom wringing wet from the shower and had a towel wrapped around her waist.

Admiring her still gorgeous body I couldn’t help but to stare as she dropped the towel to begin dressing. Her ample bosom was still high on her chest with only a slight sag. She was only able to bore one child, a daughter that was now a senior in high school. The problems she had at birth caused a complete hysterectomy.

My head still pounding I closed my eyes and whispered, “Honey, I’ve got a terrible migraine. Would you call me in, please.”

Owning my own compute

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r networking business I knew my able staff could handle me being gone. I started the business 19 years ago just before my wife, Carol and I were married. She worked diligently throughout my early tribulations and trials to keep the bills paid and food on the table. Now she didn’t have to work but chose to keep active and not grow stir crazy after raising our daughter Candace.

“Are you alright, Babe,” concern in her voice.

“Yeah, it's just this damn headache.”

She wrapped the towel around herself and made her way downstairs. I could barely make out her explaining to Sharon, my personal assistant that I would not be in. With that she was back upstairs.

“Looks like your daughter just left for school. I figured her to be gone, there’s a mess left on the kitchen table”.

I smirked to myself knowing that irked Carol to no end. Her liking was that everything to be neat, tidy, and organized.

“Get dressed and I’ll clean up the mess after I get rid of my headache.”

I threw my legs off the side of the bed and sat up. God, my head throbbed and as I stood I felt a little shaky, but I made my way into the bathroom for some aspirin. Taking two and a glass of water back into the bedroom I paused at the doorway. Carol had just bent over to put on her panties and I caught a brief glimpse of her pussy and ass before she stood up.

I felt a twinge of excitement at her unintentional display and thought if my head was not hurting I would jump on that. Instead I took the aspirin and crawled back in bed.

Carol finished dressing in a smart business suit ready to go sell more mansions. She was the top seller for Lang Realty and was now in a position where all she sold were million dollar plus estates. Most of her clients being well to do socialites that needed another vacationing spot. I never figured why she was so good at what she did but her commission checks were outrageous and I personally thought her only goal was to see how many zeroes she could see on one check.

Hell, who was I kidding, the money was good and with my thriving business we hadn’t done without in quite some time. Candace was a direct recipient to our good fortune as she always wore designer clothes and Carol even bought her a Mustang 5.0 for her sixteenth birthday. Spoiled yes, but she never flaunted to her friends or snubbed others that were less fortunate.

Fully dressed Carol again made her way downstairs and was back in a few minutes with a cup of coffee and the morning paper.

She leaned down kissed me and said, “I’m off Babe, I’ve got an eight o clock appointment with a Mr. Sanders. He’s looking at a house in the foothills. 5500 square feet and two stories, the owners are asking for 4.5 million and I’m gonna hustle my buns for that one.”

“Good luck, Honey I’m confident you’ll close. Who could resist a babe like you anyway?”

“Thanks, Sweets I love you!”

She was down the stairs before I could reply and I heard the door slam.

I lay there for a few minutes and realizing that I had to pee I dragged myself up and made my way back into the bathroom. Standing there I thought, I wish I felt better I could sprawl on the bed and have a good yank. But instead I flushed the toilet washed my hands and made my way back to bed.

I dozed off and was dreaming about some young nubile thing stripping for me when I awoke to the flitter and giggles of teenagers. I looked at the clock and noticed it was only ten AM. There was some banging around in the kitchen, the refrigerator door being open and closed and giggles.

I recognized Candace’s voice but was unable discern the other. My first thought was that Candace was skipping school, but naively I considered that maybe she has a short day. My second thought was she was unaware that I was home as she had left before I was even awake. I decided confrontation was not what I desired so I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

A few minutes later I heard them come up the stairs and head for Candace’s bedroom. Their voices not having to be muted were loud enough that I could hear most of what they were saying. She obviously did not close her door.

The voice not my daughter’s spoke, “Brad took me to his Uncle’s house and we made out. He stuck his tongue half way down my mouth. After the first kiss he asked my to suck his tongue in my mouth and I did!”

A few gasps and Candace replied, “Wasn’t that gross?”

I was shocked and relived that Candace has little to no experience in kissing. I thought all high schoolers were kissing fiends. Just go to the mall and watch. It seems that is what they are made for.

A reply from the unknown voice was even more shocking. “No, Can it was so good. Like I got all wet down there. Here let me show you.”

Ok now I perked up. Candace kissing another girl! No, no way. Yet it got awful silent and a few seconds later.

“Well, what do you think?”

Candace spoke softly, “Ok, I kind of liked it. But your tongue felt kind of funny.”

I sat up in bed my interest now piqued. Were my daughter and her friend just kissing? Was this going to lead to other things? More questions than answers ran through mind and all I knew is I had to find out what this was leading up to.

I silently crawled out of bed and peeked my head out the door. The coast was clear so I stepped into the hallway. I froze as an audible gasp came from the partially closed door to Candace’s bedroom.

“Karen, what are you doing?” I heard Candace say.

“You didn’t like that? I didn’t feel good when I touched your boob?”

This came from Karen and I crept closer to her door. I tried to be as quiet as I could. I didn’t want to get caught spying on the two teens but just the thought of my daughter getting felt up was mind boggling and I crept closer.

“I didn’t say that it didn’t feel good,” Candace whispered. “It’s just weird you being a girl like me. I’ve never let any of my dates touch me.”

Aw my daughter was a virgin and I was somewhat relieved yet I yearned to see her being loved and I didn’t care if it was male or female.

Candace is short, 5’4” about 105 soaking wet and blonde. No the stereotypical blonde, no she was smart got good grades in school; but she didn’t date much. Her excuse was the guys in her high school were immature hormone overloaded jerks that she had no time for. Yet when she did date she was always on time, never missed a curfew and I never needed to flip the light switch when her date walked her to the door.

With her good looks and killer body I figured the boys would come sniffing around but I guess she made it clear that her home was off limits. Occasionally a boy would call and she would take the call in her room and spend some time talking but that never lead to anywhere because her weekend evenings were generally spent home or over a friends.

I had made to the door and peered between the crack in the door and the door jamb and was a little disappointed because both girls were sitting on the bed a little separated and not saying anything.

I was about to walk away when Karen spoke. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it would feel like to be kissed and felt up by somebody else? Don’t you ever think of letting a boy stick his thing in you?”

I held my breath waiting for Candace to answer.

“Well, yeah, sure but those guys at school are jerks and they would blab all over the school.”

“I’m not necessarily talking just a boy. Have you ever thought of letting a girl touch you, Can?”

Candace voice broke when she replied, “No, that’s perverted.”

“No it isn’t. Molly and I kissed and did other stuff last weekend when I was over her house and it felt good.”

“What other stuff?” Candace was just barely aware her voice was low and hoarse.

“Well, we kissed with our mouths opened and she grabbed at my boobs and I let her. She asked if she could take off my tank top and I did it for her, she reached around and undid my bra and I took it off completely. She then felt my naked tits for awhile and I about came when she bent down and took my nipple in her mouth and started sucking. My pussy got real wet and I was so excited I decided that what ever she wanted to do was OK with me. Can, it felt so good.”

I looked over towards my daughter and noticed her little pencil eraser nipples were hard and were easily noticeable through the top she was wearing. Karen noticed too because I saw her staring at them.

She licked her lips and whispered to Candace, “I’m wet now just talking about it.”

Karen leaned forward and touched her lips softly to Candace’s and said, “Let me show you how good it feels to be loved.”

With that she reached behind my daughters head and brought it in to meet her lips and they again kissed. This time it was with abandoned passion, their mouths opened and I could see Karen sucking Candace’s tongue in her mouth and they both moaned. Candace breath was almost taken away when Karen laid her hand on her breast and began caressing the mound and the tweaked her nipple.

They both came up for air and breathlessly Karen spoke, “You are so hot, Can.”

Karen reached down and pulled Candace’s top off and flung it across the room. I ogled my daughter’s breasts encased in a silky beige bra almost the color of her skin. Her nipples were prominent and looked as if they ached to be released. Her body trembled, but I could not tell if it was from excitement or nervousness. Karen released the clasp on the front of Candace’s bra and pushed the cups back. Her breasts being revealed I could see Candace blush and she tried to conceal her nakedness with her hands.

Karen grabbed her wrists and said, “Your boobs are so cool…Don’t cover them, I want to see them.”

Candace dropped her hands in her lap. Karen reached out and covered both breasts and squeezed lightly. This elicited a moan form Candace. Karen spread her fingers and captured the nipples between her fingers and rolled the points back and forth. She then leaned into Candace and lightly bit her lower lip. Her tongue barely touched my daughter’s upper lip when Candace opened her mouth and Karen stuck her tongue in. I could see that Candace was sucking Karen’s tongue and at that moment I noticed my cock getting hard. My sucking in great loads of air and my lips were dry.

As their kissing was getting more and more passionate Karen dropped her hand in Candace’s lap. She was lightly running her hands on Candace’s thigh inching ever so closer to my daughter’s pussy. A moan came from deep within Candace and I knew the sound. My daughter was turned on! I’ve heard that moan several times before from some of the women I has had sex with and if Candace was moaning like that I could almost bet her mons were soaked and she would probably let Karen free roam with her body.

Of course this is what I hoped for. I could not tear my eyes off the scene that was so closely displayed in front of me. My cock was now raging and I reached down to adjust to a more comfortable position. When I grasped the shaft to move it, I felt a jolt of electricity shoot up to the head and I knew that I was now not going to just adjust. I brought out of the fly in my pajamas and stroked lightly.

Peering back in to the room I noticed that Karen had managed to cup the mound of Candace’s sex. She was not moving her hand but seemed to be waiting for Candace to adjust to the idea that someone other than herself was touching her in a place that had been off limits to any one else. Even the boys she had dated never got any farther than caressing her young breasts through the clothes. She had admitted it to me one night after a date she had and her blouse was unusually wrinkled.

Karen released the lip lock she had on Candace and immediately wrapped her lips around the nipple on Candace’s left tit. The sudden sharp intake of air made me realize that she was not expecting this new onslaught but the breath was shortly followed by a sigh. A movement of hand caused me to gaze between my daughter’s legs and it was obvious that Karen was now massaging Candace’s pussy aggressively. Candace’s hips were undulating and she looked as if she was trying to maneuver Karen’s fingers to her clit.

“Lay back, Can; I want to take your shorts off.”

Candace hesitated and said sheepishly, “I don’t know Karen, this is so wrong. Girls shouldn’t do these things to each other.”

Karen replied, “Oh Can you know it feels good, your pussy is soaked. I could feel it through all your clothes. I am so wet and you are so exciting I want to make you feel good. No one will know. I’ll never tell anyone. Please?”

I never heard a woman beg for sex but her words spurred my excitement on and I felt a drop of pre-cum drip from the end of my penis. Another formed right away and I slid my thumb up and spread it all over the head and shivered from the sensation.

Candace made up her mind and hesitantly lay back her legs while not completely closed it was evident that Karen had not removed her hand. She bent down and suckled Candace’s breast again but she removed her hand from between my daughter’s legs and starting stroking her stomach just above the pant line. Her hand proceeded under the waistband and ran a finger over Candace’s crack.

Candace moaned and slightly spread her legs giving Karen ample room to delve deeper into my daughter’s pussy. I could see the bulge of her hand as she was massaging deeper and deeper into the soaked crack.

Karen quickly removed her hand and grasped Candace’s waistband and whispered, “Lift up Can, so I can remove these.”

Candace lifted her hips and Karen pulled her shorts and panties off. I did not have a clear view of my daughter’s lower body as Karen was between me and her. I could see that Candace had her eyes closed and she was trembling.

Karen moved her body around until she was kneeling between Candace’s legs and I almost lost all the air in my lungs as I got my first look at her pussy. I gasped almost too loud and immediately stepped back in case I was heard. I realized that I was safe as I heard Karen.

“You like that Can, you are dripping.”

There was no response from Candace and I took the chance to peer back around the door. I almost lost it as the site that was presented to me. Karen was sprawled on her stomach with her head buried in Candace’s box. I could hear the slurping and sucking that Karen was making as she sucked lovingly.

Candace’s hips were bucking up and writhing as she fucked the tongue that was deeply embedded in her. Her groans and squeaks were intensifying as she raced to an orgasm. She reached down and caressed Karen’s head as if she was her long lost lover and wrapped her right leg around Karen’s shoulder and with that I was lost with mixed emotions. The way Karen was acting was as if she was falling in love. The last thing I wanted was Karen to become total gay, but as my emotions were in turmoil I could not take my eyes away from the erotic scene before me.

I noticed I was now stroking my cock more aggressively and was rapidly approaching my own orgasm as Karen reached up and tweaked Candace’s nipples. Her left hand was blocked from my view but the movement made it obvious that she was finger fucking Candace.

For the first time since Karen started sucking her pussy I heard Candace say, “Ooo…that feels so good. I never knew it was his good. Please don’t stop Karen.” 

Karen had no intention of stopping and I was shocked as Candace reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart so Karen could suck at her clit. And suck she did. I could hear hear the slurping clearly!

“Oh, God Karen you’re gonna make me cum.”

I was already close enough that I could have ejaculated then and there but I decided to slow down and wait for Candace so we could cum together.

Karen’s finger was fucking in and out of Candace much faster now and licking and sucking her pussy harder, her goal was to make Candace cum and she concerted her efforts to that as Candace moaned louder.

“I’m there, I’m cumming!” Candace was gasping for air as she reached her peak.

I pumped my shaft as I too reached my peak and I rapidly pulled off my PJ shirt so I could catch the sperm that was quickly racing up to blow out of the little hole. The first shot missed and landed on the door but I was lucky and caught the rest.

I took one last look in on the girls and Karen was just rising up from between Candace’s legs and I had an unobstructed view of her gaping pussy that glistened with her juices and Karen’s saliva. I looked longingly for another minute and turned back to go to my room

I sat on the edge of the bed and contemplated what I had just witnessed. I had just lain back on the bed when I heard as surprised gasp, “Oh God, Daddy I didn’t know you were home.”
