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playing with patti part 2 (training the tramp)

playfulgirl2001 on Teen Stories

Part two of Playing with Patti (Training the Tramp)

Well I ended my first part of this story, where I’d just been forced to have sex with Dave and two of his buddies, and then after warning me how much trouble I’d be in if I told anyone, he'd sent me on my way home. In my naivety, I believed him, but I’m not sure if that is why I didn’t tell anyone what had happened to me. Now I of-course know that if you stack-up all my wrongdoings, like skipping school, talking to strangers, going into a strangers house, and drinking alcohol, then the total weight of guilt would weigh in ounces, compared to the wrongdoings of Dave and his buddies. His coaching of an underage girl, encouraging her to skip school, enticing her into his house, plying her with alcohol, and then gang raping her, would weigh in tons comparatively. This is the lesson that should be taken away by any underage girl who reads this story, and is unfortunate enough to get herself into a similar predicament.

But having said all that, it is difficult for me to say in all honesty, even if I’d been aware at the time, that I’d have done things differently. I know I should, but sex is a very strong drug.

So back to my situation.

He kissed me again and moaned, “Such a good girl.”  He patted my bottom.  “Now scoot.”

One thing I didn’t mention in part one, was that when I’d had my bath, and was getting dressed, I couldn’t find my knickers. On asking Dave, he said Steve had taken them as a trophy. I didn’t quite understand what he meant, but all I knew was that I’d be going home with the wind blowing around my pussy. This made itself very apparent the moment I stepped out of the door. But as my school skirt was not that short, it came down to my knees, I couldn’t see this would be a problem.

But I hadn’t thought about what had just happened to me, and as soon as the first person walked towards me, and gave me the nod of acknowledgment, like polite people do, I coloured-up bright red. It was as though they could somehow tell what I’d been doing. Did I look different now I wasn’t a virgin? It was like I had a big placard on my head, saying she’s been fucking all afternoon. And it was the same with every person I saw on the way home.

Then to my horror I could feel something wet on my inner thighs, and it was slowly starting to make its way down my inside leg. I had no idea if it was my own juices, or the spunk from the three guys that was running back out of my pussy. What ever it was, I knew before long it would reach a point where it was visible to anyone that met me. I quickened my pace, and before long I was running. The shoes I was wearing were not really suitable for this kind of use, and a couple of times they slipped from my feet, causing me to trip. This should have been warning enough, but each time I resumed my dash to get back home before the sticky trace was visible.

Then two doors from my own house, it happened. My shoe slipped, and I tripped, flying headlong down the side walk, and landing in a little flower border belonging to one of our neighbours. He was in his front garden, and immediately dashed to my assistance. He quite innocently put one arm behind my back, taking my weight, and his other hand went under the backs of my knees. Normally this would be the appropriate way to lift me, but his hand under my knees, obviously came into contact with what ever was running down my legs.

He quickly pulled his hand back out, leaving me on the ground, and examined his wet fingers,
“Oh Patti, you’ve cut yourself. No, its not blood.”
Then as he looked curiously at his wet slimy fingers, he brought them up to his nose and took a sniff. Then his expression changed.
“What have you been up to?”
And without waiting for my reply, he pushed his hand back under my leg, and slid it up along the wet trail of cum, until his fingers slid into the valley at the top of my legs. There his fingers rested as they cupped the dripping wet lips of my pussy.
“You little tramp. You’re just a school girl, but your little pussy is dripping wet with more cum than any one man could muster.”

He pulled his hand out, and roughly pulled me to my feet with his other arm around my back.
“Well? What have you got to say for yourself?”
“I I haven’t been doing anything.”
“Liar! Come-on I’m taking you to see your mom.”
“Please no. Please I beg you, it wasn’t my fault.”
Just at that second my brother came into our own front garden, and as soon as he saw me, he shouted over to us.

“Please let me go.”
“Ok, young lady. But don’t think that’s an end to it. I’ll be wanting a word with you, and if I don’t get some good answers, you’ll be in big trouble.”
With that he let go of me, and I ran straight to my house, and not stopping, up to my room, where I soon got myself cleaned up, and got some knickers on.

All through the meal I kept thinking my mom or brother would notice I was different, and say something, but the meal passed uneventfully. My dad was away from home, he was a truck driver, otherwise, at some point in the evening, I’d have been sitting on his knee for a usual cuddle, and I’m sure he’d be able to tell I was different. But as I say, things went without any problems, and soon I was getting myself tucked up in bed.

But as soon as my eyes closed, I could see Dave lowering himself down onto me, and his massive dick pushed at my hole. I opened my legs to take him, and in he slid, and he began pumping hard up into my little pussy. But of-course he wasn’t really there, so my fingers were doing their level best to substitute for him. I’d got myself spread wide open, and the fingers of one hand rammed deep inside me, while the other hand's fingers rubbed hard at my clit. I came with a flood of warm juice flowing through my fingers, and drifted off to sleep.

Next day was Saturday, so I told mom I was going to see a friend, but instead I of-course went to his house. He opened the door, and a big smile came to his face. I was swiftly pulled inside, and as the door closed, he gave me a very passionate kiss, that lasted for an eternity. When he did let me peal my lips away, he said,
“Oh god baby girl! Am I glad you’ve come.”
Then as he took my hand, and held it against the outside of his pants, I could feel his big hard erection.

“You can tell I need you.”
I just blushed, but god was I flattered. No more than just flattered, the kiss had started to arouse me, but this convinced me I wanted him to fuck me again. I wasn’t disappointed; he led me slowly to the bedroom, kissing me all the time. By the time we reached the bed, I’d undone his belt, and my hand was inside his pants. His magnificent dick was pulsing all warm and lovely in my hand.

I lay back on the bed, and gradually amongst our kissing, we slowly undressed each other. He eased me into the middle of the bed, and got his mouth down to my pussy. I opened willingly, and heaved hard as his tongue brought my pussy to a wonderful climax. As I lay there panting, he began to suck on my little nipples. This complemented the already heightened sense of arousal my body was experiencing.

Now I felt his weight as he lowed his hips into the valley of my open legs, and his dick touched the lips of my pussy. I heaved as hard as I could, forcing my pussy around his stiff shaft. He gave a thrust, taking it deep into my belly, where he then started to ram me violently. I hasten to add, it wasn’t just him in a frenzy. I was giving as good as I got, and loving the wild experience. It did however end too soon for me to reach my climax, and I felt Dave bashing hard as he pumped his cum deep inside me. He slumped down like a dead weight, and lay motionless for what seemed like an age.

Then he lifted his head from my tits,
“Fucking hell baby girl, you are the best fuck ever. Did you like that?”
“Oh yes Dave, you were wonderful. I love you Dave.”
He pulled himself up and was sitting alongside me,
“Course you do. You’re my little tramp. And you want Dave’s big dick. Don’t you?”

“Oh yes Dave. I love it. Will you do me again?”
“You bet I will. Come-on; lets have you on your hands and knees. I’ll give it to you doggy fashion. You’ll like it this way, all tramps like being fucked this way. They can pretend that they are bitches being fucked by dogs. Ha ha.”
I thought it was a peculiar thing to say, but I let it go without comment. He was soon in position, and he was up behind me, and fucking away.

And he was right, even though it wasn’t the same, and I couldn’t push with my hips in the same way, I soon got into ramming my bottom back to make his dick reach deep into my pussy. Now being as I hadn’t cum with the first fucking, I was already halfway there, at the start of this fuck. And his ramming was going on for longer than the last time. In fact I had one or two minor orgasms, but I tried my hardest to wait for him to cum. Then as I thought I could detect his cum shots about to arrive, I just went wild again. Oh god! As he starts cuming, I could feel my pussy kind’a pulsing or pumping. At first I wondered if I was pissing, but no, my pussy was pumping cum and it was spilling out around his thrusting dick.

We both collapsed into a heap on the bed, and he lay there alongside me just kissing as he held me tightly to him. We lay there for some time, but then he sat up, and helped me to the sitting position. He let me put my knickers back on, but asked me to leave my other clothes off. He got dressed, and we went into the kitchen where he got me a glass of lemonade. He asked if I was hungry, and I was soon sitting there tucking into a bowl of breakfast cereal.

We spent the next few hours in each others arms, on his big old couch, listening to music and kissing. Then as it got towards time for me to go, Dave asked,
“Do you want another fuck before you go?”
I felt an involuntary big beaming smile come to my face.
“Oh yes please. Can you do me doggy fashion again?”
“Well I could, but you’ve got a few more tricks to learn yet. Anyway, you’re the tramp, I’m your master. You have to start to learn I’m the one that gives the orders; you just do what you’re told. That way, your master will be pleased, and he’ll make sure you get all the fucking you need.
“Sorry Dave, I didn’t mean I didn’t want to do it the way you like.”
“Don’t worry baby, I’m not angry this time, but you will need to learn your place. Ok get yourself into the bedroom, and this time, you can fuck me.”

I dashed to the bedroom, and pulled off my knickers, and waited for Dave to get onto the bed. He stripped, and immediately I could see he already had a stonking great hard dick. As he lay on his back in the middle of the bed, his dick stood to attention like a soldier on parade.
“Come-on Baby, get that juicy little fanny onto my dick, and let’s see how good a job you can make of fucking me.”
I climbed onto the bed, and got myself astride his hips, and then I lowered my pussy over the end of his dick. As my pussy was still wet with anticipation, once I’d got his dick located, I drove down onto his shaft until the cheeks of my bottom met his belly. Then I began to ride him, long and slow at first. He pulled my chest down towards his face, and latched his mouth onto a nipple. I kept on thrusting while he took it in turn from left to right nipple, sucking and nibbling. Gradually I felt my orgasm welling up, and my pace increased automatically, as if it was a natural talent. Then his hips began to ram upwards, and I felt his cum, warm in my pussy. My own orgasm just started before he’d pumped his second load, and I once again was flooding cum to match his. But this time as I was in control, I was able to keep riding his dick; long after if had shot its last load of cream. My hips rode up and down his belly, until the dick melted, and slipped out.

I then lay on top of him, just kissing his manly chest. He was out cold for at least five minutes, and for a moment I began to worry that I’d maybe given him a heart attack. But he was still breathing, and eventually his eyes opened.
“Hi baby girl! You were fucking magnificent again. Was it ok for you?”
“Oh Dave, ok! I love you, it was heaven. Can we do it again before I go?”
“Sorry baby. I know you like fucking, but poor old Dave is only a man. Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure you get plenty of dick in that little pussy.”
“Its ok, I just love to feel you inside me.”
“That’s cos’ you’re a tramp. Your Dave’s own private tramp, and I’ll make sure you get plenty of dick.”

I just smiled, and he told me to go and have a bath, and get ready to go home. While I was in the bath, Dave came and sat down and talked to me.
“You’ve been such a good girl baby, that I’m going to go shopping for you. I’m going to buy you some skirts, dresses, shoes and even some nighties. You’ll be able to wear them while you’re here. That way I can have you dressed like I want.”

I was so excited I couldn’t wait to see what he would buy me. The feelings I’d had the day before about people knowing what I’d been doing, were still vaguely there, but fading rapidly. The knickers I had on, prevented a repeat of the experience of the cum running back out of my pussy, and I didn’t see the neighbour that had caught me out yesterday. So I got in and had my evening meal without any incident. The bedtime was very much a repeat of the night before, fingering myself while dreaming of Dave.

The next morning it was Sunday, and I was in such a rush to go over too Dave's house. But my mom kept me busy doing chores, until it must have been about 10:00 o’clock. I told my mom I’d arranged to go over to Susie’s house; she was a friend of mine. My mom said ok, so off I went, running all the way. I knocked on Dave’s door, when he opened it, he must have been expecting me, as a smile was already on his face. His arm reached around my back, and he ushered me inside with a little pat on my bottom,
“Good girl, come on in.”

Dave had made us breakfast and was keeping it warm for us. When I walked in the kitchen, I could smell the wonderful aroma of the pancakes, eggs and bacon all in the oven staying warm for us.
“Oh Dave, something smells tasty.”
“All in good time baby, but first I have something I want you to put on for me.”
“You’ve got me some clothes already?”
I asked, all excited.
“Yes, I said I would. But I’m not going to show you them all at once. I just want you to put this on, so I can see how you look in it.”

He handed me this baby-doll nightie. It was pink and sheer with matching panties.
But as he handed it to me he said,
“Don’t bother with the panties for now, were on our own, and I just want to see that cute little butt of yours.”
I took it to the front room and put this nightie on and oh my god! I felt like a Barbie doll. It’s difficult to explain it, but I felt so grown-up and special. The thought that I’d be walking about in front of this grown man, without the panties, with both my butt and pussy showing. It was just like wearing a t-shirt and nothing else, except this was very feminine.

Then Dave walked into the room, his eyes just got so huge when he saw me in this. He smiled and said,
“Oh fucking yes baby girl, you look fantastic.”
He took hold of me and gave me a great big kiss.
“Come with me.”
He took my hand and led me in the kitchen.
“Now baby girl everything is in the oven staying warm. I want you to take them out and make us a plate.”
He walked back across to the kitchen table and sat down watching me.

I went to the oven and got the pancakes, eggs and bacon, and set them on the counter while I went to the cupboard to get the plates. As I reached up my nightie went clear up to my waist! God I felt so exposed, but it was so exciting too. I knew Dave was watching every move I made. All the time I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter. I set his plate by him then went and got mine and sat down beside him.

He looked at me,
“That’s good baby girl, now what about some orange juice.”
I got back up and to get the glasses meant reaching high into one of the cupboards. I really think he liked me reaching for things, because I would really have to stretch to get to what I wanted. I also now believe, this asking me to do things was the start of him training me. But I did as he’d asked, reaching up and letting him see my naked butt as I got the glasses down from the cupboard. Then I went to the fridge, to get the juice. As I opened the door I saw the juice to one side, but instead of picking it up, I pretended I couldn’t find it. I bent over as far as I could, reaching into the back of the fridge shelves. But of-course, all I was doing was to make sure he got a real good eyeful of my wet pussy!
“Ok, I’ve got it.”
I said as I stood back up, and then I poured the juice into our glasses. Once I’d filled them I put them down beside us and sat down.

“That’s my baby girl.”
He said, giving me a wink. I just giggled and started eating. As I was eating I felt his hand touching my thigh. Oh my god! I could feel my pussy flowing; I was getting so fucking hotttttttt. He was teasing me not quiet reaching my pussy then his hand would slowly slide back down. I spread my legs wider thinking that’s what he wanted, better access. But no, not yet. He just kept playing with me. I scooted closer to him and I could see him smiling. He knew what he was doing to me. Finally the time came, and he went straight for my clit. I froze for a minute. God how I wanted his touch at that time.

“Your very wet baby girl. Why is that?”
“Dave, I’ve wanted your touch ever since I got here this morning.”
“Oh really?”
“Does that make me a bad?”
“No baby not bad. But it does prove you’re a tramp. Do you know what a tramp is?”
“Well that’s what they call girls at school who are bad, and who sleep around with lots of boys.”
“Yes that’s about the size of it, and I guess if your folks knew what you’d been up to, they’d sure think you’d been a bad girl. But old Dave here knows it’s not really your fault. It’s just the way you are, your pussy is so damn fertile, it just want to be filled with dick all day long. See baby girl, I could tell the first time you stopped to talk to me at my gate that you were a natural tramp. I knew then, if I didn’t look after you, you’d end-up whoring around and get yourself into trouble. That why I decided to take care of you, and because you’ve got a pretty face.”

“But Dave, does that mean I’ll always be bad?”
“Look my baby girl. I want you to learn something right here and now. From now on; when you’re here, or for that matter, anywhere around me. You call me Master or Sir.”
“Why? What’s wrong with Dave?”
“I’m Dave to my buddies. But you’re not one of my buddies, you’re my tramp. And you need to show some respect, do you understand?”
I guess my face must have showed a look of disappointment, but I said nothing.
“Look baby girl, I’m the one taking care of you. And without me you’ll be in big trouble. So have you got it straight now?”
“Yes Sir.”
“That’s it, good girl. Now I want you to clean up the kitchen, and make sure you do it right.”
“Yes Sir.”

So off I went, clearing the table and washing the dishes while he just sat there watching me.
“I'm all done Dave.”
I said once I’d finished, feeling so please with myself for being a good girl for him.
He shouted in an angry voice.
“I'm all done.”
I repeated meekly, wondering why he was angry.
“Did you just call me Dave?”
“Oh Master, I'm sorry. I just haven’t got used to saying Master yet.”
“Don’t make too many mistakes baby girl; you don’t want me to be angry with you.”
“I won’t, I promise Master.”

“Good. Now come here and kneel down before me.”
“Kneel down Master?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Yes Sir.”
I said as I dashed to his feet and knelt down in front of him. He patted my head,
“Good girl.”

“Now, you have never sucked a dick before have you?”
“No, the only sex I’ve ever had is the fucking you and your buddies have given me.”
He yelled?
“I I said.”
But he cut me short.
“I don’t give a fuck what you said, but you didn’t call me sir or master!”
“S sorry master. I was just saying that I’ve only ever done the things you and your buddies have done to me sir.”

“Ok. That’s better, but you’d better start remembering soon, otherwise you’ll end up regretting it. Right back to the job in hand, I’m going to teach you how to suck a man’s cock properly. By the time I’m done with you, you’re going to be the best cock sucker in town. Do you understand me?”
“Yes Sir.”
He gave me a smile,
“That’s good baby girl, your learning.”

“Ok let’s start at the beginning. I want you to undo my belt, but there are all kinds of belt buckles. So one day when I’ve told you not to come around, you spend some time down at the store, practicing unfastening as many different types of belts as you can.”
“Won’t the man in the store wonder what I’m doing?”
I quickly completed my sentence,
“Just tell him you’re looking for a belt for your dad, and that you’re trying them all to see which one buckles the easiest.”
“Oh master, you’re so clever.”

“Ok so my belt is undone, now unbutton my flies, all the way to the bottom.”
I undid the buttons as quickly as I could,
“Done sir.”
I said as I looked up at his face giving him a big smile.
“Good girl. Now give me a bit of room to stand-up, so I can drop my pants.”
I backed away, and he got to his feet and dropped his pants and shorts in one go and stepped out of them.

Then he sat back down, spreading his knees wide open and beckoning me back into the space he’d just left for me. I moved forward again, kneeling with my head inches from his dick.
“Is this right sir?”
“That’s good. Now lets see what you know about a mans equipment.”
“Yes sir.”

He shuffled his bottom forward so he was only just on the edge of the chair.
“Ok tramp, kneel right down low, and tell me what you see under there.”
“Do you mean your bottom sir?”
“Yes my ass. But can you see my asshole?”
“Yes sir.”
“Well stretch your tongue, and I want you to lick right from the far end of my crack, right forward until you reach my asshole. Then you will spend some time licking it, until I tell you to stop.”
This wasn’t what I’d expected, and I have to say, I didn’t like the thought of it, but I knew there would be trouble if I objected, so I instantly responded,
“Yes sir.”

With that I stretched my tongue, and complied with his instructions, finishing up with my tongue licking all around, and even pushing into the entrance of his hole. I blanked the thought of what I was doing from my mind, and tried to think about the fucking I’d soon be getting. I guess it was minutes, but eventually he said,
“Ok tramp, you’ve passed your first test. Now that is not usually needed, but if anyone ever hints that they would like an ass licking, you’d better make sure you get that tongue going, understand?”
“Yes sir, I will.”

“Right now take hold of this gently.”
He dropped his big soft ball bag into my little fingers.
“Do you know what this is?”
I blushed,
“It’s your balls sir.”
“Yes. My scrotum, knackers, testicles, ball sack, bollocks or balls. Do you know any more names for them?”
“Nuts sir.”
“Yes good girl. There are probably a lot more, but what is the most important thing for you to remember about them?
“That’s where the sperms are made that give you babies.”

“Sorry. Sir.”
“You were doing so well up to now. Shall I punish you?”
“P please sir, I won’t do it again.”
“Ok, you did lick my ass so well. I’ll let you off this time with just a little forfeit.”
“Oh thank you sir. What do you want sir?”
“Just a quick ten seconds licking my ass again.”
“Yes sir, thank you sir.”

I darted my head back under him, and started licking. I was down there for a lot longer than ten seconds, but I dare not bring my head back until he told me. But this is weird, and I feel ashamed to even tell you about it. But I got the strangest feeling in my pussy, as if this licking was affecting me, you know, arousing me.
“Ok girl, I only said ten seconds, you’ve been down there for ever. What are you doing making a meal of it?”
I pulled my head back up, but it felt so strange. Perhaps I was just getting dizzy or faint, having my head too low.
“I didn’t know you liked licking ass that much, otherwise I’d have chosen a different forfeit.”

I didn’t answer, but I did colour-up all red cheeks.
“Well let’s see, where were we before you started eating my butt. That was it; I’d just asked you what is the most important thing for you to remember about a man’s balls?”
“Yes sir and I’d just told you the answer. That a man makes the sperms that give you babies in there, sir.”
I said feeling so proud because I knew the answer.
“Well yes he does, but we ain’t bothered about that. The important thing for you to know and remember is that it’s the most tender place a guys got. So where as you can be as rough as you like when play fighting with a man, you be fucking careful how you handle his balls, even when your just sucking and fondling them. Otherwise you could end-up getting a real good smacking. Got that?”
“Yes sir. I’ll make sure I’m real gentle.”

“Ok let’s see you give it a try, handles them, and work your way around them, sucking and licking them, and like before, I’ll tell you when to stop.”
“Yes sir.”
So now I was gently fondling my hands through his big floppy balls, and sucking gently. As I sucked, I found I was drawing one of these big round balls that are inside the floppy skin, into my mouth. God, now I can see why they call them balls, they are just like little marbles inside there. I was very careful how I sucked, and my squeezing was not really squeezing, just gentle passing from one hand to the other. I’d only had this first ball in my mouth a few seconds, when the big soft limp dick that had been hanging down touching my cheek, began to wake up.

First the bell end lifted, and sort of wavered about, and then the whole shaft began to lengthen, and point out forwards.
“Good girl. Just keep that up, and you’ll soon have the next part of my equipment ready to use.”
I of course couldn’t reply, my mouth was full of his balls. His hands reached mine, and he drew them up, placing my fingers around his stiffening shaft, where he guided them up and down its length.
“That’s good my tramp, you get it all hard for me.”

Once again, I couldn’t answer, or even nod my head, but I looked up, acknowledging with my eyes. Now I took his other ball, and gave a long slow suck to draw it into my mouth.
“Ohhhh. Fucking godddd! Oh hell girl that’s good.”
I’d momentarily stopped thinking I’d hurt him, but realising he was actually in pleasure not pain, I kind of did a little suck and blow alternately, and then sucked it right in.
“J J  Jesus fucking ye gods. Where the fuck did you learn that trick. Oh baby girl do that again.”
I repeated my action, and it got him going, but not as violently.

By now his dick was like a big church candle, thick, long and solid as a rock.
“Get your fucking mouth open tramp; I want you to wrap your lips around as much dick as you can get into your mouth.”
I gently let his ball slip from my mouth and then gasped for a few breaths of air,
“H H H H.”
“Yes sir, I’m coming.”
“Not yet you’re not. But you will before you leave here. Don’t worry; even tramps need to be allowed to take a breath of air occasionally. Come-on then, you should be ok by now.”
“Yes sir, thank you sir.”

I lifted my head and lowered it down onto his now big long dick that was pointing skywards. I know it felt big and wonderful as it stretched my pussy open, but even though I’d opened my mouth to what I’d have said was wide open, the big bell-end pushed my lips out of its way as it entered. It rested for a second in the middle of my tongue like a big tomato. Then it started moving again, and hit the back of my throat. I closed my lips tightly, and started sucking, stroking my hands back and forth along his shaft at the same time. I kept this up for only about a minute, all the time his dick kept ramming at the back of my throat. As I had no idea it was supposed to enter my throat, I’d been guiding it to hit the roof of my mouth, and it hadn’t caused any gagging at all.

Then without warning, his hands clamped either side of my head, he pulled my head up and off his dick, holding me tightly and staring deep into my face.
“You haven’t got a fucking clue what you’re doing! Have you?”
“I I’m sorry sir. I I was trying my best sir.”
“Well if that’s your best, it ain’t fucking good enough.”
“I I’m sorry sir. Sob sob sniff. Please sir tell me what I’m doing wrong.”

“Ok tramp, you listen, and listen fucking good.”
“Yes sir, I’m listening.”
“You did good with the ball licking, and you sure got my dick hard, but what the fuck do you think you’re supposed to be doing now?”
“I I I thought I was supposed to suck on your dick sir.”
“Well yes, but it ain’t like you’ve got the straw of a fucking milk shake, and you’re trying to drink a quart in ten seconds.”
“hee hee.”
I let out a silly giggle, but Dave didn’t look amused.
“Sorry sir, hee. Sorry hee hee.”
I tried to stop myself, but it was as much nerves and fear as it was the silly image I had in my mind of me sucking Dave’s dick, using it as a drinking straw in the local milk parlour. Then to my relief, Dave’s face broke into a smile, and he started laughing. We both broke into hysterical laughter, as I say, I think it was mainly the tension in the atmosphere, but when we’d both stopped and calmed down, Dave was as calm as can be.

“Ok tramp, let’s get you started again. Yes you're supposed to suck it, but not just suck. Like you did on my balls, a bit of stroking, licking and sucking, but mostly, you should be sliding it into your throat.”
I didn’t speak, but I guess the look on my face must have spoke for me.
“Don’t look so worried little tramp. There are only two things to remember. One is keep them teeth away from my dick. So make sure you don’t gag when the dick touches the back of your mouth. How are you when you go to the doctors, and he asks you to open your mouth wide, and he puts that thing on the back of your tongue so he can see down your throat?”
“Sorry sir, but what do you mean how am I sir?”
“Well can you say ARR for him, or do you start gagging when you feel his spatula in the back of your mouth?”
“I’ve always been ok sir.”
“That’s good, so there is no reason why you should have a problem swallowing dick.”

“Please sir, are you serious about that big cock of yours being able to go down my throat sir?”
“Yes, of-course I am.”
“Well how will I breathe sir?”
“Can you swim?”
“Yes sir.”
“Yes, but not very far sir.”

“So how do you breathe underwater?”
“You don’t sir; you take a deep breath before you go down sir.”
“Well there you are then; you’ve answered your own question.”
“So I take a deep breath, then push your dick deep into my throat, and then pull it out when I need another breath? Is that right sir?”
“You’ve got the theory; now let’s see you do it for real. But a little bit of advice, don’t get all tense. This is another thing that’s similar to swimming, if you get all stiff and tense, you won’t be able to float on the water, but when cock sucking, it will make it difficult to get the dick into your throat. So relax, and think of the fucking I’m going to give you if you do well.”

His dick had gone soft, so I had to start again, but this didn’t take any time at all. Soon I was feeding his big bell-end into my mouth, and I felt it at the back of my mouth. I moved it slightly forwards, and took a deep breath. Then with both my hands on the lower end of his shaft, I pushed my head down. I felt the end squishing into my wind pipe, and I kept it moving. To my surprise, it slid into my throat, and my nose was nearly reaching his belly! I pulled back, and pushed again with the same result. I’d thought this would be difficult, but I easily went down onto his full length at least half a dozen times, before coming back off to take in air.

His hands were once again gripping the sides of my head, and he was now controlling my movements on his dick. He seemed to know when I needed air, and always let me up in time. This throat fuck lasted about five minutes, before he suddenly pulled my head free, and grabbed his dick. He then began to jack his cum all over my face and open mouth. I just knelt there in front of him while he emptied his balls. When he’d stopped, I could feel the cum running down my cheeks, and I lifted my hand to wipe my face.

“No tramp. You leave that where it is; don’t even swallow what you’ve got in your mouth yet.”
Then as he got to his feet, he took hold of the top of my arm,
“Come-on my baby girl, I want you to see yourself in the mirror. I want you to see what a slutty little tramp you really are.”
He was certainly right about the way I looked, I had cum in my hair, in streaks across my face, and it was in my mouth and eyes. Yes he was right; I am definitely a dirty slutty tramp. How it came about, I don’t know, maybe some girls are just born bad. But at least I was lucky, I’d found Dave, and he was going to look after me.

“Why the sad face?”
“Oh it’s nothing master.”
I answered as I put a smile back on my face for him.
“You don’t tell me nothing, when it’s obvious that something is upsetting you.”
“Sorry master. It’s just me being a tramp and a bad girl. I don’t mean to be bad master.”
“Don’t let it worry you. After all there is nothing you can do about it. And so long as I look after you, and your parents don’t find out, then I think you’ll enjoy it.”
“But you still like me even though I am so bad sir?”
“You know I do. Come-on lets show you how much. Would you like me to fuck you before you go home?”

“Oh master, will you?”
“Yes, and I’ll even let you choose the position.”
“Oh thank you sir. Will you do me doggy fashion?”
“Ok, go and wash your face, and meet me in the bedroom.”
In no time I was washed and undressing in his bedroom. He let me get on the bed, and as he was already undressed, he just climbed up behind me. He licked my pussy for a few minutes, and then pushed his big dick up me. The fuck was wonderful, and I managed to make my climax coincide with his. We lay together for about half an hour, and then I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

The night was as before full of dreams of the days events, and I awoke the next morning lying in a sticky wet patch. It was Monday, and that meant school. I saw Dave as I was walking past his house, and he told me that he had plans for me after school,
“So call your mom sometime today and let her know your eating dinner and doing home work at a friend’s house.”
I told him that I would and he patted my head,
“Good girl now scoot off to school and I’ll cya tonight.”
“Yes Master.”
And with that I was off to school. Dave would never kiss me outside his house in fear someone might see us.

Anyway I called my mom and asked her if I could go to a friend’s house. She said it was alright but she wanted me home by 7:00 since it was a school night. I was excited the whole day wondering what Dave had in mind for me. School was finally out and off I went to Dave’s house with my mind going wild wondering what he had in store for me. Dave was waiting for me outside his house sitting on one of his lawn chairs. I walked up to him, he was smiling.

“Did you call your mom baby girl?”
“Yes Sir. She said I have to be home by 7:00.”
“Come with me.”
I followed him in the house, and as I walked into the lounge, he had my clothes laid out.
“Strip for me NOW. Then put these on.”
“Yes Sir.”

I did as he’d told me, stripping naked, then getting into the clothes he laid out for me. There was a pleated plaid skirt and a white blouse white knee high stockings and black shoes (you know the kind that little girls wore to Sunday school). With no bra or panties. When I was dressed, he looked me up and down,
“Oh yea. That’s my baby girl.”

He then grabbed my shoulder pulling me towards him,
“Bend over the couch.”
I did and as I bent down my skirt lifted up exposing my bottom and pussy. He slapped my bottom which made me jump. I was about to turn around, but he grabbed me again,
“Don’t you move.”

He kneeled down, and his hands started squeezing my bottom. He was kissing my behind and his left hand went for my pussy. I started moaning and wiggling a bit,
“You like this don’t you baby girl? Your pussy is very wettttt. Tell your master what it is that you want?”
“Oh godddddd Master I want you.”
“You want me what baby girl?”
“I want you to fuck me master.”
“Mmmmmm. You’re such a slut aren’t you baby girl?”

“Yes Sir. Please fuck me.”
He stood up then and rammed his cock in me. I screamed, with the pain as he jammed it in me so hard.
“Relax baby girl, you need to relax.”
“I'm trying Sir. Please not so hard.”
“Baby girl, you need to learn to take it hard. There’s going to be many times that its going to be hard, and you need to learn to take it. NOW RELAX for Me.”

“Oh goddd yes Sir.”
He kept fucking me faster and harder than I have ever felt before, but all the time he kept playing with my clit as well. My legs were so weak, but I managed to take this fucking until we both cum together. Afterwards he sat on the couch, cuddling me while he recovered.
“Well my baby girl, I think I can say you have completed your training, all we need now is to start working you, to get you experienced.

Well I guess this ends this part of my tale, but if anyone is interested in how he used me to fulfil his fantasies over the next few years, then email me to let me know.  .. also please vote and comment how how you liked it or didnt this is my second story and i want to see how much my story is touching you..thank you so much




❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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dang!!! sure enjoy the story and would like to hear more about it and pls do write more about it since it blow my mind away and wonder what happen next and hope that story contiune :D and hope u will contiune write and can't wait to hear part 2 and more a

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