Published Sex Stories

Golden Opportunity

nolife123 on Anal Stories

Golden Opportunity


Sitting in his apartment on a Friday night, Mike stared at the one on the cable sports channels. He felt bored and considered going out to a nearby bar. He knew it was karaoke night at the place. Although not a big fan of karaoke, he remembered from previous visits that there were plenty of women in attendance. His friends were out of town or busy, so he would have to go alone.

Mike pulled into the parking lot and entered. There was a decent crowd that night with plenty of females sitting at the tables. He walked over to the bar and ordered a beer as he stood watching the entertainment. The current karaoke singers were doing a med

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iocre version of a Neil Diamond song.

He felt someone bump into him.  Turning around, he noticed that a cute young woman was responsible. She was talking to her friends trying to figure out what drinks they wanted to order. He glanced down and noticed that her tight jeans really made her ass look great. She then turned to him.

“Sorry about that,” she said. “It’s my friend’s birthday and we got here three hours ago.”

“No problem,” he said in a smooth tone of voice. “Let me buy your next drink for you.”

She looked at him for a moment and he was thinking she would politely tell him to fuck off. To his surprise, she smiled at him and stuck her hand out.

“Hi, I’m Erin. Come over and sit with us. We’re about to leave soon though.”

He accepted the offer and stood by the attractive brunette after she sat down at the table. The table consisted of two guys and three other women. With the exception of their designated driver, Mike knew all these people were wasted.

More drinks were ordered during the next hour and Mike got to know his new love interest a little better. She had just broken up with her boyfriend of four years because he accepted a new job in a different city. She told him the relationship started to become defective before he moved anyway.

With things going well, Mike knew he could probably at least get this woman’s phone number. Then he thought deeply for a moment as her friends continued their loud, somewhat incoherent conversation.

He hadn’t got laid since his girlfriend dumped him six months ago. About to turn thirty-six years old, he knew opportunities to score a one night stand were slowly slipping away. Especially with a drunk twenty-six year old brunette with a nice body and no kids. So many women on the dating websites he tried were either unattractive as hell or had two kids by age twenty-three. Figuring he had nothing to lose, he turned to Erin and opened his mouth.

“Want to go back to my apartment?” he asked her as confidently as he could.

She looked him and softly said it would be best if she just went home. After a little more persuasion however, the rather drunk Erin finally agreed. She stated that she would just hang out with him and he shouldn’t expect sex.

After another half hour or so, the group of people at the table rose and headed to the parking lot. A sober woman who was set aside to drive everyone home objected to Erin getting into Mike’s car. After a minute of chatting, the driver finally gave up trying to convince her not to leave with the man. The friend figured that although she was drunk, Erin was a grown woman and could do as she pleased.

Mike opened the door to his apartment and Erin walked in. He showed her around and the two sat down on his couch. He grabbed a six pack out of the refrigerator and they started to chug some beers while watching television.

After a while, he started to glide his hand gently over her leg. They kissed passionately for a few minutes and she told him she was going to take a shower and freshen up in his bathroom. He found an oversized T-shirt in his room for her to wear afterwards.

While sitting on the couch listening to the shower running, naughty ideas began to race though the horny man’s head. From how much she had to drink, he knew this petite woman would pass out in another hour or so. With the night going completely the way he wanted, there was one more thing he could do to make it the best night of his life.

He removed a condom and some lubrication from a dresser drawer. Knowing his plan wouldn’t succeed if she saw the lube, he hid it in a reachable location under his bed. He was shaking from how nervous he was now feeling.

Five minutes later, she emerged from his bathroom wearing the T-shirt. She sat down on his bed and they embraced. With the lights still on, he noticed she was wearing only black thong under the shirt. Her hair was still wet from the shower.

While she watched, he put on the condom. Now was the time to put his plan into action. He knew accomplishing what he wanted would require a little luck.

He flipped her over onto her stomach and pulled down the thong. His teeth bit hard into the center of her right buttock and then he started liking her pussy. He stared at her exposed asshole. He grabbed the lube out from under the bed and sneakily started placing it on his cock. Then, in an incredibly risky maneuver, he gently placed a generous portion of lube between her butt cheeks.

Mike had entered unknown territory. He had never got the opportunity to fuck a woman in the ass. Although he asked a couple of his ex-girlfriends, their reply was always a definite no.

While Erin’s pussy was being licked, the effects of the alcohol really started to catch up with her. After the lube was discreetly placed on top of her anus, she felt a cold sensation between her buttocks. Fortunately for Mike, the drunk woman didn’t think too much of it.

“Let’s change positions,” she murmured.

Knowing it was now or never, Mike forcefully pushed his right thumb into the ass of the unsuspecting brunette. To his amazement, she didn’t scream in objection and storm out of his apartment. She just continued laying silently in her current position. He then removed his thumb from her butt.

After feeling the thumb slide into her ass, Erin was speechless for a moment. The intrusion hurt something fierce. She was now a little pissed off at this man she hardly knew.

It also excited her in a strange way. To the best of her recollection, her ex-boyfriend never touched her asshole.

“What the fuck was that?” she said looking over her shoulder.

“Do you trust me?” he replied.

Now spinning from the alcohol, she decided to play along and simply submit to this man’s desires. She got on her knees and stuck her butt into the air.

“Alright,” she said softly.

After straddling her while standing on the bed, he placed his cock against her asshole and slowly slid it in. It was very slow going at first. Then, after about half a minute, the muscles in her ass stretched to better accommodate the meat. He started to pump in and out at a rapid pace.

While this was occurring, she groaned in a strange mix of pain and unexplainable stimulation.

He removed his cock for a moment to look at her now gaping asshole. After catching his breath, his dick plunged back in for one final assault. One minute later, he burst.

Upon knowing he was finished, she let out a sigh of relief. There was no way she could have taken any more. She put the shirt and thong back on and quickly passed out on top in his bed. 

Erin left the apartment early in the morning without hardly saying a word to him.  She never told her friends what happened that night.  When asked, she told them she just slept on his couch.  Nothing more.

Her asshole throbbed unrelentingly with soreness during the following two days. Now having tried it, she knew she would never return to experiment with anal sex.

Mike and Erin never saw each other again. Neither of them would ever forget that awkward one night stand however.

my erotic lesson

rianiTF on Teen Stories

one afternoon in ICT i was sat next to a girl then i thought was rather fit and had ecanally felt her minge and tits but today so going alryt she had made no signs of wanting any sexaul actions so i just got on with my work for that day when i felt her hand rubbing up and down on my leg until she touched my cock and took her hand away so i thought i join in on the fun and felt up her leg until i tought her minge then i took me hand away she did the same again and this time kept her hand there for a whil wich trigger the start of a hardon and i felt up her skirt againg and rubbed her hot pant where her virgina lay and then took it away

she didnt do anything for the next ten mins until she said my name so i looked across and she had takin off her hotpants and reveled a neatly s

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haven virgina she took my hand and put it on her pussy and told me to rub.

now this would uselyy be a strange thing to do in middle of a ICT esson but most of the people where sitting on the other side of the room and i stared to rud her bald pusy her let out a silent moan of the penertration of my finger into her pussy it started to finger her gently touchen her clit i could feel she was gettin weter and weter i sped up the pace a in wich my fingers where penertrating her wet pussy her body jolted wich was obilvouisly her first orgasm then

the bell went and end of class but the action didnt stop there we headed of toward some lockers that we qickly moved forward so we could fir behind them then i began again fingering her in and out faster i went until she whispered in my ear "my turn" so i stopped for now and i could already feel her undoing my fly and trouser clip then i felt her and on my erection and started to toss me off she had a perfect techniqe starting slow with a fairly hard grasp and then getting faster sqeezing hat bit tighter she backed me agaisnt the wall and then let my trousers go and fell to her knees i could only guess wat she was going to do and with that thought i felt the warm slivery feel of her mouth over the head of my cock and sge was ggod at this blowjob thing aswell deepthroating me evertimeuntill i cummed in mouth and she swalled it straight away got and then said to me " make me cum" so then we switch i got down on my knees and inserted my tounge into her minge and started to lick her clit and in no time at all pussy jucies were flying all over the roof of my mouth

and i got bak up and we both got changed and the bell rang for lunch and of we went


Helping Mrs. Lane Get Pregnant Pt 6 of Random Seductions

Sultrybuxombbw on Forced Stories

I enjoyed all the sex I needed from Mr. Lane and Mr and Ms. Williams but I knew that Mrs. Lane had not really wanted to continue the free sex I had as a condition of my silence but I did not care. ONe day after making her eat my pussy she had confessed that she had just finished her period and was glad she had not gotten pregnant since she and Mr. Lane had been trying to have a baby and she was not on birth control pills. I was getting dressed when she told me that she wished I would stop blackmailing them all. "So you just finished your period?" I said and she said "Yes." "Good, then sex is good for you again. I will be back when I am ready." I said. "Oh, by the way, don't expect any cock from hubby for a while." I said and walked

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The next day I showed film of all of us in the heat of sex to Ms. Williams and Mr. Lane. Then I fucked him like crazy making him cum three times and eating Ms. Williams all I liked which was a lot. As we dressed and I left I turned, Mr. Lane." I said. "Yes Dearest Tess." he said. "No fucking the wife until I say so, understand?" "But we.."he began. "If I find that you do I have copies of the film. "Okay he said." And I told him I would be back every day to drain him to make sure he did not touch his wife.

Well, right about ovulation time I came to see Mrs. Lane. "What are you doing here?!" she demanded. She did not know I had two black friends from the near by college coming over later. "Well, just coming to relieve that sexual tensions that has to be building up." I said. "Yes, my husband told me what you have been doing, you really are a little bitch." she said. "Good, then he also told you of the films I guess." I said. "Now go undress." She walked to the bed room and I heard her take off her clothes and then James and Ronald drove up. They came up the walk and I let them in and kissed them and told them to undress. They did and I did also and their huge cocks were standing up. I went to the bedroom and told Mrs. Lane to lay on the bed and began tying her arms and legs apart with silk scarves. "What are yuo doing?" she said panicing..."Well, Mrs. Lane, you said you wanted to have a baby Hun, and, well, I decided to help arrange it." I began eating her pussy and soon had her wet and then got up, "James, Ronald, come and get it guys." I said and she began crying when she saw the two well hung black guys come into the room.

"Oh No, PLease, no, I can't have sex with them, I have never been with anyone but my husband, Oh please, I might get pregnant..I might..." she stopped when she saw the smile on my face. "Oh please, Tess, please no, I will do anything but please no." James, you first" I sad and guided him into her pussy making her cry out. "Be gentle dear, this white lady has never had real cock before." and we all laughed. He slipped into her and his skin was against her and she began crying. "Oh please no, Tess no, don't do this please." she kept crying over and over again. He pushed deeper into her tight pussy and she cried out as he streached her. "Oh Tess, it hurts, oh please make him stop, oh please no.." she was crying just as James rammed her hard and filled her with his cock. Her mouth was open but no sound came out as he began pumping her first slow then faster. After a while he humped her deep and sayed in her and grunted as he filled her pussy with his cum. "Oh yeh Baby, gotta be a little black baby in that load." he laughed. "Ronald, bring in the big meat" I said and she saw his cock that was bigger get to her pussy and I guided it in. "Oh please, Tess, let me clean out, please." she begged me. "No, you are going to get knocked up Mrs. Lane, that is al there is to it." I said and kissed her. Ronald, do her nice and deep and long, take you time Baby." I said kissing him.

He slowly slipped in and out of her pussy and she did not ever seem to enjoy it at all. She cried all the time and he kept on pumping in and out. Finally he sped up and filled her pussy with hot cum. "Oh please, Tess, let me go clean out, please, I can't get pregnant, not like this, please no." she begged me. "My Dear Mrs. Lane, you are not going to clean out, you are going to have your legs up and that sweet little ass of yours in the air so that as much cum as possible will swim up in there and find that little white egg." I sad and the guys sat back resting. "Oh, and by the way, Mr. Lane is staying over at the Williams tonight, so he will not be here to interupt the night I have planned for you." I said and she began crying again. Jay and Trey got there about midnight and came in, James and Ronald left and they took their places fucking Mrs. Lane. At times she had so much cum plopping out of her pussy that, to get the guys hot, I ate her cunt and licked it out of the overflow but they kept filling her up over and over again. For 3 days and nights I stayed, opening the door for guys to join us and others to leave. After I was certain her cycle had peeked I left her crying and numb on the bed that was soaked in cum and walked two guys out. I went back in and she was so weak she could not walk to the bathroom to clean herself out. Mr. Lane had called during the time and I had told him all was well.

The day came again and I went to school again and directly to his office, "Remember, no cock for the Mrs." and kissed him and left. He left early and the next day would not speak to me and for a week could not even get a hard cock until I really played with him. Sure enough when it came time for her period Mrs. Lane was late. The Lane's were going to play it up and she was going to go away for a while to her mother's home but I spread the rumor that she had gotten knocked up fucking black guys and was ashamed she had gotten caught. Well, In Alabama that pretty much ends your career as a Principal even if it is a rumor. They both left soon after it was out that she was pregnant. Mr. and Ms. Williams continued to enjoy playing and even came over to meet my aunt and uncle. I found later tha the baby had been put up for adoption up north where they had moved. BUt she never sould have refused to do as I asked her.



Innocent Offer Becomes a Dream Come True

littlee1952 on Incest Stories

My mother and father divorced when I was fourteen years old. When my father left my sister went with him. This made sense since she was in reality my stepsister, but she was in my mind my sister. For the first few months I really missed her because she was the only girl I had ever seen naked; not by her choice of course. I had become quite a peeping tom.  I had learned her daily routine and had a peephole drilled in my closet which to my luck went into her closet and to my luck she spent plenty of time in her closet trying to decide what to wear and most of this time she

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was nude.


Sometimes I thought she knew I was spying on her because it seemed like she was putting on a show for me, but she never ever acted like she knew. Well maybe it was wishful thinking. You can’t imagine how it felt to watch her strip naked at night, crawl into bed and leave the lamp on by her bed. She would rub herself for what seemed like hours sometimes and I would sit there in my closet and watch her rub herself into a violent orgasm. I would masturbate until I would shoot my load into a towel and then I would go to bed and dream what it would feel like to touch her moist pussy and kiss her 36 B tits. Yes I knew what size they were. I had looked in the dirty clothes hamper, smelling her soiled panties, looking at her bra and day dreaming about her.


But now she is gone and all I have is my memory and a pair of her panties that I took before she left and hid under my bed so I could lay in the bed at night sniffing and masturbating on them. Now I am seventeen and I have been on a few dates, but not by choice. I’m still a virgin. I’ve tried to make it with a girl but I am so shy I don’t know what to do when I’m with a girl. I am so dumfounded all I can think about is my sister. 


I’m in my senior year in high school and in a month I’ll be going to my senior prom. I really don’t want to go, but my mom insists that I go. Oh I should tell you about my mom. She is a wonderful person. She is the most understanding person I know. Since she divorced my father she has spent most of her time on her job. After my father left. My mom had to go to work. What little my father sent was hardly enough for us to live on. She got a job at a law firm answering the phones and she has worked her way up to personal assistant for the senior partner in the firm. The job pays a lot, but she has to work a lot of overtime so I have become the man of the house.


I’m not ashamed a to tell you I have become quite a good cook. Ok I’ll tell you I’m a good housekeeper so now you know. I’m not ashamed of it. My mom works hard and she deserves all the help I can give her. After all she has raised me by herself for almost four years now. I should tell you what my mom looks like. She is about five foot five and I’ll guess about one hundred twenty five pounds. She has light brown shoulder length hair. She has a wonderful figure and not an ounce of fat on her body; at least what I have seen.


On the weekends she dresses sometimes in shorts and a halter-top. She has a nice set of tits that don’t appear to sag at all under her tube tops with nipples about the size of the tip of my little finger. She also has a real nicely shaped sack, but I’ve never seen her naked and I haven’t even thought about it since she is my mom. Ok maybe a few late night wet dreams.


Well I went to my senior prom and it went over like a lead balloon. The girl I asked to the prom was in my second period algebra class. I thought she was the one that was going to take my virginity, but as luck would have it she started her monthly about halfway through the prom and she wanted to go home early. So I took her home. I couldn’t decide what to do with the hotel room I had already paid for so I decided to just go home and call it a night.


When I got home my mom was still up and sitting on the couch reading a book. She was dressed in a silk robe that showed a lot of thigh and even more cleavage, which I might add, didn’t help the feeling I had deep inside the pit of my stomach. I must have surprised her when I came in as she jumped when I walked in.


She asked, “What are you doing home so early? I really didn’t expect you home till sometime in the morning.”


“My date got sick and I took her home early,” I said.


She didn’t say anything, but she could see the disappointment in my eyes. “Would you want me to make you some hot chocolate?”


“Sure, mom that would be nice,” I replied.


What I really wanted was a rum and coke. When she returned she had two rum and cokes and she handed me one saying, “I hope it’s the way you like and before you say anything I know you’ve been sneaking a drink or two out of the bar for quiet some time.”


So I took the drink and smiled at her taking a drink. After two drinks my mom decided she was tired and was going to bed. She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. As she leaned over her robe came open a little more than usual and I saw her tits up close and personal. I reached around her and pulled her close and told her I loved her. She hugged me tight and with my head buried between her breasts I thought of her for the first time in a sexual way.


I held her for as long as she would stand there. She finally pulled herself from my grip and she stood up and looked at me in a very curious way. Then she started smiling and went to bed. I finished my drink and went to bed. also. I was tired and thought I would go to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, but that didn’t happen. I started thinking about my mom and the sight and feel of her breasts and almost instantly I got a raging hard on. 


I reached under my bed and got a bottle of lotion I kept under there for just that reason. I must have started making a lot of noise because all of the sudden the door opened and there was my mom standing there asking me if I was alright. She said I was calling her name and then both of us at the same time noticed I was laying there holding my nine inch cock in my hand. I jerked the covers over me and told her I was alright. She closed the door and went back to bed. Now I’m trying to figure out how in the hell I’m going to explain this.


The next morning I could hear my mom in the kitchen. It sounded like she was washing dishes or something. I just lay there.  I was not looking forward to facing her this morning. I thought about staying in my room until Monday morning when my mom left for work. All of the sudden there was a knock on my door and my mom said through the door that breakfast was ready. I told her ok. I thought to myself, ‘Now she decides to knock on the door.’


I got up, dressed and swallowing my pride I went into the kitchen to face my mom. She was standing by the sink so I sat down. “Good morning mom.”


Turning around she smiled and said, “Good morning son.” She sat down and we began to eat. Luckily for me she didn’t say anything about last night, so possibly she didn’t see anything. I was so relieved.


Saturday went by as usual. Mom went out and worked in the flower beds and I mowed the lawn and washed her car. Then I told her I was going to take a shower and then go play tennis if she didn’t have anything else for me to do.


“No sweetie, have a good time.”


I showered and got ready to leave. As I was walking down the drive to get into my car she asked me if I had plans for tonight or would I be home for supper. I told her I didn’t have any plans and I would be home early. She said she would fix me a good supper.


I played a couple of sets of tennis with a couple friends from school. Then we went to the refreshment stand to get something to drink and just hung out for a while. But when they started talking about how they scored with all these different girls I figured it was time for me to leave. I didn’t have anything to offer into this conversation and I couldn’t lie about it. I didn’t know what to say that would sound like I knew what I was talking about.


When I got home my mom was still in the kitchen. “Run up and take a shower and we can eat when you’re done,” she called out to me.


When I came back down and went into the dining room the table was set and mom had cooked a great looking meal. “Wow mom, it looks great. I’m about starving,” I laughed.


We ate about half our meal in silence and then finally mom spoke up, “We need to talk.”


I liked to have choked when she said that. “Ok,” I said, “about what?” if I didn’t already have a good idea what was coming next.


She said, “It’s about last night. Don’t worry I’m not mad. I just think we need to get something out in the open. I saw you masturbation the other night and I’m sorry I just walked in on you. I should have knocked, but to tell you the truth I masturbate myself and if anyone says they don’t they are probably lying. It’s a natural thing to do so don’t feel bad. I admit sometimes I think about you. Sometimes at night by myself you remind me so much of your dad in so many ways. But when I got a good look at the size of your cock it looked a whole lot larger than your dad’s.”


I sat there in total shock and didn’t no what to say and I’m not sure any words would have come out of my mouth if I knew what to say. My mom called my name several times and when I finally heard her she asked, “Are you in shock? You are old enough to talk to me like this don’t you think?”


“Yeah I do need someone to talk to with dad being gone, but I have a hard time talking to you looking you in the eyes like this mom.”

Mom said, “I have felt the bugle in your jeans when you hug me and I’ve seen your solider standing at attention under your shorts several times when we are watching TV. I see you look at me when you think I’m not looking and I have to admit it gets me wet just thinking that I can do that to you. So now that we have had this talk do you feel better?”


“Yes mom, I’m glad I don’t have to hide my feelings toward you..Do you think I’m weird or something is wrong with me to feel this way about you?”


“Of course not,” she said, “I‘m sure there are plenty of young men and moms who feel the same way about each other even though it is incest to react towards these feelings. But just feeling and having thoughts like this can’t hurt I don’t think. I know I’m going to continue having my thoughts are you?”


I could feel my face turn about three shades of red and I was having a hard time trying to think of what to say. Finally I said, “Mom I’m glad we had this talk. I can’t stop feeling this way and to be honest with you I really need to go take a cold shower because I am so turned on I think I’m going to bust.”


“Ok son, but never feel like you can’t talk to me about anything. I’ll always be here to talk to you. Ok go take your shower and I’ll to wash clothes so you’ll have plenty of water to take care of your problem,”she said giggling.


I walked bent over a little so as not to show my raging hard on. I got in the shower and was thinking about the ‘talk’ I just had with my mom and could not believe my cock was as hard as it was. I swear it looked bigger than usual. So I turned on the water, got the soap and started stroking my cock. I had my eyes closed and was thinking of my mom, wondering what she looked liked naked, how soft her breasts were and how the aroma of her pussy juices would smell. I was deep into thought and I didn’t notice that the shower curtain was open and my mom was standing there nude.


She said, “I hope you don’t mind, but I felt like I needed a shower to. Can I join you?”


So where in the hell am I’m going hide in a shower?  I looked at my mom and my god she was beautiful. She looked like a goddess. I was still holding my cock in my hand and she reached down and said, “Let me help you with that,” and she put her hand on my cock.


She couldn’t wrap her hand all the way around it and she said, “You are quite a bit bigger than your dad. As a matter of fact, I’ve never seen one this big.”


She looked up into my eyes and said, “I think we have crossed the line and there is no turning back now.”


She kissed me on the lips and then she stuck her tongue in my mouth and really kissed me like I’ve never been kissed before. My dream was finally coming together as I hoped it would. I’m standing in the shower with my mom and she is stroking my cock, but I can’t get up enough courage to reach out and touch my mom’s beautiful body. My mom was so busy with my cock she didn’t even notice I was just standing there. Then with very little warning I started shooting my load and my mom put her mouth around my cock and sucked me dry.

When she stood up she said I think we should finish taking our shower and go to my room and let me teach you a few things. We dried off and went to my mom’s room and she dropped her towel and patted the bed beside her and I got in the bed with her.


She said, “I know why you didn’t even touch me in the shower. It’s because you don’t know how to treat a woman but now we are going to have a lesson in the art of foreplay. Now give me your hand and let me guide you. Do as I say and we will have a night we will never forget. Your dad got my cherry and now I’m going get your cherry.”


She reached down and taking my hand laid it on her breast and slowly started rubbing her tit with my hand. She told me to take her nipple in between my two fingers gently rub it between my fingers. She told me to put my mouth on her other nipple and to start sucking on it and to roll it around in my mouth with my tongue.


My mom started moaning and quivering and she said, “Oh god baby you’re going to make me cum.”


She grabbed my already rock hard cock and started stroking as fast as she could saying, “I want us to cum together!”


I started shooting my load and my mom was moving around so fast and moaning so loud I lost the grip I had on her breast. She arched her back and screamed. Then she just went limp on the bed and she said that was the first time in a long time that she came like that. She put her arms around me and held me saying, “I know what we are doing is wrong but I love you so much I can’t help myself.”


I hugged her real tight and said, “I love you to mom so much and I don’t care how wrong it is because it feels so right.”


We lay there for a while just holding each other and then she took hold of my hand and starting rubbing her breasts and then slowly down her stomach. I started to feel her pubic hair and she had a real thick bush. I had only seen one other pussy before and that was my sister’s and it was bald. I guess I thought that all women shaved their pussies.


She moved my hand down to her pussy lips and it was so wet from when she had that massive orgasm. She took her hand away from my hand and said, “I’ll show you what to do.”


She took her hand and spread her lips and inserted her finger in her pussy and started go in and out. She would make a circle motion and she said do you see this at the top of my pussy? I looked at where she was pointing and it looked like a small head of a cock. She said that is my clitoris I want you to take your middle finger and stick it all the way in me and curl upwards and you will find my g-spot and then take your thumb and put it on my clitoris and start finger fucking me.


I did as I was told and she went wild. I could barely keep up with her. She reached for my rock hard cock and started to stroke me and before I could tell her that I was going to cum it was over. She just screamed and started to licking my hot cum off her hand. Then she started to cum a hot sticky liquid in seemed like bucketfuls and then she just went limp and smiled.

I held my mom for a couple of minutes and I started to rub her pussy again and she opened her legs and arched her back. I started kissing her stomach and then down to her inner thigh I could smell the sweet musk from her pussy. I wanted to taste it so I started kissing and licking her pussy and she went wild again. I didn’t want to stop but all the pubic hair was more than I could stand. She asked me what was the matter I told her I wanted to fuck her. I didn’t want to tell her about the hair. I got on top of her and stuck my dick in her and started pumping in and out real fast. She grabbed my hips and told me to slow down. I wasn’t going to get all of it so slow down and enjoy it. We fucked a few minutes and I started cumming and when I finished I started to roll off and she held me and said lay still she wanted to feel me inside her.


We lay there for a few minutes and then she said, “Let’s take a shower.”


We got in the shower and started to wash each other. She said, “I have to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth. When you were eating my pussy you didn’t act like you liked it. Was there something wrong?”


”Well mom, I liked it but the hair was getting in my mouth and I didn’t like that. I did; however, like eating your pussy.”


“Ok honey, I’m glad you were honest with me. I was afraid there was something wrong with me.”


We finished showering, got out and dried off. I went to my room and slipped on my boxers. My mom called me and said, “Come here honey.”



I went to her room and she was laying on the bed on a towel and beside her was a pair of scissors a razor and some shaving cream...


More to come if you would like. Let me know .    





A.G.Thomas on Animal Stories

                                                       Pack Bitch


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bsp;                                               A. G. Thomas

She tried not to stare, but time and again her eyes darted back to the animals haunches, or rather to what was protruding below them. My God he was big, not just in length either. A strange tickling feeling flared up between her legs spreading upward throughout her willowy frame before seemingly centering on her breast. The sensation was so overpowering that her nipples actually began to ache.

Without consciously being aware of her actions her hands moved in two directions at once. One, downward between her legs and the growing dampness, while the other moved upward to her highly sensitive nipples. The animal, which until then had seemingly been ignoring her, turned his head fixing his eyes on her. For long immeasurable minutes beast and human female stared one at the other but then the link was broken as the bitch beside him whimpered for his attention.

But instead of mounting her for yet a third time he growled and snapped at her. As the female slunk to her belly and crawled a few feet away the great beast once more turned to stare at Natalie. A soft ohhh slipped from her lips and her eyes drifted closed as her fingers rubbed over her clit sending an electric like shock through her. For a second as she shivered in secondary response to the small orgasm she had achieved a picture formed in her mind.

Like a trap that had been sprung her eyes snapped open as if to assure her brain that what it had seen wasn't real. That it was but a disgusting figment of imagination. As if a fire had been lit beneath her she jumped to her feet along with pulling her hand out from beneath her husbands large flannel hunting shirt.

Her senses went into overload as they tried to digest and prioritize everything thing that had happened in the few seconds that her eyes had been closed. Filthy, disgusting, depraved images. Her cell phone ringing. The magnificent, wild, beast, panting heavily and with eyes locked on her, mere feet from her. With the depraved scenario again filling her brain and with panic so great that it seemed to be choking her she turned and fled for the safety of the cabin.

As she flung open the screen door and rushed inside she looked back over her shoulder. She was sure, could have sworn, that the beautiful beast was right behind her and about to pounce but he hadn't moved toward the door. No he was still standing on her porch where she had been sitting so he hadn't moved except for cocking his head as if mystified by her behavior. Pulling up short she turned to face the beast muttering more to herself then him "you frighten me boy."

For a moment the large beast, more beautiful and regal then she imagined any wild animal had a right to be continued to study her, and then he turned and unhurriedly moved from her porch and walked from the clearing. A sense of lose that she was hard pressed to explain washed over her as she watched him disappear amongst the trees.

She was sure that she had witnessed something that few other humans had been lucky enough to, and she had done so from the front porch of her cabin. Would his bitch get pregnant she idly wondered. She couldn't imagine how it would be otherwise she lightly giggled at the memory of what she had witnessed. My God, he must have seeded her at least four times with each taking of her. He had been the perfect example and definition of what an alpha male should be like.

Turning from the screen door she walked the few feet to the combination kitchen dining room and picked up her phone. Hitting redial she waited patiently for her husband to pick up. As she did her thoughts drifted back to last summer when her husband of three years had first shown and informed her that he had purchased the small three room hunting cabin.

She had gone ballistic and had made no small bones about saying she hated the place. She was a city girl not some country bumpkin. What would happen if, God forbid, one of them was injured she'd screamed. The nearest town, and that just a general store and a gas station was eighteen miles away. How would the other cope. What would / could he / she do? Why had he bought it anyway without consulting her. Hadn't they always made decisions together before?

Her tirade had gotten worse as she had screamed if he thought she was going to come up here during hunting season he was crazy. She wasn't going to stay in the cabin alone while he was out chasing bambi. Hunters could break in and rape her for God sake. Didn't he love or care about her.

As is often the case though when one gives something a chance, instead of hate there is love. By their third visit and that during hunting season her attitude about the cabin and the solitude had drastically changed. And now here she was, alone but strangely not lonely, the second hunting season after Timothy had purchased the cabin.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that at first she didn't realize that her husband had answered the phone.

"Honey I'm sorry. I won't be able to break away from here and join you for at least three days. Way things are looking though there's a good chance I won't get there before the weekend. Old man Richardson's got his ass in an uproar. Something about a shipment that should have been in Toledo a week ago but for all anybody knows wound up in bum fuck Egypt instead. I'm sorry, really I am. Maybe you should just pack up and come on back."

"Tim.... Timothy its alright. Really it is. You just get things sorted out and I'll see you in three days."

"But I know how uncomfortable you are staying there alone. I'll never be able to forgive myself if something should happen. I mean I know how frightened your are of hunters coming by. No I'd rather you come home. We'll visit the cabin some other time. Maybe this winter. We've never been to the cabin in the winter time, it should be really beautiful with all the snow."

"No silly I'm staying. The chances of a hunter coming anywhere near the cabin is next to nil. Besides I've got a protector." With that she began to tell him about the huge wolf that she had seen. But hardly had she began to tell him in detail about what she had witnessed then he cut her short whispering that Mr. Richardson had just stepped into his office.

With a whispered I love you and a promise to see her as soon as he could the connection was broken. Without putting down her phone she turned and walked back to the door of the cabin to look out at all the beautiful fall colors. Without realizing she was doing so her eyes scanned the edges of the woods searching for the regal animal that had so stirred feelings in her.

That night as she slept, and while dreams of what had transpired less then fifteen feet from her that afternoon played in a continuous loop, her husband sat in a dark bar 500 miles away talking to a stranger.

"She'll be there God damn it he growled as he pushed a bulky envelope along with a picture of Natalie across the table. You just make sure you do what I'm paying you for. No, I don't give a flying fuck what you do to her. Rape her, torture her, cut off her little tits, do whatever sick little thing you want to the bitch I don't care. Just make sure that when I get to the cabin Sunday evening I'm a widower. You do that and come next week there'll be another $10,000 in your P.O. Box."

The gleam of perversion that twinkled in the strangers eyes as he looked down at the picture of Tim's beautiful wife sent a cold chill up the mans back. For a second he almost felt pity for her being in the hands of this manic for better then four days. Would his torture of her be such that she would go crazy from the pain he inflicted before he finally slit her throat. Well it was out of his hands now. Best not to think about it or he'd be sick.

His thoughts were such that it was a moment before he realized that the sicko had spoken. "Yeah that's fine. The sooner you leave the better. Just make sure that the job is finished no later then Sunday and that your long gone before I arrive."

For several seconds the stranger looked into Tim's eyes waiting for him to change his mind. For him to blurt out to simply put a bullet into the raven haired beauty's head. Most of his contracts were handled that simply, even when he was told to make it look like a house burglary or mugging. It was seldom that he was allowed to practice that which he truly loved, and here it had been handed to him on a silver platter.

He was certain that the fat old fucker had no idea of the anguish, the torment, the pain that his wife was going to endure before she was finally allowed to die. Maybe he would stick around just to see the assholes reaction when he walked into their cabin. It would almost be worth the extra $10,000 just to watch him puke his guts out when he saw her blooded mangled body.

Yeah that'd be something to see alright. Especially if the first thing he saw upon entering the cabin was her decapitated head. With a last sick smile at Tim the stranger stood and walked from the bar.

Stepping from the shower Natalie walked the ten or so steps to her suitcase naked and unconcerned. After all who was there to see her? Not once in any of their visits had they seen another soul. Not even during the last hunting season when she had most expected them too. They had heard the faint echo's of several shots toward sundown their last night in the cabin though. Opening her suitcase she laid out the clothes she had brought before deciding on her 3 piece chiffon lace set.

Not exactly what one would choose to wear while traipsing through the woods she lightly giggled. Then again traipsing through the woods hadn't been in her plans. If such had been she would have brought along jeans or at the least shorts. No she had brought what she had hoped would excite and arouse Timothy.

He had been so distant and moody of late. She had honestly looked forward to them being alone. With but three rooms there was no way that he could have ignored her. Especially with her prancing around in skimpy provocative clothes. Oh well his loss.

Slipping on her G-string then lace ruffled micro mini she brushed the tangles from her long black hair before tying on the matching soft bra top. Don't get to excited now trees she lightly giggled as she stepped from the cabin and headed toward the woods in one of the least risqué outfits that she had brought.

As she made her way beneath the canopy of bright fall colors the thought that for all the people she was likely to come upon, even though it was hunting season, she could just as well have gone naked teased at her brain. Well maybe tomorrow I will she mused as she turned in the direction of the stream that ran through their 1500 acres.

At the thought of her running amongst the trees like a naked wood nymph her light tingling laughter was picked up and carried along by the gentle breeze. Unknown and unseen thirty or so yards to her left and behind her a dark shadow quietly stalked her. Were the fuck is she going dressed like that the killer wondered as he flitted amongst the shadows.

Surely she's not just out for a walk in the woods dressed like that. Is she cheating on him? Is that why he wants her killed the way he does? If she is cheating on him then with who? And if so then why in the hell didn't her lover just come to the cabin?

At the thought of a lover being with her he literally salivated. Two for the price of one he silently maniacally giggled. Visions of how it would play out floated before his eyes. Her tied to the bed, the man to a chair so he could watch every gory minute of her torture. And when, just before her torment became to great to bare and her mind snapped, he would hang her from a beam like a hunter would a deer and have her lover cut her fucking head off. He might even have the guy gut her too before he blew his head off with a shotgun.

The ache in his loins snapped his mind back to the present but his raging hard on seemed not to notice. He could feel his cock leaking like a dripping faucet because of the scenario he had envisioned. He couldn't afford to think of what ifs or what might be. Lover or no lover he had a job to do, and he better concentrate on it.  

God damn it I should have taken her while she was prancing around the cabin naked instead of letting my curiosity get the better of me he mused. Damn, damn, damn, this is cutting into my fun time. He had just decided to make his move when to his surprise she suddenly disappeared.

God damn it he should have been watching her more closely instead of envisioning the pain and torment he was going to inflict. Still, and despite his self recrimination her naked image wavered before him. Together with shaking his head to clear it of the vision a sick smile curled his lips. He would see her naked body again real soon, of that there was no doubt. Moving forward he rushed after her, not realizing until he was a good ten feet into a clearing that he had stepped from the tree line.

But that wasn't what stopped him. The wolfs did. Snatching his gun from his shoulder holster he prepared to fire if they rushed him. Surprisingly though the wolfs seemed not to have noticed him. Their attention, especially the one damn near as big as a shetland pony seemed to be on something beside the creek. A dead deer perhaps? Well what ever it was he didn't need to see it. He had game of his own to find.

Slowly so as not to attract their attention he backed from the clearing and angled off through the woods as quietly as he could. If he didn't find her soon he'd just go on back to the cabin and wait for her. Better to accost her there then in the woods and have to lug her back.

Laying as quietly and as still as she could Natalie's eyes darted from one to the other of the five wolf's, though more often then not they focused on the huge silver tip. She had known that he was beautiful before. but now that he was almost close enough for her to touch he was absolutely magnificent. Even as her eyes feasted on the beast a part of her mind scolded her for not remembering his presence

For a second the magnificent wolfs eyes flitted to the woods. His stance shifted, his muscles coiled as if he were about to bound off. Was his mate there? If so, would she again be witness to his taking of her? At the thought of again witnessing him mate a feeling like that of a million butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach. But that wasn't the only sensation she felt. Heat flared from between her legs spreading upwards to her breast.

A soft involuntary moan issued from her. Without conscious awareness her left hand slid to her breast, her fingers teasing her nipple to pebble like hardness while her right crept across her thigh and beneath her short skirt. Her eyes, still on the huge beautiful wolf as his attention focused on where she had exited the woods, became mere slits as the sensations rippling through her increased. Suddenly, realizing that she was fantasizing not about him and his mate but of him and her, her eyes flew open wide and her hands jerked from her body.

It was as she fought to get her breathing under control that she became aware that the huge beast attention was once more on her. Through fascinated eyes she watched as his head rose and his nostrils flared testing the wind. But it was the other thing that she saw that pulled her eyes as surely as a magnet would steel shavings. With her attention focused on him as he took a step and then two more toward her, it was several heartbeats before she became aware that the other wolf's had also moved closer to her.

Oh God there going to kill me. How could you be so stupid as to forget them her mind screamed. Her first instinct was to run, and with the thought in mind she pushed herself up on her elbows looking for a possible avenue of escape.

A low rumbling growl emitted from the huge beast that was now so close to her that his breath was like a blast furnace on her face. For what seemed like an eternity eyes as blue as a summer sky bored into ones of soft hazel then the beast slowly lowered his head. His blast furnace hot breath scorched her flesh as his head dipped ever lower before finally stopping scant inches from the juncture of her thighs.  

Flashes of a National Geographic special of how wolfs hunted shot through her brain. Pictures of how a pack closed in on a sick or weak deer. Of how they went for the helpless animals legs, crippling him so that he couldn't run before tearing out his throat and feasting on his flesh till their hunger was satiated shown on the walls of her skull.

Oh God, oh God, oh God I'm going to die and no one will ever find my body her mind wailed as salvia, as hot as scalding water, dripped from the huge animals jowls searing the flesh of her inner thigh. Despite her impending end a maniacal burst of laughter echoed in her brain. Wolf's did not attack humans. In all the history of the America's there had never been a report of them doing so.

There is always a first time for everything though, and it looked as if this was one of those times. She was about to make history, and there was not a single animal rights or other fanatical activist here to witness it her mind babbled. She was not aware that in her fear that she had hysterically vocalized such until she felt the huge animals muzzle against her throat. Please, please let him kill me quickly. Please God, please don't let me suffer.

Even as the rambling soulful plea raced through her brain the huge beast, after running his tongue over her jugular and up to her ear, once more lowered his head to the juncture of her legs. As his opened jowls touched her flesh her muscles quivered involuntarily lifting her thigh hard against his cold wet nose.

Her relief that the animals head had snapped up and back was short lived as from the corner of her eye she saw the others lunge toward her. But just as it looked as if she would be torn to pieces a rumbling coughing growl burst from the beast above her. As if the four had run into an invisible barrier their forward movement stopped less then an arm length from her.

He had saved her. The silver tip had saved her. But why? Slowly, ever so slowly she reached out to the huge beast with her right hand stopping just inches from his muzzle. Just as slowly he moved his massive head forward sniffing, testing, and then his muzzle was against her hand. For several rapid heartbeats he sniffed her hand then to her surprise his lolling tongue pushed against her palm and up over her fingers.

Again and again his rough wet tongue lapped at her fingers and with each contact a tingling vibration shot from them up through her arm. Suddenly without warning his massive head dropped to her thigh. Panic stricken she opened her mouth to scream in anticipation of his tearing at her leg. But the expected gnashing of teeth and the ripping of flesh never came. Instead his sandpaper like tongue licked from mid thigh to the hem of her short skirt.

Again and again his tongue moved over her leg. With each slobbering lap his tongue moved higher and just as had happened when he'd licked her fingers an electric like charge burst upward from her womanhood spreading throughout her slight frame. Her stomach felt as if it were doing flip flops and against her will she felt herself getting wet as together with his muzzle pushing against her short skirt his slobbering tongue lapped over her panty covered treasure.

Without willing them to her legs parted as his muzzle pushed insistently and demandingly between them. Small gasping ohh's issued from her trembling lips as a nano second after the beast cold nose again pressed against her G-string his thick wet tongue lapped up over the dampness. Better then any lover's ever had, his tongue lapped and pushed at her G-string. The force of his actions so great that the thin material covering her was pushed into her exposing her outer lips.

Unbidden her hips jerked pushing her loins against his muzzle. But instead of the huge beast moving from her his tonguing pressed harder, more persistently, to her now sopping wet G-string. It honestly felt as if the huge animal was pushing the thin material inside her, using it like a condom as his thick sandpapery tongue licked and stabbed at her soul.

As if with a mind of their own her hands shot out, her fingers curling into his thick soft hair just behind his ears pulling him with her as she fell backwards. For a stuttering gasping breath the savage beast stiffened and then like the wild beast he was he renewed his attack. Without thought her legs splayed wider, welcoming, encouraging him. In a ritual as old as time itself her loins quivered, jerked and ground against the magnificent beast muzzle meeting each deep stabbing probe of his thick wet tongue.

Gasping choked sobs of yes, oh God yes, spilled from her trembling lips as the wild animals tongue lapped and prodded her sacred jewell. Never had she felt a sensation such as what was roaring through her. She felt as if she were on fire, that flames were licking over her flesh, searing her, scorching her, consuming her, and she didn't care.

Yet in the midst of her rapture a small scared voice whispered that what was happening was wrong, that it was disgusting and filthy and she perverted for becoming aroused by what the animal was doing. But another voice, a gurgling passion filled voice repeatedly screaming but one word, and that yes, drowned out the weak voice.

She felt her soul tearing from her body, felt it shooting heavenward. But even as it did it looked back. She saw herself lying beside the stream; saw the magnificent wild beast between her bent splayed legs; saw her loins jerking and grinding against his attack and her own small hands trying desperately to pull the beast large head tighter to that which but one man had ever been familiar with.

She saw other things, things that she hadn't even been aware of until her soul, dragging her mind with it shot into the star filled firmament. It was at the moment of her unbelievably mind shattering orgasm that she realized that it had not been brought on solely by the silver tip.

His teeth nipping at her G-string, bothering it much as a domesticated dog would a chew toy. The thin material shredding, ripping apart as easily as if made from paper the huge beast renewing his attack on her defenseless wanting pussy even as the other four wolfs licked her arms, chest, face and throat. A brilliant display of fireworks exploded on the backs of her eye lids and her body shook and trembled as if from a high fever.

Her ear shattering wail of rapture gurgling into silence as a wolfs tongue stabbed between her opened lips. Instinctively and without thought her lips closed trapping the tongue stabbing at her tonsils. But before her own tongue could lash out to meet and duel with the probing appendage it was jerked from between her lips.

Even as the tongue jerked from between her lips what felt like a fist being driven into her stomach knocked the air from her lungs. Her back arched pushing her up higher, harder against the long thick tongue touching her in places that her husbands penis never had. Another gurgling scream of rapture burst from her throat as explosion after explosion scorched her eyes and threatened to melt her brain. All this she heard and saw in the split second before darkness, peaceful, glorious, blessed darkness.

Out of the depths of the darkness a kaleidoscope of hazy images of what had transpired floated toward her. But before they drew near enough to make out detail all to quickly they were replaced by another. A clap of thunder, the vibration of paws pounding over the ground. Growls, the snarling and gnashing of teeth and strangely what sounded like screams, the last which ended in a gurgling cough, interrupted the flow of photographs. But it was the two successive explosions like the claps of thunder as the guttural scream became a gasping gurgle that slowly pulled her up from the darkness.

How long she lay there she didn't know, but when she came to she was alone. For several long minutes she lay there her face flushed with shame at her response to the animals administrations. Slowly gathering her wits about her she inspected herself and her clothing. Her bra, somehow its strap having come undone, was loosely dangling from one breast while her G-string, shredded and nothing more then a useless piece of cloth dangled from her left knee.

Sitting up she straightened and retied her bra before pulling her useless panties down and off. A quick inspection of the clearing confirmed that the great beautiful beast and the others were no where about. Neither did she see them on the fringes of the woods, but that did not mean that they weren't close. Why, when she was completely at their mercy, had they left? A movement off to her left pulled her eyes in that direction.

As strange as it was her heart leaped for joy. They hadn't left. They were still here. As the thoughts filled her brain the huge silver tip broke from the others. Unconcernedly he trotted toward her his large tongue lolling and dripping spittle with each step. Not daring to move for fear that he still might hurt and possibly kill her she froze. With her eyes on his every step she couldn't help but notice the unbelievably large swaying appendage between his legs. But it was his muzzle which appeared to be stained with blood that held her attention. Had he and the others killed a dear after they had left her?

For a fleeting moment her eyes moved from him to the others. There were only three now. Where was the fourth she wondered as unlike the big silver tip the others did not advance toward her. Instead, to her surprise and astonishment, they stayed on the very edge of the woods but spread out as if they were sentries.  Even as she pondered their behavior the huge magnificent beast brushed against her very much as he had done to his bitch the day before.

Hesitantly she reached out to touch his broad back. When instead of shying away from her he rubbed harder against her she ran her fingers through his long soft hair along the length of his back. Slowly, all the while continuing to run her fingers along his back and side, she pulled her legs under her and rose to her knees. "Good doggy, so friendly, so nice. Your not going to hurt Natalie are you boy." As if in answer the huge head slipped beneath her arm and his long sandpapery tongue licked her armpit. A giggle burst from her at his touch and she pushed against him to make him stop.

Again and yet again his tongue swiped over her ribcage across her chest and up to her throat. Each time his tongue trailed over her lilting girlish giggles issued from her throat. Without thinking her arms encircled his strong neck in an effort to escape his tongue. But the beast wouldn't be denied. With a shake of his head he pulled from her grasp while at the same time pushing against her knocking her from her knees.

Before her buttocks touched the ground his head was between her legs and his long thick tongue was again spearing at her womanhood. Instinctively she pushed against his large head while at the same time trying to edge away from his persistent attack. But her efforts were futile, and before his sandpapery thick tongue had swiped over her a third time every muscle of her body seemed to turn to jelly.

Her small hands fluttered as if she was unsure what to do with them, but then together with soft moans of passion issuing from her lips her fingers grasped the wolfs ears pulling his large head to her. For several minutes the large wolf satisfied himself with lapping at the juices dripping from her as steady as water from a leaking faucet. Suddenly and without warning together with his head raising and a barking howl erupting from his throat he stepped further over her.

Her arousal reawakened, she reached out seeking to pull him to her, but he was to strong, to powerful. Whimpers of frustration vibrated in her throat as she tried to squirm from beneath him far enough to once again feel his tongue slither over and in the bubbling, seething cauldron between her legs. Her efforts though were for naught as he, fully straddling her petite body, turned his head in the direction of the others.

With his attention seemingly focused on them and ignoring her, he emitted several coughing barks. As for Natalie her attention shifted from her need to again feel his tongue lapping at her to that which protruded from beneath his haunches. Time seemed to stand still as more and more of the pointed purplish thing emerged from its protective sheath. Unable to stop herself she reached up closing her fingers about then moving them over the growing length of doggy cock.

That's all he is her mind tittered, a doggy, a big wild doggy and she was touching his thing. A rumbling groan, almost to low for human hearing, pulsated in the animals chest at her touch. Excited yips and howls answered even as he broke from her grasp and began prancing over and about her like a young playful puppy.

Time and again as he pranced about and over her his tongue licked over various areas of bare flesh. Her abdomen, her face, her thighs, all became repeatedly familiar to his slobbering sandpapery tongue. But it was his organ, which with each passing minute protruded ever further from his sheath, and which brushed against her with almost as much frequency as his tongue that seared her flesh with greater intensity.

Her arms, her legs and even her face felt the touch of his pointed purplish red organ. With each touch, a shock as if that from a jolt of electricity hit her nerve endings both numbing and exciting them. She both wanted to escape from the mind numbing sensations his tongue and organ were inflicting upon her and rip away what little clothes remained so that there was no part of her he could not touch.

Her brain, a jumble of discordant utterances tugging her this way and that began to slowly wind down. Without guidance she was left to operate on instinct dulled by tens of thousands of years of evolution. Yet somehow she knew that she must always face this savage beast that with a snap of his jaws could snuff out her life.

When he next stepped from over her she rolled away from him then with the litheness of a lioness pulled her knees beneath her and whirled to face him. But he wasn't where she had expected him to be. Panic stricken her head swiveled about, her eyes frantically searching for him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him but before she could twist about to face him his weight came down on her back.

His 140 plus pounds was to great, her ams buckled then collapsed under the strain driving her face first into the soft green earth. At the last second she turned her face both to keep from suffocating and to try to look back at him. His forearms locked about her thin waist, his paws pressed into her splayed thighs as if seeking to pull her to him. Positioned as she was she was open to his assault and he took advantage of it as only an animal would.

Time and again his hairy pelvis thrust against her pushing her forward, this despite her head against the earth and his hold upon her. With each almost frantic bucking of his loins his swaying almost iron hard organ slithered against her thighs, her pussy, her anus.  A wail of noooo burst from her chest as she realized to late what his intension were.

She tried to pull away, but his forearms gripped her as tight as her husbands hands ever had. In desperation she began to buck and twist in an effort to escape from beneath him as again and again his hairy pelvis beat against her. His spongy yet unbelievably hard thing poked continually against her slit, her butt cheeks, her thighs, though not always in that order. Each touch, each prod of his organ was like a match held to her flesh. But instead of pain there was...........

His hot panting breath on the back of her neck. His slobber, dripping from open jowls onto her burning flesh was like water dropped onto a hot skillet. Continuous weak whimpers of noooo tumbled from her lips as her mind filled with pictures of what she must look like, with what she would look like if he did manage to enter her.

Even as the picture of her beneath him, her heart shaped buttocks pointing heavenward and open to his attack filled her brain the beast accomplished that which he was endeavoring. As the beast hard organ drove into her instinctively and without thought together with pushing back against him her back arched and her head flew up and back. A garbled animal like growl welled from deep in her heaving chest shatter the silence of the glen.

In one quick motion more cock then her husband ever dreamed of possessing pushed into her. To her shame her pussy flared open to accommodate him as he bored into her and then it closed about him like a glove covered fist. A shudder ran up her spine slamming into the base of her skull and another long garbled wail burst from her lips as after almost withdrawing he again thrust into her.

With a pace that only an animal can set he began driving into her. Each thrust so powerful and deep that the wind was forcefully pushed from her lungs. Her shallow gasping breaths blended with then were drowned by the wolfs rapid labored breathing. His muzzle borrowing into her hair, his lolling tongue trailing over her neck and shoulder more intimate and personal then any lovers.

Slowly at first then faster her loins undulated and pushed back to meet his jackhammer like thrust. With each deep thrust she could feel his long, thick pointed organ beating against her womb as rapidly and forcefully as an angry fist on a door.

He's breeding me! The magnificent beautiful beast is breeding me just as he did his bitch her mind slobbered as incoherent gibberish spilled from her lips. She tried to tell him to fuck her, to stick his long thick doggy dick into her and breed her just as he had his bitch. But all that came from her lips were repeated gasping ugh's and pleasurable moans.

As if reading her mind the savage beast short jerking thrust grew ever faster. His cock swelled, seemed to grow to twice its normal size. What felt to her like a tennis ball slammed repeatedly against her cuntial lips before slowly inexorably they opened to admit this newest invasion. Pain such as she had only known when her virginity had been taken slammed into her brain like a run away freight train. Her mouth opened to scream but other then a long drawn out pitiful gurgling she made no other sound.

Her head dropped back to the soft green earth, her cheek rubbing over the grass as, no longer impeded by his knot, the tip followed by at least two inches of his cock entered her womb. An instant later with the force of a water hose being turned on the savage animal flooded her womb and cervix with his watery scalding hot spunk.

The sensory receptors in her brain began to trip like overloaded circuit breakers at a power station and for a moment she lost consciousness. How long she was out she had no way of knowing. It could have been as little as a minute or as long as an hour but when she came to the magnificent animal was again driving into her just as rapidly and forcefully as before he had filled her womb with his seed.

In answer to his administrations her slight body writhed and convulsed in orgasmic pleasure. Though she could not hope to meet his powerful rapid thrust she did push forcefully back at him glorying in his masterful use of her. For the first time in a long time she found her voice. In between gasp of pleasure and arousal she pleaded with him, begged him, implored him to breed her, to make her his bitch.

When next he filled her womb promises to give him cubs, to give him a litter that he could be proud of were screamed at the heavens. Her insides felt as if aflame as his hot doggy spunk flowed into her in a seemingly endless stream. She felt her belly swelling from the force and volume of his ejaculation and she didn't care. She was his bitch and he was breeding her and somehow through her grunts, ugh's and gasping ohm's she managed to plead he never stop. That he continue to breed her, that he continue to fill her with his scalding hot spunk till either her belly burst or she was impregnated.

The beast, naturally oblivious to that which she desired tried to dismount. His knot, though having shrunk down to the size of a cue ball, continued to keep him tied to her despite his efforts. But it wasn't just his knot which kept them tied, it was the tightness with which the strange female continued to grip him despite his having seeded her twice. In frustration he did as he would do with his packs alpha bitch when she didn't release him. His hind claws raked the strange bitch's bent legs while at the same time he nipped at her mane and shoulder.

Still she refused to let him go. From somewhere deep in his canine brain the thought that this bitch would gain undying loyalty of the three remaining young males of his pack if he were to give her to them flickered. With her as their breed bitch they would not attempt to usurp him, would not attempt to breed his alpha female thus weakening the packs offspring.

Yet there was something about her that tugged at him. Something that made him think that she would be a good and obedient alpha bitch. Unable to think like a human, or even a family pet that had been taught to fuck its human mistress he never the less reasoned that she was not strong enough to fight and win position of alpha female.

But it wasn't just his instinct as to the strange females strength and ability to be the packs alpha female that turned his thought process back to his initial way of thinking. It was the hazy image of hairless and weak offspring who unable to run and hunt as the others of his pack were instead dependent upon them. With a savage coughing growl he closed his slavering maw on the back of the strange bitches neck.

As he began pounding into her for the third time her whimpers and gasp drove him to heights that his alpha bitch never had. As if more to punish then with the intent of breeding her he drove into her tightly gripping hot cunt with a savagery and intensity that only an animal is capable of. Releasing the strange bitches neck he raised his head and howled out his release as with an intensity that he had never known his cock exploded.

Like a fire hose that had been turned from a spray to a solid stream spunk flowed from his cock in a seemingly never ending flood. What little of the bitches womb that hadn't already been coated with his hot watery spunk was inundated. Only a second after the alpha male had howled out his release and even as her belly swelled to that of a woman three months pregnant Natalie's head rose from the ground. Her coughing grunts and incoherent gibbers of pleasure joining that of the beast riding her.

Like a duet of wolfs their labored breaths, their rasping coughs, became as one as Natalie with body trembling and writhing like that of a person having an epithetic fit finally collapsed beneath the wolf. Only the fact that her knees had been beneath her as the beautiful silver tip had used her kept her pert firm buttocks at an opportune angle as she again sunk into oblivion.  

With his knot down to the size of a soda can he had little trouble with finally pulling from her. Without his knot acting as a plug hot thin wolf spunk flowed from her well used cunt like water from a bursting dam. When next she became aware it was to him lapping her swollen leaking slit. As his thick long tongue licked and probed her well used pussy she pushed back against his muzzle repeatedly and softly hissing yes, oh God yes, lick your bitches nasty doggy loving cunt, lick me.

All to soon though his tongue left her. She started to push herself upright and turn to face him, to throw her arms about his neck but a low ominous growl followed by hairy forelegs again gripping her waist stopped her. Even as her brain giggled my God he's going to use me a fourth time a small part of her sex crazed brain registered the fact that there was something not quite as it was before.

There was more eagerness, more urgency. It was as if he were trying to climb atop her as with legs kicking and hairy loins pounding against her he tried to enter her for an unbelievable fourth time. A garbled choked hiss of yes oh God yesssss fuck your bitch, fuck me spilled from her lips as his shaft bored into her with the rapidity and power of a jackhammer. All she could do was push backwards as he danced around behind her as if his tail were on fire.

In an effort to escape his claws from raking her calfs and thighs in his eagerness she splayed her legs wider thus lowering her body to better accommodate him. His knot, not as large as before, slapped against her leaking puffed lips. As if with a mind of their own her lips flared welcoming, encouraging him to sink into the furtherest depths of her being. There was no pain, only bliss as his hairy loins beat against her upthrust buttocks in a tattoo. Explosions of light blotted out the trees, the sky, the beautiful silver tip whose belly her head was against......  

An ever so faint whisper wormed through her mind numbing orgasm. Her beautiful savage beast was before her. Her face was inches from his flaccid cock and she was again being breed. How was that possible? But even as she asked the question a high pitched voice giggled one of the other wolfs. Your being breed by another wolf. Lifting her head slightly she inched forward before together with another orgasm flashing through her numbed brain like a comet she pressed her face into the silver tips belly.

She could feel his slimy flaccid cock against her cheek, could feel the animal behind her franticly kicking and twisting in an effort to pull from her. But none of it mattered as another explosion tore through the mush once called her brain. Wiggling her buttocks as encouragement for the wolf to again take her, to add even more animal spunk to that which was already in her womb calmed the beast down.

Again he mounted her, his forelegs locking about her waist in a death like grip. His knot already embedded in her gave him free reign and from the depth and intensity of his thrust it was as if he had never thought of dismounting her. To the accompaniment of howls, his own as well as the others he began to thrust eagerly and rapidly into her once more. She felt his pointy oozing doggy dick butt against her womb, felt his muzzle pushing into, and his teeth nipping at her hair. She felt his lolling slobbering tongue continually move over her shoulders, neck and cheek.

Her slight girlish body quivered and twitched with the perversity of it. Simpering soulful pleas for him to breed her, for him to shoot his hot doggy spunk into her spilled from her trembling lips. What seemed like only minutes later after he again shot into her he easily pulled free of her distended cunt.

A gasping groan of pleasure hissed from her lips as the tongue of the one who had just used her lapped up the spunk that flowed from her like a river. Her eyes fluttered open seeing, focusing on, the silver tips slimy organ. Behind her, the wolf, seeming satisfied with his efforts to clean her moved away. But his absence was only temporary as almost immediately she felt another mount her.

Exultation filled her, pushed civilization from her brain as the animal behind her lunged against her burying his cock into her depths on his first try. She was their bitch, she was the packs bitch and they would use her as often and as freely as they wished. Mixed with her jubilation though was a pang of regret, regret that she would not be used solely by the beautiful silver tip.

Even as the thought rippled through the mush jokingly called her brain the wolf thrusting into her howled as if he'd stepped into a trap. Seconds later his hot watery spunk joined that of the silver tip and the second wolf. Hardly had he flooded her insides with his spunk then he forcefully pulled from her. Only the fact that her cunt had been stretched by the pack leader and the other one kept her from remaining tied and being dragged backwards in the wolfs forcefully pulling from her.

Before the absence of cock thrusting into her could be transmitted to her brain the youngest of the male wolfs clambered atop her. His eagerness and inexperience was evident as he bounced and humped behind her as if he were balls deep even though he had yet to find purchase. Reaching back between her legs she grasped the young wolfs jerking, twitching cock guiding it her spunk filled stretched cunt.

As his cock slammed into her with all the force that only the young can accomplish her eyes dreamingly closed and her mouth opened. As the silver tips slimy limp presence filled the warm moist cavity of her mouth her muffled moan that she was his packs bitch, that he, that they, could use her as often and as many times as they wished went unheard or understood.    

cuocowish on Incest Stories

   Frame for frame, continued -  With Sis now passed out, I had perfomed the Oarel sex too her feet that I had jerked off too many times, in my mind,  I knew it was safe to take off my shorts, she was gone !!!  even if she did awake & saw me naked, she may not remember tomorrow....... I sat back down & waves of LUST RAN OVER ME !!!! I pulled her pretty foot up & lightly brushed it down the entire length of my shaft,  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! GOD !!!!!   I wanted too scream !!!   It was like the Devil sitting on my shoulder now,   GO FOR IT !!! DO IT !!!!  and I found myself lightly rubbing my way up my Lil sis:s leg,   I hope u read parts 1 & 2,  MY SISTER WAS HOT!!!!!    Long Blac
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k hair, Bedroom eyes, PERFECT cheerleader body !!!!!!    ( AT  !4  ) !!!!!     Once up too her very inner thigh, MY BODIE QUIVERED !!!  OMG,  Her thigh was as smooth as my fantisey had thought !!!!  Her inner thigh, way up where u could take your thumb & brush the front of her panties was SOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo, soft & smooth,  I NEEDED TO SUCK THAT PART OF HER THIGH !!!!    As I reposistioned myself, The thought of Incest crossed my mind.... Oh  this is SO WRONG !!!  but I couldnt stop ..........I leaned my bodie way up where I spread her legs,& wasted NO TIME in leaning down too suck on that BEAUTIFUL inner thigh !!!!!   SOOOOOO TAN,  SSSSSOOOOOOOO  soft & Smooth !!!!!!!!  MMmmmmmmmm  !!!!!    ( NOTHING HAS EVER COMPARED TOO THIS FEELING !!! )   I couldnt smell her sweet pussy thogh, she really had No smell !!!!  She still was making NO attemed to move in any way,  I kissed the front of her panties, where I thought her button may be hiding, 2 kisses, 3,  alick,   OMG !!!    I"M GETTING AWAY WITH THIS & SHE DONT KNOW !!!!!  Well greed took over, I wanted too see Sis"s little Virgin Flower,  I took,  Off  her shorts, Off with her panties, I dont remember doing that...  but frame by frame as if in slow motion, I DO REMEMBER, looking down as I was laying MY bodie down too hers,, My cock THROBBING  almost too the point where I wasnt sure HOW far I would get befofe I came !!!  Would I even make it in?  DID I WANT TOO?  ( THATS INCEST !!!)    How can u stop a 16 year old boy out of this?  U CANT !!!IT"S RIGHT THER!!!!! IT"S JUST A PUSH AWAY!!!!   Sister? well YEAH, but she has the MOST BEAUTIFUL BODY I haver ever seen!!!  Just slide it in 3 or 4 times & I'll be done anyway!!!  maybe she will never know?    My Throbbing cock gently brushed acrossed her little pupic hair which by the way, was trimmed, She had JUST WHAT I LIKED !!! a little thin strip, people call a hilter!? I was 99% of the way too an orgasn at this point, my body shaking, but still I couldnt stop !!!  I moved my hips so as I could aline myself up with her opoening,   and gave my first movement fwd, ooooowww , it hit right on target, the tip was already in & all I would have too do is    lower myself down into my sister....  Too be continued -  ( Frame by frame - ) 

The Devil in Devin

Reddy on Taboo Stories

Nine years ago I babysat for 7 year old Devin.   I must have been12 years old at the time.   Although I sat for numerous families I seemed to get calls most often from the Dooley’s.  Apparently I was the only one that could handle Devin.  He should have been more appropriately been named Devil because that better matched his personality.

Eventually I got a part-time job and did away with the babysitting thing.  That is with the exception of the Dooley’s.  Even though I no longer had the desire or interest in such tasks, they made me the proverbial offer that I could never refuse.  Rarely would I leave their house with less than $50 for only a few hours of monitoring Devin. Eventually as he be
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came older the calls became less frequent and eventually I lost contact.

When I was in my junior year at a nearby university, I received an unexpected call on my cell phone.  The number didn’t look familiar so I simply let it go to voice mail.  Later I checked my messages and was surprised:

“Hello Jenny, this is Mary Dooley.  Would you kindly give me a call.  We are going out of town for a few days and need someone to look after things.”

I thought what the heck, house sitting is easy money and I was always in need of that. I figured it would be good for a hundred bucks.   I immediately hit redial and called.


“Mrs. Dooley, this is Jenny.  It has been a long time since I last spoke with you.” I said.

Her response was, “I am so glad you called.  David and I are going out of town for three days and we were hoping you could kind of keep and eye on Devin.”

I hadn’t even given consideration their son.  I inquired, “Gee, Devin must be old enough to take care of himself.”

“Well he his 16, but I just don’t have all that much trust in him.  He only had his drivers license a few week when he had to go to court for drag racing.  Needless to say he is without wheels.   We just want to make sure he gets off to school and is not out running around at night.  His hormones are raging and we don’t want him having girls at the house. ” was her response.   

“Mrs. Dooley, I really do appreciate you thinking about me, but perhaps you should consider someone else.  Is there a family member that could watch him?”

“Jenny, we have given it a lot of thought and we have the most confidence in you.  David and I trust you. If I have done my math correctly you should now be 21 and a young adult.  We are willing to pay you $200 a day, plus give you money to go out and eat so that you don’t have to cook. Oh, and we will also see that you have gas for your car.  Please Jenny, we need you,” she begged.

Holly crap, I thought.  That is $600.  That is like hitting the lottery  I said to myself.  

“Well I really could use the money for school and I need some new clothes.”

We confirmed the arrangement and went over all the dates, times and details.  I wasn’t excited in the least about Devin, but the money motivating.  

Thursday arrived and as soon as I finished my class that morning I head to the Dooley’s. Mrs. Dooley greeted me.  “Come on in Dear.  My you have grown up and turned out to be a beautiful young lady. Let me show you around.”

As she and her husband left she said, “Devin generally gets home about 2:45.  You have our cell number if you need anything”

I didn’t have much planned and I was not into watching the soaps.   I sat down at the computer in the family room and went online to fight off the boredom.   I am sometimes naughty and check out porn sites.  While surfing, I stumbled across a site that was dedicated to naked guys.  Looking at all those great penises was such a turn on.  So for the next couple of hours I got myself aroused and masturbated several times using my little vibrating toy that I carry in my purse.  

I then noticed it was almost 3:00 and Devin was not home. I started to get a bit worried, but just then he came in the door.  

“Hey girl are you my babysitter?” He blurted. “ I remember you Jenny, but you are really hot now.  Nice tits you have there.”

That comment kind of set me back, but oh my God, that little snot nosed redhead brat had turn into one really good looking hunk.  I am not into young guys, but he was the kind of stud that would have made my panties wet when I was in  high school. Yikes, he was hot!

“Devin you are really handsome Thank you for the compliment, but that comment is a bit forward of you.”

“Yeah maybe but if you and me are going to shack up for the weekend, you’d better get used to it.” He said in a smart ass voice.

“Hey buddy,” I replied.  “I don’t know what your definition of shacking up is, but I have no intentions of getting in the rack with you.”

“Hey Jen, chill out.  You and me are going to hit if off OK.  I like you.  Your one cool chick. ”

We finally broke the ice and got into one conversation after another. I could not get over how good looking he was and wanted to talk just to keep him in view.    When we went out to dinner I could not keep my eyes off him and envisioned myself as out on a date with him.

Other than for one little zit on his forehead he had a great complection.  His hair was a beautiful reddish blonde and his eyes a brilliant green.  He was stone gorgeous.  Damn, why the hell couldn’t he be in his twenties I thought.  

Although he kind of had the bad boy image he was a perfect gentleman. Well all most a gentleman.  He opened the door for me as we exited and when we got to the car he opened that door for me as well.  I was impressed until he patted me on the butt and said, “come on sexy lady lets get the hell out of here.”

“Devin, that is not a very nice thing to say and your little love pat on my rear was really not appropriate,” I scolded him.

“Hey girl get a life.  You’ve got a cute butt.   I know that guys have done more than just tap you on the ass.  Don’t come on to me like a nun,” he said.  

Before I could say anything he blurted out, “how many lucky guys have had your pussy?”

“Devin, for God’s sake, I can’t believe you and it is none of your business,” I retorted.

“OK Mother Teresa, please forgive me,” he smart ass replied.

When we got home Devin did some homework and then played some video game on the television.   I read a few pages in a book and then started texting some friends.   Before I realized  it the clock said 10:15.

“Devin you had better get to bed, you have to get up for school in the morning and so do I.  I am going to go take a shower and get ready for bed,”

Devin replied, “ Yeah, yeah, I never hit the rack before 11:30.  I am going to get on the computer and check my email, Facebook and stuff.”

I proceeded to the guest room.  It was really nice, kind of like a mini suite.  There was a little sitting area with a TV and a private bath.  I closed the door, took my clothes off , grabbed my nighty and headed for the shower.   Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I said to, “Yeah girl you do have a nice ass and the tits aren’t too bad either.”

The warm shower sure felt good and I was in no hurry to get out, but just then the door opened and I could see Devin through the steamy glass shower door.

“Devin get the hell out of here,” I screamed and tried to modestly cover my breasts and pussy.

“Chill out chick.  I was on the computer and guess what porn site was still on?  Plus you left this nifty pink vibrator out.  

Oh my God, I had forgotten all about that.

“Have you got a thing for cocks? Maybe you would like to see a high school cock or try the real thing instead of a vibe”

“Devin you had better cool your jets.  I am sorry that I was not more careful.”

Before I could say much more I saw him drop his shorts to the floor and peel off his shirt. He opened the shower door and stepped in.  Oh my, I could not believe my eyes.  If I thought he looked good before this was heaven.  His cock was standing at attention. It looked so tempting.  It didn’t appear to be much bigger than average, but his red pubic hair certainly accented his manly anatomy.

“Hey Miss Jenny, how do I compare to the guys on the porn site?  Do like it?  How about soaping it up for me”

“Devin stop,” I exclaimed.  “Yes you do look damn great, but this has to stop.  Get out and leave me some privacy.”

“Come on Jen, lets have a little fun.  I need to get my rocks off and I might even be able to do you some good to. Would you like me to go down on you?

The image of having my pussy eaten by this hunk was almost overcoming, but I thought better and said, “Look I am 21 and you are only 16.  We need to stop this now.”

Reverting to his devilish ways he said, “Look at it this way.  If send mom a text message and say that you are looking at porn on the computer, she would probably come home.  She would be so pissed and you wouldn’t get paid.”

The little brat was blackmailing me.  I don’t know if he would have followed through, but just the thought of it was enough to send a chill down my spine. At the same time in my mind I was thinking blackmail would be justification for anything I did.

“You little shit.  You are the same coning and manipulative devil you were nine years ago,” I said with a chuckle.

“Maybe, but back then I wasn’t horny.  Now let me lather you up with the soap,” he said with a boyish grin.

I resolved myself to the fact that it would be more pleasurable if I were not fighting it.  Within moments of him rubbing my tits and pussy all apprehension vanished. My nipples were erect and although my vagina was wet from the shower I am sure I was producing moisture of my own.

I grabbed his stiff cock.  Oh my God, did it ever feel good.  As I gently stroked him he kissed me and ran his tongue im my mouth.  The passion was building and at this point.  As the warm water cleansed our bodies, he continued to kiss me and with one hand he slid his finger in and out of my vagina.   

The pleasurable excitement was too intense and with in moments I bust with spasms of orgasm. Knowing that he had got me off, he broke the lip lock and said. “Hey Jen, did that feel good?”

“More than good.  That was great,” I gleefully replied.

“Let’s get out, dry off and get more comfortable,” he said with a smile.

We dried each other off and without warning he picked me up and carried me to the bed.  This was like something you would read in a romance novel.  I could not believe it was happening.  None of the guys much older than him had ever treated me with such romanticism.   

The casual love affair continued as he laid me down on the fresh white sheets.  The moment was only broken when he said, “Hey Jen should I go get a condom or are you one the pill?”

With that question I immediately knew what my Prince Charming’s intentions were. The thought of which got me aroused.

“I take the pill, but condoms turn me on if you want to use one,” I winked and replied.

Devin then turned the lights out and the room was only illuminated by the glow of the street light out side the window.  He then lowered his athletic body on to mine. The feel of his naked flesh against mine only further contributed to my arousal.  His lips nibbles on my neck and then proceeded to my breasts. My nipples became erect and I could feel his stiff penis touching my pelvis.

I moaned and the foreplay continued.  I was impressed by Devin’s level of experience.  Most of the guys I had been in bed were certainly not as talented.  It did not appear he was in any rush to penetrate me.

Slowly he slid down my body gently kissing and caressing me.  He licked my belly button and proceeded to my pussy.  I spread my legs to give him better access to my freshly shaved mound.  His tongue was like a vibrator to my clitoris.

“Oh my God, Devin.  That feels awesome. You are going to send me over the top,” I moaned with pleasure.

He paused for a second and said, “Do you like that?  I’ll make you feel even better.”

Devin then put is finger in my wet vagina and finger fucked me while he continued to lick and kiss my pussy.

Within only a few seconds I was wild with stimulation and knew I was about to climax.   “Oh “Devin, you are driving me crazy and I am about to cum.” I said almost breathlessly.

“Let it go baby, let it go,” he exclaimed.

My pelvis was in contortions that sensational feeling of an orgasm began.  I tingled all over.

“Yow, oh, oh, oh, Oh my God,” I cried out.

He continued to finger my pussy as I regained my breath.  I knew it was now time to return the favor.  I reached for his stiff cock and grasp it with my hand.  He raised up on his knees and I turned in anticipation of sucking his absolutely adorable 6" cock.  Even though there was darkness the glow of his red pubic hair was like a beacon in the night.  

I was craving his penis and wanted it in my mouth.  Obviously he had other intentions.

“Aw come on baby.  Let me put it in you.  I’ll let you give me a blow job another time. Give me your pussy now.”

By his action I could tell he wanted to mount me doggie style.  I turned and assumed the position.
He first felt my pussy with his hand and spread my lips.  Then very gently he eased his stiff cock into my awaiting vagina.

Maybe it was just the excitement of having a teen age cock in me, but this was the best sex I had ever had.  With every thrust of his penis the exhilaration grew.  It felt so good, I wished I’d met this kid before.  With one hand I reached between my legs touching his balls.  His reaction was positive as I then put several fingers around his cock so I could feel it pumping in and out of me.

“Oh Jen, I am about to blow my load,” he excitedly said.

Just hearing him say that gave me a sensation and I knew I was about to get off again.

“Aw baby, here it comes,” he said in a tone of exhilaration.

I could feel the throbbing spasms of his cock as he pumped his creamy cum in me. At that very moment my pussy tingled once again and I went into another gigantic orgasm.  

“Damn Devin you know how to make a girl feel good.” I said.

He replied. “ Your pussy made my cock feed good too.

Devin continued to fuck me for another couple of minutes until the pleasure subsided.    I would have never dreamt of having sex with a younger guy, let along one that I was getting paid to take care of. His young cock inside my pussy was a thrilling.  Rather than feel shame or embarrassment, to the contrary I was embellishing the naughty little tryst.  

“Hey Jen, I told you we would get along OK and we did.  Remember you still owe me a blow job,” he said as he departed for his room.

“You’re on,” I replied, “but you have to take care of me too.”

The remainder of my stay was filled with many more orgasms.  I think we fucked in every position imaginable.   When Mrs. Dooley paid me I don’t think she realized the bonus I received.


four of ten on Animal Stories

After Michelle and Sally discovered the attributes of a neighbor's chocolate Lab Luka the story continues after Michelle's adventures are captured in a journal.
Apologies are made for the lack of formatting skills and as some feel being grammatically challenged. My goal is to relate my experiences help others who question their up bring and their passions as I did.
As for my handle, the fourth of the ten dogs that I've loved.
Michelle's New Interest.                FOUR OF TEN
After my experience with Sally and Luka I was in quite a state. Physically I was a wreck, red and sore; mentally not much better. My brain was disgusted and my body was on fire, passio
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ns I have never know before. I decided to lay low for a while and just recuperate. I focused on my job and learning all I could about my newfound interest. I read everything I could find, entered web forums and a few
Sites as well. I was relieved that so many other enjoyed similar experiences and easily shared them. I began keeping a journal, first recounting my introduction to
Sally and Luka. I wasn't sure what would be in store.
I was also avoiding Jim just to get my head straight. It's not that I didn't want to be with him, six foot five and a foot long hot dog, a true geek god, Adonis. He is everything I ever wanted. I talked with Sally on the phone several times comparing notes on sites we've found and how Jim met Luka. We're supposed to get together later.
When Sally arrived she a party bag with ribbons and stuff all over it. Surprise! She squealed as I opened the door. I poked my head outside looking to see if she had Luka with her again. No Luka, it was just as well I wasn't totally ready for that. Sally's big surprise was a dog dick shaped dildo. More like a double ender with a tennis ball in the middle. I was more leery about continuing a sexual relationship Sally than the dog. There was something about the dog not being able to talk back or to others. She is very nice and absolutely gorgeous. I wondered why she wasn't hooked up with some guy. When I asked her she said,
 "It's not like I'm totally gay, I just haven't found the right one yet, and besides one dog is as good as another."
We both began to laugh. Sally also had a DVD with her and said,
"You gotta see this."
The only DVD player I had was a lap top computer so I fired it up. We chatted and laughed about silly stuff at first then she explained how this site she fond a store dedicated to the weirdest stuff she has ever seen. I think both of us have had our sexual adventures but it has been restricted to who we were doing rather than a theme or fetish. I guess one could say sexually sheltered. As the disc began it was obvious that it was European, Dutch or German and no subtitles. At first it was funny with music like a cartoon but then the family got undressed and started having sex, Mom & Pop and Sis and Bro, then they all switched, a family orgy out in the fields with the animals. Pretty soon they started running around screwing everything in sight. I didn't know men could fuck chickens! It was still funnier that hot. Then it cut to a different woman in a old time milkmaid outfit in a hay barn with medium sized shorthaired dog. Instead of milking the cows she started milking the dog. This dog's dick looked much longer than Luka's. As the milkmaid was swallowing as much as she could and holding the dog's dick with one hand, she hiked up her dress with the other and of course didn't have any panties on. She began to work her own very hairy crotch with one hand while holding the dog's dick in her mouth with the other. She was sitting on some hay bales and just when the dog really starting humping her mouth she quickly put the dog's dick in her pussy as she rolled back on the bales pulling the dog with her. The dog's front paws landed under her armpits and her legs hanging over the edge. The dog went wild humping like crazy. She wrapped her legs around the dog's butt and met every thrust. All I could hear was heavy breathing and some groans from the computer. Sally had one hand in her crotch and the other on one of those great tits. She looked at me and said,
" God, this makes me hot."
We leaned toward each other and kissed tenderly. I sat on the arm of the over-stuffed chair and leaned against her while we both watched the DVD and gave our clits hell. We all came together, Sally, me and the girl on the screen. We began to laugh as we caught our breath. We continued to watch the man fuck cows, goats and an old sheep dog. A horse impaled the woman and the kids mainly fucked each other, the boy fucked a sheep and a pig fucked the girl. We were hysterical about the pig's corkscrew dick. We weren't sure about that. I told Sally,
            "This is enough for me, I need to get some things done today."
Handing her the surprise bag back and began to straighten up my place. I assured her it was nothing to do with her, I just had stuff to do and riding that dildo wasn't one of them. I mentioned that Jim was having some folks over Saturday and that she was welcomed to join us. Sally had only met Jim once very briefly so this was a good time to meet everyone.
Jim lived in Ft. Lauderdale and that was a long drive for Sally especially if we would be partying. I arranged it so Jim's roommate would go home with is date and Sally had a place to stay if she wished. I've never spent much time with Jim while with his friends. He had this lobbying thing for some big utility company so he was always wining and dining big shots for his company. His friends were old school buddies and they got together to watch sports and drink beer, not my favorite activities. plus this was a guy thing, no dames.
The night began mildly with light chatter and every kind of drink and a few joints going around in the corner. Most everyone was paired up prior to arriving. Jim invited a neighbor Don, who was a little older than everyone else and he was working on Sally from the start. Sally was kind of "getting to know," Jim who was okay with that for a while but soon I became a little concerned. The food and the drinks flowed and everyone was having fun. After a while the crowd began to thin and people made their way home except for a few couples. We all were in the kitchen passing a joint, laughing it up when the conversation focused on sex and soon it was getting pretty graphic. Jim pipes up about bestiality web sites and others chime in with more laughter and tongue in cheek comments. Jim's roommate Rick invited everyone into his room to see what Jim was talking about. Rick's room was a converted two-car garage love pit. A bed in the corner a few chairs and a sofa day bed plus some work out stuff and a plush carpeted space big enough to park a car in. He had a projector hooked up to his computer so he could watch movies the size of the two-car garage door.  I didn't take him long to get to a site I was familiar with, Rick mentioning Jim had told him about it.
The odd thing was this was the gay part of the site with guys getting fucked by dogs and horses and doing a little fucking themselves. I took a few minutes but Rick finally got to the part where Brazilian women were being pumped by donkeys and horses. It was incredible how they could take so much of them. The laughter settled and room became quite as we all watched. Rick switched from cut to cut and the breathing was getting loud. He settled on this petite blond with a Great Dane. Several of the pairs had their hands in each other's pants and kissing wildly with at least one eye watching. A few moans were getting louder as a couple were doing it doggie style in the corner while watching the women on the screen fuck the Dane while standing up. The dog had its front paws on the petite woman's shoulders and she straddled his dick, it was like they were dancing. The image was so strange because of the projector and the screen size the image of the dog was actually eight feet tall with a two and half foot long dick squirting cum everywhere.
It seemed that Rick often had mini orgies not full blown swapping, just couples doing what they wish to each other in front of the "Big Screen." I guess this was the signal; several others began to shed their clothes and get into the groove. It wasn't long before everyone but me was totally naked. As I looked around Jim, Sally and the neighbor Don were gone. I was busy kneading my pussy so it wasn't rocket science that I didn't notice as my orgasm boiled over. There were several couples in various stages of attaining climax but there was no interaction between them, not group sex, a group having sex.
I heard hushed laughter and whispers coming from the living room. As the noise got louder in the next room; in came prancing, two pretty good-sized dogs. Nothing special, a mixed Shepard mutt and some sort of hound and they did what most dogs do, sniffed butts and took a few licks. The room broke into a riot
of laughter but soon got down to business as one girl had the Mutt's head between her legs licking away and wasn't sharing it with anyone.  Others moved toward the walls leaving plenty of space for those who wished to partake. Jim had the hound on lying on his back on the floor reveling what was becoming very huge dick. He didn't look like he was hung very large but boy did he grow. 
Sally was soon helping out and Jim was telling her to "suck it"
She responded "You suck it" and he did.
On his knees bending over the hound Jim was giving it all it was worth. It was obvious this was not the first time he sucked dick. I moved up behind him and massaged his great balls and brought that huge dick to life. In no time the hound was shooting giz all over the place.  Sally and this other girl took over guiding the dog to this other girl's pussy while she was on all fours. Slowly others got involved. Her date lay on his back and scooted in front of her so he had good access to his cock while Sally worked on her tits. Don was behind Sally working her pussy with his hand. The gal with the Shepard between her legs was joined by another girl and started giving the dog a hand job. It wasn't long before everyone was giving it a go. Jim picked me up in the air and I came down on that massive dick while he was still standing. Buried to the hilt inside me I had my legs wrapped around his waist while he walked across the room as I pumped away. This is one of my favorite positions. We made it to the day bed where he laid me on the edge and really went to work on me. As delirious as I was, I could see ghostly images of the two dog's getting a work out with Sally as the ringleader making sure everyone was in on the action. All of the sudden Jim really started pounding the shit out of my hungry pussy. As I started coming I saw Don who was just slightly smaller than Jim behind him pumping madly in Jim's ass. I think Jim likes rocking in the middle position.
There was some kind of ruckus as Rick had become tied with the mutt.
One of the other women had been strapped spread eagle to this chrome work out machine, which is like five machines in one with various arms and foot levers with a seat in the middle, the hound was licking her pussy while two guys rubbed her tits. It was then Jim had decided to introduce me to anal sex. He flipped me over on my belly a shoved his semi deflated dick in my ass. Even at half size it was like having a baseball bat up my ass. It took me several long slow sessions just to get used his big dick in my pussy; this was very different. The pain was unbearable and not getting better.
After Jim blew his load up my ass I limped off to the bathroom stepping over spent smoldering bodies. Sally was nowhere to be found. I cleaned up and headed for Jim's room and passed out. I woke later with Jim next to me lying on his back while Sally did perfectly balanced squats on his pillar of a dick. The only place they touched was his dick in her pussy as she came down on it within an inch of his belly and back up so that his dick almost came out and back down again in slow even motions. They did this for about ten minutes before Jim came
Trembling hard. Sally dropped on him like a rock, picking up the speed rocking on his massive dick. The whole bed was shaking so hard that the headboard was banging the wall and vibrated across the floor as she came with a roar; she woke the whole house.
It took me a couple of days to get over Jim's little party. I had huge bruises the shape of handprints all over me and my ass was sore. I didn't much care for the Greek god Adonis's technique. The images from the party crept into my dreams and all I could think about was that hound and the size of dick. He had the smallest sheath for such a huge member.  I wish I had tried it.
Over time I made up with Jim and we were going to have a quiet dinner at my place.  He wanted to get a "pet" and needed to know if I would I be willing to take care if it because he travels so much. I was interested but I needed input on the animal. He had been searching the Net and found a group that specializes
in rare working dogs near Orlando. I couldn't go with Jim so he went alone. Several days later he called and said he made a deal with these people and if we didn't like the dog we could bring it back.
When Jim arrived he had the strangest looking dog I had ever seen. It had a body like a pit bull with soft curly wooly hair and a little head with a long pointed snout and two different colored eyes white and dark blue. Medium sized about 50 pounds. His tongue was so big it didn't fit in his mouth. He was a Blue Heeler mix from Australia about three years old so Jim said. Jim was so excited he had to show me the dog's dick. It seems the sheath had been surgically altered so when flaccid it hung down and pointed toward ground rather than attached to his stomach like regular dogs. We sat he dog down and rolled him over on his side and began to get to know him. He knew what to do and that dick popped right out of sheath. I began to slowly stroke him and he was in heaven. A very thick but not that long with a smaller knot than larger dogs I've seen. Jim was talking about it like it was sports car. How the knot wasn't big enough to tie real hard. I guess he has tried it out already, but today was my turn.
I stripped and got out some gym socks and a sleeveless sweatshirt.
Jim said, "you don't need those, he has been de-clawed and his pads have been manicured, he has very soft paws."
All the better, I had to get a taste of the dick. I was going to take my time and enjoy every bit of it. I told Jim to sit down and stay there until I call for him.
I started to slowly work that dick in my mouth, I haven't had time to do this before and I was going to take my time and explore every inch. It was amazing how big a smaller dogs dick could get, as big or bigger than Luka's. I took all could get and as his knot grew I squeezed it until he blew his boiling load down my throat and I didn't spill a drop. I was on fire. Okay Blue, it's my turn. I laid on my back on the floor spread my legs wide and put my heels up against my butt with my knees in the air. This dog was on my smoking snatch is seconds flat. His tongue was wide, long and wonderful. As I was about let loose he began to nibble my clit at just the right moment. I came so hard I was bouncing on the floor and old Blue just kept pace as I rolled from one shaking orgasm to another. In a flash he hopped between my legs and his front paws landed on either side of me on the floor while that marvelous dick hit home and in one stroke was buried to his balls. I could feel his balls banging on my asshole. He his head on my chest between my tits and stared at me right in the eyes as he pumped me like a machine. I began to come and buck but he just held on until his dick felt like it working its way into my cervix and exploded. His eyes rolled back into his head as he emptied those huge balls into me. I felt that giz pump shooting hot cum inside until it leaked out and down my ass. Jim was sitting in the chair with his own giz all over him as he dumped his load on his chest. As Blues big dick slipped out of my pussy as he backed away with big grin on his face and his heavy dick almost rubbing the floor. His sheath because it had been cut and sewn back together so his dick now hung off his belly down at about 45 degrees when we was fully exposed. The perfect angle for fucking people, his knot was the perfect tennis ball size. He came around to lick my face and I told Jim,
            "Okay it's your turn, lick my pussy and clean up that mess."
Jim was on his knees almost in the fetal position with his chin on the floor licking Blue's cum out of my pussy when old Blue did what he does best, mounted Jim.
I couldn't believe this dog, he had so much energy and stamina he fucked us both several times that night.

Giving in to Temptation, part two

Temptress4 on Incest Stories

David held his small daughter close to him.  Kaci’s naked body warm and breathing so softly.    He stroked her hair as she slept, quite convinced this would be the last time he held her.  God what had he done. The memory of their union was almost too much for him to bear.   It had been so erotic. Her curiosity and enthusiasm for the game in which she’d ignited his most carnal lust.  The little noises she made and the exquisite look on her face as she had

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her first orgasm. David nearly passed out when he finally came, it was harder than he’d ever imagined possible.   Even now he could hardly resist the temptation to feel his semen seeping out of Kaci’s perfect little pussy with his fingers.  David had gone on like this for hours as she slept, wrestling with his desire to fuck his daughter yet again tempered by his guilt and worry about what he’d done to his angel.

            He had to get Kaci to her own bed at the very least.   Extricating himself from his daughter’s arms, he picked her naked form up and carried her to room.   He laid her gently on her princess bed, her golden red hair spilling effortlessly over the pink pillows.  David stood there a moment, taking her in as the first sunlight peeked through the window.   Her skin was so perfect and fine along the straight contours of her body.   Her nipples, like rosebuds waiting to bloom, slightly hard from the coolness of the morning air.   His eyes moved lower to the hint of baby fat in her pussy lips and small wisp of angel hair.    Kaci stirred, shifting to her side and drawing her legs up into a fetal position as her thumb found her mouth.   She suckled it.  Mesmerized, David ‘s cock stirred with her.  “God no,” he thought, “please have mercy.”


            His eyes moved down her body, taking in her perfect little bottom.   The way her knees were drawn up he could glimpse just a hint of her little pussy.  It was then he saw the blood, evidence of his cock’s foray into her virgin chasm.  Panicked he went to the bath and wet a washcloth.   Sitting on the bed next to his sleeping child, David lightly began to wash her, his fingers gently separating her delicate nether lips as he cleaned away the remnants of her childhood and with it, traces of the seed that made her.   


            “Daddy?”  Kaci breathed sleepily as she felt her father’s hand on her hips and his ministrations to her pussy.   She turned to look at her daddy and smiled, “Are we going to slide again?’


            Her words teased David’s resolve and he shuddered lightly.   “No angel.  Sit up here and look at me, princess,”  he said gently, his voice wavering as her eyes found his.   “You know I love you more than anything in the world, baby.   But we can’t ever do that again, kitty and it’s gotta be our secret.”


            Kaci looked deep into her father’s eyes curiously.   “You mean ‘cuz Mommy won’t like it?”  she pouted, her lower lip looking eminently kissable.  David nodded, not having the heart to admit what they shared was wrong or what devastating consequences it might have should it be known beyond the two of them.


            Kaci was angry.  When she drifted off to sleep in her father’s arms, she’d never felt closer to him. He had been inside her and somehow that meant he was hers and no one else’s.   Now it seemed he was so far away.   She wanted him back.  Looking at him, her eyes pleading, Kaci wrapped her fingers around her father’s semi hard cock, stroking it gently.   David moaned involuntarily.  He had to stop this.


            “Kaci, angel, no,” he said as his hand pulled hers away from his now rock hard and rebellious cock as he willed his mind over the incestuous lust that had temporarily taken him last night.


            Kaci, however, was not to be so easily dissuaded.  Her young sex had been awakened and she wanted her Daddy.   Her eyes were determined as she  rose up on her knees to kiss him.  Her lips softly touched his and she began to shower him with the littlest, pleading baby kisses.   “Please Daddy,” she said in the softest voice.


            As her arms went around his neck, David felt himself being carried away.  He instinctively pulled her to him.   Kaci’s small hard nipples pressed into his warm chest as his hands caressed the small of her back and rounded buttocks.  His fingers found their way to touch her tiny little pucker and then lower to feel the wetness growing between her legs.  Kaci’s scent grew stronger as her body heat rose.  The sweet smell was intoxicating.   David knew he had to taste her.   He’d die if he didn’t.


            “Lie back angel”  he instructed gently as he positioned himself between her small legs.   Kaci looked down at her daddy as his face neared her pussy.  David’s fingers opened her as his tongue found her clit.   God her taste was so sweet and delicate.  His tongue circled her and flicked at her button.  He was amazed at how responsive Kaci had become.   Her small hips were soon rising to meet his probing tongue as he dipped it inside her and then back to her little clit.


            Kaci moaned as her hands found their way through her father’s hair.  His tongue felt even better than sliding.  Instinctively she began to push her cunny into his face, wanting more as she felt the little rushes of pleasure run through her body.  Her lithe young body squirming under the ministrations of her daddy’s tongue the closer her orgasm neared.


            David held Kaci’s hips tightly as he drove her over the edge, vaguely aware of her calling out as he lapped up the juices that were spilling from her.  God she tasted like heaven!  He was intoxicated.  Even as he felt her body shudder and relax, he knew he’d need more.


            “Daddy,”  Kaci breathed as her father nestled his body beside her, holding her close, “I love you.”   Her words seemed to have the opposite effect that she intended on her father as David’s guilt began to crest again.  Looking in his eyes, she knew he was changing again.  But nothing is more resolute than a possessive child.    Remembering his instructions from the night before, Kaci set her mind on her daddy’s penis.   If he could lick her, she could lick him!


            David released her from his arms when Kaci pulled away thinking she was going to go to the bathroom.  Racked with guilt, his cock had subsided.   He rolled on to his back eyes searching for answers in the canopy of his daughter’s bed.   It was then he felt her small hand touch his cock and then her tongue touch its head and begin to lap at it.


            “Oh God, angel, no,”  David protested as he felt the blood rush into his member yet again.   “Princess, ugh”   In seconds, he was helpless.  The sheer erotic nature of having his daughter hold his cock and touch her baby lips vanquished guilt and reason in one instantaneous blow.


            Kaci was thrilled with when she saw her daddy’s penis swell.   It meant he felt good.  Remembering how she played with his leaking tip the night before, she concentrated her efforts on his smooth helmet.   Her pink tongue swirling over its head, exploring, eliciting a gasp from her father as it pressed inside his cum slit.


            “Oh yes kitty, lick Daddy like a candy cane,”  David instructed, his voice shaking as he felt his balls get heavy.   Kaci was nothing if not a fast learner.  David watched as she sucked his cock into her small mouth.   The sight of it nearly made him cum, but he held back wanting to prolong his pleasure.  Then,  just as he expected after years of telling her not to smack her lips when eating candy, she pulled her mouth off of him with a loud smack.    As a little precum leaked down the underside of his helmet, she used the flat of her tongue to lick the salty liquid away.


            “Still salty Daddy,”  she purred, loving the new power she had over her Daddy.  She could make him do what she wanted.  As she kneeled up between his legs, her own needs were growing.   Kaci moved her hand down and began to rub herself.  Her fingers moving against her clit, swollen and tingling.


            David watched Kaci’s face, amazed.  In her first hours of womanhood, his daughter’s sexuality blew him away.  Masturbating herself for him, her eyes half closed, the memories of how beautiful she looked as he took her virginity the night before raced through his mind.   His cock was straining.   God he had to have her again.


            “Angel, you know Daddy loves you so much,”  he rasped, doing very little to disguise the urgency in his voice.   “Let Daddy teach you how to feel even better, baby.”    Clearly he was going to hell, he knew that.   But he wanted this more than life itself at the moment.   David reached out and pulled his daughter up, having her stand with her legs on either side of his hips.  She looked at him expectantly, her fingers wet with her own cum.


            “It’ll be like riding a horsy, baby.   We’re going to slide Daddy’s penis up inside you again, okay?”  David managed a soothing instructive tone as he helped Kaci lower herself towards his cock.


            “Okay Daddy.”  Kaci smiled sexily, as she lowered herself towards her father’s rigid cock.   David held his cock in one hand while guiding her hips with the other.   As soon as she was close enough, he ran the tip through the length of her wet slit, causing her to shudder.   A little soft moan.


            “Ready, princess?”  David asked as he held the tip at her tight young pussy,  “You take as much as you want, angel, and Daddy will make you cum like a big girl.”


            For the second time, Kaci felt her father’s cock inside her.  Taking him slowly, this time there was no pain, just a somewhat pleasurable feeling of being stretched.  As she grew accustomed to his size inside her, she found herself wanting more and allowed him deeper.   The slowness with which she took him in, drove David mad.   He needed to fuck her, but it was so good he wanted to make it last.   He held her hips and encouraged her, “That’s good angel, just a little deeper.”


            “Is it all inside Daddy?”  Kaci asked looking in his eyes for approval. “Can I slide on it now?”


            David moaned his assent. Kaci was squatting over his cock as she began to move up and down on him.   He looked at her face, eyes closed, her teeth pressing into her pouty lower lip so seductively as her pace began to quicken.  God she was so wet.  Her tight little cunt gripping him as she fucked herself with his cock.   He watched in awe as her tight lips took him and left his cock wet with her baby juices.    He needed more.


            Kaci’s own needs were growing.  She instinctively drove herself to move faster and faster on her father’s cock, riding him harder.  She felt the electric pulses beginning to go off inside her as her hands found her little clit and began to rub.  Suddenly, all she could think of was how good she needed to feel.  


            David couldn’t hold back when he saw her.    As soon as Kaci began to finger herself, his hips began to buck, meeting her motions with animalistic vigor.  Kaci gasped as she felt his cock thrust up inside her even deeper.  The little squeaks and moans she was making drove him insane.   And then it happened, Kaci’s cunt clenched his cock hard as the first wave of her orgasm overtook her.  David grabbed her hips and thrust deep, his head hitting her cervix, fucking her through it.  God she was so exquisitely tight.   He could feel the cum rising in his cock until her spasms finally milked him over the edge.  It felt like had seen the white light of heaven as he exploded, unloading countless mini thrusts of cum into his baby’s pussy.


            Kaci was the first to speak as she lay on her father’s chest, her body spent holding him inside her.  David breathing slow and steady, as he enjoyed the little aftershocks of her pussy sporadically contracting on his cock.    “I love you so much Daddy,” she breathed,  “I want it always to be like this.”


All I ever wanted was you

iwannafuckeric on Cheating Stories

I have never written a story like this before.  But I have been thinking a lot about this guy lately, this is about the first time we ever had sex.   

All this started back when I was about 18 or so.  I am about 5'7 and weigh about 140lbs.  I have sand blond hair and blue eyes.  My breast are big and round and I have pretty big round nipples. 

It was the first day at my new job.  I just broken up with my boyfriend and feeling good about the new start.  This wasn't the best place to work, but I knew it would pay the bills and I wouldn't have to go live with my parents again.  Anyway, we were all sitting in a room around a table waiting for the class to start when I noticed that I was the only girl in the room. 

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I was surronded by all guys.  And they were all pretty good looking except one who I thought was totally ugly.  Soon the training class started and about four hours into it, it was lunch time.  I went out to my car and ate the lunch I packed myself, as I didn't know where the break room was.  When I was done I walked to the side of the building and sat down on the bench for a smoke. 

A guy came over and asked me if he could sit with me and I told him, "go ahead"  He was a tall kind of skinny guy, and very handsom.  He had dark hair and eyes.  He sat down and we started to talk.  His name is Eric. I knew he was in my training class.  We became fast friends.  We ate lunch everyday together and started seeing eachother outside of work.  I knew that he had a girlfriend, but I really didn't care about that. 

This is about the time that I noticed all the other guys in the training class start to flirt with me.  I enjoyed all the attention and started to date a few of them, and kept my realtionship with Eric, who was taken, I liked him the best.  I really like all the dates and things the guys bought for me and really ejoyed the sex that I got from each of them.  I hadn't gotten a chance to do it with Eric yet. 

One day I was sitting at the house board cause I had the day off.  I sat think about Eric and how I would like him to come over and fuck me.  The more that I started to think about him the horneyer I got.  So I sat on my bed and started to rub my hot pussy.  Then I got into my dresser and pulled out my dildo.  I circled it around my pussy teasing it a little before I incerted it into my love box. I got lost in the moment and started ponding away at my pussy until I climaxed.  I was trying to catch my breath when the door bell rang.  I pulled up my pants and headed down to answer the door. 

It made me happy to see that it was Eric.  Seeing him after just thinking about him made me horneier than ever.  I had to have him.  I told him to come in and have a set.  He did so as we begain to talk about something.  I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie and he said that he did.  I knew witch one too.  It was a sexy little movie that always made me honey.  Everytime I watch it I end up playing with my self.  So I started it up.  Then told him I wanted to go take a quick shower.  I did so, and I put my bath robe on and came back down stairs.  I had nothing on under neath, just my plan to get him to fuck me.  The movie was playing and I could tell he was stirring a little on the couch.  

I looked down at the crotch of his pants and saw a lump that wasn't there before.  I layed my head on his sholder and started to watch the movie.  My robe slipped open a little so my boob was showing and I didn't fix it. 

I saw him look over at my boob and just opened my robe a little more so he could see the whole thing.  Before I knew it he was sucking on my tit.  I just let him, all part of the plan.  Then I felt his hand on my thigh and moving rapidly torward my soaking wet pussy. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?"  I asked.

"From the first time I saw you." he replyed, "it's just the all the guys at work made this bet of who was going to get to sleep with you"

"really?"  I asked "I have fucked all of them but Mike and you"  That was the ugly guy I mentioned before.

"I know, it was such a turn on for me.  I kept thinking about you with those dicks inside of you.  I would go home and  fuck my girlfriend everytime one of them told me about it" 

"All I really wanted was you, I thought about you everytime I got fuck and kept thinking about what your cock looked like."  I told him. "I just got done fucking my self when you got here this evening."

"really? What did you use?"  he asked.

"I'll show you later"

I said unzipping his jeans.  He helped me pull them to the floor and off his legs.  His dick was so hard it was palsing.  I began jacking him off before sticking the hard member into my mouth.  He turned me around to get a good look at my ass and started finger fucking me.  First with two fingers then with three.  Then he started to massage my ass hole and stuck a finger up it.  He was fucking my pussy and ass hard and I was sucking his dick with delight.  After a few minutes I felt my orgasm start.  I pulled his dick out of my mouth and started yelling:

"IIII'MMMM    CCCCUUUMMMIINNGG!!!"   I came all over his hands and fell down.  He rubbed my back and stuck his dick back in my mouth.  He grabed a hand full of hair and started moving my head up and down.  Then he slamed my head all the way down to his balls and unloaded a hugh amount of cum into my mouth.  It was the best thing I ever tasted.  I cleaned his dick up.

"now what?"  I asked.

"what do you want?'" He asked back.

"I want your dick inside of me"  I begged.

Then he turned me over and started to lick my pussy juices.  He lifted my ass off the couch and started licking my pussy and ass.  It was great.  After he got it nice and wet he asked if I had a dildo.  I said yes and went to get it.  I brought it back down and gave it too him.  He placed it into my pussy and moved it in and out.  It was feeling great, but I still needed him to be inside of me.  After a few minute of fucking my with the toy he was hard and ready for action.  He ramed his 10 inch cock all the way inside me. 

he fucked me for a long time.  We were all hot and sweety when we both colapsed from orgasims.  It was the best sex I every had in my life. 

That was the first of many fuckings.  I may share some more soon.  This is a true story.

A Day In The Life

mychemicalbs78 on Teen Stories

I was sitting at home watching the local tv stuff when the doorbell rang. I went downstairs and was a little surprised to see my sisters friend Chrissy there.
   Now Chrissy had pretty short brown hair, was about 5'4 and had 36 C tits, and her ass was to die for. Me, well at the time i was 14, and Chrissy was 18. I'm about 5'9, skinny for my age, with brown curly hair.
"Hey is Erika home yet??" said Chrissy.
"Nah she's on her way home from Sam's right now..come on in." I said.
She walked past me and i couldn't help but stare at her wonderful ass as it moved past me into the kitchen." Can I take a shower?? im all wet and dirty from swim practice."
"no problem" I said.
She bends over in her jean mini skirt and

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i see her black thong sticking out.She sees my staring and smiles and closes the door.Me thinking nothing of it goes back up stares and watches tv again.
A little later I had to pee so I go downstairs and Chrissy's still in the shower.As I'm peeing Chrissy says" Hey Ben? Do you mind coming i and helping me..I can't reach everywhere since my surgery."
"but i dont have any clothes" i say.
"oh thats ok just take em' off"
Me thinking this is the luckest day ever practicly rip my clothes off and jump in.Chrissy's at the front of the shower completely naked and seeing her right there my dick springs up the whole 8". Chrissy laughs and says " Come here Ben..I don't bite"
I walk over and my dick jutts up her ass.Chrissy says" now ben can you take that soap and just rub it all over my back?" "thanks"
I rub all over and move slowly down almost to her ass when she suddenly turns around and im staring at her clean-shaven pussy.
"I know you want me Ben."
I nod agreeingly
"and you know what?? I want you also."
She picks me up with her hands and kisses me passionately.The water drips down onto us as her tongue touches mine and then caresses it.I move my hands onto her beautiful boobs and start squeezing them."ah god ben thats wonderful" she says.I then start to eat her out.Her pussy is dripping wet from the water and cum.I lick her clit and then stop...and then start it all over again.It drives her crazy.
I do as she wishes..i lie her down on the shower and insert my cock.It feels so good finally inside her after dreaming it for so long.I ride her for half and hour until i finally burst my load into her.She then finishes me off by giving me a blow job.We wash off and get out of the shower...and act as nothing ever happened.


this is my first time..all suggestions and comments would help alllot

Whores And Pimps - Part IV

PantyhosePrincess on Transgender Stories


Whores and Pimps - Part IV


Michele Nylons

(Warning – Contains Incest)

Michele lay on the bed sated; splashes of semen glistened on her stockings, blouse, face and hair. Steve, Joe and Bill stood around the bed looking at her, their erections slowly subsiding. She looked across the room and saw that Ellie had returned to administering to the fat cop’s needs. She was on her knees and her pretty face bobbed up and down in the fat cop’s lap.

The fat cop was sprawled in the chair; his piggy eyes locked on Michele

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"That was some performance there Michele; for a girl who only sucked her first cock a few hours, ago you sure learn fast," he said.

Ellie took her face out of the cop’s lap and turned her head towards Michele.

"See, I told you that you would probably end up liking it didn’t I," she gloated.

The fat cop pushed her face back down on his stubby cock."

"Shut the fuck up and suck my cock bitch," he laughed, "You let those other boys worry about her; you just take care of me."

The fat cop screwed up his eyes and reached down with both hands to push Ellie’s face onto his penis. He bucked in his seat and face-fucked Ellie with short hard strokes. Ellie was working hard at sucking his member and Michele could distinctly hear the sucking and slobbering noises Ellie made as worked on the cop’s cock. Ellie was rocking on her knees, the toes of her black high-heels dug into the cheap carpet, her short black dress had ridden up at the back revealing her white satin panties and matching suspenders clipped to the gauzy taupe stockings encasing her long sleek legs. She looked very sexy. Slutty, but definitely sexy.

Michele felt her penis begin to harden in her sticky panties. She couldn’t believe she could become aroused again so soon after her last orgasm! The sight of Ellie fellating the fat cop was also having its effect on Steve, Joe and Bill; Michele noticed that they were also in various states of arousal.

Joe sauntered over to where Ellie was fellating the cop.

"Mind if I use the other end?" he sniggered at the fat cop.

"Do what you like with her Joe; just so long as she doesn’t lose her rhythm," he laughed back.

Ellie didn’t even flinch; she just carried on sucking away on the cop’s stubby cock. Joe grabbed Ellie’s high-heels and spread them apart, her stockings rasping on the cheap dirty carpet. Joe positioned himself between Ellie’s sleek nyloned legs and took hold of his cock and began to rub it in the cleavage of Ellie’s satin pantied buttocks.

Michele felt her own cock harden and then she became aware that Steve had slid his member into her loose fingers; without conscious thought she gripped the thickening member and began to stroke it. She was mesmerised by what was happening across the room. Bill shifted to the other side of Michele and put her hand on his cock. Michele lay there masturbating the two men while the three of them watched Ellie suck the fat cop while Joe rubbed his cock on her panty clad arse.

Joe reached down and slid the silken gusset of Ellie’s panties to one side and exposed her puckered sphincter. He wet his finger with his tongue and probed at the wrinkled crack. Ellie kept fellating the cop but she also pushed back with her body and Michele watched fascinated as Joe’s finger disappeared inside Ellie’s anus.

"God that looks good," Michele whispered.

Bill heard Michele and took that as his cue. He moved down the bed and slipped his hand under Michele and gently eased her over on her side. She could still see Ellie and the two men across the room and she was still wanking Steve’s hard shaft. Michele didn’t take her eyes off the trio across the room even as she felt Bill slide his hand under her nylon panties and insert a finger inside her semen lubricated passage. She gripped Steve’s cock harder and wanked away at it.

Joe removed his finger from Ellie and spat into his palm then rubbed the spit on his member. He positioned himself directly behind Ellie and nestled the glans of his penis against her sphincter. He reached down and gripped each of Ellie’s silken stockinged thighs in each hand and began to push. He groaned as Ellie pushed back against him until his belly was hard against her bottom and he was buried in her to the hilt. Ellie wriggled her skewered arse and began to suck harder at the fat cop’s stubby member.

Bill rucked Michele’s black leather mini up around her waist and moved down the bed and knelt beside Michele’ pantied rump. He pulled her panties down, the nylon material of her panties whistling on her hosed legs, and left them around one slim ankle. He pushed Michele over further and lifted her leg so that she was lying on her side with her legs scissored open. Bill lay down behind Michele and put his rock hard cock at the entrance to her back passage. He pushed and Michele groaned at the pain as Bill’s glans forced open her tight sphincter.

"Easy honey," Bill whispered into Michele’s ear and the nuzzled her neck, "just relax and it will slide right in; Steve’s already lubed you for me."

And it did! Michele relaxed and then felt Bob’s hard cock slide right up inside her. She was still fascinated by the other trio having sex across the room but she was now very aware of Bill’s body rubbing against hers and his grunts and groans as he fucked her. She loved the feeling of her anus being filled and the shivered with pleasure as Bill’s cock rubbed against her prostate.

Steve had now moved to the edge of the bed and was watching the sex going on around him as he slowly stroked his own cock.

Joe was pounding himself in and out of Ellie; he had moved his hands down to her feet where he gripped her high-heels and rode her like a sleigh. Ellie was a lovely sight to behold with her black chiffon dross rucked up around her waist, her gossamer taupe stockings clipped to her white satin suspenders and her matching satin panties, the gusset eased aside to allow Joe access to her arse. Her pretty face was buried in the fat cop’s lap, sucking his engorged manhood and she bucked back and forth on her knees keeping rhythm with Joe’s pace as he fucked her. Joe was groaning and moaning and the fat cop had his eyes screwed shut and pushed Ellie’s face down into his lap. They groaned in unison.

"I’m coming; oh god I’m coming!"

Michele felt Bob quicken his pace as he hung on to her and pounded his cock in and out of her come slicked anal passage. Michele pushed back against him and wriggled her bottom. Lying on her side like this she was unable to thrust back and forth but her wriggling and pushing caused the glans of Bob’s penis to massage her prostate gland bringing her closer to orgasm. Bob suddenly wrapped his arms around Michele and pulled her back hard against him and Michele felt his cock begin to shudder as streams of hot semen flooded her anal passage. Bob’s manhood spasming against her anal gland caused Michele to climax too and she wriggled her bottom and pushed back against Bob as she shed her spend into her already come-sodden panties.

Steve spun around on the bed and aimed his cock at Michele’s heavily made up face. He groaned and shot stream after stream of hot semen over her face, rivulets of his juice ran down over her eyes, nose and on to her lips. Michele gobbled the salty offering, slavering the fluids with her tongue and licking it into her mouth as her own orgasm shot through her anus, testes and penis. She was experiencing one of the most intense orgasms of her life.

The fat cop pushed Ellie’s head down into his crotch and held her there as he came, he bucked and squirmed in his seat as his emission erupted out of his throbbing cock and deep down Ellie’s throat. Ellie wriggled and struggled tried to pull herself free to prevent herself from drowning on the fat cop’s semen. Joe used Ellie’s struggles for his own gratification and plunged his turgid penis deep into her pulsing anal channel and expended his load, flooding her with a deluge of hot semen. Ellie was nearly asphyxiated when her own orgasm ripped through her and she flooded her panties, a wet stain spreading across the front panel of the white satin garment.

Everyone in the room had climaxed almost simultaneously and they all fell apart and gasped for breath as they came down from their respective orgasmic highs. Ellie was sprawled on the floor heaving in deep breaths. Between her gasping breaths she guzzled the remainder of the fat cop’s spunk. She pushed herself up on her knees and reached up and slapped the cop playfully across the face.

"You bastard," she wheezed, "I know we have played at erotic asphyxiation before; but not when I’ve had a big cock inside me at the same time!"

"Fuck it was incredible though," Ellie smiled and turned around and kissed Joe passionately on the lips.

She looked across at Michele,

"Well was I right or was I right?"

"I told you most of the girls eventually like what they experience here; and I just knew you would be too much of a slut not like it too."

"When our friend in blue here," Ellie nodded at the fat cop, "told us that you had continued on to the party after he made you suck his cock in that parking lot; we knew you would eventually become a willing participant in our little orgy."

Michele was still catching her breath and doing her best to wipe Steve’s coagulating semen off her face.

"Well I’ll tell you what Ellie; you’re a arsehole at work and you’re a cunt of a friend outside of work. But if you ever plan another orgy like this; you better count me in" Michele replied, a smirk breaking out on her face.

Everyone in the room burst into laughter.

As Michele drove back to her sister’s house in the early hours of the morning she pondered on the previous evening’s events. Michele’s sister Angie had revealed that she knew her brother Malcolm (Michele’s alter ego) was a closet transvestite (and seriously hinted that she herself was a lesbian!). Michele’s workmate Jill had let Malcolm make love to her whilst he was dressed as Michele; and Eddie had turned out to Ellie, the most perverted transvestite you could imagine!

Michele had fucked and sucked and been fucked and sucked and had totally fallen in love with the secret underworld of transvestite sex. Ellie had said she would arrange another transvestite and admirer party for the following weekend and Michele was already planning what to wear. What a marvellous twenty-four hours it had been!

When Michele arrived at her sister’s house it was dark and totally silent. She let herself in and staggered to the spare bedroom, shucked off her semen encrusted clothing and wig and fell into bed without even bothering to clean off her makeup. She fell asleep immediately and didn’t wake up until late Saturday afternoon.

Malcolm woke up to find Angie sitting on the end of the bed with a cup of hot steaming coffee in her hand.

"Drink this, shower, shave, brush your teeth, and then come and tell your older sister all about your evening, oh brother of mine!" Angie giggled.

"From the mess your clothing was in you certainly got up to something exciting," she went on.

Malcolm looked groggily around the room.

"Where are the clothes I wore last night," he asked inquisitively.

"Cleaned, pressed and waiting for when Michele re-appears. I even washed, blow dried and brushed your wig," Angie replied.

"In fact after you have cleaned yourself up; why don’t I help you transform yourself again. Yesterday was fun and I’m sure you learned a lot," she smiled.

"I don’t know? I feel kind of weird letting my sister dress me as woman and do my make up," Malcolm frowned.

"Oh fuck that! I know you liked it; now get up and get yourself sorted and meet me in my bedroom. Once I've transformed you into ‘Michele’ I'm sure you will feel more comfortable about telling me all about what happened last night. Let’s just call it ‘girl talk’," she winked, and then got up off the bed and left the room.

Malcolm did as his sister bid and brushed his teeth, showered and shaved. It took a while to remove the caked-on makeup that he had not removed before going to bed but liberal use of moisturiser removed most of it. He was wondering what his sister was getting up to, wanting to help him dress again. The last time she did it, now nearly two days ago, she had put her hand under his skirt and touched him through his panties. What was that about?

Malcolm had been crossdressing for so long now that his mind automatically switched from thinking of himself as Malcolm to Michele as soon as he began to transform himself.

When he came back into the bedroom wearing only a bath towel around his waist he found Angie sitting on the bed surrounded by a selection of feminine clothing, most of which Michele had worn the previous evening. It was now cleaned and pressed. A packet of Kaiser Ultra Sheer stockings replaced the laddered and come-spattered hose he had worn home. Michele’s wig and makeup were arranged on the dressing table.

Angie was wearing a pleated navy blue skirt that came to just above her knees. She wore a white satin blouse that exposed her cleavage, navy-blue high-heels and sheer tan hosiery. She was also wearing full makeup and jewellery. She looked quite hot for a woman of her age.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Malcolm asked.

"Nowhere. I’m going to help transform you into Michele and then we are going to discuss what happened at the party," Angie answered walking over the dresser and patting the chair, indicting Malcolm should take a seat in front of the mirror.

"You do your makeup this time and I’ll only help if you need me to ok?" Angie said.

"Ok," Michele replied, taking off her towel and sitting down at the dresser completely nude.

Michele’s finger and toenails retained the two coats of glossy plumb red that she had applied on Friday afternoon so they only needed touching up where the nail polish was chipped. She applied a thick coat of foundation to her face and then set it with matching face powder. She brushed dark blue eyeshadow onto her eyelids and then applied a coat of pink out to the far corners of her eyes, lightening the makeup and blending the two shades. Next she applied jet-black eyeliner to her upper and lower eyelids, applying three coats and touching up here and there when Angie directed her.

"So far so good Michele," Angie cooed, "But of course you’ve had years of practice you naughty closet queen," she giggled.

Michele applied thick black mascara to her upper and lower eyelashes, and then blush to her cheeks, feathering it along her cheek-line and smoothing it up so that it almost merged with her eyeshadow. Then she dusted her whole face and neck with a coating of sheer-glow finishing powder, being careful not to smudge her mascara and eyeliner.

She painted on the base coat of the two-coat plum coloured lipstick just like she had been taught by her sister, being careful not to smudge her lip-line applying the clear top coat over the base colour coat.

Michele positioned the wig on her head and adjusted and brushed it until it was sitting perfect with the fringe straight.

Michele had again made the transformation from a plain, smooth-faced man to a heavily made-up middle-aged whore with brunette hair framing dark exotic eyes, rouged cheeks and seductive red lips.

She turned towards her sister, who looked at her critically and said,

"Wonderful Malcolm; you have again transformed into Michele," Angie said and stroked Michele’s face gently with her long red fingernails

"Let’s see you get dressed then," Angie said, helping Michele to her feet and leading her over to the bed.

Angie patted Michele playfully on the buttocks.

"You look good enough to eat," she laughed.

Michele was again confused by her sister’s actions.

"Angie," she whispered, "are you some kind of a lesbian or something?"

"I’m an ‘or something ok’?" Angie answered.

"I like men; no I love men; but I like certain kinds of women too."

"I’m bisexual I guess. I’m a lipstick lesbian."

Michele looked at her sister confused. Angie went on,

"I like to have sex with feminie women; not the hairy ‘man-hater’ type of lesbians that are often the stereotype. Do you get what I mean?" she finished.

Michele nodded and sat down on the bed and started getting dressed.

She slid into the red lace suspender belt and adjusted it so that it sat around her waist and then took the stockings out of the packet and slipped the hosiery over her pretty painted toes and slid the sheer nylon up her legs. She clipped the stocking-tops onto the garters hanging from her suspender belt. She carefully straightened the back-seams keeping the nylon taught; smoothing out the wrinkles as she went. Next she slid the red satin bikini panties up her nyloned legs and pulled them snug around her buttocks and crotch.

Michele hooked the red brassiere around her chest stuffed the cups with the old pairs of pantyhose that she had used to fill them with before. She stood up and stepped into her black leather mini and adjusted it at her waist ensuring the hem was nice and straight at mid thigh. Next she pulled on the leopard-skin nylon blouse, buttoning the blouse and tucking it into her skirt.

Michele walked back over to the dresser and sat down. She clipped on the silver mounted ruby drop earings clasped the matching necklace around her neck and the matching bracelets on both of her wrists. She slid the four large silver rings on her fingers, two on each hand. Michele bent down and slid her feet into the black leather high-heeled sandals; buckling the thin straps which came to just above her ankles. She sprayed a liberal amount of ‘Poison’ perfume all over finishing with a quick spray under her skirt.

"There; transformation complete," Michele turned her pretty face up to her sister’s.

"Not quite," Angie said and kneeled at her brother’s feet.

"You forgot this," she said fastening the silver anklet below Michele's left ankle.

Michele felt her penis stir as her looked down at her sister’s attractive face so close to her crotch and felt Angie’s slim hands slide over her stockinged ankle. She wondered what was going on here between her and her sister.

Angie slid her manicured fingers up Michele’s sleek leg and her hand disappeared under the black leather mini. Her fingers stroked the naked skin above Michele’s stocking-tops and she looked up at her brother.

"Come on Michele, sit next to me on the bed and tell your sister all about what happened to you last night," Angie said removing her hand from under Michele’s skirt.

Angie stood and helped Michele up on her high-heels and led her to the bed. They sat side by side close to each other and Michele began to tell her sister the full story of what had happened from the minute she had left her Abgie’s house for the party yesterday, until she returned in the early hours of this morning. Angie hung on every word.

"Absolutely fascinating Michele," Angie said.

"I wish I had been there! But you must have been quite scared when those guys had you tied to the bed like that. Men can be such pigs sometimes," she said, and put her arm around Michele.

Angie looked into Michele’s pretty painted eyes and Michele stared back into Angie’s heavily made up face. She hadn’t before realised how sexy Angie looked when she was dressed and made up like this. Angie moved her head forward so that their faces were only centimetres apart and parted her red lipsticked lips. Michele felt her cock harden in her panties.

"Angie; we shouldn’t. We’re brother and sister." she whispered.

"We’re Angie and Michele," Angie responded and kissed Michele deeply, their lipsticked lips mashing together and their tongues intertwining.

Michele gently pushed Angie away and stood up on her high heels, her hard cock tenting the front of her skirt.

"It’s incest Angie; it’s wrong," she whispered.

"As far as I’m concerned you are Michele, a hot fuckable woman who happens to have a real penis instead of a strap-on; not my brother Malcolm!" Angie replied.

"You’re no different to all the other women who I have fucked over the years," she went on, "and I can see you like what we are doing," she said pointing to Michele’s erection visibly tenting her leather miniskirt.

"Wouldn’t you like some this," Angie said and lifted her skirt.

Michele stared at her sister standing there with her navy-blue A-line skirt lifted around her waist, she held the hem at her waist holding it between her red painted fingernails. Angie was wearing white boy-leg cami-knickers. She reached out with one hand and placed Michele’s hand on her stockinged leg. She moved Michele’s fingers up her nyloned thigh until it came to rest on her panties. Michele instinctively started stroking her sister’s panty crotch.

Michele moved forward and kissed Angie and felt her stiffen and groan in the back of her throat. Angie wrapped her arms around Michele and returned the embrace as Michele continued to stroke her pantied crotch and stocking encased legs.

Angie reached down with one hand and slipped it under Michele’s skirt and eased her thick cock out of her silky panties and began to rub it on her tan nylons. Michele experienced that familiar exquisite feel of diaphanous nylon against her glans, making it tingle with delight. A small trail of pre-come began to glisten on Angie’s thigh.

Michele kissed Angie deeper, loving the combined taste of their lipstick and makeup and the scent of their perfumes. Michele was rubbing her penis between her sister’s legs working the shaft against the sheer nylon. Her cock came in contact with Angie’s stocking top and she rubbed it there whilst her hand continued to caress her sisters mound through her cami-knickers, occasionally sliding down to caress the expanse of flesh above her stocking. .

Then Michele moved her hand under Angie’s cami-knickers and stroked the outside of her pussy. It was completely hairless and smooth to touch.

"Yes! Please! Yes! Do me like a whore; you whore!" Angie gasped and whimpered into Michele’s hot wet mouth.

Michele poked a finger inside Angie’s glistening outer vaginal lips and felt a warm moist cave, the inner lips were soaking wet and inflamed with arousal. Angie stiffened slightly and then relaxed, her legs opening further.

Michele eased two fingers inside her sister’s vagina and positioned her thumb over her clitoris; she slid the fingers in and out as she thrummed Angie’s clitty. Michele’s was still humping Angie’s legs whilst her free hand gently held her sister’s head and stroked her hair with her red nail-polished fingers.

Michele eased Angie back on to the bed and lay on top of her with his hand still between her legs manipulating her sex. She pushed her sister’s skirt up around her waist, Angie lifting her sexy buttocks off the bed to assist.

"Are you sure you want this?" Michele asked her sister, looking into her eyes.

"Fuck me you whore," was Angie’s reply as she pulled Michele’s face to hers and kissed her deeply.

She opened her legs and lifted them up around Michele’s waist, her stockings rasping against Michele’s leather skirt and her high-heels pointing up at the ceiling.

Michel’s rock hard cock rubbed against her sister’s pantied mound and she could feel the hot folds of her sister’s cunt around her cock. She opened the leg of Angie’s cami-knickers and pushed forward. It was like entering a hot buttery cave as Angie’s labia opened and Michele’s penis slid effortlessly inside her sister. Angie’s silken legs gripped Michele and commenced pulling and pushing her back and forth in a slow rhythm as she fucked her.

Angie’s vagina was tight and wet and Michele loved the sensations of the hot folds of his sisters sex against her rock hard shaft. Angie’s labia wrapped around the base of Michele’s cock as their pantied crotches slammed together. Angie took control of the lovemaking, gripping Michele tight with her stockinged legs, forcing her to slow down her thrusting to long, slow, deep strokes.

Michele tried to increase the intensity of their coupling but his sister would have nothing of it and continued to keep Michele locked in the vice grip of her sleek legs, ensuring a slow steady rhythm. Michele’s cock slid in and out of her slick wet folds and Angie’s labia greedily wrapped around the base of her cock as Michele entered her fully, their pantied crotches rubbing against each other increasing the intensity of the pleasure they both felt.

Michele felt her orgasm approaching and began to buck against her sister’s locked legs around her waist.

"I’m coming Ange’; I can’t stop it! I’m coming!" Michele screamed into his sister’s mouth, crushing their painted lips together and driving her tongue deep inside her hot mouth.

"Oh yeah, Michele! Come in me! Come in me! Come in your slut sister!" Angie groaned and bucked and wriggled.

Angie gripped Michele by her satin pantied buttocks and slammed her mound up to meet Michele’s thrusts. Angie ground her pubic mound against Michele as she thrust forward and Michele was delighted by the added sensation of her sister’s mound grinding against her testes encased in satin panties.

Angie moaned into Michele’s mouth, "I’m Coming! Coming! Coming!"

Michele thrust forward and pushed hard against Angie and emptied her seed deep inside her sister. Angie whimpered and moaned; their tongue's intertwined and slavered as Michele's hot seed shot deep inside Angie’s cunt. Angie dug her painted fingernails into Michele’s satin pantied buttocks and shook in ecstasy as they orgasmed. Angie’s cunt quivered and pulsed as her orgasm shook her, squeezing the last of the semen from Michele’s throbbing cock.

Angie looked up into Michele's heavily made-up face, feeling Michele’s cock slowly deflating inside her.

"Well Michele; was that ok? No regrets? What do you think; would you do this again?" she asked.

Michele smiled down and kissed Angie on her lush red lips and replied.

"Well Sis’; there’s this party organised for next week……………………………………………"


The End

An erotic pole dancer's special surprise---Chapter 4

skylineridera31 on Sex Stories

                             Angie’s Surprise ---   Chapter  4


                                                    The cook out !


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face="Times New Roman" size="3">Angie and I had seeing each other for a couple of months when my department decided to have a lobster bake with all the trimmings at a local seashore beach. Most of the single guys in the department volunteered to do the heavy work of bringing the logs and preparing the fire pit in the morning.  The remaining people who had families in the group were to arrive later in the day with lobsters, clams, corn and additional trimmings including a re-supply of liquid refreshments.


 I asked Angie if she was interested in going to the cook out. It was a frivolous question on my part since she knew I worked with a few single guys who were always horny. She would arrive and flaunt her stuff and be a cock tease with them throughout the day. She would be in all her glory.


Very few people knew about Angie with the exception of my very close friends. Now all my male fishing buddies whole heartedly approved of Angie for some reason. Our first boisterous beer party and her introduction to my friends as a group was a joy to watch. Angie came dressed as Angie. The guys were jubilant and their girl friends somewhat more subdued. Surprisingly, the wives in the group were more forgiving and friendly to her… that was until she mentioned what she was presently doing to earn a living. Quickly though everybody warmed up to her and all went well.


Now I hadn’t brought Angie home to meet the family yet. Not that they would be shocked at how she was dressed… they were use to me and who I would bring home….. It was how I would explain her occupation for the summer. I was still working on my introduction speech to my mother and family… especially my sister!


The weather for the weekend of the cook out was predicted to be hot and humid.  I suggested that we take the Harley motorcycle because of the nice weather instead of one of our cars. That clinched her decision to go. We had been frequently riding the motorcycles and she now visualized herself as a biker girl! Ooh brother!!


 We planned to go early in the morning to help dig and start the fire in the pit and get things ready for the afternoon cookout. I explained that most of the people were professionals and it might be more appropriate if she could dress a little bit more conservative …. like not wear her cut off shirt with no bra and let her boobs hang out the bottom.  She did come more moderately dressed with her bikini top under her blouse  …. her boobs now popping out the top of her blouse. The shorts were as always just that …short of material with her butt cheeks peeking out of the bottom…but similar shorts could be seen along the beach front. But not worn by the wives and secretaries that worked in my department. Hell no!! 


 In reality, I was pleased with her decor  … she was exciting … I expected nothing else. And besides, it was hopeless to protest…. she would just look at me …smile and continue doing just as she pleased. I have to admit there were some times that I reached the point with her not listening that I had the strongest desire to kick her in the ass when she bent over with my steel toed biker boots.


 As soon as we arrived at the location for the cookout, Angie jumped right into helping and organizing the work effort. She had some experience with this preparing of a lobster bake type of cookout before. She ended up being one of the ‘guys’ when it came to hard work. She played to the single guys … they all knew she was just being a cock tease to them.


 Everyone had a good time during the work phase in the morning. I had a good time just watching the guys trying to position themselves to get a better look at Angie’s assets and of course her titset.  I once caught a glimpse of two of the single guys in my section mimicking humping Angie doggie style while she was bending over tending to the burn pit.


Now the afternoon events with the married guys and wives …well I was a little bit more apprehensive! My fully decked out Harley motorcycle acted as a sign post on the cliff face for those people who were not familiar with the cookout location. The cookout was a complete success for everybody … beyond every ones expectations.


Many of the people had worn their bathing suits under their clothes … they stripped down on the beach and went into the ocean while the lobsters, clams and other goodies were cooking in the pit. The remaining couples went down the shore about a mile to a changing area on the public beach. Angie and I looked around for a secluded spot in the large rocks at the base of the cliff. We found a deep recession in the rocks about 200 yards down the beach and away from everybody with searching eyes. The recessed area in the cliff face was deep enough to conceal us with the exception of our heads when standing. Angie just needed to get into her bikini bottom since she initially wore the bikini top as a bra under her blouse.


 I was changing into my bathing suit when I glanced at Angie who was now leaning back against the rock face wearing one of her big evil grins and no bikini bottom. Her shaved puffy pussy was so white compared to her toast colored tan that she had been working on all spring and early summer. She blew me a kiss and began her little purring and moaning antics that essentially broadcast she was coming in to heat and ready for a little bit of quickie fun.


 Right away I knew what she was thinking.  I asked her to please just get her bikini on. It was not the time and place to fuck around. My request fell on deaf ears.  Angie never uttered a word. She held my arm and slowly pulled me close to her. She then placed both hands on my butt and pressed against me. I tried to discourage her from fooling around because of the proximity of so many people.  Trying to change Angie’s mind set when it came to a sexual activity where there was a chance of being caught or being an exhibitionist was hopeless. The consequence of denying her what she had in mind was not what I wished to experience for the rest of the day and night! I would pay an unacceptable price for not complying with her immediate wishes.


 I slowly lifted my head to look around … it seemed like no one even knew we were missing from the group. I knew Angie by then … she never gave up when she was horny and needed to be fucked.  This was not going to be a love secession; this was to be a fuck secession.  Angie started playing with me to get me wet and hard … that didn’t take long ….I hardened to the attention.  Angie smiled …. turned around and bent over wiggling her ass in a very suggestive manner while looking over her shoulder to keep attentive to my progress. I snuggled up to her big bubble ass with my hardness in hand as I sought the entrance to her love tunnel. I was misguided in my first attempt probably due to the anxiety of being exposed with so many people around. Angie displayed some annoyance to my misguided advance. She reached back, grabbed my hand, and placed my cock where she knew it should be while pushing back against me.


She was beyond wet and horny and I went in full depth with one easy no effort push.  She immediately began ramming her ass back hard and fast …. damn she was really hot, horny and sopping wet …. Her heated enthusiasm was also more than contagious …. now I was ready wanting and willing. The whole surrounding situation of possibly getting caught …. and if not … the idea we put one over on everybody right on the beach created an atmosphere of excitement.


 I reached down and around and between her legs and began to rub Angie’s large hard clit as I pressed against her. She squealed to my enthusiastic stimulation of her clit and surrounding pussy. Angie bucked frantically as I fucked her hard and fast. The slapping sounds of our bodies making strong contact were muffled by the crashing of the surf and the open ocean.  She was right, Angie needed to be fucked hard, right there and then.  I knew she was not going to be able to last long with this combination of fucking. She immediately responded to my fingers making circles around her erect clit …. moaning with the pleasure and whispering that she wasn’t going to last ….Good! 


Within a half minute Angie moaned “I’m going to cum …. I told you I needed it.”  Her speaking out as to her level of excitement brought forth a rippling wave of tingles cascading within my body and I sighed as I felt my eruption beginning to happen. I wrapped my left arm tightly under Angie’s hips as I stroked her clit with my right hand …. she was pinned to me as I thrust strongly deep inside her love box …. she knew what was happening. I pushed in deep in anticipation of my climax …. Angie pushed back against me … looking back around her shoulder she whispered “Give it to me!” …and I did.


As I emptied all I had in multiple squirts, Angie erupted with strong convulsive undulating body movements …. pushing against the rock face with her hands and thrusting hard back against me while moving her hips from side to side … now attempting to reach back and grab me …. moaning and whispering softly to me that she loved me …. and then just collapsing and slowly sinking and resting her forehead against the cool rock face.


Now she started her giggling antics knowing she had just been fucked with everyone around and nobody was the wiser!


 “Oh that was something else … we have to come here again! It must be the ocean that makes me this horny.”


Now that had to be the joke of the day.  Just being able to breathe made Angie horny! 


We both pulled on our bathing suits without cleaning up. I was still stiff but getting soft quickly but the bulge in my bathing suit was still very noticeable .. But we needed to make our selves visible before some one noticed we were missing. … We needed to get into the surf to bathe and wash off the perspiration that was covering both our bodies from fooling around in the high humidity of the day.


We laughed as we tried to climb out of the hole in the rock face. I had to help Angie up and out of the rocks …she was beside herself. We were both sapped of all energy due to the good climaxes.  No one really paid much attention to us as we held on to each other and stumbled along to the water’s edge …. looking at each other and giggling to ourselves that we had put one over on everybody on the beach and right under their noses. …. we were so drained of energy.


Angie began laughing now as we strolled closer to the waters edge. I looked at her and she guided my eyes to her right leg where a rivulet of cream colored juice was attempting to find its way down the inside of leg.  There was no way it could have found its way out of pussy with her bikini on; even with the limited amount of material that was her bikini. It was obvious to me that she wasn’t paying attention to her ‘condition’ as she put on her bikini.


Angie, however, had a different point of view which she spent substantial time to explain to me in jest then and continuously thereafter.  She was such a great piece of ass that she brought out the best in me and I over filled her with all my love.  I agreed she was the reason for all my loving. That got me a big hug and kiss just before she entered the first wave. I did not think this was a subject for disagreement.


Luckily the water was somewhat warm …. enough to get in all the way with a little bit of effort. We bobbed about in the water attempting to surf over the waves with the water up at neck level.


After a while, Angie came over to me and pressed the top and bottom of her bikini into my hand with a big smile and said “Hold on to these for me!” Now she was starting to display some of the fears that I had imagined could happen. I looked about and we were the only ones close by. Most of the people were on the shore relaxing after possibly over eating during the cookout. The hidden exhibitionist side of Angie personality was emerging and she only had but two beers…… thank goodness!


 Angie now smiled seductively as she hugged me close and gave me a quick kiss. Her arms encircled my neck as she brought her legs up and wrapped them around my waist … pushing her uncovered shave pussy against me. I told her I was done …. there was no way I could do anything in the water …my cock was small, shriveled and in hiding between my balls.  The water, while warm for the ocean was too cold for screwing after our quickie in the rocks.  She knew it … she was just teasing as she said ….”Yeh right”. … She in fact was serious to try again because of the potential audience. I continued to just hold on to her boobs while she stayed close to me.


She then separated from me and proceeded to do several surface dives that briefly showed her bare ass cheeks for those people on the beach who just might be watching. She then swam over and took her bikini from me and put it back on to transform her self back into a respectable woman!


All the single people stayed until late into the night … sitting around the fire knowing we had accomplished something special that day. We finally left after covering the fire pit with water and sand. We exchanged the motorcycle for my car at the storage bay and arrived at Angie’s apartment, baked from a day in the sun …... covered with salt and needing a shower.


I told her to shower first … I just wanted to rest for a few minutes. I was exhausted.  She just smiled, kissed me on my ear and whispered “We’ll shower together! I’ll wash your back.”


The water felt good as the salt from the ocean was rinsed off my body. Angie’s eyes were closed also as the rivulets of water cascaded over her body, over her nipples and tits. The flowing water was obviously raising sensual feelings within her body. Her nipples were now stiff and looked very hard and erect. Her eyes were closed as I gently touched both nipples at the same time. Angie’s eyes slowly opened to my intrusion into her feelings while a wide seductive smile came to her face. She handed me the soap as she turned and leaned against the shower wall and asked to be soaped down …gently!

I soaped her back, hips, and butt which brought out a comment as to how good I was making her feel. Her hands slowly slid down the wall as she backed away from the shower wall until she was slightly bent over. She just looked back and smiled. I ignored her unspoken suggestive request as she wiggled her hips … I continued soaping away. There was the suggestive wiggling of the hips again. I just gave up resisting.


 I reached around and under her, soaping her large boobs gently while lingering and squeezing her nipples. Again the backward and some what pleading look as I soaped her belly …her stomach muscles twitching to my caressing with the soap … then moving to her pussy region. She knew I was just teasing … I could not stop what was inevitable … I was just raising the level of expectation.


 I dropped the soap to the shower floor while rinsing the soap from my hand and her pussy. I slid my finger down and into that loveable slit until I was caressing her enlarged clit. She moaned quietly while turning again to look back at me with her pleading baby doe eyes …. now … now she was really ready to be taken. She whined out another of her “Please do me now!” requests.


  My cock was rock hard pointing upwards and was sliding up and down in the crack between the cheeks of her ass as she moved slowly to my gentle massaging of her clit and surrounding tenderness.  She pulled away slightly and my cock slipped down and out of the crack of her butt and into a straight forward erection. Without any guidance and just a little butt wiggling, it found its own way to go and be fully caressed over its full length. Angie’s head arched back and turned to look at me with “I’m not going to last again. Do me quickly again.”


Once again it was a replay of our coupling in the rocks. She pushed back and rocked against me for a very short time while reaching back with one hand for me to hold while supporting herself against the shower wall against my thrusting with her other hand. 


I left my attempt to caress her clit and grabbed both cheeks of her ass as I rammed my cock as hard as I could to aggressively fuck her pussy. The effect of the water cascading over our bodies accentuated the sound of our bodies slapping against each other. There was no muffling of the sounds of contact here in the shower like there was at the seashore. I actually think I was working up a sweat in the shower that was being immediately rinsed from my body as I fucked her so fast and furiously. Angie’s ass cheeks rippled and jiggled to the impact of my body as my cock plunged in full length and my balls slapped against her pussy lips.


She was looking back at me as she whispered “I’m cumming …. right now.” She pushed back as I pressed full depth and climaxed again with her. I didn’t have as much love juice to share with her after so short a time since the afternoon session. The feelings she projected of her wanting me to be coupled with her along with the sensation of the water flowing from the shower so excited me that my climax was very intense. Several of my toes on my right foot began to cramp and that for me is an indication of a great piece of ass.

 Both of us slumped against each other … holding on to each other in an attempt to stay together after so enjoyable a moment. We finally stood and faced each other … still in a weak post climatic state …. I felt exhausted.


 Angie spoke first, stating that doing it doggy style with me produced very strong in-depth feelings that just overwhelmed her senses …. it was a special position just for us. We seemed to have just some how been made to always get the most out of that position compared to others that were also very enjoyable.


After drying ourselves, we sat on the couch and I brushed her hair for a long time. Angie reciprocated by rubbing and scratching my back very gently. I was so tired but very content. Angie was at first just quiet then murmured she want to tell me something.


“ I do not know what it is with me but you have brought out some thing in me that I never have felt before. When you make love to me you stir me deeply. Some nights I can’t sleep…. I can’t stop thinking about you. You’ve become somebody special in my life. You are the first guy to do that to me and I had to tell you that.  That’s all I wanted to tell you.”


I hugged her close for a while to let her know she had touched me emotionally. We then lay down on her high pile rug, completely nude and listened to soft music in the darkness of the room. We were comfortable with slowly running our fingers over each other’s body, every once in a while producing tingling feelings here and there until the sleep of the night crept in on us and it was time to go to bed. We just nodded off just holding on to each other after what was a great day.


 In reality, I was coming to have in-depth feelings for this woman --- she excited me … even when she would just touch me at times and I never knew what she might do next. I now knew she had the same feelings and that I was something special to her also. I would catch her looking at me with a deep and thoughtful way every now and then. When I asked for her thoughts, she would just shake her head no … we were coming to feel deeply for each other and that was for sure. 


One day not to long after the department cook out, my fishing buddy and I just happened to stop at my family’s beach house. Many of my family and extended family was there on the beach. During the congenial conversations, my fishing buddy casually let ‘slip’ that Angie and I had been going together for quite some time now and what was it between us….anything serious?


 I braced my self. I saw my sister’s body English telegraph that she had heard something different in all the mundane conversations that were going on at the same time between family members. I was looking down at the beach sand at my feet and but I could see my sister with my peripheral vision. My sister’s head was cocked to one side trying to see my face. I turned to look at her. Her lovely large blue eyes narrowed to little slits while her lovely smiled turned to a leering smile while she questioned  “Angie,… Angie, ….who pray tell is Angie ???” 


 I ignored my sister’s inquiry like I didn’t hear the question. I turned my face back to look downward at the zillion grains of beach sand at my feet. Maybe if I begin to count all the grains of sand and ignore my sister’s questions everything will go away!


  My aunt however, picked up on my sister’s voice inflection along with her body English and she was a like a dog jumping on the proverbial bone. My aunt turned to my mother who was not in tune with the conversation …she was more in tune with her third scotch and water. 


“Mary, have you met Angie? Is she a nice girl?”


 With a reply from my mother who came out of glass of scotch and water with  "Angie.!.....Who is Angie???” all was lost!!!  I know I groaned as my buddy could see me holding my head while looking at the ground as I muttered “Thanks a lot Richy!!”


“No problem” was his response as he graciously stood up, looked at the ocean and announced he thought the fish were in the surf and he was going to check it out! He was not going to hang around for this blood letting secession!!!


 I remember thinking it sure would be nice if Angie had her job back in the business sector. Bringing her home and introducing her to the family with her magnificent set of boobs popping out of the bottom of her halter, if she was wearing one at the time, and her butt cheeks exposed from the bottom of her short shorts was a visual event I did not want to experience. Then telling them that she was an exotic topless dancer on Route 1 out side Boston made me a little bit more than anxious!!  I think petrified would be the more closely correct emotional feeling!


Just then I heard just about everyone in the family say to me in unison “Jaaaayyyyy, who is Angie???”


 My sister continued smiling her evil smirk. She was loving what was about to start. She was going to peel the skin off my back little by little …. and love every minute of it. She could tell I had something to hide and it was her mission in life to find out who Angie was.


 It was the second time I could remember my sister looking at me with just little slits for eye balls. The last time was at night, the early summer before, up in the beach house.  She knew she had just missed catching me up to no good. I had escaped being caught with that little blond nymph of a high school cheer leader in a most embarrassing event by seconds. My sister could detect the aroma of the little nymph’s perfume that lingered after the girl had escaped being exposed. Seconds before my sister and her friends entered the cottage, the nymph had leaped up bare ass from the couch, snatched up her clothes in one hand and did a stunning one hand vault over the back deck hand rail down on to sand dune below and disappeared into the dark of night.

I wasn’t going to escape again. This time I was about to be crucified! Ohh yes, all the women in my extended family were about to propose that I bring the girl to be met and of course scrutinized. They were once again going to make an attempt to terminate my life of single sinfulness and immorality. Yup it was time for the last single guy in the extended family to end his ways and encourage me to enter into the proverbial life of blissful marriage……. again. They all had mission to get me married and miserable.  



Things just had to get better after this day ends!!!

cousins reunited + some other family 2

bulgingvenus69 on Incest Stories

        To everyone who liked my last story i am sorry i couldn't continue sooner i just didn't have much time to.

        now at the end of my last story my cousin came home fromm college. now at this ime we didn't know it but my cousin was a sex addict. me, my mom, my cousin, and my aunt were all asleep when my other cousin found us in her room. since it was warm out we slept nude above he sheets. when my cousin came home she pened all the blinds in the room and this room was on the east so all he morning sun shined through. once this happened we alll kind of woke up simultaniously. once we naoticed she was standing there we tried to cover her self up but it just wouldnt work then she yelled " stop"

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so we all froze. she walked up to us grabbed my cock and stuffed in her mouth. almost instantly i was hard. all of a sudden she yelled to everyone else to start fingering each other. then she went back to sucking my dick for a little bit then stopped and started stripping. she looked just like my other cousin but with blonde hair and a litle bit shorter. then she came back over to me but instead of sucking on my dick she stood up above me and pounded her wet pussy on my cock.

      the orgasm i had come at he same time with my cousin and we both tightened up and her pussy stared to squeeze my cock and suck out every last bit of cum.  at this time i looked over and saw everybady else ejoying themselves. my young cousin was he only one without a finger in her pussy so i though i would help. now my cock was hard again from all hat was going on. so i moved righ in fron of he and lined my cock up with her hole and with one fas sroke i shoved my whole cock in her pussy as i did this i could feel her star to orgasm and her hips hopped in he air and stared humping me so i didn't have to do anything afer she sared this i also orgasmed wich was the bes i had of the past night.

      after we were done my cousins bed was covered wih love juices. so when we were done we when downsairs o ge some breakfast. as we walked downsairs my younger cousin grabbed my cock to ge my atention. she pulled me off to the side and brought to my atention how my mom was the only one the i hadn't fucked by that time.  so me and her came up with a plan so i could fuck her. afer talking for awhile my aunt called us in to eat dinner. after we ate me and my cousin used our plan. me, my cousin, and my mom all walked out on the back porch (they lived in a very isolaed area so there was no chance of getting caught.  my cousin told my mom to lay down on a lounge chair by the pool. she got on top of her and stared circling her nipples and french kissing her. she paused kissing her for a second and motioned me to come and and star fucking her. so i slowly moved on top of her and aimed my dick straigh at her and slowly pushed in. i could feel my mom was igh and hadn't been fucked in a while. my cousin maved off and i leaned down and started kissing her with the mos passionate kiss. his kiss lasted very long. while we were still kissing i was moving in and out slowly. after we broke our kissed my mom screamed out " FUCK ME HONEY I WAN TO FEEL YOUR COCK INSIDE OF ME. SICK IT WERE YOU CAME FROM. YEAH YOU KNOW HOW YOUR MOM LIKES IT" my mom had the stronges orgasm out ff all of them i fucked. her sweet juices were leaking everywherere. afer we boh orgasmed my cousin moved in and sarted sucking the cum out of her pussy causing mom to orgasm again. spraying her love juices all over her face.

       the 3 of us came back inside and so my aunt and older cousin in he 69 position on the couch. i yelled out "you two having fun" when they stopped they told us that hey saw us outside and just got so wet that they had to. now it was my turn to control everyone again. since they were all a little bit hairy downstairs i told them to shave. it seemed like they were taking awhile so i whent to check on hem and i found them sticking the razors in each others pussies. once they were all done i told them to go downstairs so we could have some fun.

      once we were downstairs i got the laptop and pluged it into their bigscreen HD tv. once this was all hooked up i logged into my account on my free paysite and picked out some pornos to wattch. after we would watch one we would reanact it. i cummed so much on that day i din't know where it was coming from. after 3 hours of this i whentt into some lesbian videos and just watched the 3 other act these out cause i needed a rest. they continued this until we all fell asleep nude together on the couch.

      the next morning we ..............................


more in part 3

Amelia Chapter 9 – The nights of the big cocks

Popye on Group Stories

This story is based on a story published by JP in the Hustler Swingers Magazine a couple of years ago. His story gave me the idea to do a similar thing with Amelia.  The story thus differ in some aspects from the original story.

This story originates in Amelia – Introducing her mother - where her mother Felia first experienced sex with more than one partner as well as with both genders.  After her first experience she was hooked on this type of sex and I had to make various plans to get the three of us together for more rounds of kinky sex.  For those who can’t remember or haven’t read Amelia let me just describe Felia to you.  She is 49 years old and only 5’2” tall and she still has the body of a woman

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at least 10 years younger and the stamina and endurance for sex of an 18 year old girl and can take a big cock as she has proven time and again by taking my 8” cock with ease.  She just can’t get enough of sex because she has to make up for a 24 years of virtually sexless marriage.  She has 36C breasts, brownish/red hair, blue eyes and an ass to dream about and she is my sister in law.



This story begins the night after the team of which I was manager won the national championship and we decide to celebrate it.  This was the perfect opportunity for me to invite Felia and let her meet some other men.  It is going to be one hell of a surprise for her because she doesn’t now anything about the type of party it is going to be because she is under the impression that it will only be the two of us at our local club.  I told her to put on her bikini as we are going to swim in the swimming pool as well.  As the team is a mixture of white, black and brown players the chances are good that some of the black and/or brown players will want to fuck her.  I know she doesn’t have any experience with inter racial sex but I am sure she won’t mind once she notices their big cocks and let me tell you some of them have big cocks.  I have seen a couple of them.


 The party started with a poolside barbeque early the afternoon and kept going almost through the night.  Nobody wanted the party to end – the spirit was at an all time high after our victory.  It is unreal but nobody tried to fuck Felia.  After the braai we played some pool until only three of the players were left.  When we got tired of that we moved to the pool to cool off and soon the three of them had a rough and tumble game of water polo going.  Felia came out to watch and soon the guys managed to talk her into joining us.


 When she emerged from the house in her bikini, there was a sudden pause in the game.  When the game resumed, the boys were exceptionally eager to wrestle when Felia had the ball.  Although she was at the beginning of the party a little apprehensive about mixing with the colored guys she soon overcomes it with the help of alcohol and the guy’s personalities and physique and she was soon taking an active part in the wrestling and groping that was going on.  I was afraid that things will get out of hand in the public and decided to call a halt to the game and invite them to get inside the club.


 As we got out of the swimming pool Felia looked at me and said, “Fuck Hendrik why didn’t you tell me what was going to happen.  I thought it was going to be only the two of us but now there are 5 of us.  These guys’s are so big and build like bodybuilders.  I wonder if everything is in proportion to their size.”


 Let me tell you the three of them are really big.  Martin is the shortest and is 6’4” tall and weighs 245 pounds.  Tony is 6’5” tall and weighs the same and Andre is an impressive 6’6”tall but weighs only 235 pounds.  So you can see it is three massive specimens of the male species available to Felia if she wanted to be fucked by them. I have no doubt that she wanted to and that she has the fucking hots for them.  Now remember that Felia is only 5’2” tall and you can imagine the sight.


 When we moved inside the clubhouse though, they didn’t really change their behavior.  They continue to grab, hug and tease Felia.  Martin, who was a black guy put on a CD and began dancing with Felia.  He acted as though he can take whoever and whatever he wanted and nobody was entitled to say no to him.  Tony, also a colored guy and Martin’s best friend, tended to follow Martin’s lead.  Andre, the only white guy present, was generally pretty quiet, but tonight he was cutting loose.  Both Martin and Tony joined in the dancing, pressing close to Felia, swaying to her movements and the rhythm of the music.


 Felia still look apprehensive but I think she is more worried about what I was thinking about her being fucked by a black guy than that she will be able to take there cocks in her cunt.  I was sure however that she was enjoying herself. I indicate to her that it was alright by me if she wants to be fuck by the three of them.  It is after all the opportunity she was waiting for since our first session.


 I had to go to the toilet and when I entered the room again Felia was already kneeling in front of Martin who had already got rid of his trunks and exposing quite an impressive cock.  It was at least an inch longer than mine, which makes it 9”; much thicker than mine and it was shining black with a pink circumcised head.  When I entered Martin looked at me and stepped closer to Felia with his cock standing proud in front of him daring me to stop him which I of course didn’t.


 Felia didn’t even look at me.  She has only eyes for the magnificent sample of cock that was approaching her.  When Martin stops in front of her she takes the magnificent piece of meat in her hands and after feeling it for a while she opens her mouth and he starts feeding it into her eager mouth.  I couldn’t see how Felia could take much of it in.  Her tongue snaked out and began swirling around the shaft, lubricating it to make it goes in easier.  Martin took hold of her head and began fucking her face with about half of his length.


 Tony also got out of his Speedo.  He too had a cock about the same size as Martin but it was amazingly not yet fully erect.  Felia reached out and began to fondle his cock looking to the side to watch him growing as she continued trying to cope with the face fucking Martin was given her.  She was however doing an excellent job.  As Martin continued thrusting, he gradually increased the force, driving himself deeper into Felia’s mouth till his cock head entered her throat.  As I saw how easily she accepted it, I wondered if it was the first time she encountered such big cocks.


When Tony was fully erect, Felia moved her mouth to his engorged organ.  Her lips sucked in the huge shiny knob and continue descending until he had almost the entire shaft enveloped.  As her mouth move up and down on Tony her hand worked in rhythm on Martin’s glistening black pole.


 While all this was happening, André had just been watching, his back to me, obviously too shy or ashamed to look at me.  Eventually as Martin and Tony began grunting and groaning from the expert attention. André’s hand sneaked into his briefs and he began wanking himself.  Martin noticed this and told him to come over and “let Felia have a cock that is just the right size.” 


 Both Tony and Martin laughed at this comment and I thought they were just making fun of the ‘poor white boy,’ but how wrong I was.  When André stepped out of his briefs and walked towards Felia, she glanced at him through the corner of her eye, and then her eyes nearly popped out of her head as she saw the same thing that made my jaw dropped.  André’s white cock made these two colored athletes look under-endowed.  It must be at least 12 inches long.  André told me latter that it was 13” and Martin added that he was regarded as a challenge for any girl he met to sleep with him. But even with its length it was it’s thickness that was initially apparent and it must be at least 3 inches thick.


 Felia really looked scared and I really wanted to see what effect a cock like that would have on Felia as I know this might be  a once in a lifetime experience for her.


 Felia’s mouth and hand speed up.  She obviously wanted to bring the two colored guys to orgasm so that she could start experiencing André’s magnificent cock. Considering how long ago they started, Martin held back for longer than expected, but now that Felia had decided that it was time for him to come, he couldn’t deny her skills.  As Felia’s hand slid up and down his shaft, in a frenzied blur, Martins cock shot stream after stream of thick white cum onto her face and hair.  Some of it dripped down on Tony’s cock and quickly disappeared as Felia’s tongue snakes out and lapped it up as she continued sucking him off.  She was so hot now that she had Tonys cock fully in her mouth with his balls slapping against her chin.  He soon followed Martin.  His body jerked and spammed and Felia clamped her mouth tight over his cock, her lips at the base and I could see her throat muscles moving as she drank every drop of his seed.


 As Martin and Tony moved away to recover, André lay on his back on the bare floor indicating to Felia to get down on him..  Felia at last looked at me, and stripped off her bikini in no time to reveal her perfect body.  As we look at each other I began to jerk off.  Felia smiled and gave me a nod of approval.


 When she turned back to André her eyes were drawn straight to that massive piece of meat.  Although André’s cock was fully erect it lies flat on his stomach because of its massive size and almost reaches his breast bone.  It was so freakish that it seemed to be the centre of attention of the entire room.  Everybody’s attention was focused on it.  Felia knelt down beside him and lifted his cock off his stomach, caressing and fondling it, feeling the entire length, wrapping both hands around it to marvel at its dimension, massaging in the lubricating juices that was oozing from the tip.


 Eventually she stood up and straddled André’s lanky body.  She looked down for a few seconds at the fully erect cock that André was holding upright and that she was about to impale herself upon.  There was an almost unreal air of anticipation as Felia descended closer to it.  Rather than kneel over him Felia squatted on her haunches, feet flat on the floor, taking all her weight on het thigh muscles, making her cunt lips more exposed and prominent.  When she was positioned just above it, she told André to let go and she took hold of the shaft and lowered herself so that the bulbous head, nearly as big as a doorknob was pressed against the wet opening to her silken tunnel.  She used small up and down movements to introduce the tip into her cunt. 


 From my vantage point I could see her being spread wider with each small descent.  She was soon stretched so far that I didn’t think she would be successful in her quest to fuck André- he didn’t even had his head in yet.  But even as I was having my doubts, Felia somehow opened herself to him and I see her cunt lips slip down and around his cock head.  André and Felia both let out loud moans as this happened.  The excess of sight and sound send me over the edge and I jump up and spurt my come all over Felia’s back.


 Initially as my libido dropped, I got an attack of inadequacy and jealousy, but the sight before me quickly aroused me again.  If nothing else I was still curious to see how much of this she could take inside her.


 Whether it is because of her increasing wetness or because her muscles weakened, I’m not sure, but Felia’s movements were becoming less controlled.  She descended further allowing him to penetrate deeper.  I watch in amazement as inch after inch disappeared inside Felia.  She definitely was incredibly wet inside.  With each rise the juices glistened on André’s thick pole, and each fall spread the wetness further down towards the base of his cock.


 Up until now André had remained motionless-despite the arousing sight of her, and no doubt, the feel of her lithe tanned body riding him, allowing Felia accepting him at her own pace.   I suppose he had experienced girls having difficulty coping with his size.  But when André saw his cock sliding into her cunt deeper and more easily with each stroke, he began raising his hips in time to her movements.  Most of the shaft was accommodated by now, and as they moved apart his shaft would appear to the rim of his glans.


 For more than half an hour they continue with the same technique and rhythm, enthralled by the sensation of the ultimate tight fit.  Felia was able to take all but the last two inches of the monster organ.  No mean feat considering her length.


 Martin, Tony and myself watch with envy, each working towards our second orgasm.  Eventually Felia changed position.  With her cunt muscles firmly gripping just the head of his cock inside her, she slid her feet back and knelt astride him.  As she sank down André took hold of her hips and forced himself completely into her.  From that point he took control.  He increased the tempo, his hips rising off the floor, faster and harder with each thrust.  As the pace quickened Felia come closer to her orgasm.  Her head rolled around, she squeezed her breasts together and her buttocks clenched each time André drove his cock into her.  She started shouting, “Fuck me! Fuck me!” and occasionally she commanded André to fuck her harder.  I had never seen this wild animal coming out of her before.


 Suddenly she shouts, “Oh my god I am going to come on this magnificent piece of meat.  Ohhh yessss fuck me and fuck me fucking haaarrrddd!!!! I’mmmmmm coooommiiinnnggggg!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Ohhh mmyyyy gggoooddddd it is so fucking goooodddd!!! Uuuuugggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


 It’s hard to describe the look on Felia’s face when she came.  I think the expression combined the pain, ecstasy, desire and sheer surprise at the force of the orgasm.  Her entire body shook as her muscles contracted, her hips and groin jerk uncontrollable against André’s and she didn’t take a breath until the last spasm had faded.  She collapsed forward against him, her head on his chest while he remained deep within her using a small circular motion of his groin to continue to pleasure his cock.


 Seeing Felia at this point was too much for me and I felt my pressure reaching bursting point, so I stepped closer to her and spray my come over her back and head as she lay there on top of André.


 The sight of Felia’s perfect ass presented like that was too much for Martin to waste his seed on an air shot.”  He draw Felia’s legs back so that they were beside André’s, then hen knelt astride her and taking his black pole in his hand he pointed it at her ass and leaning forward moving it to her rosebud.  When Felia felt him pressing against her tightest opening and realised what he wanted to do, she said, “Stop, no more,” but the smooth tip of his cock was already so well lubricated that by the time she uttered the words it had already slipped past the entrance.


 Martin paused,” If you really want me to stop, I will,” and he kept on pushing into her.  She began to mutter, “Oh no, oh no, oh no,” over and over again.  He did start to withdraw until Felia said, ‘No don’t.”


 “Well if it is what the lady wants,” Martin said and he slid back in until the whole length of his shining black cock was embedded deep within her.  Now Tony moved around and knelt beside André pointing his glistening member at Felia’s face.  She turned her head to the side, opened her mouth and let him feed his cock into her mouth. When André and Martin began to move I thought they would split her open.   They were both so much bigger than me in every department.  Seeing Felia sandwiched between these two giant athletes with her orifices stretched to maximum was an awesome sight indeed.


 They truly give my sister in law the fucking of her life and they weren’t finished yet.  André brought his knees up between Felia’s legs and worked in sync with Martin, both thrusting deep into her and withdrawing in unison.  They shoved their massive cocks into her with such force that she looked like a rag doll being tossed back and forth between them.  Each time she was shoved forward the cock in her mouth and throat was enveloped, how she managed to breath goodness alone knows.


 Felia moaned in her own ecstasy, covered in sticky semen and sweating profusely from the heavy treatment she was receiving.  Yet I can see she was thoroughly enjoying the sensations of being used and abused like this.


 André suddenly let out a long animal like roar and he shoved his cock max into her cunt and keep it there while he continues to come deep in her cunt for about 2 minutes.  Felia forces her cunt down on André till he was finished coming and then she shove her ass back against Martin, who continued to plough into her. 


 Martin soon followed André’s lead and I can see him forced his cock in as deep as he can while his whole body shuddered from the intense orgasm as he sprayed the inside of her ass.  Martin collapsed and pulled his cock out of Amelia’s ass leaving the field open for Tony.  Felia moved off André and swiveled her hips around to signal her intentions to him.  Tony pushed Martin out of the way and lined himself up on her saturated cunt from which a stream of André’s come is running.  She grabbed his cock and guided it into her from behind. 


 As he pounded she shouted, “Harder! Harder! Pleas fuck me harder! Fuck me…. I’m comminnggg!!! Please! Please make me come!! Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Yesssssssss!!!!!!!!”


 And he did.  Each and every muscle in her body was starkly outlined as she began to spasm and grinds her cunt into Tony’s groin.  As her body racked with convulsion after convulsion Tony kept on pumping manfully.  I can’t say whether she was having the longest wildest orgasm I have ever seen, or whether she was experiencing a series of individual orgasms, but in any case it was a sight to behold.  Just as her body began to subside from those almost unreal heights I noticed that Tony was working towards his climax.  His strokes become longer and his rhythm became slower and he forced his cock in as deep as he could.  I see him clenched his buttocks and he kept his cock in completely as he started coming and spraying the inside of Felia’s love channel with his warm seed.  He kept his cock fully lodged for a while and I eventually noticed lots of  sperm oozing passed his cock out of Felia’s cunt and dripping onto the carpet.  After a long time he pulled his cock out of Felia and lied down next to her, completely spent.


 The room looked like a battlefield with bodies strewn all over the floor, moaning and exhausted, stains all over the carpet and in the middle of it all, strangely glorious, was Felia.  She was a total mess.  Her features were barely visible through her sweat and cum-matted hair, her entire body shone from the sweat and the cum which had dried into a thin glaze in places and some parts were covered in a sticky lumpy paste while rivulets of semen trickles out of her cunt and ass down her crack and the inside of her thighs.


 André was the first to recover.  He roused his team mates and told them it was time to go.  They dressed quietly and left.  I carried the sleeping Felia to a bed in the First Aid room to allow her some time to recover.


 I went to lie on the other bed and after setting the alarm clock to allow us 2 hours sleep also went to sleep.  When the alarm clock went off I got up and woke Felia.  Let me tell you she was still a sight to see and I guess she will have to take a shower before I can take her home.  I managed to wake her with some difficulty and when she eventually woke up she looked at me through sleepy eyes at first and suddenly she remembered what happened.  I saw the fright but also wonderment in her eyes as if she couldn’t believe what happened to her.  She couldn’t look me in the eyes and looking down she worriedly asked softly, “Did last night really happened or was I dreaming.  But I don’t think it was a dream because my cunt and ass is so fucking sore it is just not true.  What do you think off me Hendrik?  I am sorry if I shocked you but I was so randy I just couldn’t help myself after feeling the two colored guy’s cocks in the swimming pool.  Oh my fuck what did I do?  I shouldn’t have drunk such a lot of wine.”


 “Don’t worry my darling.  You enjoyed yourself and I enjoyed myself just as much by just watching you.  My cock is also sore from wanking myself to a standstill.  My fuck I have never seen anything like it before and I guess I will never see it again.  You were absolutely amazing Felia.  How you mange the monster cock of André I don’t know but I have seen his balls pressing against your ass.  That is 13 inches you know.”


 “What!  Are you sure?  Thirteen inches, no wonder I thought he was in my stomach.  I suppose it is because of the hysterectomy I had.  The doctors must have left some extra space for a big cock.  Let me tell you at one stage I though the two cocks from my throat and cunt are going to meet each other halfway in my body.  Oh fuck but it was amazing.  It is something I cannot describe.  You know you are being abused but you don’t mind, in fact you like it so much you want them to abuse you some more.  You wish you had more holes so that more cocks can penetrate you.  It is an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life.  I am however just sorry about one thing, and it is that your cock wasn’t part of the action.  I actually missed your cock you know.  Are you too tired or do you think you can manage one more fucking session before we go home?  I just need something to bring me back to normal after this experience.”


 “With you Felia I wil always have the time and energy to fuck you and how can I refuse if you ask me so nicely and give such a good reason.  But don’t you want to go and shower first?”


 “No, I want you to fuck me like I am now.  I want to know that you still find me desirable after what I did and how I look.  Don’t worry, you might not have the biggest cock around but 8 inches is fucking big enough for me and you know better than anyone of the three who fucked me tonight how to use it. Come here you big stud and make me feel like a desirable woman again and not like a subject that is only good enough to fuck all the hell out of her.  Show me that you don’t despise me after the black cocks I had inside me.”


 “Felia, you really have a hang up about the two black guys.  Forget their color and just remember the pleasure their big cock gave you,” I said and get off the bed and undress quickly.  Yes it is hard to believe but I was still dressed.  Just thinking about what was happening a couple of hours ago and what I am going to do now gave me an immediate hard on and as I walk over to Felia my cock was standing proud in front of me.


 “I am going to fuck you now Felia and make you forget all about black cocks and giant cocks.  But before we fuck I am going to eat your cunt and make you cum on my mouth and you are also going to deep throat me till you had enough of my cock.  Only then am I going to put my cock in your nice cunt and fuck you to multiple orgasms.”


 “Oh yes please fuck me like you know I want to be fucked.  Come here you delicious piece of meat.”


 When I stood next to her bed she turns on her side facing me, take my cock and feed it into her mouth and in one movement she had my whole cock in her mouth and can I feel my head lodged in her throat.  She started slowly moving her backwards and forwards until I stop her head and said, “Whoa, wait my darling, let me get onto the bed first.  I want to eat your cunt as well.”


 She pulled her head off my cock and let me get onto the bed and I lie down next to her.  I take her in my arms and started kissing her and very soon we were kissing like two persons possessed with each other.  We almost eat each other.  Our hands were all over each other and soon I had three fingers buried in her cunt and she was pulling my foreskin forwards and backwards and rubbing her hand over my cock head.


 “Oh fuck Felia I was so jealous when you enjoyed you so much on the three cocks and I wasn’t one of them.  But I am going to make up for it now.”


 I moved my lips down to her breasts where I lick and suck her nipples for a while before I move down to her cunt.  Her pubic hair was still covered with dried come and I lick them till they were soft before moving down to her cunt.  She was gasping and wriggling next to me and begged me to please eat het
cunt and make her come.  When I started to lick her cunt I feel her tongue slowly licking up and down my cock till she eventually took it into her mouth.


 I didn’t suck her cunt very long before I feel her body began to shake all over and she pressed her cunt harder and harder against my mouth.  I could also feel the vibration of her moans around my cock and very soon she began to buck and shudder beneath me as her orgasm hit her.  I just carried on eating her cunt because I know we will soon have a couple more.  After a couple more minutes she had her second orgasm and from there on it was virtually one long continues orgasm with her moaning and groaning around my cock which wasn’t very long before I also shoot my load into her ready and waiting mouth.  It was a monstrous orgasm and I must have shot a gallon of hot sticky come down her throat notwithstanding the fact that I already had two previous orgasms.


 When we eventually recovered Felia turned around, took me in her arms and gave me an all consuming kiss.


 “Oh fuck Hendrik, I knew there was only one of you.  You really make me feel like a woman again and not just like a fuck machine.  Let’s just take a little breather and then you can fuck me with your beautiful big and nice tasting cock,”


 “You mean let’s take a rest until I can get my cock up and ready again?  It is going to take a while especially after the beating he got last night, are you sure that we can still wait that long.  Don’t you think the people at home will get worried?”


 “Who Felia?  She will only be jealous because she has figured out by now that we have a great fuck session going and Bertie won’t even miss me.  Anna-Marié won’t worry because she isn’t there and Amelia will tell her a story if she phone my house by chance.”


 “What is the time now?  Do we have enough time before the cleaners come a 9?” I asked.  Looking at my watch I noticed that it was almost 5.  Still 5 hours to go, that should be ample time for Felia to get me up to functioning again and to give her a proper fuck.  I will be nice if only the two of us can be all by ourself as it has never happened before.


 I lie down next to Felia and she immediately started playing with my cock.  Her hands caress and rolled him between her hands and after a while she turns around and took him in her mouth.   This was treatment my cock couldn’t handle and after not even 30 minutes it was as hard as a piece of iron.


 Ah, I see  I haven’t lost my magic,” said Felia and immediately turned around and started kissing me.


 “This time I want to be under and let you do the work.  I have been to busy fucking the whole night and I want to let you do the work now.”


 She turned on her back and turned me with her.  As I settled on top of her, her hand moved down between our bodies and grab my cock.  I lift my ass and she directs my cock at her cunt.  I move slowly down and she moves my cock up and down through her slit when my cockhead touched her cunt.  After a while she takes her hand away and said, “Now fuck me your fucking stud.  Make me a whore, but make me your whore.  Oh fuck, I am going to enjoy this,” she said as she forces her ass upwards to force my cock into her cunt to the hilt.


 I went in so fucking easy I hardly felt it.  I must say she was fucking wet but I suppose she was still stretch a lot because of the monster cock she had in her cunt.  It didn’t matter however because she was still as hot as ever and still as sensitive to my cock as ever.  When I entered her she shouts, “ Oh my fuck I feel your cock deep in my cunt.  Oh how fucking nice.  He is made just for my cunt.  Please fuck me good Hendrik and fuck me hard.”


 I started fucking her slowly by pulling my cock almost all the way back till only the head was in and then keep it there for a while before slamming it home.  This causes her every time to pull in her breath and moaned, “Oh yesss, fuck me, oh it is so fucking nice to feel your cock forcing his way into my cunt.”


 We carry on like this for a while before I tell her to turn around and present her ass to me.  As she turned around I slammed my cock into her cunt and started fucking her in earnest and it wasn’t long before I feel the tell tale signs of her approaching her first orgasm.  She moans continuesly, “Yes, oh yes, oh yes…….,” , tighten her cunt muscles around my cock and force her ass back against mine every time I rammed my cock home.  Then suddenly she was there.


 “I m comminnnggggg!!!!!  Oh my fuck it is so fucking good, oh yesssssss!!!!!!!!1 Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!” she shouts and her whole body began to shudder and she bucks against me like a wild animal.


 I keep on fucking her like that and after just a short while she had her second orgasm.  My cock was so wet by now that I decided to fuck her in the ass.  As I pulled my cock out she looks around and asked, “ Are you going to fuck my ass?  Oh fuck yes I need it.”


I pu

t my cockhead against her puckered hole and slowly started to push my cock in.  To my amazement it went in quite smoothly and soon I was fucking her ass like a madman.  Felia went wild below me and lying with her head flat on the bed she started rubbing het clit and in no time she had her third orgasm and from there on it was just one long continues orgasm till I eventually felt the pressure building up and suddenly I released a torrent of come into her ass.  I fell down on Felia’s back and lie like a soldier killed in action.  Which I suppose I was.


After a while Felia told me to get off as I was fucking heavy and she wanted to rest also.


The chapter ends but the story continues.


To be continued……….


Boat trip (True story)

Knuffelberin on Exhibitionist Stories

part 1
It was a lovely day; not hot, not cold, no rain. My boyfriend and I had decided to go away with our boat. It's a really small boat, therefor we can go underneath low bridges where most other boats cannot go. We like the privacy in these waters; there's no one around except for some ducks, sheeps, cows and occasionally a farmer. We decided to make good use of this privacy. We sat next to each other against the side of the boat and started kissing passionately. It didn't take long until our hands were groping each other, impatiently reaching underneath our clothes. He unhooked my bra and wildly grabbed my breasts while kissing the side of my neck. I gasped while I tried to unbutton his pants as quickly as possible. He pushed me flat on my back, put the skirt I
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was wearing up and removed my underwear to allow his tongue to tease my clit. I lay back, moaning about how good it felt, pressing my hips up to push his mouth harder onto my cunt. He sucked on my labia and pushed his tongue inside of me, while teasing my clit with his finger. I screamed of pleasure while I touched my nipples to make it even better. When he had made me as horny as possible, he stopped. I wanted to feel him inside of me badly so I got up and pulled his body close to mine. I put my tongue inside of his mouth while stroking his hard cock fast. He pushed me on my back again, spreading my legs wide apart and penetrating me. I put my legs up high, placing my feet against his shoulders while he fucked me. We felt the boat was drifting away, but we hoped we had secured it strong enough to the shore. Then he pulled out of me and bend me over the front of the boat. He started fucking me from behind and I pushed myself back onto his cock to make it go in even deeper. He reached around me to grab my breasts and squeezed the nipples hard. Then I felt him cum and we both moaned loud. We kissed and cuddled some more before we got dressed again, still thinking we had all the privacy in the world. But when we got up my boyfriend noticed a farmer working on a field far away. He couldn't have seen us.. now could he?

part 2
A few days later we returned to the same spot. It was a hot day, so there were many more people on the water. But we thought we were save because of the low bridge. I took off my shirt to be able to tan without getting white straps on my shoulders. Of course my boyfriend couldn't keep his hands off of me, seeing me lying there in the boat, topless and only wearing my short skirt. We started making out and he removed the thong under my skirt. He removed his pants too and I started giving him a handjob. I was just about to suck his cock when he suddenly noticed another boat near the bridge. It was a small boat with a father and 3 kids. They were still far away so they probably hadn't seen us yet. They were having trouble to get under the bridge, but they kept trying. My boyfriend quickly put his pants back on and pretended to be fishing. I just lay down on the bottom of the boat, pretending to be sunbathing. The father and kids came by and my boyfriend politely greeted them. We waited quietly until they would decide to leave, while we were both still horny as hell. My boyfriend started teasing me with his foot under my skirt and I had to retain myself from moaning. The other boat still stayed nearby and it seemed like we couldn't get the privacy we longed for so much. My boyfriend even caught some fish :P Finally they left and we immediately got undressed again. My boyfriend kept a close eye on the area to make sure we wouldn't get caught. While he sat on the side of the boat scanning the surroundings, I kneeled between his legs and started licking his cock. I took it in my mouth as deep as I could and he moaned harder than ever. The wait seemed to have made us both real anxious to finally fuck. I felt my cunt was soaking wet, so I removed my skirt to avoid stains. Now we were both totally naked. My boyfriend crawled on top of me and his hard cock quickly slid deep inside of me. It was a short but hard fuck. I moaned loudly, not even thinking about the people that might be near enough to hear us. We were sweating a lot, but it felt awesome! The hot sun on our naked bodies, the cool wind, the perfect blue sky above us, sounds of birds and water. Everything was just perfect!
Afterwards we quickly put on some clothes, afraid of other boats that could come our way. We were lucky 'cause only a few minutes later a man in a canoe passed us by. We hadn't even heard him approaching, so it was possible he had passed us by before while we were fucking. I blushed when he greeted us, wondering whether he knew what we had done there just a few minutes ago..