Published Sex Stories

There's a time for everything... (Chapter 1)

fredef on Forced Stories


“So are you coming to dad’s play tomorrow?” Amanda asks as she lays there wrapped around the strong arms of Daniel, whom she has been dating for over two years, on the couch in his bedroom watching Notebook.

Amanda loves this man. Along with the tear-stimulating sentiments of the movie, she recalls the first time they met at professor Shaw’s, her father who doesn’t have much liking for Daniel, theater class a long while back, when Amanda was still a freshman and he had first became the quarterback of their college football team. Ever since that first encounter, he’s been wanting to fuck the shit out of her, literally.

Discreetly annoyed by Amanda’s n-th time
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of striking down his attempts to have sex with her earlier during the movie, Daniel says, “Do you really want me to, babe? That kinda’ stuff bores me to death.” With an even softer and gentler voice, he whispers to her, “Plus, I got football practice ‘till seven. You know I’ll be damn tired after that, Mandy.”

Amanda lifts her head up from his chest; unwraps his arms surrounding her waist and hip; and turns all the way around to face him now. “Just promise me you will try to make it, okay? It doesn’t start ‘till eight.”

At the same time, Daniel is thinking: he can actually make it to the play on time if he wants to because he lives only a block away from the theatre, separated just by a 5-story parking garage. But –

“Alright babe, I’ll try.” Daniel lies as he looks right in her eyes and then starts to make out with this brunette who has been nothing but a cock-tease all along, not only to him but all the other guys she’s dated before him. They both are very good kissers.

Daniel learned his skills from his constant popularity dated back to his high school years. Athletically built into a muscular frame of 6 ft. 3 in. with brown hair and blue eyes, he’s been successful in charming any girl he wants into trying his 9.5 in. cock, except for this bitch in front of him right now.

Amanda, on the other hand, is still in the process of gaining sexual knowledge mostly from her younger sister Julie, whose name is now equated with the word ‘whore’ just shortly after she started at this college.

The couple continues to make out, but now more passionately than before. Daniel’s hands begin to move downward from touching her face to her silky shoulder-length hair and then her back. Before Amanda knows it, he is already advanced into her pants and shirt. She moans louder.

As his hand goes around her 32-B breast to unhook the bra, she pushes him away. “No Dan, no… Not right now, okay?” She protests and stops kissing all together. She stands up first and then he follows. Feeling defeated and mildly enraged, Daniel walks her out to her car. “Bitch.” He thought as she pulls out of the parking lot.


The next day, 7 pm:

On the phone, looking frustrated, Amanda complains, “But Dan, I really wish you could be here.” Despite the displeasing news from the other end of the phone, she still speaks rather softly for her voice is naturally delicate, unlike her sister’s.

“I’m really sorry Mandy, I promise I’ll make it up to your babe. I promise. Now, I’ll call you when I wake up from the nap okay?” Freshly out of the shower, Daniel dries his mildly tanned body in front of the mirror. She says disappointedly, “Fine then. Love you.” “Love you too” He replies in satisfaction and hangs up right away. He thinks as he strokes his scarily thick but handsomely shaped cock, “You don’t know what you’re missing, Mandy.”

An hour later, Daniel arrives at Corey’s house for the party they are throwing later that night. The same time, Amanda and Julie enter the theatre for their dad’s first play of the year. “I don’t feel well…” Julie constantly whines as always when she’s told to do something by her parents.

Daniel notices that the party has not started yet. No one except for Corey, Delmar, Randy, Seth, and himself is in the house. The guys are all in the kitchen helping Corey with prepping the house for party when they see Daniel, the leader of these beasts. Here’s a brief intro to these strangers:

Corey: 6 ft. 1 in.; football player with no steady girlfriend; his house is the base for the guys since his parents moved to Florida
Delmar: tallest of all, 6 ft. 5 in; black football player whose father is the security director of the college
Randy: shortest of all, slightly below 6 ft.; half black football player whose girlfriend just cheated on him last week
Seth: same height as Daniel, 6 ft. 3in.; football player whose mother is the vice-president of the college; got away with three sexual assault charges because of that fact

Delmar’s voice becomes clearer as Daniel approaches the kitchen, “…yea man, she took all ten inches with that pussy…” The guys greet Daniel by bumping into his fist and Delmar continues, “You should’ve seen that bitch from last night dude, I get horny just talking about her.” They chat on for a bit while setting up the place. About thirty minutes later, the people start to show up.

Daniel and his gang congregate on the front porch, their usual hang out spot of the house, with a few other people coming and going. “How are things with your bitch dude? Cheated on you yet?” Randy asks Daniel sourly knowing that the couple has some bedroom issues. Daniel ignores the question. The popular intent is for Daniel to break up with his cock-teasing, no good girlfriend, but Daniel has yet to surrender. “Yea man, she a virgin?” Asks Delmar the pussy hungry monster, again Daniel remains silent. Seth continues to comment, “She must be pretty tight, huh?” All of the guys now have that nasty and lustful grin on their faces except for Daniel who eventually vents.

“Fuck I wish I know!” Daniel exclaims with frustration. Corey, being a buddy as always leans in and whispers to the guys, “Now Dan, here’s a plan for ya’….” They murmur to each other for a couple minutes and burst out laughing aloud.

Author's note: I know it isn't getting much of sex yet, but I promise the build-up will be worth it starting next chapter. This is just the first two chapters of a series in development. Comment constructively for changes you would like to see in the upcoming chapters or elements you would like to see added. Ideas for development is also much appreciated.

When You're Hot

Peter_Pan on Sex Stories

    No-one could fault her upbringing, Kindly and attentive father, supportive mother who if anything, erred on the side of conservatism  She got on well with her siblings - an elder sister and younger brother. Neither of whom had set a foot wrong in their journey through adolescence.

     She dressed tastefully, mixed in acceptable social circles and was altogether a credit to her parents, not to mention Braidwood High that she attended in Boulder County

     The only vague disquiet on the Western Front were those infuriating little hormones. Having turned sixteen now, Kirsty was "hot" 24/7 - it was a real curse. Waking up with her hands in her panties was now a regular event as was her newly-found propensity to trawl porn sites

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on her home computer - erotic story posts especially. Problem is, it just made her hotter. Reading about young girls making out with their brothers, their brothers' friends - even their fathers, just made her want to experience such things first it were. She knew boys at school found her attractive, it was just a matter of orchestrating her own little sex-ed class.

     Her first foray into the realms of the erotic was not entirely fulfilling.
     Eric Lander at sixteen was something less than Rhett Butler let's say. As keen as her to encroach upon the hitherto unexplored playing fields, his modus operendi left a lot to be desired.

    "Ouch...take it easy," Kirsty implored as the boy's hand groped her right breast with raw enthusiasm rather than any sense of respectful gentility. Wedged beneath the moveable stairs in the main hall wasn't without its discomfort either.

     "Sorry Kirsty," he muttered, almost perspiring in the confined space. Attempting then to balance his amateurish kissing technique with some less invasive breast therapy, he became aware of needful changes taking place in the area of his crotch as might any schoolboy handed such sexual latitude with so apparently willing a girl.

     The sensation of having her breasts touched for the first time almost made up from Kirsty's perspective at least, for the indelicate treatment being meted out to them. She could feel her nipples hardening all the same and at the point the boy summoned up the courage to slip is hand down her top and actually inside her bra...she gave a small yelp of semi-pleasured surprise.

   "I didn't say you can feel me up under my clothes," she giggled, yet making no attempt to dislodge his fingers from their tour of duty. It was at the point both of them discovered the pleasures inherent in nipple manipulation that things took a turn for the better.

     The kissing became more impassioned, the groping more daring, she even let him undo a couple of buttons of her school-dress which bringing the visuals into play additionally, decidedly upped the ante for young Eric. Able to see what he was now molesting with what you might term 'committed' vigor, quite stirred the lad's fantasies. Crotch-wise, things were on the up and up - Eric needed more!

     Initially embarrassed as all hell, far from regretful at allowing her classmate to extricate her undeniably sexy breasts from their padded restraints, she rather liked the sensation of having them fully on show as they now were and very obviously stimulating her young partner's arousal. She had an overwhelming urge to slip her hand in her panties but retained the presence of mind to recognise that such might not be the most appropriate of actions. Besides - surely Eric himself would make that his own game plan, sooner rather than later?

     Whether the boy lacked the necessary confidence to engage any up-skirt action or he was gripped suddenly by a fear of the unknown is anyone's guess. All Kirsty knew is that despite wriggling her hips invitingly, even to the point of parting her legs just enough to ensure that the hem of her dress rose enticingly up her thighs - Eric's hand remained a no-show. "This never happened to any of the girls in those stories," she thought to herself, bitterly disappointed by the turn of events...or rather lack of events.

     Calling time-out from what amounted now to little more than Eric's primitive lip suction, she pulled the boy's hand out from her bra, manoeuvered her breasts back on-site and doing-up the buttons of her school-dress, told her disbelieving partner that she "had to go home." 

    "Definitely time for Plan B" she told herself.

     As is the case with most sixteen-year old girls, dressed-up to the nines and with some professionally applied mascara, eye-liner and lipstick, no-one would doubt they had reached the age of legality. Being in possession too of her older sister's ID, put the issue firmly beyond question. Exactly what the doorman at the Regency Club on Dorchester was thinking as he handed Kirsty back her ID, was made clear as his eyes took in every rearward curve of the young girl, as she navigated the stairs to the reception area behind him. So sure was she that he was watching her, she swung those sexy little hips with exaggerated tease.

     Walking with what might have appeared to be entrenched confidence to the nearby Victory bar, she ordered a diet Coke and seated herself at one of the small tables along the far wall. Inside, she was anything but 'together' almost trembling with the knowledge she was placing herself in a situation way beyond that which a sixteen-year old schoolgirl was realistically equipped to handle. Still, she reasoned - that was Plan B wasn't it? 

    "Hello Miss," interrupted her reverie. "Don't suppose you would like some company by any chance?"

     Looking-up at the speaker, she rather liked what she saw. A clean cut young man in a business suit - most likely in his early twenties. She smiled at him, "Well actually I was just waiting for a friend." She replied.

    "Male or female?" he asked tentatively, his preference quite obvious.

    "Just a girlfriend," she giggled. 

     The young man looked relieved. "My name's John," he said holding out his hand.

    "I'm Kirsty," she replied, "Pleased to meet you."

    "Look, I'm just here with a few guys from work," he indicated a table the other side of the lounge area, where four men of a similar age were sitting and chatting animatedly. "Would you like to come and sit with us for a while - just till your friend arrives anyway," he added hopefully. "They're all nice guys Kirsty - you're really quite safe." He reassured her.

      She looked up at him. "Might this perhaps be pushing my luck?" she wondered, though with little intent of declining the invitation.

     Four pairs of eyes appraised the well-defined attributes of the young girl as she drew nearer the table. The low-cut top, well fitting skirt (brief as it was) stockinged legs and subtle make-up, merely enhancing the overall appeal. There was at once, a mad scramble to find her a chair. Introductions completed, all present wanted to know where she lived, worked etc.

    "Just in my second year at Uni actually," she lied effortlessly. Knowing sufficient details of her sister's syllabus, she was able to field questions about her courses and University life with ease. Inevitably, the question of her having a full-time boyfriend arose. She bypassed that one with a coy "No special person yet" admission. You could have heard the collective sighs reverberate around the table.

    "Can we get you a drink Kirsty?" enquired the young man who had introduced himself as Mark a little earlier. Agreeing to a bourbon and Coke, she watched bemused as he tried unsuccessfully to carry an armful of drinks back to the table, before accepting an offer from the barman to take a tray.

     Well behaved the group certainly was, though what thoughts they must have been harboring as Kirsty negotiated her third bourbon and Coke can only be guessed at. A couple of the men had dragged their seats either side of her and the rest were performing their very best puppy-dog imitations.

     Though far from drunk, the alcohol had greatly lowered Kirsty's inhibitions whilst heightening her flirtatiousness. Not a man there could wrench his eyes from her cleavage - nor would she have wanted them too if the truth be known.

     Once the likelihood of any 'girlfriend' turning up became suitably remote, the group became even more attentive. Mark even seized the initiative at one stage, touching the girl on the arm one or twice for emphasis during the conversation. Her acceptance of such familiarity was doubtless noted by the other four.

      Halfway through her fourth glass, Kirsty was, if not partially inebriated, then 'happy' by anyone's standards, giggling at the slightest provocation and with a severe list to port.

    "Think I'd better be on my home," she semi-slurred. "Had way more than I should," at which point she generated a spontaneous little 'hic.'

    "Hey, we can drop you home Kirsty," chorused three or four offers simultaneously. Mark's the most poignant.

     Wedged between John and Charles in the back of the Town car they helped her on with her seat belt. If the momentary contact with the underside of her breasts by the back of Charles' hand was anything but 'accidental,' he carried it off well. She felt a blush rising but said nothing. Suddenly she felt the mere schoolgirl she really was, the imminency of so many young males, exciting her as much as the risky situation at hand. 

     They rode for maybe a mile without conversation, then feeling obliged to make some comment, she turned to John just as he inclined his head towards her. It was as it happened just a brief kiss - a teaser if you will, but given the confined space in that car, the alcoholic over-ride and the blueprint that Nature set down eons ago, it wasn't to stay brief. 

     Not even bothering to resist, she let him kiss her again, a lot more passionately this time - his heart was really in it. She felt a hand grasp her arm and turning her head, had time for but a fleeting gasp of surprise before Charles' lips closed over hers. His kiss was longer and deeper and she felt herself floating with the outgoing tide - maybe it was incoming!

    "Nooo," she mumbled, breaking off from Charles' lips, not really wanting to but feeling the obligation to at least dislodge John's hand from her breast.

    "Let me Kirsty," he muttered, "You really are so hot. I promise I won't hurt you."

     With Charles guiding her wonderfully sexy little lips back to his own mouth and her own hormones running on super-high octane themselves, she managed but a fully non-committal sigh and sank back against the car's upholstery. Re-establishing contact with her breast, John began fondling the softness beneath which caused Kirsty to murmur in between kisses.

    "Hey, cut that out guys," Mark yelled, having noticed the trio's performance in the car's rear-vision mirror. "That's so totally unfair on us three here," he bewailed.

    "Keep your eyes on the road Mark," John chided him. "We're just making sure she doesn't go to sleep," he laughed. 

     Kirsty was feeling many things, not the least of which was total disorientation. Kissing both Charles and John alternately now, she felt both their hands on her breasts and the sensations afforded them was making her gasp with escalating pleasure. Her sense of self-preservation dulled by both the alcohol and the shared kissing, she allowed them the latitude they needed to maul her young breasts every which way. Even when John seized the initiative and slipping his hand down her top began kneading her small nipples between his thumb and forefinger, she began to wriggle involuntarily on the seat, unaware of the fact this was causing her hem-line to inch higher. So far as being molested was concerned, Kirsty had no illusions now that two men's hands down her breasts were a vastly more effective proposition than a sixteen-year old schoolboy's clueless fumblings.

      It was Julian's imploring "Get them right out guys, lets see her nipples," that re-aligned the playing field. Leaning over the front seat decidedly the worse for wear alcoholically, he nevertheless could still recognise a searingly hot opportunity when it presented itself - especially one supposes, in the back seat.

      Still with sufficient awareness to gauge her predicament, Kirsty grasped at her top with a shrill "Nooo, don't undress me," as John endeavored to free up the top few buttons of her blouse. Her resistance was half-hearted though and with Charles kissing her senseless, she just melted between them and permitted their hands free rein. Pulling aside the gaping material, Kirsty's bra was fully exposed now and slipping a couple of fingers each, beneath the bra cups themselves they tugged the somewhat skimpy little protector sufficiently high that her breasts were fully exposed to all but Mark who was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on his driving skills.

    "God she looks like a young schoolgirl," Julian almost wheezed. Had he known the truth he would have alighted from the car at the next stoplight.  The fact is though, her breasts did look like those of a rather young girl - mind you, no-one was complaining.

     Right that second, Charles lowered his head and began suckling her left nipple. She felt what might have been a sharp electrical discharge, yet was powerless to stop a small moan from escaping her lips, even as the shock-wave travelled the highway south, right to the buffers between her legs. She would have been no more able to back-out at this juncture than she could translate "Hey Jude" into Japanese.

     Occasionally one sees things when out driving that make it all worth while. So it was for the occupant of the grey Camry as it pulled up for the stop light at Eastern and  Rockwell. Cursing his luck in missing the light, the middle-aged driver let his gaze wander to the car on the right. Able to make out clearly the young girl wedged between her two male companions in the rear set, he had a momentarily perfect view of her exposed breasts and the fact that the man on her right was sucking her nipple with undisguised relish. Given additionally that her co-partner appeared to be pulling and fully mistreating her left nipple while two other men leaned across from the front seat intent on further mischief, it is no surprise that he had barely mouthed the words "What the F---?" when the Lincoln accelerated through the intersection leaving him doubting his sanity

     Whether they had ever intended to take her home first is a moot point. When a young girl is riding in the back seat of a car willingly with five men, two of whom have her breasts out sucking her nipples silly, then you gotta be thinking at the very least a temporary stopover. Julian certainly was when he muttered, "C'mon guys lets take her back to my place, it's just fifteen to twenty minutes from here."

     Suckling a young student was certainly paying dividends for John's libido but the real prize he knew lay but inches distant, up inside the hem of that sexy little skirt.  Figuring to take the offensive, he kissed her with even greater passion, at the same time slipping his hand well up between the girl's thighs.

      The sensation of the young man's hand against the inside of her leg as it worked its way further within the forbidden zone should have set alarm bells ringing. All it did though was make her hotter than hell and other than a brief "Noooo, please not there" which achieved nothing but an increase in each participants' desire, she merely spread her legs wider. 

     Reaching her panties, John was one happy little Vegemite. ('Aussieism' for the benefit of North American and European readers. It pertains to the satisfaction a child derives from munching on a yummy vegemite sandwich)

      Kirsty's earlier embryonic moans now assumed a more permanent state of outbound pleasure as both men began rubbing her panties in earnest, taking turns to delineate the lips of her pussy the full depth between her legs. She knew she was wet - they most assuredly had discovered the fact too!

     Moaning like a total slut, that for all intents and purposes she was right that moment, Kirsty had her legs spread to the maximum that tight little skirt would allow, her cream colored panties on full view as both men rubbed her pussy and felt her up from neck to knee. Still letting them kiss her passionately, all she cared about was prolonging this attention to her body just as long as she could. Whether she was on the way home or to the nearest Motel she really didn't care.

     "Oh Jesus," Julian was muttering, his body contorted across that front seat along with Patrick's beside him, as they took in the awesomely arousing sight of the young girl's degradation just four feet away.

     Exactly what psychological damage was done that day, at the point they drew up level with a packed school-bus on the freeway may never be known. Several sixth-grade girls on the right hand side however had their hands to their mouths in total shock as they caught a fleeting glimpse of John's hand sliding its way inside the near naked girl's panties, sufficient that a crop of the teenager's dark pubic curls were visible to the young schoolgirls. One presumes the driver was spared any such distraction since the bus remained wholly within its lane at all times.

     Inside the Lincoln, everything to Kirsty was little more than hazy now. The cumulative effect of those four bourbons had conspired to blot out any and all resistance. The hands caressing her breasts, sliding inside her panties and beginning now to finger her, were driving her crazier by the minute. Both Charles and John were harboring erections that might have done John C Holmes proud, and even as Mark took exit 48 that ran directly into Pinewood Drive, they had Kirsty across their knees, unzipping her skirt with frenzied deliberation. Clad only in her panties and stockings and breathing heavily, having Julian reach across and fondling her ass lewdly was just the icing on the cake. She wiggled her rear-end in appreciation of their collaborative efforts.

     Moments later the car swung into 22 Pinewood and even before the automatic door had closed behind them, Charles and John had those sexy little panties down to her knees, the stockings but a memory.

    Plan B had been nothing short of inspirational she had to admit!

    To be continued.

Out now: "The Best of Peter_Pan"


Visit also "The World of Peter_Pan" website:">


Made to wait

mrdjamk2 on Forced Stories

I’d had enough. The bitch had kept me waiting too long. We’d been married a few years and sex had got samey and very infrequent. This time it had been 6 weeks without as much as a hand job from her and so, if she wasn’t going to give me what I wanted, then I was going to take it and boy would she regret it.

It was only 8.30pm and she lay on the sofa opposite me as usual, sleeping and snoring as usual. I went upstairs and grabbed the stuff that I was planning to use. Ropes, cuffs, clothes pegs, whip, riding crop, butt plug and a very large vibrator. I sneaked back down as I didn’t want her waking just yet. I laid everything out on the floor and went to the kitchen to get a pair of scissors, with her hands tied her clothes

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would have to be cut off.

I made a loop in one of the ropes and gently moved her arms into a position that meant I could bind them together. The more I could do without her knowing the more of a shock and the more scared she would be when she did wake. I fastened that rope to the door handle and gently pulled her arms above her head and then moved to her feet. One foot was tied over the sofa and tied off on the radiator and the other to the leg of the sofa. She was secure and going nowhere.

I stood back and admired my work. Now it was time for the fun, well my fun, to begin. I undid her top and cut through her bra and her massive tits spilled out. I grabbed a nipple in between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, took a deep breath and twisted as if my life depended on it. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head in pain and she screamed like a banshee. I released but quickly took hold again and twisted for a second, third ,forth time each time being met with wide eyes and the ear piercing shriek. Tears were streaming down her face and it did cross my mind as to just how much it must be hurting and at one point I even thought her nipples were about to twist off in my hands but she was going to pay tonight. She hadn’t realised her hands were tied until she tried to move them to protect herself but once she did she lay there blubbering her eyes out.

I leaned forward really close to her and whispered in her ear “tonight I’m going to have my fun”. She knew what that meant not because we’d ever done anything like this but when discussing our fantasies in the early years of our marriage I’d broached the subject of BDSM but she soon let me know there was no chance telling me I was a “perv” and “ a dirty bastard” ,well she was going to find out just how much of a perv I could be.

I took another rope and lifted her left tit and wrapped the rope around as tight as I could and then mirrored the image with her right one. As I’ve mentioned her tits were big, very big 42H to be exact so there was a lot to play with. I picked up the riding crop and flexed it in front of her and I could tell she was worried. I lulled her into a false sense of security by just gently tapping each tit with it and I saw her relax as she must have thought “this isn’t too bad” to herself. I knew she’d close her eyes as she always does when she’s turned on and when she did I lifted the crop high and slammed it down across her already sore and bruised nipples. Her mouth opened but no sound came out and she gasped for breath. The sound and her breathing returned though as I started to really go to town on her tightly bound tits beating a merry tune all over them. I don’t know just how many time that crop made contact twenty, thirty, fifty I just don’t know but she was begging me to stop. Well my arm was aching but she wasn’t going to tell me what to do, not tonight so I made sure I laid another ten line across her tits for good measure. Between each sob she was asking me “why are you doing this” and “what have I done” so I told her “I’m doing it because I want to and you’ve done nothing, and that’s the problem. Out came the usual garbage when we got into the sexless situation “Oh I’m sorry, I’ve been working hard and I’m tired” well tonight I just didn’t care.

Next to hand was the butt plug something else that was a no-go area for her. BDSM was pervy, blowjobs were degrading and anal was just downright disgusting well boo-hoo for her. I did consider not using any lube but there were plenty of other ways I was going to make her suffer tonight so decided to go a little easy on her plus with the size of it was going to make it hard enough to get up her pristine asshole anyway. I untied each leg and repositioned them to allow me access to her pussy and ass and greased up her hole. I pushed a finger up there just to feel how tight she was and it was really tight. Then a second finger went up there and she was noticeably uncomfortable but not as bad as when I shoved a third in her. I did consider trying to fist her ass as I’d seen in a few porn films but thought it might be easier for me after she’d been plugged for a while and loosened up a bit. The plug was about four inches around at it’s widest point which I know isn’t massive but for a virgin hole was going to have the desired effect plus another thing she didn‘t know just yet was that it was inflatable. Her hole was already greased but I put some more on the plug itself and lined it up. She clamped her ass tight to stop it from entering her hole but after I explained to her that it was going in there one way or another she decided to take the less painful way and unclenched it. I slid about a third of the plug up her and she screwed up her face and shook her head and started moaning “no no no” so I let it out and pushed a bit more firmly to get it to just before the widest point. She really didn’t like it up there but I moved so I could get a better grip and just rammed the rest in there. After about five minutes she started to accept what I’d done and calmed down a little so now it was time for the next phase. I grabbed the bulb and squeezed it once. She took a sharp breath and looked at me as if to say “what the hell was that” I just smiled and gave the bulb another couple of squeezes. She went absolutely fucking berserk and started calling me names I didn’t even think she knew. This is what I wanted from her though, a bit of passion, and I’d take it however it came.

I moved to her pussy and couldn’t believe just how wet she was. I’d pushed her way past her comfort zone and her head and mouth were screaming no but her body was saying yes. Four fingers easily slid into the previously frigid bitches cunt and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt her so hot inside. I tucked my thumb in and pushed. I didn’t fist her ass but with a pussy this wet it was too good an opportunity to miss. I started in and out with my hand each time pressing in a bit harder, going a little deeper

until eventually in it went and I could feel her pussy gripping onto my wrist. I’d done it, she’d taken my whole fucking fist up her cunt and it felt sort of weird. I started pumping my arm and stretching that opening wide and I noticed a familiar look on her face. One I recognised from the past. One of lust and sexual fulfilment. What started out as me pretty much raping her was turning into a night neither of us would forget. I decided to push her over the edge and so with her ass plugged, my fist deep in her insides I turned the vibe onto it’s highest setting and placed it directly onto her clit. That was just too much for her and she had an amazing orgasm. Bucking and screaming and I thought that she was going to break my wrist so pulled my hand out for my own safety.

As she calmed down I had to remind her that this was my night not hers and that I hadn’t quite finished with her yet. I let the air out of the butt plug and slid it out. It looked clean to me but she wasn’t keen at all as I held it to her face. ”Open wide dear” I said and pushed it to her lips. The look on her face made me think she was going to puke but to my amazement she slowly opened her mouth and took the whole plug in. She gagged a couple of times and so to make sure it didn’t come out I pumped it up a little so it would get past her teeth. I moved down the sofa and took my cock out that had been straining for release. I placed it against her asshole and looked her in the eyes. She knew what I wanted from her and she just nodded her consent, not that it would of made any difference I was going to do it anyway but with that nod I knew that I’d broken her and she’d never refuse me anything again. There was still more resistance than I was expecting considering the plug had not long been in there but at least it was still tight. Now I don’t have a big cock and I aren’t going to lie about that it’s only four and a half maybe five inches long but it is thicker that most that I’ve seen in films and she certainly felt it going in. I couldn’t believe that after all these years together and numerous times of asking and being shot down in flames that in was finally up her ass. There was only one problem for me now. I was so turned on that each tiny movement I made nearly took me over the edge. I stayed still for as long as I could but then started giving it to her taking what I wanted with no regard for her. After just two or three minutes I got that feeling again and had to decide just where in her body to dump my cum. I decided to leave my mark on her like an animal would so pulled out of her ass and moved to her head. She absolutely hated me cumming on her face as I’d found out the only other time I’d done it when I took her by surprise and I thought she was going to rip my balls off. I lined up with her face and gave a few tugs and unloaded my balls over her face. Again she gagged a few times and I could tell she really didn’t like it but I just laughed as she lay there marked and unable to do anything about it. I got my phone off the shelf and took a few snaps from different angles and told her that if I had to go without sex again for more that ten days not only would she get a re-run of tonight but that the pics would be posted on the net for all to see.

I moved to her feet and untied them and gently lowered them down and the to her hands, I hadn’t thought about this bit at the beginning of the night. I was about to untie her hands and then what would I do if she went into hyper-bitch mode. I looked into her eyes and could see the conflict going on in her head. I released her hands and held my breath waiting for whatever came my way. She looked at me and released the air out of the butt plug that was still in her mouth and then did something that I wasn’t expecting. She took two fingers and dragged them through the cum I’d deposited on her face, scooped some up and then licked them clean and then she did it again and carried on until there was virtually none left on her face. At that point she walked ,rather gingerly, to the bathroom and took a shower. Life has been pretty good since that night with more regular sex and amazingly a few blowjobs for good measure but it’s been two weeks now since the last one and she had been warned what would happen if I had to go without so I’ve just been to the computer to find somewhere to post the pics and was amazed when I turned the screen on to find a “wife pic” site already on the screen and my wife’s battered and bruised pussy filling the screen along with all the other pics I’d taken that night and when I went upstairs all the things I’d used on that fateful night were laid out on the bed. Oh happy times.

sik41nicklev2 on Gay Stories

It was Friday night and I and Alex a friend of mine were hanging out at my house. I realized when he got there I forgot to tell him to bring some swim trunks. I told him that he and he said that we would go in him boxers and athletics shorts. It was fun. We play basketball and just swam. Then my parents came out and told us it was time for dinner. We got out and dried off. He asked me what do I I have nothing else to wear but a shirt. I told him just to wear that. We won’t care if you’re bottomless. But it’ll feel weird he said. I told him that I would also go bottomless if he wanted to. He said that would be better. So we both took off our shorts and boxers. I looked down at his cock and realized he wa
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s shaved also, but we are both still pretty small. We both walked into the house with our shirts about 3in down from our belly buttons, showing both of our full cocks.


My mom saw us and said why don’t you boys look good. Hey son I didn’t know you shaved you penis? I said yeah it feels better and does it look better? He said oh yeah, it looks wonderful. So we all sat down at the table, except for my dad who was still in the shower. But when dad turned that corner I was amazed by what I saw. He was completely naked with just a small shaved patch of pubic hair. It was a nice sight to see once and a while. He sat down and we began to eat. After supper was over we began talking about school and work, dad was telling about how he was stressed and needed some relief, and just then he scooted his chair back and grabbed his soft 7in cock and began stroking it while he was still talking about his business plan for his company. I and Alex couldn’t believe what was happening. Then a few minutes later we were all still talking and all staring at my father’s cock just waiting, then he let out a moan and five giant squirts of CUM flew out and onto his chest, with one hand still stroking his cock he took his other hand and rubbed the CUM into his chest and licked the leftover from his hand. I was hard and I could tell so was Alex.


We all got up and washed our dishes, I said dad that was amazing. He said thanks, it tasted and felt amazing. And of course now I wanted a taste, but I was too nervous. So we all decided to go back outside to swim, three of us got completely naked but my mom kept her shirt on because she burns really easy. She got naked and just threw a small, really tight shirt on. She also has a small dark black patch of pubic hair. We all got into the pool and just messed around. I decided to get on a raft and just chill for a little bit. My cock was still hard from my father and my mom. And just then I felt a hand on my cock, I looked up and it was Alex. He began stroking me and in about two minutes, I came all over his hand. I heard clapping from my parents with approval. Then I grabbed his hand and licked my own CUM off him and it tasted amazing like my father said. And you know what, it was even better because anyone could see us, we only have a five foot rod iron fence.


And someone did, a little girl named Jennifer was only eleven saw Alex jerking my cock and caught her attention. She ran out her back door and ran up to us and asked us what are we doing. My parents sitting on chairs on the rim of the pool said just hanging out come join us. She ran up to the gate and went through to the backyard. My mom said but you have to get naked. It didn’t seem to bother Jenn. She threw off her shirt, no bra of course; she hasn’t gone through puberty yet, and then slid down her shorts and panties with one motion. No Hair either down there, she was pretty hot for just a fifth grader. We have been good friends since she had moved in with her grandparents that are pretty old and don’t really check on her. She ran and jumped into the pool and grabbed me off the raft and gave me a big hug. We played around for a while I would grab her sweet butt and through her around, which she loved.


We played for about another hour, it was starting to get dark and we started to get out and when I looked up at my parents, I hadn’t noticed but they had started to fuck. It wasn’t anything crazy just but a soft side to side motion by my mom on my dad’s dick. It was pretty hot and Jenn said you guys look like you’re having fun. My mom basically screamed OH YEA! We could tell when my parents came they both because they were both moaning like crazy. So after the first time I have ever seen my parents fuck, we all walked back to the house all naked. I grabbed Jenn’s butt and walked with Alex and when we all got . . .

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Girl Scout Camp Chronicles, Part Three

DeeDee18 on Lesbian Stories

Girl Scout Camp Chronicles, Part Three.


The rest of the morning was spent with the usual crafts work and cleaning up the common area around the lodge. We showed the girls how to paint the rocks around the borders, and rake the gravel walkways, until the camp was looking perfect in every way.


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nt face="Times New Roman">After lunch we went in swimming again and Candy was all over me, trying to reach down the back of my bikini, or slide up under my top every chance she got. Luckily Nicky was there to help me defend myself, or I really think I might have been bodily raped right in front of the whole camp in the clear blue waters of the pool.


I have never had anyone lust after me so bad, and I was in a constant state of arousal the whole afternoon, wanting Candy to try harder to rip my suit off and finger me to a raging orgasm. But I probably would have been fired if she had succeeded, so it all worked out better in the end. Besides which, Sandy and Angie were constantly eyeing me to see if I would give in and let her have her way with me.


Finally I dragged my hot little body up the pool steps as I pushed Candy’s hand away from fondling my crack between my buns. Nicky shoved her under the water and she came up sputtering and glaring at my new found little lover.


In the evening we sang by the campfire and roasted hotdogs. My girls were worn out so I tucked them in, and then I went back out and flopped on the lounger and closed my eyes, as I came down from the wild day. God, I was soo horny from all the fondling that I could feel little quivers run up and down my cunt lips as I squeezed my legs together.


Angie came out and sat on the railing on her porch. She laughed when she saw me running one foot up and down over my other thigh, teasing myself with the my heel while I pushed my clit against the tight denim of my cutoffs which had worked up into my wet slit. I opened one eye, and stuck my tongue out at her, and she giggled.


I got up and went over to my railing and then sat down with my legs on either side of the smooth worn wood of the top round log.


“Hey, Ang!” I whispered. “Wanna’ watch me fuck this railing?”


“God, Jan, I can’t take much more of your teasing. I’m a nervous wreck from watching you and Candy screw around in the pool all day, anyway. And now I’m supposed to sit here while you spray your sweet cum all over your railing and do nothing?”


“Well, you could play with yourself while I do, okay?” I panted softly, as I slid back and forth, rubbing my cunt lips, which were sticking out around my leg openings, over the now moist wood.


“Fuck, Jan! I’m coming over there right now!”


“You know that’s a ‘no no’, Angie.” I panted, “You’ll get us both fired.”


She grabbed her breasts and pulled on her long nipples through the camp blouse as I started humping my log faster and faster. Then she shoved her hand down the front of her shorts and began fingering her little cunt and moaning softly in her cute little voice that I love so much.


I was getting closer as I rubbed harder on the railing, and then I threw my head back and arched my back as the first orgasm shot up my cunt and contracted my tight little stomach muscles. I heard Angie gasp as she shuddered and shook on her own banister.


As we were jerking around someone came out of Angie’s tent and moved over by her side. I heard Angie gasp loudly as whoever it was reached up and grabbed her closest nipple and yanked it hard! I watched through my half open lust filled eyes as she turned Angie toward her and placed her lips over my little lover’s puffy mouth. Then Angie put her arms around the girl’s neck and kissed her back as she ground her wet mound inside her tight shorts into the stranger’s thigh, and then shuddered again.


As I gaped mesmerized by the erotic sight I felt a soft hand on my arm. I turned to see Candy standing there with her mouth hanging open, and panting, as she watched Angie locked in a passionate embrace with the shadow girl.


We watched in awe as the phantom person slowly pushed Angie shorts down around her ankles, and then unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off her shaky shoulders, until she was standing there naked in the bright moonlight, once again humping the girl’s knee and moaning softly into her neck.


Then she turned Angie around so we could see her stiff long nipples and her cute little stomach and cum smeared puffy cunt lips clearly. We stared as two hands came up around her breasts and kneaded them and the fingers rolled her hard nubs around and pulled them out from her little chest.


Angie spread her legs and raised her arms up to place her hands behind the girl’s neck as the hands ran over her front and down to her dripping little cunt. Then I gasped when I saw the fingers go up into Angie’ pink  little vagina and heard her panting along with me, as she squirmed her hips and fucked the probing fingers faster and faster until she tensed, and bit her lower lip, and screamed as one hand flew up over her mouth to stifle the noise.


While Candy moaned along side me I put my arm over her shoulder and drew her close. Only then did I notice she was completely naked and was trembling with lust as she gazed across the space between our two tents at Angie’s twitching body.


She reached up and slid her hand under my blouse and closed her long fingers around my throbbing nipple. My body reacted and shivers ran up and down my spine as she continued to knead and pull until my breast was aching and my nipple was tender and pulsing from the shocks running through my sensitive nerve endings.


As Candy worked on me I had my hand down on her smooth mound clutching her little opening as I ran my finger up and down her slick outer cunt lips. We were jerking on each others hands as we watched Angie stiffen again and again as her multiple spasms ran over her sweaty little frame.


She continued to jerk as each orgasm wracked her beautiful body and I spurted my own juices all over the already soaked railing between my trembling thighs. Candy moaned in my ear and grabbed my arm hard as she bucked her hips against my hand and came all over my fingers.


 When I thought I couldn’t take anymore we heard Angie try to scream again as the hands grabbed her mound hard and yanked her swollen nipples over and over until I saw her eyes flutter closed and she sank to the floor of her porch unconscious.


The phantom figure waved to us, and then turned and disappeared onto Angie’s tent house as quiet once again descended over the peaceful valley at Camp River Glen.


I climbed off the wet banister and Candy and I dashed over to my lover’s side and held her until she whimpered and pulled us close. She slowly opened her eyes, and stared at first me, and then at naked little Candy, then a grin spread across her flushed face.


“Who was that masked man?” she giggled, as we all joined in, relieved to see my little lover had not been hurt. We helped her up and she turned to Candy and pulled her naked body against her and kissed her small mouth with her own puffy lips. The tall underage body trembled as Angie ran her hands around and grabbed the tight little rear end and slid her fingers over Candy’s little puckered anus.


I quickly stripped my sweat soaked clothes off and moved up behind Candy and reached around to the stiff little cones on her chest. I rolled the little nubs as I gently pulled until I heard Candy gasp as Angie forced her fingers up the young girl’s cunt. We pulled and tweaked until she was jerking around and panting and gasping,


“Oh, God, you guys! I’m gonna’ cum. Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohmigod, I’m cummiiiiing!


Candy shivered and shook as the waves ran up and down her little body and her juices ran down over Angie’s hand and down her legs to form a pool on the hard flooring of the tent porch. Relentlessly we kept pummeling her body until she had a series of little multiple orgasms jerking her around between us.


Finally she sank to the floor and we joined her, spread eagled, on the wood, panting and gasping for air. I raised up on my elbows and then turned to Angie and whispered,


“Do you think that was one of your girls who attacked you?”


“I don’t think so. She was too well built to be in their age group, and she also was too talented to be underage.” She whispered back, grinning in the pale moonlight.


“Guess we’ll never know, hunh?”


“Guess not, but I sure would like to have her fuck me again sometime. She was good!”


“Was she better than me, lover?”


“No way, sweetie, you are the best that ever lived and you know it, too, don’t you, my little horn dog!” she giggled, as she reached over and tugged on one of my nipples. I laughed and slapped her hand away as Candy sat up and blinked like she wasn’t sure where she was.


“Welcome back, little one.” I whispered.


She nodded and rolled over on top of me and ran her soft lips over mine in one of the most seductive kisses I have ever felt. I slid my tongue between her teeth and she moaned as she wiggled her little cunt on my thigh. I pulled her hard against me as she humped me more and more until she let out a little gasp and her face turned red and she squeezed her eyes shut tight and shuddered as still another orgasm rocked her body!


I held on tight until the vibrations ceased, and she relaxed on my sweat soaked body with a little sigh, and then nuzzled my neck.


“Had enough, Candy?” I whispered in her ear.


“Oh yesss! I’m bushed. God, I love fucking you, Mother.” She giggled softly, as I ran my hands up and down her smooth back and tight little buns.


“Come on, we better get out of here before Sandy makes her rounds, or you won’t have me for a mother any longer.” I whispered urgently in her ear as we dashed back over to our porch. I slapped Candy’s little naked rear, and then I dove into my sleeping bag as she ducked through the canvas door.


As I lay there I saw the beam from a flashlight pierce the soft night air and Sandy came down the trail checking to make sure all was quiet in the camp. I pretended to be asleep, as did Angie, I was sure, as the light played over my bag and my face. Then she moved on down the trail and I released my breath, that I had been holding, as I realized how close we had come to being discovered cavorting naked on Angie’s porch.


“Goodnight Jan!” I heard Angie whisper.


“Night, Ang!” I whispered back, and then snuggled deeper into my warm down filled sleeping bag and fell asleep.




Some crazy woodpecker was banging his beak on the metal covering above the lodge light when we marched down to breakfast the next morning. All my freshly scrubbed little girls were giggling and horsing around as we sat down to eat. The meal was about half done when I looked up to see a cute little freckle faced red head walk through the back door of the dining area.


She was wearing hiking boots and dressed in coveralls with a red bandana around her curly red hair. Angie looked over at me and I looked back as we checked out the sexy looking body evident even through all the loose clothing. She was a knockout! And combined with the green eyes and cute upturned nose she was a pixie if ever there was one.


I motioned Sandy over and asked her who the delectable girl in the overalls was.


“She is the off season caretaker’s daughter. They live over the next ridge in a small valley next to that stream that we forded when we came in the other day. Would you like to meet her? She’s a real sweetheart, and she and her dad keep an eye out for strangers when the camp is closed for the winter.”


I nodded, and Sandy waved her over.


“Lisa, I want to introduce you to one of my counselors, Jan” Sandy said, as the girl looked me up and down, and then smiled brightly, and winked at me. Then Angie stood up and came over, staring hard at Lisa. When Lisa turned to look at her, Angie stepped back in shock as she recognized the phantom from last night standing there in front of her, grinning widely.


“It’s you! You were in the camp last night, weren’t you?” Angie sputtered, as Lisa smiled down at her.


“I might have been, why?” she replied, with a mischievous look on her face.


Sandy piped in and said, “Yes, she was here last night helping me check the tents for any wild parties the little girls might try to throw after lights out. Did you see her somewhere, Angie?”


I shook my head slightly, and Angie said, “I guess I saw her around the lodge, earlier.”


I let a sigh of relief escape my lips as Angie just stood there gawking at Lisa, and undressing her with her eyes. Lisa stared back and slowly licked her lips and trembled slightly under Angie’s intense gaze. Sandy looked like she knew something was amiss but couldn’t figure out what.


Finally, Angie turned and went back to her table, and I sat back down by Nicky and Candy again. Sandy left and the meal continued without any further interruption. When all the dishes were cleared we lined up our little kids and marched them out into the sunlight, where they were greeted by two nature teachers who would guide them on the days hike through the woods, identifying berries and trees, etc.


Sandy gave Angie and me the rest of the day off so we decided to go exploring. We pulled on cutoffs and tees, packed my climbing rope and two extra tee shirts and some sandwiches in our nap sacks, and headed up the hill to the ridge that ran along the north edge of the camp. Then we wound down into the stream bed and waded along, splashing each other and skipping flat rocks across the shimmering water. In a little while we came to a large pool surrounded by trees and soft green grass which was almost like a carpet, it was so smooth.


We looked around and then Angie pulled her top off and shoved her shorts down, and then waded into the cool stream water. I followed, and we swam around and dove off the overhanging root systems until we were puffing from the exertion. We climbed out and lay down on the soft grass, and spread eagled our wet little naked bodies to soak up the warm sunshine and work on out tans.


We dozed as the sun warmed our skin until I was startled by the loud snap of a dry twig close by in the underbrush. Angie heard it too, and we both got up to go investigate. We parted the ferns and searched around in the trees until we came upon a little boy crouching behind a log and shaking with fear. His blond hair hung down in his face and his lips trembled as he stared up at us wide eyed.


I grabbed his arm and we marched him back to the clearing, and then I threw him down on the grass at our feet. He cowered there as Angie and I exchanged looks, and grinned at each other.


“What were you doing, spying on us?” I asked.


“Nu, nu, nuthin! I wasn’t spying, I was just lookin’ was all.” He whimpered, as tears rolled down his cheeks.


“You little pervert, you were too spying!” Angie hissed, as she pulled his head back by his hair so he was looking up at her, quivering.


“Do you like looking at naked girls?” I asked, as I pushed the golden curls out of his eyes. He looked at me, and then nodded, as he bit his lower lip.


“Were you thinking you would like to fuck us as you watched?”


Once again he gave a quick nod. I noticed the little bulge in his baggy shorts twitch as he wiggled and squirmed to try to hide it from our eyes.


“I think it’s time somebody punished you so you won’t sneak around again!” I said, with my best mean face on, while I glanced sideways at Angie and saw her grinning at me.


“What are you going to do to me?” he whined.


“You’ll see!” I said, as I grabbed his wrists and yanked him up, and pulled his stumbling little body over to a big boulder by the rivers edge. Angie helped me tie his arms and legs with the climbing rope in my knapsack so he was spread eagled on the flat rock. He raised his head up to stare down his white little body as Angie opened her pocket knife and began to cut his shorts open down the sides. Then she pulled the fabric away and his little penis shot straight up in the air and waved back and forth as the blood pulsed through his little mushroom shaped head.


He groaned with embarrassment, and his face turned beet red as we stared at his erection and panted loudly, with our mouths hanging part way open. Angie leaned down and placed her lips on his little mouth and slid her big tongue around over his teeth, then between his gasping lips and around inside, until he was panting and moving his little hips up and down, trying to fuck the warm air, while his penis swelled larger from the increased blood flow.


I slowly worked my hands up the insides of his trembling legs until I ran my fingers over his little balls. He jerked, and then rolled back and forth as I slid my fingers on up the side of his jutting penis. I ran one fingernail around under his mushroom gland and he gasped and bucked up off the rock. I wrapped my hand around his little shaft and slowly began to move it up and down as he fucked back into my fist.


Angie raked her nails over his stiff nipples, and he threw his head back and forth while crying out, “Please stop! I promise I won’t do it anymore! Oh God, you’re gonna’ make me shoot stuff out! Oh please, no!” He shouted as he stiffened, and his little penis twitched violently, and then spurted cum up in the air and all over my jerking hand.


I smeared the white fluid all over his sweaty little body and then lowered my head and slid my puffy lips around his slowly deflating little cock. He moaned as I sucked gently, and swirled my tongue around, and around, until I felt it start to swell again. Angie leaned down and began to suck on one of his nipples as she pushed her fingers in and out of his mouth.


I slid my hand up under his little buns and pushed my cum drenched finger into his tight little anus, causing him to scream and jerk up trying to avoid my invading fingertip. Slowly I worked it in further and further until I felt him relax a little and give himself over to the new and exciting feelings surging through his nerve endings. I kept sucking and shoving until he was writhing all over the rock, yanking on the ropes and groaning and gasping, while sucking on Angie’s fingers for all he was worth.


Then he screamed and jerked really hard as ripples ran up and down his flat little tummy. We kept biting, and sucking, and pushing, until he finally collapsed in a heaving panting mass on the now sweat drenched flat rock. Angie went over to the pool and dipped her cupped hands in and then spread the cool water all over his hot skin. I wiped his shaking body with our tee shirts and we kissed him as he slowly opened his eyes and stared at our sweaty naked little bodies shining in the bright sunlight.


“Okay, young man, now you are going to get the fucking of your virgin little life!” I said, as I climbed up on the rock and straddled his little penis, and slowly inserted it into my sopping wet vagina. Angie did the same to his head and sat on his mouth as he threw his head back and forth trying to avoid the pink little cunt lips descending on his face.


“Lick me, you little pervert! “ Angie ordered, as she shoved her parted lips harder against his trembling mouth. Gradually he got the idea and began to lick and suck in earnest as I humped up and down on his now erect little penis. I watched the sweat pouring off Angie’s back and down into her crack as mine fell off the ends of my swollen nipples and formed a puddle in the cute little belly button below me.


We pounded the little boy’s body unmercifully, until he was rolling around under us and screaming, over and over, as the contractions ran up and down his sweaty stomach, and cum flew up out of his little penis deep into my hot little cunt. At the same time Angie climaxed and gushed all over the little boys face and hair. When he finally passed out from the strenuous fucking we had administered to him we climbed off, and then untied him.


We carried him to the edge of the little lake and eased his sweaty body down into the cool water until he revived. He looked up at us and smiled dreamily, still in a daze. We washed his body off and then put one of our spare tee shirts over his head and draped it down over his white little buns like a dress. He then stood up and hugged us both as we kissed him softly and told him how much we had enjoyed fucking the daylights out of him. He nodded and grinned.


“I had a good time, too! I’ve never been with a girl before. I didn’t know how much I’ve been missing!” he giggled.


“Where do you live?” I asked.


“I live over there by the river with my sister and Dad,” he said as he pointed upstream. We looked where he was pointing and could just make out a small cabin hidden in the pines by a rock strewn beach.


“Your sister wouldn’t be named Lisa, would she?” Angie asked.


“Yeah, do you guys know her?” he asked with raised eyebrows.


“We’ve met” I giggled, as Angie tried in vain to keep from laughing out loud.


“What’s so funny?” he asked, as he stared at Angie’s blushing face.


“Oh it’s nothing.” I replied. “It’s just a private joke between us girls.”


He said, “Oh.” as we kissed him goodbye, and then we headed back to camp.


“I’d sure like to be there when he walks in wearing your tee shirt, Jan!” Angie laughed.


“I’m sure we’ll hear about it, eventually!” I giggled back, as we held hands and skipped along the trail, totally oblivious to the red bandana covered head peeking from behind one of the tall pines along the edge of the path.


Part Four?



Dominated in the school bathroom

stromo on Lesbian Stories

It was a very normal day in Fremont High School. Everything was going as usual like most days. Same old boring classes, and same old boring teachers.

Ring, 4th period. The worse period of all. The teacher was Mrs.Anni, the oldest, ugliest, smelliest, and bitchiest teachers of all. Dominique figured when going to her class she'll go the bathroom so he didn't have to deal with her. 5 minutes into the period he asked, and was allowed.

In the bathroom Dominique simply stared at herself. She loved her body and didn't want anyone elses. Shes 16, 5,2, has nice long but not too long light brown hair, B+ tits and a nice tight ass that fits her body perfectly. She never liked girls, in fact she was disgusted at the thought of kissing another girl. Although it was always in the bak of her mind
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to try it out, she didn't want to. She did kiss about 4 boys before. A couple of more minutes in the bathroom, texting and making weird noises, she heard a noise that wasn't her. It was coming from a stall in the back. She suddenly felt embarrased, thinking the girl heard her and would tell the entire school. She heard this noise again, and she thought it was a moan but couldn't tell. She decided to look through the stall hole, and saw the hottest girl in the school, Ashley, fingering herself. Ashley was 5,5, she had C tits and a great round ass with long black hair. She was beautiful. She was probably the most popular girl in the school but she simply was a bitch to every girl. Especially unpopular girls. Dominique was popular but according to Ashley's standards, she wasn't. They had a ton of word fights before and a couple near catfights. But, Dominique put that aside when she saw Ashley fingering herself. She suddenly felt horny and had lust, all for a girl she hated. After about 15 seconds she started to gently rub her pussy through her jeans, and moaned the slightest bit. Ashley heard, and looked out the stall. She saw the girl she hated the most, masturbating and staring at her masturbating. But, Ashley always wanted Dominique, she felt she was a submissive girl, which she is, and thats perfect for the dominant Ashley. Not only that but Dominique was hot too.

Dominique didn't realize it, but Ashley threw open the stall door and threw Dominique in the stall. Dominique thought she was gonna get her ass kicked, especially when Ashley smacked her, but then Ashley said "Take off everything. Hurry the fuck up." Dominique did a told. Ashley knew she had Dominique, especially with cum drippng down Dominiques legs. Ashley grabbed Dominiques face, and said "Im your master now bitch. Got it?" Dominique nodded, trying to hold in her smile. Ashley took the thong still on her feet, took it up and said "Open wide" to Dominique. Dominique did, and then Ashley shoved the thong into her mouth. Dominique loved it, and licked the area where Ashleys pussy rested on so much. After 5 minutes, Ashley took the thong out. She said "Sit down on the floor and put the back of your head to the stall wall." Dominique did, expecting pussy to come down to her mouth. Instead, Ashley bent a little bit and shoved her great ass in Dominiques face. Dominique immediatley started licking her asshole. She loved this, she never thought of it though. She loved the asshole taste, and loved Ashleys ass all over her face. She was being dominated, exactly what her inner desire was, and Ashley was doing what she wanted to. After 10 minutes of asshole and ass licking and kissing, Ashley stood up and went onto the toilet seat. She commanded "get on your knees. Dominique di, expecting Ashley to open up her legs. Instead, Ashley stuck her feet up and said "Suck my toes and feet you dirty bitch." Dominique did as her master said, and pleased Ashley incredibly. Dominique thought feet and ass would be disgusting, especially when she saw mens in pornos. But she loved the softness of girls and cleaness, especially Ashley. Dominique loved girls

After 5 minutes of making love to Ashleys feet, Ashley told her to stop. Dominique did, and Ashley opened up her legs wide. Dominique licked her lips, hoping she wasgetting what she wished of getting. Ashley says "Eat my pussy whore. Make me cum so much, and make sure not a drop of my cum hits the floor." Dominique dove in for Ashleys pussy, and ate it like a fat man would eat cake when hungry. After 10 minutes, 3 orgasms, loads of cum and only Dominique cum on the floor, Ashey told Dominique to stop. There was so much cum on Dominique lips and her cheeks close to her lips, but Dominique loved it. She was dominated by Ashley, and she would've never wanted it to be any differently. Asley told Dominique to lick the cum that dripped from her pussy onto the floor, and Dominique did. Dominique begged if she could have some "milk" and she did. She massaged ad sucking and licked Ashleys breast for about 7 minutes. Then the bell rang, and the greatest 45 minutes ever ended. They both put there clothes back on, and agreed to Ashleys house on Friday night. Her parents were gone until Sunday night, and they were gonna have fun. That will be part 2

Please rate and comment, this is my 1st story.

Innocent Fun

Desert Princess on Lesbian Stories

**Innocent Fun**

My first sexual experience with a girl

NOTE: This story is an original story written by myself, Desert Princess, and is authorized for publication at, . Any other form of publication is prohibited without obtaining explicit approval from the author.

Until I moved to another state and a far bigger city, I was your classic
Midwestern small town girl. Well, maybe not that classic. I wasn't
living on a farm or getting my pig high. My hometown was fairly big to
my standards and yes, it contained more than 3 gas sta

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I had dozens of friends, people I had known since I was knee high. I
graduated from high school at an average B, didn't need a car because
EVERYTHING was in walking distance, and all the little kids in the
neighborhood loved me, so instead of getting a real job, I created a
daycare in the basement of my grandma's house where I lived rent free.
With a constant flow of money (for there were TONS of kids) and no
bills to pay, I was living large and having fun at barely 18.

Life... was good.

Yes, it was all fine and dandy, but I was majorly lacking in some areas.
Mainly one. I was one of the three virgins left from my senior class.
You hear those stories about small town girls with nothing else to do?
Makes you wonder at why there were so many little kids running around.
I would hear tales of my best friend Mary's sexual exploits and could
get so hot and bothered by the thought of it that I'd have to excuse
myself to use the restroom. It used to be that my other best friend
Anna and I would live vicariously through Mary's stories, as Anna was a
virgin too, then she went off and not only had sex, but got pregnant
too, so it was just me.

Truth be known, I knew just about nothing to do with sex. Sure, we had
sex ed, and I could recite off different parts of the vagina, but it's
hard to get excited about sex when your teacher is an 80 year old
former math-turned-sex ed teacher. I would read the romance novels, but
what does "his throbbing manhood" do for you? I wanted details.

Alas, my true problem comes out. I was scared to death of having sex. I
could not digest the idea of some guy sticking his penis (a.k.a love
machine, hotrod, meat, tool, feel free to insert your own word here)
inside of me. The thought was just terrifying.

Now, I said there were 3 virgins left from my senior class, and after
Anna played with the one-eyed monster, that just left Vanessa. Vanni
had a story just like mine. When I lost Anna to the virgin cause, I
struck up a friendship with Vanni and shared the sex stories with her.
We became close and often swapped fantasies.

Now I know you must be thinking that if 2 girls made it through high
school as virgins, they have to be downright ugly. This is not the
case. At least not in my eyes. Vanni was gorgeous, a blonde haired,
green eyed body of perfection. In all my years of knowing her, I don't
think she ever had a pimple. She was scrubbed clean, all American
peaches and cream. I have long dark strawberry blonde hair and blue
eyes, a petite frame and one of those bodies that can't gain enough
weight. (Trust me, if I could, I'd add at least 10 lbs.)

Almost a year went by and no sex for us. By now, Anna gave birth to
little Marc, a beautiful little boy who was prone to 3 hour long
screaming marathons, probably got that from his shit-for-brains father.
And Mary was pregnant and eloped to the librarian who's name was, get
this, Joseph. My little daycare expanded into a full fledged center
with 4 assistants which was located right next door to Wal-Mart. Vanni
and I were still close as ever, even closer now that she lived a few
houses down from me.

Life... was good.

It was about this time that I started to notice some changes. Vanni had
the most beautiful laugh and smile, and I would stare of into space
thinking about this until I was snapped into attention by some crisis
or another. I would find myself often in these daydreams where Vanni
and I were all alone and we would have so much fun together, without
any interferences. It got so bad that once, I was masturbating and
couldn't get off, but when Vanni drifted into my mind, I started to get
excited and worked myself into a frenzy until I felt guilty and took a

It didn't help that Vanni and I were naturally unshy about ourselves and
often changed in front of one another without a second thought. We had
just finished sunbathing and Vanni was stripping off her one piece
suit. All the sudden, my throat was dry, and my clit started to throb
in tune with my heartbeat. Her skin was glistening with sunning lotion
and the contrast between tan legs and the lightly coloured pubic hair
was almost too much for me. I excused myself and ran for the bathroom
where I fingered myself into oblivion.

After this incident, times with Vanni were now confusing. I felt guilty
and ashamed of my thoughts and sexually pleased with them at the same
time. I didn't want to see her, for fear of somehow letting her know
that she was now my only spank bank member, but I would die if I

Life... really sucked now.

Around this time we had a horrible spring storm which flooded Vanni's
house, which was in the basement of a tri-level, 3 apartment house.
Normally she would have stayed with the older lady upstairs, but the
lady had this annoying yapping dog, so she begged me for some space.
Now, I had Vanni in my bed as I slept on the floor and my sex dreams
were every night. I didn't get much sleep.

Two nights passed in agony and I tried to get on with my normal routine,
but things were just not the same. Vanni was in my every thought,
breath, heartbeat and now in my room so that I felt as if I were being
consumed by her. My problem was that I liked it but wanted her consumed
with me too and I just knew that she would drop me as a friend if I
told her my secret. But all that changed after that night.

I had rolled out my sleeping bag as I always did and performed my
before-bed things. Vanni was returning to her house tomorrow as the
rest of her carpet was drying that very evening. We went to bed as
usual and I managed to drop off into an untroubled sleep. When I woke
up, my heart was thudding and something was wrong. By habit, I didn't
move a muscle until I figured it out. Something wet and warm was
moving on my right breast and since the room was completely dark, my
eyes couldn't adjust to see what it was.

Suddenly, I heard a moaning, then felt something soft move across my
face as the wet and warm thing attacked my left breast. I was still
dumb with sleep and confused when I felt something stiff rub against my
underwear clad crotch. It took about half a second to realize that the
moaning was Vanni and that the wet and warm thing was her tongue on my
nipples. I closed my eyes and arched slightly to assist her assault on
my breasts. She froze momentarily as I feigned sleep, then tentatively
licked my nipples again.

I was quickly aroused by her manipulations and could feel my underwear
slowly soaking as she rubbed something hard against my clit. My legs
were separating slowly, encouraging her to rub harder and go deeper.
Her tongue was still at my breasts, switching to one another after a
few moments and the light, gentle biting she did was driving me wild.

This continued for a few minutes, then she started to ease my underwear
down my legs. I didn't move for fear that she would stop and leave me
hanging. Once the resistance was removed, I felt Vanni's fingers
lightly touch me. Each touch was electrified and caused me to jump a
bit. Her touch was unsure, probing for just the right spot. Her fingers
finally found the hood of my excited clit and gently began to massage
it, paying attention to the surrounding areas as well. Her tongue began
again, this time circling my belly button and kissing the soft areas of
my stomach.

My body was moving involuntarily now, my hips restless and moving to her
touch. I felt as if I were a finely tuned instrument and Vanni was
testing my strings. I couldn't stop the sighs that were now coming from
my throat, nor the little gasps of breath either. She was increasing
her speed in her actions and would put me on the brink of orgasm then
slow and pull me back.

This mind-blowing assault was too much and I didn't care if she knew if I
was awake or not. I cried out, "Oh God, Vanni," then again as she
lowered her head and began lapping at the juices that were flowing from
me. Her mouth was creating havoc onto my body as her tongue swirled my
clit, then darted quickly in and out of my pussy. Her fingers were part
of the action as well, taking over where her tongue stopped and making
my body sing. I felt as if I were being swallowed whole by this
pleasure-giving creature who could read my every thought and knew just
what to do next.

I could feel my insides quaking under the strain of holding back. My
legs were wobbly and trying to hold Vanni's head at my pussy for as
long as they could. I felt a brief orgasm pass, then a much larger one
building as Vanni was relentless in her eating of my body. Each
tonguing brought me closer and closer until I just couldn't hold it any
longer and I felt as if I burst with pleasure into a billion pieces.
Each piece was satisfied, then slowly rejoined to leave me lying on the
floor trying to catch my breath with Vanni at my side.

I lay there as my breath slowed and my pleasure grew until Vanni said,
"I knew you were awake. You liked it, huh?" I smiled.

Life... was good.

A Spring Break Romance Part 1

bustybibbwbabe on Lesbian Stories

My fiancé and I had been together for four years, and had just recently decided to become engaged after he had graduated from college. I was a few years younger than him, so I was still in college. He had started his dream job and things were going very well for us, we even had enough money to buy our own house. The only downside to his job was that he was constantly going on business trips.


            I was very openly bi, and had a few girlfriends that helped to relieve the loneliness I felt when he was away. One of my favorite girlfriends was Lisa; we had met online and

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became fast friends. Lisa liked to role-play and she loved to be dominated, and over the past several months of chatting with Lisa I had become quite the little dominatrix. The only problem was that with me living in North Carolina and Lisa living in Texas we had never actually gotten to meet.


            My Spring Break from college was coming up and I was really looking forward to spending a week with my fiancé in Cancun. The week before Spring Break, my fiancé called me from work to give me the bad news, his boss had told him that he had to go on a business trip the following week meaning that he would have to miss our Cancun trip. I was very disappointed, but decided to call around to see if any of my girlfriends would like to go with me, but unfortunately they all had other plans. That’s when I had a brilliant idea.


I immediately got online to see if Lisa was on and when I saw that she was I sent her a message asking her if she would like to go to Cancun with me. At first she thought that I had thought up a new role-play that involved the two of us in Cancun, but when she realized that I was seriously inviting her to join me on my Cancun trip she was ecstatic. We made all of the travel arrangements, and I rushed out to the post office to have her ticket mailed to her over night.


            The rest of the week went by fast and before I knew it I was on a plane headed for Cancun. Lisa was to meet me at the baggage claim area of the Cancun airport. I was a bundle of nerves for the whole flight. The plane landed in Cancun and I quickly checked in and made my way to baggage claim. After waiting for about 30 minutes I was afraid that Lisa had missed her flight when my phone rang, it was Lisa telling me that her flight had been delayed. We decided that I would go on to the hotel and that she would meet me at our room when she arrived.


            I got a cab and arrived at the hotel. I checked in with the concierge and explained to him that my roommate’s flight had been delayed and that she would be arriving later.  I arrived in our room and it was beautiful. It was decorated in a tropical theme, with soft white linens, and a balcony with glass doors that gave us a breathtaking view of the ocean. I rolled my suitcase over to the bed and sat down. I decided I would take a little nap while I waited for Lisa to arrive.


            What must have been hours later, I awoke to a knocking at the door. I looked out and saw that it was already dark outside. I got up and went to open the door, it was Lisa. She walked in, sat her suitcase down and immediately grabbed me and kissed me passionately on the lips. We stood there, holding each other and kissing passionately, our tongues dancing, juices starting to flow. I pulled away from the kiss and asked, “Wanna take a shower?” and she replied with a nod and a devilish grin.


            We went to the bathroom and undressed. Immediately her eyes were glued to my triple D breasts and she couldn’t help her self but to come to me and suck on my nipples. As she sucked on my nipples I reached out and massaged her breasts. Rolling her nipple between my thumb and finger and pinching lightly as she moaned into my chest. Her hot, wet tongue on my nipples was almost more than I could take, I could feel my warm juices running down my leg. I moaned and whispered in her ear, “Let’s get in the shower now.”


            I opened the glass door to the huge walk-in shower and turned the nozzle adjusting the water and then stepped in, Lisa followed quickly behind. We wet out hair back and she stood behind me and wrapped her arms around me. She was breathing her hot breath into my neck, licking my neck, kissing my neck and shoulders, as she began to gently massage my breasts and pinch my nipples. Her hands continued down my body until they found my very wet shaved pussy. She began to massage my outer lips and I spread my legs as wide as I could and leaned back into her. She slipped her finger into my slit and moaned into my ear, “Already wet I see”, she then found my very swollen clit and began to rub and tease it and before long I was crying out as I emptied my juices into her loving hand. I turned around grabbed her face and kissed her passionately and said, “Let’s move to the bed.”


            We got out of the shower and moved to the king size bed. I sat down on the edge and she got on her knees on the floor and spread my legs wide. She looked up at me and smiled, “I’ve been dying to taste you for months” and with that she dove into my pussy leaving no part untouched. She licked up all my juices and fucked me with her tongue, then she pulled my lips into her mouth and sucked them, she finally realized that I could take no more teasing and pulled my clit into her mouth nibbling and sucking it, as she pushed two, then three fingers into my cunt and fucked me as hard as she could. It wasn’t long until I came again and she drank all my juices.


            I fell back on to the bed exhausted and she came and lay down beside me and wrapped her arms around me as I place my head upon her breast. I started to move my hand down to caress her pussy, but she stopped me and said, “You rest now, I can wait, we have all week to unleash our deepest pleasures and explore our darkest fantasies.”



Hannah **Part One**

TuttiFrutti21 on Lesbian Stories

"Hey Mel!" Hannah waved, and pointed at the seat next to her. I smiled and made my way through the crowd of students. I sat next to Hannah, and whispered to another friend, Jamie, next to me. The principal hushed everyone in the auditorium, and began lecturing us on drugs and other stuff like that. I was too busy thinking of plans for this weekend with Hannah. She and I have been friends for what seems like forever, but actually it's only been about 8 years. This year we would embark on a new journey… seniors at the local high school. We had been there for each other when we were sad, or when we just needed someone to be there. Again the principal told everyone to be quiet, and yet again began to lecture us. I w

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as so tired, and bored. I couldn’t wait for that final bell signaling the end of 10th period. Then I would walk home with Hannah, she lives next door to me, and we would think of what we would do over the weekend together. Yes, it was finally Friday. It seemed to take forever for the week to finally end. As the principal was finally finishing the bell sounded ending the class. Everyone sprang up from their seats, and ran for the doors. Hannah and I were both in Stage Crew, and knew how to get out of the building without getting pushed or shoved.

Once outside Hannah grabbed my wrist tight, and ran over to the corner of the street, pulling me along with her. I laughed, and playfully hit her shoulder. She laughed also, and walked along with me to the other side of the road. Past the woods we went along, and I sat under our favorite tree when we were young.

“Why are we stopping here Lee?” She shielded her eyes from the light with her hands and looked up the tall, mighty oak which we used to climb. “We aren’t climbing that thing are we? I just got my nails done, and this is a new outfit ya know.” I just smiled, and pulled her down, so she was sitting next to me.

“Hannah don’t you just love this place?” I just smiled and looked at all the trees surrounding us. “It’s beautiful Mel,” She looked at me when she said it, and placing her hand on my thigh. “And you are too.” Hannah gently kissed my neck sending shivers down my spine. I’ve liked Hannah ever since I’ve met her, but I never knew she was a lesbian like me. She kissed up my neck, and tilted my head to kiss my lips. At first she was teasing me by licking my lips with her tongue, then gently brought her tongue inside my mouth. I massaged her back while we felt around in each other mouths with our tongues. She slowly unbuttoned my blouse, and pushed my long blonde hair out of my face. I pulled her shirt over her head, and unclamped her bra. I let it slide to the ground, and just smiled at what I saw. Her breasts were just as I imagined them, soft and delicate. I began nibbling and sucking on her erect nipples. She enjoyed this, and let out a low moan out of pleasure. I licked my way down to her belly-button then slid her jeans and panties off of her. I licked her wet pussy and played with her clit. She moaned, and rocked her hips to go along with my rhythm. She let out a loud moan and said, “Oh yesss, Mel I’m cumming, mmm lick all my hot juices.” I just swallowed her cum as it came. Her ass was off the ground, and she slowly lay back down onto the ground. She sighed, and was breathing heavily. I slipped two fingers into her hot and wet vagina. “Ooohh! Ooh baby yesss!!!” She started to rock her hips again, and I knew another orgasm was coming. She moaned loudly as she came. This time after she was finished she kissed my lips, and took off my shorts. I wasn’t wearing any panties, and Hannah seemed to like this.

She pinned me down so that she was on top of me. Slowly she began exploring my wet pussy. Her tongue then started to play with my clit which I loved. “Mmmm oh yess that’s it, that feels so good.” She started to slow down a little bit to catch her breath. Hannah took her hand, and started to rub my clit slowly. As the seconds went by she began to quicken. Soon enough I was moaning loudly with pleasure. I sighed, “Ohhh” as I came. She looked at me, and winked. I just lay there breathing short little breaths. Suddenly we heard a twig snap. We grabbed our clothes and ran. We promised we would do that again soon.

**Part Two will come soon**

Shopping fun

Carlotta on Lesbian Stories

Caitlyn stood by the cash desk in the boutique she worked at, waiting for the last few customers of the day to leave. It was nearly five o'clock and she still had a lot of tidying up left to do before Dominic picked her up for dinner, but as usual at five to five another customer walked in the door.

Caitlyn sighed to her self “why today?” she thought, looking round to see if any of her colleagues were free. There was no such luck, both the other sales assistants were busy with other customers and her manager had long left the shop. Caitlyn moved towards the 30ish lady who was now looking at a particularly bright looking dress and a

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sked “do you need any help?”

“Yes” she replied, “I'm going out tonight and need something to wear, have you got this in a size 10?”

Caitlyn directed the woman to the changing room and brought through the dress, noticing for the first time that the woman, although in her early 30's had a remarkable figure and gorgeous long blonde hair which was only accentuated by the clinging black silk skirt and tight white blouse. “If you need anything else, I'll be outside so just let me know” said Caitlyn to the customer, drawing the curtain.

Caitlyn sat outside the changing room and planned what she was going to wear for her dinner with Dominic, she was in a world of her own until she head a small noise come from the changing room. “Excuse me” said the customer, “I seem to be stuck, the zip isn't working. Could you possibly come and help me?”

Caitlyn stood up and smoothed down her skirt. She reached towards the curtain and pulled it back, revealing the young blonde standing there in her underwear with her arms pinned up and the dress covering her head. Caitlyn could not help staring for a moment at the woman's figure, she was no lesbian but it was mesmerising, her tits were pert and perfectly rounded, her nipples just visible through the fabric of her bra. Her gaze moved down the woman's body, passed her flat toned stomach towards her small, neatly shaved pussy, then further down towards the top of her toned thighs noticing for the first time her stockings. Looking in the mirror behind the lady Caitlyn noticed that she had a firm, tight ass that looked great in her thong and felt a slight pulsating in her pussy.

Caitlyn moved towards the blonde and said in a soft voice “Keep still, I'm just going to pull the dress down so that I can get it off you” white gently brushing her hand against the woman's soft smooth back and towards her neck and taking the fabric in her hands. The woman gave a small shiver as Caitlyn expertly pulled the dress down over her body feeling the curves beneath the fabric. Pulling the dress down over the woman's pert ass and crouching down further she brushed her thighs, feeling the stockings beneath her fingers. The woman gave another shiver and a small moan of pleasure.

The woman looked at Caitlyn with a small smile on her face, taking her hand and running it slowly up her thighs and up towards her pussy, moving back the fabric of her thong and allowing Caitlyn to feel the warm juice. Caitlyn looked up and stared at the woman breathing faster, she could feel herself getting wet just at the thought of what was happening, the woman pulled up the dress as Caitlyn slid one finger into the moist tight slit. The woman was soaked, she urged Caitlyn to touch her now bulging clit while finger fucking her gently. The blonde softly started to massage Caitlyn's small pert tits, while unbuttoning her shirt, “Call me Jenny” said the blonde in a sexy throaty voice.

Stopping only to remove Jenny's now (very) wet underwear, Caitlyn continued to massage the clit while moving closer to her gleaming cunt. She expertly parted the lips and started tonguing her moist slit, while Jenny softly moaned and started to buck her hips. Caitlyn flicked her tongue back and forwards across Jenny's now bulging clit, moving her head faster and faster, and all the time bringing her towards the brink of orgasm.

Looking up Caitlyn said, "You're quite the slut aren't you?!?" The near dirty talk made the woman let out with a soft moan. "Are you going to cum you little cunt?" pressed Caitlyn. "Oh God, yes!" Moaned Jenny. Caitlyn could now see that the bare pussy was now beginning to spasm out of control as the fat lips began to open and close erratically as her orgasm began to build up in her cunt. “Dear god, I think I'm going to cum” Screamed jenny, “You make me so fucking horny, don't stop!” she begged, moving her hips closer to Caitlyn.

“Shhh someone's going to hear you, your such a noisy slut, aren't you” said Caitlyn, looking up at the now slightly glowing customer. “I'm going to have to shut her up” thought Caitlyn to herself, grabbing the first thing that came to hand. She stuffed Jenny's damp panties into her mouth, while Jenny emitted a small moan of pleasure, Caitlyn quickly glanced out of the changing room to check that there was no-one to bother them and then seeing that the coast was clear she closed the curtain and started to massage Jenny's perfect breasts.

Taking her breasts in her hands she started to trace the outline of her nipples until they were hard, round little buds. She took one of them in her mouth, while Jenny reached down and pulled up Caitlyn's skirt. Feeling that her assistant was also wet she started to gently thrust her finger into the hot cunt, feeling the juices run down her fingers, she let out a moan of pleasure.

Caitlyn felt herself about to cum “stop, I want you to come for me first, you dirty slut” she said, reaching down once again. Caitlyn took her index finger and buried it deep into the gaping vagina, while bending down and tonguing the rest of Jenny's bulging clit. After only two or three quick thrusts Caitlyn could feel Jenny getting towards the edge and bucking her hips violently against Caitlyn's hot fingers. Thinking about how much she now wanted Jenny to cum, Caitlyn pushed her towards the wall and started to furiously thrust her fingers hard and deep into Jenny's now tightening and hot pussy, head buried and tonguing her clit for all she was worth. Jenny's whole body stiffened while a vicious orgasm wrenched her shaking pussy, and the sweet juices flowed into Caityln's mouth. Afterwards, she slumped over onto the small stool in the corner of the changing room waiting for her cum to subside and her breathing to return to normal before announcing softly, "That was the best orgasm I've ever had, I'll certainly be coming back to shop here."

Leaving Jenny to get dressed and clean up the still flowing juices from her pussy, Caitlyn moved towards the cash desk to check where the other staff were in relation to the changing rooms. “well” she thought to herself, “That's the most exciting sale I've had in a long time.” She privately re-enacted her encounter and thought of her date with her boyfriend, her groin pulsating with longing for him right there and then. In a world of her own, she didn't notice Jenny walking towards the cash desk with the dress slung casually over her arm.

“This is perfect for my date tonight, thank you” said Jenny still slightly out of breath, winking covertly at Caitlyn as another assistant walked over and adding “you provide excellent customer service, I have been very satisfied today”. After she had paid for the purchase Jenny smiled and said to Caitlyn “ I shall certainly be back in the future”, then sauntered out of the shop, her perfect ass grinding against the clinging fabric of her skirt.

Caitlyn smiled to herself as she closed up the shop and joined the rest of her colleagues outside, discussing the day's sales. “Nice last minute sale there” said one assistant, “she's bound to be a repeat customer, she seemed so pleased with the service”. “she was more satisfied than you will ever know” thought Caitlyn to herself as Dominic pulled up, she got into the car, kissed him and then waved goodbye to her co-workers.




Me and Mah Sisters

icekold666 on Lesbian Stories

My name is Elizabeth and i have 24DD boobs. MY older sister Bec has 29DD and my younger sister Rachel is only a c cup. Anyway, my parents were out for the night at a business meeting (they have alot of them) and they weren't coming back until the next day and me and my sisters were watchin a movie(i dont recall what movie) and it was a hot night so we were sittin around in our bras and panties. We all know that we're all bisexuals so we dont have a problem with sittin around naked. i started rubbin my pussy just for the fun of it and Rachel took my bra off and started making out with me. i took off my panties to reveal my wettenin cunt. i continued rubbin it while Rachel took off her bra and rubbed her boobs against min

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e. i could feel her hard nipples ticklin me. and i noticed my older sister had stripped off too and was liking out my younger sister. she was sitting on my lap with her back arched outwards and i started liking and suckin her beautiful nipples. our pussys were so close together that my older sister was lickin us both at the same time while squeezin her own huge-ass boobs. me and my little sister were drippin with cum mixin together on my older sisters tongue who was swallowing it with delight.

If felt like my pussy was closing together as i reached orgasm at the same moment as my sister and we both squirted all over the face of Bec. we both looked at her and then at eachother. and we got to work at licking the cum off her face and huge tits. and we both suckled on her nipples like two babies. two very hot, wet, sexy, horney babies.

Bec was rubbin our boobs with her hands as we suckled and squeezed hers while rubbing her pussy with our spare hands. my yunger sister ran off to get a dildo and i made out with my older sister til she came back. when she did she slid a vibrator up her pussy and my ass while i slid one in and out of my older sisters ass while makin out with her.

soon we were all tired and we had snooze (still naked) my head resting on one side Becs busty beautiful chest and my fingers up her cunt and Rachel was lyin on the other side with her tongue in my mouth and a dildo in her pussy and ass. the floor was wet with our cum and it was still *cum*ing out of us

Hope u enjoyed. i have more stories to write like when i first became bisexual and the story of my younger sisters turning over. and my best friends turning to lesbian and when my yunger sisters (boy) friend came over to study

Anita's Sex Sacrifice

jethro jodhpur on Ethnic Stories

Anita's Sex Sacrifice - Chapter 1

 The phone call was most unpleasant for Anita. The voice at the other end told her that unless she made herself available to his representatives without informing anyone before hand, her son, Pradeep, who was in debt to them up to his eyeballs, would suffer an unfortunate accident on his way home this evening. Her heart sank since she knew from him that he had experienced some financial setbacks recently, but was confident that all would be well in another few weeks. The voice on the other end had now confirmed her worse fears. She quickly agreed to make herself available without informing anybody about what was happening.

 The two men who rang her doorbell gave her pau

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se as their eyes roamed over her voluptuous body, undressing her down to her skin as they licked their lips in anticipation. Although in her early 40s, Anita was a most attractive woman. She glowed every time her son declared how sexy she looked and wished that he could meet a woman who had the kind of sexy body that she possessed. The way he looked at her when he said this made her get wet between her legs, a feeling that was both exciting and at the same time embarrassing.

 Anita would never confess the fact that she had sex dreams involving her and Pradeep. His penis was enormous, and yet it always fit into her cunt perfectly. More than once she had awakened, crying out his name while her juices dripped obscenely from that maw between her legs. More than once she had been tempted to see what might occur if she gave him a brief glimpse of her bare breasts. Subconsciously she hoped that just once he might walk into her bathroom while she showered and confront her in her nakedness.

 She realized that he had his own life and thanked her lucky stars that he no longer lived under the same roof, because sooner or later she would succumb to the temptations of the flesh and release those hidden forces that she struggled to contain. She would have been both mortified and exalted if she knew that he was fighting the same struggle as she. Anita was so taken by her thoughts that she seemed oblivious to the presence of her two visitors. When one of them spoke she was startled, then flustered, as if he had been privy to those naughty thoughts that had just been running free inside her mind.

 To delay the inevitable Anita asked if she could change her clothing before leaving with the men. The reply from one of them shocked and warned her of the type of fate that awaited her.

 "I wouldn't mind a nice slow strip tease from you, but in a while I'll be seeing every square inch of your naked body once we get you to where we're going. The boss wants you over to his place in thirty minutes, which doesn't leave us too much time to tie and gag you before we put you in the trunk of the car for the drive."

 Anita offered no resistance as they tied her wrists behind her back and roped her upper arms tightly together, making her muscles ache from the tension. Worse still was the filthy rag that one of them stuffed into her mouth while the other followed up with a strip of tape to keep the gag in place. Anita's body stiffened as one of the men squeezed her pillowy tits while his companion stuck his tongue into her ear and tickled the sensitive flesh with its tip. Anita was embarrassed by the way her nipples were hardening as the man continued to maul her big tits. The stimulation of her inner ear was also having its effect as her breathing became ragged and she felt the crotch of her panties begin to get wet from all the sexual stimulation her helpless, curvy, voluptuous body was receiving from these two brutes.

 "I wish we had ten minutes extra so I could tear off her clothing and rape her juicy cunt until she climaxed."

 The other grinned and tickled her ear lobe with his tongue before running it over the area on the side of her neck, bringing Anita to a boil against her will. Her legs began to tremble as she was brought closer to an embarrassing loss of self control. Anita began to wonder how large a cock the man squeezing her tits possessed. It had been many years since she had enjoyed being stretched by a long, thick length of male meat. Part of her, the wicked portion that usually came out only in her erotic dreams about her son, put in a surprise appearance and the wetness between her legs grew, becoming noticeable even to her assailants. A knowing hand began to rub between her trembling legs, probing her wetness and what it revealed about this charming, well mannered, mature woman.

 "I think we have a whore on our hands rather than a member of the upper class. Won't our boss be surprised when he sees how wet her cunt is. I think she's looking forward to being properly fucked by some real men for a change. Let's get her into the car before I lose control, throw her on the floor and rape her good. I know that's what she really wants for us to do to her. God what a whore this one is! I almost feel sorry for the poor son of a  bitch who owes the boss so much money, having to depend on this whore to bail him out of his troubles. I'll bet she'll have him eat her cunt and fuck her morning, noon and night if she manages to get him out of the debt that he owes us."

 They draped a shawl over Anita's body before taking her out to the car and placing her in the trunk. She deeply regretted wearing Western clothing at this point since her dress bunched up almost to her waist once they had rolled her bound body into the cavernous trunk of the powerful automobile. This revealed to her captors that she was wearing only a pair of very brief panties beneath her dress. Immediately one of them pressed his hand to the wet crotch of the undergarment and chuckled.

 "This one is in heat already if the amount of cunt juice staining her sexy panties is any indication. I can hardly wait to fuck that hot cunt and hear her moan and plead for more and more cock as we do her again and again while that loser son of hers watches and probably wishes he could be tearing off a piece of that hot wet poon himself." His partner sniffed the air and added.

 "She stinks of cunt, just like a cheap whore that gives blowjobs behind the buildings for less than a hundred rupees and is happy to get that much for her efforts. I wonder how many times she will have to be fucked to make up for the debt that spineless son of hers has incurred with the boss. I can't imagine the number of times she'll have to spread those plump legs and happily welcome a length of hard cock into that hairy mouth to plow another  furrow deep within that stinking slit as she begs for her customer to fuck her harder, faster and go deeper into that well stretched sex trench."

 These words coming from one of the lower class cut Anita to the bone and she could not stem the tears that sprang from her eyes. Then the door to the trunk slammed shut leaving her to her fears as to what would likely befall her in the future. The ride was quite rough, throwing her bound body from one side of the trunk to the other and making her nauseous as she inhaled the car fumes as well as the odors of whatever it was passing over. Anita fought to remain calm and prevent herself from vomiting. She knew that if she began to throw up in the confines of the trunk the stench would be unbearable and the possibility of actually choking to death from her own vomit would be quite high. These factors made her will to survive grow strnger and so she steeled herself for whatever was about to occur to her. She was quite willing to suffer any pain and endure any humiliation if it would prevent her son from harm. Little did she realize the depths she would have to sink to in order to satisfy these mongrels. There was no way that her imagination could conceive of the terrible things that would be done to her naked body, and what she would be forced to do in order to entertain the deviants that would be doing their best to reduce her to a status lower than even an animal.

                                                                       ( To be continued )


Water under the bridge: Buffalo

P2 on Ethnic Stories

 The band had a gig in Buffalo.  The Mohawk Lounge was a little place, just like any stinky bar that could be in any town.  It smelled of stale beer and old cigarettes. The beer advertisements printed on mirrors were starting to look old; I didn't think anybody remembered "The Budman". I was tired before the show even started, before I even set up my Timbales.  Like a trooper, or a zombie, I set up trying to get in the mood.  The road is hard for the self-managed unsigned band, and we had many miles to go.  After setting up, I went back stage and twisted up.  I didn't really want to share with anyone, so I kinda made my self scarce, hiding in the dark behind a stack of potato boxes.  The only one to come close to finding me was our conga player.   I'
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m surprised that the other hounds didn't, they never bring their own.  Juan Carlos was cool, and he usually got the short end of the stick in the band, so I told him where I was.

Juan pulled in more than he should have.  I smoke light green buds, not brown chips.  His coughing fit almost gave us away.

"  Damn, 'dis shit isshot!!" He managed to say in-between convulsions, smoke billowing from every orifice but trying to hold in as much as possible.

" Take it slow", I reminded him, nearly agitated. Juan Carlos was very fidgety and this would definitely cool him out. We talked about our long trip and the shows before. How our lead singer was off key and how he is still getting all the girls.

"Even the ugly ones," added Juan," they need loving, too."

" True that... Just not from me... tonight."  We both laughed.  Juan's belly roll ended up as another fit of phlegm trying to free itself, bringing him to his knees and bringing our guitar player to our secret hiding place.

" Hey guys, I've been looking all over for you, it’s time to play...Yagotanyweedleftover?"  Lucky for him there was a little roach left after my last pull.  As Juan Carlos got up from the floor, we left to get drinks for the stage. We went outside and I rolled a blunt, I had a feeling that tonight wasn’t going to be the usual scared-of-the-black man-night. But that was fine; I was trying not to fuck anybody new.

During the show, I noticed two girls looking at me as if I was steak.  I tried not to look at them at all by checking out the rest of the crowd more than they, but it did not work.  The two dark, curly-haired ladies that were licking their lips, danced to our rhythms, they ordered lots of drinks.

  During the break, I tried not to look at them at all, but as I spied them bending over at the bar, I couldn't help but get more than an eyeful of their bulging bottoms.  These two girls had wondrous Asses and they could have been sisters: short with small breasts, thin waists with round, full Asses and dark curly hair.  The more attention I gave them the more they giggled, the more they giggled, and the more I stared.  Both of them, with cute and adoring eyes, sauntered over to me as I sipped my cranberry juice and ginger ale.

"Hi, " smiled the one wearing skin-tight, black, velvety pants," You guys are great!”  Her eyes twinkled, waiting for my reply.  She leaned up against the bar and rested her drink next to her elbow.  She wore a dark red blouse, tied in the front, with a black tank-top underneath.

"Thank-you, you two are great as well!” I told them my name. “It is very nice to meet you two.”  I answered trying not to give them 'the look' that gets me in trouble, because I can never trust my words to keep me out of it.  They failed me here too.  

"My name is Danielle and this my best friend, Angie." We each shook hands,

"So....  Where are you from?" she asked as her tongue twirled the "Rum and Coke" straw around in her near empty glass.  Danielle was wearing a white frilly blouse with a tight khaki skirt that almost reached mid-thigh, brown stockings and darker brown leather knee-high boots.

"We're from Boston, making an Upstate New York tour. We'll be in Syracuse tomorrow, and then Rochester...And then back home.  It's nice that you came out on a Thursday night, not everybody can do that.”  I tried to keep it rated 'G', but I could tell what was on these two vixens' minds and what was going to happen next.

"Angie and I are both from Buffalo, Ang still lives here, but I'm moving to New York...So, it's kinda like a 'Good-Bye Party'. ”  They turned and looked at each other with longing.  They hugged and started wailing as if they would never see each other again, like they do in bad made-for T.V. movies.  We all laughed and I asked them if I could buy them drinks.

" We always accept drinks from beautiful men.”  I didn't bat an eyelash.  I ordered their drinks, while they pulled up stools.

"So, what are you going to do in the city?"  I said as I turned around with their drinks.  They were both staring at my package.  I caught them off guard, spinning around so fast, I disrupted their profile of the lump in my pants.  All their attention made it grow, and they watched in awe as I got more turned on.  After a couple of seconds, Danielle answered, fighting the hypnotic callings of my stiffing log.

"I.. I.. I will be working for A.B.C. NEWS. I'll be working on their web site," she gathered herself enough to keep talking without staring.  She and I talked shop, I don't really know that much about web design, but I wasn't listening to her as much as I was watching her fight the urge to watch me growing member.

 Angela, on the other hand was not taking her eyes off my slowly moving parts   and had no problem letting me know what she wanted.  As Danielle was talking, I kept looking at her, as she almost wowed out loud at the snake that was creeping down my thigh.  She moved a little closer to me and Danielle took that as her cue.

"...But enough about me....How about the three of us go out to the car and smoke some of this Hydro that I just bought?"

"Sounds good to me...."

"You guys gonna get ready to play?  How about inna coupla minnits?" The owner of the club was probably listening to the conversation and reminded what I was really there for.

"Yeah, I'll go round up everybody", I answered without sounding like he just let the blood out of my cock, but he did.

"After this set we should smoke that. You've got me all night...O.K.?"  I smiled with a wink. My flesh and mouth betrayed my brain, again.

"All night, huh?" They almost said it together," We'll be waiting!"

We parted with a group hug and both girls kissed me on the cheek.  I squeezed them close to my body, trying to make sure Danielle got to sample the same that Angela did.  She rubbed her public playground against my throbber as we released from our three-way embrace. Way too obvious.

During the set, it was hard for me to keep my eyes of the two of them.  They danced together, gyrating their beautiful hips and grinding into each other, all the while staring at me.  It was obvious they had done this before.  Danielle held onto Angela hips as she winded her waist around as if she was calling to me, grinding backwards into Danielle.  If she had a cock it would be as hard as mine was then, and it grew as the set went on. They switched places and made their way around the dance floor so that everyone could see what was going on, but it seemed like I was the only one paying attention.

With Danielle in front, Angela soon sank her mouth into Danielle's neck.  It seemed like Danielle melted in Angela's arms.  Her eyes rolled back into her head, she opened her mouth, and reached over her head to lock Angela into her neck. Angela held onto her waist, keeping time to the music and sucking on her neck.  

The set seemed to last forever, and just watching them was torture.  I wanted to be down there with them, in-between them, so much that I was adding accents to their dance rather than the music.  I was getting into it and really playing hard.  I was getting so excited that I broke a stick!  That was when the band started to notice what I was really grooving to.  They all started watching the two girls get into each other and that seemed to make them even hotter.  It seemed to get the crowd excited too as other couples started to get more provocative.  It seemed like the whole club was getting horny because of these two.

As tempos changed, the girls didn't.  They kept latched together, rebuffing all advances from the single guys they enticed, never taking their eyes off me.

After forty-five minutes of absolute torture, the set was finally over and I was sweating, hot and horny.  The lead singer took it upon himself to immediately hop down off the stage and rap to the girls. The whole time he was trying to rap to them, they were intent on watching my pack up my timbales and cymbals, waiting patiently for me to finish as the rest of the band started to swarm them.  The girls finally had to pay attention as their personal space was becoming scarce.  

I packed up quickly as the rest of the guys drooled after Angie and Danielle. I was trying to get out of it, but my cock and silent rivalry between men kept me from keeping my pretend vow of celibacy.  When I finished, which usually took me the longest out of the band, they realized the work they had ahead and the beer that was getting away as the bar was thinking about shutting down. They get scarce when the attention turned only to me and the questions answered were mine alone.

“ Let’s go smoke that blunt,” without a single word they followed behind, as if they were totally ready to pounce. Behind the bar the air was still humid. Leaning up against the wall, I lit the blunt and pulled one large satisfactory draw, like a sigh, and then quickly passing to Angie. She fought with it. Her lungs wrestled with the harsh smoke and their victory was questionable. Her light fit brought her closer to me, holding out her hand for stability. She pulled herself to my body and I held her up. Head and arm found their way onto my shoulder, left hand passed to Danielle. Danielle smoked like a pro. She came closer giggling about Angie’s weakness, inhaling and exhaling as she walked toward her convulsing friend and to my awaiting mouth. With her last draw, she blew the smoke into my mouth as she reached our huddle. When Angie came to, Danielle was upon her and the two started to work their magic on me.

The blunt made it way back into my mouth, and the billows of smoke swirled around my body. Their act was impeccable, I couldn’t tell who was who. They massaged my body with hands and mouths, my shirt was unbuttoned and tossed aside, nipples were licked and bitten, skin was sucked and tasted. I kept smoking, letting the ride last as long as it could, until somebody found us…somebody usually did.  

I couldn’t tell who was kissing me, the euphoric actions of the ladies and the blunt worked their magic in tandem. One of them grabbed my face and pulled me into her mouth. She sucked on my tongue like it was a cock, twirling it around her mouth, bobbing her head, then pulling back and washing my chest with cat-like abilities. I lost rack of the other one until I felt the tugging at my zipper. I refused to stop her, look down or change speed. The kiss became longer as the woman beneath her fought to pull out her prize. She gave up and pulled down my pants to my ankles. I felt my cock smack her in the face.

“Got it!”, she called. Danielle backed away from my face so I could see Angela go to work. She worked her magic, she did not start slow. Immediately, she downed as much as her throat could hold. One hand at the base and the other holding my in place, her head moved rapid fire on my head. I watched her barely get passed my circumcision scar, but the amount of spit made up for lost depth as she worked it in. Her head and hand moved at the same speed and pace, fingers at her lips. Resting on a milk crate, she never came up for air.

Danielle opened her blouse to show her nipples, an almost totally flat chest with dark, sexy, protruding nipples, yearning to be pulled and bitten. She came in close and took control of the blunt as I tried to bend and suck her nubile nipples but that pulled me away from Angie’s easy access and high-speed suction. I spun her around and grabbed her little tits from behind. She gyrated her plump ass on my thigh as she smoked.

Getting my fill of Danielle’s perfect nips, Angie slowed to a reasonable rate of speed, almost as if she needed to scratch an itch before she got serious. She then worked two hands into her blow job, working them like wringing out wet clothes. My moans were low and long, Danielle blew smoke into my face. I reached under her skirt and touched pussy, she kept smoking. I plunged two fingers into her wet flower-lipped pussy, over her clit, making her sigh. I worked rapid fire like Angie, until Danielle pulled away from me and handed back the blunt. Angie smacked her own face with my cock while watching her partner; she needed to breathe…so did I.

Danielle lifted up her skirt, exposing a perfect set of globes framed by suspender stockings, she bent over totally and spread her asscheeks apart, exposing all. My fingers went right back into place, this time with greater ease. Plunging into her repeatedly, I added another finger. Angie stared at my work and continued hers, much more excitedly, if that were possible. Danielle held onto her ankles as my hand fucked her from behind.

“More…More!” she cried. I fucked her harder.

“More!! More!” she repeated. I added a finger. Her pussy was tight enough, but now it was squeezing my three. She was gonna blow. Angie stopped.

“Put one in her ass, she loves that!” cooed Angie. Danielle backed up toward me ass pointing to the wall. She begged for more, I gave it to her. I eased three fingers in her pussy and my thumb in her ass. She started bucking on my hand, so I jammed them in faster. Angela’s mouth left my cock and went to Danielle’s, She left a hand working on my stick and moved one to Danielle’s exposed nipples. Her moans were incredible. She panted and wooted euphorically. Her climax rose higher, as did her volume. Her pussy dripped freely, spilling over my palm and onto the ground.

Angela could take no more. She stood up, pulled a condom out of nowhere and rolled it down on my throbbing, well-worked dipstick. Without a word from me, she turned around with her back to me, pulled down her Velvety-black pants and exposed her beautifully sculpted Ass. Her bulbous cheeks hid her thong, nestled deep between her great globes. She too, backed her ass up and grabbed her ankle with one hand and guided me passed her thong with the other. She pushed me up against the wall again with rapid fire, smacking back on me with deft stripper-style moves, tight and shallow pussy squeezing the stamina out of me with each smack. To keep from cumming, I focused on Danielle’s building orgasm.

“More, more, I’m gonna cum!” I pulled my fingers from her pussy and added them to her ass. She braced herself as I rammed two into her ass. I jammed faster and put the half-smoked blunt in my mouth to free up another hand for action applied straight to her clit. Almost immediately her pussy erupted.

"Aaariiahhnn!” she screamed. The tips of my fingers went deep and pushed down toward her pussy walls, probing her asshole and deep into her bowels.Her bunghole squeezed tight as she came, trying to push me out.

She came harder, pushing the liquid from her sacred spot squirting a spray of love juice onto me, and the wall. She had to put her hand onto the ground for stability as the waves of her climax built and subsided. Almost falling over she found Angela’s milk crate and rested.

There was no rest for Angela, as she smacked away happily, chipping away at my resistance. Even though wearing a condom I felt I was not the only one ready to come. Her thrusts became quicker and her little squeaks became higher pitched, her juicy ass bounced as my cock hit her cervix with each of her thrusts. Each pull was a deep one, the blunt got shorter, faster as we neared the end. Danielle woke up and approached Angela. She grabbed her hips and started slamming her onto me the full length of my cock. It was almost unbearable. Her squeaks became louder and more intense. Something was tickling my balls.

Angela let out a wail as Danielle shoved her hips into my body and then pulled her one last time all the way off my pole. Angela’s pussy dribbled and leaked down into her pants bunched at her ankles and onto my shoes. The flow of her come never seemed to stop as my sheathed cock bobbed up and bounced off my belly. They switched places, it was Danielle’s turn at blowing me. She ripped of the condom and got to work.

Angie playied with her pussy for a second, getting the last of the juice and orgasm out before pulling up her pants. She squatted down with Danielle, as Danielle sucked away. She moaning and humming as she bought me toward the end. My hands sought out her scalp and with both hands, I started pumping her face, preparing to cum down her throat. She could only use one hand; the other gripped my ass, pulling me deeper into her face. Just before I started my climax, she stopped, and gave the job back to Angela. They switched back and forth until they both sucked each side, like they were playing one harmonica, blowing away at the most sensual tune. Taking turns at the head and the balls, sliding up and down bringing the end closer to their palates. The tension came to a head and I had to release.

“Here I cum!” and let out a grunt for each plop that landed on a face or in a mouth. My little birds caught every drop that jumped from my cock and savored it all as well. Danielle got back on the head pulling what was left out into her mouth, letting it dribble down the sides of her lips. Angela licked spunk off her partners face, holding onto my balls, patiently waiting her turn to get back on the cock. The “Stop-it’s-too-much-after-orgasm” feeling was making me squirm and moan, but they wouldn’t let up. Angela swallowed and got her turn again. She kept me from going soft, the girls giggled as they kept blowing me. Danielle played with and tasted cum on her face as Angela brought me to a second surprise and speedy ejaculation. This time Angie caught all of it. She didn’t stop to watch it fly on her face, she powered thru it and I came as she sucked furiously on the head, slurping and gulping down my second load. The girls pawed at each other, rubbing clits and licking fingers, wiping faces and licking fingers, while the wall behind me held me up. Angela's last hurrah made my knees buckle and I needed help standing. Danielle tore her eyes from Angela.

“Where are you sleeping tonight?” The girls stood up and kept preening each other like cats, licking sperm off each other’s faces. My cock would not stop. It stayed hard as I tried to get it back in my pants.

“We are Staying at some guys house around here. I can’t remember his name, but he lives near.” Maybe we could keep this ménage ET trios going.

“Well, I just wanted to test you out before Danielle tries to hog you for herself. I’ll see you later I’m sure. Nice fucking you.” Angie Shook my dick like it was a hand before she walked to Danielle a good-bye kiss.

“I’ll talk to you in the morning. I love you.”

“I love you too.” They hugged and deep kissed, tongues swirling around in a collective mouth and then release. Danielle didn’t want to watch her walk away down the alley. She grabbed my hand and brought my inside.

“I’m gonna wash my face see you in a minute?”

“I’ll be waiting” I was hooked. I watched as her ass twitched its way to the Women’s room. Her performance was enough to make me forget that I was trying to be celibate and never want to go back. I had no idea what was going to happen next, but I knew it would be just as hot, if not hotter than what happened 5 minutes ago. She returned with re applied lipstick and a cumless smile. Her make-up less face glowed an olive beauty, lipstick matching her dark, sultry mood. She came over and gave me a hug and whispered into my ear.

“ I can still taste you, it’s keeping me wet...”

To Be Continued...

Set Up For Gang Bang

Sultrybuxombbw on Ethnic Stories

I was at college and liked watching the basketball players practice, especially the blak players. What I did not know is that they noticed me too and had made some plans for me. I had to go to the library and stay late for a research paper that had to be finished soon. I was almost the only one there and was in the upstairs isles of books looking for reference materials.

I heard the stair door open but thought nothing of it since there were other students that had to study. I was 30 and was not afraid to be alone. I heard two voices, men, and still was not worried. After all, I was in the collegee library. I had worn a long skirt that day and a pul over blouse. I had worn my bra all day and taken it off when I came in thinking that there was no reason to have it on this late. My 4

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4EEE tits and shoulders needed a break.I hared footsteps and looked around to see one of the basketball players I watched smile and walking towards me, "Hey Teresa." he said and then I wondered how he knew my name. "HI" I said, and your name is?" He stopped and unzipped his pants and took out a huge cock, "Call me yur Daddy." "Ah, I think you should leave." I managed to say staring at the huge cock. He stroked it slow and laughed, "No you don't, you want some black cock, admit it." he still smiled. Suddenly hands were on my from behind. One was over my mouth, not that I would have cried out, he was right, I needed it bad. The other hand pulled my blouse up exposing the fact that I had no bra on, my nipples got hard with the cool air. Somehow the blouse was now over my eyes, as if tied there. Hands were on my tits now pulling hard at the nipples. I got wet fast as usual when my tits are taken rough.

Now both sets of hands pulled me somewhere. A door opened and closed and I was pushed down some stairs. I seemed to go down more than two flights and another door opened. The air was stale and close but I went as I was taken. The skirt was taken off and then my panties were torn from me. Suddenly several voices were cheering. "Fuck yeh, hot lady to fuck tonight." was the general response to my naked body. Without any forplay I was bent over and a cock went in my pussy which was already wet from the kinky excitment. "Fuck man, the bitch is soaking wet, she wants it." He fucked me hard and filled me with his cum. "Next" he said and another slid into me. I was now just being fucked, no pleasure or anything that would have made me hot, in fact I was numb from the idea tha I was just being used to get men off. Cum was dripping down my legs and I was not hot anymore.

"What is the problem lady, not enjoying this?" said one voice. "Well, no, I don't enjoy just having cock get off in me. No one here knows how to make a woman enjoy it I guess." He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. "Lady, you are not here to enjoy it, you may not leave here if you see who any of us are. JUst shut the fuck up and take it. Get her on her knees, she is gonna suck cock for a while. And you had better swallow it all." he said.

Cocks were put in front of my face and pushed into my throat, rough and hard and every one filled my throat with cum. I don't know how many there were but I know I sucked off at least 7 or 8 cocks. I don't know if they were the same or many. I had several orgasms soaking the floor under me and finally I was laid on a couch. "Can we think of anyone else that needs to get of?" one voice asked. "NO, that is it, both teams have filled the bitch with cum." "Okay, make sure she can get loose and take her clothes with us, she can get to her car by herself. PUt the clothes in the car, that way she will not try to follow us." I was untied and told to stay there until the door closed and I was told to take off. I heard it close and one told me, "Okay bitch, we will do this again, later." I took off the blouse that had served as a blindfold and sat there cum slopping on the floor and couch under me. I relaxed and felt the dingle all over my body and fingered myself through several orgasms and got up and looked out. My car was 30 yards or so away. I walked over and got in without putting on the blouse. It felt good to be well used and naked. I sat there a while and finally dressed and drove home. Two teams had fucked me and now I was promised it would happen again. Next time I would be ready. I would be in charge.

Hungry For Dark Meat

Sultrybuxombbw on Ethnic Stories

Well, my husband was leaving for work and we had made love but I still needed something. I told him I had a taste for "dark meat" and he kissed me and said to do it if I needed to. Well, I needed to so I put my EEE tities into a tube top hat was almost see through and a nice wrap around skirt and no panties and got into the car. It was just dark and so I went to I-85 and began flashing truckers. Lots of honks but no takers. I could not believe that no one wanted to play but that happens sometimes but not too often.

I drove over into South Carolina and stopped at a store and got a drink and used the rest room. I flirted with the man there but even he did not seem to need any relief but I still did in a big way. I was leaving when a BMW pulled in and two great looking blac

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k guys got out. "Hey guys, what's up?" I said in my nicest voice. "Not much lady, just getting more refreshments for the game." "Oh, I see" I said and then put on my damsel in distress voice. "I am just so frustrated." "Why?" One asked smiling and looking at the hard nipples not hidden very well. I reached up and pulled my tube top down and my tits fell out, "I need these sucked on really good." "Shit layd, we gotthat taken care of." The other guy went inside and I sat in their car while the one that stayed began massaging and sucking my tits right there in front of the store. The guy came out with several 12 packs and he said to give me my keys and he moved my car around to the side. "The owner said it will be good there for he night." I was moaning now and getting to an orgasm just from my tits being sucked on. I sprayed all over his hand and he said, "damn lady, you have one fucking orgasm." I grabbed him and kissed him, "That is the first one, there are a lot more."

We pulled into a house and I got out tits still exposed and we went in. "Brought some half time entertainment with us." One said. "Fuck man, damn nice tits." was the general statements being made. Cocks were already getting hard through pants. I dropped my skirt and patted my shaved pussy and pulled the tube top over my head and stood naked in the middle of the living room. "Anyone wanna help a lady get what she needs?" Wel, that began it all. The guys that brought me had me first, that was my rule. One had a nice thick cock that I sat on and took the other in my mouth. They both took a while but filled me with cum and I swallowed al the cum I took from one. "Give me something to drink" I said and a beer was in my hand. I swallowed it down and asked for another. "I cum more when I get a little buzz" I said and took a third. I reached up and took another cock and laughed, "And now I need some cum to swallow. I love cum." The men were all naked now and the game was forgotten. A cushion was on the floor now and I laid down and spread my legs. "Let's feed pussy too guys, she is hungry." A man dropped to his knees and slipped a nice size cock into me and I grabbed one for my mouth. "Damn lady, you one horney woman." MY hips were moving on their own and I felt another orgasm beginning, "Yeh, I am and you might need to call more men to help put out this fire." I grabbed two cocks and sucked them one and then the other until they both shot a load of cum almost at the same time. Most went into my mouth but some on my face and chin.

I looked and a guy was on his cell, "Yeh man, she is a total cum slut. Bring over whoever is there." I was bouncing from the cock being rammed into my pussy and orgasms came in a blur. I would look up and another man was pounding his cock into me and I felt so hot that the fire was geting worse. Every time I would cum it would make me want to cum again. "Guys, can one cock get into my ass while another is in pussy and another my mouth?" I begged. "Shit yeh lady." And a man lifted me and slipped his hard cock into my ass making me scream with pleasure. I was leand back and a cock was in my pussy and then another to my mouth. I grabbed all I could get and was in a frenzy now, one after another, or rather three after three. I was still in need and getting worse. "Fuck my tits someone, fuck my tits" I yelled and rough hands grabbed my tits and a cock was between them. "Oh damn yeh, fuck me, fuck me anyway you can, fuck me, fil me up with cum" I was yelling now. MOre men were there now and I began yelling for more cock. "Fuck e, no, no rape me, rape me." I heard myself and then it began. Two cocks were in my ass at a time now and two in my pussy. "Lets give the little white slut a rape to remember." one said and they continued to fill me up. I saw a dog laying down from the corner of my eye and begged, "I wanna fuck the dog, give him to me." "Shit layd, you got it." I reached out and sucked his dog cock and he filled my thoat and another man filled me again. On and on it went all night.

I slept for a while then one guy picked me up, "Time to go lady, noon and gotta get." I was not dressed and had cum all over and in me and was taken to my car and laid in the front seat, totally naked. Finally I woke up and a few men were looking at me and I had a cocok in my hand sucking it. "Damn lady 6 men and you are still hungry." I finished him and drove home still naked and went to bed. Steve came home and took me to the shower and I grabbed him and sucked his cock and fell asleep again.

Next time I am hungry I will need lots of hot black cock again. Cum to I-85 in North East Georgia and fuck me.

The Debate part 2

shaun105 on Ethnic Stories

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved

Fiona finally got tired of not getting any sex and had sex with her husband's best friend. Little did she know that her husband was doing the same thing on the other side of town in a fancy hotel that came complete with video games and a pool table inside their room.

Truth is, although Fiona's tits were huge, they were fake. Randy had gotten tired of them. He liked his women with big, natu

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ral tits, which was why he was with Diane tonight.

Randy and Diane were attracted to each other immediately. Randy was tall, black, well-built, and wealthy; Diane was white with long, blonde hair, had a lot of sex appeal and a natural look that captivated Randy.

Diane knew he was married. She didn't care. It was purely a sexual thing so they didn't waste time talking when they got to the hotel. They went straight to business kissing and groping each other right next to their room's pool table.

Diane's pussy was getting soaked quickly. She leaned back on the table and slid her panties to the side. Randy kissed her pussy lips and started licking all around the sides.

He came close to her clit, but never made contact with it. Instead, he let warm air from his mouth blow over it and kept licking around the lips.

"Don't tease me," said Diane.

"But I like teasing you," replied Randy.

He gave in after teasing her a little longer and started licking her clit. Randy could see the sensations rushing through her body right away. She started quivering and her mouth fell wide open, almost as wide as her legs.

"Oh, oh, yeah, right there," moaned Diane. "Yeah, lick it."

He was flicking his tongue on the meaty inner lips and he would sometimes stop to take a good long suck of the clit, which would leave Diane squirming and panting for more.

He closed his lips tightly around her clit and began sucking hard on it as he used his tongue to stimulate it. Diane's legs were shaking badly. Her screams were getting louder. She grabbed the back of his bald head and said, "That feels so good!"

She was looking down at him eating her pussy. They made eye contact and held it. She was feeling her own tits and digging her nails into his head.

It was getting hot in there. Her pussy was tingling something fierce.

"Oh, yeah, tongue-fuck me, please!" she said as she continued to stare down at him with her shapely body twitching as an orgasm drew nearer.

"Make me cum, baby. Make me cum. Oh, yeah! Keep licking it!"

She let go of his head and got a good grip on the pool table so she could thrust her horny pussy into his face. After a few seconds of licking, Randy noticed her rhythm kept breaking.

She was getting really loud and wild. Her juices were spilling all over his tongue.

When she calmed down, she said, "You got that cock nice and hard for me?"

Randy didn't answer. He just kept sucking her clit.

"Let me suck your cock," said Diane.

"I wanna put it in you so you can taste yourself," said Randy.

"Yeah," said Diane. "I'd like that, yeah."

He stood up and Diane laid all the way back on the pool table. Randy's pants and underwear were already off, so all he had to do was wait for Diane to get her panties off.

She spread her legs wide for him and arched her back. A loud moan from the gut came out as she felt his hard black cock pushing into her tight cunt.

He didn't fuck her for long, just long enough to coat his dick with fluids from her pussy. Then he pulled out, Diane got off the table, got on her knees, and sucked in a mouthful of Randy's black cock.

She let it fall from her mouth and started licking his balls as he stroked it until it was fully erect. Then he stuffed it back in her mouth.

She was holding onto his thighs as she sucked in deep mouthfuls, taking his cock as far back as she could go without strangling herself. Then she stood up and said, "Give it to me."

She turned around and bent over. She wanted him to fuck her doggie style, but Randy loved to eat pussy, so he started eating her pussy from the back first.

He slid his tongue from her clit to her asshole and licked everything in between. This nastiness was one of the things that she liked most abut him.

"I want your cock right now. Give it back to me," she begged.

Randy's cock was throbbing like a broken leg by now. When he stood, it was already at full salute and bobbing up and down.

Diane lifted one of her slender legs onto the pool table. He slid it in easily since Diane's twat was already soaking wet. She started moaning as they both relished the feel of her warm flesh sliding over his hard shaft.

"Oh, fuck me, ohh!"

Looking down on her, Randy loved the sight of her delicate body bucking back and forth as he drilled her. He started stroking it harder as time went by.

"Oh, yeah, keep fucking me!"

Diane took her leg off the table because it was getting harder to keep her balance with Randy digging her so hard. Randy grabbed her by the waist and pummeled into her wet snatch.

Randy took his shirt off, leaving him totally naked. Then he hooked his thumbs under her ass cheeks, palmed the fleshy part of her ass, and lifted up on it.

It left Diane's ass raised higher than normal, which opened her pussy up and allowed for much deeper penetration. Randy called it the "Gorilla Grip" and he'd been using it every time he fucked doggie style ever since he was a teenager.

He let some saliva drop from his mouth onto Diane's asshole. He used his thumb to smear it around. Then he applied pressure to it and Diane started moaning like she was dying.

He kept fucking her and applying a little more pressure until his thumb started entering her asshole. After a while, he'd gotten his thumb up her ass to the first knuckle.

"OOH, GOD!! FUCK THAT PUSSY!!!" screamed Diane.

That, he did, until he couldn't bear to just finger her ass anymore. He pulled his dick out and dropped back to his knees licking around her asshole and poking at it with his tongue.

Diane was going wild. Her ass was really sensitive and Randy's kinky ass knew exactly how to exploit that knowledge.

The more attention he gave her asshole, the kinkier she got. She even sucked his cock some more, licked all over his balls, begged to be fucked from the back with her head to the floor and rear end up, but every time, Randy would return his tongue to that asshole and make her cream like a Twinkie.

Randy stopped all of a sudden and sat on the other side of the pool table. Diane was following close behind.

He started masturbating his cock as Diane draped one of her legs over his lap. Randy stuck his finger in her pussy, pulled it out and started playing with her clit.

"Your pussy is so wet," he said.

"Yeah, it's wet. Just for you," replied Diane as she was humping his hand and grinding her teeth. He'd gotten her really horny tonight.

"My pussy's open," she said.

He motioned for her to get on his dick and start riding him, which she did with the utmost energy. She was moaning loudly as she bounced on his cock, feeling her tender pussy yield to its firmness.

He turned her around the other way so she could ride him reverse cowgirl style. This was a lot better because it put her at a better angle to really bounce, grind, and thrust on his dick.

She was going wild and screaming louder. That poor little pool table's legs were squeaking. They sounded like they could buckle at any moment, but Diane and Randy were too much into the sex to notice.

Luckily, Randy felt an orgasm coming up soon so he motioned for Diane to get up. She went straight to her usual position (her knees) and waited with her mouth wide open while Randy vigorously stroked his cock in her face.

"Aaugh, oh yeah, oh yeah. OHH!!" he shouted as hot cum spilled from his cock and landed in Diane's mouth.

Diane was happy and satisfied. It was time to go home to her black boyfriend, whom she had just cheated on with Randy.

She hoped her boyfriend wouldn't want sex tonight. Her pussy couldn't handle a fucking by two black studs in one night.

But little did she know, her boyfriend wasn't at home either.

He was at the same hotel in an even more expensive room getting a blowjob by a much younger woman.

The debate continues...

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved

The Telling

A.G.Thomas on Ethnic Stories

"The Telling"
by A. G. Thomas

(MMF, Cheat, Interr, Wife, Oral, Anal)
For a moment my muttering's trailed off as my alcohol numbed mind registered the fact that someone had put their arm about my shoulders. It took a moment before my eyes focused, though somewhat blurringly, on the face of my old friend Frank. I could see his mouth moving but his words didn't immediately register as my brain was still seeking vainly for the answer as to how long my wife had been cheating on me.

Had my loving wife only recently become unfaithful or had she been cheating on me from day one. If she had been cheating on me for months why then had it taken me till only recently to realize it. Was I such a lovesick fool that I couldn't see the forest fo
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r the trees. But even as those thoughts rattled about in my brain Franks words wedged into my consciousness.

What's that Frank? You want to know what's bothering me! Yea like you don't know, right buddy. My best friend, my good buddy and you haven't noticed my wife's carrying on. I suppose next your going to tell me that you haven't seen her sashaying around in shit that would make a two bit whore blush. Yea like I really believe that Frank.

Oh those changes, and you whole heartily approve. Well thats real white of you mother fucker. Oh you think it's about time she wore something more feminine, more sexy. What's that, you think she looks more --- more --- more what? What the fuck do you think she looks more of Frank, what huh? More like the loving wife I married or like a God damn cheap street walker? What do you think she looks more of God damn it?

Calm down, you want me to calm down! Fuck you I shouted as I slammed the glass down spilling what little was left of my drink in the process. Pushing away from the bar I got drunkenly to my feet staggering backwards before gaining my equilibrium. Composing myself I slowly turned and headed toward the exit, but before I'd taken three steps Frank caught me and steered me into a booth.

From across the room snickering laughter made its way into the fogged recesses of my numbed brain. With eyes blurry from drink I looked across the dimly lit bar searching for the source and reason of laughter. Then my eyes focused on the booth over by the juke box and the three negro's sitting there. The sons of bitches weren't even trying to disguise their amusement.

Pushing myself to my feet I shouted "What the hell are you laughing at you fucking ....." But before I could get the rest out Frank clamped a hand over my mouth muffling the rest of my rant. I didn't blame him, not really. I mean he may be six feet two but he's as skinny as a rail. For another, I suspect he knew what I was about to say and he didn't want either of our asses kicked. Well not his anyway.

I wouldn't have blamed him none if he'd of turned and walked away, what with the way I was acting. But Frank and I go way back. Hell, we grew up together. Lived on the same block in fact. Same grade school, same high school, same collage. Shit we even did a stint in the Air National Guard together.

Fact is it was Frank who'd introduced Regina to me. Good old match maker Frank. And when we'd gotten married a few months later it had been Frank who'd been my best man. Hell he'd been so proud you'd of thought it was him that was marrying Regina instead of me. Now I wish it had been.

Anyway as I stood there ranting into Franks hand and gesturing wildly at the negro's one of them stood and began to move our way. Hissing at me to shut my mouth Frank pushed me toward the door. Glancing back over his shoulder at the approaching mountain he apologetically said they shouldn't take offense, that I was drunk and didn't know what I was saying.

Truth was I was both so pissed and so drunk that I didn't give a shit if they took offense or not. Turning about I screamed "Well how bout it nigger, are you fucking her too? Huh nigger, are you. How bout your "Bros.;" over there "Nigger?" They shoving their "Big Black Dicks" into my whore wife too?"

Like ripples in a pond his face went from barely hidden amusement to anger then finally incredulous as my accusation was hurled at him. Swaying drunkenly I staggered back to the booth realizing as I did so that I had been wrong to accuse him and his friends. But the words were out and I couldn't take them back. Like a little boy I covered my face with my hands not giving a shit about the old saying that men don't cry.

A hand touched my shoulder, gave it a gentle squeeze as a voice thick with a New England accent said he was sorry to hear I suspected my old lady of screwing around. That he didn't blame me for loosing it but that I should be careful about using the "N" word cause others less understanding might take offense.

Raising my head I looked up through tear stained blurry eyes at the negro standing over me. He looked maybe 6' 4" and every bit of 260 pounds and though my brain was numb from drink I knew he could have squashed me as easily as I could have a bug.

His face was hard to read but I got the impression he was honestly concerned as he asked if maybe I wanted to talk about it. Without replying I slid deeper into the booth making room for him.

Frank, his face showing total disbelief at the revelation I had just hurled in the negro's face, slid into the booth across from me. His voice, though barely above a whisper sounded abnormally loud in the suddenly silent bar as he repeatedly muttered "I don't believe it. Mike's wrong, he has to be wrong, she loves him."

For a minute no one said a word except Frank who, like a broken record kept muttering "No way man, not Regina. She loves him to fucking much. She'd never cheat on him, especially not with a nig .... I mean negro."

As I opened my mouth to reply the other two negro's squeezed into our booth wanting to know why their friend had chosen to sit with us. At first no one said a word then the negro beside me muttered to his friends that my wife was cheating on me.

Their answer was rollicking laughter that shit like that happened all the time. I wasn't fully aware of what was going on around me but when their laughter faded to silence my guess was that it was because the negro who was sitting beside me had given his friends a stony look.

I don't know which of them signaled the bar maid but suddenly she was standing at our booth. After ordering drinks all around the three negro's introduced themselves. In addition to their names I also learned that our new acquaintance's, were all ex-football players. That despite their past rivalry they were now in business together.

They owned a large security company. Among their customers were banks, the presidents of such organizations, as well as nearly every movie star living on the east coast. After a prolonged silence in which I struggled with myself about telling my story to men who were not only strangers but also black I began.

Regina and I met almost eleven months ago when Frank who is on the school board introduced us. After a short whirlwind romance which lasted maybe four months we got married.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my wallet. Fumbling clumsily I extracted the wedding picture I always carried and passed it to Reginald. As the picture moved around the table I studied the negro's reaction. I thought I saw a gleam in their eyes but wasn't sure.

I mean I could hardly hold my head upright let alone see straight so I couldn't be sure. Never the less their nods and soft whistles of approval as they looked at her beautiful face and trim figure brought a smile to my face despite my drunkenness and the hurt I felt. Taking a sip of my rum and coke I continued.

No my wife isn't a teacher, she's the Principle over at Loveless High. And yes I guess you can say that she is kinda young for the job. I mean shit when we were going to school I don't think any of us had a teacher as young or as good looking as her. Am I right?

As for having a Principle that looked like her well forget about it cause that only happens in fairy tales or sex videos. Me, oh I'm the President and owner of Ultimate Pools and Spas.

My head started to droop at that moment but Reginald shook me and my head jerked upright. For a second I wondered where I was and who the hell these negro's were sitting with me. Then my drink numbed brain recalled that I had been telling them about my wife.

As my eyes dropped to the picture of my wife a dark hand lifted it from the table. MY eyes followed the hand as it brought it closer to Jerome's face. A closer look, I didn't blame him. Then he looked at me and for a moment I saw in his eyes his desire to get her in bed. Dropping the picture he muttered nice figure, photogenic.

I didn't dwell on either her petite 109 5 foot 6 inch 34 X 21 X 33 figure or her beauty. To do so would have been to much like bragging. Besides, both were apparent in the photo that now lay before me on the table. As I looked down into her lightly freckled smiling face outlined by shimmering waves of light red hair that fell a good six inches below her shoulders a lump formed in my throat.

Swallowing the lump that threatened to choke me I slurred that it was three weeks ago that I first noticed a change in her. You see I hadn't been home much over the last four, five months. I'd been working my ass off opening three new satellites offices. One each in Birmingham and Mobile and another right here in Montgomery, over on the east side.

Anyway I finally had the grand opening of the third and final store, the one in Birmingham. After the ceremonies I jumped into my car and drove all day. I guess you can say I was anxious to get home after an absence of better then three weeks. I think it was about 8 o'clock when I pulled up to the house cause the sun was just dropping below the horizon.

I remember thinking what a beautiful sunset as I strolled toward the house. What? Shit I don't honestly know why I parked on the street instead of pulling into the driveway. Maybe it was to stretch my legs cause I'd been behind the wheel for hours. Hell I hadn't even stopped for a piss break after leaving Birmingham.

Besides, why I did so isn't really important, is it? I mean at that particular point in time I had no reason to suspect she was other then a loving faithful wife. Anyway as I'm walking across the lawn toward the house she stepped out the door.

I stopped dead in my tracks and I mean to tell you my eye balls popped out of their sockets and my cock got as hard as a 2 X 4. She must not have seen me as I was standing in the shadow of the big oak tree in the front yard.

You know the one I'm talking about Frank. That big old one almost directly in front of the door and about a hundred feet away. Anyway, I'm standing there like a statue with my mouth gapped open wanting to say honey I'm home but not a fucking word comes out. For a second she paused and seemed to look directly at me but then she turned and walked to her car.

In those few seconds that she had stood there seemingly looking through me, every detail of her features and dress were emblazoned on my brain. She was wearing this moleskin looking outfit. An outfit, which by the way, I'd never seen her wear before.

The lace up halter top, which because of its cut as well as the lack of a blouse made it very evident that beneath the soft material she wasn't wearing a bra. The form fitting matching hipster mini skirt, which was at least six inches above her knees had a slit up the left thigh that damn near went from hem to waist.

As she slid behind the wheel the skirt parted showing a goodly amount of inner thigh. In that split second before she closed the car door I could swear I caught a glimpse of bare crotch. As she backed down the driveway I simply stood there dumbstruck unable to move. Like some cartoon character my head rotated following her progress down the street.

Still looking in the direction her car had disappeared I walked toward the house wondering were the hell she was going dressed like that. Don't get me wrong, I mean when she's not working she does wear some sexy clothes. But Jesus H Christ the way she was dressed that night it was as if she were flaunting her charms or advertising.

By midnight when she still hadn't gotten home I went out to the car thinking maybe I ought to go looking for her. But as I started the car the thought of where the hell do I begin looking for her struck me. So instead of driving around like some jealous husband I shut off the ignition and went back into the house.

I must have fallen asleep in front of the TV cause the next thing I remember was the sound of the front door opening. Through eyes heavy with sleep I glanced at my watch and saw it was 2:53. As I sat there rubbing the sleep from my eyes she came into the den muttering that she thought she'd turned off the TV.

She was almost to the TV when I said hi honey. I almost laughed when she spun about and nearly tripped over her fringe platform vamp sandals with 4 inch heels. The hand covering her mouth did little to stifle the choked gasp that burst from her lips.

For a moment she looked at me with a mixture of surprise and trepidation then softly asked when I'd gotten home. Even as I opened my mouth to answer she slipped onto my lap and began kissing me. A part of my mind whispered that her lips, her mouth tasted funny as we kissed, but because I was so glad she was once again in my arms I ignored the warning whisper.

Breaking the kiss she stood, then taking my hand pulled me from the chair saying lets go to bed. That night, or rather morning, she gave me a blow job like never before. The next thing I knew she was shaking me awake, wanting to know if I was going to work.

I remember smiling up at her, telling her the grand opening for the Birmingham store had been yesterday. That unless something unforeseen or drastic happened I wouldn't be away from home for extended periods anymore, at least not like I had been.

It was then that I brought up the outfit she'd worn the day before, teasing her that before I'd even had a chance to see her in it she was out showing it to other men. Her body tensed and she pushed away from me. Instead of commenting on what I'd said her reply was that she had to get ready for work.

As she turned and walked to her closet her murmured reply was spoken so softly I didn't catch it all. Something about Jefferson, but because it made no sense to me it wasn't until later that I fathomed what she'd said. Maybe the reason I hadn't grasped it immediately was because my mind wasn't on why she had worn such a revealing dress last night, but where.

As she stood before her closet I walked up behind her and after encircling her in my arms kissed the back of her neck. She stiffened as I nuzzled her ear and asked if the reason she'd worn such a sexy outfit last night was because she had gone to one of those male strip clubs.

She didn't answer right away, nor did she turn in my arms and look at me, she simply stood there as if frozen. Then softly she said I was right. Then without going into detail and smoothly changing the subject she said she had to go to work and since I didn't, the least I could do was make the coffee.

Twenty minutes later as I was sitting in the kitchen having coffee she came down and joined me. My gasped reaction, the spraying of coffee all over the table as I stared at her in disbelief was almost comical.

Instead of the usual business suite I was accustomed to seeing her in she had on a shear-look mesh slip-dress with scallop lace bust and spaghetti straps. In disbelief I sputtered what, why. She didn't say a word, simply stood there for a minute looking at me.

There was no expression on her face, yet for a split second as I stared at her I had the silly impression she was wanting to tell me something. Then glancing up at the clock she said she was running late, that she'd get coffee at the school cafeteria.

Abruptly turning about she walked away, but before she walked out the door she stopped and turned around. I don't remember her exact words but the jest of it was that just because I didn't find her sexy didn't mean that others didn't and then she slammed the door.

Her words swirled about in my head like a tornado threatening to implode my brain. Stunned I simply sat there like a bump on a log instead of running after her and demanding to know what she'd meant.

About 9:30 with my head hurting from trying to figure out the meaning of her words as well as what the hell was going on I jumped into my car and started driving. I hadn't thought about where I was going till I found myself near my new store on the east side. But even there all I did was try to make sense of her parting words that morning.

Finally about 2 o'clock I called the school with the intention of asking her if she'd like to have a romantic dinner at Robinousky's. But her secretary informed me that she was in a meeting with the coach and two other teachers. She promised to leave a message but that's all she could do as she was leaving in a half hour.

Regina never returned my call and when I got home at 6:00 she was fixing dinner. I asked how her day had gone. Her answer of fine was barely above a whisper. Without understanding why I did so I grinned like a Cheshire cat when I asked how her meeting with the coach and the others had gone.

Her answer, instead of being nonchalant as before took on a defensive tone as she asked how I'd known about her meeting. I told her I'd called to tell her I wanted to take her out to dinner but her secretary had informed she was in a meeting couldn't be disturbed. Hadn't she gotten my message? "No!"

The next morning when I awoke she'd already gotten up. When I entered the kitchen she was at the sink with her back to me. Though once again she wasn't wearing her business suite the dress she was wearing, at least from the back appeared much more conservative then the one from the day before.

As I stepped up behind her and enfolded her in my arms as well as teasingly humping against her pert tight ass she shied away. Disengaging herself from my arms she turned and faced me. My mouth fell open and I almost screamed who the fuck is the son of a bitch but only a sputtering gasp came out.

Her mouth moved and I knew she was speaking but nothing she said made any sense to me. I don't think a celibate priest would have understood a word of what she was saying either because of the way she was dressed.

What, oh it was a form fitting red mesh and lace top with flowing bell sleeves and a stretch lace waist. The plunging neckline of the blouse as well as its sheerness made it very apparent that once again she wasn't wearing a bra. Fuck doesn't she believe in lingerie anymore I wondered.

Her skirt, of like material and color as her blouse, and damn near as transparent fell to just above her knees. But in addition to the sheerness of the skirt, which in and of itself was bad enough, there was a slit running up the right side damn near to mid thigh.

As she stepped by me the top of her scallop lace stocking was all to visible and I wondered if beneath the shear skirt she had anything else on beside her stockings. Despite my befuddlement, despite my anger at her possible infidelity, my cock got as hard as a poker.

I wanted to throw her to the floor right then and there and fuck her brains out despite the torment I felt about her possibly cheating on me. Yet like an idiot I simply stood there with mouth open as she walked out the door.

As stupid as it sounds the thought that ran through my mind as I watched her go through the door was that even though I wasn't going to be the one doing it she was going to get her brains fucked out that day. Little did I know just how true that thought was to be.

Visions of teachers, and yes even some of the students sniffing around her like dogs around a bitch in heat filled my brain. Flashes of teachers wafted in front of me and quickly dissipated for other then a fat slovenly white science teacher the rest were black and I couldn't see her making love to any of them. So who the hell was the guy she was fucking?

Pausing for a moment I took a swallow of the new rum and coke that had been placed before me then I looked up into Franks eyes asking if he hadn't been aware of the change in her. Don't yes but me God damn it Frank, how fucking long damn it.

Jesus Frank, a couple of months, maybe three, three and a half and you never thought to say something. Never once thought of picking up the phone and calling me. Never thought of telling me that Regina was dressing sexy as hell. That she was a walking advertisement for Frederick's of Hollywood.

My tirade of bull shit about if I hadn't of been so wrapped up in making money. That if I hadn't of been gone almost from day one of our marriage I would have noticed was silenced by the three negro's laughingly saying it wasn't Franks place to keep an eye on my wife.

Yet Reginald, his face thoughtful asked if I'd caught Regina fucking a black man. If I hadn't well then my story, despite it being interesting and filled with possibilities could all be the work of my over active imagination.

Charles and Tyron sat silent, contemplative, yet if I had of looked into their eyes I would have seen a gleam there. Frank for his part blubbered that just because my wife went out when she hadn't expected me home didn't mean anything. Neither did the fact that she'd changed from her business suits to something more feminine.

As he rattled on my thoughts drifted back to other times. To the rare occasions when I had returned home unexpectedly after a prolonged absence. Had she been wearing such outfits then too. I couldn't remember with certainty but now I began to wonder and as I did so the possibility that she had been hit me like a sledge hammer between the eyes.

My head which had started to droop snapped up and with words slurred from drink I angrily fumed did they want to hear what I'd witnessed with my own two eyes. Huh, huh did they? Did they want to hear the sordid details of what I had discovered that same afternoon two weeks ago when for some reason I couldn't explain I decided to swing by the school instead of going directly home?

Would they like to hear how despite it being more then 2 hours since school had let out her car was still in the parking lot. Or perhaps how the front door that should have been locked wasn't. Did they want to hear how after discovering she wasn't in her office I looked in several nearby classrooms for her. Well then if so I'd God damn well tell them where I finally found her and what I witnessed.

After looking in her office as well as several classrooms in the area and not finding her, the thought struck me that she'd had car trouble and that one of the teachers had given her a ride home. That even as I wandered the halls like an idiot searching for her she was sitting at home waiting for me.

As I pushed open the front door to leave the indistinct mutterings I'd been hearing all along while searching for my wife became clearer. What drew my attention to them I guess was not that the deep guttural mutterings suddenly became clearer. No, what drew my attention was that intermittently spaced amongst the male mutterings were the chocked gasp that were definitely feminine in nature.

Well at least I knew where the janitors were and what the hell they were doing I mumbled. It also explained why the school hadn't been locked up. Telling myself that it wasn't my place to worry about what was going on I took another step but then stopped. Call it curiosity, call it whatever you want, but the muffled sounds drifting from the area off to my right drew me like a magnet.

Releasing the door I slowly turned and walked in the direction the sounds were coming from. I was both curious and afraid of what I might find yet I was unable to stop my feet from moving forward. As I came to the end of the hallway and began to turn the corner leading to the three remaining classrooms and the boiler room a dark naked figure stepped out into the hall.

What the fuck I thought as I jumped back and hugged the wall silently praying he hadn't seen me. Well there's one of the janitors I mentally laughed as I risked a quick glance at a man who was so fat I knew he hadn't missed a meal in his life.

It wasn't just his obese body that drew my eyes in that quick glance, though in truth it was hard to miss. What drew my attention was the glistening semi hard protrusion swaying between his legs.

No, it was impossible. Such a thing as what was running through my mind at that moment was ridiculous, there was just no way. I mean even if my wife were cheating on me, which I still didn't know for certain, surely it wouldn't be with the likes of someone so grotesque.

I'm ashamed to admit though that despite my certainty that my wife would never have anything to do with such a gross person, a perverse feeling of arousal raced through me at just such a prospect occurring.

Taking a couple of steps away he paused then turned back and opened the door again. For a moment he stood there without saying a word simply shaking his head. There was no mistaking though that whatever he was looking at had an arousing effect for his cock twitched and started to stiffen.

Shaking his head again he chuckled damn nigger, you can't hardly wait till I's out the door fore you gots your face in that ho's snatch. With the door being open it wasn't hard for me to hear what was happening. The whimpering gasp of pleasure though made it uncertain whether I actually heard or just imagined the slurping of the negro's tongue pleasuring her.

At that moment in time as I listened to those gasping sobs of arousal I envied the two janitors, or at least the one tonguing her. I found myself wishing I could draw such response from my wife. Yet at the same time I wondered just who the hell was in that boiler room.

At first I thought it might be that young new substitute teacher fresh from collage. But I quickly discounted that thought opting instead for one of the cheerleaders? Why a cheerleader and not the teacher I mentioned? Well Jesus H Christ man because of all the stories you hear about cheerleaders wanton behavior.

Just as quickly as the thought hit me though I discounted that possibility as well. For despite all the stories one hears I figured a cheerleader would be a little more selective.

I mean, why would a girl that could take her pick of any jock, or teacher for that matter, spread her legs for two such negro's. I mean lets get real ok. One of em was the grotesque fat man before me and the other if I remembered correctly was a skinny old bastard pushing maybe 65.

No, it couldn't be a cheerleader, it had to be someone else. But who? Maybe the girl was one of those studious types that no one ever suspected of having sex. You know a be-speckled grade A student who despite her frumpy appearance is a smoldering sex pot.

You hear the stories like that all the time. A girl none of her class mates would ever think of fucking until one day, maybe as a joke, one of the jocks takes her out. A drink or two, a little touchy touchy along with kisses then the mention of a party at the lake.

A few more drinks, then more kisses as well as groping as she's passed from boy to boy. Then the inevitable happens. First the boy she came with knocks off a piece then after him the other jocks. She becomes their plaything. She's so thrilled by their attention that without question she performs every deviant sex act asked of her.

After that its only a matter of time before she's fucking any boy or man that either smiles or says a kind word to her. So yea I could see why it would be some girl like that. Then again because of all the different sexual possibilities my mind fixated on that one in particular.

Well whoever the girl was that was in that boiler room I snickered silently she sure was getting off having her snatch ate thats for sure. The whimpers of pleasure were becoming ever more frequent and increasing in volume as the fat negro continued to gaze at what was transpiring in the boiler room.

Mirth tinged his voice as he laughed better watch out dar Rufus, dat ho' likes as not gonna give your scrawny ass whip lash. Hows you going to splain that huh? Or is you just going to go round wif a neck brace bragging how it happen huh? Den again maybe you don't have to worry bout no neck brace. Way she be humping gainst you's face maybe she break you fool neck and kills yo' ass.

My mind began to run away with me. I imagined the inside of the boiler room. Imagined a not particularly pretty young girl, her legs up over the shoulders of the skinny negro trapping his head between her thighs. I saw her pelvis rotate and her buttocks bounce ever higher and faster in time to the thick tongue lathering, probing her pussy.

Then my attention was snapped back to reality as repeated passion choked sobs of yes filled the hallway. Inter-spaced with the sobs were garbled screams of nonsensical but yet soulful plea's. Plea's which, though I couldn't understand them were most definitely understood and answered by a smiling Marcus.

Now now, don't you worry dat pretty little red head of yours none I's gonna be right back. An when I does missy, if'n you ask real nice, an if'n ol Rufus dar ain't gots a broken neck den just maybe we'll double team you's again. Would you like that slut, would you like us to double team you again?

Unconsciously my hand dropped to my crotch as I strained to hear her answer. A heartbeat later when her passion garbled sputter of " Yes" touched my ears my own cock stiffened like a lead pipe. The fat negro's laughter reverberated off the walls as he chuckled you sure nuff be liking dat black cock don'cha white girl.

As he turned and walked toward me I almost panicked. What could I do, what could I say when he turned the corner and found me. In answer my brain gibbered tell him your looking for your wife, ask him if he's seen her. With that thought in mind I braced myself for the eventual confrontation but it never came.

Instead I heard a pleasurable sigh then the unmistakable sound of a man relieving himself. Taking a chance I peered around the corner. He was standing less the ten feet from me in the doorway of a storage closet pissing into a bucket. The stream of piss coming from his sex lubricated glistening cock seemed to go on forever.

As it slowed to a trickle and he shook his cock to rid it of the last few drops he threw back his head and sighed Lordy that Mrs. Adams be one nasty bitch. His sigh turned to a mirthful chuckle as he mumbled dat fucking Jefferson sure nuff teached her right. Dar ain't nuttin' dat shameless ho won't do to pleasure a black man.

Didn't spec to have to pay to fuck da ho dough. Specially after catching da nasty bitch fucking dem boy's what makes up da schools basketball team. Wonder she knows whiles she was fucking dem young bucks dat da coach be filming it.

Well if'n she does or if'n don't ain't no cern mine. Don't really gib shit one way da other. Piss me off dough dat da coach done charge us. Fucker should ah just give her to us stead. Have to admit dough da ho's worth every bit da ten bucks Jefferson charge den some.

No never, not in a million years! My wife would never willingly do such a thing as fuck boys under her charge, let alone be photographed doing it. Never, not in a million years. And as for her being pimped like a common whore no fucking way.

But even as I tried to deny what I'd heard, the fat negro's last words burned into my brain as if by a branding iron. "Jefferson weren't lying none he say Mrs. A. be one horny nigger dick loving slut. Ain't never seen white girl what likes dark meat so much, and dat da truth."

As he strode back down the hall then opened the door and stepped inside I peeled myself from the wall and hurried after him. As my fingers closed on the edge of the door to keep it from closing all the way I tried to still my pounding heart.

My tortured brain grasped at straws and I prayed that it wasn't so, that it was all some kind of cruel joke. That the fat negro had known all along that I was around the corner from him and he was taunting me.

But what if he hadn't known I was there? What if it wasn't some kind of cruel joke? Did I truly want to find out. Did I want to be absolutely one hundred percent positive that it was my wife on the other side of the door. And if it was her, what then.

Would I burst into the room and confront them and in the process very likely get my head bashed in. Or would I simply stay as I was kneeling before a partially opened door and watch as the two janitors simultaneously thrust into her, fucked her like the insatiable wanton slut that the grotesque fat negro had claimed her to be.

Putting my eye to the opening I peered into the room and my heart fell into my stomach. Instead of the be-speckled student I had fantasied and prayed was with the janitors was my wife. There on a desk in all her glory lay my wife in but her thigh high stockings, 4 inch pumps and wire rimmed glasses.

Between her legs, his face still buried in her crotch, was the old skinny negro. His hands, tightly gripping her quivering pert ass cheeks was holding her in such a way that no part of her body except her head and shoulders was resting on the desk.

Beside the desk at her head stood the grotesque smiling fat man chuckling suck me ho. Without hesitation she turned her face to him. Her brightly painted lips parted slightly and her tongue licked over them as she did so. Releasing her hold on the old negro's head she reached for and grasped the nearly foot long glistening cock swaying before her.

Soft pleasurable murmuring issued from her lips as together with her slim fingers caressing and stroking his growing monstrosity she tongued and kissed the crown of his cock. As her lips, tongue and hand paid homage to his ever growing erection her other hand cradled and rolled his golf ball size testicles.

I had wondered upon seeing his cock the first time how this grotesque individual could be so large. He had to be a freak of nature, and now that I saw his nut sack clearly my suspicion seemed to be confirmed.

I had always believed that fat men had small cock's, roughly about as long and as big around as a middle finger. But here was one with a cock nearly a foot long and every bit as big around as my wife's wrist. Then the thought hit me of the amount of cum his balls produced.

Smiling down at her he said something I couldn't hear but I had no problem understanding her as she pulled back from sucking ravenously on the very tip of his cock. She raised her eyes to his then with voice quivering pleaded with him to fuck her, to shove his big black cock into her and fill her womb with his hot thick cum, to give her a black baby.

Yet instead of granting her wish he turned his back to her while spreading his legs widely apart. Wiggling his buttocks he pushed it to her face chuckling fore I's shove my baby maker in dat black cock loving cunt of your'n again Mrs. A I wants you's to kiss my ass. I wants that tongue of your'n lapping my ass hole like it be a chocolate sundae.

To my amazement and without the slightest murmur of protest she did as instructed. Together with turning slightly on her side she pushed her face almost to his buttocks. The contrast of her fingers against his almost midnight ass as she gripped then spread his ass cheeks both shocked yet fascinated me.

She seemed to be pulling him toward her as she twisted further onto her side and pushed her face to his buttocks. In the seconds before her glasses were knocked a-kilter as her nose pressed into his crack and her tongue flicked against his ass hole I clearly saw the spunk that had been deposited over her face earlier.

Like some animal feeding at a trough she tried to burrow her face deeper between the splayed cheeks of his ass. Again and again her face drew back slightly only to once more push between his splayed ass cheeks. It was like watching some ravenous carnivore rutting at some mouses burrow.

As her tongue paid him homage one of her hands slid down between his fat thighs. For a moment her fingers paused as they fluttered over then hefted his nut sack. It was as if she were weighing the large orbs or perhaps judging how much cum they held. Then her fingers moved upward to grasp his thick cock. For yet a third time I marveled at the contrast between their skin tones.

A guttural groan escaped his lips as her slim white fingers momentarily cradled and fondled his testicle sac. His guttural groan changed pitch to that almost like a stuck pig, and his breathing became labored when her fingers closed about his cock.

Slowly, lovingly she caressed the hardening black snake as unashamedly time and again her tongue traveled the full length of the crack between his butt cheeks. But it wasn't just the crack between his cheeks or the crinkly ring of his ass hole that her lips and tongue paid homage to. Time and again she planted kisses over his rolling ass cheeks hardly missing a spot.

His satisfaction at her evident willingness to pleasure him thus was apparent. Time and again he encouraged her performance as she tongued and lathered his ass hole as well as lovingly caressed his nearly foot long monster. I was so engrossed in the scene that for a minute I didn't notice that the old janitor had quit lapping her snatch.

It wasn't until he grabbed her hips and twisted her about so that she was now crossways on the desk instead of lengthwise that I noticed. Being in that position, and now without the old negro eating her out, she was able to devote one hundred percent of her attention to the fat negro's ass hole.

With her feet firmly on the floor and her legs widely apart for support the only part of her body touching the desk were her elbows. Occasionally though her nipples would lightly brush across the polished surface of the desk as the fat negro pushed his buttocks tighter to her face rocking her backwards.

For long minutes her position never changed. Her sole purpose seemingly being the complete and absolute giving of pleasure to the fat negro in the disgusting manner in which she was servicing him. Quite often her muffled whimpers of servitude and obedience were drowned by the fat negro's ecstatic grunts of pleasure.

Her whimpers suddenly changed pitch and volume when the old skinny negro who'd been running his hands lightly over her sides and back reached under her. A shudder racked her body and a squeak burst from her lips as his fingers closed about and kneaded her pert firm breast.

Then like a farmer milking a cow his fingers began rolling and stretching her nipples. Her body seemed to vibrate with each pinch and pull but that wasn't her only reaction. Her legs which had been rigid and apart began to quiver and I thought for a moment she would collapse.

Constant rumblings of pleasure much like that of a contented cat issued from her throat. Her purring ceased though when he released her breast and moved his hands to her ass. But only for a moment, as after massaging her ass and adjusting her posture he dropped a hand between her splayed legs.

Whether it was just his fingers or his whole hand that caused her hips to quiver and jerk I wasn't certain. Whichever it was though it caused her to momentarily forgot the negro whose ass hole she had been tonguing. Her legs once again became rigid as together with trusting her ass backwards her legs edged slightly wider apart.

Her upper body fell to the desk as her hands, previously occupied with fondling and stroking the grotesque negro's testicles and cock moved back to grasp her own buttocks. She was not aware that even as she splayed her ass cheeks apart, thus affording the old negro fingering her cunt and ass hole better access, that the fat negro had moved around the desk to stand beside the other.

Whimpering lustful pleas for him to shove his fingers, his whole hand into her spilled from her trembling lips as she pushed back against the fingers. Laughter answered her pleas as her hips rotated and pushed back ever harder and faster. Then as Marcus slipped to the floor sprawling like a beached whale at their feet Rufus reached out and twisted his fingers into her long red hair.

Yanking her head both up and back he literally lifted her from the desk, turning her about as he did so. With back arched and face turned toward the pipes running overhead she could do nothing but let herself be guided as Rufus pushed her forward a couple a stumbling steps.

You could tell that his fingers were causing her pain as he endeavored to guide her. But it wasn't till she stumbled against the fat negro's feet and almost fell that a moan of pain passed her lips and her hands went to her tortured scalp.

Instead of releasing his hold on her though the old negro's fingers twisted tighter and he again yanked her head up and back. Whether she had been able to see the fat negro laying prone upon the floor in the split second her face had been down I can't say. But when she was again pushed forward she both widened her stance and shuffled forward slowly until finally she was over Marcus's broad hips.

The grotesque negro's voice, husky with perversion and arousal commanded her to straddle him as his fingers reached up and closed like a vice on her thighs. For the life of me I couldn't see how she could comply with his command but then Rufus released his hold on her hair giving her a slight shove at the same time.

Obediently and without hesitation she slowly squatted over him. As her legs bent and she sank lower, Marcus released her thighs. His hands like massive slabs of beef moved up her hips, over her slim waist to finally cover her proud small breast.

A deep chuckle and what sounded like you know what to do bitch issued from his lips. His fingers which had been kneading both small breast began to concentrate on her nipples. A shiver racked her body, then with a soft whimper she rose slightly and reached between their bodies grasping his cock and guiding it to the treasure I had thought was mine alone.

Another shudder racked her slim form and a loud gasp escaped her throat as the broad knob of his dick splayed her lips apart and entered her. For a moment her fingers continued to squeeze and stroke his dark monstrosity while she held herself poised above him. Then together with releasing his cock and sliding her hands over his fat stomach to his broad chest she lowered herself onto his cock.

Slowly, ever so slowly she began moving. Whimpering gasp of pleasure spilled from her lips as with each downward movement and quivering roll of her hips another inch or more of his massive cock slipped into her.

Faster, harder she ground her loins against his and as she did so he repeatedly chuckled what do you love Mrs. A. But instead of shaming her as I expected, his taunts were answered by choked gasp of black cock, I love black cock.

Her repeated whimpering' was answered by his contemptuous chuckle of I just knows you do ho. Right now dough you just worries bout pleasuring ol Marcus, don't you be thinking bout all dem other niggers what's pounded your snatch.

In answer to his jibs and taunts her hips and pelvis rolled and jerked atop him. Her actions assuring him more then words ever could that it was him and his cock that at that very moment she did indeed love above all others.

His rasping gasp of oh yea dat it, dat what I talking bout. Ride it Mrs. A. Ride dis ol fat niggers cock you nasty white ho filled the room and burned my ears as she unashamedly bounced and gyrated ever faster atop him.

With each upward movement six, eight inches of his sex lubricated dark cock was visible momentarily. Then with each shuddering downward movement and the grinding of her loins to his it disappeared. It was maybe on the tenth time she took him fully inside her that he chuckled don't you be forgetting ol Rufus dar slut.

Like an apparition that had suddenly become visible the old skinny negro appeared before her. His semi hard dick was in his hand and with a salacious grin he teasingly rubbed the bulbous leaking knob across her brightly painted lips.

For maybe all of five seconds, but for what seemed like an eternity to me it was as if she didn't hear him. It was as if her mind were elsewhere as her hands pushed from Marcus' chest and covered his rough dark ones which were mauling her breast.

Her back arched, and her head began to slowly move from side to side causing her long red hair to swirl about her. The old negro's cock pressed more persistently against her lips and in response they parted slightly and her tongue flicked out lapping up the pre cum oozing from it.

"Tells me what'ch wants Ms. Adams. Tells this old nigger wheres you wants him to pleasure you. Does you wants me to shove my licorice stick in your mouf again or does you wants me to shoves it in dat tight ass of your'n. Tell ol' Rufus what you's wants him to do Ms. Adams."

At first it was but a whisper, then her voice choked with emotion grew stronger. Fuck me, oh God yes fuck me, both of you fuck me. Use me like the the black cock loving white trash whore I am. Fill me with your cock's and cum.

Grasping his cock in one hand he chuckled gleefully as he walked around behind her anything to make the principle happy. Dropping to one knee behind her he pressed a hand between her shoulder blades pushing her forward and down until her face was but centimeters from his fat friends own.

It was only natural that with her face so close to his Marcus would pull it the last quarter of an inch and press his lips to hers. Her hands which had been on his hairy chest slid forward to his broad shoulders then down beneath his thick neck. Then as hungrily, as passionately as he kissed her she kissed him in return.

The adjustment to her body also naturally put her pert ass in position to better accommodate the old negro and he took advantage of it. But before guiding his rigid cock between her tight firm butt cheeks he coughed up a hocker releasing it squarely on his rigid cock.

Grinning broadly he spread the gooey slimy mess over the bulbous crown of his cock. Then grabbing her butt cheeks tightly he pulled her to him. With a grin like that of a demonic devil he lunged forward sinking nearly half his nine or so inch fat dark cock into her.

With wheezing breath as he time and again roughly pushed into her he grunted is dis what you wanted ho? When she didn't answer immediately his thrust became more savage, more animalistic. Time and again he almost pulled fully from her only to lunge powerfully back into her.

Again and again he lunged into her and each time he thrust into her he ground and twisted his loins to her jiggling buttocks. But his wasn't the only cock thrusting into her so powerfully. Each time he drew back the whale beneath her pushed upwards into her.

Unable to tear my eyes away I watched as for untold endless minutes first one then the other powerfully, savagely, sadistically thrust his dark glistening cock deep into her. Her lips had long ago left Marcus's and from them came squeals and gasp as she rocked back against one then forward onto the other dark cock animalisticly using her.

The sounds, the sights of the perverted yet arousing scene taking place before me filled my eyes, my ears, my brain. An illusion as of a shimmering haze seemed to fill the air about them. An illusion compounded by the droplets of sweat falling onto her naked flesh from the grunting old negro over her. Each drop was as if onto a grease filled hot skillet.

As if they were in slow motion I saw the droplets of sweat drop from the laboring negro. Saw them contact her passion flushed shuddering flesh then splatter into a fine mist before drifting slowly down to the fat negro upon which she was straddled. I swear I heard each sizzle as the drops of perspiration contacted her writhing flesh.

Blending with the surreal scene as well as heightening it were the two negro's perverted commands breathlessly sputtered amongst their masculine grunts of labor. Their effect would not have been complete though without my wife's answering passion filled oomph's and ecstatic whimpers.

All, all burned into my brain, my soul as the men repeatedly and ever faster thrust powerfully and deeply into her. While my wife for her part writhed and quivered in wanton abandonment and perversion between them.

Once more pulling her face close to his Marcus said something that I couldn't make out. It wasn't till I heard her stuttering choked reply that she was theirs, that she was every negro's fuck toy to do with as they pleased did I understand what he had said to her.

The gasping whimpering moans of pleasure, of ecstasy spilling from her trembling lips as they animalisticly used her astonished and dumbfounded me. Yet what astonished me more was that she was literally skewering herself on each cock in turn as it impaled her.

Why, why she was willingly giving herself to two such men. But the question was mote for I already knew the answer, they had paid for her services. In fact if I could believe what the fat man had said earlier, and I had no reason to doubt otherwise since witnessing her performance, they were not the first to do so.

Shaking my head to clear it of all such thoughts I again focused my attention on the trio before me. On the lithe, sweat drenched writhing trembling form of my wife and the two trash talking negro's she was sandwiched between.

With a last synchronous powerful thrust along with grunts like wild beast the two janitors as one drove fully into her trembling twitching body. Her gurgling scream of what could only have been rapture all but drowned out the two janitors combined guttural groans of release and satisfaction as together they emptied their seed into her orifices.

Her choked repeated sobs of yes, oh God yes, so good, so good scorched my ears and threatened to boil my brain. In shock I fall backwards but before my numb fingers released the door I heard one of them chuckle you sure nuff know how to pleasure your betters Mrs. Adams. yes sir you surely do.

I don't remember leaving the school. I don't even remember driving but when I arrived home to a darkened house her car was in the driveway. But how could that be because I had only just left the school. Or had I? Had this evening been real or had it been some kind of erotic dream or nightmare.

With those final words my head which had been growing ever more heavy dropped to the table. As it did so my eyes, blurry from drink, imploring searched the faces about me seeking an answer to my question.

Whether I mumbled or spoke clearly as I asked was that enough proof to satisfy them I don't know. But I honestly didn't care one way or the other as a dark shroud fell over my drink numbed brain shutting down all my senses.

- The End -

[Note: this story is protected by international copyright law,
all rights not expressly waived are reserved by its author.]

Emma's dilemna part two

yfsalope on Ethnic Stories

After what had happened the night before and her date with Rick and his insane sex games Emma was not sure of what she would do with James. She was not the kind of woman to have two lovers at once. She was not either the kind of woman to partake in kinky sex  games  with one man one evening and have sex with her black lover the next. She could not resist meeting James though. She got dressed in one outfit but when she looked in the mirror, it looked too conservative so she went to change. She knew they were not going to the same part of town as she had been the night before. She felt a bit guilty to have “cheated” on James the night before. The weather was bit colder than the previous night so she

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thought she would wear something that got attention but would not make her cold. She put on something she rarely would wear where she lived since it was not very cold: stockings. These black sheer stockings were attached to a black lace bustier by garters. She had on the assorted lace panties. That was very sophisticated but not trashy. She then put on a black thin sweater and a tan wide skirt. This skirt came down above the knee but was pleated and quite wide. She then put on the last touch : tall knee high black leather boots. These were very expensive slip on boots in soft leather with 4 inch stacked heels and no zipper. They perfectly complemented the shape of her legs. She added a tight straight black leather jacket She looked at herself in the mirror and felt so attractive for one of her men. She blushed at that thought.

James picked her up in his car. He commented on how gorgeous she looked. He kept glancing at her legs with those boots followed by silk stockings and only interrupted by that skirt. As he drove his hand was rubbing her left thigh but she stopped him several time before he reached the top of the stocking. She wanted to keep that part of her outfit secret. She was aroused already by his attention and lustful glances.  She had to tell him to pay attention to the driving. They went to a nice restaurant and sat on the terrace. Men passing by on that Friday night looked at her legs without shame. Her boots were getting attention but now that she was sitting her skirt showed more of her lovely legs. She was worried that the wind might lift that light wide skirt up and show her stockings for everyone to see.

She had several glasses of wine and felt more bold than usual. As they walked back to his car after dinner, She held on to his arm to provoke people. She noticed many stares on their couple of this big black man and his sexy lady. That got her quite aroused. She was thinking “if you people only knew how this man makes me scream…”. Once in his car James asked “now that we are in a more private location, will you let me touch you my darling”. She answered with a smile “I am not sure, I would like to keep you waiting more”. He groaned and held her by the neck to kiss her passionately. She returned his kiss as she felt so vulnerable in his arms. Completely at his mercy but she was trying to keep some control over the situation. His hands were grabbing her breasts, her hips. He unzipped his pants and told her: “I know you want this, you want to drive me crazy but can you handle it later?” She could hardly breathe as she saw that bulge. She wanted to grab it but kept control over herself.  “I dressed this way so you would want me and to show you I want you. I just want to keep some surprise for when we get to your place. I know it will drive you crazy. I know it will hurt to wait as it hurts me when you take me. I want you be as addicted to me as I am getting to be to you”. He smiled and straightened himself up. He started the car and drove home with a big smile on his face. Once they were driving into his garage he looked at her and said “you are in for a treat then, I will show you how much you turn me on”. They walked inside his place holding hands. She dropped her jacket and purse on the counter. And they walked to the living room. He turned on some slow music and started dancing with her. His hands resumed their exploration and lifted the back of her skirt. He stopped and stepped back. “Oh my god, stockings? I have never had a woman as sophisticated as you, now I am getting addicted” She smiled, reached over and unzipped his pants. She pulled out his very long and thick cock in her hand and said blushing “prove it”.  He grabbed her in his arms and lifted her to sit her down on the counter. He hiked her skirt up and stared at her thighs with the garters coming down and making beautiful lines along her butt and thighs. She took off her sweater and he saw her lacy bustier. He grabbed on to her tits and kissed them, pulling on them and roughly massaged them in his big hands. He leaned her backwards a bit and pulled her thong off with his teeth. He then began eating her pussy probing her with his thick fingers and even shoved a finger in her ass. She worried her ass would be sore from the previous night but it was actually still distended. He had two fingers in her pussy and one in her anus and moved back and forth finger fucking both holes at once. She was so wet that it made a slurping noise when he pulled out. She was grinding her pussy into his hand and holding her tits up to make them look bigger. He went straight to bite her nipples while continuing his assault whit his hand. She was moaning in delight and said with a soft voice. “I need to feel you inside me”. He grabbed her by the waist with his powerful hands lifted her up off the counter and slowly lowered her onto his cock. She put her arms around his neck and her head fell backwards as she screamed in pleasure “Oh it is soooo big. You stretch me so good ” She lifted herself up and down to try to get more of his member inside her and together their rhythm started picking up. She looked to her left and saw that they reflected in a large mirror. She could see his monster sliding in and out of her pussy. She could see her legs in stockings shaking up and down and her boots swinging. She was trying to get more in than the 6 or 7 inches she had right now. Each time he lifted her up, it seemed his cock would not stop coming out of her and each time she slid down on it she could see her juices glistening. He became more and more mad with lust. He put her ass down on a big dining table. She could still see the scene in the mirror. She pushed him out of her and sat on the table facing the mirror. She said “look at me in the mirror”. She rubbed her pussy with one hand and rubbed his cock with the other one. “what to do you want to do to me?”  He looked at her for a few seconds. “I want to make a movie of tonight so we remember it forever.” She was not sure about that but he opened a cabinet and set a camcorder on a tripod to record what was going on. She was cooling off now and told him she was not sure. “I will give you the tape, you are the star, the beautiful star” As he moved around he turned her so the mirror reflected her side. He lifted her legs and slid his monster inside her. She shuddered, forgot the camera and let him start again. He gave long strokes and slowly put his 11 inches inside her. She was moaning but when he went faster and rougher, she screamed with every thrust. Her boots were on his shoulders as he pounded her and massaged her tits and pinched her nipples. She looked at the scene in the mirror. One of her garters had come loose from his rough handling of her thighs. Her breasts werre out of the bustier with the nipples perking up. She felt him push all the way in, slam against her cervix and stretch her insides to the breaking point and she came suddenly. He moved around the table and placed his cock near her mouth while she was shaking, holding on to her breasts as if they might fly off. She sucked on the tip of his cock and jerked it like a mad woman until he just face fucked her and came in her mouth with a series of loud grunts. “I am not done with you” he said as she cleaned her mouth with a towel. He flipped her over on the table until her boots' heels touched the floor and her nipples touched the cold table top. She looked in the mirror and saw how vulnerable she was. Her ass was pushed high because of her high heels, the stockings followed the line her boots started and pointed towards her pussy, the garters were framing her butt and her chest was way down on the table. She was at his mercy. He spread her anus with his fingers and started working inside it. She said “no I can’t take you there, you are too big.” He applied some gel on his prick and started inserting it but she screamed too loud in pain so he stopped. He instead brutally started fucking her pussy while grabbing her hips standing up from behind. He was getting more savage, furious at being rejected. She screamed “Yeah” with every pounding even though she was raw inside. She was holding onto each side of the table and looking in the mirror. Her cheek was pushed on the table and her breasts were crushed, moving in rythm with the thrusts. He mounted her brutally . She was going insane by now and felt like the tip of his cock was all the way in her gut. She could see in the mirror when he buried deep in her pussy for the last time before another orgasm washed over her. He pulled it out and quickly shoved the tip of his cock in her ass. She tensed up but she was so turned on (and without strength) that she did not push him away and he came inside her ass. He started pounding her pussy again and she felt the cum leak along her pussy to the table. She umpphed with every thrust now. He whispered in her ear “I own you now, you are mine” and started fucking her rough again until she came with an orgasm so hard that she passed out on the table for a few seconds. He removed his cock out of her and jerked it until thick cum splattered all over her butt. She had to clean herself for a while and put her clothes back on. He drove her back to her place while rubbing her legs. She was getting aroused again even though her pussy was painful. She spread her legs wide with her boots on the dashboard while he played with her clit. He stopped in a dark parking lot, grabbed her by the hair and shoved his cock in her mouth. She thought it would take a while but he was hard again in minutes from her blowjob. She could taste her own juices on his dick. He rubbed her clit more until she came and he soon after made her swallow his cum and told her to clean him up. When he dropped her off at her place she was walking as if drunk. Some more cum was dripping into her panties. She could not believe what that man could make her do and she wanted more.



The Custodian

latintiger on Ethnic Stories

The first time I saw him, it was a late Friday night in December, and I was dropping some things off to the mail room next to my office. He was there. About 5'9'', muscular, black hair, and dark brown eyes. He was also Latin. I have a thing for hispanic men that I just can't help. He startled me because I will admit that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until we nearly collided in the hallway. I took a sharp breath in and looked up into his eyes (I am only 5'2''), and felt like I was trapped. We held each others' gaze for a few minutes and I said " excuse me." I quickly moved around him and hurriedly put my things in the out going mailbox. Leaving the mail room, he was still standing there, but he watched me, smili

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ng. I returned his smile and ran into my office to collect my things. It took me all of 2 minutes to pick up everything, and locking up, he still stood there. In my mind, I tried to gather why he was still there, and wondered why he looked the way he did. I also picked up that he didn't say anything when I said excuse me, and I wondered if he spoke any english. On my way out after locking up I turned to him and said " buenos noches, senor". I guess it surprised him that I spoke spanish and he asked me in his best broken english if I speak spanish. I said yes and we went on talking from there. Before I knew it, we lost track of time and I realized why I was in a rush in the first place; I had to be home to open the door for my friend. I told him I had to go and it was nice talking to him and he walked me to my car. I sped away and made it home in record time.

We saw each other when I worked late at night and we became fast friends. He told me his name was my and he was originally from Cuba, but he moved here 4 years ago. Neither of us ever asked if we were single or anything. We would always stick to one conversation and it went from there. Three months later, I was alone again in my office, working late on a database. I was finishing up the last column when he came in singing. I laughed because I had never heard him sing before and he said " hello honey," and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I didn't expect that and the feel of him that close to me, made me feel like my body was on fire. Mike pulled up a chair next to mine and told me that there was something he had to tell me. I had just finished the database and saved it, and I turned to give him my full attention. He said " I found another job that pays more and is closer to my home. You know that I drive 2 hours to get here, and I need to save as much as I can wherever I can. This is my last night here. It was really great getting to know you and becoming your friend." I looked at him, a little disappointed, but happy for him at the same time. I smiled and said congratulations and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. I stood up to let him know that I had to go myself and he asked " can I get a hug goodbye?" He stood up and held his arms open for me and I said " sure, I don't see why not." We held each other for a moment and I said that it was great getting to know him and that I was really going to miss him. He told me he was going to miss me too and that we should at least keep in touch. He let me go just enough to look into my eyes and he gave me a closed mouth kiss on the lips. I was startled because, I was not expecting it. He bent to kiss me again, only it was a french kiss. I don't know what came over me, but I kissed him with an intensity that shocked the hell out of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me close to him again, let his hands slide freely up and down my back.

I was so close to him, that it felt like our bodies felt as one. I felt his hands slide to my butt and I kissed him more in depth. He took my hand and brought me to the door and pinned me against it. Simultaneously, he locked the door and started kissing me again. He told me " I want to make love to you before I go." I was so dazed by his intense kisses that I felt myself say yes, but in a voice that I haven't heard myself use in 2 years. No sooner than I told him, off went his shirt and he unbuttoned my blouse. He left a small trail of kisses down my body, paying special attention to my breasts. He was on his knees kissing my stomach, putting his hands up my skirt and pulling down my g-string. I rubbed his head while he nuzzled my pussy through my skirt, with his hands rubbing my ass. He stood up with his hands still under my skirt, and I rotated my hips, wanting to feel him inside of me. Call me wanton (to hell with you), my body needed this!

He stood up and took off his pants and boxers before I could blink. I was taken back because I didn't think penises came in that size. He was hung like a horse and I was ready to ride. He kissed me again, and I opened my legs for him, waiting to feel his length deep and hard inside of me. Mike entered me slowly, taking us both down to the floor, rolling ontop of me. I didn't know how flexible I was until one of my legs was on his shoulder and the other was wildly tossed to the side. He rode me nice and slowly at first so I could get used to him. Before I knew what hit me, I was thrusting my hips and throwing my hot, wet pussy back to him. He pumped his hard, throbbing cock in my pussy so fast and hard that my body felt like it was going through convulsions. I moaned my pleasure so loudly that it seemed like someone had put a microphone next to me for a stadium to hear me. I cried out " ohhh yess!! fuck me!!!" I was near screaming after I said those words because he was hammering himself into my dripping wet pussy. I had cum 3 times and he hadn't done it once. It felt like hours of him pounding me before he finally took one of my tits and squeezed it as he cried his release " aye mami, que rico!!" (oh mami, how sweet), and he kissed me softly as I felt his scorching hot cum rush into my worn down walls. He lay there inside of me, his cum still running out like a leaking hose, kissing me gently and sucking on my titties. When I finally stood up, he had to help hold me up. It took me almost 10 minutes to get to the elevator, and even longer to get to my car. We exchanged phone numbers and he kissed me one last time. We never spoke or saw each other again.

If you any comment's on my story please e-mail at

My wife likes outdoor sex

barronette55 on Ethnic Stories

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My sexy spanish teacher

Bluewall56 on Ethnic Stories

I was a freshman at college last year, which turned out to be the best year of my life.  It all started when I went into my spanish class around 1:00.  The class had about 320 kids in it.  As I waited anxiously for the class to begin I saw this hot woman walk in.  She turned out to be the professor.  She was probobly thirty years old and was about five foot five inches tall.  She had a wonderful ass and huge tits.  I immediatly had a hard on.  As she taught the class I could not help but think about what she would be like when she fucked.  A couple months went by and I was struggling in understanding the spanish.  I later went to her office to talk to her.  I walked and said " I would really appreciate some help in your class after school if you don't
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mind."  She smiled and said " I ould love to teach you some more after school."  We set up a session for that afternoon.  I could hardly wait, because I was going to try and make a move.  When I walked in she had changed her clothes.  She was wearing a tight pinstriped suit, but wa swearing no shoes.  I was struggling to hide my hard on which was a buldge in my jeans.  She smiled at me and said "Buenos tardes."  I lauged and said how I appreciated her help.  She laughed and said "You can come here anytime for my help."  At this point I was ready to do something.  An hour went by of practicing conversations when all of a sudden a strange moment of silence came between us.  I finall leaned in to kiss her.  She immediatly stuck her tongue in my mouth and we started to make out.  After that she looked at me and said "I want you to fuck me right now."  I couldn't believe it, I was finally going to get some of this teacher.  So she took off my shirt and pants and I started to sstrip her clothes off.  When I took off her tight suit jacket and pants she was wearing a matching pinstriped laced bra and a pinstriped thong.  This outfit really turned me on.  So she leaned over and started to suck my cock.  It was the best blowjob that I had ever gotten.  After about five minutes I blew my load all over and in her mouth.  She just looked at me, smiled and then said, "It's your turn."  I then took off her bra and thong and started to eat her out.  As I was doing this I felt her tits, which felt so soft and warm.  After she orgasmed I was hard again.  She looked at me and said "Fuck my pussy now."  I immediatly started to pound her tight pussy untill she screamed with excitement.  After about ten minutes of that She looked at me and said " I want you to cum inside of me now."  Without thinking I immediatley released my load inside of her whomb.  She then got up and looked at me and said, "You just got an A in this class."  I was feeling great at that point and went back to my dorm exhausted from the events that took place earlier.

As the months went by I started to notice something strange about my spanish teacher.  Her stomach was starting to get very large.  I thought she was gaining weight and disconcerned it.  But at the end of that year I was notified to go down to her office later that day.  When I did she was sitting behinde her desk.  She looked at me and said " Thanks for giving me a kid."  I was shocked, I had gotten her pregnant.  She looked at me and said, " When you get out of school, I expect you to take care of me and your your child.  I was furious, this woman just ripped me off for money.  However she started to walk up to me and said, " I might be 8 months pregnant, but I can still fuck."  I took off her dress and I was shocked, she was wearing the same pinstriped bra and thong from last time.  She said, " I know that this is your favorite outfit."  I looked at her and nodded."  When I took off her thong, it still had old cum stains on it from the last time we fucked.  So I started to pound her pussy and then cummed inside of her whomb again.  We then cuddled naked on her office floor and thought about the future that soon awaited us and our family.

Tim & Tat 3

hawk9934 on Ethnic Stories



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            When she finally arrived back at her apartment, the sun was high in the sky.  She wasn’t surprised to find that Tim had stayed overnight.  He never left an argument unresolved.  She slammed the door behind her and he stirred.  Her first reaction at seeing him was fear that he would find out what she had done.  She didn’t want him to smell the sex on her body.  The fear quickly turned to anger that she had participated in the abomination and enjoyed it.  She quickly walked to where he was sitting up on the couch and punched him as hard as she could in the face.  When he slumped back down in the cushions, unconscious, she almost panicked.  But then her good sense prevailed.  She figured that she couldn’t have hit him that hard and she simply made an ice pack and tossed it onto his lap.  He could fix himself when he woke up.

Upon returning to the kitchen, she fixed a cup of coffee for herself and sat at the table watching him.  She contemplated telling him about the night’s events at Mark’s house.  The urge to make him jealous battled with her common sense which was telling her to keep the experience a secret.  Part of her feared what Tim what think of her if he ever found out, but the other part didn’t care, as long as it hurt him.  She contemplated the matter until the coffee in front of her was cold and decided against telling him.  It wasn’t worth the pain she knew it would cause him.  Although she felt hurt and betrayed by him, she loved him too much to do the same.  Her mind was a flurry of thoughts as she watched him.  She knew that forgiveness was the way that she wanted to go but how was she to know if he wouldn’t do it again?  She continued to weight her options when he stirred on the couch.  She froze and stared at him as he stirred again.  His eyes opened and she could see him trying to focus his disoriented gaze.  Her heart tore as he removed the melting ice pack from his wet crotch and held it in front of his face, staring.  She walked to him and took the bag without a word.

Discarding the water, she filled the bag with fresh ice and grabbed paper towels so that he could dry himself.  As she returned to the living room, she couldn’t bring herself to go near him again as he looked at her with pleading eyes.  “I should be begging him for forgiveness too,” she thought to herself.  She tossed the bag and the towels in his direction and walked back to the kitchen table. 

She replayed the moment she awakened to Tim’s assault on her unknowing body.  Unexpectedly, her sorrow for her actions during the night molded itself and changed into hatred for his actions once again.  She wondered how a man that seemed as nice as Tim could do such a thing to her.  Within seconds, all pity she had felt for him left her body and was replaced by cold, hard hatred once again.  The swiftness of this change even surprised her, but it did not soften her feelings.

He got up, bypassing the ice and paper towels and went into the kitchen.  He sat next to her and studied her face.  She didn’t acknowledge his presence.  He ran his fingers through her hair.

            “Baby I’m so sorry…Baby…I didn’t know.”  She got up to refill her coffee.  As she poured more coffee into her mug he stood up behind her.  Right as he was reaching out to her back she spun quickly to face him.

“Don’t ever try to touch me again.”  Tim had never seen such hatred in anyone’s eyes before.  “I don’t know how to fix this,” he thought with remorse.  He continued to stare into her eyes.  The same brown eyes that mesmerized him the first time they’d met.  The eyes he looked into whenever he made her smile.  Those same eyes were cold and unforgiving now.

            Tatiana closed her eyes and turned her back to him.  Then with her elbows leaning on the counter, she buried her face in her hands and wept.  She quickly regretted her words as she realized just how much she didn’t mean them.  She wanted him to touch her, to hold her, to comfort her.  Against her wishes, she admitted to herself that she needed to forgive him and forget what he had done.  She knew that in his heart he was a good person and he hadn’t meant to hurt her.

            “Sweetheart, I thought you were awake,” he begged, “and that’s the honest truth.  I swear I thought you were awake, otherwise I would have never touched you.”  His eyes pleaded hopelessly with the back of her head as she didn’t turn around or answer.

            Hopelessly, Tim turned around and went to the guest bedroom.  He lay on the bed there and thought about what he had done and why he had done it.  He could have sworn that she was not asleep when it was happening.  Her “awakening” came as an unpleasant surprise.  He thought about her still form as it lay naked in the bed, her thumb slowly stroking a nipple.  He remembered her clean shaved pussy and how tight the cavern was.  Despite himself, he felt his dick lengthening and thickening in his boxers.  He looked down at his pants and noted that the fly was still undone as his penis formed a tent in his boxers.  He closed his eyes and groaned as he remembered the feeling when she had wrapped her lips around his cock’s head.  He opened his eyes again in time to see the tip of his dick slowly poking its way out of the slit in his boxers.

            She dried her tears after she heard the door to the guest bedroom close but did not leave the counter.  She knew that she was going to forgive him but she was torn between leaving the apartment once again to get away from him and following him to the room.  She decided to follow.  Every relationship has its bad times and she didn’t want this one to last any longer than it had to. Fighting with Tim always made her feel bad because he was so sweet and he looked so helpless whenever she was angry with him.  She felt her anger melt faster and faster as she walked from the kitchen and down the hall to the guest bedroom.  She could see the top half of him as he lay on the bed.  His arms were propped up underneath his head and he appeared to be deep in thought.  “Let me go soothe his mind and let him know everything’s alright.”  She still couldn’t believe that she was letting this go so easily, but she figured she owed him after what she did with Mark last night.  Plus, she had to admit that she had given him that key for a reason.  She was more than ready to start a sexual relationship with him.

            She pushed the door open all the way and froze in her tracks.  Tim was laying there with his dick reaching for the ceiling having completely freed itself from the confines of his boxer shorts.  She licked her lips as the sunlight from the window glinted off of the pre cum that had formed at the tip.  Without disturbing him, she walked to the bed and slowly bent over his hard snake.

            His eyes popped open and he jumped to his feet when she ran her warm tongue over the head of his penis.  He saw her with her head tilted back and her eyes closed as she savored the taste of his liquid.  “What the fuck?!” he thought as she opened her eyes to look at him.

            “You taste good, baby,” she whispered to him.  She beckoned for him to come to her and he complied.  Confused and wary, he slowly walked towards her.

He whispered “I’m sorry” into her ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

            “Ssssshhhh,” she urged him.  “It’s okay now.  What were you just thinking about?” she inquired.  He moaned as she rubbed her bare belly on his dick.

            “You,” he replied.  “Last night.  I know you don’t believe me, but I really thought you were awake.  And you were just so sexy lying naked on the bed.  I had to have you.”  He groaned again as she continued her slow grind against him.

            “To be honest, Tim, I want you too.  I just wasn’t expecting you to come by the same night so I took some pills and went to sleep.  I guess they brought me a little too deep.”  She kissed his lips, running her tongue over his.  He kissed her back, slowly running his hands down her back to her firm ass.  She moaned against his mouth as he caressed the flesh in his hands.  He sighed as she broke the kiss too soon and took his ear lobe in between her lips and gently sucked.

            “I want you to continue what you started last night.  I’m ready for this and I would be honored if you accept my gift to you.”  They both laughed at her melodramatic mockery.  “Seriously though,” she continued when the humor had passed, “I want to give you my virginity.”

            Without a word he laid her across the bed and stood up watching her for signs of hesitance.  She returned his glare and showed none.

            “Are you sure you want to do this, Ta?  Because I don’t want you to do anything that you’ll regret later.  I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but last night you made it pretty clear that you didn’t want to be touched.”  Instead of replying, she sat up and pulled at his shirt, bringing his body down to hers:

            “I know I’m ready.  Forget about last night.  I had to time to think about it and I don’t blame you for anything.  As for my past….let’s just keep it there.  Now please, get these clothes off of me and give me some of that sweet dick you’re trying to keep from me.”

            He pulled himself up, picked her up, and laid her back long ways on the bed.  Lying on top of her he smiled at her and gave her a peck on the lips.  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed hers.

            “I’ve been waiting for this for a while, baby.  I can’t wait to feel your throbbing dick in my tight pussy…”  She stopped and moaned in his ear as he began gently sucking on her neck.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and continued her one-sided sexual conversation.  “You make me feel so good; I can’t wait to make you cum.  I don’t know if I want you to cum in my pussy more or in my mouth, I—“she was interrupted by a sharp intake of breath as he sucked harder and his teeth scraped her skin.  After getting used to the pain, she continued.  “I wanna cum with you inside of me so bad, so you can feel my pussy squeezing you while I beg for your cum.”  She had unconsciously started grinding her hips against his pelvis and his cock was rubbing uncomfortably on the zipper in her jeans.  He lowered his hand down to her crotch to undo them.  His fingers fumbled around until he got the button out of the hole, then he quickly unzipped the fly trying to get her pants off as fast as he could.  She lifted her butt off the mattress as he pulled the pants down her legs and she kicked them off.  He brought his hand back up to her pussy, running his fingers lightly along the skin of her inner thigh and slipped his fingers into her panties.  Using his fingers he felt around her pussy, playing with the lips and wetting his fingers with her wetness.  She contorted her face and grunted as his fingers momentarily nudged her sore clit.  He took no notice.

            He removed his fingers from her pussy and pulled down at the elastic waist of her panties.  He slid down her torso as he pulled them down until his face was only inches away from her pussy.  He licked his lips and stuck his tongue out to lap up some juices that had leaked down below her tunnel.  She closed her eyes and relaxed her body as he slid his tongue back up, agonizingly slow.  His tongue passed along her pussy hole, scooping up cum as it went.  She moaned as he made the long stroke over her sensitive pussy lips.  He stopped just below her clit and licked down her lips again and continued passing his tongue back and forth along them.  Instead of bringing his tongue up to her clit, he pressed his thumb against it and stuck his tongue into her virgin pussy.  She winced in pain then cried out as he pressed his thumb harder against it and began to rub it back in forth.  It took all of her willpower to push aside the pain of her soreness and concentrate on the pleasure underneath it.  Soon, she was moaning and slowly moving her hips in rhythm with his thumb.

            “Mmm, baby that feels so good.  But I want you to lick it.  Can you do that for me, baby?   Can you lick my clit?”  Without hesitation Tim removed his thumb from her clit and replaced it with his tongue.  Her moans grew louder as he flicked his tongue back and forth along her clit.  Reaching down with both hands, she grabbed his head and held it in place as she rocked her hips rubbing her clit against his tongue, lips, and nose.  She was trying to hold back her orgasm but Tim wouldn’t let her.  He flicked his tongue rapidly on her clit as she rubbed it against him and the sensation became too much.  She rolled her hips against his face one last time before her breath caught in her throat and her body tensed up.  Tim continued his tongue lashing on her clit and reached underneath her body to push her cunt upwards even closer to his face.  He thought that she might rip his ears off as the orgasm rushed through her pussy and her whole body pulsed as the waves of pleasure washed over her.  The orgasm was so intense that she could hardly cry out.  She only whimpered as it silently overtook her and subsided.

Her muscles went weak and she could only lay on her back and watch as Tim dipped his tongue back into her wet cunt.  It pulsed once against his tongue and he withdrew, reveling in her salty taste on his tongue.  He looked up at her and noticed the hazy look in her eyes.  He flashed a brief smile before plunging his tongue back onto her clit.  He felt her body tighten as he assaulted her clit without remorse.  She cried out repeatedly as he manipulated her hard clit, her hips bucking with every flick of his wet tongue.  It didn’t take long for her to orgasm again.  She cried out his name as the wave of pain and pleasure washed over her.

Tim looked up once again.  Her hands were up above her head, underneath the pillow and she was staring up at the ceiling.  She trembled from the intensity of the two back to back orgasms.  He licked her clit one more time and she quickly sat up.

            “No, Tim, please.  I can’t have another one.  Come up here and kiss me.”  He got up, his knees cracking from being in a squat position so long and climbed up on the bed to meet her face.  She kissed him passionately, her tongue seeking out her cum from his mouth.  She gave his lips a slow, sensuous lick and broke the kiss.  She gently pushed him off of the bed and scooted up to the edge so that she sat before him, him dick wobbling inches from her face.  She licks her lips and his cock jumped.

            “Feed it to me,” she beckoned him.  He stepped forward and placed the tip of his cock on her moist lips.  “Tell me how you want me to suck it,” she told him.  Her lips moving against his cock produced a moan out of him.

            “Stick your tongue out and lick my cum hole,” he began.  She pulled her head back away from him and snaked her long tongue, flicking it in and out of the slit.  “Now lick the whole thing from the base to tip then back to the underside of the head and keep it there.  She did as she was told, wetting his cock with her saliva.  She stopped at the underside and licked the sensitive spot as if she was trying to make him cum right then and there.  He placed his hand on the back of her head and grabbed his cock, guiding it into her mouth.  “Suck the head.”  She obliged swirling her tongue around it as if it were a lollipop, flicking her tongue into the slit and licking around his ridge.  “Now take in some more.”  He pushed his hips putting more dick into her mouth.  “Yeah, swirl your tongue around the ridge, baby.  Mmm, just like that...”  Still grabbing the back of her head he slowly pushed more and more of his hot dick into her mouth.  He lifted her chin up, straightening her throat.  “Ta I want you to deep throat it.”  She took a deep breath and relaxed her throat.  He fed more of his cock into her until he felt the head poke into the opening of her throat and still he pushed.  She gagged a little, her throat muscles massaging the head.  He groaned and began to pinch her nipples.  She groaned as his fingers gently twisted the tender nubs.  She continued groaning and the vibrations from her throat felt like heaven on his dick head.  She swirled his tongue around the member, feeling the ridges his veins made on the shaft.  He pinched her nipple harder which brought a loud groan from her, but the pain broke her concentration and she began to gag again.  Her throat clenched his cock and he felt himself go over the edge.  “Baby, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” he screamed as he pushed her head further on his cock, and she got her gagging back under control as he shot a load of his salty cum down her throat.  He pulled halfway out, wanting her to taste it as her tongue swirled around the head and another load shot out onto it.  Then another, and another.  She swallowed all four loads but continued sucking.  He screamed her name as she continued her ministrations on his sensitive head.  She brought her hand up, massaging his balls as she sucked.  He groaned deeply as she sucked his cock clean.  After a few minutes, the sensitivity went away and he was ready for another round.

            Removing his cock with a satisfied pop, she smiled up at him.  Not a trace of his cum could be found on her face.  She had swallowed it all.  She breathed hot air on the tip of his glistening cock, then followed with cold air.  They both watched as it jumped and jerked.  She stood up in front of him and kissed him deeply.

            “I love you,” she told him when the kiss was broken.  “Come, sit on the bed.”  He climbed up and sat against the headboard, his feet spread and his cock looking up at the ceiling.  She climbed on top of him and straddled his lap.  She hugged his neck as she rubbed her pussy against the underside of his dick.  She breathed harder as she pleasured her clit with his cock.  Her tiny button jerked each time it passed over the ridge or any of the series of veins in his organ.  “Yes, yes, yes!  Tim!!!!” she screamed when she reached orgasm.  He saw the room spinning as she finished her sexy act, whimpering into his ear as she recovered from her self-inflicted orgasm.

            She rose her hips up, her eyes locked onto his, and placed her pussy lips at the tip of his cock.  “Touch me, please,” she asked.  He immediately began rolling one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger as his other hand sought out her clit.  He wanted to make this as pleasurable for her as he could.  “Don’t we need a condom?” he inquired.  She assured him that she had gotten a prescription for the pill and she was completely prepared.  She slowly sank her body down onto his cock clenching her teeth as she felt the head spreading her virgin pussy open.  She worked her pussy up and down getting it used to his width, pushing further down with each stroke, yielding precious millimeters of her virgin pussy to his probing cock.  She shuddered as she thought about his cock being there the night before, and how close he was to taking her treasure.  She opened her eyes as she felt him hit her hymen.  He continued to stroke her clit trying to concentrate on it to keep himself form pushing his hips up to forever take her virginity.  He wanted her to do this on her own time.  “Suck on them, please,” she begged, referring to her nipples.  He ran his tongue slowly over the first one, then moved on to the other, eliciting a moan from her.  “Thank you,” she sighed as he sucked the first one into his mouth and she sank her body down further, gasping from the pain of his dick tearing through her hymen dulled by his attention to her nipples and her clit.  She screamed as his cock poked all the way through her pussy and was buried to the hilt, the head hitting her cervix.  She grabbed his head closer to her chest as she sat in his lap, tears streaming down her face.

            The pain was almost too much for her.  She could not move as she felt his throbbing dick in her tunnel, the pain also causing her pussy to throb.  He stopped massaging her sensitive parts when he heard her begin to sob.  He looked up, a concerned look on his face.  “Baby, are you okay?  If you want to stop, I’ll understand.”

            “No, no,” she replied, “It just hurts.  I know it’ll stop hurting soon, just give me a minute.  He kissed her all over; her cheeks, her eyes, her forehead, her neck as he gave her time to adjust to his width.  When she indicated that she was ready, he flipped her on the bed so that she was on her back and he was on top.  He placed his cock at the entrance to her cunt and looked down at the mixture of blood and pussy juices that covered her pussy.  He looked up at her for permission and she nodded.  He pushed himself back into her groaning as he stroked in and out until he had buried himself to the hilt into her tight pussy.  She gasped each time the bulbous head passed over the spot where her hymen used to be attached to her walls.  He began kissing her neck again as he slowly made love to her for the first time, his moans sending vibration through her skin that echoed in her pussy.  Her tunnel seemed to suck at his cock, the tightness not wanting him to leave the confines of her hot, velvety flesh.

            She groaned each time he buried himself into her hole, her clit being rubbed by the thick base of his dick.  “Faster,” she urged him, and he increased his pace to meet her demands.  She gave a series of deep, guttural groans as the attention her button was receiving increased and his cock invaded her pussy more fervently.  She felt so full.  She knew that if she could cum, the pain would be forgotten.  “Baby, more, more, go faster!” she begged.  He pushed himself up into a push-up position on top of her and began thrusting his hips faster.  The pleasure on her clit overwhelmed the dull pain in her vagina with every inward stroke.  Her groans became open-mouthed “Ah’s” as she felt her orgasm building.  A few strokes later, her body tensed.  She shuddered and let out a long “Aaaaaaahhhhhh…”—a sigh—as she came.  Tim lost control as he felt her tight pussy clenching and unclenching, getting even tighter around his cock.

            He flipped her onto her belly, raising her ass and pussy up, placing her thighs on his and guided his cock back into her.  He pumped into her fast and hard, unable to stop himself.  She gasped air as he ravished her, enjoying it immensely.  He reached forward with one hand and grabbed her breast, squeezing it while he fucked her.  He thrust as deep as he could until he was hitting her cervix with each pump, the stimulation sending stars into his vision.  Suddenly, his balls bunched up against his cock and he felt the cum rushing through his shaft.  He shot load after load of his hot cum into her wet pussy.  He stayed in her, still kneeling behind her as they both caught their breath.  His shrinking cock fell out and he lay next to her.  She turned onto her side to face him.  They kissed and she thanked him over and over again.

            He placed his hand in between her thighs and began to rub her slit which was slippery with her juices and his cum.  She turned onto her back, closing her eyes and tilting her head back and he reached up with his other hand and pinched her nipple.  She yelped as his fingers dug into the sensitive nub.  He brought his head up and looked at her breasts closely.  The nipples were reddish-brown and he could see a minor bruise on the areola of one of them.  It didn’t look fresh, but he knew that it wasn’t there the night before.  He ran his forefinger over the other one and watched as she winced slightly.  He placed one in his mouth and ran his tongue over it and heard her sigh.  Slowly, he reached up with his free hand and lightly pinched the other one.  He felt her body tense up underneath him.  He pulled away looking at her as she stared back, searching his face for any sign of what was wrong.  She knew what was wrong, but she wanted to know if he sensed it too.

            Tim turned away from her and sat on the edge of the bed.  “What time is it?”  She didn’t answer.  He looked back and asked again.  Still no answer.  He crawled back to her and laid his head on her stomach.  He lay there gazing at her abused nipples.

            “I need to get cleaned up,” she announced suddenly and she pushed him away and crawled off the other side of the bed.  He stayed in the room, staring at a blood stain on the sheets until he heard the shower running next door.  He quietly opened the door to the bathroom and stepped into a cloud of hot steam.  He slowly drew the shower curtains aside and stepped in behind Tatiana, kissing her neck.  “Not here, baby,” she moaned as he slid his hand down to her bottom.  She leaned forward and placed both her hands on the shower wall in front of her, the water cascading down her hair and back.  She felt his cock as he rubbed it along her ass and pussy, prepping her for another romp.

            “Baby…” she protested, but even as she said it, she arched her back pushing her ass and pussy higher to allow him better access.  His cock slid in easily and he slowly pulled it all the way out and back in a few times.  Then, grabbing her waist with both hands, he began to fuck in and out of her with long, hard thrusts.  Her cries echoed off the shower walls each time he bottomed out in her sore cunt.  He reached around her with one hand and began pinching and twisting her right nipple and she gasped with each cruel twist.  “Tim….please…stop.” she begged in between gasps and he put the hand back on her waist and thrust even harder.  Instead of resting her hands on the wall in front of her, she was now pushing back against it to keep from banging her head.  He fucked her unmercifully with no signs of letting up having cum so soon before.

            She gave a sigh of relief when he stopped his thrusting and pulled out of her pussy.  However, her rest was short-lived because as soon as he pulled out, he pulled her body around and lifted her up, her fuck hole hovering only centimeters above his cock.  He quickly dropped her, impaling her with his dick and turned so that her back was against the wall and he began beating her pussy again.  She hissed as her back hit the cold wall.  He immediately leaned forward while fucking her and took one of her nipples in between his teeth.  “TIM!!!!”  She cried out his name loud enough to hurt his ears but he didn’t stop.  Each time he pushed into her, a flash of heated pain seared through her nipple as her breasts bounced.  As he fucked her with both hands holding her by the ass, he began pushing one middle finger against her puckered hole.  Her cries turned into screams as he invaded her virgin ass and he couldn’t contain himself as he felt her muscle clench his finger hard.  He buried his cock in her to the hilt and came hard, pumping his seed deep into her body.  His cock squirted two loads into her and he thrust three times and pumped out another three.  When his balls were empty, he removed his twitching cock and let go of her nipple, putting her down on her feet.  She immediately turned her back to him pressing her tits against the cool wall to soothe her nub.  He slapped her ass, rinsed his dick, and stepped out stating, “I have to go to work,” and left her there, tears streaming down her face.


The next day went by without any contact from Tim.  There was no doubt in her mind that he knew she had been with another guy the other night.  She knew that he fucked her the way he did because he was upset, but she couldn’t help but notice the warmth that spread in between her legs whenever she thought about it.  She began replaying the event in her mind as she folded the sheets she had just washed.  A distant sound broke her out of her day dream and she realized it was her cell phone ringing from the living room.  Putting down the sheet, she rushed to it knowing that only Tim could be calling her at .  Breathless, she reached the phone and breathed out “Hello?”

            “You sound sexy on the phone.”  She knew immediately that it wasn’t Tim.  It was Mark.  Her pussy got even wetter and her nipples became hard, painfully rubbing against her t-shirt with each breath.  “Come to my apartment.  Now.  I’m giving you fifteen minutes.  Don’t bother with underwear.”  With that, he hung up.  She grabbed her keys and purse, and headed out to her car in the parking deck.  Closing the door as she stepped in, she put the key in the ignition and stopped.

            “What am I doing?” she asked herself.  She knew why he wanted her to come over and she knew that it would hurt Tim if she continued.  She came up with dozens of reasons why she shouldn’t go.  Her rational thoughts didn’t keep her from taking a deep breath and turning the key.  Nor did they keep her from slipping the transmission into reverse, then drive and leaving the deck.  They didn’t even stop her from stepping out of her car in front of Mark’s apartment complex, engaging the alarm, and walking to his doorstep.  Mark opened the door before she could ring the doorbell and ushered her inside.

            “Get on your knees,” he ordered her after closing the door behind them.  Hesitating, she looked at him then looked around before starting to obey.  Angrily, he pushed down on her shoulders to put her in the kneeling position.  “You’ll regret hesitating before doing something I tell you to do and you’ll also regret that you were two minutes late.  Now take my cock out.”  He let his hands hang to the side as Tatiana unbuckled his belt, then unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper.  She pulled his pants and boxers down, revealing his soft cock to her face.  “Breathe on it,” he commanded.  She opened her mouth and began blowing hot breath on the head.  It jumped with every breath and slowly got harder.  He scooted forward until his balls were above her face.  “Lick my balls.’  She stuck out her long tongue and ran it over his sack, rolling each ball with her tongue.  He encouraged her as he slowly stroked his dick.  “Yeah, feel how heavy they are?  They’re full of cum that I made just for you, bitch.”  He pulled away from her mouth and held his cock in front of her.  “Lick that pre cum up.”  She stuck the tip of her tongue out to taste the drop of his liquid in his cum slit.  He let out a low, guttural moan as he felt her wet tongue exploring the hole, trying to get as much of his nut as it could.  “Stroke it slowly and lick it every time you see some cum.”  She wrapped her fist around his 9 inch cock and stroked it.  She got more and more excited as the hot, thick member twitched in her hand.  As soon as she saw a bead of liquid form at the tip, her tongue immediately left the confines of her mouth and scooped it up into her mouth.  Soon she was using her thumb to spread the steady stream around his cock head and shaft.  When it was lubricated enough, she stroked it faster.

            He couldn’t take it anymore.  He pulled his dick out of her grasp and grabbed the back of her head and her hair.  He rubbed the head and guided his dick towards her face.  “Open your mouth,” he calmly instructed her.  He gripped her hair tighter as he felt her hot breath on his member and stuffed it into her mouth.  He put it halfway into her mouth before she closed her lips around it.  “I better not feel your teeth slut.”  She heeded his warning and folded her lip s over her teeth to shield his sensitive flesh from them.  He pulled her head closer to his crotch and pushed into her mouth at the same time.  He felt his dick head slide down her throat and groaned when he saw a bulge below her chin when he looked down.  She swallowed and her throat muscles contracted on his cock.  He pulled out until just the head was on her tongue and thrust back in.  He began fucking her face and she swirled her tongue around him concentrating so that she wouldn’t choke.  “Yeah, swallow my dick you slut!  I know you like it.  You can’t get enough of this thick cock!”  His gaze bore down on the top of her head as he pumped into her wanting to douse her throat with his cum.  “Rub my balls.”  She took the heavy sack into her hand and pulled gently at the skin as he fucked her.  She began squeezing it softly, trying to make him cum quicker so that he could finish fucking her throat.  Her jaws were sore and her throat was feeling sore too from his abuse.  With her free hand, she reached around his thigh and began playing with his ass hole.  He thrust hard into her mouth and her nose slammed against his pubic hair as the cum came gushing through his shaft.  She kept squeezing his balls as she felt them pulse with every load he shot down her throat.  “Swallow it all trick!  I don’t wanna see one drop out of your mouth or on my dick.”  She swallowed as fast as she could but still, the cum filled her cheeks.  She began to feel afraid that she wouldn’t be able to hold it all until, finally, his cock stopped spurting and she swallowed the remainder of his seed.  He sighed “Aaaaah,” every time he felt her swallow, her throat contracting against his spent penis.  “Clean it.”  She sucked and licked around his softening cock adding to the amount of cum that was already making its way into her stomach.  When she was finished, he slid out of her mouth and commanded her to stand up.  Tucking his organ back into his pants and underwear, he grabbed her by the hair to make her stand up quicker.

            He turned her around, directing her to the guest bedroom.  “Since you played with my ass, I’m gonna play with yours too,” he said with an evil smile as he kneaded her ass cheeks roughly.  “Later, though.  For now, I want you to meet my friends.”  When he opened the door she saw three well-built men sitting around the room talking.  Two were white (one blond and one with brown hair) and the last one was black.  They immediately stopped their conversation and looked at her with pure hunger in their eyes.  “Welcome to dinner.  Guess what’s cooking?” Mark laughed.  “Take your clothes off,” he demanded as the other three stood up and began making their way toward her.

            “Mark, please…I can’t do this.  I just came for you, I—“he silenced her with a hard slap to her bottom.  She bit her lip to keep from crying out.  “When I tell you to do something, you do it, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!”  She nodded yes as he rubbed the hot flesh where he had stung her.  “Come over here and get this bitch naked.”  The three men came to her, smiling, and began to touch her body.  The blond one grabbed both breasts through her top and began fondling them roughly.  The black man went around to her butt and began kneading it in between his rough hands, letting go every now and then to give her cheeks a slap.  The brown-headed one stood off to her side and demanded her to kiss him.  He leaned in towards her mouth and invaded it with his tongue.  Her body was tense as these three men man-handled her body and she became even stiffer when she felt Mark’s hands cupping her pussy and squeezing.

            The blond unbuttoned the first two buttons of her blouse, became impatient, and ripped the rest of the shirt open, exposing her braless tits and bare stomach.  He eyed her healing nipples, noting that they were hard.  “Hey, I think this slut likes being treated like this!  We’re gonna have some fun tonight with you, slut.”  He began kneading and squeezing her breasts in each hand and pinching her nipples roughly as the black guy unbuttoned her pants.  She gasped with every twist and pinch and only barely heard when he commanded her to step out of them.  Mark’s hand returned to her shaved pussy and he began pinching her pussy lips and pulling them away from her body.  At the same time, the blond (she later found out his name was Dean, the brown-head was Josh, and the black guy was Michael) began pulling her by the nipples, causing her to thrust her chest towards him and push her ass back into Michael’s hands.  Mike worked his middle finger into her tight pussy and withdrew it, lubricating her ass hole with her cum.  He repeated it over and over before pushing his thumb into her puckered hole.  Josh was still invading her mouth with his tongue when she felt his cock rubbing her thigh.  It was hot and it was trailing liquid onto her smooth skin.  She figured he must have been stroking it.

            “Grab my cock,” he whispered into her mouth.  She did as she was told, fearing punishment and she gripped it hard just as Mike pushed his thumb further into her and began reaming her bottom in and out with it.  She spread Josh’s cum around his head and began slowly stroking his large head.  He groaned as he got even harder and pushed his dick more into her hand.  Dean began sucking her nipples hard as he unbuttoned his pants and stepped out of them revealing that he had no underwear on.  She was beginning to believe that none of the three had any on.  Josh moved away from her mouth and soon the two white men were sucking on her nipples, roughly nibbling on them and pulling them into their mouths, stretching them out.  Michael’s thumb vacated her ass and Mark’s fingers stopped pulling at her pussy as they both undressed themselves hurriedly.

            Mark moved away from the group and sat down on a chair across the room, slowly stroking his member back to life.  The three men led her to the bed and the burning sensation in her nipples intensified momentarily as she remembered the other night’s activities and the nipple clamps.  “No clamps tonight, little one,” Mark said, as if reading her mind, “Today we’re going to abuse your body without toys.  And you’re going to enjoy it, whether you like it or not.”  He laughed at his little joke as his three friends laid her on her back and stood around the bed, stroking their cocks and waiting for his next instructions.  “Dean, play with this bitch’s cunt.  Josh and Michael, give her nipples a little bit of attention.  Tatiana, you’re not allowed to cum until I tell you to.  I might not let you until much later.  Each guy gets three minutes to touch your pussy.  Whoever makes you cum can have their way with your body however they please for five minutes.  You get a one minute break to calm down in between men.  I suggest that you put your mind far from here because when these guys take possession of your body, they really take possession.  And they’re not the type to take good care of their toys.”  He winked and she whimpered as Dean began running his finger up and down her stomach waiting for Mark to give him the word to start.

            She closed her eyes and thought about every unpleasant thing she could imagine, but her mind went blank as soon as she felt him run a finger up her wet slit and circle her clit.  The two at her head dipped their fingers into their pre cum and began rubbing her nipples with it and “accidentally” brushing their cock heads against her moist lips.  She gasped as he increased the pressure on her clit and placed his finger into her hole.  He pistoned one finger in and out of her as he rubbed circles around her clit, trying to make her give in.  She looked down her body to where his cock waited, twitching with anticipation.  He rubbed her clit faster and Michael placed more of his cum on her tit and flicked the nipple back and forth, trying to get her body to yield to them.  She kept her eyes open and looked at the ceiling, concentrating on the little grooves that had been formed onto it.  She felt her pussy betraying her, however, as Dean pushed her further and further to the edge.  Her hips were twitching every few seconds and she could feel more blood rushing into her clit and lips.  She began breathing out of her mouth and grabbed onto both of her nipple stimulators’ thighs, digging her fingernails into their flesh just as she heard a voice say, “Stop!”  Dean’s fingers immediately left her crotch and she lay there, breathing heavily, still grasping both Josh and Michael’s thighs as they reluctantly removed their hands from her nipples.  “You have one minute, and then they’re going to switch counterclockwise.  Breath.  Relax.  Better yet…panic.”

            “She closed her eyes and concentrated on slowing her breathing down as the three athletic-looking men switched places with Michael at her feet.  She could hear them stroking their cocks as her mouth dried with each intake of air.  Dean leaned forward until his penis was above her mouth and her eyes shot open as a stream of his pre cum fell onto her lips and tongue.  He wiped the last drop from his cock on her cheek and smirked at her, daring her to protest.  She flinched.  Waiting for Mark gave the word for the next player to begin; he grabbed her right breast hard and forced his cock closer to her face.  “You’re gonna be suckin’ this dick and callin’ out my name before we’re through here, so you’d better start liking him.”  With that he began rubbing her lips with it until the order to begin was given.

            Dean and Josh pinched and twisted her nipples, but not very harshly, as Michael circled her clit with his middle finger applying great pressure after every few revolutions.  She shuddered and gasped with pleasure as the three men tried to coax her body into releasing for them.  Her pussy felt impossibly wet as Michael ran his other fingers all around, exploring her folds, brushing against all the sensitive and ticklish spots he could find.  Her gasps turned into moans and she felt her legs twitching as his fingers continued their exploration of her parts.  She felt as if little men were dancing on her pussy lips and clit.  She gritted her teeth and began bucking her hips to escape his intruding fingers, trying her best to keep him from touching her clit.  Michael began to get angry and slapped his hand down on her stomach, keeping her hips in place, but just as he did, they heard the command: “Stop!  Switch.”  He removed himself from in between her legs and growled at her as he took his place on the right side of her head.  Slapping her with his massive dick, he needed to say no words; his eyes gave her all the warning she needed.  She opened her mouth and received his black throbbing member and he slowly but deeply fucked her mouth as Mark counted one minute for her to calm down.  The others said nothing, only watched as they stroked their straining cocks.  Mike pulled out when he felt his balls contract and tightly squeezed the base, quarantining his sperm for the time being.  She took her attention away from his closed eyes when she felt the head of Josh’s dick rubbing her cunt.  He dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her leg as she opened her mouth to announce his invasion of her free minute.  Instead, she hissed with pain as he squeezed harder, bruising the sensitive skin.  She softly whispered no, no, no as he agitated her clit, barely moving, his movements imperceptive to Mark where he was sitting across the room.

            “Begin!” he shouted when the minute was over.  The three Adonises immediately dropped down to their knees and began using their tongues on her helpless body.  Mike squeezed her right tit roughly as he flicked his tongue over the nipple, occasionally sucking it into his mouth and moaning against it as Dean sucked and bit the other.  Josh, at her pussy began a relentless assault on her clit with his long tongue.  She screamed as he sucked it into his mouth and softly nibbled on it, forcing her hips upwards, pushing her pussy harder against his face.  He took the opportunity to hold her up in that position with one hand propped up under her ass and with the other he began to finger her rim.  Her hips began to buck, involuntarily this time, as she groaned out his name, repeating it unconsciously encouraging him.  “Don’t cum, bitch, you’d better hope you don’t cum!  Thirty seconds!” Mark announced.  It only made the three men work harder on Tatiana.  Michael and dean sucked harder at her nipples and kneaded her breasts in their hands.  Michael reached up with one hand and began slowly squeezing her neck, cutting off more and more air to her lungs.  The lack of air intensified the pleasure on her clit.  Josh pushed his finger into her ass hole and she began screaming his name louder, begging for him to stop.  His tongue was a blur as he flicked it back and forth over her sensitive pussy and his bottom lip rubbed seductively on her cunt lips as she fought against her body.  She turned her head towards Mark only to see him stroking his long cock with his strong fist and groaned as her muscles went rigid, her ass clamping down on Josh’s finger.  It seemed like an eternity as she realized what was happening to her body and what would happen to her body when it was over before an orgasm swept all thoughts away from her mind.  She screamed every time her vagina spasmed, her body undulating with pleasure as she came.  The pent up pressure from Josh, Dean, and Mike’s work spilled out in the form of energy through her cunt.  They watched her body hungrily, staring at her abs as they contracted.  Her body shook with the force of every spasm and it felt like a long time before she laid back, her muscles limp and her forehead and hair damp and shiny from sweat as her orgasm subsided.  The three men didn’t stop licking, sucking, choking and biting until she was barely breathing, indicating that she was through.  Josh stood up at the end of the bed by her feet, a triumphant smile on his face.

            Mark stood up, slowly and walked over to where Josh was celebrating.  Tatiana didn’t notice; her eyes were closed and her mind had blanked out, a mild form of sensory overload, we could say, halfway shutting her body down for a short period.  “Congratulations, Josh.  You made this slut cum good.  I knew she’d give in eventually, she loves this shit.  I’m disappointed in you two, though,” he said, glowering at Michael and Dean, “I prepped her up for you guys real good and you couldn’t get her to release.  I’m this close to kicking you out right now.”  The two losers looked away, their straining cocks standing up before them.  “As for you, Josh, you’ll get your five minutes with this whore.  But first, I’ve got to deflower her.  She’s mine and what she has is mine to take.”  Tatiana’s eyes lazily opened and drifted in Mark’s direction as he mounted the bed in between her legs, his dick at her entrance.  “She’s plenty wet already, this should be easy for me,” he announced as he plunged into her pussy.  She gasped when he hit her cervix and so did he.  She because of his girth and he because of the quickness with which it happened.  He stayed still, breathing hard as her pussy still twitched around his cock before he realized the reason why he had plunged in so easily.  He pulled out, staring furiously at her as he pulled his right arm across his chest and backhanded her as hard as he could.  She screamed as he yelled into her face “You cunt!  Whose dick did you fuck?!   Your virginity was mine!  I OWN YOU!!!” he finished with another smack to the other side of her face and he began to fuck her hard and fast as tears came streaming down her eyes.  He slammed his massive cock into her body over and over, not letting up and filling her pussy with himself as she whimpered and cried, saliva dripping out of her mouth and down her cheeks.  He pulled out and quickly flipped her body over grabbing onto her breasts as he forced his way into her pussy again, using her tits as handles to fuck her even harder.  She screamed and buried her head into a pillow as he pummeled her hole, praying that he would cum soon and be finished with her.  She never wanted Tim more than she did now and she cried as her face rubbed against her own sweet, tears, and spit, his thrusts rocking the bed causing the headboard to slam against the wall repeatedly.  He began to tire and his thrusts came slower and less hard as he tried to coax his dick into cumming in her cavern.  He slapped her ass, hard, as he pushed as deep as he could, the head of his cock pushing through her cervix.  He pulled his dick out quickly and placed it at the entrance to her ass.  “No, please don’t!” she begged as he began working the head into her tight sphincter.  “If I can’t have your virgin cunt, then I’m gonna take your ass.  You should’ve thought about this before you went and fucked someone else, you whore.”  By the time he finished his sentence, his head poked through her rim and he plunged forward, stretching her tightest hole as she screamed out in pain, clawing at the headboard, trying to reach anything that would help her pull herself out of his grasp.

            “Hold her!” he demanded and his three minions grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her head back down to the pillow on her cheek.  Mark assaulted her ass, his thrusts lubricated by her juices on his cock and blood.  When he felt his cum began to rush from his balls, he pulled out of her ass and stuffed her pussy again.  “I’m gonna give you a baby tonight, bitch!” and he gritted his teeth against any sound as he pumped load after load of hot sperm straight into her cervix.  When he was spent, he came around the bed pushing Dean out of the way and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head up out of the pillow.  “Clean it, trick.”  With that, he pushed her mouth onto his softening cock.  She sucked it hard in between sobs, cleaning off not only her cum and his cum, but her blood as well.  Her body and mind were numb as Josh mounted her and took his five minutes with her.  She didn’t even notice the other two when their turns came.  Even Michael, whose dick was wider and longer than Mark’s caused her to feel nothing.  All three of them came in her pussy at least twice and Dean came in her mouth after fucking it while Mike fucked her cunt.  She tasted nothing as she swallowed his liquid.  They each petted and stroked her forehead and stomach when they left the room.  Dean stopped to whisper in her ear before he left:  “See, I told you you’d like it, you didn’t even complain when I filled your mouth with my sperm.  You even remembered to chew before you swallowed,” he laughed at his crude joke as he left, nodding to Mark who was again sitting across the room.  He had put slacks on and now walked towards the bed where Tatiana lay still, barely breathing, her right leg twitching.

            “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his fingers running over her fleshy calf where he eyed the bruise Josh had given her.  He ran his fingers up the inside of her thigh and lightly touched her vagina which was oozing out her juice and the cum of four men.  She winced gingerly as he explored her battered pussy, and lifted her butt to peer at her ass hole looking for any damage that might need serious attention.  Finding nothing, but a little bit of dried blood he wiped the cum on a clean spot on the bed sheet and continued sliding his hand up her belly and over her breasts.  The nipples and the globes were bruised again and a little puffy, but nothing more serious than what had occurred the last time she was with him.  He lightly passed his fingers over one and watched her tense up and gasp before moving on.  He squatted down and peered at her neck, lifting her chin when he noticed the bruises Michael caused while he choked her.  He growled softly, angry that one of them could toy with her life like that and he kissed each bruise gently.  He tried to kiss her cheek and she flinched away, whimpering unable or unwilling to speak.  “Ta,” he whispered as he rubbed her stomach.  “Ta…” again.  “I’m so sorry.  I just wanted it to be some harmless fun, but I got angry.  I just…I wanted your virginity so bad and when I found out you still hadn’t had sex, I thought it was mine.  I got a little caught up in my fantasy.  He kissed her chest as his own tears began to flow from his eyes onto her soft skin.  “And I’m sorry about the bruises on your leg and your neck.  I swear I’ll find out who did them and they’ll get what they deserve.  None of them were supposed to hurt you, they were only supposed to pleasure you into cumming, but I wanted it to only look as if you were actually serving them.  Again…my anger.  I fucked up.  And I swear to you that nothing like this will ever happen again, baby.”  He looked up at her, sobbing now:  “Ta, please forgive me.  You know I would never do anything to purposely hurt you, I don’t—“he was interrupted by a sob and he laid his head back on her chest.  She lifted her arm and placed her hand on his head, running her fingers through his hair.  Her own tears stopped as she reminisced about moments when she would touch his hair as they talked about their deepest secrets.  He closed his eyes as she massaged his scalp, but stood up suddenly as a thought occurred to him.  Looking down at where their cum oozed from her pussy, he panicked.  “Oh shit!”  He ran to the bathroom connected to the room and grabbed a towel and wetted it before brining it back to Tatiana.  He wiped her pussy as best he could while being gentle, but he could still see the thick white liquid at the entrance of her hole knowing that there was more inside, not to mention the load he had deposited straight into her womb.  There was nothing he could do so he said the only thing he could:  “I’ll take care of it if you get pregnant.  I swear I will.”

            She took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling with relief and told him:  “I’m on the pill.  I’m not gonna get pregnant.”  He stroked her forehead and sat down on the bed next to her body as she drifted off to sleep.  After he took a shower, he returned to her, fully clothed and smelling fresh.  She woke up as he lifted her off the bed and carried her towards the bathtub.  He had drawn a hot bath with gentle soap already in the water.  He slowly lowered her into the tub, letting her get used to the hot water.  She felt completely relaxed as the heat penetrated her muscles, melting them.  He reached into the tub to massage her shoulders with soapy hands and she moaned while he worked any tautness left in them and the muscles in her back.  He must’ve learned something else in Chicago, she thought as he kneaded the muscles like a professional.  “Where did you learn to give massages like that?” she inquired before she let out another moan.  He replied, “I had to work as a masseuse to make ends meet and pay for tuition while I was up there.  Now be quiet and relax.  No talking.”  When he was finished, she laid back against the wall of the tub her body all the way underneath the semi-clear water except for her head.  “Is there anywhere else you need massaged?” he asked, reluctant to leave her.  “My thighs and calves,” she answered, “I went jogging longer than normal this morning.”  He lifted her right leg over the tub wall as he squeezed more soap out onto his hand.  He rubbed his hands up and down her leg, paying special attention to her calf.  It was firm but somehow soft at the same time to his touch.  He marveled at her long leg as he touched it and he slid his hand up to her thigh.  The flesh here was even softer and it jiggled a little as he kneaded the muscles, begging them to relax and leave his little slave at peace.  She sighed with her head back and her eyes closed as he slid higher, only three inches from the center of her pleasure.  He was about to move to the other leg when she told him, “You don’t have to go to the other leg…if you don’t want to.”  He understood and he slid his hand back up the other thigh and stopped with his middle finger at her folds.  He gently rubbed her pussy’s lips as she sighed.  They were still a little slippery with cum, but most of it had washed away with the water and soap in the tub.  She pushed her hips up, begging him to touch her clit and he obliged.  She pinched and rubbed her hard nipples as he slowly rubbed her clit, being careful not to touch the sensitive hole where the men had fucked her.  It did not take long for her to cum.  She felt her body tighten then relax as his hand left her body and he kissed her forehead.  As her breathing slowed and her eyes were still closed, he began to speak:  “I know that it’s probably too late to say this, given that you’ve given your virginity to this guy you’re with but…I want you to know that I always loved you.  I loved you in high school, I loved you while I was in Chicago, and I still love you now.  And I’m happy for you because apparently you’ve found love without me, but I’m sad for me because now I’m miserable.  I know I shouldn’t have left you.”  And with that, he left the restroom, closing the door behind him.































































It Was Going to Happen Anyway

punkguy on Ethnic Stories

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved 

They met back in high school. It was the mid 1990’s and it was very common to see black men dating white women in their school. It was the latest thing, almost like a clothing fad.

Marc was extremely attracted to Lexi. Her hair was poorly bleached blonde, she wore too much lip stick, her clothes showed too much flesh, she had a tongue piercing, and her butt was thick and luscious. In other words, she had the sex appeal of slut.

She dated black men strictly all throughout high school, which is why everyone was surprised when she somehow ended up with Marc. It was his thuggish features that attracted he

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r to him. He often wore a sporty goatee with close cropped hair (sometimes bald) and he had a muscular, but not overdeveloped, body.

His personality was attractive. He was one of the few handsome men who wasn’t so full of himself that it was impossible to get along with him. He was just a cool, good-looking guy who’d managed to do what no other white man could—win Lexi’s heart.

They say you never stray too far from your roots. In Lexi’s case, they were right.

Marc knew she was attracted to his friend, Sean, the moment he introduced them. Sean fit the description of what she looked for in a man. He was black, well-built, well-hung, tall, charming, and a good dresser.

The signs were there. Lexi’s personality changed when he was around. She wasn’t as silly. She was more laid back and sensual.

He caught her stealing glances at him whenever they got together to play cards. She sat next to him at the movies. She spent a lot of time making small talk with him, but the tell-tell sign was the way she acted when she got drunk around him. She’d look at him like he was a piece of meat. She often sat slouching on the couch with her legs wide open staring at him with lust in her eyes. Then she’d notice what she was doing and close them up.

Sometimes she’d lean on him for support, look up at him, and her face would go blank. She’d take a deep breath as the temptation to kiss him passed through her mind. Then she’d separate from him and move on to something else not realizing the way she wore her emotions on her sleeve. She really thought she had everybody fooled.

Marc knew she wanted him and Sean knew it too, which was making it twice as hard. Sean had a liking for white women, especially white women with asses like Lexi’s. It was thick and ripe, juicy enough to make any black woman envy her.

It got to the point that he was afraid to leave the two of them alone together. Not that Marc was the jealous type, but he didn’t like the idea of his best friend fucking his girlfriend unless he got something out of it too.

But Marc was realistic above all else. The attraction was too strong. It was going to happen eventually regardless of how hard he tried to stop it so he made plans for everybody to get what they wanted.

He invited Sean over and told him to make sure he brought a date with him, somebody who would be willing to fuck them both.

Sean looked confused at first, but when Marc explained that Lexi had already agreed to having a four way group fuck, Sean quickly changed his attitude. He’d had visions of fucking Lexi and jacking off in her face for a long time now.

It was Saturday night. Everyone met at Marc’s house and went straight to the couch. Sean sat between the girls with his arms around them.

Damn, the girls were dressed to impress! Lexi was wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes that rode nicely into the crack of her thick, white ass, showing off the fleshy mounds on the sides. She was wearing a lime green bra shirt that showed off her sexy belly and medium sized tits.

The black girl had Marc’s cock throbbing from the moment he laid eyes on her. She had a big ass too, and the clothes she wore made it seem more scrumptious.

It was a pink stripper’s outfit that showed a lot of flesh and left nothing to the imagination. It was like she had pink and brown skin and she was sitting there naked. That’s how close it fit.

She’d pulled the part that covered her rear end inside her ass, which left a lot of the fleshy parts on the sides exposed. Between that and the sexy way she wiggled her rump and smiled at him, Marc had forgotten all about his girlfriend.

The couch could only hold three people so Marc sat on the chair across from them.

“What’s up guys?” asked Marc.

Sean looked up, said, “What’s up?”

“How ya going?”

“Just chillin’ with two lovely ladies.”

Marc made a joke about the black girls’ boots. They looked like they were made of patent leather, but that wasn’t the interesting part. They were really long and looked out of place with the skimpy pink clothes she wore.

“This is a very good butt day,” said Marc after he was done joking with the black girl.

“A serious butt day,” Sean confirmed.

“Seriously, seriously nice. So, who are you?” Marc asked the black girl.

“I’m Delicious.”

“Delicious? Yeah, I know that, but what’s your name?”

She laughed a bit, then Marc remembered that he’d seen this girl at one of the strip clubs that he Sean had been to, which would explain why she had the outfit.

“Delicious Milano?” he asked.

“That’s right.”

“Any relation to Allisa from Who’s The Boss?”

“No, she’s only a quarter Italian,” joked Dee (Dee is what people called her) as if she was all Italian.

Marc turned to his girlfriend, said, “Lexi Leigh.”

“Hi,” she said.

“Hey Lexi, wanna get laid?” he joked.

“Yeah, I do,” she said quite seriously as Sean slapped her on her ass.

“We’ll take care of that, but ya know, I really must…must …see these two butts. What do you say?”

The girls stood up and turned around. Lexi stood with her legs together and bent over slightly, which caused her Daisy Dukes to ride further into her ass.

Dee did the same thing except her pink shorts were already deep in her black ass. Now that she was in this position, her long boots looked right at home on her scantily dressed body. It added to her sex appeal tremendously.

The girls stood by each other with their asses on display for about a full minute. They moved them slowly, giving them a slight twist here and an up turn there.

Marc was having a hard time keeping control of himself. Seeing the ladies in this compromising position was making his stomach quiver and his cock twitch in his pants.

“Sean, you get to warm them up, but I get to tap their asses.”

Sean laughed and said, “Deal.”

He stood and motioned the ladies to bend over the couch. Now he understood why Marc had such a lust on his face a few seconds ago. They did look really good bent over like that. He fondled both of them by groping all over their asses and sliding his hands along their slits.

“Don’t mind me; I’m just getting personal,” he said to Lexi, who was watching him over her shoulder. She’d wanted this for such a long time.

He and Marc were talking about something, but she had no idea what. She was too lost in herself. She felt Sean’s lips connect with her ass, then release and touch her shoulder. She felt his finger wiggling under the lining of her shorts, trying to get to her wetness as Sean kissed Dee’s back and ass.

She let out a barely audible moan and slowly grinded her body against his finger, which had slipped inside her special place.

“Take those shorts off,” marc commanded, and she did so. Everything else came off with it and Dee followed behind her.

Now that there were two naked big-bootied women before him, Sean dropped his pants and Lexi’s eyes damned near popped out of her head when she saw how much cock he had for her.

The rumors didn’t do him justice. Sean’s cock was huge.

She fell to her knees and started sucking him. Dee jerked his cock in her mouth, causing it to stiffen as she slurped it. She pulled it from Lexi’s mouth and closed her lips around it herself.

Sean moaned and grunted as he looked down and watched them passing his dick between them taking turns trying to suck the melanin off of it.

Lexi pushed him onto the couch and straddled him. She slowly eased onto his throbbing prick and grit her teeth as she felt it stretching her pussy to its limits.

This was the last slow movement she made all night, because as soon as he was fully inside, some kind of animalistic lust took control of her. She started bouncing rapidly on his cock. Her pussy got wetter as the minutes passed by and after a while she was soaking wet and gushing all over his dick.

Sean didn’t know how much more he could take. She was so tight and Dee was making it harder because she was licking cock, pussy, ass, and whatever else came in touch with her lips.

It was all Sean could do to keep from blowing his load. Luckily Marc came to his rescue. Apparently their freak show had gotten him aroused too.

He pulled Lexi to the floor and stuffed his cock in her mouth for a few minutes so she could get it rock hard with those vacuum jaws of hers. Then he tossed her aside and went straight to Dee.

With an ass like hers, there was only one way to fuck. She put her face on the loveseat, arched her back, and gasped as she felt Marc’s big white cock burrowing into her from behind.

Meanwhile, Lexi was spread eagle on the couch. She was the one who looked delicious lying there like that. Her pierced breasts had sexily fallen into place. Her belly was flat and had a sexy crease up the middle. Her pussy was juicy and covered in peach fuzz, and made loud swishing sounds every time Sean pushed his meaty pole into it.

She kept licking her lips while she stared yearningly at him. Her tongue ring was catching reflections of light, drawing more attention to it, making him think of the way it felt on his dick earlier.

The girls had the living room filled with the sounds of their screaming and the smell of horny pussy had spread throughout the room.

These girls were some really good fucks, but the evening was about to get a lot sweeter. They traded sex partners and Marc slipped his cock in Lexi’s ass.

Lexi closed her eyes with her thick thighs raised high and fingered her clit while Dee teased her nipples. The space in her ass was a lot tighter than her pussy so she had to get used to the pain.

Now it was Sean who was slamming Dee’s cunt from the back. His cock was thicker than Marc’s and it was what she was used to, so her screams and orgasms came more often. She kept her attention on Lexi and Marc while her head was bucking from Sean’s deep thrusts into her snatch.

Sean was getting close to climax, but he didn’t want to cum unless it was in Lexi’s face. He’d waited too long for this moment to waste it.

He made Dee get on her knees and signaled for Marc to get out of Lexi’s ass so she could do the same.

The guys started masturbating their horny cocks in the girls’ faces. They sat with their eyes wide and anxious with anticipation knowing that at any second their pretty faces would be covered in cum.

Marc started moaning and then his cock exploded sending sticky spoo flying across Dee’s face and hair. Sean moaned as he felt a burn stream up his penis and erupt into Lexi’s face.

“Oh, fuck,” they shouted as they jerked every spec of seamen from their spent shafts.

The girls would let the cum slide into their mouths and then push it onto their lips and smear it around with their tongues. Dee started sucking Marc’s cock and smeared a little of it around the cock head before she sucked it back into her mouth.

Lexi did the same. Sean let out a loud cry when he felt her strong jaws sucking at his sensitive cock head.

Once his orgasm subsided, Sean smiled at Marc and said, “Thank you once again, Mr. Davis.” He looked at the girls and said, “Ladies?”

They were expecting some kind of sexy response, but Dee screamed, “It’s in my eye,” and Lexi yelled, “It’s in my nose,” so the evening ended with everyone laughing their asses off.

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved

Tish and the Winter storm

John2003 on Ethnic Stories

Winter storm and Tish


While I was working in my office at home I noticed it had begun to snow pretty hard. It was unusual for they are I live in and I clicked on the TV to see what was up on the news. They predicted 8 to 10 inches. That was sure to shut our city down for at least a day or so, these southern folks had no clue about snow. I figured I better hit the grocery store across the street from my condo.


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0pt">I grabbed some beer and other goodies and headed to the check out. I smiled as I saw Lahtesha was on the register. She preferred Tish over her real name. She had told me her parents went overboard on the black name thing to me once before and she really hated her name. Tish had a dark complexion and was just over five feet tall. Tish had a nice butt, full chest and the rest I could not tell in her red uniform top and black slacks.


Secretly I had a bit of a crush on her for a while, but she was far younger than me being just 26 and probably would never consider any involvement with a white guy over 50. Tish and I had talked to each other over the past two years since I moved into my place. Many an occasion we had sat out front of the store on a bench during her break and smoked cigarettes together. We smiled at each other as she rang out the woman ahead of me.


Tish made change and thanked the lady ahead of me. “Hey Mary! Can you put my closed sign up. Break time and I need a smoke.” She greeted me. “This weather is really getting bad.” She added. “Yeah, you all going to close early?” I answered. “Yeah, but I may have a problem, my sister will probably not want to pick me up. She is worried about the snow and ice. I may have to try a cab or something.” Tish said as she rang my stuff.


“I am on break after you, want to have a smoke outside?” she asked. “Sure. I will be glad to.” I said. She got my goods bagged and smiled. I went outside. The snow was really getting heavy by now. I could hardly see my building 200 feet away. Tish was soon next to me and lighting her smoke. “Damn, I don’t know what I am to do. This storm has really screwed me.” She said frustrated.


“Hey, I know it is forward, but you can hang out at my place till it let’s up.” I said. Tish was quiet and then said, “I don’t want to put you out.” I assured her it was not a problem. If it got really bad she could stay in my second bedroom for the night. Tish’s small face got a funny look. “I don’t know, can I call you?” she asked with a bit of nervousness. “Sure.” I said as I gave her my number.


She butted her smoke and frustrated, rolled her eyes and went back into the store. I headed home hoping she would be fine, but held no expectations over her calling. Around the phone rang, it was Tish. ”Hi Marty, were you serious about the offer? My sister flat refuses to come get me because of the roads and I have no way home.” She said in a sad tone. “Sure, come on over. It is nice and warm and we can just chill. It is not a problem.” I assured her. “Okay. I am leaving now.” She said. “I will come down and let you in. “ I said.


I went down to the lobby and saw soon her emerge from the hard snow. Tish was carrying a few bags and only in her uniform covered with snow. I went out and grabbed them from her and we finally got to the apartment. “Thanks Marty, I am so sorry to put you out. I got you some extra beer and a bottle of wine for me. I need it!” She said as she dropped to my couch looking frustrated.


I put the items away and poured her some wine and grabbed a beer.  “Here ya go.” I said handing her the glass. Tish smiled and took a big gulp. “Thanks Marty.” She said and absently kissed me a thank you on the cheek. I could feel her sudden embarrassment at her action. I didn’t mind it at all. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, well I meant it a different way.” She said.  “We are good friends from the store and all, I feel I know you.” She continued rushed. “Tish, I am okay with it, and rather flattered. I will not wash my cheek.” I joked.


Tish was soaked from the melting snow. I could see her nipples hard and poking into the thin wet blouse she had on. “You look and wet. I have some dry sweats you can wear if you want.” I said concerned. “Are you sure, I am being such a burden on you now.” Tish replied. “No you’re not .” I said with a smile as I went to my bedroom and got the dry outfit for her. She was shivering a bit and thanked me.


“Can I impose a bit more? I really would like a hot bath or shower to get warmed up.” She asked me. “Sure, enjoy yourself.” I said. I pointed to the hall and said it is there on the left. “If you need anything, let me know.”  She smiled and took the sweats and her bag and headed to the bath. “Wow.” I heard her say. “You have a huge tub!” she said as I heard her start the water and the door close.


The previous owner of the condo had taken out a small linen closet and installed a large triangular shaped tub in the bath.  It was good sized, deep and big enough for almost three people. I had added a small stereo and TV in there to enjoy on the times I soaked my old bones in the tub. I figured at 51, I deserved a bit of luxury.


I sipped my beer and watched the TV for a while as Tish enjoyed a hot bath. I heard her call out from down the hall. “Marty, can you do me a favor? I hate to be a pain, but can you bring my wine in and maybe my smokes.” I called back, “Sure.”  Now I was a bit nervous. She was in my tub naked and asked me to bring her a drink and such. I poured a fresh wine and headed to the bathroom.


Nervously I carried the glass and tapped on the door. “Its okay, come in.” Tish said from inside. I entered and she was lounged back deep in the tub with bubbles all over. “I hope you don’t mind, but a tub this size means a bubble bath.” She said smiling as I grabbed the ashtray from the cabinet and set her wine and cigarettes down. Tish had put the radio on low and looked very content in the bath.


She seemed a bit more relaxed now and told me to get my drink and come back and sit next to the tub so we could chat a bit. I smiled and said okay. Soon I was leaning on the wall beside her in the tub and we enjoyed a drink and smoke. As much as I didn’t want it, or maybe did, my cock was half erect imaging what she looked like under the suds.


I got Tish a refill and could hear her refreshing the tub with more hot water. As I came into the bath she was settling back in the tub. I caught a brief glimpse of her breasts. They were nice and round and her dark areoles and nipples jutted from them. She seemed unconcerned over the brief exposure. I sat back down and we talked more.


After a bit I said I needed a fresh drink and then when she was done. I needed a shower. Tish smiled. “Are you coming back in as I finish here?” she said. “If you want.” I responded as I headed out. I came back in and sat down. Tish was starting to wash her hair. I got brave. “Do you want me to do that?” I asked. Tish stopped and looked at me. “I uh, uh…never had a man do that. You sure?” she said apprehensively.


“Sure, I’d enjoy it.” I said. Tish turned and faced away from me as I lathered her scalp. Her hair was soft and thick in my fingers. From my position behind her I could see the swell of her breasts under her arms as she enjoyed my fingers gently cleaning her hair and messaging her scalp. “I may have to come over here more often and let you do this. It is so nice.” She said with a small laugh as I rinsed the suds from her head with the hand spray.


“Anytime.” I joked as I applied her cream rinse and worked it into her hair. I rinsed her hair again and leaned back. “There ya go.” I said as I readied to leave and let her finish bathing. “Can I wash yours?” She said quietly. I was a bit puzzled and looked at her as she turned to me sitting up a bit. She was no longer hidden, but exposed from just below her dark firm breasts up in the deep tub. “I know you want a shower or bath too.” She said with a sly smile.


I was spellbound. “Well, can I do it?” she urged. I finally said, “I guess so if you want.” Tish had really caught me off guard. “Well, get your clothes off and get in here.” She said boldly and with a laugh. “I know what black ones look like, I never seen a white one, can’t be too different. Besides I am not embarrassed. I feel we both have a bit of attraction going on, let’s enjoy it and ourselves.” She said. I rose to my knees trying to make myself relax. I wanted to very much crawl in the tub with Tish.


Before I could move more Tish was pulling my sweatshirt off and fumbling with my jeans. I just looked at her as she undressed me while sitting in the tub. As she pulled my jeans down my half and growing cock sprang out. Tish stared at it for a moment. “Well, get in.” she then said. I kicked my jeans free and now naked stepped into the hot water beside her. “You okay?” she asked. I told her yes and grabbed my beer. I needed a drink bad now.


Soon I was sitting facing away from Tish between her legs as she wet and lathered what hair I had left. By now my cock was harder than hell. She had one of her legs over mine and I could feel her pubic patch pressed to my lower back as she washed and rinsed my hair. Tish then washed my back and arms. “Turn around, let my get the rest of you.” She said softly.


Never did I expect this with her, but I was not going to bitch. Just being nude in the tub with her made my day. I turned and she slid up between my legs. Tish washed my shoulders and chest. The look on her face was relaxed and pleased. I felt her take the washcloth and stroke my stomach and thighs. Then I felt her reach to my crotch. Tish now stared to me as she gently stoked my balls and the underside of my now very hard cock.


I had to kiss her now. I leaned over and pressed my lips to hers. She willingly responded parting her lips and kissing back fully. Tish’s hand gripped my shaft and she slowly stoked me. I reached behind her head and pulled her to me as I lightly cupped her breast with my other hand. Tish sighed light as I touched her. Her nipple was rock hard in my palm as we shared our tongues. I had not been intimate with a black woman in years and I was very excited being in such close contact with her beautiful dark body.


Tish jerked me slow and firmly and pushed my hand to her crotch. “Finger me Marty. I really enjoy it a lot.” She gasped. I slowly pushed two fingers inside her pussy. Tish was tight and even in the water, very slick inside. Gently I pressed my thumb on her clit. She jerked a bit and I slowly rotated my thumb on her bud. For the next five minutes or so we masturbated each other.


Tish’s firm grip on me and the way she gently pulled my ball sack had me very hard and aroused. I really wanted to be inside her, but accepted this as perfect for an alternative. My body was getting tense. I was near ready to cum. Tish was breathing hard and had her eyes tightly closed. She had leaned her head back and had her mouth slightly open as I probed and stimulated her bud.


“Tish, you are going to make me cum.” I groaned. “I want you too.” She said softly as she looked into my eyes. I felt her grip tighten and stroke me a bit faster. “Get on your knees for me.” She said in passion. I lifted to my knees as she jerked and looked at my cock. “Oh Tish, I am almost there.” I groaned feeling my balls tighten. Tish suddenly leaned and took my cock in her mouth.


I felt her mouth lock on my shaft and she sucked me deep to her. That did it. As I held her shoulders I lost it. Looking down I watched her head move on my sex as I let my first burst go into her mouth. Tish swallowed and sucked harder on me as she gently squeezed my balls. My hips jerked hard as I completed cumming in her mouth. “Oh shit Tish, oh shit.” I moaned as I felt her mouth and tongue finish me off.


My legs were shaking a bit and I had to sit. Slowly I leaned away from her mouth. My cock made came free from her lips. As I sat back down in the warm water I saw Tish swallow again and smile at me. I leaned to her and kissed her deep. We stoked each others bodies as I came off my orgasm. “I owe you one.” I managed to finally say. We both leaned back facing each other. Tish lit two cigarettes and handed me one. We sipped our drinks looking at each other.


“I never expected that.” I said to her. “Marty, I have not been with a man in almost a year. I love making a man cum and wanted to put a smile on your face for you kindness to me tonight.“ she said. “Besides, I never have been with a white man. Have you been with a black girl before?” she asked me. “Yes, but years ago.” I said sipping my drink.


“Now that the ice is broken, let’s get outta here. I am getting shriveled from the water.” Tish said and tugged my cock a bit. We rinsed each other off and got out. We both dried each other off tenderly. I finally saw her pussy. She had her hair trimmed neatly to a small triangle over her mound. Tish’s outer lips were puffy and I could see her inner lips gently protruding from them, Tish had a big clit and I was now intent on having it between my lips later if possible.


Her body was nicely proportioned. Tish had a very tight stomach and nice full hips. He butt was not a bubble butt, but firm and round. I imagined my cock between those cheeks as I made love to her. Tish just put the oversized sweat top on and I grabbed a robe. There was no point in getting dressed again I felt. We finished up and headed to the couch.


I dried her hair as we enjoyed a smoke and drink with small talk. Finished she turned and sat cross legged facing me. There was no modesty between us now. The top barely covered her body from the waist down. I could see her little bush of hair and her pussy lips. To my surprise, my cock was getting hard again. Tish noticed it too and smiled.


She opened my robe and grasped me again. I reached between her legs and inserted two fingers into her. We stayed silent as we restarted the scene from the tub. I could see a light coating of her white cream begin to flow out over her pussy lips and my fingers. Tish was breathing harder, as was I now. Her hips rocked as I fingered her body. “Marty, can we go to your bed?” She said softly and kissed me. I didn’t say a word, but pulled my hand free from her soft pussy and took her hand.


Silently we moved to my bedroom. “Turn on the lights.” Tish said. “I want to see us making love.” I flipped the overhead on and she turned the night stand light on. Tish lay back and beckoned me to her. She pulled her top off as I dropped my robe on the chair. Now both naked I knelt between her spread legs. My cock was hard again, very hard. I hoped in a bit it would be inside her tight body.


I leaned my body over her and felt her hard nipples poke into my chest. Tish wrapped her arms around me and our mouths joined hard. Our tongues twirled together as we kissed and stroked over each other’s bodies. We rolled slow onto our sides facing each other. My hand gently tugged her nipple and moved over her stomach. She knew my target and spread her legs by lifting one up bent. I tugged her thick patch of dark pubic hair gently with my fingers as I passed over it.


My finger slip over her puffy outer lips and I could feel her wetness on her inner thighs and pussy. Gently I pressed my finger into her body. Tish hissed a bit and broke our kiss. I leaned down a bit and gently licked and nibbled her earlobe and neck. I pressed a second finger inside her and she put her hand over mine as I slowly moved the in and out of her. Tish’s nose faired as she breathed hard in passion.


Using my tongue moved over her neck and to her shoulder. I pulled myself up and moved down a bit. Using my other hand I grasped her right breast and put my lips over her erect nipple. Tish gasped and cradled my head as I suckled her. I could taste a bit of salt from her slowly perspiring body. I licked her nipples and gently bit her breast. Tish jumped a bit and gasped softly. My fingers inside and gently pleased her pussy.


Lifting her breast a bit I kissed and licked below it. I could feel Tish’s hips begin to moved and undulate slightly to my kissing and fingers. Soon I leaned lower and using both hand spread her pussy open. Sitting between her now wide spread legs I pushed my fingers deep inside her body. My fingers are fairly long and she was not that deep. I could feel her cervical bulge inside her. She jumped as I caressed it gently.


Her pussy was oozing white cream again and I used my left hand to spread it over her clit now jutting out like a small penis from its hiding place. Tish sucked her breath as I touched it gently. Slowly I rolled my hand over inside her and searched for that small ridge I knew would make her feel wonderful inside. As I did I gently rolled her clit in small circles with my thumb. Tish tensed as I hit the right spot and she grabbed my arm.


I watched her breasts shake lightly as her chest rose and fell nearly gasping. Tish’s hips were shaking as I hit her G-spot directly. I felt her vaginal muscles clamp on my hand as she made gasping sounds. Moving slightly I replaced my thumb with my lips. She jerked hard as I gently sucked her bud into my mouth and curled my fingers deep inside her. I watched her stomach ripple as I pleasured her body.


My cock was really hard and I could feel precum oozing from the tip. Tish gripped my head hard digging he long nails into my scalp as her body shook in front of me. I could taste her juices and my chin was growing soaked with her love juices. Tish began to tremble much harder now. She was making choking sounds and moaning deeply. “Oh God!” she blurted loudly as her hips jumped off the bed. She squeezed my body tight with her legs and dug harder into my head.


“Oh, oh oooooooooh!” She squealed as she twisted her body. Tish jerked for a while and held her breath. I knew she had cum and pretty hard. My hand was drenched and she pushed my face away from her clit. I gently bit and nibbled her inner thighs as she breathed hard. I could see a sheen on her body from her orgasm. She lay motionless for a while and then smiled up to me.


Not saying a word she reached to me and pulled me next her. Tish kissed me hard. Then she began to bite and lick my ears and neck. For the next few minutes she kissed and licked over my shoulder and sucked on my nipples hard. Not many women had done this to me and I found it incredibly erotic. My breathing was getting harder as she dragged her tongue over my stomach.


Tish was over my hard cock and gently stoked my shaft. She looked back at me with very smoky dark eyes and then began to lick and gently bite the side of the shaft. Soon I felt her mouth suck the head inside. She twirled her tongue on it and I jerked. I reached behind her firm bottom and pressed two fingers back into her pussy. Tish gasped a bit and began to move her mouth up and down on my cock.


I had cum a while earlier, so I knew I would last longer this time, but selfishly really wanted to cum deep inside her, not her mouth again. I pulled her hips and she put one leg over me and I was staring at her soaked pussy. I pulled her down and spread her lips. Gently I licked around the plump outer ones before gently tugging her tender inner lips. Tish grunted as I pressed my tongue inside her and began to lick her clit again.


She now was going very deep on my cock and I could feel her chin touch my pubic bone as the shaft went deep inside her mouth and part of her throat. As best I could I pushed my hand between her legs and twirled her clit again as I licked, sucked and gently bit around her pussy. Tish jumped and groaned hard and soon jammed her pussy into my mouth. “Oh lord, I am cumming againnnnn!” she cried as I felt her pull her mouth off my cock and grind to my face.


She squeezed my shaft as she wrung her body out in orgasm again. Then she went limp and lay on my body breathing hard. I could see her pussy mouth flexing as she calmed down. A few minutes later, Tish turned around and sat on my stomach facing me. I could feel her wet sticky pussy on my skin. She leaned down and kissed me again softly.


Tish pulled her face away and smiled lightly saying. “Marty, I want to make love to you. I want to feel you deep inside me and finally feel you jerk and shoot your cum inside me.” Before I could answer she moved down and grabbed my cock. She pointed it to her opening. Tish rubbed the head around her lips and I could see it shining from her dampness.


The contrast of her dark thighs and pussy lips with my pale cock was a real turn on for me and I knew her too. She has said she never had been with a white man. Tish was staring as she slowly began to lower her body onto mine. I watched as my cock slowly disappeared into her tight passage. Either my lack of sex lately or just Tish’s body, but she was hotter than hell inside and tight. More of my cock went out of sight.


I felt my cock head hit deep in her pussy and she gasped a bit. Tish looked up at me in a dazed way with her mouth open. She closed her eyes and dropped her hips on me hard. Tish dug her nails into my sides as I felt my cock forced deeper inside her body. She stayed motionless as a felt her shake a bit and adjust to me.


I stroked her hips and sides as she sat still with me imbedded inside her body.  Tish slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. Slowly she began to pump against me. I cold feel her pussy walls grip me hard and see her inner lips suck in and out as she rode me. Tish stared more at me blankly. Her nostrils were flaring open and closed as she rode me.


Her firm breasts bounced softly with each stroke she made. I pulled on them gently as she silently pleasured me. I could see a large accumulation of her cream coating our joined bodies as I moved in and out of her tight lips. Tish continued her thrusts and held my sides. My cock felt like it was being ripped off as she pulled up off me while she rode it.


Tish leaned onto me and held my face as she kept her rhythm going. We locked eyes hard and she kissed me. Our tongues danced together as we tasted each other in our mouths. I could feel her breathing quickening now. She gently broke our kiss and bit my lip and face tenderly as she made love to me. By now my hips were pushing back to hers. I could feel my shaft bend inside her as she forced it as deep as she could into her.


After a bit I felt her start to tremble. Tish sat back up and picked up speed and intensity against my cock. She gasped as I fully filled her and bit her lip. I could see her body grow damp again and knew she was getting close. My body was growing in tension with hers. Soon Tish was slamming hard onto me and grunting loud. “Oh I am going to cum soon. I feel it deep inside.” She moaned as she rode me hard.


My cock almost hurt as her pussy jammed onto it deeply. “It’s cumming, it’s cumming. I want you to cum with me.” Tish moaned between gasps. I had no doubt I would as my legs were getting tight along with my balls.  Our bodies were making loud slapping noises as we joined hard. I squeezed her firm dark breast and tugged her hard nipples. Tish is a beautiful woman and I felt almost honored to be joined so intimately with her.


I felt her pussy tighten and saw her eyes open wide. “Oh yes, oooooooooooh yessssssssssss!’ She screamed loud as she jammed hard down and rotated her hips. I could feel her vagina go crazy on my shaft as she sucked air hard. “Cum, cum, cum.” She managed to grunt to me. I gripped her hips hard and pushed up to her. I felt my body go stiff.


My cock seemed to retract and then jump really to really harder deep inside Tish. As I held my eyes tightly closed I felt the first burst of my semen flood her pussy as my shaft jerked. “I feel it, more, more.” She croaked hard as she gripped my hips and pulled me harder to her body. A second hard jet erupted deep inside her body. Tish grunted a bit as she felt my cock jerk hard inside her pussy.


I opened my eyes and she was staring hard at me. I could feel her grip me deep inside and mouth silently, “More, more.” As I kept ejaculating into her body deep. Tish fell back onto me and kissed me hard as I kept cumming hard inside her. I could feel her suck air from my mouth every time my cock jerked deep in her.


We were both shaking and gasping together as we finished our orgasms. I stroked her wet face as she breathed hard. Slowly she began to relax. “That was better than I wanted.” She said whispering softly. “I think I am going to be sore tomorrow at work.” She added. I caressed her sides and back as we embraced in a lovers hold.


My cock was starting to shrink and Tish felt it. She sat up and looked between us where we were still joined. Slowly she lifted her dark body off me. My cock slowly withdrew from her. She watched intently as my shaft left her body. A huge rush of cum dripped from her onto my stomach. Tish laughed a bit and more gushed out. “That is so hot.” She said to no one as she watched our juices drain in a long string from her pussy.


Tish leaned back to me and kissed me, then she sat up and gripped my softening shaft. She stroked it tenderly and I jumped from the over stimulation. She looked at me and sucked it into her mouth. My body jerked again and I felt a weak pulse run though my shaft. Tish stroked my balls as she licked my shaft and belly clean. I watched as she scooped our juices up with her fingers and sucked it off her fingers.


She tenderly cleaned my belly up and then lay next to me. I leaned to kiss her and she pulled away a bit. “Your cum is in my mouth.” She said warning. I pushed my face and kissed her. Tish realized I was not concerned and kissed my back. I could taste myself on her tongue as we embraced and held each other. After a bit I leaned up.


I gently messaged her body and moved to her belly. Tish just looked at me lovingly. I moved lower on the bed and gently opened her legs. I could see a small stream of my cum slowly running from her pussy. The contrast of my white creamy sperm on her dark lips was incredible. I leaned down and licked her thighs, before moving to her pussy.


Tish jerked her hips a bit as I returned the favor and cleaned her body with my mouth and tongue. Finally she pushed me away. “Please stop, I love it. But it is just too intense right now. Just lay with me please.” Tish softly asked. I lifted away and move next to her. We held each other for a long while and said nothing.


It had seemed like hours had passed, but as I glanced at the clock I saw it was only around “Marty, let have a smoke and a drink. I need one now.” Tish said as she gently kissed my cheek. “Yeah, that is a good idea.” I answered. We stayed naked and went to the living room. We could see it was still snowing hard outside. “You may not have work tomorrow.” I said.


…….To be continued

Young Prostitute changes Church Counselor

steviecom2 on Ethnic Stories

Mary Miller sat at her desk looking at the file of her next appointment.Julie Barker,age 15,straight A student,Cheerleader,Sunday School Assistant,softball captain.Arrested for pandering and prostitution.Sentenced to 3 years probation and counseling.

KNOCK<KNOCK Mary looked up......"Come In"....she replied.

Mary caught her breath,Julie was 5'5" or so, long blond hair,beautiful full mouth,great smile,pert breasts,beautiful trim legs,and she was wearing a short mini skirt with a low cut top exposing her pert breasts.Her nipples showed thru her thin blue shirt.She had on 5" spiked black heels.She sat on the couch shyly lowering her eyes.Julie was a stunning girl.

"Julie you have been sent to me for Christian Counseling by the Courts,do yo

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u know what that means?".....Mary ask.

Julie looked up....."Yes Mam,I think for 3 months,and I'm supposed to help out here at the Church again I think"....Julie replied.

Mary looked at Julie........"Julie I would appreciate it if you would not dress that way exposing yourself like that."

"I,I,I can't,Otis and Leon my,my my men friends would get mad at me and I don't want to make them mad,I,I,don't know what they might do,you see,please,"......Julie said,tears coming to her eyes.

Mary got up from her desk sitting next to Julie,she noticed a light bruise over Julies right eye."What happened to you Julie?"....Mary ask.

"I tried to keep a tip last night and Otis found out,he hit me he was mad,I'm not allowed to keep tips you see,so it was my fault,oh please don't say anything,he will be so mad,please".....Julie begged.

Mary hugged her as the girl cried."Okay,Okay don't you worry its between you and me okay"....Mary combed her hair tenderly with her hand.Julie was the same age as Mary's oldest daughter Susan.

"Tip,so explain to me what happened".....Mary ask.

"Oh I fucked,oh sorry,I screwed an old black man last night and he gave me a $2 tip and Otis found out,I cost $25 to screw and Leon and Otis get all the money,he told them how great a screw I was and they found out about the $2 and got real mad.I was so proud he liked me that much,so you see it was all my fault."..............Julie explained.

Mary went behind her desk,"your proud of being abused by an old black man,your just a young girl,Why are you proud of being used for sex like that?"......Mary ask.

"It feels so good,he had a huge black dick,not as big as Otis and Leon but big and it just hits places in me that feel so nice,ha ha you know what I mean".....Julie looked at Mary.

Mary had been married to her loving husband for 15 years,she was a virgin when they met,sex was always something they had never abused,they had 3 beautiful daughters,Susan 15,Sophie 13,and Linda 11.Mary always thought sex was dirty really and nothing but a sin if abused for pleasure.She had never had an orgasm and gave thanks in prayer that those thoughts and feelings never led her into perdition. But listening to this young girl was making her warm all over.

"How did you go from an A student to prostitution Julie"....Mary ask

Julie was feeling more comfortable now with Mary."Well I met Otis at school,he's the Janitor,he caught me making out with a boy and threatened to turn me in if I didn't let him touch my body.Well I went in his office after school one day and he started touching my body,next thing I knew I was sucking his black dick and licking his balls and then he stuck his black dick in my body and I came so hard I passed out.It felt so good,I'd never felt that tingly,and I found out later I had orgasm ed,I just loved the feeling so much.Next thing I knew he introduced me to Leon and that was last year.I fucked both of them regulary and then their friends and now I do whoever they tell me.I mean Mrs. Miller,Otis dick is 14" long and thick as my wrist and Leon's is 12" and just as thick.I mean it just feels wonderful when they fuck me,I see stars I cum so hard.School and sports just took a back seat I guess"......Julie said.

Mary was blushing listening to Julie's story. She was embarrassed at her feelings.She stood up ready to say goodbye to Julie."Same time tomorrow Julie"..........Mary ask.

"Okay Mrs. Miller,tomorrow then,are you okay Mrs. Miller your face is red?".......Julie replied.

Putting her hands to her cheeks she felt flushed,embarrassed she said......"I'm fine Julie,tomorrow then."

Closing the door Julie smiled to herself that her story had turned the Church Counselor on.

After dinner that night where the family commented on how quiet she was she excused herself."Girls do the dishes,Mom's going to take a bath.".......Mary instructed.Kissing her husband Max...."Honey I'm tired,I had a tough day with a new girl from court,I'm going to bed after my bath,okay?"

"Okay honey,sure your okay?"......her husband ask.'I'll be okay".....she replied walking upstairs.

 As the hot bath water filled the tub Mary looked deeply at herself in the mirror thinking of Julies story.Mary had always been considered beautiful by everybody.She had shoulder length thick black hair with green eyes,full lips,porcelain skin even at 35.Her full 36DD breasts fell free when she undid her bra.Slipping her panties off her full hips, her tummy was still firm after 3 daughter's and she was blessed with no signs of cellulite.Looking at her puffy 50 cent aureole's and 1" nipples on her still firm breasts.Since she considered it a sin to shave her body her pussy was covered in thick bush and a lite hair covered her legs,she did shave her underarms.

Climbing in the bath closing her eyes and putting a wash clothe over her eyes she pictured Julie being used by black men.She pinched her nipples and electricity shot through her body. She reached down to her hairy pussy and poked a finger inside,she was sopping wet and it wasn't from the water.Suddenly she shot up and prayed for forgiveness and washed quickly and got out of the tub,dried quickly and went to bed.She slept heavily not feeling her husband get in bed.

! hour late,2 hours late,Mary sat at her desk at the Church.Looking at Julies file she found her cell#.RING<RING<RING ......."hello".....Julie cried into the phone.

"Where are you at Julie,I'll come get you"........Mary ask.

"1342 Western,Ted's Hotel,Room 103,I'm sorry Mrs. Miller,I'm sorry"......Julies was sobbing.

Mary wasn't a raciest but she didn't really like black people that much.As she drove to the hotel she remembered how in High School and College the black boys always tried to touch her and would make highly sexual comments to her. They made her nervous and she prayed for them.She noticed this hotel was in the dark side of town and she saw white women along with black girls working on the street.As she walked into the hotel she could feel eyes looking hungrily at her.

KNOCK<KNOCK<KNOCK.....Julie answered the door,crying.

"Oh honey,honey what happened to you?".....Mary put her arm around her sitting on the bed.

"I had to gang bang 6 guys last night and some guys slapped me around a little.Otis got mad because they bruised me and now I can't work for awhile all bruised and all.I'm sorry I couldn't make it to our meeting Mrs. Miller,your so nice to me......Julie said burying her head in Mary's arms.

KNOCK<KNOCK<KNOCK.......Julie got up answering the door.

Mary's eyes widened as Otis and Leon entered the room.Otis was 6'5 and 280 lbs, Mary estimated,a large scar on his cheek,tattoo's on his coal black arms,he was about 50 years old.Leon was about 5'8",fat,a toothless grin,very ugly both men had shaved heads.Both men were so dark they were purple black.

Mary stood up looking a them both."What have you done to this beautiful young girl,both of you should be ashamed".......Mary said angrily.

"Julie,who's this bitch talkin to me like this?......Otis stood menacingly in front of Mary,shoving Julie into Leon's arms.

"she's my church counselor from court,I'm sorry about last night Otis,I'm sorry"......Julie cried.

Otis reached and grabbed Mary by the waist......"you one fine looking bitch,church lady,cmon be nice to old Otis."

Mary struggled but Otis was so strong.She felt Otis put his thick black lips on hers.Mary couldn't believe this nightmare.This black animal was trying to put his tongue in her mouth,his breath was putrid but Mary wasn't strong enough to get away.Mary tried to kick him but she couldn't.She was screaming against his lips.

Otis pulled away,Mary begged,no,no,don't touch me you animal,I'm a married Mother,How dare you touch me,let me go you bastard."......Mary yelled.

"Julie get the fuck outta here and close the door,me and Leon goin to have us a little fun with the Church Lady,go on get out.".......Otis ordered.

Julie closed the door,leaning up to listen.She knew they were both going to fuck her. 

Otis pushed Mary up against the wall."NOOO,No,don't do that,don't touch me,get away!!!".....Mary screamed.

Otis grabbed Mary's full breasts...."Dam Leon,this bitch got some big titties".....Otis yelled at Leon.He expertly tweaked her nipples.

"Get your hands off me you animal,you dumb nigger,quit touching me".....Mary yelled. Otis's lips came back to hers,his black tongue trying to enter her mouth.

Mary was struggling,fighting. But her worst feeling was the reaction of her nipples,they were on fire at this black monster's hands.Otis noticed.

"MMMMM bitch,your nipples are getting big,you a hot little bitch huh".......Otis was getting hard."we got a hot bitch here Leon"....Otis said.Leon was watching walking over to feel her body.

Otis continued kissing her closed mouth and turned her and now Mary felt Leon's hands on her ass.Leon was pinching her ass and his other hand started rubbing her pussy.

Ahhh,a slight moan escaped Mary's lips,her body was responding against her will.Mary was ashamed she couldn't control her body. She prayed for help.She felt her pussy responding to Leon's probing.

Julie standing in the hallway was getting turned on listening to her new friend getting abused.The young girl knew her friend would never be the same after she felt their huge black dicks in her.She heard Mrs. Miller moan with pleasure.

"Let's get her ass on the bed and get these clothes off her I want to taste this church ladies pussy".....Otis ordered.

"Nooo,Noooo,please don't,please,quit that,please"......Mary begged.She felt her pants being pulled off.

Both men laughed...."look the pretty church lady wears pink panties"

Mary couldn't believe her body was betraying her at the gross black men's touch and dirty talk.No other man in her life except her husband had ever seen her like this.She felt her shirt being pulled off.

"Ha Ha,she's got a pink bra on".....both of them laughed.

Leon undid her bra her beautiful full breasts came tumbling out into this animals black hands."Otis,look at the size of these tits,his lips expertly went to her breasts tonguing her large nipples.She felt her panties being ripped off and a black tongue was licking her pussy edges,she felt her clit exposing itself.

"OOOhhh please stop,please,OHHH Nooo.don't,Stop,Stop,Ohhhh".......Mary could believe how her body felt.She could feel herself falling into sin.

Otis's tongue found her clitoris.Leon was rubbing one nipple with his thumb and forefinger and expertly tonguing her other breast.Otis entered a finger expertly up her tight ass.

Julie was listening in the hall.She heard her friends passion growing,her pleas were weakening. Suddenly she heard Mrs. Miller moan in pleasure.Suddenly she heard a SLAP,then another slap,she knew what that meant.Julie leaned in closer,she heard Mrs. Miller wimpering and Otis was talking.

She listened intently........."You our ho now bitch,a sweet white ho you are to."

Mary was crying softly,tears flowing down her burning cheeks,but her body betrayed her,and the nasty talk and the slap made her tingle all over.

"listen up bitch,you going to get a nigger fucking,something you ain't never had,then when we'er done with ya you going to fuck who we say,understand,HUH Understand,Ho".....Otis ordered.,another slap,and another.Mary moaned at the bitch slaps.

Otis and Leon got their clothes off,Mary was stunned she had never seen a man's dick except her husband and these black dicks with veins running thru them and balls hanging down the size of golf balls carrying loads of black man's cumm,they were monstrous,she didn't know men's penis's got this big,they were more like horses cocks than a man's.

Julie was listening intently hearing everything.Her young pussy was getting wet,she inserted a finger in her damp pussy.She heard Mrs. Miller......"Nooo,please,Its to big,nooo I can't take it,please."Suddenly she was quiet and she knew Leon had stuck his huge dick in her mouth.

Suddenly from behind the door Julie heard Mrs. Miller........"OOOOhhhh aaahhhhh,OOOhhhh God.Oh God,God,O,O,O I can't oh god,suddenly she heard Mrs. Miller squeal,EEEeeeeeee,OOOOOEEEEeeee.Julie knew then that Otis's 14" cock had buried itself in her womb.

Julie heard Otis......"God this bitch is hot,FUCK her pussy is tight,FUCk Me,You My slut Ho,You My Slut,tell me you bitch,you slut,who do you belong to,You my slut?"Leon take your cock out of her mouth.Mary's love canal was squeezing it's new invader adjusting itself,embracing Otis's huge cock.

AAAAhhh OOOhh no,please,NNNNooo,God,God No AAhhh.Suddenly Mary Convulsed,she gave into her sin,she was nothing but a whore,God she was lost in pleasure,this black animal was her savior.

Julie was fingering her pussy when she heard her Counselor moan in Orgasm squealing Orgasm.EEEEEEEeeee,OOOOOOOHhhhhhhh,Fuck me,fuck baby,fuck me,IIIIIi I'm your whore GGGGooood III'mm cumming.Julie knew then that Mrs. Miller belonged to Otis.Wrapping her trim white legs around Otis's huge black body,drawing him deeper.

"Open your mouth slut"....Leon ordered.

"Take my Cumm whore and Otis's huge cock twitched and spurt after spurt of black spunk shot into Mary's love channel coating her womb with black man's thick seed.Mary was convulsing lost in pleasure,She saw stars as she passed out in unbelievable pleasure.Something unbelievable she had never felt,indescribable.

Leon Jacked Off spewing his cumm on Mary's beautiful face.Mary layed still.

Julie heard Otis and Leon laughing."Man what a hot fuck,she's going to be good for us,we'll get her working shortly.She needs to shave her legs and that sweet pussy.We'll get her some clothes,this shit she wearing is for shit.I want everybody seeing that body. Otis opened the door,they were both laughing.

Mary was groggy on the bed.She barely heard and understood Otis talking to Julie."Thanks girl,we're even.You were right,she'll be perfect and her body was just what you said,HOT.Now get her cleaned up and have her shave her body.I want those legs and sweet pussy smooth as a baby's butt in 2 hours.I'm going to get some clothes for her. I'm going to look for old Gene,see if he wants some of her"......Otis ordered.

When Julie saw Mrs. Miller she was a mess.Cumm was all over her face and Otis's thick cumm was leaking out of her pussy.Mrs. Miller opened her eyes looking at Julie."You set me up for this Julie?"....Mary ask weakly.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Miller but I was in trouble with Otis and I saw how my story effected you yesterday so I thought you might like it,Otis and Leon really like you that's for sure"........Julie explained."Cmon we need to get you in a hot bath and shave you."

Julie touched Mary's breasts as she dried her,"Damn I'm jealous,Otis was right you do have beautiful titties,fuck look how big and soft they are".....Julie said.Mary looked in the mirror,looking back at her was a wanton sexy woman begging for sex.Her legs were long,shapely and now soft and smooth and her pussy was bald and still puffy from Otis's huge dick.Mary could not help feeling naughty as she fought hard to remember her church duties.

Here put this robe on and sit at the dressing table.Julie picked up her comb and combed Mary's beautiful hair.She got a curling iron and worked on her hair.Afterward' s Julie picked up some makeup and applied eye shadow and thick red lipstick.She powdered Mary's cheeks."Okay great,take a look"......Julie ask.

"AAAAAwww God".....Mary cried out.Looking back at her was a stunning woman crying out for sex.The heavy eye shadow and thick red lipstick on her full lips made her look very sexy. 

Otis walked in with 3 bags of shoes and clothes.Tossing a pink halter top skin tight pink sweater mini dress at Mary."Here put this on, we're going out,I'll be back in a few minutes.Julie get dressed.".....Otis ordered.

When Mary saw herself in the mirror she was ashamed of how she felt.Sin had overtaken her,the dress extenuated her large breasts,her nipples stood out,the skirt came just over her ass and made her long shapely legs seem longer and the 5" black spike high heels made her almost 6' tall.She was an extremely sexy woman.Julie was dolled up but still she looked only like a beautiful 14 year old girl.

When Otis returned he whistled walking over and kissing Mary deeply.This time Mary allowed Otis's thick tongue into her mouth.He hungrily sought out her tongue,they kissed deeply.Otis broke the kiss and stepped back and whistled,"Wow,you one fine lookin bitch,you my ho now understand,I own you,understand?"

Mary remembered her loving family but she knew she had never had a man such as this who cared this way about her or made her feel like this.She hated herself that his dirty words turned her on.She knew in her soul she was his."Yes Otis,Honey I'm your Ho".... Mary couldn't believe her reply.

In the car Mary was in the front seat with her new man.In the back Leon and Julie were making out.Mary turned seeing Leon's thick finger's entering Julie's young 14 year old pussy.Mary leaned over and undid Otis's pants pulling his huge dick out putting it in her mouth.Otis's groaned,"MMM that's my baby suck old Otis's dick,yeah,that's it,suck it. your going to be my top HO baby,oh,oh,Wow you can really suck dick."

Mary felt the first gob of black spunk enter her mouth,spurt,then another,another gob of spunk entered her throat she enjoyed the salty taste and the manly smell of Otis's dick.She swallowed every drop.She heard Julie reach an orgasm in the back seat.

When they entered the club Mary was ashamed that she was proud that all the eyes were trained on her and Julie.Everyone knew that they were Otis's girls.Sitting having drinks and being introduced to all Leon's and Otis's friends,Mary suddenly remembered she should call home.She ask Otis for permission.

"Go ahead but don't be long."Walking to the phone she felt hands pawing her body as she walked through the crowd.She noticed that all were black men and most of the women were white.

"Honey,Hi Honey,everything alright?"....Mary ask."You okay Honey"...her husband replied. "Listen I'm with that young client from court yesterday,I'm going to be late,go ahead and have dinner and I'll be along in a few hours,okay?.....Mary said.

"Sure,okay,your sure your okay sweetie?....Max ask.

"No,No,I'm fine,she just has alot going on,I'll be alright,okay,I'll see you later........Maty replied,feeling guilty lying to her husband for the 1st time.

"Okay honey goodbye"...Max replied hanging up.

Mary suddenly felt hands on her hips it was Leon. His lips kissed her hungrily, his tongue snaked into her mouth kissing her deeply.Her arms went around his neck pulling him closer she could feel her body against his growing cock.Their tongues were entwined in Leon's mouth.Leon broke the kiss,"Damn your a hot bitch,I'm going to fuck that pussy of yours tonight."They walked back to the table.

Otis put a little ex in Mary's drink.After a few hours Mary was feeling warm all over.She had just finished dancing for the umpteenth time.Mary had always thought dancing was sinful but tonight it felt nice.The men's hands explored her body when the dances were slow and she loved the sexy dancing grinding her hips to the fast songs.Otis laughed,"You quite a dancer ho,Okay time to go."

"You sit in the back with Leon"......Otis ordered.Julies working,she'll be along later.

Mary was sucking Leon's huge dick,he lifted it up...."baby lick my balls,that's it lick them good,"Wow Otis this bitch can really suck dick,that's it baby suck it".....Mary was licking his balls when Leon suddenly lifted her up and placed her legs on each side of him lowering her onto his thick dick."Damn your pussy is hot you bitch,that's it put it in you slut,you a slut for old Leons black cock right baby?"

Mary grabbed the thick cock and slid the head in.It was so big his cockhead.She felt full already.Slowly she lowered herself,her tight pussy was expanding until his whole 12" was in her married pussy.She leaned up and slid back down,his dick was all the way in.....OOOOhhh,GGGoood,AAAhhh."

"Wow your pussy is wet,God your so hot"......Leon pulled her dress top down expertly licking her beautiful breasts."..... Mary groaned,OOOOhhh Gooooddd,MMMMMMM,God it feels ssooo good"

Mary started humping up and down suddenly Leon groaned, Mary felt his Dick expand and gobs of cumm entered her pussy.spurt,another,another gob of spunk.AAAAhhhh OOOhhhh GGGGGooooddd I'm cumming,shit,fuck I'm cumming.....Mary groaned.She fell into Leon's arms.She had never used such bad words before.

"MMmmm baby that was nice,you my Ho,you a black cock slut now,no white boy going to be able to satisfy that sweet pussy of yours ever again"....Leon said.

Mary sighed.

"Now get down there and clean my dick,and lick it clean my balls clean to.".....Leon ordered.

Mary enjoyed the taste of her juice and Leon's cumm mixed together.She zipped up his pants when she was done.They all were quiet until they reached Mary's car.

Otis turned around after parking the car...."Okay whore here's the deal.Blowjobs are $25,you get $5.A fuck is 50$ you get 10$,If a guy wants to fuck you in the ass that's 75$ you get 20$. For awhile I'm going to have you work in a room,you won't work the street for awhile.Leon and I will bring the guys to you.These clothes cost $400 so I'll take it out until your even.I expect you to dress sexy all the time,keep those legs and pussy shaved.Some of the guys like an all girl show so you'll work with Julie,thats $200 and you get $25,anything else Leon."......"No I think that about it except who are these people.".......Leon ask.

"Oh that's my family,I have 3 daughter's age 15,13,and 11.....Mary said proudly.Otis took the picture."Wow look at these little beauties,mmmmm I love young girl pussy nothing better,wow,they are beauties."

"We might have to talk about them"...Otis said.

'NOOO NO,No,their my babies"....Mary cried.

SLAP<then another SLAP....... "listen bitch don't go high and mighty,your my ho,that means they are my ho's understand".....SLAP< more of that shit....Otis ordered."Be here at 10 tomorrow night now get the fuck outta here and you one fine piece of pussy bitch."

Leon laughed putting his finger in Mary's pussy....."Otis this bitch wet again yo talking about her purtty daughters,stupid slut."

Mary was ashamed that her pussy surely was on fire.

"Get the fuck outta here,be back tomorrow,what time again?"....Otis ask.

"10 Pm ok."....Mary answered.

Mary walked in her house,how was she going to get away? Some of Leon's cumm was dripping down her leg,she spooned it with her finger and licked it off.Her husband walked down the stairs and saw his wife.

He had never seen her look so sexy,God he thought.His little white husband dick stirred. "Honey what happened,you look,you look so so sexy".....Max said.

Mary smiled knowing she was a sexual attractive woman such a shameful thought yesterday.What should she tell her husband making herself some hot tea.She felt her husbands eyes on her body as she walked.She increased the sway of her hips walking sexy.

What am I going to do?How am I going to work this and stay at my job at church?What will the church leader's say?And My girls?The water started boiling,the tea tasted good.

How can I work this out?






















Prison Break

A.G.Thomas on Ethnic Stories

Prison Break
A. G. Thomas

As I opened the door and stepped into the house my head exploded and darkness engulfed me. Later, I don't know how much later, the blackness slowly, ever so slowly, became a hazy gray and as if from far away I heard muted voices. The throbbing in my skull made it extremely hard for me to concentrate on what was being said but I tried. With great difficulty I managed to somehow tone down the pounding in my head and the ringing in my ears.

At first the words made no sense but slowly what at first had sounded as if a hundred voices were all talking at once they gradually solidified into perhaps three maybe four individuals. As their words began to make sense and despite the fear clutching at my heart as concerned my own sa
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fety my thoughts flew to my wife. Where was she? Had these persons done to her the same that they had done to me? God I hoped not.

Suddenly powerful fingers gripped my chin forcing my aching head up and back. As my head rose and I starred through blurry eyes at the face before me then and only then did I realize that I had been tied to a chair. As I looked stupidly at and tried to bring into focus the dark face before me he contemptuously spit welcome back mother fucker a millisecond before his fingers released me. The push to my head was so hard that I tittered for a second then as if in slow motion I fell over backwards.

As the back of my head hit the hard wood floor and darkness again closed in about me a gravely voice snickered how dah honky mother fucker gonna see his woman pleasuring us you go knocking his ass out all dah time. When next I awoke I thought I had gone blind, but then through the murky inkiness I began to make out my surroundings. A strangled giggle that was a mixture of relief and pain echoed hollowly through the dinning room.

Quiet, I had to be quiet I silently admonished. I couldn't risk discovery and the chance that I would again be knocked senseless. Neither my skull or brain could take another walloping like they had without serious and possibly permanent damage being inflicted. I had to assume that whoever the men were that had been in Regina's and my home earlier were still here until I could prove otherwise.

An involuntary gasp ripped from my throat as I turned my head. The gasp had not been because of the pain even though a lightening bold had exploded in my skull when I moved. No, it had been one more of discovery then pain. Discovery that across the table from me with arms crossed and his head resting upon them sat one of the men.

If one of them was still here then in all probability the others were too. How many others? Two, three, yes definitely two others because that was how many voices I thought I'd heard before darkness had closed about me the second time. More importantly then their number though was who the hell were they and what the hell did they want. No sooner had I asked myself those questions then the memory of a snickering voice from heaven only knows how many hours earlier came to me.

Oh my god Regina. The son of a bitches hadn't knocked her senseless and tied her to a chair like they had me they had .... they had .... Oh God no please nooooo. I had to get free, I had to. But how? Calm John. Stay calm and access the situation. Your tied to a chair stupid. Ok no problem. All I have to do is somehow quietly make it from the dining room into the kitchen and then once there all I had to do was locate one of my wife's many carving knifes and cut myself free. Just two nearly impossible though not improbable task. No, better make that four nearly insurmountable task because if by some miracle I could cut myself free I still had to locate Gin and then after that make it out of the house without the assholes being any the wiser.

OK. Slow real slow. Lean forward, thats it, thats it. Now make like a duck and before you know it you'll be in the kitchen. In the long agonizing moments that followed I moved a foot, then another and then two more. I wish I knew what time it was so I'd know how long I had to complete the almost impossible task I had set myself I silently muttered. Suddenly and as if in answer to my quandary just as I was framed in the doorway that looked out into the living room the antique Grandfather clock chimed twice. Out of the corner of my eye I caught movement and like a deer caught in the spotlight of a poacher I froze.

After several long agonizing minutes and with my already aching joints cramping even more because of my duck like position I ever so slowly eased the chair to the floor. As I sat there frozen my mind did a little math problem. 5:30 to 2:00. Thats what God damn it nine, ten hours? No you stupid shit it's only eight and a half hours I admonished. Only.... only eight and a half hours my mind giggled almost nonsensically. Shit the world could have ended in that length time and I wouldn't have been none the wiser what with being unconscious the whole time.

When after several ragged breaths no alarm was raised I slowly ever so slowly turned my head and stared into the deep shadows of the living room. At first I couldn't see anything then in the darkness I made out four, no five darker blobs amongst the outlines of furniture. God damn it there were five, no six of the sons of bitches, not the three possibly four that I had earlier suspected. Oh well at least they were all asleep and if I was quiet they'd never know what I was doing. As I waddled forward a foot the thought struck me that perhaps my earlier fear that at least one of them had taken liberties with my wife had been purely speculative. Assumptive.

Who in their right mind though could blame me for jumping to such a conclusion. After all these men who held us prisoner and whose motives I wasn't aware of were nothing like the two highly educated negro's that I had working at my bank. I didn't have to be a rocket scientist though to know that the men that had knocked me senseless and who had tied me to this chair were evidently hardened criminals. So it was completely understandable why having just recovered conscious and having recalled the gloating remark as well as my beautiful young wife's conspicuous absence I had thought as I had.

Suddenly a thought struck me and as it did relief washed over me. These hardened miscreants had no intention of willfully harming either myself or my wife they were simply holding us incommunicado because they intended to rob the bank first thing in the morning. Granted they had knocked me out when I had walked through my front door. If one thought logically about it though the action could be construed as a means to prevent me from raising an alarm.

As for the second time, well that could have been a fluke. An unforeseen accident when I had been contemptuously shoved. As for my wife not being by my side when I awoke, well that could be their way of making sure that I did nothing to jeopardize their plans.

Well no matter what their plans for us, come dawn, or hopefully a lot sooner, my wife and I would be gone and they'd have the house to themselves. Just as I again leaned forward and like a duck took a waddling precarious step toward the kitchen I heard noises coming from our bedroom. Well at least I knew where my wife was even though from the sounds she was making she was having one hell of a nightmare.

Hell who can blame her what with five, six God damn it six strange men in our home and her husband knocked senseless. But why the fuck hadn't she checked on me. Whoa mother fucker. How would you know if she had or hadn't checked on you what with being dead to the world for over eight hours. Your pissing and moaning about a lousy eight plus hours when you should be asking yourself how long has your wife been alone with the assholes.

Hell, for all you know the sons of bitches could have broken in minutes after you had left for work yesterday morning. Highly unlikely but still not a thought to dismiss lightly. If such were the case, though I seriously doubted it, that would mean that my lousy eight plus hours was only a drop in the bucket compared to the possible seventeen plus hours she's had to endure the mother fuckers. So yea she was entitled to a nightmare, and who knows maybe she'll awake from it and with everybody dead to the world she'll rescue me.

That'd be something, my petite little Regina rescuing her big strong protector. Well who gives a fuck who rescues who as long as the both of us are out of the house and away from these bastards who tried to do brain surgery on me with a blunt instrument. No wonder I kept forgetting to count the fellow that was across from me at the dinning room table. Six, I have to remember there are six of them, the cops will need to know that when they round up these miscreants.

As I waited for my wife to appear I hardly dare breathe for fear I might not hear her soft footsteps or faint inquiry as to my well being. But when at the count of five hundred the sounds coming from the bedroom hadn't ceased and she naturally didn't suddenly appear I readied to again move. Once more leaning forward and making like a duck I slowly waddled a few more feet toward the kitchen. Just as I was at the entrance to the kitchen the man that was at the table, supposedly to guard me I presumed, lifted his head and twisted it about as if assuring himself that I was were I was supposed to be.

Damn, damn, damn. Ten fucking feet from freedom and caught. But then with a big yawn the asshole once more folded his arms and lowered his head to the table. Throwing caution to the wind and giving little thought about the noise I might be making I waddled into the kitchen. Twice I fell and only by absorbing the fall with my shoulder instead of my face was I able to keep going.

From my first fall, which hurt like a son of a bitch, until I gained the cabinets and pulled myself upright I inched across the floor on my knees. What seemed like an eternity later and after chipping a tooth on the drawer handle I was in possession of a knife. A good hour and a half later and with my hands, wrist and forearms looking as if I had fended of an attack from a knife welding manic I finally rose from the chair.

Free, free at last. Thank God Almighty I'm free at last my mind gibbered. My legs felt as if they were made of rubber after my long hours in the chair so I had to lean heavily against the counter to keep from falling. As I rubbed circulation back into my legs the clock chimed 3:30. Move you dumb ass you don't have a whole hell of a lot of time left it'll be light soon. Pushing myself away from the counter I took a shaky step then three more, but then I stopped and turned back.

Bending down I picked up the knife I had carelessly discarded after having performed surgery. I might need it. After all maybe the reason she hadn't awaken from her nightmare and rescued me was because they had tied her to the bed. Better they tie her to the bed I reasoned then to put up with a hysterical woman for God only knows how long. As I took another step a thought lanced into my brain making me stagger. Perhaps when they had knocked me out she had tried to get to me or perhaps on seeing my plight she had tried to escape and the bastards had beaten her.

If such were the case, that more then even the scariest of nightmares would explain the oddly discordant and nasally grunts on top of the warbling drawn out moans I'd heard. Hefting the knife I silently vowed that if they'd harmed one hair on her head they would pay dearly, I made my way from the kitchen and into the dinning room. I didn't have any delusions that the knife would do me any good against the six of them but that wasn't why I carried it. Freedom, freedom for my wife just as it had been for me, that was the reason.

As for payback, well if it took every fucking penny of my considerable fortune plus what I could beg or borrow I would see to it that the men that had wronged us spent the rest of their life's in prison. Slowly, carefully I edged my way along the wall so as not to trip over something and alert our captures as to my intentions.

Just as I had edged around the door frame and entered the living room light spilled out of the hallway leading to our bedroom. My heart leaped with joy, my wife was coming to me. She wasn't tied to the bed as I had feared after all. But several heart beats later instead of my petite wife appearing an ungodly large dark blob followed closely by another of nearly equal proportion stepped from the hallway. Had her nightmare woke them and unable to drop back off to sleep they had decided to check on her? If they had then in all probability they would check on me too and when they discovered I wasn't where I was supposed to be all hell would break loose.

Holding my breath I watched the two dark blobs. Unconsciously the knife in my hand shifted as together with preparing to make a mad dash for the bedroom and my wife I steeled myself to strike at whichever of them tried to stop me. But instead of their turning toward the dining room to check on me as I had suspected they would do, they instead stepped deeper into the living room. Ok no sweat ol' bean, just take it easy and let them get settled back in. It doesn't get light till around 6:30 or so so you can afford to wait them out. In all probability by the time the clock strikes 4:00 they'd be sound asleep again.

Even if in the worse case scenario it took them till 4:30 to fall asleep it still gave me about an hour or so to free her and get us out of the house. Yea plenty of time to make our escape and after we were away I'd make a quick call to the cops as payment for the way they had treated us. I just prayed the sons of bitches would sleep like babies until the cops broke down the door. All their carefully laid plans would go the way of the Dodo bird after being startled awake and looking into the barrels of a hundred cops guns. Even as my questions and well thought out plans rolled through my brain the nagging concern of why had they left the bedroom light on nagged at me.

To my surprise and dismay instead of the two indistinguishable blobs falling into chairs and dropping back off to sleep they instead moved amongst our furniture. As I watched horrified five grumbling blobs rose wraith like from where they had been laying. Wait a minute, two coming from having checked on my wife rousing five others. How was that possible? I had spotted only five men when for long minutes I had stared into the darkness of my living room.

Oh God, oh God oh God there weren't five of them there were seven! No, I keep forgetting the one at the dinning room table. That means, what, what does it mean.... Shit shit shit.... think you dump ass. Eight.... that means there are eight of them God Damn it. I had missed counting two of them because.... because.... because....

Even as the obvious came to me the two men's muted chuckling voices confirmed my worse fears. The noises I had heard coming from our bedroom had not been because my wife was having a nightmare or as I had feared because of pain. Oh God please, please tell me that the warbling moans and discordant muted ramblings I'd heard were not because the two men had been venting their lust upon her petite girl like body. Please God please tell me that what the monster is snickering to the others is not the truth.

Like a puppet whose strings had been cut the knife dropped from my numbed fingers, and I slid down the wall to land in a heap like so much carelessly discarded mush. As I sat there fervently prying it wasn't so the giant's gravely voice burned the reality of what had transpired over the last seventeen hours into the mush jokingly called my brain. Like the searing of flesh by a branding iron the horrid reality of what my beautiful young wife had gone through both in the hours I had been at work and unconscious flickered kaleidoscope like over the inside walls of my skull.

"You nigga's be wanting any more pleasuring from dat honky slut you best be getting your lazy black asses moving. Best be waking dat worthless fucker Martin too, dat way I ain't gots to listen to no bitching later on from any of yous nigga's about not getting to slam fuck duh black cock loving slut one last time." A boisterous laugh filled the room silencing the other blobs mutterings and then once more the guttural voice pierced my soul. "What it going to be nigga's? Is you going to get yous black asses in dar and gives dat honky cum slut duh gang fucking she be liking and even now expecting or is yous going to disappoint her?

For a moment the mans jovially spoken words dropped to indecipherable mutterings as one of the men that had been awakened got in his face. Then together with the giant pushing him away he hissed menacingly. "I don't want to hear no more shit bout holing up here till the heat cool down. Ain't gonna be no cooling down, yous is escaped convicts or has yous forgotten dat. Yous got to be duh dumbest fucking nigga's dar is if'n yous think you can just stay here and ain't nobody gonna be duh wiser. Sooner then later someone's gonna ask where her ol man at. When dat happen duh cops gonna come around den what yous dumb coons gonna do huh."

Again there were angry mutterings. But then together with a guttural growl from the large blob the congealed mass of those about him split apart and for a moment silence fell over the living room before his gravely voice again pierced the silence. "Yous mutter fucking nigga's ain't never happy. Now yous telling me yous wants to take duh honky slut wit yous when we cut out fore first light. Well dat fine by me, but don't yous be looking to travel wit stick an me cause I ain't wanting no white bitch anywhere round my black ass if'n duh man do catch us.

Dis may not be duh 50's no more you dumb mutter fuckers, but dem honky bustards what runs duh prison you nigga's escaped from thinks it is. Duh catch's you coons wit a white woman yous ain't going to have to worry bout spending no more time cause like as not dah just shoot your black asses. Now.... If'n yous is wanting to give dat honky cum slut a third and final gang fucking to remember yous by den yous best be getting Martin up likes I tells yous and gets your black asses in dat bedroom.

If'n you ain't wanting another piece of her, or if as is more then likely duh case she done plum wore you out den start gathering up shit an gets ready to carry your ass. Makes no never mind to me one way or duh other what yous nigga's does, but make no mistake fore first light we's leaving."

Then to my dismay and despite the fact that I was sure he had long ago become aware of my presence he turned his back to the others and strode across the room toward me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that the living room had become a flurry of motion. The almost as impressionable blob that had been with the giant sank to the couch with a sigh while the five other blobs melted together. For a moment muttering came from their midst then a smaller dark glob separated and strode across the room and around the hugh blob that was standing before me.

A second later the dinning room light came on and I realized that what I had thought was a seven foot four hundred pound monster was in reality a normal man standing no more then perhaps six foot four and weighing perhaps two hundred fifty pounds. Though I found relief in his normalcy the twisted evil smile on his blue black face told me more then words could have that this was a man not to be taken lightly.

As if the knife of reality that he had seconds earlier plunged into my heart hadn't been enough with his next mirth filled words it was twisted and pushed upwards in a killing stroke. "If'n it will make yous feel any better John boy when we first shoved our way in yesterday morning that little redheaded slut of yours raised a fuss that would've made dah Grand Dragon of the KKK proud. Course all dat changed once me an my stickman shoved our big black baby makers into that hot snatch of hers and rode her for a bit. By dah time we rolled off her weren't a hole of hers that weren't familiar with and liking nigga cock.

Dat wouldn't duh half of it though John boy. Once dat little redhead of yourn got a taste of nigga pleasuring she was like three bitches in heat all rolled into one, she couldn't get enough. Not only did she drain our black snakes at least three times each she must'a had a couple dozen orgasm's while doing so. When stickman an me finally rolled off'n her satisfied she were still screaming for nigga loving.

Kind hearted darkie I is and not wanting to disappoint duh little cum slut I tolls her duh only way she be getting any more nigga cock right den was if'n duh others fucked her skanky white trash ass. I tells her dat John boy an dat horny little slut of yourn jumps out'a bed so fast stickman an me was caught by surprise. Time we catches up to her naked ass she were astraddle one o' dah brutha's an dry humping his leg and screaming for dem, for all of dem to fuck her.

Me an stickman tried to pull her of a him but she had her arms about his neck so tight it were like trying to pull a drowning man away from a life preserver. Gotta tell you white boy dem coons wasn't da only ones dat was surprised as shit, but none of dem made a move on her till dah seen I didn't object. I gotta tell you watching her raining kisses on dat brutha's ugly ass face and trying to get his dick out's his pants at duh same time even made my limp cock hard.

When she finally did get his black snake out she rolled to her side pulling him wit her. A minute later me an da others is off da couch an she's flat on her back wit her legs wide apart. She were humping empty air and screaming her lungs out for him to fuck her while both trying to pull his pants from him and guide his dick to her needy snatch. Fore he can sink his black snake into her an set up a rhythm though da others pulls his black ass of a her and hustles her back to da bed room and your king size bed

Unlike me an stickman most dem nigga's ain't had a woman in better den ten years but she took all da had to give an den some. Duh whole time dem coons was pounding her she was screaming at dem to shove dar black dick's into her lilly white black cock loving body an fucks her. Even when dem brutha's started humping her two an three at a time she was begging and screaming for dem to fuck her. Course whenever a brutha was shoving his cock down her throat, which more often then not was da case, she didn't beg for dar cock's as much. But the noises she made and duh way she thrashed about let dem brutha's know she was liking what dah was doing to her.

Couple three hours later most dem nigga's comes out'a da bedroom dragging dar sorry asses an shaking dar heads. I liked to bust a gut when stickman after checking to see what da last nigga was doing tells me da brutha so wore out he just laying atop her. Da funniest part though was that she was humping up at him and pleading with him to fuck her again.

When he finally dragged his ass out'a da bedroom his dick looked like it had gone through a meat grinder it was so raw. Hours later while dem stupid coons is still bragging bout how many times dah done fucked your pretty little wife me and stick was making plans to cut out come dusk we get da surprise of our life. Dat little slut of yourn comes traipsing into da living room stark naked an still wet from having taken a shower. As if'n she was giving us duh time of day she say she done changed da sheets on da bed case any of us is wanting to fuck her again.

Dem boys had just got her back into da bedroom an was starting to pleasure her some more when you opened da door. Needless to say we didn't leave last night as planed, an before yous ask da answer is yes. Da noises you heard coming from da bedroom when you finally woke and cut yous self free was stickman and me pleasuring duh little cum slut. Hadn't planed on fucking her again but when she come out bout 2:00 looking none duh less for wear after having rested a few hours from her second gang fucking what you going to do.

After yesterday John boy I don't think dat little red headed slut of yourn will be much satisfied with just your dick anymore. No sir I surely don't. Fact I don't think she'll be satisfied with anything short of several brutha's at a time slamming meat to her skanky white trash ass if you want my opinion."

Then laughing so hard I thought he would bust a gut he managed to sputter talk bout ass John boy, you ain't seen or heard nothing till you've seen that little redhead cum slut of yours get her shittier reamed. Duh harder an faster a brutha's dick plows her shittier duh wilder and louder she gets. Gotta tell you boy, dar ain't a hole of hers dat doesn't like dark meat. But her poop chute now, well I believe if'n she had her druthers that'd be duh hole she'd want a brutha's dick in more den any other."

For a minute he paused in his all to explicate narration and looked at me askance. Then reaching down he pulled me to my feet as easily as one would a small child. Putting his thick arm about my shoulder he turned me to face the interior of my living room just in time to see the negro who was supposed to have been guarding me step into the hallway leading to our bedroom. He made no mention of the noticeable tent in my rumpled suit pants as his hot breath hissed mockingly against my ear. "I told duh brutha's to play with her a bit. Told dem to get her all worked up so she'd put on a real good show for you.

Wouldn't sprise me none if'n while a couple of dem nigga's is fingering her snatch and sucking on dem firm little titties of hers a couple others ain't running dar hard black dick's cross her lips while teasing her bout yous watching her pleasuring dar black asses. She was raring to go better den a half hour go and now wit all dem hard black dick's around her an dem teasing her like dah doing she probably wound tighter den a two dollar watch.

Gotta tell you John boy when dat little cum slut of yourn gets wound up dar ain't no holding her back. So unless you want to miss some of da action, an we wouldn't want that now would we, yous best get yous ass in gear. Then together with pushing something into my hand along with a slight nudge to my back he set my feet in motion.

Whether the next snickering remark came from his throat or from deep inside my own brain I can't rightly say. But as my feet entered the hallway and I looked into the brilliantly lit interior of our bedroom and at the dark bodies jockeying for position about my petit young wife I heard the words as clearly as all the others I'd heard moments earlier.

"She's a slut John, a white trash black cock cum loving slut. Can you hear her John? Can you hear the cock hungry little sluts lustful moans? Can you hear her whimpering near hysterical pleas for them, for all of them to shove their powerful black cock's into her black cock loving white trash body? Just a few more steps John. Just a few more steps and then you'll not only be able to hear her beg to be fucked you'll also be able to watch her."

As together with the voice droning on and as I drew ever closer to the bedroom I looked down at the object the negro had pressed into my hand. Despite what the object portended and the certainty that our marriage was all but finished a shiver raced through me and cum stained the front of my rumpled suit pants. He was right, the arrogant God damn son of a bitching negro was right. He along with all the others had ruined her as far as my ever being able to satisfy her again.

A chocked sob that I loved her, that God damn it to hell I loved her broke from my throat. Angrily swiping the tears from my eyes I stepped over the threshold of our bedroom and brought the 8mm video camera to my eye. As if they had been waiting for me, which I'm sure they had been, they stepped aside allowing the camera's lens to focus on her young petite writhing body.

A heartbeat later and in compliance to her lustful pleas for them, for all of them to shove their hard black dick's into her three of them joined her on the bed. After positioning her atop one of them in the center of our bed the remaining two positioned themselves before and behind her. As the camera's lens picked up each guiding their black rigidities to the hole before them a thought crossed my mind.

Perhaps, just perhaps despite our living in Alabama there was a way to satisfy her need and yet remain married. For a moment the grunting demanding voices of the profusely sweating negro's interrupted my thoughts. But instead of resenting the intrusion I was thankful. Their demands on her and the interruption they had caused allowed me to brush aside and dismiss the certainty that I would be ruined both socially and financially if one of my board of directors or a city councilman ever got wind of what I intended.

- The End -

ruban1984 on Ethnic Stories

Fantasy Girl III


My girlfriend and I have had several different encounters with men and women and one of the most memorable was with a black friend of mine. 

This is another true story that happed one winter night a few years back when we had nothing to do one evening in the mountains.

We were bored and not wanting to go out for some action so we talked about fantasies. We covered things we had experienced and some we would like to and

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decided we need to fill this one now.

She and I had discussed fucking a black man with a nice big cock. She always wanted a black cock in her mouth and pussy and now it was time.

 I have a friend that had make remarks about her but always with respect. I knew he loved white woman because that’s all he dated. I had also noticed the looks he gave her when he was around. They would flirt with each other when we were out for drinks and diner and she had said he seemed large and hard when they danced.

This was a Friday night and I knew our chances might be slim that he was around. I called him on his cell and to my surprise he answered.

He was about five miles away at a bar playing darts and thinking about calling it a night.

I asked him if he minded coming up for a few drinks because we were bored. Being a good friend he said yes, he’d be there in about an hour.

Now we had been drinking and a few other things and we needed to have a plan.

I didn’t think this would be hard but I wanted to make it look innocent and him take the lead. I even thought about passing out early and see where it would lead with me asleep.


We decided to just go with the flow and let her put on some sexy clothes and expose herself. Of course that is what she always did and we loved the fun watching him lust.


She put on a nice tight pair of jeans and high heels. Then she put on a white blouse and tied it above her belly button. She had on a black bra that showed her nipples at the top and left the buttons undone to expose her milky breasts. She was hot looking with her long flowing auburn hair and beautiful full lips painted red. I could hardly wait to see them on his cock.

As I watched her get ready we talked about what was going to take place. She would just flirt like they do and get him to dance slowly. She wanted to have a few drinks and talk about sex and surprise him by letting him know about having a threesome. We were both hot talking about what was a going to take place.


He arrived in about an hour and I let him in and we made some drinks. She was still in the back of the house and wanted to see his face when she came out. We were sitting on the couch when she entered and he about spilled his drink.

Now he has seen her several times before but in a more professional setting, never dressed like this, a true slut.

He said; my god your more beautiful and sexy than ever come sit by me. He slid over and she sat between us. I got up and made a drink for her and we started talking.

It wasn’t long after a few drinks it turned to a game about the most wild sex experience ever. His was the blond who came to his door Christmas eve in a fur coat and said I’m your present as she open the coat exposing a nude body.

Mine was after I graduated from high school this girl was visiting in town and she ended up fucking me and two other guys all night and then having eight guys watch as she laid in the living room naked and fucked us again.

Now it was her turn and she shocked us both by telling us a story about her playing strip poker with her boyfriend and another couple and losing and having to fuck them all. She was 16 years old and the boyfriend was 19 and the couple was in there twenties.

After exchanging stories and a few drinks we were all getting hot and ready for some action. He even had her tell the story one more time.

I asked her if I put some music on would she dance for us. Of course she said yes and I put on a nice sexy slow song by Berry White. She danced around like a stripper and then proceeded to give us lap dances.

She and I both noticed the bulge in his pants as she sat on his lap and ground into him. When she sat on my lap I decided to go a little further and started to kiss and squeeze her breast. I notice his eyes were as big around as silver dollars and lusting as he watched me fondle her. He said to me when is it my turn with a smile. I looked him square in the eyes with a smile and said; now.

She climbed on his lap and started to grind on his cock, with a little hesitation he started to kiss her. Now he has some big lips and they just engulfed her lips and she melted into his grasp. I could tell she was sucking on his tongue like it was his cock. She kissed him back like it was her last and he responded by pushing up with his cock trying to grind into her crouch.

I wanted to sit back and watch the show, however I was so turned on I wanted to participate. I reached over and started to rub her nipples through her blouse knowing that was a big turn on. He saw what I was doing and asked me if it was his turn and I just smiled.

He said he’d waited a long time for this and wasted no time getting a breast out and playing with it. He almost seemed like a kid with a new toy and he just unwrapped it.

We leaned her back on the couch so we could both get to her. As she laid back I finished undoing her last button to expose her breasts that were pegging to get out of her bra.


I leaned over and   pulled a nipple out to suck on, and without hesitation he did the same. She now was breathing hard and reaching for our cocks. I was about to see the one thing I had fantasized about for years.

As she rubbed our cocks we massaged her breast and sucked on her nipples, which drove her wild. She was trying to unzip his pants and I was trying to undo hers. All he wanted to do was play with breasts and kiss her.

She finally got his unzipped and slid her hand in to grab his cock and let out a sigh. I knew she was now in heaved with that nice big cock in her hand. He was a little longer and a lot thicker than me and I had heard stories from a friend we had both fucked. She had told me he could stay hard and fuck all night and that’s why the ladies liked him.

I could hardly wait to see him in her mouth and pussy. As a matter of fact neither could she and she was pulling it out of his pants.

When it sprung lose and was fully exposed she said; nick cock, can I suck it as she was leaning down. With out another word she started to lick the pre cum off his dick as she said delicious.  

At the same time I pulled my cock out and started to jack off, I sure wasn’t going to waste an opportunity like this. We all were in heaven getting what we all had waited for, a good threesome.

She had his cock in her mouth and I had mine in my hand as I went down on her. She was so wet I bet I could get three or four fingers inside. As I licked her pussy I stuck three fingers inside that nice moist box. I was between her legs with a great view of her sucking his dick, I was hotter than hell and trying to hold back. At the same time I wanted to cum watching her devourer his cock. I could see he wanted to cum and was also holding back.

I decided to cum in her wet pussy and not on the floor and stuck my ready to explode cock in as deep as I could and banged away. It didn’t take but a few minutes until I exploded in her and I could tell she did the same. We both came together with his cock in her mouth.

As I pulled out he said; this is what I’ve wanted to do for along time, fuck this white slut. I knew dirty talk turned her on and she said; stick that big black dick in my pussy and fuck the shit out of me. I want you to fuck me all night I’m yours for any pleasure you want.

That was all he needed to hear as he pulled her down on the floor and said, get ready for the ride of your life, you white sluts love to have big black cock. I was getting hard again listing to the exchange of words.

He teased her by talking and rubbing his dick on her pussy as her juices flowed mixed with my cum. He would stick it in and then pull it out and say beg for it. She did as he  said an responded I’ll do anything you want, just fuck me.

You’re going to be my white slut bitch and I’m going to fuck you whenever I please as he slammed into her.

I was so turned on I stared to jack off standing over them as he slammed into her as hard as he could. His big black dick looked like a piston going in and out. She said fuck he hard with that big cock, I want you to cum in me.

He said I’m going to fuck you all night until you beg me to stop and then I’ll cum in you.


I kept jacking off over them as he plowed into her as fast and hard as he could with her legs high in the air and bent back. He wanted to get every inch inside of her and she wanted it all.

I knew he meant every word about fucking her all night and I wished I had a camera. I had taken pictures before but never a movie. I could see a repeat with lights camera action.

He wanted to fuck her doggy style so he could watch her suck my cock and I loved the idea. He flipped her over and rammed his cock into her as I got up front. She started sucking as she moaned with every thrust he drove into her. I wanted to make this last, but the sight of him pounding away made me explode in her mouth as she swallowed every drop.

I then sat back and watched him fuck her in every position that we could think of. He used her like a true slut and she loved it. Especially when he told her how he was going to use his new slut.

I liked the idea of him taking her and using her and sharing her with his black friends. She even liked it more, and could hardly with for the next adventure.

As he promised he fucked her hard all night until about five in the morning when he finally said I’m cumming and unloaded a huge load in her pussy. At the same time she screamed, as she was cumming with him. She grabbed his cock when he was done and sucked and licked it clean. We were all tired and fucked out. I had cum about four times and she had many organisms and was sore from the pounding.

We said are good nights and went to bed. She wasn’t too tired to fuck one last time as she told me how much she enjoyed his black seed in her. I enjoyed fucking her wet cum filled pussy as she told me how she loved black cock

We made plans to have him cum back and maybe bring some friends sometime. That’s another story.


Teachers Potential

A.G.Thomas on Ethnic Stories

"Teachers Potential"
by A.G.Thomas

(M+F inter. teacher)
As Kareem Weathers pushed his cart through the hall he glanced down at his watch, 6:23. One more classroom and he would be out of there and hitting on that new barmaid at Jelly Rolls by 6:45, 7:00 at the latest. Not that the young thing ever paid him any attention. Still though he enjoyed the challenge and who knew, maybe, just maybe, one of these days he would get in her pants. Pushing open the door he stopped dead in his tracks. What the hell was she still doing here he wondered. Ms Reynolds, actually Mrs. Regina Reynolds never stayed this late. As he stepped quietly into the room and began pushing his dust mop over the floor her head never rose from the papers cluttering her desk.
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Out of the corner of his eye he continued to look at her and for perhaps the hundredth time since the start of the school year he mentally undressed her. There was just something about her that set his blood to pumping and today was no different. Maybe it was because she didn't dress like the other teachers. Not that he didn't appreciate and find it highly arousing that the others wore blouses who's buttons threatened to pop open and skirts that were not only short but in several cases looked as if they had been painted on. Whether Mrs. Reynolds manner of dress was like a steak to a man accustomed to hamburgers or his own sense of what a proper woman should dress like he wasn't certain. All he knew was that he highly approved of and found her stylish clothes stimulating to his old libido.

He especially liked the dress she was wearing today. Not that her usual wrap around or other knee length dresses such as her silk and chiffon ones, that if not for their lining would be transparent, didn't twitch his baby maker he mumbled. As he continued to watch her out of the corner of his eyes he mentally unfastened one after the other of the buttons running the length of her shirt dress. A lecherous grin curled his lips as in his minds eye he slowly parted the thin material of her dress after loosening the last button. He had little doubt that if such ever happened his old eyes would feast on a truly hot body.

For a second he froze as her head rose and she looked right at him. A far away look clouded her eyes. A look as if to say she was somewhere other then here grading papers for ungrateful shit-heads who would never amount to anything. Maybe she's thinking about a long luxurious bubble bath before slipping into a sexy little babydoll, or perhaps a flyaway nightgown so sheer as to non existent he thought. God damn he muttered if he was ever so lucky as to have her do something like that for him he'd keep her in bed for a week.

As he continued to look at her a smile touched her sensual lips as if confirming his thoughts then slowly she lowered her head and wrote something on one of the papers. Damn, she must really have her mind elsewhere he silently muttered. She done looked right at this ol' nigga and didn't see me. Sure do wish she be thinking bout me like dat he snickered. Slowly making his way closer to her desk he stood before her for a moment then lightly coughed to get her attention. He almost laughed as together with her head snapping up to look at him she almost jumped from her chair.

Together with her hand flying to her heaving bosom as if to still a pounding heart she nervously giggled you scared me half to death Mr. Weathers. For a second they looked at each other and then like a school girl caught cheating on an exam she started talking a mile a minute. "I thought I'd stay and grade papers instead of going home to an empty house. It's so depressing being alone in that big old house his parents gave us when they moved to that retirement community." For a moment she paused. Then as if reading his thoughts as to why she would be alone she mumbled that her husband was on a business trip and wasn't due to return till sometime late tonight.

Continuing in the same vein she explained that Nathan had been away for nearly a week and that she was looking forward to his returning home. Then nervously shuffling some papers she softly asked if there was something he wanted. "Yes em Ms. Reynolds I done already cleaned da rest of yo classroom but now I has to get under your desk. Ain't cleaned dar in a while and dar probably be a lot of dust under dar. Won't take long an I'll try not to bother you." Then without waiting for her reply he knelt down and moved beneath her desk. As Kareem slipped from sight she turned back to the papers cluttering her desk.

Why did I explain myself to him she wondered. He's just a janitor he doesn't need to know why I'm still here. If I wanted to stay here in my classroom all night it was none of his business. Then shaking her head she picked up her marker and continued with her task. Beneath her desk, but unknown to her, Kareem tried to peer beneath her dress. But despite the five or so inch slit in her dress before the first button he was unable to. Slowly he reached out and cautiously and over what seemed like an eternity undid first one and then two more buttons of her dress.

With each successive loosening of a button her dress fell to either side of her slightly parted shapely legs. Once again lowering his head he found to his delight that he had an excellent though constricted view of her shapely legs to mid thigh. For untold minutes he neither moved or breathed as he took in the sight before him. His mind raced with visions of her open and inviting before him. Lurid explicit images of her worshiping his nine inch thick veined dark cock filled his mind. When after long minutes she showed no reaction to her dress falling to either side of her shapely legs he lightly brushed her left pump.

Obediently in response to his touch her foot moved thus opening her legs wider. Another light touch a moment later to her right pump and her knees were a good foot apart giving him an unhampered and clear view of her panties. For a fleeting moment he felt a pang of disappointment upon discovering that instead of frilly little lace panties as he had expected she was instead wearing plain old white cotton one. Well dat going to sure nuff going to change once I gives her a taste of a real man he silently muttered Licking his thick lips he stifled a lust filled moan as he reached out. Feather like he touched her knee then ever so slowly and lightly moved higher. In response to his feather like touch and hot breath on her leg she squirmed slightly and her legs opened even wider.

"Sure be dirty under here missy but don't you worry none cause I gonna clean it good for you" Her only response was a soft mummer as she again squirmed in her seat. Lightly his fingers glided ever higher up her shapely legs and as they did he moved his head between them until unbelievingly and to his delight his nose was less then two inches from her. Breathing deeply he inhaled her scent and then nano seconds before pressing his face to her plain white cotton panties he snickered damn Mrs. Reynolds your pussy sure do smell nice.

As if struck by lightening she suddenly realized that what she had been fantasizing was anything but. Pushing backwards from her desk she looked down at the nappy dark head between her widely splayed legs. "Mr. Weathers ---- what ---- what ---- do you think your doing. Oh God stop. Please stop." For a second he didn't answer as like a dog lapping at water his tongue lathered her aroma rich panties. Then together with his fingers tightening on her thighs to keep her legs from snapping shut his lifted his face and looked deeply into her stunned and startled eyes. "Why I's cleaning of course Mrs. R." Then as if to emphasize his statement he again lowered his head and pressed his thick tongue into her slightly moistened panties.

Despite her shock at his assumptive behavior as well as his bold statement a soft pleasurable moan escaped her lips as his tongue lapped and stabbed at her panties. "Noooooo. Stop! Please stop Mr. Weathers ---- Kareem. Oh God stop please stttooppppp. My husbaannnnndd" But even as her soft pleas touched the silence of the room her head lolled back and another louder moan escaped her lips as unbidden her hands fell atop her assailants head. Together with her fingers pushing into his tight kinky curls her pert buttocks jerked upwards from her chair pressing her treasure to Kareem's tongue. A soft chuckle came from between her legs as time and again and repeatedly the negro's thick tongue pressed her panties into her crack.

For an eternity Kareem knelt there with his face buried between her splayed legs. Then together with relaxing his hold on her squirming hips his head rose slightly and he began to fumble with the silver concho belt about her slim waist. Hardly had the heavy silver belt fallen useless to the seat behind her then his large dark hands gripped the hem of her dress and pulled. A sound as if that of a string of fire crackers going off filled the room as the few remaining buttons of her dress popped away and ricochet across the room. She tried to close her legs, tried to pull her fingers from his tight curls of his nappy hair and cover her near nudity but neither would cooperate. She could fell his fingers dancing over her flat abdomen up along her ribs and then a choked gasping sob spilled from her lips as his dark hands closed over her bra covered pert breast.

Mixed distorted thoughts flooded her brain. Thoughts of her husband and his love for her, of Mr. Weathers hands groping her, squeezing her swirled about her. Like a drowning person grasping at a straw to keep from going under her mind fixed on her nine month marriage. But whatever hope the thought might of held died as Kareem's head once more fell between her legs and his tongue stabbed at her panty covered treasure. Faint whimpering pleas for Kareem to stop issued from her trembling lips even as unable to control her actions her loins jerked and quivered in time to the tongue licking and stabbing against her panties. Her chest heaved and her breath came in choked gasping sobs as wave after wave of unfathomable pleasure washed over her.

Not until she felt his fingers in the waistband of her full cotton panties did she realize that his hands had left her pert bra covered breast. Unbidden and with an unfathomable desire to help him her tight well shaped buttocks rose from her chair even as her hips continued to dance and push toward the thick tongue giving her pleasure. A soulful whimper of no please no hissed from her lips as his tongue left her and a heartbeat later his heavy hands tugged her white cotton panties from about her waist and pushed them down her legs. Obediently her right leg rose to assist him in removing her panties in answer to the command flashed to it by her brain. But before her left foot could obey the same command Kareem had risen from the floor and was leaning over her.

With his dark smiling face centimeters from hers he chuckled don't you be worrying none Mrs. Reynolds, this old nigger ain't going to be stopping. Least ways not till you've done pleasured my black baby maker seven ways from Sunday. Then closing the final little distance between them his thick lips smothered hers. At the same time his lips covered hers his left hand wormed beneath then pushed her full maiden-form bra above her perky breast while his right dropped between her legs. Like the tendrils of a giant squid exploring the food it had just captured the fingers of his two hands not only fluttered over her pussy lips but also pinched and tugged at her nipples.

For immeasurable minutes his tongue lapped and stabbed at her unresponsive lips then as if she were an inexperienced teenager kissing her first boy her lips parted slightly. At first experimentally then harder her lips ground against his then a micro second later her tongue darted out to parry then entwine with his. Even as her mind screamed the sinfulness of her response to a man of a race she had always thought inferior whimpering pleasurable moans were swallowed by his hungry mouth. To her addled brian it felt as if a faucet had been turned on between her legs though she knew that wasn't possible. Yet there was no denying the arousal washing over her from the negro's manipulations.

Suddenly his lips left hers and she was left gasping as if hyperventilating. From somewhere far off she heard a voice, but the mad thumping of her heart and the raging river roaring through her veins all but made it indecipherable. Not until long minutes had passed did she realize that his lips had left hers and that he was talking to her. Then and only then was she able to grasp the full meaning of the words.

"Does you likes what I's doing Mrs. Reynolds? Does you likes dis nigga eating your snatch and playing with your little titties? Well does you?" To ashamed to answer she simply nodded but that wasn't the response Kareem wanted. Leaning back against her desk he snickered I can't hear you Mrs. Reynolds. But again her only response was a nodding of her head. Feigning disgust he grunted if'n you won't tell me what you's wants then this ol nigga might as well leave. As he strongly suspected she would do she reached out and closed her delicate fingers on his thick wrist halting his movement.

Turning to her he looked down into her glazed eyes without saying a word. Though his blood was racing and he wanted desperately to fall atop her, squash her beneath his 270 pounds he simply stood there looking at her. Her soft answer broadened his smile but still he didn't move yet unconsciously his big hand dropped to his crotch and hefted his burgeoning cock. "Yes? Yes what Mrs. Reynolds?" Her answer when it came was so soft that he had to strain to hear her as she muttered yes I like your head between my legs and yes I like you playing with my breast.

Despite his desire to bred the young white teacher that was more then half his age his need to dominate her, to control her, to bend her to his will gained the upper hand. His mirth filled laugh echoed through the room as with a piercing stare he said I didn't just have my head between your legs vanilla, I was eating your snatch. An I wasn't playing with your breast either cunt, I was playing with your tits. For what seemed like an eternity a deathly silence filled the room then again he turned as if to walk away from her.

"Yes damn you yes ---- Yes I liked you eating my snatch and yes I liked you playing with my tits" With a smile he turned back to her and as he did so his big hands again fondled her breast along with rolling and pinching her nipples. Shame such as she had never known before encompassed her, yet unable to deny her need her hands rose and covered his and a stuttering moan of pleasure tumbled from her quivering lips. Though she wanted desperately to scream out her pain as the negro's thick dark fingers pinched and stretched her nipples ever harder and further the only sound from her mouth were whimpering moans of pleasure.

Limply her hands dropped from his as her body quivering uncontrollable in ecstasy could no longer hold them aloft. Then with supreme effort as the quivering that had encompassed her lessened and in answer to his taunts they again rose but this time toward him. With trembling cumbersome fingers she struggled with his belt and when it didn't loosen immediately groans and tears of frustration overwhelmed her. Only his soothing words as well as his own fingers assisting her calmed her frayed nerves. As his belt loosened and he then unsnapped his uniform pants her hands pushed them from his hips.

As his pants fell to his knees his unrestrained cock sprang into view. A loud gasp burst from her lips and she leaned back into her chair. She had never seen, let alone imagined, anything such as what her eyes beheld. Unconsciously she licked her lips making them glisten invitingly. Her mind tumbled and spiraled as it tried to come to terms with the massive blue black monstrosity that held her eyes as if it were a magnet. In near hysteria her mind gibbered that it had to be at least twice that of her husbands both in length and girth.

Tentatively she reached out to trace a delicate finger from the loose skin covering the spongy knob down to its base then back up again. As her fingernail slid lightly along its length it jerked and twitched in response. Closing her fingers about its twitching girth she at first slowly and then faster ran her hand up and down it's length. The taunting voice of the huge negro tickled her ears as her thoughts ran rapid. Girlish giggles about the length and girth of the blood engorged blue black hunk of man flesh repeatedly played through her brain along with his taunts.

"You likes Kareem's baby maker don't you Mrs. Reynolds? You likes looking at it, feeling it, squeezing it, stroking it! I bets your horny white trash ass can't wait to feels it pounding your snatch can you? Well fore dat happens slut I specks you to kiss it, to worship it, pay homage to it." Even before the last words of his taunt registered in the mush jokingly called her brain her lips parted and she leaned toward him. Hardly had her tongue lapped over the oozing tip then her lips closed over its spongy head. As her teeth every so lightly grazed his cock his fingers curled into her soft shoulder length strawberry blond hair. The blood roaring through her veins, the mad pounding of her heart was so loud that all other sound was blotted out. Yet as if she actually could hear his eager mocking words her lips moved further down his cock.

Again and again her lips moved up and down him and with each successive forward movement another half inch or so slipped between them. As she drew a section on the vein rich hunk of darkness her tongue fluttered rapidly along the underside, caressing, teasing him. Like a baby feeding at its mothers nipple she slavishly labored to bring him the ejaculation she knew he wanted. Gasping, choking sputters issued from around the cock driving ever faster and deeper between her lips as with left hand upon his hip and her right caressing, fondling, hefting his egg size nodules she sought to please him.

Would she like the taste of his cum, or would she she wondered find it repugnant just as she did her husbands. But even as the question formed in her mind the negro's cock jerked like an unmanned fire hose. Then like an erupting volcano spewing forth its bubbling boiling lava his thick slightly salty cum splashed against the entrance to her throat. Whether it was her own mind directing her actions or somehow Kareem's words had made it through the roaring in her ears she obediently sought to swallow his offering. Despite her best efforts though some of his thick globular cum oozed from between her tightly clinging lips and his black hardness. Still though she continued to suck and swallow in a hungry desire to draw every last drop of him from his quivering egg sack.

Even after the last thick string of his ejaculation had joined that already in her stomach she continued to suck lovingly while hoping for still more. She continued to do so until with a mirthless chuckle of what a cock hungry slut she was he both pushed against her forehead and jerked his cock from between her tightly clinging lips. As his dark salvia coated appendage pulled from her mouth she was surprised to see that unlike her husbands cock Kareem's was still rigid. Reaching out she both stroked his salvia coated cock and rolled her small hand over and around its spongy head. Not even his mocking laughter that she couldn't get enough of his cock stilled her hand and when he directed her to her feet she almost leaped from her chair.

Standing on her tip toes she both raised her face toward his and closed her eyes in anticipation of his kissing her. For a moment he looked at her hardly believing how easily she had succumbed to him, then grabbing the loose folds of her dress he yanked it from her and carelessly tossed it aside. The suddenness and savagery of his actions stunned her. But that was as nothing compared to the fright she felt as he twisted her about and pushed her face down over her desk. Mocking laughter that he didn't kiss no slut what sucked his black dick and drank his cum turned her face red. Yet despite her shame and the heart thumping fear encompassing her she readily obeyed his gravely command to spread her legs.

A shiver of arousal such as she had never before felt surged through her as his hand moved between her legs and his thick fingers teased at what no black man ever had. A sobbing moan welled in her heaving chest as obedient to his touch and harshly spoken command her feet both shuffled backwards and spread wider apart. His boastful taunt of how much he was going to enjoy fucking her burned her ears and seared into her brain. Instead of his words shaming her though as they rightly should have they instead had the opposite effect. Thoughts of her husband flicked through her addled mind but then were quickly extinguished as first one and then another thick dark finger pushed into the leaking faucet between her legs.

Spasmodic shivers of pleasure racked her petite white body as her hips ground back to met the thick fingers delving into her. Then suddenly the pleasure giving fingers were pulled from her. Her wail of unrealized fulfillment was like that of a tortured soul but then she felt something bigger and harder running teasingly over her fluttering pussy lips. As he guided his torrid hardness to the moist slit between her legs then pushed just its tip into her she tried to squirm away. But his tight hold on her waist prevented her from accomplishing that which she sought to do. For long minutes he simply stood there with his monstrous blackness buried in the seething bubbling cauldron between her shaky legs relishing the moment of conquest. Then with a touch of sadistic glee along with a tightening of his buttocks and a rotating of his hips he sent another inch of his tumultuous blue black hardness into her.

Whimpering pleas that he was to big, that he would ruin her bubbled from her trembling lips only to be drowned by contemptuous laughter. "Dat's right slut, dat's right. I's going to ruin you. After dat pussy of yourn has a taste of my black baby maker it ain't ever going to be wanting a little bitty white thing like your ol' mans again. All dat snatch going to be wanting, all it going to be finding pleasure from is nigga cock." As the last rumbled from his raspy throat his hips jerked yet again sending another inch of blackness into the tight clinging confines of her cunt.

Again, at least to all outward appearances, he remained motionless behind her. But it was a whole different story inside her. Like a living entity his monstrous dark cock pulsed and throbbed sending spikes of never before realized pleasure rippling through her. Her slim petite body quivered and shook with each spike and raspy lust filled moans as well as drool slipped from her slack cum encrusted lips. Unwittingly she again tried to push back to met him but just as before his tight hold on her slim waist prevented her from doing so.

"Does Mrs. Reynolds be wanting dis ol' nigga to shove his powerful black cock in her tight white cunt and breed her? Is dat what you be wanting Mrs. Reynolds? Well is it slut?" But instead of the bubbling supplication he expected her only response was soulful moans. For a second he thought of again taunting her but then another thought flashed through his brain. With agonizing slowness he withdrew three then four inches of his dark hardness until all but the cauliflower shaped head remained between her splayed lips. Then with a twisting and grinding of his loins he lunged forward sinking not only that which he had withdrawn but another two inches as well.

For several ragged breaths silence filled the empty room as her body convulsed and brilliant flares exploded in her brain in response to the unprecedented depth to which he had penetrated her. Then like the ringing of fine crystal to his ears her sobbing plea for him to fuck her, to shove his black cock into her reverberated from the walls of the classroom. In answer to her stuttering repeated pleas his hips again jerked sending yet another inch between her moist splayed lips.

With an agonizingly slow grinding of his hips he set a pace that nearly fifty years of experience had taught him was sure to prolong his pleasure. Fleeting images of his other conquest of white women flashed before him as he stared down at the nearly seven inches of dark cock sawing in and out of her. God but she was tight. Tighter then any of those other white bitches he'd fucked. Not only was she tighter she was a hell of a sight better looking then any of those other cunt's. Two more inches. Just two more inches and Mrs. Reynolds would be his whenever he wanted her.

Reaching out he pushed his thick fingers into her strawberry blond hair lifting her face from her desk. Like a cowboy yanking back on the reins of a run away horse he forced her head up and back. Then with a last powerful thrust he drove his pelvis forward not stopping till every last centimeter of his blood engorged nine inch blue black cock was sheathed in her tight cunt. Labored grunts of fuck that black cock you nasty white slut spilled from his thick lips as again and again and yet again his pelvis smacked into her upturned jiggling buttocks. Gasped whimpers of ohhhh Godddd big sooo bigggg not only heightened his arousal but intensified his desire to completely and totally dominate her.

Never, not even in her wildest childhood fantasies had she ever imagined being filled such as she was now. The fullness, the pain that encompassed her very being as time and again and ever faster the old negro drove into her was both excruciating and yet mind numbingly pleasurable. Sobbing soulful pleas for the negro to fuck her, for him to make her his slut bubbled from her lips as she masochistically impaled herself on his lead pipe hard black cock.

The mad thumping of her heart, the blood roaring through her veins was so loud it felt as if her very flesh was pulsating with their sound. Flickering thoughts of her husband surfaced even as she continued to push back at the monstrous dark cock driving repeatedly and powerfully into her. Why hadn't Dale ever made her feel like this? Why, why, why. But as quickly as the question had wormed through her passion fogged mind a mocking sultry voice answered. Because he's got a skinny little white mans dick.

As if to deny the filthy vision that threatened to consume her she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. But there was no blocking out the mind altering feel of the old negro's cock jackhammering into her or the kaleidoscope of pictures flooding her brain. It was as if he could read her mind for no sooner had the sordid images of not only his but hundreds of other black cocks fucking her come to her then faintly and as if from a great distance she heard the negro's gleeful snicker you likes nigger cock fucking you doesn't you Mrs. Reynolds.

She tried to answer but rational speech was beyond her capability. Instead she answered in the only way she could. Gasping sobs and choked grunts escaped her trembling lips as the pleasure center of her mind repeatedly flared like exploding novas. But the wanton pleasure washing through her was as nothing to that which enveloped her when with a last savage grinding thrust of his hips his cock swelled and began twitching as if it were a demented snake. Then like lava spewing from a volcano his thick globular cum shot from the head of his cock and flooded her insides.

As if in the throes of an epileptic fit her body convulsed and her mind melted as together with his her own climax engulfed her. An ear shattering scream of pure animal lust burst from her chest as with the last of her strength she pushed back against him. A minute, an hour, a lifetime later she collapsed wearily atop her desk but still the clinging tight walls of her vagina refused to let him go. Like the fingers of a farmer massaging the teat of his prize milk cow the muscles of her vulva caressed and stroked his cock in an effort to draw every last drop of his thick warm spunk. Her only answer to his repeated taunts was incomprehensible grunts

For immeasurable minutes they stayed thus then together with slapping a still quiver ass cheek he pulled from her. Through the tidal surge of blood rushing through her veins she dimly heard his jovial command and obediently, albeit slowly, she rolled from her desk and slipped to her knees. As her tongue flicked out then her lips closed about his semi limp dark cock cleaning it of their combined juices she could only mutter incomprehensibly to his taunts. "Is you my slut Mrs. Reynolds? Is you my white fuck toy to pleasure myself with whenever and however I's a mind to."

For several minutes he looked down at her with a shit eating grin on his face as she slavishly washed his cock and balls with lips and tongue. Yes, Mrs. Reynolds would serve him well of that he was sure. Then with little regard as to her feelings or what she might think he both pushed against her forehead and pulled his cock from her hungrily sucking mouth. That his actions caused her to fall awkwardly back against her desk he cared little. She was his slut. His black cock loving white trash cum slut to do with as he pleased.

"Tomorrow come lunch time Mrs. Reynolds I specs you to pay me a visit in dah boiler room, so don't disappoint me you hear me slut. Make sure you be wearing some pretty little panties stead dem old white cotton things like you wore today though. Course just like des here today I'll be keeping whatever you wear as a souvenir, so if'n you'd rather just go without panties altogether den dat be fine with me. Make it easier for dis nigga to get at your black cock loving snatch, and dat is what you be wanting isn't it slut?" Pulling up his pants he turned and retrieved his cleaning cart. Then with a self assurance and arrogance he hadn't felt in a long time he walked from the classroom without looking back.

- The End - [Maybe]

Hooking up with a coworker on a corporate retreat (Part 2)

sextrader on Ethnic Stories

I grab another coffee on my way into work.  Come upstairs and open my lap top.  You come in a few minutes later.  We exhange a few IM's and get on with the days work.
3pm arrives and we pack up.  There are a few limos taking the employees to the retreat.  We pile in and open the beer they have chilling.  We are in a limo with 2 other people.  Its not a long drive out of the city.  We turn on the music and settle in for the drive. 
We arrive at the retreat and check in with everyone else.  They have put us up in a fairly fancy resort so we are doubling up.  I am in a room with Claire.  She works out of the San Francisco offic
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e.  We have talked on the phone and email but never met in person.  She is already in the room.  Nice looking girl, about 5' 8", tall with shoulder length blonde hair.  We unpack our things, freshen up and head down to the hotel bar.
Tonight is a low key night, everyone is doing drinks in the hotel bar and then I think a few will be going out.  Claire has had a long day with her flight and heads back up to our room at around 11pm.  A few people start to make noise about going out, I go put my purse in the room, just packing my ID and a few credit cards.   I pass you in the lobby, you say that you are bagged and are heading up to bed.   I head off to the club to dance the night away. 
Saturday we have meetings.  Same thing every year... how we did the past year, what we are going to focus on the next year.   If you look across the room you can see everyone has their blackberrys in hand sending text messages back and forth.  We break for lunch.
I decide to skip the rest of the afternoon meetings and head out the pool.  I order up a drink and lay down on the lawn chair.  I grabbed a few celebrity rags in the store on the way out.  Perfect way to spend the afternoon.  I close my eyes and light a cigarette, lay back and enjoy the sun.  All of a sudden cold water is splashed all over me. I look up and you are in the pool infront of me laughing.    I put down my drink, butt out the cigarette and come join you on the edge of the pool.  I sit on the edge of the pool with my drink and let my feet dangle in the water.  You stand at the edge of the pool, chest deep in the water.  You grab my left foot and massage it under the water.  Rubbing my foot, running your fingers thru my toes.  Rubbing the ball of my foot, massaging your whole hand up to my toes.  Taking each toes between your fingers and massaging it.  I open my legs just a little bit so you can see the wet spot that has formed on my bikini bottoms. 
More people from the office start to trickle out of the meetings.  I am back in the deck chair tanning.  Claire comes down and sits next to me.  Orders us another round and with it come a few shots.  We look over at the pool and you boys all smile.   Looks like its going to be a long night.   There are a few trouble makers in our office.
We head back to our rooms at around 5 to get ready for dinner.  Claire and I are buzzed, we had a few too many drinks in the sun.  She asks if I want to hop in the shower first or second.  I pick first as it takes a while to do my hair after.  I strip down, throw a towel around myself and get in the shower.  When I get out there is music on, Claire is naked in the room pouring herself another drink.  She spins around and says 'oh sorry I didn't think you were out yet'.  I tell her that its no problem, I saved some hot water for her.  She brushes past me and goes into the washroom.  I sit down and have to rethink that one... where did that come from?  Oh well, I'm not going to complain.
We get ready for dinner and head out.  There is assigned seating at the dinner, you are not placed with people in your office.   Fancy that....... guess who is at my table!  I wonder if you somehow had a hand in the seating.  I sit down and take off my jacket.  I am wearing a very low cut black top and black slacks.  You pour me a glass of red wine.  After dinner everyone heads to the casino.  I head straight for the three card poker.  I love gambling. 
2am and we head back to the resort.  Few people had back to the hotel bar, few head up to their rooms.  I grab a drink and sit down next to you.  You are hunched over in your chair, you tell me that you think you pulled your back in the pool earlier today.  I get up and stand behind you.  Like last night I start to unbutton your shirt.  Only the first two buttons this time, as there are plenty of coworkers watching.  Its not a sensual massage like last night, more of a deep tissue.  I just want my hands on your skin.  I reach down into your shirt, just a little bit and run my hands over your chest.  Back up and down your back.  I massage all the way up to your neck.  I can feel you have goose bumps.  I only hope that your cock is getting just a little bit hard in your shorts.
More people trickle out and its down to the last 3 or 4. I need a cigarette so make a move to go outside.  Everyone thinks thats a good idea and we head out.  Its a warm night, I'm feeling a bit frisky.  I take off my shirt and walk over towards the hot tub.  I look behind me and see everyone is following my lead.  Claire, yourself and Rob are all coming down to the pool desk.  I slide off my pants and jump into the pool.  I swim underwater across the pool.  When I come up for air I turn around and see you are all in the hot tub.  I swim a few lengths and get out of the pool, walk over to the hot tub.  I slide in between you and Claire. 
Claire has had too much to drink and heads up to our room.  We sit for a bit longer and go to get out.  As we are toweling off you whisper to me "221".  I look at you and wink.  I'm not sure who you are sharing a room with.  Why did you tell me your room number?  We all head up in the elevator.  You get out first on the 2nd floor.  Rob gets out next.  I head up to my room.  Oh what the heck, I go back to the elevator and hit the 2nd floor.  I am scared of bumping into someone.  I knock on your door. 
You open the door, wrapped in just a towel around your waist. I walk in.  I see only 1 bed.  I ask how you got so lucky not to have to share.  You tell me that you just didn't want to share with anyone so you are paying for your own room.  'Now stop asking questions and go lay on the bed'  oohhh assertive.  I like that.  I go sit at the end of the bed.  You walk over to me and let your towel drop to the floor. 
I grab your cock in my right hand.  Slowly working my way from the base to the head.  Twisting my hand around you, feeling it harden.  It needs to be wetter, I move my head down and lick just once up the side.  Leaving a long wet trail of saliva.  I put my hand back and move it up and down, feeling every vein pulse.  I reach the end of your cock and run my fingers over the head.  I take my index finger and put it in my mouth, run it over the head around the rim... I put my finger back in my mouth.  mmmm tastes good.  I look up at you, I like the eye contact.  I want you to watch me.  I move my head down and open my mouth.  When I get close I let out a breath of air... slow cool breathe.  I want to tease you just a little.  I look back up at you, playful smile.  Then I open my mouth and take every inch of you inside of me.  The warm wet feeling of my mouth, wrapped around your cock gives you the goose bumps.  I reach my hands around behind you and grab your ass, squeeze your cheeks as I open my mouth a little wider and push you in a little deeper.  The head of your cock reaches the back of my throat.  I gag just a little.  mmmm that feels good. I pull back and hold onto your hips as a move my head back and forth.  Back and forth, each time turning my head just a little, sucking as a I pull back, wrapping my tongue around it as I push it back in.  I take my right hand and grab the base, twisting my hand up as I pull back, pushing it back down as I put it back in my mouth.  Sometimes reaching down to grab your balls for just a second.  You take your hands and hold onto my head, running your fingers thru my hair.  You hold on and pull my head back.  You go down onto your knees infront of me, kiss me. 
You lean me back on the bed, slowly taking off my clothes.  You get down to my underwear and move down between my legs.  You kiss from my knees up to my inner thighs.  Run your nose over my pussy, breathing in my scent.  Your tongue slides along the right side of my panties, trying to push under them.  You lick on top of my underwear, pushing your tongue over my clit. ooohh god that feels good.  You lick back down the left side of my underwear.  Your tongue is hard, pushing under the elastic.  Oh god please don't tease me like this.  I want to feel you on me.  I want to feel your tongue licking me. 
You reach down under me and grab my underwear, slowly pulling it down to my knees.  My legs are straight up in the air.  You hold them there as you pull my underwear off.  My legs stay straight up in the air ass you move back down.  Lapping at my pussy.  You let all the saliva from your mouth move to your tongue and onto me.  I put my legs down, spreading them on each side of your face.  I like to watch you, I like to watch your tongue move over my body, pressing it on my clit... watching me move beneath you.  I want you to suck on my clit,  I want to you to take it all in your mouth, gently... slowly sucking on it.  I need more, I want to feel you inside of me.  Your take your hand and move it down between my legs, two fingers glide inside of me. I am so wet right now.  Oh my god that feels so good.
You push your fingers deeper inside of me.  Reaching them back against the back wall of my pussy.  Reaching for the magical spot.  I had told you a while back that I was a squirter.  Lots of oral, lots of fingering and gently pushing on that one spot and I will come so hard my body will shake and the bed will be soaked.  You are a man on a mission.  Your fingers glide in and out of me, your tongue moves across my pussy.  Oh my god that feels so good.  Oh good it feels so good.  I want more.  I want you inside of me.  I'm so close to cumming.  So close.  Oh god I want you inside of me. 
I reach down and pull you up to me.  I want to kiss you, I want to taste my pussy all over your face.  You slide up on to of me.  Kissing me, letting me lick the taste of myself off of your face.  mmmmm so good.  You kneel between my legs.  Grab my hips and lift me onto you.  Ohhhhhh yes,  Slowly. Slowly your cock slides inside of me.  Ohhh god yes, oh my god that feels so good.  Wait.  Wait just a second.  I want to feel every inch of you.  I stop and just let the feeling run thru me.  I reach down and put two fingers on my clit, slowing rubbing it.  You hold onto my hips and slide your cock in and out of me.  In and out, in and out.  I rub harder.  You reach forward with your hands and grab my tits.  Pinching my nipples, taking my whole breast in your hand and grab it.  Massage them in your hands, back up to my nipples.  Yes... oh god yes this feels so good.  Don't stop.  Pinch my nipples... harder.... harder.  Please.  Oh god yes, my fingers move faster, rubbing my clit harder.  Your cock pushes into me deeper, you pull it out and push it back in.... deeper... deeper..... all the way inside of me.
Yes... yes now... now.  Oh my god yes I am going to cum.  I can feel the rush running thru me.  I can feel myself about to cum.  I stop playing with myself.  I reach behind me and grab the headboard of the bed.  I push my hips up as you sit up on your knees.  My back is completley arched.  You are right up on your knees.  Push inside of me again.  Hold it right there.  Oh god yes I am cumming.  Don't stop, don't stop.
All of a sudden you feel a warm rush of liquid.  It runs down my legs, down your legs.  The sheets are wet.  And by wet I mean soaking wet.   As soon as you feel it you start to pump a little faster.  Oh my god that is sexy, you say.  I am going to cum. Both of us a pushing into each other, both of us cumming at once.  Warm wet liquid pours out of both of us.  I lay back down on the bed... you sit back down on your knees. 
I can't move.  I can't move my body.  My body is shaking.  That ws the most intense orgasm I have ever had.  You roll over next to me, laying beside me enjoying the sensation.  Soooo good. So fucking good.