Published Sex Stories

Morning Chat with a Carnie

Telorvechia on Teen Stories

I'd seen this man several times before. The same routine occurring just about each time he walked in to get coffee. He'd spot me at my table, I at his, and we'd engage in an unbreakable chain of eye contact. I could only imagine what would be running through his mind at these moments, for I know what had been running through mine.

   The thought of yet another secret lust relationship with an older man excites me. I've been in several before, and the chemistry I seemed to have with this man was simply astounding. The idea of exposing my nipples to his tongue and watch them harden upon his lips was nothing short of delici

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So when we finally started to talk and he rejected me for my age I almost fell off my seat. It's hard for me to take rejection. I know I'm only 16, but that hasn't stopped my sexual goings on for longer than a month at a time. I admit I'm quite the little finger always in my pussy, and I love it. The erotic moment's I've enjoyed shock many in fact; such is the case for one time back when I was 14...

I'd gone for a walk early that morning. Sticky and hot it was, I was dressed in my tight little pj shorts leaving little to the imagination of my rather curvy ass. I had on a faded white jersey of my boyfriend's favorite soccer team, and even though it was warm, you could see the outline of my large coffee brown nipples at the base of my 36DD tits.

After walking for a while I'd come across a parking lot half set up for a carnival. All the workers seemed to be asleep. I sat on the pave ment rubbing my freshly shaved tan legs. "BEEP!" My heart jumped and I looked up to see a husky, wind weathered man sitting behind the wheel of a mobile home. He hollered for me to come to him

Thinking nothing of it I got closer. "Hey there, I saw you over there and I figured you must be homeless or something," he said in a southern drawl. Already I could feel a slight pulsing around my clit. Automatic reaction to any male attention. "Haha, No I'm just out for a walk."

We chatted for a while and he got out of the trailer. We talked about everything from our ages, (he was 30, I was 14), to places we'd been. After about 2 hours, he began to repeat the line, "I should be ashamed for what I'm thinkin'" The heat between my legs grew substantially. When would he ask me into the trailer.

"You know, I've always wondered what it'd be like with a younger girl, But I'm kinda afraid."

me: "well, I dont mind older guys. I love them better actually."

After about 20 min of discussing this, He finally let me into the trailer. It was the coziest thing I'd ever seen actually. I sat in one of the leather chairs and folded up my legs. His eyes widened and he had quite a smirk. All of a sudden, his cell phone alarmed. "Well, this is the start of my day." He rose from the bench. "And I think I'll start this day off... with a kiss"

He bent down to my face and our lips met. My pussy was so hot now, I'd been waiting for this. His tongue ravaged against mine, his mouth was hot.

I stood up, pushing him down to the seat in front of me. He pulled my waist between his legs and we began to kiss heavier. "You're so young and... oh so sweet." He lifted my pj shirt up, exposing my 16 year old big breasts and erect nipples. His eyes got wide and feverishly began sucking on one, circling the tip with his tongue, while alternating squeezing the other as well as my ass. "Oh god... that feels soo good, mmm." I kissed his neck and reached for his hand. He stood up and led me to the bedroom.

I leaned back on the bed and gave him the best come hither look I could for 14. He sat in front of me and reached into the leg of my shorts. He began to rub the hot moist outside of my red snoopy panties, pushing in slightly in the indentation my pussy made. "Shit, you're sooo wet." He moaned with desire. "Do you want it?"

In response I  reached under me and slid off my shorts and soaked panties. I spread my legs wide so he could see my shiny pink slit. Hell yes I wanted it.

He moaned once again and stood up. He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his massive cock, the largest I had ever seen, even to this day. It must have been 10 inches at least and almost as thick as my wrist. I heaved a sexually charged sigh and began furiously working on my clit, though I didn't need to get any wetter. This point was proven once he mounted me; He gently guided the base of his dick to my tight wet hole, and rubbed into it so my pussy lips swallowed the head of his cock. "Ohh yes, please go in I need you"

With 3 slow thrusts  he was already more than halfway inside me (see how wet I was). "Oh fuck... you are so tight." I couldn't even respond. All I could think of was how incredibly full he was filling me up, how deep inside he was in my 14 year old cunt. How supposedly forbidden this was, being fucked in a trailer by a 30 year old stranger. It only made me wrap my legs around him and pull him deeper.

I turned my head slightly when he kissed my neck, it was then I saw all the mirrors. They were lined along the walls and If I flipped my head all the way back, I could see this erotic experience unfold, upside down. I was so close to cumming. He noticed.

"So you like my mirrors," he murmured, "look at yourself, look how I'm on top of you, inside you." This combined with the rhythmic friction of his cock sliding against my dripping pink walls was making me painfully close. "Fuck me, Fuck me harder please, I need to cum." He obeyed, and his thrusts impaled, bringing a twinge of pain along with the awesome pleasure, I couldn't hold back and neither could he.

"Oh god baby, I'm gonna cum, ohh yess!" He let out a deep throaty groan and I felt the spasms of his dick as it unloaded his creamy white seed into my cunt. My pussy joined his cock in its feverish spasms and I moaned and drove my fingers into his back. I came hard. "MMM ohhhh yea,"

Afterwards we layed for a moment, him still inside me. He chuckled, "Damn... I always knew it would be good with a young girl."

I laughed too and wriggled out from under him. I looked at the clock in a haze, But suddenly I sobered up fast from my sexual high, I had been out for almost 4 hours, I needed to get home. "Ugh! I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to go, thanks again!" I ran out the door and down the block to my house.

I walked in to find my dad in the living room reading a magazine. "What have you been up to?" he said

"Nothing dad, just out for a morning walk."


First Sweet Moment

torpedo01away on Teen Stories

 Cindy made her way to her dresser to pick out her clothes for the day.  She glanced into the mirror and did not like what she saw.  A tall skinny 17 year old with small breasts and a pale complexion.  She held up her outfits and finally decided on a plain white shirt and a black skirt. 

As she dressed her hands moved over her small firm breasts and she gave out a slight sighe.  Her body trembled as her hands moved slowly down her body eager to fulfill the lust in her virgin self. 

With a jolt her mothers voice came booming through the ceiling into her room. "Cindy dear hurry or you will be late for school."  She finished dressing the desire now fading back to whence it came.

At school it was a pretty normal day.  Normal for her

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in that she had no friends and was generally ignored by most of the students and faculty. 

When Cindy arrived home there was a moving truck net door and several burly men were moving furniture into the old Peterson house.  The Petersons had been nice enough she though and went into her house without giving it a second thought.

Upstairs she felt the urge building again, so she decided to get a little privacy by taking a nice long bath.  She took her time undressing and felt the smoothness of her clothes as they slipped off her soft white skin.  Her bath water was running as her hands roamed over her small breasts again.

Slowly she removed her panties and slide her hand down between her legs.  She was so excited she nearly came as her fingers brushed her outer lips.  She decided that she would avoid the mess by sitting in the tub to finish.

She sat down and grabbed the soap lathering her body and enjoying everyminute of the hot water tickling her vagina.  The bar of soap began at her breasts and slowly migrated down between her legs. 

She felt a warm wave of pleasure wash over her as the soap grazed the thin strip of hair just above her virginity.  She moved the soap lower to fulfill her desire.  Her eyes closed tight as she repared to give into the pleasure.

She began to sweat as the soap moved over her vagina at a fevered pace.  She worked faster, but her pleasure was still too far away.  She through the bar of soap on the floor and let her fingers move over her clit at faster and faster.  Her eyes tightened as she approached climax.  The sweat poured down her face as she began to cum.  A wave of pleasure washed over her as her juices were washed away by te soapy water.  She trembled and wimpered as her orgasm hit her from inside of her virgin womb.  She grabbed the wash rag and bit down on it to avoid screaming out loud.  Finally it was over beads of sweat still poured down her face and into her now open eyes stinging them.  She sat there in the tub trembling and shaking slightly trying to gather the strength to stand and thinking about how desperately she wanted to lose her virginity.

Tamara's Wish Granted

Bensid on Teen Stories

Hey, my name is Tamara. I'm black, and everybody tells me it's a black name, but I heard once that it came from something French...anyway, I'm 5"6', I have long, flowing black hair and light brown eyes. My breasts have a very spherical quality to them, without being so big they get in the way, and I'm told I have a cute ass (if it's behind me all the time, how am I supposed to see it for myself.

Anyway, I was in 8th grade at the time when this story takes place. I wasn't sexually active, although I fantasized and masturbated a lot. I would hear my friends talking about sex, and I would dream about doing it. Not that I would ever have a problem getting a guy if I had to (I see the way the guys look at me at school). I just wanted to make sure that my f

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irst time was a nice good fuck. If I let some guy with a 3 inch cock who can't hold his load for more than 5 minutes, I could be turned off to the entire idea of sex.

Well, my friends and I were talking at school, and one of my best friends, Stephani, "just happened" to mention that she saw her brother masturbating. Now, I'm sure that you're aware that even it these crazy times, it's not a very common thing when your best friend tells you that she watched her brother jerking off. I was surprised, and somewhat aroused at the idea of Stephani's brother, Andy, who was tall, strong, black (like me), and had just turned 17. I never told this to Stephani, but I often thought of how things could be with just me and him, alone together. I never told this to Stephani, but maybe she caught me glancing at him a little too often. Maybe that's why she was bringing this up...

"Oh yeah," she said in response to a question I had just asked her. "He's big. It's like nine inches long. And thick too. You would like him, Tamara."

Okay, now I knew what Stephani was doing. There was no doubt that she was trying to get me together with Andy. Mmm, Andy...

"You know, he really likes you. You two should get together, get to know each other." said Stephani "After all, he's my brother, and the two of us are practically like family. What's mine is yours."

"Maybe I should meet him" I said. I had an unsure feeling about his, even though I knew exactly what was going to happen. I thought about andy sometimes when I played with myself and, although I thought he was sexy, I was sure it wasn't a one way feeling. I saw the way he looked at me when I went over to Stephani's house, and I noticed his erections that he thought he could hide from me.

"You know" said Stephanie "My parents are going to be out next Thursday, and I'm going to be at Jenny's house. Maybe that would be a good time to meet him."

We both knew we were talking about something sexual, and we both knew we both knew. There was no point in putting it off any more.

"I'll do it" I said, feeling confident, excited, and aroused.

And so Thursday came, and the house's occupants had left. Andy and I sat together in the living room, both knowing what was on each other's minds, but neither of us willing to say it. We had been talking for around half an hour, but a silence ensued when we realized that neither of us had anything else to say.

"So" said Andy "do you have a lot of boyfriends?"

"No, not really" I said "I can't let boys tie me down. I need to do things on my own."

"You know," said Andy "there are some things that are a lot more fun with two people"

"Like what?" I asked. Finally we were getting somewhwere.

"Like this" he said, and he leaned over and kissed me.

"I like that" I said, and kissed him back. We kept kissing for a while, and we started to slide over as we made out, so that I was on my back, and he was on top of me. Now, remember, I was only 13 years old, and here I was with Andy's big warm body pressed against mine, the two of us connected by our hot, wet mouths. It was then that I startes to notice something else getting hot and wet. I didn't do a lot of stuff with boys, so, as I'm sure you can imagine, I was excited as hell.

I didn't want to seem too direct, so I reached under his shirt and put my arms around him. I started rubbing his warm, slightly hairy chest, and, seeing my message, took off his shirt.

"You said you didn't want a guy to tie you down" Andy whispered "What if he were to pin you?"

"Soon" I said "Soon"

Andy took off my shirt, and started playing with my breasts. He started rubbing them gently, playing with them. He took his tongue, and ever so lightly licked one of my nipples. My pants started flooding by this time and, since I wasn't wearing inderwear, Andy noticed. He made some remark, I can't remember what, and slowly took off my pants. I thought he was going to fuck me then and there, but instead he started fingering me. He got a rhythm going, and I started gently moaning. I was getting close to orgasm when ge suddenly stopped. I asked him what he was doing. He told me I had to repay the favor.

Andy unbuttoned, and unzipped his jeans. He pulled them off, along with his boxers, revealing a pretty impressive erection. I believed it was nine inches. And so there we were, on the couch (mind you, itt was a pretty big couch) with his big cock pointed straight at me. I hesitated, but then grabbed a hold of it and started jerking him off (I had to get off the couch to do this). His cock grew even more erect, until I could swear it was ten inches long.

It was then that I had an idea. I had always wanted to give a guy a blowjob. I wanted to know what a cock smelled like up close and personal. I wanted to be able to taste his throbbing manhood. So I stopped jerking and put my face right in his crotch. I grabbed his warm, steamy cock and started rubbing it on the side of my face, leaving a long white strand of pre-cum on my cheek. Andy saw where I was going with this, and went along. I put his cock head in my mouth, and started to suck on it. After a while, I had a steady rhythm going, and I moved my mouth up and down over the top of his shaft while I licked his cock head with my tongue, using my hand to jerk his lower shaft from side to side, rather than up and down. Andy, meanwhile, was thrusting his pelvis into my face, and was starting to work up a sweat. After a while of this rhythmic blowjob, I could feel his orgasm was about to come. I took my mouth off his cock, and he started jerking it while I sat on my knees, with my face ready in expectation, waiting.

It hit me like a steamy tidal wave, his first shot landing right under my eyes. I could feel the warm gooey liquid run down my face when he hit me with a second shot, which landed straight on my lips. As I licked the cum on my lips, two more warm, white shots came, right in the center of my face. I put my breasts out, and two hot sperm blasts hit them, with two more gunks shooting into my hair.

So I sat there , with all this hot sperm running down my face and tits, and I felt that I still needed to get off. We played aroung for a while, fondling eachother until Andy's hard-on came back, just as full as it was bfore, if not harder (I think Andy was getting turned on looking at my sperm covered face). I told him I wanted to have sex, and he told me to get on the floor. So I got down on my back on the plush rug (which had gobs of cum on it), and Andy lifted my legs, exposing my cute little pussy, soaking wet, and I saw his rock hard member ready to penetrate me and give me the fucking of my life.

Part II coming soon!

Party Girl

Sexybisexualblonde on Teen Stories

Allyson was a beautiful girl, just barely seventeen. She'd been going to parties for over a year, and in doing so she'd started doing some of the stuff her friends did - first it was cigarettes, then drinking, then sex. Eventually she started having sex- quite carelessly.

She had transferred to her school the year before, and had hit it off with Jenny. Jenny was well-known for being crazy, and she introduced Ally to everyone she knew. Halfway through the year Ally started dating Ryan, who eventually she lost her virginity to. After they broke up, Allyson became careless and some even called her a slut.

As she progressed into her sinful happenings, Ally quickly learned what girls her age shouldn't even know about. She was involved in drugs, knew how to get things and how to

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lie about it if you got caught. Most of her friends knew she was sinking into an even worse crowd than they were in; still, Ally was easily slipping into the place she wanted to.

So when April came along and she got her license, Allyson took her Jeep and disappeared. Her and Jenny were always at the parties; it became so bad for Ally that she couldn't stop.

As graduation approached, Ally and Jenny got invited to lots of parties. They were invited to Mark's, Lee's, Dave's, Krueger's, and Mike's.

Most of the parties went fine; they went to Mark's and Dave's, then drove over to Krueger's. When they got there, Jenny noticed that it was absolutely crazy, there were too many people and they wouldn't be able to get drunk. They had nowhere to stay and were about to leave when Craig ran out to them.

"Ally! Jenny! Where are you going? The party's here baby!" Obviously drunk, he ran up to them and put his arms over their shoulders, leading them both towards the door.

"Craig, you're drunk. We don't have anywhere to stay. We can't get drunk because Ally won't be able to drive. Let me go." Jenny pushed his hand off her, then turned back to the car.

"Jen, don't be a party crasher. You can stay with me. My house is right there." He pointed to the house across the street. Ally agreed and turned back to the house.

"I'm not going. I think we should go home," Jenny whined.

Losing her patience, Allyson turned around and threw her the keys. "FINE! Take my keys and take my car and take your stupid ass home! I'm going to get drunk and I'm going to enjoy it!"

She and Craig disappeared inside the house. Someone handed her a beer, and she raised her bottle. People turned and raised theirs, and she started chugging.

Several hours and two sixpacks later, Allyson was drunk and ready to go to bed. She found Craig and told him she wanted to go. He nodded and led her to the door.

Secretly, she'd always had a crush on Craig; his sandy blonde hair and blue eyes made him irresistable. His smile was kind of crooked, and he always was making her laugh. He was smiling that adorable smile now as Allyson concentrated on walking across the road. Craig's hand sat on the small of her back, helping her stay steady as she walked up the stairs of his house.

Inside, he led her to his room. "You can sleep here, on my bed," He told her.

"Then where will you sleep?" She asked, puzzled.

His smile broadened. "Right next to you, sweetheart."

Her eyes widened. Throwing a pillow at him (and missing terribly) she laughed. "And just what do you think is going to happen?" She slurred, "Are you going to take advantage of a chick who's wasted?"

Craig only laughed, then pushed her on the bed, then landing on top of her. Their faces were only inches apart; their breaths mingled and swirled a lock of hair on Craig's forehead. He made the first move, gently pressing his lips to hers. She returned the kiss fiercely, putting her hand on the back of his neck and pulling him closer. His hand traveled down her side, stopping at the spot of bare skin between her shirt and tight jeans. Finally, he broke it off, breathing hard.

"Damn," he whispered, rolling over next to her. His hand was still on her side, hers on his neck. Suddenly, she moved over on to of him. Laughing, Ally undid his jeans and slid them down a little. Craig's hands were on her hips, holding her where she sat. Neither of them knew what to do next; for a painful second it was completely silent.

This time Allyson made the first move. Sliding down his legs, taking his pants with her. "I only do this when I'm drunk, so don't make fun of me if I ... am not good." Giggling, she moved his boxers and took his already-hard cock out. Eyeing it, she grabbed the base of it and licked its length. Taking only the head into her mouth, she stroked with her hand. Craig moaned and put his hands on her shoulders. As he moved his hips slightly, she started taking more into her mouth. He felt the tip of his dick touching the back of her throat, felt her tongue rubbing underneath it.

As she heard him groan, she felt his penis twitch and tasted his salty juice. Swallowing as fast as she could, she sucked him dry, then sat up again, straddling him once more. Looking at her, Craig lifted her shirt, helping her remove it. When at last she was half-naked, he admired her boobs, then slowly caressed a nipple with his knuckle. Tracing up to her neck, he pulled her down to him, kissing her hard while his fingers played with her zipper. Allyson put her hands on either side of his head, lifting her hips up as he pulled her jeans off.

When he had them off, her neatly shaved pussy was visible. Allyson sat up straighter, kicking off the last of her jeans. Craig looked at her, asking if she was sure she wanted to do this. She smiled in return, then placed his dick at her entrance. He was hard again, ready to go, when she rolled to the side.

"You have to return the favor," Allyson murmured. Craig rolled over and moved down, putting her legs on either side of his face. Looking up at her, he stuck his tongue out, teasing her with its tip. Propped up on her elbows, Allyson moaned. He licked her folds, tickling her, then sticking his tongue deep as he could. As she neared her end, she threw her head back and moaned louder. Her orgasm struck her and she panted, while Craig moved over her. Once again positioned, she wrapped her legs around him and used them to pull him closer.

At the first touch of his cock, she shivered. He grinned, then slowly pushed forward. Her welcoming snatch enveloped him, surrounded him, and he sank deep into her.

"Oh god yes! Fuck me hard!" Ally screamed, clawing his back.

Craig pulled out, then obeyed her and slammed back in. He brutally pounded her pussy, then sank in, held it, feeling her walls pulling at him. Her moaning increased, and he started sliding in and out again. Together they came, he collapsing on her and she grasping at his muscular arms. Craig stayed in her, waiting for her to recover.

When Allyson opened her eyes, she looked up at him, then put her hand on his chest and pushed him over. "Let's try this one again," she said as she straddled him.

"Give a guy a minute, would ya?" He said, looking at her like she was crazy.

Exasperated, Allyson laid next to him again, her head on his arm. Craig kissed the top of her head. As they lay there, her breathing became deep. Looking down at her, he realized that she'd fallen asleep. He reached for the covers and pulled them over them, then closed his eyes and fell asleep holding her.

The next day he asked her out.

Did you like this story? If yall like it, I'll make another night up for yall. Email me!

Extra Credit-Continued

josh27 on Teen Stories

A few weeks after I fucked my teacher for extra credit i finally told me friend one afternoon. I had told him I had been fucking her almost every afternoon, directly after school was out and when we were totally alone. He congratulated me on banging an older chick asked me how he could get a piece of her. So I told him to meet me after school let out near the gym one afternoon.

Throughout that entire day, everytime I saw him he looked like a little school boy who was excited about getting a brand new toy, or something stupid like that. During lunch he bragged about all the things he would do and i had to remind him over and over again to keep his voice down so no one else would here us.
Anyways, afterschool, when the bell rang, we met at the gym and waited a few m
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inutes before taking the long way around the school, to make sure Fred didn't attract any curious students. The entire way there i could tell, easily, that he was hard as fucking rock. Two cheerleaders walked by us, but they were too caught up in their gossip to notice us.
We entered the math hallway as quietly as possible and snuck into her classroom. To my surprise she wasn't in the room waiting for me. I looked in her office and found nothing. I told him to put his stuff down and make himself comfortable, which was a bad idea because he stripped down to his boxers and sat down behind her desk. We waited a few minutes until she finally came back carrying a small stack of papers. When she walked in she was surprised to see a half naked Fred sitting behind her desk with a raging boner bulging from his boxers.
"Josh, what is he doing here?" she asked suspiciously.
"I told him about what we've been doing the last few weeks," I said. "I made sure he didn't tell anyone else and he said he wanted to fuck too, so I thought we could try and both of us fuck you."
She looked at me with a devilish grin and walked over, unbuttoning her light purple blouse and starting to unbutton her pants. "Sounds like a fuck worthy idea," she whispered in my ear. Then she reached down and grabbed my semi-hard cock through my pants and gave it a quick squeeze.
Fred quickly stood up and revealed his raging hard on to her and she gasped. "Wow, you've been waiting for me haven't you," she said in a surprised tone. Fred took his boxers off where he stood and let his cock spring out for her to see. She took her blouse off and danced erotically out of her tight pants, revealing she wasn't wearing anything. I took my shirt off and kicked my shoes into a corner of the room. Before i could get my pants off I looked over and saw her swallowing him and getting him to his maximum hardness. Then she grabbed a ruler off her desk and measured him.
"Well, fuck me," she said in a dirty voice, "we have an 8in rod here."  She looked back as me and grinned. "That reminds me, I never measured you. Come over here. I finished removing my boxers and walked over in my socks and stood before her. She immediately took half my cock into her mouth and began sucking me off and getting rock hard. When she was sure I was at my hardest she pulled me out measured me. "Wow, almost 9inches," she said. She gave my cock a final suck before she got up and walked into her office. We quickly followed, our cocks bouncing with every quick step.
Once in the office she ordered me to sit on te edge of the desk and i quickly did so. Then she slowly eased her cunt around my cock and bent forward over a small shelf thing and scooted forward so i wasn't sitting. Fred then stood in front of her and shoved his cock into her mouth, without a word, and began face fucking her. I quickly started slamming my cock into her pussy repeatedly, pounding harder and harder with each thrust.
After a while the sound of Fred's balls slapping either her chin or his thigh filled the office and it was soon joined by the slapping off my balls against her ass. Before i knew it, Fred was doing it orgasm dance and he pulled out of her mouth. Streams of cum still shot from the head of his cock onto her face and Ms. Ginger's mouthful of cum flowed down her chin and neck onto the floor as she started screaming loudly with each powerful thrust. Before i knew it i was shooting a loud of cum deep inside her deep cunt and falling back onto the desk edge.
"Hey, Josh, let me get a piece of her cunt while you're in her ass," he said. Once she finished either swallowing his cum or spitting it out she leaned back onto me and I held her thighs up to spread her pussy enough for him to get good access to it. Right then I realized my cock was still in her cunt and before i could stop him i felt his cock slam into mine she it went straight up her already full cunt. She threw back her head onto my shoulder and let out the loudest scream of either pain or pleasure.
Before i could really say anything after that he started pumping his cock up into her and she moaned loudly. I leaned her forward slightly and let him support some of her weight and we finally held her up and started thrusting into her cunt together at once, pounding as hard as we could into her as we could in the position she was in. She screamed loudly with each thrust and eventually just moaned which turned into a mere whimper after like half an hour of this abuse her pussy was taking.
Then finally she started moaning loudly in her finaly orgasm of the seccession before she was totally exhaust. We kept pounding her cunt with out combined cocks until we couldn't come anymore and out cocks were soaked with all of our juices. We went out into the room and set her in her chair, where she cleaned off our cocks and let Fred fuck her cunt by himself. As I got dressed i heard the door open and i fearfully looked over to see one of the cheerleaders we passed on our way over. She didn't say anything, only stared at the site of Fred fucking the hell out of our teacher before her very eyes.
She slowly stepped in, staring at my semi hard cock which hung between my thighs where i stood and thats another story.