Published Sex Stories

Backyard BBW

daj1 on Fetish Stories

Linda carefully hung the sheets and clothes on the backyard line to dry. Of course she had a clothes dryer but it couldn't match the fresh smell the summer breeze imparted to the clothes. Besides, hanging the laundry in her backyard was a pleasant, leisurely activity that she enjoyed on these warm mornings. The only sound was the gentle breeze in the trees and the birds singing.

At 57, Linda was, as she often told herself, 'terribly typical'. She was a mom with two grown and married kids, one of whom had recently made her a grandmother. Her very natural looking chestnut brown hair was the result of twice monthly tinting to cover all the gray. She had always struggled with her weight but had pretty much given up the fight in recent years. At five feet six

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inches, she tipped the scales at 175, fat by anyone's measure. She had never had a problem with cellulite but her thighs were thick, her buttocks large, and prominent love handles bulged at the small of her back. There was no way to conceal the swell of her belly. She'd always been large busted but now she'd ballooned to 44DDD.

She sighed. Not that it mattered. Sex with her husband George was a rare thing, usually happening only when he'd had a few drinks. And since menopause she didn't get as wet as she had when she was younger so even George's five and half inch penis was often not comfortable. He quite often ejaculated as he attempted to penetrate her. Her doctor had not been much help, simply explaining that older women often experienced some shrinkage of the vagina.

Yet her own sexual desire sometimes surprised her. Often, after this pleasant backyard chore, she went into the house and masturbated in her bedroom, lying across the bed naked on her stomach with both hands holding and massaging her crotch as her wide hips rose and fell. Not even George knew she did that. Linda had been raised in an era when 'nice girls' didn't do things like that. Of course, she'd been a virgin when she got married and George was the only man who had ever known her intimately.

What caused her backyard arousal was what she wore, not that it looked at all sexy to the casual observer. She was always covered nearly to her knees by a very loose smock, usually with a floral pattern. Like many heavyset women, her main reason for wearing the smock was to conceal her figure. But one day, she realized that there was no reason to wear anything under it. For a woman with Linda's background, this was a very daring thought. Her first foray into the backyard had only lasted a few minutes before she scurried back inside to put on a bra and panties under the smock. But she soon started to enjoy the feeling of her huge breasts bouncing and jiggling and the way an occasional breeze would sneak under the smock to ruffle the thick, curly hair between her legs.

Besides, she told herself, who would bother looking at me? Men didn't spend a lot of time looking at women of her age and weight. The only house with a clear view of her backyard was owned by Jim, a young guy in his early thirties who had recently been divorced. He was nice looking and, she was sure, had no interest in her.

"Hi! Hanging clothes again?"

She was startled and turned to see Jim standing at the back fence only about ten feet away.

"Yes," she smiled, putting the last clothes pin on a sheet. "Laundry never seems to end."

"I remember my mom hanging out stuff," he said. "Sure makes things smell nice."

Linda nodded, thinking a little glumly that reminding him of his mother wasn't exactly flattering.

"How come you're home today?" she asked.

"Oh, plant's on summer shutdown as they change tooling for the new model year," he answered.

"Nice, extra vacation," she bent over to get another item from the basket.

He laughed. "Better hope the wind doesn't blow!"

"What?" Linda asked, puzzled.

"When you're bending over in that loose thing you're wearing," he grinned. "You won't have any secrets left."

Linda laughed too. "At my age, you don't worry too much about that!" But she felt a girlish pleasure about his comment.

"Lots of perverts around," he smiled. "But I bet you're careful about what you wear under that."

Linda was a little surprised at the personal nature of the remark. She'd only talked to Jim a few times. But she found his attention flattering.

"I really don't bother," she found herself saying. "Here, in my own back yard." She immediately blushed and avoided looking at him. What did I say THAT for? she asked herself.

"Really?" he said quietly. "Nothing at all?"

She tried to sound casual, but knew her voice was tight. " know...this smock covers me up." Linda managed a nervous laugh. "Not really very sexy."

He smiled. Linda quickly made some excuse, picked up her basket and went into her house. She was too nervous to go the bedroom so she took a shower instead.

She rarely did wash two days in a row, but found some excuse to do so and was back out in the yard the following morning. She felt oddly daring after the encounter with Jim on the previous day.

He again surprised her when he called a hello from his yard and wandered over to the fence.

"Say, I hope I didn't offend you yesterday by anything I said,"

Linda pretended at first not to recall the conversation but then forced a laugh. " course not. I wasn't offended at all!"

"Good, good!" he said. "Thought I might have embarrassed you into wearing undies under there. I know it must be more comfortable without."

Linda hesitated. "No..I-I still don't have anything on under it." This time it didn't bother her as much to say that.

He grinned. "That's good. I bet your husband likes to think of you being out here like that."

Linda genuinely laughed. "George? He has no idea! If he did, he'd probably tell me to go put my underwear on."

Jim seemed truly surprised. " can't imagine why. I mean...Well, I guess I shouldn't say it, but it's, well, nice to think of you that way."

Linda looked at him. "Naked?"

He seemed only slightly embarrassed. "You really are naked under that?"

Linda stared at him, feeling very odd. "Yes" she said in a hollow voice. Her hands were at her sides and she began to gather up material from the smock in her fingers. This made the hem begin to rise and it was soon above mid thigh. He watched her, transfixed. Linda didn't dare look down at herself because she knew she'd lose her nerve and stop. She continued to pull the smock upwards. It rose up to her hips and past them. She stopped as the hem reached her navel.

Jim looked wide-eyed at the large patch of dark brown hair between her legs. It was untrimmed, sending a wispy trail to up just below her belly button.

"See? I really am," she said with a calmness that amazed her.

"Can you..can you keep pulling it up," he asked with desperation in his voice.

She felt wonderfully dirty, "So you can see my tits?" He nodded dumbly.

She obliged and soon had the smock up under her armpits. She felt the warm sun on the massive globes of her breasts, warming her three inch wide tan nipples. "Oh Jesus!" he breathed.

Linda was stuck momentarily with her normal practicality. She looked around and realized that, because of the bushes and trees in her yard and others, Jim was the only one who could see her. She pulled the smock up over her head and off. She was nude except for the sandals she wore. She dropped the smock on the ground.

Jim gawked at her, mumbling, "Oh man..Oh man...I'm sorry Linda, I know you're married, but I've always liked mature women, especially queen-sized women!"

Linda had never heard that term, but liked it. 'Queen-sized'. It sounded nice. She turned to let him look at her exposed ass and he made appreciative noises. When she turned back around, she could see through the chain link fence that he was fumbling with his pants. He mumbled another apology and pulled out his erect penis. It was Linda's turn to stare as she looked at the thick seven inch shaft. Now she was somewhat alarmed. Self consciously, her left hand moved over her bush, only partly concealing it.

"Jim..I-I..don't think I can!" she said, a little breathless. "I mean..I never have. It's been only George.." He opened the gate and stepped into Linda's yard, pulling off his pants as he approached her. "Linda, it's seems like a long time since my wife left. And no one will ever know..." Now he was in front of her, hefting one of her breasts in each of his hands. Her nipples almost instantly stiffened. She gasped as he bent down and sucked the left one hard, like he was inhaling it. His other hand slipped down and plunged between her legs. This frightened her but her legs parted and her hips moved forward on their own. She felt a kind of fearful gratitude as a finger found her hole and plunged up inside her. He hugged her and reached behind to manhandle her buns as he furiously fingerfucked her. Linda's breath hissed between her clenched teeth and her hips moved back and forth rapidly as she rode his finger. She felt the wet tip of his cock smearing precum on her thigh.

"Jim!" she gasped. "I-I'm not wet enough. Eat me! Eat my pussy then fuck me!"

He pushed her down on her back on the grass, pulled her legs open wide and shoved his face into the forest of hair covering her cunt. She felt his lips and tongue push open her labia. He lapped at her already erect clitoris then moved down and plunged his tongue up inside her cunt. Linda felt a finger against her puckered anus and came as it went into her ass. He continued to eat her as her fingered her asshole, bringing two more quick orgasms. When he dropped her legs, she lay limply spread out before him.

"From behind!" she panted. "Do me doggie style! It'll go in further!"

He rolled her over and, looping his arm around her large waist, jerked her up onto her hands and knees. He held one of her hips in either hand and pushed his hips forward. Linda groaned as his cock plunged up her cunt, stretching her further open than ever before. "Hard!" she demanded. "Fuck me hard!"

He began pumping her with merciless force. Linda gasped and sighed as the painful intrusion gave way to pure ecstasy. Her head hung between her shaky arms and her huge breasts nearly hit her in the face as they swung beneath her. With the next orgasm she dropped onto her elbows.

His pumps became more rapid and she feared he might withdraw. She pushed back against him. "Cum in me! Every drop! Shoot it in me!" She came yet again as she felt herself being flooded.

At last he finished and pulled it out, allowing Linda to tumble onto her side on top of her discarded smock. Already she could feel his load oozing out across her thigh.

"Wow! You're a good fuck!" was all he could manage to say. Linda reached over and played with his still erect cock.Then she put the slippery, wet fingers into her mouth and licked them clean, murmuring "Mmmmmmmmmm!" This excited him and he gently pushed her onto her back. Linda smiled as he leaned forward over her. She opened her mouth and greedily sucked his cock while she fondled his hairy balls. He had a smaller ejaculation which she eagerly swallowed.

At last he took his penis from between her lips, then helped her to her feet. He assisted her as she got her smock back on.

She smiled at him tiredly. "You know, I think I'm going to be doing a lot more laundry from now on!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Marky´s Rubber Gloves

45revolver on Fetish Stories

     I grew up as a military brat moving around airforce bases all over the world.  My favourite memories are from Heidelburg AFB in Germany.  I can remember all the fun we american kids use to have with the German kids everyday after school in a small German neighborhood just outside the gates of the base.

The German kids were a few years older than my friends and I but that never made a difference.  We were foreigners and the Germans were fascinated with us and us with them especially the oldest boy Marky who was about 16.  Marky was tall well built and was on the rugby team at his school.  His chissled jaw, bulging baskett and huge h

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ands kept me up at night dreaming of the day I would get the nerve to entice him to grope me or anything sexual to fulfill my lust for him.  All us kids jumped on Marky and rough housed with him and he would chase us, pin us down, make us eat grass and tickle us into hysterics.  We could never get enough.

One day it was just Marky and I taking a walk along the ditches where we would catch crawdads, snakes and sometimes fish.  He kicked one of my feet trying to trip me but was unsuccessful.  I thought to myself, it´s now or never.  I said outloud look a snake!  When he whipped his head around I went right for that huge baskett between his legs and squeezed it as hard as I could.  I felt his cock jerk almost to errection in my hand.  He almost caught my arm but I was able to yank loose and started running towards an old workshead we kids use to hangout at.  He was chasing me and getting closer yelling to me with a thick German accent "I´m gonna get you good for that, you know you can´t get away from me." 

All of the sudden I felt his massive hand on my shoulder grabbing hold of my shirt and tugging at it to slow me down.  I struggled like a dog trying to get free from a leash giggling and screaming "ok you win, you win Marky, it was just a joke!".  At that moment I felt his arm wrap around my torso and his other hand come between my legs cupping my dick and balls and hoist me up in mid air.  My cock jumped so fast it ached.  My heart was pounding out of my chest I could hardly breathe.  I was in complete exstacy and never wanted this moment to end.  I twisted my head and looked into his big blue eyes giggling and said "ok Marky, please put me down now, you got me".  He looked at me with this sly half grin started chewing his gum, shook his head  and said "not a chance!"

He carried me with his hand still craddling my crotch squeezing and groping me along the way so by the time we reached the shead I had a raging hardon and my underwear was saturated with precum.  When he finally put me down he didn´t turn me loose.  He reached around with both hands squeezing my balls and stroking my dick really hard yanking them up and down punching and spanking my groin with intermittant tickling and jabs to my ribs.  During my giggling fits I begged him to stop to no avail so I reached behind me and grabbed his baskett for the second time and felt his huge rock hard cock in my hand.  He said "auhh you little shit! Now I´m gonna get you reeeeal good with my rubber gloves!"  

He dragged me over to the back end of the shed and opened up a work cabinet where inside hung some old tools and a huge pair of elbow long thick black rubber gloves.  He took some white silk rope hanging on the wall and started tieing my hands to a vice at the end of the work table.  I was getting a little nervous until he asked me if the rope was tied to tight.  I said no but what are you going to do you´re scaring me.  He said don´t be scared, I´m not gonna hurt you.  But you´ve been a bad boy and I´m gonna milk ya real good to punish you!  Then I knew exactly what he was gonna do and what the rubber gloves were for.  I said very unconvincingly, "Marky no please don´t, oh come on you´re not really going to are you?"  Sill chewing his gum he just grinned and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down around my ankles along with my underwear.  I continued to giggle and plead as he brought the gloves over to me and made me breathe in to them and smell the rubber.  The whoppling sound from the gloves made me so horny and more precum oozed from my cock and the way he handled and squeezed the gloves rubbing them on my balls and  staring me directly in my eyes with that sinister grin and gum smacking, I knew he was enjoying it as much as I was.  

He proceeded to pull the gloves over his huge  hands and stretch them up to his dry buised elbows to a snap then clinched his fists to make sure they were tight.  Then he took out a can of motor grease and lubed up the gloves and approached me.  He grabbed my dick and balls at the same time stroking them and getting them all greased up and started massaging and kneading my balls and glidding his smooth gloved hand up and down my cock.  My mouth was watering and I couldn´t help but stand on my toes and my hole body was shaking.  He tossed his hair out of his eyes looked at me and said "I know you like that rubber don´t you boy".  In that momment I heaved and fought to keep from yelling as my feet went cold and I felt the nerves in my scalp pulling downward and first I squirted several huge cum drops that went in his face on his chest and over his shoulder then pumped out a small pool of cum that dripped off the rubber onto the dirt floor.  

After he was sure he had squeezed every last drop of cum from my balls and milked it from my cock, he dropped his jeans and mixed more grease with my cum on the gloves and began beating off squeezing his balls and in literally just seconds squirted all over me panting and moaning. 

This by far was the best orgasm I´ve ever had in my life.  I often reflect back on it when jacking off.  Needless to say  I love the feel of rubber and have owned rubber gloves and underwear since I was old enough to get them.  But now I´m the one milking the dudes!

my first time dressed in stockings.... Im a male... and I was SEDUCED

SallyBabe on Fetish Stories

I have somewhat of a fetish I learned from my very
first M/M liaison, but I only like doing it if my sex partner likes it!
I'm bi-sexual too!

When I was mid 20s, I met a guy on holiday, I
worked and lived in a holiday seaside resort town, and he simply wined
and dined me and then seduced me.

First, he and I went out
drinking as normal guys that have just met do. We ended up at his hotel
room at around 2AM. After raiding his bar fridge, we were both totally
drunk and I went to sleep in the extra queen size bed. At around 5AM,
still asleep, I felt something moving across my lips and face.

opened my eyes to see him masturbating his BIG hard cock into my mouth.
To his and my surprise I opened my lips and licked and sucked his ha
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cock. He fucked my mouth without saying a word. I could hear his
breathing and knew, seconds later he came and I swallowed it all. I
gently milked him and I went back to sleep without a word spoken.

two hours later the exact same thing happened and I swallowed him
again, it was too good to pass up. I went home without either of us
talking about the two episodes at about 10AM after having some coffee
and setting up a time to meet that night at the bar I worked. He came
in late and we ended up back at his room again, this time it was hot
and furious after we discussed what happened maybe 20 hours earlier. We
stood on his balcony over looking the ocean at around 2AM and he would
stand behind me and rub his hard cock up and down my ass. I knew what
he wanted but didn't respond. I couldn't fathom having all his massive
8" thick cock stretching my tight little untouched virgin hole!

three nights of unabridged sex he said he wanted and told me he wanted
to fuck me, fuck me real bad. His cock was at least 8" uncut and thick.
I told him I wouldn’t be able to take it all and said no. He didn’t
stop trying though.
On the 4th night I was off work, he and I went
out on a boat for the day as normal hetro guys do. We went back to the
bar in his hotel. After a few drinks he handed me his hotel keys and
told me to go to his room and get dressed in what was on the bed and he
would be up in about 30 minutes.

In his room draped on the bed
was a pair of lady's black real silk stockings, a garter belt, and
see-through lace panties. I got undressed and put them on, hmmm, it
felt VERY VERY horny! I couldn’t help looking at myself in the mirror
and thought my legs looked pretty good in them as well. I put my shirt
back on unbuttoned and tied the tails together. My naked smooth chest
topped off the feminine sluttish look. He came in and I was lying on
the bed. He came over and sat down on the edge and stroked my
stockinged legs and massaged my feet. He couldn't keep his hands and
fingers still! He turned me over and ran his hands over my legs and
smooth ass. He reached into the side table drawer and took out some KY
Jelly and massaged my already wet hole. I turned over, told him I have
never been fucked and said I couldn't take his cock.

SURE!!" I said, "that cock will hurt like hell!” He said I wouldn't if
he took his time and was a bit gentle. He came up and straddled my
head, a leg next to each ear and I sucked him. Just as I felt his balls
explode, he was cumming. I could taste his precious hot thick cum. He
stopped and turned me over on my stomach. I let him pull my ass up and
spread my legs wide open. He positioned himself and I felt the
beautiful big head of his cock press hard against my hole. He told me,
"Hold still and you will feel like a real woman feels!". He forced the
head into me and stopped. He told me, "Take it bitch! You're a whore in
heat so you'll take it all!!”. I pushed back and felt his hot bady and
begged him, "FUCK ME!" Go ahead fuck my pussy! NOW!!" I can still
remember how he held my hips and pulled me back. He pushed in and I
pushed back. GOD! So GOOD!! He stopped with his cock all the way in me!
He positioned himself again to be all the way in me and then he rubbed
his big hands all over my back and along the stockings. Slowly he began
to pump me. He pushed my head down, took a hand full of my hair into
his fist, raised my ass and then he started to REALLY fuck me! Such an
incredible feeling! Started to ride me like a stud horse. I get very
vocal when I'm feeling cock and a man's animal lust! I couldn't say
anything as he fucked me. I could only find pleasure in his cock deep
inside my body and moan! I that position I could reach down between our
legs and cup his BIG heavy balls and beg. "Oh YES! Baby! Fuck me!
That’s so damn good! Oh GOD! Honey fuck me". It wasn’t to long he
grabbed the tops of the stockings and held tight as he rode me and blew
his sweet cum all inside me. I could actually feel, it seemed like
buckets, his cum spurt into me and his tight balls pumping me full and
pushed tight against my ass! We both laid there, he was on top of me
and left his still hard cock in me. It wouldn’t have been 3 minutes and
I experienced the most fantastic orgasm I think I have ever had to this
day! A deep overpowering orgasm! One that I NEVER will forget. My whole
body shivered with this overpowering electrical pulse.

He stayed
in that hotel for another 3 days and nights and we fucked in every
position. Always with me 'dressed' in stockings and frilly panties. So

Ever since it has turned me on getting dressed up for a man that LIKES it.

The Idea 4

owlsukfan2003 on Fetish Stories

The Idea.

How it all began.

It all started with a crazy idea. Sat in a public bar, Mick and I were simply bouncing ideas off each other for possible ideal jobs. He turned to me and said “the best job in the world has to be filming those porno stars” to which I replied “No… The best job in the world would be filming everyday housewives and their dirty little fantasies”

He almost instantly agreed. We both looked at each other and simultaneously said “could we!” So one week later we had developed our idea and produced the literature for FANTASY to REALITY. We bought two digital camcorders and placed our first advert in a swinger’s magazine. Well we were expecting a long slow wait till our company name had become better kn

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own. Triple X enterprises was appropriate but we shortened it to T X enterprises for modesty’s sake.

The Doctor fetish.

All names changed to protect the guilty.

We were approached by a 23 year old woman, Cassandra Crabtree; she was 5’6” tall short cropped blonde hair (almost boyish in appearance) vital statistics 36 – 28 – 35. We met her in her local public house and sat in a corner when she confided her fantasy to us.

We asked the sort of time scale for this as her fantasy posed us a few problems equipment wise. As soon as possible was her reply and she handed us an envelope with £250 in as a deposit against any expenses. We gave her a code name and took a contact number and said “we will be in touch”.

Having made several enquires about hiring venues with studio type accommodation; we drew a blank finding anything resembling a doctor’s surgery. How ever a contact from my previous employment in security put us on to two things. 1. A company that hired theatrical props and a self storage company that turned a blind eye to what the storage were used for. We could even hire the area by the hour if need be.

Again my D I Y skills came in handy as we made bolt together false walls which when painted would suffice for the doctors surgery. We manage to hire a medical exam table but got several funny looks when we asked for it to be delivered to a self storage address. I decided to level with the woman taking the order and explained about our company.

I Contacted Cassandra, and arranged to meet to show her the photo’s of her doctor for approval, she chose Bob, my ex Security manager. The nurse was more of a challenge; I only had two photos of women. Sandie the nurse from our first film, who had agreed to sign on with us, and my soon to be live in slave Karen.

Cassandra chose Sandie, especially when I told her she was actually a real nurse. A date was arranged for the filming and everything was Go. Cassandra asked me what the final cost was likely to be. I explained that out of her £250 deposit I had paid out £25.00 for the storage area, £35.00 for the hire of the exam table, £40.00 for timber and sheeting to make the room look like a surgery. So by the Time I paid £50.00 expenses to the two other stars she had only £50.00 left to cover incidentals like speculums, latex gloves and costumes. I estimated she would need to find a further £200 to cover costs of filming and editing. She agreed and asked me to walk her to a cash point where she would give me the cash there and then. I explained that was not the way we worked the balance would be due upon handing over the final DVD. “What if I decided not to pay you though” she said. “Oh we never worry about that because until final payment is made, the film is our property and would be sold to an internet site for more than enough to cover our costs” I replied. “Then the only worry for the customer would be whether or not their neighbours got to access the internet file” I added. “I can see how that would persuade even the meanest of women to pay up!” she laughed.

We shook hands and I left having everything sorted for a Wednesday night filming. I checked with Bob and Sandie and both were available for that night.

Wednesday daytime, was a bit rushed for Mick and I, we had to deliver the backdrops and bolt them together, and be there to accept delivery of the examination bed, sort out other bits of furniture to compliment the surgery. So by 4 pm we were both hungry and knackered. We knew the stars would not arrive till after the main storage depot had closed.

Mick had really out done himself this time he had managed to pick up from a second source a metal examination drawer unit on wheels. A backless stool on wheels. The gowns to be used by the GP and the nurse came from Sandie as did the plain blue open backed gown for Cassandra to wear.

When Sandie turned up, she handed me a black case and said “These things went missing two weeks ago from where I work and have not been missed so you may keep this for future endeavours!” I checked them out, there were Stethoscope, three different Speculums, two boxes of latex gloves, a box of surgical masks, plastic spatula’s as used in the real clinics. She even produced a blood pressure hand operated unit, but said this unfortunately will have to be returned. I could not thank her enough, I handed her expenses and promised her another £40 for the equipment she had supplied.

We were finally all set, the lighting was in place, and the stars had arrived and were changing. Lights, Action, rolling.

Cassandra led by Sandie entered the room, was assisted up on to the Examination table, her legs were placed in the stirrups and her gown discreetly pull up to display her cunt. Dr Bob entered the room and walked over to Cassandra, introduced himself to her and said “Are you ok, with the fact that this examination is outside normal surgery hours?” Cassandra answered “Yes Doctor, its good of you to fit me in because my employers would not allow me time off during the day.”

Dr Bob then introduced Sandie “This is nurse Stevens, who will be assisting me” The two women nodded their heads to each other. Seating himself on the stool between Cassandra’s legs he asked “What seems to be the problem, Miss Crabtree?” “Please call me Cassandra.” She replied. “It’s just that I get uncomfortable when my boyfriend and I make love. It always ends up hurting me so I can not enjoy the experience!” She added. “OH and May I ask is your boyfriend very well endowed.” Dr. Bob asked. “No that’s just it, even fully hard he is only four inches and really thin at that” came her reply. “So you think the problem lies with in you, I take it?” asked Dr Bob. “I don’t know, but if it keeps happening I am afraid I will lose him” she responded.

Several questions later, “Cassandra, I am going to suggest a little experiment, all your replies seem to indicate a lubrication problem” Dr Bob suggested. “Please feel free to refuse if you think it strange” he continued, “nurse Stevens here will stimulate your body until you’re on the verge of an orgasm and then I will examine you!” he offered. “That is a strange sort to exam, but I am desperate to find a solution, so carry on” said a shaking Cassandra.

Sandie came forward and slowly removed the gown covering Cassandra’s 36 B breasts, Turning and folding the gown she placed it on the cabinet. “Will you stay and observe, Dr?” asked Sandie. “If it will not interfere with the process!” he replied. “Oh, please Stay Dr, I feel more comfortable with you both being present!” Cassandra said. “Very well, Cassandra, if you insist. I will just stand here by your head and observe your reactions!” the Dr replied. By now Sandie was stood between Cassandra’s open legs. She reached forward gently rubbing her palms over Cassandra rapidly hardening nipples. A low moan escaped Cassandra’s lips. “Does that feel Good, Cassandra?” asked the Dr. “OH yes, I can’t believe how good a woman’s touch could be!” she rasped.

“Just wait then, Cassandra. See how you feel when I start licking your clit!” Sandra quipped. “Oh I really can’t wait, you’re a sexy nurse, Sandra” Cassandra added. As Sandra lowered her head towards Cassandra’s cute cunt, Cassandra slipped her left hand off the table and came into contact with bare flesh. Raising her head and looking where her hand had come to rest. She suddenly realized that the doctor had very little on beneath his green surgical gown. Gingerly she raised her hand beneath the hem of the gown. Bob smiled down at her. Her hand confirmed that bob was indeed naked beneath his gown as her hand closed around his throbbing hard cock.

“May I see?” Cassandra asked. “Of course you may, Cassandra.” Bob replied. Bob then lifted his gown, exposing his eight inch rock hard cock. “WOW, that’s so big and so hard, can I suck it please, Dr?” she purred. Bob moved closer to Cassandra and she bobbed her head down till her lips made contact with the purple head. Sandie was now busy probing Cassandra’s cunt with her tongue as Bob began sliding his prick into Cassandra’s mouth. Bob slipped his gown off and spoke to Sandie “Come on Sandie, you’re the only one still dressed, off with that gown!” Reluctantly Sandie stopped her ministrations on Cassandra’s cunt and steeped out of her gown.

Walking up beside Bob, She smiled and said “Bet that feels so good, she seems a real pro at sucking cock!” “You wouldn’t believe how skilful this little slut is!” he replied. “I bet she could be just as good licking your wet cunt, Sandie!” he added. Cassandra stopped sucking on Bob’s prick and looked at Sandie, “I’ve never sucked on a cunt before, but I am willing to try. Hop up her and let’s see what I can do” Cassandra sighed. Sandie carefully placed her knees either side of Cassandra’s head and lowered her cunt towards the girl’s mouth. Bob meanwhile went and stood between Cassandra’s legs. Sliding a finger into Cassandra’s cunt, he asked “Any Sign of the pain you were talking about, Cassandra?” Cassandra mumbled into Sandie’s cunt. Before Sandie raised herself up and allowed Cassandra to answer. “No, all of this seems so horny and great, I feel wonderful!”

“How about this then?” Dr Bob asked, as he eased his prick into her tight cunt. “No that feels even better, Dr!” she replied. Bob slowly began to fuck her cunt with long slow strokes. Suddenly he fully withdrew his prick and Sandie leaned down to suck it clean of Cassandra’s juices. Bob reached over to the side and removed a large speculum from the top drawer of the cabinet. Stepping back he slowly inserted it into Cassandra’s Cunt, by manipulating the screws and slides, he opened wide Cassandra’s cunt. He leaned forward and gently blew into the ribbed interior of her cunt. Cassandra moaned as her body gave an involuntary shiver. Sandie lowered her cunt back to Cassandra’s mouth and said “Come on Bitch, back to the job in hand, I want to fill your mouth with my cum juice!” Cassandra resumed her feverish licks of Sandie’s cunt and quickly both girls neared their climax. Bob not being a proper doctor was fascinated with the effect of Cassandra’s approaching climax had on her cunt lining. The void seemed to flood with juices as the muscles rippled around the speculum. He then released the speculum and sensing the natural lubrication on it would be sufficient, he slide it into Cassandra’s anal ring.

Once fully embedded, he began opening it up again. Until it would stretch the anal ring no further. He then reintroduced his prick into Cassandra’s cunt and began forcefully fucking her. He said “Tell me if I hurt you or your pains start, Cassandra” Cassandra was too busy drinking down the clear nectar from Sandie’s cunt to reply. Bob noted how much tighter her cunt felt with anal ring stretched, No wonder women like being double fucked he thought to himself.

By now Sandie and Cassandra had achieved a second orgasm apiece and Sandie started to lift herself off her willing licker below her. She walked round behind Bob on wobbly legs. She stroked his arse cheeks and then slowly inserted her finger into his arse. This in turn caused Bob to firstly shorten his strokes until he became used to the finger now touching his prostrate.

This stimulation proved too much for Bob, He felt his balls tighten and just managed to withdraw his cock before the first spurt arced up and onto Cassandra’s pert tits. As his climax subsided the spurts reach less distances until the final few spurts collected in Cassandra’s belly button. Sandra quickly walked round the side of the table and promptly licked the streams of spunk from Cassandra’s tits. She could not resist the chance to nip her left nipple between her teeth and was rewarded with further sighs coming from Cassandra. Then Sandra continued to suck up all the spunk on Cassandra’s body. “Well Cassandra, to be honest I can not see why you and your boyfriend were experiencing the problems you described!” Dr Bob said.

Sandie added “May be we need a further session with your boyfriend present to see what he may be doing wrong!” Cassandra said “I would love another session especially like this one, but I am not sure John would be happy to join in” Bob replied “Yeah but if you did not tell him what would happen and let Sandie and I coax him into the action just as we have done to you”

Everybody then dressed and I noticed all three swap phone numbers as Mick and I began packing up the filming equipment. We broke down the Scenery and decide to hire the lock up to store them in.

Two weeks later I presented Cassandra with her finalised DVD and presented her with her final bill. She could not thank me enough saying “My fantasy was great, but filming it easily surpassed that. I have no hesitation in recommending your company to my close friends” I thanked her and left.

Footnote. Cassandra contacted us again three months later saying “Could you arrange a follow up session exactly like the last one only this time with someone to play my boyfriend!” I replied “yes anything is possible” “I will be in touch when I have arranged possible boyfriend!” I added.

Hi, I'm Bob

hillarysmuff on Diary Stories

Hi, I'm Bob. I'm one of the contributing photographers of Young Cuties and Really Innocent, pulp magazines sold where other erotic magazines can be found. I work the Los Angeles area, although I'm often found in Hollywood where I have a studio. I have a couple of agents who keep their eyes open for young talent, but sometimes I find the talent on my own. This is one of my stories. It was late in the evening on yet another of those scorcher late August days. I was having a couple of hot dogs and fries at one of those rundown burger stands that have outdoor tables because they're too old to have indoor seating. It was there that I saw her. She stood close to five four, with a thin build, long brown hair, a face that looked fourteen, and she had an accent out of the midwest. She walked out wi
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th the manager and sat at one of the adjacent tables. It was obvious that a job interview was going on. He was drilling her on questions about where she lived, her availability and phone number. I quickly surmised that she was a runaway, living in one the flop hotels, desperately seeking some course of income. I think the manager surmised the same thing and figuring she was a risk-turned her down. She tried pleading, but he just shook his head and walked off. She stood, sobbing, trying to keep from breaking into a cry. She slowly took a couple of steps. I got up, offered her a couple of my napkins and asked her if she was looking for work. She nodded, but was still sniffling. I told her if she sat down with me I had an offer for her. As she sat, wiping away the tears and blowing her nose, I saw her hungrily eye my fries. I slid them over to her. She quickly stuffed several in her mouth. I smiled and she returned the smile while chewing. I went over and ordered a burger combo for her. Several minutes later she was chomping down into a burger. Between bites, she asked what kind of work I had for her. I told her flat out it was nude modeling. She gave me a wary look. I handed her one of my cards, told her all she had to do was strip down, pose for a dozen photos, and would get seventy five bucks if she was eighteen. She fished out an identification out of her purse and handed it to me. I instantly recognized the work of one of the local shops. They had even spelled Arkansas with a "W". I let her pretend she was eighteen. Minutes later we were on the way to my studio. It's located off of Vine and not too far from the burger joint. As we walked in, I quickly decided that she need some spiffing up. I would need to see her strip down, and her unbrushed hair, yellow tube top and blue jean shorts weren't going to work. I showed her where the bathroom was, told her to take a shower, use the conditioner after the shampoo and to also use the robe hanging behind the door. While she was in the shower I warmed up the equipment I would use around a bed. I also retrieved a makeup kit I had bought from one of those Avon women. When she came out of the shower, I started brushing her hair, making sure it dried in it's long state and that it had a sheen. I also used the makeup kit to give her some freckles. I then asked her to take off the robe so I could see her body. She had small pointy tits topped with dark brown nipples. A little bit of pubic hair was beginning to grow in between her legs. I had her lay back while I retrieved a shaving mug and razor. A minute later I was using the shaving brush to put foam on her pussy. I carefully used the razor to get the thirty or so hairs she had growing making sure not to leave the area looking shaved. As the piece d' resistance, I applied baby oil to give her now bald pussy a sheen. It was then that I spotted it. I saw her cherry and I knew what kind of shoot I had to do. We walked over to the closet. Starting with underwear, I picked out a maidenform bra that had a pink rose between the cups. I also picked out a pair of panties with "Jailbait" embroidered on the crotch. I added knee high white socks, a white button down blouse, and royal blue skirt. While she got dressed, I brushed her hair again and told her what I was looking for. We started the shoot looking like she was walking in from a day of school, carrying a couple of books under her arm. She would put the books down, and sit on the bed. I then did the shoot looking as if she was playing strip poker with an unseen person, only the poker hands in the foreground as in each picture she was wearing an article less of clothing. My dick was very hard as she was down to the underwear. When she was nude, I had her lay back and spread her legs. I moved in for a closeup and took a picture of the cherry I was about to pop. Then I unzipped and took my dick out. I told her I needed one last pic to finish the piece. I placed my dick next to her pussy and took a picture of it about to enter her. Then I laid the camera down and told her I'd pay her an extra hundred as I mounted her. "No" she meekly said as my dick went in. She gasped as I popped her cherry, biting her lower lip-tears forming in her eyes. As my dick went in her I told her I knew she wasn't eighteen, she had committed a criminal act, and she had better take the fucking quietly or I would tell the Police about the fake i.d., and fraudulently trying to get an adult job. She just gently sobbed as I pumped her tight little pussy. I hadn't popped a cherry in a while and it felt good. I came in fitful spurts as I pumped five shots in her. When I finished, we sat up. I counted out two hundred, giving her a bonus. Then I asked her why she needed the money. I had just forced myself on her. I didn't think she would tell me anything, but I think the bonus money opened her up. She told me that she and her nine year old sister had runaway because her mom was a drunk, and her stepdad beat her and her sister every day. They rode two days in a bus to get to LA, and were now living in a hotel threatening to throw them out because they were behind on rent. I was surprised that the hotel management hadn't made a sex offer, but I guess it was about the money. I told her she could keep the outfit I dressed her in because it might help her find a job. As she quietly folded it, I asked if she needed a ride back to the hotel. "Yes, please", she answered. It was a seedy joint. I was concerned for the safety of her and her sister. I asked Julie if I could come by in the morning. I'd like to take pictures of her little sister. We made arrangements for me to come by at nine in the morning. The next morning, I met Lena. Lena looked vastly different from her older sister. She stood four six with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a very light complexion. As the two girls got in the car, they were chatterboxes. Both of them thanked me for being able to pay their rent and having the first real breakfast in a while. They were all aglow about the stacks of pancakes, the whipped cream, and strawberries. It was, for them, like living a dream. When we stopped at the studio, Julie said she was going to continue looking for work. I took Lena into the studio. I knew right away what I wanted to do. I had a little bo peep outfit I wanted her to put on. While she got dressed I went next door. The Chinese cook next door had a mongrel, mostly lab who was very friendly. Boo was small as labs go, almost completely white, and he was pretty old. I had used him in several shoots. Lena took right away to boo. As she played with him on the bed, I took several shots. Then I had Lena undress as I took pictures of her removing each article of clothing. When she was nude, I had her pose with boo. Boo began sniffing her crotch and I knew what was coming, so did boo. As he began licking her little bald pussy, she was giggling. I told her to lay back and let him lick away. She laid back and continued to giggle. Boo was totally into licking her little girl pussy. I saw his pink dick come out a couple of inches and his hips start to pump. I told Lena to get on her hands and knees. As she did, boo mounted her. "What's he doing?" she asked. "He's making doggy love" I answered. Boo hugged her close and moved his hips in. I moved in for closeups. She felt his dick begin to enter her. "What's he doping now?" she asked, concern creeping into her voice. "He's only going to be a few minutes, hold still Lena". As his dick reached her cherry she complained that it hurt. I told to continue holding still. I knew boo well enough to know that he was quck on the draw. "Ow-ow" Lena continued to complain. I kept telling her to lay still. I heard her gasp as his doggy cum filled her pussy. Boo got a goofy look and climbed off of her. He continued to pump his hips for about thirty seconds before he sheathed his dick. I had Lena roll onto her back and spread her legs. I took a closeup of the pink froth that was his doggy cum and the blood from her popped cherry. I told her to lay still as I got a washcloth from the bathroom. I cleaned her up and told her how good she was for letting boo make doggy love to her. Little did she know this set of pics would be entitled "Little Bo Peep Gets A Sheep Dog". I had her then get dressed and told her as I was taking her out to buy clothes and toys. She was very excited as she dressed. We hit several stores. Several outfits and dolls later, she became taken with a large white teddy bear. He was going to be the center of our next shoot. We had lunch, then headed back to the studio. I had her undress and climb back on the bed. I covered her with a sheen of baby oil to give her that fresh from the shower look. Then she posed with the teddy bear, sucking her thumb. She ended up laying on her side. It was then that I moved in. I took off my pants and spooned in next to to her. I put baby oil on my dick and placed it next to her asshole. Lena squealed and protested as I entered her. I assured her everything was going to be all right, that we were just making love. "But it hurts" she complained. I told her it always did the first couple of times, but that it would get better later on. I chose her ass because I figured her pussy would still be sore from boo. I ended up only sticking in three inches, but it was all I needed. I made slow easy strokes. The "ows" dropped off to deep breaths as we quietly had sex. "You like it?" I asked her when she was quiet. "It's good" she whispered, then asked if she was going to have a baby. "Of course not dear, you're too young". I shot my load in her, then felt my dick soften as it popped out of her. She turned to face me. I kissed her and told her how wonderful she was. I stroked her soft blonde hair and kissed her several more times. She smiled and held me close. My dick was laying on her thigh. It was still oozing, but the sight of it next to her bald pussy turned me on more. I directed one of lena's hands to my dick, which hardened on her touch. I took pictures of her little hands holding it, then had her lower her head and kiss the tip of my dick. I then had her take my length in her mouth. She wasn't crazy about the taste of her ass, and my cum, which she quickly overcame. Then I had her lay back and spread her legs. I took a picture of my dick next to her pussy, then I jacked off onto her little body. Two of her holes were still aching and I was going to give her several days to recover before I did her again. We took a shower together afterwards. After drying off, I had her watch TV, while I developed the film from both sisters. It made my dick hard seeing the pictures. While the pictures dried I went into the TV room. Lena was still nude and laying on her stomach. I had the baby oil with me. I put some on her ass, then I used the crack of her ass as a place to lube up my dick. I didn't need to enter her. I just fucked her little crevasse. Lena seemed to like this as she smiled and softly moaned. I shot my load onto her back. I was going to clean her up, but she suddenly turned and started kissing me. I was in a sitting position and she was squatting over my hips. My dick got hard from feeling the little nine year old naked holding me. I moved her so that my dick was right at her opening. I pushed her down onto my dick. She gasped, but took over pushing down until I had reached her cervix. I gripped her tiny ass. I moved her up and down on my dick. As Speed Racer did his thing on the TV behind her, the nine year old fucked my dick. I shot my load filling her tiny cunt with my cum. I fell back with her on top of me. We drifted off into a nap. The news coming on woke me up. I stirred her awake, then cleaned her up. We got dressed, and headed back to her motel. It was a seedy place. There was holes in the walls and the paint was peeling. The radiator was a piece of rusted junk. We cuddled together on the bare mattress that the girls called a bed. I made a decision. I asked Lena if she would mind living with me, and of course Julie too. "OH, yes, yes" she happily replied, covering my face with kisses. It was then that Julie walked in. I asked her how it was going. I saw her face begin to crumble. I took in her in my arms. She broke into a full cry. Lena hugged her sister. "Don't cry Julie, we're going to live with Bob". Julie looked at me with seeking tear filled eyes. "It's all right" I assured her. It only took us ten minutes to pack, but we left that shit hole behind. It was going to be the beginning of a wonderful cum filled friendship.

Part One Amy's Tragedy

Jolly1 on Forced Stories

Amy was a very pretty girl; she had long, wavy black hair, mint green eyes and creamy ivory skin.  She had a lush, curvy hourglass figure with big bouncy breasts and a firm, well-rounded ass.  She was of medium height being neither too tall nor too short.  She was a healthy 130lbs, 20 years old and she was still a virgin.  That was a little odd but had decided to save herself for "Mr. Right".  It was hard to

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deny herself any chance to have sex as she had a very sexual nature but she was determined to wait so she would just have to please herself until he showed up.


            Amy had spent the afternoon at the beach with her friend, Serena, who had just left and was just getting ready to leave herself when a large shadow came over her.  Amy lifted her head, expecting to see clouds in the sky, and saw 3 guys.  "Want to play some water volleyball with us?" asked the blond one.  "Um, no thanks.  I was just about to leave."  "Aw, come on," said the black-haired one.  "No, sorry.  I have to get to the grocery store tonight."  "Alright, your loss," said the brown-haired guy.  "Maybe next time," Amy called as they walked away.  Amy studied the guys as they walked away.  They were all well-built, tall and quite good looking and Amy really wished she could stay but knew that she'd never get all her errands done if she did.


            Amy went to her car and put her things into the trunk and threw on a baby-tee and skirt over her black string bikini and slammed the trunk.  She hit the button on her car remote to unlock the doors and was just about to get in when she felt something hard, cold and sharp pressing into her exposed lower back.  "Give me the keys and get into the back seat and I won't hurt you."  Amy turned and handed the man the keys and gasped with shock when she recognized the black-haired guy from the beach.  "You!"  "Get in the car, lady, before I decide I'd rather just kill you."  He emphasized his words with a tiny jab of his knife at her back.  She quickly slid inside the backseat and he followed and she was just about to try to get out the other side the black-haired guy's blond buddy slid in beside her, stopping her escape.  The brown-haired guy got in the driver's seat and the black-haired guy gave him the keys and they drove off.


            The black-haired guy then pulled out a blindfold and tied it around Amy's eyes.  "What do you want with me?!  Where are you taking me?!  What are you going to do to me?!"  Amy asked desperately, suddenly very scared and unable to hide it.  "We're going to take you back to our place and teach you a lesson.  If you're a good girl and behave we might even let you go afterwards, if you piss us off we'll probably kill you."  That was the blond guy talking as the voice was close and didn't sound like the black-haired guy.  "Um, what kind of a lesson?"  "About being a teasing bitch!"  That was definitely the black-haired guy as he'd done the most talking so far she had no trouble recognizing his voice.  With that said he pinched her nipples hard and another hand (she assumed the blond guy's) ran over the crotch of her shorts.  Against her will Amy felt her nipples become hard and her pussy dampen.  Oh God, I'm going to be raped! 


            They drove for over two hours and for all Amy knew they were in another city, while they were actually across town in the rural part of her city, only 30 minutes from her apartment near the beach.  The car made one last turn and paused then moved slowly forward and stopped.  The black-haired guy pulled her out of the car and she heard the other two guys get out and with the knife still at her back the blindfold was taken off.  Amy realized they were in a garage, which would effectively hide her car if anyone started searching.  Her heart sank as she suddenly realized no one would probably even begin looking until at least Monday when she should be at work and possibly not even until Tuesday night when she was supposed to have dinner with Serena and Ben.  Today was Saturday.  That gave them 2 or 3 days in which to rape her -- if they kept her that long -- and there was no way she'd be found immediately once the search was on.  The brown-haired guy and the blond guy were going in a door that connected with the house and the black-haired guy pulled her along and once they were in the house they took her to the basement. 


            When the basement door opened she gasped as she saw what was in the large rectangular room.  She realized what exactly was in store for as she looked around.  On one side of the room there was table in one corner, a bed against the wall in the middle and a couch with a rug in front of it in the other corner.  In front of all three was a video camera on a tripod and in further study she realized there were fastening on the table, bed and on the rug in front of the couch to tie her down with if she fought or disobeyed their orders.  Hanging on the wall across from this were a few whips and laid out on two tables were some lubes and nipple clamps, dildos, vibrators, and anal plugs and beads of various sizes.  There were also a few things she didn't know to name and something that looked like a fucking machine she'd seen on the internet.  There was also a shower cubicle and a shelf with some towels and linens on it and there was a mini-refrigerator as well.  And, strangely enough, there was a door at the end of the room that had a key code lock on it.  It must lead outside!  Amy thought if she watched them closely enough whenever they went to that door maybe she would be able to escape at some point. 


            "Go lay down on the bed," said the blond guy.  She hesitated and it earned her a cuff to the back of her head.  Rubbing it she hurried over to the bed and laid down.  The brown-haired guy went to check the video camera in front of the bed, Amy figured it was to make sure the whole bed was in view of the camera.  While he was doing that the black-haired guy and the blonde guy came over and pulled her arms above her head and cuffed them above her head.  They then pulled her legs apart and cuffed her ankles to the corners of the bed.  This can't be what my first time will be!  Some disgusting brutal rape!  In a state of denial and regretting for the first time her virginity (because this was bound to be more painful than normal because of it) she didn't notice right away that the guys were undressing.  She looked at them as she finished and their cocks were fully erect as they walked towards the bed.  The black-haired guy's cock was a good 7.5" long and 2" thick and the brown-haired guy's had to be at least 8" long and 2" thick and the blond guy's cock was 9" and 2.5" thick.  This is going to really hurt, Amy thought.  I'll never fit them in me!  Frantic, Amy started to struggle wildly at her bonds.


            "Calm down, lady.  You're just going to make it worse."  This came from the brown-haired guy.  Amy stopped, realizing they were probably right.  "Good girl," said the blond guy.  "Now, I'm John, he's Tom," he indicated the black-haired guy, "and he's Rob," indicating the brown-haired guy, "what's your name?"  "Amy," she didn't think to lie, all her I.D. was in her purse and if they checked it they might be angry with her if she lied.  "Okay Rob, start recording."  Rob went over and hit the record button and came back to the edge of the bed.  Tom pulled out his knife and cut her baby-tee and skirt off and Amy squirmed a little as she only had her bikini on now.  Tom made short work of her string bikini and she was now fully exposed and she felt her face turn red with shame when she remembered she couldn't use her hands to cover herself.  "My my, what big titties you have, Amy." said Tom as he tossed his knife away.  "Yeah, we can't wait to suck on them and pinch them," said John.  "And look at that pussy, nicely shaved with plump lips," said Rob.  Amy started to pull against her bonds in earnest now and was struggling so wildly that they got pissed off and John delt her a good slap to her right breast and Tom slapped her left one.  Rob was standing beside John and he leaned over and gave her pussy lips a little slap.  Amy froze, terror clear on her face.  Oh my God, I'm totally helpless!  "Please," she begged, "please don't do this!  I don't want my first time to be rape!"  Realizing what she had said she winced, she'd just given them another way to brutalize her (by making sure that her first time was very very rough and painful).


            "Well, well, if you're still a virgin then you really are a little teasing bitch and you need to be punished!"  Said Tom, the other two nodded in agreement.  With that, Tom knelt beside the bed and John and Rob followed suit.  Tom and John started to pinch and pull at her nipples, already hard from the cool air, and Rob spread her pussy lips and started fingering her clit.  Against her will Amy felt her nipples get harder and her pussy started to get wet, when she felt this her face burned with shame.  Suddenly Tom and John were licking her nipples and then blowing on them and they tightened even more and then they started to suck on them while kneading her breasts.  Rob was fingering her pussy in earnest now and with his other hand he slid a finger inside her now juicy pussy, she tensed at the intrusion, she'd never had anything up there!  "Man, this slut is tight!"  Rob exclaimed.  "Who gets her first?"  John pulled away from her breast, "Me.  I'm the biggest and we'll get a great scream from her if I'm the one to plunge in."  Amy dimly heard these terrifying words but with Rob fingering her clit and G-spot and Tom suckling her breast she was building up to a climax.  Rob suddenly pulled his hands away and she moaned in protest as he moved to her free breast, John moved down to her pussy and started to eat her out.  Flicking his tongue over her clit and then delving into her pussy, then going back to focus on her clit.  John slipped a finger in her and starting pumping it in and out, she thought she was going to explode and she pushed her pussy against his face and he inserted another finger and started pumping them again.  Amy exploded into the most intense orgasm of her life and John added a third finger and kept going just as her second orgasm started John pulled his fingers out and took his mouth away and positioned his cock in front of her sopping pussy and thrust in hard. 


            Amy's orgasm stopped abruptly as she let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain, "Ahhhhhhhhhh!  No!  Owwww!"  John had 4" of his monster cock in her and she felt like she was splitting in half with that 2.5" thick cock in her.  He thrust hard again and another 2" was rammed in and her cherry popped, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Oh God!  Get it out now!  Owwww!"  She whimpered and moaned in pain that was so intense that she felt her juices start to dry up and she buck her hips trying to dislodge him and instead sending another inch of his cock in and when she bucked again at this additional pain he thrust again and the final 2" went in and his balls touched her pussy lips.  "AhhhhhhhhhOwwwwww!"  Amy screamed and moaned as tears rained down her face.  While John had been entering her Tom and Rob had stopped to watch but now that John was fully in they went back to suckling and pinching and twisting her nipples and John just let his cock sit in her as he started to finger her clit.  As some of the pain died away and she started to feel the tingling of desire again as her nipples were played with and John fingered her clit.  Then he started to move his cock in and out in small thrusts.


            Pain reignited, though at a lesser degree, and she started to whimper again as the dry friction of John's thrusting increased it's pace and length.  He was still fingering her clit and Tom and Rob were still suckling her nipples and she could feel an orgasm start to build and soon John was pulling 8" of his 9" cock out and slamming it home again as quickly as he could and she started to buck her hips and then, as he thrust deep again, she shattered into a pleasure-pain orgasm and he kept pumping her until she was on her third orgasm and he gave a final thrust and his load of hot cum spurted deep into her.  Spent, John pulled out and came over to her face as Tom pulled away from her breast and moved down to her pussy.  "Clean it off, slut."  John commanded and when she hesitated he raised a hand and she quickly opened her mouth and he shoved his cock halfway in and she started to move her tongue around his fat cock licking his cum, her cum and her blood off of it (although there wasn't much blood left), as he started to get hard again he started to pump his cock in and out of her mouth and she gagged when he started to go into her throat. 


            She started to suck him off as he pumped in and out and suddenly she felt another cock shove into her pussy!  Tom had thrust all 7" of his cock into her at once and she gave a muffled half-scream and she was very tender and sore.  Tom started pumping in and out of her pussy right away, giving her no time to adjust to him and at the same time she had John's cock in her mouth to deal with and so she sucked harder and he pumped in and out a little faster.  Rob left her breast and unlocked her right hand and said, "Jerk me off, whore."  Amy reached over clasped Rob's 8" cock in her hand and started to jerk him off with John pumping in and out of her mouth and Tom fucking her pussy like a maniac.  She felt herself start to cum again and she felt John's cock tense and he said "I'm gonna cum, you swallow it slut!"  Amy was cumming and John blew his wad in her mouth and she tried frantically to swallow it all quickly without gagging and only a little trickle dribbled out.  John pulled his cock from her mouth and Tom came in her pussy as her second orgasm started and she was still jerking Rob off when he came, his cum spraying all over her breasts and stomach. 


            Tom pulled his cock from her pussy and came up to her face and told her to clean it off so she started to lick it off and suck on it and soon he was pumping it in and out of her mouth and John told her to jerk him off so she took his newly hardened cock in her hand and started to whack him off and Rob moved down to her sopping pussy, oozing with cum and thrust his 8" cock home in one hard thrust and started fucking her hard and fast.  Amy moaned, thinking it would never end and feeling intense shame that she was getting pleasure out of this rape.  As Rob pumped in and out of her pussy Tom came in her mouth and she swallowed it all on his command then he pulled out and then John came, spraying hot cum all over her breasts and stomach, adding to cum already there and she let go of his cock and she started to come from the deep fucking she was getting from Rob and then he came inside her and when he finished cumming he pulled out and came up to her face and told her to clean him off.  So she sucked his cock off too and he hardened and started pumping in and out of her mouth.  Tom and John watched while stroking their cocks.  Finally Rob came in her mouth and she swallowed every drop she could of his hot cum and then Tom and John sprayed their loads all over her face and body. 


            "This is what you get for being a tease, whore!  Someone will eventually make you put out what you've been offering but not giving."  Tom stated this and John went and stopped the recording.  Amy had forgotten the camera and once again her face burned with shame.  Rob came over to the bed and unlocked her wrist and ankles and he helped her stand up.  Amy moaned in pain as she took a couple of steps.  "What are you going to do with that video?"  Amy asked anxiously.  "We're going to rent it out in our adult video store and sell it to the customer who requested it."  John informed her.  "Requested it?"  Amy asked, bewildered.  "Yeah.  We take customer requests on the films we make for a price and this guy requested that we use you in particular for 5 films."  Rob explained.  "Who asked for me?"  "A guy who you teased no doubt," said Tom.  "Anyways, go over to the shower stall and get nice and clean," said John, "and there is food in the little refrigerator so eat something."  With that they left, locking the door behind them and going upstairs.


            Amy gratefully went and showered, thinking nothing of evidence, wanting only to be clean.  Amy stayed in the shower for about 30 minutes, letting the warm water soothe her soreness.  Afterwards she found some new sheets and blankets and remade the bed before sitting down on it with some food.  While she ate she couldn't help thinking that if they let her go going to the police would be a fruitless effort as they wouldn't believe she hadn't willingly starred in the videos but she would try to convince the cops anyways.  She wondered if the man who'd requested her was an ex-boyfriend or just some guy who'd seen around town.  Though Amy was reluctant to let her guard down she was sore and exhausted so when she finished eating she laid down on the bed and went to sleep on her stomach.


            Amy woke up some time later (very early morning) and John, Rob and Tom were sitting around her on the bed, once again, naked.  Tom ran a hand over her ass cheeks and gave them a sharp slap and she jumped and said "Hey!" then quickly said "sorry!  I forgot where I was!" hoping they wouldn't hurt her for her rudeness.  Tom ran a finger between her ass cheeks while John said it was okay and she froze when Tom stopped his finger on her butthole and pressed his finger on it like it was a button, "ever been ass-fucked before?" he asked.  Amy swallowed a sarcastic retort and whispered a frightened "no".  "Well, you're about to be."


To Be Continued...  


Sir James on Forced Stories


The sound of the door opening to Abbey’s “cell” awakened her. She forgot where she was. She was startled to find that she was in a strange place. Quickly she rolled over in the bed, and realized that her wrists were bound behind her back. Instinctively, she struggled against her bonds while her mind was racing, trying to figure out where she was and why she was naked and bound. As she struggled to free her wrists, she looked at the door. When she saw Alex Krueger she remembered where she was, and why she was bound and in a strange bed. Abbey ceased struggling lay back on the bed, submissively waiting for Alex Krueger to give her an order.

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She missed her husband and her home, but she was Alex Krueger’s prisoner, subject to his whims. She had her apprehensions, but knew of no way to stop or prevent what happening to her.

Alex Krueger smiled, “Good Morning Abbey. How are you doing this morning?”

He was wearing a short robe, similar to the one he wore yesterday. He was still a commanding figure, and she remembered to respect him and show obedience.

“I’m fine, Sir. Please, if you don’t mind, I really need to go to the bathroom.”

Alex gave her a thoughtful look, and replied, “Everything in it’s own good time. First, you have a job to do. Sit up on the side of the bed.”

Abbey did so. Alex moved closer to her, and opened his robe revealing his rapidly rising cock. His erect manhood was throbbing to match his heart beat. The hot purple head touched her chin. Abbey did not need to be told what to do. She leaned forward, and kissed the tip of his pulsating cock. After running her tongue over the purple head, she took his cock into her mouth. She then realized that she was still stimulated from the evening before. She had been aroused by her husband on her trip to Krueger’s place. After being turned over to Krueger and his minions, she had been constantly bound, whipped, fondled, made to suck a cock several times, and had been fucked once. At no time had she been allowed to have a climax. Her pussy was aching for relief. She wondered when that would come, and what was going to happen to her. She realized, also, that she was really missing her husband, Jim. She had agreed to submit to sexual slave training, under the control of Alex Krueger, but she seriously missed being with her husband.

Abbey also realized that she was famished. She had not eaten since lunch time yesterday. Now, in addition to needing to relieve herself, being sexually frustrated, she was very hungry. If any of these needs were to be addressed, she felt she had to make sure Alex was satisfied with her obedience, and talent as a sex slave.

About the time she thought Krueger was about to cum, he stopped her. He pulled away from her, extracting his rigid cock from her mouth. In a real sense, Krueger had a magnificent cock, and Abbey was beginning to enjoy the feel of it in her mouth. She wondered what it would be like to be fucked by his massive member.

“Enough, now”, Krueger said. “It is time for you bath. Come with me.”

Krueger led her into the bathroom attached to her bedroom/cell. He turned on the water, and while it was heating up, he released the lock connecting her wrists, and removed her leather ankle and wrist cuffs. He then took off his robe, and ordered her into the shower. He followed her. This was the first time since her husband had bound her the day before, that she had the use of her hands and arms.

The shower was large enough for four or five people, so there was plenty of room for Abbey and Krueger. Krueger handed her a bottle of liquid body soap.

“Abbey, when you are in the shower with your master, it is important that you bathe him. Be very thorough, and show him pleasure. Pay particular attention to his cock and balls. Now”, he ordered, “Bath me, and make sure I like what is happening.”

She set about to bathe Krueger. Making sure she had plenty of the liquid soap on her hands, she began to cover every inch of his muscular body, making sure he was clean, and using a massaging movement of her hands, making sure he enjoyed his shower. As she was working on Krueger’s body, she relieved herself in the shower, hoping that he would not know.

She saved her attention to his cock and balls until last. Using a new amount of soap, she began to “shampoo” his cock and balls. After she rinsed the soap off, she applied a new hand full. Again, she worked his cock and balls. As she rinsed his groin area, she kissed and licked the head of his now rigidly throbbing cock. As she started to stroke his cock, while holding his balls with her other hand, Krueger stopped her, and pulled her hands above her head. It was then that she noticed a pair of chrome handcuffs hanging from the ceiling on at chain. Alex Krueger moved her hands up to the steel cuffs and quickly locked them on her wrists. Again she was a naked restrained prisoner. It seemed that nothing was done to her without her being bound or restrained in some way.

Silently, Krueger concentrated on bathing Abbey. After soaping and rinsing her, he kept fondling her breasts and cunt. This managed to raise her libido to the “red hot” level. It was for naught. About the time she was going to have a climax, Krueger stopped playing with her pussy, and pulled his hand away. Abbey moaned with sexual frustration. Oh, God, she wanted to cum! She twisted in her bonds, rubbing her fine legs together, hoping to achieve some sexual satisfaction. She wished Krueger would fuck her, or better, she wished that Jim were here to fuck her. How she missed him.

Krueger turned off the shower water, and released her wrists. Handing her a towel, as they stepped from the shower, he instructed, “Dry me off with the towel, but you are to use only your lips to remove the water drops from my cock and balls..”

Abbey used the large towel to dry his body, and as ordered, used her mouth to dry his cock and balls. With a repeated kissing motion, she was thorough and his cock remained rigid, throbbing with his heartbeat as Abbey dried his cock.

When she had dried his body, cock and balls, Krueger said, “O.K. I will let you alone for 20 minutes. You are to fix you hair, and do you make up in a high style. Someone will be here to take you to breakfast at that time. Be ready, or you will be whipped. Understand?”

Krueger turned and left Abbey’s cell, locking both doors as he did so. She worked hard and efficiently. At the appointed time, she was ready, wearing only a pair of red patent leather shoes that had been left for her, along her ankle and wrist cuffs and collar. These items had been left on her bed. Small pad locks were left also. She assumed that meant that she should lock her cuffs and collar on herself, with those locks. She did so. The collar was somewhat wider than the one she wore yesterday. There were four “O” rings mounted at the cardinal points of the collar. Once locked on, it forced her to hold her head up high, and to stand straight. When Alex returned, he locked her wrists behind her back again, and attached a leash to her collar. She followed he as he tugged on her leash, leading her from her cell and the basement.

The kitchen smelled of eggs and bacon. Her meal had been placed on the table, along with a cup of steaming coffee and some whole wheat toast. Krueger led her to her chair and instructed her to sit. She was greeted with yet another surprise.

The chair provided for her was vastly different. Mounted in the seat of the chair was a large rubber dildo, a rubber cock, if you will. With her bound arms, it proved a little difficult, but she managed. Abbey eased herself down on the upraised rubber cock, letting it slip into her cunt. The cock was very filling as it was quite large. Being impaled on a rigid rubber dildo did nothing to calm her sexual frustration. It only caused her pussy to be hotter. It was then that she noticed that the chair was also equipped with leather “seat belts”. Krueger buckled the seat belt tightly across her lap, effectively locking her to the chair, and on the dildo. A small padlock on the buckle of the belt insured that she would not getting up from the chair until Krueger was ready for her to get up.

Her wrists were released, and she was allowed to eat. She was starved and ate her breakfast with abandon. As she ate, she was thinking about her predicament. She had never been free here at Krueger’s house, and had not been allowed sexual gratification. She could only surmise that this would continue, much to her frustration. The bondage, and perhaps the torture, she could handle, but being denied gratification was sheer torture, the worst.

When she finished her breakfast, Girard came into the kitchen to get her. Before releasing her from her chair, he again locked her wrists behind her back. There was an added dimension, however. After he had locked her wrist cuffs together, he then pulled them up, up between her shoulder blades. Her fingers could almost touch the back of her collar. Using another pad lock, Girard locked her wrists to the ring in that back of her collar, locking her wrists up high behind her back, her hands now being located between her shoulder blades. The position of her wrists was not too uncomfortable, but there was a constant tugging on her collar. Now she knew why this collar was wider. A narrow collar would have choked her and been very uncomfortable with her wrists lock to the back of it.

Girard released her from the chair, and helped her off the large dildo, assisting her to stand. Once Abbey was standing, she realized the particular advantage of her bondage. While her bondage was rather strict and rigid, her hands were well out of the way, and her complete body was now open to fondling, whipping and torment. On one hand she was some what excited about the possibilities, and on the other hand there was a degree of terror. This was a lethal combination for an aroused woman, who had been whipped, sexually assaulted, and not allowed any type of sexual gratification.

Abbey was led back down to the basement “orgy room”. There she was met by Krueger. This is the first time she had seen him dressed. A black “T” shirt, faded blue jeans, and black Wellington boots was his attire. In his hand, he carried his reliable multi-thonged whip. The leather handle of this whip resembled an erect cock.

“Abbey”, Krueger greeted. “Welcome to our slave school. I hope you liked your breakfast?”

“Yessir, Abbey replied, meekly.

“Fine, come here so I can fix you.”

Krueger walked her to the center of the room. There, hanging from the ceiling was a steel cable, with a hook on the end. He hooked the cable to the front ring of her collar. Krueger knelt down, and attached rope to Abbey’s ankle cuffs. She was ordered to spread her legs, which she did. Krueger attached the ropes to steel rings mounted in the concrete floor. Now she was bound with her legs widely spread. Using a remote switch clipped to his belt, he caused a winch in the ceiling above her to activate. The cable was pulled back into the ceiling, pulling her up straight. As she reached the point of nearly standing on her toes, he stopped the cable movement. Now Abbey was standing very straight, being pulled up by her neck, with her wrists locked behind her and pulled up high, locked to the back of her collar. Her legs were spread, making her cunt very vulnerable. She was very helpless, and uncomfortable.

As Alex was attending to the helpless and naked Abbey, Girard was opening another of the cell doors next her own cell. From that cell, he led another woman. She was younger than Abbey, blonde and petite. While Abbey was of moderate height, she was well built. Her legs and hips reminded one of a chorus line dancer, while her narrow waist and large breasts commanded attention. The new prisoner was slimmer, more athletic, and not as voluptuous as Abbey. Faint whip marks could be observed on her breasts, thighs and ass. She was a petit beauty.

The new girl was bound as was Abbey. Her wrists were locked behind her back, and a wide collar was affixed to her neck. A rubber ball gag, mounted on a leather strap, was tightly fixed in her mouth. She was naked, wearing only high heel shoes, much in the way Abbey was. Her tanned skin was delightfully smooth. She was a natural blonde as her pussy fur matched that found on her pretty little head. Unlike Abbey, her pubis was not bare. At Jim’s insistence, Abbey had sought laser treatments to permanently remove her pubic hair This new slave was now being led from her cell by Girard, who had attached a leash to her collar.

Krueger was fondling Abbey’s breasts and cunt as Girard was bringing the other slave out of her cell. As Abbey watched, a leather strap was wrapped around the other girl’s elbows. Girard pulled the strap until her elbows were tightly bound together in the small of her back. He then placed spring loaded clips to the girls nipples. It was obvious this captive was in some distress. Abbey’s pussy was getting hotter with Krueger’s ministrations, and her sexual deprivation was more frustrating as she watched this new slave being handled by Girard.

Kruger spoke, “Abbey, I would like you to meet a class mate. This is Caron. Caron is going to be married very soon, and her lover and future husband wants her to be a sex slave. She has volunteered to come to our establishment to be trained. Soon she will graduate and become a dutiful wife and sex slave to her husband. She has been here a month. Hopefully, she had learned her lessons well, and will graduate soon. You could learn a lot about being an obedient slave from Caron.”

Caron looked at Abbey over her gag. Abbey tried to smile at her, although her concentration was being interrupted by Krueger’s attention to her pussy. Krueger instructed Girard to bring Caron to where Abbey was tied. Once there, she was ordered to kneel in front of Abbey.

Krueger spoke again. “Now, Ladies, here is what is going to happen. Abbey we know that you have never been touched by another woman. Well, we are going to take care of that right now. Caron wants to pleasure you. Don‘t you Caron.”

Caron looked at Abbey, and nodded her head in agreement. Abbey momentarily panicked. “No, please. Don’t do this. I have…never…been…with another woman. Please…that‘s disgusting. I‘ll do anything but that.”

Abbey’s plea was interrupted as Krueger sharply slapped her right breast. Almost immediately, he cruelly slapped her other breast. Rapidly he struck each breast about four times each. Her ample tits bounced and shook deliciously as they were assaulted. Abbey was silenced. She moaned loudly, and the closed her mouth, biting her lip to keep from calling out or screaming.

“You know better than to protest”, Krueger spat! “You are a slave, and you will do as you are told. If you don’t, you will be punished until you do as we say. Do you understand!”

With a tears running down her pretty cheeks and an ache in her freshly slapped breasts, Abbey replied, “Yessir, yes sir. I’m sorry. Please, I‘m sorry.”

Krueger ordered Caron’s gag removed. Still holding his favorite whip, he stepped behind Abbey. The scene was set.

“O.K, people, here’s the drill. Caron, you are to suck Abbey’s cunt until she cums. Abbey, you have been wanting to have a climax, so now’s you chance. Caron, you know what to do, so do it, now!”

Caron leaned forward and kissed Abbey’s pussy. She then placed her mouth on Abbey’s cunt lips and allowed her delicate pink tongue to lick her clit It was like an electric shock. Abbey instinctively tried to pull away from Caron’s hot mouth and tongue. As she did so, Krueger brought his whip down sharply across Abbey’s ass. Abbey jumped forward to escape the whip, which promptly pushed her cunt tightly against Caron’s mouth. Caron’s tongue pushed into the depths of Abbeys heated pussy.

Caron kept sucking Abbey’s pussy, and Krueger set up a slow cadence with his whip on her ass. Caron was building a fire in Abbey’s cunt, while the heat from the whipping was raising her sexual temperature. Periodically, Krueger would snake the whip around Abbey’s helpless body and strike a blow at her tits. Abbey did not know where the whip was going to strike next.

Caron was merciless, and an accomplished cunt licker. Between the whipping and Caron’s assault on her pussy, Abbey was losing contact with reality. She was lost in the blazing heat of an erotic fog. The sexual heat continued to rise, but as she was very close to a climax, Girard quickly pulled Caron away from Abbey’s pussy. Abbey screamed from frustration.

“Oh, NO”, Abbey screamed. “Please, please don’t leave me like this!“

She begged for a climax. Her hips were humping an invisible lover. She looked down at Caron and begged her not to stop. She closed her eyes and prayed for relief.

Krueger moved around to Abbey’s front. With her eyes closed, and her hips still moving to the cadence set by Krueger and Caron, she was still lost in a lustful haze. Krueger raised his whip and brought it sharply down and up, crashing into Abbey’s pussy. Abbey jumped, but the whip struck again, even harder. It was like she had been stuck with lightening. Almost immediately, she was tossed into the throes of a massive climax. The pain of the whip on her heated pussy was causing her to cum. Her hips were humping and heaving as if she were fucking an invisible cock. Krueger continued to slowly whip her pussy. It seemed as if her climax would never end. Abbey had been made to come from a whipping.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Abbey came back to “earth” and opened her eyes. Krueger, Girard and the kneeling Caron were all watching her with amazement. They were seeing a thing of rare beauty.

“Omigod…, please…”, Abbey spoke with an exhausted whisper. “Please forgive me. Oh God, that was wonderful.”

Her head drooped down, and then she looked back at Krueger. “I never knew a whip could make you cum. I’m sorry I protested.”

Krueger wrapped his arm around her and kissed her while fondling her breasts. Abbey returned the kiss. She had never been so completely consumed with a particular sex act, or for that matter sex, and sexual slavery. Krueger continued to hold her tight to his body as he released the steel ceiling cable from her collar. She collapsed into his arms. As Krueger was still holding and fondling her, she looked down at Caron.

“Caron, thank you, thank you.”

Caron just smiled back at her. She was being escorted to a couch on the other side of the room where Girard required her to kneel in front of the couch and suck his cock. Abbey noticed that as Caron was sucking her tormentor’s cock, he was using a light weight whip, flicking it at her breasts, to urge her on to better sucking efforts. It seemed to be working.

Krueger took Abbey to one of the king-sized beds in the corner of the basement room and had her lay down on the bed. This was somewhat difficult as her wrists were still pulled up high on her back and attached to her collar. She managed as best she could. Her stringent bondage caused an interesting effect. It forced her chest, and breasts up, offering them up to whom ever wanted to touch or torment them. Krueger ordered her to spread her legs, which she did.

Abbey watched as Krueger undressed. As usual, his cock was massive, and rampant It was erect and stuck straight out form his body. As he walked, it swayed menacingly. Krueger had not fucked Abbey since she was turned over to him. She logically concluded that she was about to be fucked by her keeper.

Krueger produced a couple of rather nasty looking spring loaded clips. Without hesitation, he clamped one of the clips to her right nipple. Abbey gritted her teeth and moaned quietly. Deftly, he attached the second clip to her left nipple. This time she groaned loudly behind her clinched teeth. Krueger ignored any expressions of pain or discomfort.

Her tormentor then moved onto the bed and in between her spread legs. Even though Abbey had just experienced a red hot climax as a result of Caron’s sweet mouth and tongue, and Krueger’s whip, she was still aroused and was watching him as he prepared to fuck her. She had never seen a cock so large, and wondered if it would hurt her. She wanted to be fucked. She would have preferred her husband, but given that she had no choice, she would submit to Alex Krueger. She wanted a cock inside her cunt.

Krueger knelt between her legs and stoked his heavy cock. She watched as beads of pre-cum made the head of his cock shinny. Finally, with a smile on his face, he leaned forward and inserted his phallus into her waiting cunt. It was large, and it was filling, but there was no significant pain. She reasoned that her recent climax had prepared her for Krueger. In a very few moments, he was riding her like a bull. His cock was pounding and driving into her heated depths. She became a mad woman with the passion of Krueger’s assault. In a few more strokes of his cock in her cunt, Abbey again exploded in an orgasmic release. As she was cumming, Krueger was slapping her clamped breasts. The maltreatment merely caused her to be more aroused, and her climax was explosive!

Kruger could contain himself no more, and his cock exploded with red hot jets of cum. Abbey could feel the heated spurts inside of her belly. Abbey fainted for a few seconds. The level of lust and passionate excitement was too much for her to endure! As she was cumming again, Krueger abruptly removed the nipple clips from her breasts. While the pain was significant, it only seemed to enhance her climax. Abbey was learning her lessons at “sex slave” school. The morning of her first day at the home of Alex Krueger was monumental.


Mr Mole gives an ex-lover an unexpected sendoff.

Moleuser on Forced Stories

Mr Mole gives his ex-lover an unexpected sendoff.

Jan was far too pretty.  Half Indian, with shiny black hair, shiny brown eyes, skin that looked more tanned than dusky, and a gorgeous white-toothed smile.  She wasn't perfect, her breasts were a little small and her ass a little big, but she turned me on from the moment I first saw her, in the stairway of a large house converted into apartments, where I was visiting friends who were her neighbours.

I met her again "in passing" a few more times.  I found out she had 2 kids and an ex-husband, and one day found myself able to offer her a ride home from a kids party, which marked the beginning of our involvement. She always dressed beautifully, often in Indian dresses, was perfectly made up, and delica
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tely perfumed, and she knew how to turn on the charm, teasing and tantalising. I'd get a hardon just listening to her voice.  But as I got to know her, I found her attitude to sex was not what I'd hoped.  She had a high opinion of her own desirability, and used her body as a reward.  I didn't really understand this when she first decided to reward me, and I went gratefully to bed with her. She was a bit slack, not having gotten properly back into shape from her two children, but her pussy was warm and her body felt and looked great. But she didn't really engage, just lay back and let it happen, as if that was all she needed to do.  I should have caught on and got away from her, but I hadn't been laid for such a long time, I was sick of wanking, and she was oh so pretty.

So we shacked up, she moved in with me in my rather run down rented cottage in the country.  It didn't take long before she started rationing her rewards, and hiking the price - it seemed she needed ever more care, attention, gifts, money from me before she felt I deserved another reward - meaning a fuck. She wasn't even such a great lover - good at flirting and enticing, but once we were in bed, while I was trying to enjoy her body, and arouse her with kisses and caresses, she would maul my dick quite roughly, so the only way to keep it from injury was to bury it inside her.  Once it was in, she'd hold me and stroke my back and wrap her legs around me and generally try to encourage me to cum as soon as I liked - basically, she just wanted to get it over with I suppose, and I don't think she ever had an orgasm with me.

I did ask. She claimed she'd cum when I did, which I doubted.

It was a fairly shortlived relationship. Soon I found her pretty much impossible to coax, although we were still sharing a bed.  Worse, she was openly flirting with a neighbour, who suddenly started to have a lot of time to drive her and her kids here and there.  I felt it all falling apart, but I still couldn't face facts and make a clean break, instead I'd alternate between trying extra hard to please her, then raging quietly to myself when my extra efforts didn't pay off. Finally, in a surprisingly frank moment, she declared that she didn't want to share my bed anymore, and took herself off to the spare room.  She seemed to have no intentions of moving out of my house though, and started treating me more or less as a rentfree landlord and grocery delivery service.  In a few short weeks we'd reached a state that many (unhappily) married couples take years to achieve.

She still looked achingly sexy, though I knew her by now and didn't even like her.  I lay many sleepless nights alone in bed, knowing she was sleeping in the next room.  I had a raging hardon, she was such a cockteaser, even though I didn't like her I still desired her.  She'd left some underwear behind in my room, and I took to wanking myself to sleep with one of her lacy black G-strings wrapped round my cock.

After about a week of this frustrating existence, I suddenly knew what to do.  I waited till I was sure she'd settled into bed, lights off. I undressed completely. My dick was hard and aching with frustration. I rehearsed in my mind what I was going to do.  I fished out a condom and rolled it on - we'd never used them when we were "lovers", but now I felt it was a kind of statement - I want to fuck you, but I don't want to touch you.  Also I didn't know if she was still taking the pill, and I absolutely did not want any child of mine having that bitch for a mother.

Dick in hand, wanking gently to keep it hard (have you ever tried to recover an erection thats gone soft with a condom on?), I crept silently to her room, slowly pushed open the door and moved to her bedside. The room was faintly lit by a narrow beam of moonlight shining on the end wall.  She was lying mostly on her tummy, head turned to the side, asleep.  I watched her breathing evenly, a dangerous whirl of feelings washing over me.  You're so beautiful. I miss you.  No I don't. I hate you.  I want you, I want to fuck you, I hate you because I want you, you beautiful fucking bitch. My heart was thumping, and my dick was throbbing in my hand.

I thought about ripping off the condom and wanking off over her, but no, that wouldn't be enough. I decide I want to fuck her from behind, feel her butt against my thighs as I thrust my dick into her cunt. With a deep breath, I threw back the covers quickly, all the way down past her feet.  She wore a long white nightdress, which came down past her knees. She stirred a little at the movement of the covers, then I was on top of her, pulling up her nightdress to uncover her ass.  Damn, she's wearing panties. She's awake now, and struggling "What are you doing?" she asks. "I'm raping you Jan, you bitch".

I can't hold her down and get her panties off at the same time, and she struggles round to face me. "Get off. Stop it" she says, or words to that effect.  Oddly, we're both being quiet because her children are asleep in the next room, so it's a fairly silent struggle. I concentrate on the panties, if I can get them off I can manage the rest.  She's on her back now, no chance of my planned fuck-from-behind. I get my fingers inside her panty waistband, hook my thumb into the leg-hole and close my fist. I've got them held tight now, just a matter of tugging them down. I'm holding onto her wrists with my other hand, she's woken up to what's happening, I'm not coaxing or pleading for her "rewards", I'm taking them whether she wants to give them or not.  I back off her and pull, and the panties are round her knees. Another pull and they're off.  

She tries to get off the bed but I have her by the leg.  I force my knee between hers, wedge her open and then I'm on top of her, her legs are open around me, but she's struggling still, trying to push or roll me off, but I push my hips up between her thighs and grab her wrists, hold them up over her head.  I thrust my hips, and miss. Damn. I let go one wrist and reach under her butt, find my dick and steer it into her cunt.  Being slack, she's easy to enter, and the lubrication on the condom is enough to let it slip inside. Now I can hold her down by my weight on her pelvis, I let go her arms, ignore her face - I wanted to fuck her from behind, but this will have to do - I hold onto her hips, while she continues to struggle and complain. "Stop. Don't do this. Get off".  Actually its turning into one of the best fucks I've ever had from her, usually she's much less active. I thrust slowly, never taking it too far out in case I can't get it back in - she's impaled and can't get away.  I try some sweet talk: "Shut up you Fucking cunt.  I'm Fucking you and I'm going to Fuck you like this every Fucking night until you get the Fuck out of my house". I emphasised every "Fuck" with a hard thrust all the way up her cunt.  She stopped wriggling and just kind of stiffened up.  Now I was wishing she wasn't so slack - what if I couldn't cum?  I speeded up, pounding my pelvic bone into hers, all my weight on her and my hands under her ample arse, gripping her butt cheeks as I thrust faster and faster, come on, I'm urging myself, where's the fucking spunk gone.  This has gone on a lot longer than most of her willing fucks already, I'm dripping sweat onto her, I hope she hates that, and I'm still hard and now I can feel the familiar twinge in my balls and the glorious feeling starts to rise slowly up the length of my dick.  No stopping, I'm breathing hard, and I fuck her harder, past the point of no return, then I'm cumming into the condom inside her unwilling cunt. I keep thrusting till theres nothing left, then collapse on her, breathing heavily, my chin on her shoulder, her cheek next to mine but miles away. "Get off" she manages. "Fuck you" I reply, but I lift off her, grip my dick to hold the condom in place, and pull it out of her.  She curls up and turns away from me, silent.  "Goodbye Jan" I tell her as I head for the door.

The next day I left early, stayed away from the house until evening.  By the time I returned, there was no sign she'd ever been there.  Except for the cum-stained black G-string in my bed.  I wanked into it one more time, then threw it on the fire.


itsonlyfun on Incest Stories

 Pt.3  of Blacksheep cums then goes continued

 My wife gets the fucking she'd been promised.

 I've split tale into parts because its surprising how the length gets away from one. Further; because of the sequence of me with my wife's young friend promising me sex. I will write this part at the end as a sequel. Also,in my absence while taking this friend home, I've inserted what my wife Jackie related happened in my absence.

 So I will start with her part ,then I will convey what I found on my return and portray my input then.


 As we were returning to

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our home I moved my interior mirror to observe any antics going on in the rear seats. Although not part of the tale,I will digress to mention that included in the lift was another friend of Jackie's with her bloke,a merchant mariner on leave from his ship for the weekend. They both were rather reserved it appeared,but steamy happenings alongside them seemed to increase their temperature to my and our young friends benefit. This was because my brother-in-law failed to resist my wife's persistent teasing. She'd plonked her ass, - quite deliberately I suspect, - hard down on his half hardon she'd just created in conjunction with her young friend when we'd watched them expose their pussy's to piss by the car.

 'Fuck, sispiss! that hurt,going down like that' - He'd nearly blown his cover but as inebriation was present in the other's he got away with it. Just as well for what they were about to witness. - Somehow the rear interior lights had stayed on which was of great benefit for us in the front. From the start,our young friend was half leaning towards the rear from her seat beside me. her view was even clearer than mine. Every so often she'd turn forward and fan her face while looking in my direction,then with her eyes indicate I needed to know what they were at. With my eyes flashing to the mirror then down to her she soon realised I could see all. Following my example she lowered the sun visor to use the mirror on it to good advantage.

 We both knew my wife was still as horny as hell and my alongside passenger puffed her cheeks out quietly as we saw her brother put his hands up my wife's front and start to fondle her ample tits. Of course before very long they were being exposed for all to see. The other friend whilst sat on her blokes lap,leaned back and said something into his ear. With a grin I watched as he started to feel up her front and was pleasantly surprised when her tits also appeared. I could even see her bloke had pushed her bra above her nipples and they were rock hard and much to my liking.

 While distracted a voice whispered, 'He's trying to get it in' followed by the most dirty look you could imagine. 'Your wife,he is,he's trying to,I can see it' I raise my eyebrows and mouth, 'The booze,its the booze,don't worry about it' The dirty grin got wider as she now blatently watched as my wife lifted and lowered. The dirty cat,she just didn't give a hoot that she had an audience. In turn this had made a difference to the others in the back seat. While they were now trying to eat each others faces, he had moved from playing tit games to 'feel the pussy' the grin on her face under their kiss showed she equally had now become hot,then as she broke from the kiss she moved to help him get at her furry thing.

 I suppose I should have kept my eyes on the road,but!!! would you have? I watched as first her thighs then her knickers and finally her pussy was revealed to me. He made short work of pulling her panties to the side. 'Can you see her pussy'? A nod from me and a grin from my companion took her back to watching. 'Its up Jackie,I can't believe they'd do it that blatantly in front of us' of course she hadn't seen my wife getting up to naughties in the bar. I lent towards her and whispered, 'I hope you do get it up you from me' Grinning,she squared round in her seat and lifted her skirt enough for me to view her knickers as she seductively pulled them aside and grinned again,while making a slight fucking movement. 'For you' mouth while pointing at her quim.

 I must admit,not only to a hardon but a distinct wet part on my trousers. She noticed me touch it and put her hand over and squeezed and felt the wet in her palm. MMMM! with another dirty grin. 'You're enjoying watching your wife get it,I bet it makes you feel less guilty about what we've got planned,you doing me' 'Tit for tat' I respond. - more grinning, - At this time it was just possible Harvey only had his cock up the front of her belly,but either way I/we got a very sexy look at a very conservative ladies pussy being felt. - That added spice, - I saw it was a very furry pussy at that.

 By the time we stopped at our home,all was tranquil in the back and I'd have money,although nicely damp none had had an orgasm,yet. I got out,opened the house door and headed for a pee. The goodnight bit was about over as my brother-in-law whispered, 'Don't rush back' with a wink, 'I'll leave some for you if our little virgin hasn't sucked you dry with her tight pussy' 'What're you two bastards conniving at now. Lying I whisper to my wife, 'Bruce asked if you do ass' A wack for that, loudly so there was no need to tell him. 'you just tell him,NO SHE DOESN'T' - Little liar! my wife is. - Finding an excuse to follow them in,I note,Harvey has a grab at my wife's knickers as she slaps her hand back at him, 'NO,don't you'll make me pee' and promply heads into the lavatory,saying behind her. 'After what you tried to do in the car,you can push off into your own bed'

 At this point I departed.


 So; relayed from my wife after Harvey was off back to Australia which was midday tomorrow then.

 As you went to take the others home I was debating with myself whether to make him wait till you got back. He didn't exactly make me jealous,but he said, "Come on sis' if I'd thought you were going to be hard to get,I'd have gone with Pom and let that young thing have the benefit of this" The bastard pulled his prick out and waved it at me. I admit it made me pissy,the off handed attitude he had with me,saying he was equally prepared to fuck her after all I'd let him have. The bastard knew exactly what he was at. I flew at him ready to hit his balls off. Know what he did? He grabbed hold of me and lifted me so high,then wrestled me,pulling my dress up to my waist. "I watched you wank that bloke off sis' so don't come the old soldier with me,I'm not so easy a push over as he was" Then do you know what the bastard done? He hooked the back of my dress over that banister post there, - Pointing to the bottom of the stairs. - The dress is ruined but when I needed it to break,do you think it would? - Answering her own question, - No course it didn't! There am I trust up with my arms and legs flailing while the horny bastard laughed at me trying to stop him from pulling my knickers down.

 The bastard! Know what he did then? He wrestled his head between my legs and bit my cunt,the bastard! He kept his teeth biting till I submitted. I said,just stop biting it and I'll let you do all you want with my pussy straight now. He didn't stop immediately even then,not until he ran his teeth across my clit and made me scream to stop. "Just so you know what can happen to a bad,bad pussy see" I confess Rich' the bastard had made me so horny again I just wanted to be fucked. I expected to be lifted off and took to bed,but NO! he faced me and said, "Put your legs over my shoulders" With help from him I did. I expected him to lick it but no, he held me away,then I felt his hand come up between my legs and start pushing at my cunt. I said, 'What's going on? what are you doing now' Then I knew,remember what he tried before,he was trying to get his hand in me,fuck it hurt,it made my eyes water, he seen it and thought I was crying. He stopped,and said. "Don't cry sis' I wouldn't want to make you cry.

 He lifted me off and feeling apprehensive,I said, 'You wont fuck my ass will you' - You're a bastard as well,what you said he said,he didn't. - I felt guilty about that. - She went on. He said he didn't do ass as he felt his cock was to big for that. He carried me upstairs over his shoulder and plonking me down on our bed he stripped and ripped my dress and stockings and all that stuff off like a rapist probably does. God it made me so hot,he never got a chance to finger me I dragged him into my pussy like a mad thing. Then I got on top and we were off again. "What now"? A sixty nine I said. We did and fell asleep after I'd cum. Then the next thing I knew he had me spoon fashion and I'd just said 'No more,you're making it sore and there you were!

 I'd heard her say that; So having just had what I'd had,I felt sympathetic to her request. Her brother rolled back from her and I got some vaseline (Petroleum jelly) and worked it in her pussy as to where she descibed it was needed. She went off to sleep in an instant as did Bruce. - Harvey's nick name remember? - I'd hoped to tell him how I'd got on but it wasn't to be. Feeling knackered,I too secumbed to sleep. Till a steady rocking jolted me from my slumbers. It was daylight and the rocking was now I realised,being accompanied by a woman's whimpering as she approached an orgasm. Putting my hand between my wife's legs which she freely lifted to give me access,her smile said it all. With eyes closed she was about to orgasm on her brother mighty meat rod again.

 She gripped my forearms, 'Y-O-U  D-O  I-T  A-F-T-E-R  I  D-O-N-T  W-A-N-T  I-T  T-O  S-T-O-P  T-H-I-S  F-E-E-L-I-N-G AAAGH! AAAGH! I'M C-U-M-M-I-N-G-G-G AAAGH! DO IT,DO IT NOW! She slid over to offer me her bum side and I pushed at her pussy. It slipped into their goo. My wife's head came back by my ear whispering, 'Now in the other one' I realised she was offering her ass to me. Gripping one of her hips I used my other hand to guide my knob towards her bum hole. Feeling with my fingers,I lined up and gently fucked it up her ass. I knew her head had gone towards her brother and I then felt his slightly softened cock pushing between her legs. It was heading into her quim and as it started to enter it raised its game to a fully hard cock. Gently probing in and out my wife's rectum,I felt his hardon press at the underside of my own hardon. His size gave me the feeling his cock was pressing my cock against her spine but I think now it was her pelvic bone.

 The squashing tightness felt similar to what I'd had the pleasure of feeling only a few hours previously. She felt as tight as a virgin with both of us up her. Her mighty second orgasm brought mine then her brothers orgasms in quick succession. We just lay there with all the meat still in my wife for about an age,then as we slipped out one at a time from her she whispered to us both, 'I'm not sore anymore' Fuck what a shagger my wife can be. Showering done,breakfast and Heathrow here we come. Brother-in-law came out from the shower with his weapon in his hand and showed both of us. "Sis' what have you done to me,my foreskin wont stay over my knob anymore" Total sisterly love from my wife of course. 'When you get back over,just show your sheila's, - That's what you call them innit? - what a real POM pussy can do to a BRUCE DICK' HA! HA! Stretch any foreskin beyond repair because our POM pussy's are so tight over here. HA! HA!

 The sequel;   Having dropped off the other two love birds, my Virgin for she indeed was,tormented me while driving,by showing me her pussy as we drove. I must admit she had me nearly cumming in my pants. But we finally arrived at her house. Virtually dragging me through the door,she put me in a chair not unsimilar to my cars back seat and told me she intended to demonstrate what she'd watched my wife do to my friend. mmm! So without further ado with her back to my lap as my wife had been she plopped down on my cock, - I admit I had it up my belly and she didn't go down so fast. Having done the prep' she instructed,get it out like I saw him do. As I fumbled she moved about to give me enough room to succeed. This done she wiggled and as my cock slipped around by this brand new quim I felt my cum gush out and at her slit. 'OOO that's hot,I've made you cum. I bet that's what Jackie done to him' I felt a bit gutted at cumming off outside this virgin pussy. I shouldn't have. She put her hand down and started to slide it up and down her slit and it never entered into my mind that I remained as hard as hell right through the aftermath of my cumming.

 She pushed at her hole a couple of times and there was no way I was going up her like this. 'Lets do it on your bed' 'SHHH! not yet,let me finish doing what I saw your wife doing' As she finished saying this I felt a strange sensation on my cocks skin. Then it dawned,she still had her knickers on and having pulled them aside to torment my cock she was now pushing down to capture it up the front of her belly and inside of her knickers. The sensation was magic,what with the panty's texture and knowing I was about to have her cherry my cock was spewing more love juice than I had ever experienced in my life. In an instant she leaped up and standing over me she bent her legs and demanded, 'Lick it now,lick it hard now' How could a man refuse? -  This was moving beyond my wife's little game in the back seat and all. - I tried to force my tongue up her but at about an inch in even pointing it it could go no deeper. So it was clitoris and even more clitoris as she held her knickers to one side. Then her knees began to tremble and buckle as I felt her pussy milk gush at my tongue.

 Virtually collapsing in a heap on my lap,she snuggled for a while then sprung off and dragging her knickers down and off her legs,she grabbing my hand, 'Come on on the bed,I'm ready now' Up those stairs we shot, she was so eager I doubted that perhaps she wasn't intacto. No fear she was and as she presented herself. 'Lick again,bring me back up again' I licked and after only seconds she with her legs on the bar of a stool while pushing her pubic bone towards me. She seemed to have this all weighed up because her stool clearly was a kitchen type like the other three I'd observed in the kitchen and it placed her at a perfect height for my cock to touch her pubes and pussy slit. 'Slide along me' As my cock started to slide I could feel her lowering her weight each time my cock slipped past her tiny hole with its now so puffy vulva and enflamed lips I'd just been studying as I licked it. We got wetter and wetter then she made a lunge down on my knob. 'SSSS! Fuck nearly' she said as I slid in through again. Fuck I could feel my sap rising and felt sure she'd make me cum before I got her.

 I desperately wanted to grab and jab,but sanity prevailed as her little plan finally let her quim grasp my cocks helmet. Keeping her cunt hole speared on it she uttered, 'Fuck it feels to big to go in' and all in the same moment she became dead weight and I felt her cherry give way and my cocks knob part wedged firmly in her hole. Pinnioned now. 'OW! That's stinging' then instantly took her legs from the stool's bar and clinging with her arms around me,she,with legs apart let her bodies pussy feed down on my hardon. She was so tight she made my foreskin pain and looking after she split my maidenhead a bit. Fuck she was tight,but all my cock was now in her. 'Put me on the bed and fuck me,just like I bet your friend is fucking her right now' I carried her over still on my cock and landing on top I gently started pushing. All eased surprisingly as the most slippery pussy juice I'd ever felt started to lube us. Then all hell broke out,she was a screamer and wriggled like a banshee as I came and pumped my shots up her.

 Like me she oozed her juices over my balls and we fell together laughing in the end. 'Fuck I want it all over again' she said and I knew,so did I! She brought me off and off again,her orgasm's were incredible. On a par to my wife who also multi orgasmed. I arranged to stay in bed with her till she was asleep and then let myself out. Her last comment was,its a good job your friend's fucking Jackie,there's no more left in you I bet! At that time she was of course right but by next Saturday I intend to have a full head of steam available for my ex Virgin regardless of how many times my wife fucks me.

 Now you see why I was so benevolent to my wife's soreness. Bye. 


mom's visit

lovinSon02 on Incest Stories

Every since I was a young boy I have had certain feelings for my mom that I knew I shouldn't. I used to catch her getting changed in her room or comming out of the shower. Just looking to catch a glimpes of her body. Though out my teenage years I would masterbate to her image in my mind over and over again. But never having the guts to do anything about it.

Move foward to when I was 21.

I had joined the army and was away from home for about a year when I recieved a call that my mom would be comming near post for business and wanted to see me while she was here. She told me when she would be arriving and where they had booked her hotel and that she would meet me there after I got out of work and we could go have some dinner.

I was excited after not seeing my mom for so

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long, I did miss her alot and couldn't wait until she was in town. A week later she arrived. The day went by so slow. I spent the whole day at the qualification range just hoping that I would be released in time to go see my mom.

1830 came and went. I was still stuck cleaning my weapon and waiting to get out of there. I had called my mom and she said don't worry just come over when I was done. I told my sergeant what was going on and he said that I could have the next day off. I was excited but wondered about how long my mom would have. Finally around 2030 I was released and jumped in my car and raced over to where my mom was staying. When I arrived I was in my uniform with a change of clothes in the truck. I walked into the hotel and to my mom's room, knocked on the door but had no answer.

I figured she had already left to go eat but figured she would be back soon. I walked down to the front desk to leave a message telling her that I went back to base to get cleaned up and would call before I came back over. The person at the front desk saw me and told me that my mom had told her if I came by to tell me she was in the pool area. I said thanks and headed to the indoor pool and health center that the hotel offered.

When I entered the pool area I looked around and didn't see anyone. the pool was quiet and then I heard a noise comming from around the corner. I peaked around the corner and saw my mom stretched out in the hot tub. Her eyes were closed and she was laying her head back against the side of the hot tub. Her breast were sticking out of the water and I could see from the bathing suit her nipples poking through.

I stood there and watched feeling all those feelings coming back to me since childhood. Then I heard her voice breaking me out of my trance.

"Honey Honey, I am so happy you could make it."

Then she stood up and came out of the hot tub. That is when I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. My Mom stands about 5'8, 140-150 with brown hair, 36c breast and a ass to kill for. She was sexy when i was younger and has only gotten sexier with age.

She hugged me and kissed me. Telling me how handsome I looked in my uniform. She kept hugging me. I felt her breast against my chest and my cock getting hard. she continued to hug me and told me she didn't want to let me go. We kept like that until I finally  had to get away from her so she didn't see my hardon.

She asked if I still wanted to get dinner. but I told her no because I had eaten a MRE while cleaning my weapon. She asked me to join her in the hot tub and relax but I informed her I didn't have any shorts with me.

She said no problem just wear my boxers. So I said sure I will join you. I was still very dirty from the range so she said go use the shower before I got in the hot tub because it was hotel policy. The shower was a couple of shower heads on the side of the hot tub sticking out of the wall. I started to get undressed and my mom went back into the hot tub. I watched as she walked up the steps, watching her ass move side to side with each step.

I continued to get undressed and my mom made the comment "the army has done you good, you are really developing a nice body." I thanked her and took off my BDU's to relize that I was wearing a pair of white boxers.( you know the type that are see though when they get wet).

 She said go ahead honey clean up and join me. So I turned on the shower head and felt the nice water running down my body. Turning to my mom as I rinsed off.

she said " looks like someone wore the right set of boxers today." I looked down to see the boxers stuck tight against my cock. I am not huge but not small by any means. I am 7 cut but very thick. I could see my cock and pubic hear clearly through the boxers. I looked up and my mom was still looking at my cock.

I smiled and shut off the water and walked to the hot time. my mom's eyes never left my cock the whole time until I got into the water. We sat and talked a while playing around and even started to wrestle alittle bit. Each time her hand brushing my cock or turning and placing her ass on my lap. I thought I would shoot right then when I felt her ass sliding up and down my cock.

I got more brave and started to brush up against her tits and placing my hands on her hips as she moved around me. She would comment about how strong I have gotten and how I could control her with my strength. Then we heard a voice. the lady from the front desk came in to tell us that the pool would be closing in 10 minutes. She didn't stay and we were alone again. Mom asked me if I wanted to come up to her room and watch some t.v.

I said sure and let her know the good news that I didn't have to work in the morning. She was so happy she jumped across the hot tub strattling my waist and hugging me. I know she felt my cock pressing against her pussy because she stayed there and rubbed up and down a few times. then she got out and grabbed her towel. I sat for a minute longer but my cock would go down. I was so embarassed when she told me "to come on lets get out of here."

I stood and with all my glory walked out of the hot tub. she just stared at my cock sticking straight out infront of me. I grabbed a towel quickly and covered myself. She just smiled and told me that she felt great that she could make a young man stand to attention like that. I told her she was a beautiful woman and could make any man stand! She huged me and we headed up to her room.

 Once we were there I dropped my clothes in the chair and while still covered in my towel sat in the other seat. Mom told me to get out of those wet boxers and that she was going to get into some dry clothes. I was sad because I thought I would get to watch my mom in her swimsuit for a while longer.  then to my surprise my mom walked into the bathroom but left the door open so I could see everything in the mirror over the sink. She dropped her bathing suit facing away from me and I saw her ass. she then bent over running her towel from her feet up her body giving a great view of her pussy from behind. How I wish I was right there and could stick it inside her. She then turned around and faced me. Looking me dead in the eyes through the mirror kinda challanging me to do the same.

I stood up and dropped the towel and then my boxers standing ther totally nude with my cock standing infront of me. She nodded with approvement. I couldn't believe it we were both just standing there looking at each other. Mom then walked out of the bathroom and over to me. She kissed me on the lips and grabbed my cock. then she began to stroke my cock and she pushed her tongue into my mouth. I tasted her siliva and and grabbed her ass cheeks pulling her towards me.

We stayed that way locked in a embrass that was both taboo and passionate. she then slid down me kissing my chest till she got to my cock. She then licked the head sending quivers throughout my whole body. I loved it. She liked from the top to the bottom of my shaft. then to my balls where she sucked and nibbled on them. I continued to enjoy her treat for me as she took inch by inch into her waiting mouth. I couldn;t believe that all my dreams were comming true. She continued her assault on me until I felt the cum building in my balls. I told her I couldn't last much longer but she not to worry that she wanted me to feed mommy like a good boy. That was all it took. I grabbed the back of her head and she picked up speed sucking all of me into her mouth

I told her "I am cumming, I am cumming" and she continued until I shot all my seed down her throat. she stayed right there taking all I had and wanting more.

She then looked up and smiled telling me I tasted great.

she stood up and kissed me again. I took her hand and led her to the bed. When I laid her down with her feet off the bed. I don't know if she was thinking if I would be able to go again but my cock was already hard again and I wanted to be inside her so bad that she knew that it wasn't the end.

I kissed her passionatly and then took my time with each breast licking her nipples and nibbling all the way down her stomach to her soft patch of pubic hair. I then kissed her inner theighs and smelt her woman scent. She smelt great and I couldn't wait to taste her pussy. She pulled her legs to her chest and showed me where I came from. I gently licked and kissed until I got to her slit. Then it happened I stuck my tongue into her pussy. She cried out and I went to work. I didn't want to give it up. I wanted to like this pussy forever. I continued my assult until she was telling me that she was cumming. I burried my face into her pushing my tongue into her pussy as far as it would go. She screamed in pleasure as she soaked my face. I couldn't believe it I just ate my mom's pussy and made her cum so hard that she collasped panting on the bed.

I kissed up her body to her lips and she then took control. Pushing me on my back she slid ontop of me and grinding her pussy on my cock. Then with one motion she went up and slide down on my cock burrying it deep in her pussy. We both cried out as I penetrated her. I could feel her muscles contracing on my shaft. She slowly started moving up and down. Building up speed as she grinded against me. I could feel every inch of my shaft inside her. I was on fire. We kept making love with her on top until I couldnt hold back any longer.

I told her I am cumming and she told me she was too. We came together hard and long. she collaspsed on top of me where we lay together for the rest of the night. before we fell asleep she told me that she didn't have a meeting in my town but she had been looking at these sites on the Internet and couldn't get me out of her mind. She had told my step-father that she had a business meeting just to come and put her plan into action.

I told her that it was a great plan and that we have to do it more often. then we fell asleep in each others arms not as mother and son but as lovers.

The next day we didn't leave the hotel room. We ordered room service and stayed in bed all day enjoying each others bodies. That was 7 years ago that happen and I am still in the army but every chance we get we are still making love. I can't wait until next time.


ScorpioVirgin on Virgin Stories

My name is Mary.  An ordinary girl of working class background.  I have just recently moved in this apartment building in London so I can be near the hospital where I worked. When I first came to England, I lived in the hospital's dormitory where I endured boarding with noisy and sometimes untidy roommates. Usually, it's a race when using the shower and toilet. After several months, I got a promotion and managed to move into an apartment of my own.  In my new apartment, the rent was, of course, much pricier than the dorm in exchange for th

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e privacy and quietness that I value very much. At last, I have my own private world. And then, I met him.

We met when we boarded the same elevator as I was coming home from work one night.

“3rd floor please”, I said

“Good, I'm on the same floor too,” he said as he pressed button 3. I can tell that he's Scottish by his accent. He had dark crew cut hair, blue green eyes that have a penetrating look, semi-clean shaven chin and he stood very tall, maybe 6 feet. He was wearing boots, khaki pants, brown turtle neck shirt and a black leather jacket. Despite of his heavy clothing, I can tell that he had a large built and all in all he was ruggedly handsome.

There was brief silence.

“I'm Gerry,” he turned to me.

“Mary,” I replied politely with a prim smile.

I was about to start a conversation when the elevator door opened and we've already reached the 3rd floor. As I walk in front of my apartment door, I looked around and found him standing in front of the apartment opposite mine. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment when he looked back and saw me staring at him.

“Good night, neighbor” he cheerfully spoke.

“Yes,” was all I managed to say as I turned my door key and went inside.

That was the start. Every time I come home at 7pm, we always ride the same elevator on the way to the third floor. Although I am intrigued by my Scottish neighbor, I never seemed to have the courage to start a conversation with him.  Besides, I know that I shouldn't be nosy because in this country, people usually keep their noses out of each other's business even to their next door neighbors. Aside from that, I already have a steady boyfriend who I've been dating for almost ten months. And yet, there was something magnetic about this neighbor of mine.

My boyfriend Jack is also working in the same hospital as I am. He was the junior supervisor of the accounting department while I work at the Sonography department a few meters away. He was about five feet eight. His body is quite of a lanky built and he had red hair and dark brown eyes which according to him, was inherited from his Irish ancestors. Our relationship started during the hospital Christmas Party and he seems to be the man for me because our friends and even my family are approve of our relationship. Actually, we were being pressured to get married as soon as possible.

“Do us a favor, Mary,” says Meg, my co-worker, during our lunch time “tie the knot. We want to see a real fairy tale love story here.”

“Yeah,” agrees Bess, “you're both on a marrying age so why the delay?”

“I know girls that you want Jack and I to get married soon,” I laughed, “but why the rush? We're still young enough and I don't need to hurry everything.”

“Well, you're both not getting any younger,” Meg contradicted “Besides, has nothing happened yet between you and Jack?”

I was tongue tied. Meg's question has caught me off guard that I suddenly didn't know what to say. For ten months that we've been together, Jack has tried to coax me to do it and live with him but being a conservative sort who believes that marriage comes first before consummation, I always refuse and so far, we've only resorted to kissing and petting.

“Well, it's between me and Jack” what I managed to say after recovering from shock, “and by the time he and I get married, I'll send you a copy of what we did on our honeymoon.”

“Everything?” Meg and Bess naughtily giggled.

“Yes, my precious!” I replied with a gloat while imitating Gollum followed by our roar of laughter. In the Radiology department, we were all like family and we are all used to naughty jokes. As the saying of the seasoned medical staff goes: you're not a legitimate medical staff if you're not into naughty jokes.

7 pm. I was alternately running and walking fast on the entrance steps of the apartment building but I knew that I was not in the rush to get home. At the back of my head, I know that I was in the rush for the elevator ride. With him.

The elevator door was closing but in a nick of time, I managed to press the button and the door opened. To my surprise, I saw him standing there. Beside him, no! entwined to him, is a slender brunette with a skimpy dress almost showing her derrière and her enormous breasts were nearly yawning out.

Silicon bitch! I cursed in my head as I looked at them with contempt.

“Going up neighbor?” he smiled at me with a hint of wickedness.

Where else? This is the ground floor, you fool! Was what I wanted to say to him.

“Yes,” was my prim reply as I got inside.

The elevator door closed.

“Well, talk me about going down, darling,” I heard the brunette teased him.

“Why the talk? We'll do it baby” he said.

I was trying not to listen to their obscene conversation. But my mind was raging with thoughts.

What sort of country is this to allow public displays of affection—no! Public display of vulgarity!

The thing about this foreign country that I still find uncomfortable is seeing people kissing in public places as if they were the only people present.

Wait! What am I thinking? What do I care about this idiot? I should be minding my own business.

For some unknown reason, I took out my face powder and as I try to powder myself, I saw on the mirror that they were kissing passionately. Mouths open as tongues flick and slid with one another. His left arm was entwined on her waist while his right one is lifting her left thigh. The brunette was purring and moaning while her right hand is cupping the back of his head and her left arm is wrapped around his neck. I silently clamped down my face powder and to my relief, the elevator door opened just in time. Without looking anywhere, I darted straight to my apartment door and fumbled for the key. I know that the impassioned pair were behind me because I can clearly hear their moans and whispers. I finally found my door key and after unlocking the door I went inside. Once I got in, I leaned against the door. To my surprise, I was panting and hyperventilating. It's from running, I keep telling myself, just from running.

After eating dinner, I decided to take a bath. Tomorrow is Sunday and I decided to give myself a hot dip in the tub. In this busy city, a hot bath is as revitalizing as a weekend holiday. Jack is in the office working late. As usual. We seldom go out on a date for several months now. I don't know if it's because I understand that he had a workaholic streak or it's just that I've grown used to going home alone. While waiting for the tub to be filled with hot water, I undressed myself until I was only wearing my underthings. I was on my way to removing my bra when I saw the wardrobe mirror and stood in front of it. At first I was embarrassed to look at my nearly naked body but soon, I managed to get over it and gathered my courage. Standing in front of me is an ordinary looking girl with shoulder length dark hair. Instead of abs muscles, baby fat is gathered around my belly because I was too busy to take up exercise classes and my salary is only enough to keep me from being thrown out of my apartment and enough to financially support my ailing mother. But I'm proud of my legs because they remained shapely because I always walk my way to work. I proceed to slowly unhook my bra as I stare at myself. This is funny. I smiled to myself. Never mind. It's just for fun.

Once I removed my bra, I stared at my bare breasts. They were a bit small like pears unlike that brunette's enormous breasts that my neighbor must be humping with at this moment. At least mine was natural unlike hers, I stoutly told myself. I thought of removing my low rising silk panties. My imagination began to run. The mirror was no longer in front of me. Instead, a man was standing there with his eyes fixed on me. I know that he wants me because his eyes are burning with desire. He seemed to be fighting the urge to touch me but finally, he gives in. His face was blurred at first but as he gets nearer, his face becomes more and more familiar. Those penetrating blue green eyes...

Damn it! What was I thinking? My mind cut through my imagination. I hastily went and dipped into the tub without thinking of removing my panties.

Drowsiness is hanging heavily on me as I make my way to the bedroom. My brain is too sleepy to remind me that I should change into my nightshirt. Nightshirt, I smirked to myself, how old fashioned! I'll sleep in my robe instead.

As I lay my head on the pillow, I expect to be taken to slumber land but it seems that I haven't for I found that I was still lying on my bed. It was a bit dark. Another power interruption perhaps.

“Wake up sleeping beauty,” I heard a man's voice. Jack. It's his voice.

“You shouldn't be sleeping on your honeymoon. Now wake up and please your husband.”

I smiled naughtily, rolled over and lay on my stomach.

“How about this darling?” I teased. To my amazement, I felt his sinewy hands stroke my back down to my waist, to my behind and to my legs. I tried to hold my breath but I found myself start panting.

“Perfect” his voice turned husky. He stood up and walked further into the dark but I could see him slowly removing his clothes. I tried to look sexy and anticipating but deep inside, I was actually nervous to see a man naked.

“Here I come darling,” Jack's voice turned deeper as he approach.

“Come to me” I wantingly beaconed as I rolled over once again and laid my back on my soft bed.

To my shock, it wasn't Jack's face that I saw. It was Gerry, my neighbor.

“I've always known that you want me” his smiling face hovered over me.

RIIIING!!! The deafening alarm clock filled my ears and ripped into my consciousness. Instantly I woke up to find that it was just a dream. With a few swearings, I reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. Blasted! I forgot that today is Sunday and I activated the alarm clock. I looked at the clock and swore again. It was 7am.

Since it was futile to return to sleep, I decided to get up and fix my breakfast. While I was frying some bacon and pancakes, my mind drifted to what it remembered last night. I dreamt that I was with another man. No, wait! I imagined that I was about to make love with another man! And it was my neighbor. How funny. I should be dreaming about doing with Jack because we would soon end up in that marrying stage but instead dreamt of another man just because I rode on the same elevator while he was making out with another woman. How funny and how weird, I thought. Oops, the bacon and pancakes are almost finished.

That afternoon, I went outside to throw my garbage into the bin at the back of the apartment block. It was October and wind is getting colder as days went by. I was only wearing light clothing and no mittens because I thought I would only be out for a while. I thought: nobody gets frostbitten just by standing outside for a few minutes. This is the price of living alone: you get to do everything and anything that you don't normally do while living at the comfort of your parents' home. Like throwing the rubbish. Now, the trouble with throwing rubbish is that I have to throw it inside a huge four feet high tank with a heavy metal lid. Throwing open the lid was easy but, throwing my bag into the bin was tricky because I have to hurl it with all my might just to get it in and it's not easy since it's four feet high and I'm only a little more than five feet. I grabbed the black plastic bag and tried to swing it (while cursing myself for not throwing the rubbish a week ago and letting it accumulate this BIG) as hard as I could. I managed to shoot one into the bin and I've grown tired for throwing the second but failed to throw it into the bin. I know that I can't just leave the other bag lying around here because I will be fined and my landlord might throw me out of my apartment.

“Having some trouble, neighbor?” I heard a voice behind me. I don't want to turn around because I know who it belongs to but I have to.

“Yes, the bin was giving me hard time” I managed to say as I turned around and face him.

Yes, it's Gerry.

He laughed when I answered. He was carrying four black bags, two on each side, and much larger than the two I carried. But since he's much taller and of much bigger built, he carried it like it's just a child's satchel.

“You should be asking somebody for help,” he said as he approach me. The chilly October wind is slowly creeping under my thin jacket and red cotton shirt and my teeth began to chatter.

“W-Well, I d-don't ask m-my boyfriend to d-do it for m-me” I managed to speak.

“How come? He shouldn't let his ladylove out here doing a man's work”he said as he efficiently placed the four bags into the bin.

“W-We d-don't live together,” I replied. I was embarrassed to say that but, I have to tell the truth.

Again he laughed. I want to be angry but I can't help but find his laughter to be quite infectious.

“Ah, a conservative prude you are,” he grinned as he stood staring at me, “I thought the Queen is the only prudish lady in this country.”

“C-can you p-please h-help m-me?” I could no longer deny that I was in need of help. I won't get frostbitten but I know now that I'm in danger of hypothermia.

He took my remaining black plastic bag and placed it with ease inside the bin. I noticed that he was not wearing mittens or some gloves either and I managed to look at his hands. It looked huge and strong like a giant. Or a titan. I suddenly remembered the brunette he was with last night and I imagined what those huge hands did to her...

“It's kind of huge isn't it?” I heard Gerry say.

“What?” I got alarmed.

“The rubbish bin.” he replied to my relief, “ I reckon that the government probably knows that the people here do not believe in recycling. Why, it's even large enough to fit all the tenants in this block.”

“I wouldn't be even surprised if one day, the landlord might rent it to some vagabond” I managed to say, “rent is quite high in this city and God knows, everyone who moves here are running out of a good place to stay.”

We both shared a laugh. It felt good that finally I was able to reach out and make friends with someone in this neighborhood because I don't even know the occupants of the apartment next to me. On our way to the elevator, I began to feel warm and cozy again and that's when I finally managed to start a conversation. I found out that he's a lawyer working in a law firm at the building across the hospital where I worked but he's into rugged sports such as football, rugby, hiking and rock climbing.

“Not your typical lawyer, isn't it?” he said.

“No, it's fine,” I said, “if you ever get caught storm in the mountains, you can sue the guide for recklessness and if somebody tackles you during football, you can also sue him for attempted physical injury.”

“Right.” he answered while laughing.

I was laughing so hard that it was too late to realize that he was staring at me. When I managed to choke down my laughter, he was still staring at me. It was my first time to see those blue green eyes at close range and honestly, they were very seductive.

“What is it?” I asked nervously.

“Your eyes,” he said, his eyes still not blinking, “it's actually my first time to see such pitch black-colored ones.”

I gulped a bit as I tried to regain my composure.

“Really? What do you think of it?”

“It's like staring at the mirror,” he said, “Nostradamus would look into a black mirror to see the future. I'd like to know if I can see something too.” as his face moved nearer. I held my breath when I felt his warm breath getting nearer.

Fortunately, the elevator door finally opened and I managed to break away from his stare. I was afraid that he might discover the erotic dreams I had about him. What would this man think of me?

“I have some house cleaning to do,” I said as I walked towards my apartment door.

“That's very impressive of you, my lady,” I heard him say.

I paused for awhile thinking what he is doing and if he's staring at me. I heard the door unlocking. His door. When I finally got into my apartment, it was when I finally let out a breathe of sigh. I was thinking if he would invade my thoughts again tonight.

That night, it happened again. The dream.

The light was a bit dim but the bed sheet was colored white. It was more vivid than the last time. This time, his face is much more visible as if it's real. He was in bed, lying on his back wearing nothing but with a white blanket covering his hips.

“Come over here darling, I need you,” he called me once again in his husky voice, “and I know that you need me too.”

Without any protest, I approached him in my white robe, hair loosely falling down to my shoulder.

“I am here, darling” were my words.

“Do your lover a favor and take off your clothes,” he commanded.

Slowly, I took off my robe and found out I was wearing nothing underneath.

“Come to bed, my lady,” he sat up and motioned me, “it's getting quite cold.”

I slipped between the sheets with him with submission.

“I'll show you how a lady should be treated,” he seductively said as he placed his arm around my waist. His mouth met with mine and he consumed me with brute force. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck. He shifted his hold and moved his hands down to my hips. He lifted me and it was when I realized he wanted me to straddle him.

“Tonight, we will become one” I heard his voice faintly between my moans as I felt his lips move down to my neck.

Tonight...tonight...those words continued to ring into my ears.

The next morning, Monday, was the start of another rat race. I've already grown used to the mad rush hour. Walking, no, racing to work along with three quarters of the city's population. As usual, I arrived 15 minutes before 9 and changed into my work clothes. A cup of coffee and some cinnamon buns and it's the beginning of work.

“Good morning, Abby” I greeted our receptionist, “anything new?” I meant to say if I already have a patient in waiting.

“As usual, five arrived today” she replied handing me the patient's request forms.

I went to my cubicle where my sonogram machine is located and waited for the patient to come in. As I've said, I've grown used to the routine that I finished all five in just a matter of minutes which usually took me an hour when I was just starting to work here. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already time for coffee break.

I was on my way to the coffee maker at the pantry when Abby stopped me.

“Mary, you still have one more patient left.” Handing over the patient request form.

I grimaced as I took it. “Fine, I'll do it.”

Reluctantly, I read the request and went back to the dim room. Whole abdomen sonogram. Blasted, it will take me more than an hour before I refill my stomach again. When I turned to see my patient, he was the first to speak.

“Hello there, neighbor,” it was Gerry in his tight fitting black shirt, “so this is where you work.”

“Hello too,” I said and smiled, “and what brings you in here?” motioning him to lie down on the examination bed.

“I've been bothered by this bloody pain around my belly for some time now,” he said as he proceed to lie down, “I just usually ignore it but the doctor wants to make a living out of me and put me through some tests.”

“I see,” I said as I ready the sonogram machine.

“I guess he wants to check if you have some gallstones or kidney stones. Please lift up your shirt.” I said in a casual manner.

“That is much troublesome. I'll just do this.” he said as he took off his shirt and my mouth ran dry when he revealed his chiseled body. It wasn't chiseled, it was perfectly carved with abs. I lifted the ultrasound probe and placed some ultrasonic gel on it.

“This is a bit cold,” I warned him. During the weekend, our department aide had forgotten to place the ultrasonic gels in the heater and now the gels are as cold as ice.

“Ow! That is definitely bloody cold,” he remarked once the probe touched his stomach. I laughed but I had to stifle it immediately because our supervisor is usually roaming around and it's prohibited for the staff to laugh during working hours.

I was trying to concentrate on my work but I can't help but peek on his perfect belly where my ultrasound probe roamed smoothly. It made me feel ashamed of my bumpy baby fat-stricken belly. But I wonder how it feels to lie on top of those hard six packs. I also noticed that his sparsely hairy chest was also well built. I suddenly remembered the other night about my dream. He was lying on the same position as he is right now. If only I could straddle him...

“See anything wrong?” his words interrupted my thoughts.

“Nope.” I said as I scanned once more.

“Actually, it hurts right here,” he said as he took my hand and placed it near his navel much to my surprise.

“Well, as far as I can see, I see nothing unusual.” I assured him. All the time I tried to fix my eyes on the sonogram monitor because I felt he was staring at me all the time. I was glad when the procedure came to an end and he left without any word. When I came out of my cubicle, my friends are all waiting for me.

“Coffee break?” I cheerfully asked.

“Coffee break yourself,” Bess giggled, “it's already 12 o'clock.”

“You've been there for more than two hours, my dear,” Meg said.

As I've told before, Jack and I are in a steady relationship and it's a dream for me to get married and have my own family. My siblings are all married now and our mother is living with her other siblings in our ancestral home in the countryside. Now, they are pressuring me to settle down. Actually, Jack and I have talked about marriage on some occasion but we both agreed not to tie the knot so soon as we wanted to be financially stable first before we get married. Which probably explains why Jack is spending more of his time working overnight nowadays. I was also thinking that as soon as Jack and I to get married, I would probably forget about Gerry.

I hope.

“I'll be working late again today, love,” I heard Jack's voice over the phone when I called his mobile number.

“Yes, I understand,” I lamely responded like a broken record. Same old story.

One night, instead of going straight home, I stopped by at the nearby modest restaurant. It was ran by my landlord's wife and I've already made an arrangement to eat there on a promise that I will pay along with the apartment rent. Should I fail to pay the accumulated bills, I will be automatically ordered to vacate my apartment. Simple as that. But I only go there to eat when I'm too tired to cook or when I forget to go to the grocery store. World Cup has just finished and the place is quiet with only a handful of people eating calmly. During football season, this place comes alive with cheers and shouts that makes you fear that a riot might break out anytime. After having my supper of lasagna (my comfort food) and jasmine tea, I reached over and took out the evening newspaper that I bought. It feels good to get in touch with the world and know what's happening back home after long hours of work. Aside from that, I went to read my favorite section: funny cartoons. Underneath the cartoon section is the horoscope section. I admit that I read horoscopes every now and then but it's just out of curiosity. I heard some foot steps approaching. Eventhough I don't need to lift my head, intuition tells me who it belongs to.

“I see you read horoscopes,” Gerry said while carrying a cup of tea, “May I?” pointing on the seat opposite me. I was too shy to say anything so, I just nodded. He pulled the chair and sat down.

“It's funny, isn't it?” he started, “I live opposite yours. My office is opposite the hospital where you worked and now, I'm sitting opposite you.”

“Yes, a bit too much of coincidence doesn't it?” I politely said putting down my paper.

“Like I said, I saw you reading horoscopes,” he looked at me, “do you believe in it?”

“Well, sometimes,” I answered cautiously, “do you?”

“Let's just say, I believe that each sign sometimes describes a person.”

“I don't know,” I admitted, “my birthday falls under Virgo but I never thought of myself as a neat freak. A little sweeping, dusting and vacuuming will do.”

“Really now,” he started to laugh. He paused for awhile to sip his tea.

“And what's your sign if I may ask sir?” I asked politely. I have this nagging belief that lawyers have a sensitive ego and one wrong question could land you a lawsuit the next day.

“What do you think of Scorpios?” he finally said putting down his cup.

I thought for awhile because I wasn't that good in astrology.

“Well,” I started, “I know that Scorpio is a water sign. They are a bit secretive and stubborn and once they get into a relationship, they become jealous to the point of possessiveness and—”

“Do you find them sexually irresistible?” he interrupted.

I was too stunned by his question but I soon recovered.

“Well—my boyfriend is not a Scorpio,” I said, “but I got attracted to him, if that's what you want to know. Excuse me.”

Afterwards, I got up, bade goodbye to the landlord's wife and left. I kept on walking without expecting him to follow me until I got into the elevator shaft.

I was too late to close the elevator door and he managed to get in.

My head is starting to throb with ache and I just want to be left alone.

2nd floor.

“The problem with you good girls,” he started, “is that you are actually a bunch of coy flirts.”

“Please stop now.” I responded.

“That's what makes aggressive women win over you prudes,” he said ignoring me, “at least the bitches I know know what they want and they get it.” Those words are spoken too sharp and too hurtful.

“Well, go back to your bitches sir,” I snapped back, “and leave us good girls marry the good boys.”

3rd floor.

The door opened. That was the end of the conversation.

That night, I fell into a deep dreamless sleep. But somehow, I missed the dream.

The following week, I no longer saw Gerry. He must have moved out somewhere and once again, I'm surrounded by strangers in the building. Part of me felt relieved that Jack's 'competition' is already out of my life but somehow, I felt that I've lost a sense of thrill in my life. No more elevator rides together at 7pm to look forward to. No one to help me with the garbage. No man to invade my dreams again. Somehow, the mysterious Scottish rogue have left some mark in my life.  But I guess, that's how life is.

It was December and once again, the hospital's Christmas Party is here again. Like any Christmas parties, we all exchanged gifts. Our supervisor got a new Gucci bag. Abby, our receptionist, got a new digital camera that she had always wanted. Meg got a new shawl. Bess showed off a gift certificate to a posh restaurant and I gave Jack the latest designer perfume for men. I was the last one to be handed with the gift.

“Open it now Mary,”Meg urged me cheerfully. The others started coaxing me.

There seems to be no use to keep the suspense, I said to myself as I tore open the package.

When the wrapper and box was removed, a pair of black lace brassier and thong was revealed. The whole place suddenly erupted with jeers and laughter much to my embarrassment but Jack gave me a big hug and kissed me.

“Have to put it to use very soon,” Meg winked at me but, I just smiled nervously and looked up at Jack. But the black lace was never used even on New Year's Eve because Jack bade goodbye to spend the holiday at his parents' house and I was on duty at that time. At the back of my mind, I planned to use it on Valentine's Day instead. I'm sure that by that time, Jack is already here and I plan to give myself to him since we're going to be married soon.

Time seems to fly so fast and before I knew it, it was already two days before Valentine's Day. I plan to surprise Jack by going to his office and since I know that he would be working alone, I might as well show up in black lace. I heard my co-workers telling me that sex in the workplace offers great thrill. A sense of danger. That is what I'd like to find out.

February 14. I went home immediately. I took a quick shower and put on the black lace bra and thong (to my surprise, it fitted perfectly) and put on a gray trench coat to hide it. Although it's normally walking distance to the hospital, I took a taxi cab to get there quickly. The hallway to the accounting department is dim because it's already past working hours for the hospital's office staff and only the way to the emergency room and diagnostic rooms were lit. I managed to slip in and was walking my way to the Jack's office. Tonight is the last night of my virginity, I smiled.

I finally got into the office and quietly turned the knob. I thought that I would surprise Jack but it seems to be it's my turn. At the corner, where Jack's table is located, I saw him engaged in a passionate kiss —with another man!

“Jack!” I cried as my eyes start to blur with overflowing tears.

They suddenly broke up and it was then that I found out that the other person was Jack's boss. All this time, I was thinking that my fiancé was staying up late counting money and figures but, I was wrong. I could compete with any woman for Jack's affection, but to compete with another man, nevertheless his own boss, is too much for me. Jack suddenly turned pale and guilty because he was caught red-handed.

“Mary, please let me—”Jack started to explain but I already turned around and ran out of the room. I don't know how I managed to run from the hospital grounds to my home without thinking of getting run over by a car or meeting a criminal who might rape me but before I knew it, I was already in my apartment. I removed the trench coat, kicked my shoes in different directions, threw myself to bed and cried my heart out.

Moments later, I heard the phone at my bedside table ringing. How long I've been crying, I have no idea. At first, I hesitated picking up the phone. If it's Jack, he can go to hell. But if it's not Jack...anyway, I ended up picking up the cordless receiver.

“Hello?...” I answered in between sobs.

“You'll look lovelier in your lace if you're not crying.” said the voice on the other line.

I flared up, rose from my bed and grabbed my white robe hanging on a nearby chair. It finally dawned into me that I removed the window curtains this morning and sent it to the laundry maid to clean.  I completely forgot about it because of Jack.

“Wh-Who the f—” I yelled as I struggled into my robe.

“Why is it that you Virgos wear sexy black lacies only to hide it under a silly robe?”

“Gerry?” I stopped and stared into the large bedroom window, “Where are you?”

“You know that I always prefer living opposite to your world.”

I walked over and looked out of the window and across the street is another apartment building. Looking further, I saw directly opposite my window, a window with lampshade lighting up the dim room. Standing inside is Gerry, holding the phone and looking directly at me. It was then I realized he was shirtless and I could see his rippling muscles, glistening in the light and seemed tempting to touch.

“Glad you can see me now.” he smiled.

“You fool,” I was starting to get furious, “ how long have you been spying on me?”

“Let's just say I wanted to take more glimpse of your world. Since living across the floor won't do, I decided to take a more strategic place.”

I got too stunned to talk. All the time, I always thought that he had left me alone. I was wrong. This Scotsman really proved to me that Scorpios are stubborn creatures.

“And what about my life that you have seen so far?” I asked.

“I saw you running home this evening and you were crying,” was the reply. “It's that bloody fool Jack, isn't he?”

I paused.  I realized that all my life, I have always been trying to be a good girl and kept my image that way.  Perhaps, being a good girl doesn't always guarantee you happiness.

“I told you good boys won't always do you good.” I heard him say. I looked down at my black lace lingerie. Then something came up on me.



“You can see what I'm doing right now, don't you?” I slowly laid my back on my bed. My white robe fell to my sides revealing my black lace.

I heard him gasp on the other line.

“I know you can see what I'm doing right now,” I continued, seductively raising my legs on the bed. “Tell me Gerry, do I really look good in black lacies?”

“You have no idea, my lady,” his voice started to turn husky.

I began to run my fingers from the top of my chest down further across my belly.

“Do you mind baby fat on a belly?” I asked as I made circles on my belly with my finger.

“Please...please don't drive me mad this way,” he began to pant. I giggled. At last, I seemed to have found his weakness but I didn't stop there.

“You told me that good boys won't always do me good and now I know,” I continued, “now tell me about the bad boys.” I ran my fingers further down to the top of my lace thong.

I can tell the effect of my movements because his breathing is becoming more labored than before.

“Convince me that bad boys can do me better than good boys.” my voice started to turn husky.

“Tell me what you want me to do,” he responded with his breath heaving.

“I decided to stop being a good girl,” I rolled over on my stomach and stared at his window, “I want to be treated like a lady.”

“Say that you need me—NOW!” he started to growl with desire.

“Then come to me.” I said and turned off the phone.

It was a matter of minutes before I heard some frantic knock on my door. I peeped first into the hole and when I saw it was him, I unlocked the key. Like a wild beast, he quickly went in and grabbed me by the waist and began to kiss me hungrily.

“I've been dying to do this with you the first time you rode on that elevator with me,” he murmured the minute we broke our kiss to catch our breath.

“So am I, darling,” I responded before his mouth captured mine once more. His lips, tongue and breath were much warmer than Jack's. I responded by touching his tongue with mine. He groaned and our tongues began to flick excitedly like snakes. Jack's kiss was a bit more gentleman-like but Gerry's kisses were rough but I found out that I like to be handled roughly. The weather was turning a bit cold but we're both sweating with the sweltering heat of our bodies. Gerry lifted me easily and carried me in his arms as if we were newlyweds and I am his bride.

He was about to ask me, “Where do you want to--”

“My bedroom is straight ahead,” I interrupted.

He carried me with ease and when we got inside, he gently let me down on my feet with my back turned to him. Then, he helped me out of my robe, grabbed me by the waist again and started kissing me at the nape and his tongue tracing and nibbling my earlobes.

“Darling,” I whispered running my hands on his jaw as he runs his tongue along my neck.


“My bra is a bit tight. Please loosen it up for me?” I panted.

With much efficiency, he unhooked my brassiere and threw it somewhere on the floor.

I turned to face him while he cup my face with his right hand and his left hand cling heavily into my hair then, we started kissing hungrily again. My hands began to explore and I was thrilled to explore my fingers on the taut muscles of his chest down to his stomach. I used to fantasize about it some nights ago but now, it was for real. I felt him break free from my hold and to my shock he began flicking his tongue on the top of my breast.

“Do you find it a bit small, darling?” I asked him, thinking about the heavily breasted brunette he brought to his apartment months ago.

But he did not respond. Instead, he coiled his tongue around one nipple and began to suck hungrily like a hungry infant and it made me moan much louder. Surely, my fiancé—or rather, now ex-fiancé—have not succeeded in bringing this kind of pleasure to me. Looking up at my bedroom window, I got scared and stopped Gerry for awhile.

“Suppose everybody in the opposite building is watching us?” Thinking of it makes me feel that we might be much worse than Paris Hilton and her lover.

“Don't worry love, it's Valentine's day, everybody's too busy doing the same thing” he grinned as he quickly added, “but ours is bloody much better.” and he carried me again and laid me on my bed. Luckily, it was a queen sized bed with soft powder blue comforters and yellow colored pillows. It used to be my resting area whenever I get home every night after work but tonight, it was converted into a bridal chamber.

As I lay on my bed, he stared down on me as if studying what to do next.

“Give up now, sir?” I teased as I stroke the outlines of his face and his lips.

“Not yet,” he said huskily, “are you?”

I just shook my head in response.

He bent his head again and began to run his tongue on my breasts again and I started to moan when his mouth caught hold of one nipple and began to suck again. This time, it's more savage than the first as if he was sucking my breasts dry.  I felt his hand managed to get inside my thong and found access my pussy and to my surprise, he began to rub my clitoris.  Then he found my lovehole.  It was already wet just by his rough kisses and sucking.  As his head move to suck another nipple, he placed his finger inside my lovehole.  My vaginal muscles started constricting violently as the foreign object , his finger, began to move further deep inside.  Slow at first, then he began to move his finger faster and faster.

"Gerry! Oh baby! Don't!" were the words that came from my lips.  But he seems to know that I meant the opposite. 

My moaning started to get louder and I began to clutch the back of his head with my hand when I felt his tongue move slowly down to my stomach. At that moment, I began to think that my baby fat is not so bad after all. My moans started to become loud cries when I felt him make circles around my navel with his tongue. He wanted to moved further down and despite of the pleasure his finger gave, I removed his hand from my pussy because something else came into my mind

I slowly sat up and pushed him to lie down. He was surprised to see me do this but I'm much more surprised in my guts. Anyway, I have to continue what I started. I proceed to straddle him and I decided to imitate his actions. Our mouths began to join once more then, I moved my tongue down to the hollow of his neck and tasted the saltiness of his skin. He started groaning louder and his chest start to heave faster as my tongue began to move around and all over his chest. I paused for awhile when I reached his belly. I suddenly remembered how the ultrasound probe roamed freely and smoothly on those taut belly muscles and it made me think how it feels to run my tongue on it. I looked up at Gerry's face and I saw his face was flushed red and he was breathing heavily.

“Please go on,” he begged, “drive me mad, my lady.”

I bent my head. At first, I kissed the taut muscles for awhile. Then, I opened my mouth and let my tongue out to lick his stomach. To my excitement, I heard his loud cry as I pushed him on the throes of pleasure. He clutched my hair tightly and groaned. I knew then, that I have found this man's weakness. I continued to run my tongue along the grooves of his tight muscles and the more I run my tongue, the louder his groans become and the faster his breathing becomes.

Like what he did, I made circles around his navel and along the line of hair running from his chest down to his stomach and into his lower abdomen. I ran my tongue along that line from his navel down to the border of the top of his trousers. I don't know if it's my imagination but I saw his bulging cock twitch under his trousers.  I picked up one button of his trousers and started to release it.  One by one, I removed the buttons until the all that imprisoned his cock was his white underpants.  It seems that Gerry sensed my inexperience and with one hand, he took out his cock for me to see.  My mouth ran dry as his large cock sprang upright in front of me.  The head was rosy-colored and visible veins ran along the shaft. 

"Take it in your mouth, love," he hissed.  It was my first time to see a man's cock, let alone, an erect one.  I hesitated at first because it seemed too big to fit even between my lips.

"Take it," Gerry gasped in anticipation.  Slowly, I began to kiss the head.  I heard him groan with pleasure.

"LIck it, baby,"he instructed me as he clutch my hair with his hand as if leading me,"taste it like a lollipop.  It's yours now."

I complied.  I ran my tongue along the head and moved down to the shaft.  He started grunting and groaning louder.  His response seemed to excite me and I continued to lick his cock starting from the head down to the shaft and back. 
His hand clutched my hair tighter as he spoke through labored breath: " Now, put it inside your mouth, baby."

Like an obedient slave I opened my mouth and slowly engulfed the throbbing head.  It was huge, I think like a baby's fist that it took me awhile to get my mouth accustomed to the huge pulsating cock.  When I felt that my throat muscles are ready, I moved my head to put his whole length inside much to his moans of pleasure.  I decided to remove his cock out of my mouth so I can gasp for breath but he stopped me from midway and pushed my head back down again and lifted my head up again.  It took me awhile to get the tempo and soon I was bobbing my head up and down his cock.  His groans and pleads sounded like music to my ears and began to excite me knowing that I, despite being a virgin, am giving this man the time of his life.  I thought I could bring him to climax by sucking him but he clutched my shoulder and said:

“Stop now, love,” he gasped pulling me up gently, “it's time.”

He laid me on my back as he rose from the bed and strip off the remaining clothing in his body. In a minute, I saw, for the first time in my life, a man's naked body. When I  dared to look on the lower part—the one between his legs—I felt all flushed with fever and got embarrassed because of it.  Standing at the foot of my bed is a 6 foot man with a well sculpted body and a hard ramrod that is about to liberate me from my virginity.

“That bloody do-gooder boy of yours is missing a lot,”he smiled, “he didn't know how beautiful you look.”

Gerry took hold of the straps of my lace thong and began to pull my remaining clothing down to my legs.

“Darling, please don't tear it,” I told him with my sweetest bedroom-like voice, “we might need to use it again.”

He need not be told because in a few minutes, I was in my birthday suit. The thought of my nakedness made me feel uncomfortable that I placed my right hand on top of between my legs.

“Acting like shy virgin bride, eh?” Gerry smiled wickedly.

“What are you going to do about it, sir?” I teased him.

He didn't answer. He began to take me again by the mouth and it seemed that his passionate kiss gets better everytime. I felt his right hand remove my hand and parted my legs. I tried to break apart from his kiss to show my anxiety on what is to come but, he whispered in an assuring manner:

“Don't worry love, it's just going to be a bit painful at first. You'll feel the pleasure afterwards.”

I felt him move on top of me and managed to nest himself between my legs. But his blue green eyes remained fixated on me.

“Hold on to me, my lady,” he said, “here I come.”

A sharp pang slowly ripped into me. I cried out loud as tears came out of my eyes while I clutched Gerry tightly on his sinewy arms. I opened my eyes and saw him slowly coming down on me. Gerry is a six foot man: largely built on all proportions while I'm a foot smaller with a small built. I thought that I will be torn apart from the inside as the pain become almost unbearable. I was on the verge of passing out when I felt him kiss me again gently and whispered soothing words into my ear:

“Wake up now my love, the pain is gone now.”

I opened my eyes and saw his blue green eyes meet mine. His left hand is caressing my face while he rests most of his weight on his right so as not to crush me.

He began to kiss me again when I felt him withdraw himself from in me. I gasped but, before I could do anything, I felt him thrust himself again.

“Gerry...” I called him faintly. My arms slipped under his armpits and began to caress his back.

He repeated what he did again and the more he did it, the more pleasurable it becomes.

“Gerry..” I called on him again but in a sweeter manner.

 “I told you it's just the first,” he smiled and he went on thrusting himself inside of me.

I began to moan again and started to dig my heels on the soft bed.

“Oh, you're driving me mad, you wicked man,” I groaned.

“The same with me, my lady,” he answered as he heaved for another assault.

He started to thrust in a quicker motion and everytime he does, the more I feel wet inside.

“Oh, you're so wet,” he gasped as he thrusted himself in, “and yet so tight!”

My cries for his name started to get louder. But, I got confused when I felt him stop. I looked at him to ask what is wrong.

“It's not yet over, my lady,” he said, “you're just starting to feel the pleasure.”

He held me by my shoulders and hoisted me up. Before I knew it, he was the one lying in bed while I sit on top of him.

“Gerry!” I cried out, nearly digging my hands on his shoulders, as I felt him dig deeper in me.

But he was right. It was more pleasurable than the first. His heavy weight is no longer on me and he had no difficulty carrying my full weight by the hips. And the full control is on me now.

I used to dream of this several months ago but now, I found out that it's much better in reality.

I began to take charge of the situation and it's a great find to see a huge man surrender himself helplessly to me.
Then Gerry soon participated with me. Everytime my hips fall down, he would thrust himself up to meet me as if to dig deeper. I felt something bump within me and I moaned.

“Do it again please,” I would beg which he granted eagerly.
Then I felt the pressure started to increased. Gerry must have felt the same way too for he started to move at a quicker pace. We shifted position and once again, he was on top of me. But he pulled me a little to the edge of the bed that our feet reached the floor and he squatted instead of putting his weight on me. To my surprise, he lifted both of my legs by the calves and started to make sharper thrusts. I was completely thrown off my equilibrium with so much pleasure that I clawed on the sides of my bed and cried out his name much louder than before. He lifted me again on the center of my bed and laid himself on top of me again. Somehow we both know that the pressure is getting too much that he began to thrust faster as I swing both my legs on top of his behind as if to make him dig deeper. Our breaths started to race as we started to kiss passionately. But we broke up
the kiss as Gerry began concentrated in thrusting himself in me. I could no longer contain myself that I screamed out his name. The moment Gerry clutched me tightly and cried out, I lost some consciousness as a I felt a warm gush between us. When I felt that it was over, I opened my eyes and saw him with sweat beading on his forehead while the rest of his body glistened with sweat. Panting, he laid himself beside my pillow and looked at me wearily.

“Did this bad boy made you feel good, my lady?” running his fingers along the outline of my face.

I just nodded slightly as I tried to catch my own breath.

“Somehow,” he whispered, “ I always knew that the good girls are much better when they get bad sometimes.”

I laughed heartily. For the first time, I find it fun to have a man able to make me laugh after making love.

“Is that why you seduced me?” I asked.

“Me?” he chuckled, “ I remember it was you who did.”

Then we laughed again.

I took the watch at the bedside and looked at it. 2 am.

“It's still early,” I yawned a bit as I moved to turn to the other side, “we can still catch some sleep.”


“Yes.” I replied.

“ I know that it's too early,” he said as he slipped his hand on my waist and started kissing me on the nape, “but I was thinking of something else.”

“You wicked man,” I smiled because I knew what he meant.

Oh well, I found out that it was worth the risk, because that was the start for both of Gerry and I. A bit peculiar and unconventional but that was how we started. By the way, we have just celebrated our third year together and we're planning to leave our twin babies to his folks while we take our hmm...226th honeymoon.

Virgin Girl Scout Ripe to Eat

Brigit Astar on Incest Stories

Nikkie Louiston undressed in her bedroom and put on her girl scout outfit, picked up the cloth bag filled with boxes of cookies, and then headed out. She called to her mother as she went through the living room: "Mom, I’m going." Her mother answered from the kitchen: "Hold on, dear."

Nikkie waited impatiently at the living room door. Her mother came from the kitchen and asked her: "Where exactly are you going? Are you selling or are you delivering?"

"I’m delivering. I’m going to some of the places on the list."

"I’ll drive you," her mother said.

"Oh Mom, no. I’m just going to a few places - four or five - just around the neighborhood. To Aunt Clara’s and Mrs. Wallace and th

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e Simmons’, and Uncle Gerald. Just the ones who have placed orders for the cookies and are within walking distance."

"Okay, dear, but remember, dinner is at six. Don’t let Aunt Clara trap you into having tea and talking, or else she’ll keep you there and you’ll never get out."

"I know," Nikkie replied. "Well, I’m on my way."

She left her house and walked down the residential street, planning her route as she walked along. Aunt Clara first, she thought, then the Simmons’, then cross the street and down to Mrs. Wallace, and then, last of all, on my way back, Uncle Gerald.

Nikkie was a typical girl scout, in that she was an adolescent, fourteen years old, full of vim and curiosity, and a virgin. She was well-developed for her age; the girl scout outfit she wore fit snugly around her pubescent body, outlining her budding breasts, developing hips and thighs, and her perky rump. The outfit was short, ending a good six inches above her knees, showing plenty of her soft full legs.

She delivered the cookies to Aunt Clara, the Simmons and Mrs. Wallace, collected the money, and reflected on how many more boxes she needed to sell to win the computer. She had already sold a total of six dozen boxes of cookies in the past two weeks, but she figured she would need to sell at least that many more to have any chance of coming in first in her scout troop, and winning the grand prize: a brand new pc. But time was running out. There was only one week left in the cookie sale. I need to find people who will buy more than one box, she thought. Maybe Uncle Gerald will.

She made her way to her uncle’s house, thinking about him. Over the past year, he had become more attentive to her, calling her "sweetie" and "honey" (but only when no one else was around), and touching her. Whenever they were alone, he would find some way to touch her, to place his hands on her shoulders or arms or back or hips. Once, he had come to her house when her parents were gone, and he had finally pulled her onto his lap. He had stroked her hip and flank and nuzzled her cheek and neck. She had felt him moving his crotch up and down and around on her rump, and she had felt a stiff lump throbbing and pressing upon her butt. Her uncle’s lips nuzzling her cheek and neck, his hand stroking and softly squeezing her hip and flank, and especially his rotating crotch and that stiff lump throbbing and rubbing upon her rump, had sent a warm tingly fizzy feeling shooting through her body. She wondered what would have happened next had her parents not come home at that time.

She knocked on her uncle’s door and reached in the bag and pulled out a box of cookies. Her uncle opened the door and his face lit up. "Well, well, if it isn’t my favorite niece and girl scout. Come on in, honey."

She entered her uncle’s house and he closed the door.

"I see you’ve got the cookies." He said, pulling out his billfold. "Well, I’ve got the money. This should take care of it." He handed her a bill and she opened her bag. "Let me see, let me get the change," she said.

"Oh, no change," he said. "You keep it."

"But it’s a lot of change I owe you."

"Don’t worry about it." he smiled. "Keep it. It’ll help you in your sales."

"Gee, thanks, Uncle Gerald. It will help. Now, I only need to sell about six dozen more boxes minus the one you bought."

"Why so many?" he asked. She explained about winning the pc, and he smiled and wagged his head. "Well, good luck to you. Maybe I could buy another box from you. But first, let me sample your wares." He opened the box and pulled out a cookie. "Umm, nice shape." He slipped an arm around her shoulder and bit into the cookie. "Yum, quite tasty." He slid a hand down her back. "Here, have a cookie on me."

"We’re not supposed to eat any of them," she said.

"But I bought the box, and I’m giving you a cookie. It’s not as if you’re eating up the profits. Here, have one on me, and let’s sit and discuss the possibility of my buying another box from you."

He guided her to a big chair and sat and pulled her down on his lap.

"I do believe this is the best cookie I’ve ever had," he nibbled. She smiled and nodded and bit into a cookie.

He brushed his lips on her cheek and neck, stroked her hip, and pressed his crotch upon her rump. He moved his hand up, unbuttoned the top of her scout outfit and slid his hand under her bra. She clasped his arm, holding it back.

"Let me stroke and rub you, honey," he breathed in her ear. "I’ll buy a box of cookies."

"You will?" she asked.

"Yeah," he answered. He slid his hand onto a breast and began massaging it. "Oh, honey, you’ve got nice breasts," he rasped. He briskly stroked her titties, rubbing them good. He began rotating his crotch on her rump, pressing his stiffening cock upon her butt.

He stroked her legs, running a hand between her thighs.

He tugged at her panties, sliding them down. She grasped his arm and pushed back on it. "Let me lick and suck you, honey. I’ll buy another box of cookies."

He slid her panties off, got down on his knees in front of her, pulled her down in the chair and raised her legs and drew them back. He lowered his head between her thighs and began licking.

He slid his tongue up and down, rubbing and lapping her pussy.

She breathed out heavily, huffing, almost panting. She clasped his head and raised her pelvis up and moved her cunt around on his mouth.

He moved up on her body, sliding between her legs, pressing his crotch on her pubic hair. He stroked his fat dick up and down on her pussy and mashed his full balls upon her ass. Then he began pushing the knob of his prick forward - upon her cunt-slit.

"Unh unh," she gasped, pulling her pussy back.

He wrapped his arms around her back and tapped his cockhead upon her slit. "Let me do it to you, honey," he rasped. "Another box. I’ll buy another. Oh honey, I’ll buy three boxes from you."

"Three boxes," she breathed out.

"Yes, honey, I’ll buy three boxes of cookies from you," he panted. "Just let me do it to you." He pushed the head of his dick into her slit, on up to her hymen. "Just let me fuck you!" He strained and heaved and pushed his prick forward, jabbing it against her hymen.

"Ah, yes," he huffed. "You’re a virgin, aren’t you, honey. Ah yes, virgin pussy!"

He kept straining and pushing his cock forward, till he felt the hymen give. "Oh yes!" he hissed as he popped her cherry.

He didn’t let up. He kept pushing his dick in, stuffing it into her minty channel. Her quim was so tight; it felt like a vise squeezing his prick.

"Oh god, oh Uncle Gerald, oh, it hurts!" she cried. "Oh god, it burns, it hurts so much!"

"It’ll only hurt for a minute, honey," he huffed as he dug his dick up her quiff. "Then it’ll start feeling so good, you won’t want me to ever stop."

He began jamming his cock in her, sawing it back and forth. "Fucking you, honey," he panted. "Oh yes, fucking your virgin cunt. Jesus Christ, I’m fucking my fourteen-year-old virgin niece!"

"Oh, ooh, ohh!" Nikkie chuffed and puffed and squirmed and writhed as her uncle lustily fucked her. "Oh baby, welcome to the world of fuck!" he hissed.

He felt the cum churning in his fat balls, felt it gush up. He slid his prick out and rubbed it fast and hard on her pussy. He grunted and groaned as he spewed semen on her pubic hair.


Nikkie was growing concerned. There were only a few days left in the cookie sale, and she still had a couple dozen boxes of cookies she needed to sell.

I could contact the people who have already bought some, she thought. They might buy some more - if I explain the situation.

Uncle Gerald, she thought. I bet he would buy some more.

Uncle Gerald would indeed buy some more from her, and not just cookies.

He sat with his arm around his niece’s shoulder. He unzipped his fly and pulled out his dick. "Touch it, honey. Wrap your hand around it and stroke it."

She rubbed his prick, marveling at the warm silky-smooth firmness of it, and the way it grew in her hand. His cock rose and stiffened, straining and throbbing.

He tugged at her head, pulling it down. "Lick it, honey. Lick and suck it."

"Unh unh," she murmured and tried to pull her head back.

"Do it, honey," he said huskily. "Lick and suck my dick. I’ll buy a box of cookies from you."

He pulled her head down and guided his cock to her mouth.

"Ah, that’s it," he breathed out heavily. "Open your mouth, get your lips around my prick. Lick and suck it, honey. Oh yes, use your tongue and lips on it. Suck it, baby. Oh yes, suck my dick."

He slid his prick into her silky warm wet mouth. "Ah!" he gasped, and began sliding it back and forth. "Oh yes, you’re sucking it now, honey," he wheezed. "Sucking it good. Ah, your mouth’s so warm and wet and silky smooth. Oh baby, you’re sucking your uncle’s cock."

He felt his balls swelling and tingling and the juice inside of them swirling and churning. He pulled his dick out of her mouth. He didn’t want to shoot his load just yet.

He slid her panties off, turned her over on her hands and knees and got behind her. He lowered his head below her rump and began licking her cunt.

"Oh, ah, umm, ah," Nikkie cooed with delight as her uncle licked her. His tongue was so thick and wet and he flicked and lapped it all over her pussy.

He slid his hands up to her tits and rubbed and kneaded them as he dug his tongue into her quim and began tongue-fucking her.

"Oh, umm, ah, ooh, oh Uncle Gerald," she gasped with pleasure and moved her pelvis around in little circles and twirled her pussy.

He moved up on her back, wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his crotch upon her rump. He pushed his prick forward against her quiff.

She squirmed and whimpered.

"Ah, don’t worry, honey," he rasped. "I’m going to buy another box of cookies from you. Ah, I’ll buy two boxes from you, honey." He strained forward, pushing his cock into her cunny. "Oh yes! Goddamn, I’ll buy three boxes from you!" He huffed and panted as he stuffed his fat dick in her tight quim.

"Ah, oh baby, you’ve got the tightest pussy I’ve ever fucked!"

She gasped and bucked and writhed as her uncle screwed her. He huffed and puffed and hunched as he fucked his pretty fourteen-year-old niece.

His balls throbbed and ached; cum churned in them. He slid his dick out of her cunt.

"Oh, Uncle Gerald, don’t," she moaned in disappointment. "Don’t take it out. Stick it back in."

"Unh unh, honey," he wheezed. "I was just about to cum in your pussy, and I can’t do that. Can’t take the chance of getting you pregnant."

He lowered his head to her rear end and began kissing and licking it. "Ah, such a sweet soft smooth ass you have," he said. He slid his tongue between her butt cheeks and began licking, swiping and rubbing her rump crack.

"Oh, ah, oh Uncle Gerald," she breathed out huskily and began rotating her rear end.

He moved a hand up to one of her breasts and rubbed and squeezed it as he slid his middle finger into her quaff and dug his tongue into her rosebud and began sliding it back and forth.

"Oh god, ah!" she panted and hunched as he tongue-fucked her ass, rubbed and squeezed her tits and finger-fucked her cunt.

His fat dick throbbed and ached; the sperm swirled in his puffy balls. He moved up onto her back, wrapped his arms around her tummy and pressed his hard cock between her ass mounds. He grunted and strained and pushed the knob of his prick upon her rump hole.

She gasped and winced and jerked away. He pulled her back and pushed harder against her ass. "Oh honey, let me frig you," he wheezed. "I’ll buy more cookies from you - I’ll buy four boxes, five - goddamn, I’ll buy a half-dozen boxes from you!"

"You will? Six boxes - a half dozen?" she breathed out raggedly.

"Yes, a half-dozen," he panted and pushed his hard cock forward, into her rump hole. "Jesus Christ, yes!" he cried as he dug his dick in her ass.

"Oh god, ooh, ahh," she gasped as his prick jammed up her channel.

"Ah yes!" he panted with lust as he screwed his fourteen-year-old niece’s butt. "Up your ass, baby, up your sweet virgin ass! Buggerfucking you, frigging your virgin ass, you sweet tight hot-fucking girl scout!"

On the final day of the cookie sale, Nikkie still had six boxes of cookies. But Uncle Gerald helped her out. He bought all the boxes she had left. "I’ve got enough cookies to do me a whole year," he said. "At least until your next cookie sale."

Needless to say, Nikkie won the cookie sale and the computer - thanks to Uncle Gerald.

And there is one less virgin

Storky on Virgin Stories

Saturday night Susie was booked to do some baby sitting. Meg her friend said she would come and sit with her and they could watch a movie.

They were about half way through the movie when Noel arrived - he was Susies boyfriend and when Susie answered the door she said I wasn’t expecting you - Meg is here with me. He said oh shit I thought we could get it together tonight I thought we would be alone. Noel and Susie had recently begun to have sex together and the two of them were just starting to get their act together after a fairly basic start. The first coupe of times he came too quickly and she had never had an orgasm. Also she found it hurt her a bit and wasn’t overly keen to let h

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im fuck her too often but each time it seemed to be less painful. The were really novices and didn’t know much about it when they started.

When Noel went in to the lounge Med said what are you doing here, and he said I came over to have some time alone with Susie. She said Susie you didn’t say anything about Noel coming over if I had known I wouldn’t have come. She said I didn’t know he was either. Meg said look I will go and you two can be alone, I think I know what you are going to do. Susie said no stay we can go into another room it doesn’t take us long but now he is here I don’t want to say no. Meg said no I can sit outside you can do it here. Noel said lets stop all this shit she can stay and watch - you are a virgin aren’t you, and Meg said yes. He said have you ever seen anybody get fucked before and Meg said no and really it wouldn’t be right for me to be here. He said I won’t mind it might be a real turn on knowing somebody is watching me. Susie said you actually want Meg to watch us, I don’t know I could do that and Noel said lets try I am sure we will like it really.

There was no passion between them they were going to fuck and that was it. Without another word he began to undress and as his pants were pulled down his cock was standing up all hard and Meg had never seen anybody with a hard on that close before. She was fascinated. Susie was just standing there unsure of what she had agreed to and Noel said come on get it all off and let’s get started. She started to slowly take her clothes off and it was obvious her pants were going to be last. Then Noel said to Meg why don’t you strip too and we can all be nude together. Susie said would you - it would make me a bit more comfortable not being nude alone. Meg said I am not sure about this - you wont do anything will you she said and Noel said well I will look but that’s it, I am happy enough with Susie we are just beginning to get better and I am lasting a bit longer and pretty soon I bet she has an orgasm too. She said I haven’t even been close before, he is too quick. Noel said if you are naked it might slow me down and she might make it.

Meg started to undress and by then Noel was kissing Susie and the two of them were naked and he started to pull her down to the floor as Meg managed to get the last of he clothes off and was standing there naked except for her socks. Noel said Gees you have great tits Meg, as she was an inch or two larger than Susie and had firm hard breasts whereas Susies were softer and moved more. Meg had also shaved a lot of hair off her cunt and Susie was completely bald there as Noel had asked her to. Gee he said your cunt hair looks great Susie, maybe you should let a bit grow like Meg. I didn’t realize how good it can look. Susie said great my mother nearly flipped her lid when she saw I had shaved myself and wanted to know why and I said it was because my gym pants were so tight the hairs stuck out at the side and she seemed to be happy with that but I have a doubt.

By now Susie was on her back and Noel was about to mount her, it was very mechanical and Meg was quite fascinated and watched as Susie positioned herself ready for Noel and he was sort of crawling toward her with his cock in one hand. Meg was getting all worked up herself watching them and began to touch one nipple and the other hand went subconsciously to her vagina and her finger slipped into the crack and was rubbing herself and already one knuckle of a finger was inside her. She had been masturbating almost daily for a few months now and could get highly aroused and really enjoy masturbating.

Then she saw Noel put his cock into Susie and she could not believe how wonderful it looked, she had never imagined what it looked like to see a guy penetrate a woman but as he went further and further in Susie began to feel it and react as it went in deeper and deeper and she moved her legs to accept him and for him to get his whole body on top and his cock down as far as it would go. Meg had sat down and had spread her legs and was now really working her finger into herself. It was as if Noel was going into her, she was imagining it happening to her. Susie said ahhh that’s better its right in now and it feels good, I can feel my cunt all tight around the shaft and Noel said it gets better every time. Then he said I learned a new trick yesterday and he took Susies legs and put each one over his shoulder and Meg was ecstatic seeing Susie now spread wide and Noels cock all wet and shining with the wetness of Susie's cunt juice beginning to pump in and out of her. Meg stood up and went around to the back of them and could see Susie cunt and ass hole and Noels balls hanging down and swinging as he proceeded to fuck Susie. She couldn’t help herself and put her hands down to touch Noels balls. As she did he said holy shit don’t do that I will cum on the spot and Meg said sorry I couldn’t resist it. The sight of their two asses with his cock firmly embedded in Susie was so erotic, Meg began to really work her fingers in herself and stroke herself and her arousal was getting stronger by the second. Then Susie said something she couldn’t believe. Susie said to Meg come over her and stands over me and lower your cunt down I want to lick it - I can’t believe I am so hot. Noel said holy shit again this is a real orgy now, wow its fantastic and he leaned back a bit to let Meg position herself over Susie to get her cunt licked for the first time ever. As she bent down and kneeled over Susie she had to hold onto Noels shoulders to steady herself and Noel and Megs eyes found each other and without a word being said their lips met and they kissed as Susies lips found Megs vagina and began to lick and suck the juices that were now flowing strongly from her. The three of them were now joined together orally and sexually. Meg was in her second heaven, Noel was holding one of her nipples as they kissed and Susie was now really sucking the juice out of her and Noel was still managing to pound his cock into Susie hard and fast. Meg had both hands around Noels head to hold their lips together as he fucked Susie. The three of them were as one. They were a fucking sucking machine at its height of precision.

Then Meg began to cum, what with Susie’s exceptional ability at sucking on her cunt, a sensation she had never imagined or believed could be so highly erotic and sensual overwhelmed her and she had to sit harder on Susie’s mouth as her orgasm took complete control of her. She actually bit Noels lip as she came while he kissed her. She had to pull away after her orgasm was over she couldn’t take any more physically or emotionally she was completely overwhelmed and wondered if being fucked could be so good. 

As she got up Susie said wow that was fantastic, I never ever believed I could do that and to another girl, I actually enjoyed it and it wasn’t until I saw you masturbating and saw that beautiful pink cunt, I ever though of it. Noel was now really working hard at fucking Susie and her body was shaking with the slamming of Noels body deep into her and they could all hear the slap of flesh as Noels body slammed into Susie. She was now rocking her legs in rhythm with Noel and really meeting every thrust he was making into her. They were both sweating quite a lot and the y was all shiny with it as the two of the now worked hard an meeting their climax.

Susie sang out Meg come her kiss me quick I am cumming and Meg got down and their mouths locked together as her orgasm began to rise and her clit started to explode the nerves in her body and she was achieving her first orgasm having vaginal sex, she was ecstatic and then as the height of her climax began to ease Noel sang out I am there shit I am cumming like I have never cum before and he pumped the baby juice that he had been brewing deep inside Susies cunt. In the meanwhile Meg had begun to frig herself again and as Noels words of exclamation rang out as he had his orgasm Meg achieved another one manually while kissing Susie.

The three of them collapsed in a heap completely exhausted and gasping for breath. Noels cock had slipped out of Susie and was followed by a thin stream of his cum and her cunt juice as it leaked out of her and down between the cheeks of her ass. Meg awas laying there holding her cunt as she had never believed it could have ever given her so much pleasure and Susie was laying there saying I couldn’t believe that - never in a million years would I believe that I would have done that and enjoyed it so much. That was fantastic. From now on Meg you and I are going to fuck and suck together and Noel can join in any time. I can’t believe having sex with another girl could be so good; it made me cum with Noel for the first time. Maybe he and you can start fucking and the three of us can swap positions. Noel looked at me ands I looked at him and I said I am not going to argue about that. How about you Susie would you mind him fucking me, and she said providing I get to face fuck you first, he can do what he likes with both of us.

I said great, but I want my first to be something special - maybe next Saturday we can all get together at my place and he can do me and you can watch us.  Susie then we can all fuck together like tonight, I really want to try what you did to me but not after he has filled you full of cum.  

Susie said I don’t think I could do any more tonight I am buggered and I just want to lay back and rest. Meg said come here and the two of them sat or lay together naked on the lounge and touched each other softly and affectionately and had their second lesbian kiss. Meg said I like it and Susie said I second that and Noel said well I had better leave you two together I don’t want to be found here by the parents when they come home, particularly covered in cum and naked. He wiped himself and then dressed and left and the two girls began to take their bi sexuality to a new level of pleasure.

 Their life together will be continued if the comments are worth it.

Young and Tight [Part 1 – The start of a relationship]

iaxai on Virgin Stories

The car rumbled down the high way, my mum asleep in the front and my dad, sipping a coffee, driving. In the backseat was Laylana rapped up in a blanket, and in the middle seat was Mandy and I. I was sitting in the middle, and she was fast asleep on the door.


I was snuggled up against her, with her arm wrapped around my side, and my head on

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her shoulder. I tried not to put all my weight on her as I didn’t think her fragile frame would hold me. She moved a bit, moving her hand near my lap. This diverted a lot of my attention, although I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose.


Traffic whizzed by, and I made sure everyone was asleep, and my dad was fixed on the road, still slowly taking sips of his coffee. I looked down at my sister, her body seemed to let off a great amount of heat, that I couldn’t stop noticing. She was wearing a tight top, and loose mini skirt. I looked down at her legs, the skirt had moved up revealing her light purple panties.


I stared down in delight, soon having a hard on, until she moved a bit, opening her legs wider, but moving the skirt down. I cursed under my breathe. I snuggled up closer, and trying to cover up my hard on, put a blanket over the top of us. One of my hands were comfortably behind her back and on her waist and the other lay on my knee.


Covered by the blanked, I listened to her breathing for a while, making sure she was asleep, and moved my hand onto her stomach and paused there. Her breathing remained constant, showing she was still indeed asleep. Her stomach felt like it was on fire, the second I touched it, it sent warmth all the way up my arm. I slowly lowered my hand into her thigh, and was met with the same comforting warmth. I stopped once again and checked she was asleep. Slowly I guided my hand over her skirt and on top of where her pre-teen pussy would be. I rubbed in small circles, lightly. Her breathing sharpened a little bit, taking faster breaths.


I continued this, and her breathing was fastening. I moved my hand down and pulled her skirt up slightly, leaving it folded on top of her thighs. Once again I cautiously checked she was asleep. Still good. My heart thumped and my pants grew as I moved my hand up and on top of those sweet panties. I felt the lips of her puccy through the light fabric. Once again I rubbed in circles around her lips, again her breathing increased and increased, as I continued to rub. About three minutes after doing so she was breathing at a rapid pace.


I nudged my index finger into her lips, slightly going in, and repeated this a few times, until she slightly bucked, her breathing stopped and then deeply breathed out. I had just given my sister her first orgasm. Wetness started producing itself on her panties, not a lot, just a few drops or so.


I stopped for a few minutes, not wanting to rush back into it, as I was afraid of waking her. I moved my hand off her panties and then slowly began to creep under them. I tried to only enter one finger at a time, but my heart was racing and without patience dove my wrist inside. I was able to freely feel her soft puccy lips for the first time, and god was it a feeling. Heat soared from her puccy every time I stroked it. I could feel the wetness from the last orgasm and rubbed it around and used it as lubrication to enter the tip of my finger inside here, brushing her clit. I soon drove her to a more intense orgasm.


A great deal more juices came out onto my hand. I pulled it out from in her panties and smelt the juices that were on my hands, the smell was so elegant, It turned me on so much that I nearly came there. I rubbed some that collected on my fingers onto her lips, leaving a dazzling shine.


What I would do to kiss those lips. My heart burned.


I drove her to orgasm another three times during our trip there.


Nothing too exciting happened on the Ski Trip, although Mandy and I shared the same bed and every night I got to have a fiddle around with her. Every night bringing her to orgasm, and also satisfying me.


I had never felt such lust, most nights she wore a one piece nightgown, made of velvet, which allowed me to easily have access to her bare cunt.


Back at home was when things started getting a little bit more interesting. One night, bored, we decided to give each other massages, of coarse my idea. We were in the games room up stairs where no-one would usually bother us, with Laylana playing a video game on the main t.v downstairs, and our parents on the computers.


“Your turn first” she said giggling and laid down on the carpet in front of me. She was wearing the same nightgown as I described before.


I placed my hands softly on top of her back, massaging slowly in circles like I did in the car. I did this all the way down, but stopped at the top of her ass cheeks. I did the same, starting at the top, but this time I continued down and onto her ass cheeks and down her legs. She didn’t seem to mind.


I ran my fingers deep into her back and she groaned as I worked my magic. I continued down her back and over her ass cheeks, this time getting a longer and more satisfying feel of those tight creamy buns.


The feeling was fantastic. I avoided suspicion by massaging her feet and toes then moving back over her ass and onto her back. A large tent was now emerging from my shorts. I grabbed my cock and moved it up under my belt then continued.


“Ok your turn” I said. She got up, looking as if she had been in heaven. “Good I guess?” I said smiling. “Yeah you are a good massager man” She said grinning. I laid down on my stomach in the same place she had been. The carpet was still warm from her.

She dittoed the way I massaged, In circles at first then doing harder strokes. She made her way down and over my ass cheeks. Her hands felt like heaven when they touched me, it sent shivers up my spine. Although it was hurting laying on my stomach while my cock was erected.


After a few minutes she stopped. “Good?” She said leaning over me. “That was excellent sis” I said meeting her eyes. “I’m going to go for a bath” She said climbing off me. “I feel like one too, want me to wash you?” I said trying to sound normal, I didn’t want to sound desperate or pushy. “We havn’t done that since I was little…. ok” She replied happily smiling. She grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom, next to her room. This was where everyone but my parents showered and bathed, they had their own downstairs.


She went in leading me then stripped off. Infront of me was my totally naked, baby sister. Her ass was almost calling for me, I needed to touch her. She started running the hot water and turned to face me. “Going to bath in your clothes” She said in a smart ass kind of way, grinning. I closed the door and drew my attention from her and began stripping like she had done.


She lent over and felt the water, giving me a view of her ass, and her little pink hole in the middle of it. The view was to die for. She stayed in that position for around about a minute and already my cock was dieing to get free. I waited for her to climb in before I removed my pants.

My cock sprang out, all 6” of it. I went to the bath and climbed in, as I was doing so I met my sister’s gaze as she was looking at my erection. “Watcha looking at sis” I said grinning. “Nothing” she said and blushed. We both comfortably fitted in the bath tub fine and with our stomachs and below under water, we didn’t have much embarrassment.


She seemed natural and played around in the water. I pretended to do the same, but I couldn’t stop staring at her little pink nipples. She started rubbing water over her shoulders and over her body, making her nipples soon erect. My cock was aching for attention, but I couldn’t please it yet. “Want me to scrub you?” I said picking up a scrubber from the bathroom floor. “Can you massage me again please” she said grinning once more. “Ok sis…..” I said as if it was a chore, how very wrong this was.


I had to sit back a bit from her, on account of my cock. I started scrubbing her shoulders lightly and around her neck. Slowly I made my way down onto her chest, and scrubbed trying not to hit her nipples. “Stand up for me” I instructed to her. She did. Standing up, water dripped down off her marvelous skin, and down her legs. Her cunt was sitting there at eye level in front of me, It looked so soft and inviting. I was hypnotized by the site.


“Watcha looking at bro” she said mimicking the tone I took not just minutes ago. “Your pretty” I said in return, blushing a little too. “Thanks bro, I think your pretty too” She said. I regained motive, moving the scrubber under her arms and tickled her there, she chuckled and moved the brush away. I scrubbed on her stomach. Slowly I moved down and scrubbed on her pelvic area, then around her puccy. She didn’t move, actually looking anticipated.


I went for the jackpot. I moved the scrubber and lightly went over her puccy. She muffled a groan, and I continued scratching some more. As I did so, she began to groan louder. “Like that sis?” I said. She nodded, blushing again. “Your really dirty there, want me to keep going?” I said, crossing my fingers. “Please” she said.


My cock rose, I continued scrubbing slowly and softly around her puccy area and then onto her puccy again. She groaned, this time not muffling it at all, and I continued. She grabbed hold of a nearby bench and continued groaning. I fastened my pace. She began groaning loud this time and her legs slightly shaking. I fastened even more and this drove her over the top. She orgasmed more intensely then anything in the car or at the Ski Mountains.


She looked dazed, but pleasureful at the same time. “All done sis” I said and handed her the brush. She kneeled down in the tub, still breathing heavily from the orgasm. She began brushing my shoulders and stomach. She did this for three minutes then instructed me to stand up.


Her eyes were staring at my cock as I stood up. She began scrubbing down lower, but still had her eyes fixed on my cock. Soon enough she came to my erection and not sure what to do, scrubbed my pubic hairs, then over my rod. God it felt good, having my butt naked sister massage my cock with the scrubber. So very very good. My cock instantly reacted with the touch, it sprang up, and surprise got to her and she pulled it back a bit. She slowly began scrubbing again, up and down my cock, then over and under it and onto my balls. “Your very dirty there” she said, not moving her gaze. I began to feel myself cum as she, like I did, picked up the pace, although she was digging it in to me quite hard.


Soon enough I came, spurting cum all over the scrubber and some shot onto her, she got surprised and jumped back a bit. I noticed some of my cum dribbling down and over her cunt lips. She also looked down at it, I quickly moved, I splashed water on her, and then kissed her on the forehead. “Thanks sis, I’m all clean now” I said. Before she could react I left the bath and started drying. She followed.


“Thank-you for the massages” she said also picking up a towel and drying herself. I got another good peek at her puccy and ass before I left and went back to my room. It was one good night, and for the rest of the week I couldn’t get the thoughts of her out of my mind, it was a few days before I left that things started heating up once again.


To be continued….

Mr Mole discovers the Vagina, and how to make it Cum - Part Two

Moleuser on Virgin Stories

A few months after I'd discovered the female orgasm with Jill,  I turned 17, and to my joy Rochelle and Jill came to stay at my house for a fortnight or so.  

The time flew past, and I remember only a few highlights - sitting in an overstuffed armchair with Jill on my lap and her lovely long legs uncovered to her stockingtops, very much like the time of her/our first orgasm, listening to Sargent Pepper, when my older brother walked in. Boy was he surprised.

I can't remember the days, I lived for the nights -- the two girls (now aged almost 15) had twin beds in what was usually my bedroom. I was moved into the small spare room next door.  After my mum went to bed, I'd silently slip into the girls room, at first on some pretext - to get a teeshirt from my drawer or so

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mething - but later I needed no pretext.  Rochelle would be asleep, or more likely pretending, and listening, and (as I imagined later) perhaps rubbing herself as Jill and I lay together on the other single bed.  We'd kiss and cuddle and I'd find my way to her pussy again and again. 

I loved her pussy, it was the most amazing thing to me, the first pussy I'd touched. She'd hardly any hair, just a little fuzz, and she was always wet by the time I touched her, and she always welcomed my fingers by opening her legs just a little, just enough that I knew it was ok, and by now I knew I wasn't hurting
her.  She told me she knew how to get a boy "worked up", and demonstrated by putting her knee between my thighs. But she never touched my dick, and wouldn't let me open my pants, but I could fingerfuck her for ages, and also rub my dick against her pussy through my clothes and her panties.

Mostly this was in the room she shared with Rochelle, who was obligingly staying asleep - or at least silent - through all our whispering and loveplay, even when Jill would start to gasp and buck against my hand as I fingerfucked her, ramming my two fingers as far up her pussy as I could, then pulling out almost all the way, in and out harder and faster until she'd shudder and whimper and hold me really tight with her head buried in my shoulder, then collapse in what seemed like a faint, lying very still while I kissed her cheeks and lips and gently stroked her pussy.

She claimed she'd fainted, and once while she was in this faint - I thought she might be pretending - I decided to explore the one place she'd never let me go to - her tits.  I found out she hadn't any, just a little girl bra with some tissue stuffed inside.  Evidently her lack of tits was an embarrassment for her, and maybe the reason she was willing instead to open the way to her pussy. 

What boy would complain he couldn't feel her tits if she'd let him at her cunt instead?

A couple of nights she came into my room, and I lay on top of her and thrust at her like we were really fucking, the head of my dick poking into her pussy, with her dress pulled up,  but her panties and my trousers still on. We did this until I'd cum inside my own trousers, the first time I'd ever cum without wanking. 

And all the time, I was thinking about Rochelle. 

In the daytime she never mentioned our nightly meetings, and we all pretended she'd been asleep, but later I started to fantasize what had been going on, and what I might have done about it.

Supposing Jill and I had gone to her bed to see if she was really asleep?  

What if we'd found her touching herself? What if I'd gone to her first, perhaps to make sure she was sleeping, only to find she wasn't?  I must have shot a gallon of cum at her image as I grew thru my teens, until my first Real Fuck, and my first Real SixtyNine, in '69, drove her from the front of my mind.

I never did see Rochelle or Jill again. Jill got pregnant and married young.  Rochelle went to California and carved out the kind of life that only a gorgeous freespirited blonde can, with a succession of ever richer "boyfriends", and a career in windowdressing (according to her folks), but I suspect that she was really an upmarket hooker.  

At least, she was in my fantasies.

(More tales of Real Sexual Encounters to follow, if anyone likes this stuff)

My first time was with a friend when I was 14.

MyStories on Virgin Stories

I am the youngest in  a family of five where fifteen years separates me and my oldest sister.   My sister friend Jenn was a totally hot 27 year old who had most guys wishing she wasn’t a lesbian.   She did however experiment with guys and she ended up getting knocked up at 15.    Her daughter Sandy and I grew up more like siblings since our sister typically watched us as they hung out.   

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/span>I can’t say I always viewed Jenn as hot but I certainly did when I was 14.    She would come to the pool in the smallest of thong bikini’s and even though I seemed to have a perpetual woody she always seem to make it a little harder.   My friends and I would watch nearly every move she made I bet I wasn’t the only one running home jerking off.   Unlike her mom Sandy was cute but plain and she was more of one of the boys  who always came over to us at the pool which mad us shut up about her mom.


Sandy was a late bloomer and at twelve she showed no signs of her mom’s perky tits.   I had as much desire to have sex with her as I did with my friend John but that ended up changing.     It happened when I went to over to house before heading to the pool.    She wanted to go so she went to get changed as I went and took a leak.   When I walked out of the bathroom I found her running around the house without out any cloths.   I asked what she was doing and she simply said “Looking for my suite”.   All I said was “Without cloths?” and she started talking about how we have seen each other nude before.  Okay that was like when where kids but I was not going to argue with a girl who didn’t have a problem showing me what one looks.   Like I said she wasn’t built or anything but all those days at the pool had her very tan with a very white butt and an outline of a bikini top where her tits should be.   Her slit was just that and looked just like it did when I last saw it.  I watched her run around and then  I went into the bathroom and returned with her bathing suite that had been drying in the tub.   I held it up and told her I found it but when she came over to grab it I hid it behind my back as a joke.     We played the little this cat and mouse game as she jumped around trying to get her bathing suit.     Even though she had done nothing for me before I sprung woody as I found my eyes focusing only on her slit.    Then she grabbed my shorts and pulled them down to the floor and out popped my woody.  Unlike her I had developed and like most 14 year old guys I had pubic hair.   She stopped for a second and then said simply said “Wow that looks different”.  She then put her hand around it and I stepped out of my bathing suite thinking she was going to jerk me off.   Instead she took my shorts and ran away with me in hot pursuit.    I caught up to her and in the living room and I pushed her down on the couch and told her how that was unfair.  She told me “All is far in love and war”.  I said really and grabbed my dick and with a little fumbling guided to the entrance off her slit and pushed.   Her look was of surprise as she bit her lip, I felt pain and incredible heat but none of that register because three things happened; We both had sex for the first time,  I came as soon as I entered and her mom walked in.   I don’t recall everything that was said but “What are you doing to her”, “You stupid ass” and “Get the fuck out of her” was some of what I caught.   I grabbed my cloths and streaked out the door and into the hallway.   When I thought I was at a safe distance I started to get dressed only to get busted but a girl is my homeroom.   She started blabbering about never seeing a boy without out cloths but I was too busy trying to get home.  I got home as fast as I could fearing Sandy’s mom was already on the phone with my parents.   



I got home and everything seemed normal and I spend the rest of the evening jumping at every ring of the phone.  I went to bed and jerked off thinking about what happened.  The next day I faked sick so I could avoid Sandy but that I ended up meeting her the very next day.   I asked if she hated me and she asked why.   After  me saying “you know” about ten time she asked “Why because we had sex?”   She then told me she was surprised it  happened but not upset.  I then asked about her mom and she told me she wanted to kill you for not having a condom.  Her mom ended up being very cool about things and from that point on she allowed me to go into Sandy’s bedroom where we got undressed I got on top and shot my load and off to pool all within five minutes.     I guess my speed pissed off her mom because  after about two weeks she followed us in and asked me “Would it be possible to think of her rather then just yourself?”.   I didn’t really understand her at the time since after all we both seemed to enjoying the 60 seconds of pleasure..   Her mom then said there was other ways to please a girl and she open Sandy’s pussy lips pointed out her clit and then Sandy’s mom started to lick it.   A Sandy squirmed I found myself getting hard so I pulled down her mom shorts and panties.   She didn’t offer and resistance I was looking at the most beautiful ass I have seen to date.   As Sandy’s mom continued to service her I got behind her mom and prepare for entry.   With that her mom turned around and smacked me right across the face and asked me “What the fuck are doing?”    I stepped back as she return to Sandy’s pussy,  figuring I knew what I was suppose to do I got up behind her preparing to lick.   She got back up and grabbed me by the chin and said “Listen you dumb dick,  I am trying to teach you how to please my daughter not to cheat on her!”.   Her mom then pushed more between Sandy’s legs and I got to taste my first pussy.   I got explore Sandy for all her glory and her mom even showed her how to suck my dick by first demonstrating.  


It was great summer and I learned a lot but as soon as school started I was jumping on any girl my age or older willing to give it up.   Sandy and I have remained friends and she has developed some over the years but what she lack physically she make up  for sexually.  On the night of here 21st birthday we got wasted and we did another first and she allowed me to be the first in her ass (Sorry Jenn no condom).  My current girlfriend has talked about being with another girl and I’ve been trying to get Sandy to help us out since my girlfriend is not into anal and it’s been two years and many jerk off sessions since Sandy allowed me to enter her.






Horomon ridden boy

Tommy2 on Virgin Stories

When my mom re married and her new husband brought his two daughters with him I can tell you I was not pleased. used to be the only child I was furious from the beginning. Sandra was only eleven but a pain in the ass. Anja her sister even more so at sixteen. Our new family was just a big chaos and I mostly kept to myself in my room. I do have to admit that Anja did get my attention with her rather slutty dressing and my interest for human anatomy drasticly changed those first weeks. I fantasized of seeing her naked and walked in on her one morning in the shower. The rest of the day it was not the bruise she made on my arm that hurt, but my constant boner. Anja gradually got worse in her behavior and made the rest of us suffer as often as she could. The real deal did not come until one w

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eekend when she came home aboWhen my mother remarried I was thirteen years old. Her new husband had two kids with him ut 6am. Still drunk my new stephfather that was on his way to work had a fit. He ripped her clothes off and tossed her into the shower. My mother screamed and I watched. Finally he left her with the water on.

"I will handle this tomorrow when she is sober!" He screamed at my mother and left for a short flight to Miami. My mother on the other hand looked confused and sad. Sandra that stood by watching with me was crying.

"Hey sweety. Do you want to go to grandma`s for the weekend." She asked and Sandra was more than happy to get out of the house.

"Brad, can you watch your sister. I will be back in an hour or so?"

"She is not my sister." I answered angry and knew it would take at least two hours if not longer to get to granma`s and back.

"Just help me alright." I nodded at her and agreed in silence.

"Just get her in bed when she is out of the shower will you." My mother left in a hurry. this was just great I thought sarcasticly and went back to my room. I almost forgott Anja for the next half hour or so. Then I remebered and felt my heart sink. What if she drowned. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. The shower was still running. On the floor in the shower Anja sat with her eyes closed and at first i thought she was dead.

"Anja. Anja" I tried before I turned the water off. It was freezing. I could see her breath and tried to lift her naked body. I could not help looking both at her breasts and the fine hair on her pussy. My cock started to act up while I hauled her to her feet and drug her to bed where she fell flat on her face on top of the covers. Wow did she have a nice butt. Idried off her quickly and was made sure she was extra dry between her legs. My fingers just touched her briefly and I could feel the heat from her groin. At this point I had difficulties standing straight up. My cock was so hard and buttet my pants. I don`t know what made me do it, but the next moment I stood with my hard cock in my hand. I grabbed Anja`s legs and pulled her toward the end and did not stop until her legs was nicely spread aprt on the end of the bed. i used my finger and felt her pussy up and down. I had watched enough porn movies and tried desperatly to find were to enter her. It was soft and warm. i stuck my finger in her and pulled it quickly out. i smelled it. A little surprised that I liked the smell I put my finger inside of her again. She mad a noise. i stopped quickly and watched her. Still passed out I knew I had to do it quik. I grabbed a hold of my cock and led it to were my finger had entered her earlier. She was moist. Mosre so than when i had my finger there I thought and pushed myself into her. It went surprisingly easy. i was on my seccond trust and about to cum when she in a sudden turned and looked at me.

"What do you think you are doing?" I slipped out of her as fast as I could.

"What the hell are you doing?" She turned around and pushed herself to a sitting position. She did not even try to cover herself up. i did not know what to say and stared at the floor.

"I am going to tell dad!" She said and I knew if she did I would be in a shitload of trouble.

"Oh please don`t. I could not help myself."

"So you just put your cock inside my pussy?" She looked at me hard and I wish i could get out of it.

"But you are so pretty and I don`t know anyone I rather do it with first." I tried, and started crying. it was real tears comming from my face.

"You could have asked." She said and put a hand between her legs.

"You would have said no." I stopped crying. This conversation was going somewere.

"Maybee. Maybee not. you are kind of cute, and you are not my real brother." She said and continnued stroking her fine haired pussy.

"Do you want to do it for real this time" I could not belive my ears. i nodded feverish.

"Get your pants off then." Sh ordered and I obeyed. Now just stand still and don`t move. She leaned forward and took hold of my cock. She started licking it and shortly after she put all of me in her mouth. I had no clue how it fit. the only thing I knew was that i could not hold my cum back anymore and squarted my load right into her mouth. She swallowed and looked up on me.

"That was quick." She dried her face off with the towel and again she took a hold of my lem that had not lost any of its hardness. Come inme this time she said. Laid back on her bed and guided me on top of her. With her hand she found her hole and started moving under me. it was feeling so freaking good and I tried fevrilsk to keep up with her.

"Fuck me harder. Harder." She cried out and I pumped back and forth into her. The it was her turn to cum and she screamed out loud. A few spastic motions went throug her body before she laid still. i did not come but it still felt good laying on top of her with my cock in her.


Carmenica Diaz on Fetish Stories

She stretched like a plump cat, then extended a leg so she could look critically at her toe nails.

‘I think, darling, I should teach you to prepare and paint my nails.’

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-AU" style="font-family: georgia; mso-bidi-font-family: arial">Startled, he looked up from his newspaper.

‘What did you say?’

‘You’re always a million miles away when you read. I said, I should teach you to prepare and paint my nails. My toe nail polish is a little cracked and I’m tired of the Cherry Pink colour anyway.’

‘Paint your nails?’

‘Are you going deaf, darling? Yes, paint my nails!’

‘Why on earth would I want to do that?’

She pursed her lips and looked up at the ceiling.

‘Oh, to learn new skills, perhaps?’

He laughed and returned to his newspaper.

‘You’re being ridiculous,’ he said, turning a page. ‘To learn new skills, indeed!’

‘You do need some, darling.’

‘Need what?’

He frowned at his wife.

‘New skills. You know that as well as I do.’

He snorted and rattled the pages of his newspaper to signal he wanted to return to the interesting story on the debate about Turkey’s entrance to the EU.

‘How long have we been married, darling?’

‘Look, I’m trying to read the bloody paper!’

‘How long?’

‘You know as well as I do!’

‘Tell me then.’

‘Seven years.’

‘Ooo, you do remember. How sweet.’

‘Don’t be sarcastic!’

‘I’m not, I genuinely think it’s sweet.’

He snorted again and she smiled, examining her fingernails.

‘I would think, darling that you should really consider doing my nails...’

‘Look, Eloise, I’m trying to read the...’

‘Did I tell you that I purchased the video camera for our trip to Ceylon?’

‘It’s called Sri Lanka,’ he said grumpily, ‘it hasn’t been Ceylon for ages!’

‘I know but Ceylon was the name I remember when I first heard about the country when I was a very little girl. It always sounded magical.’

‘Lot’s of Tamil Tigers.’

‘Asian tigers are almost on the extinct list...’

‘They’re terrorists!’


‘Might be a little dangerous.’

‘I’ve always wanted to go, darling, you know that. Anyway, I decided to purchase the camera and you know I wanted the best possible one...’

He flicked through the newspaper pages as his wife talked.

‘So I decided to research the best small camera. To do that, I decided to use the internet.’

He looked up cautiously.

‘Internet? You?’

‘Yes, I decided to learn some new skills, darling. Anyway, I learned to surf – is that the right word, darling?’

He nodded, watching her warily.

‘So I surfed on the computer in the study, the one you “work” on late at night. Do you know the one I mean?’

‘Of course I do! There’s only one computer in the house!’

‘I discovered the best camera and I went out immediately and purchased it.’

He breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his newspaper. However, her next words made him look up again.

‘Of course, once I discovered how to “surf” I went back. And then I found the favourites section. That was interesting reading, darling. They were your favourite places you like to visit on the web.’

He blinked at her, his face pallid.

‘I thought after seven years that I knew you very well but it seems I don’t!’


‘You haven’t called me that in a long time. So, I decided to use the camera. It’s such a small one that fitted easily in the bookcase...’

‘You didn’t!’

‘I did. Darling, I watched it this morning and you look so sweet when you play with your dickie!’

The newspaper fell to the floor.

‘I...I don’t know,’ he stuttered, ‘what to say...’

‘So, after watching that and visiting all your special web places, I thought you might enjoy learning to clean and paint my nails. Of course,’ she said airily, ‘you should be naked while you do it. It seems that is how sexual slaves dress these days.’

‘Ah...sexual...slaves? Dar...’

‘Go and take your clothes off, darling. Quicksticks!’

‘Now, look here...’

‘Perhaps,’ Eloise said, addressing the ceiling, ‘your sister and your mother would love to see that video? I could accidentally leave it on a family video. Let’s hope your mother doesn’t decide to show that video to her neighbours! I could send it to your secretary as well. I’ve always liked Doris, she has a great sense of humour and would get a huge laugh out of you furiously pulling your little wee wee while staring at naughty pictures!’

He bolted to his feet, face ashen.

‘Eloise, this is...’

‘The way it will be, darling,’ she said calmly completing his sentence. ‘Now, go and take your clothes off while I get the things to do my nails. I won’t tell you again,’ she said evenly.

Slowly, feeling sick to his stomach, he walked away.

Eloise watched him depart with a sly smile.

When he returned he was naked and it was plain to see his cock was erect under his portly belly.

‘Your willie likes this, darling so that is excellent. Kneel down there and you can begin to prepare my toenails.’

‘Darling,’ he tried but she just cut him off with a wave.

‘Hurry up, darling. Do a good job and I might let you wank so I can watch and film it. I’ve decided that I should film all your little wanks.’

He knelt, face white and picked up the solvent and cotton balls.

‘Of course, that’s after you lick me.’

His head jerked up and his eyes bulged.

‘It seems that is something all sexual slaves do, darling, it’s the done thing. I’ve never had my bits licked before so it will be very interesting. I’m quite looking forward to it.’

Her husband swallowed and licked his lips self-consciously, frozen in the calm gaze of his plump wife.

‘Licking is another new skill for you to learn, darling, it will be a very useful one for you as it will keep me happy. A happy wife doesn’t post videos to anyone!’

His hand shook slightly as he tipped the solvent onto the cotton ball.

‘The internet,’ she said, watching him, ‘is such a valuable resource and I’ve learned so much. I never knew you could buy such naughty things. I’m looking forward to trying all sorts of things. Now, rub gently, darling.’

From the recently published story collection Dominant Wives Volume 4." />




nans foot fetish 2

tomqaz1 on Fetish Stories

part 2 of nans foot fetish

After my nans phone call to my mom i was so excited of what she would let me do to he feet, i tossed and turned all night i couldnt sleep i whent onto the internet and found so foot fetish porn and wanked i shot my load onto my keybored and with that i went to sleep. the next day when i got onto my nans house i shouted hello but their was no reply, i went looking for my nan i went up to her room and their she was on her bed, with her feet sticking off the end of the bed i took off my jacket and walked over to the bed. "you like feet dont you james" i just nodded and dropped to my knees, i began to lick my nans feet up and down from her heel to the sole of he foot i then went to the other foot and did the same i then put her big toe into my mouth and sucked
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it my nan then brought the other big toe to my mouth and i put both into my mouth she moaned in pleasure. I started to lick inbertween her toes and she threw her ead back in pleasure, i then stood un and took my cock out i placed it inbetween her feet and i began too move my cock in and out faster and faster untill i was about to cum i then shot my load onto my nans feet in moaned and i squeezed the last few drops of cum out of my cock. as i got up to walk out she said "were do you think you are going, i need you to clean this up" she was rubbing her feet and spreading the cumaround i picked up the box of tissues and clean the cum off her feet. i went down stairs and put the kettle on my nan came down bare foot and stood in the door way and said "do u want more than just my feet ...."

Jewelry store sex

lenasimone on Fetish Stories

Entering the jewelry store he had just one thing on his mind..pick out a gift , get in and get out.

Christmas is such a hectic time of year and it seems he always waited until the last minute to buy his gifts.This year he was to buy a one carat classic diamond solitaire drop.

Arriving at the counter he was greeted by a scantily clad dark haired girl wearing a cute little Santa dress..
red velvet with white fur trimming the low-cut neckline and around the bottom of a short flared skirt which barely covered her cute round ass.
Transclucent shimmering white panty hose covered her long slender legs with tan suede fur topped boots.

"What can I help you with"? she asked as their eyes met. Beautiful, she was...wearing that sexy attire he could
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n't help but wonder what it would be like to stroke those silky hose covered legs and run his fingers over the softness of her red velvet dress....
he could feel that familiar heated tingling beginning in his groin.
"I would like to look at the diamond drops"he replied...
all the while imagining his hands sliding over her cute little hose covered ass..

Bending over slightly she began to open the glass case which held the requested items..
as she did this her furry little skirt began to rise to exposed the backs of her upper thighs,
then the bottoms of her ass cheeks came into view offering just a slight glimpse of her honey pot..
smooth clean-shaven and clearly visible beneath the sheer silky pantyhose she wore.

She looked back over her shoulder and asked "Will this one do?",
as she did, her eyes seemed to become fixed on his already stiffening cock clearly visible beneath the fabric of his thin Armani dress pants..
He could barely contain his excitement,as he continued to view her parted ass cheeks and obviously wet pink pussy.
He realized she seemed mesmerized by his obvious arrousal..

Rising, she approached him and asked "Would you like to view these privately?",
all the while her eyes shifting from his face and then back down to his almost complete erection..
"Certainly" he whispered nearly speechless.

As she moved past him to lead the way, she allowed her hand to brush his manhood..
a small moan escaped her lips....she could feel her nipples hardening and the warm wetness between her legs..

Closing the door behind them she moved across the tiny room to him..
and began to kiss him seductively.
His hands moved to her firm silky nylon covered legs..
stroking her thighs he moved slowly upward exposing her now soaked pussy..
as he rubbed her, the tantilizing feel of the satiny hose was almost all he could bear.

Urgently he began to stroke himself , she reached down and unzipped his pants, his cock sprang forward, already lubricated with pre-come.
Bending down she looked him in the eyes, before
enveloping his large cock in her mouth.
She started licking and pumping..his dick so hard and swollen now..
grasping a handful of silky hair he put his hand on her head urging it down...
enjoying the feeling of his cock against the back of her throat as she sucked even harder making muffled choking sounds ...
moaning, his whole body quaked "That feels so fucking good..yeah baby take it all..yeah like that".....
she moved against him.
He brought his fingers close to her labia teasing her, making her wait ..
small gasps escaped her lips as she moved closer to him..
inviting the invasion of his fingers into her love hole.

He moved her off of him and gently began to finger her clit,and standing her up he began to lick her smooth satiny hose covered pussy..
brushing his lips over her slit..
squeezing her butt cheeks, he was driving her wild.
He could feel the pulsating warmth,
she was bucking and straining to feel more of him closer to her..
he put his lips on top of her slit ..kissing gently..
he pulled the tight nylon down to allow him access,
then parting her pussy lips he ran his tongue around her layers of pussy flesh and began to tongue fuck her...
moving up he flicked his tongue against her clit, her legs shuttered..
she was breathing hard now,
totally surrendering herself to him..
moaning she rocked back and forth, then grasped his head and cried out in pleasure as her cum juices exploded ...

She wanted to feel his massive cock inside her..
he whirled her around and began to rub his cock against her ass....feeling the silky softness .....
tearing hole in the sheer fabric he buried his big cock inside her,
she shuttered and rocked against him as he fucked her.. holding her hips and pulling her hard onto him.
He was driving his throbbing cock into her hard and fast his ball sack slapping her ass cheeks driving her to yet another orgasm...
She groaned his name,telling him how good it feels, how big his cock is, and how her pussy was all his,.....

...She was on continuous orgasm now coating his cock with her girl juices..he grunted and drove hard into her groaning, animal like ..
feeling her tight wetness,his cock sliding in and out..
she was thrusting to meet him as she felt his climax nearing."Oh baby, yes, baby,so good, Oh... that feels so good Daddy"..she moaned.
The very words were enough to bring him to orgasm...
He fucked her like a wild man feeling her cunt walls squeezing rythmically...
his legs buckled when the a numbing climax ripped thru his groin as he filled her with his shooting cum...

Sister and her friend and panties!

tzr125r on Fetish Stories

When I was about 13 , Icouldn't resist looking at my sister Cathy's pretty underwear and nighties. I got to wear them when everbody was out and loved the feel of soft nylon and silk on my skin. One day while alone, I sneaked some pretty panties and baby doll from her room and tried them on in my room. I was so artoused, I came almost immediately, pumping my sticky stuff into her panties and soaking them.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was waking up with the sound of her scalding me. She was older than me and I took the wet sticky panties off and promised her I would wash them. She told me she would repay me!

The next week we were at her friend Debbie's house. We went to Debbies room to see the new decorations (or so I thought). When we got th

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ere, Debbie said " So you're the one who likes pretty undies?"

I blushed and turned around to leave, only to walk straight into Cathy's arms. " Oh no" said Cathy " Not yet, we have got something very special for you"

I wriggled and struggled but Cathy held me easily and carried me over to Debbie's bed. My face was bright red with embarrassment as she laid me on the bed and held me. "Debbie has some pretty things to show you" she said.

Debbie walked over and showed me the prettiest pair of panties I'd ever seen. They were made of soft stretchy towelling with a silky cover and adorned with pretty lace, almost like a cross between a nappy and baby girl panties, tying at the side with pretty ribbons.Â

"Yes, thy're for you" said Debbie "much better than the last ones you tried. Theres soft absorbent towelling for if you make a messy patch, and look how soft and pretty they feel. Debbie leaned over and pressed the pretty panties against my nose and cheek. They were so soft and pretty. I was so embarrassed.

Debbie reached to my shorts and took them off, stripping me naked from waist down. I struggled and kicked but my sister held me easily. Debbie picked a bottle from her bedside table and showed me it. She squirted baby lotion on me and gently rubbed it all over me. I got an instant hard on and went even harder when she slipped the fluffy towelling underneath me. "Nooooo" I whined but she wrapped the pretty cloth around me and tied the pretty ribbons. I looked and smelt like a pretty girl. Then Cathy reached down and gently stroked me, feeling me so hard inside the panties. "Oh, I think you like them don't you? You like being dressed in pretty clothes" She was wanking me and I exploded, soaking the soft cloth. The girls treated me like a baby as they changed me.

My Sister's Best Friend's Feet

MrEggplantsexo on Fetish Stories

Hiya. My name is Prosper. I'm 16 years old, blah blah blah and all. I'm really sure you don't give a damn how I look, but I will tell you I'm packin' 8 inches! But that's besides the point. Now I'll come out and say it- I'm a foot guy. I love feet. Now one day, my litte sister Dawn had over some friends. One in particular, Kayla, was pretty attractive. Not some big fancy porn star model with size Q breasts, but still sexy. I'll let you make an image of her yourself. My sister and her friends decided that they were going to go to one of the other girls houses, who lived close, because she was basicly rich. A huge pool, lots of those Dancing games you see in arcades ((Dance Dance Revolution and the such)), a trampoline, you name it, she had it. But Kay

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la decided to stay at our house, for reasons I THEN didn't know. It had been only but a few minutes after my sister had left that I had the 'urge to splurge' so to speak. I open the bathroom door, and I see a rather odd site.

Kayla had been in the bathroom... licking the sole of her foot and fingering herself. Obviously, I stared. "Uhm.... It's not what you think?" she mumbled. "Why are you licking your foot, Kayla?" I asked. Needless to say, I had a huge boner at the moment. "Well... I dunno... I just kinda like licking my foot, I guess. It kinda turns me on to get my feet licked..." In my brain I was dancing around, I was so excited. "I see..."Â I said. "Come with me a sec." She followed me into my sisters room, after which I locked the door.

========((The sex starts here you horny bastards)=====================

She sat down on my sisters bed. I sat next to her and asked "Mind if I help with that?" She blushed, but nodded. I started to slowly lick the sole of one of her feet, and almost instantly she made a soft moaning noise. 'Wow, she really IS turned on by this...' I thought. "Hey Kayla? If you want, feel free to get undressed." She took my advice, and afterwards I started licking again, slowly going faster and faster, and then moved on to kissing her toes. She was moaning loudly now, no doubt from her rapid fingering of herself. I decided to get undressed myself, and started to thrust into her. We passionatly kissed as I thrusted into her more and more until I felt that I was about to cum. "Pull out" she said. When I did she took her feet and started stroking my cock, I felt like I was going to explode! Not 2 minutes after she started I shot a massive load of my cum all over her feet and toes. When I did she gave me a sly smile and licked it all off. Without saying another word, we got dressed and went into the living room and watched TV until my sister and the rest came back. Of course, thats not to say we didn't have fun again... perhaps we had more fun with another person.

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Punk Rock Goddess

DreadDawson on Fetish Stories

Her name was Kristina. I remember the first time I saw her. It was the first day of Biology my freshman year. I didn't really know anyone yet and was sitting by myself. She walked in wearing a ripped black tanktop, fishnets and a black and white checkered skirt. She was petite, about 5'4 with a small frame but she still had these really nice breasts that you could plainly see because she obviously didn't like to wear bras. Black hair cropped short against her pale skin. She wasn't pasty or wearing alot of makeup like a Cure reject but she didn't get too much sun. And she had these blue eyes that just shot right through me.

At this point I should probably tell you that I have an established weakness for the ass-kicking alterna-girl. Which is unfortunate, because I'm not the kind of guy

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the ass-kicking alterna girl goes for. I'm not ugly or anything. And I'm not that geeky. I'm just a regular guy. I don't have any tats. Or piercings. I'm not in a band. And my self destruction has never reached epic proportions.

Anyway, in walks this punk rock goddess. She looks around the room with that non-chalant I don't give a crap about anything pose alterna-girls have and then she finds herself a seat. At this point I am sprung. Like wood shooting out of my pants. Praying to god that she or anybody for that matter doesn't notice me staring at her through the entire first day of class.

Suffice to say, it took me half of first semester get up the courage to go talk to her. And she was nice. Didn't really show any interest in me, but she didn't ignore me. Didn't dismiss me. We chatted for a little bit and that was it.

Well, we were both heavy into the science department. She wanted to be a nurse. I was majoring in bio. We ended up taking alot of classes together. We were even lab partners once. I didn't get much done that semester.

One time our Junior year she was at my house studying for a midterm. Kristina was having difficulty with the endocrine system and we were studying pretty late into the night. I lived kind of far from campus and she didn't want to trek back to the dorms so she crashed at my place. In my bed.

Now she'd been in a relationship for awhile at that point. I don't remember his name. I'm sure he was in a band. I had been seeing this girl for like 2 months. Which is 6 months in college time. So, Kristina is lying next to me in my bed, wearing my t-shirt and a pair of my shorts. I'm wearing pajama bottoms, which I don't really do, and it is taking ALL of my self control not to roll over on top of her, press myself into her lithe body, feel her hips against my pelvis and her breasts pressed against my chest. But we don't. At one point we wake up and we were touching. God I wanted her. But nothing happened. Longest night of my life.

Fast forward. I graduate college. I get a job. It's mind numbing but it pays. Not much social contact. Not alot of prospects. Plus there's that whole don't shit where you eat thing. I start tutoring at the college I went to. Pick up a little extra cash and, I don't know, get out more. Interact with people. So, I'm walking towards my tutoring session and someone is just laying on the car horn. Damn near scared the shit out of me. I turn around and there is my punk rock goddes, smiling ear to ear.

Kristina gets out of the car, she looks...just sexy. She's got these two little tattoos on her waist, just inside her hip bones which, of course, are sticking out of her pants. I'm pretty sure girls do that just to drive me crazy. We hugged. Play catch up. I asked her how things are going with her musician guy. She smiled, "oh, we're not together anymore."

Proudly, I did not jump for joy. Instead I offered my sympathies. I told her we should get together, we exchange numbers. I walk away giddy.

I waited. Didn't call her that night. She might have just wanted to be friends. Words all men hate hearing. So, I waited. Called a few days later. Voice mail. damn it. Left a message. Tried not to sound too akward. Next day, no call. Day after that. Day after that. Weekend goes by. Fuck. I started thinking I called too early. I was too eager. Damn it.

A week went by. And then, on a wednesday night, there was a voicemail waiting for me. There was a show downtown. Some band I'd never heard of. She wanted to know if I could make it. I had to work the next day, but fuck it. I put on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt and went downtown.

I was in a club full of people I don't know. The girls were hot. The guys were lookin' territorial. I just wanted to find Kristina so I wouldn't feel so out of place. Wandered around for like 10 minutes and then there was a pair of hands over my eyes. "Guess who", she said.
"God, I hope that's you Kristina", I replied. I turned around and saw her smiling up at me. We hugged. I tried not to linger but I probably did.
"Come on," Kristina said, "you're buying me a drink".
And I did. We talked. Well, screamed was more like it. The band wasn't very good. But they were loud. She was in a nursing program and working in a bar at night. She broke up with the musician after he went on tour. Fucked some chick. Maybe more than one. "Fucker", I said. She nodded.

An hour, maybe two went by. Fuck, I wanted this girl. Her blue eyes were killing me. She had a tongue ring that made my cock twitch every time it came into view. And I just sat there. Talking.

Finally, she just looked at me, right in the eye. "So, when are you going to ask me to come home with you?"
"Right now" I answered.

I have never paid a tab that fast in my life.

We got to my apartment and she walked into the living room like she owned the place. She took off her jacket and dropped it on the floor. Undid her boots, kicked them off in separate directions, turned around and stared at me. She crooked her finger at me, motioning me to get my ass over there. Which I did. She just looked up at me with this expression of "And?". Daring me. Challeging me.

I ran my fingers through her black hair. She closed her eyes for a moment and a slight smile played on her lips. I leaned down and kissed her. Her tounge slid into my mouth. I'd never kissed a girl with a tongue ring before. And I was addicted from that point on. Her hand reached up to the back of my head and pulled me further into the kiss." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">The kiss became deeper. Rougher. My hand reached out to the waist of her jeans, I pulled her next to me. I wanted my rock hard cock pressed into her. As close to her pussy as I could get it. Her hands moved down my back, not lightly, until they came to my ass, where she squeezed and pulled me into her. I took my hand and placed it over her pussy. I started to rub it through her jeans. I could feel heat coming off her and her jeans getting slightly damp with her sweat and juices." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">I reached my hands up into her hair and pulled her back from me. "I want you" I said.
She looked me right in the eye, "I know", was her only reply. Slowly, she pushed me back to my couch, made me sit down. Then she got down on her knees between my legs and started to slowly unbutton my pants. She looked me in the eye the entire time. Until my member popped free. Then she stared down at it. Her right hand found the base of my cock, and she ran her tongue ring all the way up the shaft to the tip. I shivered. She looked up at me with a smile." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">I lost count of the passes she made over my cock with her tongue. The wet warmth of her tongue compared to the cool steel of her tongue ring was... well, I can't really describe it. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she swallowed my whole cock. A moan escaped my lips. Slowly she slid up and down my shaft. Flicking that piercing across the tip of my head every time she reached the top. I ran my fingers through her thick hair, careful not to force her head down. But every now and then she would slam her mouth all the way down my cock and I could feel the head of my member hit the back of her throat." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">"No more" I said. And I pulled her up to her feet. My cock just sticking out in the air. I pulled her shirt off over her head. Of course, my punk rock goddess wasn't wearing a bra. My mouth swallowed her nipple, then most of her breast. I grabbed her ass and pulled her into me. Smashing my cock, wet with her saliva, into her jeans while I worked her nipple with my tongue." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">I kicked off my pants and picked her up. With her legs wrapped around my waist and my mouth sucking on her perky tits, I carried her into my bedroom. I set her down on the bed, trying not to just toss her down like a sack of flour. I kissed her while we got her pants off. She wasn't wearing any underwear. Who was this girl? What was she doing in my bedroom naked? The hair on her pussy was dark, but trimmed, neatly. I ran my hand over her clit while we kissed and lowered myself on top of her. Finally, I was on top of her. Kristina. My whole weight pressing into her body. I had waited years for this moment. We kissed on my bed, on top of the covers, my cock" onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">directly over her pussy. Slowly, I started to rock back and forth, sliding my cock across her clit. The sliding got faster, and my cock was in front of her cunt, the tip of it right at the entrance to her pussy. I remember thinking that I should get up and get a condom. Instead, my body put just a slight amount of weight forward. I could feel myself press, just slightly into her entrance. "Ok", I thought, "Now I should really get up and get a condom." But, and this shocked me, her hands were on my ass, and she pushed forward with her hips." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">Now, almost every girl I have had sex with I used a condom. I had one girlfriend in college who was on the pill so I know how much better it is without a condom. How addictive it can be. So, there was that initial resistance as the head of my cock pushed into her entrance. That slightly rough feeling as my shaft pushed into her tight pussy until my pelvis was flush with hers. Then we just stopped for a second. She flexed her pussy. I felt it squeeze around my cock. I smiled down at her. Slowly, I started to rock inside her. I reached down and placed both hands on her ass and squeezed. I lifter her up, just a little, so I could penetrate her more deeply. I wanted to be inside of her as deeply as I could. I could feel the back wall of her pussy with the head of my cock. Every time I hit it she moaned. So, I started to hit. Faster I started to go. The strokes became longer, harder, as I started hitting the back wall of her pussy with everything I had. She started biting her lower lip and writhing. So I picked up the pace. Picked up the force. I started slamming into that spot with everything I had. My hips slapped into her loud enough to make noises you could have heard in the next room. With no condom on, I wasn't about to last much longer. Then her nails clawed down my back and her hips started bucking." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">I just kept driving into her. Fucking the girl of my fantasies. She stopped cumming and looked at me, smiling. My cock started pulsing. I could feel the orgasm starting. In a few more strokes I was going to cum.
"I should get a condom," I said.
Her legs wrapped around my hips and pulled me in. "No", she said, "I want you to cum in me. I want to feel it". So, I pounded harder. My rock hard shaft slamming into her hot, soaking wet slit until finally I lost control. I started to cum and she pulled my hips into her and held me in while my cock pulsed and spewed my cum in her pussy." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">Shortly after that, we both fell asleep.
I woke up in the morning naked, with her next to me. I rolled over and pressed her naked body into me. Immediately, I was hard again, with my cock pressed against her extremely tight ass. Kristina was still asleep, so I thought I would wake her up in a manner that would show my appreciation for last night. I got under the covers and put my head between her legs. I took my tongue and rand it over her slit, getting it wet and spreading the folds of her pussy until I could get at her clit. When I found my prize and took her clit in my mouth and sucked on it, I knew that woke her up because her fingers were running through my hair. I alternated lapping at her pussy and sucking on her clit until she started to squirm. Then I took two of my fingers and put them in her cunt. Damn, it was like sticking my fingers in hot water. Tight hot water. And so I lay there, finger fucking her while I tongued her clit. She started moaning." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">"Ohhh, yes. There. Yes." Which made my cock jump. Finally, her hips started to buck. Her inner thigh muscles twitched and her whole body shuddered. When she was done, I licked and nibbled at her clit until she couldn't take it anymore and asked me to stop." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">So, I pulled the sheet off, exposing my naked body to the refreshingly cool air.
"Thank you." She said.
"You never have to thank me." I replied. I kissed her. And lowered my body on top of her. I wanted her again. I was about to slide my cock into her soaking wet cunt when I remembered how turned on I was when I woke up and I was pressed up against her from behind.
I didn't say anything. I just rolled her over onto her stomach. I used my legs to spread her thighs and ran my cock down the center of her exquisite ass until I was positioned right infront of her dripping slit. Her hand reached back and guided me in. I reached forward and cupped her breasts while I bit her ear. I fucked her from behind for as long as I could. Trying to hold onto it. But my bare cock in her hot cunt, fucking her from behind. It wasn't long before I was fucking her like an animal. Finally I wrapped my hands around her shoulders and pulled her back into me, slamming my cock as deep into her as I could go. I camed deep inside her. Then we just laid there, with me on top of her and my naked cock burried in her pussy." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">I called into work sick that day.
We dated for a couple of weeks.
It just didn't work. We were too different." onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/go.php?');">But she will always be my punk rock goddes.

Amy's Second Gift

CZuck83 on Fetish Stories

Round Two

I pull on the restraints, making sure everything is tight.  Your wrists and ankles chained together, hogtied with leather and steel.  I bend down to kiss you passionatly, your eyes staring into mine, you tell me that you're ready for me in every way possible.  We exchange our loving words, then you assure me that you are ready for me.

I pull you to the edge of the bed, your head over the side, letting your head fall back.  I get closer, reach across and begin to massage your already wet clit.  As my fingers slide their way inside of you, you open your mouth and first, suck on my balls, hanging directly in front of your face, when I'm as hard as possible, I take my cock into my free hand and push it through your lips.  Your tounge works over
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my smooth member, as I work it in and out of your loving mouth.  You extend your neck, wanting more of it.  

"Are you ready for it?"  I ask, your mumbles and continues sucking tells me that you are, so I take place both my hands on either side of your face and slowly slide my cock deeper into your mouth,  you cough as I hit the back of your throat, I begin to pull back, but you signal to me not to, so I shove it back into your throat.  I feel the breath from your nostrals against my sac, and know that you can handle it all, so I slowly begin to rock my hips, bringing my dick in and out of your mouth, slowly building momentum until Ive achieved a steady motion....

"You like me fucking your little face, dont you?"  I ask, you mumble a definite affirmative.  My hands slide farther behind your head and pull it closer, my humping slowly gets faster, shoving my cock as far in as I can, occasionally pausing to hold it deep in your throat.  You occasionally gag, but I keep pushing, breaking every few seconds to let you take in some air before returning to the fuck fest.  We continue for several minutes until I feel the build getting ready to erupt.  I pull your face as close as possible and shove my cock deeper then I have yet, pulling back only as I begin to flow.  I release jet after jet of cum into your mouth, your loving tounge moving to catch every last drop, as the smile on your face widens.  

As I dry out, I give your throat a couple final thrusts, ensuring that you've recieved every drop of my juice.  When I'm sure I'm clean, I pull out and wipe the sweat from my chest.  I look down at your smiling face, and I know that you want more.  So I grab your legs and spin you around on the bed.  I pull out a condom and slide it over my still hard member, then climb onto the bed, push your legs back to spread you wide and shove my cock hard into your soaking pussy.

You scream in pleasure, as I push my self into you and bend so that our lips can meet.  You slide your tounge into my mouth, as I drive my cock in and out of you.  Our mouths release as you scream in pleasure, your pussy lips clench tight around my cock, as your body tenses in extasy.

I shoot another load, as I finish you off.  I release your binds and fall tired to the bed.  You roll over, wrapping your arms around my neck and we kiss once again.  I wrap my arms around your waist and hold you close to me, our legs entwined, our arms embraced and our lips connected for a few more moments.  We release our kiss and fall alseep, wrapped in each other's warmth, knowing that life is perfect as long as we are together.

School Lunches (part 1)

my_hotdog on Fetish Stories

School">">School Lunches

This was probably my greatest fantasy in high school. For some reason I began to develop a bit of a fetish, and this story is a prime example. please comment so that i can see if i'm not completely crazy when it comes to this... if i get enough comments i'll post part two.

Only 5 minutes until lunch, I thought to myself as the clock began to tick down further and further. As Mrs. Miller continued to blather on in the background, my eyes couldn’t help but be glued to Casey. She’s probably every high school guys fantasy… long brown hair, golden brown eyes, an amazing s

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mile, perky petit boobs, and an ass that grown men would kill to touch. Today she had competition cheerleading after school, so she came to class dressed in her uniform.  Those firm boobs were pressed tightly against her red and black Bulldog top, and her skirt was dangerously up her thigh.  The second I saw her walk through the door at the beginning of the hour, I got instantaneously hard and stayed that way throughout the rest of class.

While trying to shift around so the world wouldn’t know that I had a huge boner, my eyes found Ashley. Ashley was raised in southern Mississippi and was your typical southern belle. She’s the kind of girl next door that everyone knows and loves. In spite of her squeaky clean image, her 36D breasts were about ready to pop out of the low cut blouse she was wearing. The second she saw me, she ran over to me and gave me a hug like always. She pressed every bit of her body against me, and I could has sworn she noticed the huge bulge in my pants, but she just smiled at me and took her seat two rows away from me.

Through the entire class, Casey and Ashley were passing notes to each other like always. They could hardly contain themselves as the teacher asked about what they were writing. Ashley said that since Casey was gone the previous class, she was informing her of the specifications of the “Religions of the World” project that we had due next week. I couldn’t believe that she actually bought it. I figured that they were just discussing what they were going to be doing that weekend after the cheerleading competition. I didn’t really think much of it.

After look at that clock for what seemed like an eternity, the bell finally sounded that it was time for lunch. And since it was a half day, I started to pack up my stuff and head for the door. I figured since it was a half day, and the cafeteria food sucks, that I would just eat at home that day.

I then felt someone’s hand lightly tap me on the shoulder. As my eyes trace up the perfect legs, I realize its Casey. “Hey Ben,” she said. “I know that we haven’t really gotten much of a chance to hang out since got busy with cheerleading again, so I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me?”

“Sure,” I replied. I wasn’t really hungry at the moment, but I’ve never been one to pass up an opportunity to hang out with a hot girl, especially one as hot as Casey. On our way to the cafeteria on the other side of campus, we run into Jillian. Jillian is Casey’s shadow in every way possible; her bright blue eyes are veiled by her light brown hair. With her tight body and cute face, she’s the kind of young girl that grown men don’t want people to know they fantasize about. When ever I saw her, she always seemed very shy, but some reason, she seemed almost giddy today. Casey and Jillian were whispering back and fourth very fast, but I couldn’t make any of it out.

We finally reach the doors of the cafeteria, and as I walked through the door, I had a girl on each arm. I started to make for a good spot at the table, but Casey pulls hard on my arm. She then walks past all of the tables in the cafeteria and goes into the kitchen. Jillian follows suit. I was confused as to why we were going back there, but I followed them through the thick wooden door.

“Casey? Jillian? Where’d you go?”

I jumped with a start as the door slammed behind me. “Take off his pants now,” said Casey, and Jillian immediately pushed me up against the giant metal table and started tugging on my jeans. They fell to the floor along with my boxers, revealing my semi-hard eight inch cock. “Get him ready for me,” Casey ordered.

“Yes mistress,” Jillian replied and immediately got on her knees, took my semi hard dick in her tiny hands and started to massage it. Feeling those warm fingers work themselves masterfully around me made me harder than I’d ever felt before. I could see the look of lust in her eyes as she really began to put force into her hands. The veins in my dick began to bulge as I saw her begin to bring her lips to the tip.

“How does he taste?” said Casey in a very authoritative tone. Hearing an outside voice brought Jillian back from the world she’d previously been lost in.

“Good mistress,” replied Jillian, as if she were a small child being rebuked by her mother for getting into the cookie jar.

“And why did you taste him without my permission?”

“Sorry mistress. I had no right,” she said remorsefully. Immediately Jillian got up and pulled a metal chair up to the table.

“I’ll forgive you just this once,” Casey said in an almost cold tone, “but next time, consider the consequences of your actions.”

“Thank you Mistress, you are so kind,” uttered Jillian.

Casey then sat in front of my spread legs as I sat on the kitchen table. “Close your eyes and focus on the feeling,” she said. For a brief while, I wondered what was going on, and then I felt a burning sensation on my dick. I winced and groaned. The pain seemed intense at first, but then the warm substance conforming to every bulging vein of my rock hard dick began to feel absolutely amazing. I could hardly contain myself anymore. The blindfold was then removed, and I saw Casey sitting in front of me with my dick covered with layer after layer of warm, melted cheese. She then wrapped two slices of warm bread around my dick, and seeing that little innocent girl with that sandwich in her small hands was by far the hottest thing I’d ever seen. She lustfully looked me in the eyes as she slowly inched my dick toward her waiting mouth. And then finally, she took 2 inches of the manwich in her mouth and took her first bite. It was as if my entire world had been turned upside down. Her teeth grazing against my dick felt almost painful but completely pleasurable at the same time. She continued to push me farther and farther in, eating away at the bread as she went. Finally all the bread was gone, and all that I had left on me was the warm melted cheese. She then slowly began to slip it in and out of her mouth. I had never felt anything so amazing in my life. She was sucking so hard I thought she might never be able to take me out. And just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, she stuffed my entire eight inch, cheese covered hotdog down her throat. I couldn’t hold back any longer. “I’m going to cum,” I moaned softly.

Casey then bites hard at the base of my dick. “What the hell Casey?” I screamed.

“What gave you the idea that you had the right to cum in my mouth? You are not getting this for your pleasure, but for my nourishment. I have a cheerleading tournament later tonight and I’m going to need to get my strength up.”

All of the sudden, I heard the door knob slowly begin to turn. I started to panic… here I was, sitting on a table with my pants down in front of two underage girls. If the wrong person came in, they could assume the worst and I could go to jail… I grabbed my jeans and tried to hide my shame as the door slowly inched open........

Part 2 Coming soon if you email me about it at