Story Details

The Demonstration Part V

xrigorxmortisx702 on Incest Stories

The Demonstration Part V


Sarah couldn’t get the idea of her father as a sexual being to connect in head with the images she had of him. Oh sure she understood in a sort of theoretical sense that her parents had to have sex at some point or she would not be there, but nevertheless she didn’t think of him as having a sex life. Like every generation Sarah imagined that only young people like herself understood or experienced that pleasures of sex and certainly no one, but the young and adventurous ever explored sex outside the bounds of procreational sex in marriage. Now she was coming face to face with idea that her parents or at least her father was sexual and part of her was fascinated, even turned on at the idea of standing at the peephole and watching her father’s activity while another part of her was revolted knowing on some deep, intuitive level this was wrong.


She hesitated and then her primal urge for sexual fulfillment held sway and she moved to the peephole in time to see her father enter the room with the pretty female assistant. Both of them dropped their clothes and Sarah was surprise to see he was already hard and shocked at how large her father’s organ was. Seeing his erection filled her with desire and the familiar wetness began gathering in her loins.Â


He was kissing the woman, his hands exploring her breasts making her moan so that Sarah could hear them though the wall. Sarah’s own hands went up to her own breasts cupping them, pleasuring them and gently circling the nipples. They harden instantly and she pinched and tugged them moaning softly as her very sensitive nipples sent waves of fire toward her womanhood.


Looking through the peephole she Sarah saw her father look up towards the wall at the new sound of a woman pleasured and she froze in horror because he had heard her moan. Did he know it was her?


He nuzzled Valerie’s neck and whispered, “I hear another woman moaning, sounded like a young girl actually. You are wonderful but I absolutely love young inexperienced girls. I’d pay extra.”


Valerie looked up at the wall and actually smiled. “We do have a young trainee, but she is not trained for intercourse yet. She is very young and very shy so I don’t think it would be workable, although she is orally skilled and very, very responsive. She is so young – still a virgin that she would just die to have you see her engaged in such activities and would never agree to it.”


“What if I didn’t see her?”




“You could blindfold me. I’d be considerate of her as if she were my own daughter.”


“Well under those circumstances, I suppose I could ask her if you wish.”


“Yes. Please”  Â


Valerie slipped on a robe and left him sitting there and a moment later entered Sarah’s compartment accompanied by the doctor. They took one look at her and both smiled. Sara was standing and rubbing her center of pleasure shamelessly her chest flushed with arousal. “I take it you want to?” The woman asked.   Sarah could only nod. Alright

Stay here until I come call for you.


Re-entering the room, where Sarah’s father waited his organ still stiff and excited at the prospect, she announced. “The young woman has agreed, but and will offer either to massage you to release or oral penetration. It is expected you will pay her handsomely for the privilege and that you will pleasure her as well all while never removing the blindfold. I will remain with her of course. Do you agree?”


“Yes but I want her to do both. I want her to take me in her mouth and afterwards to massage me.”


“I will tell her.” Now let me blindfold you she said taking a long piece of fabric she had brought in with her for the purpose and wrapping it three times about his head completely occluding his vision. When she was satisfied he couldn’t see anything she called out. “Ok Madeline, you can come in now.”


Sarah dressed in a short robe the doctor provided slipped down the corridor to the other exam room where her father waited her mind a blur of confused and excited feelings. She had crossed so many taboos the last two days that one more didn’t seem to matter. Besides, she told herself, the only person in town after today that would know what actually happened in here would be her. Taking a deep breath she slipped into the room where Valerie waited.


The woman explained what her father had agreed to and she nodded. She dropped her robe and moved up next to her naked father who slid his hands onto her shoulders and then explored her finding her soft young breasts and the hard upturned nipples while his hard organ poked her softly just above her public hair leaving a wet trail, the first signs of what would eventually be a large emission, but for now, was little more than the promise of things to come. She reached her hand down and touched the head with her fingers and then brought the moisture to her lips tasting her own sire’s semen. The very wickedness of the act brought a flush of arousal to her face and chest while the lubrication between her legs advanced rapidly from renewed moisture to overwhelming wetness that threatened to drip from her inner labia.


Sara had little time to think as her father kisses her full on the mouth his tongue hungry and probing deeply in between her all too willing lips taking her arousal even further and then his mouth traced her neck and found her ears and her neck sending shivers of delight racing through her. While he did this his hands continued felling her young firm breasts and nipples making her gasp into his mouth as the sheer pleasure of his stimulation overwhelmed her and forced tiny sex sounds from her mouth, even though she had promised herself she wouldn’t speak, least he recognize her voice.


His hand reached around her finding her full buttocks and he explored their ever contour as he sucked and gently bit at her shoulders and neck, until sensing her need he pulled back and his mouth located her overly sensitive nipples. He sucked hard and tongued them wildly making her knees weak and when his fingers explored the wet cleft between her legs she found herself sighing softly, “Please! Please! She feared his touches would continue and feared even more their ending.Â


Suddenly the woman finger found her nipples and began brutally pulling and twisting them. The sensation as intense and combined with his clumsy efforts about her clit Sara exploded into orgasm, crying out screaming, “Yes, yes, yes!” Then his fingers found her virginal passage and one entered her tightness probing as her body contracted over and over about his digit buried within her womanhood.Â


“I simple must have you.” He begged. “I would pay a lot. Pay you a large bonus!”


Sara looked at Sara and nodded. At that moment she would have done it for free. She wanted a cock and why not get paid.


“How much?” Valerie demands.


“I. Hadn’t considered. A hundred dollars!”


Sara couldn’t believe it. That much money seemed a small fortune, but Valerie was done. If you carry that much cash you can afford more. You want this girls virginity and all you offer is a hundred dollars. Even a common laborer earns a dollar a day. She worth more than a labor’s salary for a few months, you shame her with you cheapness.Â


Her father looked so desperate, so eager than Sara almost laughed at his desperation and began to understand the power that sex gave her. He almost danced about in his blindfold, acting all ridiculous with his huge organ already leaking fluids and she noticed his socks still on. She reached out and rubbed his cock. He groaned. “OK! Ok, three-hundred dollars.”


Valerie looked at him. “Do you carry that much?”




“Well let me explain. I will trust you for the balance, but only for an hour. If you are not back with payment in full and perhaps a little bonus for the girl, I will march right down to your home, I imagine most people in town will tell me where you live and I will have a little talk with your wife about how you spent your afternoon.”


“No, no, no, I have the money. I just have to go to the store and get it. I promise. Please let me have her?”


“All right. She has agreed to let you have her, but only once vaginally. The moment you cum it is finished,” Valerie insisted and he nodded.


Ok Madeline. You are all his. He may do whatever he wishes to within limits, but I shall remain to make sure he doesn’t hurt you too bad. Suck his organ Madeline. He felt the presence of the girl kneeling before him and then a tiny and inexperienced pair of lips began pleasuring his cock. He treated he gently working it in and out farcing her to take more and more, backing off as she cocked and gagged, helping her learn to accept his largeness. Suddenly he was there, at his peak, exploding in her mouth. She gagged and gulped and handed most of his large load. Then as agreed she kept sucking and with the oil supplied by Valerie she coated his organ and began rubbing him.


She learned from his reactions that a slow down-stroke coupled with a fasted up-stroke was best. After about five minutes his moans got loader and louder and her erupted his first stream hitting her full in the face and the next one sticking the wall behind her as others went here and there as she wildly moved his organ having not been prepared for such a reaction.


Valerie helped her clean him up with a towel and herself then Valerie guided her to the table and laid her back like an offering, her womanhood soaking with desire. Her father leaned over her once more and sucked first one nipple and then the other making her sigh and moan. Then he unexpectedly licked her privates. He was not as skilled as the woman and it took him longer but she did managed to climax, once she learned how to move her special center of pleasure to where his tongue thought it was supposed to be.Â


Her father was in bliss. Already this young girl had made his climax twice and as he pleasured her all his desperate desire returned. He was super hard and eager, he could wait no longer. Positioning his head at her entrance he slid his cock up and down between her lips. The sensations were acutely pleasure filled and he nearly came right then and there but he held still and managed with effort to keep from climaxing at that point.Â


Sara was desperately eager to experience more. Knowing that gliding between her wet labia had pleasuring him and hoping that if he was pleasured he would enter her she moved her own pelvis grinding her sex back against him, signaling her arousal and willingness to be penetrated.


“No!” He shouted not understanding why she had started to move only that he was on the edge and fighting for control and her movements were driving him over the point of no return. He pulled back breaking their connection, trying not to cum, but it was too late as streams of creamy sperm intended for her virginal passage now splattered on the floor.

He couldn’t believe it. He had never even entered her passage and now. He was still hard he would take her anyway, but as he moved an iron hand grabbed his manhood.Â


“Madeline, please return to you quarters.“ Valerie ordered. Just as she was leaving She heard her father complaining that this wasn’t fair. Valerie was merciless. “Fair? My girl offered you everything she had to give. She offered her virginity and you worthless little prick that you are couldn’t even deflower the virgin when she is offered to you. Get dressed and leave. Get what you owe or I swear to God I will do just as I ordered and further I will tell every man, woman or child I meet that you were unable to perform. I should never have let you have the girl. You may have ruined her. Rejection like that is a shameful behavior. How will she ever be able to relax with another man after your fool behaviors?”


Sara could hardly imagine it was her self-confident father as he left tail between her legs. She turned when Valerie entered the room. They were both so excited they hugged then kissed, then Sara pushed the woman down and for the first time in her life lowered her mouth to the other woman’s sex and her tongue probed and explored the intoxicating taste and smell, the mysterious folds of a woman’s sex. She had made the other woman reach her peak several times by the time the doctor came in and found them. He entered, but they were so enthralled now face opposite each licking the other’s vulva that his cock’s head rubbing in Sara’s lubricant was her first indication of his presence and then he once more worked his stiffness inside her anal passage and his cock combined with her lips on her teenage clit sent her into a continual series of climaxes that lasted as long as he did which wasn’t all that long.Â


He pulled out and she grabbed for his organ taking it in her mouth, fresh from Sara’s anus and he filled her hunger for his sperm. Sara could feel the woman’s reactions to her climax and understood her was pouring streams to cum into her mouth.


Cleaning himself up he told Valerie. He is waiting for you.


Valerie nodded. “Let me get him into a room and get you money so you can leave while he can’t see.”


In minutes she was back with four hundred dollars. She smiled, “H said he felt bad about ruining you.”Â


“I don’t know what to say,” Sara whispered. “You’ve opened a whole new world to me.”


“Just say goodbye. It’s been fun and I hope you always enjoy what we have shared. Don’t let anyone tell you it is wrong or sinful.”


Sara gave her a hug and skipped out the door, stashing the cash in her pocket, knowing she was wealthy, wealthier than any other girl her age. She could contribute to forming a new household if a certain young man asked her to marry.


In the meantime, he father reached the store just as the train whistle sounded and the Doctor’s special pulled out. He listened with regret and longing.


The train’s movement brought a wonderful rest to the stress town always brought to such traveling shows. They would ride all night and then set up and do it all over in a new town. Valerie smiled at her brother. Well “Doctor” we certainly enjoyed that young girl.Â


“Ah, we did indeed. “ He agreed


“Are you all worn out or can you help a girl out.”


Sure sis, he said standing and dropping his pants as she began pulling off her dress and together they would spend some of the long hours practicing the skills they had learned together as children, secretly making love before their were old enough to even know what it meant. Still each other’s most special partner, still brother and sister, both making a fortune from others less fortunate than themselves in sexual knowledge.


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