Story Details

My Brother Hates Me - Chapter 2

Proximus on Incest Stories

Chapter 2


The abuse continued over the next two-plus years. Ricky got more and more perverse and depraved as time passed. The sexual pleasure alone had become “boring” for him so he found creative ways to inflict pain that could not be visibly noticed. After a rape session, he particularly enjoyed beating my private area with a rolling pin. This would cause extensive bruising and even bleeding and painful urination for up to a week afterward.


After a particularly painful session of having a large zucchini shoved up my asshole, I passed out.


I woke up in the bathtub. It stunk like urine and feces. I looked down and I was lying in a pool of urine. I also saw that my body was caked with dried cum and feces. I started screaming and realized I had a gag wrapped around my mouth.


Just then Ricky appeared with a sick grin on his face.


“Well, then, bitch. I see you’re awake. Now, if you promise to behave I will remove the gag. Then, if you don’t behave I will beat the shit out of you! Do you promise to behave?”


I nodded my head. He removed the gag.


“Ricky, you sick son-of-a-bitch, did you piss and shit on me?” I hissed as quiet as I could.


He was laughing. “Yeah, Tara, I pissed on you; I shit on you; and I jacked off on you several times! I took pictures too. I think I’ll sell them over the internet!”


“Ricky, please NO! I’ll do anything! Please…please…I beg you not to show those humiliating pictures!”


“You’re going to be begging me for a lot more than that. For now, I’m keeping the pictures in a safe place. Now get out of that tub.”


I did as he said. Then, he handed me some Ajax and a tub cleaning brush. “Here, clean the tub out”.


I rinsed the tub out and then thoroughly scrubbed it clean.


“Now, I’m going to clean you myself.”


Ricky stripped down and got into the shower with me. He lathered a fresh washcloth with soap and started washing me from the neck down. He spent extra time on my breasts and would squeeze my nipples between his thumb and index finger. I couldn’t help but moan.


“That’s ok slave. I know you can’t help but moan but don’t do it loudly or I will stop”.


He continued to wash further and further down to my lower half. He stopped at my abdomen and started slowly washing my belly and just above my crotch area. It felt so good my legs were starting to shake. I could feel my juices starting to flow. Then, he moved my legs about shoulder length apart.


“Ok slave, I’m going to play with your pussy. But, if you make any sounds I will stop. Do you understand you little cunt?” I nodded my head. I desperately wanted to cum.


He moved his hands so that he touched my outer pussy lips. My legs were shaking worse now. It was becoming difficult to stand. I could feel myself building to a huge orgasm. He pulled my pussy lips apart to expose my aching clit. He turned me slightly to let the water spray directly onto my clit. I jumped and took in a quick breath. I bit my lip hard to keep from making a sound. I quickly grabbed for the washcloth. Just as soon as I had the washcloth, he started rubbing the slit of my pussy vigorously and putting extra pressure directly on my clit. He was trying to make me scream so he could torture me by stopping!


Fortunately, in the nick of time, I jammed the washcloth into my mouth. It felt so good I was shaking my head vigorously back and forth. I was screaming but fortunately all of the sound was completely muffled. Ricky rubbed my slit and my clit faster and faster. It was time! I spread my legs wider. His face was directly in line with my pussy. The orgasm exploded within me with such force that the need to pee was overwhelming. I couldn’t hold it back so I decided to let it go. I would accept whatever beating I would get.


I exploded in a geyser full of fluid directly into Ricky’s face. I kept pushing and pushing as blast after blast of my juice poured over him like a second shower. Finally, my knees began to buckle as I lowered myself down into the tub.


I sat there with the water hitting me. Ricky was on the other end of the tub.


“That was fucking fantastic Tara! I have never seen a girl explode with that much pussy cum” That was fucking awesome! Now, talk to me.”


I know he wanted me to flatter him by saying how awesome that was for me. At first I was going to keep silent but then I knew that would only cause him to get angry and I didn’t want that now. I wanted to salvage maybe a small reprieve from his hating me while I had a chance.


“That was fantastic! I have never experienced that before. I’m so sorry for peeing on you. Please don’t beat me.”


He laughed. “You silly stupid little bitch; that wasn’t pee – it was your pussy cum. Women can shoot cum just like guys; most of you just don’t know it.”


“Well, that was the most incredible orgasm I have ever had. I really want to thank you for that, brother.”


“Now don’t start getting all gushy with me Tara. I’m being a little nicer with you right now but I still hate you and I’m going to keep doing things to show you how much I hate you. But for now, we’ll take a time out. Stand aside. I’m going to shower off and then you do the same. Then, we’re going to get dressed and go out for dinner. I’m starved.”


“Ok; I’m starved too Ricky,” I said as I flashed him a quick smile.


“Tara, I don’t want you to call me Ricky. Call me either brother or master”.


“Yes, master”.


I quickly showered and got into a nice tight pair of slacks and a tight low-cut silk blouse.


“Come on, hurry up Tara”. He was downstairs. I finished putting on the last strokes of lip gloss. I took one last look in the full length mirror. I must say I looked hot!


We got in the car and drove to the restaurant in silence. Ricky grabbed my hand and had me rub his cock all the way to the restaurant.


We parked the car in front of the restaurant and gave the keys to the valet. Then we walked inside.


This restaurant was somewhat upscale and known to cater to the younger crowd. I noticed I was getting admiring looks from both the men and the women. Ricky was getting admiring looks from the women; especially as their eyes wandered down to see the huge bulge in his tight-fitting slacks. It looked like some of them even licked their lips – or was it just my imagination?


No sooner had we sat down in our booth than two of the girls came over.


“Hey Ricky, who’s your gorgeous friend? This is my friend Anna.”


“Hi Michele; hi Anna. This is my kid sister, Tara”.


“My my Ricky, please don’t take this wrong but she doesn’t look like your sister”.


“Well, that’s because we have the same father but different mothers. Anyway, we have some things we need to talk about so if you don’t mind…”


“Ok, we get the hint. Nice meeting you Tara. Maybe we can have fun sometime”.


“Bye; nice meeting you too”, I said not quite knowing what she meant.


Just then the waitress appeared. She was about 5 feet 6 and weighed about 120 lbs with large full breasts a low-cut black blouse and tight spandex black pants. She was stunning!


“Hi, I’m Jasmine and I will be your waitress this evening. Before I take your order would you like something to drink?”


Ricky spoke, “Yes, we’ll each have a glass of Kendall-Jackson Cabernet please. By the way, I’m Ricky and this is my sister Tara.”


“It’s very nice to meet both of you. I will be right back with the drinks.”


Within a minute, Jasmine returned with the drinks. Then she bent over to present our menus. As she did this she gave us a full view of her breasts. They were gorgeous. She was not wearing a bra. Jasmine hesitated a bit to make sure that Ricky got a complete eyeful.


“Are you ready to order?”


“Yes, we’ll start with appetizers. How about your combo platter of raw oysters, shrimp, and escargot? Then, we'll have the New York strip, rare, with a lobster tail and your vegetable of the day.”


“Excellent choice. Coming right up.”


As she left Ricky said to me, “Ok, I want you to start stroking my cock. When she returns I want you to drop your napkin under the table so she has to pick it up. Then, let’s see what happens”.


I giggled with excitement. I would never have dared to do this before.


I unzipped Ricky’s fly and slowly pulled his entire length outside of his pants. I placed my napkin on my lap so I could quickly knock it onto the floor under the table by my feet.


Jasmine returned in about seven minutes with our appetizers. We were both looking at her and she looked back at us with a somewhat puzzled look as to what we were up to. Just as she started to walk away I said, “Oh, Jasmine, I accidentally dropped my napkin could you get it for me?”


“Of course, Tara”.


Jasmine looked down around her and not seeing the napkin, realized it was probably under the table. Then she bent down under the table cloth to retrieve the napkin.


She had been down there at least a minute when I heard a slight moan from Ricky. I looked and his eyes were closed. Just then I felt something warm and wet sliding around my hand (the one I was using to stroke Ricky’s cock). I moved so that I could look under the table. Jasmine had her lips around Ricky’s cock and was slowly sucking him!


I quickly cleared my throat so that Jasmine could hear me. Within a couple of seconds she was out from under the table.


“Here’s your napkin Tara.” Here’s another one (as she retrieved a second napkin from the next table). “You never know when you might need another napkin”, Jasmine said with a wink. “Please bring us another wine in 5 minutes”, I said.


“Sure thing”.


“Brother, let’s finish this before our food gets cold”. He nodded his head with a grunt.


I grabbed his cock holding the base with one hand while stroking vigorously with the other. “Here’s a napkin. I want you to make sure you cum into the napkin”. “Ok”, he said.


It only took about two minutes and he let out a sigh as he shot load after load into the napkin. I squeezed the last bit out and quickly retrieved the napkin; folding it in half so that none of the cum leaked out. Then I placed the napkin beside me.


Shortly, Jasmine returned with two fresh glasses of wine.


“Your food will be ready shortly. How were your appetizers? I see you’re still eating them. Is everything okay?”


“Oh yes, Jasmine; they are delicious. So good, in fact, we’d like to share…”


“Oh no…I’m not supposed to…”


Jasmine quickly looked around to make sure she was not seen. Not to worry, our booth was off the main floor to the side against the wall so we were fairly-well secluded. Then, she scooted into the booth beside me.


‘Here’s your appetizer,” I said with the sweetest smile I could muster as I handed her the napkin.


She took the napkin and as she opened it up her eyes got real wide and her jaw dropped. I wish I had a camera. She looked at me and then Ricky. Suddenly, her eyes became glazed over with lust.


She opened the napkin as she looked at us. She never took her eyes off of us. She had the napkin fully opened and resting in her hand; fully exposing a large load of creamy white cum. Then, she seductively smelled it. “Uuuummmmm”, she cooed.


Then, in one smooth action, she tilted her head back, opened her mouth, and scraped the napkin against her lower lip; letting the cum slide into her mouth. Next, she opened her mouth to show us the full load. It was almost starting to leak out when she tilted her head back slightly and swallowed.


Then she licked her lips clean and said, “Thank you so much for the appetizer you two. I have been working all day and haven’t eaten a thing until now. I’ll be right back with your entrees’.


In two minutes she returned with another waitress to deliver our main course. As the other waitress returned to the kitchen, Jasmine paused and turned around. She quickly unbuttoned her blouse to show us her beautiful breasts. Then, she quickly buttoned back up.


“Very nice”, we both said.


 “Enjoy your meal”.


“Tara, that was very hot. Thank you. You know you are gorgeous. I think Jasmine likes us”.


“I agree brother. I know she likes us”.


Jasmine retuned in about 5 minutes. “So, how is your meal?”


“It’s delicious”, I said.


Then, Jasmine lowered her voice. “I just came from the ladies room. I was so horny after drinking Ricky’s cum that I had to masturbate. Here, I didn’t wash my fingers.


She offered her fingers for both Ricky and I to lick. I licked the index finger and he licked the middle finger. “Uuuummmmm” we said.


“So, what are you two doing when you’re done here?” She asked.


I looked at Ricky. “Well, since our grandparents are out of town, we’ll probably go back home and fuck our brains out”, I laughed.


“I get off at nine. Would you guys mind some company? I’d love to have a go at that huge cock again!”


“Sure thing. Make sure we give you our address before we leave”, Ricky said.


We continued to enjoy the rest of our meal. Jasmine returned and asked us if we wanted dessert. We declined and asked for the check. Jasmine returned with the check and included a blank piece of paper for Ricky to write her our address. She returned to retrieve the check and inspect the address.


“Oh, you guys live in the subdivision by the new Mall – about 15 minutes away”.


“That’s right,” Ricky said. It was about eight o’clock. “We’ll see you in about an hour”.


“I’ll see you then”, Jasmine replied.


As we drove home Ricky said, “Sis, tonight you can call me brother or Ricky, not master”.


“Oh? Maybe Jasmine would like the master routine”, I giggled.


“Tara, it’s not a routine. I’m serious. It’s about you and me. I don’t want to talk about it now. Let’s focus on having our fun with Jasmine tonight”.




Soon, Jasmine arrived. “Hi you guys. I hate to ask this, but do you mind if I take a quick shower? I just worked a ten hour day and I want to freshen up a little”.


“No problem,” Ricky said. “On one condition; that Tara and I get to wash you”, he laughed.


“Ok, I’d like that,” she said.


We led Jasmine upstairs. She stripped down. She was gorgeous! She had an athletic body and actually had ripped abs.


“Jasmine, you are ripped. You are gorgeous girl!”


“Thank you. I used to be in gymnastics though I was a little taller than most.”


“Well, you look awesome. Actually, Tara and I decided to shower with you if you don’t mind”.


“Not at all; hop in”.


We quickly showered; deciding not to linger and take a chance on letting the sex start until we got to the bedroom. Needless to say, when we got into the king-sized bed, we were all extra horny!


If you want me to continue the story, please let me know with your votes and comments.



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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