Story Details

Mommy, Sonny and a Voyeur - The Conclusion

raye829 on Incest Stories

Meg eased slowly into the waking world, disoriented and unsure where she was. She was lying on her side on a soft bed, and although she had no covers on, she felt warm and cozy - she could sense sunlight bathing her naked body. But where was she? This wasn't her own bed, she was sure of that. Slowly, she opened her eyes, squinting in the bright sunlight. Her big, brown eyes blinked, and came into focus. She saw a nightstand next to the bed, and wood paneled walls. Then, she remembered.

She was in Blake's bed. And the night before Blake and...Oh my God...Justin...had taken her. Had FUCKED her. BOTH of them had fucked her. Oh God, what had she done? She had fucked her own son. And she had ENJOYED it. LOVED it, as a matter of fact. She had been like a wild animal in heat.

Had it been some weird, twisted dream? No, the memories were coming back with vivid clarity, one after another. It was no dream. She and Blake had been drinking wine...chardonnay, she recalled vaguely. And then she and Blake were in bed. God, she had peed in front of him! And then somehow, Justin had appeared. He...he had licked her pussy, and fucked her. Blake had fucked her virgin ass. And she had eaten it all up like a whore. But now she felt dirty, and ashamed. And guilty. What had she done? What had she been THINKING? She groaned in despair, and then she felt the mattress shift behind her.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" Meg recognized the deep, masculine voice of Blake, and felt his warm body pressing against her naked back. She lay frozen, emotionally torn between the shame of the dirty, nasty memories from the evening before and the sensual feel of Blake's firm, muscular chest pressed against her bare skin. His strong but smooth hand gently caressed the swell of her hips, making every nerve ending in her body tingle, and she felt him snuggle up even closer against her.

"I...I slept okay," she replied softly. "Um, Blake...where's Justin? Is he okay?"

Her voice had a frightened, urgent quality. She was a concerned, protective mother. Blake's soothing hand traveled over her hips, then along the narrowness of her waist, along her ribcage toward her lolling breasts. "Of course he's okay. He's in the shower." And sure enough, Meg could hear the running water in the next room. She could hear Justin singing a nonsensical ditty, his voice echoing off-key off of the shower walls.

She sighed with relief, then spoke haltingly. "Blake...what we did last night was...was wrong. This is just awful. I'm worried about what Justin might think." And she felt the sting of tears come to her eyes - tears of anger and embarrassment and confusion.

Blake's roaming hand paused momentarily on her firm breast, and then he began insistently caressing it again as he whispered soothingly into her ear. "Hush Meg...Justin is fine. What happened last night was natural...what happened...well, it just happened. Don't do this to yourself."

Meg shook her head in despair, and buried her face in the mattress. "I don't know," she moaned forlornly. "It's not right - I'm an awful mother." The tears stung her eyes, and began to stream down her cheeks.

"Stop tormenting yourself," he scolded. "You're NOT an awful mother. You'll see - Justin is fine." He fondled Meg's firm breasts, and with his palm he stimulated the nipples until they were hard and erect. She felt his hard cock pressed between her buttocks, probing against her anus, then lower, against her already-tingling pussy. She knew from long experience that she was getting very, very wet. Seemingly powerless to stop herself, she sighed and pressed back against him.

Meg was confused and angered by her body's response. Her mind was wracked by guilt, but there was no denying the eroticism of what had happened last night, and Blake's stimulation was helping her relive the physically powerful sensations. Not even her wildest thoughts and dreams and fantasies had elevated her sexuality to such an extent. Everything about last night had brought her body to unknown heights...her son licking her aching pussy...and...and FUCKING her. Blake's hand guiding Justin's cock into her pussy, and licking his sperm out after Justin came. That had been incredibly erotic, but it was...odd somehow.

She cleared her throat. "Blake?"

"Yes?" His fingers gently pinched her pink, erect nipple. His muscular body was glued to hers, and she again felt his erect, probing cock pressing against her ass, her groin. She closed her eyes and purred softly, undulating her hips. She couldn't help it - her pussy was beginning to throb against his touch. A pleasant warm tingle was enveloping her.

"Last night you...touched Justin. And after he...after he...fucked me...". It felt so STRANGE to say that. But it had happened. She had to face the facts. She brushed the tears from her eyes.

Blake froze momentarily. He had a feeling he knew what was coming. But he continued to fondle her erect nipple, trying to hide his nervousness. "Yes I did Meg. And?" he asked in as casual a voice as he could muster.

"Was that the first time you had ever touched him?"

Blake knew this question would have to come sooner or later. He considered being completely truthful, but thought that would be the wrong approach given Meg's state of mind. He settled instead on a partial truth, a response that he had trained Justin on the night before, after Meg had fallen asleep in exhaustion. Hopefully it would work, but if he screwed this up, there would be hell to pay. He measured his words carefully, but didn't stop stimulating her tits. Maybe if he could distract her...

"Well," he paused for effect. "It's kind of embarrassing Meg."

Meg tilted her head to look at him. "Embarrassing?"

Blake ran his hand over her flat tummy. "Yeah, kinda. I was...I was jacking off in the living room the other day, and Justin barged in on me."

Meg was listening intently, her eyes searching out his. Blake's warm hand crawled along her stomach, then caressed the smooth sensitive skin along the edge of her pubic hair. "I was mortified," he continued. "I pulled my shorts up as fast as I could, but Justin was looking at me. And he seemed...I dunno, curious I guess. It was strange Meg. I didn't know what to do, but he wanted to see what I was doing. I...I ended up letting him touch me. We touched each other." Meg looked away, contemplating in silence what Blake was telling her.

Blake forged ahead. So far so good. "I know it must seem strange Meg. I don't know what to say." His fingers were brushing through her pussy hair, and so far, she was doing nothing to resist.

After what seemed an eternity to Blake, but was really no more than a minute at the most, Meg spoke softly. "I...I guess I'm not sure how to take that's just not right."

Blake knew exactly what she was referring to, but he redirected the accusation innocently. By "not right", Meg was referring to Justin's youth, not his sex, but he pretended he understood otherwise. "I guess you're surprised that I'm bi, aren't you?"

"Well...yes...but that's not really what I mean Blake. Justin is so young. He's only 13 for God's sakes. It's not right." But Meg was tormented by what she had just said. No, it WASN'T right. On the other hand, she wasn't much better, letting her son fuck her like some sleazy slut. And she had ENJOYED it! Just like the enjoyment she felt over what Blake was doing to her now. His strong but nimble fingers were dancing along her upper thighs, caressing the silky sensitive skin. Despite her best efforts, she was getting horny. Damn Blake! She should be angry with him for what he had done, but she just couldn't. She had begun falling for him these last few days, and despite the fact she should be furious at him, she simply was incapable of that emotion right now. She should just get up and leave, but she couldn't pull herself away.

Blake let Meg sort out her thoughts in silence, but he was far from inactive. He danced his fingers from her thigh up and over the swell of her hips, and slowly, seductively caressed her smooth ass cheeks. He loved the feel of her bare ass! At once firm, but pliable. She seemed to like the touch as well - she sighed softly in response. Down the hall, he heard Justin turn off the shower, but he continued. His fingertips drifted along the crack of her sexy ass, then he ran the tip of his index finger over her asshole toward her pussy lips. He was delighted to find that they were swollen and slippery with her juices. He fingered her hot cunt, rubbing the silky wetness.

"Oh yes," sighed Meg breathily. She arched her back, thrusting her ass against his probing fingers, seeking out the stimulation they provided.

"Mmmm," Blake sighed. He removed his hand from her wet cunt lips, grabbed his cock, and guided it against her pussy. He slid the swollen cockhead up and down, rubbing it against her and coating it with the wetness of her juices. He chuckled softly. "Someone's getting horny."

Meg groaned, and pressed back against him insistently. She knew where this was heading...she was going to get fucked by this handsome man again, and she wanted it...NEEDED it...desperately.

Blake's prick was as hard as steel in his hand. The anticipation of fucking Meg again was overwhelming to him, and he knew that Justin would soon come out of the shower. Once again, he was going to fuck this slut in front of her horny young son. He probed her wet cunt with his cock, and rubbed it in circles against her swollen clit. She inhaled sharply in response, and he smiled - he knew she was ready to receive him inside her. He aimed his cock lower, wedging it against her swollen pussy lips, and thrust his hips against her.

"Oh God Blake!" she cried out softly. "Yesss." She groaned with ecstasy at the sensation of his wonderful manhood snaking deeply into her, inch by inch, until it was buried as deeply as it would go. He paused, and she humped back against him, feeling his wiry pubic hair pressed against her buttcheeks, tickling them. She felt his hand reach around her, sliding across her pubic hair. His fingers brushed against her clitoris, and it was as if a bolt of electricity shot through her. "Oh Blake!" she cried softly. "Fuck me!"

She groaned huskily as her lover began to thrust back and forth, his stiff cock sliding in and out in long, smooth strokes. All the while, his talented fingers rubbed her swollen clitoris in tight little circles. She clutched the cool sheet next to her in her clenched fist, and gave herself completely to her lover. She was surprised, in a way, at how she was responding. She had orgasmed time and again last night at the hands of her two lovers, yet here she was again, horny and aching with desire, and needing to cum.

Blake's hand stimulated her expertly...her pussy was on fire, pulsating and quivering in her lust. He began to fuck her faster and faster...his cock sliding noisily and wetly between her tight, clinging pussy lips. His pelvis slapped against her ass, drilling into her harder and harder. And at the same time, his nimble fingers frigged her clitoris. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the delightful sensations in her pussy. She felt every inch of the man's steely cock sliding in and out of her welcoming vagina. His fingers rubbed her sensitive clitoris in rapid, circular motions, bringing her closer and closer....

"Oh Blake...fuck me harder..." she pleaded in a husky, out-of-breath voice. She bucked her hips violently, impaling herself on his prick. It was difficult, lying on her side like this, but she thrust her ass against him as best she could. And all the while, his cock slid in and out, making liquid slapping sounds. "Yes...yes...YES...YES," she groaned. "OH GOD YES! FUCK ME...FUCK ME...". Blake's fingers were a rapid blur on her clitoris. She was so close...she desired Blake with all her will. "Oh...oh...oh...uh huh...uh...uh...YES...Oh God you're gonna make me cum." And suddenly, the delightful sensations reached a peak, and with a long animalistic moan, she was cumming hard. "OH MY GOD YES! OH GOD FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" she begged. Her body was wracked with violent spasms...she was vaguely aware of Blake moaning harshly in her ear, and she knew that the two of them were cumming together, as one, lost in each other's passion. The two lovers writhed their sweaty bodies together, each using the other to get themselves off. They groaned loudly in unison, as Blake pistoned his erection in and out of her wet, clinging pussy.

Gradually, her orgasm subsided, and Meg lay gasping, sweat dripping off her brow. Blake's wonderful penis was softening inside her, no longer filling her. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking her long lashes in the sunlight that poured through the bedroom window. A hazy blur slowly came into was Justin, standing in the bedroom doorway. He was nude, holding a bath towel in his hand, watching her and Blake intently. Her eyes flickered down his body, and she saw that her son's penis was standing erect, pointing at her.

Oh God. He had been watching them. Suddenly the single-mindedness of her orgasm was forgotten, and she was a responsible mother again. She moaned softly, this time in despair. Her confusion was enormous, her mind conflicted. She had to get away!

"Justin..." she began. She paused uncertainly. "We...we need to go now. Put your clothes on okay sweetie?" She drew away from Blake and sat up on the edge of the bed. She placed her arm across her breasts protectively, in a futile effort to hide her nakedness from Justin. "Blake, Justin and I need to go." Her eyes darted around the room, searching for her clothes. Her blue dress lay in a crumpled heap on the floor near the foot of the bed where if had fallen the night before, and she quickly strode over to retrieve it. She couldn't find her panties, but it didn't matter. She stepped into the dress and began pulling it up, aware as she did so that Blake's freshly-deposited sperm was seeping out of her pussy, dribbling down the inside of her thighs.

"Meg, are you okay?" Blake asked. She glanced darkly at him as she pulled the dress up, over her hips. He was lying there on the bed, his penis now shriveled. She looked away quickly, back toward Justin. He was still standing there in the doorway, his penis erect. For some inexplicable reason, this made Meg angry. "Justin, get your clothes on!" she shouted at him wildly. The boy, startled, began to gather his things. Meg was immediately sorry for the outburst, but she couldn't help it. Her emotions were raw and tormented. Tears came to her eyes.

"Meg, don't be angry," pleaded Blake.

"I'm...I'm sorry Blake. I have to go." Her voice was choked with emotion, her chest heaving with sobs.

She buttoned the dress with trembling fingers as Justin hastily put his clothes on. Without so much as a backward glance at Blake, she put her hand on her son's shoulder and prodded him out the door. The two of them left the house, and they walked in awkward silence down the lane to their cabin. All the while, Meg felt Blake's semen bubbling out of her, trickling down her legs. The feeling tormented her, reminding her of what she had just done.

When they arrived, Meg slipped into her bedroom, retrieved her bathing suit from the dresser, and hastily put it on. She walked into the kitchen, where Justin was standing uncertainly. She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring kiss. "Fix yourself some breakfast okay sweetie? I'm going to go for a swim." She had to get away to sort out her thoughts - away from Blake, away from even Justin. She should stay with him, and comfort him. But she couldn't, not now at least. She strode purposefully down to the beach, waded into the warm water up to her hips, and dove in.

The water felt refreshing and cleansing on both her body and her soul. She dogpaddled for a while, stretching her muscles, and then flipped over, backstroking across the bay. She watched the puffy white clouds moving lazily across the sky as she swam. Her mind was slowly clearing. God, what a trying few days these had been! What was she to do?

For one thing, she thought to herself, she needed to quit being angry with Justin for things that weren't in his control. Why had she yelled at him at Blake's house? It wasn't HIS fault that he was aroused by what she and Blake were doing. And what about Blake? This wasn't exactly his fault either. Or was it? She just couldn't sort it out. She turned back toward shore, and picked up the pace of her swim until her lean muscles were tired and sore. She reached the beach in front of the cabin and staggered onto the warm sand. She bent over to pick up her towel and walked, exhausted, up the beach stairs to the cabin.

Justin was finishing a bowl of cheerios as Meg walked into the kitchen. He dropped his spoon in the bowl and looked up, shyly and uncertainly, as she approached him. He looked timid, scared even, and his expression broke Meg's heart. A loving glow came over her, and she bent down and hugged her son with a long, warm embrace. "I'm sorry I yelled at you sweetie. I shouldn't have."

Justin hugged her back, tightly. "It's okay Mom."

"Justin," said Meg haltingly. "What we've done". She didn't know how to finish. "What I mean to say is...". Good grief, she had no idea how to deal with this. Maybe later she would be able to express herself. Unable to comfort him with words, she ran her fingers through his tousled hair reassuringly, then pulled up a chair and sat next to him. They looked at each other in silence for a moment until they both smiled to break the nervous tension. "I guess neither of us knows what to say," she said at last.

"It's okay, Mom. Maybe later."

She shook her head and sighed loudly. He was dealing with this better than she was. "You're growing up so fast," she said finally.

Justin grinned, but didn't reply. Suddenly the emotions welled up inside her. "I love you Justin," and she leaned toward him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you too Mom."

Meg and Justin spent the rest of the day absorbed in mundane household tasks - vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes. Despite the summer heat, Meg put on a pair of baggy jeans and a tee shirt, and over that a bulky sweatshirt. She did her best to act like a mother, and tried with all her might to pretend that what happened the night before didn't really happen. But that was impossible, she found. What happened was reality. And that reality was overwhelming to her. Justin, on the other hand, seemed to be dealing with it better than her. He acted just like he always did, happy and cheerful.

She prepared his favorite dinner for him, spaghetti, and the two of them ate on the front porch as the sun descended behind the tall trees on the far shore of Golden Lake. They made small talk for a while, but always Meg's thoughts took a darker turn, and she fell silent. She absently twisted a lock of brown hair in her fingers, watching the sky turn a vivid red. She thought briefly about calling Blake, but discarded the idea. What would she say to him? He had probably lost all respect for her, which maybe wasn't a bad thing. She felt the same about him. Or did she? She angrily wiped a tear from her cheek.

They brought their dinner plates into the kitchen, and mother and son did the dishes together, Meg washing and Justin drying. She was keenly aware of their close proximity, and the two of them couldn't seem to avoid brushing against one another on occasion. It was discrete and meaningless (or so Meg hoped), but each time it happened, she was disturbed by the fact that it brought a vivid memory of the intimacy the two had shared the night before. And those thoughts were so profoundly emotional...and erotic. An unbidden image of Justin laying between her splayed legs, licking her pussy, swept into her consciousness. 'Stop it!' she scolded herself bitterly.

With the warmth of the cabin, combined with the hot, sudsy dishwater, Meg was sweating profusely. Her bulky clothing was oppressive, and she finally relented and pulled the sweatshirt over her head. She glanced furtively down at her breasts, pressing against the damp fabric of her tee shirt. 'I really should put on a bra,' she thought to herself. Her nipples were protruding a bit, and the aureoles were casting a faint shadow through the thin cloth.

She stole a look at Justin. He too, was looking at her breasts. Yes, she definitely should go and find a bra, but she was inexplicably frozen in place. Justin was gawking at her chest, and a tingle coursed through her body. She felt her nipples harden. Oh God, she was horny! What was happening to her?

Meg cleared her throat. "Hot in here," she said awkwardly. They continued to do the dishes together in silence, Meg now very much aware of Justin's secretive glances. Sweat was dripping from her brow, and the tee shirt was getting stickier - it was now glued to her. Her nipples were sensitive and erect, protruding very visibly. Finally, Meg could stand it no longer. She escaped to her bedroom and hastily put on a bra.

The dishes now washed and dried, they retired to the living room and watched television. It was a sci-fi movie, certainly not Meg's favorite, but Justin insisted. They curled up on opposite ends of the sofa, Meg reading a woman's magazine and Justin watching the movie. But it was a bad movie, and Justin seemed bored and disinterested. Soon, Meg noticed that he was beginning to nod off. He really hadn't slept much the night before, and she watched lovingly as his head drooped, lower and lower. Soon, he was breathing deeply, sound asleep. She reached over and tapped him gently on the shoulder. "Time for bed honey," she whispered.

His eyelids flickered. "Okay Mom," he said sleepily. "Good night." He clambered off the couch and Meg watched as he staggered off to his bedroom.

She continued to read for a while, but soon she too began to get tired. But her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She found herself thinking about Blake. She pictured his face, his body, his laugh...

The words in the magazine were blurring together in a meaningless jumble. She sighed deeply. What a day this had been! She tossed the magazine carelessly on the sofa next to her and yawned. She wasn't sure what the next day would bring, but she was too tired to think about it. She went to her bedroom, stripped her clothes off, put on a robe, and strode down the hall to wash up in the bathroom. But as she passed Justin's bedroom door, she heard a faint sound from within. She paused and held her breath. There it was again - a groan. Was Justin having a nightmare? She heard it yet again, louder this time. Concerned, she pressed the door open a crack and listened intently.

She didn't hear another groan, but there was a different sound emanating from the darkness of the bedroom within. A rhythmic squeaking sound...and then she realized what she was hearing - the metallic creaking of the bedsprings. Oh God...Justin was masturbating, and here she had nearly barged in on him in her impetuousness, just as she had done a few days before. When would she ever learn?

But despite the fact that her brain was screaming at her to close the door and leave, her curiosity was overwhelming, and she took a nervous breath and pushed the door open a bit further, peering into the darkness. The light from the hallway behind her streamed into the bedroom, and a narrow sliver of light fell onto his bed. She saw one of Justin's bare legs, shaking and vibrating, as the bedsprings squeaked beneath him.

Suddenly, the noise stopped, and Justin was still. "Mom?" His nervous voice called out from the darkness, and Meg saw a flurry of activity - he was hastily pulling a sheet over him.

"Yes...yes, it's me honey," she replied. Her voice quavered with a mixture of guilt and embarrassment. She should turn around and leave, but her legs suddenly felt rubbery. She seemed rooted to the spot. What was she doing? She felt utterly incapable of thinking rationally. Moving slowly and unsteadily, almost as if in a trance, she pushed the door completely open and entered the room. The bed was bathed with light from the hallway, and she watched as Justin finished pulling the sheet over him. The expression on his dimly lit face was a mixture of ... what? Guilt, curiosity, even arousal? And then her eyes were drawn to a bulge beneath the thin cotton sheet, in the area of his groin.

"Umm, hi Mom." His voice trembled a bit, and his face was flushed. There was no doubt in Meg's mind - he had DEFINITELY been playing with himself, and he was doing a poor job hiding it. Meg was still ashamed over what she was doing; yet her son's own embarrassment eased her nervousness. A small smile played over her lips, and she relaxed a little. She walked up to the bed and sat down on the soft mattress next to him. She curled her long legs beneath her, and watched as her son's eyes played up and down them appreciatively. Oh God - what was she DOING? It was almost as if she were teasing him!

"Watcha up to kiddo?" she asked nervously.

Justin cleared his throat. "Um, nothin'. Just reading."

Meg smiled down at her son. She felt more courageous. "Um, in the dark?" She touched her son's arm tenderly. "Honey, you can be honest with's okay. Were you...were you playing with yourself?"

Justin gulped, and nodded shyly.

Her hand caressed his forearm soothingly. "Were you thinking about last night?" She couldn't believe she was being so bold as to bring up what had happened the night before, but her mind was working in dangerous, uncontrollable ways.

Justin nodded, and Meg took a deep breath. It was time to get this out in the open. "I guess we haven't talked about what happened Justin. I know it must have seemed... strange to you, and it did to me too." She looked away from his eyes, and her gaze was drawn once again toward the telltale bulge in his groin. It certainly wasn't subsiding. If anything, it appeared to be even larger.

"Mom?" His voice was shaking.

She forced herself to look him in the eyes. "What is it sweetie?"

"Did...did you LIKE what we did?" His voice was barely audible.

In the deep recesses of her mind, Meg's rational self knew that this was a good opportunity to end this before it went too far. She should tell Justin that what they did was wrong, and they should never discuss it again. She should be absolutely clear on that point. They must NEVER repeat what had happened. But she wasn't feeling particularly rational. Her resolve wavered as she looked down at her son. A deep feeling of love swept over her. They looked intently into one another's eyes for a moment. But then Meg noticed his eyes flicker, and his gaze was drawn toward her exposed, bare legs, curled on the mattress next to him. She sat there in silence, caressing his arm, his bare shoulder, allowing him to look at her as she did so.

"Yes," she whispered. "I did. I enjoyed it very much."

She couldn't believe she had said it! It was WRONG! But Justin grinned happily, and suddenly it seemed to Meg that maybe it WASN'T so bad to admit it, to accept what had happened. Accepting it didn't have to mean that it would happen again. Did it? Her mind was as if in a fog. She was utterly confused by her conflicting emotions.

"You're.... not mad at me?" he asked meekly.

A wave of powerful maternal emotion washed over Meg, and she felt her eyes beginning to water. She smiled down at him lovingly. "Of course I'm not mad at you sweetie. You didn't do anything wrong." She ran her fingers tenderly along his brow, stroking his hair.

"'Kay." Justin licked his lips nervously. His eyes darted away. "I...I liked it too Mom."

Meg could only nod - she didn't know how to respond. But before she knew it, she found herself upping the ante. "Um...What did you like most?" Why was she DOING this? Why had she asked that? It didn't MATTER what he had liked - it wasn't as if they were going to do it again! But she couldn't resist, whether it was because of lust or curiosity or something else. She charged on. "Or is it too hard to decide?"

Justin smiled. The ice was breaking a bit. "I liked all of it Mom...but I think...". He stopped and giggled.


He looked up toward the ceiling thoughtfully. Then he screwed up his courage. "I guess if I had to pick something, then I'd say I really liked watching you pee." He said it quickly, almost blurting it out, and his cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

"Hmmm." Meg was a bit surprised by that. On the other hand, there HAD been something erotic about the nasty act. "Really?" she asked.

"Yup. I really liked it...and I'd like to see it again. It was like some stuff that Blake showed me on his computer...". He paused, suddenly uncertain.

"Hmm. On Blake's computer? What kind of stuff?"

Her son chewed his lip thoughtfully. Meg's fingers were back on his bare arm, stroking and caressing it idly. She realized that something about this conversation was having an unwelcome and unintended effect. She was alarmed to realize this was arousing her. There was a familiar tingling in her groin. This was not good, not good at all. But it wasn't too late to end this and leave. All she had to do was stand up and say good night and close the door behind her...

But Justin interrupted the half-formed thought. "I don't think I'm supposed to say Mom."

"It's okay sweetie. You can tell me anything." God, it was more than a tingle in her pussy - she was downright horny! She needed to relieve the itch, but not here, not with her son! She couldn't do that, not again. But she felt almost powerless to resist the evil temptation. An unsolicited image of Justin's pink tongue darting against her clit intruded into her mind. The image was so strong - did she actually WANT that to happen again? Maybe she didn't care if it was right or wrong. She just needed it! And then she knew. It WOULD happen again. YES! She wanted it to happen! The thought of what she knew was going to happen here in this bed made her insanely horny...she shifted on the mattress, still sitting, but now facing her son.

She repeated herself. "You don't have to be afraid of telling me." She caressed his upper arm softly and tenderly as he laid there, then moved to his shoulder, massaging it lightly. Without thinking about the consequences, she shifted her long tanned legs, spreading them slightly, and she knew that Justin would be able to see between them. She also was very much aware that she wasn't wearing panties underneath the terrycloth robe, and Justin would be able to see her bare wet pussy. There was no going back. She NEEDED it to happen. And as if on cue, she saw her son's gaze drop down, and his eyes widened. A thrill coursed through Meg's body, and she shivered with excitement.

Justin licked his lips. It was an almost obscene gesture. "Well...he has some...some movie clips on his computer that he showed me. There was one with a woman peeing on a man."

Meg's eyes widened. She had vaguely heard of such acts, golden showers they were called if she remembered right. She wasn't sure if she understood the sexual attraction in that. On the other hand, there was no denying that it HAD been intriguing peeing in front of Blake the night before. There was something NASTY about it.

"Hmmm," she said. "Sounds kind of interesting, I guess." And then a nasty kinky thought entered her mind. Dare she say it? Her inhibitions were rapidly disappearing. She giggled in nervous embarrassment. "I suppose you want to see that again sometime?"

Justin looked surprised. "Oh wow, could I? I mean ...maybe I could?"

"Well, we'll see kiddo...maybe." Oh God, she was so unbelievably horny, talking like this. Her mind was reeling with shock and excitement. This was NAUGHTY. And Justin was very openly staring between her legs. Leering at her. This was the moment of truth - what she did at this point would establish firmly the very nature of her relationship with her son. And really, would it be so wrong?

With newfound determination and acceptance, she sat back and spread her legs a bit more, excited by the fact that Justin was ogling her. She glanced down at the bulge between his legs. The sheet was visibly tenting in response to his erection, hidden beneath. She caressed his naked hairless chest, rubbing the small pink nipples, and then she allowed her hand to drift lower, toward the very edge of the sheet. Justin was licking his lips, watching her hand. She began to push the sheet slowly down his body, exposing his flat, tanned tummy. She saw the goose bumps forming there. Inch by inch, his glowing skin was exposed to her...his belly button was now in view. Not too much farther now. She glanced up at him, and their eyes met briefly. Lower and lower went the sheet, until only an inch or so remained until the bulge hidden beneath was exposed to her. Her son's erection. An erection that was meant for her.

Meg swallowed hard, her body visibly shaking with nervousness, if not virtual terror. 'Oh God Oh God Oh God,' she intoned to herself. 'What am I DOING?' But there was no stopping it - she was out of control, crazed with lust. It was now or never. Like taking a plunge into cold water, she tugged on the sheet, pulling it up and over Justin's penis in one quick motion.

And finally, there it was! This was the moment of truth. For the first time, she had a close look at her son's erection. It was...different then a man's, yet not too different at all really. It wasn't quite as big, either in length or girth, as compared to the few adult lovers she had had. Only a few hairs at the base...the balls in a tight little sack. But the biggest difference was in how erect it was. The cock was pointing almost straight up from his body, visibly twitching. This wasn't the partial semi-hard erection that many men waved around proudly (her ex-husband came to mind) - this was the real thing. She wanted to see it up close! Without thinking, unable to resist, she brought her face lower and lower...nearer and nearer. She knew she shouldn't, but she was absolutely powerless to resist. Her boy's cock was only inches away, and she could smell it. It was musky and erotic. What did it taste like? Oh God oh god oh god...she lowered her face further, and before she really realized what she was doing, she had flicked the tip of her pink tongue against it. The swollen cock jerked reflexively in response, and she heard a soft gasp from Justin.

A powerful, erotic thrill ran through her entire body. God, she felt so ALIVE at this moment, insane with lust. She smiled nervously and looked up at her son out of the corner of her eye. "Do you like that honey?"

Justin nodded vigorously, his eyes closed. Meg scrambled between his spread legs. She felt like a cheap slut, but she didn't care. She took the cock between her trembling fingertips, and licked the length of the underside of the shaft, from the smooth hairless balls to the very tip of the swollen head.

"Uh...yeah," grunted Justin.

It was all the encouragement Meg needed. She began to tongue and suck her son lustily, lapping away at his erection with long licks of her pink, wet tongue. His cock jerked and trembled, and his hips jerked spasmodically on the bed. She alternated her loving attention between his balls and the smooth shaft, until they both glistened with her saliva. Justin moaned with pleasure. "Oh Mom, that feels so good," he whispered hoarsely.

"I'm glad it does honey. Your cock tastes sooo good." She couldn't believe what she was hearing herself saying - she was talking like a whore. But it didn't matter. She was simply expressing exactly what she was feeling. She lifted her face and took the head of the throbbing cock between her soft lips. She sucked fiercely, her cheeks hollow, and Justin gasped with pleasure. She took more of his erection in her willing mouth, then began pumping up and down, gripping him tightly between her lips, her mouth sliding easily on the well-lubricated cock. Her fingers ran lightly and delicately over his balls as she fellated him.

Meg's oral ministration was having a powerful effect on Justin. "OH YES," he cried out, and he began to buck his hips up and down, driving his cock deeper into his slutty mother's mouth. He ran the fingers of one hand through her hair, caressing it lovingly as she worshiped his hard dick.

Meg loved every moment - the taste, the smell, and the tactile sense of the smooth, hard cock against her tongue. But she especially loved the sound of Justin's moans of pleasure. It gratified her immensely that she could have this effect on him. But he was beginning to thrust into her too quickly - she was afraid he would cum. It was too soon for that - she had so much more in mind.

She released Justin's shiny, dripping wet cock from her mouth and knelt upright on the bed between his legs. She and Justin looked into each other's eyes with silent understanding as she nervously untied her robe, letting it fall off her bare shoulders. Her nude form was exposed to her son for the second time in as many days, and she watched proudly as his lust-filled eyes roamed hungrily over her body. She felt seductive and sexy and desirable, and she crawled up to meet him, straddling his nude form on hands and knees. She knew his cock was only inches from her pussy. She lowered her body and allowed her lolling breasts to hang in front of his face, tempting him.

He needed no further coaxing. He instinctively took a nipple between his lips and began to suck at it hungrily, almost like a nursing baby. Meg closed her eyes and focused on the wonderful sensation of her son's mouth pleasuring her. Thirteen years before, she had nourished him with this very breast. Now, she was nourishing him in a different way - sexually. She heard his satisfied moans as he sucked, and this made her even hornier - the thought that her son could get such pleasure from something so basic. Her body was on fire.

Almost by accident, Justin's cocked brushed against her pussy, and she nearly jumped out of her skin at the sensation. Having intercourse with her son would be the final, ultimate act, and she wanted it! She pushed back gently, stimulating her pussy against his hardon, swirling her hips in a circular motion, pleasuring herself against his cock. She knew her pussy juices were lubricating the cock head, getting him ready for what she knew must happen - that Justin was going to fuck her! Her son moaned loudly and contentedly, and he sucked and pulled at the distended nipple fiercely. He must have sensed the excitement building in her also, and the air in the room was electric with their building lust.

She wiggled her hips, maneuvering herself until his cockhead was wedged between her juicy pussy lips. She gasped with passion. She desperately needed to feel him inside her, and she pushed back, more urgently. In one long motion, Justin's lovely cock entered his mother's warm, clinging pussy. Mother and son moaned together, and she settled down on top of him and hugged him lovingly. Justin put his arms around his mother and pulled her close.

Meg scooted her hips back, embedding her son's cock inside her. "Mmm, yes," she purred. "That feels so nice sweetie." She looked into his eyes and smiled. He smiled back at her, his eyes glazed with passion and lust. They shared a secret moment, and she pecked him on the lips. She didn't CARE if this was wrong, or what other people might think. What she needed was to be made love to. He returned the brief kiss uncertainly. Meg sensed his inexperience - maybe he had never kissed a girl? So she kissed him again, eager to teach him. She opening her mouth, letting her tongue explore his lips, until he opened up to her. As their bodies writhed together in a sensuous dance, mother and son kissed each other passionately, their warm tongues probing one another's mouths.

They released after a time, and Meg carefully rolled over onto her back, pulling Justin with her. She wanted him to be on top - she wanted to feel his weight pressed against her. She wanted her little boy to take her, to fuck her like a man! And Justin knew exactly what was expected of him - he began to thrust, slowly at first, then faster, moaning softly.

To Meg, it felt wonderful, indescribable, to be fucked by him again. His cock was noticeably smaller than Blake's, but it was so stiffly erect inside her that it didn't really matter. She flexed her vaginal muscles, sucking him into her. Justin moaned deeply with pleasure as he fucked his mother lustily. He buried his face in her sweaty breasts, took an erect nipple in his mouth, and sucked fiercely.

"Oh God Justin...god yes...fuck me!" she cried. She clutched his smooth muscular asscheeks in her hands and pulled him toward her, eager for him to plunge his erect cock as deeply as possible into her tight, wet pussy. She spread her legs as wide as she could and humped her hips upward toward him, grinding her pelvis against him, and was rewarded by the stimulation of the hairless base of his cock sliding against her erect clitoris.

"Yesss," she hissed through clenched teeth. She arched her back, pressing her heaving breasts into her boy's face. "Suck my tits...suck them. God yes!"

Her horny son groaned loudly, and he picked up the pace of his frantic thrusting. His eyes were glazed, unseeing in his lust. Sweat dripped from his brow, and his wiry body was a blur as he humped against his mother's writhing body. The room was filled with the sounds of the squeaking bedsprings, the slurping sound of Justin's mouth on Meg's nipple, the liquid slapping of his cock sliding in and out of her juicy pussy, and their passionate moans.

Meg's face was a mask of agony and ecstasy. "OH GOD...FUCK ME JUSTIN!" she screamed. She met her son's frantic thrusts with wildly bucking hips. She felt so desirable, so ALIVE beneath her horny son. She desperately needed to cum, and she maneuvered her throbbing clit against the base of his cock, to find the last added bit of stimulation she needed to get off. But the boy could hold out no longer...with a tremendous final thrust he cried out and plunged his cock as deeply as he could into her clinging pussy. He buried his face in his mother's sweaty breasts as his orgasm washed over him.

Meg felt the spasms course through the boy's body. She was disappointed at not having cum with him, but that emotion was brief, and she was soon overwhelmed with a deep unabashed love for him. She wrapped her legs around his taut ass, encircled her arms around his body, and pulled him tightly against her, letting him use her to get off. Gradually, his climax eased, and his breathing slowed.

"Oh Mom," he sighed. "That felt so good."

"I'm glad honey."

"Did...did you cum too?"

"No I didn't sweetie, but that's okay." She tenderly brushed her fingernails lightly across his sweaty back.

"Oh." He bit his lip in thought. "But why not?"

She smiled. "Honey, women don't ALWAYS have an orgasm when they...when they fuck." She couldn't BELIEVE she was having this conversation. A few days before such a thing would have been unspeakable. But a change was coming over her...she didn't want to dwell on the thought - she wanted to suppress it, to focus on the wonderful feelings her son was creating in her. No, she hadn't cum, but that didn't mean it didn't feel wonderful, both physically and emotionally.

Justin relaxed on top of his mother, and the two lay there in each others loving arms, their body heat mingling and keeping each other warm. The boy rested his head on his mother's bare shoulders, while she kissed him tenderly on his forehead, tasting the salty sweet perspiration that beaded there. Her son sighed contentedly at his mother's loving touch.

Meg's cunt was still filled by his young prick. She could easily feel that he was maintaining his erection inside her. In fact, not only was he still hard, she could actually detect it pulsating against the walls of her tight pussy. She smiled to herself - here was a pretty clear difference between young horny boys and older men. She wouldn't be surprised if he could fuck her again, despite having just cum powerfully. The thought excited her, and her pussy tingled with desire.

Once again, her mind drifted back to the previous night, to the delightful lovemaking between the two of them and Blake. This time, she remembered with vivid clarity the excitement she had felt when Blake had thrust his wonderful cock in and out of her virgin ass. Anal sex had always scared her. She had never realized how good it could feel, not just physically, but mentally. The awesome mix of pain and pleasure was great, but she thought that it was the NASTINESS of it that was so powerful. And just as this revelation came to her, she felt her son's prick jerk inside her. She marveled at that...he was still so horny!

Justin shifted position to kiss his mother's breasts again, and as he did so, his cock slipped out of her pussy with a pop. She felt his warm cum pour out of her cunt and wash into the crack of her ass. And a thought came to her. She could experience the wonderful sensation of being anally pleasured again, if she wanted it. And she DID want it - desperately.

"Justin?" she purred.

"Hmm?" came his muffled response. He was suckling her boobs, and Meg had to smile. He seemed to enjoy doing that an awful lot!

"Remember last night when Blake put his...cock inside my butt?"

"Uh huh."

"Would you like to do that to me too?"

Justin smiled happily. "Oh Mom, I would LOVE that!"

"Do it right now sweetie. I need to cum sooo bad."

Justin got on his knees, and Meg grabbed the back of her thighs and pulled her legs back until her knees were touching her breasts, exposing her obscenely gaping pussy and cum-covered asshole to her son's admiring gaze. "Let's do it like this sweetie. I want to rub myself while you fuck me."

"Okay." The boy positioned himself between her spread legs, grasped his still-hard prick in his fingers, and with a bit of effort maneuvered himself into the proper position. After some amount of inexperienced fumbling, he wedged his cock head against her tight bumhole and paused.

"Like this?" he asked.

"Yes. That's perfect sweetie."

"Are you ready Mom? Should I do it?"

"God yes honey. Slide it in baby...fuck me!" She spread her legs as wide as she could and drew her knees back. Justin closed his eyes, flexed his ass, and pushed against his mother. With agonizing slowness, his smooth hard cock impaled his mother's rectum.

"OH GOD YES!" cried Meg. "JUST LIKE THAT!" It felt absolutely wonderful, just like she remembered from the night before, if not better. A little bit of pain, rapidly subsiding, and the delicious sensation of her ass being stretched and filled. She reached out and pulled Justin forward, and his weight pushed her knees down onto her chest. This freed Meg's hands, and she immediately began rubbing her throbbing pussy with both of them while Justin stroked in and out of her pulsating asshole. It felt wonderful! She knew she would come within minutes.

Justin groaned as he slid his cock in and out of his mother's asshole. Their moans of pleasure intermingled. Meg rubbed her hard clit fiercely as Justin sank his cock deeply into her rectum. His mouth was agape, and he was panting, out of breath. Meg thought that he was clearly enjoying this as much as she was.

As if reading her thoughts, Justin gasped sharply. "OH, this feels so good Mom. Your bum is even tighter than Blake's."

Meg was so crazed with lust that she almost missed the casual statement. She blinked rapidly. "You've fucked Blake in his ass?" she asked, incredulous.

Justin immediately realized that this was something he was definitely NOT supposed to reveal, and it showed by the expression on his face. Blake had coached him on what to say if the topic came up, and that was definitely not part of it. But there was no sense lying about it. The pace of his thrusting slowed. "Yes," he said shyly.

"I...I knew you and he touched each other...but I didn't know you did that!"

Justin nodded glumly in reply. It was clear to Meg that he felt he had let the cat out of the bag. But her reaction to his revelation surprised her. She wasn't mad at Blake's stretching of the truth. Instead, the thought of Justin fucking Blake in the ass excited her greatly. And now that very same cock was in HER ass. Oh God! She smiled. "It doesn't matter sweetie, really it doesn't. All I want is for you to fuck me now, and hard!"

Justin grinned, and immediately complied with his mother's demand. The intensity of his thrusting grew at a faster and faster pace. Beneath him, his mother screamed with passion and desire for him. "Oh yes...oh yes...FUCK YES...fuck me honey!" Her fingers danced feverishly across her wet, swollen clit. Her orgasm was building quickly, and her guttural moans filled the air.

"Deeper Justin. Harder! OH GOD!" And suddenly, with a loud hoarse cry, Meg was cumming. "YES! YES! YES!" she screamed over and over. Her entire body tensed and convulsed, as spasm after spasm coursed through her. Her clit fluttered, her pussy and asshole convulsed, and her entire body was taut and trembling. And with a loud moan, Justin announced his own orgasm. He plunged his swollen cock as far as he could into his mother's ass and held it there as streamers of hot sperm shot deeply into her rectum. The two lovers writhed against one another, until finally they collapsed in a naked sweaty heap in each other's arms.

And the power and intensity and emotion of what had just happened hit Meg hard, and she began to cry softly. They were tears of confusion and sadness and regret, but mostly love. It was a deep, undying love for Justin. He was a bit mystified by her reaction, but he knew enough to comfort her, and he kissed her tenderly on the forehead, until they finally fell asleep in each other's arms.


Two more lazy days passed on the shores of Golden Lake. The summer was drifting by, and Meg was beginning to realize that she had done basically nothing to prepare for the upcoming school year. She loved teaching, but she loved her summer vacations too. Every August, she had to force herself to get ready for the long grind ahead.

And every year, it seemed to get harder. Maybe she was getting burned out on teaching. The students certainly weren't making it any easier. The sixth graders weren't so bad. The eighth graders, on the other hand, were almost impossible to discipline. Thank goodness Justin wasn't like that!

At least she and Bill had the good sense (and enough money) to send him to a private school. Maybe she should consider getting a job at a private school too? Certainly the students must be easier to deal with than the ill-mannered students she had to deal with.

She sat at the kitchen table, notes and papers strewn in careless piles in front of her. She tapped away at her laptop, outlining her classes for the first few weeks of the school year. But she was having trouble concentrating. She stared wistfully out the window and ran her fingers through her hair. Through a gap in the trees, she saw Justin down at the beach, skipping stones.

She sighed loudly in frustration. Her concentration was practically nil. She found herself thinking about Blake...

She hadn't talked to him since three mornings ago, when she and Justin left abruptly. Her feelings toward him ebbed and flowed. Generally, she was angry with him. Angry at him, and embarrassed by what she had done. But the intensity of that emotion had eased considerably. The last few days with Justin had resulted in that. She was a different person now - she recognized that fact. She and Justin...and Blake...were in a relationship that she didn't fully understand, but she didn't really care. She felt like a new woman - sexually free and alive! So different than these last few lonely years since her divorce from Bill. And Blake! What exactly WERE her feelings toward him?

For one thing, he wasn't AT ALL like her ex-husband. She liked Blake. She liked him a LOT. But how could she face him again? What would they say to one another? Maybe she WAS still angry with him. He had seduced Justin! And her!

But no, this morning she had screwed up her courage and tried to call him on the phone, getting so far as picking up the receiver, tapping in his phone number, and letting it ring. And ring. And then she remembered. He had told her that he was going to be out of town for a few days on one of his short business trips. Oh well, he'd be back. But when? Tonight? She couldn't remember for sure.

And so she had found herself thinking about him all day long. She clearly wanted to see him, but why? It should have been obvious to her - for one thing, she was horny. She had purposely avoided having sex with Justin these last few days. She was accepting of the fact that it was going to happen again, and there was no denying that she WANTED it to happen again. But she felt that maybe there could be too much of a good thing. It seemed important to her to maintain some air of normalcy in their relationship. For both her sake and Justin's.

Damn, she couldn't concentrate. She saved her file and turned the computer off. Suddenly, she felt the need to get out of the house for a while. Maybe she could hit the mall and add to her wardrobe. Her budget was meager, but surely she could afford a new outfit or two. She chuckled. In a way, that would sort of be getting ready for the school year. And a heck of a lot more fun than preparing class notes.

She rearranged her papers into more orderly piles, than walked down to the beach. Justin was still tossing stones into the lake. She watched with admiration as a flattened stone skipped 6, 7, then 8 times across the still water.

"Wow! Pretty impressive kiddo!"

Justin grinned broadly. "Pretty good huh? Been practicing."

"Yes very good. Say sweetie, I'm thinking of taking a drive to the mall. Wanna keep me company?"

"Hmmm. Can I get a new video game?"

Meg looked at him sternly. "Have you finished the last one you bought yet?"

Justin sighed and rolled his eyes. "No, not yet."

"Okay then. When you finish that one, we'll buy you another." She put her arm around him. "Deal?"

He nodded. "Deal."

Meg laughed. "Okay. Give your Mom a hug." He turned into her, put his arms around her back, and squeezed her tightly. Meg realized that his face was pressed into her breasts, and he was leaving it there. One of his hands slipped down the small of her back, toward her butt...

She quickly pulled away, and he looked at her with a hurt expression. Her chest tightened, and she suddenly felt unsteady on her feet. They looked deeply into each other eyes for a moment, and then the moment passed. "Maybe later, okay sweetie?"

He nodded his head slowly. "Okay."

Meg was pleased to see a slight smile on his face. "So, do you want to come with me or not?"

"I don't think so Mom. I'll stick around here."

She was disappointed, but it was his decision. He was old enough to be by himself for a few hours. "Okay babe. I won't be home too late."

Meg strolled down the wide aisles of the mall, passing groups of boisterous teenagers and tired-looking mothers with young children in tow. It had been a successful shopping trip, as evidenced by the two bulging shopping bags she carried. A couple of new pairs of slacks, three new blouses, and she hadn't even broken the bank.

She was heading toward the exit when she found herself passing Summer Heat, the little shop where she had purchased her swimsuit just a few weeks before. Meg smiled to herself. This is where it had all started, with the purchase of her thong. Funny how such a simple thing could be a life-changing experience, but it was true. That simple piece of fabric had set off a chain reaction.

She paused just outside the store entrance, and glanced discretely inside the brightly lit shop, grimacing a bit at the beat of the hip-hop music that emanated from within. Her eyes flitted over the racks of brightly colored swimsuits and other summer wear.

She spotted a slim, blond girl in the middle of the store, and Meg immediately placed her - it was the very same one who had sold her the swimsuit. The girl stood in front of a rack of fluorescent swimsuits, holding a clipboard in one hand and rifling through the inventory with the other. A smile came to Meg's lips as she recalled how nice the girl was, how she had complimented her, flattering her. She flushed a bit when she recalled the girl saying she had a "cute butt". It had been AGES since she had heard a compliment like that.

Meg wondered how old she was. Seventeen? Sixteen? This was probably a summer job for her. She certainly fit the look of a high school student. She wore little or no makeup, but she didn't need it - her face was pretty and fresh looking, and very expressive. Something about her free and easy bearing called to mind a cheerleader. She was a few inches shorter than Meg, and quite slim. Her wavy blond hair was strewn carelessly on her head. She was wearing a pink navel-exposing crop-top blouse, molded tightly to her torso. Her small breasts strained against the fabric. Her pants were faded blue jean hip-huggers, slung very low on her hips, and flared at the ankles. The girl was young and vibrant, lip-syncing to the music that filtered from the overhead speakers. Meg smiled wistfully. Oh, to be young again.

Suddenly, Meg started. She realized that the girl was watching her. She flashed a radiant smile of recognition, put the clipboard to her side, and sauntered casually up to Meg. "Hi! I remember you. From a couple of weeks ago right?"

Meg nodded and returned the smile. "Yup. I bought a bikini."

The girl grinned. "Yeah. A very SEXY bikini if I remember right...actually, a thong. You looked sooo hot in it, but you didn't believe me."

Meg felt her face flush with embarrassment. "Oh, I believed you," she said with a friendly smile. I was just a little...shy I guess. I'd never worn a thong before."

The girl's eyes flickered over Meg's body, down to her bare legs, then back at Meg's face. "I sure don't know why you'd be've got a great body."

Meg cheeks were getting warm. It was get these compliments from a teenaged girl. She didn't quite know how to respond. "Uh, sure know how to make an old woman feel good."

"Oh, you're HARDLY an old woman. Not with legs like those."

Meg laughed merrily. "Well then, how old do you think I am?"

The girl put her finger to her lips and thought for a moment. "Hmmm." Her blue eyes wandered searchingly over Meg's face. "I'd say.... thirty-three. No, thirty-two!"

Meg giggled. "My my, aren't you sweet. You're flattering me. Actually, I'm thirty-seven."

The girl's eyes widened. "Really? Gosh, you don't look thirty-seven." She giggled mirthfully. "Your husband is lucky."

Meg sighed. "Not really. I'm...we're...divorced."

"Oh." The girl grimaced. "Whoops. I guess I put my foot in my mouth. Sorry." She touched Meg on the arm, a friendly pat. "Anyway," she continued cheerily, "My mom's thirty-eight and she looks a LOT older than you. You must not have any kids right?"

"I have one...a boy. He's thirteen."

"Well, motherhood has been kind to you," said the girl brightly. "I'm sixteen, and I've got a younger brother and a little sister." She laughed. "I guess we're wearing our Mom out." She stuck out her hand by way of introduction. "My name is Katie, by the way."

Meg introduced herself and took the proffered hand. It was warm and soft, and she shook it gently. The girl squeezed back, and then slowly released Meg's hand. Once again, she touched Meg's arm softly, and held it there. "Very nice to meet you Meg. So...are you here to buy another swimsuit?"

Meg shook her head and smiled. "No, just passing by. I think I'm all set in the swimsuit department." Katie's hand was still lightly resting on her forearm. Meg cleared her throat nervously, very self-conscious over Katie's lingering touch. "Anyway, I think I've spent enough money today." She glanced down at the shopping bags in her hand.

A flash of disappointment crossed Katie's face. "Sure I can't convince you Meg? It's always a good idea to have a spare suit. Heck, I've got three of them! Plus, we're having a clearance sale, so there are some good deals in here."

Meg paused in indecision. It WAS a good idea to have a spare....

"Plus," continued Katie. "I could use some company. It's so slow today that my boss left me in charge for the rest of the day. She hardly EVER does that." She sniffed and rolled her eyes in exasperation. "She thinks I'm too young to be trusted."

Meg didn't respond, and that was all the opening that Katie needed. She grinned broadly, flashing her pearly white teeth. "C'mon Meg! I'll show you what we have." She grabbed Meg by the hand and led her into the store.


"So tell me Meg...have you worn your new suit yet? Do you like it?" Katie was rifling through a rack of fluorescent bikinis, trying to find one to Meg's liking.

Meg smiled. "Yep. I've got a LOT of use out of it already."

"Isn't it just sooo sexy wearing a thong?" Katie looked pointedly at the older woman and winked. Meg grinned shyly and nodded.

"Where have you worn it?"

"Oh, just at a summer cabin - my ex-husband's. It's over at Golden Lake. My son and I are staying there the rest of the summer."

Katie frowned. "Hmmm. Well heck, aren't there any guys to show off for?" She giggled. "Other than your son of course."

Meg smiled nervously. The girl didn't realize how close to the mark her comment was. As a matter of fact, she HAD shown off for her son. And Blake too of course.

"Well...there IS this guy...a neighbor...who seems to appreciate it." She winked. "A LOT." She couldn't believe how open she was being with this girl. But Katie seemed so bright and cheerful and innocent - Meg felt reasonably comfortable telling her. Almost like a teenage girl sharing secrets with her best friend.

"Oooh," purred Katie. "Tell me more."

Meg laughed lightly. "Let's just say I've had some fun the last couple of weeks."

Katie winked in understanding, and pulled out a dark blue bikini from the rack. "Here's one Meg. This one's got a thong bottom. Kind of like the suit I sold you, but half-price. Shall we see how it looks on you?"


"Oh wow Meg...that suit looks FANTASTIC. It's even sexier than the one you bought." Katie's clear blue eyes roamed up and down the older woman's body, while Meg stood half-nude in front of her, awkward and self-conscious, shifting nervously from foot to foot. She was standing in one of the store's two small dressing rooms, and Katie was just outside, looking in. "You've GOT to have it."

Meg laughed. "You're a very good salesperson Katie. But I don't know...".

"Well, I'm not just saying that to make a sale, if THAT'S what you're wondering. It really DOES look great. And it fits to your boobs really well...turn around and check 'em out in the mirror." Meg nervously complied. It was so STRANGE being complimented like this. It was almost...flirting. A fleeting thought crossed Meg's mind. WAS Katie flirting with her? Was she gay...or bi maybe? Once before in her sheltered life Meg had experienced another woman coming on to her. At least, only once that she was certain of. But Meg brushed the thought aside. Nah, it couldn't be. Katie was probably just being customer-friendly.

She appraised herself in the mirror. Katie was right, she decided. The suit DID fit nicely. The bra wasn't quite as skimpy as her new suit, but it seemed to lift her boobs a bit, making them appear larger. She adjusted the top slightly, as Katie continued her flattery. "Gee Meg - you have SUCH a tight butt. I hope mine looks so good when I'm thirty-seven. I'm like...TOTALLY afraid I'm gonna get flabby." She giggled. "Ooh, looks like you HAVE been wearing your new tan lines like you had last time."

Meg smiled and looked at Katie's reflection in the mirror, over her shoulder. "You're right...the new suit's seen a lot of use. And thanks for the compliment, but I don't think my butt is all THAT great."

"That's what you said the last time you were here, but you're WAY too modest Meg. It's a very, very nice rear. Nice shape to your hips too. Except the thong needs a little adjusting. It's not fitting you quite right."

"It's not?"

Katie shook her head, and Meg's eyes met those of the younger girl in the mirror, and they held each other's gaze for a moment. Her heart skipped a beat...Katie WAS flirting! She was certain of it. They looked into each other's eyes for a long, electricity-charged moment, until finally Meg looked away. She was embarrassed, nervous, flattered.... but also...excited? She was so confused...

Meg had never had sex with a girl, hadn't even really thought about it. The one time a woman had flirted with her she had been too shocked to even know how to react. Nothing had happened. But there was something about what was happening now...she was intrigued, curious...but the girl was so young - was Meg simply confusing friendliness with flirting? She looked up again, into the mirror, and watched nervously as Katie approached her from behind. She wasn't sure what was going to happen next, or what to do if something DID happen...she felt her heart pounding in nervous anticipation, fully conscious of her near nudity.

Katie was standing directly behind Meg. The older women could smell the girl's delicate, flower-scented perfume, could hear her breathing, could almost, in fact, feel her warm breath on her bare neck. In the mirror, she saw Katie glance briefly over her own shoulder, back through the changing room doorway toward the main store.

"You have a great body Meg," she said. "And nice hips." She giggled. "I think I already said that." Did Meg detect just a hint of nervousness in Katie's voice? "So when you pull the sides of the suit up a bit higher...". Meg felt the girl's nimble fingers grasping the fabric at each hip and tug upward gently..."you can really show them off." Katie's fingers lingered for a moment, then they slid between the waistband and the sensitive skin of Meg's lower back. Katie continued: "And we can snug up the string a little bit between your butt cheeks I think." She followed the thin strand of cloth with her fingertips, at once pulling upward and pressing inward. Katie's fingers were soft and warm against her sensitive skin, and Meg reflexively spread her legs slightly. Katie's fingers lingered between Meg's ass cheeks, just above her anus, and then she slowly drew them upward, running them over the fabric of the thong.

Meg closed her eyes. Her senses were reeling - she was shocked, dumbfounded, and titillated...titillated by this young girl! Katie was practically groping her ass, but the last thing Meg wanted was for her to stop. It felt so erotic that Meg was paralyzed.

"There. That looks better," said Katie softly, and Meg couldn't help but notice that her sweet young voice was shaking even more with...what? Nervousness? Arousal? Oh God, Meg didn't know what to do about this. So she just stood there doubtfully, allowing it to continue. She opened her eyes again, and met Katie's stare in the mirror...the girl's eyes were bright and shiny. She watched and felt as the girl pressed lightly against her. She felt the fabric of Katie's denim jeans brush against her ass, fleetingly at first, but then the girl pressed against her more forcefully. Their gaze was still locked together in the mirror.

"There," repeated Katie. "Much better. Now let's see how the top is fitting you." Once again, Katie glanced back over her shoulder. Meg realized that she was confirming that there were no customers that had entered the store - that the two of them were still alone.

"It''s okay I think," stammered Meg. "It looks good."

Katie pressed her body against Meg's back, and the woman could feel the girl's warm breath against the side of her neck. "Um...yeah, it looks like the fabric is a little bit baggy on your left boob though.... let's see if we can make it right." Meg watched in the mirror as the girl reached both arms around her. Her left hand slid beneath the side of the bra, pushing it outward, as her right hand cupped the breast in an effort to reposition it. Her fingers brushed her nipple, and Meg almost jumped out of her skin - she both watched and felt her nipple stiffen at the girl's soft, delicate touch. She sighed in an involuntary response to the sensation. Oh God, it felt wonderful, but she shouldn't let this continue. This was crazy!

Meg watched as Katie's delicate fingers pushed and prodded her breast, ostensibly to adjust it under the bra, but the touch was more of a caress than anything. Her palm was rubbing softly against Meg's erect nipple, and the warmth of her hand permeated the delicate skin. Meg heard the girl sigh softly next to her ear, and she looked up. Their eyes locked once again, silently communicating the sensuality of the moment.

"I think that looks better...don't you Meg?"

But neither of them looked. Their gaze was fixed on one another. Meg was very much aware that the girl's hand was still on her breast, softly and...sensuously...caressing it. Every one of her senses felt sharpened. She could feel the girl's warm breath on her neck. She could hear Katie's breathing, harsher and deeper. She could feel her own breathing quicken. She could feel the girl pelvis pressing against her ass, more insistently now. Meg's self-control was waning, and she pressed back invitingly.

Katie immediately acted on that little invitation. She thrust her groin against the older woman. "Are you...into it Meg?" she asked softly.

Meg knew exactly what she was being asked, and she didn't know how to respond at first. But finally she replied in a shaking, nervous voice. "I...I don't know Katie...I don't know if we should do this."

Katie was now openly caressing Meg's breast, applying pressure to the erect sensitive nipple. "Have you ever been with a woman... or a girl?" She took a rubbery nipple between her thumb and index finger and tweaked it gently. Meg gasped. "It's fun Meg," continued Katie. "I like being with girls...A LOT...and I really like YOU." She kissed the side of Meg's neck delicately, and ground her pelvis against the older woman's naked butt.

Meg's senses were reeling. This young girl was expertly seducing her. "I'm.... confused...I don't know what to do..."

"Just go with the flow Meg," Katie whispered. She lifted both cups of the swimsuit upward and Meg's heaving breasts sprang free. Katie cradled them both, and began to knead them and caress them with her warm hands.

"Oh god," sighed Meg softly. The sensation was wonderful! She felt her face flush with arousal.

"Mmm, your boobs are so nice...firm but soft. You have a beautiful body Meg. Everything about you is beautiful." She caressed Meg's breasts and circled her fingertips lazily around the dark, distended nipples, and Meg leaned back against her, her legs weak and rubbery. She suddenly felt light-headed.

"Meg," Katie continued. "I'm going to close up the store in about half an hour. We could be all alone. If you want to," she added. She kissed Meg's ear lobe. "We could have so much fun together." Her hands left Meg's breasts and began to slowly, sensuously slide along her waist, over the flare of her hips. She pushed her groin firmly against Meg's butt.

Meg knew that she should just leave, get away from this situation before it was too late. But she was already too far gone...this was an experience she just HAD to have. There was no denying what she was feeling, and she nodded slowly. "Okay Katie. Let me...let me go to the food court and get something to drink...I'll be back."


Meg wandered through the mall in a fog, a half-filled paper cup of Seven-up gripped in her trembling hand. The day's hustle and bustle was winding down. Most of the customers had left for home, and all of the merchants were closing their stores for the night as she walked past. But she was oblivious to the activity around her, her mind swimming with nervous anticipation. Her heart pounded nervously in her chest. She couldn't BELIEVE she was going through with this.

She ducked down a side hallway to the ladies room. What in the world was she doing? Having sex with a woman was one thing, but having sex with a high school girl was another. First Justin, now Katie. Where did this newfound interest in teenagers come from? A fleeting thought of Justin entered her mind, but she shook it away.

She entered a restroom stall, tugged her panties down to her knees, hiked up her skirt, and perched on the cool toilet. The smell of her sex permeated her nostrils. God, she was so aroused! She tentatively ran a finger through her pubic hair, and touched her pussy lips. They were slick and juicy with her excitement, the lips swollen and protruding. She rubbed them briefly, fighting the temptation to masturbate. Her musky womanly smell filled the air, and she nervously, awkwardly, lifted the wet, shiny finger to her nostrils. She breathed deeply, inhaling the erotic perfume. She looked at the trembling finger intently for a moment, and then brought it to her lips. She had tasted herself many times, but knowing what she was about to do made it different somehow. Would she taste Katie too?

She pulled her damp underwear completely off and held them in her trembling fingers. As she peed, she brought the panties to her nose. Is this what Katie would smell like? She knew that she would soon find out, and with eager anticipation, she tucked the panties into her purse, grabbed her shopping bags, and walked quickly toward the bathing suit store. She smiled to herself as she walked, as the name of the store came to her. "Summer Heat", it was called. How fitting - yes, this was definitely turning into one hot summer.


"I was afraid you wouldn't come back." Katie held Meg by the hand and coaxed her through the now-darkened store toward a back storeroom.

"I said I can trust me."

Katie smiled back at the older woman as they entered the back room. Meg glanced around briefly - the room was small and filled to the brim with cardboard boxes stacked on metal shelving. There was a small office desk tucked in one corner, and a threadbare old chair and non-matching couch were pushed against the wall. She stood nervously in the middle of the room as the girl closed and locked the door. "Oh, I know I can trust you. It's just that you seemed...nervous...and...and I guess I was afraid you didn't like me." The girl turned around and faced Meg. They stood in awkward anticipation, looking into each other's eyes. After a few moments, Katie slowly approached the older woman.

"I DO like you Katie." Meg watched nervously as the girl approached her. The girl was beautiful; there was no denying that. And she exuded an amazing, rare quality of both sensuality and innocence. Her face was young and fresh - bright, blue sparkling eyes, curly blond hair, easy smile laden with straight white teeth, a cute little up-turned nose...for the first time, Meg realized that she wasn't sporting the nose ring she had been wearing when she had first visited the store a couple of weeks before. She was glad for that.

She allowed her gaze to drift downward, her eyes roaming over Katie's slim, youthful body. The breasts were small, but shapely - the tight blouse did little to hide their form. Small bumps defined her erect nipples, poking against the thin fabric. Below the blouse, her flat, tanned tummy peeked out invitingly.

Katie was now standing before her, and she looked up innocently at the older woman, a shy smile playing across her pouty lips. "Do you think I'm pretty?" she asked softly.

"Yes. Very much so," replied Meg.

The girl came closer, and touched her hands lightly to Meg's arms. Her smile broadened. "And I think you're beautiful." She was shyly caressing the older woman's forearms as they hung at her sides. Her eyes glinted in the dim light of the room, and she lifted her pretty face up to Meg's. "Anyway, thanks for coming back," she whispered. She paused for a moment in thought, then continued: "When I asked you earlier if you'd ever been with a girl, you didn't really say one way or the other."

Meg smiled. "No, I guess I didn't did I? Um...well, to be honest, no I haven't. I guess I've lived kind of a sheltered life haven't I?"

Katie's eyed widened. "You mean I'm your...I'll be your first? Oh my god, that is SO cool!"

Meg laughed mirthfully. "Yes. You're my first." She paused. "But tell me something. No offense, but you seem...well...I guess you seem so young...I guess...maybe too young to have much experience in this either."

Katie giggled. "Well, I'm not THAT young Meg. Anyway, I've been with a couple of girls."

"Really? Girls you meet here in the store?"

Katie shook her head. "Uh uh. Well, only one other girl I met in the store. The other is my best friend. We do it once in awhile. I mean, it's fun! We both like boys too, but we're REALLY into each other." She looked pointedly at Meg. "Are you nervous?"

Meg nodded. "A little, yes."

Katie chuckled. "I guess I am too, a little." Her cute little face grew suddenly serious. "But maybe we shouldn't be nervous...I mean, we like each other right?"

Meg nodded, and licked her lips nervously. God, this was so exciting! And Katie was so pretty, at once both childlike and sexual. They gazed longingly into each other's eyes. And suddenly, before either of them even realized what was happening, the woman and the girl kissed. The touch of Katie's warm lips sent a shiver through Meg's body, and she knew that she desperately needed this to happen. She put her arms around her and pulled her close, and their mouths opened as they kissed each other with growing passion.

Meg sucked hungrily on Katie's long pink tongue. Her hands roamed over the girl's back, caressing her, stroking her, and she was rewarded with a soft passionate moan. Katie returned the caress, running her hands with passionate urgency up and down the woman's warm back, as their tongues intertwined. She clutched Meg's ass cheeks through the thin fabric of her skirt and squeezed them firmly. Meg groaned huskily into the girl's mouth, and she pulled her close, their pelvises humping and grinding against one another.

Katie dipped her hands beneath the hem of Meg's skirt and caressed her bare ass cheeks. "Oooh," she sighed. "You took your panties off for me, didn't you?"

"Mmm hmm," Meg murmured. "Just for you." She moaned huskily, delighting in the sensation of the girl's small hands stroking her smooth ass cheeks. Meg returned the favor, lowering her own hands to grasp the girl's slim butt firmly through her jeans. She pushed her tongue deeply into Katie's warm mouth, and the two of them groaned with uninhibited lust.

Katie may have taken the lead in seducing Meg, but now it was the older woman's turn to be the aggressor. She pushed her groin against the girl's slim thigh and humped against it feverishly, stimulating her hot pussy. "God I need you so bad," she whispered hoarsely. She snaked two fingers beneath the waistband of the girl's low-slung jeans, probing the forbidden crevice between her butt cheeks. "Let's get these clothes off."

They reluctantly loosened their embrace, and pulled away from one another. Meg hastily unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall from her shoulders, followed by her white, lacy bra. Her eyes locked on Katie, who was watching her expectantly, as Meg pushed her skirt over her hips, then stepped lightly out of the garment. She stood uninhibited and proudly nude in front of the still fully clothed girl, who was watching with undisguised lust.

Meg ran her fingers sensuously up and down her ribcage. "Aren't you going to join me?" she asked coyly.

Katie smiled. "Yup. I just didn't want to miss anything."

Meg watched as the younger girl slowly pulled her tight pink blouse up and over her head, revealing her naked torso. She tossed her hair carelessly back into place, then glanced furtively down at her breasts. "They're kinda small," she said shyly.

They were indeed small, but Meg didn't mind. They were perfectly proportioned B-cups, pert and firm. The nipples were dark and erect, jutting proudly. "They're very nice Katie. VERY nice."

Katie acknowledged the compliment with a shy grin. She looked at Meg intently as she unzipped her jeans. She slowly pushed them down and over the flare of her slim hips. She wasn't wearing panties, and her light-colored, trimmed pubic hair came into view. Meg licked her lips in anticipation as Katie bent over, eased the jeans down her long, tanned legs, and then threw them carelessly into the corner. She turned around, and Meg delighted in the view presented by the girl's naked ass - cute, slim and shapely. "Mmm...such a nice butt," she said with true admiration.

Katie spun around and smiled bashfully. She was now seemingly ill at ease, almost timid. Meg approached her slowly, and tenderly placed her warm hands on the girl's slim waist. Katie looked up at the taller women, her eyes glinting with passion. "Make love to me Meg," she whispered.

Meg needed no further encouragement. She drew the girl close, and they embraced tightly, this time unencumbered by clothing. Meg reveled in the deliciously erotic feel of the girl's nude body pressing against hers. Katie's skin was impossibly smooth and silky. They hugged tightly, Katie's small pointy breasts pressed into Meg's larger, more rounded boobs. Their hands roamed freely over one another, caressing each other's back, hips, ass - the sexual urgency increasing as they grew accustomed to the other's touch. They kissed briefly, but Meg's excitement was growing. She needed more - to touch, smell, and taste the girl.

But Katie's bout of shyness had only been temporary, it seemed. She was once again the aggressor. She pushed Meg, gently but insistently, into a sitting position on the couch and straddled her lap. Their mouths locked once again and they kissed passionately. Meg opened her mouth to the girl's probing tongue, feeling it dance nimbly inside her mouth. The kiss continued for several minutes as they feverishly caressed one another's bodies, until finally Katie pulled away slightly, breathless and panting.

"You're a great kisser Meg...I LOVE to kiss," she giggled.

"Me too." The weight of Katie on her lap, the feeling of the smooth skin of her legs pressed against was deliciously erotic.

Katie absently fondled Meg's lolling breasts. "Your boobs are beautiful."

"Thank you," replied Meg. She arched her back, pushing her breasts into Katie's caressing hands.

Katie smiled. "I like to kiss boobs too. Can I kiss yours?"

"Mmm," cooed Meg. "You don't have to ask."

Katie smiled happily and lowered her face to Meg's breasts. She took first one nipple, then the other, in her mouth and tenderly suckled them, alternating from one to the other. Meg purred contentedly and clutched Katie's head, pulling her against her breasts, feeding them into the girl's mouth. It felt WONDERFUL. She was reminded of Justin suckling her nipples. It felt similar, although Katie's touch was softer, and more tender. The difference between a girl and a boy.

"Mmmm, that feels sooo good Katie," she purred, as stroked the girl's wavy blond hair. "But I'd like a try at yours too."

"Okay." The girl straightened up, still straddling Meg's lap but bringing her small breasts to Meg's eye level. The older woman tenderly kissed the flare of the upper part of the girl's pert boobs, as Katie moaned softly in response. Meg moved lower, working her lips along the sides of the firm breasts. Katie arched her back and cooed, encouraging Meg to continue as she cradled her head in her delicate hands, running her fingers through the woman's soft brown hair.

Meg, now the aggressor, half lifted, half pushed Katie off of her lap and back against the arm rest, and resumed her attention on her pointy boobs, this time working her way to one of the luscious brown, taut nipples. She took it between her lips and suckled softly, eliciting a loud gasp from the younger girl. "Oh God...yesss," she hissed. "I LOVE that!" Meg sucked harder, and Katie pushed her breast against the probing lips and tongue. The older woman moved from one of the girl's pert breasts to the other, alternately licking and suckling each nipple in turn. Katie's nipples were super-sensitive - that was obvious to Meg. The girl clutched and pulled Meg's hair feverishly, pulling the woman's mouth to her, moaning loudly as she did so.

Meg kept her hands busy as she mouthed Katie's firm breasts. She allowed them to wander freely up and down the girl's body, caressing her, fondling her. She ran her fingers over her ribcage, down over her flat stomach, caressed her slim thighs. She could feel shivers of pleasure spasm through Katie's nubile, young body. She caressed the soft, creamy skin of Katie's inner thigh and sucked hard on the girl's nipples until they were rock hard and shiny with saliva.

"Oh God yesss...Suck it Meg," Katie moaned. "I love that...". Meg continued to caress the girl's inner thigh, and Katie spread her legs in invitation. As she did so Meg caught a faint musky whiff of the girl's pussy. The smell had an intoxicating effect on her. She knew she was arousing the girl, and that only increased her excitement at what she was doing. She prodded the girl to spread her legs wider. Katie eagerly complied, and the deliciously erotic smell intensified. Meg ran her fingers slowly, teasingly, along the sensitive skin of her upper thigh, closer and closer to the object of her desire. She brushed her fingertips across Katie's trimmed pubic hair, and the girl trembled.

Meg lifted her face from the girl's saliva-covered breasts and gave her a peck on the lips. "Would you like me to touch you there Katie?" she asked softly.

Katie's eyes were shiny with passion. "Yesss. PLEASE Meg."

Meg cupped the girl's warm, willing pussy in her hand, then slowly, teasingly, drew her finger along the swollen, pink pussy lips. She felt the wetness there, and repeated the motion, this time burrowing her finger deeper, between the labia. Katie's juices coated her finger, and she rubbed her fingers up and down, smearing the girl's cream into the protruding pussy lips.

"Mmmm...yeah," sighed Katie. "That feels sooo good."

But Meg wasn't satisfied with only touching the girl's pussy. She wanted to look at it and smell it, up close. She wanted to lick it, to worship it, to make Katie cum. She prodded the girl into a half-sitting, half-laying position on the sofa, her butt perched on the edge of the cushion. She coaxed the girl's trembling legs wider and knelt on the floor between them. She looked up briefly at Katie, who was watching her with glazed eyes, her breathing heavy and rapid with anticipation over what was coming next. She shifted her gaze to Katie's pretty pussy, noting the trimmed blond pubic hair, the lips pink and protruding and shiny with juices.

"Mmm, looks like you shave your pussy hair?"

Katie licked her lips and nodded. "My girlfriend does it for me sometimes."

"Ooh, nice." Meg noticed the nub of Katie's clitoris peeking out from under the hood, an inviting target. She leaned forward, extended her long, pink tongue, and touched the swollen clit.

Katie's body went rigid at the touch, then she shuddered and her legs quivered. "Ohhh yesss...lick me," she moaned. She clutched Meg's hair in her trembling hands and pulled the woman's face to her pussy.

Meg spread Katie's pussy lips open with her fingers and licked hungrily. It tasted much like her own pussy did, sweet and sexy and tangy, except maybe a bit more delicately flavored. She lapped up and down with long licks, sometimes focusing on the swollen pink lips, sometimes circling her tongue tenderly around the girl's protruding clit. Katie lifted her hips off the cushion, grinding her sopping wet pussy against Meg's probing tongue. She cried out with passion. "Oh GOD Meg! Suck me...fuck that feels so good!"

Meg felt almost as excited making love to Katie's pussy, as Katie seemed to feel being orally pleasured by Meg. Her sensations were flooded by the girl's response - everything from the heady smell, the musky taste, and the feel of the smooth juicy pussy lips against her probing tongue. Katie's torso was writhing sensuously. Meg reached her hand beneath her and began to fondle her own pussy.

Katie's eyes were tightly closed, and her breaths came in short, quick gasps. Meg's expert tongue was bringing her to the heights of ecstasy. She sank lower in the soft cushion, lifted her legs, and grabbed her ankles to open her budding womanhood as far as possible.

Meg paused briefly to rest her tongue. "Do you like this Katie?" she asked coyly.

Katie moaned softly. "GOD YES...please don't stop."

"Mmm, don't worry, I won't."

Meg inspected the girl's pussy briefly before continuing. Her pubic hair was wet and matted, the pussy lips swollen and shiny and gaping open obscenely. As Katie spread her legs wider, her tiny puckered asshole was now exposed to view, coated with seeping pussy juice.

A vivid memory from her recent experience flooded Meg's mind - the memory of Blake licking her asshole. She remembered how incredible it had felt, so soothing and ticklish and tender - nasty and erotic. She wondered...would Katie like it too? There was only one way to find out.

She leaned back in, and touched the tip of her extended tongue delicately and lightly to Katie's inviting asshole. The taste was erotic - musky and salty and sweaty. Katie's asscheeks clenched, and she moaned softly. Encouraged, Meg touched her tongue there again, this time licking in a small circular motion. Katie again moaned with pleasure. "Mmm, I LIKE that...keep doing it Meg." She pulled her legs back, her knees almost touching her chest.

Meg spread the girl's ass cheeks with her fingers, and Katie's asshole gaped open invitingly. She licked feverishly in tight little circles around the sensitive opening, feeling it flexing spasmodically under the touch of her tongue. Katie writhed with passion, whispering and moaning encouragement. But Meg wanted to bring Katie's stimulation to another level. She moved her tongue back to the girl's succulent pussy, slurping at the whitish secretions that were seeping from the opening. She brought a finger to Katie's spit-soaked anus, and rubbed it against the opening.

Katie groaned with lust as Meg laved her inflamed pussy with her darting tongue, and fingered her asshole. "Oh yes...oh yes...oh yes..." the girl intoned huskily. "God Meg, you're gonna make me scream!" Her slim hips were humping up and down, and Meg was having difficulty keeping her tongue planted on Katie's swollen pussy. She applied pressure with her middle finger against the tight but slippery asshole, and inserted it up to the first knuckle. At the same time, she took the girl's erect clit between her lips and sucked gently.

"OH FUCK!" screamed Katie. "OH GOD SUCK ME MEG!" She thrust her hips violently and clenched Meg's head between her bucking thighs. Meg darted her tongue rapidly against Katie's vibrating clit, and pushed her finger into the girl's sweet asshole up to the second knuckle. At the same time, she inserted her index finger halfway into the girl's warm, wet pussy. She felt both holes tighten and spasm, and she knew Katie was about to cum. She began to finger-fuck the girl with both fingers as she licked the swollen clit. She could barely breathe, locked in Katie's vise-like grip, but she knew she couldn't stop. Her young lover needed to cum.

Katie was crying out continuously with lust and passion. "Oh yes...oh yes...oh God yes...OH GOD...OH GOD...OH GOD...YES...YES...YES!" And suddenly she was cumming violently, clutching Meg's hair, pulling her into her pussy, her sweaty, trembling legs locked around Meg's head. Her entire body shuddered and convulsed. "OH YESSSS!" she screamed. "SUCK MY CUNT!" And all the while, Meg kept her mouth locked to the girl's clit, sucking it and licking it, forcefully finger-fucking the girl's pussy and asshole as she brought her to the heights of ecstasy.

Soon, Katie's spasms slowed, and Meg released the girl's distended clit from her mouth. Katie sighed contentedly in the aftermath of her crashing orgasm. Meg kissed her pussy tenderly, helping her to ease down gradually from her erotic high. She gently pulled her fingers, now wet and shiny with the girl's secretions, out of her secret holes.

Katie looked down at Meg through half-lidded eyes and giggled lightly. "Your face is soaking wet."

"That's because your pussy is soaking wet sweetie."

"Oh god, I know...I've never cum harder in my entire life." Meg leaned forward, and the lovers embraced and kissed each other passionately, the girl sucking her own juices from Meg's tongue. Finally, reluctantly, they broke away.

"Yours isn't the only pussy that's soaking wet. God, I am sooo horny," said Meg.

Katie stroked the older woman's arm tenderly. "Oh Meg...I'm've done so much for me and I've left you high and dry." She winked playfully. "Maybe I can fix that."

Meg grinned. "Oh I'm sure you can. And trust me, it won't take long."

The two quickly switched positions. Katie pushed Meg playfully down on her back. She knelt between the woman's splayed legs, then reached over and kissed Meg. Meg opened her mouth to the girl's probing tongue.

"Mmm, I can taste myself on you," whispered Katie. She licked Meg's lips and chin, slurping up the residue from her pussy, then began to work her mouth along Meg's neck, down to her shoulder. Meg closed her eyes and caressed the girl's blond hair, reveling in the touch of the girl's lips and tongue on her body. Katie continued lower, and took one of Meg's protruding nipples in her mouth. She sucked softly, as Meg moaned with pleasure.

"Oh God," she sighed. "I need you so bad cunt is on fire."

Katie released the nipple, and slid her wet tongue along Meg's stomach, leaving a shiny trail of saliva on the woman's tanned skin. Meg squirmed with pleasure, and Katie continued lower still, kissing and licking down to the older woman's curly brown pubic hair. She traced around the edge of Meg's bush, finally reaching the inside of the her trembling, creamy thigh. Meg groaned, and spread her legs as wide as she could.

"Ooh, you smell sooo sexy," Katie whispered softly. "And your pussy is sooo pretty." Meg was desperate for the touch of the girl's tongue, but Katie was teasing her. She licked the smooth, sensitive skin on the inside of Meg's thigh, halfway to the knee, then switched to the other leg and repeated the tongue caress.

"God, Katie - you're gonna make me scream - please lick me," begged Meg. "I need it so bad." She opened her eyes briefly and looked down at the girl, her cute innocent face in position between her legs, so agonizingly close to her pussy. Katie winked playfully and smiled. She brought her face closer and closer, all the while keeping her blue eyes locked on Meg's. Meg watched the girl extend a long pink tongue, closer and closer. Her breathing quickened in anticipation. And finally, Katie touched the wonderful tongue to her clit and licked rapidly.

"OH YES!" screamed Meg. She arched her back up off the couch and moaned passionately. "Lick me Katie...PLEASE!"

Katie spread Meg's pussy lips with her fingers, and ran her soft tongue rapidly up and down between them, from the oozing cunthole all the way up to the distended clit, and back, again and again. Meg thrashed on the couch. She groaned passionately and clutched the girl's hair, pulling her face against her, humping her pussy against the delightful, pleasure-giving tongue.

"YES!" panted Meg. "Just like that! Suck meeee...". She was in ecstasy. The girl's wonderfully soft tongue seemed to be everywhere at once, exploring every nook and crevice of her horny pussy. Katie's tongue was making wonderful, passionate love to her, and Meg thought she was going to go insane with pleasure. She needed to cum before she lost her mind. "Please Katie...suck my clit," she moaned hoarsely.

Katie wrapped her lips around Meg's swollen clitoris and suckled it, at the same time darting her tongue rapidly back and forth, stimulating it to a fever pitch. "OH YESSS!" screamed Meg. "SUCK ME KATIE!"

Meg felt the girl's tongue vibrating rapidly. Her orgasm was approaching and her entire body became rigid, her thighs quivering. It felt so wonderful...she tossed her head wildly from side to side, grunting with pleasure. Katie's tongue stimulated her clit, faster and faster, and she thought she would go mad...and finally she was cumming violently.

"YES...YES...YES! OH GOD KATIE!" she screamed, and her body writhed in involuntary orgasmic spasms. She pulled Katie's head tightly to her groin and humped against the girl's wonderful mouth, her mind focused on nothing other than her screaming, pounding orgasm. "OH YES!" And through it all, Katie stayed with every wrenching spasm, her mouth glued to Meg's juicy pussy.

Meg slowly, very slowly, came back down to earth. She had cum harder and more satisfyingly than at any time in her life. And as her breathing gradually returned to normal, Katie crawled up to her and they hugged tightly and lovingly, whispering sweet words to one another like two longtime lovers. Forgotten in Meg's mind was her earlier trepidation at having sex with this young girl. Just as she had done with her other incredible sexual experiences these past few days, she cast all worries aside and focused only on the great erotic pleasures that had so unexpectedly entered her life.

But soon, Meg realized it was time to leave, and she told Katie so, with great reluctance. She felt she could have stayed locked in the embrace all night. Katie had a crestfallen look, seemingly near tears. Meg tenderly brushed a lock of Katie's hair from her forehead. "What's the matter Katie? You seem so sad."

Katie sighed deeply, her eyes averted from Meg. "I don't know...It's just that this was so nice...". The girl's voice broke with emotion. "And I'll probably never see you again."

Meg ran her fingers delicately over the girl's cheek. "Hush. Don't say that...we can see each other again."

Katie's face brightened. "We can? Really?"

"Sure thing sweetie."

Katie looked uncertain. "But how? Where?"

Meg wasn't sure herself. She considered the problem for a moment. "Well...". She paused, undecided. "Maybe you could come and visit me at the lake."

Katie grinned broadly. "Oh Cool! That would be awesome! I'm only working here for a few more days, than I'm taking the last couple of weeks of summer off." She paused and thought for a moment. "I could borrow my Mom's car and drive out to see you."

"That would be great Katie. Maybe...maybe you could stay over some night." It sounded wonderful, but she wondered how she would explain it to Justin. Oddly, the same thought seemed to have crossed Katie's mind.

"Um...It'll seem kind of weird...I mean, with your son there. Won't it?"

Meg nodded absently. "We'll figure something out."


While Meg and Katie were making wild, lusty love to one another, Justin and Blake were sitting side by side on the couch in Blake's living room. The television was on, but neither of them were paying any attention. Justin, left alone while his mother went shopping, was eager to talk to the older man. They hadn't spoken since that eventful threesome three nights before. And Blake was just as eager to talk to Justin. Meg's reaction the next morning had confused him and left him with trepidation over what would happen next. Meg had seemed accepting, yet confused, and uncertain. He was dying to know what, if anything, she had said to Justin. Not knowing was driving him crazy - he'd had trouble these last few days focusing on doing business with his clients.

But Blake was now overcome with a sense of relief, as he and Justin sat there chatting. After considerable prompting, the boy had just revealed that he and his mother had sex together two nights before. This told Blake a great deal. Not only was Meg accepting of what had happened - she seemed willing to go even further.

Blake picked up the television remote and turned down the volume. He didn't want to miss ANYTHING of what Justin was telling him. He turned toward the boy and looked at him intently.

"So tell me sport...did your Mom seem to LIKE what you and she did? Did you make her cum?" He was trying to be casual about this, but his excitement was growing as he heard himself ask the question. He was aroused, and he discretely adjusted his erection inside his shorts.

Justin took a big swallow of iced tea, placed the glass on the coffee table in front of him, and smiled at the memory. "She didn't at first," he said. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand. "But she did when I stuck my thing in her bum."

"Wow!" Blake was amazed. Not only did Justin and Meg have sex again, but they had anal. It was incredible! "What all did you two talk about?" He could detect his voice shaking with his excitement.

Justin shrugged. "I dunno. Lots of things. I guess she said something about feeling weird about it." He scratched his head in thought. "And she asked if I felt okay about it, and I said that I did. I said I liked it."

"Did she ask about me?"

The boy nodded. "Uh huh." He cleared his throat and squirmed a bit, suddenly uncomfortable. "She asked if...if you and I had, you know...DONE anything. I mean, together." He averted his eyes. "I didn't know what to say."

Blake smiled. "That's okay kiddo." At least he HOPED it was okay. "Anyway, she already knows we'd been together. I told her so."

Justin nodded. " seemed like she already knew." He reached for his glass of iced tea, leaving a ring of condensation on the coffee table. "Anyway, I said we...that we did and me, I mean." He was still looking away awkwardly. "She asked if I liked it, and I said I did."

The older man chuckled. "You did okay Justin. And by the way, I liked it too." He watched Justin shift position on the couch and discretely press against his erection with a balled up fist.

The boy looked up at Blake and smiled with a boyish grin. The two of them sat in silence for a moment, and then Justin giggled. "Oh yeah, something else...she asked something about what I liked most about that night." He smiled shyly. "I said I really liked seeing her pee."

Blake laughed. "DID you now? Oh my. What did she say to THAT?"

Justin shrugged. "She didn't say much. Something about it being interesting. And she said that maybe she could do it again for me."

Blake arched an eyebrow, and sat in silent astonishment, his erection now throbbing painfully in his shorts. Both Justin AND Meg were expressing interest in one of his wildest kinks. This was beyond his wildest dreams. He watched as Justin drained his glass. An erotic, nasty thought crept into his mind. He cleared his throat nervously. "You know Justin," he said casually. "I'm really into pee too. But not just with women. It would excite me to watch you pee too."

"It would?"

"Yup. In fact, it would be really hot if you'd pee ON me."

"Really? Do people do that?" Justin's eyes were wide as he looked at Blake with heightened interest.

"They sure do. He touched the boy tenderly on his hand. "Come on to the bedroom. I can show you."


Blake lay naked, spread-eagled on the bed, licking his lips with anticipation. Justin knelt over him, straddling one of the older man's muscular thighs. He held his semi-hard cock in his fingertips. "Like this?" he asked shyly.

"That's perfect Justin. Pee on my cock." The older man looked on with growing lust as the boy frowned with concentration. He could see the youth's tummy muscles flexing, and his little cock twitching, as Justin strained to release his bladder. Blake's cock was standing proudly erect, only inches from the boy's smaller prick.

The boy grimaced. "I have to go, I really do. But it's not coming out."

"That's okay sport. Take your time."

Justin grunted, and released a short spurt of pee that landed with a splash on Blake's cock and tight stomach. He giggled and looked at Blake. "Is that okay?"

Blake's cock twitched. "Mmm...perfect! Just like that. Do it again kiddo."

Justin grunted again, and soon golden, sparkling urine was splashing in a hard steady stream onto Blake's erection. His cock pulsated with his arousal, as the warm piss bathed his naked body. Justin giggled as he aimed the stream up and down Blake's steely shaft.

"Oh God, I love that Justin! But come closer - pee on my chest and my neck too."

Justin inched forward on his knees, still straddling the man's prone body. His naked butt cheeks brushed against Blake's cock, as the stream of piss splashed off his muscular, hairy chest and neck. As the pungent smell of the warm urine wafted through the bedroom, Blake snaked a hand down to his groin and began stroking his erection.

"On my face!"

"Your face?" Justin seemed taken aback by the request.


Justin aimed his now slowing stream higher, and it splashed off Blake's chin. He grabbed the boy's ass cheeks and pulled him forward. He opened his mouth, and let the golden liquid gush inside. He reveled in the salty, erotic taste, and considered swallowing it, but instead let the tangy liquid trickle out of the corner of his mouth, washing over his cheek and neck.

He pulled Justin further forward, and took the boy's cock, still dribbling a slowing stream of piss, into his eager, sucking mouth. The boy closed his eyes and moaned as he fed his growing cock into the man's warm, wet mouth. Blake slurped on the stiffening shaft eagerly, licking away the residue of urine, and replacing it with a shiny layer of saliva.

He released the cock from his mouth briefly. "Did you like that Justin?"

"Yeah...that was cool!"

"Mmm. I liked it too. Would you like me to pee on you?"

Justin looked down and pursed his lips in thought, then shrugged. He seemed wracked with indecision, and Blake watched, silently, as the wheels turned. Finally, he responded. "Sure, why not? Do you want me to get on the bed?"

" can stay right there. I'll pee on your butt."

Justin giggled merrily. "Okay."

Actually Blake wasn't sure if he could piss at all - his hardon was raging, and unlike some men, he had trouble urinating with an erection. On the other hand, the pressure in his bladder was intense. Maybe he could do it after all. He concentrated as he idly ran his tongue around the swollen head of Justin's cock, and soon a few squirts of piss were released, followed by a steady, forceful stream. His cock was in perfect position, and the golden arc of piss splashed all over Justin's lower back and smooth butt cheeks. He spread the boy's ass open with his hands, and pissed into his butt crack, feeling the urine splash down on his own chest.

Justin giggled. "It's warm."

"Yep. Feels good hey?"

"Yeah...but kinda weird. Can you lick me some more?"

Blake nodded, and took Justin's cock back between his warm lips, suckling the hard cock, running his wet tongue expertly along the shaft and the head. As his urine stream subsided, he took his fingertips and ran them along the crack of Justin's ass, rubbing the warm piss into the boy's smooth, tender skin. He looked up, and the boy's eyes were closed, his mouth agape, clearly enjoying the sensation.

Blake continued to suck the boy's throbbing erection with hollow cheeks, and eagerly ran his fingers over the boy's delightfully smooth ass. After awhile, he drew the tip of his index finger down the butt crack, and traced it in a lazy circle over the boy's puckered asshole.

Justin moaned softly. Encouraged by his response to this new stimulation, Blake pressed the tip of his finger against the hot, tight hole. Before Justin could protest, he wriggled the finger, slippery with urine, up and inside the boy's ass up to the first knuckle.

Justin gasped and bucked his hips, pulling away from the probing finger. But Blake was persistent. He pushed it deeper inside and wiggled it around, all the while sucking the boy's cock. He felt the youth's sphincter relax, and soon his finger was deeply embedded.

"Does that feel nice kiddo?"

"Um, not sure."

"Tell you what...why don't you get on your hands and knees and we'll try in a different position?"

The boy looked doubtful and uncertain, but after a moment he nodded and reluctantly pulled his cock out of the man's mouth. He knelt on the bed next to Blake and looked at him with a questioning look on his face.

"It's okay Justin. You'll like it. You'll see."

Justin nodded, and got on his hands and knees, his cock bouncing and bobbing beneath him. Blake rolled over and reached toward the nightstand. He grabbed a jar of Vaseline, and then knelt behind the boy. He admired the boy's smooth, muscular asscheeks. They were pale where they were normally covered by his swim trunks, in sharp contrast to the rich, dark tan that covered the rest of his body. The tiny, hairless asshole peeked out invitingly from between the butt-cheeks.

"You have a really pretty ass Justin."

"I do?"

"Yep. I sure would like to lick it."

Justin giggled. "Okay."

And so Blake leaned forward, and touched the tip of his tongue to the youth's puckered asshole. Justin moaned and spread his legs, as Blake tasted the saltiness of Justin's sweat and his own urine. He formed his tongue into a point, and licked and probed the dark, forbidden hole. The boy squirmed at the sensation, moaning softly.

"I like that Blake."

The man smiled. "It feels good doesn't it? Would you like me to stick my finger in again?"


Blake opened the Vaseline jar and smeared a glob of the slippery jelly on his fingers. He pressed a greased index finger against Justin's tight, puckered asshole, and pushed slowly, inserting it up to the first knuckle. Justin clenched his asshole and grunted.

"How's that feel Justin?"

"Kinda weird Blake...but it's okay."

" relax. I'm going to push it deeper. It will feel REALLY nice in a second." He pushed the finger past the second knuckle, feeling Justin's rectum squeezing against it. "Mmm," he said. "Your ass is nice and tight - I can't wait until my cock is inside there." He pulled the finger out slowly, then pushed it back in.

"Your cock?"

Blake slid his finger back and forth, and the boy moaned softly. "Yes. Would you like me to fuck you in the ass like you did to me the other day? Like you did to your Mom?"

"I don't know Blake," Justin replied nervously. "Will it hurt?"

"Just a little at first, but then it will feel real good. I'll be careful okay sport?"

"Umm...okay, I guess."

Blake's cock was throbbing, almost painfully. He couldn't believe his could fortune. He was about to fuck this boy's virgin asshole! He quickly smeared Vaseline all over his cock, whispering soothingly to the boy as he did so. His cock was deep red and trembling in his fingers as he rubbed the grease along its entire length. He knelt behind the boy, and caressed his round ass cheeks. He could tell that the boy was tense and nervous, but slowly, gradually, he sensed him relaxing.

He moved into position, and carefully pressed the oily cockhead against Justin's tight puckered asshole. He had to resist the powerful urge to thrust immediately - it was important that he go slow and easy. For maybe the first time in his life, Blake was glad that his cock was no more than average in length and girth. Much bigger, and there was no way that Justin's virgin asshole would accept it.


"Yes?" The boy's voice was soft and shaking - he almost seemed frightened.

"I'm going to do this VERY slowly okay? It'll hurt a little at first, but you tell me if it hurts too much. After it goes in, it'll feel good."

"Okay Blake."

"Just relax okay?"

"I'll try."

"Atta boy." Blake reached underneath Justin, and caressed the boy's cock with his oily, lubricated hand. He was glad to find that Justin was still erect and excited. He felt the smooth cock trembling and twitching in his fingers.

Now ready to mount the boy, he held his cock in his other hand, positioned it against the boy's bumhole, and pushed, very gently and very slowly, until the head of his prick entered the dark recesses of Justin's ass. The boy gasped sharply, and Blake whispered to him to relax. He slid his fingers slowly along the shaft of the boy's erection, and Justin began to buck his hips slowly in rhythm with the older man's caress. In doing so, he forced Blake's cockhead a bit deeper, until it was completely embedded in his stretched asshole.

'So far, so good,' thought Blake to himself. He began jacking off Justin a bit more vigorously, and the boy responded, wiggling his hips. Justin's cock was pulsating in his slippery hand, and Blake could feel the boy's sphincter squeezing his cockhead, drawing him deeper inside.

Before either of them realized it, Blake's cock was halfway inside Justin's incredibly tight, warm rectum. "OUCH!" Justin protested. "That hurts Blake." Blake felt the boy's ass tighten, trying to expel the invading cock.

"Sorry kiddo. Let me just stay still for a sec, 'til you get used to it." He circled his fingers around the boy's steely erection and slid them back and forth, maintaining a slow, steady rhythm. With his other hand, he caressed the boy's smooth asscheeks. Justin groaned, and Blake felt the asshole loosening, welcoming his cock once again. He pushed gently, and in one smooth motion, he buried himself to the hilt. The boy yelped softly, but it was less from pain than surprise.

"Mmm, your ass is so nice," sighed Blake. "How does that feel kiddo?"

"Okay...okay Blake...kind of weird." His voice betrayed both apprehension and arousal. "I don't know if you should go any farther in though okay?"

Blake smiled. "I'm as far as I can go Justin - it's all the way in."

"It is?"

"Mmm hmm. And it feels wonderful." Blake was beside himself with lust. The boy's virgin asshole was so incredibly tight, squeezing and massaging his oiled shaft. He began to slide in and out, fucking the boy slowly and gently. And the boy responded - he bucked his hips back and forth in unison with the older man's thrusts. He moaned softly, obviously enjoying this newfound stimulation.

"Oh God, this feels good," groaned Blake. "Do you like it Justin?"

"Mmm, yeah," came the boy's breathless reply. "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Blake fucked the boy with a little more vigor, but still gently. He knew that there was no way in hell he was going to be able to prevent himself from cumming quickly. He wanted the two of them to come together, so he increased the pace of his pumping the boy's cock.

"Ooh, that feels good Blake," sighed the boy. "I LIKE that." He was meeting Blake stroke for stroke, bucking his hips obscenely back and forth. Blake's prick slid smoothly and easily in and out of the hot bumhole, as he pumped his fingers up and down the youngster's throbbing prick. They were both moaning and breathless.

"Mmm, just like that Blake!" Justin cried out. "Mmm, yeah...yes!"

Blake's fist was a blur on the boy's prick. Suddenly, Justin cried out loudly. His entire body tensed, and he began bucking violently as he ejaculated. Blake felt the warmth of the boy's cum coating his hand, lubricating the cock even further. And the excitement of the boy's orgasm had an effect on Blake, and he was coming too, deep inside Justin's hot ass. His prick throbbed and spasmed as a hot load of semen squirted into the depths of the youngster's ass.

They cried out again and again in unison, their bodies bucking and writhing in wanton abandon as they came. Blake's sperm further lubricated his cock, and it now made a liquid slapping sound as it plunged in and out of the boy's stretched asshole. And all the while, he pumped his fist back and forth along Justin's smooth, shiny cock, as the boy's cock squirted cum again and again onto the bedspread beneath him.

And finally, the two of them collapsed in a sweaty heap, as Blake's semi-hard cock popped out of the boy's asshole. They lay there together, panting and heaving. Blake sighed contentedly. Damn, that was incredible, he thought. He had now fucked two virgin assholes in three days, and a mother and son combination to boot!

After awhile, Justin announced that he'd better get home. "My Mom should be back from shopping," he said. "I don't want her to worry about me."

"Okay kiddo. Let's get cleaned up."


Meg woke up the next morning to a wet and windy day. She yawned and stretched, cozy inside the sheets. Her mind drifted back to the day before, to her incredible, first-ever lesbian experience. God, Katie was so hot! She had no idea such pleasure could be had at the hands of another woman (or a girl).

She looked out the window. Raindrops were splashing against the glass - what a dreary day. She decided she'd need to do without her customary morning swim, so she just laid there for awhile, staring at the ceiling and thinking. She could hear the sound of the television - Justin was up. Unfortunately, he was already in bed when she got home the night before. Anxious to see him, to wish him a good morning, she hopped out of bed, deciding she would make him a nice, hearty breakfast.


Meg stood in front of the stove. Inexplicably, she found that her mind was doing flip-flops. Perhaps the rain was altering her mood. Once again, she was having trouble coming to grips with the fact that her relationship with Justin had changed in profound ways, in a way that was very different than other mothers and sons. The last few days, she felt her acceptance of the situation was growing. But today she was wracked with guilt, and there was no getting around it. But at the same time, her newfound sexual freedom was overwhelmingly exciting. How could she deny her physical needs?

And what about yesterday's experience with the young girl Katie? It has seemed SO right at the time. Now, though, she wasn't sure...

She was equally tormented by her feelings for Blake. These last few days had been emotionally exhausting, and he was at the center of it all. Here was a strong, virile man, attractive, a great sense of humor - all things that had been absent in her failed marriage. She almost felt that she was falling in love with him.

On the other hand, he had seduced her teenage son. And he had seduced her. How could she love such a man?

She cracked a couple of eggs into the cast iron skillet and threw the empty shells into the sink with frustration. Dammit!


She and Justin spent the rest of the day together. She felt that today it would be best to be the mother she had always been. She and Justin played scrabble for a while...she even joined him on his computer to play a few video games. All in all, it was a good day, a day shared with her son.

But that night, she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, naked beneath the cotton sheets. Now, in the darkness of her room, she found herself thinking of Justin not as a mother, but as a lover. And she thought of Katie. Katie's creamy pussy, Justin's hard cock...but always her thoughts returned to Blake.

She lay there in the darkness, listening to the night sounds filtering through the open bedroom window. Somewhere out there in the forest, an owl hooted. She heard the faint sound of Justin coughing over in his bedroom. The rain had ended, but she could her the water still dripping off the trees.

Meg rolled over onto back and stared into the darkness. She ran her fingertips idly over her stomach, ran them up along her ribcage, along the sides of her lolling breasts. God, she was horny! She needed to cum, preferably while being fucked. She toyed with the idea of visiting Justin in his bed, but shook it off. Best to let him sleep. She wished Blake were here...

She caressed her nipples, feeling them harden between her fingertips. Her pussy was tingling. She began to glide her hands down her stomach, but then pulled them away in angry frustration. She wanted to cum, but not by her own hand. She needed to be fucked! She threw the sheet off of her, grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand, and tiptoed down the hall, in search of the little slip of paper bearing Blake's number.

After rummaging through the kitchen drawer, she found it and smiled triumphantly. She punched the seven digits with trembling fingers. The phone rang five times, then six. Maybe she should hang up...this was crazy! But just as she was about to disconnect, she heard Blake's sleepy voice. "Hello?"

She paused, uncertain. "Hello?" Blake asked again.

Meg cleared her throat nervously. "'s Meg."

"Meg! How are you? Um, is anything wrong?"

"No. I'm...I'm sorry I'm calling so late. It's just that...". She giggled nervously. "I'm horny. Can I come over?"

Blake opened the door, wearing a bathrobe and a big grin. "Come on in Meg," he said with amusement. "If you're horny, you've come to the right place."

Meg entered the familiar, cozy living room, and Blake closed the door behind her. She spun around, and the two of them faced each other, Meg smiling nervously. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, and gazed shyly up into Blake's eyes. What should she say? Unthinking, impetuous in her horniness, she heard herself blurt out: "I need to be fucked Blake."

Blake was taken aback by her boldness, but he watched with growing interest and desire as she pulled her tee shirt up and over her head. She unzipped her shorts, and let them fall down her long, tanned legs. She wore no bra or panties, and she stood there nude in front of Blake, and allowed his appreciative eyes to roam up and down her nude body. Blake untied the belt of his robe, and let it fall to his feet. Meg's eyes were drawn to his cock, rising before her very eyes.

Without speaking, they fell into each other's arms and kissed each other deeply, their hands roaming over each other's naked bodies. Meg pushed her breasts against Blake's muscular chest and shoved her tongue deeply into his warm, sucking mouth. Their tongues danced against each other hungrily, until Meg finally broke off the kiss with a breathless gasp. She ground her pelvis against his thigh and moaned. Blake's steely erection was throbbing against her stomach.

"God, I've missed you," Meg whispered. She desired him with every inch of her being. But there was something she needed to say first. She needed to clear the air with him. She pulled subtly away from him and looked into his eyes. She swallowed nervously and sighed.

"I was angry with you Blake."

He nodded. "I know. Are you still mad?" He ran his fingers like a comb through her silky brown hair.

She looked away and smiled ruefully. "Sometimes I am, and sometimes I'm not. Now, I'm not."

He stood silently, caressing her hair, and let her continue. "I think what you did was wrong, and at first I was furious at you. But now, after these last few days, I think I understand. And sometimes...sometimes I don't feel that it's so wrong."

Blake put his strong hands on her shoulders, and massaged her tenderly. Meg could feel herself melting under his touch. She let herself fall against his strong chest, and she felt tears stinging her eyes.

"I had sex...with...with Justin again," she said haltingly. "And I enjoyed it." Her chest heaved, and she cried lightly as Blake drew her close. "I'm a terrible mother," she sobbed.

He nuzzled her sweet, perfumed hair and whispered to her comfortingly. "Shhh. It's okay Meg. Don't be hard on yourself."

Meg sniffed. It was like a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders. Revealing her shame, and telling Blake her secret thoughts and desires was having a therapeutic effect.

Blake continued. "Having sex with him doesn't mean you're a bad person Meg. I've seen Justin since that night. HE doesn't think you're a terrible mother."

Meg nodded against Blake's shoulder. "I know he doesn't." She snuggled against him even closer, feeling his warmth envelop her and permeate her naked body. His erection was pressed against her groin, and she rubbed against it, stimulating herself. She needed him so bad, but she wanted to finish what she had to say. "I'm going to have sex with him again. I know that now. I...I want to have sex with BOTH of you again."

Blake closed his eyes and sighed with relief. This was working out better than he had ever hoped it would. She drew away and looked him in the eyes again. "I think it's because I trust you to be good to us Blake. Do you understand?"

He nodded, as she continued. She looked away doubtfully, licked her lips, and then brought her eyes to his again. "I think I'm falling for you Blake."

He was taken aback. His eyes widened with shock. This was incredible, unexpected, and much more than he had bargained for. He didn't know what to say. But as he looked into her big brown eyes, he felt an unfamiliar emotion welling up inside him. This WAS turning into something more than he had planned for, but that wasn't a bad thing. It was pleasant, VERY pleasant. A couple of weeks before, he had set out with a plan to get into this woman's pants, and nothing more. But since then, he now realized, something more had happened. He liked her...he liked her a LOT. She was witty and pretty, his equal in intelligence...and he even liked Justin.

Her gaze was boring into him, her big eyes bright and shiny. He gulped. He didn't know what to say, and then he just decided to acknowledge what he felt. "I think I'm falling for you too Meg."

They stared at one another, a long intense stare. And then a smile played at the corner of Blake's lips, and she smiled back, a broad, happy smile. And then they laughed merrily, and she pressed against him, and they kissed deeply and passionately, their hands roaming over one another with urgency and abandon. They pressed against one another, she pushing her groin against his powerful erection.

"God, I want you so bad! I need it now!" she gasped.

"Let's go to the bedroom."

"No! Now. Right here on the carpet."

Blake chuckled, and the two of them sank into the deep, plush rug that covered the living room floor. They kissed briefly, but passionately, and Blake nuzzled the nape of her neck. He pecked the soft, tender skin delicately with his lips.

"God, I can't wait Blake," Meg groaned. "No foreplay necessary." She paused, her breasts heaving with passion. "In fact, THIS is how I want it." And before Blake knew what was happening, Meg flipped over onto her stomach.

"From behind?"

"In my ass."

"Oh my," he groaned. His interest had perked up a notch.

She sprawled out, spread her legs wide and tilted her shapely ass toward the ceiling, in clear invitation to him. He knelt on the floor behind her, admiring her round, firm butt cheeks, the tight puckered hole winking out from between them. He leaned forward, and touched his tongue to her asshole.

She squealed at the sensation, reached her hand beneath her and began frigging her wet pussy. "Oh yes," she gasped. "God how I love that!" Blake lapped at her tight, musky hole with his long tongue, coating it with his saliva, and soon her fingers were a blur as she masturbated herself.

Meg was unbearably horny. The touch of Blake's tongue on her ass was delicious - until he had first put his mouth there a few days earlier, she hadn't dreamed that her asshole could be such an erogenous zone. But she wanted more! And Blake seemed to want it too, for he pulled away, and soon, Meg sensed him kneeling behind her, ready to mount her.

Blake spit on his fingers and rubbed them over his swollen cockhead, lubricating it. He wedged it against Meg's slippery, tight asshole and paused. "Do you want me to fuck you Meg?" he asked slyly.

"God yes!" she gasped. "I NEED it!"

Blake pushed forward, and the length of his prick entered her hot, dark hole, inch by glorious inch. Meg screamed at the exquisite mix of pain and pleasure, and her sphincter squeezed him like a vise. He was afraid he was going to cum before he even started, and he paused with his cock only half buried in her ass. But Meg bucked her hips upward, and impaled herself on his erection. Blake grit his teeth and moaned. He nearly had an orgasm right then and there, but the moment passed, and soon he was able to begin ass fucking her.

He fucked her asshole forcefully, harder than he had ever fucked anyone before. He was afraid he would hurt her, but the harder he fucked her, the more she moaned with pleasure. He drove Meg deeply into the carpeting, and they fucked each other like savage beasts, sweating profusely and crying out with passion. Meg's fingers snaked beneath her and she manipulated her swollen, slippery clit as Blake thrust deeply into her rectum, and soon she could feel her orgasm approaching.

"Oh yes, oh yes, OH GOD YES!" she screamed. "FUCK MY ASS BLAKE!"

And that scream of passion set Blake off. He groaned loudly, and plunged his cock as deep as he could and held it there. His throbbing pulsating prick fired spurt after spurt of hot molten cum deep inside her, and all the while she writhed and convulsed in a violent frenzy beneath him. She screamed like a wild animal, urging him to fuck her, to fuck her as hard as he could. She thrust her ass against him as he pounded into her. They used each other to get themselves off.

Their mutual orgasm gradually subsided in intensity, and the two lovers gradually came back to earth, flushed and sweating after their exertion. Blake's cock softened inside Meg's warm, tight asshole as he hugged her tightly. Meg was weeping softly from the physical and emotional release of her orgasm.

"My God," she whispered. "I don't know what's come over me...every time I've cum these last few days, it's harder than the last."

Blake chuckled softly. "Nothing wrong with that Meg."

"No, I guess not," she replied. "It's just that I guess I hadn't realized how sex-starved I've become these last few years."

"Well, hopefully I've cured that." He brushed his fingers over her sweat-matted hair, pulling it from her eyes. The two of them lay comfortably, nestled like spoons. Blake's soft cock was still wedged inside her warm, clinging asshole.

Meg was sore, but it had been worth it. God, if only she could have Blake to fuck every day! On the other hand, why not? After all, he lived only a short walk away. But she frowned when she remembered that the summer was fast coming to an end. Soon, she'd have to go back to the city to start another school year. She was going to lose Blake. And worst of all, she'd lose Justin to her ex-husband yet again. But she brushed aside the thought fiercely. There were still a couple of weeks left to the summer, and she intended to enjoy them to the fullest. Blake and Justin...and Katie! She had almost forgotten. The girl was scheduled to come on Saturday. Only a few days away! Would she keep her promise?

She nestled against Blake's warm body as she thought about the girl. She hadn't figured out yet what she was going to tell Justin about Katie. Or what she would tell Blake for that matter. She really ought to tell them. For one thing, she had to let them know that it was critical that they not tell the girl about the special relationship she and Justin and Blake shared. She had already told Katie about Blake - no harm there. But it wouldn't do if Katie knew about the incestuous relationship Meg was having with Justin. God that would be a disaster! What if Katie were to find out and tell someone about it?

Well, she ought to tell Blake at least. It would be a bit embarrassing to reveal such a secret thing. But still...She cleared her throat and began: "You wanna know something?"

"Hmmm? What is it?"

"I'm getting company on Saturday. At least, I HOPE I am."

"You are? Who?"

"A girl I met at the mall." And she told Blake everything. About meeting Katie for the second time in the swimsuit store. About how they had flirted with one another. About the incredible sex she and the girl had shared. And about how they made plans to get together this coming weekend.

Blake was speechless. His cock, still nestled inside Meg's warm asshole, was getting hard again. "My God Meg...that's incredible! Have you ever had sex with another woman before?"

Meg shook her head. "No. I mean, I guess I've sort of thought about what it would be like, but I never thought I would actually DO it. It's just that she was so sexy, so felt right." She paused, suddenly overcome with embarrassment, but then continued haltingly. "I...I guess I'm feeling a little guilty though. She's very young."

Blake circled his arms around her in a big bear hug. "I wouldn't worry about it Meg. Besides, it sounds like SHE seduced YOU." They lay silent while Blake digested this revelation. Meg was amazing - one surprise after another. What a hot, sexy woman!

After a few moments passed, Meg continued. "I'm not sure how this is going to work this weekend. I haven't told Justin about Katie. I don't want him to know. And I certainly haven't told her about Justin." She moaned with despair. "God, it would be a disaster if she found out." She pushed the thought aside and continued playfully. "I DID tell her a bit about you though."

"Hmmm. Interesting...what did you say?"

"Never mind," she replied with a giggle. Then a cloud came over her face. "I'm just a little worried she won't come. She hasn't called yet."

"Don't worry - she will. Heck, Saturday's still a couple of days away." He fondled her tits in an attempt to take her mind off her worries. "So, what are you going to do until then?" he asked slyly.

She smiled. "I'm gonna fuck."

Blake laughed. "Well, you and Justin COULD stop by tomorrow you know."

Meg looked back at him and winked. "Yes...we could at that. Which reminds me," she continued. "Justin said something about movies on your computer. When are you gonna show them to ME?"

He winked back at her. "Tomorrow."


Meg and Justin arrived at Blake's cabin late in the afternoon the next day. Meg was brimming with nervous excitement. From what Justin had described, she was in for a real treat with these movies. But that wasn't the half of it. For the first time since that eventful night nearly a week before, the three of them would be having sex together again. She was certain of it.

"Okay Meg," Blake announced. "You get the center chair. The place of honor." He chuckled with amusement, as Meg plopped herself down eagerly. Blake had arranged three chairs in front of his computer monitor. He took the seat to Meg's left, reached across her, and with a few mouse clicks, he called up the media player.

To Meg, watching the movie clips was like a revelation. She had learned so much about her own sexuality this past week, and about the kinky, previously unimagined side of sex in general. But some of the things she saw on the videos rocked her imagination. One clip, in particular, made her pussy tingle and pulsate. A black man was sitting in a big armchair. A pretty blond girl with a tattoo of a snake on her left breast was sitting on him, facing away from him, and the man was fucking her in the ass. Her impossibly long legs were spread wide open, revealing a shaved pussy, and clearly showing the man's thick shiny cock sliding obscenely in and out of her gaping asshole. A shorthaired Asian girl with small breasts leaned in between the blonde's legs, and lapped away at her pussy. The blonde's low moans revealed the intense pleasure she was getting out of the experience.

Meg was flabbergasted. She just wished the video were larger. It was filling only about a quarter of the computer screen. She was about to ask Blake if he could make it any bigger, when the Asian girl began to slide her tongue along the man's cock as it entered the blonde's asshole.

"Oh my god," said Meg with a low, husky voice. "Now THAT looks interesting."

Meg was startled by Justin's voiced agreement to her right. She was so enraptured by the erotic video that she had forgotten all about him. She gave him a sideways look, but he was completely focused on the movie - obviously it was having as much of an effect on him as it was on her. She looked discreetly at his lap. The bulge in his shorts revealed his excitement. Her hand unconsciously crept toward her groin. She dipped her fingers beneath the tight waistband of her cut-offs, and brushed them through her soft pubic hair.

Blake smiled at their reaction. "Yup, it IS hot," he agreed. "But wait - it gets even better." He lifted a finger. "Right!"

Meg watched in amazement. Without warning, a short spurt of pee streamed from between the blonde's pussy lips, and splashed onto the Asian girl's face. It subsided a bit, and dribbled out, bathing her pussy, asshole, and the man's swollen prick with golden liquid. All the while, the girl kept licking. After a moment, another spurt of pee appeared, followed by a steady stream of the golden urine. The Asian girl stopped giving her tongue bath to the man's prick, and opened her mouth wide, taking the pee inside.

Meg's jaw dropped. "Oh God...oh my god...that is sooo wild!"

"Mmm hmm," agreed Blake. "That's one of the best in my collection. It's got a lot of my favorite things - anal, watersports, ass to mouth...". He paused, watching Meg's reaction. Her eyes were glued to the computer monitor - she was utterly taken by the videos she was seeing. He noticed that her lips were parted, and her breathing was quickening. Her breasts were pushing against her tight tee shirt, and bumps formed where the erect nipples poked against the thin fabric. Her legs were spread slightly, and her fingers were inside her shorts.

"What do you mean - ass to mouth?" Meg asked.

"When a guy fucks a girl in the ass, and then puts his cock in her mouth...or another girl's mouth."

"Oh my."

A couple of mouse clicks, and Blake had another video running. This showed a man licking a woman's erect clit, while she released a heavy stream of piss against his chin. The short video finished, and soon another one was playing. In this one, a man was lying on his back on a bed, while a slightly overweight woman squatted above his large cock. He released a pee stream, which soaked her pussy as she suspended it above him. Soon, she eased down, and the cock, still with a golden stream of piss arching upward, entered her pussy.

"Oh wow!" exclaimed Meg breathlessly. "I wonder what THAT feels like?"

"It feels great!" He grinned. "Trust me...I've tried it."

"Hmm. Really?" God, she was horny. She exchanged a shy, sidelong glance with Blake, and then looked out of the corner of her eye to her right, at Justin. She unzipped her shorts and pushed them down her legs, exposing her bush to their appreciative stares. She spread her legs wide, and brazenly began rubbing her pussy lips.

"'s a lot of fun, let me tell 'ya," continued Blake. He looked across Meg at Justin and winked. The boy grinned, and then lowered his eyes to watch his mother frig herself. Blake watched him begin to rub the bulge in his groin.

Blake chuckled. "Speaking of which...". He pointed to the water bottle on the desk in front of them. "Maybe you should take another swig of water."

"Hmmm, if I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to make me have to pee." But she didn't protest further. She took a long pull from the bottle, smacked her lips, and then resumed absently rubbing between her legs. "And anyway, I ALREADY have to go."

"Oooh," said Blake. "I like the sounds of that. And I have to go too. How 'bout you Justin?" The boy smiled and nodded.

"Oh God," groaned Meg. "This could get interesting, couldn't it?" And she was ready for ANYTHING by this point. ANYTHING. The videos were blowing her mind. Her pussy was tingling, her inhibitions were rapidly fading, and she felt half-crazed with lust. She leaned back in her chair, legs askew, fully aware of Blake and Justin's appreciative, leering eyes. She welcomed their stares, flaunting her body proudly to them. She drew a finger teasingly along her pink, swollen vagina, smearing her juices until her pussy was glistening and shiny.

She watched the next video clip through glazed eyes and spread her legs as wide as she could. She was dimly aware of Blake's strong hands lifting her tee shirt up and over her breasts. He brought his lips to an erect rubbery nipple, and Justin did the same to the other nipple. They suckled her sensitive breasts as she arched her back and masturbated.

Blake paused for a moment and whispered into her ear. "So you REALLY have to pee?"

She nodded. Her bladder was aching and full, the sensation at once intermingling and contrasting with the horny fire in her pussy.

"C'mon...let's the three of us go to the bedroom."

Meg reluctantly removed her fingers from her pussy as Blake took her by the hand and coaxed her from the chair. Justin was still sucking fiercely on her nipple as she got unsteadily to her feet. She ran her hands through his hair tenderly, noticing the bulge in his shorts as she did so. Her entire body was tingling with excitement. Soon, she was going to have both of her lovers.

The three of them entered the dimly lit bedroom, and Meg watched with curiosity as Blake strode to his dresser, pulled a plastic-wrapped square out of a drawer, and tore open the package. It was a brand new shower curtain liner of all things. She started questioning him, but he pulled back the bedcovers, including the bottom sheet, laid the plastic liner on the mattress, and drew the sheet back over. She giggled with understanding. "It looks like you have something in mind," she observed.

Blake laughed. "Yup. Something wet."

The three of them quickly stripped off their remaining clothes, and then Blake motioned Meg to get on the bed. She lay down on her back, legs spread, and watched with anticipation as her lovers joined her. Both of them had strong erections, especially Justin. His cock was standing proudly stiff at an angle from his body.

Blake curled up next to her and nuzzled and sucked at her earlobe, and Justin brought his face to her breast. He soon was noisily suckling at an erect nipple while she ran her fingers through his brown hair, cooing and purring. She closed her eyes, soaking up the attention being paid to her sensitive body. She arched her back and moaned, feeding her nipple to her son.

Blake moved his attention to her neck, then licked and kissed his way past her breasts. He trailed his tongue slowly, teasingly down her flat tummy, and then got into position between her spread legs. Her musky feminine aroma filled his nostrils, and he lowered his mouth to her juicy cunt lips.

"Oh God yesss!" she hissed through clenched teeth. "LICK ME!"

Blake's tongue expertly lapped at Meg's succulent pussy lips, exploring every fold and crevice, letting her juices wash over his tongue. Meg thrashed and squirmed, her hips making a sinuous dance on the mattress. After a few minutes, he paused. It was time.

"Do it Meg! Pee while I lick you."

"Oh God, I don't know if I can," she gasped.

"Yes you can...pee on my face."

Meg's bladder WAS aching - she desperately needed to go. It was just so intimidating doing such a private, revealing thing in front of them. But in a way, it excited her. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She tried to cast aside for the moment the wonderful sensation of Blake's mouth probing her pussy, and focused on her full bladder. She grunted, and a small dribble of golden urine seeped from her urethra, soaking her cunt lips, dampening the sheet beneath her.

Blake watched, fascinated, as Meg strained to pee. Her face was a mask of concentration as her stomach muscles flexed and undulated and her pussy lips contracted and expanded. Finally, with a moan of relief, a steady stream of urine splashed onto her inner thigh, then onto the sheet between her legs. A fan-shaped wet spot spread outward. Blake eagerly moved closer, letting the hot spray of piss splash against his face. Then he lowered his mouth to her peeing pussy and began to flutter his tongue against her clit, letting the golden stream soak his chin and neck. Her sexy, pungent smell filled the air.

Meg moaned with a combination of pleasure and relief. "Oh...oh god...yes...uh...uh...UH...UH," she gasped as Blake eagerly lapped at her pee covered pussy. It felt so nasty and kinky - being stimulated while peeing like this. Who could have thought that this could be so erotic?

Justin was watching raptly, his attention momentarily diverted from his mother's tits. As Blake sucked Meg's pussy, he watched as the boy begin to idly fondle his hard cock, squeezing and rubbing the smooth shaft. But soon, it appeared, the boy decided he wanted more, for he knelt next to his mother's head and put his cock invitingly in front of her face. Meg eagerly took her son's smooth, hard prick in her mouth and sucked it lustily, smacking her lips noisily and wetly.

Justin shifted position so that he could more directly watch what Blake was doing. He got behind his mother, almost but not quite straddling her face, so that his tight, hairless balls were resting on her sweat-dampened forehead. All the while, she licked up and down the trembling, hard shaft.

"Mmm, that's SO hot," said Blake. "Lick it Meg! Lick your son's prick. Lick his balls!"

Meg shifted position, scooting back a bit so that she could reach Justin's balls with his tongue. Blake could see her extend her long, pink tongue and flutter it against the boy's hairless balls. Justin groaned loudly in response. Suddenly, perhaps remembering how good it had felt when Blake licked his asshole, the boy inched forward subtly. Now completely straddling his mother's face, he lowered himself onto her. Blake watched eagerly as Meg's face became completely enveloped by her boy's warm, sweaty groin. She was extending a long tongue in anticipation.

"Lick his asshole Meg...make him feel good," Blake whispered.

"Mmm," moaned Meg lustily. Her tongue slathered over her son's balls, and she sensed Justin shifting forward, bringing his asshole directly over her probing mouth. She hesitantly stuck her wet tongue out and touched the tip to his hot hole, reveling in the salty, musky taste. Justin's boyish moan rewarded her effort.

Blake, lying on the pee-soaked sheet, lapped at the warm juices seeping from Meg's succulent pussy, and watched as she continued to tongue her son's sweet little asshole. Justin's eyes were closed, and his mouth was slightly agape, as he soaked up the sensation of his mother's oral pleasuring. His cock was erect and bobbing in front of him. He was moaning in encouragement. "Oh yes Mom," he sighed. "Lick it just like that. I LOVE it!"

Meg purred with delight. Blake could hear the liquid slurping sounds of her wet tongue increase in volume and intensity. She was really getting into it! He was amazed at the change that seemed to have come over her these last few days. There seemed to be nothing that she wasn't willing to try. She had gone from being an innocent, sexually frustrated single mother to a kinky, hardcore slut, seemingly overnight.

He found the sight of Meg and Justin together irresistible, especially Justin's rapture as his mother tongued his balls and asshole. The boy's cock was turgid and hard, pointing up at a 45-degree angle. It was visibly quivering. Blake had to have it! He reluctantly removed his mouth from Meg's soaking wet pussy and crawled up her body. He lay between her spread legs, and suckled on each of her swollen nipples, but only briefly. He desperately wanted the boy's cock in his mouth. He reached forward, and took the quivering cockhead between his lips, tasting the salty precum. He massaged it with his tongue, as Justin moaned with arousal.

Blake's raging hardon was nestled against Meg's swollen, slippery cunt lips. He swirled his hips in a circle, rubbing his erection against her. She groaned with pleasure, her voice muffled as she licked Justin's tight balls.

Justin's steely cock was jerking inside Blake's mouth. The boy's breathing was harsh and ragged, and Blake knew that it wouldn't take much oral stimulation to make the boy cum. He licked the velvety tip of the boy's cock until it was shiny and wet with saliva. Justin gasped loudly.

"Do you like that Justin?"

"Oh yes!"

"Do you like your mom licking your ass and balls?"

"God yes!" gasped the boy.

"Then tell her so!"

"Oh...lick me Mom!"

Meg was delirious with lust. The sheer kinkiness of what was happening was almost unbearable. Justin squirmed on her face as she tongued his balls and tight bumhole. All the while, she could sense, if not quite see, Blake fellating her son's hard penis. All of her senses were stimulated: the musky, sweaty smell of Justin's crotch filled her nostrils. His soft, sweet moans rose and fell like music to her ears as she and Blake stimulated him. She could hear Blake's tongue and lips slurping wetly on his shaft. The sweaty, salty taste of Justin's asshole washed over her probing tongue.

Her pussy was on fire. Blake's strong, muscular body sprawled between her spread legs, and his cock rubbed back and forth across her swollen clit as he sucked off Justin. She wanted nothing more than for Blake to fuck her. But he wasn't cooperating, and her arms were trapped beneath Justin's spread legs, so she couldn't grab him and draw him into her. She settled for wrapping her long legs around Blake's ass, hoping beyond hope that this would prod him into mounting her and shoving his cock home.

Blake sucked Justin's shaft fiercely. The boy's prick was slippery and smooth between his lips, and he could taste the salty-sweet precum as it oozed onto his tongue. Justin began to fuck the older man's mouth lustily, and Blake redoubled his efforts, drawing the hard cock deep into his hungry mouth, nearly deep-throating him.

Suddenly, Justin emitted a sharp gasp, and Blake felt the boy's cock jerk spasmodically. He nearly gagged when a stream of Justin's semen shot against the back of his mouth, but he recovered, and swallowed the warm cum hungrily. Another spurt, but this time Blake held the semen on his tongue. He slid his lips back and forth along the boy's hard shaft, as Justin sighed and moaned with pleasure. Soon, Blake's mouth was filled with the slimy cum, but he didn't swallow it. He had other plans...

Meg moaned encouragement to her boy as he climaxed, delighting in the fact that she and Blake were able to make him feel so good, to get him off. Her son's hips rocked back and forth with his body's orgasmic convulsions, and his sweaty thighs squeezed her face. She darted her tongue against whatever she could reach as Justin yelled with pleasure - his asshole, balls, thighs. Soon, his urgent bucking ceased, and he gingerly lifted himself off her face and plopped down on the bed next to her.

Blake's smiling face came into her field of vision. She wrapped her arms around him as he brought his mouth to hers. Their lips touched and they kissed fiercely, open-mouthed, as Justin's semen poured from Blake's mouth into hers. "Mmmm," moaned Meg, after she swallowed the warm cum hungrily. "Delicious."

Blake nodded in agreement, then looked at Justin with a sly smile. "Yep. His cum is VERY tasty." Justin grinned and propped himself on his elbow next to them, watching intently as Meg and Blake kissed each other again. Their tongues danced together, exchanging the sticky remnants of the boy's cum. Meg clutched Blake's ass cheeks in her hands as he swirled his hips, massaging her hot cunt with his steely prick. His swollen cockhead slid teasingly up and down between her pussy lips until it was slick and shiny with her juices. He was agonizingly close to inserting it.

"Oh God Blake," groaned Meg. "I am sooo fucking horny, and you're teasing me."

"Who? Me?" Blake smiled evilly, and kept rubbing his cock slowly back and forth across her engorged clitoris. "What do you think Justin? Should I fuck your Mom?"

Justin nodded eagerly. "Yeah. Go ahead Blake!"

The man chuckled with amusement. He wanted to fuck Meg almost as much as she wanted it, but he was having too much fun. He grinned at Justin as his Mother moaned beneath him, clutching at him wildly, like an animal. Justin was once again idly fondling his cock, now semi-hard again after his recent cum.

"Hmmm," said Blake. "Looks like Justin might like his cock sucked again. Or maybe you'd like him to fuck you Meg?"

"Oh God yes! Either of you would do." She was moaning and breathless, frustrated with Blake's teasing stimulation.

A nasty thought came to Blake. "Or," he continued..."It was sooo sexy watching you pee just now. Maybe you'd like to watch Justin pee?"

"Mmmm," moaned Meg. "Maybe I would at that."

"Maybe...maybe you'd like him to pee on us while we FUCK." And as he said the word, he shifted his hips and wedged his swollen cockhead between her slippery pussy lips.

Meg humped against him in a futile attempt to mount his pleasure-giving cock. "Yesss," she moaned hoarsely. "Oh God, that sounds SO hot!"

Blake grinned. Meg's eyes were glazed with passion. Droplets of perspiration beaded on her forehead. Her face was flushed, and she was moaning in frustration. He flexed his asscheeks and pushed his cock against her. "What do you think Justin? Does that sound like something you'd like to do?"

The boy licked his lips and nodded eagerly. "Uh huh. I DO have to go."

Meg moaned lustily. Her pussy was on fire. She needed to be fucked so badly by her lover. And the thought of her son peeing on them while they did the evil deed...oh god, she couldn't stand it! She bucked her hips up off the bed, pushing desperately against Blake's powerful body. She wrapped her legs tightly around him, and her hands clutched at him feverishly. "Fuck me Blake!" she pleaded.

Blake knew that it was time. He stared intently into Meg's eyes, and pushed his swollen cock into her slippery pussy in one smooth, easy motion.

Meg screamed out with pleasure as his cock entered her. "OH GOD FUCK YES!" she cried. "YES! YES! FUCK ME!" She spread her legs wide and thrust against him, as he fucked her with long, forceful strokes. Her aching pussy pulsated around his delightful cock as he thrust in and out. She could hear Blake telling her son to get ready, to pee on them as they fucked.

Blake eagerly awaited Justin's warm piss. But as he fucked Meg, he realized it would be SO much more exciting if Meg were on top, and Justin peed directly on her. He carefully rolled over onto his back, pulling Meg with him, all the while keeping his cock buried deep in her liquid hot pussy. Meg's sweaty, heaving body was now sprawled on top of him, and Blake grabbed her firm ass cheeks in his strong hands. The two of them humped against one another vigorously, using each other's bodies to pleasure themselves.

Looking over Meg's shoulder, Blake caught Justin's eye and nodded. It was time. He watched as the boy got up and stood precariously over them, balancing as best he could on the rocking mattress. His cock was now erect in his fingers. Blake knew that it might be difficult for the boy to piss with a hard on, and he willed him to succeed.

Justin held his cock in his fingertips and strained to piss. Blake saw his stomach muscles flex and contract with the effort. The boy grunted, and a small dribble of golden urine seeped from the pisshole, onto Meg's tanned back. Blake heard her giggle, and then she whispered in breathless encouragement. "You can do it honey...pee on me."

The boy's face was a mask of concentration. He flexed his pelvis again, and this time, a powerful stream of pee spurted from his hard cock. It splashed onto his mother's back, then onto her undulating butt cheeks. It ran down the crack of her ass, bathing her pussy lips and Blake's thrusting cock. Blake could feel the warm liquid pouring over his balls, cascading into the crack of his ass. The sheet dampened beneath him.

Justin giggled as he directed a steady stream of piss back and forth over his mother's back and ass. All the while, Meg and Blake fucked each other lustily, their excitement heightened by the kinkiness of the golden shower. Both of them were now soaking wet. Blake could smell the musky sexy fragrance of the boy's piss, intermingled with the heady smell of Meg's soaking wet pussy and sweaty body.

Blake watched as Justin's urine slowed to a trickle, then stopped. Justin grinned broadly at him, then knelt on the bed. He stared intently at his mother's bucking ass, wet and shiny with pee and heaving and flexing as she fucked Blake lustily. His fingers massaged his erect cock.

"Mmm, Justin...looks like you're horny again," said Blake breathlessly.

Justin grinned. "Yup."

"Doesn't your Mom have an incredible ass?" He spread her ass cheeks open with his strong hands.

Justin nodded. "She sure does Blake."

"Why don't you touch it? And lick it? Hmm, maybe you could even FUCK it while I fuck her pussy. Would you like that Meg?"

Meg gasped. "God yes!" She glanced over her shoulder at Justin. "Make me feel good sweetie."

The boy maneuvered behind his mother. He knelt on his haunches for a moment, watching Blake's big cock plunging in and out of his Mother's soaking wet pussy. Her pink cunt lips were swollen and shiny. He watched with fascination as they clung to Blake's hard wet dick. Blake spread her asscheeks farther, and her puckered asshole gaped open enticingly. He moved closer, stuck out his tongue uncertainly, and touched it lightly to her asshole.

Meg groaned hoarsely and bucked her hips. "Mmmm, yes Justin," she whispered. "God, that feels good!"

Encouraged by his Mother's response, Justin licked around and around the tight hole. She squirmed and moaned, and he tongued her asshole with relish. It tasted salty with sweat and pee.

Meg buried her face in Blake's shoulder and moaned with delight, biting him lightly as Blake whispered in her ear. "Does it feel good Meg? Do you like it when your son licks your asshole while I fuck you?"

"Yesss," she hissed. "I LOVE it!"

"Maybe you'd like him to stick his cock in your ass so we can fuck you together?"

"Oh fuck yes!"

"Then tell him!"

Meg moaned softly. She wanted it...NEEDED it. "Fuck me in the ass Justin," she pleaded. "Stick your cock in my asshole!"

The delightful soft wetness of Justin's tongue fluttering against her asshole abruptly stopped, and Meg sensed him shifting position on the bed behind her. Blake stopped thrusting his cock into her pussy and spread her asscheeks wide to make it easier for Justin to find his target. Meg waited breathlessly for her son to enter her. The anticipation of both of her lovers fucking her at once was almost unbearable.

She felt Justin's cock probing against her asshole. She worried momentarily about the lack of lubrication, but soon realized that she was so lubricated with Justin's saliva that it wouldn't be a problem. Plus, she had been fucked back there by Blake, and Justin's cock was quite a bit smaller.

The cockhead was now wedged against her, applying slow and steady pressure. She felt Justin push, and she gasped loudly as he slid easily past her sphincter. He paused for a moment, and then she felt his prick filling her ass as he slowly slid it in. "Oh God yes," she moaned softly. "That's it sweetie. Fuck my ass!" Blake and Justin began fucking her in unison - Blake's cock filling her juicy pussy, and her son's smaller cock wedged into her rectum. Both her holes were satisfyingly full, and she was afraid that the sensation would literally drive her mad. She bucked against them violently, and with each thrust of her hips, she rubbed her swollen clit against the base of Blake's cock, stimulating herself, bringing her hair-trigger cunt closer and closer to orgasm.

She clutched at the sheets as she humped her sweaty body against her lovers. "Oh yes...oh yes...oh yes," she moaned over and over, announcing her passion to them. "Oh...oh...OH GOD...Fuck me...fuck me...FUCK ME!" she cried. And suddenly she screamed out with pleasure, as her climax began to wash over her. Wave after wave of pleasure spread over her whole body, from her aching clit to the tip of her toes. "Oh God...uh...uh...uh...OH YES...FUCK YES!" she cried. And neither of her lovers could hold back their own orgasms. The walls of her juicy pussy pulsated and gripped Blake's cock. Her asshole clenched tightly around Justin's thrusting prick. And they came in unison, shooting their pearly cum deep into Meg's holes.

Meg screamed in ecstasy. "OH GOD FUCK ME!" She writhed violently on top of Blake. Her orgasm seemed to go on and on. Her entire body convulsed and spasmed again and again, and all the while she cried out with pleasure. Her lovers stayed with her as best they could, meeting her wild thrusts, driving their cocks in and out, as streamer after streamer of cum erupted deep inside Meg.

Gradually, their orgasms subsided. Meg, breathless with her exertion, collapsed in a sweaty heap on Blake's body, and Justin fell forward on top of her, his softening cock still embedded in her asshole. The three of them panted, exhausted after their lovemaking. They laid there together for a long time, content and silent in the afterglow of their orgasms.

"Oh my goodness," sighed Meg finally. "I don't think I've ever come so hard."

Blake smiled. "Me either. Nothing like being fucked by two men at once hey?"

Meg chuckled. "I guess not. But I think it was Justin peeing on me that did it. God, that was so hot!"

Justin giggled. "Yeah, I liked doing it too."

"You know what though..." began Blake. "I have to pee really bad too. I'm the only one of us who hasn't gone yet."

Meg smiled. "You're not allowed to leave yet. I want to keep your cock inside me."

Blake grinned slyly. "Who said anything about leaving? I could just pee right now."

Meg lifted her face in surprise. "You mean, INSIDE me?"

"Sure, why not? What do you think, Justin?"

"Yeah, that would be cool!"

"Hmm," began Meg uncertainly. "Well, I guess you would feel...interesting."

"Heehee, yes it would. Hang on."

Blake had to piss like a racehorse. He concentrated for only a few moments, and then without warning his warm pee bubbled up inside Meg's pussy, coating the inner walls of her vagina. Soon a hard stream sprayed inside her.

"Oh God," Meg groaned. "That feels wild!"

Her cunt was filled with the warm piss. It escaped around Blake's semi-hard cock, and poured over his balls onto the bed sheet below them. Meg moaned lightly - the sensation was strange, but very, very pleasurable. She felt it warm her from the inside out.

After a minute or so, Blake's urine stream finally subsided. The three of them were soaking wet, covered in the musky-sweet juices of their lovemaking - piss, sweat and cum. They lay there together for a long time, snuggling against one another and caressing each other's bodies. Meg didn't want it to ever end.

A recording: "The number you are dialing is not in service." Katie slammed the telephone down in frustration. For the third time, she punched the telephone number that Meg had given to her, and she got the same result.

FUCK! She couldn't believe it. Either Meg had mistakenly given her the wrong number for her cell phone, or she done it on purpose. No, she thought. Meg wouldn't do that to her. And she was right. In fact, Meg HAD made a mistake, and given her the wrong number. The week before, after their eventful get together, Meg had transposed two of the digits.

Katie sat at the dining room table in stunned disbelief. Here it was Saturday morning, and Meg expected her that afternoon at Golden Lake. It was nearly a two-hour drive, she had promised Meg she'd call first, and the lousy phone number was wrong.

She sighed with frustration and disappointment. She had such an amazing experience with Meg - she had thought about little else all week, and she was looking forward to seeing her again. She had made arrangements to borrow her Mom's car (concocting a story that she was going to stay at her friend Jessica's house), packed a small overnight bag, and now it looked like she wouldn't be able to go. FUCK!

On the other hand, she DID still have the little slip of paper that Meg had given her - the hastily drawn map showing how to get to her summer cabin. Maybe she should chance it and go anyway. But what if Meg had a change of heart? What if something else had come up? It seemed to Katie that she would be taking a gamble by just showing up. Heck, Meg might not even WANT her to come anymore.

She drummed her fingers on the table, eyeing her travel bag forlornly, and thought through the problem. 'Oh what the hell,' she thought to herself. 'I'll risk it.' And she grabbed the car keys and her overnight bag and marched outside to the car.


The day was hot, and a brisk wind was blowing off the lake, sending large rolling waves crashing onto the beach. Meg lay back, supporting herself on her elbows, and let the warming rays of the sun wash over her bronzed body. The warmth of the sand emanated through the beach towel beneath her. Rain was threatening - indeed, large, ominous thunderheads were building on the horizon, but for the time being at least, the sun was blazing down upon her. Blake was reclining in a similar position to her right, and Justin was playing in the waves at the water's edge.

Meg took a large swig of water from her bottle. She eyed the cell phone on the towel next to her and sighed. Katie wasn't going to call - that seemed obvious at this point. She couldn't understand it. The two of them had gotten on so well, and the girl seemed genuinely excited about getting together again. But something must have come up.

"I guess she isn't going to come," she said quietly. There was a tinge of sadness in her normally cheerful demeanor.

Blake looked at her sympathetically. "Looks that way," he agreed. "I'm sorry Meg. I know you were looking forward to it." Blake felt sorry in more ways than one. He wasn't sure exactly what was going to happen this weekend if the girl DID arrive, but he sure had been hoping that he would be included. He looked out toward the lake and watched Justin splashing in the waves. "Did you ever tell Justin about Katie?" he asked.

Meg shook her head. "No. I couldn't figure out what to tell him. I was just going to play it by ear when she showed." She sighed forlornly. "Looks like it doesn't matter anyway."

Blake patted her arm tenderly. "Maybe she'll still call Meg. In the meantime, let's just enjoy the day. Okay?"

Meg shrugged. "I will." She saw Blake looking at her with a look of concern on his face, and smiled. "I'll be okay. Really. And yes, I AM enjoying the day, especially with you here."

Blake grinned. "Good." He watched as Meg fidgeted with a strap on her swimsuit. "I like your new suit by the way."

She smiled broadly. "Thanks. Compliments of my visit to Katie."

He winked at her playfully. "She has good taste. On the other hand, don't you think you'd be a little more comfy if you took it off? And besides - no sense getting tanlines."

Meg giggled. "Hmmm...". She glanced around her, thankful for the secluded nature of the cottage. She looked out across the cove, at the cabins on the far shore, safely distant, and then shifted her gaze out into the open water of the main part of the lake, where a few boats were putt-putting slowly in the distance. Justin was throwing stones into the waves as they crashed onto the beach.

A sly smile played across Blake's ruggedly handsome face. He walked his fingers up her arm. "What do you think Justin?" he called out. "Should your mom take her suit off?" Meg tutted and slapped his hand playfully.

The boy walked toward them, playfully kicking at the sand, and sat on a towel next to his mother. "Heck yeah!" he exclaimed.

Meg laughed. "I guess we have a consensus." She reached her long, tanned arms behind her, untied the straps of the suit, and let the top fall free of her breasts. She immediately felt the breeze play across her sensitive nipples, and they stiffened in the open air. Justin was looking at them with his mouth hanging open as she flaunted her breasts proudly in front of them. She winked at Blake, and then pushed the thong bottom down her legs. She sat cross-legged and naked in front of them. Meg sensed a sexual charge in the air. Her own anticipation was powerful. The three of them were going to have sex together, and the mere thought of it filled Meg with desire. Blake was staring at her, a half-smile playing across his ruggedly handsome face. It was as if he was reading her thoughts.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked playfully.

"Oh nothing," he replied in mock innocence.

She looked at him with playful suspicion, and lay back on her beach towel. There would be time for sex later. The thunderclouds had passed by, and the sun was bright and warm, bathing her naked body in luxuriant heat. She sighed contentedly, and stretched her arms back over her head, letting the warm lake breeze wash over her nude body.

Blake and Justin reclined on either side of her, admiring her long, lithe form. Blake couldn't get over how sexy her body was. A few years before, she had been pretty, but pudgy. Now, her toned muscles rippled beneath her dark skin. Her breasts were almost perfect to his eyes; two rounded globes, at once soft and firm, jiggling with every movement she made. Her stomach was flat, her pussy hair dark and trimmed, and her legs long and sensuous.

He glanced out toward the lake, noting that it was virtually empty of boats, and the few that were out there were well outside the cove, far from shore. The three of them were alone, with no prying eyes to interrupt them. Not that Blake would've minded if it were just he and Meg. But it wouldn't do at all for the wrong person to see them having sex with Justin. For he knew the three of them would have sex again, and hopefully soon, right here on the beach.

He shifted his gaze toward Justin. The boy's eyes were running up and down his mother's naked body. Then his eyes met Blake's, and the older man winked at him. Time to get the action started. Blake placed a big, strong hand on Meg's leg and began to caress it slowly and sensuously. Justin immediately began to stroke his mom's tummy, then ran his hand along the side of one of her lolling breasts. Meg purred encouragement to her two lovers, submitting to the delightful sensations of their hands on her willing body.


Katie pulled her mother's Buick into the gravel driveway, hoping beyond hope that she had found the right place. The map more or less got her here, but it wasn't easy. She had taken two wrong turns, and finally had to stop and ask for directions. She rolled to a stop behind another car (Meg's car, she hoped), turned off the ignition, and sat for a few minutes, butterflies churning in her stomach. Finally, she screwed up her courage, checked herself over in the rear-view mirror, and clambered out of the car. She walked uncertainly onto the front porch of the cottage. With a nervous sigh, she knocked timidly on the door.

There was no answer, and she rapped harder. Still no answer, and she swore softly under her breath. She circled the cottage warily, but the place seemed deserted. DAMN! She hadn't called, and Meg probably had made other plans. She moaned forlornly, and decided it just wasn't meant to be. She began walking dejectedly back to the car, when suddenly she heard the sound of laughter, or maybe a boy giggling, from the rear of the cabin, maybe down by the beach. 'Aha!' she thought to herself. Meg must be down at the lake.

Her spirits soaring, she walked quickly to the edge of the small yard, and peeked over the embankment down toward the shoreline. At first, she saw nothing, but she stepped a few paces to her right and peered through the shrubbery again. A stiff breeze off the lake blew her blond hair, and she saw whitecaps out on the water. She scanned the beach...there! She saw someone reclining on the sand. No, two people, lying side by side. She shielded her eyes from the sun and looked again. Actually, there were three people. She gasped. What were they doing?

Katie's heart raced as she squinted toward the beach. It looked like Meg, lying on her back...yes, it was definitely Meg! And totally naked! And there were two guys lying next to her, one large and muscular, and the other very short. Oh my God! The short one was sucking her tits, right there on the beach! The other guy was...wait a minute! He was getting between her spread legs. He was leaning down. He was licking her pussy!

Katie's mind reeled. This was unbelievable! Oddly, she found she had a tinge of jealousy, but she quickly dismissed that. It also occurred to her that she was perhaps intruding on a very personal moment. Should she leave quietly? Or should she keep watching, to see what happened? As her interest grew, that was the course of action she chose. But she better stay hidden - the trio was less than fifty feet away, and she didn't want to get caught. Maybe Meg (and her lovers) wouldn't appreciate the fact that someone was spying on them. Katie ducked behind a mass of foliage to hide herself, feeling fortunate that she had elected to wear drab clothing. She was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a dark blue tank top.

She wondered who the men were. Meg had mentioned something about a neighbor. Blake was his name, if Katie remembered correctly. The way Meg had talked about him, Katie had the impression that she was smitten with him. According to Meg, he was handsome, nice, and great in bed. Maybe this Blake guy was one of her partners down there on the beach. Maybe that was Blake between Meg's legs. Whoever it was, he was an awfully good-looking guy, even if he was a bit older. Tall and muscular, deeply tanned, strong looking arms...and he clearly had an oral talent. Meg's tanned legs were spread wide apart, and she was clutching the guy's hair, pulling his face against her. The wind was dying down, And Katie could now hear, every once in awhile, Meg's soft moans of pleasure.

Katie also remembered that Meg was staying at the cabin with her son - Justin, his name was. Odd that Meg was being so bold that she was having sex out in the open. Apparently, Justin was gone somewhere, leaving Meg alone with her two lovers.

Blake (Katie decided it MUST be Blake between Meg's legs) pushed his swim trunks over his hips as he ate Meg out. Katie watched as his erection sprang free, plainly visible even from this distance. He began to fondle himself, clearly aroused by what he was doing. And he wasn't the only one who was getting excited. Katie's pussy was developing a most pleasant tingle inside her shorts. Without even being aware of it, her fingers started to rub her crotch.

But who was the other guy, the one sucking on Meg's tits? A neighbor? A friend? Whoever he was, he was a little dude, especially compared to Blake. In fact, he seemed quite a bit shorter and thinner than even Meg. Katie briefly thought that maybe he was a shorthaired, flat-chested girl. But no - he too tugged his swim trunks off, and a hardon appeared. Heck, even his cock was kind of small, but it sure was erect!

Katie's fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her shorts. God, this was exciting! She'd never seen people having sex before, and the sight was so fucking erotic! Plus, her own sexual experiences were limited. She'd been fucked by a boy only once in her short life, had sex with a couple of girls (especially with her friend Jessica), but still...her sexual self was only in the mere waking stage.

Whoa, some activity down there...Katie watched as the little dude shifted position. He released Meg's tits from his mouth, and got on his knees, straddling Meg's face. She heard the woman moan with pleasure, saying something to him. Meg took his cock in her mouth, and the guy said something that Katie couldn't quite make out. He was facing her, and Katie drew herself behind the bush to make sure she was still hidden. Goodness, the guy was little! Katie's eyes drifted over his tanned body - thin arms, small, a hairless cock! She did a double take, and suddenly she realized with a shock that this was no man at all - he was a boy! And a young boy at that, maybe a few years younger than herself - probably not even in high school yet.

Katie gasped audibly. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. But that was nothing compared to what came next. As the boy fed his erection deep inside Meg's mouth, Katie could very distinctly hear him moaning with pleasure - "Oh Mom, suck me, I LOVE that."

Katie thought her mind would explode. Was that...was that boy...Justin? Meg's SON? And she heard him again: "Suck me Mom." Katie's heart pounded in her chest, and her eyes opened wide with shock. Meg was having sex with her own son! She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Meg had seemed so...well, so INNOCENT. Yet here she was, sucking her boy's cock like a slutty whore.

This was far beyond anything in Katie's experience. Incest, right before her very eyes! It was...repulsive? At least, it was supposed to be that way. Yet Katie didn't find the act to be repulsive at all. Instead, she found herself becoming very, very aroused as she watched the forbidden act.

How long had Meg and her son been having sex? And how long had Blake been part of it? Katie didn't know, but she didn't really care. The sight and sound of Meg and Justin getting it on like this was so fucking erotic, Katie could barely stand it. Her fingers were now probing between her increasingly wet pussy lips, frigging herself as she watched the obscene sight unfolding before her eyes.

She could see Justin's little man-boy cock sliding between Meg's lips. It was wet and shiny and red, powerfully erect. His eyes were closed and his mouth was agape, clearly enjoying the feel of his mother's mouth on his prick. Blake was still eating Meg out, partially obscured behind Justin. Katie pushed her shorts and panties down her slim legs, drawing the fingers of both hands through her swollen cunt lips. She felt more aroused, more excited than she had ever felt in her entire life.

Blake fluttered his tongue rapidly up and down Meg's cunt lips. Damn, he loved licking her pussy! For one thing, when Meg was wet, she was REALLY wet. Her copious juices seeped from between her pussy lips, and Blake lapped up the musky liquid eagerly. He spread her labia open with his fingers, and her cunthole gaped open. It was full of pungent juices, and a little rivulet ran down into the crack of her butt, bathing her asshole. He licked her bumhole clean, then ran his tongue up her swollen lips again, to her clitoris. He peppered the swollen nubbin with quick flicks of his tongue, and Meg moaned loudly with pleasure.

"Oh God yes!" She groaned. "Suck me!"

Blake inserted first one, then two fingers into her warm, wet pussy and continued to stimulate her clit. His long tongue was a blur as he fluttered it up and down, up and down, all the while fingerfucking her tight pussy. He felt Meg's powerful thighs squeezing the side of his face, and her hips bucked up and down as she humped her sopping wet cunt against his mouth.

"Oh yes...oh yes...OH YES!" cried Meg. She forgot about Justin's cock for the moment, completely caught up in seeking her own pleasure. "Oh...OH...OH...FUCK YES! SUCK ME!" Her body tensed, and then she convulsed again and again, as her orgasm swept through her body. Her toes curled, and she clutched Blake's head in her hands, pulling him against her throbbing clit. She screamed her pleasure again and again.

As Meg's orgasm subsided, Blake released her hard clit from between his lips, and crawled up next to her. She had taken Justin's cock in her mouth again, and he kissed her on the cheek, then on the lips, flicking his tongue briefly against Justin's hard prick as he did so. Suddenly, he felt thirsty. "I'll be right back," he announced. "I'm going up to the cabin to refill my water bottle."


Katie was leaning against the tree, shorts and panties twisted around her ankles. Her eyes were closed as she frantically rubbed her clit with her finger, bringing herself closer and closer to orgasm. Meg's heaving and moaning climax had excited her to no end - that Blake must be good! If only he could do that to her! But Katie knew that was impossible - there was no way she could intrude on the three of them. Meg might totally freak out if she knew that Katie had seen her having sex with her own son. No, Katie would have to settle for getting herself off by her own hand, and then leave quietly. Maybe she could make arrangements with Meg to see her another time.

Droplets of perspiration beaded on her brow as she rapidly frigged herself. She was getting closer and closer. She spread her legs and propped herself against the tree, raking her fingers along her swollen, slippery cuntlips. She opened her eyes - better check to make sure that the three of them were still down there on the beach. And into her field of vision came...Blake.

Her throat constricted, and her eyes widened with shock. She instinctively pulled her hands from her groin, and turned around, shielding herself from him. She quickly bent down and pulled her panties and shorts up her legs, covering herself. Her heart pounded in her chest. She couldn't believe that she had allowed herself to be caught - caught spying, caught in this revealing position, caught doing secret things to herself by a man she didn't even know. She was embarrassed, ashamed, and a little afraid. She trusted Meg; at least she thought she did. But could she trust this Blake guy? What might he do to her? Would he be mad at her for spying on them?

She took a deep, nervous breath and turned around slowly. Blake was standing about 10 feet from her, naked as a jaybird. His cock was standing at attention as he stared at her. Their eyes met, and suddenly, Katie seemed relieved. He seemed just as shocked as she was - he certainly didn't seem very threatening. His eyes twinkled a bit, and he smiled at her - a nice, friendly smile. It calmed her a bit, but her heart was still pounding, and she knew that she was blushing. God, she wanted to find a hole and crawl into it!

Blake's smile broadened. "Hi there," he said softly.

"Er, hello," Katie stammered.

"Are you Katie by any chance?"

Katie nodded, surprised. "How do you know?"

"Meg's told me about you. She expected you today, but didn't think you'd come." He paused. "She'll be glad to know you're here," he added.

Katie nodded dumbly, unsure what to say next. So Blake continued. "Were you...watching us?" he asked. He was still smiling that friendly smile. He took a couple of steps toward her.

The girl glanced down at Blake's muscular body. His cock wasn't quite as hard as it was at first, but on the other hand, it hadn't subsided very much. She looked back at him and nodded. "Yes," she admitted. Sorry."

Blake chuckled. "Don't be sorry. It's exciting to think you were watching us. Did you like what you saw?" He took another step toward her. He was now standing directly in front of her. Katie's heart was racing.

"Yes," she replied nervously. "I...I did."

"My name is Blake by the way." He extended a hand, and Katie took it. It was warm, powerful, and it almost completely enclosed hers. She began to pull her hand away, but he didn't release it. Instead, he held it, gently massaging the side of her wrist with his thumb.

"Pleased to meet you Blake. Meg...mentioned you to me."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? What did she mention?"

She smiled. "Nice things."

Blake chuckled. "Well she mentioned nice things about you too. VERY nice things. His hand released hers, and began to caress her forearm. She was aware of his nakedness, of his hard cock only inches away. He loomed over her, but she was no longer scared, just mortally embarrassed. It was obvious that Blake knew that she and Meg had sex together. She felt her face flush.

"So," Blake continued. "What did you like most when you watched us just now?"

Katie shrugged. "I...I liked watching you eat her out." She couldn't believe that she was saying these things to this stranger!

"Mmm, good. I love to suck Meg's pussy." He smiled broadly. "Do YOU like to eat her pussy?"

Katie gulped. "Yes," she said, almost in a whisper.

"What else did you like about watching us?"

She licked her lips nervously. "I...I liked watching her suck off Justin."

"DID you now?" He winked at her. "Do you know who Justin is?"

Katie exhaled with a whoosh. She knew her face must be beet red by now. Her throat felt narrow and constricted with nervousness. "Yes. He...he's her boy."

Blake tried to hide the thrill that coursed through him. It was amazing! This girl had masturbated as she watched the three of them, and she knew that it was an incestuous relationship. Yet, she didn't seem put off by it. The very fact that she frigged herself as she looked on MUST have meant that Meg and Justin's lovemaking excited her. He wondered how far this could go. He cleared his throat, hoping his voice wouldn't be shaking with excitement. "What do you think of that Katie?"

The girl took a deep, nervous breath. In a way, this all felt wrong to her, but there was no denying how aroused she had been watching them, and how excited she was now talking to Blake. He was standing so close to her that they were almost touching. In fact, she felt something brush along her waist. It must have been his hard cock, but she didn't dare look. His strong hands were massaging her arms, at once calming and exciting her with his touch. "I think...I think it's exciting." There, she had said it! 'Oh God Oh God Oh God,' she intoned silently to herself.

Blake pushed forward, and his cock rubbed against Katie. This was beyond his wildest dreams! He looked deeply into the girl's eyes. "Meg and Justin have a special relationship," he whispered softly. "We ALL do."

Katie nodded in understanding. The man pressed against her. She felt his erection resting against her stomach. She involuntarily thrust her hips forward. She was terribly excited by what was happening to her.

"Katie, why don't you join us down on the beach? Meg will be happy to see you."

She gulped nervously. "Are...are you sure?"

"She'll be surprised at first I think, but it will be okay. Trust me."

The girl nodded, her mind in a fog.

"Good," said Blake with a smile.

She allowed him to take her by the hand, and she floated along behind him, his naked, muscular butt flexing sexily, as they walked down the short flight of stairs to the beach. She sensed that she was about to have the sexual experience of her life.

Meg and Justin had shifted positions. Justin was lying sprawled on his back on the big blue and white striped beach towel, his thin legs spread wide. Meg was crouched between them, pumping her hand up and down her son's hard, shiny prick as she lathered the swollen cockhead with her tongue. They both had their eyes closed, and Meg was murmuring contentedly under her breath, clearly enjoying the pleasure that she was giving to the boy.

Blake and Katie came to a halt, and he released her from his grasp. He looked back at her, held a finger to his lips, motioning for her to stay silent, and knelt down on the sand next to Meg. Katie stood there, nervous and self-conscious. Blake was whispering something into Meg's ear.

Suddenly, Meg pulled back abruptly, her eyes wide. She looked up wildly, and saw Katie standing there. She clasped her hands over her mouth. At the same time, Justin opened his eyes, confused, and he too saw the girl standing over them. He sat up, covering his groin with his hands in a futile attempt to hide his erection.

"Katie!" Meg exclaimed. She looked back and forth from Blake to Katie, and then at Justin, and groaned forlornly. "Blake...This isn't good. Why did you bring her here? NO ONE is supposed to know about us. About...about Justin and me." Katie felt so sorry for her - Meg seemed angry and confused and frightened and embarrassed all at the same time. She was practically on the verge of tears. Katie realized clearly how secret Meg wanted her relationship with her son to be. For a moment, she felt like an intruder. She nearly ran away, but fought the urge. Instead, she knelt on the warm sand next to Meg and placed her hand gently on her arm.

"It's okay Meg," she whispered soothingly. "I...I saw the three of you. I know what you were doing." She caressed Meg's shoulders. "It's okay, really it is. I understand."

Blake smiled. "See Meg? I told you. It's okay."

Meg shuddered with emotion, and she exhaled loudly, keeping her eyes averted from Katie. She seemed lost and uncertain. But Katie kept softly stroking her shoulders, massaging Meg's naked back. "I understand," she repeated. "It's fine...I think it' and...and beautiful."

Meg found the courage to look at the girl, kneeling there next to her. She visibly relaxed a bit. "You do?" she asked softly.

Katie nodded. "Yes I do. It's okay Meg, really it is."

Meg sighed loudly. She looked intently at Katie, sweet Katie. She WAS glad to see her, she just didn't expect it would be under these circumstances, that the girl would find out her most intimate, forbidden secrets. But she seemed accepting of it! Katie was smiling at her, and Meg took the girl in her arms and hugged her tightly.

"I'm glad to see you Meg," whispered Katie.

"Oh me too," replied Meg. The two embraced and caressed each other. Katie ran her hands up and down the smooth, bare skin of Meg's shoulders, down her spine to her lower back. She felt the older woman shiver in response. And then their lips touched, and they kissed, a soft peck at first, then a deeper, juicier kiss, their tongues dancing in and out of the other's mouths.

They broke the embrace, breathless and panting. Meg squeezed the girl hard, then chuckled. "I'm being rude. I haven't even introduced you to Justin yet." She released Katie from her embrace and motioned to her son. "Justin, I'd like you to meet Katie. She's a...friend of mine. Katie, this is Justin."

Katie smiled. "Nice to meet you Justin." For the first time, she got a close look at the boy. He seemed to be a few years younger than she was, but it was obvious he was growing up to be a handsome boy. There was the faintest resemblance to Meg. The same brown hair, dark complexion, similar facial features. He was looking at her shyly, his arms still clutched protectively over his groin. But it was obvious that he still had a powerful erection - he had probably been close to coming when she and Blake interrupted them. And, Katie surmised, watching his mother kiss her probably hadn't helped the situation. She glanced over at Blake, kneeling on the other side of Meg from her. He was grinning broadly, looking from Katie to Meg and back again.

"There," he laughed. "The introductions are out of the way." Katie and Meg laughed with him. The ice had been broken. Even Justin smiled shyly, still uncertain what it meant to have this girl here with them. Katie felt sorry for him, having the oral attention of his mother broken up so suddenly. But why shouldn't the two of them continue?

She smiled down at the boy. "I'm sorry I butted in on you like that Justin. It sure looked like it felt good." She looked at Meg pointedly. "Maybe you'd like your Mom to pick up where she left off?"

Meg smiled, and blurted out: "Only if you join me Katie." My goodness! She couldn't believe she was offering up her boy to Katie, but it felt so right to do so. She wanted them both, with an aching longing in her loins. And she wanted Blake too.

"I'd love to," Katie replied. "If Justin will let me." She and the boy looked at each other, and he smiled at her. His shyness was slowly evaporating. He hunched down onto the towel, and laid on his back again, in clear invitation to them. His pretty cock was sticking straight up in the air.

Impetuously, Katie began to remove her clothes. Everyone was naked except her, and she wanted to get right down to business. She glanced casually out toward the lake, and at the surrounding shore. The place was secluded. The tingle in her pussy was raging, and the thought of she and Meg getting it on with this horny boy was unbearably erotic. Blake, Meg and Justin watched her as she pulled her tank top over her head, exposing her naked breasts to their leering gaze. She then pushed her shorts and panties off, and tossed them on the sand next to her. Her heart was pounding and adrenalin was coursing through her body as she knelt there in front of them in her nakedness, but she wasn't inhibited - only very, very horny.

With an unspoken glance at Katie, Meg got on her hands and knees and lowered her face until she was at eye level with Justin's hard, throbbing cock. Katie watched as Meg took her boy's cock in her nimble fingers, stuck out her tongue, and lapped at the underside of the stiff shaft from his hairless balls all the way up to the peehole. And a burning hunger came over Katie - she too wanted to taste the boy's cock, to share it with Meg, to make him cum. She got between the boy's spread legs, lowered her face to him, and took the swollen cockhead between her lips as Meg licked the shaft.

"Oh yesss," groaned Justin loudly. "Mmmm, that's nice."

Meg and Katie ran their pink tongues up and down the boy's prick. Meg took the base of his cock in her fingers and jacked him off gently as the two of them orally pleasured him. Their saliva intermingled, and they occasionally paused to kiss each other wetly, probing each other's mouths with warm, wet tongues. And through it all, Justin lay back in ecstasy.

Blake sat back on his haunches, momentarily forgotten. But not for long. As Meg sucked off Justin, her ass was pointing directly at him, her dark asshole winking at him obscenely. Lower, he could see her distended, pink pussy lips, swollen and shiny with her juices. She had cum for him a bit earlier, but he knew that she would be ready for him again. He tongued her asshole and pussy briefly, but his horniness was unbearable, his cock aching and throbbing. He wanted to fuck her so bad, to shoot his hot cum in her once again.

He knelt behind her, grabbed her shapely asscheeks in his powerful hands, and wedged his throbbing cockhead between her swollen pussy lips. Meg moaned, and wiggled her hips in invitation, humping her cunt against Blake's trembling cock. Blake closed his eyes and pushed, soaking up the wonderful sensation of his quivering cock entering her tight, clinging pussy inch by glorious inch. Meg pushed back hard against him, and soon his prick was embedded in her pussy as far as it would go. Blake gasped and began thrusting in and out of Meg's cunt as she bucked fiercely against him.

"Oh God fuck me Blake!" cried Meg, her voice muffled around Justin's shiny cock. She was sucking the prick fiercely with hollow cheeks, as Katie coated his hairless balls with saliva. Justin bucked his slim hips up and down, fucking her mouth, and Meg knew he would soon cum for her. She squeezed his shaft between her lips and slid them up and down, again and again.

"Oh Mom...Oh Katie," he cried out. "Suck me!"

And Meg felt the first squirt of hot semen hit the roof of her mouth. She released his cock from her mouth, and pumped his shaft with her hand. His sperm erupted like a geyser, and soon both she and Katie were catching the streamers of cum in their mouths. Some of it oozed down his cock shaft, and Katie slurped it up noisily.

Justin's orgasm subsided, and the woman and the girl licked him clean, pausing now and again to exchange his cum from one tongue to another, kissing each other juicily. They squeezed and milked the last drops of sperm from the pisshole. And all the while, Meg moaned and bucked against Blake, who was fucking her savagely from behind.

The sight of the two of them slurping up Justin's cum was too much for Blake, and with a loud groan, he plunged his cock as deep as he could into the wet recesses of Meg's cunt and ejaculated. His cock trembled and convulsed inside her, and then he thrust in and out of her as fast as he could, all the while gasping loudly, shooting his sperm deep inside his lover. Spasm after spasm gripped his body, until he was spent and exhausted with the exertion. He collapsed on Meg's back, sweating and heaving. Gradually, his cock softened inside her, and he removed it with a pop and fell onto the towel, still trying to catch his breath.

Meg, too, fell on the big towel and rolled onto her back between Justin and Blake. She spread her legs and let the warmth of the sun wash over her. She felt Blake's cum dripping out of her, flowing over her pussy lips and collecting in a pool beneath her ass. She smiled and purred contentedly. Looking up, she saw Katie kneel next to her, her eyes glued on her pussy. Her tongue was flicking absently over her red, pouty lips.

Meg laughed. "Do you like what you see Katie?"

"God yes," groaned the girl. "It looks like Blake came buckets inside you! It's running out of your pussy."

"Well, don't let it go to waste sweetie!"

Katie smiled and clambered between Meg's splayed legs. She lowered her face, stuck out a long pink tongue, and began to lap at Meg's swollen pussy lips, slurping noisily, sucking at them. She drank from her vagina like a straw, collecting the final remnants of Blake's cum as it leaked out.

"Oh God Katie, that feels nice," murmured Meg.

"Tastes good too!" came Katie's muffled voice. "Sweet and salty at the same time." The girl continued to tongue and lick Meg's pink, shiny cunt lips, lapping up and down like a dog, delighting in the sensual taste, the wonderfully powerful and musky aroma. Her face was wet and shiny with love juices, and she hummed contentedly as she serviced the older woman.

"Oh fuck!" exclaimed Meg. "That feels wonderful."

Meg watched the girl as she licked her pussy with her talented tongue. She noticed that she was reaching back underneath herself, rubbing her own pussy, and she realized that the girl was probably the only one of them that hadn't yet cum that day.

"Ooh sweetie," she purred sympathetically. "No need to play with yourself. Swing your butt over here and we can do each other."

Katie needed no further encouragement. Without missing a stroke of her tongue, she maneuvered herself into a 69 position and lowered her trembling, throbbing pussy onto Meg's face. She immediately felt a delightfully smooth, nimble tongue probing her horny pussy.

"Mmm," she moaned. "Just like that Meg. Suck me!"

Blake's cock was coming back to life as he reclined next to the two women and watched them suck each other off. And so too, he observed, was Justin's. The boy was now kneeling next to them, watching intently as they ate each other out, feasting his eyes on their bodies, especially Katie's. 'And how could he help it?' thought Blake to himself with a smile. Meg and Katie both had great figures, despite the striking differences between them. Katie's form was slim and almost girlish. Her breasts were much smaller than Meg's, but the nipples were no less firm and erect. Her hips were quite slim. And her ass! Blake didn't think that he had ever seen a more beautiful butt in his life. It stuck out just right, slim yet rounded, very firm. The pretty butt cheeks were slightly paler than the rest of her body. It flexed and bucked in an amazing sexual dance, suspended as it was over Meg's probing mouth.

She and Meg were moaning in lusty unison as they tongued each other cunts. Katie, especially, was obviously enjoying herself. Her body flexed and quivered sensuously on top of Meg. He realized that neither he nor Justin had really touched her yet. She seemed to be almost forbidden fruit, but that could soon change. Maybe Justin should get the honors?

He caught the boy's eyes and motioned with a nod toward Katie's ass. Justin looked at the older man questioningly, and Blake whispered his encouragement. The boy crawled on hands and knees behind the girl, and watched from this new vantage point while his mother licked her juicy pussy. Blake watched as Justin ogled Katie's pussy and asshole and absently stroked his cock with his little hand. Soon the boy's prick was stiff and erect in his fingers.

"Katie?" Blake whispered.

"Hmm?" came the muffled, questioning reply. The girl's mouth was glued to Meg's pussy.

"Would you like a cock in your pussy to go with Meg's tongue?"

"Mmm," she purred. "Yesss."

"How about Justin's cock?"

"Ooh yes."

Justin positioned himself behind Katie, clutching her undulating ass in his hands. He inched forward on his knees, aiming his cock at her gaping, wet cunthole. His mother smiled up at him, and briefly interrupting the tongue fucking she was giving Katie, she reached with her hands and helped him position his erect, throbbing cock. She placed it against her gaping pussy hole, and before she knew it, the length of his prick was disappearing inside, only inches away from her glazed and admiring eyes.

Katie thrashed and moaned with pleasure. Justin's cock certainly wasn't very large, but it didn't matter. The very thought of this mother and son combination servicing her at the same time was hot beyond belief. As the boy plowed his prick in and out of her tight cunt, Meg began to lightly flutter her tongue against her clit.

"OH FUCK!" Katie moaned. "Oh yes...yes...YES!" She buried her face in Meg's sopping pussy and slurped hungrily, but she wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing. Her every thought was bent on the release of her own sexual tension. She bucked her hips furiously up and down, searching out Meg's warm, wet tongue, the boy's thrusting prick. The dual feeling was exquisite.

And now a new pleasurable sensation washed over her. A soothing, smooth wetness was gliding over her ass cheeks. She looked over her shoulder with glazed, shiny eyes, and there was Blake, running his tongue along her rear. She groaned, and smiled at him. It felt wonderful! He ran his tongue up and down the crack of her ass, coating it with saliva, then he licked Justin's cock shaft as it slammed in and out of her pussy. He then focused on her asshole, extending his tongue, flicking it against her while Meg sucked her clit and Justin fucked her cunt.

Katie bucked furiously against her three lovers. She flexed and undulated her ass obscenely as Blake began to push his tongue against her asshole. He was trying to tongue-fuck her butt, and the feeling was wonderful! She screamed with pleasure against Meg's juicy cunt.

After a few minutes, she felt Justin's urgent thrusting slow, then stop entirely, and he slowly extracted his cock from her tight pussy. She began to protest, but before she could say anything, she felt a new sensation. His cock was back, but this time he was pushing it against her asshole. A fleeting sense of panic came over her. She had never been fucked in the ass, had never had anything inserted there that was bigger than a finger. But then she remembered that Justin's cock wasn't very large, and she forced herself to relax. And all the while, Meg's tongue flicked against her clit.

Meg looked on as Justin wedged his cock against Katie's puckered asshole. Blake was helping him, spreading Katie's ass cheeks for him while Justin maneuvered his prick into position. Blake allowed a dribble of saliva to fall on the puckered hole, lubricating it. The sight was incredibly erotic. She wondered briefly if Katie had ever been ass-fucked, if she knew how good it felt. She heard Katie's low, guttural moans.

Justin pushed gently at Blake's encouragement, and his cock head disappeared easily inside Katie's rectum. "Ooh, ouch," protested Katie. But Blake whispered to her to relax, and Katie did. Meg extended a wet tongue and licked Justin's cock, just at the place where it disappeared inside Katie's bum, to help lubricate it, to make it easier for the girl.

Justin pushed again, and this time half of his cock disappeared inside Katie's ass. Meg heard the girl inhale sharply, then groan with pleasure. She licked Justin's cock again, and then began to lick the girl's clitoris, flicking her tongue rapidly against the swollen bud.

"Oh God YES!" groaned Katie. She bucked her hips back sharply, and suddenly the entire length of Justin's prick buried itself in the girl's tight, dark hole. She took Katie's clitoris between her lips and suckled gently, peppering it with short stabs of her pointy tongue as she did so.

"OH GOD! Lick me Meg! FUCK ME JUSTIN!" cried the girl. And Justin began to plow his erection in and out of Katie's stretched, gaping asshole. Meg felt the girl's sweaty body undulating in an erotic dance on top of her. Katie was emitting a stream of constant moans, her face buried in Meg's pussy.

Meg took the girl's clit firmly between her lips and sucked hard. "OH FUCK YES...OH GOD...OH GOD!" cried Katie. "SUCK MEEEE!" And suddenly, the girl was cumming. She screamed with pleasure as she bucked her body violently on top of Meg, thrusting her hips back to take Justin's cock as deeply as she could. And all the while, Meg sucked on the girl's clit, feeling the tender organ convulse and throb between her lips.

"FUCK YES!" screamed Katie. "FUCK ME!" she gasped. Her body undulated up and down as her crashing orgasm washed over her. And then Meg came with her, bucking her cunt against Katie's pleasure-giving tongue.

And then Justin's loud moan announced that he too was cumming. He thrust in and out of Katie's ass in a blur, shooting his sperm deeply into the girl's rectum.

Finally, their bucking, frantic thrusts slowed, then stopped, and the three of them panted and heaved in the aftermath of their orgasms. Meg watched as Justin slowly withdrew his prick from Katie's clinging asshole, and then it was free with a pop, wet and shiny with his cum, and hanging mere inches in front of her face. She couldn't resist - she extended a long tongue and licked the creamy residue from his semi-hard cock. She tasted the pungent mixture of his sperm and her ass, and she found the taste incredibly erotic. When his cock was clean, he pulled away, and she watched, fascinated, as the girl's anus expanded and contracted. A stream of semen flowed out and dripped onto her face, and Meg opened her mouth and drank it in. She then licked the girl's asshole clean, soothingly washing the freshly fucked hole. Finally, she smacked her lips, and the three of them collapsed in a sweaty, panting pile.

Blake watched the three of them caress and hug each other tenderly. He shook his head in disbelief at his good fortune. Never in his wildest dreams did he think his summer would ever turn out like this. But he didn't think it would end with the passing of the summer. He smiled. Three years before, Meg had been a shy, rather plain schoolteacher, hardly noticed by him except in passing. Three weeks ago, she had been a hot, sexy slut in his eyes, something to be merely desired and won. But now, their relationship was something else entirely. He liked her, liked her a LOT. What did the future hold for them?



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