Story Details

Interesting Summer Pt. 2

geroxx on Incest Stories

My parents went on a 30 day trip to Australia and left me with my aunt Tammy who is a 38 year old widow with beautiful dark red hair and a tight busty figure. I will be spending the summer with my 3 cousins. Jennifer is 17 and a stunning younger version of Tammy. Sue is a 14 year old strawberry blond with beautiful perky breasts and a tight athletic ass. Tiffy is 13 with blond hair and an infectious smile.



I couldn’t believe it. I was here less than an hour and I already scored with Sue. I was a little scared that what we had done would become a big problem. I hoped that Sue would be able to keep it secret. It was not long before I fell asleep naked, worried, and spent.

As I slept, I started dreaming of Sue. We were in the pool again with everyone was splashing around. It seemed that they were watching me but every time I looked at them their eyes would be on something else. Sue would be beside me in the water with her hand down my shorts stroking my cock. I was trying to get her to stop but she wouldn’t. I was nervous that everyone was going see what we were doing but I was excited at the same time. It seemed the more I worried the faster she jacked my cock.

My balls were getting tighter as her strokes got faster. My eyes were darting around nervously. Sue was just giggling the whole time. I felt my body tense with my approaching orgasm. As the first spasm hit I heard a young squeal of joy and saw Tiffy standing at the side of the pool looking down at me and Sue.

Tiffy got more excited and squealed louder with each jet of cum. I was as if she could see through the water and my trunks as the cum shot out. I tried to get Sue to stop now but she kept jacking as Tiffy seemed to get more excited.

I snapped awake and sat up quickly. I saw Tiffy had jumped back blushing with a sharp squeak. I couldn’t believe that she had came into my room and was playing with my cock. I looked down to see a cum all over my belly and balls. Tiffy was wiping the cum from her hand on the bottom of her t-shirt.

“What were you doing?” I demanded with a little more harshness the it deserved.

“I’m sorry.” She whimpered. “I just never seen a boys penis before. I just wanted to see what if felt like. I just touched it a little bit and it started getting bigger. I wanted to see how much bigger it would get.”

I felt a little sorry for being so sharp with her.

“You shouldn‘t have done that.” I scolded as I jumped up to clean up the mess. “You are too young for that.”

“No I’m not.” She exclaimed with defiance. “Most of my girlfriends have already had sex.”

“I don’t care about your girlfriends.” I instructed. “But you should have asked me instead of just doing it.”

She nodded her understanding.

“Now, the next time you want to do something like that you need to make sure the other person wants to do it.” I told her in a soft voice. “Ok?”

“Ok, I’m sorry.” She admitted. “I really came out here to remind you that it was almost dinner time.”

“Thanks for the warning.” I said as I jumped up to get showered and dressed.

With that she waved and trotted out of the pool house. I continued to get ready for dinner as I kept thinking about how weird this situation was. I already fucked one of my cousins and the other was just playing with my cock. I was a little overwhelmed by the weirdness of it all. I never expected for any of this. I’m a little worried that all of this will spin out of control and I will get in trouble. The dream was still a little raw in my mind as I walked out of the pool house.

I entered the house to find my aunt and cousins as well as a couple of my aunts friends. It seemed that Jennifer also had a girlfriend over to meet me as well. Aunt Tammy took me around to each person and introduced me.

First off was Vicky. She was tall and shapely with a cinnamon complexion with hair so black it almost looked blue. Her eyes were a very light brown and stood out brightly against her dark skin and hair. Her bare breasts strained against the white blouse she wore. The blouse was thin cotton and I could clearly see the outline of her dark nipples. She also word a very tight medium length black mini-skirt that showed off her shapely brown legs as the curved down to her 4 inch stiletto heels.

“You were right Tam, he is a hansom young man.” She complimented.

Next was John and Linda. John was 6’ 2” with sandy blond hair, a square jaw, and a tall muscular frame. His wife Linda was just the opposite. Linda was only 5’ with a solid tan that really made her platinum blond hair stand out. She was very small framed but had nice curves. I would almost call her a miniature barbie doll. Everything was so proportional that she was stunning.

“Nice to meet you.” John greeted with a firm handshake. “It’ll do Tammy good to have a young man around for a while.”

“He is cute.” Linda said as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “We’ll have to have him by for lunch soon.”

Finally I was introduced to Leonard. He was a soft spoken middle aged man. I sort of got the feeling that he may have been gay by the way he carried himself. He was about 5’ 10” with brown mousy hair and slight build. He wore a sport coat with slacks and loafers. I think it was the argyle socks and loafers that caused me to think he was ‘A bit on the sweet side’. I didn’t have a problem with it but had never really been around it either.

We all sat around the over stuffed couches and chairs with everyone looking at me like I was in a cage. It brought up the dream I had earlier. I guess it sort of showed as aunt Tammy asked who wanted a drink. Pretty much everyone acknowledged their desire to have something to take the awkward edge off.

I looked around the faces as they chatted with each other. I noticed that Tiffy seemed to like Leonard. She was busy joking with him as if he were a girlfriend or something. It sort of creeped me out a bit. Just as a creepy shiver hit me Tammy brought what looked like a cola. I nervously sipped it to find that it was spiked with some whisky. I gave a little choking sound that caused a broad smile on Tammy’s face. She gave me a wink as she put her index finger to her lips indicating that it was our secret.

The drink seemed to help as I loosened up. I actually joined the conversations after Tammy brought me the second ‘coke’. There was the normal questions of where I was from, what I liked to do, and how I liked the area/house/state, etc. I wasn’t long before we all adjourned to the dinning table for dinner.

Tammy sat at the “head” of the large round table with me on her right. Vicky sat next to me alternating boy girl until we came to my cousins. Dinner was a little more formal than I was used to. The food was great but I was concentrating on following the conversation.

I didn’t notice at first but everyone was getting real giddy. I think they were getting just a buzzed as I was. I also didn’t notice the way Vicky kept leaning into me as she laughed and chatted until she started patting my arm like she was trying to get my attention.

All this did was to bring my attention to the feeling of Tammy’s foot as it would bump into my leg every few minutes. I just shrugged it off but as the evening wore on I noticed that Vicky finally just rested her hand on my arm and Tammy’s foot stopped bumping into me and was now just running up and down my calf.

I finally had to excuse myself for a quick restroom stop. I quickly adjusted my slowly hardening cock as I rose to go to the bathroom. The room was spinning just a bit as I made my way down the hall. I finally made it to the end of the hall into the guest bathroom. I made my way over to the sink to splash some water on my face. I got my emotions under control and braced myself for facing the guests again. I left the bathroom and headed down the hall. About half way I ran into Linda as she was heading to the bathroom herself.

“How is the party?” She asked with a smile.

“I’m a little overwhelmed.” I admitted to her.

“Ah, don’t worry, everything will settle down tomorrow.” She reassured me. “We are all excited with your arrival. Tammy was very happy to hear that you were coming to stay the summer.”

“Thanks.” was all I could say.

“Oh, I was serious about having you for lunch.” She reminded me. “But don’t worry, there won’t be a big group that time.” She joked rubbing my arm with her left hand and reaching around and patting my butt with her right as she slipped past me on her way to the bathroom.

It appeared that she was swaying her ass just a little bit more as she approached the door. I guess it may have been the booze but I was getting the feeling that everyone out here were a bit off center. I wouldn‘t say crazy, but way different than what I was used to. I made my way back to the table where everyone seemed to be calming down a bit more. I also noticed that my drink had magically refilled itself. I took care to only sip it as I didn’t want to get too drunk.

The dinner finished up and everyone retired back to the sitting area. I on a couch with against the right side with Vicky sitting between me and Leonard. Sue had perched herself on the arm of the chair with her arm around my neck. I half heartedly followed the conversation as I was starting to get groggy from the booze and the excitement of the day.

It wasn’t long before everyone started to make their departures. I escorted each to the door bidding them good night. John shook my hand again while Linda gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Leonard gave me a limp hand shake as he bid his good nights. The last to leave was Vicky. She surprised me with a full body hug. I felt her firm breasts against my chest as she squeezed me. She ended her embrace with a quick kiss right on my lips.

“I’ll be by tomorrow.” She announced with a wave to Tammy as she headed out to her car.

I was finally relieved that everyone was finally gone allowing me to relax a little. It was kind of late so Jennifer waved with a “nite” on her way down the hall to her room. Tiffy gave me a quick hug and grin as she bounded to her room. Sue kissed me on the cheek and gave me a sly grin as she headed toward her room. This just left me with Tammy.

She was a little drunk but not sloppy. She swayed over and plopped down on the couch. I noticed her tanned legs as she crossed them at the knee and patted the couch beside her.

“Come sit down.” She requested. “I want to finally have a talk with you.”

I walked over and sat where she indicated. She leaned in close placing her hand on my knee as she started talking like she was telling me a secret that she didn’t want others to hear.

“I know you are a little confused right now but you just have to be patient. Soon, you will get used to our chaotic life.” She reassured me with a crooked grin. “I’m very glad you came to stay with us this summer. It has been just us girls since Bill died and it is nice to have a man around the house again.”

She patted my knee again but it seemed that her pats got higher up on my thigh as she leaned closer. I looked down to notice that I could see down her evening dress. She had worn a nice black evening dress that had a loose crossing design that hugged her breasts. The gown had fallen about 4 inches above her knees and had a slit up the side. This exposed her very tan oiled legs. It was distracting but not as distracting as seeing her smooth heavy breasts as she leaned into me. I was getting hard again as I kept my attention on her beautiful breasts.

“You will find that we are very laid back here. Since you are family you are very welcome here. You also have to understand that we haven’t had a lot of company and I think the girls my forget that there is a man around. So don’t get embarrassed if you happen to see more of them then you are used to.” She instructed.

“I’ve noticed that a bit.” I confided. “I guess its ok with me but I’m afraid that my body isn’t used to that.”

She laughed a bit and replied. “I haven’t thought about that.” She trained her eyes down to my crotch finally noticing that my cock had gotten hard. This seemed to amuse her more as she covered her mouth to laugh a bit.

“Well, I guess if the girls forget to cover up then they shouldn’t expect you not to get stiff.” She said as she intended to give me a playful pat on the knee but actually patted my hard bulge instead. This caused her to laugh more as she blushed a bit.

“I’m going to bed.” She announced while still laughing as she got up.

She steadied herself for a few seconds and started to stagger down the hall a bit. Everything she wobbled she would start to laugh again. I think she was drunker than she thought.

“I’ll see you in the morning.” She said with a wave as she disappeared down the hall.

I just sat there a few minutes trying to take in all the events of the night. I adjusted my cock as I stood up and made my way to the pool house. One the way I decided to jump into the pool quickly to cool off so I stripped and dove in. The water felt good and had the desired effect of cooling off my cock. I swam around for a few minute and got out after my cock had become limp.

I collected my clothes, walked into the pool house, and fell into bed with the beads of water still on my skin. I relaxed and tried to fall asleep as I noticed someone walk into the pool house. I looked over and saw a naked figure walk in backlit by the pool lights. The shape quickly made its way to my bed where it threw its leg over my and straddled me with its hands on my shoulders. It was then that I noticed that Sue had decided to revisit my bed.

She didn’t say a word as she started grinding my cock with her hot pussy. I just 5 seconds she had undone all the magic the pool had just completed. My cock was hard and throbbing in no time. She reached down and guided it into her hot cunt where we worked it in deeper with each stroke until it bottomed out. She shivered and collapsed onto my chest with my cock buried in her.

“That feels so good.” She whispered. “I’ve been wanting this all evening.”

She finally sat up and stated riding my cock with the occasional grind of her hips. I place my hands on her smooth ass to help control her thrusts. I could feel her cunt start to tighten as she rocked back and forth. Her body shook every few minutes as she had mini orgasms. She slowly rode my cock for a good 15 minutes before I could take it no longer.

I spun causing her go fall to the side where I could get on top. I wasted no time in giving her hard heavy thrusts. Get gave a slight ‘oh’ with each thrust. As I sped up my thrusts she was getting louder and louder. Her body started to tighten as she built up another orgasm. It couldn’t have come soon enough because I was ready to blow another load. I tried to hold until she started her orgasm but couldn’t. I finally came with a deep thrust as my cum started filling her pussy for the second time today.

“Oh, FUCK!” She exclaimed and the feeling of my cum filling her sent her over the edge and her orgasm rocked her.

I kept my cock buried in her not wanting to let it slip out. She quietly shook as her orgasm subsided while she held me tightly with her legs wrapped around me.

“Damn.” I said again. “You have a great pussy.”

She grinned with the compliment just before she started giving me a wild tongue kiss. She finally released her leg lock and allowed me to pull out and lay down beside her. I could see by the dim light that she had her hand between her legs rubbing the cum leaking out of her pussy into her clit and pubic mound.

“I hope this isn’t going to get weird.” I stated. “I really like fucking you but I don’t want to get into trouble either.”

“I like fucking you also.” She assured me. “I also like to fuck a few other guys also.”

It seemed like she was trying to shock me… and she did. She seemed to get a kick out of that and continued.

“You don’t have to worry about me. I have been fucking for a couple of years now. I even think that mom might suspect but she has never said anything about it. I have a boy friend but he doesn’t know how to fuck as well as you.” She complimented me.

“Well, we need to be careful all the same. You mother may not mind you fucking your boyfriend but I’m not too sure she will like you fucking your cousin.” I informed her.

“OK, but I don’t think we will have that problem.” She announced like she knew something I didn’t.

I rolled over onto my side to face her. She also rolled over and snuggled into a spoon rubbing her ass into my now limp cock. I reached over to hug her and she grabbed my hand and put it between her sticky legs. I rubbed my finger into her cunt feeling the slick cum still oozing out of her.

We fell asleep like this and it was early in the morning before we woke up. She jumped up and trotted into the main house leaving me with my morning hard-on. I didn’t know what to expect but was excited to find out what the day had in store for me.

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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