Story Details

Interesting Summer

geroxx on Incest Stories

My mother’s side of the family can be described as interesting. I always think back to the summer I spent with my Aunt when I was 17. It was interesting to say the least.


When I was 17 my parents won a trip to Australia. The company that my dad worked for had a raffle at their Christmas Party and the grand prize was a 30 day vacation trip to Australia and New Zealand. Well my father won it and took my mother on the trip as soon as I was on summer break. They didn’t want me to be home alone for that long so they decided to send me to my aunt Tammy’s for the summer.

My uncle died 6 years ago leaving my aunt Tammy (38), cousins Jennifer (17), Sue (14), and Tiffy (13) fending for themselves. Uncle Bill was a smart man and left his family pretty well off. Between his stocks and insurance aunt Tammy was well off.

The last time I’d seen Aunt Tammy was when I was 6 but had never met any of my cousins. They all lived in San Diego California and we lived in Boulder Colorado. We packed up and headed to the airport. My dad shook my hand and my mom gave me a big hug and smooch on the cheek as I headed toward my plane and they headed toward theirs. I was a little excited about spending the summer on the beach as my plane accelerated down the runway for take off.

The flight was smooth and before long I was at the air port getting my luggage and trying to find the paper with my aunt’s cell number on it. I finally find it and my phone at the bottom of my backpack. I dial the number to see where she is waiting for me.

“Hello.” The strange voice said.

“Aunt Tammy?” I enquired.

“Mike?” Tammy started with a giggle. “Where are you at?”

“I’m at baggage claim near gate 22. Where are you?” I replied.

“I’ll be right there… Don’t move an inch.” Tammy replied with a little excitement in her voice.

Not much later I spotted a woman searching for someone and recognized my aunt. We spotted each other at about the same time. Tammy jumped up and down waving excitedly. She was fairly tall at 5’ 9” with an athletic body with nice heavy breasts. She was wearing a short tennis skirt and as she jumped her breasts were heaving with the rhythm. She had dark red hair with a nice tan. I was a bit dazzled at first and did not respond as she ran up and gave me a tight hug. Her breasts smashed against my chest as she gave me some slightly wet kisses on my cheeks in greeting.

“Wow, its good to see you again.” She gushed with excitement. “My have you grown into a nice young man. The last time I saw you, you were in tatty cutoffs running around and getting under foot.” She held me at arms length looking me up and down.

“It’s good to see you too, aunt Tammy.” I stammered

“Oh, go on, just call me Tammy or Tam. Lets drop this aunt stuff because you make it sound like I’m old and wrinkled.” She chided me with smile.

She took my arm and snuggled close as she guided me toward the exit and her car. I could feel her heavy breast smashed against my arm as she talked a 100 miles an hour.

“I’m glad you are going to stay with us. It been a long time since we had any family visit. The girls are so excited to see you. We are going to have a lot of fun this summer. Do you like the beach? I hope so because the girls just love it. Oh, wait until you see the house. I think you are going to like your room….” On and on she went on the way home. I just sat back and tried to take it in. I didn’t want to rain on her excitement so I just nodded a lot and answered with a bunch of “really?” and “That sounds cool.” I don’t think she even knew I said anything. I chuckled to myself as I got the picture in my mind of a chipmunk on speed.

We finally pulled into a driveway to a rather large house. The driveway was a good 200 feet long and ended in a circle in front of the house. Tammy honked as she stopped in front of the porch. I got out and was getting my bags out of the car when the front door opened and out ran my cousins. Tiffy bounded out first. She had blond hair tied in a pony tail. She was barefoot wearing some shorts and a t-shirt. Behind her came Sue who’s strawberry blond hair was still dripping. She was wearing a wet t-shirt with tight red bikini bottoms. I could see that she was not wearing a bikini top under her t-shirt because her perky tits were topped with hard pointy nipples. The last one out the door was Jennifer. She was a younger image of her mother. She already had ample breasts under her white blouse and smooth long legs under her pleated mini skirt.

The girls just sort of stood there a bit shyly as their mother came around the car to introduce me.

“Girls, this is your cousin Mike. Mike, this is Jennifer, Sue and Tiffy.” She exclaimed. “Well? Give your cousin a hug.” She instructed.

Jennifer gave me a quick neck hug with a nervous smile. Sue was a little less stiff as she hugged me wetting my shirt with hers. Tiffy jumped up and gave me as tight a hug as she could give. I was a little surprised with her enthusiasm. I started to put her down but she tried to keep the hug going longer. She finally relented as Tammy herded us into the house.

The entry opened up into a giant open living room. I could almost fit my whole house in this room alone. It was decorated in comfortable overstuffed chairs, love seats and couches. There was enough seating for 10 to 15 people alone. I was in awe.

“Wow, I bet you guys have huge parties in here.” I stated as I felt a bit overwhelmed.

I saw Tammy smile with pride as I goggled around trying to take it all in. I noticed that there was a large glass wall along the back of the house that overlooked a good sized swimming pool, large hot tub, and small pool house. Tammy guided me along to the right and down a hall pointing out the different rooms.

The first door on the right was Tiffy’s room. It was a nice size and was decorated with a lot of pinks and purples. Tiffy blushed a bit as she mentioned that she was wanting to redecorate. She had a princess bed with a billion stuffed animals loaded up on it.

We continued down and on the left we came to Sue’s room. It was nice and comfortable. Not too neat but not real messy either. She had more of a sport theme going on. Her bed was made but rumpled a bit. I noticed that she had a couple different bikini’s hanging around the room in varying states of dryness.

Jennifer’s room was next. It was on the left side also but further down the hall. She had a very organized room with a lot of feminine touches. Everything was put away and in its place. She had some art pieces on the wall. I noticed that they were mostly nudes of men and/or women in different poses. She also had a statue of a woman sitting on a flower that sort of turned into a cock and ran up into her pussy. It was a little erotic to say the least. I noticed that Aunt Tammy did not seem to mind in the least.

We continued down the hall to the room on the right. It was Tammy’s room, or should I say habitat. It had a sitting room with a bedroom to the right. Huge walk in “dressing rooms”. I could not imagine having such a large area. It seemed like a waste of space. She had a very large bathroom with an open floor plan. There was a sink along one wall the toilet at the end. Along the other wall was glass from floor to ceiling. I could see a small private courtyard with a little table and chairs. The shower was its own small glass room. It had shower heads in the ceiling, walls and, believe it or not, in the floors also. It was too much to take in all at once.

“Wow, your room is so big do you ever go in the rest of the house?” I joked.

“I love it.” Tammy explained. “It my own little world.” she continued with pride. “I always wanted my own special haven where I could do whatever I wanted without bugging anyone.”

“Again… WOW… where’s my room?” I asked.

The girls sort of giggled as they all headed back down the hallway and out the back doors to the pool area. I was a little confused and the girls noticed it. This caused them to laugh louder. Tammy finally stopped their joke and pointed to the pool house.

“You have the pool house.” She started explaining. “I thought you might like a little privacy of your own.” She continued as she directed me into the pool house. “It has everything you need. There is a bathroom and shower, a little sitting area with entertainment center, and your sleeping area.”

I was surprised at how cozy it was. I sat my bags down and bounced my butt on the bed giving it a test ride. I had everything I needed. I also noticed that it was a very masculine room as compared to the rest of the house.

With that Tammy excused herself telling me that she had a tennis appointment and that the girls would get me settled. I was also informed that I had total run of the house and the girls would see that I was taken care of. We would also have a welcome dinner at 7. With that she headed across the pool area toward the house. I got a really good look at her shapely ass as it swayed behind her, barely hidden by the short tennis skirt. Jennifer noticed the look I was giving her mother.

“Yeah, moms got a hot ass.” She stated.

She noticed that I was embarrassed for being caught checking out my aunts ass. She chuckled a little and then explained that all the guys did that.

“Why don’t you get your swimming trunks on and come enjoy the pool?” Sue invited.

Tiffy was already heading back to the house to for some reason. Leaving Jennifer and Sue still there watching me put my things away. I shrugged and nodded as I started looking through my bags trying to find some swimming trunks. I’m sure I packed them but could not find them.

“Well, I would if I could find my trunks.” I told her as I started dumping my things out of the bags.

Sue and Jennifer gathered around sorting through my things. Jennifer was busy folding them up and putting them in the drawers while Sue was rummaging around tossing anything not a swimming trunk into a pile by Jennifer. Sure enough, I must have not packed my trunks. Sue was a little deflated as she tried to think of a solution to our problem.

“Why don’t you just wear your boxer shorts?” Jennifer suggested.

“Yeah, that’ll due.” Chimed Sue.

“Well, I don’t know. They are all white and I’m not too sure that they wont turn transparent when they get wet.” I replied. I was more worried that my cock might flop out then them being too transparent.

“Ahh, its alright. We are family.” Sue insured with Jennifer agreeing.

“Ok” I said.

I turned around to pull off my shirt, kick of my shoes and remove my pants. As I was removing my pants my boxers sort of got stuck and they pulled down in the back revealing my ass for a brief second. I got a little embarrassed as I quickly tugged them up but not before Sue gave me a little cat call. I grinned a little at her joke as she and Jennifer giggled.

We walked out to the pool where Sue dived in with a smooth motion. Jennifer excused herself saying that she had some things to get ready for dinner. I prepared to jump in.

“How’s the water?” I asked.

“Its beautiful.” Sue insured.

I dove in and had to catch my boxers as they tried to slip off with the drag of the water. I broke surface and reached the opposite side in a few smooth strokes. Sue swam up next to me and beamed a smile. I pulled myself up the side of the pool to relax with my feet in the water. Sue pushed back off the wall and floated out on her back as she looked up at me. I noticed her perky tits and hard nipples were plainly seen through the wet t-shirt. She was just floating there smiling at me. I was just starting to get hard but forgot that I was in my boxers and not my trunks.

As I sat there watching Sue float on here back I also noticed the bikini bottoms and how her pussy mound was hardly covered. She rolled over and did a rolling dive giving me a quick look at her nice ass. She then rolled back on her back like a sea otter.

My cock was getting hard so I slid back into the water to cover it up.

“Um… You do know that I can really see your tits under that wet shirt.” I confided with her hoping not to embarrass her.

“Well, your hard cock is poking out of your boxers. So I guess we are even.” She replied with a giggle pointing down into the clear water.

I blushed and shot my hand down to get my cock undercover.

“Hey, we are family. Its Ok.” She insured me.

And to prove the point she took her t-shirt off with a quick fling to the pool deck. I was impressed with her nipples. The were slightly pink and looked like little pencil erasures. She stroked to the side of the pool where she was giving me a mischievous grin as I noticed that she was working her bikini bottoms off. She then flung them over the side and gave me a look of “well what are you waiting for.”

I was taken aback a bit. I didn’t know what was happening and was worried that this was getting out of hand. I was wondering if, somehow, I was still at home in bed with a high fever and all this was a product of my brain being burnt to a crisp.

I had some heavy petting sessions with girl friends but that was only after I begged and pressured them for weeks and weeks. Those sessions were always in the dark and never more than me fingering their pussy and them jacking my cock. One girl even just barely licked it once but nothing more than that. I just didn’t have much experience with this level of sex. I was at a loss.

To top it off, she was my cousin. I didn’t really feel too badly about that but I wondered if their might be some law breaking going on.

“Don’t get me wrong, you are hot but we are cousins and I’m still trying to get used to the situation.” I lamely submitted.

“Haven’t you ever heard of ‘kissing cousins’?” She asked like I was retarded or something. “You ain’t gay or anything like that are you?” She continued with a squinty look out of the corner of her eye.

“NO! I’m not gay or my cock would not be hard would it.” I shot back at her like she might be retarded.

“Well?” She said with an impatient tone.

I fumbled with my boxers and sat them at the side of the pool. I was a little worried that the other girls would make a fuss.

“What about your sisters? What will they think?” I asked.

She just shrugged and slid over to me and playfully fondled my balls. She pulled herself out of the pool giving me a great look at her pussy and ass as she got to her feet. She just looked down at me and motioned me to follow her.

I followed her to my new bedroom where she motioned for me to sit in one of the comfortable chairs in the sitting room. I was still nervous but my cock knew what it wanted and so did Sue.

As soon as I sat down she kneeled between my knees and started sucking the tip of my cock like it was an all day sucker. The thrill shot through my cock and shook my whole body as she worked her tongue around and the hood. The heat of her mouth and the feeling of her small hands stroking my cock really got my blood pumping.

“Damn that’s good.” I moaned. “You gotta slow down or I’m gonna cum.”

“Go ahead and cum, lover.” she said with short pauses. “I’ll get your cock hard again.”

That was all I needed to hear. I just relaxed and let the feeling of my pretty cousin’s mouth take over. It took no time before I felt the build up.

“I’m about to cum.” I told her.

That just gave her more enthusiasm as she quickened her strokes and clamped my cock in her waiting mouth. My cum exploded with a shudder into her mouth. My orgasm rocked my whole body as I squirted over and over.

Sue slowed her pumping and started licking my cock like a lollypop as she looked up at me.

“Feel good?” She asked coyly.

“You bet it did.” I assured her.

She raised her self up and sat on my lap hugging my neck. She looked down at me and then gave me a deep tongue kiss. I tasted her and my cum as her tongue explored my mouth. We kept kissing and sucking each others tongues as she reached down and started stroking my now soft cock trying to get it hard again.

She jumped up and pulled me by my cock to the bed. She turned me around and pushed me down on the bed. She then straddled me and started rubbing the bottom side of my cock with her wet hot pussy. She was really enjoying the feeling of my cock against her clit as she slid back and forth.

It didn’t take long for my cock to get hard. By the time it was fully hard Sue was breathing hard and small shivers where shaking her body. She looked down at me as I watched her enjoy herself. Her hand reached back as she expertly guided my cock into her slick pussy with one smooth motion.

I couldn’t believe the feeling of her pussy wrapped around my cock. She groaned as she worked my cock into her tight pussy. I was getting so hot that I started matching her thrusts. I was starting to get the primitive feeling that I wanted to thrust deeper into her.

I grabbed her by the hips as I slid around and we switched positions. I was now in the drivers seat. She was surprised by this move but she seemed to enjoy it more.

“That’s right. Fuck my pussy like a man.” She challenged me through clinched teeth. “I want to feel every inch of your cock.”

She was grunting and thrusting back. My cock could not go any deeper but I was thrusting into her as hard as she was thrusting back. She clinched her eyes and bit her lip as the first wave of her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave.

“Oh yes, fuck me. Make my pussy hot.” She groaned as she thrashed with pleasure.

Her talk was making me so hot that I unexpectedly exploded into her. I shoved me cock as deep as I could as my cum jetted into her. She wrapped her legs around my back locking me in. I didn’t want to pull out. I felt a deep need to fill her pussy and I did. She wrapped her arms around my neck and started her deep tongue kissing again. She paused and looked seriously at me for a second.

“You are the first guy to ever cum in me. I made all of my other boy friends use a condom.” She said with a serious tone and look to back it up.

“I’m sorry.” I stammered. I felt guilty for not pulling out before I came in her. “It just creped up on me and I couldn’t stop it.”

“I wanted you to cum in me silly.” She giggled as she released me and stalked out the door and headed into the house. She didn’t even stop to collect her shirt or bikini bottoms.

I collapsed back into the bed and thought about how crazy this was. I couldn’t help reaching down to feel the slick film that was starting to dry on my cock.

<end part 1>



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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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