Story Details

A Lesson in Sexual Etiquette

mrjjones on Forced Stories

A Lesson in Sexual Etiquette                            Joh J. Jones

I'm  Ryan.  My  Mom  and  Dad  were  divorced. I had just turned  18
at the time this happened. My sister was 21. My sister and I stayed at
home many weekends alone.

It  was a Saturday afternoon and a few of the guys were over. My sister,
Anne,  was  talking  to someone by the name of Margaret on the phone
and half listening to our conversation. I made the mistake of bragging
about going  to  bed with my last girlfriend after the homecoming
dance. I was of  course  going into unnecessary detail about what we
did. It included things  like  going  up  her skirt and feeling her wet
pussy through her pantyhose,  pushing my hand inside, then feeling her
through wet panties and finally pushing her panties aside and going for
the real thing.

They asked me if I went down on her, and I was at least honest enough to
say  I had never done anything like that and I really didn't think
about it. I told them about how I coaxed her into sucking my cock,
though. She sucked my cock hard and put a rubber on it. I laid back and
let her ride me.  It felt so good that I came quickly. My sister came
up and stood by the table we were at.

I  stopped  talking  as I saw her standing there holding the phone, just
looking  at me. "And?" she asked. "And what?" I replied. She asked me
if I  was  talking  about Janice (the last girl I had brought home). I
told her  I  was.  "So,  then  what?" she asked. "I got dressed, then
she got dressed  and  we  left",  I  said.  "What a PIG!" she quipped
and turned around  and  walked out. I heard her telling Margaret on the
phone about what  I  had  done. I looked at the guys and shrugged my
shoulders. They shrugged  theirs  and one guy waved his hand, giving
the "Whooeeee, HOT" sign.  It  was  my  duty, so I hit him. "Hey,
that's my sister!" I said, laughing.  Not  like  I really cared. But my
sister was pissed off about something  I  said.  I  learned that she
planning to make this a night I wasn't soon to forget.

The guys took of at about 4 o'clock, heading home. I went into the front
room  to  watch TV. I heard Anne laughing on the phone and whispering.
I was a little pissed because Dad had to go to a clients' in DC, and I
was stuck with her again. There was no partying with her around; she
was too bossy  and  demanding. She came into the front room after she
got off of the  phone,  plopped  down  on  the  couch  in front of me
and sat there smiling  at  me.  I'd glance over once in a while and see
her. "What?" I finally asked.

"Let me ask you something." She said. "Did it feel good when you came in
her?"  I blushed that she was talking like this, but hey, I didn't
care. She  was  my  sister, not my Mother. "Yeah!" I snapped back. "She
didn't cum,  did  she?"  she  asked.  "How  should I know?" I replied.
She just smiled  and  shook  her  head.  "You're  such  an  
inconsiderate  little asshole!"  she said. "But sooner or later,
someone is going to teach you a lesson." As in most of our
conversations, I got snotty and said, "It's not  going  to  be  you!".  
She  smiled  even bigger. "Probably not... but someone will... probably
sooner rather than later."

She  got  up and went upstairs to her room. About a half-hour later, the
doorbell  rang. My sister came down the stairs. "I've got it, worm!"
she said. She was dressed as if she was going out. If she was going out
this night  could  be  fun  after  all. Friends' phone numbers were
instantly racing through my head.

She  disappeared into the front hallway and I heard her open the door. A
very  hot  girl with golden blonde hair wearing a red stretch outfit
and red  nylons  came  out  of the hallway, followed by three more
girls. An attractive  redhead  was  carrying  a small suitcase with
her. The other girls looked only slightly older than my sister. I
noticed as she walked by,  that  the  light-haired blonde had a wedding
ring on. A few minutes later,  the  doorbell rang again. "Get it,
Ryan!", my sister yelled from the  kitchen.  "Why?"  I  yelled  back  
as  I  got up from the chair and answered the door. "It's probably for
YOU, anyway!"

I was shocked when I opened the door. It was Janice. She looked down and
said  she had come to see my sister. I smiled and asked how she was.
She looked  up, shrugged, and said, "Ok." Anne yelled from kitchen,
"Come on in,  Janice! I'm in the kitchen!" Janice smiled at me again,
pushed past me  and  went  into  the kitchen. I stood there
dumbfounded. After a few moments,  I  shrugged  it off and went back
into the front room to watch TV.

I was half way through a Star Trek Next Generation episode when they all
came  prancing into the front room. All but the blonde and my sister
sat down  on  the love seat and couch. The blonde walked over turned
off the TV,  then  walked  over  and closed the curtains on the only
view of the outside world, the patio doors. My sister headed for the
front door.

"What the heck?" I said. "I was watching that!" I was trying to watch my
language  since  there  were  so  many ladies around. Now that they
were closer, I noticed they were all indeed, ladies. Very nice.

"That's  Margaret"  Anne said. "Margaret thinks she can teach you proper
"bed-manners",  since  you  don't  seem  to appreciate it when you're
IN bed". I didn't want to believe what she was saying. She was
embarrassing me in front of Janice and everyone. She obviously told
them about Janice and our little rendezvous. I tried to play it off. I
flushed and smiled. "What the hell are you talking about? And where are
you going?" I asked. "Oh,  I'll  be  back  in  a little while" she
said, and slammed the door behind her.

Margaret  walked  over and sat on the arm of the chair I was in. Her red
nylons  were brushing against my pantlegs. She touched my hair by my
ear and  asked me "Do like to make love?" she asked. It was suddenly
getting very hot in the room. "Of course" I said quickly, trying to act
cool. "I hear  you've  never MADE love", Margaret said. Margaret moved
off of the arm of the chair onto my lap and she put her arm around my
shoulder. Her skirt  rose  up to where I could see the top of her red
nylons. Her tits were  almost  right  in  my  face. Her curly blonde
hair laid against my chest.  I thought I was gonna die. "Do you like to
FUCK?" Margaret asked firmly.  I  swallowed  a  lump  in  my  throat
the size of an orange and couldn't answer.

"That's  what  we  hear",  Margaret said, "You like to FUCK!" She got up
from my lap and pointed over toward two of the other girls on the
couch. "Go  say  hello  to  Alissa  and  Vervain. I was embarrassed,
scared and really  didn't  know what to do. The third girl, who
Margaret introduced as  Cindy  came  over  and  offered  to shake my
hand. She was knock-out brunette  with  a mid-length, very thin skirt.
When I took her hand, her and  Margaret  pulled  me  from  the chair
and pushed me over toward the couch.  "Go  meet  the  girls!" Margaret
said, "You're a REAL man, not a chicken-shit, right?"

I  had  to  maintain  some sort of pride. As I walked over to the couch,
Janice got up from between the two older girls. Cindy pushed me onto
the couch  between  them.  "Geez,  man!"  I  said.  One  of  the  girls
 was dark-blonde  with  shoulder-length hair and the other had red
hair, just past  her  shoulders.  The  blonde  was  wearing  a tight,
black, short, one-piece  skirt  and the redhead had a long skirt that
buttoned all the way  down  the  front.  They both had long legs and
bodies that wouldn't quit.  Each  looped their arms through one of my
arms. "I'm Alissa", the blonde said. "And I'm Vervain" the other said.

Margaret  walked  over  in front of me, spread her legs, smiled and said
"You know what? We like to FUCK too! And you know what else? We're
going to  FUCK  you!" I glanced around. A million things were going
through my head.  For a brief instant, I thought this could be a pretty
cool thing, all  of  these fine women wanting to fuck me. But there was
something in Margaret's  tone  of voice that made me think again. Why
did I feel like this wasn't exactly going to be a picnic?

Fear  became the stronger emotion as Margaret knelt down in front of the
couch, reached over and started unbuckling my belt. I started to get
off of  the couch. Alissa and Vervain grabbed my arms, pulled me back
to the couch,  leaned  in front of me and pinned me there. I looked at
Margaret and  blurted  out  like a scared little kid, "What are you
doing?" Cindy walked  up behind Margaret, who had now unbuttoned my
jeans, unzipped my fly and had her hands in the top of my pants,
pulling them down.

"Girls  like  to  fuck  too Ryan," Cindy sneered. "But you know what? We
really like to be satisfied when we fuck. Actually, when you're
fucking, you  usually just care about yourself. When you're making
love, you care about  the  person  you're with, too. But just so you
know what it feels like,  you're going to be fucked, Ryan. All we're
going to care about is whether  or not we're satisfied. You MIGHT cum
too." She turned her back and I heard her whisper "but not if we can
help it."

Margaret  had  my pants off and tossed them across the room. She started
taking  off  my  shirt.  I  was  scared. Genuinely scared. In a panic,
I looked  over at Janice. "Janice, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do
anything wrong!" Janice appeared nervous. She looked over at Margaret
and started to  say  "Maybe  you  shouldn't...." Margaret interrupted
her, "Janice, he didn't  care  about  your  sexual  needs, just his!
He's not going to go through  life  thinking  he  can fuck girls, OR
women, without realizing they  have needs! He's going to learn it now!
He's going to know what it feels like! Right, Cindy?"

Then Margaret leaned forward and put a lip-lock on me that felt like she
was  digging  my  tonsils  out  with  her  tongue. Meanwhile, Alissa
and Vervain  pulled my shirt off. Now all I had on was my underwear.
Vervain got  up  and Margaret took her place on my left side, holding
me down on the couch. I put my feet back against the couch and tried to
push myself out,  sliding  downward. Cindy jumped up and grabbed me by
the balls and pushed  me back up. There was no response problem there!
I sat up like a shot.  "Be  a  good boy for us, Ryan." She said through
her teeth. "In a few  minutes,  you're  going  to have to do whatever
we want, and you DO want us to be nice!".

For a moment, my thoughts ran to my sister. How could she do this? Leave
me  alone  like  this?  I didn't quite understand what Cindy meant
until Vervain  came  back with her small suitcase. She set the suitcase
on the coffee table and opened it up. There was a combination of ropes,
leather and other things I couldn't make out in the suitcase. "No Way!"
I yelled and  tried to squirm away. Cindy sat on the edge of the couch
between my legs  so  I  couldn't get up. Margaret and Alissa kept a
firm grip on my arms.

Vervain  pushed  the  coffee table from the middle of the room. She took
four  ropes  with  leather cuffs out of the bag and started tying two
of them  to  the  legs  of  the love seat. I was getting a bit more
scared. "Come  on!"  I  whined. "I said I was sorry!" Cindy turned and
smiled at me.  "Not as sorry as your going to be." She said. Vervain
finished with the first two ropes and looked around. She pushed the
love seat a little closer  to the couch and started tying two more
ropes to the legs of the couch.

When  she  was  done,  she  knelt  in  the  middle, looked up, smiled at
Margaret and motioned with her head. Cindy got up as Margaret and
Alissa pulled  me up from the couch. Of course, I started to struggle
again and of  course,  Cindy  got involved. She grabbed me by the back
of the neck and  directed  me  over by the love seat. I yelled in pain
and even with some  further  struggling,  I  still  wound up on the
floor with my head toward  the  love seat. Margaret, Cindy, Alissa and
Vervain were sitting on my arms and legs, buckling the cuffs to my
wrists and ankles.

At  this  point I was freaking out. I looked over at Janice who had just
rolled  her  eyes,  turned  her  head  around,  and looked at the
floor, shaking  her  head.  "Janice?"  I  muttered.  I  felt like she
should do something.  I was beyond asking questions and just scared. I
didn't know what  they were going to do. In a moment I was tied up.
Everyone got up. I  saw  that Vervain and Cindy had tan pantyhose on
(it was hard to miss from the floor). Vervain moved down to the couch
and started pulling the ropes  a little tighter, naturally spreading my
legs out wider. I felt a small painful tug in my thighs as she secured
the last rope again.

Everyone  but  Margaret sat down. Janice joined Vervain and Cindy on the
couch.  Alissa  sat  on  the  love seat above me. Margaret walked up
and stood  with  one  foot  on  each side of my chest, looking down at
me. I could  see  she  was wearing those sheer pantyhose under her red
nylons, and  red  panties  under those. It looked like there was
nothing holding the  nylons  up. Margaret smiled down at me. "So the
story is, you liked feeling  Janices  pussy  through  he  pantyhose  
and panties huh?" Well, you're  gonna  have  a  chance  to  feel  all
of our pussies through our pantyhose!"  She looked up at my hands. "Oh
dear... your hands are tied. I guess you'll have to use something

Margaret took one of the throw pillows from the couch. Cindy joined her,
lifted  my  ass  off  of  the floor and she put the pillow under me.
She turned  and  sat  on my cock. She moved her hips back and forth and
from side  to  side.  I  still  had  my  underwear  on,  but I could
feel the pantyhose sliding around on them over my cock. "I think I'd
get more out of this if he was hard" she smiled and said.

Alissa  and Vervain came over. Each one knelt down facing me, their legs
over  my  arms.  When they put their weight down, I could feel their
hot crotches against my wrists. They started licking my neck and ears.
Their breath was hot in my ears, and their tongues were warm and wet.
Alissa's long  hair  dragged  across  my  neck  as  she licked up to my
mouth and started  kissing  me,  pushing her tongue down my throat. I
felt Vervain start licking one of my nipples. My heart was beating like
a jackhammer, half  because  I  was  scared and the other half because
I was turned on like  a  10,000 watt light switch. Because of Alissas'
Lip-lock on me, I was  breathing  through  my  nose  like  I was
running a marathon. I was getting  a  hard-on,  and  now I could feel
Margaret's hot pussy pushing against my cock, right through her
panties, hose and my underwear.

I  was  getting  harder fast. I had never felt anything like this. I was
scared,  but it was turning me on like crazy. I felt like I was going
to cum.  I  moaned against Alissa's lips as she was kissing me. She let
up, and  looked  down  at me. I grit my teeth and fought the urge to
cum. "I think  he's cumming," Alissa said to Margaret. "Oh shit!"
Margaret said, "already?".  She  got  up  from  my  crotch. Vervain was
still licking a nipple and Alissa locked onto my mouth again.

Margaret  started  jacking me off, holding my cock through my underwear.
That was it. My eyes rolled back in my head and I was panting through
my nose,  as  I  came  hard.  "Mmmmmmm",  Alissa moaned against my
mouth. I seemed  to  come forever as Margaret kept pumping my cock in
her hand. I could  feel  my cum around my cock and on my stomach under
my underwear. Margaret  finally  stopped and let my cock and underwear
fall back down. It quickly got cool and sticky.

Vervain  and Alissa stopped and looked down at Margaret. Margaret pushed
my  wet,  sticky  underwear around on my cock with her hand. "Oh,
that's too  bad".  She  said. "I was just getting hot! But that's ok"
she said. "Now that I'm wet, I have another place to get off. And it's
going to be a  long time before you cum again, little boy." She got up,
stepped over to  Vervain's  bag  and pulled out a full-head leather
mask with straps. Vervain  lifted  my head. I was so weak from cumming,
all I could do was complain and beg them to stop. It was like a
nightmare and a dream, four gorgeous  women, but all of them scaring
the crap out of me. I tugged on the ropes, but knew that was useless.

As  Margaret  pulled the mask over my head, I heard Margaret say "Relax,
Ryan,  this  is  going  to be a long lesson for you". The mask was on
my head and Vervain was buckling straps in the back, pulling it tight.
. It had  holes  for  my  eyes,  nose  and mouth. The mouth of the mask
had a zipper.  "I have a pair of worn panties I left in the kitchen,
would you get  them  form me, Cindy?" Margaret asked as she watched
Vervain finish buckling  the  mask.  "Of  COURSE  I  will",  Cindy
replied" and started walking  upstairs.  "There  is  a pair of scissors
and a washcloth, too. Bring  them all, and wet the washcloth with warm
water" Margaret said. I think  she  saw the look of fear that was in my
eyes when she said that. "We have to get that underwear off of you
somehow. " She said, smiling.

There  I  was,  spread-eagle on the floor, a leather mask on, tied down,
with  my underwear and lower stomach wet and cold with cum. I was
scared shitless, even though I'd just cum. "You obviously still have to
grow up some,"  Margaret said. "First, we're going to fuck you, so you
know what it  feels  like.  Then  we'll  show you some manners, and the
difference between  making  love  and fucking". Cindy came out with a
small pair of her  silk  panties,  a warm washcloth and the scissors.
Margaret cut the sides  of my underwear, pulled them off and flung them
over by the patio door.  "Can someone clean this little boy off?" she
said, holding up the washcloth. "Gladly." Alissa said, taking the

Alissa  and Vervain moved down by my crotch. Alissa whispered something;
then  her  and  Vervain started taking small quick licks from my
stomach where  I'd  cum. I jumped. Just then, Margaret sat down on my
chest; her tight  red  skirt had hiked almost up to her hips. I had a
close look at her  stockings, pantyhose and red panties. I saw moisture
shining off of the crotch of her pantyhose, tight against her panties.

"OK,  little  boy."  She started. "I heard you never ate a pussy before.
You  expected Janice to suck your cock, but you didn't return the
favor. Why?" she asked. I couldn't answer. I was afraid to tell her the
reason. I'd heard from my friends that pussy smelled. "Well?" she asked
again. I still just looked at her through the eyes of the mask. Someone
licked at my  cock,  and  it made me jump again. Cindy, still standing
by my head, said,  "You  better answer her." "Oh, I think I know why"
Margaret said. "Someone told you pussy doesn't smell nice, right?" It
was as if she had read  my  mind. I felt someone start cleaning the cum
off of my cock and stomach with the washrag.

"Answer  her!"  Cindy  snapped.  I just nodded. "That's what I thought",
Margaret said. "Guys don't always smell good either, little boy. But
you know  what? You're going to get a chance to try it! As a matter of
fact, you're  going  to smell everyone's pussy before you taste it.
Everyone's Pussy.  And  we'll introduce you to mine first, since your
sister talked to  me  about  delivering  this "lesson"". Then she
started stuffing the crotch  of  her  silk  panties into my mouth. I
turned my head to try to stop  her.  Cindy sat down on the love seat
and, grabbing the mask, held my  head  straight.  Margaret pulled my
chin down and continued stuffing the  panties  into my mouth. When most
of them were in, she pulled up on the  zipper  of the mask, zipped it
closed and let it go. The opening of the  mask  popped  down onto my
mouth and held the panties in. I smelled and tasted my Margarets'

"There  now,  can  you  smell that? Can you taste that? That's what guys
crotches smell like and taste like if they haven't taken a shower
before they  get  in bed with a girl. But a lot of guys don't think
about that. They  want to cum. That's what they think about." I thought
about Janice and  I. I didn't take a shower before we went to bed. Now
that I thought about  it,  she  had  smelled fantastic. She had to have
taken a shower. Margaret  interrupted my thoughts. "Well, I have to
finish cumming." She said.  And at the same time, you'll get to smell
what a clean, wet pussy smells  like.  Since  you  like  pantyhose,
we'll each let you smell our pussies  through  our pantyhose first.
AND, she said we're even going to make  your  cock  hard!  But,  since
we're the ones that want to cum, we won't  let  you  cum.  After  all,  
right  now,  we  feel like it's more important  for  US  to  cum,  
right?"  Margaret smiled back at the other girls.  I  couldn't see them
because she was in the way. I couldn't even see Cindy on the love seat
because the eyeholes of the mask wouldn't let me look upward, but I
heard her reply "You bet your ass!".

Margaret  rubbed her crotch with her fingers, smiling down at me through
her  long  curly  blonde  hair.  She moved her knees forward, putting
he crotch  down  on  my  nose, the only thing sticking out of the mask.
The crotch of her pantyhose was hot and wet. I could see the tops of
her red nylons  just  before  she  sat down. She started pushing down
against my nose,  sliding  back  and  forth  and side to side. It was
working. With Margaret's panties trapped in my mouth, all I could smell
was Margaret's pussy  through  her  pantyhose. It smelled strange, but
not bad, like my friends described it. She pushed harder onto my nose.
Suddenly, I felt a hand  on my limp cock, then a hot tongue on the
head. Even though I felt embarrassed  and  helpless,  there was another
strange sensation, and it wasn't bad.

I  started  getting  hard. The mouth on my cock started licking all over
it,  especially  on  that  sensitive  spot  underneath. Margaret
started sliding  her crotch up and down on my face. I felt my nose push
into her wet  pantyhose and wet panties. "Mmmmmm" she moaned, as she
suddenly got wetter. She was soon soaking wet and of course, so was my
nose and upper lip.  Margaret bucked a few more times and stopped and
backed up onto my chest.  I  was  rock  hard  and  was starting to feel
real good when the licking stopped. I groaned.

Margaret  looked  back, then looked at me. "Good!" she said. Do you like
what  they  do?  Don't worry, they'll start again when you're small.
You see,  a  girl  enjoys knowing they can get a boy hard. A lot of
times it makes  their  pussy wet to get a cock hard in their mouth.
Girls like to get  turned  on  by  a  boy's  mouth  and tongue on their
pussy, too. Of course,  there  are boys that don't care about making a
girl cum, aren't there?"  She  pulled the pillow out from under my ass.
"So you'll pardon us. We're not used to having a 16-year old boy to
turn on, so we'll turn ourselves  on  sucking  your cock just until you
get hard. We don't want you  to  come  in our mouths. It might not
taste nice." I could tell she was being sarcastic.

Margaret stood up. I raised my head a little and I couldn't believe what
I  saw  behind  her,  between her legs. Vervain and Alissa had taken
off their  skirts.  They  were  sitting  on the couch in just their
bras and pantyhose  and  they  were  making  out  together.  I  had  
seen this in magazines, but never thought I'd see this "in the flesh".
I couldn't see Janice. "It's your turn", Margaret told Cindy.

Cindy  got off the love seat, turned and sat on my head like a streak of
lightning.  Again, I tried to turn my head, but she grabbed the sides
of the  mask  and  turned  my head as she pushed her pantyhose down
onto my nose.  I  continued  to  struggle, pulling on the ropes, but it
made her pull  my  head  deeper into her crotch. She was already wet
and hot. She was  pulling my head up hard, pushing my nose into her
crotch. I gave up fighting,  because  it  was hopeless. My cock had
shriveled again and in moments, I felt a tongue on it. I moaned.

I don't know how long it was, but all four girls had taken turns cumming
on  my  nose. My nose and upper lip was wet and some had dripped down
my cheeks as far as the mask would let it. I don't know how many times
they came  on  my  face,  maybe five or six. Alissa and Vervain's
panties and pantyhose  were  already dripping wet when they sat down.
It was obvious why.  I  only  saw  Janice  once or twice, sitting off
on another chair, watching.  When she saw me look at her, she actually
smiled, blushed and looked  away.  She  thought  this was FUNNY! Geez!
What was happening? I felt  like  some  kind  of toy, being used by
some little kids, over and over.  They had continued licking and
sucking my cock until it got hard, then stopping. They did it over and

Alissa  was  the last one of the four. She came, biting her lip, smiling
down  through  her  long  blonde hair. When she was done, she got up
and plopped  down  next  to  me. Margaret, who had stripped down to her
bra, pantyhose and stockings, came over knelt down over one arm. Cindy
joined her  and  they  started  taking the mask off. When they pulled
it off, I tried  to  push  Margaret's  silk  panties  out with my
tongue. Margaret pulled them out for me. Instantly, I started begging
them to stop.

Margaret  smiled. "Not yet, little boy! You have a couple more lessons."
I  closed my eyes and felt tears welling up in them. How much more
would I  have to take? My balls were hurting and my face was covered
with cum... from four different girls. I tried choking back the tears,
but Cindy saw me. "Oooohhhhh, are we going to cry now?" she asked. I
clenched my teeth trying  to  hold back the tears. I got mad. "No." I
said. "That's good", she said. "Because we're not done until we're
done. Tears or no tears".

Janice  came  over with a washrag and started wiping off my face. "Isn't
that  nice  of Janice" Cindy said. "I wouldn't have done that". I
looked at  Janice  and quickly whispered "Help me!" She glanced at
Margaret and said,  "I  can't".  I whispered "Please!" as she got up
and walked away. Margaret  went  back  to  the suitcase and pulled out
more pantyhose and stockings. She handed them to the other girls. She
sat down on the couch and started pulling her stockings off. Cindy,
Alissa and Vervain started taking  off  their  pantyhose.  Margaret  
saw  me  looking.  "Ok, little crybaby."  She said. Now you know what
pussy smells like. You don't have to  be  worried  about that. I guess
by now you've had your share of wet pantyhose.  Now you're going to see
how to make a girl happy. You'll get four practice sessions. All of us.

I  took  a  deep breath and sighed. I couldn't believe this. I pulled in
vain  on  the  ropes  again,  just  to see if I could do anything to
get loose.  Alissa  and  Cindy  put  on  another  pair of pantyhose,
with no panties.  Vervain  put  on black nylons, with those black
stretch things that  attached  around  her  waist  and  she  didn't
have any panties on either.  Margaret  stripped  down  stark naked and
got into some kind of body suit that looked like black lace pantyhose
all over.

"Now  we're going to start over!" Vervain said as she walked over toward
me. "And it's my turn". Alissa and Margaret dropped down on each side
of me. One started licking my cock; the other one started licking my
balls. I  gasped at the feeling of both of their tongues on my cock.
"We can do this  the  easy  way,  or  we  can  do this the hard way,"
Vervain said, getting  my attention "but you're going make us cum. You
still don't cum until we say." She showed me a small steel object in
her fingers. "This, is  the  hard  way."  She said. She turned
something small on it and the object opened and closed.

"I  love this stuff." She said. "I hope you want to do it the hard way."
She  sat  down  on my chest, her pussy about 6 inches away. She held
the steel  thing  up to my face to demonstrate it. "What we do with
this, is put it in the back of your mouth. This flat thing goes inside
your cheek to  hold  it  there. These two pieces go between your teeth
and this one goes  on  the  outside.  The last piece goes under your
tongue. When you turn this, the two pieces in your teeth open up. Of
course, so does your mouth.  Unfortunately  for the wearer, that's you,
as the pieces open up your  mouth,  the  piece under your tongue moves
down into the bottom of your  mouth. I understand it gets a bit more
painful as your mouth opens wider.  But  it does convince you to open
your mouth and use your tongue any  way  you're  told."  There  was  an
 evil  look in here eyes as she finished her description. She was
obviously getting into this.

"So, are we going to need this?" she asked. I stared at her and shook my
head.  Despite  all  the  tension of that moment, I felt my cock
getting hard again. The two girls licking at my cock was obviously more
intense. "Shit."  Vervain said. "Well, we'll see." She got up from my
chest and I looked down. I couldn't see my cock because Alissa's head
was in my way. Her  long  hair  was  lying across my stomach. I did
feel their tongues, however  and  my cock was definitely getting hard
again. Then Cindy made her  appearance.  She  stood  and straddled my
head. I looked up and saw that  her  pantyhose  were  open  in  the  
middle,  her pussy completely exposed.

I  don't  know  what I was thinking, when I said, "Aw, come on, please".
Cindy laughed. You know, I love to hear men... and in this case boys...
beg. I  love to see them tied up and helpless. You're such spoiled
brats. I'm going to love this". I just felt helpless. Whatever was
going to happen, was  going to happen. I began wondering when my sister
was going to come back and get me out of this.

Vervain  came over and sat on the love seat. Cindy knelt down and sat on
my  chest  with  her  knees above my shoulders. Her pussy was so close
I could  smell it again. Vervain leaned over from the love seat and
looked down  at  me,  tucking  a  throw  pillow  under my head, her
blonde hair flowing  past her face. "Margaret helped you get familiar
with the smell of  pussy.  I  hope  you  liked  it, because now you get
to taste it." I closed my eyes. I knew Cindy was next, too, and she
would have any mercy at  all. "You better watch, little boy", Vervain
continued. If you don't do  it  to  OUR  satisfaction,  we  use  my  
little toy to make you work harder." She motioned with her hand to
Cindy telling her she should move up.

Cindy pushed forward, leaning back on her hands, pushing her pussy right
up to my face. "Open your mouth." Vervain ordered. I remembered what
she said  and  opened  my  mouth. "Gooood", she said. Now, wherever I
put my finger,  you lick, understand? "But I've never.... " I started
in a panic. She obviously didn't care. "Shut the fuck up!" she said.
"Your job is to listen,  do  and learn. If you can't, we'll use my
"toy", that will keep you  from talking, too". I took a deep breath and
opened my mouth again. Just  then,  I  realized  my cock started
throbbing, like I was going to cum.

"For  crying  out  loud!" I head Margaret's voice say. "Five minutes and
he's  trying  to  cum!  What a child!" I felt someone's fingers
pressing under my balls and felt myself throbbing against their
fingers. I didn't cum.  "Don't worry about them", Vervain said. "Just
do what I tell you." She  put  her  finger  against  the  bottom of
Cindy's pussy. "Do what I said."  Vervain snapped through her teeth. I
still didn't want to do it. I  hate to admit it, but I really was
afraid of Vervain. She just seemed like  the  kind of person that did
what she threatened. Trying to act as tough as I could, I just stuck
out my tongue and quickly, lightly licked where her finger was. Cindy
jumped slightly.

"Now, from here to here, and like you mean it. She moved her finger from
the bottom right of Cindy's pussy lips to the top right. I hesitated
for a moment, then did as I was told. Cindy shuddered. "Ooooo, that's
right" she  moaned. "Now the other side, the same way", Vervain
demanded. I did that,  too.  "Now, slowly, from here to here." She
moved her finger from the  bottom of her pussy lips, right down the
middle, to the top. My dad had told me all about female organs, even
showed me pictures of the lips and clitoris when he gave me the "birds
and bees" story when I was 14. I never  thought  I'd  be here, doing
this, so soon and forced to do it. I did as I was told.

Cindy  shuddered  as I reached the top of her pussy and licked her clit.
Now her scent was much stronger, again strange, but not "sickening" as
I was told. "Oh, make him do it RIGHT, PLEASE!" Cindy begged. "In time,
in time."  Vervain replied. "Now the same way, from the top down, then
back up,  then  down  again.  Lick  HARD. If your tongue goes into her
pussy, fine,  just  keep  going." Vervain demanded. I obeyed, and my
tongue did slip  into  her  pussy  and back out at the top. Especially
when Vervain grabbed  the  back  of  my head and pushed my face into
her pussy. Cindy started  twitching  against  my  face, especially hard
when I licked her clit.  After a minute or so, Vervain let my head fall
back on the pillow and Cindy sighed heavily. Her mouth fell open, and
she looked at Vervain like she was crazy. Vervain just smiled at her.

"This  time,  do  the  same,  but when I tell you, stop here and lick in
circles  until  I  tell  you  to keep going, then go back to licking
her pussy."  Vervain was pointing to Cindy's clit. I knew what she
wanted me to  do.  I  licking up and down her pussy as Vervain said.
Cindy started squirming  again.  "Now  do what I told you", Vervain
ordered. I started licking  around  Cindy's clit. Cindy started moving
her ass around on my chest,  making little jumps. "Keep going," Vervain
said. I kept on. "Ok, stop  and  do  what you were doing before." I
felt Cindy exhale hard and relax  slightly  when  I  started  licking  
on  her pussy again, but she started panting and I could feel her legs
shaking. It was getting wetter as my tongue slipped between her pussy
lips, moving up and down.

After a couple of minutes, Vervain told me to stop and do it again. This
time  Cindy  started pushing harder against my face, almost bucking as
I licked  her  clit. She was panting harder and she had leaned back so
far that  I could feel her hair on my stomach. Something happened
inside me, as  she  shook harder and breathed faster. I was getting
into it. It was like  I  had  some  kind of control over her. "Keep
doing it like that," Vervain  said. Vervain stood up by Cindy and
started licking and sucking her  tits.  It  was  really freaky. Cindy
started moaning loudly and her hips  were  moving  in every direction
against my face. Suddenly, a gush came somewhere from her pussy. I
pulled my head back, but Vervain pushed my  face  back  into  her pussy
saying, "No, no, little boy, this is the most  important  part.  Lick  
her whole pussy, lick her clit, keep going until she's done cumming."

Cindy's cum flowed into my mouth, down my chin and neck. I tried to keep
licking, but she was moving too much and Vervain was practically
forcing my whole face into her pussy. "Ooooo! YES!" Cindy yelled as she
suddenly relaxed  and  pulled  away  from my face. She almost fell
backwards, but held herself there for a moment, breathing heavily.

"Good..."  said  Vervain.  But you're going to do a lot better than
that." Vervain  said.  Cindy got up from my chest. "Good work, little
boy!" she said  "And I really DID enjoy cumming on your face!" Margaret
and Alissa had moved to where they had watched Cindy on my face. When
Cindy got up, Margaret  got  something  else out of the suitcase. Cindy
said something about  checking something in the freezer. Margaret took
what looked like two  small  leather  rings hooked together out of the
suitcase. She came over and sat down on the floor next to my waist
again. "Ok, little boy," she  said. "You cum way to quickly, but we're
going to fix that. My head was  still  up on the pillow, so I could see
what she was doing. My face was cool and wet with Cindy's cum.

Alissa  joined  Margaret again, and they were putting one of the leather
rings on my cock. Then I felt them put one around the sack at the
bottom of  my  cock. It felt weird, but not painful. Margaret stood up
and came up  to  stand  over  my head. The body-nylons she was wearing
had floral designs  on  it,  and  there  was no crotch, like Cindy's
pantyhose. She looked  down,  put  her fingers in her pussy, then put
them in her mouth and  sucked them off. Vervain brought out another
warm washrag and wiped off my face and neck. I felt someone licking on
my cock and balls again, and  Margaret  backed  up  and  sat  down  on
my stomach. She pulled the stretch  material  off  of  her tits, leaned
up and put them right in my face.

Vervain  gave  me  thorough instructions on licking and sucking nipples.
With  two  tongues  on my cock, I was getting hard quick, and suddenly
I felt  the  leather  rings  tightening  on  my cock. I began to feel
them pinching  and  winced.  The pain wasn't too bad, but the good
sensations had  gone  away  a  little. I could feel that I was hard as
a rock. Soon after,  Margaret  was  on  my  face  and  I  was getting
more "detailed" instructions  on licking and sucking pussy. I could
feel the material of her  outfit  everywhere,  against my face, chest,
chin everywhere as she pressed so hard onto my mouth I thought I would

Margaret turned and looked back. "Ah, yes!" she gasped and got up off of
my  face.  Alissa was licking and sucking my cock, which was standing
up like  a pole. I could see that the leather ring that pinched the
bottom. My  cock  was throbbing, but I don't think it was because I was
going to cum.  Alissa  moved away, holding my cock up. Margaret looked
right into my  eyes  and  lowered  herself slowly onto my cock. Her
pussy seemed to swallow  up  my  cock in a hot wet, tunnel. I gasped at
the feeling. She pushed  all  the way down, squeezed her legs together
and moved her hips around.  I  closed  my eyes, took another deep
breath and sighed. "There are  other  ways  to  make  love  to a girl
without cumming right away", Margaret  said.  She  leaned  back,  
bending  my  cock  in her pussy and starting moving up and down.

Cindy came out of the kitchen. She had something in her hand. She turned
so  I  couldn't see it and showed it to Margaret who was still riding
my cock.  She  looked  back  at  me.  "Do you want to see what I have?"
she sneered.  "Ok, take a look." It looked like a crystal-shaped
cucumber at first,  but  as she brought it closer, I saw it was ice.
She touched her finger  to it, and it stuck a little. "Hmmmm", she
said. "A little dry". She walked over to Janice and whispered something
to her. Janice's mouth dropped  open  and  her  eyes opened like
saucers. She took the ice from Cindy  and sucked on it for a few
seconds. Cindy took it back and walked over toward Margaret.

Alissa,  who  was  wearing pantyhose like Cindy, but black, with an open
crotch  came  up and practically shoved her pussy directly into my
face. Vervain started with her instructions again. I felt something
cold on my asshole  and it didn't take long to figure out what Cindy
was doing with the  ice.  I  started  to say something when Vervain
pushed my face into Alissa's  pussy.  Cindy  slowly forced the ice into
my ass. Margaret was still  fucking  me. As my ass opened to the cold,
slippery ice, feelings of  pain  and  excitement shot through me.
Suddenly, it was like I was a million miles away with everything going
on. I was panting into Alissa's pussy,   licking   and   sucking   
wildly,   trying  to  obey  Vervain's instructions, but almost
oblivious to everything else. My whole body was going crazy.

It seemed like hours before they had all taken turns fucking my cock and
"teaching me" to suck and lick pussy, even licking their assholes.
While they were fucking me, they said something about "blue-balls". All
I knew was  that my cock was still throbbing and now it hurt. My balls
hurt. My asshole  hurt a little because Cindy had fucked my ass with
the ice cube for  what  seemed  like 10 minutes or more. By the time
they all stepped away  from  me, I was trashed. I was moaning like a
kid who went through surgery. I think I did.

Margaret stepped up and sat on my chest. "No more, please." I whimpered.
"Well,  how  do  you  feel?"  she said. "We're all happy. We all came
at least  twice,  some of us maybe three or more times. You only came
once. Feel  a  little used? Maybe even abused?" I laid there hoping she
wasn't planning  to  continue. I got the strength to mutter, "Tired, I
hurt all over,  my  dick  hurts,  my  tongue  hurts,  my ass hurts..."
"But we feel great!"  Margaret said. "We all came! I mean, isn't that
fair?" I closed my eyes and felt one more emotion that I hadn't
genuinely felt about sex before all this. Tears welled up in my eyes. I
opened them up and looked at Janice, who was biting her lower lip. "I'm
sorry I used you." I said. "I really am".

Margaret  looked down at me and said, "you know, I think I believe you."
When  she got up, I noticed that Alissa and Vervain were almost
dressed. They  were putting things back in the suitcase. Margaret
started putting her  red  dress  on  over her body suit (later I heard
this was called a body stocking). When Alissa and Vervain were dressed,
they came over and started unbuckling the cuffs on my wrists and
ankles. When they finished untying  the  ropes,  they  put  them  in
the briefcase. Alissa took the leather  rings  off  of  my cock and it
shriveled down almost instantly. When I first tried to move my arms and
legs, they were stiff and sore.

All  the  girls  sat  down  on  chairs. I sat up, pulled my knees up and
wrapped  my  arms  around them. I didn't even want to get up. "Go take
a shower  and  come back out here", Margaret said. We still have
something to  go over. I was embarrassed, sore and tired. I wasn't even
scared any more.  I  limped  to  the shower. Margaret picked up the
phone. I took a real  hot shower, got some pants and underwear on and
came back out. The older girls were talking to Janice. Anne was back
and sitting on the arm of the couch. I stopped at the top of the stairs
to the den.

"Well,  come down here." Margaret said. I walked down into the middle of
the  den.  "Do  you  want  to  fuck Janice?" Margaret asked. I must
have turned  red  and  looked down at the floor. "No." I said. "Good
answer." Cindy  said.  "We want to see if you've learned anything. We
want you to make love to Janice right here, right now. If we like what
we see, we'll leave you alone. If not, it's going to be a real long,
painful night." I heaved  a  big sigh and looked around the room. They
were serious. I was scared,  but  there  was something inside me that
wanted to make love to Janice.  To  make  it up to her. Not because I
had to, but because I had been wrong.

Cindy  pulled  Janice out of the chair by her hand and pushed her toward
me.  Janice  never  looked so beautiful than she did right now. I put
my hands  on her cheeks and apologized again and kissed her. "It's ok,"
she whispered  as  we  pulled apart. "No it's not," I said. "I was
wrong." I pushed  her  into  a sitting position on the love seat and
gently pulled her  top  down  over her tits. I gently sucked and licked
each nipple. I spent a number of minutes on her tits, massaging,
kissing and sucking on them as the girls had shown me. She was panting
and biting her lips. She was turned on much faster and noticeably more
than the older girls were.

I  lifted her flowing skirt and pulled down her panties. She leaned back
on  the  love  seat and surrendered to me. While I did as the girls
told me,  she  came,  not  once, but three or four times, shaking,
quivering, jumping  and  cumming  in my mouth. She came so quickly and
so hard each time that I was literally sucking down her cum. The last
time she pushed me  away,  begging  me  to  stop, saying she couldn't
take any more. She wanted  me.  She told me to stand up. She unbuttoned
my pants and pushed them  down  around my ankles. She quickly pushed my
underwear down right after  them.  My  cock  was half-hard just from
the turn-on I had gotten from making her cum.

I  suddenly  got a sense of fear, wondering if I was being selfish again
somehow and glanced around. The girls, my sister, the suitcase,
everyone was  gone.  Janice  sucked  my  cock  like a wild animal,
stronger, much harder  than  the  last time. She was so turned on that
I though she was going to eat me alive. Her tongue felt good against
the under-side of my cock.  I  felt  myself  starting  to swell and
pump. Put my hands on the sides  of  her  head  and  started to back
up. "You don't have to...." She grabbed  my  ass  with her hands and
pulled me into her mouth. I started cumming.

I  don't  know if it was because of what I had been through or what, but
when  I  came,  I  felt  like  I  was going into shock. I've
masturbated before,  of  course,  but  it  never  felt  like  this. My
legs shook. I shouldn't  have  been standing up. If it weren't for
Janice holding onto my  ass I know I would have fallen down. I could
hardly breath. The only way  I can describe it is that it was like my
whole stomach, balls, legs and everything wanted to pump out of the end
of my cock.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh,  geeeeeeeez!"  I screamed as Janice kept sucking hard and
fast,  sucking  down  my  cum,  as  I had hers. I honestly believe I
was shaking crazier than she had. I was groaning from the sensitivity
as she finally  let  the  head  of  my cock pop out of her mouth. I
jumped. She loosened  her  grip  and  I  fell to the floor. I couldn't
believe how I felt.  Janice  hopped off of the chair and laid on top of
me. She kissed and licked my neck and ears and mouth. She stuck her
tongue deep into my mouth.  There  was  an  odd  taste  in  her mouth.
For a brief moment, I thought it may be my own cum, but you know, it
didn't matter. Now I knew what  real  passion  was. Nothing mattered
but us. I still don't believe it, but we made love for a couple of
hours after that.

Janice  and  I eventually broke up, but I think she talked about me. I
suddenly became popular with all the "wrong"  but extremely attractive
girls. Sometimes it got me in trouble with  the football player types.
But the girls loved the way I took them in  bed.  But still, I realized
something Margaret had told  me about being used. I realized I was
being used, and it wasn't as much fun as I thought.

Janice and her family moved away. I have a new  girlfriend  that I
believe honestly loves me, and I love her. We've made love a couple of
times and she was more than pleased. So was I. But I was  happy just to
please her, as well. Oh, yes, and about my sister. Anne and I have a  
new understanding. One that I don't think my Dad quite understands.  He
 saw  the  way  we got along when he got back. I respect  her more. She
respects me more. He asked at the breakfast table one  morning  what  
happened  that  weekend.  "What do you mean? Nothing happened?" we both
said at the same time and smiled.

And  Margaret.  I don't know where her and the others are any more. Anne
told  me  it  was Margarets' idea to give me the "lessons" when she
told her  what  I'd  said.  Margaret's  probably  still  with  her very
lucky husband.  It might sound strange, but I sure am grateful for her
idea. I learned  a  lot. Maybe it was the hard way, but that's probably
the only way I would have learned, and it's helped me more than I can

Thanks, Margaret!


Opinions welcome!

----------------- This story may NOT be posted to any other web site or printed in any hardcopy publication without the author's permission.

Copyright (c) 2005 John J. Jones 



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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