Published Sex Stories


itsonlyfun on Incest Stories

 Pt.2 My mum came after more of my cum.

 I find out the truth and get my dream.


 The next morning having lay awake for ages reliving what had/hadn't? happened. All was as normal,mum doing what her normal routine was,as was I. The only comment from mum was, "God I slept well when we eventually got to bed" That was it! Of course,I'd had desires for mum since my wayward cousin had sowed the lust seeds a few years prior (See Pt.1) The same lust she'd utilized in my puberty towards my maternal aunt,her own mother. (More about that later)

 It was some years after this that I got to kno

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w the full extent of this manipulative,scheming,female predator I was so lucky to have as a cousin. To embolden my desires,this is what I'd found out later. Just prior to my mother starting to enjoy her new found fun. My cousin who was now woman,woman mates with her mother,she could talk and disclose all and anything with her mum even about her dad I gathered,had let on to my mothers sister that I had a burning lust desire for my and her mum. Being all worldly,she'd added, "I expect its his hormones mum,he's a late developer I reckon. Course he hasn't a clue how to get what he's after"

 "And I suppose madam you know all the answers about how to; don't answer that you little vixen" This obviously had been passed on somehow between the sisters,hence the next part of the story!


 On this evening I waited in vain for a repeat performance from my mother. Nothing! must have been a dream then? As we went to bed normally,I noticed mum closed her door totally,where as we generally both left them ajar,in my case always hoping to see more than my mother up till this point would intend. All these instances had come about since my cousin had prompted me to wank for her and many things had happened with her since, - not to be included in this story,not yet anyway, - So after another wank I am dozing off when I hear, Georgie!Georgie! I know its mum refering to me because although my dad was also george,mum never refered to him as Georgie,always George or Geo' I quietly move to her doorway and listen intently. "He got me Meg,he's having me! (Meg being my aunts name ) I'm fascinated by this talk but realising mum's not in distress,I listen on.

 I hear her mattress making bouncy noises as my pendalum hardens. I realise now my mum's working herself off and I'm part of her action. My Instinctive act is to run in and jump on her to give her the real thing but common sense prevails and I stay put till she settles and then I returned to my bedroom to try another wank. No problems the following morning,Saturday. Come the evening though it may be boring to some we're back on our sofa as usual. After yesterday and not knowing what my cousin has been at we snuggle,then when the room is completely in darkness mum repeats what I had got two days previous.

 Come Sunday evening on the settee I say "Mum its my turn tonight" She responded strangely, "What do you mean? What are you saying?" "Nothing,its my turn to snuggle to you at your end" Oh! I got you,I wondered what you were on about,bit of a tiring day,I shall probably zonk out (Sleep) in no time" "That's okay,I'll just carry you to bed!" "You and who else,you'd probably drop me tarzan" I now snuggled up and in no time she was zeding. As I lay on the inside of her,her outside leg gradually slid off the edge. I tried to hold it on but it slid anyway.

 I watched her nipples on her breasts rise and fall while being aware my hardness was against her leg. Having bathed,all she had on as far as I was aware was a nightgown,no dressing gown,hence her nipples and the deep coloured oreoles surrounding them were hard and clear to see through her gown. That was what had a lot to do with the wet sticky end on my knob. Because her leg had dropped her far knee was naked as was halfway up that thigh while just the knee on my side was uncovered.

 I couldn't resist it any longer,I casually let my hand touch her inner leg,then trying not to tickle and wake her I lifted and slid my hand up a bit farther still,then let the hand rest again. In doing this and as it was still lightish from the window,her legs were gradually becoming more exposed to my view. I move again even more slowly as I near my goal. My hand now well up on her thigh I had a fleeting thought, 'with her oreoles showing through,why no pubic shadow of her pussy hair? Stupid I bet its shaved,fuck I'd love to see her shave it! - Precum surges at my thighs, - I think I'm now almost at her pussy,raising my hand again,mum's hand clasps through her gown and holds my hand still.

 I shit myself,I've been found out.OH SHIT! Now I'm for it! Nothing like it,she just holds my hand gently where its at and makes no attempt to pull it from under her clothes,all that happens is she lets our two hands lower back onto her thigh. Hardly daring to breath and with her gown that high up I try desperately to crane my neck and look up her gown. Not without moving and disturbing her,there's no way I'm going to see her quim. I even wait awhile longer then try to move just that bit more with my hand. Her grip squeezes just that little bit telling me no.

 Very quietly mum's voice murmurs, "To light! Tooo li-tsss" In my mind I silently think,I wont be able to see it in the dark,then it dawns on me. Mum feels guilty at what she's letting happen,but if its in the dark it could be anyone,but not necessarily her son. Kidding herself,she won't be having her son. Fuck! She's going to let me. Please! Please! Please say you are mum. About 40 minutes after this I move again,its dark,but not pitch dark. Her hand shows no resistance,slightly more boldly I pull the hem of her gown gently up. Her white skin is still just visible in the fading light,pulling harder I can feel I've pulled the gown to about her pussy line,I feel her thighs tense and the gown comes up easier.

 She'd lifted her bum just enough to let me pull the gown higher up her body. I can hear her breath sounding like my own. Short excited little pants,the difference with me is my nerves are shaking as though I'm cold. Now I have her gown above her belly button,her body contours are just visible. Gently I move my hand flatly to her belly and savour its smoothness then I have it,she has knickers on,that's why I couldn't see a dark pubic shadow. I explore the mound of venus area,that's it,cushy,she has got hair there lots of it. To dark to see now,I try to work out which knickers? Its got to be the Lavender one's,the waist is biting in tightly to her belly and the legs are right into her groins like a bikini bottom.

 There's a bonus though,because of this tightness and the type of silky material,her contours are exaggerated,every curve and bump are stood out under my fingers explorations. Above the waist band I travel the warmth of her skin,passing down from there I feel the groove of her belly to mound then,shakily I venture to the puffy sides of her vulva. I can feel the warmth of her middle groove,her cunt slit and a soft little mound. The tightness of the knickers is squashing her inner lips almost flat but I can still feel them,they're being squashed by the silk. tracing further round under her,her thighs stop my hand,reversing I follow the groove back to her now prominent hood,no doubt pushed up by an erect clitoris. (I give thanks to my slutty cousin for her informative journey of her nether region a while back)

 I go to pull the knickers down, "Not yet,do up higher" of course,play with the tits. Sliding my hands up inside the gown I marvel at the soft rubbery feel as I pass over her belly skin below her rib cage,then up across her rib cage, then I'm there. I touch the underpart of the globes of her tits,as I move my ribby slim torso to a more favourable position I must have crushed a nipple, "Steady,don't squash the poor little thing" "Sorry mum" "Shhh! not mum,say Bren' if you need to talk,but saying nothing would be preferable" "I had no such qualms,mother,granny,aunty all I now wanted was the use of a mature or less mature woman's body. A fuck was what I wanted"

 I put my mouth over her nipple through the top of her gown,she in turn with both hands adjusted this neck part to pull both tits right out for me. Great! as I sucked I put a hand down to her slit and started to slide up and down it. The wet had come through her knickers so I tasted it and went back to playing again. Mum's body was now starting to react as was her breathing,she was on her way to orgasm. I so wanted her cunt naked,I tried to pull at the knickers again, "No not yet,don't be so impatient" "Impatient? fuck me! I've hoped for three years to be here,impatient my ass" I actually said nothing.

 Dare I? Dare I do that cousin thing on my own mum. Yeah fuck it! I move downwards with my body till I'm kneeling on the floor,then pushing my mum's leg further open towards the back of the sofa I get between her legs. I'll do it,pushing my head up against the insides of her thighs I poke my tongue out and make contact with her knickers. She jerks and sucks in breath,then her hand with fingers pointed covers my target,her clitoris,but undetered I flatten my tongue onto where I know her inner lips are. Spot on,I can feel them as my spittal makes her knickers more and more wet.

 All sorts of sexy sounds are crossing mum's lips, I must have touched a special nerve because her other hand with fingers spread was suddenly trying to grip my head and turning me in one direction then the other. Into a groin then the other then her slit,I could feel her other hand sliding up away from her clit with my tongue in hot pursuit. "Stop! Stop! Georgie don't get me please no don't! don't!" I put my hands in the edge of her knicker legs and try to pull. "Wait! Wait! She lifts and I felt her hands go to the waist band,I pulled again,her knickers were on there way. Hearing the snap of elastic as her fingers release the waist band to the mercy of me tugging them down her legs and off her feet.

 Then my face was really at her. I could smell,taste and feel all, my cheeks were soaked with her love juice,my nose was snorting for breath against her clit and my tongue was getting a little white ulcer (Had it before and since) as it chaffed against my bottom teeth. WOW! HELP! I'm going to die,I can't breath,her thighs are clamped so tight around my head, holding my breath now I slurp my tongue's work to completion. Fuck did she cum? Releasing my head she wriggled as I tried to stop her sliding to the floor. The gown was gone somewhere in the dark I have hold of pure flesh,all of her flesh. I mustn't cum,I'm seconds away from fucking her,HOLD ON!

 "Not here,up bed! up bed! I hear her heading upstairs completely in the darkened house. Kicking off my joggers I'm right behind her so close I can touch her ass and do! Each touch makes her ass cheeks clasp together onto my fingers in the groove. "Stop it you sod,I'll pee myself" There was just the faintest bit of light through the window,although I think mum was now so rampant I reckon she would have fucked me in our car headlights. Flopping on her belly across the bed she was trying to open the bedroom cabinet drawer. Scrawny me,grabbed her hips powerfully and as I make to roll her on her back. "No! No! Just hold on a sec' let me get it" No chance whatever it is she wanted,she rolls and before she's fully settled right way up,I'm between her legs and climbing up her torso in pursuit of her slit. GOT IT! She's so slippery,my fingers now feeling for her cunt slit were unecessary as my cock slips against a thigh then as if like quick silver slipped straight up her.

 Splash! its in her,my spunk just couldn't wait any longer as I spurt shot after sinue straining shot as high up into her cunt as my thrusting would reach and she knew it as well. "Silly little sod,why couldn't you wait for a french letter? Oh shit! its to late now,lets get on with it,I'll/we'll just have to sweat it out for the month" I'm off again as mum takes up the challenge. I bet it looked quite quaint this ten stone ribby shrimp riding a well fleshed middle aged woman. I could now feel the pussy muscles doing what they were supposed to. "I'm cumming,shoot it outside me,on my belly,anywhere" I hoist another full baby making supply into mum, "You mad little cunt, - she'd never called me that, - I hope to fuck my belly don't start rising you little bugger!"

 We lay as we were,she kissed my forehead, "You randy little fucker,what will we do with you?" "Keep me to fuck everyday" "I was speaking metaphorically silly" "I wasn't! will we? you know,fuck every day now? "I must admit it was worth waiting for, Anyway where did you learn about cuni lingus" No reponse. "Licking it!" "I know what it is mum,Brenda! but what makes you think I've done that before?" "Come on,to do it that good first time? never" "Why do you have to know?" "Because if you want to get any more of my pussy you'll need to tell me so I know where you've been" "I edged my bets,I do,so I will,lets say it was in the family" "Oh! I thought it might have been her,hot assed little bitch" We left it there, mum was after all. Only half right!

 Still laying on her belly, "What you,letting it soak,its still up me you know" Grinning "Its an okay fit don't you think?" "Roll off you're getting heavy" "Can I stay in here wit you tonight?" "May as well if you want to,after all the damage has been done now,although I bet it wont be one night now you've got me once" - The last night thing; Meg he's got me! I had and all. She rolled and put her back to me and I spooned against her with my still hard cock fitting nicely into her ass groove. Both still naked "Goodnight stud,don't that thing of yours ever go down?" "Not yet anyway" I moved down the bed slightly held myself and pointed it back in her cunt,she wiggled farther down and I felt the inner lips slipping around and spread open as she slid back on to it and we left it parked in its new home. I know a bit later I done her again while asleep because I come to as I came off like I do with a wet dream and the sexy grunting noises mum made as she jerked quicker and quicker meant she came again as well. We were soaked with love and spunk juice. In the morning,mum pulled from me and it pulled some of my pubes,because our mutual juices had dried in the beds warmth and had glued us together. Ouch! "Sorry about that I didn't know we'd stuck together,Ha!Ha! thats so funny"

 This is the life!

Mia's First Doggie

Miastwodogs on Animal Stories

My first time with a dog began when I was 17.

My neighbor Dave had ask me to feed his dog while he was on a week long vacation. I really liked his dog Ruppert anyway. He was a large Bull Mastiff and Lab mix brown almost chocolate brown in color.
He was a very fun dog, but sometime's put his nose in my crotch.
I agreed and dave gsve me the key to his house and told me where to find Ruppert's food, treats, and leash.
The first night after dave had been gone for several hours I went and unlocked the door and proceeded to feed Ruppert. I then took him for a walk to let him do his thing. When we returned I gave him his treat and we played around wrestling in the family room. As we were wrestling Ruppert kept putting his nose in my crotch and sniffing. I pussed him away
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anf told him he was a bad dog. He just looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and went over to the couch to lay down. I noticed that he had started licking his doggy cock.
I saw that there was about two inches of red meat showing from his sheath. I went to the couch and started petting his head. I also looked at his doggy cock getting bigger. I was curious now and reached down to touch it. It was very hot in my hand. I fondled his hairy balls with one hand and stroked his cock with the other. He was huge by now. I got frightened and stopped and went home. I went to bed that night thinking about that huge cock. My cunny was getting really wet and I put my hand in my panties and made myself cum. This was only the second time in my life that I had cum. I went to sleep with a smile on my face thinking of Ruppert.

The next morning I went over to feed and walk him again at around 11:00 am. When we returned we wrestled again and Ruppert kept going for my crotch. I told him to stop and he looked at me with a curious why look. I then saw his cock hanging down out of it's sheath about 4" this time. Then I remember my orgasm. I wasreally curious now. So I took him to the couch and rolled him on his back.
Then I reached down and touched that hot poker again. It felt so hot and big. I stroked his cock and balls like I was doing the night before and he kept getting even bigger about 8" by now. I was getting really horny too! I wondered how it would feel in my mouth
and leaned down and licked the head. It was salty tasting but not repulsive at all. Ruppert start humping up toward my face so I took some of it in my mouth. He start humping my mouth and I started playing with myself as I sucked on his cock. His pre cum tasted really salty, but I liked it. I was really getting horny now and so was Ruppert. I got up and took of my very wet summer shorts and my tank top. Ruppert got off the couch and started licking my cunny. God did he make me hot. I was about to cum when Ruppert decided to knock me on the couch face first. I was shocked, but very horny. He tried to mount be from behind, but his cock was poking me all over the place and he hit my ass hole. I was really scared then, so I reached between my legs and grabbed hold of his cock and guided it to my cunny that was now dripping wet with anticipation. He finally found hi mark. He thrust into me with one hard thrust and broke through. It felt great and so fucking hot. He start fucking me faster and then I felt my hymen break. I could smell the blood that was running down my legs as I was sprawled over the couch cushions. He started pistoning into my cunny with lost abandon. I was feeling faint, but he kept hamming my now sore cunny. I finally relaxed and let him fuck me, then I felt something even bigger at my opening and it slipped in. I almost fainted right then, but the hammering was really turning me on as his balls were now slapping my clit with each furious thrust. I was cumming again and again. Then I felt his cock explode inside of my womb. Gush after gush of his hot semen thrust into my womb, and me having multiple orgasms one after another. He finally calmed down and tried to pull out of me, but he was stuck. I told him to stop but he turned around and tried to walk away still inside my tight cunny. God it hurt. He dragged me into the middle of the room and turned his head back to lick  at my cunny as he was pulling. This went on for about twenty minutes and I was cumming over and over as he licked. Finally it popped out with huge gush of air and his cum flowing out of me, but we were free again. Ruppert licked himself clean and then came over and cleaned me as I was so exhausted and lay limp on the floor. we both feel asleep on the floor right where we were. I woke up at about 6:00 pm with Ruppert nudging and licking my cunny again. His tounge felt good on my now swollen cunny lips. He was making me cum with his tongue. I then realized that my parents would be wondering where I was. I got up and kissed Ruppert's cock as it was dangling from it sheath and told him he was a good dog. Then fed him a steak I found in the fridge. I petted him and hugged him and told him i wold be back in the morning.
I went home and snuck into the shower before my parents saw how beshevled I was. As I showed I put my fingers in my cunny and realized that Rupert had Stetched my cunny wide enough for me to get my fist into my cunny.I finished showering and went and put on my PJ's and a summer robe. I had dinner with my parents and they asked me where I had been all day. I told them that my freind Amy and I took Ruppert to the park and we chatted all day. I told them that we planned on doing this everyday  or the rest of the week.
When I went to bed I was sore, but I was smiling to myself thinking of Ruppert and that magnificent COCK! I slept like a baby.

I woke early and returned to Dave's place again with wonton anticipation as to how ruppert and I were going to fuck the day away. We had several session's that day and all that week.
We has fucked in several ways. One with Ruppert on his back on the floor and him fucking him with wild abandon. I sucked his cock several times through out the week and loved the taste of his hot sperm and the feel of it in my tummy.

 Dave returned as planned and paid me and ask how ruppert and I got along. I told him we had lots of fun and kissed Ruppert on the forehead and started to leave, but Ruppert whinned and made me turn and pet and kiss his head again. I whispered in his ear that we would do it all again someday.

A few days later Dave invited me over for a visit with Ruppert.
Ruppert kept nuzzling my cunny and Dave said that he sure has a thing for you. I turned red and sadi yes, I guess so. Dave said no I mean he really loves you, and I think you know what I mean as he held up a DVD and a small computer camera. I was really embaressed now. Dave said no need to be embarassed because I have it all right here on this DVD.

He black mailed me and now I do Dave and Ruppert at least once a week. I have turned into such a slut that dave is now bringing freinds and their dogs into the action. I love having my snatch fucked and ate by both man and BEAST!


Bruno and I get Mom

sugaray on Animal Stories

This episode happened a few years ago when I was 15.  I was seated in the living room, on a Saturday morning, watching cartoons.  My mom yelled from the bathroom upstairs, telling me that she was going to take a bath; and since Dad wasn't home (he was out playing golf all day) she could take all the time that she liked.  You see, Dad didn't like for us to use alot of water.  He thought it was a big waste, and he thought that we needed to conserve the water that we had.  I guess it was just his way of being anal about something.  So, with Dad gone, Mom could use as much water as she wanted without someone yelling for her to turn the water off.

I could hear Mom running water from time to time, and I know that she felt like she was in heaven.  After Mom h

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ad been in the bathtub for about 30 minutes, our dog, Bruno (who was a rather large german shepherd) came plodding into the living room with his tail wagging.

I spoke to him, "What are you up to, boy?"  He just wagged his tail and gave me a little bark.  Suddenly, Bruno's ears perked up as he heard mom splashing upstairs.  I guess he decided that he was going to see what was going on up there, as he ran up the stairs.  About one minute later I heard mom yelling at Bruno.  I just sat there in the living room and paying them both no mind.  But, Mom's voice got louder and louder, so I thought I had better go and see what was causing all the fuss.

As I got to the entrance to the bathroom door, the site before me was one to behold.  There was my mom laying on the bathroom floor with her legs sprawled out in front of her.  I had never thought of my mother in a sexual manner- until that moment.  As I stood there, I took in her entire body, which had some remarkable dimensions.  I had never really noticed her breasts before, but they were huge; both tits were hanging down, and almost laying on her upper stomach.  Her pussy was gaped open and wet from the bath water- and then there was her butt, which was really big, just as I liked them.  As I stood and took in her entire body, my cock began to awaken from its dormant stage.

As I began to ccome out of my daze, I realized that she was yelling at me.  "Ray(that's me), what are we going to do?  RAY!!!" 

"Oh, what Mom?"

"I said, what are we going to do?  Bruno won't let me get up from here.  Each time that I try to get up, he growls and acts like he is going to bite me."

"What happened, anyway?" I asked her.

"I was finishing up my bath and I was getting out of the tub, when I slipped and fell on my butt on the floor.  Immediately, Bruno came over to me and began sniffing my crotch and tried to lick my private area.  Of course, I yelled at him to go away, but he wouldn't.  He was determined to continue his assault.  I must have made him angry, because he will not let me get up."

"Here, let me help you up", I responded.  As I reached down to try to help Mom get up, Bruno lunged at me as if he was going to eat me up.  In fact, he scraped his sharp teeth on my arm..

I stood there and tried to think of some  way out, and finally something that my biology teacher told me came to my mind.  He said that many times if a male animal thinks that his female counterpart is tempting him with sex and then changes her mind, he will not give up until she gives in.  I knew that this was not what my mom wanted to hear, but I knew I had to tell her.

"Well, what are we going to do"? she asked again.

I then proceeded to tell her what I had remembered.

"There ain't no way in hell that I am going to let that dog fuck me.  No way in hell!!!  That's disgusting!!!

"Well, it's your choice", I answered.  "You can just lay there until dad comes home and listen to him yell at you about using too much water- and tell you that if you had taken a shorter bath, Bruno would not have been up here."

"Shit!!  I don't guess I have much choice, do I?  I sure don't want to listen to his mouth all night.  How is this done?  I just need this to go by very quickly, and never tell anyone what happens here next.  I can't believe that I'm going through with this."

"I think you have to roll over very slowly and get on your hands and knees, so he can take you from behind."

"I can't believe this!!!!  SHIT!!", mom said.

Mom slowly rolled over and got on all fours, as bruno got on her back and wrapped his front paws around her stomach.  He then started humping like there was no tomorrow.  I could tell that, at first, bruno was having trouble hitting the honey pot, but when he did hit her pussy just right, he humped even faster.

Mom started yelling, "Damn!!! he's too big for me- he is going to rip me apart.  GOD!! he's hurting me.  OOHHH NNOO!!"

But, slowly, you could tell that mom was starting to get into this act.  She stopped yelling that it was hurting her, and she began moaning with pleasure.

"OH YEAH!!!  MMMMM  YEAH!! OH, you feel so good.  OOHHHHHHH I'm going to cum.  OH Bruno!!!!!"  You could tell that bruno was shooting his cum up into mom"s soaked pussy, by the fact that his sperm was running out of mom's cunt.

When bruno had finished fucking my mom, he got off her and ran downstairs, wagging his tail.  "Please, don't ever tell anyone what just happened here", mom asked.

I stood there in front of her, as I helped her up, and began stroking my erect 8 incher.

"What do you think you are going to do with that thing," mom asked me.

"I'm going to fuck you with it."

"Oh no, you're not.  You are my son, and I'm not going to commit incest with you.  That is just plain wrong. Move out of my way way so I can get cleaned up," mom spoke up.

I grabbed mom by the arm and pulled her into her bedroom.  I threw her down on the bed and I immediately got on top of her and started sucking on her big tits.  Mom tried, at first, to pull away, but that didn't last very long as I moved my mouth down to her dog-soaked cunt.  I kept flicking my tongue against her swollen clit, as she began to moan.  I knew that I had her, then.  She began pushing her pussy up to my face as I kept licking her cunt.

"OH, Baby- please fuck me!!  You have gotten me so hot that I can't stand it any longer.  I want your big fat cock inside my willing pussy.  I want you to shoot off inside me, and make me cum."

As mom was saying this, I began pumping my dick inside her as far as I could get.  I kept pounding her ass with my cock, until I heard her scream- "DAMN Baby FFUUUUCCKKK MMYY FFATT Pussy.  FFUUCKK my cunt.  God, you are driving me crazy!!!!  Here I go.  Shit!!!"

Mom's entire body began to shake and tremble as she orgasmed against my pounding member.  As we both climaxed, mom said, "I have to have more of that- I never knew what I was missing all these years.

Needless to say, both me and bruno fucked mom many times after that.


Best Jerk-Off Story Contest 2007------I love to eat pussy

Jolly1 on Story Awards

I love to eat pussy

My name is Chris. This story took place when I was 15 years old. At the
time, my sister, Audrey, was 13 years old. She matured early for her
age, already having breasts by this time, and standing a full 6 inches
over her classmates. We were from a large family, so of course space
was tight. Because of the limited space, my sister and I were put into
the same bedroom. Now, it had been like this since we were 8 and 6.
And, being that we were the two youngest, with 4 years separating my
next oldest brother, and me she and I spent a lot of time together, and
grew quite close.

It started actually when I was about 14 years old or so, and I had
honed my skills of masturbation quite well. I was really enjoying the
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elings, and wanted stronger, better orgasms. So one time, during a
small vacation in Niagara Falls, it was just my parents and my sister
and I. We had gotten a hotel room for the night, and my parents
naturally slept in one bed, leaving the other for my sister and I. I
remember waking up around 2 or 3 in the morning with the hardest boner.
I tried to go back to sleep, but it just wouldn't let me. I started to
jerk off quietly, right there next to my sleeping little sister, and I
was thoroughly enjoying myself. I was approaching my orgasm, when I had
an idea. Why didn't I try anything with Audrey? She's fast asleep right
here next to me, and she won't know a thing. So I touch her arm
lightly, to see if she will react. Nothing. So I push her arm a little
bit. Still nothing. Just slow, even breathing. (She's a sound sleeper,
even sleepwalks and talks sometimes.)

So I put my hand on her arm, and start to slide it down towards her
hand. Satisfied with no reaction, I become emboldened, and I grasp her
hand, and slide it over toward my groin. Still, no reaction from her
led me on. I placed her warm, slightly damp hand onto my 6-inch hard
cock. It feels like heaven. I was almost content in leaving it there,
but I continue. I wrap my hand around her hand and my member, and start
to jerk off with her hand. It felt GREAT! I knew I would not last long,
and I was worried that I might wake her up, but I tried to make it last
as long as possible, damning the possibilities of her waking up, or my
parents for that matter. Her hand felt like molten lava it was so hot.
I couldn't believe that her hand felt that great. Quickly, my orgasm
came, and I spilled my hot sticky cum all over her and my hand. I
almost groaned out loud when I came, as it was the strongest orgasm I
ever had yet. I stroked her hand up and down on my slowly softening
dick, enjoying every last bit of this amazing treat that I can. Then I
wiped as much of the cum off her hand onto my underwear as possible,
put her hand back onto her stomach, and with a sigh of pleasure and a
smile, I went back to sleep.

The next morning, no one knew anything had happened, and Audrey woke
up, and took a shower, and probably never had time to smell anything.
We continued on our trip through Niagara Falls, and then went home. I
never tried anything like that again over the next year or so,
preferring to play it safe and jerk off in the bathroom, remembering
the awesome feeling of her hand that night.

And then, one day about a year later, our father tells us that our sick
aunt is going to move in with us, so that she can be cared for. Since
our room was directly across the hall from theirs, we had to move out
to make room. But since there were no more bedrooms to be used, we had
to take over half of the downstairs T.V. room. The only other problem,
and it wasn't really a problem for me, was that there was only room
enough for one bed. That would mean that Audrey and I would have to
share a bed. How long? Since no one was moving out any time soon, it
would be until our aunt either got healthy, or died.

So, we settle into the routine of sleeping in the same bed. Or at least
I tried to. On even the first night, I was very aware of the barely
dressed form of my hot, sleeping little sister. Knowing how sound she
sleeps. Knowing how hot her hands are. Knowing that I could probably
get away with what I had done a year ago. I tried to put the thoughts
out of my head, knowing full well that if I started doing it at home,
that I would do it again and again, further increasing my chances or
waking her up or being caught. And I can't think of one single thing to
try to talk my way out of that one. So instead, when I'd wake up with a
rock hard erection, I would go into the bathroom, and toss one out fast
and go back to bed.

Well, that worked for about 3 or 4 weeks. Then one night, after waking
up with a boner, I went in the bathroom for relief. I thought
everything was going to be fine as I crawled back into bed. I lifted up
the sheets, and got in, I noticed that Audrey's night gown had slipped
up her legs, and up over her small, round ass. I got a great view for
about 10 seconds, and then decided to cover her back up so she doesn't
get cold and wake up or cover her ass up again. She was lying on her
side, semi curled up. This resulted in her ass pointing out right
towards me. I slid over next to her, and realized that I had a hard on
again. "I'm never going to get to sleep now," I said under my breath. I
decided that maybe I could get off again, then my hard on might go
away. So I put my hand on her ass cheek, and left it there for a bit to
see if she'd react. And like before, there was no reaction. I rubbed
her left ass cheek for a while, and then slowly started going up her
side. I was watching for any sign of her waking up, but none ever came.
I glided my hand up to her left breast, and slowly rubbed and squeezed
it. It felt amazing. I had never felt a breast before, but it was all
that I thought it would be. I couldn't tell if they were big or small,
but it was enough to fill my entire hand. I kept on rubbing her tit,
and I felt her nipple get hard. The fabric of her nightgown made it
hard to completely feel, so I went back down and under the nightgown.
My hands were trembling by this time, but there was no stopping me at
this point. I was getting harder by the minute, and I thought my dick
was going to explode. I reached her tit again, and immediately noticed
how amazingly hot her skin was again. I felt her nipple again, and this
time I started pinching it and rolling it between my thumb and middle
finger. This was exciting me so much, that I didn't even notice that I
was rubbing my cock against her tight ass now. I was tent poling my
tighty whiteys so bad, it began to hurt. I reached down to adjust my
cock, and just pushed it through the opening in the front of my
underwear. Finally freeing my member from its confines, I was free to
go back to exploring my little sister's body. I went back to rubbing
her luscious tits, alternating between the two of them.

I was at this for about 5 minutes when I noticed her breathing had
changed slightly. It had picked up pace. Not so much that I thought she
was waking, but simply deeper breathes. I stole a glance at her, and
saw that her cheeks had gotten a little red as well. I was so turned on
at this point; she could have woken up, and would not have cared. I
slid my hand back down to her ass, and realized that while I had been
rubbing my cock against her flower printed panties, I was leaking
pre-cum all over them. The thought of that turned me on even more, and
I slid my fingers down to her pussy. I felt her lips through her
panties, and I felt something else that surprised me. She was wet. I
was instantly concerned that she woke up, but why wouldn't she say
something or cry out. After about a minute, I decided she was indeed
still asleep, and I continued. I rubbed her soaked pussy a little
longer, and then I picked up the side of the panty leg, and lifted.
Easily, I slid my slick, hard cock up against her ass crack. I slid it
right in by her pussy. Between my pre-cum, and her being wet, it was
well lubricated in there. I started sliding my cock back and forth in
between her hot, wet folds. It felt like I had died and gone to heaven.
I placed my hand back on her breast, and started playing with her
nipple again. I was really going at it, and I probably should have been
gentler, but it felt so good, I couldn't stop. As I played with her
nipple, I looked down at her face. It was by now very red, and sweat
was forming on her brow. She was almost panting by now, and I could
feel her pussy lips starting to open, and my cock was trying to slip
in. I could feel the entrance, and I knew I could get in. But I also
knew that if I had, I would absolutely wake her up. I continued, hoping
to cum soon so I can stop. But I never did. After another minute or
two, she started breathing really hard, and moaned kind of loud. Her
ass started to grind against me, and I felt a gush of hot liquid. It
soaked my cock and the bed under us both. She continued bucking against
my cock, moaning softer each time. On one of her thrusts though, it
finally happened. The head of my cock slipped up in her pussy, and the
came to rest against her hymen. I thought it was all over then. I was
filled with the two biggest feelings in my life. The greatest, with my
cock being inside my first pussy, and the scariest, because at that
point, her eyes opened up, and looked dreamily over at me.

"Chris, what are you doing?" she asked me quietly. I was frozen. I
didn't know what to do. First thing, I pulled my cock out of her pussy
hole. I really didn't want to, but what was I going to do? On one hand,
I was happy she wasn't screaming, but on the other hand, she could
always start at any time. I had to do something smart, and fast. "I'm
making it feel good for you. It feels good, doesn't it?" I asked her.
"Yes, it does. But, I don't know. It doesn't feel right." she replied.
I had to do something fast. I said, "Wait a minute. Just check this
out. If you don't like it after five minutes, I'll stop. You'll see,
you'll love it." I slipped my hand down to her belly, and started
rubbing in little circles. She kind of just looked at me strangely,
like she had no idea what was going on, but she wanted to trust me.
Slowly, I started rubbing a little lower and lower. I was under the
elastic of her underwear when she stopped me the first time. "Are you
sure I'm going to like this? Something feels wrong about this." "Would
I ever let anything bad happen to you? Who looks out for you? Who keeps
those pushy 8th graders off of you? Who pulled you out of the pond when
it was frozen and you broke through and almost froze? Me. I'm just in a
real bad place here, and I need some help. I don't have a girlfriend,
and I can't seem to help myself. I thought that if I make it nice for
you, you might return the favor. You don't have to do anything to me if
you don't want to, but I still want to make you feel good." With that,
she seemed to ease up. She kind of looked up at me, smiled a little
bit, and told me to keep going. I pushed my fingers down a little more,
and started to feel light pussy hair. It was barely there. It felt like
light arm hair. So soft. As I reached her bare pussy lips for the first
time, I couldn't resist reaching up, and kissing the side of her neck.
She arched her head up and to the side, and pushed her neck into my
lips harder. She was getting into this. I found her clit, and rubbed it
lightly. She arched her hips up into my hand, and sucked in a sharp
breath. She bucked her hips up and down, like a simulation of fucking.
She wanted to fuck, and I knew it at this point. I was going to fuck
her, but I just had to figure out how. I would have to take it slow.
And it would have to start with me giving her another orgasm. But this
one would happen while she was awake.

I kept rubbing, going at it for about 10 minutes. I still didn't really
need any lubrication, as she was still soaking wet. I dipped my middle
finger down into her pussy hole, and rubbed the inside. I felt her
hymen again, and pushed up against it. She groaned a little, and I
thought that it was more of a hurt groan than a good groan, so I
stopped. I reached over with my other hand, and lifted her nightgown
the rest of the way up, over her tits. She finished the job by pulling
the nightgown the rest of the way off. Now she was helping me. I knew I
was getting pretty far tonight. I leaned over and kissed and sucked on
her little pink nipples. They got hard and grew a bit. I switched from
one to the other. She liked this. Audrey held my head in her hands, and
moved my head back and forth between her two titties. I took one of her
hands, and guided down in between us. I pushed it down and up against
my hot, hard cock. I told her, "I want you to put your hand around my
cock, and rub it like I'm rubbing you. Like this." I wrapped her hand
around my cock, and then placed my hand over hers. I started stroking
her hand and mine up and down. She looks over at me, and says, "I
remember. You mean like the night at the hotel in Niagara Falls?" I
couldn't believe it. She was awake?! I must have looked at her funny,
because she laughed, and said she was awake for the whole thing. She
was wondering what I was doing. But then, because she rubs herself to
make herself feel better, that she figured that's what I was doing.
Then she starts to rub my cock by herself. HOLY SHIT! It felt great. I
felt 100 times better than if I did it myself. I instantly started
leaking pre-cum, and she used that to lubricate my cock. Her hand was
sliding up and down my cock smoothly. It was pure bliss. I returned to
rubbing her clit, which caused her to rub my cock even harder. It was
getting pretty intense. We were face to face. We were both breathing so
hard. Sharing each other’s breath. It was heady. We were both basically
panting. She was pulling on my cock hard and fast. I move a little
closer, and rub the head of my cock against her pussy hair. I move down
a little, and push it forward into her pussy lips. I used the hand I
was rubbing her with to guide the head of my cock against her clit. I
hit my mark, and she moaned aloud. I was so close again, but she
shifted away, and looked up at me. She said, "No. We can't do that. I
know what that is. As a matter of fact, this is all I'm going to do."
referring to her hand job. I was a little disappointed. I was hoping
that she'd at least use her mouth on me, like I saw in that one porno.
I had to come up with something. Her hand felt great, but I wanted
more. I wanted to fuck her. If I couldn't fuck her, then she was going
to give me a blowjob. I was still going at her pussy, when I felt her
pussy stating to tighten.

Right then and there, I stopped, and pulled my hand up. She looked at
me like I just stole her favorite new toy. She panted, "Why are you
stopping? Don't stop. Please, keep going." I replied, "Are you going to
help me out. Because, if you aren't going to help me, why should I help
you?" She immediately responded. "YES! YES!. I'll do whatever. Just
keep going!" "Alright, alright. Just keep you voice down. I'm going to
do something even better for you now then. Open your mouth." With that,
she did. I placed my fingers in her mouth, the ones I had been stroking
her pussy with. "Suck on them." I told her. She did, and she seemed to
like it. "It tastes good, right?" She nodded her head, and sucked a
little more. It was funny, the more she sucked my fingers, the more I
felt my cock get harder. Slowly, I slid my body down hers. I got to her
belly, and planted little kisses on her bellybutton. I shifted my body,
so my dick was at her face. I slid her panties down, and they got hung
up under her ass. She picked up her ass, and her panties slid off
easily. As they slid down, I got a whiff of her musky scent. I wanted
her so bad, I could barely restrain myself. I opened her legs, and got
my first view of her bare pussy. It was beautiful. It barely had any
hair on it. Her lips were tight and puffy. Her inner lips didn't even
push out yet. So young. So delicate. I dipped my head down, and
inhaled. She smelled great. Fresh. I pushed my cock towards her, and I
felt her grasp my cock again. She started stroking it once again. It
was drying out, and so was my pre-cum. I told her to spit in her hand,
and use the spit to lubricate my cock. It worked well. I licked from
the top of her pussy lips all the way to the bottom on my first pass.
She froze, and held her breath. I came back up, and did it again, and
she shuddered. I reached up, pulled her lips apart, and stuck my tongue
right on her clit. She relaxed and sighed, and went back to work on my
cock, with a renewed vigor. I tongued her clit for at least five
minutes, and she continued to just stroke my cock with her hand. I
pulled my head up again, and she stopped and looked at me. "Why did you
stop again?" she asked. I told her, "I want you to use your mouth, just
like I am on you. I use my tongue to be like a cock, and you use you
mouth to be like a pussy. All the grown ups do it, and it's really the
best that way if you aren't gunna do 'it'."

She hesitated, and I licked her clit again. That brought a gasp from
her again. I asked her again if she'd do it. Again, I got no response,
and so I licked her clit again. I told her that I wasn't going to
finish if she didn't do it. I started licking her clit again, this time
hard and fast. She ground her hips against my face, and started
moaning. I stuck my finger back into her pussy hole, and she about
jumped out of the bed. At that time, I felt the wettest, warmest, best
feeling I felt next to her pussy envelop my cock. I stole a look down,
and saw her lips wrapped around my cock. That almost made me come right
there. I went back at her clit and box, now with renewed attention. I
could tell that she was close, but so was I. I just wanted to outlast
her, but the thought of what I was doing was turning me on even more.
She started breathing harder and harder. Her legs started closing down
on my head. I kept licking. I flattened my tongue to try to cover as
much area as possible. She was sucking my cock like it was her only
source of life. I don't know if she knew how to give head already, but
it felt like she was a pro at it. She was bobbing up and down on my
cock in a steady rhythm. I could feel my orgasm approaching. She was
squeezing my head harder and harder. I thought she might suffocate me.
This was going to be her first conscious orgasm, already having one
earlier in her sleep. Suddenly, I was soaked with pussy juices. They
tasted so good, I lapped it up greedily. But at the same time, I was
now coming, and I couldn't tell her. I didn't want to come in her mouth
and shock the hell out of her. So I reached down, took her hand, and
put it up on my cock, and pulled my cock out of her mouth. I started to
spurt come, and I hit her in the chin. She caught on quick, and started
pumping my spurting member. The second shot hit her on the neck, and
then the rest went on her tits. It was just like a porno movie. She
must have seen one. She kept on milking me, and I came for at least a
minute. I continued on her pussy until she pushed my head away, unable
to take the assault on her oversensitive pussy. We both twitched for a
little while, and reveled in the afterglow of orgasm. She was
absolutely covered in my come. And the bed was soaked with her pussy
juices. I shifted position again, coming face to face with her. She
smiled, and said, "That was the best thing I've ever felt in my entire
life." I just nodded, pulled her in close, and passed out.

I woke up later on that night, with, believe it or not, another hard
on. This time, I think it was due to the fact that I had, in my sleep
apparently, got into a spoon position with Audrey, and my cock, hard
again, found it way up against her ass again. I realized this
immediately, and I wanted more. I know I had just gotten off with the
blowjob, but I may never have this chance again. She may change her
mind later. I start rubbing my cock along the crack of her ass, and up
towards her pussy. I was leaking pre-cum again, and she was still wet
from earlier, so it was rather easy to get it in. The head of my cock
found her hole with ease, and slipped right in. I started to slide my
hand down her belly, towards her clit, when she shifted. The head of my
cock was still lodged up inside her, right up against her maidenhood.
When I found her hard little clitty, she gasped out loud, and ground
her hips down against me. I was dying to just rip into her, and sink my
aching cock up to the hilt. But I couldn't. She was tight. She still
had her cherry. She'd cry out. I didn't want to hurt her and scare her,
so I went slowly. I left my dick in her, and continued to rub her clit.
I stroked my cock in and out in quick shoves, as to not break her
hymen. I was really rubbing her clit at this point, and I didn't need
any kind of lubrication, as she was absolutely soaked. I could never
have imagined a girl could get so wet. I could feel her box starting to
tighten up on my dick, and it was my turn to gasp out loud. As her
impending orgasm approached, her pussy clamped down on the head of my
cock tighter than ever. I thought I'd lose it right there, but luckily
before I did, she came again. I looked down at her face again, and she
was covered in sweat, and totally red faced, as well as her chest. She
was panting, her early forming chest heaving. She looked up at me,
grabbed me by the back of my head, and pulled me down into the most
sensuous tongue kiss I have ever experienced. After about 30 seconds,
she broke the kiss, and whispered in my ear, "I want you in me. I want
you all the way in me. I want to feel you fill me up. I want you to
fuck me. I want you to fuck me hard." I couldn't believe what I was
hearing. Here was my 13-year-old sister, telling me to fuck her. And to
think not 15 minutes ago, I was worried about her crying out.

I positioned myself above her, never taking the head of my cock out of
her. I didn't want to change her mind, so I got right to it. I leaned
in, softly kissed her ear, and whispered to hold her breath, and
remember to be quiet. I quietly pushed up into her, and broke into her
rather easily. She kind of groaned a little, but then that was it. She
was just staring up at me, half smiling, with sweat rolling down her
cheek. Or maybe it was a tear, I don't know, but I just started pumping
in and out of her. This was my first fuck too, and I wasn't going to
get shortchanged. I looked down, and what a sight. Audrey was in good
shape for her age. She had some defined abs, and a nice rack. She was a
"B" bra. I know, because I looked. And lately, I had started seeing "C"
bras. So I guess you could say she was a small "C". It didn't matter to
me though. To me, she was perfection. I picked up the pace a little,
and began rubbing her clitty again. This brought out another long loud
sigh from Audrey. She was rocking her hips up and down in time with my
in and out. We had some great motion for a couple of first timers.
After a bit, my hand started to ache from the awkward angle it was in.
I asked her if she would rub herself now. She nodded her head, unable
to speak. I took her hand, and placed it down on top of her pussy
mound, and told her to do it now. She just kinda looked at me, and then
went right to it. I couldn't believe it. This was a sight. My
13-year-old sister, getting herself off with her hand, while I pounded
into her with my rock hard cock. Just the sight of it was getting to be
too much. I was going to come. I told Audrey that I had to pull out,
that I had to come. She immediately grabbed my hips and pulled me into
her, HARD! "NOT YET!" she gasped. "I'M ABOUT TO COME!" she said, and
this time, she was getting kinda loud. I tried to tell her to keep it
down, but then she moaned even louder, and pulled me back into her. I
felt her pussy starting to contract again, and I knew there was going
to be trouble. She was attacking her clit now, desperate to come again.
Realizing that she'd never let me out of her until she came, I started
pumping for all I was worth. A few seconds later, she was grinding my
cock like she was trying to break it off, and her cunt was gripping me
like a vise. It was over. It was too much. She came in a flood,
drenching me. Her pussy squeezed and milked my cock as I came in her
long and hard. I drove my cock up in her as far as I can push it. I
swear I felt her cervix. I came and came and came. I didn't think I
would stop coming. The harder I pushed, and the more I came in her, the
more she came on top of my cock. It was a vicious cycle of come.

I collapsed on top of her, completely spent. She was breathing hard
underneath me. She was softly cooing as she started to relax. "Oh, my,
God, Chris." She said. "I know, I know. That was unreal." I replied. I
rolled off of her, and she curled up into the side of me. "What are we
going to do about that?" I asked her. "What do you mean?" she replied.
"I mean, how often do we get to do that in the future?" "As often as
you like. That was amazing. You can make me feel like that any time you
want." And that was just the beginning of an amazing summer. An amazing
summer indeed.....

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Hank Wakes Up The Neighbors- Chapter 1

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Hank fucked his neighbor Sally, a freshman at the local community college, for about 3 hours, in a series of acts that his wife Penny, a hypocritical religious fanatic, would have considered "depraved" and disgusting. That was one reason he was fooling with various girls, including Sally.

The other reason was the nature of his wife's hypocrisy- she was having an affair with her pastor, and Hank knew it, because a disgruntled parishioner had seen fit to film the tryst (unknown to Penny and her pastor, of course).

As for Sally, she, too, had dealt with hypocrisy and double standards, when her jealous boyfriend had called her a "slut" and "whore" for having a threesome with h
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im and her friend Yasmin that he had himself originally suggested. He also labelled her a "dyke" and "lezzie bitch" for fucking her friend.

She had dumped him for that kind of treatment after consulting, rather tearfully, Hank, who told her that no one had the right to set one rule for himself or herself, and yet another for his or her lover. Now Hank and Sally were enjoying the pleasure of sexy revenge on their selfish lovers (or ex-lover in her case).

Sally knew that Hank's wife gave it up to another man, but never to her own husband. She naturally wondered what reason would Hank even have for staying married to that bitch as long he was. Hank told that he was just consulting the laws of the state, to determine which course of action would allow him to keep more of his property- continued marriage or divorce.

His latest information had been that, since he had bought most of his estate before the wedding, it was still his separate property, and it would stay his after a divorce.

That encouraged her to think that he might divorce Penny, and possibly marry her, who, after all, only wanted an open marriage, with the maximum pleasure for both of them. After all, the longer he stay married to Penny, the more of his earnings would be community property.

Lately, despite the fact that Hank was also fucking other girls, Sally was starting to think that she had the edge- the emotional advantage that would get her what she truly wanted from Hank: his public declaration that he loved her!

True, Sally was only 18, but she had far more experience than most of her classmates, and she was extremely horny. She was not jealous, and she tried to be submissive with Hank, even though she preferred to dominate her girlfriends like Yasmin.

In short, she was, even in her own mind, the perfect woman for Hank! If only, she thought, he would just realize it! Recently, however, she had thought up a delicious scheme to get him to the justice of the peace- she would bring in her own Mom, her Aunt Connie, and, of course, her friend Yasmin (she had not done so before, because Yasmin had recently disobeyed her, and had to be punished by being denied outside cock or pussy).

So, as Hank pounded away at his beloved Sally, the sweet, young babe was adding these thoughts to her physical arousal, which meant that she was becoming quite orgasmic.

Hank began to pick up on her apparent distraction, and, while still buried inside her, asked her through a winded voice (which always indicated his proximity to ejaculation), "Sally, dear, what's on your clever, young mind? You seem to thinking of something else, and that's just not like my little slave girl, is it?"

She answered him with a devious grin, and started to giggle, "Look behind you, Hanky panky (her nickname for her handsome hunk)- there's my Mom!" Sure enough, Sally's voluptuous, MILF mother was there, with an equally naughty look on her face.

Sally had just spotted her while her lover was talking, and knew that her fantasy of sharing a man with her Mom would finally be fulfilled (a fantasy she had hidden from Hank until now, precisely to surprise him with it).

Hank got up from behind Sally, evacuating her cunt, which was so wet by now, it could mess up someone's hair. "Well, Mina, what do you think of your sweet, little girl, who is obviously not a prude? Are you proud of her, ma'am- 'cause ya should be!", Hank said to his girlfriend's mother.

Mina just kept smiling for a few moments, and then she responded, "Why would any woman not be proud that her daughter is the apple of a chef's eye? You guys are successful, you're well off, and you know how to cook, which as you know is not just woman's work- men do it in the military all the time! She is clearly not just a fling for you, from what she's told me, although a fling would be alright too- you seem to truly enjoy her in general, am I right?

There is nothing wrong with casual sex, but you appear to really care about her, which is even better. Anyway, she wanted to make sure that you know how much she cares about you, even loves you, if I understand correctly, and she also wanted me to experience your skills and cock for myself. I must say that I'm rather impressed so far! So, Hank, my friend, are you going to fuck your mistress's mother, or not?"

Hank did not bother to communicate his verbally- instead, he grabbed Mina, ripped her dress in twain, quickly removed her undies, and started to taste her body, beginning with her toes (which he had never done before, but had always wanted to try).

He gently licked her legs, moving slowly up her body, until he reached her sex, and began to run his tongue along the outside of it. Finally, he used her cunt as an appetizer, nibbling her labia, and then rapidly, and repeatedly, "stabbing" her pussy with his tongue. His mouth then closed on her womanhood in a cunnilingus kiss.

While he kissed her there, his teeth and tongue tickled her clit and the walls of her cunt, until she simply could not stand the oral torture anymore. She came directly into his mouth, and he swallowed the whole drink like it was Vermouth, not vaginal juice. She screamed for about 2 minutes, and then she stopped, signalling to him that it was time to enter her ready vagina.

He penetrated her with a sudden thrust, knowing that the lubricant the pussy had produced for itself would protect it from injury. She did not even cry or wail- she just took it with gratitude and delight, happy that she had finally been fucked right by a man she had always secretly desired.

When she had adjusted to the sensation of his cock inside her pussy, he began to increase the pace of his penetration of it. He pushed in and out with an exhilarating crescendo of erotic heat, making her cum several times before he, at last, emptied his sperm into the womb that had carried his lover.

That was far from the end, though, as Hank then began to rim her beautiful ass, running his whole mouth over it, and then kissing, licking, nibbling, and even lightly biting it. He next tickled her rectal passage with his tongue, and followed this by buggering her butt with it.

His tongue was like a soft, but oddly powerful phallus, relentlessly reaming her anus. Once she was sufficiently relaxed, he easily inserted his manhood into her softening rear end. He began casually, and then he started to really go to work on her backdoor, fucking her pucker with fury.

Since she had been prepared by his oral action, she felt, not pain, but absolute ecstasy. She was hoping for a second or two that this would go on without end- that he would just stay in her bottom forever- it felt that good! He could sense that about her, and it drove him to drive her even wilder.

He commenced a last, ruthless reaming of her rectum, which pushed in and pulled out, without warning, mercy, or consideration of anything beyond the purpose in his head- to damn near kill her with an anal orgasm!

While Hank rode her Mom, Sally took advantage of the chance to get into a 69 with her mother. She slid in underneath her, put her mouth to the already overloaded sex of her Mommy, and spread her own legs to give her a taste of the cunt that had come from her own vagina.

Mina was now at her wit's end with pleasure, and this double pussy-eating just forced her over the precipice. She came in seconds, flooding her daughter's face with her girl-cum, and that made Sally release her own juices, giving her mother a facial shot. All of this Sapphic orgasm caused Hank to lose his load immediately, filling his newest sex partner with his milky substance.

She was compelled to cum again after that, because the feeling of his cream inside her anus was so warm, so sexy, so soothing, and so exciting that she just could not resist the urge to climax.

Badly needing rest, so they could continue this threesome later, Hank, Sally, and Mina, without getting re-dressed (which made no sense, since they were only going to fuck again later), sat down on the bed and took a sweet cat-nap, with the women in particular lulled to sleep by the reassuring sweat of a hot, handsome, manly guy.

They drifted to sleep with the full knowledge that they both now belonged to the greatest man on the planet.

my prayer to You

DeSighHer on Erotic Poems

You know i'm nothing but a sweet cunt, hungry for Cock... 
Night after finger-fucking night, i dream of Your Cock, slam-fucking me hard and deep...  raping me til i scream out... 
Face fucking me til i pass out, and then the woozy feeling as i come-to..   shocked awake by Your Cock savagely ramming into my tight ass...
My pleas ignored...  my body used and abused relentlessly...  until i surrender totally to You...  the way i was meant to...
You know i need to be fucked.. i need to be fucked hard and deep....i need to be taught to take it...  to need it.. to crave it... to beg for it...
i need Your big fuckin' Cock to face-f
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uck me...  to ram fuck my throat... to choke me...  to gag me...  to make me gurgle and drool, like the horny little cunt i am...
and then i need Your Cock to pound my tight ass... 
no matter how hard i beg You to stop, i need it harder.. i need to be reminded over and over that You will fuck me any way You want...  and i WILL take it.. all of it.. deep and hard...
i need a strong Man who knows how to use me...  knows what i really need... and then makes me take it...
and what i need is Your Cock.. pounding and pounding away relentlessly...  and Your Cum filling me... 
i need to hear it...
i need You to tell me that i'm worthless without Your Cum inside me...that i'm nothing but a worthless slut... good for nothing except sucking Your Cock..  good for nothing except being pounded in the ass...
nothing but a nice warm place for Your Cock... 
nothing but a piece of fuck-meat... 
What Your Cock needs is the only thing that is important... 
Making Your Cock feel good is the only thing that matters...
Please..... let me make Your Cock feel good...
let me be complete........

Amanda from the Video Store continued

Jolly1 on Teen Stories

"Oh my god that was awesome!" Amanda sighed as I slid three now very wet fingers out of her soaking pussy.

"Let's go inside," I suggested.

She slipped her shirt back down over her massive boobs and we both got out of the car. Before we went into the house, though, I told her to take off her panties. She did so and when she bent to put them in her purse which she'd left on the seat, I moved behind her. My cock was already out of my shorts and I rubbed it against her butt through her khaki skirt.

"Not here!" She said. We were in my garage with the door open but it sits

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at the end of a hundred foot driveway and there were no lights on. I was incredibly stiff and ready. At fifty, the opportunity to fuck a teenager doesn't arrive often and I'd lusted over Amanda and her incredible tits for six months at least.

I lifted her skirt and rubbed my cock first against her ass and then between her legs. I'm normal in length, a little over seven inches, but most women I've had comment on its thickness, especially the thick, circumsized head. Amanda proved to be no exception.

"Damn that's thick! But we can't do it aren't wearing a condom..."

Even as she spoke, however, she reached down and rubbed my cock against her pussy lips. That was all it took. I lifted her polo shirt again and this time she helped me take it off.

"Bend over damn it," I said and pushed on her back.

"I'm not on the pill, I can't..." but she bent over holding onto the doorframe and in one fast motion I shoved my dick into her wet nineteen-year-old's pussy!

(Much More to Come)

Horny at work

tara25x on Exhibitionist Stories

Sarah had just turned 17. Because she had been varsity swimmer for her highschool, Sarah had no problem getting a job for the summer as a lifeguard at a local park. Swimming had not just blessed Sarah financially. The long days of intense practice had toned her flat stomach and given her lean, slim legs. She was beautiful; about 5 foot 6 with long, shiny black hair, C sized bra cups, and a firm, tight ass. Every day during the summer, Sarah would drive to the small park. She'd spend her days talking on her cell phone and tanning, bored out of her mind, attempting to remain alert in case of an emergancy. The lake was normally very busy, and Sarah knew that if anything bad were to happen, she would be held responsible, bei

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ng that she was the only lifeguard on duty. The only perk she recieved from her job at the park was getting to watch Bryan every day. Sometimes he'd arrive with his friends, sometimes alone. He always looked so hot, his tan skin, his long, sandy blonde hair, and that beautiful, toned body. This would always make Sarah's pussy tingle, that familar feeling of arousal, and she'd blush from embarassment. She knew it was impossible for anyone to know how wet she was, but she still felt as if they did. Especailly Bryan. The way he looked at her with his big, brown eyes. One day at the lake it was very cloudy, so Sarah spent the day reading and praying for rain. Though no one was there, she couldn't close the park down unless it rained heavily. Soon, Sarah began to think about Bryan. She thought about his gorgeous smile, that sexy, all-knowing glance he often shot her, and about his hard six-pack. Sarah soon felt herself growing aroused. She glanced around. No one was anywhere to be seen. She let her mind wander. Sarah imagined what it would feel like to touch his hard stomach, to let her hands graze over his bathing suit, to slide her hands inside his suit and grip his dick. She knew his dick would be big and stiff in her tiny hands. She wanted it inside of her. Sarah realized she was now soaking wet. She wanted to touch herself, but was still very nervous someone would come, so she did not. Sarah fantasized about Bryan's hands touching her body. Running down her flat tummy, past her bikini bottoms, and onto her clit. She could almost feel his moist tounge licking and sucking her clit, making it's way down inside her dripping wet pussy and thrusting inside of her, fucking her. Sarah realized she had started quietly sighing and moaning and was now slowly griding her hips in a humping motion, her legs squeezed tightly together. She stopped and looked around. No one was there. She couldn't take it anymore. Slowly, Sarah slipped her hand inside her bottoms and slid one finger to her slit. She was soaked and that turned her on even more. She began to caress her clit with one finger and squeeze and rub her tits with the other hand, alternating between the two. She moaned. It felt so good and the thought of getting caught at any second was driving her crazy. She slid her finger inside her pussy, and slowly began thrusting in and out, harder and deeper, and squeezing her tits. Her nipples were so hard and she rubbed them too. Sarah was breathing very heavily and her moaning was growing louder. She inserted another finger and began to thrust faster and harder, all the while imagining Bryan's dick inside of her. Sarah realized that she was going to cum soon. Suddenly, she heard footsteps. She quickly ripped her hand from her bottoms and pulled down her top, but it was too late. Whoever had come had seen her. "Enjoying yourself there?" a deep voice asked. Sarah didn't respond. Bryan walked up to her and smiled. "It's okay," he said "don't be embarassed. I've been watching for awhile now. I don't mind" Sarah noticed his raging hardon. She touched it. They both exchanged glances. Bryan pulled her closer to him and placed his hands on her hips. They kissed passionatly. "I've wanted this for so long" Sarah told him. "Shh," Bryan replied, "Me too. Close your mouth, we don't want anyone coming down here and you were pretty loud before. Just let me take care of you." He got to his knees and motioned for Sarah to sit in the lifeguard chair. He removed her bottoms and sucked her clit, slowly running his tounge downwards toward her anticipating, dripping wet, slit. Sarah wanted to scream. It felt amazing. She realized she was going to cum soon, and opened her mouth to tell him. Bryan, realizing this, put one finger over her mouth, and motioned for her to be quiet. Then, he thrusted his tounge in and out of her pussy, fucking her harder and harder and deeper and deeper with his tounge. Sarah came, and she came hard. Her body erupted and she began shaking. She tried her best not to, but soon began to scream and moan in pleasure. Bryan smiled. "It's always great to help out a friend." he said and walked away. Before he left the park, he turned, smiled and said "See you next rain day."

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Doing Sis again

Jim Moore on Incest Stories

Mom had ask me and Clair not to have sex until she could get on the pill so we could be safe. It had been very hard for both of us but we waited. She did give me a couple of blow jobs and I'd eat her pussy but no fucking. Our Dad had been home for sometime  I knew Mom wasn't fucking Uncle Bob.

I came home about 5:00 P.M. walked into the house as always, but as I got close to Moms room I could hear funny noises. I looked in the crack in the door and there Mom was naked laying on the bed fingering her cunt like crazy. My cock jumped to attention as soon as I saw her. I eased the door open and said " Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Mom jumped and pulled the cover up over her naked body. When she saw it was me she was very eager to have me come join her. &q

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uot;Is Dad gone?" I ask.

"He left this morning and won't be back for a week". I sat down on the bed and started lightly fingering her wet cunt. She pulled my head down to her tit and I sucked the nipple into my mouth and bit it lightly. She moaned and shoved her ass up trying to get my finger in her cunt.

"Get your cloth off and fuck me my big beautiful son". I stripped down and my cock was sticking up hard and nails. I put the head close to Moms mouth and she sucked it in. I pumped her mouth a couple of times and she pulled off and said, "I need that in my pussy NOW".  She spread her legs and I put the head of my cock at the enterence of her fuck hole and rubbed it up and down a couple of times with her pushing up trying to get it in. Then I made one stroke and buried my cock completely in her waiting pussy. "OHHHHHH damn that's good cock, so big and hard just what I needed. Now fuck me fuck me hard and fast make Mommy cum." I must admit it sure felt good to be a mother fucker about that time.

I started stroking slow at first but went faster and faster until we were fucking like a couple of dogs. She was already so hot that it didn't take long and she was cumming like crazy. As I felt her climax I shot a full load of cum deep in her cunt. She almost screamed  when she felt my cock head swell and shoot. "Oh Son I needed that soooooo bad". I told her It was my pleasure to help but I needed to get a shower and something to eat.

"Where is Clair?"

"She should be home from school pretty soon." "I guess you will want to shove that big dick up her little cunt tonight won't you?'

Clair came home and we all had dinner and was watching T.V. when we heard a car door. Mom went to the door and there was Uncle Bob. Clair and I looked at each other and smilled because we knew what was going to happen now.

"Hi kids" Bob said and we answered. He sat down on the sofa and Mom sat next to him and started rubbing his leg. When just out of the blue Bob said "Sis tells me you too have been enjoying each other like we have." I looked at Clair and Mom then answered him that yes we had.

"I'd sure like to have a look at that beautiful body of yours Clair"

Mom said "Sure Clair show Uncle Bob what you've got." Clair said she would if everyone else would also. We all agreed and stripped naked right there in the living room. As Bob pulled his shorts off his cock was already hard and mine was also.

"WOW what a body I'll bet that is some good pussy to isn't it Jim?" "Well Uncle Bob you want to try some of it?"

"Damn right I do" Clair walked over and took his cock in her hand and stroked it a couple of times then pushed him back on the sofa and threw one leg over him which put his cock right at her little fuck hole.

"Looks like we are going to see a show doesn't it Son" Mom said. Clair lowered her self down on his hard cock and she let out a loud Ohhhhhhh. He raised his head and took one of her tits in his mouth and started sucking as she strated pumping up and down on his cock. "Gaud that is good pussy, it is tight" Clair just continued pumping up and down. I could see his dick go all the way up into my little sisters cunt and come out wet with thier juices. Mom came over and got on her knees and started sucking my cock hard and fast.

Uncle Bob threw his head back and said "I'm going to cum in that little cunt of yours, keep fucking your Uncle baby"  Sis just drove him deeper into her body and he looked like he was trying to shove his cock all the way through her. He started shaking and moaning "I'm cummmmmm oh shit it's good grunt, grunt" as he shot his load in sis.

Sis rolled off him and a stream of cum ran out of her pussy.  I pulled out of Mom's mouth and told sis to get on her hands and knees. She did and I mounted her from behind and shoved my cock in her already fucked cunt and started humping away. I saw Mom go mount Uncle Bobs cock before it could go soft and was bouncing on it. Her tits were flopping as she did.

I didn't fuck sis long before she was moaning and going Ohhh Ohhh yes yes fuck me big brother. I told her I was about to cum and she said me to. I howled and shoved as far up into her as I could and shot several loads of cum and she pushed back to take all of it. Screaming "I'm cummmmiiiiiinnnnggg"

That night Uncle Bod got to see how beautiful my sister was and she got to see how big his cock wasl, and we all fucked happly all night.

Online Master

Knuffelberin on Cyber Stories

Since a few weeks I have an online Master. I have always been interested in bdsm, but being the shy and scared young girl that I am, it's still too much of a risk to meet up with one in real life. So this seemed like the perfect solution: this way I could get used to some aspects of the lifestyle, without putting myself in real danger. I had met him on a S&M dating site. Most guys were only interested in real sex, but this one was willing to help me out. He said he found it exciting and different to start an online relationship and it still gave him enough time for work, his family and his other pets. Sometimes he would give me assignments like "Go to school in a skirt without any underwear.." or "Videotape yourself while masturbating". He could
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send me text-messages with assignments at every time during the day and night. Or we would meet online and he would make me do stuff in front of the webcam.

So I waited for him to get online. I never knew what time he would come. Some days he was early, others really late at night. Or he wouldn't come on at all.. there was really no telling. But what I did know was that he did not like to wait and I would be in big trouble if I didn't reply to him soon enough.

Finally I saw his name pop up in the right corner of the screen.
"Whore, get your ass in front of the webcam right now!"
Quickly I turned on the webcam. He hadn't turned his on yet. I liked to be able to see his face, the look in his eyes made it easier to tell whether he was pleased with me or not. But sometimes he chose not to turn it on, which was extra exciting because it kinda made him seem even more powerful.
I was wearing my black lace nightgown, with a small black lace thong underneath.. nothing else.. the thong was already soaking wet because of the anticipation. All day I had been thinking about him and wondering what he would make me do this time..

"Show me your tits."
I removed the straps from my shoulders and pulled the fabric down under my breasts.
"Put your feet up on the desk."
I did as he commanded, placing my feet wide apart so he could see the thong.
"You're wet aren't you? You slut!"
I nodded while blushing.
"Get yourself ready.. it's gonna be a rough night."
I knew this meant he wanted me to finger myself and get even hornier. I started playing with my nipples and put one hand in my thong.
"I'm going to treat you like the little whore that you are!"
"I know you love it, you filthy slut!"

He knew his words turned me on even more.
"Show me how wet you are!"
I removed my thong and exposed my bare cunt to him.
"Such a slut!" was his respons. "Open the drawer."
I had dedicated a drawer of my desk to our little play sessions. It was filled with all the sextoys I owned; some bought by me on his command, others sent to me by him.
"Put the clamps on your nipples."
I obeyed, but really hoped he wouldn't let me wear them as long as last time. My tortured nipples had hurt for days!!!
"Put a clamp on your clit too."
Ouch! Now that was even worse than the nipple-clamps.
"No pain, no gain pet.."Â I knew he would be grinning right now.
"Now take out the biggest dildo.."
"Show me how you would treat my cock if I was there right now.."

I slowly started licking the shaft, paying extra attention to the head. Then I took the whole thing in my mouth and tried to take it in as deep as possible while looking right into the camera. I hoped he would be masturbating right now, imagining I was really there with him.
"You want to be fucked don't ya?"
I replied with: "Yes Master, very much so!"
"I knew you were a little whore!"
"And little whores need to be taught a lesson.."
"Put the dildo away.."

I was a bit disappointed. I really wanted to fuck myself with it. But he knew how much I longed for something big and hard deep inside of me and he didn't want to give it to me that easy.
"Take off the clamp on your clit.."
Tears welled up in my eyes as the pain got worse.
"And the ones on your tits too.."
I removed them one by one.. it hurt even more taking them off than putting them on.
"God I wish I could spray my cum all over you right now."
"You look so.. fuckable!"

I smiled.
"Your assignment for tonight is to put those clamps back on your tits at exactly 0:00 and leave them on until I text-message you."
"Hopefully for you I don't forget.."
"Now get on your knees and show me your ass."

I turned around on my chair and lifted my ass up in front of the camera. I looked around over my shoulder to see what else he would say.
"You really deserve a good spanking.."
Then he turned on his webcam and there were 2 strange men beside him laughing and waving at me. Shocked as I was I immediately wanted to cover myself up, but I knew that would make him angry..
"Don't worry pet, they haven't been watching the whole time.."
"I have to go now, but don't forget your assignment!"
I turned around to be able to type something back. "Yes Master. I'll be looking forward to your message!"
"Good girl.." he replied. He smiled and then turned off the webcam again.
I turned mine off too. I was trembling a little because of the shock of seeing his friends there! How long would they have been watching? I felt so embarrassed!
I decided to go and take a shower.. But first I put the alarm clock at 23:58, so I wouldn't forget my assignment. The rest of the evening I spent watching tv and I got in bed at 22:15. I didn't know what he had planned for the night, but it could well be that I wouldn't get much sleep. He had said it would be a rough night..

At exactly 0:00 I put the clamps on my nipples again. I lay naked on my bed and masturbated a little. My nipples were still a bit sore from before, so I really hoped he would have mercy on me and wouldn't let me wait long. I tried to take my mind off the pain by reading.. which didn't work.. watching tv.. which didn't work either.. falling asleep.. which didn't work at all (especially not since I was worried that I would sleep through his text-message..)
At exactly 0:30 I heard my cell-phone bleep. The message said: "Get the biggest dildo, the small one and a vibrator and go and lie on your bed. Then call me." I ran to the living room to get the stuff and quickly ran back to the bedroom. I called him and waited for him to answer. "Are your nipples hurting pet?" "Yes Sir, very much so.." "Ok, you can take one clamp off.." I did as he said and gasped in the phone. "Are you wet?" Again I replied with "Yes Sir.." "Are you naked?" "Of course.." "Take the other clamp off." Again a gasp. "Now run the vibrator over your nipples.." I obeyed and it felt sensitive, a bit painful, but also good. "Ever played with hot wax?" "No.. not yet.." "Do you have candles there?" "Yes Sir, I do." "Go get one and light it." "Ok.. be right back!" I lighted a candle as quick as possible and put it beside the bed. Get on your hands and knees and fuck yourself with the small dildo. I moaned a little to let him know I was obeying. "I bet you're dripping wet already, aren't you? You slut!" "Yes Sir, I am.." "I'll teach you how we treat whores around here!" "Put the dildo in your ass.." I hadn't had anything in there often before, so it was still very tight. "Is it in?" "Not yet.." "Well hurry it up will ya!" ... "It's in!" "Good.. now fill your cunt with the big dildo.." "Yes Sir.." "Put it in deep!" I gasped.. "It's in Sir." "That's a good whore.. totally filled up.. now if I were there I would fuck your face too. Make you swallow it whole. You would like that, wouldn't you?" "Yes Sir." "I knew you would.. you little Slut!" "Go and lie on your back and put the vibrator on your clit." I moaned and groaned in pleasure, but he quickly ordered me to stop. "That's enough!" "Get the candle and drop the wax on your nipples!" The pain startled me, making me shout in the telephone. "Cover both nipples in wax.." It hurt a lot, but the wax quickly cooled off and felt tight on my nipples. "Now drop some on your clit!" I really didn't want to do that.. that would hurt like hell!! "DO IT!" "Yes Sir.." I answered with a shaky voice and tears in my eyes. I lowered the candle above my cunt and made the wax drop. The aim was a bit off, but it still hurt a lot. I sobbed in the telephone.
"Good girl.." "Peel the wax off.." "Tomorrow I want you to wear your little school girl's outfit and make sexy pictures for me." "I will Sir."
"Good.. Now fuck yourself hard with the big dildo.. and make me hear how much pleasure it gives you."
I moaned in the telephone. Imagining it was his hard cock that fucked me. Punishing me for being such a slut!
"Put the vibrator on your clit and finish yourself off.."
I literally screamed my lungs out when I finally came.
"Good night pet.." He had hung up.. Totally out of breath I threw the toys on the floor and crawled up in a foetus position. Soon to fall asleep.

School Girl slut

Goondawg88 on Taboo Stories

The School Girl Slut


this story is complete fiction. First story, leave comments


Hey my name is Bradley Bovert, and I am a science teacher at a High School in Missouri.  I am about 5’ 10” inches tall with a normal shaped body at the age of 28.  I had only been teaching for three years now.  And I am not married, yet but have a girlfriend for three months.  She is gorgeous and all but I just seem not to get my “fix” if you know what I mean.  It’s plain and simple, that I am a horny guy, love sex, and hot women.  Working at a high school, lets me see tons of it.  But it was one day t

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hat really threw me over the edge, and giving into my urges.


It was a sunny afternoon at the high school, and boy were the girls looking good today.  I teach biology and chemistry for freshman and sophomores.  It was warm outside today, so when I got to school, the 14-16 year old girls were dressed so sexy, I could hardly stand it. My penis was just inching in my pants, as went to my office, right next to my classroom.  I sat down, as I was hard as a rock thinking about all of those girls. “Boy it would be nice to get one of them to fuck me.”


So classes started, and today was again like I said hot, as I taught in the front of the class, I could see some of girls, spread eagle, showing their tight panties, and even some were showing some nice cleavage.  It was just so nice seeing their nice small developing breasts inch out towards me.  I had a hard time teaching all day.  At lunch time, I went into the office, and thought long and hard on how to get a girl to fuck me.   And I thought, and I found a good solution.


It was the last class of the day, and I always remembered her face.  Her name was Marie; she was a sophomore, only 15 years old.  But man she was smoking hot with tan skin, 5’ 5” tall, C sized boobs that pooped out of her shirt, and a slim body that made all the guys drool, including me.


So getting to the part of the story, I was just about to pack up and head to my apartment; I wanted to relive myself early, as I heard a knock on my office door:  It was Marie.


“Mr. B I was wondering if you could help me with some of my chemistry homework,” she said twirling her hair.  She dropped her pen, probably on purpose, as her breasts, were just inching out of her shirt.  Also, he short denim skirt, lifted up as I saw a nice shaved pussy.  Wow she wasn’t wearing any panties.  This was too good to be true.  I was now hard, but I tried to hide it as I sat down.


“Do you want to study here or in the classroom?” I asked.  I could tell she was in the mood to fuck, but I had to start off slow.


“I want to stay in here, it more private,” she said in a voice that was amazing to my ears.


I told her to pull up a chair next to me, as she didn’t cross her legs, but left them wide open for me to see.  I couldn’t blow it now, I had to do it slowly, but I just wanted to taste it.


“So what do you need help with?” I asked.  She was actually a B student, so I really knew she really didn’t need that much help.


“Well I don’t get this problem here,” she pointed to a problem on my desk, reaching over top of me, as I felt her boob brush up against mine.  I was getting horny, and as my dick rose, she felt it touch her hand.


“Mr. B, what’s that?” she teased. I felt so embarrassed as my face went red.


“Its okay, I know what it is,” she said in a sexy way as it continued to grow harder and harder.  I wanted to take her right then and there.


I couldn’t take it anymore, as I slowly unzipped my pants, to reveale my 6 inch cock to her.  She looked at me in astonishment.


“Wow I have never seen one, real before,” she said.


“Well now you have, do you want to suck it?  If you suck me, I will suck you,” I said.


“Mr. B you are naughty.  But I haven’t ever done it before,” she said looking a little anxious.


I calmed her down and said, “Don’t worry it will be awesome.  Just do it slow.”


So she eased over to my dick as she slowly opened her mouth and started to suck on it.  Her warm mouth felt so good in my mouth, as she continued to suck it slow.


“Wow, this awesome,” she said as she was now on her knees by my desk, sucking my cock.  She continued to suck my cock, her warm mouth was covering it.  It just felt so amazing, I wanted to cum, but I decided to save that for later.  I told her to stop, just before I was about to cum.


“Now it’s my turn Marie to return the favor, as I could see her horny boobs and face in front of me.


“Be gentle, I don’t masturbate that much,” she said.


I then went down on my knees and pulled up her skirt.  Her pussy was already partly wet.  I could tell she was starting to enjoy herself.  I put my lips of clit and moved around my tongue on it.  I could hear her moaning, “OOOOO!!!” up above, as I could see her massaging her breasts up above.  I kept on licking, and showiving my finger down her tiht pussy.


“Don’t stop!!!  Please keep going that feels fuckin incredible!!!” she would say as I continued to massage her clit with my tongue.


“I am, OH MY GOD!!!” she screamed as her wet pussy was buried in my face.  She now had her shirt off, and bra, as I licked her pussy and massaged her breasts.


“THIS IS AMAZING!!! She screamed as she was inching towards an orgasm, as I stopped.  She was huffing and puffing as pussy juices were leaking down her pussy.


“Please don’t stop, I want your dick in my pussy.  You are so fucking good; I want you to take me right now.  I want your seed deep inside me!” she said as I couldn’t disagree.


“Are you ready?” I asked.


“Yes, I want you right now,” she said as I pulled off my shirt, and was ready to fuck her.


I stepped towards her, laid her on my desk, pushing everything off I inserted my dick slowly into her pussy.  “I will take it slow, you are so tight, but warm and wet, just like I like it,” I said.  So I slowly rocked back and forth, as I fucked her on the desk.  Her pussy was tight, warm, and wet, as she screamed in pain and in enjoyment.


“OH MY GOD!!! FUCK ME HARDER MR. B!!!” she screamed as I quickened up the pace, rocking my dick back and forth in her.


“Oh God yes, you are so tight,” I said as I kept up the pace, as I reached for her boobs, and grabbed them, squeezed them, and sucked them.  I was so intoxicated by this 15 year old girl, as I fucked her harder and harder.


“YES YES YES!!!” she screamed as I fucked her harder and harder.  My dick was larger than it had ever been as I fucked the inner walls of her vagina.  I couldn’t take it much longer.


“I AM GOING TO CUM!!!” she said. “ME TOO!!!” I said.


“I WANT YOU DEEP INSIDE ME, FUCK ME FUCK ME, OH YES!!!” she said as we were both huffing and puffing.  I could feel my sensation in my chest, as I released my cum deep inside her pussy, as she screamed in orgasm.  I have never dumped so much cum ever in my life, as we stopped, were huffing and puffing, as cum seeped down her leg.  I slowly pulled out, as we cleaned up in my sink in my room, and got dressed.


“I hope you were on birth control,” I said.


“Yup I am.  My mom makes me go on it,” she said as I looked at her.


“Then we shall do this more often, and plus I am upping your grade to a B+, come back and we see what you can get up to,” I said as she smiled and whispered in my ear, “I will make it up to a A++++,” she said as she walked out.

Dont Stop.........

Vaughan on Incest Stories

Hi my names Charlie. I recently turned 16 and this is a story about my older brother Kent who is 17 and the time I caught him masterbating.

It was an early Sunday Morning and I had gotten up early to go and train in the pool. As I walked to the bathroom in my nightie i herd muffled moaning coming from my Kents bedroom. Kent is what my friends call a super hottie and even though I have spent most my life despising him, in more recent times I too have noticed his hottness. I crept Up to his door and peeked through only to see him on his back pumping his hard cock in his fist. I bit my bottem lip to stop myself from gasping as I stood there and watched. He was moaning and had his eyes closed and his hand worked his shaft to a frenzy. My own hand had dissappeared under my nightie a

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nd was going to work on my clit as if it had a mind of its own.

I stood there fingering myself watching my brother pump harder and harder as i drew myself closer to my own orgasm. Then he came and spirted cum up his belly and chest. I quikly and quietly crept away my fingers still probing and went into the bathroom to finish what i had started.

As I same i couldnt get the picture of my brother cumming all over himself from my mind and my coach could tell I was pre-occupied as i stuffed up turns and my stroke was all over the place. On the way home I tried to think about everything else but still couldnt remove the image. I walked in the back door and into the kitchen where my bro was at the fridge looking in wearing only a pair of shorts. I instantly changed direction and headed for the bathroom to have a shower. Kent yelled from behind that mum and dad had gone for the weekend and that tonight he was having some of his friends over and that I wasnt allowed to dob.

I agreed but only if I could have a friend over too. He was fine with that so after my shower I rang vikki to come over. The day was spent fooling around on the computer and watching DVD's. Kent ended up going out with his mates leaving Vik and I at home to talk. I told Vikki about the morning and she was so jelous. She so badly wanted my brother and asked about 100 times if i thought it would happen again the next day.

We were both sound asleep when Kent got home it was about 2am and Kent was drunk out of his brain. He stumbled in and collapsed on the couch next to me. I asked him if his friends were coming, to which he grunted "no" and then lent over and put his head on my lap and closed his eyes. Vikki had woken too and she looked up at me with the most mischievious grin. I shook Kent and he mumbled something i didnt understand. I told him that I would help him up to his room so he could go to bed. He grunted in agreeance and Vikki and I supported him up to his room.

Once in his room we sat him on his bed and he just fell back and lay with his feet still on the floor. I bent down and started undoing his shoelaces and Vikki started undoing his shirt. By the time I had got one shoe off Vikki had his shirt off and had undone his pants. I gasped and shook my head. Vikki just grinned and pulled at his jeans and started sliding them down off his hips. I got his other shoe off and vikki pulled his jeans off. Kent Lay there in his Calvin Klien briefs snoring totally out of it. We pushed him up onto his bed and vikki regularly accidently onpurpose slipped and ran her hand across his cock.

Vikki then whipered to me if she could just have one look and although I wanted to say no I also wanted to see it again. I said ok and Vikki needed no further responce she had his briefs off in a flash. we both sat their staring at it while Kent just snorred. I saw Vikkies hand go down between her legs and then her other hand reached out and grabbed his cock. I didnt move I just sat and watched while vikki, never taking her eyes off his cock, started to wank him. Even though Kent was asleepp it didnt take long for his cock to wake up. Vikki was storking it and finger herself and didnt care if I was watching or not. Truth was I was playing with my self too. I walked round the other side of the bed opposite vikki and then reached out and joined in the stroking. Vikki looked up at me and grinned that mischievious grin again. and no sooner had i got the rithym up had she crawled onto the bed in between his legs and started sucking the head. she tore off her nightie and proceeded to finger herself while sucking.

I was sooo wet and my fingers where working my clit in to a frenzy. Then vikki stopped looked at me and said wanna try? i dint say anything just swapped positionswith her and got on all 4s and started sucking. His big cock in my mouth felt amazing then even more amazing was Vikkihad started fingering me from behind. I lost all control and soon was deep throating my brothers cock while vikki was fingering licking and sucking my wet pussy. Suddenly I felt Kent's cock erupt and his warm juice start spilling from his cock and down my throat and he started mumbling..... Oh yer you know how i like it ......yer thats it. Vikki and I froze and then the bomb shell

Kent moaned.............................

Dont Stop you know I love it when you suck my cock MUM..........

Sweet to Slut

LustyLee77 on Ethnic Stories


Sweet to slut

By LustyLee77

Lynn Morgan was leaving the PTA meeting to go home when two of the other mothers invited her to join them for lunch. She accepted their gracious offer and drove her green station wagon to her neighbor's home. They discussed the different activities that were available for their children in the middle-class town of Medford. Lynn's green eyes lit up when

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she was told that her 11 year old son, Kevin was well mannered and quite a handsome lad.

The 29 year old beauty with long auburn hair blushed when the topic turned to sex. She really felt uncomfortable when one housewife suggested that she help her out with her horny husband. The woman said. “My husband has a thick, 8” dick and he never gets enough sex. I need some help, my pussy is sore from the constant fucking and I know that he would love to get ahold of your 36D cup tits. Anytime you need a good fuck let me know. I don't mind sharing at all, I need a break. How is it going with your old man; does he give you enough? Is he as big as my husband?”

The flustered mom thought about Alan's 5” dick and how their lovemaking had dwindled to once a week; she had married Alan when she was pregnant and had never been with another man. She tried not to think about such things and concentrated on how well her husband treated her and how much she loved him. Lynn said, “I am a faithful wife, I love my husband and everything is fine, sorry but it is time to go home and get dinner ready for my family.”

Lynn thanked them for lunch and drove home; she could not understand her feelings of arousal and tried to put it all out of her mind. Her heart jumped for joy when Kevin rushed through the front door and excitedly told her about a baseball team he wanted to join. At dinner Kevin repeated his desire to play for the team and asked his father to take him there tomorrow evening.

The 35 year old father said, “I have something to tell both of you. I have been promoted at work and will get a significant pay increase but I will be traveling quite a bit. I have to catch a plane in the morning but I want you to pursue your dream to play baseball, perhaps your mother can take you.”

“Please mom, please, I will show you where the field is. This is important to me.”

Lynn smiled at her son and assured him, “Yes, of course I will take you. I am looking forward to watching you play ball.” The next morning Lynn kissed her husband goodbye and saw her son off to school. She thought how she would have to get used to her husband being gone for three weeks at a time and how lonely it would be. She was grateful for her son and was glad to be able to share his passion to play baseball.

That night she drove across town to the park, spotted the boys practicing, parked the car, and walked with her eager son to meet the coach. The coach introduced himself as Earl Thompson. The 5'2” mother felt like a child standing next to the 6'3” muscular black man. Earl directed Kevin to a group of youths and told him to practice catching with them.

The handsome 24 year old black man put his arm around Lynn's waist and took her aside explaining, “We already have more boys than we need but it is plain to see that your boy has his heart set on playing with us; let's watch him and perhaps I can find a place for him if he has any talent.” Earl guided her into the dugout explaining that he wanted Kevin to concentrate on what he was doing and not to be watching them.

While they were watching Kevin throw and catch, Lynn's eyes traveled to Earl's tight shorts and she stared in awe at the huge bulge in his crotch. He caught her looking and noticed her blush and observed her nipples tent her white tee shirt. Earl smiled, revealing his white teeth and told the embarrassed mom, “Have Kevin come to practice every night and your husband can spend some time with him on the weekend and we will start on fielding and batting next week.”

“I...I will bring him every night but my husband just left on business for three weeks and can't help on weekends, maybe I could help him practice.”

“He will need instructions; I know how important it is to both of you so I will volunteer my services and come over this weekend and we will see what we can do.”

The excited mother flung her arms around the coach and exclaimed, “Oh, thank you very much, this means so much to my boy and me. After you guys finish I will cook you the best meal of your life. What is your favorite dish?”

“I am not difficult to please; anything you cook will be just fine.” She had her arms around his neck, he put his arms around her back and pulled her tightly to him. His hands traveled down to her buttocks, they kissed passionately, and she almost fainted when she felt his dick stiffen and poke against her belly. Lynn felt her juices flow and realized that her black shorts were getting wet. When they broke the kiss he guided her hand to the bulge in his pants, she squeezed the monster not believing a man's dick could be that big.

The boys broke practice and Kevin ran to the dugout and asked how he did. The boy was happy when he was told to return tomorrow. Earl could not wait for the weekend to come; he knew the sweet auburn haired beauty was turned on and could not resist him. Lynn was puzzled by her own behavior and vowed to be more lady like in the future.

The rest of the week passed quickly for Lynn, she kept a respectful distance from the coach the rest of the week and she hoped that he would forget about the other day. Earl came by the house Saturday afternoon and worked hard with Kevin. One of the boy's friends came by and asked Kevin if he could come over to his place after dinner for a sleep over. Earl encouraged the boy to accept. Kevin went to ask his mom and gleefully ran back out and announced that his mother gave him permission to stay at his friend's house overnight.

After a strenuous practice Kevin took a shower and Earl asked if he could do the same. Lynn agreed and provided one of her husband's robes for him to wear. They sat at the dining table and enjoyed a delicious steak dinner. Earl said that he did not remember having a better meal in his whole life. After dessert, Earl had the boy go to his car and bring in a bag from the trunk. There was a new glove for Kevin and a couple bottles of red wine for the adults. Kevin flung his arms around the coach and thanked him for the glove, then the boy excitedly rushed to his friend's house.

Earl opened the wine, poured some for each of them, raised his glass to toast a great dinner, a beautiful lady, and a place on the team for Kevin. They chatted, drank wine, and listened to Lyn's CD's. When the handsome black man stood to dance with her his robe opened and she gasped when she spotted his semi-hard piece of black meat. He quickly took her in his arms and apologized saying that the robe was too small for him.

As her head rested on his chest, her mind was still filled with the image of his cock, it must have been at least 8” and it wasn't even hard! Once again his big black hands drifted to her creamy buttocks, this time she wore a dress instead of shorts and his right hand slipped under her pink dress and his fingers touched her anus and traced down to her sweet pussy. He inserted a finger inside her panties and into her moist slit. She wanted to protest but it felt so good sliding in and out of her inflamed pussy and she hadn't had sex in such a long time.

The small robe was wide open and he guided her trembling hand to his throbbing manhood. He moved her little white hand over his massive cock. He took his hand away and circled her ass-hole as he finger fucked Lynn's steamed-up pussy. The aroused white housewife stroked his shaft marveling at the size of the monster. She grew weak in the knees and he helped her to the sofa where he lifted her dress over her head and tossed it aside.

They kissed, he unclasped her bra, pulled down her panties, and kissed his way to her heaving breasts. She squealed out in delight as he nibbled and chewed on her rubbery nipples. Her pussy exploded when his mouth came in contact with her love hole. He sucked on her clit while his fingers swiftly moved in and out of her juiced-up pussy. He stuck a pussy juice soaked finger up her ass and she shook wildly to another orgasm.

He stood in front of her, his cock was only inches from her pretty face. He rubbed it all over her face and told her to kiss it. She just stared at the big black snake as if under a spell and shyly said, “I have never done that before and don't know what to do.”

He smiled down at her and said softly, “Start by kissing up and down the shaft, then kiss the head, after that take as much in your little mouth as you can, and then you suck it dry and drink my sticky cum, you will love it!” Lynn held the big cock in her trembling hands and kissed all over the huge chocolate stick. She put her red lips to the head and kissed it lovingly. Her tongue licked the liquid leaking from the huge cock-head and her lipstick made his cock look purple. The auburn haired beauty wrapped her sweet lips around the head of his cock and Lynn slowly took it in her mouth. He pushed in and his cock made a large indentation on her cheek. He held her hair and pumped his cock down her throat. He managed to stuff 8 of his 11” in her mouth, them began fucking her face furiously, and exploded his thick, slimy, cum down her throat. She choked and gagged but managed to swallow most of it. What she couldn't swallow oozed from her lips and trickled down her chin.

He permitted the disoriented wife to catch her breath, then told her to put it back in her mouth, suck it, and make it hard again. Lynn looked at the black cock with reverence and worshiped it with her mouth until it grew to full size and she could no longer fit it in her mouth. He spread her creamy legs wide then penetrated her tight pussy with his ram-rod. She cried out, “No please, it is too big, it hurts meeee! Oh no, take it out, you will kill me, pleaseeeesss!”

Earl chuckled and told her, “Listen bitch, no cunt ever died from a big cock. Your little pussy will stretch and then you will love it. So take this cock like a woman and stop being such a baby.” He increased speed and drove his cock deeper into her love tunnel.

Tears flowed down her face as she tried to endure the pain. After awhile the pain subsided and it was replaced by intense pleasure. Lynn wrapped her legs around his hips and her feet rested on his buttocks. She began to fuck back to get as much of his pleasure pole in her as she could. She experienced a series of earth shattering orgasms, lost total control, and screamed, “Yes, fuck me with your big, fat, black, cock. Do it, do it to me, shit yessss, sooo good! Please don't stop, fuck meeee!!!”

Earl shot a load of cum deep into her stretched pussy and withdrew his cock with a loud 'plop'. He directed her attention to a large mirror on the wall and said, “Look at the contrast of our skin colors, isn't that erotic? Check out your gaping cunt! The motherfucker isn't small anymore. It looks so fucking obscene that my dick is getting hard again. Tell me that you want to fuck me again and then take me to the bed that you share with your husband. Talk to me bitch! Tell me how much you want my black cock.”

Lynn felt shame but she was beyond being her sweet self and pleaded, “Yes I want to feel your big cock inside me again. Take me to our wedding bed and fuck my brains out. Please don't stop wanting me; I need you to keep fucking me any time that we can. Now that I have discovered what it is like to really be fucked, I want more!” She led him by his dick to the master bedroom.

They were wildly fucking doggy style when he pulled his cock out of her hungry pussy and stuffed it up her puckered ass-hole. She begged him not to do it, saying that she never did that before, but he kept plowing away and told her, “”Your little white ass is the tightest I have ever fucked; it is like pushing pudding! I love it, take it all bitch, fuck back and don't stop.”

The poor wife thought his dick was going to come out her mouth, it was so deep inside her. She was astonished that she actually enjoyed having him up her ass and cried out in ecstasy as she reached another orgasm. After he shot a load of cum up her ass, he made her look down at her two holes gaping and leaking cum. Before going to sleep she told him that she was his woman, that she loved his big black cock, and even loved it when he spoke dirty to her and humiliated her.

They slept late and were awakened by Kevin coming in the front door. Lynn hurried down to make breakfast for them and the boy was surprised to see the coach come down the stairs. Earl explained that he got there early so that he could enjoy some more of his mother's cooking before they played ball. He added that he was upstairs to use the bathroom. Kevin noticed that the coach wore the same clothes as yesterday and wondered why his mom was still in her robe.

After an all day session of ball playing and instructions they went in for dinner and enjoyed another fabulous meal. Earl waited for the boy to go to bed before he offered the infatuated wife his black cock. He sat on the kitchen chair, she got on her knees and slurped his fat dick feverishly. She came up for air, kissed the fat prick-head while stroking his cock, and felt guilt and shame when she noticed her wedding ring rubbing against her lover's black cock but her craving for his cock was much stronger than any other emotion. She bent over the kitchen table invitingly and lifted her dress to her waist. That was all the invitation he needed and he fucked both holes roughly, she cried out in lust and he feared that she would wake the boy so he covered her mouth with his hand.

Before he went home, Earl told her that when the boy went to school he wanted her to come to his apartment. She wrote down his address and telephone number, kissed him goodnight, and promised to be at his place in the morning.

As soon as her son was off to school, Lynn slipped on a pink dress and drove to Earl's apartment. Her juices started flowing when he answered the door naked! He took her to his bed and ravished her. He told her that she was no longer to wear panties or a bra and that he wanted her to dress sexier. There was a knock on the door and Lynn was shocked when her lover brought two strange black men into the bedroom. She tried to cover up with the sheet but he ripped it away and told her not to act like a little girl.

The white woman was horrified when Earl informed her that Leo and Nick were bookies and that he owed them money but they would forgive his debt if he let them use her white ass for a couple of hours. “ I told them that you were a hot piece of ass so don't disappoint them. I am going to sit on the chair and make sure that you do the brothers real good. Have fun men, she is already wet and ready for action.”

Leo was a slender man about fifty years old with thick glasses. Nick was nineteen years old and was overweight, he was close to three hundred pounds. They dropped their pants and shoved their black cocks in her face. Lynn sucked and stroked their cocks going back and forth between the two men. Both men had fat cocks but neither was as long as Earl's cock. They were both 6 and 7”. The black bookies pulled their cocks out of her mouth and spurted cum all over her sweet face.

Fat Nick got on his back and Lynn was forced to suck him hard again. Then she was put on top of him and her pussy was lowered to his stiff dick. She did all the work and moved up and down on his cock when Leo poked her butt-hole with his cock. Lynn was getting double fucked for the first time in her life and was disgusted with herself for reaching an orgasm while being fucked by these vile men. They left her cum soaked body spread across the bed and voiced their approval to Earl as they left. They laughed and told Earl that he once again had a credit line with them.

Earl told her to get dressed, take a shower, and be there for her boy when he comes home for school. He informed the well-fucked white girl that he was taking her out tomorrow night. “But I don't have a baby sitter and can't leave Kevin home alone. What an I supposed to do about him?”

“Don't worry bitch, I will send over a baby sitter; get your ass out of here and be back at 9pm sharp tomorrow night.” Lynn felt so degraded and humiliated as she drove home. She wondered what she had gotten herself into and if she should ever see Earl again, but she found the prospect of not seeing him again to be devastating. She realized that she was addicted to sex with him and never wanted it to end.

Lynn arrived home in time to shower and fix dinner for her son and then go to baseball practice. The next day she was filled with anxiety all day long. She remembered not to wear underwear as she dressed in her sexy red dress for her man. The doorbell rang and she greeted a 22 year old black woman, Lynn introduced the girl to her son as his new babysitter. The sexy but tough looking black woman stood 5'7”, had huge breasts, and introduced herself as Candy. When Kevin went up to his room the bold young girl lifted Lynn's dressed and said, “Earl told me to check and make sure that you weren't wearing anything under your dress. I am surprised that he didn't make you shave your nasty cunt! We will talk when you get home bitch. Now get your slut ass out of here.”

When Lynn got to Earl's apartment he was waiting outside. He ran to the car, jumped in, and gave directions to a club. Earl told her that she looked better but said that he wanted her to buy some more revealing clothes. She told him that she would when she found time; between seeing him and going to the baseball field every night she didn't have much spare time. Earl made her happy when he said, “Buy the way, next week we play our first game and your son will be in the starting lineup; he will be playing third-base.

They entered a smoke filled bar and Lynn was appalled by the awful odor and the leering eyes of the barroom patrons. Earl ushered her to a booth in the dingy establishment. They drank beer and Earl announced, “You are my bitch, fuck-slut whore, and now you will put some jingle in my pocket!”

The startled mom asked, “What do you mean? I don't understand.”

“Don't act so fucking dumb. I need some money and you will suck dick, fuck with your pussy and ass, and do a gang bang. You have been enjoying my black cock and your son is on the team and the time has come for you to pay the price. Don't worry baby, you will like it; all sluts do.” Two black men came over to the table and Earl told them to sit on either side of the frightened housewife.

They began fondling Lynn and handed Earl some money. He told the stunned girl to play with their dicks and then suck them off! Lynn lost count of the vile men that came to the table and used her mouth as a cum receptacle. Earl handed her a napkin and told her to wipe the cum from her face; then he led her by the hand to a back room.

Lynn was bent over a table and a line of men used her every orifice. A crowd of men and some women gathered around to watch the lewd debasement of the white whore housewife. Lynn detested these raunchy men but her pussy thought otherwise and her shaking orgasms were obvious to everyone present. She received a round of applause as she staggered out of the room, her clothes were torn and tattered, her lipstick was smeared, and her hair was a mess.

On their way back to the car a female voice called out, “Lynn, is that you?”

The disheveled wife turned to see the two women from the PTA. They asked her what she was doing in this part of town and Lynn felt horrible as she listened to their condescending voices and saw the looks of disapproval on their faces. The one with the horny husband said, “You look like you had quite a night out! I had no idea you were such a wild-child! When are you going to come over and entertain my husband and I?”

Earl interjected, “You will have to go through me first. She does nothing without me; if you really want this to happen it can be arranged.”

The woman retorted, “Who the hell are you? Are you her pimp or something?”

“There you go, you got it baby; let her know if you want to play and we can work something out. She is one wild bitch and will leave you and your husband totally spent.”

The woman smiled and said, “We might just do that; see you soon.” She looked at Lynn and added, “A faithful housewife my ass!” They laughed and walked away. Lynn panicked, it was bad enough that she was turned into a whore but now her neighbors and friends knew about her.

On the way home she pleaded with her pimp not to get involved with her friends but he informed her that their money was good. He told her to cheer up and said that when her husband was home she could take some time off but warned her that she would experience feelings of withdraw from his big cock and her pussy would crave to be filled with his black meat. He told her that after a few days she would be calling him and begging for some big black cock.

They parked outside his apartment and he told her that he was going to give her a cheerleader outfit for the game and she could entertain the crowd. She looked puzzled but he told her not to worry, he would show her what to do. He told her that there were three more girls and that cheerleaders at a baseball game was a new idea that he had. Then she asked him again about her neighbors and wanted to know what he meant when he said both her and her husband. A wicked grin crossed his face, and she said, “No, I have never been with a woman, please don't make me do that.”

He got out of the car and told her, “You will do whatever I say bitch. Anyway, that is all going to change when you get home.” She drove home wondering what he was talking about. When the weary mother entered her house she was immediately confronted by Candy. The young black woman put her strong arm around Lynn's neck and held her tightly in place.

Candy stuck three fingers in Lynn's pussy and declared, “Ugh, your skanky cunt is clogged with dried cum! How many cocks did you take on tonight? You probably want more, don't you slut? I have a special surprise for you.” Candy ripped off what was left of Lynn's dress and ordered her to be quiet and not to wake up the boy.

Candy was wearing one of Lynn's robes and took it off complaining that it was too small. The black woman pulled Lynn's head to her huge ebony breast and demanded that she suck them. The white woman was too frightened to do anything but comply. Lynn was astonished to discover that she liked sucking the big tits. The white woman nursed on the ebony mounds with fervor and was noticeably disappointed when her mouth was pulled from the succulent nipples.

The naked black woman pulled Lynn to the sofa, sat down, spread her legs wide, and ordered the cowed white woman to kneel on the floor and worship her juicy black cunt. Lynn just stared at the hairy black pussy in awe. The thick pussy lips were dripping juice, the clit peeped out from under its hood, and the inner pink looked so enticing. As if in a trance, Lynn moved her head closer to the tantalizing black pussy. She inhaled the aroma of the aroused cavity and was overwhelmed with desire to taste another woman for the first time.

Just as she was sticking out her tongue to sample the inflamed hole; Candy roughly pulled Lynn's face to her smoldering pussy and demanded, “Eat my pussy, you fucking slut. This is your surprise; chew on my fat pussy lips, nibble on my clit, and stick your tongue up my horny cunt. Yeah, that's it, slobber all over the motherfucker, do it! Oh yeah, oh hell yeah, good girl, I can tell you like eating my delicious chocolate candy. You are doing so good that I will let you feast on my chocolate goodies every night when you come home. I know you can't thank me when your mouth is busy sucking my pussy; that's all right, just keep sucking. Oh yesssss!”

After Candy exploded in Lynn's sucking mouth, she told Lynn to lick it clean and then informed the housewife that she would be sharing her bed the rest of the night. Lynn was hurt when Candy said that she would like to eat some sweet white pussy but Lynn's was full of dried up cum and was repulsive. Lynn was exhausted when she dragged herself out of bed to see her son off to school. The night was spent with her face buried between Candy's legs and with the black girl's dildo stuffed up her pussy and ass. She was grateful that the woman stayed in bed and her son didn't have to know that she spent the night with her.

A couple of hours later the doorbell rang and the embarrassed wife invited her two neighbor friends in for some coffee. Lynn choked on her coffee when she was asked how much it would cost to take care of both women and their husbands. Before she could answer, Candy strolled in the room wearing the same robe and nothing else. Candy answered for her, saying, “Earl determines what to charge but we can give you a free sample right now. I just found out last night that this big black cock loving slut has developed an appetite for black pussy as well! I highly recommend the slut; she has become quite an accomplished cunt lapper and she really loves her work.”

One of the women inquired, “Right here, right now? You mean to tell me that she would service us in the kitchen?”

Candy said, “In the kitchen, living room, bed, or out on the front lawn if you like! If you want her to eat your cunts just spread your legs and drop your panties, if you are wearing any.” The two startled women did as directed and eagerly anticipated the sweet housewife's tongue on their horny pussies. Candy made Lynn crawl under the table and lick all three pussies.

The women encouraged Lynn by saying, “Oh yes she is good. Who would have thought that this seemingly sweet little wife could eat pussy this good? This is truly a dream come true.”

Candy added, “You can tell that she is enjoying her pussy breakfast. It seems that the slut likes vanilla and chocolate; they do go good together.” Before the well satisfied ladies left, Candy told them that she would talk to Lynn's pimp and arrange for Earl and herself to join the orgy. She let the excited white women know that they would simply adore his big black dick.

The night of the big game finally arrived. Lynn was watching her son practice when Earl handed her a cheerleader outfit and took her to a small building to change. When they entered a small room she thought they must be in the wrong place as three men were changing into their umpire uniforms. Earl sternly told her that this was no time to be shy and besides, if she gave them all a good blow job, perhaps they would make some good calls for the team.

The apprehensive woman reluctantly lifted her dress over her head much to the delight of the three umpires. The men were in their forties and fifties and could feel their dicks stiffen at the sight of this white girl with no underwear. Two of the men were black and one was Hispanic. They assured Earl that they would make favorable calls for his team and surrounded Lynn and took out their cocks.

They were rubbing them against her naked body and Earl told her to get on her knees and suck them or they would fuck her. She sank to her knees and stroked two cocks while sucking on the other. The men grunted and moaned until they all shot their loads all over her hair, face, and tits. Just as the men finished Candy entered the room with two other black women in cheerleader outfits. Candy told the others, “This is the slut I was telling you about. She is as good with pussy as she is with cock!”

The other women agreed that they would like to find out for themselves. Earl said, “Not now, we have a ballgame about to start. Get out there and entertain the crowd.” Lynn complained that her skirt didn't even cover her buttocks and her tits were popping out. Earl grinned and told her that was the idea.

It was windy, Lynn did not know the dance routine, and she felt so exposed, but she danced with the other women as best as she could. They took a little break just in time to see Kevin at bat. Lynn jumped up and down with glee when her son hit the ball off the center field wall and took second base standing up. She excitedly waved at him and was so happy when he waived back at her.

They resumed dancing and Lynn almost died when the other girls lifted her little skirt, fully exposing her buttocks and pussy. Her face turned crimson when the crowd cheered as the black girls kept her skirt up. She was pushed into the front row of the stands and felt hands all over her and fingers wormed into her butt and pussy. Her head was pushed into a crotch and she felt a hard cock straining against her face. Suddenly she was pulled from the mauling crowd by Earl and taken back to the room to change.

When the other women came to find out what was going on; Earl reprimanded them for pulling that shit at the game and told them to get back out there. Lynn got to sit in the dugout and watch her son's team win their first game. She swelled with pride when Earl said that Kevin was the best player on the field.

Alan was due to return home the next day. Earl said that during his stay the only time that they would see each other was at the ballpark. The coach encouraged Kevin to bring his father to watch him play. On the drive home Kevin asked his mom if she liked the coach. “Sure I do. Why do you ask?”

“I just wondered, that's all.” Lynn was worried that he suspected something.

That night in bed, the housewife pondered her transformation from sweet housewife to submissive slut. She wondered if she should tell her husband, could she keep her family life separate from her other lifestyle, would Earl grow tired of her, and most of all could she still be a good mother to Kevin? So many questions and no answers; she decided to just see what the future would bring. She wanted to keep her family and lover too!

THE END       Please send all comments to:

A young boy, and an older man...

steve666 on Gay Stories

I am what you might call “Sexually Confused”, I didn’t know weather I was straight, or bi-sexual. One thing I did know though was that I loved cross-dressing. Every time my mother left me alone in the house I would run into her room, completely strip off and try on her lingerie, or her dresses, and skirts. Thankfully, I was only 13, so I didn’t have hairy legs which meant that these dresses and skirts didn’t look too bad on me.

After a few weeks of cross-dressing, I decided I really needed someone to see me, to fulfil my fantasies. As I had recently been wishing I was a young girl, and I had a burning desire for older men. After my mother had left me alone at home for the sixth night on the trot, I did what I usually do and I paid a

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little visit to mum’s wardrobe. After getting slightly bored of getting myself off the usual way, I turned on the computer. I entered a chat room, and immediately got talking with someone who claimed to be a 38 year old straight man, however he was curious about the opposite sex. I told him I was the same, and I told him my age. He was okay with it. We exchanged MSN addresses, and chatted to each other quite regularly, he told me he lived in Derbyshire, which was close to me as I only lived in Nottinghamshire.

Three weeks went by, and we started talking as if we where best friends, his name was David, and he had one child and was divorced. We exchanged pictures, and watched each other do things on web-cam. He said I looked very pretty dressed as a girl, and he suggested that we meet up. As my Mum was away almost all the time, she wouldn’t notice if a man was staying in my room, so I accepted and I gave my address to David. We arranged for him to come around my house on the 16th of July, which happened to be a Friday.

The day came round quicker than what I expected it too, and at half 2 in the afternoon there was knock at the door. I opened the door, and David stood there. He was just as handsome and sexy as he was on his picture. He stood at about 6’3” tall, and was broad shouldered and slightly tanned. He smiled, and I noticed a full set of pearly white teeth. His blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight and his brown hair fell elegantly below his left eye.

“How lucky am I?” I thought.

I had managed to get a man interested in me who was much better looking than any I had ever seen. I quickly invited him in and sat down. I told him I’d be right back, and I sprinted up stairs and dressed into a French maid outfit I had found in my mothers draw, I purposely left my underwear off, and I ran back down the stairs. I entered the living room to find David sitting on the chair, fully naked.

“Mike, I’d like you to give me a lap dance.” He demanded with his smooth, manly voice.

I turned on the hi-fi and put a slow song on, and started to dance like the many women had in the porn videos I had seen on the internet. I moved closer and closer, I kneeled down and placed my hand on his muscular, hard thighs. He could see my small hard cock, and he grabbed his and started to massage it. I moved his hands away, and slowly started to lick the tip of his penis. Steadily I began moving my mouth around the edges of his long hard member, and I then began to move my head forward as if swallowing his dick. I sucked for several minutes, his hands massaged the back of my head and I felt a sudden warmth in my mouth. He had cum, I tried my best to swallow all of his cum, and then he put on a condom and pulled me up.

“Mike sit on my lap.” He ordered once again.

I stood up, and put a leg on either side of him, he put a hand on each of my ass cheeks and I slowly began to nudge myself forward, I felt his dick enter my tiny hole, and I moaned. It hurt to start with, but after several seconds the pain subsided and was replaced by pleasure. I moved up, and down moaning and groaning like the little girl I wanted to be. We ended up on my mother’s bed, him pumping me hard and fast. He was lying on top and me on the bottom, my legs wrapped around him tightly.

“Yes, whoa, mike, you sure this is your first time with a guy?” He whispered in my ear while pumping my ass.

“Yes, it is my first time” I replied. “Call me Michelle from now on please.”

“Only if you call me Daddy.” He said.

Part II Coming soon…

A Dog's Tale

Jarred on Animal Stories

     This story is true.  I have always been an animal lover and admired their simple, trusting nature.  I grew up always with a dog in my family.  At times as a young girl, I explored them a little by playing with their penis and balls.  I would stroke a dog’s penis to see him get hard and then pull back the protective skin to look at what he had beyond the tip.  But as I grew older I never explored any more than that.  Now, I am a single mother of two children and I don’t have much time for anything else.  We have a female Labrador Retriever, Missy, and a cat, Thomas.


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an>At the time that this happened, Missy was in heat.  I live in the country and work not far from home.  There are not many other dogs around us and we have a fence around our yard.  I don’t worry about other dogs when Missy is in heat because I secure her in a dog run and with the fence around the yard I figure there isn’t much to worry about.  But during this time I noticed a big Bull Mastif from up the road a ways making the journey down to visit with Missy.  Though Missy would whine when he came around there wasn’t anything either of them could do, the fences did their job.

     One day while the kids were at school and I had a day off, I was standing at the kitchen window when I saw Bull come down along the fence.  Missy started whining and he started dancing around.  He wanted to get at Missy and his big dog dick caught my attention.  He was huge to begin with, but this time the tip of his dick was hanging out and I felt aroused.  He was swinging back and forth as he trotted along the fence and my eyes were watching him intently.  I stopped what I was doing to admire his big dick.

     Eventually he stopped his prancing and put his paws on top of the fence, and with that he was over the top easily.  Now he was in my yard and going towards the dog run where Missy was.  The fence around the yard is only four feet high, but the dog run is a full six feet.  He greeted Missy and then put his paws up on the fence but was not able to reach the top. 

     I decided that since it was a hot day and that I didn’t have to worry about him getting at Missy I would take a bowl of water out to him.  So, I took a bowl out onto the back porch and sat down on the bottom step with the water at my feet.  I called him and he came trotting over with his head down.  He came up to the water bowl and drank it thirstily while I petted him on his head.  He was so docile and gentle and yet such a big dog.

     He allowed me to pet him while he drank and when he was finished he sat down in front of me enjoying my company.  I was sitting on the next to the last step and yet he was still looking me in my eyes as he sat on the ground.  I am not a big person, only 5’4” tall and 120 pounds so this dog easily dwarfed me as we sat there.  I looked down at his tool still hanging there and wanted to feel it so I moved down to the last step and reached between his front paws and cupped his penis in my hand.  He adjusted his position a little and settled down quickly.

      His head hung over my shoulder as I reached touched his big dick and cupped it in my little hand.  It easily filled my palm and I was not able to wrap my fingers all the way around it.  This was indeed a tool!  I felt the warmth inside of me as I was growing more excited than curious.  I stroked his dick and rubbed his balls and he shifted his position again making it easier for me to continue playing with him.  In just a little while he lay on the ground in front of me and rolled to his back, giving me full access to his pleasure.  It was obvious that he was enjoying this as much as I was.  I talked to him as I stroked his massive cock and rolled his balls with my palm.  He was definitely becoming my friend as he stayed there and panted.

     In the meantime my excitement was growing and I decided I wanted to play with this Bull more.  I took up the water bowl and easily coaxed him to follow me inside the house.  Once inside I closed the door and led him into the kitchen where I put the water bowl down.  He took a few more laps of water and then sat down and looked at me.  I talked to him as I moved the water bowl and sat on the floor in front of him.  I took his tool into my hand again.  He lay down on his side and lifted his leg almost immediately.  I took this as a sure sign that I had gained his trust and lay on my side facing him; my feet in the direction of his head, and concentrated even more on masturbating him.  He was obviously enjoying this as much as I was.

     I studied his doghood and began pulling back his skin to expose as much of him as I could.  He was huge, even without his skin around his penis, I could not get my hand quite around him.    I felt brave and began to take off my shorts as I continued to play with his dick.  He raised his head and watched me take off my shorts and panties.  I felt wet and knew that he would be able to smell my heat now that it was exposed.  He nosed towards my legs and I moved closer to him, placing not just my cunt near his nose, but since he was such a big dog I had to move my whole body closer.  He began to sniff me and press his muzzle against my cunt.  He slowly licked me and I felt the coarseness of his tongue pull against my pussy.  I stopped stroking him and removed my top and my bra.  I moved closer to Bull and now had my breasts up against him as he nuzzled my snatch and tasted me.  He licked slowly, stopping occasionally to lick his nose and to look at what I was doing.  When he licked me he began to push his tongue into me and I felt warmth going up my body.  I was hot and I was horny and I wanted more.  I had never done this before but I now knew I liked it very much.  His tongue was excellent and he took his time.

     I began to stroke him without his skin over him and he raised his leg even higher.  With the excitement of this forbidden act and the pleasure from his tongue I was breathing heavily.  I couldn’t help myself anymore.  I was lost in the act.  I was finding it more difficult to stroke him as he wasn’t as wet as I was.  I had stopped using his skin to cover him and pumped his bare dick with my bare hand.  Anyways he was not going to fit into his skin now that his dick was extended and in my hands.  I was not sure what it was going to be like but I wanted to put him into my mouth and wet him with my saliva.  I moved my face closer to his dick, pulling my snatch from his tongue.  I put my tongue on it at first, feeling it and tasting it for the same time.  It was not bad, a little strange to feel, but the taste wasn’t something that I would pull away from, so I licked him.  It was definitely alright.  I wasn’t going to gag on it because of the taste but if I did it would be because of the size.  I licked him some more and spit on him to make stroking him easier.  He began to tense up with this but I was not going to stop now.  I stuck my tongue out and wagged his dick back and forth quickly across it.  He liked this very much and grunted a little as I was now more aggressively handling his tool.  I then got brave enough and put my lips over the head of his dick.  I added more spit as I did this and began running my lips just over the head of his dick.  He liked this a lot and began thrusting his hinds causing his dick to push into my mouth.  At first I wasn’t ready for this and pulled back.  Then I went back to making him feel good and took him into my mouth.  He again began thrusting but I moved my head with his rhythm so as not to choke.  He was enormous and easily filled my mouth.  A hard ball was on his dick and my hand would run over it as he pumped into my mouth.  I was afraid he would cum and pulled my mouth off of him and pushed myself away from him.  I rolled onto my back, naked, breathing heavily.

     I needed to catch my breath but Bull was now intent on getting his.  He got up and immediately put his nose into my snatch.  I opened my legs to give him easy access and he began to lick me in earnest.  At first it was gentle, but then he began to push his tongue into me.  He was very eager.  He entered me with his tongue and then would drag it out and upwards, running it over my clitoris.  His tongue was huge and I was enjoying the heat of my body as Bull was causing me to have such pleasure.  Soon I climaxed, my orgasm sending shudders through my body.  My juices gushed out of my cunt causing Bull to lick even more.  I had never had such a powerful orgasm in my life!  The more Bull licked and pushed the more I exploded.  I could feel the floor beneath me was wet and I couldn’t stop cumming!  I tried to pull away from Bull but he continued to eat me like I was a big enormous dog treat. 

     I called to him, breathless, and he stopped and looked at me.  I talked to him some more and he listened.  I was out of breath and still shaking, the muscles of my body shuddering from the orgasm and the physical effects.  I reached up and began to pet Bull and he calmed down.  I looked at him and saw his dick still sticking way out there and pointing towards me.  I knew what I had to do.

     I reached over and pulled the bench from beside the kitchen table.  Pulling myself up I lay on my back and rested with my legs spread apart.  Bull knew I was his.  He moved forward and sniffed at my cunt and then without hesitation he moved forward.  He had no trouble straddling the bench and brought his tool against me.  He pressed forward and I felt his dick against my leg.  I spread my legs more and reached down and grabbed hold of him, guiding him against my hole.  He pushed against me with my hand holding the head of his penis at my opening.  He began to thrust with his hips and entered me.  I thought that I would split apart!  It burned a little but that soon passed.  He stopped thrusting for a second and he pushed forward some more, going deeper.  He pushed until he was all the way in me and then began his thrusting again, this time in earnest.  He was thrusting so deep into me that it caused me pain and pleasure that was as immense as his dick.  He still was not totally in me but was in as far as he could possible go.  My juices were flowing out of me and I felt the huge bulge in his dick against my cunt, pushing against me every time he would thrust.  I thought that I would burst open.  He continued to fuck me with the intent of ejaculating.  I knew he would soon.  My breathing was hard to control and I thought I would pass out.  I lifted up my legs and wrapped them around him in order to hang in position, my hands were holding the bench above my head to keep me from being pushed across the bench.  I felt him going in and out of me and fucking me as I had never been fucked.  I couldn’t control myself and I felt my orgasm returning more powerful than it was before.  I had lost all control over myself and I was screaming and moaning and cumming like a banshee!  All at once I felt it, at first it was not much, a warm flow beginning to fill me up and moving out from me.  Then he let loose with his orgasm!  He flooded me and it immediately spilled out from me as he continued pumping.  His cum was hot and filled me up.  I felt it all the way up inside of me and felt it flowing out of me.  He was spilling out of me and unto the floor.  He kept cumming and cumming.  It wouldn’t stop.  His powerful and quick thrusts now were shorter and slower but he continued to pump at me and fill me up.  I felt so much cum in me that my abdomen felt that it was bloated.  I didn’t care.  I was in such ecstasy and heat that I didn’t care.  I could barely breathe and had nearly passed out from Bull’s power and size.  He stopped his movement and just stayed there on top of me as he continued to pour out from around his own dick buried inside of me.  I felt his hot cum running from inside of me and down the crack of my ass onto the bench beneath me.  His thrusting had pushed me across the bench and my ass was now a full foot from the end where I had started.  His jism covered the bench beneath me and I lay in his cum with even more cum on the floor.  He was still flowing out of me even though he was finished with his orgasm and mine was starting to wane.  We both were panting heavily and he remained in position over me on the bench.  My breasts were pressed up against his chest and we were both breathing hard.  I took my arms and began to hug him and pet him.  My legs which didn’t stay around him were tired but I put them back around him and felt his dick still deep inside of me.  I was breathless but wanted to stay there laying in his cum and covered with it.

     Soon he began to back away, a little at a time, and I felt his dick sliding out of me inch by freaking inch until he was far enough out that the remaining cum that was stuffed in me pushed him out and gushed out of me onto the bench.  My cunt was throbbing now, my hole was wide open and my legs were stuck where they were, pulled up and out to the side.  I could feel my cunt still pulsating and his cum still running out of me.  Bull backed completely off of me and stood there panting heavily.  His dick hung down from under him, our juices dripping off the end of his dick.  He was antsy and obviously happy with what just occurred.  I was exhausted and still feeling lightheaded.  I had never had such powerful orgasms and wanted to stay in that ecstasy that I had just experience, drunk on such a wonderful sexual experience. 

     He had been so huge and I still took him inside of me.  He must have had a gallon of cum and I still wanted it in me.  I was sore and I was exhausted, but I thoroughly enjoyed this fuck.  I didn’t think that I could ever do this again, that it would take forever for me to get over the soreness that I felt.  I wanted it more but knew it would have to wait for another time.  I sat up and Bull came over to me.  I had his cum on my stomach almost to my breasts.  I had his cum all over my back, my ass, and my legs.  I was covered with his juices and sitting on the bench in it and with my feet on the floor in it.  I slowly got up and walked gingerly over to the door.  I called to Bull and opened the door.  He went out the door and stopped, looking back over his shoulder I thought that I saw him smiling and I smiled back.

     I closed the door and walked and half crawled back to the puddle on the floor.  I lay down beside it and ran my fingers through it.  I had found my pleasure.  Bull would be back another day.


LEBOWSKI on Incest Stories

Carole steps from the bath tub , pulls a towel from the bar and begins to dry herself,,watching in the mirror, rating her 35 year old face and body,assessing each part as she gently towels herself dry. Long white/blonde hair,green eyes,full pouty pink lips..."still a ten...well, at least a seven ,"She giggles. 5 ft.5 in. tall, 44DD-25-35,,,She cups her breasts, holding them up a little.."Tits not as firm as when i was a girl, but still ,,they're good enough to glue every mans eye to my chest". Carole absent mindedly caresses her breasts as she remembers how young she was,13, hardly any peach fuzz on her vagina yet, and how huge they were at that age,,every man,,even family stared at her ,when she first realised the effect she had on men,also when she realized

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what the bulges in their pants was all about...Her nipples were a lot smaller then , but, "It seems like men can't get big enough nipples,,such big babies,,can't lose that nursing instinct." She pinches and rolls her nipples between her fingers,, long red nails scratching at them , until they are erect and hard , two fat, deep pink cherrys, begging for a mans lips.."No man ignores these titties" Carole sighs,,trying to remember the last time she had a mans mouth on her nipples,,or anywhere.. Years,,4 since her husband passed away,,10 before that where he never touched her....Actually, not since...Carole supresses the memory but can't stop her mind sending a message to her pussy.

Carole spreads her legs and dried off her vagina. at least around it,, She can tell as she dabs around the freshly shaved lips that if she were to probe just inside that she will find that she is getting wetter by the minute.She puts one shapely pink leg on the counter and inspects her bald vagina.."Okay, no stray hair,God, I'm almost dripping wet already,I want everything to be perfect for tonight..I hope i'm not too old to be shaving, but, thats what my lover(I hope),,wants.Carole parts her outer vagina lips, puffy, smooth and hot and rubs one fingertip up and down the middle,,dipping in slightly to get it wet with her juices, and spreads it over her pussy lips, almost swollen in their pink nakedness.She rubs the juice up, over her hardening clitoris, making it glisten, like a shiny wet pink pea,shudders, and then slides her finger down,snaking it along her perineum to her rosy little butt hole,circling it wetly, and then poking her finger inside , lubing her clenching hot bum.." Jesus, I've gotta stop this daydreaming and get dressed..Mark will be home soon."

Carole finishes drying off and and rushes into her bedroom, her wardobe for tonight laid out on the bed,white cotton blouse, white push up bra, no panties,black leather mini-skirt(she still has dynamite legs), and puts on a pair of red fuck-me shoes..She looks at the clock and sees shes got about 20 minutes before Mark gets home."I need a few stiff drinks before he gets here, give me the courage to do this. I've never felt so perverted, or so horny , before in my life,,,well, o.k. not since...

Fifteen minutes later Carole sits at the bar in her den, watching the clock, thinking back on how she reached this point, sitting here, trying to get just drunk enough,waiting for her son to come home.It started about six years ago, Mark was 14 when she realized that he was masturbating( she did the laundry), and, just how much he was masturbating,five or more times a day , judging by the t-shirts he wiped up in. At first Carole was a little shocked, her husband was very religious and barely touched her, married at 18, he was a big change from her life up to that point, but she had had to block her past from her memory to satisfy her husbands raging moods.Anyway, Carole found herself oddly aroused by the daily loads of her sons semen, even to the point of smelling his cum , on on or two occassions, feeling ashamed,,but not too much.She couldn't stop herself from day-dreaming..It had been so ,so long since Carole had had good sex,so very long,,not since her brother,,,no,never mind that,,, Carole kept all her dirty thoughts inside, even after her husband died, but as time passed she couldn't control her dreams and daydreams, fantasizing about forbidden things,which only made her hotter.

When Mark had left for college Carole needed to use his computer and and had snooped while she was on it. To her amazement she had stumbled onto his chat room list and his photo files,,all the pictures were of large-breasted older women..and the chat rooms,,well,, they all dealt with incest,, Carole entered a few chatrooms and was able to find out that Mark was heavily into Mother/Son sexual role playing.Carole had been so aroused that she went to her own p.c. and entered the chatroom and masturbated while all the young studs tried to get in "moms" pants. After that Carole logged in every night until she finally matched up with Mark, although, Mark, didn't know it was his real mother he was talking to.

After that it had been a masturbational frenzy for Carole every night,and for Mark,separated by miles, but together on the net, with only Carole knowing their true identities.She learned every nasty thing that her son would like to do to her and told him what she would like to do to her own son.

Tonight, Carole is going to confront her son,fortified by a few stiff drinks, and see what comes of it.Mark should be home any second, and Carole can feeler her pussy getting wetter, thinking about his big penis(from what he's chatted), and hoping it's not just an old womans fantasy.

Carole hears the front door opening and waits expectantly for her son Mark to come into the den,,,

A BBQ with our neighbour.

davidj on Cheating Stories

There was a bbq at our place and we had a few friends in including our neighbours.
We had finished the two bottles of wine and the party was swinging along – Jane the neighbours wife said I have a special bottle at home if you like I can get it.
I said that would be great I will come with you to check it out.
We had hardly got inside their house and she grabbed me and kissed me and whilst I was shocked I rather enjoyed the experience and responded with equal passion.
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mes">The she started to undress as we kissed – not that we had much on – shorts and T shirt etc. Then she said ‘Fuck me’ I want you to fuck me – I have been aching to get you alone long enough for months – this is it..... do it now.
She was young and attractive and had no inhibitions about showing her attributes off.
My wife had often commented that she was hot and she pitied her husband as she believed she shared herself about occasionally. I joked and said she hasn’t shared anything with me – and my wife said ---Yet.,
It seems my time had come.
She was tearing the last of her clothes off and when she was  naked and then started on me. Between the two of us we both managed to get everything off and she was on the floor – her legs drawn back onto her chest - and her lovely pink slit open ready for my cock - which by now was rock hard.
I got down and plunged my cock into the slit just below the hair strip she had.
Going into her felt like my cock was going into a warm oven – she was hot and wet and her cunt virtually sucked my cock into her she was so randy.
We fucked like I have never fucked before – fast furious and passionately – grabbing her tits as she fingered her clit while I shagged her. She rolled over and wanted it doggy style. Her tits were bouncing around as I pumped my cock into her fast and furiously and my balls were slapping against the cheeks of her ass as I drove myself furiously toward my orgasm.
She began to grunt and said oh fuck – I’m cumming I’m cumming ……fill me up baby……. give me all your juice…….. hose my womb with your cock milk ……. flood my baby chasm.
Her sex talk brought me up higher toward my climax and in seconds my cock erupted and I did as she asked and my balls erupted and I fired shot after shot of cum into her.
We both managed to keep it going for another minute or so and we were so physical her cunt was covered in cum and cunt juice as I pumped my now firm cock in and out of her cunt now filled to the brim with my baby juice.
Then she said take it out…….. I want it again……….. and as I pulled my cock out of her cunt she turned around. I was kneeling before her and she got down and began to suck the fuck juice we had made together off my half hard cock..
I spun her around and we were now both flat out on the floor in the 69 position and as she sucked my cock. I licked and sucked the love syrup from around her labia and thighs before drinking it from her pink cup of sexual delight. She was full of it and it took me a couple of minutes to get her cleaned up. It was all over my face as well as I buried my whole face into her pubic region to get her cunt open and access to her clit. I wanted to get every drop of our love juices out of her. In the process I managed to get her to cum again as I oralled her clit.
She squirmed and wriggled and bucked as I devoted every effort I had into bringing her off again orally. She was moaning and almost crying with the erotic pleasure saying… Keep going …. Keep going….. and she held my head down onto her vagina. Oh… f.. u…c…k. she moaned. I am cumming again ……..oh shit this is amazing………….. oh fuck don’t stop nnnnnn..oooooo….wwwww and then she just collapsed. It was obvious she could take no more and gasped……. stop     stop     stop now…… ohhh ………please…….. I cant bear it any longer.
I stopped and she sat upright holding her cunt. That is the most intense and amazing orgasm I have ever had, I think I had two or three one on top of the other it just wouldn’t stop and finally I couldn’t bear it any longer. Never have I cum that intensely before. It had me on the verge of fainting it came on me so hard.
I smiled the smile of a very satisfied male lover.
We kissed and we enjoyed the taste of ourselves through out tongue and lips. I said to her  - where did that come from - It was absolutely the highest form or erotic pleasure I have ever experienced. I have never seen a woman cum like that before – you were amazing.

She said I saw you there this afternoon and I began leaking so much just thinking about what you would be like in bed. I have never heard Nancy complain about not enjoying her sex with you. Suddenly I wanted to be fucked as urgently as that. I was hot real hot. I have  thought about having sex with you  – but never wanted to as Nancy and I are very good friends as you know.  I have often envied Nancy sleeping with you. You wont tell her about this will you.
I said not if I want to keep having sex with her. She would not be happy knowing we have done this together.
By now the eroticism had worn off and we were both exhausted – happy and fulfilled, well and truly fucked sucked and satisfied.
We both got up and dressed, even though we were sweaty. I kissed each nipple of her breast before she covered them with her bra again.
She said I had better get that wine – and left the room and came back a minute later with the bottle.
When she came back she said shit this room reeks of sex – the smell is so powerful – I said well we weren’t actually sedate about it we went at it like animals – she said I will go woof woof  with you any time you want me to. I said – you are on – but we will have to be careful.

We went back to the party and I don’t think anybody had missed us.
She and I started to drink the wine and she said I know a better vintage that this – and it comes in a very funny shaped container. I think I prefer that to this and winked at me.
Nobody was any the wiser and Nancy said Jane behaved herself today – she wasn’t making eyes ay any of the men that I saw.
After that we occasionally enjoyed the new rare vintage we had discovered and she drank it straight from the container most times. The syrup from her pink well of sexual pleasure was my pleasure as well. Occasionally I filled her cup and we mixed our two juices and enjoyed the ‘cock’-tail we had made together.

We continued to fuck each other when the opportunity existed and when it was safe to do so. Nancy and Bob, her husband didn’t seem to have a clue we were doing it together.

It was pure animal sex – no love or emotion – just hard and fast and furious sex. Nancy my partner said to me one day – you know I have never enjoyed sex like we have been having in the past few months something seems to have changed – It sure had……. I was now fucking two of the best women alive, and enjoying it all. I smiled and said I have never ever had a complaint – age is improving you too.

We are still enjoying our secret love life together, and its now over a year. Its naughty ---- but nice.


joshboistl on Bizarre Stories

This story contains extreme no limits sex, young guys having sex and other offensive things so if your not into it don’t read it!! And do not try any of this at home!! It could cause extreme injury!!



He has always wanted it part 1

I’m Dustin your normal 17 year old high school guy well exceped I’m gay. So you know I’m 5’11 170 lbs. Blond blue eyes and built extremely well. I work out ever day and it shows. All the girls beg me to fuck them plus I have a 10” cut dick and that helps.

I have a boyfriend Mike who is the same size as me but his hair is brown and his dick is 8” uncut and as big around as a beer bottle. We have been together for 2 years now and have wild sex all the time. Mike is a total b

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ottom and loves extreme kink. He is big into being tied up, rape play, and so far I have not found one thing that has not turned Mike on he is one kinky fucker. But you would not know it from his and my preppy looks.

A few months ago we were at baseball practice we seen one of the JV players show up on crutches with his leg in a cast from toe to knee. I have to admit it was hot but Mike could not take his eyes off of him. Come to find out he broke his ankle during a JV game.

After practice Mike and I headed to his house for the weekend. Both his parents were out of town so we planed to sit around and drink and fuck our brains out. His parents were both pilots so we were alone a lot. We sat on the sofa and I brought up the JV player. He told me he thought it looked so hot. He had his sock feet in my lap and I was rubbing them. Then he said “so you think I would look hot as that in a cast?” all I could say was “fuck yeah“. He went on to tell me he thinks that would be the ultimate in bondage and that he has always wanted to be in a cast. Well maybe one day you will get what you want. Then he said “well you think you could do it?”

“What break your leg“?

“Yeah, like in that movie misery”

“I don’t know Mike I love all the wild shit you love. Smacking you in the balls as I fuck you is a lot different than breaking your legs.”

“But think how hot it would be Dustin. Me stuck it a cast for months. You could care for me. And rape me.”

“Yeah that’s hot but I don’t know about breaking your leg.”

“Well I don’t think I want you to break my leg I think I want them both broken”

“What are you fucking nuts?”

“Yeah I am. Come on I’ve wanted this for a long time, me in a wheel chair or in a hospital bed legs in slings hanging in the air with my ass exposed unprotected.”

“Your fucking nuts babe but your still fucking hot.”

“Thanks, So will you do it?”

“How the hell am I going to break your legs. It would hurt like hell.”

“How about you break them like that woman did to that guy in the movie. I got all the stuff you would need here. We can say I fell off the roof.”

I then looked down at Mikes big muscular legs in my lap. Baseball socks still on pulled up to his knees. He started rubbing my dick with his foot getting me hard. I just sat their thinking how hot he would look with his legs in cast. Then with out thinking I said “I’ll do it”.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth Mike jumped up kissed me and told me to stay sitting he would be back then he ran to the shed in his back yard. After about 10 min. he came got me and led me to the basement. To his dads work bench he had cleared off and put on top of it was my ball bat, a 4x4 piece of wood 3 foot long, pillow, rope, and a pair of my dirty tube socks. I could not believe how bad he wanted this and how turned on I had gotten.

Mike jumped up on the table wearing gym shorts, t-shirt, and socks. I walked up to him and shoved my tongue in his mouth. We made out for a few min. when he broke our kiss and said “I love you”. “I love you too babe”. He then lay back and said do it.

I put the pillow under his head and tied his arms and chest down to the table. When I looked up at his face he was smiling when I looked down I saw his hard dick poking out of the top of his shorts. Clear pre cum was pooling up in his belly button. I bent over and licked it out. It tasted so fucking good. Moving down the table I placed the block of wood between Mikes legs. He said “Make sure you break both bones right above the ankle on both legs and then right below the knee on both. Now gag me with your gym socks.”

I stuffed my socks in his mouth then moved to the end of the bench. I stood their looking at his hot ass legs one more time. Then picked up my bat. “You ready?” he shook his head yes. I stepped back and swang my bat hitting Mike in what seemed to be the perfect spot. I could hear the bones snap just before Mikes muffled scream. I looked at his sock foot and seen it was turned in toward is other leg. I move to his other leg breaking it. This is when I had to move the block up farther to break the bones below his knee.

Mikes eyes were squeezed shut, sweat pouring off him, and now biting down on my socks. I moved the block up causing Mike extreme pain. Then got my bat to finish what he wanted. I broke his leg below the knee. Now I had one more break to make but this time when I swung I missed an hit him right on the side of the knee not below where I had aimed. When I looked I could tell it was bad. It looked like it broke above and below his knee.

I moved back and looked at his legs both clearly broken and him in a lot of pain. When I moved closer I could see he was as hard as a rock. I untied his upper body and leaned over to remove the socks from his mouth. And then Mike said “how do they look” I told him broken but hot. He then said “fuck my hole hard hurt your bitch” he did not have to say anything more. I moved to the end of the table pulled his shorts off . I then dropped my shorts and grabbed Mikes legs and put them on my shoulders. Mike screamed in pain yelling “fuck your bitches hole hurt me uuuhhh fuck hurt your bitch”. I spit on my hand and rubbed it on his hole then lined the head of my 10” cock to it. Pushing all the way to my balls in one stroke. Every time I rammed in I could almost hear his broken bones grind together. It did not take long and Mike was cumming a river on his chest and I felt his hole tighten and made me flood his guts with cum.

I let his legs fall off my shoulders slamming down on the table. He screamed in awesome pain. Then I started to kiss him. We lay their for a few min when he asked me to call 911 to go to the hospital but to drag him outside first. I picked him up and drug him up the steps letting his legs bounce all the way up.

I dropped him outside to make it look like he fell. And went in to call 911. The ambulance came and took Mike to the hospital. The told me he would be fine and to follow them in my car.



To be continued……. Maybe let me know if you like this story or what you would like to see happen next maybe it will be added in part 2. So guys its up to you let me know .

Amanda from the Video Store continued

Jolly1 on Teen Stories

She was tighter and more eager for it than I'd expected, letting out a little moan as I entered then pumping her ass back at me as I thrust faster and harder into her. There was just enough light in the garage that I could see her big breasts swaying side to side while I jammed her. That set me off even more.

"You like this, Amanda?" I asked, almost out of breath.

"Oh yeah!"

"You like being fucked don't you? Tell me!"

"Oh yeah do it! Fuck me harder!" She gasped. I kept after it for another full minut

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e but couldn't hold off any longer than that. As she squealed she was having an orgasm, I pulled out and shot my load all over her back.

I didn't even let her put her shirt on after that. Grabbing her hand, I guided her into the house and shoved her roughly against a wall where I proceeded to lean down and suck her left nipple into my mouth while I worked her other breast with my right hand. Surprisingly, I felt my cock start to rise again and pushed her down to her knees. She took it right into her mouth and started sucking.

"Lick my nuts!" I commanded. She went right to it. She worked each one and then returned to my cock, licking the length of the shaft then swirling her tongue around it and sucking it entirely back into her mouth. I lasted a little longer but when she leaned forward and I could feel her tits pressing into my legs, I lost it.

"I want to cum on your face," I said, "Get ready and take it..."

She brought it out of her mouth at just the right moment and I splashed my second load of the night onto her nose and cheeks, the slimey white goo dripping down and landing on her tits.

It took several minutes for both of us to catch our breath. I drew her to her feet and kissed her hard. Her big breasts shoved against my chest and damn if my cock didn't start twitching again. I took her by the hand once more and this time we went into the bedroom and took off our clothes.

"I never expected to be doing this," she said when we were laying together under the covers. "But you got me so horny. Damn you have a thick cock. That felt so good."

I kept playing with her tits while I asked her about the action she'd had with her female friends. She moved even closer to me. I let a couple of fingers trace down over her stomach and pushed them into her pussy. She gave another of her little moans and spread her legs so I kept adding fingers, feeling my cock go rigid when I had my whole hand pumping her. I keep a large vibrator handy for just such occasions and got it from under the bed.

(More to Come)

Rockin and Bobbin With Robin Pt 3

D.O. Mann on Bisexual Stories

"Oh my god, you never told me it was this big," Robin giggled a moment later.

Todd was still breathing hard. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw he had his hand under Robin's sweater playing with her huge firm tits.

"Are you getting hard again buddy?" I asked him. I sure was. I was driving but had my dick out and was stroking it, remembering how good his warm mouth felt on it. I wanted him to suck me again and also wanted us both to fuck Robin.

"Oh man that was intense," he said. I saw Robin's head move into his lap for a moment and then she mounted him facing forward so I could reach back and feel her tits. They're big and round and firm and her nipples

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are about an inch long. They were rock hard.

"Oh yeah, oh fuck me oh fuck me..." she cried, bouncing on his lap. I knew she would cum right away. She always did, and then usually at least twice again but she just kept riding him and riding him and came a couple of times and then a couple more.

"Fuck my cock, mom!" He yelled, "Fuck it!"

She looked startled but then I knew she was gearing up for a big one. I had my hand on her tits when she came and he shot into her a moment later. Meantime I blew my load all over the seat and floor.

(More cumming)

My first cock

lpcrcf on Bisexual Stories

This is something that I keep very private and have never told anyone about.  I do have a girlfriend, and have always had good luck with the women, but growing up I knew I wanted something more.  The whole internet thing threw in lost of interesting things into my life.  Like ever boy growing up, I masterbated, and did everything I could do to get off.  Not sure where or when but one day I realized that i like to have something shoved in my ass.  So as anyone would do i looked around on the internet at porn, and the chat rooms. Looking at a guy doesn't turn me on at all, nothing about it but the thought of haveing something in my ass fucking does.  So one night it happened. I was in a u yahoo bi chat room and found someone that lived close to me, but far en
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ought that i wouldn't have to worry about him knowing me or me knowing him. As with most people this is something that i didn't want anyone to know about.  So we started chatting, and to come to find out he had his own place, and was free that night, and keep pushing me to meet him. I really wanted to but like always never would in fear of someone finding out, but this night i said to myself why the hell not just do it. So we set some rules while we where chatting. I told him that i didn't want to know him, i didn't want to be friends, i said heck i dont even wanna see you.  No kissing , no touchy feeling, that i just wanted to met him at his place with all the lights off, walk in strip down and get on all fours and get fucked by his cock.  He agreed to it, what guy wouldn't right?? Fucking is fucking right? thats all that he cared for.  So off i went to met him at a gas station where i would follow him to his place.  We pulled up, and i followed him in, neither of us saying a world, every light in the house was off...i followed him to the bed room, where he stared to take off his clothes, nevers and ready to back out, i keep telling myself to just do it, or i will never know what it is like. So shaking i took my clothes off. He had done this before and could tell that i was nervous, so he told me to lay down on the bed on my back and just play with myself some to get in the mood. Which he did the same, me i really wasn't into that which he also could tell, so he grabbed my cock and strated to stroke me, withing secounds i was shooting cum everywhere, and he just keeped stroking me and i just keep cumming, never have i cammed like that. Next thing i know he is sucking my cock, and im cumming even harder. After he sucks ever last drop of cum out of my cock, he tells me to lay on my side that it would be easy that way. So im laying on my side, He reaching for some lube, next thing without warning he shoves a finger in my tight nervous ass, it hurt as first but as he pulled his finger out it felt great, and then he thrust right back in with two fingers. Make n sure that he was filling my ass with lube. The whole time its dark in the room, i never do see or feel his cock so i have no idea how big it is. I hear him open up a condom and put it on, Next thing i feel the heat from his large cock head against my tight ass. He trys and trys his hardest to get his cock into me but he just cant. Im laying there thinking to myself what the fuck am i doing here..i will die if anyone every knew...then he gives up for a minute, and starts to stroke his cock to get it good and hard, next thing i feel his hard cock again, and he just places it at my tight ass and thrust in, he sinks all the way into me, as i moan in pain and pleasure. He just holds it there for a second and moans as he says thats the tights ass that i have ever been in. And starts to move his hips just the littles but it felt like he was really fucking me hard, He cock was big, just as big as mine, somewhere around 8 inches and very thick. Soon he is realy fucking me hard and fast, the whole time cum is just shooting out of my cock like a hose. As he is pounding me, his cock slibs out and slids up beteewn my legs, and slids up against  my cock, and that felt so great, i learned thats want really got me off, feeling a cock sliding in my ass, and then out of my ass, and then back in. He did that for awhile, and then i could tell he was getting close to cumming, so he grabbed my leg and pulled it up to my chest, and started fucking me like a dog, it hurt but felt better than anything i had every done, his cock got even bigger as he fucked me hard, and then he buried his cock deep in my ass , and blew a load of cum deep in me, pulling out, he just layed there, total done, as with me, but i felt really weird and just wanted to get the heck out of there, so i grabbed my clothes got dressed and said maybe i will catch u later on the internet, he said ok and then i left, i never did chat or see him again, but after that it just left me wanting more, and wishing that i had done more than just lay there and get fucked, something that would drive me crazy for years wanted to do more and try more, some that i have talked myself into doing more of, but not everything yet, still kinda worried of others finding out, so i always back out...but ones of these days ...who knows

Brigit Astar on Sex Stories

Most high school teachers have reputations among students. One teacher will have the reputation of being hard, one will be considered easy, another will be thought to be a fair teacher, and another will be considered to be a bastard or a bitch.

At Claremont High School there were two teachers in particular who had reputations: Mr. Rocklin who taught physics and algebra, and Ms. Struthers who was a social studies teacher and counselor.

In Mr. Rocklin's case, he had a complex reputation among students. He was considered to be a hard ass, a bisexual, and one who was not adverse to bribery.

Mr. Rocklin passed out the test papers to the s

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tudents in his third period class, and gave out a little grin as he heard the groans from some of the students. This is an average class, he thought. Two get A's, four get B's, eight get C's, and the rest get D's—or F's.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class and the beginning of the lunch hour. There was a mad rush and scramble by the students, as they headed for the door.

Mr. Rocklin went to his desk and sat. He noticed that one of the students had not made a rush for the door. She had walked up to his desk instead and was standing there holding her test paper.

"Mr. Rocklin, I don't know what—uh—what I can do..." she trailed off.

He studied the student, looking her over. Sandy Coxon, sixteen—maybe seventeen, long sandy brown hair, hazel eyes, tight silk blouse, short tight skirt, pretty pink lips, curvy—nice body ... sexy. His cock stiffened and rose.

"About your test score" he asked. "Your grade."

"Yes, sir. I'm failing, and I just don't know what to do about it. Is there anything I could do to... "

Mr. Rocklin stood and faced the student. "Anything you could do"

"Yes, sir. You know, to raise my grade, to improve it."

He looked her over, and his prick stiffened still more. He now had a stiff throbbing hard-on. "Well, I don't know, Sandy," he said. "Your grades are low, you know, and at the rate you're going, you're going to fail."

His cock jutted out, hard and throbbing. She looked down at his crotch and saw his bulge.

"I'll do anything, Mr. Rocklin, to improve my grade."

"Anything" he asked.

"Yes, sir, anything." She moved up close to him, and reached out her hand and cupped his crotch.

"Hmm, well, you can start by sucking me off," he said. He unzipped his pants, pulled out his dick, and pressed her shoulder down.

She went to her knees, grasped his prick, and opened her lips.

"Yeah, that's it," he said. "Suck my dick."

He clutched her head and drove his cock between her lips. "Yeah, suck it, that's the way—suck that dick."

He thrust his prick in her mouth, and began pumping it, fucking the pretty sixteen-year-old's mouth.

"Yes—keep sucking it, ah yes—I'm fucking your mouth now."

He heaved his dick in her mouth, down to her throat. "Here it comes," he gasped. "Keep sucking—suck the cum—yeah—suck it, swallow it, gulp it down."

He spewed sperm down her gullet, and she sucked it all.

"Ah, yes, your grade will go up, don't you worry about that," he huffed.

Ms. Struthers sat at her desk in her office at the high school. One of her students sat beside her.

"Tommy,"  she said to the boy, "your grade is, as you know, low."

"I know, Ms. Struthers," Tommy sighed. "I just don't know what to do about it. I try, and I can't seem to improve it."

She looked at the boy. She saw he had a hard-on. She could see the bulge in his crotch poking up.

"I know you try, Tommy," she said. "I know."

She saw the imprint of his cock straining and thrusting against his pants.

She suddenly lowered her head to his crotch and started rubbing it with her lips. She unzipped his pants and opened her lips and took in his prick. She licked and sucked it down to the base.

He clutched her head and drove his dick into his teacher's mouth. He couldn't believe it—his sexy attractive teacher was sucking his cock and he was pumping it in her warm wet sucking mouth.

She sucked him for a few minutes and then slid her mouth off, tugged her skirt up and pulled her panties off. "Come here," she said, tugging on his prick. "Come here and give me a good licking."

He went down on his knees before her. She spread her legs and drew them back. "Lick me," she said.

She grasped his head and pulled him down. He clutched her ass and buried his face on her cunt and began licking it.

"Ah—umm yes," she panted, "ah—lick me, Tommy, lick my pussy."

He jammed his tongue into her cunt and began tongue-fucking her.

She reached down and clutched his prick and stroked it. "Give me that cock," she panted.

He slid up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him and he thrust his dick into her pussy.

"Umm yes—ooh yes—oh baby," she gasped. "Fuck me—oh yes—fuck your teacher."

He pumped his prick in her, fucking her good and strong.

"Oh, ah, you don't have to worry about your grade," she panted, "you'll get an A for this."

He gave a heave and thrust his cock up her pussy and squirted a gob of cum deep in his teacher's cunt.

"Ah—squirt it in me," she gasped. "Pour it in me—pump it in deep."

Her cunt squeezed on his dick, sucking up his cum.

"Ah yes—umm—oh, you sweet student," she cooed. "Ah, you sweet fucker—you A student."