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mykyl0 Member Since October 19, 2009
His Twin Girls - 1
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 5 + Keep it up!
Uncle Wayne Moves In
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 10 + Hot, excellent, awesome. I generally go for the more raunchy stuff than the Lolita-esque stuff (meaning Nabokovian), but that was brilliant. Keep it up.
The Dirtier, The Better
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 8 + Teriffic setup in this one, but it feels that the actual sensations of the sex are left out. Even if you say something, just try restating it in different words. But overall, a very good story.
A Sluts Tale (part 2-my dads co-workers)
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 4 + I agree with the other comments about poor grammer, punctuation, spelling, etc. I also agree with the lack of realism, but sometimes these fantasy-like stories are a good thing. If you took the time to revise this, it would be a good story. That also mean
A SlutsTale (part one- how i became a slut)
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 5 + Unoriginal and poorly written, but erotic none the less. Please work on your writing, grammer, punctuation, and pretty much every aspect of the piece. Either way, keep trying.
how I started sharing her
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 5 + Only problem were the big paragraphs, but the story was incredible. Your writing is very polished for a site that's used to posts mostly consisting of webcaps and typos.
My Slutty Sister
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 8 + It's a good start, but really not much more than that. It feels more like the outline of a story since it's lacking the details and buildup I normally look for. For example, don't tell me that she "demanded I eat her pussy", have something allong the line
A Crazy Night With Mom
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 9 + Feel free to continue writing; you'll have an audience.
Finding Meg 2
mykyl0 5563 days ago
- 10 + Treat us to the anal, please.