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DerkGypsyPryncess Member Since January 01, 2023

Jerry's Surprise

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on Cuckold Stories

Jerry’s car pulled quietly into the driveway, as it did every night around 7. After another day of tedious office work, he returned home to see his lovely fiancé, Tara. The two had been living together for nearly 3 years now and with the wedding less than a year away, he had been putting in as many hours as he could to take her on an amazing honeymoon.

For the past two years, her contributions to their financial stability came from an OnlyFans account that he encouraged her to make when she brought up the idea. He didn’t care how many other people saw her pleasuring herself for the camera, as long as she was happy. He even enjoyed watching her content from a secret account he had made. He was, after all, her biggest fan.

He was so preoccupied with getting the groceries he had picked

Paisley's Desires - Chapter 4

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on BDSM Stories

The first time that Paisley met DeShawn Morrison he was sitting at the kitchen table pouring over the sketch that Frank had made for the basement. She had been upstairs doing her pole work out in a pair of dark grey short cotton shorts and a tight white cami that was stretched taut over her ample breasts, rendering it useless at hiding her nipples. She walked to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of cold pressed juice, going momentarily unnoticed by the two as they discussed built in storage areas along the walls in each room.

She stepped closer to the table, causing both to look up. “DeShawn, this is Paisley.” He said with a grin.

“Nice to meet you” she said with hand extended.

For a moment, he was gobsmacked. He simply stared up at the beautiful flame haired creature before hi

Paisley's Desires - Chapter 3

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on BDSM Stories

Frank stepped into the bedroom to find Paisley with a towel wrapped around her body, staring into the closet. He chuckled to himself and pulled a pair of jeans and a black henley from the drawer. He got dressed, watching her out of the corner of his eye. “I’m going to get that list off your phone so I can check out a few things online before we leave. Take your time getting ready.” He said as he slipped the shirt over his head.

Her phone sat on the dresser nearest the closet. The smell of his cologne filled her nostrils as he stepped closer to her. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he grabbed the device and left the bedroom. Paisley finally selected a short brown corduroy button down skirt, a white camisole and a light brown cropped cardigan. She paired them with a pair of

Paisley's Desires - Chapter 2

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on BDSM Stories

With the holidays coming up, life at the office had become a nightmare. The late hours and overload of deals to close before the end of the year had taken their toll on Frank. Seeing him come home tired night after night led Paisley to plead with him to take the rest of the month off after Thanksgiving. The idea had appealed to him more than she thought it would. Much to her delight, the next night he came home and told her that he had.

The exhaustion had also led his libido to take quite a hit. While she was great for relieving stress, some nights he was simply too tired to play. It took a lot of work and extra hours at the office, but Paisley did her best to show up after hours and help him get rid of some of that tension. Bryce found her presence less jarring when he would find her

Paisley's Desires - Chapter 1

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on BDSM Stories

It was nearly 10 when the car pulled up in front of the Vickerson building, stopping only momentarily for a leggy redhead to climb out of the back seat before the car sped off to pick up its next fair. Paisley stood on the sidewalk, checking her reflection in the window before entering the vestibule. Marty, a portly older gentleman clad in a blue security uniform sat behind the large black desk. He gave her a slight nod as she passed.

She pushed the button, pausing momentarily to check the seams on her stockings to make sure they were perfectly straight. The man behind the desk had his eyed glued to one of the many monitors, watching her from the safety of his seat as she ran her hand along her shapely leg. The ding of the elevator rang through the quietness.

She pressed the button

The Canceled Trip Chapter 3

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on BDSM Stories

Kat had relaxed in the bath until the water began to grow cool. The entire time she lay there soaking, she thought about how much Derek truly loved her. She also thouKat had relaxed in the bath until the water began to grow cool. The entire time she lay there soaking, she thought about how much Derek truly loved her. She also thought about how much she loved the life they shared together. Most of they couples they knew lived vanilla lives. They also fought a lot and several were cheating on each other. She had never felt the urge to stray because what she had with Derek was much deeper. She trusted him with her body, mind and soul. She gave herself completely to him. While they never used the terms Master, slave or even submissive, their roles were clearly defined and constantly updating

The Canceled Trip Chapter 2

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on BDSM Stories

A thin sliver of light sliced through the darkness of the bedroom, directing the sunlight toward the bed where Kat awoke alone. Her eyes blinked eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the splash of brightness. She reached for her phone, seeing that it was nearly 11am. She sat up, rubbed her eyes and threw back the covers. The kiss of cooler air upon her bare skin caused her tiny pink nipples to harden instantly. She threw on baggy Nirvana t shirt and black minky jogger pajama bottoms.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, her nostrils filled with the enticing aroma wafting from the kitchen. Derek stood with his back to the kitchen door, gathering plates from the cupboard. Turning around, he saw his beloved and a wide smile quickly crossed his lips. “Good Morning.” He said, setting the

The Canceled Trip Chapter 1

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on BDSM Stories

Kat was silent as she stood at the window, staring out at the sparkling white blanket of snow that had fallen over the previous three hours. The forecast said the snow would continue for the next few hours. She knew instinctively that this meant Derek’s hunting trip would be canceled. While it was true that they would be heading to his friend Charlie’s hunting cabin, and there would be guns, the only hunting they would typically do would be hunting for supplies to stock up on for the five days of drinking and poker that they would spend there.

He had gone to bed early, certain that the snow would go above them. They were scheduled to leave at 6am that Thursday, but by the looks of things, no one would be going anywhere. In a way, she was happy that he would be home. His work schedule

Doggy Desires Part 2

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on Animal Stories

Several days had passed and Duke was settling into his new home very well. He had really taking a liking to Katie and followed her around the house. Jack was quite pleased with how things had turned out. Not only did they have a new playmate, he was a mighty fine watch dog as well. Katie, of course, spoiled him, buying him two high end orthopedic beds, dozens of toys as well as treats and bones. He was a very happy dog.

To the outside world, it looked like a normal life inside the house. Jack had taught Katie the commands, allowing her to have fun with Duke while he was not home. The only thing he asked was that she record the encounters so he could enjoy them as well. She often sent him videos of the dog burying its tongue between her legs as she came several times for her canine love

Doggy Desires

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on Animal Stories

Over the years of their relationship, Katie and Jack had learned a lot about each other’s particular kinks. They had shared many of the same proclivities and were always willing to try something the other desired. Once of those kinks was seeing Katie knotted. When the subject had come up, he was amazed that the love of his life was also very aroused by the thought of having a swollen knot trapped inside her tight little cunt.

As time progressed, he had gone online and found a knotted dildo that would not only inflate, but also ejaculated whatever was filled in the chamber. He watched with great delight the first time that she tried it. He filmed the entire ordeal so she could watch herself riding the lengthy toy. He held the two bulbs that controlled it’s function and after she had su

Kinky Friends with Benefits

DerkGypsyPryncess 784 days ago on Sex Stories

“Hey. Whatcha up to?”
“Nothing unfortunately”

“You forgot the batteries again?”

“I forgot the batteries again.”

“I told you. Get something rechargeable”

“Yeah yeah I know. Lol”

“You could always come over here and
I could help you with that”

“I don’t think your girlfriend would like that too much”

“Yeah very funny”

“After all that peopling I think I need naked wet fun time”

“Ooooh naked wet fun time
My favorite”

“Stop drooling and behave yourself lol”


Reyna tossed her phone on the bed before entering her bathroom. She could hear it buzz on the bed as she undressed. She knew it was Sam. From the moment they met, there was an attraction. The two started making flirty little joke