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young-bi-boy Member Since March 10, 2010

Sister's Special Relationship

argore2112 on Incest Stories

My sisters always had a special close relationship with my father. I didn't know the nature of that relationship until one day my father came home from work earlier than expected.

I had gotten home from school and it was a wednesday which meant no one else would be home for at least another two hours. This was my favorite day of the week, because I would be alone for those tow hours I could r

Oh Brother 2

margoslips on Incest Stories

Mom and Dad didn't leave Paul and me home alone all that often, and sometimes the timing wasn't just right. So after we had showered together that wonderful time, our sex lives progressed on other fronts.

I was going out with Mark, a kid a bit older than me, at the time. And after I had felt Paul's hand washing my pussy and seen him come in the shower, I had different ideas about my limits when alone with a boy. Mark and I had a favorite barn to park behind, and as usual, we got into the back seat.

When he reached up under my blouse and felt my bra, I said, "Why don't you take it off?" And while he was doing that, I was unbuttoning my blouse. He saw my breasts for the first time and it was delightful to have him rubbing me there. He kissed me there, too, and
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that was really wonderful. I didn't stop him when he slid his hand into my panties under my skirt and felt how wet I was. I was soon coming as he did something I never expected -- slid his finger into my vagina and started sliding it in and out. Oh god so that was what fucking must feel like.

And I had opened his belt and zipper and pushed down his BVDs. I had never done that before, but now I had in mind what had happened with my brother. I took his cock out and started rubbing. It wasn't long before we were both a mess with his sperm.

We both snuck home that night without being discovered, despite an obvious stain on my skirt and one on his shirt. I told him he'd better volunteer to do the laundry.


Mom and Dad went away for a weekend, so Paul and I didn't wait five minutes before we hopped into the shower together. He'd been getting pretty far with my friend Carol, though they both swore they hadn't had sex yet. Anyway, the pleasure of being washed by such a gorgeous man was still intense. We took our time lathering each other's backs. Then facing each other, I scrubbed his wonderful chest as his hands slid over my breasts. That sure was wonderful. My nipples were hard and I could feel myself getting aroused inside.

He knelt down in front of me, first kissing and sucking on my nipples, then kissing my tummy. As he was washing my thighs he started to kiss my pubic hair. Oh my Oh my OH MY. Before he started washing my pussy, his tongue licked my pussy lips and I could feel warm slippery juices running down my leg with the water. I had to lean against the wall, I was getting so weak in the knees. He was licking between my lips now. Then two fingers were up inside me, fucking me, oh yessssss. What had Carol been teaching him? Oh yessss. I was crying out with pleasure.

After he knew I was satisfied, he stood up and I finished washing him. I knelt down to wash his feet and legs and especially his wonderful cock and his balls. I wasn't exactly sure how to do this, but after the water had rinsed him off, I tentatively kissed his penis at the tip, while I was holding it with my hand. I knew what I had to do but, once again, I was nervous. I tried putting a little bit in my mouth. Paul moaned and, well, I didn't die. I pushed my face down over it more and started bobbing my head so it went in and out of my mouth. It was Paul that was leaning against the wall and moaning now. Then he said, "Look out, I'm cumming," and pulled himself out of my mouth. Sperm started squirting everywhere again including on my face. I don't know why, but I wanted him to finish in my mouth. I took his cock back in and felt the last spasms of sweet tasting cum in my throat.


We both had dates that night and I gave Mark the same favor. Boy was he surprised. He gave me the pleasure of his finger and we both got totally naked for the first time, but he wouldn't lick my pussy. I went home pleased but feeling a little cheated and went to bed. Paul came back a half hour later.

I lay awake for maybe another half hour thinking about Paul. Then, only in my nightie, I went across to his room and pushed the door open.

"Paul, are you still awake?"


"Can I come in?"




"I really liked what we did in the shower today."

"Me, too."

"Can we do it again?"


And I slipped into his bed. I tried to get under the covers with him, but a twin bed is really small. It wasn't long before the covers were on the floor and he was laying on top of me. Then my nightie was on the floor and his pajamas were gone. He was laying on top of me, his hard cock pressed against my belly. We were kissing and his hands were massaging my breasts. He slid down and kissed my nipples and slid down down down some more.

What a feeling. Laying naked on a bed. My legs spread wide for a male who was hard and beautiful. Soon his head was between my legs and he was once again that day licking my pussy.

He leaned up to watch his fingers go into my love hole. "You're so beautiful, sis." He was thrusting thrusting thrusting and I was rocking with pleasure. When he pushed his face into my pussy and drove his tongue in, I cried out. I suppose it was done better by other men later in my life, but to me then it was the most wonderful thing ever.

I pushed him over and crawled between his legs. I kissed his legs and then his shaft and then took him in my mouth.  I'm sure he had better later in life too, but he was moaning with pleasure and thrusting his cock up into my mouth as my mouth slid up and down over him for the ten minutes it took him to cum in my mouth. I just swallowed it. I didn't know there was any other option. Oh how I wished he wasn't my brother and we could make real love.

The bed was uncomfortably small and we wanted to stay together, so we just crawled down onto the carpet with the sheets and covers. We stayed awake for an hour, playing with each other, his fingers up inside me, his cock getting hard again, being stroked, more oral sex.

In the morning, we awoke, took another wonderful shower and I made pancakes for him. I told him about Mark and he told me Carol loved oral sex on her but wouldn't go down on him. We both chuckled.


Well, eventually, when I was 16, I ditched Mark in favor of Carlo, a college kid who didn't believe in virginity and was quite persuasive. Mom put me on the pill when she found out what was happening, but Carlo and I still used condoms.

Paul and Carol started fucking and were inseparable. She eventually consented to giving him oral sex and they managed to get together a couple of times a week. You would have thought they were married except that sex took place in a car or family room.

Paul and I continued in our semi chaste ways and went to bed to play together on the rare occasions when Mom and Dad took off for a weekend.

On one such occassion, when we were both 17, we went into Mom and Dad's bedroom for our usual hijinks. But it was getting old for us. After all, stopping is never fun, though you can't complain about getting oral sex. It's just that it seemed silly and when you are in bed with someone, your inhibitions are already down.

So on this occasion, as we pulled the covers down and I had kissed Paul passionately, I asked him, "Paul, will you make love to me tonight? I mean, really really make love to me?" There was a tear on my cheek. He pulled me close, kissed me forever, and slid me out of my clothes. Then he stood back from me, looked at my body from head to toe, and said,

"Margo, I love you so. You are so beautiful."

"No condom, I said."

We rushed back together. I ripped his clothes off. We verily crashed onto the bed.

I was immediately on my back with my legs as far apart as they could go. We'd had five years of foreplay and didn't need any tonight. Paul laid over me and I felt his cock against my pussy. He was kissing me and squeezing my breasts as I felt him slide up inside me. I wrapped my legs around him as his powerful strokes slammed into me. I was cumming immediately, it was so wonderful, so exciting, so long awaited. He was hammering the end of my vagina and I was crying out with pleasure. I felt his juices explode inside me over and over with each stroke. Why had we denied ourselves so long?

The snow storm

orchidspray on Incest Stories

All usual warnings apply here. This story is pure fiction, any resemblance to any persons real or otherwise is purely coincidental. If you are offended by stories involving sex, particularly incest, please hit back on your browser now.

The forecast had been right, it began to snow just in time for rush hour. Nobody was sure just how much snow was going to fall but all agreed that it would be a big storm. There was a chance of up to a foot of fresh snow on top of the four inches already on the ground.

Ruth was a nervous wreck driving home, she just absolutely hated driving in the snow. She was also worried about her son Jason. She knew he had to work at the gas station till 11:00 p.m. and she wished that somehow he could just get off work and head home. She kn

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ew his boss however, and he wouldn’t shut down the gas station for anything less than Armageddon.

Ruth is a young looking woman, easily mistaken for being in her mid thirties, ten years less than her actual age, which she wasn‘t about to reveal to anyone that didn‘t need to know. She is a natural redhead with big green eyes, has never had a problem with her weight, and her breasts which are 36C’s are still just as perky as they were when she was a teen.

Ruth has been divorced for a couple of years now. After a failed marriage and a couple of lousy relationships, she currently has resigned herself to being single and enjoying it. It’s not that she wouldn’t like to have a man n her life, but she has decided she’d rather be alone than be with the wrong guy. She could always rely on her battery operated friend to take care of her physical needs anyhow.

The drive home from work usually takes Ruth about half an hour, but the way the snow was coming down, it turned into an hour and fifteen minute drive. By the time she hit town, she was exhausted. She decided to stop by the station where Jason works to pick up bread and milk before going the rest of the way home. That way she could at least check on him and make sure everything what alright.

Jason is what you’d commonly refer to as a good kid. He goes to school full time and works part time to help his Mom pay for it. He’s a good looking young man, never overbearing, and always willing to lend a hand to someone in need. Ruth has always been very proud of him, and she’s always had every right to be.

When he saw her pull into the station he felt relief, he had been trying to call her at the house just to make sure she got home alright and was starting to get quite worried. At least now he could stop worrying and concentrate on his job. He reminded her he’d be working till 11:00 and promised to come straight home after work. You know how mothers worry, but the drive home from the station is only a couple of miles.

By the time Ruth finally made it home, there were almost six fresh inches of snow on the ground. She gave the sidewalk a quick sweeping and finally went inside. She had to call both her Mom and her sister to let them know she’d made it home in one piece and decided to take a nice long hot bath to relax.

She had a nice long soak in the tub then fixed herself some dinner making sure to fix enough for Jason to heat up when he got home. She had barely finished eating when the power went off. The house was pitch black but luckily for her, she loves candles so she was able to quickly get at least a small amount of light. She thought that perhaps she should check the breakers until she looked out the window and saw that the power was off all over the neighborhood. “Oh great!” She thought, “The snow must have knocked down some wires.

Ruth knew there wasn’t a thing she could do but wait for the power to come back on. She resigned herself to the fact that this was going to be a very boring evening. She soon nodded off and was awaked by Jason coming in the door. As she looked at her watch and saw it was only 10:00 she started to worry.

“What’s wrong Jason? Why are you home so early?” she quickly asked.

“Nothings wrong Mom” he answered, “The power is just out, can’t pump any gas without electricity.” he added.

Without any power Ruth was unaware that nearly the entire county was without electricity. The snow storm was bad, roads were being closed, power was out, there was nearly a foot of snow already, and it wasn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

Ruth got up and heated up the supper she’d left for Jason, “At least we have a gas stove.” she thought. She couldn’t help but notice that the house was already getting a little chilly. She hadn’t thought of it till then, but quickly realized it was probably going to be a very cold night. She knew there was no use in complaining, they’d just have to make the best of a bad situation.

After chatting with Jason for a few minutes Ruth decided she might as well just go to bed. She put on a nice warm sweat suit and crawled under her blankets. Despite the cold and worrying about waking up on time for work in the morning, she quickly drifted off into a nice deep sleep.

Ruth had no way of knowing what time it was, but she was awakened awhile later by Jason. He was gently shaking her shoulder and saying “Mom, wake up, it’s really cold in here! It’s so cold I think we could freeze to death in here!”

Ruth felt immediately how cold it had become. To think they’d freeze to death was probably a bit extreme, but it was very cold indeed. She knew however, there wasn’t much they could do about it. “go get the comforter off of your bed and put it on top of my blankets, then get under here with me” she said. Then adding, “The only thing I can think of is that we’ll just have to share our body heat.”

Jason wasn’t about to argue with her, he went and got the comforter, put it atop her blankets, and snuggled up to her as quickly as he could. The were both shivering at first so they snuggled up close and it worked. Sharing their body heat under the blankets made them comfortable enough to drop off into dream land. The rest of the night passed without incident.

When Ruth awoke the next morning, it was with a start. She was laying on her side and Jason was snuggled up close to her. His arm was around her and his hand was cupping her breast. She could here tell by the way he breathing that clearly he was sound asleep. So she gently took his hand and pushed it way from her boob. She then reached for her watch and got another start, it was a half an hour past her starting time at work.

She quickly jumped out of bed and the stark reality of the power still being off hit her like a slap in the face. The house was absolutely freezing and one quick look out the window told her she wasn’t going anywhere. The snow plow hadn’t come anywhere close to their street yet. She quickly grabbed her cell phone to call the office to let them know. She was relieved in a way when a security guard answered and told her that the building was shut down for at least the day. It seems the storm had dumped so much snow that there was a state of emergency and nobody was going anywhere.

It was so chilly that she felt her best option now was to heat some water on the stove for some coffee and get back in bed while she waited for it. Jason was still sound asleep laying on his back. She snuggled up close to him to warm up and put her arm around him.

Ruth felt a bit strange being snuggled that close to Jason, especially after waking to find his hand cupping her breast, but she was too cold not to. As she waited for her water to boil she thought it over and realized that in his sleep, Jason was merely looking for warmth, she assured herself it had to be something unconscious that he wasn’t even aware of.

When she heard the kettle whistle, she quickly got out of bed, fixed herself a cup of coffee, and got back into bed. A couple of minutes out of bed told her exactly where she was going to stay until the heat came back on. Right there under the covers.

“Oh God it’s still cold in here!” Jason said as he awoke making Ruth laugh.

“Just stop whining mister!” she said to him. Adding, “We’re going to be stuck in this bed till the power comes back on and I’m not sharing my bed with a crybaby!” then she told him, “If you have to pee, go, and if you want some coffee the water is still hot, I just boiled it, if you’re getting out of this bed fine, but hurry up and get your butt back into it and keep me warm!”

“Now look who’s whining.” Jason replied sarcastically and crawled out of bed to take a leak. “brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!” He too felt like the cold slapped him in the face the moment he stepped out from under the covers.

He hurried to pee, then grabbed a quick cup of coffee. He couldn’t wait to feel the warmth of the blankets again. He snuggled up close again to his Mom and she wrapped her arm around him. She had her head on his shoulder and absentmindedly put her hand under his sweatshirt and was caressing his chest. It felt warm and she saw no harm in what her hand was doing.

They weren’t saying much, just enjoying the warmth and as Ruth’s hand continued to caress Jason’s chest, he slid his hand under her shirt and caressed her lower back. This went on for quite awhile, neither saying a word.

After awhile, Jason began to become aroused and he prayed his Mom wouldn’t notice. He didn’t ant to get turned on, but he was. He didn’t help his own situation though when he slid his hand into his Mom’s sweat pants and started to caress her panty clad ass. He had done it so slowly that until his hand covered her ass she hadn’t really even noticed it.

They lay like that for a long time, neither saying a word. Ruth was lost in thoughts of how nice Jason’s hand felt upon her ass and he was thinking how nice her touch upon his chest was. As they continued to caress one another many thoughts ran through their minds. Many of them they tried to block out. There had never been ay sexual tension between the two before but there was a definite tension growing now.

Jason had an erection and it mortified him. He could only imagine how bad his mother would freak out if she knew. He tried to think of anything he could that would make it go away, but it just wouldn’t. he even removed her hand from Ruth’s bottom, but it didn’t help and his hand would absentmindedly slide back every time he removed it.

Ruth meanwhile had become aware of Jason’s arousal. As she had caressed his chest and stomach her arm had hit a certain lump a couple of times. She wasn’t sure what to think about it. She understood that a young man holding a woman would become aroused, even took it as a compliment, but was a bit embarrassed to be holding him in that state. She didn’t notice however that as if of a mind of its own, her hand kept getting closer and closer to the top of Jason’s sweat pants until it made contact with the hem line. She didn’t go beyond that, but the thought crossed her mind.

The silence between them continued for quite some time, until finally there was a noise that brought them both back to their senses. The ringing of a cell phone. Jason hopped out of bed to get it and for a moment Ruth caught a glimpse of the rather large tent in front of his sweats. She tried not to think about it, but at the time there wasn’t much else to think about.

Jason brought the phone into the room and handed it to his Mom. It was her sister Elaine calling to see if they were making out alright. She had been able to find out that there were telephone poles down all over the area and it might be a couple of more days before anyone had power. When Ruth told her that Jason her she were snuggling together to keep warm, Elaine actually told her she was jealous.

“I wish it was me that got to spend quality time in bed with that gorgeous boy!” she said.

“Stop being a sicko!” Ruth then scolded her.

“Oh you know I’m just teasing” her sister assured her, but adding, “But don’t do anything with him that I wouldn’t do.”

When Ruth hung up the phone she tried to get her mind off of such thoughts. There was no way she was sexually attracted to Jason and he certainly wasn’t attracted to her. She assured herself that his arousal was simply a guy being a guy. Rubbing against a woman’s body will do that to a guy she thought.

She told Jason that she was getting hungry and went into the kitchen. She started the stove up thinking something hot would feel good to them and it’d heat the place up a little. This a least got her mind off of sex for awhile. What she had no way of knowing of course was that Jason was trying his best to get his mind off of it too.

By the time the meal had cooked and was eaten, the kitchen began to cool off again. Ruth crawled back into bed before he chill set in but Jason stayed out in the kitchen to call a couple of friends on the cell. By the time he finally crawled back into bed he was freezing.

Ruth was laying on her side and he snuggled up to her spooning as close to her as he could get. He was so cold his entire body was shivering.

“Oh you poor boy,” Ruth said,” hold me close and I’ll warm you up.”

A few minutes of holding his Mom did the trick. He was finally getting warm again. His body responded by becoming aroused again though. He got a hard on and this time there was no hiding it. It was pressing right against Ruth’s body. He was mortified but she didn’t say a word about it.

Ruth was also mortified, but she didn’t think saying anything about it would help. She didn’t want him to think she was bothered by it. She knew he couldn’t help it. She also didn’t want him to be embarrassed. It just happened. So she said nothing all the while finding herself actually enjoying the feel of it pressing against her.

Jason found himself wanting to grind against his Mom but knew he couldn’t. he held her very close with his arm just under her breasts and wanted so badly to touch them. He didn’t dare do it though. He had tried to get his mind off of sex but just couldn’t. now it’s all he could think of.

Neither knew that the other was thinking the same thoughts. They each were just becoming growingly more frustrated by trying not to think such things. It got to a point where you could almost cut the sexual tension between them with a knife. Jason couldn’t stand it anymore and rolled over flat onto his back and let out a deep sigh.

Ruth quickly rolled over and asked, “What’s wrong Honey? Is something bothering you?” A stupid question no doubt, but it was the first thing that had popped into her mind to say.

“No, I’m ok Mom, I just needed to shift, I was getting a cramp.” Jason replied. He couldn’t’ tell her what was wrong but they both knew. He wanted to so badly, and had no idea that she had also reached a boiling point and almost wished he’d tell her.

When Jason he rolled over Ruth had turned so that she was facing him. Having felt his erection pressing into her for so long had made her so wet she couldn’t stand it. She put her hand on his chest just as she had before but this time she couldn’t seem to control herself. She looked him right in the eyes and said, “If you tell anyone about this I will kill you.” and with that she slid her hand down his belly, under his sweat pants, and grasped his hard cock.

She was trying to tell herself she’d just stroke his cock, give him the badly needed release he needed but she couldn’t stop herself. She kissed him on he lips and then started working down his chest, his stomach, and then pushing his sweats down, she began to kiss his engorged seven inch cock.

“Oh God Mom, I love you!” exclaimed Jason, “I’ve been thinking about you all day, I didn’t think you want to do this!”

With that she told him to just shut up and started licking his shaft. She licked from the head down to his balls, taking time to kiss and lick his entire ball sack. She then licked her way back up his shaft and then opened wide and swallowed his cock. She was loving every minute of this as much as he was.

After several minutes of Ruth giving him head he knew he was getting close to exploding. “Mom! Mom! You’ve got to slow down! I’m going to cum soon if you don’t!” he said with urgency.

Ruth quickly took her mouth off his hard cock and told him to help her get her sweat pants off. This took a few moments with them trying to stay under the blankets and it was just the break Jason needed. Once her bottom was off she straddled his face and lowered her pussy to his mouth and resumed sucking his cock.

They licked and sucked one another in a frenzy. Ruth came the moment Jason touched her clit with his tongue and didn’t slow down a beat. She gave him a wondrous dose of her love juices and sucked all the more so she’d get a dose of his.

Just as Ruth was about to experience her second orgasm Jason’s cock swelled in her mouth and she felt it begin to pulsate. They filled each other’s mouth’s with sweet creamy love juices. It was a moment neither ever wanted to end but like all good things it had to.

Ruth curled back into Jason’s arms and gave him a huge kiss. It was like no other kiss they’d ever shared before, but was only the first of many to come. They shared the juices that were in their respective mouths as they did.

As they kissed as lovers for the first time, suddenly the power came back on. Ruth laughed and told Jason, “Hurry up and go shut out the lights honey, then get your ass back into this bed, Momma needs fucked and she needs fucked right now!”



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Seduction in the Shower

thepinknwett on Incest Stories

The first time I did it, I had waited until the shower was running, and I could hear the water begin splashing from my bedroom. My father was taking a shower. I had already stripped off my clothes and was in my robe. Quickly, but quietly, I moved down the short hall and paused briefly outside the door, having a last minute reluctance to carry out the plan I had formulated for weeks. Ever since I had come back from college to obtain a job in my home town, I had been living with dad and had become increasingly attracted to him.

My mom did him dirty because he was a manly man, not what she ultimately wanted in a husband. She did not want a guy who could repair things and enjoyed outdoor sports. She liked soft hands and manicured nails. My mother was a controlling bitch, thinking s
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he could turn everything her way with her money, but I got her back by moving into dad's spare bedroom instead of returning to my sumptuous bedroom in her over-decorated house.

Seconds passed outside the bathroom door. Then fortified by the image of his big, erect penis, I placed my hand gently on the door handle and turned it quietly. The door thankfully wasn't locked, and I opened noiselessly. I stepped into the hot, steamy air of the bathroom and pushed the door closed as quietly as I had opened it, easing the latch softly into place. I could see my dad through the frosted glass of the shower stall and could hear him humming softly some indeterminate tune. I looked at his vague shape moving behind the glass, blurred by the wet glass. Already I was quivering with anticipation and rapidly undid the robe and allowed it drop to the floor.

I wanted so much to open the door, step in with him, fall on my knees, and put his cock into my mouth. I wondered what he would do. He would be shocked, for sure, but would he enjoy it, or would he become angry, knowing that it was his own daughter wanting his thick cock? Maybe that plan was too abrupt.

Stepping forward, I slid the shower door open. He turned his head and saw me standing there naked in front of him. He could see that I was examining his wet, naked body, especially staring at his large cock, hanging down between his legs.

"Move over, dad," I said softly and stepped in with him without giving him time to object.

Surprisingly, my father said nothing and did not even appear at all shocked at my sudden intrusion. He didn't cover himself or turn away to preserve his modesty. There seemed to be a look of joy on his face. I was right there brushing up against him, already drenched by the warm spray. He finally had just one thing to say.

"What's going on, Andrea?"

"Nothing, daddy. I just wanted to shower with you. That's all. Don't you think it would be nice to shower with your twenty-two year old daughter?"

He shrugged and smiled at me. Then he began soaping his body. When he started to wash his back, I took my opportunity.

"Let me wash that for you," I said with a grin as I took the soap from his hand.

I rubbed the soap across his broad back and rubbed his skin with my free hand. He turned his back into the spray to rinse it off. Looking down, I could see that he was aroused.

"Let me wash that big, hard cock now, daddy."

I could see him staring at my heavy boobs. I ran my hands and the soap along the hard erection and then reached down and rubbed the soap on his balls. When I wrapped my fingers around his cock, I could feel it grow even bigger in my hand. As I continued to stroke him, I could feel his hardness become complete, and his meaty pole throbbed in my hand. I was amazed by its size, even bigger than I had anticipated.

"I want it to be clean when I suck you," I informed him lewdly.

"Oh, Andrea," he moaned. "I have dreamed of this so many times."

I stroked him slowly, and he could not keep his hands off me. He began to finger one of my hard nipples. He pinched the nipple lightly and ran his finger around the areola. Dad's other hand was between my legs fingering my cunt. His touching was exciting me, making me linger as I enjoyed the feelings flooding through me. At last, my father was focused on playing with my breasts. I lay the soap bar in the dish and began rinsing the soap from his cock and balls, getting excited myself as dad palmed my breasts, cupping them and rubbing them with his slippery hands. I made him turn and let the shower spray finish rinsing his stiff cock and heavy balls. Then I turned him back toward me, letting the spray of water wash down his back.

I lowered myself onto my knees in front of him and cupped his balls in one hand using them to guide his erection toward my face.

"Andrea, you are making me feel so good. Suck my cock, baby -- suck me off!"

I leaned forward and stuck out my tongue, licking the underside of his hard cock. Then I took the head into my mouth, running my tongue around it, tasting the fresh taste of his newly washed flesh. As I sucked, the first drops of his pre-come washed across my tongue. Savoring the salty taste briefly, I swallowed and took more of him into my mouth, sucking on his cock hard as he stood over me.

He began to moan and braced himself with his hands on the shower walls. I pulled him out of my mouth and kissed my the way down the shaft to his scrotum. Cupping his balls into my hands, I pressed them lovingly to my lips, licking and sucking them. I licked each one, sucked it and into my mouth, massaging it thoroughly with my tongue. Then I left his balls and returned to his hard cock. I took the head back into my mouth and sucked as I tried to swallow as much of the thick shaft as I could. Letting him slip out a little, I rubbed his cockhead along the inside of my cheeks, slurping loudly and moaning as my own excitement grew.

"God, baby, you really know how to suck a man!" he gasped.

My mother had made me go to one of those christian colleges, where everyone is holy and pure, but I managed to find the one or two studs who were into fucking. I honed my skills on them. Of course they felt horribly guilty about their sinful lusts. One even volunteered for missionary work in South America, no doubt as recompense for his sins. That college was not my idea. My mother made me go there, but then, she paid all the bills.

I could feel my father's knees quiver as I held his legs and sucked him, making his hardon slide in and out of my mouth. He placed his hands behind my head, but did not try to force himself into me. As I massaged his balls with one hand, I moved my mouth faster and faster, and his legs began to shake violently. He started to fuck my mouth, so I put a hand around his cock to keep him from going too deep. I still had not learned the skill of deep throating... Yet!

My dad moaned, and he shot his thick, hot come into my eager mouth. My fondest dream was fulfilled as his cock pulsated and twitched, yielding up its rich cream, and my mouth was soon filled with the flavor of my father's semen. I tightened my lips around his shaft, trying to get every drop of his manly fluids. Sucking his come to the back of my mouth, I swallowed his fatherly offering, enjoying the taste and texture of his rich ejaculate.

I made my fingers tight around the base of his hard cock, not permitting him to go soft. He just stood there, his eyes stared down at me, kneeling in front of him, his cock deep in my mouth. Then I slowly milked him and sucked on his penis until I could taste no more come. Yet, even then I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, as it lost its turgor. At last, I released his dick and slowly got to my feet in front of him. Pressing against his naked, wet body, I raised my face to his.

"Kiss me, daddy. Kiss me deeply and taste your come on your daughter's mouth and on my lips."

He kissed and tasted me and then began to lean over, kissing my neck, my shoulders, and my breasts. Meanwhile he was rinsing my body off with his roaming hands under the warm spray. Easing himself downward, he squatted on the shower floor and pulled my cunt to his lips. I set my legs apart to accommodate him, and he began to finger fuck me as he kissed my labia. Soon I raised a leg and draped it over his back, giving him better access to me, and even reached down to open myself more with my fingers.

"Eat my cunt, daddy," I begged.

Bracing myself, I put my hands on my father's broad shoulders and looked down as he sucked on my pussy. I was so turned on by my the illicit, incestuous blowjob that it did not take him very long to rouse me toward my own climax. He bent closer, licking my pussy, moving his tongue up and down both sides of my swollen lips. As my moans became louder and my body began to quiver, he focused on my clitoris with his tongue and pistoned two fingers in and out of my slippery vagina. It wasn't long before my knees shook, and I began to have my orgasm, with my father's tongue pressed hard on my cunt.

"Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" I shouted, my screams reverberating in the shower stall. I had finally obtained the services of my father's mouth.

Calming down at last, we emerged from the shower stall, both satiated and clean. We laughed and talked as we toweled ourselves dry. I strolled out of the bathroom without bothering with my robe and looked back to see my father's eyes were admiring the motion of my pelvis and my round posterior.

"You know, baby, I was thinking of you in the shower, and then suddenly there you were," my father told me later.

"Yes, there I was -- finally."

The next morning, I walked into my father's room naked. He was just rising, getting ready to take a shower again. He looked up and knew he would be having another incestuous coupling.

As we adjusted the spray and began to wash each other, handing the soap back and forth, we began to kiss and fondle the other's body.

"What do we do today, Andrea?" he asked.

"Today, I shower again with you, again, of course, and I want you to fuck me, daddy," I said. "I want to feel your hard cock deep inside my cunt. I've wanted you to fuck me for so long. So today I want you to do it."

"Is that so?"

"I've wanted you for so long, daddy, ever since I left to go to college four years ago, but I never got up the courage to tell you how much I wanted you."

"I've wanted this also for so long, Andrea."

I turned away from him and braced myself against the shower wall, pushing my ass toward him, inviting him to take me from behind. I looked over my shoulder at him as he grasped his erect cock and brandished it at my wet, round ass.

Carefully placing the soap aside, he embraced me and pressed himself against my hot, wet body. I could feel his hard cock press against my wet ass. First it was between my buttocks. Then, he pushed the head inside me. As I pushed against him, he entered me completely. He wrapped his arms around me and fondled my breasts while he stroked in and out. At first, he was slow and steady, but, as soon as he heard me moan, my father began thrusting faster and faster. I was filled with my father's hard cock, and I reached down and felt his balls. He groaned at my lascivious touch.

"Oh, lord, Andrea, you are one hot cunt!" he gasped into my ear.

"Keep fucking me, daddy," I cried. "Fuck me real good!"

My father began moving more vigorously, and his hard belly slammed into my soft butt with each deep thrust into me. I bent over more and wiggled my ass, and he shoved himself even deeper. I could feel myself losing control and shoved my ass back at him, matching his rhythm. I lowered my body even farther and pushed my ass back against his pounding cock, allowing him to greater access to my pussy. My legs became weak and shook as I felt his hard cock driving me to my climax.

I shivered and moaned as I came, my orgasm fortified with the wicked knowledge that my father's cock was deep inside my hot cunt. My climax drew him along, and I could feel his cock fix itself deep into me as he tried to force his ejaculate deep into my womb. After that, each subsequent thrust, I knew, was accompanied my another squirt of come inside me. He was filling me with his rich, thick cream and flooding my womb with his fertile, incestuous seed. He continued to hump himself into me, and I still met his thrusts with my own.

Finally, he pulled out and turned me to face him. As we kissed, I could feel his semen drain from my pussy and drip down my legs. We held onto each other under the warm spray, slowly undulating against each other. We remained like that for a few minutes, and then he pushed me away and stared into me eyes. His soft, but still swollen, cock hung down from his body.

"So many years wasted," he said, looking at me with love in his eyes.

I threw myself into my father's arms and hugged him, telling him how much I loved him. We continued rinsing off. I spread my legs, and he soaped and rinsed the last of his come from my pussy, I washed his cock off with soapy hands and rinsed it thoroughly.

I slept into his bed from that night, and we enjoy many more showers together.

My First Babysitting Job....Part 2

hiddenpleasurz4u on Incest Stories

The next day I woke up and Aunt Kathy and mom were going shopping. Luckly they were taking Cody with them. Mom asked me if I'd like to join them since they didn't plan on coming home early, in fact if it got late they were planning on staying  over night. They'd  be doing their shopping in a little town about 30 miles form here so they took an over night bag just in case. I told mom that I wanted to stay home because I'd already made plans for Becky to come over, which I did have plans, but what I failed to tell mom was that Becky had already called me and told me she wouldn't be able to come over after all because her mother was having family over and they hadn't seen eachother in a long time. Mom gave me a peck on the

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cheek and with a wink said  "make sure you keep your father and Uncle Gene in line while we're away" then she gave my father a kiss and walked out.

I was wearing a pair of loose shorts and a tank top and my hair was up in a ponytail. My legs felt somewhat sore from all the activity that took place the night before. My pussy and ass felt even more sore, not pain just sore. I told dad I'd be up in my room and turned to walk away. I thought dad would say something about the previous night but neither him or Uncle Gene said anything. I figured it was all forgotten and left it at that.

It was around 6pm that evening when dad called out for me to come downstairs, and I did. He just wanted to let me know that him and Uncle Gene were going out for a while and would be back later. If mom called I was to telL her to call his cell phone. Again, neither one of them said anything about the previous night, it almost seemed like I'd dreamed it all and nothing had REALLY happened, but going by the soreness I was feeling I knew it had happened. I told dad I'd give mom the message and as I turned to walk back to my room dad grabbed my hand and gave me a kiss, on the lips. He grinned and said," give your Uncle Gene a kiss goodbye too baby." and as I turned he gave me a  soft smack on my ass and smiled. I tried to kiss Uncle Gene on the cheek but he grabbed me by my face and planted a deep kiss on my lips...parting my lips with his tongue and drove his tongue deep inside my mouth. For some reason my body suddenly felt a funny sensation, kinda like how I felt the night before.

I headed upstairs and dad and Uncle Gene headed out the door. I laid in bed listening to the radio, thinking of last night. I knew it was wrong, but why did I feel the way I felt. I felt like I wante everything to happen again. I had enjoyed myself so much the night prior, and just thinking about it made me wet. I jumped off my bed and headed to the shower, I figured that would help. As I was walking to the bathroom the phone rang and it was mom. She said that they were staying over night and attending church in the morning then heading home sometime after lunch. I gave her dad's message and she said for me to call him and tell him that she forgot her charger for he cell phone and that she would call before heading home tomorrow as she wanted to save the battery for a emergency and hung up.

I called dad to tell him what mom had just said and dad said ok, said they'd be home soon and hung up. I headed to the bathroom and started the water, while I undressed I admired my body, after all for my age I did have a very nice shape.

At some point while I was in the shower I guess dad and Uncle Gene came home. When I got out of the shower I heard them in the den, which was on the back side of our house and the frence doors faced the pool. We had a big screen TV in there and from what I could gather dad and Uncle Gene were watching something that  had alot of moaning going on. I creeped up to the door way seeing how they wouldn't see me because they were facing the opposite direction. What I saw not only shocked me it got me wet all over. There sat dad and Uncle Gene watching a porno about a young girl being fucked by two grown men. I turned around and walked up to my bedroom.

When I got to my room I thought about what I'd just seen and I knew something exciting was going to happen so I made sure I was dressed for the occassion. I put on my silk night gown that reached my upper thigh and was low cut, it showed alot of cleavage. with a pair of white thongs. Just as I suspected about an hour later I heard dad call out for me. I went down stairs and they both immediately had their eyes glued on me. Dad finally broke the ice by asking if I wanted to order some pizza for dinner. I got their order and called it in. When the pizza arrived dad told me to come in the den and eat, and of course the movie was still on. They both had their eyes glued on the TV while they drank beer and ate pizza. Dad got up and brought another beer for them both and got me one too.

I sat there watching the porno with them, trying to stay calm as if it was nothing, but deep inside my pussy was crying out for attention, the same attention that girl on the movie was getting. Uncle Gene finally spoke out and said, " damn she seems to be having a good time, right baby girl?" I just nodded yes and continued to watch the movie and drink my beer. Dad then said , " come sit on daddy's lap baby and let me feel those beautiful tits of yours."

I got up and sat on dad's laps. He immediately wrapped his hands around me and while I watched the movie he twisted my nipples between his fingers. It took no time at all before they were hard and aching to be licked and sucked. Uncle Gene was on the other chair and unzipped his pants, immediately his huge cock sprung out. It was HUGE! The head was shinny and big. He looked over to where I sat on my dads laps and said, " come give Uncle Gene a few licks baby girl, I need to feel your mouth on my hard cock like last night."

I got up and walked over to him and kneeled down, but he got up and laid on the floor. I got between his legs, my legs spread open and starting licking his cock slowly. Licking up and down his shaft, then twirling my tongue around the head, he grabbed my head by my hair and started thrusting into my mouth and moaned loudly. A few minutes later I felt dad behind me. he laid on his back and positioned his head underneath my pussy, which was soaked by now and started lapping up my juices. He grabbed my ass cheeks with his hands and squeezed them while darting his tongue in and out of my pussy. I felt my knees weaken. Between sucking my uncle and having my pussy eaten I had my first orgasm of the night. Dad just slurpped it all up....flicking his tongue over my clit, licking from the clit to my asshole and back to my clit. I felt like I was in heaven.

My uncle started face fucking me faster and faster and before I knew it I was swallowing his hot creamy cum. I didn't stop sucking him, I kept bopping my head up and down on his cock, going down sucking his balls then back to his cock just like they'd told me to do the night before. Uncle Gene told dad between grunts, " damn this little angel of yours is a cock sucker forsure! She does such a great job, Kathy doesn't even suck my cock like her, she's an angel!" He pulled me up on top of him and gave me a deep french kiss, then grabbed on of my tits and started sucking it into his mouth. He was sucking hard and fast, it felt so good.

Dad got up from the floor and came behind me, push me down on my uncle and slowly positioned his cock on my pussy. Then very slowly he started to slide his huge cock inside me. It was a little sore still from the night before but my god it felt good. I started moaning loud, begging him to please fuck me!! He kept asking me to tell him I was his little fuck slut, so I was. I kept yelling out, " oh yes daddy fuck me hard, deeper! Make me your little fuck slut! Fuck my pussy hard, make me cum all over your hard cock daddy PLEEEEASE!!!" This encouraged him to fuck me even harder. Before I could help it I was cumming all over my dads cock. Once I had some control again, dad pulled his cock out of me and turned me around and put it deep inside my mouth, almost gagging me. He was shooting his cum down my throat in no time.

By the time my dad had shot his hot cum, my uncles cock was hard again. He got up and sat on the chair he was on before and got me from my little waist and sat me down on his cock. It slid in easy but I felt it inside pretty deep. He started lifting me up and down by my waist and  he thrusted into me. He then got up on his feet with me still sitting on his cock. He held me up by my ass and bounced me up and down while he walked around the den. Then dad got up and came up from behind. While Uncle Gene held my ass cheeks open dad slid a finger inside me while pulling my upper body away from Uncle Gene's chest to suck my tits. I was moaning so loud I thought I'd wake the neighbors down the street.

Dad then took his finger out of my ass and squirted some KY  on his cock, and some on my ass. He then grabbed my hips and without holding back he slid the head of his cock inside my tight little asshole.  I screamed out loud and said, " Oh My God!!! Fuck yes ....fuck me hard you two! Please don't stop fucking me!" Dads cock was like a piston going in and out, in and out faster and deeper than the night before. My uncle had one hand on my ass and the other on my left tit sucking it and biting it like it was some piece of gum. I was crying from pure pleasure.

Dad took his cock out of my ass and uncle Gene got me off his cock. They laid me on the coffee table and while I sucked my cum off my uncle's cock dad put my legs over his shoulders and fucked my pussy then he would take it out and fuck my ass. He kept taking turns fucking both of my tight holes while I sucked my uncles cock. All dad would said was how good I felt on his cock and how much he's dreamed of fucking me for the longest time. He kept telling me he loved me so much and that he wanted to fuck me every chance he had. All i kept responding was that I never wanted either one of them to stop fucking me like they were.

Dad started getting close to cumming and he pulled out of my pussy and jacked off until he shot his hot cum on my tits, then he bent down and licked it off and fed it to me with his tongue. Uncle Gene shot his cum on my face.

We were a bit tired so we all sat down on the floor and drank a beer and rested, continued to watch the porno. About an hour or so later dad got me by the hand and said he and uncle Gene had something for me. He kissed me then Uncle Gene kissed me and dad handed me a box that was inside a gift bag. I pulled out the box, which was pretty big and it was a gift pack of different size dildos and vibrators. They explained that whenever I felt horny instead of going out fucking someone that could possibly give me some kind of disease that I should use one of these.

Dad explained how there were going to be times when for a few days in a row he wouldn't be able to fuck me because mom would be around and he wanted his "baby girl to have all the pleasure she needed until he could take care of her." I gave them both and kiss and a hug and told them I'd like them to be the first to use them toys on me. With that I laid back, holding  myself up on my elbows and spread my legs. Uncle Gene took a black dildo that he said was 8 inches long and lubed it up with KY and slide it inside my pussy, then dad took a pink one that was about 6 inches long and around 3 inches around and lubed it up and slid it in my was on one side and uncle on the other. They sucked my tits and bit my nipples as they fucked me fast and hard with my toys. I just moaned and kept have orgasm after orgasm.

We continued to fuck all night. Finally around 4am we all fell asleep on the floor in the den. When I woke up it was about 10 and dad kissed me deep and said I should get cleaned up that mom had called and said they were heading back. Before I agreed to clean though I asked them to fuck me once again and without hesitation dad  slid his already hard cock deep inside my ass, no lube no nothing and rolled around so i was on top of him with his cock buried deep inside my ass. Uncle Gene got up and came over on top of me and put my legs over his forearms and shoved his huge cock inside my pussy. We fucked  for another hour or so after I'd orgasmed like 4 times and they had cum inside my holes twice I went upstairs to take a shower while dad and Uncle Gene cleaned up downstairs.

Mom arrived about an hour later and kissed dad on the cheek then came and kissed me on the forehead. She looked at dad and said, " now what's so different about our little girl? She looks like she's glowing, and you look like you're so relaxed." Dad said, " not sure about my baby girl, but I know I am so relaxed I feel wonderful!." Mom laughed and went upstairs to unpack her over night bag.

Aunt Kathy sat acrossed the table with a low shirt and I could see dad staring at her tits. I felt a bit upset that he was actually looking at someone other than my mom and I. I didn't say much I just went upstairs. Later that night while mom laid sleeping I crept down stairs and heard some noises. I thought dad was fucking mom, but when I got to where the noises were coming from it was dad fucking Aunt Kathy. She was sitting up on him with his thick cock buried in her ass, I was so upset I turned to walk away when in the other corner of the room I saw mom bending over the chair and Uncle Gene was holding her by her hips, slideing his cock in and out of her pussy while she moaned and begged for more.

That leads to another story which I will tell only if you want to hear it. Please send feed back and enjoy......

What I saw Momma and Daddy Doing

PrincessnDad on Incest Stories

What I saw Momma and Daddy Doing

I am 16 yrs old, soon to be 17. I have red/blonde hair, hazel eyes, I am in great shape from all the sports and dancing I do, and my breasts are getting bigger like my moms. I had just gotten off the bus and walked into the house and I heard screaming coming from somewhere in the house. I put my book bag down and went to see who it was screaming. To m

Honey, Let's Fuck The Babysitter!

Gia1978 on Taboo Stories


Chapter 1.

My name is Teri.

Just when I thought I could not cum like this one more time, she sucked my swollen clit between her puffy lips again and I felt my entire lower region begin to cramp once more. My asshole tried to push Chris’s cock out as I started

Sister's sleeping friend

drpain on True Stories

One night, after an evening of heavy drinking, I stumbled clumsily into the house to find my older sister and her best friend passed out on the couch, as they had obviously been drinking themselves.

My sister lifted her head up and mumbled something that resembled that I should help her and her friend up to bed. I sighed and agreed.

I carried my sister up to her room, placed her in the be

My brother Erik part 1

germanhottie on Incest Stories

This is my first story, so please be nice. I hope you like it ;)

When we grew up we had a normal sister-brother relationship. We were quite close. I never noticed anything strange when we were younger.

The first time I noticed something had changed was when I was 17 and he was 19. I just got out the shower and noticed I had forgotten to take my pajamas with me. So I wrapped myself in my towe

Confessions in the family room

mutterguffin1 on Incest Stories

My parents were born in the 20's. Both were raised catholic and have done their best to pass those traditions onto my two older sisters and I. My parents started having us kids late in life. My mom was forty four when she popped out her baby boy. My next older sister is four years apart from me and then another four years separate she and my oldest sister. My parents were good looking people in their day so they popped out some pretty good looking kids. I've never had any trouble getting chicks but I still haven't met the right girl. Despite my solid catholic upbringing, I'm a total perv. I like things dirty and nasty in the sack. I still haven't found that girl that can handle my level of kink. I'm a real nice guy otherwise. My sisters and I did not grow up in some disturbed dysfunctional
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family environment filled with booze and drugs and money problems. Both my parents did well to provide for us and although we weren't stinking rich, we never struggled that hard and had all the modern conveniences of your average American home. My parents never fought and my sisters and I went to a private catholic school. Basically your all purpose typical all American family. Well, of course as we grew older we all experimented with drugs and sex. There was just no way for our parents to shield us from the evils of the world. One of my sisters I know for sure has had at least two abortions that I know of. And my oldest sister, now in her forties, is still a big pot head. Just a message to all you new parents out there, you can do all you can to shelter your kids from harm but unless you hire someone to fallow them around, harm will find them and seduce them and convert them.

Now as adults we all still live in the same state and are no more than an hour drive from one another. I have been very careful to use birth control with all my female partners. I'm not looking to have any kids so I have always taken steps to use a rubber and insist on her using the pill or some secondary form of birth control. My next older sister is divorced with two kids and my oldest sister is too past her prime to have any kids. She has had only five relationships in her whole life. All of them lasted seven to ten years with not much down time in between but in the end they fizzled out and she never did get that ring on her finger. She is now currently single and looking. Despite their age, my sisters are still looking very good. A little rough around the edges but still in relatively good shape. I wouldn't say that their bodies are toned from hitting the gym and they aren't super model skinny either with a little junk in the trunk, but they can still turn heads and get those wolf whistle milf calls from male by passers. I myself have managed to stay in shape with my home gym, but I'm not all shredded like some of the work out junkies you see at a membership gym. We all stay in touch via the telephone and even get together for lunch once in a while and of course the holidays.

It was one of those holidays that changed the lives of me and my sisters forever. We got together for Christmas eve at my parents' house just like we've been doing our whole lives. We spend the night and open presents the next day. My two nephews were spending Christmas eve with their father and the plan was to pick them up in the morning. So there we all were, one big happy family having a traditional Christmas dinner and then my parents announce that they need to step out for several hours of last minute present shopping. My sisters and I looked at each other and had no desire to fight the crowds at the shopping mall so we decided to just stay home. So parents gone, we all gathered in the living room for some TV and hang out time. As we were sitting there my oldest sister Becky asks me,

"So Tony, any new women in your life or are you just content to date through the entire female population of our city?" My other sister Lisa, holding the remote, presses the mute button and puts an awkward silence in the room waiting for my answer with an evil grin on her face. I answer,

"Well I don't have any prospects if that's what you mean. I dated this chick last month but you know me, she was a total prude. I could barley get her out of the missionary position to even try something as basic as doggy." I was always able to talk freely about sex with my sisters. Even cussing was fundamental with us and we all were very comfortable with each other. Becky chimes in saying,

"You know little brother, not all chicks have to be complete whores. Why does sex have to be the one thing that seems to kill all of your relationships? If you ask me you watch too much fucking porn and now all girls have to measure up to those adult film sluts that will do just about anything they're paid to do. Is that what you're looking for, some raunchy skank that will take it up the fucking ass?"

"Well, maybe that is kinda what I'm looking for and yes, for me if the sex sucks I'm done. I need a nasty filthy whore in the bedroom and to be mom and dad's perfect angel when they see her. Is that too much to ask?" Lisa joins in saying,

"Well there's nothing wrong with some dirty play in the bedroom. I love it too. I've taken it in ass before." In unison Becky and I say,

"You have?"

"Sure. It hurt a little at first but I got used to it and now I love it. How about you Beck, you ever been butt fucked?"

"Of course. It's awesome. Nothing else like it in the world. How bout you bro?"

"What me, taken it in the ass? Fuck no!"

"No you idiot, have you ever fucked a chick in the ass? I figured you've never taken cock."

"No, not yet. Like I said, haven't found a willing chick. I guess I had no idea my own sisters were such nasty whores." Lisa speaks up saying,

"Wait a minute bro, just cuz we take it in the ass doesn't mean we're whores. It just means we're open to experimentation."

"Damn girls, how come I can't find chicks like you, too bad we're family."

As the words left my mouth I immediately froze and the room was deathly silent. It just slipped out. I couldn't take it back. My mind raced to think of how I could manage some semblance of damage control. I think that subconsciously I've always been curious about what it would be like to bang one or both of my sisters. I mean they are attractive women. But then as soon as I thought about it I dismissed the thought right away. Clumsy words exit my mouth as I stutter,

"I I uhh... didn't mean that. Fuck, you guys no what I mean. I just meant..." Becky finishes my sentence saying,

"That you want to see what it feels like to fuck a chick in her ass hole. Right?"

"Uhh... yeah right." Another awkward pause fills the room until Lisa speaks up and says,

"Cuz yeah, us having sex... like that would ever happen. Heh Heh." Another pause. We all stare at each other with a very uncomfortable look on our faces. Becky breaks the silence saying,

"Well, I'm just going to come out and say it, Tony, I will admit... that I have occasionally thought about you sexually." Lisa and I both went bug eyed as the news shattered the room like a bomb.

"And as long as I'm fessing up about shit, Lisa..." Lisa's face went blushing red at the sound of her name. "I know you won't believe this but I've had some thoughts about you too, even though I'm not gay at all. I mean I'm totally into dudes but you know how it is, every chick has that fantasy. It's fucking programmed into our DNA. All chicks have that curiosity. Are you trying to tell me you haven't fucking wanted to kiss some hot chick? Bull shit! Tell me you haven't fantasized about a chick."

"Well, maybe." Becky cuts in,

"Ah ha! You have you dirty slut. You've thought about what it would be like to get with a chick. It's alright sis, we've all done it. Admit it, women are hot, well, not all women but... you're hot. What the fuck, I'm not afraid to admit it. You've got a great ass and big tits. It runs in the family. All the women in our family have curves. We're hot. What's so god damn fucking bad about saying it." I quickly butt in saying,

"It's true, you two both have a great ass and tits." Becky continues,

"And you mister hotty, you're a hot ass motherfucker. I've seen you in a bathing suit and god damn you're fine. Seriously, if I were your girlfriend... I'd fuck the the shit out of you. I'd do what ever nasty perverted twisted thing you wanted just for the sheer fact that I wouldn't want to loose a hot piece of ass like you to some other whore that would do that kind of shit. You know even though I've been in long term relationships it doesn't mean that I haven't had my share of one night stands. I know how to separate sex from love. Sex is just sex. If you have a scratch, you itch it. When you need to take a shit, you do it. When you have to piss, you go and when you need to get the shit fucked out of you, you find some stud and fuck his brains out. There's no love, no emotion. Sex is like breathing, do it or die. Do you understand what I'm trying to say to you guys?" Becky paused so we could answer. Neither of us did. "Come on you guys, if we did this it would just be sex. So what if we're family. We are three very attractive people and mom and dad are going to be gone for hours, Lisa... what do ya say, let's pop our baby brother's anal cherry tonight?"

"Geez Beck, I don't know... incest. That's a little creepy."

"It's not creepy. You know what it is?... it's our chance to let down our guard. Our chance to do something wild and free. Seriously, when will a chance like this ever present itself ever again. Tony, back me up here. Your dream fantasy of being with not one nasty anal loving whore but two is staring you right in the face. What do ya say?"

"Man, it is tempting. Could we really cross that boundary though? I mean that's like going to hell type shit."

"Ahhh we're all going there anyway's for all the fucked up shit we've done in our life time, we're doomed anyway's. A little incest isn't going to change our fate. I'll see you both in hell even if we don't do this."

"You make a strong case sis, but I'm not sure Lisa's on board. What the fuck Lisa, I'll do it if you do it."

"I don't know guys, that's crossing a serious line. There's no turning back from this. Our lives will be changed for ever. This could really fuck things up between us." Becky shook her head saying,

"I don't think so sis, we're family. I love you guys more than anyone else in the world. I would never let anything change that. In fact I'm certain that it would bring us even closer. And I say if we do this, we should go all out. Get totally nasty and freaky. Drop all our inhibitions and just go for it. Really say and do some raunchy shit. Just play it by ear and hold nothing back. God damn I'm getting wet just talking about it." I pipe in asking,

"What if mom and dad come home early? That would be a disaster." Lisa agreed saying,

"Yeah that would suck big time." To which Becky replied,

"Okay, if you like I'll call dad on his cell and find out what time they think they'll be back and maybe add on a few stops for them like, oh I don't know, pick up some ice cream or some shit like that and then a bottle of wine at the liquor store. That'll add another hour." Lisa, still not sure says,

"Fuck Beck, you're not going to let this go are you?"

"I'm begging you sis, let's do this. Pleeeeease... do it for me. Do it for us. This will be so great I promise." On board, I join in saying,

"Come on Lisa, it'll be fun." Sighing in defeat Lisa gives in saying,

"Shit! I can't believe I'm doing this. Okay, but this better not change things or I will disown you both and if this ever leaves this house, so help me god... Call dad god damn it." A loud cheer erupts from my sister Becky running to throw her arms around Lisa, smothering her with kisses.

"Okay, I'm calling dad right now."

After a brief phone call to my dad my sister tells us that they will not be back until 10:30 to 11 tonight. That gave us a solid four hours, giving us plenty of fuck time. I myself have some decent stamina in the bedroom but even then, four hours is like a marathon for most guys. The anticipation and excitement of this event would very likely over simulate me to the point of premature ejaculation and this was going to be a problem. I definitely didn't want to give a bad performance and even more, I didn't want things to end too soon with so much time to fill. I'd love nothing more than to get lost in a four hour perverted 'fuck-a-thon' with my sisters. I brought it up saying,

"I don't mean to be a buzz kill but I'm a little worried about... um... well, cumming too fast." Becky spoke up saying,

"Have no fear little brother, I know where dad keeps his viagra. I was cleaning one day and found them in his dresser drawer. I'll go get one. What do you say we move this party to the, *wink*, "Family room?" We all laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. As Lisa and I got up, I grabbed her hand as we walked into the other room. She smiled at me and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. I smiled back and said,

"I love you sis. I promise this won't change my love for you."

"I love you too Tone, I believe you."

Becky came back dressed in a bath robe with a little blue pill and a glass of water.

"Here ya go bro, all night staying power." I took the pill and chased it down with the water. My manly pride was a bit bruised but not half as much as blasting off too early and not getting it back up. Becky takes the glass back saying,

"I'm almost sure you're going to cum more than once but this will keep you hard as a rock. And since she and I are both on the pill, I'm not worried about some accidental pregnancy by my very own brother, although the thought of being knocked up by my brother is very VERY nasty. I don't know about you guys but this whole incest talk is making me soaking wet. The very idea of the three of us doing this has me on the edge of orgasm. Something you should know is that I tend to go into character when I fuck. I plan to play up the whole incest angle big time. If you hear me go off on our brotherly sisterly situation, feel free to play along. Let's just have fun. As far as I'm concerned, nothing is forbidden tonight. Little brother, make your fantasy come true. What ever you want to fucking do to me, you have my complete consent. I surrender my body and mind to you both. I think we should start with a nice strip tease. I volunteer Tony to go first." Lisa agrees saying,

"MMM HMM. I second that motion. Yummy. Come on you. Strip for us. Let's see what you're packing." Becky flips on some dance mix CD and I start to surrender once I see how eager my sisters are to see my naked body. I didn't have much to work with. Just T-shirt, jeans, shoes, socks, and boxer shorts. I started with the shoes and socks getting hoots and hollers from the two girls. I move to the shirt and pull it off slowly. I do my best to clinch my abs which I've pretty much had most of my life. "Oh yeah baby, take it off" is shouted and the shirt is flung to the girls. Next came my pants and I teased my zipper up and down then inched them off completely. The moment of truth and my sisters' cheering had noticeably lessened and they were completely glued on the anticipation of my cocks big grand entrance into the room. I could tell I had a semi chub and as I inched them down, my dick was also getting antsy to be shown off to the girls. So I went for it and dropped my drawers to the floor. Expecting a loud cheer I instead got silence as my sisters were both locked onto my cock and slack jawed. I even think I saw some drool coming out of Becky's mouth. I wouldn't say that I have an enormous cock but it has more girth than length. Evidently my sisters found it impressive. They were now both salivating over the sight of their brother's cock. I broke their focus asking,

"Okay, who's next?" The question did the trick as they both blotted their mouths dry and then looked at each other. As if sisters could speek telepathically, they both said,

"Fuck it." And lunged at my cock from across the room. They tackled me to the floor and went crazy on my cock. One took my nuts in her mouth and the other was all over my cock with her mouth. They made all kinds of animal grunting sloppy slurping sucking moaning noises. It was an all out attack on my cock. Becky paused to ask in her nastiest voice,

Are you watching bro?.. Are you watching your two sisters devour your cock?.. Watch me bro... Watch me circle your dick head with my tongue." Her eyes bored into mine as I watched her tongue swirl around my cock head with a sick evil smile on her face as she did it. Knowing she had my full attention she raked her teeth across my head and then gently but aggressively bit down on it. I tossed my head back, closed my eyes, and moaned in extacy at the painful but pleasurable bite of my oldest sister. Becky continues saying,

"I know... let's get a train going. You stay where you are bro and Lisa, you keep working on this fantastic cock of our little brother and I'm going to slide on up behind you and work on your back side." As Lisa took over cock sucking patrol, I could tell she was starting to lower her reservations about this totally crazy thing we had thrown ourselves into. She was really going off on my cock and when Becky started in on her cunt and ass hole with her tongue, oh my god, Lisa took it to another level. It was just the thing she needed to dissolve the last of her inhibitions. She was now fully submerged in incestuous bliss. The sloppy animal noises resumed as the girls went to town. The audio and visual along with the incredible blow job I was receiving, were bombarding my senses with pleasure. Toss in the taboo factor of incest and it wouldn't be long before I blew my wad. I felt it necessary to speak up and let them know of the impending outcome of my sensory overload.

"If you don't stop right now I'm going explode!" Lisa backed off and Becky, whose face was covered in juice, took a break as well. "I'll tell you what Beck, why don't I just get at the end of the line and work on your caboose and you can keep going on Lisa, sort of a changing of the cars?"

"MMMM yeah I'd like that very much, be sure to dig that tongue of yours right up my ass."

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna make an all you can eat buffet out of your ass sis, don't you worry." And that's exactly what I did. I dove right into her sphincter with tongue and teeth. Being that all three of us were single, we were a bit unkempt in the hair trimming and waxing department. After all, when you're not expecting to get some, you kind of let yourself go when it comes to grooming the pubes. And none of us were planning this spontaneously twisted family affair, so it didn't bother me at all that Becky was a bit bushy. She even had some anal pubes for me to deal with but I'm one of these guys that subscribes to the notion that as long a girl keeps her pits and legs shaved, and maybe has a go at that upper lip, the nether regions are up for debate on how well they are trimmed. I think a little hair down there is kind of hot. It makes me feel like I'm with a woman and not some bald teeny bopper. So there I was with my face buried in my sister's big doughy ass. I've always had a thing for a thick juicy ass. I can't stand these skinny boney chicks and I'm glad to see that curvy women are making a comeback. Hay, don't get me wrong, I'm no chubby chaser, but I do like a girl with some meat. If she's fifteen or twenty pounds over weight, she's perfect in my book. So I'm going to town on her ass hole when she blurts out some very specific ass eating instructions and her delivery was so raunchy that I felt a jolt to my cock head. She said,

"Oh god little brother... Eat my ass hole... Munch my onion ring... Make your tongue long and stiff and spear my ass hole with it... That's it... Tongue fuck my ass... Oh god yes, yes fuck it... Fuck the shit out of my ass hole with your tongue... Plunge it in there bro... Eat sister's ass... Munch my ring... OH GOD OH FUCK OH SHIT... That feels so fucking good... Don't fucking stop god damn you... Don't you dare fucking stop... AAAAAAAAAAAA!"

I noticed as she was shouting out instructions, she was finger banging Lisa's cunt. The next thing I know Lisa is screaming bloody murder as pussy juice rockets out of her cunt and all over Becky's hand. Little did we know that Lisa was a full blown squirter. Her scream sent chills down my spine as she shouted out,

"I'M CUMMING... I'M CUMMING... GOD DAMN IT I'M FUCKING CUMMING SO HARD... AAAAAAAAAAA!" Then in mid stream Becky does the unthinkable and plunges her head into the waterfall of her sister's cum bath. Cunt juice soaked her face and hair as Lisa emptied her vag bladder all over our sister's head. Becky egged her on saying,

"Yes sis yes... Cum all over my fucking face... Squirt your cum... Oh yes that's it get it all over me... Bayth my face with your cum... I want every drop... OOO yeah that's hot... My very own sister is squirting her cum all over me... All over my face... I love it... I love this... My brother's eating my ass and my sister's cumming on my face... This is heaven... Why the fuck did we wait so long to do this?.. Oh my god Tony you have to taste this... It's so fucking sweet... It's fantastic... Get over here."

I put my tongue back in its holster and crawled over to Lisa's cunt thinking that Becky was suggesting I lap up the remaining cum drops that were trapped amongst her pubic hair. Instead, Becky had me lay on my back and told me to open my mouth as she wrung out her soaking wet hair into it. There was so much cum in her hair that my face was now covered in Lisa's cunt juice as I gulped and choked down a sweet but salty mouthful of my sister's girl jizzm. Except for the dance mix CD still playing in the back ground, the room fell silent again as we all paused to allow the reality the past few minutes to really sink in. It was clear that we had all just experienced the apex of our sexual lives, shattering any prior sex that any of us had with any partner since loosing our virginity. And we were still just on foreplay. I broke the silence admitting,

"Guys, not that I'm in any way suggesting that we should but if we stopped right now, I could honestly say that that was the single most over the top sexual encounter of my life and I could walk away in total satisfaction even without having had my own orgasm." Panting and out of breath from her intense orgasm Lisa turned to me and said,

"Little brother, you just said a mouthful and I couldn't have said it better myself. And you know what did it for me?.. Three things, Becky's fingers, her nasty ass eating instructions, and most of all guys, I gotta say, the full realization of this deliciously dirty taboo incest thing broke my cum damn. This goes against everything we were brought up to be. I mean talk about forbidden fruit, shit we're neck deep in it. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be having sex with my brother and sister nor that I could have been talked into even doing it. You guys have pushed me way past my sexual boundaries and I thought I had some pretty high thresholds." I added,

"I totally agree and what the fuck is up with you and your cum flood. Damn sis, I had know idea." Becky jumped in exclaiming,

"I did. She and I have shared that secret since we were teens." Surprised I asked,

"You mean you can squirt too?"

"Of course. I was just about to blast you in the face when Lisa beat me to it."

"Oh my god, you guys are too much. I'm amazed. I've never been with a girl that can squirt. This is great." Lisa then said,

"Well it appears this is a night of sexual firsts for all of us bro." Becky pointed out,

"I know, I know and I've always been a chatter box in bed. I love dirty talk. Once I get started, you can never shut me the fuck up. Okay guys, we still have several hours before mom and dad come home." As she said that, her eyes zeroed in on my cock. "Little brother, I know you had your heart set on fucking your first piece of ass tonight and you will I promise, but I have just got to feel that thick monster in my cunt. Please bro, fuck me. Fuck me hard." Becky then walked over to the couch and splayed herself out spread eagle for me. "Go ahead bro fuck me. Fuck your sister. Fuck my filthy wet cunt."

Seeing her legs spread wide open for me and hearing her beg for me to fuck her, sent another jolt to my cock. On wobbly legs I walked over to her and slowly inserted my rock hard shlong into her sopping wet pussy. As I sank in balls deep she wrapped her arms and legs around me like a spider snaring it's pray. Through clenched teeth she hissed,

"Hold it... Stop right there... Just let me feel your thick cock all up in me... Push it in as far as it will go bro... OOOOM MY GOD you're big... That is some nice ass cock man... Oh my god, fuck me now... Slowly, slowly... Not too fast at first... Give me a chance to get used to that monster... That's it... Oh shit that's just right... I can't believe it... My little brother is fucking my cunt... Oh my god that's good... Your cock feels so fucking good Tony... Are you watching Lisa?.. Are you watching our brother fuck me?.. Are you watching your brother fuck your sister?.. Is that the hottest thing you've seen in your life?"

I looked over to see Lisa sitting on the arm rest of the couch getting a birds eye view of the two of us fucking. With her legs spread she was working her clit with her fingers and breathing heavy. Hypnotized by our incestuous embrace, her face was glazed over and she seemed too lost in her own clouded world to answer Becky's questions. Becky continued,

"Okay bro... You can go a little faster... Fuck me faster... Fuck your nasty sister's cunt... Fuck it... Yeah that's it... Now a little faster... You can bang me faster... Oh yeah, oh fuck... You got it... Alright baby... Go for it... Fuck me hard Tony... Fuck the shit out of me... Fuck my cunt hard and fast... Go ahead... I can take it... I can take that big ass cock of yours... Fuck me bro... Fuck your sister's cunt... Fuck it... Fuck it hard... Bang it... Rip it to shreds... Fuck me little brother... Fuck your sister... That's right... It's me bro... I'm your sister... You're my brother... Look Tony look... Look what you're doing... You're actually having sex with me... It's me Tony... I'm your sister and we're having sex... Incest... You're having incest with your sister... How does that make you feel?.. Is that going to make you want to cum?.. Is that fact that I'm your sister going to make you flood my cunt with your cum?.. Or maybe my tight wet cunt is going to make you cum... Huh?.. How about Lisa?.. Look at her bro... She's watching us... She's watching us have sex... She's watching her brother and older sister having sexual intercourse... Look at her bro... She's our sister... Watch her masturbate while she watches us fuck... What's doing it for ya bro?.. What's going to make you cum?.. Listen to me bro... Listen to me talk to you... Look into my eyes... That's it... Now listen good... We're having incest... Dirty rotten filthy incest... We were brought up catholic and this goes against everything we were brought up to believe... The only thing left for you to do to take this act of debauchery to the next level is for you to flood your seed into your sister's willing pussy... I want you to do this bro... I'm begging for my brother to cum inside me... Go ahead little brother... Cum... Cum inside me... Commit the ultimate sin and cum inside your sister... Do it... It's alright... Don't be shy... Just let it go."

Between Lisa's lustful masturbation eye candy and Becky's verbal taunting, I was having another sensory overload and was close to giving birth to a massive orgasm. I know the girls were both on the pill but could the birth control fight off the copious amounts of sperm that were about to flood my sister's womb. With a mental role of the dice I relaxed and burst my baby batter deep inside my sister's inner ovaries. Wave after wave of cum spasms drain into my sister and she clamped down with her legs making sure she accepted every drop of my brotherly love. I howled in orgasmic extacy,



I look down to see my sister burst her cum all over my cock that was still inside her. It looked like someone trying to plug up a hole in a damn with their finger but the water just sprayed in all different directions because the pressure was unstoppable. The sight and audio of this was too much for my sister Lisa and she shouted,


I blurted out loud, "Cum all over us Lisa. Stand over us and give us your cum bath." Lisa climbed up on the head rest of the couch, slightly bent her knees, took aim and started masturbating her clit furiously. In seconds she squirted her fluid all over us and shrieked her blood curdling horror film scream as she did it. Lisa swiveled her hips to make sure she coated the both of us thoroughly with cunt juice, almost like writing her name in the snow. Becky and I seized the opportunity and sickly rubbed her cum all over us with our hands, like two people standing under the shower head rinsing off the soap. When she ran out of cum we all collapsed in orgasmic exhaustion. My head rested on Becky's stomach and Lisa nuzzled her head on Becky's shoulder. Becky lovingly stroked my soaking wet hair as we all laid there to catch our breath. There is something about having a super intense orgasm that saps the energy right out of you. I finally spoke up saying,

"Guys, that was fucking awesome. I know we still have plenty of time before mom and dad get home and I don't know about you guys but I've never been more sexually satisfied in my life. Quite frankly, I'm not sure my heart and brain could take much more stimulation. Of course I still have a raging hard on thanks to that viagra but I'm spent." Becky agreed saying,

"I hear ya bro but don't act like this is the end of this. I promised your cock I would pop it's anal cherry and I will keep that promise. Your dick and my ass have an appointment and now that I'm thinking about it I may have the perfect plan to get mom and dad and the kids out of the house again tomorrow. Let's clean up this mess and I'll fill you in on my plan."

We all got dressed and went to work on the cum soaked couch and carpet. What a mess, but in the heat of passion, you just don't think about the fact that you're trashing someone's house with bodily fluids. And who fucking knew that my sisters were super squirters. Becky then unraveled her plan for tomorrow. After church, that is if we didn't get struck down by God himself, we would come home, meet Lisa's kids, and have a big Christmas breakfast. Then on to the opening of presents and stockings. Both kids were getting new bicycles and mom and dad had their own bikes as well. A suggestion would be made for grandma and grandpa to take the kids for a nice long ride on the bike path. This bike path was miles long but not close enough to the house to ride to. They would have to put the bikes in the back of dad's pick up and drive to the path. It was sure to get them out of the house for several hours. And so it went, after surviving a very uncomfortable time at church, the rest of the day all went off according to plan and we now had the house to ourselves again. With renewed energy and youthful butterflies in our stomachs we resumed our business. I popped another of dad's penis pills and got right back into character. We were going to keep it in the family room when bright idea Becky suggests,

"Hay guys, I've got a deliciously naughty idea, let's do it on mom and dad's bed." Then Lisa pointed out,

"We can't do it in there, we'll make a mess all over their bed"

"Awe come on sis, it'll be fun. I'll tell you what, we'll take off the bed spreads and go get one of dad's plastic tarps from the garage and put it over the mattress to keep it dry. Then we'll just put the covers back on and wash them when we're done. If they ask we'll tell them that one of us accidentally spilled some wine on the bed or something like that. Can you imagine how crazy it would be to do it on their bed. We were all conceived on that bed. Shit they still fuck on that bed. Come on guys let's do it." Becky always had a way of convincing us to do shit even as kids growing up. She took her role as the oldest sibling very seriously. So we got the bed set up with plastic and poured ourselves back into another incestuous filled fuck fest. I stayed up last night thinking of all the different positions and sexual possibilities we could try and one in particular came to mind. It involved a three way triangle where each of us would be on our side and our face would be buried in the crotch of the next person munching and sucking away. The girls all loved the idea and no one was left unsatisfied. This time I decided to have a go at Lisa's girly parts. She in turn would be at Becky's back door and Beck would take care of me.

Lisa seemed to have done some maintenance on her patch and anus last night because it was all neatly trimmed and smelling like roses. I dove in and gave equal attention to her cunt and ass hole. When my mouth was busy on her ass my fingers fondled her pussy and vise-a-versa working both areas at the same time. Her yelps of pleasure let me know I was doing a good job as Becky wolfed down my cock like she hadn't eaten in days. The room was filled with moaning and screaming, sucking and snorting, grunting and groaning. It pretty much sounded like pigs fighting over food in a slop trough. All of the sudden I feel a wet tongue slip into my ass hole. Being a straight heterosexual man I am usually opposed to anything going up my ass but I really didn't want to spoil the mood by protesting and the scary thing was, it kind of felt good. Certain physical traits ran in our family gene pool. The women were all full figured gals and had some amazingly long tongues. In fact both girls are always showing off for people at how they can touch the tip of their nose with their tongue. Becky made sure she sunk the full length of her tongue right up my ass hole and stroked my cock with her free hand as she did it. The feeling was outstanding and I was starting to feel another explosion stirring in my prostate. Again I spoke up,

"Time out guys, I need to take a break. Why don't you two enjoy each other for a while and I can sit and watch?" The girls loved the idea to put on a show for me so I took a seat in the easy chair and settled in to watch some full on lesbian incest. Always thinking, Becky produced a hair scrunchy and tied her hair back so I could get a good look at the action with out her hair in the way. Becky then stood above Lisa who was on her back and slowly and seductively snaked her cunt down onto Lisa's waiting face. Lisa under tucked and interlocked her arms with Becky's legs and began munching away at her sister's honey patch. My hand naturally went for my cock as I watch the live performance. She continued to sit on Lisa's face for awhile before she finally called me over to get a better look as she went down on Lisa. I took up a position at the foot of the bed sitting on the floor. Becky shoved a pillow under Lisa's butt to raise it up for better anal access. Then she pinned her legs back and Lisa was now fully exposed. I focused in as Becky stuck out her long tongue and looked into my eyes as she slowly pierced Lisa's ass hole ring. Lisa gasped with her anal invasion and I started stroking off as Becky began to root out Lisa's wrinkled pucker. Slower then faster, she tongue fucked that ass hole like a pro. Every time I was close to cumming I stopped jacking off. I decided to help Becky violate Lisa's ass hole so I leaned in and touched tongues with my sister. Together we teamed up on Lisa's cunt and anus and even tongue kissed each other. Lisa screamed with extacy as we used our tongues to push her pleasure buttons. She shouted,

"Oh my fucking god I'm going to cum... Don't fucking stop God damn you... AAAA SHIT HEAR IT CUMS... AHHHHHHHH FUUUUUCK!"

Both of us shut our eyes and braced ourselves for her fire hose cum flood. And Boo Yaw, she blasted our faces with her cum juice. Another horrific scream erupted from Lisa as she unleashed her orgasm upon us. Becky pushed her face through the cum gusher that separated us and plunged her tongue down my throat. French kissing my sister in a stream of cum was mind blowing. Lisa's orgasm blast lasted forever and we made out like two teenagers in young love. After a small break I was now itching to fuck something. I wanted to have a run at both girls but couldn't decide who to try first. Lisa suggested both girls take up the doggy position and I should alternate from one to the other. Becky was ready for her ass to be plowed when she produced a tube of mom and dad's lubrication. Lisa said she wasn't quite ready for my cock in her ass but to bang her cunt. Becky placed the tip of tube lube on her anus and squeezed out a healthy dollop of jelly. This was it. I was about to push my cock into my first ass hole. I gripped my cock tightly and placed my dick head right on Becky's back door. Becky reached around with both hands and spread her ass cheeks wide for me. As I pushed against her tight anus, the lube did its job and my swollen head disappeared past her sphincter. I paused as she yipped in pain. Worried I asked,

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine. I'm sorry, it's just that you're so thick. Keep going but go slow. You're doing great bro. Take my ass. Take your first ass hole. I want you all the way in me."

As I pushed in a little more, she hissed in painful pleasure and I proceeded to stretch her ass hole open with my girthy cock. And then I was in. Balls deep I was fully all up my sister's ass. The grip was so tight, much tighter than any cunt. It was everything I thought it would be and more. So I grabbed her hips and started to slowly fuck my sister's ass. Becky moaned,

"That's it little brother, nice and slow... Stretch that ass hole open... MMMMM that fucking feels so good... Oh fuck me bro... Fuck my ass... Nice and slow... Oh yes that's so good... MMMM... Yes Tony yes... Now go a little faster... OOOOO yeah... That's right... You got it... How is it?.. How does my ass feel wrapped around your cock bro?

"It's amazing. Your ass is so tight around my cock. Fuck that's good, but tell me if I'm hurting you okay?"

"You're not... It feels fantastic... You're stretching it out so nice... I'm ready for you to bang me bro... Go ahead and fuck me... I'm gonna relax my ass hole so you can really pound my ass good... Okay Tony I'm ready... Fuck the shit out of me... Oh god that's it... Yes, fuck it... Fuck my ass hole with your fat cock... Bang it bro... Fuck your sister's ass... Fuck it hard... Oh shit yeah... Faster... Fuck me faster... Do it... I want you to fuck me as fast as you can... AHHHH SHIT... That's it... I love it... Oh god fuck the shit out of me little brother... Fuck my ass."

I grabbed her hips and held on for dear life as I gave it everything I had and drilled Becky's shit hole to a pulp. After years of being denied my fantasy of tearing a woman's ass hole to shreds, my sister was allowing me to fulfill my dream. And I did, I unleashed years of denial upon my sister. It was like something inside me snapped. I probably went a solid minute going all out. Her full figured frame and apple bottom ass were built to take the punishment. And the whole time I was reconstructing her ass hole, she was begging me with super foul profanity and showed no signs of pain or discomfort. She loved it shouting,

"That's it bro... Get it out of your system... Get your fucking rocks off... Use my ass hole for your pleasure... I'm no fucking prude... I'm a no good dirty rotten whore... I'll let you fuck my ass hole bro... If those other bitches won't, you just come to me any time you need to fuck an ass hole... My backdoor is always open for you."

I literally thought Becky would wave the white flag of surrender before I would get winded but I actually fucked myself out and never felt that she wanted me to stop. My tank was empty and I pulled out, fighting to take a gulp of air. After a few minutes I switched players and saddled up behind Lisa. Her pussy was drenched so I knew I was good to go. I grabbed my cock and took aim. Just as I barely got my tip in she impatiently lunged back, impaling herself on my cock. She was so eager to have my cock in side of her I didn't even have to work. She just rocked back and forth, fucking herself onto my dick. I was happy to be able to catch my breath and let her do all the work. Lisa was definitely more of a screamer and a moaner than a talker like Becky, but she did slip in a word or two between moans saying,

"AHHH fuck... MMMM that's good... OOOOH... MMMMM YES YES YES... OH GOD... MMMM... Little brother...
AWWWW... Your cock... EEEEEE... Is so fucking... AHHHH... Big... MMMM YES YES... I fucking love it."

"I told you Lisa. Isn't his cock amazing? Oh my god that's hot, watching the two of you fuck. I can't believe I'm actually watching my brother and sister fuck. Hay you two, my ass is getting jealous over here."

Wow, I was now in a tug of war for my cock. I pulled out of Lisa's cunt and plugged it right back into Becky's ass. Being able to take a few seconds break between both girls, I was able to control my orgasm and went several rounds with them. But even I had my limit and I was back inside Lisa when I said,

"I don't know if I can hold out much longer girls. I think I'm going to cum soon." Becky cheered out load,

"Do it Tone, cum inside Lisa."

"Oh god yes Tony, fill me up with your cum. I'm so fucking close too. Tell me when, PLEEEEASE."

"Any second now... And... Hold still... Here it cums... And... NOW... I'M CUMMING... I'M CUMMING... I'M CUMMING... OH GOD I'M FUCKING CUMMING." Shock waves of pleasure rushed through my body as I pumped her cunt full of my nut. Seconds later Lisa deafened me with another of her world famous shrieks and I could feel the splatter of her squirt hit my legs and run down to my feet. Convulsive seizures took hold of her body as she violently quivered and shook with white knuckled fist fulls of bed covers. It was quite a site to see as she was obviously having a very powerful orgasm. I left my doped up cock inside of her and let the last of her orgasm run its course. Shrieks were replaced by tears and sobbing. Lisa was openly crying and I had no idea why. With sincere concern I asked,

"Did I hurt you Lees? Are you okay? Oh my god I'm so sorry." Becky answered for her explaining,

"It's okay little brother, she's fine. Some orgasms that are that powerful can reduce a girl to tears. You may think you've done something wrong but you actually did such a good job, you made her cry." Becky gently stroked her fingers through her hair as I tenderly messaged her shoulders till she regained her composure. Softly Lisa whispered,

"Thank you Tony. That was the most intense orgasm of my life. My heart is still pounding in my chest. For a second I actually got scared I was having a heart attack, that's how powerful it was. Again, this whole incest thing is pushing me so far past my usual orgasms. The wrongness of you cumming inside of me, I mean my own fucking brother for shits sake. I'm sure I flushed out every drop of your sperm with my cum but I couldn't help it. When you yelled, "I'm cumming", I fucking lost it. It was too much. Becky then said,

"Wow guys, that was frigg'in hot. I'm right there with you Lees. This incest takes me to another level. You couldn't have chosen a better word because this is all just plain wrong. And that's what makes it so fucking hot. But why is it considered wrong? I mean it's just sex and what's more, I trust you two more than anyone in the world. Who better to have sex with than the people I love most in the world. And we aren't trying to have children or anything." I cut in and said,

"Now that would be wrong." Lisa also nodded her head in agreement. Becky continued,

"So what is the fucking problem? Personally I don't feel a bit sorry about any of this." As soon as she said the word, "this", she grabbed my cock and started stroking it. "I hope you still have some energy to finish me off little brother." I was a bit spent but the way she was looking at me and stroking my cock I just couldn't refuse her, not to mention my drugged up cock was still standing at full attention. "I'll tell you what bro, you just lay back and I will do all the work. I'm gonna ride you like a pony." Now I had no excuse. All I had to do was just lay there. So I got comfortable and prepared myself for another helping of anal. Lisa also got comfortable and got another great view of the action as Becky stood over me in the cowgirl position. She locked eyes with me as she slowly and seductively lowered herself down. Her feet were firmly planted on either side of me. She took the jelly and squeezed more right onto the tip of my cock. Then she grabbed my cock and blindly, by sense of touch, fished around for her ass hole with it. Then when tip met ring, she bore her weight down and pierced herself with my cock. The jelly made her slide in with no resistance and I was balls deep once again. Having the full weight of her made me feel deeper than ever. I moaned in pleasure with this new level of penetration. Then she started riding me. Reading my signals, she picked up where she left off with her delicious dirty talk saying,

"Oh that's deep isn't it bro... Your cock is going in so fucking deep... Yeah?.. You like sister's ass hole taking all of your cock?.. Is it swallowing your thick ass cock?.. Hmmm?.. Am I swallowing your cock with my ass hole?.. Yeah I am... I'm sucking your cock with my ass hole huh?.. Should I go a little faster?.. Huh little brother?.. Do you want me ta fuck you faster?.. Okay I'm going to go a little faster... Oh yes that's it... That feels so fucking good... Your cock goes so good in my ass... Is that my ass little brother?.. I'm I your sister?..
Are we fucking?.. Look at us Tony... We're fucking... Brother and sister, fucking... Right on mom and dad's bed... We were created on this bed... Does that make you want to cum again?.. Can your brain handle the fact that I'm telling you we're having incest?.. I want your cum in my ass Tony... I want you to pump my ass full of cum... That's right, cream my ass bro... Drain your balls deep inside me... Oh my god I'm so fucking close... Are you close Tony?"

"Go full speed Beck. Fuck me. Fuck the shit out of me and I'll blow my load." Becky shifted gears and started fucking me at a furious pace. She took some of her weight off her legs by placing her hands on my chest. By leaning forward she was able to really get some spead and use both her back and leg muscles. The friction on my cock was coaxing another eruption from within me. I grabbed her hips and took some of her work load with my arms, pushing her up and then pulling her down. Then I doubled our impact as I met her downward decent with an upward thrust of my own. Profanity spewed from her mouth, pushing me closer to the edge of orgasm.

"That's right little brother fuck me... Thrust your cock up into me... Bang the crap out of me... Fuck my ass... Fuck it... I'm fucking the shit out of you... You're going to fucking make me cum... That's it... Take my ass down on that cock... Oh yes fill me up Tone... Splooge into my ass hole... Cum god damn it... Fuck my ass till you cum."

"Oh my god I'm there... I'm there sis... I'm going to cum... Here I go... AHHHHHHHHH... SHIT MY GOD I'M CUUUUUMING... FUCK FUCK FUCK... RRRRRAAAA!"

"Oh my god here I go too little brother... Ahhh... Ahhh... AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH... I'M CUMING SO FUCKING HARD... SHHHHIIIIT!"

As I exploded my cock inside her ass, she hosed me down with her girl gasm, all over my stomach, chest, and face. Just then the bedroom light was blocked by Lisa, positioning herself over my head. Her cunt rested squarely on the dome of my head with her legs on either side of my ears. Her fingers went to work on her clit and in no time I felt a rush of warm cum wash over my head fallowed by her cries of delight. I was being spewed on by both my sisters in a three way cum for all. After a minute Becky dismounted herself from my cock and said,

"Watch this." She squatted over my stomach and began pushing my cum pie from her ass hole. Her face and body contorted as she strained to shit my sperm. With our eyes riveted on her shit hole, it slowly seeped out from her pro lapsing bright pink rectum and ended in a grotesque juicy wet splattering fart. The audio and visual was so vile that it perfectly summed up the past few days activities. Cum oozed from her well fucked red rim and settled on my stomach which she then rubbed into my skin like lotion with her hands. No words were spoken after such a vision. It was some how known that the moment would be spoiled if someone were to say anything. Instead, both girls made a sister sandwich of me and collapsed next to me with their heads resting on my shoulders as we wallowed in bed sheets of bodily fluids. For the next fifteen minutes or so, we cuddled in silent sexual satisfaction, drunk on endorphins that flowed through our bodies. Finally Becky whispered,

"Mom and dad should be home soon with the kids. We have just enough time to clean up this mess and shower. I say we shower together." We all agreed and shook the cobwebs of sexual fog from our heads. We cleaned the room and changed the bedding. After hitting the shower, we met in the living room and made plans for the next sexcapade. It was clear that we had opened Pandoras box and a future filled with twisted sexual incestuous perversion was in store for us all.

My brother Erik part 2

germanhottie on Incest Stories

I got woken by Mom stepping into my room. She told me she was going shopping and that she had made breakfast for us if we fancied it. Once she left I got in the shower. I was thinking about my brother finger fucking me and was daydreaming about touching his cock. I felt the sensation in between my legs again and decided to ease the pressure a little. I rubbed my tits and pinched my nipples until

My brother Erik part 3

germanhottie on Incest Stories

As we were still trying to catch our breaths, I heard a voice behind me. What the hell is going on in here? I turned around as much as I could with my brothers cock still inside me. There was my Mom standing in the doorway staring at us. Both naked, my brothers cock inside me and our love juices trickling down my thighs. What the hell could I say to explain the situation? Nothing! It was so obvio

My brother Erik part 4

germanhottie on Incest Stories

I woke up with an amazing hot feeling in between my legs. I opened my eyes slowly, since I was still very week. What I saw nearly made me black out again. I was now sitting on a chair with my legs spread apart. My Mom was knelt in between my legs and was sucking my pussy. She was doing an amazing job. I felt very wet down there and could only assume that Erik had shot his hot come into me again a

My Sexy Little Girls

Drakkar on Incest Stories

                    Daddy's Naughty Daughters
                         by Kain Starbow

                            Chapter 1

Crissy Adams squirmed in bed and sighed. She opened her eyes and
squinted against the morning sun shining in through the curtains of her
bedroom window.

"Oooooh," she murmured softly, gliding her hands under the sheet. A hot
shiver swept over her hot virgin body as her hands settled on her small
plump tits.

Her nipples hardened and a tremor in her pussy made her hips jerk.

Read More
r and hot, she kicked off the sheet and pulled her pink baby-doll
nightie from her lithe virgin body.

Shaking, she caressed her bare tits, her breathing shallow, raspy. Her
smooth silky flesh felt as if it were on fire.

"Oh, damn," she muttered, writhing on her back. Her glassy blue eyes
stared down at her tits and massaging fingers. It was almost as if she
were watching someone else fondle her creamy tit mounds. She squeezed
them and moaned, her thighs clapping tightly together, the squishy
cream of her pussy soaking the crotch of her panties.

With one hand still caressing and massaging her plump tits, Crissy
moved her other hand to her pink bikini bottoms. Teasing herself, she
slipped her hand into her panties and played with the soft silky hair
of her blonde-thatched virgin pussy. Her breath caught in her throat
and she spread her legs.

"Mmmm," she purred, dipping one finger through the wet slippery gash of
her cunt. "Oooooh!" Her hips jerked up as the tip of her finger glided
over her blood-filled sensitive clit. "Unnnn!"

Trembling, she stroked her pussy, the tip of her tongue flicking over
her Parted lips to keep them moist as she gasped air into her lungs.
Warm pussy-cream drenched her urgent fingers and the sweet scent of her
turned-on pussy drifted up to make her head spin.

Panting, she tore off her panties, exposing her bare pussy. She closed
her eyes, pretending her father was at the foot of the bed watching
her. "Ooooh, Daddy. Look at me." It was a hoarse whisper of

She spread her legs wide, parted the satiny folds of her cunt and
rolled her hips. The red glistening slit of her virgin fuckhole was
completely displayed. "I'm so wet, Daddy," she whispered. She pinched
her clit and shuddered as tiny spasms rippled through her writhing

Whimpering, Crissy rolled over onto her belly. She pressed her tits
against the mattress, her nipples pleasurably sore as she rubbed them
against the sheet. "Un ... un ... un."

Keeping her legs spread, Crissy reached around, and she parted the
cheeks of her firm heart-shaped ass. "Look, Daddy," she moaned, her
words muffled against a pillow. She exposed her wrinkled pinkish-brown
asshole and squirmed.

"I'm so hot!" she gasped, writhing on her belly. She brought her hands
under her body, raking her nails over her clit. Spasms caromed through
her virgin fuckhole and warm sticky pussy-cream oozed out over her
frantic fingers.

Dizzy with lust, Crissy rolled out of bed, staggering on wobbly legs to
the closet door. From dilated blue eyes, she stared hotly at her slim
naked body. She pouted, wishing her tits were bigger, her hips more
round, and the silky blonde hair around her pussy were thicker. "Damn,"
she moaned, rubbing her body. She pushed her tits together, making them
appear larger.

"Unnnn." The heat in her pussy spread, exciting her in its sizzling

Quivering and panting, she staggered back to the bed, not wanting to
look at her slim body, knowing her father wouldn't be interested in
her. He would want a woman, she knew, and she was only a little girl.

Sprawled out on her back, she played with her wet seeping pussy. Her
body quaked as her fingers groped and massaged her hard pulsing clit.
"Oh ... oh ... oh," she panted, her innocent face flushed with

With her small plump tits jiggling, Crissy worked the juices of her
virgin pussy into a frothy lather. Cream soaked her fingers and oozed
down her cunt crack, staining the sheets. She gulped in air, her hips
jerking. "Oooh, I'm so hot."

Her writhing body began to twitch sporadically. The insides of her cunt
pulsed and oozed creamy juices into the empty channel of her virgin

With her legs slapping frantically up and down, Crissy raced wildly
toward her climax. She clawed her clit with one hand, scratched the
fingers of her other hand through her red sensitive pussy. Her nipples
swelled, jiggling on the peaks of her creamy tits. She humped up,
trembled, her orgasm a breath away.

"Oh, shit!" she gasped, her blue eyes widening. "Ooooh, I'm gonna ...

Gulping back her pounding heart, Crissy's fingers devastated her clit
and the opening of her virgin pussy. "I'm cumming," she moaned, trying
to keep her voice down. The last thing she wanted to do was wake her
sister in the other room. "Ooooh ... I'm ... cumming."

Hot spasmodic orgasms swept over Crissy's writhing twisting body. The
muscles inside her wet overheated cunt pulsed, gripping an imaginary
cock. "I'm cumming ... unnnn."

She bucked up from the bed, hot pussycream gushing from her climaxing
cunt. The frothy white cum flowed over her fingers, down her pussy
crack, and widened the dark stain on the sheet. "Ooooh, Daddy. I want

She thrashed on her back, her head snapping from side to side, her
blonde hair slashing across her face. She strained her neck and arched
her back as another orgasm tore through her pussy like a hot poker.
Tits flopping, hips jerking, she twisted and writhed on the bed, her
little body in the throes of another even more intense orgasm.

Clawing her clit and pussy, she jerked up and flipped over onto her
belly. "Unnnnn," she moaned, her cries lost in the pillow. She slammed
her hips forward, mangling her clit between her fingers. The sweet
tender meat of her asscheeks jiggled, the flesh stained with pussy-cum.

"Oh ... oh ... ahhhh!" She ground her climaxing body over the mattress,
crushing her tits beneath her. Legs flopping, clit mashed against her
fingers, she jerked up, crashed down, her screams lost in the pillow.

Gasping and drooling, Crissy humped her fingers, her ass jerking and
twisting wildly. Hot orgasms washed over her trembling body and she
rocked frantically, the bed squeaking beneath her.

"Ahhhh!" Her young body stiffened, quivered, then relaxed as she seemed
to melt into the bed. Panting, she lay there, tingling sensations
seeping over her as the intensity of her orgasms left her weak, yet

                             Chapter 2

Tammy, Crissy's older sister, stood in the doorway separating their two
rooms. She was wearing only a pair of panties. Her tits, larger and
fuller than Crissy's, were tingling. She swallowed the lump in her
throat and giggled.

Crissy lifted her head, her face filling with shock as she stared at
her sister. Quickly, she rolled over, a sheepish grin on her face. "How
long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to watch you cream all over the fuckin' bed," she said,
coming into Crissy's room. "Damn ... I heard the bed squeaking from my

"You gonna tell Daddy?" Crissy asked, a tinge of fear and excitement
skipping through her young body.

"Why should I tell Daddy?" Tammy said. She plopped on the bed, her
large tits bouncing erotically.

Crissy leered jealously at her sister's plump creamy tits. She began to
tingle all over. She also became aware of her own naked body and her
sister's leering looks.

"Is your pussy all wet?" Tammy asked, her voice husky, her bright green
eyes glassy and dilated.

"My pussy's always wet," Crissy giggled. She spread her legs. "See for

Tammy gasped as she leered hungrily at her sister's virgin pussy.

"How 'bout you?" Crissy asked boldly. "Is your pussy always wet?"

Tammy sighed and peeled off her panties. "I wake up the same way every
morning ... hot and wet."

Crissy sat up, her small firm tits jiggling. She licked her lips,
enjoying the sight of her sister's curly red cunt hair. "You still a

Tammy pouted. "I think I'll always be a virgin," she said. "I know you

Crissy stroked her fingers through her own wet steamy cunt slit,
coating her fingers with pussy-cream. "All I think about is getting
fucked," she admitted.

"Maybe if we make it together, we can have some fun."

Crissy sighed as a trickling spasm rippled through her pussy. "I'll
pretend I'm a boy."

Tammy crawled up beside her sister and wrapped her arms around her.
"God, this is going to be fun."

Crissy melted into her sister's arms. "You ever do this before?" she

"Never," Tammy said. She rubbed her body against Crissy's. "I'm

"Me, too!" Crissy gasped. She pressed her lips to her sister's mouth,
her tongue flicking out into Tammy's open mouth.

Tammy gulped, sucking on her sister's tongue. She squirmed, forcing her
thigh between Crissy's legs. Warm pussy-cream coated her skin.

"Unnnn," Crissy purred. She jerked her hips, gliding her cunt along her
sister's smooth silky thigh. Her mouth came away from Tammy's lips.
"Ooooh, Tammy. This is great."

"It's gonna get better, too!" Tammy gasped. "Christ, you're really
creaming my leg."

"Unnn, I know," Crissy moaned, the inside of her pussy bubbling with
warm sticky cunt cream. She shoved her thigh between Tammy's legs,
pressed it up against her cunt. "Ooooh, you're creaming, too."

They clung to each other, their tits, sensitive and ripe, mashed
against each other's. Their hips jerked and their cunts pulsed, oozing
hot buttery cream. Their mouths locked and their tongues explored, the
spit in their mouths drenching their faces.

Crissy pulled away from her sister. Panting, her blue eyes glowing, she
leered at Tammy's lush body sprawled out on the bed. "I'm tired of
kissing. I wanna do more."

Tammy caught her breath. "If you had a cock, you could break my

Crissy brought her mouth to her sister's plump ripe tits. She flashed
her tongue over one swollen nipple. "I don't have a prick, so my mouth
will have to do."

"Ahhhh!" Tammy gasped. She squirmed, waiting for Crissy to devour her
tits. "Suck 'em, Crissy. Suck 'em and bite them like a boy would do."

"I will," Crissy whispered. "I'm gonna suck every part of your body,
then you can do the same to me."

"Yes," Tammy moaned. She spread her legs and reached for Crissy's small
cherry-capped tits. She squeezed, making her younger sister moan. "Make
me crazy."

Crissy's head was spinning. She got comfortable on the bed, fondled her
older sister's tits, and her blue eyes fixed hungrily on the girl's
swollen pink nipples. In the next instant, she brought her mouth to one
jiggling tit and sucked.

"Ahhhh!" Tammy panted. "Bite! Bite!"

Crissy lost her mind. Gobbling on her sister's tits had her crazy. She
feasted on Tammy's cherry-red nipples, making the tips hard. She
slobbered her spit over the girl's soft creamy skin, her tongue working
over every warm inch of her sister's huge tits.

Tammy writhed on her back. Her red-fringed pussy was creaming, soaking
her ass-crack and thighs as she squeezed her legs together. "Ooooh,
bite me, Crissy. Bite my fuckin' tits."

Crissy, her face smeared with drool, used her teeth. She nipped at her
sister's nipples, biting and sucking her white silky skin, turning it
red. In seconds she had Tammy wailing in ecstasy.

"Ooooh, Crissy! Crissy!" Tammy forgot about mauling Crissy's tits. She
dropped her hands to claw the sheet. The inside of her pussy pulsed
each time Crissy took a deep suck on her tits. "I'm creaming ...

Crissy lifted her head and saw what she had done to her sister's tits.
Panting noisily, she climbed over Tammy's body, straddling one of
Tammy's long outstretched legs. She ground her cunt against Tammy's
knee and whimpered. "I'm so hot, Tammy!"

"Me, too," Tammy moaned, leering hotly at her sister.

Crissy's hips were jerking. Her small tits jiggled, her nipples feeling
as if they were going to burst. "I'm creaming ... Christ, Tammy. I'm
creaming your fuckin' knee."

"I feel it!" Tammy gasped. She jerked up her knee, smashing it against
Crissy's cunt, and watched her younger sister's face twist into a mask
of lust.

"Aghhh!" Crissy wailed, almost toppling off her sister's knee. "Jesus,
Tammy. I'm so fuckin' hot!"

"My pussy, Crissy. Eat my pussy." Tammy was shaking, the inside of her
virgin cunt on fire. "Eat my pussy. Make me cum!"

Drunk with desire, Crissy stared down between Tammy's parted legs,
gazing greedily at the red gash of her cunt. "Then you eat me ...
right?" The words came from her mouth in gasping pants.

"Yes ... yes," Tammy moaned. "Oh, God, get the hell off my leg and eat
my pussy. "

Douglas Adams, having heard noises coming from his daughter's bedroom,
had climbed the stairs. Curious, he peeked into Crissy's bedroom. A hot
jolt of passion churned his gut. He gulped and leered at his two naked
daughters. Instantly, he had a hard-on, a hard-on that ached painfully.
He stared, his gaze traveling over Crissy's lithe body as she climbed
off Tammy's knee.

"Shit," Crissy moaned. "I'm shaking all over."

"Eat me," Tammy begged. "Christ. Make me cum." She rubbed her own
swollen tits.

Crissy enjoyed the power she held over her older sister. "I'll eat your
pussy," she said.

She dragged a finger up through Tammy's wet seeping cunt. "When I'm

Hot spasms caromed through Tammy's twisting body. "You little bitch,"
she moaned. "Eat my cunt and stop teasing."

Crissy had no intention of stopping her erotic game. She pinched
Tammy's clit, making her sister writhe and scream. "You better stop
howling, or Daddy will hear you."

"You bitch!" Tammy gasped.

"I'm a bitch," Crissy tormented. "I'm the bitch who's gonna suck your
cunt and make you cream. You better be nice to me."

"I will," Tammy promised. "I'll do anything you want."

Crissy massaged her sister's cunt, pinching the girl's hard throbbing
clit and running her finger up and down her sopping cunt slit. "Will
you eat my asshole out with your tongue and suck it?"

"Yes," Tammy moaned. "Anything! Anything!"

Crissy twisted Tammy's clit with her fingers, then dropped onto her
belly. She licked the juice-stained flesh of Tammy's inner thighs, her
head spinning, her own cunt dripping. She sucked and chewed on Tammy's
thighs, her mouth getting closer and closer to her sister's overheated

Tammy writhed on her back, her tits flopping, her nails clawing the
sheet. She humped up, whimpering under her sister's mouth. "My pussy,"
she pleaded. "Eat me!"

For a second, Crissy stared at her sister's pussy. It was red, the
velvety folds swollen, glistening with a filmy cream that oozed from
the inside of her cunt. She swallowed hard, her blue eyes glazed with

"Eat me," Tammy howled. She humped up, her ass coming off the bed. She
twisted her hips, moaning, anxious for her sister's tongue to put out
the raging fire in her steamy pussy. "Eat me!"

Crissy scooted her hands under Tammy's jiggling ass, digging her nails
into the soft flesh. She fused her mouth to Tammy's pussy and sucked.

"Aghhhh!" Tammy wailed, her body trembling wildly. "Ooooh, Crissy!

Warm pussy-cream flowed over Crissy's face. She sucked, drawing sticky
cream into her mouth. The taste of her sister's pussy made her dizzy
and her cunt contracted sporadically, pulsing, gripping an imaginary

"Suck," Tammy moaned. "Ooooh, suck me, Crissy!" She thrashed on the
bed, her pussy flowing, her cunt feeling as if it was being sucked from
her body. "Oooh, Crissy!"

                               * * * * *

Douglas watched, not believing what his eyes were witnessing. His
children, both babies in his eyes, were acting and carrying on like two
oversexed whores. It blew his mind. He rubbed his cock through his
pants and pushed the door open another few inches to get a better view.

Crissy wormed her tongue between the velvety folds of her sister's hot
pussy. She lapped hungrily at the flowing juices, swallowing them as
her tongue penetrated the entrance to Tammy's virgin fuckhole. She
raked her sister's ass, making her howl and twist on the bed.

Tammy arched her back, jerked her hips and smashed her cunt into
Crissy's face. "My clit, Crissy! Chew my fuckin' clit!"

Crissy plastered her mouth tightly to her sister's pussy, chewed
sadistically on the loose folds and sucked warm cream into her mouth.
Her fingers scratched the sensitive flesh of her sister's ass as she
sought the crack and the tiny ring of her asshole.

Tammy squirmed, bucking her hips. Her mouth opened as Crissy's fingers
clawed her asshole. "Ooooh, no," she cried. "Don't!"

It was too late. Crissy's finger jabbed viciously into Tammy's asshole.
She twisted it, her sister's cries of anguish turning her on. She
jabbed another finger into her sister's asshole, finger-fucking her
tiny shitter as she gobbled hungrily on Tammy's overflowing pussy.

Tammy's eyes widened. The pain of Crissy's ass-stabbing fingers blended
with the pleasure of Crissy's cunt-sucking mouth. It drove Tammy wild
and she bucked and twisted maniacally on the bed.

Crissy darted her tongue into Tammy's fuckhole, felt the thin skin of
her cherry. Hot cream bathed her tongue as she licked quickly through
her sister's gaping cunt slit. Her own hips jerked, her clit brushing
against the sheet. Spasms rippled through her pussy, spasms that made
her eat her squealing sister at a more frenzied pace.

Tammy lurched up, then slammed down. Her hips rotated in tight quick
circles. "My clit! Make me cum!" She shoved forward, mangled her clit
against Crissy's teeth. "Aghhhh!"

Crissy's face was soaked with sticky cunt cream. She twisted her
fingers inside Tammy's asshole, jabbing them in and out quickly, her
sister's screams and twisting body telling her that she was having a
ball. She sucked hard, ready to give Tammy what she wanted--an orgasm.

"Yessss," Tammy hissed, sensing Crissy was ready to make her cum. "I'm
so close. Bite my clit! Make me cum!" She was delirious, her body
quaking, swirling at the peak, needing only Crissy's teeth to take her
over the edge.

Crissy latched her teeth into Tammy's blood-filled clit. With her
sister's clit a prisoner of her teeth, she lashed her tongue over the
ultra-sensitive tip. Cream gushed from Tammy's cunt.

Tammy wrenched her body, stiffened, then went into wild frantic
convulsions. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" she wailed, not caring who
heard her screams of lust. "I'm creaming, Crissy!"

Crissy knew it. Tammy's pussy-cum was drowning her. She held on tightly
to Tammy's clit, her tongue whipping back and forth over the tip. She
sucked, almost tearing Tammy's clit from her twisting body.

"Aghhhh! I'm cumming! I'm cum ... ing!" Tammy went insane. She pounded
the bed with her fists, lifted her legs, grabbed them by the ankles,
stretching them wide as she twisted her hips and ground her cunt into
her sister's mouth.

Crissy buried her face against Tammy's pussy. She chewed on her clit,
sucked it and whipped it with her tongue. Cum flowed into her mouth,
over her face and down her chin. She jabbed hard, stabbing her fingers
in and out of Tammy's shitter as her older sister thrashed and jerked
on the bed, a prisoner of her mouth and ass-ripping fingers.

Tammy arched her back, then dropped her legs. Her neck strained as her
head snapped from side to side. Her hips lurched up, twisted, then
slammed down, driving Crissy's fingers deeper into her asshole.
"Oooooh, Crissy! I can't stop! I can't stop!"

Crissy didn't want her sister to stop. For the first time in her life,
she was really enjoying sex. Even sucking her sister off was better
than playing with herself alone in bed. She ravaged her sister's pussy,
chewing madly on Tammy's throbbing clit, sucking hard and lashing her

Tammy ground her ass down onto Crissy's fingers and screamed as
Crissy's nails raked the walls of her tight shitter. She shoved
forward, mashed her clit into Crissy's chewing teeth. "Ooooh! Oooooh!"
She bucked up, grabbed her flopping tits and mauled them with her

Crissy chewed harder. She jabbed another finger into her sister's
asshole, making Tammy jerk up from the bed. Her free hand came out from
under Tammy's body and she used her nails on Tammy's sizzling flesh,
clawing it wildly, leaving red lines all over her creamy white skin.

Tammy's legs stiffened. A shuddering explosion ripped through her empty
cunt. She fell back on the bed, twitching, whimpering, her clit and
asshole still controlled by her lust-crazed younger sister. "No ...
more! No more," she begged.

Crissy released her sister's clit and sucked one last time, taking a
river of pussy-cum into her mouth. She yanked her fingers from Tammy's
asshole, then lifted her head from between her legs. Cunt-cum coated
her features, dripped from her chin. "Now, it's my turn," she panted.

Douglas watched it all as Tammy ate Crissy's asshole and pussy until
she climaxed. Slowly and quietly, he stepped away from the partially
open door and went back downstairs, his cock aching and his forehead
dotted with sweat.

"I never had so much fun in my life," Crissy moaned. "After breakfast I
wanna come back up here and do everything all over again."

"When Daddy goes out," Tammy said. "Shit, the way we were screaming, it
was a wonder he didn't come up and catch us."

Crissy giggled. "I wonder what he'd do?"

"Beat our asses," Tammy said, climbing out of bed.

Crissy thought about her father whipping her ass. She shivered,
imagining his big hand cracking her bare ass and turning it hot and
red. "Maybe it would be fun."

"You're crazy," Tammy said. "I'm goin' in my room and get dressed for
breakfast. You better get dressed, too."

"I will," Crissy said dreamily. She rolled out of bed, her thoughts on
her father as she dressed.

                              Chapter 3

Crissy lay quietly in bed, the curtains on the window parted, the moon
lighting the room in erotic shadows. Her legs were spread, the sheet
kicked off her slim body.

"Mmmmm," she purred, rubbing her hands over her nightie, squeezing her
tits through the thin sexy material. "Whatta day."

She slipped her hand into her bikini bottoms, stroking her pussy while
thinking of her sister's mouth sucking frantically at her cunt. "Ooooh,

It had been a fantastic day of sex with her sister. They had made it
together in every room in the house after their father had gone out.

Crissy squeezed her thighs together. Warm pussy-cream oozed from her
fuckhole, coating her fingers as she wondered if she should go into
Tammy's room and wake her up. She decided not to. Tomorrow would be
another day and their father would be gone again.

Douglas tiptoed down the hall, and he peeked into Crissy's room. His
gut churned as he watched his youngest teenaged daughter play with
herself. In seconds, his prick was throbbing, aching painfully in the
tight confines of his pants. He found that his breathing was raspy,
shallow. He fought his lust and hunger for his young daughter, but
couldn't tear himself away from the door. He had to watch.

Crissy squirmed on the bed, her hand caressing the velvety folds of her
sizzling pussy. Her eyes widened and she glimpsed the shadow of her
father in the hall. A gasp caught in her throat, and her first thought
was to cover herself up and feign sleep.

Instead, a hot smile spread over her full mouth. This was her chance.
If he was looking, maybe she could turn him on. Her innocent mind never
conceived anything else happening.

"Ooooh," she murmured softly, massaging her small plump tits through
her nightie. "I'm so hot." She spread her legs again and glided one
hand up through her seeping pussy. "Mmmmm."

Douglas almost choked. The palms of his hands were sweaty and his mouth
was dry. He couldn't stand it. All day the image of his two naked
daughters had haunted him, kept his head reeling.

He coughed loud enough for Crissy to hear, waited a few seconds, then
opened the door.

Crissy's breath caught in her throat. She pretended to be surprised and
quickly brought her hand out from her panties. "Is that you, Daddy?"
she whispered.

"Yes, Crissy," Douglas said hoarsely. "Just checking to see if you were
asleep." He started to go, the ache in his groin keeping him from
leaving his daughter's bedroom.

"Sit with me for a minute, Daddy," Crissy sighed. "Please."

Douglas sat on the edge of the bed. His gut was churning as he leered
at his daughter's small tits pressing against the top of her frilly
nightie. He could see the outline of her swollen nipples and the sight
sent a hot jolt of lust through his cum-crammed balls.

Crissy squirmed on her back and stretched. Her nightie slipped up,
baring her soft belly. Her bikini bottoms hugged her slim hips, leaving
an erotic display of creamy virgin flesh displayed for her father's

Douglas stared, his gaze roaming anxiously over Crissy's lithe body. He
stared at her crotch, where only a few minutes ago the child's hand had
been playing. His breath came out as if someone had kicked him in the

"I can't sleep, Daddy," she whispered hotly. "I feel all funny inside."
She squirmed, shivering under her father's leering glances.

She wriggled her hips, parted her legs and inched her nightie up
higher, exposing her rib cage. "Will you rub my belly for me? Maybe
it'll help me to relax."

Douglas groaned as he brought his hand to the silky flesh of his
daughter's stomach and began caressing her. Touching her sent a tremor
caroming through his balls, and it took all of his willpower to keep
from ripping her nightie off and raping her virgin body.

"Mmmmm. It feels good, Daddy," she sighed. She rested her hand on his
thigh and felt him stiffen. Hot spasms ripped through her pussy. She
placed her other hand on his as he moved his hand in wider bolder
strokes. "Nnnnn, I like it, Daddy."

As if he were hypnotized, Douglas watched his hand, covered with hers,
skim her sizzling smooth flesh. "Maybe I should let you get some
sleep." His voice was ragged, coated with desire for his virgin child.

"Oh, no, Daddy," she pouted. "Stay with me." She moved her hand slowly
up his thigh, her fingers an inch away from the bulging hard-on in his

"Rub me 'til I fall asleep." She inched his hand under her nightie,
causing his fingers to almost touch her small sensitive tits. A soft
sigh escaped her lips.

Douglas fought the urge to span the flesh of his daughter's tits. He
choked back a groan and eased his hand out from under her nightie.

"Oooh, Daddy." She licked her lips and sat up, making sure her hand
rubbed over the bulge in his pants. Touching him made her dizzy. "Give
me a kiss goodnight and you can go."

Douglas leaned forward, expecting to give her a peck on the cheek.
Instead, he found her quickly in his arms, her soft urgent lips parted,
then quickly pressed against his own.

Crissy was out of her mind. She had thrown her arms around him, her
lips fused to his. She darted her tongue into his mouth, whimpering as
she rubbed her body against his.

Douglas couldn't fight his desire any longer. He held her, felt her
tremble in his arms. He sucked on her tongue, roamed her squirming body
with his hands, exploring, sampling the silky flesh of her young body.

"Ooooh, Daddy," Crissy gasped, pulling her mouth from his. "Touch me.
Touch me." She threw herself onto her back, pulled off her nightie and
displayed the soft mounds of her small ripe tits.

"Unnnn," Douglas groaned, his jaw clenched, his eyes feasting hungrily
on his daughter's tits.

Crissy was trembling, waiting, praying her father would do what she
wanted. She arched her back, jutting out her tits. "Touch me, Daddy.

Douglas brought one large hand to his child's tits. The tip of her
nipple burned into the palm of his hand as he spanned her flesh and
began massaging the pliant meat of her tit. "Crissy," he moaned. "We

"Ooooh, Daddy," she pouted, writhing on her back. "I like it. Don't

Douglas couldn't stop. He no longer wanted to. He massaged both her
tits, his prick straining in his pants to be free. "Sweet Crissy," he
moaned huskily.

"Ummmm, Daddy." Her cunt was on fire. She rocked her hips gently,
wallowing in the pleasure of her father's massaging hands. "You're
making me so hot."

She brought her hands to his and made him squeeze her tits with more
urgency. "Are you hot, too, Daddy?" she purred.

"Yes, Crissy." He kneaded her small tits, his eyes devouring her body.

"Take off my panties," she cooed. "Touch my pussy."

Douglas' head was reeling. He squirmed on the bed, brought his hands
down to her wriggling hips and eased her panties down until the silky
blonde hair of her virgin cunt came into view. He choked, his prick
ready to burst in his pants. "Sweet Crissy."

Crissy was breathing hard. She lifted her ass and sighed as her father
whisked off her panties. Quickly, she spread her legs. "Touch my pussy,
Daddy. I'm all wet."

Douglas brought his hand to Crissy's cunt, cupped her moist pussy-mound
as she squirmed against his hand. Warm sticky cream soaked his palm.

"Unnnnn, Daddy." She lay completely naked, legs spread, tits jiggling,
hips rolling as her father fondled and caressed her virgin cunt. "Ooooh
... oooh ... aaaah!"

Douglas kneaded her tits and stroked her cunt. The sweet scent of her
pussy invaded his head, making him dizzy. "Baby," he rasped. "Sweet
innocent baby."

Crissy brought her hand to her father's bulging crotch. She rubbed it,
squeezed, then shuddered as his cock throbbed violently through his
pants. "Let me see your cock, Daddy," she whispered hotly. "I've never
seen a cock before."

Douglas was about to lose his mind. Hearing his daughter talk this way
drove him crazy. "You take it out, Crissy," he groaned.

"Mmmmm, Daddy." Reluctantly, she squirmed away from his hands. "Lay
back on the bed and I'll take off your pants."

Douglas dropped to the bed and stared at his naked daughter. He was
tense, a raging fire in his balls spreading through his body. He
gulped, leered, his gaze fixed on her tits as she quickly undid his
belt and pulled down his zipper.

Crissy was quivering. Without speaking, she pulled her father's pants
down. She sucked in her breath, her eyes widening as his cock seemed to
leap up and stab the air. A soft gasp escaped her parted lips.

Eagerly, she shoved his pants and shorts down around his ankles and
gazed hotly at his towering prick. "It's so big, Daddy," she sighed
breathlessly. "So big!"

"Hold it, Crissy," Douglas groaned. He swallowed, moistening his mouth
as his prick throbbed like a toothache. "Touch it like I touched you."

"Oooh, I will," she panted. "I wanna do everything with it." She licked
her lips and brought her small trembling hands to her father's cock.
Her fingers closed around his prick shaft. His cock twitched and

Searing flashes shot up her arm. It felt hot in her hand, making her

"Ahhhh," Douglas moaned, his hips jerking under his daughter's stroking

Crissy saw a white drop of jizz seep from his piss-slit. "Is that your
cum, Daddy?" she asked innocently.

"Yeah, baby," he groaned. He was no longer thinking of her as his
daughter. He was too hot. "My balls are filled with cum."

"Mmmm," Crissy sighed. She hefted his huge swollen ball-sac in her
hand. "God, they're heavy." She squeezed them gently, enjoying the
sound of her father's groans.

"Nnnn, baby," he rasped. The drop of cum became larger as more jizz
seeped from his piss-slit. He jerked up, driving his prick through her
fingers. His balls rumbled, swelling even larger as Crissy stroked his
cockshaft and fondled his balls.

"Can I lick your cock, Daddy?"

Douglas twisted on his back. His daughter's soft innocent voice rang in
his head. "Yeah, baby. Kiss it. Do anything you want to it."

Crissy was creaming. She brought her mouth to his bloated cockhead,
swiped her tongue over his pisser, scooping the thick white glob of cum
into her mouth. "Mmmm, it's delicious."

The touch of her tongue on his cock was like fire. He jammed up and
more cum seeped out. "Lick it, Crissy."

Crissy licked his cockhead again, savoring the taste of his cum. It was
like a whole new world, a hundred times better than what she had done
with her sister.

She wanted to gobble on his prick forever. She slapped out her tongue,
swirling it over his cockhead, soaking it with her spit. More cum
seeped out and she smeared the sticky ooze over her lips. Tremors swept
through her pussy and her entire body was quaking with lust.

"More, Crissy," Douglas groaned. "Lick it all over."

Crissy squirmed on the bed, the light from the window giving her a good
view of his long thick cock. "Ooooh, Daddy. It's beautiful." She
brought her mouth to it, kissed his cockshaft and enjoyed her father's
groans of pleasure.

"Don't talk, baby. Lick it."

Crissy parted her lips, then clamped them over his hard throbbing
cockshaft. She glided her lips up and down his long piece of hot
cockmeat, drenching it in spit. Her tongue flicked out, caressing his
cockshaft as her head moved up and down.

"Yeah, baby," Douglas rasped. "Lick it. Suck it!"

"Yes, Daddy," Crissy panted. She slobbered spit all over his fat prick
shaft, slapped her tongue over his balls and coated them with her
drool. The rough texture of his ball-sac excited her and she whimpered,
knowing that his balls were stuffed with the tangy tasting cum.

Douglas jerked up from the bed. "Your mouth, baby. Put it in your

Breathing hard, Crissy slurped her way up from his balls and over his
prick shaft. She reached his bloated cockhead and opened her mouth. In
a flash, she swallowed his cockhead into her mouth.

"Unnn, Crissy." He squirmed on his back, forcing himself not to lunge
up and rip into his daughter's tight throat with his prick. His gut
churned as the heat of her eager mouth invaded his cockshaft,
tantalized his swollen balls. "Crissy! Baby!"

Crissy inched his prick into her mouth, his cockhead grazing along the
roof of her mouth. She wiggled her tongue and heard her father gasp.
Turning him on and giving him pleasure made her feel like a woman.

"Try to get it all in your mouth, baby," Douglas pleaded. "Take it slow
and easy."

Crissy wanted to please her father more than anything else in the
world. She gripped his cockshaft at the base and sucked. She eased the
head of his prick into her throat, choking back a gag as she breathed
hard through her nose.

"Yeah, baby." He jerked his hips, the head of his prick penetrating her
throat. "Relax, baby. Relax."

Crissy listened. She wanted every inch of his prick in her mouth.
Gulping, she shoved her face forward. His cockhead speared her throat,
throbbing. Eyes bulging, she forced more of his prick into her throat
until her wet clinging lips touched her fingers.

Douglas' balls felt as if they would burst. He jabbed up, smashing her
lips into her fingers. "Baby! Suck! Suck!"

Greedily, Crissy sucked on his cock. It was stretching her throat,
making her hungry for every inch. She pulled her hand away and slammed
her head forward, taking his cock to the root. Gurgling, she mashed her
lips against his groin, his prick completely buried.

"Yeah," Douglas groaned. He stared down at his daughter. He jabbed up,
his cock skewering her mouth. He felt her teeth and tongue on his
prick. His face twisted in agony. His balls rumbled, ready to explode.
He fought his lust for the moment. There was plenty of time to cum.

Crissy loved what she was doing. It was better than eating Tammy's
pussy. She dragged her teeth along his cock as she came up for air.
When her teeth banged against the ridge of his bell-shaped cockhead,
she stopped. She took one hard deep suck, then popped her mouth off.
"Did I do good, Daddy?"

"Jesus, baby. You're a natural. You took it all on your first try."

"I loved it, Daddy. You taste so good." She licked her lips.

Not having his daughter's hot wet mouth on his prick was driving him
crazy. "Don't stop, Crissy. Suck me some more."

"Can I suck it until you cum?" she asked innocently.

He nodded, his spit-soaked cock stabbing the air. "Until you've sucked
out every drop."

"Ooooh, Daddy. Thinking about it makes me all mushy inside my pussy."
She dropped her head, her long blonde hair spraying out over her
father's groin.

"Don't stop until I tell you," he moaned, not wanting her to screw him
up. "You're gonna get an awful lot of cum in your mouth."

Her father's cum was exactly what Crissy wanted and she had no
intention of stopping until she drained his balls.

With her mouth filled with his cock, Douglas jerked up, fucking her
eager mouth with short punching stabs. He groaned as her teeth scraped
along his cockshaft, twisted as her quick tongue whipped over the
sensitive underside of his prick, and lunged up each time Crissy took a
deep hungry suck on his cockhead.

With her arms stiff, her palms flat against the mattress, Crissy held
her head steady, allowing her father to fuck her face. It had her
crazy. Gurgling noises came from her mouth, blending with her father's

She lashed her tongue over his cockshaft each time he jammed his cock
up into her mouth. When he jerked back, she sucked deep, making him
twist his hips and groan. She used her teeth, gnawing frantically each
time he fucked his cock into her face. Spit dribbled from her lips,
oozed down his throbbing prick shaft, soaked the thick hair that
surrounded his cock, and trickled down his balls.

Douglas' ass lurched up from the bed, his long thick cock stabbing into
her throat. "Baby," he growled hoarsely. "Ooooh, sweet baby!"

Crissy felt his prick swell in her mouth and sensed by his quickening
pace that he was getting ready to cum. The idea swam in her head and
made the inside of her cunt pulse jealously for her father's cock. She
took a deep suck, then whipped her tongue over his prick as he jabbed
it into her throat.

"I'm there, Crissy! Don't take your mouth away," Douglas was in a
frenzy. He lunged up, driving his prick in and out of her greedy mouth.
His balls rumbled, swelled, ready to explode. He balled his fists, his
body settling into a fast rhythmic pace. "I'm ready, Crissy! Jesus

Her father's lust excited the young virgin. She sucked deeper, chewed
harder, wanting him to cream her face as quickly as possible. One deep
suck had her father's growling voice filling the room, and in the back
of her lust-sopped brain, she wondered if Tammy had awakened and was

"I'm cumming, Crissy," Douglas roared, not caring if his other daughter
heard or not. "I'm cumming!"

Crissy choked as the first thick stringy wad of her father's cum
spurted into her mouth. She swallowed, gulping at his spewing cock.
More cum shot from his piss-slit, filled her cheeks and oozed down her
throat. She tried swallowing it as fast as it spurted from his

"Keep suckin'," Douglas bellowed. "Don't stop! Suck! Suck!" He was out
of his skull. His balls burst again and his prick jabbed her hot
sucking mouth.

Crissy began bobbing her head, giving her father more fantastic
pleasure as he fucked her throat with his climaxing cock. She slammed
her head down and met his upward lunge, her lips smashing into his
groin. A hot squirting wad of cum shot down her throat.

"Keep suckin'," Douglas growled, his hips drilling his prick up into
her gobbling mouth.

"Chew it! Suck!"

Crissy went insane. What she was doing to her father sent her soaring
into bliss. She sucked, chewed and beat his prick with her tongue. Cum
flooded her mouth, choked her, squirted down her gullet. It gushed from
her nose and mouth, drenched his groin, and drooled down his almost
empty balls.

Douglas arched his back and slammed up into his daughter's face. A jet
stream of cum gushed from his pisser, spurting down her throat.
"Aghhhh!" He dropped back to the bed, twisting as Crissy took the
attack to him.

Crissy slammed her face down, spearing her throat with her father's
squirting cock. She dragged her head back and gnawed at his cockshaft.
She sucked, bringing the cum up from his balls and into her hungry

Hissing through clenched teeth, Douglas ravaged his daughter's mouth.
He fucked her face, ripping into her throat, banging her lips each time
her face whacked into his groin. He stiffened, fell back, his balls
almost drained.

Crissy, out of her mind, continued to devour her father's cock. Her
head moved rapidly up and down his prick shaft, her lips gliding
effortlessly along his slippery prick.

Faster and faster, she bobbed her head, her blonde hair whipping across
his groin.

She gulped, his cock about empty. She sucked, wanting every drop.
Drawing in her cheeks, she sucked the last remaining drops of her
father's cum into her greedy mouth.

"Oooh, baby. Enough." Douglas groaned, jerking his hips, his cock
spent, his balls empty. "No more, baby!"

Crissy pulled her mouth off her father's cock and gazed up at him from
glazed blue eyes. "Let me lick you clean," she panted. "I don't want to
waste any of it. It's so delicious."

Douglas let out a groan. "Sure, baby. Just don't suck my cock. It's
sore from your mouth." His muscles relaxed and he leered down at his
naked daughter.

Crissy giggled and licked her lips. White globs of cum stuck in his
cock hair. Stringy wads coated his balls. Like a kitten lapping milk,
Crissy cleaned her father's prick and balls. She sucked the globs of
cum from his cock hair, then when he was clean, she lifted her head,
her innocent face flushed with lust. "Did I do good, Daddy?"

"Fantastic, Crissy. Fantastic."

                              Chapter 4

Crissy was thrilled. She crawled up into her father's arms, rubbing her
hot virgin body against his hard powerful frame. "Am I as good as Mommy
before she left us?" she asked.

"Better, baby," Douglas rasped, cradling his child in his arms.

"Oooh, Daddy." She tingled all over, found his mouth and gave him a wet
hungry kiss.

Douglas groaned and sucked on her tongue, his wet limp prick mashed
against her soft belly.

Crissy pulled her mouth away from her father's lips. "Suckin' your cock
was the greatest, but I'm so hot. Will you help me, Daddy?"

Douglas rubbed his child's lithe naked body. His hands cupped the firm
cheeks of her ass, kneading her pliant assmeat. He felt her small tits
mash against his chest, her nipples like hot pokers searing his skin.
"I'll take care of you, baby," he groaned.

"Oooh, Daddy," she sighed. She showered him with kisses, then dropped
her hand down to his limp prick. A hot shiver raced up her arm. "Will
you fuck me, Daddy? I wanna be fucked so bad."

Douglas' head was spinning. He fondled her young writhing body, his
mouth hungry, working frantically over his daughter's neck. He kneaded
her tits, his mouth working down her soft creamy body. "As soon as my
cock's hard again, Crissy," he said.

"Oh, Daddy! I'm burning up!" She lay on her back, her pussy on fire,
juices flowing, coating her cunt in filmy cream. "Suck my titties,
Daddy! Suck 'em!"

Douglas' urgent mouth found the small plump mounds of his daughter's
tits. He sucked hard, making Crissy whimper with glee. He chewed on her
nipples, working his tongue over the hard bullet tips.

Crissy squirmed on her back. She scratched her nails through her
father's hair, then pressed his mouth to her tits. "Ooooh, Daddy!

Douglas dined on her tits, his hands roaming down to her slim hips. He
dipped one hand between her parted legs, cupping the blonde mound of
her overheated pussy. Juice flowed into his hand.

"Unnnn Daddy!" she gasped, humping her hips and grinding her cunt
against his hand. "Lick me. Lick my pussy before you fuck me."

Douglas was drunk with passion. He chewed his way down his daughter's
virgin body, crawled between her long slender legs. "You a virgin,
baby?" he panted.

"Yes, Daddy. I want you to break my cherry." She squirmed her hips. "I
wanna feel your cock up inside my fuckhole."

Douglas groaned and stared at her pussy. It had been years since he had
broken a cherry and his cock throbbed, growing again, stiffening.

"Lick me, Daddy. Make me hotter." Crissy clawed her way down her slim
body, and she parted the velvety folds of her cunt, exposing her
fuckhole. "I wanna cum, Daddy. God, I'm so hot."

Douglas wanted to fuck her this instant. His cock was hard enough, but
he wasn't going to lose the chance of sucking out a virgin pussy. He
brought his mouth to his daughter's cunt, moaning as his lips clamped
to her wet seeping pussy. His cock, pressed against the mattress,
throbbed, anxious to fill Crissy's virgin fuckhole.

"Ooooh, Daddy!" She humped, twisting her hips, her cunt grinding
against her father's face. "Suck! Suck!" She was out of her skull.

Douglas sucked, using his tongue. She tasted sweet, innocent, and it
drove him crazy. He slipped his hands under her jiggling ass, cupped
her cheeks and squeezed. Warm cream flowed over his face.

Crissy was like a firecracker ready to go off. She whimpered, her hips
rolling, her hands skimming over her flesh. It was like a dream.

Her father was eating out her cunt and soon he would be shoving his
gorgeous cock up inside her virgin pussy. She would truly be a woman.

With her father licking her cunt, and her mind spinning with thoughts
of being fucked, Crissy's pussy exploded. "I'm creaming, Daddy. Ooooh,
I'm cumming!"

Crissy humped up, rolling her hips. Her small creamy tits jiggled.
"Ooooh, Daddy. I'm cumming! Lick me! Lick me!"

Douglas slapped his tongue up through her cunt. Hot virgin pussy-cum
flowed over his face. Hearing his daughter squeal with pleasure drove
him wild. She was delicious and he sucked deeper, drawing her cuntlips
into his mouth.

Orgasms swept through Crissy's writhing body. Her cunt muscles pulsed
against an empty channel. She shoved down and ground her cunt into her
father's mouth. "I'm creaming you, Daddy! Ooooh, God!"

Douglas held onto her ass and feasted on her virgin pussy. Twisted and
bent, his cock ached. He gobbled on her pussy, found her clit and
captured it between his teeth.

Crissy arched her back, slamming her pussy into her father's mouth.
"Bite. Daddy! Make me cum again!"

Spit drooled from her open mouth. Cum gushed from her cunt, drenched
her father's face and soaked the cheeks of her ass.

Douglas chewed, sucked and used his tongue. He nipped her clit with his
teeth, made Crissy screech with joy. His own hips were jerking, his
cock jabbing into the mattress.

Crissy stiffened and fell back to the bed, a quivering mass of flesh.
"Oooooh, Daddy!" She squirmed. "Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Douglas came up from between his daughter's legs. He was crazed with a
desire to ravage his child's body. He pulled his powerful frame up over
Crissy's slim figure and stared down at her flushed passion-filled
face. "Did I eat you as good as Tammy?" he asked with a grin.

"Oh, Daddy!" she gasped. "You know?"

"Yeah, baby. I saw the whole thing this morning."

She felt his cockhead against her stomach. "You mad?"

"No," he panted, his prick throbbing, ready to rip into his daughter's
virgin pussy.

She was too hot to talk about her sister. "Stick it in me, Daddy," she
panted. She humped up and rocked her hips as his cock pressed against
her stomach. "Oooooh, fuck me!"

Douglas brought his lust under control. "It'll hurt, baby."

"I don't care!" she gasped. "I want your cock." She raked his thick
arms with her nails. "Fuck me. Make me a woman."

Douglas eased the bloated head of his cock between the puffy folds of
his daughter's pussy. Hot buttery pussy-cream flowed over his cockhead,
making him groan. He pushed, the head of his prick pressing against the
thin skin of his daughter's cherry.

"Ooooh, Daddy! I feel it. Fuck me. Take my cherry!" She was delirious,
screaming at the top of her lungs.

Douglas stared at her contorted face. He jabbed forward, the head of
his prick ripping through her cherry as if it were tissue paper.
"Baby," he roared, plunging through her virgin fuckhole until his cock
was buried to the hilt. "Sweet, baby!"

"Ayieeee!" Crissy screamed. "Daddy!" She bucked up, twisting, her
teenaged body impaled on her father's stiff cock. "It hurts so bad!"

Hissing through his teeth, he kept his prick buried. The muscles of her
cunt were tightly wrapped around his cockshaft, pulsing, milking his
prick instinctively. "Relax," he whispered. "Relax."

Crissy bucked like a wildcat under her father's cunt-splitting prick.
She twisted her hips, squirmed, but couldn't get free. Her father was
too strong and his cock was too deep. "Take it out!" she cried in a
moment of terror. "Oooooh, please!"

Douglas ignored her pleas, knowing the pain would go away. He moved his
hips slowly, allowing her pussy to adjust to having it stuffed with his
prick. "Easy, baby," he soothed, keeping his raging passion in check.
"The pain will go away."

Crissy thrashed beneath her father, whimpering, the pain unbearable.
She bucked up, jerking her hips. She clawed his arms, her blue eyes
bulging. "Daddy ... it hurts!"

Douglas eased back, pushed forward, his cock slipping easily into her
pussy. "Unnn, baby."

"Aghhhh!" Crissy wailed. She twisted her hips as her father stuffed her
cunt. This time when he stabbed into her cunt, the pain disappeared and
a hot sizzling warmth took its place. Pain gone, her passion quickly
returned, turning her back into a hot crazed sex kitten. "Daddy!

"Yeah, baby!" He grinned. "I told you." He eased back, leaving only the
head of his bloated cock buried inside his daughter's pussy. "Ride it,

"Yes, Daddy," she panted. Crissy lifted her hips, her stretched cunt
gliding wetly over her father's buried prick. "Unnnn. Oooooh, it feels
so good! So damn fuckin' good!"

Douglas' balls swelled. He leered down, watched as his lust-crazed
teenaged daughter fucked herself madly on his stiff prick. "Enjoy,
baby. Fuck yourself blind."

"I am," she squealed. "Ooooh, Daddy. It's the best feeling in the
world." Crissy bucked up. The syrupy juice in her pussy bathed his fat
cockshaft. Her muscles pulsed rapidly against his prick. She twisted
her hips and ground her clit against his hard groin. "Ooooh, Christ,
I'm goin' crazy."

"Not yet, baby," he assured her. "It gets even better." To give her an
example, he drove his hips forward, pounding her wriggling body back
into the mattress. He eased back, lunged again, then twisted his hips,
his cockhead gouging the tight wet walls of her sizzling cunt.

"Ahhhh! Yessss!" She bucked up and met his thrusting stabs, her clit
mashed by his groin. "Aghhhhh! Don't stop! Keep fuckin' me, Daddy!"

Douglas fucked hard, smashing his daughter's body between his hard
driving fame and mattress. With his cock buried, he jerked his hips,
twisting his long fat prick inside her fuckhole. His teeth clenched,
his jaw tight, his cock throbbed inside her tight steamy pussy. "Baby."

With her pussy filled with her father's prick, Crissy went wild. She
thrashed beneath him, her tits jiggling, her fingers kneading his stiff
muscled arms. "I'm in heaven, Daddy. Make me cum."

"Soon, baby," he rasped, stabbing her gulping cunt with long teasingly
slow strokes. "When you can't stand the pleasure anymore."

Tammy opened the door and stared into Crissy's bedroom. A gasp caught
in her throat and her knees went weak. "Oh, God," she whispered,
watching her father slam his cock into Crissy's pussy. "Ooooh, God."

Neither Crissy nor her father heard or saw Tammy. They were too busy

Crissy trembled. Hot spasms rippled through her pussy each time her
father plunged his cock into her sopping-wet hole. She quivered, using
her cunt muscles every time her father eased back and dragged his cock
from her cunt hole. "Faster, Daddy! I'm going crazy."

Douglas was going crazy, too. Fucking his daughter's tight wet pussy
had his balls rumbling and his cockshaft thickening with blood. "How's
this, baby?" he growled, shortening his strokes and adding more power
behind the quickening thrusts.

"Oooooh, my God! Yes! Yes!" She felt his fat throbbing cock inside her
cunt. Her hips bucked and she thrust her cunt forward. "You're so deep,

With the next plunge, Douglas smacked his groin against her trembling
body. The head of his cock stabbed deep. "Unnn, Crissy!"

"Fuck me, Daddy!" she wailed, her cunt gliding wetly along his cum-
swelled hard-on. Her hips came ramming up, her pussy gobbling on his
buried cockshaft. Her ass crashed back to the bed as her father pounded
her into the mattress. She moaned, matching his quick stabbing thrusts
with her own jerky moves.

Douglas fucked into her juicy pussy with fast-paced lunges. "Baby." His
broad chest heaved as his breathing grew more intense. Hard jabs drove
his cock into her squiggling body. He drilled her pussy, fucking the
entire length of his prick into her frothy cunt.

"Daddy! I'm so close!" She lunged up, twisting her hips.

Douglas rammed back, his cock slicing through her mushy fuckhole. He
felt her gripping cunt muscles squeeze his stabbing cockshaft. "Baby
... you're dynamite!"

"Ooooh, Daddy!" His words made her head spin. She banged her cunt onto
his cock and ground her clit against his hard groin. "I feel so full!"
Her slim sizzling body wiggled frantically on the bed as whimpering
sobs escaped her drooling mouth.

"Daddy!" The last hard driving fuck-thrust triggered her orgasm. She
began to shake. Her legs came around his back and locked, her heels
digging into his hips.

"I'm cumming! I'm ... cumming!" Orgasms ripped through her pussy. Her
cunt flooded with her pussy-cum, bathing her father's stabbing prick.
Her pussy pulsed rapidly, eager for the load of cum buried in her
father's swinging balls.

"I'm cumming, Daddy. I'm creaming all the fuck over!" Crissy went

Douglas saw his daughter's face twist into an expression of lust. He
knew she was creaming, felt the orgasms in her pussy attack his cock.
It blew his mind. He fucked her harder, making her scream.

"Cum, Daddy!" she squealed. "Cum! Cum!"

With his next stabbing thrust, Douglas' balls erupted. Hot thick cum
shot up through his pounding prick, spewing from his pisser. Thick
globs of cum whitewashed his daughter's tight cunt. "I'm cumming, baby!
Jesus Christ. I'm cumming!"

Crissy arched her back. The hot squirting cum from her father's prick
sent her screaming into another series of fantastic orgasms. She lunged
up, rocking her hips, craving more of his spewing prick. "I feel your
cum, Daddy! Oooooh, keep cumming! Fuck me!"

Hot sticky cum poured from her pussy each time her father rammed his
cock into her wiggling body. She felt his cum fill her body and it
drove her mad. "Harder, Daddy! Faster!"

Her ass hammered the bed. Her tits shook, the nipples sore and swollen.
"I'm still cumming!" She bucked up, twisting her clit against his groin
as he slammed her back to the bed.

Douglas pounded her violently. His hips jabbed forward at blinding
speed, driving his cock to the root each time. "Baby," he roared, his
muscles straining, his arms weakening.

Crissy's cum greased her father's drilling cockshaft. It mixed with his
cum inside her fuckhole, gushed out down her cunt crack and formed a
puddle on the sheet. A gurgling moan escaped her mouth. It was as if
her father's cock had stabbed into her throat. "Your ... cock ...
ooooh, Daddy! I ..." She was delirious.

Douglas stared from glazed eyes at his daughter's beautiful face. In
the throes of passion, her face had lost its innocence. His gut knotted
as his cum-stained balls slapped against her quivering body with each
stab into her squishy cunt.

Crissy was in bliss. Her hips moved at the same frantic pace her father
had set. Her ass came off the bed, her hips bucked, and she moaned when
he drove her squirming twisting body back onto the bed. "Ooooh, Daddy!"
She stiffened, raking his chest. "Ahhhh!"

Douglas fucked hard, his balls about drained. His arms crumbled and he
crushed her beneath him, his hips still stabbing, slicing his cock in
and out of her climaxing pussy.

Crissy found his neck with her mouth and chewed. Her arms circled his
back, and she held him tight. She lunged up, moaning, her tits crushed
against his chest. "Ooooh, Daddy!"

Douglas ground her back onto the bed, his hands skimming under her
body, clutching the cheeks of her jiggling ass. Panting, his groans
lost in her throat, he fucked her maniacally until she lay limp and
weak beneath him.

Crissy purred like a contented cat. She stroked his back lovingly. Her
hips twitched and her legs fell away from his body. She lay there,
savoring her cum-stuffed cunt. "I'm a woman, Daddy," she whispered.

Douglas rolled off his daughter's body and panted as he caught his
breath, his prick limp, sticky, lying like a slab of meat against his
thigh. "You're better than your mother ever was."

"Mmmm, Daddy," she cooed, rolling into his arms. It was then that she
spotted Tammy standing at the door. "Tammy!"

Douglas lifted his head. "How ... long have you been there?"

"Long enough to want you to do the same thing to me," Tammy sighed. She
ran into the bedroom and joined them on the bed.

"I'll never make it through the night," Douglas groaned happily.

"I think you will," Tammy said, scampering down to his limp cock.

Crissy licked his chest. "I know you will."

                              Chapter 5

Tammy licked her father's prick, tasting the juices of Crissy's pussy.
"You gonna break my cherry, too, Daddy?" she cooed.

"When you get me hard," he groaned. He stroked Crissy's hair as she
nibbled on his chest.

"Ooooh, I'll get you hard," Tammy giggled. She wanted her father's cock
as badly as Crissy had wanted it. She crawled between his legs, then
lapped her tongue over his balls. She was trembling, knowing once his
prick was hard, her father would rip away her cherry.

"You want any help?" Crissy sighed. She nibbled her way across her
father's chest. She licked him, her tongue burning a path to his groin.

"Sure," Tammy said. "We'll make him crazy and then he can bust me open
like he busted you."

Crissy giggled. It was the first time in her life she had beaten her
older sister at anything. "You'll love it, Tammy," she said, bragging.
"It hurts, but, oh, does it feel good."

Douglas moaned under the hot licking mouths of his two daughters. He
heaved a sigh, knowing it would be a long night. "Have fun, kids."

"We will, Daddy!" Crissy giggled. She joined her sister at her father's
limp prick. "He sucked my cunt, too," she boasted.

Tammy contained her jealousy. They had all night and she was sure that
whatever their father did to Crissy, he would do to her. She licked her
tongue up over his balls.

Crissy sucked the head of his cock into her mouth. She swirled her
tongue over his prick-head, skimming into his pisser.

"Jesus," Douglas groaned, wondering if he would survive the night.

"I sucked him off first," Crissy continued to taunt. "His cum was

Tammy ignored her and licked her father's balls.

"Get on your side, Daddy," Crissy said. "I'll lick your ass while Tammy
sucks you hard again." She winked at her sister.

Douglas did as his daughter asked, eager to feel Crissy's mouth on his
ass. "Ream me, baby."

"Mmmmm, you look great, Daddy," she mewled. She licked his hips, then
slithered her tongue over his ass. "Mmmmm."

Tammy feasted on her father's limp cock. She brought his meaty prick
into her mouth and gently chewed, enjoying his moans of pleasure. She
had to admit, even to herself, that Crissy's boldness and oversexed
personality was making this all possible. She didn't know how it had
happened, she only cared that it did.

Douglas jerked his hips, his cock filling Tammy's mouth. He jerked
back, slammed his ass against Crissy's face. "God, I must be the
luckiest man alive," he moaned.

Crissy plunged her tongue into his ass, working her spit into his
shitter. Already, the passion her father's cock had satisfied her with
earlier began to tickle her again deep in her pussy. She sucked hard,
snaking her tongue deep, her hands clawing his back.

Tammy felt the strength return to her father's cock. It spurred her on.
She chewed hungrily, feeling it begin to throb in her mouth.

"Keep suckin', Tammy," Douglas groaned. His gut churned and his balls
began to swell with a new load of jizz.

Crissy pulled her tongue from her father's asshole. She sucked on his
asscheeks, turning his flesh red and blotchy. Moaning, she writhed on
the bed, her hot little pussy getting all creamy. She rubbed her body
against the back of his legs, mashing her tits against him. "Ooooh,
Daddy. I love sucking your ass."

Douglas groaned, thrashing between his two sex-crazed daughters. "I'm
getting hard, Crissy. Tammy's good."

Tammy swelled with pride. She popped her mouth off his cock and chewed
his prick shaft. Warm spit soaked his cockshaft, dribbled to the sheet.

Crissy didn't care that Tammy could suck cock. She knew she was
terrific and she had been to her father's prick first, had her cherry
busted first, and now she was sucking on his ass. Another first. It was
all that mattered.

Tammy fondled his balls and, slipping her hand between his legs, she
played with Crissy's tits. Her virgin pussy was soaked, pulsing, greedy
for her father's cock. She lathered his prick with spit, trembling as
it grew thicker and longer.

Crissy gasped under her sister's manipulating fingers. She spread the
cheeks of her father's ass, buried her face, and plunged her tongue
back into his asshole. She reached around, her fingers finding Tammy's
pussy. She stroked her virgin cunt slit, enjoying the sticky warmth of
her sister's cream as it flowed over her fingers.

Tammy moaned, humping her sister's fingers as she gobbled hungrily on
her father's almost stiff cock.

Douglas was sandwiched between them, Tammy on his prick, Crissy on his
ass. He jerked, slamming his prick into Tammy's mouth.

Tammy gagged, pulled her mouth away. Panting, she stared at his prick.
It was jutting out from his groin stiff as a board. "It's hard."

Crissy came away from her father's ass, rolled him onto his back and
stared at his prick. "Let's share him for awhile," she panted.

Tammy, greedy for it all, gobbled his cock into her mouth. She wasn't
going to give up his cock unless she had to. She plunged her head down,
forcing the entire length into her throat. She sucked, her head bobbing
up and down.

Crissy watched. "I can do that, too," she said smugly.

Douglas could only groan. He slammed up into Tammy's mouth and looked
at Crissy. "For once, Baby ... no fighting."

Crissy giggled. "There's only one of you. What else can we do?" She
joined her sister, chewing on the base of his prick as Tammy gobbled
greedily on his bloated cockhead.

Both girls licked, sucked, and nibbled on their father's cock. Their
lips met and they kissed each other, their tongues swirling around
their father's throbbing hard-on. Up and down his cock, their hot
greedy mouths worked their magic, meeting at his bell-shaped pricktip,
where they kissed again, their spit dribbling down all over his balls.

"Jesus Christ," Douglas groaned. His hairy balls ached. He jerked up,
writhing in the hot sucking mouths of his two sex-crazed daughters.
"You two little bitches are fabulous."

Crissy, having sucked her father off before, relinquished his cock to
Tammy. "You suck him," she purred. "I'll take care of the rest of his
body." She nibbled her hungry mouth all over his groin, worked her way
up to his chest. Her hot mouth slobbered over his heavy chest, chewed
and sucked on his nipples.

With Crissy gone, Tammy feasted on her father's cock. She sucked it
into her mouth, whipped her tongue over his bloated prick-head, then
gobbled it into her throat. Cock hair tickled her nose as his prick
throbbed deep in her gullet. Her pussy, virgin and wet, pulsed as she
realized that soon his cock would be ripping through her cherry and
making her a woman like Crissy. It drove her wild. "Unnnnn," she
moaned, her throat stuffed with his cock.

Crissy was panting, her young body on fire. She writhed, rubbing her
soft flesh against her father's hard frame. "Ooooh, Daddy. Everything
is so wonderful."

"I know, baby," Douglas groaned. He caressed Crissy, his hips jerking,
driving his cock in and out of Tammy's hot sucking mouth.

Crissy fused her mouth to her father's, plunged her tongue and
explored. Her tits mashed against his chest, and she pressed her cunt
against his jerking hips, enjoying the friction against her clit.

Douglas sucked his daughter's invading tongue. He squirmed against her
young soft body. His hips lunged up, his cock slamming into Tammy's
throat as he enjoyed both his children to the fullest.

Crissy pulled her mouth from her father's. "Fuck Tammy now," she
panted. "Let me watch you rip out her cherry." She was trembling,
overheated and eager to watch Tammy get fucked.

Douglas groaned. Two cherries in one night. He jerked as Tammy's mouth
gnawed on his hard throbbing cock. "I'm ready. Jesus, am I ready."

Tammy dragged her teeth up the length of her father's cock. "So am I,
Daddy," she whimpered. She looked at his prick and shivered. It would
soon be buried in her pussy. "Ooooh, shit, I'm creaming already."

"So am I," Crissy purred.

Tammy threw herself on her back, spread her legs and moaned. "Fuck me,
Daddy. Make me a woman, like Crissy." She brought her fingers down to
her virgin cunt and parted the slippery folds of her turned-on pussy.
"Rip me open."

Douglas stared at Tammy's red silky pussy hair. Frothy white cunt-cream
oozed from her virgin pussy. "You're sopping wet, baby."

"Stick it in me, Daddy!" she gasped, trembling with anticipation. "Fuck
me!" Her hips wiggled frantically as she stroked her own cunt.

Crissy stared at her sister, remembering how great she had tasted. She
licked her lips. "Not that way, Tammy. Get on your hands and knees."
She giggled. "Pretend you're a dog."

"Yeah," Tammy moaned. She scrambled onto her hands and knees, wiggling
her ass. "Fuck me, Daddy."

Crissy crawled over in front of her sister, got on her hands and knees,
and shook her ass. "You can lick my cunt hole while Daddy fucks you."

Tammy swooned, her head reeling. She looked back at her father,
wondering if he minded.

"He knows, Tammy," Crissy giggled. "He watched us today when we were
fuckin' around together."

Douglas leered at his two children. It was wild. His gaze fell to
Tammy's virgin cunt and his prick seemed to grow another two inches. He
rubbed her ass, his fingers gliding down between her creamy asscheeks.

"Ooooh, Daddy," Tammy sighed. The inside of her cunt contracted. "Stick
it in me."

Crissy crawled around behind her sister. She gripped her father's huge
cock. "Let me put it in, Daddy."

Douglas groaned, jerking his cock through Crissy's fingers. His fingers
still caressed the tiny wrinkled crack of Tammy's shitter. He looked at
Crissy and saw the lust in her innocent blue eyes, then stared at
Tammy's virgin fuckhole. "Whewww, whatta night this is goin' to be."

Crissy tugged on his cock, pulling him closer to Tammy's jiggling ass.
Douglas stroked his cock across her virgin pussyslit, watching as hot
buttery cunt-cream coated the head of his cock. "God, Tammy's really

"Ooooh, Daddy!" Tammy wailed. "Don't tease me." She was shaking,
anxious for her father to fuck her.

Douglas ignored his daughter's pleas and continued to torture her. He
reached under, grabbed one of Tammy's large tits and squeezed. "You'll
get it, Tammy."

He was seething with desire. "No more fooling around, Tammy," he
grunted, taking his hand off his prick. He stroked his cock through
Tammy's puffy cuntlips while Crissy pulled on Tammy's tits. "You ready,

"Yes, Daddy!" Tammy squealed. "Fuck me!"

Douglas pushed the head of his cock into his daughter's cunt. His
prick-head pressed against her cherry and he paused, savoring the

"Ooooh, Crissy, I feel it!" Tammy began to tremble.

"Hard, Daddy," Crissy urged. "Ram it in her!"

Douglas groaned, the heat of his daughter's cunt sending hot jolts of
passion through his cock shaft. He held her hips, bringing Tammy to a
feverish pitch before ripping his cock through the thin skin of her

"Do it, Daddy!" Tammy screeched. She shoved back, moaning as the
pressure on her cherry increased.

Douglas held his lust in check, the hot fire in Tammy's pussy driving
him wild.

Crissy stared, first at Tammy's flushed face, then at her father. "Fuck
her, Daddy. Make her howl."

Douglas couldn't take the strain any longer. Like an enraged lion, he
slammed forward,his cock cutting through her cherry. He didn't stop
until his groin was flush with her quivering asscheeks.

Tammy's eyes bulged and her face twisted in agony. "Ayyieeee!" she
screeched, thrashing her hips in a desperate effort to free her body of
the terrible pain that her father's cock was causing.

Crissy saw the pain on her sister's face. "Fuck her, Daddy!" she
shrieked. Seeing her sister thrashing in agony turned her on. "Fuck her

Douglas ignored Crissy's shouts. He held his cock deep in Tammy's
pussy, feeling the muscles of her cunt trying to dislodge his prick.
"Easy, Tammy. Easy!"

Tammy jerked, her eyes filling with tears. Her mouth twisted, and she
began to pant like a puppy, hoping the horrible pain would go away. "It
hurts, Daddy!"

Crissy giggled. She grabbed her sister's tits, squeezed them hard,
adding to Tammy's pain. "You'll be begging for his cock in a minute,"
she moaned.

Tammy jerked forward, twisting her shoulders. The pain in her pussy and
the pain in her tits had her head spinning. She screamed and jerked her
hips, but her father's cock stayed buried to the hilt.

Douglas eased back, then pushed slowly forward, allowing his screaming
daughter to adjust to his thick prick. He fucked her slow and felt the
juices in her pussy begin to flow again. A grin of triumph spread over
his face. Tammy was just like Crissy. They were both hot for cock.

Tammy's pain-racked face changed to a mask of lust. "Ooooh, Daddy!" she
wailed, feeling his cock begin to glide painlessly in and out of her
pussy. "I like it. Oooooh, Daddy!"

Crissy creamed as she watched Tammy enjoy their father's prick. "Fuck
him back, Tammy. Ride his cock."

Tammy rocked on her hands and knees. The pleasure in her pussy was
mounting. "Ooooh, it feels so good!" She jerked back, her now-drenched
pussy gobbling hungrily on her father's prick each time he eased it
into her pussy.

Douglas felt the muscles of her cunt clamp around his thrusting
cockshaft. His balls ached, slapping against the backs of her thighs.
He filled her cunt with his cock and moaned. "You're tight, baby. Nice
and tight. Just like Crissy."

"Ooooh, Daddy," she crooned, swaying back and forth. "I never knew it
could feel so good."

Crissy felt a tinge of jealousy, but quickly erased it. She was going
to have to share her father and there was nothing she could do about
it. "Make her cum, Daddy!"

"Not yet!" Tammy cried out. "Let me enjoy my first fuck!" She rotated
her hips and the hungry muscles of her cunt pulsed against the stiff
bloated meat of her father's cock.

Crissy crawled back in front of her sister's face and presented her
with the cheeks of her ass. "You can start licking my asshole anytime
you want, Tammy." She wiggled her ass, her body tingling.

Tammy stared at her sister's ass. When her sister's cunt was stuffed
full of her father's prick, Crissy's fuckhole looked even more
delicious than it had this morning. She flicked out her tongue,
slapping it over the creamy flesh of Crissy's ass. She soaked it with
spit, then began to chew on the sweet meat of her asscheeks.

"Oooooh, Tammy," Crissy moaned, wiggling her hips. "Go in my asshole.
Ream me, Tammy! Tongue my shitter."

Tammy was in bliss. She thrived on her father's groans as she massaged
his slowly pumping cock with her cunt. She used her tongue on Crissy's
ass, enjoying her sister's whimpering sighs of joy. Everything was

Douglas explored Tammy's body with his hands, his gaze flowing over her
asscheeks, up her smooth back, over her head to Crissy's ass. "Jesus,
whatta sight." He jabbed, twisting his hips, his cock gouging at the
spongy walls of his daughter's sopping wet pussy.

"Fuck her, Daddy!" Crissy shouted as she mashed her ass onto Tammy's
face. Her head snapped back. Tammy's tongue had plunged deep in her
asshole. "Oooooh, Tammy!"

Tammy was out of her mind. She was getting fucked by her father, and at
the same time, she was eating her sister's asshole. Things couldn't be

Crissy collapsed on the bed, her ass high in the air, Tammy's exploring
tongue driving her wild. Spittle drooled from her panting mouth and she
clawed the sheets, whimpering and writhing in bliss. "Ooooh, Tammy. I'm
creaming." She struggled, reached under, grabbed her own pussy and
began to fondle it roughly.

Douglas eased his cock from Tammy's tight pussy. He felt the tremendous
pressure of her wet grease-lined cunt hole try to keep him captive.
With only the head of his prick inside Tammy's cunt, he slammed
forward, drilling his prick to the root. He fucked her over and over

"Baby," he groaned, each time he whacked his cock into her cunt.
"Unnnn, Tammy!"

Each slamming thrust of her father's cock made Tammy howl. At the same
time, it drove her face against the cheeks of Crissy's ass and her
tongue into her asshole. Both Crissy's screams and her father's grunts
had her swirling on a cloud of lust.

Douglas held his daughter's hips in his big hands, his fingers sinking
into her pliant assmeat. He moved slowly, with long powerful strokes,
stuffing her cunt with his cock, then pulling out, torturing Tammy
until she was sobbing hysterically for him to quicken his pace.

Tammy's screams were muffled against Crissy's ass. Lights flashed
behind her fluttering eyelids. Her father's cock was the most wonderful
thing in the world and he was driving her insane. His expert jabs were
keeping her head spinning and she was glad that she had never given a
boy her cherry. It would not have been as exciting.

Crissy was writhing maniacally on the bed, her ass plastered against
Tammy's face and her own fingers pulling and clawing at her own clit.
She jerked, gasping for air as she strained her neck to lift her head.
"Deeper, Tammy! Go deeper!"

Tammy gobbled hungrily on Crissy's ass, her tongue plunging deep each
time her father stabbed his cock into her pussy. She shuddered, waiting
for each thrust of her father's cock. The agony between each stab felt
like an eternity and she wanted it faster.

She pulled her face from Crissy's ass. "Faster, Daddy! Please!" She
rocked her hips, lunging back, using her natural instincts to drive her
father crazy.

Douglas, his lust boiling in his balls, picked up the pace, stabbing
his cock faster into Tammy's spongy wet cunt. He was greeted with more
soupy cunt-cream. It bathed his prick, oozed out from between her
cuntlips and ran down his swinging balls.

"Yeses, Daddy!" Tammy screamed, thrilled with the quickening pace.
"Oooooh, harder, Daddy! Harder!"

Douglas obliged his screaming child. He fucked her with hard lightning
jabs. His cock skewered her cunt deeply. Muscles tugged rapidly on his
pounding cockshaft. "Baby," he grunted, his balls rumbling in agony.

With her father fucking her the way she wanted, Tammy went back to
gobbling Crissy's asshole. She reamed her sister's shitter with her
tongue and chewed viciously on her soft tender asscheeks, repaying her
sister for mauling her tits so roughly. Spit slobbered from her mouth
each time she licked and chewed Crissy's asscrack.

Crissy moaned and slammed back, her own fingers urgently pulling and
rubbing her pulsing clit. She jabbed a finger into her pussy, smeared
the creamy juice over her clit and sobbed with passion.

Tammy was being battered by them both. Douglas was pounding her pussy
and Crissy was mashing her face. She rocked on her hands and knees,
drowning in the pleasure of her father's jabbing prick. Her huge tits
swelled, hanging like heavy weights, ready to explode. She bit Crissy's
ass and enjoyed her sister's screams.

Douglas watched the fantastic sight of his two naked daughters. His
balls rumbled, aching to be rid of the thick cum that churned like
lava. He brought his gaze back to Tammy's jiggling ass, spread her
cheeks and gazed hotly at her wrinkled asshole. "Soon, baby," he
groaned, his cock swelling, ready to burst.

Douglas' ears were bombarded by the screams and moans of his two lust-
crazed children. He stared at his cock, enjoying the sight of his prick
shaft skewering her tight pussy. Warm sudsy cream clung to his jabbing
cockshaft. The squishing sounds of her pussy blended with his
daughter's wails of pleasure. He groaned and jabbed faster, his groin
whacking against the cheeks of her ass.

Tammy went insane. Never in her young life had she expected this. She
swooned, her young mind conjuring up an image of what she looked like
with her father fucking her pussy and her mouth plastered to Crissy's
ass. It overwhelmed her.

"Unnnn," she moaned, the garbled sound of her voice lost in Crissy's
asshole. Her body responded to her erotic image. She jerked, twisted,
and bucked under her father's driving cock. Spasms rippled through her
body. Spit gurgled in her throat. She choked, forcing her spit into
Crissy's asshole. Her hips matched her father's pace as she climbed
toward a mind-blowing orgasm.

Douglas slammed his prick into her pussy, his groin slapping noisily
against the cheeks of her jiggling ass. Each thrust sliced his cock
through the buttery ooze of her cream as it flowed from her pulsing
cunt walls. His balls ached, each slap against her body reminding him
that his cum needed to be released. He groaned and bit his bottom lip,
fighting the urge to empty his balls.

"Cum, Tammy," he groaned, wanting his child to cream first. "Cum!"

Tammy pulled her drooling mouth from Crissy's asshole. The room was
spinning, her body felt as if it were on fire. "I'm ready, Daddy. I'm

Crissy wasn't going to miss the best part. She rolled away and watched
as her father fucked Tammy with hard demanding thrusts. Each stab
brought a tremor to her pussy and she writhed and whimpered frantically
on the bed, slobber oozing from her mouth.

"Fuck her, Daddy! Make her cream!" Crissy was insane. "Cream him,
Tammy. Drown his fuckin' cock!" She sat up and stared at them both, her
tits jiggling as she wiggled her ass on the bed.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Tammy went into spasm. "I'm cumming! Oooooh, I'm

Her orgasm gripped her, sent her swirling into a screaming twisting
fit. Hot orgasms ravaged her pussy, making her screech at the top of
her lungs.

Douglas slammed into her climaxing pussy. The hot pulsing muscles on
his jabbing cockshaft made the cum rumble in his balls. He could no
longer hold back the fire in his prick. His jabbing hips became a blur.

"I'm cumming," he roared. Hard demonic fuck-stabs forced the cum from
his balls. Thick globs of white jizz sprayed from his cock head,
spurting into the bubbling furnace of Tammy's climaxing cunt.

"I'm cumming," he bellowed. "I'm creaming you, baby!" His cock swelled,
his pricktip spewing out great globs of jism. It gushed into her
exploding cunt. "Aghhhh ... baby!"

Crissy watched. It was like seeing herself. She felt each stab of her
father's cock as it cut into Tammy's climaxing cunt. She licked her
lips, feeding on the lust created by her father and sister. "Fuck her,
Daddy! Harder!"

Douglas fucked Tammy with vicious jabs. His cock, still spurting jizz,
reached deep inside Tammy's cunt hole, stretching it, flooding it. He
looked at Crissy, a lewd grin on his lust-contorted face.

Crissy pawed her own clit, sending hot orgasms through her empty pussy.
She rocked on her ass and watched Tammy cream. "Cream Daddy, Tammy.
Milk his fuckin' cock."

Tammy was out of her head. She met each pounding thrust, absorbed it,
shuddering and squealing as their bodies clashed. "I'm still cumming,
Daddy! Oooooh, God!"

Tammy twisted her head around saw her father behind her. It sent her
reeling and another orgasm shot through her cunt like a red-hot bullet.
Her head dropped, snapping from side to side, her red hair lashing
across her twisted face.

Hot cum spurted from Douglas' dilated pisser. Cum flooded her pussy,
greased her cunt hole, his cock fucking faster and faster through the
soupy mixture of both their juices. He mauled her hips, every muscle in
his body straining, bulging as he fucked his squealing daughter

Tammy battled back as Crissy cheered, her voice blending with their
screams and howls. She felt each squirt of her father's cum. Each wad
ignited another orgasm in her pussy. She tossed her head around, stared
at Crissy. "Ooooh, Crissy. I'm in heaven."

She shoved back, almost collapsing. "More, Daddy! More!" She was as
greedy as Crissy had been. She wanted every drop. "Harder! Harder!"

Her green eyes floated in her head. "He's creaming me, Crissy. I'm
drowning!" Tammy was hysterical. Her arms crumbled and her face crashed
onto the mattress, her pussy still impaled on her father's drilling
cock. She raked the sheets, stretching, twisting, wrenching her body
maniacally as her father pounded her.

Douglas was just about drained. His stabbing thrusts slowed, his balls
just about empty. The last few squirts oozed from his piss-hole without
any power. He groaned and stopped, his chest heaving as he caught his

"Enough, baby," he rasped. His prick was still trapped inside Tammy's
pussy. It began to shrink, the muscles of her cunt refusing to let it
go. He groaned again and rode the last of Tammy's orgasms, then fell
back, his prick popping from her body.

"Ahhhhh!" Tammy cried, her body empty. She fell to the bed, whimpering
and writhing in ecstasy. She was exhausted, sated like never before in
her life. "Ooooh, Daddy. It was fantastic!"

Crissy, crazed with passion after seeing Tammy cream, crawled over to
her father. She licked his balls, her tongue swiping off gobs of cum.
She sucked on his limp prick, cleaning it with her sucking lips and
swishing tongue.

Douglas groaned, finally pushing his daughter away. "No more, Crissy.

Crissy giggled and attacked Tammy. She rolled her sister over and
stared at her fucked-out pussy. Cum oozed freely from her cunt hole.
"Oooooh, are you gonna taste good now."

"No, Crissy," Tammy protested. "I couldn't take it!"

Crissy didn't care. She forced her sister's legs apart and plastered
her mouth to the girl's pussy. She sucked, getting great thick globs of
cum into her mouth. She swallowed the cum greedily, then reamed Tammy's
pussy, searching for more delicious cum. If Tammy tasted good this
morning, she was fabulous tonight with cum oozing from her cunt hole.

Tammy screamed as another orgasm almost made her faint.

Crissy feasted for what seemed like an hour, but was only minutes. With
her face covered with cum, she sat up, looked at them both. "We're
gonna have more fun together than anybody else in the world."

Douglas hauled his two daughters into his arms. "You two kids are

"We know, Daddy," Crissy said, giggling.

Douglas cradled their heads. In minutes they were all asleep.

                             Chapter 6

Douglas opened his eyes, and he felt his two naked daughters' warm
bodies next to his. He heaved a sigh. It had been quite a day. Except
for eating, they had spent the whole day in bed. He rolled over and
looked at the clock. "Your Uncle Harry will be here soon," he said.

Crissy lifted her head and smiled. She rubbed her hand down over her
father's hard frame and found his cock. "He'd shit a brick if he found
us all in bed like this." She stroked her father's prick.

Douglas moaned. His kids were sex-crazy and he wondered how long he
would be able to handle all of their passion.

Tammy, awakened by their talk, cuddled closer to her father, her mouth
already licking at his chest while her hand joined Crissy's at his
cock. "Maybe he'll go away if nobody answers the door."

Douglas lay on his back, savoring the light caresses of his daughters'
hands and their warm urgent mouths. "Maybe it would be a good idea if
we did invite him to join us," he suggested. "You two little nymphos
are going to kill me."

Crissy giggled, slipped down under the covers and gobbled her father's
limp prick into her mouth. She sucked, lathered his cock with her spit.

"Baby," Douglas groaned. "God, don't you get enough?"

"Never," Crissy giggled, coming up from under the sheets. "Maybe I
should go down and entertain Uncle Harry."

Douglas grinned while he fondled Tammy's large creamy tits. "Harry
always has had a thing for you, Crissy. I think he'd love sticking his
cock in you."

"Ohhh, shit," Crissy sighed. She scrambled out of bed, her small tits
jiggling. "You two play. When I'm done getting Uncle Harry to fuck me,
I'll bring him up here for a party."

Tammy kicked the sheets off, exposing her naked body. She scrambled
into her father's arms. "Now, I've got you all to myself."

Douglas held her, the ache in groin returning. "Put on something real
sexy, Crissy. Blow his mind."

Crissy tingled. Her whole life had changed since yesterday morning. She
grabbed a pair of tight shorts and slipped them on. The cheeks of her
ass peeked out and the crotch dug erotically into the gash of her
pussy. "God. I'm creaming already."

Douglas, his hand cupping Tammy's wet pussy, watched as Crissy slipped
on a skimpy halter. "Your uncle will have an instant hard-on when he
sees you."

Crissy looked at herself in the mirror and liked what she saw. Quickly,
she combed her hair, sweeping it into a long ponytail. "I hope Uncle
Harry likes 'em young, hot and willing."

"You described my brother perfectly," Douglas said, his cock throbbing
under Tammy's manipulating hands. "Tease him good and proper, baby."

"I will, Daddy." She glanced back over her shoulder and saw Tammy
feasting on her father's cock, her pussy directly over her father's
face. "Chew her up, Daddy."

Douglas groaned, pulled Tammy's pussy to his mouth and sucked.

Crissy left the bedroom. Her sister and father were too busy eating
each other to talk. She hurried downstairs to wait for her uncle, her
young body sizzling, eager to sample another cock.

Crissy was sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang. She almost
jumped out of her skin. "Oooooh, shit," she sighed, bouncing up from
the couch and hurrying to the door.

"Hi, honey," Harry said when Crissy opened the door. His breath caught
in his chest as he leered hotly at his young sexy niece. "Your father's
expecting me."

"Come on in, Uncle Harry," Crissy purred, tingling under his hot
glances. She went into his arms, rubbing her body against his, her lips
grazing wetly over his open mouth. "You haven't been around in weeks."

Harry's groin turned to cement and he held her for a moment, aware of
her soft young body pressed against his. He forced her out of his arms,
his face flushed, his cock growing rapidly in his pants.

Crissy took his hand, and she pulled him toward the couch. "You get
comfortable. I'll make you a drink."

Harry plopped on the couch and leered at his niece's ass as she
strolled over to the bar. "Whewww. I wonder how Doug manages to keep
his hands off her," he mumbled under his breath.

"Did you say something?" Crissy cooed.

"Nothin', honey." He stared at her ass as the soft creamy flesh of her
asscheeks peeked out from under the tight-fitting shorts. His cock had
stiffened into a raging hard-on. It happened every time he came over to
visit his brother, but today, his hot sexy little niece seemed to be
even sexier than ever.

Crissy felt his stare on her ass. She bent over, gave him a good view
as she picked up a piece of lint from the rug. She heard his breath
suck in, and it turned her on.

"Here's your drink, Uncle Harry," she said, walking toward him, her
small tits jiggling under the loose skimpy halter.

Harry devoured her with his eyes. "Where's your father?"

"He'll be home in a few hours. He said to wait, and for me to keep you
comfortable." She licked her lips and winked. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all, honey," Harry said, his voice raspy.

"I'm glad," Crissy mewled, cuddling up against him on the couch. "I
know I'm only a teenager, but maybe we can find some things to do while
we wait for Daddy."

Harry's cock ached in his pants. He felt the pressure of her tit
against his arm and the sweet scent of her perfume invaded his head.
The things he wanted to do, he knew for sure Douglas wouldn't like at
all. He took a large gulp of his drink.

"Can I have some?" Crissy asked, rubbing her tit against his arm.

"Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" he said as Crissy took the
glass from his hand.

"I've been drunk before," she purred, gulping down the drink. "Mmmmm,
tastes good."

"You better be careful who you get drunk with," Harry said, watching
her go to the bar to make another drink. "Some boy might take advantage
of you."

"Oooooh, I don't like boys," Crissy said, bringing him a much stronger
drink. She stood in front of him. "I like men."

Harry's eyes focused on her crotch and the seam of her shorts cutting
into her pussy. He took the drink, then swallowed half of it. It was
going to be a long two hours.

Crissy glanced down at his crotch and saw the bulge. It turned her on,
knowing she could make a man hot. "Do you like young girls, Uncle
Harry?" She took his half empty glass and drained it.

Harry stared, his mouth drying up and the bulge in his pants growing
larger. "Every man likes young girls," Harry said, his voice husky, his
gaze riveted to Crissy's plump tits straining against her sexy halter.

"As young as me?" she purred, taking a deep breath, her nipples
swelling, outlined erotically against the pink material of her top.

"You're just a baby," Harry said, a lump growing in his throat.

She spun around, and swinging her ass, went back to the bar and made
another drink. "The boys don't think I'm a baby," she said, handing him
another drink. "They're always trying to get fresh with me."

"Do you let them?" he asked hoarsely, gulping thirstily on the fresh

"Never," she said, enjoying her teasing game. "I don't want some dumb
boy pawing at my tits." Her blue eyes brightened. "They're always
trying to stick their hands down my shorts and touch my pussy, too,"
she added breathlessly.

Harry's mind filled with an image of Crissy naked. "You can't blame
them," he said. "You're a very sexy girl."

She leaned over, planting a wet kiss on her uncle's mouth. "Thank you,
Uncle Harry."

Harry's eyes gazed into the top of her halter and saw the plump creamy
flesh of her tits. It took all of his willpower not to grab her and
haul her into his arms.

Crissy knew where he was looking and she stayed bent over, giving him a
real good look.

"Maybe I should go," Harry said, finding it difficult to keep his hands
off his young niece. "I'll come back when Doug's here."

"No," she pouted. She moved his arms and plopped on his lap. "Daddy
would never forgive me if I didn't keep you entertained while he was

The entertainment Harry had in mind, he was sure, Doug would never
approve of. He tried getting her off his lap, but she locked her arms
around his neck.

"Am I too young for you, Uncle Harry?" She brought her mouth to his ear
and flicked out her tongue.

"Jesus, Crissy," Harry moaned. She was squirming on his cock and the
pain filled his groin.

"Drinking all that whiskey made me high."

"Come on, honey," Harry rasped, the temptation to rape his hot sexy
niece growing stronger.

She rubbed against him and wiggled her ass. "I think your cock is
sticking me in the ass," she giggled. "I think you have a hard-on."

She grabbed his drink, stood up, and gulped it down. "Did I get you all
hot and bothered, Uncle Harry?"

Harry leered hungrily at his niece. His cock was throbbing and the
taste of her warm wet lips lingered in his mind.

"You didn't answer me," she teased. "Am I too young for you?"

"You're a baby," he said, his voice low, laced with desire for his sexy
blonde niece.

"Oooooh, Uncle Harry." She smoothed her hands over her tits, her hips
rocking gently from side to side. "I'll bet we could have a lot of fun
together before Daddy gets home."

"You better stop fucking around, honey," he warned. "I'm not some punk
kid you can tease."

"I don't wanna tease you," she said. "I want to make love to you, like
a woman."

He stared, watched her fondle her tits through her halter. "You're a
virgin, Crissy. Jesus Christ! I'm your uncle."

"I'm not a virgin," she said, licking her lips. In the next instant,
she whisked off her halter, bared her tits proudly, and enjoyed the
shocked expression of lust on her uncle's face.

"God, Crissy. I can't take much more of this." He ogled her tits. They
were beautiful, creamy, capped with pink rosy nipples.

"You like looking at them?" she asked breathlessly. She hefted them in
her hands. "Not as big as Tammy's, but nice enough, huh?"

The palms of Harry's hands were sweaty. He reached for his niece, his
lust raging like a fire in his balls. He spanned her creamy tits as she
stepped eagerly toward him. "Unnnn, Crissy!"

"Aaaaah!" she gasped, her knees buckling as she allowed her uncle to
fondle her tits. "Ooooh, Uncle Harry. You're making me cream."

Harry didn't believe what was happening. He was playing with his
brother's young teenaged daughter and he couldn't stop himself.
"Crissy," he groaned, his fingers sinking into the pliant meat of her
sweet succulent tits. "We gotta stop."

"Noooo, Uncle Harry. I don't wanna stop. It feels too good." She
stepped back out of his grasping hands. "You want me to take off my

Harry could do nothing but nod his head in agreement.

"Then you can prove it to yourself that I lost my cherry." She peeled
off her shorts, kicked them across the room, then displayed her young
naked body blatantly for her uncle's delight.

"Jesus, honey. You're gorgeous."

She stood close, legs spread, her breathing shallow. Her blue eyes
glowed with the passion that raged in her hot moist pussy. "Touch my
pussy, Uncle Harry. Stick in your finger."

"Unnn, Crissy." He brought his hands to his niece's lithe naked body.
He caressed her hips, her slim narrow waist, and her silky thighs. His
cock felt as if it were going to bust. "Crissy. We gotta stop."

"No, Uncle Harry," she cooed, knowing he was only talking. "Stick your
finger in my pussy." She wiggled her hips. "I'm all gooey inside."

Harry cupped the cheeks of her ass with one hand and slipped his other
hand between her legs. The sweet scent of her overheated pussy met his
nostrils as he stroked his finger through her wet sticky cunt gash.

"Inside!" she gasped. "Finger-fuck my pussy." She jerked, pulling his
head to her stomach. "Finger my pussy."

Harry jabbed a finger deep into Crissy's cunt. Nothing blocked his way.
"Damn," he muttered under his breath as her hot spongy cunt muscles
began to pulse and contract around his buried finger.

"Oooooh! I told you!" she cried. "Finger me. Do it fast and make me
cream. I'm ready to explode." Teasing her uncle, and knowing they would
end up fucking on the living room floor, had her crazy hot.

Harry jabbed his fingers in and out of her fuckhole. Warm squishy cunt-
cream coated his fingers. Her cushiony pussy muscles gripped tightly
around his fingers. He kneaded the cheeks of her ass, his head reeling.
"Goddamn, you're a hot little bitch."

"Yessss," she hissed through clenched teeth. "Hot for cock. Your cock,
Uncle Harry!" She jerked her hips, rotating them, and ground her cunt
down on her uncle's jabbing fingers.

"My asshole, too," she moaned, then realized what she had said.
"Finger-fuck my asshole, too."

Harry didn't believe it. His baby niece was creaming his fingers,
begging to have her asshole fingered. It blew his mind.

"Please, Uncle Harry. Finger my asshole while I cum."

Harry obliged his horny niece. He jabbed one finger into her asshole,
twisting it. At the same time, he jabbed another finger into her pussy.

"Ahhhh!" she wailed, jerking and thrashing on her uncle's stabbing
fingers. "Ooooh, I love it!"

An explosive climax ripped through her pussy. Her head jerked back,
snapping from side to side, her ponytail swishing across her crimson
face. Her knees buckled and she almost collapsed.

"I'm cumming, Uncle Harry. I'm creaming your fuckin' fingers." She
humped forward, driving his fingers into her pussy. Her ass rotated
frantically, her uncle's finger in her asshole, sending her squealing
into another mind-bending orgasm.

"Ooooh, I'm cumming. Oooooh, shit! I can't stand up." She fell against
her uncle, clawing her nails through his hair.

Harry kept her from falling. He fucked her pussy with his fingers, fed
her tight narrow shitter with another finger. The child's screams had
him crazy and he thought for sure he was going to cream his pants like
some damn kid. "Crissy," he groaned as hot frothy pussy-cum oozed from
her cunt and dribbled down his hand and wrist. "Sweet little Crissy."

Crissy grabbed him as her legs turned to rubber. She swayed, a high-
pitched scream rushing from her mouth. "I'm falling. Ooooh, Christ!"

With Crissy thrashing and twisting in his arms, Harry did his best to
keep her on her feet, but she was wiggling and twisting too much even
for him. "Jesus Fucking Christ!"

A shuddering spasm ripped through her cunt. Her back stiffened, then
her entire body went into spastic twitches and she seemed to melt to
the floor, Harry's fingers popping from her hot sizzling body.

Harry stared down at his young niece writhing on her back. He wanted to
tear off his clothes and rape her, but he controlled himself. She was
his brother's daughter and only a baby. His cock thought differently.
It throbbed for the heat of Crissy's pussy, making him groan in agony.

Crissy writhed lewdly on the rug, her glassy blue eyes staring up at
her uncle. She knew he was fighting the urge to fuck her. She also knew
he wouldn't be able to control his desire much longer. Knowing this
made her cream again, and she let out a low moaning rasp as another
orgasm caromed through her cunt.

"You're something, honey," Harry mouthed. Unconsciously, he rubbed his
cock through his pants.

"Let me do that, Uncle Harry," she whispered. "I love playing with
cocks." She pulled herself up, crawling over between his legs. "I love
sucking cocks, too."

Harry groaned and allowed his niece to attack his zipper. "Do whatever
you want, honey." He decided that if he were going to lose his battle
with his conscience, he might as well enjoy it.

Crissy pulled down his zipper and she fished inside his pants. Her hot
anxious fingers gripped the thick stem of his throbbing cock. She
pulled it out and stared wide-eyed at his long fat throbbing cock.
"Oooooh, Uncle Harry. It's gorgeous."

"Maybe too big for you," he said, figuring it was some kid who popped
her cherry.

"Oh, no," she sighed. "It's perfect." She held his cock in her hands
and looked up at his lust-crazed face. "It was a man who broke my
cherry, Uncle Harry." She licked her lips, smiled. "His cock was just
as big as yours."

"Christ!" Harry gasped, wondering what man had been lucky enough to get
between Crissy's beautiful legs and make her a woman. He stroked her
flushed face with his fingers. "Let me see how good you are with your
mouth, honey."

"I'm real good," she boasted. "I can take it all." She opened her
mouth, then closed it over the bloated head of her uncle's cock.

"Ahhhhh, Crissy," Harry groaned. The heat of her wet mouth shot down
through his prick shaft and churned the cum rumbling in his balls.
"Suck it, honey. Suck it all!" He no longer cared that she was his
brother's child. All that mattered was that the hot little bitch suck
him off.

With the head of his cock against the roof of her mouth, Crissy stroked
his fat veiny prick shaft with her hands. She sucked, getting a tasty
drop of cum in her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his pisser and warm
drooling spit oozed from her mouth, drenching his cock shaft and her
stroking fingers.

Harry jerked his ass up from the couch, driving the head of his cock
into her throat. He groaned, his chest heaving as Crissy's teeth
clamped into his thick prick shaft. He dropped back, grunting as she
released her viselike grip. "Christ, Crissy, don't bite it off."

"Oooh, I won't bite it off," she giggled, popping her mouth off his
prick. "If I did that, you wouldn't be able to fuck me."

Harry moaned as he imagined himself between his niece's legs, ramming
home his cock. "Give it a good suck and I'll give you good fuck."


He reached down, placed the palms of his hands on her innocent face and
brought her mouth to his prick. "Stop talking and suck."

Crissy closed her lips around his prick. She sucked hard, drawing in
her cheeks. She used her tongue, whipping it across the underside of
his prick as she eased his meaty cock into her throat.

"Unnnn, Crissy!" He squirmed on the couch, his prick swelling inside
his niece's mouth. "Suck it, honey. Chew your uncle up real good."

Crissy gurgled, stifling a gag as the head of her uncle's prick
stretched her throat. She used her teeth, scraping them along his
sensitive prick shaft as she gobbled every hard inch of his cock into
her gullet.

Her mouth and throat stuffed with cockmeat, she slammed her face
forward, mashing her lips against his zipper. His hard thick cock
throbbed and she felt as if it had stabbed into her belly. Eyes bulging
and breathing hard through her nose, she kept his prick buried in her
throat, wallowing in the strength of his throbbing prick and the joy
she experienced in giving her uncle pleasure.

Harry looked down and groaned deep in his throat. She had gobbled his
entire cock into her mouth. It was unbelievable. He couldn't wait until
he fucked her pussy. He had found in his young niece a hot lustful
woman, and he intended to make the most of it before Douglas found out
and busted his head open.

Crissy gulped and eased back, her teeth dragging along the length of
his cock shaft. She gasped, spittle drooling from her clinging lips.
She stopped, only the head of his prick in her mouth.

She pulled off for a second. "Fuck my face!" she gasped, then plunged
her mouth back down over his cockhead.

Harry lunged up, driving his prick into her face. His cock fucked her
gullet, his groin whacking against her lips. He lunged up again,
slamming his prick over and over again into his niece's gobbling wet

Crissy savored each thrust of his cock, shuddering each time his prick
stretched and filled her throat. She used her tongue like a wet whip,
lashing it over his cock shaft as he plowed her face with hard
lightning fuck-stabs.

"Crissy," Harry growled, drilling her sucking mouth with his cock.
"Jesus ... Christ!" He jerked his ass off the couch and twisted his
hips. His cock skewered her throat. "Aghhh!"

Crissy sucked. Her uncle's prick was delicious. Her young mind swirled
with lust. She felt each fuck-stab, loving it when his zipper scraped
against her wet clinging lips. Gurgling, she felt his cock grow thicker
in her mouth and she knew it wouldn't be long before hot cum flooded
her throat.

"Unnn, Crissy," Harry groaned deep in his throat. He battled her
sucking mouth, not wanting to cream his niece's face. He didn't want it
to end in her mouth. Her pussy was where his cock belonged. He jerked
on the couch, holding the rumbling cum in his balls in check.

Crissy was out of her mind--first her father, now her uncle. She sucked
wildly, taking his long thick cock into her throat. Her head started to
bob up and down, matching her uncle's pace. She pulled at his pants,
clawing his hard groin with her nails.

Harry's balls began to rumble. His face twisted in agony. "Crissy," he
rasped. His back stiffened and his muscles tensed as he found it almost
impossible to stop his balls from erupting.

Crissy, sensing his reluctance to cream her face, pulled her mouth off
his cock. "Cum in my mouth, Uncle Harry. I'll suck you hard again so
you can fuck me." She licked her lips. "I love cum."

Harry nodded, knowing his little niece could do what she said. "Then
eat it, honey, and I'll give you every fuckin' drop I have."

"Ooooh, sounds good." Like a vulture, she brought her lips back to his
prick and gobbled it into her mouth. She took his prick to his balls,
his cock hair now tickling her nose. She felt his prick swell in her
throat and knew it wouldn't be long now. Swooning, she jerked her head
up and down, her sucking mouth churning the cum in her uncle's balls.

"Un ... un ... un!" Harry grunted, his ass humping up and down. He
fucked her face, his balls ready to burst.

With her mouth covering his prick, Crissy used her tongue and licked
his jabbing cock shaft. She sucked hard, her cheeks drawing in as she
urged the cum in his balls to erupt. Her teeth gnawed, her jaw working
rhythmically from side to side. She felt her uncle tense and she went

"I'm cumming," Harry roared, his voice filling the living room. He
slammed up into her mouth. "Aghhhh! I'm cumming!" His balls burst,
shooting a blast of thick white cum into his niece's tight wet throat.
It squirted deep. "Aghhh, Crissy!"

Crissy gulped the first thick wad. Her eyes bulged and she used her
mouth, meeting his upward thrusts, slamming her mouth down over the
length of his cock. She gulped, taking the steady squirting stream of
thick cum into her mouth and throat. It flooded her cheeks and she
gagged, but never stopped. She was hungry, needing it all to satisfy
her passion until he fucked her.

Harry fucked her throat, his hips jerking, his balls churning out cum
as fast as Crissy sucked it into her mouth. "Crissy!" he howled,
lunging up, his cock fucking deep into her throat. "Aghhh!" His balls
ached, the suction from his niece's mouth draining them.

Cum gushed from Crissy's clinging lips and her nose. It poured down her
throat and made her gag. Her nails raked the thick wrinkled skin of his
balls, making him roar like a lion.

She sucked maniacally, wanting every drop of her uncle's cum. Her head
bobbed up and down at a faster pace. She used her teeth, her tongue and
her lips. One deep suck filled her cheeks with a thick load.

Harry's slamming thrusts slowed as his balls emptied. He grunted, his
ass jerking, his prick still spurting, but with less force.

Crissy wouldn't stop. She grabbed the base of his prick shaft. It was
sticky with cum and spit. She jerked her fist up and down, her mouth
meeting her lips. Moaning, she sucked and jerked his cock until he
howled for her to stop.

Harry plunged up one last time, smashing his prick into her mouth. "No
more, Crissy." He dropped back to the couch, groaning, his prick still
trapped in his niece's mouth.

Crissy sucked the last few drops from his spent prick and she pulled
her mouth off. Cum dribbled from her lips and down her chin. A thin
stringy gob dropped to her nipple. "How did you like that, Uncle
Harry?" she panted as she licked her lips clean.

Harry rubbed his cock. "You're better than any woman I've ever had."

"I'm even better with a cock up my pussy."

"I'm counting on it, honey," he said. "I'm counting on it."

                              Chapter 7

Seething with lust, Crissy pulled her uncle down to the floor. Her
breathing was noisy and rapid, like a bitch in heat. She pulled at his
clothes, stripping him completely. Her hot glassy blue eyes devoured
her uncle's naked body. "I'm gonna get you hard again," she panted.

Harry ogled his lust-crazed naked niece. Her face was {rushed, eyes
bright, spit dribbling from the corners of her panting mouth. He rubbed
his limp sticky prick. "I'm sure you can."

Crissy straddled his thick hairy leg. She pressed her cunt down on his
thigh, soaking his skin with warm pussy-cream. "Oooooh, Uncle Harry.
I'm burning up inside."

Harry moaned. The heat of her cunt-cream seared through his thigh and
attacked his balls. The little sex maniac would have him hard in record
time. He was positive.

Gasping, Crissy glided her wet seeping cunt over her uncle's thigh and
down across his knee. She paused, ground her hips, and mangled her clit
against his knee. Her head snapped back as she screamed. "Ahhhhh!"

Harry jerked his knee and watched her face contort in bliss. He rubbed
his prick. It was beginning to grow. Just looking at the wild teenager
was enough to give any man a hard-on, no matter how many times he had
been fucked.

"It's getting hard," she moaned, delighted with the sexual power she
possessed. "God, it'll be stiff as hell any minute."

"I know," Harry grunted, jabbing his knee into her sopping-wet pussy.

"Oooooh, Uncle Harry!" she wailed, twisting her hips and mangling her
cunt against his knee. "Holy Christ!"

Crissy greased his shin and banged the cheeks of her ass against his
foot. With a glazed drunken expression on her flushed excited face, she
lifted her cunt. "Watch!" she gasped.

Harry groaned, his eyes fixed on his horny niece.

"Mmmmm," she hummed, trembling as she thought about what she was going
to do. In the next instant, she slammed her pussy down, driving her
uncle's foot into her cunt. "Aghhhh!"

"Jesus Christ, Crissy!" Harry growled.

Gasping, Crissy rotated her hips. Hot buttery pussy-cream coated his
toes and drooled down his foot. "It feels fantastic. Wiggle your toes."

Harry grunted and did what she wanted. "You hot little bitch."

"Oooooh, I'm creaming!" Her head snapped back, her blue eyes floating.
"I feel your fuckin' toes!"

Jerking and twisting, Crissy fucked herself on her uncle's foot. Tits
bouncing, her nipples ready to burst, she slammed her pussy up and
down, her uncle's toes jabbing deeper with each downward plunge.

A spasm ripped through her cunt. She shuddered and stiffened, then
toppled off her uncle's foot. "I'm so hot, Uncle Harry," she babbled as
she squirmed on the floor. "So fuckin' hot."

She reached for his cock. It was thick, yet still not rock-hard the way
she wanted it. Moaning like a bitch in heat, she pushed her hands
against her uncle's hips. "Roll over. I wanna eat your ass."

Harry rolled over willingly. It wasn't everyday that hot some nympho
wanted to chew on his ass. The fact that it was his teenaged niece made
it that much more exciting.

Drooling, her blue eyes flickering with the lust raging in her pussy,
Crissy crawled over her uncle. She attacked him like a wild tigress,
nipping her way down his back to the cheeks of his ass.

"Jesus, Crissy," he groaned, his cock mashed into the carpet. He jerked
his hips, twisted and groaned under her attacking mouth.

Crissy reached his ass and chewed. She crawled between his legs, gnawed
on his thighs, and licked the back of his thick-skinned ball-sac. She
coated his balls with warm spit, soaked his thighs, then whimpering,
she chewed hungrily on his asscheeks.

"Honey," he groaned, jerking under Crissy's hard snipping bites. "Easy,
for Christ's sake!"

Crissy was too involved and hot to hear her uncle's groans. She spread
the cheeks of his ass, slapped her tongue up through his crack and
soaked his wrinkled shitter with her spit. "Mmmmm, it looks so

"Honey ... suck it ... out!" He jerked his hips, smashing his ass
against her face.

"Unnnnnn," she moaned as her uncle smashed her face. She reached under,
grabbed his cock with both hands and squeezed.

"Aghhhh," Harry growled, his prick a prisoner of his niece's gripping
fingers. He thrashed on the floor, jabbing his thickening cock through
Crissy's hands. He slammed back, bucking his hips as Crissy's tongue
tormented his asshole.

Crissy chewed greedily on the soft flesh around his asshole, then
plunged her tongue into his shitter. She reamed his asshole, her
fingers mauling his cock. Her own body writhed, her tits scraping
against the carpet. Her clit, swollen with blood, scratched against the
nap of the rug.

She jammed her hips forward, mashing her clit into the rug and moaned,
her cries of lust lost in the flesh of her uncle's ass. She wormed her
tongue deep, slobbering spit into his shitter, and roughly played with
his prick.

Harry's cock stiffened into a rigid beam. He jerked back, whacking his
ass against his niece's face. "Honey," he groaned. "I'm ready! Christ!"

Panting and gasping for air, she pulled her face away from her uncle's
ass. She released his cock and scrambled up onto her haunches, waiting
like an insane animal for her uncle to roll over onto his back.

"Get on your back, Crissy," Harry said. "I'm goin' to fuck the shit out
of you."

Dazed, her head reeling, she laughed lewdly. "You'd have to fuck my
asshole if you want my shit." She stared at his prick stabbing the air.
"I need it in my pussy."

She scrambled over her uncle's body, straddling his hips. His cock
jutted up hard and inviting. She squiggled her hips, rubbing his hard-
on against her belly. "Oooooh, I think I'm crazy, Uncle Harry."

"I know you are," he rumbled, his voice deep, coated with lust. "Stick
it the fuck in."

Lewd animal sounds escaped her drooling mouth. Crissy leered hotly at
her uncle. She released his prick, jerked her hips, then slammed down,
pressing his cock against his groin. The puffy lips of her overheated
pussy wrapped around his cock shaft and warm sudsy pussy-cream flowed
out, drenching him in its sticky heat.

"Oooooh, it's throbbing. I feel it." She glided her cunt back and forth
over his prick, soaking it in pussy-cream. She lowered her head,
watched her tits jiggle and saw Harry's cockhead peek out as she jerked
her hips back.

"Unnnnn." She moved forward and felt his cock slide through her cunt
gash. "Oooooh, I'm ready for it!" she squealed. "Ready to be fucked!"

So was Harry. His niece had turned his balls into hot coals. His prick,
engorged with blood, ached to be buried up inside her teenaged pussy.
"Me, too, Crissy. Climb on and fuck yourself to death."

Trembling, her tits shaking, her mouth open, her eyes wide and glassy,
Crissy lifted her pussy from her uncle's cock. His prick twitched and
stabbed the air. "Oooooh, here I come!"

Harry stiffened, his body rigid as he waited for his niece to plunge
herself down onto his cock.

Crissy slammed down, impaling herself on his prick. "Ahhhhh!" Her head
snapped back and her face turned beet-red. "It's in me! Oooooh, Christ
in heaven! It's in me!"

Harry groaned. Her hot pussy muscles surrounded his prick, clutching
and pulsing against his cock shaft. Warm cream oozed out, flowing over
his cum-stuffed balls. "Crissy!" He jerked up, then dropped back, his
cock buried to the hilt.

Crissy twisted and screamed as she fucked herself blind on her uncle's
prick. Swaying, she leaned back, balancing herself on stiff arms as she
rotated her hips. "It's gonna rip through my belly!" she cried out.
"Oooooh, God. I'm going crazy!"

With Crissy wriggling her hips, Harry felt as if his cock were going to
break inside her pussy. He lunged up, jabbing his cock hard into her
cunt. Her screams drove him on and he lunged up again, drilling his
bent prick into the cushiony walls of her oozing cunt. She was

"Crissy," he groaned, slicing up into her pussy. "Gimme your tits." He
jabbed up again, stabbing her fuck hole.

Crissy struggled, brought herself up and ground her cunt down on his
cock. She jutted out her tits and leered at her uncle. "Pull 'em.
Squeeze 'em. Make 'em hurt." She lifted up, then slammed down, a lewd
expression on her face as she made her uncle grunt.

If she wanted it rough, Harry wanted to please her. He grabbed her tits
in his big hands and twisted the soft flesh until Crissy screamed in
pain. "Enough?" he rasped.

"Noooo!" she screeched. "More!" She slammed down on his prick again,
jerking her hips and tugging on his cock shaft with the greedy muscles
of her cunt.

Harry mauled her tits and humped up with his hips, his cock piercing
her spongy wet pussy. He yanked on her tits and felt her nipples burn
into his palms. His cock was throbbing, the steamy juice of her cunt
greasing his prick shaft, oozing out and coating his balls.

Crissy went wild on her uncle's cock. She leaned forward, mangling her
clit against his hard groin. "Oooooh, shit!" she squealed.

"You're rippin' my fuckin' tits off!" She slammed down, making her
uncle groan.

Harry released her tits, and he kneaded her quivering body until his
big hands spanned her wiggling hips. He jerked her back and forth, his
cock gliding in and out of her wet pulsing cunt. "Cream, honey. Cream
my fuckin' prick."

"Yessss, Uncle Harry!" she wailed, swinging her tits back and forth.
She dangled her small fleshy tits over his mouth and twisted her hips.
"Bite! Bite off my fuckin' nipples."

Harry lifted his head, latched his teeth sadistically onto one swollen
nipple and chewed. Crissy screamed. He lifted his ass from the rug,
fucking his cock into her cunt. Crissy howled.

"Yeahhhhh!" she cried out, the pain from Harry's chewing teeth fanning
the flames of passion raging in her cock-stuffed pussy. "I love it.
Oooooh, holy Jesus! I love it!"

Harry turned Crissy's creamy tits to a glistening red. Teeth marks
blotched her flesh. He sucked one nipple, chewing the tip, his hands
mauling her jiggling hips. His cock felt as if it were going to burst.
"Crissy," he groaned. "Cream!"

Crissy was bouncing crazily on her uncle's cock. Each fuck-stab felt as
if he were ripping into her belly. She jerked her shoulders and
screamed as Harry's teeth sunk into her sensitive nipple.

Harry grabbed his niece, held her lithe trembling body and rolled her
over onto her back. Grinning, he stared down at her face. "Now, you're
gonna cum, you crazy little bitch."

"Fuck me," she whimpered. "Fuck me." She lunged up and ground her clit
against his groin. "Make me cum all over your cock."

Harry eased his cock from her pussy, then jabbed forward, the head of
his prick spearing the hot scalding depths of her pussy. He did it
again, watching his niece writhe in ecstasy beneath him. "How's that,
Crissy?" he rasped, his voice ragged.

"Unnnn, more!" She clawed his shoulders and chest, her hips grinding
her clit against his groin. "Fuck me!"

Harry slammed her back onto the carpet. Crissy's screams followed each
vicious jab. Lust ate away at his brain and he fucked her young body
blindly, carrying them both to the peak.

"Harder! Harder!" she shrieked, battling her uncle, meeting his thrusts
with upward humps. "Oooooh, Uncle Harry!"

Crissy twisted and squirmed, her ass scraping against the nap of the
rug. She caught his rhythm, fucking herself insanely on his skewering
prick. Her small tits, still red and sore, jiggled with each gasping
breath she took. "I'm almost there!"

Harry obliged his niece's shrieking cries. He fucked into her pussy,
his cock a battering ram, slamming her twisting hot sizzling body back
onto the rug. "Crissy," he grunted. "Sweet ... Crissy!"

His cock swelled, ready to burst. It throbbed, the blood surging
through his prick shaft at the boiling point. His balls rumbled, ached
with the heavy load of cum that churned inside. "Cum!"

Twisting and squirming her hips, she clawed her uncle's arms. For a
second, she seemed to freeze, then went into her orgasm. "I'm cumming!
I'm creamin' ... Uncle Harry!"

Her climax ripped through her cunt as she slammed up against her
uncle's pounding groin. Cum gushed from the pulsing walls of her
exploding pussy, bathing Harry's hard throbbing cock. "I'm cumming!
Oooooh, keep fuckin' me!"

Harry rode the fury of his teenaged niece's orgasm. He fucked her, his
cock keeping her in a wild state of screaming bliss. The hot cum of her
pussy and the pulsing muscles that attacked his stabbing cock shaft
brought him to the edge. His balls erupted.

"I'm cumming," he roared, his deep ragged voice filling the room. "I'm
cumming!" Hot white cum spewed from his pisser, splattering the steamy
depths of Crissy's climaxing cunt. He jabbed, grinding her into the
carpet as another hot spraying stream of cum shot from his cock and
flooded his niece's fuck hole.

They slammed against each other, their pounding bodies slapping noisily
together each time Crissy lunged up and Harry slammed her back. Harry's
deep grunts blended with Crissy's wailing screams. His cum squirted
into her cunt, mixing with the gushing cum from her pulsing pussy

"Oooooh, I'm still cumming!" Crissy cried. The hot sticky mixture of
their cum gushed from her pussy. "Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Harry drove her twisting body back onto the floor. His cock sliced
through the oozing goo, fucking deep, his balls still churning out more
of his white thick jizz.

"Ooooh, I feel your cum!" she screamed. "I'm so full!" She went insane.
Her young lithe body wrenched and twisted beneath her uncle's powerful
frame. She clung to him with her arms, wrapped her legs around his
jabbing hips, and pounded his back with her heels.

"Keep making me cream!" She jerked up, slamming her young body against
his hard frame. Her hips bucked and rolled while her cunt exploded
again. "I'm still cumming!"

Harry's balls rumbled, his grunts turning to gasps as the child beneath
him tried to drain his body. His hips lunged forward and his arms gave
out. He crushed her beneath him, his cock fucking violently in and out
of her cunt. "Crissy! Crissy!"

Crissy threw herself against his pounding body. Another jolt of passion
caromed through her pussy. She stiffened and trembled, her entire body
feeling as if it were going to break. Her mouth opened, but nothing
came out except garbled gasps of joy. "Aghhh!"

Harry groaned, his prick and balls empty. His hot sexy niece had
drained him completely. He rolled off, his chest heaving as he sucked
air into his lungs.

"Ooooh, Uncle Harry," she purred. She squeezed her thighs together and
felt the cum squish inside her pussy.

"We better get dressed," Harry said. He sat up, reaching for his
clothes. "Your father will be home soon."

Crissy giggled. "We have plenty of time." She scrambled to her feet,
spread her legs and offered her uncle her hand. "Come on up to my
bedroom. I got a surprise for you."

"Better make it quick," Harry said, getting to his feet. "Your father
will bust my head open if he catches us."

Crissy took his hand, and she led him to the stairs. "I think you're
going to like my surprise."

Harry nodded, his gaze glued to her small wiggling ass as they climbed
the stairs. "Just make it quick, honey."

Crissy threw open the door to the bedroom, then led her uncle inside.
"Say hello to Daddy, Uncle Harry." She giggled and stepped aside.

"Holy Christ!" Harry groaned. He stood dead in his tracks, staring at
his brother, who lay on the bed between Tammy's parted thighs.

Tammy waved, her face flushed and her tits jiggling. "Hi, Uncle Harry,"
she cooed, her hips squirming as her father licked his tongue up
through her pussy.

Douglas pulled his head out from between Tammy's long parted legs. He
leered at his brother, a wide lewd grin on his juice-stained face.
"Glad you could join us, Harry. These two hot little nymphos are too
much for just one man."

Harry groaned, his head reeling as he plopped into a chair. "I always
wondered if you were making it with your kids."

"We just started last night," Crissy giggled, dropping into her uncle's
lap. She rubbed her bare ass against his limp prick. "Let's watch. When
Daddy's done, you can fuck Tammy."

"Mmmmm, I'd love that," Tammy purred, her tongue flicking out over her

Douglas stroked his fingers through Tammy's wet pussy. Hot cream coated
his fingers. "How did you like making it with Crissy?" Douglas asked.

Harry fondled Crissy's small plump tits. "She's fantastic." He dropped
his hand between her thighs. "I sure would have liked bustin' her

Douglas grinned. "No more cherries in this house. I took care of them
last night."

"Ooooh, Daddy," Tammy moaned. "Lick me off while I look at Uncle
Harry." She squirmed on the bed. "You wanna watch me cum, Uncle Harry?"

"I sure do, Tammy," he said, ogling the teenager's large tits. "Then
I'll fuck you."

"Ooooh, Uncle Harry," Tammy crooned. She humped up, her pussy pulsing
against her father's jabbing fingers. "Eat me, Daddy."

"Eat her, Doug," Harry groaned. "Prime her pussy for my cock."

Crissy squirmed on her uncle's lap and rubbed her tits against his
chest, her mouth showering his face with kisses. "Eat her, Daddy, then
I'll suck you off."

Douglas pulled his fingers from his daughter's cunt. "I'll make the
little nympho scream her fuckin' head off." "Yes, Daddy. Make me
crazy!" Tammy writhed on her back, her pussy dripping, overheated and
pulsing for her father's tongue.

Douglas forgot about Harry and Crissy. He turned around and stared at
Tammy's cunt. "Now where was I?"

"You had your mouth on my cunt and your tongue in my fuck hole," Tammy

"Ummmm, I remember now." He dropped his head back between Tammy's
juice-stained thighs. The sweet succulent scent of her pussy attacked
his nostrils. "Nice tender cuntmeat."

"Ooooh, stop teasing me, Daddy," Tammy moaned. "Eat me!" Her green eyes
flashed, leering at her uncle. "I'm so hot for your cock, Uncle Harry."

Douglas plunged his tongue into his daughter's pussy, sucking the puffy
folds into his mouth and chewed. Warm sudsy pussycream flowed over his
face and into his mouth. He chewed harder, making his daughter wail
with pleasure.

"I'm creaming, Daddy!" Tammy wailed, her eyes fixed on her uncle. "I'm
creaming!" She humped, her tits jiggling, her ass squiggling on the
bed. "Ooooh, Daddy! You're chewing me up!"

Douglas' tongue flashed up through Tammy's wet seeping cunt gash. A
glistening flow of pussy-cream drenched his tongue, his face, and
dribbled down his neck. He swirled the buttery ooze around Tammy's
swollen cuntlips, then sucked deep. She was delicious. It wasn't every
man who had two young girls to fuck and suck.

Orgasms skimmed through Tammy's pussy. The inside of her cunt
contracted, gripping an imaginary cock. She rotated her hips and ground
her cunt into her father's mouth. "Ooooh, Daddy! I'm cumming all over
your face."

Douglas whipped his tongue over her clit, then sucked it into his
mouth. As he chewed, Tammy's squeals of pleasure grew louder. Holding
her clit with his teeth, he lashed the tip with his tongue.

Tammy was out of her skull. Having an audience drove her wild. "I'm
creaming!" she screamed. "Watch me!"

Douglas slipped his hands under Tammy's jiggling ass. He mauled her
flesh and chomped on her pussy. Cum flowed over his face, into his
mouth. He chewed harder, his head shaking from side to side, her clit
trapped between his teeth.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Tammy's big creamy tits were flopping. She grabbed
them, squeezed, then screamed as her father's teeth sunk into her
pulsing blood-engorged clit. "Aghhhh! Don't stop now, Daddy!"

Saliva drooled from her panting mouth. Her green eyes stared at Crissy
and her uncle. Her hips twisted, her ass humped, and she clawed the
sheet with her nails. "Oooooh, don't ever stop, Daddy!"

Douglas gnawed roughly on her clit. The taste of his daughter's pussy
was fantastic. He sucked her clit, plunged his tongue into her fuck
hole and felt her muscles try to capture him. He dug his blunt fingers
into the cheeks of her ass, found her crack and shoved one finger in.

"Aghhhhh, Daddy!" Humping wildly, Tammy bucked her hips, mashing her
cunt into her father's mouth as she jerked back and twisted on his ass-
stabbing finger. "I'm cumming, Daddy! Oooooh, I'm so fuckin' hot!"

She arched her back and shuddered. "Ahhh!" Another spasm racked her
young overheated body. She lifted her ass, jerked, then crashed back to
the bed. "Now, Uncle Harry."

Douglas pulled his cum-stained face away from his daughter's pussy.
"She's all yours, Harry. Fuck her to death."

Crissy leaped off her uncle's lap, and Harry hurried to the bed, his
cock stiff, throbbing for the hot red-haired cunt of his niece.

Douglas sat in the chair, allowing Crissy to lick his face clean.

Ten minutes later, Tammy and her uncle screamed as their bodies
exploded in orgasm. Douglas' voice joined in the chorus as Crissy's
gobbling mouth sucked his cum from his balls.

The two men spent the day in bed, sharing and enjoying Crissy and her
sister, Tammy.

Chapter 8

Crissy tingled with excitement as she stood in the shower, the hot
water beating against her tits. She lathered her pussy and ass with
sweet-smelling soap. "Ooooh, shit!" she gasped, the rough washcloth
rubbing against her sensitive clit.

She soaped her tits, sighing as her nipples swelled and ached for her
father's mouth. Leaning back against the tiled shower stall, she rinsed
her tits. Spasms rippled through her hot young body as she rinsed her
cunt and ass.

By the time she had stepped out of the shower and dried herself, she
was sizzling hot, her pussy frothy with juice. She padded into the
bedroom and looked at her naked body in the mirror.

Five days ago she had thought no man would want a child. She had
learned differently. Her father and uncle were crazy about her body and
couldn't get enough of it. "Mmmm," she purred. "Today, I'll have them
all to myself."

"Ooooh, God," she sighed. It was what she had wanted since recruiting
her uncle into the sex games with her father and sister. Tammy, she
knew, would be gone all day and her father and uncle were downstairs
waiting. It blew her mind.

She fluffed her blonde hair, then slipped a pair of black-lace
crotchless panties on. The lace tickled her exposed clit, sending goose
bumps up and down her spine. She slipped on the matching bra, the front
cut out so that her pink nipples could peek out erotically. She had
bought the sexy things yesterday, knowing she would have her father and
uncle to herself today.

To keep her surprise a secret, she pulled a robe on and left the
bedroom, tying the sash tightly around her slim waist as she hurried
down the stairs for an afternoon of fantastic sex.

Douglas was at the bar, sipping beer. Harry was on the couch, a drink
in his hand. Both turned to face Crissy as she strolled into the living

"What took you so long?" Doug asked, leering hotly at his young

"Yeah, honey," Harry said. "You getting yourself off in the shower?"

Crissy giggled, shivering under the ogling gazes of her father and
uncle. "I was washing my pussy and asshole," she said with a wink. She
joined her father at the bar, poured herself a stiff drink, then gulped
down half of it.

"Don't get drunk, baby," Douglas said. "It dulls the senses." He leaned
over and kissed his little daughter on the mouth.

Crissy sucked his tongue, then pulled away. "Just a little buzz," she
giggled. "It makes fuckin' around more fun."

"You hiding anything under that robe?" Harry asked, his hand on his

"A surprise," she cooed, finishing her drink. She rubbed her father's
crotch. "Mmmm, you're hard already."

"I get hard every time you come into the room," Doug said. He finished
his beer and joined Harry on the couch.

"You hard, too, Uncle Harry?" Crissy purred. She stood in the center of
the living room, both men giving her their undivided attention.

"Hard as a rock, honey," he said. "You can check anytime you want."

"I will," she giggled. "Soon." Crissy swooned. Today was going to be
the best day of her life.

She parted her robe, giving the two horny men a peek at what was
underneath. Her heart was pounding and her pussy was on fire.

Doug gulped back the lump in his throat, his eyes fixed on his luscious
daughter as the robe opened completely. "Crissy. God, you're gorgeous."

Crissy licked her lips and slipped the robe off her shoulders. It
melted to the floor and she shuddered as tiny orgasms rippled through
her cunt.

"Damn," Harry groaned. "You're better than any woman, Crissy." His eyes
bugged out as he leered at his young sexy niece.

Crissy paraded around the room, modeling for her father and uncle.
"There's no crotch," she said, parting her legs. "You can fuck me with
my panties on if you want."

"My cock feels like a rock," Harry said, his eyes devouring his niece.

"Mine, too," Doug said, enjoying the sight of his beautiful daughter.

"I'm creaming," Crissy moaned. "God, the way you two are looking at me,
I can't help but cream."

She walked over to them. "Rip off my bra, Daddy." She took a deep
breath and waited.

Douglas grabbed the flimsy material and yanked. It came away in his
hand, baring her plump creamy tits. "Baby," he rasped.

She shook her tits and rubbed them against her father's hand. "Play
with 'em," she moaned, enjoying the attention of both men. "Pinch 'em."

Her father pinched her nipple. He grabbed her creamy flesh, pawing her
as his cock throbbed in his pants.

"You, too, Uncle Harry." She trembled as her uncle mauled her other
tit. It was great not having to share her father and uncle with Tammy.

She wiggled her hips, her blonde hair swishing across her face. "Make
me hot!" she gasped, tingling under the pawing hands of her father and
uncle. "Make me cream."

Harry kneaded one plump tit, his cock aching. "Come on, honey. Let's
get down to some action."

"Yeah, baby," Douglas said. He grabbed her panties in a fit of passion,
tearing them from her hot little body. The sight of her blonde-haired
pussy made his balls rumble.

"Ooooh, Daddy," she giggled, stepping back out of their pawing hands.
"Look what you've done." She turned around, jiggling the cheeks of her

Harry reached out, mauling her ass, his finger teasing at the crack of
her asshole. "I'm gonna fuck your ass today, Crissy."

Crissy gasped and shoved back, allowing her uncle's finger to invade
the tight narrow canal of her shitter. "Oooooh, I know! I know!"

She moved away and faced them. "Take off your clothes," she squealed.

Quickly, both men stripped, their long thick cocks stabbing out from
their hairy groins.

Crissy gasped, feasting her eyes on their cocks. Today, they both
belonged to her and she intended to savor every minute of it. She was
in her glory.

"I'm gonna suck you both off," she said, her blue eyes glowing with
passion. Crissy dropped to her knees, and she crawled to her father and
uncle. She straightened up, grabbed both pricks, one in each hand, and
stroked them. "Ooooh, so much cockmeat for me to eat."

Harry groaned as he felt her hot breath on the head of his bloated
cock. "Suck it, Crissy. Get it nice and hard for your asshole."

"Me, too," Douglas groaned, his hips jerking his prick through his
daughter's fist.

Crissy brought her mouth to her uncle's cock, closed her lips around
his bloated prick head and sucked. A thick drop of precum oozed into
her mouth and she smeared it over her lips and the head of her uncle's
prick. "You're seeping, Uncle Harry," she cooed, after taking her mouth
off his prick.

She brought her mouth back to her uncle's prick, then sucked deep,
enjoying his groans of pleasure. She squeezed her father's prick,
jerking his cockshaft with long sensuous strokes.

Douglas looked down at his daughter as she sucked his brother's prick.
It seemed like only yesterday that she was an innocent baby. Now she
was more of a woman than anyone he had ever known. "My turn," he
rasped. "Don't forget me."

Crissy popped her mouth off her uncle's prick. "I could never forget
you, Daddy." She tugged on both pricks, then squiggled over to her
father's cock and soaked it with her tongue. "Mmmm, delicious."

Douglas jerked, driving his prick into her mouth, his cockhead spearing
her throat.

Crissy sunk her teeth into his cockshaft. She pulled back, dragging her
teeth along his prick. "Get on the floor. It'll be easier for me."

Douglas dropped to the floor on his back, his prick stabbing the air.
"Come and get it, baby."

Crissy crawled over between his legs. She looked back at her uncle.
"Play with my pussy and ass," she purred, "while I suck Daddy."

"Whatever you want, honey. It's your party." Harry got down on the
floor, fondled his niece's ass and slim hips. He smoothed his hands
over her back and watched as she lowered her head to his brother's

Crissy gobbled the head of her father's cock into her mouth. One deep
noisy suck brought his bell-shaped cockhead into her throat. She didn't
stop. Gobbling voraciously, she took his prick to the root, stopping
only when her lips were mashed against the hair of his groin.

"Ahhh, baby," Douglas groaned. He lunged up, stabbing his prick into
her gullet. Each jab mashed his daughter's lips onto his groin.

Crissy scratched her nails like a cat over her father's hairy stomach.
She gulped on his lunging prick, breathing hard through her nose each
time he pierced her throat. She used her teeth and gnawed on his
drilling cockshaft.

Harry dipped his hands between Crissy's thighs, stroking his fingers
along the wet puffy gash of her pussy. Warm sticky cunt-cream flowed
over his hand. "She's soaked, Doug," he groaned. "A fuckin' furnace
ready to be fucked."

Crissy popped her mouth off her father's prick. "Not yet, Uncle Harry.
Finger me first. Make me crazy!" She tilted her head and gobbled on the
length of her father's prick.

Harry jabbed three fingers into his niece's cunt, then twisted his
fingers, the blunt tips gouging at the spongy walls of her fuckhole.

"Ahhhh!" Crissy gasped, her head snapping back. "Keep fingering me! My
asshole, too!"

Harry grinned and shook his head in amazement as he watched her writhe
under his jabbing fingers. "You got a great daughter, Doug." He jabbed
the sopping walls of her cunt, his prick aching to be in her ass.

Crissy was in heaven. "Ooooh, Daddy. Uncle Harry is making me crazy!"
She wiggled her hips and jammed back. "Tell him to finger my ass! Get
it ready for your cock, Uncle Harry!"

Doug reached down, grabbed her thick blonde hair and forced his prick
into her mouth. "Eat it, baby. Make me harder." He lunged up, fucking
her throat. Groaning, he collapsed back on the floor, twitching as her
teeth gnawed away at his throbbing cockshaft.

Crissy sucked, gnawed and whipped her tongue over and around his
cockshaft. She was in bliss as she enjoyed both her father and uncle.

Working her ass in tight jerky circles, she ground back at her uncle's
plunging fingers. She feasted on her father's prick, eager for her
uncle to ream her ass and prime it for his cock.

Harry jabbed a finger into Crissy's tight asshole. He twisted his
finger, gouging at the dry walls of her narrow shitter. He raked both
his niece's fuckholes, watching her hips jerk and twist as his cock
throbbed to take the place of his fingers.

Doug humped up, blindly fucking his prick in and out of his daughter's
throat. "Baby," he groaned. "Chew me! Aghhh!"

Crissy lost her mind. She sucked, sinking her teeth into her father's
cockshaft, shoved back and massaged her uncle's buried fingers with her
pussy and asshole muscles. Gasping moans gurgled deep in her throat.
Spittle dribbled from her mouth, down her father's prickshaft as she
bobbed her head rapidly up and down.

Harry pulled his fingers from her body and watched as she went into
spasms. Grinning lewdly, he took his juice-stained fingers and rammed
them into her ass, stretching her shitter wide, preparing it for his
long thick cock.

With three fingers stuffed in her ass, Crissy snapped her head away
from her father's cock. "Ayieeee!" she squealed. She stared at her
father, her face red with passion, her blue eyes glassy and dilated.
"He's fingering my asshole, Daddy!"

"Chew me, baby. Get me ready for your pussy."

"I'll prime her, Doug," Harry groaned. With his fingers still buried in
Crissy's asshole, he aimed his throbbing cock at her pussy. "Here,
Crissy, feed on this awhile." He jabbed, stabbing his prick in to the
root with one fast lunge.

Crissy almost collapsed. She dropped her head, swallowing her father's
prick into her mouth. She chewed, pulled back and gasped for air.
"Ooooh, Daddy. He's fuckin' me! He's fuckin' me!" She swooned, her blue
eyes glazed.

Harry ripped into her pussy, cunt juice greasing his prickshaft. It
flowed over his jabbing cock, bathing it, greasing it for her asshole.
"I think she's ready," he grunted, fucking his prick in and out of her
cunthole, his fingers plunging into her ass.

"I am ready!" Crissy gasped. "Ready for both your cocks." Dazed,
passion bubbling in her veins, she jerked forward, forcing her uncle's
cock and fingers to pop out of her cunt and asshole. "A double fuck!"
she cried. "Ooooh, God!"

Crissy began to shake. She stared first at her father's spit-soaked
prick, then at her uncle's cream-coated cock. She straddled her father,
then plunged down, burying his cock to the root. "Ahhhh!" Her cunt
contracted, gripping her father's prick. "Ooooh, Daddy! Daddy!"

Douglas grabbed his daughter's plump tits and squeezed. He pulled her
forward, his cock throbbing inside her steamy pussy. "Now, baby. It's
time you really learned what it's like to be a woman."

Crissy's eyes popped. Her mouth dropped open. "Yessss!" she wailed.
"Ooooh, yesss!"

Harry crawled behind his niece, his prick swinging, coated in the soupy
froth of her pussy. He grabbed her jerking hips and saw the base of his
brother's cock, the rest buried up inside her pussy. Warm cream oozed
out from her clinging cuntlips, down over Doug's balls.

"Hurry, Uncle Harry!" she sobbed drunkenly. She wriggled her ass, the
frantic action grinding her clit against her father's hard groin.

"Ooooh, Daddy! Make him hurry!" She rolled her hips from side to side,
twisting her clit against his groin. "Make him hurry!"

"Stop jerkin' your fuckin' ass," Harry groaned, his prick throbbing,
his cockhead seeping.

"Ooooh, Uncle Harry," she moaned. "I can't stop. Daddy's cock feels too
good!" She humped on her father's cock, her cunt muscles twitching
around his buried hard-on.

Harry pawed her hips, gripping them tightly in his hands, holding her
steady for a second. He jabbed, the head of his cock slicing through
the tight wrinkled crack of her asshole. He stabbed again, burying half
his cock in her shitter.

"Aghhhh!" Crissy jerked like a wildcat. "All of it! Every fuckin'
inch!" She shoved back, trying to capture his prick.

Harry slammed in again. The juicy cream of Crissy's pussy had done the
trick. His entire cock ripped into her asshole, his groin now flush
with her creamy asscheeks. He eased back, then drove forward again, his
cock fucking easily through the tight ring of her ass.

Crissy leered at her father's face. "Ooooh, Daddy! He's so deep! Ooooh,
it feels so good." She was drunk with passion, reeling under the double
pleasure of having both her uncle's and father's cocks buried up inside
her scalding body. "Oooooh! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Doug mauled her tits, his cock throbbing up inside her pussy. "We're
gonna cream you, baby."

"I know, Daddy!" she gasped. "I know!" She was delirious. Spit drooled
from her mouth. "I love it!" It was fantastic and she couldn't wait
until their hot cum flooded her body.

Harry's head was spinning. His cock was buried to the hilt, the muscles
of her ass clutching his prickshaft like a hot vise. He parted her
creamy asscheeks and leered at his buried prick and the tight muscle of
her asshole wrapped around his cockshaft. He jerked back and felt her
muscles tug greedily to keep him buried.

"Put it back!" Crissy wailed hysterically. She worked her hips in a
flurry of frenzied circles. "Rip open my ass!"

Harry glanced down at his brother and nodded. He lunged forward,
driving his cock deep into her ass. At the same time, Douglas slammed
up, ramming his prick deep into her pussy. The two vicious jabs almost
split the screaming teenager in two. They fucked her violently, her
screams of joy filling the living room.

Crissy snapped her head from side to side, her blonde hair whipping
across her crimson face. "Ooooh, Daddy! Uncle Harry!" She absorbed
their hard punishing jabs, thrived on them, battled back, squeezing
every ounce of pleasure from her first double fuck. "Faster, Daddy!
Harder, Uncle Harry! Fuck me! Oooooh, God, I'm goin' crazy!"

Harry ravaged his niece's asshole with hard stabbing thrusts. His
balls, crammed with cum, slapped painfully against her quivering body.
He growled, his face twisting into a mask of sheer lust. He gritted his
teeth, his lips drawing back, giving his face a maniacal look. Harder
and harder, he plunged his prick in and out of her tight gripping
shitter, grunting with each powerful fuck-stab.

Douglas lunged up, slamming his prick into her hot pulsing pussy. With
his brother's prick jabbing her asshole, it made his daughter's pussy
that much tighter. His ass lifted off the floor as he groaned, then
thudded back as Crissy ground her clit against his groin. "Baby. Sweet
... Crissy!" He drilled his prick into her pussy as hot sudsy cream
greased his cockshaft and soaked his balls.

Crissy twisted and churned, bucking like a crazed animal between them.
She saw the passion in her father's face, then turned her head and saw
the same lust in her uncle's eyes. "Oooooh, God!" she cried, knowing
she was turning them both into madmen bent on ripping her apart.
"Ooooh, God in heaven!"

"Harder! Harder!" she screamed as they fucked her with fast demanding
thrusts. She went wild, her body jerking frantically under the
devastating attack. "Oooooh, Christ! I'm goin' out of my fuckin' mind!"

At the mercy of their stabbing cocks, Crissy found their rhythm, caught
the demanding pace and climbed screaming to the peak. "Ooooh, I'm
getting close! So damn fuckin' close!"

Douglas fucked his prick into her pussy, slamming in and out of her
gripping cunthole, his ass whacking into the carpet each time she
slammed back down on his cock. He held her tits, twisted them and made
her scream. He watched her face contort with lust. It swelled his cock,
rumbled the cum in his balls.

Harry thrust forward, driving Crissy against Douglas' lunging body,
mashing her clit on his groin. Each jab brought him closer to emptying
his balls. "Soon, my hot little bitch!" he roared, his prick engorged
with blood and throbbing in the narrow hole of her shitter. "Soon!"

Crissy was swooning. She felt the pressure of her climax mount in her
cunt. She felt each fuck-stab of their cocks. She felt them swell
inside her holes, stretching her beyond anything she had ever dreamed
of. It was going to happen and it blew her mind. "Oooooh, cream me!
Cream me!"

She stared at her father as his hands kneaded her tits. "Uncle Harry's
gonna cum, Daddy! He's ready to cream my ass!"

Harry let out a deep roar. His balls rumbled, then exploded. The hot
cum churning in his balls shot through his bloated cockshaft. It
squirted from his pisser like a hot geyser, flooding the narrow canal
of Crissy's shitter. "I'm cumming! Aghhhh, Crissy!"

"He's creaming me, Daddy! He's creaming my asshole!" Her virgin asshole
gulped at Harry's squirting cock. "He's squirting me, Daddy! Ahhhh ...
a ... hot ... enema!"

She bucked under her uncle's spurting cock, using her muscles to milk
his plowing prick. "More! More!" she screamed greedily. "Drown me!"

Harry was out of his skull. He pounded his niece with hard blind fuck-
stabs. His balls rumbled, then erupted again, spewing thick stringy
wads of jizz into her asshole. "Crissy!" he bellowed, his cum greasing
her shitter for faster speed. "I'm creaming!"

Harry lashed at her twisting body, his balls sore as they whacked her
ass. He went faster, his cum keeping her asshole slippery. He held her
hips and fucked, his prick constantly squirting her ass as he grunted.

Crissy crashed forward, her clit a mangled mass of raw meat. She
twisted and ground her clit against her father's groin. Spasms racked
her body. "Cum, Daddy! Cream my pussy!"

She worked her ass in quick frenzied jerks, keeping her uncle's cock
buried and squirting hot cum into her asshole. She used her cunt
muscles to make her father cream her pussy. Hot contractions swept
through her cunt and she felt her father's body stiffen and knew he was
ready. She was, too.

"Daddy! Daddy!" An orgasm erupted deep in her cunt. "I'm cumming!
Creaming!" She bucked as her orgasm caromed through her cock-stuffed
cunthole. "Cum! Cum!"

Douglas saw the lust twist his daughter's face. He felt the fury of her
climaxing cunt against his fucking prick. He glanced at his brother
fucking her ass and enjoyed the shuddering spasms that shook his

Douglas lunged up. His cock exploded. Hot cum spewed from his pisser.
Thick globs flooded her cunt. "I'm cumming, baby! I'm cumming!"

"Ahhhh!" she wailed, her cunt filling with cum, mixing with her own hot
creamy juices. His cum squirted into her pussy, triggering another
explosive orgasm in her. Thrashing and screaming, she climaxed again.

"I'm cumming all over your cock, Daddy!" She bucked. "Oooooh, I'm

Douglas' cock blasted out thick wads of cum. He flooded her overheated
pussy, mixing his sticky cum with her bubbling juices. Squishy noises
blended with her cries of joy each time he fucked his cock through her
cum-stuffed cunt.

Their thick spurting cocks slammed into Crissy's climaxing body. They
fucked her, grunting and panting as she creamed. Two thick cocks
sprayed her fuckholes with cum. Jizz oozed from her pussy and seeped
from her jiggling ass. Cum trickled down her crack, coated both sets of
thick-skinned balls.

"I can't stop cumming, Daddy," she shrieked at the top of her lungs.
"Oooooh, I can't stop!" Her head snapped from side to side, her blonde
hair lashing across her father's face and her own. She twisted her
shoulders. Her father's hands pulled and mauled her tits. Her clit,
mashed against her father's groin, was raw and pulsing, sending hot
spasms through her cunt.

Harry matched his niece's bucking jerks. He lunged hard, fucking his
prick into her ass at a reckless pace. His balls rumbled, their spewing
load of jizz almost gone. He mangled the soft flesh of her hips and
plowed her hot body with all the strength he possessed.

Harry's back stiffened. He shuddered, gulping for air, his chest
heaving. His cock was buried to the hilt, her ass keeping him a

"Don't take it out!" she screeched, her hips rotating frantically. She
wrenched her body and slammed her pussy down on her father's cock,
grinding her clit on his groin. Another orgasm rifled through her

Harry was exhausted. He dropped back, his cum-coated cock popping from
her tight ass. He saw his cum dribbling from her ass. "Jesus," he
rasped, falling back on the floor to watch her ride her father.

With her asshole empty, Crissy rode her father's cunt-splitting cock
with wild abandonment. Quick jerks and frenzied twists had her howling
as Douglas spurted wad after wad of cum into her pussy. Her head
twisted, her eyes glazed, she stared at her uncle while she continued
to grind her clit on her father's groin.

Tammy came in the door and froze in her tracks. Her eyes took in the
scene at a glance. It blew her mind. "Jesus," she mumbled, stripping
off her clothes as quickly as possible. She joined her uncle on the
floor, saw his spent cock, knew where it had been, and gobbled it into
her mouth.

Crissy was too busy cumming to notice. She pounded her body against her
father's, almost tearing her tits from her chest in her crazed wild
contortions. "Daddy! Daddy!" she wailed.

Douglas arched his back. "Baby!" His hands slipped to her gyrating
hips. He drove his hips up, fucking her cunt as his strength began to
ebb. "Ooooh, baby!"

Cum gushed from her cushiony pussy walls. It drenched his prick.
"Daddy!" She hammered her body onto his, then collapsed, panting and
drooling, her mouth fused to his neck.

Douglas held his daughter as she trembled in his arms. "You're a woman
now," he whispered, stroking her back.

Tammy pulled her mouth from her uncle's cock and she crawled over to
Crissy and her father. She pushed Crissy off and attacked her father's
cock, sucking him clean.

Crissy fell back onto the floor, cum oozing from both her fuck holes.
She sighed, stared blankly up at the ceiling.

Tammy finished with her father, then turned her attention to Crissy.
"Now you!" she gasped.

"Oooh, no," Crissy moaned, but it was too late. Tammy was already
between her legs, sucking her father's cum from her pussy.

Tammy's mouth gobbled hungrily, drawing out every wad of her father's
cum from Crissy's pussy. Crazed with what she had seen, she rolled
Crissy over, attacked her ass and feasted on her uncle's cum as it
oozed from Crissy's ass.

Finished with them all, she sat up. "Now, it's my turn."

Both men groaned.

Crissy staggered to her feet. The day had been perfect. She didn't care
if Tammy enjoyed the same pleasures. She giggled, blew them all a kiss
and left. Today, she had really become a woman.

                                 The End

Fucking the hot secretary at my school Part 2

crc250 on MILF Stories

Diedre stood in the doorway with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. She was pretty like her mother she was about 5'7 shoulder length brown hair with blonde streaks high b cups and a decent ass. Diedre stood in the doorway in total shock. At the base of the desk was her mom covered in my cum, and sitting on that desk was me with my cock still pretty hard and sweat pouring off me. Mrs.Hill t

The Night I`d fucked My Mother

naughtybutnice on Incest Stories

hello everyone.
 Let me began by telling you alittle something about myself. My name is Ronnie i`m 25 years old 5`9 193pounds fairly build even dow i`m not into sports. I`m married now to a very beautiful women i met years after the story i`m about to tell you guys and gals. Plus i have two wonderful children.... 
  Here where my story really began. I was raised up by my mom by herself since my dad decided that it was best that he lived his life alone because he thought it was hard enough to do alone then to care for two other people. My mom got help from family and friends all though my life. Then she met a guy named Phil. They married after only two months and my mom and i moved into his house. All was going very well the first ye
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ar. Phil and my mom had a baby togather my half-sister dana. so everything was perfect intil i was almost 13 then thing started to change. My mom and Phil started to fight a lot and things got worst. By the time i was 13 my mom was already pissed at Phil and wanted out of the marriage. Let me descibe my mother for you people before i go any further. She is 5`6 long blonde hair that's gos down to her back, shes about 125 or so pounds very nice C-cup breasts and a very very nicely shape ass. Ok so now my mom cant stand to be around Phil. Whenever hes not at home shes happy talking a lot to me and playing with my half-sister then when hes home she just looks at him like "why'? I kinda feel sad for her at times then i`ll just keep to myself trying my best to stay out of it. Well one night while Phil was out with his drinking buddies.
 My mom and i decides to watch some t.v and play games with Dana. After about a hour or so my kid sister was out like a light under to coffee table and my mom was looking off at the clock and door. Deep down i wanted to know why her and phil are acting like they have been, so i asked ''mom, whats wrong with you and Phil''? she`d just looked at me with a strange look and said '' baby , i dont what to put you and Dana in the middle of all the problems between phil and i''. ''But mom'' i`d asked back '' i want to know if theres something i can do to help with your relationship with Phil''. ''No , your to young to know about things like this'' she said with a very sad look on her face. At that moment the phone rang and mom answer`d it. it was Phil. they started fighting on the phone my mom agrueing silently trying not to wake Dana. I`d just sat there and heard all of the conversion after about 8 minutes she hang up the phone and picked dana off the floor and i could see tears in her eyes. After she took Dana into her room i heard her bedroom door slam shut very hard, i thought that my mom had woke`in dana from she sleep, so i went to check and found that she was still sound asleep. I then went into my room and start to think about things when my mom called out my name from her room.
So i went to her door and it was ajar so i stepped in to find her sitting at the end of her bed crying when she ask me would i be mad if she left Phil. So i asked her again,, Whats wrong mom , what did he say''? she looked at me in the eyes with tears running down her beautiful face and said '' i think Phil been cheating on me''. i then say '' mom what makes you say that''? she said that Phil had start lying about working late and now he`d called saying that he was gonna be out late tonight with his friends. So i ask`d '' mom so you dont think that's true''? She just look at me with a sudden look and said '' baby i`m 41 years old, i think i`ll know if i`m being cheated on''. ''Ok'' i said then ask`d her why would he be cheating on her. she replied back with tears still running down her pretty face '' honey, about 4 months ago i found a girl number and his pants pockets and he denied it by telling me it was his friend who got the number from a girl at a bar while they were having a guys night out ,but by mistake put it in his pocket and forgetting about it''   I just look at her listening while looking into her pretty eyes while thinking how can Phil be out drinking and maybe sleeping with another woman when my mom who is very sexy and sweet to the bone is right here waiting for his dumbass.. <wait a sec.> did i just say to myself that my mom was <sexy> holyshit. i was getting very Hot on the inside while thinking about all the things she was saying.
Then she went silent like something had came to her mind. She said ''Fuck it, you know what i`m not evening going to stress it any more'' ''wow'', i said to myself. My mom just cussed right in front of me. She said if i was tried of listening to her bitch and wine i could leave. i said back real fast like ''No! mom its fine i really enjoy being here talking and listening to your feelings about Phil and everything. Finally a sexy smile came over her beautiful face and said '' i glad you dont mind listening to me honey , your growing up so fast and i want you and me to beable to talk about anything and everything that gos on in our`re lifes from this point on. then she said but its late and Phil should be home soon so we better get to bed soon. She give me a hug and kiss gentle on my lips like a mother but it made me even hotter then i was already. So i got up and left her room and went back to my room. I`d laid in bed thinking about her and how hot she`d had me in her room. By now my dick was really hard and poke`in out of my boxers. i started to slowly jerk-off and it was feeling really damn good i was on the path to cumming went i heard a crash in the livingroom .
I jump out of bed and ran though my bedroom door to find phil laying on the floor passed out cold. mom was standing over him asking me to help her get him to their room. <thank god> we didn't live in a up stairs house. So we grabbed him by his pant-legs and drag him into the bedroom and somehow got him onto the bed and my mom said thanks and i should get back to bed now. So about 20minutes gos by and i heard a sound coming from the hallway. So i got up again and looked out my door and saw my mother standing then by her bedroom door crying and i could see a black wrapper in her hand so i asked if she was ok then she look at me with more tears then the last time and said '' that fucking son-of-a-bitch is really fucking cheating on me'' . I said how do you know this time and then she opened her hand up to show me the black wrapper and it was really a condem wrapper. I just looked at the floor and said out loud " Fucking asshole'' . And i went to hug her for comfort and said '' sorry mom, i really though you was just imaging things. All this time i didn't even realize what she was wearing.. it was a light blue sheer nightgown with her hair pulled up perfectly and she had put on some make-up with dark blue lipstick and eye liner. I guess she was gonna try to make him love her again and after i`d when to bed got all dressed up for him. Well after she`d calmed down abit she said she was going to lay down in the livingroom and try to go to sleep. So again i went back to my room and got back into bed. after about a hour or so by this time it was around 3:30am i was still thinking about my mom in her nightgown and how sexy she looked with my bedroom door silently  open up and my mom carefully tip-toe in.
I guess she though i was asleep and then she slowly got into my bed when i turned my head she show me awake and told me that its cold and uncomfortable in the living room and she would be happy if i had no problem with her sleeping in my bed. I said no but why not Dana`s room and she laughed and said '' Had i ever tried sleeping in a childs bed. I just laughed back ''No, but i`m fine with you in here mom''. So at first we`d just laid there taking about things and i notice that she never even changed her nightgown and wonder if she even noticed that she was still wearing it.
Well after about 30minutes of talking more it now being after 5am we`re still laying there my mom started asked me if i would be happy if we moved into our`re own place without Phil and i said ''mom, i would be happy anywhere with you , i dont care if it was on the streets''. she said '' i love Ronnie, and i know we dont need anyone but each other and maybe i should quit trying to find a good man and just let it be us''. after she had said that she laid her head down on my chest and i could feel her hot breath on me and i started to get very hott and i could feel my cock getting very hard under my boxers and thin bed covers my mom looked up at me and said ''Ronnie honey are you ok''? I said ''yea mom, i`m fine'' Then she said "No , it sounds like your horny''. I said "No im not,are you''? What a question to be asked i said to myself. I was shocked when she whispered back ''yes,very much indeed''. Then she asked me what was i getting so horny about at 5am? I`d just replied back very quietly '' you wearing that nightgown mom is whats making me horny''. she quietly laugh back almost as-if joking '' is it just the nightgown or the old lady wearing it''? I said still whispering '' both, and your not old mom your very beautiful even at 41 you still look like a very sexy 30''. ''Awwww'' she said. then '' you called me sexy Ronnie'' and '' i guess its true if my own son can say it even if he has a hardon while saying at'' And then kinda laugh.
I was almost thinking about she was messing with me and playing around like a mother/son would do. But then out of no-where she said ''Well i guess you and i are not going go to sleep with me making you horny wearing my nightgown, i would take it off but i didnt put on any panties before putting it on tonight''. I almost creamed myself when she said no panties, i must of had the biggest hardon i ever had in my short 13year life but the she said very sexy like low voice '' Well i guess if we need to go to sleep before Phil and Dana wake up we better take care of this problem we`re having baby'' and i was about to say ''how'' when her finger came over my mouth and she said another sexy low voice ''shhh try very hard not to make a sound''. And she sat up on my bed and placed her legs on both sides of my whist and i was scared but excited at the same time. then she asked me to take my dick out of my boxers and as i did she bend down and kissed me on my lips slow and gentle at first then i felt her tongue slid into my mouth and holy-shit i was thinking my mother <MY MOTHER> is fucking freach-kissing me like i was a grown man. Then with my hand still taking my dick out of my boxers my mom lower`d herself down onto my cock her pussy was so wet  fuck.. I felt my dick slid in with eases all the way to my cockbase after she came to a stop i heard a lite moan coming from her.
I never felt anything is fucking hot and wet in my life , she then slowly started to rock back and forward making low moan under her breath. I raises my hands and cupped her C-cup tits, wow they were so soft and warm. After about a minute of me rubbing her tits her moans got abit louder '' O-yea baby just like that, your doing so fucking gooood baby , i wanna fuck you alittle harder Ronnie ,ok baby'' I said ''O fuck mommy please fuck me harder PLEASE!! '' She then put her whole hand over my mouth as if she was really trying not to make me screem and then with a force like movements started jumping hard up and down my cock like a mad woman if anything was gonna wake up someone it was gonna be the sound of my bed jumping and sliding across the floor. With my mother fucking me like this i was deep in her pussy i knew i was about to cum like a monster ''OOOOOOO FUCK MOMMY'' i said under her hand ''I CUMMMMINNNGGGG'' FUCK. i wonder if my mom was going to get up before i started cumming but she just kept on fucking me crazy and the it happen '' OOOOO FUCK STOP MOM I`M CUMMING'' and she stop I felt my ball burst like waterballoans. i could feel my boy cum spurt up inside my mom`s pussy and i just laid there with her still on top of my dick with cum still full up her cunt like water in a glasscup.. After about 2 minutes she fell down onto my chest we could feel each other`s hearts racing a mile a minute. After another minute or two she finally said as she was getting off of me '' wow baby you are really good at fucking''. i said back still panting '' WHHAAT MAADDE YOOUU WAANNAA HAVVE SSEXX WIITHH WITHH MEE''? she replied back with a sexy smile ''Well if its gonna be just you and me then you might-as-well be the one whos giving me dick and the next time we fuck we`ll be in our`re new home and i promise you wont have to be SO fucking quiet''. And she rolled over and said " Now go to sleep baby''.
i hope you enjoy my story and i sorry if i missed typed anything. you guys have a good one bye.

Jenna, sophisticated lady has her first affair

JennaShoes on True Stories

Where should I begin ??

This is my first post and I am not sure how I should go about it but I feel like sharing some recent events that occurred in the past few months.

A little bit about myself. My name is Jenna, I am 40, married with 2 kids. I am 5’6” tall and weigh 130lbs. Brown hair in a bob haircut and brown eyes. Good curves where they are needed if I may say so. My main assets would b


UncleDan on Taboo Stories

Shana – A 16 year old runaway

   Shana is a 16-year-old runaway, picked up by an older man while she is hitchhiking.  Little does either know what the outcome will be.  If you like it let me know –     Copyright by author 2005

   A little about me.  I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.  A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.  I went to look at it an
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d fell in love.  I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.  We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.  I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and continuing income.

   I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.  I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.  All of this sat on a full basement.

   As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.  Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.  With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.

   Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.  I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.  I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.  As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.

   I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.

   Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.  She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.  She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.  I really like small tits.  The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.  Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

   “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.

   “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way.”

   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.

   I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure.”

   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.

   As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.

   “Shana,” she said.

   “Dan,” I replied.

   She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.  The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.  He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.

   She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.  Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.  Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.  She finally had decided that she would run away.  She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.

   I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.  After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.  Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.  The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.  I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.  We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.  This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.

   It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.  I pulled into a rest area about 10 miles from my exit and woke her.  I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.

   She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.

   In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.

   “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”

   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.  Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

   “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here.”

   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.

   Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.  I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning.”

   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.  Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”

  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally.”

   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.  At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad.”

   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.

   As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.  The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.  You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.  Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.  This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us.  

   When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.  It was still an ego boost.

   I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.  First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.  I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.

   I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.  I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.  I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.

   I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.  When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.  I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.

   “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.  How about a pizza for supper?”

   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy.”

   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.  I’ll get the pizza started.”

   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.  Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.

   When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.  Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.

   Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.  She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.   She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.  She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty.  

   The pizza was right on time.  The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.  I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.  It wasn’t a lavish meal.  I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.  We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

   After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.  Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.  I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.
   Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed.”
   I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub.”

    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.  I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.  Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.  All else aside, I’d sleep well.

   I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.  My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.  I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.  The more I thought about it the harder I got.  Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.  Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.’

   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.

   “That smells nice.”  “ I couldn’t sleep.”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right.”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit.”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.

   I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.

   “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.  That way you won’t ruin your blouse.”

   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.  She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.

   “May I?”, she asked.

   I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 16-year-old runaway.  I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

   She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.  The contact was electric to me.  The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.  It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.  My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.  I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.  Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.

   She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.

   I declined, “Enough already for me.”

   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.  ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.

   She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.  The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.

   “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.


   “Ever get lonely?”

   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy.”

   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.

   “What about the women in your life?” she asked.

  I explained that I had been married and divorced.  That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.   Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.

   “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.  She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here.”

She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas.”

   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.  She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.

  “I think they’re too small,” she said.

   “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe.”

   Her face lit up into a broad grin.  “Really?” she asked.

   “Honest,” I replied.

   “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.

   “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around.”

   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.

   “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.

   Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.

   By now my cock was rampant.  Should I really be doing this?

   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.  I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.  She pressed her thumb over my fingers.

   She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight.”

   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.

   Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.  My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

   She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.  As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.

   “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.  Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.  The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.

   Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.  As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.  When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.

   I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.

   “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.

   “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing.”

   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.  Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.  When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.  What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.  Venus de Milo with arms.  I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.

   She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.  We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.  I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.  Our tongues met, retracted and met again.  We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.  My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.  Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.  I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.

   We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.  Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.  My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.  Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.  It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.  Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.  I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.

   Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.  She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.  The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.  All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.

   Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.  She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.   She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.

   I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.  She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.

   My cock began to exude precum.  She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.  I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.  I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.  Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.

   I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.  My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.  The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.  I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.

   Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.  She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.  My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.  The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.  I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.  I reached her knee and looked up at her face.  She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.  She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.  Her head was moving back and forth.  I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.  I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.

   When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.  First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.  Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.  The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.  I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.  Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.

   I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.  I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.  I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.  She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.  Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.  Her hips slammed into my face.  I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.

   When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.  This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.  Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.  She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.

   When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.   I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”

I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices.

She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward.  

   My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.  I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.  My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.

   “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.

   Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.

   We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.  I’m sure that it lasted the full 15 minutes of an orchestral performance.

   Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.  Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.
   We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.

   I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.  I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.

   I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.  I got up and began to prepare breakfast.  I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.

   The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.  I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.  She looked every bit an angel.

   I held out my arms and smiled at her.  She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.  I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

   “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

   “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.

   During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.

   Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”

   That was two years ago.

   Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.  He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.  He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.

   We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.

   Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.

   And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship.

Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.

I’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings.

Sexually Frustrated Siblings

SLAPNUTS79 on Incest Stories

There we are hooking up a stereo and out of nowhere My sister asks me. Would you think less of me if I was to cheat on Brian? I told her it was her business. I could give a rats ass. After all your my sis and he's just an in-law.

 So, are you? No No Not at all. I was just thinking about it lately. You see I'm only 34 he's 54 and its just not there. It hasn't been there for 8 months. Do what ya got to do I replied. Yeah, but I don't get out much and the only friends I have are muttual. I don't think I can trust any of them.

 After hearing this I had some unpure thoughts to say the least. My sis is a little chunky. Not fat at all. She's thick. Her ass is hard as a rock and she wasn't wearing a bra so I could tell she had some DD floppy tits. She was also w

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earing some cut off shorts. I asked her to hand me some pliers. When she bent over I could see her pussy! It was real moist and since she has no kids I knew it had to be tight.

 She turned and handed me the pliers. When she did she noticed my raging hardon. I bet you can use that just as good as you can those pliers. You know sis this isn't right. But I'm bored with the married sex and now I know you are to. Since this is so wrong I know we both won't tell a sole. So lets finish later. ANd with that she started rubbing my cock and gave me a kiss.

Within seconds my fly was undone and started licking the head of my dick. I pulledmy pants the rest of the way down and she didn't miss a beat. She stopped while she took her clothes off. then she knelt down and took all 71/2" down her throat! I was impressed to say the laest. I grabbed her hair a started to dribble her head like a basketball. I toldoher how good of a slut she was. She yanked her head up. So I'm a slut? Why don't you throw me over that couch get behind me and fuck me like a whore!

 She got up and bent over the back of the couch. Spread her legs nice and wide. I walked up and paused. Come on Dick stick it in she pleaded. I've had'nt had a cock that long and thick since I was 16. Come fuck your sister whith that fat cock! I was so turned on. I parted her left thigh and jammed my prick in as hard as a I could. She screamed like a banshee. Strictly pleasure. I then started to grabbed her meaty thighs and took it slow to savor the moment. er pussy was a lot tighter than my wives and so very very wet. Every time I thrusted she came back. Oh Oh Oh Oh brother I'm so close.Pick it up baby slap my thick ass. Make that ass jiggle. I then gave her what she wanted. I started fuking her like an animal. Grudge fuking her! I grabbed 2 hands full of hair and started to rape that pussy! YES YES YES YYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS! SHE srcreamed! Don't stop motherfucker! Oh goooooodddddd! I was breathing quite heavy and she could't catch her breath. I spanked her so much her big ass was beet red! I gave her about 6 good HARD strokes and it sent her over the edge. YES!YES!OH SHIT OH SHIT MOTHERFUCKER I'M CUMMING! She came for a good minute all the while I'm still pounding that pussy. I kept on pounding and she came 3 more times. I told her I was about to blow. PULL OUT! I want to taste you! I pulled out quickly and as I did that sweet tight pussy farted and her cum started running down her inner thighs. She dropped to the floor and I started fucking her throat just as hard as I was fuking her pussy! Her saliva was flowing and flying as I gagged her. This sent me over the edge. My cock twitched and I rammed her head to my belly. Her chin was flush on my balls and I held it there. I shot 7 Huge loads down her throat. I pulled my dick out and made a big SLURP. I pulled my pants up as I watched my older sister breathing heavy with her spit mixed with my cum running down and covering her huge tits!  

First Orgasm

minimandy09 on Teen Stories

After briefly visiting my boyfriend, I headed off to the store. I received a call about 20 minutes after I left. It was him, asking me where I was. I told him that I was in the store. About 10 minutes after that, I saw a familiar body in the mirrors around the jewelry section. I turned around and greeted a very happy boy.       

We milled around the store for a while, just messing around. Every time I would stop, he would come up behind me and grind his hips into me and nibble on my ear. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter the longer we were in

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the store. In my ear, he would whisper “I love you” which naturally, turned me on even more. My panties were damp with anticipation, so it was time to leave.

By the time we got back to his house, I was practically dripping. My clothes were immediately ripped off of my body as were his. It all went so fast. One minute we were clothed and the next we were both naked and ready for each other. He put his head in between my legs and lapped up some of my wetness. He kissed my lips and let my juices flow into his mouth.

It was time to get down to business. He took my legs and put them around his neck and thrust his big, hard cock into my tight, wet pussy. It felt amazing having him take advantage of me. He took my hands and pinned them to the bed with my legs still on his shoulders. Pounding into me, I was having a hard time not screaming. While he was screwing me, he would kiss me passionately while using my throbbing vagina.   

We were both extremely sweaty and he looked so hot. It excited me to see his dark, curly hair stick to his forehead. I then laid on my stomach and he took me from behind. I couldn’t believe it. I felt like I was going to explode. He told me that it was the best sex he had ever had. I felt the same way as I dripped from my opening right on his hard cock. I crossed my legs and tightened my butt up so it was even tighter for my lover.

He got out a pink, swirly vibrator for me to play with. I put it right on my swollen clit while he watched me with his tongue in me. The feeling of him eating me out while I used the vibrator was euphoric. I managed to gush some of my juices right into his mouth and he loved it. Then, while I was still using the vibrator, he slid inside me. The two feelings made me shake with pleasure. My pussy was throbbing from both excitements which lead to my very first orgasm.

It felt so good. It was everything that I had ever heard. The feeling was overwhelming. After my orgasm, I just smiled and giggled. I looked at my lover and told him that he helped me achieve my first orgasm. He was so pleased with himself, that he fucked me harder. He turned me over and took me from behind again which lead to another screaming orgasm.

I wanted to be in control this time, so I made him lay on his back. I slid right on top of him. His erect penis felt amazing in my shaved pussy. I love the feeling of him deep inside me. He pushed me up, supporting me on his cock with his hands. I started to grind myself into him, moving his penis around inside me. He moaned with pleasure which made me want to do him harder. He thrusted hard and I fell forward. He grabbed my ass and pulled me up a bit so he could thrust. He thrusted into me with short, fast movements and the quickness of it all lead to yet another orgasm.

            We continued like that and I was dripping with sweat and my juices. I squeezed my muscles and he thrusted even harder. I had another orgasm. My muscles clenched and my whole body was shaking. A short time after that, he released his cum in my throbbing opening. He put himself deep inside me and I felt his member, swollen and twitching letting his salty semen into me.

We were both exhausted, so he just stayed on top of me, letting himself go soft while he was still in me. He whispered “I love you so much. Please, never leave me.” I felt like I could cry. I told him that I never would and then asked him if he would clean me up.

There was a lot of cum in me and it was dripping out of my pussy. He stuck his tongue in my puss and licked out his cum. He got some on his tongue and kissed me, sharing his salty juices with me. He finished licking my swollen lips. There was cum in his mouth and he let it drip off of his tongue into my mouth.

We got dressed and I went home. I was very surprised thinking about how I had had four orgasms in one day. I saw him two days after that. He stuck his tongue in me and pulled out some left over cum and ate it. We were both impressed because of how deep he had gotten his semen. After he was done eating, he refilled me.