No Other Choice Pt 3
So if you can't tell, I've become a little more attached to him than a daughter should to a father. But then again most daughters don't do the things that I do to my father. Its lead to me being a little jealous of
As far as my sister, she still hasn't said anything. She actually hasn't even said anything to me about it. Its almost like it never happened. At least to her. My Dad went all out on her Birthday last week. I think he did it to make up for her not saying anything. Which I think is only right, it was nice of her to not say anything.
Well I wake up this morning and head to the living room to make something to eat. My Dad didn't come to my room last night and I wanted to know why. As I got close to the fridge, I could hear moaning in the room. I got that feeling of jealousy again. My Mom didn't deserve to have him inside her! I wanted to get my mind off of it so I headed toward Heathers room. I knock and I get no answer. I knock again and wait. Finally I just walk in and she isn't in there. Where could she be at 10 in the morning? I walk back out the the living room and head to the window to see if maybe she is at the swing set. But as I look out I see that she isn't...but thats not what bothered me....what bothered me is that my Mom's car was gone. I got this sick feeling in my stomach as the thought of Heather being in my parents room right now. I creep to the room and put my ear to the door and listen. I can hear moaning, but I can't tell if its Heather or not. It doesn't sound like my Mom though. She has this really high pitched moan, and usually swears. But this moan was a little lower...and little softer...and no swearing...ITS HEATHER!!! I open the door and I get this sick feeling in my stomach that makes me almost throw up. I see Heather on top of my Dad. They don't notice or hear me come in. My Dad is sitting on the computer chair and Heather is on top of him, facing away, with her feet on his knees. She is going up an down with her face up, moaning. I feel tears in my eyes, I can't believe I let him do this to her. The sadness leaves and the anger takes over as I notice that he isn't going in her pussy...he is in her ass! Just then Heather opens her eyes and sees me. "What the fuck Steff...GET OUT!!", she screams at me still panting. My Dad's head comes out from behind her and sees me. "Steff...", is all he says as I close the door. I go to the couch and start to cry. Cry because I couldn't believe he would do this! Wasn't I enough!! Should I have just given him my ass?? I thought I did enough! I expected him to come out and talk to me, instead I hear the moaning start again. I wanted to go in there and kick the shit outta my sister! I couldn't believe that she actually wanted it! What a little SLUT!! I hear my Dad groan and then the moaning stops. I wait for a bit and Heather comes out in her bathrobe. "Steffany...you can't say anything...I didn't say anything...you owe me this...ok?" I can't believe it, I want to tell, just to hurt her, but I know I can't. "Of course Heather...but how could you do this? You kne...", before I can finish. "How can I do this?? How can I do this?? Did you just really ask me that? You are the one that started it! What do you think I felt when I came in and saw you 2 together! You were always the beautiful one, and I'm always the shadow! I just wanted to know why I wasn't in on it, was I not pretty enough for Dad? So I asked him, I told him that I wanted to have him the exact same way...look Steff, this doesn't change anything, we just have to share him ok? You know...maybe we can even share him...at the same time...if you want...", I couldn't believe it! Like I would want to do that at the same time!! "The same time Heather? Thats not going to happen!" She smiles at me shaking her head. "I expected you to say that...Dad does everything for us...and you can't give him that? But I'm really not surprised...I mean...you won't even do anal...how sad is that." She says with that devilish little smile. I want to smack it off her face! I can't believe my Dad told her that!! "Thats really none of your business Heather. What Dad and I do is between us...", just then my Dad walks out. "Girls...we don't need to argue ok...look Steffy, I asked her to ask you. I just thought maybe it was an idea. Now that Heather has anal sex with me I won't ask you...so it actually works out for you...and I thought maybe we could all do it together...", he puts his arm around Heather and she kisses his chest. She keeps smiling at me, she knows I won't do it. So I decide to put it in her face that I will, so that my Dad sees that I'm the best out of us! "Ok Daddy...I will do it..." I say as I walk towards him and get down on my knees. I'm not in the mood to do it right now, but I see the smile go off my sisters face, which bring a smile to mine. "Right now...right here...", my Dad says as he looks back and forth at me and Heather. I keep my eyes on his as I pull his boxers down and start kissing his dick. He has this look of utter shock. Heather drops her robe and gets on her knees as well. I twitch in shock as I feel her kiss my neck. I had no idea she was going to do anything with me! But that thought goes away as I feel her hand run down the crack of my ass under my panties. She stops on my asshole and rubs it in circles before she puts it in my pussy. Her soft hands feel amazing. "Thats it girls...do it for Daddy...", as he says this I take him out of my mouth and start to kiss her. Her tounge meets mine and it makes me go crazy! My pussy is dripping wet! Her fingers sliding in and out of it. I use my extra hand that isn't on my Dads dick and run it down her body. I rub her nipples and then move down to her pussy. Its still so wet from the sex her and Daddy just had. I start to finger her as we both stop kissing each other and both start to suck on my Dads dick. He still has that look of shock on him as we both start to kiss and lick his dick. His 2 little girls fingering each other while giving him a blowjob had to make him go crazy with excitement! He pulled his dick out of Heathers mouth and his balls out of mine, and got down on his knees as well. He laid me down on the ground and pulled my panties off. At the same time Heather was pulling off my tanktop. I lay there naked as my Dad got between my legs and started to rub the head of his dick against my pussy, making me moan as it glided over my clit. "Steff...will you eat me out?", Heather asks. But before I say yes she has already started to move up towards my face to straddle it. I just nod as she got on my face. I have tasted my Dads dick before after he had been in me, and I've occasionally tasted my fingers while I was fingering myself. But it tasted so much stronger coming from the actual pussy!! I didn't know what to do exactly, so I just licked up and down and in circles on her clit. She had me by my hair while she rubbed it up and down all over my face. My Dad finally put his dick in me and started to fuck me. Heather leaned back and started to kiss my Dad. I stopped licking and just stuck my tounge out and let her rub herself on it. It was to hard to move it while I was moaning the way I was. I thought my Dad and I couldn't have made sex any hotter, but I was wrong. Adding my sister to the mix made it so much hotter, so much more exciting! Just then my Dad pulls out of me and tells Heather to get between my legs. Heather listens as she gets between my legs, bent over on all fours. She pushes my legs up so they are pressed right against my chest. She starts to eat me out as my Dad gets behind her. She can't even match what my Dad can do, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good. But as my Dad starts to fuck her, she begins to moan. The vibration makes it so much better! I lay my head back and the sound of all of us moaning and groaning makes me even hornier. That combined with the sound of her eating me out and my Dad pounding my sister, I can feel myself already getting close. I look back up and I see Heather looking at me, we just keep looking at each other as I can feel the orgasm explode! I grab her hair and pull. "Oh yeah Heather...ohhhh....ohhh fuck....ugggh" I say as I rub my pussy up and down all over her face. She pulls away and gets up on all fours as my Dad grabs her by her hair and really starts going to town on her. I was her little tits shake and her face grimace. "Ok girls....get ready....Ok...sit beside each other and stick your tounges out..." my Dad says as he pulls out of Heather and stands up. We listen and sit beside each other with our tounges out. I lean over and put my tounge on Heathers and we start to lick each others tounge. "Oh Fuck yeah girls! Keep them open....hear it comes girls....hear it...", my Dad explodes all over us. I thought he wouldn't have that much left after he came in my sister. But I was wrong. Spurt after spurt shot out of my Dad. Heather and I just kept licking each others tounge as we felt all his cum land on our face and in our mouth. As his cum stopped I thought Heather would stop, but she just grabbed me by the back of my head and started to french me. I didn't know what to do so I just kissed back. The taste of cum in our mouths along with the texture of it made me so horny! But as she pulled away with this look in her eyes, I knew she didn't do that for my Dad, she did it for herself! "Well girls...I can see this is going to be a lot of fun for a long time, but for now we better all get dressed and cleaned up, your Mom should be home soon!" But Heather and I didn't say anything, actually we didn't even stop looking at each other. But after my Dad knelt down and kissed us both on the head and started to walk away, my sister finally said something. "You know Steff...this doesn't just have to be between Dad...we can have fun also...", she says as she smiles and stands up. She walks to the bathroom and I can't help but watch her naked body walk away. It wasn't anything special, she actually hadn't really developed at all. But her ass still looked great while she walked. She looks back, "You know you want to...", she says quietly as she goes into the bathroom. She is right, I do want to! I have never been attracted to women, and I've never wanted to be with one. But I do love the feeling of being with someone that you shouldn't be with, the feeling of it being wrong. I got up and headed to my room. My Dad was right, this was going to be a lot of fun for a LONG time!!
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Walking in on Daddy Part 3 - Older Brother
"Sis, what is that on your legs?" he said waking me up.
"Um I must not have rinsed all the body wash off" was the best I coul
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Ben my best friend
My name's Susan, I grew up on a ranch just east of Winchester Virginia, in the Shanandowa Valley. We have had this huge ranch since my Daddy's Daddy's Daddy had it. It's just part of who we are. I'm 5'8" with a slender build, not too much upstairs but perky so without a bra I can excite the boys. I love my jean shorts, jean skirts and skorts. My cowgirl hat and tieing a knot in my button shirts instead of doing up all the buttons. Our farm is huge and can take over two hours to cross at the widest point on a horse trail. Now you can always ride faster but a nice leasure ride over the acres was great.
We had many horses, cattle and a mule or two. Along with chickens, ducks and a pig or two. Clay, Blackie and Cindy our dogs,
One spring, while I was much younger, one of our mares was about to colt. I would rush home every day off the bus from school. (our drive was almost a mile to the house and another quarter mile to the barn) I had my dad get a small shed built near the highway for my bicycle and began riding it to the end of the drive in the mornings and back in the evenings to save time. In the winter I drive to the end of the lane but daddy doesn't like me driving to school unless I have errands to run after school. Anyway, one beautiful afternoon, Anna-Belle, the mare delivered a beautiful young colt stallion. I arrived just in time to see him born. Beautiful slate grey with a few markings on his face. "Oh, daddy, it's a stallion, can we call him Ben?" Yes, he replied with a grin, and then said, I know it's a few weeks early, but 'Happy Birthday sweetie'. I was so excited, I jumped into my dads huge strong arms and hugged and hugged him. But in a few minutes one of the farm hands, Jon, along with the vet that was attending interrupted us. "You better have a look at this Marcel, it's not good." I was so scared. There on the floor I noticed that Ben had one of those irregular ankle joints. These usually need surgery and are only a 20% chance at success. Especially in such a young colt. He tries endlessly to get up and of course has even more trouble than most new colts. Dad tells me to leave and I knew what that meant.
"No, this is my horse, you gave him to me, I have the final say, not you" I screamed. Dad sure didn't like me talking that way to him. Know one would ever do that on our farm except maybe mom. Then what do you want, you want to hold the gun to put him down? Dad exclaimed. "No, leave him be, I will take good care of him, I'll save up the money to fix him, you'll see. Jon, the head farm hand said: 'give her a chance to prove herself, you did give the horse to her and it is her decision'. What! dad yelled at him, how dare you even make a suggestion, you work for me, and don't you ever use words to cross me again or you can find work elsewhere. Jon didn't say a thing, he just slowly backed away saying in a low voice, 'I'll help her'. You're damn right you will yelled my dad.
Later that evening my father was resting after a nice meal mom made. I said I was going to the barn to see Ben. I arrived at the barns and when I went into the stall that should be Bens, I found it loaded with straw and Ben was covered in a light but warm blanket. Hi Ben I said while rubbing his ears and main. You're a good boy and were gonna fix that leg of yours in time ok.
"Ya, well there's something else you're gonna fix first" I was startled, Jon was behind me and looked angry. "What do you mean" I asked. Follow me he said and began to walk to the east end of the barn where we stored all the saddles, harnesses and blankets. It took me a bit to get out of the stall so I kinda skipped along to the end room not knowing what Jon had in mind. I entered the room with a smile and was surprised by Jon grabbing onto my arm tightly. He put his face right into mine and said: " I stepped up for you today, if I hadn't, I'd be burying that colt right now so you're gonna pay me for all the crap I'm gonna take from your dad from now on and for all the extra chores I'll have to do just to keep that useless colt for you.
"Ok, how much I said, how much do you want" Oh, it's not HOW much, it's WHAT I want.... I could hardly swallow. Sit down over there you little tramp. Every day I have to watch you out here in the barns with those cutoff shorts and perky tits bouncing all over. I've had enough. I stepped up for you to keep that damn horse and now, I want what I want and what I want is you. Take it all off. Now! I was scared, i was almost crying when I wimpered, " I'm too young for that" No you're not, not what I have in mind, I just wanna see you bare assed naked, then you're gonna suck my dick" just then he zipped down his jeans and out came his cock. I'd never seen one before, I mean, the girls at school always talk about it and ya I've seen animals but not a guy. He began stroking it and kept telling me to take my clothes off. "Listen kid, you either take it off or I'll make that colt never walk and your dad will put him down" Ok, ok, I said. Slowly I removed my top and watched his cock grow really hard. When I took off my shorts and panties, I looked just in time to see him come. Just after he came he walked over to me and said " suck it now" "do it" " NOW". Well, I did, and I thought it was really gross. I choked and gaged lots. When he was all hard again, it was a bit better. He kept grabbing my boobs and grunting. Jon was about 35 or so, much older than me and was he ever strong. I remember that it wasn't long before he came in my mouth causing me to gage. Oh, I didn't like that much. Some of it splashed out onto my legs. All sticky and gooie. When he had finished, he said: "now, any time I say a particular time of day, I expect you to be here unless I tell you a location too" You're gonna keep my cock happy, I'm gonna keep your daddy happy, and you get to keep the colt." You got that kid? Yes I answered. Good, now get out of here.
All through the summer and fall, into the winter and again in the spring, I would go to the storage room when ever Jon told me to. It was usually the same thing, I strip and dance and then suck his cock. But by the next spring, Ben had still not had his surgery, we had to have it done soon. You could tell it hurt him to walk and riding him was completely off limits. I would ride one of the mares and he would follow me everywhere. One day, in late spring, I was out riding and of course Ben was following us when I decided to stop at one of my favorite rest stops. The view over the valley was beautiful. As I sat there, I could hear a rider aproaching. It was Jon, oh no, what was wrong, did something happen. " What is it" I yelled. No answer. Jon rode right up beside me and jumped off his horse. "It's time" he said. Oh, that I thought. But Jon had other ideas. As I began removing my clothes, he pushed me down, and climbed on top of me. His cock was searching to penetrate me. No I couldn't let this happen. I just couldn't. "Stop. Get off. Stttoooopppp! I screamed. Jon was too strong for me but I kicked and bucked and then, the pain. He had rammed his hard cock into my little pussy. It hurt so much. He just kept pounding me for all he was worth. I was so scared. Slowly, the pain turned to a bit of pleasure but by this time, Jon was pretty much done. He pulled out of me and sprayed his come all over me. I had just begun to think that it was fun when I heard a gun shot. "Ohhhh Shit !" Jon yelled, zipping up his pants, "Its your dad, he'll kill me, I saved your horse now you save me, pleeeeesssse" Jon was terrified. The closest horse to him was Ben, never been ridden but I usually would saddle him up so he would know what it felt like and get used to one. Jon jumped onto Ben, and rode away. He had Ben going pretty fast too. I was impressed at how fast Ben was running. Straight back to the barns. Dad came up to me and asked " are you ok? I'll kill the son of a bitch" No, I replied, help me. I knew my Dad wouldn't leave me and at the time, I thought I owed it to Jon, but now I regret it. You see, as Jon entered the barns on Bens back, Ben took a bad tumble on the cement entrance. It was wet and slippery. We never heard from Jon again, he had packed his pickup and driven off in less than five minutes my mom said later. She happen to see him out the window and noticed him riding Ben so she went to the porch and watched him.
Ben was hurt bad, his ankle was really bad, we called the vet and . . . . . .
NOTE: If you really liked this, then vote it up with 5 stars. You see, it's a true storey, and the best is yet to 'come'. I know you read this thinking it was an animal storey and it is, but you had to understand how it all began. Keep watching for " Ben my best friend 2 ". I'll watch the stats here to see if it's worth telling all of you such a story.
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My Daughter's Friend Natalia Part #4
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My daughter's friend Natalia Part #4
skymanjack on all
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Fearful after shock.
I still can't believe what i've just done!
At 25, happily married with two children and a lovely husband. I am happy not working and just being a wife and mother. I think of myself as volumptous with a good body and active mind especially when on my own and thinking about sex.
This afternoon I'm just coming down from the aftermath of an awsome orgasm. My mind is flitting in turmoil at what I'd just done. I'm lounged well down in an easy chair and naked from the waist down,well I would be from what I'd just been doing.
This day sex won as always. So my hand wanders down inside the waistband of my skirt and down the front of my body over my belly and starts smoothing my pubes outside my panties. Wriggling my bum to get more comfortable and as the heat from my pussy permeates through my pants I sense a dampness. The results of which are always the same. Lifting my bum I remove my skirt and laying back again I put my hand inside my knicker waist band and let my fingers start their magic. Gently my fingertips explore my pussy lips,gradually pushing them open seeking my wetness. I started to think back a couple of days to an occasion that I still couldn't believe had happened. Just an ordinary get together of friends with a few drinks and one person who is my husbands best friend in particular. Most of the males had come on to me at one time or another,but no more than that. Anyway this best friend had pushed me into an alcove and quickly moved a kiss on me. I freely admit I kissed back! Not tongue stuff just lips. But as his lips traced across my jaw bone to my neck,my instinct was to freak as I felt his hand go up my skirt. I didn't. I like to think it was not to cause a scene or a fight,but in honesty it was more intregue at what he would do. His hand reached my knickers and squeezed my whole pussy on the outside of my panties but his middle finger pressed right into my pussy crease. Then his fingers started to go up my knicker leg on to my skin. All sorts of tingles were going through me and my mind was saying stop him. I didn't, then his hand was fondling all over my pussies clit. I could feel he had pulled my knickers right to one side to make the touching up easier. My knees were shaking as he whispered "Get mine out" Mumbling "No" my hands sought out his fly and I could feel a hard cock within. I still can't believe it,I actually intended to get it out when his wife called out, "Ted time we got back to the kids" He broke away and as happens in these gatherings his wife went on chattering for ages. So sitting opposite me while waiting to go,Ted was looking at my legs intensely. Daringly against my normal incline, I opened my thighs allowing him a glimpse up the top. I knew he saw my cunt and clamped my thighs shut in shock at my brazoness. So this was where my mind was as I played with myself. As my minds eye enacted what Ted had done to me my hand copied the feeling up part except my hand was in the top of my knickers not up the leg hole. This said my other hand was moving my Knickers to one side exposing my pussy as Ted had. All this was with my eyes closed,then I sensed a movement and very slightly opened them as slits to make sure I was alone. Oh! it was only our dog Bruce sat away but in front of my open thighs watching me and what my hands were at. I shut my eyes and continued but a bit more intensely. Of course as I concentrated more and more on my clit and occasionally plunged my fingers into my cunt to get more juice to my clit I started to make some little noises as you do. Bruce taking this as a sign of attention and unbeknown to me had moved closer. Suddenly I jerked and my eyes shot open. Bruce's nose had touched my fingers and his tongue had taken a quick lick of me. As I told him "No" wagging his tail he licked again. This has to stop now! but I didn't, I half heartedly pushed him away but the sensation was still in my pussy. What I then done still shocks me. I patted my inner thigh,saying "Good dog do it some more" He did and in no time he had my belly bouncing all over the place. I had to stop him then and get my pants off. God I really needed all of my goodies at the mercy of his hot tongue. In doing this I noticed between two and three inches of dog cock out of the sheath. Of course I wasn't surprised at this because like dogs do he often tried to dry fuck my leg when I was on. He just got told to bugger off. So on laying back again I let him do me all over with his tongue and he especially was good at tonguing up my bum crack and in my groins almost as though he knew I wanted more tongue on my clit and he was doing the other bits to prolong my desperation. He was very steady at all this he wasn't getting excited and jumping, just sat between my legs and was very gently bringing me to an orgasm. Fuck when it arrived it nearly blew my brain out. Desperately I asked, No! commanded him to go faster, but no, he kept up his steady relentless pace which gave me an orgasm out of this world. I was shaking and panting and wasn't fully in control as I felt his big front legs come up onto the chair and stand each side of my chest under my armpits. All I remember is saying "You're a really good dog" But a hot sensation was now by my pussy,really hot! then as I decended from my orgasm I realised this sensation was due to a couple of inches of dog cock was now opening my cunt. I didn't go mad with him or shout,I just lifted his front paws off the chair and put them down on the floor. "Perhaps next time" I heard myself saying in disbelief. Bruce had a distinct look of disappointment on his face. Relenting slightly I put my hand under his belly and started to give him a wank. In no time he was humping with a totally dumb look on his face. Then I felt his hot jism squirt over my arm hands and legs. "Bruce you dirty devil" looking up at me he started to lick all his spunk off me finishing with my legs where he gradually got beyond his jism to my love juice at my thighs and pussy.This led me to another orgasm which made me sorely tempted to try him but in my mind I feared having puppies. So innocent at this time was I. Putting Bruce out the back I sat and suffered from guilt at what I had just done. What a dirty cat! NO! What a filthy bitch I had just been! Trouble is now in the aftermath. I know I will keep on doing it. As the saying goes, "Don't knock it if you haven't tried it!" I am worried I may let it out to my husband some way though. Then what? Still Bruce isn't about to tell anyone,unlike a bloke that might!
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No Other Choice Pt. 2
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My Sister Amanda Part 4
Well that’s pretty much how our week went without our parents. We stayed home and we hate and fucked. It was one hell of a week, one I will never forget, and one I don’t think my sister will forget either. Especially the last day, Friday. We knew our parents would be home late Saturday, so we still had half a day with each other, but Friday was a day to remember. I wok
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Mike and his mother visit DC
A mother and son find forbidden love on a trip to Washington Dc.
Some non-consenual, watersports, incest
   This is my first story so please be patient with me and I would love to hear your comments / criticism. This is a story of fantasy that I wish had happened. It begins when I was 13 or 14 and reached puberty, arousing my interest in the opposite sex. We were your typical family, my mother Jenna was 32 and my father was 2 years older than her. My name is Mike, and I had a sister Megan who is two years younger than myself. My mother was about 5'5, blond hair, with a beautiful body and large breats. She regularly went to the gym to keep in shape, and it showed.
   When I was 14 I discovered a pair of my moms panties in the
   A week later I was lucky enough to find bra and panties that she had taken off before a shower and forgot to remove from the bathroom. These were black and silky matching bra and panties. I felt the smoothness of the panties and smelled them, the smell was something like sweat and sex. My dick became hard as I smelled her freshly used panties, and i lowered my pants and began to rub them against my rigid cock. The silky panties felt so good against my dick, and I could feel a trickle of pre-cum that I rubbed into her underwear. I once again returned to my room and jerked off thinking of my sexy, young mother.
   My growing lust for my mother led me to hanging around outside the bathroom while she was showering. I hoped to catch a glimpse of anything as she left the bathroom to get dressed in my their room. I was only able to see her clad in a towel wrapped tightly around her body, so I could only make out the bottoms of her legs dripping with water. These brief sights only caused my want for her to grow.
   My mother worked in the jewelry industry, so occasionally she went to conferences to buy new merchandise. A convention was coming up in Washington DC so she asked if I would like to come and see the city while she was doing business. I quickly agreed as I had never been there and thought it could be a fun trip, little did I know how fun.
   We left early one Friday morning, packing light as it would only be a 2 night stay. It took us about two hours to reach the Mariott in Washington. It was a very impressive hotel, and we were both pretty excited about our stay here. We checked in and found our room had one king size bed, which my mother said would'nt be a problem since it was only two nights.
   My mother immediately changed into a nicer outfit for the conference. She wore a red skirt with a tight black top, flesh colored panty hose and red high heels. I must say when she came out of the bathroom I was floored with how good she looked. My mother had to check in and do conference stuff all day, so I was left to roam the city alone. I visited the Air & Space museum and just walked around admiring the city. I returned to the hotel around dinner time and found a note saying that my mother was going to the conference dinner and wouldn't be back till 10. I ordered some room service and laid on the bed watching television.
   I must have dosed off because I was awakened in the dark by my mother fumbling with the room key. It was one of those swipe things, but the thing was pretty picky about how you slid the card. I got out of bed and oppended the door.
   "Hi, thanks for opening the door hun, this door card always gives me trouble." my mother said as she entered the room. I could smell alcohol on her and she sligltly slurred her words so I knew she had been drinking. She rarely drinks so a few glasses of wine and she is past buzzed.
   "No problem mom, did you have a good night?"
   "I had a great time, I saw a lot of jewelry I'm really excited to get into our store. The dinner was great, I wish you could have been there. I couldn't wait to get back up here and sit down and relax. So how was your day"
   "Not bad, I went to a museum, ordered room service and then watched some tv" I said as I laid back down on the bed again. The room was dark except for the flickering light of the television. My mother laid down on the bed next to me, still wearing her outfit of a short red skirt and sexy heels. The tightness of the shirt perfectly outlined her breasts, and I could make out the bra underneath. It made me hard just wondering which of her Victoria's Secret bras she was wearing tonight.
   "My feet are killing me, these shoes are so uncomfortable but I love them. I need to wear something different tommorow since I will be on my feet all day again."
   "Do you want a foot massage?" I innocently asked her, as I had done it for her years ago. Now I had a new interest in getting close to her beautiful stockinged feet.
   "Awww, that would be great sweetheart."
   I crawled to the foot of the bed and removed my mothers red heels. Her feet felt so good through the stockings she wore. I begin to slowly rub and massage her feet, concentrating on all the areas I knew were sore. I started out softly, but increased my pressure. My mother reacted by sighing, and I could see her eyes were now closed. I worked my way up her legs slowly, stopping midway between the knee and ankle. I softly massaged her lower legs and feet, as she became more relaxed she slid down on the bed a little and her legs parted slightly. If I got down low I could almost see all the way up her skirt.
   I got braver and crawled up next to her body, still rubbing her lower legs. I slowly began moving farther up her leg till I was rubbing the middle of her thigh. I was now so close to her crotch that I could smell what I had smelled on her panties. By now my dick was rock hard as I continued to rub her inner thigh gently, as I didnt want to alarm her. Occasionally I would look up at her shapely breasts that were moving with her breathing, fighting against the tightness of her shirt. The look on my mothers face was pure relaxation, her lips slighlty parted, eyes closed.
   While rubbing her inner thigh I began to put a small amount of pressure on her inner thigh, pushing her legs a little bit more open. Her body unconsciously complied, and her skirt rode up a little bit and now I could see the tops of the panty hose and just a little bit of her panties. Her panty hose was flesh colored thigh high, connected to a garter belt. Her panties were small white and lacy. I kept rubbing her thigh gently, massaging the muscles. I ran my hand over the tops of the thigh highs, and felt the small area of skin between them and her panties. I didn't go very high right now as I was honestly scared out of my mind. I was waiting for her to any second jump up and call my father. I couldn't stop though, I had gone too far, and my cock was just too hard to quit.
   My rubbing of her inner thigh intensified, as I slid my hand higher my knuckles brushed against her panties. I kept brushing against her lacy panties, very slightly at first, then applying a little more pressure. As I rubbed the back of my hand against her panty covered pussy, I heard a soft moan escape from her mouth, and her breathing was getting faster. I then got brave and moved my one hand to her panties as my other hand continued to massage her thigh. I very delicately ran my fingers over the lacy white panties, feeling the warmth and moistness of her pussy. I ran my fingers up and down her panties, feeling her wet lips beneath the thin fabric. I heard another moan from her, and I felt her hips push back against my fingers. She was actually enjoying this. I couldn't believe it, I was rubbing my hot mothers pussy, while she laid with her legs spread. I had to look her over again, wearing her thigh high stockings and a short black skirt that was now pushed up revealing her white lace panties.
   While my one hand continued to massage her inner thigh, I pushed aside her panties revealing my mothers beautifully trimmed, wet pussy. In the dark I could barely make out the light patch of pubic hair above her pussy. I ran my finger slowly up the outside of her pussy, over her clit and then felt the softness of her pubes. This time my mother moaned loader, pushing her head back into the pillow. I moved one finger slowly up and down her wet slit, making sure to touch her clitoris. My mother's breath quickened and I heard "mmmmmm". I used my other hand to hold her panties aside, and slowly inserted a finger into her pussy. I rubbed it around the opening of her hole, making sure I was nice and lubricated. I then stuck my finger almost all the way inside her, which was quite easy because of how wet she was.
   "Oh god that feels good", my mother slurred with her eyes still shut. I then inserted two fingers into her, and slowly pushing them in and out. I could feel her hips rising to meet my fingers with each thrust. I knelt in between her legs and lowered my head down, enjoying the overpowering scent of her pussy. I kissed up her inner thigh, and then slowly started kissing her wet lips. I kissed up and down her slit, I grabbed her terrific ass and pulled her pussy closer to my face as I began to lick her. I hear more moans and sighs from her as her breathing got quicker. Her hips continued their bucking motion, pushing her moist clit closer to my tongue. I buried my tongue into her pussy, causing her to squeal as I relentlessly ate her out.
   I knew she was coming close to orgasm, so I knew this was my best chance.   I quickly removed my sweat pants and boxers and crawled over top of my mother. She opened her eyes and looked at me in horror.
   "Oh god baby, I'm so sorry. I was a little drunk and got confused and excited when I shouldn't have. I'm your mother, we can't do this"
   I said nothing to her and started kissing her neck and ears while I was rubbing my cock against her wet slit. I could feel her big tits against me, and my dick was already covered in her precum mixed with my own. I began to squeeze her tits as I ran my tongue in her ear. She began to try to push me off of her, but since she was smaller and slightly drunk she wasn't very effective. As she struggled with me I pulled up her shirt and was finally able to see her breasts in one of her sexy bras, they were as perfect as I had imagined. I rubbed her tits with one hand as I used the other hand and my body weight to hold her down.
   "No Mike, please don't do this. Your father will kill us, plus this is incest. Its so wrong, please I'm your mother." She helplessly pleaded. I then kissed her softly on the lips, she turned away so I kissed her harder this time. I tried sticking my tongue into her mouth but she kept her lips tightly closed as she whimpered. I then slowly stuck the head of my cock inside her, and begin gently rocking back and forth. The shallow thrust and the angle I was at made my head rub directly against her clit. I tried kissing her again, she kept her mouth closed but didn't turn her head this time. I increased my rhythm and kissed her again, this time she opened her mouth and our tongues met in a passionate kiss. We kissed deeply and for a long time as she wrapped her arms around me, I thrust further into her and could feel her moan into my mouth. We stopped kissing and I reached around and undid her bra and removed it, revealing her amazing tits. Her nipples were hard as a rock, and I began to lick and suck on them.
   "Oh honey, that feels so good. Suck mommy's tits like you used to. Oh fuck, suck on my nipples hard, mmmm" my mother moaned in ectasy. I kept licking and sucking her nipples, biting on them causing her to squeal loudly and then moan with pleasure. I kissed her again, her tongue going wild in my mouth while my hands roughly grabbed her breasts. I was now fucking my full 8" deep inside of my mothers wet pussy, as I thrusted in I could hear our skin slapping together. The smoothness of her panty hosed legs felt incredible against my naked skin. I felt my mothers pussy clench my cock, and she wrapped her smooth legs around my body pulling me closer to her. "I'm cummmming baby, oh fuck yeah, keep fucking your mommy. Oh god I'm cumming now!" My mother screamed as her whole body tightened and her pussy started convulsing on my rigid cock. I could feel wave after wave of orgasm hit her, her pussy was now drenched with her cum.
   Now I could feel my balls tightening, I grabbed my mothers tights tightly, tweaking her nipples and causing her to yell. I fucked her pussy with incredible speed, and she knew I was close to cumming. "Please baby, don't cum in me, I'm not on the pill and I can't get pregnant with your child" she pleaded with me. I ignored her request and kept fucking her, kissing her on the lips and playing with her nipples. I then came inside her, it must have been the biggest orgasm I ever had. I shot loads of cum inside my mother as she writhed under my cock. I kept fucking in and out of her while I was cuming. I finally finished filling my mother with my load and we laid there is silence for a few minutes. I then pulled my now soft cock out of her and lay down next to her. The sight of my mother laying there with her tits hanging out, legs spread and my cum leaking out of her pussy and running down her ass was incredible. My mother passed out in about 10 minutes without speaking a word to me or getting up to clean my jizz out of her. I noticed her nipples and breasts were red from where I was biting and grabbing at them. It turned me on to think of my mother sleeping with her pussy full of my cum, and with that wonderful thought I fell asleep.
   The next morning I woke up and my mother was already dressed. She had the look on her face that she wanted to talk to me about something.
   "Goodmorning Mike, before I go I just wanted to talk to you about last night. What we did was horrible and an accident, I should have never let myself get so carried away. We need to keep this between us as a one time mistake, because your father would kill both of us. I don't blame you at all and I'm not mad, but nothing like that will ever happen again." my mother said, her eyes filling with tears.
   "Ok mom, I'm sorry, I guess I just got a little carried away too."
   "Well I won't be home till dinner, so if you want we could go get something to eat together."
   "Sounds great mom, see you later" I said to my mother as she walked out the door. I felt bad for upsetting my mother, but I knew she enjoyed it just as much as I had. I spent the day laying around watching tv, but not really paying attention to it. I was mostly thinking about my mother and how I wanted to do the same things to her again. I slept on and off, showered, ate some room service and just thought.
   I decided around 5:30 to take a shower, while I was showering I heard a knock on the bathroom door.
   "Mike, it's me. I have to go pee, stay in the shower so I can come in and use the bathroom."
   "Ok, Its open mom, I'm in the shower."
   "Stay in the shower, no funny business today. I just can't hold it any longer" my mother said as she entered the bathroom. It was just my luck that there was a mirror directly accross from the toliet, in which I would be able to get a perfect view of my mother. I pretened to keep showering, and made small talk about her day. I saw in the mirror my mother enter the bathroom and lift the toliet lid. She was wearing a white mini-skirt, white blazer, and a navy blue tube top that showed off great cleavage. My mother replied to my questions and again reminded me to keep my eyes averted while she was in there.
   In the mirror I saw her take off her white high heels and then strip off her white panty hose. She then lifted her skirt and dropped her little black thong panties to the floor and sat on the toliet. I could hear the piss hit the toliet as I watched my mother urinate. I had a perfect view of her pussy and the stream of piss from it. My mother was too preoccupied with holding up her skirt to notice me. Once she was finished she wiped, pulled her panties up and flushed the toliet. I then saw her walk over to the sink. I was so turned on by watching her pee for some reason.
   As she was washing her hands I got out of the shower, leaving it on. She didn't notice me coming up behind her because of the noise of running water in the room. I grabbed her around the waist and started to squeeze her tits.
   "Please Mike, We can't do this again. This is wrong, its incest. I'm your mother and we aren't going to do this." my mother begged. I held her hands down on the counter of the bathroom sink, and then I slid her panties down her.
   "Noo, I'm going to tell your father. He is going to kill you when he finds out." my mother was screaming at me. I started to play with her pussy while she was still facing away from me. I rubbed her clit and got her wet, despite her protests. I pushed my cock into her pussy, fucking her from behind. I didn't do it gently this time either, I fucked her hard.
   "Please Mike, you have to stop this. This is wrong." My mother cried with tears running down hear cheeks. I kept fucking in and out of her and got a nice rhythm going on. I reached under her shirt and grabbed her tits roughly, making her squirm in my grasp. I undid her bra as she kept yelling for me to stop. I took off the bra and began squeezing her nipples tightly, causing her to yell out in pain. I kept my cock burried inside her, fucking in and out roughly causing her to wince.
   My mothers pussy got wetter and wetter the harder I fucked her from behind. I played with her tits as the swang freely in front of her. Her protests became weaker and I felt her body relax a little bit and start uncontrollably pushing back against my large cock. My mother then begin to moan in pleasure as she was overcome by her first orgasm. I could feel her pussy tighten against my hard cock, and felt the cum squirt out of her.
   I turned my mother around and kissed her, our tongues meeting once again in a lustful kiss. I then sat down on the counter and pulled her head towards my cock. She complained a little bit, so I tweaked her nipple till she lowered her head. I could see the dried tears on her face which was flushed from orgasm. She reluctantly kissed my cock on the tip, and then begin to lick her own cum off of it. Soon my mother began licking up and down my hard prick, getting every last drop of her own cum off of it. She then took my shaft deep into her mouth and began sucking expertly. I kept kneading her breasts and playing with her nipples as she fucked my cock with her mouth. I could hear my mother moaning as she sucked my 8" cock in and out of her mouth. She then licked my balls and took each one into her mouth, gently massaging it. I felt her tongue slide down to my asshole and dart around the outside of it. My mother then licked my taint, occasionaly licking my asshole or balls. She then went back to work on my shaft, furiously sucking it into her mouth. I had about all I could take. "I'm cumming mom!" I yelled at her.
   "Oh honey, I want your cum inside my mouth. I'm gonna swallow it all for you baby." My mother said, the sentence garbled by my cock being in her mouth. I then shot my load into my mother's mouth, and watched and she slurped it all down. I came so much she choked on it a little and some ran down her chin onto her tits. After I had finished cumming she opened her mouth to she me all of my cum in her mouth and kept kissing my cock while swallowing my wad. She then licked the cum off her tits.
   "We can't tell anyone about this Mike."
This is my first story so I would love to hear from readers. Send comments, criticism, questions to filthydirtyone@gmail.com.
I also don't proofread, so I apologize for any typos / grammar mistakes.
Should I write another chapter to this story?
What can I do to make it better?
Thanks for reading.
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Bandit's knot for me.
Let me tell you about myself right off. My name is Daisy. (my dad says it’s because I reminded him a flower when I was born) I’m not to hip on it, but, what are ya gonna do? Mid twenties (+-) and out on my own since college. 5’ 7â€Â, 130 pounds, light brown hair, 36C, 26, 36. I’m doing OK in the looks department. Bi, so is my ‘boy’friend, Alex. Lately, though, he seemed to like the dick more than he liked me. There ya have it.
I met my friend, Susan, when I was in college. She always had her own place, while I was in the dorm. Her and I had hooked up on many occasions when the pickin’s weren’t so hot on the local scene. She had the sweetest tasting pussy.
She had always talked about gettin
“Teach them young and they will be a companion for their lifeâ€Â, was what she always told me. After a year or so, I asked her why she never had Bandit fixed. “No way!†was her response. “Castrate a dog and they turn into wimps. I don’t want a wimpy dog! I want something with balls I can control.â€Â
After college, we both stayed around the city taking jobs. Susan was moving up a little quicker than me and needed to go out of town every now and again, asking if I could watch Bandit while she was gone. I would say yes, and bring Bandit to my place. I liked having him with me. When I would go to the park, for a walk, I felt ‘safe’. Alex was never happy when I had Bandit. Bandit was none to fond of Alex.
I was at Susan’s one day and she told me she was moving to Idaho. She had applied for a position in the company. Idaho??? She asked if I could keep Bandit for a few months until she found a place big enough to let him roam. The day came and she left Bandit with me, saying goodbyes to him and me. Alex was OK with the idea of me watching him as Bandit seemed to like him.
Getting used to having Bandit around full time, for more than just a few days, took quite a toll on my social life. When I would go out, those I knew would ask me where I had been hiding and soon all knew I was ‘puppy-sitting’ for Susan. I spent more and more time at home and found the company of Bandit was, for the most part, better that that of my ‘friends’.
I was out walking Bandit in the park, one day, and a girl, a few years older than me walking a Black Lab, came up, introduced herself as Jodi, and started asking me about Bandit. The dogs were doing the usual dog thing, sniffing butts, and I told her I was sitting the dog for a friend while she got settled in another town, how I had known the dog since he was a pup…blah, blah, blah.
“He minds so wellâ€Â, she said. “I have seen you here before with him. I’ll bet you have to keep a tight leash on him when the girl dogs are around. He’s got quite a set on him. A girl would be happy to have a package like that between her legs.†We talked for a few minutes longer, and went our separate ways Jodi saying maybe we could walk our dogs together in the future. Thinking about what she had said got me a little curious about Bandit’s privates. I had watched him pee and all that, but never thought about dogs having sex. It was one area that Susan had never told me about. Oh…I knew how they did it, but never saw the real thing. Walking back to the house I let Bandit roam in front of when I could and really started to look at his sack.
It WAS huge, I just had never noticed. It hung down 5-6 inches and held two huge balls. When he would turn side-ways to snoop around at something, I could see the sheath that held his dog cock. It seemed the length of my forearm. Well, why not, I thought, big dog made to mate with a big dog equates a big cock. (unlike big guys, by the way) I decided when we got home I was going to check him out and see what was what. My mind was having a tough time with this. I was actually thinking of Bandit in kind of a sexual way.
Home at last. Unleashing Bandit, he went to his favorite spot in the middle of the living room, plopped down on the floor and started to snooze. Dogs can fall asleep at the drop of hat, a quality I found perplexing. Must be the ‘no stress in my life’ thing. Eat, walk, poop. How tough is that! After having a little supper, I went to Bandit, sat next to him and started to pet him. I got him to roll onto his back, rubbing his belly, getting closer to his sheath. As I ran my hand over it he tensed just a bit, but I was talking to him, keeping him calm. It might have been my imagination, but I swear I heard him give a little doggie sigh. Moving my hand back further I took one of his balls in my hand. It filled my palm. I gently squeezed each one, then back up to stroke his sheath. Bandits cock started to emerge from inside, it’s pointed tip a pinkish-red.
His cock continued to grow, blood pumping into it, head rolled to one side, tongue lolling out of his mouth. Even his tongue was big. One hand stroking his sheath, the other softly massaging his balls more cock emerged, big around as my wrist. 7-8-9 inches, fluid starting to run from the end. I realized my pussy was getting wet looking at, playing with this huge thing. It HAD to stop growing at some point, I thought. I moved my hand away from his balls and caught some fluid in my hand, rubbing it along Bandit’s penis, getting it slicker than it already was, my other moving up to join as that was the only way to encompass the whole thing, noticing it was hotter than my hands, keeping his dog dick wet with his pre-come. I stroked until a his full 11-12 inch, bright red cock was outside his sheath.
I couldn’t believe what I was doing!!! I was jacking-off a dog, but I wasn’t able to stop. My pussy was soaking my panties, Bandit’s fluid running from the tip of his huge cock. His haunches jerking with each of my strokes. I leaned down, taking the tip into my mouth, tasting his pre-come. It was salty, but not to. My mind screamed at me, ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! YOU’RE SUCKING A DOG!!! STOP!!!’ I couldn’t. Taking 3 or 4 inches into my mouth, stroking the rest with my hands, his fluid filling my mouth, me swallowing it down. I looked past my hands and saw a ball forming at the base of his penis. As I pumped Bandits 12 inches, the ball grew bigger, bigger, until it was the size of a big baseball. ‘What the hell was this all aboutâ€Â, I thought.
I took my mouth away from Bandits cock, swallowing (finally, my mind said) still tasting his fluid on my lips, looking closer at this ball. Still stroking with one hand the other moving around his knot. (found out later it was called that) This must be here to keep him from going to deep into his mate. (WOW, was I naïve) I stopped what I was doing, my mind getting a bit of control, stood and left poor Bandit in a state of full excitement. He growled at me as I walked away, I thought ’That has never happened‘. Wet, excited, my pussy flowing, I went to the bedroom and masturbated into an intense orgasm, thinking all time about Bandit’s huge cock. I had NEVER had a guys meat that big in my hands.
Bandit and I spent the next couple weeks out walking in the park. We met Jodi a couple of times and she told me of an off-leash “rover runâ€Â. We went there and let the dogs go. It was good for both of them to get to stretch their legs. We got to know each other better and I even spent a night with her, but that’s another story. She would hint around at how big Bandit was , but never really came out and said anything.
Alex had not been around to much lately and I was really starting to get horny, feeling the need to need to get dicked hard. I came home from work one afternoon, got into my robe and popped a rental porn movie in the player (yes, guys, we watch them, also) intent on playing with myself, coming and then heading off to bed. The movie progressed predictably and I wasn’t getting the satisfaction I wanted, but I WAS hot, my pussy wet from my hand. I started to think of Bandit’s big dog meat, it had never been far from my mind since the day I had it in my mouth, pumping a full 12 inch cock, his juice filling my cheeks, swallowing it and that REALLY started my juices flowing. His cock was SO big! As if he could sense what was on my mind, Bandit stood up and walked to me. His snout sniffed once at my pussy and his long tongue snaked out, licking across my soaked fingers, getting a taste of me. That was all it took. His nose pushed my hand away, his long rough tongue replacing it, licking my cunt, running across my clit, each time bringing me closer, diving deep into me to get all of the juice flowing from it. I held his head to me, Bandit licking into me. I looked down and saw his cock growing from his sheath. It FELT SO GOOD! His tongue inside, his nose pressed against my cit, I jerked once, twice, thrice and came, moaning in the release of my body…he didn’t stop, taking me over the edge again. I had never been eaten this deeply. His cock was at full attention. I could see it swinging beneath him. I wanted that huge thing inside me. I pushed his head away from my crotch, grabbed his collar and led him to my bedroom, knowing that he would need the height of the bed to get behind me. I got on the edge if the bed, my ass up, robe up over my hips and called Bandit to me.
He was jumping around a bit, not quite sure what to do. I guess Susan had not taught him this maneuver. I got his front legs up on the bed, his big dick swaying underneath, spraying pre-come at me, my mind reeling, knowing I was going to take this thing inside me. I was going to let a dog fuck me. I was presenting myself to him, wanting his big cock in me. I got back on my knees under him, his haunches searching, his dick hitting everything but where I wanted it. I reached back grabbed that big piece of dog cock and guided it to me. Bandit’s cock tip entered me, the cream from my cunt running down the insides of my legs. I had never been this wet, this wanton. Bandit figured out what was up. His bitch wanted to be mated, and moved forward, DRIVING his cock into me. My head pulled back in pain at the intrusion, his cock reaching a depth inside me I had never felt. Bandit never pulled back, his hips pushing against my ass, the tip of his cock at the entrance of my cervix.
The pain/pleasure of his huge cock stretched my pussy wide, hitting at my womb, the pain was unbearable, the pleasure of being so full, unbelievable, there was no stopping him. I was swooning in the pleasure, his dick pounding me relentlessly. He now knew what he wanted and was not to be denied. I was coming, moaning, screaming, begging him to fuck me harder, HARDER!. He was fucking me as no man could, his 12 inch cock pushing into me, his balls hitting against my clit and lower abs with each push. I was thrusting my ass back onto him, the pain still there, the indescribably great feeling of whole body sex, just a pure, raw, dog fucking, wanting more of that huge cock, not realizing I was about to get more than I bargained for. Bandit moved a little closer into me.
I felt his knot banging against the lips of my cunt, pushing them further apart. I was thinking this was all the further he could go. Again, how naïve of me. I realized he was trying to it get inside. I wanted all of him. He was pushing harder into my full pussy, the tip just inside my cervix, my lips spreading wider, opening wider, wanting that big ball in my cunt. GIVE IT TO ME!!! His knot pushed into my cock ravaged twat, my pussy closed around it, sucking it in, pushing back harder onto it, wanting all he could give me, screaming in both pain and ecstasy. I was his bitch, writhing in orgasm. He was locked with his mate, his big, hard meat inside my womb. FUCKING ME!!! COOOOMING!!! That wonderful, painfully HUGE knot rubbing my G-spot bringing me to orgasm again and again. Bandit fucking into me harder, never pulling away, buried inside me, pounding into my burning hole, his mouth around the back of my neck, biting me, my cunt full of huge dog cock thrusting back onto him, COOOMING!! COOOOOMING!!!FUUCK ME, OHHHH YEEESSSS FUUUUUCK MEEEE HAAAARDER!! Pure, raw, dog sex! I was pushing onto him, my cream running out of me, down my legs, soaking the bedspread. COOOMING!! My whole body shaking with the FUCKING I was receiving. My mind reeled! My orgasms rolled! No love, just hard fucking. FUUUCKING!! This is what I had wanted!
It seemed forever. Fucking me. Fucking my stretched pussy. His cock swelled inside me, his release immanent. I could feel his big, hard pole grow inside me. BIGGER. FUCK ME!!! COME IN ME!!! PULSING INSIDE ME!!! Bandit pushed hard into me. held me against his hips, releasing his hot seed into me, filling me again and again, his sperm unable to escape because of our tie, his HUGE knot, a stopper at the entrance of my clenching cunt, pumping, streaming hard into my womb, a seemingly endless amount of hot dog come filling me, filling me again and again, Bandit’s cock, a fire hose, spraying, COOMING, my lower ab stretching to accommodate the continuous flow. I was shaking in orgasm, pushing back onto that wondrous cock, my cunt milking more come from my mates HUGE dick, my neck in Bandit’s teeth, his spittle running in between my beasts, down my stomach to met the cream in between my shaking legs. Still pushing my ass back into him, never having been SOOO FUUULL, so full!
Minutes passed, Bandit’s streaming come, stopping. I was shaking almost uncontrollably. His instinct took over. He turned around, his ass, unmoving, placed against mine, his bid dog cock still buried inside me. I tried to pull away and couldn’t, Bandit’s knot still locked inside me, my pussy unable to let go of that hard piece of meat, little orgasms running through me. 15 long minutes passed, his knot getting smaller, until finally, with an audible pop, his shrinking knot left my cunt his cock pulled out of me leaving my pussy gaping open, clenching uncontrollably. His hot dog come GUSHED from me, running down my legs to joining the pool of fluid on the spread. I collapsed on the bed, reveling in the complete fucking I had just had. Bandit laying on the floor, licking his receding cock clean of out combined juices. No stress. Eat, walk, poop and now FUCK his wanton bitch.
I had just fucked a dog, willingly. As I lay thinking about what had just transpired, I knew that Alex was going to have fun with us. He had always wanted a bigger cock in his ass and I was going to introduce him to one. I thought, though, Jodi and I were going to have more fun.
Daisy (knotter)
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My Daughter Really Loves Her Horse! Literally!
It is really hot today, so I am sitting on the back porch
watching my daughter Amy washing her horse "Brute" over by the
barn. She gets him nice and wet, then applies soap and brushes
him good. Brute turns all white for a while, then Amy hoses him
down and brushes him again. Amy got her clothes damp from
washing him, so she strips naked and throws her
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Janet and I
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Our Need For Sex
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Uncle explores.
Yes he did and I loved it. Fact or fiction,you decide!
Mum raised a late family,that is she was about fifty at the time of our puberty. Of course back then sexual talk was a taboo as was much else not talked about. Children should be seen but not heard was what would now be classed as the benchmark. Who cares it didn't stop anything,in fact it was just more exciting.
So a point or two on those way off times. Schools were not co-ed. This meant males of any age were people of mystery to girls,to be spied on and explored when and if possible. Sexually that is! This innocence also applied equa ------------------------------ Mum's brother, - our uncle,round about mum's age tended to visit often and on these occasions mum took the opportunity to take time off from us kids to do whatever mum's did then. As a girl,I liked this for a couple of reasons. He spoilt me and took notice of my every whim,where as mum I felt favoured the boys. I also liked sitting on his lap as we had music playing. The real reason for this was not the music as such,but more the effect my young woman's body had on my uncle and I knew it. That curiosity I mentioned became most apparent on such occasions. Alone in the house after mum had commented to her brother, "Watch out for that one,she's becoming a right little vixen" He defending me, - "get on with you,that's just two female personalities clashing like you and our sister used to" - "mmm" was mum's response and off she went. At other times like now, uncle on letting me sit or more like,lounge across his lap tended to rap his arms down each side of me and rest his hand across my lap. I liked this,because he tended after awhile to drum his fingers to the beat of the music and in turn this made the area his hands were against react by tingling. I knew also that this was the same reaction as I got when me and my friend let boys touch us around our pubic area. I was sure uncle was oblivious to the effect he was having on my pussy as his hands were drumming on my pubes rather than my slit. But I just enjoyed the feeling. I also knew that as I in turn moved my hips slightly to the music,I got a feeling of pressure against my bum slit. Having seen my friends brothers hardon,I knew my uncle was being affected by my body moving on top of his penis. I was sure we both enjoyed our mutual sensations but no more was done and nothing at all was said until now. This moment arrived like this. I had made uncle stiffen somewhat and I could feel this stiffness pressing harder than usual right against my pussy,where as on previous occasions it felt nice and fat laying along the groove between my bum cheeks. "Ease up lovey,you're laying a bit uncomfortable on me" On me lifting off of his belly some,he fumbled with one hand down his waistband and pulled his cock up his belly. "That's better,okay,back you come" I lay back and felt rather disappointed because the pressure of his cock on my pussy was gone. With my head back alongside his face I said in my best innocently sounding voice. "Did I make it do that? you know,go all stiff" - I could see him trying to see me eye to eye before answering. I glanced my so innocent eye's into his. "Did I? I could feel it against me" - "None of that talk young lady,anyway where did you get to know about such things?" - I went for bust... "Oh my friend does all sorts,I've watched them" - "Them?" his eyebrows raised somewhat. - "My friend and her brother,she makes his go stiff and she lets him put it inside her's" Uncle's face went blank and for a while he said nothing,then. "who else knows about that?" - me then, - "Uncle,we're not stupid,we know we got to keep it secret. I knew I could tell you because you like the feeling as well,don't you?" - Silence,then. "Christ,for god sake don't let on to your mum or anyone,not even the two you were on about that you feel my hardon pressing against you. I'd be shot at dawn" "Uncle,stop worrying,like I said,I'm not stupid" we went back to listening to the music and after a while I felt uncle rather than tapping his finger ends against my pubic mound start gently rubbing it rather than the drumming affect. "You let him do you as well?" - "No,I like watching but I'm scared of mum finding out so I don't do it,not yet anyway" - "Would you like to?" - "Maybe,its not like its big or anything. Yours feels huge by comparison to his" I went back to tormenting his hard cock until I realised his breathing pattern had changed and I was sure he had nodded off. Out came the vixen mum warned him about. Gently I started to unbutton my dress from the bottom up. I had a plan,having talked to uncle about my friends,I wondered if uncle would play with mine if given a chance and that chance was now. Now with my dress open up to above my belly I placed uncle's hands against my knicker's and waited to see if he started touching me. Spasmodically his fingers did move against my knicker covered clitoris where I'd placed them. This was not enough,I wanted more! Now pulling at the waistband on my knicker's I pulled down and out while tingling as his flat palms now rested on my naked belly. Up came the waistband and releasing it onto his trapped hands I tingled even more as I sneakily pushed his hands down until I could feel his fingertips touching my pubes. Whether this triggered his sleeping brain I don't know but he started feeling my pubes and as I lay with my heart pounding in my chest,his fingers were searching ever so slowly downwards until a finger touched my pussy slit. It stayed there with one finger gently sliding ever deeper into it. I had become soaking down there and his finger was getting ever more slippery. Almost not daring to breath I waited to feel him touch my little virgin hole. My tiny belly quivered as his large hand and fingers moved at a snails pace over my pubes until he touched my quim. But no,now he just kept sliding his finger against the hood covering my clitoris. It started to drive me mad as I felt an orgasm gaining pace. Then I came while still his finger slowly tormented me almost to insanity. I had to do something so I pressed his hand deeply into my little tight pussy slit. Disturbed by this,he opened his eyes and gasping realising the sensation at his fingertips. "Fucking hell,sorry! sorry! how did that happen" He pulled his fingers away. I was so disappointed,I wanted more. Putting my head close up, "I liked you doing it,I want somemore, Please keep playing with me,can I see yours?" He surprised me now. "I liked it as well,but we'll do it more another time. Better not get caught eh!" I closed my dress and was disappointed until I heard the door open. Fucking hell! It was mum,that was altogether too close for comfort. Uncle whispered, "When we do it some more,I'll let you tell me what you saw your friends do to each other. I'll show you it as well. Okay" I smiled excitedly,this was a beginning,he wanted to do some more with me. I couldn't wait to get started. - "She play up at all Ted?" - "No,course not,she's a treasure,this one" - "Only in your eye's eh?" - We glanced at each other with our secret and smiled secretly. Next part soon,someones arrived. Bye now.
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No Other Choice
 I guess I'll start by filling you in on the information. I live with my Mom, Dad, and little sister. We live in a little trailer park in a little town. We aren't the brady bunch, we have had our problems. I hear Dad and Mom argue all the time. But it isn't as bad as some kids have it. At least I thought.
 One night I heard my Mom and Dad arguing like usually. The same things are said. I guess my Mom has a problem with drugs and drinking, while Dad has a problem gambling and with porn.Â
 My Dad works at home on the computer, not really sure doing what. But I guess he gambles alot online. I've walked in on him with porn on the computer my share of times, and he just keeps it on the screen, never takes it off. Like its an ok thing.Â
 My Mom on the other hand seems to always be drunk or high. I'm not sure what drugs she does, she at least makes sure we aren't around to see her do them. But she always has a glass of some hard liquor.Â
 Well I've learned to live with these things, I've thought about running away, but I care about my little sister Heather too much. I'm only 14, but feel like I'm the only one looking after her. She is 12 and I don't want her to have to be alone to deal with this. So I'm stuck. But they usually leave us alone, and never take out any of there anger on us. So it isn't wasn't too bad. But one day, while my Mom was next door drinking with the neighbor. I was fixing Heather lunch, still in my pj's. My Dad came out of the room and said, "You look good Steff...". He looked me up and down and it made me feel really weird. Mostly because I didn't look good, I looked like shit actually. The only thing a guy would think looked good was my body. I slept in a tanktop and really short shorts. I didn't have an amazing body, my tits just barely started to show, but I was always told at school I had a "fat ass". It was a bad thing, at least the girls in gym made it seem like a bad thing. But my ex-bf loved it. But I never changed out of my pj's at home, since I figured no one would be checking me out, at least thats what I thought. But now that my Dad said something, it made me feel really weird. I didn't know what to say, so I just said thanks and continued to make lunch. He went back in his room, and I quickly went to mine and put on a bra, long sleeve shirt and jeans. I came back out and Heather was so excited, I asked her what was going on. "Daddy is going to take us swimming at the lake!!!" Yay I thought to myself, I hadn't been to the lake yet this year! We got changed and we headed to the lake, just the three of us. I had already forgot about my Dad's comment and the look on his face. That is till we got there and my Dad had his Video Camera. I usually didn't care when he recorded the family, but why would he want to record us at the lake? I really knew why, but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to ask him either, which is why I was greatful Heather did. "Daddy...why did you bring the camera...aren't you scared it will get wet?" "No baby girl, I just want to remember times like this, pretty soon you will be grown up and gone, and it will be fun to look back on these and remember good times." As he started to record I didn't want to take off my shirt or shorts anymore, I didn't want to be recorded in my bikini. "Steff...aren't you going to swim...?" "Yea...I guess..." I took off my shirt and shorts, I could feel the video camera on me, and I didn't like it. I quickly got in the lake and started to swim with Heather. It was fun when I was in, I decided I was just going to stay in there. That way I won't be on tape to much. My Dad came and joined us in the lake, we were all swimming and laughing. It was really fun, we were playing around and just acting like a normal family. Then my Dad had to grab me, which wasn't bad, except that I could feel his Dick poking against me. I let a little yelp out and looked at him. He had the same face as this morning and I didn't know what to do, I just froze there. He was behind me and he pulled me closer, I could feel it in between my ass-cheeks. "Dad...what are you doing...??" I asked him. I knew what he was doing, I just wanted him to stop so bad. "Just wrestling...you don't like it...?" "Not really Dad...can we stop...please??" "If you don't like it we can..." he pulled away and I quickly got out and put my clothes on. I couldn't believe what had just happened. The got out and dried off and we left. When we got home I went into the room and didn't know what to do. Should I tell someone? I didn't want him to get in trouble. I loved my Dad, he was a good Dad. Except for this, I didn't want this. Just then he came in my room. "Steff, I need to talk to you." He closed the door and sat down beside me, I wanted to move away but resisted. "Steff, I'm sorry for what happened at the lake, I thought you would like it....you aren't going to tell anyone are you? Because if you do, I could get in trouble, you don't want me to get in trouble do you?" "No Dad...I don't..." I said, with my head still down. "Steff this type of thing is normal, you do know what I"m talking about right?" I nodded yes, I knew he was talking about sexual things. "Girls usually learn with there Dads....its the safest way...do you understand still?" I nodded again. "Ok...thats a good girl...I'll be back tonight ok...I'm glad you understand that its suppose to happen like this...and that you're not suppose to tell anyone right??" I didn't move, I didn't mean that I understanded that it had to happen, I just meant that I understanded that I knew what he was talking about. I was so scared and nervous I just nodded yes. "Thats good Steff...we'll go slow ok..." He kissed me on the forhead and left the room.Â
 If I am going to run away this is the time, I thought to myself. But I can't, what if he does it to Heather? What if this is how its suppose to happen? Should I just tell?? I couldn't, we would be homeless, my Dad is the only one that works. If he got in trouble all of us would be homeless. I was stuck. I had this sick feeling in my stomach. If this is normal, it sure didn't feel like it.Â
 The hours went by so fast that day, and night was here. I was in bed, hoping my Dad wouldn't come. But just as I thought that I saw the light from the hall on my wall, and then the door close. Please be Heather...Please be Heather. "Steff...you have to be quiet ok...your Mom just fell asleep...so try to by as quiet as you can..." my dad said as he lay on the bed. I knew this was the only way, I couldn't change it. I just have to accept it. "Ok Steff, it is going to be a little uncomfortable, and it might hurt a little, but thats normal, just try to relax and loosen up. Try to enjoy it ok, remember that this is all normal." I tried to listen and relax, but I was still tense. I wanted to enjoy this, I wanted to make the best of a bad situation. The covers were off and my shorts and panties were being pulled down. I sat up and took my shirt off. He laid me down and just looked at me. "You're so beautiful Steff...so...amazing" He leaned down and started to kiss my belly, it sent shivers all over my body. This wasn't the first time I had done things like this, but it sure felt like it. He moved up my belly towards my nipples. As he licked them I couldn't help but let a moan out. "Thats it Steff...let yourself go..." He continued to lick and suck them, his hands caressing my chest as he did. He moved up and started to kiss me. It was so weird...but I kissed back. Feeling his tounge in my mouth made me remember exactly what was going on again. I started to tense up and get that feeling in my stomach. Just then he pulled away and got up off the bed, he went to the foot of the bed and got on it with his knees. He spread my legs and looked for a bit. He didn't say anying and started to kiss in between my legs. I could feel my pussy getting wet with excitement. As nervous as I was I couldn't deny how good it felt. Who knows, I thought to myself, I may even get off. I let a moan out as I felt his mouth touch my pussy. My back arched up as his tounge flicked over my clit. This was better than what my ex-bf did, thats for sure. I could feel myself getting close, my legs were twitching and I was letting out a constant moan, not too loud, but loud enough that my Dad could hear. I knew guys liked to hear girls moan, lets them know they are doing a good job. At least thats what I read in a magazine. I could feel the orgasm building up, but he stopped. "Steff...this might hurt a little ok...just try to relax..." he said. I nodded yes to him, but I knew it wasn't going to hurt. I hadn't had sex yet, but I had been fingered a few times before with my ex. Many times I had done it to myself, so I wasn't too worried. But then I felt a pain, more of a burn. I didn't know for sure, so I took a look....yep...his finger wasn't in my pussy, he put it in my ass. Why there? Isn't that gay?? I was a little confused, but he started to eat me out again and the pain was gone. I could feel the pressure of his finger going in and out of it, but the pleasure overtook the pain. When he stopped eating me out the pain kicked in again, but it seemed to be 3 times worse than before. I looked and noticed he had 2 fingers in there now, and they were going all the way in. "Daddy...it burns...", I said hoping he would stop. "You need to get used to it Steff...just try to relax". I lay my head back down and he continued to do it for a few more minutes. He pulled his fingers out and got up off the foot of the bed and walked up by my face. As he was doing that he undid the button and zipper on his pants. As he got to the head of the bed he kneeled on it again, this time with his dick out. "Steff...will you put it in your mouth, I'll show you what to do ok." I knew what to do already, but I couldn't tell him that. So I grabbed it and put it in my mouth. I pretended I didn't know what I was doing, and just let it sit in my mouth and sucked on it. "No Steff...you gotta move your mouth over it, put it in and out....yea like that...use your tounge alot, don't be afraid to taste it...yea just like that Steff..." He put his head up with pleasure and I started to do what my ex had taught me. Not only that, I had watched my share of videos on the the internet. My Dad was moaning, so I knew I was doing a good job. "Steff...do you know what cum is..." I nodded yes. "Ok...do you want me to cum in your mouth, on your tits, or in your ass?" He asked. I had swallowed before, and it wasn't too bad. The ass thing hurt, so I didn't want to do that, and the titty thing I'd never done. I figured I'd just let him choose. So I pulled him out..."What do you want to do Dad?" "I want to cum on your titties baby..." I continued for a few more minutes, then his hand that was on my head gripped my hair and he pulled himself out of me. "Ohhh here you go baby...here is what you wanted..." He said as he jerked himself. Cum spurt out and landed on my face, it shocked me. I closed my eyes and felt these warm globs fall on my tits and face. He told me he wanted to cum on my tits, but most of it ended up on my face. I stopped, and he put it in my mouth for a minute before pulling it out again. "Ohhh shit...ohhh damn...that was amazing Steff...." He said as he got off the bed and started to pull up his pants. I was trying not to get any of it in my eyes, as it dripped down my face and onto my titties. "Can you pass me a towel Dad" I asked. "No baby...you're supposed to scoop it up and swallow it..." I didn't want to, but I kinded just wanted the night to end. So I scooped up the cum off my tits and face and started to put it in my mouth. I only gagged once while swallowing it. "You're amazing Steff, we are going to have a good time, but remember...this is our secret k...you can't tell ANYONE..." he said looking at me so seriously. "I won't Dad...I promise!" "Ok...goodnight baby, I'll see you in the morning...wear what you did yesterday morning", he said as he walked out the door. I lay down, grasping what had just happend. Now that it was over, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I didn't get off, but maybe next time.....NEXT TIME!! I couldn't believe I was thinking about a next time, almost looking forward to it. But I guess thats just making the best out of the situation. Better me than Heather I thought. Thinking back on the situation, it turned me on. I finished myself off thinking of the things we did, and just accepted that I did like it. Accepted that I did want a next time.Â
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Angie in Heat (part four of series)
She approached her parents’ bedroom door silently, listening to the grunts coming from within. She clamped a hand over her mouth to smother a giggle before she found the door ajar. She crouched lower and inched close, being careful to not bump it and risk being found spying.
The lights were dim, with only one of the bedside lamps on. Her father was sitting against the headboard, legs spread, with her mother kneeling and bend over between them, working her head up and down on his cock. The grunts were coming from him. One of his hands was holding a clump of her mother’s hair in a fist, and every few dips of her head, he held her there for a few seconds.
“Stop,†he said, pushing her away and getting up onto his knees, guiding her a bit roughl
Angie forced herself away from the door and hurried to her room, jumping into bed. Under the covers, she slipped off her panties and pressed her fingers against her clit, feeling the slickness that had already worked its way over her pussy. She rubbed herself to an orgasm that was far less satisfying than she would have liked, sucked the wetness from her fingers, and fell asleep.
The next day at school was almost unbearable. She was so horny she thought she’d go crazy before the bell rang to release them all from their second class for the ten minute morning break. She headed straight for the bathroom and to the stall farthest from the door. She dropped her books, yanked up her skirt, and sat down on the toilet with a hand already in her damp panties. No sooner had that little glow of electricity started inside her, the restroom door slammed open against the wall and a gaggle of girls came in, chattering loudly. With her mood completely ruined, Angie flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and left more than a little annoyed. She didn’t attempt to relieve herself again during school, and ended up with another less than great orgasm when she got home. She sulked her way through the rest of the evening.
At school the next morning, she was squirming in her seat for friction before her first class was halfway over. She was positive that her teacher had seen what she was doing, because he kept smirking at her and looking at her bare legs under the desktop. She rolled the waist of her plaid skirt up another inch and opened her legs just a little more when he turned around at the board. She entertained a short fantasy about him ripping her skirt down after class and bending her over his desk to fuck the living daylights out of her. He smiled wider, but that was the extent of his flirtation. Her second class was just as frustrating as it had been the day before. At morning break, she hunted down Robbie, the boy she had gone out with a few times before ending the relationship with a slapdash handjob in the back of his car. With just a few breathy words in his ear, he was following right behind her. She led him to the band room, locking the door behind him. She stood against the wall and groped her way past his belt, button, and zipper in the pitch dark.
With his dark blue uniform trousers crumpled around his ankles, he pushed up her skirt and tugged hard at her soaking wet panties, ripping the side seam before they were worked down her legs, getting them caught around one of her sneakers. Putting his hands on her waist, he lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around him. He grunted as his small prick slid into the slick heat of her pussy, then started thrusting against her as hard as he could, when he had recovered. Her body hit the wall with the soft sound of flesh against thin wood, red hair bouncing back and forth with the motion. Robbie laid open the buttons of her top and lowered his mouth to her tits, beginning to suck hard in spots on them, leaving trails of saliva behind. His hands tightened painfully on her waist as he spurted in her. Knowing that his come was inside her, along with his vice grip on her body, made her muscles tighten in her own climax. She leaned her head back and gritted her teeth to choke of any sounds. Though it wasn’t nearly as good as she would have liked, it was something at least a bit sating. Robbie’s softening dick slid out of her as he put her down, smearing the mixture of juices up her slit and across her abdomen before her skirt could fall back down over it.
“Thanks,†she said, retrieving her panties from her ankle and buttoning up her shirt. She folded the torn panties into a square and stuck them in the middle of her history textbook.
“Uh, no problem,†he replied.
Angie smiled sweetly up at him. “If you tell anybody about this, you’ll never get it again.â€Â
He nodded and pulled his pants up as she walked off.
It was warm and humid outside, and the semen that had leaked down her thighs was still sticky at the end of the day. By her last class, the constant reminder had made her horny again. She pressed her thighs together and opened them again slowly, making her clit throb for attention.
It wasn’t until she was on her way out to where the buses waited on one side of the parking lot that she remembered Cara was picking her up. There had been a convincing story of going to Karen’s house, and the same sort of story to Karen about a boy. Her mother suspected, but felt safer because of the packet of birth control pills in her backpack.
Angie got into the car. Before they had so much as left the parking lot, Cara’s hand had crept under her skirt. The other woman raised an eyebrow at her.
“I was bad today...†Angie blushed, looking at Cara out of the corner of her eyes.
Cara licked her lips. “Then you’ll just have to be punished, won’t you?â€Â
There was little conversation on the way to Cara’s house. Angie didn’t know whether she’d been teasing or was serious about punishment. When they arrived, Cara ushered her into the bathroom and handed her a washcloth. “Strip and clean yourself up, then come back to the bedroom,†she commanded.
The younger girl did what she was told. She was a bit embarrassed to walk out naked, when she finished. There were angry red hickies all over her breasts. When she stood before Cara, the woman raised an eyebrow again.
“You were a bad girl, weren’t you?â€Â
Cara pushed her toward the bed and made her sit back, legs sprawled open. She called Joey in and had him sit near the side of the bed. Angie smiled.
“How do you think you should be punished first?†Cara asked, taking a few select sex toys out of her bottom dresser drawer.
“Spank my pussy?†Angie giggled.
Cara shed her shirt and jeans before sitting down on the side of the bed and beckoning Angie to her. She had the girl lay her lower back over her lap, so that her hips were raised and her pussy opened, exposing herself. Cara spread Angie’s legs wider, giving her more access to the tender area. She raised her hand and slapped the rapidly moistening pink flesh. Angie jumped. Cara struck her again, exposing her clit. After a couple more, Angie’s hands instinctively tried to protect the area. Cara held her hands away with fingers clamped around her wrists. Soon, Angie’s wetness was running down Cara’s thigh and tears were running down Angie’s temples from the eye-watering stings. With one last shark spank, Angie hiccupped in pain. Cara decided she’d had enough of this particular punishment.
“Get up,†she told her, helping her a bit. She went to the array of toys, picking up a strap-on and a tiny vibrator.
Cara licked the tip of the vibrator and turned it on before sitting down beside Angie again and inserting it into herself, then buckled the strap-on into place. The flesh-colored cock was long and wide. Cara was satisfied that it would be interesting to have Angie administer to.
“Suck it,†Cara instructed her, laying back.
Angie knelt near Cara’s hip, licking the length of the cock before taking it into her mouth as far as she could. Cara’s hand rested on the back of her head, guiding for a while, then pushing her harder onto the dildo. She pushed her head down hard, holding her until she gagged, then let her take a breath before doing the same again. Cara watched with lust as Angie’s throat swelled with the cock being forced down it, saliva stringing from her mouth to the head when she was allowed to breathe again.
“Now, ride it,†Cara told Angie when her face was red from gagging.
It took her a moment to catch her breath from the last throat-fucking, but she obeyed. She impaled her pussy on the large dildo, feeling very faint sensations from the vibrator inside her lover. She grunted softly as the head of the thing bottomed out with each upward thrust, far too blunt to push through. Cara knew this and thrust harder. She pulled Angie forward, grinding the base of the dildo against her sore clit and making her groan. Pulling her even closer, she pressed her mouth against Angie’s, invading it with her tongue, nipping at the girl’s lips, tasting every inch of the orifice.
She felt the bed move and opened her eyes. Joey had jumped up without permission, and he was nosing at Angie’s puckered little asshole. Angie gasped and tensed, ready to jump off, not wanting to give the dog access to that particular hole.
Cara narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “Stay right where you are.â€Â
Joey moved up, putting his front legs over Angie’s sides and settling his claws back into the scrapes on her ribs, making her yelp. She felt his slick, wet cock stabbing at her ass. Cara moved her hands down and spread Angie’s ass cheeks for him. She yelped again as the tip pushed in, slipped out, then pushed in farther. She whimpered as his huge cock worked further into her, with Cara thrusting more slowly in and out of her cunt. Cara felt Angie’s wetness beginning to leak down the cock’s shaft and over her own pussy.
The warmth of orgasm flooded over Cara, spurred on by the vibration in her cunt and Angie on top of her. She thrust harder upward with the waves of pleasure, making the girl grunt more loudly.
“Get off,†Cara commanded again.
Joey moved off of Angie as she pulled away. He continued humping the air, his knot already beginning to swell. Cara grinned. She sat up and took off the strap-on, removing the slick vibrator from her pussy and turning it off. She went back to her dresser drawer and pulled out another toy, holding it behind her back until she was standing in front of Angie again.
“What’s that?†Angie asked curiously.
“Something I bought at one of those pet-lovers meetings. I thought you’d like it.†She held the toy out in front of her.
Angie’s mouth dropped open and a sound something like “Oooh...†came out. The toy was bright red, veined, and shaped very much like a dog’s cock.
“You like it?â€Â
“Fuck, yes. It’s... big. Bigger than Joey, isn’t it?â€Â
“Maybe a little bit bigger.†Cara wrapped her other hand around it and ran it up and down, her fingertips just barely touching around the girth of the toy.
Angie was virtually drooling. She could see that the knot wasn’t quite as broad as Joey’s, but it would have to be smaller, to be able to come back out. The pointed tip was making her insides tingle even more.
“The drawback is that toys don’t come in you. At least, not this one. That’s where the real thing is better.†Cara smirked, walking toward her. She stopped at the edge of the bed and pointed the cock at Angie’s pussy. “Do you want it?â€Â
Angie nodded, the tip of her tongue pressed against her front teeth. Cara touched the tip to her clit, making her gasp and her hips jerk, before climbing onto the bed beside her. She patted the bed and Joey hopped up again, his cock bouncing and dripping pre-come. “Get up onto your hands and knees,†Cara told her.
Angie did so, and Cara rewarded her by lubricating the dildo in the wetness outside her pussy, then very slowly slid it inside. Angie closed her eyes, mouth frozen open in an ‘O’.
“Let me know when it bottoms out,†Cara said.
Angie could only nod again. The latex knot was just nudging at the opening of her vagina when she felt the tip burrow into the cleft of her cervix. She gasped again, “There!â€Â
Cara stopped working it in and wiggled it. “Think I can get it through?†She grinned, licking Angie’s shoulder.
“Do it,†she said, clenching her pussy around the fake cock.
Cara pushed gently, a little at a time, until the knot had wedged itself inside Angie’s cunt. She rotated it, making her squirm and moan, and moved down to lie with her head between the redhead’s legs. Cara pursed her lips, fitting them around Angie’s clit and sucking at it, running her tongue over it, and scraping it with her teeth. Angie twisted her hands in the sheet, making animalistic sounds of pleasure as Cara gave the dildo a final hard push, sending it through the opening of her cervix.
She sat up and patted Angie’s hip, letting Joey mount her again. Angie made a panicked noise of protest, but Cara reached forward, putting a hand over her mouth. She aimed the dog’s cock at Angie’s asshole and let him thrust it in. Angie yelled against her hand as he rammed into her. Cara used her other hand to massage the younger girl’s clit, settling her into a slightly pained rhythm of moans. Angie began to rock her body back and forth as the dog’s pre-come started to run out of her and back down her legs. Cara rubbed faster, then stopped and pinched her clit hard, pushing on the base of the dildo at the same time, shoving another inch of it into her. Angie’s arms collapsed and she screamed face-down in the mattress, orgasm ripping through her. Cara pulled the dildo out of her cunt quickly, making a sucking sound and releasing a stream of Angie’s juices to run out and join Joey’s.
While Angie was still whimpering into the blanket, Cara coaxed Joey off her. He humped the air again as Cara pulled Angie up by one arm.
“Such Joey’s cock,†Cara instructed her.
“That’s all?†Angie asked, wobbling a little as she tried to get her balance.
“Just suck him off.â€Â
Angie crawled across the bed and lowered herself onto the floor. She ran her hand up and down Joey’s cock a few times before lying down and opening her mouth for him to hump his cock right into it.
“Don’t take your mouth off it,†Cara told her.
After a moment, Angie felt the knot pushing at her lips. The cock slipped easily down her throat, pre-come trickling down. The angle she had to hold her head at made her neck ache, and she wondered if it took this long when he was fucking her pussy. All of a sudden, come gushed into her. It overflowed, spilling out of her mouth even as she swallowed mouthfuls, making her gag and choke while he kept humping at the same time.
She looked back at Cara when Joey had wandered away to clean himself.
Cara nodded in approval and pointed to the come pooled on the floor. “Now, lick the rest of it up.â€Â
Angie did, dragging her tongue across the wooden floor, lapping up the cooling come until the floor was reasonably clean. Cara beckoned her over and had her sprawl herself out on the bed again.
“The next time you have sex with anyone except me or either of our dogs, you will do it with me present, or you really will be punished. Is that understood?†Cara scolded her, attempting to sound threatening.
“Yes, ma’am,†Angie replied, smiling a very satisfied smile.
Cara didn’t quite believe her. She decided that she had some serious plotting to do for the next time Angie misbehaved herself.
* * * Thanks everyone who's e-mailed me! It gives me a little thrill to hear from you guys and girls about how you like these. Don't stop! ;) E-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com
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Bruce and Buck
A day had gone by since my first encounter with my dogs. My parents were still gone for the weekend, and as I lay in bed, I thought about what had happened the night before. The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. I didn't know if I should feel guilty, or excited. I was sure that it was wrong. I knew it was. But that apparently didn't matter. As I thought back upon how my dog had forced himself inside me, how wonderful it had felt... I began to get wet. I thought about lying there in my bed and fingering myself, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted a repeat of last night. I actually WANTED to let my dogs have at me. However, as badly as I may have wanted it, I wasn't about to go and offer myself to them. I was certain that if I were to just offer myself to
I had to get off my bed. My hand was already starting to slide under my skirt, cirling my clit. I pulled my hand away and decided to head into the living room. I could turn on a movie to get my mind off of last night.
I flipped through the channels, stopping when I found a decent love story to watch. I'm a sucker for love stories. I got confortable on the couch, laying on my side with my elbow propped up, head resting in my hand. Bruce and Buck were both lying on the floor, asleep. I forced the idea of waking them up out of my mind. I was determined to watch this movie.
The movie was one I'd never seen before, and was halfway decent. I was a good half hour into the predictable storyline when the couple--predictably--realized that they were in love with one another and shared their first kiss. That scene soon led into another, where they were in an apartment, and things were getting steamy. All throughout the movie I had been drooling over the main actor in the movie-He was the personification of my type. As his clothes started coming off, I started to get wet again. Pretty soon my cute love story had turned into a porno.
The couple was on the bed, and he was on top of her. I closed my eyes for a moment as my hands ran down my body. I sat up now, leaning against the back of the sofa, my feet spread on the floor. My eyes were glued to my hottie's muscular back. It surprised me that the movie wasn't edited, leaving this part out, but I wasn't complaining. I closed my eyes as one of my fingers found my folds. My skirt was bunched up around my waist at this point as my hands didn't hesitate to pull off my now-wet thong. I threw it to the ground, too eager to even look where I tossed it. My eyes were closed again, and I could hear my man's moans on the TV. One hand slid under my shirt, squeezing my breasts as the other delved in between my legs. I rubbed my clit, soon moaning. I was dripping wet. I was just about to finally slide a finger into me, but instead I felt something different. I opened my eyes just in time to see Bruce's head between my legs. He took one whiff of me right before whipping out his tongue, which dragged slowly across my wet cunt. I couldn't help but moan softly.
I thought about shooing him away again, but I didn't. Thoughts of last night ran around in my head, and I didn't hisitate to spread my legs wider. Guilt or no guilt-this felt too damn amazing. I wasn't about to try and get Bruce to stop. As I spread my legs out, he started licking me with more enthusiasm. My ass was hanging off the edge of the couch, which allowed Bruce to lick from my ass hole up to my burning clit.
He obviously liked what he tasted, because after he licked just about every inch of my lips, clit and ass, he started concentrating solely on my cunt. His nose was cold as he pressed his muzzle against my crotch. My hands were shaking as I closed my eyes and threw my head back. His licking was sharper now, only at the area directly around my pussy. I moaned again, his rough tongue sending shivers through my body. Just then, his tongue flicked inside me. He had licked all the juices from around the outside of my cunt, and still apparently wanted more.
Soon his tongue was entering me, now lapping up the juices inside my pussy. I moaned loudly now, just on the verge of orgasm. I started thrusting my hips against him, my body begging for release. I was literally just about to climax....
And that's when the licking stopped. I looked down, confused as to why he had stopped. Right as I looked down, Bruce jumped up, his front paws on either side of me on the couch with his back paws still on the floor.
While my brain was still trying to register why in the hell he had chosen that exact moment to stop licking, something else hot and wet pushed against my clit. I immediately realized what he was trying to do, and a wave of excitement washed over me. I no longer cared that he had stopped licking my cunt, and spread my legs wider, reaching down with one hand to wrap my fingers around his hard cock. I wanted him inside me again; I wanted to feel him pound his dick deep inside me.
My grip on him tightened as he thrust his hips. I'm sure my hand on him felt just like a pussy. He was already thrusting hard, his precum dripping all over my stomach, dripping down to mingle with my own juices. Staring down at his huge, enlarged member I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly guided him to the entrance of my hole, and was immediately rewarded. With one thrust he was inside me. I bit my lip, feeling my impending orgasm upon me again. I tried to hold it back, but it was useless.
Within mere seconds of Bruce entering me, I orgasmed, my hands grabbing fistfulls of his fur. He growled at me, his spittle flying all over my face and chest. I was still digging my nails into his flesh and fur when his growl got louder, and I realized I was probably hurting him. However, I realized that just a second too late. He quickly leaned his face forward, his mouth open as he caught a mouthful of my shoulder. He bit down, and I unclenched my hands a second later. He kept his jaws closed tight on my shoulder. It didn't hurt at the time; I was much more focused on what was happening between my legs.
I began thrusting up at him as he thrust down. I could feel his precum oozing out of me, dripping down my ass cheeks and onto the floor. I then heard a strange clicking noise. I didn't really care what it was at this point, and I ignored it. I was too caught up in the feeling of my dog's cock in my pussy to care about anything else but being a good bitch for him. More of his precum, mixed with my own juices, ran down my ass crack and dripped onto the floor. I then felt something cold and wet press against my ass. I recognized the feeling right away. Soon enough there was another tongue licking me; a tongue licking up my ass crack, licking up all the juices that were flowing out of me from fucking Bruce.
I looked down, moaning again as I saw first hand what I was feeling. It was an amazing sight. The first thing I saw was Bruce's dick, still rapidly pulsing in and out of me. I also saw his knot, which was huge. I couldn't believe I had had the whole thing inside me yesterday. I let out a little groan at the thought, and also because Buck was licking me again. I saw his furry face between my body and Bruce's. He was bending down, his face right between Bruce's body and my own, happily licking up every drop that flowed from us. Soon he was not only licking my ass and cunt, but also Bruce's dick and balls.
I relished the feeling of having now not only Bruce's huge dog dick stretching me, but now also Buck's warm, muscular tongue attending to the parts of me that Bruce's cock couldn't. My legs wraped around Bruce's hips as I bucked against him. I moaned out of pure pleasure as Buck's tongue flickered over my clit, and I suddenly orgasmed. My body literally shook with the force of it, and more of my juices rushed from my cunt. My orgasm seemed to have an effect on Bruce as well, for now he humped me harder, driving himself into me with more force than I thought he could at this angle.
I climaxed again in a matter of seconds, more fluid squirting from my pussy around Bruce's cock. I felt Buck's licking speed up as he tried to keep up with the ammount of come that was spewing from my pussy, but he couldn't, and soon his tongue left me. As I looked down I saw Buck push himself forward, trying to get closer so he could lick up what had escaped him off the floor. As he did so, his body came between Bruce and I, forcing Bruce to actually slide out of me. Bruce was still halfway up on the couch, still thrusting his hips, but he looked below him, barking loudly before growling at Buck. I myself felt like ripping Buck to pieces for causing the immence pleasure to stop, but Buck lifted his head and backed away, tail between his legs once he heard Bruce. Bruce was always the dominant one, and it gave me a thrill to know that I was the alpha dog's bitch.
As soon as Buck was no longer between us, Bruce thrust forward again, and on the first try buried his cock inside me. I again wrapped my legs around him, urging him to go as fast as possible. His thrusting began to speed up, and after the first couple pumps I could feel what I could only guess to be his knot hitting against my clit.
At first it felt good, making me squirm underneath him, trying to part my legs even farther.. but soon it began to hurt, just as it had the night before. Even though I wanted every inch of his doggie cock buried inside me at that point, I didn't want to tie with him in this position. My back was starting to hurt from slouching down, and I still had my skirt on which was starting to dig into my sides. I moaned some more as he continued to thrust against me, doing so harder now than he had before in a desperate attempt to tie with his bitch.
I was starting to actually slide off of the sofa, but his wild thrusting was keeping me from doing so. I desperately wanted to get into a better position; to get down on the ground on my hands and knees for him, but every time I tried to move he growled and bit at my shoulder again. After a few failed attempts, and his swollen knot banging the shit out of my cunt, I decided to deal with the pain of his biting over the pain his knot was inflicting on my clit.
It wasn't easy pushing him off of me, but after one more hard bite to my shoulder and some nasty growls, he was on the floor on all fours. I quickly took advantage of the moment and stood up before he could mount me again in that position, and stripped off my clothes, tossing them to the ground. As I did so, I could see that there was cum all over my black skirt. I could feel it dripping down my thighs now that I was standing up.
I heard Bruce growling, and dropped down to my knees in response. I knew how he felt; my own pussy was aching for more of him, and I wasn't about to deny him anything. At this point, I was truly his bitch, and more than willing to give anything just to feel his shaft in my cunt, and his balls slapping against my ass.
I hadn't started to lean forward yet, but apparently me being on my knees was all he needed. I felt Bruce slam into me, his front paws landing square on my back. His claws tore at my skin, but I didn't feel the pain. I reached out my hands in an attempt to brace the upper half of my body before hitting the floor.
Bruce was already thrusting, his cock sliding back and forth between my ass cheeks. I pushed my hips up, and I felt his knot graze against my cunt. I shivered, reaching back with one hand to help guide him into me, and it proved that that was all he needed. Soon he was humping me harder, his dick deep inside me; knot hitting my cunt again. I leaned forward, pressing my cheek against the floor, pushing my ass as high as I could. I wanted all of him inside me, especially his thick knot.
Bruce was panting heavily above me, thrusting so hard that my knees started sliding across the hardwood flooring.
I had my head turned sideways, cheek against the floor, and I could see Buck. He was lying down, humping the ground as he chewed on the cum stains on my skirt. I smiled. I loved knowing that these two wanted me so badly. I loved knowing that I was thier bitch.
My smile turned into a pained expression as I started to feel Bruce's knot finally entering me. This time, it didn't take one thrust to get it inside me; it took about three. The first thrust was the worst, as I felt my cunt stretched out to take on about half of his knot. As he pulled back to thrust again, his knot fell out but he rammed it back in again a second time. He thrust again, and finally he was home. I felt my lips stretch as he pushed himself all the way to the hilt inside me, the knot in his shaft finally all the way in.
Barely a second later, and he came. This time, there was so much that as he kept unloading his come inside me, some started to squirt out. The majority of it stayed inside, however. He kept thrusting a few times, and I rocked back and forth beneath him, savoring the feeling of being full of my own dog's come.
As I rocked back and forth, I felt his knot slide around inside me. I ignored the pain as I squeezed my pussy tight against him and rocked faster. I was going to orgasm again just feeling Bruce's knot inside me. I started moaning again, reaching down to tease my clit as I clenched and unclenched my muscles to get a better feel of his knot.
I was slowly working my was towards orgasming again as Bruce jumped down off of me. I was so devastated that he was no longer inside me that I barely noticed the pain of his knot popping out of me. I actually was lying there, wimpering.
My cunt now felt empty, and feeling the temptation of another orgasm, I buried two fingers into my pussy. I fingered myself for a few seconds before turning my attention to my clit. I was still on the floor, my face pressed against the cold hard wood, my nipples being teased as I still rocked my hips back and forth, nipples grazing the floor while my finger rubbed into my clit, ass high in the air. I was just about to orgasm as I felt myself being mounted. I felt a rush of excitement again as I eagarly moved my hand to help guide what I could only guess to be Bruce's cock inside of me once again.
I looked back behind me, and was shocked. It wasn't Bruce that had mounted me, but Buck. My first reaction was to be thrilled that I was simply going to be pleasured again. My second reaction was worry. I looked around for Bruce, knowing just how dominant and protective he normally is. I was concerned that maybe he would see what was happening and hurt either myself, or Buck.
As I looked around, I saw Bruce. He was sitting down, licking his crotch. He looked up, and my heart stopped. For a minute I thought he would try and stop Buck, but his only response to seeing Buck on top of me, humping madly trying to get inside of me was a muffled growl.
I realized then that Bruce was done with me. He had had his fill, and now that he was finished pleasing himself had no problem letting the lesser canine have at me. I bit my lip, a feeling of ecstacy settling over me as I realized that I really was Bruce's bitch. I was a sex toy to him. My dog was now my master, and now that he had finished with me, was fine with letting anyone else have me.
My thinking stopped suddenly as I felt Buck thrust into me. It actually felt as if he was stretching me more than Bruce had. I didn't care though. My first reaction to feeling him enter me was to buck back against him and spreading my legs wider.
Buck's front legs wrapped around my waist, his claws digging into my sides as he pistoned in and out of me. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and could hear him wimpering softly between his pants. Dog slober was running down my back as he fucked me harder. I was screaming at this point; my body was overwhelmed with pleasure as well as exhausted from so many orgasms. Even so, I wanted Buck to come. He had brought me pleasure earlier, as well now, and I wanted to return the favor.
As I pushed back against him, Buck pumped harder. I was determined to be the best bitch he had ever fucked. Every time he thrust forward, I thrust back against him. I pushed my ass higher, making it easier for him to abuse my cunt. I was out of breath from rocking my hips back and forth so fast, but I was long past caring. Right now, I was only lusting after Buck's orgasm. I wanted him to fill me with it, just as Bruce had done. I wanted to be able to relax knowing that I had been a good bitch and satisfied my new master.
I could feel the tingles of another orgasm when it hit me. Unlike with Bruce, it took only one, hard thrust to get his knot inside me. It probably helped that I was eagerly thrusting against him as well, but my goodness. As soon as I felt Buck's knot in me, I screamed. He really was bigger than Bruce. I didn't know how that was possible, but I didn't care. My poor cunt was in so much pain as Buck kept thrusting into me. He could only thrust a few inches though now due to his massive buldge being as deep inside me as he could manage to push it.
Buck kept me like that for a few more minutes, his cock only moving an inch or so inside me due to how big his knot was. I was starting to adjust to the size of it, and was rocking back and forth again, breathing deeply to try and ignore the pain. He was still spewing precum inside me, and the hot liquids were making the size and pain easier to manage, but it didn't matter any more. I felt Buck's legs around my waist tighten, his claws digging deep into my flesh as he threw himself forward one last time, finally letting his load go deep inside me. Our juices flowed down my thighs and onto the floor as I finally collapsed, laying on the floor with Buck still on top of me and inside me.
It took a few minutes for Buck to shrink enough to get his knot out of my cunt. When he did, I winced, but stayed on the floor. I was worn out, sore, and oh so tired. I was also lying in a huge puddle of cum. I didn't care the the time, however. If anything I enjoyed it, because it just showcased even more so that I truely was my dog's slut. I was just happy to have satisfied not only Bruce and myself, but also Buck.
I actually ended up falling asleep on the floor right then and there, and I was out well until the next morning.
In any case, that's the end of this story.
If you like it, and want more, please e-mail me at any time with questions/comments/feedback.
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When I was seventeen, I played middle linebacker for my high school football team. I was a senior, and I knew that if I wanted a scholarship, I would have to perform well and impress the scouts that were going to be watching the big games.  The stress level that came with this was tremendous, as football was pretty much my ticket to a college education. Without it, I would most likely end up working down at the local car dealership, or the grocery store with the rest of the average joes in town.ÂÂ
My sister, who had graduated two years earlier, was my biggest fan. She still lived at home while she was going to college, so she was able to go to all of my games. Whenever things got a little rough for me, I always had Heather there to cheer me up and k
Heather used to be captain of the cheerleading squad. She stands about 5'9" and about 130 pounds soaking wet. Long sandy blonde hair, and an amazing rack of 32 DD's. Those amazing breasts alone pretty much guaranteed her spot on the cheerleading squad, as the simple act of watching her breasts bounce up and down as she jumped around was enough to draw some pretty nice crowds to our games.
Of course, during school I listened to some of the assholes in school talking about how they would love to get her alone for an hour or so, what they would do to her, or make her do, things like that. It always infuriated me, but I never got into too many fights over that type of stuff, because Heather made me promise her that I wouldnt get into any fights over something that some asshole said, and cause a situation where I could lose my spot on the team.  This was often a very hard promise to keep, but I kept it, and all of my frustrations and aggressions manifested themselves on the field.  When I would see the opposing runningback coming through the hole, I imagined that it was one of those pricks at school that was under the helmet, and I would put everything I had into the shot that I possibly could, and it was that aggression that helped me to accel, and catch the eyes of the coaches during my sophomore season, and eventually propelled me into the starting lineup much earlier than I would have been.
I often told Heather that if it werent for her, I probably wouldnt have even made the team. To play linebacker, you have to play pissed off all the time. Im normally not a very angry or aggressive person, but those pricks making cracks about Heather was all the motivation I needed to get pissed off and handle things on gameday. Practices always sucked and the coach was always riding me, almost to the point where I would just want to tell him to fuck off, and walk off the field. But, when I got home, Heather was always there to cheer me up, and to put a positive spin on things. Having her at the games was always a big help to me also. She also said that I was a huge reason she did so well as a cheerleader, because she could really have cared less about most of the players on the team, but when I was in there playing, she always had a reason to cheer her ass off.
Things went pretty well, until Heather graduated and I suddenly found myself without my biggest fan down on the sidelines. I knew she was in the stands somewhere, but it was nothing like having her right there where she was right where I could see her.
After the first game of my senior season, there was a huge victory party. I was named player of the game, racking up 12 tackles, a couple sacks, and the game clinching interception. I was sitting in my room, studying for my world history exam when Heather came knocking on my door.
Heather came in wearing one of my jerseys that she had worn to the game. From the look of things, she wasnt wearing anything else, and the jersey was barely long enough to cover her fully. If she were to raise her arms over her head, she would be fully exposed from the waist down. She never was too self conscious around me or Mom, and Id seen her nude on a handful of occaisions, and she never made any attempt to cover herself or showed any embarrassment.ÂÂ
"What are you still doing here Jake? Arent you going to the party?" Heather asked.
"Nope." I replied flatly.
"Why not? You practicly won the game on defense singlehanded. i dont think Ive seen you put together that solid of a game since youve been playing. Dont you think people are going to wonder where the star of the game is?"
"I dont care. I have a history test coming up, and if I dont keep my grades up, no more football. Thats the way it works. I would think that people would be more concerned if I wasnt able to play than if I was able to go to a party with a bunch of underage drinking going on."
"Oh whatever Jake. Your grades are fine. Im sure that you can loosen up a little. Youre such a recluse all the time. Every time I do see you at a party, youre the one off in the corner by himself.  Do you actually have any fun?"
"Im not interested in fun, and people in general irritate me. I just want to be left alone. Present company excluded, of course."ÂÂ
"Why dont you just go. You know the girls on the cheerleading squad would love to see you there. It would make their night if you showed up. I know for a fact that three of them would lay you at the drop of a hat, if you would just ask."ÂÂ
"Im not going to the party. Are you trying to get rid of me or something? What's up?" I asked.
"Well, Christopher is on his way over, and I know that you two dont exactly get along."
"Thats the understatement of the fucking year. I dont know what you see in that prick. I cant stand to see him even touching you." I practicly spat.
"A little jealous are we? Christopher is a nice guy, once you get to know him."
"Youre my sister, and I know you can do better than this guy. A lot better. As for getting to know him, I have no desire to get to know him, because I know enoug already. All he wants is to get in your panties."
"Hmm. That would be a neat trick, considering that im not wearing any." Heather laughed. "But he isnt like that, so you shouldnt say things like that."
"Whatever you say sis. But Im telling you, all this guy wants is to fuck you. Not that I hold that against him, because youre a beautiful woman. But that IS all that he wants. Ive seen plenty of guys just like him drooling over you in the hallways at school. Long blonde hair, an amazing rack, and a guy cant help but have his mind in the gutter.  On top of that, he's a little rich boy and used to getting everything he wants. What do you think he is going to do when someone actually says no to him?"
"Well, I just think you need to get to know him a little better. And thank you for flattering me, you always know how to make me feel good."
Heather leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and got up to leave.
"Well, Christopher will be here pretty soon and I should go get ready. We're probably going out to eat, and then we will probably hang out here for a while.  See you later Jake."
"Have fun sis." I said.
As Heather turned to leave, I couldnt keep myself from staring at her half-covered ass as she sauntered out the door. I heard Heather going down the stairs, and I did my best to clear my head and focus back on my world history material.   After a few minutes, I heard Christopher's car pull up and soon after, Heather left with him to go wherever they were going to eat.  I tried to keep my mind focused on my studies, but I couldnt seem to focus very long without becoming distracted, so I took a little break.
I began thinking about what Heather had said, and then I decided that I would make an appearance at the party, at least for a little while. It might do me some good to get out of this room for a little while, clear my head, and then I could come back and finish going over the world history material over the weekend.ÂÂ
After I got out of the shower, and headed down to my car, I got this wierd feeling that maybe I should just stay home. Its quiet here, and noone to irritate me, and I could just relax. I shook off the feeling and told myself I just needed to go. I got in the car and I headed for the party. About three miles down the road, I lost my headlights. I saw the battery light come on and pretty soon, the car died altogether.  Fucking great. I knew I should have stayed at home! Iget halfway between the party and home and the alternator goes out on the car.  I guided the car off of the road and into a spot where it wouldnt be in the way, and I could come back and get it in the morning when Mom was home.
It wasnt far to go back to my house, and in my frame of mind, I wasnt in a partying mood. I started jogging back home, and about ten minutes later, I rounded the corner about a hundred yards from my house.  I saw Christopher's car, but none of the lights in the house were on. I decided to approach carefully, and try to get close to see what was going on without being noticed. As I got closer to the house I could clearly make out the sounds of an argument going on, right in the driveway.
I crept up close to the house and hugged the side of the wall. I was in the shadow of the house thanks to the streetlight, so I was virtually invisible in the pitch black spot at the corner of the house. There was Heather, standing beside the passenger door of Christopher's car, and apparently Christopher was wanting to take his date a little further than Heather wanted.
"No Chris! Stop it!" Heather shouted.
"Loosen up baby, Im going to show you a good time. C'mon, we got the house all to ourselves, lets have some fun." Christopher said as he tried to kiss Heather.
"No! Get your hands off of me you bastard!" Heather shouted and slapped Christopher hard across his face.  ÂÂ
"Bitch!" Christopher shouted as he backhanded Heather across her face, splitting her bottom lip. He ripped her blouse open as she tried to jerk away from him.
It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion as soon as I saw him slap Heather. I bolted from the shadow that I was concealed in, into a dead run. By the time Christopher caught a glimpse of me out of the corner of his eye, it was too late to do anything.  I dropped my shoulders and slammed every bit of my 6'2" 225 pound frame into Christopher's exposed ribcage. I drove with my hips as hard as I possibly could, pinning him between me and the car, and I felt his ribcage give, and I heard him scream out in pain. Not a normal yell of pain, but a high pitched scream like a girl. If coach could have seen this, he probably would have needed a kleenex. Best hit I ever laid on anyone. I guess all those tackling drills were worth something after all.
As Christopher started to slump over, I launched myself upward, slamming my head up under his chin as hard as I could. It hurt the top of my head something fierce, but I could only imagine what his jaw felt like.  I was in a complete and utter rage by this point. I had never been so pissed off in my life. As Christopher slumped again, I grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him back to his feet, and my nose was millimeters from his as I stared into his eyes.
"P...P..Please...no, no more." Christopher mumbled through a couple of broken teeth.
"If I ever see you within a thousand yards of Heather again, Im going to rip you apart, piece by bloody piece. Youre going to be begging me to kill you before I get done with you. I only tell you this one time. Do you understand?" I said through clenched teeth, fighting the urge to destroy this guy.
"Y..Yes...I understand...Just dont hit me again..." Christopher whined.
I threw a vicious right cross to his jaw, and then dragged him over to where Heather was standing.
"Now, you piece of shit, you apologize to my sister. You better convince me or so help me Ill beat you to death right here."
"H..Heather Im sorry. I...I shouldnt have hit you...pl..please forgive me..." Christopher sputtered, spitting out blood and teeth fragments.
"Now its time for a little payback, you prick. Time to even the odds." I said, as I grabbed Christopher in a full nelson, and stood him straight up.
"Heather, you remember when Pete was showing you how to do kickoffs and field goals?" I said.
"Yeah, yeah Jake, I remember." Heather said, walking toward Christopher.
Heather drew back her long, slender leg and planted her high heeled shoe directly into Christopher's balls.  Christopher shrieked in pain, and went dead weight so fast I nearly dropped him on his face. I dragged Christopher over to his car, shoved him into the driver's seat.
"Get the fuck out of here. One word about this to your rich daddy, and this will look like a walk in the park compared to what I do to you when I catch you. You got that?"
Christopher nodded his head, and started the engine. Once he was gone and out of sight, I went over to Heather. Her right eye was already turning purple, and her lip was split. Her blouse and bra were ripped and her left breast was exposed. She was sitting on the walk next to the porch, crying and shaking.
I took my jacket off and wrapped it around her, and took her hand and helped her to her feet.
"Come on sis. Lets go inside and get some ice on that eye." I said in a soft voice.
I keyed into the door, and Heather went to my room. I got some ice cubes from the freezer, put them in a baggie and smashed them up to form a makeshift icepack.  I went upstairs and I could hear Heather crying in my room. I knocked on the door, and then opened it.
Heather was sitting on my bed, legs crossed with her hands over her eyes.  I sat on the bed next to her, and gently removed her hands so that I could see her face.  Heather looked up, into my eyes, and I instantly wished that I had beaten Christopher to death when I had the chance.ÂÂ
"I know, I know. You tried to tell me and I didnt listen. You were right, Jake. You were right about him." Heather said as she started into tears again.
I pulled her close to me and she wrapped her arms around me and I thought she would squeeze the breath right out of me.ÂÂ
"You nearly took that creep apart tonight. Ive never seen you like that before." Heather said.
"What did you expect, sis? I was just glad I was here to stop him from doing worse. Id never let anyone hurt you and get away with it." I said, as I pressed the icepack to her eye.
"Here, hold this right here, and Im going to go get a cold washcloth for your lip." I told her.
When I came back in with the washcloth, Heather was lying down on my bed holding the icepack on her eye.  I sat on the edge of the bed, and as she sat up, her blouse fell open again exposing her breasts.  I tried as hard as I could not to stare at them, but was catching myself taking repeated glances down to her chest. Her breasts were perfect. As big as they were, they still remained firm and jutted outward from her body, not hanging down like a pair of water balloons. They were the most gorgeous pair of tits I had ever seen. I forced myself to concentrate, and focused my attention on Heather's battered eye and lip.
Heather removed the icepack from her eye, and I gently turned her face toward me, and began to clean her lip up with the washcloth.  The cut wasnt very deep, and there didnt seem to be much swelling.
As I was inspecting her lip, Heather leaned in and kissed me. This was no brother and sister kiss. She planted her lips on mine and I felt her tongue slide into my mouth.  I was surprised at first, but I kissed her back, and we only broke the kiss to catch our breath.
I didnt really know what to say, or do after we broke our kiss, but Heather didnt leave me wondering for long.  She got up from the bed, closed my bedroom door, and locked it. As I watched her standing in front of the full length mirror on my door, Heather kicked off her heels, let her blouse fall from her shoulders, and slowly slid her skirt down around her ankles and stepped out of it.
Heather turned to face me, standing before me completely naked, and slowly walked back toward the bed where I sat motionless, powerless to do anything but stare at her, captivated by her beauty. Her breasts bounced ever so slightly with each footstep, and my eyes drifted down to her hips, that swayed with each step she took closer to me, until she stopped right in front of me, her neatly trimmed pussy only inches from my face.
"I love you Jake. Ive always felt more for you than I knew a sister should. Ive never felt as loved, or as cherished by any other man than when I am with you. Nor have I ever felt safer with any man that I have ever known, especially after tonight.  I have often tried to see if you had any stronger feelings than just brotherly love toward me, wearing such skimpy clothes and running around you half naked to see if I could get any reaction out of you.  Ive seen you staring at my breasts, watching my ass as I walk away from you, but you never openly admitted finding me more attractive than you should. ÂÂ
So I have to know tonight Jake. I have to know if you love me as much as I love you."
I sat there in stunned silence, I couldnt believe what I was hearing. I knew that I felt the same way about Heather, but I couldnt get my mouth to work.
"I know this must be a shock to you Jake. You dont have to say anything. Im going to go wash off my mascara that has run all down my face and redo my makeup. While I am gone all you have to do is this.  If youre in love with me, like I am with you, just take off all of your clothes and leave your door unlocked. If I come back, and this door is locked, we can just forget about all of this and just go back to being normal brother and sister. I will understand if you dont feel the same way that I do. Just think about it for a few minutes, ok?" Heather said as she leaned over and kissed me on the mouth, picked up her clothes and left to go to her room.
I closed the door behind her, and it took a minute to sink in what was happening. My incredibly beautiful sister just stripped down naked and revealed in not so many words that she was in love with me, and wanted to fuck me. Of course it was wrong, it was incest and it would have to be kept secret, but I didnt care.ÂÂ
I stripped off my clothes, but I didnt wait for Heather to come back. I walked out of my room and into her room where she was brushing her hair in front of her mirror. I walked up behind her, and kissed her on her neck, moving my hands around to cup her perfect breasts.ÂÂ
"Mmmm. I love you so much Jake." Heather said as she moved her hands over mine as I played with her big tits.
"I love you too Heather." I said, and then kissed her, sliding my tongue into her mouth in a deep, slow kiss. As my tongue swirled with Heather's she began to moan in anticipation and pleasure as I rolled her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.
I picked Heather up from her chair and carried her into my bedroom. I laid her perfect, naked body down on my bed, and positioned myself on top of her. Heather stared up into my eyes, smiling, and then leaned up and kissed me again.
"Make love to me Jake. Make me your woman." Heather moaned.
I kissed Heather deeply as I slid my stiff cock into her warm, wet pussy. Heather gasped as my cock entered her to the hilt, and I moaned in pure ecstasy.
"Ohhhh Jake!! You feel so good!" Heather cried.
"Oh Heather, your pussy feels so fucking good." I moaned, as I began to pump my cock in and out of her pussy, my balls slapping against her asshole with each thrust.
Heather began to cry out louder and louder each time I slid my cock to the hilt into her pussy. I had never felt anything so good in my entire life. I found out right then that it is true when they say that sex is so much better if youre in love with the person. There is absolutely no comparison. I had laid a few of the hot cheerleaders on the squad, but fucking them was nothing like fucking Heather.ÂÂ
"Oh!! Oh God!! Oh God fuck me!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Oh God yes!!!! MMM!! AH!! OOOOOHHH!!" Heather moaned as I continued to pound her tight little pussy.
Heather pushed her breasts together, and began licking and sucking on her nipples, and I leaned down and licked her nipple that she was currently bathing with her tongue, and then sucked it into my mouth hard.
I felt Heather's pussy clinch my cock, and her body began to shake. Heather began to breathe extremely rapidly, and I knew that she was about to cum.ÂÂ
I leaned up to Heather's earlobe, and sucked it into my mouth. I knew this really turned her on from conversations I had heard between her and a couple of the girls on the cheerleading squad. When I started sucking on her earlobe, her pussy erupted in a torrent of cum, soaking my cock and making her pussy the hottest, most slippery hole I had ever fucked in my entire life.
"Oh!! Ohhhh Jaaaake!! Im cumming!! Im cumming!! Im cumming all over your cock!! Aaaaahhh!! Ohh! Oh!! Ooooooooooooooh!!!!"
I started to piston in and out of her hot pussy faster and faster, each stroke of my cock driving Heather further over the edge. Her head was shaking back and forth, her hands squeezing and massaging her breasts like crazy, her back arching, her hips bucking, and her screams of ecstacy could probably be heard by everyone on the block.
I could feel the cum boiling in my balls, but I didnt want this to end just yet. I pulled my throbbing dick out of Heather's cunt, and laid down on my back. Heather didnt waste a moment in climbing on top of me, and sliding my cock back inside her steamy slit.  Heather knew I was close to cumming, so she started to ride my dick slowly, leaning down so that I could suck and nibble on her tits while I massaged her tight, perfect ass. ÂÂ
I couldnt keep my hands off of her. Ever since I had started to notice the opposite sex, I had been teased with glimpses of Heather's naked body, and now, finally it was all mine. I ran my hands all over her body while she fucked my aching cock. Over her ass, her tight firm stomach, her perfect breasts, over her back, and then back down to her ass again, slamming her hips down on my cock so that I could get deeper inside the pussy that belonged to the woman of my dreams.
"Oh Jake, youre the best lover Ive ever had. Your cock is so perfect, as if it were made just for my pussy. It sends shivers down my spine every time it enters my body.  I want to taste it. I want to suck your perfect cock and make you cum all over me."
"Oh fuck I love you Heather." I answered.
Heather slid off of my cock, and slid my cock into her mouth. She began to suck my cock at an incredible pace, taking my cock all the way down her throat, and back out again. Heather was a master cocksucker, and deepthroating me didnt seem to be any trouble for her. She massaged my balls as she sucked on my dick, and I was ready to explode.
"Heather!! Youre gonna make me cummmm!!" I moaned.
Heather slowed her cocksucking down to a slow, deliberate pace, focusing her tongue around the head of my throbbing cock, and used her hand to pump the shaft of my cock. As my cock began to spasm, Heather swallowed the first stream of my cum, and then removed my cock from her mouth and jerked my aching cock off over her face and her tits. Stream after stream of cum shot forth from my cock. I had never cum so hard in my entire life. It seemed like I would never stop shooting thick streams of cum all over my gorgeous sister.
Things seemed to slow down incredibly during my orgasm. Heather pumping my cock, moaning out in pleasure as the thick streams of my cum flew through the air, splattering all over her gorgeous body. I was in absolute bliss.
Finally, my cock ended its massive eruption, and Heather slid my cock back down her throat again, sucking and licking every last drop of cum off of the head and shaft.
"You taste so good baby. I love the taste of your hot cum." Heather moaned as she began to smear thick dollups of my cum on her fingers and lick them clean.  When she had finished licking up all of my cum that had splattered all over her breasts and lips, she crawled up next to me and laid her head down on my chest.
"That was amazing Jake. I love you so much."
"I love you too Heather."
Heather and I became exclusive lovers from that point on. Things were going great, and we decided that it was time to let Mom in on our little secret......
To be continued, if there is interest.
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Walker Family Fun Part 03
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Angie's Show (part seven of series)
“Go take a shower. Just a quick one. Don’t lollygag,” she was instructed as soon as she stepped inside.
Angie nodded and put her bag down on the coffee table to dig for nicer clothes, but Cara shook her head. She pointed at a dark red shopping bag at the other end of the sofa, then nudged h
She dropped articles of clothing as she went, knowingly trying Cara’s patience. A few minutes later, Cara came in, leaning in the doorway just as she was getting ready to shave herself. She dropped the small pile of clothing she’d gathered from the hallway into the clothes hamper. Angie sat on the side of the tub, one foot flat on the floor and that other propped on the edge, spreading peach-colored shaving cream over the mound of her pussy with her fingers. Cara watched as she very carefully shaved the area and ran her fingertips over the now silken skin to make sure she hadn’t missed any. She padded to the shower and stepped inside, washing quickly, as she had been instructed. As soon as she’d gotten out and dried off, Cara pulled her over to the counter and brushed her hair as she used the dryer on it. Angie watched her in the mirror.
“Okay,” Cara said, turning the dryer off, “Now you can go look at your new things.”
Angie beamed happily and hurried off, with her owner not far behind. Cara sat down on the sofa just a couple of inches from the bag and watched as Angie pulled things from it. She took the pieces of clothing as they were removed and looked over, then beckoned the redhead to stand in front of her. Angie stepped into a pair of white cotton panties as they were held open for her, then into the white sundress. She held up her arms so that Cara could pull the narrow straps onto her shoulders, then turned for her to zip up the back. She put her feet into the thinly-strapped sandals when they were put on the floor and let Cara tug her down to sit on her lap, where she slid a delicate white headband into Angie’s hair.
Cara tapped her index finger on Angie’s lips until she opened them to let the fingertip slip inside. She slowly worked it in and out until it caressed the back of Angie’s tongue. Cara smiled as she watched the pale pink lips suck at her finger. Claiming her finger back, Cara kissed her; almost chastely at first, pressing kisses to the corners of Angie’s mouth, then lingering on her lips, licking her mouth open as the girl went soft in her arms. She could taste the ghost of strawberry lipgloss clinging to Angie’s lips.
“Are you ready to go?” Cara asked as she pulled away.
“I need to pee before we leave.”
“No. Go on and get in the car. I’ll be right there.”
Angie frowned. “I can’t go pee?”
“What did I say?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Angie was in and had her seatbelt on when Cara left the house.
“Where does your mother think you are?” Cara asked as they started out, watching Angie from the corner of her eye as the younger girl went a bit pink.
“I told her I’m spending the weekend at Karen’s.”
“Do you think she believes you, so far?”
“I’m not sure. If she doesn’t, she hasn’t said anything.” Angie fidgeted with the smooth border across the breast of her dress until Cara reached over and made her put both hands down on her lap.
“You’re so pretty when you blush,” Cara told her with a wink and ran the back of her fingers over the color still in Angie’s cheeks.
Angie noticed their surroundings as Cara turned a curve, and suddenly recognized the route they were taking. “We’re going back to The Dome?”
“Yep,” she smiled.
“Are we going to see Daniel again?”
“He’ll be there, yes.”
“Is Joey already there?”
“Joey’s staying home, tonight.”
“I didn’t see him around…”
“He was already in his room with his nighttime treat.” Cara turned on the radio to quiet Angie until they got there.
She guided Angie through the front door with a hand on her back, directing her to a different room to the one they’d been in before. Angie followed her inside and froze when the door was closed behind her. This room was almost the same as the one she had already visited – only, there were people in this room. Not only Daniel, but Jonathan, as well as almost a dozen others – a fairly equal mixture of men and women. Cara watched as the blood drained from Angie’s face and the girl edged to the right, trying to hide herself behind her owner.
Daniel stood in about the center of the room, talking with a couple of people. Jonathan was kneeling on one side of him, with his bottom on his heels, his hands behind his back, and his cock locked into a chastity cage. On Daniel’s other side, there sat a large dog; a very well-groomed, blue Great Dane with undocked ears. His tail thumped happily on the floor. Nearer Jonathan was a table that obviously held some things on its top, but it was covered over with a cloth. On the opposite side there was a broad platform, a bit less than a meter high, with a large, wedge-shaped object sitting in the middle.
When Daniel’s attention caught on Cara and Angie, the other two people stepped away. The room stayed quiet, with only whispers passed back and forth. Cara placed Angie beside Daniel, where she attempted to hide again, this time with more success, since he was much broader. She crooked her finger toward Jonathan and he got to his feet, following her into the lavatory at the back of the room. When she came back out, she wore a black brocade discipline corset, extending from just under her bare breasts to only barely over the lower curve of her ass. Jonathan took his place on his knees again after sneaking a smile to Angie.
She put a hand around Angie’s wrist, pulling her into the open again, and spoke close her ear, “You’re safe with me. Don’t worry.” Cara lowered a hand to run over the dog’s ears and pulled Angie closer, moving her hand to do the same. “His name is Valentine. Handsome, isn’t he?”
For a few moments, Angie was unaware that she was being watched. The other people in the room were staying mostly still and looking quietly, some standing together, some having taken seats in the chairs that had been moved in.
Angie looked up nervously. “What is this?” she asked.
“Don’t pay attention to them, okay? You just do what I instruct.”
“Yes, ma’am…”
Cara pulled her further away and beckoned Jonathan again. He came to her obediently. “I think I know your limits,” she said, looking Angie in the eyes and looping her index finger through the ring of her collar, tugging gently. “But. If you want everything to stop, if it gets too much for you, you have to tell me. You trust me, but I’m trusting you to safeword out, if you need to. Understand?”
Angie smiled, relaxing by degrees. “Yes, yes, ma’am.”
“Take off your shoes,” Cara told her. She did, and Jonathan picked them up. Cara put her hands on Angie’s shoulders, turning her around, and guided the zipper of her sundress down. She dropped the narrow straps down Angie’s arms and let the dress fall, where Jonathan retrieved it from the floor. Cara handed him the band from her hair, next, and suddenly everyone in the room was paying rapt attention as Angie stood in her panties.
She pointed at the table and he went to it, setting Angie’s clothing at one corner and taking something from beneath the cloth. He brought a pair of wrist cuffs back to Cara. Angie, understanding, held out her hands for the cuffs. Cara smiled and buckled the leather restraints into place. She attached both to a clip to join them and pulled Angie forwards a bit more, raising the redhead’s hands far over her head, making her go up on her toes. Angie heard a soft clinking and looked up just as Cara clipped her to a sturdy chain that hung from the ceiling. When she started to put her feet flat on the floor again, she found that the chain was just short enough that her heels wouldn’t touch.
Cara stepped over to the table and folded the cloth away from its contents. It held an assortment of toys, most of which Angie recognized from Cara’s toy drawer. She ran her fingers across some of them before returning to her captive, running her hand across Angie’s abdomen and between her legs, over the gusset of her panties, before hooking her fingers into the waist and dragging them slowly down.
Angie shivered. She clenched and released her fingers, deliberately keeping her eyes away from everyone else. Cara circled around behind her and slid her arms around, gently spreading the lips of Angie’s pussy with one hand, pulling back the hood of her clit with her middle finger. She slowly stroked the pad of her other index finger over the tiny nub, sending hot thrills through Angie all the way to the tips of her toes.
Stopping just short of orgasm, Cara went back to the table. She picked up a flat-tipped riding crop and weighed how it felt in her hand before going back to stand in front of Angie. She nudged Angie’s legs further apart until the slit of her pussy gaped open a bit, then struck the mound once with the crop, just hard enough to startle her.
Angie caught her breath and nodded for her to go on. Cara pushed her legs a little wider, putting her weight onto the restraints and the balls of her feet. She struck Angie’s pussy harder, making her body jerk. The following dozen strikes fell quickly, leaving Angie shaking. Her pussy stung, feeling searingly hot and swollen. Not long after registering how much it hurt, endorphins kicked in. The pain turned into an intense warmth, and she felt herself getting wetter. Cara guided her legs back together.
She walked around behind Angie again, leaning closer to whisper to her, “I’m going to whip your back side, now. After that, I’m not going to okay anything further with you. Got me?”
“Mm, ’kay. Yes, ma’am,” Angie whispered back.
“Twenty strikes. Count them for me.”
Cara ran a hand down the pale length of her back before taking a step away and landing one strike across the center it. She watched as the stripe turned from a shocked white the first instant, into pink, then into bright red. Her own cunt soaked through as she kept an eye on Angie’s face via the mirrored wall across from them.
“One,” Angie gasped after a moment.
She aimed again, so that she wouldn’t land the strikes for her back right on top of one another. The next hit a bit higher, and the six after that were on her bottom. Angie continued to count them off.
“How- how many was that?” Angie gasped breathlessly when Cara paused for her own arm’s sake.
She grinned at Angie losing count. “Thirteen.”
When strike number fourteen landed, pain was beginning to come through again, bright and sharp on Angie’s nerves. Fifteen caught her just right, making her cry out. The shock made her body lose control momentarily, and she felt warm wetness stream down the inside of one leg. She looked down at the small puddle gathering on the floor at her feet, then raised her head and looked to Cara with guilty eyes, afraid she had disappointed her.
Cara put a hand at the small of Angie’s back, pressing her naked, almost fever-hot body full against her own. She nuzzled Angie’s neck and kissed up her jaw line. “It’s okay, it doesn’t matter, shhh. It’s what I wanted to happen. Good girl. You’re my good girl,” she cooed into the redhead’s ear.
Her breathing had just started to even out when Cara moved away. She swayed a little in her restraints. Cara finished the last five lashes across her already bright red ass, taking a few seconds between them to give the sting time to set in, each one making Angie hiccup and whimper as it landed across another. Cara was watching literally the moment that Angie dropped deep into subspace.
The marks across Angie’s back had settled into red and white welts, but those across the cheeks of her bottom were darker. They would bloom into colourful bruises. Cara knew they would be hell to sit on for days. She motioned Jonathan over and walked around to face her again. Her cheeks were wet with tears, but she was thoroughly dazed, now.
“Clean her up, take her down, and take her over there,” Cara pointed to the covered platform.
“Yes, ma’am,” he nodded and hurried to the bathroom. He came back with white washcloths and a small basin of hot water. Lowering himself to his knees, he wet a cloth and cleaned up the floor. With another, he began wiping down her sex, her legs, and her feet, looking up as she moaned softly at the contact. He stood and reached up toward her wrists, going slowly. He nosed gently at the back of her shoulder, once, twice, and asked in a low whisper, “Are you okay?”
When she didn’t answer, he ducked his head to look into her face. She looked up at him through her bangs, an open, utterly blissed-out smile on her face, a flood of endorphins and epinephrine well into her system. He smiled a little, relieved, and turned his attention back to what he was supposed to be doing. His pause hadn’t gone unnoticed, though.
Cara walked quietly back to them, smacking Jonathan across both bare ass cheeks with the crop still in her hand, making him jump. “There’s time for chitchat later, children,” she growled into his ear.
He blushed at being caught in disobedience and unhooked Angie from the overhead chain to place her as Cara had instructed him. He sat her on the edge of the platform, bracing with a knee on the edge, and found that it gave under his weight like a bed mattress. He positioned Angie on the sturdy foam wedge, her head at the lowest part and her bottom almost hanging off the higher end. She wasn’t much help, in her placid state, though she was alert of what went on around her.
There were more restraints attached to each corner of the base beneath the mattress for her. Cara shooed Jonathan back to his spot beside Daniel after putting the riding crop back in its place on the table. She picked up one of the restraints near Angie’s foot, buckling part of it around her ankle and a second strap around her thigh, then did the same with the other. Pulling on the straps’ length adjustments, she tightened them so that Angie’s legs were splayed wide. She walked around to Angie’s hands and unclipped the joiner from her wrist cuffs before clipping each to their own waiting strap and tightening them just enough to make the muscles of her triceps and shoulders burn a bit.
When her head cleared enough to listen to her surroundings, Angie found that the room was silent of any voice that wasn’t Cara’s. She knew that all of the people were still around – movement in a chair here, the squeak of a shoe there. She could imagine clearly their eyes on her. Just as her nerves threatened to overflow and make fright well up, Cara’s voice pulled her back down.
She leaned down to speak in Angie’s ear, brushing red hair away from her face. “I know how you like the way Joey’s come is so hot inside you. A Great Dane’s body temperature averages out at about 105 Fahrenheit. You’re gonna love this.”
Angie’s tongue flicked out to wet her lips as Cara nodded to Daniel. He nudged Valentine forward and the dog came trotting heavily toward them. Cara patted the mattress between Angie’s legs, and the dog put his front feet up as she sat down. She reached down and wrapped her hand around his soft sheath, grinning as the bright red cock emerged and he began to hump. She waited until his cock was good and thick before stopping. Patting the mattress again signaled Valentine to jump all the way up. She guided his front legs astride Angie, who looked up with wide eyes as he towered over her.
Cara could see her elevated pussy glistening with wetness as she aimed the dog’s cock. As soon as the tapered tip penetrated her, he started humping in earnest and his front legs locked tight around her body. The dog’s broad chest pressed against Angie’s breasts and his weight bore down on her as he hammered into her cunt. There was no wait before his cock was pushing against her cervix; it claimed access right away. She grunted as the tip burrowed into the temporarily tiny opening, widening it with each thrust until it was open enough that the first couple of inches of his cock could ram through.
She could feel his cock continuing to swell, her vagina stretching around its girth, and an aching pressure deep in her abdomen told her that it had forced its way completely into her womb. The opening of her pussy ached, as well. The dog’s cock seemed to be the largest thing she’d ever had inside her.
Before very long, the entire length of the slit of her cunt was split wide around the knot as it demanded entrance. Cara licked her lips and groaned softly as she watched it being shoved further in with each thrust that was accompanied by Angie’s whimpering grunts. With one last, hard push and a strangled gasp from Angie, the knot was finally rammed home. The lips of her pussy slid snugly around the base of the dog’s cock. Valentine’s thrusts grew shorter, but no less hard. Angie’s body was jerked and pushed with them. Her hands opened and closed in the material that covered the mattress, gathering fistfuls of fabric as she was rocked closer and closer. She came, her insides spasming tightly around the invader, and she heard an animalistic sound of pleasure pulled from her own throat.
Cara moved up a bit, putting a hand between Angie and the dog to rub her abdomen hard as the dog fucked her, feeling the enormous cock working in her, its knot swollen huge and locked past her pubic bone. Angie could feel the dog’s higher temperature as come pooled hot in her womb, the heat spreading very pleasantly. She moaned as Cara kept pushing and rubbing as her body gathered it, the pressure adding to her discomfort. She panted, feeling her womb filling, stretching, aching.
Minutes passed, and Cara’s hand was keeping well away from Angie’s clit, no matter how much she begged. She whispered, “Please, please, please,” hoping for another orgasm to even out the ache.
She moaned, tears squeezing out of her clenched eyes at the cramping in her belly from the amount of come being pumped in. It seemed as if she’d been knotted for days when Valentine finally started attempting to yank his cock free. Cara got up and crossed back to the table, bringing a large, dome-shaped plug with her when she returned. She sat very near to the joining of the dog’s cock and Angie’s cunt, holding the plug ready.
She watched as Angie’s head tipped further back and her mouth opened as the dog’s cock pulled harder at her opening. The raw pink border of her vagina stretched thin around the widest area of his slowly shrinking knot. She whimpered as it finally popped free with one last jerk. Cara shoved the plug into her cunt quickly, making Angie grunt with the suddenness of it. She felt only a dribble of come escape, running across her asshole, making the muscles there tighten involuntarily.
The swelling of Angie’s normally flat abdomen was obvious. She could have been mistaken for a good four or five months pregnant, as full as it was. Cara could feel the inside of her thighs slick, she had grown so wet throughout the proceedings. She rushed, snapping at Jonathan to hurry and loosen the laces of the discipline corset enough that she could wiggle her way out of it.
When she was free, she pulled the wedge out from under Angie, making her cry out in surprise and the jolting of her overfull womb, and had Jonathan tighten the restraints back down. She climbed onto the bed and put her hands on Angie’s belly, massaging and pressing against it, reveling in the knowledge of what was inside. A moment later, she straddled her, spreading her cunt open on Angie’s belly, the pressure making her whimper in discomfort. Cara worked her hips back and forth, rubbing herself against the swollen curve. Angie could feel the come slosh hot against her insides. As Cara came, tightening her thighs against Angie’s sides, she felt a trickle of Cara’s juices run down her mound and over her clit.
Cara climbed off, catching her breath and rubbing her own wetness into the soft skin of Angie’s stomach. She reached up and unclipped Angie’s wrists, motioning for Jonathan to help her. After Cara had unclipped each point and slowly removed each cuff, he helped Angie move awkwardly to the area near the chain where she was previously suspended. Cara made her kneel over the same silver basin that had held water for her. She removed the plug carefully, letting come pour out of Angie. It drained into the basin until it was over half full. Cara knelt in front of Angie, the redhead’s hands and head resting on her shoulders as she reached one hand between the girl’s legs and began to massage her clit. The flow of come leaving her body had nearly stopped. Angie’s breath soon turned into short, soft gasps as she neared coming again. The muscle contractions pushed more fluid out in small streams, leaving Angie groaning and shaking as she orgasmed in her utterly exhausted state.
Cara motioned to Daniel. He stepped over and leaned in. “I think it’s time for everyone to leave,” she told him. He nodded and went to make sure that everyone in the group left.
She snapped her fingers at Jonathan and he disappeared quickly behind Daniel before coming back with a clean bathrobe and a blanket. Cara handed Jonathan’s clothes to him in return for the warm things and wrapped them around Angie, then gently handed her off to him while she pulled her own clothing back on. “Take her to my car, and I’ll be right there,” she instructed.
Jonathan helped Angie to her feet and walked a few very slow steps with her before deciding that carrying her would get them to the car sooner. She exhaled what would have been a giggle otherwise as he lifted her and backed them through the front doors.
She closed her eyes and let her head fall against his shoulder.
“Don’t go to sleep, now,” he laughed lightly.
“Mmm…” she sighed.
He put her on her feet long enough to get the passenger-side door open and sat her inside, buckling her in and closing her door, then stood at the car until Cara came out.
“What about your things, ma’am?” he asked, glancing back at the doors.
“Daniel will keep them for me and I’ll pick them up sometime this weekend. Do you have a ride, or are you coming home with me?”
“I… suppose I need a ride, ma’am.” He looked down.
“That’s fine,” she smiled, patting his shoulder and going around to the driver’s side. “Get in, then.”
The drive home was quiet. Angie woke enough to walk in on her own and headed straight for the bathroom with Jonathan shadowing her, making sure she didn’t happen to drowse off and veer into a wall. He stayed with her until Cara came in.
Cara kissed her on the cheek and took the blanket and robe off her, getting her into the bathtub. She shooed Jonathan out to wait in the bedroom and ran warm water into the deep tub up to Angie’s breasts.
Angie felt wonderfully sated, a soothing burn in her muscles and a great deal of heat down her back, bottom, thighs, and pussy from the crop.
“So, do you still like him?”
“Jonathan?” Angie asked in a mumble.
“Of course Jonathan.”
“Mm-hmm. He’s nice. Sweet and noble. All that stuff. I’d have bigger words, if I hadn’t been ridden one way or another for three hours.” She smiles and looked up at Cara through the barcode of her wet bangs.
Cara pressed a kiss to her mouth and stood up. “I’m going to take my shower.”
Angie blinked water out of her eyes. “But-”
“Don’t worry,” she winked. She went out and came back with Jonathan. “He’ll fill in until I get through.”
Jonathan knelt down beside the bathtub and picked up the shampoo.
“You give other people baths often?” Angie asked, watching him but not meeting his eyes for too long at once.
“A few times. I give myself one every day. It’s not that different.” He grinned and splashed a handful of water at her.
Cara showered quickly and told him to go take his own. He disrobed and hesitated, standing near her for a few beats until she realized what he wanted. She turned and dug the key to the cock cage out of the pocket of her discarded pants and removed it.
Angie smiled sleepily and let herself sink a bit lower in the water when Cara picked up the washcloth and soaped it, washing her beginning with her chest. She let herself be moved up and back to be soaped, and was mostly asleep when Cara finished.
“Come on,” Cara chuckled, patting her wetly on the back, “you can stand on your own feet for a couple of minutes.”
She swayed a little as Cara helped her out of the bath and dried her off, being very gentle with her backside. Cara went to her bedroom to get something, and Angie took the opportunity to plop down on the side of the tub again, on the damp towel hanging over the edge. Jonathan finished his long shower and left the bathroom, as well. When Cara came back, Angie’s head had bobbed forward despite her attempt to stay alert.
Cara turned her where she sat and carefully massaged antiseptic ointment into the stripes on her back, then into her bottom. She rubbed tightening cream into Angie’s pussy as deep as she could, when she had her stand again. She put a tee shirt over Angie’s head, too big for her, but just the size for a night shirt, and nudged the redhead ahead of her to the bedroom. She let Angie sit on the bed, but put Jonathan beside her. “Do not let her go to sleep,” she ordered.
He nodded and sat next to her. There was rattling in the kitchen, and Cara brought back a tray of food.
Angie sighed and whined, “Can’t I just go to sleep? There’ll be breakfast in the morning.”
“You need to eat before you sleep. All the energy you’ve spent, and you haven’t eaten since lunch, have you?”
“No, ma’am.”
Jonathan ate like he’d been starved for days and curled up on his side, watching. Angie sat between Cara’s legs and very sleepily took what Cara poked at her mouth. When Cara was satisfied that she’d fed her enough, she set the nearly empty tray on the floor beside the bed and came back up with something else in her hands.
“I never asked if you sleep with a stuffed animal or anything, but I found this for you-” She put a soft, fuzzy, black rabbit with long ears into Angie’s arms.
Angie smiled brightly and squished the stuffed bunny to her chest. “Thank you.”
“Okay, now you can crash, sweetie,” Cara scooted back onto her side of the bed and held the blankets back.
Angie squirmed out of the tee shirt and cuddled in close between Cara and Jonathan.
Jonathan cleared his throat softly as Cara was reaching to turn off the bedside lamp. “Ma’am? Do you want me to stay, or should I call for a taxi?”
“Oh, hush and go to sleep,” Cara yawned and reached over Angie to push his head down to the pillow.
Angie felt his soft cock resting against the cleft of her bottom. She ran her fingers through Cara’s blonde hair as she dropped off to sleep in her arms.
Angie woke with Cara stroking the back of her fingers across her stomach. She wiggled and stretched out long, then curled back up against her.
“I have some homework…”
“Can this homework be done here? Did you bring it with you?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Angie smiled.
Cara tightened her arms around Angie’s shoulders. “Good.”
Later that morning – far past noon, really – Angie sat at Cara’s kitchen table with textbooks and notebooks splayed open across the better half of it. Her hair was caught into two neat braids, the even end of one twirled around two fingers as she scribbled numbers from her physics text into equations. Cara was busily making a late lunch.
Cara set a glass of soda down beside Angie and leaned forward to lick a little stripe up her cheekbone before sitting down.
“You’re distracting me, ma’am,” Angie said coyly, unable to keep a very contented smile from curling her lips.
“I have one more thing for you,” Cara said, setting something beside Angie’s book with a little click.
Angie finished the problem she was working on and looked. It was a key with butterflies printed on it.
“I was going to give you one of my extra keys, but I saw those blanks when I was picking something else up the other day, so I went ahead and had it made for you.”
“Thank you,” she beamed and threw her arms around Cara’s neck, practically crawling into her lap with a kiss.
Cara dropped Angie off a couple of blocks from her house on Sunday evening. Angie passed through the living room to show her parents that she was home, pausing to pretend to pay attention to the sitcom they had on the television, before going up to her room.
She took the stuffed bunny out of her backpack, where it had been crammed for the trip home, and sat it on her bed, against her pillows.
When she woke up for school the next morning, she still felt a brilliant high as she thought back over her weekend. She stumbled into the bathroom to start getting ready. Her ass still hurt. She turned her back to the mirror and twisted around to look over her shoulder at it. There were still obvious claw marks reaching far around the back of her ribcage. The welts from the riding crop were still quite raised, purple bruises laced around the edges with red, and a few abrasions among them. She licked her lips and reached back, scraping her fingernails firmly across her bottom, making herself moan a little in pain, but mostly in the fact that her pussy reacted immediately, wetting and clenching with a mind of its own.
She closed her eyes, backed up with her ass against the edge of the bathroom cabinet, hissing in pain as she pressed against it, and ran her fingers over the mount of her pussy to rest at her clit. It still ached from the abuse it had taken, but she let it press between her middle and ring fingers anyway, moving moisture from her entrance up onto it with smooth back and forth motions. She rubbed until orgasm forced her to curl forward on a chant of grunts that came in time with the muscle contractions, her knees weakening and giving way, making her sit down hard on the bathroom rug.
She sat down at the breakfast table, her entire bottom throbbing.
“You look flushed. You’re not sick, are you?” her mother asked, setting a box of cereal and bowl in front of her.
“Nope, I feel great, Mom,” she answered cheerfully and poured milk into her bowl.
* * * Please let me know how you like my stories. Feedback keeps me writing these. You can e-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com or leave a review here on SSP. ;)
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My best friend Ben 2
This is part 2. If you haven't read "Ben my best friend" you need to read if first to understand the whole story. I have many adventures to follow but you should really read them in order. Thanks.
After finding Ben lying on the ground in the barn, my dad and I calmed him down. He was so upset. Even Ben knew he couldn't stand. Horses have to stand or they get depressed. His ankle was broken, I just knew it. Long before the vet arrived, my dad helped me keep him calm and we talked about what had to be done. I didn't want to lose Ben but I couldn't put him through a worse life. He had been given much more than he was going to get. But when the vet arrived I was excited to learn the the fracture might be healed.&nbs
He looked so sad. Ben just hung his head in shame hanging there in the sling. The life and joy in his eyes was all but gone. I cried so much during those first few days. Grooming him and talking to him all day long seemed to help a bit but Ben was just so sad. Helpless really. I mean, if he wanted food he had to be swung over to his trough or I had to strap on his feed bag. When he had to pee or dump, he did. There was only a bit of warning so I soon realized the warning signs and would swing him over to the entrance run to do his business. It just made it all the easier to clean up and I didn't have to fix his stall floor as often. Ben was extremely down and out after two weeks hanging in the sling and I really didn't know what to do to cheer him up when something caught his attention. The mare we wanted to stud was naying and perked his ears.
"Oh Ben... now that would cheer you up, wouldn't it boy" as I laughed and taged him one on the hind quarter. Thoughts ran through my head of how I could get that mare to stand beside him and get my Ben off. That would cheer him up. So, I decided I'd give it a try tomorrow when the work hands were out and I was all alone in the barn. It was nearly time for everyone to come in for the day. Then, I noticed it. I've see horses mating but I've never been this close to a male horse when its massive cock was hanging stiff and throbbing like this. Ben was wiggling in his sling, he was more alert than I had seen him in days. His woodie was getting the best of him. It was even stiffer now, curving up toward his tummy and you could see the veins and every beat of his heart as it pulsed. Almost entirely black with a strange pattern of white near then end. It must have been over 18" long. The first section was at least 2 1/2" in diameter and 6 inches then his cock grew to at least 4 inches in diameter and another 12 inches long. I was glued to his massive throbbing hardon as it seemed to just call to me to touch it.
It was so hot to the touch, and each beat of his heat went through my hand. He jumped just a little bit when I touched him then began flexing his huge cock in my hands as if to jerk himself off in my hand. It was magnificent. I bent down and using my other hand, I began stroking his huge cock. I slowly moved my hands in rhythm to his pumping. It sure didn't take long before he let out a sound I've never heard from him and began shooting his load all over his front legs and hoofs. There was so much, he just kept coming and coming. I was so turned on that my nipples were aching. My pussy was so wet that I could feel juices running along my panties. I wanted more. Yes I was becoming lost in the amazing cock before my eyes. I wanted to taste his come so I bent forward to lick his beautiful cock when I heard voices.
Oh no I though, standing up. I could see the guys were coming in for the day. I had to clean up quickly. I grabed for the blanket and a rag I had on the edge of the stall. Cleaned my one hand and Bens front legs. I used my boot to smear the floor straw around to cover the mess he had made. Ok, everything looked fine except that cock. He was still hanging there as if to impress me. I slapped his hind quarter and flank and saw that he was drawing it back inside. Good I though, he understands. Soon, he was almost back inside his sheath when I heard a few familiar voices calling to me.
"Be right there guys" I shouted back. "Now Ben" I whispered, "you be a good boy for me tonight and tomorrow I'll make you happier than you are right now" I ran my fingers through his maine and looked into his eyes. There was a bit more life in him now I giggled to myself. As I walked out of the stall I noticed him hang his head lower. He must be tired I thought.
:: Visit my next enounter with Ben which I'll call "My best friend Ben 3" I promise it will be longer than this one. I just have to write it off line as I always get so hot writing. I don't want to leave out any details. It was the best sex I have ever had.
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My best friend Ben 3
If you havn't read "My best friend" then "My best friend Ben 2" you really should read them
before this so it will make more sense to you.Thanks.
That night, after I had seen Bens amazing cock shoot all that come all over the stall floor, I
played with my pussy all night. I imagined doing it again and couldn't hardly sleep all
night. I must have made myself come ten times. Then, the next morning when my alarm went off,
the first thing I did was rub my clitty till I came. I just couldn't get the image out of my
head. I didn't even have breakfast, I pretty much ran
to the barn that morning. I was just hoping that everyone
luck. Daddy and a few helpers were still in the barn. The vet was there again and they
were all talking serious talk so I stayed away. I went down to Ben's stall and once again, I
found him with his head hung low and I could tell he was falling into more depression. This
is not good I thought. If he doesn't keep alert, he'll go into a deep depression and
we'll never get him to keep his desire to heal. Horses are funny that way. I began talking
with Ben, brushing him and tapping his flanks to keep his attention. Ben didn't really
respond. I knew I had to do something and soon. I just couldn't have my best friend give
up. I stepped to the edge of the stall and took a look at where everyone was. Then, I
took a chance. A chance I'll never forget. As I spoke with Ben, I began rubbing his
underbelly. Far enough back to touch his sheath. Ben perked up a bit but kept his head
hung low. Finally, I noticed his cock beginning to drop. I reached out for it and
began to squeeze him slowly. Ben was half way out when I heard voices closer to me. What will
I do, oh no, they'll see me. I stepped back from Ben and near the stall door.
"Susan" Daddy yelled,
"Ya Daddy"
"I need you to run into town for me." daddy churped
"Ah, I haven't fed Ben yet"
"Ok, finish up and come see me at the shop"
"Sure daddy, be there in 20 minutes or so" I purred
Daddy never responded but just turned and walked out with the other farm hands.
I turned back to Ben, his cock was barely out when I got back to him.
"Ben I'll have to make this quick, I want to keep you happy so I'm gonna do what I did last
night okay?" Now, I new Ben wouldn't talk back to me but I
thought if I talked to him while I reached for his soft cock he may perk up a bit. Ben was
really so sad. I knew I had my work cut out for me and I only had 20 minutes.
I knelt down and began softly rubbing Bens underbelly again and gently rubbing his
hardening cock. Soon, his giant cock was fully extended. Getting harder by the second. I
began rubbing the full length of his amazing cock. I could feel it beginning to have it's
own heart beat. The veins of his cock were swolen and this massive cock came to life.
With every pulse of his heart, Bens cock would flex in my hands. I began licking the end of
his cock and felt the warm precome on my tongue. It tasted good. I knew I didn't have
time for much and I couldn't get dirty, daddy would know something was wrong. I kept licking
then sucked the head of his massive cock into my mouth. His cock grew in my mouth. His
flanks began to jump slightly like small jerking motions. His hot stiff monster was
throbbing with every move I made. Then, Ben went stiff. His whole body seemed to freeze, I
knew it, he was going to come. I wanted it so bad but I knew I had to wait. I pulled his
cock from my mouth and just as I did he shot a huge blast of come which went all the way to
the wall boards of the stall. I kept jerking his cock as he kept coming. I placed my one
hand near the front of his cock to catch some. The come was so hot on my hand. I was so
excited by now, my pussy was just dripping. It was so fantastic, I watched Ben as he
relaxed. Ben was now alert. I walked around to his face, talking sweetly to him I said.
"Now boy, there's a lot more where that came from isn't there?" as I licked some of the come
from my hand. Ben snorted and seemed to be in a much better mood. His head was up, his ears were alert.
Yes, he knew what I meant. I soon realized that I had to get out to daddy
quickly so I fed Ben, cleaned up the stall a bit. Laughing I said to Ben that if he can hit
the wall of the stall from over eight feet away, I am looking forward to more exciting fun.
Daddy had me make a trip into town to pick up some wood to repair a fence that was down. As I
drove into town, I rubbed my sopping wet pussy. I didn't even see the car that pulled out of
their lane. I hit the rear of the car and by the time I knew it, I was upside down in the
ditch. I was sore all over. I couldn't hardly move. The next thing I knew I woke in the
hospital. "We were so worried" it was my moms voice.
"what, what happened?" I asked
"you were in an accident. you're very lucky
young lady" a doctor was saying to me
If I didn't have enough things happen to me in the past few months, I had to get into an
accident. My arm was broken, I had a back brace, a neck brace and a fractured knee. I
was a mess to say the least. "Susan hunny, we're so glad your ok, I mean, at
least still with us" mom said in tears
"didn't you even see the car?" daddy growled
"what car?" I murmured
"guess not, sorry sweetie, I'm not mad at you" daddy said in a much nicer tone
I had been in a stupid accident all because of my sexual desire. The ride home two days later
was interesting. They took me over to where the accident had happened and I really didn't
remember any of it. When we got home they helped me into the guest room. It was
downstairs and much easier to access than my bedroom. Mom and daddy told me that I would be
using this room until I could get around better. So, for the next few weeks I be home
recooperating. Thoughts of Ben never really entered my mind until after dinner that day
when daddy said he was going out to do some chores.
"Ben ! How's Ben" I shouted
"He's doing ok, I think he misses you though" daddy churped back
"I wanna see him, can I go, can I" I exclaimed
"Not for a few days hunny" mom came back at me.
It was a long two days. I was so worried about my Ben. What if he became too depressed, what
if.... all these crazy thoughts crossed my mind and pretty much drove me crazy. Finally, it
was Wednesday, I could see my Ben. Daddy helped me into the wheel chair and pushed me out to
the barn. I was so happy to see Ben with his head held pretty good. Daddy stopped just
outside the stall so I could see him and talk to him. Daddy went and did a few things in the
barn and came back to me to see if I wanted to stay or go back to the house. Oh, I was
staying, I was getting wet just looking at him. The problem was how would I be able to do
anything aroud my daddy. "well, if you want to stay out here for awhile,
I'll just leave you here but I won't be back for a few hours"
"that's okay daddy, I'll be fine, we'll keep each other company" I said with a bit of a
sultry tone. Oh my mind was going crazy, my pussy was so wet and...
"Daddy, could you roll me down to the end of the barn to the bathroom before you go? I can
get back just fine" Daddy grabed the chair handles and rolled me
down, gave me a bit of a tap on the shoulder and then he said the best thing I've heard in a
long time. "the boys and I will be out at the old bridge,
we have to fix it. Should be back by noon. Oh, ya, and your moms going into town shopping,
if you want to go I'll tell her to come get you"
"No, I'd rather just stay here" I said eagerly
"Alright, I'll let your mom know"
"okay, thanks daddy, I love you"
With that, my dad walked out the barn. I stumbled slowly into the bathroom which was
also a change room for the pool. It wasn't to hard for me to get around as I was only wearing
a nighty slip and house coat. As I did my business, I noticed the pool toys in the
corner. One item in particular was the set of water wings that we have for younger kids that
might visit. When I was done, I hobbled over to the corner and picked up the pair of water
wings. I was of course thinking of Ben. I could blow up the wings and place them over Bens
cock. He would love it. I could always let the air out and keep them in my storage box
near the stall. Oh, my imagination went wild. By the time I came back to Ben, he had finished
his feed bag and seemed to be in a pretty good mood. I blew up both of the water wings and
after moving a bale of straw over near Ben, I sat upon it and began to fondle Bens under
belly and touch his cock. Ben knew, he remembered. His cock was out in no time.
Throbbing and completely excited to see me and feel me.
"Good-bye sweetie, be back in a few hours" came my mothers voice
"Bye mom, love ya" I yelled back.
I had never heard the barn door open, but I heard it close. I got up just to make sure. I
also heard the car roll out of the lane. I knew I had to buy some listening devices and
hide them in the barn if this fun was going to continue. But right now, all I wanted was to
make my Ben come. Not just come, come all over me. I moved around the stall to find a towel
in my storage box. I also noticed that I still hadn't put the other holster away. When we
first put Ben in a holster (sling) to lift him this was the one we tried. It was a bit to
big, more for a much taller horse. As I sat back down and began getting my best friend all
worked up, I took one of the water wings and palced it over his cock. Ben loved it. He
made noises of joy and so I added the second one. This one, I began to jerk him off with.
Ben began to do that humping thing he had done before. A sort of bouncing of his flanks. Ben
sure was enjoying himself and I was too. I was getting so excited that I was going to have him
come all over me. I had to stop for a moment while I removed my robe. My nighty slip I
thought I'd pull off and keep it close in case I had to put it back on quickly. I looked back
at Ben, he had his head turned toward me and was snorting at me. It was as if he was saying
"come on girl, get me off". I just laughed and got up to stroke his main, his ears and let his
hot breath roll over my titties. Ben used his strong lips to nibble at my titties and it made
me so hot. I was soaked, almost dripping. I reached down to my soaking wet pussy and began
to rub my clitty. Oh ya, it was so good. Ben would nibble at my titties, make a snort at me
and then nibble again, he knew wha t I wanted. I could move between titties and his strong
lips and he just kept on doing it. I opened my eyes, my breathing was so fast now, I was near
a climax when a thought ran through my head. Would it work? I wondered, it might, Oh I just
have to try...
Quickly I turned around to the holster I had seen only moments before. I stumbled over to
it, pulled it off the stall shelf and tosed it over Ben. Ben jumped a bit when I did this,
unsure of what I was going to try to do. Ben became a bit uneasy. I did my best to calm him
down then began tying the two sides of the second sling together. I rolled the sling so
the knots were at Bens side and stepped back to look at my invention. Ben was in a sling and
he wasn't going anywhere. I couldn't move well, one arm in a cast, a knee brace, the neck and
back braces had been removed before I had come home from the hospital. Bens cock had gone
softer. One of the water wings had fallen to the ground. I reached down for it and noticed
that Ben was regaining strength in his cock without my help. Ben wanted that cock of his
to be jerked off. I just had a better idea. I was so wet, I just had to try.
Once I had Bens cock all hard and the second water wing back on him, I slowly crawled into
the second sling. Thats right, I was gonna fuck my horse. I was overcome with desire. I
don't think anything could have stopped me. Everyone could have come into the barn and I
would have still tried to fuck him. But no one came in. We were alone. I crawled into the
sling so I could sort of just hang there. I stuck my one good arm through the holes where a
horses leg would fit. I reached back for his cock. I could feel him hitting me in the back
of my legs with his hot hard cock. Finally, I got my hand on his stiff rod. I slowly began to
move the end of his cock over my wet pussy. All at once, Bens cock came fully to life and he
pushed into me. Oh, it was so amazing, so huge, so hot. I wasn't sure if he would even
fit into me but I was so wet, there was no denying him. I felt his cock pulse like before.
With every beat of his heart, Bens cock grew and subsided. His hind quarters began to jump
like before too. Ben was now pushing into me and almost out in a steady pace. I was in a
dream land of extacy. I was so hot, I could feel his massive cock stretching me beyond
anything I had ever experienced. I could feel the water wings holding him back. Ben was
pumping about six to eight inches of horse cock into me and I was loveing every inch. I could
feel the juices running down my legs. Then...
Ben went stiff. Ben's entire body froze stiff. Then, like a baloon filling with air, my pussy
was filled with his hot steamy come. I could feel every burst from his balls. I could hear
the come dripping to the floor like someone was pouring water from a glass. Ben was breathing
so heavily, I noticed he was even foaming at his mouth, humans drool, horses tend to foam at
the mouth when they are extremely warm. Or in this case, HOT. Ben was snorting and puffing
just trying to catch his breath. Ben had done me well. I was exhausted. All I could do was
just lie there in the sling feeling all that come run down my legs. Soon, Bens cock slid
out of my battered pussy. A cold draft ran into my open slit and it sent shivers though me.
As I slowly crawled out of the sling I noticed that my legs were weak. Ben had done such a
great job on me that I could hardly stand. It took me almost two hours to clean myself, Ben
and the stall up. I was so sore. Ben had drawn a bit of blood from me, I can only imagine that
he ripped me a bit with that huge cock of his. Not to mention that I was already in pain from
my accident. By the time mom came home, I was in the pool area lying in the sun completely
spent from my best friend Ben.
Ben and I had a number of encounters after that first awsome fuck. It was almost a month before
I would have that cock of his inside of me again because he had tore me a bit. Of course
that didn't stop me from using my hands and tongue. I hope you enjoyed my adventure and
when I have time. I'll tell you about how well Ben did after we set him back on his own four
legs. He healed very well. Good enough so that I could ride upon his back. We had a big farm
and there were a lot more adventures that I want to tell all of you about so vote this up
and maybe I'll tell them too you.
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My Daughter and I Have Sex On Our Driveway!
Shows Up and She Has Sex With Me on the Hood of Her Car!
Short story by Carolyn Matthews.
My daughter Amber and I just finished taking our morning shower
together and we are in the kitchen drinking coffee. It is such a
beautiful day that I suggest we sit on the steps of the front
porch. Amber says "You mean right now Mom? Shou
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Heather 2
I awoke to the feel of Heather kissing my lips, and as she sensed I was awake, I felt her tongue slide into my mouth. Heather slid her hands over my bare chest, and down to my cock and wrapped her soft slender fingers around it and began to stroke slowly up and down.
"Damn. This girl is something else." I thought to myself.ÂÂ
Heather had slipped into the shower with me last night at around ten o'clock, and we ended up in her room fucking each other all night long until we were both exhausted at around five o'clock in the morning. I glanced over at her alarm clock that sat on her nightstand which read eight thirty a.m. ÂÂ
Heather slid over on top of me, and guided my hard cock into her pussy, judging by how hot and wet her pussy was
"Mmmmmmm." Heather moaned as she impaled herself on my cock, and laid down on top of me, kissing and sucking my neck.
I slid my hands over Heather's ass, squeezing and massaging her ass as I guided her up and down the length of my shaft.
"Ohhhh Jake!" Heather hissed in a loud whisper. "I cant get enough of your cock! Mmm! Unh!! Unnh! UNNNH!" Heather moaned as she began to fuck me faster and faster.
"Shhhh! Mom is right downstairs babe! Youre going to wake her up." I warned, as I fought the urge to cry out as Heather began to really work her cunt up and down my cock.
"Ooooh! I know...but...but it...but it feels so fucking good!! Oh!! Ah!! Yeah! Oh Jake, fuck me! Make me cum all over your big hard cock again!!" Heather moaned as she sat up and began to bounce up and down on my cock harder and faster.
Heather's tits were bouncing and rocking with each thrust of my cock, and seeing Heather there, completely naked, head thrown back, mouth open gasping and moaning, and her gorgeous tits bouncing up and down with her nipples hard as rocks was almost enough to make me blow my load right then.ÂÂ
I watched Heather's neatly trimmed snatch slide up and down my stiff cock, and as I reached up to play with her titties, I could feel her pussy tightening its grip on my dick, and I knew Heather was close to cumming.ÂÂ
"Oh!! Oh God!! Oh Jake...Jake....baby Im cumming!! Im cumming!! Im cumming!! Ah!! Ah!! Ahhhh! Yeah!!!"
I felt Heather's hot cum wash over my cock, and as she leaned down to kiss me, I gripped Heather's tight little ass in both hands, and forced her down onto my cock, driving it in as deep as I could as I blew my cum all over the inside of her hot steamy pussy.
"Mmmmmmmm!!!" I moaned into Heather's mouth as she kissed me, and Heather slowly fucked my cock, gripping my dick with her pussy, milking every last drop of my cum that she could get.
"Oh yeah! That was incredible baby." Heather moaned into my ear.
I slid my cock out of her pussy, and pulled Heather in close to me. Just as I was about to drift off, Heather and I heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps coming up the stairs toward her room.
Mom's footsteps.
"Oh fuck." I said, and Heather's eyes got wide as Mom's footsteps were getting dangerously close.ÂÂ
I rolled off the side of Heather's bed, and directly under it. There was nothing else I could do. No time to get to my room, and after our shower last night, I hadnt brought any clothes in here.  Heather threw her bed together as fast as she could, and made sure the bedspread was down close enough to the floor so that Mom wouldnt see anything under the bed.
I heard Heather open her closet door, just as her bedroom door was opened.
"Heather Im leaving for work and if it isnt too much trouble, could you take the electric bill in and drop it off? I forgot to get it in the mail this week and it is due today, and Im running late as it is." Mom said.
Heather stretched her arms over her head, acting as if she had just gotten up, and pretended that she was actually in the middle of looking for something to wear.  It was not uncommon for Heather to be seen naked by me or Mom, especially in her own room, so this scene was pretty normal. Mom was pretty cool about that kind of stuff.  One time Mom had walked into my room while I was watching a pornographic video and masturbating, and she never once acted like it was anything I should be ashamed of, or be in trouble for.
"Sorry honey, I should have knocked first." was all Mom ever said about it.
Heather walked over to where Mom was standing and took the electric bill from her, and set it on her nightstand.  I was thinking that this close call was almost over, but I was wrong about that. Mom walked in, closed the door, and sat down on the bed. Her feet were just mere inches away from where I was hiding.
"Heather, while youre out today, could you do me another favor?" Mom asked.
"Sure Mom, what do you need?" Heather said.
"Well, could you go into the Blue Boutique and pick something up for me?" Mom asked.
"The Blue Boutique? The sex shop? What do you need out of there?" Heather asked.
"Now dont say anything to your brother, and if he goes out with you today, just forget it ok? But I need you to pick me up a few things. I have them written down right here so you know which ones to get.   Youre more comfortable with this stuff than I am, I get rather embarrassed going in there and buying stuff like this." Mom explained.
"Wow Mom. Are we a little horny or what? A vibrator, two different sizes of dildos, and a video of Huge Cocks volume seven." Heather teased.
"That is exactly the reason I want YOU to go in and get it for me. A nineteen year old draws much fewer funny looks than a thirty eight year old mother of two. " Mom said.
"Ah Mom, Im just kiddin ya. Besides, you look great. You dont look anywhere near thirty eight years old. There are a lot of people who mistake you for my sister instead of my mother for cryin out loud. You shouldnt be embarrassed. Besides, thats what their shop is there for, for you to come in and buy their stuff. I wouldnt think it would be good for business to make your customers feel uncomfortable. But if you want me to pick this stuff up for you, I will." Heather said.
"Thanks honey, youre a doll. Um.. on second thought, if Jake goes out with you today, could you just tell him that its for you or something? I really need this stuff. I havent been laid in way too long and I just need something to relieve a little stress, if you know what I mean." Mom said.
"I know exactly what you mean." Heather laughed. "It will be here when you get home tonight, I can go before he wakes up."
"Okay, great. Love you sweetie, Ill see you tonight." Mom said, and started out the door. When I heard her footsteps far enough away, I came out from under the bed.
"That was close." I said.
"We should just tell her the truth Jake. Its only been a month and already I hate this sneaking around." Heather said.
"Yeah, and what are you going to do when she decides to kill us both?" I asked.
"You dont know that. I think she would be more angry about us sneaking around behind her back rather than just telling her how we feel about each other." Heather said.
"I dont know. What I do know is this. Our relationship is NOT socially acceptable. Although we find no problem with it, there are those who would have a serious problem with this. Mom has never given me any reason to believe that she would ever support such deviant behavior." I said.
"I guess we will have to find out then, won't we?" Heather said.
"Find out what?" I asked.
"Would you fuck her, Jake?" Heather asked.
"What?!" I exclaimed, caught off guard at this off the wall question.
"Would you fuck Mom, if she was into the idea? You cant say you dont find her attractive, I look just like her. You say you want to be with me, well, Im going to be her in about twenty years. You heard her yourself. She's horny and hasnt been laid in way too long. Thats what she said.  She's going to be coming home with booze, with the full intent to get herself off with some sex toys and a nasty video. I cant think of any better opportunity to find out where Mom's morals lie than that. So, would you fuck her if she let you get that far?"ÂÂ
"Ive never really thought about it before, but fuck yeah, Id do her if she was into it." I said.
"Good. Now, you just follow my lead, and go with whatever happens, ok? We're in this together. Either you're going to be fucking Mom's brains out tonight, or we are both going to have a lot of explaining to do. She cant really have any negative feelings about us being together if she's got no problems fucking you too. Deal?"
"Deal." I said.
"Okay, you better get back to your room babe, just in case she comes back for something." Heather said.
"Yeah, I better." I said, and I eased her door open and quietly moved back down the hall to my room.  Once I was inside my room, I relaxed. I laid down on my bed and realised how really damned tired I was. Heather was fucking dynamite in bed, and after fucking her all night long and only having about three hours of sleep, I decided to take a little nap.
I woke up to the sight of my cock in Heather's mouth, feeling her tongue sliding all over the head of my cock, and her hands both sliding up and down the base of my cock, and massaging my balls. When she saw that I was awake, Heather slid my cock out of her mouth with a loud pop, and smiled.
"Rise and shine sleepyhead!" Heather laughed. "Mom will be home in a few minutes, better get your shower before she gets here."ÂÂ
"I looked over at the clock, and sure enough, it read five thirty p.m.  Id slept all day, and now I was just a few minutes away from yet another life-changing event. Either I was going to be fucking my Mom tonight, or likely packing my things and looking for another place to live after she disowned me.
I went in to take a shower, and when I got out and got dressed, I went down to the living room. I saw Mom's toys, and her sex tape on the coffee table.ÂÂ
"Now, you have to stay low profile until I come and get you, ok? Mom is most likely going to take this stuff to her room, but Im going to try to get her to watch her movie out in the living room. Ill tell her that youre asleep and I want to check it out." Heather said.
"Whatever you say sis." I said, and I went back to my room.
Mom came home from work, and after we ate dinner, I said that I was tired and going off to bed.  Mom and Heather were already drinking, and I knew that I was very rapidly approaching the point of no return. I went to my room and waited for Heather to come and get me, just like she said.
I could hear Mom and Heather laughing, and I knew that Mom must be getting pretty tipsy by now. I crept to about the middle of the staircase where I could see down into the living room. The couch was facing away from me, so they couldnt see me.
"Hmmmm. I see you picked up my things today." Mom said.
"Yup. One vibrator....check. One big cock...check. One bigger cock...check. One nasty video...check. Yup...all here Mom." Heather giggled.
"Well, I think Im off to go play. Night night sweetie." Mom said as she started to get up from the couch.
"Mom?" Heather asked.
"Yeah sweetie?" Mom said.
"Would you mind watching your movie in here? I was looking at it and It kinda made me horny. Would you mind too much if I watched it with you?"
"I suppose I could watch it in here, if you really want to see it."
"Thanks Mom. Youre the best." Heather said as she bounded over to the VCR and popped the tape in.
As the opening scene began, a naked blonde was sucking on Peter North's cock.
"Oh my." Mom said, unbuttoning her jeans and downing another shot of tequila. "Id love to be in her shoes right now."
"She's not wearing any shoes mom. In fact, she isnt wearing anything." Heather teased.
"Well, Id love to have his cock in my mouth right now, how about that?" Mom teased back.
"Which one are you going to play with?" Heather asked, holding the two rubber cocks up.
"Gimme the big one." Mom said.
Heather handed Mom the biggest dildo, and Mom slid it into her mouth, mimicking the action on the screen.
"Mind if I join you?" Heather asked.
"If you want to sweetie." Mom said as she took off the rest of her clothes.
"Great." Heather said, stripping down and reaching for the other dildo.
The scene on the screen shifted to Peter North fucking the blonde doggie style, each thrust of his hips sending waves along her ass, and screams from her throat.
Mom and Heather were both moaning off and on, and breathing pretty heavily as they fucked themselves with the dildos while the scene from the fuck film played out across the screen.ÂÂ
"God I need some cock." Mom moaned as she watched Peter North cumming all over the blonde's ass at the end of the first scene.
Mom was really tipping back with the booze, downing a couple more shots of Tequila. Mom began playing with her clit with her left hand, while fucking herself with the dildo in her right. I could hear her trying not to scream, and she was making sounds like high pitched whispers between gasps for air.
"Looks like that one is pretty good Mom." Heather said, sliding the dildo she had out of her pussy and setting it on the table.
"Well, how is yours sweetie? Is it worth how much I paid for it?" Mom asked.
"Its good all right, but not as good as what I have upstairs." Heather said.
"Really? What do you have upstairs? Can I play with it?" Mom asked.
"If you want to." Heather said. "Ill be back."
Heather came to the stairs, and motioned for me to come down. I stripped my clothes off, and moved down into the dark living room where only the light was from the television.
Mom looked up with a quizzical look on her face when she saw Heather and I naked, as if trying to make sense of what was going on through the alcoholic haze clouding her mind.
Heather sat back down next to Mom, and I stood in front of her.
"Your toy is good Mom, but its nothing like the real thing." And with that, she slid my stiff cock into her mouth, right in front of my mother.
I looked down at Mom, completely naked and half sitting, half lying on the couch. She looked a lot like Heather. It was clear that she was her mother's daughter. I traced my gaze from her pussy, watching her still continue to rub her clit with small circular motions, up to her breasts that she had clearly passed on to Heather, up to her face, where I found her gaze locked on Heather's mouth as my cock slid in and out of it.
Heather grabbed the TV remote, and shut the TV off. She reached over and turned on the lamp next to the couch, and slid my cock out of her mouth.
"You dont need that video Mom. You dont even need that dildo youre playing with. You've got Jake's big, stiff cock right here to play with if you want it." Heather said.
Heather slid her tongue all up and down my cock and looked over at Mom.
"He tastes so good Mom. And he is an incredible lay. You have no idea how good his cock feels." Heather continued.
"Oh my...." Mom said as she slid the dildo out of her pussy, and came closer to Heather and I.
I moved over close to Mom, my cock only inches away from her face.
"Want to play with my cock, Mom?" I said.
Mom looked up at me, and then back at Heather. She took a deep breath and then she answered.
"If you really want to fuck your own Mother honey, Im not going to turn you down. Ive not had a real cock in a long time, and its really hard to resist with you waving it in my face like that." Mom said.
"Mmmm. Sounds like she wants it Jake." Heather said. "Why dont you stick that big cock in her mouth and let her see how good your cock tastes."
I looked down at Mom, and she leaned up and wrapped her hand around my cock, and slowly stroked the length of it a few times.
"Such a beautiful cock honey.." Mom said as she opened her mouth and slid my cock inside, and she didnt stop until my entire cock was deep in her throat.
"Mmmmnnnggghhh!! Ohhh God Mom!!!" I moaned as she deep throated my cock. Mom gently cupped and massaged my balls as she worked her tongue along the underside of my shaft, never taking my cock out of her throat. ÂÂ
She slid my cock out of her throat, but kept my cock in her mouth and began to bob her head up and down on my shaft faster and faster. Her swirling tongue wrapping around my shaft and caressing and teasing the head of my cock was an amazing feeling. I reached down and began to play with Mom's big tits, pinching her nipples and squeezing her tits, eliciting moans from her mouth around my cock.
I looked over at Heather, who had a look of pure, unadaulterated lust in her eyes as she watched our mother sucking my cock. Heather reached for the big dildo that Mom had been playing with before, and began to fuck herself with it.  Heather began to moan and play with her breasts with her free hand, silently mouthing the words "I love you" to me as she fucked herself.
I mouthed the words back to her, and mom removed my cock from her mouth and looked up at me with the same lust in her eyes that Heather had shown me. She truly was her mother's daughter.
"Oh honey. I could suck this cock for hours, but I need it inside me. I want you to fuck me with your big hard cock." Mom said.
I sat down on the couch, and Mom positioned herself on top of me, sitting on her knees, sliding my hard cock into her steamy, wet pussy.  Almost the instant my cock was all the way inside her, Mom came all over my dick.
"Ohh..OOhhhh...OOOOH MY GOOOD!! OHhhhhhhhhh!! Ah!! Ahhhhhhhhh YES!!" Mom screamed as she creamed all over my cock.
"Ooohh. It has been a while hasnt it Mom?" Heather said.
"Ohh!! Oh honey.....you have no idea." Mom half gasped, half laughed as she came down from her cum.
Mom began to bounce up and down on my dick, cupping both of her big tits in her hands, and bringing her nipples to her mouth to lick and suck on them as she fucked me, her moans and cries almost sounding feral. One moan carried into a high pitched moan, that carried into a low guttural moan and then back to the high pitch again.ÂÂ
Mom threw her head back, and put her hands on the back of the couch behind me, her tits jutting out into my face as she began to fuck me harder and faster. I took one of her nipples into my mouth and began to suck and nibble on it.
"Oooooh yeah honey! Suck on your momma's titties! Oh God YES!! Oh!! Oh God Im cumming!! Im gonna cum again!! Yeah!! Yeah!! YEAH!!!" Mom screamed as she came all over my dick again.
I looked over at Heather who was giving Mom's dildo a really good drenching. Heather had cum all over the dildo while watching Mom fuck me, and as she stared at me she began to lick and suck her juices off of the dildo.
Eventually, Mom got kinda tired after bouncing up and down on her knees so much, so I positioned her on her knees, and began to fuck her doggy style. I grabbed two handfuls of her ass and began to thrust my hips hard, ramming my cock deep into Mom's pussy. Mom seemed to like it rough, as the harder I fucked her, the more she moaned and screamed with pleasure.
I heard a whirring sound, and I looked over at Heather. She had mom's new vibrator, and had it all lubed up. She tossed it to me with a smile on her face.
"Give it to her both ways, babe. Give her a fucking she wont ever forget." Heather said.
"What are you doing...Oooooh!! Oh God!!" Mom screamed as I eased the vibrator into her asshole as I fucked her pussy.
"Ahhh!! Ahh!! Oh God!! Oh my God!!! Oh Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!! Im gonna....Im gonna cream!! MMMMMMMMM!!!! Ah!!!" Mom screamed as she bucked against my cock and the vibrator. I could feel the vibrations coming through her body from the vibrator, and it pushed me over the edge.
"Oh God Mom! Im gunna cum!! Where do you want it!!" I moaned.
"Ooooohh cum all over my ass baby!! I want you to blow your cum all over my ass!!! Give it to me!! Give momma your cum!!" Mom moaned.
As my cock began to throb and spasm, I pulled it out of Mom's cunt and in an instant, Heather was right there, jerking my cock off over our mother's ass, spraying my hot load all over her ass cheeks and back.
When I had stopped cumming, Heather slid my cock into her mouth, licking me clean.
Mom collapsed onto the couch, completely spent.
"Damn honey, that was good. Ive never been fucked like that." Mom said.
"Told ya." Heather chimed in.
"So you two are an item now I take it?" Mom asked.
"Uh huh." Heather said. "For a little over a month now. We were trying to figure out a way to tell you, and this is what we came up with."
"Wow." Mom said. "Well, Im way too tired, and frankly, way too drunk to think this through right now, so Im off to get a shower and get some sleep. We can talk this over in the morning." Mom said.
Heather stood up and led me upstairs.ÂÂ
"Hope you've got some left for me baby." Heather said.
"Always, babe." I said, feeling my cock begin to rise again.
"Well, you guys have fun, and Ill see you in the morning." Mom said.
As I started up the stairs, I realised that my night of hot sex was just getting started, and the way things were looking, I was about to enter a new chapter of my life where I would be coming home to not one, but two beautiful, insatiable fuck machines in the form of my mother and my sister.
Fuck, its good to be me.
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Uncle explores somemore.
I suggest you read (Uncle explores) first.
I could still feel the sensation of my uncle's finger inside my knicker's and was wishing mum had gone much longer so that finger could have played somemore. I lay awake later wondering if my uncle would do as he said or may decide it was all to dangerous if mum caught us.
I needn't have worried though as mum said a couple of days later. "Your uncle's coming to stay awhile while he has a new roof put on his place. It'll only be for a couple of days so well manage somehow. We did but here's the bit that mattered. It was su They all went,I stayed. Impatient now. "When can we,you know. When? When? Can we now?" - "Whoa there, they've barely left the street and I've been thinking" My pounding heart stopped. - "You're not going to,you're not are? Oh! That's so unfair,I've been waiting days to and now you wont" I was going to thump him in the chest,but as I made to do so,he swept me off my feet and held me close in. "Feel that,that by your belly" I broke into a grin as my belly registered a whopping great hard cock pressing into me. - Bearing in mind the last time was the first time I'd heard uncle say fuck when he found his hand in my pants playing with my pussy, - "See,what do you think that is,it wants to fuck you,its hard as hell already and aching like fuck" This swearing seemed so natural, - "What,you're going to let that great big monster fuck me,its huge,it'll never go in my tiny pussy" A shiver went down my backbone, he's going to,he's going to force it inside my tiny quim. That thought sent a tingly dribble of juice from my orifice. - "Want to see if it will in a bit? It might not but we can try if you let me" - "Now! Now! Come on where are we going to do it?" - "Steady,lets start in our usual way and you can tell me about the brother and sister. Have they done it some more yet" I nodded,again last evening in their house,he wanted to have a go on me. I nearly blurted out no I'm waiting for uncle to,but remembered just in time and just said,"No not available this week. You know what that mean don't you uncle" - "Of course,but you are I hope" - "Yeah,since two days ago, -I put my head down and in a low voice,I said - I'm as horny as hell though,my pussy wants doing,you know a good fucking. - there,I've said it now,I need fucking uncle" - Ok! Ok! So tell me,lets sit how we do and tell me how they start off and go on from there" Now in our usual positions I start telling him. - "Well, he never kisses her or that,but he does play with her tits,sometimes mine as well at the same time,you know one of each in each of his hands but soon he concentrates on her only. That's when I usually get his dick out and pull his stuff down.While this is going on he has his sister wriggling as he fingers her clitoris until she says put it up I'm cumming. Last night was one of the nights when he let me guide it up there. I hold it as she bends her knees and he presses his belly forward while I open her slit with one hand and puts his dick near the hole with the other" - Uncle moved uncomfortably. I could feel his bulge pressing right against my pussy right against the clit bit. "Lift a bit, - I thought he was going to spoil that feeling again, - a bit higher" My belly started to tumble with excitement,he wasn't moving his hard cock away,what he was doing was trying to move my dress away. "Undo those buttons like last time" I did and he lifted my dress up my back. As I settled again,he just put his hand inside my knicker waistband and immediately felt my clitoris,rubbing it this time inside its hood. My body quivered like a leaf on a branch as his searching fingers fumbled around my tight little groove. - "Like that? is that how he was rubbing her pussy?" I nodded, "But without the knicker's in the way" - "Lift again then" - I knew what was coming, - "His fingers delftly slipped into my waistband and I felt my knickers going away from my bum cheeks and as he reached to push them down from my stomach and well down my thighs the sensation of a man's large hands touching my secret parts nearly made me pee. I felt such a sensation in this that I missed the other thing he done. - "Right,back down again" Weak and trembling I lowered myself back against his lap. I didn't freeze but in a vital moment the tell tell warmth along my thigh below my slit meant only one thing. His cock was out and pressing hotly against my bum groove and right down to my thighs. "Like the feel of it?" - "God its so big,I want to look at it" - "No wait a bit,let me do somemore feeling for you" I lay expectantly as his hands started again to play around all over my belly,pussy and bum cheeks. I responded as he pulled me up his belly some and then pressed my thighs open down over his thighs. He reached through my legs,mucking about down there and then his fingers started to work at my quim with many buttons making me jerk as he masterbated me frantically. With one tingle I closed my thighs and felt a warm sausage of hard flesh between my young girl thighs. I knew this was the piece of flesh ready to open my little pussy mush wider than anything I'd used to play myself up till now. I was going to cum. He must have known because he suddenly stopped fingering and said "Look down between your legs" On taking a peep,I was speechless,with my thighs open like this his penis was stood up hard and proud as though it was mine sticking up from my own loins. I turned my head to his face as he smiled back, "Still want it? do you think it would? Go in that is" I looked again then back at him, - "Its fucking huge,I can't believe that is its size,it felt smaller when you had it pressing against me. Do you think it would? Go in that is" He shrugged, "There's only one way to find out,but lets play somemore now your quim's calmed down a bit" I realised he'd talked me away from cumming to soon. "Talk while I play with you again,tell me what he does with his spunk" "Oh,that's easy,he shoots it inside nearly everytime" - "And on those other times?" - "She or sometimes I wank it till it shoots out everywhere. That's usually when we say we want to see it cum" - "So what about this one,do it shoot inside or out and all over you and your clothes" - My answer was simple, - "If it wont go up me,then I'll wank it,but if it gets inside I want to feel what its like when it shoots. My friend said she can feel every spurt" He now started to work me up and I could feel lots of juice coming from his dick as he gently move in and out against my wet thighs. Each time he stopped he said, "Got a stop before I cum" and in turn I'd squeeze my thighs closed on it, "No don't it'll make me shoot off before we've tried" and I'd look and give him a mischievous grin. "Lets turn you round to face me" I wasn't sure about why but assumed it was because I said they done it face to face,but they were stood against a wall. - "Get the dress out the way" I did and he pulled his trousers off and opened his shirt. - "Lots of spunk and juice from you as well" he explained "better in there - as he pushed his finger in me again,making me jerk somemore,it felt the size of my friends brothers cock when I'd wanked him. - than over our clothes" I sat across his legs now with my knees high in the air as they couldn't dangle this way round. "You really a virgin? no cock inside at all" - "Yes why?" "Well your pussy seems open" "Oh uncle,you're so nieve we sorted that with her brush handle" A smile of satisfaction descended on his face as I started cumming this time as his fingers went everywhere especially up inside and touched something there that made me yelp and orgasm all in a second. I clung now around his neck and like a dream he lifted my bum up and as his fingers squeezed into my soft cheeks he lowered me back down, then I felt a very large plug pressing at the entrance to my quim. I automatically wriggled and felt my pussy trying to open to the swelling,then fingers started to pull at my small labias and touch my clit again. It was oh so sensitive that I jerked and on doing so the fat part of uncle's cock pushed up inside and then amazingly I felt the rest of his shaft opening my tight pussy tunnel as slid ever deeper almost in slow motion until I felt his pubic hairs up against my stretched gaping slit. "Its right up you,you took all of it,what a good girl you are. You're a natural for fucking,not a murmur as it got right in you" - I too was shocked,this was a real cock not like the one in my friend. - I measured it after our fuck,I'd took nine inches up there,would you believe. I knew what to do,I naturally bobbed up and down and in no time my uncle groaned and I felt his first sperm spurt deep up inside my belly. I loved it and started bouncing even harder. The faces I was making my uncle pull was a picture until again I felt sperm spray from the fat end of his cock. - "Stop,for fucks sake stop,I feel so weak I'll fall over if I tried to stand up" - "Is that it,I thought I'd get a funny feeling as well,my friend does with her brother" - "I'm not finished,get off and lets change to another position" I climbed off of uncle and he stood. "Lay back across that,here's a cushion for your head,lay on your back so you can watch me fuck you as you cum" It was the table. I did as he said and I watched him as his fat still hard cock caught at my slippery hole then disappeared deep up inside me again. I moved on the table as he hit the top end of my pussy. "That's your cervix its against,when you get bigger I'll be able to push mine inside the neck of it" I had seen a picture of a cervix and felt really excited about a new feeling I could get sometime when it was opened by a dick. Now uncle got to pushing me straight into the most powerful orgasm I had ever immagined. I felt my pussy shooting juice at his thrusting dick until we exploded together in a most memorable joint orgasm. The sperm tried to squelch past his shaft from my tight little hole but until he finally pulled out of me most of it was still up inside. "Well clean up and go and eat somewhere" I headed for the shower,but before I went in I sat on the loo and as uncle watched glob after glob of our joint juices dropped down the pan then like two kids we looked and discussed if we thought all of the sperm had come out. I didn't get pregnant so perhaps it did. We still fuck like rabbits every chance we get and my mates brother had a try but his dick just doesn't compare to my own personal fuck machine. Old and hard is what I like! Bye.
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Gangbanging Angie (part ten of series)
Thursday night
Angie couldn’t get to sleep, she was so excited. Cara was to pick her up after school the next evening and her parents would both be out of town during the upcoming weekend. They actually had plans that spanned more than a few hours of one day, and Angie couldn’t wait. She lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. For two hours, she had been trying to sleep. Nothing, from hot tea to the ubiquitous counting sheep cliché, was helping.
Something caught her attention. The house had been utterly quiet since she had gone to her room for the night, but she heard a noise. She got out of bed and tiptoed across and down the hall to her parents’ room. Their door was shut, but she could hear them inside – or she c
She knelt down to the side of the doorjamb and put her hand on the knob, turning it as slowly as possible, ready to bolt back to her room if she made a sound. After what seemed like forever, she got the knob turned enough to push the door open. To her relief, her parents weren’t facing the door full-on. She let the knob ease back to its resting position and edged forward a little.
Her mother sat on the edge of the bed and her father stood facing his wife. Her mother’s head bobbed slowly, then faster. He yanked her hair, pulling her off his cock, and slapped her face. Once, then again, harder. Angie put a hand over her mouth to quiet her gasp, but saw her mother grinning. He reached down and squeezed her mother’s breasts, digging his fingers in and making her flinch, then drew his hand back and slapped the right one hard. He repeated that slap, as well, then did the same to her left breast. Then, quickly, her mother was on her knees on the bed, with the covers bunched up at her head, which was against the mattress. Her father had a hand fisted in her mother’s hair, pushing her face down as he rammed into her from behind. Angie couldn’t tell from the angle she had to watch from whether he was in her pussy or ass. She could hear the smack of flesh against flesh as testament to how hard he was fucking her mother. He came fast, grunting low, and sat back on the bed. After a few moments, he reached forward and grabbed her mother’s hair again, pulling her across his lap. Angie watched, eyes wide, as he held open her mother’s pussy lips, exposing her clit. He took firm hold of the little nub between the second knuckles of his index and middle fingers, jerking on it harshly.
Angie could feel the cool air on the wet fabric of her panties against her skin. Her pussy throbbed. She adjusted, moving her knees apart enough that she could get her hand between her legs, then slipped a hand beneath her nightshirt and into her panties. She pushed two fingers inside herself, moving them in and out and spreading the wetness up her slit. Curling her fingers and pinching hard, she worked her clit as much like the way her mother’s was being worked as she could. Biting her lips together so she wouldn’t make a sound, she watched as her mother whined and tightened the muscles of her legs, coming against her father’s hand. Angie squeezed her legs together as she came, just barely choking off a groan.
Leaving the door open, afraid to close it now that they were finished and wouldn’t be as distracted, she got up and snuck unsteadily back to her room. After washing her hands, she crawled back under her blanket, falling asleep within minutes.
Cara’s car was in the back parking lot when Angie begged her way out of her last class fifteen minutes early. She threw her backpack and overnight bag into the back seat. “I can’t believe I get to stay all weekend!” she squealed excitedly.
“You’re sure your parents won’t be suspicious?”
“Yep. They’re both away at conferences. They left this morning. Guess what?”
“I got my report card.” She reached down the front of her shirt and pulled a piece of folded pin-feed printer paper from her bra.
Cara took the paper and unfolded it. She grinned and put a hand behind Angie’s neck, pulling her forward and kissing her hard, possessively. “Good girl. Looks like you’ll deserve the little surprise I have for you on Sunday.”
Angie’s eyes lit up, both because she knew her owner was proud of her and because of the little forewarning of something special. “Ooh, surprise?”
“You’ll have to wait until Sunday.” She let Angie go and handed the paper back to her, then put the car in gear and pulled out of the lot.
They stopped in town at the supermarket. “I need to pick up some things to cook for Jonathan,” she explained before getting out. She walked around to Angie’s side of the car and opened the door for her.
“Just for Jonathan?” Angie asked, purposefully injecting a little jealousy into the question.
“I have more than enough of foods you like,” Cara said, narrowing her eyes. She swatted Angie on the butt and closed the car door. “But I didn’t know he was vegetarian until this morning. Lacto-ovo, I think? Eats eggs and dairy, anyway.”
“So he’s staying all weekend, too?”
“Mmhm.” She backed Angie up against the door and leaned into her. Cara looked around the parking lot to make sure there was no one paying particular attention before sliding her hands up both of Angie’s hips, beneath her skirt, and dragging her panties down.
Angie turned a bit pink. “What are you doing?”
“Starting our weekend,” Cara smirked, letting the panties fall to Angie’s ankles while she found the waistband of the plaid school skirt and began rolling it up until the back barely covered Angie’s ass.
Angie reached down and took her panties off her feet, handing them to Cara, who stuck them in her pocket. She followed Cara around the grocery store and put things into the cart as she was directed. Cara found particular amusement in dropping unbreakable things in populated aisles and having Angie pick them up. She smiled to herself as Angie blushed harder when people were able to look right up her skirt to see her shaved slit and all.
When they got to Cara’s house, after everything was put away and dinner had been set in the oven to cook, she went to the living room. Angie had installed herself on the sofa to watch television until Jonathan arrived. Cara picked up the remote and turned the TV off, standing in front of it. Angie smiled under the look she was getting from her Mistress.
Cara licked her bottom lip, looking down at Angie’s skirt, still rolled up. “Touch yourself,” she instructed.
Angie unfolded her legs and pulled up the hem of her skirt, sitting on one hand while using the other. She pressed two fingers between the lips of her pussy, rubbing up and down her slit, lingering over her clit and spreading her outer lips apart on the way back toward her hole.
“You masturbated last night.” Cara raised an eyebrow.
“How can you tell that?” Angie’s smile would have given her away even if nothing else had.
“That’s my secret. I think you might need a little spanking – you’re not nearly wet enough.”
Cara sat down on the sofa beside her, jerked the redhead over her lap and flipped her skirt up, then proceeded to spank the soft curve of Angie’s bottom with her bare hand. Angie squealed and wiggled when the handprints began to sting as they landed in the same place. It was just beginning to burn when there was a knock at the door.
“It’s open, come in!” Cara called.
Jonathan opened the door and looked around it before coming inside. He smiled at the display of Angie’s bare bottom. Angie turned her face against Cara’s side and giggled. She got one last smack before Cara pulled her back up to sit.
“Go to the bedroom and put your things down. We’ll start going over rules for this weekend,” Cara told him. She nodded to Angie, “You, to the bedroom, too, miss thing.”
Angie scampered off. They were sitting side-by-side on the bed when Cara came in after them. She smiled, noticing that Angie had taken her stuffed bunny and set it with the pillows again.
“No clothing all weekend, unless we happen to go somewhere. You don’t wear anything that I don’t put on you,” Cara began, arms crossed in authority. “I want all body parts accessible to me at all times.”
Angie squirmed a little in anticipation.
“You don’t have to call me Ma’am the entire time – only if the situation warrants it. I’m sure you both can feel out when it’s appropriate and when leaving it off won’t get you into trouble.” She stopped and looked at them expectantly. “Well? Strip.”
Having already shed her socks, shoes, and bra upon entering the house, and being relieved of her panties earlier, Angie didn’t have much to strip from. She got rid of her shirt and skirt quickly, then bounced back onto the bed to watch Jonathan remove his clothes. She grinned at the fact that he was already just as hard as she was wet.
Cara stepped closer to him. “Jonathan,” she said, getting his attention fully on her as he dropped his underwear onto the pile of their combined clothing. “I want you to show Angie your back.”
Angie knew that every time she’d seen him before today, except the first time, he had been naked to the skin. She had been too preoccupied, though, with her own situations or other parts of his body to have taken special notice of his back, and it was turned away from her even now.
He shook his head slightly, pleading to Cara with his eyes and mouthing, “No…”
“Yes. She needs to know this. She’ll notice it eventually and ask you anyway.”
He wrapped his arms around himself defensively and turned, his eyes cast downward. Cara put her hands on his arms and backed him toward the bed so that Angie could see. The younger girl saw his jaw tighten and release anxiously.
There were scars on his back. They looked a couple of years old, silvery and long, all going diagonally across. Angie frowned.
“You asked me what happened with his previous Master,” Cara reminded her.
Angie reached out and touched him with her fingertips. He flinched, his posture jerking a little more upright before Cara touched his shoulder again to ground him.
“Why?” Angie asked.
He looked to Cara again, imploringly, but she nodded once in answer. He sighed. “He used the buckle end of his belt to punish me.” Jonathan swallowed hard. “He was angry about something else and took it out on me after he had me in restraints.”
Angie pulled a pained face. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
He shrugged. “It’s okay. Doesn’t hurt anymore. I found out later that he’d had a couple of other subs leave him for pretty much the same thing.”
She put a hand flat on this back and ran it down gently, then got up on her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Cara reached up to pet his hair. “The guy was pretty much ousted from the BDSM community in this area. Nobody will so much as play with him, much less attach themselves to him.”
He relaxed and put his hands on Angie’s arms, suddenly grateful for the acceptance.
Cara went to her dresser and took something out of one of the jewelry boxes that sat on top, turning and keeping it behind her back so that neither of them could see. It made a little tinkling sound that Angie thought was familiar, though.
“Were you ever collared?” Cara asked.
“No,” Jonathan shook his head. “He always just told me I wasn’t good enough for his collar.”
“Kneel down for me,” she commanded.
Angie let her arms slide from around his neck as he dropped to his knees in front of her owner.
Cara ran her hand over his hair again and touched his face. “You’re more than worth collaring. I’ve known you for a few years now, and I’ve been thinking about collaring you since before I met Angie. But I wanted to wait until you were ready to be owned again. I know of your past experiences. A ‘kind Domme’ is not an oxymoron, sweetheart. I’m whatever you need me to be, same as I am for Angie. Do you understand?”
Jonathan beamed lovingly up to her. “Yes, Ma’am.”
She took her other hand from behind her back and let them see what was in it: a collar much like Angie’s new one, with his name engraved on the inside. She held both ends and put it around his neck, buckling it at the front and securing it with a little lock, then turned it around so that the lock was on the back.
“Since I have two of you now, there are some new things to consider. There’s a new permanent rule. You can have each other any time you want, with one stipulation; when one of you is actively submitting to me, you have to have my permission or command. Any other time is up for grabs. There might be more rules added on as we feel things out. You both got it?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” both replied.
Cara smiled. “Okay, then. Time for dinner. Come on.”
The dinner table was set informally and Cara put the food in the middle of it. Angie and Jonathan began eating quickly, both excited to get on with the evening. She scolded them, telling them to slow down, that if one of them got sick, she would make them sit out playing tonight and punish them later for making her miss playing with them, and “It will not be the fun kind of punishment, I promise you.”
After a few more bites of her dinner, Angie’s hand began to sneak toward the wedge of chocolate cake that had been set near her.
“Ah-ah, no,” Cara shook her head firmly. “You eat some more of your dinner first.”
Angie blinked, then frowned contrarily. “Eat my dinner first? You sound like my mother.”
“No, I’m your Mistress. Which means you will actually do what I tell you to.” Cara raised an eyebrow.
Angie did her best to keep down a smile and ate her dinner quietly, only reaching for her cake when Cara bumped the saucer toward her. When she saw they had eaten as much as they were going to, she got up and started out, beckoning them after her. They followed obediently to the bedroom.
Cara was already putting a gag on Jonathan when Angie straggled in. She recognized it as a gag that had been used on herself before – the black gag with a short cock on the inside, giving just enough room to breathe past its presence in one’s mouth.
“We’ll go easy tonight. Lie down,” Cara told him.
While he was placing himself on the bed, Cara took her clothes off. She picked up a larger, pearly, purple dildo from the top of the dresser and crawled over him, straddling his chest, and snapped it onto the front of the gag. Jonathan moved his head a little, feeling the weight of the dildo as it moved. Cara put a hand around it to still his head, giving him an amused but admonishing look. She turned around, facing his cock, and kneeled on his arms so that he couldn’t grab at her. Her pussy was open right over his face. She lowered herself down onto the dildo, moaning a little, a blissful expression taking over her face.
Cara began to rock her hips and let a hand slide down her abdomen to her open slit, rubbing her middle finger hard against her clit. “Come on,” she said to Angie, giving her a slow wink, “you can do whatever you want with the rest of him.”
A thrill went through Angie at the permission. She had never gotten to simply look at and play with a cock at her leisure, before. His looked painfully hard. It was turning a delicious shade of red, erect up against his belly, dripping pre-come onto the soft skin there. She nudged at his knees and he opened his legs for her, enough that she could kneel between them. He was shaved as cleanly as her pussy was. Angie leaned forward and licked the droplets off his abdomen, then wrapped her hand gently around his cock, holding it toward her and licking the head. She heard him groan from behind the gag. She played with his cock, running her short fingernails up the underside, licking up more pre-come as it dripped slowly down.
Coaxing his legs open further, she reached down with her other hand and ran her fingers over the puckered little entrance there. His hips jerked again and she heard another moan. She looked up, looking between Cara’s legs, at the wetness that was coming out of her. Cara was rocking harder, moving up and down on the dildo, riding Jonathan’s face. She saw juices from Cara’s pussy beginning to drip down, over his chin.
Angie put her fingers in her mouth, but decided that her saliva wouldn’t be slick enough. She put the hand between her legs, finding more than enough wetness there, and worked her fingers in and out of her cunt until she was satisfied that they were coated well. She moved her hand between Jonathan’s legs again, pressing her index finger gently into his rectum. He moaned loudly, encouraging her to keep going. She moved her finger in and out slowly, leaning forward to lick the head of his cock again. She squeezed the head gently to make the tiny hole gape open, then pressed the tip of her tongue into the slit.
She sealed her mouth over the head and began sucking his cock properly just before she heard Cara groan “Fuck…” as she came, pushing down hard to drive the dildo deep into herself as she did. Cara raised herself off the purple cock and removed it from the gag, but left the gag on him and stayed on his arms.
Angie pushed a second finger into Jonathan’s ass, making his hips buck harder. Cara leaned forward and put her hands on his hips to keep him still. Angie moved her fingers in and out as she took more of his cock into her mouth, sucking slowly, beginning to notice how hard her pussy was aching. It only took a few more moments before he moaned and she felt him come into her mouth. She tasted it before swallowing – it wasn’t bad. Salty, mostly, but there was a sweet tang beneath it that was far from objectionable.
Cara got up and got off the bed on Angie’s side. She pulled Angie off Jonathan and handed her the slick dildo. “I want to watch you fuck yourself with it.”
Angie sat against the headboard and pulled her legs up so that her feet were flat on the bed, then pushed the purple dildo in hard, bottoming it out on the first stroke. She rammed it in, pinching her clit with the fingers of her other hand in time with the motion. Orgasm washed over her and she ground the dildo hard against her cervix, the muscles in her legs tightening and spreading her wider.
Cara smiled and slapped Jonathan’s leg gently to get his attention. “Go clean her cunt up,” she ordered, watching as he happily obeyed.
Angie woke up and stretched her arms wide, finding Jonathan’s shoulder with her hand and pushing against it for traction, making him grumble sleepily. When she had finished and gone limp again, he had a turn, pushing against her hip with his knee and making her whine back at him. She went back to snuggling against him until she smelled food cooking.
“Where you going?” he mumbled sleepily, opening one eye at her, then both as he was visually reminded that she was very naked and he was getting a pleasant view of her bottom as she crawled over him and walked away.
“Breakfast. C’mon,” she said.
Cara smiled at them wandering in, rubbing their eyes and giving the stovetop lustful looks. Angie perked up when she saw bacon, and Jonathan did much the same when he saw that Cara had gone to the trouble of making him an omelette with cheese and fake sausage inside.
“Can I play with you?” Jonathan asked Angie a bit shyly, after Cara had finished and began cleaning up. He smiled and chewed at the center of his lower lip.
Angie grinned back and nodded her head excitedly.
Cara went into the living room a while later to find Jonathan kissing Angie up against the wall. Her legs were open a little and the head of his erect cock pressed up against her slit. Angie reached down and held her pussy open, moving her hips so the head was rubbing right against her clit. He took her hand and led her over to the living room carpet, pushing the coffee table away from the sofa where Cara had just seated herself, and sat down. Jonathan pulled Angie down beside him and pushed her to lie down before scooting down and lying on his stomach between her legs. He nuzzled and licked at her pussy with his hands broad and hot on the underside of her thighs. Angie wiggled her fingers into the carpet and watched Cara watching them.
It made Cara wet to see them behaving so gently with each other, while knowing that later she would be anything but gentle with their bodies. She fingered herself slowly as she watched him run his tongue firmly up the length of Angie’s slit. Angie reached down to hold her pussy lips open and he sealed his lips around her clit, sucking at it for a few seconds. He stopped and worried it between his teeth, then sucked at it again. Angie came, fluid visibly leaking from her cunt, and Jonathan moved down to lick into her hole.
“Get up and return the favor like a good girl, Angie,” Cara told them. “Stand in front of me while she sucks your cock, so I can get a good look. Keep your hands behind you, both of you.”
Jonathan clasped his fingers around his wrists and Angie folded her arms behind her back, getting up onto her knees. Cara put a hand on the small of his back and held onto the back of Angie’s hair, pulling sharply until she opened her mouth. She pressed Angie’s head down on his cock, pushing until her nose was against his abdomen and holding her there until she began to struggle instinctively. Cara moved Angie’s head back and forth, pushing him down her throat every few strokes.
“Keep your mouth open. I want to see him spurt into it,” she said, moving her hand up and down his cock until he came, aiming the ropes of come. She watched as the white fluid slid down Angie’s tongue and into the back of her mouth, then ordered her, “Swallow.”
Angie did as she was told and licked her lips.
Cara turned Jonathan around by his wrist. “Get on your knees and bend over.”
He kneeled down and put his head down on his arms, his ass sticking up in the air right in front of Cara and his face turned toward her, so that she could see it. Angie watched as Cara drew her hand back and began spanking him. She struck both cheeks, a half dozen spanks at a time, right on top of one another. Cara watched his face, speeding up and going a little harder when his eyes began to water. He didn’t whimper; only his fractured breathing told her how much it hurt.
“That’s it, come on, cry for me. Break for me, sweetie,” she cooed quietly to him. She kept going as Angie lost count of the strikes and his breath began to hiccup, tears spilling over the bridge of his nose, and his bottom was blazing hot under her own stinging hand. She was intent on getting a noise out of him, stopping only when he began shaking and let go of a sob.
“Good boy,” Cara said, leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to his searing skin, making him gasp. “Both of you will stay on your hands and knees for the rest of the day. Nothing touches between your legs and you ask if you have to go to the bathroom.”
At Cara’s order, Angie put her hands on the carpet. She crouched low, her body close to the floor, and rubbed the tip of her nose back and forth over Jonathan’s heated, pain-flushed cheek, then nuzzled against his neck. She moved back and watched him blink slowly as he came back down.
Around dinner time, when both of her charges were getting very hungry, and when Angie was getting tired of trying to hint for attention, Cara sat back down on the sofa with a book.
Angie crawled up to Cara’s legs and huffed out a frustrated breath, making her bangs flutter. She nudged Cara’s thigh with her head and made a ‘meow’ noise.
Cara laughed and finally put down her book, reaching to pet Angie’s hair. “So now you’re a kitty? I thought you were my puppy.”
“I am your puppy,” she smiled, taking Cara’s attention as permission to speak.
Cara reached down and gently scritched Angie’s neck, just above her hairline. Angie suddenly wished she could purr, because she couldn’t express her contentment in words. She gave a plaintive little whine when Cara stopped and got up to get her pet humans something to eat.
Cara cut up a pair of chicken breasts that she had marinated in Italian dressing and baked, making bite-sized pieces out of them, and put them on one plate. On another plate, she heaped homemade macaroni and cheese, loosening the noodles into smaller chunks with a fork. She put the plates on the floor near the table, where she sat with her own dinner, and watched Angie and Jonathan. Both tried to eat neatly, but it was near impossible to be careful when not allowed to use their hands. When they finished, she washed their faces and let them drink water from glasses.
They sat kneeling in the kitchen, hands on the floor, while she washed up and cleaned the baking dishes. She went slowly, giving them plenty of time for their dinner to settle.
“Feel ready to play, now?” she asked. She was answered with two bright smiles and nodding heads. “Okay, then. Go to the bedroom and wait for me.”
Jonathan crawled onto the bed and laid across it on his stomach, while Angie sat on the edge. When Cara came in, she pushed Angie so she was lying on her back and moved her legs apart. Jonathan turned to watch as Cara slipped two fingers into the redhead’s pussy.
“Squeeze as hard as you can,” Cara told her. She was pleased to feel Angie contract firmly around her fingers. She had Jonathan lie on his back, then pulled Angie up onto her knees, positioning her to straddle his hips. Cara stroked his cock until he was hard, then pushed Angie down, very slowly, lowering her onto his cock.
“The only thing you’re allowed to do, Angie, is use your internal muscles to squeeze him. I want you to milk his cock until he comes. Jonathan, you aren’t allowed to thrust up into her.”
Angie closed her eyes to concentrate. She tensed and released the muscles around her vagina rhythmically. Jonathan’s hands rested on either side of her knees and she could feel his fists tightening in the blanket as he struggled to obey Cara. After Cara’s preparation by hand, it didn’t take very long before he groaned and Angie felt the warm pulse of his fluid inside her.
“He came, Ma’am,” Angie said, smiling.
“Good girl,” Cara praised, then left the room.
Angie stayed where she was until Cara came back with Joey trotting beside her. Angie turned to look, her pussy clenching in anticipation.
“Not tonight,” Cara told her. “You’ll get to be his bitch tomorrow night. Tonight…” she trailed off.
She put her hands on Angie’s arms, not ungently, and pulled her off Jonathan. She guided Angie off the bed, then onto her knees beside it, so that she leaned forward and her small breasts pressed against the top of the mattress. Cara took the cock cage from the top of her dresser and put it in place on Jonathan, then beckoned him to follow her. He got up and remembered her instructions for the day, dropping to his hands and knees. He crawled behind her until she stopped about six feet from the foot of the bed.
Cara bent and reached under Joey, massaging his cock until it was well out of the sheath. Jonathan gasped at she patted his hip, letting Joey know he should mount. She held onto Joey’s cock and positioned it so that pre-come sprayed over Jonathan’s asshole, then aimed it until the dog was thrusting solidly into him with every hump.
Jonathan whimpered at the continual stretching that came with the slick cock widening and lengthening as it fucked him. He dropped his head, tucking it into the bend of his arm on the floor as his body was jarred with the dog’s frantic humping. He felt the knot bumping at his hole. When the dog felt it, he tightened his front legs further and redoubled his fucking efforts, intent on tying. Jonathan grunted and gasped in surprise when it popped in past the tight little ring of muscle. When it was in, it swelled against his prostate, making his cock harden again and leak pre-come heavily.
Cara turned her attention back to Angie, who was watching, rapt and breathing heavily. Her parted thighs were sticky with a mixture of the come that had leaked out of her cunt and her own arousal. Cara took out the cane she had used on Angie before and told her, “Keep watching him.”
With the first strike, Angie jumped hard and gave a surprised little yelp. She was distracted and hadn’t been expecting it. Cara followed it with nine more, keeping them even and steady.
Cara mentally catalogued the differences between her two subs; Angie cried and made noise easily, but it took a good bit of pain before she went into subspace; Jonathan could fall into subspace at the drop of a hat – or paddle, as it were – but it took a lot to push him into crying out. Angie was a bit of a brat and loved pushing to test her boundaries; Jonathan was very well-behaved, though Cara figured that was out of some fear, still. Angie was completely trusting; Jonathan was protective of her already. She knew their personalities would be good for one another.
She alternated between giving Angie ten stripes from the cane at a time and watching Jonathan for a few moments. Before long, Angie was crying. She jerked her hands behind her once on instinct and got them right in the way of the cane, but it immediately taught her to keep them under control. Jonathan was whimpering almost continuously, gasping breaths, desperate for some kind of release.
Cara caned from just above the back of Angie’s knees to the top curve of her bottom, then from the middle of her back to the back of her shoulders, catching the backs of her upper arms. Angie put her mouth against the blanket to muffle her own whimpers. The endorphins that kicked in around the twentieth strike had worn off and her entire back side felt like it was on fire.
Jonathan felt Joey’s hot come pour into him. He enjoyed the spreading warmth even as the dog started tugging to get his knot out. He tried to relax, but he was stretched wide, painfully, as Joey pulled his cock out.
Cara put the cane away and turned back to Angie, very carefully running the pads of her fingers down the raised, bright red welts criss-crossing the pale back, making her give a high-pitched moan. Cara got up, going to Jonathan. She petted his hair and spoke softly into his ear. Angie couldn’t hear what was being said, but Cara took the cock cage off him and he nodded.
“Go on, take your shower and clean yourself up,” Cara told him as he slowly got to his feet, the crawling restriction apparently lifted.
She went back to Angie again and knelt down, leaning her face close to the redhead’s, and reached between her legs from the front. She rubbed gentle circles against Angie’s clit until orgasm squeezed one more quiet moan from her. Cara licked her fingers and got up, looping a finger around Angie’s collar and walking her into the bathroom. She waited until Jonathan had finished his shower and dried off. She had him sit on the edge of the bathtub, then guided Angie to crawl to him.
“Suck him, so he can come before bedtime,” Cara told her.
His cock was hard again, standing up against his belly and hot from the shower. She took it into her mouth obediently, massaging the underside with her tongue, swallowing against the head when it pushed into the back of her throat. He groaned and leaned forward as he came. Cara pulled Angie back, put the cock cage back on Jonathan, and told him to go on to bed, then sat down in his place, spreading her legs and holding her slit wide open with the fingers of one hand while she held onto Angie’s collar with the other.
“My turn,” she told Angie, pulling her head forward.
Angie licked and sucked at the pussy presented to her, nuzzling Cara’s clit as she pushed her tongue as far as she could into Cara’s cunt. Cara let go of her collar and put the hand on the back of Angie’s head, moving her hips to grind herself against Angie’s face. Angie lapped up the fluid coming from Cara and angled her head up to suck at her clit. She felt juices coat her chin and drip onto her chest as Cara came.
She pushed Angie back and leaned down to kiss her, sucking at her sub’s lower lip and tasting herself there. She instructed Angie, “Stay,” and got into the shower. Cara bathed quickly. “You can stand up, now. Take your shower and come to bed,” she told her.
Angie yelped in pain as the warm water stung her back.
“You okay?” Cara asked from the bedroom.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Angie answered and edged carefully under the water again to wash her hair.
She dawdled around after her shower, drying her hair and enjoying the warm air on her skin, turning her back to the mirror and looking over her shoulder at the already darkening marks there.
Cara called again, “Come to bed.”
“Is that an order?” Angie grinned.
“Does it need to be?” She could practically hear the raised eyebrow in Cara’s voice.
Angie turned off the light and returned to the bedroom, climbing into bed obediently and snuggling down between Cara and Jonathan.
Waking up in the morning was very pleasant. Angie woke to her owner’s fingertips nestled into the top of her bare slit, massaging gently. Cara’s breast was right in front of her face when she opened her eyes, so she did the only thing that made sense. She opened her mouth and stretched her neck the tiny distance, taking Cara’s nipple into her mouth and suckling firmly at it. She felt a little jolt of pleasure when Cara moaned at the suction, then came right after it. Cara raised her fingers to Angie’s mouth to be licked clean.
The day was mostly uneventful. Cara sent Angie and Jonathan to her bedroom a few times, telling him to not allow Angie to peek out. She shook a finger at Angie, telling her that she’d ruin her own surprise, if she looked, and Angie obeyed.
Near noon, Angie began looking sleepy and behaving a bit sullenly. “Why are you being so whiny?” Cara asked after lunch, during which her redhead had thrown a French fry into Jonathan’s glass of soda.
“I’m not being whiny.” Angie gave her a petulant little glare.
“Oh, I beg to differ. I think you need a nap,” Cara clipped and gave her a look.
“I don’t need a nap. I’m not three.” Angie crossed her arms over her breasts.
“It’s either a nap or a spanking. Those are your choices. And I’m not talking about fun. I mean a spanking for your behavior.”
Angie frowned, but caved. “Yes, Ma’am.”
She went to the bedroom and crawled back into bed. Jonathan wasn’t far behind. When Cara looked in a little while later, they were snuggled up together, fast asleep.
Angie was awakened from her nap by the front door slamming closed. She got up, careful to not wake Jonathan, and went to the end of the hall to peer out. Daniel stood with Cara, one hand up the front of her sleeveless blue shirt to squeeze one breast. She turned around and leaned over the back of the sofa, pulling down her panties. Daniel unzipped his dark gray trousers and pulled them down his thighs, his cock springing free of them. He ran his hands over the curve of Cara’s hips and pulled her cheeks apart, then pushed his cock into her. Angie heard Cara grunt with the first entrance. She went into the room slowly, not hiding, giving either of them time to tell her to go away.
Cara turned her head to look at Angie, a breath huffing out of her with another thrust. “It’s okay, he’s just here to make a deposit,” she winked.
Angie watched as he pumped in and out of her Mistress. It seemed as if he were all business. He stopped and held Cara’s pussy tightly against him as he came, waiting a few moments before pulling out. Cara pulled her panties up and immediately went to lie down on the sofa, her hips tilted up with a throw pillow.
“Mind if I use your slut here to clean up?” he asked.
“Only her mouth. I have plans for the rest later tonight.”
He pulled Angie nearer to him and put a hand on her shoulder. She dropped to her knees and opened her mouth as he held his limp cock up for her. She licked his shaft from the root to the tip, until it was clean of come streaks and Cara’s juices. He pulled his underwear and pants up.
“Stand up,” Daniel told her.
She obeyed and he pressed his index finger into her slit. It slid right inside her.
“Nice and wet. What is your pussy getting ready for, hmm?” he asked.
“It’s always like that, Sir,” Angie answered, her eyes glazing over.
He raised an eyebrow and looked over the back of the sofa at Cara.
“She had to be warmed up at first, but after the first few months after she was officially my sub, she’s been wet constantly. She’s a very good girl.” Cara grinned.
Angie blushed and smiled at the praise her owner was giving her.
“I have to go,” Daniel told Cara, zipping and buttoning his trousers. “Just stopped in for a quick ‘deposit’, as you said.”
After he had gone, Angie sat on the floor beside where Cara lay. “I didn’t know you were still trying to get pregnant.”
“Of course.”
“Have you been trying the whole time?”
“On and off. Casual trying, I guess you could say. No charting periods or anything, except this month. I’m supposed to be ovulating today. Well, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”
“Cool.” Angie smiled more brightly.
“What were you doing peeking in here, though?”
Angie tried to put on an innocent face, but she knew she’d been caught.
“You thought you might get a peek of your surprise.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” Angie admitted.
“I won’t forget that, but I’m not going to punish you for it right now. You’ll get your punishment before your surprise tonight.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Later in the evening, though an hour or so earlier than the last couple of nights, Cara fed Angie and Jonathan. She let them chop ingredients for the vegetarian lasagna she made and let them sit at the table to eat. She allowed them to watch television while she cleaned up, then sat with them for a little while. At nine, she turned the TV off and beckoned them to follow her to the bedroom.
Cara had them stand at the door while she prepared the room. She put towels on the floor beside the bed, layering four of them and putting two extra on top of the dresser. She took four long, thick, light blue ribbons out of the toy drawer and put them on the bed, then took out a buttplug – not quite the thickest she had used on Angie – and the cane, putting the first beside the ribbons and holding the latter.
“Come here,” she told Angie, pointing to the floor beside the bed. When Angie had obeyed, Cara backed up a couple of feet. “I told you that you were going to be punished for trying to peek when I instructed you not to. Clasp your hands behind your head.”
Angie did as she was told. Cara drew the cane back and landed a burning weal right across the lower border between her areolas and the curve of her breasts. She whimpered loudly and jerked forward, but pressed her lips together and straightened. Cara gave her four more and the stripes showed almost immediately. There were two above her nipples and two below, all of them darkening red.
Cara put the cane back in the drawer and slapped each of Angie’s sore breasts once, making her whimper again. “Get on your knees and put your arms on the bed,” Cara told her, then turned to Jonathan, “Go bring me a chair from the dining room and kneel beside it.”
Angie knelt on the thin padding of the towels and stretched her arms out across the bed. Cara grabbed her left hand roughly and made a tight cuff around Angie’s wrist with one of the ribbons. She did the same to Angie’s right hand with another piece and tossed them across to the other side of the bed, then took the last two and tied one end of each around the redhead’s legs, just above her knees. Cara tied the free ends to the left and right feet on that side of the bed, pulling them tight enough that Angie’s legs were held wide, leaving her unable to protect her cunt by closing them. She went around to the other side of the bed and tied the ribbons attached to Angie’s wrists to the far bedposts, pulling them short, the tension making the muscles of Angie’s upper arms ache a little.
Angie’s back, bottom, and thighs burned from the caning she had gotten the night before, but her breasts outright hurt from the new one as they pressed against the mattress. She tested her bonds and found herself very securely tied town. She hadn’t expected anything less. There was a cold toy pressing against her pussy, all of a sudden. She jumped a little at the temperature of it, but Cara gave a sharp spank to the purpling stripes on her ass, telling her non-verbally to stay still. Cara got the buttplug good and slick, then pushed it all at once into Angie’s ass, making the entrance to the hole burn with the sudden stretch.
Angie heard the chair legs as Jonathan came back and put it on the floor near the foot of the bed.
“Sweet little pussy, isn’t it, Jonathan?” Cara asked him.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Such a pretty little cunt, just for me to use.” Cara leaned down and cupped her hand over Angie’s mound, squeezing hard. “Who does this belong to?”
“Y-you, Ma’am,” Angie whispered.
She ran her fingers down each side of Angie’s slit, just the outer lips, to keep from stimulating it too much. She squeezed gently, making Angie groan and push against her hand.
“Do you remember what you did the other night, when I told you that you could do anything with my boy whore’s body, while I rode his face? Do you?” She slapped Angie’s face with her other hand, the sound it made being more shocking to Angie’s ears than the pain itself. “You sucked his cock. You could have put it up your cunt, but the first thing you went for was putting it in your mouth. But this sweet little whore cunt… it’s going to get a treat tonight. It’s going to get a real workout. Tonight, your cunt is nothing but a hole. That’s all you are, to a dog – another bitch with a free hole.”
Cara ran her middle and ring fingers lightly down the center of Angie’s slit. She felt the lubrication that was quickly growing. “And your hole is just plain hungry isn’t it? It gapes open for anything that wants a fuck at it. And dogs know just what it’s good for, don’t they? Don’t they?”
Angie grunted, twisting her hips, silently wishing that her Mistress would either put fingers inside her or take them away. But she would never say such a thing out loud.
Cara stepped back, licking her fingers quickly. “Your surprise,” she began, and Angie could hear the glee in her voice, “is a gangbang. I’ve been planning this for a while, but everyone just got their schedules in a place where they could participate.”
Angie gasped and tried to look over her shoulder.
Cara petted her hair. “I managed to get four dogs over for a little party, and their owners won’t be picking them up until morning. Just imagine all the fun they can have with you in all that time.”
Cara went out of her limited eyeline and left the room. She could just barely see Jonathan where he was on his knees, hands obediently behind his back, watching her. He licked his lips. Angie was suddenly nervous. She heard Cara coming back with a set of dog nails clicking against the hall floor beside her.
“Davey can have a go first, since he’s the smallest. And he was your first, after all. I sort of dog-napped him from your yard, but I’ll take him back tomorrow.” Cara took the leash off of Angie’s dog with an audible click.
The black Labrador knew what to do. In no time, he had mounted Angie and his knot was slipping in and out of her pussy. She was so wet that the knot popped in and out until it was nearly full size. The tip of his cock barely nudged against her cervix. She felt pre-come run down her thigh in a thin rivulet, then felt a rush of warmth inside when he came. His come ran around his knot and spilled down her legs, as well. When he had finished with her, he pulled his knot out easily and gave her slit a couple of swipes with his tongue before sitting down to lick himself.
Angie hadn’t let Davey fuck her in a long time – nearly six months. She felt badly for neglecting him so, but now she realized that she had grown physically in that time. Her vagina had lengthened, obviously, because she remembered vividly the way it felt when he had penetrated her cervix the first time he had fucked her. This time, his fully erect cock didn’t even seem as if it had gotten all the way through.
She heard Cara put the leash back on him and lead him out of the bedroom again. A couple of minutes later, her Mistress came back with a slightly heavier set of dog paws accompanying her.
“I couldn’t have them all in the room with you at the same time,” Cara told her, grinning with pleasure at the sight of Angie. “They’d end up fighting. They all see you as their property.”
Angie stretched to look over her shoulder. Seeing the spots of a Dalmatian, she knew that it was Bacchus. He pulled at his leash and pranced his feet in anticipation of getting to fuck her. Cara unclipped the leash and he trotted over, sniffing at her hole, then nudging his nose against the buttplug as he licked at her pussy lips. She moaned and angled her hips back a little. Bacchus hopped up and wrapped his front legs around her waist, humping at her exposed cunt as his sheath slid back. It was soft at first, but it rapidly swelled enough to firm up and enter her. Angie felt the long, thin cock stroking the back wall of her cunt. His knot widened until she could feel it pushing just into her entrance.
She grunted happily as the knot swelled enough that it wouldn’t pop right back out as he thrust and the tip pushed just through her cervix. She tightened the muscles inside her vagina and Bacchus panted harder against her shoulder, redoubling his efforts at breeding her. He went still and she felt more warm come pool. He left his cock inside her for a few minutes before beginning to tug to get it out. Angie felt her pussy stretch a bit as he gave a good, hard pull and un-tied from her.
Bacchus’ come running out was pleasant, in a strange way. Her clit throbbed with the desire to come and her cunt contracted involuntarily as she remembered that she still had two more dogs to go.
Cara let Bacchus finish licking himself clean before she reattached his leash and led him out of the room. Joey sniffed the air as Cara brought him back with her. His cock began peeking out almost as soon as he came into the bedroom. It had begun spurting thin jets of pre-come before he’d been led all the way to his bitch.
“Can I come, Ma’am?” Angie begged as Joey mounted her.
“Be patient,” Cara told Angie, giving her sub a stern look.
Joey’s cock stabbed at her, leaving wet streaks that cooled quickly high on her thighs and made her shiver even through the heat of extreme arousal. She tried to arch her back upward and downward, trying to help him slide down against her clit or up into her cunt, anything to get more stimulation. Finally, Cara reached between them and helped Joey’s aim. Angie grunted as he slipped in and began to hammer more quickly into her. His cock was already good and thick, and she could feel the tip widening her cervix further as it pushed in.
Cara could see Angie’s lips moving. She leaned closer to listen and heard Angie saying under her breath, “Please let me come, please let me come, please let me come…”
The redhead moaned, long and drawn out, as Joey knotted in her. He continued humping at her, pulling at the entrance to her sore cunt. She felt his come drain into her, adding to the come still inside. He panted and she felt his tongue loll against her back, just below her shoulder blade. Angie felt him move back, pulling at his knot, trying to free himself. She whimpered as he succeeded on his third attempt, stretching her hole painfully.
She closed her eyes tightly, concentrating on catching her breath and recovering somewhat while Cara led Joey back out of the room. Her cunt burned from over an hour and a half of constant use and ached from being stretched wide and being yanked by knots. After Joey had finished with her, she was decidedly sore. There was scoring over her ribs from all three medium-sized dogs, thin welts that were turning red and beginning to feel raw.
“Valentine hasn’t gotten to fuck anything since he fucked you last,” Cara said from right beside Angie. She hadn’t realized that her owner had come back so quickly. “Since Daniel’s Melissa is pregnant, she can’t take a dog cock safely. Just imagine how excited he is to get to use your whore cunt.”
Angie was suddenly overcome with fear. She wasn’t in enough pain to use their safeword, but she remembered what it was like the last time Valentine had been allowed to use her, and she was far sorer right now than she had been then.
As Valentine tried to mount, Angie tried to dodge around with her hips, trying to get just a little more time to rest. Cara stepped forward again, telling her “No!” very sharply and pulling on the dog’s collar until he sat down, cock already hanging out of his sheath. Cara grabbed the cane again and whipped it across Angie’s ass once. Angie gave a choked off little scream in shock.
Cara put the cane down on the mattress in front of Angie with a snap of the rattan against the blanket. She grabbed Angie’s face tightly between her thumb and forefinger, telling her, “You’re a fuckhole tonight. Nothing else. You’ll keep your cunt still and take it.”
When Cara let her go, Angie pressed her face against the blanket, ashamed of her behavior.
Cara patted Valentine’s head and he approached Angie again. He nosed at her pussy, then licked his nose. He began to lick her, washing her mound and part of the inside of her thighs, which had been coated with come. He curled his huge tongue into her raw cunt and Angie could feel it reaching deep. When Valentine stopped licking, he mounted her again immediately. His front paws hit the mattress on either side of her head with heavy thumps. He moved his front legs to clamp against her shoulders, holding his bitch down for breeding.
He didn’t hit home right away. His cock slid down her wet cunt and rubbed the length of it. There was just enough stimulation against her clit with his humps – she came, her cunt clamping down on nothing and her womb pushing out a little more or the come that still rested in it. She groaned low and her hips jerked involuntarily, forcing humping motions out of her sore body. She felt the warm fur of his chest against her back and heard him beginning to pant over her head. He adjusted his stance and succeeded. His cock slammed against her cervix with his first thrust inside, making her grunt and clench her hands into fists, pulling at her restraints.
Cara, still close, spoke again and Angie could hear the smile in her voice. “Mmm… I never get over the beauty of seeing that plump little mound split in half by a cock.
Angie whimpered loudly as the tip of Valentine’s cock found the cleft of her womb entrance and he began ramming his way into it. It felt like a rush of hard cramping as he wedged her cervix open to get his cock inside and she could feel tears flood her eyes as he pushed inch over inch of thick red cock through.
Cara turned and went to the chair she’d had Jonathan bring in. She sat down and spread her legs, resting one over the dining chair arm, and beckoned Jonathan over. Holding the outer lips of her slit apart with one hand, she instructed him, “Lick while I watch.” She ran the thumb of her other hand over one nipple as he began to lick and suck at her wet pussy.
The huge ball of flesh that created the dog’s knot pushed and pushed, finally cramming into Angie and making her whine. It finished swelling just inside her vagina, sealing it off and leaving no way for come to leak out. The knot stretched the walls of her cunt wide, making it ache. She could feel when his come had filled her womb completely, but he didn’t stop spurting when she was full. Her womb stretched to accommodate the thin dog come that was continually pumped into it.
Her cunt was so full that she couldn’t squeeze around his cock. Her tears spilled over and she let herself begin to cry steadily, half of her face pressed against the dark blue flowered blanket. Distantly, she heard Cara moan.
Cara put a hand on the back of Jonathan’s head and pressed his face against her cunt as she came, then pushed him back. “Good boy,” she told him as she got up. She stood and rubbed gently over her clit, enjoying the slight overstimulation. She went back to Angie and took the last clean towel, folding it into quarters and putting it on the floor beside her sub, then kneeling down on it. She reached down and rubbed Angie’s clit very, very gently. The pad of Cara’s finger stroked in long motions over the dusky pink, engorged little nodule. Angie gave a long, low whine. Cara continued, not allowing herself to be hurried, intentionally drawing Angie very slowly closer. When Angie finally did orgasm, it came in heavy but languid waves. It was like drowning in pleasure. She buried her face in the blanket and groaned through it. Cara didn’t stop, though. She changed the rhythm of her strokes, making them a little shorter and just a little faster. Angie came again, though not as gently this time. Her womb cramped as it tried to spasm around the dog cock and come that stretched and overfilled it. Her hips jerked in a more pronounced humping motion and her vagina clamped down around Valentine’s cock, the pressure on his knot making him begin thrusting against her again on instinct. He began shooting more come into her, making the pressure inside her increase, She grunted all the way through the second orgasm, her face turned to the side and unmuffled by the blanket, unaware of just how much like an animal she sounded.
By the time Valentine was ready to unmount Angie, she was nearly sobbing. He moved, pulling at her full cunt as he put his front paws on the floor and pulled one leg back over her to turn the tie. He stood ass-to-ass with her, waiting for the swelling of his knot to go down so that he could begin trying to separate from her. She hiccupped one sob after another as Valentine started yanking at her hole, attempting to get his knot out. She could feel that it was a bit smaller, but not nearly enough to pull out. After a couple of tried, he stood still again, but only for so long.
Cara rubbed Angie’s full, swollen abdomen, pressing against it and making Angie whimper. Her belly was tight. Cara took just a moment to entertain a fantasy about her sub being full of puppies. But just knowing that Angie was so full of come and cock that it hurt made Cara’s cunt ache and grow click again. She leaned her face close and kissed Angie’s wet cheek, telling her, “You’re so pretty when you cry like this.”
She backed up as Valentine started trying to pull out again and was glad that she did. He freed himself, his knot coming out with an audible sucking sound, and come surged out of Angie’s well-used hole.
Angie groaned, greatly relieved at the release. When Valentine sat down near the doorway to lick his cock, Cara went back to Angie again, putting the dry towel back down. She pressed firmly against Angie’s lower abdomen and smiled as more come drained out with the pressure. She put her fist into Angie’s cunt very easily, pushing her hand in as deep as she could. She extended her index and ring fingers while the rest curled against her palm, and pushed the two fingers through Angie’s dilated cervix, moving her fingers to stroke the inside of the redhead’s womb gently. She stopped stroking upward and just fingerfucked the cervix good and hard, listening to Angie’s fatigued moaning. She used her other hand to rub Angie’s clit roughly, forcing her through another orgasm. Angie grunted and pulled on the sturdy ribbons that held her down as her body jerked. Cara could feel Angie’s cervix clenching hard against her fingers. She pulled her fingers out while Angie was still spasming, keeping her hand up to the wrist in Angie’s come-slick cunt. After a few moments, after Angie’s orgasm had finished, Cara used one fingertip to push against her cervix again and found that it had shrunk down almost completely closed. She eased her hand out and removed Angie’s buttplug.
Cara had Jonathan take his shower while she sat and petted her exhausted sub. Angie drifted in and out of sleep, not quite catching anything that either of the others said until Jonathan had finished. Then she was being untied and walked to the bathroom.
Cara stood her in the shower and asked her, “Can you push out, like you’re trying to pee hard?”
Angie did, still in headspace to do exactly as ordered. She felt the last of the warm come, save what would just coat her insides for a while, run down her legs. She then felt her bladder release, but couldn’t bring herself to care in her exhaustion, especially since Cara didn’t say anything about it. Angie let herself be put in the bathtub and scrubbed from head to toe, then taken out and dried. Cara shook her awake enough that she would sit up by herself while her hair was blown dry and stand still without swaying off to one side as Cara smoothed baby powder over her warm skin, then massaged tightening cream deep into her cunt.
She petted Angie’s bare mound gently, kissing the spot where the slit began. “I love your sweet little cunt,” Cara told her, smiling. She looked at Angie’s sleepy, pleasure-drunk face. “If I ever say anything that bothers you afterward, you tell me. Okay?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” Angie replied, nodding slowly.
“You don’t have to ‘Ma’am’ me now.”
“Okay what?”
“I’ll tell you if something bothers me.” Angie smiled and wobbled a little. “I like the way you talk to me during everything, though. It’s a really amazing turn-on, while I’m in that place mentally.”
Angie’s smile turned sleepy again. “Yeah, that.”
When she went back to the bedroom, Jonathan had cleaned up the area where she had been tied. Angie crawled into the bed and curled up in the middle. She was past exhausted and just felt limp, having been thoroughly worked over in more ways than one. She was sore pretty much everywhere, but it felt good, like she had run laps around the school track until her legs turned to jelly. She was dead to the world by the time Jonathan and Cara joined her.
Monday morning
Clattering on the bedside table nearest Angie woke her. She looked and saw Jonathan fully dressed, putting on his watch.
“You’re going?” Angie asked muzzily, eyes only half open.
He squatted down beside the bed. “I’ve got to go. I have to be at work in an hour.”
She poked out her lower lip in a pretend pout. He shook his head, smiled, and kissed her on the nose before picking up his things and leaving.
Angie turned over and wiggled until she was under Cara’s arm, soaking in her owner’s body heat. “Where does he work?” she asked.
“He doesn’t really work in a ‘where’. He’s a photographer, does freelance for pay and shoots artsy stuff for himself. He’s very good. I’ll have to remember to tell him to bring some things for you to see sometime.”
Angie had another hour before she needed to leave for school. She nuzzled against Cara’s arm and told her, “I’m glad I have you for my Mistress.”
Angie got dressed slowly, sore in muscles she didn’t realize she could make hurt. Once she moved around for a while, the stiffness relieved and it turned into a not altogether unpleasant burn.
Cara drove her to school. Before she got out, Cara pulled her close with a firm hand, pushing her collar up high. Angie felt it rub against the bone of her jaw. Cara leaned in and licked Angie’s neck, then kissed it and sucked at the spot a little. She bit the soft, pale flesh, holding it for a moment as Angie gave a little hiss in pain, then sank her teeth in just enough to make an obvious bite mark. When she let go, she licked over the area again and grinned, admiring the deep red, individual tooth indentations before lowering the collar back into its place, the strip of leather just barely covering her mark.
“Have a good day,” she said, smirking, and reached across Angie to open the door.
* * * Sorry for the long wait. I did not intend for this chapter to be so long! Those of you who said you liked longer chapters will be happy, at least. ;o) Feedback is almost as good as sex, so you can e-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com
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