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redo2 Member Since November 13, 2009

Country Bar Fun

tessilicious42eee on True Stories

Hey guys, thanks for reading and emailing me. You all make me feel so hot knowing I excite you all. This was a couple weeks ago and still fresh in my mind.

I drive to Athens Ga a lot for shopping and there are several places that are out of the way that I know of. One is a bar out away from the beaten path but I have gone there with friends a few times and always got compliments and danced bu

A doctor's strange therapy 02

SSPAdmins on Cuckold Stories

A doctor’s strange therapy 2.

It was three weeks later when the telephone rang and the doctor’s receptionist arranged the next appointment for Doug and Pam; eagerly they both agreed to the appointment but were a little shocked when they were told there would be the need for the doctor to meet then a week before their surgery appointment. He got his receptionist to make arrangements

Hot For Teacher

realstories on Forced Stories

It was another cold winter afternoon and again I found it extremely hard to concentrate in my English 10 class.  This was because I found it hard to think about anything other than what I would do to my teacher Mrs. Lawson if I had the chance.  I wasn’t the only one either; I went to school at an all boy’s school and we all have been mighty distracted by our sexy English teacher.



Mrs. Lawson is beyond beautiful.  She is 21 and this is her first year teaching.  She has silky blonde hair that falls down just below her shoulders; she has a great smile, deep blue eyes and radiant skin.  She has big round breasts, a juicy as
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s and shapely legs that seem to go on forever.  To add to all of that she is a really nice person that legitimately cares for her students.



The bell rang; I went home and started on some of my homework.  During the course of doing some math I got distracted and started surfing the net.  Of course this led to watching porn.  I started looking for some good videos when I stumbled upon something that caught my eye.  It was a site where students posted sexy videos and pictures of their hot teachers.  There were no nudes; it was mostly up skirts, hard nipples and cleavage.  It was very sexy nonetheless.  I quickly jacked off, and then I hatched a plan to get my own sexy teacher material from Mrs. Lawson. 



The next day I walked into my English class with my cell phone handy.



Mrs. Lawson walked in wearing a plaid skirt that came down just below her knees and a blouse that was kind of low cut. 



Throughout the class I didn’t have many opportunities to get some sexy pictures but I did get one of her bending over with her skirt caught in between her ass cheeks. 



At the end of class I asked for her help with some homework.  She bent over the desk and started reading the article we were answering questions on. As she bent over her blouse slipped down a bit exposing some cleavage.  She was looking down so I sneakily took out my phone and put it on video.  She bent more as she tried making out a word in the article; this made her blouse fall lower so that her white bra was showing. 



As she finished helping me she turned to start walking back to her desk but she accidentally knocked over my pencil case with her arm causing my pencils and pens scatter on the ground.



“Oh Dear!” she said “let me get that for you.”



She got on all fours and started gathering my pencils.  Her shapely ass was pushing against the fabric of her skirt.  I once again put my phone on video.  Her ass was pushed out further; this caused her skirt to ride up; showing her sexy legs and thighs all the way up to just below her ass.  She was pretty focused on collecting my pencils so I decided to push my luck.  I cautiously put my hand on her skirt and slowly peeled it up so her sweet panty clad ass.  She was wearing white cotton panties that fit her ass perfectly.  Once I got it on video I put her skirt back down.



Once she finished I decided it was time to go so I thanked her for her help and I headed home.  Right away I went to my room and started jacking off to the videos of her cleavage and ass.



As the week went on I got more and more material on my cell phone.  I got some more up skirt pictures, more videos of her ass and cleavage as she bended over and on one particularly cold day I took a video of her hard nipples which were clearly showing through her blouse.



On Friday I went home and I uploaded all of the material I had on to my computer and started making one long video. 



After I finished I found it to be much sexier than any of the videos on that website.  Then I started thinking about what Mrs. Lawson would think if I posted this on that site.  She would obviously be very embarrassed.  That is when an idea hit me.  I wondered if I could blackmail her.  There was only on way to find out.



That night I made a secret email account and emailed the video to her and waited for a reply.



About an hour later I got an email that read



“Oh my God, who are you? And where did you get this?”



I replied



“I will be the one asking questions.  And the question I have is what will you be willing to do to keep this from getting on the internet?”



She replied



“Anything.  Do you want money or grades?”



“Neither, you are a very sexy woman.  I just think you should show it more.”



She replied



“Ok, tell me where you live, I’ll come over and show you whatever you want.”



I was ecstatic, I was about to tell her my address until my slight intelligence kicked in.  She was probably just asking me where I live so she could find out who I was.  And if the school found out of this I would be expelled for sure.
I replied



“Nice try, I meant you should show your body more in class.  Do you have a mini skirt?”



She replied






“I want you wearing a mini skirt that ends well above your knees and a thong that matches it.  And wear your white low cut blouse with a pushup bra.  If you don’t have some of these things I suggest you start shopping because if you aren’t dressed exactly as I say I will release the video onto the internet.”



I waited for hours but there was no reply.  I waited the whole weekend but she still never answered back. 



Monday morning I got up quickly and rushed off to school.  English was my last class so I had to go the whole day wondering whether Mrs. Lawson would wear what I told her to.  Finally my last block came; I was the first one in class.  The suspense was killing me.  About 5 minutes after the bell rang she walked into class.  The whole class was speechless.



To my delight Mrs. Lawson wore exactly what I told her to.  She wore a white mini skirt that ended about 2 inches above her knees.  Her breasts looked magnificent.  The pushup bra pushing her breasts up and out and her low cut white blouse combined to show some serious cleavage.



Mrs. Lawson started blushing as each and every boy in the class had his eyes on her chest.  She tried to go on and teach the lesson but it was pretty obvious that none of us cared about English at the moment. 



After the lesson we had about half an hour to start on our homework.  Mrs. Lawson sank into her chair and put up a book so that as much of her was covered as possible. 



I saw what she was trying to do so I asked her for some help.  She reluctantly got out of her desk and walked over to my desk.  Once again she bent over to look at the question.  This time as she bent lower, her big breasts looked like they were about to burst out of her bra!



I took out my camera and once again put it on video.  I asked her some more questions so I could take as long of a video as possible.



After she was done helping me the boy next to me asked her a question.  She bent over the side of his desk so that her ass was facing me.  Her skirt rode up as her ass was pushed out.  Her ass looked so good that I had to resist the urge to pinch it.  I made another video though; once again I cautiously peeled her skirt, this time all the way up.  She was wearing a small white thong like I told her too.  A few boys around me noticed what I was doing.  They smiled and gave me thumbs up.  The boy asking the question noticed too, he asked her to read a word he didn’t understand.  She bent over more to make it out; this pushed her ass out farther.  Her thong was sinking into her ass crack; exposing more and more of her bare ass.  I made a pretty long video before I put her skirt back down.



After school I sent her another email



“Good job, you were magnificent, keep this up and you will never have to worry about me posting the video.”



She replied



“Keep this up?  I thought I only had to do this for one day?”



“Just a few more days sweetheart, I promise.” I lied “And by the way what is your phone number?”



She replied






“Good.  I am going to be texting you during class from now on.  Make sure you keep cell phone handy and you do exactly what I say.  Now for tomorrow I’m going to bring you clothes to wear for English class.”



I went to the mall and bought some clothes for Mrs. Lawson.



What I ended up buying were pink TNA pants and an extra small pink shirt that said slut on the chest. I put them in a box and put a note that said “no underwear” in the box.



The next day at school I gave the box to a friend of mine and told him to give it to the office saying that it was a gift to Mrs. Lawson.



In English class Mrs. Lawson walked in wearing the hot pink TNA pants that I bought for her.  They were so skin tight that it looked like they were simply painted on.  The fabric sunk into her ass cheeks so the shape of her heart shaped ass was perfectly visible.



But she was wearing a jacket over her t shirt.  



I texted her telling her to take off the jacket



She responded back saying that she wasn’t allowed to wear shirts with profanity written on it.



I told her to do it or else.



She started blushing.  She slowly unzipped her jacket and let it fall to the floor.  The whole class gasped.  The t-shirt was XXX small so it came up above her belly button, it was seemingly about to burst at any moment due to her bust.  It was cold so her nipples were very hard.  And the sexiest thing was that in glittery pink letters it said SLUT on her breast area. 



She was blushing more than ever.  She taught the lesson as fast as she could and then she sat in her chair trying to cover herself.



I texted her and told her to get up and stretch in front of the class.  Reluctantly she got up and sort of yawned in front of the class; bringing her arms up as far as possible.  This lifted her shirt even higher.  I texted her telling her to bring her arms behind her back so her breasts were stuck out as far as possible and hold it for until I tell you to stop.



  She reluctantly did so.  Her breasts looked like they were about to burst out of the t-shirt.  The shirt rode up so high that it ended just below her breasts. Her nipples were hard enough to poke 2 holes through the fabric.  I got out my phone, zoomed in and started filming.  The entire class was gazing at her amazing breasts.  After a couple minutes, I texted her giving her the okay to stop.



Next I told her to knock over a stack of papers on her desk and then bend over to pick them up. 



She did so and bent over so her ass was facing the class.  The fabric sunk so far into her ass that the exact shape of her perfect ass could be seen.  The class was in awe.



As the class went on I sent her texts which made her show off every part of her body. 



When the class ended I waited for everybody to leave before I approached Mrs. Lawson.



“You did a great job today” I said



“It’s YOU!” she screamed



“Yeah it’s me.” I replied “I don’t care if you know now, with the new videos I have of you, you wouldn’t dare push me.”



“Why you bastard, I am going to have you expelled!”



“With the video of you in a skimpy shirt, showing off your tits in front of your class, who would believe I blackmailed you?  So if I were you I would a good girl and do what I say.”



She had no response, she knew this was true.  She would not only be embarrassed if I posted the video, she would be fired and most likely never allowed to teach again.



I sat down in her chair, took out my cell phone, and put it on video. 



“Now I want you to return the clothes I so graciously gave you.” I smiled



“I’m not wearing anything underneath though!”






She reluctantly peeled her shirt up to her boobs.  She paused for a few seconds. 



“Go on” I said



She took it off slowly, letting her breasts free. 



I was in awe.  Her breasts were magnificent.  They were big and round but at the same time were completely sag free.  Her light nipples were medium in size but they were extremely pointy. 




I must have sat there for about 5 minutes in awe before I told her to take off her pants. 



She was having difficulty peeling her skin tight pants off.  She jumped up and down a little in an attempt to get them off, this made her tits bounce. 



She finally got them off.  For the first time I saw her pussy.  It was a thing of beauty.  It was completely hairless, it looked really tight. 



“Give me the clothes.”



“What? I can’t my other clothes are in the teacher’s lounge, I can’t walk around the school naked.”



“Ummm alright.  I’ll let you earn them back.  Come over here.”



She walked over



I grabbed her hips and pulled her down so she was sitting on my lap.  I grabbed her breast with my left hand and I started playing with her hardened nipple.  She shivered, but she knew she couldn’t do anything to make me stop.



“Have you ever given a blowjob Mrs. Lawson?”



“Oh please don’t make me do it.”



I unzipped my jeans and whipped out my 7 inch cock. 



“Touch it.”



She reluctantly touched it with her index finger.



“Good now put your fingers around it.”



She did.  It felt so warm and good.  I was getting this all on video too.



“Mmmm good now get on your knees.”



She did, she feared what she would hear next.



“lick the tip of my head.”



“NO please that’s gross.”



“Do it.”
She slowly brought her mouth closer to my head and she quickly touched the tip with her tongue and withdrew it; sending a jolt through my entire body.



Circle my head with your tongue now.



She slowly circled the head of my cock with her tongue.  It tickled, it felt so good. 



“Now put your lips on my cock head.”



She did, her lips felt like pillow for my cock. 



“Slowly deep throat now”



 She swallowed my cock slowly.  It felt so wet and warm, I loved it.  She started sucking slowly.  I laid back; waving my left hand through her silky hair while filming with my right hand.






She started bobbing her head faster and faster.



I finally came and exploded in her mouth. 



“Mmm good, open your mouth wide.”



She did, there was a lot of cum in her mouth, I filmed it. 



“Now swallow it.”



She reluctantly did.  She showed me her mouth after.  I was satisfied.



I zipped up my pants and stood up. 



“Nice, you are quite the cock sucker Mrs. Lawson.” I smiled as I tossed her the clothes and left.



Since Mrs. Lawson had been a good girl I decided to give her the next day off.  I walked into English class the next day to find that Mrs. Lawson was wearing a Black turtleneck sweater and blue jeans. 



The boys in the class were pretty disappointed in her choice of clothing.  After Mrs. Lawson finished her lesson she sat down in her chair and proceeded to do some marking.



 I asked her a question to make her come to my desk.  Once again she bent over.



“Just keep your eyes down on my paper.” I whispered to her       




Her eyes were locked on my paper.  I put my right hand under the desk and grazed her inner thigh.  I slid my index finger slowly towards her vagina. 



She started breathing heavily but kept her eyes down on the paper, she didn’t want to make a scene in front of the class.



I reached her pussy; I started massaging it through her jeans.



“Call me up to your desk.” I whispered to her



She stood up and walked over to her desk.  A few minutes later she called me up to her desk to “talk to me about my grades.”



I walked up to her desk and pulled up a chair on her side.  Her desk was one of those big old fashioned teacher’s desks so nothing from the chest down was visible on the other side.



“Unzip your pants” I told her



She looked around nervously.  She slowly started unzipping her jeans.  She slid them down to her knees.  She had white cotton panties on. 



I started rubbing her pussy through her panties.  Sure enough a wet spot started showing through her white panties. 



I looked at her, she was looking around nervously; nobody had noticed what was going on behind the teacher’s desk.  The wet spot was getting bigger and bigger. Her cheeks were red.  She was embarrassed that she was getting wet from a student touching her pussy.



“Don’t worry, it is only natural for a slut to like having her pussy played with.” I whispered “Slide your panties down.”



She slowly slid her panties down to her knees; revealing her clean shaven pussy.  I rubbed the lips of her bare pussy.  It was getting really wet.  I slowly entered it with my index finger.  I started fingering her oozing pussy. 



I yelled out “Oh sorry Mrs. Lawson, let me get that.” So the whole class heard.



I got on my knees pretending I dropped something and was going to pick it up.  I slid her jeans and panties off of her entirely.  I spread her legs wide and I brought my finger out of her pussy and used my hands to split her pussy lips apart. 



I brought my mouth to her pussy.  I licked her lips before I entered her juicy pussy with my tongue.  This sent a quiver down her spine.  I plunged my tongue deep into her pussy and started exploring every facet of it. 



Apparently I found a sensitive part as I heard Mrs. Lawson moan quietly.  She covered her mouth.  I spent more time on that spot.  After some time she started shaking and quivering, her pussy juice started flowing more freely until finally she orgasmed.  She had to squeeze her hand over her mouth to keep herself from moaning. 




Quite satisfied with myself, I slurped up what juices I could and then withdrew my tongue from her pussy.  I wiped off her juice from my lips with her panties.  I sat back on my chair.


“I’m gonna keep these as a souvenir.” I smiled as I put her panties into my pocket.



She was about to say something but kept silent and simply slid her jeans back on.  Just then the bell rang and the students left.



“Well aren’t you going to thank me for making you orgasm?” I asked



“Just get out of here pervert.” She answered angrily



“Well that’s impolite of you, just for that I’m going to bring you something very special to wear for tomorrow.” I said as I left.



Afterschool instead of going to the mall I went to a special adult store and picked out a sex schoolgirl outfit for Mrs. Lawson.



The next day at lunch I visited Mrs. Lawson in her room and gave her the clothes she was to wear in English class.



She looked at them



“No way, I can’t wear this.  I would rather be fired.”



I took out my cell phone and showed her the video of her sucking my cock.



“Sweet heart you wouldn’t just be fired, you would be doing major time in prison.”



Her cheeks reddened.  She had no reply.  I left her with the clothes and reminded her that no underwear was allowed.



English class rolled around.  I was the first one in class.  The class slowly started to fill up until it was full.  There was still no sign of Mrs. Lawson. 



About 5 minutes into class the door slowly opened. 



I’m pretty sure the whole class got an instant boner from seeing their teacher.



Mrs. Lawson was wearing a super mini plaid skirt which came only about an inch below her ass.  On top she was wearing an extra small sleeveless white button up blouse which came up about 2 inches above her belly button.  She buttoned it up all the way but it was so small that there was still ample cleavage showing. 



I texted her telling her to let us have free time for the whole class.



She did this. 



Then I told her to sit up on her desk and cross her legs.



She did so; she got on her desk and crossed her legs.  This made her skirt ride up so high that just about the only thing it was covering was her pussy!  Her smooth tan legs and thighs looked so sexy!



She blushed, every eye in the class was fixated on her legs and trying to get a look at her pussy.



“Um, you guys should start working on your novel studies.” She said in a desperate attempt to get the eyes off of her body.  It didn’t work.



I texted her, telling her to unbutton a button on her blouse. 



Her hands were shaking, she brought them up to her blouse and unbuttoned the first button and her breasts almost fell out entirely!  She quickly adjusted it but the blouse still didn’t cover much.  The outsides of her nipples were showing.  Instantly the eyes shifted from her legs to her chest.



I texted her telling her to spread her legs.  Slowly she spread her legs so that her pussy was showing for the entire class to see.  The class ooed and awed.  For a lot of them this was the first pussy they ever saw.



Mrs. Lawson was shaking with embarrassment as the whole class had an unobstructed view of her pussy.



Next I told her to unbutton the next button on her blouse. 



She nervously looked at me and shook her head.



I mouthed the words “do it.”



She shakily unbuttoned the next button.  Slower this time.  Now half of her nipples were showing!   Her tits looked amazing.



I raised my hand.



“Mrs. Lawson I need help with my novel study.” I said



She reluctantly walked over.  She stood straight up this time.  I whispered to her to bend down, she did.  This was much to the delight of the boy sitting in front of me as her skirt rode up so the bottom half of her bare ass was in his face.  He was gazing at it, bringing his face as close to it as possible. 



I started massaging her breasts through the fabric.  This time everybody noticed what I was doing.  Mrs. Lawson kept her eyes on paper but it didn’t help this time.  The boy behind her noticed me touching her boobs, so he peeled her skirt up and started massaging her ass cheeks.  A couple more boys joined in.  But before the situation got too out of control, Mrs. Lawson quickly retreated back to her desk and got the class to calm down with threats of detention. 



I couldn’t take it anymore; Mrs. Lawson looked so good that I had to have her!



I texted her, telling her to call me up to her desk again.



She did claiming I had some missing assignments that she needed to talk to me about.



I walked up and instructed her to lie down on the floor.  She did.  I kneeled down on top of her; getting as low as I could, I hoped nobody could see me.  I unbuttoned the last button on her blouse and tossed it aside.  I started sucking her left nipple while massaging her right breast with my other hand.



“Please don’t do this.” She whispered



I said nothing.  I unzipped my jeans and slid my boxers down.  My hard cock sprung free.  I played with her tits more, until both of her nipples were hard.



I kissed up her neck until my lips found hers.  I passionately French kissed her while I peeled her skirt all the way up.  I played with her pussy and it once again started to moisten up. 



I brought my dick close to her pussy and gently entered her pussy.  Her pussy was so tight and warm, it felt so good.  I once again put my mouth on her soft breasts and sucked them.  



After pumping her hard for about a she let out a moan as she climaxed.  She covered her mouth right away but it was too late.  A few of the boys noticed and came up to the desk.  One announced



“Hey the Mrs. Lawson is getting fucked!”



Mrs. Lawson was paralyzed with fear and embarrassment, her cheeks were redder then ever.  Soon the whole class gathered around her desk to the sight of her lying naked on the floor with me on top of her.



“Man look at that body.” One said



“Damn she looks like a porn star but 10 times hotter!” yelled another.



I didn’t know what to do at this moment, so I decided to let my dick do the thinking.  I picked Mrs. Lawson up and bent her over the teacher’s desk.  There wasn’t much resistance from her, she knew there was nothing she could do.



I bent her over the desk, I slipped her skirt off and threw it into the crowd that was watching.  They cheered. 



“Fuck her, Fuck her, Fuck her!” They chanted



I entered my dick into her pussy from behind and pumped slowly.   I put my hands around her waist, occasionally massaging her sexy ass. Her abdomen was supported by the desk but her titties were hanging free.  As I started fucking her harder her tits started rocking back and forth.



“The crowd cheered as her tits rocked”



“Damn look at those boobs rock!” yelled a boy



I looked up; there were at least 4 or 5 boys videotaping this on their phones.



As I fucked her harder, Mrs. Lawson uncontrollably started moaning.  The boys loved this and cheered louder



“She even moans like a porn star.”



I fucked her harder and harder until I was ready to explode.  I withdrew and turned her body over.  I got on the desk and put her tits around my cock and started to thrust.  This felt so good.  It wasn’t long until I exploded cum all over her tits.






“Do it.” I said



Mrs. Lawson brought one tit at a time up to her mouth and licked it clean, much to the delight of the class. 



Once she was clean I got dressed.



“Now listen.” I said in front of the class “We have a beautiful thing going right now.  I have Mrs. Lawson blackmailed so she will do anything we say.  But in order for this to work NOTHING that happens in this classroom can leave this classroom alright?”



The whole class agreed to this.



“Good, I have a feeling this is going to be the best English class any of us ever have.” I smiled as I looked at Mrs. Lawson lying naked on her desk; breathing heavily; cheeks red.

Master and Jake

belladonnaslave on Animal Stories

Master, you lead me, naked, into the basement by my lead, the clinking of the chain attached to my leather collar the only sound in the dimly lit room. You indicate for me to lean over the play-table and attach straps to the leather cuffs on my wrists, binding me to the table..I quiver and look up at you lovingly as you caress my ass, slapping it hard every now and then, making me moan loudly.

Hot Cream Shop

brinorwood on Taboo Stories

Amy had been a sweet breath of air at Mr. Duncan’s ice cream shop.Sixteen, Long brown hair and a smile that made everyone else feel like a V.I.P. customer.

It was Sunday and they closed at seven, So Mr. Duncan was in the back doing the books when he heard Amy yelling something.

He ran out and say a man pushing her down behind the bar.

Her shirt ripped off and her breast exposed.

He grabbed a broom from behind the door and ran over hitting the man who looked shocked to see him. The man got up and ran out the door, Mr. Duncan following close behind. After man was gone Duncan locked the door and pulled the shade.

Thank you,

Amy came running and hugged Him.

Out of breath from running, at 56 and out of shape, It took all he h

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ad to keep from passing out from all the excitement.

Are you ok Amy? Come back and have a seat in the office while I call the cops.

Amy held him tight as they walked into the back. Her bare breast pressing against his arm.

Sit dear.

Please don’t call the police, I don’t want know one knowing what happened.

Are you sure? That man tried to rape you sweetie.

I was my fault. He said I had a sexy ass and he would love to see it sitting on his face. And I told him he wasn’t man enough to handle it. Guess that’s why he tried to take it.

Mr. Duncan could not believe she was talking like this. He knew her parents and knew they went to church every week and she went as well.

Amy, it’s not your fault. Just because you have a sexy body, Doesn’t give a man the right to try and force his self on you.

He couldn’t help but noticed her firm young breast was still out there and she was not trying to cover them, And her nipples was hard as his old cock was starting to get.

Amy took her tits in her hands. You think I have a sexy body? I think my tits are to small and my ass to big. As she stood up and turned around.

With out thinking, He said. You have perfect tits and the finest ass I have ever seen on any women Amy.

Before he knew what was going on. She had her arms around his neck and her tits in his face. Thanks Mr. Duncan, I needed to hear a real man say that, Not just the boys at school.

He was in a daze as he reached out and took a breast in hand and started sucking. She moaned as he sucked and fondled her firm but soft tits. She took her shirt the rest of the way off and reached down and started stroking

His now well hardened cock. :

“HHMmmm” She smiled. She was surprised to find such a large cock on this old man.

She pulled her tits Away and slid down to the floor. Pulling at his belt and working his zipper down.

Amy.. You should stop. This is wrong. But the words meant nothing as he helped her get his pants down . His swollen cock now free, all 9 inches of it.

My god. I have never seen one this big before!!!

Just how many have you seen before?

Just three. To boys at school and .. You promise not to tell??

Yes dear. He would say anything at this time as she was now stroking him.

The other was father Tim at church.

You say his cock.

Yes, after I told him about the boys at school. He said he needed to make sure I knew how wrong it was and he needed to punish me. And he did by fucking my tight ass.

Duncan all most blew his nut right then…

Then he felt her warm lips slide over the head of his cock and take half of it in her mouth.

Ooo” Amy that feels great. As she started sucking him deep and fast.

It didn’t take long as he blew the biggest load of his life and she swallowed

Most of it. With a pop, she let go and smiled up at him. Cum running out the corner of her mouth. He pulled her to him and kissed and cleaned the last drops from her mouth. She reaches down and works her way out of her pants. Sliding on his lap and works her soaking pussy back and forth on his soften cock.

He can feel the heat of her cunt on his lap. He rolls her over and sinks his head between her legs and sucks and licks her cunt like a man staving.

Her legs tighten around his head and she screams as she cums. He can’t believe how strong her orgasm is as she floods his mouth and soaks his face and couch.. She pulls his head up and starts kissing and licking her cream from his face. He takes his now hardened cock and guides it to her hot pussy. As it starts in. He can’t believe how tight she is as the walls of her pussy seem to work like fingers on his cock. Pulling him in and massaging him like he had never felt before. Her moans feel the air as she wraps her legs around his waist and starts fucking him back. He can hardly keep up with her, as she slams her Cunt against his every stroke. She screams as she climaxes again.

Duncan loses control as this young vixen’s pussy tightens around his cock.

He pulls from her soaked cunt and flips her over. Slamming his cock into her waiting cunt. Here he is. At 56 years old fucking the prettiest cunt he had ever seen. Her shapely ass pounding back with each stroke. Her cunt

stretched around his poll. He can see her pussy wrapped around him like a condom. Her little brown asshole all most winks at him as he slams into her how wet pussy. He grabs her ass cheeks and shoves his thumb in her tight ass. With no protest he starts fingering her shit hole as he fucks her.

This is more then Amy can take as she climaxes again. Duncan feels her cunt feeling with pressure. He pulls out as She shots hot thick cum from her young cunt. Duncan can’t believe how hot and how much cum this 16 year old just let lose. As he to starts to shot stream after stream of his hot cum, coating her ass and pussy. He grabs her waist and pulls her to him, Kissing her neck, as she still shakes from that last orgasm.

After a moment of silence.

So think I can work some over time and make a little extra cash?

Duncan smiles. I think I have some idea’s on how you can make lots of extra cash. As he slides his sticky soft cock along her soaked cunt and ass.

My Wife and her Colleague - next installment

cuckoldedguy on Cuckold Stories

Well, if you read my story to date you will know that my wife is insatiable and has been meeting a colleague for sex. The last time we met his parting words were that next time he'd let me watch to see how much she enjoyed a REAL cock! The thought aroused me more than I can tell and my wife taunted me with the idea each time we had sex. As the day when they were due to meet again approached I

Such Beautiful Horses Pt. 3

Sultrybuxombbw on Animal Stories

My life is insane lately. I have sex as often as I can and that means usually twice a day. My husband enjoys that I need to get it so often since that means that whenever he wants it all he has to do is hint at it. Well, I drive by the place where I was used by horses everyday on the way to work and every day, I get wet thinking of it. Totally stuffed and filled by animals that would do wha they did naturally was such a hot thought for me and still is. Last week I drove to work and there was a young girl riding one of the horses and she had no saddle on it. She was trim and had long black hair. She had no bra on and her, maybe 34C breasts bounced like she had meant for them to be out there watching her which I was. I stopped the car and watched her ride around the track t

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hat was there. I could have sworn that before I stopped her nipples were not hard but now that I had they were very hard.

She pulled up the horse next to the fence where I was and said, "Hi, you are Teresa aren't you?" I was shocked but said, "Yeh, how did you know?" "My mom told me all about you." she said. "all about me?" I said. "Oh yes, everything, I saw the video." she said laughing. "You saw the video?" I said. "Yeh, she set it to me while I was away at school. Me and some friends have watched it a few times." My heart sank even more since the bar rape and all I had been hearing comments all over town about the "love of horses" I had. Her mom called out, "Connie, come on to the stable, and bring Teresa." she yelled. "Come on, get on behind me." she said and I managed to climb up. "Here, hold on," she said and put my hands on her chest. "MMmm, that feels good" she said and I moved to her hips. She laughed again. We got to the stable and her mom closed the doors behind us. She was naked as she was most of the time and she helped us down, kissing me deep and telling me to undress, that I knew the stable rules, no clothes. She helped her daughter down and they kissed deep, tongues in each other's mouths. "Oh mommy, that made me as hot as Teresa holding my tits." she said. "Good, we have a full day ahead of us, we have guests coming over and they all need demonstrations of the horses abilities." she said.

We groomed the horses and I got very aroused brushing them with the smel of them and my naked body brushing against them all morning. We ate lunch naked in the house and then Connie laid me on the couch and had desert by eating me slowly thru several orgasms. I tried to do something for her but she moved away from me and smiled, "Later dear, later, after." We sat around a while and Connie came back in, now dressed. "Mom, the guests are here." she said. Her mom dressed and I began to. "No dear, you are going to help with the demonstrations." she said and gave me a couple drinks, both strong and made me dizzy. "Make sure to really express a lot of passion Dear." she said. We walked to the stables and there were thrity of so people there, men and women, all dressed. I was the only one naked. Connie was speaking to the group, "Now we have trained these to serve specially in human-animal relationships. They will do as told as much as told and not harm the human. Teresa has come out to show you all that we are good at what we do."

"Put her on the bench" I heard and I was led to the bench and strapped to it. "Now for Donte" Connie said and he was led to me. He made noises that told me he was excited and then he was on the bench and his cock was at my pussy. He snorted and then he was in me and more and more. "Oh god" I moaned and was not acting. He drove into me deep and was mating with me. Soon he filled me with his cum, it overflowed and ran down my legs and I had shuttering orgasm after orgasm. "As you can se, Teresa is enjoying herself." and the group laughed. I was taken off the bench and led to another horse. Castaway was the horse. I was led to him and got on my knees. "Now, she will give him pleasure and enjoy it herself." Connie said. I patted his ass and ten came to his cock. The smell made me crazy and I sudenly wanted it in me. I began licking it up and down the length and massaged it. It felt so good, it was hot all over. I got longer and longer until it was all in my hands and face. The horse was excited but remained in one place. I was at it for a long time and then as I was licking the slit he rewarded me with the load of cum that almost smotered me. I took as much into my mouth as I could and I kept swallowing as much as I could. He finished and I was covered in horse cum, I laid back and began fingering myself and forgot where I was and that there was a 30 person audience there.

"Okay, now another," Connie said. I was back on the bench but not strapped. "Now, into the other hole." Connie said and the horse pushed into my ass. "Oh god, oh fuck yes." I yelled. It went in and filled my ass. THe horse drove into me over and over again and I felt him push deeper as if it would come out of my head. He pumped deeper and deeper and finally filled me up with cum. Again I was shaking all over and collapsed as he moved off me. "Teresa likes a good fucking folks. Now, sealed bids will be accepted as you leave. These horses all will serve you very well." Connie was saying. She came to help me up and I grabbed her, "Oh please, I need it again, please." I begged her since my body was in need of more sex. Connie stripped and jammed her fist into my pussy and began ramming me harder and harder. Then she put me back up on the bench. Another horse was behind me and now in me. I had orgasm after orgasm and my legs felt like rubber. The horse finished and I begged Connie again, "another please." Another mounted me and finally, I passed out, still feeling cock in me. I woke in bed with Connie the next day, both of us covered with horse cum. She kissed me, "That was wonderful, I thought you were going to die of orgasms." she said. "So did I" I said and kissed her again.

We both managed to go to the hot tub and soak for an hour. "Wanna stay the night tonight?" she said. "No, I have to go home and let my pussy shrink back to size for my husband." I saidand we laughed.

A doctor's strange therapy

SSPAdmins on Other Stories

A doctor’s strange therapy.

By Niteowluk2003

Doug and his wife Pam were having problems; sure they loved each other but both had confessed there love life had rapidly gone downhill. They had been married eleven years and what had been an eager nightly event was becoming a monthly chore; they had always promised each other that they would be totally honest with each other and so it was two w

Getting My Wife Fucked By Another Man

ronz56 on Wife Stories

The Long Road To Getting My Wife To Fuck Other Men

I love to watch my wife with other men,I've had this desire almost as long as I have known her.

She was 15 & I was 17. We were both virgins on our first encounter so neither of us had

ever had sex with anyone else.

The desire to see her with other men all started for me one night on a date

Just anyone After Class

tessilicious42eee on True Stories

I was sub teaching at an Athens school and the thing was that so far, I was not molested by anyone. Not that I had not gotten some looks and some veiled offers but no one had so much as accidentialy bumped into my chest. I was doing fine and teaching for two weeks for a History teacher that was off and one day towards the end of class someone left a note on my desk. "Ms. Cain, we all wanna fuck y

Job at the Chimp Labs

Sultrybuxombbw on Animal Stories

I had a nice part time job at the chimp labs one Summer and it proved to be a really great job in more than one way. I was on third shift which was mostly cleaning cages and such. Sweeping up, getting food ready for the morning feedings and all that kind of stuff. I always got there and changed out of street clothes and into medical smocks. They were loose and when they got dirty they were just thrown into the cleaning bin. I kept on my underclothes always and there were never any mishaps until about three weeks into the job. I came in and two cages were open and there was a male and female fucking in one of the open cages. It was wild primal sex and somehow it turned me on. My smock bottoms were soaked where I had an orgasm and since I squirt it ran donw my smock legs and almost to the

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ankles. Barkley (the male) had fucked Miss Jane realy good and he seemed happy and she realy looked well fucked. I left them in the one cage and went into a room off the main lab to change.

It is a typical locker room, lockers for clothes, dressing mirrors and the like and so I found my smock bottom size and stood in front of the mirror and took them off. I stood there and looked at myself in the ful length mirror and admired the fact that my nipples were hard and the baggy smock did not hide the fact. "Oh Hell, why not," I said to myself and took off the top and my bra and panties and found a chair and pulled it to the mirror and began massaging my body. I pulled my breasts hard and sucked the nipples till they were rock hard and then began massaging my pussy slit. I was just a few fingerings from and orgasm when I heard a noise in the lab. I had forgotten the chimps and got up and went to the door and walked a few steps into the lab. I saw Miss Jane laying seeming to be asleep and looked over to the other cage for Barkley. The door was wide open and I did not see him anywhere. I forgot I was totally naked and began looking for him almost in a panic that he may have gotten out.

Suddenly I was knocked to the floor from behind. Something had hit me hard and knocked the air out of me. I was on the cold floor naked and trying to breathe. Again something jumped on my back again knocking the air out of me. Then I heard Barkley squealing like crazy. Again I felt him jumping on my back. I tried to roll away and run but when I was on my back he again came down and landed on my stomach. I was almost passing out and he stopped jumping but his full weight was on my stomach and I was still trying to catch my breathe. Suddenly he reached down and grabbed my breasts, pulling them hard and twisting them wih his rough hands. He moved off me and began pulling me by my tits towards his cage. I tried to pull loose but his grib got tighter and he squealed louder and pulled me still harder. Suddenly his front hand (Paw) came down across my jaw and I felt myself passing out. I woke I don't know how long after in his cage on his corner cusion where he slept. There was an envirnment in the cages that was like their ones in real life. He was sitting on my hips, his hands (paws) on my tits both playing with them and holding me down with his weight.

I tasted blood in my mouth and saw that his nails had broken the skin on my tits and several places had blood coming from them. I tried to get up and he pushed me back down and slipped down between my legs and the hair on his body made me tingle al over and I felt a warmth spreading through my hips and I knew that I was getting wet. "Oh my god, are you serious?" I was asking no one and him. He seemed to understand and lowered himself onto my body and was rubbing against my hips with his. I felt a huge hard cock finding it's place betwen my legs but not in my pussy yet. I kept missing and I was getting hotter as his hair brushed against my chest making my nipples hard again. I felt myself reach down and found a huge hard chimp cock and stroked it several times. He got quiet and then I guided it into me. I opened my legs as wide as I could and he sank into me. I felt a shock go through my body and he began humping into me. He was crude and it was pure raw mating sex of a monkey and I reached orgasm quickley. "Oh my god, yes, fuck me hard." I was telling him. His balls were slapping against me everytime he drove into me and botomed out in my pussy.

Three other male chimps were now awake and squaling louder as if cheering him on. I was feeling orgasms building over and over again and each one soaked my lover. Finally he filled me with his load and I thought I would pass out from the intense feelings but he laid there a little and got off me allowing me to move and get up. His cum dripped from me and I felt weak and my legs almost would not hold me. I managed to get to a chair and was feeling my body still needing sex. The other chimps were still making noises like they expected me to come join them. "What the Hell," I said out loud and locked Barkley's cage making sure it was locked this time.

I walked to the other cages and laughed at them, one had a hard cock that was sticking way out from his hairy crotch and he was making noise as if saying "Pick me, pick me." Bobo was the nake on his cage and I unlocked the cage and he came over to me and gently took my hand and led me to the cusion in the corner. I began to get on my knees and get ready to lay on it as I turned around to lay on my back and Bobo pushed me down on my stomach and began pushing his cock against me ass, missing every time. I quieted him down and moved my ass around so that he could get behind me and he pushed again still not finding my pussy. Suddenly he found a hole but it was my ass and I moaned as he filled me deep. The next cage had another male in it and he was against the bars right against the cusion. I reached out and took his cock and pulled him towards my face and he let me massage him till I got it in my mouth and began sucking hims slowly. Bobo was now fucking my ass hard and my pussy was soaking wet. He was humping harder and harder and filled my pussy full of his cum and about the same time the other filled my mouth. He rolled off me and lay back massaging himself. I got Dobber from his cage and brought him into the cage with Bob and laid between them and began sucking and massaging them in turn. Soon Dobber was between my legs fucking me hard and Bob was enjoying my best blow job. He filled my mouth and finally they both were ready to lay down and rest. I got up and put them in their cages and went to the showers and soaked in the hot water, my body still alive and needing sex. I knew just were to go the next day to finish off my needs.

My Yoga Class Eye-candy

thissideofparadise on Teen Stories

The 2nd semester of a person’s senior year in high school is always sort of a joke. You take classes that mean nothing and that have little to no actual academic merit. I am no exception to this. My 2nd semester senior schedule centered mostly on part B’s of other classes, newspaper, and my personal favorite, beginning yoga. It was a pretty popular class at my high school, for whatever reason. On any given roll of the class, it was always predominantly girls, usually a “guy among the girls,” if you know what I mean, and a few guys from the football team who took it as a joke. I was none of these things, I was obviously not a girl, definitely not gay, and I didn’t play foo
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tball. I saw myself as pretty normal; I did the newspaper, a few plays, and took AP English, so I didn’t fall into much of a demographic.


The dynamic of our class was sort of chaotic. It fit the usual description of having about 80-85% girls in the class, which the 3 jock guys who were in the class never stopped chasing around. While I didn’t terrorize the girls as much as they did, we all had the same things in mind, because the girls in this class were out of control hot. And if it wasn’t enough that we already knew how hot all these girls were outside of class, our instructor always told us that the usual PE class uniform wasn’t necessary for yoga. So, the girls came in their itty-bitty shorts and their tightest tank tops to help their flexibility. There were a few girls in the class who fit the general, archetype description of a hot girl. Vicki, Becca, and Jordyn were all girls who had huge tits and just a general sense of slutiness about them. They fed all the attention they were given. But, it was a different girl who drove me wild every day. Her name was Emily, she was a junior. I was friends with her sister who had graduated the year before, but I had never really spoken to Emily at all. You can always call a girl hot, but that isn’t really what she was, she was cute, she was pretty. Her attractiveness was a nice thing, and though I took it all so sexually, I think that’s just me. She was a pretty short girl, maybe 5’3 or 5’4. She was really thin, so her tits weren’t too big, but that didn’t bother me at all. Her ass wasn’t of my usual large preference either, it was small and round, just like a peach, and it drove me crazy. I intentionally set my yoga mat behind hers when we started class so I could watch her body press in and out of the air each day. It was always the highlight of my day. I would stare at her in downward and upward dog, that cute little ass going up and down, her back arching and bending, her ass coming back high into the air. Some of the poses we did were perfect for moving her shorts just enough to give me a little glimpse of her panties. White, pink, yellow, it was so sexy. I fantasized all through the lessons about fucking her in the center mat in front of the entire class. Letting her gasps be the set breathing for everyone.


We spoke a little bit in class, but never enough I thought, to talk to her about how I was feeling about her. My little hour long, daily crush went on for probably the first 6 weeks of the class until we started to catch eyes during the lessons, and make what seemed like longing for one another eye contact in the halls. She had me wrapped around her little finger with just a look. A few weeks later fate would throw me a bone and put us at the same party together after my friends and I had put on the final performance of our spring drama production. We came into an in-progress party where some kids were already drunk, the beer pong was in full effect, and people were starting to make their moves for the late-evening-pair-offs. I spotted Emily on a couch with two of her friends almost as soon as I walked in. I gave her the eyes that we usually gave each other in the halls expecting the same eyes back and then nothing else. Instead, her eyes lit up and she almost jumped off the couch to come talk to me. She could’ve probably seen how surprised I looked but I think I played off. She came to tell how well she thought I did in the play, we talked about yoga class, and her sister off at college. We kept talking and we both started drinking a little. This went on for probably more than a half an hour, before I could tell how drunk she was getting. Her little body had given her a small tolerance, obviously. She started to be a little flirtier and touch my legs. I told her we should go upstairs.


“That took you way too long!” She told me.


I took her hand and we went toward the stairs. I let her walk in front of me so that I could watch that cute little ass go up the stairs in her nice tight blue jeans; I could see her bra through the meshy back of her read top as well. She turned around to me as we reached the top.


“I can’t fucking wait for this,” she said.


She was being so sexy I couldn’t help but play along.


“Oh, yeah? What are you excited for?” I asked her.


“Well, first I want to suck your cock.” She grabbed the top of my jeans and pulled me forward.


All of a sudden we were in a dark room that must have been the parent’s room.


“Perfect. A big bed is just what I wanted. Turn the lights on though, I want to see.” She told me.


“Of course.”


“Now, come here.” She said.


I walked forward to her sitting with her legs spread at the end of the bed. She went right to work at the front of my pants and my belt was undone, with my pants by my knees in no time. She ran her hand across the front of my grey boxer-briefs for a moment before pulling them down as well. My cock wasn’t fully erect at this point, but it was so damn close. I looked down and saw her tiny hands running all over it and then it turned to stone.


“God, I knew that you would have a big cock. I think about it all the time in yoga class.” She said to me.


“You have no idea how much I think about you in that class,” I said as she started to daintily lick my shaft and balls.


“Oh, I know how much you do. That’s why I was so excited to see you. I know you’re going to fuck me hard.”


I couldn’t believe all of this was happening. Hearing that and seeing her work around on my cock. All of her tiny features made my already 7 inch long cock look even bigger. Her tiny fingers wrapped around the base of my shaft and her little tongue followed it up and down.


“You’re right. I am.” I assured her.


She gave out a sexy little moan and then finally took my cock into her mouth. She nursed the tip so well; her mouth was so warm and wet. The more she stayed toward the tip; little bits of her saliva would run down my whole shaft, it was driving me crazy. And I started to run my cock in and out of her mouth a little. The friction of her little tongue was just what I needed. I could hear her little muffled giggles behind my cock, she was so proud of herself, but I was nowhere near cumming.


“Are you going to fuck me now?” She asked me.


“I will, but I want to taste your sweet little pussy first.” I told her.


“Deal, let’s 69,” she said.


“Deal,” I winked and told her.


We both took our shirts off, which left me now completely naked, as she then got to work on her pants. She pulled her jeans down and she had a pair of tiny, white bikini-style panties on, that I could swear I had seen under her shorts before in class. As she started to take them off I told her to leave them on, she smiled at this and then swung her leg over my chest putting her perfect little panty covered ass and pussy right in my face. She wasted no time getting back to work on my cock. This angle helped her a little and she started to get it deeper and deeper down her throat. I couldn’t hold back my excitement anymore and pulled her panties to the side, exposing her perfectly, freshly shaved pussy and asshole. I dug straight in. I buried my nose toward her ass and started flicking her clit with my tongue, then zigzagging it back up toward her asshole which I didn’t think twice about before licking as well. She moaned in agreement with every location my tongue found. I ran my hands over her back and would push her hips back toward my face to get her pussy even closer. I ran my hands over her back more and got to her bra that I unhooked to give her perfect little breasts some air. We continued to lick, suck, kiss, and nibble each other for nearly 5 minutes before we both could no longer stand it. She abruptly got off of me and threw her panties across the room. She pressed her hands down on my chest so that I would stay laid down and she took hold my cock and brought it between her thighs to her small, smooth prize. We were both dripping with one another’s spit, but her pussy was proving that it may be too small for me to fit. She kept working my cock with her pussy trying to wedge it in, and then I finally took control. I used one hand to hold onto her ass and the other to maneuver my cock around, I told her to use her fingers to spread herself and she did. Then like that my cock slid into her slowly. She said that she could feel her little cunt opening for me and with every inch her voice cock higher and higher. Once she had finally reached the bottom and I was all the way inside her I pulled her face to mine to kiss her as I slowly started to sway my hips at hers. She tried to kiss me, but she couldn’t keep her mouth closed from her gasps and sobs of pleasure. I moved my hands to fondle and spread her little ass as I started to pick up speed. She started to let out small, near phrases which she couldn’t seem to complete. She grabbed her own breasts and played with her nipples as I continued to rock into her hard now like a high-tide to the shore. I rocked into her and we slammed into the bed’s backboard again and again. She was in ecstasy and I was in control, her little body was nearing collapse as she told me, “I might cum,” I could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter around my hard cock. Then in a rush sexual charge I pushed her onto her back and started to let her have. I slammed into her harder now than I ever had before. I was driving deep into her pussy now. She shrieked and shrieked, there is no way the rest of the party couldn’t hear her. My balls smacked against her ass as she finally reached her end. Her fingers dug into my back and I could feel her cumming. This drove me wild. My hips turned to a train’s pistons and I continued to pump and pump until I finally unleashed in her. Our cum ran together and out of her pussy, she told me she could feel like drip down her ass, this bed was a wet mess, no doubt. I came in then for a kiss and we continued to make out as our climaxes ran out of her sweet cunt.


From then on we would tease each other every day in our yoga class. She would wiggle her little ass about in the hair and I would accidently bump into her with my big cock when she wasn’t watching. Then, after school we would go take out our sexual frustration on each other.


My wife and her colleague - Part 4

cuckoldedguy on Cuckold Stories

After that gorgeous time when he fucked my mouth after fucking my wife till she was exhausted we met at a hotel every two or three weeks when he was in the area on business. In between Di became even more demanding sexually and we'd go dogging regularly, she enjoyed dressing like a tart when we went out, never of course to places where we'd be recognised. Her sex with her colleague became more