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breeder09 Member Since May 09, 2012

.I love my rex

LOIS on Animal Stories

Rex always keep me happy I just slap my leg any he there, I quit wereing panty around the house our when I take Rex for a walk .If were in the park and he done running around I either were short dress or bag shorts so Rex can get his snout up to my cunt. Back at the house he like a man if he wants it I give it to him , one day had company over and Rex keep bother me he just came from the ou

a night alone...with my dog

lilsexymexican on Animal Stories

one day my parents went out...and i was left home alone it was dark out an i was getting ready to take a shower but then as i got underssed in my room laying on my bed my dog jumps up an starts to like my legs.."get down Dog"! i yelled but he just looked at me like i was crazy an keeps licking my legs then when i go to move i see him licking my clit it felt soo good but then i thought to my self..

One Afternoon

K9Lesbian on Animal Stories

"It is a dog!” Margaret quipped. “So that's RD, that's what Elizabeth has been hollering for all evening? Margaret remarked.

"You ever tried doggy fucking?" Kathleen countered.


Karin broke in, "RD's got the longest, thickest, hottest, slickest dick you ever saw baby. I don't go for him like Elizabeth does, but it's kind of nice for a change. If he's able to after his true love g

Home Alone 2

neverdone on Animal Stories

I ran into the house and headed for the bedroom. Tears were running down my face as I threw off my dress and jumped into the shower. I could wash my body, but the image of what had happened hung heavy on my mind.

After I washed for a long time, I got out and dried off. Looking at my body, I could see the marks left by Clam on my hips. I put on a thin blouse and a pair of panties. I didn'

mum-in-law pt2

billypaisley on True Stories

Ok folks as promised here's more. After i got it on with Mary (my mother-in-law) we cleaned up and went downstairs me deeply safised and to be fair a bit shocked and amazed either my wife or Marys husband suspected anything and the one time i got her on her own rest of the evening she said it was a mistake a one-off so we left it at that.So life went on and when we visited all was as normal and s

her fantasy

luvdr812 on True Stories

My wife and I have been playing with the idea of threesomes.I asked her preference and she told me it'd have to be another man.The subject didn't come up for a while,til one evening I was using her screenname on the computer.and someone sent a meaasge.I pretended to be her and answered it.The name was wonderboy69. He

aked if I could chat abit? I told him,Yes.As the conversation went on, I could

(1)Ten years of K9 & marriage.

itsonlyfun on Animal Stories

This is a tale about our third dog and my desire to watch my wife with him.

Just after we married we had a medium sized dog. He and my wife unknown to me had struck up a relationship I up until then had never thought of. She was letting him lick her cunt. This particular day - I can't recall how it came about now - but I found them doing it. The excitement I felt was stupendous. I

Shocked and delited

publisher on Animal Stories

 When I have a few drinks I get horny and hubby loves it! We had been out with friends for several drinks and were on our way home and yes I was horny as hell.Before we were out of their driveway I had his cock and was sucking and he started fingering me by the time we got home my pants were off and I was soo wet and horny!!

When we pulled in our yard I couldn\'t wait to get in the house and get in bed. I opened the car door and turned on the seat to get out and our dog was there . He stuck his nose between my legs and I was shocked and pushed him away,but he came right back and took a big lick.

Wow his big tongue started at my asshole and slid upover my slit and across my clit. I froze and he kept licking god it was unbelievable. By the time my husband

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got around the car I was having an orgasm and the dog was licking faster.

My husband just watched I think he as I spread my pussy lips and let him lick god it was fantastic. I was saying yes yes ohhhh yes as I was havig another body shaking long rolling hard orgasm. Then he jumped up on me and scratched my side I yelled and pushed him down.

I looked at my husband and said what the hell is he doing!!

Hubby said hes trying to breed you.

I was shocked and said oh my god!!!

Then hubby pulled me out of the car he couldn\'t wait he put me on the ground on all 4\'s and was undoing his pants he was going to do me right there and now!! But the dog jumped on me and started humping his cock hitting my ass and sliding across my pussy grazing my clit poking every where but missing his mark!!

Then hubby got excited and reached down and guided that cock in me and at this point I didn\'t care!! Now this dog is big and his cock is about 10 ins and almost as big around as my husbands and wow he was pounding my pussy and fucking me like I never have been fucked before! Then he shoved in all the way and I could feelmy lips being spread and stretched to the limit(thank god he didn\'t get his knot in cause its about the size of a baseball)he was filling me with his cumm and I do mean filling,and I was having one hell of an orgasm!!! When he was done and got off I was rather embarrased but hubby said god that was hot and I smiled as I noticed his big very hard cock so I grabbed it and started sucking him like I never have before. he just kept saying yes baby yes and it didn\'t take long before shot a huge load in my mouth and down my throat and we both went in with a smile on our faces. we got in bed and he said I can\'t believe you did that.I said I can\'t either must have been the acohol?? He said would you do it again and with a big smile on my face I said YES hell yess..                  

The Sitter and The Setter

writermike on Animal Stories


                       THE SITTER AND THE SETTER



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                                 Nancy meets Brandy

Nancy Connover checked herself in the mirror one last time. She was going to her baby-sitting job. The first time being allowed to sit for all weekend; she had made a good impression over the last few weeks and Theresa Rand was satisfied that Nancy was the right person to watch her child. Nancy glowed as she remembered Theresa’s kind comments about how she always fixed the baby’s formula right and cleaned up afterward, and how the house was neatly kept. How the laundry was always folded and put away.

She had worked for the Rands’ all summer and never met Mr. Rand, Mrs. Rand was making and changing excuses all the time. She had always changed the subject of what they both did for a living. Her evasiveness was a signal to Nancy to not pry too much.

A shiver tickled her spine as she looked onto the mirror; she was young, tall, and blonde. Nancy breasts, buttocks, and face were getting rounder filling out, and firming up, and her legs taking on a very sexy shape she was happy with what she saw. Nancy could feel the woman inside her stirring more and more as time went on.

“By the time college starts, the boys will be surprised.” she whispered, skimming her hands down over her lush teenaged body. She giggled, remembering how she had looked last year even a few months before school closed this summer.

Looking in the mirror she remembered her mothers’ cautionary warning, “You’ve begun having your periods, and you ‘can’ get pregnant. The boys seem to know this and hey are going to try harder to get into your pants. “Oh god how I want them to try to touch me there but they all act so dorky but still I’m not going to stop them.” She thought sarcastically then her mother’s warning drifted back into her head, “and you are going to find that you don’t want to stop them. I want you to have fun, play around, but be careful and take a little time to know him first.”

     “Ooh! God! I’m getting hot again,” she sighed, thinking of sex, and how it made her ache inside. Another change had taken place, during the last few months, ‘arousal!’ It seemed to, happen all the time, weather she was having her period, or not, looking at boys, or not. The fabric of her panties would rub her clitoris and her whole body would turn red and tingle.

Sex; vaginal stimulation; every thing took on a sexual appearance. Nancy could think of nothing else; her thin labia still uncovered by her fresh growth of silky smooth blond hair, her button of a clitoris tensed and relaxed all day long. The bulge in boy’s pants, still a mystery teased her curiosity. Only a drawing of a penis, from the health class lectures on conception, and watching dogs and cats mating. “Animals!” Nancy thought, “Always so shameless and desirous as they play out their mating in the park or side streets. She had only one nasty story from a torn magazine she found in the toilet stall at school, to stir her imagination and fuel her teasings of the Rand’s watch dog Brandy.

She ran out of the bedroom, bounded down the stairs, her blonde pigtails swinging, her blue eyes glowing, she was happy, on her way to her first over-nighter. She was earning money this whole summer.

       “Hey, Nancy,” her mother called. “Where are you going in such rush?”

        “Gee, Mom. Don't you remember? I’m babysitting today.” A smile filled her beautiful face, a blush of pink on her cheeks.

Liz Connover smiled at her daughter. “I remember now,” she said. “Theresa Rand’s baby right? This is over the weekend too?” She looked at her daughter, she was no longer a child, but a budding young woman, shapely and sexy. Before long, boys of all sizes and shapes would be banging on the door to take her out, and try their luck.

       “Yeah,” Nancy said. “Mrs. Rand is working on through till Saturday night, and I get to take care of little Carrie, for two days.” She fidgeted, anxious to be on her way. She added, “This is going to be a lot of money and  ‘The Rands’ like my work.”

       “I know Mrs. Rand has complimented me on how I raised you. Have some breakfast first,” Liz said then asked, “Have you met Mr. Rand yet?”

       “No, Mom and I can’t. The Rands are expecting me. Any way I get paid Sunday.” She headed for the door. “I’ll eat something there.” She opened the door and before her mother could protest she was gone.

       “Kids,” Liz muttered, shaking her head on her way back to the kitchen adding, “They never stop moving, everything so urgent, and heaven forbid I might know something.” Liz turned to watch her daughter bounding away and drew a deep breath and sighed, “How beautiful Nancy is becoming she is going to be a full-bodied luscious woman soon and still so innocent,” then walked into the kitchen. 

Nancy hurried down the street almost running pigtails flying in the breeze. She was anxious to start as she had become close to the family and their pet Brandy. As the weeks passed Nancy became braver with and more aroused by her ministrations to Brandy during baby’s nap and play times. She reached the Rand’s house and quickly, ran up the steps, her small nipples bristling in the brisk air beneath her pink summer top. She rapped on the screen door. Brandy, Theresa’s fawn-colored Setter and mixed breed, barked loud and deep from somewhere inside the house.

“Ooh! Be quiet,” Nancy giggled, as the huge dog ran to the door, his skinny tail wagging, banging the wall his tongue hanging as he panted obviously quiet glad to see Nancy.

“Be still, Brandy,” Theresa said, pulling on his collar, adding, “It’s just Nancy.”

“Hi, Mrs. Rand,” Nancy bubbled. “I hope I'm not late you said nine and it is just after.”

“Not at all, I allowed a little extra,” Theresa said, opening the door. “C’mon in. Carry is up in her room playing.” She grabbed her purse off the table in the hall and gave a long warm stare at Nancy saying, “There’s plenty to eat in the fridge.” Playfully, she tugged on one of Nancy’s pigtails. “See you about four-thirty Saturday, but maybe Sunday morning at eleven or so. I have already talked to your mom about Sunday. My numbers are still on the fridge.”

“My mom acted like she forgot?”

“Oh that’s us moms trying to make our daughters think they are on their own.” Theresa teased.

“Oh I see. Bye, Mrs. Rand,” Nancy said. She stroked Brandy’s head, scratched him behind the ear. “I’ll take good care of Carrie. My Mom is close by if I have any trouble. I’ll call her first then you.”

         “I know you and Carry will be fine.” Theresa said, and she was gone.

Alone, Nancy hurried up the stairs to Carry’s bedroom, Brandy at her heels. “You wait here,” she whispered. “I want to see what she is doing, and I don’t want you disturbing the baby.” Her breath caught in her throat  as her heart raced to the thrill of Brandy and her being alone in a little while, and thought to herself, “We are going to cross over a new boundary today.”

Brandy whined, lay on the floor, his head on his front paws.

        “Good, boy,” Nancy said. She went to the bedroom door, saw Carry playing with her toys, oblivious to everything. Her cheeks flared red, as she thought about Theresa, and her husband having sex, making it possible for them to have the baby. A shiver swept over her as she tried to imagine the feeling of a penis inside her, and her clitoris tightening as she thought of it’s seed spilling into her.

She tiptoed away from the child’s room, and headed straight for the master bedroom. Her heart started pounding, when she saw the bed, still messed up from the night’s sleep. It has always been made up before she got here. Her heart leaped into her throat, as she walked over, and saw a big wet stain, in the middle of the bed. The aroma of sex still permeated the room, nearly over whelming the young woman-child. An image of Theresa, her legs wide open her husband Gary on top, filling her with sperm, their two juices spilling out onto the bed.

The child’s mind was blooming with ideas, and desires. While standing at the bedside, she closed her eyes, she could feel the head of a penis parting her lips, and she shivered and whispered a sigh as she remembered overcoming what fear she had and plunged forward with her desire to experience her fantasy she had with this handsome dog and Nancy wrapped her fingers around Brandy’s thick meaty cock. Nancy remembered when she fingers wrapped around his prick the first time, and how Brandy went into a frenzy. He pushed his cock through her fist, grunting and thrusting; his tail curled and he thumped it against the floor. He lifted his head, and dropped it back with a thud as Nancy’s fingers tightened around his cock. The hot cum spattering her body making her dizzy. Her hand jacked up and down his exploding cock. She felt each pulsing squirt shoot through his cock, watched cum squirt from the opening in his dick, and hit her body.  “Oooo, Brandy. Brandy!” She cooed.

“Oh, God,” she moaned as Nancy touched the bed-sheet, put her face right in it and sniffed. Keeping her nose buried in the spot she crawled onto the bed, and lay on her knees, legs parted thinking, “this is where they were…! Oh! God…! he stuffed his penis inside her, and they came.” Nancy whispered loudly as her imagination ran wild. She was tingling all over, with goose pimples; it felt as though she had a penis already inside her, with the head pushing against her stomach making it ache deep inside her. Nancy whispered as she wondered, “Why haven’t I met Mr. Rand?”

“I can’t wait until I get a dick inside me.” Nancy whispered an she closed her eyes, thinking of all the boys in school she caught staring at her. Which one would she let have her cherry? She opened her eyes, stared at the spot, and knew she wouldn’t do it. She was chicken, afraid of the way the boys laughed about sex, and talked about the girls who… ‘put out.’

Without thinking, she squirmed, and rolled over in the bed, her small delicate hands roaming her body. “Mmmmm,” she purred, lingering on her small bosoms, her fingers kneading the soft fleshy nipples beneath her pink top. “Mmmmm, I'm getting so wet again.” She began rolling her hips around, her blue eyes half open. Being in Theresa's bed, where she knew the beautiful woman had sex, and done all the other things her imaginative mind could conjure up, thinking aloud, “I bet she lets him put his dick in her mouth.” her white cotton panties started to soak through. She lifted her top, baring her soft smooth virgin flesh. Urgently, she squeezed her nipples. She whimpered, each time her finger sank into the warm pliant flesh. Her skin was becoming glossy from sweat.

She moaned, “I wish… I wish,” She closed her eyes, pretending it was Theresa's husband instead of herself playing with her sensitive nipples moaning, “Ooh, how I wish.”

She squeezed the nipples, gasping as pleasure filled her bosoms and spread warmth throughout her lithe body. She sat up, dazed, lust running rampant through her young body. She pulled her top off, her small firm breasts jiggling free. Climbing off the bed, she tossed her top on the back of a chair and peeled down her shorts. Stepping out of them, she caught a glimpse of herself in the long dressing mirror on the closet door. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked into the mirror.

Stripping in someone else’s house still made her dizzy and her virgin pussy pulse. Her labia was being coated by warm viscous sweet cream oozing from within. Swinging her hips the way she imagined men liked, she sauntered over to the mirror. She squeezed her tits together, making them appear larger, fuller. Her breath hissed out, as she licked her upper lip, and felt her sweet cream coating her genitals Nancy’s panties clung to her smooth wetness.

Turning, she looked back over her shoulder at her firm fanny wrapped in white cotton panties. She wiggled her bottom lewdly, and moaned, as her frenzied fingers pressed her panties onto her vulva, spreading her sweet cream to each thigh. The wet spot of her own outside of her panties grew; she was clearly lathered with lust. She latched onto the elastic of her panties with her fingers. Short rapid breaths escaped her mouth; her wet panties stuck to her genitals as she peeled them down over her blossoming hips. Her panties dropped to the floor, in a puddle at her ankles, the crotch glistened with her wetness.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared hotly at the thin silky blonde hairs that adorned her virgin womanhood. Her head was spinning; goose bumps dotted her smooth flesh. On weak rubbery legs, she staggered back and threw herself on the bed. She writhed to the center of the king-size bed, placing her sweet bottom on top of the wet stain. The icy cold wetness inflamed her young passions. She spread her legs, ready to make herself cum.

Trembling, she plied her hard, fleshy, nipples of her newly formed breasts, teasing herself, caressing her writhing body, her hands roamed caressing, sensually every little fold of her budding womanhood, turning herself into a moaning, enamored woman her sweated flesh glistened.

Brandy, hearing the sounds coming from his mistress’s room, padded down the hall and his paw pushed the door open. Big black eyes spotted Nancy on the bed. His nose picked up the familiar scent of passion. His ears cocked forward and head tilted to one side as he sniffed at the titillating scent. It was different yet the same; Brandy knew it was his mistress Theresa’s and… his new friend Nancy’s scent.

Nancy was too interested in her body to notice Brandy at the door peering at her with his black eyes. She was caressing her belly, inching toward the silky, down of her fresh growth of blonde hair. She wriggled her hips, fingertips touching the silky hair. The fresh scent of Nancy’s wet pussy aroused Brandy. The same scent as his mistress’s, yet different. His tongue began to drape, the familiar sounds of her moans excited him. He padded into the room, leaped onto the bed, with his broad purplish-red tongue hanging from his mouth. Tail wagging, he looked down into Nancy’s startled, face.

“Brandy!” Nancy's eyes widened from shock, “I was wondering how long it would take for you to find me.” Her mouth dried up, and she began to shake. Wracked with both fear and desire she instantly jumped up. She sent the dog flailing, and yipping onto the floor. Her naked body trembling, she stared into his face. She saw his teeth, glistening, and sharp. She saw each drop of spit on his flailing tongue as he panted his black eyes looking back at her.

“Nice, Brandy,” she whispered. “Go away. Go, I’m not ready yet Brandy.” She kept her voice low. “I know this the day we’ve been waiting for yet I’m not sure.” As she remembered braver times earlier in the week running her hand under Brandy’s belly and massaging his penis. Brandy yelped, jerked, smacked the pointed tip of his cock against her trembling fingers. His tail thumped on the loudly against the wall, and he squirmed, lifting one hind leg. She hid her secret so well it would slip from her memory. Brandy whimpered; as if he understood. He slapped his slobbery tongue all over his face, telling her it was all right.

“Oh, God,” she whispered. She closed her eyes, and clamped her mouth shut and trembled. The baby I am being paid to watch. She dressed quickly as she panicked, and ran to the door, stopped gained some composer, and looked around the door. A sigh of relief as she saw that Carry was just quietly jostling the blocks, rings, and toy animals about the crib, goo-gooing and gaw-gawing, she twittered a laugh and started down the stairs.  

She sighed, and laughed, knowing Brandy was just a gentle, overgrown puppy. She and Brandy had been playing around a lot this summer. Nancy started letting him lick more and she was kissing him more; then laying on the floor with him play acting like they were lovers, and then the heavy petting started. Nancy found that thrilling. “Brandy I think we are going to do the big ‘it…’ soon ‘today…’” She said as she gazed at him standing, “But not now.”

Any way she wasn’t being paid to masturbate in the master bedroom, and cum on the sheets, or play with the family dog. Nancy looked at the clock, and realized that forty-five minutes had passed in less than a flash. She had a house to clean, laundry to do, and a baby to feed, wash, and change.

Nancy gathered the wash started it, cleaned the kitchen, and changed Carry’s diapers putting on a fresh yellow jumper with pink flowers. Brandy was close on her heels, following Nancy from room to room, taking an interest in every little thing she did. She looked at the clock; there was lots of time before lunch, she thought. “I am still very horny, there is time for me to finish what I started, I do want to cum,” she whispered.

Nancy looked at Brandy sitting in the corner; he was licking his balls, stomach, and penis. She was still both embarrassed, and envious of Brandy. She became enamored while watching him lick and lick imagining licking herself in that way and thinking of being licked by him.

She closed her eyes and remembered again her, curiosity pulsed, as she watched her hand, rhythmically stroking his penis, watching the ooze form on its tip and drip onto her arm. Her mouth dried up. She knew something was going to happen very soon. Nancy felt his cock swell in her hand. “Oooo, Brandy. You gonna cum? Huh?” She was dizzy, her own passion running rampant.

“Oooo,” she sighed, her blue eyes bulging. The throbbing of his cock drove her crazy. She loved it; loved this powerful thrusting animal. “Does Mrs. Rand jerk you off?” she giggled hotly. “Or does she get you some nice hot bitch in heat?”

 Through her clinging fingers she could feel Brandy’s cock sliding inside his hairy sheath swelling and becoming ridged. She let her hand slide over the large knot that formed inside sheath. Brandy squirmed, his front legs thrashing, his head jerking up and down he was ready.

“Oh, yes, Brandy. Cum. Let me see you cum!” she hissed excitedly. Brandy was humping faster. He squirmed, rolling from his back to his side, his rump in constant motion. His tongue was hanging out, his eyes wide and glowing.

The dog’s dick swelled, ready to explode, when he obliged the impetuous child. A long thick stream of sweet cum sprayed from his penis. Followed by a series of growling grunting woofs, and the frantic hunching of his body.

“Oohh…! God!” Nancy screeched as the first load of cum splashed over her hand and arm, “It’s so…hot.”

Brandy continued to hunch and thrashed about. More cum spewed from his cock, splattering Nancy's face, breasts, and stomach with hot globs of dog-sperm….’

“Are you horny too?” she asked giggling, as she opened her eyes, “Hmmm, you are. We have been having a lot of fun this summer I was just remembering what we did last week.” Her eyes widened; as she got a good look at Brandy’s penis, ideas and fresh memories stirred in her sexually active mind prodding her on toward fulfilling her fantasy.

“Easy, boy,” she whispered huskily. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll do it all for you, I will make you cum again.” she coaxed and cajoled, “Just like the boys do to their cocks in school.” She giggled. The only thing she wasn’t quite sure about, was ‘were dogs the same as boys?’

She had been working up to this all summer and wondered how far he would go. She walked to the laundry room with Brandy padding behind her. She bent over to pick up the next load, and Brandy poked Nancy right in the butt with his nose, knocking her to the floor. She yelled as she fell squeezing her eyes shut as she twisted to her back. Before Nancy opened her eyes Brandy was on top licking her face, prancing around her body and whining as Nancy thrashed about on the pile of clothes.

She opened her eyes; Brandy’s tongue was washing her face. Tail wagging, pounding the washer. He slathered his wet tongue over her whole face, and soaked her from ear to ear with warm spit.

Nancy laughed, and said, “I’m OK boy it’s all right.” She assured. Her voice stuck in her throat as she looked at Brandy’s dick, she became fearful. He was on top with his four legs straddling her pinning Nancy with one foot on her belly madly licking her face, with his warm, wet, rough tongue. Nancy started to breathe faster, as she warmed to Brandy’s licking her face it was became lovingly tender and then he paused and looked into Nancy’s eyes.

Her fear passed quickly; Nancy responded to the wet slobbering kisses from Brandy, by kissing him back. She plied her fingers along his tongue, and rubbery jowls. He whined excitedly at being petted, and pampered by his young mistress. He started tugging at her T-shirt, Nancy rolled on to her hands and knees and asked him, “You want me to take this off?” as Brandy pulled it over her head and off. Away Nancy bolted up the stairs to the bed room with Brandy close to her heels.

Brandy already had his animal tongue slithering over Nancy's thighs as she slid onto the bed. Brandy eagerly jumped on right behind Nancy and instantly began lavishly slathering his tongue over her shoulders, across her back. Nancy’s face was immediately covered with ravishingly warm wet licks as she turned over. He slithered his tongue up her neck, over her ears, across her mouth, and down to her firm young breasts. The tip of his cold nose was pressed into the bottom of her chin while he licked between her firm young breasts, and neck.

“Hmmm… Ooh! Ugh…! God…! This feels Goood…!” she gasped loudly as Brandy’s hot breath rushed past her neck. Her nipples hardened, and ached as his tongue slapped over them. He began putting his whole mouth over each small firm tit, turning them pink, goose pimply, and wet as brandy’s tongue snaked out, along, and up her side. He pushed each nipple in turn, against his teeth rolling them with his tongue. Nancy’s face filled with lust as he licked at her achy hard nipples. Nancy squirmed on her back fanning her legs; she was electrified by Brandy’s tongue.

 “Brandy... ooh... Brandy! Your tongue is unbelievably fabulous. Ooh, Au! Keep licking me!” Nancy moaned deeply as the woman stirred within.

The horny teenager was in bliss. For the first time in her life, she was enjoying the pleasures of sex without using her own hands or rubbing her vulva on or with something. The fact that it was a dog didn’t matter. It only mattered that it ‘was…!’ happening to her, and it ‘felt…!’ wonderful.

“Oh, Brandy,” she moaned. “Ohhh, Brandy. Ummmm, yesssss!” She brought her small hands up her body, cupped her breasts, and offered them to the fabulous tongue. “Bite’em, Brandy. Bite me!” She was delirious with the pleasure of having her breasts licked. Brandy nipped at the bullet hard nipples of her round young breasts.

His cold nose brushed against her pink sweated flesh. Tail wagging, he slathered his tongue slowly over her hard nipples, and into her armpits, and up to her elbow. The strange new sensation boggled the virgin teen. She splayed her arms, shivering as his tongue slithered over her bosom, across her face, and under her arms, and sides, over and over. He was drenching her whole upper body in warm doggie drool, and she loved it, stealing her body into enamored rapture with his wet hot rough tongue.

“Oh, Brandy,” Nancy purred, floating on a sensuous cloud of passion. “Ooooo, I love you!” She rolled her hips fanning her legs as she cooed. Her fingers soaked with doggie drool, caressing the beast's face, scratching, playfully pulling on his ears she wanted to turn him on.

 Occasionally, his long broad tongue swiped over Nancy’s flushed face unexpectedly, and the woman-child squealed, causing Brandy to yip. She lifted her thighs and cooed, “Uhhhun, Brandy! Yes, Brandy,” Her glassy blue eyes floated. She opened her mouth to sigh, “Ooh!” and Brandy’s tongue slipped in. She choked for a moment, recovered, then sucked on his tongue, until he pulled it out. She moaned. “Ooh!”

Nancy poked her own tongue out, trying to attract the animal’s beautiful tongue back. It was like the first time, Billy had French-kissed her, only better. His coal-black eyes picked up the flicking of her tongue. He slathered his tongue, across her breasts, up her neck, over her face, and into her awaiting mouth, plunging it back into her throat. He licked inside her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, her tongue. Rolling it about slowly; inching it deeper into her throat. He licked tickling her gag reflex as Brandy’s tongue snaked in and out over and over. She began petting him under the neck, in a coaxing way.

Nancy was wrapped in a blanket of lust. His tongue was wonderful, no matter what he did with it. She sucked it with enthusiasm getting his whole tongue into her wide-open mouth. Brandy pulled his tongue from her mouth as she closed, scraping it over her teeth; he yipped and shook his head in protest.

“I’m sorry,” Nancy moaned. She lifted her hands, caressed his rubbery jowls. “I’m sorry.” She cooed. “Don’t stop. Please.” Brandy had no intention of stopping. He went back to slobbering all over Nancy’s breasts, nudging occasionally on her hard swollen nipples. His tongue sloshed through her armpits, causing her to shudder but he stayed away from her mouth.

Nancy didn’t know that Brandy had been trained to please since a puppy, and purchased by the Rands for that exact purpose. He was drooling on and between her young breasts. She only cared that Brandy was driving her to an exquisite peak of arousal.

Nancy breasts heaved uncontrollably to her fast deep breathing, she was enamored. She wanted more; she craved the pleasures of his tongue on more sensitive parts of her body. She gasped when this thought finally penetrated her lustful mind. Nancy remembered how she pleasured the beast with her hand.

She lifted her head and gasped as she watched him nibble at a the elastic band of her panties and start tugging at it. A shuddering spasm shot around inside her virgin pussy, as she thought, and gasped, “My pussy! God yesss! I hope he wants to ‘lick’ my pussy!” She used her hands with urgency lifting her buttocks off the mattress bicycling her legs as Brandy’s tugging began peeling her panties off exposing her wet, blushed bright red, virgin womanhood.

Nancy’s urging, shaky, hands tugged at Brandy’s head caused him to yip, and back away. Brandy returned and straddled the writhing child’s body, and started to lick her mouth coaxing it open, as she opened his tongue snaked its’ way in and rolling around and around, then deep enough to tickle her gag reflex. Then slithering his tongue out, and down the child's body, back up to her heaving breasts and down her sides as she lay there trembling. A shudder raked across her body as he poked her bellybutton with his cold nose, and started licking it continuously, long slathery licks, leaving a puddle of warm drool.

Every muscle in Nancy’s body was urgently squeezing, and releasing. She was closer than ever before to a ‘real,’ orgasm. Her sweet cream was coating her vulva, and seeping to her sweet fanny, and thighs covering them with a glistening glaze. Brandy stopped and just looked at Nancy's trembling body, licking the glaze from his chops.

She rolled her beautiful bottom up from the mattress, and started bouncing her fanny, and pumping her legs rhythmically splaying them wide. She settled back, trembling, panting waiting for the first swipe of his fantastic tongue. Nancy’s legs were spread as wide as possible; she reached for her feet with both hands, and pulled her legs flat, holding herself open, squeezing her eyes closed, and waited eagerly.

Brandy pushed his snout into her opened pussy, and with surprising suddenness, urine gushed, splashing off Brandy’s face, causing him to reel back yipping, shaking his head snorting, and sniffing. Nancy went insane. She bucked up twisting her hips, and collapsed back in a heap of writhing flesh with urine flowing out. When Nancy stopped peeing, she regained her hold and waited for Brandy to start again. The sheet had circular sprays spotted across it.

“Lick,” she cooed pleadingly, “Please... lick me!” She rolled her hips, enticing the animal to her sweet spot. Her fingers slid their way down her body pulling the puffy small folds of her sweet young, wet labia, exposing the pink never-before-touched vaginal opening.

Brandy moved to Nancy’s face, straddling her with all four legs. He began licking her lips, and chin, sliding his lathery tongue down her neck, and up to her earlobe rolling it on his teeth with his tongue. He was releasing a series of gasps and shudders from Nancy, as he nibbled, when she opened her mouth to breathe, again Brandy’s tongue slid in muffling her joyous shrieks. He withdrew his tongue and placed his head next to hers’ quietly tenderly licking her shoulders and neck.

Nancy regained some of her composure while, Brandy softly licked her ear, and she was feeling more at ease. Lying under this, hairy beast she playfully petted his neck, feeling his hot breath blow across her ear. She sensed something dripping on her downy hairs, and looked under him, and saw his red penis sticking out dripping. She found it exciting his essence splattering on her pelvis, running between her legs, clitoris, labia, and making her vaginal muscles quiver. She wondered if Brandy was going to start again.

Brandy as if he could read her mind began slathering his tongue across her shoulders inching his way down to her beautiful firm breasts across her hard nipples. He began taking long slow licks the full length of her torso starting at her pelvis ending at her nipples, and rolling them with his rough leathery tongue.

Nancy lay there bravely holding her self open, trembling as she knew he was about to start licking her, innocent, sweet little pussy. Brandy was sniffing at her inner thigh and giving it cautious licks moving closer. Brandy started taking long sensual licks from her little fanny out the full length of her inner thigh. He spread and opened her as he alternated from side to side. Brandy began licking her quivering anus, slithering the full length of his tongue across it.

She was gasping in short rapid breaths shuddering as she exhaled. Nancy’s pussy was feeling completely different it was as though she had a balloon inside her expanding, tingly as if it was being electrified. Nancy squeezed her eyes shut as her whole body ached from yearning. She only knew she wanted him to lick her right on the vagina so bad she started pleading, “Lick me! Oh God please.” She pushed on his head, and he yielded to her coaxing.

“Ooh! Au!” Her mouth opened, her eyes widened, and her nipples swelled atop heaving breasts as Brandy slathered his tongue over her pussy again and again. Nancy’s gasping cries of joy made his tail wag, his ears flick. Brandy began licking enthusiastically as Nancy’s sweet cream began to bubble onto his tongue.

He slithered his tongue over her virgin clitoris, labia, thighs and anus. Nancy’s soft pliant labia clung to Brandy’s rough leathery tongue as it slathered across parting her vaginal lips. Brandy’s tongue caused warm sudsy cream to flow from her innocent open vagina coating his tongue, and dangling from his jowls. He eagerly lapped it up, savoring Nancy’s sweet taste. The sounds his tongue made changed from a sticky slapping to a very wet sloshing almost like drinking from a water bowl, as Nancy’s juices flowed out. Frantically Brandy licked making muffled woofs as he slurped up the sweet cream.

Nancy didn’t believe the joy she was being overwhelmed with or how delightful the ache she felt in her belly became. With each swish of Brandy’s tongue Nancy’s insides felt like they were being sucked out through her vaginal opening. The sensual bombardment made her dizzy and light-headed. Intoxicated by her licentious passions; she lay there lost in the rapture.

“Ooh Au, Brandy!” sighing loudly. She clawed at the bed-sheet with both hands, ‘rhythmically undulating’ her body, as if she were afloat in a sea of warm water.

Nancy groaned loudly, “Brandy! Ooooo... Brandy!” Her lithe creamy body spasmed, writhing in pleasure. She lunged up thrusting her innocent vagina into his snout.

“Auhaahhh…!” she screeched as Brandy slurped his tongue parting the folds, seeking her entrance, the source of her sweet cream. He lifted his head and barked a few muffled barks, tail wagging as if he were trying to talk to her. Nancy looked at him desperately twisting her hips, lifting her fanny, and rubbing her sweet juicy pussy against his blunt snout. She didn’t know why he had stopped. She was too hot and innocent to figure it out what he was thinking.

“Don’t stop! Please.” She pleaded. Nancy was completely sweated. Brandy’s licking had sent her into sexual rapture.

Brandy dropped to his belly. His long, hot, rubbery tongue snaked out, slathering it again and again over Nancy’s clitoris, labia, and anus. Pushing it harder onto the Nancy’s swollen vaginal opening as if trying to penetrate her with it. Its leathery texture stretched the soft pliant vaginal lips splaying them wide revealing the dewy gems adorning Nancy’s pink vaginal walls

Nancy loved it, soaring wildly toward an explosive orgasm. “Yes. Brandy! Don’t stop!” she gasped near panic. Brandy didn’t. He pushed his snout into her pelvis, mashing her clit against his teeth as he licked. His tongue swished over her blood-engorged labia and clitoris sending her speeding toward the peak, of her first intense orgasm. She lay there writhing in rapture, dancing to Brandy’s tongue.

Nancy began arching, flexing, and bouncing in a mad frenzy as Brandy’s tongue lapped across her fully dilated vaginal opening. She belonged to the beast now as she thrashed about to Brandy’s heated licking, making her explode inside. She lifted her head and saw the tan beast between her parted legs. “Ooh, Au! Christ!” Her head dropped back with a thud. She placed her feet on his sides holding her self centered on his sweet tongue, and open.

Nancy’s buttocks thumped on the bed. Her small breasts jiggled like jelly. She thrusted her swollen vaginal opening onto his snout, squirming, twisting, forcing his cold wet nose between the velvety folds of her pussy. Her rectum quivered as his tongue swiped across it, sending electrical jolts throughout her young body.

Brandy’s snakelike tongue lashed rapidly over the Nancy’s pussy. Warm sudsy cum streamed out and over the pink puffy lips of her virgin womanhood. He wriggled his tongue between her vaginal lips finding the source of the sweet cream, and slurped greedily with his tongue. Long sweeping strokes of his tongue drinking her sweet cream, keeping her soaring at the peak.

Nancy was lost; melting inside, she started to cry with joyful tears, calling in a lost voice, rocking back and forth.

Sobbingly she called out, “Ooh! Au… God! Brandy! Ooh! Brandy…! Ooh, Brandy! God! Lliicckk…!” She cried, arching her back, eyes glowing, her face was red, and sweated. Nancy squished her sweet pussy against his muzzle, sighing loudly as her private parts were being lavished with his hot, rough tongue. Every muscle flexing, and releasing as Brandy slathered his tongue across Nancy ‘s engorged vulva. Breathing was in short rapid gasps, mixed with moans

Nancy drummed her fanny against the mattress. Her mature slender body writhing licentiously in blissful intoxication. She raked her firm breasts with her nails, twisting her rock hard nipples. Nancy squeezed her eyes closed gripping her hard nipples, as orgasms washed over her. Oblivious to her writhing body, she could only feel her cream being squeezed out by her convulsing vaginal muscles. Over and over she came from the Brandy’s relentless licking.

“Ooh, Brandy. I’m in heaven!” Nancy sighed slapping her legs against the mattress, her hips constantly moving, constantly drenching his snout with her warm sweet cream. She felt his slathering tongue covering her engorged vaginal opening. She cried deliriously as her orgasms subsided. She lay there quietly, even though Brandy was still slurping her cream.

Nancy lunged up, mashing her pussy into Brandy’s mouth she screamed out “Oohh…! God Oohh…! God Uuuhhh…Phew…”. Cum flowed from her creamy vagina, coating Brandy’s jowls. It was flowing out of his mouth, as he couldn’t lick fast enough. Her hips churned, urging him on as she had one last orgasm that ended as fast as it started, again she lay there quietly a few moments.

“No, more,” she cried. “No, more!” Her muscles ached; all of them, her vagina felt gapingly open.

Brandy didn’t listen; Nancy still had juice oozing from her sweet pussy. There was still a pool of vaginal-cream to be licked up. He slurped, savoring the sweet juice. He licked clean Nancy’s glazed thighs, her pussy, and to her quivering anus.

“No…! No! More…! Stop!” she gasped loudly. Nancy couldn’t take anymore. Her intoxication turned to numbness, then hurtful aching. She crushed her thighs together, trapping him.

Brandy yelped, then pulled his head out and stared at Nancy a quizzical expression on his face. Cum dripped down his jowls in long strings. Nancy stared at him, giggling with embarrassment. He looked like a rabid beast, his jowls covered with a glistening white creamy glaze, some dangling from his jowls.

Nancy stared at the ceiling; her eyes half closed, she was still enraptured, amazed at how excruciatingly delightful, climaxing is. Mystified by the events of the last few minutes and projecting new ideas into the future. “Goddamn, that was goood!” she said adding with her mind racing. She remembered; ‘how she was repulsed at the thought of doing anything like this with an animal,’ and her head reeling dizzily, as Nancy seductively skimmed her hand down the beast's hairy body. She touched the tip of his cock. “Ooooo…” she sighed. “It’s like touching hot meat. This is only the beginning.” Nancy started to think ‘sexual intercourse’ and how much more delightful that could be. Sounds from the nursery drifted into Nancy’s ears, telling her this is a perfect time to rest and recuperate.



My Aunts Panties-Love at First Sniff

pantyslut85 on True Stories

All typed below is true.

It all started one day when my mom got a call for me to babysit. Me being a guy gave me little desire to babysit, but what did was who I would be babysitting for. The request came from my aunt(by marriage), and it was to watch my dickhead cousins. My aunt was a MILF for sure. I had just found that girls made me hard, and boy did my aunt ever, shit almost made me c

My first time

vixiexynne on Animal Stories

My name is Emma Raddison. I'm 17 years old, and I've only recently lost my virginity.

Now - before I get to the juicy details, I should fill you in on a few important pieces of information. I live with my mother and father on a small farm in the midwest. It's nothing incredibly special - a little livestock is all we care for really. It's just so much cleaner and purer out here than it is in the cities.

I've been told I'm attractive. I have bright red, curly hair, green eyes, and a very nice figure. I'm tall and slender, with an hourglass figure and nice c-cup breasts. I wish I was just a little bigger, but no one is perfect. I've dated a few boys throughout my time in the public school, but no one really made me happy.

My favorite thing to do is run. I'm on the track t

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eam, and I'm one of the best athletes there. Every morning, I run from the front door of my house to as far as I can go. I run sometimes for two or three miles - towards the edge of the old forest in the north. I run in the early morning, take a break out by the stream, or at the top of a hill, or in the serene calm of an empty field, and then run back home after a short while.

This one particular morning, I woke up and got on my running clothes. I stepped onto the porch to put my shoes on, when the sound of barking alerted me to my dog - Donavin.

Don was a lab/retreiver mix. He wasn't the smartest dog, but he was the sweetest thing on four paws. He didn't do much on the farm, as our sheep were herded by the border collies, but my dad liked to use him when he went duck hunting. He was a beautiful dog - and as I said, incredibly sweet.

So I walked to the dog's pen and tapped on the chain fence. With his typical leaping gait, he ran to the fence and started to wag. He didn't quite wag his tail so much as wag his entire backside. I thought it was adorable. "Hey there Donny-puppy. What's the matter?" I asked. The dog's simple mindedness not really able to explain, so he just stood there, panting away.

"Want to join me on my run?" I moved to the gate and opened it carefully, keeping a quick eye on the dog, to make sure he didn't go tearing off into nowhere. Like the good dog he was, he scooted out and sat down by my side. I quickly went to the front door, opened it, and took out his collar and leash. I snapped the collar around his neck, and attached the leash to it. "Okay - think you can keep up?" I questioned the dog, before I headed out.

I ran - the dog kept up close to me. I didn't want to go too far - cause I wasn't sure exactly how long Don could run. I ran past the sheep, past the edge of our farm, and towards the forest. It was a good mile and a half run, and soon I was out of breath.

I sat down by the trunk of a large oak tree a couple hundred feet into the forest, away from any paths. Don, still on the leash, moved over towards my side, and sat still there, panting away. I lifted my hand, and rubbed his ears, ruffling them a little. "Good boy. Thought I'd lose you there."

It was probably because I had been wearing thick clothing, and because the morning was very hot - but I was sweating a lot. I felt a cool breeze, and knew it would feel very nice on my naked body. Yes - this is something I did a lot, too. If I got just hot enough, I would remove all my clothes, and sit in the nude with a cool breeze wafting over my body.

So I pulled my shirt off over my head, letting my body get cooled. My nipples stood erect, chilled by a cold wind. I hooked my hands into the band of my shorts, also grabbing my panties, and slid them off. I trimmed my hair down there - carefully. I didn't want to be fully smooth, and felt a small bit of hair was more sexy than a full tuft.

And there I sat, fully naked, letting the wind chill my body. My nipples erect to the cold, my sex feeling it blow over it. I leaned my head against the trunk, and sat with my legs open - perhaps my major mistake, as soon I felt a flat, wet thing slide up the whole length of my slit. I yelped a little in panic, and looked down, to see Donavin sliding his tongue into my privacy.

I should have stopped him. I should have pushed him away, but it felt too good. His tongue was long, flat, and flexible - it was probably the sweat on my body that enticed him - and soon I felt a heady rush of heat hit me. I felt him licking in places only my fingers had dared, the flat organ sliding into my body and licking at the walls of my sex, and I soon began to let out gentle gasps of pleasure.

I started to rub my breasts, feeling incredibly aroused as my dog's tongue invaded me. I had only read stories and seen pictures of this being done to other women - and imagined that it was all fixed or fake - but this, this was incredible. I was being driven mad, my mind whirling as I felt so incredibly dirty - but at the same time - so amazingly good.

It was here that I knew that I was going to take it too far. It was here I should have stopped. I should have let him drive me to orgasm and then push him back, but no - I wanted more. I was ready to be used. I wouldn't ever live it down - I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror for days after it, but I just had to have him in me.

I pushed the dog back a moment from my slit, and lowered my hands along his belly towards his sheath. I felt the heaviness and slight heat of my arousal build as I fingered around the opening. Donny started to squirm a little, growing agitated as my hand started rubbing the soft fur there, trying to free the entrapped shaft within.

Sure enough - within just a few moments, I felt the hardened organ slide from its home, falling to my awaiting hand. I began to rub it back and forth a little, trying to get my dog wanting, needing it. I didn't want to make him cum right there - but I wanted him very close - too close to worry about who it was he was about to mount.

I slid back, turning over on my hands and knees, and scooted back a little, so my butt pushed against his chest. He got the picture, and immediately hopped up, wrapping his paws around me and scooting forward. He tried a few test humps, missing the mark every time, before sliding off of my body. From what I had understood - it would take a few tries for him to hit it.

So again, I moved back and rubbed his cock. I returned to my original position, and he jumped back up. He missed again, and went back to licking. Third time being the charm, I moved back a little more, so I could feel his shaft touching the back of my thigh, and he jumped up once more, wrapped his paws around me, and found the spot.

I didn't imagine it would feel as good as it did - the entire thing took a very short time, only about a half a minute - but it felt too good to remember the exact time. He moved very fast, pounding away at my body, sliding his thick cock into my sex. He held on, and I just moaned away. My body feeling wracked by the feelings of sex. I didn't even let it come to my knowledge I had lost my virginity to my dog.

I felt him thrust some more, before I felt his knot squeeze past my lips. It popped in, and he started thrusting a little shorter and quicker. Before I knew it, I hit my climax. My body shook and quivered as my dog kept it going. Only a few more moments, and he thrust himself in one more time, and released a large load of his doggy seed into my body.

So that's how it happened - that's how I lost my virginity to my best friend. And let me tell you - I loved it. I have other such tales - but they'll wait for another time.


anniepervert on Animal Stories

"See you in three weeks Sophie," my friend Nathan called as he left and I walked in the other direction to catch the bus home, kicking myself for once again not telling him that I fancied him. And now, when I was eighteen, had finished my A-Levels and had the longest holiday ever, he was off on holiday and I had three weeks to kill before I saw him again. Of course, I'd be able to see my other friends, but it was hard living out isolated in our big house in the country.

I spent most of the first week at home on my own, reading, surfing the net, walking the dog, and also, taking advantage of the privacy, masturbating. Before I only used to do it once or twice a day, normally at night, but soon I was frigging five or six times while home alone. Allowing my fantasies to run

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really wild for once, I ended up by my second week spending hours on porn sites and reading erotica, becoming more than a little bit obsessed with sex. I even went so far as to go into town to buy a cucumber, with which I broke my virginity and got quite intimate with before it got so mushy I had to throw it away.

Throughout this time, Rover, our dog, a great big German Shepherd, frequently came over to me while I was masturbating, but I always shooed him away. Then one day I was slumped naked on the sofa, imagining Nathan eating my pussy out as I fingered myself, when Rover again came over. He walked so quietly and I was so immersed that at first I didn't notice his hot breath on my muff or even his long canine tongue licking me. The realisation was quite a shock, and I tried to push him away in disgust, but he persisted, and managed to get a good strong lick right up my cunt to my clit. Already fairly aroused by my own efforts, the rough texture of his hot wet doggy tongue on me was electric, and I stopped pushing him away. Instead I watched helpless as his big furry head lapped greedily at my vagina, quickly bringing me to a shuddering orgasm.

That, though, I thought was enough and I got up, getting ready to get dressed and take him for a walk. However, as I bent down to pick up my knickers, I chanced to glance sideways and saw that Rover, my beloved pet of four years, had an enormous stiffy. My sex obsessed brain started to whir, and somehow my longing for a real warm blooded cock in my pussy overran my revulsion at the idea of sex with non-human animals, and I was so horny that I just thought "Why not?"

Instead of getting dressed, I knelt down next to Rover, petting him, and then, taking a deep breath, I went down on all fours. Immediately I felt his paws scramble up my back and screamed as his dog penis rammed right up my cunt, seven inches of hot, two inch thick flesh pounding fast in and out of me, stretching my tunnel considerably more than the cucumber. His legs hung down over my shoulders and I could hear his panting in my ear as he drooled over my brown hair and my neck. I was yelping like a dog now, pretending it was Nathan or Mr Greene the sexy English teacher fucking me rather than my pet.

The hard warm veined dick was better than any vegetable, and after the initial shock I began to enjoy the short, fast and hard thrusts into my vagina. Just as I was nearing orgasm though, I felt Rover pull out with a faint wet pop and a warm wet and sticky substance ran down my leg from my crotch. He was now trying to lick my face, and looking at his swollen cock I was seized by an impulse I still don't understand, and took it in my mouth while it was still dripping.

Sucking as hard as I could in my sexual fever, I felt the dick expand, and as my tongue swirled around the pointed end I had to pull away suddenly, half choking as my mouth was filled with doggy cum. I was still spitting and wiping the smelly liquid from my chin when I screamed again as Rover jumped on my back and started fucking me again, his cock feeling if anything wider than before. The stretching of my virgin twat only just stopped short of being painful, but I was soon enjoying being doggy fucked even more than before.

Going down on one elbow with my arse up in the air, I reached back past my swaying breasts, through my thick bush to finger my clit, the canine dick pulling and pushing at my lips above it. I was moaning and yelping in pleasure from the force of the fucking when suddenly, I climaxed, practically collapsing. Crying louder as the orgasm kept going, Rover fucking as hard as ever. Then he suddenly stopped too, and I felt more dog cum dripping out of me down my thighs, but I had another smaller orgasm when I felt his cock expand inside me, before he pulled out making a sound like a cork leaving a bottle.

Spent, I sat for a while petting my panting dog, canine spunk oozing slowly out of my hole into a sticky mess over my pubic hair and thighs, then started to clean up and get dressed. Taking Rover for a nice long walk before lunch, I went over my morning's activities in my mind with a mixture of disgust and eroticism. As I said, over the weeks I'd worked myself into a kind of sex frenzy, so eventually the eroticism won, and I started to feel horny again, deciding that as long as no one else knew, and as long as I didn't have a human partner, I may as well continue fucking Rover as he enjoyed it so much.

So after lunch, I was feeling really horny again, so I took Rover up to my room and started to strip off. When I was only in my knickers, I noticed that with the big full-length mirror on the wall facing my bed and the big one on my chest of drawers at the side, I would be able to watch myself engaging in beastiality. Excited by this I left the room, my tits bouncing, to fetch the mirror in the bathroom, which I placed on a chair the other side of my bed so I could see from three angles. Lying on my bed and adjusting them, I wished I had one behind and above as well.

Pulling my knickers off too, I sat on the floor leaning against the bed and facing the mirror, playing with myself. Rover padded over and started licking my face, and with my free hand I reached under him and into his fur, stroking at his dick. It soon started to extend out of its sheath and into my palm, a thick soft length of skin warm in my hand.

Feeling ready, I pulled myself up by my elbows to lie on the bed, but only got the top half of my back on it before Rover jumped up on me. As he licked my face frantically I guided his Alsatian dick into the small moist slit in my muff, and he began pounding away. In this position I could put my arms around my furry lover, his soft fur lovely against my breasts, although it also meant my face was soon wetter than my cunt with my dog's slobbering, plastering my shoulder length brown hair to it.

My insides receiving the now familiar sensation of being cummed in, I scrambled up on the bed properly. Rover followed but his penis still popped out, spraying my stomach and hairy groin with canine semen. With my head on my pillow and Rover above me I felt more comfortable with continuing my beastiality. Calming Rover down enough to keep still, I raised my hips off the bed and inserted his fat cock inside me. Off he went again, screwing me like there was no tomorrow, and glancing in the mirror facing the bed all I could see was his furry arse and wagging tail with my long pale slender legs spread out either side. The mirrors to the left and right were more interesting as I could watch my flushing face and strange expressions as I was sexually pleasured by a big hairy dog.

Once more I imagined I was being fucked by a human, hugging Rover, and barely noticing as my vagina was again flooded and leaking cum. The dog's cock expanded, but he seemed content to carry on, cumming a further three times before I did. As I arched my whole body up into him he came again, and only withdrew when I collapsed, taking my pussy out of his reach. To thank him, and having overcome my feelings of revulsion, I took his still throbbing dick in my mouth and sucked for a good five minutes. He came again and again, until finally, my chin, neck, breasts, crotch, inner thighs and duvet were covered in his spunk, his dick began to shrink.

After that, I fucked my dog nearly everyday throughout the summer, so much so that when I finally slept with Nathan at the end of August I had to pretend I'd had a relationship before. And still while I was going out with him and others after I continued, as they were never able to be around enough. It was only when I had to leave Rover and go to university that I stopped being done properly doggy-style for any significant length of time - though guess what my favourite position is?


My little Secret part 2

Joytoy on Animal Stories

Now my secret was about to be found out, and one that I found out was even wilder them my own but that's for another time. yes that's the end of my first story here but there is more and since a few asked here it comes. Buddy and I had a few more playtimes i tried to keep it discreet as possible if you can keep something like that discreet. it was getting to the point that buddy wanted me all the time now i could be sitting on the couch with my hubby and buddy would stick his nose in my crotch and start sniffing or even licking me. now i hated to discourage him but i could not let hubby know yet at least not till I broke it to him in my own way. Both of us are pretty open and like I said ewe have a wild sex life just not to sure if he was wild enough fro this to be sprung on him yet like t
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his. So it had been about two months now where I was using buddy about three times a week sometimes two and three sessions on those days buddy was full of stamina. Then suddenly I noticed buddy was not cumming and much or seemed like the poor old boy was tired. Man how in the world can that be? After a week maybe two tops of this I was concerned thinking something might be wrong with buddy but how in the world would I take him to the vet and say "hey Mr. veterinary man my dog don't want to fuck me as much it seems or his cum is no whereas much as he use to be," i would be throw in jail or the loony bind maybe both. But I did call to make an appointment saying he seems slower and well just to have him checked out. The appointment was made on Monday at 1 I work till 3 but took off early to take my dear old friend to the vets. now here is where my surprise takes place. I came home and into The house like always but no buddy ... not at the door to greet me not in his bed sleeping hmm where is he? Then i heard it. moaning upstairs not just moaning but my husbands voice. upstairs i went and peeked in the room and on the bed fully nude my hubby was laying the stroking himself every lightly with my buddy licking the head of his dick. hell buddy was devouring it licking ht head licking the balls and then i saw my hubbies other hand stroking buddy slowly. his red cock was out and hard as a rock. my pants where getting soaked watching this i stood behind the door looking on getting so excited then after a few minutes hubby turned and lowered under buddy licking the dogs dick and moaning deeply. i had never see my husband give a blow job but man was he good at it and buddy seemed to enjoy it to. i watched the dog start to hump his mouth while my husband sucked this long red doggie dick. his cock hard and leaking all over the place while the dogs was getting sucked and good it seemed. them i knew the signs buddy started to whine and hump fasted he was randy to cum well my hubby knew it to because he started to moaned and sucked her harder. them hubby lifted off Buddy's cock long enough to shout out: " Oh yea boy cum. in my mouth let me taste your hot doggie load gain boy now' Then back to sucking i could hear the suction as he sucked that cock and buddy panted and squirted deep in to my husbands mouth he pulled his dick out to squirt all over his face in his mouth on his tongue i was playing with my self i got off quietly watching this. and it hit him so hot that i watch his cock starting o com without anyone touching him the dogs cum had made my husband squirt. buddy took no time to waste cleaning him up at all. and i now knew why buddy was tired he was being well used by both of us. but how do i let hubby in on our little secret. I waits till Friday and set my plan in to action. i called buddy to me while i got nude. oh buddy knew what was in store his cock already hard and even wet. i knew hubby would be home from work and said he would be there to go straight to cutting the grass at 1 . then we where to go out for a drive today at 3. so her it is at 12:45 i am completely naked and on my back legs open wide the dog licking my pussy into a frenzy and i open the curtains on the sliding glass door where i know hubby will be working in the yard. i lost track of time with buddy eating my pussy i got off at least twice then hoped up on my hands and knees and buddy jumped up behind me his long doggie dick poking away leaking his precum down my thigh over my butt till i adjusted and he hit home. that long thick dog cock pounding into him his tail in the air his tongue hanging out while i moaned and fucked him back. as i said i lost track of time i was so into buddies fuck feast until i looked up seeing my hubby standing there at the door staring to me. i let loose as i cam again hard " Oh God yes Fuck me Buddy stick that doggie dick in mama harder oh God yes fuck me doggie FUCK ME I'm cumming" I came all right and when I open my eyes feeling buddy starting to cum inside me that long hot load pouring into my cunt to see my husbands face i saw more then that i saw our neighbor staring at me to standing beside my hubby .now that's another story

The Agreement

Trap on Animal Stories

The Agreement


This story is one I have pretty much held to myself for a long time. Though it is one I have thought of often through the years. I am 58 years old now and for some reason I am at a sexual peak. I figured I would have calmed down by now in that department, but instead it is getting stronger. With new things such as the internet and pornography being so available, I am like a teenager again. My wife loves it too, thank God, or I might be in trouble. Anyway, I came across the sex stories post website and have enjoyed reading all the stories. I decided this would be a good place to share this story finally as it is anonymous. My wife doesn’t even know about this because I wanted to protect the person. The subject is my sister after all. It isn’t

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really about me, but rather something I saw that completely blew my mind. And an embarrassing moment at the end.

This story goes back a lot of years to when I was only twelve years old. My family and I lived in a small town then in Iowa. We were poor folk, but so was everyone else so we really didn’t know the difference. My father was a loving, hard working man that was never home when the sun was up. He left early in the mornings to go work on a dairy and corn farm and he wouldn’t get home until after dark. My mother was a homemaker up until I turned about ten years old. Then she got a job at a laundry store and was gone during the day as well. She took the job because us kids were getting older and she felt like we could take care of things around the house. It was only me, our dog Spotty and my sister there during the day. Spotty was our German Shepard that Debbie had asked for as a protective measure after mom got the job at the laundry store. Debbie was my sister’s name and she was five years older than me, seventeen when this story happened.

Now you must remember that I was young during this time and really didn’t know much about the facts of life, but I did notice changes in the two years that mom had been with a job. Debbie did a great job of taking care of the house and I did my part too. We lived in town, so there wasn’t a whole lot of outdoor chores to do other than keeping up the yard and things like that, but Debbie made me a deal that she would take care of everything inside if I agreed to take care of things outside. She did insist that I stay outside throughout the day however. And if I wanted to come inside for something, I had to knock on the door as she always had it locked. Again, I didn’t think too much about it. My sister and I were close and she was always sweet to me so I never argued or questioned her much. I viewed her as the one in charge so I pretty much did as I was told. Her and Spotty would stay inside and I stayed outside and that’s the way it went. I did notice a few things that I think led up to what happened.

I didn’t think much about it at the time, but looking back I can see that Debbie was a very beautiful girl. She was a girl who kept herself neat and groomed and now I know that she was very sexual. She was a brunette with the face of an angel. Big pouting lips and big blue eyes that are still the most beautiful I have ever seen. She was a small girl at only 5'1" tall and weighed less than 100 pounds. She had a great body with large breasts and a slim waist and buttock. Her complexion was pale and lovely. After mom and dad would leave, she would get out of bed and clean up the breakfast stuff that mom had made for her and dad. Then she would make more and call me up to eat if I was still asleep. I notice that she would always wear a thin satin robe in the mornings and she never had anything underneath. She would always be wearing only socks and her robe and nothing underneath, something she never did when mom was still at home. Sometimes she would even let the robe fall open as she worked in the kitchen and I would get glances of her large breasts and even the dark bush of her pussy sometimes. Now I have to admit that even though she was my sister, I did look when I got the chance and it made me feel tingly. I now think that she did it on purpose so that I could see. I won’t say that she was attracted in that way toward me, but that she did enjoy letting me see her. She was a voyeur. The strangest thing though was that sometimes one of the drapes of the window would be open, even though she kept them closed usually, and I would look in as I did my yard work. Most times she would be completely naked! I would stare at her perfect naked body as she worked until she turned around toward the window. I didn’t want to get caught after all. My young cock would always get hard too, which made me feel guilt and shame at the time. I never payed it much attention though and just went back to work. I have to admit that even though I was pretty ignorant about things at the time, I did think that was strange. I never questioned her about it though and I never got caught looking.

Then one summer day it happened. I saw something that I couldn’t believe and still have a hard time believing today. We were kids during a time when sex was pretty much taboo. It was 1962, but the emerging sexual revolution of the decade hadn’t really got going yet and certainly hadn’t in our small down, so sex was still a very conservative thing that no one talked about. And for teenagers it was strictly taboo. I can still remember a family one year before this had suddenly moved out of town during the night. No one said why, but everyone knew. Their teenage daughter had suddenly started putting on a lot of weight around the mid-section and it was found that she was pregnant. That was a real no-no back then. I guess that is one reason why Debbie did what she did.

It all started when I became bored with nothing to do. The heat was feeling unbearable that day and at about three o’clock, I decided to go inside and get a nice glass of ice water. I usually just took a drink from the water hose, but I was feeling extra hot and wanted to sit on the couch a minute. I went to the front door and started to knock. Before I did, I involuntarily tried to turn the doorknob and to my surprise it opened. I just figured that Debbie had forgotten to lock it and I walked in and forgot about it. Debbie was not in the room so I went to the kitchen. She wasn’t there either so I just got my glass of water and went back to the living room to relax a minute. I figured that if she were naked again, she would see me first and have time to go cover herself. After a while I started to almost drift off to sleep when I heard a giggling noise coming from down the hall. I figured it was Debbie so I thought I would go down and tell her I was inside so she could cover up like she usually did. As I got down the hall, I looked into her bedroom to see her sitting in the floor with Spotty. She was rubbing his head and playing with him as he playfully nipped at her hand. She was naked of course, and I have to admit I was admiring the view so I continued to watch. From where I was standing, I didn’t figure she would see me and if she did I would claim that I had just gotten there. As I continued to watch, I noticed that she began to rub his stomach and he rolled over onto his back. He became unusually still as she slowly rubbed him. Then she began talking to him a little and I was surprised and confused at what she was saying.

"Oh Spotty. If only you were a man. I still love you though. Are you ready to help me again like you always do? Let me see." She said.

I looked on as she began to rub lower and lower down on his stomach and was surprised to see that she began rubbing the sheath and then all the way down to his testicles. As she slowly rubbed him, I noticed that she was also rubbing herself down on her pubic region. This was really getting my cock hard but I wasn’t feeling too guilty, only curious. Then she took her hand away from her pubic region and moved her legs apart and began to take off her socks. That is when I got a look at her pussy for the first time. I had seen her pubic hair before, but now I could see the opening and it made me feel even better as my cock began to throb. Oddly enough, after she took her socks off, she put them on each of Spotty’s front paws. I must say that it was weird to see this and my curiosity only grew. Spotty seemed frozen from her touches and never objected to her putting the socks on him. Then she turned her attention to his sheath and balls with both hands. Even though it was a dog, seeing a girl touch it’s privates was exciting. Suddenly Spotty’s red prick began to inch out from it’s sheath and grow longer and fatter as it became more exposed. Debbie began talking again.

"That’s my boy Spotty. You are always ready and I love you for it. I’m going to try something that I hope you like. You have been so good to me." She said.

Then to my awe, she got up on her knees and straddled the dog so that her head was at his hind end and the dogs head was underneath her pussy. Then things really got interesting as I watched her take her tongue and run it up and down the shaft of the dogs red prick. It looked very wet and slimy and I did see Debbie grimace a little when she first tasted it, but she continued anyway. Then the dog must have gotten a scent of Debbie because he began to lap his tongue up at her crotch. Her body tensed and she moaned out a little as he lapped away at her pussy and anus. She then paused a minuted, closed her eyes for several seconds moaning, and then put the dog’s prick into her mouth! This continued for several more seconds until she finally sat up stiffly and gave out a low but powerful growl that I know now must have been her climax. The dog kept lapping away as I could hear more slurping sounds like he was licking up her cum. Then she put the dog’s prick back in her mouth and began to stroke it with her fingers. That’s when I saw some white gooey liquid come out the corners of her mouth as she pulled away and let a large amount of white liquid run from her mouth into her palm.

She moved quickly off of the dog and I backed away a little thinking she might be heading out the door. I hadn’t noticed before, but my hand was down the front of my pants and was wrapped around my cock. I had been watching so intently that I didn’t realize I had done it. After a minute, she hadn’t come out so I inched back up to get a view. I noticed her wiping her hands with a towel and then start rubbing Spotty’s sheath and balls again, much faster this time.

"Oh no you don’t Spotty. That was a free one. You still have to fuck me Spotty so get that damn prick back out." She said.

The way she was talking excited me so much that I pulled my pants down to my knees and began to stroke my cock. It was the first time I had ever masturbated and I couldn’t believe how good it felt. After much prodding, Spotty’s prick finally reappeared and Debbie quickly spun around and got on all fours with her ass in the air pointed toward Spotty. From this vantage point it was pointed my way as well and I could see her opening pussy and the pucker of her anus as she began to whistle and call for Spotty who was still lying down in the same position.

"Come on Spotty. Come here boy. You know what to do. Just mount me boy and fuck me." She was saying.

I could feel an something enormous mounting in my loins as she spoke which scared me a little. I stopped jerking off for a minute as the feeling subsided and then slowly began again. Spotty finally popped up and walked over to Debbie’s ass. He gave it a sniff and then mounted his paws on top of her, still covered with the socks. Debbie reached back between her legs and guided his prick toward her as he began to hump. I could see that she was guiding him to her pussy but was amazed when something went wrong. Spotty was humping more and more erratically as he tried to find a hole. Debbie’s grip slipped and she called out to him.

"No Spotty! Not there! Lower! NO! OUCH!" She said as I saw spotty’s prick begin to enter her asshole before his leg blocked my view.

Debbie pushed him away and sat down a minute breathing heavily. Then she looked at Spotty and laughed a little.

"Spotty, that’s not the right hole. At least not yet." She said.

Then she got back up on all fours and Spotty mounted her again. This time I guess he hit the right hole as Debbie said "that’s it" and put her hand back on the floor. Next thing I knew Spotty’s hips were humping as fast as you could imagine an Debbie began to moan and buck as her head and hair flayed all over. She became louder and louder as he fucked her until she finally grabbed a pillow from on top of the bed and buried her face into it. I could hear her muffled screams of pleasure even through the pillow. After a few minutes, she was giving that low growl again which I knew meant she was cumming. Afterwards, she raised up long enough to say "OH GOD!" loudly and then buried her face back in the pillow and screamed. Then Spotty suddenly stopped. I didn’t figure out until later, but that must have been when his knot stretched her pussy and stuck inside so he could cum. He had stopped for several seconds so he could finish and then began to try and pull away. Debbie was saying "ouch" a lot and showing a face of pain as he worked to get free. He had spun himself all the way around until his ass was turned toward Debbie’s. Then I heard a low pop and he quickly pulled away from Debbie. I watched as a stream of white dog cum flowed out of her now gaping pussy and onto the towel she was on. That’s when I felt the mounting intensity in my own balls again but this time didn’t stop as I began to spurt my own white cum out onto the hallway floor. My eyes were closed and my knees were weak as I leaned against the wall finishing up my own orgasm. That’s when I heard her voice.

"Johnny! What are you doing?" She said.

I opened my eyes wide to see my naked sister standing up at the doorway. She must have been on her way to the bathroom as she half-way tried to cover herself with the soiled towel. I hadn’t heard her get up.

"I . . . I . . .just came in for . . . some water." I stammered.

"Why on Earth are you jerking off in the hallway?" She asked as her face got more puzzled. I knew she was beginning to understand. I also saw that she hadn’t taken her eyes off of my cock. It was probably the first real cock she had ever seen.

"I just came to check on you and you were in here with Spotty and . . ." I was stopped.

"Ok, I understand now." She said with some concern. "Let’s just pretend this never happened. You get cleaned up and go back outside and no one will ever have to know about any of this, OK?"

I just nodded my head in agreement and pulled my pants back up. She seemed happy with my quick agreement and then did something I couldn’t believe. She lowered the towel with a grin and then walked up to me. She took my hands and placed my palms on her tits. I froze in embarrassment, but I have to admit my first touch of tits was fantastic. Her nipples were so hard and her skin was so soft and smooth. Then she grabbed my cock and milked out the remaining cum into her own hand and wiped it on the towel. It was fantastic.

"You know Johnny, all you need to do next time you jerk off is ask. I’ll let you look at me while you do it. I might even let you touch me, or even shoot your cum on me." She said.

Then she slowly walked away and into the bathroom as I lowered my hands from her breasts. After a few seconds guilt really set in and I ran outside. I’m ashamed to admit that I would like to be able to tell you that I took her up on her offer, or that I even had sex with her. But after that day, it really was like it never happened. Her demeanor never changed and she never propositioned me nor did I her. We were just same old brother and sister again. I did try to look in the windows more often and every once in a while I would get lucky and see her. I would especially be happy when I saw her from the back yard because I would usually jerk off even though I was outside. There was usually no one around anyway, and I would cum all over the side of the house. It would give me something to do though when I washed it off, never feeling the guilt I had before. Wish as I did, I never saw her with Spotty again, though when she moved out after graduation the next year, she did take Spotty with her. I knew she must have fucked that dog every day and I still masturbate thinking about it. But what really gets me going is thinking about our encounter in the hall afterwards and what she said to me. I guess it was best that it never happened, though sometimes I wonder how far I could have gotten if I had tried. I feel better finally being able to tell this story to someone and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks.

First time for anything

scoutsatan on Animal Stories

It happened while I was on holiday with some friends a few years back in Spain.

We where all keen to get there and get laid. Things didn’t go to well at first as we where so young.

We ended up going out and getting drunk doing the yousel type stuff you do at 17. I got bored of in then end and wondered off myself and ended up in a bar by myself.

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As I sat there getting drunk I was approached by an older couple who I started chatting to me. They bought some drinks and we started to get along real well. They told me that they had retired early after making a good living in France.

It was pretty clear that the lady whose name was sandrean was pretty keen on me and this made me nervous as her husband was right there with us.

She must have picked up on this as she leaned closer and told me that it was ok that it turned him on and that she would love to take me back to there villa and fuck me.

Her husband jean herd all this and in a thick French accent told me that it turned him on to watch his wife get fucked by young guys.

I was a bit weary at first but soon warmed to the idea after a few drinks. Not to much later we where pulling up to the gates of a nice villa with a beautiful pool out side.

As the gates opened and we went through the gate a large Pyrenees mountain dog appeared and ran over to great them lovingly. I thought no more of this and went in side.

No sooner was I in the door and sandrean was kissing me wildly and opening my trousers to free my cock. Now I had only had full sex once before and fumbled around in the dark with a few girls. So to see this beautiful sexy older French woman dropping to her knees and start to take my cock in her mouth was something I will never forget. (Or what followed)

Jean appeared naked witch kind of through me at first but I soon got used to it as he sat on the couch and started to play with him self.

Sandream then pulled me to the floor and squatted over my face putting her shaved pussy in my face. I remember how nice it tasted but couldn’t really see much else.

I herd them talk in French whilst this was going on and then herd the dogs feet come in to the room on the tiled floor. It was then that she asked me if I wanted to see something really kinky, to witch I said of course. She called the dog over and reached under him and grabbed his cock witch was sort of just poking out from its sheath.

As soon as she touched and pulled it a large cock appeared from the dog. I could not believe what I was seeing and was in total shock, though turned on at the same time.

She began to masturbate the dog while sitting on my chest.

This was making me really horny and she new it. So she pulled the dog closer and slid down my body and pushed my cock in side her. I was ready to explode. But she stopped still and lowered her head near mine and pulled the big dog closer.

She then pulled its cock to her mouth and began sucking its cock. Rocking back and fourth on me very slowly. This was excellent and I could not believe how turned on I was getting. The now huge cock was inches from my face being sucked by a very sexy lady.

What happened next took me by complete surprise as she took the cock out her mouth and pushed it towards me. I could not help myself and took it in my mouth and began to suck on it, to my surprise it felt and tasted lovely. Sandrean began to let out moans of pleasure grinding her self down on me harder. This must have been some sign for jean as I felt him kneel between my legs and start to play with her pussy as my cock was going in and out of her. She then asked me which still makes me laugh to this day if I minded if jean joined in. I had a large dogs cock in my mouth and the mans wife on my cock.

So I mumbled no problem. The dogs cock was beginning to swell at one end and I had no idea what it was. The dog was panting heavily and my mouth was filling up with it’s cum. I was about to come and sandrean new it she quickly moved of my cock which jean grab and put in his mouth and sucked down my come. In the space of short time I had forfilled a fantasy of having a beautiful older woman and two which would have never crossed my mind. Sucking a dog off and having a man suck my cock.

When I lay there and they moved away I noticed they had a few cameras set up I hadn’t noticed before. And jean had my passport which he said I could have back when the where finished with me. They had my address at home and said if I did not do what I wanted over the next few days they would send it.

I was in one part shocked and afraid by this and one part turned on.

I had really enjoyed what had just happened and was up for more experiences.

So I had much more to do.

I hope you enjoyed the first part of my story there is so much more to tell.

Let me know if you like and I might tell you more. I have never told anybody about what happened.








Teenage Pet

steffsexslave on Animal Stories

Here's a confession from my past. Hope you can forgive a girl her sins .

When we were about 18 my mate Debbie and me were sunbathing nude in her back garden. Just a girl thing, nothing lesbian or anything. Just enjoying our bodies in the hot sun. Debbie’s lying front down on a beach towel, her head resting on her arms and with her eyes shut. I'm on my back on a sun lounger reading some trash mag.

Then her family's dog, a cute chocolate labrador comes bounding up all happy like. Debbie's all chatty to him but she doesn’t look up or move. The dog’s all eag

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er to get her full attention, licking her legs, sniffing away, wagging his tail. Then he starts sniffing between her legs and poking his nose up her ass, next he starts giving little probing licks. At first Debbie doesn’t seem to react, she just sighs. but then she opens her legs giving the dog easier access. She’s not minding me being there at all.

Next thing the dogs licking away like crazy, all up her asshole and around her vagina. I can see his tongue getting right in between her butt cheeks. She’s letting out little moans and groans, which become bigger moans and groans.  She starts raising her butt to meet his tongue.

I'm absolutely gobsmacked.

The dogs red prick thing starts coming out and i think oh gawd he's going to fuck her. I just lie there mesmerised by the scene. I just keep repeating her name in a hushed and imploring sort of way.
“No Debbie  he's getting ….. he's going to........ “

Then she just turns over and with a great big grin on her face, pushes the dog’s face away from her crotch  and tells the dog to..
"See Steffie...see Steffie"

The dogs still trying to lick her ass and cunt so she stands up and walks him over to me. She pulls him around to face me and I feel my legs open wide. I must have been well turned on because the dog seems to scent me and jumps straight up on the sun lounger and nuzzles between my legs with his cold wet nose…. uurgh ...GROSS..... but then his big strong tongue ran over my cunt and pushed and parted my labia lips….. Good God… !!!

With big, broad and sweeping lapping he explored every fold of my vulva. What  beautiful, beautiful bliss! His tongue was so strong, he could easily force it deep up my cunt.  I just lay there spreading my legs wider and wider, letting him push his tongue up me deeper and deeper..

I'm looking up at Debbie, I’m trying to say something but don’t know what. She just keeps smiling at me and says "Good isn't he", I'm unable to answer her.  His tongue is going so fast now, twisting and curling inside me, he keeps changing his rhythm, his direction, his depth, I’m squirming and squealing with pleasure.
”Please Debbie…. pleeease…..”

I don't know how far I'd have gone but Debbie pulled him off. My legs are wide open, my cunt gaping and I'm soaked with my own juice and dog spit.  She  gives the muff diving mutt a big huggy shake and runs him back into the house. When she returned she chucks a small towel on my crotch and settles herself back down to sunbathing. 

She looks up just once.
“You ok babe?”
”I’m ok Debs, I’m just fine”

We never did it again, and I was too embarrassed to talk about it. I'd always blush wildly whenever I was at Debbie's and her dog was about. Her mother must have thought I was allergic or something.

I've always wondered if it was illegal or not?   Do you know?

While the Owner is away, the doggies will Play!

BeastlyDreams on Animal Stories

House sitting, was never her idea of a fun weekend.. but at least the home owners two dogs were there to keep her company.
She couldnt complain really, free food, cable, internet, movies. And she was getting paid.
Living in the lap of luxury for a few days wouldnt kill her.
Of course the two rottweilers would need her constant  care.
The owner, being very fond of the dogs regretted that she couldnt have just taken them with her, but they were each well over 120 lbs and that was well impossible for the cramped quarters she would inhabit on her trip.

But the woman (Becca) promised to take good care of them dogs and her house while she was out of town.

Just having stepped out of the shower on her first morning at the new house since noone was

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there, she decided to just leave the towel wrapped around itself covering her body with it.

Both dogs were swarming at her feet, licking the droplets of water from her legs, and running about like they were puppies.

She wondered what had gotten into them, realizing that she wasnt going to be able to get ready and dress with those twp huge dogs playing tag in the small bedroom with her. So she decided feeding them was the only option to get them out from under foot and called them down the steps with her as she went.

The dogs area was in the kitchen, their food was kept in a bag in the closet.
Both dogs at her heels excitedly, she assumed they knew they were going to be fed as they rushed past her once the door was in sight. She made her way past them and into the cubboard, she leaned over to pick up their bowls, and as she did she felt a warm feeling between her legs. And before she could think what it was, it came again and then again. She leaned around herself looking behind her to see the biggest of the two dogs with his nose up her towel.
"Butch!" she scolded him and he lowered his snout.

She turned then back to reach the bowls, this time being slightly wet from the previous time, she suddenly felt a long warmness reach into her pussy.
She stepped one foot in front of her to turn around to push the dog from her, but as she did, the dog moved with her one step, bringing his snout persistantly against her pussy, licking her deeper. She felt his cold  nose pressing against her as his tounge went deeper in her than any man had ever reached. And it had never before felt like this.. before her hands even reached the dog, they dropped to her sides.. allowing Butch to continue his incessant licking.

He wiggled his head, tring to get inside her even farther.. and she couldnt believe she was about to do this.. but she opened her stance, widening the opening so Butch could tounge her like he was begging for.
Butch must have realized that she was submitting to him and behind him his cock began to poke out of it's sheath a pointed red tip beginning to show through his furry underside.
He began to lick her deeper, moving his tounge up to her ass, pressing it againt her tight hole before moving back down to push it again into her pussy.

She stood like this, the towel still around her, letting this dog lick her deepest  reaches with it's tounge.. when she felt his paws searching her back, wrapping around the towel encircling her waist.
He reared up, his back legs starting to pump his cock back and forth on her ass and the backs of her thighs..
"Butch.. no.." She was hardly using to tone that he took seriously, arching his back to pump his cock up trying to find her wet hole with it.

She bent her knees only slightly as she stood a bit too tall for him, giving him just the right angle.. he pushed his member against her, sinking it this time a millimeter into her pussy, he must have felt the warmth for his back legs started to immediately walk up to her, and pumping at the same time.
The result was a pounding like she had never had before.. his back legs moved up as his cock plunged forwards with new found strength, the dog grunted low as it hit it's mark sinking deep in her pussy..
she felt the thin little member plunging in and out ofher, his front feet locked around her waist.. fucking the hell out of her, she began to moan as the other dog came around to her front to check her out.

Licking against her face, he pushed his tounge past her lips, she submitted quickly to him as he forced his tounge past her lips, inching closer to her. She opened her mouth allowing him to plunge his tounge into her mouth, licking as far back as he could reach while the bigger dog continued to pump his cock in her.
It was growing bigger, she felt it getting larger and larger.. his back legs were moving up and down, prancing around as he humped against her again and again, pushing his cock in her as far as he could get it.
meanwhile she couldnt moan out, for the other dog had worked it's muzzle almost all the way into her mouth, licking and licking the back of her throat, the top and against her tounge, making slobbering sounds as he stretched his tounge out as far as it would go, enjoying the flavor of her mouth.
the other dog panting against her flesh now grunting and growling as he pushed and pulled his cock in and out of her.
She noticed that he wasnt pushing as deeply now.. his grip had loosened slightly.. his breath was shorter, and the panting had stopped.

the smaller dog still licking hr mouth furiously.
The bigger dog pumped pushing his furry legs against her ass, he was almost stopped now pumping in and holding it inside of her longer and longer until finally he didnt pull out at all.. she felt SO full! But she hadnt cum yet, she was so damn close..
his cum spraying all inside her, deep inside her... filling her.
He dismounted, and let his cock shrink down and moved away to a corner to lick himself but not before tounging her deep once more to clean up the large amounts of cum that burst from her pussy once his dick was removed.

The smaller dog, her mouth now raw and sore, saw the bigger dog dismount and perked up it's ears, walking to the back of her and growling loudly at the big dog that had just fucked her.
He retracted his tounge and walked away quite tired, and ready for a nap, not a fight.
The new dog now began to lick her pussy deep with his tounge, her body sinking down to all fours this time, her mouth was stretched, and her pussy was too.
He licked up inside her until she began to moan again, and then he too used her back as a leg up, wrapping his paws around her waist locking them so she couldnt move away from him.
She then felt his cock banging against her ass, wet slick red dick tring to stick in her hole. his pants were small as he searched...
Then he found it, sinking his cock inside, he let his legs walk him closer so that there was no space between his furry hips and her round bottom. Pumping her now much like the other dog had just done. Poking his dick inside her hole so well fucked from before.. then his dick popped out of her pussy, and to her surprise it began to poke around her tight little ass, searching for entrance to it.
She tried to get up when she felt that.. he growled at her and pumped harder.. stopping while his cock was just outside her hole, grinding his hips against her to work his dick into her.
Once inside, he forced her tight hole open to sink his entire length inside her. Grunting low and deep her ass must have been very tight on his dick.

She screamed out once his cock  began to sink in deeper, it stretched her like she had never felt before. She hadnt even time to get used to it before the dog started fucking furiously against her ass. He slobbered and drooled and howled gently as his hips steadly moved, working his dick in Deep.
His thrusts strong and pounding. His front paws grasped around her waist so tight she couldnt move.. She was his and he was going to do just what he wanted, how he wanted.

And as he got her tight ass more lubricated, and he could easily move in and out, he leaned his head down against her back, pushing downwards until her head was touching the floor, her elbows bent to a very uncomfortable position. This left her ass sticking up in the air, just like he wanted... He started then to fuck her even harder! He panted, loudly, slamming his body against her ass sinking his growing dick so deep inside, Oh GOD!

She could feel his balls slapping against her, his teeth then to her neck to make sure she didnt move.. or to help himself cum better... She couldnt do anything but scream out as his knot began to grow, he made sure that his knot was sank deep inside her ass before it got too big and he woudlnt be able to fit it in.
He growled again, biting her neck harder, drooling down her neck, pawing at her, and dancing on his hind legs. Pushing and pulling his dick in and out, humping steadily against her Trying to get up higher so he could get it even deeper inside.
Finally the knot began to keep him from moving in and out as far.. his whole body tensed, focused.. intent on giving her all of his seed.
Giving her pussy increasingly slower pumps, slowing himself down as his cock became more lodged inside her ass.
Finally he pulled and his dick and it remained where it was, the dog dismounted and patiently waited while panting blissfully for his member to shrink down, while he finished cumming inside of her.

petite34c on MILF Stories

As with some of the stories posted here these events recently took place in our lives. We wanted to share it with somebody so here's what happen: Enjoy.

My Wife, "Mary" and I "Jim" have been together for over 12 years. We have no kids and lead a very hectic work schedule 5 days a week. Mary is 45, very petite at 5"-0" and 98 lbs with a hard body, firm 34c breast, dancer's legs, hazel eyes and long auburn hair. I'm 49, 6'-1", 200lbs with an average cock. Because of her work and my travels for work, we only have time for each other on the weekends for the most part and with that in mind, we try to get in a quick fuck each week to keep us both satisfied until we can plan a few days alone. This happens about once every month and a half or when &

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quot;Mary" is really horny and we have a lengthy lovemaking session. With her being so petite, I call her my "little spinner" as once she's impaled on my cock it's very easy for us to end up in a multiple positions, without her hot tight box letting go. Her favorite position is between my legs, with ass in the air, her vibrator on her clit while she's sucking and teasing with her mouth and breast... About half the time when she doses this, she rocks back and forth like she's slowly getting fucked from behind. Needless to say it drives me to the edge until I roll her over and bury my cock inside her. As like some men, I've told her more then once, how I would love some stranger actually fucking her from behind while she blew and teased me... Her response has always been the same, that an anonymous fuck with a stranger would be one thing, but she was sure she could not do it with me under her or in the same room.

We have always agreed that if an anonymous fuck would present itself to either one of us that we had a strong enough marriage that it would not affect it as long as we told the other about the experience, and not make it a repeat event with the same person or a life style.

About two months ago after retuning from the airport we stopped at our favorite "mid-scale" restaurant about an hour from the house. Mary was wearing her black leather biker's pants, heels, and a tight pullover sweater. Something she wore their several times before and at other places, so she or I did not think anything different. The waiter "Tim" that night was being extra attentive towards us, more then most other nights we were in for dinner over the past year. What was up we both wondered? Side note: Except for working in the yard, Mary always wears her wedding ban as she did this night. I myself keep mine on a chain around my neck because of a near work accident years back that caught my ring and nearly cutting off finger...

Anyway, while on a trip to the "can" Tim stopped me and asked if Mary was my wife, I then realized why all the extra fussing was going on thru dinner. I decided to see where this was going.

"I told him NO and that this was a side thing when her husband is out of town." He smiled and asked me if I'd hook him up, "I said NO because she, Mary calls the shots because of her husband. I told him I'd take my time so he could have a few minutes to connect with Mary before I return and asked for the check."

On our way home Mary showed me a matchbook "Tim" slipped her while I was in the can, with his number on it. "I told her what took place between "Tim" and I earlier that night and then jokingly said to her here's your big chance for an anonymous fuck."

She smiled, laughed, and then said "he's half my age, too skinny and I'd have to teach him a thing or to, I'll bet...." We both laughed, and continued on home. That night we had our weekly fuck and fell asleep in each others arms.

Two months ago Friday night, Mary and I decided to meet at the same restaurant for a late night dinner. Since we were coming from work and from different parts of town we were in separate cars. We were both dressed in our business attire, I in slacks, dress shirt and sport coat, Mary in a long skirt, blouse, heels, panties and no hose. "Tim" was there but he was not our waiter that night. We took our time enjoying the meal with drinks and finished just before 11pm and there closing and I paid the check.

Mary said she was going to use the restroom before driving home."

"I told her I was going to take off and I'd see her at the house", again about an hour away. Since I had a few drinks I took my time getting home and assumed Mary was only few minutes behind me. I got home kicked off my shoes, grabbed a scotch, turned on the tube and became a couch potato. Sometime after 2:30am Mary was shaking me awake.

"She told me to get up, she needed to talk to me" and I sheepishly followed her upstairs to the master bedroom. I was still half asleep while she undressed and started to run the shower. While taking my clothes off, I realized that it was 3am.

"How long have I been asleep on the sofa and why did you not wake me sooner, I asked?"

"I just got home myself."


"I just got home and that's why I need to talk to you now."

"What happen too you, did you have a flat, or car trouble, why did you not call?"

"No nothing like that, just sit down and listen." I did so, on the edge of the bed in my briefs, and so did she, butt naked, after turning off the shower.

"Honey, after you left "Tim" cornered me going out the door... He asked why I did not call him and would I ever consider going out with him, since it appears I'm always with you when my husband is out of town. Sticking with your story you gave him a few weeks back, I told him one secret relationship in my life was enough and two really was not what I wanted."

"Tim said we did not have to go anywhere, as he was locking up that night and everybody but the kitchen staff would be leaving in 30 minutes. Stay and have a drink on me while I cash out".

"I figured one would not hurt dear, and since we are in there almost every month and I did not want him pissed off at me, and have him waiting on us for dinner."

"Just after everybody had left he came back by the booth I was sitting in with another drink."

"Everybody but Juan the dishwasher is gone; it's just you and me so nobody will know."

"Know what, I asked?"

"Know were together, by the way all these months I never caught your name?"

"It's Mary."

"Well Mary may I join you in a drink?"

"Sure I said."

"I'll be right back."

"Tim returned from the bar with a drink and sat down next to me, so close my heart jumped a beat and I think he herd it. He made a toast to something, put his glass down and the next thing I knew he had one arm around my shoulder and his other hand on my thigh."

"Mary, I've wanted to do this for sometime."

"Do what?" as I tried to pull away.


"Dear, quicker then I could blink he has nibbling and sucking on my neck. You know how I turn to putty when you do that, it was no different with him and I did not even try to stop him. Please do not be mad!"

"Mary how can I be mad? You're telling me what happen; besides my cock is not mad either."

She looked down at my cock sticking thru my briefs, and it was the hardest she had seen or touched in years.

"I guess that tells it all doesn't it?"

"I guess so, and your home safe now."

"Well there's more dear; once he started on my neck I just fell to pieces. He cupped and squeezed my right breast with one hand and kept stroking my thigh with the other.... We started kissing between the nibbles on my neck and the more he squeezed my breast and stroked my thighs more I spread my legs. Finally he moved his hand up under my skirt and just by this strange hand touching me bare thigh I had my 1st orgasms."

"You're 1st orgasm Mary?"

"Yes my 1st'"

She was now holding my cock in her hand stroking it as she talked....

"Honey I do not know what came over me but I guess all those years of talking about an anonymous fuck I just gave into everything he was doing to me. He stopped kissing me for a minute and unbuttoned my blouse and unclipped my bra. There I was in a empty restaurant with most of the lights off, in a booth, my legs spread wide, my breast exposed for anybody to see, my cunt dripping from my 1st orgasm and this bean pole feeling me up with no resistance from me your wife."

With that, I shot load into her tiny hand, and onto her left breast, as by now Mary was on her knees in front of me stroking my cock.

"Did you finally stop him?"

"No dear I did not, he started to suck and lick my nipples one then the other for what seemed forever, the next thing I knew he had his fingers under my panties rubbing my clit to its 2nd orgasm. I could not take it anymore, being confined to that booth; I forced myself away from him, got out of the booth and went to one of the long tables in the back. It had not been reset with dinnerware, so all it was the table cloth. I sat up on the short end, took off my blouse, bra and panties, hanging my legs over the edge. All I had on was my long skirt and heels."

Mary stopped talking licked the cum off her left breast and then started sucking my cock down her throat, while rubbing her nibbles with her free hand. I was getting hard all over again. Mary then stopped just as quickly as she started and resumed telling what happened next.

"Tim came over from the booth and pushed me onto my back on this long table; he went right back to sucking my nipples, nibbling on my neck and kissing me over and over. Then all of a sudden he plunged 3 fingers into sopping wet hole and I came for the 3rd time. I started to scream for him to fuck me, fuck me with his cock, and be quick about it before I changed my mind. I was screaming so loud that Juan, the dishwasher, came out of the kitchen. I guess I had forgotten he was back there. He took one look at my half clothed body laid out on the table like a meal, licked his lips, then said something in Spanish to Tim. Tim stopped sucking my nipples and replied to Juan before he went back into the kitchen. Tim then stopped finger fucking and began to undo his pants."

"You mean all this time he had on all his clothes and you were nearly naked?"

Mary replied by pulling on her nibbles again and sucking my cock back down her throat. She did this for a good five minutes or more before stopping and getting up off her knees in front of me.

"Get up, pull the covers down and get in bed she ordered." I did as I was told and in one swift move, like a cat, she was back between my legs stroking my cock with one hand and now rubbing her clit with the other. She then continued talking.

"Somehow and before I knew it "Tim" was stark naked and back to finger fucking me again. Just like we joked months ago he did have a long thin skinny cock that matched his body. It was as hard as steel and poked straight out from his torso, no curve or bend, just straight as a pole."

"Did you touch it?"

"No, I just told him again to fuck me, fuck me with his cock, and be quick about it before I changed my mind. "

"He said just wait a second for I have something special for that wet hole of yours."

"He just stood there; his cock was sticking straight out while he was tracing the outline of my swollen clit with his fingers. All of a sudden Juan reappear with a bowl of something handing it to Tim, and then disappeared as fast."

"Tim told me that if I want to fuck I'd better move my ass to the edge of the table and pull my legs back to my breast."

"No sooner did I do that, he poured a warm slick liquid over my swollen lips and clit. He then dipped his cock in the same liquid making it shine in the dim light."

"So you want to get fucked do you, slow, hard, fast, deep, shallow, what?"

"I just want you to fuck me, fuck me good and fill me up." I begged him. "My tubes are tied so you have nothing to worry about and I can finger myself all the way home." Mary now had my cock ready to explode again and she kept right on rubbing her own clit.

"Again Tim asked me how did I want it?"

"Please just shove it in and fuck me I said. But before I could finish the sentence Tim was pounding my wet hole at the edge of the table with my legs pulled back to my breast." Simultaneously and before Mary had finished her sentence she had mounted me and was fucking me like there was no end in site.

"So dear how dose the real deal feel?"

"What I said?"

"My sloppy, stretched, cum filled hole. You are, or I am fucking you with my hole filled with his cum. Its want you wanted isn't it? Your petite wife fucked and filled with cum from an anonymous fuck. Actually two anonymous fucks."

"What dose that mean did you fuck Juan too?" Her response was nothing but pulling her dripping cunt nearly off my cock, and then shoving it all the way back in repeatably as hard as she could several times over. She then continued talking.

"Well Tim pounded me none stop at the edge of that table for what seamed like a good twenty or thirty minutes. He finally pumped me full of his hot cum just after I had 4th orgasm. Without missing a beat he pulled out of me and went right back to nibbling and kissing me. While he was doing that and I was laying there in a daze, I started to stroke his limp, wet, sticky, cock. He stopped kissing me long enough to dip his cock into that bowel again and then poured some more of that liquid on my breast. I now think it was cooking oil." Mary continued to grind her hot wet hole onto my cock, again and again; she was almost out of control fucking me while telling me all the details.

"Honey, I got "Tim" hard as steel again and he started to rub his cock over my nipples and breast as he move down towards my wet cunt... Just before he was going to stick it back into me again, I got off the table, pulled off skirt, and bent over a nearby armed chair. My heels gave me just the right height he needed to fuck me again, but from behind. As I held onto the arms of the chair he very slowly fucked me. I kept wanting his cock in me so I pushed my box into him with every stoke he made. He finally stood still and I moved to forward and backward fucking him while bent over the chair, kind of like this."

Mary proceeded to move her box and hips back and forth while on my cock, pressing down as hard as she could.

"Well dear, with all his cum, oil and my juices he was growing in size and was not going to last as long this time before he pump another load into me. You know that feeling don't you dear?"

She was still grinding into me as hard as she could and all that cum, oil and her juices did make everything a sloppy mess between us. She then rolled off me and pulled her legs back to her breast.

"Finish me dear, fuck me, fuck my sloppy, stretched, cum filled hole." I did not have to be told twice and I quickly mounted her and began to pound her so hard the bed shook and banged the headboard against the wall. Mary continued.

"Just before Tim shot his second load into me dear, he pulled out his cock and started to rub it up and down my lips and my asshole. I told him my wet hole was all he was going to get to fuck this night."

"He said he could not feel the walls of my cunt anymore because it was so wet and stretched out. I told him to stick it back in me and he will. As soon as he put his cock back inside me I reached back between my legs and shoved two fingers into my cunt and next to his cock, kind of like this."

Sure enough Mary with her legs back over her breast shoved two fingers into her cunt next to my cock and that's all it took for me, as well, and I shot my load of cum into her for the 3rd time that night she was filled. After I had pumped what seemed to be gallons into her, I rolled off her and onto my back. Mary said.

"Funny, Tim did the same thing dear; as soon as I put my fingers in my cunt next to his cock he exploded. Something about a tight, yet sloppy, yet stretched, wet hole all of a sudden becoming a tight box again makes a man cum, doesn't it?"

Mary rolled out of bed and walked into our bathroom. She said "Tim" handed her some cloth napkins to wash herself with in the restroom. She said she could not find her panties so she used one to plug her hole until she got home and showered. But when she found me asleep on the sofa she decided to take advantage of me by not being fully awake and confess that morning as to what happened. My reaction or should I say my cocks' reaction to the beginning of her story made her change her mind and her desire to share herself with me and her first anonymous fuck.

Apparently "Tim" begged her to leave with him and to stay the night at his place thinking Mary's husband was really out of town. He also wanted to see her again but she made it clear this was a one time fuck and nothing more was to be said about it....

Mary restarted and took a long hot shower that morning. As she got in, she told me I better enjoy the view of my well fuck wife, as it may or may not ever happen again. So with that is a few photos, compliments of my Mary..... I hope you enjoyed this as much a we did re-telling it and sharing these photos. Maybe someday I can get her to try an anonymous fuck via a Glory Hole at the local adult book store? Jim

Jenna, sophisticated lady has her first affair

JennaShoes on True Stories

Where should I begin ??

This is my first post and I am not sure how I should go about it but I feel like sharing some recent events that occurred in the past few months.

A little bit about myself. My name is Jenna, I am 40, married with 2 kids. I am 5’6” tall and weigh 130lbs. Brown hair in a bob haircut and brown eyes. Good curves where they are needed if I may say so. My main assets would b


DJS_2314 on Cheating Stories

With a kiss good bye from my husband, the door opened and he was gone. Putting down my coffee cup I closed my robe from my husbands last minute grope of my breast(a daily activity)and stood up to check the planned events of the day on the calendar on the wall of the kitchen. It was to be a normal Monday, the car pool would be stopping at 8:05, the vet’s appointment was at 10:30, and the car was scheduled for an oil change at 11:45, and I have to call the landlord to have the furnace serviced.

After the children were off to school I started the shower to clean myself up after a long night of hard love making. All the usual activities, wash and condition my long blond hair, lather up the loofa sponge with my peach flavored body wash, and remove the stubbl

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e now growing around my husband’s favorite body part.

It was an unusually warm autumn day so I dressed in a short above the knee sun dress with little spaghetti shoulder straps. Tugging on the dress to make sure it covered the hot pink g-string and matching strapless bra, it was time for shoes. After deciding on my lace up open sandals, I grabbed my purse, put the dog in the car and off I went.

Once again the dog was less than thrilled to be visiting the vet, so after a 10 minute struggle to get him out of the car and into the office I decided to stop at the local grocery store. Yes I think my husband deserved a nice dinner after his splendid performance last night, Roast beef it is. With the groceries loaded into the back of my car I pulled my cell phone out of my purse and speed dialed our landlord. Two rings later his gruff voice answered the phone with an enthusiastic "well hello Mrs. Mitchell". I reminded him that it was time again for the furnace to be winterized, he replied, I will try to fit you in today but I can’t guarantee that I will be able to. I asked him to see what he could do because the rest of the week I had scheduled to be out of the house all day.

"I will do my best" he replied, "I have no doubt you will" was my response.

At last the chores were done and the rest of the day was mine to relay and take my time getting the house and dinner just right for when Tim gets home. As I pulled up to my house I noticed Wayne’s (Landlord) truck pulled in the driveway. Oh good I thought. Wayne was leaning against the side of his truck beaming when I stepped out of my car, showing a little leg. "I did my best Mrs. Mitchell", he gloated. "Not yet you still have work to do", I gushed. I could feel my body start to react to this slight sexual banter. Wayne helped bring in the groceries and set to work on the furnace.

Wayne was a huge man. About 6’6 and 230lbs his muscles were literally stretching out his black t-shirt. All the women in the area were always finding little chores for Wayne. Gossip was that Wayne was a real tiger, always doing his "best" to keep his property’s looking and working good.

All the groceries were in the fridge; I grabbed a soda and the laundry basket and hit the stairs down to the basement. Wayne was laying on his back looking up into a filter on the furnace, I could not help staring at his form laying on the floor, his shirt had lifted away from his jeans to reveal a pair of black Calvin Klein Shorts, and a peak at his stomach; that to my satisfaction was very tan and covered with a thick layer of honey colored hair. I could feel myself starting to get wet. I hastily set down the soda, and with a weak smile at Wayne picked up the Laundry basket and headed over to the washer.

I could feel his eyes moving over my body, I did not know weather or not to feel embarrassed, or horny. "Pink looks good on you, Mrs. Mitchell"! Not understanding where the statement I turned to look at him, his eyes were blazing, and I could not help but notice the extremely large bulge in his jeans. "What" I stuttered, "when you leaned over to put your clothes in the drier your dress slid up a bit", "looks like your thong could use to be dried". I wanted to die!!! "I am not like your other tenants Mr. Adams, so my thong is none of your business, and you are not the reason why it is wet" I proclaimed. I grabbed the basket and marched up the stairs not bothering to shield myself from his gaze. Once I hit the landing I had to lean against the wall to keep myself from collapsing.

About 2 hours later I was in the kitchen starting dinner when I heard the cellar door close, when I turned around Wayne was standing behind me with his shirt tucked thrown over his shoulder. He looked like he was hand carved by a master craftsman. I immediately started to get wet again. "If your thong is none of my business, than my body is none of yours so you can blink now". "If you enjoy looking you can, if you want to touch me, you can, if you want to do more that is your choice". Here was an open invitation for me to have my way with this stunningly beautiful man. "I can’t I am married, and I love my husband" blurted from my mouth, "I will not come between you and your husband, and loving him has nothing to do with this". Seeing the confusion in my face he approached me engulfing me in his embrace. "I’ll stop if you want me to" he whispered into my ear. I melted in his arms, I could not tell him no. His skin was so hot my body started at once to react to his touch. "Not here", I gasped. At once he picked me up in his huge arms and carried me down the hall, our lips never breaking apart.

Setting me back on my feet at the foot of my bed, with one strategic and gentle tug my dress was around my ankles. While he professionally undid my bra from the back I fumbled with his belt. I could not stop myself I not only wanted him, but I needed him. With his belt off and jeans unbuttoned I yanked them down so he was standing in front of me in just his black Calvin Klein jockey shorts. His man meat was beginning to expand and push his jockeys away from his body. I had to get them off of him; feeling his cock swell with my touch almost made me cum. He was huge, at least 11 inches and as thick as my wrist, with balls the size of kiwis. I started to remove my soaked thong while he licked my nipple and stroked my back when he grabbed my hands and said "I’ll take care of that for you", the words I were about to say never made it past my lips. Wayne picked me up and guided me onto the bed, kissing every inch of my hot body. After paying special attention to my breasts he started to lick his way down to my hot, wet, hairless pussy. I don’t remember him ever removing the thong, the next thing I knew his mouth and tongue were thrashing around, causing me to violently shutter in ecstasy. He made me cum 3 times before he moved from my well worked pussy.

It was now my turn. I used every muscle in my body to force him onto his back; I went down his body tasting every bit of him, giving him little bites in strategic places. Finally I reached his huge meat pole; I was a little worried on how to fit a cock of that size into my mouth but wasted no time at all in attempting. As I started to gently tease it with my tongue Wayne let out a loud moan of pleasure. This was just the encouragement I needed. With a deep breath in I shoved his cock deep into my mouth, working it in and out with as much suction I could give. Feeling Wayne’s hips grinding with my hand stroking him while I his hard hot cock was forcing its way further down my throat told me to keep going. I pulled his cock from my stretched lips and took to his balls, licking them, pulling them; I could feel his cock start to pulse. Not wanting to loose my reward I took his cock back in my mouth and fed on it. Sucking, stroking, and pulling at his balls; Wayne let loose, grabbing the back of my head and forcing his exploding cock further down my throat, I felt his hot cum wash over my inside. He could not speak due to his gasping for breath. When he finally re-composed himself he took me in his arms and forced his tongue into my mouth like a man.

Covered in each others juices I felt his cock swelling against my hot thigh. "I’m going to fuck you within an inch of your life", he growled in my ear. In one swift motion I was on my back with Wayne planted firmly between my legs. I braced myself against the headboard in anticipation of his huge cock entering me. My pussy was so wet his entire meat glided deep into me with little hesitations. Slowly at first Wayne was teasing my pussy with his cock, He leaned over me pressing his hairy chest down onto my firm hot tits. His cock felt like it was six foot long while he pressed it back into me. Faster and faster he proceeded to impale me. Our bodies were moving in a simultaneous motion. Melting together I pulled him down onto me firmly and panted harder into his ear; He obliged. The breath was stolen from my body while he fucked me hard and fast. My pussy was stretched, I’m sure to its limit and he was penetrating me further and deeper than any other man I have ever been with. I could feel his hot cock head ramming against my uterus, feeling like he was stabbing at my insides, his balls slapping hard against my ass and his body grinding against my clit my body gave one great shutter and I came with him still fucking my socket. "Your not done yet, I’m gonna make you come at least 2 more times", Wayne proclaimed.

He lifted me up pushing me onto my knees, and positioning himself behind me. Fearing this activity because it promotes deeper penetration, I hesitated to allow him access to my love portal. This seamed to get him going even more. With the small amount of force it took him to access me, I found myself rocking back and forth on his enormous cock, after a while I noticed that he was not fucking me, but I was fucking him. "Fuck my cock", he kept saying over and over. I could feel his cock start to pulse again, I leaned back into him until I could feel his forest of pubes pressing against my tight ass hole, maintaining this position I squeezed my over sexed, well warned cunt on his cock until he filled my love nest with what felt like a gallon of steamy hot jism.

I pulled myself out from under my sweaty, hot man and collapsed on my marriage bed, pulling my large lover down on top of me. "Just because I let you fuck me still does not mean my thong’s are any of your business", I said. Laughing he said, "let me know if there is anything else around the house you need me to take a look at", after an afternoon of the hottest, nastiest fucking I have ever had in my life, I will be sure to require his services again, and again, and again.

Pulling ourselves off of each other we jumped in the shower and cleaned up a little. Getting turned on by the sight of his body covered in water and my hands rubbing him from top to bottom got me wetter than the water did. Apparently he was hot as well because i could feel his hard cock sliding between my legs searching for the enterance to my drenched pussy. He picked me up, with my back against the wall he plowed into me with the force of a thousand horses. We came together and once again he filled my crevice with his love juice. Watching him get dressed and covering up his body mad me look forward to the next time I can find something that needs repair.

A few hours later after dinner was finished and the kids were in bed, my husband asked me "how was Wayne today", very cooly i replied "he was great he did the job and went on his way, saying to let him know if I need anything else". I felt like the worst wife / person in history, that is until i noticed the lipstick mark on the band of my husbands boxer shorts. Not saying anything or remarking on my new discovery I found myself turned on by the fact that we both fucked other people today, and were still turned on by eachother. Now if I could only figure a way to have sex with the man that I love, and the man that I love to fuck at the same time i would be one happy housewife.

We shall see


davidj on Masturbation Stories

I had been wanking myself for about 4 or 5 minutes when I saw a shadow on the wall move. I though shit who was that - I hoped it wasnt my dad who I was sure was not home. I dived for cover behind the bench and this female voice said where are you I know you are here. I recognised the voice of Kerrie from next door.

I had taken my pants off and they were out where I had been pulling myself so I was reluctant to come out from behind the bench. Kerrie said I know what you are doing I saw you through the window, its ok I just want to watch. I said you scared shit out of me, she said I am sorry but I have been watching you come down here every day and a couple of days ago I looked through the window and saw you doing it to yourself. Dont be ashamed or anything I do it too. I

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just want to see a boy do it.

I came out and my cock was soft and dangling down and I had my hand over it. She sort of giggled and said sorry I am not laughing at you I was expecting to see it all hard and not sad like that. She was wearing a two piece swimsuit and showing a lot of bare fleash and I immediately began to get hard again and it was harder to cover my cock. She said please can I see it, I am fascinated and will you do it for me and let me watch. I was extremely embarrassed by being caught with my pants down, masturbating and now with a hard cock she wanted to see and was asking me to wank myself in front of her.

See she said it wants to do it its all hard again, and it looks lovely. Can I touch it and without waiting she came toward me and had her hand out ready to grab my cock. I couldnt help myself and let her feel it and it was wondeful with her nice small soft hand around it and then she use her fingers to play with it a bit and move it about. She said go on do it for me and I realised if I didnt she would have me cumming by doing what she was already.

I said ok but you stay there and i wanted her a couple of feet away. She stood back and I began to stroke myself and she said that looks great, I have always wondered how boys did it, I have to slip my finger in a  bit and rub my clit. Without realising I said will you show me how ou do it and she just slipped her pants down and spread her legs and began to finger her downy covered cunt. She eveidently had just started puberty as her hair was just growing, mine had been fully grown for about  a year.

She said look its not very comforatable here how about we go to my place and do it and we can do it in comfort. Nobody is home and they wont be till late. I said ok and I got dressed and we went to her place into the pool cabana by the side of their pool.

There were lounges there and she said take all your clothes off and we can start again. She was already slipping her pants off and then her bra. She looked beautiful standing there all naked. I followed and the two of us just looked at each other. I said you look beautiful. She said thank you I like you too. 

I was hard already and began to stroke myself sitting on the edge of a lounge and she was opposite me about 3 feet away doing it to herself. She said do you cum, and I said yes. Good she said I want to see it as I have never seen a boy cum or what its like.

By now I was stroking hard and after a couple of minutes I was getting the feeling like I was going to cum pretty quick. With her watching me I worked up much faster than normal and I said get ready I am nearly there and I stood up and spread my legs and half squatted and pulled a bit quicker and then it started and I grunted a bit and I shot cum everywhere. I was saying  OH GOD OH GOD as I pumped it out - it felt great with her looking at me. It spurted out about a yard or more in three or four big spurts before it stopped and began to dribble out. I had to sit down as my legs went all weak.

She sat there wide eyed and watched me intently. That was fantasic I loved it she said and got down on her knees and started to poke at the cum and look at it all spashed on the tile floor. She had quite a bit on her finger and was making strings with it, she said its all sticky and white like, and I said yes. She said I love it, I thought it was clear like piss or something.  She played with it while i milked the rest of the cum out of my cock and let it dribble onto the floor. Then she picked up a bit on her finger and put it in her mouth and sucked it off her finger,I couldnt believe it. She said it doesnt taste very nice, I dont know why girls swallow it when they do it to men with their mouth. I am not sure if I could or not. 

Then she got up and said now its my turn and she spread her legs and began to rub her finger into her cunt and along her slit and over the top of it and then ran her finger around in rings over the top of her slit. I got down between her legs to watch and it was great, my first close look at a cunt. She went for about 4 or five minutes rolling her head and ouching her nipples with her free hand and she was really having a great ime. I was fascinated. My cock was hard again and I was playing with it as I watched her.

Then she gasped and murmured and said its happening I'm cumming I'm cumming and she rubber her clit harder and opened her legs a closed them a bit and pulled her nipple with her finger and grunted a few times and sort of had a spasm like I do sometimes. I was getting the best show of my life.

I started to wank hard and saw some juice run down her cunt which she wiped up with her finger and wiped on the lounge cover. She was laying back on the lounge now completely exhausted, with her legs over the edge of the lounge and her cunt all wet and looking wonderful.

I dont know what came over me but I leaned forward and kissed and licked her cunt and she sat up real quick, I got some juice on my tongue which had a strong taste. Why did you do that she said - and I said because I couldnt help it I have never seen anything so beautiful before - that was wonderful and your cunt looked so nice I couldnt help it.

The two of is just sat there for about 10 minutes talking about masturbating and how often we did it and when we started. We really opened up and I told her things that I would never have told anybody else and she did the same.

I said can I kiss you and she stood up and we embraced and everything just went wild in my hed and we really started to kiss madly and rub our bodies together and my cock was hard and against the outside of her cunt and we ground into each other having what we both realise now was a dry fuck. I was rubbing her tits and she would put her hand down and adjust my cock into a position she like to feel me in. I suppose we did this for about 5 minutes and I couldnt help it and I came again. I knew I was going to and instead of pulling back I let it spurt up between us and over our bodies where they were touching and rubbing. She sighed and said that was great, I didnt realise it was warm too as we parted and my cum ran down our stomachs and thighs. She said I nearly came myself and she said next time we know what to do.

I said I have never had so much fun and held her to me and we kissed again and spread my cum all over us as we rubbed together again, this time it was cold and didnt feel as good. she said I want to do this again with you, I love you - and I said I love you too. We kissed and cuddled again but we never made another orgasm together.

After that we had a shower together in the cabana which was great fun rubbing soap all over each other and I slipped my finger into her cunt and she said - do it some more and told me where to rub and after a few minutes she had an orgasm that I made for her with water showering down all over us. She was so happy. She said thats the first time anybody had made me do it without me doing it myself. I said I hope I can do it again for you, and she said so do I.

We dressed and kissed a lot again and she said can you come over tomorrow and I said try and keep me away.

From that day on our sex improved and within a month we were into real intercourse and fucking like rabbits and every other form of sex as well. More about that later.

My little Secret

Joytoy on Animal Stories

Our marriage had been fine fun and exciting in all ways and sex was never a worry we both had a hearty hunger for it in all ways. I had one secret, I kept to myself afraid he would freak if he found out. So I kept it to my self well me and my buddy.. You see buddy is a 6 year old husky. We have fun offend while hubby is at work.
  It started one day two years back. I was online looking through porn sites looking for something big, You see I love big cocks anything big to use. So while searching for monster size cocks, I pulled up a bestiality site. I was like wow, I can't believe this the more I looked the hornier I got. Started to play with my self and looking for more on a daily trend now.and then in time I got the idea to try it..I would Ã
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‚  lean back  on the chair and called my dog Buddy over and pushed his nose into my twat , Well buddy licked once and looked to me like yea what now... Well, he did not seem interested so I read up on it more and found if you put peanut butter there he would lick more. Yeah so out came the jar and my fingers started sliding it on my clit my lips my ass and inside I really enjoyed working it inside me. After that I called buddy over and let him lick it off my fingers, then guided him to my pussy again. Yes, he started licking like mad. the feeling of that long wet tongue drove me crazy it did not take long for me to find my first orgasm with buddy's hot full big tongue. I looked down and still not a hard on under the dog. I was like "what the ..." He moved and licked himself and his chops wiping up my cum from his tongue. I dangled my fingers into me over and over creaming them well and held it out to buddy he did lick it liking it is seemed anyway.
 It was then my hand reached under him and I started stroking him slowly at first then harder till that red tip started to show. Now I had his interest you bet I turned and parted my thighs sliding under him wrapping my mouth around the tip licking and sucking him. slowly his cock came out I was shocked to see how long and thick it was. Oh and yes he was leaking precum. I tried to get buddy to 69 me but he was not interested but he was humping my mouth. I sucked and stroked then suddenly after his whines started he humped and pumped a hot load into my mouth. Oh wow I half gagged and then half of it spilled from my lips down my tit's. You better believe I loved it. Buddy was done he went to his bed and licked himself off and then went to sleep which left me to lay there and smear his doggie cum all over me. I was so turned on I played with my self over and over. The next day I could not wait for I pulled out the peanut butter again buddy knew just what to do this time. He licked away at my pussy and make me come again right away ... Oh God feeling his tongue in my cunt sent me mad but he was licking harder even after I cam it seemed he was cleaning me off good. I looked down to grab him to stroke him to get him hard again and for another cum bath but he was already hard this time, and leaking streams of doggy precum oozing form his cock. "well you like this ha buddy?" I smile and looked around Making sure I locked the door before we started this again and lowering to the floor buddy rubbing his cock to my hand or where ever he could get it to hit. It seemed bigger today for some reason. well he started to hump my hand fast then I got the idea and got to my hands and knees I wanted it all.  I lifted my butt to him and pulled him to mount me. Right away he got the idea and started to hump but missing hitting my thigh, my bottom, every where but my hole. I
 Moved to adjust him in the right spot w while he humped like mad. His cock hit home right into me. God did it feel incredable.Buddy started panting and pumping away inside me. Boy was rocking to the dog moaning and about to cum feeling his doggy dick fucking me so darn good. I cried out" Oh yea Buddy fuck mommy...Fuck me good doggie.. Damn it feels so good don't stop" i started to cum widely my pussy clamped to his doggie dick feeling him stop and loading me with his full load of his hot cum, I cried out again" Gods yes fuck me doggie God I'm Fucking a dog. Fill my pussy with your doggie cum fill me!"
 I panted and felt all inside me sloshing around man did he cum a lot, I went to pull free but I was locked to him his knot had gone in fully and he pulled back it hurt I admit. While it felt good at the same time. the whole idea had me so turned on I got off again and loved it. It took 20 minutes till he could pull free from me ... now my secret was bout to be found out and one that I found out was even wilder them my own but that's for another time.

Another Day

SJ12 on Animal Stories

I had just finished another tiring day at work and had decided to go home, so i switched off my PC and the lights to my half of the office area and proceeded to go out of the building. Once out of the building i had remembered that i had complied a shopping list of items that i required urgently for my flat such as Milk, Loaf of Bread and margarine and some vegtables. So i decided to quickly nip into the local store to purchase these items and head for home as i wanted to catch up with some of my favourite soaps and have some dinner, so i got my shopping list items and got into the car and drove off and arrived home quicker than normal as i had worked late into the evening from normal office opening hours which were til 6pm. When i arrived home i got out of the car

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and proceeded to the steps which would lead me into the front porch area, when through the front door i went to my flat door and opened it only to be greeted by my pet German Shepard Dog "Toby".

I reached the kitchen area and put away all the shopping except the vegtables which i left to one side and went into the hall taking my jacket and shoes off and then went into the living room switched on the TV, i then decided to have some dinner and went into the kitchen rustled some food up for myself and also at the same time i put some dog food into a bowl and gave it to Toby. I then progressed into the living room sat on the sofa and started to eat my Dinner after finishing i had also finished watching the television so i switched it off and left the dishes in the kitchen sink, i then took a cucumber out of my shopping bag and took it with me into my bedroom and i think you know what i did with that.

I stripped off all my clothes onto the floor and slid onto the bed i then got the cucumber and inserted it into my cunt which i had been waiting for this moment all day. Then all of a sudden Toby entered the bedroom probably because of hearing the sounds he came up to me and sniffed my partially dripping clit and i removed the cucumber from my cunt only for Toby to quickley put his long tomgue into the pussy which made shivers go down to my spine with excitement. Then at this moment of time i was feeling very horny so i went onto the floor and went down onto my knees and called Toby closer to me.

His cock did not need throbbing by me or anything as he was already long and hard so i guided his cock into my pussy and left him to do the rest, he was in and out like no-one's business and getting faster everytime. Finally he must of came at least 3 to 4 times in to me but i was too tired to go any furtherso i moved forward and he moved back and ran out of the room into the hallway. So now feeling so exhausted i went into the bath and had a good long soak, after about half an hour i came out and proceeded to my bedroom again and went under the duvet and nearly instantly went to sleep.

This is my first time writing any type of true story like this on the net, but would appreciate any comments on the following email address:

Another Day

SJ12 on Animal Stories

I had just finished another tiring day at work and had decided to go home, so i switched off my PC and the lights to my half of the office area and proceeded to go out of the building. Once out of the building i had remembered that i had complied a shopping list of items that i required urgently for my flat such as Milk, Loaf of Bread and margarine and some vegtables. So i decided to quickly nip into the local store to purchase these items and head for home as i wanted to catch up with some of my favourite soaps and have some dinner, so i got my shopping list items and got into the car and drove off and arrived home quicker than normal as i had worked late into the evening from normal office opening hours which were til 6pm. When i arrived home i got out of the car

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and proceeded to the steps which would lead me into the front porch area, when through the front door i went to my flat door and opened it only to be greeted by my pet German Shepard Dog "Toby".

I reached the kitchen area and put away all the shopping except the vegtables which i left to one side and went into the hall taking my jacket and shoes off and then went into the living room switched on the TV, i then decided to have some dinner and went into the kitchen rustled some food up for myself and also at the same time i put some dog food into a bowl and gave it to Toby. I then progressed into the living room sat on the sofa and started to eat my Dinner after finishing i had also finished watching the television so i switched it off and left the dishes in the kitchen sink, i then took a cucumber out of my shopping bag and took it with me into my bedroom and i think you know what i did with that.

I stripped off all my clothes onto the floor and slid onto the bed i then got the cucumber and inserted it into my cunt which i had been waiting for this moment all day. Then all of a sudden Toby entered the bedroom probably because of hearing the sounds he came up to me and sniffed my partially dripping clit and i removed the cucumber from my cunt only for Toby to quickley put his long tomgue into the pussy which made shivers go down to my spine with excitement. Then at this moment of time i was feeling very horny so i went onto the floor and went down onto my knees and called Toby closer to me.

His cock did not need throbbing by me or anything as he was already long and hard so i guided his cock into my pussy and left him to do the rest, he was in and out like no-one's business and getting faster everytime. Finally he must of came at least 3 to 4 times in to me but i was too tired to go any furtherso i moved forward and he moved back and ran out of the room into the hallway. So now feeling so exhausted i went into the bath and had a good long soak, after about half an hour i came out and proceeded to my bedroom again and went under the duvet and nearly instantly went to sleep.

This is my first time writing any type of true story like this on the net, but would appreciate any comments on the following email address:


itsonlyfun on Animal Stories

 It shocked me.

 But I soon got over it. This happened very early in out marriage and has continued to this day.


 We had been married about two years,landed ourselves a moderate house and as most do,we had a dog. Just a dog,no breed or anything but a real friendly animal that thought he was cock of the roost. We both worked and played in similar mode. That is,play amounted to sex in rather public places,but much more in the privacy of our home.

 I seen myself as just the normal young hubby. My wife likewise,meaning she was in the process of turning me away from the lads and changing me

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into a man for home and family. You know the thing,they're attracted to you,you marry,then they train you to be what they see as the perfect husband.

 No problem with that,especially the way she tended to do it. That is with a sexual diversity many husbands may only dream of. This is one such happening,there were many more.

 Friday arrived,not a moment to soon,we sat supping a coffee with a snack. 'Where too tonight' I asked. "Later,lets just sit,friends are okay,but I like having you to myself sometimes" 'Oh! Oh! That usually meant a sexual magnet would be forthcoming to hold my attention until it was too late to go out' Crazily we chatted some until I said, 'Come on,you've got something in mind and I bet its sexually orientated'

 A naughty smile crossed her face, "You're right,but I'm a bit scared you'll not like it,that's why I'm holding back" 'Have I ever disapproved about any other time?' Silence,then, "What about,you know,you did that time" Oops,bugger,I walked into that one. 'Ah! That was different' "How was it" 'I didn't exactly disapprove,it was more a case of shock when I saw him fingering you. I didn't mind when he done it the next time,I'm a very understanding husband' That naughty smile again.

 "You've got to promise you wont say anything even if you don't like what I'm going to show you. Promise or I wont show you" Mystified,I made the promise and to be honest,I was off in the completely wrong direction. I thought it was to do with my mate that had fingered her,in fact I went as far as to think she planned to admit he'd now fucked her. WRONG!

 "Sit over there and shut up" I did. She settled nicely and started sorting her clothes as in any other session of our sex games. Skirt up around her ass,panty's to one side and her finger playing outside her pussy lips. All as always, - I admit,this always got me immediately hard. Her finger slowly tormented her clit,then away an adjustment of clothes and in no time she started to show juice inside her lips.

 Eyes now closed,the playing continued,more body lifting,the panty pulled clear from her quim,two then three fingers plunge into her quim's hole,an extra thrust deeper,then with eyes open,she pulls her fingers out and looks at her juicy fingers. Looking at me with a smile while opening her sticky fingers making cobwebs between them with her love juice.

 "Like it?" I go to speak. "Shhh! Remember,no talking" I think some sort of control freak. "When I get up in a minute,put your sun glasses on,the intensity in your eyes will bother me when you see what I'm going to show you" I look,conveniently they're on the table by me. She had obviously placed them there before hand,this was no casual happening,it was all planned.

 Her body was responding to her finger now. She stopped stood and stepped out of her panty's and skirt. As she went to the kitchen with her bum cheeks wobbling I adjusted my cock up my belly,it had been pointing down my thigh most uncomfortably. I also dropped my zip down just in case. She reappeared with a towel, "Come on,Bruce,good boy,come on in with mummy" My heart leapt,fucking hell,the dogs going to fuck her. My cock throbbed at the thought,already I could feel juice coming from it.

 Bruce's tail was a wagging,I concluded this wasn't the first time for him. Putting the towel on the floor slightly under the front of her chair,she sat back down,upright and on the edge. With her thighs closed she looked at me. "Glasses I said" I obeyed. These had just a minimum of tint and made virtually no different to my view. Bruce nudged at her legs,trying to push them open,all the time she watched my reaction. As Bruce tried a new approach from under the side of her thigh I took a chance and pulled at the open zip part of my trousers and manipulated my cock in my boxers to show her how hard I was.

 Smiling she pushed Bruce's nose away again and as he came back round to her front she slightly opened her thighs. Putting her fingers between his nose and her now naked cunt,he immediately started licking her fingers,the very ones she'd used earlier to masterbate with. "Get yours out,I want to see how wet I'm making it" In went my hand and out came my hardon with its foreskin rolled back and the head completely sticky with precum. Again a smile on her lips showed her approval.

 Relaxing now,she knew I liked what she was doing,she eased her legs apart, "Steady boy,go steady,not to madly,gently" My cock throbbed as she jerked at the touch of his cold wet nose. A gasp came from her, "Fuck! that first touch always makes me jump,its so cold,his nose that is,his tongues hot as hell" Her fingers clamped across her clitoris and hood. "Steady,go more steady,you'll make me cum to quick you silly dog" Steady licking now,over her thighs,across her quims fur as she kept her clit hidden from his probing hot tongue. Then I saw a trickle running down her quim slit to her ass crack and dripping on the towel.

 "Go steady Bruce,you're making me pee myself" He was and all,a tiny trickle of her piss was running down her crack then Bruce realised what she was doing,his tongue wrapped under her ass cheeks and started to sup her piss. Fuck! She moved again opening up even more, "Wait,BRUCE,wait let me open it for you" Letting go of her clit and hood,she reached round her thighs and under her ass. Pulling her ass cheeks apart and exposing her crinkly asshole.

 "Now,do it there" Her belly trembled as he drew his tongue across her asshole and realising he now had access to all he dribbled his lips up,up,up,getting to the vital clitoris. She jerked at his every nibble,hooking her legs over the chairs arms he now had everything exposed to his tongue. Leaving her ass,she pulled her labias inner lips apart. Bruce plunged his tongue deeper into her quims hole,the lapping sucking sound accompanied by her body jerks made my cock almost orgasm. I'm not going to last the course!

 I wanted to tell her his cock was out and ready,he wasn't a big dog,but like most canines he had in perspective more than a man had. I was drawn to its pink going on purple length and the knot about two inches diameter hidden by his sheath,but only just. What did it feel like for her when it was in? I wanted to ask but knew I may fuck up if I spoke. My wife was really going some now,with Bruce's nose buried deep inside her slit she was shaking and peeing while Bruce captured every dribble coming from her quim.

 Her orgasm overtook her,with belly trembling uncontrollably. "Fuck! Stop no more,Bruce,I said NO! Please,stop,STOP NOW" Bruce now well into his stride showed no signs of listening. Licking all over her ass cheeks then back to what was now pussy juice not piss. She grabbed at her clit again, "I said no,no more,please Bruce" Now with her complete cunt covered with her hand she held his tongue at bay, "Phew! I'm all hot,god he makes me cum so hard" 'Has he? with you,Has he?' "Bastard! No he hasn't and he's not going too either. I told you not to speak. Go on put him out,right now"

 I knew I'd fucked up,if there'd been any chance she would have,she certainly wouldn't now because of my big mouth' Having fucked up completely,I went for broke. 'Let him just touch it against your quim,look at the poor sod,fucking great hardon and no pussy to fuck' "If you're that bothered,wank him off,or better still kneel down with your trousers off,he'd like that" Tormentingly, I stood,dropped my gear and made to kneel. "Don't you fucking dare,I knew you'd get carried away with it if I showed you,I wont again"

 I back tracked,'I was only funning,don't say you wont let me see you do it' She softened,"Don't you dare tell anyone. Bruce up!" Laying prone she caught his paws as he rose over her and excitedly licked her mouth and neck. His hardon hovered oh so close to my wife's cunt hole. She pulled him up her chest a bit. She giggled as the tip touched her cunt. Bruce knew as well,his legs danced and he made a frantic lung with his cock. About two inches penetrated her quim. In an instant she pushed him down, "There you are you've seen it,now put him out the backyard"

 The doggy stuff was at an end for now. I knew there was no point in asking her to wank him even though his cock was spitting liquid out. 'I thought you were going too then' "Yeah,you thought wrong,what if he gave me pups?" At that moment I knew she was being sincere,she genuinely feared he could make her pregnant. 'Daft,he can't' "You'd say that,just to see me have him. You don't know that for a fact,anyway he's not having me,if you keep on about it,it'll be the last time. Now I'm past my hornyness I feel all guilty and dirty" 'Use a condom' "Shut up about it will you" I did but I had to let out my energy. I moved between her legs and finished what the dog started.

 As we came off together she now unsure of what she'd showed me had been such a good idea. "You do still love me,I'm such a dirty bitch,you do don't you?" Hugging and kissing I reasured her I did and always will adding, 'I've got it in a book somewhere,I'll find it and show you.He can't make you pregnant,but if you do do it,make sure I'm here in case he gets stuck up you with his knot' "What do you mean,his knot?" 'I'll show you next time' "Oh so you're sure there'll be a next time are you" Kissing her hard, 'Please say there will be,that's the most sexy thing I've ever watched' "Maybe! Now drop it,it makes me feel guilty after doing it,I told you that" Adding, "His is a lot hotter than yours" 'You could feel in that little time?' "Drop it I said"

 The night had vanished so quickly. We ate and went to bed.



Rocky's Bitch

Brittany T. on Animal Stories

By the age of 14 I had learned to pleasure myself pretty well i enjoyed doing it often too my parents were out most of the time so i had the opportunity to do it with out getting caught

"So if anything happends you know to call us right?" my Mom said for like the thousandth time tonight

"Mom i know just go i'll see you tommorow morning,"

"Okay sweety we love you," My mom and dad said walking out the door

finally they left i walked into my room it was fairly large and my bed was big too i slipped of my jeans i wasn't wearning any underwear because i knew what I would be doing and I also slipped of the white tanktop pullin

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g my bra up with it i laid down on my bed and spread my legs apart and started to circle my middle finger around my clit I started out slow but started to move my fingers faster to make myself wet I did that for about 10 minutes but nothing happend I closed my legs and got up and walked into my Mom's room to look for the baby oil i found it on one of her shelves. I put some on my hands and spread it around my pussy I got on my Mom's bed and spread my legs agian i stuck on finger in my pussy and moved it around while it was in my pussy I moved it in it out tightening myself around my finger. I pulled that finger out and stuck two fingers in my pussy I started moving my fingers in and out faster making small grunting noises as I did. I know my Mom never liked just fingering herself so she must have a vibrator in here somewhere the first place i checked was in her underwear drawer and of course there it was right there it was a deep purple color and it was right in the front I took it out and walked back over to the bed with it I spread my legs agian and stuck the head of the vibrator in me I gasp in pleasure and stuck it in almost half way I held it there for a couple of seconds getting used to it i pushed the whole thing into my pussy and moaned softly I looked down at the plastic fuck toy and saw a black switch I brought my hand down and turned it on and when it started to vibrate inside of me that was pure ecstasy I moaned loadly but it was more like a scream thats when Rocky ran in I pretty sure he heard me scream so he wanted to see what was wrong Rocky came up to me and hopped onto the bed he brought his head down to my pussy and sniffed it all I could do was stare to see what he would do. Rocky lightly licked my pussy and i moaned when he did so I pulled the vibrator out of my pussy and pushed my pussy forward into Rocky's noes he sniffed it once agian and lapped at my juices that had been caused by the vibrator Rocky dug his tounge deep into me as I moaned

"Mhm Rocky yeah lick my pussy,"

And he did just that he licked faster and faster letting his tounge go deeper into me I looked at Rocky and saw his cock popping out of its sheath when the whole thing was out it was a good 10" long I got on all fours and pulled Rocky towards me he got on his hind legs and put his front paws on my hips I felt his cock probing at my pussy but he would miss every time. I reached my hand to grab his cock and guided it to my wet pussy he pushed forward glidding the whole 10" into me i moaned loudly as he thrusted hard into me

"Mmmm yeah Rocky fuck your bitch yeah fuck me,"

He went on with fucking me for about 13 more minutes thats when he spilled he cum into me I moaned and pulled him out of me I sat up and walked back into my room pulling on my pants,shrit, and bra. That was the most pleasure i had ever felt and I planned on doing it agian.

My Dirty Little Secret

FoxyFun4Play on Cheating Stories

My husband and I began dating in 1993 when I was only 23 years old. We were married in 1996 and soon after decided to begin a family. He is ten years older than me and as a result of his age he has a low sperm count and a diminishing sex drive. Those facts created a two fold problem. On the one hand, my sex drive was only increasing with age and he often left me unsatisfied or was unavailable altogether which meant that I had to rely on my own devices. On the other hand we had been trying for two years and I had yet to get pregnant and I really wanted that family.

In the summer of 2000 I took a night class in computers at a local college to help me with my job. There were about twenty-five students i

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n the class and the class seemed to be fairly evenly split as far as gender goes. I couldn't help but notice that the males in the class were very sexy and about ten years younger than me. Some of them became the objects of my fantasies on the evenings that my husband caused me to resort to self-gratification.

Now I'm not at all a vain person but I am realistic and I know that men find me attractive. I am five-foot four-inches tall and only weigh 112 pounds. I have very shapely legs that, in the summer, I enjoy showing off. I will often wear shorts or mini-skirts without my panties when the weather is warm. I love to feel the warm air on my exposed pussy lips. Having an entire class full of young hunks gave me even more reason to want to wear clothing that was revealing. With my undies at home and my pussy almost exposed to a dozen college guys my pussy was perpetually wet during the entire class, three evenings a week.

It wasn't long before I gained an admirer. The second week that class was in session a young guy began to sit at the computer next to mine in the lab. He was everything that my husband is not. He was just over six-feet tall, short blond hair and muscular. He also had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. At first our conversation was confined to talk concerning the class. But I just couldn't help but flirt with him. I had never before considered cheating on my husband; at least not in the physical sense. I'd often cheated on him in my fantasies but fantasies were just that; fantasies. Making them reality was something totally different. 

But making my fantasies a reality was not what I had in mind and thought that a little flirting wouldn't hurt and I could use the flirting to help fuel my fantasies later that night. The young stud and me began to hang out together on class breaks and, of course, our conversations turned to the more personal. I discovered that his name was Rob, he was 19 years old, lived out of state, had a fiancé at home and was majoring in Computer Science. He stayed at school during the summer semester to take this brush up course for the fall.

After about four weeks into the course it happened. On this particular night I was really horny. I dressed in a sleeveless, light blue, summer dress with a short skirt. I wore regular flat shoes and nothing else under the dress. During the class I noticed that Rob was struggling to understand some of the evenings subject. Near the end of the night I asked him if he was okay and he said that he was having a difficult time grasping it all. Then he asked if I would mind helping him and that maybe I could explain it so that he could understand. I told him I'd love too. Then he placed his hand on my bare thigh and said, "Great! Would you mind spending about thirty minutes with me after class?"

Under my short skirt, just four inches from Rob's teenage hand, I felt my pussy begin to get hot and flood with my juices. I then realized that my ability to resist those fantasies was wearing down. My mind was telling me not to do it, to just tell him I'll meet him in the lab before class tomorrow but my long neglected pussy was telling me to go for it. So I told him we'd talk about it after class.

When class ended I called my husband and told him that I was staying later at the lab to do some of my homework there and he said to have fun and that he was heading to bed and would see me in the morning. After I hung up I walked back into the lab and Rob was sitting there behind his computer and still struggling to understand. He looked up and asked if everything was all right and I said, "Yeah, I'm just tired of being stuck in this room."

   "Would you like to go back to my dorm room and work on this?" Rob asked. "My roommate has gone home for the summer so no one will be there to interrupt and we can get out of this room."

Amazing. That was the exact response I was looking for when I made that statement. Ten minutes later we were walking into his room in the student housing area of the campus. It was a typical teenage college boy’s room; two twin beds on opposite walls, two desks with computers, books were lying everywhere, the beds were unmade and sports garb covered the walls. Rob reached into his small dorm refrigerator and pulled out two beers. "Sorry," he said, "this is all I have to offer you." I assured him it was no problem and took the beer.

As I sipped I asked him which bed was his and he indicated the one on the left. I kicked off my shoes and sat down on his bed folding my legs and feet under me. He looked at me questioningly and then asked what I was doing. So I told him it had been a long time since I had been in a college boy’s bed. He nervously chuckled and then half jokingly told him not to even kid around about that because it had been months since he had been with his fiancé.

   "Oh, so you're horny," I teased with a laugh. 

   "More than a little," he replied.

   "Can I help you with that?" Again I teased with a sly grin. Rob was wearing a T-shirt with the sleeves cut off and a pair of gray colored gym shorts on this evening and through the thin material of the shorts I could see a bulge beginning to grow.

   "Are you just teasing me?" He asked returning my grin.

   "Maybe," I replied. To tell the truth I was really having an internal conflict at the moment. My conscience kept screaming at me to stop but my hormones were screaming to my conscience to shut up. As I let out a little giggle I was sure I blushed.

Suddenly my mind was made up so I stood up and faced him saying, "Do you want to?"

   "What about your husband? My fiancé?" Rob asked, clearly getting more nervous. 

 "Who's going to tell them?" I asked him as I put a gently hand on his forearm and caressed it lightly. At this point I noticed his bulge was positively pushing the front of his shorts away from his body and so I let me hand drop from his arm and began to caress his cock through the gym short. He let out a long moan and a silent curse as my hand made contact with his cock. Then he made his decision and bent over and put his lips on mine.

We locked in a passionate kiss, our tongues tasting each other's sweetness. As we kissed I removed my hand from his crotch and we began to press and grind our bodies together. I put my hands down the back of his shorts to feel his buttocks and was both surprised and pleased to find that he too was not wearing underwear.

I broke the kiss as I squeezed his ass and began to kiss his neck and he nibbled and sucked on my ear lobe. My pussy was no longer tingling it was vibrating with excitement. I could feel my own wetness leaking out and dribbling down my inner thighs. Rob reached around to my back and unzipped my dress and placed his hand inside, noticing the lack of a bra strap no doubt. His hands then slid down the inside of my dress to my bare ass.

   "No panties?" He asked in surprise.

   "I could say something similar about you," I replied as I squeezed his butt like I was kneading bread.

   "Let's take off the rest," Rob suggested.

Now I only had on one article of clothing, the summer dress, but I don't think that a suit of armor would have prevented me from getting naked as quickly as I did. I slid the straps off of my shoulders and let the dress drop to the floor then I stepped out of it. At the same time he was pulling his shirt off. He didn't quite have it over his head when I was completely naked and so I stepped forward and tugged his shorts down as he pulled the shirt high over his head.

A huge, thick, nine inch cock (at least it had to be nine inches. I'd never seen one that big before) sprang free from it's confines inside the gym shorts.

   "Whoa!" I exclaimed in an unbelievably excited state. My eyes were positively transfixed on that big, young cock.

  "What's wrong?" He quickly said in a tone that indicated he was closing in on something close to panic. He clearly didn't understand that my "whoa" was pure, excited pleasure.

   "That is the most beautiful cock I have ever seen. You are a good third larger than my husband and it has been years since he was that hard. Your girlfriend is a lucky gal!" 

I meant every word of that as I looked at his big, purple head glistening with his sticky precum. At the same time I noticed he was now staring at my neatly trimmed pubes.

   "I've never seen a woman with hair there. At least not one in person." Rob admitted admiringly. "I've never been with anyone other than my fiancé and she completely shaves.

I don't completely shave but I do keep it clean around my pussy lips and above my clit I keep it trimmed in a short "Mohawk" style. He seemed to be delighted with it. Then he suddenly looked into my eyes with worry again.

   "What's wrong?" I asked.

   "I just remembered. I don't have any condoms. I've never cheated on my girlfriend before and since she is always at home, I never saw the need."

I thought for a minute about that. I hadn't given it any thought and I should have. I've been trying to get pregnant with my husband. I can't let this guy cum in me unprotected. I can't even let him risk putting it in me without a cover. Then I thought, "Why not?" I have been trying to get pregnant. My low sperm count, do it once a week husband had been unable to knock me up, why not let this guy do it? No one will ever have to know it wasn't my husband, not even my husband.

   "Don't worry. I'm on birth control." I lied.

   "Wow! I've never had sex without a condom!" He said hardly able to contain his excitement.

I could no longer wait. I sat on his bed, lifted my legs and spread my thighs. I took his two pillows and placed them between the wall and my back so that I could remain upright and then I spread my pussy lips open for him with my fingers from my right hand. He just stood there staring at my leaking pussy hole so I coaxed him a little with a smile as I said, "Go ahead, and put it inside." Then I winked at him as he looked up at my face.

Rob was standing between my thighs, a half second later, and aiming that sticky purple head right at my slit. He rubbed it up and down on my pussy lips a couple of times and then I saw that purple head disappear into my body. Then he got stuck.

   "Shit you're tight," he exclaimed.

   "Work it slowly and my barriers will slowly break down," I told him.

He did work it slowly in and out and I helped out by having an orgasm right away. I've never cum that quickly before but then I've never done anything quite this naughty and exciting. Soon he was all the way in and I could feel his ball sack resting on my ass. I could see his blond pubic nest and my brown ones entwined and, for the first time in my life, I felt completely filled with his huge cock stretching me farther than I'd ever been stretched before.

   "Fuck me," is all I could say as I gazed with lust into his eyes. Then I felt the anguish of being empty as he withdrew only to be filled again with the pleasure of being refilled. Soon the room was filled with the sights, sounds and smells of sex. As I watched his cock going in and out of my belly I could see the thick discharge from my pussy slicking his shaft. I could smell the pungent aroma of my own pussy juices and our thighs slapped continually with his thrusts. I was moaning with delight and as he fucked me harder the moans became screams.

I came twice before he did and when he did he filled me with more cum than I had ever felt gush into my belly before. He thrust all the way in and held it tight as I felt his shaft grow even more rigid and begin to pulsate. Then came the spreading, warm sensation as he filled my belly with his seed.

When he was finished, he pulled it out of me with a "plop" sound and I felt a river of his cum run out of my opening and down my ass onto the bed sheet. I immediately sat up and sucked his withering cock in my mouth to taste his cum and my pussy juices together. After a few minutes of sucking and licking he was hard again. So we did it again, this time in doggy position.

We fucked a total of four times that night between eight o'clock and midnight. We tried out many positions and performed oral on each other. My pussy was filled time and again with his cum and I had never felt so satisfied in all of my life.

It didn't end with that one night either. We began to go back to his place after ever class. We even started to meet when we did not have class. He met me on my lunch hour at work one day and we fucked in the back of my car. We took a blanket into the woods near a local park one other day and fucked right on the ground out in the open where anyone could have happened upon us. I even took a vacation day once and we spent the entire day in his bed and fucking like animals. I never tired of watching and feeling that teenage cock filling my thirty-year-old pussy.

By the end of the summer I was pregnant. He never knew about it. When the fall semester began and his friends and roommate returned, we said good-bye and knew at that moment that it had to be over. I never saw him again and eight months later I had a beautiful baby girl. She looks nothing like my husband but she doesn't look like anyone other than me except that she has blond hair and blue eyes.







Mom Next door

dsmitty8 on MILF Stories

A few days ago, I went to my neighbor's house to get a drink. It was a steamy, hot day, and I was sweating bullets. The sweat was dripping off my brown hair onto the asphalt, and sadly my parents weren't home, I was locked out. I am a pretty muscular kid for my age and pretty tall.The sweat was being held in by my jeans and tight, blue Giants jersey. I slowly jogged to the front door of the grayish looking house. The front was covered with rose bushes and green grass. I knocked on the door and she appeared, Rose V. She answered the dor in a tight White T-SHirt and jeans that hugged her ass perfectly. I always use to dream of putting my long 7 inch cock in there. Rose is kinda short 5' 3" and a thin woman at I think 150 pounds. Her hair laid perfectly on her shoulders and her tits were
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busting through her shirt, 34C. Her ass was one of the greatest masterpieces i have ever seen. Basically on sight of her my dick would begin to get rock hard.She saw me dripping at her doorway and invited me in to get a cold glass of water. She then said. "I'll be in the shower, make yourself at home." The thought of this hot mom in the shower made me get hard, and i had an urge to wank. I dashed into her little room and grabbed her thong that was laying lonely on the bed. It was purple. I then ran back into the living room and begin rubbing my hard meat with it. It felt o great that I didn't even hear the water shut off, it was so smooth that silk thong. The door opened, my head was back then all i heard was " Oh my god, what are you doing with my thong? You're doing it all wrong." My head looked up at her in puzzlement. SHe walked over in nothing but a white, cotton towel over herself. When she got close to my dick, still holding the towel, she got on her knees, and stuck out her small, petite hand. It grabbed my shaft and slowly stroked my flesh arrow. It felt so good coming from this hot mom, that i've wanted to fuck since i was like 10. Her hand slowly went faster and she asked, " Feels better, don;t it?" I couldn;t speak I just let out some air and nodded my head slowly staring at her hand. She looked up and said let me make it feel better. She is still holding the towel and put her pink, pouty lips to my shaft. My dick felt so good in there, her tongue begain to slowly go up and down my cock. It felt like the greatest massage ever. Her brown eyes would sometimes look up and it jsut made it feel better, to see this hot, innocent milf sucking my dick. The towel still around her, she stood up and asked, "well lets make you even harder, does this turn you on?" As she said that her hand went off the towel and it dropped like a feather. Her big tits were fully exposed to my eyes. She had the pinkest nipples, I have ever seen and one of the pinkest pussys. I told her to turn around and she followed my command. I couldn't get over how nice her round tight ass was. My cock began to grow and i could tell she liked it, a grin came across her face. "Well, why don't you eat my ass and i'll jerk that hard cock off?" In amazement I nodded. She dropped to all fours. Shebegan to practically beg for my wet tongue in her ass. On the couch, that i was sitting on, i leaned forward and opened her cheeks. My tongue slowly went and began rubbing her asshole. Her hands began clenching the greenish carpet and her face was tightening up. A few Ohs and Aws and other unrecognizable sounds were let out. My tongue began to penetrate her ass. From the pleasure, she layed the side of her face on the carpet and pulled her own ass apart. My tongue attempted to go farther, and she began whimpering Oh shits and Fuck. One hand left her ass cheek and grab my cock. Her hand began jerking me off just like how she did a few moments ago. Slurps and moans filled up the whole room. She was so happy that a young man was pleasuring her ass.Eventually after a few minutes of rimming, she moaned, " My ass is so wet right now, just stick it in." Rose's ass was up high and my cock slipped rigt into the saliva filled hole. My cock felt the tightness of her asshole. I didnt even start thrusting and she was rocking her ass back and forth, dragging my cock in farther. SHe was already moaning, " O fuck, I hadn't had anyone in my ass in so long O fuck." My hands then grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, and my hips began swaying. I felt the tightness around my tip and shaft. It was so good, I couldn't help, but yell, "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Rose you're so fucking tight." We both began to quiver from the tightness of her ass and my cock that was moving through it. I didn;t even know it but my hand rose and slapped her ass a few times. There was a red palm print on top of her smooth ass. She then crawled and my cock was removed from her ass, she then shoved me down onto the couch. I laid wondering what happened, and then her wet pussy engulfed my cock. She leaned forward and asked, " How does it feel fucking a hot mom? I bet great, you're so good." After her lips met mine and tongues, i could feel her supple tits on my chest. She then leaned back and swept the hair in her face behind her. Her legs then started leaping, her wet cunt was engulfing and rubbing my cok as it went up and down. My hands  reached forward and grabbed and felt her bouncing titties. Her bouncing was in a rythem and her face looked tired, but all she kept moaning was, "Oh shit, so good, such a large cock. I'm loving this, fuck this milf, fuk me hard.!!!!" Her ass was slapping my balls and thighs, a great sound. She then leaned forward again, and kissed. My arms grabbed her back, hugging her closer, her tits squashed against me. Keeping her still, my cock thrusted even harder into her pussy. We were in heaven, my balls slapping her ass. I then let go of her back and we both were going into each other, It felt so great and hot. Her tits were practially slapping her face. She then moans, "Hmm, I think i need a drink, o shit." She then gets up and gets on her knees. I get into a sitting position and aim my hose at her face. My hands begin to jerk myself off and  a large stream of cum spurts into her face. It lands near her eyes, nose, mouth, even reaching her forehead. She then says innocently," I'll clean it up." Her mouth once again begins to suck on my less hard cock. I decide i want more than a bj, so my hands surround her head and pull her in. My cock hits the back of her head and all i hear is Slurp Slurp Gag Gag Glurg Glarg MMMMMMMMMMMM. SHe pulls aways some cum on her lips and she then sucks the balls, sine there was some cum on there too. After she swallowed all the cum down her throat, she stood up. I was just baffled i fucked a milf, and she got up and grabbed the thong on the table. She went into her room, put on her clothes, and said, " I have to go pick up my daughters from softball, if you ever want another "DRINK" come back anytime", she laughed smiled and even pretended to suck my dick again. i SAT ON THAT couch wondering what happened and i was happy that i fucked that milf. I went out of the house, went next door to mine, and laid down. I couldn't get the thought of my mind especially telling me to come back. I noticed i was hard a few hours later, and wanted to go over to Rose's house for a "DRINK", but her two daughters were home. I thought maybe if there mom will fuck me, maybe those two hot asses will too, but that would be for another day. I smiled, and went to bed.

stepsister and the bluetick walker

anonymous on Animal Stories

It was a hot day in june i went to see my stepsister we always drank a case or so while her husband was working.about everyday ,crazy huh! anyway this particular day i went there and her car was there but she didn't answere the door , i keep knocking but no answere but i could hear her moaning or something i thought she hurt herself.  I went to the back door took my knife and popped the the

Diana meets Ben on a Sunday afternoon

paul1254 on Animal Stories

  Diana meets Ben, on a Sunday afternoon

This is a story sent to me from one of my readers.  With there permission they have agreed to share, hope you enjoy it.

Our sex life continued, Diana spent more time at my place, she usually went home on Saturday afternoons, but was always back in time for us to hit the night spots. I had forgotten my wallet, one Saturday morning, and had to go back to the apartment, (she slept late on Saturdays) so I let myself in quietly, thinking she was still sleeping, I found Diana lying on the settee with her legs wide open, and her eyes closed, she had not heard me come in, and boy what a site, she was fucking herself with the pumpkin, she was moaning every time she pushed it in her pussy. "Come on, come on, good boy, Oh yessss

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ssssssssssssss" it was going in so deep, half of it was inside her and she wanted more, her moans were telling me that she was going to cum, I didn't want to disturb her so I grabbed my wallet and left.
    When I got home from work at midday Diana had gone to her mothers, so I wouldn't see her until the evening, I showered and slept for a couple of hours, then clicked on to the Internet. Clicking through, I saw what Diana had logged on to that morning, it was sex stories, and when I opened them I discovered that what she had been reading was about women having sex with dogs, There was one story from a lady called "Trish" who had let her dog lick her pussy, and then she let him fuck her, she told it so well, every detail.
There were several stories that Diana had clicked on to and they were all about dogs fucking women.
    I was surprised at first, then thought about what I had seen that morning, and put two and two together, and that's what had made her horny enough to wank with a pumpkin. I decided not to say anything when I saw her; I would bring it up in conversation. (I was going to bring that up at the right time). She got home about 5 30 PM, we eat and showered, having this on my mind, and with her fingers on BB I soon became hard so I bent her over in the shower, and really gave her a good hard fucking.
    We dressed and went out drinking, dancing, and enjoying ourselves, and got home about 3 in the morning, had one more drink together, before going to bed, then she reached for her box of "toys" and she said to me "Watch me honey".
She started with the big candle, then progressed to the coke bottle, then PR, she was really pushing these things deep in her pussy. I encouraged her, and she had several orgasms, but she still wasn't satisfied, so next came the 7 up bottle.
"Help me honey" she said, so I spread her pussy lips with my fingers, and she pushed the bottle in, and groaned, in and in it went, I lowered my tongue to her clitoris and flicked it, the bottle was in her pussy and she was pushing it in deeper, her pussy stretched open as she pushed it in further, she groaned again, as it went in deeper, I kept flicking, then looked as her fingers pushed it in. I had never seen it go in so far, I reached over and licked her nipples, and she screamed as another powerful orgasm went through her. I whispered in her ear," Does it feel like a dogs cock Diana" her eyes were clenched shut and she screamed again, as her orgasm became more intense.
  The bottle came out, and I pushed BB in as deep as I could, she was still in the throws of orgasm, as I pounded into her, seeing her like this made me cum in record time and I came in her, her orgasm must have lasted a good three minuets. I withdrew from her, and rolled off, and we came back to earth, she rolled over and I snuggled in, putting one hand on her breast and we fell asleep. 
   The next morning, (being Sunday) we had our usual sex marathon, on the bed, kitchen work top, and breakfast table, every thing came in to play, cucumber, bottles and pumpkin, finishing up with BB and her "vanilla" in her mouth. As she washed up, I went on line, and found the stories she had been reading, and called her over, she came and I moved to let her sit and read. She read, looked at me and blushed, I laughed, as did she and the ice was broken, and I asked her why she had been reading these particular stories, "Honey don't ask me that" she laughed, I replied to her nervous laughter, "Do you want to feel a doggies tongue licking the inside of you pussy like in the story Trish wrote"?
   I could see that my question had touched something inside her, I told her how I had come home on Saturday morning and saw her with the pumpkin and moaning, "Come on, come on, Oh good boy". "Honey" she gasped,
"Were you fantasizing about a dog fucking you, be honest" I asked. She looked at me, and blurted out "Yes honey, I was thinking about that, I had read that story and others about women and dogs that I had to wank and the pumpkin was the nearest thing". "Ok, do you still think the same" I asked,
"Honey, every since Iv read those stories, Iv been dripping, Iv been wanking 3 and 4 times a day thinking about it" she said. "Well do you want to try it? There's Ben down stairs, (a big black Labrador, he often came up to see us) if you want to try it, I would really like to see you getting fucked by him" I said.
   "Oh honey, she gasped, "I was afraid to tell you in case, you thought me crazy, every time I walk past him my panties become soaking, and if you're not around I wank as soon as I get in, I would really like to try him". I was getting hard just thinking of the dog licking her pussy, and dropped my shorts and BB sprang out, she was still sitting and it nearly hit her in the face, she wrapped her fingers around it and stroked him up and down. "Has talking about me wanting to fuck a dog had this effect on you"? She asked,
"Of course it has" was my reply, and she took my cock in her mouth and wanked him slowly. "I'm going to cum babe" I said, and that was it, she screamed as I pumped and pumped into her mouth, she swallowed it all whilst looking up at me. 
  We had coffee, and talked more about it, I wanted to know if she had ever tried it before, her answer was, no. She told me that she had never thought about it until she had read the stories, and now it was on her mind all the time, just talking to me about it had made her wet. "Do you want the pumpkin" I asked, "Yes get it for me honey, my pussy's dribbling", she said, so I fetched it. She removed her shorts and soaked panties and lay back on the table, with her legs bent and wide open. I opened her pussy lips and eased it inside her, she moaned, and her hand came down on top of mine and pushed it in, then pulled it out, then pushed it in deeper, 'Oh yesssss", she moaned, her eyes closed, as we pushed and pulled the pumpkin in and out of her stretched pussy.
   "Would you like this to be a dog's cock Diana"? I whispered, "Oh honey yyyeeeessssss, I want to feel his knot inside me, I want to feel his cum inside me, push it in deeper" she replied, so both our hands slowly pushed the pumpkin in deeper, another long moan escaped from her lips. "Oh honey it feels so good, its reaching up to my stomach, I want to feel a big dogs cock filling me" she gasped, and then she came, a shattering scream filled the room,  "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhooonnnneeeeyyyyyyy" her convulsions went on and on, I took her hand of the pumpkin and worked it in and out fast, she just lay back and came and came.
    I eased the pumpkin out, of her pussy and her juices came spurting out, my head went down and I lapped up as much as I could before she pushed me away. "You really enjoyed that didn't you "I asked, "Oh honey", she replied, "I don't know what's come over me, I'm horny all the time, thinking about it". "So you want to try it, with Ben then"?  I asked. "Honey, I don't know, how can we get him up here, he doesn't come up here all the time" she said with a smile on her face. "We will teach him, each time we come in, you finger your pussy in the car, he always comes to greet us, and we always pet him, you let him smell your fingers, and see what happens" I suggested. "Ok" was her answer.
    We went out later to the beach, and swam, called in for some shopping and headed home, we were both wearing shorts. As we got near the apartment, Diana put her fingers inside her pussy, "Let me taste" I asked, and she put them in my mouth, she tasted good, she put them back in her pussy, and removed them as we got to the gate. Security let us in, and I parked, we could see Ben lying in the shade, as we walked towards him he stood up and stretched. I put my hand down on his head, and Diana offered him her fingers, he sniffed, and then started to lick them. I thought she was going to cum there and then, the look on her face. 'Good dog Ben" she whispered.
   We carried on up the stairs, and let ourselves in, I put down the shopping and I watched her, she was in a trance, she was in deep thought. "You OK babe" I asked, she looked at me, and said "Honey, Iv never touched a dogs tongue before, it's rough, I can't even think what it will feel like licking me, god I nearly came, when he was licking my fingers." The door opened and Ben came strolling in, we both looked him, then at each other.
    "Its up to you babe, I think he likes what he tasted, go sit down on the settee, and lets see what happens" I suggested. She smiled and walked over and sat down, and Ben followed her, she had her legs closed, and his head was resting on her knees, and he was looking at her. She stroked him, and I told her to open her legs, she looked at me, and opened her legs .Ben could obviously smell her, he put his head between her legs, to her covered pussy, and smelled again.
   "Let me lie back Ben,  and Ill take my shorts off" she said, she removed her shorts, (she still had her swimming costume on) and lay back, and spread her legs. I walked over to see what would happen, Ben went straight to her pussy, and his tongue came out and licked. She groaned out loud, Ben looked at her, and went back to licking the join between her legs. "Oh honey" she whimpered, "I'm so wet, it's running out of me, he must be able to taste me" he just kept licking, I moved over beside her.
   "Well its up to you Diana, do you want to feel what a dogs tongue is like licking your pussy, you might never get the chance again" I whispered as I sat there watching all that was happening. Her face was flushed, and she started to remove her one piece swimming costume, Ben didn't want to stop licking her, so I pulled him back by his collar, he wanted more.
    Her nipples were hard, as she uncovered them, and she slipped the bottom part down her legs, and kicked them away, she had made up her mind, she lay back and opened her legs, smiled at me, and closed her eyes.
   Ben didn't have to be told what to do, I led him forward and his nose went straight to her open pussy, she groaned out loud, and smiled, "Oh honey," she gasped as his tongue started to lick her. Her legs opened more, she lifted them and her hands grabbed them behind her knees, she was wide open to his tongue. "Honey its going inside me, Oh god its fantastic, he's really going inside me deeper, I'm going to cum," she gasped, and then let out a long wail, as she shook all over. Ben didn't care there was more for him to lap up, I could see Bens cock sticking out of his sheath about 3 inches, it was red, pointed and about 1.5 inches diameter.
    Ben really had the taste for her, his tongue just kept lapping at her, he turned his head to get at her pussy better, I could see his tongue going inside her. Diana was just moaning, and moaning, I reached forward and spread her pussy with my fingers, his tongue went inside her about 3 inches, and she came again. "Honey I can't stop coming, his tongue is touching places," she gasped again as another orgasm sent her body into convulsions. Ben was beginning to become frantic, with all the juices leaking from Diana's pussy, and was lapping faster.
 "Shall I stop him babe" I asked, "No honey, I just want to put my legs down, Oh god I'm coming again," she gasped, she couldn't hold her legs any more and they fell onto the floor. Ben stopped and looked at her then went back to her pussy, her hand came down and she stroked his head, "You're a fantastic doggie Ben, and you have a gorgeous tongue, you really know how to please a lady," she had a big smile on her face.
   I pulled Ben back from her pussy, to give him some water, as he came with me Diana noticed his cock and said "Honey have you seen his cock? Its fucking huge, its nearly touching the floor". I looked down and she was right, it was huge, about 9 inches long, and the thickest part was about 3 inches round, and that was not his "knot".  "How do you feel babe," I asked her.
   "Honey I feel wonderful , I must have cum 6 times and each time was stronger than the last one, god I can't believe it, his tongue, was right up in side me, now I know how all those women felt, god it was fantastic." She was smiling and had a twinkle in her eye. I asked her if she wanted a drink, and she came over, and I poured two strong drinks with coke, she slipped into her shorts. Ben was lying down now watching us, and then started to lick his cock. Diana watched him, I was watching her.
   She watched Ben for a few minuets drinking her drink, and then she walked over to him and bent down, she was watching him licking his cock, "Honey its big," she said and she touched it with her finger, "And it's still quite hard". I watched what she was going to do, Ben lay back on his back, and she took a closer look at his cock. She lifted it with her thumb and fore finger, then her fingers closed around it, her fingers wouldn't reach round it, it was so big.
   She moved her hand up and down, and Ben just lay there, she was mesmerized and continued to wank him, it started to get harder, she took another long drink whilst still holding Bens cock in her hand. "What are you thinking" I asked her, she looked at me, still wanking Ben, "You thinking about what it would feel like in you're pussy," "Honey how do you know?, that's just what I was thinking, but look at it, its big, I don't know if I can take it" she said looking back at the big dog cock she was holding. "Well you won't know until you try it will you? Do you want to try it? Do you want to feel that, what you're holding in your hand, inside your pussy, are you wet?"
    "Honey I'm dripping, I haven't stopped dripping since he licked my fingers," she said as she smiled, Bens cock was hard now and out of his sheath, a good 9 inches long, and his knot could be seen inside the sheath, Diana noticed it, and jumped as her hand felt it. "Oh my god is that his knot, it's bigger that I thought, there's no way that will fit inside me," she exclaimed. Then she took another long drink, and came and pored another us both another one.
  She sat on the breakfast bar, drinking her drink, and kept glancing across at Ben who was now back to licking his cock, I saw her looking and said "You want to try it don't you? You want to feel it inside you, it looks big, but you think about the pumpkin you fuck yourself with, it's bigger than Bens cock, be honest, this is your chance". She looked back at me, then to Bens cock, then back at me, she was thinking, "You wont let him hurt me will you, if I say stop you will pull him off wont you?" she asked. BB was hard in my shorts, and she noticed, and giggled, I reached for her zip on the shorts and pulled it down, took the drink from her and stretched her out. I pulled her shorts off her, opened her legs and pushed BB in to the hilt inside her, she was soaking, and moaned out loud, "Oh yes honey, fuck me, fuck me hard, make me wet for Ben," I pushed into her deep, she jumped but I kept on pumping, I whispered in her ear, how much she will enjoy Bens big cock inside her, and she screamed as she came, that made me come.
   She lay there, and calmed down, then went and took a shower, using her shampoo bottle to clean inside her pussy. When she came back she was wearing just a towel, grabbed her drink, and sat on the settee, Ben jumped up and trotted across to her, she smiled and scratched his ears, and he was trying to put his nose up the towel. "You want to taste some more Ben, you want to eat my pussy again," she said as he kept pushing his nose up the towel.
   "Why don't you lie on the coffee table, you can stretch out flat" I said, Diana moved across and laid the towel out on the coffee table, and sat down. Ben took this as an invitation to dive his nose between her legs, Diana giggled, and said "Ok baby, you please mama, with that big tongue," and lay back with her legs wide open and her feet resting on the floor. He went right to her pussy and his tongue went inside her, she moaned. She moved a little to get comfortable, closed her eyes, and let his tongue go where it wanted, she moaned, again and again, and I knew she was going to cum, it only took a couple of minutes and she had her first violent orgasm and her body shuddered.
   I moved over and knelt down buy her head, and took a nipple in my mouth and sucked. "Oh honey, what are you both doing to me," she gasped, and had another orgasm. Bens tongue was again inside her pussy, I could see it disappearing, his nose was wet from her juices, and he was lapping it all up. His cock once again was hard and sticking out of his sheath, I stopped sucking her nipple, and whispered in Diana's ear. "You want to feel his cock in you now? Are you ready? You want to do this?  She opened her eyes and looked at me "Yes honey I want to do it, I want all his cock, help me" I kissed her, our tongues came together, she shuddered, another orgasm.
   I broke the kiss, and stood up, walked to Ben (who was lapping even more now because of her flowing juices) and stood behind him. I lifted him up and put his paws either side of Diana, on the coffee table, and put some pussy juice on her nipples, Ben went straight for it. Diana moaned, and closed her eyes again.
Bens cock was near her pussy, I reached down grabbed hold of it, and pushed Ben forward, his cock went into her pussy a couple of inches, Diana jumped, "Ok honey" I said, "Put it in me honey," she pleaded, Ben sensed what was expected, and arched his back and pushed forward, Diana gasped, Ben pulled back and pushed forward again harder, more of his cock went in, again she gasped.
   Ben started to fuck her now, long powerful strokes; more of his cock was being pushed into her pussy. Diana lifted her legs, and put them on Bens back opening her pussy more to him, she was breathing heavy and starting to scream. I moved to her mouth and kissed her hard to stop her noise, Ben was pounding in to her, the full length and width of his cock was disappearing inside her pussy. She came, her back arched, her knuckles were white as she gripped the edge of the coffee table, she screamed into my mouth, but Ben didn't stop. He continued to thrust his cock into her, I pulled away from the kiss and asked her, "Are you OK babe, is he hurting you? Shall I stop him?" "No honey please don't stop him, God, its going in so deep, I can really feel him filling me, his cock is so hot, I think I'm going to cum again," she gasped, again her body went into spasms as her orgasm went through her.
   Bens tongue was hanging out and he was panting hard, he had been fucking her for only a few minutes, but he didn't slow down, Diana had cum 3 or 4 times in such a short time is was as though she was having one continues orgasm. He shifted his position; she moved her legs higher on his back, and groaned, as his cock relentlessly kept pounding into her. I looked back and could see his knot, it was bigger than 3 inches  round, it was banging up against her pussy, I whispered in her ear, "His knot is big Diana, do you want it?"
"Oh Honey yesssssssss I want to feeeeeel all of him inside me this is fantastic." she mumbled.
     Ben was really pushing his knot against her stretched pussy, and he wanted it to be buried inside her, (which is natural for a dog to bury his knot in a bitch when mating) . Diana adjusted her legs on his back which seemed to give him more access, it was slowly disappearing inside her, Diana gave out a long wail as it disappeared from view, her knuckles where white as she hung on to the table edge, and her back arched. "He's coming in me honey, he's coming in me, Oh god, it's so hot, and there's so much, I can't stop coming, its so big, she screamed. Ben began to slow; his knot was still buried in side Diana pussy, he stopped and was panting very heavy, as was Diana, they were both still, and the dogs cum was leaking out of her pussy; Diana was relaxing with the knot inside her.  "I'm going to get my camera" I whispered, "Yes honey take pictures, please," she whimpered, I was back with my camera in 4 seconds, and they were still tied together by Bens knot, I took one of her face, of the look of pure pleasure, the tear stains and the smile. I asked her to put her legs on Ben's back, which she did and took one of Bens cock deep inside her pussy, and another from 5 feet away of the two of them together.
    "Honey, he's so deep in me, I can feel his knot it's stretching me, and his cum is still dripping  out of me,
(there was a pool of his cum on the floor),  I dropped my shorts, and BB sprang out, I walked over to her and put it in her mouth, she sucked, and wanked me till I came.( very quickly). Ben pulled back and Diana moaned, as his knot and cock slipped out of her with a torrent of dog cum, she was licking BB clean. Ben went and drank some water then lay down by the door, and started licking his cock. Diana didn't move, she lay there exhausted, with dog cum still dripping out of her. I passed her a drink, and she sat up and swigged half of it down. "Well, was it as good as you imagined it would be?" I asked, she looked at me, smiled and said "Better, honey I want to do it again, but not today, Iv had enough for today, in fact enough for tomorrow as well," and we both laughed.
    I helped her to the shower, and she washed her self inserting the shampoo bottle, into her pussy filling it 5 to 6 times to clean the dog cum which was running down her legs. Ben, well he just lay for a while then went back down stairs. We relaxed quietly the rest of the night, a few drinks; I put the pictures on my CP, while she watched over my shoulder, when she saw them she gasped, "Honey they are so clear, you can see every thing, I want a copy of them to keep. Is that all you have?" That's all babe, only 3, I didn't want to miss out on the action," and I giggled. "Well make sure you get more next time" she said, "Next time, you want to do it again, with Ben?" I questioned. "Oh yes honey," she said "I'm going to train him, to satisfy me for when you're away", and she had a glint in her eye.
    We went to bed then, and as we snuggled in together, she kissed me and asked me if I had enjoyed watching her and Ben, I told her it was the horniest thing I had ever seen, and I would love to see it again. "You will honey, I promise you," she whispered in the darkness.

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