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rellevart1 Member Since February 04, 2010

My daughter returns day 3

rellevart1 on Incest Stories

This is the continuation of the story begun in My Daughter Return Day 1 & 2. If you haven’t read them read those first.

Waking up my body refused to respond to the requests I was making of it like moving my arm or getting up. It seems it did not appreciate being stuffed in the corner of a couch all night long. I realized also that I was alone on the couch. Wondering where my lovely partner

My daughter returns day 2

rellevart1 on Incest Stories

This is a continuation of the story my daughter returns day 1. If you haven’t read that read it first.

The following morning was Saturday. I woke up with the faint wisps of the dreams I had of my daughter. And my morning hard on was a just a little harder than it usually was. My balls ached as if I had been wearing a cock ring for the entire night. I tried to put this aside and make p

My daughter returns day 1

rellevart1 on Incest Stories

There she was stepping through the security gates of the terminal pink bag in hand. Veronica had been 13 when last I saw her and she sure had change. Her mother and I had gotten a divorce and she made some bogus claims about me molesting our daughter and my lawyer pretty much said if I did not role over I my life would be a waste land. So my wife got full custody and I got limited visitations