Member Since August 23, 2010
Ross adds another family member for his own sexual use...his grandmother.
There Can Be Only One Ch 27
Ross lets both his mother and sister know who exactly is 'Master' of the house.
There Can Be Only One Ch 26
Cathy tries to be more agreeable to her brother while Susie discover's that she and her mum are not the only playthings of the young teen Master of the house.
There Can Be Only One Chapters 1 & 2
A mother is blackmailed into sexual submission by her son after he has already made use of his younger sister and her best friend.
There Can Be Only One Ch 29
Ross tightens his grip on the Vicar's wife.
There Can Be Only One Ch.25
Ross showers with his younger sister...and....
There Can Be Only One Ch.30
Ross takes his French Mistress a stage further...
There Can Be Only One Ch28
Ross uses Susie to 'seduce' another woman for his sexual pleasure.
There Can Be Only One Ch 33
Cathy teases her father some more which makes the end of his day enjoyable.
Ross offers a solution to Susie's sunday date.
Ross offers a solution to Susie's sunday date.
There Can Be Only One Ch 32
Ross's love of humilating his mother and sister continues as he brings in the meek Mrs Wells from number 54 totally under his sexual control.
There Can Be Only One Chapters 3 & 4
There Can Be Only One Chapter 3
When I got to my room I jumped on the bed, the girls right behind me.
“I can’t believe you made mum suck your cock†Cathy squealed.
I pulled Vicky to me and kissed her hard on the lips, my tongue pushing its way between them only to find her tongue eager to play with mine. I felt a hand gingerly touch my now flaccid cock which I knew would not respond having cum for the third time in as many hours, but what the hell…the hand felt good and even better when it snaked its way under my shorts, and with Vicky soft lips on mine I was not going to stop.
“Hey quit it you two…I am not gonna be a gooseberry here.â€
I broke off the kiss and was somewhat surprised when I realised that
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There Can Be Only One Chapters 5 & 6
The control and humiliation continues
There Can Be only One Chapter 12
Cathy Gorman 16
Susie Gorman 19
Ross Gorman 17
Alice Gorman 43
Vicky (Cathy's friend) 16
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There Can Be Only One Ch 11
Chapter 11
Ross was almost done organising the pictures that he had taken of his latest session with his mother when the door opened and in walked Cathy and Vicky. Ross turned his head and his hand shot down to cover his hard cock on hearing the door open.
“Knock before you come in” he barked at Cathy
“Well Soreeee…”
Ross’s anger quickly faded as he was not particularly angry at Cathy…&rdqu Read More
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 10)
Author's Notes: I am very glad that you guys are enjoying the story. If you want the photos of the girl that this story was based on then please first leave a comment and add to the ratings first before sending me an email with your request. Thanks. Please enjoy this next part.
Harrison awoke and looked at his watch. It was 2:00 AM.
He arose from the bed feeling invigorated and re-charged,
Harrison awoke and looked at his watch. It was 2:00 AM.
He arose from the bed feeling invigorated and re-charged,
My Niece, Amber - Part III (Final)
My Niece, Amber - Part III
Before she passed, my wife Lisa and I had what most would describe as a pretty exciting, adventurous sex life. I thoroughly enjoyed tying her up and forcing her to do things she might not normally do. The thought of unexpectedly ramming my cock deep into her throat or ass or slipping a finger into her pussy in public and seeing her reaction kept me going ...
Before she passed, my wife Lisa and I had what most would describe as a pretty exciting, adventurous sex life. I thoroughly enjoyed tying her up and forcing her to do things she might not normally do. The thought of unexpectedly ramming my cock deep into her throat or ass or slipping a finger into her pussy in public and seeing her reaction kept me going ...
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 1)
A story of an 18 years old high school cheerleader getting raped and violated in the worst ways possible!
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 11)
Withdrawing from Diana, Harrison got to his knees and looked down at her. As Diana lay on her stomach a river of cum ran out from under her, forming a sticky puddle between her legs on the bedspread. Pressing her face into the mattress she laid there sobbing, almost uncontrollably, while struggling to catch her breath.
As he looked down, Harrison smiled at her and then made a surprising discov
As he looked down, Harrison smiled at her and then made a surprising discov
My Niece, Amber - Part II
My Niece, Amber - Part II
The laptop was set up again that evening and, right on cue, Amber entered my room as she had done night after night. Of course, the big difference this time was that I was awake and ready. I let things progress as usual but found it extremely difficult to maintain my composure. In her eyes, I was supposed to be asleep, but the feeling of her soft, wet, teenage lips wr
The laptop was set up again that evening and, right on cue, Amber entered my room as she had done night after night. Of course, the big difference this time was that I was awake and ready. I let things progress as usual but found it extremely difficult to maintain my composure. In her eyes, I was supposed to be asleep, but the feeling of her soft, wet, teenage lips wr
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 16)
Slowly and deliberately Tyrone pumped his cock, up and down, inside Diana’s tight hole. With each downward thrust he rotated his hips in a circular motion, causing his shaft to penetrate her in a way that resembled a large auger, drilling down into the soft earth. As his rotating movements stretched her opening, Diana groaned in obvious discomfort.
Suddenly the muscles along the wall of her va
Suddenly the muscles along the wall of her va
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 14)
While out in the parking lot, Harrison had observed a hulking black male leaving one of the rooms, just a few doors down from the one he and Diana were in. Ordinarily, Harrison would not have been inclined to share his “treasure†with anybody. However, he had already had the ultimate pleasure of taking her precious virginity, twice actually (if he included when he fucked her ass). So he decided t
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 8)
Author's Notes: This is the part that I am sure everyone has been waiting for. Diana finally got a cherry popped! Thank you for reading all the way up to this part. Things will now get better and better from now on!
Harrison let Diana sleep on the bed for about a half an hour while he took some more pictures and uploaded them to his computer. He figured another 30 minutes would be enough tim
Harrison let Diana sleep on the bed for about a half an hour while he took some more pictures and uploaded them to his computer. He figured another 30 minutes would be enough tim
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 6)
When choosing where to bring Diana for his depraved intentions, the Vagabond Motel fit the bill perfectly. It was exactly the kind of place that came to mind when people thought of a trashy motel. In fact, the Vagabond may have been the original “No Tell†Motel.
The Vagabond had a history of catering to prostitutes and their Johns and rooms were typically rented by the hour, rather than by th
The Vagabond had a history of catering to prostitutes and their Johns and rooms were typically rented by the hour, rather than by th
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 15)
Lifting Diana off the floor, Tyrone carried her across the room. As her body hung limp in his arms, she slowly regained consciousness and let out a quiet moan. As he dropped her on the bed, the impact jarred her fully conscious and her eyes opened with a start.
Standing over her, Tyrone smiled and quickly stripped out of his sweats. As his cock, still wet with her saliva, hung down from betwee
Standing over her, Tyrone smiled and quickly stripped out of his sweats. As his cock, still wet with her saliva, hung down from betwee
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 7)
As Harrison climbed off Diana and she felt his weight lifted off her torso, she took another deep breath and was suddenly able to breathe normally at last. As she lay on the bed whimpering, she curled up into a fetal position and closed her eyes. She was afraid to look at him and she needed to rest.
The brutal session of forced oral sex had left her physically and emotionally drained. Her head
The brutal session of forced oral sex had left her physically and emotionally drained. Her head
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 3)
Harrison pulled his Mercedes into the underground garage at his leased condo. His opulent wealth was just one more thing (in his mind) that made him different than all the other slime ball sex offenders out there. In spite of his long fall from his ivory tower, Harrison had maintained ample financial resources.
As the founding partner of his former firm, with a majority stake in it's ownership
As the founding partner of his former firm, with a majority stake in it's ownership
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 13)
Opening the door, Harrison walked back into the room and found the bathroom door still closed. Standing outside, he could hear the sound of a blow dryer. Going to the door, he pushed it open and called in to the bathroom. Hurry up and finish dressing, Diana, I have a surprise for you. Then he shut the door.
After about 10 more minutes, the bathroom door opened and Diana stepped back into the
After about 10 more minutes, the bathroom door opened and Diana stepped back into the
My Niece, Amber - Part 1
I was somewhat hesitant when I got the call from my sister in law about taking in my niece for the summer. I mean, my wife Lisa had passed five years earlier and I had been on my own since. The thought of having my niece crowding me at every turn in my condo wasn't one that I relished. But she was insistent that she needed to get Amber out of their tiny little town for a bit ...
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 9)
As Harrison drilled Diana, his blood streaked cock slid in and out of her like a piston and her tight little twat, clutched his shaft like a death grip. In spite of the loss of her virginity, her tight cunt had a long ways to go before it was loosened enough to handle a man’s cock without bleeding or causing her discomfort. By the end of the weekend, he planned to have that problem solved for her
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 5)
Harrison pulled out of the parking ramp and merged into the evening traffic. Two blocks away, he pulled to the curb and waited in the open parking lane for Diana. Approximately five minutes later, he saw her pull out of the ramp in her dad’s Lexus.
As she pulled in behind him, he put his Mercedes into gear and merged back into traffic, with Diana following close behind him. As he drove the 10
As she pulled in behind him, he put his Mercedes into gear and merged back into traffic, with Diana following close behind him. As he drove the 10