oldbondsie on all

Raped Hard and Violently
We have been best friends for a long time. I know that in the past you've had strong feelings for me but frankly, I've never really felt anything for you. You're a great guy, you're good-looking, you're funny, you're smart, and you're definitely the best friend I have, but I've just never been interested in a romantic relationship. I think in the back of my mind, I sometimes wonder just how strong for me your feelings are...
It's a pretty normal day. We come back to my house after school like we do everyday to hang out. I turn on the television and drop myself next to you on the couch. You put your arms around me, drawing me into a big hug. I smile, even though I'm not really interested in you, I still love you as a friend. I huddle
Then suddenly, I feel your hand rubbing my breasts. I jump up and stare, "What the fuck are you doing, Steph," I shout at you.
"Oh come on, Kailie, we're both horny, let's just do it," you tell me. It's true, it has been a very long time since I've had any sort of sexual experience with anyone but myself, but I can't let this happen, I'm not a loose girl at all.
"I think you should go," I say, turning around and opening the door.
"No, Kailie, I'm sorry. We can just watch TV," you say, pleadingly.
"I'd like you to go," I say, looking at the floor.
"I can't fucking believe you, Kailie. I do everything for you, I love you, and you won't even let me touch you. You're such a fucking tease," you shout as you storm out of the room.
I start to cry as I hear you putting your shoes on in the hallway. I run upstairs to change clothes as they are still damp from the walk home. I hear the door open and then slam, tears stream from my eyes. What is my problem? We've been friends long enough that maybe it's about time we took that next step. But no, I just don't feel that way about you and to do anything physically with you would be a trap. I peel my wet layers off and lay toss them on the floor, looking at myself in the mirror. I can understand why you made the move finally, I am fucking gorgeous. My red hair, my 32C boobs that are almost bursting out of my bra, my flat stomach and toned, long legs, why wouldn't you go for it?
And then you're on me.
"You really think I could start that without finishing it?" you grow l at me.
"Get the fuck off, Steph!" I yell at you, trying to slap your hands away from my hips and breasts.
"Shut the FUCK up, Kailie!" you yell in my ear as you trap both of my wrists in one hand and start to fondle my breasts, yanking my bra down to let them breathe.
I scream, I writhe, I shout, I kick, but none of it wards you off. You push me forward into my dresser, knocking perfume and assorted items onto the floor. I feel your hand making its way down my skirt and desperately try and get free. I manage to break your grip on my wrists and elbow you in the stomach. I try and run for the door, screaming, but you catch me around the hips, pulling me back with incredible strength and throwing me onto the bed.
"Leave me alone!" I yell at you.
"It will be easier if you jsut give in you little whore," you shout back at me. My eyes are streaming with tears, both from fear and from your betrayal.
I stando n the bed, eyes frantically searching for an escape route. You lick your lips as you stare at my exposed breasts and my wet khaki skirt that is semi-transparent at this point. I fake towards the bathroom before breaking for the door again. You're not fooled for a second. You grab me around the neck in a headlock and pull me towards the wall, I can feel your rock hard member pushing up against my ass. I groan, not only in fear, but in slight arousal. You detect the slight arousal in my sound and immediately attack my tits with both hands.
"Just fucking give it up, Kailie!" you shout at me.
"NO! STOPPIT PLEASE! NO I CAN'T!" I beg you. I'm screaming because I can feel my guard weakening, you've gotten my nipples rock hard and I know that I'm getting wet. You manage to turn my head to you and shove your tongue roughly into my mouth. I moan wildly, pushing you away and sprinting for the door again. This time, I manage to get out the door, but as I'm rounding the banister to go down the stairs you catch me by the hair. I scream in pain as you yank me to my ass by the hair and then pick me up under the arms, carrying me to my parents room.
"NO! GET THE FUCK OFF YOU FUCKER! NOOOOO PLEASE NO!" I shout at you again. You close the door behidn us and shove me up against the wall, your cock rubbing agaisnt my ass again as you breathe heavily onto the back of my neck.
"I'm going to fuck you now, Kailie. I don't want to rape you, but I will if you make me." you whisper in my ear.
I whimper, crying. "Please... Steph, I won't tell anyone. Please just stop."
You chuckle before resuming your wild and violent attack on my sexual parts. I scream as your hand plunges up my skirt, pushing my panties aside and slamming two fingers into my cunt. "STOP STEPH! PLEASE NO!" I scream again. You turn my head to look at you again and slam your tongue into my mouth again. Your other hand is holding one of my hands above my head while I desperately try and scratch at your hand that is violently attacking my pussy.
"No... please..." I beg, weakening.
You increase the pace of your fingering and soon I'm rocking my hips in spite of myself. You grin, knowing that you've gotten there. You rip my skirt off completely, throwing me onto my parents bed and crawling ontop of me. I scramble to my knees again, trying to get away but the cold stare in your eyes freezes me. I break down, crying and sobbing. "Why are you doing this?" I cry.
"Because you're beautiful and I need to fuck you. I can't stare at you for one more day without fucking you." you say to me. With that, you're on top of me, necking me, rubbing me, fingering me. It's all a blur.
It isn't long before my own lust takes over though. You are making me feel incredible. I scream as I cum for the first time with your fingers violently hooking inside me. "FUCKKKKK OH MY GOD! DON'T STOP!" i scream as a flush of liquids pours out of me. You pull away from me, looking at me and grinning. "OH MY GOD, STEPH KEEP GOING!" I shout at you.
You position yourself in between my legs and smile at me as I feel your cock rub the outside of my vagina. "OHHHH GOD PUT IT IN. PLEASE I NEED YOUR FUCKING COCK." I scream at you, still coming down from my orgasm.
You smile, pulling me into a violent and wild makeout before slamming your cock into me with lost abandon. I'm shrieking, moaning, scratching, flailing. You grin at me as I scream for more. "FUCK ME HARDER OHHHH GOD HARDER! YESSSSSSS JUST LIKE THAT YOU FUCKER! OHHHH GOD RAPE ME, STEPH, RAPE ME! I KNOW YOUV'E WANTED TO FUCK ME FOR SO LONG, DO IIIIT FUCKKKKK FUCK ME HARD!" I've lost all self control, you knew that if you got me going I wouldn't stop you and here we are, fucking like animals. I roll over so that I'm on top and scream in pleasure as I start to ride you. "FUCKKKK KYESSS OH GOD I LOVE YOUR COCK YOU FUCKER. YESSSS I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" I shout at the top of my lungs. You are fondling my tits wildly again, as I suck on one of your fingers, slurping and moaning. I start to speed up my pace, bouncing on your cock like a pogo stick. You sense that I'm close to cumming again and You thrust wildly up into me, matching my rhythm.
Coming down from that last wild orgasm I stare at you. "You're a fucking rapist." I say flatly.
You grin. "I can't believe you just raped me" I spit in your face with disgust. "Get out of here," you shout
I pull myself off of your cock and start to get dressed. But you haven't gotten off yet and you're not going to take no for an answer now either. I should haev known.
You grab me from behind, pushing me againsdt my parents dresser and slamming your cock back into me from behind.
You growl at me, biting me lightly on the neck before resuming our wild fuck session. I'm screaming in spite of myself, knocking things off the dresser and slamming back into your every therust. "FUCKCKKKKK OH GOD FUCK MEEEEE! OHHHHHHH MY GOD I'M GOING TO CUM AGAIN!" I scream, rubbing my cliterus as you fuck me.
You can feel another huge flush of liquids come out of my vagina as you pull out to let them stream out. You slam right back into me though, holding my hips and thrusting wildly, talking dirty to me.
I orgasm again, losing strength in my legs and collapsing onto my knees, still wildly slamming back into you. We're fucking doggy style and I know that you're getting close.
FUCKKKKKKK! OHHH YES FUCK ME LIKE A SLUUUUT I WANT TO BE YOUR SLUT! OHHHHHHHH YESSSSS IT FEELS SO AMAZING! YESSSS FUCK YESSS OH MY FUCKING GOD OH MYYYYY FUCKING GAWWWWWWD! OHHHHHHH I CAN'T... OH GOD RAAAAAPE ME YESSSSS I NEED IT! OHHHHH YOUR FUCKING COCK FEELS SOOOO GOOD. AHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIT I'M CUMMING! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream again. You increase your pace maddeningly. I feel you cum, I clamp down on you, screaming "FUCKKKKKK YESSSSSS OHHHH CUM IN ME, RAPE ME FUCKKKKK YEAAAAAH!" as you shout back at me "oAHHH I'M CUMMING KAILIE! OHHHHH YEAH!" I scream uncontrollably as I cum harder than ever when I feel your hot jets of semen fly and stick against my pussy walls. You scream too, shouting my name and writhing in pleasure. You continue to thrust even though you've gotten off though and I beg for you to stop again, "I CAN'T TAAAAKE IT ANYMOOOOORE OHHHHH!" But you don't, you keep thrusting, you keep raping me... forever... but it's not really rape. Not really at all.
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Family Friend Fucked
I strolled up the driveway following my parents, realizing that the next three hours of my life would be a waste. My baby cousin Terry was having his first birthday, I wondered what the point was. The kid surely wouldn't remember any of this. I had no problem with kids, I enjoy them in non-overly large doses, it was just the idea of spending my sunday afternoon with my family that seemed like a waste of time.
I walked inside and looked around before grabbing some chips and dip and sitting down to watch the football game. Unfortunately when I sat down I noticed that my uncle was already watching some nascar race, which had no interest of mine. So instead I walked into the back room and found my cousin's guitar. I hadn't played in weeks
"Nate, get in here, we're opening presents," I heard my aunt call. I sighed and set down the guitar before heading back into the thick of people, some of whom I didn't even know. One of these people was a good friend of the mother of the birthday boy. As I squeezed by her to get a soda from the fridge I noticed that she was pretty cute. Her name, I heard, was Erica. I subtly examined her more closely, her husband was sitting on the couch watching nascar, a beer in his hand. Erica's breasts, despite her 2 children had not sagged greatly, they stood firm under her orange top, she was about 5'5". I estimated she was in her early 30's. The upper-midwest was experiencing a heatwave over the weekend, temperatures had spiked from normally 60 to the mid-80's. Because of this, Erica was wearing some extremely sexy short jean shorts. As my eyes made it up to her face and her cute brown eyes, she glanced at me and smiled. I began to move over towards her.
"Hey, I'm your friends' cousin Nate."
"Hi, I'm Erica Thomas-Johnson, I've known your cousin since we were teenagers." She smiled at me.
"Uh-oh," I said jokingly, "a three-named woman." She laughed half-heartedly, before glancing at her husband, transfixed by the cars going around and around on the screen, and frowning.
"I try to keep myself looking nice for him but he doesn't seem to care at all, I feel like I'm 50 the way he looks at me."
I was somewhat surprised she had said such a thing to me, seeing as how I'd just met her. I wasn't sure what to say, but she kept talking so it didn't matter.
"I remember when I met him at college, he was so full of life, sometimes I wish I could go back to being a teenager, enjoy it while you can." I smiled, I enjoyed where the conversation was going. "So Nate, do you have a girlfriend?"
"Right now, no, my last girlfriend went off to college at the end of the summer, we felt it was best not to try a long-distance relationship," I answered. She smiled in a sympathetic sort of way before she reached up and brushed my shaggy hair back from my eyes in a comforting sort of way. My heart skipped a beat at her touch, she wasn't the best-looking girl I'd ever seen, but it gave a special sort of turn-on to have this adult married woman obviously attracted to me.
I smiled, holding her hand in mine and pulling it away from my face, not wanting any of the other adults to see us flirting like this.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't mean to... it's just you seemed..."
"It's okay Erica," I said.
She looked up at me sadly before walking away. I stood there, wondering if I had just ruined something that could have been great.
Slouching, I walked back to the back room again, finding the guitar where I'd left it and going back to re-learning "Wake Me Up When September Ends." After about 10 minutes I heard someone come in the door behind me, I didn't bother to look because I had just gotten to the solo and wanted to nail it. Besides, I figured it was just a relative coming to tell me that we were going to have cake soon or something.
"You're pretty good," Erica said. Startled, the pick hit the wrong strings, causing me to hit the guitar with my palm in frustration. "Sorry!" she said.
"It's fine, I thought you were my mom or something," I said. I realized immediately this was the wrong thing to say to this woman who clearly was annoyed with the way her marriage was so dull. She frowned and turned to leave the room. "Wait, I didn't mean it, I mean, I didn't mean to..." before I knew it, I had jumped up and was holding her shoulders, trying to keep her from leaving me in solitude again. She turned and I was shocked to see that her eyelashes had teardrops clinging to them. "Oh my gosh, please, I'm sorry" I said, startled.
She smiled up at me before sobbing and burying her face into my shoulder. I held her tight, whispering comforting words to her. She was incredibly beautiful right now, she tried to smile through her sobs but failed. I chuckled at the facial expression this failure caused, this caused her to break into a full laugh. We both laughed for a few moments before I looked down at my shirt and saw that her mascara had smeared all over it. I quickly looked up, not wanting her to notice, but she already had.
"I'm so sorry! Oh my gosh," she stammered. I smiled back at her.
"Not a problem," I said, I unbuttoned it and took it off, I had a plain grey t-shirt on under it. She stared at my chiseled chest, my pectorals clearly defined through the tight t-shirt. She glanced up and saw that I had noticed her eyes wandering. She turned to go again, clearly embarassed but I grabbed her hand as she turned. I started to say something but she shook me off.
"Wait..." I said as she walked towards the door, but she didn't walk out, she quietly shut and locked the door. She lokoed at me again and peeled her top off, showing me her red push-up. I grinned and took a step towards her. She lunged forwards, her hand probing over my crotch, finding my cock through my jeans and rubbing it up and down through the fabric. Our tongues were wildly probing over each other, mine rolled through her mouth, down her chin and around her neck. I pulled her bra down below her breasts. Her still firm 34's popped out, I ran my tongue all over them, flicking her hard nipples, and running my tongue in circles around them. She moaned loudly, she brought one of her great legs, which were definitely her best feature, up and placed it on the chair behind us. I reached down with one of my hands and ran it up and down her thigh, I was a leg man, I loved touching them, licking them, just staring at them. She stepped back and looked at me, lust in her eyes. Her medium length brown hair was rumpled a bit from our wild make-out. I pulled my shirt off and started to unbutton my jeans. She leaped forward again, kissing my nipples and licking my chest, the feature that had set her over the top. I sighed as I looked down at her, smelling the great scent of her hair, taking the opportunity to remove her bra. She ran her tongue back up my body, and I embraced her in another wild make-out session
She slid herself back down my body, running her hands over my pecs and her tongue straight down my chest, before reaching my half-unzipped jeans. She moaned at my 7" cock as it popped out. She began to jack me off, she tried to fit her mouth around it but had trouble with its girth. She looked up at me, slightly embarassed, I just smiled and nodded. She tried again and got her lips around the head this time, I lightly pulled her head further down the shaft. I heard her gag and I released her. She stayed hwere she was though, gagging as she ran her tongue around my dick head, running her lips up and down the shaft. Despite the fact that she probably hadn't engaged in a sexual act for awhiel she was pretty damn good. I leaned back, holding her lead gently, adding a light thrust here and there as she slurped all over my cock. After a few minutes my light thrusts had added up, she nearly had 6 inches in her mouth, her tongue was working incredible stuff though, she would actually try to thrust it up my dick hole. Everytime she did this I gasped in both surprise and pleasure.
I wanted to save my whole load for her pussy so I pushed her head back and off. She looked up at me grinning, pleased with herself. I pulled her back up to me and slapped her ass. She pushed me onto the chair and started seductively lowering her shorts. I smiled as her red-lace panties were revealed. She started dancing like a slut, hooking her thumbs inside the waistband of her panties before pulling them down and stepping out of them. She strode over to me.
"Let me at that pussy," I told her, trying to maneuver myself into a position to eat her out.
"no, we don't know how much time we'll have in here, I need to be fucked, I have a few weeks of cum to unload for you.
I grinned and slammed my tongue into her, she moaned loudly. She slowly lowered herself down onto my cock. She gasped with every centimeter. "Oh my god Jason's cock isn't nearly this thick," she yelled. I shoved my tongue back into her mouth, worried someone would hear her yelling. While doign that, I grabbed her hips and slammed her down my whole shaft in one motion. She broke away from my kiss, "FUCKING SHIT! THAT'S HUGE, OH MY FUCKING GOD." I didn't care, hearing her yell that just made me wild. I started to slam up into her, she began bouncing, slowly at first but getting exponentially faster. She screamed in pleasure as thousands of tingling pleasures ripped through her with every thrust.
"Oh fuck!" she yelled with every thrust, "oh! oh!! OHHHH MYYY GAWWD!" I pulled her off of me, and stood up. I positioned her in front of the chair, lifting one of her legs up onto it and moving behind her. She turned to look at me and I ran my tongue along her lips again, pulling back before she opened them. She looked at me longingly as I pulled away, her face quickly changed from one of longing to one of pain and pleasure as without warning I slammed my cock into her from behind. "AHHHHHHHHH! OHHH FUCK!" she shrieked louder than a private schoolgirl having her first orgasm. I spanked her over and over while slamming myself deeper and deeper into her pussy. She may have had 2 kids but her sexual experiences had been limited for years and her pussy had become just as tight as 15 years ago. It was milking my cock better than any I'd ever had. "Oh fuck Erica! Jesus, your pussy is so fucking tight!" I shouted to her. She seemed to take on another gear hearing me say this as she started to slam herself back into me, harder and harder, yelling louder and louder.
"AHH YOU'RE SO FUCKING HUGE! OHHH MY FUCKING GOD, IT FEELS AMAZING! OH FUCK MY PUSSY! OHHH FUCKK IM CUMMING! IM CUMMING! IM FUCKING CUMMMMIIING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she was absolutely shrieking at the top of her lungs as I felt a waterfall flow out of her. I pulled out to allow all of it to stream down her legs, god those legs. I lowered myself down and started to lick her thighs up and down wildly, my tongue wandered up to her pussy and I began to eat her out. She screamed and shouted, yelled and shook. I felt her collapse, legs lost all their strength. She collapsed onto my waist, I picked her up and slammed her back down onto my cock again. "FUUUUUUCK!" she yelled with the first thrust, I rolled over to get on top and wrapped one of her cum-soaked legs around my waist before hitting my 2nd gear, pumping wildly in and out of her. "oh fuck yes! fuck yeah! FUUUCK YESSS! FUCKING GOD GIVE IT TO ME! OHHHHHHH! IM CUMMING AGAIN! OH MY FUCKKKIIING SHIT! AHHH SHIT!" I felt another orgasm shake through her. I pulled out, sat down again and lowered herself, this time with her facing away from me, onto my cock again. I started pumping up into her wildly, she bounced, screaming with every thrust, rubbing her cliterus and my balls. She started to shake again, another orgasm was coming. I grabbed her hips, pulled her down all the way to the hilt, and with her shouting at the top of her lungs, I turned both of us over, clutching her close to me as I rolled us over into the doggy style.
I reached another gear, pounding her sore pussy like there was no tomorrow. She looked back at me, yelling and moaning, her eyes looked glazed over, she hadn't come like this since her teen years. I felt her shaking violently. "FUCK YES! FUCK YES! FUUUUUCK YESSS! OH MY GOD IM GOING TO FUCKING CUM AGAIN! OHHHH MY GOD I JUST CAME ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING COCK! HOLY FUCK YOUR COCK OH I LOVE IT!!!"
“Oh fuck, yes, Erica, ahhh you’re so tight.” I yelled to her. She was still screaming at the top of her lungs, most of it had become impossible to understand., it was just moans and shrieks of pleasure. She started to shake again, I couldn’t believe how much cum she had built up, she was trembling, her legs shook violently as she collapsed onto her face, her ass raised high in the air, I had her hips in my hands and was pulling her back down my shaft and slamming into her.
“FUCK NATE! FUCKKKK OH MY GOD YOU’RE SOOOO FUCKING GOOD! AHHHH I’M CUMMMMIINNNG, DON’T STOP! DON’T STOP! DON’T STOP! AHHHHHHHHH! THAT’S IT! RIGHT THERE! THAT’S IT! THAT’S IT!! THAT’S IIIITT FUUUUCK YEAHHHHH!” I slammed 2 fingers up her asshole as I felt her about to orgasm, she shrieked in both pain and pleasure as I felt her cum, hard. I picked her up and sat her down in the chair, laying on top of her.
She was in another world, yelling in pleasure even when I wasn’t in her. I slammed my cock in again, all the way to the hilt in one thrust. I felt her shaking again, her legs hooked around my waist and pulled me into her. I was pumping her up and down, moaning at how good her pussy was milking my cock. “Fuck yes Erica!” I shouted into her ear. “OHHHH YEAHHH!” she yelled back to me, thrusting against me. Our mid-sections crashed against one another over and over, I felt more of her cum exploding out of her pussy, seeping out past my cock and dribbling down her ass and onto the chair.
I felt myself about to explode and started to drill my cock into her, faster than ever. “AHHHHH FUCK! YES! NATE! OHHH MY FUCKKING GOD! YES FUCK ME! FUCKKKKK AHHH FUCK YES! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! IM CUMMING! OH FUCKKKK RIGHT THERE! THAT’S IT! FUCKK! OH MY GOD I WANT IT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKK!” she shrieked wildly, she was licking me everywhere her tongue could reach, her legs were shaking violently again, my mouth was exploring her tits, I felt myself reaching my limit. I grabbed her cum-covered ass and pulled her even further down my shaft. “Oh im gonna cum!” I yelled to her.
“CUM ALL OVER ME!FUCKKKK! OHHHHHH IM CUMMING AGAIN! AHHHHHHHHH” She was shaking uncontrollably, I pulled out and, she reached up and started to jack me off furiously, her hand was a blur on my cock. I yelled out in pleasure as I felt my semen pour out and onto her. I had never cum this hard, my cock felt like a fucking hose, my cum was pulsing through it and spraying all over her. She moaned, screamed and gasped as she tried to catch as much in her mouth as she could. I helped her with this, without warning my lust went crazy, I grabbed the sides of her head and jammed my cock deep into her throat, fucking her mouth as hard as I had been fucking her pussy moments earlier. She was screaming and moaning as my cock was shoved down her throat. I was still cumming and I sprayed ounces and ounces of semen into her. She coughed, before spitting my cock out, jumping up and impaling herself on my cock again. I couldn’t believe how wild she was. I slammed her up against the wall and kept pumping her, I had recovered quickly. “FUCKKKKK YES! MAKE ME CUM AGAIN! ONE MORE! OHHHHHHHH GODD I COULD FUCK YOU FOREVER! FUCKKK ME PLEEASE!” I was pounding her harder than ever, her ass was being rammed up against the wall, her legs wrapped around my back, I shoved 4 fingers into her asshole and she shrieked wildly as she shook violently again, falling down to the floor, I stayed in her on the way down and pounded her wildly on the floor. I felt myself cum again, spraying an incredible amount of cum into her just as she had her final orgasm. I pulled out, she was shrieking in pleasure as she shot cum up into the air. My cum was still exploding out of my cock all over her tits and the rest of her body. She moaned, rubbing my seed all over her. I jammed my tongue into her again, before lowering myself and eating her out wildly, my tongue flicking her clit and tongue fucking her for what seemed like hours. After about 15 minutes of me relentlessly attacking her pussy she shrieked wildly one last time, shouting, writhing, her legs flailing around, thrusting her pussy into my face and pressing the back of my head down into her with both hands. She screamed, and screamed and screamed as I felt her squirt cum into my mouth, an incredible amount. Then she yelled, moaned and sighed before passing out. I made out with her while she was semi-conscious before collapsing next to her and drifting off.
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Five years of sexual tension finally relieved
Back then, I was a scrawny high school kid trying to find his place in life. She was a tota
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High School Girls at a College Party
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Sex in School
After lunch I strolled into my 5th hour class. It was a Monday, but as far as Mondays go, it wasn't terrible. I had managed to stay awake during my first hour class for a change, skipped 2nd and 3rd hour for a much needed nap and then left 4th hour early for a long lunch. Unfortunately, it was going to be much more difficult to enjoy my afternoon as I knew that there were important things to be done that I would prefer not to have to make up, I wondered if it was even worth it, seeing as how this was senior year, but I decided I had better at least stay caught up for awhile.
This particular class was a science class, more specifically, "Scientific Crime Investigation." It was basically all ab It could have been worse I guess, as I walked in I saw my lab partner, Lainey, standing behind her desk. She was wearing a short black leather skirt and a red tank top that made her seem even more sexy than usual. Lainey was about 5'2" with long brown hair, a cute face, C's, a well-cut ass and, my personal favorite, long, tan, sexy legs, to be honest and blunt, she was a complete hottie. I had met her in 7th grade and had a huge crush on her then, but ever since, I really had experienced only momentary attraction to her when I saw her. Well this was one of those moments. I walked to my seat, put down my bag and let out a sigh, leaning back and stretching. "Aren't they all?" I responded, looking at her and smiling. "They won't be in a few months," she said, half-laughing. "Well I have a feeling college still won't be easy, but I'll give you that one." "It won't be, but it'll be a lot more fun," chimed in Lainey from the other side of my desk. I looked at her and smiled, she returned the friendly smile before sitting down. I couldn't help taking a glance at her legs as her skirt rode up on them while she sat down. I think she may have caught me looking, but she didn't say anything. After we were given instructions on our lab the two of us went off around the room, dusting shelves and desks. We eventually arrived in the back corner of the room, she was trying to reach up with the brush to dust a window but couldn't reach it, so I took the brush from her and attempted to reach over her. It was at that moment that I brushed against her nicely-trimmed ass. She felt my semi-hard member brush against her ass and jumped. Well that was certainly an awkward moment. Luckily for me, it only lasted a moment, as before I knew what had happened, she had reached behind her and was rubbing my cock through my jeans. I quickly grabbed her hand and pushed it away, looking over my shoulder at the rest of the class. She turned around to face me and licked her lips. I looked down into her startlingly green eyes, my eyes wandered down to her cleavage, showing freshly under her under-sized tank top. She suddenly took her hands and pushed her tits together, as she noticed me staring. I suddenly realized that we were still in a classroom, but that didn't seem to matter to her, she reached down and grabbed my cock again through my jeans before removing it and slipping past me, telling our professor she needed to use hte bathroom. A minute later, I followed, stating that I had a headache and was going to the nurse's office. I wasn't sure where she had gone, but I first checked the bathroom, which resulted in near embarrassment as I realized ath te last moment that someone was in there, but it was not her. Barely in time, I slipped out of the bathroom and headed down the hall. The halls were empty, I remembered now why, as this floor was primarily sophomores who were taking a standardized state test today. As I started down the stairs I nearly broke my neck tripping over a shoe left on the first stair from the top. I noticed that it was Lainey's. Someone certainly was in the mood. I finished my descent and found her, rubbing her nipples under the staircase. I walked toward her confidently, before I'd taken two steps she had jumped on me. We swirled and spun around, me holding her in the air giving her hickies, sucking on her cleavage and holding her up by her ass while she wrapped her legs around my waist and relentlessly jammed her tongue into my mouth. This fierce makeout session of moans and sighs and slurping sounds lasted a couple minutes until I couldn't take it anymore and started to rub the groove I had found in her panties. She broke away from me and moaned loudly. I pushed her panties to the side and jammed two fingers into her cunt hard, fucking her wildly with them. She gasped and grunted as I worked her. I pinned her up against the wall under the staircase and lowered myself to her pussy, shoving my tongue inside it and flicking her clit as fast as I could. "OH YEAH RIGHT THERE!" I heard her yell as my tongue entered her. I began to bob my head, faster and faster, her yells became more intense, louder and louder, I was afraid that someone would hear so I pulled away. She looked at me longingly, her juices clinging to my lips. I smiled at her and began to pull her top off, she raised her arms and grinned. As soon as her top was off she threw it to the side, I ahd already began to suck on her nipples, pleased with the absence of a bra. "Ohhhhh, yes, oh god I want you." She sighed as my lips caressed her rock-hard nipples. Thsoe boobs had always driven me wild and here I was, finally getting to do everything to them. Her moans and cries were almost tuned out to me as I simply concentrated on those incredible tits, they were so soft and yet so firm. "AHHHHHH!" Her loudest shriek yet brought me back to Earth and I immediatley pulled away, startled. She looked at me longingly before lowering her gaze to the bulge in my jeans. I approached her again, "I want you inside me, god I fucking need you," she whispered in my ear as I reached under her skirt and peeled her panties off. She moaned loudly as I lowered my pants, revealing my 7 inch long, 7 inches around, rock hard member. She immediately grabbed it and started to jack me off furiously. I nearly lost my balance with teh suddenness of her movement. Her hand was blur on my cock as she lowered herself down to her knees and started to take it into her mouth. I moaned and leaned back against the wall, she continued to rub my shaft, licking the head. She was rubbing her cliterus with her other hand, moaning loudly while she blew me. I looked up in ecstacy, this was heaven. "Oh shit Lainey, you're so fucking good," I said to her in a half-whisper. She grinned at me before pulling off my cock. She pushed her tits together and looked at me. I couldn't believe I was going to get to do this. I titty-fucked her like hell, going as fastas I ever had in a pussy or asshole. She moaned loudly, seeing her beautiful tits being fucked like this. I couldn't take much more and pulled away from her, pulling her up and bending her over, leaning against the wall. As I entered her she let out an absolute scream of "FUUUUUUUUUACK THAT';S SO FUCKING HUGE!" I had never thoguht so much of my cock but I guess the girth was a bit above average. Surprisingly, as I knew that Lainey got around, her pussy was probably the tightest I had ever fucked, virgins included. she immediately started to ram her ass back into me, matching my every thrust. I picked up the pace and so did she, screaming expletives and egging me on, "Fuck yes! You fucking stud, come on, fuck me like a fucking slut, slam that cock into me!" I grabbed her hips and shifted into another gear, slamming into her with every thrust, the slap of my balls against her echoing through the hallway. She was screaming so loud now that I had to do something, so I took her wet panties from the floor and stuck them into her mouth. She moaned at first in protest, then in pleasure as I sent a particularly hard series of thrusts into her. She was slamming back into me as hard as she could. With every thrust a new set of ripples would go through her ass. "Mmmmmmm!" Since she couldn't scream she was simply moaning as loud as I'd ever heard anyone moan. "Mmmmm FUCK YEAH!" she finally screamed and let hte panties drop from her mouth. I started to bend to pick them up, but no, I didn't care if we got caught, I needed to hear her scream. without warning, I pulled out. she looked back at me in protest, looking like she'd like to hit me. I simply grinned at her as I placed my head at the entrance to her asshole. "Oh god you'll never get it in there" she said to me, as if it were a challlenge. I just kept on grinning as I grabbed her hips tightly and started to push. She began to screech, the pitch getting higher and higher, more intense by the second, as I went further in. I was moaning too with every centimeter. Finally, I was all the way in, all the way to the hilt. She was out of this world, moaning and groaning. I started to thrust, slowly at first, but within seconds I couldn't take ita nymore and was slamming into her as fast as I had her pussy. Now was when we might get caught "FUCKKKKKK YES! OH MY GOD FUCK MY ASS! FUCK ME HARDER! YESSSSS AHHH RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE! OH MY FUCKING GOD I'M GONNA' CUM! AHHHH I'M CUMMING AGAIN!" I felt her shake violently as her pussy erupted into an orgasm, with it being empty, the cum fell like a waterfull out of her, all over the floor and my feet. This flush of warm liquid made wild as I started to pump her faster than I thoguht I could. I grabbed the back of one of her thighs and lifted it off the floor, wrapping it around behind me. She reached back and wrapped an arm around my neck, turning her head to make out wildly with me. This didn't slow down my rhythm though as I found my last gear. My dick was a blur, flying in and out of her ass, I could feel her shaking again. "AHHHH FUUUUCK! OHHH MY FUCKING GOD! FUCKKK YES FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUUUCK MEEE! FUUUUCK YESSSS OH MY GOD IT FEELS SO GOOD! AHH IM CUMMING! OH SHIT! I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! FUCKKKKKKKK IM CUMMMMMMMING!" I couldn't believe how much cum came out of her pussy, even more than the last time, and after another few seconds of my wild attack on her ass I was there. I pulled out of her with a plop, turning her around and sticking my cock between her tits again. She moaned wildly, still shaking as she pushed her breasts together. I began to thrust up between them wildly, moaning "Yeah Lainey! YEahhhhhhhh you fucking slut take it!" She shrieked encouragement to me, until I felt my cock about to explode, squeezing it as I began to squirt huge gobs of cum up into her face. She immediately lowered her mouth to my cock and began to suck on it ravenously. I grabbed her head from behind and pumped her throat with my cock for almost a minute, she was trying to scream, both in pleasure and in pain, but couldn't because my cock filled her mouth. I was slamming it against hte back of her throat wildly, shooting so much cum down her throat. She gagged and I pulled away, afraid she would throw up, but she didn't, instead she simply grabbed my cock and fed it back into her mouth. Then we heard a gasp, and it wasn't either of us. I looked behind me and saw a sophomore who had heard us while taking a bathroom break. I grinned at her, she was cute, probably about 5'3" with developing B-Breasts and toned legs that were being shown except for the top 6 inches, covered by extgremeely short shorts. Lainey motioned for her t ocome over to us, but she was hesitant. Lainey got up and walked over to her, the sophomore seemed scared, I woudl have felt sorry for her, but my lust was still controlling me. Lainey's clearly was too as she walked over to the young girl casually before grabbing her and shoving her tongue into her mouth. The girl protested at first, trying to get away, but I walked over, lifted her shirt up and started to make out with her young but sexy tits. She moaned at this and we began to take her clothes off. The rest, is another story.
"Rough day?" I heard a girl named Sharon ask.
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Classroom Fuck
I climbed up the stairs to the second floor, notes and pen in hand on my way to my favorite teacher's room. I was a reporter for teh school paper and was on my way to an appointment to interview her for the article I was writing. I certainly hadn't ever called her by her first name, but I knew it to be Chase, which is what I called her in my mind.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a class with Chase, I only knew her by hello's in the hallway and by her beautiful looks. She was about 5'7", only 24 years old with dark brown hair, a gorgeous face, relatively small breasts, legs to die for and a perfectly round ass. My name is Nate by the way, I'm a senior, 5'8" Anyways, I finished my climb up the stairs and turned right, to her classroom. I was happy to see that she didn't have any silly freshmen who stayed after school for help on papers or anything. I knocked on the door, even though it was open and she gestured me in. She smiled as I walked over to her, I returned the smile. I'm not sure what it was, but my smile always seemed to help me when meeting people, it was just a silly little flinch of the corners of my lips. As I had hoped, we delved into a little small talk before I actually started the interview. She asked me where I was looking to go to college, what I wanted to major in and the like. I inquired about how she was enjoying her first year at our school and whether or not she thought she would stay for a long time, as many of our teachers do. Eventually the small talk shifted to personal lives. It was kind of odd talking to my teacher about my personal life, but I had had shallow conversations with Chase before about it so it wasn't new. She had never told me anything about hers though, until now. She told me about a boyfriend who had broken her heart in college and how she had not even thought about putting herself out there since then. I looked at her sympathetically, wanting dearly to walk around the desk and comfort her, but knowing I shouldn't. After about 20 minutes of talking we started talking about the interview. I asked her a few mindless questions that I thought were dumb but I knew would help with my article and eventually gave up on my last half of questions, instead shifting the conversation back to her personal life. She told me about how she had walked in on her boyfriend the day before graduating from Northwestern University, fucking the shit out of some sorority slut. She didn't say a thing, just walked out and never spoke with him again. Her eyes welled up and she apologized before getting up and walking to the window. I sat there quietly. She walked back over after gathering herself and sat on the desk next to me. "I'm supposed to be in the best years of my life, Nate, but I'm just scared. I don't want to put myself out there again," she said, her eyes locked on mine, her lip quivering. I cracked my trademark smile again, and whispered some consoling words to her. Telling her that anyone could understand why she's scared, but that at some point she would have to overcome that and do what we both knew was best for her. I took a chance in saying "Come on, we both know you're too beautiful and too great to not find the perfect guy." She looked up at me again when I said this, her eyes welled up another time but this time she lowered her head to my shoulder, sobbing. Thank god, I thought to myself. I turned to her, wrapping one arm around her waste and holding her head to my shoulder with my other hand, running my fingers through her hair and nudging her with my head in a consoling way. She sobbed there for a minute or so before pulling back and looking me in the eyes again, for a long moment. I held her head in my hands, touching her face and wiping her tears away. Abruptly, I got up and walked behind her, starting to rub her neck in hopes of calming her down. She sighed as I started to work some of the tension out. She reached up and grabbed my hand. I lowered my arms and wrapped them around her again, lowering my neck to the side of her head, allowing her to cry into it again. I'm not exactly sure how the next part happened, both of us just slightly moved our heads and before we knew it our lips were millimeters from each other. I opened my eyes and saw her staring right back at me. I smiled again, my eyes softening, before I planted them, softly but firmly onto hers. She held my face with her hands, holding me to her lips. I couldn't believe I was making out with Chase. I had been waiting for so long. She pulled away for a moment, looking at me again, "I think I want you." She got up and walked to her door, closing it, then walked back to me and threw her arms around me, her lips all over me, her tongue penetrating into my mouth. Our tongues rolled over each other wildly. I was in heaven, giving her hickies, my hands roaming all over her body from her firm, small breasts to her great ass and thighs. I started to unbutton her blouse, finding her wearing no bra. I was slightly surprised, but at the same time it made a little bit of sense, Chase's small tits had always seemed to bounce a lot. I started to suck on her hard pink nipples, flicking them with my tongue as my hands continued to rub her everywhere. She moaned in pleasure, grabbing at my cock through my jeans. I kissed her flat stomach down to her waist line before getting to her skirt. I pushed it up to her breasts, finding the snatch to her teddy and pulling it down, letting her beautiful pussy breathe. Her tan stockings I left on, as women in stockings had always turned me on. I moved my head to her crotch and she moaned loudly in anticipation. Giving head was one of my best talents, I had a huge but very nimble tongue. I dove into her pussy right away, licking the inside of her walls and finding her clit, flicking it like hell with my tongue. She was already moaning loudly and swearing, "fuck yes! fuckkkk right there oh god lick that pussy! yeah!" I felt her start to tremble already, I was smacking her clit around like crazy and she was already about to erupt into a huge orgasm, it was clear that she hadn't made love since that heartbreaking day. Suddenly she bucked and shrieked "YEAHHHHH! OH GOD!" and a waterfall of cum shot out of her pussy. I tried to drink it all but some fell to the floor. I continued to eat her out though, wildly and even faster now. Her cliterus was sensitive as hell now and she was just shrieking and flailing around, convulsing like crazy. I felt her buck again and she humped my face, screaming "fuck yes! fuck yes! eat me Nate! OHHHH GODDD IM CUMMING!" Her second orgasm was even bigger than her first. I pulled away and grinned at her, she was shaking, her legs bouncing uncontrollably. I held each of her thighs and lowered my pants. She smiled and moaned as my cock was revealed. She was still sighing and moaning from her incredible orgasms as I moved toward her. "Oh god stick that fucking cock in me." that was all I needed to hear. I held her shaking legs apart and slammed into her with all my might. The sound she made cannot be described as she bucked into my cock, I pushed it in to the hilt right away. She was shrieking, moaning and groaning. As soon as I entered her she had another orgasm, I couldn't believe how much cum she had built up. I started to thrust slowly, letting her pussy get used to my cock in her. She was tight as hell. "Oh yeah Chase. Yeahhh" I said, calling her by her first name for hte first time. "Ohhhh god it feels so good, harder. HARDER!" she suddenly became wild, thrusting against me and screaming "FUCK ME LIKE A SLUT! DAMMIT YES!" as I sped up my pace. I was slamming into her as hard as I could, my balls slapping against her ass, she was shouting and convulsing, another orgasm was coming already. "Ohhhh god here it comes! HERE IT COMES! THAT'S IT! YEAHHH RIGHT THERE! THAT'S IT! YEAHHHHHHH IM FUCKIGN CUMMING! YESS IM CUMMMMMING!" I felt her shake even harder than she had the previous three times and it took a lot of effort to keep from going into my final gear and blowing my load right then and there. "Fuck! Chase! Ohhhhh my gody ou're so fuckign tight!" I shouted to her. I increased my pace a little bit more again, my cock was flying in and out of her, I was twisting her nipples and switching between licking her tits and making out with her wildly which turned me on as her screams and shouts became wild and lustful moans of passion. After another minute or so I felt her shaking again but pulled out, teasing her. She stared at me with a burning passion of either anger for pulling out, or eagerness to have me back in her. I didn't wait for the answer to be revealed. I pulled her off of her desk and stood her next to me, turning her around and slaping her on the ass. She straightened and sighed, causing her skirt to fall off of her stomach and down to her ankles. Good, it had kind of gotten in teh way anyways. After having her step out of it I buried my cock into her pussy again, lifting one of her legs up from behind so that my penetration could be even deeper. She was once again shrieking encouragement, moaning wildly and thrusting back into me like a total whore. "FUCK! FUCKKKKK UHHHHHHH! HARDER! FASTER! YESSSSS! AHHHHHHHHHHH!" was all I heard for the next 5 minutes as I just destroyed her tight pussy from behind, over and over she shrieked. After a few more minutes I had fucked her to another 3 orgasms and was close to blowing my load, and so to make it last longer I again lowered myself to her pussy. She shrieked in anticipation even, as cum hung to her legs and pussy. I moved towards her and she actually protested, "get your cock back in me you fucker." But I didn't listen, slamming my tongue back into her pussy and flicking her clit again. She shrieked, falling back onto her back and raising her legs. I came up and looked her in the eyes again, grinning with a face full of cum. "What are you doing? Get your head back down there" she said, moaning and pushing my head down with both hands. I gave her some of the best head I'd ever given for the next minute or so, fingering her asshole at teh same time. at first she was hesitant, she'd never had anything in her ass before. It was amazing, as soon as my 2 fingers were in she was in an absolute frenzy, bucking around and shrieking as I ate her out even faster and fingered her like a maniac. She shook so hard that she knocked 2 desks over with her arms and legs. Her cum came flying out of her pussy again and I immediately came up and blocked it by slamming my cock into her tortured pussy again. "OHHH FUUUUAAAACK!" she had not expected the penetration, with her eyes closed, enjoying the ecstatic feeling of another incredible orgasm. I wrapped one of her legs around me and started to thrust harder and faster than I ever knew I could. My cock was a blur, flying in and out of her pussy. She shrieked and screamed with every tingle in her pussy, bucking against my every thrust and hooking her other leg around me like a vice. She pulled me in further with her amazing legs. For at least 20 minutes I pounded her in this position. There was a small pool of her cum forming underneath her ass and by the time I took my final stroke with her shrieking "OHHH FUCKKK! FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING AGAIN! IM FUCKING CUMMMING AGAIN YOU FUCKING STUD! AHHHH FUCK ME LIKE A SLUT! FUCKKK MEEEEEE HARD! AHHHH OH MY FUCKING GOD! OHHHHHHHH MY GAWWWWWD IT FEELS AMAZING! AHHHHH FUCK!" we were both drenched from laying in the small pond of her fluids. I grinned as I got up, ready for the homestretch. She tried to get up but stumbled with her shaking legs. I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and lowered herself onto my cock again, shrieking that she had never been fucked this good. This just set me off and I carried her around the room, setting her down on desks and fucking her, slamming her into walls, knocking down books and decorations. We were like two animals in heat, I couldn't remember ever fucking anyone this hard or this fast. I slammed her up against the bulletin board and began to wildly slam her against the wall over and over again, pounding my cock deeper and deeper into her. I would have finished in that position, with her off the ground holding me to her and shrieking ridiculous amounts of curses, another small pool of cum forming as her hot liquid fell down her legs and onto the floor, but as I gave her a particularly hard thrust she crashed into the bulletin board extra hard, causing it to fall off one of its hinges and crash to the floor. I stopped for a moment, but only a moment. I simply turned around and carried her back to her desk. I swept all of her papers and materials to the floor before laying her on the desk and resuming my wild pounding of her. All I could hear was her screams now, they were deafening. "UHHH FUCK! NATE! FUCKKKKK AHHH! HARDER! YESSSS! YESS RIGHT THERE! AHHH THAT'S IT! OHHHHH MY FUCKING GOD! AHHH FUCK MEEEEE DAMMIT! AHHH YOU FUCKING BASTARD FUCK MEEE! OHHHH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OHHHH MY FUCKIING GAWWWD IM CUMMING AGAIN! AHHHHH HERE IT COMES BABY! HERE IT COMES! AHHHHHHHHH!" I groaned as I felt another orgasm erupt from her, her cum seeped out around the edges of my cock before trickling down her ass and resting on the desk. I slapped her ass before wrapping her legs around me again and starting my "psycho" pace. I had no regard for her safety anymore, I was pounding her as if I wanted to rip her pussy apart, slapping her ass, twisting her nipples, licking her face and neck and breasts, giving a jackhammer a run for its money with my pace. "AHHH FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUCK! FUAAAAACK YESSSS! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! IM FUCKING CUMMING AGAIN! IMMMMM GOING TO CUM! OHHHH MY GOOOOOD! AHAHHH IT FEELS SOOOOO FUCKING GOOD! OHHHH GOD I'M CUMMING! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" she was shrieking in both pleasure and pain at my abuse of her body during this part of our lustful session. "ahhh! oh shit CHASE I'M GONNA' CUM! WHERE DO YOU WANT IT YOU SLUT!?" I shouted to her through my frenzy. "OH GOD FUCK ME IN THE ASSSSSS AND SHOOT IT UP THERE!" she shrieked before her words left her, being replaced by pure screams and shrieks as another orgasm ripped through her. I pulled out, slapped her ass like a madman over and over and pushed her legs above my shoulders, placing the head of my member at her asshole. "FUCK ME IN THE ASS! HARD! FUCKKK IT HARD YOU STUD!" she shrieked to me as I licked her nipples wildly one more time. She suddenly screamed in an extremely high-pitch tone and grabbed my head and pulled me into the hottest makeout of my life. I felt why, my licking of her nipples had set her off again, but it was more than ever, she was shooting cum up onto my cock like crazy, it felt like a damn hose. After this orgasm I broke away from our kiss and looked down, our legs were drenched with her cum which was now dripping off the edge of her desk and joining with the previous pools of cum on the floor. Without warning I slammed my cock into her ass, but found it difficult to get it all the way in. She wrapped her legs around my ass and pulled me in further, bracing herself with her hands. I kept pressing, licking her nipples and entire body while pushing. "OH FUCK YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO GET THAT IN THERE! AHHHH IT'S SO FUCKING BIG!" Hearing this, I went crazy again and reached down, grabbing her incredible ass in both hands and pulling it up my shaft while putting all my weight into a thrust. We both screamed in pleasure as my cock ripped all the way in. She was convulsing immediately again, shooting cum all over both of us. I reached down and rubbed her thighs wildly before moving one hand to her pussy and pushing 4 fingers inside it. She was bucking, continuing to have a chain of orgasms. With my fingers inside of her and her cum trying to shoot out of her pussy it made it resemble a sprinkler. We were being showered in her juices as I continued my psycho pounding of her ass. " FUCK! FUCKKKK! FUCKKK! OHHHH FUCK MY ASS! OHHH MY FUCKING GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD! AHHH! UHHHHH YEAH! YEAHHHHHH! OHHHH MY GAWWWWWD YESS! OHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIIT! YESSSSSS! YESS! FUCKK YESSSSSS!" she was screaming louder than ever before as her massive orgasms continued to come out, sending cum flying all over both of us. I pulled my fingers out and slapped her ass with both hands on each cheek as hard as I could. Her pussy spat out so much cum I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it. It was literally like a god damn hose spraying me. I pulled back and grabbed her hips, finding one final gear as I pumped her ass. "AHHH YES! YESSSSS UHHHH FUCK! HARDER! DEEPER! OHHHH GOOOOD THAT'S IT! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! OHHHHHHH MY GOD I COULD FUCK YO UFOREVER! OHHHHHHHH MY GOD FUCKKKKK! FUCKKKKKKKKKK IT FEELS SO GOOOOOOOD! AHHHHHHHH MY FUCKING GOD! OHHH MY FCUKING GOD! OHHHHHHHH YESSSSS SHIT! YESSSSSSS!" she was shaking uncontrollably, her cum spraying all over both of us as I gave her a final set of hard and fast thrusts before blowing my load deep into her ass. I continued to thrust for another minute or so, wanting to get every ounce of cum into her ass. After laying together on her desk, with me getting soft inside her for a minute or so I staggered to my feet and looked around, the room was trashed. Desks were overturned and moved out of position, her papers and materials were drenched in cum and all over hte room. There were three large pools of cum under the broken bulletin board, next to an overturned desk and on her desk. I grinned as I looked back at her ravaged body. She moaned loudly, more satisfied than she had ever been. "Do you want to come to my apartment you fucking machine?" she asked me seductively. I grinned, "Only if it's better than this..." I said jokingly. "You're going to be sorry you said that," she remarked, grinning at me. When she got up she stumbled into me again and I caught her, her breasts touched against my nipples and it took a lot of self control to not lift her up and bury my cock into her again for another hour. Instead I picked her up and our clothes and carried her out to her car. After she had recovered enough we started to drive...
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The Trio Part I
Everyday after school I walked home with my friends before changing into shorts and a t-shirt, grabbing my basketball and heading up to garden, what we called the local basketball courts, with my friends. There were multiple cliques that hung out up there, one of them was a group of sophomores from the local private school: St. Thomas'. All of the groups had their "groupies" that came with them, cheered, hung out with their boyfriends, they added a certain "real" aspect to the games that we all enjoyed. Anyways, the private school clique always brought along a particular trio of attractive young ladies. We had met a couple times at parties and on the courts, their names were Lenina, Lauren and Elena. It was pretty clear th
Well, as it was nearing the end of my senior year, and my days of hanging out and playing at the garden were limited, I decided to make it my goal to fuck all three of them. I first targeted Lenina. She was probably the least attractive of the three, when two guys were with them she was always the odd one out. Despite that, she was still pretty damn hot. On this particular Friday afternoon she was wearing her school uniform with a few modifications since the end of the day, rolling the waist band of her skirt up so that her tan sexy thighs were showing. She also had unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse, showing off some cleavage and her bra straps. She was about 5'5" with average size breasts but golden tan skin that I couldn't help but find excuses to touch everytime we met up. After a particularly impressive game I approached her. Her friends giggled as they noticed me approaching, I smiled.
"Hey you," I said flirtingly to her. "Hey yourself," she responded. "So, are you going to Blake's beach party tonight?" I asked her. "I don't know, probably, it depends on what Elena wants to do," she said. "Why's that?" I asked. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Well we always do stuff together," she responded in a snotty voice. I smiled, amused. "Yeah, everyone knows that. But why does she decide?"
She looked at me as if I had said something blasphemous. "Well because," she said, flustered. I grinned and snuck my arm around her, whispering in her ear "It should be all about you, sweetheart." She looked at me again, surprised, not used to being the one getting all the attention. Lauren and Elena were clearly surprised too, staring at us, more particularly, me. I looked at them behind Lenina's head and smirked. "Well, I think you should show up," I said softly to her in a farewell sort of way. "Looks like we're running it back, talk to you later, I hope." I said, jogging back onto the court to take the check, leaving all three staring, bewildered.
My friends and I arrived at the beach party around 10:00. I sat down at the bonfire next to another senior, Stacy. She smiled at me as I sat down, I returned the gesture. Someone passed me a bottle of vodka and I took a huge swig before passing to to Stacy. I was going to miss this, college would be awesome, but these thoughtless nights of nothing but flirting, sex, alcohol and mischief would be missed.
I looked to the left and saw the trio of private school girls. They had all changed into more casual but sexy outfits. Lenina was wearing a blue tube top and a khaki skirt that went about halfway down her thighs. Her blond hair hung down a little past her shoulders. We made eye contact and she looked away, seeing me with Stacy. I excused myself and got up, walking towards her. Her friends giggled and walked away, leaving her to try and compose herself. Despite the fact that their trio got a lot of attention, not only was she the least popular of the three, but none of the three got too much attention from seniors from Woodland. They usually only got hit on by seniors from St. Thomas.
"Hey! I didn't think I'd see you." I said to her. "Well, here I am," she said, flustered and nervous. "You don't have to be nervous, Nina (which is what her friends called her), I think you're an amazing young lady." She was taken aback even more, I cracked my trademark smile and she was sucked right in, her eyes softened and I immediately knew she was mine.
For the next hour I played it slow, we made out some, we would sit around the bonfire drinking and smoking, by midnight she was all over me. "Dude, you wanna' get out of here?" she said to me with slightly slurred speech. I grinned, "Yeah, I guess. I'm going to miss this y'know," I said. "What?" she asked. "Just these parties, I'm gonna be gone so soon, it seems like there's so many things I haven't done," I said, intriguing her, "And so many people I wish I'd gotten to know better," I added, staring straight into her eyes as we walked up the hill. Damn she was easier to play than a game of solitaire when there's no one around to see you cheat. Eventually we were up the hill and in Blake's house where the party had spilled into. I took her by the hand and whisked her up to their family's game room which had a huge couch, a few comfy chairs and an exercise ball.
"Nate, I just want you to know, that you're like, the sweetest guy ever." She said, beaming up at me. I smiled again before sitting her down on the couch next to me.
I pulled out the last card, "Y'know, since I first saw you I wanted you. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I don't even care that you're younger than me. I've wanted to say this for so long, you can't even imagine." She looked at me startled, before giggling again and leaning in to kiss me. I embraced her tightly, putting her hand on my ass and sneaking mine onto her breasts. She moaned as I started to massage her nipples through her tube top. I broke our wild-make out to begin sucking on her neck and upper chest. She squealed in delight. "Ohhh god I want you." She moaned loudly. I reached my hand up her skirt and was pleased to feel no panties. I started to rub her pussy, slow at first, and then as I remembered that this was purely out of lust, violently. She let out a wild lustful moan that quickly transferred into a screech of pleasure and I jammed two fingers into her cunt. I used my other hand to yank her tube top below her breasts, catching one of her nipples in my mouth and sucking on it like crazy, flicking it with my tongue.
This was going to be incredible, I had never actually gotten with a girl only for the sake of lust, I had always felt an emotional attachment. This was different, I was going to wreck this slut. "FUCK I'M CUMMING!" she shrieked as my fingering went on. I felt her hot juices spill out of her cunt. I unbuttoned her skirt and pulled it off her shaking legs. She looked up at me, moaning in pleasure. "I love you Nate," she said in a sigh of passion. I grinned, "Can't say the same for you," I thought to myself. I lowered my head in between her legs. She moaned in anticipation. Without warning I dove my tongue into her pussy, finding her clit and sucking on it ravenously. "FUCKKKK YES! FUCK FUCK FUCK! OH MY GOD EAT MY PUSSY! EAT IT! FUCK IT FEELS SOOOO GOOD! AHHHH FUCK YES!" she went on like this for at least five minutes. She was cumming like a waterfall after only twenty seconds or so. My lust was out of control, she begged me to stop for a second but I refused, eating her out at a ridiculous pace.
Eventually she pushed me away with both her feet and her hands. "stop!" she shouted to me. I looked at her in surprise, her cum all over my lips. "Just wait," she said. The alcohol and weed was taking its tole on her. "I love you so much, but is anything going to change if we do this?" She asked desperately. I grinned, "Of course not." I stated to unbutton my pants while sucking on her tits again. She let out a hissing moan as my tongue assaulted her nipples. She closed her eyes shouting in pleasure. I kissed her again, wildly. My tongue was all over her, from her mouth to her neck and breasts again and then right back up. My hands were all over her tits and her legs. "Wait," she sighed, clearly struggling against her urges, but in vain. "I'm not sure I want to do this," she said. Lauren and Elena are always the ones who do this, not me. "It's ok Nina, I just want to be with you, it's going to be ok," I said in a comforting voice. "But..." she started before I stuck my tongue into her mouth again. She moaned, holding me to her, her lust had finally won over.
Without warning I slammed my 7x7 cock into her. I swear I almost came right then and there. I had expected a loose slut's pussy, but she had been a virgin. I had snapped her hymen into shreds. She broke our kiss and shrieked in pain, tears pouring out of her eyes. I grabbed her hands holding them in mine, trying to console her. I actually felt terribly guilty, I had honestly not expected a virgin. She sobbed, "I can't, it hurts too much." I whispered consoling words into her ear, telling her I loved her and that I was sorry I hadn't been more gentle. She continued to sob, it was actually quite erotic because despite my guilt, I had started to thrust, although at a slow pace and while she was convulsing from her sobs, she was also doing so due to the pleasure she was experiencing. She was about to cum, this got me started. I kissed her, hard, holding her head to mine and starting to thrust harder and faster. She let out a high pitch moan, trying to scream from both pain and pleasure. She pushed me away eventually, screaming, her eyes lit up in passion and lust. She started to meet all my thrusts, "FUCK YEAH! FUCK ME LIKE A SLUT! OHHHH GOD IT FEELS GOOD!" she shouted to me. There we go, now things were going well. I hit my real pace, increasing to about twice as fast as I had been going. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" She was in disbelief at how she was feeling. I grabbed her hips and picked her up, sitting down on the exercise ball and bouncing like crazy. She started to bounce too, it took awhile for her to get the rhythm right, but once she did it was amazing. She shrieked at the top of her lungs the whole time, the sound of our pelvises smashing against each other was drowned out completely by her cries of passion. She came over and over, by the time we switched positions the ball and the floor below it were covered in sweat and cum. I picked her up and positioned her on all fours on the floor. She moaned as I rubbed the tip of my cock against her pussy lips.
"Oh yeah, stick that cock in me again." She moaned. I grinned, turning her head and kissing her passionately. I grabbed her hair and slammed my cock into her without warning. She screamed in pleasure, bucking back against me. I decided to make it a competition and started to thrust as fast as I could. She couldn't keep up, it wasn't even close. Before long I had her cumming like a waterfall, her cum just flying out of her pussy and onto her thighs. Legs turned me on more than any other body part and I pulled out abruptly to lick all her cum up off her thighs. She was convulsing like crazy and collapsed right onto my face. She shouted in shock and pleasure as I immediately started to eat her out, even faster than before. She screached, her nails scratching the floor her feet kicking. "fuck yeahhhh! fuckkkk! OH MY GOD YESSS! YES I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING AGAIN! FUCK YEAHHHH!" she was shotuing at the top of her lungs. After her latest ridiculously wet orgasm I slid myself under her, my dick at the entrance to her still convulsing vagina.
She sighed, collapsing onto my chest, "I can't take anymore. Oh my godddd even when Lauren and Elena were both eating me I didn't cum like that. I didn't know it was possible to cum like that." I grinned, I loved knowing I had done the job, too bad that wasn't enough for me.
I slaped her ass with both hands, causing her to start. Hah, like she'd actually thought I would stop now. I slammed my cock up into her again. Her pussy spasmed immediately, dumping more cum onto my balls. She screamed. "NO, I can't... OH GOD IT FEELS GOOOOD! FUCKKKKK ME! YEAHHH FUCK MY PUSSY HARD!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. I started to suck and twist her nipples. She was screaching like a banshee, I fixed my eyes on her. She placed her hands on my chest, bouncing like a wild whore. I grabbed her hands off my chest and placed them on her breasts, making her rub her own nipples faster tahn she ever had. "FUCK! FUUUUUCK OHHHH GOD NATE! FUCK ME HARDER! YESSSSS OHHH SHIT! FUCKKKK YOU'RE SO HUGE! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! IM CUMMING! OHHH GOOOOD I'M CUMMING AGAIN!!!!!" she shrieked.
The homestretch was here. I turned over, grabbed one of her sexy firm thighs and wrapped it around my back. I slammed her down onto the floor roughly and inserted my tongue into her mouth, wildly licking her tongue, trying to make her deep throat my tongue. She gagged and pushed me away, looking at me in amazement. "God damn you. You're trying to kill me," she said, looking at my chiseled chest in amazement. I grinned before starting to my signature last gear. The sound of my balls hitting her ass was like a machine gun. Without warning I started a pace that would give Peter North a run for his money. She shrieked, cumming already. I grabbed her tits with both hands and squeezed them, sending jolts of pleasure through her the likes of which she never knew existed. I felt her ass, legs and entire lower body shaking uncontrollably. She was shrieking non-stop, her face contorted in pain and pleasure. I grabbed her hands and held them to the floor, smashing my cock into her abused pussy over and over. "FUCK YES! OH GOD! OHHH MY GOD! I'M FUCKING CUMMIN AGAIN! AHHHHH IM CUMMING"! That was all I heard for almost 5 minutes, although I was tuned out. When I got into my last gear I tuned everything out but my wild attack on the girl's pussy. She hooked her feet together behind my back, "FUCKKKK!" she shrieked, pulling me into her even harder with her legs and squeezing me between them. I grabbed her nipples and twisted them violently, licking her face, neck and breasts wildly like an animal. "I'M GONNA' CUM NINA!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "YEAHHHHH FUCKING CUM IN ME! OHHHHH GOD! I'M CUMMING AGAIN! CUM WITH ME! FUUUUUCK!" she was shrieking like no girl I'd ever been with. I slammed into her as hard as I could for another 10 seconds before blasting a huge load into her pussy. As the hot liquid stuck to her insides she shrieked, tons of cum exploding out of her pussy, seeping out of the edges around my cock. I moaned wildly, continuing my wild thrusting for another minute in which she came non-stop. She kept shrieking at the same high-pitch tone. I sat up, keeping my cock in her and laid her down on teh pool table, thrusting into her as fast as I could for another minute, wanting to get every ounce of cum out. Then I lowered myself to her pussy and tortured her, eating her out for another few minutes. She wrapped her legs around my head "FUCKKKK EAT ME! YEAHHHH! OH GOD!" After eating her to another two orgasms her legs slackened and fell around my shoulders. She was almost passed out. I held her legs over my shoulders and leaned forward before, without warning, slamming my cock into her again, immediately in the fastest pace I could. "FUCK! OHHHHHHHHH GOD! I CAN'T TAKE NAYMORE! IM CUMMING! FUCK I CAN'T TAKE! I'M FUCKING CUMMING! OHHHH GOD I'M CUMMING!!!!!! FUCKKKKKK I'M CUMMMMMMMMING!" She screamed wildly before passing out, "FUCKKKKK YESSSSSSS FUCK I'M CUMMIGN I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" she shrieked as she lost consciousness. My lust was out of control, I lowered myself to her and licked her entire body wildly. She was still moaning, despite having lost consciousness, I leaned forward, licking her breasts, her neck and her face wildly, grabbing her hips with my hands and pumping her wildly for another minute until I erupted into another huge load. Halfway through it I pulled my cock out and sprayed it all over her tits and face. The sudden burst of liquid caused her to wake up and I lunged forward, sticking it in her mouth. She moaned in protest at first before sucking it ravenously. I grabbed the back of her head and thrusted down her throat as hard as I could. She screamed as I fingered her at the same time. Once she had sucked me clean and came again we both collapsed on the pool table in a lake of our juices. I kissed her wildly, fingering her more until she passed out. Then I got up, got dressed and left here there. Grinning as I walked downstairs to find the next one.
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My Little Sister Makes Me Impregnate Her
It was a pretty normal Saturday morning. I was home for my spring break from college and was pretty bored. Most of my friends, both from college and ones I was still in touch with from high school either had managed to find a better place to be for break or had spring breaks that did not sync up with mine. I'm Geoff, I'm an eighteen year-old college first-year. I was adopted as a child due to an abusive and neglectful single-mother into a family with two other children, a now twenty-two year old brother named Eric and a currently sixteen year-old sister, Kylie.
Eric had dropped out of college due to neglecting his classes and schoolwork two years ago and was in his first tour of Iraq.
Kylie was a junior in high school. I had always
Despite all this behavior, I had never been sexually attracted to Kylie. She was fucking gorgeous of course, my parents had apparently had the genes to produce those two gorgeous children that the whole town stares at. Eric was 6'2" with the V-body shape, a rugged face, etc. Kylie was the female equivalent, 5'5", slender toned legs, perfectly-cut ass, blond, a face that could melt even my father, C breasts and incredible golden skin. And so even with this incredible appearance, of course, I hadn't ever thought about Kylie in a sexual way, after all, I had been adopted at a young age, so I considered her my sister as much as a girl biologically related to me.
As I found out on this morning, she didn't feel the same way. I couldn't blame her, I was pretty good-looking. I guess I'm what people would describe as a "pretty-boy." I'm 5'9" with dark auburn hair that falls down in a shaggy but well-kempt way that contributes most of my label as a pretty boy. I have a semi-athletic build with great abs, pecs, and arms, but nothing that would be on a magazine cover. I also had eyes that I'd used to melt high school girls, college girls, and even teachers to go along with a smile that could invent a term called something like "smile-fucking" It was just teasing and seductive.
Anyways, that Saturday morning I woke up around 9 and went downstairs to make myself some coffee, wearing just my pajama pants with my cock semi-hard from an arousing dream. I strolled into the kitchen and found my pretty little sister standing there in her robe with her regular glass of orange juice, and a toasted bagel, talking on the phone. She smiled and jumped forward to hug me as I walked in. I embraced her tightly. College was amazing, but of course, I did miss my little sister, I worried about her being lonely. She was beautiful, but didn't really have the attitude of one of the "popular" girls. Guys always hit on her and she didn't really know how to react, so they often gave up on her and went to someone easier, although less attractive. I got my sister though, I understood her, so did her one ex boyfriend. Just one, somehow. Anyways, I'm pretty sure she felt that I was semi-hard when she hugged me because she jumped a bit when it brushed against lower stomach.
I was a bit embarrassed but we had walked in on one another masturbating before, and were very touchy with each other so obviously it wasn't the first time this sort of thing had happened. I smiled and kissed her on the forehead, as any brother would do to such an adorable little sister, before pouring myself my coffee. I walked back upstairs and sat down at my laptop, checking facebook to see if my girlfriend had replied to my message about how much I missed her. I checked my e-mail and the box scores from the night before as well before turning on the TV to sportscenter. I guess I would've loved to be in Florida for break, but relaxing like this wasn't bad either.
About 10 minutes later, Kylie burst in, throwing herself at me, cuddling against me. "I miss you, bro!"
I hugged her close. Cuddling like this was another thing that many people might disapprove of when it comes to our behavior, it got to be pretty sexual at times, with my hands roaming down her lower back, her hands across my chest, and her legs across me. "I miss you too, Kylie! When are you going to visit me up there?"
"Mom doesn't want me to, but I think dad will let me if I ask him when she's not around. I miss you all the time, Geoff!" she said, clinging to me. Suddenly, I realized she had tears streaming down her face.
"Kylie! What happened? I've been gone the whole year already, don't cry! You didn't cry over fall or winter break! Or Thanksgiving!"
"Yes, I did. You just didn't see..." she sobbed into my shoulder.
I pulled on her hips so that she wound up on top of me, straddling me. I held her head between my hands and wiped her tears away. "Kylie, come on. I'm only a couple hours away. You can call me anytime and I check facebook a couple times a day. If you ever really needed me I could take a bus down and be here before the end of the day. I'm still your brother, I'm still always here for you, I still love you." I said, stroking her hair.
"I love you, Geoff," she said, her eyes drying and her cute smile returning. With that, she ambushed me, tickling my sides while sitting on top of me, thrilled at her mischieviousness. I bucked and pushed her off of me. "Oh you're in so much trouble now, sis!" I shouted as I grabbed her and started tickling her sides right back. She tried to push me away but I pinned her against the wall, holding her wrists in one of my hands. She screeched and writhed, until eventually she kicked me in the stomach, hard.
I staggered backwards onto my back, coughing. "What teh FUCK, Kylie?" I shouted, through my wheezing.
"I'm sorry! I told you to stop!" she exclaimed, "Are you ok?" She put herh and to my bare stomach, does it hurt when I touch it?
"No, it just hurts period," I growled, regaining my breath.
"I'm sorry, Geoff!" she said, rubbing my stomach.
"It's ok, Kylie," i said, forcing a smile, knowing she felt terrible. She continued to rub my abs, but sensually.
"It's ok," I repeated, wondering why she was still touching me. She moved her hand up from my abs to my chiseled pecs, looking me in the eyes with a look that I'd seen from her at times before.
"What are you doing, Kylie?" I asked. "I think you should stop," I added as she straddled me again, running both hands over my chest. "Come on, Kylie, this doesn't even tickle," I said, in denial.
She bent over, laying a huge kiss on me, probing her tongue into my mouth wildly, looking for mine.
I pushed her away abruptly, "What the fuck, Kylie?" I demanded.
"Oh, come on, Geoff! You know you want this! We both do! I want it so bad!" she shouted back at me, starting to girate her hips against my crotch.
"Get off, Kylie, we can't do this. Cuddling, being playful is one thing..." I started before she interrupted me with another kiss. I let her go at it for a split second longer before pushing her away this time. But she wasn't itnerested in that. She dove right back in, grabbing the back of my head with both hands and holding me to her. I tried to push her away by her shoulders but she had managed to wrap her amazing legs around me and was holding on for dear life, exploring the deepest parts of my mouth and throat with her tongue, moaning and slurping wildly.
Even against my own instincts, I had started to become aroused. I tried to push her away again but with my vision impaired by her face and hair, inadvertently ended up feeling her breasts. She moaned loudly, humping me. I knew this was wrong, but it felt so good. She was getting me very hard, and she could tell. She was holding on for dear life with her legs, arms and hands. She pulled away from the kiss and started licking my neck and chest wildly, she had gone crazy. I knew my sister had the potential to be a total slut, but I also knew she wasn't, yet here she was acting like it.
By now, my guard was basically down, I was into it, I was aroused, and ten years of memories of us flirting had run through my mind, realizing that this was inevitable. But I thought of my girlfriend who I loved with all my heart, I couldn't do this, I can't cheat on her, let alone with my sister.
As if reading my thoughts, Kylie blirted out "Don't worry about her, this will be our secret," she moaned before kissing me again. This time I returned her tongue motions, an action which drove her wild, she knew that she had won me over. She pulled away abruptly, peeling off her tank top and grinning at my reaction. Her tits were perfect, large but not too big, perfectly proportioned and firm, tan like the rest of her. I reached up, grabbing them widlly, attacking them. I yanked her bra down, sucking on her nipples, rubbing her tits, slurping all over her. She screeched in pleasure, unhooking her bra and letting it fall off. I started to return her dry-humping motions, she moaned loudly, feeling my now rock-hard member crashing through two layers of fabric against the outside of her vagina. I felt her up wildly, and made out with her for a couple minutes, dry humping and sucking her tits until she started to moan like crazy, moans that turned into screams as I felt her shake and climax.
I pushed her away for a moment. "You had better not fucking say you can't do this now," she said sternly.
"Kylie, you're my sister..." I started.
"You're fucking adopted!" she shouted back.
"Shuttup!" she shouted, pushing herself back off of me and yanking my shorts down to reveal my fully stiff, rock hard 6 inch member. She moaned loudly, grabbing it and stroking it wildly, looking straight up at me. I moaned loudly.
"Kylie stop." I said, my voice shaking. "KYLIE STOP!" I shouted at her. She just growled wildly before sucking ravenously on my balls while jacking me off furiously.
"I swear to god you're going to fuck me while you're home, Geoff. You can make it easy or you can make it hard." she shouted.
"For god's sake, Kylie, you're my sister and you've only had sex with one guy in your life..."
"And he was terrible!" she yelled, "But I know you're good, I've heard girls in here with you. FUCK ME" she shouted, licking my shaft and swirlign her tongue around the head of my cock.
"Kylie..." I said, weakening, looking down at her beautiful eyes and giving up. "Oh yeah... Kylie." I sighed
She grinned, continuing the great blowjob she had started. She bobbed her head on my cock wildly, gagging as my cock hit the back of her throat. She pulled off, sucking on my balls again while stroking the shaft. I moaned loudly, "OH FUCK, KYLIE! Yeahhhhh where did you learn that?" "I've been watching some of Eric's old dirty movies," she moaned.
"Oh... fuckkkk" I groaned, leaning my head back. For another few minutes, Kylie jacked me off furiously, sucked on my cock ravenously, and screeched at me to cum all over her. And after those few miutes, I knew I was about to. I sat up, she adjusted herself and started to deepthroat my cock over and over, moaning wildly. "OHHH FUCK! YEahhhhhh Kylie you fcking little slut! ohhhhhh" I moaned. She stopped for a moment, looking up at me, "Don't call me that, I'm only a slut for you." she said sternly. I smiled at her, "I know, I'm sorry but god keep going," I sighed to her, pushing her head back towards my cock. She grinned, sucking on the head wildly while running her hand up and down the shaft so fast her fingers were a blur. I moaned wiildly, almost shouting as I gently pushed her head further down my cock, "Yeahhhh Kylie! Be my slut! Ahhhhhh you're my fucking whore! YEAHAHHHHHH OH FUCK!" I shouted as she stroked me, sucked me, licked me, wildly. "I'm gonna' cum, Kylie!" I shouted. "MMMMMMMMMMM" she moaned as she deepthroated me one more time befor epulling off and rubbing my cock wildly between her hand and her tits. I screamed as my cock sent out huge jets of semen all over her tits and face. "YEAHHHHHHH!" we both yelled as the cum splashed all over both of us.
She grinned at the shocked expression on my face as she straddled me again. "What?" she said, smiling innocently, having wiped the cum off of her face. "Holy shit, Kylie," I said.
"You owe me now," she said sternly, looking right at me. I grinned, holding her head in my hands, kissing her romantically. She moaned, more out of love than out of sexual pleasure, we were kissing a lot slower this time around, it was my style as oppose to her inexperienced excuse for one. Then without warning, I sped things up, making out with her wildly and attacking her tits again. She moaned" OHHHH GEOFF YEAH!" I reached down inside her short shorts and started to rub the outside of her vagina. "ahhu hhh" she gasped as her vagina was touched by the first person besides her for over a year. I grinned, insrting my middle finger into her opening and starting to stroke slowly. She started to pant, through our make out, breathing heavily and rubbing my still hard member slowly. I pulled away from the kiss and looked her straight in the eyes as I sped up my pace with my fingering, holding the back of her head with my other hand and thrusting wildly into her vagina. "AHHHH OHHHHH UHHHHH" she moaned, throwing her head back. I held her head sternly, rotating it back down and making her look right at me as I hooked two fingers now inside her pussy, hitting her g-spot. She screamed, loud and without worry.
For the next couple minutes I fingered her to two orgasms, both of which she writhed, screamed, and flailed through. I pushed her off of me and onto her back, positioning my mouth at her drenched cunt and grinning up at her. "Ohh my god..." she sighed, slowly feeling her own tits. I grinned, as I pulled her shorts off her long and beautiful legs. "Make me scream!" she shouted at me, "EAT ME!" I didn't disappoint, diving my tongue inside her and tongue fucking her right away, lunging back and forth. "AHHHHHH! OHHHHH YEAHAHH MYYYY GOD FUCKK YES EAT ME GEOFF! EAT YOUR SISTER! EAT YOURRRR WHOOOOORE! FUUUUUCKKKK YEAAAAAAAAH!" she shouted, already getting close to cumming. I licked her labia wildly, shoving fingers back into her and flicking her cute little cliterus wildly. She went over the edge, "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSS GEOFFFF OH MY FUCKKKKING GODDD YEAHHHH JUST LIKE THAT1 OHHHH I'M GOING TO FUCKING CUMMMMMM! AHHHHH I'MGONNA CUM! AHHHHHH I'M GONNNNNA CUMMMM! UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed, "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" She erupted into a waterfall of fluids. I dove right back in, sucking on her fully exposed clit, still fingering her. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she continued to scream, "FUCKKKK YEAAAAH! FUCKK ME WITH YOUR TONGUE BROTHER! FUCKKKKKKK I NEEEEED IT! OHHHHHH I'M GOING TO.... AHHHHHHHH!" I grinned, inserting my tongue into her vagina again and grabbing one of her breasts, pinching the nipple roughly, holding her other hand in my other hand, I directed it towards her clitterus. She rubbed it slowly, "OHHHHHHHHH YESSSSS RIGHT THEREEE JUST LIKE THATTTTT IM GONNA FUCKKKKING CUMM AGAIN! EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she shrieked. " grabbed her hand that was touching herself and made her rub herself much faster, her hand in mine was a blur. "OHHHHHHHHH YESSSSS OHHHHH GOD!" i had increased the pace of my attack inside her as well. "OHHHHHH MYYYY GAWWWWD GEOFF! YESSS EAT ME! EAT ME! YESSSSSSS OHHH SHITTTTT! FUAAAAAAAAAAACK I LOOOVE YOU!!!" she shrieked. "I'MMMM FUCKKING CUMMMING! I'M FUCKING CUMMMMMING! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" she screamed, pulling my head into her cunt and humping me wildly as she squirted out an incredible orgasm, shaking wildly and screaming.
I pulled away from her convulsing body, "Holy shit, Kylie, you're a squirter?" I exclaimed.
"W-w-haat's-s th-that?" she asked, shaking. I grinned, my sister was so innocent, so naive, so needing to be fucked.
I laid on top of her, she was still shaking. "I'm going to fuck you, Kylie."
"Fuckkk yeahh," she sighed, kissing me wildly again. I positioned the head of my 6 inch long, 6 inch around, cock at her entrance, rubbing the outside of her pussy with it. She moaned wildly, hissing and humping me, begging me to put it in. I pulled her into a deep make out session, our tongues licked each others wildly before I slammed my cock into her, all in one thrust. She pulled away from the kiss...
"FUUUUUUAAAAAAAACK!" she screamed, pain and pleasure painting her face as she writhed, her legs shaking, her hands scratching my back and neck, grippping me violently. I grinned at her, pulling out slowly and pushing all the way back in. The look on her face cannot be described. I knew for a fact that her ex boyfriend, the only guy she'd ever had sex with, was pretty small and was not even fully developed at the time that they had been dating. I smiled, realizing that my only slightly abvoe average cock was going to feel like a foot-long to her.
I started to thrust into her slowly but steadily. "Uhhhh yeahahhhhhh ohhhh god" she sighed, having never been filled this well. I grit my teeth, she was tighter than any vagina I could have ever imagined. It was amazing.
"Ohhh Kylie you're sooo fucking tight. You're such a fucking SLUT!" I shouted at her as I increased my pace a lot, hitting a steady pace that left the room filled with shrieks and slaps of my balls against her ass. "OHHHHHHHH YEAAAA! YESSSS FUCKKKKK ME! FUICKKK THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR LITTTTTLE SLUT!" she screamed at me. I dove my face into her tits, sucking wildlly. "OHHHH YEAH!! OHHHHHH FUCKKKK! OHHHHH MY GOD!" she shouted, scratching my back wildly.
Her long nails were inflicting pretty deep wounds in my back, but to make her pay I increased my pace even more, almost getting to where I'd be fucking any other girl. I had to grit my teeth though because she was far tighter than other women I'd been with. This pace was driving her crazy though. "YESSSSS! YESSSSSSSSSS! OHHHHHHH'! AHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHH! OHHHHHHH YESSSSSSS UHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK YEAHH!" she shrieked over and over, out of control. I reached down, wrapping one of her legs around my waist. She brought the other one around, hooking her heels together and pulling me into her even harder. "OHHHH FUCKKK YESSS! YEAHAHAHHHH GEOFF! OHHHHH AAHHHHHHHHH SHIT FUCKKKK! I''M GONNNA CUMMM AGAIN! I'M GONNA CUM1 I'M FUCKKING CUMMMMMMING! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!" she shrieked, I felt her pussy spasming wildly and her legs shook, convulsing, her heels came unhooked as she dug her nails deeper than ever into my back. I rolled over, letting her be on top for awhile. She started to bounce wildly, shrieking and moaning, her face full of pleasure. She placed her hands back on my pecs again, screaming as she rubbed them and rode me like crazy. "RIDE ME KYLIE! FUCKKKK YEAH YOU'RE SO FUCKING TIGHT YOU LITTTLE CUNNNT!" I shouted at her, rubbing her breasts wildly and spanking her. She gave a start at the first spank before slapping me hard in the chest, leaving a red hand print and riding me cruelly. "OHHHHHHH KYLIE!" i shouted. She loved that I was yelling back at her. "YESSSSSSS GEOFFF! FUCKKKKKKKKKK MEEEE!" she shouted. I started to thrust up into her to meet her every bounce. She was out of this world, her head thrown back, her words inaudible, her moans echoing off the walls."OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOD YEAAHHHHHHH AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she shrieked over and over, throwing her head back and forth, bouncing on me like a pogo stick with every meeting of our thrusts causing both of us to moan. She reached down and started to rub her cliterus again while riding me wildly. "FUUUUUUCKKKKKK OHHHHHH SHIT YES! GEOFF! YESSSSS FUCK MEEEEE OHHHHHH FUCK I LOVEEEEE IT! OHHHHHH YES RIGHT THERRRE YESSSSS I'M GONNA CUMMMM I'M GONNA CUMMMMM OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M CUMMING!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. I thrust up into her like a madman as she shrieked, her whole body convulsing. She managed to lift herself off of my cock as she had another crazy squirting orgasm again, convulsing like wild her arms lost support and she fell onto my thighs, her wild cunt squirting all over me, her screaming.
I was drenched. I looked at her, she grinned, clearly getting more from this then she ever had expected. "Ohhhhhhhh wow..." she sighed, leaning her head back. I was in the zone now, I didn't care that Kylie was my sister anymore, she was a whore, she was my whore, she was going to get fucked like a whore.
I grabbed Kylie around the thighs and picked her up, standing her up, she bent over, her hands gripping my desk as I positioned myself at her entrance again. She looked back at me, she was still charged up somehow. "FUCKKK ME AGAIN! DO IT! GO ALL THE WAAAY!" she screamed back at me as I started to enter her. I slammed into her as hard as I could, she bucked before starting to slam back into me. I was going as fast as I could right away this time. She was shrieking, she couldn't believe how hard I was fucking her. "OHHHHHHH! OHHHHHHH! YESSSSSS OH AHHHHH MMMMMMMM FUCKKKK YEAH! OHHHHHHHHH THATTTT'S IT! THAAAT'S IT! YEAAAAH! FUUUUUUUCK YEAAAAH! OHHHH GOD!" she shrieked, slamming her great ass back into me. I grabbed onto her hips and pulled her back even harder against my every thrust. She had laid her head down on the desk, raising her ass and screaming as her legs started to shake wildly. I reacheda round and grabbed her cliterus between two fingers, rubbing it like crazy, jacking it off as if it were a tiny cock. This sent her over the edge. I felt another waterfall of fluids rush out of her, I pulled out to let them out and then slammed right back in. She was out of this world, I cannot describe the noises she was making, but even with my window closed, I'm sure you could hear her outside the house. I rubbed her clit and filled her pussy for what seemed like hours. In reality it was only five minutes, but she was absolutely crying out with orgasms. I cannot remember how many times she came. Finally, I felt myself getting close to going over the edge. I increased my pace even more, resembling a jackhammer as I unleashed all the power in my hips on her poor tight cunt. "OHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH YESSS GEOFFFF OHFUCKKKK FUCKKKKKKKK! FUCK FUCK! YEAAAAAAAAH! FUCK ME HARDDEEER YESSSS! OHHHHH FUCK! OHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIT!" she screamed at the top of her lungs before having another huge climax, this one bringing her to her knees. My cock popped out as she fell down, I quickly queezed the top of the head to buy myself another minute.
She looked up at me, grinning. I bent down and picked her up, throwing her back on the bed and spreading her legs. I told her to reach up with her hands and hold her feet so that her legs were sticking straight up in the air. She was flexible enough and I slammed into her with lost abandon. As soon as I did, she knew why I had told her to do it, I was hitting her g-spot relentlessly. "OHHHHHAHHHHHH FUCK YEAAAAAH! AHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOD OHHHH MY GODDDD YESSSSS OHHHHH SHITTTT I'M GONNA CUUUUUUM!" she shrieked as I attacked her g-spot with wild thrusts. I could feel myself about to cum and suddenly for some reason realized that I wasn't wearing a condom and that I wasn't sure if my sister was on birth control. No... she wasn't. I had to get out. "OHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAH! OHHHHH GEOFFF YESSS I'M YOUR WHORE! I'MMM YOUR SLUTTTT NOW FUCKKKKK MEEEEEEEE! OHHHH AHHHHHHH GOD CUMMMMMMMMING! I'MMMM FUCKING CUMMMING AGAIN!" she shrieked, pushing her hips up against me as she continued to hold onto her feet for dear life, her knuckles were going white because her whole body was convulsing so strongly that it made it hard to keep her grip. I grabbed her ass and pulled her as far down my shaft as I could as I slammed into her as fast and hard as any girl I'd ever been with. "FUCKKKK KYLIE! I'M GONNNA CUMM ! OHHHHH!" I shouted, about to pull out. "YESSSSS FUCKKKKK OHHHH MY GOD FUCKKKK YEAAAAH! I NEED IT! OHHHHHHHHHH I'M CUMMMMMMMING AHHHHH SHIT YESSS I LOVE YOU GEOFFFFF OHHHH!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, finally losing her grip as her cunt spasmed and her body shook wildly again. "OHHHHHHH GEOFFFF FUCKKKKK YEAHHHHHHHH YESSSSS! OHHHHHH FUCKING CUMMMMMM WITH MEEEE! OHHHHHH SHITTT FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR SISSSSTER! YESSSS! YESS! AHHHHHHHHH UHHHHHHH MYYY GODDD! OHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK! CUMMMM FUCKIIIING INSIIIDE MEEEEE! OHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSS!" I had to pull out though. "OHHH KYLLIIIEEE YEAHHH! OHHH FUCKKKK YOUUUU YESSSSS YOU FUCKIIIING WHOOORE! AHHHHHHHH I'M GONNA CUMM I'VE GOTTA PULL OUUUT! WHERE DO YOU WANT IT!? AHHHH SHIT!" I shouted, "NOOOO INSIDEE ME I NEEEEED IT! SHIT! FUCKKKKKKK!" she screamed. No. I knew she wasn't on birth control, SHE knew she wasn't on birth control! "I LOVE YOU GEOFFFF FUCKKKKKK ME! FUCKKKKKING CUMMMMMM IN ME! OHHHHH PLEEEEEASE DON'T PULLL OUT! I WAAAANT YOU FOREEEEVER FUUUUUUUCK YESSSSSSS FUCKKKKK!" This was too crazy, I had come to my senses despite still thrusting like a madman and doing everything else in the world to her.
Suddenly, her legs clamped around my lower back, pulling me back into her as deep as possible while I was still thrusting. "YEAHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUCKKKKK MEEEEEEEE! OHHHHHHHHH GOOOODDDDD CUMMMMMMM INSIIIIIIIIIDE MEEEEEEE! OHHHH FUCKKK I'M CUMMMIN AGAIN! FUCKKK FUCKKK FUCKKKK THAAAAT'S IT! OHHHH MY GOD I'M GOING TO CUM AGAIN! I'M CUMMMMMING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHH GEEEOFFF! OHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUAAAAAAACK!" she was totally out of control, flailing her arms, hitting me, scratching me, licking me, but most importantly trapping me, I had stopped thrusting but it was too late, she was slamming her hips up, rubbing her pussy up around my cock as she pulled me back in with her legs. I was strugging to get free but I knew it was too late, I was... already... ejaculating. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as the best climax I'd ever had shot into my sister's pussy. "YESSSS YESSSSSSSSS ! OHHHHHHHH GEOFFF SOOOOO GOOD! OHHHH FUCKKKKK! OHHHHHHHH MYYYYYY SHIIIIIIT! YEEAHHHHH GEOFF! GEEEEOFFFF! OHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCK, I'M CUUUUUUMMMMMMING!" the feeling of my hot liquids blasting into her and sticking to her insides had set her off again, shaking, convulsing, holding me for dear life with arms and legs, just as we had started, shrieking and screaming. I couldn't help now that I was already cumming but start slamming into her again. I grabbed her ass with both hands, slamming into her again with all my might, mercilessly pounding her tiny little pussy. She was looking at me with a look of absolute desperation as she was now just cummming like a faucet, she was having a massive chain of orgasms that had her writhing, flailing, screaming louder tahn ever. I couldn't believe how good this sex was. I picked her up, carrying her around the room, fucking her like mad, furious at her for making me cum inside her. I slammed her against walls, set her on desks and destroyed her, threw her back on the bed and thrust madly until she was begging me to stop. "OHHHHH GODDDD! AHHHHHHHH GEOFFF! FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCK I CAN'T TTAAAAKE IT ANNYMORE! IIIII'M F-F-FUCKKKIIIING C-CUMMMING AAGGAAAIN! I CA-CAN'T TAAAAKE ANYYYYMOREEEE! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOD!"
I pulled out, my cock starting to go soft. I had just blasted the biggest load of my life, had the best sex of my life, in and with my little sister. Who wasn't on birth control. She had made me do it. I looked over at this incredibly sexy thing laying next to me. She was passed out, she had done so during my last furious attack on her in my anger and rage. I licked her whole body up and down, rubbing my cock against her and abusing her beautiful body for awhile. She moaned through her semi-conscious state. I ate her out slowly for a little while to help soothe her aching pussy before laying down next to her. Well, she was probably going to be pregnant, but we could worry about that in the future. At least for this week I was going to have the best fuck buddy of my life, and I was going to make her pay for what she did....
Oh was I...
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When I walked into the house the party was already in full swing. There has always just been something amazing about friday night parties at a parentally vacated household. Do parents really trust their kids that much? Anyways, as usual, my friends and I had gotten dinner out before deciding to go over, being late was always better.
I strolled inside and looked around, scanning the front two rooms, I wasn't looking for anyone specific, but it had been a crappy week at school and I needed some relief. After looking around the front half of the house and finding no single girls that I felt like pursuing, at least in my current sober state, I headed down the hall into the kitchen.
I found what I was looking for there, a girl I knew as Hann
"Mind grabbing me one too, I could use it," I said in an introductory tone. She turned around, scanned me up and down and smiled as she handed me a Budweiser Select.
"I'm Hannah," she said, smiling. I knew who she was, but had never officially met her.
"Nate Robinson," I answered, sitting on a stool next to the counter. "How's the party so far?" I asked.
"So far, it's just another Friday night, loud music, lots of horny guys trying to get up my skirt and people going out back to smoke. This is just my first beer though, so I'm sure it will get more fun."
We talked like this for about fifteen minutes, often clinking our bottles together. As we were taking out our second beers I asked her if she had a boyfriend.
"Definitely not, I haven't had one since I had my heart broken last year," she said with a sad tone.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"Don't worry about it," she interrupted, looking up at me.
We clinked our glasses together again and took a large swig each before she led me out into one of the more active rooms. We found a nice spot in the room and started to grind, she was extremely good and had me hard as a rock within seconds. I reached around her and started to feel her breasts through her shirt, her nipples were hard, she moaned softly in my ear as I ran my fingers in circles around her breasts. She started to smash her ass into my crotch, I pounded back, causing her to shout out-loud.
A couple of people stopped and looked at us before turning back to their own dancing.
"Come over here," I shouted to her over the music as I pulled her by the hips and sat her down on the couch next to me. I leaned over and pressed my lips against hers, she opened her mouth and I slipped my tongue inside, before long we were making out fiercely and passionately. One of her arms was wrapped around my neck, the other was rubbing my crotch. My hands roamed all over her body from her face down along her breasts and over her ass and thighs before reversing direction. She broke the kiss and began to kiss my neck and upper chest as she un-did my top three buttons.
"Dude, get a room," a drunk girl shouted to us.
"Way ahead of you," yelled Hannah as she pulled me to my feet and led me back through the kitchen and down the stairs into the basement. It was hardly the most romantic settings, in fact it was filthy, and cold. However, it was so unexpected that it just made me realize how spontaneous this was, and that just made me want her more.
She turned around and shoved her tongue into my mouth, starting this kiss much more wildly than our last. Our tongues rolled over each other for a few minutes, our hands finding more and more ways to drive each other crazy. After a couple minutes I moved one of my hands from her ass around her and found the groove in her panties.
She gasped "Oh yeah, make me cum right here." I started to rub my index finger along the groove, our tongues and lips continued to move faster at the same time my finger accellerated. I broke my lips away and started to unbutton her top with my mouth. Hannah was moaning and gasping, "Oh my god, that's it, that's it, right there. Ohhh yess, you're going to make me cum." I pulled her shirt off and yanked her bra below her breasts. I licked, sucked and slobbered all over her newly exposed 32-C's, her moderately sized pink nipples were incredibly erect.
She shuddered and yelled out a series of expletives as I felt her climax into her panties, some of the juice leaked out onto my hand. I brought my hand up to her breasts and wiped her cum onto them before resuming my oral attack on her tits.
She grabbed my head with both hands and pushed me further into her chest before pushing me away roughly. I backed into a wall and she jumped over to me, yanking my jeans down and pulling my boxers down to my ankles. My 7" cock popped out, as hard as it had ever been. She growled at it before taking the first 4 inches of it into her mouth, running her tongue around the head and rubbing her hand up and down the shaft that wouldn't fit in her mouth.
I slowly sank lower, bending my knees as I closed my eyes, this is exactly what I needed tonight. A Friday Night Fling. I heard her slobbering, moaning and gagging as she switched between sucking on my balls and deepthroating my member, getting more in each time she tried. After a few minutes I was having trouble holding my load in, her tongue traced around the head of my dick relentlessly, her hand was sliding up and down my shaft incredibly fast.
"Ahh Hannah, you're so fucking sexy, oh yeah here I cum," I shouted to her. She moaned loudly and deepthroated all of me, that was all I could take, I grabbed the back of her head and pounded my cock down her throat, moaning and yelling at how good she was as I shot streams of semen into her. She gagged and coughed, swallowing some but sputtering up some. I sighed and looked down at her, she gave me the sweetest sexiest look while still slowly jacking me off. I picked her up and carried her over to an old couch in the corner, laying her down before removing her mangled bra. I sucked on her tits some more as my fingers once again explored her crotch, she squealed in delight, "Oooh god you don't know how you make me feel!" I unbuttoned her denim skirt and pulled it off before wripping her purple laced panties off, allowing her sweet pussy to breathe.
She sighed as I lowered myself, "Oh yeah Nate, eat me, eat me good, ahhh yeah." I started slowly, licking my tongue lazily up the outside of her vagina before diving in and tongue fucking her fast. "Ohhhhhh god yess! Ahhhh that's it! that's it! yeaahhhh, oh my god right there! yes, don't stop! Ooooohhh fuckkk yes, oh god you're going to make me cum." She was yelling now, before I knew it though, she was pulling her self around, doing a 180 with her body as she maneuvered into a 6-9 position, grabbing my cock again and shoveling it into her mouth before sucking it hungrily. Our moans mixed together as she humped her pussy deeper onto my tongue while I fucked her mouth, my balls slapping against her face.
I felt my cock fall out of her mouth as I started to flick her clit faster and faster, "Ohhhh my god you are so fucking good, ahh I'm going to cum, I'm going to cummm! Oh fuck yes, I'm cummiiing!" I dove into her pussy as I felt her sexy legs wrap around my neck. She screamed at the top of her lungs as a waterfall of her cum came flying out of her. I drank most of it, keeping a mouthful and spitting it onto her back. She gasped in surprise at feelign the warm liquid cover her skin. I grabbed her hips and positioned myself at her entrance, she moaned loudly in anticipation, "oh god yes, fuck me, fuck me hard!"
I slammed my cock as hard as I could into her pussy, feeling thousands of tingling sensations throughout my body as her pussy walls immediately threw me into another world. She obviously felt something even more intense as she yelled and screamed, shouted and writhed in both pleasure and pain as I slowly went in and out of her, trying to get her pussy used to having my cock in her. While it was somewhat average in length, it was 7 inches around, I hadn't found a girl yet that I couldn't fill completely.
After a minute her pussy loosened up enough to allow me to thrust hard and fast, she was still so tight though, squeezing my cock, hard. "Fuck yes Hannah, oh god take it you little sexy slut."
"Oh my god Nate, right there, harder, harder, harder! HARDER! OH GOD YESSS JUST LIKE THAT!" She let out a stream of leud comments and expletives, shouting her brains out as she slammed her ass back into me as I buried my cock into her to the hilt on every thrust.
She gasped "Oh god keep going," as I stopped, I grabbed one of her thighs and pulled it off the floor, placing it on an old coffee table before resuming my pounding. I slammed into her even harder and faster this time, she screamed, she had lost her words, nothing could explain the pleasure I was feeling either.
"Grind on me like you did upstairs girl," I shouted to her, she moaned "oh fuck yeah," as she bent over in front of me, grinding her ass into my cock in a slow circular motion. I just leaned back and let her control thigns for awhile, she was going slow but it was still making me groan. "Oh god you're so good at that bitch," I told her in encouragement. She giggled for a second before the laugh turned into a moan as she sped up her movements, pushing her ass far down my shaft with one swift movement. I was caught off guard and stumbled backwards onto the couch where she landed on top of me in a reverse cowgirl position. She turned her head, looked at me and licked her lips before nearly flying off my cock with her first bounce.
She bounced herself wildly, moaning and shouting at me as I thrust up into her. I was holding her hips with both hands to keep her from flying off my hard rod, I removed them for a second to attack her great tits some more. Without my hands, she flew off my cock and landed on my stomach, I grunted in surprise. She half-laughed, half-screamed at the surprise. I immediately picked her back up, turned her around and slid her down my cock again. She grabbed my face and slammed her tongue into my mouth again while I jammed my cock up into her, faster and faster with each thrust.
She began to tremble and shake violently, her legs bouncing around wildly, one of my hands was feeling her thighs while the other hand ran over her great ass. Our tongues were still locked together, we were both moaning, breathing heavily through our noses and making slurping noises as our fierce makeout continued, the wild slap of my balls against her ass was driving me wild. She broke away from my mouth and screamed again at the top of her lungs as I felt her reach her climax, I jammed 2 fingers into her asshole at that moment, causing her to buck and shout out in both surprise and pain, her climax was incredible, she came, screaming and writhing for at least 10 seconds straight.
"Oh my god that was so good, oh my fucking god I've never felt like that," she moaned after getting ahold of herself.
"We're not done baby, I've still got to get mine," I said grinning. I grabbed her again and resumed our incredible makeout session, she seemed a bit worn out but that was fine with me, I was willing to do the work now. I laid her down on the couch and spread her legs, fingering her asshole again as I went. She had never had anything in her ass before ans this seemed to rejuvenate her as she suddenly shouted in pleasure, wrapping her legs around me like a vice and screaming encouragement.
I slammed my hard-as-ever cock to the hilt with one thrust, causing her to climax again, the feeling of her warm pussy juice all around my cock was almost enough to make me cum, but I needed to hear her scream like that again, even louder. I reached down and pulled her legs further up my back to allow deeper penetration. I pulled out and slammed in again, but this time I immediately went into my fastest gear, my cock was a blur in her pussy, her screams mixed with my gasps and the slaps of my balls against her, along with the loud music from upstairs. I thought I heard a door open, but didn't care.
"OHHH OHHH YEAHHHH! THAT'S IT! YEAHHH! FUCK ME YES! OH MY FUCKING GOD NATE I'M CUMMING AGAIN, AHHHH MY PUSSY, OH MY GOD!" I felt her shaking violently again, her third climax was the biggest yet, exploading and seeping out of her pussy all over her thighs. I pulled her legs apart and turned her over and positioned her on all fours. She moaned in anticipation, this was my favorite position.
I started to fuck her doggy style like no one's business, she was screaming from the first contact, slamming her ass back into me as fast as she could. My cock was like a drill now, I was relentless in my quest to make her scream loud enough that the whole party woudl know we were down here. I stared at a beed of sweat dripping from her neck, slowly sliding down the smooth, tan skin of her shoulders. For some reason that beed of sweat was driving me even crazier, I had never fucked anyone this fast, nor had I ever heard anyone yell so loud.
"AHHHHH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE NATE! OH MY FUCKING GOD CUM! CUM ALL OVER ME! CUM IN ME! OH MY GOD I WANT YOU! I WANT YOU ALL NIGHT, OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM AGAIN, AHHH! OHHHHHHHH! OH FUUUUAAAACK!" She screamed the last curse extra loud, I thought I heard the music upstairs get turned down but once again didn't take any notice. That beed of sweat was still driving me crazy, I lunged forward, further deepening my penetration and licked her back, tasting her sweat mixed with her cum from earlier. She turned her head, her face was riddled with pleasure and pain, her eyes were somewhat glossy, she was clealy on the verge of passing out from too much sex. I found yet another gear from this, and I grabbed her head and slammed my tongue into her again, her excessive and ear-drum breaking screaming turned into equally arousing moans and groans. Her eyes widened and her tongue shook violently, along with her entire body as her latest climax exploded through her. That was all I could take, I jammed my cock as deep as I could get it into her pussy, slapping her ass, licking every part of her body I could reach and rubbing her pussy as fast as my hand would move. Hot jets of cum came flying out of my cock, sticking all over the deepest part of her pussy, she screamed again, louder than ever, yelling, "AHHHH OHH MY FUCKING GOD!" before collapsing onto the couch, facedown. I immediately pulled her legs apart and, as I loved to do, gave her some wild oral for a few minutes. She was screaming, her words muffled by the couch as she thrust herself down into my face. After a few more incredible orgasms she seemingly passed out.
I stood up, quite satisfied and stared at her beautiful, ravaged, naked body. I turned to go upstairs and check the time and saw 3 girls standing there, their clothes hanging from them, I recognized one of them as Kelsey, the head cheerleader. One was lying on the floor, fucking herself silly with a dildo, the other two, Kelsey and her best friend Bernadette, were giving each other the wildest lesbian oral I had ever seen, bar none. They all looked up, seeing that I had noticed them and grinned. Hannah was coming back to her senses now as well.
Before she could say a word, Kelsey was eating her out, "I never knew you were that much of a slut Hannah, you'll have ot hang out with us more now," she shouted before diving into Hannah's pussy. Bernadette jumped up on me, giding my still semi-hard but worn out cock into her. "Come on you stud, I saw you fuck her, I'm twice as good, just come and find out," she yelled as she slammed herself down onto my cock. She leaned back, causing me tolose my balance and fall on top of her onto the floor. I looked into her startlingly green eyes, she licked her lips and I slammed my cock deep into her, "OHHHHHH!" she yelled, pulling me furhter into her with her legs, pushing herself further down my shaft with her hands.
"Here I come Berno," I shouted to her, "GIVE ME EVERYTHING!" she screamed. I could hear Kelsey torturing Hannah behind me on the couch too, the girl with the dildo had joined them, this was going to be fun.
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A Wild Night Out
I stood, leaning against the wall of Starbucks, slightly slouching as I looked up and down the sidewalk. I'm Nate and this is a true story about the first time I had sex in a public place. I was 17 at the time and was waiting for my date.Â
I glanced up one way again and saw her walking towards me. Maggie was only a sophomore but every guy in school dreamed about getting with her, and from what I had heard, no one yet had popped her lovely cherry. She was wearing her long brown hair down tonight and had a tank top on that showed off plenty of cleavage, her skirt came about halfway down her sexy thighs.Â
I smiled as I saw her coming, she smiled back. We went into Starbucks. I ordered myself an iced-mocha, she ordered some sort of smoothie. T
Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, I leaned over to her and whispered "I want you."
She smiled at me and started to rub my crotch under the table. I closed my eyes and almost moaned loud enough that the whole shop heard me. I put my hand on her thigh and started to creep it up towards her pussy. She gasped at my touch. She got up and half-walked half ran out of the back of the shop.
I followed her. As soon as we were outside i grabbed her and shoved my tongue into her mouth. She moaned loudly as she rolled her own tongue over mine. I started to feel her great tits, she gasped as I rubbed her rock-hard nipples fast and hard. She reached down and started to rub my cock through my jeans. I backed her up into a dark corner of the parking lot that we were now in and started to lift her tank top off. I was surprised and turned on even more when I saw she wasn't wearing a bra. I started to do everything to thsoe great tits, rubbing them, kissing htem, licking them. She grabbed my head with both hands and pushed me further down into her breasts while she thrust her chest out towards me. I reached down with one of my hands and started to unbutton her skirt. After fumbling with the button for a few seconds i said fuck it and started to push her skirt up instead. She moaned in pleasure as I peeled her red-lace panties off from under her skirt and pusehd her skirt up to her stomach.Â
There wasn't going to be any oral or anymore foreplay, I needed to fuck her and I needed to fuck her now.Â
I took my shirt off as she unbuttoned my pants and pulled htem down enough that my 7" inch member popped out.
I grabbed one of her sexy thighs and squeezed it as I wrapped it around me. I shoved her up against a wall and without any hesitation buried my cock into her virgin pussy. I thrust so hard I didn't even feel her break, but I could tell by how she screamed "FUUUUUUCK!"Â
At that point I knew that I couldn't let her be too loud. I started to thrust in a good rhythm, not wanting to overwork her too early but at the same time I always refused to go slow enough that I didn't have a girl moaning non-stop.Â
"Oh fuck," she yelled as I slammed my cock into her over and over. "mmmmm yeah! oh god yeah!" As I started to thrust faster she got louder and louder, I had reached my 2nd gear by now and was pounding her like crazy, my balls were slapping into her pussy. I reached down with one of my hands and started to finger her asshole.
"oh my god I'm cumming! oh fuck yes!" she yelled as I continued to pound her no-longer virgin pussy. She started to buck her hips and thrust against my every thrust, I felt her leg start to violently shake as she screamed "FUCK YES! OH GOD IM CUMMMMING! OH MY GAWD! FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUUUCK!" she yelled as I felt her massive orgasm. She had lost control of her spasming legs, her whole body was trembling as I continued to pound her, giving her hickies and sucking on her tits.Â
Within 5 minutes I had brought her to 4 amazing orgasms and by then she had lost all strength in her legs. I pulled out and laid her down on the grass. She screamed again as I entered her. This time, I was going into my fastest gear right away. "OH FUCK! YES! OH GODDDDD OH MY FUCKING GOD RIGHT HTERE! OH YES YOU FUCKING STUD FUCK ME LIKE A SLUT! FUCK ME! AHHHHHHH! OHHH GOD YEAH!" By now my cock was a blur, I was fucking her harder and faster than any girl yet. She wrapped her legs around me and hooked her heels together as she had another massive climax. "FUCK! OH GOD I JUST CAME ALL OVER YOUR DICK! FUUUUCK YES! I LOVE THAT DICK OH GOD! FUUUUUCK OHHHHH MY GOD! AHHHHHH"Â
I knew I couldn't keep this up for too much longer, I pulled out and put her legs over my shoulders to get the deepest penetration possible. I slammed into her again, "OHH GOD! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! OH GOD GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT! AHHHHHH IM CUMMING AGAIN! IM FUUUCKING CUMMMING!! OH GOD! YES! YES!" I took one of hern ipples into my mouth and started to slurp on it like there was no tomorrow as I fucked her like the two horny teens we were.Â
"FUCK YES! AHHHH FUCK! FUCK YEAAAAAH OH MY FUCKING GOD IT FEELS SOOOO GOOD! OHHHHHHHHH MY GOD! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! FUCKKKK YES! AHHHHHHHH!" I felt her have another massive orgasm and this one was too much, I slammed into her three more times, and the third erupted me into the largest load I had ever unloaded at the time. She screamed in pleasure as she felt hot jets of semen go flying into her. I felt her shake violently as she had a chain of massive climaxes, I grabbed her legs and held them apart as I lowered myself to her pussy and started to eat her out as fast as my tongue could move. She laid there, screaming, yelling, moaning in pleasure for another 5 minutes as I tortured her pussy.Â
Afterward, I helped her up and helped her walk to her house, where she invited me in. The fun was only beginning.
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College Party
Before I start telling the story of the sexiest night I've ever had let me tell you that this is a true story, but the names have been changed to protect those involved.
My name is Nate, I'm 5'8" with a great body and shaggy brown hair. It is the summer between my junior and senior years in high-school. In order to make some money to put away for college or other expenses I took a summer a job at a local pool as a lifeguard. I already knew a couple of the other guards from school, but some of them were strangers to me, these were
On one of my first shifts I was working a birthday pool party with one of the University guards named Amy. When I walked in I saw her already watching the kids, she had a cute sweatsuit on, the straps and top of her swimsuit were showing out of the top.Â
I smiled as I saw her retrieve a ball for one of the kids, the little girl grabbed the ball and did a cannonball into the water, drenching Amy. I laughed and she spun around. She stood there, not sure whether to introduce herself first or complain about being wet first. I smiled and threw a towel to her. She dried her hair and face and took off her sweatsuit. I couldn't help but keep my eyes from wandering to her perfectly shaped C-34 boobs and toned perfectly tanned sexy legs. She looked up after drying herself and luckily a kid had just let out a yelp, which had grabbed my attention.Â
A cool breeze came through and she shuddered. I smiled as I walked over to her and offered her my sweatshirt. She smiled and pulled it on, I was sad to see her put it on, but it was a good way to break the ice. She looked extremely cute now. Amy was about 5'4" with shoulder-length brown-hair that was pulled back in a pony-tail, as I already mentioned she had perfect tits an ass to die for and the sexiest, most perfect legs I had ever seen, bar none.
After the formal introductions and some small-talk we realized we had alot in common. She invited me to a party that was going on at her dorm building that night. I had already made plans with my friends, but if I rejected her I might not get another chance so I said I'd be there.
I made sure that I was looking as good as possible before I made the trip over to her house. I also, with alot of difficulty, avoided the tempation to masturbate to the ever-lasting image of her drying off her drenched legs and breasts.Â
When I got to the dorm room I spent 15 minutes dancing and grinding with other girls while I was looking for her. Eventually I saw her, she saw me at the same time and we made our way towards each other. We started grinding together, I could barely keep myself from grabbing her and doing everything to her right there. She was so good at teasing me the way she bent over and rubbed her great ass against my rock hard cock, I could barely handle it. After a few songs of this she asked me if I wanted to go back to her room. Normally I try to play hard to get but not this time.Â
When we got to her room she hung a sweatshirt on the outside of the door. "That's to let my roommate know that I'm in here with someone." I was getting more turned on by the second. We walked into the room and locked the door. I was ready to do everything right at that moment, but she started walking around her room, doing odd jobs like putting things in the right places. She was such a tease. She bent over to pick something up and pulled her short jean skirt up while doing so, I saw right up it and saw she wasn't wearing any panties.Â
I couldn't take it anymore. I stepped right behind her and when she came back up I grabbed her and shoved my tongue into her mouth. She immediately grabbed my neck and held me where I was while she jammed her tongue back into my mouth. We made our passionately for about a minute before i moved my hands from her waist to her perfect tits. She moaned loudly as I began to rub her hard nipples. She put her arms above her head and I pulled her tank top off. She was wearing an incredibly sexy red-lace bra. I unclipped it and started licking, sucking and grabbing her tits. She was almost yelling in pleasure as I flicked her nipples with my tongue.Â
She reached down and started rubbing my rock hard cock through my jeans. As soon as she did this I came back up to make out with her some more but she had already dropped to her knees. I took my shirt off as she unbuttoned my jeans. She pulled down my boxers and my 7 inch long, 6 inches around rock hard cock popped out. She moaned at it and started to get me off. I backed up to her bed and sat down. Amy took my dick head into her mouth and started to roll her tongue around it. I closed my eyes and gasped. She had my balls in her hand and the way she was feeling them was incredible. Then she started to really go faster. She was jacking me off faster than I'd ever masturbated. Then she started to feed more andm ore of my cock into her mouth. I had neverh ad a girl who could deep-throat the whole thing but she had already done it. She bobbed her head wildly, moaning. I gasped. "Oh fuck Amy!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. She moaned even louder. I grabbed her head and started to fuck her mouth.  "Shit your'e gonna make me cum Amy!" She started to go even faster, she ran her tongue all over the head of my dick while her lips slid up and down the shaft. I grabbed the back of my head and shoved my dick as far down her throat as I could as I blasted the biggest load of my life into her. She sputtered a bit but swallowed it all and looked up at me with cum dribbling out of her lips and down onto her boobs.
"Fuck Amy that was SO good." I told her. She laughed. "My turn now."
I had been looking forward to this.Â
I grabbed her and pulled herback up to me and started to make out with her wildly again. We were both like animals in heat. The gasping, moaning, yelling and screeching of pleasure couldn't be equaled by a porn movie. I pulled her onto my lap as we made out and laid her down on the bed. I unzipped her skirt and pulled it off. I stood there, just staring at her naked body for a couple seconds. I didn't think any body could look better tahn hers had at the pool, that had been beaten now. She started to laugh at how dumbfounded I looked. I started to lick her legs, the insides of her thighs, teasing her. She moaned in apprehension as I felt her legs and licked from her knee to her crotch. Then, without warning, I shoved my tongue into her pussy. She screamed in pleasure, I found her clit and started to suck it like a tiny cock. She was completely out of this world now. I started to tongue fuck her while rubbing her clit between two fingers. She had reached down with both hands and was pushing my head further into her pussy. She was yelling louder than any girl I had ever been with, then she wrapped her amazing legs around my head, not letting me escape until I had done what she wanted.Â
"FUCK! OH MY FUCKING GOD YES! RIGHT THERE! AHHHHHH IM CUMMMMINNNG! OHH FUCK! YES!" she was screaming at the top of her lungs and a waterfall like orgasm came flowing out of her. She started convulsing wildly as I continued to tongue fuck her. "OH MY GOD, OH FUCKKKKKKK AHHHHHHH OH GOD DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP!" she yelled as another huge orgasm exploded from her pussy. She had lost control of her legs while convulsing.
I pulled back with a mouth full of cum and grinned at her.
"Get your fucking cock in me, now." she told me. I definitely didn't need to hear it twice.Â
"FUUUAAAUACK!" she yelled as I thrust it all in at once. I didn't let her get used to having it in her either. I started thrusting madly and rapidly as soon as I was in. "OH SHIT! FUCK YES! OH GOD!" she yelled as I rapidly pounded her pussy. Her legs started shaking uncontrollably again as she shouted all sorts of expletives and yelled at the top of her lungs. I felt a gush of warm liquid cover my cock and it took all my energy to keep from blasting my loud right then. I wanted this to last for awhile so I pulled out.
"what the fuck are you doing?" she half-yelled as I flipped her over. "oh fuck yeah!" she moaned as I positioned her on all fours. I grabbed onto her hips and slammed my cock into her from behind. She was thrusting back into me as fast as I was slamming into her. "oh fuck amy!" I yelled, of cousre I couldn't even hear myself. "FUCK YES! OHHHH MY FUCKING GOD! OHHHH GOOOOD YES! IT FEELS SOO GOOD! DON'T STOP! OH MY GOD! FUUUUUUUCK IM CUMMINGAGAIN! RIGHT THERE! OH YES RIGHT THERE!" Everyone in the building had to be able to hear her. I started to stand up while holding her thighs around me. I had lifted her up so that just her face and hands were still on the bed. Now I controlled everything. She was in another world right now as I shifted into another gear, giving any vibrator a run for its money with my wild and rapid thrusts as deep as I could go into her pussy.Â
"FUCK YEAH! OH GOD! YES! YES! YES! OHHHHH MY GOAWWWWD! RIGHT THERE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YES! OHHHHHH IM CUMMING AGAIN! IM CUMMMMIIINNG! AHHHHHH!" I felt her convulsing wildly again as more juices flowed all over my cock. I pulled out again and was amazed by how much cum fell out of her pussy. I picked heru p and slammed her against the wall. I jammed my cock into her again and shoved my tongue into her mouth to keep her from yelling too loud against the wall. She just made up for not being able to yell by moaning even louder as my cock slid in and out of her pussy faster than any she had ever had. I felt her start to tremble again and pulled out and started eating her out wildly again. She came harder than any other time as I gave her cliterus a blowjob.Â
I knew I couldn't hold on for too much more of this and laid her back down on the bed on her back. By now she was moaning any time I touched her. I slammed my cock into her once more and once more she screamed "OH FUCK YES!" only this time she orgasmed as soon as I entered. I gritted my teeth as I held back my load. I started to wildly pound her, at this point my mindset was to tear her in half from the pussy up. She was thrusting her hips up against me as I slammed into her with every thrust. "FUCK YEAH! OH GOD THIS FEELS SOOO GOOD! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ! IM FUCKING CUMMING AGAIN! FUCK ME ! OH GOD ! FUUUUUCK MEEEE!" She wrapped her legs around me in a vice and while we were thrusting against each other she pulled me into her furhter with her legs while she reached down and rubbed her cliterus. I made out with her breasts and rubbed her rock hard nipples until they were sore. "OH MY GOOOOODDDD OH GOD I WANT YOUR SEED I WANT IT IN ME NOW. OH MY FUCKING GOD I WANT ALL OF YOU IN ME! FUCK YES! RIGHT THERE! YES! OHHHHH MY GOD KEEP GOING! YESSSS! AHHHHHHHH1 I CANT TAKE ANYMORE! FUCKKKKKK IM CUMMING AGAIN! AHHHHHHHH OH MY FUCKING GOD FUCKKK IM CUMMING AGAIN IM CUMMING OHHHHHHHH!" I felt her juices spilling all over both of us while she screamed. I finally shifted into one more gear that I had left, resembling a jackhammer as I flwe in and out of her drenched pussy. "FUCKKK YES! OH GOD! OH GOD! AHHHHHH! IM CUMMING AGAIN! AHHHHH GOD FUCK ME, I WANT ALL OF YOU! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! OH GOD! I CANT TAKE IT!" I blasted my load deep into her as she had a chain of massive eardrum-breaking orgasms. We heard panting and moaning outside the door, I staggered to my feet and looked out the peep-hole to see 4 girls getting themselves off, apparently Amy's yelling and moaning hadn't only turned me on.
I stayed the night with her and by the time the morning came we had fucked 17 times, everytime with even more intensity and passion.
We get together almost every night now to have wild sex like that and we do it in the lifeguard office as well whenever we have a shift together. Once she forgot to take her pill and we fucked 20 times in one day. Of cousre, she was pregnant, and now we are married have 3 kids, I'm 24 and she's 27 and are still in the prime of our sex lives, although with our kids, now we have to go to even more erotic places, like the playground, or a bus-stop in the middle of the night.
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