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m4m Member Since December 28, 2020

camp-Marstin (6 th grade camp)

m4m 1501 days ago on Ethnic Stories

I was 11 and my father didn't even read anything just signed ...3 weeks ....he didn't put all the signing so I did...I read some of the stuff it said my have guest persons who are sexual,show movies having sex, other persons my engage in sex in person with others they bring, underage may learn to have or engage, learn and encouraged to keep in contact with adult persons as part of their education ect.
Not one parent read it or cared, and with that the end of the week was a day short and off we went 6 buses 4 of them boys. Saturday came and 3 groups were formed I was a hippy-surfer kid with long blonde hair they decided to form the advanced group just four 4 of us after they asked...1.