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lexin Member Since November 09, 2009
Old Man's Lust For 14 Year Old Pussy
lexin 5563 days ago
- 0 + Yeah, a great story well constructed in detail and a good creative effort that sounds real. Other then the formatting issues, I have to say congratulations. (not sure if I can offer advise on formatting) ~smiles~
Sarah and her son
lexin 5565 days ago
- 0 + Well done, a lovely story. Thanks for the read and do not stop here...please
My First Anal
lexin 5562 days ago
- 0 + Nice story. What a teaser!..lol
lexin 5562 days ago
- 0 + Yes, short but very sweet. Well done.
FINDING KRISSY - CHAPTER Part 3 - Everything Seems Familiar
lexin 5590 days ago
- 0 + "just one little criticism you had Krissy/ Annie call the male character Lex then a few times called him Max"

Yes. During there onine friendship and before they realized who was who, Max introduced himself as Lex (silly_fuddy_duddy).He was new to the net and did not use his real name intially. Annie and Lex had no Idea it was Krissy and Max chatting. The story did have some changes made by the administrators and I have discovered a line or two missing that may have helped explain this.

Hey, thanks for the feedback!!