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gokothegiant Member Since October 19, 2009

Welome to my Town

gokothegiant on Fetish Stories

I'd gone down to the bar for a beer to end the day, play some pool and swap lies with the folks. Just a typical evening in the small Montana town I lived in, quiet, a few pickup trucks driving down Main Street, a gentle breeze blowing down from the mountain that overlooked the town.

The game was going as always, loud laughter broken by intense concentration as shot after shot was lined up ,

Atlanta Surprise

gokothegiant on Cheating Stories

I went to Atlanta fully expecting to get laid by my old college girlfriend. I hadn't seen her in years , but a while back we exchanged some very hot and seriously suggestive emails and pictures. On the second day I called her and much to my chagrin...it was like talking to my second grade teacher. Nothing...nada.So it was back to the hotel for an evening of dick in hand pay-per-view.

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