dobber01's Avatar
dobber01 Member Since October 19, 2009
Two Teens and a drink
dobber01 5542 days ago
- -1 + type it again in english this time
Slumber party 1
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 1 + take a new line for each character for the love of god
Swimming gets you wet
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 9 + good story
Private School Horror
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 3 + good but the ending wrecked it
Me and My Sex goddess Sister
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 6 + story wasnt to bad but it was retty unbelievable
Emma Watson raped
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 10 + i havnt read it yet. the > at the start of every line and the true story ruined it to th extent that i may not bother reading. dont give up though
If you go down to the woods today, beware of a big surprise...
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 4 + its good but you should at details about sarah (i meant to give you 4 stars but im not to sure about the rating system
chapter3 meeting master
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 5 + Its pretty good
Charlenes Destiny
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 1 + spell check. 1 star
The Bowland Agenda - Part I
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 10 + its a good story, a lot different from the others
My fun with my sister
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 3 + good idea but badly written, you should extend it and take a new lin for people speech
Drummer Boy
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 4 + i dont understand how this is bizzare. good though
The Sexy Lindsay Lohan
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 10 + "glad to see you're back, this has the makings of a great series"
The Sexy Lindsay Lohan
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 10 + "glad to see you're back, this has the makings of a great series"
Visiting my cousins: part 1
dobber01 5542 days ago
- 4 + pretty good story